#everyone else who wants to get along with Thena like that
softquietsteadylove · 2 years
Thenamesh Doctor AU is amazing! My request:
There was a pretty bad accident, let’s say a bus crashed, and 8 patient coming to Thenas ER. But Thenas ER is pretty short staffed so after the 4th patient Gil volunteers to help her out and they both work amazingly together! Let’s say a bit of action with fluff in the end:)
"A bus has crashed off the main highway, luckily with no casualties, although eight critically injured are on their way to seek care."
Thena turns away from the news on the tv and to Ajak, who is already picking up the phone. "Get all the beds clear, if we can discharge someone, do it. Get Sprite down here in case we need Pediatric help, and tell Ikaris that we might need his help with any bone setting. I may not have the hands to spare."
"Thena, we're still down two nurses and both the residents assigned here are tied up on other cases."
"Then we make do with who's here," Thena offers factually as she readies herself for the oncoming flood. "How far out are they?"
"Gil reported in, they're three minutes out!"
She sees him already, rushing in with interns and nurses at the sides of the stretcher. "What have we got?"
"Four head traumas, quite a few glass lesions, two shoulder resets and a driver with one hell of a chest cavity impact," Gil lists off for her concisely and in order of patient and severity, just how she likes it.
"Head traumas first, get them into scans, we need to know what we're dealing with before we even think about moving them around too much!" Thena directs as the first few stretchers pull off. The next one comes up and she can already see a very long shard of glass in an arm, probably a little too close to some very important veins. "Gil, help me up!"
He doesn't hesitate, grasping her by the waist and lifting her cleanly up and over to straddle the patient. "We got the bleeding cleaned up at the scene but that thing's in deep."
"We'll have to remove it surgically," Thena shakes her head, grasping the base of the glass shard and snapping off the extending length of it. "Get that shard somewhere out of the way and page the necessary surgeons for a trauma--Gil!"
All nurses and young doctors accompanying the patient startle as Thena leaps off the stretcher and into Gil's arms again, as if this is Cirque du Soleil and not an Emergency Room.
The stretchers pull off and Gil sets Thena on her feet gently (as if she didn't leap from a stretcher at full speed like a maniac). She looks up at him with a frown, "that was the last run of your shift. You should go."
"Hey," he shakes his head, giving her that smile of his that would make anyone in an emergency situation feel at ease. "You see this place? I'm not goin' anywhere."
Thena gives him a look as they separate, heading in tandem towards the patients stable enough to be parked. "This is not in agreement with your union rules."
Gil shrugs, jogging lightly alongside her to their chest impact. "A little overtime never kill anyone. And what kind of ass hole would I be if I let you and Ajak handle this place alone?"
Thena has the seconds to spare to give Gil's hand a squeeze before she pulls on a pair of gloves. "Let's take a look."
"Doc...I can't...b-brea-"
"Okay, it's okay," Thena says quietly, using the low tone of her velvety voice to try and lull him into some sense of security. She looks at Gil, who doesn't even have to be looking at her to rattle off the patient's vitals while pulling his shoes off.
"Good colour, no loss of blood flow," Gil informs from the end of the bed.
"I think it's a floating rib stuck into his lung," she murmurs to Gil as she finishes her most preliminary examination. She moves back to the head, pulling up the eyelids and doing a quick pupillary test. "Sir, does it hurt to breathe?"
He nods.
Thena feels along his clavicle, "that's intact. Sir, have you suffered any injuries to your ribs before, like a fracture or a break?"
He nods again. as emphatically as he can manage.
"Let's get him get him something for the pain," she gives Gil's bicep a nudge and he reaches for an oxygen mask to help get some air into him easier. "I want an x-ray before we make any rash decisions. It could just be agitating the lung or it could be on the verge of piercing it. Ikaris will know."
"Got it," Gil responds so she knows he's heard her, continuing his work on the patient just as he would in the field. There is indeed some bruising around his side, but no signs of broken blood vessels or deeper tissue damage.
"Thank you," she whispers to him before heading back to the nurses station. Ajak is filling out paperwork like the wind to have all their patient files at the ready as the ball gets rolling. "How are we doing?"
"I think we're just about ready," Ajak mutters as she licks her finger, flicking through physical papers while someone else updates the files digitally. "Most of the stitching is being done by the kids, but the largest one may need your help. It's a pretty wide gash from the artifact getting moved around in transport."
"Okay," Thena nods, accepting the chart from her on said case. She looks at Ajak, "Gil is with our chest trauma now. I want to get him put under after we do his x-rays to reset a rib that's affecting his breathing."
"Gil?" Ajak pauses in her frenzy to look up at her attending friend, "shouldn't he be off by now?"
"He should be, but he insisted on staying until we get our heads above water with this bus situation."
Ajak stays quiet, observing the smile on Thena's face on the subject of the sweet paramedic. She should have known; Gil would never willingly step away from Thena if he thought she needed help. "I'm not the one paying him--if he wants to stay and help, he can stay and help."
"That's what I said," Thena laughs faintly, just in the very narrow moment she has to share with her most trusted nurse. "Come notify me with any results?"
Ajak merely gives Thena - already trotting off to her lesion repair - a thumbs up as she calls yet another department to send down a specialist as soon as they're available.
No one is surprised to see Gil around in the ER, helping out as needed long into the night. He's been on for more than his fair 12 hours by now, but he stays, and stays, making sure people have the assistance they need.
Those who aren't familiar with the situation only have nerve enough to ask Ajak why he's stuck around so long (they would never dare ask Thena).
Ajak tells them that it's what Thena's work husband does--he stays and supports his work wife. Then she tells them to stop standing around and gossiping when they have patients to see.
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healingagoddess · 2 years
Is this forever? (Run part 3)
Request(?: @the-camiluchaa​ said “Great writing! Do you think is gonna be part 3? I would love that, full of action😍“ and I miss Ajak, so of course I did!
Note: I had written this and had more action in it! I was so inspired and then it got deleted!! I don't know how it happened, but it just didn't save after I saved it! So, here's a quick chapter i came up with just right now. I felt really bad after it did not save, that i just wanted to post something tonight since I had planned to do so. T-T
Warnings: English is not my first language.
Pairing: Ajak/F!Reader
Tags: @fivemillioneyes <3
Part 1 Part 2
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The ambiance upon arriving to the Peruvian Amazonia in your search for Druig was heavy. You kept close to Ajak, avoiding Ikaris as much as you could. Sersi tried to keep her distance and remain composed around him. She was doing amazing and you were so proud of her. On the other side, Kingo and Sprite had been at it for hours. You had forgotten how much Kingo liked to tease everybody, and it was getting to Sprite leaving her in a moody state. It was better to keep close to Ajak, who was looking after Thena along with Gilgamesh.
It was strange to see a village stuck in time, clearly under the influence of Druig. It didn’t take long to find him. And the awkward silence of the first two minutes in that chapel felt like an eternity. Until he spoke, and then Ajak revealed everything. He took it far better than you did, but it was going to take some time to convince him to join you.
“I’m not going to say anything other than I knew you were wrong.” Druig states directly to Ajak.
Ikaris gets up and gets on Druig’s face
“You have no idea what you are talking about.”
“You always wanted to be mother’s  favorite. Yet, it seems she has chosen someone else.” Druig nods towards you.
You close your eyes in annoyance, but say nothing to avoid upsetting Ajak some more. If only Druig knew the whole truth, if only everyone else did like Sprite and Sersi do. Ajak was still protecting Ikaris.
You disperse to cool off after Druig, Kingo, Ikaris and Ajak got into a heavy discussion that had nothing to do with Tiamut.
“Do you think he can do it?” you ask.
Both you and Ajak were sitting against a tree not far from Gil and Thena.
“I believe his power is strong enough to put Tiamut to sleep.”
“What happens if he can’t do it?”
“He will. I think he-”
A distant screech cuts her off, and you both immediately stand to your feet. You look at each other for a moment focusing all your senses on the distant sounds. Suddenly, you watch Ikaris being dragged by a deviant and your fighting mode activates as you begin to duplicate.
“Go with Thena!”
You shout before both you and Gilgamesh go to Ikaris aid.
You slam against the deviant and send it a few meters far away from all of you. You try to go again with a kick,  but the deviant senses your cosmic energy and charges back to Gilgamesh and Ikaris. You and your replicas end up colliding into thin air. You are quick to respond and charge back to help them both, but Gilgamesh intends  to take the deviant himself in a one on one match. You try to help, but soon are distracted by Ajak’s voice.
“Thena… remember who you are.”
You hear her soothing voice and turn to find her with her hands up in the air channeling cosmic energy. Similar to the lights forming on Thena’s face. You worry as you send your replicas after the deviant, and making your way back to Ajak. It is difficult to control both your main power and your focus on helping Ajak. You can feel it wavering as you get closer to her, slowly as to not scare Thena.
“Ikaris…” you say never looking away from both Ajak and Thena. “Help Gilgamesh.”
You see him debating for a moment and you start to lose patience.
“Go with Gilgamesh.”
You repeat yourself noting how Thena is struggling against her illness.
“I follow no orders from you.”
He says before getting in the middle of Ajak and Thena, finally getting her to act out and lose herself. They start fighting each other as Ikaris tries to stop Thena, and she tries to murder him. You feel your cosmic energy expand out your body as your replicas disperse into two directions: to help Gil and to help Ajak as you try to keep both Ikaris and Thena to stay alive as well. And it is chaos.
Your head feels like breaking into three different sections, and you are everywhere at once trying to make sense of every situation. You notice that at least five replicas are helping Gil, and three are taking Ajak further into the forest hiding from the spot that has now turned into a battle camp. You mediate between Ikaris and Thena. Suddenly, he hears something and takes off. Leaving you now with the death stare from Thena. And she comes at you at full speed with sword in hand. You have no time to think and your replicas come back to you as you try to keep Thena from hurting you and hurting herself. You barely make it the first time, but the second time she gets you with her sword piercing your stomach. And you feel the air leaving your body as the thrill sends a shiver all over your body. Pain and panic take over as you try to stay focused everywhere.
You prepare to die as Thena dematerializes her sword, expecting her to summon something bigger to end you. It never comes, instead she stands there blinking several times trying to remember something as she stares at something behind you. And in a matter of seconds she turns around with tears in her eyes, lights still forming in her eyes. Then, you see Gilgamesh being held by the deviant as it drains his cosmic energy. You try to rush to his aid, but stumble on your feet before a single replica takes after him. But it’s too late, and you watch as Thena kneels in front of Gil. In a matter of seconds, everything turns black.
_ ✽ _
The first thing you notice upon waking up is how humid your surroundings feel. Your senses spread to the rest of your body as cosmic energy still lingers there. Ajak is holding you, her face is stained with tears, and you can feel them on your face as well. She is not looking at you, instead, her broken gaze lies elsewhere. Sitting up the first thing you notice is a platinum shape; it is Thena. You get up immediately, as you remember the final encounter with the deviant. Thena sobs on the ground with her forehead pressed against Gil’s, and you confirm that he has in fact passed. No. He was murdered. Looking around you take notice of everyone else's presence with the exception of Druig. Your eyes search for that one eternal in the crowd, and when you find him a fire is set ablaze within your core. A new found rage fills your soul, and you march towards Ikaris before slamming him into a tree. This catches Thena’s attention.
“Y/N! Don’t!” Ajak rushes in your direction with pleading eyes.
“This is all your fault!” You yell out as you place your hands on his shoulder with a tight grip keeping him from escaping.
“I was just trying to help everyone else.” The words slide out his mouth with bitterness.
“No. You know what you did. It is your fault that that deviant got what it wanted.” Your furious eyes look into his icy cold ones. “Why don’t you tell them the truth?” You whisper the last part.
Ajak looks away as Sersi steps closer with tears forming in her eyes. Nobody else knows the truth other than Sersi and Sprite.
“Tell them… tell them how you tried to kill her!” The sound of your voice pierces through the forest like a thunder. “Tell them how you took Ajak to that lake with your big lies only to try to get her killed by the same deviants. How you planned for us… for ME to find her body there. All because she changed her mind about this mission.” You press him harder against the tree.
Nobody talks for a moment, but you notice everyone has gathered around keeping some distance from the both of you.
“Is this true?” Kingo asks.
Ikaris remains in silence giving the confirmation that Kingo needs.
“You don’t do that.” He says in all seriousness. “You don’t do that to family. Even if we don’t agree with their newfound plans or beliefs, we don’t harm our family.”
“He plans to get rid of everyone that comes between Arishem and his mission. He is just waiting for the right moment. And Gilgamesh was the first to pay for this.”
As you say the last part Thena gets up summoning her weapon. Ikaris pushes you away with force before taking flight. And you swear that for a moment you saw his beams forming in his eyes.  
“Coward!” Thena yells out after him.
“Wait! Take me with you!” Sprite says before materializing into an illusion of hundreds of bees as they both escape.
“They’ll come back.” Thena states.
“And when they do.” You reply.
“We’ll be waiting.” She finishes.
You go towards Ajak, who in the middle of the argument left to kneel beside Gilgamesh. Thena returns as well, and they both weep for him. The others remain talking about Sprite’s sudden betrayal. Your arms come to wrap around Ajak from behind as you place your head on her back offering support. She turns in your embrace and cries into your arms as you rock her gently in soothing and consoling motions. The sight is heartbreaking and as soon as Druig shows up a funeral is prepared.
_ ✽ _
Nobody sleeps that night as thousands of questions and thoughts from the events of the day swirl in their minds. Somewhere during the night, you find Ajak staring at the ceiling wide awake, unable to sleep just like you.
“Have you spoken to Arishem?” You ask softly.
Ajak turns to look at you slightly taken aback. “No.”
You keep staring at her waiting for an explanation.
“Every time he just informs me when the emergence will occur… and there is nothing else he needs from me. My deed is done… and that’s it.” She says lost in thought.
“Have we ever been like this?” You finally ask. “In our past lives?”
She looks at you for a moment choosing her words carefully. “No. This is the first time I experience this.”
For some reason you don’t feel sad about your past life knowing you didn’t have to suffer for Ajak at the end of times.
“But,” she continues “You are new to my missions.” She manages a gentle smile.
And you can see how she tries to smile through her tired eyes as well before you fully digest the new information.
“Wait… do you mean what I think you mean?”
Ajak nods. “This is the first time we met… so, it’s really nice to meet you.”
Tears cloud your eyes at the realization of how much Ajak has changed thanks to you.
“What was it like for you?”
“It was different… from all the times I had done this. Some come and go, and that’s alright. But you have a passion that is so unlike everyone else’s.”  She makes sure to stare deep into your eyes. “I told you this before; you make your own rules. And also,” she pauses to give you a flirty look. “You are the first one to look at me like this.”
You chuckle before getting closer to kiss her lips.
“Do you think this is our last night like this?” You ask her.
“No, I know it’s not. I have faith in Druig.”
“And then what will happen?”
“And then… we wait.”
“For what?”
“Do you have any idea-”
“We’ll sort this out. And we’ll warn everyone else in this whole universe.”
And you take her word seriously putting all your trust in her, so you nod once and kiss her sweetly before trying to rest.
_ ✽ _
As promised, during the emergence Ikaris and Sprite show up. You duplicate as soon as you see him, you launch at him with your replicas surrounding him and taking turns in puching him around. The look in his face when he corned Ajak in that cliff, her face at the realization of what was happening, Sersi's tears for him, Druig's and Gilgamesh's death, all of that is coming back to you. The pain he has caused you and your family is all coming out at this moment in the form of revenge.
After he takes down the domo, and Thena joins in the fight. You are sure that you will get him this time, at least the satisfaction of seeing him in this position is almost enough. You want more, and so does Thena as she goes for the last deviant. You have no idea how many times all of you have taken Ikaris down only for him to get back up and attack you. Ajak has been holding on her own very well, with Phasto's techonology you've been able to fight beside her. But the fear you feel as Ikaris goes after Sersi is huge, some part of you knows that he is incapable of hurting her. And it is confirmed when she completes the final puzzle and is able to continue with your plan; killing Tiamut with her bare hands and your power convined.
The glorious victory against them only makes the promise of being with Ajak forever more real and emotional. You embrace her as soon as Tiamut remains frozen in time. Your lips reach for each other and seal your forever with a passionate kiss in the presence of the celestial as you still feel its power connected to you. It feels like nothing but pure bliss, you have not just gained your ever after with Ajak, but you have saved this world and all its wonders. You celebrate your victory with the love of your life and your family. And soon you find yourself in another adventure with Ajak as both of you leave to explore the universe in search of others.
“Will you miss this world?” You ask before you leave the planet Earth’s atmosphere.
“No, I have everything I need here with me.” She smiles as she pulls you close.
“I feel the same way.” You grin with your eyes. “I’d follow you ‘til the end. Whenever that is.”
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sortofanobsession · 2 years
To Cry for the Moon Part 13 (Moon Knight x Female Eternal!Reader)
Author's note: This is the longest part so far but I think you will like it. @jupitersmoon167 did and she started the whole thing! So I hope you all enjoy it. There will be a few more parts, so don't think it is over just yet. Stay tuned.
Please do not take, copy, or translate without talking to me first. Reblogs, likes, and comments are encouraged. But anything else please message me first.
Y/N = Your Name. Y/N/N = Your Nickname. Reader pronouns She/Her. Story is 3rd person POV. 
Italic text is the reflected alter talking. Bold Italic text is sign language for Makkari.
Tag Requests are Open just message me.
Tagged: @rosaren2498, @yuugenmomo, @faefanatic,  @urlocallsimp  @assassinsasha23, @queenariesofnarnia, @rmoonstoner,  @crypticruler, @animelover18, @philiasoul, @distinguishedmakerpandapatrol, @22carolina08, @preciousbabypeter, @sleepyamaya, @so-done-with-bullshit
Primary Pairing: Steven Grant x Eternal!Reader, Marc Spector x Eternal!Reader, Khonshu x Ma'at!Reader
Content Warning: Mental Illness, Manipulation, Mind control, Death, Violence, Verbal Fighting, Physical Violence, Anger.
Word Count: 4K+
WIP Series Masterlist
Part 7, Part 8, Part 9, Part 10, Part 11, Part 12, Part 14
Part 13: The Battle Begins
Temple of the Gods
The gods had pinpointed the emergence point as soon as the volcano began to rumble. The eye of Horus could see all, making it easy.
"You look better than ever," Osiris told Y/N. Instead of her usual armor, since she hadn't been wearing it when she died, the gods had granted her a brand new set.
"You just want me to show off for you," Y/N grins. She runs her finger along the feather of truth as it is secured in a band around her head, as it often was before they created the scales. "But the feather's a nice touch."
“You are whole again, Ma’at,” Osiris tells her. “And use it to punish those who would condemn so many innocent souls. Show them we gods are not to be underestimated.”
“Oh, I will,” Y/N nods. 
Aboard the Domo
Sersi had given Marc and Layla all the details she knew about everything they might be facing as the Eternals get their armor and the UniMind bracelets set. She also tells them as much as she can about Ikaris and his fighting style. Marc had seen it in action once. Thena told them what she knew as well. Druig told them the easiest ways to get Ikaris angry. Only after everyone was suited up did they split into two groups. Sersi, Druig, and Makkari would head to the exact point of emergence and put Tiamut to sleep. Phastos stays to pilot the Domo. Thena would wait at the entrance of the Domo for Ikaris. Marc and Layla would too, but they would stick to the shadows until after the fight began. They were to keep Ikaris distracted at the Domo for as long as possible. 
It didn’t take long for Ikaris to show up.
“Where’s Druig?” Ikaris asks. 
“He’s busy,” Thena replies, her blade appearing as she does. 
“Thena, play nice,” Ikaris warns. “You’ve never had to fight me.” He takes hold of the blade as she swings it. 
“But I’ve always wanted to,” Thena says, transforming the blade into an ax to knock his grip loose and back into a sword. She summons her shield, and the two begin to fight. She uses her powers as a shield to block Ikaris’ eye beams. When it seems Ikaris is getting the upper hand, the Moon Knight begins to attack—throwing crescent dart after crescent dart to get Ikaris’ attention off of Thena. Scarlet Scarab makes her way towards the entrance of the Domo, joining in only as it becomes a more hand-to-hand fight.
When none of the other Eternals show up to fight him, and Thena’s armor begins to glow, signaling the use of the UniMind, does Ikaris realize he is wasting time and outnumbered. He resorts to using his eye beams to force them to shield themselves, putting enough space between them that he can get away. He flies from the Domo. Moon Knight and Scarlet Scarab follow suit. Unfortunately, Thena’s connection shows him exactly where the others are, and right as Druig begins to use his powers, Ikaris shoots him down with his eye beams. There are little the others can do as Ikaris flies Druig up and throws him full force down to Earth. Ikaris then uses his eye beams to force Druig deep into the ground. Plan A has failed.  
Makkari lets out a heartbreaking wail. 
Ikaris then turns his attention to the Domo and uses his eye beams to send it crashing towards the others. Makkari has just enough time to get Sersi out of the way before the Domo crashes. She then goes to retrieve Thena and Phastos from the downed ship. Moon Knight and Scarlet Scarab keep Ikaris occupied as she does.
“Funny, Moon Knight, whatever god gave your ex those wings ripped her technique straight from Y/N’s playbook. No wonder you went back to her so soon after Y/N’s death. Who knew gods were so replaceable,” Ikaris taunts. Again, he uses his eye beams to force them back. He turns his attention back to the other Eternals.
“Druig’s gone,” Ikaris says as he hovers just above the ground, “It’s over.”
Makkari takes advantage of him being at their level and takes out her pain and anger at having watched Druig taken down in an unrelenting attack using her speed to pummel Ikaris. The pair of avatars are awestruck. The speed and force makes them realize Makkari had truly taken it easy on them in Egypt. Makkari could have easily hurt them, but as angry as she was at Marc for breaking Y/N’s heart, her heart was shattered now. Makkari had lost both Y/N and Druig. It filled her with rage and made her virtually unstoppable, especially given that her speed gives her the advantage of avoiding most of the beams from Ikaris’ eyes. As the volcano begins to erupt they all begin having to dodge lava bombs and debris. The try to refocus as best they can. Sersi decides she has to stop the emergence while the others keep Ikaris out of the way. It’s not until Ikaris manages to catch Makkari in the chest with his hand and get a hand around her throat does he get the upper hand. He hits her square in the chest with an eye beam sending her onto her back across the sand. They miss the way Sprite tricks and stabs Sersi. They also fail to notice Druig take Sprite out with a rock and tell Sersi that it is her fight now. The others begin a full assault on Ikaris. Crescent darts, energy blasts, and every projectile the group can summon are sent at Ikaris. They fail to notice Kro emerging from the water intent on revenge. Makkari gets back on her feet to help. They seem to have the advantage until Kro attacks Ikaris. The evolved deviant quickly draws the attention and anger of Thena and Moon Knight. Pastos reminds them that they can’t let Kro absorb any of their powers, even Ikaris’. They all turn their focus on Kro. The onslaught overpowers him and Kro is thrown into a cave. Thena is right behind him. Marc goes to follow but is slowed by Layla. 
“Do you really think Y/N would want you to pick fighting that monster over finishing her mission?” Layla asks. 
“Killing that thing is my mission,” Marc tells her. “Help me or don’t. I’m going in there.” Marc makes his way into the cave. Layla begrudgingly follows. The Moon Knight mask gives Marc an advantage in the dark. He sticks to the shadows, Layla close behind him. 
Temple of the Gods
"Show them who you really are," Osiris says as the path before her opens to the emergence point. Y/N spins the glowing dagger in her grip and nods before taking a running leap and taking to the sky.
Point of Emergence
 Again, Ikaris realizes they aren’t all there. He notices Sersi isn’t with them. He goes to find her, but is stopped in his tracks by an unexpected round of projectiles. He turns to see Y/N clad in golden Egyptian armor. Wings glowing as she watches him. The shocked look on his face made her grin. 
"You underestimate the gods, Ikaris. You always have," she says, gripping her daggers tight. "Such a pity you never had much faith outside your mission." She sent another wave at him, but he dodged it. "I don't need to feel your heart to condemn you. You never loved humanity. It was always just the mission. No wonder you forgot how to love." His anger hits her in the form of his eye beams in the side. Her new armor was helpful, but she didn't know how long it would hold. He tries to take advantage of her being hit to go stop Sersi, but Phastos traps him midair and drags him to the ground using several anchor points.  
The new arrival and fight on the beach remain unnoticed by the group in the cave. Layla and Marc join the fight to help Thena when combat begins. The avatars’ attacks are mostly fended off by Kro’s tentacles and the occasional hit or kick. The pair are hesitant to do much else to keep from harming Thena. They attack full force when the evolved deviant begins to drain her powers. Thena manages to summon blades into her bound hands and uses them to sever the deviants tentacles before attacking Kro’s head and face, killing him. Thena and Marc take satisfaction in watching the glowing remains of the slain deviant fall to the ground.  
As Sersi begins to transform Tiamut, Ikaris manages to break free of the trap Phastos had kept him in and goes after Sersi. But Sersi having touched Tiamut makes a connection with the celestial that causes the armor of all the Eternals to glow, not just those with the UniMind bracelets. Even Y/N can feel it. They all are connected to Tiamut. It gives Sersi the power she needs to transform Tiamut. The celestial’s partially exposed head and hand have risen out of the water, but where the celestial’s gold once was is replaced by stone. An unearthly noise can be heard, as Tiamut’s glowing eyes go dark and the massive figure turns to stone, its movement ceasing. The Earth stops shaking as the emergence has officially been stopped. Sersi did it. Tiamut is dead. The planet is saved. They won.
The others can’t see Ikaris crying and apologizing to Sersi, but they do see him fly off into the sky.
As soon as Y/N feet touch the sand, Makkari speeds over and pulls her into a hug. Makkari's hands go to Y/N face before she pulls away.
"You're here. I can't believe you are here. I missed you so much, and they said you were dead, and I couldn't-”
"Kari," Y/N laughs, holding Makkari's hands in her own for a moment before she pulls away to sign. "You are going too fast. I missed you too. Heard you have some precious artifacts that some humans couldn't be trusted with. You'll have to show me."
"I have so many for you," Makkari smiles, but it turns sad when she remembers what happened to Druig. Y/N hugs her and smiles against Makkari’s shoulder when she sees Sersi returning with Druig and Sprite.
She knows when Makkari feels them approaching by the shift in her grip. Y/N carefully extracts herself from Makkari’s grip and smiles. “Go,” Y/N signs. Makkari hurries over to Druig. Their reunion is almost too adorable to watch. 
Sersi comes over, and despite the pain in her side, she pulls Y/N into a hug. "You really are here. I was worried it was just an illusion," Sersi says when she pulls back to grip Y/N's face like she had before she died. "What happened? We couldn't find you."
"Hey, don't I get a hug?" Druig says as he and Makkari join them. 
"Of course," Y/N moves from Sersi to hug Druig. Groaning and wincing at the pain in her side. 
"That bastard got you good too, yeah?" Druig asks.
“Yeah, got me in the same spot the deviant did. I don’t know if he was trying to or if it was dumb luck, but he did.” And before Druig can even look at it, Makkari is already shifting Y/N's armor to get a look. Makkari's eyes go wide, and she disappears only to reappear with something Y/N can barely see, and in rapid-fire succession, she feels the armor give way, the wound wrapped and armor replaced.
"Wow, Thanks, Makkari," Y/N signs. Makkari dusts her hands off and seems proud of her work. 
"Better?" Druig asks.
"Much," she says, hugging him again and pulling Makkari in too, earning a few laughs.
"So, do I get my answer now?" Sersi asks. Y/N pulled away, but Makkari drapes her arm around her shoulders, and her hand falls to feel the vibrating beat of Y/N’s heart. She pulls Druig in and does the same. Y/N grins but turns her head to answer Sersi. She was sure they all wanted to know.
"The eye of Horus sees all, everything under the sun and moon. The gods had been set to keep an extra close eye on everything. With the emergence, the Ennead was on high alert. Horus was watching, and Osiris used the feather of truth," Y/N answers. She gestures at the feather in her headband. "It's connected to me, and the god of the Dead knew something was very wrong when the scales began to fail. So instead of just letting whatever happens when we die happen, they stepped in. He used what was still there to bring me back. Granted, he needed help. Anubis always had a role in the transition between worlds, so they patched me up and returned what power the feather still had to me. Took a bit to recover. And we decided not to risk me only having partial powers, so they decided a little touch of my old style was needed. Full power helped get me here in time to help. Though I'm sure you'd have pulled it off without me."
"But we didn't need to," Sersi says. “You’re here.”
"True," she laughs but groans again at the pain. Makkari goes to move, but Y/N puts her hand over hers and squeezes it. 
"You good?" Phastos asks. "Took a few nasty hits, and your armor is a bit…"
"Archaic? Ancient?" Y/N grins. 
"I was going to say it’s not yours, but that works too."
"Not like I could make a stop at the Domo and change. Time was already a bit limited. And I couldn't let you all save the world without me. I have people I care about here too." 
Sersi sees movement behind the others. She was happy to see the trio survived the battle with Kro. She also realized that Y/N had no idea the gods’ avatars were there, and she might not be happy about it. 
"What? What's happening?" Y/N saw the shift in Sersi's features.
"Just don't be mad at me, okay?" Sersi says and points past them. Y/N turns around and cannot believe what she is seeing.
"Marc?" Y/N says as she sees Thena leading Moon Knight and another armor-clad individual towards the group. "MARC!" 
Marc's pretty sure his heart stops when he hears his name called by a voice he thought he'd never hear again.
"Y/N/N?" He is almost scared to ask. He looks back at Layla to make sure he hasn't lost his mind completely. 
"What the hell are you looking at me for?" Layla tells him. "GO!"
Marc takes off in a sprint. Y/N does the same. They practically crash into a desperate bone-crushing hug. Marc pulls back to get a look at her. 
"What are you doing here?" She asks, Sersi's request suddenly makes a lot more sense, and she feels a bit angry at her family for letting them join in on the fight.
"What I should have done in London, helping kill that deviant,” Marc states.
"They took you from us, did you really think-" but he was cut off as she felt him shift and the familiar feeling of Steven's heart beat before her. She smiles as he grips her face. "You're really here. We haven't died again."
Y/N let out a laugh, ignoring the twinge of pain in her side. "I'm here, Steven," she says as she grips his hands. 
"How?" He asks and then takes in her armor. "What are you wearing? Is that-" he is cut off by another laugh. He lets that sound settle deep in his heart and soul. He had missed it.
"The gods. Osiris used the feather of truth to bring me back. It was in the underworld, so it was too far away for me to draw enough power off to help me during the fight. It meant I was a bit weaker, but it also meant when my family thought I was gone for good, the avatars of Osiris and Anubis took me back to the temple and brought me back. Horus' avatar told me I had to focus on healing and wasn't allowed to call anyone. He didn't want them, or you, to have to suffer me possibly dying again. But I'm here. I made it and managed to stab that backstabber Ikaris. But you know if Khonshu had asked Osiris, he would have told him. Even…" She looked at Layla and the armor clicked. "Even Taweret knew." She looked at him, confused. "Steven is…that's Taweret's avatar. I recognize the armor." Steven looked between Y/N and Layla. He shook his head before leaning in and giving Y/N a kiss. He pulled away with some regret. He muttered to Marc, "Sorry, mate. This one is on you." 
Y/N looks confused again when they shift, and Marc is back. "Yes, it is, and that's Layla." He knew better than to lie. He'd learned that lesson. 
"Layla, as in your ex-wife, Layla?" Y/N goes to take a step back, but he just holds her tighter. 
"She insisted on coming to keep me from doing anything stupid like getting myself killed again trying to avenge you. I told you, she and I split on good terms. The initial split wasn't, but we worked it out over saving the world from Ammit. And she watched me die then, but Osiris, Taweret, and Khonshu brought me back. And she became Taweret's avatar."
"Marc I don't…"
"She knows I love you. She knows Steven does too. She's been keeping me busy with missions and telling me I'm not allowed to just self-destruct because that would have pissed you off. She didn't know you, but she knew how we were with you. She-"
He was cut off by her lips meeting his, and he practically melted into it. 
"I love you too," Y/N says against his lips, "Both of you."
Marc let out a breathy laugh. "I know. Dane only shouted it at us loudly in our flat, and Sersi kept saying it, but we never thought we'd get to hear you say or that we would get to say it to you." 
"Well, you did,” she smiles. “And I will say it every day, for as long as we have."
"You aren't the only one." He kissed her this time. A day or two ago he didn't think he'd get the chance to do this again, so he wasn't going to waste it. He pulled her closer with an arm around her waist. Unfortunately, it put pressure on the spot that Ikaris had hit her. She let out a hiss of pain against his lips.
"What? What happened? Are you hurt?" Marc finally asks. And puts enough space between them that he could look her over. "Shit," he says when he sees the scorched and dented armor.
"It's fine," she says, trying to redirect his gaze back up to her face.
"It really isn't," he says as he tries to get a better look. He starts to move the armor aside, and when that didn't work, he tried to remove it, but she swats his hands away. 
"It really is, for two reasons. One, Makkari already patched me up. She is much faster than you. Two, You do not get to undress me in front of my family and your ex-wife. Not happening."
"But Makkari can?" He questioned with a smirk.
"She is a literal blur when she moves. Druig was there, and even he didn't see anything. I barely saw anything." 
"Why do I feel like I should be worried about how close you guys are."
"Says the guy running around a tropical island with his ex-wife."
"That's fair," he laughs.
"And once we get back to the Domo, you can check over every scratch and bump the deviant and then Ikaris gave me. Makkari already took care of the worst of what Ikaris did."
"Ikaris," Marc spat the name. "We will tear him apart," he says, looking for said eternal.
"He took the coward's way out," she tells him. "As far as we could tell, he flew towards the sun. Don't know if he's dead or not, but he isn't here."
"Well, if he isn't dead and I see him again, I'm jamming a dart through his stupid laser eye and into his brain for trying to take you away from us again."
"Aww, all for me? Aren't you sweet," she laughs. 
"We missed you so damn much," he says, leaning his forehead against hers.
"I missed you too,” she assures him. “Both of you."
"About that, your buddy Druig managed to bring out the other guy. He said his name's Jake Lockley and he's dark."
"How'd he manage that?" 
"Doesn't matter," Marc says, but she could feel him hesitate. It wasn't a lie per se, but she felt it. 
"Wait, did he drag you into this?" She asked.
"What?" Marc asks before what she asked sinks in. "Oh, no, that was Makkari, but he did get into our head a few times, and he wasn't very happy Layla was around." She looks confused for a moment before she turns around as best she can while Marc refuses to let go.
"Druig!” She shouts as loud as she can. “What the hell did you do that brought out the alter that only comes out if the other two are in mortal danger." 
"Nothing!" Druig shouts back. 
"Oh, that is a lie!" She yells before softening her tone to address Marc. "Marc, sweetie, can you let me go? I have to go punch Druig."
"Nope," Marc tells her. He just moves closer and carefully pulls her back against his chest and buries his face in her neck. She frowns in confusion.
"Marc…" she starts.
"He showed your lover your death for breaking your heart," Thena tells her.
"He what?!" She shouts. "Druig, I am going to drop you off the top of the Domo! Why would you show him that!" 
Druig looks at Makkari and signs, "Run!" 
"Don't you run away from me!" She goes to go after him, but Marc pulls her back. 
"I don't think so," he chuckles. "I just got you back and there is still the issue if a very angry bird beaked god that is going to demand an explanation. He took it almost as bad as we did. Though I will admit, the silent treatment from Steven was a lot worse than the bird wanting to take over being your justice. He said, 'They will pay for what they have done. I will be her justice'." Marc mocks Khonshu's tone.
"Aww, the big bird said that,” She says, her demeanor softening. “That's probably the sweetest thing he had ever said, and I mean ever."
"Yeah, well, why else do you think he insists on arguing with you,” Marc points out. “He's a manipulative bird brain, but he only sticks around to argue if he thinks it's worth his time to get you to see his point. If he doesn’t respect your opinion he just does it. The fact he fights you means your opinion is important to him. Or do you think he just stalks anyone? You think after centuries you would know that by now." She could feel his smirk against her skin.
"Well, I thought about all three of you when I was dying. You, Steven, and Khonshu. I wanted to see the moon one last time. I even tried to call out for him, but I couldn't. I…"
She felt him shift, and Steven's hand gripped her tighter. "Ok, I won't go into details, but I did feel better knowing you guys were still out there. And that Sersi and the others weren't giving up." She turned back around in his arms and ran her fingers through his hair. "Think we'll still have jobs when we get back?" 
Steven shrugs. "Doesn't matter, because I wasn't going to go back again without you. It didn't feel right."
"Oh, Steven, I never wanted to leave you," she tells him. 
"I know," Steven states.
"Hey, love birds! We are heading to the ship!" Phastos shouts. "Hurry up!"
"Be right there," she tells him. 
"Love birds, is that a bad pun or just a coincidence?" Sersi grins. 
"We still get to look you over for more injuries, right?" Steven asks.
"Every single inch," she smirks as she pulls away. "You coming or what?"
"Absolutely," Steven grins, hurrying after her and taking her hand in his. "We go where you go."
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loove-persevering · 3 years
After All These Years (Druig x Reader) Series!
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Description: Y/N must face Druig, the man who she loved and the man who left her after thousands of years apart. (Druig x Fem! Reader) SPOILERS if you haven't seen the movie. (Gif not mine)
Read the Prologue here , Part 1
Note: Wow this is uh like 4.2k words wtfff I got carried away hahahha! Thanks for reading! Let me know what you think:) You all have been so sweet and amazing so far:)
‘’I now pronounce you man and wife,’’ The Pastor says. ‘’You may kiss your bride!’’
Your smile radiates across your face, you could barely hold back the tears of happiness that flooded your eyes. It was the most perfect day, the weather was amazing, the flower arrangements were pristine popping out against the stone surrounding the area. You stood along the center of the aisle, your camera capturing their first kiss as a married couple. Travis, the groom, had dipped his newly beloved wife slightly and you could see them both smiling through their kiss as everyone cheered around them hyping them up. You kept clicking away at your camera happily to get the beautiful moment for the couple. He pulls her back up from the dip and raises their hands in the air. You start to walk backward wanting to capture their moment down the aisle as they walk toward you with a permanent smile upon their faces.
Once the ceremony had ended you grabbed the happy couple for portraits and wedding party photos, ‘’Ah, these look so amazing,’’ You tell the bride. ‘’Come look,’’ You tell her, you bring up the photos on your camera showing her some sneak peeks, including the ones of their first kiss as husband and wife.
Her jaw dropped immediately, ‘’Oh my gosh these are already going to make me cry,’’ She says her eyes brimming with tears, she reaches up with her perfectly manicured hand holding it just below her waterline. ‘’Oh shoot,’’ She says.
‘’No, no, no!’’ You tell her snatching the camera from her view, ‘’Don’t cry, don’t cry!’’ You usher her, her now husband makes his way over to his bride, ‘’I showed her sneak peeks.’’ His lips turn into a tight smile and he puts his hands around her shoulders.
‘’We still have another half of a wedding to get through love,’’ He tells her and she straightens up looking at him. She glances toward you once again and she smiles, taking a deep breath.
‘’I’m so excited to see them,’’ She tells you, grabbing your forearm and squeezing it tightly. You offer her a smile in response, ‘’We are going to sneak away for a bit and you can meet us in the reception hall in like ten,’’ She tells you and you nod in confirmation, that would give you time to take pictures of guests and the cake before it was devoured.
You glanced down at the camera in your hands once more looking at the photo of them walking down the aisle and the shot you had gotten was all too familiar.
‘’I love weddings,’’ Kingo says next to you, his shoulder bumping against yours. ‘’So beautiful,’’ He says.
You laugh at him, ‘’You looked like you were going to cry the whole ceremony,’’ You tell him, still laughing. ‘’I love them too, everyone is so happy and together.’’ You say looking around. Sersi and Ikaris were dancing together. The music playing in the background so lightly by the locals was beautiful. Everyone was dressed in Indian wedding attire and the candles were lit throughout. It was truly beautiful. There was cake and sprite was already indulging in it, Ginglamesh and Thena were standing by the buffet of food.
‘’Maybe we’ll have another wedding sometime soon huh?’’ Kingo says and your head turns to him quickly, he nudges your elbow, ‘’Oh come on everyone knows your head over heels for him.’’ He says.
Sprite walks over with a plate of cake, ‘’It’s pretty obvious,’’ She says not giving you the benefit of the doubt.
You huff in response, and before you can say anything else Druig was standing in front of you his hand outstretched, ‘’M’Lady,’’ He says to you. Your hand instinctively reaches out to him as if it was second nature, as if your hand belonged in his. You raise out of your seat and Druig turns around guiding you to the dance floor where a slower paced song was playing, he takes your hand and delicately places it over his broad shoulder. His hand slips behind the middle of your back pulling you closer into him, if that was even possible.
You sat in silence for a minute just swaying back to the music, ‘’Weddings are nice right?’’ You ask him, ‘’Do you like them?’’
He laughs as an answer to your question, ‘’Yeah they’re nice.’’ He shrugs.
You once again go back to silence for a few moments before you ask another question, this one you were more nervous about, ‘’Do you want to get married?’’ You say and before he can answer you clarify, ‘’Much later, you know down the line,’’ You ask him.
He looked like he was thinking about it for a moment, ‘’Probably, I mean it gets lonely living forever if you don’t have anyone to love.’’ He says. ‘’Do you?’’
‘’Yes.’’ You say immediately, ‘’After seeing today, yes.’’ You could feel the warmth radiate up through your neck and face. If he could tell you were blushing you didn’t know but the amused smirk on his face said he knew something, what that was you wouldn’t ask.
You could feel his eyes steady on your lips and his eyes went golden,’’ kiss me.’’ Your brain told you to do just what he wanted.
‘’In front of everyone?’’ You question glancing around at where everyone was, most of them had been sitting eyes on the dance floor itself. He just nodded in response and again you felt compelled to do exactly what he said. ‘’You know you don’t have to compel me to do this,’’ His eyes were still golden looking at you but you didn’t feel forced at all, you reached you grabbing his face in your hand and he leaned slightly into your hand his head tilting to the side leaning into your hand.
This was the exact moment you knew you loved Druig, you knew that if you had a wedding you wanted it to be with him. To be with him forever would be the greatest gift in life and you could only ponder if he felt the same,despite it being the perfect moment you found yourself unable to bring yourself any courage to ask him. Your heads began to move closer and you felt his lips finally touch yours, it was timeless like you had all the time in the world for more and hopefully you would for a long time.
When he pulled away you leaned your foreheads against each other resting there for just a moment, ‘’You forgot something today,’’ He tells you his eyes finally opening to meet yours. You look at him confused as to what you could’ve forgotten, ‘’Left it in my room the other night,’’ He tells you. He pulls his hand from your waist and grabs your hand in his pulling you over to the tables where everyone else sat.
‘’Don’t you dare say a word,’’ You tell Sprite as her mouth opens no doubt to make a smart remark. You watched Druig reach down into a bag and pulled out your polaroid camera, your face immediately lighting up, ‘’Oh my gosh, I looked for this all morning.’’ You tell him taking it from his hands.
‘’Where was it Y/N?’’ Sprite asks and Kingo snorts next to her; they both began to laugh trying to hold it back just the slightest but it definitely doesn't work. ‘’Do tell.’’
You lean over to her taking your hands and ruffling it through her hair which she absolutely hated, her body going rigid at your touch as she swatted your hand away. ‘’I’ll be back,’’ You tell them, Druig offers you a smile as you run over to the newly wed couple.
Immediately you run over to Sersi and Ikaris, your camera in your hand at ready, ‘’Can I take a picture of you guys?’’ You ask them and Sersi nods eagerly, they stay at each other's side, Sersi smiling at you and Ikaris was glancing at Sersi with such love, he was smiling at her smile not for the camera. You raised the camera quickly, snapping the picture of them.
Your phone began to ring from your back pocket and you noticed your assistant Alina was calling. You answer immediately she wouldn’t have called you if it wasn’t an emergency. ‘’Hello?’’
‘’Oh hi, Miss Y/N. Uhm, there's like three people here wanting to see you.’’ She explains. ‘’I know you are shooting a wedding today but they say it's like really really urgent.’’ She tells you.
‘’Is it a couple I’ve shot for?’’ You ask her completely unaware of who it could be.
‘’Uhm, let me ask them.’’ She tells you. ‘’What are your names?’’ She asks them but you don’t hear the response. ‘’They said their names were Ikaris...Sersi, and sprite? They say you went to university together.’’ She says, sounding completely unsure if she had pronounced them right. You felt your body go rigid, why the hell were they here? They hadn’t seen you in five hundred years. ‘’Miss Y/N what should I tell them they said it’s really important?’’
‘’Tell them I will be there when I can and I have to finish up this wedding, I should be back home around seven. They don’t want me to stay the entire reception just the first hour or so for the speeches and cake cutting and stuff. Give them my address and a key in my office on the book shelf under the stapler.’’ You tell her.
‘’You want me to give them a key to your house?’’ She says, sounding shocked.
‘’Yes, Alina.’’ You tell her. ‘’I have to go I’ll be there as soon as I can.’’ You tell her.
Well this ought to be good.
When you opened the door to your loft there stood Ikaris by your bookshelf, Sersi was sitting on your sofa, and Sprite was on your computer in the corner of the room. ‘’Make yourselves at home I guess.’’ You tell them.
‘’Y/N,’’ Sersi says standing from the couch making her way over to you. She brings you in for a hug, ‘’It’s been so long,’’ She says to you, you reluctantly hug her back. Despite Ajak, Sersi was the only one who reached out to you regularly. ‘’It’s so good to see you again,’’ She says, releasing you from the hug and offering a heartfelt smile.
Ikaris stood at the bookshelf still with his hands in his pockets, ‘’Y/N,’’ He says.
‘’Ikaris,’’ You say back to him walking over toward the couch, you pull your bag off your shoulder, setting it down gently. ‘’Find anything good on there?’’ You ask Sprite.
‘’Nothing I can use against you,’’ She says with a hint of a smile on her face. ‘’You still take pictures?’’ She asks you.
‘’Everyday,’’ You tell her. ‘’It’s my job.’’ You point out.
‘’Y/N,’’ You hear the tone of Ikaris voice break the slightly happy moment you seemed to have. ‘’Ajak is dead.’’ He blatantly says.
Your head does a weird twitch instantly turning from left to right, Your face draws into a state of confusion completely taken back by what he had just said . ‘’You could’ve given her a couple more minutes,’’ You hear Sprite say softly.
‘’What do you mean she is dead?’’ You notice the uneasiness in your voice. ‘’I just talked to her two weeks ago, I went to South Dakota?’’ You tell them. You had just stayed at her house, had showed her the nature project you had been sent on a few months prior, now she was dead?
‘’The Deviants,’’ Sersi tells you in her soft voice. ‘’They’re back, we were attacked by one in London.’’ She tells you. You grabbed onto the edge of the couch allowing yourself to slowly sit down feeling lightheaded by the news. Ajak had been a healer. How did she die? How was she the first of you to die? Could she not heal herself? What stopped her from doing so? ‘’They’re coming after us now, not the humans.’’ She explains.
‘’Why? They never did so before?’’ You ask. It didn’t make any sense. None of this made sense, ‘’She can heal herself, how did she not heal herself?’’
‘’We don’t-’’ Sersi began to say but was quickly interrupted.
‘’We don’t have much time to waste,’’ Ikaris points out. ‘’Sersi talked to Arishem, and the emergence is beginning.’’ Ikaris tells you.
‘’Arishem? The Emergence?’’ You say you were confused, your head spinning a million miles a minute.
Sersi explained it to you in great detail, ‘’Kingo, Thena, and Gilgamesh are all waiting for us.’’ She explains, ‘’We need you to come help us,’’ She pleads, ‘’We are stronger together, and I fear if we don’t get to everyone soon that another one of us is going to die.’’ She says.
You nod your head trying to process everything, your entire life was a lie. You hadn’t come from a home, you had been engineered, made by Airshem. ‘’Okay,’’ You say aloud, ‘’Okay.’’
‘’Is she broken?’’ Sprite says waving her hand in front of your face.
‘’No I’m not broken, I just need a second to process,’’ You tell her. ‘’I need to get a few things and then we can go.’’ You tell them. ‘’Where are we going next?’’ You ask them.
Sersi glances at both Ikaris and Sprite before looking back to you with a somber smile on her face, ‘’To Druig,’’ Sprite points out. You let out a deep breath once again, of course it was him. You had tried everything in your power to not think about him over the past thousands of years. Every once in a while you would find your mind wandering to him, thinking about where he was now, what he was doing, who he was with. You hoped he wondered about you sometimes despite the mess he had left you in those thousands of years ago, you hoped he remembered you well.
The Amazon was beautiful, even more beautiful than you had remembered it to be. The nature expedition you had been sent on when you were working for National Geographic was in the Amazon, you had never pictured that Druig was somewhere so close to you during that time. You all walked through the Amazon, coming upon small things that did show signs of civilization, water buckets left on the ground, footprints in the mud surrounding the area, guns strategically placed upon trees hidden throughout many miles. It wasn’t long until you all came upon a small community, the people walking around doing chores and animals throughout. ‘’It’s very nice here sir,’’ Karun says, pulling the camera from his face; You had grown quite fond of him during the plane ride over.
‘’Don’t be fooled,’’ Kingo says as he continues forward, ‘’Ignorance is bliss.’’
You heard Sprite talking to a local man, as you glanced over you noticed he had turned around his eyes the same golden color the soldiers had been when Druig left. ‘’Hello, Sprite.’’ He says aloud. ‘’Come,’’ The man says, everyone glances around to each other warily, there was no doubt this was Druig but where he was is the main question on everyone's mind. You noticed everyone around the area had stopped what they were doing, they began walking toward a specific building toward the center of the small town.
As you all made your way in between the sea of bodies, they stayed silent looking at the doors of the main building. And just a few moments later the double doors opened and Druig stepped out, a dark robe wrapped around his body. You felt the expression of your face harden, you thought you would feel different seeing him after all these years but the anger had built up, the hatred was there for how he had left without so much as a decent goodbye.
‘’I missed all of you,’’ He said smugly, his eyes never meeting yours. ‘’Please make yourselves at home.’’
Whatever this building was it was small, how you could fit all the people outside in this room you would never know. You had chosen a seat furthest back away from Druig, he had yet to make any form of eye contact with you, he sat and listened to Sersi explain everything just as Ikaris had blatantly said to you, you would have preferred Sersis gentle breaking down of everything compared to what you were given.
‘’You’ve given me a lot of bad news in one go,’’ He points out.
Sersi glances up,’’Will you help us?’’ She asks him.
‘’I am glad-,’’ He begins to say but Sersi’s ringtone interrupts him streaming the music throughout the small room and you held back a stifled laugh, you yourself enjoyed that song. Once she had silenced her phone Druig moved himself up from where he had previously sat pacing in front of the room, ‘’Do you all remember this forrest? Beautiful right?’’ He says. ‘’It was the last place we all lived together. I’ve protected these people for 20 generations now from the outside world and themselves.’’ He says walking over to Karun. ‘’Your kind will be responsible for your own extinction. Don’t you think?’’ He says directly to him.
Karun innocently says, ‘’I think we must learn from our mistakes,’’ He says clutching the camera in toward his chest, ‘’And do better, sir.’’ Druig doesn’t say anything in response instead he forcibly makes Karun throw his no doubt expensive camera against the wall shattering it to pieces.
Kingo stood up immediately, ‘’Oh no you didn’t. New rule no more possessing people.’’ He says standing straight in front of Druigs face.
‘’Where’s your sense of humor?’’ Druig says a smug smile on his face.
‘’I’m sorry sir,’’ Karun interrupts.
‘’You don’t have to apologize,’’ You say aloud to Karun, it had been the first time you had spoken aloud in front of Druig since you arrived. ‘’Druig is not a god and he needs to realize that.’’ You point out your voice laced with as much malice as possible.
Druig turns away from Kingo, his eyes finally meeting yours after you spoke aloud, you could see Kingo’s eyes go wide at your interruption and finally the confrontation. ‘’Y/N’’ Druig says, your voice still sounded as good as its did ten thousand years ago, you rise up from your seat walking over to him. ‘’Miss me?’’ He asks you his voice taunting.
‘’Not exactly how I would put it,’’ You tell him, staring straight into his eyes.
‘’And what would you call it then?’’ He says he had seemingly gotten five feet closer in just those few seconds. ‘’Do tell,’’ He says his hand reaching up to touch your face like he used to do all those years ago, before his hand could even touch your skin you swatted his arm away, he didn’t seem to be too shocked but a little disappointed?
Before you could even retaliate Ikaris had pushed himself off the wall, ‘’Let’s go, he's wasting our time.’’ He tells everyone.
Druig still has his eyes on you a sly smile making its way to his face as he turns around meetin Ikaris as he was ready to walk out the door, ‘’Ikaris!’’ Druig says, ‘’Missed you.’’ He says but you could tell it was a lie, ‘’What are you gonna do charm me? Threaten me?’’ He asks coming face to face with him.
‘’There is a third option,’’ Ikaris says standing his ground. ‘’I’m sure you must be heartbroken to find out your not mothers favorite,’’ He says.
‘’This is serious,’’ Sersi says.
‘’I’ll tell you what is serious, I’ve just found out I’ve been on a suicide mission for the last 7,000 years.’’ He says pacing back to the front of the room. ‘’And that my entire existence is a lie, so excuse me for not giving a shit about your plan right now.’’ He says, this time he doesn’t stay, he walks out the room leaving everyone there.
‘’Druig sucks,’’ Kingo says.
You sigh, ‘’Yes, yes he does.’’ You agree. With that you knew nobody else was going to take the initiative to talk to him so you took the leap and went ahead and walked outside after him. He was already so far away so you quickened your pace practically in a jog after him, he finally entered a large home it looked like. You walked up to wooden steps, they creaked as you went up and you walked over the porch to where the front door was. It was a screen door and you looked around before pushing it open, ‘’Druig?’’ You called out.
‘’You get the short stick?’’ He asks you nonchalantly to pass in front of you to another room, you jump back slightly not expecting him to have been so close. ‘’Must have, I know you wouldn’t come here willingly.’’ He points out.
‘’I chose to come,’’ You point out. ‘’It’s a lot, I get it Druig. But it’s better if we are together.’’ You point it out to him.
‘’We’ve been fine since we last saw each other? What’s gonna change?’’ He asks you to come out of the room to your left leaning against the door frame, ‘’Tell me what will change? The people here have been protected fine for centuries now.’’ He says.
‘’The deviants are back, obviously we didn’t do things right.’’ You point out. ‘’So get over yourself and help.’’ You say to him sternly, your arms crossing over your chest.
A cocky grin fell onto his lips as he looked at you his eyes wandering down your body and then back up, ‘’You’ve gotten feisty since the last time we’ve seen each other eh?’’ He asks you.
‘’No I just don’t put up with shit,’’ You say, offering him the fakest smile you possibly could. ‘’Learned that the hard way,’’ You say his eyes meet yours, the smile falling from his face. ‘’Can I ask you something?’’
He stares at you as if unsure, you see him take a deep breath before answering, ‘’Ask a way,’’ He says it as if it was a challenge.
‘’That night, did you hear what I told you?’’ You ask him, ‘’Did you even care?’’ You ask. You couldn’t look at him when you asked, everywhere seemed more interesting than his eyes right now because if you looked into them you knew you’d be done for.
You could hear the floor creak as he took his time stepping closer, ‘’Look at me,’’ He tells you. ‘’I’m not gonna make you, just look at me,’’ He says. You glance up, biting the inner part of your lip to keep your lip from quivering. ‘’What I did was never easy for me,’’ He tells you. ‘’And I’ve had five hundred years to think about it.’’ He tells you. You feel a hand reach up to your arm and instinctively you roll your shoulder back away from him. ‘’I really have missed you,’’ He says to you.
‘’No,’’ You say shaking your head. ‘’You can’t do that, you can’t leave the way you did after hearing me tell you what I did-’’ You say but he cuts you off.
‘’That you loved me,’’ He says aloud, you weren’t gonna be the one to say it.
You felt yourself overwhelmed with anger, ‘’You can’t just think that didn’t affect me,’’ You tell him. ‘’To tell you how I truly felt, to stop holding back from you. Just for you to walk away.’’ You tell him.
‘’Let me make it up to you then,’’ He says, his voice soft, and somewhat pleading.
‘’If you want to make it up to me you can join us,’’ You tell him. Before he could answer you, you had turned away from him making your way out the screen door slamming it on your way out. You walked down the steps once again the old wood creaking beneath your shoes. You took a deep breath as you walked through the center of the village toward the singled out path across the way.
‘’I’m guessing that didn’t go well,’’ You hear Sprite say literally from out of nowhere, you don’t even bother turning to her to acknowledge what she had said you just kept walking your right hand in the air showing her a specific finger.
The last time you had been in the Amazon you found so much peace by the water, so that's where you wanted to go. As you walked to the shore line you heard the trees ruffling behind you, you glanced over your shoulder but nothing you could see was around. Sprite had probably followed you to pester you over what happened with Druig. Staring back down to the water you watched for a few minutes, peacefully and you could feel yourself calming down. As you glanced out at the water you noticed the large ripples in the water, you squinted trying to see what was in the water that was so big.
You pushed yourself up from the ground walking closer toward the shore line, as you got closer you felt your body still a large wave of panic coming across your body. Arising from the river was a deviant, and by the scream you had heard coming from a distance behind you it wasn’t the only one.
Tags : @itscheybaby @regmontagov @halsmultibitch @punkdalek , @sealswat908 , @uwiuwi , @twinsunkithies , @notalxx ,@nevillescomslut @supremacybucky , @whitewinter-wolf , @itsnotquimey , @measure-in-pain , @depressed-artichoke , @bangtanxberm , @xoxoloverb , @kravitzwhore , @kill-the-teen-memories , @felicityofbakerstreet , @tagakalat , @stydia-4-ever , @tompetersebbuckyhazleo
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iovejolie · 3 years
Can I make a Thena smut request where reader and Thena likes one another but won’t tell the other because they are to stubborn and the other eternals got tired of it so they locked reader and Thena in a room until they confess so they confess but it leads to more (ps. Thena is a top)
pairing .⭒ ۪ 𖥔 ˑ ִ ֗ thena x eterna!reader
summary .⭒ ۪ 𖥔 ˑ ִ ֗ you and thena have been in love with each other since the eternals arrived on earth. you know it, she knows, everyone knows it but neither of you confess it, until one day the rest of the eternals have had enough and take things into their own hands.
warnings .⭒ ۪ 𖥔 ˑ ִ ֗ fluff, mentions of smut
lower case intended
A/N .⭒ ۪ 𖥔 ˑ ִ ֗ i wanted to write full on smut but i wasn’t feeling it at the moment so :).
you and thena had been in love with each other every since you first laid eyes on each other. all though neither of you said it.
when thena had her first break you were the one who helped her thought it, you comforted her, you brought her back.
ajak had been the main one to try to get the two of you together well her and kingo, they kept saying y’all were “endgame”, maybe they were right.
today was a regular day no having to fight deviants, just having to sit back and wait for stuff to happen.
you and thena were cuddled up on the couch of the living room watching some random show on the tv.
neither of you really weren’t thinking about only enjoying the fact that you were in each other’s arms.
since it was a friday the rest eternals were going to come over and hang out per usual.
the knocking on the door broke you and thena out of your bliss.
“aww look at the happy couple” said sersi.
“awww” sprite said walking in behind her.
slightly rolling your eyes you got up from your spot with thena cause her to groan.
“sorry did we ruin something” kingo said.
“yeah kinda” thena throw at him.
“thena” you scolded.
she rolled her eyes and got off the couch making her way to her bedroom, well really it was your bed room but you guys slept together most of the time.
“i’m sorry about her she’s been weird lately” you said to everyone.
“maybe it’s because the two of you have yet to start dating” sprite said sitting in they spot you had.
you sigh knowing it was probably true.
they day went on everyone laughing and making jokes playing games, thena had eventually come out of the room and hung out with everyone else.
by 9 it was almost time for everyone to leave but not before putting their plan into play.
phastos had snuck away 30 minutes prior. making his way up the stairs. you weren’t curious at all he had tendencies especially since he had a family and he liked to call and read to his son.
as you guys were sitting you heard a crash. causing you and the rest of the eternals to make your way up to stairs to see where it had come from.
walking in the direction of yours and thenas room, seeing phastos standing in the room. he chuckled.
“hey guys”
“what are you doing in our room?” thena asked getting a bit defensive.
“we’ll i was talking to my husband and son.” he smiled.
you could tell he was lying, you just couldn’t get into his head and figure out the truth, he began to slowly back out of the room along with the rest of the eternals.
“what are you guys doing” you asked.
they’re just kept moving backwards. just as you started to make your way towards them the door closed. heaing a lock click you reach for the door and try to open.
“what the hell if going on? open the door” you said constantly trying to open the door.
“no,not till the two of you realize you’re in love with each other and start dating.” ajak said.
“and thena don’t think about using any of your weapons on the door cause they won’t work.” phastos throw in.
the two of you heard foot steps receding down the stairs, hearing the front door open.
you tried listening for a voice or any sign that someone was still there. but silence, mean while thena had been trying to pry the window open but it wasn’t opening.
you sigh,”looks like we’re stuck here” you’d aid sitting on the bed. you actually didn’t mind, being in a room with thena.
“thena it’s no use come lay with me” you said as you watched her constantly try to open the window.
she turned to you finally letting up, sitting on the bed with you.
“y/n, i think you and i both know the truth.”
“that we’re both in love with each other? yep”
the two of you looked into each other’s eyes, connecting your foreheads. moving back and looking up at her, you slow began to connect your lips.
the kiss was slow and passionate, it was something you’d been wanting forever. you pulled back looking at her. she had this lust in her eyes, you’d seen it before when you would get undressed and she would be in the room.
it the look that tells you she wants to bend you over and do ungodly things to you.
“thena” her name falls from your mouth as her hand begins to travel to your knee, under your skirt.
she doesn’t say anything only pulls you back in for a kiss that you know will leave your lips swollen.
once her hand reaches your core you feel like press into it, moaning into her mouth.
“strip and lay at the top of the bed” she says pulling away from you.
you followed commend, stripping till you were fully naked and laying at the top of your bed near the middle.
thena stripped till she was only in her lace bra and lace panties. before getting in bed with you she let her eyes rake over your body.
you automatically knew you were in for a long night.
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erythristicbones · 2 years
Original Story Masterlist
I talk about them enough I thought I'd make a post that gives a quick rundown + extra info about each of my original stories! A couple of these are actively in the works and could be published as soon as 2023, while others don't have any solid dates planned. Feel free to send in asks about these stories at any time- I love talking about them lmao
Entrails of the Animals Series
In a fantasy realm, follow one Elf who just wanted a job, as she gets roped into saving the world.
POV: Kirsen, Lucida (Book 1) Jashe, Nova (Book 2) Rory, ??? (Book 3)
Character List: (toyhouse) Kirsen, Lucida, Jashe, Novlayne, Rory, Svana
Playlist: Entrails of the Animals
Blog Tag; os: entrails of the animals
Shared Stories: Bound, The Lotus Project
Intended Medium: Trilogy of Books
Priority Level: Highest
The Nameless
Follows the story of a girl who moves to a new town for college, only to discover the vast majority of it's inhabitants have been brainwashed. She must figure out what's going on and how to stop it, to save her parents and everyone else there.
POV: Corinne
Character List: (toyhouse) Cori, Daley, Brooke, Mallory, Alicia
Playlist: The Nameless Vibes
Blog Tag; OS: The Nameless
Shared Stories: They Sing of Fireflies, Sideshow
Intended Medium: Book
Priority Level: Low
Tales of the Lady Red
A coming-of-age story set on a pirate ship, that tackles themes of abuse, recovery and acceptance. Inspiration taken heavily from my own trauma. Pirate shenanigans and rebelling against the monarchy, hell yeah!
POV: Cassandra, Angeles
Character List: (toyhouse) Cass, Luca, Angeles, Shani, Nix, Lorelai
Playlist: Tales of the Lady Red Vibes
Blog Tag; OS: Tales of the Lady Red
Shared Stories: They Sing of Fireflies
Intended Medium: Book
Priority Level: Medium
A Changeling on a trip to learn what it means to be human, causing herself and those around her to grow along the way.
POV: Fiona
Character List: (toyhouse) Fiona, Siân, Danae, Bronwyn
Playlist: Sideshow Vibes
Blog Tag; OS: Sideshow
Shared Stories: The Nameless, They Sing Of Fireflies
Intended Medium: Webcomic or Visual Novel
Priority Level: High
They Sing of Fireflies
A bounty-hunting werewolf and her apprentice set out to stop a conspiracy against Vampirism and Lycanthropy, for part one. That same apprentice grows into her own and finds more trouble along the way, for part two.
POV: Firefly, Monty
Character List: (toyhouse) Firefly, Tasha, Monty, Chase, Tien, Llyr, Nakoa, Istaqa, Danae
Playlist: They Sing of Fireflies Vibes
Blog Tag; OS: Fireflies
Shared Stories: The Nameless, Sideshow
Intended Medium: Book
Priority Level: Medium
A pair of deaf twins are looking for whichever cryptid/mythical creature stole their parents and stop a tyrannical goverment along the way.
POV: Ruska, Reece
Character List: (toyhouse) Ruska, Reece, Giselle, Henry, Clematis, Josephine
Playlist: Momentum Vibes
Blog Tag; OS: Momentum
Shared Stories: Velocity
Intended Medium: Webcomic
Priority Level: Low
We Bare Bones
Set in a universe separate from my other stories, furry-esque characters living in an Old Western world band together in search of their missing friend/family. Oh, also they ride dinosaurs instead of horses :3c
POV: Epsilon
Character List: (toyhouse) Epsilon, Delta, Salamander, Thena, Marlow, Embers
Playlist: We Bare Bones Vibes
Blog Tag; OS: We Bare Bones
Shared Stories: None
Intended Medium: Ideally? Videogame. Most Likely? Collection of short stories
Priority Level: Low
Jonas Doesn't Know
A person plagued with horrible visions of their death everytime they try to sleep, sets out on a quest to figure who cursed them with this plight.
POV: Jonas
Character List: (toyhouse) Jonas, Lydia, Hayes, Artemis and Apollo
Playlist: Jonas Doesn't Know Vibes
Blog Tag; OS: Jonas Doesn't Know
Shared Stories: none atm
Intended Medium: Video Game/Visual Novel
Priority Level: Low
Stories To Be Added
Little Fang
Temporal Remedy
Snake Eyes
Wallflower Bouquet
The Ugly Things You Say
Handle With Care (Fragile)
Hit Or Miss
The Lotus Project
[This list will be added onto as my myriad of other tiny ideas become more solid, but these are the current ones that are closest to being started. These stories and characters are always open to being asked about, so don't feel shy! I love to talk about them and will take any excuse I can lol]
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blackhakumen · 2 years
Mini Fanfic #966: Among Falsehood (Ace Attorney)
Dead Body(s) Report- YaBoiWocky and Klavier The Rocking Sensation
Ema: Well, damn. Look like one of the killers aren't messing around this time.
Trucy: I know, right? ('Sniff') Look at how they massacred my Wocky-Kins.....
Ema: My boyfriend was murdered too, Trucy.
Trucy: Yeah, but at least you guys are veterans at the game. This is Wocky's first night playing and he's still confused.
Ema: I mean.....You're not wrong, but- ('Sigh') You know what? Forget it. We're already starting to waste time as it is. Who found whose body?
Pearl: I've found Wocky's body near the....laboratory area, I think? I'm not sure what it's called to be frank.
Apollo: Was it the Mid Base Scan area?
Pearl: Probably? ('Sigh') I don't think I know anything about this area too well.......But who was following me when I was going to the room to report?
Apollo: Were they coming from behind you or from specimen?
Pearl: I believe it was from below....into that area.
Ema: So into specimen then.
Pearl: Yeah.
Apollo: Well, I was in the admin room the entire time in case anyone's wondering. But I did see two people standing in mid by, lab area for a few seconds before one of them disappeared, so.....
Athena: Ooh! Before I forget, I can vouch for Vera being cleared cause after I walked out of the trash bin area, I saw her made her way into room.
Vera: (Messages "It's true" on the Who is the Imposter Screen)
Ema: Alright. But did anyone of you seen the Fop's body passing by by any chance?
Athena: Not really, no.
Vera: (Messages "I can't say that I have I'm afraid")
Trucy: I was doing my own task at the weapons' area. It's easy as it always been
Ema: Was it the Astroid one?
Trucy: Yep!
Ema: Shit you're lucky. It took me minutes to finish that stupid debit card task. I hate it.
Vera: (Messages "Same lol")
Ema: See? Vera gets me.
Trucy: Of course she does. She's a treasure~
Vera: (Messages "😊")
Apollo: Alright. The vote is about to end in twenty seconds. Should we skip the vote entirely?
Athena: I think it's Trucy!
Pearl: ('Sigh') Yeah.....
Trucy: Excuse you, Athena!? And who just said "yeah" to voting me off!? Pearly?
Pearl: No, sorry! Sorry! I meant "Yeah, we're skipping the vote". Not the other way around.
Trucy: Okay! Cause....I was actually to throw some virtual hands uo in here!
Apollo: (Starts Snickering Along with Everyone Else) Virtual Hands? How would that even work?
Trucy: I.....I have no idea, but I can assure you that they're very effective attacks! And it'll come directly to a certain Little Miss Tiger Pants over-
Two Gray Among Us Guys Pop up under Trucy's Name.
Apollo: Well, whaddya know? (Snickers Some More) It looks like two people wanted you gone after all.
Pearl/Athena: (Burst Out Laughing)
Vera: (Giggling Softly)
Ema: (Starts Snickering as Well) Maybe your "Virtual Hands" might have been a threat in their eyes.
Trucy: Well, fuck all of you! I'm innocent!
Ema: With that sailor mouth of yours?
Trucy: I'm young woman, Ema Skyes! I can say whatever the hell I want!!-
One and a Half Minutes Later......
Dead Body Report- PearlyBeloved
Ema: Alright. So I found Pearls' body at the laboratory section at the top right by the showers. It's a shame she wasn't able to get herself clean in time. She would've been the squeakiest grape pretzel of all.
Apollo: You know, I'm gonna be honest, that pretzel actually looks great on her among us man.
Athena: I know right? It's her cute pretzel hair never left.
Apollo: (Snickers a Little) Yeah. So you said you found her at the showers, Ema?
Ema: Yep.
Athena: You wanna know who hit the showers?
Apollo: Huh?
Ema: What?
Athena: Sailor Mouth Trucy~
Trucy: And guess who was nowhere near the FUCKING body, Thena!?
Apollo: .......Jesus, Trucy.
Vera: (Messages "Oh Dear....")
Trucy: I just got done finishing that stupid fucking maze thing, which is by far my least favorite task by the and-
Ema: Okay, I'm just gonna vote Trucy off already, based on the language. (Votes for Trucy)
Apollo: (Immediately Burst Out Laughing Along With Athena and Vera) Ema, what the hell are you doing!?
Trucy: WHAT!? EMA!!!
Athena: (Giggling Up the Storm) Oho my God!~
Trucy: Ema Skyes, why!? WHY ARE YOU DOING THIS TO ME!?
Apollo: It kinda is honestly.
Ema: Listen, I'm a normal ass person who's bored! I vote whoever I want and it's Little Miss Sailor Mouth in blue.
Trucy: REALLY!? Okay. First off, you're a detective with a lab coat!
Ema: Not a very well known one.
Ema: Ehhhhhhh.....
Athena: (Starts Laughing Some More)
Trucy: And second, how you're gonna sit here and complain about my language when the majority of you people, minus Vera and maybe Pearly, cuss just as much as I do, if not more!!? Huh!?
Apollo: (Trying his Hardest to Contain More of his Laughter) I mean, shit, you're not wrong, but-
Trucy: SEE!? Polly curses too and he's supposed the most mature one out of the two of us!!!
Apollo: Well, I'm older than you, so....
Trucy: POLLY!
Apollo: Alright! Alright! As much as I would love to debate more on the morality of our use languages, the time is about to run out in here and we still have two killers are still at large.
Ema: Oh shit. I didn't think about that.
Trucy: OH YA DON'T SAY!!?
Apollo: Fifteen seconds remaining!
Athena: Let's just vote off Ema already, shall we?
Trucy: Yeah. Let's! Cause I am upset tired, stressed, and about to cry right now thanks to that madwoman.
Ema: Fair mad woman.
As the gang cast their votes, it is shown that Ema has one vote while Trucy has all three.
Apollo: Oh no.
Trucy: WHAT!? NO!!!
Athena: (Starts Snickering Once More) So much for that I guess.....
Ema: That's unfortunate.
Trucy gets ejected
Trucy: Now I'm in the pool of lava, dying thanks to you! ('Knees Slap') FUCK!
Back at the Anything's Wright Agency......
Trucy: (Closes her Laptop Before Groaning and Covering her Face in Annoyance)
Trucy: (Immediately Turns Next to Her Boyfriend While Pouting and Sitting on the Sofa Together) Wockyyyyy!~ Our friends are my making fun of me, it's not funny!
Wocky: (Tries Calmong his Laughter Down) Sorry! Sorry! It's just.....(Wipe a Tear From his Eyes) ('Whew') Hearing you cuss up a storm like that is the most funniest shit I've ever seen in my entire life.
Trucy: ('Sigh Heavily') Well, I'm glad I was able to make you laugh at least. I'm still mad.....
Wocky: (Scootches Over Trucy While Placing his Arm Around Her Shoulder and Giving her a Reassuring Smile) Hey, if it makes you the slightest bit better, I still think you're cutest girl in the world, sailor mouth or not.
Trucy: (Smiles Softly at Wocky's Words Before Hugging him Lovingly) You're so sweet~
Wocky: Not as sweet as you~ (Guves Trucy a Kiss on the Lips) Wanna go back to the game? I'm pretty sure everyone is done by now.
Trucy: Nah. They can play the rest without us. (Starts Snuggling Onto Wocky) I wanna watch TV and cuddle~
Wocky: Whatever you say, my Magical Princess. (Turns the TV on With the Remote)
Trucy: (Giggles Softly) Magical Princess~ I love it!~
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maybcnks · 2 years
[ COAX ] for scenario where receiver’s muse knows they’re the only one sender’s muse will let close. i want dis for theners and dru thx :/
Athens, 508 BC
There were a few unspoken rules within their hodgepodge family. Don’t tell Sprite any secrets because they will turn up in a myth that will haunt you for centuries to come. If you mention wanting something in front of Makkari - no matter how obscure - it will most likely end up in your hand in seconds. Never agree to an arm wrestling match with Gilgamesh, no matter how many times he promises he’ll “go easy” on you - he won’t, though that one was mostly for Kingo, who never learned; but the latest one was the most steadfast understanding between the ten. When Thena is angry, leave her alone. 
A relatively new rule, created in the interim between their stay in Egypt and settling down in Athens. Something had been boiling under the surface with the goddess of war for a while now. Showing up in small bursts of snapping at the others, or flashes of weapons appearing when Ikaris pushes the wrong buttons. But there was something else there, something no one else really noticed. There was anguish in her eyes that Gilgamesh noticed first and in a desperate attempt to help the woman he loved, reached out and told Druig about. When the telepath checked up on her, trying to read behind the things no one else could see behind her stoic blue eyes, he saw so much more of what Thena wasn’t cluing everyone in on. Thena’s mind was reeling at an unmanageable pace and settling underneath all of it was a fear that shook Druig to his core. 
Something was extremely wrong. But what it was, Druig didn’t know. Thena didn’t know either, but what the two of them did know was that no one else would understand it. They’d want to find solutions where there might not be any; there would be pleas to remember who she is. To try and heal her with visits to overlords. The others meant well, sure. But they didn’t get it the way Druig did. Druig who spent almost all his time held down by the weight of the thoughts of those around him, was the only one equipped to deal with it. So the two came up with their own silent protocol. 
In the hard moments, when Thena was feeling extra low, there was only one person to turn to. Druig. Most of the time, Druig didn’t need to be told. The feeling of the shift in Thena’s emotions was something that he had become attuned to in recent centuries, knowing when to step in or when she could hold her own.  But this time he had tagged along with Makkari on a hunt for the latest elusive artifact she learned about some way or another, acting as interpreter in this new city that they were still learning the language in. When they came back at the speed of sound, things were tense. It didn’t take long for either of the returning Eternals to realize that Thena was missing, considering the woman was not in the room. But in her place was loaded thoughts and tense shoulders. Ajak and Sersi were hovering around Ikaris, the tell tale sign that Ajak just healed the wannabe leader was in her lowering hands as seven pairs of eyes turned to the pair returning to the Domo. 
A raised eyebrow from Druig and a one handed “What’s going on?” from Makkari snapped most out of their stupor. Phastos was the first to speak up. “Ikaris tried to snap Thena out of it.” That was explanation enough. Both for the situation, and for Druig to know that their family truly didn’t understand this situation. Snap Thena out of it. As if it was just a bad mood. As if it wasn’t something destroying this woman from the inside out. Druig dropped Makkari’s hand before looking at Gilgamesh to get a general idea of where Thena went. Once he was directed toward the waters edge, where the sun had set hours ago, Druig turned and walked out of the ship.
Thena’s silhouette against the dark shoreline was ethereal as the telepath approached. Standing ankles deep in the waning tide as white fabric pooled around her. It was a routine for the two of them at this point. Druig approaching Thena, hands behind his back, slightly off to the side. “Did you punch Ikaris?” He knew better than to take Thena by surprise. He had to make his presence known to let her know that it was _him _ and not another one of the group. Maybe now, after the aftermath of Ikaris approaching, they knew better than to try and help Thena when Druig was the one that could speak to her at times like this. The amusement in his tone was evident, and when Thena spared a glance over his shoulder, he wondered if that glint in her blue eyes was also amusement. 
There was no reply, which was fine. They often just stood in silence. Druig offering support in whatever way he could; he’s offered a few times before to ease her emotions, to let the woman relax. Most of the time Thena refused. But the offer was still there. The majority of the time, Druig stood there with her, talking about anything but the question on everyone’s mind - What’s going on with Thena? - until he could feel her relaxing enough to come back into the group. Sometimes it took minutes, other times hours. But Druig was a patient man. “Because if you _did_ punch him, I’m going to need a play by play of that. Little offended you didn’t wait for me to get back before it.” The man quipped, eyebrow still arching toward his hairline. 
A ghost of a smile crept onto Thena’s face, and Druig could tell that at least it was helping. So as they stood there, Druig moved closer to the woman he thought of as a mother figure, checking her face for signs of distress before he looked out at the skyline again. The one sided conversation he was having didn’t bother him. He knew Thena would speak when she was ready. It surprisingly didn’t take long this time. He was deep in a story of Makkari bartering for her newest artifact when Thena turned and asked what the artifact was. Smiling a bit Druig told her about the hunt, the story Makkari told him about it and everything that it took to find it for her. 
It seemed to be what Thena needed to fully relax. So Druig held his elbow out for her to trek back to the Domo and smiled softly when she took it. They were a few steps away from the shoreline when Druig spoke again. “So did you pose for that statue in the square or…” He couldn’t help but grin at the eye roll and a blue eyed stare turning in his direction as Thena finally spoke. 
“Don’t even. Couldn’t even get my name correct.” Thena griped, once again upset about the added initial the humans for some reason attached to her name. Shrugging lightly, Druig glanced at the blonde beside him, pretending to size her up. 
“Dunno, that plumed helmet look suits you, maybe you should consider it.” His words were covered by a laugh when Thena pinched the inside of his arm in annoyance. They walked the remainder of the distance in amicable silence, and before they walked across the threshold, Druig let Thena drop his arm and he watched as she approached the room where the rest of their family was. There were times that Druig felt like his powers weren’t as useful as the others. That reading minds could only take you so far. But when he comes back from helping Thena, when he knows that he was one of the only people she trusted in times of need, Druig couldn’t help but smile. Because she was his family, and there was always going to be there for his family.
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magnoliabloomfield · 2 years
Garden of Heathen 24- Breaking the Spell
Gally had spent what felt like hours looking for Aussie that day. If it hadn't been for the commotion in the garden he may have believed she'd gone into the maze. But he noticed Hedy standing over someone in a large straw hat on their hands and knees in the garden. How he recognized it was Aussie just from her backside was a question for another day. By her crossed arms and the snarky bobble of her head, he could tell Hedy was harassing her.
He charged over, ready to bury her under the tomato's when the strangest thing happened. Hedy looked around, not seeing him through the trees, and then flung herself on the ground, crying out in a loud, annoying wail. Gally stopped in his tracks and just stared for a moment in utter disbelief. Did he see that right?
Aussie sat back on her heels and just looked over at her. Other girls made their way over to investigate and Gally joined them.
"What happened?" Joan was asking when he arrived.
"She went crazy and pushed me down!" Hedy said with actual tears running down her face as she pointed at Aussie who blankly stared back at her.
"No she didn't," Gally spoke up, shaking his head at her.
"Oh what?! I just threw myself on the ground? Yeah right," Hedy sniffled pathetically as Gertie appeared at her side.
"Yeah, actually. That's exactly what you did, I saw you," he informed her.
"Of course you'd say that, she's got you in her pocket," Hedy whined as an exhausted looking Gertie helped her up and tried to assess her for injuries.
Gally took a step toward her but Joan put up her hand to block him.
"Did anyone else see what happened?" She cut in looking around for any witnesses. No one came forward.
"Aussie, did you push her?" Joan asked with a sigh, more out of obligation than anything.
Aussie folded her arms and stood up, looking at Hedy.
"How did I push you?" She asked.
Hedy seemed annoyed. "Hard?"
"Tell them how I pushed you, where did I put my hands?" Aussie asked calmly.
"You shoved me in the chest, you psycho!" Hedy fired back as she nursed a sore shoulder.
Aussie looked up at Joan. "Look at her," she nodded to Hedy. "And look at me."
Aussie unfolded her arms and raised muddy hands, brown from finger tip to wrist.
Hedy's exaggerated heavy breathing silenced immediately.
Gertie looked at Aussie's hands and at Hedy's clean shirt before glaring at her over the bags under her eyes.
"No, you see- she shoved her hands in the dirt after- Ah!"
Her sentence was cut off by Gertie's palm colliding with her cheek with more force than Gally thought her little body could muster. Everyone jumped in surprise.
"Gertie!" Aussie blurted in shock as she stepped toward her but was even more shocked to be her next victim.
"Ow!" Aussie cried as she placed a hand to her cheek, the one already bruised from Thena, getting it muddy in the process. Her and Gertie stared at each other through teary eyes.
"I want my friend back!" Gertie screamed at her as the tears spilled over.
"Ok, that's enough," Lanie spoke softly as she gently took Gertie by the shoulders and led her away.
Aussie rubbed her sore cheek, her mouth gaping in shock as most of the girls shuffled around awkwardly.
"She hit me!" Hedy cried. "She should be in the pit!"
"Oh, shut up, Hedy!" Joan yelled at her, completely fed up.
Aussie turned and began to walk off, hand still pressed to her cheek. As much as Gally wanted to throw Hedy in the pit himself he left that in Joan's capable hands and followed after Aussie.
"Why are you following me?" She asked without turning around as she headed for the showers, the closest source of water outdoors.
"Because I want to talk to you," he said simply as he trudged along just behind her.
"What do you need?"
"Then what do we need to talk about?"
They had reached the showers along the back wall of the Garden and Gally was tempted to hose her down with cold water if it could bring her to her senses.
"Aussie, I have tried to be patient but I can't do it anymore," he began as she scrubbed the dirt from her hands. "Tell me what's going on- why you haven't been yourself the past few days. Are you mad at me? Is that it? Did I say something-did I hurt you? Is that why you're acting like this?"
"What's wrong with the way I've been acting?" She asked him casually. "No one has died or gotten hurt since I've stuck to things I'm actually capable of doing-"
"That's not true," his statement finally got her attention and she turned to look at him.
He stepped up next to her, both of them hidden behind the privacy walls of the showers.
"I think you've been hurting yourself, and you've obviously hurt Gertie," he said as he stroked her mud caked cheek with his knuckles. "And you've hurt me, because I miss my friend too."
Her brows knit together as her glassy eyes stared up at him. She'd never heard something so sweet before and it broke right through her resolve.
"B-but I-" she began with a wobbly chin as the tears finally broke free and fell from her lashes.
He wouldn't let her argue, he just pulled her to his chest and held her tight. She seemed stunned for a second as she didn't move, but then her arms hesitantly wrapped around him, squeezing tighter as she finally began to cry into his shirt. He just stood there and let her, holding on for as long as she needed. He even rested his chin on her head and rubbed her back as she got it all out of her system.  If he was honest that hug was just as much for him as it was for her. It was so much easier than talking too.
Her crying turned to stuttering breaths which eventually calmed down. He had one arm wrapped around her and one hand on top of her head as he looked down at her.
"Feeling better?" He asked.
She nodded against his chest.
"You ready to talk about it?"
She nodded again and pulled back, wiping her eyes and smearing mud everywhere. A soft chuckle escaped him as he looked at her messy face.
"Let's get that cleaned up first," he suggested before he turned the water on and helped her get all the mud off, running his finger under her jaw to catch it all as it ran off her cheek.
"Thanks," she said with a slight sniffle, a blush hidden in the redness from crying.
"Geez, you can see her hand print," he muttered in surprise as he frowned and cupped her face, tilting it for a closer inspection. "These girls need to leave your face alone."
Aussie swallowed hard.
"I'm sorry, Gally, for the way I've been acting," she apologized as she gently pulled his hands away from her face. "I did think you were mad at me, in the maze. I could have gotten you guys killed in there because I'm so slow and useless-"
"Whoa, whoa, whoa," he interrupted her, placing his fists on his hips. "Who said you were useless?"
"Well, just- I am, I can't run.. you were right, there was nothing I could do to help with Rani," she explained.
Gally groaned as he looked heavenward and ran a hand over his face. "I didn't mean that! I was just trying to get you out of there before something happened to you, that's all that was."
"But you were right, I-"
Gally cut her off with a hand over her mouth.
"No, no, just- stop," he sighed, aggravated that he didn't have the right words to say.
"No, Gally," she said after she pulled his hand away. "I'm not trying to be dramatic or- or feeling sorry for myself, that's just how it is! I made bad decisions that put people in danger, and I'm sorry for it. That's why I stopped... trying."
Those steely eyes of his stared down into her own and she felt her heart skip a beat in the moment of silence before he took a deep breath.
"Ok, I think I see where you're coming from but still... it's this freaking place," he gestured all around them. "Every time you've tried to do the right thing it's always looked like the right thing... right? I've never seen you do something that seems... illogical at the time, it's only later that this place throws us a curve ball we couldn't plan for, you know? It's not that you made bad decisions because your heart is always in the right place. Now, personally, I wouldn't mind if you never went in that maze again, because- well, yeah, you might not be the best runner."
Aussie giggled at the way he bobbed around saying that, trying not to hurt her feelings.
"But you're still the best at a lot of important things that you shouldn't stop doing," he finished up, not realizing how exhausting it was to try and articulate himself.
"Thanks," her voice came out soft and sheepish as a smile tugged the corner of her mouth. She gave a small wince at a tingle of pain in her face and put her hand to her cheek again. "I should probably go talk to Gertie."
"Yes, you should do that," he agreed. "She's been giving me grief lately and I'm ready to give her back to you. That little booger."
Aussie laughed at that which caused him to smile.
"Hey, there's the old Aussie," he said happily. "Oh! Do me one favor though," he said as he put his arm around her shoulders and pulled her into his side causing her eyes to widen slightly. "Just keep treating Hedy like that, ok? That was really good!"
She chuckled again, remembering the priceless look on Hedy's face earlier.
"Ok, I think I can do that," she agreed.
"Good!" Gally said rubbing his hand up and down her arm encouragingly.
"Oh, I think I figured out what those letters you wrote on the note stand for," she suddenly blurted, feeling good enough to tease him just a little.
"O-oh?" He seemed taken off guard by that.
She nodded. "Because You Love Hedy."
He blurted out a humorless laugh with a fake smile.
"Not in a million years. Get out of here," he said as he shooed her away.
She giggled as she walked back toward the house. He stood there and watched her go with a soft smile on his lips, heart hammering in his chest. He'd gotten her back. She'd almost come close about those letters, if only she knew how close. That made him a little nervous. He turned and splashed some cold water on his face before venturing off to find something to do.
@a-ravenclaw-into-tardis-221b @sweetseunghyun-poulter @mrbillymontgomery @frequentlychangingfandoms @crazysheeplyca
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smokeybrand · 3 years
Smokey brand Movie Reviews: Mad Weary
I was never on board for an Eternals film. I always thought it mad more sense to make an Inhumans movie. People know the Inhumans. They have stories. There characters are iconic. Karnak. Medusa. Crystal. Blackbolt. These are names, characters recognizable by the casual. Feige thought otherwise. Admittedly, the Eternals are cool in concept. They have intriguing power sets and, of course, that old school, Jack Kirby, Fourth World charm. What they don’t have is f*cking stories to adapt. Every Eternal narrative in the comics is terrible. All of them except for one. What the f*ck could they possibly use to make a compelling film? Well, the thing is out on VOD and i finally got a chance to check it out. Is it as bad as everyone wants me to believe or is there something there most people missed? I had to know for myself so i spent the to and a half hours checking it out.
The Good
This film is f*cking gorgeous. I love every design choice in it. I love how the Deviants look and move. I love how the Eternals us their powers. I love their costumes and all of the scenes set in the past. This thing is easily one of the best looking films in the MCU slate to date.
The direction of this thing i on point. I’m actually surprised because this isn’t Chloe Zhao’s usual fare. That chick is a prestige director and looks to make films specifically to win awards. I hear that’s hat Feige wanted and, admittedly, the direction is sharp enough to make that happen. Unfortunately, the film gets in the way of itself and takes dulls a lot of that shine.
I rather enjoyed this cast. There are, of course, standouts but, for the most part. Everyone does an admirable job in their respective roles. Salma Hayek is pretty good as a more motherly Ajak; A stark contrast to the aloof dickery of her comic book counterpart. I enjoyed Richard Madden’s take on Ikaris. His character felt the most accurate to the source material. I loved Kit Harington’s Dane Whitman and wanted so much more of that guy. Don Lee was exceptional as Gilgamesh and it sucks he was the second of the only two Eternals to bite it. It’s always dope seeing Brian Tyree Henry in anything but his Phastos is up there for me in terms of his performances. I mean, it ain’t Paperboy but it’s still really good. Gemma Chan’s Sersi has potential. There’s something there, i just wish she was allowed to she more of it. I also kind of feel the same way abut Thena, Angelina Jolie’s character. It feels like there is much more for her to do, much more for us to experience just below the surface. Now, it’s time to get into my favorite characters.
Harish Patel as Kingo’s valet, Karun, is the MVP of this flick. I loved this guy! Speaking off...
Kumail Nanjiani’s Kingo is a f*cking stud. This dude was stealing every scene he was in. A lot of people focused on his unnerving physical transformation for this role, and was drinking all of the HGH-Steroid flavored, protein shakes, but he’s really good in this role. Shame he jut up and f*cking leaves just as the climax begins. F*cking cock tease, that one.
Lauren Ridloff speeds by as Makkari and she stole my heart along the way. I adored this character, man. She was so full of energy and, for someone who is deaf and doesn’t speak, said so much, with all of the passion. She was a real treat to see and, my goodness, did they realize her powers dope. Makkari is easily the best looking Speedster to make t to film to date.
I can’t talk about Makkari without mentioning Druig, played to the perfect, caustic, abrasive pitch, by Barry Keoghan. This dude is something special and i look forward to what he has in the pipeline next. Considering the rumor mill is saying he’s the next Joker, I'm all for that sh*t.
Seriously, my favorite thing about this movie is the relationship Druig and Makkari share. I can't tell if it's romantic but it's definitely very deep and very passionate. It's definitely a love. Druig is so cold toward everyone else but is an absolute teddy bear for Makkari and it's adorable.
The Meh
So much waste in this flick, man. Salma Hayek? Wasted. Bill Skarsgard? Wasted. Kit Harington? Criminally wasted. That last one hurt because Jon Snow is really f*cking likable in this thing, man. Honestly, if you’re not Gemma Chan, you didn’t have enough time in this flick to really leave an impression. Well, at least, a good one. Sprite is in this movie and i will get to her, trust me. Meanwhile...
You see a lot of Sersi in this and, as hard as it is for me to say this because she is my favorite Eternal in the books, she kind of sucks. It’s weird to see because it’s very obvious Sersi is the main character but she never really feels like it? Like, i went on this journey with her for to and a half hours but i still know absolutely nothing about the character or her personality. I was shown nothing and told everything so it feels hollow. She feels hollow. How the f*ck is the main character of your origin film, your introduction to the audience, a nothingbuger? It’s not really a problem if you just go into this thing as a “blockbuster”experience” or whatever but i can’t do that. I don’t think Feige or Zhao want you to do that so this is a whole f*cking problem.
A lot of these cats are a little too melodramatic. It feels like Zhao was trying to force Nomadland into an MCU box and certain actors responded accordingly. To the detriment of the film. I think that might have something to do with the writing, though, because that sh*t i trash. Zhao doesn’t understand these types of films and it really shows, which is weird because this thing is really well directed. How does that happen? I mean, Zhao wrote this cluster so you’d think the story would be on point, or at least as good as the direction, right?
The Bad
I hate the tone of this film. It doesn’t feel like an MCU movie. Sh*t is trying to be more than that but fails miserably and ends up being so much less. This thing plays like a DCEU flick and not something post-Endgame that Marvel would make.
There’s way too much going on in this thing to be coherent. There’s too many characters and that really hurts the narrative. This sh*t is all over the place and has to force certain things for plot convenience. It’s covered up by slick effect and dope set pieces but, if you’re paying attention, you can see the very obvious compromises.
Why the f*ck was Kro even in this thing? F*cking wasted potential, man. That character could have been ANY Deviant so why Kro?
This sh*t is LONG, man, and you f*cking feel it. There are all sorts of pacing issues and it drags way more than it should. You feel every second of that two and a half hour rut time.
Why the love triangle? One side of this thing was only in the movie for, like, ten minutes. Why the f*ck would you even push that? Sh*t is wholly unnecessary and absolutely detracts from what could have been decent character development.
The Celestials look like dog sh*t. i love so much of this film’s aesthetic but these thing look like hot donkey diarrhea. The one we saw in Guardians was much better.
Sprite is terrible. People like to give child actors a pass because they’re kids but Lia McHugh is bad at her job, man. She doesn’t understand how to portray emotion properly. It’s weird to see. I know she knows what she’s supposed to do, that much i can see in her performance, but i don’t think she has the range to do it so it comes across as just bad. Especially put up against this cast of vets. She’s the worst thing about this entire f*cking movie.
The Verdict
Marvel’s Eternals is a weird experience, man. It’s definitely not as bad as everyone says but, at the same time, not very good. There are a lot of strong performances and some of he worst I've seen in the MCU. It feels epic as sh*t but, simultaneously, frustratingly small. This thing is absolutely f*cking gorgeous and then there’s Pip. This movie is a vexing micture contradiction of mediocrity and exceptionalism. Like, there are intriguing sequences and relationships that, if we got to see just a little bit more, would be dope as f*ck. Gilgamesh and Thena. Makkari and Druig. Sprite's unrequited love for Ikaris. Why Kingo is such a f*cking fanboy. All of this is rich, fertile ground for exploration. Instead, we get passing acknowledgment of this sh*t in favor of a half-assed love triangle where one side isn't even in the f*cking movie. It's so goddamn frustrating because i can SEE a great, emotional, consequential film between the scenes we were given.
Like, the movie we got is pedestrian as f*ck but the movie it wanted to be, is Infinity War levels of excellent. There is a good movie here and i can see it, just under the surface, but what we got is not that. It’s not good but it’s not bad either. It's stuck in this limbo of meh. Middling with spikes of incredible but wholly unnecessary. Who’s this movie for? What’ the point of blowing the Celestial load so soon into Phase Four? Why amass such a strong ensemble only to kneecap them with sub par material to perform? I sat through two and a half hours of a first draft script, or at least that’s what it felt like. Ultimately, Marvel’s Eternals is not the prestige flick Feige wanted it to be and is more in line with the middle-of-the-pack MCU entries. Maybe the next one will be better, maybe it won’t. All i know is, unless you're a die hard fan of the MCU or a completionist, you can skip this one. Nothing of value will be lost.
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I miss cute interactions between Jack and Thenamesh!! Would you write something sweet? Jacks birthday party for example. So he can introduce his cool aunt and uncle to his friends. And Phastos totally disliking it?
"You must stop sulking, Habibi," Ben chuckled as he patted his husband's shoulder. He emptied another bag of pretzel sticks into a bowl.
"What ever happened to having a secret identity, hm?" Phastos huffed as he peeked out from the kitchen and into the living room. "He's in there telling them that his 'superpowered' relatives are gonna lift the freakin' car for them."
"He's exaggerating," Ben excused for his son, as well as maybe hoped that if he said it then it might be true. "I'm sure they know that."
Phastos just sighed as Jack's friends oohed and awed at Gil and his muscles as three of them hung off one of his arms. "He has to at least make it look like it takes effort."
"They're children," Ben shrugged, offering Phastos some pretzel sticks, "and look at him."
"Baby," Phastos turned to his husband, "if you start checking out my own brother, I swear to-"
"Could you blame him?"
Ben just laughed, while Phastos nearly jumped a foot in the air. He put his hand on his chest, "Thena!"
The Warrior Eternal merely looked at her brother, enjoying her newest favourite American snack: cheese puffs. "The children are enjoying themselves."
Jack had eagerly asked Uncle Gil and Aunt Thena if they would be around for his birthday party. They agreed, of course, although Gil may or may not have whispered in Jack's ear that Aunt Thena wasn't really one for crowds. Jack, being a very sweet and considerate boy to his favourite Aunt, told her that she didn't have to hang out with them the whole time.
She had emerged to greet them and then for cake, solely to oblige her dear nephew. She smiled, "kids love Gil."
Ben smiled at the look on the surprisingly gentle hearted woman's face.
Phastos shook his head at her, "that look on your face makes me long for the days of Kievan-Rus."
Thena punched her brother right in the side.
"Aunt Thena!"
Thena shoved her bowl of cheese puffs into Phastos's hands (who was both already holding the pretzel sticks and also still winded from her punch). She smiled at Jack, leaning down to him, "are you enjoying your party, Jack?"
"Come on, everyone wants to see Uncle Gil lift you up!"
Thena let Jack pull her along into the living room with everyone else. She eyed the children among them, "hello."
"Miss Thena, is it true you picked up Jimmy and his friends on Halloween?"
She tilted her head at the question, as if she hadn't even understood the words. She looked at Gil.
"Remember the kid who took Jack's candy?" he asked, which immediately sparked some recognition in her. "Yeah, the one you picked up from the back of his jacket."
Thena nodded, indeed remembering that incident. She looked at the child who asked the question, as well as the others crowded around them for the answer. "We work out together."
"I told you they're cool!" Jack hollered, to which his friends also cheered their agreement. He looked up at them, "Aunt Thena, will you lift me up?--please?!"
Gil nodded, "sure thing, bud. Just not like she lifted up Jimmy, or you could get hurt, okay?"
Thena looked at Gil, and then down at her precious little nephew. Humans were so delicate already, and children were a whole other story. She sighed, "very well."
Jack and his friends all whooped and hollered as Thena lifted him right up off the ground like it was nothing, holding him under the armpits like a baby, or a pet.
"Enough," she smiled as she set him down again, making sure he was unharmed from having his body weight held from just two points.
"Me next!"
"No, me!"
"No," she stared the kids down without hesitation. They all just laughed, unbothered by the dry response. "Only Jack."
"Okay, okay," Gil laughed, ready to intercede for the sake of his wife. He came up behind her bending down and scooping her up on his shoulder without a care in the world. "Aunt Thena is off limits now."
"Uncle Gil!" Jack laughed. His friends all admired his display of strength.
Luckily the living room had a higher ceiling than the dining room and kitchen. Thena leaned over slightly anyway, her hand on Gil's opposite shoulder and her hair swaying against the back of his neck.
Phastos sighed, left with just the pretzels and the cheese puffs, "unbelievable."
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Only the pure in heart can make a good soup
Day 1: “Are you warm enough?” + fluff -  Athena asks Buck to check on May when she stops answering her phone after staying home from school with the stomach flu that had been going around.
One thing Buck didn’t expect on his day off was getting a call from Athena. He’d just finished a load of washing and had the now clean pile tipped it out on his bed to be folded when the call came through.
He wedges the phone between his ear and shoulder as he goes about folding each item and stacking them in their specific piles to be put away in the right drawer. “Athena! This is a surprise, to what do I owe the pleasure of this call?”
“Hey there Buckaroo. I was actually wondering if you could do me a favour, if you’re not busy.” He surveys what was left of his clothes.
“Nope not busy at all, what do you need?” Buck moves the phone to his hand as he settles on the end of his bed, giving Athena his undivided attention.
“May stayed home sick from school today and I was going to swing by at lunchtime to check on her, but I’ve been held up with an incident on the other side of town. Would you mind checking on her, she hasn’t answered her phone in the last few hours.”
“Yeah, of course, I can do that.”
“Normally I wouldn’t ask but Bobby has gone to the station to sort out a backlog of paperwork that he missed while he was sick, and Michael has gone on a 3-day weekend away with his new beau and as you know everyone else is out of commission with the flu.”
Yeah, he did know, it was something that was going around at the moment, a 24- hour stomach bug. It started with one of the guys at the station who passed it onto Bobby who then passed it onto most of the team, except him and Athena, who went down all at once. It wouldn’t surprise him if May was struck down with the same thing.
Hearing the concern in her voice, Buck gets up and plan of action already forming in his head, “Don’t worry about it ‘Thena, I’ll drop by now and I’ll let you know how she is.”
“Thank you Buck, I’ve got to go but I’ll talk to you later,” she was gone after that and Buck was on the move, collecting his shoes from his room before heading to the kitchen.
Pulling open the fridge, he gathers what was left of the chicken soup batch he’d made the night Bobby had fallen ill and thanked his foresight to make a large enough batch to deliver to the rest of the team the morning when they went down too.
It was a patented recipe that his grandmother swore by that was both nourishing and easy on the stomach lest it be unsettled, and in all his years of using it, it hadn’t steered him wrong yet.
Throwing on his shoes, Buck gathers everything, grabbing one last thing from the fridge as an afterthought, and heads out for the nice, short drive that it takes to get to the Grant-Nash household. He easily finds the spare key that he knew was carefully hidden in the front garden.
Stepping inside, Buck heads to the kitchen to drop everything off before seeking out May who he assumed was probably in her bedroom, trying to sleep off the sickness. Finding the bedroom door closed, he knocks gently and announces his presence out of deference to her privacy.
Hearing what he thinks is the sound of her stirring, Buck opens the door a crack, “May? You awake?”
“…Buck? What are you doing here?” Swinging the door wider, he finds her lying on her side buried under her blanket and looking half-awake, squinting at the door in confusion.
“Your mom asked me to check on you when you weren’t answering your phone.”
Seeing a slight flush of her cheeks Buck steps inside and crouches at her bedside, touching the back of his hand to her forehead and frowns when he feels what he thinks might be a low-grade fever radiating from it.
“I’m guessing you probably have what Bobby had the other day, how are you feeling?” He asks as he looks down at the thankfully empty bucket sitting beside the head of the bed. He sits back on his heels, giving her some room as she props herself up on her pillows considering the question.
“I can’t tell if I feel hungry or still feel like my stomach is still upset. Breakfast didn’t stay down for long, it came back up not long after mom left.” She ends up answering with a grimace, wrapping an arm around her belly.
“I brought some soup. How about I just warm up a little bit and we see how we go.” He offers and gets a considering nod in response. Buck gives her a pleased smile and heads back down to the kitchen to warm the soup in a small saucepan.
He puts a slice of bread in the toaster before turning his attention to his phone, letting Athena know how things were. He moves easily around the kitchen, finding what he needs and plates everything up on a tray to take up to May. Before he has the chance to bring to food to her, he’s surprised, however, to hear her coming down the stairs.
“Is that the same soup you made for Bobby? It smells good.” She says, appearing around the corner, looking more alert and dressed snugly in a thick looking hoodie and track pants.
“Yep, grandma’s secret recipe. Why don’t you take a seat on the couch and I’ll bring it over to you,” Buck answers over his shoulder as he picks up the tray.  
He brings it over to the living area and set it down on the coffee table before passing the bowl to May. “Want to watch something together?”
“You’re staying?” she asked, confused.
Buck shrugs and takes a seat next to her on the couch, picking up the remote, “Yeah, I have nowhere else to be today and I don’t see a better way to spend my day than keeping you company.”
He pauses realising that he might be overstepping, “…If you don’t mind that is.”
May smiles at him, “I wouldn’t mind some company.”
Buck grins back at her before turning his attention back to the tv, “So, what would you like to watch.”
They end up settling on The Great British Bake-off which neither of them had watched. While they watch, Buck tries to subtly pay attention to how much May ends up eating, hoping that she gets at least some nutrition after losing her breakfast, and finds himself pleased to find that she managed at least half the bowl and a few bites of toast.
Almost an hour had passed, and they had just started on the next episode when May got up abruptly, rushing out of the room in the direction of the bathroom. He follows in concern and finds her kneeling by the toilet bowl, throwing up what she’d just eaten.
He goes to fetch a glass of water before returning and joining her in the bathroom. He squats beside her and rubs her back comfortingly until the heaving subsides before offering the glass. She takes it gratefully and washes out her mouth before getting up and moving gingerly back to the couch.
Buck diverts to the kitchen, getting the sports drink he remembered last minute to bring before re-joining her on the couch and offers the bottle, gently reminding her to keep up the fluids.
“Thanks,” May says with a small smile before resting her head on his shoulder with a frustrated sigh, “Guess my stomach wasn’t ready for food yet.”
Buck gives her shoulder a sympathetic squeeze, “We can always try again later.”
Feeling her shiver against him, Buck pulls the throw from the back of the couch and May tucks her feet up.
“Are you warm enough?” He asks and May nods into his shoulder.
They both fall quiet after that, tuning back into the show even though they’d already missed half the episode but neither really minding. They slowly get back into it by the end of the episode, commenting on what they think the judges will say about the dishes.
And that how the rest of their afternoon went, building up their own running commentary on the show, throwing in their own opinions and laughing at each other’s criticisms. At some point Harry joins them, having been dropped off from school from the neighbouring carpool.
That’s what Athena walks in to find when she gets home from work, the three of them looking at home with each other as her children quietly bickered with Buck as if they were siblings, over who they thought were the better bakers, and she couldn’t help but feel a sense of fondness over it.
Buck sticks around a little longer after Athena’s return, letting her know how the day went and confirming what she assumed May was sick with; And then he heads home, leaving behind the soup that he’d brought over and promising May that he’d try not to watch any more of the show without her.
The next day, however, he wakes to find himself flushed with a fever and with an intense need to throw up. It doesn’t take him much to put two and two together to know how he caught the bug. It doesn’t him bother though, feeling it was worth hanging out with May because it meant that he got to know her better and learned pretty quickly how easily they got along.
May must have found out from Bobby that he had called in sick because she sent him a number of British Bake-off memes which he saw after his second round of vomiting, making his day feel less awful. She explained that she was having another day from school to be sure that the virus had passed. 
The memes ended up sparking a day-long event with the two of them live blogging to each other what was left of the first season from the comfort of their own homes.
It was one of the best sick days he’s had in quite some time probably since he was a kid.
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Chapter 27: a short one today, a post-trial wrap-up which includes conversations about nightmares, teeth, poodles, and bad deals. As you do.
[Seelie of Kurain Chapter Masterlist] [ao3]
[Witches Chapter Masterlist] [ao3]
“Do not let Professor Courte’s death be in vain. Proudly carry on your mentor’s legacy and spirit; I have no doubt she would hope for nothing less from each of you.”
“I have nightmares about my teeth falling out,” Robin says. “This is totally not gonna help me get over that.”
“You have nightmares about your teeth falling out?” Hugh asks.
“Oh c’mon, maybe it’s not your nightmare about failing all your tests, but you try and tell me it wouldn’t be horrible if suddenly all your teeth started getting loose in your mouth and you couldn’t get a dentist appointment for months, and then—”
“What?” Hugh interrupts before Robin can get her impassioned dream diary really going. “No, I was asking because I have that nightmare.”
“It’s not an uncommon stress dream,” Athena says. “I can’t tell you why it’s that, but you’re far from the only one - or far from the only two. Not a nightmare I’ve had, though.” She idly flicks her earring, sending the crescent moon swinging back and forth. “Mine are…” She stops moving her finger but the momentum keeps her earring moving. “Actually, I never remember what any of them are. How about you, Junie? Teeth?” Juniper shakes his head. Apollo ponders how that one-word question seems utterly inane if one hadn’t heard the beginning to this conversation. “How about you, Apollo? What’s your go-to stress nightmare?”
Fae-red eyes in the faces of everyone he loved long ago in another life; he grabs Nahyuta’s hand and falls with him down into the rapids and no one saves them this time, Dhurke abandoning them then like he did abandon Apollo a few years later. “Drowning.”
Athena winces. “That’s a rough one,” she says, and Widget adds a consolatory, “Oof.”
“Thena,” Juniper says sternly. “We’ve all had enough stress, don’t you think? Why don’t we take a rest from thinking unnecessarily about unrelated stressful things.” Appearing properly chastened - Apollo needs to learn the trick to getting Athena to feel shame, because he’s never managed - Athena nods and goes quiet. Juniper’s expression softens. “Thank you so much, Thena. I don’t know what would have happened if you hadn’t been there - how I ever could have made it through such a twisted case without you.”
“Oh, it was y’know,” Athena says, shrugging. “I’m kinda like a pro at this now.”
Three cases now, she’s had to reach such convoluted depths. Apollo has unfortunately been through more and he wouldn’t call himself an expert. But today, he’ll let her have this one - mostly. “I dunno, Athena,” he says, fighting a grin. “You have to admit we were pretty tied up toward the end there.”
“Boo!” Athena yells, which gets Robin going too, but Juniper covers her mouth and turns away, giggling. Hugh rolls his eyes, like he thinks he’s somehow above this. “Get outta here, Apollo!”
“Okay, sure thing.” He needs her for a ride back to the office, but he can make a dramatic show of walking away now and turn up at the car. 
“Ah, Apollo, wait,” Juniper says. “I, um, wanted to thank you too. For all the help you gave Thena, always being there for her - and for me. It really helped me keep hope, knowing there was someone else so amazing on my side.”
“Oh, ah, don’t mention it.” He had expected Athena to take all the praise on his one, and he wouldn’t begrudge her it: it’s her first case as lead, and her best friend. “But thanks. I know I’ve still got a lot to keep working on.” Like how to contort his brain in the way Athena did to come up with Statue Charades. “I hope this whole ordeal doesn’t scare you out of law.”
Juniper shakes her head. “Absolutely not.” She sounds firm on this point, her resolve strengthening in the opposite direction of Apollo’s concern. “I want to be able to work with amazing lawyers like you to help people who end up in these situations. I want to be as good as Professor Courte was. I want to do what Prosecutor Blackquill said, and make her proud.”
Oh, to have a mentor whose legacy would be that - all the honest good they did, and nothing else. Not that Apollo envies Juniper (or Klavier) in her (their) grief, never, but he just - wonders. Despite himself. Stupid thoughts like that.
Speaking of Phoenix, he wonders where he has gotten off to and tells Athena he’s going to head out and look. Down the hallway, Myriam Scuttlebutt lurks in perpetual cardboard incognito, peering around a doorway. Apollo doesn’t think she notices him approaching, but she holds up a hand and swings it backward into his chest to make him stop, hissing “Shh!” rather loudly for someone apparently trying to maintain stealth. Apollo should be the mature adult here and shoo her along instead of stopping, but he’s vaguely curious as to what she’s trying to spy on, and he glances out. 
Outside of the courtroom, Fulbright never strays far from Blackquill, waits at hand ready for trouble, but he has stepped to the side in a cursory gesture of not involving himself in the conversation. Blackquill, for his part, never looks at him; the gesture on his part is of pretending that Fulbright does not exist at all. Taka sits perched on his arm and he strokes the bird’s feathers as he converses with, of all people, Klavier. Apollo hadn’t quite realized how tall Blackquill is - much as he hates to admit it, most men are taller than him, and he doesn’t pay attention to the specifics of how they would all stack up against each other - but he has a couple inches on Klavier, especially with the way that Blackquill stands uncomfortably straight and upright, and Klavier casually slouches.
“—and far and away a more underhanded technique then I anticipated of you.” If he had to guess, Apollo figures this is a conversation about the forged tape and the analysis of it that Klavier had done. Or maybe he had an idea of how Klavier got in and out of everywhere he shouldn’t have been during the investigation. Or those two things are reasonably intertwined. “I will not make that mistake of underestimating you again.”
“Underestimating me?” Klavier repeats. Weirdly casual is how Apollo would choose to describe Klavier’s tone. Not particularly bothered by - well, everything that there is about Blackquill. What was it that he said, a long time back? “Not unpleasant”? Apollo can’t agree with that on principle. “Ja, you thought this pretty head had nothing in it?”
Very weirdly casual, Apollo amends. To the point that Klavier hasn’t corrected his course away from his usual, what the hell should Apollo even call that? - his usual flirty charm? (For a certain value of “charm”.)
“You aren’t that pretty,” Blackquill says dryly, and with that Apollo thinks he has entered yet another fever dream. His life seems like a series of successive but always slightly different fever dreams, but at least his teeth haven’t fallen out yet. “And I am well aware that you only look and act dumb.” A smirk crosses his lips. Klavier recoils in offense and Apollo can’t tell if it is or isn’t feigned. “No, I based my assumption of your capacity for sneaky tricks off of the fact that you, even as the remarkably intelligent prosecutor that you somehow are, have yet managed to turn one of the Wild Hunt’s own fiercest hounds into a dumpster-diving show poodle.”
Apollo’s heart drops straight through his feet. Blackquill has to be referring to Vongole - Blackquill knows about Vongole? 
Beside Apollo, Myriam grumbles something and her arms fall to her sides, her pen no longer at the ready on her notepad. “I give up,” she mumbles, but then she turns toward Apollo, hitting him in the shoulder with the top corner of the cardboard. “Is this some sort of code they’re speaking in? Is this some - this can’t be…”
He’s not going to ask her what her assumption is or isn’t. 
Klavier raises an eyebrow. “I don’t think she looks much like a poodle,” he says. Out of nowhere, Vongole is suddenly at his side, her ears relaxed and her tail idly swishing back and forth. She twists tight in a half-circle around Klavier, her nose raised, pointing at Taka, and Blackquill’s eyes follow her slow movements.
Blackquill can see her. Apollo, Phoenix, Trucy, and Vera - he thought that was all of them. And Klavier, and Kristoph. He thought that was why - it was only them, tangled in it as they were. But Blackquill—
“Besides,” Klavier adds, not sounding nearly as cold as Apollo would have expected him to be at this subject being brought up, “I fail to see how I am responsible for her decision to eat literal garbage.”
“Wait, are they talking about an actual dog?” Myriam mutters. “A - no, that can’t be right.”
“And with that attitude, I certainly see how you will never fix that problem,” Blackquill says, smoothing out a few feathers on one of Taka’s wings. Now Klavier frowns, his eyes narrowing. Blackquill doesn’t elaborate on what he means about either Klavier or Vongole, what exactly they have done wrong, and he instead adds, “But I do believe I must be on my way. There may be more to glean from the gummed mouth of that double-dealing fool of a professor.”
Klavier, already scowling, doesn’t change his expression, but he his voice is suddenly icy, sounding all the world like his brother at his worst, as he says, “Give him hell.”
“Oh,” Blackquill replies, “I intend to.” He turns on his heel, Taka alighting from his arm. “Fool Bright. Let us be off.”
Maybe the reason they assigned Fulbright to Blackquill was because they knew they’d need a detective with the patience of a saint to be stuck around him all this time. “As you insist, Prosecutor Blackquill! Until next time, Prosecutor Gavin.”
Klavier doesn’t say anything. He appears to have spaced out entirely, watching Blackquill’s back as he leaves. Vongole looks up at Klavier expectantly, waiting for something, and when he still doesn’t move, she darts off, slipping through the door as it’s closing behind Blackquill - as though she couldn’t just pass through it after it closed. Myriam raises her notepad again and scribbles something; Apollo glances over and just sees the word dog written and underlined twice. Impressive journalistic talents, he thinks, as behind him loud footsteps and louder voices herald the arrival of the others. Apollo steps back and straightens up, determined to look like he wasn’t eavesdropping. Myriam has no such reservations.
“Hey! Prosecutor Gavin!” Athena calls, waving to him across the lobby. He jumps, startled for a moment, and then relaxes into an easy smile. “Thanks so much for your help! We owe you one!”
His smile falters and doesn’t recover as immediately. “Ach, it was nothing, Fräulein. I’m simply glad that you were able to find Frau Professor’s killer.”
“Still,” Juniper says. “Thank you for all of your help. I - um, I’m Juniper Woods. I—”
“You are the Fräulein chosen to sing with me, of course.” Klavier gives her a small little bow of acknowledgement. Apollo suddenly wonders what would happen if he had shaken her hand, if iron would burn her the way they’ve had to be so careful with Vera. The way Klavier said these same iron rings left a scar on his brother’s hand. “Lovely to finally meet you, though I do dearly wish it could have been under better circumstances.”
“Me too,” Juniper says. “I’m sorry that you didn’t get the chance to see Professor Courte again. She mentioned to me how much there was that she wanted to talk to you about.” 
Each time they’ve met these past few days, Apollo has kept a careful eye on Klavier, watching for whatever he’s trying to hide. But nothing’s hidden right now, Apollo thinks. Klavier’s smile crumples and what’s left isn’t simply grief, but more like distraught horror. More like the expression of someone being told of Courte’s death for the first time, not “yeah, she was looking forward to seeing you.” There’s no reason that should be a surprise to Klavier, but that’s what he seems to be: surprised that his mentor wanted to see him. Why would he think she wouldn’t?
“I - I’m sorry,” Juniper adds hastily, seeing Klavier’s brow furrow and him blink a few too many times in quick succession. “I shouldn’t have - have mentioned right now—” She rubs her own eyes with the back of her hand. 
“Ah, not your fault,” Klavier says. He does a worryingly good job of keeping his tone breezy even with his head tilted back, hiding from them his eyes and any tears that may be gathering in them. “It is - it is as it is, now, and we to in some way or another live with it.” He falters, voice going softer as he speaks, until he seems to give up entirely on the pretense of having something to say. Lowering his head and shooting a bright, blinding, lying smile at Apollo, he adds, “I should be off now. I have spent enough time out of the office this week that I am sure Herr Chief is not pleased.”
“Just tell him that you were helping us!” Athena chirps. “He and Mr Wright are friends, and Prosecutor Edgeworth knows me and likes me! I can put in a good word for you.”
Klavier laughs. “Thank you for the offer, Fräulein, and I’ll let you know if that becomes necessary. Also” - he has barely turned away from them before he spins around and snaps his fingers, and Apollo can’t be sure that he didn’t do that all on purpose to be dramatic - “there was talk last night among the academy administration of, if the trial should end today, which as we know it did, they might extend the school festival to tomorrow, to have a proper honoring and celebration of Professor Courte’s life. Keep an ear out for that, and perhaps I will get to see you all tomorrow, ja?” He winks at Juniper.
“Oh, no,” Juniper whispers. “You mean I’ll still have to sing after all?”
“Good work, you two. Sorry I couldn’t get around to saying that sooner.”
Apollo had been pondering how to tell Athena that she might have to give up hope of a debrief with Phoenix until tomorrow; they had waited in the courthouse main lobby for twenty minutes after the Themis students left, until Phoenix finally called to say he would catch up to them later.
Later, though, is hours later, the afternoon wearing on and on, long after Trucy has arrived back from school. They have time to explain the trial to her in all of its horrible detail, leaving her with their same questions, and the only person available to answer them missing, and apparently not particularly inclined to tell them why he’s disappeared or when he’ll be back. It’s like Apollo’s first year at the agency again, except he and Trucy have someone else with them now.
“Thanks, Boss,” Athena says. “Where’d you go?”
“There were some things I wanted to know about Means,” Phoenix says, “so I had to go talk to Edgeworth to get me in to talk to Means myself for a bit.”
“What did you find out?” Athena asks. “What was the motive? Was it for-sure—”
Phoenix tosses his suit jacket over the back of the couch. “Yeah, Means was the one taking bribes,” he says. “Courte suspected that and went to confront him, on the stage, where he killed her. He had seen the note she made of props she would need for the mock trial and pieced together some aspects of the script from that, in order to make the murder seem like it was modeled after the script.”
“So Courte was - she was just a good person, after all,” Athena says softly. “And she was just trying to do the right thing.”
Phoenix shakes his head sadly. “And I suppose she thought that Means, her long-time coworker, would be reasonable enough that she could confront him alone without concern - or she was too fired-up to consider the possibility - and then he killed her.”
“You never really know someone,” Apollo says. Juniper’s friends, an odd bunch with odd secrets, certainly, turned out okay, yet still - still it was someone they trusted, someone the victim trusted. “So do you know what was going on with Means’ speech? And why his - why did—?”
“His teeth?” Phoenix asks, uncomfortably casual for the actual event that they’re talking about. He heads back for his desk, waving for them to follow, and he flings himself down in his chair and kicks his feet up on the desk. Some habits don’t change. “You recall that very interesting barb he made today, when he was trying to claim Juniper was the killer? The ‘in half’ remark? Did you wonder why he knew that?”
“She—” Apollo glances at Athena. Means wasn’t there that first day, when she told them. But the second day— “Juniper definitely had moments at the detention center where she looked - not exactly totally human. I guess I thought…”
He hadn’t thought about it at all, actually. He was more interested in Blackquill’s response. 
Phoenix steeples his fingers together and rests them under his chin. “He said he suspected from that, and he—” He closes his eyes and presses his lips together. “I’m sure it wouldn’t surprise you to imagine that a man like him, who forged evidence as an attorney and took bribes as a professor, also made some other kinds of deals.” His eyes snap open, blue now. “Means didn’t have the Sight. He shouldn’t have known. But he had what we’ll call an ongoing contract to get information like that about people that he thought could help him - against Juniper, or against…” He waves his hand. Apollo remembers arguing with him last night. “Whoever. Opposition research, of the fae sort. We’re probably fortunate he didn’t try to learn anything about us.”
Apollo reaches up to his face, his eye, without meaning to. He thinks about his dreams about drowning, the people he once knew who appear in them.
“What does this have to do with his teeth?” Athena sinks into her desk chair and slumps over to rest her head on her arms. 
“One has to think was the fae on the other end of the contract very suddenly calling in payment for those services rendered.” Phoenix’s phrasing does a remarkable job of obscuring the actual horror of the situation.
“He offered up his teeth?” Apollo repeats.
“He didn’t say,” Phoenix says darkly, all the levity he feigned moments ago gone, “so I’m not sure he did. That may just have been what got extorted from him. All considered, probably lucky they took his teeth and not his tongue.” He shrugs, still far too casual. “Words are the weapon he needs this information for, after all. But I think he might be a lawyer who thought that his legal work was enough experience to be able to safely deal with them, and he was very much wrong.” His feet smack heavily against the floor as he sits up. He sighs. “It’s bad when the cost of a deal is worse than something that might be a curse.” 
“What might be?” Athena asks, mumbling from how her cheek is smushed into her arm. Trucy sits on the floor, leaning up against her desk, quietly listening.
“The issue with Means’ speech. Why I had to give you the magatama, Apollo. Could be a curse. A self-aggrandizing man like him, I’d bet he’d be furious that his grand speeches make the audience physically incapable of paying attention to it and him. But on the other hand, he did use that to his advantage by moving the body during his speech. He knew that everyone would be put half to sleep by it and disinclined to even try to look around for where he was sitting.”
“So there was some sort of glamour in his words?” Apollo asks. “But we never had a problem following what he was saying any other time.”
“I’d guess it probably gets going once he hits over a minute or two of uninterrupted speechifying,” Phoenix says. “Presuming it’s a curse, and not something he chose. Which I couldn’t tell you. He was reluctant to answer anything, then the police wanted to talk to him again so I ran out of time. I was more concerned with finding out how he knew - about Juniper and whatever, anyway.”
That “and whatever” hangs in front of Apollo’s face as a very loose thread, one he desperately needs to pull.
“Oh,” Phoenix adds suddenly, and Apollo watches the metaphorical thread be snatched away from him. “While I was waiting to talk to Means, I got a call. Themis’ school festival is being extended - the mock trial and the concert will be held tomorrow. I’m going, since I might still be teaching a lecture. You two can have the day off or come along, whatever you like.”
“Can I skip school and come too?” Trucy asks.
“No,” Phoenix says. “You can come after your school lets out.”
“How was High School Drama, Day Two: Electric Boogaloo?” Clay asks. 
“Not Guilty,” Apollo says. “Now I’d like to go sleep for the next sixteen hours and hope I don’t have nightmares about my teeth falling out.”
“Oh weird,” Clay says. “I have that dream sometimes.”
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angrylizardjacket · 5 years
Run to Paradise {Nikki Sixx} Part 14
14. you’re the only thing that’s making any sense to me
Chapter Summary: domestic moments, the band gets a record deal and everyone’s celebrating in the way they best know now
Warnings: nsfw big time but not full smut, drinking, drugs, had a breakdown from dan howell’s new video in the middle of writing this and i have work in 3 hours (it’s 6am) this goes a lot of places and also seemingly does nothing. please feedback?? highkey moments for all of lola/mc, and poly!lola is officially being established
ragtag bunch of misfits: @starlalove @obsessivesky @lovehelpmewrite@colsons-crue @marvelismylifffe @lilytalebi @glitterdreamsz @freddiessmallnipples @crazysaladchopshop @inthebackofmycarlaytheirbodies @dramatique-moi @missqueeniewrites @calspixie @aryssav @catsoo12 @sweetshutter @silvertonguedserpent @shamelessobsessions @lavenderbones22 @keepcalm-and-beyou @scarecrowmax @nicholeh7
Lola's the one who organises the meeting for them, though she doesn't go; she's their assistant, but this is a band decision, and besides, she was covering a shift at the hotel and couldn't make it even if she'd wanted to.
Instead, she wakes at about noon to the sound her alarm, shoving Nikki where he grumbles about it, and climbs over him to shut off the alarm and start getting read. It's the fourth one she's had in as many months, since both she and Nikki have a habit of tossing it across the room in favour of getting up. She searches for the cleanest uniform she can manage amid the grubby chaos of their bedroom.
"Don't forget; meeting at the Rainbow after practice," she tells the still mostly asleep bassist, dropping  quick kiss on his cheek before she's carrying her pile of clothes to the bathroom.
"Vince!" She kicks at the door of the spare room where Vince has been staying since Beth had kicked him out of her place. Vince, who's got a marginally more coherent sleep schedule, pulls the door open, wearing sweat pants holding a copy of Rolling Stone that looked like it had been set alight at one point.
"Any particular reason you're out here screamin' your head off?" He asks, leaning against the doorframe, taking a moment to appreciate her soft, unguarded state in the midday light. Lola steps up to him, kissing him softly in greeting.
"You've got a meeting after rehearsals, it's at the Rainbow; don't let Nikki forget." Much softer this time, Lola reminds him about Elektra, and steps out of his space before he can wrap his arms around her like is often want to do. At his pout, she laughs, turning on her heel, "I've got work." Is her only explanation, but Vince just snickers and heads back to lounge on the bed until Nikki decided to wake up.
When she's done showering and dressed, Lola makes two calls; Mick and Tommy. If nothing else, she at least tries to earn her title of assistant. Her hair's up in a towel and she's got the kettle on when Mick answers. It's brief, and he thanks her for the reminder, lets her know he'll be around at four, and they hang up.
When she calls Tommy, his sister answers.
"Hey Athena, it's Lola, is Tommy awake?" Lola asks, voice kind, and the girl on the other end of the line covers the receiver before shouting the drummer's name through the house. After a beat, Lola can hear the faint mumbling of someone, not Tommy, probably a parent, scolding her. Athena then uncovers the receiver.
"He's on his way," she says, and sounds weirdly smug. There's a beat of time where Lola assumes Tommy's making his way to the phone, and Athena asks when the band will play somewhere she can go watch, somewhere she can actually meet Lola; "come on, he won't shut up about you, I mean you and the band but I've met the band-"
"Who is it?" Tommy's voice is faint over the other end of the line, and Lola can feel herself blush just a little at his sister's words.
"Lola~" Athena all but sings, and there's some sharp noises, line the phone's being roughly grabbed, and a muffled shout, like someone's got their hand over the receiver, probably Tommy as his voice is far closer as he tells Athena she's annoying. Lola can't help her grin through the whole altercation.
"Sorry about her," Tommy breathes once he's got the phone to his ear, "what's up?"
"Don't apologise for her, it's cute; do really talk about me and the band that much?"
"'Thena, you're dead," Tommy doesn't even bother to cover the receiver this time, though his voice is dampened like he's shouting over his shoulder. Lola just laughs.
"Don't worry about it, dude, I just called to remind you about practice, and your meeting tonight," Lola tells him, holding the phone between her ear and shoulder as she unwraps her hair from it's towel, throwing the towel over the arm of the sofa, leaning against the wall where the phone was connected.
"Oh hell yeah! Awesome!" Tommy's mood shifts immediate, and something tightens in Lola's chest to be able hear the smile in his voice. "Four, right? I'll be there."
"Well alright, babes, I gotta finish getting ready for work, good luck for tonight-"
"You're not gonna be there?" He actually sounded disappointed, and Lola couldn't help her fond smile. Though he couldn't see it, he could hear it when she spoke.
"I'm working a double, covering for one of my casuals," she paused, "but I finish at ten, if you're still around after that we can see who's playing; I think Sucker Puns is playing the Starwood." And he's agreeing quick, joyous and bright, quick to wish her a good afternoon, and then they're saying their goodbyes and hanging up. The kettle finishes boiling.
Lola's pouring milk into her coffee when Vince joins her in the kitchen, now changed into a white singlet and a pair of brightly coloured shorts, making a beeline for the fridge.
"Could you grab me the Easy Cheese while you're in there?" She asks, capping the milk and handing it over, pointedly ignoring Vince's look of disgust at the bottle of cheese he hands her, swapping it for the milk, which he puts away. Lola's already turned away from him, picking through the bread to find a slice without mold and throwing away the other two she had to go past to find it.
"How do you stand that shit? No cheese is actually that colour," Vince frowns as she sprays an upsetting amount of incredibly processed, orange cheese spread onto the single piece of bread.
"I don't know a lot about cheese," Lola starts, carefully folding the bread in half, taking a big bite and turning to Vince, leaning against the counter; he looks a little horrified, there's cheese almost leaking from the bread, "but I feel like, in my heart, you're wrong," Lola tells him, mouth full of bread and cheese sauce, "besides, it's my dad's favourite-" she took another bite, "so don't be a dick." Though that's mostly unintelligable.
After a long, drawn out pause, they both break out into laughter, Lola with a hand over her mouth to keep from spitting food, but she's quick to finish, and wash it down, gulping down half her coffee in one go.
"Your food habits fuckin' horrify me, you know that?" But Vince is smiling as he steps up to her, wrapping his arms around her where she's leaning against the counter, holding her coffee to her chest. "Nikki living off of hotdogs and whiskey and pills, I can deal with that shit, but you-" he shakes his head, laughing.
"Cheese is good, Vince," Lola fires back, taking another sip of coffee, before reaching back to put the cup on the bench, "and it's cheap; the less I spend on food, the more I can put towards booze and other stuff, you know." Vince's smile is exasperated but somehow endeared, and he reaches up to scratch at her scalp with one of his hands. Lola leans into it, watching him.
"You could be a millionaire and still be downing that plastic, orange shit like it was water," he snickers, though there's no malice behind it, and Lola gives him a gentle shove.
"You gonna kiss me or are you afraid it's gonna taste like cheese?"
He smirks at her like it's a challenge, leaning in and pressing a single, chaste kiss to her lips, something warm and surprisingly tender about it, but then his hands are ghosting down her sides until he's pushing her obnoxious work skirt up, hands on her thighs. By the time he's got his hands on her ass, he raises a single, questioning eyebrow at her. Lola steps her feet apart, never breaking eye contact, still smiling as Vince sinks to his knees. Lola's laugh is low and heady, tipping her head back, and she leans further back on her hands on the counter, all thoughts of the frivolous argument leaving her head.
"I don't have a lot of time, Vin."
"I don't need a lot of time," and she can feel him grinning at his own cockiness as he presses a kiss to the stretch marks along her inner thighs.
Moments like this with this, passing interactions, beats of domestic familiarity, are becoming a far more regular occurrence. Not just with Vince, who throws around casual contact like it's nothing - and hadn't that been strange at first, for the girl who was so used to keeping painfully discrete for fear of jealous girlfriends or groupies - but it's as if everything's shifted. Perhaps it's having someone around who didn't hesitate to reach out, to make contact even with other people around, that made Lola feel more comfortable reaching out to Nikki too. And, of course, Tommy. Even Mick, at times, though that was far more platonic, but he, at the very least, seemed to enjoy her company. He'd even taking to wrapping an arm around her shoulders when he wanted to discuss something about the setup or pack down; a vast improvement from the guy who didn't want her around to begin with.
Lola doesn't think about it too much, because if she does she starts to grin, blushy and unrestrained and completely against the image she's cultivated for herself. It's not really anything serious, they all still have lives, and they all still have groupies, in a manner of speaking, but it makes her happy in ways she can't quite articulate.
They're in her thoughts for her full nine hour shift. Every smoke break she takes she considers how long it would take to run to the Rainbow, but ultimately decides that it would ruin her look to show up in her work uniform. The casual she was covering for had been part of the housekeeping staff, and Lola hadn't been a housekeeper for so long, she forgets how much she hated it, and how disgusting people were, which was saying something considering who she lived with.
By eight, she's flagging and ready to head home, and by ten, she's really half-assing everything, though she knows she can get away with it. When she clocks out, she practically runs the six blocks home. It's not a short distance, but it's habit more than anything else, and when she drags the window open and climbs inside, remembering how Nikki had nailed the door shut after the last party had brought the cops and left the lock ineffective, Tommy's the only one there. He looks about ready to burst with excitement.
"Did it go-"
"They gave us a fucking record deal!" He yells, and Lola, not one to be underdone, matches his energy, actually screams, and practically launches herself at the drummer. Managing to wrap herself around him like a koala, he stumbles back from the force, glad for the sofa behind him as they both go crashing down.
"Fuck yeah! Hell yeah! Fuck yeah you got a record deal!" Lola's babbling, leaning back and taking Tommy's face in her hands where she's sitting in his lap. She's beaming, positively glowing with enthusiasm, and Tommy's right alongside her, tapping at her thighs, grinning up at her. "I'm so proud, I'm so fucking-" but she cuts herself off, can't help herself, kisses him hard, letting go of his face to fist her hands in the collar of his shirt, as if desperate to be as close as possible.
But then she's leaning back, eyes wide, mouth moving a mile a minute.
"I'm still in my uniform, fuck, I- where's the others? Are they out celebrating- lemme get changed-" She rattled off, a frown slowly creasing her forehead, and Tommy leaned back into the sofa, laughing.
"Oh, dude we are absolutely going and getting completely fuckin' blitzed tonight, but there's no rush; the guys are at the Starwood." He adds, and Lola takes a deep breath, taking the moment to calm down, to recenter herself. His hands are so steady and warm where they're resting atop her thighs, and he's grinning, because of course he is, because he's Tommy and he's busting at the seams with excitement at any given moment, but he can still reel it back to let Lola breath, and something about that makes Lola's heart warm.
"You're a fucking rockstar," she murmurs, leaning forward again, and something about how she's looking at him, the glint in her eyes and the way she wets her lips, Tommy never wants this moment to end.
"Yeah," he agrees quietly, "fuck, it doesn't feel real, you know?"
"No other band on The Strip works half as hard," Lola drags the nails of her left hand so gently up the side of his throat, to hold his jaw in one hand, and he leans into it, hums in agreement as she murmurs reverentially, before pressing a kiss to his jaw, "or deserves it half as much."
"Fuck, Lols-" he groans, his grip on her getting tighter, and Lola hums in acknowledgement, but presses a kiss to his throat, "fuck, you just-" but he cuts himself off, and Lola sits back a little, watching with confusion.
"I'm so proud of you, dude, I just- I want to show you, want to-"
And it's like a switch has been flipped in his mind, like he remembers the whole conversation they'd had just a few days ago, like he remembers that he's allowed to want her like this. He surges forwards and crushes his lips to hers, his fingers fumbling with the buttons of her work shirt.
It's awkward at first, fumbling with clothes, and quietly adoring laughter when Tommy grimaces at the state of the sofa, but then Lola's in her underwear, straddling his thighs, kissing him like it's her mission in life, and his hand moves between her legs, and they find a way to fit together. They find themselves a rhythm and it feels right.
They fuck on the sofa, and then again in the bedroom when Lola goes to get changed, and she lets him lead. She's tentative, doesn't want to go too hard or too rough, doesn't want to hold on too tight lest he run the moment she lets go. But his curses sound like prayers, and his nails sting so good where he's holding her hips, and she can't help herself. She scrapes her nails hard up his back, and the sensation has him shivering and groaning, arching into her, and she bites his shoulder to muffle her own moans.
Lola's not in her usual 'going out' attire, settling for a pair of jeans and t-shirt she'd picked up off the floor. As she goes to leave the apartment, however, Tommy, who's grinning like the Cheshire Cat and smelling like sweat and sex and hairspray, offer his hand. Tentatively, she takes it, not quite sure what was happening, and surprised when he doesn't let go. Hand in hand, they head to the Starwood. They both just chat excitedly about the record deal, they talk about what actually happened at the meeting, and not about what just happened, and not about whatever it is that was currently happening.
All three of the other band members, as well as a very awkward Tom Zutaut, were all at the bar, and all cheered when Lola and Tommy showed up. They dropped hands automatically, but neither seemed to mind. While Tommy ordered a drink, Lola made a beeline for Zutaut.
"You made the right choice," she told him with a sudden, unwavering seriousness. Zutaut smiled, but didn't seem nearly as intimidated as the first time he met her.
"I like to hope so," he laughed a little, "so how do you know these guys? Do you just work for them or were you friends- ?"
"I've lived with Nikki for years." She answers honestly, half smiling, and that seemed to unnerve him out more than anything else. The woman turned abruptly to face the bassist, who had discretely been watching the interaction, and her whole expression lit up.
"I heard a rumour that we're getting shitfaced tonight," Lola grins sharply, making her way to him, letting him wrap an arm around her, opening his leather jacket to indicate the bag of white powder tucked away from the public eyes.
"If I remember any of tonight that isn't me signin' a fuckin' record contract, I'm gonna be severely disappointed in myself." Nikki announced, and Lola laughs, and she rests her chin on his shoulder. She tells him she's proud, tells him she knows how much this means to him, but her voice is low, quiet enough that none of the others can hear, and honest enough that it makes Nikki's breath catch in his throat for a moment. When he turns, she's gazing at him with such love and adoration that is almost hurts.
He never wants her to stop looking at him like that.
And for just a beat, she a look of realisation passes over her face, and like she wants to say something- but she can't. She looks away.
The night is a blur of revelries, of booze and blow and pills and strippers, and Lola shuts up about how proud she is about half an hour in, by the time she's good and tipsy, but it's always there in the glint of her eyes, the curve of her smile.
Every so often she'll reach out, her fingers gentle where she holds Nikki's wrist, and the first time he'd frowned, asked if everything was okay, and she'd nodded, but hadn't let go for a few moments. It's strange and endearing to watch the way she interacts with the others, Nikki notes, because he's known Lola long enough to know when she was sleeping with someone on the regular. Something about this is... different.
Vince is loud and tactile, and Lola's grown comfortable tucking herself up beside him, his arm around her waist while they hold two different conversations with two different people, barely paying each other attention, just enjoying the contact. With Tommy it's - horrifying as the concept is - sweet. They share looks, share laughs, and occasionally, when they think no-one's looking, they'll steal a kiss and Lola will turn pink and Tommy will turn smug and it's weirdly endearing.
And with Nikki? She can read him like a book, but out of habit they're discrete. Standing or sitting close enough that they're shoulder to shoulder when there's so much extra space, or she'll take his wrist, or rest her hand on his for a few moments beneath a table. Or Lola will be the one to reach out, make moves that can be construed as platonic, and fill them with meaning that only the two of them are privy to.
Yes, the night is a blur, and he's pretty sure he's going to regret not remembering whatever he and Lola and that stripper got up to in the private room, but when he tumbles into bed, they're both too tired to do more than peel off their various layers of leather and jeans and fall into bed together, but when they're alone Lola's clingy, and they're both too fucked up to really hear Vince's date for the night through the walls, he's coming down enough to appreciate Lola's reverential tone, voice quiet and a little slurred, but so damn sincere when she tells him that she knows he's gonna go far, when she waxes poetic about the way he plays and writes. In the back of his mind he knows she's drunk and enthusiastic, and that maybe he should take what she says with a grain of salt, or that he could be hallucinating.
She's in that high, hyper focused state, the two of them laying facing one another, and she's gazing at him with a distracted smile like she's trying to commit his face in this moment to memory.
"You and me against the world," she murmurs, reaching out to gently hold his chin, as if to keep him in place, "it was always you and me against the world." It's followed by such a gentle laugh, and Nikki can't even begin to keep himself guarded from his own real emotions.
"When you get all big and take off, will you take me with you?"
He's not sure what she means but her voice has gone quiet, barely more than a whisper, her expression so raw, pleading almost, desperate for an answer. He doesn't even have to think about it, just wraps her up in his arms, pulls her close, tries to stave off her worries with the physical contact. She buries against him, warm and solid and so familiar.
"Of course, Lo, always."
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shels-kpop-main · 5 years
Artemis & Athena: The Funeral Introduction (The Pantheon AU)
Here’s the beginning of Artie and Thena’s story! These two aren’t a couple (yet), but I thought I’d write a little something about how they met. I love these two so much, and I hope y’all will too. Let me know what you think!
Word Count: 1370
Warnings: Drinking, social anxiety, mentions of sex
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Prometheus always had an inkling that he would die young. Presumably, as a result of his work. He had toppled the regimes of several major crime bosses across Europe in order to create the empire that was the Pantheon.
Because of this notion, the original Titan spent an inordinate amount of time planning his own funeral. This was for two reasons. Firstly, Prometheus hated the idea of Hyperion having to plan his funeral. It seemed like a punishment on top of a tragedy. Secondly, Prometheus loved a good party. And boy, did he have ideas for this one.
The Titan sat down at his desk one day, years before he died, and wrote out the plan for his funeral. He called it The Ten Commandments.
Absolutely no crying. At all.
Cremate my body, and bury the ashes somewhere quiet. But do this before the funeral party itself.
Everyone shall plant flowers in the garden together in the morning. 
Celebrate my life. Remember me fondly.
No fighting. Play nicely, if only for a night.
Nails shall be painted black in my honor.
Everyone shall be dressed to look scandalous.
I want there to be fireworks. Lots of fireworks.
Drink, a lot.
After the funeral, I want all willing parties to get fucked. No exceptions.
Athena fidgeted with the ring on her finger. The knuckle under the ring was almost white from how tightly she was holding her glass. All around her, drunken funeral guests danced, sang, and talked. It seemed that Prometheus had gotten his wish of having a funeral that was more like a party.
An absolutely massive party.
Athena followed Prometheus’s decree, just like everyone else. Her nails were painted black, and the dress she wore was too tight for comfort. Athena always preferred a low ponytail or elegant bun, but she wore her hair down that night. She was trying her best to be relaxed and carefree, just like Prometheus wanted.
There were hundreds of outsiders at the funeral. Most of them, Athena didn’t know. Some, she faintly recognized from mugshots and criminal profiles. Athena knew all of the Olympians, but every one of them she’d seen so far was...unavailable for conversation.
Hera and Zeus were in the middle of the dancefloor, swaying slowly even though the music was upbeat. They were kissing, and laughing at Aphrodite and Poseidon next to them. The latter pair were dancing wildly and carelessly, visibly tipsy. Across the room, Hades and Persephone were all over each other, and appeared to be ready to leave. Each of the Muses had taken up with non-Olympian guests, and even Alastor and Hephaestus were taking part in the debauchery.
It appeared that everyone would follow Prometheus’s Commandments. Everyone except Athena. No matter how well she could adapt to different situations, the one thing she couldn’t do was alter her sexuality.
Athena felt no emotional or intellectual connection with anyone present. So how could she bring herself to sleep with someone in honor of the fallen Titan? It was a lot of pressure, and sometimes Athena wished she could be wired differently.
I’ll stay another hour, then slip away quietly, she thought to herself. And she crossed the hall to grab another drink.
Across the room, Artemis scanned the crowd over the edge of her glass. She wore a long, black dress with a plunging neckline and striking gold accents. Her hair was pulled back into a slick, high ponytail, with gold threads woven into it.
Goddess of the hunt, indeed.
Artemis locked eyes with one of the Muses near the bar. She was leaning against the wall with an arm slung lazily around the neck of a foreign emissary. But she gave Artemis a knowing look, which was all the invitation she needed.
The huntress downed the rest of her drink and set off in that direction. But as Artie walked in front of the doors that led to the balcony, something caught her eye.
I’ve seen her before. But she never wears her hair down.
Athena was leaning against the marble railing of the balcony, trying to center herself and pass the time. The gardens were lit up below, but the stars were still clearly visible above. Athena smiled absentmindedly, trying to pick out as many constellations as she could. “Hi there.”
Athena turned to find the source of the voice. It was Artemis, strolling up to her slowly. She wore a friendly smile, and her body language made it clear to Athena that she felt perfectly at home in a party like this.
“Mind if I join you for a moment? It’s quite hot in there,” Artemis gestured behind her. Athena gave a small smile and nodded. Artemis walked up to the railing next to Athena, and looked out at the quiet landscape in front of them.
“I’m Artemis,” she offered.
“Athena,” she replied. Artemis nodded, and looked her up and down.
“You’re Zeus’s secretary, right?”
“Yes,” Athena answered. She wasn’t one for small talk. Luckily, Artie wasn’t easily bored.
“Can I ask why you’re out here panicking, instead of enjoying the funeral?”
Athena frowned at her.
“What makes you think I’m panicking?”
“Oh, I don’t know.” Artemis rolled her eyes. “Maybe it’s the frown. The shallow breathing. You’re holding that glass so tightly it might break.”
Athena sighed. Artemis watched her, confident in her assessment.
“Okay, I’m a little uneasy,” Athena admitted. It was Artie’s turn to frown.
“Why is that?”
“It’s nothing. I’ll join the party again in a moment.”
“Are you going home with someone tonight?” Artemis asked suddenly. Athena’s eyelids flickered, and she began to fidget with her ring. That was all the answer Artemis needed.
“You’re nervous because you don’t want to fuck anyone here, aren’t you?”
“That’s none of your business,” Athena snapped. But Artie was undeterred.
“You are! Well, there’s nothing wrong with that,” she reasoned. Athena looked at the other woman from the corner of her eye.
“But the Ten Commandments…” Athena trailed off.
“...are guidelines that our dear, departed Prometheus left, in order for us to celebrate his life,” Artemis finished for her, pointedly. Athena looked upset.
“I just hate being the only person that always goes home alone. And if I leave without someone tonight, someone might ask about it.”
Artemis thought to herself for a moment, then nudged Athena’s elbow with hers.
“We can go home alone, together!”
Athena stared at her.
“You’re into girls, right?” Artemis asked bluntly. Athena blinked in surprise, but nodded.
“Uh, yes, what--”
“So am I. Let’s just make everyone think we’re leaving together. Then no one will ask you about it.”
“You’re willing to leave the party for a fake hookup?”
“Absolutely,” Artie answered. “I don’t like mingling with non-Olympians anyway. So let’s just not, and say we did.”
Athena chuckled. It was certainly a better plan than what she had come up with. So she looked at Artemis, who was waiting with raised eyebrows.
“Alright. Yes.”
“Lovely. Follow my lead,” Artemis told her, and slung an arm around Athena’s shoulders. The taller woman led Athena through the party, saying hello to a few others along the way. Athena played the part by putting her arm around Artie’s waist, and holding the hand that sat atop her shoulder.
“Have fun, ladies!” Aphrodite called, as Poseidon littered kisses down her neck. Artemis laughed, musical and confident. Athena couldn’t help but smile as Aphrodite winked at her. Even Zeus and Hera exchanged glances as the two goddesses passed them on their way out.
Artemis held up the guise until she and Athena had crossed into the residential wing of Mount Olympus. Once they passed the grand staircase, her arm fell from Athena’s shoulder. Their rooms were on different floors, so Artemis walked her to the elevator, then took a step back.
“I believe this is where I leave you,” she commented. Athena, looking thoroughly relieved at having left the funeral, smiled widely.
“Thank you. I really appreciate this.”
“Any time. I like walking pretty girls home,” Artemis told her with a wink. She turned, and headed down the hallway toward her rooms. But not too quickly to notice the blush creeping across Athena’s cheeks.
Taglist: @deacytits, @anotheronebitesthedeaks, @rogers-sweatbands, @briarrose26, @lovehelpmewrite, @zodiacal-dust-and-curls, @lv7867, @dreamer821, @happy-at-home, @doyoudobroadway
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killerqueen-18 · 4 years
Chapter Three| Little Hunter
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“THE BATTLE OF WILLOW CREEK TOOK PLACE AT THE END OF THE WAR IN OUR VERY OWN MYSTIC FALLS. How many casualties resulted in this battle?.... Miss Bennett?" The history teacher says, boring the class to death.
It was Friday, and Athena couldn’t be happier. She didn’t care about the party and didn’t want to go but a certain blonde was forcing the girl to go. But, the way she saw it, was that it was an easy way to get free booze.
"Um… A lot? I'm not sure. But, like, a whole lot." Bonnie says, nodding, hoping it would please the man. Athena chuckles, looking down at her sketchbook. Today the girl wore a pink lace top - that Caroline got her -, black cargo pants with a belt buckle, a cropped jean jacket, and black tennis shoes. She was having a bad hair day, so the girl also had on a black bucket hat - one that she stole from her brother.
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"Cute becomes dumb in an instant, Miss Bennett.”
Athena scoffed at the man. No one particularly liked the man, especially when he was an asshole to anyone and everyone. Including the quiet kids. “Mister Donovan. Would you like to take this opportunity to overcome your jock stereotype?" The man says, turning to a laughing Matt.
"It's okay, Mr.Tanner. I'm cool with it." Matt says, getting laughs from the class.
"Athena? Surely, you can enlighten us about one of the town's most historical events, And not just the fictional greek gods and goddesses." Tanner says turning, to the girl that was still drawing in her sketchbook. "Gods and Goddesses history, I know. But this History is a bore, sorry." Athena says shrugging, carelessly.
"I was willing to be lenient last year for obvious reasons, Athena. But the personal excuses ended with summer break." Tanner says, making everyone go silent. The girl looks up from her book with a glare on her face. "Well-"
"There were three hundred and forty-six casualties, unless you're counting the local civilians." Stefan says, cutting the girl off making her friends sigh in relief. "That's correct, Mr...?" Tanner says, turning to the boy.
"Salvatore." Stefan says, nodding to the man. "Salvatore. Any relation to the original settlers here at Mystic Falls?" The man asks, curiously.
"Distant." Stefan says, almost hesitantly. The youngest female Gilbert picked up on it, and tilted her head at the boy. There was no reason to be hesitant, but the boy was. It was as if he was choosing his words wisely.
"Well, very good. Except, of course, there were no civilian casualties in this battle."
"Actually, there were twenty-seven, sir. Confederate soldiers fired on the church, believing it to be housing weapons. And they were wrong. It was a night of great loss. The founder's archives are in Civil Hall if you'd like to brush up on your facts Mr.Tanner." Stefan says, smartly. "Did Mr.Tanner just get Tannered?" Athena says laughing, as soon as those words left her mouth everyone seems to break and laugh along with the girl.
• • •
The moment Caroline and Athena parked, the blonde ditched the Gilbert girl and spoke to other people. Athena wasn’t too mad about it, since she didn’t feel like socializing at the moment. Instead the girl began looking around for the good booze.
"Where is all the good liquor when you need it." Athena says groaning to herself, straightening the jean jacket. She’d been wandering around looking in coolers, and no luck it was all beer. Not even the good kind, it was a cheap liquor.
"’Thena, hey." Tyler says, walking up to the girl. "Hey, Ty." Athena says, absentmindedly as she continued opening the group of coolers in front of her
"What are you up to?" Tyler says, looking down at the girl. Athena sighs standing up straight, and looks at the boy unamused. "Is that your way of asking if I'm okay?"
"A way is which I hope you won't bite my head off like everyone else?" Tyler says, hesitantly. "I won't if you point me to the good stuff," Athena says, smirking.
"This way my lady," Tyler says, walking her over to the coolers where Vicki is standing. "Hey, lady Donovan." Athena says, smirking at the girl.
"Hey, How-" Vicki starts.
"Don't start Vics. I actually like you. Don't make me want to rip your head off, too." Athena says, seeing vodka and other juices. The girl sees strawberry lemonade and sprite, and mixes the two and adds a larger portion of vodka. Athena hums, taking a sip from the solo cup, and nods to the two teens watching her. "I'm going to leave you, two. Don't do something I wouldn't do."
Athena didn’t feel like walking around the drunk teens, and decided to walk into the woods. Tyler and Vicki watch the girl’s body disappear into the darkness. The boy makes a mental note to tell Elena where the girl was.
"She's a lot off work." Tyler says, turning back to the female Donovan. "But you gotta love her."
The Gilbert girl let her feet guide her to the same spot she was earlier that week. The spot her father brought her two countless times. The same spot she met a stranger. Athena took a seat on a large rock, and drank what was in her cup in silence.
That silence was soon broken by a snap of a branch. Athena jumps up, spilling the contents of her cup on the ground from the shock. “Who’s there?”
Athena knew how stupid she sounded, like a white girl from a horror movie. But she couldn’t help it. Her question was somewhat answered, as the man from earlier that week walked into the moonlight. “Hello, stranger.” A man says, smirking at the green eyed girl.
“Oh, it’s the creep.” Athena says, rolling her eyes at the man, as she still had a cautious stance. “Scaring girls in the middle of the woods seems to be a normal thing for you.”
"Only the gorgeous, green eyed ones.” The man asks, looking the girl up and down. A smile grows on his lips hearing the girl scoff. “You know I never got your name.”
"You scream 'Stranger Danger' so I'm not gonna tell you." She says smiling, sarcastically at the man. "Will it help if I tell you mine?" The man asks, with a tilt of his head.
"How do I know you're not using a fake name?" She asks, making him laugh. "I'm Damon. Damon Salvatore." The man says smirking, holding his hand out for the girl to shake.
"Okay, now James Bond." Athena says rolling her eyes, downing what is left in her cup. "I said my name. I'd like yours." Damon says, stepping closer to the girl.
The girl sighs, and nods at the blue eyed man. "Athena Gilbert… You happen to be related to Stefan Salvatore?"
"Yes. My brother actually." Damon says, with a sigh of displeasure. "Nice, he apparently likes my sister and I need something on him." Athena says, straightening her jean jacket.
The man shakes his head chuckling, but nods nonetheless."Alright. Ask-"
"Jeremy!" They hear a yell. The voice sounded like Elena which worried and confused Athena.
"Uh.. I have to go." Athena says, turning to Damon. The man grabs onto the girl’s arms, stopping her from leaving. He looks into the girl’s angry, green eyes.
Athena frowns, and looks at the man confused as he spoke. "You never saw me. You came to look at the view, nothing else."
The girl pushed the man away from her. “What the hell, asshole!”
Damon looks at the girl in confusion, and is shocked that the compulsion didn’t work. The girl scoffs, rolling her eyes at the man. “You really shouldn’t go around manhandling girls like that. That’s a one way street to having a girl kick your ass.”
Athena doesn’t say anything else, and runs in the direction of the yell. The girl ran, jumping over fallen branches, and moved branches out of her way. She sees Elena following their brother as he walks away from her. "Jeremy, where the hell are you going?" Elena says, looking down to not trip over anything.
"I don't wanna hear it." Jeremy yells angrily, looking back at the eldest Gilbert. The moment of distraction caused the boy to trip over a log and onto the ground. Athena runs faster, and stops abruptly beside her brother and sees a bleeding Vicki Donovan.
"Vicki? No." Jeremy says, looking down at the body below him. "Oh, my God, Vicki." Athena says with wide eyes.
Athena pushes her shock away, and jumps to help the girl. "Let's go. Jeremy pick her up, we need to help her."
"Somebody help!" Elena yells, as the three Gilberts break through the forest trees. Everyone turns to the three, and Matt Donovan runs towards them confused with Tyler right behind him. "Vicki? Vicki, what the hell?"
"What happened?" Matt asks, looking at the three Gilbert’s. "Someone, call an ambulance!" Athena yells, to no one in particular.
"Everybody back up. Give her space." Tyler says, pushing people away. "It's her neck. Something bit her. She's losing a lot of blood." Elena explains holding the girl's neck.
"Vicki, come on, open your eyes. Look at me." Matt says, to the girl. "They're on their way." Bonnie says, with her phone in her hand.
The minutes before the ambulance went by as a blur for Athena. Once the ambulance came the two youngest Gilberts sat on a bench in silence with Elena standing in front of them. Only breaking when Bonnie walked up to them. "Hey, we're gonna go get coffee and wait for news."
"I gotta take Jeremy and Athena home." Elena says, motioning to the two that sat on a bench.
"I'm right here." Athena says, throwing a rock at the girl’s feet. It went ignored, making the girl groan and her brother to laugh at her childish antics. The boy had his headphones in and was blasting music not wanting to hear anyone's voice at the moment, and when his sister moved sharkly it broke him from his thoughts.
Athena ignored the conversation going on between her sister and their best friend. She rested her head on her brother’s shoulder, and kicked her feet on the rocks below her feet.
"You okay? I called Jenna. She's on her way." Elena says, looking at her phone as Bonnie left. Athena ripped the headphone out of Jeremy’s ears, gaining his attention. “Bitch.” Jeremy says, hitting the girl’s thigh.
“Jerk.” Athena says, hitting the back of her brother’s head. The two began hitting each other, making their sister groan as she tried to stop the two from hurting each other. “Hey, stop it!”
The younger sibling sighs and takes a drink of the beer they grabbed in unison.
"Those people in uniforms? Last time I checked, they're the police.” Elena says, jokingly. She sighs watching her sibling ignore and down the beers, tossing the bottles into the metal barrels behind them.
“People are gonna stop giving you breaks, Jer. They just don't care anymore. They don't remember that our parents are dead. They've got their own lives to deal with. The rest of the world has moved on. You should try, too. And being a smartass and getting angry isn’t going to solve your problems, Athena."
"Says the girl who sits in the cemetery writing in her diary." Athena says sarcastically, looking at her sister with bored eyes. "Is that supposed to be you moving on?" Jeremy adds.
"Mom and Dad wouldn't have wanted this." Elena says, looking at the two. "Don't be so hypocritical, ‘Lena." Athena says, rolling her eyes.
The three made it home, Athena went straight to her room with Sirius. While she changed into sweatpants and a t-shirt, Sirius jumped onto the girl’s bed getting comfortable. Seeing the dog sleeping Athena opened her window and climbed out to the roof to look at the full moon above. "Elena says we need to move on… I hate it."
“You hate everything, little hunter." She says mocking, her father's deep voice. The girl then sighs, tiredly. "Yeah well I hate you the most. Leaving me in the place we call earth, more like hell."
"I feel like I'm dying more and more each day. I want to feel alive." Athena says, softly. She plays with her necklace trying to stop herself from getting angry. "I've lost you. I can't lose myself, either. But tonight feels different, I feel like I actually have hope. I... Just don't know what for."
Athena’s mind was racing, but she couldn’t concentrate on one thing. So, she sighed and looked down at her hands seeing the chipping black nail polish. She focuses on the thought of her mom painting her nails every weekend, and now she had to do it herself.
The girl sighs, and looks at the moon thinking of her father. "I love you… from our first war to our last."
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