#even when she's super rude it's less 'i wanna kick her across the room' (like some people are with her)
voidfragments · 11 months
bro i'm gonna end up with a c1 furina before charlotte comes home
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Hi!!! Love your writing style you're so cool! I was wondering if you'd be able to write a sickfic focusing on atsumu and osamu-specifically atsumu taking care of his little brother! And maaaybe if you wanted to add some angst before it got better 👀 anyways hope you have a wonderful dayyyyy 😊
Anonymous said:
Can I get an unexpected sick atsumu that is at home from school with his brother after sleeping in. Their mother had the day off and didn’t feel like going anywhere so she allowed them to stay home. Maybe in the middle of the afternoon Atsumu starts to feel strangely sick but he hoped it would pass if he took a nap. He slept on the top bunk while Osamu plays video games on the bottom when he sudden wakes up without warning and starts to projectile spew. Caretaker Mom (cause I need some sweet momma content) and Osamu being supportive and understanding.
The Biggest Idiot of All Idiots: a Miya twins sick fic
Characters: sick Atsumu, caretakers Osamu & Mama Miya (lol)
Word Count: 3,426 (!!!)
Warnings: swearing, heat exhaustion passing out, and Miya-family shenanigans
Part 2
Thank you for the requests and kind words!! I combined it with one from @super-secret-sick-fics
I changed a couple details, but tried to stay mostly true to what was asked for! I hope that’s okay :)
This is gonna be a two-parter bc it got to be way too long. I’m not sure when Part 2 will be up yet.
I didn’t edit this at all (I never do, honestly) and I know I’ll hate myself for that later. But alas, I have zero patience so here it is!
Enjoy :)
Atsumu was rudely awakened by something annoying and probably stupid pushing up on his back.
“Tsumu, get outta bed ya lazy asshole.”
Ah yes, the annoying and definitely stupid thing was his equally annoying and stupid brother shoving the bottom of his mattress up from the bottom bunk.
“Why?” he grumbled and flipped over onto his stomach. He buried his head into his pillow and sighed. There was a subtle ache nagging at him on the left side of his head and he wanted it to go away.
“Cause Ma took the day off to do yard work and chores with us. It’s ‘sposed to be hot today so we said we’d do the yard work first thing. Remember? Or are you really that stupid?”
Osamu’s face popped up over the railing of Atsumu’s bed. His brother’s normal deadpan stare was accented by a single eyebrow raise of expectation.
Atsumu narrowed his eyes at him for a brief moment before groaning. He sat up and the pain in his head spread to encompass the rest of his head. Immediately, he was cranky.
“Fine. Just get outta my face,” Atsumu all but spit. Osamu’s face scrunched up, but he jumped down to the floor.
“What’s crawled up yer ass so early?” He mumbled, pulling on some athletic shorts. Atsumu wanted to respond with something snarky, but the pain in his head muddled his thoughts and he couldn’t think of anything clever enough.
“Screw you,” he settled on and crawled to the ladder to get out of bed. The headache would most likely go away after he ate something, so there was no need to say anything about it and risk getting teased.
Osamu eyed him, a frown on his face for a second. Then he scoffed.
“Alright assface. I’ll be downstairs. Ma made breakfast.” With that, he left the room.
Atsumu took his time getting dressed and ready for the day. He was moving slower thanks to the ache in his skull. The dumb headache also made his body feel tired and achy so he didn’t really feel the need to push things and make it worse.
“Good mornin’, Sweetheart!” His mother greeted when he finally made it to the kitchen. She was at the stove, flipping some pancakes, her salt and pepper hair pulled back in a loose braid. She was already in work clothes. Atsumu had to admit that it was going to be nice to spend some time with his mom. Their father ran a small convenience store, so she had to work full time to help supplement that income. He was excited to spend time with either of his parents when he could, even if it was doing chores.
The twins had, of course, offered to get part time jobs. However, both of their parents shut down the idea quickly, telling them to focus on volleyball and “enjoying their youth.”
“Mornin’” he yawned and sat down across from Osamu at the table. He was already half way done eating and scrolled mindlessly through his phone. Atsumu tried to do the same, but the tiny words and the blue light from his phone only exacerbated his headache, so he sighed and gave up. Instead, he put his head down on his arms and waited for his mom to tell him to come get his food. After a minute, Osamu kicked his shin under the table.
“Oi, what’re ya doin’?” he asked roughly. Atsumu rolled his eyes and exhaled, annoyed.
“‘M tired. That alright with ya?” He glared at his brother. Osamu kept steady eye contact, rising to Atsumu’s challenge. The lights burned though, and Atsumu had to blink. He clicked his tongue and turned his head away.
“Yer bein’ weirder than normal,” Osamu said with his mouth full of pancake. Atsumu’s lip curled in disgust.
“Yer disgustin’.”
“Says the pig.”
“Tsumu! Come get yer breakfast!” Miya-san interrupted. Osamu smirked at him, smug about getting the last word.
Atsumu sat down at the table with a single pancake, half a spoonful of scrambled eggs and a glass of orange juice. His mother gave him an earful about not eating enough and he was sure that Samu would do the same.
Osamu eyed his plate and then eyed Atsumu and then his breakfast again. His twin pursed his lips, but didn’t say anything, shoving more food in his mouth.
While Atsumu was grateful that his brother didn’t comment on his smaller-than-usual meal, he was incredibly suspicious of the lack of insults.
The truth was, Atsumu’s stomach felt...wrong. He wasn’t sure what it was because he didn’t feel sick persay, but he didn’t feel good either. Starting off with a smaller meal and going back for seconds was more appealing to him than having a plate full of food that his brother and mom would force him to eat.
Atsumu ate his meal in silence and hoped that it would help his headache and the strange feeling in his stomach before he had to spend all afternoon doing yard work in the blazing summer heat.
Osamu watched his brother weeding the flower bed with a careful eye. Something was wrong. He knew it from the moment Atsumu woke up. His stupid brother wouldn’t tell him anything (if he even registered it himself, the idiot) so the only thing he could do was keep an eye on him and make sure he didn’t start crying or dying.
They’d been outside for about an hour and a half now, weeding, mowing the lawn, planting new flowers, and whatever else their mom wanted and it was only getting hotter. The sun wasn’t even directly above them yet, but the heat surrounded them like a thick blanket. It felt like Osamu was moving through a pool of jell-o while he pushed the lawn mower forward.
Osamu was sweating and panting ever so slightly, but Atsumu looked like he just returned from a grueling volleyball game. He was dripping sweat and his shoulders moved visibly up and down with each breath he took. Osamu figured that his brother was probably dehydrated and too stupid to admit it or too stupid to realize it.
“Tsumu,” Osamu called. Atsumu pulled his head up from the weeds and squinted at his brother across the lawn. He was pale, and all of Osamu’s twinstincts told him Atsumu needed to go inside quickly.
“Wanna go get lunch?” He tried, because Atsumu was dumb and wouldn’t admit that something was wrong, so Osamu needed to find some excuse for them to go inside. There, his mother would realize that something was up and force his brother to rest and hydrate.
“We just ate not that long ago. You that hungry, ya pig?” Came the snappy comeback. It had less bite to it than usual. The lack of venom from this and the weak comebacks from this morning only solidified for Osamu that his brother was not alright. That, coupled with the sheer amount of sweat and his continued heavy breaths made it seem like the idiot was dying or something.
“Screw you,” Osamu sneered (because even if something was wrong with his stupid brother he was still an unbearable asshole). “It’s hot and I’m working up more of a sweat. So yeah, ‘m hungry.” Atsumu waved him off lethargically.
“Then you go in. I’m almost done here,” Atsumu all but wheezed and turned back to the flower bed. Osamu took a deep breath and tried to remember that he was attempting to be a good brother and good brothers don’t punch their dying brothers in the face.
“Just come in and get some water then,” Osamu offered, walking to stand behind his brother. Atsumu looked over his shoulder, his ugly face contorted into confusion.
“Why’re you being so nice?”
Osamu squeezed his fist by his side.
“If you get dehydrated, I’ll have to play setter tomorrow at mornin’ practice and I don’t wanna.”
Hopefully the threat of being replaced, even if temporarily, would get Atsumu to see some sense. The longer Osamu studied him the more (begrudging) concern he felt. Now that he was closer, he noticed a glaze over Atsumu’s eyes and a flush to his cheeks.
Osamu surmised from this that his stupid idiot brother caught a summer cold like a stupid idiot.
Atsumu hesitated, but eventually, nodded. He put his hands on his knees to push himself up. Osamu let out a breath he didn’t know he was holding. One battle down. Next he’d have to convince him to rest up some.
His relief was short-lived. As soon as Atsumu stood up, his knees buckled underneath him and he fell back onto Osamu heavily. Startled, Osamu just barely managed to keep his balance and catch him, holding Atsumu under his arms.
“What the fu--” he started, ready to lay into Atsumu, only to be stopped by the vacant look in his brother’s eyes. It was different from the haze he noticed just a second ago. It was like Atsumu wasn’t seeing anything. His eyes stared off blankly at nothing, half-lidded and foggy. He was still panting, but it was shallower, if possible.
The next thing Osamu noticed was how cool Atsumu’s skin felt, despite the intense heat and the flush of his cheeks. Atsumu, the dumbass, was indeed not okay.
“Tsumu? Hey, can you hear me?” Osamu asked. Atsumu’s eyes slowly found Osamu’s, but it still didn’t look like he registered anything. The only response he got was a whine.
“Shit. Yer so freakin’ stupid, you dumbass,” Osamu muttered. Atsumu groaned. There was no way he could get Atsumu into the house without help. Thankfully, the flower bed was near the front door, so he wouldn’t have to take him far, but the door was shut in an attempt to keep the hot air outside, so he needed help.
“Ma!” Osamu yelled, “Ma! C’mere, quick! Tsumu’s sick!” Atsumu winced at his brother’s volume.
“Sorry, ‘Tsumu, I’m sorry. Fuck. I can’t believe you--” Osamu said frantically, despite himself. He really didn’t like his brother, but he still loved him and this was still very scary.
Their mom was at the door a second later, concern already painted on her face. Upon noticing her one son all but unconsciousness, leaning on her other son, the concern grew to panic and she was outside and beside them in no time flat.
“What in the hell happened?” she asked, brushing Atsumu’s hair back. Her eyes widened when she no doubt picked up on the abnormal cool temperature of his brother’s skin.
“He’s been actin’ weird all mornin’. Then he came out here in this heat and I just convinced him to go inside for some water when he passed out. He’s so freakin’ stupid.” Osamu explained.
“Of course, the stubborn idiot. Let’s get him inside and cool him off,” his mother said, still holding Tsumu’s face.
“Yeah. I can do it, I just need yer help with the door and getting him on my back,” Osamu replied. The longer they were in this heat the more dangerous it became so they needed to move as quickly as they could without making things worse.
Together, they managed to get Atsumu on Osamu’s back.
“Hold on, idiot,” Osamu commanded. Atsumu buried his face into his brother’s shoulders. He weakly grabbed onto his wrist to keep his arms wrapped around Osamu’s shoulder. Relief trickled in to meet Osamu’s panic when he realized that meant that Atsumu may be coming to just a little. Yeah
As soon as they were inside, their mom went to the kitchen to get some water and wet rags while Osamu took his imbecile brother to the couch. He laid him down, putting his feet up on the arm rest (all the boys on the volleyball team knew how to deal with heat exhaustion) and brought the fan closer. He sat on the floor beside Atsumu’s feet and waited for him to come back.
Miya-san came back a second later with a sports drink and several wash cloths. She placed one on Atsumu’s forehead and he sighed (Osamu was once again relieved that his brother seemed to be registering at least a little of his surroundings). The others she used to pat down his arms and legs.
The next few minutes were tense and silent as they waited for the idiot of the bunch to cool down and return to the land of the fully conscious.
“Sa-Samu?” Atsumu breathed. Osamu’s head whipped towards his brother. Atsumu was squeezing his eyes shut, a deep frown settled on his face.
“Tsumu, thank god,” Osamu exhaled heavily.
“Atsumu, baby, can you hear me? How’re ya feelin’?” Their mother asked gently, sweeping his hair back and sitting on the floor beside his head.
Atsumu’s eyes trailed lazily to meet their mother’s and he took a second longer than Osamu would have liked to respond.
“Head...head hurts,” he whined and closed his eyes again, his eyebrows furrowing together.
“Mhm, that’s to be expected when yer a dummy that got heat exhaustion. When yer ready, I need ya to sit up and drink something, okay?” She said, cupping his cheek. Her words, though seemingly harsh, were always soft. They never failed to comfort the twins whenever they were upset about something.
Atsumu visibly leaned into her touch.
“H-hot,” he murmured.
“No, shit, idiot,” Osamu responded. His mother shot him a glare. He rolled his eyes at her hypocrisy.
Another few minutes later, and they eased Atsumu into a sitting position and handed him the green sports drink (which Osamu found gross, but was his brother’s favorite). He took small sips and deep breaths.
“I’m goin’ to go get ya a little something to munch on, alright baby? Call me if ya need something,” Miya-san said. She kissed the top of his head and left the room.
Osamu watched his brother with a careful eye. He took in the flush of his cheeks, the paleness of the rest of his face, his shaking hand that rested subtly on his stomach. Sure, he just passed out and these things should be no surprise, but something deep in Osamu’s bones told him that Atsumu was hiding something; that something more was wrong.
“‘M gonna go help, Ma. Don’t do anything stupid.” Osamu stood and Atsumu nodded. The lack of a return insult, the lack of any verbal response at all from his obnoxious twin set all of Osamu’s nerves on edge.
“Ma,” he said as he entered the kitchen, “I think Tsumu is really sick.” He leaned against the counter where she was getting some crackers to put on a plate.
“He just passed out from heat exhaustion, Samu of course he’s sick.” She smiled at him softly.
“No, no. I mean… he’s been weird all mornin’ and I think somethins’ wrong,” Osamu pushed. He couldn’t pinpoint it, but his whole body told him that Atsumu was being a bigger idiot than either of them realized.
Miya-san glanced over at her son. Osamu tried to convey on his face how strongly he felt about this, how she needed to believe him. She studied him for a second before nodding and turning back to the plate.
“Okay. We’ll keep an eye on him, alright?” Osamu’s shoulders relaxed minutely.
In the living room, Atsumu was lying down again, his head pillowed against the arm rest and his legs curled into his stomach. He was still frowning.
“Tsumu, you should eat something,” Osamu tried. The frown on Atsumu’s face morphed into a grimace.
“Don’t wanna…” he replied, petulantly.
“Just a few crackers, please?” Miya-san asked, sitting by Atsumu’s feet. He looked between the two of them and sighed.
“Fine,” he relented. Too easily, for Osamu’s liking. On Osamu’s list of Things To Hate About Atsumu, stubbornness was easily in the top three.
Atsumu nibbled on a few crackers until their mother seemed satisfied and left the room. As soon as she did, Atsumu collapsed heavily back onto the couch.
Osamu paused for a second before he gave in to his baser instincts as a brother and twin and sat beside Atsumu on the couch. Almost immediately, Atsumu repositioned himself to lean on Osamu’s shoulder.
Osamu felt the tension ease out of his shoulders when his brother exhaled slowly and shakily, closing his eyes.
“Are you gonna tell me what’s really goin’ on? Or are you gonna continue to be stupid?” Osamu asked after a moment.
His ill twin tenses again and Osamu almost feels bad. Key word: almost.
(If Atsumu was going to continue being an asshole, he would not feel bad if this came and bit him in the ass.)
“...I don’t know. Just been feelin’ odd all day,” Atsumu relented and Osamu’s eyes disappeared behind his hairline.
“Must be feelin’ pretty bad if yer admittin’ it so easily,” Osamu teased. The guilt pooling in his stomach was not something he’d share with his brother easily. His pride wouldn’t let him.
That didn’t take away from the fact that it was there though. Of course it was. Osamu could tell something was off the second he looked at Atsumu’s face this morning, yet he let him go on and work in the scorching sun all morning.
“Mmm,” Atsumu hummed, easing further into his brother’s side.
“Can ya tell me what’s wrong?” Osamu rested his head on Atsumu’s.
“Head hurts. Stomach’s been feelin’ weird,” Atsumu yawned. Osamu nodded.
“Wanna go take a shower and lay in bed?”
“Can’t move even if I wanted to.”
“I’ll help ya, stupid,” Osamu scoffed.
“Why’re you bein’ so nice?” Atsumu asked again. Osamu wouldn’t acknowledge the twinge in his chest that came when Atsumu didn’t believe that Osamu could be nice to him when he needed to be.
“No one else is gonna be,” he said instead.
“Ma’s here,” came the rebuttal.
“Let’s just go upstairs. You should get some rest so I don’t have to sub for ya at practice tomorrow.”
“Hate to admit it, Samu, but I don’t think I’ll make practice tomorrow,” Atsumu grumbled.
And well. Fuck. If Atsumu was already thinking that way, if he wasn’t fighting him about practice, wasn’t convinced he’d go tomorrow, then he must be really sick. The rock in Osamu’s stomach got a little heavier.
“Let’s go,” Osamu said. Atsumu nodded.
“Ma! I’m taking Tsumu upstairs to shower and get in bed!” Osamu called to their mom.
With that, Osamu eased his brother to stand, trying to ignore the way his face paled when he was upright, and slowly they made their way upstairs.
Osamu made Atsumu take a cold shower before he allowed him to settle into bed.
(Atsumu protested and whined the whole time. Osamu kept to himself that the argument that ensued made him feel a little better about Atsumu’s overall condition.)
Atsumu fell asleep almost instantly, curled into a ball around his pillow. Osamu gave him a sweatshirt and some athletic shorts to wear because he kept complaining about being cold. Convincing him that it was just because of the shower and that he’d warm up proved completely fruitless, so in the end Osamu relented.
Looking at his brother now, Osamu could tell that the worst was yet to come. Again, it was just a gut feeling. It set him on edge and kept his shoulders tight by his ears.
When Miya-san came to check on them, Osamu apologized, and though it meant showing his concern for his idiotic brother, asked her if he could skip their chores for the rest of the day and hang out in their room to keep an eye on Atsumu.
(Their mother was the one person they couldn’t lie to; she’d see past their proud facades and break them down with her eyes until they relented and told her what was really happening. Eventually, they stopped trying to lie to her.)
She agreed easily and told him she would run out to the store to prepare for the worst case scenario (see: Atsumu being a whiny little pissant). Osamu shouldn’t have been surprised that she believed him about his weird gut feeling. Thinking back on it, the two twins always knew when something was wrong with the other.
Miya-san left and Osamu took one last look at his brother sleeping on the top bunk before settling on the floor in front of his own bed. He grabbed an X-Box remote and turned on some game he’s played a thousand times, the volume low, and waited for the other shoe to drop.
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kittenofdoomage · 4 years
Sinful Sunday: Surprise
Fandom: Marvel
Pairing: Steve Rogers x wife!reader
Word Count: 1419
Warnings: smut, fluff, awkward stripping to Pony
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You’d never really been one for celebrating your birthday but it had felt rude to turn down Nat’s offer of a few drinks at a local bar. Clint and Bruce had joined you, and you had to admit, you’d had a good time, even if they’d embarrassed you with a single-candle cupcake and insisted on singing to you.
When you’d tried to make your excuses at around nine, Nat had been stubbornly insistent on keeping you there, rousing your suspicions. You conceded to another hour and another drink, watching your friend closely as she kept nervously glancing at the clock.
At ten, you grabbed your jacket, getting to your feet. “Thanks guys,” you smiled, “I had a really good night.”
“I’ll walk you back,” Nat insisted, standing beside you.
“It’s only a couple blocks -”
“I insist,” the redhead grinned, tilting her head. “Steve wouldn’t forgive me otherwise.”
You smirked. “Steve knows I can take care of myself,” you replied, sliding your arms into your coat. “But I suppose having a Russian assassin with me would be beneficial.” Nat grinned, looping her arm through yours. “Goodnight, gentleman.”
Clint smiled and waved as Bruce returned the sentiment, both of them apparently content to remain behind with their beers. Slipping through the crowd, you and Nat stepped out onto the sidewalk, walking in companionable silence towards your apartment.
“Want me to walk you to your door?” she asked as you approached the building.
You pulled away from her, shaking your head. “I’m good. I’ll see you Friday?”
“Sure thing,” she chuckled, shoving her hands into her jacket pockets. “Enjoy the rest of your birthday, Y/N.” The way she spoke made you frown but before you could say anything, she turned away, heading back towards the bar.
Dismissing it as your imagination, you unlocked the door to your building and climbed the steps, looking forward to a book and a warm cup of tea. With Steve out of town, you hadn’t planned anything for the evening; mostly, you were moping that he couldn’t be there. He hadn’t text you for a few hours too, which was unlike him, especially on your birthday.
The apartment was dark when you stepped inside, which gave you pause since you had turned the lights off before you left. Flicking the switch didn’t do anything, so you closed the door quietly and reached for the knife you kept in your boot. Pulling it out, you tiptoed down the hall to the lounge, listening for any sign of an intruder.
Lingering the lounge doorway, you went for the lamp, freezing when a voice split the darkness. “Don’t.”
You lifted your head, peering into the dark, unable to see anything. “Steve?”
Your husband chuckled. “You can put the knife down.”
Puzzled but no longer on edge, you did as he asked, putting it on the table with the lamp. “What are you doing?” you asked curiously. “How are you home?”
“Mission finished early,” he replied, shuffling about in the dark, and you squinted, trying to see what he was doing. “I flew home to surprise you. Nat distracted you for me.”
“Seriously,” you giggled, shaking your head at his behavior, “what are you doing over there?”
“This,” he replied, flicking a switch. A disco ball came on, flooding the room with multicolored lights and you shielded your eyes briefly, shock covering your face as you saw what he was doing.
Every piece of furniture had been moved to the sides of the room, with a single chair in the middle. Steve was dressed in jeans and a shirt, his feet bare, a nervous smile on his face. The stereo started to emit a low beat, making you jump with the sudden sound of “Pony” and the familiarity of it made a smile spread across your lips.
“Oh my god,” you giggled, covering your mouth in surprise.
Steve’s smile wobbled and he gestured to the chair. “Would you mind?” he asked, offering you a hand.
You accepted it, allowing him to lead you to the chair. He pulled at your jacket, taking it from your shoulders to toss it at the couch in the corner. “Are you seriously gonna strip for me?” you laughed, watching him as he moved to stand a little awkwardly in front of you. “Steve -”
“I’ve been practising,” he interrupted earnestly. “I know it’s one of your favorite movies.”
Clamping your mouth shut, you gestured to the floor. “Strip away.”
He nodded, smiling nervously. The song picked up a little, and the first few small movements he made were stiff, making you grin affectionately. Steve was careful not to look at you, obviously concentrating on his well-rehearsed routine, which only made your affection for him grow.
His shirt came off, button by button, and you clenched your fingers around the underside of the chair, wondering if it was the alcohol making you feel a little warmer. Steve kept moving, his super-soldier enhanced body making every move easy, and his confidence grew as the song went on. When he finally looked at you, the intensity of his gaze made you swallow and squeeze your thighs together.
It felt like the whole world melted away as Steve pulled the white vest up over his head before dropping down to grind against the floor. You giggled as the gyrating movement was more reminiscent of his morning pushups rather than Matt Bomer making love to a stage, and when he got to his knees, he crawled towards you, moving in for a kiss.
“You can stop now,” you laughed, grabbing for him.
“I’m committed,” he replied, winking as he got up, unbuckling his belt. You shifted on the chair, sitting forward to watch intently, and when he unbuttoned the pants, shoving them down, you briefly wondered if he’d actually gone the whole way and worn a thong.
Sadly, his perky ass was completely covered by his usual white boxers, and you reached out, stopping him as he finally got his jeans off and went for his underwear. When your hands caught his, he looked at you in bewilderment before something snapped, and he pulled you out of the chair.
“Bedroom,” you hissed against his lips, wrapping your arms around his neck. Steve was quick to respond, practically scooping you from the floor to carry you out of the lounge towards the bedroom, kicking the door open. You fell to the bed with him in a hot tangled mess, trying to strip your own clothes with far less grace than he’d displayed.
“Lemme help,” he murmured, sliding down to pull your boots off, helping you with your jeans and underwear until he could haul your naked body against his own, engaging you in a passionate kiss. “You got no idea how much I missed you.”
You grabbed his ass, smirking at him. “I’ve got some idea.”
Steve chuckled, kissing you again as he finally removed his boxers, grinding into you. “Happy birthday, Mrs. Rogers.”
Your witty retort was cut off by a cry as he pressed the tip of his cock into you, sliding home with one smooth stroke that stole your breath. Wrapping your arms around his shoulders, you met his lips eagerly, lifting your knees to rest your feet against his ass. 
Sensing your need, Steve groaned as he pulled back and slammed in hard, almost shifting the bed on the wooden floor. You whined, meeting him kiss for kiss, raking your nails across his shoulders as he fucked you, clinging to you like you might disappear on him. He poured every second of the last month he’d spent missing you into his touch, whispering your name over and over.
An orgasm swept over you, but your cry was muffled by a kiss. You writhed against him, core clenching as he slowed, and he lifted his head to look at you, smiling as he cupped your face. “I’m close,” he whispered.
“Inside me,” you begged softly. “Wanna feel it.”
His smile grew; he kissed you again, picking up pace as he chased his own end. In minutes, he was pumping into you, and you broke the kiss, crying out against his mouth. He slowed again, this time to a stop, coaxing you into soft lazy kisses. Eventually, he had to pull away, and you stretched out, smiling indulgently.
“Kinda glad I didn’t make any plans,” you quipped, eyes on Steve’s bare ass as he searched for some pants.
He grinned over at you. “This night is far from over.”
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ri-ahhh · 4 years
bad day
MJ has a bad day dealing with her snotty coworker, who wants MJ’s promotion and her boyfriend.
warnings: potentially triggering BD thoughts/language; smut; obnoxious amount of fluff cuz idk about you but I need some softness
“Hi sweetheart,” Grayson says with a smile as MJ stalks into the living room with a scowl. She plops next to him on the couch and hurls her heels off with a flourished kick, glaring at where they land a few feet away on the shaggy rug. His grin falls when he notices her pinched face and lack of returned greeting. “Rough day?”
MJ nods and curls into his side, silently pleading for him to wrap her in his arms. Grayson obliges immediately and pulls her into his lap, tucking her as close to his chest as he can. When MJ asks for physical affection as comfort, which isn’t as often as you might think considering that’s one of the best ways she shows love, Grayson knows she really needs it.
“’S the matter, Peach?” he asks gently with a kiss to her forehead. He smooths her long hair down and scratches his nails lightly on her thigh as she snakes her arms around his waist. “Chanel again?”
Chanel Marten is MJ’s coworker and a petty, idiotic thorn in her side; every bit the LA bimbo with the stereotypical Barbie looks and meanness to match. When she isn’t calling MJ fat behind her back or constantly trying to undercut her to their bosses in light of an upcoming promotion they’re both up for, she’s actively hinting at how much she disapproves of MJ and Grayson together. She’s been a fan of the twins for years, and doesn’t make it a secret that she is very much attracted to Grayson, which MJ finds partly amusing and wholly fucking annoying.
“God, how do you let him go to those influencer parties alone?” Was what she asked earlier today at their office. She was scrolling through the series of photos on Grayson’s latest Instagram post from the night before, looking his sexiest in that half-open linen button-down and his Louis pants. “I wouldn't let him out of my sight in public if I were you.”
MJ glanced over at her blonde coworker and couldn’t believe the audacity of this woman to go through her man’s Instagram right in front of her. She didn’t acknowledge it, answering her question instead. “I trust him. And he’s not alone, he’s always with Ethan.”
Chanel twirled her hair and sighed, clicking her tongue disapprovingly. It was the end of the day on a Friday, and she probably could have gone home already, but had instead chosen to wheel her desk chair into MJ’s office across the hall from her own. For what, exactly, MJ didn’t know; they were far from friends, barely amicable coworkers at best. Antagonizing MJ was probably the start of a good weekend for Chanel.
Her suspicions were answered a moment later with Chanel’s next choice of words, her irritating vocal fry even more prominent than usual. “Yeah, but all of those IG models in one room, and you guys aren’t, like, super public. What if he wants a taste of what he doesn’t have?”
MJ squeezed her mouse in a death grip, but didn’t divert her gaze from her screen. “What are you implying, Chanel?” she asked irritatedly, her patience running at the thickness of a piece of paper for the bitch by then. She had already thrown MJ under the bus in their morning meeting with their bosses for something MJ’s intern had screwed up in their presentation, and MJ had caught her making snide comments in the break room about her ‘birthing hips’ and ‘thunder thighs’ to Annie the Asshole from Accounting. Annie was another coworker who, upon learning that MJ wouldn't invite Grayson along to after-work drinks simply so she could meet him, had immediately put MJ in her hypothetical burn book.
Right then, she finally had a moment to go back into their projections and fix what her intern Alessia had mistyped in the final presentation copy, and Chanel was only serving as both a reminder of her actions in the meeting and a distraction from her getting her work done.
MJ wanted nothing more than to be at home with Grayson by then, a tension headache creeping steadily up the back of her neck and into her temples. She had been the lead on this client presentation, so staying at the office until nine or ten at night hadn’t been an unusual occurrence lately; she was only glad by then that this was the end of a rough few weeks of work as soon as she was done fixing Alessia’s errors.
Chanel smirked but hid it as a simper of sympathy, clearly thrilled she was visibly getting under MJ’s skin. “I’m just saying, MJ, you’re super pretty, but, like, you don’t work out that much, right?I never see you in the gym here, or hear you mention going to one after work. I mean, Grayson being surrounded by girls who do fitness for a living would have to be like being in a candy store for him. We both know how much he cares about living a healthy lifestyle.”
She double-tapped the post, her too-long nails that were clearly trying to emulate Kylie Jenner’s or the like clicking obnoxiously against the screen, and sat back in her office chair. “I think if I were you, I’d quit this place and concentrate on building a following. Maybe try the fitness influencer route, yourself. It’s a pretty good trade-off, if you think about it; Grayson gives you clout, and you get snatched for him. And, you’d be able to keep a close eye on him. Boys will be boys, after all.”
That did it. Chanel Marten didn’t know her life, and she sure as hell didn’t know Grayson’s character. MJ finally took her attention off her iMac to give Chanel a glare that rivaled Lily’s ‘you’re dead to me’ look in How I Met Your Mother. It took every ounce of self control she possessed to hold herself back from acting on the overwhelming urge to punch Chanel’s newly-doctored nose.
Upon realizing MJ was done fucking around, Chanel’s smug smile slowly faded, until all pretenses were dropped, and the two women just stared at one another. No more fronts — not cordial coworkers anymore, but rival ones.
MJ knew what this girl was doing. Trying to make her insecure in her relationship with Grayson, and question her position in the firm so she wouldn’t go for the promotion. Chanel was as dumb as she looked if she thought either of these would work, but MJ had had enough of both her intelligence and her appearance being so blatantly insulted. She swiveled back to her computer and started doing the last couple of tweaks to the report that she had started before Chanel so rudely barged in.
“You know, next time you wanna pull a fast one and make me take the fall for an intern error, I’ll be happy to let Lacey know you’ve made us all rush this presentation by turning your last three sections of analytics in late, which is why I didn’t have time to review Alessia’s portion since I had to work your shit in last minute. I have time stamps on my email to prove it. Not to mention, the screen recordings of Snapchat stories of you at Saddle Ranch that someone showed me from the same nights you sent them. Should be pretty beneficial for my interview for Executive VP next month, don’t you think?”
MJ smiled and emailed the altered report back to her boss, Lacey, and made sure her computer was completely locked down before reaching into a cabinet for her purse and lunchbox. She stood and looked down at Chanel, who had her arms crossed tightly and her overfilled lips pursed so they were unusually pale and thin. MJ was going to leave it at that, but she was very much done being the bigger person, and a brief moment of pettiness came over her.
“And I hope you do find a man as good as Gray one day; maybe having someone as kind and real as him will make you less of a cold-hearted bitch.” MJ dug her keys out of her purse, motioning with her eyes from Chanel to the open door. “Now, please get out of my office. I’m ready to go home to my amazing, faithful, sexy boyfriend.”
Chanel scoffed and rolled her eyes but did as she was told, rolling back to her desk and giving MJ the cold shoulder as she breezed past her office.
“I didn’t fucking do anything to her,” MJ whines into Grayson’s neck after relaying all of this to him. Her bravado and smugness towards Chanel had dropped almost as soon as she reached her car in the parking garage of her downtown office building. Her insecurities had crept into her brain to join her full-fledged migraine and made driving home in traffic an even bigger nightmare than usual. “She’s hated me since the day I started there, no matter how nice I’ve tried to be.”
“She’s jealous, baby,” Grayson murmurs at once, like it’s the most obvious answer in the world. “You’ve come in and been there half the time she has, done the same job way better than her, and got recognized for it. Nobody likes to be outshone.”
MJ sighs and squeezes him reflexively as she moves on to the other half of Chanel’s dislike for her. “And it’s like getting bullied by the head cheerleader in high school. She basically told me I was too fat for you and that I don’t work out enough to ‘keep up with your healthy lifestyle.’” She lets out a little mirthless huff of laughter. “I mean, usually she says it behind my back to Annie the Asshole from Accounting, so I guess I should be appreciative that she at least had the decency to say it in so many words to my face tonight.”
Grayson sits in silence for a moment, seething internally at the thought that some dumb bitch who doesn’t know him in the slightest could have the nerve to talk to and about his girlfriend like that. He reaches for his phone on the couch next to them. “First of all, you're not fat, and I’d love you just the same even if you were. Second, give me all her at’s. I’m blocking this girl on everything.”
God, could the man get any more perfect? MJ sits up some and cups his face, shaking her head with a small smile. “No, no, it’s okay, Bear. I don’t want to give her the satisfaction of knowing she got to me. If anything, I’d want you to post a thirst trap just so she can see what’s not her’s. What’s mine.”
“I think that could be arranged tonight,” he smirks, giving her a chaste kiss.
She attempts to smile back, but it turns into a grimace as her head gives a massive throb out of nowhere. “Shit,” she mumbles, pressing her fingertips against her temples. Grayson gives her a concerned look before she explains, “Headache.”
It takes all of three seconds for Grayson to secure one arm around her back and hook the other under her knees, standing and holding her bridal style. “Come on,” he says, like she really has a choice in the matter, and starts carrying her to their room. MJ wraps her arms around his neck and nuzzles her head into his shoulder with her eyes closed to block out the evening sun. “We’re taking a bath, then I’ll order dinner to eat in bed while we have a movie night.”
MJ nods gratefully. As usual, he knows exactly what she needs. “Ratatouille?”
Grayson chuckles at the hopeful tone in her voice. Ratatouille is one of MJ’s ‘sick’ movies; something quiet and nostalgic that offers that weird feeling of peace that you need when you just don’t feel good. “Of course, Ratatouille.”
He sits her on the counter once they reach the ensuite bathroom and pinches her chin gently between his thumb and forefinger, planting a warm, lingering kiss on her lips; not heated, but comforting. Just what she needs in that moment.
“Stay put,” he commands quietly. MJ agrees and starts to unbutton her blouse as she watches Grayson step into the closet, pulling out one of her favorite t-shirts of his and a pair of his boxers. He puts the folded items next to her on the counter and helps her untuck the shirt from her cigarette trousers, tossing it in the dry-cleaning pile before reaching into one of her drawers and retrieving her makeup wipes.
MJ sighs and closes her eyes as she lets him gently drag the fresh-smelling cloth against the skin of her face. They aren't part of her usual skincare regimen, but Grayson has been exposed to her routine long enough and is perceptive enough to know that they’re for late nights, or ones like tonight, when she just doesn't have the energy to do more.
It feels better than if she had been able to get herself to use face wash and toner and such, anyways. The coolness of it and pressure of his fingers feel wonderful against her eyes and cheeks, alleviating some of the pain there momentarily.
MJ flutters her eyes open when he’s done. “Thank you, Bear,” she sighs, which he replies to with a kiss before walking over to the soaking tub. She hops off the counter and unbuckles her belt and pants, then unhooks her bra and steps out of her underwear.
Her reflection in the mirror glares back at her, Grayson in the background fiddling with the knobs on the tub to get the temperature of the water just right. She watches his muscles ripple with the slightest movements, his abs outlined through the fabric of his t-shirt, and can’t help but focus back in on herself. There’s some extra squish around her upper thighs and arms that no amount of training would get rid of; a softness to her tummy that probably comes from her undying love of Oreos, which are her nighttime vice. When she compares the two of them in this intimate space, maybe Chanel was right…
“Stop that.”
MJ startles a little and looks up in the mirror from where she had unconsciously started pinching and picking at what were really the bits of healthy pudginess under her skin, to find Grayson standing directly behind her. The harshness in his tone makes her withdraw and blush some, embarrassed that he had caught her at such an insecure moment.
He wraps his arms around her middle, his open palms brushing against the skin of her belly. His touch both warms her insides and causes them to erupt in nervous tingles. For some reason, MJ has a hard time seeing the two of them like this, with her completely naked and him fully clothed. She isn't afraid, never with Grayson, but she feels incredibly vulnerable in a way she isn't used to with him.
Grayson presses a kiss to the back of her head and makes sure they have eye contact through the mirror before he continues. “I’ll be damned if I let some idiot girl who doesn't matter to either of us make you feel like you’re not enough, MJ. You’re perfect, you hear me? You’re perfect, and I wouldn't change one inch of you, inside or out. Please don’t pick yourself apart like that.”
His voice holds a mixture of conviction and sadness, and MJ bites her lip as she sinks her back into his chest, her arms folding around his at her waist. She brushes her palm across the crisp, dark hairs covering one of his forearms.
“I could work out a little harder, though,” she murmurs after a few seconds of silence. “And cut back on a few carbs.”
Grayson looks at her incredulously. She’s lean and athletic, but it’s impossible to have the juicy, natural perfection of her ass and those breasts without a little extra, which he actually adores; she’s the very definition of slim-thick, a beautiful personification of the word.
He isn’t sure what kills him more inside: to think he hasn’t made it abundantly clear to her that he loves every square inch of her body; or if girls, society, whoever it is, make her think that the hard work she puts into her physique isn’t enough simply because she has a body type that isn’t what Instagram or people like Chanel deem ‘perfect’.
Either way, he’s going to rectify things right this instant.
“First of all, MJ, I know exactly how hard you work out; I’m doing it every morning with you, five days a week at 6 AM, remember? I’m the last person to lie to anyone about how much effort they give in their fitness. I know how hard you push yourself.”
He spins her around and cups her cheeks in his big hands. His stomach withers and his heart hurts when he sees the faint glitter of tears illuminating her emerald green eyes, making him want to be extra sure his next words are heard loud and clear. “Second, if I ever see that family sized box of double-stuffed Oreos in the trash, not empty, I’ll have a meltdown wondering where the hell my girlfriend went. Please, MJ. Those girls at your work are miserable cunts who only want what they can’t have. Don’t bring that energy back here, on us. I love you, exactly as you are.”
MJ takes a moment and considers his words before relenting with a nod. He’s right. Chanel and Annie should be the last things she’s thinking about when she’s got the man of her dreams right in front of her, saying all the right things and bringing her back to reality with his sweet, supportive words.
“I’m sorry,” she sighs, leaning in for a tight hug from him. “I love you, too.”
“Don’t apologize,” Gray assures, rubbing her back soothingly. “Let’s have a nice, relaxing night now, okay?”
MJ nods, pulling away enough from his body to grasp the hem of his t-shirt. He wags his brows playfully as he lifts his arms so she can pull the garment over his head, and gives her a quick smile before ducking down to kiss her.
She seems to be feeling slightly better, and a weight lifts from his chest at the realization. “Don’t distract me,” he mumbles against her lips after they make out lazily for a few moments. “Or our bath will overflow.”
“Don’t be so perfect, then,” she says back with a smirk, giving his ass a little swat as he returns to the tub and drops a Lush bath bomb and a chunk of bubble bar into the water.
While he does that, MJ opens one of the medicine cabinets. She isn’t big on taking pills, but she relents today and pops an Excedrin as her head pounded again. Once she swallows it with a handful of water from the sink, she starts to pile her hair into a bun, but is stopped by Gray’s grip on her forearm.
Her eyes had zoned out on a random spot on the counter, but at the pressure of his hand she looks up in the mirror to see him as naked as she is. “Don’t be silly,” he chides lightly, a smile toying at the corners of his lips. “You’re getting the full treatment tonight, Peach. I’ve got your shampoo and conditioner ready to go over there.”
He pulls gently down on her arm, and her hair tumbles back down over her shoulders and back as she lets him tug her to the warm, foamy water.
Ten minutes later, the Excedrin has kicked in, soft music from their ‘chill’ playlist plays through Grayson’s phone on the edge of the tub, and his strong fingers are creating heavenly relief for her as they scrub at her scalp. She’s totally relaxed in front of him, letting his broad chest and shoulders cocoon her smaller frame as her eyes droop and she moans lightly.
“I’m sorry you had a bad day, sweetheart,” he whispers in her ear, making her shiver despite the steaming water they sit in. She snuggles closer to his warmth. “And I’m sorry you have to deal with those assholes every day.”
It takes a moment for her brain to form the words, but she hums contentedly in reply. “It’s okay. Don’t know what I’d do without you, though, Gray.”
It’s so true. She has never been the girl to be codependent on anyone, let alone the man she’s in a relationship with, but Gray has achieved that honor in a matter of a year and a half. Probably earlier, if she were being honest with herself, but her adult life before him was a blur. She’s forgotten what it was like to not have him by her side, and she doesn’t want to imagine a scenario in the future where he isn’t.
He finishes washing her hair, lulling her into an even deeper trance when he moves her dark, wet locks over one shoulder so he can massage her neck with deep presses of his thumbs into her tight muscles. His fingers are nimble and dexterous, strengthened by his renewed passion for rock climbing, and are perfect for loosening the tension under her skin.
“Mmm, fuck,” she moans, not meaning for it to come out quite so pornographic, but she feels nearly orgasmic in the relief his hands are bringing her. Speaking of… “You’re gonna get the best head tomorrow, I promise.”
Grayson chuckles, squeezing her shoulders now, too. MJ feels him twitch against her lower back, but he says in her ear, “I’m not doing this for you to return the favor. I just want to be the one to make you feel better. Because I love you, and you’re mine, and you deserve it.”
“I know you’re not,” MJ smiles. “That only makes me want to do it even more.”
He grins and moves his hands further down her back beneath the water, massaging his knuckles into the soft skin there as well before coasting up her sides. He cups her breasts as MJ sinks back against him, her breathing picking up the slightest bit as his hands work magic there, too.
“Is this okay?” he asks, his hot breath flowing straight into her ear and sending goosebumps flaring over her skin.
More than okay, she thinks. MJ nods, and gasps when his hands pinch her nipples gently between his ring and middle fingers, tugging slightly. She takes his large hand off her right breast and sinks it into the water, straight to her center, her legs already parting to welcome him.
“Just rub me,” she whispers, eyes closed as he doesn’t hesitate to obey. “Circles, like this.”
MJ guides his fingers over her clit for a moment to show him exactly what she wants, but this isn’t their first rodeo and Gray knows perfectly well what he’s doing. She lets him take over and simply lies back against him as he expertly brings her higher and higher, until she’s falling over the edge, twitching in his arms and moaning sweetly.
Grayson tilts her head back to kiss him, sighing into her mouth as she twists in his arms to straddle him. He’s completely hard now, and she takes him in her hand instinctively. Twenty minutes ago, sex was the last thing on her mind, but she feels so good and relaxed now that she doesn’t hesitate to line him up and sink down slowly on his dick.
She grins smugly when his eyes fly open and he lets out an embarrassingly loud moan, completely surprised by a warm wetness that is vastly different from that of the bathwater. When she had stroked him in her hand he thought she might jerk him off, but her pussy, still deliciously tight from her orgasm, isn’t what he’s prepared for as he becomes slowly encased in it.
It’s a good thing she doesn’t meant for it to last long, because he’s so overwhelmed and caught off-guard it only takes a couple of minutes max of her grinding up and down on him while she whispers hot, dirty things in his ear, for him to shoot deep inside her.
“Shit,” he huffs out with a little laugh as she raises herself up enough for him to slip out of her pussy. “Did you just give me the equivalent of a hand job with your vagina? I know that wasn’t for you.”
She giggles and sits back in his lap, shrugging as she nuzzles his nose with hers. “What can I say, I’m feeling lazy tonight and that seemed like the faster option. Are you complaining?”
Grayson shakes his head vehemently. “Of course not, but I didn't want you to do any work tonight.” His brows pinch a bit and his lips turn down into a pout. “Are you okay? How’s your head?”
MJ smiles softly and brushes his cheek with pruned fingertips. Even post-orgasm, he’s still concerned only about her. “Better, Gray-bear. Thank you.”
God, she loves him so much. She can’t resist wiping her hands on the towel and reaching behind him to grab his phone to capture him in that moment. His hair has gone curly in the humidity of the bathroom; the light from the window shines perfectly on his chiseled face, making his sex-eyes nearly pure green and illuminating his full lips that have curled into a small, crooked smile as he realizes her intention. She laughs when he takes it upon himself after a few serious snaps to play up to the camera, scooping up some of the bubbles and blowing them off his palm while giving her a joking, coquettish expression. Finally, she puts her back against his chest once again and they take a couple of goofy, up-angle shots, close-ups of their faces.
Photoshoot over, Grayson sighs and hugs her tight to him as he sucks kisses up and down the sides of her neck while she goes through the pictures. He’s making her head swim, but she manages to determine three of her favorites and doesn’t even bother editing them before adding a simple heart emoji in the caption and posting them to his Instagram once she earns his approval.
She turns around to put the phone back on the ledge before leaning in to plant her lips on his, slipping her tongue between them sensually. She could kiss this man forever, but eventually they start slowing down. MJ moves her kisses to his sharp jawline, trailing her mouth across and down until she gets to his neck freckle. She gives it a peck before pulling back, meeting his hooded gaze with warm eyes. It feels so good to just give each other these little bouts of physical affection with no real end goal. Just enjoying each other’s company, in their own space, caressed by the comforting warmth and scents of the bath.
Eventually, MJ peels herself away from him and stands up. Grayson stares up at her adoringly, admiring the way the water cascades over her body and rains down back into the tub. “C’mon, I’m hungry.”
She looks like a naiad with her long, dark hair covering her tits and dripping sensual trails of warm water down the dips and curves of her body. As if she doesn’t look delectable enough to him right now, her pussy is inadvertently right in his face, and his hand instantly reaches up to touch her. “Me too,” he growls, his fingertips tracing her lower lips and parting them so her clit is exposed. His mouth literally starts to water as he thinks about her earthy taste and her slippery arousal coating his tongue.
Just as he’s ducking in to swipe his tongue over her slit, MJ grips a handful of his hair and stops him, tilting his head back with that grip to make him look up at her questioningly. “Not now,” she says, taking her turn to scratch her nails along his scalp for a moment. “Still sensitive. And actually starving; I had to spend my entire lunch break fixing part of that report.”
Grayson nods understandingly and lifts the plug in the drain before standing up as well. “Then let’s get some Monty’s in you, hm?”
“That sounds amazing,” she agrees, her stomach growling right on cue.
They both chuckle and Grayson helps her step out of the tub before wrapping her up in a big, fluffy towel. He kisses her nose, then her lips, and retreats into the closet with his own towel to find fresh PJs for himself.
An hour later, they’re chowing down on some burgers and shoestring fries together in the fresh blankets of their bed while Ratatouille plays through the projector. And Chanel’s stupid username hasn’t popped up once in his likes or comments.
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spaceskam · 4 years
anon prompt: 08. I wrote my crush a note except I started it with ‘dear you’ and my friend stuck it into the wrong locker and now you think I have a crush on you Malex please?
meet ugly prompt list
warning: mentions of homophobia
“Today’s the day.”
“And you’re sure about that?”
“Absolutely sure,” Alex said, smiling through his nerves as he pulled out a note. He’d meticulously been perfecting a love letter meant for Kaliko Dyer. 
He was a gorgeous and incredibly kind guitar player and dancer and Alex had been crushing on him since he arrived at Roswell. They’d only spoken a few times, but he never was rude to Alex no matter how many times people warned him of his queerness. It seemed like a good sign that maybe he’d be interested in Alex right back. 
However, Alex was way too scared to actually say that to his face, so instead he’d written a note and was going to get Liz to put it on his locker. That way he could watch creepily from the safety of the other side of the hallway.
“Can I read it?” Liz asked, trying to peak over at it. Alex felt his cheeks burn as he contemplated it. On one hand, that sounded super embarrassing. On the other, he was going to give it to someone he knew a lot less than less, so why not?
“Just once.”
She gave a happy little squeak and they unfolded it, looking at the note together.
‘Dear You,
This is hard to write, but I’m going to do it anyway. From the moment I saw you, I knew that I wanted to get to know you. You’re cute and sweet and when you play guitar, I really just realized I like you. I like you a lot. So I wanted to ask you to homecoming.
It’s okay if you don’t want to, I’ll understand, but I really had to ask.
So, what do you say? 
“You didn’t put your full name, what if he doesn’t know it’s you?” Liz asked. Alex pursed his lips in thought before pulling out his pen and adding 4th block choir after his initials.
“There, there’s no one else in choir with my initials,” Alex said, “Now go before I change my mind.”
Liz laughed and shook her head, “Alright, alright!”
Alex watched in a pool of anxiety as she looked around and taped it to the locker. As the end of lunch bell rang, she ran away from it so no one would see her as the halls started to fill. Now he just had to wait.
Deciding to risk being late to class, Alex pressed himself against the wall and peeked around the corner, waiting for Kaliko to walk over and see the note. Except he didn’t. Instead, a different boy, one with unruly curls, grease-stained jeans, and guitar skills walked up to it.
“Fuck,” Alex cursed, eyes widening and his heart pounding in fear. He knew of Michael Guerin, they were in choir together, but he’d never really spoke to him before. What if he got offended or angry?
Alex was frozen as he watched Michael Guerin pluck the folded paper off the locker with confused eyes. He looked around as if expecting to find who put it there in a sea of people before unfolding it. Alex held his breath as he watched him read it, waiting for him to laugh or get grossed out or something horrific. He should’ve doubled checked the locker.
Instead of getting angry, though, Michael Guerin’s face slowly turned as red as a fucking tomato. He had a small smile on his face and his shoulders were all slumped forward, every bit of his attention on the letter. He seemed to read it a few times with how long he stared at it before carefully folding it up and putting it in his back pocket.
Alex spent the entire day dreading choir which was something he never dreaded. 
He’d been thinking all 3rd block about how he was going to tell Michael that, sorry, he didn’t mean it for him and he appreciated that he wasn’t angry. He was going to avoid having to put rejection on Michael’s shoulders.
He sat in his seat in the tenor section and kept his eyes on the door. When Michael did enter, he came in with a shy smile and heading straight for Alex. He took a deep breath and gave him a polite smile, preparing to fix his massive fuck up.
“Hey, I got your note,” Michael said, voice all soft and sweet.
“Right, about that, I’m sorry. I should’ve--”
“No, it’s okay,” Michael cut him off, grinning and pushing himself on his toes. Was he always that cute? Had Alex missed that before? “Yeah, I’ll go to homecoming with you. It’ll be fun.”
“Oh,” Alex said, blinking through his shock, “Y-you really want to?”
“Yeah,” he said, shrugging a shoulder as his face slowly but surely started to turn red again. He rocked up onto his toes again. “I’ve noticed you since I first saw you too.”
And Alex couldn’t find it in him to say it was given to the wrong person.
By the time Friday rolled around, Alex was feeling more than a little guilty.
He’d seen Isobel Evans excitedly helping Michael Guerin come up with something to wear, he’d received multiple selfies from the man himself in suits and at work, he’d sent a couple of his own, they’d both sent a couple more risque snaps... Point was, it was based on a lie and he felt like a dick.
“You like him now, don’t you? So don’t feel guilty,” Liz said simply, curling her hair in the mirror. Alex was sitting, waiting for 6 PM to roll around so Michael and Kyle would show up to the Crashdown to take them to the dance. He had to explain more than he wanted to for why he couldn’t be picked up at his own house.
“Still, I feel like such an asshole,” he groaned, “He’s so nice and I didn’t even notice him. Shouldn’t I tell him the truth? That it was an accident?”
“If he gets upset, you’ll be dateless,” Liz pointed out. 
“Okay, but aren’t his feelings more important than me being dateless?”
As if his ears were ringing, Alex’s phone lit up with another snap from Michael. He bit down on his lip and opened. He was freshly out of the shower, hair already curling and tongue sticking out. He was shirtless and wet and Alex had to swallow hard to keep his mind on track. Seriously, how had he not noticed him before?
The caption he’d put was a simple ‘here’s before i get all dolled up so you know i put in effort for you :)’. 
"Haven’t you guys been talking all week?”
“Yes,” Alex sighed.
“And don’t you enjoy him?”
“And don’t you think he’s super hot?”
“God, yes, did I show you that picture he sent me when he was at work?” Alex groaned, falling back onto her bed. It was weird to think that one little fuck up had led to him talking to a guy he never gave the time of day before, but god he was thankful. He not only liked the attention, but he liked him. He now knew more about him than he did about Kaliko and that crush had faded into the distance.
“Then why ruin a good thing?”
“Because I feel guilty,” he whined, “He thinks I’ve liked him since I first met him years ago and he actually has liked me that long.”
“That’s cute, Alex,” Liz said. Alex simply groaned louder.
Six eventually rolled around (after two more selfies of Michael smiling all sweet in his suit) and it was time to act like he hadn’t accidentally asked out the wrong guy to homecoming. Alex went outside to meet him at his truck while Liz and Kyle had their picture perfect moment inside with her sister and her dad.
Michael smiled, his face turning red all over again. It seemed no matter how cocky he could seem in pictures and over text, he always got flustered in person.
“You look... incredible,” Michael breathed, looking him up and down slowly. Alex shifted under his gaze and tried to keep his smile in check. “I mean, you always look incredible, but damn. Like... damn.”
“You look good too,” Alex laughed, stepping up closer. They hadn’t kissed or anything. Hell, they’d barely even spoke in person since that day in choir. They would look at each other across the room and text all night and send snaps back and forth, but there wasn’t much time to be in person except for a few minutes at lunch. But they’d sent shirtless pictures and suggestive messages, so did that give him the clearance to go in for a kiss?
He didn’t just to be safe.
“Not as good as you, though,” Michael noted. Alex rolled his eyes again. “You ready to go, Cinderella? Your chariot awaits.”
Alex laughed, but slid into the front seat of the truck.
“You wanna dance?”
“With you?”
“Well, yeah, I’m your date,” Michael laughed, still holding out his hand. The two of them had been leaning against the wall for a majority of the night, watching other couples dance. Alex, as much as he wanted to say he didn’t mind what people thought, was a little scared that dancing with a guy might bring unwanted attention. “Hey, if anyone looks at us sideways, I’ll kick their ass.”
Alex huffed a laugh and somehow knew he wasn’t lying. Michael Guerin had gotten suspended for fighting before. While he didn’t know the exact cause, he could definitely make some educated guesses now.
So, reluctantly, he let Michael drag him onto the dance floor and put his hands on his hips. Alex draped his arms around his neck and looked around. A few people looked their ways and a few rolled their eyes. The people around them gave them a little more space than necessary and that didn’t go unnoticed either. Well, to him. Michael was oblivious.
A few feet away, Kaliko was dancing with his date--a girl--and gave Alex a neutral look. It wasn’t disgusted, but it wasn’t exactly glowing with support. Suddenly, Alex felt pretty happy his note had fallen in the wrong hands. Kaliko would’ve said no.
“How are you so comfortable?” Alex asked Michael honestly. Michael shrugged.
“People are gonna judge me no matter what I do. Why not be my most authentic self while I can?” Michael said. Alex couldn’t help but smile.
“I guess, but I didn’t know you were out,” he said, “Like, I didn’t even know you were into guys at all. No rumors or anything. You fly so under the radar.”
“I’m straight passing,” Michael laughed, pulling more laughter out of Alex, “Nah, but out means different things for different people. Who I like is no one’s business but my own and the people who I’m interested in.”
“So did your friends know?” Alex asked.
“I mean, yeah. Just, I never, like, came out. I didn’t feel the need. I just spoke my mind when I saw hot guys and they were like ‘oh, okay’,” Michael explained. Alex smiled broader and shook his head as they swayed.
“I envy you, Michael Guerin.”
“Why? I’m the one that gets to dance with you,” Michael said softly. Heat pooled in Alex’s cheeks and, before he could even stop himself, he pulled Michael in for a kiss. It was short and simple, but it was enough to express that he really did like him.
Still, someone cleared their throat and one of the chaperones were giving them a distinctly disapproving look, shaking his head. Kids were looking their way too and Alex considered melting into the floor. But Michael just laughed.
“You wanna go to my truck? There’s less judgy people in there,” he said, loud enough that the chaperone and students around them could hear. Alex licked his lips and nodded.
So they left and Alex felt like he was floating on air. This boy liked him. Really, really liked him.
“Okay, I know a place we can drive to if you want,” Michael said, giving him that charming smile, “Somewhere, like, empty. It’s only a few minutes away.”
“Go for it,” Alex agreed.
Just like he promised, they were in the desert, making out in the front seat of the truck within 10 minutes. Michael was kissing him like he’d never been kissed before (which wasn’t saying much, he’d only been kissed twice) and holding him close.
“You wanna, um,” Michael breathed after awhile, “Go further?”
Alex pulled away a little to look at him, weighing his options. He hadn’t ever really gone further, but, honestly, with a boy who looked like that who was as ballsy as he was, he couldn’t see where he would have any regrets. 
“Yeah,” Alex agreed, “Yeah, if you want to.”
Michael grinned and nodded, going in for another kiss. He slowly laid Alex back on the seat, shifting them so Alex as laying comfortably with Michael between his thighs. He slowly started kissing down his jaw and his neck, hands roaming. Alex easily relaxed into the feeling, adoring the way it felt to be kissed and touched.
But then he opened his eyes and spotted the note peaking out from where it was held up by the sun visor. Then that guilt reared it’s ugly fucking head.
“Wait, stop,” Alex said. Michael shot up so quickly that he slammed his head against the roof of the truck. “Jesus, are you okay?!”
Michael’s face was contorted in pain as he rubbed the back of his head, but he still nodded. Alex sat up and reached up to rub the sore spot as well, frowning when Michael flinched at the pressure.
“Sorry,” he said. Michael shook his head.
“It’s cool, I’m okay,” he promised, getting situated again, “Are you okay? Did I do something wrong?”
“No, I just... I saw the note,” he said. Michael blinked a few times in confusion, his eyes traveling up to where the note was.
“Is it weird I have it right there?” Michael wondered, “No one’s ever, like, written a note to be before. I didn’t wanna lose it ‘cause, you know, it’s from you.”
Alex involuntarily groaned, laying his head back against the window and pressed the heels of his hands against his eyes. Michael was silent. So, so much guilt.
“The note wasn’t meant for you,” Alex admitted, sighing as he dropped his hands to look at him. Michael just looked confused. “Liz was supposed to put it on Kaliko’s locker, but she put it on yours and you got so excited that I couldn’t tell you no.”
Michael slowly sunk into the driver’s seat of the truck, all of his movements slow and lethargic as he processed what he was hearing. His eyebrows were furrowed and his mouth was in a permanent frown.
“So... you don’t like me,” Michael said.
“No, I do,” Alex insisted, “I just... Hadn’t noticed you before this week. And, I swear, I like you way more than I ever expected. You’re cute and funny and sweet and--”
“I’m gonna take you home if that’s okay,” Michael said softly, “Or do you want me to bring you to the Crashdown?”
“The Crashdown,” Alex said softly, “But, look, I’m sorry. I should’ve just told you. It was super unfair of me to... to...”
“To let me think you liked me as much as I like you,” Michael finished. Alex, again, felt like he was drowning in guilt. “But that’s okay. You didn’t know me, you don’t owe me anything.”
“Yeah, but I feel so bad,” Alex said as he started up the truck, “And I like you now. Like really like you.” Michael just shrugged.
“It’s okay, don’t feel bad,” he said, “You don’t owe me anything. It’s only been a week.”
The rest of the ride was quiet and Michael made sure to give him back the note before he left.
Dear Michael, 
I’m an asshole. I should’ve been honest with you. What a great way to start a relationship, huh?
Honestly, I didn’t expect it to start a relationship. I expected to barely talk to you and then have an awkward time at the dance and then go back to never speaking to you. I thought it was going to just be that.
I didn’t expect to talk to you every waking moment all week. I didn’t expect to get to know you and how nice and smart you are. I didn’t expect to learn about you and your dad and how you guys work on cars together. I didn’t expect to get obsessed with how cute you are or your pretty smile or the way you turn all red. I didn’t expect to make you laugh or for you to make me laugh. I didn’t expect to talk about my shitty dad. I never tell anyone about him. I know you don’t think so, but you are special to me. I’m sorry I didn’t notice you first. I’m sorry that first note wasn’t to you.
But this note is. And I’ll write you more as I get to know you more and have more to say.
Forgive me?
-A.M. 4th block choir
Alex waited in choir that Monday morning, tapping his foot against the floor as he waited for Michael to show up. When he did, Michael again came straight towards Alex again. He sat right beside him, facing forward as if that was his seat.
“You’re not a tenor,” Alex said dully.
Michael sighed and looked over at him.
“It was only a week,” he said, “You could’ve lied longer. Or we could’ve hooked up or started dating or something actually legit before you told me, but it was just a week. Yeah, it hurt that you weren’t into me for as long as I’ve been into you, but... I’m not mad.”
Alex couldn’t help but smile. 
“So you forgive me?” Alex asked hopefully.
Michael held back a smile as he shrugged and said, “I don’t know. You really obsessed with how cute I am?”
“Yes,” Alex laughed, “And you’re hot too. I literally look at that picture of you covered in grease and working on that car to, like, get myself out of bed in the morning.”
Michael snorted and finally looked over at him, letting his smile show. It was the most beautiful smile Alex had ever seen.
“Kiss me, then?” he requested. Alex gave a quick sweep of the room to make sure Mrs. Bernard wasn’t in yet before he leaned forward and gave him a short and sweet kiss. “Just, you know, be nice to me.”
“That I can do.”
“I also expect more shirtless pictures.”
“Fair is fair,” Alex agreed. Michael’s tongue pressed against his teeth as he smiled wildly, leaning forward to press a kiss to Alex’s cheek. He felt his cheeks heat up. “Thank you for forgiving me.”
“It’s all good,” Michael said, pushing himself to his feet, “I’m keeping this one in my wallet, by the way.”
“Okay,” Alex laughed, watching him walk over to the bass section and flop into his seat.
He felt really lucky that Liz had fucked up.
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cabin-7 · 4 years
Did someone say solangelo???
Secret Smooches
@i-love-all-books I got you bro
TW: I dont think there are any but tell me if any are needed.
Word count:2231 short and simple
AN: this started super late at night and I just kept comin back to it so here's a fluffy as hell Solangelo fic written by yours truly. It also not been checked so grammar mistakes aka terrible writing ahead
Nico didn’t know why it started. To most people, it was endearing what Will did but to Nico, he was just annoyed. He enjoyed kisses from his boyfriend, but not so suddenly. At least that’s what he told everyone else.
It started a few weeks into their relationship. Nico was sitting at the Hades table eating whatever he had first thought of when he heard Will walk past, seemingly talking with friends. He turned to wave and just as soon as he was facing him Will smacked a kiss onto his lips and kept on walking and talking as if he had done nothing in particular. Nico, on the other hand, was gobsmacked and raised his hand up to his lips. His head swiveled towards where Will had just sat down at the Apollo table and gave him a look that he hoped conveyed his message: “What the hell was that about?”. In return. Will simply smirked and winked at him. Nico felt blood rush up to his cheeks as he stubbornly turned back to his plate trying not to reminisce on the chaste kiss.
Then it became a routine. The thing was that it always happened before people showed up at the dining pavilion. Nico had convinced will to eat lunch because of it which was why Nico didn’t try to tell Will to stop. Because if Will ate lunch, he was taking care of himself, so what was a little kiss in front of a few people.
One day Jason had slipped into a seat across from Nico and was mindlessly chattering. He talked about his girlfriend which Nico wasn’t entirely interested in. He commented back nonetheless, so he wouldn’t be seen as rude. Jason was his friend after all. Their conversation slowly transitioned to another topic. 
Jason picked up a book that he had at his side. “I’m revamping all of the temples on the Temple Hill as you know,” he said excitedly as he flickered through the pages, “and I want your opinion on the Pluto temple,” he flipped a few pages back and flipped the book towards Nico to reveal messy sketches and notes. The drawings weren’t wonderful by any means and it was clear that Jason was still learning but it was definitely better than the last time he had seen Jason’s sketches. Nico wondered if he had gotten some tips from Hazel. Jason pointed at spots on the page and explained what he had visioned.
“So I think having some sort of torches would be fitting, but I don’t want it to be too dark,” he said with a huff, “I’m just not sure what to do for that.”
“Just promise me it won’t be like Hades cabin when we first came here,” Nico remarked, “it was so-” suddenly Nico heard his name being called. Looking to his left he saw none other than his boyfriend running up the hill waving his arms dramatically.  Nico glanced over at Jason who looked mildly confused. 
As quickly as he could Will rushed up to Nico.
“It’s kind of crazy in the infirmary so I have to skip lunch but-” Will started but Nico cut him off by holding out an apple.
“You need to eat something,’ he said, “and, an apple a day keeps the doctor away is how the saying goes right? That means you can scram for all  I care,” he teased lightly.
Will smiled at Nico and gratefully took the apple. “Thanks, babe,” he chirped before planting a sweet kiss on Nico’s lips that lingered for a few seconds. Not too long, but enough for Nico to blush ever so slightly. Will pulled away still smiling, “you’re the best,” he waved at Jason with a small ‘hey’ before ruffling Nico’s hair and running back to the infirmary. 
Nico watched him run off with furrowed eyebrows. He couldn’t decide whether to be angry, flustered, or endeared. He settled on a stone-cold expression he turned back to Jason. He also decided that his feeling for Will could be kept in his mind. Jason had a mischievous grin and at that moment Nico felt himself grow embarrassed and the blush return to his cheeks and ears. He felt like people might’ve been staring at him, but that he was used to. It was the look on Jason’s face that told Nico he was in for it though.
“So... Will Solace?” he questioned innocently and Nico groaned, burying his face in his hands. Jason cackled and leaned forward, “oh c’mon! You’ve gotta at least tell me about him!”
Nico shook his head and Jason only begged him for some information on the boy who had suddenly kissed him. After a lot of refusals, Nico let loose the smile that was tugging at the corners of his mouth and looked up.
Nico heaved a heavy sigh as he balanced his head on the palm of his hand, “he’s my boyfriend,” he confessed. Jason gave a subtle eye roll and muttered ‘duh’. Nico lightly hit his arm. “I’ve been dating him for a few months. We started dating on September 15 and today is…” he glanced at Jason for the date. 
The son of Jupiter laughed, “it’s November 18th”
Nico nodded, “right. Well anyway, he does…” he paused as he thought of what to say, “Since like October he’s been” he felt his face grow hotter and hesitated, “kissing me when I least expect it.”
“Awww!” Jason cooed, “that’s so cute!”
Nico glared at him, “don’t push your luck Grace. You may be my friend but that doesn’t mean I’m any less likely to punch you.”
The tradition continued, every day. Nico always thought he’d expect it, but then it started changing. Will switched up when he did, but made sure it was at least at one of the three meals. He said it was to make sure Nico was eating, but the other knew better. He knew Will was having fun with it, and gods be damned he wasn’t going to upset him.
So, it was definitely odd when Nico hadn’t seen Will at breakfast, lunch, or dinner. Call him a worrywart, but he knew something was wrong. Or at least he thought he did. So Nico finished his dinner wearily and even waited in the dining pavilion for a bit. People gave him odd looks. Jason teased him, but he didn’t care. He was just worried about Will and he wasn’t going to miss him.
Eventually, though, he decided that it would be better to look for Will than wait for him. So he hoisted himself off of the table’s bench and started to walk off into the camp. He decided to stop by the Apollo cabin. When he got close to the cabin he heard Dancing Queen by Abba being played loudly over High Hopes by Panic! At The Disco. There were other songs mixed in here and there not playing nearly as loud as Apollo children loudly shouted over one another.
Nico chuckled quietly to himself as he stepped on the porch. He wondered if knocking would even work, but there was no doorbell so he’d have to hope. He wasn’t looking to raise his voice or just open the door. 
Luckily children of Apollo have extremely keen ears.
As soon as Nico knocked he heard one of Will’s sister, Kayla, yell “QUIET” louder than was humanly possible. Nico was beginning to realize how loud Apollo kids really were. All music in the cabin ceased it’s playing and the door swung open to show Kayla with a bright smile and a lot of Apollo kids who seemed to be fighting. One had another pinned to the ground, holding a fist above her head as her brother squirmed.
“Yo! Nico!” Kayla greeted, “sorry about the ruckus, music debate night. You know how it is.” Nico, in fact, didn’t have a clue what she was talking about, “anyway, how can I help you?”
Nico could feel the eyes of Apollo campers glaring into them as they impatiently waited for their debate to resume. Nico smiled awkwardly, “just looking for Will, is he here?”
Kayla spun around and looked around the large cabin, “WILL?” she yelled. No reply. A small girl who was being sat on by her younger (but stronger) brother squeaked, “Haven’t seen him since this morning.” Another kid called, “who’s Will?” Kayla spun around back to Nico, “I think that’s your answer. Check the dining pavilion, maybe the infirmary. Though he shouldn’t be in the infirmary, I told him to catch a break.”
Nico sighed, “I’ve been telling him for the entire time I’ve known him,” He shrugged, “well… thanks, Kayla.” She nodded and waved before she picked up two pots. 
“You might wanna cover your ears, and close the door will you?” Nico shut the door and heard two pots clang together as Kayla screamed, “ROUND THREE! WARFARE!” before the music began blaring loudly once more. The bass was so strong that the cabin shook beneath his feet. Nico quickly hopped off the porch. Once he was a few feet away from the cabin the noise ceased. He assumed there was some sort of noise spell put over the cabin because he knew that if there wasn’t the cabin would’ve been heard all the way in New Jersey.
Nico pulled his black leather jacket closer to him as the chilly autumn air blew around him. While Camp Half-Blood had control over the weather, year-round campers liked to experience the different seasons, if a bit milder. Nico did too. He likes to see the trees changing and feel the colder weather kick in. Bonus: he got to steal Will’s jackets.
The son of Hades tried to peek into the infirmary through the windows but the curtains were drawn. Suspicion bubbled in Nico’s chest, but either way, he knocked. Unlike the Apollo cabin, the silence wasn’t nice to hear. So he tried the doorknob. Turns out it was unlocked so Nico walked right in.
“Will?” Nico called. There was a shuffling from a back room and a crash before a familiar voice called back.
“One sec!” Will yelled. His voice sounded a bit strained, but nothing worrying. Nico was more so worried about the crash and why Will was still at the infirmary.
Soon enough Will walked out of the backroom and tossed his gloves out before he rubbed his eyes. Nico smiled softly at him and cautiously held open his arms. Will smiled gratefully and walked into Nico’s arms, tenderly wrapping his arms around his torso and burying his head in his hair. Nico rested his chin on Will’s chest.
“Rough day?” he asked quietly. Will silently nodded and held Nico closer to him which only made the boy smile. “We all have bad days. Is there anything I can do to help?” Once again Will stayed silent, but this time he shrugged. Nico nodded and reached up to press a kiss to Will’s cheek. “Your siblings are being super loud right now. We can go to my cabin and watch TV or something.”
Will cracked a smile, “I forgot that it was a music debate Monday” he said quietly, “we can hang out in your cabin,” he took a deep breath, “that sounds nice.”
Nico smiled a bit more and let go of the medic, “wanna tell me what happened first?”
So, Will sighed and began to explain that on top of being busy, he just felt out of it. He was not only physically tired but emotionally too. Nico listened to everything he said as he spoke in a far different tone than usual. It was soft and quiet. And yet Nico knew that it was still his Will. So as they were about to leave the infirmary, Nico grabbed Will’s sleeve to stop him and planted a surprise kiss on his cheek like he always did for him. Surprise smooches always brightened up his day.
Nico rested his head on Will’s chest, “So, the dinosaurs are CGI?” he asked for confirmation. 
\Will nodded as he raked his fingers through Nico’s hair, “Yeah. it’s really cool technology, but I wouldn’t be the person to tell you about it. The son of Hades nodded, “It just looks so..so..”
His boyfriend chuckled, “real? Yeah, I know. It’s kind of crazy-” he was cut off by a sudden boy kissing him sweetly. Will blushed a bit but happily obliged to the sudden kiss that ended too soon for liking. “What was that for?” He asked.
Nico shrugged, settling back into where he was snuggled up, “you’ve given me a crap ton of surprises, why can you get one?” Will laughed softly and pulled the quilt on Nico’s bed up closer, “yeah that’s fair.”
“It should be a game,” Will said after a pause, “who can steal a secret smooch first?” there was a moment of silence between them before they both burst out laughing.
“You’re on Solace,” Nico said with a smirk. Will nodded and the two shook hands at an awkward angle before they both dove in for the first move of a game that would last way longer than they expected.
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Dash & Lux
Dash: ☀️🧙🏽‍♀️🎶🥁🎸🪕🧚🏿‍♂️🌿🌼🧚🔮💃💫🔥🕺🏻🌳💗🍯🍻
Lux: That is almost exactly what the inside of my head looks like right now!!!
Lux: Is mind-reading a power that is bestowed upon you believers this eve?! 🤔😲
Dash: Right on
Dash: it’s one of many, trust
Lux: I’m ever sadder I can only be an observer now
Lux: Telepathy would be the most useful!
Dash: you gotta open your 👀 at least twice
Lux: I can 👀 at it, all of it in its splendour, just not participate
Dash: Bummer! What’s got you backing off? You don’t look like no wallflower chick to me
Lux: I got the dress code 🌻🌻🌻
Lux: Sunflowers are so strong-looking for flowers, don’t you think?
Lux: Not dainty and delicate
Lux: Well, I’m a Christian and technically this is a Pagan ritual so it’s a big 🚫🚫
Lux: I am finding it super interesting though
Dash: they don’t look strong, they are, babe 🌻🌻🌻 cleaned up Chernobyl, it’s far out what they can do
Dash: its roots, yeah, but we’re not all pagans here & we all still find something to celebrate, you could do St John the Baptist’s birthday as a christian, bonfires were big for that too
Lux: Whaaaaaaaaaat????! TELL ME MORE
Dash: about 🌻🌻🌻 or 🎂🔥🎇🎆?
Lux: 🌻🌻🌻 birthdays are contentious too
Dash: Helianthus annuus, from the Greek helios, meaning ☀️ they can remove poisonous chemicals & metals from the ground, water or air
Dash: they spread rapidly & can stabilize if not totally clear a field in 3 years, it’s 🤯
Lux: I wish I’d gone to school
Lux: Do you know any more fascinating things?
Lux: That sounds like magic
Dash: the world’s full of magic, but it wasn’t school that taught me to recognize it
Lux: Share the secret, kind sir
Dash: you’ve got the 🔑 & this here’s your kingdom, all you have to do is hang out & stay hip to what you 👀👂👃👅
Dash: 🧠➡️⬅️⬆️⬇️↗️↘️↙️↖️↪️↩️⤴️⤵️
Lux: I’ve 👅 so many wondrous tastes today
Lux: I feel full in so many senses of the word
Lux: How long have you been a member of the kingdom, stranger?
Dash: quest accepted to lay that feeling on you in every sense, then it’ll be a rad celebration
Dash: I’ve been here since I could walk, everywhere else is too big a drag to keep me
Lux: Oh, that’s so kind!
Lux: Everyone is so open and willing to teach me things
Lux: For instance, quick, when’s your birthday, wolf boy
Dash: it’s that kinda space 🦊
Dash: 20th of January 🎂 got me on the cusp ♑♒
Lux: Twins!
Lux: My birthday, which I’ve never celebrated before, is the 20th of March 😱
Lux: Someone, I’m not sure who, was just telling me about the Celtic tree signs
Lux: ‘If you were born in the month of the birch, you probably have a fresh and unusual outlook on life. People born under this Celtic tree astrology sign tend to be highly driven and are always full of zeal and ambition. They always want more and try to reach new horizons and expand their knowledge. Some of the characteristics attributed to the Birch sign are tolerance, toughness, and leadership. The Birch signs can brighten a room with their smile and quickly charm other people’
Lux: Yay or nay 🐺
Dash: you charmed so far or nah? [obviously smiling at her wherever she is as well like heyyy]
Lux: [definition of this emoji 🤭]
Dash: What’s your celtic tree sign?
Lux: ‘Those born under the Alder sign are natural pathfinders. They have the ability to move people and quickly gain followers to their cause. The Alders have a way with words, mingle easily and people love to be around them. They possess a mystic charisma, confidence and strong self-faith. Other character traits are: a good focus on goals and ideas, can’t tolerate fluff and waste.’
Lux: I am unsure but flattered 😊😊😊
Dash: I dig it
Dash: they let you know if we’re compatible? Your ♓♈ cusp makes you mad desirable to all signs
Lux: You need to see who here was born 15th April to 12th May or 2nd September to 29th September
Lux: But it says I’m compatible with you, so how does that work?! 😣
Lux: There’s so much I have to get my head ‘round
Dash: You’re gonna be 🥰💖 for me while I’m 🔍 for a 🐈 or 🐤 born on those dates?
Lux: Hey, that’s way less nice!
Lux: but I can also be looking for people born 13th May to 9th June AND 10th June to 7th July so 😋
Dash: those signs are full of it, trying to make me look uncool but don’t sweat it, I’d never cut you that low, like
Lux: If it’s not in the 💫s I can still say I’m pleased to meet you today as friends, Mowgli
Dash: Look up
Dash: if you don’t see a 🌠 I can show you a 🐺🌟 & 🦊🌟 chasing each other across the sky
Lux: [obviously literally does]
Lux: That’s very Disney 🏰✨
Dash: is that allowed?
Lux: I watched some at a friend’s house one time
Dash: & how was it?
Lux: 😭 but romantic
Dash: Anyone told you the oak king story yet?
Lux: Okay, thank Goodness
Lux: this lady with the dreads and the big back tattoo tried to tell me but I couldn’t understand her 🙊
Lux: Redeem your gentlemanly reputation and save both of us the embarrassment
Lux: Her accent was wild! 🤯
Dash: did her version start with Fadó, fadó?
Dash: wouldn’t be a wild guess
Lux: I won’t credit you with any telepathic skills this time, then
Lux: also I’d need to 👂 it again to confirm fully but yes, I think so
Dash: [send her an utterly unnecessary voice memo]
Lux: It sounds more intriguing when you say it
Dash: [obviously gotta tell her the full story in an irish voice memo purely for the #flex and the flirt cos you know damn well you’re gonna have to translate it, boy]
Lux: 🤩
Lux: Did you learn that here too?
Lux: I’ve lived so many different places and yet I only know the one language
Dash: My ma started it but when the establishment took over it was a bad scene & turned me off for time, last few years here it felt groovy again having that connection & I refound the 💚☘️
Lux: It’s really cool
Lux: it sounds old, or like elvish or something else not real
Dash: it’s a trip, you’ve gotta get someone to teach you while your fly by lasts
Lux: Oh, I live here 😊
Lux: I room with Nora, do you know her?
Dash: Beats me, what’s her deal?
Lux: Her and her brother Finley have been here for a while, but not forever like you
Lux: but there are a lot of people here so I’m not surprised you’re not sure 😅
Dash: not a clue but loads of people are too rattled to wanna get involved, could be her vibe
Dash: or she just ain’t outta sight like you
Lux: She’s totally involved, she secured like all of the sunflowers for today
Lux: well, me and Amber helped but she was definitely the most enthusiastic
Dash: 🌻👑! I do know her, but her in with Amber & instant karma means she’s not gonna mess around with me
Lux: Ooh, what did you do
Dash: jack, Amber’s hassling me cos I’m not trying to be her old man, she gets super rash & things get heavy with 0 slack
Lux: Hmm I shouldn’t have asked 🤐🙉
Dash: ask her why she’s making a move on my older bro now if not to try & lay a trip on me, babe’s lost it
Lux: Whaaaaaaa
Lux: You have a brother?!
Lux: Is he invisible?
Dash: I wish
Lux: Which one is he, point him out
Dash: [points in the direction of their house lol]
Lux: [a face of understanding like oh okay]
Lux: How does Amber know him then?
Dash: from stalking me
Lux: I don’t think she would do that
Lux: She must’ve just bumped into him or something
Dash: at my house, yeah
Lux: It’s cool, it’s not really my business
Dash: open 👀 like I said
Lux: 📖
Dash: that too 🧠💗🤲
Lux: I can agree with that sentiment
Dash: we’re groovy then
Lux: Of course 😊
Lux: enjoy your evening
Dash: back at you, golden girl ☀️🎇👸🏼
Lux: I like your outfit too
Lux: it’s very ☀️🧙🏽‍♀️🎶🥁🎸🪕🧚🏿‍♂️🌿🌼🧚🔮💃💫🔥🕺🏻🌳💗🍯🍻
Dash: [comes over and ties a chain of flowers around her wrist like it’s a friendship bracelet energy]
Lux: [clearly delighted with this]
Dash: [ask her if she wants to dance even though you know damn well she’s only observing because kind of boy you are]
Lux: [so rude lowkey when she’s struggling so hard with what she does and doesn’t believe now, we’re in enough of a dilemma without your help but there we go; thus we will go dance with you because we do want to and we can make arguments that that isn’t joining in with the rituals of it all]
Dash: [he’s lucky Amber is busy because she would fight him, but instead enjoy your dance you two]
Lux: [the audacity of your lies about her, we were so awkward like 😬 anyway, we will have a nice dance though]
Dash: [such a dickhead he can only be humbled by fire, full offense Nora because we’re ignoring you hen cos you’re clearly wise to his bs]
Lux: [there’s clearly a growing group of gals who are unimpressed by your nonsense and that will be interesting to navigate]
Dash: [Definitely, but yeah probably do slip away like a snek before any of those gals do kick your ass]
Lux: 🎃👠🐁🌠🕛
Dash: A 📘 for the 🔥
Lux: 🤔?
Dash: it’s a drag, all that heavy shit with her fam is a bummer, she gets to split but only til 🕛 that’s some 🌠
Lux: Yeah, it’s enough to get help though and then she gets saved
Dash: nah, to get shafted, she don’t get to dance with anyone else there, it’s a scam
Lux: 😅 who else does she need, she’s got the prince, silly!
Dash: someone who recognizes her next day?
Lux: Touche 😏
Lux: Being a 🤴 is a lot of work
Dash: What 🤴 told you that?
Lux: Where to begin
Lux: I’ve known several who would say as much and the 👸s would never disagree
Dash: Fadó, fadó, fadó a bhí ann…
Dash: but I’d shut it down from the beginning, they gotta be shining you on
Lux: I’m going to have to have translate open constantly, I see 😰
Lux: but very noble
Dash: I try, like you & your ☘️ it’s chill we’ve all got your back
Lux: It would be way worse if it was the only language any of you spoke
Lux: thank goodness 😅
Lux: there’s lots more that’s more pertinent for me to get a grip on
Dash: 🧝🧝🏻‍♀️🧝🏽🧝🏾‍♀️
Dash: we’ve got you on the rest too, like, goes without saying
Lux: Most everyone has been super welcoming
Dash: how long have you lived here?
Lux: Not long enough that that’s insulting 😋
Lux: but gosh, a couple of weeks? Must be
Dash: nah I meant cos I don't wanna explain to you what sorta place this is like you're fresh through the door if you've had loads of time to find your own way
Lux: Oh no, I’m a total n00b
Lux: Hazel got me here but I’ve kinda just been left to it since
Lux: Anything you wanna tell me would be appreciated
Dash: did Amber or Nora give you the tour?
Lux: Amber’s been super busy and Nora likes to stay in our room mostly
Dash: not super welcoming
Dash: but it’s no sweat, I’ll show you round, we’ll have a blast
Lux: they’ve both got their own stuff going on, I don’t expect them to drop it for me
Lux: but that would still be cool, thank you!
Dash: say when
Dash: it’ll be as electric under the ☀️ as the 🌕🌖🌗🌘🌑🌒🌓🌔🌙
Lux: I can 👀 in the dark
Lux: You choose
Lux: find me when you’ve stopped having the MOST fun?
Dash: 🐺🐾🦊
Dash: Meet me in the orchard at midnight, ditching your shoes before
Dash: there’s an 🍏🌳🍎 you can 👀 the whole farm from the top of
Lux: And you’ll remember what I look like?
Dash: you look unreal
Dash: unforgettable
Lux: I got creative with the arts and crafts 🌟⚡️☀️
Lux: I’ve always made my own clothes
Lux: well, I made them for my sisters before
Lux: looking unforgettable was not the end goal there though
Lux: that was for secret
Dash: my nan would be hip to you, she used to make her own clothes, for her girl & her sister too when they wanted, it’s still a vibe for her
Lux: I will make her something then
Lux: what’s her style?
Dash: indescribable
Dash: I’ll show you pics
Lux: Awkward if your nan is cuter than you
Dash: at our age she totally was
Lux: Awh, you’re so sweet
Lux: I have nothing nice to say about my meemaw
Dash: keep it for mine when you meet her
Lux: You’re gonna introduce me to your nan? 😊
Dash: right on, she’ll wanna put whatever you make on for you to 👀 & it’s only a few fields over
Lux: 🏞 it’s a crazy beautiful spot to live, that’s for sure
Lux: so you live with her?
Dash: Yeah, my ma grew up there & when my parents called it quits she wanted to move back
Lux: You’re close-knit
Lux: that’s special
Dash: closer than I am to my da
Lux: Does that upset you?
Dash: I don’t let it upset my equilibrium, he’s uptight, that’s his problem not mine
Lux: I understand
Lux: I don’t agree with my dad on a lot of things
Lux: it’s still sad though
Dash: I got killer people round me, a 2nd family here accepting me for who I am, it ain’t cool he don’t, but they give me what I need
Lux: I’m happy for you
Lux: Seriously
Lux: again, that’s special, you should be really grateful
Dash: I am, believe me
Dash: you’re gonna scope out how special it is here now I’m in charge of showing you everything
Lux: I’d love to see your 🌍 how you see it
Lux: Kinda sounds like everything I need, honestly
Dash: you can, easily when we’re sharing a branch
Lux: 🧚‍♀️ you’re dainty, I trust you won’t let me fall
Dash: I’ll let you fall into something good though, new heights
Lux: Will it hurt?
Dash: no way
Lux: You aren’t pranking me, are you?
Dash: there’s no plastic on me, I’m being real with you
Lux: If you’re gonna try and jump me out in the orchard I’ll have to show you crazy and I really can’t afford to lose this place okay
Lux: so if I believe you right now and you were lying, it’ll be worse than it would’ve been, you feel me?
Dash: Hurting you isn’t my action, I’m about a gentler touch than that
Lux: and I’m not a bully, that’s not my vibe so that’s the warning out of the way
Dash: avenging 👼 I get it
Lux: My costume has you fooled, I think
Dash: Wait, so you’re pranking me?
Lux: No, I swear! 😅
Lux: I don’t feel like I’ve been anywhere near as nice to you as you have to me though
Dash: but you did dance with me & that was choice
Lux: I wanted to
Dash: me too, I wasn’t asking just to be nice
Lux: even though you’re very nice
Lux: I believe that
Dash: I think we’re getting somewhere
Lux: You understand why I’d find a boy like you being interested in me dubious at first, right
Dash: Nah, but I’m listening
Lux: Well it’s embarrassing to say
Dash: alright, listen, I think you’re the most
Dash: I’m embarrassed I’ve not met you before tonight
Lux: There are so many people to meet
Lux: and you’re like the 🤴 of this place, huh
Lux: you have to dance with all the ugly stepsisters too
Dash: if Amber said write that to bait me I’m shutting up
Lux: I think Amber left 🤔
Lux: And who’s calling her ugly, even if you guys have beef, like no way
Dash: & Nora’s gotta be back in your room cos that’s her bag, yeah?
Dash: so where are you?
Lux: I’m in the middle of [one hippie activity] and [another]
Dash: [go find her and dance with her again obvs, we can be bolder about if some of the haters are gone and it’s later so he’s clearly a bit more drunk/high by now too]
Lux: [the way you’re probably sober like how lmao, not saying you always are or will be ‘cos no but gotta have our wits about us ‘cos witchery is afoot; but yeah we all know it can shamelessly way more of a Thing™]
Dash: [at least Amber was too until her row with the bae even if she wasn’t the most present in other ways, so it wasn’t just you gal, but yeah, dispel any remaining fears she may have that you’re not into this please boy with this moment]
Lux: [we know you got your own going on, it’s good, this drama has to happen whether you like it or not babe sorryyyy, when you’re then even more into it because it’s like HELLO IS THIS ALLOWED, so new and fresh to get to remotely be this brazen]
Dash: [shouldn’t LOVE that for you but I do, we should probably let y’all go on your tour then because we’re both in a mood and there’s nobody to separate you]
Lux: [probably, but I will insist on making you wait ‘til midnight regardless]
Dash: [it is a fat mood and I did pick that time deliberately so yeah, dance the night away first hens]
Lux: [sure it’s probably near that time anyways]
Dash: [yeah absolutely]
Lux: [we can skip to the after in this if you like?]
Dash: [are we thinking am like did y’all fall asleep together or?]
Lux: [Hmm, do we go with the Cinderella and have her bounce or do we go against it and not, because then she would think he wasn’t a dick later]
Dash: [even though he’s a dick I still want all the cute I can grab with my smol hands]
Lux: [it’s not like you can’t be like I just fell asleep it’s nbd with it so yeah okay
Dash: [I also like the camber parallel of it all so]
Lux: [true true, we can do it, then you can just have breakfast as a group because duh, was it sunday or monday today?]
Dash: [I think it’s sunday aka Cosmo is having his 2nd date with Ruby tonight and then Camber breakfast dates start monday]
Lux: [okay then you will have to think of a creative way to ditch her then boy hohaha]
Dash: [at least he can just go home because Amber only stayed to angrily eat some fruit and Cosmo had a busy day ahead because I doubt the shower situation at this commune is thriving, water probably runs out always]
Lux: [what a poser lmaooo]
Dash: [and very rude not to invite her when she probably wants to shower or bathe too]
Lux: [we literally got gems stuck to our face but pop off]
Dash: [we know you’re not because your mother is there and sick of your behaviour but yes, it wouldn’t kill you to let her boy]
Lux: [no offence but run him over, anyway, some time later]
Lux: are you ⬇️🍄?
Dash: 🛹⚡️
Lux: aha, cool
Lux: good thing you didn’t invite me I’d end up 🤕 for sure
Dash: I didn’t stop you falling out of a tree last night to have you fall off a board later in the AM
Lux: Hey, you make it sound like I was 🤏 close! 😆
Dash: nah, your balance is sound
Lux: I don’t recall you stepping on my toes, either
Dash: don’t wanna have to start the day off doubting your 🍒 recall, that’d be a bad scene
Lux: I was totally sober thank you 😅
Dash: easy to claim the magic’s all you when I ain’t met you before but I’m a believer
Lux: Wait, was that a compliment or a diss?
Lux: Maybe I’m contact-wasted
Dash: contact with Nora would get you more sober, there’s a diss
Lux: Awh, don’t be mean!
Lux: She’s been really nice
Dash: chill out, I’m only playing
Lux: Hmm 😏
Lux: anyway, what are you doing later?
Dash: I said I’d hang with Yara
Lux: Oh cool, who’s that?
Dash: I’ll introduce you after
Lux: after what?
Dash: we’re done messing around
Lux: wow, alrighty then
Dash: you’ll like her, she’s a trip
Lux: I’m not totally sure she’d want you to 💬 that
Lux: or I’ll know what to 💬 now
Dash: it’s no biggie
Lux: idk, this is not the way I was raised
Lux: you say it’s not but idk, you know
Dash: you don’t have to meet her
Lux: Yeah
Dash: I think she’s rad but you gotta make up your own mind
Lux: It’s not about her
Dash: nah, you, I understand where you’re coming from, it’s a new world
Lux: Right, it seems really icky to me that you’d tell me any of this
Lux: it’s not about how rad she could be
Dash: Come on, Lux, I’m keeping this honest
Lux: I guess
Lux: Why do you need to tell me though, I don’t get it, for real?
Dash: I like you, I don’t want it to get twisted
Dash: 📖
Lux: Okay, I appreciate the sentiment then
Dash: I’ll come find you later, on my own
Lux: That’s okay
Lux: I’ve got lots of chores to catch up on
Dash: they’ll be done faster if I help you
Lux: I can’t stop you
Lux: the place is a mess after last night and the more people who pitch in the better
Dash: I don’t get why you’d wanna stop me
Lux: I don’t really wanna hang out now, not today anyway
Dash: I can’t believe you’re being like this
Lux: Being like what?
Dash: Amber
Lux: I’m not
Lux: you can’t hang out now, I can’t hang out later, how is it any different?
Dash: the way I’m travelling through today is a straight line, yours is all over the place
Lux: Good for you?
Lux: It doesn’t matter either way though
Dash: doing a u turn on me does matter
Lux: It does?
Lux: because last night you thought I was rad, so obviously this morning I wanted to hang out with you again, so I think it’s my turn to do the 180, if you think about it
Dash: I still think you are, last night was unreal & we can be again, I’m just asking you to take 5 cos I can’t split on Yara after making plans time ago
Lux: That’s fine, it’s not fine to be mad at me ‘cos I ask you to take 5 too
Lux: that makes it make no sense
Dash: I’m not mad at you, I’m trying to make sense of why you’re mad at me
Lux: I’m not mad at you, I’m upset
Lux: You only need to ask
Dash: idk I didn’t think this would go down how it is
Lux: Me either, I guess
Dash: you for real want space?
Lux: I don’t know
Lux: Can I get back to you on that?
Dash: yeah
Lux: I wanted to see you again
Lux: I thought you’d want to see me too
Dash: I do, you read me right last night, why are you gonna start disbelieving yourself today?
Lux: You want to see Yara more
Dash: I wanna see her too
Lux: Okay, have fun then
Dash: we cool?
Lux: I don’t know
Dash: idk what's turned you different, you were laying it on me like you got it, how I'm
like royalty & everyone wants a piece of my time
Lux: Oh my Gosh
Lux: I wasn’t being serious and I didn’t think you were
Lux: do you honestly think that, like what?
Dash: It's a touch plastic saying I'm like 👑 but still close to how it is
Lux: Um, you don’t even live here
Lux: you have a whole house and family
Dash: I'm here with my chosen family as much as I can be
Lux: Yeah, but what do you
actually do for this place, or anyone here?
Lux: The audacity to act like it’s your kingdom, that’s laughable and gross all at once
Dash: back off babe, I do whatever they need me to do
Lux: Babe-ing me right now isn’t a good look
Lux: manual labour at best makes you help, not visiting royalty
Lux: are you crazy, like, who do you think you are, seriously I’m so curious
Dash: Who are you? Thinking you can lay this trip on me about what I can & can't do
Lux: I’m not telling you you can or can’t do anything
Lux: I asked you not to call me babe, which is basic politeness
Dash: nah, you're telling me I don't belong to this place
Dash: questioning how I do like
it's up to you
Lux: I said you don’t live here, and you don’t
Lux: and I’ve never seen you contribute, maybe you were super busy before I got here, then I’ll apologize for that
Dash: you're doing a census, yeah? Hold up [everyone currently who doesn't live her like the petty prince he is]
Dash: I've got family here, they all keep me busy
Lux: Cool? Thanks for telling me who else is a tourist ???
Lux: You’re just being defensive, there’s no need if you’re secure in that and your place here
Dash: quit trying to rattle me
Lux: I’m truly not
Lux: but no, we’re not cool now
Dash: I made it known from the top where I live
Lux: Where you live isn’t the issue
Dash: what's your issue? I'm loved & welcomed here, that's all I said
Lux: That’s nice
Lux: I don’t really want to discuss my issue with you, with you, right now, if that’s okay
Dash: later then
Lux: See you around, Dash
Dash: I can't believe you think I'm a flake, this has me totally unglued, you know
Lux: I don’t feel great about it either
Dash: how can I make you feel less bummed out?
Dash: your tour was the most far out I've ever given
Lux: I don’t think you can, it’s done now
Lux: I just need some time to change what I thought this was, or was gonna be, in my head
Lux: but thanks, for offering
Dash: take your time to 👀 what we can be & how you wanna evolve
Lux: Maybe we can be friends later on
Dash: I’d dig it
Lux: I liked talking to you last night
Dash: I felt more connected to you than I usually do
Lux: I don’t think you’re an awful person, FYI
Lux: I just think you could’ve been clearer, and accept that you hurt me without getting way defensive, you know?
Lux: I can accept you didn’t mean to
Dash: I thought I was being clear
Lux: Yeah, I know
Lux: I’m from a very different background and place, it just didn’t translate well, clearly
Dash: yeah
Lux: but I thought I’d put that across well enough that you got that too
Dash: I do get you, but I can’t 180 myself to fit
Lux: No, I’m not asking you to fit my understanding, it’s fine you don’t
Dash: What are you asking?
Lux: Nothing, honestly, I’m trying to explain why I’m upset
Lux: Just like you can’t 180, I can’t change how I see and feel about it immediately, even if some of the ways I were raised are outdated or potentially bad, you know
Lux: You don’t need to do anything
Lux: From my perspective, it felt like a 180 and hurtful to tell me about hooking up with someone else the morning after
Lux: I know how you think and operate is totally different, but that’s it
Dash: but I wanna do something, to help you
Lux: You are nice…
Lux: I don’t know though, what would help?
Dash: I meant what I said last night about showing you this place, making it feel more like a home, how it is for me
Lux: Maybe you could come back and help with the chores
Lux: I shouldn’t have said you NEVER help out, I’ve not been here long enough to make that observation
Dash: maybe it looks like I don’t, cos with family you take liberties sometimes, that kid who’s naughty at home & don’t say shit at school, comfortable to play up
Lux: I have 8 brothers, I understand 😅
Dash: you can have that too, should
Lux: I did, as much as any of us did
Lux: I was a boy, remember
Dash: with 0 limits though, people trying to control & change what you do is for outside of here, I don’t have to think in my dad’s 🟥🟧🟨🟩🟦🟪⬛️⬜️🟫 way or do what my ma reckons is righteous
Lux: Sounds idyllic, Dash
Dash: it is
Lux: You have to understand my experience of people doing exactly what they want means someone is being exploited or abused for that person’s privilege
Lux: my parents had their utopia at the price of the things we wanted, needed
Dash: that’s why you need this new experience
Lux: Okay
Lux: I do want new experiences
Dash: the farm has the magic to grant you whatever you’re here for, no wish is the wrong size
Lux: You really seem to believe it so I will try too 😊
Dash: I’m about to 🛹⚡️ back if you wanna clean the opposite end or hide from me in the 🍏🌳🍎
Lux: That’s cool
Lux: but thanks for the warning 💗
Dash: don’t let how out of this world you look distract me then
Lux: I so don’t so that won’t be an issue 😌
Dash: It's an accident, huh? I feel you, it must be my fault I can’t look away
Lux: You’re way too smooth for your own good
Lux: but I wouldn’t say that’s a fault, necessarily 🤭
Dash: Hey, I didn’t manifest you into being, even if last night did feel like it had to be cosmically devined somehow
Lux: I felt it too
Lux: no one has ever
Lux: not like that anyway
Dash: you’re like a song I can’t get out of my head, I don’t want it to turn sad
Dash: I’m sorry I got you unglued too
Lux: It’s a lot more complicated than just you
Lux: it’s a whole thing
Dash: You’re gonna find people to share how heavy it is
Lux: 🤞
Dash: they’ll carry you through & even if it’s Amber I won’t let it bug me
Lux: I’m sure that’s a misunderstanding
Lux: I could talk to her? Subtly, of course
Dash: yeah, her misunderstanding me, you’ve got your reasons, she’s not new to any of this
Dash: her problem is she thinks she’s the most & everyone else should think she’s choice no matter what
Lux: Do you think she likes your brother?
Dash: no way, unless she’s got a football obsession now too
Lux: 🧲 maybe
Dash: idk
Lux: Me either
Lux: it just seems a bit crazy otherwise
Dash: he’s as uptight as my da, she’s never gonna get nowhere trying to mess around with him, whatever she’s doing it for
Lux: She won’t have any problem finding someone new
Lux: you said he’s older, right?
Dash: not loads, but he’s gonna be done with school in a sec
Lux: I see
Lux: so you’re the 👶
Dash: til my dad’s new lady puts her demands in
Dash: how many sisters you got to go with your 8 bros?
Lux: you don’t like her at all, huh
Lux: and 5, so they had a tough job being outnumbered
Dash: you heard of a WAG? That’s her whole deal
Dash: whoa, so you had a full time secret sewing job
Lux: yes, we lived in England for a while, that’s how I ended up here
Lux: like a Kardashian, I can see you not having a lot to bond over
Lux: exactly 😂
Dash: you gotta teach me, my nan would be jazzed
Lux: I’d love to!
Lux: there’s a surplus of old clothes to practice on
Dash: still a chore, we get to skip cleaning, yeah?
Lux: Mending isn’t as fun as creating but you’ve got to start somewhere so, I think so 😊
Dash: 😁
Dash: we’ll have a blast cos I gotta start somewhere on earning your forgiveness too
Lux: You’re sweet, Dash
Dash: I’m being for real
Lux: I know you are
Lux: I don’t know what to say though because I’m awkward 😳
Dash: it’s a hands on kinda task & you already know what you’re doing with it, it’ll be me feeling 😳
Lux: No flirting, only crafting
Dash: 🧷📏🧵✂️🧶📍✨
Lux: That’s a very impressive emoji selection
Dash: missing 😍💞🥰💓😘💘 but it’s chill
Lux: Idiot 😏
Dash: 💟 is the compromise
Lux: Okay, that’s adorable
Lux: allowed 🤭
Dash: [show up and take her hand to lead her off to sew, we know you weren’t far away bitch]
Lux: [the way you just melt when he shows, oh gal]
Dash: [I’m upset about it]
Lux: [we know you really like him, for better and worse rn]
Dash: [thank god he does actually like you and it’s not a straight up Drew and Ro situation happening]
Lux: [we can only do that ‘cos they both lowkey suck so we aren’t sad lmao]
Dash: [I like this gal too much to be that evil]
Lux: [it’s drama enough without it being entirely one-sided like no lol]
Dash: [I hope some sewing does take place amidst the blatant flirting because learn a useful skill for once in your life dickhead]
Lux: [we aren’t gonna just roll over immediately ‘cos actually did upset us so you will have to]
Dash: [yay]
Lux: [so that’s probably the vibe for today ‘cos yeah we absolutely won’t even though it’s clear we still like you like that too, so you’ll just have to hang out platonically]
Dash: [it’s gotta be the vibe for a while, sucks to suck boy, but obviously hang out until that girl comes to find you because you clearly do also wanna hang out with her platonically it’s not just like that vine where he breaks the skateboard]
Lux: [a quality vine]
Dash: [do we wanna leave this here?]
Lux: [I think we can]
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murasaki-murasame · 4 years
Thoughts on Fruits Basket 2019 2nd Season Ep6: “Are You Stupid?”
In an extremely shocking turn of events, this episode adapts THREE chapters of the manga, instead of two!
Oh and also the beach arc started I guess lol
Thoughts under the cut.
I really have to stop trying to guess exactly how this show is going to translate things from the manga to the anime, but that’s not going to stop me, lol.
Anyway this episode adapted chapters 53, 54, and 55, and it ended up working way better than I expected. I think this is either the first or second time the show’s adapted more than two chapters in a single episode, so I was worried about if it’d feel rsuhed, but it really didn’t, since they cut out a lot of the more minor scenes, and rearranged the timeline of events to tie it all together more. 
Basically, to start with, they got rid of the aspect of chapter 53 where Rin breaks Tohru’s window to distract everyone while she talks to Shigure, and everyone has to deal with fixing the window, and they replaced it with Rin just showing up to talk to Shigure right after Tohru and co leave for the beach, which I think was a really good change. I feel like everything to do with the window getting smashed would have felt really jarring with how the whole scene was paced, and it makes more sense that Rin would just wait until Shigure’s alone to talk to him, instead of doing something really dumb and reckless to try and make a distraction.
And on the note of that scene with her and Shigure, I think manga readers should remember that this is exactly how the scene plays out in the manga, and we don’t get a proper flashback to how their conversation went until a bit later in the story. So they didn’t cut anything out there.
They also rearranged the flow of events with the start of the beach arc itself to make it go by quicker, mainly by having Kisa and Hiro be there with everyone immediately, which helps condense a lot of scenes together. They also cut a whole scene related to everyone picking out their rooms once Kisa and Hiro showed up, and I think it was probably worth removing in order to make the episode go by faster.
As a consequence of bringing Kisa and Hiro into things earlier, the drama with Hiro being rude to Tohru and stirring up her deeply repressed trauma happens a bit earlier than it did in the manga.
They also spread out some of the content with Yuki across the episode to build up toward the episode’s climax being the scene with him and Tohru. Which included them holding back on the reveal of him being the boy Tohru got the hat from until the end of the episode, which I think was a good choice.
It’s kinda funny seeing so many anime-only people talking about how they don’t really get how this whole plot point could be that important in the long run, even after what this episode told us about it. I can’t really blame anyone for thinking that, since the anime hasn’t really gotten into it at all yet, but it’s definitely way more important than people would think, and for different reasons than they might expect. I think a lot of people will be surprised that it doesn’t actually have a whole lot to do with Tohru’s relationships with Yuki and Kyo, and is instead more about Yuki and Kyo’s backstories and their conflict with each other.
I can see why people might still think this episode is fast-paced, and it kinda was, but they cut out enough material that it didn’t end up feeling like they were fitting three whole chapters of content into one episode.
Anyway, this is where the beach arc officially kicks off, and it’s becoming pretty clear to everyone why this arc is a big deal, lol. There’s all sorts of relationship development going on, and everyone’s getting forced to acknowledge all the emotional baggage they’ve been repressing. And now Akito’s gonna come around just to stir shit up.
In particular it feels really exciting to see the anime finally get to the point where the story officially begins to really dig into Tohru’s backstory and her own emotional baggage. It’s been hinted at before, especially in this second season, but this is where the story spells out in bright neon letters that she has her own trauma she’s dealing with, and other characters are starting to notice.
In a lot of ways I really relate to the specific kind of trauma and baggage that Tohru’s dealing with in regards to both of her parents, and I really like the extremely slow-burn way the story builds it up. The scene with her sitting alone on the balcony and quietly reassuring herself that she’s fine and that she’ll always be with her mother is just really emotional, especially when you know her backstory.
But I won’t bother getting into that until the story decides to delve into it more later on.
We of course also got all sorts of stuff with Yuki in this episode that reinforces and continues to build up his own trauma that he’s still dealing with, and that’s definitely gonna come to a head sooner rather than later, lol. Everything with Tohru is sorta left on the backburner until much later in the story, but this arc really digs into Yuki and Kyo’s issues. Kyo hasn’t gotten a whole lot of focus yet in this arc, aside from him being super cute and us getting even more examples of how he’s slowly becoming more understanding and perceptive toward Tohru, but his time to shine will definitely come before this arc ends.
Also, one thing I wanna mention is that the bit where Momiji lists off all the people he invited to the beach trip seems to be anime original, which is interesting. For one thing it was there so they could include the scene with Kisa and Hiro getting their invitations earlier than the manga did, but more than that it sticks out to me that he included Ritsu in the list of people he invited. Which is interesting because in the manga Ritsu isn’t even mentioned in this arc at all. So I’m wondering if they might be planning to include him in this arc in the anime, though the fact that he wasn’t in this episode outside of that one line makes me unsure.
It’d be really nice if they included him, though. It’d at least help mitigate the fact that he gets like literally zero screen-time in the manga between his intro arc and the final volume or two. I’m pretty sure that Takaya’s said before that it wasn’t exactly an intentional choice on her part, and was more a mix of her just forgetting he existed, and her not really knowing how to fit him into the story. So it’d be nice if the anime could come up with it’s own ways to give him more screen-time instead of him just vanishing off the face of the earth, but we’ll see. I think Takaya would be on board with it, at least, since she seems to regret how little screen-time he got in the manga.
Anyway, the next episode title seems to imply that [for now] we’re skipping the chapters focused on Hatori and Mayu, and jumping straight to chapters 58 and 59. Which I’m happy with, since I’ve honestly been hoping they’d push that arc to later on, so it wouldn’t be a jarring diversion from the beach arc. After how much this episode set up, I think anime only people would have really disliked it if the next episode took a hard left turn into focusing 100% on Hatori and Mayu. I feel like the beach arc is where the manga really finds it’s groove in terms of pacing and things feel less erratic and episodic, but that whole arc always felt like it was awkwardly placed in the story. And honestly since it has barely anything to do with the beach arc aside from taking place in summer, I think it’d be really easy to just change the timing for it and have it happen later on. I honestly wouldn’t be surprised if they push it all the way to season 3, lol. But we’ll see. At the very least if they’re not gonna adapt it in the next episode, I think it’s at least getting pushed back to after the beach arc’s done.
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heythere-emberhere · 5 years
Never Been in Love - Sweet Pea  x OC
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Summary: (Based of a HC of mine) Sweet Pea lost his virginity to a close friend in high school and has had feelings for her ever since but was too Sweet Pea to do anything about it, and she’s too oblivious to notice. That is until now, the night of Cheryl Blossom’s infamous 21st birthday party, of course.
A/N:  I started working on this back in March, and it’s June now. Sorry it took so long, but it’s here now! AAAAAAND it might not the only thing I’m posting today. I wrote out the smut that goes along with this one, so I might post it. (I’ve never done that on this blog before.)
WC: 10,635 (super long because I super hope you won’t hate me for being MIA)
“Tiny, calm down,” Sweet Pea said, leaning back against the bar top at La Bonne Nuit. “I think you’re making this a bigger deal than it needs to be.”
“A bigger deal than it needs to be? This is Cheryl’s 21st birthday, Sweet Pea. It has to be perfect, or she’ll kill me,” Toni said as she paced back and forth across the main floor between the tables, running her hands through her hair.
“Just relax, T.”
“Relax? This is Cheryl we’re talking about.”
“She’s got you there, man,” Fangs chimed in from his seat next to Sweets.
“And, you know Red better than anyone. You’ve got this,” Sweet Pea said.
“Just because I know her better than anyone doesn’t mean I can pull this off. Like I said, it has to be perfect. The flowers, the decorations, the food, the drinks, the gifts.”
“I just think you shouldn’t stress so much. You should-”
“I swear to god, Sweet Pea. If you tell me to relax again, I’m going to kick your ass. It’s so obvious you’ve never been in love!” Toni snarked, rolling her eyes at the boy.
Sweet Pea’s light smirk fell from his face, and Fangs’ jaw dropped.
“Damn. Don’t you think that was a little harsh, Toni?” Fangs asked.
“What?” she asked, her hands on her hips.
Sweet Pea leaned forward, resting his elbows on his knees, and looked up at the pink-haired girl.
“You think I want you to relax because I don’t know what it feels like to care about someone so much that you want to be able to do everything humanly possible to make them feel like the most important person in the world?” His voice was even, almost stern as he spoke. “Because you think I’ve never looked at someone and forgotten what it’s like to breathe or thought that there was no chance in hell that I was alive or awake, like I had to have been dead or dreaming, for them to be standing there in front of me?”
He looked down at his folded hands and the floor under them. Toni had never seen her tall, usually brooding friend look so fragile. The way his shoulders hung forward suggested this was something that had been weighing on him for some time now, and he’d been holding it all in expertly.
“Sweet Pea, I-”
“Because there’s never been one person in my life I think of before everyone else when something good happens or when I’ve had a shitty day and just need to let off some steam? You think I want you to relax because you’ve never seen me cuddled up with someone in the back of La Bonne Nuit or the Wyrm on a Friday night or because I’ve never ditched plans with you and Fangs to stay in and watch movies I’d never admit to liking in public while eating popcorn and drinking beer we snagged from the back room of the bar while no one was looking, which is just you assuming that’s not what I’ve wanted to be doing with my time, by the way.”
He lifted his head and rose from the stool. Toni’s shoulder’s slumped.
“You think I want you to relax because I’ve never met anyone who makes me want to fight less or be more?”
“Sweets,” Toni started, stepping toward him.
“I was just trying to be a good friend, Toni. I don’t want to see you stress yourself to death over this. It’s a party. It’s supposed to be fun. Remember that,” he said before shoving past the tables and stomping out of the bar.
As the door swung shut, Toni and Fangs exchanged a look.
“So,” she said taking the seat Sweets had been sitting in, “you have any idea who he’s in love with?”
“None,” Fangs said. “I’ve never heard him talk like that before.”
“Me either.”
“But he’s right, you know?” Fangs said, nudging her shoulder. “This is supposed to be all about having a fun time for Cheryl’s 21st.”
Toni nodded and looked toward the door, which was still swinging gently back and forth, as if to ask if she should go after Sweet Pea.
“I think, just give him some time,” Fangs almost whispered.
She nodded, getting up from her seat to get started on some of the decorations currently boxed up behind the bar.
 Sweet Pea was still kicking rocks in the Pop’s parking lot, his hands in the pockets of his leather jacket, when Ember arrived to help Toni set up for Cheryl’s party. He was so caught up in his thoughts that he didn’t hear the gravel crunch beneath her combat boots as she walked up behind him.
“Uh oh,” she called out to him, “Did they already piss you off?”
Sweet Pea’s head snapped up at the sound of her voice, his stride carrying him quickly to her short frame. Growing up next door to one another had meant that Sweets and Ember had little choice in becoming close. Between the morning and evening carpools to school as kids and the weekend afternoons he spent at her trailer while his mom was at work—when she was still living with them, that is—they got to know each other well. She was someone he’d always felt comfortable with.
“A little,” he said honestly shrugging his shoulders.
“Wanna tell me about it?” she asked turning around and walking toward his bike instead of further toward the diner.
He pulled his hands out of his pockets as he walked with her, the backs of his fingers grazing lightly against the cool leather of her jacket as he did so. The difference in temperature sent chills down his spine.
“Toni just kind of blew up on me for telling her that she shouldn’t be taking this whole party thing so seriously and that she needed to relax.”
“She’s just a little stressed, you know? Cheryl’s probably putting more pressure on how perfect she wants her birthday to be than any of us realize.”
“Yeah, but I don’t think that gives her a right to tell me it’s obvious I’ve never been in love,” he said with a huff as he leaned against his bike.
“Did she really?” Ember asked with her eyebrows raised, leaning next to him against his bike.
He nodded as Ember put her head on his shoulder.
“I’m sorry, Pea. Personally, I think that was uncalled for. I know it’s not ideal, but maybe give her the benefit of the doubt and try to think she just wasn’t thinking about how you might take that.”
“Thanks, Em,” he sighed, “and I know she wasn’t trying to be rude or anything, but if I’m being honest, it kinda stung.”
“Besides,” she said, “just because you’ve never had a proper girlfriend doesn’t mean you couldn’t have been in love with someone, right?”
“Right,” he replied quietly, glancing down at her next to him.
Ember nodded and lifted her head from Sweets’ shoulder leaning forward slightly, pulling a pack of cigarettes from her back pocket before tossing them lightly to her other hand and holding them out before him. Sweet Pea glanced down at the unopened pack then back at Em. He remembered the first time they’d smoked together at the end of their freshman year.
 Ember pulled the cigarette away from her lips, holding the smoke in her lungs for a few moments before breathing it out into the cool night air between them.
“Want one?” she asked, presenting the pack to Sweet Pea.
The light outside the Wyrm flickered as he took the carton from her tipping it and pulling a cigarette from the cardboard box before closing the lid and handing it back to her. He loved the way the denim of her jeans hugged her hip as he watched her slide the box back into her back pocket. His eyes flicked back up to hers as she held out her lighter to him, flicking it on. He watched the flame dance next to her long, black nails as he inhaled. The ring of light on the tip of the cigarette reflected in her pupils. She smirked as the smoke left his slightly parted lips.
“I have a question for you,” she said, turning her body to face him and taking another drag of her cigarette.
“Hmm?” He mumbled turning his head toward her, not leaving his post against the brick wall behind him.
“Do you find me attractive?” she asked plainly. “You can be honest.”
“Yes,” he said looking down and flicking cigarette ash toward the ground, hoping Ember couldn’t see the blush creeping up his neck.
“Mmm,” she hummed inhaling another long drag while she took a step closer to Sweet Pea, who was still looking toward the ground as he brought his cigarette back to his own lips.
Ember played with the collar of his leather jacket, eyeing the dog tags in the middle of his chest. She could see his breath catch in his throat as he exhaled smoke.
“I have another question,” she said looking up at him through her lashes.
He met her eyes and nodded.
“Yeah?” he gulped, the intensity of her gaze clearly making him nervous.
“Would you want to have sex with me?” She asked, trailing her finger halfway across his chest and down his abdomen.
“Right- Right now?” He asked. He was sure his cheeks had flushed a deep red.
She pulled her hand away, and he dropped his half-finished cigarette on the concrete.
“No, not right now,” Ember said with a chuckle. “I was actually thinking this weekend? My parents are going to a conference for my dad’s job, so I’ll have the place all to myself.”
Sweet Pea ran his hand through his hair and let out a sigh. He didn’t want to have to say the words that were going to come out of his mouth.
“Em,” he started kicking his boot over his fading cigarette, “you know I’ve never, um-”
“That’s why I’m asking you, Sweets.”
“Okay? That doesn’t make any sense,” he said before looking around and lowering his voice. “Why would you specifically ask a virgin to have sex with you? Wait. Is this some sort of weird kink?”
“No, Sweet Pea,” Ember said with a laugh as she hit him on the shoulder. “I’m asking you specifically because I’m a virgin, too.”
He raised his eyebrows as she took her final drag of her cigarette and tossed it into the parking lot. Whether she was holding her breath for dramatic effect or to feel the smoke in her lungs for just a little bit longer, he couldn’t be sure, but his heart was pounding.
“I’m just tired of waiting around for perfect this and special that,” Ember exhaled. “You know? I think you’re attractive, and I trust you, so let’s do this.”
“Let’s do each other, you mean?”
“Is that a yes?”
“I think I’d be crazy to say no.”
 Ember shook the pack of cigarettes in front of Sweet Pea’s face.
“Hello? Earth to Sweet Pea? You wanna smoke?” she asked.
He took the pack from her hand, his fingertips grazing over the back of her hand as he grabbed it.
“That depends,” he said with a smirk. “Are you gonna ask me to sleep with you this time, too?”
Ember smiled, shook her head, and shoved his shoulder lightly as he pulled a lighter from his pocket and lit the cigarette.
“You wish,” she joked as he handed the pack back to her.
He still loved the way the denim of her jeans hugged her hip as he watched her slide the box into her back pocket. They finished their cigarettes in silence, leaning against his motorcycle outside of Pop’s diner, and for a brief moment Sweet Pea wished Ember had been inside to hear what he had said to Toni. Maybe, he thought, that would make whatever would come of what happened next a little bit easier for him. But, she hadn’t been, and he wasn’t going to tell her, so everything was just going to have to work itself out some other way.
As they walked into La Bonne Nuit, Ember gave the back of Sweet Pea’s arm a light squeeze and smiled at him as if to say, ‘I’m always here.’ Then, she walked over to Fangs at the bar to see what she could do to help. Toni set the glasses she was arranging at the end of the bar down and walked over to Sweet Pea.
“Hey, I’m sorry,” she said. “I never should have assumed-”
“It’s fine,” Sweet Pea cut her off. “Let’s just not talk about it. What do you need me to do?”
Ember and Fangs watched from their place at the bar, both expecting there to be more of a show as Fangs filled her in on Sweet Pea’s grand speech before he stormed out into the parking lot. They exchanged glances when Toni just started nodding and led Sweets over to a box of decorations and a step ladder, explaining that she and Fangs had been too short to get the streamers up high enough. Sweets mockingly patted her on the head and got to work, pushing the ladder to the side and opting to use a bar chair to stand on instead.
“I really expected there to be more of a fight there,” Fangs said as Toni walked up to him and Ember watching Sweets hang the streamers up across the bar.
“Me too,” Toni said. “Especially with how upset he was with me when he stormed out. I don’t get why he’d want to drop it all of a sudden.”
“He’s just so tall,” Ember said staring Sweet Pea up and down as he stretched his arms above his head to reach the ceiling. She couldn’t help but let her eyes trail down to his hip where his shirt had lifted away from his jeans and exposed his bare skin. Suddenly, she found herself noticing just how much he’d filled out since they were fifteen. His shoulders were broader, arms more toned, legs built with more lean muscle, and it looked like his abs—and presumably his chest—were more defined than they had been before.  
Fangs and Toni looked at her with their heads cocked to the side.
“What does that have to do with anything?” Fangs asked.
“Sorry,” Ember said with a shrug, tearing her eyes away from Sweet Pea. “I wasn’t here for all that stuff earlier, so I didn’t have anything relevant to add.”
“Well, I wish you had been,” Toni said. “Maybe you could have provided us with some insight into where all of Sweet Pea’s hidden feelings came from.”
“You sure he wasn’t just talking about Josie?” Ember asked.
Toni and Fangs paused for a beat and looked at each other. Honestly, they hadn’t even considered Josie as an option.
“Didn’t even think of that, did ya?”
Toni and Fangs shook their heads, exchanging more glances in a sort of silent conversation with one another. They were hitting each other in the shoulder and grunting when Sweet Pea came over with his eyebrows furrowed. He stood next to Ember and stared at their other two friends questioningly.
“They’re doing some weird thing because neither of them considered that you might have been in love with Josie,” Ember said, leaning toward Sweet Pea as if she were trying to tell him something in secret but not lowering her voice at all.
“Oh,” Sweet Pea said looking between his three friends. “Well. I’m not, and I wasn’t.”
Toni and Fangs stopped fighting like children and looked back and forth between each other and Ember then to Sweets before landing back on Ember as if asking for answers.
“Well, fuck me!” Ember said putting her hands up. “Sorry, guys. I really thought I had something there. Guess I should leave the sleuthing to Betty and Jughead after all.”
Sweet Pea leaned over to grab a chair from the table they were all standing around and pulled it closer to him, loudly scraping the legs across the floor. As he did so, he spoke under his breath so that only Ember could hear him.
“Is that another offer, Em?”
Ember promptly choked on her own spit while Sweets took his seat, crossing his arms over his chest and smirking to himself.
“You okay, Em?” Fangs asked.
“Yeah, I’m fine,” she said between coughs while walking to the bar to get some water. “Sweet Pea’s just an ass.”
“What did he say this time?” Toni asked, glaring at him.
“Nothing!” Sweets and Ember said in unison.
 After another hour of decorating and taking twenty minutes to rearrange the tables to make more room for dancing on the main floor, Veronica and Betty showed up with the food Toni had ordered from the catering service, and Jughead and Reggie arrived with the booze. Ember couldn’t decide if Veronica and Reggie not dating anymore made it harder or easier to be in the same room with them. Seeing another girl with her ex made her feel jealous even when she didn’t want to be, but now that Reggie and Veronica were also exes, Ember wasn’t sure if she was supposed to feel obligated to team up with Veronica or something. Were they supposed to spend the whole night hating on Reggie or pining over him and talking about how soft his hair is? She watched Jug and Reggie unload beers into the fridges below the bar, their heads bobbing up and down like buoys as the tide comes in. The light glistened off the bottles sitting on the bar top above them.
“What’s up?” a deep voice broke Ember out of her trance.
She looked to her right to see Sweet Pea sitting next to her wearing a bright red feather boa. She lifted the end of the party favor and tickled his cheek with it, causing him to smile.
“Not much. Why are you wearing this?” she asked, tickling his face again.
“Toni said I had to be festive,” he replied grabbing the end of the boa from her hand and waving it back in her face with a laugh.
The sound of Ember’s giggling caught Toni’s attention around the corner of the bar, and when she looked up, she smacked Fangs in the chest pointing her finger at their friends. Sweet Pea and Ember sat facing one another, their faces just inches apart, both with goofy smiles. Ember’s nose scrunched up as Sweets tickled it with the feather boa before she batted it away with her hand. She quickly grabbed the other end and attacked his cheek, causing him to pull to the side and nearly fall of his stool. They both erupted in laughter as Ember held out her arm to try and catch him. Fangs’ jaw dropped as he watched Ember and Sweet Pea while they thought no one was paying attention.
“Is there something going on between our two best friends that we’ve been completely missing?” he whispered to Toni.
As their laughter died down, Ember returned her attention to Jughead and Reggie, letting her eyes fall on Reggie’s movements behind the bar. She didn’t want to get back with him, but being in the same room with him wasn’t exactly easy. Everything he did was still too familiar. Sweet Pea followed her gaze, his smile falling when he realized she was watching Reggie with a look reminiscent of nostalgia on her face. He clenched his jaw and tapped his fingers on the bar a couple times before standing up.
“I’m gonna go see if there’s anything else Toni needs us to do,” he said.
Ember tore her eyes away from Reggie to look up at Sweet Pea and nodded.
“Okay,” she said. “Sounds good.”
“If there’s anything going on,” Toni said to Fangs, noticing that Sweet Pea was headed their way, “it’s entirely one-sided, and I don’t think it’s because of a lack of effort on Sweets’ part.”
“How did we miss-” Fangs started.
“What did we miss?” Sweet Pea asked sitting down next to Fangs.
“Nothing,” Toni said. “We didn’t miss a thing.” She placed a hand lightly on his shoulder and smiled at him. “People should be starting to arrive any minute now. Why don’t you and Fangs take the first shift of door duty, and I’ll have Jug and Reggie tag you out later?”
The boys nodded, standing up and heading toward the door. Toni grabbed Fangs by the bicep and held him back, looking him directly in the eyes.
“Do not say anything to him,” she said.
“Fangs,” she said, her voice sharp and eyes narrow.
“Fine,” he bit back, yanking his arm out of her grasp. “I won’t say anything to him.”
Fangs tugged at his flannel sleeve as he walked away from Toni; Sweet Pea eyed the two of them cautiously.
“What was that about?” he asked.
“Nothing,” Fangs said.
 The boys had been manning the door in strained silence for fifteen minutes before Sweet Pea finally spoke.
“Alright, dude, you look like you’re in physical pain over there. What the fuck is up with you?”
Fangs let out a long sigh, his shoulders relaxed, and his jaw unclenched as he walked over to Pea’s side of the door.
“I just- why didn’t you tell me, man? I thought I was your best friend?”
“What do you mean why didn’t I tell you?” Sweet Pea asked.
“That you have, or had, feelings for someone. That’s a big deal, bro.”
“Why would I tell you when I didn’t even tell her?” Sweet Pea asked as if it was the most obvious thing in the world. The look on his face was pure defeat. His jaw was slack, eyes sullen, and lips in a thin, tight line.
“You could,” Fangs said, patting his friend on the shoulder.
“I can’t.”
“Come on,” Fangs laughed. “I’m sure Em would be more willing to talk to you about it than you think.”
Sweet Pea’s head snapped up at the mention of her name, and he slammed his forearm across Fangs’ chest, shoving him into the door and grabbing a fistful of Fangs’ shirt with his other hand. Sweet Pea’s eyes narrowed and locked onto Fangs’ dark and wide ones.
“I swear to God, Fogarty. If you say one word to Ember about this, I will beat the ever-loving shit out of you. Do you hear me? I don’t know how you fucking figured it out, and I won’t deny it now, but if she gets word of this in one night after I’ve worked for nearly four fucking years to keep my feelings a secret, you will pay for it. You got that?”
Fangs nodded, swallowing hard. He spoke quietly, only after Sweet Pea had let him go and given him a chance to straighten out his shirt.
“Four years?” he asked.
Sweet Pea nodded, looking at the ground and scuffing the tile lightly with the heel of his boot. Just as Fangs was about to ask more questions, Jughead and Reggie came up to take the next door shift, muttering something about how Toni wanted Fangs and Sweet Pea inside to help with one last thing before Cheryl arrived.
“This conversation isn’t over,” Fangs said as they went to find Toni.
“Yes. It is,” Sweet Pea replied, and before Fangs could get another word in he was asking Toni, “What do you need us to do?”
From behind the bar, Toni pulled out four shot glasses and filled them each to the brim with tequila and set one in front of herself and each of the boys. Ember came up behind Toni carrying saltshakers and a bowl of lime wedges. She set them down in between the shot glasses and looked at her friends.
“Knock ‘em back, bitches! We have no idea what Cheryl is going to make us do tonight,” Ember said with a laugh.
“Shit, maybe we should’ve made these doubles,” Sweet Pea retorted before kitten licking the back of his hand then giving Ember a swift wink before pouring salt over his skin.
“Hey!” Toni shouted, too preoccupied with salting her own hand to notice the exchange between her friends.
“We can do another,” Ember said raising her shot glass.
The others followed suit, raising their glasses and tapping them on the counter before licking the salt of their hands, downing their shot, and then sucking the lime between their teeth. Before Ember could pour out more shots, Betty and Veronica shouted from the other end of the bar that Cheryl was pulling in the parking lot. Toni grabbed Fangs to help with the sash and other cutesy accessories they had picked out and ran to the doors, leaving Sweets and Ember standing on either side of the bar in confusion. He leaned over, pushing the used shot glasses out of the way, and gave her a cheeky grin.
“I couldn’t quite hear you over Toni’s screeching. Did you say we could do each other? That’s three offers in one night, Em. A little excessive, don’t you think?”
Ember rolled her eyes and leaned closer to Sweet Pea so that their faces were mere inches apart. She let out a soft, slow breath as she reached her arm out and grabbed the bottle of tequila next to him, sliding the glass across the bar while she looked him dead in the eyes.
“Keep this up, and I’ll just have to start taking shots every time you mention having sex with me, Sweets,” she said pulling away and taking a swig straight from the bottle.
Sweet Pea laughed while he watched her put the bottle down and walk out from behind the bar to join Toni and Cheryl now that they had officially made their way into the party. Then, he grabbed the bottle and took a swig before screwing the cap back on and finding a sharpie behind the bar. He wrote Toni’s initials on the bottle and placed it with the rest of the party stuff behind the bar before finding himself a seat with his friends.
For the first hour or so of the party, everyone mingled and ate snacks and had a few drinks, but once Cheryl was done making heart eyes and Toni for setting up such a ‘lovely soiree’ for their anniversary, she decided to take a little more control. Cheryl’s personal playlist opened the floodgates to the dance floor, and the last thing Sweet Pea wanted to do was dance in front of the entire population of Riverdale High. He sat for a while off to the side drinking his beer and talking to Fangs until Kevin and Betty pulled him into the crowd. Fangs was nice enough to fake a struggle, reaching his hand out to Sweets dramatically while shouting, “I have to stay for solidarity!”
Sweet Pea laughed him off and shouted back a “be safe out there!” before his eyes scanned the room for Jughead. It wasn’t his first choice, but he was hoping if Betty were with Kevin, it might mean Jughead was off the dance floor sitting somewhere safe, too. Before Sweets could find him, his eyes locked with a pair of deep green ones in the crowd. Ember smiled at him mischievously and started dancing her way through the people twisting and grinding around her. Before he could try to get up and walk away, she was standing in front of him, chest heaving in deep breaths. Sweet Pea looked up at her from his seat, the sweat on her brow and above her light, pink lips glistened against the low lighting of the bar. Rarely was Ember in a position to look down at him, but there was something about the way her features looked from this angle that made his chest tighten. She stepped forward, leaning over him completely, and her shirt fell away from her chest as she bent down. Sweets tried not to let his eyes flicker downward, but he knew it was a battle easily lost as she placed her hand on his shoulder and brought her face next to his so he could hear her over the music.
“You look bored,” she said.
Her bra was red lace.
“Come dance with me.”
He hadn’t really heard the words she said to him until she pulled away and grabbed his hand, tugging him up out of his seat and toward the dance floor. He stopped as they approached the crowd of people. Ember looked reader to shoulder her way through.
“Em,” he said, pulling her closer and leaning down so she could hear him, “you know I don’t dance.”
She dropped his hand from hers and moved it to the underside of the bottle of beer he was holding before gently pushing it up toward his lips. Their eyes stayed locked on each other’s as she tipped the bottle back and made him drink what was left.
“Now put that bottle down and come with me!” Ember shouted over the music, dragging him through the crowd.
“Hey! It’s Sweet Pea!” Fangs shouted from his place pressed between Kevin and Betty. “Did you guys know he’s my best friend!?”
Sweet Pea shook his head and grabbed the drink from Fangs’ hand.
“I think you need to slow down there, buddy,” Sweets said, but Fangs was too far gone to notice.
He placed a hand on Ember’s shoulder while the other held the confiscated drink right in front of her face.
“On the other hand,” he whispered in her ear, “you might want this because I could have sworn you just invited me to cum with you.”
Sweet Pea smirked against her ear when he felt Ember’s hand reach for the glass and take the drink from him. She brought it to her lips and chugged what was left, her friends’ eyes widening as they watched.
“Yes, bitch!” Toni shouted as she took the empty glass and set it on a nearby table.
For the next few songs, Sweet Pea mostly just stood in the crowd shuffling and turning his body so that he wouldn’t get hit as his friends danced around him and on each other, but he tried to stay as close to Ember as he possibly could, occasionally resting his hand on her hip or back as she pressed her body against his and moved her hips. It might have been more enjoyable for him if he didn’t have Fangs on the other side also pressed up against him and occasionally grabbing and Sweet Pea’s hands, arms, or hips and trying to force him to move in ways that he was pretty sure he wasn’t supposed to move in. Every once in a while, Sweet Pea was okay with some dancing, but he wasn’t trying to do the chicken dance and the robot at the same time like Fangs seemed to think was appropriate at the moment.
“Okay, seriously!” Sweets shouted over the music while he pushed his best friend off him for the fifth time during the same song, “Who let him drink this much?”
Kevin and Toni both pointed and each other then started laughing hysterically, only stopping when Sweet Pea pushed Fangs over to the two of them. Stumbling, Fangs caught himself by wrapping an arm around each of their necks and then pulling them both in for a tight hug.
“You two are great. You know that? We’re all great,” Fangs stopped to giggle, “but none of us are straight!”
Toni and Kevin stared at one side of Fangs’ face as he stood between them cackling at himself.
“Maybe we should take him to go sit and drink some water,” Kevin said.
“Great idea! I’ll lead,” Sweet Pea shouted over the music as he clapped Kevin on the back and pushed through the crowd.
Kevin, Fangs, Betty, Jughead, Veronica, Reggie, Cheryl, Toni, and Ember formed a train following Sweet Pea away from the dance floor and to a big, circular booth away from the crowd and the speakers. Ember snuck through to get some water for Fangs, followed by Cheryl who eyed the bottle of tequila with her girlfriend’s initials on it from earlier in the night.
“What’s this?” she asked Ember swishing the liquid around.
“That would be the beginning of Fangs’ downward spiral, I think,” Ember replied with a laugh. “I’d be happy to make you a drink or do a shot with you if you want.”
“Oh, I think we should all do shots,” Cheryl said. “Everyone except Fangs, of course.”
“Hold on,” Ember said putting the water down and crouching beneath the bar.
She came back up with more unopened bottles of tequila and clean shot glasses. She put them on the counter next to the open bottle and rushed to the back room, holding up her pointer finger telling Cheryl to keep waiting as she walked away. Ember reappeared with more lime wedges and saltshakers on a tray. She placed everything together and looked over at Cheryl with a smile.
“If everyone is doing shots, then we’ll need plenty to go around.”
Ember grabbed the water and an extra pitcher while Cheryl grabbed the tray, and the two walked over to their friends. Ember set the water and pitcher down in front of Fangs before picking up his hand and placing it around the glass for him and guiding it to his lips like she’d done with Sweet Pea’s beer bottle earlier. Sweets watched the way Fangs eyed Ember as she made him drink the water, clenching his fists under the table. He relaxed only when Cheryl startled him by slamming the tray down on the table. Cheryl took her seat at the edge of the circular booth opposite him, leaving Ember to take the edge of the seat next to him. Reggie pulled up a chair and set it in the middle of the gap to complete the circle.
“In honor of my totally amazing 21st birthday,” Cheryl started, clapping her hands together, “we’re going to play a classic game of Never Have I Ever. Everyone, take a shot glass and fill it up!”
As the bottle of tequila was going around the table, Fangs grabbed for it, but Kevin swiftly took it from his hands.
“Drink some more water before you have any more of that,” he said, to which Fangs pouted.
“Would it help if you put your water in a shot glass, Fangs?” Ember asked from across the table. “Once you do six shots of water, you can have a shot of tequila.”
“Deal!” Fangs shouted pouring water into his shot glass and spilling some all over the table.
“Birthday girl, you start,” Veronica said looking at Cheryl.
“Of course. Let’s start easy. Never Have I Ever used a heinous pick up line to try to impress someone.”
Everyone at the table except Ember and Veronica took their shot.
“That’s one!” Fangs cheered. “Five more to go!”
“TT, I’m a little disappointed in you,” Cheryl said looking at her girlfriend with genuine concern.
“In my defense, it was on a dare,” Toni replied.
“Slightly less appalling. Who’s next? Cheryl asked looking to her left and right.
“I guess I’ll go,” Toni piped up. “Never Have I Ever been on a shitty blind date.”
Sweets and Kevin took a shot.
“Hey wait!” Fangs shouted. “The only blind date either of you have been on was with someone I set you up with.”
“Yeah, dude,” Sweet Pea said shaking his head, “and it was horrible. The girl couldn’t stop talking about her ex the entire time. She even showed me pictures of him while we were at dinner.”
“My turn!” Kevin interjected before Fangs had time to question him about his date, “Never Have I Ever had sex on the first date.”
Fangs, Ember, Reggie, and Veronica took a shot, and Sweet Pea lifted his glass before pausing.
“Wait, is it the same if you didn’t go on a date but just had sex with someone?” he asked.
“No, that’s different,” Kevin said.
Sweet Pea put his glass back down and tried not to glance at Ember sitting next to him.
“Fangs?” Cheryl asked after a long pause.
“Shh. I’m thinking,” He said as he stared at the water in his shot glass.
“Well, think faster or we’re skipping you.”
“Got it. Never Have I Ever had a friend with benefits,” Fangs said looking Sweet Pea directly in the eyes.
“Are you trying to target me, right now?” Sweets asked.
“What? No.”
“Then why are you staring at me like that? You didn’t even look to see if anyone else took a shot.”
“Oh, yeah. Did anyone else take a shot?” Fangs asked.
“I did,” Kevin said.
“Me too,” Toni said.
“Same,” Veronica chimed in.
“Yep,” said Reggie.
“Totally,” said Ember.
Sweet Pea looked over at Ember then at the rest of the group for good measure before looking back to Fangs.
“So, you gonna take that shot or not?”
“Point of clarification,” Sweets said, “for anyone that took a shot, does it count if the quote ‘benefits’ only happened once?”
“Um, if the person was a friend and not a random one-night stand, I think that still counts,” Reggie said.
“I think that’s up to you,” Ember said.
“Okay then,” Sweets said looking right at Fangs as he tossed the shot back. “You’re up Jughead.”
“All right. Never have I Ever had to hide a hickey from my parents.”
All the girls and Fangs took a shot.
“Really Fangs?” Jughead laughed.
“What? I date guys too!”
“My turn!” Betty said, “Never Have I Ever had sex with someone I wasn’t dating.”
Everyone drank to a chorus of “cheap shot!”
“Sorry, guys. I just wanted to get everyone,” Betty laughed.
“Yeah, that’s totally not fair,” Fangs slurred. “Especially because Sweets only sleeps with people he’s not dating.”
“You’re supposed to be taking shots of water!” Sweet Pea yelled.
“Oopsie,” Fangs said swishing the bottle of tequila in his hand and giggling.
The sight of his friend like that and the shots he’d downed since the game had started made Sweet Pea laugh back. He picked up a lime wedge from the middle of the table and sucked on it, still chuckling, as Kevin took the bottle away from Fangs once more.
“Listen, it’s not my fault, bro. Sometimes I wanna date a girl I slept with, and it just doesn’t happen, but we’re not here to talk about that, so what do ya got for us Ronnie?”
“Okay. Never Have I Ever done it in my parents’ bed.”
Reggie, Jughead, Betty, Cheryl, and Kevin took a shot.
“I must say, Veronica, after everything Hiram did, I’m a little surprised you never had that sort of subtle revenge,” Cheryl said.
Veronica shrugged.
“All right, Sweets. You’re up,” Cheryl said, “Is it time to enact your revenge plot on Fangs?”
“You know what, since he’s not actually drinking, I think I’ll just go with something that’ll get the rest of you to take a shot and generally annoy Fangs.”
“Go on,” Cheryl prodded lifting her glass.
“Never Have I Ever,” Sweet Pea started, looking around at everyone’s faces knowing what he was about to say was true only because of the way he planned on wording it, “told any of you,” he paused to look Fangs directly in the eyes, “who I lost my virginity to.”
Everyone except Ember took their shot while Fangs crossed his arms over his chest and glared at Sweets.
“Not cool, man,” he said.
Sweet Pea smirked as he leaned back in his seat.
“Wait,” Reggie spoke up slapping his hand on the table. “You’re telling me that your best friend doesn’t even know who you lost your v-card to?”
Sweet Pea shook his head.
“Why not?”
“That’s what I’m saying, Reg!”
“Personal reasons.”
“So, was it like really bad? You just don’t want to talk about it with anyone?” Reggie pressed.
“No, it was actually pretty good for it being both our first time and all.”
“And you didn’t wanna brag about that?”
“That’s what I’m saying, Reg!” Fangs said louder this time.
Sweet Pea shook his head. He could Feel Ember tensing beside him, so he brushed the back of his hand against the outside of her thigh under the table. It seemed to make her relax a little bit.
“Was she not that attractive?” Reggie asked with a look that not-so-subtly said ‘you can tell us the truth.’
Ember tensed up again.
“Smokin’ hot, dude.”
She let out a small chuckle only Sweet Pea could hear, and he rested his palm on her knee.
“What’s more important here,” Toni interjected, “is the fact that we’re not addressing that we have two people here who are cruel enough to withhold this kind of information from their best friend. Ember didn’t take her shot either and even if I hadn’t watched her, I would know because I’m her best friend.”
“Shit, you’re in trouble. She just busted out your full first name, Em,” Betty said.
Ember rolled her eyes and shifted in her seat.
“You and I weren’t best friends at the time, T. We’ve been over this. Like you said, I didn’t take my shot because no one at this table knows. That’s what Sweet’s said, ‘Never Have I Ever told any of you who I lost my virginity to.’ isn’t it?”
“Wait,” Sweet Pea said turning to Ember, “You didn’t take a shot?”
“We just went over this, Sweets.”
“I know. It’s just that technically you should have because of what you said earlier, you know?”
Ember looked up at him as a sly grin spread across his lips. With all the alcohol coursing through her body, she had to really try to think about what Sweets was hinting at. She stared at him with a blank look.
“Remember?” He said with a laugh as he slowly trailed his fingertips along her thigh under the table. “We were at the bar at the start of the party?”
Ember remembered him leaned over, his arms across his chest, and their faces inches apart as she reached for the tequila bottle that was no empty on the table in front of them. She also remembered the way his biceps strained against the rolled-up sleeves of his flannel shirt as he pressed his forearms into the wooden bar top. Hoping that her hand wasn’t shaky she reached for her shot glass and tried to blink away the image of Sweet Pea’s arms in her mind.
“You’re right,” she said, bringing the glass to her lips and tipping it back with her head.
Sweet Pea watched intently as her lips parted, the liquid sliding along her pouty lower lip as her tongue darted out to act as a guide. He wanted to wrap his hand around the back of her neck and keep her like that, remove the glass and replace it with his lips.
“What was that about?” Veronica asked, placing both her elbows on the table and leaning around Sweet Pea.
He smoothly removed his hand from Ember’s leg, silently cursing himself and hoping Veronica hadn’t seen.
“Nothing,” Ember and Sweet Pea said in unison.
“We’ve just had another game going all night, and I forgot the rules,” she smiled. “My turn, right?”
Ember looked around the table while she thought. Each person was staring right back at her. Scanning her friend’s eyes, she giggled and shook her head at herself.
“Some of you are going to hate me for this,” she started, “but Never Have I Ever had sex in a bunker.”
The group collectively groaned, and some took their shots.
“I thought we agreed never to bring that up again,” Jughead said pointing his finger at Ember.
She shrugged and turned her attention to Reggie.
“Your turn.”
“Easy,” he said. “Since we’re bringing up old dirt, Never Have I Ever hooked up with the same girl,” he paused to look at Cheryl and Jughead, “as someone else at this table.”
After rolling her eyes, Cheryl went to take her shot, but stopped when Sweet Pea spoke up.
“Wait, I thought it had to be something you haven’t done,” he said.
“It is,” Reggie said.
“No, you said no one at this table has hooked up with the same girl as you.”
Ember punched Sweet Pea’s leg under the table, but he didn’t seem to feel it.
“Yeah, Sweets. To my knowledge, the only girls Reggie’s been with at this table are Em and Ronnie.”
“Right,” Sweets slurred, holding his head up by placing his hand on his chin, “so he can’t say that no one else at this table has- oh, fuck!”
Everyone stared at Sweet Pea wide-eyed as he shot upright, going completely tense as he realized what he was saying.
“Whoa, Pea,” Reggie said, “are you saying you and Ronnie hooked up?”
Sweet Pea covered his face with his hands while everyone waited for him to respond.
“Fuck!” Fangs shouted.
Everyone’s heads snapped toward him, and Sweets peered at his best friend through his fingers.
“You fucking fucked Ember, didn’t you?” he turned to Ember, “Didn’t he?”
Ember’s eyes looked like they were about to pop out of her head.
“I- we- um,” she stammered.
Sweet Pea dragged his hands down his face.
“Chill, Fangs,” he said, “It’s not that big of a deal. It was-”
“Oh! My! God!” Fangs shouted, slapping his hands don on the table and leaning forward, “It was her.”
He snapped his head toward Toni, and she finally caught on.
“You wouldn’t tell me because it was Sweets!” she shouted.
“Wait,” Betty chimed in, “is what you’re getting at in all this shouting that Em and Sweet Pea not only hooked up but also that they lost their virginity to one another?”
“Yes!” Fangs and Toni shouted at the same time.
A chorus of gasps and shouts went around the table, and when everyone settled down Ember’s cheeks were bright pink. Sweet Pea sat beside her with his head back, staring at the ceiling.
“And this is exactly why we never told any of you about it,” he huffed upward.
“Guys, it’s not that big of a deal,” Ember said looking down at the table.
“Oh?” Sweet Pea snapped, bringing his gaze down, “It wasn’t a big deal?”
When Ember looked up to meet his eyes, Sweet Pea looked genuinely hurt, like she had really offended him.
“Didn’t know that’s why we weren’t telling anyone,” he barked, pushing himself up off the seat and using his long legs to climb over the back of the booth instead of waiting for Ember to get up and let him out.
For the second time, Sweet Pea stormed out of the bar, though this time it was far less graceful as he drunkenly tripped over some stray chairs. During their game, he hadn’t noticed that nearly everyone else at the party had cleared out. There were only a handful of people left hanging in the actual diner, likely waiting to sober up enough to get home or wisely grabbing their hangover meal now instead of venturing out for it tomorrow.
Ember, especially when drunk, was nowhere near tall enough to keep up with Sweet Pea’s strides when he was angry walking. Despite the fact that she hadn’t stopped calling after him since he jumped the booth, he didn’t seem to hear her, or if he did, he didn’t care. She knew there was no way she was going to get faster, and now that he had made it fully outside the diner, it was likely that she would lose sight of him in the dark soon. So, the only think Ember knew to do was get louder.
Hearing her scream at him broke him out of his cloud of anger, and he stopped in the middle of the parking lot. Sweet Pea turned around to see Ember out-of-breath and forcefully stomping towards him.
“I don’t care if you’re mad at me. You’re not storming off into the night drunk,” she said stopping in front of him and crossing her arms over her chest.
Sweet Pea noticed the strap of her red, lace bra peaking out on her left shoulder, and he took a long, deep breath. He tried to focus on her words. Mad. Storming. Drunk. Drunk.
“I’m too drunk for this,” Sweet Pea said shaking his head, but shaking his head started to throw him off balance and caused him to sway backward.
“Good God, Sweets,” Ember said rushing forward to steady him. “You’re twice my size, and you’re drunk of your ass right now.”
“You’re fucking drunk too.”
“Well, I know that,” Ember said placing her hands on her hips.
“I’m gonna sit down,” Sweet Pea slurred before plopping himself down right in the middle of the parking lot.
He looked up at Ember, his head lulling back as his drunk body wasn’t steady. She stepped closer to him, looking down at him with a soft smile. It reminded him of the way she looked at him that night after it had really hit him what they were doing together, and he started to feel nervous and insecure. She had such a pretty smile, so sweet and warm. Like her lips. He could just reach out and pull her down to him like she’d done that night, just pull her to him and kiss her. He wondered if that would explain everything.
“I can’t kiss you,” Sweet Pea said.
“What?” Ember asked as she stepped closer, thinking she might have heard him wrong.
“I can’t kiss you,” he said louder and more clearly this time.
“What are you talking about, Sweets?”
“I was thinking about it. I could, you know?” he looked up at her with the same sort of amusement as a kid in a candy store when he spoke. “I could just pull you down to me right now and kiss you, but I can’t because we’re drunk.”
“Because we’re drunk?”
“Yep. Because we’re drunk. Like, we’re really fucking drunk, my dude.”
They both started to laugh uncontrollably. Ember clutched her stomach and plopped down right next to Sweet Pea, still laughing.
“We are really fucking drunk, aren’t we?” she asked him.
He nodded.
“I’m drunk because Fangs was trying to find a way to use that game to make me tell you that I’m in love with you, but he failed so hard. You want to know why he failed? Because he’s really fucking drunk, too. Why are you so drunk?”
“Wait,” Ember stopped and looked at Sweet Pea, searching for some sort of presence behind his eyes, “Did you just say that Fangs was trying to get you to tell me that you’re in love with me?”
“Did I?”
“That’s what I heard.”
“Well, pretend you didn’t. You weren’t supposed to. I’ve been keeping that one a secret for like four years,” Sweet Pea said before lying back on the pavement and staring up at the night sky.
“No. Fuck that,” Ember said, pulling at Sweet Pea’s shoulders and trying to get him to sit back up.
When he stayed put, she pulled out her phone and started recording a video. She set her phone down on the pavement next to her and tried again to get Sweet Pea to sit up.
“You don’t get to tell me to pretend I didn’t hear you say that you’re in love with me and that you have been for four years and then proceed to pass out on the fucking pavement in the fucking Pop’s parking lot, Sweet Pea. Get the fuck up.”
“What the hell is going on out here?” Fangs called from across the parking lot.
Ember stood up and turned to face him before throwing her hands in the air.
“This dumbass won’t get off the fucking ground,” she called to Fangs.
As he walked over, Ember noticed that Fangs looked significantly more sober than he had been when she and Sweet Pea left the bar. Fangs stopped next to Ember and looked down at Sweet Pea, who just waved up at him. Fangs chuckled before sticking his hand out to Sweets.
“Come on, buddy,” he said. “I think it’s time we get everyone home. Toni ordered us all Ubers on Cheryl’s account.
Sweets stuck his hand up from the ground and let Fangs help him up. When his head stopped spinning, he realized Ember was gone, and he could barely remember what they’d been talking about. He just had a feeling that he was mad at her for some reason.
 The next morning, Sweet Pea woke to banging on his front door that rang through his head and all the way down his back. When he moved from his bed, his whole body hurt. Stepping over his shoes and clothes from last night that we haphazardly thrown on his bedroom floor, he made his way to his dresser and pulled out a pair of gym shorts to put on. He shielded his eyes from the sun coming from his living room window when he came to the door, the banging still constant and seemingly growing louder the longer it took him to reach the front of the house. When he opened the door, Ember stood there still in here oversized t-shirt and sleep shorts, and she looked pissed. Sweet Pea started running through anything he could remember from last night, and everything after his stupid joke at the bar came up blank. He knew she wasn’t mad about that, but he was more than a little scared to find out what he’d done. Ember pushed past him and stomped her way into his living room, the sound of her feet—even on the carpeted floor—felt like nerve endings being pulled right out of Sweet Pea’s head.
“Explain this,” Ember said sharply, thrusting her phone in Sweet Pea’s face.
It was a shaky video of the Pop’s parking lot.
“What the fuck, Em? Did you take a shitty video of the parking lot?” he asked.
“Listen,” she bit back.
He held he phone closer to his ear, and he could hear a very drunk-sounding Em through the speaker: “You don’t get to tell me to pretend I didn’t hear you say that you’re in love with me and that you have been for four years and then proceed to pass out on the fucking pavement in the fucking Pop’s parking lot, Sweet Pea. Get the fuck up.”
Sweet Pea’s eyes closed tightly as he took in a sharp breath. He remembered shoving Fangs against the door at the start of the party and threatening him. He remembered making more suggestive comments to Em throughout the night. And, he vaguely remembered the game of Never Have I Ever, which resulted in his storming out of the bar. When he opened his eyes, Ember was still glaring at him with her shoulders tense and jaw clenched. He looked down her body and saw he fist balled tightly by her side and couldn’t help but laugh.
“Why are you laughing?” she seethed.
Sweet Pea looked her in the eyes, and his whole body relaxed. She knew now. There was no getting around that, and no matter how terrified he was to have this conversation with her, he had to admit one thing.
“You’re fucking brilliant, you know that?” he asked with a genuine smile spreading across his lips.
Ember softened and cocked her head to the side.
“You’re brilliant. Even when you’re drunk off your ass, you’re thinking of ways to hold me accountable. I mean, taking a video so you have some sort of proof to call me out on is just beyond me, Em.”
“Not the point, Sweet Pea.”
“Sorry,” he said, putting his hands up in surrender before bringing her over to the couch to sit.
“Is this true?” She asked, shaking the phone in his face.
He cupped his hands around her hand and the phone and gently brought in down to her lap. For a moment, he saw something flash in her eyes, something soft and maybe vulnerable, but her expression hardened again quickly.
“Are you asking me if I’m in love with you?” Sweets asked softly.
“Yes,” Ember said matching his tone.
“Then yes,” he said as he let go of her hand and brought his own to rest in his lap.
He didn’t want to look up at here; he was afraid her expression hadn’t softened to match her tone. He was afraid in general. That’s why he’d never said anything about it in the first place. He and Ember had been neighbors and friends since before they even got to decide who their friends were, before Toni and Fangs and the Serpents. She was one constant he couldn’t justify the risk of losing. When they’d managed to keep their friendship in the same condition after their agreement, Sweet Pea decided it was best not to test their luck.
“And you just didn’t say anything for four years?” she asked, her voice shaky.
Sweet Pea knew the sound of Ember’s voice strained in that way all to well, and sure enough, when he looked up to meet her eyes, she was holding back tears and her bottom lip was quivering.
“Is it because of what I said?” she squeaked, tears spilling down her cheeks as she sucked in a shaky breath.
“What? Em, what are you talking about?”
She looked down and played with the hem of her t-shirt, sniffling. Sweet Pea watched as she quickly wiped her tears and looked up at the light, holding more back. She spoke so softly this time that Sweet Pea had to lean in to hear her.
“When I said, ‘As long as you can promise not to go falling in love with me’ afterward,” she said as more tears fell. “Is that why you never said anything? Because I didn’t mean it like that. I never wanted you to feel like- I was just kidding because we were best friends, and we’d just had sex, and I was trying to be funny because I was afraid things were going to be weird, and-”
Realization hit Sweet Pea in the gut as he listened to Ember stammer through her tears. She thought that it was her fault he’d never told her, like she did something wrong. His throat tightened up as he watched her sniffle and cry in front of him, and all he could think to do was pull her right onto his lap and hold her. He pressed her head to his chest, wrapped his arms around her, and set his chin on top of her head. He completely enveloped her, and he could feel her let go, fully sobbing onto his bare skin and shaking in his grasp.
“I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to,” she kept saying over and over, only making him want to squeeze her tighter and tighter.
“Shh, Emmy,” he cooed, using a nickname she rarely let anyone else use, “it’s okay. It’s not like that at all. It’s okay. You didn’t do anything wrong.”
After five minutes of Sweet Pea whispering in her ear, Ember had calmed down enough to actually comprehend what he was saying instead of just hearing the melodic cadence of his words. When Sweet Pea pulled away, he used the pads of his thumbs to wipe the tears from her cheeks and gave her a small smile.
“See? Okay. We’re good now, right?” he said.
“No!” she shouted, causing Sweet Pea to jump back at her sudden outburst. “If I didn’t make you think I wasn’t interested by saying that, then why didn’t you just fucking tell me you had feelings for me? For God’s sake, we had sex, and you couldn’t just talk to me?”
Sweet Pea looked at her all puffy-eyed and red-nosed and yelling at him, and all he could do was laugh. When she put it like that, he saw exactly what she meant. They crossed the boundaries of their friendship in a way that so many people would never even dare to do, and he couldn’t even sit down and have a conversation with her.
“Why are you laughing now?” she asked.
“Because you’re right. When you say it like that, it sounds really dumb that I didn’t say anything to you. I was just scared. I figured we were lucky enough for things to not be super weird after we had sex, and I didn’t want to risk that not being the case if we dated and broke up.”
“You never considered what would happen if I didn’t have feelings for you?” Ember asked.
Sweet Pea’s eyes grew wide, and his jaw dropped.
“Oh, shit,” he said putting a little more distance between the two of them. “I didn’t mean to assume-”
This time, it was Ember’s turn to start laughing. She held her hand up to her mouth to cover her smile.
“I’m sorry. I just couldn’t resist,” she said between giggles as she reached out for Sweet Pea’s arm to pull him back. “I didn’t mean to freak you out like that.”
“So, you do have feelings for me, too?” Sweet Pea asked.
“Mmhm,” Ember hummed as she brought her hand from covering her mouth to covering her face while she blushed.
Sweet Pea reached out and grabbed her wrist. He pulled it away from her face and ducked down to look her in the eyes.
“Stop,” he whispered. “You’re so cute when you blush.”
He moved his hand from her wrist to her chin as she dropped her hand to her lap. Tilting her chin up, he leaned in a placed a soft kiss on her lips. She ran her fingertips up his arms and linked them together behind his neck pulling him toward her as she fell backward on his couch. Sweet Pea followed, shifting so that he was hovering over Ember on the couch when they parted. Ember pulled him down one more time, pecking his lips. Sweet Pea smiled and buckled his arms, causing Ember to squeal as he gently fell on top of her and buried his head in her neck. Sweets spoke into her shoulder, muffled partly by her hair and the couch cushion beneath them.
“Does your head hurt as bad as mine does?” he asked.
“It hurts pretty bad.”
“You wanna go cuddle in bed until it goes away?”
Ember simply nodded in response and gave Sweet Pea a gentle kiss on the shoulder.
“Good,” he said, wrapping his arms around her waist and pushing them both up of the couch.
Ember tightened her grip around his neck as he picked her up, and she peppered his cheek and jaw with kisses as he carried her to the bed. Sweet Pea carefully crawled into the spot where he’d thrown the covers to the side when Ember was banging at his door and gently dropped her on the bed next to him. Ember pulled the covers from behind her over both their bodies and snuggled into his chest while he wrapped his arms around her and kissed to top of her head.
Sweet Pea pulled her in tighter and tangled his legs with hers, closing his eyes and sighing softly.
“Sweets?” Em whispered looking up at him.
“Hm?” he hummed.
“I don’t think I really said it, but I love you.”
“I love you, too,” he whispered back.
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secretblog1212 · 5 years
What Klaus Needs
finally finished this prompt from an Anon, it only took me five years. XD Ticklish Klaus being a needy lee is amazing and I am here for it, here is some content my dudes.
AHH THANK YOU FOR RESPONDING TO MY ASK ABOUT TICKLISH KLAUS!! 💓 i can try to give some ideas I’m not too good at it though so I’m sorry, also the one you said is super sweet and would be adorable! Using what you said maybe like Klaus is starting to annoy/tickle someone in hopes they’ll tickle him and they catch on?? Maybe he tickled Diego and then Diego figures out Klaus just wants tickles?? That would be so cute!! That’s all I’ve got baha but thank you so much if you could write it!! 💓            
To put it plainly, Klaus was bored.
    He had spent hours entertaining himself in his room, trying on all of his outfits and makeup. Ben and him had talked through all of their usual conversations already, from random ideas to conspiracy theories.
    After a truly fulfilling  debate on what truly defined a fruit Klaus took to wandering around the lonely house.
    A few of his siblings were out doing their own things, Allison had booked a flight to go see Clair and to finally settle the public on her temporary disappearance. Luther was exploring the city for the first time in his life, finding everything he missed out on during his ‘out of the world’ journey.  Klaus chuckled at his own thought.
    The house was not empty though, he could hear Vanya playing her violin behind her door and practically skipped down the hall towards the serene music.
    Vanya, she had slowly become more confident now that she had her siblings supporting her but seemed most at ease when he or Diego were around. Maybe it was because they had tried to defend her against Luther first, or she saw how they had all suffered most similarly compared to all the siblings paths. Klaus had been one of the siblings to not completely orstricise her during their childhood, they had shared many hours hiding away together until their Father found him and forbade their continuing friendship (not that it ever stopped them fully). Klaus was the disappointment of the Umbrella Academy, and his powers sometimes made him wish to trade places with the smaller girl. Was it better to have something and not be able to use it or to never have it in the first place?
    He was shaken from his thoughts as the melody sped up within the room. She had been working on her control for weeks and while not always 100% she had gotten farther than Klaus had in decades.
    He debated knocking on her door, maybe they could talk like they did when they were young, before puberty hit and he found a different outlet.
    The music stopped and pages turned before another private performance began. As ,uch as Klaus would of loved to barge into the room and demand her attention he had, contrary to belief, some self restraint. Instead he walked back down the hall to his… smaller brothers room.
    Klaus didn’t even think for a second before opening the door. Five sat on the floor, book propped up on his knees and didn’t give Klaus enough thought to look at him before sending him off with a quick “Not now, go find Diego or someone.”.
    Klaus surprisingly didn’t put up much of a fight. He did throw a lovely bird to his brother carrying a kiss from the depths of his heart to his still distracted brother. Five did not react.
    Shutting the door and heading further once more Klaus came to his other brothers room. Number Two. He did not bother to knock this time around either, much to Diegos annoyance.
    “Diego, my buddy, my pal, mi hermano! Wanna hang? I’m bored to all shit and you never fail to entertain.”
    Diego, who had been laying on his bed triedly scrolling through his phone, rubbed his temples. “Not now Klaus,” He sighed, truly looking dead tired. “I just got back from an overnight. All I want to do right now is sleep.”
    “Oh come on. Just a little bit.” We never hang out anymore, y’know? What happened to the good old times?”
    “Klaus please be quiet, I am going to take some headache pills then fall asleep for about a week, then we can do something.”
    Klaus did not appreciate the refusal of his company. With Five it was expected but Diego normally would put up with him for at least a few hours.
    “No fun…” Klaus whined. “I chose you Diego and I am not feeling the love-”
    “Because there isn’t any.” Diego raised his eyebrow, a smirk on his lips.
    Klaus slapped a hand to his chest, agast with this treatment. “Excuse me? Have you been misleading me this whole time sir? The outrage! Complete blasphemy!”
    Diego cringed at the volume, was Klaus always this loud? Diego didn’t know but he wasn’t going to wait to find out. He stood up and moved towards the ex- junkie, giving a playful poke to the ribs as he moved him outside his door, shutting it with a soft thus.
    Klaus panicked, he knew Diego had seen him flinch, he had seen the smirk he was wearing before he shut his door. The best thing Klaus could think to do was walk back to his own room and think. He wasn’t expecting to feel anything ticklish,he hadn’t braced himself for it at all! But it hadn’t felt… bad? No, he kind of wished Diego would try again later but… no. No he needs to go to his room, he can just ask Ben, he would die of embarrassment if he went to Diego now.
    And so he went to his room only to find Ben gone, wandering somewhere. He as left in silence with his thoughts switching back and forth on the exact feeling, repeating the tingles he felt over and over. His face was in flames, he knew exactly what he wanted  but it wasn’t like he could comfortably just go and ask someone for.. that. No, That would get some looks.
    Klaus was at the peak of his delima. He was never shy to ask about this type of thing before with his partners, and it wasn’t that he couldn’t ask he decided. He just wasn’t sure how any of his siblings would react, least of all Diego. Sure when they were kids they had tickle fights, at least when dear old dad wasn’t around, but now they were well into adulthood.
    He had asked Ben a couple of times more recently but he was never able to hold focus for long. It only ended in making him more needy.
    And so the craving began.
He couldn’t stop himself, never one for patience, so it was no surprise when he found himself marching over to Diego’s door only half an hour later, knocking before letting himself in.
    Luckily the other boy was fully clothed and still on his phone. A pillow hit it mark against Klaus’ face before he could get a single word out.
“What do you want?”
Klaus hummed to himself before deciding to stretch himself over his brothers lap , stomach up, not unusual behavior but this time with an ulterior motive. “Can’t I just want to spend quality time with my family?”
Said family sat up, hands laying innocently on Klaus stomach, unknowing of the mental screaming fit that ensued.
“It’s rarely that simple. I don’t know what you want me to do if you’re bored, I’m tired to you’re out of luck, go harass Five or something.”
Klaus did not move, he was so close but the words he anted to say would not come out. Instead he settled for, “Nah, He’s probably reading some book. BORING.I would much rath-” He stopped in shock.
Never one to keep his hands still, Diego had begun to drum his fingers over Klaus stomach.
Torture. Mean. Evil. Rude. Klause felt personally attacked.
Diego only tilted his head, “You ‘kay? Not acting yourself.”
Klaus cleared his throat, “Yeah, yeah fine. Just um. Nothing. “ He said, barely able to force the words past his lips. He could practically feel himself vibrating, but Diego just gave him a skeptical look and his hands, his fucking hands kept horribly drumming along to some pop song.
Diego watched as Klaus sat stiffly, a blush slowly spreading across his cheeks as he fought an internal battle. Diego had realized what Klaus had wanted as soon as he practically threw himself over him. He used to do the same thing till they were deemed ‘Too old for childish nonsense number two and number four, stop that this instance.”
He could drag this out a bit longer though.
“So wha’cha want to talk about Klaus?”
Klaus wasn’t even sure if he could talk at this point. He could feel every bang of Diego's fingers against his ribs, they were practically vibrating through his entire body. He knew he couldn’t last much longer.
Before he could think of something convincing to say Diego’s hands changed into claws, digging into his ribs. Klaus practically screamed at the unexpected change. Questions flew through his mind, how did he know? He thought he was being subtle. He wasn’t prepared yet!
Diego felt his lips pull into a smile looking at his brother, it was the first time in a long time he had heard him truly laugh. The thing was, Klaus didn’t even try to pull away from the feeling besides the usual squirming, and even that seemed less intense.\
Klaus curled into a ball before frantically uncurling after a few seconds. His head tossed left and right.
God, he had forgotten how much he needed this. How fun and free it made him feel.
Diego decided it was time to switch spots, re experience his brothers ticklishness. Of course he remembered his worst spots, his hips and ribs, but he forgot how he would squeal if you lightly tickled over his belly, or cackle and kick when you went for his feet.
It only took minutes for Klaus to feel weak with laughter, he didn’t want it to stop though.
When he opened his eyes he saw Diego looking down at him , a smile across his face. He must of been waiting for Klaus to open his eyes because as soon as he did the teasing began, and boy did it start strong.
“Y’know, I forgot how much you liked this. I mean, you haven't’ told me to stop once or pulled away.”
Well shit. Klaus hadn’t even thought about masking how much he wanted it after it had started. It was much too late to salvage now. Instead he flung his head back and kept laughing. What else could he do? Deny what Diego already knew, he wasn’t Five. No, Diego was the one who used to tickle him most when they were kids, it would be dumb to think he wouldn't remember. Why hadn’t he just gone to Five, at least then he (probably) wouldn’t of had thought Klaus was in desperate need to be destroyed by tickly fingers, he could of convinced him that the entire thing was his idea!
But now he had every coo and tease ever heard of being thrown at him. He knew that the words couldn’t attack him themselves but it sure felt like they were! Each sentence made the pokes and scribbles double in ticklishness. God was this Heaven or Hell? Klaus could only guess a mixture of both.
His face was bright red, both from laughter and embarrassment, but the fingers didn’t stop. In fact once found his wrist and pried his arm away from his body. Shit. Shitshitshit.
“Shihihihihit! Diehego Noho.”
“Awe, is it finally getting to be too ticklish for you Klaus? Because I could go for hours more. I think that would be fun, wouldn’t it?”
Klaus shook his head, hair a tangled mess, while trying to pull his now pinned arm down.
“What about this spot? I remember your armpits used to be pretty bad..”Diego said, he was so cocky and full of confidence that even just looking at him made Klaus tingle. His voice was smooth and almost patronizing in the best way possible.
Klaus couldn’t will himself to respond as his brother slowly brought his wiggly fingers down. All he could do was giggle and shake his head. A completely hopeless case.
“I’m not even touching you yet Klausy, why’re you laughing already?” can you feel it coming? I bet you can.”
Four felt his face getting impossibly redder. Then, when his eyes were squeezed tight and his face tucked into the crook of his elbow that wasn’t quite strong enough, Diego made contact.
Klaus screamed, there is no other way to describe what happened. He could hear Diego laughing after him but couldn't make himself focus on much of anything except the fingers digging into his upper ribs and dancing in his hallows.
No matter what he tried, rolling over, kicking, rolling the other way, trying to pull his arm down, holding Diego's wrist, even at one point trying to fling himself off the bed, he could not separate from the point of contact. He thought he was going to go mad, and he loved every second of it.
Diego’s hands found his hips next. Nope. nopenopefuckingnope.
This must of  gave Klaus some super strength or something because he was suddenly able to rip his hand from Klaus grasp and hold on to his evil, cruel brothers wrists in hope of regaining some control.
Diego jst laughed some more. “Did you think I would forget your worst spot? How could I forget Number Four and his deadly ticklish hips?
Klaus felt himself getting more and more flustered, when they were young he could of been tickled from an hour and barely be phased, now he didn’t even know if he could last a second longer.
“Dihihiegoho! Noho- noho mohohohore. Ihihi canhan’t!”
“You can’t? I thought this was what you wanted Klausy?? Just a minute longer, then I’ll stop.”
Klaus wasn’t sure how he survived. He knew it was only a minute, literally. Diego counted down the seconds, but it had felt like an hour. By the time Diego removed him horrible, mean, absolutely rude fingers Klaus was wheezing for breath.
Diego moved to lay back down, “Next time you want tickled just ask, okay.” was the last thing he said as Klaus got his feet shakily under him.
Klaus did all but run out of the room. He could feel that there would be a lot more laughter filling the halls of the Umbrella Academy in the upcoming weeks. He didn’t feel any shame for being excited for it either.
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firebirdsdaughter · 6 years
Quick, while the ibuprofen kicks in!...
... Zi-O 20 raw!
In no order:
Are the Wozes gonna be switching off for the recaps now?
Okay. Why has my computer managed to learn Geiz, Tsukuyomi, and Sougo’s names but not the word ‘the.’ So every time I mistype it as ‘teh’ I have to go back and fix it?
I’ve already watched this once, Kuro Woz, I know you’re lying to me. Or maybe it’s just your wishful thinking.
Sougo needs to learn that Geiz’s main method of tacit communication is punching things.
Geiz’s eternal war against having feelings. The boy is losing.
Honestly, though, he’s probably also got some pent up aggression right now, and Hiromu was being so obnoxious I’m not surprised someone as intense as Geiz would want to punch him at some point.
Sougo has come to the conclusion that if he just yells Kuro Woz will show up. And honestly, Kuro Woz has yet to prove him wrong, so...
Shiro Woz is conveniently in suit during this whole opening so that Keisuke doesn’t have to change costumes too quickly.
JK I know scenes are often filmed out of order to make things like this easier.
Congrats, Kuro Woz, you’ve been promoted from Another Rider detector to teleportation service!
Were Ora’s fingernails painted before?
God, I hate Shiro Woz’s laugh.
But on the bright side (literally) my precious tsundere child is so pretty and I love him! He looks so sad here I wanna give him a hug... ^^
While I listen to the theme. Fun fact is that the image translator I use for the mandarin/Japanese subs (there’s both on the versions I watch) periodically translates random words into things like ‘kiss’ and ‘hold’ and other romantic-esque stuff. It literally at one point translated one of Geiz’s lines to Sougo as ‘I want to kiss you’ it was hilarious. The fact that it just does it completely randomly sometimes.
Anyway, Hiromu’s a good actor. Like... His movements are all really fluid and he comes across and really confident? I dunno. I like it.
Geiz is moping around outside, and Tsukuyomi literally just made a ‘really?’ face at him. XD
He’s too embarrassed to come inside, bc that might make him have feelings, so he’s hiding outside pretending he’s angry.
You know Geiz trusts you when he’s willing to at least sort of admit to having feelings around you. This is super cute, actually. I wanna more about the history w/ these two as well... Also him worrying about what Sougo is gonna do is so cute. You do care.
Geiz and Tsukuyomi on their own is really interesting, though. He's much less guarded around her, and she obviously knows him very well.
Also this ep was literally Geiz playing Shiro Woz and I love it.
Ya know, I was kind of hoping we’d get some info on Tsukuyomi’s past with this... After all, she’s the other member of the cast we can almost certainly confirm has dad-angst. Admittedly, that’s probably more related to dad getting dusted by Puma Zi-O after pushing her to safety, but...
Come to think of it... Why hasn’t that ever been brought up? Like ‘yes, Sougo, I know you want to be a good overlord and all, but in the future you literally killed my father, can we discuss this?’
Geiz is looking sadly at children playing w/ their parents and I want an explanation.
Apparently he’s here to see Shiro Woz. ... Why is Shiro Woz hanging out at a playground, that’s creepy.
Though the translation was apparently ‘contact.’ But then... How did he contact him?
Geiz just looks so very tired right now. That would definitely be my response to this bastard.
What the hell does Oct-Sox mean? What the hell is Sox?
They’re all so cute though, it’s unfair.
Oh, wow. He goes right at Sougo. That was super obvious.
Geiz is like ‘oh my god, just go already, I only have so much pent up aggression I can throw at this oaf, he’s too cute and I’m kinda fond of him at this point.’
That’s something I kinda wanna write at some point. Like, the fact that Sougo is just so tiny and adorable that he’s like a puppy that makes people instinctively feel the need to protect him or something. And Geiz is just like ‘no what the fuck.’ That was a bad explanation, hopefully it got across.
I’m getting the implication that the Ride Watches have turned into ‘whoever grabs it first from the holder’ and that is bloody hilarious to me.
Okay, so he deHenshins him, but... Sougo isn’t actually that injured. He’s fine, he gets back up and fights later. Geiz actually did him better than Sougo did him during the OOOs thing.
Sougo is picking on Woz again. Woz is literally like ‘you do this every time’ and Sougo looks so proud of himself. This is so funny.
Woz is trying to tell Sougo what to do, and Sougo is like ‘nope.’ And Tsukuyomi’s like ‘please do kill anyone.’
Like I said, this whole ep is Geiz playing Shiro Woz and I support this endeavour.
I love how Tsukuyomi clearly knew very well that Geiz was way softer than he was trying to act, bc she’s straight up giggling at Sougo asking her the same thing. Like, I’m sure she is worried about how this well turn out, but she knows both her boys are going at it w/ good intentions.
Also the fact that they both turned to Tsukuyomi. She’s their glue and they know it. It’s like that line from Harry Potter ‘We won’t make it ten steps without her!’
Aw, Sougo’s so happy to know that Geiz was worrying about it, too. XD
I think she’s noting that originally, Geiz wouldn’t have cared what Sougo would do. And that’s true and it’s cute and I love it.
Sougo just figured it out.
I love how Geiz pauses in front of the door, for some reason.
He literally uses Shiro Woz to get around Ora’s time freeze. I don’t know if he thought that far ahead in the moment from the beginning of the ep, or if that was what he was asking Shiro Woz about before, but that’s freaking brilliant.
Also, it’s totally the feathers. Is there a time bird?
The fact that Shiro Woz is hiding by the air conditioner units writing in his Nook is bloody hilarious to me.
The wild Hiromu is confused.
Geiz is like ‘hell no, I just attacked you guys before so that the asshole in the beret would believe me enough to negate Ora’s timestop’
Shiro Woz here, to ruin everything. Shut up dude, Geiz isn’t sure he wants to do it that way anymore.
Also, side note, the image translator did it as ‘Your mission is to defeat the ostrich.’ And now. I can’t.
It’s interesting how, even though they both wave their arms around, the Wozes are different. Kuro Woz is very stationary w/ his arm waving, while Shiro Woz’s body often follows his arms and does weird noodle motions.
Sougo showing up to back Geiz up. *clutches at my chest and cries bc cuties*
Geiz is mortified at having been caught having and acting on feelings, especially by Sougo.
Okay, so these room shots are nice and dramatic, and everyone looks quite well, but... Where the devil are they? What is this place? I know I joked about air conditioners but that was a joke I don’t actually see any.
He’ so embarrassed, oh my god. I love my tsundere baby so much.
Hiromu’s like ‘holy shit, dude.’
Still would like to point out that Geiz clearly went way easier on Sougo during the ‘fake fight’ thing than Sougo went on him during was was allegedly a fake fight. Though, I will absolutely grant that those had slightly different circumstances. But still.
The only valid things about Shiro Woz is his suit, his henshin (which I still unfortunately love) and the fact that Keisuke seems to be having a great time playing him. That’s it.
I feel like it should be meaningful that Sougo’s breaking out the Double Armour for this. Ya know, the show about partners and their unbreakable trust in each other. Or maybe I’m reading too much into everything. Probably the second one.
I think they changed the effects of Hiromu’s Rider Kick?
A for effort Sougo. But we can’t be beating the tertiary Rider just yet.
‘Who are you?’ ‘I am... Red Buster! No! Wait! Shit! Wrong show again!’
Okay, so he’s just like ‘it’s your mother,’ but... How does he know who his mother is? Has he already met her? How old is Hiromu? My first guess is in his twenties, but hat doesn’t confirm anything. I’m assuming this will be made clear once this is subbed, and the main issue is my not knowing any Japanese and the clunkiness of online translators.
Hiromu thanks Geiz and Geiz’s response it to immediately look away awkwardly. I love him.
Shiro Woz just straight up backhanded Geiz and that is extremely rude. Also let go of Hiromu you meanie.
Shiro Woz has already cottoned on to the fact that Geiz is too good to do what he wants. This is bad.
Geiz why would you take something this guy hands you? Though it’s also freaking adorable how his first reaction is to try and hand it back to Hiromu.
Also, Shiro Woz looking minority offended at Geiz’s first response being trying to give it back.
Also all three of them are still wearing their Drivers and this is somehow hilarious to me.
 Aw, Hiromu smile! So sweet! Your hat is still dumb, though, sorry. XD
I am not comfortable w/ the weird electric Watch shock or Shiro Woz at all. I strongly suspect that he’s gonna try and force Geiz to do what he wants at some point.
Doesn’t Geiz Revive have two forms? That looked like only one of them... Maybe him getting the other alters time again? Hmm... Be really cute is he got mind controlled into using one form and then achieves the other by breaking out of it?
Well, Sougo’s clearly at least slightly worried. I’d be freaking out. But I guess at this point this kid might have hit his ‘weird’ quota.
Okay, I think he’s saying something about ‘You have to defeat the Overlord, so you can’t have feelings for/about/care about him’ something like that. Too late loser. Though I can see Geiz trying (and failing) to distance himself just in case, not bc he wants to, but bc he’s scared of actually being hurt if he does have to do it. Did that make any sense?
Hiromu is literally like ‘holy hell, are you okay?’ but also like ‘I... don’t know what I can do if you’re not and now I really don’t wanna cross this guy... Don’t have much choice...’ Like, him looking back in concern was really sweet.
My melodramatic, friendship etc. obsessed side is like ‘Nooooo! Sougo, why didn’t you go after him!’ but my logical half is like ‘oh, gee, I don’t know, maybe the unconscious man on the ground, probably in need of a hospital?’
Tsukuyomi’s outfit was cute again this ep, and I wish I could’ve seen more of it.
Still really hoping Sougo at least tried to look for Geiz. Like, he’s very valid in being super down at the end there after that weird shit, but I really wanna know he at least tried. Like he probably did have to get home, but he must’ve had time to at least try to look...
Apparently, nobody questions why it looks like Kuro Woz just came from upstairs.
Any conversation about what just happened is prevented by Junichiro’s appearance! Man, of all the times, Oji-san.
Also Kuro Woz just ‘ya’d again. That was it. That was all he said.
Kuro Woz just whips out the Zi-O power up and hands it to Junichiro. Like... Why? What is going on here? Sure, Junichiro is acting like he doesn’t recognise it, and maybe he doesn’t. But maybe he also is the one who originally made the Ride Watches, in the past or the future?
Also, Kuro Woz, did you have that the whole damn time?
Maybe Another Ryuuga is the mirror world version of Shinji? And that was why he was creepy smiling? Bc that smile was creepy!
Sougo has to fight his mirror self, it seems. Also, looks like the boys are back together. So either they found Geiz, or he got home on his own. Hoping there’s a ‘we were so worried about you’ scene. I’m also hoping that one day, Sougo, like, hugs Geiz, and Geiz freaks out and is like ‘is this an attack? Am I being attacked?’ and Tsukuyomi’s just like ‘no you nincompoop it’s a hug I know you’ve been hugged before you big baby.’ What? I have absolutely not imagined something like this/already put it into a scene. Sort of. Too bad that at this rate, no one will ever see it.
Also, does mirror Sougo mean Geiz is going to finally have a go at ‘Guess Which is Which?’ Bc I would love there being a time where that happens and he nails it, and then tries to pretend his knowledge of Sougo/ability to tell the difference was not sentimental at all.
Oh, my god. Like that episode of Gekiranger, where Retsu got switched w/ a mirror monster and only Gou noticed? Like, Sougo gets replaced by something, but Geiz, Tsukuyomi, and even Junichiro notice? It would be so cute!
I used the word cute a lot in this post, didn’t I...
Alright, well, that’s all for now. Virtual shortbread for anyone who read my nonsensical ramblings all the way down here.
The tea and the shirts remain on standby if necessary.
Which is not gonna make sense to anyone who didn’t see that one dumb post I made ages ago. XD
Oh, right. And my fave image translator moment from this ep:
Tumblr media
I can totally imagine Shiro Woz saying this.
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llamaswrites · 7 years
Fandom: Pokemon
Rating: Mature
Pairing: Hau/Gladion (Haudion | Cutebonesshipping | Sunandcloudshipping)
 “Did you ever think…” Gladion started, and then stopped.
“Well, no, I don’t think much,” said Hau with a smile. “I leave that to you. Think what, love?”
Gladion’s heart clenched as he thought back to what had happened earlier that day.
“Did you ever think this wasn’t supposed to happen?”
A happy ending, at last.
Read on AO3 here.
Cold feet.
That’s what this was called right?
Gladion wasn’t sure. After all, was there really a term for the doubt he was having? He was pretty sure that no groom ever had anxiety like this -- anxiety over doubting that all this was a fluke and definitely not how the universe intended things after peeking into a reality on the flipside of their own. This wasn’t cold feet, really, just more of the same stupid anxiety that chased its own tail in his brain, yelling at the top of its lungs that he didn’t deserve any of this.
As if summoned by his thoughts, Hau poked his head into the room, eyes searching for him in the dimness of the room before meeting his own. Obviously, his empath fiance had picked up on his anxiety.
“I can hear you thinking from the other room, Glad. What’s up? Feeling anxious about tomorrow?”
“Did you ever think…” Gladion started, and then stopped.
“Well, no, I don’t think much,” said Hau with a smile. “I leave that to you. Think what, love?”
Gladion’s heart clenched as he thought back to what had happened earlier that day.
“Did you ever think this wasn’t supposed to happen?”
Maybe it was because he was on the mainland instead of the Pelago, but the last monsoon season hadn’t seemed as bad as it’d been before.
Still, Gladion thought as he observed the wrecked beach around him, the storms had left their mark. Both newly fallen trees and driftwood littered the beach outside Kukui’s lab, with drying kelp stretched between each piece like an Ariados’ web. Some of the pieces of driftwood seemed impossibly big, dwarfing even Hapu’s Mudsdale as it dragged them across the beach. He reasoned that they must have come from someplace other than Alola, but trees that large existing seemed more like a dream than a reality. They waited too long to clear the beach for the ceremony and this was their retribution.
Speaking of Hapu, she inadvertently splashed him with water from the bottle she upended over her head. They sat together in what little shade Kukui’s beat up shack that he’d deemed a lab had to offer from the midday sun. Gladion had excused himself from dragging away debris first, his hair piled into a high ponytail on his head doing nothing to abate the heat. Already he could feel the sting of sweat against his scorched skin, even with the layers of sunblock he’d slathered on.
He felt less lazy when Hapu joined him soon after, ripping the sweat soaked handkerchief from her hair. Only Kukui and Hau remained out in the harsh sunlight, loading up Mudsdale and Hala’s Tauros’ backs with debris before shrugging their own loads onto their shoulders.
“Sorry ‘bout that,” Hapu said as she screwed the cap back on the bottle and tossed it aside. She grabbed another two from the cooler beside them and held one out to Gladion.
“It’s fine,” he told her as he accepted the bottle, “and thanks.”
“I can’t believe them,” she mumbled as she wrapped her thick braids into a bun on top of her head. Gladion could sympathize with wanting the hair off her neck. “I work in the sun all day back at the ranch and this heat’s still gettin’ to me. How do they do it?”
“Sheer stubbornness and pride,” Gladion guessed as he sipped from the water bottle, thanking Burnet’s foresight to send a cooler with her husband that day. “The first one to take a break loses bragging rights.”
Hapu hummed her agreement as she flopped back onto the deck. Silvally, who had been lying behind them, startled up from its nap when her head hit its side. It grumbled at her sleepily.
“Aww, suck it up you big baby,” she told it. “You’ve been doin’ nothin’ but nappin’ over here. ‘Least your brother is doing something productive instead of being a lazy Pyukumuku in the shade.”
Indeed, Null was on its feet at the surf’s edge, nervously pacing back and forth as Pichu and his newly evolved Clefairy played in the water. Hau’s Raichu hovered above the waves on its tail, occasionally splashing the other two Pokemon as it kept watch over them.
With a grunt, Silvally settled back onto its side, letting out a long sigh as its eyes fell closed once more.
Gladion looked back to Kukui and Hau to see them finally approaching the lab, Mudsdale and Tauros in tow. Hau tried to catch Gladion in a hug but Gladion pushed him away, his nose wrinkling.
“Hell no, you’re gross and sweaty!” he snapped without any real edge. “Go take a shower first!”
“You’re sweaty too!” Hau pointed out, pouting.
“Yeah, but my shirt isn’t soaked through with sweat and I don’t smell like the lovechild of a Grimer and a Trubbish.”
“He’s right, Hau,” Hapu murmured without opening her eyes. “You reek. You too, Kukui. Go shower.”
“You guys are so mean,” Kuikui groaned, but the two men trudged past them into the lab without further protest.
“A shower does sound nice but I think it can wait until those two get cleaned up,” Hapu said. Gladion didn’t respond, instead letting out a sharp whistle to catch the attention of the Pokemon playing in the ocean. He crooked a finger at them and they scrambled back towards the beach. They only paused to let Raichu pluck Pichu from the water.
With a groan, Hapu finally opened her eyes and sat up.
“I’m gonna go rub down Mudsdale and Tauros in the ocean,” she told him. “They’re probably grumpy from all the sweat in their fur so if you just wanna go inside and get lunch together, I wouldn’t blame you.”
“I’ll take you up on that,” he replied, watching the Pokemon dashing towards him kick up sand. Hapu went off to corral the large Pokemon towards the waves as Gladion held the the door open for the small stampede heading for it. For all its outwardly rough appearance, Kukui’s lab was blessedly cool and clean inside. Clefairy and Pichu instantly clambered up onto the railing to watch the Luvdisc in Kukui’s aquarium while Gladion busied himself in the kitchen. Distantly, he could hear the sounds of the showers running in the basement of the lab. Only Null and Raichu seemed to notice the food bowls he set out for them. Silvally was missing, presumably still napping outside, but he made sure to set aside a bowl for it anyway.
Gladion started slightly when arms snaked around his waist and a chin rested on his shoulder. He huffed out an annoyed sigh when Hau chuckled in his ear.
“I thought you were still in the shower. I can still hear it running.”
“Kukui just jumped in,” Hau told him as he nuzzled his face into Gladion’s neck. “He had to check some readings on an experiment before he could wash off. I just barely got out myself.”
“Trust me, I can tell. You’re dripping on me.” Gladion reached for a knife and head of lettuce he’d set aside earlier, hoping Hau would get the hint and stop clinging to him like an oversized Komala.
He didn’t.
Huffing out another sigh through his nose, Gladion carefully started chopping up the lettuce before asking, “Is there any reason you’re being so affectionate today? Other than the obvious?”
A pause.
“Just thinking. Dreaming.”
“Very descriptive,” Gladion deadpanned as he dumped the lettuce into a bowl, “and not your strong suit despite being a Psychic-type trainer.”
“Rude!” Hau grumbled as Gladion finally managed to pry his arms off. The back of his black t-shirt was thoroughly soaked through from the water dripping down from Hau’s hair. With his newfound freedom, Gladion managed to grab all the sandwich ingredients from the fridge and set them on the counter before Hau latched onto him again.
“You know it’s true,” Gladion said, twisting around in Hau’s arms so he was facing him this time. He reached up to cradle Hau’s face in his hands, prompting Hau to press a kiss to one of his palms. “You’re more of an empath than a telepath, so don’t take it so personally you idiot. Now, tell me what’s on your mind before I start to feel like throttling you for smothering me.”
“Just…” Hau’s eyes fell closed and he let the weight of his head rest fully in Gladion’s hands.
“Just...I’m so excited about getting married and this wedding and starting a life with you, but I don’t want to overwhelm you because I know you’re not super thrilled about all of this and--”
Gladion cut him off with a hand over his mouth, sensing that Hau would ramble until he was an emotional puddle on the floor.
“First, shut up and listen to everything I say before you open your big mouth again. Okay?” Hau nodded and Gladion lowered his hand.
“So yes, you’re right that I’m not happy about the wedding. I wish we could just get hitched and not do this huge public thing but I know it would mean the world to you and our families and probably our stupid Pokemon too, so I’m going to do it. When has me voicing my doubts to you ever been a problem? Haven’t I let you know when you’ve gone too far in planning?” Hau got a mischievous gleam in his eye and Gladion held up a hand to silence him before he opened his mouth again.
“Except for that instance!” Gladion hissed but Hau only chuckled, keeping his mouth shut. “Can you ever be completely serious?”
“Do you honestly want me to be?” Hau asked.
“No, but...we’re getting off topic. Okay, no, I’m not happy about the wedding. Yes, I’m excited too. I want to start a life with you, you’re the biggest dork in the world and I love you, now stop worrying and clinging onto me so I can finish making lunch. Got it?”
“Got it,” Hau said, laughing. He pulled Gladion in closer to him and kissed him. A throat clearing behind them interrupted any other plans Hau may have had.
“Okay, now that I’ve seen enough PDA from you two to last me until the wedding, is lunch done?” Hapu reached past them into the cupboard to grab a glass. Gladion’s face burned in embarrassment but Hau only laughed harder before finally detaching himself and grabbing his own glass. Behind them, the now-awake Silvally chuffed as it chased its food bowl across the floor. From the corner of his eye, he saw his newly-acquired phone levitate in the air. It soon became apparent exactly which Pokemon was responsible.
“Please enter your password,” the phone droned.
“Glad, she’s doing it again,” Hau said as he leaned back against the counter with his glass of water, watching Clefairy as she started to go through his messages.
“She’s fine. Let her do it. She’s not doing anything wrong.”
“You mean other than deleting all of Blue’s messages.”
“Still not doing anything wrong.”
“You have six new messages,” continued the phone over the banter.
“You’re popular today.”
“Hush. Everyone calls me because they know they won’t reach you unless it’s Kahuna business.”
“Hi Gladion! It’s Dawn. I just got on the plane with Saturn so we should be there by midnight. He’s never been to Alola and I was hoping to show him around before the wedding, but he’s a little bit of a--”
Beep. “Message saved. Next message.”
“Gladion, it’s Blue. Pick up the phone. I know you’re ignoring me and--”
Beep. “Message deleted. Next message.”
“Still not doing anything wrong.”
“Hey bro bro, it’s the best sister in the whole wide world! I went shopping again--don’t you dare say anything about that, I’m an adult and can spend my money how I want--and anyway I found something I think Hau will like for your wedding night! I’m not asking for permission but you’d better wear it because--”
Beep. “Message saved. Next message.”
“Seriously dude just answer your phone. I’m going to kick your ass once we--”
“Message deleted. Next message.”
“It’s Red. We’re boarding. No, I’m not saying anything else, Blue.”
“Save that one,” Gladion told his Clefairy. “I want to check the time on it later so we know when to pick them up.”
“Message saved. Next message.”
“Hi Gladion, it’s Moon. I know it’s not really the time but I need you to come look at something--” Gladion’s ears perked up.
“Let that one play, please. And then save it.” Clefairy nodded.
“--at the Altar of the Moone. It’s...um, I don’t think it’s a UB, but it’s not from here. I took it back to the Altar to shove it back into Ultra Space just in case, but a really weird spatial rip opened up over here without Nebby doing anything. Call me back please.”
“Message saved. End of messages.” Gladion finished washing his hands and was on his way out the door with Silvally hot on his heels when Hau caught his arm.
“I’m not going to stop you from going,” Hau told him as Gladion began to object and shoved a sandwich into his hands. “Just eat something on your way and call me if you need anything. I like my future husbands not burnt to a crisp by extra-dimensional beings. Be safe okay?”
Gladion gave Hau a small smile and leaned in to kiss him. In the background, Hapu made a gagging noise but the happy couple ignored her.
“I will.”
“Think what wasn’t supposed to happen?” Hau asked. “The wedding?” Gladion hesitated but shook his head. “Us?”
Gladion’s silence was all the answer that he needed. Hau sighed and stepped fully into the room, settling himself at the foot of the bed where Gladion sat. He reached out an arm to wrap around Gladion’s waist and tugged him to his side. Instantly, Gladion melted against him, happy for the contact.
“Gladion, what happened today?”
“I saw into another reality, Hau. Not another dimension, not the one attached to our own that the UBs come from. Another reality.”
One quick stop by the Foundation and a Charizard ride later, Gladion found himself staring at something his mind had problems comprehending.
“So...uh...where did you say that you caught this again?”
“Ten Carat Hill last week,” Moon said, scuffing moss off of the surface of the Altar with their shoe. For them, it was just another day as champion, another odd thing caught. Gladion privately wished just a small amount of their steeled nerves (or perhaps it was indifference) to transfer to him. Unless it concerned his sister or Hau, he was a mess. “It was wandering around the hollow area really oddly...like it had just woken up.”
Looking at it was like seeing a hole in existence, a void; the only indication of any finer features came through the impossible prism-like refraction of its body. Impossible was a good start to describe it. Whatever it was, it was watching both of them beneath the rip above the Altar, and Gladion got the impression it wasn’t pleased. The rip at the front of the altar matched its appearance and was devoid of any of the usual colors that Ultra Wormholes usually had.
He cleared his throat awkwardly and started setting up his equipment, trying to ignore the heavy gaze on them. Oddly, Nebby wasn’t out of its ball like it usually was at the Altar. Something about this entire situation didn’t sit right with him. Everything with that had to do with the UB dimension before made sense in a weird way, once he understood a little about how the dimension worked. The creatures, Giratina, everything was odd but not...inherently malevolent, not like this thing before them now.
“Was it a tip off by the International Police?”
“Yes. But there wasn’t a correlating wormhole. At least, not until now. Usually it’s a wormhole that would tip them off but there hasn’t been one in quite some time now, but they became aware of this one after some local hikers reported seeing it. The wormhole opened up after we got here on its own.”
The stare continued.
Equipment up and running, Gladion first measured the rip in the sky and then the being before them. Neither the wormhole nor the...Ultra Beast? Pokemon?...had the familiar, residual signatures of radioactivity of the UB dimension. Something was not right with this thing.
Cold dread sank into the pit of his stomach. He felt like a Wurmple before a Swellow with how this thing was looking at them. He was suddenly aware there were no other Pokemon with them beside this...thing, and felt all the more vulnerable. He stood up slowly while keeping his eyes locked on the creature. If they at least had Nebby out, he’d feel a lot better about this.
“Moon, where’s Nebby?” he finally asked lowly. If possible, the thing’s attention sharpened onto them more.
“It was trying to rip Nebby to shreds so I had to call it back,” they said. “I’ve never seen a Pokemon attack another like that. Not even the Ultra Beasts do that…It let me catch it as soon as Nebby was back in its ball, though.”
The distinct ozone smell of psychic energy permeated the air suddenly, causing the air to roil across the Altar in a harsh, screaming wind. Despite his fiance’s affinity for Psychic types, nothing could prepare him for both the energy and physical malevolence that slammed into them both.
“Moon, call it back!” Gladion shouted.
Nothing happened. Gladion looked to the side and saw them frozen, hand hovering near the balls on their belt.
A tear ran down their face and as a ball detached itself from their belt and floated into the air, Gladion realized where the focal point of the energy was. He swore and tossed out Silvally’s ball, but it was too late. The ball that held Nebby smashed onto the stone surface of the Altar, shattering.
In two flashes of light, Nebby and Silvally were standing between him and the creature. Silvally instantly started to charge the thing before it but Nebby seemed disoriented, probably due to its violent release from its Pokeball. That was all the opening the creature needed. It dove past Silvally, wicked talons out as it tackled Nebby to the ground and ripped into its torso. With its focus shifted the psychic lock on Moon broke and they crumpled in a faint, only saved from hitting the cold stone by Gladion’s fast reflexes.
Laying Moon gently down on the ground, Gladion turned his full attention back to the tangle of screaming Pokemon before him. At some point, Silvally attempted to join the brawl but hadn’t found an opening in which to separate Nebby and creature. Its claws sparked against the creature’s armor but ultimately slid off uselessly. Each of Nebby’s thrashes was progressively weaker and there was more blood than stone beneath the brawl.
Gladion’s mind scrambled as he took the scene in. Truly, the creature didn’t seem to have a weakness--its body seemed to be well guarded by natural armor and there wasn’t an apparent weak spot at first glance. Nothing save the starburst mark on the back of what he presumed was its head looked different, along with amalgamation of colors on the front. Everything about the creature’s body looked hard as steel. Then, he saw it as Nebby shot off a beam of light from its mouth, destroying some of the pillars around them.
There was a seam in its armor with a softer looking material lying underneath that ran to what Gladion presumed was its face, or something similar to it at least. The colors dancing around at the front of it didn’t make much sense to him but the softer looking material surrounding them definitely looked promising.
“Silvally! Try to attack the gap running down the side of its head!”
Hearing Gladion’s command ring out, the thing paused in its assault of Nebby and swiveled its head around to acknowledge Silvally for the first time. Its body went rigid for a fraction of a second as it studied its new challenger, but that was all the time Silvally needed. It pounced, sharp talons catching into the soft tissue there and ripping down into the creature’s face. The creature screamed and staggered back, heady claws going up to cover its face.
Nebby, seeing a new opportunity, dragged itself away towards Moon. It fired a parting shot from its mouth that made the creature fall backwards. Overhead, the spatial rip stuttered in and out of existence a few times, before stabilizing. The creature wasn’t done yet, but it was at least weakened. A quick glance at Moon revealed them to still be out cold. Unfortunately, the only unfamiliar Pokeball at their belt, one that was shiny and unworn, was smashed. Gladion doubted it to be coincidence.
Swearing, Gladion dug frantically through his bag. It wasn’t habit to carry Pokeballs en masse anymore. His team had settled long ago and while he knew one day they would pass on, that day was far from being a reality. Still, his hand closed around an unknown ball as Silvally pounced once more. An Beast Ball. It would have to do.
Nebby watched tiredly as he lobbed it furiously at the creature. It disappeared from under Silvally’s talons with a flash and the three of them watched as it rocked back and forth.
Back and forth.
Gladion let out a breath and sank to his knees as Silvally came running back to him. He buried his hands and face into the feathers at its neck, relieved that whatever the thing had been, that it was contained once more.
An eerie hum persisted through the air and when it stuttered, he looked up from Silvally’s mane. The portal was still open but it steadily stuttered in and out of existence without the creature to sustain it.
If the creature wasn’t from Alola nor the UB dimension, then where did the rip lead?
Silvally cried out in alarm as he stood and approached the portal. It was high enough off the ground that he would need to leap through, but doable. As long as he timed right, he should be able to get through, look, and return without being spliced. Each stutter was at a thirty second interval if he counted right.
He waited for it to stutter once more, and leapt.
“It was...it was like I never actually stepped through. There was another altar, another Poni Island. It was like I’d stepped out of a mirror.”
Hau said nothing, but held his soon-to-be husband’s hands in his own as Gladion’s mind started to chase its tail again anxiously, questions from earlier filtering back in.
If their realities were as mirrored as his short visit on the other side of the portal told him they were, did that mean a beast like the one they caught fell from their reality to the other, slumbering under the earth until disturbed? How many realities so similar to their own overlapped over the nexus at the altar?
For that matter, what if…? What if…? Science was pushed to wayside, paving the way for his rampant self doubt.
What if this were the only reality that he and Hau ended up together like they did? Was his happiness here the exception and not the norm?
What if he was really meant to be isolated?
Should they really be together, then, if this wasn’t the way things were meant to be?
Hau tugged on his hands, successfully jolting Gladion from his thoughts.
“Babe, one of the things I love about you is how smart you are,” Hau told him softly, “but you are overthinking things. I can literally feel your anxiety crawling on my skin right now and it’s not pleasant for either of us.
“I think I know where your brain is at right now. I can tell you that if I’m anything like I am in this reality, I love you in all the rest too. And even if that weren’t the case, I love you in this one.”
Hau raised his hands up and lightly kissed his knuckles, all while holding Gladion’s gaze.
“Know that here and now, all the rest of that stuff doesn’t matter. All that matters is that you came back safe and that you can continue being my nerdy husband for hopefully a long while yet.”
Hau’s actions managed to derail his anxiety enough that Gladion could laugh.
“I’m not your nerdy husband yet,” he said as he leaned forward and rested his head on Hau’s shoulder.
“It doesn’t matter,” Hau said. “I love you all the same. This dimension, or the next. This life, or the next. Whether you’re my husband or not. We’ve been through so much together and I’m not letting go of you.”
Hau’s hands came up and tangled themselves in his hair and guided Gladion’s head up so he could peer down at him.
“I love you so much,” Hau said and kissed him.
“I love you, too,” Gladion murmured against his lips.
“Do you believe me?” Hau asked and before, Gladion might have been hurt at the question. Now he understood that Hau was only checking to see if his anxiety was assuaged.
Hau roughly kissed Gladion and pulled him up into his lap before dumping him backwards on the bed. The air left Gladion’s lungs as Hau leaned over him, eyes dark and shining.
“Besides,” Hau murmured as he ran his hands down Gladion’s sides, “I think I might need some practice for tomorrow night so I don’t get stage fright.”
Gladion was all too happy to oblige.
The sun caught the water of Melemele sea on fire as it set, illuminating the beach in a light that made their tuxedos more orange and red than white. The leis around their neck, with flowers both graciously and gratefully offered by the local Comfey, emitted a faint aroma that, had he been any other person, would have calmed his nerves. With the near-white sands of the beach cleaned, Kukui and Lillie had set up the chairs and decorations just out of reach of the tide and any Pokemon that might be attracted to the glimmering decorations. Even Kukui’s lab seemed in better shape than usual; it could almost pass for being a respectable Pokemon lab.
Gladion didn’t really know who all gathered before them, he hadn’t really had eyes for anyone else since walking down the alley hand in hand. At one moment he thought he saw both his mother and father, heads together and hands entwined, watching him proudly. At another, there was a gaggle of Hau’s family, trying not to be too loud in their happy crying. And another, Guzma and Plumeria with a gaggle of reformed grunts at the back, looking subdued from their usual style but still sticking out. And last, with a man who had a sterner version of Hau’s face and a blue-eyed Pikachu perching on his shoulder.
Their Pokemon, who had gone ahead in their small procession, waited for them by Hala. Gladion hadn’t really felt like either of them needed to be escorted or given away, especially him. And who better to stand up for them at their faithful companions, who had been through near hell for them both?
Silvally was a stunning sight, freshly bathed and dusted with silver glitter (probably by Lillie). A matching silver bow had been tied around its neck and it stood at attention, proud of all the attention on itself and its owner. Null stood opposite of it with matching accessories in gold though it seemed far more distracted by the bow around its neck, if its slightly chewed on edges were anything to go by. Pichu and Clefairy were hugging each other and squealing with joy at Hala’s feet, who seemed more than a little amused at the small Pokemon. The rest of their Pokemon hovered nearby, no less adorned and no less proud.
Thinking about this very moment for months and months, Gladion figured that he would probably be teetering on the edge of hurricane-level panic attack. Who wouldn’t, he thought, with all the eyes on him? With all the pomp and circumstance surrounding this moment?
All of it didn’t matter, really, in the end. What, or really who, mattered was at his side.
All he could see, all he could think about was Hau standing before him, with his eyes shining with unshed happy tears. Hau seemed to be in a similar state and his hands kept squeezing Gladion’s own erratically, probably part reassurance for Gladion, part Hau attempting to keep himself from shaking.
Gladion honestly couldn’t hear Hala reading (or really, reciting, the old man had done this so much in his time as former Kahuna) through the ceremony’s script and only responded with half a mind when he was supposed to. The wedding wasn’t what mattered. All that did was in front of him.
Maybe the moment was longer that it seemed, or shorter because Gladion’s mind was skipping around wildly to the beat of his heart, but it all ended suddenly with Hau kissing him with more enthusiasm that he would normally allow in public. Today, though, he’d let it slide.
But just today.
Gladion couldn’t hear the cheering around them over the blood rushing in his ears as he kissed Hau back. His anxiety finally caught up with him, making his knees weak, but Hau pulling him into an embrace saved him from falling in front of everyone else.
“It’s done,” Hau murmured into his ear as they rocked back and forth. “We just need to get down the aisle now and we’re home free.”
“I don’t think it’s going to be that simple,” Gladion told him. “With our luck, Arceus itself will find its way into crashing our wedding out of spite.”
Thankfully, the creator of all things deigned not grace them with its presence as they stumbled down the aisle together, laughing. Silvally and Null were hot on their heels as hau flower petals rained down on their heads. Hapu wolf-whistled at them as they walked by.
The entirety of their little wedding stumbled up to Iki Town, where Hau’s family had prepared more food than anyone or any Pokemon would be able to eat in one sitting. Paper lanterns that Lillie and Moon spent days making lit up the main plaza of the town, with curious nocturnal Pokemon floating around them. Though there wasn’t any real order to the whole celebration, there was plenty of dancing already waiting for them and other than the silly tradition that Lillie had insisted upon of them cutting the cake together, they were left to their own devices as well wishers floated by their sweetheart table.
The man with the eerily identical face to Hau had pulled him aside at one point with a nod to Gladion and when he asked Hau, he only said with a shrug, “My dad managed to make it. He’s not much of a talker but he says congratulations.”
As the night wore on, Hau rested his head on Gladion’s shoulder.
“Thank you,” Hau told him, watching Lillie and Moon dance with one of his small cousins. “I know this was hard on you and I really appreciate going through with it.”
“It really wasn’t that bad in the end,” Gladion said. “Really. Even though it was our wedding, I think my brain kind of forgot there for a while that you were going to be by my side the entire time.”
“That’s not just the wedding. You’re never getting rid of me now.”
Gladion laughed.
“Whatever will I do? Maybe I’ll run away to the Pelago again.”
“I’ll come and find you, again,” said Hau. “Even if you disappear to another country, into another dimension, or another reality, I’ll be there by your side. You’ll never feel alone or isolated again, if I have anything to say about it.”
Gladion found Hau’s hand with his own.
“I think,” he said, “I would like that.”
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ball-jointed-dragon · 6 years
I need to get this off my chest
For those who do not wish to look at my personal problems, please scroll on. These thoughts actually become very personal and deep for me.
For most of my life, I’ve been, and still am, a rather angry person. I get mad at things easily, and it takes me a while to let things go or simply forget about things that make me sick to my stomach.
Going through elementary was easy, because back then, all anyone cared about was the playground, who you were gonna sit with, etch etch.
I never had a problem with this. I was that kid with one friend and books who sat on the bench and read. However, there is one vivid memory from elementary about that one friend.
I’ll say her name was Penny. Penny was my friend. Hell, she let me come over to her house. She was the best. But the others didn’t like me. I got angry, I hit, I yelled, and many other things. So, they decided that if they couldn’t hurt me, they would hurt Penny...
One recess, everyone surrounded Penny. What they did still pisses me off because I know it was because of me.
They all, at once, screamed. Think about it. 15-20 kids, screaming at the top of their lungs, not too far from you. It was awful. It was deafening, almost.
I went to the teacher and told, but they did nothing. They probably thought I was trying to use my ‘privaleges’ that I ‘had’ cause I was the kid with a huge scar on her forehead, I was the poor baby who got ran over AND drowned.
They paid me no mind.
Not too soon after, I had to leave. I had to go see my dad, who was in Montana, because that was what the divorce papers said.
I don’t remember a lot there. I do remember being alone, and preferring it that way. I remember still being angry, being manipulated by my sisters, and slowly starting to pick up bad habits.
I stopped going outside because what was the point? I stopped playing with others because they only wanted to hang out with one or more of my siblings, not me. I stopped participating in games because I felt like I was jamming myself into a place I didn’t belong.
I turned to art during this time. I was shit at it, but I started taking it seriously. I showed the teachers, and they pushed me to keep going. I also turned to writing, and started getting positive feedback from the readers.
But my home life was still bad. My dad was lazy and angry. He only wanted to play video games and would yell at us if we did anything he seemed bad. He made it hard for me to get a simple book that was 50 cents while my sisters could get pants for over $15.
My own father encouraged me to steal. At first, it was a card for Mother’s Day. He claimed that it cost less than a dollar to make, but here we were, being charged over a dollar for it.
The next time was a bigger thing. I had money from my grandmother, and I didn’t have enough for a cross necklace, something I wanted during a time when I felt that I needed to get closer to god (it didn’t work out btw). He encouraged me to reach in and grab it, then walked off, starting to take it off the thing.
I said I didn’t wanna steal it, I didn’t wanna be like him, going to jail for something that was avoided. My sister even offered to help buy it.
My dad decided to slap me in the Walmart.
Apparently it was the best way.
He put the necklace back and I cried quietly for the rest of our trip.
There were many other factors. My five other siblings could turn abusive. I had to share a small bed with my two sisters while my step siblings got their own room or had a bunk bed for the two others (there were two sisters and a brother, hence the bunk bed for one and single room for another).
My stepbrother threw fits and his mother would yell at him and send him to the corner. We hopped from house to house. I was in some bad relationships, extremely unhealthy ones.
I had a breakdown once, and I got grounded for it because my stepsister called my dad while I sat screaming, holding my head and throwing things.
He claimed that it was unnecessary.
I came out as bi and he said that I only thought that because of anime women. He didn’t take my art seriously and simply called it ‘anime’.
My siblings and I were mass-grounded, and my dad would never come up with an end date, leading to months of being grounded.
My dad twisted the image of my mom into this irresponsible, evil, vile woman who would treat me worse, and that I would be better off here.
I started feeling like I was pathetic, a loser. The feelings only grew stronger.
My dad did a lot of good things, but there are other things I can’t forgive him for. I’m sure I’ll remember more as I go along.
I moved back with my mom for a bit, about a year, and things... I dunno.
I couldn’t tell if things were good or bad because I was so tired at this point.
I was overweight, I was eating unhealthily and I still do. I didn’t do any exercise and I was angry and going through puberty -or at least the start of it-. I became the overweight, antisocial kid who had anger issues and drew on her worksheets and got good grades.
I sat at a table and made friends with the people there. We even had a club. The club didn’t last for long.
I once ran for something and I surprised people by getting popular people to sign the thing.
I shelved books and was in a play. A kid came up to me while I was working and asked for a book recommendation, so I gave him a book to read and sent him off. He came back later to say that he was glad he asked me.
Despite all these good things, I was starting to hit a bad patch of school. One I couldn’t avoid- there was a bully.
He loved to target me. He was bigger than me, and he wore glasses, and looked like he was overweight and blushing all the time.
I think he was higher up grade-wise, and he might’ve been the ‘loser’ of that group. So seeing me, he decided he’d hate me.
There was a rumor that started in my middle school in the 7th grade that I was a devil child. I was evil, and angry, and I said morbid things that I thought were cool and funny. Not only that, I called myself ‘snow’. God, I cringe so bad.
This bully started calling me that every time he saw me. Five days a week, every time we had a break between classes. He always called me that.
I hated it, but I already told the teachers, and what could they do?
There was once, however, that he got caught in-action. We shared a PE class. The locker rooms were on the far sides of the place, so I came from one way, and he came from another.
I sat down first and had all my things laid out nice.... only for him to kick my things, throwing one of my boots across the room and forcing me to go get it.
Of course I cried - I was a kid who was fed up.
The teacher yelled at him and forced him to do something- I can’t remember.
During the few last days of school, I passed by this kid on my way to shop class. Having had a bad day, I heard him say devil child. That damned nickname...
I turned and screeched at him to stop before bursting into tears, going to my desk and crying.
A few kids comforted me; but I was so angry and tired that I told them my version of the truth:
No one cared about me until I was crying.
I still think it’s true.
I go back to dads, meet my ex boyfriend, and of course I have a problem.
By this point, I’ve written a story that was being well responded to. In middle school, we had these tablets, and I managed to get into my email. I saw a review in PE class and I was so happy that I started telling the boys nearby that they’d never make a story as good as mine.
One of them spoke up,”I can. Once upon a time, you died. The end.”
I... I was pretty crushed. I started crying and I shut up. I moved back, dead set on staying at my high school for the entirety of it.
Freshman year. It was... I can’t say. It was such a jumble of anger and being sent to the principals office. I was given detentions and suspensions. I had a few friends.
One of these friends was... super strange. She was clingy, she was far too touchy-feely and she was unpleasant. I stayed the night at her house- it was trashed, and she.... did stuff.... while I was in the room.
She held my hand even if I didn’t care, and she jumped up onto me while we were in the pool. It got to the point where my family thought she and I were together.
We stopped being friends, I even started avoiding her. I feel a bit bad, but she later told me her boyfriend wanted to marry her and get her pregnant and sent her sex toys, and smelled bad, so I think I dodged a bullet (sorry if that seems rude).
I got attacked by a girl in the lunch line cause I accidentally touched her butt and she freaked.
Kids avoided me because they knew me. I sat alone. Then, I found this lovely lady. She was my friend. She let me tag along, was my partner in class stuff, and introduced me to a friend I’ll call Ami.
She... she moved away, that same year. She had a lot of family issues and I wish her the best.
Sophomore year is a year I spent talking to Ami and in turn Amis friends. We were content, but these boys... and these girls... I had issues with a lot of people. I didn’t know how to shut my mouth and blew up at people if they bothered to say a negative thing about me.
There was a time where I was playing a game. This game plays classical music as you play it, and the setting was as low as it could go before I couldn’t hear it anymore.
One girl took issue with it and complained, even though she played music louder before. We argued; I went to the office and told them what happened, and I ended up being suspended for not wanting to give my phone over.
Thankfully, it was a couple of days before a vacation, and I got good after, so.
I dealt with a lot of people who would fight with me (I probably started a lot of them), and I dealt with self esteem issues because, in my mind, I was overweight, ugly, and I couldn’t shut my mouth for five seconds. Everything had to be memememenememene.
I felt that my friends weren’t my friends, that I was just butting in, ruining everything. I’ve been told that someone didn’t wanna be friends with me because I was so rude and I started fights.
Junior year.....
I can’t remember a lot. I remember some.
I remember laughing a lot more. I remember smiling.
But bad beats good..
You see, I’m still overweight, look ugly, and have no real redeeming qualities. I’m super negative about myself, and while I try to be nice to the people I call my friends, I feel as if I’m driving them away.
I still have anger issues that I’m working on. I lost a job because of these issues (actually I just picked up a boy and gave him to his mother and she complained, so))
I argue with freshman boys because they’re pains in the asses who think they’re better than everyone. I was in a cooking class with these boys, and I fucking hated them.
They had a big soap bottle and yet they felt the need to take everyone else’s soap bottles. I got defensive over the things in my kitchen, and they started mimicking me. One even made a poster saying ‘stay out of my kitchen’ and hung it up on my cupboards.
We used brown sugar one day. After cleaning up, I walked off. The teacher came over and said that my kitchen wasn’t clean. I was confused.
Then I saw what she meant.
My clean kitchen, was now covered in brown sugar.
The boys took a handful of brown sugar and just threw it..
They stole other things from our kitchen and mimicked me all the time.
I once wore a Jacksepticeye shirt, and they started saying that ‘Jacksepticeye is gay’ and that he was ‘cancer’.
I told the teacher. The experience made me feel sick to my stomach and made me want To scream because they decided to pick apart something they didn’t know because I wore a shirt of it.
I admit- I was rude and angry and cross with them st times, but the level of things they did...
In this same class, you’re supposed to have four people in a kitchen.
I started out with four people in my group. Then two. The. Three (one was the girl I stopped being friends with). Finally, I was alone. No one wanted to cook with me.
So I made everything myself. I worked better alone, that’s what I always said.
It didn’t stop the pain and loneliness.
Another class I took was for childcare.
Despite being as hardworking as I could and trying to be good at the class, the teacher didn’t like me. I knew it was because I was rude to the other kids at times. I also once had a bad year with her previously.
One day, we needed to group together. I didn’t want to, but she forced me to get into a group.
She claimed I was being antisocial (later she said I was intimidated by the other students) on purpose. It got to the point where a different teacher demanded to know why I chose that day to be antisocial.
There was another day where we had baby food. We tasted some, liked it, and some people called dibs. I didn’t know that the fan had already had a dibs, so I was eating it. Suddenly, the teacher called to attention that the can I held was CLEARLY not mine.
We argued with each other. A girl said I should have been listening and I snapped that she needed to shut her mouth.
I ended up sulking in my chair. I bought a replacement later on (68 cents apparently gets people’s panties in a twist).
The final class I wanna talk about is my PE class. The teacher then had a student learning to be a teacher. She got to host games for a day, and chose a game that she said I could be in a box area for.
Well, a boy threw the ball as hard as he could at me from a few feet away and slammed it into my face. It hurt. I told the teacher/student, but she made everyone to the plank and tried to change the rules. I kept giving her comments, which she said she didn’t want, and I told her she’d get them anyway.
These boys... I HATE.
They could be a step away, and they’d STILL throw the ball as hard as they could! They yelled insults, threw in people’s general direction, and just.. ugh.
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abdicatedarchive · 4 years
imessage || chase and chanel
𝐖𝐇𝐄𝐍: imessage // early march.
𝐅𝐄𝐀𝐓𝐔𝐑𝐈𝐍𝐆: chase x chanel.
𝐃𝐄𝐓𝐀𝐈𝐋𝐒: chanel sees a tweet from wren that leads her to believe that it is the green beacon from across the lake
chanel to chase: not to be some weird ex... but do you think there's a possibility that his tweet is a "chanel come over" sign? or is he like totally seeing someone else? 
chase to chanel: i should call the press (aka jonah) and tell them that THE chanel hampton has a case of the lingering exes ;) chase to chanel: and no he's not seeing anyone, so i could see that for sure chase to chanel: :))) you gonna go over there???
chanel to chase: ... 😡  chanel to chase: speaking of lingering exes, are you and gabrielle back together yet? it's been longer than usual chanel to chase: i mean if he wants me to go over there, im not gonna be rude and say no. besides, that means less time with my roommate
chase to chanel: ... 😡 no we are not yet chase to chanel: but at the same time, my body count is up to five? 😏 chase to chanel: the elusive roommate, who even is it? maybe I have a class with her (horny on main, but i could potentially take her off your hands every once in a while) chase to chanel: is she just annoying to you? or annoying in general? because that really effects my choices chase to chanel: are you going to wait for that text? or are you just going to show up? because those are two different things
chanel to chase: oooh look at you go!! proud of you :') chanel to chase: make sure not to fuck anymore of our teammates tho! ✨ chanel to chase: as both of us know, she's not into guys lmao chanel to chase: i thought maybe jonah would have brought it up to you, but it's juliette  🙃 chanel to chase: omg i cant be the one to make the first move, i cant look desperate! i already texted him first last time LIKE AN IDIOT 😭
chase to chanel: hahaha, thanks for the moral support. marina's got better things going for her anyways, it's also wayyyy to close to home for my taste chase to chanel: oh shit??? seriously? that's a mega plot twist.  chase to chanel: speaking of too close to home, that is wayyy to close. also gay, so that's a dead end. guess i won't be making things so awkward she switches dorms or schools :/ chase to chanel: if you want to get rid of her, just get her and stevie to talk chase to chanel: you texted FIRST???? wow. this is a lot to take in.
chanel to chase: well then let's shoot for some double digits for your body count! it's what you deserve 😌 chanel to chase: ugh right? like how bad could my luck be??? chanel to chase: ooh that does seem like a good idea. i don't talk to her too much since the break up but i can always work my magic on her 🥰 chanel to chase: he was literally typing and then stopped! so without thinking, i went ahead and asked him what he wanted. it was so embarrassing 😩
chase to chanel: i mean, there's no harm in trying chase to chanel: just be careful you don't seduce her on accident 🤡 chase to chanel: oh shitttt, juliette said something about how stevie doesn't even know she's here. maybe don't talk to stevie?? chase to chanel: oh that is embarrassing, not gonna sugar coat it. but you can come back from it for sure, just make sure not to text first. weakness is not good.
chanel to chase: no promises 😇    chanel to chase: she doesn't know?? actually i guess that makes sense. i've seen stevie around with some girl. if stevie knew juliette was here, they'd probably just be together? idk, things got weird with them chanel to chase: exactly, maybe i'll post a cute picture on instagram or something. idk if i'll get his attention, but i'll get somebody's!
chase to chanel: yeah that's the consensus that everyone but the two of them have tbh, poor other girl yikes chase to chanel: do you want somebody's attention, or do you want his?
chanel to chase: i'm sure juliette will break and go talk to her eventually, they were like always super sappy with each other when i would go to wren's band practices chanel to chase: i mean ... i would prefer his ... but i dont think he wants mine, so somebody else seems fine enough
chase to chanel: yeah and i like other girl's attention... whatever you say chase to chanel: but if you really want something, say it
chanel to chase: but you said weakness is not good!!! 😭    chanel to chase: and we're pretty much in the same boat. why dont you say something to gabrielle? hmmm?
chase to chanel: can a boy not give out hypocritical and confusing advice these days? chase to chanel: such a shame
chanel to chase: i'd prefer unconditional support, even if my ideas are stupid chanel to chase: we work great when we do that chanel to chase: plus, i like being told i'm right
chase to chanel: do you want me to tell you to text him? or not to text him? im honestly a big fan of you just showing up at his door, but that's just how i feel chase to chanel: you are always right <3
chanel to chase: not text him! chanel to chase: i might do crazy shit, but not that crazy. what if i go over there and he's literally in the middle of hooking up with someone? i couldn't beat her up, but i'd want to 😔 chanel to chase: 💖 
chase to chanel: if he was hooking up, why would he advertise being alone online? chase to chanel: also internet safety 101, don't tell people you're alone places chase to chanel: whatever you do, don't text him!!!
chanel to chase: idk!! we've been texting for a bit, someone could already be there chanel to chase: and he was like if you know, you know. and i wasnt sure if that just meant that jets always kicking him out or if he was acting all dude bro-ish and being like "ahahaha got the room all to myself. gonna get laid all weekend"
chase to chanel: not to act up ... but i can text him for you? see if he wants to game or something? chase to chanel: jet does kick him out all the time though, he's always sleeping in here
chanel to chase: ooh i guessss  chanel to chase: wait no! even if he's not busy, i cant just take my ass over to his room. thats like texting him first chanel to chase: right, he told me about that chanel to chase: idk maybe this is all pointless. we pretty much never talk to each other. it's almost been a year, i'm sure he's moved on
chase to chanel: do what you want girl, whatever is good for you!!! chase to chanel: text me what you pick tho, i do wanna know
chanel to chase: i think i'm gonna go skate somewhere chanel to chase: i'll update you tho, love you 💖
chase to chanel: love you! make good choices!!
0 notes
kiraswritten · 7 years
Hate’s a Strong Word (Reader x Bucky)
pairing: Reader x Bucky Barnes warnings: smut, unprotected sex, dirty talk, cursing a/n: you know, the typical ‘hate you but wanna fuck you’ scenario we all love when it comes to Bucky. 
thank you so much for 200 followers, you all are amazing. 
comments are greatly appreciated, lemme know what you think! 
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“He’s unbearable, I can’t stand him.” You rant as you stir your oatmeal on the dining table. 
Sam scoffs, “Didn’t you want him to fuck you senseless? I heard correctly the day you met him, right?”  
“Well, yeah, that was before I found out he was an insufferable jerk! He always goes out of his way to be rude to me, and hey, why aren’t you agreeing with me, I thought you didn’t like him either?” 
Sam shrugs his shoulders, “It’s not that I don’t like him, it’s more so our dynamic, you know? I don’t actually hate the guy, he’s cool. I just like pissing him off, is all.”
You roll your eyes at your best friend, “So basically I’m the Bucky in your story and he’s you. Great.”
Sam lets out a chuckle, taking a bite out of his breakfast burrito, “I don’t think he’s purposefully being a jerk per-se, it’s just the two of you suck at talking to each other.”
You snort at Sam’s reasoning, “What makes you say that?”
“Oh I dunno, maybe the intense sexual tension between the two of you causes your brain to short-circuit preventing you from having a normal conversation with him?”
“Excuse me?”
Sam rolls his eyes, dramatically flailing his arms over his head, “Are you serious? You don’t notice that sexual tension between you and Bucky? Every time the two of you are in the same room, it’s like you both are ready to pounce each other.”
“No way, all I wanna do is punch him.”
Sam snorts, nodding his head, not believing your words at all. “Uh-huh, yeah, keep tellin’ yourself that, maybe it’ll sound more believable once you’ve said that fifty million times.” 
It was well into the afternoon and you couldn’t shake away the conversation with Sam out of your head. You were slacking during your work-out, which Steve noticed.
You told him you were just feeling tired, he told you to take the rest of the day off, which prompted you just staying all day in bed.
You hear a knock on your door, you yell out it’s open, not wanting to get out of bed.
The door pushes open, you expected to be Steve or Sam but instead Bucky entered your room, his hair tied into a messy top bun, a towel hung over his left shoulder, shirtless, wearing black sweatpants that hung low on his hips.
You gulped, seeing the hard muscles of his abdomen glisten in sweat, the firm outlining of his ‘V’ leading straight to his crotch, you quickly shake your head, not wanting to be caught staring.
“Steve told me to come and get you, says something about extra training for tomorrow.”
You nod your head, crawling off your bed, you slip on your slippers and follow him out of your room.
The walk towards the living room was silent, you stared shamelessly at Bucky’s back, biting down on your bottom lip at how firm and wide his shoulders were, you then thought of how good it would feel clawing his back, your nails digging onto his smooth skin, red, angry marks along his shoulders whilst he pounded into you over and over.
You were too lost in your thoughts, not realizing Bucky stopped walking, you walk straight into his back.
“Oomph.” You let out, bouncing back, you managed to catch yourself from falling.
“You okay?” Bucky asks, confusion etched onto his face.
“Y-yeah, sorry about that.”
“You should pay more attention where you’re going, the hallway is a straight path, don’t get why’d you do that.”
You roll your eyes at his remark, “Thanks for the info genius, I’ll be sure to remember that.”
You walk past him, towards Steve who was talking with Sam.
Sam looked at your strangely, wondering what their conversation was.
“(Y/N), starting tomorrow I want you to train with Bucky. Hand-to-hand combat isn’t your strongest suit so you need to work on that.”
“What about Nat? Why can’t I train with her?”
“She’s gonna be on a mission with Clint for the next two months, I don’t want you waiting for her to come back to train, just go with Bucky,”
“But I-” you let out a huff, “Fine, it’s like I have a choice.” You see Sam grinning mischievously, you shot a glare at your best friend.
You had a new mission in life and it was to kill Sam Wilson. 
You knew that he was the sole reason to why you were stuck training with the Ice Princess of the Avengers Tower, and your newfound reason to live was to destroy Sam at all costs.
What you didn’t understand was how he got Steve to even agree with him; Steve knew how you and Bucky didn’t get along, you racked your brain for any plausible reason why Steve would ever do this. If he thought that by forcing you to train with Bucky would make you friends, he was so wrong.
“Stop slacking your shoulders, that’ll give you less momentum to strike your opponent!” Bucky yells at you, pulling your fists up and forward.
You glared at the brown-haired soldier openly, keeping your fists up like he instructed.
It was only week two of training with Bucky and you’ve never felt this much hatred and sexual attraction towards anyone before in your entire life.
Spending majority of your day with Bucky confused the hell out of your body; one moment you’re seething with rage and the next, your whole body would be tingling from excitement when his skin touched yours.
You never told anyone about this but for some reason you knew that the others sans Bucky had some kind of idea of your attraction towards the Winter Soldier.
Out of training you’d flinch every time Bucky was near you, you’d be so jumpy when he’d tap you on the shoulder, prompting you to run away, Sam would be snickering in the corner with Vis.
“Pay attention! If you do this during a mission, you’d be dead!” Bucky snaps his fingers at your face.
“You’re such an ass Barnes! Lay off!” You snapped, pushing him away.
Bucky raises an eyebrow, cocking his head to the side, “Two weeks of training and you suck more than ever at sparring, pretty sure none of the things I’ve taught you stuck.”
Oh fuck no, it’s definitely on.
You lunge forward, throwing a jab towards Bucky’s left rib, he deflects it perfectly, you take two steps back, prompting him to take a step forward.
“You’re a fucking asshole,” you growl, taking a step forward, you prepare for a punch, Bucky readies himself to deflect it once again, the last second you spin your body, your position now behind Bucky, you kick him at the back of his knee, he falls forward, you grab his flesh arm, twisting it behind his back as you take another step forward, bringing your knee to his back to slam him onto the mat.
Bucky falls with a loud thud, you pinning him down perfectly, one knee holding him down, the other pressed onto the mat, you were placing all of your weight onto him, he lets out a grunt, tapping his metal hand onto the mat as a sign of defeat.
You smile triumphantly, getting off the super soldier. He brings out his flesh hand, you grab it to help him stand up he suddenly pulls you down with him, his legs wrapping around you.
“Not bad,” his voice gruff, “you still need work though,”
You were straddling him, your ass directly sitting on his abdomen, both your arms being held by his hands.
“You’re a fuckin’ cheater is what you are Barnes, I played fair.” You reasoned, trying not to focus on how close the two of you were.
Bucky smirks, “The bad guys don’t play fair Doll, and I used to be one of them, I’d know.”
“Yeah you made your point, let me go.” You feel your cheeks heating up at the close proximity, your eyes following a single bead of sweat trailing down Bucky’s neck.
“You really want me to let you go? I reckon’ you rather enjoy this position,” he teases, a playful smile across his face.
You bite your lip to prevent yourself from making a noise, you were terrified you’re voice would crack and everything would come out; out of everyone in the whole tower, Bucky was the last person you wanted to find out your secret.
Bucky’s smile grows at your silence, he can hear your heart beat quicken at his words, though you tried to regulate your breathing, your heart rate ratted you out.
“Speechless are we? That’s a first.” He teases you once more, his hands now letting go of your arms, he trails them down to your waist.
You take a sharp breath, your whole body tingling from the sensation of Bucky touching you, all of your reasoning went out the window, you forcefully grab him by his tank top, yanking him upwards.
You press your lips against his, his hands now cupping your ass, pulling you flush. 
The kiss was messy, rough, all tongue and teeth, and you loved every second of it. Your hands now wrapped around his neck, your hands snaking through his hair, you drag your nails along his scalp, earning a moan from him.
“Fuck,” he moans against your lips, you do it once again, his hands on your ass tightens, his flesh arm slapping your ass, making you squeak.
“Like me spanking you, huh? Fuck Baby, you taste good,” he groans, pulling you into another mind-blowing kiss.
The two of you continue making out, you grind your clothed core onto Bucky’s bulge, his metal hand grabbing your waist, “Don’t start what you can’t finish Doll, keep doing that and I won’t be able to stop.”
You grind your hips once more, earning a hiss from Bucky. 
“You don’t hear me disagreeing Buck, in fact,” you pull his head back by the short hairs on his head, you lick a trail down his neck, sucking on his collarbone, “want ‘ya to keep goin’, mark me yours if you’re not chicken,”
You grin at his scowl, his hands fly back into your ass, cupping them as he stood up, carrying you with him.
“Hold on tight,” 
Whistles and howls were sent towards the two of you as Bucky carried you in his arms, you smiled against his neck as he ran towards his room. He shuts the door behind him, he drops you on his bed, crawling on top of you as you watched him look at you with lust.
“We’re so gonna get shit for this,” you say, snaking your arms around his neck, pulling his face closer to yours.
“You realize that’s why they forced us to train right? Always talkin’ about the sexual tension surrounding us,”
“Damn, Sam told you that too?”
“Nah, it was Steve, though can’t deny what they we’re sayin’, I want you,” he states breathily, capturing your lips once more.
Hands wander all over your body, the contrast of his cool metal hand and his warm flesh hand made you dizzy, he quickly peels off your yoga pants, along with your black lacy thong.
Bucky moans, breaking away from your kiss.
“Fuck, if I had known you were wearing this…” he says as he dangles the lingerie out.
You smirk, “What would you have done James?” You say sexily, a shiver running through Bucky’s spine.
Bucky visibly gulps as you take your time taking off your tank top, along with your sports bra, freeing your breasts. He bites down onto his lip, stifling a groan. “You’re breathtaking, absolutely breathtaking,”
You feel your cheeks heat up from the comment, you push him backwards, his back pressed against the mattress.
You crawl onto his lap, your naked pussy pressed against his clothed erection.
“Wanna know a secret?” He nods, staring at you with hooded lids.
You smirk, pressing your lips against the shell of his ear, “Every night since we started training, I finger myself to the thought of you, you got me so worked up these past few weeks Buck,”
Bucky cries out, bucking his hips against you, earning a quiet moan from you.
“Fuck Doll,” he gasps, his flesh hand gripping onto your waist, “sorry about that Darlin’, didn’t mean to,”
“Should do something about it Barnes, been so wired up these two weeks…”
Your hands trail up his chest, you pout, “You should take this off Barnes, feelin’ kinda lonely being the only one naked.”
In an instant, Bucky has you lying on your back, his tank and shorts gone, leaving him in his boxers. You moan at the sight of his almost naked, you couldn’t wait to have him inside you.
“Of course, I should help you, a pretty lady like you shouldn’t be kept waitin’,” He grins, planting a kiss onto your neck, trailing down to your collarbone then stopping at your breasts. 
You inhale at the feeling of his warm breath against your skin, you closed your eyes in pleasure as you felt his tongue envelope your left nipple, your hands digging into his comforter. 
Bucky began to suck obscenely, alternating between sucking and licking your hardened bud, his right hand groping your other breast, his nimble fingers rubbing and pulling until your right nipple became erect. He does the same thing to your other nipple, loving the feeling of his tongue and lips on you. 
“Bucky,” You gasped as your rubbed your thighs together. Bucky smiles against your skin, “Like me touchin’ you Darlin’?” 
You nod your head, your hands still gripping onto his sheets, he trails his lips downward, kissing your stomach, navel, stopping at your pelvis. You gasp once again, feeling his hands gripping at your thighs, he pries them open, exposing your dripping core. 
“Fuck,” He licks his lips hungrily, “All for me?” 
You whimper, “Bucky, please,” 
“Please what Baby? Use your words, tell me what you want.” 
“Bucky eat me out, use your tongue, fingers, anything! Just touch me-oh!” He inserts two of his fingers into your wet core, pumping them in and out. 
Bucky watches you squirm in pleasure, biting down onto his lip as you began bucking against his hand, he speeds up, using his thumb to flick at your clit. 
“So responsive to my touches, shoulda done this ages ago,” 
“Bucky, your mouth!” Without missing a beat, his fingers were replaced with his tongue, your hands snaking through his brown locks, pushing his face closer onto you. 
“Fuck your tongue!” You cry out, your whole body buzzing. 
Bucky smirks against your pussy, bringing his metal hand to your clit, rubbing as he thrusted his tongue in and out.
“Oh fuck,” You clench your thighs around his head, thrusting your hips to meet his pace, “Bucky, I- I’m so close, fuck, fuck, fuck, oh fuuuuuuck,” 
Your orgasm came crashing down, gasping frantically for air, you continued to grind onto Bucky’s face as you came down from your high. You laid down on his bed, chest heaving as you lazily opened your eyes, revealing Bucky’s state.
You bit down on your lip at the sight of Bucky, he was smirking down at you, his face dripping from your release, he licks his lips, wiping his mouth with the back of his hand. 
“You’re delicious Darlin’, can’t get enough of ‘ya,” 
You let out a breathy laugh, unable to say a single word, you were spent, your whole body tingling from Bucky just eating you out. The man was skilled, a tingle ran through your spine as you wondered what would happen next. 
He hovers above you, his boxers off, his hands on either side of your head, he captures you into another breath-taking kiss, Bucky moans at how your tongue caresses his, he cups your cheek with his metal hand, grinding his hard erection against your folds. 
“Bucky please,” You groan against his lips. 
“Really need me don’t ya Darlin’?” 
You whimper, not caring at how desperate you sounded, you’ve been thinking about him for weeks and now that you’re finally in this position, you couldn’t wait any longer. 
Bucky pushes his length into you slowly, waiting for you to adjust to his size. You whimper at how thick he was, he began peppering kisses all over your face to distract you. 
Once he filled you to the hilt, he pulls out fully before slamming inside you, you immediately pull him close, he brings up your leg onto his shoulder for a better angle. 
“Fuck, Bucky, yes!” You cried out, your walls clenching Bucky’s cock as he thrusted in and out of you. 
“Fuck you feel so good Doll, don’t think I’ll be able to last long, fuck,” He groans, his head resting on your shoulder. 
You hold him tighter, feeling your orgasm close by. He notices your moans more high-pitched, he speeds up his pace, biting and sucking on your neck and collarbone. 
“Bucky I’m-” You cry out, the pleasure too much; the mixture of his cock stimulating your g-spot and his love bites pushed you to the edge, cumming on his cock. 
“I’m cumming- Shit! Fuckfuckfuckfuck,” His hips juts out uncontrollably, his cum spurting inside you, he groans against your skin as the two of you came down from your high. 
Bucky places a chaste kiss on your neck, as he pulled out, you let out a sigh from the feeling. 
You didn’t want to open your eyes, you were too embarrassed as you replayed what had happened seconds ago in your mind. You bring your hand up to cover your face, Bucky lets out a chuckle. 
“Why you hidin’ Doll?” 
“We just had sex Buck,” 
“Yeah, so?” 
“Do I really have to say it?” 
“It’s cute, you bein’ this shy when moments ago you were moaning my name-”
“Ugh, Bucky!” you sit up, smacking him on the arm. 
“What? I think it’s adorable how you’re actin’ right now.” 
You chew on your bottom lip, “So... what now?” You ask him. 
Bucky shrugs, “I... I dunno, I mean, if you want a repeat of this, I’m all for it but if you would like this to be a one time thing, I’m fine with that Doll.” 
“Oh-I... I mean, I would like this to happen again but I mean-I uh-” 
“You have feeling’s for me?” He grins cheekily, “You like me?” 
You groan, slapping him on the arm again, “Yes! Even though you’re a jerk at times.” 
“Sorry about that Doll, whenever I’m talkin’ to you, I get nervous. But I do... I mean I like you too.” A soft smile appears on his lips. 
“So, I guess we’re dating now?” 
Bucky nods his head, chuckling, “Even though we did kinda mess up the order, I would like to take you out on a proper date.” 
“I’d like that.” 
TAGS: @feelmyroarrrr @softwintersoldier @buckysbackpackbuckle @plumfondler @papi-chulo-bucky @gallifreyansass @thatawkwardtinyperson @mermaidinplaid @angryschnauzer 
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kruppxreader · 7 years
A Super Help (Fem!Reader)
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@jackie-sugarskull This prompt moved me so much. I don’t think my heart can take this any longer. The Captain interacting with children is my absolute favorite thing ever.
Hope you enjoy!
“There! That should be the last of them!”
The Captain clapped his hands together, brushing off the dirt. Your ten year old daughter and her little brother watched in awe as the superhero helped load the last cage onto the animal control van
“Who knew gophers could grow that BIG!!!” Your daughter threw her arms up in wild emphasis, while your five year old son began to play pretend, growling as if he too were a rabid gopher.
“Thank you so much, Captain! You really saved the day!” You eagerly threw your arms around the trouser-less wonder.
“Haha! It was no trouble at all, Ms. Y/n!!!” The Captain beamed, tightly wrapping his arms around you in return. “Trapping them was easy once we found out they were magnetic mutant gophers! Just open the hatch to the metal cage and they zip right in!”
The gophers snarled and rattled in the van, stuck to the sides of their metal cages. The Captain released you, and your two children came running to cling to your legs.
The Animal Control workers slammed the van shut, and soon they were driving off, taking the reactive rodents far, far away from you and your children.
Captain Underpants let out a proud exhale, placing his fists on his hips.
“Well, it was a pleasure seeing you all again.” He said tenderly, playfully tousling your son’s hair.
“Huh? No, don’t go yet!” He reached up to grasp at the Captain’s cape.
“Yeah!” Your daughter piped. “Can’t you stay just a little longer, Captain Underpants?”
He could swear his heart was ready to shatter to pieces. He bent down to their height and placed a hand on each of their shoulders.
“I really wish I could but I’ve done my duty, young ones. I don’t want to overstay my welcome.” He brought your children in for a warm embrace.
You couldn’t bear to see your son and daughter in such disarray. It isn’t every day their favorite superhero comes for a visit. Actually this was only the third time they had ever seen him in person. Apparently he had saved their school on more than one occasion.
One of those occasions being in the middle of your class when the school was being overtook by an invasion of stink-spewing skunk cabbage creatures thanks to the work of a new garden-themed villain.Three of the creatures had you entangled in their vines, forcing you to inhale their toxic fumes.
That is, until Captain Underpants swooped in, tearing you from their creeping foliage and whisking you, along with the rest of the school to safety.
The other time was when a dastardly fiend attempted to swarm the school with hundreds of tiny android insects, which you had to admit was pretty cool at first. They were actually pretty cute, and the kids loved playing with them, especially your two.
But when you saw that vile man attempt to attack your son when he accidentally crushed one under his sneaker, that’s when you drew the line. Your daughter tried to step between, arms outstretched to defend her little brother, but to you horror she had taken a swift kick to the side, knocking her clean to the floor.
But before you could react, that brief-clad hero quickly intervened, scooping up your daughter and son in one arm, then delivering the evildoer a swift uppercut to the jaw.
You gazed in awe at the strange bald hero as he clobbered the villain to the ground, then gently lowered your children into your arms.
“Take care of them. I’ll have an ambulance on the way for your daughter, Miss Y/n.” He said to you before returning to finish off the creepy-crawly creep.
You held your children close. “Th-Thank you, Captain... Wait! How did you know my-....”
But it was too late. He and the villain were gone, and the mechanical bugs were all scurrying out of the building. And in an almost second, an ambulance siren wailed around the corner of the elementary school for your daughter and whomever else was in need of assistance.
So you did technically owe him three times for his valiant efforts.
You tapped at your chin.
“You know, I was planning on baking a pie tonight.” You grinned amusingly.
It was almost as if you had revealed the Holy Grail.
“PIE?!” Your children exclaimed with stars in their eyes.
You nodded contently. “Mm-hm. It would be a shame if you couldn’t join us for a slice.” You flashed a playful wink at the Captain.
“Oh...? Well, I do believe it would be rather rude of me not to partake, now wouldn’t it?”
The Captain passed the wink to the kids who in turn, clung to the hero in delight.
You couldn’t help but laugh as the waistband wonder soared into the sky, twirling your two children in his arms.
“Alright, you three!!!” You shouted up to the sky. “Come on inside and I’ll start making the crust!”
“I wanna put the filling in!!!” Your daughter exclaimed.
“I just wanna lick the spoon after!” Your son giggled.
“Alrighty then! To... YOUR KITCHEN!!!”
And with that being said, the Captain swooped down with your children, racing into the house while you happily sauntered behind.
“Mmf-... Thiff if a luffly place you haff here, Miff Y/n!” The Captain attempted to speak through a mouthful of your favorite pie.
“Thank you, Captain. It’s an old place, but I think we spruced it up rather nicely, the three of us.” You replied, sitting down on your sofa next to him with your own plate.
“Captain Underpants, look!!! I like superheros too!!!” You smiled as your son came running into the living room with an armful of crayon drawings, haphazardly spreading them on the floor in a personal gallery for the Captain to view.
The Captain’s eyes lit up. He swallowed and leaned forward to get a closer look.
“Wow, son! Those are amazing! Is this you?” He picked up a drawing of a boy in a bright green cape flying and saving a cat from a burning building.
Your son pumped his arms excitedly. “Yeah!!! When I grow up, I wanna be a superhero just like you, Captain!!!”
Meanwhile your daughter sat in the back corner in the recliner, scribbling away in her writing notebook.
“I’m sorry bro, but you’re gonna need superpowers for that to happen.” She scoffed.
“Superpowers?! HA!!!“ The Captain set down his plate on the coffee table. “They do help quite a bit, but you don’t need superpowers to be a hero! Why when I first became Captain Underpants, I didn’t even have powers!”
“REALLY?!” Your son put his hands on the Captain’s knee, his mouth open in shock.
“Mm-hm! But I knew deep down in my heart I wanted to do something good for the world.” He reached under your son’s arms and plopped him down on his knee. “If you really want to be a superhero, you need to ask yourself one thing and one thing only: .... Do you want to do something good for the world?”
“YEAH!!!” Proclaimed your son, pumping his fists in the air once more.
“Then, my boy, you CAN be a hero!!!!” The Captain lifted your little boy in his arms, holding him high above his head.
It was a beautiful sight, seeing your son so overjoyed. You knew he was going to remember this moment for a lifetime. Even your daughter was enthralled in the excitement. It almost felt like the moment could last forever.
“Well, I am sorry to say this, but I think I need to be heading home.” The Captain glanced out the window, noticing the sun was just about to set for the day.
“Aw, really?!?!” Your children moaned as he lowered your son back to the floor.
“It is getting rather late. You two need to be getting ready for bed!” You felt like a sword was being driven through your chest watching the happiness drain from your children’s faces, but you knew it had to happen eventually.
“Can you come back tomorrow, Captain?” Your son asked, tugging slightly at his cape. You reached down and scooped him up in your arms.
“Honey, Captain Underpants has to keep an eye out and protect the city. That’s his job! He’s got to make sure no weird robot gophers come back to take over Piqua!” You bounced him in your arms, making him giggle. You turned back to the Captain.
“But please, don’t be a stranger, will you?” You smiled graciously.
“Only if there’s more of that delicious pie!” He winked, then turned to your daughter who was back in her chair, still writing away.
“You’ve been rather quiet back there, Little Lady. What are you working on?” He asked.
Your daughter quickly folded her notebook shut and pointed to the cover.
“I’ve been writing about all the times you saved us! I never want to forget them!!!” She beamed proudly.
The Captain chuckled and ruffled her hair. “Be sure to keep those safe and sound. And who knows? Maybe someday you’ll become Piqua’s next ace reporter!”
A wide, toothy smile spread across your daughter’s face. And with a leap off her chair and a tight hug goodbye to the Captain, she bolted up the stairs to her bedroom.
“Thank you, Captain Underpants!!! I won’t let you down!!!” She yelled as she darted into her room.
You and the Captain shared a laugh as you lead him towards the door.
“Will you be safe heading home, Captain? Er-... I mean I know you’re a superhero, but it is getting dark and I-.... Ugh, I’m a mother, what do you expect?” You shook your head, wanting to kicking yourself.
“Not a problem, Miss Y/n! I appreciate the concern!” The Captain wrapped his arms around you and your son one last time. “Thank you for such a wonderful time!”
You nodded. “Yes, please do come again! I’m sure the kids would love seeing their favorite superhero again someday.” You gave a small kiss to the side of your son’s head.
The Captain saluted and clicked his heels. “You have my word!!! And now I must bid thee, farewell and goodnight!!!”
And with a bend of his knees, the Captain soared high in air. A triumphant “Tra-la-laa!!!” echoed through the evening sky as he zoomed off into the night.
Your son let out a long, heavy yawn, which contagiously made you yawn in return.
“Let’s get you up to bed, then, shall we?” You cooed, taking him back inside.
The sleepy boy rubbed his eyes. “Mommy, do you really think I can be a superhero like Captain Underpants?”
You smiled, bringing him close in your arms.
“Yes. Yes, I do, sweetheart.”
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