#eventual zakkura
ff7-has-taken-me-over · 4 months
You know what I haven’t seen yet?? A dark Zack au. Or at least, a dark zack pre Nibelheim au. Zack’s gone dark from the trauma in the aftermath a couple times from what I’ve seen.
Also I’m pretty sure I’m fucking up the timeline with this one but shut up! I’m tryna do something here.
Anyway! But Zack right? Still his cheery, puppy self that everyone loves and looks up to and blah blah blah. But! He loses Angeal and something in his head kinda snaps. Not like out of the blue snapped but last straw sort of snap yeah?
He’s still making his way through his day to day, this dark little pit festering inside of him and only ever being fully realised when he’s out in the field on solo missions. He obliterates the monsters he’s sent after. Quite literally leaves no trace of the Wutai soldiers he comes across but none of it is enough to sate the near endless bloodlust in him.
The company use it to their advantage, sending him on the more dangerous missions that they can’t risk sending Sephiroth on for one reason or another. Never question why he takes them so readily and never ask what happens to the bodies of the Wutai soldiers. They just let it be.
But then Zack meets Cloud, and when the blond takes his helmet off for the first time Zack feels like a light is being shone on that festering pit, slowly withering it away with just a smile.
He feels like the old Zack again. The one from before Angeal died and he still had all these high hopes and big dreams.
But then Cloud’s putting the helmet back on cause Tseng is coming toward them and Zack feels fucking feral. Very suddenly wants to run the Turk through with the buster sword just so Cloud doesn’t have to wear the helmet. Suddenly feels like the pit is creeping further up now that the light is gone.
The only thing stopping him is the sight of Cloud sticking close to him at the front of the pack. Keeping up quiet chatter when appropriate and still flashing him tiny smiles.
It’s not nearly enough and Zack wants to rip the helmet from his head. See those baby blues go wide with emotion as he runs his fingers through his hair. But he bites his tongue till there’s blood and smiles through it, pretends he’s the same as always so he doesn’t scare Cloud away.
They’ve only just met but Zack can’t live without him. Needs him in his life always and will go to any lengths necessary to ensure it. He just needs to play his cards right so Cloud falls into his arms willingly and won’t want to run away. It should be easy.
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rocketbirdie · 28 days
What are your Headcanons ideas what if Zack and Cloud are childhood friends? 🤔
UHHHHH i haven't thought about this one too much to be honest lmao
I think they would be enemies at first actually. Two kids with opposite personalities who can't stand each other's guts. Zack hates how quiet and funless Cloud is, and Cloud can't tolerate Zack's rowdy chatty nature. They get into petty fights over little things and are happy to never have to interact again after they grow up.
Many years later, they crash back into each other's lives somehow. Now that they're past their asshole teenager years, they learn to set their differences aside, and maybe even make up for their respective weaknesses...!
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woodentrain · 1 year
Sunday six
Mostly these are just a showcase of evidence of the fact that I can't count to six but hey.
"You see, I have this girlfriend, right?"
Cloud nodded. "Everyone knows that."
"Right. So anyway, I- wait. Everyone knows?"
"You're a SOLDIER, first class. People gossip about you."
"They do?! Do you gossip about me?"
"No, that sort of thing doesn't really interest me. But other people do, and I hear stuff."
Zack bounced on the edge of his bed in excitement. "What else do they say about me?"
"Um… nice things, mostly." Cloud looked flustered. "People say you're nice to everyone, and friendly. They say you're, um, approachable. And you can be trusted. A lot of people want to be like you."
"Huh. Do they say anything about my hair?"
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salternateunreality2 · 6 months
Highlights of: Cloud was actually raised by wolves + Zakkura AU
TW: scary wolf pictures
from a conversation with the lovely @strayheartless
Angeal giving Zack the most bombastic side eye when Zack talks about Cloud's wolf traits.
He loves Zack so much because Zack GETS things.
Cloud lovingly chewing on Zack's shirt.
Zack accurately discerning what different grunts mean.
Cloud ducking his head to Zack and only Zack; in human, this is shy/flirty/awkward/cute/ashamed, in wolf it's respect.
Cloud's hair bristling. How he does this is anyone's guess.
Headbutts. So many headbutts.
Play fighting that looks completely vicious and feral to outsiders.
Cloud panting when he's nervous, so everyone thinks he's just hot all the time because he's from Nibelheim.
Cloud vibrating or sneezing when Zack walks up as a friendly move.
Cloud bopping people with his paws, er, gloved hands. He had to really concentrate and learn how to punch instead of bopping, but he's great at both now.
Cloud leaning on Zack instead of hugging him.
Sefikura's first meeting being extremely quiet and tense, but eventually they come to an understanding.
Zakkura's first kiss... They both lean in close, stars in their eyes....and Cloud licks Zack's teeth.
Angeal finding Zakkura sleeping in the cutest puppy pile ever.
Cloud sleeping with his limbs all twisted together or curled up into a tiny ball.
Cloud watching Zack eat fries out of the corner of his eye. Zack watching Cloud eat chicken the same way. Both of them instantly caving and sharing.
Cloud being a good Nibel boy and not wanting to come inside if there's even a hint of snow outside, and Zack being the "shorts, no shirt, all weather" frat boy.
Cloud being an escape artist and dragging Zack with him.
Lots of bite marks on people who try to steal Cloud's food.
Very shiny and sharp teeth.
These interactions:
Heidegger: look at me when I'm talking to you, cadet!!!
Cloud: 👁️👁️
Zack: shit shit shit shit shit *running across the room to de-escalate*
Genesis: it seems your friend is friendly with me, he hasn't made a single growl at me! I can see his eye so clearly! And his posture is great!
Cloud: 0.3 seconds away from biting
Siren: wooooooo
Cloud: *looks uncomfortable*
Siren: wooooooo
Angeal: don't do it, I believe in you!
Cloud: *sweating*
Siren: wooooooo
Angeal: *sigh* maybe next time
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Roche: your boyfriend has a cute smile
Zack: excuse me what
Roche: look, there he goes again!
Cloud: *baring teeth*
Zack: shit shit shit...
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Angeal, Zack, and Cloud standing around a campfire, and...
Zack: ...
Angeal: ...
Cloud: ....
Zack: we should go pee in a perimeter to scare off wild animals and monsters
Cloud: *nodding*
Angeal: ...
Zack: *unzzzzziiippp*
Cloud: *starts wandering towards the perimeter*
Angeal: *finally stops buffering* WAIT NO
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sillysharkk · 4 months
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zakkura portraits 🌤️
thinking of making these art prints eventually
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silver-wield · 2 months
when i see anybody of any ship wtvr say c /a is "cute" i just cringe a lot. I don't get it. If we're talking about something akin to zakkura or squall and rinoa. That dynamic i mean. I don't see it. For every moment cloud tries to be really kind because that's just how he is. She always disrespects , disregards, and taking for granted and advantage of his kindness. She sees his discomfort (if not?? Then it's worse), she dgaf. She'll force him to stay put and just let her do wtvr. I feel bad for him. How is this okay? Because she's female and she dies? If that's a man with the same uwu annoying look and is dying is that okay? Or is it because he's a guy and adult (not mentally really) that doing nothing means "consent"?? When he really doesn't like the shit she does. The most kind he's ever been is during selfie and being eventually cool with the high five but that's it. Being dragged around wtvr?? Uh..
I weep for the day someone calls my discomfort as being "awkward, shy, nervous". And a harrasser's innapropriate behavior as "playful, fun, teasing". Then change the gender. Double standards.. bullshit. If devs think this is okay? Gad they need to touch grass.
I see someone call that rancid toxicity cute and imma block their stupid clrth ass.
It's not cute. It's a giant disgusting red flag.
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ladyodaskonpeito · 11 months
Trick or treat!
Thank you so much for the ask!
Since no fandom is specified, please have this WIP I wrote from some time ago (Zakkura fic, FFVII):
Cloud wakes up on the wrong side of the bed on the fine morning of his 28th birthday. He creases his brow as soon as he realises that the other side of the bed is cold and empty. Zack has, uncharacteristically, woken up earlier without arousing Cloud. A job in Sector 8. Will be out for the entire day, his note reads. Made strawberry pancakes for breakfast, so don't forget to eat your fill before heading out! Don't wait for dinner with me tonight, this might end later than usual. XOXO Zack Cloud frowns as he recalls how he had missed Zack before falling asleep the previous night. He had been looking forward to hearing Zack's birthday wishes for him, which always arrive as soon as the clock strikes midnight throughout the years they've been together. Maybe he'd been spoiled rotten by his husband, Cloud thinks. The rest of the day isn't any kinder to him either, as he makes his usual deliveries and has the misfortune of coming across entitled customers complaining about his delivery speed. In hindsight, Cloud now clenches his teeth in regret for giving up his last name. He should have insisted that Zack Strife sounds so much better than Cloud Fair. Sure, he knows this sounds incredibly petty. But can he be blamed for feeling neglected on his birthday? Despite his easy-going attitude and happy-go-lucky demeanour, Zack is usually an attentive and meticulous lover. Cloud worries his lower lip as he contemplates what might have changed this year. When Zack eventually reaches home that night, Cloud has gone down the rabbit hole of imagining what happens if Zack falls out of love with him. Has Zack finally gotten tired of him? Has he finally realised that Cloud is not worth his affection after all? “Hey, babe,” Zack flashes his smile at Cloud, seemingly unaware of the latter’s foul mood. Cloud has to admit, finally seeing that charming smile of his does make the day slightly more tolerable. If only his husband would finally wish him a happy birthday. “How was your day?” is what Zack opts for instead. So Cloud entertains the conversation but omits the details to avoid disclosing what a terrible day he’d had. He also fails to mention how it’d go a hundred times worse if Zack were to forget about his birthday. “Look what I found when I was on my way back from Sector 8,” Zack holds out a yellow rose. “It reminds me of Aerith.” Cloud gives a noncommittal huh in response to that and raises a brow. “I’m thinking we should visit her tonight, it’s been so long since we’ve had a chat after all,” Zack muses. “I can imagine she’d be delighted to receive a gift like this.” Cloud isn’t sure how he feels about that idea. Maybe he’s a little too tired from his work, or maybe he’s sensitive when it comes to this (because come on, this is his husband’s ex we’re talking about). He clenches his fist and he can’t help but heave a sigh. Zack looks at him expectantly, still. “How about no,” says Cloud in a quiet voice. “Why not?” Geez, Zack can be so tactless at times. Cloud scowls. “Because aren’t you forgetting something?” Zack appears to ponder over the question for a few moments. “Hmmm,” He eyes the ceiling and strokes his chin as he contemplates. “I was sure we have no other plans for the night… Do you have anywhere else you need to be?” Cloud tsks. Count on Zack to come to that conclusion for why I disapprove. “If that’s the case would you at least give me a lift on your way there? I’m sure you can still reach in time with how fast Fenrir can be,” Zack is giving him puppy eyes, seemingly not even the slightest bit ashamed of the selfish request. Cloud rolls his eyes and complies reluctantly. He really doesn’t want to make this day any worse than it already is by ending it with an argument. At least he can go out for some fresh air after dropping Zack off to spend time alone. To enjoy some peace and quiet. To celebrate his birthday alone. To contemplate why his life has come full circle into loneliness’ embrace again.
Zack actually has a surprise birthday party planned for Cloud at Aerith's place, I just haven't gotten to writing that part out for at least two years already 🙈
Once again, the ask is much appreciated as this thing at least got the chance to see the light of day. I hope you'll enjoy a happy Halloween ahead, @thefinaljediknight!
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raidergamerspice · 1 year
Oh yeah, I forgot I can also post links to new fics here 🤣
I wrote my first ever Final Fantasy fic as part of my new fic series in which I write fics for my favorite ships with prompts from a prompt generator! And thanks to a wheel picker site to help me determine the order of these fics, Zakkura was picked first!
I'll eventually get to the other fics, but there are more ship fics to come, and not just for Final Fantasy!
Also, if you happened to follow me as a fellow Cloti, don't worry. Cloti's getting a fic too 🥰
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zimithrus1 · 2 years
63 and 14 for the mashup prompts! 👀
Rules: Send me two (2) tropes from this list + a ship and I’ll describe how I’d combine them in the same story.
14. Bodyguard AU 63. Everybody Knows/Mistaken For A Couple
I'm gonna go with Clack/Zakkura for this one! Tis my fave and the easiest for me to write lol! 🥰
Zack always wanted to be a hero - it was his greatest dream for as long as he can remember! But he had no idea that once he became a hero the publicity would absolutely skyrocket! Like, he thought the crowds of people and fans flocking and ogling over Sephiroth was bad, but for himself? Someone much more happy, bubbly, friendly, and approachable?
Good Gaia he was drowning in fans!
So much to the point that even leaving the Shin-Ra compound to go buy groceries required an infantry escort to keep them off him. So, naturally, he was assigned a near 24/7 escort with how often he needed to leave the compound. Among this escort was a cadet named Cloud, who seemed very small and timid at first glance, but get too close and those eyes would go sharp and he'd practically start growling. Try to skim a touch of Zack? Cloud would promptly knock them back and bark about space and distance. He was very serious about his role and about keeping unwanted touches and sights off Zack, which, Zack appreciated, because as nice as he could be, some of those fans just got too crazy! Like that one time when a fan actually managed to tackle Zack and almost knock him to the ground, but Cloud was able to catch him and promptly raise hell on that fan! "Back up!" He growls at them. "You could have hurt him! I said back up! Don't make me get the mace!!"
So, the fans starting calling Cloud 'Zack's little Pomeranian', but learned not to get too close or he'd bite!
And over the course of time, Zack and Cloud having been paired together for a long time, grew close and formed a fast friendship, and eventually the fans started talking (as they always do) and eventually rumor got out that the puppy and his Pomeranian were an item. Zack's constant flirty teasing when they were out in public definitely didn't help that! Of course, it would get denied and brushed aside by Cloud, telling them it's not like that, but you better keep your distance!
Though one sleepy morning, Cloud and Zack cuddled up to each other, tangled in the sheets and each other's warmth, Zack smiles.
"If only they knew just how gentle my little Pomeranian could be after a few treats and pets."
Cloud rolls his eyes at that, "Shut up," he huffs and kisses him.
Ahh thank you so much for the ask!! This one was so much fun!! II hope I followed the prompts well! 💚💚
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aerisleis-fics · 1 year
"The SOLDIER and the Gunman" for the WIP Game post! I'm very intrigued by this title
OH So this is an outtake from the Zakkura shorts series of Zack and Barret's first meeting!
It was cut because I couldn't get it to flow right at the time (I'm so bad at arguments and stuff) but I kept it because I do want to polish it into its own Thing:tm: even if its a short thing eventually.
Snippet under the cut:
“What do you want me to say?” Zack said finally, eyes on the man with the prosthetic hand. Marlene and Denzel had gone upstairs to finish packing for the camping trip that they’d be taking with Barret. Cloud was helping Tifa in the kitchen.
It left him and Barret alone together in the living room. He wondered if that had been a good idea, and he considered escaping into the kitchen himself. But Zack… Zack held his ground. He’d never run from a fight before, and this felt more important than a fight. This man was Cloud’s friend. Zack wanted to earn his respect on his own terms. He just didn’t know what Barret wanted of him.
“I don’t want you to say anything, soldier boy-”
“Don’t call me that.” Zack snapped. The slightest edge of his temper flickering as he tried to rein it in. “I’m Ex-SOLDIER. I lost any interest in being called that after Nibelheim.”
Maybe before then, whether he’d admitted it to himself or not. But Nibelheim, it had been the final straw. What Shinra did to them in the wake of that horror could never be forgiven. “My name is Zack.” And he would damn well appreciate it being used.
He looked away, breaking the intensity of the moment, though he was well aware of Barret’s presence. It was more than he’d meant to say, but Zack wasn’t really sorry about saying it after all.
“You don’t have to tell me your story, but I want you to think about… if you had it all together at thirteen. If you knew everything about how terrible Shinra would become.” A breath out. “I won’t apologize for what I was. For what I did. I won’t apologize for wanting to make a difference. Can’t change the past. I can only look forward to the future.”
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melukonova · 1 year
rules for requests/interacting!
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requests: OPEN !
i don’t have too much to say so please try to follow these at least, otherwise i will delete your request/ block you if you keep harassing me so please respect my boundaries!
since i am new to writing on here, i am not sure who i will not be able to write for so this category is empty for rules.
if you are a minor, NO requesting nsfw or interacting with it. there will be a rare occasions where i will take requests for nsfw but it’s rather uncomfortable to me currently so for now — please keep my requests pg-13.
i enjoy writing angst as well but i would like it to stay as angst to comfort, angst with no happy ending makes me emo </3 so i will stray away from too dark of content if i can help it.
if my requests say closed, please do not request or keep using anon asks to ask further about your request. i will stop writing it if you rush me too much since again, i have a busy schedule with uni and eventually work soon.
building on top of that! i will not write for any topic that includes: heavy nsfw (blurbs may eventually come into play), polyamory, abortion, mentions of rape (unless they can stay minimal & a comfort prompt only), character x character (iwaoi, seifkura, zakkura, blade and danheng omitted). on top of this, anything involving guns will immediately be deleted / not touched at all, you will get a warning and i am able to turn down your request. i am extremely sensitive towards guns.
CHARACTERS I LOVE WRITING: my favs listed in my info post!
FANDOMS I WILL WRITE FOR: genshin impact, haikyuu, final fantasy 7(may add others in the future) and honkai star rail! (more to come if they are something i have a fixation in :)
i currently have no qualms for anything else, if you are worried about your request — you can always ask in my askbox too and i will clarify!
my only rules for anons/interacting is that you be patient with me and if you’re under the age of 15-16 to not interact with me since you are too young in comparison to me. please also do not talk about the same sensitive topics, mentioned above. otherwise you may talk with me (and you may talk to me as a character anon as well if it’s what you fancy :0 just no nsfw please!)
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ff7-has-taken-me-over · 4 months
“Zack’s been hitting on you!” Cloud frowned, tilting his head slightly as he shook it.
“No he hasn’t. That’s just how he is.” Aerith’s eyes narrowed, pointing an accusing finger at him as she gritted between her teeth. Cloud felt kind of bad for pushing her to this state, even if he wasn’t entirely sure how he had done so.
“No it isn’t Cloud! You’re just oblivious and don’t know a wink from a wink!” And Cloud still didn’t know based on that sentence alone. But he decided not to tell her that.
“Aerith, this is just how Zack’s been since we were still in Shinra. Even when he was dating you this is how he was. He’s not flirting with me.”
Aerith looked like she could have killed someone with the way she glared past Cloud’s shoulder, and the blond grew slightly concerned that he’d unintentionally thrown his friend under the bus with that admission.
“Ok. Maybe this isn’t entirely your fault then. But still! You better do something about it before I lock you two in a room together!”
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marcirose · 2 years
Aight I got a month to get these zakkura prompts finished *cracks knuckles*
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m-kyunie · 4 years
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It would be a hundred times easier If we were young again
- Two Slow Dancers (Mitski)
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icharchivist · 5 years
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In Memory - A Mix of Zack/Cloud songs on spotify // Others Playlists
Basically just a mess of all the songs that reminds me of them.
Each song’s names are under the cut by alphabetical order. Might also edit it as time goes by.
10,000 Miles - Sleeping at Last / All The King’s Men - The Rigs / All Who Remains - Beware of Darkness / Anthem of the Angels - Breaking Benjamin / Anywhere But Here - Safetysuit / Battle Scars - Paradise Fears / Beautiful Crime - Tamer / Blood Filled Tears - Maisy Kay / Body - Sleeping at Last / Broken Crown - Mumford and Sons / Candles - Daughter / Car Crash - Three Days Grace / Chasing Cars - Sleeping at Last / Cosmic Love - Florence + The Machine / Crawl (Carry Me Through) - Superchick / Crossfire - Stephen / Dark On Me - Starset / Dear Fellow Traveller - Sea Wolf / Die For You - Starset / Down With The Fallen - Starset /
E. F. G. H.
East - Sleeping at Last / Even If It Hurts - Sam Tinnesz / Everywhere I Go - Sleeping at Last / Far Too Young To Die - Panic! At the Disco / Fix You - Coldplay / Floods - Sir Sly / Forgiven - Within Temptation / Get Out Alive - Three Days Grace / Ghosts That We Know - Mumford and Sons / Ghost Towns - Radical Face / Give Until There’s Nothing Left - Relient K / Giving Up the Gun - Vampire Weekend / Halo - Starset / Happy Ending - Mika / Help - Hurts / High Hopes - Kordaline / Hold Me Now - Red / Hold On - Chord Overstreet / Hollow - Yosh / Home - Daughter / House of Memories - Panic! At the Disco / Hurts Like Hell - Fleurie /
I. L.
I lived - OneRepublic / I’ll Keep You Safe - Sleeping At Last / I Remember - Les Friction / It’s not Over - Daughtry / The Kids Aren't Alright - Fall Out Boy / The Last of the Real Ones - Fall Out Boy / Leave Out All The Rest - Linkin Park / Let It Die - Starset / Light - Sleeping At Last / Like the Dawn - The Oh Hello’s / Losing Your Memory - Ryan Star / Lovers's Eyes - Mumford and Sons / Lunacy - Rue Royale
The March - Hypnogaja / Mars - Sleeping At Last / Memories - Within Temptation / Memories - EarlyRise / My Blood - Ellie Goulding / Neptune - Sleeping at Last / Never Be The Same - Red / Never Say Never - The Fray / A New Hope - Broken Iris /  Nowhere/Bloodlines Pt1 - Sir Sly / On Our Way - The Royal Concept / Our Farewell - Within Temptation / Out of the Darkness - My Indigo 
P. R. S.
Pale - Within Temptation / Paperthin Hymn - Anberlin / Pictures of you - The Last Goodnight / Point of No Return - Starset / Price of Freedom (I Want To See You Smile) - The Death March / Remember Me - Ivan Torrent / Right Here - Ashes Remain / Run - Elsa & Emilie / Safe and Sound - My Indigo / Salvation - Skillet / Saturn - Sleeping at Last / Search and Destroy - Sanders Bohlke / See You Again - Wiz Khalifa&Charlie Puth / Shadow of the Day - Linkin Park / Shattered - Trading Yesterday / A Sky Full Of Stars - Coldplay / Sleep Alone - Two Door Cinema Club / Small Hands - Keaton Henson / Smell - Sleeping at Last / So Cold (Acoustic) - Breaking Benjamin / Soldier - Fleurie / Some Nights - fun. / Someone Like You - My Indigo / Stairway to the Skies - Within Temptation / Stolden Dance - Milky Chance / Stray - The Exies /
Take on the World - You Me At Six / Turning Page - Sleeping at Last / U & I - Diamond Eyes / Wasteland - Cristina Hawke / Watching For Comets - Skillet / West - Sleeping at Last / Who Will Save You Now - Les Friction / You - Keaton Henson / You Always Knew - Les Friction / You Are A Memory - Message to Bears / You & I - Fightstar / Youth - Daughter /
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skadren · 2 years
C'mon you can't say you only ship one specific zakkura premise and /not/ tell us what it is
the premise is zack and cloud are unhealthily codependent with one another but also aren't quite the people they remember each other being from when they first met (a mixture of both of them changing dramatically from their time on the run and also projecting false ideals of heroism + innocence on each other respectively) so there is an inherent tension every time they are around each other (which is a lot because again, codependence). at the same time they are facing outside pressure to be less codependent + move on with their lives, which both of them falsely assume the other is having a much easier time with (cloud thinking zack is friendly and perfect and doesn't need help fitting in and will eventually leave him behind, zack thinking cloud has made it on his own for so long and clearly doesn't need him anymore)
cloud has to deal with his insecurities around feeling like an objectively inferior version of zack and no longer being able to have his purpose revolve around living for the both of them. zack has to deal with adjusting to a version of cloud who doesn't need his protection anymore and he has a hard time reading. they used to fit together perfectly but now their edges are all wrong and it hurts. or maybe that's an idealization of their past as a way of coping through those five years together. maybe they never truly knew each other at all in the first place
that's my vibe <3
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