#everest queen
thegingerblaggard · 2 years
London Doom Collective Announce Masters of the Riff II
A Monday morning announcement of skull-crushing proportions came out of the London Doom Collective camp, so of course I was spurred onto action! Read within for my roundup of the first of many Masters of the Riff II posts to come!
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Queen Everest Avalonion-Arthurion
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Age: 17-989(1046)
Birthday: 7 Polaris, 12987
Height: 5'0
Race: Fae
Mate: Galen Arthurion
Magic Type: Light
Spirit Mage: Yes
Religion: Old and New Spirits
Rank: Queen
Children: Polaris
She became Queen at the age of 17.
She completed a quest to end a 20 year war.
Brought back the lost kingdom of Vanora from the sea.
Married her childhood friend.
Became a spirit mage at a young age.
Has the longest reign from all rulers of Vanora.
Creates an orphanage in her castle and convinces her uncles and father to do the same.
Loves using magic and creating spells.
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midnightsun-if · 2 months
What does our dear cousin think of the MC getting with each of the ROs?
Koda: "That isn't a man," Viktoria snorts out a laugh. "That is mountain. Are you certain his name isn't Everest?" Sharp green eyes turn to look at Koda, blonde hair spilling over her shoulder as she tilts her head. "You seem to be a good man, Everest. I like you."
Scarlett: Viktoria's eyebrows raise in amused shock. "You were able to romance her, little cousin?" Slowly, she raises one hand for a fist bump. "I'm impressed. Romancing a Voltaire isn't an easy feat. Especially not the Ice Queen."
Cyrus/Cyra: She whistles lowly. "You acquired a flaming bird. Could come in handy if you ever decide to visit during winter in Russia." Turning to you, she huffs out a chuckle. "Pa will be quite interested to learn of your new romance, little cousin."
Quinn: "A Grant," Viktoria hisses, eyes narrowed into slits. "I assume they're nothing like their family or else I'd assume you'd have nothing to do with them." She turns to look at you. "As long as they stay away from me, I'll be happy."
Caden: She shifts in place, looking at Caden with an unsettled expression. "If you're happy, I don't have any added thoughts on the matter." Viktoria moves back from Caden, her expression wrought with an emotion you couldn't decipher. "Do you have any hot sauce for my popcorn?"
Sloane: Viktoria simply observes Sloane with a rather bored expression, head tilted ever-so-slightly. "They're a very angry wolf, but as long as they treat you well I don't care." Green eyes appraise the shifter's outfit. "It's bonus that they dress so well."
Blake: "Your little half-demon?" She rubs the back of her neck, actual surprise etched on her face. "I can't believe that you both finally admitted to something so obvious." Viktoria offers you a gentle smile. "I'm proud of you, little cousin. Even if you are a dumbass for taking so long."
Reginald/Regina: "A human?" A slow smile curls her lips, light green eyes softening. "I'm glad that you've been able to find love with a mortal, little cousin. Even if they may not be with you forever, the love they leave behind surely will."
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sgiandubh · 11 months
Waypoints, Take 2: POV Shipper
It's been touted and mentioned at length. It has been awaited with immoderate, naïve anticipation. It has been read highlighter in hand, in the hope to discern its true meaning and purpose. It also was the last straw for some people, pushing them out of the fandom when above anticipation and expectations proved somewhat hollow.
To the dismayed and the heartbroken, I say: I hope you do realize this is a) heavily edited and b) published with the substantial contribution of a ghostwriter, handsomely paid to neatly round off the edges and fit this travelogue-cum-memoir in a pre-shaped pitch.
This bloke:
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The dilligent Matt Whyman, novelist. Agony uncle for several UK press and online outlets, specialized in teenage love and relationships' counselling. British Council executive, with several stints abroad under his belt. Part and parcel of a number of public health awareness campaigns sponsored by the UK Government, with a special interest for above teenage love, sexuality and relationships. And established, top-tier ghostwriter.
Among others, on behalf of Billy Connoly, the "Big Yin" himself, proof that the Scottish mafia is discreet, but by no means inexistent (an excellent thing). Ah, Sir Billy Connoly and his New-Zealander wife, Lady Pamela Stephenson, whom he met in 1979, while filming together a sketch for BBC2's Not the Nine O'Clock News. Chemistry took care of itself, because she ditched her recently married husband and moved in with Connoly in 1981. Both (at least nominally: Connoly considers himself an atheist, nowadays) Roman-Catholic and married at the time of getting together, Stephenson divorced in 1984 and Connoly in 1985 from their respective partners and live in marital bliss since 1989. For some reason, I think these tidbits are important, go figure.
Sidenote: if you haven't already, watch (if still available on Netflix, otherwise I implore you to look for it on other platforms) an exceptional French series, Call My Agent. You will not only love the humor, you will educate yourself with the basic ropes of celeb PR.
At face value, I couldn't think of a more appropriate consigliere to deal with the brief that (spare the failed Everest movie project) prompted this book. It is not that difficult to figure out:
Evoke at length the past to offer a modicum of explanation of the present. Mention traumatic relationship with father to explain fear of commitment in a solid, steady relationship.
In the process, pay lip service to the Narrative, but take substantial liberty and a daring stand when discussing the horrific Wentworth episode-that-nobody-could-watch. Express controlled discontent towards TPTB, to have the upper hand while negotiating a possible season 8 (fun fact, it worked)
Conveniently send into oblivion Flukenzie Floozy, Quarantein Hooter's Madonna and any other two letter combo born from the hyperactive imagination of the Queen of Nothing, while respecting ToS of bachelorhood - it's still good for the Sales Department.
Camouflage reality of S&C entity, under a London Blitz-worthy blanket of smoke & mirrors, but allow leaks that could easily pass for creative license or babble. Shippers will get it. Dots will connect, coins will drop. We shall overcome.
Simultaneously, offer a plausible explanation for the above UFO co-star/bro-sis/Ginger Jesus- Mother Mary relationship, primarily to comfort and control Mordor, that Troll Nursery. Say what the hell you want, including something along the lines of My Little Pony Friendship is Magic, but say it LOUDER FOR THOSE SHIPPER PEOPLE IN THE BACK OF THE COACH. They are used to this one step forward/one slap backward tango and by now, few (if any) will budge elsewhere on the fandom spectrum.
Discreetly crush homosexuality rumors, because they are borderline calumny, at this point in time. However, the Data Lounge crowd could make Mordor look like Bora Bora, so the sooner they get bored and move to the next babyface, the better.
Substantially promote MPC and Great Glen Company, consolidating the image of the giving, thoughtful individual, with a creative mind and savvy enough to branch out in lucrative business projects. Extend fan/consumer/client base to a younger demographic.
Pave the way for exit plan. This report will not discuss it, but hints may have been detected. :)
Wow. This is a mouthful. And I have to say Mr. Whyman did a more than decent job of it, even if for a trained eye the seams are showing, at times.
Like this:
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Frazer. You can't make this shit up. This is SRH.
As compared to this (excuse the repetition: the blogger is not lazy - the blogger tries to make a point):
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This is Whyman. This has been probably paid extra for. This is painful to read. This failed.
As for leaks, I've found a good handful. Adding all of them here higgledy-piggledy would be tedious, boring and I am not Miss Marple. But I've noticed that feelings hide in plain sight, usually disguised in a song you whistle or some verse you remember, just to keep you company on the road, a propos of nothing (my foot):
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I don't know what this woman is talking about, you might say. Whatevs. How about this:
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To keep myself sane, I usually rip off a Twix bar or light up a Benson. Others resort to Shakespeare, in lieu of granola bars. The world is a wonderfully diverse place. LOL, don't mind me. I am a dillusional woman, for whom all hope is lost.
Sometimes, this whole pastoral reverie has a Lewis Carroll charm to it (you might want to open this in another tab):
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Who is your queen, Sir? Surely not the cheerful woman in leggings, flats and a Playboy T-shirt, huh?
Maybe the key is this childish botanical pun, tucked away at the end of the book:
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Knowing that the P in Psillyosam is silent, as in *urv the Psychologist, we read and we grin:
[P]sillyosam Mushroom. Silly O'Sam. Silly, oh Sam.
Hashtag silly. An apt response to lemon and hugs.
To sum it up on a cheerful note, Waypoints is the 4 S book:
Struggles - Success - (fake) Solitude - (with a clear optic to avoid at all costs) Scandal
I thank you for your time while reading this. I hope it was worth it and yes, I confidently rest my case. Until the next memoir, which I reasonably hope would be vastly different.
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fishsticksloser · 1 year
Can i request rottmnt funny hc of little sister who's younger in the family but she's taller then them?
like many people mistake her for the eldest sibling but she's the youngest. (Like she's younger then mikey with few months), sometimes they - the 5 siblings - tease each other when it comes to reader's highet.
Taller Younger Sibling
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RotTMNT + gn!reader
Warnings: mutant!turtle!reader, joking around, nothing really?, green is April
A/N: I'm thinking some sort of sea turtle, I'm mostly imagining a Hawksbill Sea Turtle, the ones from Finding Nemo. I can't find a TikTok that I found about the boys and their heights... But Raph could get to be 8'4" - over 9ft (his shell would be the size of a queen size matress), Donnie can get up to like... 7'10" - 8ft, Leo would be only slightly smaller of about 7'4" - 7'8", and Mikey would be around 6'5" I think.... I could be slightly off... So that means reader would be over 9ft fully grown... Also for some reason I'm thinking about the original concept art for the Bayverse turtles...
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You had always been bigger than your brothers
Often times mistaken as the oldest
Though you were the youngest by almost a whole year
It didn't bother you, you were a lot taller than them
You couldn't help it, being a sea turtle mutant and Lou Jitsu's height mixed in
Unlike Raph though, you weren't as wide, didn't have as much muscle
"Tall people: where the family will meet if someone gets lost in a crowd."
Leo had a habit of calling you "Giraffe"
Mikey called you "Goliath"
"Bigfoot" was your nickname from Donnie
And Raph called you "Stilts"
Other common nicknames: Gigantasauras, Chewbacca/Chewy, Everest, and Big Bird
"Have you ever noticed that there is a garment called shorts? Because I can’t recall ever seeing a piece of clothing called talls."
You all definitely joked about your height
You met Hueso for the first time and he was terrified
Raph was big enough, why did they have to have a taller sibling
"Where did the tall person find a date? At the top of a step ladder."
Everyone was always curious why the boys were so protective of you
You were the oldest, obviously
Wrong, you informed people time and time again that Raph was the oldest, you were the youngest
No one believed you
The boys constantly ask how the weather is up there
"What’s a tall person’s worst fear? Ceiling fans."
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archivist-crow · 7 months
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On this day:
On November 8, 1951, convincing proof for the existence of Yeti was found in the Himalayas. Eric Shipton and Michael Ward, two British mountain climbers, accompanied by a sherpa named Sen Tensing, were traveling along the southwestern slopes of the Menlung Glacier at 19,000 feet when they discovered an odd set of footprints, quite different from the mountain-goat tracks they had noticed earlier. Shipton photographed the thirteen-inch-long, eight-inch-wide footprints leading to a crevasse and crossing it. The prints were too huge for a bear and too new to have melted, and their size and toe marks suggested they had been made by a biped around eight feet tall. Shipton commented, "What really made my flesh creep was that where we had to jump crevasses you could see clearly where the creature had dug its toes in."
The crisp trail went several miles down the glacier. Based on visual details, it was under twenty-four hours old. Shipton and Ward were making exploratory travels in an uncharted area of the Gauri Sankar mountain range. Due to the lateness of the afternoon and the heavy loads they were carrying, they followed the prints only for a mile or two before resuming their mission. Shipton says that he had tracked the unusual footprints before, but had always lost the trail on the moraine or rocks.
Professor John Napier, formerly of the Smithsonian Institute's primatology department, said that the prints were neither human nor ape. Who they belonged to was unresolved. Zoologist W. Tschernezky of Queen Mary College in London conducted a comprehensive study of the photographs, making a model of the print and comparing it with various primates throughout evolution. The structure of a large second toe and a small metatarsal bone has led some speculators to conclude that the Yeti footprint fulfills the criteria of the "missing link."
Text from: Almanac of the Infamous, the Incredible, and the Ignored by Juanita Rose Violini, published by Weiser Books, 2009
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ryrywrites · 1 month
Death Star - Ben Plunkett
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all dividers cred: @cafekitsune
Pair: Ben Plunkett x fem!reader
Description: When Y/N and Ben entered senior year, they were optimistic. For Y/N, it was one last year to survive and then she was free. But for Ben, this was his last opportunity to make a name for himself. His goals were clear; get accepted into any college, ask his dream girl to prom, and become prom king. Y/N's goals weren't so simple, considering the only person she could see herself going to prom with is head over heels for LaToya Reynolds. Y/N is seemingly forgotten once Ben prom-poses to LaToya and can't seem to get a moment of his time anymore. When prom rolls around, Ben and Y/N are forced to confront the new space between them.
Warnings: fairly angsty, mostly fluffy, swearing, arguing and making up, overbearing mom <3
WC: 1.9k
A/N: Don't you love it when it takes you months to get the motivation to start writing again and then it doesn't live up to your standards? 😃😮‍💨
ben plunkett masterlist × main masterlist
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"Breathe in...breathe out..." Y/N held her breath in sync with the audio. She was currently going for the record for the longest headache held in 24 hours. She had tried everything. Hydrating, taking a nap, taking a shower, and now, meditation. It was her mother who had sparked the throbbing pain pounding against her cranium. Of course, Y/N had brought this upon herself in a way. Telling her mother, who was prom queen back in her day, that she no longer wanted to attend the prom was her first mistake. Her second mistake was not sprinting out of the house the minute those words fell from her lips. Even if she had somehow escaped the conversation, she had no where to go. Her best friend, whom she had been avoiding most desperately, wasn't someone she could talk to anymore. Not since the prom-posal. Since Ben Plunkett, the man she had been pining after since they were 13, had asked LaToya Reynolds, the woman he'd been pining after since they were 14, to prom, she had become a ghost to him. Not a single text was returned until at least 3 days after it was sent, no more midnight phone calls, no more snack runs, no more bookstore, movies, waffles, and no more death star.
Something shifted the last time they spoke. It was a quick phone call, curt and nothing special. It was a Friday night, he was apologizing for ditching their plans. It was a tradition they had, the bookstore-movies-waffles thing they did every Friday night. Even before either of them could drive or knew anything about quality cinema. It was theirs and only theirs until it wasn't. His apology was absentminded and rushed, she could hear LaToya in the background telling him to hurry up. The call ended after about 2 minutes, cutting her protests short and gripping her in the stomach with a sharp pain she didn't recognize. After that night, Ben made no effort to return her calls or even talk to her in school. He sat with the Everests and waited on LaToya hand and foot. She wasn't sure what hurt more, the fact that she lost her best friend or that he didn't even seem upset about it. She was torn apart, throat becoming bone-dry every time she saw them together, her heart racing in her ears from both frustration and embarrassment.
Her mother had insisted that she reconsider her decision but Y/N stood firm. Even Mandy begged her to go with her and Graham but there was no swaying her. She was sick at the idea of attending prom or being anywhere near Ben or anyone else for that matter. So here she was, the night before prom, with no dress, no date, and no appetite. She chewed her lips and willed the headache away (or prayed to be put out of her misery). When she and Ben were younger, they would talk about how they were on the same wavelength. That somehow their thoughts were linked, telepathically or spiritually. They knew when one needed the other. Now, Y/N was sure that idea was nothing but a childish notion. She turned her head to the side to examine her bedroom, littered with memories and moments she wanted so badly to go back to. She stood up and felt lightheaded from a combination of crying and basically not moving all day. It was the last Friday she had before graduation next week and she was spending it reminiscing.
She walked over to her nightstand where there stood a gigantic Lego Death Star, unfinished. She and Ben had planned on finishing it before the school year ended. She picked it up carefully and took in every detail, it had taken them the last year to get as close as they were now. They had decided not to glue the pieces down in case they ever wanted to start over, she smiled down at their efforts and, just for a second, allowed herself to miss Ben. That's when she heard her doorbell ring, her mother was always very quick to invite her friends over and allow them to grace her daughter with their sage advice which often consisted of them telling Y/N how much she was breaking her mother's heart over a seemingly meaningless argument or difference in opinion. She heard the creak of the stairs, placing the death star back on her nightstand and moving to open the door. Ben beat her to it and slowly popped his head into the room. The silence was deafening.
Ben walked fully into the room and shut the door behind him. The lump in her throat was impossible to swallow, anything she had to say to him was gone now. So he cleared his throat and decided he would start. "I'm sorry." He chuckled nervously and rubbed the back of his neck. "I probably should've called. I just..." Y/N maintained eye contact, begging him to make this right. "This is weird right?" She nodded and patted the bed, urging him to sit next to her. He trudged over and sat down, sighing. "I know...I fucked up." There's a pause, a comfortable silence. "I don't why but...I broke it off with LaToya." She finally met his eyes. "You did what? Why? What happened?" He opened his mouth to speak but no words came out. "Is she okay?" He nodded, avoiding eye contact. "She took it surprisingly well. In her words she 'saw it coming' and that I 'needed to see you.' She's actually pretty great." Her face became red, she didn't know what to say or how to react. "But the whole time I was with her, something was so off." I held a bubble in my mouth. "She had hot breath? Bad kisser? Glass eye?" He finally laughed. "Not exactly. Everything about her was great." She swallowed the lump in her throat.
"So what was it?" He finally turned to her, fully facing her and smiling like a dork. "Guess." He said softly. It was then that Y/N realized just how close they were. "Did she...have bad taste in music?" The air was buzzing, something was pulling them towards each other. "No." His hands were clammy. He had known immediately what LaToya meant when she said that he needed to Y/N. Every date, every kiss, he was somewhere else. His heart wasn't in it, not because of LaToya, but because of Y/N. But how could he be so stupid? He finally had exactly what he wanted, the girl he'd been infatuated with for years, and he couldn't have been more unhappy. "Did she...chew with her mouth open?" Ben shook his head and smiled knowingly. "Not really." He replied, coming to the conclusion that she wasn't gonna get it. Little did he know, she had butterflies from the anticipation. She wanted desperately for him to tell her why he was here with her rather than with LaToya. LaToya knew why, she had known about a week into dating Ben. The reason they weren't together was because of her. LaToya wasn't mad, she wasn't upset, she was understanding, which only made Ben feel like a bigger dick for not giving her what she deserved.
"I give up. Tell me. What was it?" He wiped his hands on his pants and looked nervous. "She wasn't you." He said, voice shaky. Y/N stayed quiet, but a smile played on her lips. "What?" Her face was on fire, she wasn't sure how to speak anymore. Ben wasn't sure what to say next. They sat there in silence, a weight in the room, a pressure for someone to do something, say something. Ben wanted so badly for her to respond or react in some way, even if it was negative. Y/N felt nervousness fill her chest. "She didn't make me laugh, or make me nervous. There was no... spark. Do you ever-" He cut himself off by rubbing his eyes in frustration. He was struggling to express what he had felt, what words could he use? "I thought I knew what I wanted." Y/N was seeing stars. Ben was wringing his hands in concern. Never, in any conversation they'd ever had, had she been so quiet. "Do you?" She finally spoke, "Know what you want?" All they could do was look at each other. All it took was one look to his lips from Y/N and Ben crumbled.
His hand held her cheek, leaning in to place a sweet, short kiss on her lips. When their lips connected, Y/N remembered the first time she had held his hand. They had decided to go see a horror movie with a murderous clown and cheap jump scares. One jump scare in specific got her and, out of fear (and maybe something else), she had grabbed Ben's wrist to ground herself. She recalled how he laughed at her and grabbed her hand, locking fingers with hers. For him, it was probably nothing. But for her, it was the start of something so much more. Although the the interaction was short, Ben had always wondered about that night in the theater. Did she mean to grab him? His thoughts always raced when he thought about their little touches like that. When she laughed, she'd lean against him and grab his arm (he made sure to make her laugh every chance he got). When she was bored, she'd lean her head against his shoulder or wrap her arms around his neck. Until this moment, he always figured her touches were strictly platonic. He never thought about the possibility that there was more behind each look. Her lips tasted like cotton candy against his. When he felt her return the kiss, his lips curled into a smile.
Though the kiss was short, their palms were sweaty and heads were spinning. As Ben parted from the kiss, he was stuck in place and grinning like an idiot. Y/N couldn't look at him, he looked so goofy. She burst into laughter and laid her head on his chest, trying her best to suppress her fits of snorts. Ben fell back on the bed in bliss, there was no overthinking this part. He quickly got up and grabbed his backpack. Y/N looked at him, red from the laughs and head pounding from a mix of blush and shock. He unzipped his bag and pulled out a piece of paper and a red marker. He placed the paper on her desk and began to write. "What are you doing?" Ben always had random moments of genius, but he considered this to be his best idea yet. When he was done scribbling away on his paper, he held up on display for Y/N to read. There, in red ink, read the word 'Prom?' in bold letters with little red hearts all around it. She examined the paper and beamed, "Yes..." Ben fisted pumped the air and tackled her in a hug, slamming them both onto her bed. "Wait!" Y/N quickly sat up in the bed. "What?" The boy shot up next to her. "What am I gonna wear?" Just then, her mother barged in with a puffy pink and purple dress, perfect for the 80's theme, and a cheesy smile on her face. "Already covered!!"
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goodboyaudios · 5 months
Question! Who is the most powerful star captain?
Personally, I don't like to choose between any one of them being more powerful than the other.
You could make an argument for Star Captain Gryps, who absorbs all physical forces touching him including gravity and can focus it into his own physical attacks, making him effectively untouchable.
You could also make an argument for Star Captain Forks as someone who can turn light sources into energy and then into objects that he can manipulate it also pretty strong.
Even Raze, who has the ability to cast any number of spells as quickly as she likes, the only downside being her imagination and skill with types of magic.
But I think it might have to be Star Captain Hopeful. Here's a little overview.
Hopeful Peterren was a young boy who loved animals. He took good care of them and was highly protective of those closest to him as well. One of his friends was another Star Captain named, Everest.
Unfortunately, due to an attack from an alien mafia group called the Leech Syndicate who were looking for a way to steal the Landstar's source of endless electrical power in an attempt to monopolize it, Hopeful's animals ended up as collateral kills. Only some of them were saved by his friend, Everest.
Hopeful saw how powerful Everest was as a Star Captain and decided to apply so that no more of his animal would ever be hurt again. He barely passed the test with the Mother-Queen and entered the field between the Lightmaster Engines for Grande Subminium...
And when he returned, something was different. Despite the fact that Hopeful had become a Star Captain by surviving, his emotions were even more heightened than they were before. On top of that, he had seemingly no stand out power to distinguish himself from the others.
After going to see his still living animals again, rather than approach the boy who'd always taken care of them, they ran away in fear. They were all afraid and were hostile toward him. After that, Hopeful threw himself into work on his ArchAngel to take his mind off things. It wasn't until after Hopeful had built his own ArchAngel did he realize what had happened. Hopeful had the power to make living things feel fear. And with his ArchAngel, Dreadmourne, (essentially a mecha grim reaper) he could bring those fears into reality.
So if you had a fear of something, like say you were afraid of bugs. Hopeful could make you think you were surrounded by bugs, but with DREADMOURNE, those bugs would be 100% real.
Now, would this work on a Star Captain is the question. The answer is, probably. So whatever they might fear, be it their power waning for whatever reason, maybe growing old and dying, it would become a reality.
With all that said, I'd like to know who YOU might think is the most powerful! I haven't revealed all of them admittedly, but I'd love to know your thoughts and opinions!
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out of all the fnaf games, which are your favorite animatronics from each one and why?
FNaF 1: Bonnie. I think he's genuinely scary, plus I love bunnies! He also scared Scott in his dreams back when he was developing the game lol
FNaF 2: The Marionette. Love their design sm! though it looks quite simple, works perfectly for me! Love the lore around them too <33 I'd give 'em a blanket if I could. They seem exhausted...
FNaF 3: Springtrap. Because oh. oh my god i'm going to scream. I'll pick him up and put him in a blender. I'll shake him so violently and vehemently. Literally exploding him right now. I want to get near him but can't because he's gonna give the flu plus tetanus if dare to touch him. but dear god I love his voice so much, I will climb on him like he's Mount Everest and claim my place. The stinky bunny man. He's the vilest and most disgusting motherfucker but hell yeah he's still my comfort character and I go to sleep at night imagining he's watching over me in case I can't sleep. He's a bastard but he's my favorite bastard
FNaF World: Fredbear. He's so expressive lol and so tiny. Love him very much.
Sister Location: Ballora. YOU DON'T UNDERSTAND I LVOE HER SO MUCH !!!!! This woman. She is literally so cool. I love her color palette, her voice and her mechanic. Everything about her oh my god SHE IS!!! THE QUEEN !!!!!!!! I think she's scary and has this very iconic vibe. Love it when she sings AND I'M SO SAD WE DIDN'T GET TO SEE HER AGAIN WTF WHY ??? WHY. WHY WOULD-
Pizzeria Simulator: Scrap Baby. I LOVE HER DESIGN SO MUCH GRAAAHHHHH. Gives me The Desolate Hope vibes eheheh
Security Breach: Glamrock Freddy. He's so sweet and I just want to smooch his cheek so bad oh my god <333 I also love his voice, it's very comforting mahsdmhasmd
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theyeargame · 5 months
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gothikaxenon · 2 months
Total Drama Ridonculous Race Fanwork Ideas
I’ve been considering a Total Drama Ridonculous Race fanseries and I need some suggestions for this.
So far I came up with several teams, locations, and challenges listed below, but I’ll be needing more ideas.
Ex-Couple (Gwen and Trent) Environmentalists (Bridgette and Dawn) Geeks (Cody and Harold) Cousins (Leshawna and Leshaniqua) Son and Mom (DJ and his Mama) Villainous Couple (Heather and Alejandro) Models (Justin and Anne Maria) Farm Boys (Scott and Rodney) Athletes (Sky and ____) Survivalists (Jasmine and Shawn) Cheerleader Twins (Amy and Samey) Pageant Queens (Sugar and ____) Goths (Crimson and Ennui) Reality TV Pros (Noah and Owen) Stepbrothers (Lorenzo and Chet) Newly-Weds (Carrie and Devin) Girl Scouts (OCs) Acrobats (OCs)
Great Lakes; Canada Rocky Mountains; Canada Rome; Italy Crete; Greece Loch Ness; Scotland Tokyo; Japan Seoul; South Korea Gobi Desert; Mongolia Himalayas; Tibet Phnom Penh; Cambodia Bankok; Thailand Port Dickson; Malaysia Manila; Philippines Galapagos Islands Alaska; United States Texas; United States San Francisco California; United States Honey Island Louisiana; United States Havana; Cuba Fajardo; Puerto Rico Panama City; Panama Great Barrier Reef; Australia Madagascar Antarctica Jeddah; Saudi Arabia Giza; Egypt
Gladiator themed challenge at a colosseum (Rome; Italy) Exploring and escaping the Cretan labyrinth (Crete; Greece) Exploring Loch Ness and eating haggis (Loch Ness; Scotland) Samurai themed challenge and haiku writing (Tokyo; Japan) Fossil hunting (Gobi Desert; Mongolia) Exploring Mount Everest (Himalayas; Tibet) Tortoise race (Galapagos Islands) Iditarod challenge (Alaska; United States) Rodeo challenge (Texas; United States) Investigating Alcatraz Prison (San Francisco California; United States) Exploring Honey Island Swamp (Honey Island Louisiana; United States) Finding treasure in a coral reef (Great Barrier Reef; Australia) Penguin round-up and finding a RR branded fake penguin egg (Antarctica) Decoding imagery on carpets (Jeddah; Saudi Arabia) Pyramid and tomb exploration with hieroglyphic decoding (Giza Egypt)
Please leave comments on this post if you can suggest ideas for this topic.
I need a total of 18 teams and 26 locations (already considered), and 26 challenges.
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amuseoffyre · 8 months
Re-reading bits of fic and feeling things about managing to get them right on the money in Don't Tell Mama last year 🥹
He batted at Ed’s hands and it very quickly dissolved into a fuckin’ ridiculous slappy fight between them. “Stop it!” They were both giggling like idiots. “For god’s sake, Ed!” Ed flopped back into him, tipping them both back down on the bed “Fuck man,” he sighed out, all the pent-up tension of days eking away. “I kept thinking you were going to fuck off back with her. That this was just you having a holiday or mid-life crisis or something.” “You really thought that?” Stede sounded both surprised and a bit put out. Ed grunted, pushing his face in against Stede’s neck, all soft and just a bit fuzzier than usual. “Nah. Not really. But you give me a hint of a molehill, by the time I get a bit more detail I’ve turned it into fucking Everest and I’ve been snowed in at basecamp.” He shivered when Stede’s fingers sank into his hair, stroking through it. “Fucking ridiculous drama queen.” “Yes, you are,” Stede said, all soft and fond. “That’s what I love about you.” Ed blinked at the expanse of pink skin in front of him. Huh. That was– those words– “Ha,” he blurted out because his mouth was a rebellious dickfuck. “You love something about me. Lame.” Stede’s chest rose and fell in a big breath. “I love everything about you.” And Ed had words. Fuckloads of the fuckers. So many. Big ones. Smart ones. Used them all the time like a… wordy wording person. And yet all that came out of his fucking mouth was the strangled sound of a balloon deflating.
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tianalaurence1 · 2 months
April 2, 2008 - Queen Elizabeth II and Princess Anne, The Princess Royal, attend a special service of thanksgiving for the life of Sir Edmund Hillary KG ONZ KBE, the first person to climb Mount Everest, at St George's Chapel, Windsor, Berkshire.
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allw3doisadvert1se · 1 month
Do You Hear the Rapture?
Everest, Amanda, Swatch, and Spamton walked in silence down a street of the SIMULACRUM so warped by glitches and errors that practically nothing looked in place there. Rolling fields intersected by skyscrapers that gave way to dying flowers the size of city blocks decorated the horizon, where a hateful red sun slowly rose, bathing the group in harsh light. As they made their way around jutting slabs of concrete that rose tens of feet into the air, Everest couldn’t help but think they were heading in the right and yet somehow wrong direction simultaneously. Were these fractals made of the architecture a sign that they were getting close to the center of this cancerous blight, or did it signify that they had roamed far beyond its borders? Perhaps such questions would be a waste of thought right now. She needed time, time to think clearly, to consider what will happen when this all ends, to reflect on her time trapped here, and perhaps most pressing of all … what to do with Swatch.
Though the tall butler was being carried in the mostly trustworthy arms of Spamton in his NEO suit, his condition had worsened significantly, the collapsing wound on his side now causing his whole body to shift and pulsate every few seconds. Everest hadn’t known Swatch all too well before she had been brought here, but after the many, many cycles she had spent down here, she had grown to see why Queen had trusted him so dearly when he was alive. It didn’t seem fair to her that after so much preparation on his part to take back the city he cared for from the hands of The Founder he might not get the chance to even see it freed …
No. She couldn’t be thinking like that. Swatch was gonna make it. He had to. They just needed to find the Nail, and this whole nightmare would be over … at least until the inevitable next one if their track record was to be accounted for. But Everest didn’t even know what she was looking for. Xanrir hadn’t specified to Hazel what this thing actually was, and thus her instructions were equally vague. All she and the rest of the group were really hoping for was the possibility of …
stumbling into it …
As if on cue with her thoughts, the group rounded a corner and suddenly standing before them was a massive obelisk constructed of black stone that, unlike the rough and jagged features of the rest of the SIMULACRUM, was unnaturally smooth. Near the peak, Everest could spot a suspended balcony that seemed to spiral up along the outside to the summit. She turned to Spamton.
“Could you fly while carrying one of us?”
“OF [[h o r s e]] 1 CAAN. yOU HEARD H3R, [[Free-Range Poultry]], WE’R E GOING UP!!1!!”
Swatch shifted uncomfortably in the puppet’s arms. “Just don’t you dare drop me …”
“HMMmMMM[[M&M]]MM … I’LL [[Consider the following …]]!”
Without another word, Spamton spread his massive wings and in a very janky fashion lifted Swatch up, up, and up towards the balcony far above. At a certain point, Everest couldn’t make out the details, only seeing the neon metal plates of the NEO suit against the blood red sky. Amanda nervously patted Rodney in her arms, the tiny Tasque letting out a slightly laggy purr in response, before looking to Everest.
“Do you think that was his attempt at a joke?”
“Perhaps. He’s been trying a lot of things recently. Getting on my laptop and posting something, for one.”
Amanda giggled. “Hehe. By the blade, you were so mad at him.”
“Can you blame me? I’m surprised the damn thing didn’t get malware installed just from him touching it.”
“Random question, but are you gonna let him keep the NEO suit when we get back to our world?”
“Hhhhh … Probably not. In here it helps to have a bit of a powerhouse. But … back in the city? I don’t know, that feels more like it behooves us.”
“But has he not earned it? How many times has he saved our lives just from having that thing on?”
Everest bit the inside of her cheek in contemplation before sighing. “… Amanda, do we really need to talk about this right now?”
“I mean … not really. W-We should stay focused, I’m sorry.”
There was awkward silence between the two until Spamton returned, having dropped Swatch off on the balcony. Amanda got flown up next, much to the dismay of Rodney, who Everest could hear yowling from the ground level. Finally, it was her turn. Getting carried up that high into the air with such inconsistent movements was rather terrifying, but the puppet’s confident look towards the skies helped keep her morale high enough. When her feet impacted the ground of the balcony, she let out a sigh of relief. Spamton landed soon afterward, scooping Swatch off the ground from the wall he had leaned him up against. Swatch let out an uncomfortable squawk as he pulsed with the beat of the collapsing wound more, more unstable this time.
Everest looked onward to the stairs leading up and around, and after just a bit more walking, they finally reached the epicenter from which this virulent realm spread. In the center of the roof was a raised dias which held a small effigy formed of flesh and metal alike. Its surface shifted with the same screaming faces that could be seen on A.B.Y.S.S’s body, implying a connection between the two. Everest knew now without a shadow of a doubt that this is what they had been looking for. This was the Nail …
Without another moment’s hesitation, she sprinted for the dias, her footsteps tapping along the surface of the roof in echoes as the group followed a second afterward. She was so close, within 50 feet of it, she could get out of here at last and live the life she was supposed to, before A.B.Y.S.S, before The Founder, before the Queen ever even died … she could finally live for herself.
But of course, it couldn’t be quite so easy. With the sound of static feedback, the profane god of the SIMULACRUM appeared right in front of Everest, its clawed hand outstretched. She couldn’t stop her momentum fast enough before A.B.Y.S.S wrapped its hand around her throat and threw her backwards, causing her to yell in pain as she hit the ground. Amanda ran up to her, placing Rodney on the ground before gently helping Everest to her feet. Spamton had his arm cannon raised and pointed at A.B.Y.S.S, arcane energy glowing at the barrel, and Swatch … Swatch was quietly murmuring something, inaudible to even the puppet that held him.
The bleeding machine’s twisted smile grew wider, the flesh merged to its head tearing just a bit more as he did so. With a moment of pause, it began to speak. “Well done, participants! It seems that your little search has gotten you right where you aimed to be. You’ve reached the catalyst of my control over your precious little world.” A.B.Y.S.S chuckled darkly, the leathery wings on his back folding close to himself. “I would say you’ve sacrificed much to get here, but we both know that isn’t true.”
Everest spoke out in a voice that shook with simultaneously anger and fear. “We left Marcus to die! Is that not enough for you!? Must you take any more?!?”
“Come now. I’m not a fool. I am this world’s eyes and ears after all, I heard your little conversation with Amanda that leaving him to be deleted was for the better.” One of the extra arms that curled over its shoulder pointed at Amanda, causing her to have to gulp down her fear. “He is not of concern for you, and thus his unwilling sacrifice is not enough. But … I will offer you a plead bargain.”
A.B.Y.S.S snapped its fingers as it lifted Swatch and Amanda up with some form of telekinesis. Amanda yelped in panic as the entity pulled her close before stabbing one of its claws into her shoulder, immediately infecting her with a collapsing wound, now just as bad as Swatch’s. As Amanda fell silent, Everest let out a furious shout of rage. “NO! DON’T YOU TOUCH HER!! GIVE THEM BACK!”
A.B.Y.S.S turned to her and laughed raising both in the air higher. “Everest K. Addison … it is time for you to make a choice. Who lives … and who dies? This is the price you must pay for meddling behind my back, turning my own sibling against me, and sending me back to square one.”
Spamton fired a beam of energy at A.B.Y.S.S, which the entity took to the face to little effect. The puppet shouted, “HE-H-HEY!! [[Hands off the merchandise!]]! GIVe SW4<TCH [[Backspace]]!!!”
“It is not your choice to make, puppet. And unless you want to be going home two friends short, I suggest you do not attempt to harm me again.” A.B.Y.S.S was clearly reveling in the choice paralysis he had inflicted upon Everest, especially now with Spamton staring at her, trying to persuade her to save Swatch.
Everest opened her mouth to say something, when she noticed something … very subtle. Swatch’s eyes, though he was hanging mostly limp in the air, were flashing with light. Blinking on and off. On and off. She had a brief recall to when she had written a message in Morse code all that time ago, and suddenly the blinking made sense to her. Swatch was transmitting a short message, two words long:
Everest looked down, sorrow welling up in her chest as she took a deep, shaky breath. “I choose … Amanda … to be saved.” As soon as the words left her mouth, she fell to her knees, tears forming in her eyes. Spamton stood still for several moments, glitching, his glasses crackling with static. His emotions were not very clear, but whatever A.B.Y.S.S sensed in there … it was enough.
The entity cackled, lowering Amanda to the ground slowly before centering Swatch above itself. “As you wish. Swatch will never see his world free again.” A beam of piercing red light struck down over A.B.Y.S.S and Swatch, causing the collapsing wound on Swatch to instantly flare up. The corvid butler let out a pained scream as the wound ruptured.
Layer by layer, Swatch was slowly dissolved into nothing, a pile of scrap and organic material no longer recognizable as himself. It started with his feathers, and almost plastic skin, revealing a deep layer of lead-lined metallic plating, supposedly a measure he used to avoid detection by the CIFT throughout the years he was in hiding. Below that lay a complex layout of pipes, gears and wiring that flailed as the connections between them were snapped over and over. When it hit the last few organs Swatch still had that were organic, it left little but a sickly puddle of blood and bile.
Throughout the whole process, Everest could not bear to look at Swatch through his screams and death rattles. Spamton, however just stared onwards, absorbing every detail. But … finally, after wretchedly too long, it was over, and A.B.Y.S.S gave a mocking little bow before fading from sight.
Everest crawled over to Amanda, lifting her up and supporting her. The entity had kept its promise, to her luck, as the newly opened wound began to shrivel back into healthy flesh on the Lightner’s body. Amanda let out a few shaky breaths, seemingly not having been fully conscious for Swatch’s execution. Everest breathed quietly, “We’re getting out of here. Now.”
She let go of Amanda, seeing as she could steady herself now, and sprinted the remaining distance to the dias that held the Nail, this twisted little effigy. Everest grabbed it off the pedestal before throwing it onto the ground and stomping it as hard as she possible could. With a twist of her foot, the effigy let out a satisfying crunch and was destroyed.
Over the course of the next few moments, a blinding white light would flash in the far distance, slowly spreading to where the tower the group was standing on was. Before the light could consume them, Everest, Amanda and Rodney, and Spamton all disappeared. They awoke to find themselves trapped in three different pods of flesh, the pestilent black tumors A.B.Y.S.S had used to integrate them in the first place, now shriveling up. They ripped the weakened flesh away from themselves and crawled out, Amanda and Everest coughing as they crawled away. Spamton simply rose from his pod, gazed around for a moment, and then immediately flew off to somewhere in the city.
The dark fountain that gave life to the CIFT home world was no longer shining red, its corruption purged at last. Perhaps … things could start to recover now, if given the right care.
… But there was one who now was stuck wandering in the dark.
Marcus Baal trudged through the endless shadows of the Greater Void, his binary code for a body flickering unstably. It seemed that with the deletion of the SIMULACRUM, Marcus too got deleted with it. It was clear to the entities that surrounded him on all sides that he would not make it to the Market in time to be saved. But … what he would become interested all of them deeply.
[[System Reboot Successful]]
[[Running Diagnostic Scan for Reparation Protocols]]
[[Thank You, and Have a Regular Day!]]
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grandmaster-anne · 1 year
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29 May 2003 Queen Elizabeth II and Prince Philip at the Presentation and reception to commemorate fiftieth anniversary of first ascent of Mount Everest, Odeon Leicester Square, London
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dtupdates-archive · 10 months
♡—DREAM was active on Dream__Fanart! He liked:
To whoever wants to hear 🎶🌌💫
his ice cream fell :(
They are both equally obsessed 🙄
too big!!
early smp c!Dream for this one 👍
Happy Birthday Dream!!!!!! 💚💚🎂 love u 🫶 (sorry im soooo late;((
sunny boy ☀️
it’s like drawing on a blackboard this is so fun
feeding bf some strawberries 🍓
happy birthday dream
Happy birthday dream <3
#.dreamfanart @. dreamwastaken your day!
Happy 4̶2̶n̶d̶ 24th birthday dream!!! 😀👍
i wanted to make soemething so heres art i whipped up in ms paint
it’s dream day!!!!!!🗣️ happy birthday dream<3
dnf or something like that 🤷🏻‍♂️
HAPPY BIRTHDAY DREAM 🎉🎉 lil late but it’s hereeee
polaroids ♌︎✷ happy birthday dream <3 TO TWENTY FOUR!!!!
How did bro get up there❓❗
Happy birthday Dream :D
make a wish to the gods 🎂 HAPPY BIRTHDAY DREAM 🥳🥳
Look at this lil party boy!
Everest proof that this is how he eat and drink
Happy Birthday Dream !! To you, from us 🎊
queen patchington
Hahaha 🤭
covered in flowers 🌷
Happy Birthday, Dream :] 💚🌟
i drew this for science — 🍫
last part of the project:— your edits, works, and pictures for Dream's birthday! 🎂
Dear @.dreamwastaken! We all wish you a very happy birthday with this video :) Love, your community.
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