#even though i‘m too shy to wear it out
Wish I could copy and paste my eyeliner and eyeshadow- life would be so much easier
it would!! i want to wear badass eyeliner every day but hooded eyes say no (seriously can i do anything but sleepy eyes??)
i recently bought blue and orange eyeliner and i‘m dying to actually use it (for more than doodling fake tatts at least)
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I‘m here for you event my dear
So…….how come you like romantic stuff like wo did it began as a child?teen?or aduld?
So about my I love drawing and do stories wo are in front cute and fluff but in the background fuc€ up love craft like stuff what you don’t see if you don’t search for it but you can see it clearly if you search for it even whit my oc’s or comic’s
My Pronomen Are He/Him/them/they but I go more male pronouns
I‘m 163cm dark blonde hear blue/gray eyes have rounded golden glasses wear dark grey clothing mostly but other colors too have Akne and looking like a dude whit buba at clothes I looking like a intersex person???
Hiya Marune!
Hmmm... I had to think about when did I actually start being interested in romance, because... I remember being told after starting to write fanfic that "[I am] writing a lot of romance" and I was taken aback by it because I had a very different impression of what romance as a genre is (I thought of those paperback books with Fabio(tm) that my mother had but never read). But I think that... even in my early childhood (like 4-5 years old) the stories I came up with while playing, there was always an element of being together with someone. While late my idea of "love" turned into more what I observed in my parents (marriage that seemed like a duty/something you do just because). And then again in my adult years I returned into the idea that genuine love isn't something you do out of duty, it's something you feel. I could go into this more in depth, but it'd be a long post ^^' (I'm easily prompted though)
Anyways! Back to the matchmaking! I tried to think objectively who I'd think would be a good match, instead of just giving the obvious answer of the Fausts (since you like them ^^') and in the end I match you with...
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Gordon Agrippa
Gordon is a sweet and understanding person, who is rather shy, but his heart is in the right place. He might struggle to feel that he fits in, but it doesn't stop him from trying to make friends and be open minded.
Gordon is also artistic. He makes dolls, which people might see as creepy, but he does enjoy the process of creating. Also he is inventive in regards of his magic, because most would be confined to the idea that "poison" must just be that, and wouldn't think to evolve it into "medicine". So, his open mindedness and cleverness; ability to think outside of the box and be creative, reaches to many aspects of life.
He's also not turned away by the strange and the weird, actually he would be right at home with it, and would be more than happy to dwell into it with you. Investigate the things that might not be apparent right of the bat.
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lenissa · 3 years
(Not So) Obvious (Bucky Barnes x Reader)
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warnings: none
summary: Bucky almost gives up asking you the most important question of your life when you seem to just not get it.
word count: 1.5K
happy reading!
James Buchanan Barnes.
The man of your dreams. The man of your reality. Of your past, present and future. So how come you were so bad at recognizing his plans for a shared future?
It all started when you heard of the engagement of your friends Hope and Scott - Bucky was so happy for them… but the whole time the couple told him the story about how Scott asked Hope to marry him, he could only imagine your possible answer if he would ask you that question. He decided that he was ready for the next step. Were you though?
There was only one way to find out.
Well, or in your case: five.
Bucky, the old romantic he was, wanted everything to be perfect. So, when you returned from a mission that took longer than expected, he created a romantic candlelight dinner. Or at least that was what he was trying to.
After you got back, you went to have a shower real quick and then went to spend the evening with Bucky. You were really exhausted but you saw how excited your boyfriend was at you returning, so you kept it together and tried to not fall asleep on the table.
Tho when he noticed that you were leaning against your fork and your eyes were already close to sinking, he took your hand and looked at you with worried eyes. “Hey honey, are you okay?”
“Tired…that‘s all”, you mumbled and Bucky noticed your inability to keep your eyes open for more than ten seconds.
“Why don‘t we postpone that dinner to another evening?” Bucky sighed and squeezed your hand.
“You‘re not mad?”
“Of course I‘m not mad, you just came home from a long, exhausting mission. Now come on, I‘m gonna take you to bed.” He stood up and pulled you with him, and then put his arms around your shoulder to steady you.
“I could just marry you, man of my dreams.” You uttered tiredly under your breath.
Bucky gulped, the weight of the engagement ring in his jeans pocket doubled at the hint.
The next time he tried to ask you the question, he went for a special walk with you on a late autumn evening. It was perfect: september sun was shining, leaves started to change colours, and a fresh breeze was in the air.
When he took the corner that leads to the place you first met, an old kickboxing studio, he realized that he could discard his plans all over again.
“w-what? why?” You pouted at the now empty place where some of your favorite memories together were made.
He turned around at the sound of you sounding sad and smiled apologetically. “I‘m so sorry. I thought it was cute, I didn‘t know it got knocked down.”
You stepped forward and hugged him, leaning against his chest, and hummed faintly. “You couldn‘t know, darling. It was a cute idea.” You kissed him and the only thing he could think about was how you hopefully would kiss him much stormier if you knew the real reason for your walk to this place.
Bucky wouldn‘t give up though. He organized everything again for a special occasion: the 4th anniversary of your relationship.
He booked a luxury hotel a bit away from the town, so you two could relax and enjoy some time without agents or fellow Avengers buzzing around.
Bucky put your suitcases in the car, drove the first bit, and when you parked on a public layby, he was checking if he had the ring with him.
Yes, he had the ring, but he found something different too. Your car had a flat tyre.
Bucky got so angry that he dropped his coffee and kicked against the tyre when you came out of the bathroom and saw his tantrum. You hastily walked to him and tried to grab him by his shoulders, of no avail of course, but at least your touch seemed to calm him.
“What is it??” You put your hands on his cheeks, looking him deep in his eyes, scared to find a dark part of his personality shining through.
“Everything is going wrong.“
“That‘s not true. We both had coffee, and we listened to great music. We are both here together and we love each other. What do we want more?”
“A promise for the future.” He mumbled ununderstandable to you while melting in your touch.
“I love you, you grump.”
He leaned his forehead against yours, so close you could even hear his breathing calm down. You sighed in relief that he was better, though you still worried about his sudden change of mood.
“You would talk to me if there was something else?” You asked him with expectant eyes, trying to understand his behaviour. But he nodded and smiled, and assured you that he was okay.
Bucky was annoyed. And he lost his patience. And he wanted to be more obvious from now on.
So when he wore a T-shirt saying “Marry Me?” and you asked him if that was an old shirt of Scott, he almost got insane.
“No - uhm, actually it‘s mi-”
“Bucky!! Have you noticed that Redwing changed colours?” Peter walked in the living room of the compound, completely clueless that he interrupted a very important moment. “Oh! Nice shirt. Scott has the same, right?”
Bucky blushed and went back to his shy self. He couldn‘t ask you the question while wearing a shirt your friend had already worn some time ago.
“Yeah, I guess so.” He plopped onto the couch next to you and put his arms around you, for you to snuggle into him. “I probably mixed it up when I took down the wash.”
Your boyfriend began to ask himself if that all was some crazy sign from the universe. Maybe you two just were not meant to get married? So, he swore to himself that he will try one last time before giving up.
You were reading in your bedroom when you suddenly noticed an unevenness in the paper. Confused, you turned to the next page and found a small silver ring stuck.
Bucky was just returning from training with Steve as you grabbed the ring and touched it carefully. He saw that you found it and immediately stopped walking, red cheeks forming and his heartbeat faster than ever.
“Look Bucky, there was a ring in my book!”
He sighed and started walking to the bathroom again, closing the door with a loud noise. You didn‘t think too much about it, maybe he just had a not so nice training with Steve or got a new mission he didn‘t like.
Then, he finished showering, laid down on the bed next to you and you asked him if he wanted to watch a series. He nodded and you turned the tv on, grabbed some snacks and cuddled up with him.
When a episode of the sitcom played in which the main characters got engaged, he rolled his eyes and eyed you tensed. But you just sat there, eating popcorn and staring at the tv screen. The scene ended and Bucky knew he was done with the whole marrying thing.
Though suddenly, you jumped up at the engaged couple telling the story of their engagement to their families and spilled the whole popcorn. Bucky startled and looked at you worried, but you just fluttered your hands and stared at him.
“Oh. My. God.”
“What is it, honey??” He frowned and tried to come closer to you, but he had to get the snacks away from the bed first.
“Oh my god, James!” You laughed and started pacing around the whole room. “Of course, yes!”
He chuckled and got out of bed, walked to you and put his hands on your shoulders. “What are you talking about?”
“Well, you-” your expression faltered when you realized you were just guessing the reason for his behaviour lately, “I thought you were asking me to marry you?”
“What?!” His eyes widened and he took a step back. You cursed under your breath and turned away, closing your eyes in embarrassment. “This is weird. I thought all the trips and dinners were times you were trying to ask me to marry you but nevermind just forge-”
“Yeah, I uhm- I was.” He laughed nervously and rubbed his neck with his hand. “I thought you don‘t want to marry me cause you never seemed to get it and ignored even the obvious tries.”
You turned to him again and shook your head. “Oh god. This is so embarrassing. I just- i don‘t know…something clicked while watching", you gestured to the tv screen, "that. I never thought about your intentions too much, god, I‘m so sorry.”
Bucky stepped closer again and took your hands in his. “You‘re all good, babe.” You squeezed one of his hands and he pulled you closer, a smile on his face.
“So?” You bit your lip to contain your smile as you looked lovingly into his blue eyes.
“Yes or No?”
“No if you‘re not asking me the full question now.” He gasped as you laughed and lightly pushed you.
He sunk to his knees and you gasped, hands coming up to cover your mouth. The brunette took the box (that he always carried around) with the ring in it out of his breast pocket and took a deep breath.
“Will you marry me, my love?”
Tagging: @bisexual-chupacabra @mrs-avenger3000 @musicinourlips @yeetus-thyself (please let me know if you wanna be tagged for specific characters only)
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farrawayfromthere · 3 years
Let’s Not Let A Year Pass By This Time
Pairing: Jordan Todd/Emily Prentiss
Word Count: 2k
Summary: After the family annihilator case that had been the last straw for Jordan at the BAU, they don’t see each other for a year.
A/N: for Day 4 of CM Fanfiction Week (Underrated character/pairing); tagging @simmonsmilf and @starry-eyed-spence (gif credit to @j3mily)
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Jordan’s in line at a coffee shop in DC, eyeing a chocolate chip muffin in the display case with her name on it.
She fidgets with the zipper on her wallet then wonders with a small sigh if she’d be better off ordering an egg sandwich for the protein.
Today, her team’ll be flying up to a small city in New Hampshire who’s two post offices have both received bomb threats in the last couple days. She knows she’ll be interviewing postal workers all day; she’s gonna need the energy.
“Jordan? Agent Todd? Is that you?”
It’s a voice she hasn’t heard in what feels like a lifetime.
Jordan looks over her shoulder and finds herself face to face with a woman she hasn’t seen in over a year, just a couple customers behind her.
Emily’s face splits into that same huge, brilliant smile Jordan remembers.
“It is you! My god!”
She looks.... really good.
“Agent Prentiss,” Jordan says, eyes growing wide, mouth dropping open slightly.
Emily’s grown her bangs out, pushed them to the sides.
Her dark, dark brown hair falls smoothly, elegantly just past her shoulders.
She’s wearing a black pantsuit, well-tailored. A black, silky looking blouse underneath and black, thick heeled boots that make her feel even taller than Jordan remembers.
She looks, really, really good.
The guy behind her clears his throat and Jordan realizes the line has moved along.
She gestures for him and the lady behind him to go ahead, and reaches for Emily’s sleeve.
“It’s great to see you,” Emily says.
Jordan’s laugh is a disbelieving exhale.
The other woman extends a hand to shake and Jordan feels a strange, subtle swoop in her stomach when their palms press against one another’s.
Emily’s is still cool; Jordan’s, still warm.
Jordan wonders if Emily’s one of those people who always feels cold, just like she’s one of those people who always feels warm.
Suddenly, all the turtlenecks and sweaters she’d seen her wear around the BAU make a little more sense.
Emily’s hand squeezes hers back, and Jordan blinks up at her.
Emily’s eyes are bright, and even through their automatic, habitual coolness, suddenly, a little shy.
“Um, hi,” Jordan says, the words a little breathless.
“Long time no see,” Emily says.
“You’re telling me.”
Emily blinks and gives her a rueful little half-grin.
“I never called.”
“Well, I didn’t either,” Jordan says, keeping humor in her voice, “I meant to, in that first month, but—.”
“We just got so busy after you left. I didn’t realize how much time was passing, I’m so sorry,” Emily says.
They’d told each other they would stay in touch, but the days and weeks and months had just—slipped by.
By the time Jordan realized that an unacceptable amount of time had passed and she’d yet to make good on her promise to grab lunch or dinner with the older agent, the mere idea of picking up the phone and dialing her number made Jordan feel antsy with unease.
It would’ve been too weird; too awkward.
“It’s okay,” Jordan says, “Neither did I.”
Emily blows air out of her cheeks, expression full of relief.
“So we’re good?”
“Yeah, Prentiss. We’re good.”
She allows herself to take in Emily’s new hair for a moment.
She gestures lazily at it with her index finger.
“I gotta say. I like the no bangs look on you. Very elegant. Very mysterious FBI woman.”
Twin patches of pink appear high in her cheeks.
Jordan smiles.
“You still look like you could kill a man with one stomp of those boots though.”
A grin breaks through Emily’s blush.
“Oh, so they’re giving off the energy I’d hoped they would when I bought them?”
“If the energy you had in mind was ‘don’t mess with me’, then yeah, I’d say so.”
“Next,” the young man at the cashier calls.
Jordan winks at Emily, then steps forward to order her sandwich and coffee. She’s surprised when she finishes and the cashier looks over her shoulder to speak to Emily.
Quickly and efficiently, the taller woman orders herself a medium coffee and an old-fashioned donut from the display case. She pays for both of their orders without a moment’s hesitation, before Jordan can even open her mouth to protest.
“Thanks,” Emily tells the cashier, while Jordan, stomach swirling with a deep warmth that’s startling in its suddenness, places a couple bills in the tip jar.
They sit at a small table for two by the window.
When Jordan looks up from skim milk and raw sugar into her coffee, Emily’s eyes are already cautiously on her.
“So how have you been,” the taller woman asks.
“Uh, good,” Jordan says, then after a moment, ”I’m where I belong.”
“I’m glad,” Emily says, grinning as she mixed cream and a Splenda into her own coffee, “You didn’t seem to like working at the BAU very much.”
“I didn’t,” Jordan says honestly, “But some parts of the experience were better than others. Plus, JJ and I have been friends since our time at the Academy so....”
Emily pushes her hair behind her shoulders, revealing small silver disk shaped earrings that glimmer as she takes a sip of her coffee.
Jordan hesitates just a moment before saying it.
“I’ve gotta say: You look good, Emily.”
Emily’s eyes twinkle; a pleased smile spreads across her face, so genuine that Jordan realizes, for the first time, that Emily Prentiss has a perfect pair of tiny dimples.
Her eyes take in Jordan’s pristine navy blazer, her well styled ponytail. They linger briefly on her mouth, today a deep plum.
“Well, you look better.”
Jordan almost spits out her first sip of coffee; She’s acutely aware that her cheeks have just gone very hot.
Emily‘s smile is a bit too smug for Jordan’s liking. She rolls her eyes.
“I know I do.”
“Oh, really,” Emily exclaims with a grin.
Jordan looks down at her egg sandwich for a moment, appetite suddenly non-existent.
The fluttering in her stomach, the smell of Emily’s perfume is making it hard to think.
She smiles a small, tentative smile.
“How’s life?”
Emily takes a sip from her coffee.
“You know. Chasing down serial killers most days of the week, coming home, watching re-runs of The Sopranos, passing out. Rinse... and repeat.”
Jordan tilts her head.
“No special someone or someones’ to keep things interesting?”
Emily meets her eyes.
“Well I don’t know about special.... Distractions? Sure... but... uh... nobody I care very much about, and definitely nobody who cares very much about me. What about you?”
Jordan snorts.
“I don’t know about special,” she says, repeating Emily’s earlier words before half-smiling and shaking her head, “No. Nobody.”
“That’s good.”
Jordan raises a brow.
Emily winces at herself.
“I mean.... hey, that’s... it’s tough out here?”
Jordan laughs, the sound loud and genuine.
Emily hums, taking a sip of her coffee.
“How’s JJ,” Jordan asks, “The rest of the team?”
Emily sets her coffee down and smiles a soft smile.
“Good. She’s good. We all are,” Emily says, then after a pause, “She loves Will and Henry very much. I think they’re what keep her going now... but... I also think they make everything much harder than it used to be for her. She sees them in every case, and it scares her so much, even though she’ll never admit it.”
Jordan nods, understanding.
“I bet it helps though,” she muses, “To have someone to come home to. People to hold you at the end of those long-ass days you all have over at the BAU.”
Emily’s smile grows more faint.
“I wouldn’t know,” she says quietly.
“Well,” Jordan says, just as quiet, “Neither would I. But that’s what I imagine.”
“Yeah, well... it didn’t work out very well for Hotch,” Emily says.
Jordan fixes her gaze on her coffee.
She’d been overseas during Haley Hotchner’s funeral; she’d wondered how her murder had affected the team at the BAU, how it had affected Emily.
They all already had trust issues... she wondered just how much more they all feared intimacy now....
Emily seems to return to her senses, eyes darting up to meet Jordan’s and startling a little when she recognizes the compassion Jordan can’t help but feel for her.
Emily had been the best part of her time at the BAU.
And okay, maybe Jordan had developed a little, truly tiny, irrelevant crush on her in that time, and maybe.... maybe it had been a little devastating that they’d never gotten in touch again after she’d left the BAU—
Regardless, Jordan wants the woman sitting across from her to be happy.
She smiles faintly at her, then her eyes catch sight of the clock hanging over the cafe’s entrance and she starts.
“Shit,” she says, standing up, “I’m gonna be late.”
Emily looks up at her, for a second panicked, then she’s scrambling in her bag for something.
“Uh—please wait.”
She pulls out a pen and takes the cafe receipt Jordan’s crumbled up and forgotten on the table.
“We’ve gotta catch up properly, Agent Todd,” she says, scribbling her number on the back of it, “New number.”
Jordan tugs her phone from her purse.
“Just read it out to me, I’ll add you in right now,” she says.
Emily does.
Jordan smiles at it, then hesitates.
“Can I snap a quick photo of you for your contact? I‘m actively working with four women named Emily on three different continents.”
Emily’s eyes flash with a hint of something Jordan can’t decipher, then she nods.
“Sure—uh—how do I look? You’re gonna have to deal with this picture of me forever.”
“You know you look good,” Jordan says, holding up the phone, “But I’ll allow you one retake if you don’t like it.”
“Just one?”
“Just one.”
Emily straightens her back. She gives a small, close mouthed smile for the picture, dark eyes looking deeply into the camera.
“One... two... okay, got it.”
Jordan shows the picture to her and Emily grimaces.
Jordan scoffs.
“Oh, come on. You look like an English rose or whatever. It’s a good picture.”
“An English rose,” Emily repeats, laughing.
Jordan glances down at her still open camera and, lips quirking, snaps another photo.
This time, she catches Emily, eyebrows drawn up in amusement, grinning. She’s looking warmly out at Jordan over the lens of the camera rather than looking into it head on.
“Oh, I’m keeping this one.”
“What? Hey. Wait, let me see.”
Jordan shows her and Emily groans.
“No.... no, no, no.”
“Too bad it’s your one retake, huh?”
“But I didn’t even know you were taking it!”
“My phone, my rules,” Jordan says, putting her phone away and looking down at her with a grin, “I guess I’ll talk to ya later.”
Emily’s still grumbling under her breath.
Jordan lets a hand fall on her shoulder, giving it a gentle squeeze before making for the doors.
“Hey Jordan,” she hears behind her.
And Jordan remembers in that moment that she likes the sound of her first name in Emily’s mouth.
She looks over her shoulder.
“Let’s not let a year pass by this time, alright,” Emily calls.
Jordan laughs, “Let’s make it two!”
“Please don’t,” Emily calls back.
“Or three!”
On the train, she tugs out her phone again, smiling a little at Emily’s contact photo.
She dials her number and Emily picks up on the second ring.
“Well this is nice. You gave me your real number,” Jordan says.
Emily snorts.
“I see you have a very high opinion of me.”
Jordan hesitates.
“Well, I’ll be honest... I don’t know you very well. All I know....”
She takes a deep breath and lets it out in a gentle whoosh.
“All I know was that you were the only thing that made my time at the BAU bearable, Emily. You stood up for me when nobody else did. You cared enough to check up on me when I was having a bad day. Even when I just acted like a jerk in return. And I’ll never forget that.“
She stops to let the honesty of her words hang in the air, then:
“I honestly was a little bummed out that we never hung out outside of work like we said we would.”
Emily seems stunned into silence by Jordan’s honesty.
Jordan doesn’t care.
She’s happy she’s said it.
Happy Emily knows that she brought good into someone’s life, at least for a little while.
“I don’t know what to say,” Emily murmurs.
“You’re one of those people who can’t handle intense sincerity, huh,” Jordan jokes.
Silence again; she must be walking.
Jordan can hear the click of her thick heels even over the phone.
“Not on a daily basis, no,” Emily says at last, but there’s a happy edge to her voice, “Confession from me?”
“Go for it.”
“It bummed me out a little too, that we never got together like we’d planned. You were excellent company, Jordan Todd. And I... I guess I didn’t realize until now how much I’ve really missed you.”
Jordan finds herself smiling.
Emily laughs and Jordan chuckles in response.
For a second there’s silence on the line, then:
“Let’s get lunch this week,” Emily says, “Someplace good.”
Jordan bites the inside of her lower lip, trying to fight her own smile, knowing it’s a fight she’s going to be having with herself all day.
She knows today will be the day she’ll be called out for asking about bomb threat details with a glimmer of a smile on her face.
She doesn’t care.
“How do you feel about sushi?”
“Name the place and I’m there.”
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91percentpynch · 4 years
Jean‘s first Winter Barquet without the Ravens
look i have this in my head for a while now, so i thought i might as well share it with you guys!! i have absolutely no idea where this is going, guess will find out:) jerejan isn‘t a thing yet in this headcanon, but please keep in mind that they ARE in love,,, we will see where they‘re going,,, also please keep in mind that i never took french so if the french terms are wrong i‘m sorry <33
jean only owns the suits he was forced to wear with the ravens. obviously he had no time to take it with him and no one would bother to give him the few things he actually owned back, so he has nothing to wear
as he has a mental breakdown because the thought of meeting his ex-teammates alone gives him anxiety jeremy walks in, smiling softly as he asks „so i guess we should get you a nice suit for tonight. are you bringing someone by the way?“
the moment he sees jean on the floor he goes over to him and sits down next to him on the floor
„is there something that would make you feel better?“ jeremy asks quietly. „need a hug? or something else?“
jean just holds out his hand, a silent question jer quickly answers by taking his hand and softly squeezing it
„we got this dude, don‘t worry i‘ll keep you safe“ jeremy whispers as jean is trying to stop his sobs
„how exactly do you plan to stop them?“ jean asks, with a thick french accent he gets when his panic attacks are especially bad
„oh, a man never tells his secrets. you will see when we need to find out“, jeremy laughs.
they stay in that position for a while before slowly getting up to go to the mall to get jean a suit
when they sit in the car and jeremy‘s about to start his car he asks jean if it‘s okay to listen to music, or if he‘d rather have it quiet
„music, because quiet reminds me of them“, jean whispers, ashamed that he would allow to show weakness to his captain
„music it is my dude“, jeremy says and puts on his french playlist. „thought you might like that“, he looks flashing a grin at jean
jer obviously knew jean liked it, jean told jer about his love to music/ french music when they started talking, he told him it calms him down
jean just puts his head against the window, looking at nothing in peticular
at the mall they go into the first store who sells suits (because they‘re slightly stressed to make it back in time, they‘re both masters in procastination)
„okay so i thought of something, cause shopping for clothes is always super boring. so we both choose something for the other person and try it on together. you don‘t have to take my choice but you have to at least try it on“
„but you have terrible taste, jeremy. terrible“
„well than you can only improve the way i look, can‘t you?“, jer replies with a wink, „and my taste is perfectly fine“
jean doesn‘t reply to that, as the only thought in his head „everything is perfect about you, everything but the way you dress“, but he will not say such things to his captain
jeremy takes his lack of an answer as a yes and disappears to look for suits
sharing a dom for a few months and the fact that jer leaves his stuff lying around jean knows jer‘s size
not that he would be interested in jeremy, not that he would spend hours on end thinking about his captain
jean picks out a navy blue suit and a light grey bow tie which happens to have the exact same color as his eyes
slowly he goes looking for jeremy, who waits for him in front of the dressing rooms with his characteristic toothy grin
„okay show me what you got“, jer says when jean is within earshot
jean hands his finding over without a word - blushing a bit
jer takes it, hands jean a suit and diappears in the changinng room
jean slowly goes in the one next to jer and changes in the suit jer gave him
once he‘s done he looks at himself in the mirror
jeremy chose a light grey suit with a navy blue suit
they unintentionally match
when jean leaves the changin room, jer is already waiting, happily chatting with an employee about the exy season
he stands there awkwardly looking at jeremy, not saying a thing, until jeremey turns around and notices him
jeremy gives him a once over and nods satisfied with himself
„we‘re matching, i like that“, he says softly, blushing
„i have to admit, this is not as terrible as i thought it would end up to be. you look faboulous, no wonder when i pick out your outfit“
„well, you look rad as fuck my dude. you‘re definetly buying that, well not you but coach. coach told me to get us some nice suits, apparently the one i own is - i quote - ‚a unnecessary threat to society‘“
„he isn‘t wrong though“, jean says, a small smile on his lips.
„holy shit you‘re smiling, i either said something unbelieveable stupid or funny. i thought i had to talk french again to make you feel better“
jeremy took french as soon as he knew jean would come to the trojans so he could talk to jean in private, if needed to
„please don‘t. your french is terrible“, jean replies, his smile only getting bigger at the thought of jer‘s terrible pronounciation
„hey“, jer says jokingly offended
they change back in their regular clothes, pay the suits and head back to their dorm
„you wanna listen to that french music while we pack for tonight?“, jeremy asks quitely when they close their dorm door behind them
jean can only nod, his panic slowly growing
on the way to palmetto state - where the winter barquet will take place this year - jeremy sits next to jean
when jer notices jean getting nervouse/ anxiouse he offers him his hand
„my mom used to hold my hand when i was anxious, said she‘d keep me safe. thought it might help you as well“, jer is blushing again, avoiding jean‘s eyes
jean takes jer‘s hand without comment, thinking how soft they are over and over and over again
„why didn‘t you bring a date? i bet the ladies would kill someone to go on an event like that with a guy like you?“, jean asks jeremy in a sorry try to distract himself from the ever rising anxiety
„i‘m not into girls, first of all. and secondly i might like someone who would not be ready to with me there and i will not force them to do anything when they are clearly not ready“
jean pretty much stopped paying attention when jeremey said he was into guys
„what do you mean by ‚a guy like me‘?“, jer asks winking
„oh you know, unbelieveably annoying, decent looking, kind. isn‘t that what girls are into these days? i wouldn‘t know, all we got to be interested in was exy, exy, exy“, jean whispered, blushing
„annoying, huh?“, jer laughed.
jean didn‘t know what to reply so he decieded to stare out the window - definetly NOT thinking about how beautiful jeremy‘s eyes look in the stupid light of the bus
„hey wanna listen to the french music again? someone told me lately that my pronunciation is shit, so i need to listen to it anyways as this french guy won‘t help me out. we can share my headphones if you want?“
jean had never seen jeremy so shy, and he had to admit jer is even more adorable and attractive that way
not that jean would pay that much attention to jeremy knox
jean just nods unable to form a word, yet a sentence
when he put the headphone in his ear, he leans his head against the window and shortly after that falls asleep
when they arrived at palmetto state, jer wakes jean up softly
jean didn‘t let go of jer‘s hand - his grip only tightening- until they reached the home locker room where they would put their stuff and get changed for the barquet
„don‘t worry, i will keep you safe. i will punch anyone who looks at you funny“, jeremy whispers to jean when jean struggled to close the buttons of his shirt
jean‘s hand wouldn‘t stop shaking so jeremy closed the buttons of jean‘s shirt for him
jean suddenly gets very inappropriate thoughts while silently watching jer buttoning his shirt
„ready.“ jean answers, taking jer‘s hand
„ready?“ jer asks, holding out his hand, when they are changed
as soon as they entered the court jean looks for renee, in order to Not Look at the raven‘s table
obviously renee would spot him immediatly and drag her girlfriend alison with her to greet him
renee hugs him tightly completly ignoring jeremy
„i missed you, skyping just isn‘t enough j. you gotta visit me sometime. anyways i asked wymack to sit the foxes and the trojans together, so you can sit with me and tell me everything“, she said softly against his chest with a grin on her face.
jean isn‘t used to people being happy to see him so he is lowkey overwhelemed
„o- okay, but you gotta let me go first“
renee lets go almost immediatly, taking his other hand
it‘s only then that she notices jeremy
„oh god you two are matching, alison look they are matching“, she says excitedly
but alison only has eyes for her gorgeous girlfriend
jeremy laughs quietly while renee drags them to their seats
jean takes the place next to renee, jeremey sits next him, across from jean sits matt boyd, to matt‘s left kevin day and to matt‘s righ is dan
jean only focuses on renee though
they talk about school, their free time activities, the exy season, renee‘s plans for when she‘s done with college
jean does not let go of jeremy‘s hand until dinner arrives
they eat in silence, everyone‘s too busy with the delicous food
after everyone‘s done with dinner the tables are getting moved to the sides of the court, christmas music starts to play, someone brings the punch in and everyone starts to socialise
people are bringing their dates on the dance floor to slow dance under the mistletoes
„do you, uhm, do you maybe wanna dance with me?“, jer asks aggressivly blushing
„you wanna dance with me? what would the person you talked about on the bus would say to that?“, jean answers, having had a punch or two too much to calm his nerves
„that‘s what i‘m trying to find out right now actually“, jeremy replies shyly
„wait i‘m the mysterious guy you like? why?“, jean is suddenly not so drunk at all, rather confused than anything else
„dude have you looked in a mirror lately? i‘ve had a crush on you since i first saw you on court. started out as a stupid little crush, but then you started to live with me, play exy with me and i got to know you. you are so strong, so funny if you let yourself be, you are talented and so much more. i would add ‚good dancer‘ to that list, but you‘d have to dance with me for that“, jer says still blushing, avoiding his eyes
„okay, then let‘s show these losers how to dance“, jean replies, a small smile on his lips
jeremy knox liked him the way he liked him jeremy knox liked him the way he liked him jeremy knox liked him the way he liked him
so they ended up slow dancing at the edge of the dance floor
laila and renee saw them and took a quick picture of them before leaving them be
eventually it was only jean and jeremy, no ravens, no teams, no exy court
„i wanna see the stars“, jean says, suddenly having the urge to see the bright spots against the dark sky. needing to show jeremy, to make him understand
„i think it‘s okay when we disappear for a second“, jeremy says against his chest, as he still leans against jean from the slow dancing
so jean leads them out and as soon as they are outside he searches the night sky for the stars
when he found them jean points at them and says „look at the stars. you are the stars. you are bright and people look for you, people love you, people want to be with you. me? i‘m the night sky. i‘m dark, people are afraid of me. i am nothing worth looking at“
„jean, you are none of the things you said right now. if no one else i would always come looking at you. you are not dark. you surrived darkness and you came out of it. you surrived. you made it. and i am so unbelieveably proud of you. you are so strong and beautiful and if no one else, i want to be with you“
jean never cried, not when his parents sold him and homesickness almost killed him, not when riko tortured him, not when kevin left him alone in that hellhole, but this? silent tears are running down his cheeks
jer‘s hand is reaching up to his face to put them away, but he stops a few inches away, asking „may i?“
jean only asks
jeremy softly puts jean‘s tears away with his thumb
„i really wanna kiss you, can i kiss you?“, jeremy asks softly.
jean is unable to say a single word so he just nods and leans in to jer
and that‘s the story of their first ever kiss
it‘s also the story why jean calls jer „mon étoile“
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wolferals · 4 years
reader x him (imagine any guy you want)
His POV:
„Fuck." He moaned out as the heavy metal hit his foot. He grabbed the hammer again to slam the last nail into the wooden shelf he was currently putting up in his bedroom.
After making sure it was fully on the wall and wouldn't fall, he brought the hammer back in the basement and went to the kitchen to prepare his dinner.
It was way colder in the kitchen than expected, i mean what would you expect from a snowy December afternoon in England?
As he had decided to throw some more wood in the oven, he noticed he had all run out. Groaning, he put on some shoes and a jacket to get some more from his backyard.
He slammed the door shut and walked around his house to grab some more of the wood he had gotten from his brother the other day.
But what he saw not far from his garden was more than strange.
It was her. His first love, the girl that had to break up with him because of her strict parents. He was 18 then.
She smiled when she spotted him.
He could just stare at her, not being able to form words in his mind.
She approached him and stood before him.
„Hey.“ she gave him a bright smile. She looked as beautiful as he remembered. Her long straight hair framed her pale face as he noticed her eyes light up.
She was wearing a long grey coat and a big scarf around her neck. And a small silver ring decorated her small freckles covered nose.
„Hi.“ was all he was able to let out his mouth.
She looked him up and down, smiling yet again.
„I left my parents. 2 months ago.“ She spoke as her face turned sad yet proud at the same time.
He coughed loudly and forced himself to speak:“That‘s amazing. Come here.“
He wrapped his muscular arms around her little body and pulled her close. She held him tight on his neck and stood on her tippy toes to be able to reach his face.
„How are you though?“ She suddenly asked and he let go of her.
„I‘m great, yeah. And you? Are you feeling alright since you‘ve left your parents?“
She nodded.
„Oh shit, come on in you must be freezing.“
With a chuckle as a response she followed him into the house. „Just make yourself at home, I‘ll go get some fire wood.“ He added before heading outside again.
In the meantime, the young girl took off her warm clothes and walked into the kitchen, where she sat down on one of tthe chairs at the table. She examined his house.
It looked the way it did when she was last here, almost nothing had changed.
She at first didn’t expect him to be here since it was his parent's house.
“Hey, where are your parents?” She immediately asked him when he entered the kitchen, panting from carrying the heavy wood.
He threw some wood in the oven and then sat down with her.
“Uhm my dad died about a month after you left and my mum is visiting a friend in Ireland.”
She didn't know what to say, she had always loved his dad. To her, he had been the good father she’s always wanted.
“I’m so sorry about your dad..”
He nodded and then got up to grab an empty glass from the top drawer.
On the sink in the kitchen he filled it with water and handed it to his long lost love.
She took the glass in hand, smiling. „Thank you.“
-„So what have you been doing all those years? It‘s been a while.“ He started nervously, waiting for a response.
The shy girl emptied the glass rather quickly and shot him a glance. „Oh this and that. After my parents made me move across the country, I‘ve finished college and then went on to study in Glasgow. I moved back here a couple of months ago and decided in October that my parents had controlled enough of me for way too long. So yeah, that's about it. What about you? What have you been up to?“
He listened carefully and took a sip of water himself before starting:“Yeah almost the same as you, graduated college, started working here and there and got away from some old friends that were never good for me at all. It‘s been boring to be fair.“
She could feel the tension in the room so she decided to change the topic:“But why are you here right now? You‘ve moved out though right?“
He nodded at her question. „Yeah but since mum‘s not here right now, I‘m house-sitting.“
She chuckled lightly, replying with a short:“Thats sweet of you.“
He caught himself staring at her when she let out those beautiful laughs occasionally. He never knew how much he had missed her. Her voice, telling him all these unintentional jokes. Her smile, that brightened up his life, the way she played with her earrings when she got nervous. And the way her beautiful light eyes looked right into his soul, warming him from the inside.
And the girl felt it too. It was almost impossible to not notice the way her ex boyfriend was looking at her, observing her. And she liked it. When they broke up, it broke her heart even worse. She missed him every second.
His humor, his contagious laugh and personality. And how he kissed her. She‘d been a sucker for those soft yet passionate kisses.
„You want me to give you a little tour around the house? A lot‘s changed since you were here last.“
He suggested after they‘d run out of conversation topics.
„Yes please.“ she smiled as they both got up.
He walked her upstairs and opened the door to his old bedroom he was also currently staying in.
„Nothing‘s changed in here.“ She smiled and walked around, taking a look at the old books that he probably hadn’t opened in years. His first ever guitar that he had hung on the wall above his desk.
And the picture of them, smiling into the camera.
His dad had taken it, not long before she had to move across country.
They looked so happy, careless. Like nothing in the world could separate this loving couple.
Little did they know, fate couldn’t keep its hand to itself.
„Yeah I haven‘t been here for a while.“ He ran his hands through his hair, watching her as she scanned his teenage room. The old posters of bands he could barely remember were neatly hung on his walls. Now he‘d love to rip them off but she seemed to like them.
„Oh i remember you were super in love with them.“ she laughed and pointed at the biggest of all posters.
„I did?“ he asked and stepped closer to her. „Yea“ she started laughing and sat down on his bed.
The only time she‘d ever sat on this bed was the night before she left.
The only night they‘d ever spent together.
And the one night she‘d given herself to him.
Without any regrets she thought back to that night.
He slowly sat down next to her and sent her a smile.
„I cant believe you‘re back.“ He spoke, not even wanting to say it out loud. „Yeah me neither.“ she breathed out and leaned back against the headboard, looking up at the ceiling.
For some reason he couldn’t explain. He lied down next to her and mimicked the way she observed the ceiling.
„I missed you.“ she whispered.
„I missed you more.“ he turned his head to face her.
Being so close to her beautiful face flooded back all the memories. She looked more mature as well. Her freckles had come in over the summer, he‘d always adored them.
He was surprised by himself, how he still loved her so much after all these years.
And she seemed to be feeling it as well.
She leaned in on him and gave him a quick smile before softly placing her lips on his.
He was startled by the gesture but was much more than happy to feel her again.
Their lips fit perfectly and moved in sync while he held her face in his hands, smiling into the kiss.
She let out a little giggle and alined their lips again.
Her hands were on his chest and that spot burned in on his body.
Carefully he hovered over her while he still tried everything not to scream right now from how happy he was.
He held her as close as he could while her hand found the back of his head to dive into his hair with her delicate fingers.
Softly he let out a hum, making her smile again.
He smiled as well and moved to her neck to leave a trail of sweet kisses on her jaw.
She loved it. He only did that once, and she had always dreamed of him doing that again.
She bit her lip to not moan out loud right now.
He pulled away for a second and looked down at his hand that was hooked around her jeans.
She nodded with permission and he started pulling them down her smooth legs.
Then he took off his own shirt and continued placing wet kisses on her cheek and neck.
After that she took off her sweater as well, making him look at her chest in awe.
„God i missed you so much.“
She sent him a sweet smile and watched him kiss down her chest and stomach, down to her clothed vagina.
He softly spread her legs a little to kiss the inside of her thighs as well.
She let out an excited squeak, which made him chuckle before he moved back up to kiss her lips again.
He noticed that she got more eager by the second so he didn’t waste any more time and removed her bra.
With slow circles around her nipples, he erupted a moan from her.
She then indicated that she wanted more by pulling on his briefs. He grinned at her.
After pulling then down he gave her another reassuring look. She nodded at him yet again.
He grabbed a condom from the nightstand as she prepared herself to rise to heaven once again.
His strong arms wrapped around her torso and slowly slipped inside of her.
Due to the discomforting feeling she closed her eyes and grabbed onto his shoulder. „Are you alright?“ he whispered against her neck.
She nodded and opened her eyes again once the fog in front of her eyes had cleared up.
It didn’t necessarily hurt but it wasn’t a nice feeling either.
„Its okay. You can move.“ She whispered back and placed a kiss on his cheek.
So he did as she said and starting at a slow, careful pace.
While doing so, he looked at her to see if her expression changed.
„Is that okay?“ She didn’t seem to be satisfied yet.
After a while at that pace, she told him to speed up a little.
So he went faster and finally saw her face change.
She closed her eyes and her breathing got heavier.
„Mhm yeah.“ she moaned out quietly and hooked one leg around his waist.
After hearing her moan he got even faster and let out a loud moan himself.
He‘s had sex with a couple of others over the years but with her it was more than that. He loved her dearly and it felt more intense than ever before.
She couldn’t stop thinking about their first time and how amazing she had felt. But right now, she was up in the clouds. The sweet clouds of skin clapping, breathy moans and scratches on her love‘s back.
He couldn’t hold himself back and kept moaning loudly into her ear while he fucked her into oblivion.
She simply felt too good around him. Hearing those whimpers escape her lips could make him cum undone.
But he tried his best to make her cum first so he could truly make her feel amazing.
And she did feel amazing, she had no words for the way he made her feel.
„I think I‘m gonna...“ she whispered right before squeaking loudly.
He kept his speed but started biting and kissing her neck again to maybe make her cum faster.
And within seconds her orgasm ripped through her entire body and she let out a loud high pitched scream, holding onto him for dear life.
Her clenching around him threw him over the edge too and he moaned into her ear louder than ever before. He‘s never experienced such an intense orgasm and he didn’t know how to handle it properly.
He almost let out an animalistic scream when his cum filled the condom.
She scratched his head to calm him down and he ended up falling onto her naked chest, breathing heavier than ever.
Just as she did, he tried everything not to smile brightly and just focused on his slowing down breathing.
After they had both collected their thoughts, she laughed out loud and then whispered:“I love you, you know? I never stopped.“
He smiled into her boobs and turned his head to see her face again.
„Me neither, i love you too.“
And for the next 30 minutes all they did was admire each other after being apart for years.
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kim-chann · 4 years
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--- Order Instructions ;; Hello! May I ask for a jujutsu kaisen matchup, please?
I'm female, bi, Aquarius sun/ Scorpio moon/ Sagittarius rising.
I'm 1,59 m tall, long, blonde hair, pale skin, grey-blue eyes and wear glasses, I'm chubby.
I’m reserved, introverted, really shy, anxious and have low self-esteem. I'm very private. I don’t like crowds. I can be distant and very quiet. I’m very cautious around others. I like joking around though, once comfortable. Chaotic neutral. I’m probably the weird one in my friend group,but I’m rather calm. I daydream a lot. I like teasing my friends and flirting with them playfully. I tend to be sarcastic, ironic, kind of blunt. My sense of humor is slightly dark, dry and often silly or exaggerated. I‘m open minded and understanding.
I need time for myself to recharge. I hate to be late and hate to wait, am mostly organised. I like to watch movies (often horror, but I can get a bit spooked), read books , listen to music and play games occasionally. I also like doing macrame! I love animals, especially cats.
I hope this is okay😅❤
Thank you! Stay healthy, happy and hydrated! 💞💕
Also quick question: what are your favorite pastries?😋
                                                        -- @geheimversteck
༺ Chef Note: Thank you for ordering! Once again, sorry that this took so long for me to write. I hope that you come again soon, and enjoy this order! Also, my favorite pastries are cookies 👀💕
I match you up with . . . 
                                                         Megumi Fushiguro | 伏黒恵 !!!
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☉Honestly, I can see you and Megumi just being best friends before he realises that his feelings are more than he thought 
☉ Megumi would feel a sense of comfort just being around you because he knows you, and you know him. Usually he has a sense of discomfort (or has his guard up) when meeting someone, but when he met you he just felt more natural to be open. It’s a weird and foreign feeling to him. (Megumi, it’s called meeting your soul mate 👀💕)
☉Megumi doesn’t overlook the fact that you’re passive to one’s eye and he takes a role to be protective of you and makes sure that you’re comfortable in every way possible. 
☉Whether it’s a crowd, he’ll offer you to hold his hand, talk for you, order for you, and just confront the people who make you uncomfortable.
☉Once Megumi learns that you grew more comfortable to him for spouting out a jokes or two, expect him to share you a rare smile. Or even better, a chuckle!
☉Megumi really appreciates your calm, openminded, and understanding character, because Megumi said “as long as that person who’s compassionate,” then he don’t want anything else
☉ Sometimes Megumi catches you day dreaming and interrupts you with an, “Oi,” or he will sit in front of you to make you pay attention to him. 
☉ He doesn’t know how you can day dream so fast and easily. Sure, he can does day dream too, but he doesn’t do it frequently because he’s always on guard. He finds that interesting about you.
☉ Gosh, when you’re comfortable with Megumi and tease him and even flirt with him, he’d be caught so off guard, he wouldn’t even know if you were joking or not. But the way that his cheeks flare up and his eye brows narrowing just proves that your words affect him quite a lot. 
☉ Megumi finds humour in your sarcastic, ironic, and blunt attitude. He doesn’t know why but when you make a comment about something with the overseen attitude, it just makes him want to laugh. 
☉ He doesn’t really have a sense of humour, and you’d have to explain a joke every few often because one; it either flies over his head, or two; he just doesn’t find humour in it. But if you find it funny, then I guess that it’s funny.
☉ Megumi is a sweet boy and would love you to take you to coffee dates occasionally. It usually happens in the morning, and after a quick share of drinks, he’d ask if you want to go somewhere. 
☉ Quality time is Megumi’s thing and he wants you to know that his efforts mean that he loves you for who you are and is appreciative for you just being there for him. 
☉ Once Megumi gets very comfortable around with you, he’d lean his head on your head or your shoulder to rest. It’s a bit ticklish because of his hair, and it’s sort of weird seeing his hair in your vision often lol. So push it back a bit. Don’t tell Megumi though, because he’ll get hella embarrassed. 
☉ Overall, he’s a pretty boy and a good significant other, cherish this boy! 💕
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༺ Chef Note: Thank you for coming around! Sorry if they’re little to a lot of grammar mistakes, I’ve been super lazy to fix it lmao
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elisha-am · 4 years
Hopeful Return
A/N: also on ao3
"How would you feel if I give you your copy in person?”
“I ‘d like that. Very much.”
“Guess he isn’t coming back, is he?” Tina talked to herself with the magazine clenched in her hands, letting out a sound that’s half sigh, half humorless chuckle.
She screwed her eyes shut before the tears could tumble out.
She dropped the offending material on the dining table, glancing at the empty chair across her. Though her sister didn’t leave any clue of her whereabouts, Tina was willing to bet her Auror's badge that she was at Jacob’s, where she spent most her day off recently.
In the past few months of the No-Maj man regaining his memory —— she really wanted to question a certain magizoologist how that was even possible —— and being back to her sister’s life, all she felt was worried. Worried about what would happen if MACUSA found out, worried if her sister would be left heartbroken if the magic, figuratively speaking, wore out. Yet she had to admit that Queenie was so much happier, so she tried to be positive about it.
But today, after her heart getting shattered by a single piece of article, the thought of her sister was happily spending time with the man she wanted to be with, brought out a rare emotion in her.
‘How dare she get to cozy up with her man when you just lost yours.’ The monster with green eyes taunted her.
She killed it without a second thought. This just wasn’t like her. And it was her baby sister, for Morrigan’s sakes. All she had been doing after her parents’ death was making sure her sister was happy and healthy.
"And he's not mine to start with." She mumbled to herself.
Tina decided to take a walk to see if she could clear out all the ugly thoughts before Queenie got back. With the current state of her mind, she had no confidence to stop everything from slipping through her occlumency. The last thing she needed now was hurting her sister and starting a fight that might leave a scar between them forever.
Tina wandered around the neighborhood with no particular destination.
When she noticed where she ended up, she swore. Her subconscious just had to do the trick on her and led her to the magic bookstore she frequented.
And the owner, the kind and accommodating Mr. Wolinski, just happened to be outside and cleaning the storefront, which would appear like a small No-Maj grocery store until you entered the right way like every other wizardry property in the city.  He spotted her and hailed at her eagerly.
“Oh, Tina! Tina my dear! It’s good timing you come!”
She cringed, knowing what awkward situation she was about to face. If she knew back then, maybe she wouldn’t bring Newt here and introduce him in his short stay after the incident. She just thought it’d help his book sale to aquatinted with one of the biggest wizardry booksellers in North America.
“Hello, Mr.Wolinski, how’s your day?” She forced herself to smile.
“Oh never been better! Because the books of your British fella just arrived! And people are already asking ‘bout it nonstop!”
"Ah, no, Mr. Wolinski, he is not——" She tried to correct the man, but he was already pulling her into the store.
“Come, come! I saved one for you before every one of them got snatched up!”
“Mr. Wolinski——“
“Here, my dear.” He practically shoved the book into her hand, leaving no chance for her to refuse.
All her resolve to give the book back crumbled when the feeling of holding the hardcovered book with breathtaking golden cover art started to imprint on her fingers.
This was his book.
The book she witnessed him poured all his love into.
And he used the title she blurted out at the dockside half year ago. She thought it was a good fit not only back then, but now as it proudly printed on his labor of love.
“I will look out for it, Fantastic Beasts And Where To Find Them.”
Oh, Mercy Lewis. He might not be able to keep his promise, whatever his reason was, but she wasn’t going to break hers.
No matter it was a promise made between friends or more.
She dug into her pocket only to find it empty as she never planned to buy anything when she came out earlier.
“Oh don’t worry, we can put you on the tab! You are one of my favorite customers after all! And thanks to your British, we will have a nice flow for a while no doubt! So I can even give you a discount, good?” Mr. Wolinski assured her when she explained her lack of money.
She only managed to thank him before he was needed by other customers and excused himself. She didn’t get to correct the man about Newt being her British. Again.
She sighed and walked out of the store with the book holding preciously in her arm.
Too many on her mind that she didn’t notice she walked straight into someone’s step.
“Ah! Sorry!”
“Oh, I‘m sorry!”
They apologized at the same time, and the familiar voice made her snapped her eyes up.
The man who was the very reason for her distraction stood right in front of her, eyes widened.
“Newt? What are you doing here?” With all the emotion that had been building up since she read the magazine, her question came out more like an accusation.
She watched his line of sight landed on the book in her arms, and then his face turned from shock to desperate.
“I, I thought you would want me to give you the book in person.” He started to fidget in that way of his when he was stressed. “ And I was on the way to MACUSA to see if I could catch you there. I don't think Mrs. Esposito would be too pleased to see me at your flat.”
"Shouldn’t you stay in London preparing for the wedding?” Great, all she could talk about she went with that.
“The wedding?” He repeated her last words in great puzzlement she thought he was making fun of her in some way.
“Your own wedding, Mr. Scamander.”
"My what?"Was he really going to make her said it? She knew he was somewhat oblivious, but never thought he could be cruel.
“Your wedding with Leta!” She burst out, maybe a bit louder than she intended, causing him to take a step back startled.
“I am sorry, Tina, but you are sincerely confusing me,” He said, clearly intimidated by her outburst.  “I’m not marrying Leta.”
“What? But the magazine——“
Oh for the love of Isolt, could she be that stupid?
“Tina? What magazine?”
She didn’t answer, thinking showing it to him would explain it better than words. So she took his arm, like when she tried to bring him in all those months ago, into the nearest alley where nobody was watching and apparated them straight back to her living room.
With relief that Queenie was still nowhere to be seen, Tina picked up the magazine she left on the table, handing it to Newt and muttered the page number of the articles she wanted to show him.
She only realizes he brought the case this time as well when she heard the sound it was placed on the floor. Oh well, it was going to be fun if Madam Picquery found out since she specifically warned him not to bring it into the State again. Only Merlin knew what he brought with him this time.
Her musing was interrupted by a series of mumblings that sounded like swearing.
“This article is stupidly wrong.” He said with exasperation, “You have to understand, Tina, it’s My brother, Theseus, is going to marry Leta. Not me.” He turned the magazine around and pointed at the other taller man in the picture who stood behind Leta.
She started to see it now after he pointed out, that Leta, while her hand was on Newt’s arm, was clearly standing closer to the other man; her back was practically leaning on his chest.
“I don’t know how exactly that reporter could make this stupid mistake as I told him, with clear words, I am the best man, not the groom.”
Under normal circumstances, his bewilderment would amuse her, but now she just relieved that he was as upset as this whole situation and glad that he wasn’t engaged.
Something he said caught up in her mind.
“Wait, your brother? And you are going to be his best man? You are fine with that? ” She promised herself if Newt’s brother or Leta somehow forced him into this position then they were going to have some serious problem with her. She didn’t care if she had to go across the pond.
“Yes?” He frowned. “ Why wouldn’t I be fine?”
They really weren’t on the same page today.
“Um, because it’s Leta, that you and her ——“
It took a few seconds, but he finally caught up what she indicated and smiled awkwardly.
“A bit hilarious I might say. But I don’t find any reason to oppose this matter.” Newt shrugged. “My brother and Leta, they suit each other, I think, and I am happy for them.”
She knew he meant it because she heard no resentment. Some degree of sadness about a long lost friendship——maybe one day he would share what exactly happened between them all those years ago with her —— but no anger or hurt.
“Then I am glad.” She smiled for the first time on that day. “Please send my congratulations to them once you go back?”
“I will.” He gave her that crooked smile of his.
In the next few moments, in the complete silence, they just gazed at each other--he did shift his eyes away many times, but it always came back to her-- both wearing shy smiles on their faces.
“I- I recall this is why I am here.” He was the one who broke the silence and scrambled to pull a book bounded in dark blue leather and golden cover print out from his pocket.
She probably stared at the book for too long and sent out the wrong message because he nervously pulled it back.
“I’m sorry, Tina, I forget you have already purchased one so you probably don’t want this anymore.”
She quickly dropped the magazine and held on the book before he could take it back fully.
“No, Newt, I would love to have this one as well!” She added a smile for assurance. “It’s just so beautiful, making it hard not to stare.”
“Oh.” Newt blushed.
“Could you autograph it for me?” Tina asked as she caught a glimpse at the magazine on the floor, remembering the picture was taken at a book signing event, so she assumed it wouldn’t be too much to ask.
He shifted his stance and blushed even harder.
“Ah, if you don’t want to——“
“It was already signed.”
She looked at him——making him averted his eyes again ——a little surprised, and tentatively opened the book.
“To Tina,
who I would love to help me find my creatures if they escape again.
She couldn’t help but laugh at the message he scribbled on the page.
Tina wondered how many people knew this playful side of this shy man.
She looked back up from the book and found him looking at her with a small smile.
“Let’s hope it won’t happen again, shall we?”
“I agree.” His smile widened.
“I will cherish it, Newt.” She said with the book holding tightly in her hands. Tina could already imagine herself reading it over and over again.
And then she remembered the other one book she bought earlier. She pulled it out from the pocket of her coats and hand it to him.
“Can you sign this one, too? Just your name would be fine.”
He nodded, took the book and sit down at the dining table.
She took advantage of the brief moments while he was occupied to pick up the magazine and prepare something to drink.
When she came back with two cups, tea for him and coffee for her, he had finished his small task and was frowning at his photo on the cover of Spellbound.
Her ears heated up with embarrassment. As a trained investigator, she shouldn't jump to the conclusion simply because a flimsy tabloid article said so. She seemed to lose all her judgment when it came to Newt Scamander.
"Newt," she started once she handed him the drink and settled beside him. "I want to apologize. For believed in that magazine so fast. I really should've asked you first."
"It's not your fault."
"But if you weren't here to explain, I would probably......" She didn't dare to think of the possibilities since none of them would end well.
To her surprise, he reached over and covered her hand with his.
"Tina, I want you to know," he paused, and she could hear him swallowed nervously, "I need you to know that Leta isn't the one I want to marry."
Tina gaped at him as she took in what he just said and what he didn't say. It should be too forward but at the same time, it brought longing into her heart.
They weren't even dating; all they had was months worth of correspondence. But she'd be lying if she said she didn't want them to move toward something more. Every letter she received from him, every word she laid down onto the paper in return, all stacked up in her mind and formed a picture of them.
Would she be the one? She hoped the answer would come soon, but not now.
"I will keep that in mind." She said and turned the hand covered under his, so now they were palm to palm.
"Good." he grinned.
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𝕄𝕒𝕥𝕔𝕙 𝕌𝕡♡
Hello! Could I please get a male matchup for Haikyuu!! and Jjba please? Also could you include some NSFW too, please? But only if you feel comfortable with it!! I‘m female, german and 1,59 m tall, Aquarius, and an INFJ. I have blonde long hair, my eye color is a mixture of Grey and blue, I also wear glasses! I’m shy, introverted, kinda awkward around strangers and to be honest I feel intimidated by people. I can be distant and very quiet. It’s not easy to get close to me. I’m very cautious around others. I choose my friends carefully. Once I’m with friends I joke around a lot more. I would even go as far and say, that I’m the weird one in my friend group, though I’m rather calm. (This will be a lot, I’m sorry)
I observe, before I act. I have depression and anxiety, which sometimes greatly affects me. I also have trouble sleeping. I try to laugh more often, even though I’m not always optimistic and positive. generally I am a careful and responsible person. If my friends need someone to talk to I will gladly listen to them. If they ask for advice I try to objectively answer and remain neutral.
I will also try to calm them down, because I know how it feels to be anxious and/or panicked and I don’t want them to feel that way, though I am really bad with emotions. I also really like to joke around with my friends, which contains playfully teasing and flirting with each other. If I had to guess I would say I am the weird friend in the group, though you wouldn’t see it at first. I sometimes need time to myself to recharge, so I can’t deal with being around someone 24/7
I love to make others laugh, it kind of fills me with pride. I never intend to offend or hurt anyone, but if I’m annoyed or angry I will be brutaly honest with my opinion, which I normally prefer to keep to myself. I tend to be sarcastic, ironic, kind of blunt, mixed with dark humor and kinda dirty minded I get scared when someone gets close to me emotionally, so I also tend to push people away, which I often feel bad for
Not a lot of people can make me laugh, which is why I think humor is really important in a relationship! I hate to be late (and hate to wait), am mostly organised. I like to watch (horror) movies, read books (especially thrillers), listen to music (I really love the Neighbourhood! <3) and game occasionally. I love animals, especially cats (I have one myself 😊). But I am scared of most insects, especially spiders ☹. I’m really interested about humans (what I mean is psychology and and the human body). I would like to work in the medical field and learn about illnesses and how to cure them! I’m also interested in Philosophy and anthropology.
I try my hardest to be kind, polite and understanding. I always am suprised, but feel honored, when people come to me for advice. I daydream and think about a lot of things a lot. I would say I don’t talk too much, but really, I can talk without end, haha. The conversations I have with people that are close to vary between really deep and emotional and completely weird and bizarre, but I love to think about strange things (and maybe jokingly theorize). Thank you so much!!
»»————- ♡ ————-««
Hello @shaking-hands-with-the-dark~! Of course you can have a match up~! I hope you like who I pair you with~!! Thank you so much for your support~! ;;
» » Admin Ko
𝕀 𝕊𝕙𝕚𝕡 𝕐𝕆𝕌 𝕨𝕚𝕥𝕙 𝕥𝕙𝕖 𝔽𝕠𝕝𝕝𝕠𝕨𝕚𝕟𝕘…
ᴋᴏꜱʜɪ ꜱᴜɢᴀᴡᴀʀᴀ
This man, absolutely loves you. He may be a mother hen, but he does it honestly all out of love for you. He’s quite observant and will know exactly when you’re most likely feeling off or when an event happens where the emotions you have plummet. He’s practically always there to catch you when you fall to darker thoughts. 
He admires your drive and compassion for others who deal with similar issues as your own. Always has your number as an emergency contact in case you need him or you need to reach him for something. When the first spiral happened he hadn’t realized that he was being unhelpful by coddling you too much. Now, that he’s learned, he’ll give you space when needed and send you constant loving reminders that you’re his entire world. 
Definitely is always the first to defend you if anyone tries to put you down or say something against you. He knows you’re mainly the neutral person and the mediator in any sort of situation and will not hesitate to put someone in their place if they’re making false accusations on you. He loves to hear your voice and your laugh. It brings him joy and can honestly melt any bad thing that’s happened to him that day in a snap.
Sugawara isn’t the best with jokes, but he does know how to be silly and honestly chaotic when he needs to be. If anything he gets help from Noya and Tanaka to help get you to crack a smile~. 
Now--- for a bit of zest~
Sugawara’s pretty setter hands aren’t just for setting volleyballs. They’re long and slender, and he definitely knows exactly what to do with them. He likes to grasp your thighs and pull you in close when he wants a little more than the sweet kisses you both share. 
He likes to let his fingers dance across your warm skin while he makes out with you. Practically unravels by the sound of your voice when he starts to kiss your neck. He’s probably already be palming up against you and rubbing you in just the right ways to get you grinding and pleading for a little more than what he’s currently giving~.
ʙʀᴜɴᴏ ʙᴜᴄᴄᴇʟʟᴀᴛɪ
. . . Yes there is a pattern-- I feel like any sort of motherly figure would suit well with you if I’m going to be honest, but I feel Bruno would most definitely be your other half. He’s kindhearted and observant. He takes the time to understand a situation and rarely ever lets his emotions get the better of him. Though we all know he will go apeshit if anything happened to those he cares about. 
Adores your heart of gold. He always will have this soft look on his face when you speak to those who have similar issues to your own. The way you nurture and provide them advice and comfort honestly warms his heart that he might just have a heart attack with how utterly sweet you are. 
Like Sugawara, he’ll know the exact moment you’re about to have an attack or if your emotions are spiraling downwards. He’ll excuse you both and get you home immediately before doing all that he can for you. He’ll comfort you for a bit, leave the door open a crack so he can make food and give you some alone time to recharge from the chaos that was his little gang. 
He’s patient and will always be there with a helping hand to get you out of your slump. Other then that, he loves seeing you interact with his teammates. The joyous laughs he hears and the jokes you crack with them literally just makes him want to start a family with you immediately. Honestly, he’s highly protective of you and will most definitely be your knight in shining armor when things get awry.
As for the zest~ 
Bruno is a man of passion. He drinks in your moans and gasps of pleasure. He’s also not just impeccable at talking, but heavily skilled with his tongue. Loves to eat you out and takes all the pleasure in seeing you writhe and come undone beneath him.
He takes absolute pride in giving you the utmost satisfaction and pleasure-- though if you were to give him anything back he’d be initially flustered, but will most definitely play along with you. 
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pastelninjaimagines · 5 years
Can I request D,F,J,P,R,W and X for Hidan pls ? 💕 I just love his character and I‘m really sad that we don‘t know much about him, so I love reading hcs about him 🥰
Thank you sweetie :) But yeah, it is a real shame that there were so many characters with such good designs but kishi was like: haha sorry i wrote nothing actually about their history or them in general oopsie...and Hidan is unfortunately one of these victims lol - mod tina
D reams - How do they picture their future with their s/o?
Hidan is a very live for the moment kind of person, and besides his religious aspirations, doesn’t really care too much for the future. One thing he’d probably hope for your future together is to be able to convert you to Jashinism if you aren’t already part of the religion. It’s a giant part of his life, so while he enjoys a relationship with you, if he’s gonna go the long haul with you, that’s something he’d want you to embrace
F ight - Would they be easy to forgive their s/o? How are they fighting?
Do not fight with this man. He is wild. He will get aggressive. He lives to fight. Lives for the feeling of pain. And while he’s incredibly maschocistic, he’s also a sadist. He thinks you look incredibly hot when you cry or when you’re furious with him. He’s got a pretty sharp tongue, so half the time he’s deliberately rilling you up. He craves conflict, even with you so be prepared. 
Not exactly fluffy lol so I won’t elaborate too much here. But make up sex. Is. The. Best. 
J ealousy - Do they get jealous easily? How do they deal with it?
While he definitely trusts you, Hidan’s got a short fuse. If he sees someone coming onto you, being the aggressive and impulsive guy that he is, he will try to start a fight with the person. And while he likes when it gets into a heated argument, he’s also looking to throw a punch. And mind you, someone doesn’t even have to get physical with you for him to react like this, if someone even looks at you the wrong way (if he’s feeling really keen) Hidan will look to start a fight. In a modern au, he gets into a lot of bar fights this way. 
P DA - Are they upfront about their relationship? Do they brag with their s/o in front of others? Or are they rather shy to kiss etc. when others are watching? 
is definitely a fan of pda. He likes to put his arm around you, pull you close to him. Grab you so that you’re sitting on his lap. Not above starting a makeout session in front of others (Kakuzu is sick of seeing your relationship on display - he likes to tell Hidan that if he catches you two doing intimate acts one more time he’ll kill him). Also he’s a bit of an exibitionist if you catch my drift. Will also go on long rants to anyone who will listen (or his unwilling captive audience in Kakuzu). He likes to tell random people how hot and amazing his person is. This man is all about the show, and he likes to flaunt that he was able to land someone so great as you.
R omance - How romantic are they? What would they do to make their s/o happy? Cliché or rather creative? 
He’s so-so with the romance. He tends to be a little cheesy when he tries this out. Hidan thinks that romance is him buying you things like a bouquet of roses and kissing you dramatically in the rain. But that’s almost the extend of it. His form of romance is very surface level. He’ll light candles and throw rose petals on the bed, sticking a rose in his mouth, waiting on the bed for you (he may or may not be wearing clothes) and wiggles his eyebrows at you when you walk in the room. And then he’ll complain that a thorn on the stem of the rose in his mouth cut his tongue. 
W ild Card - A random Fluff Headcanon. 
He gets a little whiny when he hasn’t gotten enough sleep, and when this happens he’ll just crash. And since he’s an incredibly heavy sleeper, he won’t be budging once he’s asleep. Often times, he’s fallen asleep in this state while you two were cuddling. So you are essentially trapped in his iron grip. Though, when he’s asleep is one of the only times Hidan is peaceful. Enjoy his cute, peaceful face while it lasts. 
X OXO - Are they very affectionate? Do they love to kiss and cuddle? 
He’s incredibly affectionate when he’s horny lol he’s a pretty young guy and hormones are definitely still a thing. He’ll cuddle you, nuzzle his nose into your neck and then start kissing that sensitive skin. He likes giving you large bear hugs from behind. Those are his favorite types of hugs. And he’ll lift you and spin you around. Probably his favorite place to kiss you is your ear, He thinks that it’s “your guys’s thing.” He’s also pretty playful and likes to swing your hand around while you guys walk holding hands. 
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mizumelona · 4 years
I am a girl, Aries, INFJ and a Slytherin. I am 5‘0 and have long, thick dark blonde hair, blue eyes and a baby face. I‘d describe my personality as very hot headed, sassy, savage and moody. Even though i am really bold I get uncomfortable easily and i am shy around strangers &my hobby is figure skating and i draw! I tend to overthink a lot, i‘m not very patient and i get bored easily. I feel like I need somebody who keeps me interested, is talk active and will just drag me with them haha. Ty :3
Hi! Thanks for sending your request!!
Okay so I ship you with…
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You two are great together because you can match each other’s energy, but…
Thank goodness he’s actually more level headed than you. Isn’t afraid to call you out when things are getting out of hand and he tries his best to playfully keep you in check.
Teases you when you’re feeling moody, but before you can actually get mad he scoops you up into a big hug and you forget all about it.
Lmao because of your baby face and height someone once thought he was babysitting you when you were on a date. He thought it was hilarious. He pulled a quick hug-them-before-get-mad thing there too.
It’s his secret weapon.
But oh goodness, someone help the poor soul that makes both of you mad.
You swear he can read your mind. Sometimes answers questions that you were thinking but didn’t say out loud. They don’t call him a guess monster for nothing.
You: *remembers something embarrassing*
Him: “Don’t worry. Don’t worry. No one remembers that”
You: !!!
He especially uses this skill when you’re overthinking something.
There’s never a boring moment with this boy. One weekend he showed up at your house unannounced and dragged you out to enter a lip sync competition with him. (Y’all won btw). With his commentary, even what would be a boring moment is fun.
He likes to sit behind you and braid your hair while you’re drawing.
He definitely has a beanie with your name and a heart stitched on to it that he wears when he watches you at the rink. Literally makes heart eyes at you the whole time he’s there.
At the end of the day he really loves you, and is always there when you need him. If he sees you uncomfortable around strangers, he’ll drop whatever he’s doing to help you out.
You once got separated from him at a party that actually sucked. Music was bad. Food was bad. You were surrounded by strangers who you just weren’t clicking with. You were trying to find an excuse to dip when…
“Oh! Found you!”
He literally ignores everyone, wraps his arm around your waist, and starts walking away with you
“You were late…”
“Sorryyyyy. Let’s go do something actually fun”
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someonefromabove · 5 years
Could you do a tmnt + Casey+ April where their girlfriend has a big bust and she wears button up shirts there’s a gap between the fabric and they can see her bra? (Tmnts respective colors)
A/N: Oh my 😏 By the way this was the one that got deleted and I‘m sorry, it may not be as good as the original version.
Pairings: LeoxReader, RaphxReader, DonniexReader, MikeyxReader, AprilxReader, CaseyxReader
Warnings: light smut? xD, mentions of underwear (if that’s a warning lol), nosebleed
color: blue
Oh my god, Leo would try so hard not to stare at you. It was pure torture to the poor boy, since he liked every inch of your body so much. When he realized that you also wore his color, it was over. Leo couldn’t contain his inner animal anymore as he threw you over his shoulder and got to his bedroom with you. Prepare for some punishment for teasing him.
color: red
Raph would definitely try not to stare, but he’d fail miserably. This view is just too welcoming for him and I think he wouldn’t even care if someone else was with you in the room. He‘d try to end the conversation you‘d have as quick as possible, just to guide you to his bedroom. The fact that you were wearing his color got him really excited and he now wanted to show you the only thing he liked you wearing more than this bra: nothing.
color: purple
Instant blushing incoming!!! When Donnie saw your bust, his face turned red in not even a second and he maybe even would start to get a nosebleed. Of course he wouldn’t tell the truth on why his nose was suddenly bleeding, but he’d say it’s because of the dry air. For the next few minutes (or hours) he wouldn’t even look at your direction anymore. He‘d be too shy to do so, since he didn’t want to stare at you.
color: orange
Mikey would definitely make a comment about his view like: „Wow, babe. I see you‘re wearing my color? Orange definitely suits you.“ He wouldn’t care if someone was in the room with him and you, everyone knew about Mikey’s flirtatious personality anyway, so why hiding it? He‘d also tease you a bit with that scenario, even days later. He’s a mean little fella if he wants to be, but don’t worry. You‘ll have plenty of opportunities to revenge yourself.
color: yellow
April would take small looks to confirm her sighting. But she internally got really excited when she realized that you were wearing her favorite color! She wouldn’t stare at you though and there also wouldn’t be a comment until you both got to bed at night. She’ll remind you on how she sees everything and that she liked what she saw.
color: black
Staring? Check. Comment? Check. Grinning like an idiot? Check. Wow, Casey would be the „worst“ of all of them. He’d be a combination of Raph and Mikey and no matter if you two would be alone or not, there would be a lot of staring and some comments involved. He‘d also proudly point out „his territory“ as he calls it to Raphael, just to make him jealous and show everyone you’re his. Yeah, he‘d be a pretty big asshole, but you‘ll love him anyway, right?
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kpophours · 5 years
Sea Salt and Summer Wind
➵ A.C.E: Sehyoon x fem. reader / one shot, summer AU / fluff
➵ warnings: mentions of alcohol
➵ word count: 1.8k
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„Watch out!“
The warning call comes a second too late, the volleyball already hitting home - aka your head.
The pain comes a second later, making you wince, tears beginning to form in your eyes.
„I‘m so sorry, oh my God! Are you hurt? Are you crying?! Oh no, does it hurt badly?“ The frantic voice piercing through your pain and blurry vision belongs to a young man wearing bright red swimming trunks and dark sunglasses. He falls to his knees in front of you, taking off his glasses and looking at you with warm brown eyes, gaze worried.
You forget how to breathe for a second because, damn, he is handsome.
„Oh God, did the ball hit you so hard you lost the ability to speak?“ Everyone else would have probably joked about this, but he actually sounds serious and extremely worried.
You can’t help but laugh, finally finding your voice again: „I- what? No, of course not! I’m okay.“ You aren‘t lying, the pain vanishing as quickly as it had come.
„Oh thank God. Still, I‘m truly sorry about this.“, he smiles a bit shyly, ruffling his blond hair, which is wind-swept and rough with sea salt, „Can… can I maybe make up for it by buying you some ice cream?“ 
Before you can give him your answer, an impatient voice rings out across the beach: „ Sehyoon! Will you just apologize and get that damn ball back? We haven’t finished our game yet!“ 
The man in front of you, Sehyoon apparently, whirls around and makes a rather rude gesture towards his friends standing some distance away beside the beach volleyball field, all laughing at him. 
„Thanks for the offer, but I think your friends need you.“, you say smilingly, shrugging and tilting your head to one side, „And my friend is already out and about to buy us some ice cream.“
Sehyoon sighs. „Well, okay then … still, I‘m really sorry about hitting you.“
You simply wave his apology away. „Don’t worry. But you should definitely be prepared to hear from my lawyer real soon, because I will sue you for destroying some of my immensely valuable brain cells.“, you grin at him and he laughs at your (rather bad) joke. 
„Well, I’m looking forward to it. That way we’ll see each other again.“, he replies cockily and you raise one eyebrow. 
„In court.“
He just continues to grin and stands up again, tucking the volleyball into the crook of one of his nicely toned arms. „See you in court, then.“
With that, he walks away and you can‘t help but stare at his retreating form - especially at his thighs. To be fair, those are some rather nice thighs. 
Just before reaching his friends and the beach volleyball field again, Sehyoon turns around and sees you looking at him. 
Even from this distance you‘re able to see his shy, yet pleased grin.
He thankfully can‘t see you blush, though.
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You and your best friend, who had finally returned with the promised ice cream about fifteen minutes after the volleyball-incident, spend the rest of the day lazing in the sun, sometimes diving into the shimmering blue sea between your sunbathing. The whole day, you feel your eyes wander towards Sehyoon more than just a few times. He and his friends are a bunch of five young, loud and energetic men; they run into the waves with loud screams, play beach volleyball and beach tennis while laughing at each other and challenge one another to build some rather impressive sand castles. Observing them is never boring. 
Your friend follows your gaze ever so often, grinning knowingly and just raising one eyebrow whenever your eyes meet. You ignore her, pretending to read a novel and to be definitely not looking at Sehyoon (or his thighs).
The evening rolls over the beach in the form of a beautiful sunset, making your heart ache with slight melancholy, the sky slowly turning from yellows and reds to dark purple and finally midnight blue. You know the change of seasons is just around the corner, but tonight, summer feels like it could last forever.
Soon, a few torches are being lit all around the beach, casting everything into a warm glow. A young staff member approaches you and your best friend, telling you about a bonfire just a few miles down the beach - your friend doesn’t want to go, so you simply shake your head and smile at the young woman. 
Shortly before leaving, you walk towards the sea again, stopping only when your feet are touching the gentle waves, relishing in the smell and sounds of the sea - it’s one of your favorites. Soon, you‘ll have to get back to your grey city life, filled with constant work and evenings spent alone in your too big apartment. 
You close your eyes, feeling at peace and far away from your daily worries. 
When you hear someone approaching from behind, you guess it’s your best friend asking you to leave, so without turning around you say: „Thanks for bringing me with you. I really needed this little get-away.“
„Well, just let me know when you’re in need of another one and I will gladly take you away. But maybe you should tell me your name beforehand.“
This is most definitely not the voice of your friend.
You smile and turn around, the gesture being mirrored on Sehyoon’s face, who stops just in front of you. 
„Sorry, I thought you were my friend.“
„I figured. So, did you get some ice cream, Miss I-will-sue-you?“
„I did. And my name is Y/N.“
„Mhm.“ He sounds almost disappointed, „Well, Y/N, can I at least interest you in some beer, then? I still think I owe you something.“
Your smile deepens. „Well, I wouldn’t say no to that. How about you get some beer and I’ll meet you at the bonfire?“
Sehyoon ducks his head a bit shyly, but grins, apparently pleased with himself. „See you in a bit.“
You hurriedly find your friend and tell her about your change of plans, she immediately gives you the thumbs up, wiggling her eyebrows suggestively. Just a few minutes later, you see her leave the bonfire, some black-haired, brightly smiling man at her side (you think it might be one of Sehyoon’s friends).
You find some seats a few feet away from everyone else, but not too far from the crackling fire and it's glowing warmth. Sehyoon finds you not much later, plopping down beside you and handing you a bottle of beer. 
„Thanks,“, you say quietly, suddenly way more nervous at the prospect of being alone with the handsome man.
„How‘s your head?“, he asks, gaze still a bit worried.
You roll your eyes. „I swear, I will hit you over the head if you don’t stop asking about mine.“, you reply jokingly.
He chuckles, his deep voice making a shiver run down your spine. „Okay, I will stop asking about your head… even if it is a very pretty head.“ He says the last part almost inaudible, but you hear it nevertheless. 
You blush slightly, before retorting: „Please tell me you don’t have some weird head kink.“ 
This time, he laughs out loud, throwing his head back in the process. He has a great laugh, warm and deep, and you can’t help but chuckle along. His eyes still glimmer humorously when he looks at you again. „I promise I don’t have any weird kinks. For the record though, I am generally against kink-shaming.“
You snort. „Good to know. You don’t know what weird kinks I have, after all.“
He grins wickedly. „Oh, but I do want to find out about them.“
Your heart hammers against your ribcage and you quickly take another sip of beer, looking away from the handsome man.
From the corner of your eye you see him still grinning, so you shove your elbow between his rips, making him yelp. 
„Payback for hitting me over the head with that volleyball.“, you simply shrug. 
He begins to pout - looking way too adorable - before leaning closer to you, playfully squinting his eyes. „And here I was thinking the beer was payback enough for that.“ 
You can’t help it - your eyes drop from his dark ones to his plumb lips and back again. His gaze is intense and warm, making slightly nervous and giddy at the same time. 
„Well, I‘ll buy the next round, then.“, you finally answer, voice hushed and low. Sehyoon just smiles softly.
You spend the next two hours talking about everything and nothing, words flowing easily between you, often drawing laughter from both your lips. Some time around midnight, Sehyoon stands up and extends one hand towards you. You raise one eyebrow in a silent question. 
„Let‘s take a little walk?“, he proposes, shy again and you smile softly, quickly taking his warm hand. 
„I‘d love to.“
The gentle sound of waves accompanies your soft conversation during your walk. You have long taken off your shoes again, walking through the cold water and soft sand. The wind picks up and you shiver a bit. Not even a second later, Sehyoon has already draped his hoodie over your shoulders, his arm lingering around your body longer than necessary. 
You smile and blush, looking at him from the corner of your eye. He tries to hide his soft smile, but you see it nevertheless. Feeling a sudden surge of confidence, you reach for his hand. 
Without hesitation, he laces his fingers through yours.
You feel giddy and happy and full of possibilities, looking at the moon and midnight blue sea, thanking the God of the Winds or whomever for sending that volleyball your way.
You come to a halt, Sehyoon stopping as well, hand still warm in yours.
„I don’t want this summer to end.“, you say softly, voice barely carrying over the sound of the waves, continuing to gaze at the seemingly endless sea in front of you.
Sehyoon smiles down at you, eyes shining in the moonlight. „An end always means a beginning to something new, too.“, he answers wisely, gently squeezing your hand. You return his smile, stepping closer to him and his warm, steady body, shivering when a gush of a cold air sweeps over you. 
„You’re quite the poet, you know.“, you whisper, already lost in the depths of his warm eyes. 
They‘re the last thing you see before closing your eyes, feeling the softness of his mouth against yours, tasting the sea salt und summer wind on his lips.
A beginning of something new… 
You find yourself liking the sound of that.
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[masterlist] | [requests] 
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two nervous idiots that fell in love
summary: Steve and (Y/n) cuddle together in their bed and remember how, why and because of who they fell in love.
request: Steve Rogers request where reader is Nat’s friend. She introduces the two together to try and get them to date. But they’re both too shy and nervous, so Natasha makes plans with the both of them, yet doesn’t tell the other and it’s actually just a set up date for the two?
pairings: Steve Rogers x Reader, Natasha Romanoff x Reader
warnings: fluff (!?), weirdness
words: 1879
a/n: sorry that this lasted so long but I had a writers block. That‘s the dump thing about being a writer: if you have no time, you wanna write; if you have time, you have no motivation or inspiration. Nevertheless I hope you enjoy this anon :)
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Her head lays on his chest while both her arms are wrapped around his waist. His warmth doesn’t just warm her body but also her heart. With a big smile on her lips she enjoys the whole moment. Steve next to her stares at the ceiling and has the same smile on his lips.
„Did you ever realize that we would never have met if Natasha would not have been?“ (Y/n)s voice is a whisper but nonetheless Steve does understand every word. He lets his gaze wander to his girlfriend which already looks up at him.
„No, but you have a point there. Without Natasha there wouldn‘t be an us.“ They both stare into each other’s eyes and remember the first day they met.
It wasn‘t a day like the other. Natasha had convinced (Y/n) to accompany her at one of Tony Starks famous parties. Actually (Y/n) didn’t want to go but what could she say against her upset best friend? So they went to this party and neither of them regrets it. Most of the people at the party are friendly. Above all a certain super soldier.
The first time Steve saw (Y/n), he was frozen. Like he was in the ice once again. Her beauty overwhelmed him so much that he couldn‘t move until Bucky bumped his elbow into his side.
„You are staring, pal.“ Kind of ashamed Steve looks to his feet and ignores the jokes Sam and Bucky are making about him. That‘s why they are shocked when Steve walks away from them and right towards Natasha and her strange friend.
„…and then I punched him right in the face…Oh, hey Steve.“ Natasha looks up from an excited (Y/n who seems to really enjoy the conversation she had with her best friend. Therefore Steve feels a little bit like a disturbance.
„I apologize to interrupt your conversation but I would like introduce myself to your pretty friend, Nat. I‘m Steve Rogers.“ His action brings a big grin to Natasha‘s lips because she already thought that he would do that sometime in the course of the evening.
„You are no disturbance at all, Stevie.“ Because (Y/n) can‘t get a word out of her open mouth, Natasha takes over her part. „My pretty friend is (Y/n) (L/n).“ After those words (Y/n) seems collects herself, closes her mouth and shows Steve a shy smile.
„Nice to meet you, (Y/n).“ As the super soldier holds his hand towards (Y/n), she takes a short look at her best friend then she takes his big hand. They both feel weird the moment their hands touch. It feels like a slight electricity goes through them.
„I go check on James. He looks like he drank too much.“ And with those words Natasha leaves the two of them. Steve looks after her because first of all he doesn‘t know what to say to the pretty woman in front of him and second of all he also wants to check on his best friend. Bucky stands next to Sam with his mouth open and eyes glued on Steve. He probably can‘t understand how his little Stevie could go to a pretty woman without any advice or preparation.
A laugh escapes Steves mouth because his friend looks really ridiculous. Then he looks back at (Y/n) who seems really nervous. Who wouldn‘t be while standing in front of the one and only Captain America.
„So do you wanna drink something?“ Quickly (Y/n) nods her head and they both walk to a small bar where Steve orders two drinks for them.
At first their conversation is a little bit strange and superficial but after the ice broke they talked about everything and everyone.
„I love and hate Nat for what she did to us that evening.“ Steve lets his hand wander through (Y/n)s hair and closes his eyes for a moment.
„It was quiet funny. When you poured beer over your shirt because you were too nervous to drink, was the best part.“ They both laugh even though Steve is still ashamed of this memory. (Y/n) thinks it‘s cute.
„But that‘s nothing against the one time you poured maple syrup all over your hands.“ Their laughs get stronger and (Y/n) hides her face in Steves crook of his neck.
„I love pancakes. When will we be there?“ Excited like a little child (Y/n) slips around on her seat in Natashas car. The moment the redhead told her about the new waffle and pancake shop in Queens she was excited over the moon.
„Calm down. There it is, you little baby.“ Natasha drives her black car in parking spot next to the small shop. Immediately after the car stops, (Y/n) leaves it walks over to the waffle and pancake shop. Only Natasha knows that there aren’t just pancakes waiting for her.
„I‘m so hungry.“ (Y/n) states as they enter the shop. The smell of waffles and pancakes surrounds them quiet quickly and for a moment (Y/n) feels overjoyed. Then she spots two certain super soldiers and understands why Natasha had this big grin on her lips all over the morning. „Oh no, you are joking right? I can‘t eat pancakes next to Captain America! Natasha!“ Whining (Y/N) turns to Natasha who smiles like a kid on Christmas. She is probably the only one besides Bucky who enjoys the whole situation. Steve also didn‘t know that (Y/n) would join them for breakfast so he is, like her, really flustered.
„You will survive this, (Y/N).“ And with those words Natasha greets the two super soldiers and sits across from Bucky. Slowly (Y/n) follows her with red cheeks and sits next to her best friend while mumbling a silent „good morning“.
For the first minutes they only do small talk then the conversation gets deeper. The moment their orders arrive the whole situation is more relaxed. And that is probably why (Y/n) grabs after a maple syrup bottle, opens it and somehow pours all of the syrup over her hands and shirt. Immediately the conversation stops and the three of them stare at the ashamed (Y/n). Natasha is the first one to react. She takes the hands of her best friend even though they are sticky and drags her to the bathroom. In silence Nat cleans (Y/n)s hands and then tries to get the syrup out of her shirt.
Only when Natasha looks into the mirror and makes eye contact with her best friend, she sees the tears in her eyes.
„Hey, (Y/n). Everything is alright. No one judges you. This could have happened to everyone.“ Quickly Natasha does dry her hands and lays them on her best friends cheeks.
„But it happened to me! Those things always happen to me. How am I supposed to get to know people when I‘m so stupid!“ Finally the tears find their way out of (Y/n)s eyes, over her cheeks and onto the floor. As best as Natasha can, she wipes them away.
„Hey, that‘s totally okay, you hear me? Steve probably thinks this is cute. He is as nervous as you are.“ Natasha takes (Y/n)s hands in her own and smiles at her. Right in that moment a knocking interrupts the silence. Slowly Nat walks to the door and opens it for Steve. Luckily she stands so that he can‘t see (Y/n) who tries looking like she didn‘t just cried.
„Ehm…I thought that maybe (Y/n) needed something to wear. She can have my jacket, if she wants.“ Steve doesn‘t know why he stutters but one thing he does know is that (Y/n) shouldn‘t think that he doesn‘t want to do anything with her because she was a little bit clumsy.
„Thanks, Steve.“ He can hear her lovely voice from inside the bathroom and after Natasha takes the jacket from him and closes the door, he goes back to a grinning Bucky.
„We were two big nervous idiots.“ (Y/n) states and looks up to Steve who smiles down at her.
„Two big idiots that fell in love.“ Again (Y/n) hides her face in the crook of his neck and hugs Steve harder. It still sounds unreal that they both each other. That Captain America fell in love with a normal and sometimes clumsy girl.
„You wanna know what‘s my favorite memory of the two of us?“ Steve kisses (Y/n)s forehead and as she slightly nods her head, he tells her. „Our first real date.“
Natasha told Steve and (Y/n) that she would like to have dinner with them but she didn‘t tell them that she doesn‘t plan to come so that they have some alone time. The moment (Y/n) arrives at the restaurant she has the presentiment that the dinner wont happen as planned. Natasha would never go to such an expensive restaurant with her. (Y/n) winces as she feels a presence right next to her. A short look tells her that it‘s Steve. But Natasha wanted to meet her alone? No one told her about Steve joining them.
„Hey, (Y/n). What are you doing here? Not that I don‘t like seeing you. It‘s just…“ At first Steve talks like he would to a good friend but then he starts stammer. To his luck he gets interrupted by an equally nervous (Y/n).
„Nat told you to meet her here?“ Now everything makes sense. Natasha set them up to a date.
„Yeah, she wanted to eat dinner with me…oh.“ Steve does understand their situation too. For a second there is silence between them. „Why don‘t we eat dinner together then?“ The super soldier smiles at the young woman who seems like she doesn‘t know what to answer.
„I would really like to but I would rather enjoy a walk or something like that. I don’t enjoy such expensive restaurants.“ Nervously (Y/n) bites onto her lower lip. For one moment she thinks that she destroyed the relationship between Steve and her but Steves smile gets brighter.
„That‘s totally okay. I understand that. I would too prefer an evening walk over an expensive restaurant full of rich and ignorant people.“
So they turn around and walk to the next park they can find.
„Oh and that’s why?“ Grinning (Y/n) sits up so that she sits in Steves lap. Her hands rest on his chest and she looks him questioningly in his blue eyes.
„Because on that day I got to kiss you for the first time.“ Playfully Steve pulls (Y/n) down onto him so they lay chest to chest. Their faces are so close they can feel each other’s breath.
After some time they reach a river and stand still next to it. The stars can be seen in the sky.
„Beautiful.“ Steve states and (Y/n) agrees but only does the super soldier know that he didn‘t meant the stars but the pretty woman next to him. In that moment he is so grateful to Natasha that she brought (Y/n) to Tonys party. „Hey, (Y/n).“ But he doesn‘t get the chance to finish his sentence because without warning (Y/n) kisses him. The kiss is thoughtlessly, wild but nevertheless good and satisfying. Ever since Steve met (Y/n) he always thought about kissing her perfect lips.
„I think you mistook it. I kissed you, not the other way around.“ Although Steve rolls his eyes, he still kisses his girlfriend.
Taglist: @xmarveled
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wolferals · 4 years
arón piper preference
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partying with arón includes:
-its usually him basically forcing you to go to a party/a club with him
-you hate people, uncomfortable clothes like tight dresses and heels
-but he convinces you by saying things like „ill buy you icecream tomorrow“ or „alright then ill hook up with a girl tonight“
-you guys were only friends but you hated it when he brought girls to you shared apartment when you were there
-it hasnt happened often though since he‘s not a one night stand guy
-so after you put on some comfortable clothes like jeans and a top paired with sneakers, not heels! he takes you to local parties
-he usually wears stuff like flannels and jeans or basic shirts and some shorts
-one thing you‘ve noticed was that he always smelled amazing when he went to parties
-parties mostly start with him and you having a drink and talking until he leaves to meet some people
-you hated that part
-you were too shy to talk to anyone so you just sat at the bar, had some drinks and looked through your phone
-no guy has ever talked to you, mostly because entire Madrid knows Arón and they notice you with him and probably assume he‘s your boyfriend
-so you were pretty lonely while your best friend was having the time of his life, some flirting, some dancing, some laughing
-until one day
-you guys were at a birthday party held at aròns favorite club
-and you were sitting on a stool sipping on your cocktail
-when suddenly someone tapped on your shoulder and you turned around
-a very very handsome guy smiled at you
-„hi.“ you smiled back while he sat down next to you
-„what are you doing here all alone?“ he asked you and then ordered himself a scotch
-„my friend left. He‘s somewhere over there.“
-he turned around and then looked back at you
-„that sucks! Why would someone leave a pretty girl at the bar?“
-he was cheesy
-but maybe that was exactly what you needed
-„well i dont know.“
-he laughed and replied:“so whats your name? I‘m Nick.“
-you shook his hand and kept talking to this attractive stranger
-at some point he gave you his number
-you were laughing all the time because he was this guy that was just naturally funny
-and he was sweet
-and seemed really interesting in you
-like no guy ever before
-„you wanna dance with me?“ he then asked
-you agreed happily and he took you to the dance floor
-there you started swaying your hips and didnt even think about anything
-he made you feel alive,
-forget about arón
-yes that way
-you had a lot of fun with Nick
-he made you laugh
-and was good looking as fuck
-you really started to like him
-even tho you didnt know him too well
-when a slower song came on, you decided to get a little closer
-eventually your head was on his chest since he was super tall
-and his arms were around you
-but of course your life wasnt a fairytale
-and someone had to destroy it
-„hey dude. Fuck off.“
-you looked at aron and couldn’t believe he just did that
-„arón stop it.“ you had to yell due to the loud music
-But arón somehow made nick leave, leaving you sad and angry at the same time
-„what the fuck?!“ you screamed at him
-„y/n you dont know this guy!“
-„i wanted to know him! He was super nice to me.“
-arón grabbed your arm and pulled you away from all the staring people
-„what the fuck is wrong with you? Every time a guy talks to me you have to destroy everything!“
-he grabs your arm a little harder
-„stop youre hurting me! You‘re fucking annoying.“
-he let go of you and just started at you
-you took your chance and made your way out of the club
-and decided to look for Nick to apologize
-but you couldnt find his piercing blue eyes anywhere
-so you stormed out of the club
-aron close behind you
-„y/n come on!“ he yelled
-„no leave me alone.“
-you were crying by now
-not because you loved nick so much or anything
-just because you‘ve had a crush on arón for too long and every time you met a guy who made you forget about him, arón pushed him away from you
-„im sorry!“ he spoke loudly, getting closer
-you then turned around, making him see your tears
-„oh y/n im sorry.“ he said and had reached you by now
-„no stop it! You always do that! You dont know how hard it is to find a boyfriend if you keep me away from everyone. How could I be happy like this? You dont even give me a chance to meet someone.“
-you were crying heavily
-and screaming
-arón was looking at you with big eyes
-„i dont want you to get hurt!“ he screamed back at you
-„but maybe i need that experience! Let me live my own life and stop deciding about who i can meet or not.“
-he grabbed you by the hand and wanted to pull you closer but you slapped him away and said:“just fuck off arón.“ before walking away
-back to your place to lock you in your room and turn on some music so you didnt have to hear his voice anymore
-an hour later you did as you had planned
-you were sitting on your bed, crying, listening to music
-aron had kept knocking on your door for 10 minutes straight but you hesitated to open up
-„im sorry! I dont know why i always do that. I just cant deal with you being sad, it hurts me too. Seeing you cry is shit. And maybe i just cant stand seeing you with guys. Like i dont care if its my friends but i care if its a guy i dont know. Especially if he‘s handsome and you like him. Yes i have issues and im sorry. But please dont hate me, if you like this guy ill help you find him. Even thought it hurts me. But i only want you to be happy. Thats all i care about. And im sorry i hurt you. And im also sorry for not having the courage to tell you this face to face but you‘re an amazing girl and no guy out there deserves you. They dont know you. They dont know what you need. Im the only guy that can read you, i know whats going on in your pretty mind. And im the fucking guy for you do you hear me? One day you‘ll see that i promise, ill show you how good i am for you. Por favor y/n.“
-the second he said your name you faced him, staring into his eyes
-„yo...“ he started
-but was cut off by you smashing your lips onto his
-just by this one kiss you knew how much he meant what he just said
-and internally you were screaming
-your tears were still flowing down your face
-but this time out of happiness
-he loved you
-and you loved him
-and even though he can be a lot, he‘s still pretty fucking amazing
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You know what they say about assuming
Also posted on ao3 here 
Summary:"Taako looks up from his phone at the man again, and now he’s looking around the park, confused, and then he locks eyes with Taako and yeah it’s definitely Kravitz and he still doesn’t have a kid with him and-- Okay, this is embarrassing." In which Taako thinks he's talking to a hot single dad but it turns out he's talking to a hot single dog owner. How he got them mixed up is beyond him.
Taako is hanging out at Magnus’ stupid pet shop, waiting for closing time so he can get a ride to Davenport’s house for dinner, when he sees him. The most handsome man in the world. Taako isn’t ashamed when he checks him out – discretely, of course, behind sunglasses – and likes what he sees. He looks flustered, like he doesn’t know where he’s going, and so he hops up, shooing Julia away before she can help Hot Stranger. 
“Hey, there, welcome to Hammer and Tails. You look a little lost, handsome, mind if I help you out?” 
Handsome Stranger looks a bit startled, his eyes widening a moment, and Taako smirks as he begins to stutter. “I– I, uh– Yes, that would actually be– that would– that would be really nice– uh– th- that’s rather inappropriate of a store employee to say to a customer, don’t you think?” 
“Well lucky for me then, I’m not an employee, just a regular ole’ chum,” Taako hums. “So I can’t get fired for flirting. Now, what do you need?” 
“O- Okay..?” Handsome Stranger seems to get even more flustered a moment before he fixes his sleeves absently and that calms him down a bit. “I‘m just looking for some of that Beniful stuff, I think..? The vet recommended this stuff, to help with some digestive stuff…” 
“Yeah, sure, bud it’s pretty easy to find just follow me,” Taako makes sure to walk in front of Handsome Stranger just enough for him to see his ass in the jeans he’s wearing but not too far so he gets lost. They get to the dog food aisle soon enough, and that’s where Taako’s knowledge ends pretty quickly because he doesn’t know where Magnus stocks what food. Thankfully Handsome Stranger sees the food and goes to inspect it. Handsome Stranger thanks him and grabs a bag, bringing it to the front of the store and checking out quickly. 
“Thank you so much, come again!” Julia calls after Handsome Stranger, and he leaves. Taako sighs, leaning against the counter, and she laughs heartily. “Taako…” 
“Look, Jules,” Taako stands back up, trying to seem nonchalant even though he’d literally jumped at the chance to help the stranger. “Julia. Jules. If you say a word of this to anyone, even Maggie, I’ll kill you I swear to god.” 
Julia laughs brightly, tilting her hair to the side, and she nods slowly. “Yeah, yeah, of course. I’m honestly kinda surprised, though, Taako; you usually are a bit more…forward. You didn’t ask this guy on a date the second you could.” 
Taako rolls his eyes. “It’s not always dick jokes and shit, I’m not always horny– okay, I’m always horny, but not everyone else is– besides, he’s a total stranger! Like, a really fuckin hot stranger, but still a stranger.” 
“I could give you the name from his credit card info,” Julia doesn’t even look at Taako as she says that, smirk on her lips as she starts to lock up. Magnus’ voice booms through the now empty shop as he checks on the various animal enclosures. 
Taako makes the “I’m watching you” gesture, glaring at her, and hops up on the counter while he waits. 
“It’s not like I’m going to see him again, which is a damn shame, but really. This was just a nice little gift while I wait for my fucking ride.” He raises his voice a bit at the last part, hoping to make Magnus come up front a bit faster. 
“Whatever you say~” Julia sing-songs. There’s a few minutes of silence before she speaks up again. “It’s Kravitz.” 
Taako’s head lifts from looking at his phone. “Huh?” 
“His name. It’s Kravitz.” 
Taako groans, because of course now she’s invested in something that’s never going to happen with someone he’s never going to see again. 
…Which is why, when he sees Hot Stran– Kravitz again, he’s kind of surprised. He and Lup are dropping off a batch of homemade dog treats for the new puppies at Hammer and Tails when he sees an oddly familiar set of locks disappear down the dog food aisle. His cheeks immediately burn bright at the suggestive waggle of Magnus’ eyebrows – of course Julia told him, the little – and he tries to subtly shake his head but by now the whole situation had caught Lup’s attention. 
“…Anyone wanna tell me why Ko is as red as my acrylics right now?” 
Magnus bursts out laughing at Lup’s casual question, bending over the counter and almost dropping the jar of –carefully made, and will not be replaced if they’re broken, thank you very much– dog treats he’d been given. Lup just stares, unamused, waiting for an answer. 
“Koko? Wanna get this one, or am I going to have to wait for this chucklefuck to stop laughing?” 
“Sorry Lup, so– sorry,” Magnus’ laugh is a little bit quieter now, and he straightens up a bit to put the jar of treats on a shelf. “That was a good one, caught me off guard. I was just teasing Taako about his crush on one of the customers in the store.” 
“Oh, why don’t we just say it louder so everyone can hear? Why don’t we just use the intercom to announce it to the whole store? Sounds great to me!” Taako says, trying to say enough things that Lup’s attention shifts to that and not–
“Oh, you have a crush little brother?” 
“I’m older, first of all.” 
“Irrelevant. Wrong, but irrelevant. Now, tell me about this little crush?” 
Taako groans. “It’s not a crush. Far from it! I helped him in the store when Magnus and Julia were busy–” Magnus coughs a cough that sounds suspiciously like “lies” and Taako glares at him. “–And while, yes, he’s rather handsome, I wouldn’t call it a crush. We barely talked enough for me to flirt, and he didn’t seem to like that much.” 
“Please, ,who couldn’t resist our genetics?” Lup scoffs, flipping her hair over her shoulder, and Magnus snickers. “Why don’t you go talk to him while he shops, hm? I actually need to borrow Maggie for a minute, talk about a present for Angus’ birthday.” 
“You’re finally getting him a puppy? Yes!” Magnus is already over the counter and dragging Lup to the back of the store where they keep the various pets before Taako can complain. He knows that Angus isn’t his kid, but he does have to live with the brat and if he has to also take care of that dog he’s definitely not having that and– 
“E- Excuse me..? Sorry to bother you, I need to– I need to check out…” 
Taako can recognize the voice without even turning around, having fantasized a bit about it in the two weeks it’s been since he last heard of it, but he turns around just to be polite anyway. He gives a confident smile, because he’s not at all flustered at the reminder of the thoughts he’s had about this stranger. Not a bit. 
“Yeah, sorry stud, I’m still not a worker here. I’ll page one of the workers though, they won’t mind.” He says, strolling behind the counter and hitting the intercom button. Since there’s only one patron in the store that he can see, he’s a bit less professional than he could be as he speaks into the tiny microphone: “Hey, uh, Magnus, Julia, can one of you come up to the register please? Register.” 
Taako hangs up with a shudder, remembering his brief (horrific) stunt in retail before he’d started working at Angus’ school. 
Kravitz watches with amusement on his face as Taako leans against the counter, trying his best not to look too interested in him. 
“So, what’s your name? Never caught it last time I saw you.” 
Kravitz looks almost surprised that Taako remembers, but quickly shakes that look away to one of cool, collected. “I never threw it.” 
“Hm, stole that one from Heathers. Nice.” 
Kravitz plays with the hem of his shirt, embarrassed at being caught probably. Definitely that. “My name’s Kravitz. Nice to officially meet you, I suppose.” 
“Right, right,” Taako nods along, pretending he didn’t already know it. He points his thumbs at himself.  “’Cha boy is usually called Taako.” 
“Alright…Taako…” Kravitz gives a shy smile, clearing his throat a bit. This is edging on awkward territory and Taako is almost tempted to page Magnus or Julia again when Magnus and Lup come to the front of the store. Lup has – thanfully – a small kitten in her arms, not a puppy, and Taako allows himself a small relieved sigh at that. Magnus kicks him out from behind the counter now that he’s returned and Taako obliges, instead sitting criss-cross on top of it. Kravitz has a confused look on his face as his eyes go between him and Lup, and he chuckles, mouthing the word “twins” to the other man. 
Magnus is quick to check Kravitz out before leading Lup back to the back, leaving them alone again. Taako, for what it matters, decides to follow Kravitz to the parking lot. 
“So you making this place homebase for the whole dog food thing, huh?” 
Kravitz seems surprised that Taako’s followed him, but recovers quickly as he nods. “Yeah. I’m– Yeah. The food I have to buy is pretty expensive, but this place has it about two dollars cheaper than usual.” 
“Yeah, Mag doesn’t like to upcharge. He makes most of his money on puppy training classes, anyway,” Taako looks at his nails, watching the other in his peripherals. “But I suppose it’s fate, now that I’ve helped you out here twice.” 
Kravitz laughs. “I– I suppose so? It sure does sound like lady fate wants us to meet.” 
“Right, right. So how about we talk about your absolute luck t have met me over coffee?” 
“What about your– your sister? You two look a lot alike, it’s so crazy,” 
“Well, we did carpool here, but if she spends any longer in there I’m fine with disappearing for a minute.” He shrugs. “So?” 
Kravitz has a smile on his face as he nods slowly, but he looks down at his watch and cringes. “I would love to, Taako, but– but– I promised my baby girl I’d be home to take her to the park at five…” 
“Oh,” Taako nods slowly. So he’s a dad? That’s a bit unexpected, but not a deal breaker. He tries to be subtle when he checks out Kravitz’s left hand, smirking a bit when he doesn’t see a ring. Hot, single divorcee? Oh he can work with this. “Your wife can’t do it?” He asks, just to make sure. 
“I am not married,” Kravitz says with a laugh, seemingly knowing what Taako was hinting at. He seems a bit flustered. “I really would like to get to know you, but I try to keep her schedule pretty regular. I’m away most of the day, and if she doesn’t get to play at the park she won’t sleep.” 
Taako nods, pretending like he doesn’t care even though he’s actually pretty damn disappointed. “Yeah, no problem bubula, Taako doesn’t mind. But hey, y’know, I’ve got one of those – well, it’s my sister’s but I live there to watch it – so maybe we can set up a playdate?” 
“That actually– That sounds really nice, actually. Do you want to– to, uh– exchange numbers? So we can set that up?” 
“Yeah, yeah, sure.” Taako smiles and pulls out his phone, and they quickly give each other their numbers with the promise to text later. Taako is remiss to admit that he’s actually really flustered by this interaction; he denies to the end of suns how, after saying goodbye to Kravitz, he ran into Hammer and Tails and squealed like a little kid (but Magnus and Lup saw; they pretend they didn’t, but they saw). 
So he has a potential date with a hot single dad. Alright, cool. 
He supposes there are some perks to having a brat at home. Lup and Barry won’t mind if he takes the kid for a playdate, especially with how little Angus actually gets out. Besides, it’ll distract him long enough for Lup to come over to Magnus’ and grab the damn cat they’re getting Angus for his birthday and come back without the “worlds greatest detective” or whatever noticing and getting suspicious. 
It isn’t until around eight o’clock after family dinner with everyone that he even remembers he gave Kravitz his number, despite how excited chill he was earlier in the afternoon. His phone buzzes while he plops onto the couch and he pulls it from his sweatpant pockets, already rolling his eyes at a meme one of the boner squad probably sent him, but his eyes immediately widen when he sees Kravitz’s name on the screen. 
Checking his hair even though it’s something Kravitz can’t actually see, he unlocks his phone and opens Kravitz’s message. 
[8:27 PM] FROM: Kravitz ;) Hey, Taako, it’s Kravitz. It totally occurred to me we never talked about a time or anything for our little playdate. Any preferences? I’m off during weekends if that helps. 
He waits just a couple of minutes, so he doesn’t seem too excited. 
[8:30 PM] TO: Kravitz ;) Nah, no preference, stud. Down for maybe Saturday afternoon? 
Maybe Krazitz does the same back to him, which is fucking stupid and lame, because it takes five whole agonizing minutes to reply. 
[8:35 PM] FROM: Kravitz ;)  Sounds good! 1:30 good? There’s that dog park near Hammer and Tails that’s really nice. 
Taako finds it pretty weird that he wants their kids to meet at a dog park but hey he won’t judge. Maybe he’s bringing the dog too. Not the most fun for kids, but then again Taako doesn’t know much about kids anyway. 
[8:35 PM] TO: Kravitz ;) 1:30 is perfect there’s no way I’m getting up before noon on my days off lmao
[8:36 PM] FROM: Kravitz ;)  Lol. Sounds great. I forgot to ask what age your sisters’ is, but mine’s 6
[8:37 PM] TO: Kravitz ;)  Aw shit really? He’s like 10 now I think, beats me
[8:37 PM] TO: Kravitz ;)  It’s probably alright though he doesn’t even know how to play much anyway he can get a lesson from your kiddo
[8:39 PM] FROM: Kravitz ;)  It’s good to socialize her anyway, doesn’t matter what age. 
They talk a bit more about nonsense (mostly Taako flirting) before Taako goes off to bed, grinning ear to ear. 
The day of the playdate comes much too fast, and Taako almost forgot to inform Lup and Barry of his plans. Which would have been bad. Put him out a kid, and then the whole playdate is ruined. He doesn’t know much about the brat Kravitz is bringing, only that she’s six and her name is Raven. He doesn’t know if he should pack anything – a snack, a leash, some toys – but Lup, bless Lup, already has a small backpack with a couple of Angus’ favorite books and some outdoor toys with the promise of these will be fine, they’ll just run around the park, don’t worry. So he takes Lup’s car and drives across town to the park they’d agreed on and waits. 
The park is empty save for one man and his dog, a pretty big Doberman that runs around the place with ease. Taako almost thinks it’s Kravitz, because he wears a similar hairstyle, but he shrugs it off because there’s no other kid at the park. So he sits and waits in the car, Angus already reading a book in the back seat. He waits about ten minutes before he thinks he’s been stood up, and he’s about to put the car back in drive when his phone buzzes. 
[1:36 PM] FROM: Kravitz ;)  Hey I’m at the dog park where are you?” 
Huh. Taako looks around, and there’s still just that one man, looking impeccably dressed for just a stroll at the park. He frowns. 
[1:37 PM] TO: Kravitz ;)  No, I’m at the park and you aren’t. There’s no one else here. 
Taako looks up from his phone at the man again, and now he’s looking around the park, confused, and then he locks eyes with Taako and yeah it’s definitely Kravitz and he still doesn’t have a kid with him and–
Okay, this is embarrassing. 
Taako would like to blame this on lack of communication, not how utterly stupid he was for thinking the guy at the pet store buying pet food wasn’t talking about his pet. 
Kravitz walks over, smiling, and waves a bit. Taako slides out of the car, not even bothering to unlock the car since Angus is old enough to figure out how to do it himself, and gives a sheepish wave as the Doberman follows Kravitz over to the edge of the fence near the parking lot. 
“Hey, uh, so this is going to sound real stupid, but uh…” 
Angus hops out of the car, looking upset that he wasn’t let out of the car, and Kravitz looks at Angus. Then at Taako. Then at Raven (the dog! Oh how stupid!). Then at Taako again. 
And he fucking laughs. 
It’s not a full-bodied, uncontrollable laughter, but a light, teasing chuckle that sends Taako’s entire heart out of his chest and his turns his cheeks ruby red. “Taako,” Karvitz lilts, and it’s almost too embarrassing, Taako almost just gets back in the car and drives off. “Taako, did you think– Did you think we were– oh, man, did you think we were having a playdate with children?” 
“…Maybe. But this is totally your fault.” Taako says. He crosses his arms over his chest. “Who calls their dogs their baby girl? Huh? That’s so fuckin’ weird, you can’t blame me for this one!” 
“I– When you said ‘oh I have one of those’ I assumed you meant dog, seeing as that’s what I was talking about. I thought I made It very clear that we were talking about dogs.” 
“Nuh-uh, bubula, you never said the word dog once while we were talking!” 
“We met at a pet shop, Taako.” Kravitz says, exhasperated, and this is all really just too funny. Angus is looking between them, confused, and clutching his book to his chest. 
“Taako? I thought I was going on a playdate,” He says, peeping into the conversation, and Taako groans. 
“Not now, Ango, I’m pretty busy trying not to die from how mortified I am right now,” He says, ever the dramatic. Angus just lets out a quiet “o- okay?..” before heading over to a bench and sitting down. The Doberman happily follows and Kravitz tries to scold her but she hops up onto the bench and plops down right in Angus’ lap, but the kid doesn’t seem to mind. 
“So, uh–” 
“Please, let’s never mention this again.” Taako says miserably, head in his hands. “I’ll never live this one down if any of my asshole family hears about it.” 
Kravitz smiles. “I suppose I can do that. On one condition, though,” 
“Anything to never have to remember this ever again.” 
“I’d like a real date, if you wouldn’t mind. Maybe without the kid or the dog this time.” 
Taako’s head whips up so fast he almost gives himself whiplash. “Wh– I– Really?” 
“I would very much like it, uh…You really are someone I’d like to get to know better…” Kravitz looks embarrassed as he talks, his cheeks warm. Taako just looks at him, eyes full of amazement. 
“Y’know, after that little blunder I just had, I probably would refuse to even think about you again. But I’d actually kinda like that.” 
“Really? Great! I mean– great that you want to go on another date. This one’s, uh– I mean, we can make it a great date? We still have daylight to kill, and it looks like Raven and Angus get along pretty well…” 
Kravitz offers a hand, and Taako takes it, laughing. 
“You’re not very good with words, are you, Krav?” 
The afternoon isn’t too bad after that minor ssue is resolved, and Taako is pretty happy by the end of it. He takes Angus out for ice cream after to get him to keep quiet about the whole ‘doggy playdate’ thing, and that’s the end of that. Right? 
“Mom, dad! Taako took me on a playdate with a dog!“ . 
“Angus you little traitor–!” 
“You did what?!” 
“I’m gonna kill you, little man!” 
…He really should stop assuming things. 
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