#every conversation sam and wilson have is about house!!
tryingtograspctrl · 5 months
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SUMMARY - You move from your small town in Louisiana all the way to New york and land yourself a job as the Avenger’s personal chef, just when you think you’ve built a comfy life outside of your sister she finds her way in again and manages to turn your world upside down.
A/N - I decided to dabble into the invisible sister trope and let me just say mannnn this is gonna be long but i promise it’s not gonna be boring so stick with me please!
Warning: mentions of childhood trauma, mentions of anxiety attacks, manipulative behavior and foul language.
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The two of you had been compared to each other since you were toddlers.
You were always the clumsy one, the one that cried too much, the one that didn't keep anyone entertained for long enough.
As you both grew into young adults it was obvious that you weren't as liked as your older sister. She was fun and outgoing, a party girl, someone that people could hold a conversation with, a favorite not only amongst friends but relatives too.
It really hurt when you began to notice that everyone ignored you and gravitated towards her, if you got the chance to talk to anybody all they'd care about was her.
Its not like you were super insecure, you knew you were pretty, you liked how you looked, you thought you were pretty funny and had a lot of interesting things to say but that didn't matter when you were next to your sister. You knew that if it came down to the two of you, you wouldn't exactly be first pick.
Your sister wasn't always the nicest to you either, neither were you to her but that's just the way the two of you were. Like every other sibling relationship sometimes you fought and didn't speak to each other, other times it was like the both of you against the world.
When other people were around it was a different story, obviously fueled by all the praise she'd treat you like shit, often using you as a stepping stone to boost her own ego, to attract more attention to herself.
Despite how rocky your relationship could be you two were attached at the hip, doing nearly everything together so it came as quite a shock when you packed up all your things and decided to leave your small home in Louisiana for New york.
"What the hell am i supposed to do on my own?!" She huffed throwing a tantrum like a child.
"What you always do, don't act like you can't survive without me. We both know you got a bit more pull in this town than me." You snorted.
"I'm serious y/n if you leave i'll jump off the roof of this house." She whined.
"Would you stop it?" You started to get annoyed.
"No you stop it! You can be so stupid sometimes you know that? Dropping everything and leaving your home, your family? You tremble like a scared puppy at the thought of going to the grocery store alone but you can move halfway across the country by yourself? Please you're probably gonna have one of your little anxiety attacks in the uber on the way to the airport.”
"You know i really thought for once you'd be supportive of a decision i decided to make on my own, but you never do change do you? All my life i've stuck beside you, going where you went, doing what you wanted to do being your fucking shadow. For once i want to take control of my own life, i want to go somewhere and start fresh, go somewhere where i could possibly be known by my own name, not just as your sister." You spat, hot angry tears streaming down your face.
"This was never about you missing me when I'm gone, it was about you hating the fact that you won't have your puppet with you wherever you go anymore." You grabbed your bags loading them up into your car.
Your sister never showed up to the airport to see you off, she didn't call you when you landed, and she hasn't spoken to you since that night at your home.
Three years had passed and you'd be lying if you said your move to New york was all sunshine and rainbows.
Your passion was cooking but you loved to make sweet treats so you always leaned towards those sorts of jobs and you had been through many in your first year in the big apple.
One shitty bakery job after another had you ready to eat your words and pack your bags to move back home but you'd never give your sister the satisfaction, not after everything she said.
So you stuck it out, bouncing around hoping that one day you'd land somewhere worthwhile and eventually you did in the most unexpected fashion.
It had been a long day at work, you were swamped the entire time because you were the only employee in the shop. Frank was a cheap son of a bitch that couldn't stand the idea of hiring more workers and having to pay them as-well so he insisted that you do the work of multiple people, you baked all the goods, took orders, cleaned the shop and pretty much everything else one person alone shouldn't be doing.
And to make matters worse everyone insisted on being an ass, you weren't sure if it was god punishing you or if there was just something in the air that morning but everyone decided to give you a hard time.
"Hey could you hurry the fuck up? I'm already 10 minutes late." A man yelled as you went to the back to grab another pan of donuts.
"Listen i'm doing the best i can here, i only have two hands and as you can see i'm the only one here." You sighed handing the man his pastry.
"Yeah what the hell ever." He snatched the bag and left.
"Morning sir what can i get for you?" You wiped the sweat off your forehead doing your best to smile.
"I'll take a dozen, and you'll be taking the rest of the day off. Sorry folks shop's closed!" The guy announced.
A bunch of curses and groans were thrown around but nonetheless they all cleared out.
"Sir you can't do that! My boss is gonna have my head." You frowned in protest.
"Considering the fact that i now own this place whatever i say goes and i say you have the rest of the day off. Mind taking a walk with me?" He took a bite out of one of his donuts.
You were a bit embarrassed to find out who you were talking to was the Tony Stark and you didn't even recognize him right of the bat but he brushed it off.
Apparently he had been interested in purchasing the shop for quite some time, it was a childhood favorite of his and he felt pretty bad once he found out Frank suckered yet another young ambitious baker into his schemes, he knew then he had to take the place. Not surprising Frank practically threw the keys into Tony's hands once he made an offer. Money was everything to that man, apparently it meant way more to him than the little bake shop his grandfather built from the ground up and handed down to him.
Tony had also took quite a liking to you and he insisted that you be the team's personal chef.
"You guys are superhero's when do you even have the time to sit down and have a meal?" You looked at him in disbelief.
"Never really, most things we take on the go which also seems impractical but it helps us feel grounded in a way." He shrugged.
"Plus i'm really tired of having to pretend to like Steve's cooking, it'd be nice to have someone that actually knows what they're doing in the kitchen." He shook his head.
"Wait ste- i mean Captain america cooks?" You laughed.
"Barley, he nearly burns down the kitchen every time he steps into it." He bumped your shoulder snorting.
"Okay." You spoke up after some time.
"Okay?" He raised a brow, knowing exactly what you meant but wanting you to say it.
"Okay i'll do it, i'll be your personal chef." You smiled brightly at him.
"Great, you can start tomorrow." He nodded handing you his card which also had the address to the tower on it.
That's how it began.
Part two: here
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xoxobuckybarnes · 7 months
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February 2024 Stucky Fics
Keystrokes and Music Notes (Rated: M, Words: 32K) by goblininawig / @goblininawig
Summary: Bucky is paying Steve for help tracking down his stalker. Nothing happens until something happens: Steve falls in love.
Mr. Brick Wall & Mr. Overshare (Rated: T, Words: 7K) by LilyElk13
Summary: Based on the Tumblr post that's like "half of college professors are like 'you can know nothing about me except my name' and the other half are like 'and that's why my wife left me! anyway what's up with y'all'" and the response "There were two professors like this in my department and I was one of like 20 people who was taught by both of them so there was a very small gang of us who knew that Professor Brick Wall and Professor Overshare were married with two kids." except in this it's high school teachers instead of college :)
A Company Man (Rated: E, Words: 75K) by mambo / @whtaft
Summary: It’s the way that Bucky smiles at Steve from across his desk. No, it’s the way that Bucky’s hand brushes Steve’s as they stand side by side in an elevator not crowded enough to justify their closeness. Or maybe it’s the whispered conversations every Saturday night, the way Bucky saves Steve’s number under a different name in his phone. No matter what it is, the truth is the same: Steve Rogers is in love with Bucky Barnes, a married man.
Rock You Like a Hurricane (Rated: E, Words: 112K) by CelticCross
Summary: Bucky Barnes is an author, he's written many books in his Winter Soldier series, starring Lloyd Hansen and Nick Fowler. He hasn't written a word worth writing in the past three months and his agent, Sam Wilson, forces him to take a break. Sam books him a rental beach house in a place called Plum Cove in Mass for three months, hoping to break him out of his writer's block. The owner, Steve Rogers, retired Plum Cove Police Captain, landlord and part time surfer is surprised to get such a lengthy off season booking but takes it anyway. He doesn't expect to spend a lot of time with the person renting his house, but then he wasn't expecting the storm to be that fierce.
Closing Time (Rated: M, Words: 10K) by RecoveringTheSatellites / @thisonesatellite & art by maichan /@maichan808
Summary: Steve works in a Brooklyn dive bar. A tall, guarded guy comes in to drink at regular intervals. He always sits in the back corner. Steve leaves him alone. He looks like a guy who deserves some peace and quiet. He does find out the stranger's name is Bucky. Finds out what he likes to drink. And little by little, conversation happens. Connection happens. Until one day a cock-flock of dudebros comes in (i made up cock-flock, but really, is that not their collective term) and the heckling goes up to eleven once they’re good and drunk. Bucky gets asked to take it outside. Steve will have none of that, thankyouverymuch. . A tale of love and hope in unlikely places, sprinkled with a bit of PTSD, and the occasional sarcastic quip.
Use Your Agency (Rated: E, Words: 15K) by romanticalgirl
Summary: Bucky is given the assignment (punishment) of being the agent whose job it is to integrate the newly-thawed Captain America into life in a new century. Only maybe it's not so bad. Because Bucky ends up dealing with Steve Rogers, who is nothing like the Captain America in Bucky's history books. From coming out of the ice through AoU.
Stay with Me (Rated: E, Words: 79K) by maikurosaki / @allegra-dreams
Summary: When Bucky Barnes accompanies his family to a ceremony dedicated to George Barnes' activity, he expects free food and drinks, the occasional boring speech, and watching his dad blush furiously as he gets to finally meet his childhood hero. What he doesn't expect is saving Captain America's life and getting shot in the process. What follows is a slow road to recovery, eating hospital food (still disgusting), making new friends (Avengers!!! Seriously, the Avengers!) and pining over Captain America (he won't comment on that). It sounds simple, but it really isn’t!
The Steadfast Soldier (Rated: E, Words: 12K) by danielosbourne
Summary: Bucky returns to Brooklyn to help his sister navigate a family crisis.
twelve twenty-five (Rated: E, Words: 43K) by burning_brighter / @burnin-brighter
Summary: “I have to say,” Winifred says, a mug of cocoa in her hands. “When you say you were bringing someone home, I thought you meant you were bringing a boyfriend. But I’m glad you brought Steve.” “Who says I’m not?” Bucky teases, laughing when Steve lets out an exasperated groan. “You two finally got your respective head out of your respective ass?” asks George, looking at Steve and Bucky intently. “No,” Steve says pointedly, “Bucky just thinks he’s so funny.” - Ever since they met, everyone assumed it was just a matter of time before Steve and Bucky became a thing. Ten years later and it has yet to happen. But when Bucky invites Steve to spend the holidays with him and his family in upstate New York, things start to change.
Every Me and Every You (Rated: M, Current Words: 38K) by deadto27 / @deadto27
Summary: Bucky Barnes is doing his best. He’s getting by after the blip, after Sam became Captain America, after Steve…well, it’s best he doesn’t think about that. The point is, his life is different now, and he’s trying his best. He just wishes the hollow feeling in his chest would go away.—–Bucky gets blinded by a bright light as the tear seems to implode in on itself and there’s an odd little jolt as the pulling stops, and then Bucky’s blinking, trying to get his vision right again as he loosens his grip on America.“You okay?” he checks, still squinting. He’s probably not blind, he thinks. It just feels like it right now.“I’m okay,” America tells him and he sees her nod shakily as his vision starts to clear, and he carefully lets go of her, seeing that she can support herself, hands pressing onto the floor next to her.“Uh…I don’t think I am,” says another voice, and Bucky turns his head so fast he might give himself whiplash. Because he knows that voice. He knows that voice better than any other voice on the planet and he’s missed that voice, so, so much.
Lost Vocabularies that Might Express (The Memory of These Broken Impressions) (Rated: E, Current Words: 103K) by dorian_burberrycanary / @burberrycanary
Summary: The worst of times, like the best, are always passing away. How’s that for some consolation on the road? A post-The Falcon and The Winter Soldier Stucky fix-it as part of the all-American road trip, detours included.
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buckyalpine · 2 years
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18+ minors dni
I love this, this is the cutest thing ever @elle14-blog1​
Sam, Steve, Bucky and you were lounging around the living room, a movie playing mindlessly in the background while you had a few beers and snacks laid out on the table. It wasn’t often you all got time off together, nothing beat doing absolutely nothing after weeks of chaos. 
You took a swing of your beer, popping a few chips into your mouth while Steve was talking about adventures he had with Bucky from the 40′s, the conversation now moving to just how much of a ladies man the Sergeant was. Bucky had no idea how the conversation detailed here but he was sweating buckets at this point, wishing he could put a muzzle on Steve.   
“He used to have a new dame each week, the uniform really did a number for him. He’d take them dancing every night and if they were lucky then...” 
“Really?” You sat up, grinning with your curiosity piqued. It was rare you got to hear about Bucky from the 40′s, mostly because he was too shy to say anything in the first place. You’d just started dating and while he was opening up a little, he didn’t tell you much about what he was like when he was younger. 
“Mhm, he’d even make the quietest, shy girls fall for him like it was nothing” 
Bucky sat wide eyed, staring daggers into Steve who continued to add frilly details to all the stories, loving how his friend was squirming in his seat. The worst part was Bucky couldn’t even gauge what your thoughts were, sure you were laughing on the outside but for fucks sake you probably thought he was a filthy little man whore. 
“Such a charmer, I remember we had this one neighbor-
“I think you remembered wrong punk” Bucky hissed though gritted teeth while Steve snorted, deciding to add another dash of sprinkles to his stories.
“No, I definitely remembered correctly, your ma caught you sneaking back in the house through the window with the most colorful looking neck” Bucky groaned, sinking in his seat, burying his face in his hands while Sam cackled, adding to the mix just to make Bucky more flustered. 
“The ladies used to call him Sergeant Screamer cause he made the ladies scream with his super co-
“You weren’t even there Wilson!” Bucky chucked a pillow at Sam, while Steve burst out laughing. Bucky nervously glanced over to you, you were giggling, but there was no way you’d still want to be with him after this. 
A few hours later
Steve and Sam had gone to sleep while you were still lounging on the couch with Bucky, the both of you scrolling through your phones. You were tucked by his side, happily snuggled into his warmth while Bucky shifted nervously, unsure about what you were thinking. 
“Y’know, I wasn’t that much of a ladies man” Bucky whispered, his cheeks blushing, fidgeting with his fingers. “I-I only took a few girls out dancing sometimes, but nothing else” 
“You sure Buck?” You giggled looking at your shy boyfriend nervously peek down at you. Bucky nodded, his innocent puppy eyes pleading with you to believe him. “Hmm,  I was hoping you could have showed me a snippet from all those stories Steve was talking about Sergeant Screamer” You grinned, playfully nudging him. Bucky’s eyes darkened, his nervous fidgeting melting away, a devilish smirk curving on his lips. 
You gasped, feeling his metal arm moving to grip your waist, pulling you close to him, his lips brushing against your skin, nipping your ear lobe. 
“Careful doll, you sure you want me to make you scream tonight?” 
Your eyes are wide at his sudden change in demeanor, he may have been known as a ladies man before but no one but you had seen this side of Bucky. You nodded, whimpering when he pulled you onto his lap with ease. 
“Use your words doll”
Bucky cocked an eyebrow, while you shyly bit your lip, hiding your face in his neck.
“Yes daddy” 
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buckysdolls · 1 year
Your Archer of Infamy (Priest x You) Series
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TW: Kissing, Swearing, Touching
Chapter 2
“No, absolutely not!”
“Oh c’mon Lewis?” You chuckled light heartedly at your brother’s response. He was Lewis to you, but Elton Prince to everyone else. You surprised yourself that you were actually sitting discussing this over breakfast. Potentially going on a date with Waller like you actually cared about it.
“You’re not dad, you can't be the big man and pretend like you know what’s best”
“Errr, actually ever since dad left to go to the shop for milk and surprisingly has never returned, that makes me the man of the house and that makes me the decider of your little escapades.”
“Shut up Lewis!” You glared in disbelief at him letting a little chuckle out.
“Fine! But Everybody hates him” 
“That’s true” Sam (Kit Wilson), your brother’s best friend piped up scoffing his face with scrambled egg, you looked over at him in confusion as to his role in the discussion. The two of them together were known as Pretty Deadly and had debuted on TV a couple weeks ago. It was nice to have your brother on the road, you had the reassurance of family around you but he was also like a beady eyed hawk watching your every move and even though he was the younger one his ‘sister protection’ radar never faulted.
“That’s not what Damain said.” You thought back to what Damian said last night calling Waller ‘fine’
Lewis and Sam looked at each other and laughed. “Damian’s lying then.”
“I thought you wanted to hook up with Damian anyway” Sam asked you, you choked on your water in surprise because there were only two people who knew that and it definitely would not have been Rhea who blabbed about it to Sam.
“You told him?” You looked around the cafeteria frantically to make sure no one was staring or heard what Sam had just said. You leant over the table, your face clearly showing annoyance as you whipped your hand on Lewis’ chest to which he flicked your hand away.
“And I don’t want to hook up, I really like him” The final words of your sentence came out softer and mellow.
“Don’t worry I wont tell anyone” Sam did his little finger wiggle at you, it was one of their character taunts. You raised an eyebrow at him as if to say you weren’t impressed.
“Sorry force of habit” Sam panicked sensing your irritation. 
“Use your big girl words and speak to Damian… about how you really feel.” Lewis scruffed up your hair as he rose from his seat and they left you alone with your thoughts, yourself questioning why Damian would tell you Waller was fine when he didn’t really think it. You found Priest in make-up, having his eyes darkened in preparation for tonight's show he was sat next to Rhea who was having her Judgement Day scales painted onto her face.
“Did you really mean what you said about Waller?” You asked, Mary the make-up artist stopped working sensing there might be some awkwardness in the way you bluntly approached Damian. 
“Oh sorry, Mary, please carry on” You warmly encouraged Mary to continue working on Damian and moving out of her way. Priest couldn't help but adore how pleasant you were even though he was beginning to get rattled by the conversation topic being Waller again.
“You said Waller was fine. You didn’t mean it did you?” Your hands were folded over your chest, ready to interrogate him. 
“No. I don’t know”
“But I value your opinion, why lie to me?” 
“I thought it was what you wanted to hear”
“Well it wasn't…” The silence was deafening… the conversation had reached a pit stop like a Formula One car, it was time to regroup and think logically.
“I care about your opinion” You faintly said stepping closer to Priest now Mary had finished, Priest opened his eyes for the first time.
“Look, Waller’s a rat, always will be.” Priest’s tone of voice was snappy.
“Then why did you say he was fine and lie?” 
“Because your love life is irrelevant to me alright, there you go, that’s my opinion ” Your mouth hung open at Damian’s words, you slightly nodded your head in acceptance and frowned at him, narrowing your eyes. You had no words for Priest’s outburst, his reaction shocked you. Embarrassed, confused and ready to burst into tears you turned your back and walked away. Within an instant Priest had stood up from his chair in a desperate attempt to reach out for you before it was too late.
“Shit” he mumbled under his breath, knowing he’d probably gone a step too far and pushed you away.
“You don’t have to be a dick.” Rhea piped up having experienced the rollercoaster of a conversation that it was.
“Why is she asking me about Waller then?” Priest uttered in vexation as he turned to Rhea.
“Men really don’t get women do you?”
“We’re not mind readers Rhea!”
“Everyone can see it between the two of you Priest!”
“See what?” He asked as if he was oblivious but he knew what she was talking about. As he thought about it he was able to understand why he couldn't express his feelings towards you. He'd been with other women before and was able to tell them, but that had been meaningless sex and boring relationships. The excitement and affection he felt towards you was different and something he didn’t want to tamper with incase you didn’t feel the same. He’d rather have a friend in you if it couldn’t be nothing more and now it seemed like he had neither.
“The tension, the way she looks at you, the way you look at her. They way you get mad when another guy is talking to her or when she talks about another guy”
“Yeah cause I think I’m falling in love with her but she’s banging on about Waller.”
“Yeah, to make you jealous you donut.”
“Yeah she’s doing a good job of it then!”
“She wants you to get jealous so you open up about your feelings towards her! She’s into you. She may not be saying it but I am and she’s told me so many times that she’s into you…do with that what you will.. See you in the gorilla.” 
You hadn't spoken to Priest since yesterday's conversation and it was all you could think about whilst you were sitting alone, feeling utterly humiliated. You aimlessly bounced the straw of your drink up and down, flicking the dregs of your drink in your glass. You attempted to look calm and collected with straight posture and one knee crossed over the other but in reality you wanted the world to open up and swallow you whole as you began to realise Waller had stood you up…You couldn't quite believe it, you actually gave the guy a chance…albeit out of spite towards Priest and he was a no show. Waller no showed you. Waller no showed you whilst you looked absolutely fucking incredible, wearing your silver sequined crop top, black leather mini skirt and suede knee high boots. Waller no showed you…and you were pissed! Grabbing your purse from the table you leaped up from your chair ready to ditch your lonely date when a body stood in front of you blocking your way. Looking up you were greeted by Waller, who was wearing a look of disappointment and seemed a little nervous as he rubbed the back of his neck. Your lack of smile and your arms folded over your chest told him you were not impressed.
"Forget about our date?" You asked with a firm tone.
"Erm…shit. Look I'm going to be honest…"
"How thoughtful of you" Your words oozed with sarcasm.
"Priest asked me not go"
"Kinda threatened me not to go" Waller quickly changed his words.
Your eyes squinted, your mouth hung open a jar as you tried to comprehend Waller's words. Priest had told him not to go? 
"If Priest told you to jump off a cliff, would you do it?"
"Maybe. Look, no girl is worth getting pounded in the face by a six foot five machine like Priest alright."
"That's what he said?" You questioned Waller.
"Yeah and I don't want to have heat backstage, if there's something going on with you and Priest. You could have just told me'' Waller stuffed his hands in his jean pockets before rolling his lips inwards and walking away. You felt as though Waller had knocked the wind out of you, unsure if it was because you'd been turned down or because of the shit Priest had pulled. You frustratedly walked as fast as you could in your boots, taking the elevator up to the second floor of the hotel on a mission to find Priest. Knocking on Balor's door you hoped to see if Priest had been chilling out with him.
"Is he here?" You tried to look over Balor's shoulder to see if you could catch a glimpse of inside. Balor widened his eyes at your abrupt and not so warm welcoming hello.
"Hi to you too…"
"Sorry Balor" You changed your demeanour realising you'd been rude in your approach.
"You look nice…" Balor looked you up and down appreciating your appearance. 
"Thanks…it was for a date… that I got stood up on. Is Priest here?" 
"Erm no… he's three doors down,  227. Look, about what he said the other day, you should talk to him about him. Try to sort it out?"
"Don't worry I'm going over to talk to him" The smile you put on your face was pure mockery.
"Great. He's had a face like a slapped arse recently"  Balor didn't seem to sense the bitterness in your words and he seemed chuffed that you'd decided to talk to Priest.
"Well get used to it…" You announced walking away from Balor's room ready to confront him. He watched as you banged on Priest's door. Priest answered the door, your mouth suddenly began to dry up, your heartbeat increased and you felt your body heat rising to the temperature of a sauna. Priest was standing in just a towel, the drips of water made his body glisten in the light and you couldn't help but let your eyes flutter across his chest.
Standing your ground you shoved past him to allow yourself entry into his room and once you were far enough in the room you stood in the centre with crossed arms over your chest and raised brows ultimately telling Priest something was not right. He observed you, firstly sensing your displeasure at something, your breath hitched as he began to walk towards you… you watched him and noticed how his eyes danced across your body, admiring the stunning view that had graced him. Priest had listened loud and clearly to Rhea's advice.
"Why did you do it?" Instead of sounding powerful the words that left your mouth were whimpers, you tried to hold back the tears that wanted to break free. Priest sensed your change in demeanour and hated seeing you breaking down in front of him, you were now cuddling yourself as if to protect yourself from him. He reached out to put the palm of his hand on your cheek in an attempt to comfort you but your instant reaction was to take a step back to create some separation. You closed your eyes and singular tears leaked, you must have looked helpless to him as you stood staring at the ground.
"It was embarrassing sitting alone, I felt so stupid! I'm wearing this and having nobody show up made me look like an idiot. Why did you do it?" Priest realised you weren't here to talk about your previous falling out,  it was the other thing he’d done and Waller had snaked him out. Priest dumped himself on the edge of the bed with a heavy sigh, running his fingers through his long wet locks, trying to find the right words to say to you. 
"I'm sorry I told him not to show… you do look incredible by the way"
"Don't try to flirt with me right now" you spoke as you sat next to him on the edge. 
Priest turned to look at you "I'm serious. You're far too beautiful and loving and caring for someone like Waller"
"That's for you to decide is it?"
"No but I…"
"You can't ruin my date because you don't think he's good enough. At least he's asked me out… and keeps asking like he knows he wants me. He's got the balls to ask unlike you "
"Is that what you want?"
"What?" You shook your head in confusion.
"Do you want me to ask you out?"
You weren't sure if he was serious or playing games with you. He stood up from the bed and stood in front of you, he took your hands and pulled you up, your body now touching his. He placed your arms around his shoulders and traced his fingers down your arms, you closed your eyes as he learnt his forehead on yours, you enjoyed his fingers now brushing up and down your sides till he finally settled his hands on your hips. 
"Is this what you want?" Priest voice was low and sensual. All that escaped your lips was a groan in pleasure. Priest’s forehead left yours and he slowly worked towards your neck, planting gentle kisses in the crevices of it. He then worked a trail of kisses towards your chest.
"Tell me this is what you want…" He paused his kisses for a moment. Your fingers had tangled up into his hair as you clutched onto him in desperation. Priest had hoisted you up and tenderly placed you down on the bed now hovering over you. 
"Is this what you want?" Priest asked again, his hand pulled your leg up which allowed him to trace his hand up it then stop as he reached the fabric of your underwear.
Yes, absolutely yes it was what you wanted. It was a head versus heart moment. Your head was telling you to stand up for yourself but your heart had wanted this for so long.
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pascaloverx · 1 year
As It Was
Chapter Three
previous chapter next chapter
Summary: Indeed, our protagonist has a complicated conversation with each of her love interests, reopening old wounds.
Warnings: use of violence, future adult content and inappropriate language. Minors are advised not to read or engage with this story.
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Steve's house is larger than I had imagined. Every detail in it, from the cobalt blue curtains to the ivory-painted walls, seems to have come out of a magazine. He has sports medals and merit awards displayed in a space near the fireplace. To the left of this area, there are pictures of him with people. One picture shows him in his childhood, small and fragile, in the arms of a kind-looking lady. There are photos of him with a woman with dark hair, who doesn't seem much older than thirty, in a restaurant. This same woman appears in most of Rogers' photos; I suspect she's Peggy. Everything I know about her, I discovered by blackmailing Sam. It turns out Rogers and Wilson were on the same team years ago. As soon as I agreed to meet Steve, I wanted to know why the man who seemed so perfect when my father talked about him was still single. Sam told me that Rogers has always been too reserved and determined to get romantically involved with anyone. But a few years ago, around the time Bucky and I met, Rogers fell in love with his partner, Peggy Carter. They had an unbeatable partnership, from what Sam told me. But for some reason, a few months ago, Rogers and Carter ended their one-year engagement. That's probably why there are still so many photos of them in the house. I can't judge Steve because I'm still trying to move on after my divorce.
"Did you ask to come to my house to analyze my past or to deceive the agents who were following us on the way here?" Steve says, close enough that it sends shivers down my spine. I turn to face him, maintaining our proximity.
"If I tell you something deep and personal, would you be willing to tell me why you keep so many memories of your ex around your house?" Curiosity can be a very interesting bargaining chip.When I say this, I feel him ponder for a moment before nodding in agreement while looking at me.
"I love my father too, always have. He was a good father, taught me how to manipulate people so that if anyone ever tried to take advantage of me, I'd be prepared. He taught me to fish so that if I ever needed to feed myself, at least I'd know how to catch a fish. He had me take self-defense classes even before I understood what I was being prepared to defend myself against. But a few years ago, I received a letter. A letter from my mother, meant to reach me when I was old enough to understand what she was trying to tell me in the letter. In it, she revealed that weeks before what would be her passing, she had uncovered a secret about my father. Since she didn't have conclusive evidence, she chose to send me a letter, warning me that my father was not trustworthy and that if at any point I felt the need to hide something from him or anyone else, I could go to a super-secret cabin she had built, designed to be a hideout, all with me in mind. Or rather, us..." The truth is, I don't remember my mother as much as I would like to, so this letter was one of the few times I felt connected to her.
"In the letter, she said that if something happened to her and she couldn't protect me, she wanted me to know that she had intended to take me far away, to somewhere calm and sunny. But if that wasn't possible, she at least wanted to offer me a place to escape to, in case I needed it." As I finish speaking, Steve appears as serious as ever. He moves closer to me, his body just inches away from mine. I feel his hand on my face, and it's then that I realize I might be crying.
"So when my ex-husband said he suspected my father, it was like a puzzle piece falling into place in my mind. But believe me, I don't want my father to be involved in this. However, Barnes would never betray the country, so someone is framing him. Therefore, I think it's my duty to uncover the truth." As these words leave my mouth, I allow myself to understand that my goal is much larger than saving Barnes from prison or even death; I need to understand who my father truly is.
"Our first meeting, and I've already made you cry. This is starting to feel like the promising beginning of a partnership." Steve smiles slightly as I stare at him, seriousness in my eyes. Who would have thought that the politically correct hero standing in front of me would have a sense of humor?
"Now it's my turn to make you cry..." I say, wiping away the tears falling from my face and pointing at the photos near the fireplace.
"My first rule on the field was never to get too involved. When I met Peggy, I just forgot everything I thought about involvement. We had a respectful and loving relationship. But I wanted to marry her, maybe even retire and grow old together, but I found out she wanted more. I didn't want to hold her back from the life she deserved, so we set each other free. Unfortunately, we only realized we didn't want the same things weeks before the wedding. As for the photos, I still don't feel ready to say goodbye to the memories of my past relationship." He still loves her. There's no doubt about that. Maybe we're going through the same situation, both trying to survive post-breakup. I think, I'm feeling closer to Steve Rogers.
"Now that we've opened our hearts to each other, can we solidify our partnership and move forward?" I stare at him as I extend my hand forward.
"Does that mean you'll tell me where your husband is right now, and we'll communicate about how to proceed from here?"
"This means you'll help me, and I'll try to play nice with you. Now, I need to go. Walk me to the door, I think we're no longer in good company." I say as I peek through the corner of the window at the entrance of Rogers' house. He quickly joins me and hands me one of his jackets.
"It wouldn't be gentlemanly of me to let a lady like you go out alone at night in the cold. You can take my coat. I'll accompany you to the car." He says with a friendly smile, offering me a gentle reassurance that somehow makes me feel safer. But I'm not foolish; I know the coat I'm wearing right now probably has a tracker. This man definitely thinks I'm a fool.
When we get close to my car, there are no signs of surveillance. I decide to make a final move to see if any agents would appear. I pull Steve against the car door, lean in close to his ear as if I'm about to share a secret, and whisper: “I know you want to track me, dear, but could you at least have called me to spend the night before trying to control my every move?”
I give him a kiss on the cheek and get into the car, still wearing his black coat, which I must admit is incredibly cozy and warm.
The path to the cabin is incredibly winding and dark. I confess I've only been to this hideout once, just to check if it was a real place. My mother really was a very smart cop because everything seems meticulously planned. There's a secret passage at the back of the cabin that leads you to a trail where you can run through; this trail takes you to a stream, very useful for hiding. I'm sure that by the time I get there, James and the others will have already found almost everything useful in the cabin. When I'm close to the location, I reach a part of the road that's too narrow for the car to pass. I'm now heading there, pondering how interesting it would be if I could somehow alert them to my arrival. However, at the moment, my phone doesn't seem like a safe means of communication. So, I'm prepared in case any of the idiots decide to attack me; I have something to defend myself with. Actually, all I have is a branch I picked up along the way .I hear footsteps approaching, and I start to run. Unfortunately, I've never been very good at running in places with so many obstacles like a forest. I'm taken by surprise when a hand grabs me, throwing me entirely
against the body of the person who caught me. Accidentally, I find myself extremely close to what I can now see is my ex-husband. We hadn't been this close in a very long time. I drop the branch to the ground as I move away from James, trying to catch my breath from the shock I got from Barnes.
"I should have warned you I was coming; I thought you were some lost tourist." Barnes says as he stares at me with his piercing blue eyes. Maybe I lost all logical thinking as I stared back at him. Who would have thought that just getting close to him like this would turn me into a fool?
"I would have sent a message if this was a courtesy visit, but I'm visiting a damn police wanted man; I can't leave traces." Rationality successfully found, thank you, brain, for not being controlled by my hormones.
"Are you okay? How was the date with the man of your life?" James speaks in the most cynical and sarcastic tone possible, almost as if he's jealous. To be fair, everyone who has ever heard my father talk about Steve Rogers knows that he thinks Rogers is the one for me. But as far as I know, that might have been pure manipulation.
"I can't believe that amidst everything we're going through, you want to know about this. But since you insist, it was great. Probably the best date of my life." Lying is ugly, but being annoyed was much worse.
"I don't believe you." Barnes says as he stares at me, and from a distance, I get the impression that he's almost smiling.
"Why are you smiling?" I'm indignant, or at least I'm pretending to be, after all, my date was merely a meeting to gain a new ally to save the reputation of this fool in front of me.
"Because I finally understood the meaning of 'every cloud has a silver lining.' I'm here, looking at my ex-wife for the first time since the divorce, and she looks stunning, just back from a date with some random guy, and I simply can't stop feeling like I'm the luckiest man in the world." I don't know what happens to my body; I automatically move closer to Barnes as he speaks. I want to stare at him as much as possible, trying to see if I can discern sincerity or lust in his eyes.
It's amazing how continuous eye contact makes you inclined to think about what it must be like to have the person's face even closer to yours. For a moment, I forget who I am, or rather, who he is. Barnes notices that I'm scrutinizing him, and instead of pulling away or saying anything, he holds me by the waist. It's important to note that at the end of our relationship, many things were questioned. Our love, emotional closeness, and our trust in each other. But never our sexual tension. Let's say chemistry is our favorite subject.
"I think we should keep our focus solely on our main goal. Adding sex into our complicated relationship as ex-spouses would only complicate things further..." I don't trust the words coming out of my mouth. Not for a second do I want Barnes to let go and say that it's better for us to be objective. He removes his hands from my waist and places them on my face. His hands are cold, but at this moment, it feels like it doesn't matter. I can barely feel the difference between the touch of your left hand and your right, even though Barnes' left arm is made of metal. His gaze, which was once filled with lust, now conveys a certain tenderness, perhaps melancholy.
"I thought you hated me..." Bucky says this with a certain hesitation, as if he's not sure what this so-called hatred would mean in our relationship. To be honest, I've also wondered if he hated me.
"I couldn't hate you even if I wanted to, Barnes. Sometimes it feels like I've been infected by you, and now I can't be Melisa Harrison anymore." The words almost float out of my mouth; I can't contain the urge to kiss him. The eyes that are staring at me seem to be gleaming.
"Well, literally, you are Melisa Harrison Barnes since we got married, but I think I understand what you mean." He smiles so shamelessly that it reminds me of why I married him. He could make me feel like a completely lovestruck fool with just one smile.
"Barnes, I haven't been Melisa Harrison Barnes since a year after our divorce. I know the timing is terrible to bring this up, but my father convinced me that I could only move forward if I left everything reminding me of you behind." It hurt to say that I wasn't a Barnes anymore, but the truth is, as much as I loved him back then, it was a crucial step for me to envision being someone after the divorce.
"And did you really want to leave me behind that much?" He withdraws his hands from me while glaring at me, clearly upset. It's so difficult to look someone in the eye and say that you no longer want anything to do with them.
"You must be kidding. Don't act like wanting a new relationship after everything we've been through is some great betrayal." I'm almost screaming at him out of anger. Talking about this damn separation irritates me almost as much as him pretending it's a surprise that I've gone back to using my maiden name. What did he expect from me?
"I should remind you that it was you who asked for the divorce." Now it's me laughing shamelessly. I can't take a man seriously who, instead of thanking me for trying to save his skin, decides to remind me of something I'm not ready to admit I regret.
"I asked for the divorce because we had become strangers to each other. Don't pretend like my request for separation came out of the blue. We both knew very well that the distance between us was doing no good. So, go ahead, blame me for our end, that's fine. But don't pretend you didn't see our separation coming." It's like they say, provoke a woman in the middle of a forest after midnight, and she'll want to air out all the dirty laundry of the entire relationship. It's not my fault he decided to bring up this topic.
"How could I pretend not to see it coming when our divorce was written in your eyes every time you looked at me? After the accident, you only saw me as a broken toy you couldn't fix." Ouch, that hurt. As I pause to reflect on what James is saying, it seems there's a hidden pain he was concealing from me. The truth is, I thought our relationship was broken, not him.
"Clearly, I'm to blame for our communication issues. What else is my fault? The fact that you refused to open up to me about a trauma, turning us into two ghosts inhabiting the same space?" Yes, in the midst of an argument, it's always easier to blame someone else than to admit that everyone might have contributed in some way. I can't believe it took him and me three damn years to talk about this.
"Why are we arguing about this when you've clearly moved on, and all our past is just history now?" Alright, I admit it, he's right. Why are we arguing about this?
"For the same reason I didn't back down when you showed up at my door earlier, Barnes. We both know very well what we mean to each other. We just like to pretend we've moved past it all." That was the best response I could come up with amid a thousand thoughts racing through my mind. Unfortunately, getting lost in memories now would only undermine my resolve while we're arguing.
"I never..." He seems to struggle to finish his sentence when we are interrupted by a noise. I don't know for what reason, but I felt like he was about to admit something important, perhaps even crucial. But Dave seems to be running towards us.
"The lovebirds forgot we have a team meeting to figure out which villain we're going to defeat? All the Avengers are waiting at our humble headquarters." Dave looks at both of us with a funny expression, as if he caught us in an intimate moment. I glare at him, disapproving of his expression. Barnes is still looking at me.
"I guess we have a more important matter to focus our attention on now, so let's forget our differences and call a truce?" I say, turning to face James. I want to look into his eyes one last time before we pretend this conversation never happened.
"A truce doesn't mean you won't get to hear everything I have to say, Harrison." He says, winking at me, then walks towards Dave, putting his right arm around Dave's neck and guiding him forward. I decide to move on too, still replaying moments of this night in my mind.
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tom-whore-dleston · 2 years
good days: I think you should write for sam wilson and I'm giving you this prompt: "don't play dumb, you know what i want." "spell it out for me, baby."
Bad Days and Good Head
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Pairing: Sam Wilson x f. reader
Genre: smut (lemon)
Warnings: sub!Sam, dom!reader, mommy kink (she came back w/o an invitation), face sitting, tongue fucking, implied blowjob
Word Count: 1k
Summary: Sam is more than ready to make you feel better after a bad day at work.
Notes: Thank you queen Selene for the request! I love Sam and am so excited to share my first fic of him 🥹🫶 And thank you @mochie85 for beta reading 🥰 Remember to reblog and comment if you enjoyed what you read 😊
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What makes you feel empowered?
There is no right or wrong answer to this question. In fact, that answer can change at any point in your life. When you were a young child, you felt empowered when you won your school spelling bee. As a teenager, you felt empowered when you confronted your sworn enemy after being fed up with her bullying. Now that you are an adult, nothing is more empowering than having a beautiful man submit to your every desire, giving you orgasm after orgasm.
That man being Captain America himself, Mr. Sam Wilson. 
You landed your dream job of working at the White House, which was where you met Sam. He was a frequent visitor, mainly so the President could have an excuse to take pictures with him and post them on social media. The two of you met in a meeting and the sexual tension between you was so strong that the President had to table the meeting out of awkwardness. It didn’t take long for you and Sam to sneak into the closest bathroom to fuck each other’s brains out. And so that was the beginning of your blossoming relationship.
Although you were grateful to be given the opportunity to work your dream job, today was one of those days where you wished you could be anywhere but the White House. You were slammed with paperwork and meetings that could have easily been an email. As you sunk into the couch with your feet kicked up on the coffee table, Sam was immediately by your side, massaging your aching feet. 
“Bad day?” He asked sympathetically.
You sighed. “”Bad’ doesn’t even cut it.” 
Sam puckered his lower lip and gazed up at you with sullen eyes. “Any way I can make it better?”
“Don’t play dumb, you know what I want.” You didn’t care how demanding and snappy you sounded. Your main priority was to forget about how awful work was while getting some mind blowing head. Lucky for you, Sam was turned on by your feistiness and he was ready to please you on your signal.
“Yes, ma’am,” he responded. Your star spangled man began to crawl on top of you when you stopped him.
“Actually, I think we should spice things up.” Sam stared at you like a deer in headlights. “Lie down on the couch.” 
He switched positions with you, his back flat against the leather cushions as you hovered over him. As you unzipped your skirt and pulled your tights down, Sam grew curious as to what you had in store for him. However, he knew better than to question your motives. You trained him well enough to only ask the important questions such as “Is this okay?” or “Do you like when I do this?” You liked things simple. It turned you off when Sam, and even past partners, would try to have small talk during sex so you made it a point to keep conversation to a minimum. 
Sam’s eyes landed on your bare pussy, which inched closer to his face as you climbed over him. At this point, he had a few ideas of what you wanted him to do to you. 
“Ready to eat Mommy’s pussy, baby?” 
It was as if a switch was flipped inside Sam. A switch that only you were allowed to turn on and off. His voice became whiny and his cock strained in his pants.
“Fuck, yes, Mommy! I just want to make you feel good.”
You let out a sinister chuckle. “Good boy.”
With that, you lowered your hips down until your pussy pressed snugly against his plush lips. A blissful sigh escaped your throat as he devoured your cunt. 
What were you so worked up about again? Doesn’t matter. The only thing that mattered was your pleasure. 
Sam’s tongue teased your slick hole, causing you to lightly rut your hips against his face. He gripped your thighs before plunging his tongue inside you and stretching your entrance. 
“Oh, fuck!” You shouted, grasping the couch for leverage. “Leave your tongue out like that. I wanna fuck it.” Sam did as you asked and you bounced on top of his tongue, your uncontrolled moans filling the room. 
The sight of you riding his tongue with your eyes rolling to the back of your head made his cock throb with need. The need to feel your hands and lips and pussy around his length, giving him the same attention he was giving you. But he knew that moment would come. Right now was about you. 
“God, I love your tongue! Feels so good- shit!” At that moment, Sam started flicking your clit with his fingers while shoving his tongue in and out of you. Your nails dug into the upholstery as you felt your release approaching. The man beneath you smirked against your heat as your legs began to tremble. 
“Keep going, baby. Make me come like that, please, please, please! I’m so close!” Your beau rubbed your clit faster while tracing figure eights in your pussy. 
You couldn’t pinpoint the moment it happened. It could’ve been a move Sam did or it could have been the pressure building up like air in a balloon. Either way, your pleasure exploded into little sparkles of bliss. Your back arched into a perfect curve as you cried your lover’s name into the abyss. Sam lapped up the sticky mess between his face and your mound as the aftershocks coursed through your body. He kissed your bud, which was your cue to hop off his face and join him on the couch.
“Jesus, Sam, that was-“
“Yeah, I could tell.” Sam laughed, petting your head as you pressed your ear to his heartbeat. Your head bobbed along with his chest as he cleared his throat.
“So, can I, uhhh…” 
You rolled onto your front side, resting your chin on top your folded arms and kicking your feet in the air. Part of you could already guess what Sam wanted to say, but something about the way he would get flustered after eating you out was cute and sexy at the same time. 
“What is it? Spell it out for me, baby.”
Sam chuckled shyly. “Can you suck my cock? Please…Mommy?”
Your lips brushed his softly before you slid down his body to unbutton his pants.
“Thought you would never ask, baby.”
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Navigation | Fic Masterlist | Sam Wilson Masterlist
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thesugarclubs-blog · 2 years
Take The Chance - Sam Wilson x OC
warnings: post-TFATWS Sam Wilson, strangers to lovers, first date vibes, pure fluff
word count: 8.8k
WP: https://www.wattpad.com/1305965217-take-the-chance-talia
authors note: every month for 2023 we've decided to give ourselves a challenge; this month being Sam Wilson. For many of us, this is our first time writing him, so please be kind! We hope you enjoy reading this as much as we enjoyed writing it! 💙
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“We’re home!” Sarah called into the house, as AJ ran around her through the door and straight up the stairs. “Clean your room! Do not go bug your brother!” She called after him, closing the door. 
Sam laughed as he rounded the corner from the kitchen, crossing his arms over his chest and leaning on the archway. He had come back to stay with Sarah and the boys for a while on his downtime to help her out where he could. It was his favorite place to be aside from up in the sky. Being home, surrounded by his community and the ones he loved always reminded him what exactly it was that he was fighting for. 
“So, how much trouble is he in?” He quipped, smirking at his sister. 
Sarah shook her head and sighed, “Surprisingly none, his teacher said he’s doing great this year. Even read me one of his creative writing assignments, which sounded suspiciously like a story about Captain America” She laughed. 
Uncrossing his arms, Sam held his hands up in defense, “Whatever he told you, I didn’t help him write it - I just, you know, gave him some pointers! The rest was all him.” 
“Whatever you did earned him a B minus, so I guess I owe you a thank you,” Sarah rolled her eyes as she pushed past her brother. “I ran into Talia on our way out of the school…” 
“Don’t start this again, Sarah,” Sam warned. 
She spun around and crossed her arms over her chest, “And don’t you use your Captain America voice on me! I’m just saying, I’ve known her for years and I think you two would get along” 
Deep in his heart, Sam knew that his sister meant well, but after everything that had gone on with the flag smashers, he didn’t want to put someone else's life in danger just because they knew him. He wouldn’t risk it. 
Sam shook his head and sucked in a deep breath, “And I’m just saying, I’m good. I’m happy. Can we drop it now?” 
“You need a life outside of being Cap, Sam,” Sarah murmured softly as Sam wordlessly followed his sister back into the kitchen. They worked around each other, Sam prepping whatever Sarah passed him from the pantry ready for dinner as she made a grocery list, and he thought about how to respond.
“I have a life outside of that, here. With my family. And Bucky, when he’s up for being sociable.” 
Sarah side-eyed him, leaning against the counter with a look that screamed ‘you just said the wrong thing, big brother.’
“Spending your days fixin’ up my porch and playin’ catch with your nephews is all well and good, Sammy, but don’t you get lonely?” 
Sam sighed, trained his features not to give the truth away and instead turned to the fridge. 
“You want me to check what needs stocking up in here?”
“Deflection only works so long,” Sarah hummed. “Don’t you want to find love like mom and dad had?” 
“Sarah,” he leaned against the door of the fridge and dropped his gaze to the floor. Same conversation over and over, he’d rather be shot at than combat the emotional warfare Sarah waged on him. “I know you’re just trying to help and you know I want that, it’s just not the right time,” he turned to look at her, “you’re out of milk.” 
“Insufferable,” she groaned, scribbling more to her list. “You act more like dad every day.” 
“That’s not so bad. Qualifies me for one of those mid-afternoon snore naps he used to take in the living room,” Sam laughed.
Sarah let out one of the most ridiculous, almost condescending cackles that Sam had ever heard. It reminded him of their mother’s laugh and his sister emulated her almost perfectly when she chucked the keys to the truck at him with more sass than anyone in their family knew how to handle.
“The hell it does. Take your ass to the store or else nobody is eating tonight.” Sarah instructed, holding out the list she had written.
“So bossy, this is why you had no friends in school.” Sam joked, snatching the paper from her and grabbing the pen from where she dropped it on the counter to add milk to the list. 
“Add a girlfriend to that list as well.” Sarah shot back with a smile and they both laughed in a mocking manner toward each other in a way that only siblings could.
There was a distant crash from upstairs, followed by a series of grunts and thuds. The boys were definitely up to something. Sarah groaned, hanging her head down- but Sam could see a grin tugging at the corners of her mouth. “AJ! Cass! You aren’t Avengers!” 
The thuds stopped for a moment and were immediately followed by the pounding of footsteps. They echoed through the house and Sam couldn’t help but laugh. Memories of him and Sarah growing up in this house, doing the exact same thing, flooded his mind.
They heard the boys trip and tumble down the stairs, arguing over something to do with video games. Sam pocketed the grocery list and pen and snuck towards the stairs, staying out of view. Sarah laughed and shook her head. “I’m staying out of this,” Sam heard her mutter. 
As soon as he could see the top of AJ’s head, Sam lifted him up and swung him over his shoulder. “Now you’ve done it,” Sam said, purposely lowering his voice. He faked the sternest look he could as Cass roared with laughter.  “You’re making me use my Captain America voice!”
“Oh no! He got us!” AJ laughed hysterically, pretending to struggle in his uncle’s arms. Sam’s heart swelled as he continued to parade around the kitchen with AJ flung over his shoulder, a chorus of giggles and screams filling the room.
“Okay! Okay, boys, no roughhousing inside remember?” Sarah enunciated, including Sam in that. He rolled his eyes but set AJ down. “AJ, is your room clean?”
He wouldn’t look at his mom and Sam laughed. “Have fun with this, I’ll be back.”
“Where are you going?” Cass asked. “Can I come?”
Sam hummed, glancing down at his nephew. “Hmm, I don’t know.” 
“Please!!” Cass whined, “I’ll help get the groceries!” 
Sarah leaned against the archway and glanced up at Sam. “Take him. Maybe I’ll give AJ a chance to focus on his room.” She offered throwing her youngest a pointed look. 
Sam chuckled and nodded clapping his hand on Cass’ shoulder. “Alright, kiddo let’s go,” 
Cass’ smile widened along with his eyes, “Can we—“ 
“No Wings!” Both Sarah and Sam said in unison. 
“But it’s so much faster!” 
“And I’m not letting my child fly through the air like a bird,” Sarah shook her head and stepped towards Cass, her hands cupping his face, “not until you're fifty and gray and I’m long gone. Then you can be reckless with your Uncle.”
"Hey!" Sam quipped, trying to bite back a smirk. 
He knew it was true realistically, but his sister didn't have to throw him completely under the bus. After taking Cass to school one time that way because he was late, suddenly it had become the only way he wanted to travel. One of the perks of having a superhero for an uncle. 
Sarah just cocked her eyebrow at him and shook her head, as she spouted off a few other things they needed from the store. 
"Cass, you listen to Uncle Sam, okay?" She said when she was finished, leaning her elbows on the counter and looking between the two of them. 
"Yeah yeah!" He mocked, slumping toward the door dramatically. 
Sam laughed, and went to follow his nephew, "If you think of anything else, just call" 
Moving from behind the counter, Sarah placed her hand on Sam's chest, stopping him for a moment, "You wrote down girlfriend, right?" She poked, her facial expression turning serious for a moment, "Even Captain America needs someone to take care of him."
Sam didn’t give her the satisfaction of a real answer. Just sighed and waved his hand about half heartedly before flashing her a toothy grin as he ushered Cass out the door. 
“You think you’re gonna find a girlfriend at the grocery store?” Cass asked as they climbed into the pickup, a skeptical eyebrow raised that was all Sarah Wilson. 
“You can shut your pie hole too, or I won’t let you pick dessert,” Sam countered, firing the truck to life and turning the radio all the way up.
The grocery store wasn’t too busy for a Saturday and Sam was grateful the fewer people he had to shake hands with the better. 
Not that it bothered him, the folks of the small town were so proud of him and they made sure he knew it. 
“Get a cart,” Sam pointed to his right as the glass doors slid open. “No rusty wheel like last time,” he reminded him. 
Nothing worse than trying to keep a low profile when the shopping cart sounds like a dying cat. 
Cass darted off to find one with good wheels and Sam waited for him inside, staring at the flowers neatly bundled on display. He picked up a small bouquet mixed with pink and yellow flowers. 
“Who are those for?” Cass slid up beside him, riding the cart like a scooter. 
“Your mom,” he said setting them inside. 
“Did we do something wrong?” Cass raised an eyebrow. 
“No,” Sam patted him on the shoulder, “you should always bring your mom flowers. She deserves them more often.” 
“For what?” The kid laughed. 
“For putting up with the three of us all the time,” Sam shook his head.
“I don’t know about you but I’m fantastic.” Cass declared, his mother’s sass dripping from his mouth, and Sam couldn’t help but chuckle.
They strolled through the supermarket, going aisle by aisle starting in the produce section and saving the frozen goods and dairy for last. Cass stayed close, reading the list from behind Sam and running down the aisle to grab things he saw they needed, always being the helpful young man Sarah had raised him to be. It was times like these, the times when he was alone with his nephews that Sam felt just the slightest hints of heartache thinking about how much time he had missed with them and his sister in the five years he had been snapped out of existence.
Sure, it was just a food run but Sam wouldn’t have traded it for anything else. He was making up for lost time, trying his best to be the responsible male role model that they needed. Everything he did was for them and Sarah, of course, she always thought he was just trying to be a patriot and the perfect All-American man but it wasn’t a sense of honor or duty at all. Sam just wanted to make sure his nephews grew up in a world that valued the lives of people who looked like them, and that the world was safe for Sarah, AJ, and Cass.
He tried not to think like that too much though, always making sure that he checked himself and was grateful for the things he had in life. A great family and great friends and yeah, that did include the grumpy cyborg who once ripped a steering wheel from his hands. Sam laughed at the memory of Bucky as he grabbed a can of tomato sauce off the shelf, tossing it into his cart nonchalantly before looking up and not seeing Cass anywhere.
"Shit," he hissed, his heart rate spiking instantly. It wasn't a huge grocery store, but it was big enough for a kid to get lost in... or wander out the front door. "Hey, Cass! Where'd you go?!"
He tried not to panic as he pushed his cart down the aisle and got to the end, his head whipping right and then left. No sign of Cass. Until he heard what sounded like an impression of him. 
"He's all, 'Cass, you can't do that! Cass, put that down! I'm Captain America and I make the rules!'"
It was terrible. He was trying to deepen his voice, but it was cracking. Honestly, it was worse than Bucky's impressions of him, and that was saying a lot. But it was definitely Cass's voice coming from the next aisle. Sam sighed and headed down the next aisle, spotting Cass talking to a woman with red hair and a soft, gorgeous smile. Her nose scrunched up when she laughed and Sam's stomach flipped.
"Hey!" He called. "For one, Cass, that's a terrible impression. Two, you can't just wander off like that!"
The woman laughed, a gentle hand reaching out to touch Cass’ shoulder - Sam noticed the way her eyes crinkled as she smiled, small dimples adorning her cheeks. 
He felt something flutter in his stomach - Play it cool, Cap, he told himself. Probably because he skipped lunch today. Definitely not the beautiful woman standing in front of him. 
He stuck his hand out, a warm smile plastered to his face. “I’m Sam. Sorry if my nephew is bothering you.”
She took his hand softly but fully, not shying away from him. Before she could introduce herself, Cass was huffing. 
“She’s my teacher Uncle Sam, that’s Ms. Graham!”
Sam stared at his nephew for a moment, the name wracking through his brain. "Ms. Graham...as in.." 
"Cass' teacher..." She finished with a sly grin, "and Sarah's friend, Talia." 
His eyes went wide for a moment, another smile beaming across her face as the realization hit him. "Right! It's uh," He paused, realizing he was still holding her hand he glanced down at where they were linked, "you probably want this back..." 
She breathed a laugh as he let go of her. The sound struck something within him. "It's nice to finally meet you in person Sam. Cass talks a lot about his uncle Captain America" Talia whispered the last two words, with a wink.
“Whatever he’s told you, I swear it wasn’t my fault!” Sam protested with a grin, folding his arms across his chest.
He might have flexed, just a little.
“So Cass telling me he flew to school the other week had nothing to do with you?” Talia smirked.
He threw a quick, playful glare to the boy. Hearing him muffle a giggle behind his palm and trying to give his best innocent face while his uncle sweated out an answer.
"In my defense; I didn't want him to be late more than he already was and we did not cross any speed limits," Sam said with the best straight face he could muster, her lips widened in a breathtaking laugh, the corners of her eyes crinkling adorably and it only made his own smile grow at sight.
Talia's deep blue eyes flickered between Sam and Cass, as a sweet smile stayed on her plump pink lips, "Well, I guess getting him to school on time was top priority."
There was a strange fuzzy feeling deep in Sam's belly that he couldn't quite place. Maybe something he'd eaten that morning wasn't sitting right. But every time the girl in front of him flashed those eyes or her bright smile, it felt as if an eruption of fireworks was going off in his chest. 
"Always," Sam softly smiled and ruffled Cass' head, gently nudging him to the side.
Cass pulled a face but went quiet beside him and Talia met Sam’s gaze with fond eyes. 
“Well, I won’t keep you guys. Looks like you’ve got a long list there,” she said suddenly, hands already poised on her shopping cart.
Sam smiled, desperately trying to think of a way to keep the conversation going. There was usually a reason he didn’t listen to his sister but having now met Talia, he wasn’t going to let the opportunity pass. 
“We’re almost done, actually. Cass here just needs to choose a dessert but maybe we could—“ 
Before Sam could finish his sentence, Cass waved the shopping list in his face.
“Wait! There’s still one more thing on the list, Uncle Sam!” He interrupted, “riiiight at the bottom there. Maybe Miss Graham could help us find it?”
Sam narrowed his eyes at Cass, “I’m not above stuffing you in a garbage can,” he whisper warned. “I got friends in high places kid,” he reached for the grocery list. 
“What is it?” She asked, looking between the two. 
“Uncle Sam was complaining earlier that mom buys gross coffee,” Cass started in and Sam thought about pinching him to shut him up. 
“I do not complain,” Sam defended himself but Cass waved the grocery list in the air. A silent threat. Sam instantly regretted teaching them the art of warfare.
Sam looked from the list in Cass’s hand to Talia and back. He had a feeling what he had written on there. He reached over and snatched it out of his hand. 
“I put girlfriend on the list. Since mum said so too. Maybe you could ask Ms. Graham to help you out with that” Cass grinned.
Sam merely glared at the kid, heat rising in his face and through his ears. Talia’s eyes had gone wide and she let out the cutest laugh, covering her mouth quickly as if trying to take it back. 
“That’s not on the list.” Sam insisted, shaking his head at the woman.
“Oh, it’s not?” She questioned, cocking an eyebrow at him.
“Definitely not,” Sam repeated nervously, crumpling the list in his fist when Cass began protesting, trying the pry the paper from his uncle's hand to show his teacher that he was not a liar.
"Cass, stop."
"You stop!" Cass protested. "Gimme the list! I wrote it down!"
"Cass..." Sam warned.
"You're making me look bad in front of Ms. Graham, dude!" Cass yelped as Sam held the paper high above his head, his nephew desperately jumping to grab it. He bumped up against Sam in an effort to knock him over. Sam felt his face heating up with each passing second. This kid had no tact. He definitely got that from his mom.
"Hey!" Sam barked as Talia's shoulders shook with laughter, her face red, and one hand covering her mouth. "You don't call your uncle dude."
"Then ask Ms. Talia to be your girlfriend!" He grunted jumping to reach Sam's hand that was still too high for him to reach. 
Talia's brows knit together, her face still beet red and a grin to die for hiding behind her hand. Sam winced, glancing over at her as he stood firm against his nephew. 
I'm sorry. He mouthed to her before glaring at Cass, "Listen Kiddo, there's more than just asking someone that. You have to..." 
"Date," Talia interrupted earning a soft glance from Sam. 
"That's right, you have to date someone first," He finished, "it takes time, so why don't you go pick out the dessert for tonight?"
With a frustrated huff, Cass stopped his assault on his uncle and stomped off towards the dessert aisle. Sam shook his head with a wry smile and turned his full attention to Talia,
“He’s a bit…much, but I guess you already know that,” he said.
“It’s fine, honestly. He’s a cute kid,” Talia smiled back.
"Yeah, when he's not being a little shit." He embarrassingly turned away from her to watch the kid.
Sam kept an eye on Cass as he stood far from them doing his job of choosing dessert, the woman's warm presence next to him was a little distracting. Maybe even welcomed.
She didn't leave immediately which only served to power the butterflies taking residence in his belly.
"I'm really sorry about him," he turned his eyes back on her and she was already smiling up at him, "I hope we didn't bother you." 
He tried to subtly tuck the paper in his pocket but the crinkling noise it made had her letting out a soft chuckle.
"It's okay."
"Come on, Uncle Sam! Are you gonna ask her out or what?" Cass called down the aisle, as he waved a chocolate cake in the air. "Can't cross it off the list until you do" He snipped. 
Sam sucked in a deep breath and sucked his teeth, as he rubbed his hand against his forehead, willing himself not to kill his nephew in public. The idea bounced around in his head for a moment, as he watched Talia's eyes flicker to their shoes and back up again. Man, this girl was pretty. 
Clearing his throat, Sam swiped his tongue along his bottom lip, "Look, he's not going to stop bugging me if I let this pass by, so would you like to grab a coffee with me tomorrow?" He finally asked. 
She giggled once more, and nodded her head once, "I'd love to..." She softly smiled, looking up and meeting his dark eyes. "You know, to save your sanity," Talia commented, shooting him a wink.
“Did she say yes?!” Cass’ voice carried through the store so loudly that several people stopped what they were doing, curious and then disappointed when they realized they hadn’t actually just happened across a proposal in the middle of the dessert aisle. 
Sam wrangled Cass into a soft choke hold the moment he stopped beside them, “seriously, man. You gotta work on your inside voice.” 
“I’ll add that to Monday’s lesson plan,” Talia giggled, “what did you choose, Cass?” 
She gestured to the box in the boy’s hands and he held it up with a cheeky grin. 
“Key lime pie,” he replied, wiggling out of Sam’s hold. And then in a stage whisper, he leaned in and added, “it’s his favourite.”
“I’ll keep that in mind,” she nodded. 
“So tomorrow?” Sam looked from Cass to Talia with his eyebrow raised. “I promise to leave motor-mouth at home.” 
“Hey!” Cass groaned. 
“You have homework I’m sure isn’t done,” Taila turned her gaze to his nephew. 
Sam’s breath hitched as the last of the afternoon sun peered through the front windows of the store and reflected through Talia’s icy blue eyes. 
“I think getting you a boyfriend should earn me an A!” Cass laughed as both Talia and Sam groaned no simultaneously.
“Well… I guess that’s everything then. We better get going, otherwise, my sister will be mad that we’re late for dinner” Sam said as he began to push the cart to the checkout. Talia followed close behind. 
As they were standing in line Sam turned around. 
“Uhhh… did you want to give me your number? Or I could give you mine? So we could … you know, plan for tomorrow?” He asked nervously pulling out his phone and almost dropping it. Talia giggled as she pulled out her phone.
“Fire away Captain.” She teased, waiting for him to recite his number to her and he did, almost forgetting it in the process.
She seemed to sense his nervousness, contemplating something as she smiled, lips pressed tightly together as her fingers typed something out. 
His phone dinged immediately, her number now locked securely in and he flashed her as confident a smile as he could muster, not bothering to glance at what she had sent him.
“I’ll uh… message you later then.” He huffed, trying to keep his heart from bursting out of his chest as he handed the cashier his card.
"Great," she replied as she loaded her stuff onto the conveyor belt while Sam paid and Cass made a big show of grabbing all of the bags at once. Talia laughed as Cass tried to hold them up over his head and nearly toppled over.
"You need to do some more push-ups," Sam teased as the cashier handed him his receipt. He turned to Talia and winked, some of that charm flooding back instinctually. 
"See you later, Sam," she laughed. "Bye, Cass!"
"Bye, Ms. Graham!" Cass called as they headed out of the store, the boy struggling with the bags as he walked.
"Cass, give me some of those," Sam chuckled as he took two of the four bags and Cass heaved a sigh of relief. They loaded them into the car and Cass sprinted for the driver's side. 
"I call shotgun!"
Sam chuckled.
"Not in a million years. How're you gonna drive with no keys?"
Cass rolled his eyes but reluctantly walked to the passenger side door and opened it as Sam got in. His phone buzzed, but he ignored it as he started up the car. 
"Are you gonna get that?" Cass teased. "It might be your girlfriend."
Sam grinned and shook his head.
"It's probably your uncle Buck. I bet he broke the TV again."
Cass laughed, the sound filling the car. "Hopefully the remote isn't stuck in the tv screen like last time. Mom was so mad at him." 
Sam chuckled, shaking his head. "You tell the cyborg once to boot up Netflix and its like he's trying to crack some sort of ancient code." 
"Which should be easy for him since he is ancient," Cass giggled leaning against the car door. 
"Careful, he's got super hearing, you don't know what happens if he hears you call him that," Sam teased as continued the drive home. Cass froze in the seat next to him, wide-eyed and looking terrified. "Just sayin'..." Sam laughed.
“Don’t tell him I said that Uncle Sam. Pleeease!” Cass begged dramatically, gripping his Uncle’s arm.
“How ‘bout you stop trying to set me up with your teacher and I won’t tell your Uncle Buck you called him ancient, hmmm?” Sam teased.
“Aww but…” Cass began but was interrupted.
“I see how it is,” Sam nodded, reaching for his phone. “I’m just gonna give him a quick call right now…”
"No! I'm sorry! I was just doing what mom told me!" Cass shouted, looking terrified. Sam howled and nudged his nephew's head. 
Bucky was always a great threat to use against the boys. As much as they loved him, and Bucky had fun with them, both boys still seemed to be a little bit scared of him and Sam loved using that to his advantage. The super soldier had been a great addition to their little family and had slowly become another fun uncle to the boys. 
Throughout the rest of the evening, a soft smile stayed plastered on Sam's face as thoughts of the redhead's icy blue eyes and sweet laughter echoed through his head.
Sam liked Sundays in Delacroix more than anything. When he was younger, it meant family trips to church and cookouts. 
Today, however, he found himself rummaging through the one duffle bag he packed looking for something appropriate to wear for a coffee date. 
Not that he was nervous, Sam liked to think of himself as a natural dater when he didn’t have his 11-year-old nephew as a wingman. But he wanted to look good for Talia like he had his shit together. 
When he finally found something, he jogged downstairs to the smell of pancakes and bacon — and a double take from Sarah as he appeared in the kitchen. 
“And who are you dressed up all nice for?”
Sam opened his mouth to come up with an excuse but Cass slid in to answer for him, “he’s going to meet Ms. Graham for coffee.” 
Cass pointed his finger to his mouth and pretended to gag. 
“Snitch,” Sam tossed a piece of bacon into his mouth, his hand short of being slapped by Sarah. 
“Talia?” Sarah leaned over, flipping the pancakes. “I couldn’t have predicted that,” she laughed under her breath. 
“I got cornered,” he shot a look at Cass. 
“Well you look handsome,” she patted his chest with the palm of her hand as she turned to set the towering plate of pancakes on the table.
Sam took a seat and grabbed a plate and took some pancakes. Despite being nervous about the coffee date he was excited to see Talia again. 
“So… where are you taking Talia?” Sarah asked handing Cass the orange juice.
"We're just going for coffee. Figured I'd do something simple."
"Oh, so I guess that means more of this for me," Sara replied as she grabbed his empty mug. Sam put his hand over hers and shook his head, laughing.
"Hey, whoa. Let's not get crazy, okay? Fill that up." Sarah arched an eyebrow and tilted her head to the side. He knew better than to piss off his sister, so he plastered on a big smile before adding, "Please, Sarah?"
She frowned at him as she poured him a cup and he sighed as he picked up his fork. Cass looked up at him.
"Are you scared of Talia?"
"Why're you asking?" Sam laughed as the question caught him off guard.
"You're sweating," Cass observed. His brother nodded beside him.
"Big time."
Sam's throat clenched a little. This job was lonely, and it was hard. Grueling. What if things went really well and they started seeing each other regularly? He'd be away a lot, on missions and assignments. Since he got the job, he'd been reluctant to branch out and start dating again. Sam just accepted that it was a part of his life that he wouldn't be able to fully embrace; that he wouldn't be able to be there for another person because he was trying to save the whole damn world all the time. He smiled at Cass despite the ache in his chest. Sarah stared at him from across the table, her eyes a little misty as she watched him. She always knew what he was thinking. They'd been in sync since they were kids.
"Just a little," Sam replied as he cleared his throat.
“You shouldn’t be,” Cass replied easily, having no clue what his uncle was thinking. “Ms. Graham is the coolest. She’s kinda tough sometimes but she almost always lets me line up first for recess because I finish my work first.”
Sam smiled, nudging his nephew lightly. “Thanks, kid, I needed that.”
With a deep breath, he glanced back over at Sarah. She smiled softly at him, the one she always did when he needed a little more reassurance and courage. 
“Just be you, don’t worry about five years from now, or even tomorrow Sam, just enjoy the day with her.” Sarah encouraged taking a sip of her coffee, “you can worry about the rest later.” 
Sam nodded his head. He could do that, focus just on her. And those eyes. And the freckles that speckled her cheeks like constellations.
The drive to the coffee shop wasn’t long but Sam’s mind whirled, filled with the voices of his nephews, who’d shouted advice at him even as he was walking out of the door.
”Just be yourself.”
”Make sure you smile.”
”Yeah, but a normal smile, not your weird smile.”
He managed to find a space close to the entrance, parked up and then sat in his car for a moment, drumming his fingers on the steering wheel.
"Ok, we can do this... It's just a date," He mumbled to himself, as he sucked in a shaky breath, catching the glimpse of Talia's fiery red hair glinting in the sunlight as she came to a stop outside the coffee shop and shot him that gorgeous smile of hers. 
Sam returned the smile, and hopped out of the truck, "Good timing," he commented, running his hand over the back of his neck. "You look... Wow, beautiful" He stammered as he came to stand in front of her. 
Talia chuckled, and grinned up at him, "Looking pretty good yourself there, Sam" 
The dark navy blue cardigan that hung around her shoulders made the blue in her eyes pop out even more, and Sam felt his breath catch in his throat as he looked at her. He cleared his throat, noticing that he'd been staring at her, and moved to open the coffee shop door, "Shall we?" he smirked.
“Such a gentleman,” Talia smiled, thanking him with a gentle touch to his arm as she passed by. 
Sam’s heart was pounding, rushing in his ears. He took a deep breath and followed her into the coffee shop, eyeing up a table in the corner where it would be quiet enough for them to actually talk.
“Did you wanna go take a seat over there and I’ll order us some drinks?” He asked, flashing her a smile. His usual smile because it’s damn charming, thank you very much. 
Talia beamed back at him, eyes bright and cheek dimpled adorably. 
“I’ll have a mocha, white chocolate… with vanilla, please.” She said bashfully, “major sweet tooth.”
Sam wasted no time ordering their drinks, and as he went to collect them the young girl behind the counter met him with a smile, “on the house.” She said sliding a chocolate croissant toward him. “She orders one every morning.” 
“Thank you,” he said picking up the plate as he juggled the coffees in his hands. 
Talia watched him with a sweet smile as he made his way carefully toward her.
She was so pretty, his hands were starting to sweat. Be cool, he told himself. He was usually so much better at this, but being snapped, taking up the mantle, and throwing himself into this job-- no, this life-- meant that he felt like a fish out of water a lot of the time. He flashed her a warm smile and tucked himself into the chair, handing her her coffee.
And then the awkward silence found them. She sipped at her drink and he did the same, not knowing what to say to her. Panic started to set in and he took a deep breath.
"So, what does Sam Wilson do on his days off? Aside from taking a broke teacher out for coffee? Thank you, by the way."
She winked at him and took another sip of her drink. She was charming, he had to admit that. It almost felt like she sensed how nervous he was. He chuckled, relief flooding his body. She didn't ask what Captain America did, she asked about Sam. He could have cried. He didn't, but he could have.
"The pleasure's all mine. And, uh, aside from Sunday breakfast with my sister and my nephews--"
"I believe you called them little shits."
He threw his head back and laughed. 
"Only sometimes. But I don't do much. Free time is a bit of a luxury I'm not often afforded. I'd say taking a pretty woman out for coffee has been a nice end to the week."
Talia looked up at him through her lashes, her chin tilted down and a smile tugging at the corner of her lips. “Home run, slugger,” she teased. Sam could feel a cold sweat immediately rise to the surface of his palms- she was good at banter and her eyes were entrancing. He was in trouble. 
They continued to stare into each other’s eyes- Talia’s hand lightly traced the edge of her mug and Sam’s eyes were immediately drawn to the movement. He noticed how slender and delicate her hands were, adorned with a few rings. He found himself wondering what it would feel like to walk hand in hand with her- 
“So,” he cleared his throat and immediately wiped his palms on his thighs under the table. God forbid they hold hands later and he’s as clammy as a teenager. “What do you do on your days off?”
“I spend it with my family and friends. My kids get my week, and everyone else gets my weekend. And sometimes, like now, I get to spend it on myself,” Talia winked at Sam, a warm smile on her face, and he felt a stirring in his chest, his heart beating faster than usual.
The conversation lulled a little as they sipped at their drinks and Talia shared the croissant and secret smiles with him across the table. 
Sam couldn’t remember the last time he felt like this, all warm and fluttery just from eye contact. At least his nerves had settled, soothed by easy conversation and good coffee. It was nice to just be Sam Wilson for a little while, and that helped too. 
“How long are you in town for?” Talia asked as they finish up the pastry. And just like that, Sam was reminded that his time back home was temporary, always would be for as long as he was Captain America.
His heart squeezed a little as the panic spread. It had been a long time since he felt that pang of fear and sadness. Almost a twist of regret, as he stared across the table at her, knowing she expected an answer. 
Leaving Sarah and the boys had become natural. Sad, sure but something that had turned routine for the four of them. Talia was a new variable, one he hadn’t planned for but now sat stunned because the fear of leaving her crept up on him without warning. 
“I'm never sure,” he nodded, “sometimes it’s weeks, months but someone always calls.” 
“That must be difficult,” she reached across the table and linked her fingers to his, steadying the tremor in his palm. “Leaving them I mean,” she said.
“Leaving is easy, it’s coming home to overworked Sarah and confused Cass and AJ that my heart doesn’t agree with,” Sam admitted uncomfortably. “Always feels like I’m making excuses for saving the world.”
"You shouldn't have to," Talia said softly.
He chuckled. and smiled at her, their fingers still linked. 
He wanted to unload the weight in his chest. He wanted to tell her to run, that what she wanted to dive into was bad for her. He was bad for her. She'd be alone a lot, missing him. They'd have to get by through texts and phone calls-- and that's if service was available and decent. He'd come home battered and bruised, and she'd want to take care of him. He couldn't burden another person with that. 
Instead, he just whispered, "that's sweet of you to say."
"I meant it," she replied.
Talia kept her blue eyes focused on his. Sam could feel the familiar sting of tears and furiously blinked. He wasn’t ashamed to cry, but damn, he did not want to cry on their first date. It seemed too vulnerable- like he would push her away even if he didn’t verbally warn her about the mess that was being an Avenger. He started to tug his hand away to grab a napkin, but Talia’s fingers wrapped tighter around his.
“Hey,” she cooed, sitting up in her chair. “I can’t pretend to know what it’s like to be you, to have your job…” Talia continued looking at him, her eyes soft and filled with kindness. “But you’re here right now. And that means everything to Sarah and the boys.”
Sam felt his heart clench, a lump in his throat and he nodded, gently squeezing her slender fingers. He placed an elbow on the table, covering and rubbing his jaw with his free hand, trying to get himself back together. 
Talia let him take his time, then quietly asked, “Would you like to take a walk? I always find that fresh air helps everything.”
Sam felt his heart trip again and nearly stuttered as he replied, “That sounds like a great idea.”
The two of them drank the last drops of their coffees and headed back out into the street, Sam once more opening the door and allowing Talia out first, like the gentleman he was raised to be. He moved around her, grazing his hand on her lower back as he passed and made sure she was walking on the inside away from the road. He wasn't sure anymore if it was his southern upbringing or his newly-formed hero self, but there was always that ting of protection mode in the back of his mind. 
"Okay tell me, what got you into teaching?" He questioned, their hands brushing together, allowing him to link his pinky gently with hers. 
Talia took a deep breath of fresh air, and looked up to the sky for a moment, "My younger sister..." She spoke softly. "She's quite a bit younger than me, and I was always helping her with homework, teaching her how to ride a bike, you know stuff like that... I guess teaching for me was just the natural next step"
“You’re good at it,” Sam murmured softly and Talia glanced up at him with an adorably confused smile. 
“And how would you know that?” 
“I get to see the evidence of it in Cass. He speaks so highly of you, not to mention how much Sarah gushes over you. You’re shaping young minds, takes special people to do that.” 
Talia blushed and Sam tried to commit to memory the soft pink hue behind her freckles and the way her eyes creased at the corners as she grinned up at him. 
“Well thank you, I try my best. And I love those kids, they’ve all got something to bring to the table, y’know? Compassionate, smart…”
“Always running their mouth,” Sam laughed, “or is that just my nephew?”
She nudged him with her body as they walked down the street, “I wouldn’t be much of a teacher if I talked badly about my students,” she laughed. “But Cass is too clever for his own good.” 
“I won’t tell him if you don’t,” Sam encouraged. 
“Our little secret,” Talia cooed.
"Thanks, I don't need that kid's ego getting bigger." He smirked. "It's almost the size of mine."
Talia snorted with laughter and shook her head. They walked in silence for a little while and she bumped her shoulder against him. Sam couldn't stop thinking about how pretty she was, and how every time he looked over at her, he felt something pull at his chest. Something inside of him was trying to keep that door shut, but here she was, kicking it down over and over again.
Talia sighed and he glanced over to see her looking around as people strolled past them.
"Are you going to ask me what made me want to be Captain America?" He asked.
She smirked and shook her head.
"Nope," she replied. "I already know the answer to that."
He couldn't stop smiling as he raised an eyebrow.
"Oh, you do, do you?" His tone was teasing, but the look in her eyes told him that she was serious.
"Yup. You're a good man with a good heart, standing up for what's right." She turned to him. "Call me crazy, but I'm more interested in you, not the shield you pick up to save the world."
Boom. Talia’s words broke the hinges right off the damn door that was holding him back. 
Sam stopped walking, feet planted firmly on the pavement. He could feel confidence coursing through his veins. As Talia went to take another step forward, he lightly tugged their linked pinkies back, twirling her around. The giggle that escaped her lips set a fire in the very center of his chest.
His other hand quickly found her waist and she stepped directly in front of him, their shoes almost touching. It was like a dance move. She linked all her fingers through his hand and giggled again, taking another step forward and pulling her body closer to his. 
“Is this okay?” he asked, his voice steady. “I don’t mean to be this forward, you’re just so… I think you’re-” He couldn’t find the right word. Wonderful? Incredible? Impossibly amazing?
Talia smiled, looking up at him through her lashes. “Yeah, I think you are too,” she whispered. 
She tilted her head up towards him, her eyes fixed on his lips. Sam couldn’t believe his luck. He leaned down and brushed his lips against hers gently. She leaned into the kiss and Sam moved his hand from her waist to the small of her back. He pulled away, feeling like the wind had been knocked out of him.
Talia looked up into his eyes, a twinkle in them that Sam immediately wanted to see again and again. 
Sam cupped her face gently, thumbs stroking her cheekbones, leaning down again, pausing just before they touched. Talia closed the gap easily, already moving, and Sam smiled into the kiss before focusing on the feel of her lips against his, soft but not afraid.
Every nerve in Sam's body ignited and in that moment all he wanted to do was keep kissing her. The feeling of her lips, the way her fingers curled into the fabric of his sweater. For a moment, his fears and sadness disappeared with the world around them. All that there was, was the two of them. 
Sam pulled back and rested his forehead against hers, brushing the tips of their noses together, "If I don't stop now, I'm just going to keep kissing you..." He whispered, pulling a giggle from her plump kiss bitten lips. 
"And is that such a bad thing?" She teased, moving to look up at him and pressing her body into his. 
There was no way Sam would admit to Sarah that she was right, or thank Cass for pushing him into this. But this girl really was great for him. Both of them different kinds of heroes; for once he was on a date where someone was interested in him and not just being on a date with Captain America.
He brushed a small lock of red hair back behind her ear and stole another small kiss from her soft lips. 
“You up for a walk?” Sam asked his lips hovering above hers. 
“Lead the way,” she smiled. 
He moved back from her, turning toward the pier he started to walk. Not noticing that she had stopped to tie her shoe until her hand linked into the crook of her elbow. 
“On your left,” she whispered as she slid into place, resting her head on his shoulder. 
He looked down at her, heart pounding harder than it ever had before and for the first time in a long time he felt relaxed.
It was still warm, the sun lingering on them for a little while longer. As they got to the pier, she leaned up against him and Sam spotted a couple of benches that faced the water. He felt a lump in his throat, remembering his parents. Every single Saturday night, his dad took his mom out for a nice dinner, and then they walked along the pier and made sure to get there before sunset. They'd sit for hours, just talking. They had the kind of relationship that Sam always wanted.
"You okay?" Talia asked.
"Yeah," he managed to choke out. "Just, uh... my parents used to sit on that bench, watch the sunset together. My dad took her out here for their very first date. I always think about them when I come here. Makes me feel closer to them to be here."
Keeping their hands in a warm embrace, Talia snaked her other hand around his forearm. She traced over the fabric of his sweater and looked up at him. His heart almost burst at the sight of this gorgeous woman, wrapped around his arm. “Thank you for sharing that with me,” she whispered. “Let’s go sit for a bit.”
He nodded and they made their way to the closest bench, still walking closely together. He should have been tripping over his own feet but something about her kept him calm, steady. “This one okay?” she asked, breaking their half-embrace to plop down on a bench.
“That one’s perfect,” Sam said, smiling fondly. He sat down beside her, arm resting along the back of the bench, behind Talia. She leaned into him, slightly into his side, resting her hand on his knee, drumming a simple rhythm.
Taking in a deep breath, the two of the gazed out at the water in front of them. Sam took the moment to reflect on the other dates he'd had in the past few months. It dawned on him that none of them were actually interested in him. They hadn't even asked any real questions about himself, but Talia right off the bat just treated him as him. As Sam Wilson. His dark eyes turned and took in every piece of her. The small curls along her hairline, every freckle that adorned her cheeks, the way sunlight reflected in the sunbursts around her pupils. 
"It really is beautiful isn't it?" Talia sighed, snuggling into him. 
A soft smile crept back onto Sam's lips, unable to turn his eyes away from her, "Yeah, it really is" He whispered back. 
Talia looked back up at him, and breathed out a small laugh when she realized he was looking at her, "You're just a big softy aren't you?" She asked, placing a kiss on his jawline. 
Sam laughed, and squeezed her shoulder, "I have to admit something to you.." 
"Oh no, you're not the real Sam Wilson, are you?" She teased. 
"No," he laughed with her, "I know Cass was the reason you and I are out right now, but that's why I asked you out. Truth is, I actually wanted to, but I didn't know how. Cass just pushed me to get there."
“I’m glad he did,” she smiled rubbing her hands together. 
“Are you cold?” He asked, unwrapping himself from her. 
He turned slightly, taking her small hands between his and rubbing them as he brought his mouth closer and breathed warm air between them. She watched him carefully through her thick lashes as he warmed her hands. 
“Thank you,” she leaned against his hold. “I see why your dad brought your mom out here,” she nodded toward the horizon.
Sam glanced at the water before returning his gaze to the blue sea in her eyes, sparkling in the sun. 
“Yeah, I can see why too,” he whispered and placed a gentle kiss on her fingers. Talia’s cheeks flushed and she grinned, freeing one hand to stroke just above his ear, leaning in and kissing him. 
Sam felt her melt into the kiss when his hands went to the back of her neck, supporting her head as he gently traced her lower lip before pulling away.
Every little kiss they shared and small giggle that left her lips engrained itself in Sam's memory and suddenly it was all he thought about. Sam could have sat there for hours tracing every feature of her beautiful face and taking in every little thing that she had to say. All the nerves in his body were on fire when the realization hit that it had been a long time since he'd felt this way for anyone. Bringing back that thought of what was going to happen when his duty called him back away. It was going to be something they would have to deal with together if she was up for it. 
"As much as I really don't want this day to end..." Talia sucked in a deep breath and peppered his jawline with kisses. "I really do have grading to get done for tomorrow, and I am sure your nephews are sitting at the window waiting for you to come home," she teased. 
Sam groaned, and pulled her tightly into his side, "I know you're right..." he whispered, turning to press his lips gently to her forehead, "I didn't realize how late it'd gotten" He chuckled. 
The two of them stood and made their way back to where their cars were parked. Sam hooked an arm around Talia's waist and pulled her flush into his body. "So, can I take you out again?" He smirked down at her. 
"Of your own volition, or is this Cass speaking again?" She smirked, curling a finger into the collar of his sweater. 
Sam laughed, and dipped his head to trace his lips along her neck, "Oh this is definitely me asking..."
Talia hummed, and pulled her bottom lip between her teeth, "Then yes, I would absolutely love to see you again"
Bringing his face back up, and brushing their noses together, Sam smiled into her lips as his arms tightened around her. Finally, he let her go and the two of them said their goodbyes, with promises of another date. He watched her red hair swing over her shoulder as she walked away from him and rounded the corner to climb into her car. 
Sam leaned against the hood of his truck, and sucked in a deep breath, grinning up at the clouds. He was never going to hear the end of this, but there was no way he couldn't not thank Sarah and Cass for pushing him into this. Sure, there was going to be some job stuff to figure out when he no doubt got pulled away for a case, but for some reason the way his heart swelled and the happiness he was finally feeling made it all worth it.
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wlsonsarah · 2 years
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not a single one of you asked, but i’m giving you more headcanons. because i cannot keep these to myself. so, have fun with these too.
sarah has played softball damn near her entire life. even now, in her busiest season of her life, she finds time to play at least once or twice a month. she sets aside time just so she can play because it’s her one outlet and something she loves the most.
sarah works out a lot, even if you might not be able to see it all the time. just catch her lifting and moving heavy ass boxes around. the woman does it all.
sarah’s calendar is marked with special events. birthdays, anniversaries, special events that she needs to remember. now that sam is back, she’s marked it with when he goes on missions and other things. just in case he forgets (he won’t) and so she knows how long to wait until he comes back.
sarah constantly reminding sam that he’s the younger brother now and not letting it go because she has at least something to hold over his head.
the wilson household always smells like essential oils, depending on the time of day and what sarah needs. lavender in the evening/night to help put the house at ease and wind down/de-stress before bed. peppermint in the early hours of the morning/before aj and cass get off to school to wake up the mind and body. orange to help reduce anxiety and since it can help ease ptsd according to some studies (for sam and bucky). it all varies depending on what may be needed/moods.
the first time cass came home and told her he got into a fight, sarah congratulated him and celebrated with him because he fought a bully. sarah always teaches the boys that if someone swings first or if they bully someone then you should swing.
sarah is a big fan of the lotr novels, films, and the new tv series. you can catch her making obscure/soft references every once in awhile.
sarah makes an effort to make sure the family has time together as often as possible. they spent over five years apart from sam and she’s been trying to make up for that lost time. dinners, board game nights, anything to keep him around until he inevitably gets a mission again.
sarah makes it an effort to throw the community special events at least once a month. even when the weather turns a bit chillier. anything to make sure they know she appreciates them for all that they do for her and her family.
when sam contacted sarah the first time to let her know he was a fugitive and that he wouldn’t be coming home, something inside her broke. it was the first time she had felt alone. she had her husband and parents then, but it wasn’t the same. then, to make matters worse, when the world went to shit and the mad titan snapped everyone away? sarah didn’t get the chance to say goodbye. she had to live in a world without sam. her parents had passed shortly before sam became involved with steve. her husband had passed during the blip as well. it was a lot to handle at the time.
sarah has recently started therapy, something she has also gotten the boys into as well. to know that aj and cass have someone they can talk to about things that may be bothering them fills her with warmth.
when helping the boys with their homework, sarah puts on some soft music and makes sure they stay focused. gentle parenting is important to her and something she strives for every single day.
cass is at that age where girls are becoming involved in his life. he’ll be a teenager soon and sarah isn’t quite ready to have that conversation with him. but, she knows it’s an important one and when she’s ready and when he’s ready, it’ll happen.
aj sometimes asks about his father, because he was just a baby when he passed away. sarah does her best to keep his memory alive. with pictures and videos and stories she can share. anything to make sure aj and cass don’t forget him.
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audiodramatist · 2 years
absolutely wild how the whole sam romance arc is clearly an attempt at no-homo'ing season six but is centered completely around house
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summerofsnowflakes · 3 years
There's Always One
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Paring: Bucky Barnes x Fem!Avengers Reader
Word Count: 5.1K
Summary: Every wedding has at least one couple that can't seem to keep their hands to themselves and with Tony's wedding a mere 18 hours away, Sam sets up a wager to see which unfortunate couple will fall into the trap.
Warnings: 18+ MDI, contains Smut! Pet names, swearing, enemies to lovers, semi-public stuff, teasing, slight overstimulation, teensy bit of cock warming, getting caught.
Dividers by the fabulous @firefly-graphics and gifs by the wonderful @buckysbarnes
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Sam Wilson has a theory about weddings; a theory that has yet to be proven wrong. He believes that weddings are breeding ground for slutty sex in some very weird places.
It was basically a universal truth in his mind.
Something unexplainable happened to wedding guests on someone else’s special day. He wasn’t sure what triggered it, whether it was watching a day filled with romance and love or something else entirely, but it turned people into animals.
He’d even fallen victim to this theory a few times over the years, which just further proved the point in his mind.
So with Tony and Pepper’s wedding day a mere 16 hours away; and with more Avenger’s at the compound than he’d ever seen before, he decided to pose a wager.
Tony’s wedding was expectedly set to be an extravagant affair and that meant that the compound was overrun with people, every spare room was taken, even extra beds had been set up in the communal areas. It was madness.
Sam had the perfect set up in the corner of the kitchen, his trusty white board right by his side. It had been a mission to get the board from the briefing room into the kitchen at the ass crack of dawn. But he’d managed to bribe Steve with the promise of a special delivery of his favourite pastries.
And now he was in the perfect position to take bets from all the avengers that passed through the room.
He’d caused quite a stir too, the kitchen was buzzing with excitement, Sam felt like he was amongst the hustle and bustle of wall street in the 30s. Not that he had any frame of reference for what that was like.
You and Peter wandered into the room, fresh from a training session. The smell of coffee and bacon lingered in the air almost hidden behind the low rumble of chatter from the mass of people crowded into the large room. It was like you’d stepped into a Starbucks straight off time’s square, it was heaving and you loved it.
You stood in the threshold of the room, admiring the familiar faces, catching glimpses of conversations from the small clusters formed around the room.
It was a welcomed change, the compound had been so quiet recently with so many of the team scattered around across worlds on different missions.
A loud, exacerbated sigh erupted as Bucky stepped into the room from behind you. He’d been even more closed off than usual, he was back to barely leaving his room, just like when he first started living at the compound. It was clear he wasn’t thrilled about having extra house guests.
“S’cuse me.” He grumbled, bumping his heavily vibranium shoulder into you as he brushed past you forcefully.
It caught you completely off guard, knocking your whole body into Peter. He managed to catch you, standing firmly and stopping the human dominoes that Bucky had almost started.
You shot Bucky a frown, muttering a soft apology to Peter as you straightened back up. “You forgot to say please.” You sighed, rolling your eyes.
“Oh did I?” He swivelled round to face you, feigning a sympathetic frown, pouting his perfectly plump pink lips. “I’m sorry, princess, I’m so so sorry you were standing in the doorway.”
Peter whistled lowly at Bucky, slowly backing away from the two of you, disappearing into the crowd of Avengers. A distance, have fun directed at you once he was out of sight.
“Manners cost nothing Bucky.” You reminded him, leaning up against the countertop opposite him.
Turning his back to you, he poured out a steaming cup of black coffee, finishing off all the liquid left in the pot.
“Neither does peace and quiet, but I don’t got any of that today either.” He grumbled, turning back to face you with a deep sigh. His eyes scanned uncomfortably over the crowd.
“God, someone woke up on the wrong side of the bed this morning.” You chuckled, budging him out of the way so you could make a fresh pot of coffee.
“Nope, just a crowded one, princess.” He exhaled from behind his coffee mug.
His breath caught in his throat at how close you stood to him, he could feel the heat radiating off your body. His eyes discreetly roamed over the curve of your hips.
As if you felt his stare on you, you met his gaze, noticing the pink tinge on his cheeks and the sheepish look he tried to hide in his expression.
He cleared his throat, the grumpy frown returning to his face, “you can’t tell me you enjoy this? Not being able to walk into a room without having to squeeze past at least six people. Everyone shouting over one another to be heard, it’s exhausting.”
“Actually, I do like it.” You smiled up at him.
“Course you do.”
Your eyebrows furrowed at him, “what’s that supposed to mean?”
“Nothing, princess.” He shook his at you, a secretive smile resting on his lips that boiled your blood.
You hated when he pretended to know something you didn’t. You knew he was doing it to get a rise out of you, he did nearly every time you spoke to him, and every time you fell for it and bit back.
“Would you stop it with that?” You snapped, voice raising loud enough that it echoed throughout the quieting room.
The loud ring of your voice seemed to capture the attention of everyone who hadn’t already been watching the tension rise between the two of you.
It wasn’t unusual for you and Bucky to end up in the position, bickering like children, anger bubbling in his cerulean eyes staring deeply into yours, your fists curled tightly, always ready to fight one another.
It had never boiled over to an actual physical fight, but you were constantly bickering. You could never agree on any topic, you didn't do it on purpose, you just saw the world so differently from him. Sometimes though you were almost certain he disagreed with you on purpose, it was like he enjoyed getting you all riled up.
Heavy breaths rippled through your chest, you felt uneasy being so close to him. Your bodies centimetres away from one another, it would be so easy for you to grab hold of his neck and kiss his slightly chapped plump pink lips.
His oceanic eyes are almost completely overcast by his black pupils as his hot breath fanned unevenly over your cheeks.
The thought of kissing him shocked you entirely, your whole body frozen by the idea. It had never remotely crossed your mind before and now it was the only thing you could think of. A foreign set of nerves fluttered in your stomach, your heart beating erratically in your chest.
Peter cleared his throat in the most painfully awkward manner, catching your attention and pulling it away from the six foot super soldier that towered over you aggressively.
All eyes in the room were on the two of you, a sea of Avengers gaped at the scene you’d caused with smirks on their faces. The overwhelming silence defused whatever was teetering on the edge of exploding.
“Well now I definitely know who my money’s on.” Sam smirked, playfully digging his elbow into Peter’s ribs.
“What are you talking about Sam?” Bucky huffed, directing his irritated stare in his direction.
Sam’s eyes flickered between you and Bucky, barely able to contain his amusement. Finally nodding his head sideways to push your attention off of him.
You gazed to his left, taking note of the very large white board standing beside him. On the board was a grid drawn out in marker, a list of names all in the left most column. Yours' and Bucky’s names were amongst other pairings such as, Wanda and Vision, Steve and Nat, Kate and Yelena.
Everyone’s names appeared at least once on the board, some likely pairings, others didn’t make any sense at all. Yours’ and Bucky’s included.
In the next column was a tally, the two of you so far seemed to have the highest with seven strikes next to your names, whilst most of the other rows had one or two at most.
You were completely lost and growing more uncomfortable with each passing second. Carefully, you inched your body away from Bucky’s, creating a safe distance between you and him. The image of his lips on yours still plaguing your mind.
“What's going on Sam?”
“What the hell is that?” Bucky fumed, words flying out in time with your own question.
Sam’s smirk grew into a wide, mischievous grin, “well, my argumentative friends.”
He took a long pause, purposefully dragging this whole ordeal out longer than necessary. He could barely contain himself, he was bursting with excitement and praying you were hanging off his every word.
“With the wedding less than a day away and all of our team in one place for the first time in god knows how long. I thought it would be fun to test out a little theory I’ve had for a while.”
Bucky rolled his eyes at Sam’s theatrics, growing more impatient with each passing second. And although Sam was enjoying himself immensely, he could see the anxiety eating away at you and the rage building in Bucky’s eyes.
So he continued because he didn’t feel like starting world war three over a fun little game. “So I’ve started a wager for who’s most likely to have sex at the wedding.”
“A what?”
“Excuse me?”
“A sex wager, I think at least one unlikely or likely pair will end up in a cupboard having sex at the wedding.” He grinned, “It’s practically a scientific theory.”
Your eyes scanned over the board once again, your brain connected the dots slowly. You and Bucky had the most votes out of everyone on the board.
That wasn’t good.
The blood drained from your face, everything went cold, your ears burnt uncomfortably. That’s why everyone was staring at your little scene.
“And you all think it’s gonna be me and Bucky?” You asked, barely able to contain your shock as dread settled in your stomach.
“That some kind of sick joke?” Bucky waved off Sam dismissively. “We can’t be in the same room for more than five minutes without arguing.”
“Whilst that may be true, I honestly think you both just need to relieve some tension.” Sam nodded understandingly, his shit eating grin never once faltering.
“That’s not funny Sam.” Bucky growled, his hands curled into fists by his sides, his jaw clenched uncomfortably. “Fuck the lot of you and your childish little game.“ He grumbled, “well except for you.” He sniggered at you as he stalked out of the kitchen, ignoring the hoots and hollers that followed him as he left.
Your eyes scanned over your friends and teammates, unable to hide your disappointment as you met many jovial gazes. “Nice guys, real nice.” You muttered lowly and followed after Bucky, storming out in an almost identical fashion.
You immediately jumped into your feelings, hating how exposed you felt after that whole ordeal. It wasn’t fun being the top shelf choice for the team’s gossip mill.
You understood Bucky’s point, you were feeling socially suffocated very suddenly. Embarrassment nipped at your fingers as you sought out some solitude away from everyone else.
Your body collided with a hard body as you entered the darker hallway. Caught off guard completely, you gasped as you fell backward, but two large hands splayed across your hips steadying you.
You knew who it was by the cold metal fingertips that dug into your skin with careful strength. It didn’t stop you from peering up at Bucky timidly and mumbling an inaudible apology as he let go of you.
“S’okay.” He grumbled, leaning against the wall with a heavy huff. “Was just about to go back in there and give them a piece of my mind.”
“Don’t worry about them, I think all the excitement for the wedding is just going to their heads.” You spoke softly, resting against the wall beside him, you fiddled with your fingers nervously.
“yeah well wish they wouldn’t stick their noses in my business.” He sighed,
“I know it’s not nice, but-”
“But what? Why are you even out here? We’re not friends, you don’t need to pretend to care and console me, Princess.” He snapped.
You were already licking your wounds over the kitchen incident and his words only served to cut you deeper. You drew away from him, shocked that he’d speak to you so cruelly, of course you bickered but it was never nasty.
You met his gaze, sadness and shock meeting surprise and regret. Bucky opened his mouth tentatively, ready to backtrack but you held your hands up and the words died on his lips.
“You’re right, we’re not friends. Sorry I even bothered.” You glowered and stormed off in the direction of your bedroom.
“Fuck. I’m such an asshole.” Bucky groaned and cursed quietly as he watched you walk away, his body slumping further down the wall.
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The ceremony the next day was so beautiful. Tony and Pepper were pulled into their own little world as they spoke their vows to one another, barely aware of all the guests they’d invited.
There wasn’t a dry eye among the team. Wanda had been the first one to start weeping quietly, soft sniffles came from the row in front of you as she snuggled into Vision lovingly. And just like that, the dominoes fell and one by one you were all in tears.
It was no surprise that the party was extravagant and entirely over the top, loud and yet elegant. It perfectly represented Tony and Pepper.
The food, the speeches and the first dance seemed to whiz by in a total blur. You had a feeling Tony had something to do with that, he always loved a party, especially when it was celebrating him.
It didn’t take away from the day at all though, it was a truly magical day, so full of love. You were honoured to be a part of it, but it was almost impossible to think about yourself and your situation.
It made you think of how your wedding day might go one day, when you were ready. You would love to meet your equal, the person that balanced you out and kept you grounded. That person that lifted you up and challenged you to be a better person.
To marry and spend the rest of your life with that person. It all seemed so dreamy, but being at the wedding without a date, just served as a reminder that it was far off into the future.
Just as the first cheesy dance song came on and everyone rushed to the dance floor, you moved swiftly in the other direction. Desperate to avoid rehashing the Macarena incident with Thor, you slipped out into the gardens unbeknownst to the rest of the party.
The early spring chill that embraced your body was a welcome change to the stuffy, sweaty air inside.
You slowly breathed in your surrounding area, enjoying the peaceful contrast of the outside world. Trees littered the outer edge of the land’s perimeter.
The gardens were sectioned into three areas, to the left was a courtyard area with the most expensive garden furniture you’d ever laid eyes on. In the middle was a beautifully carved, white stone fountain, it reminded you of a similar one you'd seen on a mission in Italy.
To the right was a rose garden, hidden behind tall stone walls. The pink and orange roses peeked out between the walls, sparkled under the soft light of the moon. The soft scent of the roses pulled you in that direction, enveloping your senses.
You wandered down the dimly lit pathway towards the bushes, stepping in time with the heavy base of the music inside, the soft rush of the fountain calming your mind completely.
You stared up at the night’s sky, smiling up at the distant twinkling stars as you crossed the threshold, too distracted to notice that you weren’t alone.
You wandered straight past him, wandering further into the bushes, you bent down and plucked the head of an orange rose from the stem. You brought the flower to your nose and inhaled the dreamy scent, smiling to yourself.
“I don’t think the grounds people are gonna be happy to find the rose stem missing the flower tomorrow.” Bucky called out, clearing his throat softly and drawing your attention from the flower over to him.
He was hidden behind one of the walls, barely visible in shadows and against a backdrop of dark green ivy leaves. In this light his black suit, blending into the leaves so easily.
“With Tony as the guest of honour for the party, I think a missing flower is the least of their worries.” You chuckled quietly, wandering back down the path. “Sorry, I didn’t know you were out here, I’ll leave you.”
“No, no it’s fine, honestly.” He grabbed your hand gently engulfing it in his, keeping you from moving further. “ I just didn’t want to scare you because you were pretty engrossed in everything else.” He smiled at you, reluctantly letting go of your hand.
You were somewhat suspicious of how kind he was being, but it was a nice change from being at each other’s throat all the time. So you played along.
“Yeah, sometimes I find myself getting really lost in the details of nature, it’s all so beautiful. Especially the stars, they’re so pretty, don’t you think?”
“Hmm… I’ve never really taken too much notice of them.” Bucky replied, gazing up as you had just been doing and smiled as the stars glittered in his pale blue eyes.
“I do. My mum always used to say I spent too much time with my head up in the clouds as a kid, but I never really saw it as a bad thing. ” You murmured, your eyes back on the sky, not noticing the way Bucky’s eyes sparkled at you.
The rose bushes swayed in time with music as a sharp gust of wind billowed through the gardens. The cold air settled over your skin, goosebumps pebbled on your bare shoulders and arms. You rubbed your arms softly as the chill ran down your spine.
“Here, take my jacket.” He said, shrugging it off and placing it on your shoulders before you even had a chance to protest. The smell of his woody aftershave welcomed you like an old friend.
“Thanks.” You mumbled, popping your stolen orange rose into the top pocket of his jacket.
“So what brings you out into the cold? Bored of all the people yet?” He smirked, rolling his eyes as someone opened the door to the party and a rush of warm air and loud voices fell out into the peaceful garden.
“Just got a little overwhelming, after the kitchen incident yesterday I kinda saw what you meant about how crowded everything felt.”
“Oh yeah? Why the change of heart, princess?” He was taunting you, arrogant bastard was goading you into another argument. You instantly regretted being so candid with him as you met his smirking gaze.
“Would it kill you to be nice to me for once? I was agreeing with you and you still used it as an opportunity to be an ass!” You huffed, turning away from in and back in the direction of the party.
“Hey, hey, I’m sorry, okay?” His metal fingertips wrapped around your wrist and pulled you back behind the wall, this time he didn’t let go of you. “I just didn’t think that little miss perfect Avenger had any flaws.” He mumbled, looking at the contrast between his metal hand and your supple skin.
“I’m not a little miss perfect, Buck.” You breathed, painfully aware of how close you were to one now. “You’re an ass.”
“I know,” he smiled, pulling his lip between his teeth. “You’re just so cute when you get all worked up.”
“Yeah, cute.”
“Thought you didn’t like me?” You broke away from his gaze momentarily, unsure of the nerves that stirred in your stomach.
“Oh don’t get me wrong, princess. You’re still a pain in the ass, but I still think you’re cute.” He chuckled, his cool metal thumb ran over your wrist, softly tracing your veins. You felt your bodies grow even closer, your breath hitched in your throat.
You smell his minty breath on your face, mingling with your own. You dared to look into his eyes again, but he was too busy staring at your lips. “Bucky…” you trailed off.
The words floated right out of your brain as his other hand settled on your hip, squeezing your flesh firmly.
You were both frozen in the moment, breathing in the other person, trying to decide what the next step was.
You so desperately didn’t want to prove Sam right, but at this very moment it didn’t seem to matter all that much. Sam wasn’t here, Bucky was and he looked like the perfect fix.
It could be terrible, it could be the worst kiss of your life, or it could be everything you needed to calm the thoughts of loneliness the wedding had stirred up.
Maybe, just maybe, Bucky could be the answer to all your problems, at least for tonight that is.
You took the plunge, wrapping your fingers around his tie and closing the final piece of distance between your bodies and connected your lips with his.
Although he was surprised, Bucky kissed you back instantly, his grip on your waist tightened as he pulled you into him. And then he pulled away, bewildered and hungry for more.
“What are you doing?” He asked breathlessly, terrified by the rapid way his heart beat in its cage. Ignoring the instant yearning he felt to have his lips pressed to yours again.
“Losing this sex wager and trying to blow of some steam, you wanna argue with me on this too?” It was your turn to smirk, you held all the cards. It was rare that you got to see Bucky all flustered, it was usually you in this position.
A beat passed, heavy breaths heaved from his chest before his hands cupped your face roughly and crashed his lips into yours. It was a clash of teeth and tongues as your mouths moved against one another, so much passion thrown into a very unexpected kiss.
He crowded your space, forcing you back against the ivy covered wall. Windy twigs and sharp leaves stabbed into your skin, the protection of your dress and his jacket did nothing to help.
“Ow, oh that’s sharp.” You exclaimed, breaking away from his lips.
“Switch places with me.”
You compiled without any argument, reconnecting your lips with force. He pulled your lip between his teeth, tugging your mouth open and slipped his tongue into your mouth as his back pressed the bushes too.
“Oh fuck, I see what you mean.” He muttered against your lips, hissing in pain.
“Are you agreeing with me on something?” You giggled, pecking his lips softly.
“Don’t make me regret it, princess.” He growled lowly. Shiver erupted in your body, sending a shockwave down to your pussy. Usually you detested that nickname, but when he said it like that it made your body tremble and your thighs clench in anticipation.
“What shall we do?” You purred sweetly. Bucky groaned, resting his forehead against yours, the undeniable need evident in your tone made his head spin. He surveyed the area, noting that the wall on the other side of the path was completely bare. It wasn’t as concealed but it was better than being stabbed in the back.
“I have an idea.” He murmured, pressing his lips against yours as his hands slipped around your body and under your thighs. He picked you up off the ground with ease, you wrapped your legs around his beefy torso.
He carried you over to the bare wall, holding you up against it. He groaned as your dress pushed up over your thighs and he caught sight of your lace panties.
This wall was lower than the other one, the lights from the party skimmed the top of your hairline. You could see the shadows of people moving inside from the corner of your eye, you could hear the doors opening and shutting.
There was so much risk doing it here, and it made you want to do it even more. You kissed him harder, your fingers laced into the roots of his soft brown locks and tugged roughly. A groan escaped his lips and he pulled away, exposing his neck to you.
You kissed his cheek, along his jawline and down his neck, sucking and nipping at his skin and he pushed you harder into the wall. Soft moans fell from his lips with each movement of your lips.
You ground your hips into his, feeling his heavy length dig into you deliciously. His hands ran along your thighs, squeezing your soft flesh, stopping right at the hem of your dress, inches away from where you needed him most.
“Buck!” You whimpered, nudging your nose against his neck, “stop teasing.”
“Fuck you sound so pretty, Princess.” He growled.
“Bucky…” You whined again, kissing him hard as his fingers continue to tease along your panty line, softly tracing the outline of your clit ever so slightly.
“Yeah Princess?”
“Fuck me, please.” You dug your nails into his scalp and tugged again.
“You keep talking like that and playing with my hair and I’ll do anything for you.” He groaned, as his hands fiddled with his belt and shimmied his pants down far enough to pull his cock from his pants.
You gasped quietly as precum leaked from his tip, “fuck you’re big.” You whimpered, head falling into the crook of his neck.
He breathed out a strained laugh, his hot breath fanning over your cheek. His hand traced your inner thigh, setting alight to your stomach as he pulled your panties to the side. His fingers glided through your wet folds, gathering your slick on pads of his fingers and spreading your wetness over his thick cock.
You watched his every action, mesmerised by his actions as little gasps escaped your lips.
“Ready for me, Princess?” He groaned, lining his member up with your entrance. You nodded frantically, pleading for him softly.
He began to push into you slowly, allowing you to adjust to his size, but you were too desperate, you needed more. You ground your hips down, pushing yourself down until he bottomed out. The way he stretched you was heavenly, you couldn't hold back your moans.
He pulled back, leaving you feeling empty only to thrust back inside you deeply and quickly, his hips meeting yours. “You feel so good, princess.”
“So do you, Buck.” You whined, wrapping your arms around his neck tightly as he thrust up into you slowly.
With each pump of his cock, he picked up his pace, thrusting deep and quick, keeping you full. You met his hips with your own, bouncing up and down, scratching the soft material of his suit jacket against the rough wall.
He placed his lips onto yours, moving messily against your mouth, your noses bumping against one another as he drove into you at a brutal speed. He rested his forehead against yours, as his ice cold metal fingertips teased your legs again.
You were floating on cloud nine, quickly ascending towards your own personal heaven as he hit your spongy spot over and over again.
“No more fighting, it’s so exhausting.” You moaned, “next time you start finding me annoying, let’s just do this instead.”
“Oh princess, I’ll never leave this tight little hole if that’s the deal you wanna strike.” He groaned, you couldn’t help but laugh at his comment, involuntarily clenching around his length. “Fuck that’s good, your milking my cock baby.”
He finally stopped his teasing and pressed his fingers against your clit, he flicked and rubbed and pulled at your bundle of nerves, pushing you just a little bit closer.
Your head fell forwards onto his shoulder, moaning loudly as he relentlessly worked your over, tracing a figure of eight into your pearl.
Stars erupted behind your closed lids, you trembled in his hold, shaking as you came hard.
“That’s it Princess.” He groaned as you clamped down around him, his pumped into you messily a few more times before following over the edge and filling you to the brim with his seed.
Your heavy breaths mingled in the small space between you, you both remained completely still as you came back down to earth.
“Fuck that was amazing.” Bucky muttered, kissing your hairline tenderly.
You sighed contentedly, pressing your lips to his jawline. His fingers guided your face upwards to meet his gaze and smiled at you sweetly. His lips found yours, moving slowly this time, no rush, no anger, he was just enjoying you.
“Ah come on guys!” Peter’s voice cut through the moment and startled you both. “I purposely didn’t bet on you two!”
You peaked your head over Bucky’s shoulder, trying not to think about the fact that his hard cock was still buried deep inside you and it was showing no signs of softening any time soon.
“Kinda ruining a moment Peter.” Bucky chuckled, his shining eyes never veering from your face as the moonlight illuminated your features.
“And seeing your bare ass was a treat for us?” Sam laughed, turning away from the scene.
��Go away please.” You squeaked, hiding in Bucky’s chest, resisting the groan caught in your throat as his cock shifted inside you.
“Okay lovebirds, we’ll leave you to it. I’ve got some money to collect anyways.” Sam sang, pulling Peter away from the two of you.
“There’s never any privacy with this team.” Bucky grumbled, slowly he began rocking his hips back and forth, smiling at the way your eyes fluttered closed.
“You got that right.” you moaned, fingertips gripping his shoulders.
“You agreeing with me princess?” He smirked.
“Don’t make me regret it, Bucky.”
“So you wanna get outta here and go back to compound, rather than facing the team? He continued his soft movements, barely moving inside you but your sensitive walls gripped him like a vice.
“I like the sound of that.” He smiled at you, pecking your lips.
“Look at us agreeing on so many things this evening.” You ground your hips into his again, in no rush to go anywhere. “It’s like we were meant to be doing this all along instead.”
Tags: @elemenhoepe @delaber @theselilwonders @ramp-it-up @nikole-witha-k @mkirk12776 @turbolisedcomet
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stargirlfics · 3 years
A thot. Five am you're still awake trying to finish but you can't , neighbor!Sam who is running by your house for his morning workout hears you. 👀
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I’m obsessed with this idea oh my gosh! Hope you don’t mind if I expand on it a bit!
Sam Wilson is the kind of guy that can always make you feel special and being your neighbor and all sometimes he’d stop by your place to say hi
Not that you were super close but you know each other, he’s helped you move a few heavy pieces of furniture from time to time, given you gardening tips, helped you fix the hole in your porch stairs that one time
You’re acquainted let’s just say that, and maybe there was one time you almost kissed on the porch when he saw you watering your plants and struck up a conversation but that’s besides the point
Today, Sam heard some noises as he was running past your house and thought it was odd, you weren’t ever awake this early when he went on runs
The window to your bedroom was open just slightly from what he could see from the side of your house and as he stopped to listen for more sounds…he put it together
Sounds like you were having a real good time given the buzzing sound and your obvious whimpers
Poor thing, Sam thought
God how he wanted to give you a hand, put that toy to shame to be exact, make you feel so good you have him coming round every day
Sam couldn’t tell you how often he fantasized about you, about getting to touch you and please you, he’d die a happy man if he ever got the chance
Something was telling him to knock on your door, he knew there was chemistry between you, hell you’d been the one that had leaned in first in your almost-kiss, maybe he just needed to be bold
And so he was, patiently waiting on your porch, body leaned against your doorway, nerves going wild until you opened your door and he smirked at the way your chest rose heavily
“Sam?! What are you-…”
“If you need a hand with that I’m here you know, you can call me anytime you need to finish, darlin.”
Five minutes later Sam had you sprawled on all fours, his face between your thighs, tongue licking feverishly at your center while his hands kept your ass up in the air where he wanted
No fuckin way this was your life right now
You had to be dreaming but you wanted to stay in this dream for as long as possible
“Look at you, there you go. Push back on my fingers, go on. They’re so much bigger than yours, huh.”
What a menace
This was so much better than going at it alone like you had been all night
Sometimes you just needed a big, strong, handsome man to come help you out
He was leaving wet kisses along your ass as he worked two of his fingers into your pussy, his other hand snaking around to rub your clit
And you…well you were gone from the world with so much pleasure, your moans and whimpers muffled against the sheets as you let your body move as it wanted
“Please oh my god!”
“Gonna cum already? That’s cute, baby.”
You would have told him to fuck off but he chose that very second to get his mouth back onto you, matching the rhythm of your hips perfectly and the words died in your throat
It didn’t help when you opened your eyes and looked around to see him stroking his dick, the sight of it was what sent you right over the edge
He was huge and your brain couldn’t do much but short circuit
He knew how to use his hands and his mouth and you had no intentions of letting him leave until you figured out how he could fuck
And Sam had every intention of showing you just how much good he could bring to your life
It’s a good thing you were neighbors!
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Agent Everett Ross falling for Tony’s sister | Marvel HC
Link to my marvel Masterlist
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Being Tony’s sister who Agent Everett Ross falls for would look like:
The first time you two met was during the whole Accords fiasco. As Tony’s public relations advisor and one of the legal representatives of the Avengers, you were present when Steve, Bucky, Sam & T’challa were brought into custody. You were known to be a background character in the organization—the world unaware you were just as skilled as the heroes they idolized. Kicking ass was something you were quite good at—same with keeping secrets.
Everett had been escorting the group as you & Natasha walked toward them, and honestly the man nearly tripped when the two of you made eye contact.
In the room when the agent was getting ready to watch Barnes’ evaluation, you approached much to his surprise, “Ms. Stark, what can I do you for you?” “Hi, is there anything you can tell me regarding the charges Mr. Rogers and Wilson will be?”
The conversation between you two was quick, but you couldn’t help but notice how nervous Everett seemed to be. You could’ve sworn he blushed when you smiled to him while saying goodbye.
You didn’t see much of him after that—especially with what happened with Bucky just less than an hour later.
The next time you’d see Everett Ross was after Zemo was arrested & you were doing undercover work for Fury unbeknownst to the federal government. He had informed you of a black market deal involving stolen vibranium into South Korea. The plan was to intercept whoever was buying the object. “Are you sure no one from any agency will be attending?” “I’m sure Stark, if you come across one then abort the mission.”
You had been minding your own business at the bar, keeping your eyes out for suspicious activity when someone took a seat on the stool next to you. “Fancy seeing you here, Ms. Stark.” “I could ask you the same thing, Agent Ross.” “If you’re here for why I think you’re here, then you should know it’s a bad idea—It would be my obligation to arrest you for violating the accords.” “So it’s safe to assume you’re here for the same thing, I take it?”
Of course, Everett tried to persuade you to leave—and you should’ve given your orders to abort if a federal agent was present, but you were curious why he was here. Was he also trying to intercept the buyer? Or did they set up a sting? Eventually he told you it was a sting and there were other agents in the room, so it wasn’t wise for you to try and intercept.
“Look I have nothing against you, Ms. Stark—.” “Please call me Y/n, Agent Ross.” “—okay, Y/n, I have nothing against you. But I can’t stop these other agents from arresting you if you try anything. Your best move is to say you’re here on vacation. I’m surprised they even let you in—how did you get in?” “When you have a lot of money and say you’re swinging the other way of the law, they’ll let anyone in.”
To say you were shocked to see T’Challa was an understatement. The airport in Germany was the last you had seen of him and you were already aware the man was housing Bucky in Wakanda. “Nice to see you, your highness.” “Ms. Stark, pleasure to be reacquainted.” The two of you chatted while Ross was trying to lay low at a table, but every now and then you could see him steal a glance your way. T’Challa took notice of this too, “I see many of us had the same idea regarding the stolen vibranium. I must ask, who sent you—considering they must be aware of the accords.” “A man who doesn’t give a shit about government authority.”
When the whole CIA sting went sideways, you were one of the first to react. A man had pulled a gun—aiming at Everett & T’Challa so you hit him in the head with your glass and disarmed him before firing shots at those around who also had guns. When Ulysses escaped you didn’t chase after him knowing the agents present would arrest without hesitating.
At one point a guy nearly took out Everett so you jumped on a poker table to wrap your legs over his neck and flip him down. The CIA agent was blown away to say the least—his jaw separated from his mouth. “How did you do that?” “What you thought Tony was the only one in the family who could fight?”
As the chaos came to an end you helped Everett from the ground, the man thanking you and asking if you’d come with the rest of the agents to report what happened that night. “I’m not an agent like you, Ross.” “Please call me Everett. And I’m aware, but I think we can work together and maybe I’ll see what I can do to prevent you from being prosecuted for violating the accords.” You were a little upset when you heard that, “I didn’t do anything until they tried to kill you guys—.” “You know Secretary Ross and the U.N won’t look at it that way. They’ll see how you happened to be here at the same time as us and find it suspicious.��
You knew he was right and ended up agreeing with his offer. Fury would have to know, so you planned to tell him whenever you got a moment alone without the agents watchful eyes. Everett escorted you to his car and the two of you drove to where Okoye & Nakia were before following T’Challa where the CIA apprehended Klaue.
Everything seemed to happen so quick once Klaue was in custody. After his interview the place is bombed and shot up which led to Everett being shot in the spine and Klaue escaping. You were standing beside Nakia & Everett when you were suddenly pushed to the ground, landing with a huff. When you saw Ross on the ground, your heart stopped making you race to him and pressed your jacket to his back to stop the bleeding, “Hey-hey, stay with me, Everett. You’re going to be okay.”
When T’Challa offers to take Ross to Wakanda to be treated you felt immense relief. Even though you were barely friends with the agent and had yet to really know him, he was never unkind and did look out for you. You’d be lying if you said you weren’t getting a soft spot for the silver haired man.
He was very attractive—maybe a little older than you, but not by much. You guessed he was around Tony’s age or a few years younger, but you didn’t mind that. Everett was kind, determined, a loyal agent, and there was something about him where he was kinda oblivious to things going on around him—but it was cute. Plus he had gorgeous eyes and you had a thing for guys in suits.
You stayed close to Everett the entire time during the trip to Wakanda, even holding his hand for comfort—something T’Challa took notice of. The entire time you two were in the country seemed to cause an unexpected pull between you both. Part of you could feel his eyes on you whenever you were nearby—and how his face turned a little red each time you caught him staring. It made butterflies appear in your stomach.
The news of T’Challa’s death devastated you and made you fear for the safety of his family. When Nakia grabbed you and Everett, you couldn’t help but take his hand as you made your way with the group to the J’Bari tribe. The happiness you felt when T’Challa was still alive was immense—relieved for both him and his family. You even shared a hug with Everett, who was surprised by the action.
During the confrontation with Killmonger, you stayed in the lab with Everett to wait for Shuri’s orders. You were no pilot so you were equipped with some weapons designed by the teen genius if anything went sideways. When the lab was being attacked and Everett continued to pilot the aircraft, you prepared yourself to fire if the barrier were to break.
Luckily the man was successful, but when he just fell from the chair and stayed down you were about to lose it. “Yes! We did it!” “Okay now let’s go before we get killed!” He grabbed your hand and the two of you ran like hell out of the lab.
When everything ended and T’Challa was back in his rightful place on the throne, you and Everett said your goodbyes and thanks of gratitude to the King, Shuri, Nakia and pretty much everyone who helped you. Hugs were all around and there was a small celebration for Wakanda having their King returned.
Before sending you off, you had a moment with T’Challa where he informed you of the situation with Bucky, but you only smiled when he finished. “I already knew he was here, your highness. Although I’m still dealing with the emotional grief for the truth of what happened to my parents, I do have hope you and Shuri will be able to give him the help he needs. You all are wonderful for doing such a thing.”
You and Ross returned to the States together—still trying to process all that had happened within the short week. Not only that, but there was this unspoken connection between you two—especially with how you had saved his life in South Korea. And he had pushed both you and Nakia out of the way to take the bullet. You both owed your lives to each other—and that’s something no one could possibly understand unless they are a direct party.
The journey was filled with small talk, but it was enjoyable. Even the small moments of silence were comforting between you two. “You never mentioned if your brother knew you were here.” “Tony and I haven’t really spoke much since Siberia. We both need time to ourselves to deal with our emotions.”
“Why the CIA, silver fox? The blush on his face from the nickname made you smirk in victory. “Well, after the military I thought it was the best route to go.” “And how’s that going for you?” “Definitely has it’s days to say the least.”
“So why did you not be an Avenger on the front line? You are obviously trained and have what it takes to be one.” “I’m not like my brother, Everett. The spotlight isn’t for me—I prefer behind the scenes. I wouldn’t make a good spy if I was constantly being photographed. So really the Accords shouldn’t apply to me, but because I have access to Tony’s suits and could operate them they made me sign.”
When the plane landed and your respected cars pulled up to escort you home, part of you was not ready to say goodbye to the man. And Everett wasn’t ready either. “Y/n, I know this maybe isn’t appropriate, but would you like to grab dinner?” “I was hoping you’d ask, silver fox. Lead the way.”
The mission should have been aborted in the beginning with you leaving as soon as you spoke with the handsome agent at the underground bar in Busan, but you were so grateful you didn’t. Because everyday after that first date back in the States, your heart was slowly captured by the silver haired CIA agent.
And little did you know, you had captured his the second you two made eye contact all those weeks ago in Bucharest.
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Pairing: Stucky x F Reader
Summary: You were a retired Shield Agent and enjoyed the quiet life. Steve Rogers came over to your house to lay down and suddenly he almost moved in with Bucky Barnes. But it seemed like not all three of you were on the same page where your relationship stands.
Word Count: ~3.5k
Warnings: a little bit of angst, but mostly fluff (I think) and all of them are idiots, swear words
A/N: I actually have no clue what this is or where it came from. But I was in the mood for some fluff and couldn’t decide, if I should write Steve or Bucky. So this is the first time that I wrote Stucky
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There was a small knock on your door and you knew that the person who was knocking had a key to your house, but he insisted on making himself known before he'd enter.
„Come in, Steve,“ you yelled, knowing that he would hear you through the closed door. Not a second later you heard the key being turned and him entering the house. He came up to you and put his arm around your waist and kissed your cheek before he let go. „Smells good,“ Steve commented and noticed that there was way more food in the pan than one person could eat.
„Buck isn’t with you today?“ you asked and turned around although you heard that Steve came alone.
„He's on a mission.“ Steve walked to your cabinet and pulled out some plates for the two of you and put them on the table. You didn’t have to point out where anything was. This was like his second home.
You had worked for Shield before everything went down and you were actually there when Steve was chased by the organization. You were injured then and Steve came to you to make sure you were okay. That was the start of your friendship with Captain America. Not long after that you met Sam Wilson and Natasha Romanoff, before they all had to disappear. After that Steve came back with another person for you to meet: James Buchanan Barnes.
You didn’t know what happened then, but you became friends with him also and it almost seemed like the two super soldiers moved in with you. They even had their own bedroom in your house, which used to be a guest room. They lived in the compound, but some days when they just wanted to feel like normal people they were found in your place.
You didn’t have a conversation about the relationship of the two. They didn’t kiss in front of you, but you were sure that the two of them were an item. They shared the bed in the guestroom, right? You didn’t want to bring up a conversation why they didn’t look for a place on their own. Not when it felt too good that they came to your place.
They did show affection, to each other and to you. It blurred the line of your friendship often. Both of them were cuddlers and when you first noticed that there might be something between the two men you felt bad one day when Steve came through the door and found you cuddling on the couch with Bucky.
But when you wanted to move, Bucky's arm tightened around you and Steve placed a hand on your shoulder and told you to stay, he would join you after a shower. Things like that confused you and made you question if it was really only friendship you felt for the two of them.
„Well, then it should be at least enough food for the two of us. Will you stay the night or do you want to wait for him at the compound,“ you asked when you put some food on the table for him.
„I'll stay here, he won’t be back for two days,“ Steve said when he took the plate from you and placed it on the table.
„I should take rent from you,“ you joked when you sat down after Steve placed the second plate.
„You really should!“ Steve agreed. The discussion had come up before, but you only made them buy groceries from time to time because stuffing two super soldiers was expensive!
„Can I ask you something?“ you spoke up when there was almost no food on your plate anymore.
„Anything,“ Steve answered without missing a beat.
„Why don’t you get a place on your own with Bucky?“
Steve’s movement stopped. „Are we a bother? You should have said something sooner,“ he started to ramble, afraid that they had overstayed their welcome.
„No, no. That’s not it, I swear. I was just wondering if it wouldn’t be easier for the two of you. I like having you around, I swear I’ll tell you if it’s too much,“ you reassured him.
„Okay. Well, it feels nice to leave the compound and everything superhero related behind. It’s nice to come home to something relatively normal. And it’s rare for Bucky to open up to someone, when he started to take a liking to you I was so happy.“
„I'm happy you feel that way. What do you say to popcorn and a movie?“
„Sounds good to me. Get comfortable, I’ll do the dishes,“ Steve offered and you didn’t complain.
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Bucky and Steve were sitting on your couch when you stepped into your house. Not that you were surprised because they were often there and they had texted you that they had ordered pizza.
„Hey, where were you?“ Steve asked and did a double take as soon as he turned around and saw you standing in the hallway.
„I was on a date,“ you answered while you were still busy slipping out of your shoes. There was a choking noise and you looked worried at Steve who held out a drink towards the brunette, whose head was turning red as a piece of pizza has found its way in the wrong tube. „Are you okay?“ you asked and rubbed his back.
„Why were you on a date?“ he asked once he could breathe again.
„Because I was asked. I didn’t think it is a big deal. And I didn’t know you’d be here, aren’t you supposed to be on a mission still?” You didn’t see the point in telling them that it was a setup from one of your coworkers. And that you had tried to get out of it, but you went there in the end. It wasn’t a horrible date, but it wasn’t... what you had with the super soldiers. Not that you would tell them that part.
“It’s postponed to the next week. Will you,” Steve cleared his throat. “Will you go on a second date?”
“Are you afraid that I’ll kick you out of the house?” You pushed Bucky a little to the side and took a seat next to him. “No, I don’t think I will,” you finally said before you took a bite out of the pizza. “Why are you making such a big deal out of it. You have to know that this,” you pointed with your finger at the three of you, “won’t stay that way forever.”
“Do you want us to move out, doll?” Bucky asked and he looked so hurt that you had to place your pizza on the table and had to hug him.
“No, that’s not it. But don’t you want a place of your own?” you asked into his neck.
“Without you? No,” Bucky said without missing a beat. You let out a short laugh and let go of the big man. You could stay a little while in the bubble, thinking that this will stay that way. That night you fell asleep on the sofa and you woke up shortly when you were placed onto something soft and a kiss was placed on your forehead.
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“I see you brought your girlfriend,” Sam greeted the three of you, when you entered the compound and entered the hearing range of the outspoken man. Steve and Bucky had asked if you wanted to come along to the party, seeing as you knew the Avengers and you agreed when you heard that a few of your ex-colleagues were also there.
You forced a laugh at Sam's greeting and hugged him. You hadn’t seen each other for a while but you were fond of him. He was keeping Bucky on his toes, but he was also one of the nicest people you have ever met. “How are you?” you asked before you let go of him.
“Oh I’m good. What about you? Do you miss the action or are you still enjoying the quiet life?” he asked instead.
“Still enjoying the quiet life,” you answered with a big smile. You saw an old coworker of you and excused yourself, telling Sam that you were sure you would see him later again and nodded at your two roommates before you made your way over.
It was about two hours later when Sam walked rather quickly over to his two friends. “I need to talk to the two of you in private.” He didn’t leave any room for objections. Bucky and Steve shared a glance before they followed Sam into a debriefing room not far from the party.
“Did you told your girlfriend that she should deny a relationship with you?” he came straight to the point and looked into the confused faces of his friends.
“No?” Steve finally said.
“Did you have a talk about how you are going to approach today with her?” Sam asked next.
“No, why are you asking these weird things? And why did we have to leave the room for that?” Bucky was just as confused as Steve was.
“Because I thought you might not want everyone to hear this. Why is your girl telling everyone that she’s single then? And why was her laugh so forced when I called her your girlfriend? I thought maybe it was because you wanted to keep everything private, but I saw you looking at her and each other the whole night and now I am just confused.”
“You are the one who is confused? I think I am the one who can’t follow you.”
“Okay, well then I have a simple question for you. Does she know that you are in a relationship?” Sam asked and crossed his arms in front of his chest.
“Yes,” Bucky and Steve said at the same time.
“And you are in a relationship with her too, right?”
“Yes,” the answer was spoken at the same time again.
“And did you have a talk with her where you told her specificly that she’s your girlfriend?”
“We don’t have to discuss every little detail when it’s clear,” Steve started to say and Sam threw his arms in the air to show he was clearly frustrated with the big guys in front of him.
“She doesn’t know that the three of you are in a relationship. It all adds up, now. You need to have a talk, because she clearly thinks she is single. I heard herself saying that more than once tonight.”
Steve looked at Bucky. “Do you think he’s right?” he asked his boyfriend.
Bucky just raised his hands and shoulder to show he had no idea. Until now he didn’t even question it, but he thought they had made it clear after you had come back from the date and they were confused as hell. The three of you were almost always cuddled together on the couch or on the chairs in the garden, when one of the two insisted that you could still fit on one of their lounge chairs. Or the little dates they went on like the little café a few streets down your house.
Or the stroll around the little park when it had suddenly started to rain and he had given you his baseball cap while Steve insisted you would get his hoodie because he wouldn’t get sick. You had held Bucky's hand on the way back to the house after you had waited under a tree for the rain to stop.
“Do you think that is why she always asked if we wanted to get a house of our own?” Bucky concluded.
“You are so dumb. I think you have to fix that,” Sam said and was the first one to leave the room.
You were surprised when suddenly Steve and Bucky were around you and after the fourth time they had hinted that they were tired you asked if you wanted to leave the party. They agreed eagerly after you said goodnight to a few people you were on your way to the house.
You sat on the passenger seat, although you had argued that you’d be fine to sit in the back. Now Bucky sat behind you and you had pushed your seat forward so he could have at least a little space. Steve’s right hand was on your leg and he only took it away to change the gear.
“Okay, what is wrong with you? You’re acting strange,” you said finally and turned around so you could see Bucky which caused Steve to lose his hold on your leg.
Bucky thought about denying it, but it didn’t feel right.
“Can we talk about it at home, honey?” Steve asked instead and you nodded. You turned back around and the rest of the drive was quiet. When Steve parked the car in front of your house and you loosened the seatbelt, Bucky had already opened your car door and held out a hand in front of you. You raised an eyebrow at that but still accepted it. What was going on?
“Do you want to change into something more comfortable?” Steve asked when you stepped inside.
“No, I want to know what is going on.”
You decided to sit down on the couch, so you could at least sit comfortable and you tucked your feet under your legs. It looked like the two men didn’t know where to sit, but they decided on the other side of the couch next to each other. “So, will one of you finally tell me what is going on?”
“It seems like we’re not all on the same page with what is going on here,” Steve started and made a motion with his finger to the three of you. You cocked your eyebrow again to show him he should continue, because to be honest you were lost. “You know that Bucky and I are in a relationship, right?” Bucky’s hand had grabbed Steve’s. And did he seem nervous?
You nodded. This was where they would tell you that you had crossed a line. Although when you thought about it, Steve’s hand had rested on your thigh not even 20 minutes ago.
“Doll, the point is... we thought we made it clear that we’re in a relationship,” Bucky stepped in.
“You did, I knew from the start. I mean you share the room with one bed. This is where you can be whoever you want to be. I won’t judge you,” you said quickly.
“Doll, Steve and I thought we had made it clear that we’re in a relationship with you. Steve, you and me.” It looked like he wanted to grab your hand but then he pulled back as if he was afraid of your reaction.
You mouth was open and you only closed it when you noticed that your tongue got dry. “The three of us? I’m so confused. Since when? I mean we haven’t even kissed,” you rambled.
Steve decided to be brave and grabbed your hand then. “Love is shown in many ways. It doesn’t always have to be physical and we just thought that wasn’t what you wanted. It took Bucky a long time to get comfortable with touching and it sometimes is still hard for him. But I think I do have to make it clear, honey. I love you and not just in a platonic way. It’s the same love I hold for Bucky and if you want to and if you feel the same, we’d love to be in a relationship with you.”
“If you need time, or hell,” Bucky swallowed, “if you don’t want to be with us or doesn’t want us around anymore, just say the word and we’ll leave.”
“I’ll grab a glass of water. Give me a moment, I’ll be back, okay?” You couldn’t answer them right now, there was so much going on. They wanted to be in a relationship with you? And they assumed that you already were an item? You wondered what had changed. Wait, was that why Sam had greeted you as their girlfriend? It hadn’t been a joke. And if they had told Sam, or maybe even Natasha... that means that this was something serious. But you still couldn’t figure out why they hadn’t talked to you.
“We need to work on your communication skills,” you said when you walked back, the glass of water long forgotten. “I'm not sure how to go from here,” you admitted.
“We can continue just as we were. Nothing has to change except we don’t see others romantically. We can go just as slow as you want or we don’t have to change anything.”
“Can we talk about this in the morning and just cuddle right now?” you asked and you could clearly see the relief on the guys face.
“Of course, doll,” Bucky answered and opened his arms.
“Let’s go change into something comfortable before, okay?” You took his hand and the three of you walked into your respective rooms. When you walked out of your room in some comfy clothes you could hear Steve and Bucky talking in their room. You couldn’t understand what they were saying, but you knocked on the door. The talking stopped and Steve opened the door.
You stepped from one foot to the other. “Maybe we can cuddle here,” you said when you looked up. Why you were suddenly so nervous around them you didn’t know. Steve nodded and stepped aside so you could enter the room.
Bucky noticed you hesitating and took your hand again. “Come here,” he said and lead you to the bed. He got comfortable on the right side and when you crawled after him he pulled you to his chest. Steve got on your other side and put an arm around your waist.
You felt Bucky's breath on your neck. “Just to make it clear, doll. I love you too,” he said and a feather light kiss was pressed into your neck.
“I can’t believe that you let me walk into a room full of people who knew about your feelings for me and I didn’t. Why couldn’t you just say anything? And why did you tell Sam and not me?” you said after a while because you couldn’t just wait for tomorrow.
“We thought it was obvious. And Sam just called your our girlfriend once and we didn’t deny it and then we called you our girlfriend. That’s kind of how we told them.”
“I always felt so guilty when one of you cuddled with me, but then you showed me in affection wen the other one was around and it was just so confusing. I’m glad we cleared that now, though,” you said and wrapped your hand around Bucky’s while your other one rested against Steve’s chest.
“We’re sorry,” Steve mumbled. You laid there and enjoyed their presence until you got sleepy. But you weren’t ready to share the bed and so you started to get up. “I’ll go to sleep, we’ll see each other for breakfast.” When you were about to walk out you stopped in the doorway. “I’m really glad you came clear. Goodnight boys.”
“Sleep well, doll.”
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The next day you were woken by a knock on your door. “Good Morning, honey. We prepared breakfast.” You tried to raise a eyebrow.
“Am I in a parallel universe? I’ll come soon,” you said and pulled away your blanket to make your way to the bathroom. When you made your way to the kitchen you were greeted with the smell of food and you did a double take when you spotted the flowers on the table and the stuff that was neatly arranged.
“We wanted to make it special for the first date that the three of us will be aware of. We went to the bakery you liked so much,” Steve explained while he filled some glasses with juice, not really noticing that the juice was spilling over as he waited for your reaction.
“Well, thank you, boyfriends,” you said with a smile on your lips as you sat down. You were aware of the pressure that fell from the tall guys in the room.
“I'm glad you like it, doll,” Bucky pressed a kiss to your cheek before he sat down on the chair next to you, while Steve was busy cleaning the counter. He was about to sit down in front of you, when you asked if you wouldn’t get a good morning kiss from him. You knew he was a super soldier and he had good reflexes but you were pretty sure you have never seen him move so fast before. He was about to kiss your cheek but you turned around and stunned him when suddenly your lips connected. He was shocked, that much you could tell, but it didn’t hinder him from kissing you back gently.
He shared a quick glance with Bucky when you disconnected, but the other man wasn’t about to say anything. He meant what he said when he told you the night before that they would go in your pace. But when you looked at him and asked if you could have a kiss from him too he didn’t hesitate to kiss you.
“So, now that that’s out of the way. I’m starving,” you said and started to put some food on your plate. “What are we going to do today?”
“Whatever you want,” Steve and Bucky said at the same time which caused you to laugh
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divider by @firefly-graphics
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theladybarnes · 3 years
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➤ summary: Based off this prompt. Reader has a conversation with Sam that leaves her a little confused before her date with Bucky. Includes probably the best romance movie quote to ever grace films. Happy Valentine’s day!
➤ pairing: Boyfriend!Bucky Barnes x F!Reader ➤ featuring: Sam Wilson (Natasha and mentions of Wanda) ➤ genre: AU, Fluff, Slight Angst ➤ word count: 2,320 ➤ warnings: None 
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“Of course I love her, but there are as many forms of love as there are moments in time.”
-Jane Austin, Mansfield Park 
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“You know, I could never quite figure out how Barnes landed someone like you.”
Your head snapped up at Sam’s comment. Stopping you from finishing up the vegetables that you had been prepping for your special dinner. It wasn’t every night that most of the team had the night off. Let alone Valentine’s night off. Tony surprised most of the team when he sent everyone off that morning. 
Bucky had been ecstatic with the news and was quick to invite you over. The two of you had been dating seriously for a couple of months and having the chance to celebrate such a holiday was something you both were happy about. So, after you agreed to come over, you asked if you could prepare dinner if he dealt with dessert. Which he was more than happy to do.
That’s how you found yourself in the tower’s expensive communal kitchen, cooking up the best lasagna recipe that you found on google. You even found a good baking dish in the shape of a heart. The plan was for him to join you after all was prepared and to watch a movie together in the living room. Simple and perfect in your opinion. But some lingering house guests might put a damper on that plan. 
“What are you talking about?”
“Bucky. He’s not the best with a lot of things when it comes to dating.”
You set down the knife, momentarily forgetting about the side dish you were making to walk over towards Sam. “How exactly is he bad?”
The man took a deep breath, possibly trying to find the best wording. “Well, for starters, he’s not the best talker. Especially with important stuff.” 
He wasn’t entirely wrong. Sure, during the early weeks of your relationship it was you who did most of the talking. But considering his past, it was fair to give him the chance to decide how much he wanted to open up with you. It was when you opened up your previous work place and how much they had driven you to quit that he off handedly brought up the people he was forced to work for. Of course it was a shock to you. Not only did he not mention Hydra before at all but the fact that he talked about it so casually definitely threw you off. When you thanked him for being so honest with you, he gave you a sweet kiss to the lips with a soft murmur. ‘I want us to share everything together. Good days and bad days.’ 
“Talking isn’t easy for everyone. You don’t have to go through the same shit he has to have a struggle with talking about certain things. Patience for each other is key.”
Sam frowned slightly at your rebuttal. “Okay, well he’s definitely not exactly the most romantic. I recall hearing him say he thought of taking you out to the gym as a ‘fun morning date’. 
The funny thing was he actually did go through with that plan. It was more towards the end of the first month of dating and you swore he couldn’t stop getting a kick at how pouty you were trying to keep up with him on the treadmill. He had a mission he needed to leave for that night and wouldn’t see you for a week. Though the workout was only for an hour, and your legs felt like jelly, the hearty breakfast he took you to made up for it. And when he took you back home later on, hair a mess, belly full and lips tasting like syrup, he looked down at you with his piercing blue eyes and whispered into your ear. ‘Be my girl?’
“Moments of romance are different for everyone. Do you share with everyone all your dates?”
“I actually do. But fine. Then the most important thing I can think of is the fact that when you’re around us, he’s never affectionate with you.”
“He’s..affectionate.” You frowned. There was no doubt that behind closed doors the love you two felt for each other came through. Kisses in between talks, hands held tightly as you made love, and of course warm embraces in the dead of the night as the cold crept in from the darkness. But things like that weren’t done in public. At least that’s what you had figured. 
“I’m not meaning to sound negative. I know he loves you, it’s clear as day in his face when you walk in the room. I’m just curious as to how a lovely girl like you wouldn’t want your boyfriend to show certain signs like that to people you’re friends with. When I have a special girl, I want the world to know it. ”
The timer on the dinner went off on your phone and you dashed over to the oven and pulled out the dish. It was perfect for tonight, but the longer you stared down at the heart, the more you allowed Sam’s words to get to you. Making the food look more sad than loving. “I’m sorry, honey. Don’t look so sad. From what you told me just now, things are different from what I’m seeing.” Sam sighed, seeing your change in demeanor. “I just usually see you so patient and caring for him…Forget it. This conversation is dumb. I know you love him and stuff. I just can never figure that guy out.”
“I’d say the conversation wasn’t dumb just..giving each other perception.”
The man simply nodded his head before he walked over to place a hand on your shoulder. “I’m sorry again. Just talk that out with Barnes. Maybe he thinks that we’ll make fun of him or something.” Turning to face him again, you gave a small smile and patted his arm. “Want to help me set up the table? He should be coming down to join me soon.” Happy to make up for his damper of a conversation, Sam was quick to set up the table with plates, silverware and even wine for you and Bucky while you finished up the rest of the dinner. It was a good five minutes later when he rested against the counter, looking at the set up you had.  “I gotta say, the food you cook looks like heaven.’
“Watch out, he’s only complimenting you so he can sneak a piece.”
The two of you gazed over towards the kitchen entrance. Bucky stood dressed in a black button down and dark wash jeans with his long hair tied in the back. Instantly you felt your heart beat faster at the sight. “Sam was just keeping me company while I finished setting things up for tonight.” 
Your brooding boyfriend strode across the room to where you were. Looking at everything you had made for the date. His eyes were warm at the sight and his lips curled into a big smile. “This all looks great,” he commented. “Can’t wait to dig in.” You carefully reached out to grasp his hand, trying to lace his stiff fingers with yours. But when you did, his eyes grew a little nervous before he settled for placing his hand instead on the small of your back. 
Sam gave a winced look at the interaction before he softly excused himself for the night. “I’ll see you two love birds later.” he teased one last time before finally exiting. Bucky seemed to let out a sigh of relief at the privacy and leaned down to give you a soft kiss on your lips. Remnants of his minty toothpaste were still on his lips and you hated how distracting it suddenly made you. 
Not wanting to dwell on the conversation you had before, you urged for the two of you to start up dinner. Ignoring the fact that you were starting to think Sam might be a little right. 
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“I have to say that was probably the best meal you’ve made so far.” 
It was a little later into the night as you two found yourself cuddling in the living room. Bucky’s arm was wrapped around you while you two sat on the large love seat. That was always the position the two of you ended up in whenever you settled down for a movie. 
“I love having the chance to cook new things. I’ll have to save the recipe.” you murmured, eyes focused on the screen. Pride and Prejudice was one of your favorite romance films and considering the holiday, Bucky for once had no objections to seeing it. In fact, he seemed keen on watching it. 
It was towards the ending of the movie now, the love that grew between Darcy and Elizabeth was finally coming to its climax. Bucky had glanced down at you now and then with another one his signature smirks whenever you sighed happily. The feelings you had previously disappeared as the night went on. That is, until the sound of elevator doors suddenly opening up caused the two of you to jump a bit.
Sam, Natasha, and Wanda had come home from whatever outing they had and decided to watch something together when they found you and Bucky together. Instantly your boyfriend gently released you from his hold. At first you were mad at the loss of contact from him, until he slowly reached down to hold your hand in his.
“Hey, we didn’t mean to interrupt. We just wanted to watch shitty romcoms.” Natasha said, coming over towards the other couch. The other two joined in with small hello before they joined her at the empty seats on her side. 
“Whatever. Our movie is almost done.” Bucky sighed, slightly annoyed at the disruption. You gave the rest of them a nod and smile and decided to focus on the film and not at what Bucky had just done. The only problem with that was that those three seemed to love to talk during movies.
For the rest of the film the three kept making comments on either the wardrobe of the film, the actors, or in Sam’s case, the cheesy dialogue. It was very much distracting that you missed your favorite part where Darcy gives his final confession to Elizabeth. Bucky could only spare you sorry glances and murmured that he’d make up for this date eventually. Once the credits appeared, the two of you bid your very oblivious friends goodnight and retreated towards the heavenly privacy that Bucky’s room gave.
“Those guys are really something else.” he sighed, changing into his pajamas. You hummed in reply and dug into his dresser to find the set of clothes you left for when you’d spend the night. “This is exactly why I do my best to not talk around them. They don’t shut up about anything.” 
The two of you climbed under the covers, quick to tangle yourself into each other's limbs as the night slowly came to an end. “I’m sorry the movie night kind of sucked.” His hand reached up to push a piece of hair away from your face before he cupped your cheek. “I’ll make it up to you I swear.”
“Don’t worry about it, I still had a great time. Even if I missed my favorite part.”
A frown tugged at his face as he watched you speak. It wasn’t till a minute later that he pulled away from you to sit up on the bed. You stared at him confused for a second before you mimicked his actions and sat up beside him. “What’s wrong?”
“If I sound dumb, it’s only because I’m not some British actor, ‘kay?”
Before you could ask what he meant, he took your hand in his and placed it against his chest. Looking deep into your eyes before he spoke softly.
“You are too generous to trifle with me. I believe you spoke with my Aunt last night and it has taught me to hope as I had scarcely allowed myself before. If your feelings are still what they were last April, tell me so at once.” He let go of one had to cup the side of your neck, bring you in close to him. 
“My affection and wishes have not changed. But one word from you will silence me forever. However, your feelings have changed..” You leaned forward, inching your lips close to his as he spoke the beautiful ending of that speech. 
“I would have to tell you, you have bewitched me, body and soul. And I love..I love..I love you. I never wish to be parted from you from this day on.”
A small tear managed to roll down your cheek as he pressed his lips against yours. Pouring all the love he had for you into the kiss. It didn’t matter what everyone else thought about how he felt for you, at this point. You knew and that’s all he could ask for.
“I love you.” you whispered, breath fanning against his face. He chuckled a bit and wiped the leftover tear from your face. “I know you do.” he sighed, pulling you back down. “I know I’m not the best at showing it, but I promise I’ll try to do more.”
There was a hint of sadness in his voice that clued you in on him, maybe having heard Sam before. Pressing your lips back against his, you wrapped around his body and tugged him close like how you were before. “You take all the time you need to get there.” His hands rubbed gently at your lower back as he nodded happier to have your reassurance. 
“One more thing, baby.” he whispered right before you fell asleep. You peeked your eyes open to look at him. He nuzzled his nose against yours. “Happy Valentine’s day.”
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A smut request please about Sam is jealous and angry that bucky is hitting on his sister. Sam decided to show the man, who he belongs to! boat sex and sam slapping bucky's ass
Love Me Tender?
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AN: Apologies in advance. This turned out more angsty than intended and Sam is an ass for most of it, treating Bucky poorly because of his own insecurities. They do talk it, (and fuck it) out though.
I’ve set this in my SamBucky verse, after ‘Beautiful Disaster’ but before ‘Love in the Key of C’, but it can be read as a stand-alone.
Beta’d by @yarnforbrains and @christywantspizza, Dividers by @firefly-graphics, mood board by me.
Check out the SamBucky Stories master list and my main master list.
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Word Count: 3.7k
CW: Insecure Sam Wilson, sibling style relationship, possessive Sam Wilson, explicit sexual content (fingering, prostate milking, unprotected anal sex, spanking, mild degradation, d/s undertones, sub-space) Top Sam Wilson, Bottom Bucky Barnes.
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Sam had been in a strange mood for several days, and it was annoying the hell out of Bucky.  It was their first visit down to Sarah and the kids since they’d gotten together, the night Bucky had surprised Sam and kissed him, touched him, and made him cry out…
Was Sam regretting getting together with him? 
To be honest, Bucky wouldn’t blame him if he were. He wasn’t much of a catch; a semi-stable, over 100 year old war veteran with a prosthetic. No, it couldn’t be that. Sam had never held those things against him and would never hold them against anyone. He just needed to find a way of getting Sam to open up about whatever it was that was bothering him.
Bucky was sitting on the porch of the Wilson family house. It was like a second home to him, having lived here with Sam, Sarah, and the boys on and off for those months before he and Sam had moved in together. The sun was lowering, but it was still warm, and there were still several hours until sunset. He got up as he heard Sarah’s car turn on the driveway, the small gravel pieces shifting under the tyres.  She’d been to the grocery store, stocking up with extra food for the visit. Captain America, a super-soldier, and two teenage boys got through a lot of food.
As the car came to a stop, Bucky flashed her one of his patented smiles.
“Hey, Sarah.” He went and opened her trunk, unloading the various bags.
“Hey yourself, Buck. Where’s Sam?”
“He and the boys are out back. We picked ‘em up from school. No issues, exactly as planned.  They were so excited.”
“Thanks so much, it was useful having those couple of extra hours just to get organised, etcetera.”
They walked into the house and placed the bags down on the counter-top. Sarah turned to Bucky, arms wide.
“Come here, you. Your arms aren’t full now; you can give me a hug.”
Bucky chuckled and drew his boyfriend’s sister towards him. He wrapped his arms around her and rested his head on the top of hers.
“How’re you doin’, Sar?”
“Oh you know, same old, same old. The boys spend all their time with their friends or in their rooms, playing online games with their friends. Every-so-often they come down and grunt for food.” 
She was smiling, but there was a sadness to it. Bucky tucked one of her loose locks behind her ear and pressed a kiss to her temple. As he held her, both of them in companionable silence, the back door slammed, and the thundering of feet indicated the return of Sam, Cass, and AJ. Sarah backed out of Bucky’s embrace, the heel of her hand brushing against her eye, and she moved into the kitchen to start unpacking the groceries.
“Everything alright?” Sam looked at Bucky, a perplexed look on his face.
“Yeah, it’s all cool. Hey boys!” Cass and AJ flew at him, and he caught one of them in each arm, distracted from Sam’s pensive look. 
Dinner was a rowdy affair with the boys keeping the conversation going as they updated Sam and Bucky on all the various goings-on at school: AJ teasing Cass about his latest crush, and the older boy trying to hit his sibling, earning him a telling off from his mom. Bucky took the opportunity to go and tidy the kitchen, washing up the plates and cutlery and putting the saucepan in the sink to soak.
They all sat in the lounge afterwards, Bucky settling on the sofa and Sarah sitting down next to him. Sam sat on one of the easy chairs whilst the boys bickered with each other over who got the other one. Bucky looked at them, a warning clear in his eyes.
“Come on, boys. Your ma’s had a hard day, okay. Knock it off.”
“Sorry, Uncle Bucky.” They responded in tandem, chagrined.
They watched a movie all together, one of those cheesy action flicks where physics is ignored for the sake of visual spectacle, before Sarah declared it was time for the boys to go up to bed. Sam rose as well.
“I’m beat. I think I’m gonna have an early night. See you in a bit, Buck?” He bent down and gave Bucky a soft kiss to the cheek, before heading up the stairs without another word.  Sarah turned to watch her big brother go, then looked back at Bucky.
“What’s up with him?”
“No idea, but it’s driving me crazy. He’s been standoffish for the last few days.”
“Hmmm. Well, anyway, fancy playing some cards? I’m sure I’ve got some matchsticks to win back off you.”
“Oh, it’s on, Wilson. It’s on.”  They both laughed unaffectedly, as Sarah went to search out the ancient deck of cards.
When Bucky ventured up to bed an hour or so later, he deployed all of his stealthy skills, so as to not wake Sam, but his boyfriend still looked up at him, sleepily, as he slipped into the room.
“Have fun with Sarah?” There was a strange tone to Sam’s voice. Bucky looked at him, quizzically, before stripping out of his clothes, rummaging through his holdall for a pair of sleep-pants.
“Of course; your sister’s fun. You know she and I have always gotten along. You okay, doll?”
Bucky slid into the bed and pulled Sam into his arms, nuzzling against the skin of his neck. Sam held himself somewhat stiffly, not turning into Bucky’s embrace.
“Why wouldn’t I be okay?”
“I dunno, you feel a bit tense, and you’ve been off for a few days. Anything on your mind you wanna talk about?”
Sam sighed.
���I’m just sore from driving. Go to sleep, Buck.”
“Night, Sammy. Love you.”
“Night, Buck.”
They both lay there long into the night, pretending to be asleep, their individual thoughts keeping them awake.
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The next day was Saturday, so there was no school for the boys and Sarah only had a half day down on the docks. Sam and Bucky got up late, finding Sarah already gone and the boys gorging themselves on sugary cereal, watching some youtube videos cast to the TV.
“Whatcha doin’, boys?” Bucky plopped down on the floor between them. Why both of them were on the floor when they’d fought over the armchair last night, he had no idea. Cass looked up at him, mouthful of cereal and milk dribbling down his chin onto his pyjamas.
“Watchin’ stuff.” Bucky rolled his eyes and nudged the boy with his elbow. 
“I can see that, genius. Just wondered what it was about, ‘s’all.” Sam’s nephew just looked at him with the kind of disgust that only a teenager can bestow on an adult, and Bucky got the hint, throwing his hands up in defeat and getting up to find Sam in the kitchenette. 
He walked up behind him, arms around his waist and chin resting on his shoulder. Sam was sorting out the coffee machine and soon it was chugging away, the rich, deep scent of perfect java wafting through the air.
“How’d you sleep, baby?”
Sam stiffened slightly, before grunting out “fine.”
Bucky chuckled.
“What is it with you Wilson men? Not the greatest of conversationalists, are ya?” 
Sam pulled away, and Bucky tried hard not to let the hurt show on his face. He cleared his throat with a small cough and turned to fill two mugs with steaming coffee.
“I’m gonna head out to the shed. Sarah mentioned some of the slats are busted. Might as well make myself useful and fix ‘em. Join me, if you like?”
He looked at Sam, expectantly, but his boyfriend just stared down into the dark depths of the coffee mug that had been handed over.
“Yeah, maybe… might just relax here for a bit and keep the boys company.”
Bucky hummed and ducked his head to give Sam a kiss on the cheek.
“Well, you know where I’ll be, Sammy. Love you.” 
“Me too.”
Bucky ignored the prickling in his eyes as he made his way outside.
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Hard work proved to be a balm to the soul, and a few hours later Bucky was sweating in the warm Louisiana air, surrounded by a workbench, a saw, hammer, broken shed slats, and a few newer looking ones. He’d even removed his henley due to the heat. Once again, he heard Sarah’s car coming up the drive, and he waved to her as she pulled up outside the house. Exiting the vehicle, she walked over to him, a big grin lighting up her face.
“Hey! Looking good!”
Bucky picked up his shirt and wiped down his face and chest and smiled back in return.
“I know I am, but how about the shed.”
Sarah snorted in amusement. “Ass.”
Bucky put on a faux offended expression. “How very dare you”, he exclaimed and threw his shirt at her. Sarah shrieked with laughter and dodged to the side, eager to avoid the sweat covered fabric coming into contact with her skin
“Eeewwww, gross. You’re worse than Sam, I swear.”
“That’s it!” Bucky surged forwards, eyes twinkling with mischief and scooped Sarah up, holding her against his sweaty chest. He laughed out loud as she squealed in disgust, batting her fists against his chest.
“Let me down, you great lummox.”
The gasp was so quiet that if it hadn’t been for his enhanced senses, Bucky might have missed it. He spun on his heel, Sarah still in his arms and saw Sam, staring at them, a look of hurt and betrayal on his face, before he himself turned and stalked off. He reached Sarah’s car, hopped in and drove off at speed, in a shower of gravel.
Bucky stood, open mouthed, barely registering Sarah’s wiggles as he unconsciously let her slip back down to her feet.
“What on earth?” He turned to Sarah, but before he could ask her what she thought was going on, she raised her hand and sighed.
“My brother’s in his head again. He’s probably gone to the boat and will be there a while. I suggest you get yourself cleaned up, let him stew for a bit and then go find him. Come on.”
Taking his hand, she dragged a confused Bucky back inside the house with her.
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An hour later, Bucky arrived down at the docks. He’d taken a shower, redressed, and then set out on foot in the afternoon heat. Sarah had been right about Sam’s destination; his car was parked at the entrance to the marina. He made his way down the boardwalk, raising a hand in greeting to those folk he knew, until he reached the ‘Phillip & Darlene’. The hatch on the family fishing boat was open, and Bucky sprung aboard before descending into the body of the vessel.
“Sam? You in here?”
“Go ‘way, Buck. Go back and play house.”
Sam was sitting on the small cot, bottle of whiskey in hand. He wasn’t completely drunk, but it was clear he was getting there. Bucky approached carefully and sat down beside him. He pressed the knuckle of his left forefinger under Sam’s chin, tilting it up, taking in his red-rimmed eyes.
“Doll, what’s going on? Talk to me, please.”
Sam batted away Bucky’s hand, petulantly.
“But I’m not your ‘doll’, am I?” The words rang bitter, and Sam knocked back another slug of liquor, shivering as it burned down his throat. “When were you gonna tell me, huh? Or were you just gonna let me dangle until I took myself away? I see how you are with her, how she is with you, and how you are with the boys.”
Realisation washed through Bucky at Sam’s words. He plucked the bottle out of Sam’s hands, and then took those hands in his own.
“Sammy, doll… are you saying you’re jealous of Sarah? Of how I act around her?”
Sam looked down at where his hands lay in Bucky’s, refusing to lift his head.
“She makes you happy”, he mumbled. “You make her happy, and the boys love you, and you act like a dad and…”
“I act like an Uncle, and like a big brother.” He let go of Sam’s hands to wrap his arms around Sam’s slumped shoulders, drawing him tightly to his chest. Sam just caved forwards and let him, too wrought with emotion to pull back.
“You fool, Samuel Thomas Wilson. Sarah reminds me of Becca. That’s how I see her. I help her ‘cause I love her - ‘cause she’s your sister.”
Bucky tipped Sam’s chin up again, looking into his lustrous brown eyes, slightly glassy from alcohol and unshed tears.
“I’m yours, Sammy. You hear? Yours. You’re all I want, even if you’ve been acting like a real jerk the last few days.”
Bucky chuckled. “Promise.” He dipped his head down and pressed his lips against Sam’s own, soft and inviting and oh-so-sweet. Sam leant into the kiss, and what had started as a soft, comforting kiss suddenly turned heated. 
Sam quickly became the aggressor, seeking entrance to Bucky’s mouth with his tongue, invading, claiming the space. His hands ran up under Bucky’s henley, palms rubbing up over Bucky’s pecs, thumbs brushing over his small nipples.
Bucky was a bit taken aback by the abrupt change of pace, but when Sam growled out “Mine!” into his mouth, it was like an electric current shot through his body.
“Mine!” Sam repeated, and Bucky answered breathily, “Yours, all yours, I promise.”
They broke apart, pulling each other’s shirts off before crashing back together again. Sam’s hands roamed all over Bucky, grabbing and pinching until they made it to his waist and grappled with his belt buckle and zipper. Bucky moaned low in his throat as Sam’s hand dove into his boxer briefs and took hold of his rapidly inflating length.
“This is mine!” he ground out, vehemently, squeezing Bucky in his hand, just on the right side of painful. Bucky gasped in pleasure, and then Sam’s hand slid lower, past Bucky’s sac and up between his buttocks until he was swirling a dry finger over Buck’s hole. “And this is mine!” Shudders of sensation rippled through Bucky’s body, and his eyes fluttered closed.
“Sammy…” His breathy sigh was a plea, and he didn’t resist when Sam stood, pulled Bucky off the cot, spun him around and yanked down his loosened jeans followed by his underwear.
“You drive me crazy, Jamie. You know that?”
Sam’s voice was rough, but his fingers were soft, moistened with saliva as they pressed between Bucky’s ass cheeks. 
“You’re infuriating, grumpy, funny, and so fucking sexy. I swear I almost pop a boner everytime you fucking smile.” 
He grabbed Bucky’s right hand, drawing it back to press against the insistent bulge in his own jeans. Trailing his lips down the side of Bucky’s neck, his breath was hot in his lover’s ear. 
“Wanna be in you, Buck. So goddamn bad”
Bucky’s senses were on fire. Sure, Sam had been in charge before, but nothing like this - this feral-ness, this need to possess. 
It was hot.
“Fuck, Sam. Please! Want it, too.”
Placing a hand on Bucky’s chin, Sam turned his boyfriend’s head and kissed him over his shoulder, all tongues and clashing teeth. With his other hand, he reached out for the small drawer next to the cot, pulled it open with a jerk, and rummaged around blindly until his fingers closed around a small plastic bottle. Bucky whined as Sam kissed him, his hand taking hold of his own cock, hard and leaking, and starting to stroke it slowly. 
Sam broke the kiss and divested himself of his own jeans and briefs. He kicked Bucky’s ankles apart, both of them hampered by jeans still around the super-soldier’s feet. Grateful that he’d often used the boat as his own private hang out in the past, Sam flicked the cap of the lube bottle.
Bucky let out a sinful sigh as Sam’s fingers, properly slick this time, slid over him. Sam was pressed up close behind him, his erect cock resting heavily against one of Bucky’s buttocks, and when one of those wonderful, thick fingers started to push its way inside him, he whimpered. He felt the drag and made himself relax.
It seemed like only moments passed before Sam’s whole finger was gliding smoothing in and out of him, and then a second was being added. The stretch and burn was delicious, and Bucky rose up on his toes, whining, as Sam made space for himself.
“That’s it, sugar. You take it, yeah? Fuck, so goddamn sexy.”
Sam twisted his fingers, causing Bucky’s thighs to tremble before a ragged cry was pulled from his lungs, and Sam found his prostate.
“Shh shh shh…that the spot, huh? Want you to cum on these fingers, okay? Want you to stroke that pretty cock of yours and cum on my hand, before I fuck you. Can you do that, baby?”
Bucky squeezed his eyes shut, nodding at Sam’s words, but unable to use any of his own. 
Sam tucked his chin over Bucky’s shoulder and watched as Bucky worked his cock. He then brought round the lube bottle, squeezing it and causing some of its contents to drizzle down onto Bucky’s length. He chuckled when Bucky jumped as the cold gel made contact with his heated flesh. As Bucky jerked himself in time with the fingers pressed deep inside him, Sam spewed filth in his ear.
“So fucking beautiful, Jamie, but only mine to see. Mine to touch. Being so fucking good for me. I feel you clenching me. You close, sugar? You gonna cum for me? You cum for me like this, and I’ll fuck you so hard and so good, you won’t ever think of anyone who’s not me.”
Cries fell from Bucky’s lips as he was carried higher towards his peak.
“Oh fuck! Oh fuuuck!” 
His eyes shot open, but all Bucky could see were fireworks as his orgasm took him over, Sam still rubbing over his prostate and whispering in his ear between kisses against his neck. He slumped forwards, his upper body and head supported by the cot, the thin comforter on top soft and cool against face. He dragged air back into his lungs, brain still fuzzy from the wave of pleasure that had crashed through him.
The slow withdrawal of Sam’s fingers, and the distinctive clicking of the cap of the lube bottle, guided Bucky towards reality, but then Sam started to press inside him. Bucky couldn’t help the cries that escaped him, breathy little moans and pants as Sam rocked himself to gain full entry.
“God. So tight, Jamie.” Sam’s fingers gripped his hips, pulling back gently before slamming back in. Bucky’s mouth dropped open, and his own fingers twisted in the comforter as the air was punched out of his lungs.
“Again, Sam. Please?” There was a salacious chuckle from behind him.
“Oh, is that how it is? Jamie-baby likes it rough when he’s getting it?” Sam thrust harder and then ground his hips in a circle against Bucky’s ass. “I can do rough for you, sugar. You just gotta keep making them sweet noises.” 
Sam brought his hand down roughly over the meat of Bucky’s ass, bringing up a bright pink mark before setting up a bruising pace as the head of his cock passed back and forth over Bucky’s still sensitive prostate. Small mewls and sighs accompanied Sam’s pants along with the slapping noise of skin on skin.
Bucky could feel the spring inside him tightening again, but he couldn't seem to let go of the coverlet in order to touch himself. 
“Saaaam!” The cry of his lover’s name was plaintive, the only word he seemed capable of verbalising.
“Aawww, you dick-drunk, sweetheart? Need me to take care of you?”  
Sam pulled Bucky’s body upright, bringing his back against his front. His left hand came up to Bucky’s chest, fingers spread wide, holding him in place as he continued to fuck up into him. His right hand trailed down Bucky’s sweat-sheened body and grasped his cock. He smeared the pre-cum he found there all over the rigid length and started a vicious jerking motion in time with the snapping of his hips. All Bucky could do was take it. 
His head was pleasingly fuzzy; he felt all warm and safe. He didn’t need to think because Sam was here. It was Sam who was giving Bucky so much pleasure that he wasn’t sure he’d ever recover.
His second orgasm came over him quickly, the added stimulation from Sam’s hand the last thing that was needed to push him over the edge. His body went taut as a bow-string as he came, his cry soundless as he trembled in Sam’s grip. He was aware of Sam reaching his own end a few rough thrusts later, almost growling in his ear and filling him with warmth.
Somehow, Sam managed to maneuver both of them onto the narrow cot, and they both lay there for some time, Bucky’s back still plastered to Sam’s front, content to be the little spoon. Bucky had Sam’s right hand in his own, holding it to his chest, as if to stop his heart from breaking free.
How long they lay there, Bucky didn’t know, but reality started to bleed back in around the edges, and he pulled Sam’s hand up to his lips and kissed the knuckles.
“How’re ya feeling, doll?”
A sigh.
“Stupid. I got inside my own head and was scared you were just settling – that I was stopping you from having the family you deserve.”
“I do have the family I deserve. I’ve got a wonderful and sexy partner who loves me even if he’s a bit of a jerk sometimes, a new sister and two adorable nephews. It’s perfect. You’re perfect.”
“Shut up, man. But I am sorry for being an ass.”
“Yeah, green is not your colour.”
Silence lay between them for a few more minutes, Bucky drawing patterns with his finger up and down Sam’s arm.
“Yeah, baby?”
“I… umm… wouldn’t mind if you were like that… um… again…possessive you is super-hot.”
“Oh, is that how it is? My sugar likes a bit of spice?” Sam’s affectionate laughter rang through the small space and Bucky turned his head over his shoulder, pouting in mock indignation.
“Shut up and kiss me, Wilson.
“Whatever you say, Barnes.”
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Tag list: @jobean12-blog @bucky-bucky-bucky-bucky @tuiccim @beelicious-barnes @sidepartskinnyjeans @maladaptivexxdaydreaming @krissy25 @bodeckersdiamonddoll @turbolisedcomet @goldylions
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marvelcriminalhoe · 2 years
Sweet Home Georgia Peach
Sweet Home Alabama AU! Steve Rogers x Reader
Chapter 3
Like Nothing's Changed
Word Count: 1,858
Series Masterlist
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You’re trying. Really, you are. You are trying so hard not to snap and wring this mans neck.
But he is making it, so. damn. hard.
“Steve, just sign the damn papers!” You throw your hands up, folder waving in the air, “Look, it’s even tabbed along the sides so you can see where to sign!”
“I said no.” Steve shakes his head, “I’m busy. Go visit your parents and come back later.”
“So help me Steven Rogers I am going—“
“Sorry darlin’.” Steve interrupts your threat, turning around and heading back into the house, “I’m busy. This conversations gonna have to wait.”
You blink as he steps inside, closing the door behind him. But your stunned stupor doesn’t last long, strolling up the stairs and across the porch, you watch through the window as Steve turns around at hearing your following steps, locking the door before you can throw it open.
He puts his hands up in a sarcastic shrug, turning around to go lock the back door, along with the side door in the laundry room.
You roll your eyes at his immaturity, stalking down the porch again to the bottom step, feeling along the bottom of it until you hit the key that’s been taped there since the house was first bought.
You unlock the door, making your way inside and throwing the papers onto the coffee table.
When Steve comes back into the room, he looks at you perplexed, “How the hell did you get in?”
You smile sarcastically at him, holding up the key, “Next time you try to lock someone out, maybe have it be someone that doesn’t know where the spare is hidin.”
“Well, if I don’t hear your accent come’n back after all this time.” He pushes your buttons, “Guess you can’t take the country outta the girl at all.”
“Sign the papers, Steve.” You pinch the bridge of your nose, “Just sign the damn papers!”
“I already told you, I’m busy.”
You send him a cold glare, “Oh yeah? Because you haven’t been too busy to send the damn papers back, unsigned, every time I sent them!”
“And yet, it seems you haven’t got the memo.” He pretends shock, “Now if you would kindly, get out of my house.”
If your glare could get any colder, Steve would be frozen through and through, “Steven Grant, sign those damn papers, right now, and I won’t ever have to step foot in this god forsaken horse pit again!”
“Horse pit? You’re going to break into my house and then disrespect it like that?”
The knock at the back door prevents you from saying anything else, Steve smiling at you with undisclosed humor, “Ah, looks like backup has arrived.”
“Back up?” You question him as he walks down the hall.
“Well, you did break into my house, darlin’. What’s you expect?”
Realization dawns on you, “You called the sherif on me?! Are you serious Steven?!”
Steve opens the door, a familiar face being revealed to you. In the time you’ve been gone, you haven’t kept up with anything to do with the town, which is why you were not aware of who the new Sheriff was.
“Sam Wilson?” You chuckle out, “They let you have a badge?”
Sam smiles when he sees you, rushing forward to pick you up and twirl you around in a hug. He was also not expecting you on the other side of the door. Steve called and asked him to stop by, something about needing police assistance, but Sam wasn’t expecting this.
“If it isn’t Georgia’s very on Peach!” Sam exclaims, putting your feet back on the floor, “What the hell are you doing here? I didn’t know you were back in town.”
“Just came back to take care of some business.” You answer him.
Sam turns to Steve with a raised brow. The blonde man rolls his eyes, pointing to you, “She broke into my house, I’d like you to escort her out.”
Sam turns to you, wide eyes, “Peaches, you’re in town for all of five minutes and you’re already causing trouble?”
“I did not break in.” You shake your head at Steve, glare back on your face. You pull the spare key out of your back pocket, showing it to Sam, “I used a key.”
Sam tsks, looking over to Steve, “She has a key man. I can’t arrest her for that.”
You smile snuggly at him, causing him to roll his eyes again, “Just get her out, Sam.”
“I’m not leaving until you sign the damn papers.” You cross your arms over your chest.
Sam looks back to you, “Papers?”
You gesture to the coffee table behind you, watching as Sam steps over to investigate the issue. Reading the bold letters at the top, he swivels around to Steve, eyes wide with surprise and confusion, “Divorce papers? I thought you said you handled that years ago?”
“I did.” Steve nods, not looking at him, instead keeping his gaze on you.
You squint at him, scoffing, “Yeah, if ‘handling it’ is sending them back, unsigned, every time I send them.”
Sam presses his lips together in a tight line at the new revelation, his hands going to his hips, “Technically, you two are still married then. Which means technically, this is her home to.”
He steps around you, sending his blonde haired friend a pointed look, one that shows there will be an explanation later, when they’re alone, as he walks towards the door, “And I won’t arrest somebody for being in their own home.”
The smug smile you send Steve gets under his skin, making him call out to Sam as he heads outside, “She’s the one that hit Mrs.Parker’s mailbox that night of the races.”
Sam turns around, knowing what his friend was doing, but wanting to enjoy the show. He turns to you, waiting for you to explain.
Your mouth falls open, “Only because you wouldn’t stop trying to get to second base from the passenger seat!”
Sam gives Steve two looks. One that reads, ‘really?’, to which Steve shrugs. The second one reading, ‘anything else?’
“What about the person that released the frogs from the biology room?”
“Oh please.” You scoff, pointing a finger between the three of you, “We were all apart of that and you know it.”
“Yeah, but it was your idea.” Steve shrugs.
Sam shrugs at him, giving him one more chance before he leaves the two of you alone to hash out this argument. He has his own things to hash out with people after finding out his two old friends, who he thought have been divorced for years, are actually still married.
Steve thinks for a minute, trying to find something that would work. He smirks at you, looking over to Sam, “Isn’t there still a warrant for whoever stole your pa’s boat and trapped it in the creek bed?”
You look over to Steve, not believing he actually ratted you out for that. Sam, looks impressed at the blonde before looking at you, shaking his head in feigned disappointment, “Sorry Peaches, looks like ‘imma have to take you in.”
“Oh you have got to be kidding me.” You look between the two men, “That was like, 9 years ago!”
“A crime is a crime.” Sam shrugs, grabbing your arm gently to escort you to his vehicle. You shrug his hand off, glaring at Steve as you pass by him, stomping outside yourself.
Sam whistles, looking away from your retreating figure to Steve, “I’ll help you out right now, but you have a lot of explaining to do.”
“I know.” Steve nods, watching as you angrily slam the passenger side door, mumbling what he’s sure is threats meant for him under your breath, “I have a lot to explain.”
As he watches you through the car window, he can’t help but feel you haven’t changed all that much.
Maybe your hair is a little different. You look like you’re a bit leaner, maybe just more toned. Your clothes sure as hell have changed though. Those jeans your wearing skin tight, and that flowy blouse he’s sure coasts more than his paycheck.
But that fire in your eyes is the same. Your accent, through fighting with him, started peaking out again. And as he watches you laugh at something Sam says as he drives the two of you away, his chest tightens at how you look the way you did all those years ago, before things turned sour. Carefree and happy. Bright. Bubbly.
When Sams cruiser is completely out of view, Steve tries to call Captain inside so he can close the door, “Come on boy.”
The dog stares at the blonde, before huffing air out his nose and binding down the stairs, no doubt giving him the silent treatment and siding with you, like all those years before. Steve sighs, shaking his head as the door swings shut.
Almost like nothings changed.
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“How long will you be in town?” Sam questions you as you sit in front of his desk. You’re both aware that you aren't really under arrest.
You sigh, “I’m just here until he signs the papers.” Sam nods, tilting his head as he looks you over, “You look good. For a city girl that is.” You laugh, having missed Sam’s humor. Sam was apart of yours and Steve’s friend group growing up. Along with the rest of your old friends, Nat, Wanda, Clint, and Bucky. You haven’t talked to any of them since you left. A part of you would feel guilty for that, if not for the fact none of them tried to talk to you the past 7 years either.
But the guilt rows both ways, and the phone never rang on either side.
“Yeah, well, it’s part of my job to look good.”
“Right,” Sam smiles, “The fashion guru.” You scrunch your nose at him, “No one says guru anymore.” He rolls his eyes at you, looking down to fill out a report paper. You look around his office, taking notice of the shelves he has behind his desk. Theres some old photos along one of them, some you recognize being in, others you don’t recognize at all.
“How long till you tell the others?” You question him, pulling yourself away from the melancholy memories wanting to overtake your senses.
Sam looks up at you with a raised brow, “What makes you think I haven't already?” You send him a raised brow of your own, the both of you knowing if he had already said something to the others, you two wouldn't be the only ones in his office right now.
He sighs, leaning back in his chair, “I’ll tell them when you head out. Give you a chance to escape before the towns people come baring pitch forks.”
You chuckle at that, “How very noble of you.” “Well, they don’t elect me Sheriff cause I’m good lookin’ darlin’.” He winks at you, laughing when you do.
That tightness that’s been in your chest since you arrived back, constricts a little more, similar scenes of the past trying to push themselves to the front. Your brain trying to tell you nothings really changed.
But you know that’s not true.
Everything’s changed.
Next chapter
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