#everyone grab your captain's hats we are going SAILING
preciouslandmermaid · 7 months
of songbirds, swords, and spice (5)
pairing: Opla!Zoro x Opla!Sanji x Fem! Reader (no use of Y/N or L/N)
tw/cw: alcohol/drinking
🏴‍☠️ read on AO3 🏴‍☠️
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<- (previous chapter)
The Going Merry glittered beneath the night sky. A rich, flavorful aroma wafted across the cool breeze from the kitchen, but Sanji assured everyone that dinner wasn’t ready yet. Zoro downed his third—or was it his seventh?–cup of sake. Your skin buzzed. Your heart rate was erratic. You drank slower than everyone else and wondered idly if they’d start spilling all their secrets. Luffy seems too earnest for secrets, you thought with a measured glance at the captain of the Straw Hats. Nami on the other hand...Your eyes flickered to her while you refilled Usopp’s cup. Nami’s wary trust and frank pragmatism reminded you of yourself, which meant she couldn’t have had a childhood of kittens and roses. Sanji approached, carrying appetizers for you and her.
“Dinner is going to take a little longer than I expected,” he said smoothly, “but I couldn’t bear the thought of you starving on my account.”
Nami rolled her eyes as you reached for a flaky, triangular pastry. You had one more day of Sanji’s cooking and wouldn't waste it. If the winds stayed true, then the Straw Hats would leave Nightingale Island by tomorrow afternoon. They’d become a story you’d repeat to Clover, Aiden, and the other children at the orphanage. ‘Tell us again’, they’d cry, tell us about the Straw Hats!’. You bit into the pastry, and its crumbs caught your lower lip.
Luffy asked, “Where are my appetizers?!”
“Ah.” Sanji clicked his tongue. “They’re cooking. I wanted Nami and—” he looked at you, gaze dropping to your mouth momentarily, and a flush tinged his high cheekbones. “Well, let’s just say they’re better when they’re fresh.” He looked away and cleared his throat. You wiped your mouth with the back of your hand and flicked away the loose crumbs.
“Stop playing favorites, cook!” Zoro yelled from across the table.
“I’m not playing favorites.”
“Yeah, right.”
“Does anyone else feel like it’s unfair that the captain didn’t get to try them first?” said Luffy, holding one finger up. Before anyone could argue further, or make complaints, you grabbed one of the pastries and held it out to Luffy.
“He never said we couldn’t share,” you said.
“Oh.” Luffy smiled and plucked the pastry from your fingertips. “Thanks!”
You didn’t miss Sanji’s relieved, grateful smile. Nor did you miss the sudden, fluttery swoop of your stomach. You knocked your drink back, and let the harsh rice wine hit your throat with an uncomfortable, hot splash. You coughed, your eyes watering, and Zoro smirked at you. You sharpened your blurry gaze into a glare. The background conversation muddled and fell away. Zoro filled your vision, taking up too much space, his dark eyes awakening something slumbering inside your lower abdomen.
“What?” You weren’t going to let him mock you, the cocky bastard.
“Seems like someone can’t hold her liquor,” Zoro said. His index finger mindlessly trailed over the rim of his cup before drawing away and gripping the neck of the sake bottle. You swallowed your sore throat.
“I can hold my liquor just fine, thank you,” you replied and ignored the hoarse croak of your voice. You wiggled your fingers as you held out your hand for the bottle. Zoro’s dark eyes dropped from your face, and so did your stomach. His gaze lingered on your fingertips, the digits softly curled in supplication.
“Sure.” He scoffed. “We’ll see.” Despite his doubtful tone, he passed the sake bottle, and you were careful to ensure your fingers didn’t brush along his.
“I’m not rising to the bait, Zoro. I’d be an idiot to get drunk around strangers.”
He tilted his head and the orange-white bulbs hanging from the sailing rigging flashed his golden earring. “We’re strangers?”
You shrugged and didn’t drink. “Close enough, right?”
“We’ve fought together three times.” He refilled Luffy’s cup for him. “I fought alongside Luffy once before joining his crew.”
You couldn’t understand Zoro’s words. Was he seriously that drunk? Fighting together didn’t automatically equate to loyalty or friendship. Once, you saw Marines fighting alongside rebel fighters against a common enemy, but the Marines returned to arresting the rebels once the mutual thread was gone. You couldn’t imagine a world where Zoro of all people wanted you to join the Straw Hats. You blinked slowly.
“Are you trying to ask me to join you?”
“No,” Zoro said while crossing his arms.
“Then what are you saying?”
“I’m saying we’re not strangers.”
“Because we fought together?”
He nodded. His eyes were cast toward the heavens and you frowned. If this was how Zoro made friends then it was no wonder he traveled with this motley crew. There was no friendship between you. Estella hired them. You were the babysitter for this job because she trusted you more than she trusted a handful of inexperienced pirates. Friendship and loyalty? No. No way.
“I could betray you,” you reminded him, “take the box and tell my grandmother that everyone died while we were collecting it.”
“You won’t.”
You cringed, and hot, prickly heat pooled within your cheeks and along your throat. How dare he presume to know you? Okay, he was right, you had no intention or desire to harm any of the Straw Hats. Still, he shouldn’t know. He shouldn’t. You drank and didn’t cough. Zoro’s mouth twitched. Your silence was proof for him. Proof of your loyalty, your compassion, and the tentative bond forged between you. You needed to clear this up.
“How do you know?” you snapped, “you were the one who threatened to chop me into little pieces if I betrayed you!”
Zoro’s lips thinned. Hah! I win! You thought, your shoulders lifted. You had overreacted – Zoro didn’t know you. He was spouting bullshit to try to get under your skin because he was drunk.
You reached for the last pastry, but Zoro snatched it before your fingers touched the thin, airy crust.
“The cave,” he said lowly with his eyes locked onto yours, “you wouldn’t have survived the drop.”
The heat returned and simmered. Your words had been impulsive, half-formed by your worries for the lack of treasure, and reeling from the adrenaline spent from the fight on the beach. Would you have let go of Luffy’s hand? You bit your lower lip. You didn’t want to die, but you also didn’t want any of them to die for Estella’s treasure hunt. If anyone had to be sacrificed for Estella’s sake, it had to be you, and no one else.
“So what?”
“Doesn’t sound like the action of someone willing to betray her allies.”
“You’re reading into it.” You shook your head. “I didn’t want Luffy to fall into the cavern with me, that’s it. I didn’t think he could keep holding onto me.” The Straw Hat captain was surprisingly strong.
“Whatever you say.”
Annoyed by Zoro’s nonchalant perception of your character, you stood, and grabbed the sake bottle, smirking.
“Get your own,” you quipped before ascending the steps to join Nami at the upper deck. She knelt beneath the tangerine trees with a large map sprawled before her. Her head lifted at your quiet approach and your hand tightened around your small cup and you offered Nami a tight, awkward smile.
“Zoro,” you said, waving your hand vaguely by manner of explanation. “I don’t know how you put up with him.”
Nami smiled. “He’s not so bad.”
You huffed and sat cross-legged beside her. You weren’t inclined to agree with her. Zoro was strong, and a capable fighter, but his social skills needed work. Hell, even when fighting, he managed to annoy you. He bumped into you, pushing you out of the way of an attack without asking, and he made reckless attacks by jumping at vicious, deadly spider-women. You set the sake bottle between you and Nami.
“What’s that?”
“It’s the map to the Grand Line.”
“Sounds dangerous.”
“Isn’t it always?” She shrugged one shoulder. “You know, I heard what you said on the beach about your dream.” Her eyes turned to Luffy, standing on top of a barrel and laughing, and her smile softened. “I know what it feels like to have an impossible dream, but traveling with Luffy has taught me that some dreams...you can’t accomplish them on your own.”
Your heart pounded into your ribs. You knew Luffy’s dream—he never shut up about it and announced it to everyone, it was a point of pride for him. Sanji shared his dream with you, his thread of connection with his savior and mentor, Zeff. But, everyone else on the ship was a mystery. It’s my last night with them, you thought, I might as well learn all I can. It’ll be good for the stories.
You asked, “What’s your dream?”
The tangerine trees rustled overhead, the sharp citrus scent mingled with the mouth-watering scents coming from the kitchen below. Nami rubbed her hand over the tattoo on her shoulder.
“It started with Arlong,” she said. She shared her story, about Arlong’s deal, and how he betrayed her after she had collected enough berry. You listened, your heart twisting and tugging into strange shapes inside your chest. Usopp said the Straw Hats defeated Arlong, but he hadn’t told Nami’s side of the story, and you found yourself emphasizing with her. You knew what it was like to work for someone you despised, to be trapped, and you knew what it was like to be removed from your home. You angled your gaze downward, toward the map of the Grand Line, and blinked away the burning, sharp prickle behind your eyes.
“I’m sorry,” you said after her story was finished. “I’m glad you were able to escape from him.”
“Me too.” Her fingers smoothed across the map. “What’s your dream?” she asked quietly, “is it really so impossible?”
Nami’s bright orange hair brushed along her pale cheeks in the wind, her expression was thoughtful and kind, and you didn’t think she’d pressure you to say anything if you didn’t want to. Your eyes followed the swooping design of her tattoo. A symbol of her freedom, of reclaiming her destiny, and navigating her life without abuse and control. You closed your eyes. You saw the endless blue waters, stretching forever, and the shadows that loomed over the islands and pulling the invisible strings. But then you thought of Nami. Brave, determined Nami, a child willing to chain herself to Arlong to work for her home’s freedom. A hundred million berries – an impossible dream. Yet, she had collected the berry, and with the help of Luffy and the others, they removed Arlong’s influence from Cocoyasi village. And now Nami was free to chase her true dream of creating a map of the world.
You had always believed your dream was unattainable. However, this conversation with Nami set you off-kilter, and a tangerine-shaped seed of doubt took root in your stomach.
You said, “I don’t know.”
“Maybe,” Nami said carefully, “you just need friends to help you.”
For the second time, one of the Straw Hats implied friendship with you, and your heart skipped at the idea. How can we be friends, you thought bitterly, when you’re going to leave in a few hours? You'd never see them again once the Straw Hats passed into the Grand Line.
“Are we friends?” you asked.
“Don’t know.” She held up her glass to you. “I’d like to be.”
You lifted your cup and knocked the side against Nami’s. “Me too.”
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After dinner, you returned to the upper deck to sit among the tangerine trees and clear your head. You laid on your back, arms crossed and pillowing your head, and watched the stars float aimlessly by as the Going Merry drifted through the calm, dark-gray waters. Your heart had fluctuated between heavy and light. You liked the Straw Hats, but you couldn’t stay with them. Estella needed you. How would the Golden Cupid survive without you? It couldn’t! Your devil-fruit powers allowed Estella’s business to rake in more berry than they ever could through regular performances. You trailed your fingers across your throat, ghosting along your collarbones, feeling the slight pebble of goosebumps beneath your fingertips. Your voice was your greatest weapon and your greatest asset. I can’t stay on a boat, either. The ocean sapped your strength. Estella needed you, the children needed you, and you couldn’t leave them to chase your dream.
Nami’s story, so similar to your own, was an outlier. Most people don’t get to achieve their dreams. You lifted Pandora's ivory box from your pocket and held it aloft in front of your nose, except Estella. Her dream is complete once we deliver this. The ivory surface absorbed the moonlight, turning the angles and divots along the carved surface into luminescent cracks. Estella never wanted to solve the puzzle boxes. She said there was no point. ‘Pandora wouldn’t hide berry in them,’ she said once, ‘they’re too small.’ You figured her desire to have the boxes wasn’t about berry but about the prestige of having something that once belonged to a famous, female pirate.
The wooden floorboards creaked. “There you are,” Sanji said, “care for company?”
You sat up. “Sure.” It’s our last night together.
“I have a personal question,” Sanji said, sitting next to you, though you noticed he was careful and gave you space. “If you don’t mind humoring me…”
Down below, Luffy shouted, “Guys! We have a cat!” He held Mimi from under her front paws, her lower body swaying as he twirled around, and you were surprised that she tolerated it. She never let you pick her up. Oh, Luffy. You chuckled under your breath and shook your head. I wonder if Mimi will stay with them.
“What’s your favorite dish?” Sanji asked, lifting one leg and resting his wrist on his knee. His lighter sparked and illuminated his profile in a brief, flickering glow, his pale eyelashes casting shadows across his cheeks, and his lips pinching to hold the cigarette between them.
“Why do you ask?”
“I’m a chef,” he said, exhaling smoke. “And I want to make you something special for tomorrow to celebrate.”
A swarm of butterflies hatched inside your stomach. You quelled your desire to smile, at his thoughtfulness, and the sight of his longer fingers tucking his lighter into his pocket. You toyed with the puzzle box, passing it back and forth between your hands, and watched the dark, green tangerine leaves rather than continue to stare at Sanji.
“What if you’ve never heard of it?”
“Describe it to me in detail.”
You squinted at him. “And you’ll just – what? – figure it out?”
“More or less,” he said, then smiled.
You asked him to give you a few minutes to think. Your favorite dish? You had plenty of foods you liked, plenty of dishes you’ve tried from years of traveling and being on the run with Estella, from street food that dripped over your fingers to expensive cuisine that you could barely pronounce. Your thumb flicked over the puzzle box’s corner.
“Before I…” You stopped yourself, unable to complete the sentence with honesty, and licked your lips. “Before I worked for someone, we had this cake every year during the Festival of Limitless Water,” you said, “we had all these rivers that ran through the mountains.” You made a swooping gesture, following the memory of hills and streams, and your heart hardened to lead.
“Anyway.” You cleared your throat and were well aware of Sanji’s focused, blue eyes on you. “They’d make them in the shape of fish, and fill them with red bean paste, or custard, or…” You trailed off and realized you couldn’t remember what they tasted like.
The act of remembering your home, your past, felt like razors clawing up your throat. You were barely seven when you left the Yama Archipelago. You remembered it in pieces. The clouds that swelled and wrapped around the mountains like heavy blankets, the fish-shaped cake warm inside your hands, the yellow paint on your childhood door, your parents–
“Keep going,” Sanji said, breaking your trail of thought before you spiraled. “Was it flaky and layered? Or flat?”
“It wasn’t flaky. Sometimes, when it was warmer, we’d eat ice cream from inside of them.”
Sanji nodded. “If it could hold its’ shape, then they must’ve used molds.”
“Probably?” You shrugged. “But, if that’s the case, then I don’t know where you’d find the mold before everyone leaves tomorrow.”
“I’ll improvise.”
You sighed, twisting the puzzle box in your hands. Sanji wouldn’t be able to make the dessert before everyone left. You knew it. He knew it. But for now, beneath the starlight and swaying lights, you would pretend that he’d fulfill his promise—and that you’d see one another again. The smoke trailed out of Sanji’s lips, faint and blue-tinged.
“What’s yours?” You asked, watching the smoke curl into faint wisps before they dissolved.
“Spicy seafood pasta.”
“I should’ve made my paella spicier then,” you said. Who’s cooking for Estella if I’m not there? You hoped she wasn’t worried about you, or Mimi. You hoped she was looking after herself.
“It was perfect as is.”
The nape of your neck tingled, and a flush of hot and cold danced through your veins.
“But I’m always available for private lessons,” he said, “if you ever want to advance your culinary prowess.”
“Right.” You laughed. “I’ll just come find the Going Merry in the middle of the East Blue and take you up on the offer.”
“Or you could stay,” Sanji offered gently, his voice a whisper on the smoky, tangerine-scented wind.
“I can’t.” Your reply was quick and pointed. “Estella needs me.”
Sanji of all people should understand your predicament. You wouldn’t abandon her.
“I thought the same about Zeff, but then he reminded me that spending my life at the Baratie was foolish. I was meant to find the All Blue for the both of us.”
You held up the puzzle box, admiring the fine craftsmanship, and said, “What happens after you accomplish your dream?”
Will Estella be content to place this puzzle box among the others? Your dream wasn’t attainable, but hers, Luffy's, Nami's, and Sanji’s dreams were. Where did the passion go once the dream was fulfilled? Sanji held his long, dexterous fingers out to you in a silent request and you wordlessly passed the puzzle box to him. You watched as he attempted to open it, but nothing worked. A little furrow worked its way into Sanji’s brow before he gave up and held it back out to you.
“You find a new one,” he said quietly.
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iamnot-crazy · 8 months
Stowaway Chapter 6
Trafalgar Law x Fem!Reader
Info: This is my first time posting a story on Tumblr and my first time writing a x reader.
The reader is a slave to a nobleman due to her devil's fruit ability which allows her to control the emotions of the people around her. She flees to bump into Trafalgar Law and boards his ship.
Chapter 1 Chapter 2 Chapter 3 Chapter 4 Chapter 5 Chapter 6 Chapter 7 Chapter 8 Chapter 9 Chapter 10 Chapter 11
The day you get to meet the Straw Hat captain came much sooner than you expected as Law returned to the ship after watching the battle unfold at Marine Fort and demanded they set sail. Law's jaw was clenched as the sub sped its way to the battlefield. Everyone was on high alert while cannons were fired at the sub as soon as it emerged. Law ordered half the crew to prepare for surgery while he ran to the deck to collect the Straw Hat captain. You stayed on the bridge with Jean Bart watching the sub's status and preparing for a quick escape. With Straw Hat and the former warlord Jimbi on the sub and rushed to the surgical room you start the ship moving as fast as it could to get away from the war.
Bepo came running into the Bridge complaining that Law wouldn't close the door to the deck. You ran over to the door with Bepo to see Law sitting with the door open looking at the new ship that arrived. One of the four emperors of the sea red hair shanks ship had arrived.
Bepo begged for Law to close the door but he didn't move. You walked up to him and placed a hand on his shoulder and he sighed, "Something just doesn't feel right. Like we are forgetting something." he admitted. As he does so a scream can be heard from the shore and the pirate clown throws a hat toward the sub. As soon as the hat landed in Law's grips he nodded as if he understood what felt missing.
Bepo immediately freaked out begging for the two of you to close the door which you did. You began running down the hallway and Law passed you the hat, "Take care of this while I begin surgery." you nodded as he ran in the direction of the surgical room while you ran to the bridge. Bart had already begun the descent and was pushing the sub to the max as it sped away from the scene. You look out the back window to see ice coming for the sub and shout at Bart to go faster.
Bepo's screams from the surgical room echoed to the bridge. You and Bart do everything you can in the bridge to get the ship to go faster underwater and deeper. Finally, you were free and were in calm waters you announced this to the captain who just responded good work before continuing with the surgery.
While Law and the crew who understand medical practice worked on the injured Bepo whined just outside the bridge begging to resurface. Shachi and Penguin grew tired of his complaints and went to beg Law to resurface. See how they have been fleeing the war at full speed for a while Law agreed.
Once you resurfaced Bepo ran to the deck only to be met with a snake. Soon one of the Warlords jumped aboard the ship from the marine ship that sailed beside your sub. Quickly you ran into the surgical room and alerted your captain and the two of you approached the deck while Law washed his hands.
On the deck, the warlord Boa Hancock stood demanding to see Luffy. Law informs her that Luffy is stable and that he has done everything he could but he is more concerned about his mental state. That is when you pipped up, "Which we have our ways of dealing with." you stood proudly as Law yanked his head toward you in concern.
"I won't ask you to do that." he hissed and you shook your head grabbing his hands.
"I want to." was all you said looking into his eyes as yours glowed purple. He just nodded knowing your determination.
Boa Hancock didn't notice you until now and became defensive. "I will not have another woman lay her hands on my beloved!" she shouted angrily and pointed a disapproving finger at you which caused Law to glare at the woman and step in front of you to shield you.
"If you want Straw Hat to survive I suggest you let my crew do whatever they can to do so." he snarled which took her aback slightly as her priority was to see Straw Hat alive.
She put her finger down but her eyes never left you. "You have a very powerful Haki," she states now approaching you. "You're a devil fruit user?" she questioned as she circled you. "But your observation Haki is extremely powerful."
You pull away from her, "I don't know what you are referring to." you admit but she just hums and walks away.
You all make a plan to follow the empress to her island Amazon Lily where only women are allowed to step foot. There Law and Jimbi agreed to dock at the bay just outside the island so Hancock could keep Luffy safe while still trusting him in your ship's care. The boys on your ship were jealous wishing they could speak to the Amazon ladies and enter their land.
After a few days, Boa Hancock requested your presence at the castle. You mocked the boys as you left with the Amazon ladies entering their land while they cried wishing they would be summoned to the castle too.
Boa Hancock first wanted information on Luffy which you informed her he was still in his coma. After you answered that she began to pry into your devil fruit ability.
You remove your gloves and tell her how your powers work and how you will use them to keep Luffy calm when he awakes.
"But your powers are more than transferring emotion?" she asked knowingly and you nodded informing her that you can also feel people's emotions.
"that isn't your powers dear that is your observation haki which is quite strong and is amplified by that devil fruit." an old lady spoke appearing from behind a pillar. "it's rare for people to be born with your level of Haki but in comparison to people who have trained their Haki it is still quite weak." she pointed out circling you. "I presume that you can constantly feel the emotions of the people around you?" she asked poking your ungloved hand.
You pulled your hand away, "yes. I wear these gloves lined with sea prism to avoid it."
The old lady nodded. "Sea prism can only do so much against Haki especially as yours grows stronger. If you train your haki you can use it for more than just feeling other emotions and be able to control when it is active."
"And how do I do that?" you asked now curious.
"you can train here with us until Luffy recovers." The empress offers. "But you will need to be rid of that hideous outfit." she pointed to your jumpsuit with your ship's Jolly Roger.
The empress provides you with the very revealing outfit of the Amazons which you get made fun of wearing by your crew when you return.
Over the next week, you trained with the Amazons to hone your Haki which left Law alone with his crew missing you. He spent his time reading up on Haki to better support you and to start growing his own.
One day the empress was training you when she noticed a slight shimmer of scaring on your hip. It is really hard for someone to notice your scarring where your tattoo was and even harder to make out the shape but if you knew what the marking was like Hancock did it would send shivers down your spine.
When the empress realized what was on your hip she demanded that everyone stop training and that she was going to take a bath resulting in the place shutting down. The empress pulled you into the bathing room with her and her sister and sat you down. Your thoughts were swimming wondering what you did wrong and what she was going to do to you.
"How did you hide your mark?!" The empress demanded now approaching your hip and touching the scarring. You quickly pulled back and covered the spot where your mark was.
"How.... How do you know?" you stammer. The sister of the empress now saw the mark and understood why their sister had dragged you into the bath.
"You can hide a mark but the scarring will always remain and the scarring on your past will remain as well." she started now using her observation Haki to see the full outline of the tattoo.
You looked into her eyes and used your ability to read her emotions to feel a sense of familiarity and horror. "You were once a slave?" you spoke out loud.
The empress immediately shouted at you to never say that word out loud. After calming down she nodded, "Both my sister and I escaped 19 years ago. This is the biggest secret of this island and can never be spoken about. The only other person who knows is Luffy who bravely kept this secret." she turned her back and revealed her mark.
You took a deep breath, "The only people who know my secret are Law and Bart. Law rescued me around a year ago now when I was running away from my master a celestial dragon. When Law saw my mark he offered to use his powers to remove the ink from my skin but I guess I still have some scarring." tears formed in your eyes, "I fear that my master now knows I am with the heart pirates and will be coming after me soon." you admit.
The empress now with her shirt back on placed a hand on your shoulder, "You can stay here on this island. Here no man will ever hurt you again."
You shook your head, "As great as that offer sounds I would like to stay with Law. I.. I love him." your eyes shifted to pink and the empress nodded in understanding feeling the same way toward her Luffy. If she wasn't running this island and had that responsibility she would never leave his side.
"very well. If at any point you need a safe place to hide you are always welcome here," she spoke and gestured for her permission to leave. You bowed your head before running off.
When you returned to the bay the Heart Pirates you ignored the snickering the crew gave at your outfit as you pushed past heading straight to the office. There Law sat at his desk with the paper keeping track of what the news said about Luffy. "You're back early." He commented as you collapsed on your bean bag.
"The empress saw my mark." you groaned solving your face into the fabric of the bean bag.
Law's eyes widen, "How?" He questioned in concern turning toward you. You shifted showing your side the tattoo laid and the scars shimmered ever so slightly only someone who knows what they are looking for would know what was there. "Are you okay?" He asked leaving his seat to join you on the floor and rubbing where the mark was.
You nodded your head watching his hand rub your side. "Can you do me a favor?" You asked.
The next day you walked off the ship with a new mark on your hip a black heart that matched the one on Law's chest it covered the entirety of your right side and strategically covered the scars.
Over the next week, you continued to train with the empress but the day Luffy awoke you could feel his strong emotions from all the way across the island. You paused your training feeling the Straw Hat anguish so powerfully through your bones. The Amazon lady you were training with watched in confusion as you sprinted towards the bay. As you ran toward the bay you felt a pull deeper into the forest where you changed direction.
When you finally reached the young captain he was shouting for his brother and destroying everything he passed. Jinbe was running quickly behind him. You get hit with an overwhelming amount of emotions the pirate is releasing and fall to your knees tears filling your eyes. But you took a deep breath and pulled yourself up.
You know you can't get close to the pirate or you might be injured by accident so you close your eyes and focus on making an emotional mist to reach him. He wasn't too far in front of you but he would need the full effect of your powers to pass his willpower. A cloud of grey started to form out of your hands and float towards him. The cloud surrounded him as he tried to fan it away screaming. You pushed more mist out of your hands using all your might to subdue the rampaging pirate.
The pirate fan away more of the mist before laying his cold dead eyes on you. Fear engulfed you as you cut off the stream of mist and the pirate charged at you.
You got shoved out of the way of the pirate's path by the Fishman Jinbe. Where you stood Luffy now stood his fist on the ground where you were huffing. You took this chance to reach your arm out to grab his ankle and push a calm emotion through the pirate.
His anguish was so strong and overpowering that you screamed as you pushed more of your energy into him. He screamed as well but it slowly decreased as your powers began to sink in. Finally, life came back into the boy's eyes and he fell onto the ground with tears streaming down his face. He was still sad but at least he was no longer a raging monster.
You sigh in relief before lying on the ground breathing heavily. Jinbe lifts the two of you into his arms easily and carries you to a tree where you both can rest. "thank you y/n" he said and you nodded in response.
He then bent down and started to speak to Luffy to encourage him to continue without his brother.
It didn't take much longer until you felt Law's blue room cover the area. You smirked before just you were shambled back to the bay. You landed right in Law's arms who stood just outside the cloth fence that surrounded the island.
Law just laughed, "How'd I know you would find yourself there." he turned back to the ship carrying you away. You smiled happy to have helped in some way. "I'm glad you did though he could have easily reopened his wounds if he didn't calm down." Law looked over at the forest where Jinbe and Luffy remained.
"I did the most I can but grief still must play its course." You say as the forest shakes with Luffy screaming his brother's name.
After the last scream, Luffy seemed to calm down as the ruckus he was making died down. You never got a chance to meet the famous Straw Hat pirate before an old man arrived who everyone claimed was the right hand to the past pirate king. Law and the old man spoke before Law ordered everyone to set sail. But before you boarded the ship you ran up to the old man, "Please can you tell the empress and the amazons the y/n appreciates everything they did for me?" You asked
His eyes lingered searching your figure.. no your aura his eyes landed on your hip before he raced back to your eyes and gave you the softest smile, "I will be sure to." You smile before running off where Law waited for you holding the door open.
"Do you think I'll ever get to meet Luffy again in a much better state?" You asked smiling and the two of you walked down the hall.
Law smiled, "I am sure you will. He is another D after all."
Your confidence had reached an all-time high now being able to control your observation Haki you rarely wore your gloves. The other crew members quickly learned what your real devil fruit power was as you began to use it more confidently in battle and just around the ship.
Your crew landed on an interesting and beautiful deserted island with flowers that towered above everything at least 20 feet up but some reach 60 feet. The crew and yourself were memorized and you deboarded. Law walked out of the sub last and stood on the deck to give orders to the crew while everyone stood on the beach, "We need to stalk up on provisions as it will be a while before we reach the next island with civilization. Split off into teams and see what you can find."
Ikkuka ran up to you and grabbed your arm, "y/n, can we please team up together It has been so long since we did anything together." She whined.
You looked up at Law who nodded in approval before turning back to Ikkuka with a smile. "Of course!" The two of you ran off into the forest of flowers to search for anything useful.
After not that long of a hike you found a beautiful fresh water waterfall into a small pond. Ikkuka smirked at you before removing her uniform revealing a swimsuit she wore underneath. She ran to jump in splashing you in the process. Seeing how the water is fresh it doesn't seem to affect you in any way. You smiled peeling off your uniform as well glad you chose to wear a sports bra today and you jumped in.
Being a devil fruit user means you don't get the pleasure of swimming very often as the sea always tends to find you and pull you down but the pond is shallow enough for you to stand if anything does occur. The two of you laugh playing in the pond until Penguin and Shachi find you too and insist that you get back to work. The two of you laugh splashing them and encouraging them to join your fun and they quickly give in to the two beautiful girls who flutter their eyes begging them to join and not tell the captain.
You started to feel fatigued the longer you stayed in the water and were the first to hop out. As you pulled on your suit you felt a sharp sting at the back of your neck. You slapped it away but instantly began to lose vision.
"y/n," Ikkaku laughed stepping out of the pond, "We should bounce now that the boys crashed the party." She approached where your stuff was to find just your uniform no longer folded neatly on the rock but fallen on the ground. "y/n?" She began to look around but you were nowhere in sight. "y/n?"
"Ikkaku what's wrong?!" Shachi shouted from the pond swimming closer to the edge.
Ikkaku turned around, "I can't find y/n!" She was holding your uniform beginning to panic.
Shachi gestured for Penguin to follow him out before turning back to Ikkaku, "Calm down she probably just wandered off."
"Or wandered back to the captain." Penguin snickered now jumping out of the pond. Ikkaku nodded but couldn't help her worry. The three decided to split up in search of you calling your name as they went.
Shachi was the first to find his way back to the ship to find Law who stood on the deck looking curiously at Shachi who just come out of the forest calling your name. "Shachi, what is wrong?" Law demanded jumping off the deck and onto the beach.
Shachi looked nervously at the captain, "We can't seem to find y/n." he informed taking a step back from the captain, "We were goofing off in the pond and y/n was the first to leave but then she just disappeared." Shachi pointed towards the pond and the two of them started running meeting back up with Penguin who found no traces of you.
Ikkaku came running to the pond out of breath, "There is another ship that way!" She shouts pointing in the direction she just came from.
Law gestures for Shachi and Penguin to follow him as he dashes across the forest. He quickly reaches the beach Ikkaku was referring to only to see a ship sailing away and is at least a mile off by now too far for Law's powers to reach. "Damn it!" He yelled looking closer at the flag on the ship to see none other than a world government flag and his blood began to boil. "Get everyone back to the ship NOW!!" Law shouted angrily as he began his sprint to the ship. He can still catch you he knew it.
Shachi and Penguin quickly began running through the forest yelling for everyone to get on board before meeting Law back on the ship. Half the crew was able to make it back on the ship before Law decided he couldn't wait any longer and ordered a submerge. The other half of the crew remained on the island confused.
The sub was much faster than the world government sailboat once underneath the ship Law shambled his way to the deck slicing anything that crossed his path. The entire boat was covered in his room as debri hovered over the ship leaving a path of destruction. Most of the navy who was aboard the ship was thrown overboard and the stern was now detached from the boat threateningly looming over the ship.
"WHERE IS SHE!" Law shouts angrily at the captain of the ship who fell to the floor terrified.
"I I... I don't... Kk..know who you mean.." The man studdered hiding from the surgeon of death.
Law sliced the man in half before looking up deeper into the sea where he spotted a much smaller ship with a bounty hunter flag. Narrowing his eyes Law could see the deck was a man holding you down on your knees and holding your chin to watch the terror Law inflected on the ship he believed you to be on. "DAMN IT!!" Law shouted again before jumping up and slicing the ship in half beneath him where the Polar Tang raised through catching Law before he hit the water. Law pulled out his transponder snail to communicate to the bridge while he stood on top of the sub.
"GO AFTER THAT SHIP!" He ordered into the snail and the sub began to move at full speed after the small ship.
You were held down by a bounty hunter hired by your master to retrieve you. He mocked you as you watched Law destroy the world government ship, "Awe it looks like he got the wrong ship. I wonder if he'll be able to catch us now." He laughed holding your face to force you to watch. "Oh look. I think he spotted us!" The man laughed again as you made eye contact with Law before you watched him split the ship in half and ride the sub toward you.
The sub picks up speed but the man holds his arm outwards and the ship begins to slow much to Law's anger as he begins beating the sub yelling for the crew to move. The man holding you down laughed using some sort of ability to push the sub back.
Law angrily threw the transponder snail as far as he could before shambling himself in its place in the air. "Oh wow, he must be desperate." The bounty hunter laughed watching Law grab something out of his pocket throw it closer to the ship and transport himself. Law teleported right above you holding his sword out in the air as he fell towards the ship. Law had the scariest look you have ever seen as he drove his sword straight through the bounty hunter not even bothering to use his powers to lessen the blow.
Before you knew it you were sitting on the cold medical table in the polar tang. You watched as Law buzzed around the room over-analyzing every mark on your body. You just sat there feeling guilty.
Law used a cotton swab to clean out the smallest mark the hunter made when injecting the solution that made you pass out. You let out a big sigh, "He knows." you say causing the captain to pause. "He knows I am a part of your crew and he is just going to keep sending more hunters."
Law paused to think before returning to cleaning your cut, "So what. He is just a noble, all he can do is send cheap ass hunters and when they continue to fail he'll give up. I won't let another one lay a hand on you again." he finished cleaning to his standards before placing a bandage on it and gripping your shoulder with his promise.
You shake your head, "It's not him I am worried about. It's who he works with." your eyes dart to the corner of the room. Law quickly took note and slowly moved in front of you and grabbed your hand causing you to look into his eyes.
"It doesn't matter who he sends or who he knows I will protect you I promise," he spoke sternly. You nodded your has full of tears before digging into his shoulder to release your tears. Law just rubbed your back blinking away his tears as your hands made contact with his back.
You sniffled, "But he is some kind of warlord." you explained wiping your tears away, "Do... Dofl."
"Doflamingo" he spoke coldly finishing your words, you just nodded. Law froze his blood ran cold a the mention of that monster.
You look at the captain's curiosity as he refuses to meet your eyes while his head spins. "Law are you.." you begin but are cut off by his yanking his head up and flashing you the biggest smile.
"you have nothing to worry about." he jumped up and kissed you on the forehead. "I'll protect you." he smiled gently before heading to the door a swiftly leaving.
You sat alone in the medical room but as much as Law could try and mask his emotions he could never hide his true emotions from you. His fear overwhelmed you and left you frozen.
Over the next few weeks, you felt Law's slight anxiety every time he looked at you before he quickly masked his emotions the best he could. You tried your best to ignore it but you couldn't help but feel guilty for his emotions. 
Whenever you docked at a new island Law would keep you locked in the office until he staked out the island and deemed it safe for you. Once he had done so he would allow you to come out as long as he stood by your side the entire time much to Ikkuka's guilt.
The few times a hunter was on an island they backed off after seeing you next to your captain and were followed by Bart, Bepo, Shachi, and Penguin. But it wasn't just the hunters who fled but everyone else as well. Store owners quickly closed their stores feeling the intimidating aura of the 5 pirates released with every glare.
You began feeling like a burden and trapped. You stopped joining the crew on island visits and resided in the office staring out the window and watching the rest of the crew run free.
One day your mind continued to wander when you sat on the bridge alone and laid your eyes on the transponder snail.
Law returned to his office holding a stack of new books in his arms, "Y/N. I bought some new books I thought you would enjoy." he spoke as soon as he entered the office while you sat by the window in response. Law sighed seeing you still in your gloomy mood. "why don't you go out tomorrow and stretch your legs?" he suggested but you still didn't respond. "I can tell Bart and them to stay back and it can just be the two of us." You look toward your captain but still don't respond.
He sighed placing the books down before heading over to you and sitting down next to you. "I'm sorry I've been a little overprotective lately." You laid your head onto his shoulder for comfort and he reached his hand up to pet your head.
"I called Hancock," you admit which causes Law to pause. "I am going to Amazon Lily until my master gives up." This time Law was the one not responding. "They sent a ship that will meet me at the next island in 3 days. I already talked to Bepo about how I can get there in time for the randevu." You refuse to look at law while you explain. 
Law pulled away from you causing you to fall slightly no longer having his body holding your weight. You waited for him to say something but he just stood up and stayed there his thoughts swimming. You waited as you feel his emotions shift around unable to settle on one. You reached your hand out grabbing his arm. "This will be for the best. Next the marines are going to join the hunt"
"SO WHAT!" He finally snapped, "I am already being hunted by the marines they can't do anything." He turned to face you with sadness in his eyes.
"And when Doflamingo joins." You said causing Law to freeze and look at you painfully, "I know he scares you which is why I need to leave until we ar both strong enough to face him." 
Laws jaw grinded as you spoke and he thought about the man who has taken the one good thing is his life away once doing it again. 
"I don't know what he has done to you but I can feel the effects even mentioning his name has done to you. Law I love you." You spoke standing up to look him in his eyes. This was the first time you said that word to him. Law looked down at you the tears in his eyes began to fall silently down his face which you carefully brushed away and smiling softly "I will be safe on Amazon Lily and we will be together again one day." He finally nodded and rested his face in your hand.
"I Love you too."
Next Chapter
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firstdivisiongirl · 1 year
Luffy, Zoro and Sanji with a reader new crewmate that is secretary a fairy, and finds out because feel the wings after a hug.
Hi! I hope you are doing well. To be honest with you, I did my research for this by looking at the Pixie Hollow series of books and movies lol. I hope you like it because I really had so much fun!
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You and Luffy needed to sneak into a marine base to help your new fairy friend, Cordelia escape from captivity.  She had the power to heal wounds using water and control any amount of water that was around her.  You were new to the Strawhats, but they didn’t know that Cordelia was your sister and you were a water fairy as well.  You had been hiding your wings from them for about 2 months now.  You were afraid that they’d try to use you the same way the world government wanted to use your sister.  You had finally found your sister.  “Cordelia,” you exclaimed, "come on, it's time to go.”  She grabbed your hand and followed you and Luffy.  When you got to the edge of the base, you didn’t know how you were going to get back to the ship that was now sailing away. 
“Gomu Gomu,” Luffy said as he stretch right arm, encapsulating you and Cordelia in his arms.  Oh no, you thought, he’s going to find out!
“SLINGSHOT,” he yelled as the three of you shot through the air and onto the Merry.  When you arrive back on the ship you tan to your room, not coming out for the rest of the day.
Later that night, everyone had retreated to bed. Everyone except for you.  You walked to the head of the ship and you noticed someone sitting on the head, it was Luffy.  The one person you were avoiding.  You walked up near the head.  You knew you had to face this sometime.
“Hi Captain,” you said sheepishly.
“Hey Y/N.  You okay?  I have a question?”
You swallowed, “Sure, what’s up?”  You were definitely sweating now, afraid he was going to use your powers or worse, abandon you.
“What were those things on your back?  If you have a rash or something you should probably see Chopper.”
“Luffy…” you said.  You knew you had to tell him.  You took off your jacket that you always wear to hide your wings,  “I’m a water fairy.”
The coat fell to the ground revealing translucent aqua wings that had hints of a dark royal blue outlining them.  Luffy’s eyes widened.  “That’s so cool.  But why didn’t you show us a few months ago when you joined? That's amazing!”
“I was afraid you’d use me or abandon me like everyone else does,” you said,sniffing and tearing up as you looked at your straw hat wearing captain.
“Why’d we do that?  You’re my nakama,” he replied putting his straw hat on top of your head in hopes of cheering you up.
You looked at him wide eyed, “Really?”
“Of course.”
You hugged him and cried happy tears, soaking his red vest shirt thing.  “Thank you Luffy,” you said before breaking away from his hug.  This felt like such a beautiful moment.
“Can I ask you something, Y/N?”
You smiled, “Sure.”  
“Do fairies poop?” he asked, officially ruining the moment.
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“I’m sorry sir, I’m in a happy relationship,” you said to the drunken stranger.  This man kept flirting with you for what felt like hours.  No matter how many times you told him to buzz off he just wouldn’t.  You were hoping that this lie would get him to.
“I’ll leave you alone,” he said, “if you can introduce me to the lucky person.”
You started to sweat profusely, staining your heather gray tank.  You looked around the bar, hoping maybe Sanji was there when all of a sudden Zoro walks up and hugs you. Thank goodness. Wait, oh shit, you thought.
“Hey babe.  Sorry, I’m late, I just got caught up with some business,” Zoro told you, making sure the man could see his swords on his hip.  “Is this guy giving you trouble?”  He smirked at the man.  You know that smirk he has when he’s ready to slice someone in half.
“I’m sorry sir.  Wow, you know, look at the time.  I better get home, it's getting late,” the man said nervously.  He ran, well more like stumbled out of the bar and away from you and Zoro.  
“I owe you one Zoro,” you told him while sipping your drink.
“No problem Y/N.  You’re not used to pirate life yet.  You can’t fight or intimidate anyone.  You looked like you needed help.”
You looked down at the bar counter.  You had just joined the Strawhats a few weeks ago as a botanist.  Your dream was to collect plants from every island you visited and create a garden containing plants from all over the world.  Chopper thought that was impossible since plants needed all different climates to grow but he didn’t know your power.
“Can you tell me what the hell is up with your back?  It feels like you have wings or something,” Zoro said bluntly.
Your eyes widened.  He must have felt them when he hugged you.  You grabbed his hand and ram out of the bar and into the alley right next to the bar.
“Zoro, can you keep a secret?”
“Of course Y/N,”
You closed your eyes.  All of a sudden, your wings start to grow out of your back.  Zoro’s eye (yes eye)  widened and his mouth dropped open.  He had heard of fairies but never really believed in stuff like that.  That was until he saw his new crew mate with wings covered in roses in different shades of pink with green leaves and thorns intertwining in them.
“Plant fairy?  So that’s why you want to collect all those plants.  You know you can keep them alive in any climate cause you can control the conditions for each plant.”
“I thought you didn’t believe in stuff like that,” you questioned the moss head sarcastically.
“I didn’t but I was clearly wrong.”
“Are you mad?  Do you hate me? Do you think Luffy will kick me off the crew?”  You looked down at the ground.  You were scared that they would leave you because they were your family even in the few weeks you’ve known them.
“No, why?” Zoro laughed, causing you to relax and look up at him, “seriously, we have a singing skeleton and a talking reindeer doctor.  Luffy doesn’t care what you are.  None of us do, your nakama and that means you're stuck with us.”
You smiled widely and hugged the swordsman.  Your eyes locked with his before a familiar sound interrupted you two, “Come on it’s the straw hat.”
You both laughed in unison, “Guess we have to save our captain,” you said, “does this happen on every island?”
Zoro exhaled, “sadly yes.” With that, Zoro started running while you started flying in the direction of your captain (well Zoro did get lost).
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“Sanji,” you said to the chef of your new crew as you sat in the kitchen while he washed dishes, “ how would you feel if I was, let's say, a fairy?”
He turned around from the sink to face you.  He walked over and gave you a hug.  “ oh Y/N! I’d still love you and find you beautiful and…”. He broke the hug and looked at you confused.  He hugged you again.  “Are you trying to tell me something?” He asked, looking at you with such compassion.  “You can tell me anything.”
“Sanji, I’m a fairy.  I’m a healing fairy.  I know you probably…” your words were cut off by him kissing you.  His lips were soft but his hands were rough, you could feel the cuts on his hands on your cheeks.  He was extremely gentle. After a few seconds, he broke away.  You sat looking into his blue eyes, the same blue as the sea you were sailing on and just as easy to get lost in.  “I’d never hate.  I love you,” he looked down at his feet, “I know we haven’t known each other long.  I mean you just met a few weeks ago but…I just know.”  He looked at you again, this time it was his turn to get lost in your sparkling (e/c) orbs.
“Do you want to see my wings?”
“Only if you are comfortable, my love.”
You stood up and closed your eyes.  As you did, a pair of beautiful gold wings appeared on your back.  They sparkled like treasure and looked like a stained glass window of different shades of gold.  You grabbed his hands and a golden light shined around his hands.  The light disappeared after a few sends and his once cut up hands were perfectly healed and soft.  He looked up at you and smiled softly.  You smiled back happy to let your secret out.
“Since we’re sharing secrets, can I share one with you?” He asked nervously.
“Of course, you accepted me and my secret.  I’ll do the same with you.”
“I’m a prince, but my father was…abusive you could save.  I ran away and ended up here.”
He looked down, now crying.  The memories of his terrible childhood flashed in his mind.  You grabbed his cheeks and made him look up at you.  This time you kissed him in the same way he kissed you earlier.
“I don’t care where you came from, Sanji.  I’m just happy you came to me now. I guess we’re boyfriend and girlfriend now.  That works for you my love?”
Sanji grabbed his nose as it started to bleed and his eyes turned into hearts.  He passed out on the floor of the kitchen.
“I’ll take that as a yes, my prince,” you laughed to yourself bending down to heal your now unconscious simp of a boyfriend.
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Please do not copy, modify, translate, or repost my writing on other platforms. Comments, reblogs or likes are highly appreciated!
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thelovelylolly · 2 years
Would you be willing to do mer hunter x reader?
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Summary : After a storm strikes your ship, you're seemingly left to die in the ocean. Luckily, there was a merman to save you. (pirate au i guess) Warnings : allusions to death/drowning but NO ONE DIES THOUGH DONT WORRY Notes : thanks for the request :) I love mer hunter and i kinda ran wild with the story idea since you didn't really give me a specific prompt, so i hope you like it :)
You and your crew had been sailing for weeks and it was getting to everyone. As their captain, you had to keep morale high and the ship running. One morning, you woke up to some pounding on your door. It was one of the men you had assigned to night crew.
"What is it?" You grumbled when you opened the door. You rubbed the sleep from your eyes as the man stuttered an apology.
"While up in the crows nest, I spotted a storm on the horizon. With the current wind direction and our course, that storm it going to hit us sometime today, Captain," he said, handing you a paper with all his findings written down.
You glanced at the paper, then back at the man. "It'll pass. Change shifts and get some sleep."
Oh, how wrong you were.
Later that afternoon, a crack of lightning split the sky and a clap of thunder soon followed. Everyone on deck flinched and saw the dark storm clouds quickly approaching. A wall of rain was heading right towards your ship.
You turned to your sailing master. "How far is the nearest port?"
"No ports nearby, Captain."
"About 3 klicks away."
"Set our course there, we'll ride out the storm there."
Right as you said that, the wall of rain pounded onto the ship. Large waves started to form and crash against the sides of your ship, rocking it. The wind blew and lightning lit up the sky.
You started shouting orders and your crew ran around the ship. You ran up to your sailing master at the wheel, grabbing on to anything to keep your balance. "What are the chances we get to land?!"
"Very unlikely, Captain!"
You turned to see a huge wave coming straight for your ship.
"Take cover!" You yelled, bracing for the hit.
The wave crashed down over the front half of your ship, breaking it in half. You heard your crew scream as they were flung into the unforgiving waters below. The part of the ship you were on started to tip forward, unbalanced without the front.
You started to run up the ship, hoping to avoid plummeting to your death. You reached the back rail, but the last bit of the ship started to sink. You ran and jumped off the ship, diving into the dark waters.
As soon as you hit the water, you knew it was unlikely you were going to live. You turned yourself around to face the surface and accepted your fate.
Darkness started to take over your vision. The last thing you saw was a man swimming down to you.
Hunter sighed as he popped up out of the water to see how far he was from the nearby beach. He was trying to get this pirate captain to land, but it seemed to just be getting farther the more he swam.
But he kept going. He swam as quickly as he could with you in his arms. He tried to keep you above water as best he could.
After what seemed like forever, he finally reached the beach. He got you onto the beach, the water gently hitting your feet and his tail. The storm had passed the island and the sunset bathed everything in a golden light.
Once he caught his breath, he finally got a good look at you. He had been following your ship, enticed by your powerful voice the carried in the open sea. He saw you from a distance, but now he saw you up close.
Your lips were parted as you softly breathed, your wet clothes clung to your body. You hair, which was usually covered by your hat, was soaked and sticking to your face and the sand.
Hunter smiled and reached up, brushing away the wet strands stuck to your cheeks and forehead.
You blinked a few times as you woke up, adjusting to the light. Were you dead? Was this it? You thought drowning would be more painful, but you hadn't felt a thing. You blinked the water from your eyes to see the gorgeous man hovering over you.
Both of your eyes went wide and you both blushed.
"What...? Who are you?" You asked quietly.
"Uh, I'm, uh," he tried to reply, but you guess he was too surprised.
Your eyes drifted down and that's when you saw green tail with a red bandana wrapped around it. You looked back up at him, taking in his looks as you did so. His hair was wet and stuck to him in curls and he had a dark skull tattoo on one side of his face.
"You-you're a mer-merman," you stuttered. You couldn't tell if you were stuttering because he was handsome, he was a merman, or if you were just cold.
"I-I am. And my name is Hunter."
"You can't be real. I have to be dead," you quickly tried to reason, sitting up. "Merpeople is an old tale parents tell their children and crew-mates tell each other to pass time."
"I can assure you I'm real and you're not dead. I...saved you from your crash," Hunter replied, watching as you processed everything.
"What about my crew?" You quickly asked, looking over at him. He looked at you sadly, and you knew the answer.
"I brought you here because I know there are some settlers along the beach. They can help you-"
"Why did you save me?"
Hunter went quiet, not even knowing the answer himself. It felt like the right thing to do. Maybe it was fate trying to tell you two something. Maybe it was because he liked you but didn't even know you.
When he didn't answer you, you sighed and got to your feet. "I should get to the settlers before nightfall just to be safe," you said as you started to walk away.
"Wait! Wait!" Hunter called after you, propping himself up on a rock so he was level with you when you turned around. "Will...will I see you again? Here, maybe?"
"Hm," you hummed, stepping closer. "I guess visiting you is the least I can do."
Hunter smiled. You took one more step and kissed his cheek, causing him to blush like crazy.
"Thank you for saving my life, Hunter," you whispered.
With that, you turned and started down the beach.
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kilannad · 1 year
As the Stars Burn On Chapter 29
Masterlist. Ao3. Discord.
Going Merry
"You imbeciles!" Spandam shouted, shaking a soldier. "It's one little ship! Shoot it down!"
Robin looked up, soaked from the ocean, but free. She locked eyes with CP9's chief; in a flurry of flower petals, arms encircled his whole body.
"For Ohara," she breathed. Then, with clutched fists, she broke every bone in his body, his neck last of all.
From there, it was easier than it should've been.
With Kokoro's help, they managed to get everyone on Merry. As they watched, the ropes tightened, the ship slowly, painfully, turned. Nami barked orders and everyone who could move--which wasn't all that many--hurried to follow her commands. The few battleships that were still functional were frozen, the flotsam of the rest quickly being pulled into the growing series of whirlpools that formed as the Gates of Justice closed.
"So it did work," Sanji said. "Good, I was worried I'd left the lovely ladies for nothing."
"Your doing, Sanji?" Lucy asked, painfully struggling to sit up. Chopper had awoken and begun helping, but she still could feel the exhaustion pulling at her bones. She used too many high level summonings too quickly; she'd be paying the price in the coming days. 
"Indeed, Lady Lucy," he told her. "I thought we might need the distraction to get away."
"Very helpful," Nami said sweetly, before grabbing his ear and twisting. "Now drop the sails! Tighten the mizzen mast! Chopper, 65 degrees to port and Davy Jones spare you if you get so much as point one degree off because I won't."
"Shishishi," Luffy laughed. "Now we're all back together."
"Yes," Robin breathed. She swallowed her tears, a few escaping to drip down her smile. "Thank you, captain. And everyone!"
"Thank us by never disappearing again," Gajeel grumbled.
In a rush of wind and ocean waves, off they went back to sea, the eleven of them (plus extras) home once more. Lucy rubbed the deck under her, trying to send as much love and relief as she could to Merry. She'd been terrified when Kaku had dumped her into the ocean during Aqua Laguna and was glad that Merry had found a way to be okay. How, she couldn't even fathom, but it meant the world. She was far stronger than any of them thought, her Spirit as much a stubborn, physics bending Straw Hat as the rest of them. The whole ship creaked and groaned, something like joy and relief coming back to Lucy. She basked in the feeling, her own exhaustion easily overshadowing any that Merry might have sent.
"Sail ho!" Gajeel called. The crew hurried to try and stand, going for their weapons. It wasn't necessary though. "It's...Galley-La?"
A huge merchant ship, bearing the crest of Galley-La appeared, quickly closing the distance. Paulie as well as the other foreman were all present, accompanied by a hundred of their shipwrights.
"We thought you might be dead," Paulie called around his cigar. "You dealt with CP9."
"We did," Zoro called. "Kaku says he's sorry he didn't get a recommendation before he left."
Most of the shipwrights cursed, calling various insults and profanities. Only the three foreman of dock 1 remained silent, bending their heads. Paulie quirked a sad smile, something wistful going over his face. "Yeah," he murmured. "Too bad."
"Do you think you can tow us?" Nami asked. "I'm worried about Merry. She shouldn't be sailing like this."
"An understatement. Why don't you board?"
A rowboat was lowered, the crew piling in to be ferried over. Lucy stepped off last, clinging to Laxus's offered arm.
The Merry shuttered, a deep, echoing crack sounding the moment her foot stepped off, as if Merry had been waiting for it. Across her deck, down her sides, through her hull and keel the Going Merry broke in half.
"No!" Lucy lunged, but Laxus caught her, dragging her back.
"Lucy, we knew this could happen," he soothed. "She's done her last will, she deserves her rest."
"She's our nakama!" Lucy spit. Usopp collapsed in the long boat, tears streaming down his face as he bit his lip bloody. Luffy's hat tilted down. "Franky hasn't even had time-"
"I'm sorry," Franky murmured. He looked at the broken shell of their home as she rapidly took on water. "My contacts got back to me before Aqua Laguna but I didn't say anything while Robin was captured. There's nothing they can do."
"No," Lucy breathed, whatever little hope she had shriveling in her heart.
"I'm sorry," Merry murmured, the crumbling of her mast making her words spin and echo along the vast ocean they sailed on. "I wanted to sail with you some more. I wanted to see the end of the world. But I'm not strong enough."
The Going Merry was a beautiful, brightly painted caravel with a sheep figurehead. Nami swept Kaya into a huge hug, finally glad to have a real ship to sail. Luffy was hollering his joy, landing on the figurehead with a bright, infectious laugh as he welcomed her to the crew.
An iron spike came spiraling through the air, then another, and another. Too many for Zoro to cut down all at once. Merry took a hit, then another, Usopp cursing as he tried desperately to patch the holes. Come on, Zoro thought, You've got this Merry.
"It's our fault, Merry!" Luffy cried out. "We were too rough, and Usopp tried to fix you but he's bad at it. We should've taken better care of you."
"That's okay. Because I was happy. Everyday, on every adventure, I was glad to be one of you."
Usopp leaned back, admiring his work. The yellow straw hat looked perfectly at place on the grinning skull. Above his shoulder, Luffy laughed. "It's perfect, Usopp. Now paint it on her sail! Then Merry will be all ready."
In the end, Usopp ended up painting an extra flag and sail each, just in case. The jolly roger was the pride of any pirate crew and no one was more deserving of wearing it then their ship.
"You know," Laxus considered, rubbing at the worn wood of Merry's rail, "This ship reminds me of the guildhall."
"So it's not just me!" Lucy laughed. "I don't know if it's because she's home or if the crew just has the same energy as Fairy Tail, but whenever I see her I feel..."
"At peace," Laxus finished.
"Yes. Exactly that."
"You will always be one of us," Zoro said viciously. "There has been no greater honor than sailing with you."
"I'm glad. I just wish..."
"What Merry?" Lucy asked. "Let us do something for you, the way you've done so much for us."
"Hearing you call me nakama has been enough. I wish I could go with you. I wish we could sail together forever."
Lucy sobbed, Gajeel grabbing her arm to keep her up. It was the one thing they couldn't give her. The one miracle the Straw Hats had failed to deliver. Humans grew stronger from battle and Spirits healed in the Celestial Realm but ships could only be fixed--and mortals had their limits.
For all her power, all the magic in her veins, Lucy could do nothing as a gentle snow began to fall and Luffy lit a torch. She was a Fairy Tail mage and a Straw Hat pirate and her friend, her family, was dying. It was Loke all over again, the Spirit King's words haunting her. There came a time for all things to die, but Lucy wasn't ready. Not yet, not Merry. The first home she'd known since she landed in a world so far from her own, the very stars different.
All her power, all her magic, and she could do nothing. She'd called down the stars themselves today and she could do nothing.
"No," she sobbed again, nothing but a denial in her heart. Luffy took a deep breath, crying as he began to hold out the torch to light Merry's funeral pyre. A last goodbye.
And Lucy-
There is nothing we can do, Shé had once told her.
Listen, little star, her mother had whispered. All magic began with one simple thing; love.
Lucky Lucy Heartfilia-
Not 'love comes from the heart' but--
'The heart is full of love.'
The pieces fell into place. Her heart was full with the most powerful thing--the weakest thing, the unattainable, unstoppable thing that all carried--and she understood.
The Gate locked within Lucy Heartfilia, the two-hundredth daughter of her line, ripped open.
And the stars listened.
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ahyesfish · 1 year
i started watching one piece
and because my peanut brain will inevitably get bored and drop out halfway through and leave me disappointed in myself i’ve decided to write down commentary to make it fun
so now welcome to the long ass journey of me watching all the episodes (hopefully) of one piece 
ep1 - look she doesn’t seem like a great person but im in love with the big pirate lady
the small pink haired one is kinda annoying he reminds me of a tutorial npc like paimon
luffy is a little shit and i adore him
ep2 - damm they got there quick tf???
calling it now zoro is a sucker for kids man ate that nasty dirt covered rice just bc she brought it to him, common i know im right
the Capitan and his son can go die in a pit i hate them with a burning passion
ep3 - here comes the undying loyalty i can feel it in my bones
yasss they got what they deserved fuck that Capitan  
istg is that pink bitch gonna have a speech every time something happens istg
pop off we love besties and their sailing into dangerous territory ark love to see it
ep4 - now ik luffys kinda stupid( /pos) but why did no one think to bring food they where just with civilization
daym that green haired bartender is hot whoo 👀
??? tf is that bandits problem wtf???
noooooo not his fucking arm and baby luffys crying nooo 😭😭😭
luffy stolen by your local big ass bird while i still have no clue who this ginger girlie is and why she's looking for that map thing
ep5 - who is she?????
still dont know but shes annoying as hell
holy shit its hisoka if he wasn't a pedo
plsss let his hat tassels just be his hair coming through the hat it would be so funny
zoro!!!! the babygirl returns!!! 
oh fuck he’s got a flesh wound not great!!!
ep6 - mans is fr just sleeping it off damm
i get that the dog is probably some like plot device to move along nami’s backstory or something but like was the whack-ass-looking mayor necessary 
holy shit she thought he should have been dead after fighting the lion and proceeds to try to fight him bc pirates are all the same??? girlie pop get it together 
and that changes bc hes nice to the dog????? wtf????
ep7 - now why is the acrobat dude not wanting to get dirty but then fights and kicks a bloody wound??
zoro is babygirl and i love that he gets stabbed and just sleeps it off again
nothing has changed in the nami department still dont like her :/
rubber boy vs clown bitch whats gonna happen?!??!?
yasss shanks lore mayhaps
ep8 - awww itty bitty buggy and shanks 🥺🥺🥺
yeaaa kick him in the balls letsss gooo
nvm i love the dog now
yooo wack ass mayor is alive nice!
whomst is the long nose shadow???
ep9 - wait hes so cute i want to like squish him with a hug or something 
we stan usopp i’ve decided 
luffy and zoro continue to be little shits
and he goes to cheer up the sad rich girl 😭😭😭 i love him
who’s the tenya Iida wannabe
ep10 - ew i hate the butler why he push his glasses up like that
weird guy?? whys he walking backward 
oh shit he killed the parents and wants to kill rich girl!!!
there was so much going on in this one tf???
ep11 - look i love usopp but did he seriously think everyone would believe him now after all the times he lied ab pirates 
but also why are they going after him with pitchforks 
oh fuck he got shot
daym those cat pirates are ugly as hell
he lied to protect to kid henchmen 🥺
ep12 - the oil trick could have been so cool if it was at the right shore slope
luffy not knowing his directions is hilarious 
zoro pushed down the oil lmao
i love how upset nami gets over treasure 
ew the butlers back
ep 13 - wait the hypnosis actually did something tf??
just a general observation not even this ep but i hate that luffy just pops the whole apple in his mouth core and all
he just straight up grabs the fucking cat piece off the boat??!!?!!???
oh damm the other rich lady helper is alive
meowban brothers goofy as hell why do they look like that
i swear the butler, captain kuro just gets uglier every time i look at him
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rydain · 5 years
Beyond every fading twilight is the dawn of a new day.
Part 6 of 6 - a final act of much needed reckoning and fond farewell.
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jessiebanethedragon · 3 years
White Sands Warm the Cold Sea (pt 10)
Summary: the reader, betrothed to a disgusting Coruscanti Lord flees her home world and lands herself in a plethora of trouble, a ship of clones, and one pirate captain whose cold exterior needs much more than the tropical seaside sun.
Chapter one
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter four
Chapter five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Warnings: Swearing, takes place in time periods where women have dowery's and suchlike. The readers' dad and betrothed are asses.
Chapter Ten: The Echo
Greeting your companions the next morning was just as awkward as bidding them goodnight after the debacle last night. You’re stiff, bruised, and the dirtiest you’ve ever been in your whole life. Lightly retying the corset to support yourself, you collect Gonk from where she’s curled in the Hammock and brace yourself before heading out onto the deck of the ship. It’s already very bright out, and the crew is as rambunctious as ever. With the Captain throwing orders around here and there, Tech and Wrecker working the sails, and Crosshair shouting back down to Hunter. It’s marvellous how they work together when they're not disagreeing about something.
You feel Gonk leap off your shoulder with a curious noise before bounding away, her speckled wings bouncing behind her. She looks clumsy for a lizard, but then again, how many lizards did you know that have feathers?
“Good Morning!” Wrecker shouts to you when he notices your figure. You give him a smile and a small wave. Tech returns your smile and watches you as you glance around. Appreciating the sea and the vessel you’ve found yourself on.
The water of the Corillian run is a rich blue with just enough green to look magical. And the waves the churn underneath you look more powerful than any carriage or speeder you’ve seen before. Just as you’re wondering how deep it is, there's a commotion behind you. Hunter is glaring deadly at Gonk, who’s held by her neck feathers in front of his face. And from the way her wings are flapping and her front claws grab at him, it's no mystery where she was, or where she’s trying to go.
“I’m sorry!” You say, gathering your skirts and rushing over. The Captain glares at you as he shoves her into your arms, her grey feathers bunching up as he does so. His tunic is rolled up again, and in the morning light you can see the symbols on his forearm more clearly. Traitor.
When the wooden ruler collided with your desk you yelped in fear and surprise. Was it the first time this had happened? Absolutely not, and if these lessons continued this way, it certainly wouldn't be the last.
“Pay. Attention.” The Pantoran woman growled at you, she was very smart. You could just tell, and the fact she was instructed to dumb down your education infruiated the both of you. “As I was saying…” She eyed you - a dare to look out the window and start daydreaming again.
“Teach me about the war.” You blurted out the statue of the emperor they were erecting, catching your eye again.
“This is a language class.” She said with a sigh, before placing the ruler down. “I’m guessing you want to know about the Clones.”
“How did you kn-”
“It’s all anyone ever talks about.” She interrupted you, which was shocking in itself, but not unwelcome. Perching herself on the birch coloured desk, you found her staring out the window as well.“It’s well known that there was scarcely a better soldier than a Kaminoan Clone. And so when the war came to its end, and the Jedi went rouge, well they hardly stood a chance. Those who sided with them were caught and killed or branded traitors. Why they let any of them survive is beyond me, but those clones were so fiercely loyal. Some of them just couldn't shake that. No matter how hard the Kaminoans or the Emperor tried, there were millions of them, and some…” She paused for a moment, glancing back at the door as if someone was watching you through it.
“Well even if an inhibitor chip is 99.99% effective, out of one million, there will still be one hundred defects.”
You try to stop staring, you really do. But by then Hunter has caught your eye, and is glaring even harder than he was before. Cautiously you take a step back, finding yourself in the company of clones is one thing, those willing to defy Nython, another. But enemies of the Galactic Empire was a different kind of dangerous.
“Courtesy of your betrothed.” The Captain grits out, and whatever softness was there from the night before is gone. Scared, you clutch Gonk to your chest like a child would a blanket. “What did you do?” You ask, looking him up and down. Even with the scars on his knuckles of cuts and burns, He didn't look like the horror stories you’d been told as a kid, in fact, he didn't look dangerous at all. But the symbols were there, scared into his skin some time ago. Something flashes in his brown sugar eyes, like the ping of a blaster bounces off of his iries in the heat of battle. Like he relives combat right in front of you.
“What we did was rescue a prisoner of war.” He spits, walking towards you and backing you into the banister that overlooks the pain part of the deck. “That hammock you’re sleeping in belongs to someone.”
“I’m sorry.” You say trembling. Looking to the side to see Wrecker place a firm hand on his sergeant's shoulder and pull him firmly away from you.
“Echo’s was in the hands of the Techno Union for some time.” Wrecker explains defusing the situation. “He’s waiting for us on Alderaan, after some much needed rest.” Hunter, who’s now swatting Tech - and whatever device he’s trying to scan him with - away, seems to be ignoring you.
“I-I didn’- I didn’t mean…” You tell Wrecker shakily.
“I know, and it’s okay.” He says with a smile, but Hunter's words resonate with you. Haunting you of acts you have had nothing to do with.
In his cabin Hunter throws his hat as hard as he can against the wall. He hates you, he hates the Empire and most of all he hates Nython. And what’s even more infuriating is how innocent you are, how your morales are driving you away from your betrothed, and how you saved the shit disturbing reptile that seems to like himself and yourself too much. And no matter how much Hunter wants to despise the empire, if it’s still filled with people like you, it means there’s still something to fight for. But if he’s being honest with himself, he doesn’t know how much fight he's got left.
☠ ☠ ☠ ☠ ☠ ☠ ☠ ☠ ☠ ☠ ☠ ☠ ☠ ☠ ☠ ☠ ☠ ☠ ☠ ☠ ☠ ☠ ☠ ☠ ☠ ☠ ☠ ☠ ☠ ☠ ☠ ☠ ☠ ☠ ☠ ☠ ☠ ☠ ☠ ☠ ☠ ☠ ☠ ☠ ☠ ☠ ☠ ☠
“What did he mean, courtesy of my betrothed?” You have to walk quickly behind Crosshair in an effort to keep up, his long legs easily outpace you and even though you’re both still injured he moves quickly. You follow him into the storage area that you’re all too familiar with, nearly bumping into him when he stops to look for a specific crate.
“Why don’t you bother Tech with your questions?” Crosshair says pushing boxes around.
“Because you’ll tell me the truth, no sugar coating.” You tell him, nudging him aside with your boot as you lean over to grab what he couldn’t reach. Perhaps being smaller wasn’t a disadvantage after all. Proudly you hand him the strange looking fruit.
“I need the whole crate.” Crosshair tells you unimpressed, before giving you the singular Meiloorun fruit and leaning over the stack of crates again. “And to answer your question, he was talking about the scars on his hand.” You lean against the tower so you can try to read his face as he yanks the crate forward.
“The burns or the wounds?” You ask, mulling over the fruit in your hands.
“Same thing.” Crosshair explains. “From a mission on Kashyyyk, Nython had the whole forest alight, and Hunter got trapped behind a blast door.” He watches as you cover your mouth with one hand as you remember the boasts, the gloat, the pride Nython had when he recounted the battle.
“You should’ve seen it,” There’s awe in Crosshair's voice now. “The Regs wanted to label him MIA, but that's not Hunter, not the Sergeant of ‘Force 99. When the squad hoisted him into that medical bay, he was barely alive.”
“No wonder he hates me.” You breathe, looking at the clone in front of you who shrugs.
“Don’t take it personally, he hates mostly everyone. We all do, it’s…” Crosshair stops and composes himself, like being honest or genuine with you is a weakness. “Nython decimated everything in his path. There’s what? A handful of Wookies left, half of those are thanks to him and all he can think about is how many he didn’t save.” You gently place your fruit on the box Crosshair is standing before you with. “It’s all a bit narcissistic if you ask me.” You smile at Crosshairs sass.
“You’d know.” You counter, trying to ease the tension in the room. “Thank you, for being honest.” You tell him, catching a smirk as he starts up the stairs.
“It’s one of my many endearing qualities.” He says, before shouting to his brothers about something that you don't even bother trying to understand.
With a look back at the hiding spot that you had chosen when you boarded the ship, you start up the stars and get back into the daylight. The captain is still gone, but Tech, Crosshair and Wrecker are each peeling a Meilroon fruit. You smile at them, they look so picturesque right now. The sea in the background and the three of them scraping the tough skin off of the fruits with knives. You’re reminded of children's picture books of pirates mulling over gold.
“Hey! What’s so funny?” Wrecker calls when he sees your big smile. Walking over, You plant yourself on the floor leaning against the banister.
“I half expected you all to break out into a sea shanty.” You tease reaching up to pick up a fruit.
“Ha ha.” Crosshair said dryly, giving you the handle of the knife to take from him to peel your own fruit. “Try not to chuck it at Tech again will ya?” you nod and very carefully start running the blade along the fruit.
“So no sea shanties then?” You ask, popping a piece into your mouth.
“We don’t sing.” Tech states.
“Yeah we do!” Wrecker argues, jamming his knife into the lid of the crate, “we know that one from-”
“Ferrik if you start singing that again.” Crosshair grumbles.
“THERE ONCE WAS A SHIP THAT PUT TO SEA” You all cringe when Wrecker starts shouting rather than singing, both of his brothers shout back simultaneously for him to stop, while you giggle from your spot on the floor. You could almost get used to their company, that and the fresh salty sea air, you are already beginning to enjoy the life of sailing. On the second floor, emerging from the captain's quarters, Hunter generally steps. Even someone without enhanced senses would have heard Wreckers incessant shouting and he has every intent on giving the three of them a lecture when he hears something else entirely.
“There was once a soldier who carried a mighty sword, and he had saved the village, oh lei, oh lai, oh lord.” Your voice accompanies soft taps to the wooden boards to create some kind of beat. The sound stops as soon as it starts.
“Don’t stop on our account.” He hears Tech's voice, and a stealthy Hunter moves to try and get a better view, he wants to know what you’re up to, and if you’re still trying to manipulate his crew.
“I’ve been told I have an atrocious singing voice.”
“It’s better than Wreckers.” Both Crosshair and Tech comment simultaneously. And Hunter hears you let out a half laugh. Some kind of reserved dainty thing that has him rolling his eyes.
“There was once a sailor, he had travelled the globe, his love he was chasing. oh lei, oh lai, oh lord.” You continue tapping again, “And there will come a captain who’s heart is completely pure, he will find those who are lost, oh lei,...” He hears you stop. As something catches your attention. And Hunter takes the opportunity to make an appearance.
You hear the captain’s footsteps before you turn your gaze away from the birds flying alongside the ship. “Who let the Aaray get a’ hold of a knife again?” He says looking down at you, the fruit and the blade. Hesitantly, and with only half of the Meilroon fruit peeled you give the knife back to Crosshair the same way he had originally given it to you. Pointing the handle towards him whilst gently holding the blade.
“I wasn’t going to…” You start.
“Going to what? Try and kill one of my crew again?” Hunter raises an eyebrow as if he’s daring you to disagree. You take a deep breath in, and hoist yourself onto shaky feet. Wrecker gives you a hand when your legs shake still in pain. Letting out your breath you lock eyes with the captain.
“I understand your hatred for that man,” You begin softly.
“No.” He snaps, “you don’t” You plead with his unforgiving eyes, and the way his half tattooed face scrunches in annoyance.
“You can’t be reasoned with.” You say hopelessly, knowing that whatever you say, it won't be enough.
“I should not have to reason with the likes of you.” Hunter bites. And at this point even Wrecker has given up trying to reason with him. Behind you, Tech’s Holopad beeps.
“I am not my Fiance!” You exclaim. “And yet you attribute all of his crimes to me, even the crime of trying to rid myself of Ny-”
Before you can react, Hunter moves fast as lightning, a hand on your throat, his own vibroblade dangerously close to you, bending you against the banister that stops you falling into the abyss alone. The three others brace themselves and when they move to help you, stop at the growl of anger from their sergeant.
“You do not. Say that name. On. My. Ship.” He tells the trembling woman beneath him.
“What happened to you Sergeant?” You breathe out, searching for the man that his brothers seem to think he is. Everything they tell you about him, every ‘he’s not like this.’ All of his actions point to the fact that he is like this. Something changes in his face, like he remembers where and who he is. And like Hunter is on fire, he steps away from you. The second there's room, Wrecker forces you behind him protectively.
“Sarge.” Tech says, his voice echoing like blaster fire in the mountains. “I think you should come with me.”
Tags: @the-mandalorian-clone-lover @peacefulwizardfox @rex-meshla @s1st37 @and-claudia @kamino-mermaid @thelambandthewolffe @starwarsmeninhelmets
@bronvin @myeternalsin @sweetsunflowerkisses @loverofclones @beizm @gunsmoke-blu
@logina6 @wondergal2001 @lafy-taffy @lafy-taffy @m-o-o-n-s-g-o-o-n-s
@starskenobiwan @lordellbell @kaetavlos @violetjedisylveon @​​vergol @Lackofhonor
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holykillercake · 3 years
Barrels, Bets and Balls
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pairing: Zoro x Drunk!Reader
word count: 1.9k
summary: The Straw hats are presented with millenary rum from an Ancient Giant Tribe and, well, no one is giving you that anymore. 
higlight:  ¨And then you said ¨maybe I should wear your underwear.¨
warning: Don´t read and drive. 
notes: HOLD MY BEER! Hi, guys! This was a lovely request from @roronoatrash for a drunk s/o! I have to say this is my first time writing a drunk character so I´m a bit nervous hahaha I really really hope you like it! Have fun and drink responsibly! <3 @vemuabhi​
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𝕷𝖊𝖆𝖛𝖊 𝖈𝖔𝖒𝖒𝖊𝖓𝖙𝖘, 𝖗𝖊𝖖𝖚𝖊𝖘𝖙𝖘, 𝖆𝖓𝖉 𝖑𝖔𝖛𝖊!
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¨Agh!¨ you mumbled when you tried to lift your head from the pillow. It felt like the Thousand Sunny had run over you a thousand times. 
¨Regret ... mhbeh ... thing...¨ your mouth was so dry that talking became almost impossible.  
¨What´s that?¨ Zoro asked, definitely amused by your deplorable state.
¨Hmmm... I don´t... regret... anything.¨
¨Of course you don´t. You don´t remember anything.¨ he shifted on the bed, making it look like a black hole was opening in the mattress. ¨Here, take this.¨ He handed you something.
¨I don´t need your pity... ma-marimo.¨
¨This is not pity, Y/N. This is a painkiller. Come on, you´re gonna feel better.¨
When he helped you to sit on the bed, you noticed something stuck to the window, preventing the sun from entering and blinding you. The greenette removed a few locks of hair that laid plastered across your face before helping you with the herculean task of taking the pill.  
¨If the stupid cook is not dead he must have made coffee.¨ he stood up, grabbing your slippers and placing them in front of you. 
In the meantime, your mind tried to gather whatever useful information you had to understand what had happened, but everything was a void blank. 
¨You ok?¨ he asked, hand on the doorknob. ¨Do you want me to bring it to you?¨
¨No, it´s ok...¨ you pinched the bridge of your nose, making one last effort to remember at least a crumb of the previous hours. You were fast to give up, though. ¨What happened?¨ 
¨Uhhh, you got drunk and passed out.¨ he said like it was no big deal. 
¨Hmm, ok...¨ you took a few seconds to digest his words ¨but when you say ´you´ you mean ´you me´ or ´you guys´?¨
A chuckle left his mouth ¨Come and you´ll see.¨ 
The sun shone high in the sky, forcing you to wince back into your room like the time you had your shadow stolen. You stumbled and lowered yourself to the floor, crawling away from the light. 
¨You go!¨ you said dramatically, covering your eyes ¨Run away and leave me! Tell everyone... that I fought until the last moment!¨
Zoro scoffed at your poorly performed scene, walking closer to you and squatting, back turned to you. ¨Hop, soldier. We don´t leave nakamas behind, right?¨
Your cheeks reddened with his gesture, and you hid your hungover smitten smile on the crook of his neck. ¨Hold tight, Y//N.¨
Oh, I will. Ouch, my head!
As soon as you reached the main deck, your eyes widened, ignoring the bright sun, and your mouth fell in a perfect O. 
¨Oh my freaking... what happened here?¨
If it weren't for the countless barrels, you would have easily thought that you had been chewed up by a sea king. 
The Straw Hats were scattered across the deck, mixed with garbage, blankets, and rolls of toilet paper. Their unorthodox positions would definitely grant them a stiff neck.
Zoro carried you to the kitchen where you found Usopp and Chopper talking at the kitchen table.
¨... like I fasted in a desert for forty nights, and then I survived... a buster call. And like... all of the battleships were pointed at me. And I was catching fire before that.¨ you heard Usopp whine to the doctor, who wrapped some bandages on him. 
¨Oi, who made coffee?¨ Zoro asked purposely loud.
¨SHHHH!¨ you and the sniper hissed at him.
¨Sanji did.¨ Chopper answered ¨Oh, Y/N, how are you feeling?¨
¨Like my heart is beating in my head.¨
¨At least there´s a heartbeat.¨ the swordsman replied, putting you close to a chair so you could take a seat. ¨Hm, Chopper, I saw the cook dead outside.¨
¨Yeah, he made coffee and then passed out again.¨ Chopper discreetly pointed at Usopp´s bandages. 
¨He passed out and spilled hot coffee on me!¨ he roared, stopping midway to whine. 
¨But you two look pretty good, though.¨ You referred to Chopper and Zoro. 
Not Usopp, definitely not Usopp. 
¨Night watch. I didn´t drink last night.¨ the doctor sighed, relieved. 
¨And I can handle my alcohol.¨ the greenette bragged, placing a steaming cup of coffee in front of you. 
¨What happened anyway?¨ 
¨Oh! You don´t remember too, Y/N? That millenary rum was really strong!¨ Chopper asked, fascinated by the effects of the beverage. 
¨Millenary rum?¨ 
¨Yeah! It was a gift from an Ancient Giant Tribe!¨ 
¨Giant tribe?¨ you kept repeating every word he said, double-checking to see if you were not hearing things. 
¨Y/N, what´s the last thing you remember?¨
¨Hmm, let me see...¨ you rested your elbows on the table, hands covering your eyes. Wow, even thinking hurts.
¨I swear to God, Tony! When Luffy falls into the water, you can not jump after him!¨ you yelled, panting from climbing back to the ship and soaking wet of salty water. 
He pouted and whined. You only called him ¨Tony¨ when you were upset with him. 
¨So-Sorry Y/N... AaaAgh...¨ his voice trembled, and you couldn´t help but soften a little. 
¨Ugh, forget it.¨ you laid down on the grass and sighed, the reindeer on your belly ¨Are you alright, Chopper?¨
Zoro emerged a few seconds later, carrying Luffy on his shoulder. 
You had engaged in a fight against some bandits who were causing trouble on an island called Gran Brabados. From what you could understand, they were descendants of the Ancient Giant Tribe who emancipated from Elbaf after years of conflict. 
¨I don´t wanna be rude, but¨ Usopp spoke to one of them ¨I thought giants were warriors. Like Broggy and Dory. Those guys fought for over 100 years!¨
¨Well, most of us are, but some are not. That's why we left Elbaf.¨ the giant said ¨We're not interested in war, we're interested in rum!¨
All of you stopped for a second, wondering if you heard the same thing.
¨Eh?¨ you spoke.
¨We don´t make war! We make rum!¨ he threw his huge hands in the air, chest puffing out of pride.
¨Oi, really? Give us some!¨ Zoro immediately threw Luffy on the floor and ran towards the giant. Next thing you knew, the giant burst into laughter. 
¨Gabababa!¨ he hunched as he laughed ¨Sorry, but tiny people like you can't handle it! Gababababa!¨
You were not sure what offended you the most, he calling you all, who just saved their asses, weak or having to dodge the huge drops of saliva that came out of his mouth. 
After insisting a lot, he ended up giving in, presenting the straw hats with barrels and barrels of millenary rum. Yeah, millenary. Rum distilled for one thousand years, or at least that is what he said. 
The celebration didn´t take long to begin. Because Luffy had decided to set sail that same day, you would all be bathed with a pleasant sunset as you partied.
¨Wow!¨ you shouted after chugging the first tankard. ¨Oooohh, this is good booze!¨ you shook your head, already feeling the kick. 
¨Girl, you should go easy on this. It´s super strong.¨ Franky said, making you scoff at him, possessed by some waspish Viking demon.
¨And here I thought you were hard-boiled.¨ 
¨O-Oi, Y/N...¨ Usopp said, worried, sipping his drink. 
¨Haven´t you learned anything with Tom-san?¨ you clicked your tongue ¨Meh, I guess I´ll be the one making things with a DON around here!¨ you chugged more of the rum. 
The shipwright glared at you with a red beam coming out of his left eye. You remember questioning yourself for a second. Maybe you had said too much, but it was just for a brief second before you insulted someone else. 
Back at the kitchen table, flashes of the events from the last night began to pop in your mind. Guilt and embarrassment gushed over you, making you twist and cringe. 
¨And then you said ¨maybe I should wear your underwear.¨ Chopper shivered as he quoted your words.
¨Nooo...¨ you cried out.
¨It gets worse, Y/N.¨
¨What?! How?!¨
¨Because after that,¨ Zoro started to speak, and you saw him struggle to stop a smile from cracking. That was not a good sign. ¨you said "your balls are so small Robin could have grabbed them with one hand!¨ 
The men laughed and slapped the table as you looked for a place to bury your head or a knife to stab yourself in the heart. 
¨WHY DIDN´T YOU STOP ME?¨ you yelled, pulling your boyfriend by the collar and shaking him. 
He placed a hand on your forehead, a silly thing he did every time you got too nervous. ¨Oi, you´re a big girl. You know what you´re doing.¨ 
¨Noo, obviously I don´t!¨ He smiled. 
He would not be the one to tell you, but he did have to stop Franky from Radical Beam-ing the hell out of you several times. For some reason, you were very keen on insulting the cyborg's masculinity. 
Another thing he wouldn´t tell you was that he didn´t touch the rum in the last night. He decided to remain sober and look after you, making sure you would not kill someone or get yourself killed. 
However, despite all the trouble you gave him, he recognized your strength. Straw hat after straw hat, you managed to defeat everyone in a stupid drinking contest. 
The biggest achievement was to drag Luffy into the game since he dislikes the taste of alcohol. When he denied being part of it, you teased him by saying,¨I think you are just scared, Luffy. You know what, maybe I should be the Captain of this ship! Maybe, I will be the Pirate King!¨
That was about the sixth punch Zoro took for you. Or because of you. 
The darker the night fell, the wilder you all got. And then insults began to come from every direction to every direction. You were arguing, then laughing, then crying and apologizing. If it wasn´t for Zoro, Chopper would have had a heart attack. 
¨Nami, you thief! Give me back my queen, or I´ll be forced to shoot a Bidori Moshi at you!¨ Usopp yelled, holding a bunch of cards in his hands. 
¨Oi, Usopp! How dare you speak with a lady like that?! I´ll kick you in the face!¨
¨Bring it on, Sanji! I eat eggplants like you for breakfast every day! AND IT´S GOD USOPP FOR YOU!¨
¨Zoro...¨ Chopper cried, falling close to where the swordsman was sitting. ¨W-What are we going to do?¨
¨Uh? Ah, sit back and relax. You know these guys, they are ju-¨
¨Y/N-san, may I see your panties?¨
¨Well, too bad for you I´m not weari-¨
¨OI! Y/N!¨ Zoro dashed over, throwing you on his shoulder. 
That was about the first punch Brook took for you. Or, again, because of you. 
And then, as the number of biological hazards began to decline, managing the situation became easier and easier. Chopper took care of the fallen drunken, and Zoro threw blankets over them.
In the end, it was you and Luffy. You were still arguing about the things you said earlier. Both of you were exhausted but didn´t want to give in. The argument only ended when you withdrew your words, saying that he would be the one to become King of the Pirates.
Luffy fell dead asleep immediately, and Zoro took the cue to approach you. ¨Hey, Y/N. Our time, let´s go?¨
You turned to him and nodded, red cheeks and tired eyes. He had to scoop you up and carry you back to your room since your legs were not part of the equation anymore, and you would let go and fall every time he tried to carry you on his back. 
¨Heeey, you´re not drunk!¨ you whined, almost falling asleep. ¨Why aren´t you drunk?¨
¨Cause you drank everything.¨
¨Noo, I can find s´more.¨ you uncovered yourself, trying to get out of bed.
¨I bet you can.¨ he said, covering you again and pulling you closer.
The warmth of his body, altogether with his hand gently rubbing your back, made your system shut down. 
¨You know... I can kick your ass... in a drinking contest...¨
¨Yeah,¨ he chuckled ¨I bet you can.¨
That was definitely not true, but for you, well, for you he could pretend it was.
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tooweirdforyou · 4 years
Straw Hats With A Shipmate! Who Lost Someone Special
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A/N : For anyone who has lost someone dear to them, whether it was recently or long ago, it’ll be okay. There are times where we either hate ourselves, hold regret, or refuse to accept the reality, but no matter what, we have to accept the truth. These things happen and we have to deal with it. I know some of us like to bottle these feelings up instead of letting it all out. But I just want to say that it’s okay to let it out. Don’t keep the pain to yourself because it’s not going to make things better. Let it all out and bring peace to yourself some day. Everything will be okay.
Warning : mentions of death, negative, heartbreaking thoughts, etc. + MARINEFORD SPOILERS.
Note : I don’t expect you to read this, nor do I expect you to appreciate this. I don’t know my readers, so I don’t know how sensitive some of you are. I don’t normally write this kind of stuff either, hopefully this is the only time you’ll see this.
of course this will have a sweet ending.
This is also pretty long.
Summary : The crew witnesses their crew mate’s loss of a loved one, and notice that their shipmate is acting as if everything’s fine. They won’t accept that.
Everything was peaceful.
The crew was just sailing around the seas for a bit, enjoying their time together after two years apart from each other.
After Fishman Island, the others were just taking a breather and relaxing.
However, you knew that your home island was nearby. 
You wanted to visit it, which the crew agreed, since it let them experience your island and perhaps learn about where you came from.
Unfortunately, you didn’t know how horrible things have been since you were gone.
Nor did you ever expect to see someone so dear to you, die right before your eyes.
When you docked at the island, instead of a warm aura and a homely greeting from the civilians, the island was in ruins.
There was hardly anybody around, and the people that were still there, were all weak and barely alive.
Nothing was right, nor was anything left. Buildings in ruin and destroyed, fields and trees of the forests were burned and there was blood shed all over the ground.
Nothing could be seen but blood. It was truly a horrific sight to be seen.
The crew mates all stare at the sight in horror and shock.
After hearing your stories of how beautiful and amazing the island was and how kind the people were, they were definitely not expecting to see the opposite it was.
“Oi, this isn’t anything like you described. You sure we’re on the right island?” Luffy mindlessly comments, the others staring at Luffy like he was an idiot, Usopp clearly stating it aloud. “Oi, Luffy! Don’t say things so bluntly!”
You, ahead of the group and had an expression of fear and horror written all over, just snap back into reality and turn to Luffy, seeing the others staring at you.
“..I was thinking the same, Luffy.” You weakly smile as a forceful chuckle escaped your lips, you rubbing the back of your neck awkwardly. “I guess things can change when time passes.”
“Maybe we are on the wrong island..”
You weren’t. You knew you weren’t. This was the place where you were born and raised.
Although it was completely destroyed, you recognized some of what was left in the rubble, even some of the old people that were barely hanging on.
Your words were heard, the others noticed how quiet it was and already understood the truth. Something happened while you were away from home, and it wasn’t good from the looks of it.
“[Name]-chan... we don’t have to-“ Sanji starts but you only smile lightly at the crew. “It’s fine. Before we go back to the ship,.. can we look around a bit? It’ll be quick.”
They knew what you meant and what you wanted to do, all of them nodding. “Of course, take as long as you need. There’s no rush.” Robin assures softly, Nami nodding in agreement. “We’re here if you need anything.”
You nod at them and continue to lead the group through the streets, them following you in silence as Luffy kept his eyes on you.
You heard some of the groans and noise of discomfort and pain from the ones who were on the brink of death, your head lowering down as you bit your lip, trying to ignore them.
As much as you wanted to run to them and help them any way you can, you somehow already knew it was useless.
Whatever happened while you were gone, it was too damaging to be fixed. The many bodies that were spread across the town made sure of that.
In the back with the crew, you hear Brook, Usopp and Chopper freaking out every once in a while at the sight of the bodies, Sanji and Nami mentioning about feeling a bit sick and just shocked at the sight of them, while Franky, Luffy, Robin and Zoro all stare silently, many thoughts running through their head.
There was one thought they all had in common.
Just what the hell happened?
You continue to walk with your head down, before noticing an all too familiar house and look up, beginning to jog over towards it, a hopeful look in your eyes.
“W-Wait, [Name]!” Usopp calls at the others try to catch up. You ignore him and sprint towards what was left of the home and slam the door open accidentally.
“[ Special Someone ]!” You call out a bit too loudly, looking out frantically for them. “[ Special Someone ]! It’s [Name]!”
A small hum could be heard in another room, you rushing over just as the others arrived at the home.
You ran over and widen your eyes at the sight of them. [ Special Someone ] was leaning against the wall, breathing slow with many cuts and dried blood all over them.
Their clothes stained with the red liquid and the entire house was a wreck, with smashed furniture and shattered glass all over.
“[ Special Someone ]!” You shout in disbelief and horror, unable to process anything as you lunge yourself to the one person who was always by your side.
“[Name]..?..” they breathed out, weakly forcing themselves to sit upright more, you aiding them carefully, as their arms rested in their lap.
“Wow.. I can’t believe it.. how.. lucky.. I get to see you?..” [ Special Someone ] coughs out roughly, spitting a bit of blood out onto their hand as they did so making you even more shocked.
The crew enters the room with eyes wide as saucers. “[Name]?” Nami questions, mouth gaped at the sight of you kneeling beside a person on the brink of death.
Tears brimmed your eyes as you turn to Chopper pleadingly. “Chopper, please, help them!” You cry out with a shout, Chopper’s teary shocked eyes widening more as he nods quickly and rushed over with his bag.
Chopper sits on the other side of [ Special Someone ], opening his bag and grabbing out the proper supplies.
“[Na..me].. stop, I’m fine. There’s nothing.. you can do.” They insisted, turning to Chopper with a weak smile. “A rein..deer?.. how cute..” Chopper didn’t say anything as he continued to do his work, quickly examining the injuries they had before patching them up.
“Shut up, [ Special Someone ], Chopper’s going to help you, okay?! Now, tell me who did this to you?” You say, clasping their hand in yours as they cough once more and tilt their head back.
The others could only watch in silence with sad, concerned or pitiful looks at the sight, assuming that this person was someone so dear to you. They didn’t know who it was but they knew enough.
“... Marines..”
Everyone tensed at the word, a few of them in disbelief. Marines did this?
You didn’t say anything, your grip on their hand tightening as you chew on your inner cheek. “Marines, huh?...”
“If you don’t mind me asking, how long ago did this happen?” Robin cautiously and slowly asks, [ Special Someone ] looking up at her.
They look away and flinch at bit at Chopper’s work as they whisper out an answer. “.. one week.”
No one expected that. Everyone’s eyes widened even more. One week!?
“S-seriously?! This happened one week ago?!” Brook shouts incredulously, Usopp trembling in his shoes. “T-This happened while we were on our way here?!”
Your breath hitched in your throat, your body frozen and completely lost in thought. This..happened.. in a week?..
You.. You could have done something.. if you just got here faster? You could have prevented all of this, if you just arrived sooner?
No, you couldn’t blame yourself. How could you have known? You weren’t at fault, right? Right?
“[Name]. It’s okay..” [ Special Someone ] turns to you with the all too familiar smile of theirs, it was a weak one, but it was still the same.
“Fate has it twisted sometimes, but it’s never wrong. If fate had this in its destined path for me, then I have to accept it. If I must die, I’m happy to have died being able to see you one last time.” They managed to speak out in one breath, forcing their smile wider.
[ Special Someone ] notices Chopper moving away from him slowly with saddened and regretful eyes. They knew the result and reason for it already.
You chose to ignore their words and scoff, feeling tears brimming your eyes. “Stop talking like that, it’s not time for you yet. It’s not too late. Right Chopper?!” You look up with teary eyes at the small reindeer.
“You can save them, right!? It’s not too late!”
Chopper would look down, pulling his hat down to cover his face as his lips trembled and quivered a bit. “[Name], I—“
“Chopper! You’re supposed to be the best doctor I know, so please, tell me it’s not too late!” You cried out, turning to look at the others.
The others already knew the answer too just from the look of Chopper and how weak [ Special Someone ] was quickly getting.
“Franky? Usopp? Zoro?” You call out to them, receiving no answer and just sad looks of pity and sorrow.
“Luffy!” You call out to your captain desperately, seeing his head tilted down with his hat shadowing his face.
“Everyone.. WHY AREN’T YOU ANSWERING ME?!” Confusion ran over you, too worried and afraid to face the truth and have any sense.
Nami stares at you with her own tears threatening to fall, already knowing what was going to happen.
Chopper grips his hat tightly as he stares down, tears streaming down his cheeks and dripping to the floor.
Sanji couldn’t stare at you, his eyes closing shut as he wished he could help you somehow.
Franky looks at you with a frown placed on his lips, staying silent because he thought it was best to remain so.
If Brook had eyes, he’d stare with sorrow and tears as well, also remaining quiet.
Zoro just shut his eyes, almost unable to watch you looking at them so desperately and pleadingly.
Robin looks a bit pitifully, sad eyes washing over her and over at you and your teary form.
Usopp felt tears threatening to stream down his cheeks as well, feeling regret and sadness for you, hands clenched tightly into fists.
Finally, Luffy still held no reaction, arms at his side, head still lowered. But he was trying hard not to get angry or tear up himself, this reminding him of Ace’s death a bit.
“[Name].. it’s too late.. I’ve already lost a lot of blood and my wounds are.. too hurt to be healed.. the damage is done..” [ Special Someone ] breathes out, a small smile forming on their lips.
“[ Special Someone ]... what are you saying?.. I..”
“Stop..” you look down, your hair covering your eyes as your lip quivered.
“I’m thankful you found people to keep you company..” they turn to the crew with a soft smile.
“Stop it..” you whispered, teardrops slowly falling.
“Thank you for taking care of [Name].”
The crew only smiled sadly at [ Special Someone ].
“STOP TALKING, ITS NOT TOO LATE FOR YOU!” You cry out loudly, tears finally falling down your cheeks as you shouted. “[ SPECIAL SOMEONE ]!”
[ Special Someone ] only leans their head back and their breathing only shallows as they slowly lean down into your arms.
A small smile formed on their lips as they whisper out through your cries.
“I’m sorry... and thank you... [Name].”
Your scream and sobs filled the entire island as you clutched their body close to yours, eyes shut and cheeks soaked with tears as the tears drops fell onto their slowly dying body.
The crew watched silently, feeling their heart ache and sting at the sight of you sobbing and desperately clinging into whatever was left of your precious childhood memory.
Later that same night, after you were left alone to make a proper burial for [ Special Someone ], you returned to the crew, who sat waiting in the small home in silence.
Your voice would bring their attention to you and see the weak smile settled across your lips. “I’m sorry for wasting your time!... we can set sail now.”
They would be shocked to say the least. How could you ever think you were wasting their time? Much less, after such a traumatic and shocking event just hours prior.
“[Name], what do you mean? You weren’t wasting-“ You interrupt Usopp with a small forced chuckle.
“It’s okay, it was my fault. I should’ve known there wasn’t a point to come to this island, it’s kind of pointless considering how rundown and ruined it is now.”
“Wait, what’s going on, don’t you feel upset at all?” Nami asks with furrowed brows as she stands up to look at you.
You stare at her with a bit of wide eyes before closing them slowly and put on a big and bright smile.
Your words shocked them and made them speechless. They didn’t know what to say.
“Of course not! About what? There’s nothing to be upset about at all!”
Not even Luffy was sure what to say to that.
So it led them to heading to the ship to set sail the next early morning.
One day.
One day since the crew witness you experiencing and watching the death of a loved one right before your eyes.
Yet, here you were, all smiling and laughing in front of them, as if nothing happened at all. You were making jokes and trying to make the others laugh as well.
But they weren’t.
Sure, they gave sad smiles to you, a few of them offering weak or forced laughs in addition, but they couldn’t understand why you were acting like this.
Were you afraid to seem weak in front of them?
They weren’t sure but they knew something was up. But seeing you be so joyful as if nothing happened was too heartbreaking for them to say anything.
Three days.
Three days have gone by since the day you had witness the death of a loved one.
The crew was getting worried for you. They assumed maybe you were trying to be positive and remain happy in front of the crew, or maybe you really were over the death you witnessed first-hand but that was proven wrong just this morning.
The early morning, Sanji was getting ready to prepare breakfast when he heard noises in the aquarium lounge.
Confused, Sanji takes a peek in the room to see your shaking form, your back facing the doorway as you were curled up, hugging your knees.
He could hear your quiet cries as you hid your face into your knees, thinking you were alone to finally let it out.
Sanji could feel his heart break seeing you all alone, but as much as he wanted to comfort you, he knew it was better to leave you alone. Especially since you were acting like nothing was wrong just yesterday.
But he told the crew.
“I didn’t go up to them, out of respect for their privacy.” Sanji exhales, puff of smoke exiting his lips.
The others listened in silence to Sanji’s explanation of what he saw this morning.
Silence was brought upon the crew.
“..So they’ve been holding it in all this time.” Nami mumbles quietly, eyes saddening at the thought of how much you kept to yourself to keep up such a happy facade.
Thinking about how much you were struggling inside broke her heart.
“I can’t imagine how hard they’re struggling right now.” Brook spoke softly, looking down at the table.
Chopper had tears in his eyes at the thought. “[Name] is going through a lot and—! And we’re not there for them!” He cried out.
“What should we do now that we know what’s really going on these past few days?” Robin questions aloud, the question going through all their heads.
Zoro turns his head over to Luffy, who had been the most quiet ever since they ship left your island.
He was observant so he was watching your fake smiles closely and knew too well that you weren’t over it.
You were hiding yourself, and your feelings from the crew.
But hearing Sanji’s explanation of what he saw, seeing you all alone and crying to yourself made him fill with rage yet, also regret for not being there for his shipmate.
Luffy’s fist made contact with the wooden table roughly, almost breaking it into two as Luffy growls loudly. “HOW COULD THEY JUST KEEP IT ALL TO THEIR SELF?! WE’RE THEIR FRIENDS RIGHT?! WHY DON’T THEY JUST TELL IS SO WE CAN BE THERE FOR THEM?!”
“Luffy!” The others widen their eyes at Luffy’s outburst but they couldn’t exactly disagree with him.
Why didn’t you just tell them the truth of your feelings instead of putting on such a fake act? Didn’t you trust them at all?
“Luffy, you have to understand. It could be hard for [Name] to share this with us! They’re still grieving, so give it time. Okay?” Nami tries to calm down their Captain but it was no use. He wasn’t listening.
“I don’t care!” Luffy shouts, frustration building up. “We’re supposed to be friends, damn it, so why can’t they just tell us how they feel instead of being so positive all the time? It won’t change what happened, but coming to us so we can be there for them can help! That’s what we’re here for!”
“Just calm down! When [Name] is ready, I’m sure they’ll come talk to us. So settle down already and be patient!” Zoro shouts back, having enough of this.
He too was concerned and also frustrated with you for not talking with them but it wasn’t their choice.
It was yours, and they couldn’t do anything but be there when you were ready.
Five days.
[ Special Someone ], the person who always brought you joy.. comfort.. laughter.. and made sure you were the best you that you could be.
They stuck with you through all your ups and downs, all your pains and sorrows, all your anger, complaints and hatred..
Even with all your flaws, [ Special Someone ] never left your side once, always sacrificing themselves for your well-being.
Always making sure you were healthy, eating well, sleeping well, had fresh food and clothes everyday, and ensured that you could live with peace and not a worry in the world.
So why?
Why was someone so selfless, generous, caring, kind... why was someone like that not given the privilege to stay alive? How could someone like them die? After everything they did for you, why was it them and no one else?
Why? Why.. why did they have to die?
You turn onto your side on the bed, hands clenching the bedsheet as you thought about the same thing every day and night, the scene of them dying right in your arms replaying over and over for you every time you shut your eyes.
Hugging your pillow tightly, you glance at the time on the wall and sigh, deciding to get up to greet the crew.
You sit up and get up from your bed, dusting your clothes and began getting ready, making sure you looked decent enough to show yourself to the others, before finally stepping out of the room.
When you finally step out, you see the whole crew on the main deck, doing whatever it is they do.
They immediately all turn to you when they heard footsteps. You look at them and blink softly before smiling brightly and waved. “M-Morning, you guys!”
‘Shit- please don’t have noticed that..’ you thought, hoping they didn’t notice your voice having cracked a bit.
It was quiet as they continued to stare at you, before Brook interrupts it.
“Yohohoho~... it’s the afternoon, [Name]-san..”
Your eyes widen a bit at your mistake. Did you really stay in bed for that long?
“Oh.. is it? I must’ve overslept..” you lightly laugh to ease the growing tension you felt but no one said anything in response.
“..[Name]-san.. have you been crying?” Robin questions softly, a small frown present on her face. Her question startles you as you shake your head immediately.
“What do you mean, Robin? I’m fine, I haven’t been crying at all.” Instinctively, you began wiping your eyes with your sleeves, which already sent answers to the crew.
“Seriously, what’s with you guys today? You’ve all been acting strange for a while.” You smile softly and pull at your sleeps.
“Maybe you guys just need a little adventure. Maybe-“
“Shut the hell up.”
Shocked, you turn to Zoro at his sudden blunt burst from the railing.
“Zoro!” Nami and Usopp hisses beside him, quietly scolding him for being so rude at the moment, making Zoro scoff.
“I’m rude? They just accused us for acting strange the past couple of days. I don’t disagree with them about us being a bit different lately, but they’re the one who’s been acting the strangest out of all of us. And you all know this too. Am I wrong?”
While you visibly flinch at his words, Nami and Usopp faltered a bit and looked away. “Still..”
“Zoro’s right.” Luffy, who had been quiet ever since two days ago when Sanji told them about your moment in the Aquarium Bar.
“Luffy?” Chopper questions softly from a distance, looking at their captain.
Luffy looks up and glares hard at you.
Behind his hard glare was a very faint soft expression with hurt eyes. Hurt, knowing that his shipmate was suffering and he couldn’t do anything to help them. Until now.
“Tell us the truth, [Name].” Luffy’s tone made your breath hitch from how serious he sounded. It wasn’t like a friend, it was like a captain. “Do you hate us?”
Your eyes widen at his question and you looked at him incredulously. “What? Of course not.” You immediately answered, brows furrowed.
That answer was obvious, so why did he ask?
“Okay. Are you happy with the crew?” He asks again, and you just stare at him in confusion. “I’m happy. I’ve always been.”
“...are you keeping secrets from us?”
All eyes were on you as you close your mouth and bit your tongue from saying more.
You stare at Luffy and tried to decipher what was going through his mind before closing your eyes.
“Not at all.”
“I thought our captain told you to tell the truth.” Zoro says instantly after your reply and you bit your lip slightly. “I did.”
“[Name]-chan..” Sanji sighs softly at your denial and stubbornness before Usopp frowns and spoke. “[Name]... I can tell when you’re lying and..”
“You guys, I’m fine, okay! Nothing is wrong, I’m not keeping secrets from you, so let’s just stop this and continue our day, okay?” You exasperatedly sigh, rubbing your head a bit as Franky shakes his head.
“[Name], I’m afraid we can’t.” He says, making you turn to him with a sigh. “Why? Why can’t you guys just-“
“We saw you crying alone, [Name]..” Chopper quietly mumbles, looking up sadly at you. “Why didn’t you come to us?..”
Luffy looks at you, his expression slowly softening as he stares at you deeply. “... you don’t have to be alone anymore. Actually.. you were never alone to begin with.”
You didn’t say anything and just looked away, hands clenched tightly and you bit your lip.
“I know what you’ve been going through. I felt the same two years ago in Marineford, okay? I..I felt so helpless and angry when Ace died.. I thought I was completely alone after losing him and I couldn’t live with myself.. because Ace died.. for me..”
You gulp at Luffy’s story with Ace, knowing fully well how heartbreaking it was for Luffy to be reminded of these memories, his last memory of Ace.
Hesitantly, you look up at Luffy to see pain and small tears brimming his eyes.
“It hurts a lot, [Name].. I know, alright? You feel all alone, and let regret, resentment, pain, sadness, everything, build up inside you, and you either hold it all in and put on a happy smile, or you could just let it all out and scream out the pain.” He continues, his jaw and hands clenching tightly as his tears fell down his cheeks.
The others stayed silent, all of them reminded of their own past and memories of when they lost a loved one, or when they felt completely alone with pain and regret.
Zoro, with Kuina.
Nami, with Bellemere.
Usopp, with Kaya.
Sanji, with Zeff.
Chopper, with Hiriluk.
Robin, with Jaguar.
Franky, with Tom.
Brook, with his whole crew.
Luffy, with his brothers.
You thought back to just a couple days ago with your own loved one dying in your arms and look down sorrowfully.
“I still think about it everyday, but I don’t feel as much pain or regret anymore. I’m almost thankful I survived.. why? Because it means I won’t leave you guys alone. I’m right here with you all, because you guys are my friends, my family!”
You feel tears brimming your own eyes, a few drops already falling down your cheeks.
“I’m not alone because I have you all by my side so I’m never alone! You all help me realize this and I eventually got over Ace’s death.. and even though I think about it everyday, I’m not alone anymore and I don’t cry about it too much. Because I have you and everyone else!”
You wipe at your eyes and sniff a bit, the others smiling softly at their captain, their hearts touched by his words as a few of them could feel themselves tear up.
“You’ve been crying by yourself, all alone these past few days, haven’t you?”
You didn’t answer. You knew the crew knew the answer already.
Luffy began make his way over to you, continuing to speak.
“It’s okay to be sad, to be hurt, to feel pain, and to cry. You could be angry, you can scream, you can sob, you can do anything you want.”
Luffy was now right in front of you, looking at you with a piercing expression.
“But you don’t have to be alone during these sad times. You never have to be alone again, because we’re right here.”
He extends and spreads his arms out, glaring hard at you with tears in his eyes as your own widen at his shouts.
The others smiled wider when they see your tears streaming faster down your cheek and your expression soften as your body lunged itself into Luffy’s arms.
Your arms wrap around his neck and legs around his waist as Luffy immediately wraps his own around you tightly, your face buried into his neck.
Sobs screamed out from your voice, your throat burning but you didn’t care. You sobbed right into Luffy’s neck, his hearing might’ve been damaged but he didn’t care either.
“It hurts.. it hurts so much, Luffy.. why?” You sob out, clutching onto him tightly as you gripped his shirt. “Why did they have to die?! Why..”
Luffy didn’t say anything, just held you closer and just as tight.
The others felt themselves tear up more at your sobs and unable to help themselves, they also ran to join in the hug.
Sanji, Nami, Usopp, Chopper and Brook all jumped into the hug, all sobbing their own cries and tears, which made you and Luffy drop onto the ground with the others on top.
Franky wipes his own stream of tears as Robin and Zoro smiles at the sight of their crewmates.
Despite your sobs, you couldn’t help but let out a small laugh at the others and sniffled, smiling genuinely at your family.
You should have known better than to keep it all in and to yourself. You weren’t alone.
You had family who loves you and were there right by your side, through all your joy and pain.
“Thank you, everyone. I’m so grateful..”
You smile wider and shouted loudly with closed eyes.
“Thank you, for loving me!”
A/N : y’all I-I teared up writing this-
I hit the maximum allowed per post wtf- I’m sorry this is rushed too ;~; I wanted it out quickly.
;-; I hope you enjoyed.
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jimlingss · 4 years
O SHOOT REQUESTS !!! ill take my chances and ask for a zombie apocalypse or pirate au ft. hoseok 👀 i couldnt choose between the two aus and im hoseok biased but i can honestly see any member so do as who u see fit. i will not let my pairing/au choice limit the authors talent 😤 and i dont doubt anything from you will satisfy. and pshhh,, where are my manners. please and thank u! love u 💛
↳ Crocodile Tears
1.8k || 98% Fluff, 2% Angst || Jung Hoseok || Pirate!AU
“Look what I nabbed, Cap’n.”
Gunner Taehyung’s grinning with all teeth, a golden chain wrapped around his fingers that’s so shiny it’s blinding with the sunlight. Hoseok’s intrigued and flips the locket in his hand. It’s heavy with a wild rose engraved on the front and once he pops it open, there’s a faded painted portrait of a young woman inside.
“It’s a booty, eh? Caught if off milady right over ‘ere.”
Hoseok hums and narrows his eyes on the wrench tied in rope sitting amongst the captives. Your face is dirtied, hair drawn in a bun at your crown but with many strands fallen around your face. Your gown rat’s coloured, dull gray. You are entirely unremarkable. Like any other peasant.
But it’s not often captives have something of value on them.
“Bring her to my cabin.”
“Aye, aye.”
The ship sets sail again. Taehyung keeps the captives quiet with the threat of throwing them overboard while the cabin boy Jungkook swabs the poop deck. Helmsman Seokjin mans the helm with navigator Namjoon by his side. The ship’s heading to dock at Port Galigeo to get a pretty penny for all the loot and treasures they’ve gotten after four months’ voyage.
Once steep waters are reached and everything’s been taken care of, Hoseok resumes to his cabin. There, he finds you, sitting in the corner on the floorboards with tears in your eyes. You gasp as he enters and shuts the door.
“Please! Spare me!” you beg sorrowfully. “Let me go!”
“Why should I?” Hoseok tosses his hat onto his table and his coat to his rickety chair. You look so frightful, even when he’s still in his drawers and shirt, held together by the red sash.
He fiddles with the many golden rings across his fingers, a habit since he began his adventures, and he comes over to you. Hoseok’s boots are heavy against the floorboards, and he crouches down to meet your trembling eyes.
“I-I am just a peasant,” you sob. “I have nothing to give to you! My father is merely a farmer.”
“Oh? Then what be this here?” Hoseok dangles the priceless locket in front of you as the corner of his lip curls. It catches the light from the tiny window of the cabin and the gold gleams against your eyes, practically sparkling like a jewel. 
Your eyes flicker from it to him, hiccuping and frame quivering like a damn leaf. “It’s my grandmother’s. She left it for me before she passed.”
Hoseok hums a low note. “An’ if this be your grandmother’s, how she pay for such a treasure? Unless she been a thief.”
Your downcast head shakes. “I don’t know, I don’t know.”
He pops the locket open before taking a good look at it. “This here be a portrait of you, isn’t it? You look different. Lavish. Like a noble’s daughter.”
“T-That isn’t me.”
“Then who?”
“I don’t know.” 
There’s something rather pretty in the way tears drip down your cheeks, so soft and gentle like jewels of their own right. But Hoseok has seen many women, children and men cry. It’s nothing astonishing.
Hoseok smirks, a rush of air leaving his nose. “I’ve been cap’n of this ship for nearly a decade, dearest. I’ve held treasures you could only dream of, been in battles that nearly lost my leg, sailed ‘cross the seven seas with me mates. I know when a wrench lies.”
His eyes are narrowed in on yours. And Hoseok comes closer, hand lifting to grab a hold of your chin. But before he can, before he can blink or breathe — suddenly, you brandish a piece of glass against his exposed neck. 
The ropes around you clatter to the ground. Hoseok feels the sharp edge of the glass digging into his skin, a moment away from nicking him and drawing blood. But more notably, your eyes are aflame. Your expression is dark and you’re scowling at him. 
Gone is the fragile little girl weeping for mercy.
“Don’t come closer,” you warn in a low voice without a single tremble.
He leans back, but his gaze stays on yours. “You reckon you could kill me?”
“I wouldn’t hesitate.”
Hoseok’s mouth curls, grin stretching into his cheek. His interest is piqued. He knew there was more to you beneath the surface, and he’s happy you haven’t disappointed.
His hand latches onto your wrist to force your hand away. It's a battle of strength. One that he ultimately wins as the piece of glass goes clattering on the ground out of your reach. He sees it’s part of a broken bottle. But Hoseok’s much too put off guard and when your leg kicks out at him, he’s smacked square in the chin.
He grips it as he lands on his ass, sharply exhaling. But then he bursts into chuckles.
“You got some mean spirit in you, sweetheart.”
Unfortunately for you, Hoseok has far too much experience in combat and capture. Even if you try to kick, strike and even bite him, it’s not too difficult to get you tied into ropes again. Except this time, he makes sure to use his special knots and get you so wound up, no sharp edge could free you. 
“Let me go, bastard!”
“Settle down. You’re only gettin’ yourself riled.” Hoseok crouches in front of you again and comes to wipe away the stray tear on your cheek with the pad of his thumb. You angrily scowl at him, chest rising and falling. Crying won’t get you far now, not when he knows they’re just crocodile tears. “Don’t get yourself worried about someone hurtin’ you. Everyone on this ship swears by our code, me included.”
You scoff. “As if I’d trust a pirate.”
Hoseok smirks. “If I wanted to hurt you, I would’ve done so already. It isn’t pleasin’ for me to force a girl like yourself either. Not when I have plenty o’ gold to play with a wrench at the dock. Now I suggest you behave or my Quartermaster’ll throw you overboard.”
“Then do it!” you shout at him with your entire body, only to flop over to the floorboards.
He grips the knob of the door and looks over his shoulder. “No. You’re too much of a treasure, sweetheart.”
The sun is falling over the horizon when Namjoon approaches. “Everything go well with the girl?”
Hoseok hums and turns with a glint in his eye. “Tell all hands to keep her separate.”
Port Galigeo is reached within two days time. The waters are calm without storms and the stars are clear at night. The sailing is smooth and so the docks are reached faster than ever before.
The men aboard are eager to sell the loot, to spend a few days ashore, spend nights at the brothel and replenish the rum. As follows, their steps are quick and they move the crates of jewels and tools to the harbour. Seokjin also takes care of the captives, leading them in a straight line off the gangplank to be sold.
“Cap’n! What ‘bout the beauty ‘ere.” Taehyung points to you.
Hoseok meets your eyes and you’re seething, glaring back at him. The corner of his mouth curls in amusement.
“Leave her. Tell the lad to watch over her till we return.” He points to Jungkook and Taehyung nods with an ‘aye, aye’. 
Most of his crewmen take care of business, getting as much gold for the loot as possible. But Hoseok fiddles with your pendant in hand and heads to a jeweler. Said jeweler is an old man who quivers upon seeing him, Namjoon and Seokjin in his shop. He hides behind his table and cries, “Please! Spare me! Take what you must!”
Hoseok sighs. He doesn’t know why everyone thinks so badly of him. Maybe because he’s a pirate and he and his crew have pillaged countless. That’s fair, he supposes.
“Stop yer quivering,” Seokjin spews out, leaning against his table. “We need you to look at somethin’. Hurry before I steal your silver!”
Hoseok lifts your golden locket, letting it dangle from his hand. 
The old man eventually slinks out when he realizes they won’t do anything, and he takes out his magnifying glass. He motions for him to bring it forward and Hoseok does. The old man hums, studying the locket before flipping it over in his hand. His thumb brushes against the wild rose engraving.
“Where did you get this from?” he asks.
“Don’t matter,” Namjoon says curtly. 
Hoseok studies the man’s face and leans closer. “What is it?”
“It is a very valuable locket. I happen to recognize this symbol as well. It is the emblem of the Crochetta Kingdom.” He pops the locket open to the portrait of the young woman and looks up at Hoseok, clearing his throat. “I believe this locket belongs to the youngest princess of that kingdom. The runaway.”
Hoseok’s brow cocks.
The three of them leave in a hurry. 
Seokjin’s eyes are glazed as his mouth starts to spew how Lady Luck is truly on their side, how they’ll be able to get their hands on a high ransom or sell you for countless riches. Namjoon is perplexed at how a princess like you managed to get here when Crochetta was countries away.
But Hoseok remains quiet. He doesn’t plan to trade you. He doesn’t ask questions.
He is entirely and wholly intrigued. Like never before.
“Blimey, the ship!” There’s a shout at the docks and Hoseok is torn from his thoughts. Taehyung has his hands in the air, cursing aloud. And Hoseok’s eyes trail from him to his ship that’s off the dock and disappearing over the horizon. “It’s sailing away!”
Seokjin is aghast. “How?!”
“Who’s still on?!” Hoseok shouts, looking around the dock to all his shocked men and their mouths drawn open big enough to catch flies.
“That girl,” Namjoon says, looking at the captain.
Hoseok tied you tightly, he made sure of it. Unless you freed yourself again. But it’s not possible that you lifted the anchor. 
No. You must’ve cut the rope.
“Where’s Jungkook?”
At the same time, there’s a high-pitched shriek in the distance. All of the men are held to their spots on the docks as they watch a tiny figure in the horizon get pushed off the ship’s deck and then plopped into the waters. 
There’s a loud splash.
You stole the ship.
Hoseok is quiet when his men turn to him. They don’t dare utter a single word, far too afraid their captain is boiling with anger. But what frightens them far more is when Hoseok suddenly bursts out into chortling laughter.
He laughs and grins as he watches his ship sail into the distance.
You were truly a treasure hard to find. He knew it when he saw you.
And now, he’ll just have to catch you again.
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vickyskpopkingdom · 3 years
ATEEZ - From The Wonderland Pt.1
this story is based on ATEEZ' performance of wonderland on Kingdom: Legendary War. while i was writing it got a little out of hand and i wrote way more than anticipated so please keep an eye out for pt.2 and possibly pt.3. they well be up in a few days!
if you haven't you should definitely check all of the performances out, the link to ATEEZ' performance is here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-uDitNeFO-I&t=183s&ab_channel=MnetK-POP so please do check it out, it is amazing.
pt.1 pt.2 pt.3
warnings: guns, swords, drinking and fighting
2k words
While the ships in the harbor swam quietly above the water, swaying to the rhythm of the waves crashing on the stone walls of the dock, the inside of the bar was much more loud and chaotic. The pirates took care of their ships but not so much of themselves. Beer, rum and wine seemed to flow endlessly, the bar staff barely keeping up with their customers.
This was a usual development of the evenings in the city. Pirates everywhere knew that they would be safe here, the town flourished thanks to them spending their money on alcohol, women and repairs for their ships. It never took long for the alcohol to take over, resulting in bar fights and various other showdowns or show-offs.
Two men sitting directly in front of the bar downed a shot of pure rum, before falling back into their previous conversation.
"The Kraken is a legend. Nothing more, nothing less. Probably made up by some pirate some centuries ago to make sure no one sails there to steal his treasure", the younger of the two said, his voice slightly cracking because of the amounts of alcohol already running through his body.
The other, slightly older but equally as drunk, shook his head, grabbing the wood of the bar to steady his swaying body. "Then tell me why no one who sailed there came back? I don't trust that part of the sea one bit, you hear me? Not one bit!"
A hiccup escaped his throat, as he called for a bartender with his hand. "We would like another round please", he ordered as the woman approached them. Then he looked back to his previous discussion partner. "It is real. And there is no one out there that could defeat The Kraken."
"It's a myth! Crafted to keep cowards like you away from what could be a huge treasure.", he other retorted.
Two small glasses were put down on the counter in front of them, the sound of glass hitting wood disrupting their conversation. "Both of you are wrong", the female bartender scoffed, "The Kraken was real and it was defeated."
Both men stopped their movements to look at her. The younger grinning from one ear to another, seemingly amused by the previous statement, while the older one eyed the bartender up and down. "And how would you know, lady?"
"What? Have you never heard of ATEEZ?", she asked back, a smile playing around the corners of her mouth now, "They slayed The Kraken."
Hongjoong sat inside his most prized possession, his ship 'Wonderland', as he waited for the final object needed on his quest to arrive. Above him on the deck of the ship he could hear his crewmates running around, making finishing touches for departure. He couldn't help but smile at the thought of sailing out with his crew again, finally getting back on the sea after a break on land.
As the noises calmed down a little, Hongjoong could already tell that the supplier had arrived. His hunch turned out to be true, as the door to his private room opened and a man dressed in all black stepped inside. This was not their first meeting and as it also wouldn't be their last Hongjoong had already gotten used to the large black hat the person opposite to him wore that covered the most part of his face.
To say that he was curious to see that face would be an understatement. And yet he had never asked to see it. Hongjoong knew that sometimes secret had to be kept. Besides he certainly did not want to taint this relationship. It was way to beneficial.
Without a word spoken the man in black set down the object on Hongjoongs desk: an hourglass, held in a circle made of gold. The words 'Symphony No.9' were engraved on the circle, almost invisible to those who didn't know about their existence. Pearly white sand flowing freely from one side to another if turned right. It was beautiful, breathtaking even, to finally see the ominous hourglass on his own ship.
"Thank you. I appreciate your work", Hongjoon said, as he pulled a small leather bag from one of the drawers in his desk. Coins rattled against each other as the bag got exchanged form Hongjoongs hand to the gloved hand of the quiet man. "I will let you know, when I am searching for new objects."
At this the man in black nodded, tipped the brim of his hat at the Captain and left.
Hongjoong looked at the hourglass, smiling as he turned it over. The white sand started flowing down. "Show us the way, Symphony Number Nine."
As the Captain stepped out of his cabin, he could already see his crew ready on deck. The only thing they were waiting for was his 'go' and they would start sailing in an instant. By the atmosphere surrounding them, Hongjoong could already tell that they were just as excited as he was to see for themselves if the legendary treasure, the 'Symphony', was real. The legends surrounding its existence described it as one of the largest treasures out there. Shimmering gold coins, fiery red rubies and the finest silver swords were only few of the objects rumored to be part of the Symphony.
Hongjoong could feel the eyes of his crewmates on him. He couldn't hide his smile anymore as he finally said: "Let us start our journey, ATEEZ!"
Excited yells were the answer and everyone got to work. Soon the ship was leaving the harbor behind, the wind being on their side today.
As the captain, Hongjoong usually didn't have much to do with the actual sailing. He was more into planning their journey, making sure they had enough food and water and ordered his crew to stop at a nearby harbor to fill up their supplies if necessary. Today however he stood on deck with everyone else, breathing in the fresh air of the sea while trying to calm down his beating heart. It had been quite some time since him and his crew went on such a mysterious journey.
"Bring all of this below deck!", Hongjoong could hear Seonghwa ordering some of the lower ranked members of their crew. He turned around to see his right-hand man standing tall between the other crewmates, overlooking the whole process. Seonghwa was a reliable partner to Hongjoong, his right hand, who always kept his cool. Which was more than necessary because Hongjoong held intense pride for everything he did and could get into heated arguments with other pirates from time to time.
As if he had sensed something Seonghwa turned to look at Hongjoong. "You are still out here today? Don't you trust us, Captain?" His voice was calm, as always but Hongjoong could hear the teasing undertone.
"I trust all of you wholeheartedly. Just didn't want to miss our departure", he answered nonetheless. Seonghwa smiled warmly at him before walking over to Wooyoung who had called out for him.
Hongjoong let his eyes wander a little more over the deck, spotting Yunho who was currently training his sword-skills. Or at least he tried to do as much as he could with the limited resources he had to fight against. His enemy of choice were some thick ropes spun between the masts of the ship. The Captain had told Yunho countless times already that he was a skilled fighter especially with a sword, but Yunho always strived to do better.
"Don't tire yourself out too much, Yunho", Hongjoong finally spoke up as he approached the younger man, "We can not tell when we will arrive and I need you to be ready if we actually have to fight someone... or something."
Yunho cut through the centre of the ropes with a final strike. "Fine, fine. I'll tone it down a little." He smiled brightly at the captain before collecting the now cut ropes and knotting them to the masts again.
Sometimes Hongjoong felt as if he had adopted a puppy into his crew and not a 22 year old man.
"Hongjoong!", someone called for the Captain. He of course knew, that this voice belonged to San. His eyes found San and his bright pink hair standing at the ship's wheel as he was responsible for steering it. He waved for Hongjoong to come over.
On his way over to San, Hongjoong passed by Seonghwa once more who was now with Wooyoung. Similar to Yunho they were training. Well Wooyoung was training with a gun while Seonghwa gave him advice on the angle, the stance and the technique. Somehow the vice-captain had an incredible aim and a steady hand. Hongjoong would trust Seonghwa to shoot an apple off of his head.
Wooyoung wasn't quite there yet, he still had a long way to go to reach Seonghwas level of skill, but he was eager to learn and had improved highly ever since he started training his aim.
"You two as well? I guess, you can join Yunho in wasting your energy", Hongjoong sighed at them.
Seonghwa shrugged, pointing to Wooyoung. "It was his idea, not mine."
Wooyoung fired a shot at the makeshift target and almost hit the bullseye. "Ah~ so close! Did you see that Seonghwa? Was that one good? It was good, right?"
"Sorry, Woo. I was talking to Hongjoong and didn't pay attention to you."
"What? Oh my god Seonghwa, you are so mean!"
Hongjoong left the two to bicker among themselves and finally reached San. "Whats up?", he asked.
Just like the other crewmates San seemed to be filled to the brim with excitement. Which wasn't exactly something new or unusual. San, together with Yunho Wooyoung and Yeosang, whom Hongjoong had yet to spot on their big ship, were always giving high energy especially when they were all together.
"Just wanted to confirm our current route with you", San answered, gesturing towards the small table next to she steering wheel. On the wooden surface San had laid out a map covering most of the sea and of course the hourglass, which would lead their way. None of them knew exactly how it worked, but i seemed as if the sand inside the glass was drawn into a specific direction as long as it flowed down.
Hongjoong took a look at the white sand, comparing its flow with the direction of their ship and nodded. "Seems good to me. I think, you can work it out by yourself just fine, San."
San shrugged. "Better safe than sorry, right Captain?"
"Right, San", Hongjoong said, smiling. He knew that San worked hard to reach the level of skill he had now. No map was too complicated, too old, too ripped for San, somehow he was able to read them all. San had always gotten them to their destination safely and yet he still liked to check in with the Captain, making sure they were on the right path.
With a friendly pat on the head, after which San smiled proudly and most pleased, Hongjoong made his way down to the main deck again. Once more his eyes landed upon Yunho, who had stopped wielding his sword. Instead he was now bend over a black cloth. Next to him were the last two main crewmates, which Hongjoong had not yet seen after their departure: Jongho and Yeosang. Seeing those two and the mysterious black cloth reminded Hongjoong of something that he had entrusted them with. As he walked over to them he wondered, if they were already finished with their task.
"And what are you three plotting?", he greeted them as he arrived at their current position.
"Nothing much", said Yeosang, "Just showing Yunho our new flag."
So they were finished with their task. Hongjoong couldn't help but smile. Their old flag had been ripped during their last quest. Of course that wasn't something to stop ATEEZ from continuing, but Hongjoong had noticed that his crew's motivation had been higher while they were still in possession of their flag, their symbol, the sign which let others know that they were dealing with ATEEZ. And because of that he had asked Jongho and Yeosang to think about a new flag.
Hongjoong scanned the new flag. Similar to the previous one the background was black, appropriate for a pirateship, but this time Yeosang and Jongho had decided to paint the lettering, the word ATEEZ, in a fiery red. But there was something else that caught Hongjoon's eye: "Is that fire above our name?"
"Yes, but also no", Jongho started to explain, "It's supposed to resemble a crown that is on fire... or made out of fire. Whatever floats your boat, you know?"
To say that Hongjoong was impressed would be an understatement. He had always known that his members were creative, always thinking about what to do next and most importantly what would benefit their crew. There was a tight-knitted bond between the members of the core-crew, Seonghwa, Yunho, Yeosang, San, Wooyoung, Jongho and Hongjoong himself, forged by their adventures on the sea. Somehow he felt as if the new logo, the fire, the crown, their name in red, combined all of their characters perfectly.
"It's time to hoist this new flag up, guys", Hongjoong ordered, "Let's show everyone who they're messing with."
Hongjoong was awoken by someone slamming his door open. By the dim light coming in from the outside of his room, he assumed that it was early morning, around five am maybe.
"Captain, I think we're here!", San's clear voice resonated into the room. There wouldn't be another crewmate up at this time of day anyways. At least up until now. During the last few days on their journey all of the crew had gotten more and more restless. Nobody could tell why, since there were no changes in their surrounding, but somehow they all were getting sure that their destination was close by.
Their intuition had not been wrong Hongjoong thought as he stepped out on deck and saw an island coming closer and closer to the ship with every second. His members stood by his side as they all watched the island draw closer. With a quick glance Hongjoong was pleased to see, that they were just as ready as him to step off the ship and get to finding the treasure. They were all dressed accordingly and Yunho and Seonghwa even had their weapons with them.
They couldn't help but feel an ominous feeling wash over them as Hongjoong, Seonghwa, Yunho, Yeosang, San, Wooyoung and Jongho landed on the island with a small boat. They had decided to leave the rest of their crew on board of the 'Wonderland'. Too many men could potentially be more dangerous and just the seven of them going alone. Besides that they were skilled and could handle fights by themselves, as they had proved countless times already.
They didn't regret this decision even as the dark forest loomed over them on the island, they never regretted a decision they had made. But neither of them could deny that a little more company would have felt more comfortable.
Hongjoong adjusted his long fur coat. It was a piece of clothing many deemed unfitting for such an adventure but Hongjoong felt most comfortable in it. He was the captain, he was talented, he was the leader, the brain. The fur coat wouldn't be an obstacle in whatever situation he had to face. "Let's find that damn treasure, ATEEZ!", he said as he took the first step towards the densely wooded forest. His crew followed suit.
A shiver creeped up on Wooyungs back as the trees started to surround them. During the first few minutes his mind was busy to figure out what was so confusing about this forest. Something was off, wrong almost but he couldn't quite put his finger on it. Then finally it clicked: There were no noises. No birds singing, not any other animal making a sound. No wind flowing through the leaves. Even the sound of their shoes on the forest floor seemed to be swallowed up by the darkness around them.
Of course they had heard rumors about this island. And there were many. One talked about the treasure being cursed, bringing the finder only harm and misfortune. Another said that the treasure was being guarded by a giant kraken. And the most popular of them all of course told them that no one who stepped a foot on this island was able to return back home. All of these rumors could be true Wooyoung now realized. This was definitely the right place to hide a cursed treasure guarded by a kraken with a preference for humans.
Wooyung realized that his friends must have felt the same way. None of them dared to talk. Every single spoken word would have felt too loud in this forest. But on the other hand there was no denying that this was the right place to hide a treasure! And up until now they had always been successful on their adventures. Their teamwork was outstanding, no one could compare. They had risen in ranks ever since they started sailing. There was no way that this would be their breaking point.
The cracking sound of a stick made Wooyoung flinch. He was a little ashamed but was instantly less embarrassed when he saw how Yunho clutched at San's biceps. Just as he was about to point this out though, Seonghwa hissed a "Someones's coming" to no one in particular. Wooyoung could see how the older already laid a hand on his sniper.
Without talking the pirates stood in a circle, their backs to each other. It was quiet again, somehow the silence felt even more heavy than before.
Suddenly even more tree branches cracked, Wooyoung could even hear footsteps approaching them. This time he didn't need Seonghwa to tell him that someone was on their way. He could hear them himself, loud and clear. Someone was coming. They were fast. And they were many.
People started breaking through the trees attacking ATEEZ on sight. As he ducked under a thrown fist Wooyoung made a mental note to thank Hongjoong and Seonghwa later for training them so hard in hand-to-hand combat before they started sailing all those years ago. He was able to avoid another punch and in turn could kick his enemy off of his feet, making them fall to the ground with thud and, Wooyoung noticed in horror, an extremely loud cracking noise. Now that his sole focus wasn't on dodging he was able to get a good look at their enemies. They were around the same height as him and his friends but there was no flesh, no hair, no skin, not even eyes in their sockets. They were fighting a bunch of skeletons. The one Wooyoung had previously thrown on the ground was no longer moving. It seemed to had landed on a rock of some sort and cracked its spine.
As he looked around Wooyoung noticed that breaking their bones seemed to be the only way of getting them to stop fighting. His crewmates were struggling with the skeletons because simply pushing them back or slicing into the bones wasn't enough to keep them back. They didn't feel pain.
"Break their spine or their legs!", Wooyoung called out, while trying to escape the boney hands of another skeleton approaching him, "They need to be unable to move."
At this exclamation San aimed a swift kick at the head of his enemy. The skull made an ugly noise as it dislocated from the rest of the body and landed on the ground. The skeleton stopped moving before falling collapsing.
"Yeah, I guess the head works too", Wooyoung commented.
"You should concentrate!", Seonghwa barked back, but even he couldn't help a small grin making its way onto his lips.
As it turned out his call to focus wasn't without reason. Wooyoung struggled more and more with every punch, with every kick. He was getting exhausted, feeling the hits the skeletons were able to land on him while his enemies remained unbothered at anything that wasn't cracking them in half. He could hear Jongho's heavy breathing behind him and saw Yeosang limping. This was not going well. Not at all.
He wanted to help his friends but he was equally beat up. Still Yeosang definitely needed help. Wooyoung took a step towards his friend and felt a hand closing around his arm. Slender bones held him in his current spot, as another set of bones wrapped around both of his legs. How could these people only made out of bones be so strong?
A yelp escaped his lips as more and more hands got hold of his body. Yeosang, who Wooyoung wanted to originally help, turned around. He realized what was happening to Wooyoung and started to run towards him but it was too late. The skeletons dragged Wooyung with them. Yeosang was still struggling with his limp, unable to follow them.
"They have Wooyoung!", he cried out, panic clearly audible in his voice. If he wasn't used to one thing it was seeing Wooyoung like this; helpless, alone, frightened. Normally Yeosang would not have distracted his other friends from their own fights like that but this situation was different. All of the rumors they had heard before came back to his mind at once, his worry for Wooyoung only increasing.
Hongjoong broke from their circle and sprinted into the woods, following the skeletons who had captured Wooyoung.
"San, no!", Seonghwa's voice resonated over their heads. Yeosang turned around to see San, who was also trying to leave into the same direction.
"He can't fight them all alone, Seonghwa!", San called back.
"They are leaving...", Jongho panted. He made a sweeping gesture around them. Their attention diverted to their surroundings. The youngest had been right. The skeletons retreated back into the forest, using different directions as they ran.
"Then it should be fine for me to go find Hongjoong and Wooyoung", San stated, already starting to walk again.
Seonghwa opened his mouth to say something, but he was cut off by someone-- something screeching.
All of them froze. That was a noise they had never heard before and Yeosang was more than sure that he never wanted to hear it ever again. It sounded angry, it shook him to his core. Yunho and Jongho seemed to have the same reaction as him, while San was still staring towards the part of the forest, that he suspected their other two crewmates in. Seonghwa on the other hand had a grim look on his face.
"I guess, that rumor about a kraken wasn't just a rumor after all."
Before one of them could react to his statement in any way, Seonghwa looked at Yeosang. "Are you able to walk?"
Yeosang tried to put weight on his right foot. It hurt but it seemed to be endurable. "I don't think I can run, but walking should be fine."
"Then we will all follow Hongjoong and Wooyoung. Don't try running off on your own, San, do you hear me?"
San didn't answer Seonghwa, he only kept on looking into the forest.
"Did you hear what I just said, San?", Seonghwa asked again, sounding even more stern this time.
"Yes, I did. And I won't run off."
that concludes part 1 of this story, hope you enjoyed it so far & will come back to read the rest!
sorry for not including mingi but as he is not part of the performance i would have found it very difficult to add him as well. i already feel bad because i gave the members different "screentime" in this story (my program tells me i wrote "wooyoung" 21 times, followed by "seonghwa" with 12 times and "hongjoong" and "yeosang" with 10 times each).
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bimboamyrose · 4 years
On the Scarlett Sea Part 2 / 2
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A ~Pirate~ Metamy Fanfic - [Link to Part 1 & Synopsis]  - [AO3 Link]
In collaboration with @mmm-asbestos​ & their pirate Metamy AU Happy 2021 everyone  ❤ ❤ ❤
Part 2
There was no natural light to be found in Amy’s room even in the morning. The ship was incredibly quiet as it sailed on calm waters with its skeleton crew. This combined with the lack of any sort of alarm made it very easy to sleep- maybe too easy. CLANG, CLANG, CLANG! Amy had no idea what time it was and felt disoriented and started when she awoke in the dark, unfamiliar room. CLANG, CLANG, CLANG! The metallic pounding on the door would have sufficed to wake a village.
“Alright, I’m awake… Hang on…” Amy turned on a small desk lamp and stumbled through the dimly lit room to its door. Little more light entered the room. “Where…” she nearly missed the small robot that had awoken her until he tapped her leg. “Oh… which one are you?” she squinted.
“That would be H1.” Metal Sonic stood just down the hall with arms folded neatly behind him.
Amy turned her attention to him groggily. “Why did you wake me…”
“You’ve been in there for 16 hours. I thought you might be dead.”
She blinked at him incredulously. “What time is it?”
“About noon, local. Would you join us on the main deck?”
He stood stoically, looking apathetic. “Aren’t you bored?”
“Are you?”
There was no response from Metal except a mechanical scoff, as if letting out steam. He turned back upstairs without another word. Amy grumbled something under her breath and took her time getting ready with whatever she could find in the room. When she emerged, H1 was still standing guard in front of her door, staring up at her blankly. She stepped around him awkwardly, his gaze following her as she went. Okay, less cute...
The midday sun left Amy squinting on the upper deck. She found Metal Sonic standing nobly right at the bow, watching the seas ahead. Might as well…
Amy came up next to him, mimicking his stately pose. “I had to sleep in this dumb outfit, you know.”
“You really must stop being so irritating when I cannot properly roll my eyes at you.”
“Pft-” Amy tried to hide a snicker. This amused Metal. “So… No clue how far this treasure is, huh? I wonder how long it’ll take.”
“I estimate no more than 12 days; That is how long it takes to navigate to the border of this sea at our velocity.” He glanced down to find a grouchy look on her face. “But… may be quicker.” Unless it’s in a different sea entirely , he kept to himself.
“Great,” she sighed. “So, what do you plan to do for up to 12 days?”
“Hm…” Metal brought his thumb and forefinger to his chin. “... we could spar.”
She whipped her head around to face him. “Again with the swords? What’s with you?”
He shrugged “I learned about the art while researching pirates. I believe I’ve mastered it but I would like to try with a worthy opponent.”
Now it was flattery. He really was impossible to understand. “Well thanks, but I don’t know the first thing about sword fighting- and it sounds like you don’t, either.”
“I assure you, I know plenty ,” he challenged, looking directly at her.
“You can’t learn how to fight by reading about it,” she scoffed.
“Well, perhaps you can’t…”
She raised a brow. “You know, you’re really gonna have to get used to ‘organic’ limitations soon. Unless that’s not really what you want…”
Metal could see that the girl was still doubtful about his intentions. She was unexpectedly clever- he supposed exploiting her kindness would only go so far. Perhaps he should try to limit himself for the time being. “You misunderstand. I am capable of mimicking movements as part of my programming. I don’t usually use weapons and simply wanted the ability to defend myself once I gave up this body.”
“Right…” If it was a lie, it wasn’t a bad one. Maybe he really was bored. “So is there a way you could teach me without all the sharp bits? Something tells me only one of us would get injured, and I’m no mechanic.” A sly smile found its way onto her face.
Now that was an amusing reaction, he thought, if only because she was so quick on her feet. A low snicker radiated from Metal as he beckoned her away. “We shall use the prop swords… for now.”
The pair soon took to the main deck with its wide-open space. Amy did what she could to tie the ridiculous skirt up at her waist and out of the way. Then, Metal Sonic tossed her a cutlass which held a surprising amount of weight when caught. It looked just like a real sword.
“Uh, are you sure these are props?”
“They are real antique swords, but they have been dulled. I assure you they won’t break your skin… Unless I want them to.”
It was hard to tell if he was joking. Ignoring it, Amy jumped out, holding the sword ahead of her with her feet spread. “Well, this doesn’t seem so hard.”
“That is because your stance is appalling.” Metal came up next to her, demonstrating the “proper” way, his pose looking much the same as hers. Her confusion was evident as he described the stance. “Keep your back foot out at a 90-degree angle… sword arm bent at 45 degrees… your feet really should be 91 centimeters apart-”
“Okay, you need to stop throwing random numbers at me,” she pouted.
“Alright…” Metal dropped his sword. With his hands at his hips, he took another look at how she posed. Then he kicked her back foot into the right position.
“Hey! You could be a little more gentle, you know.”
“Very well,” Metal made an exasperated motion as he moved behind her. Amy tried to follow him with her eyes but he grabbed the top of her head and turned it away. “Look forward. Now…” He extended his reach around her, using his hand to lift her elbow slightly. She shuttered a bit at the cold touch. “Does it feel a bit heavier now?”
Amy cleared her throat. “Ah… Yeah, a little.”
“One more thing,” he grabbed her other arm by the bicep, pulling it back toward him forcefully. “Keep this behind you, unless you’d like to lose it.”
A slight gasp escaped her lips at the abrupt movement. She tried to remain unphased. “Okay… Now what?”
He pulled away and stepped to her side. “Try a lunge. Extend your sword.” Amy lifted her elbow, fully extending her sword arm forward. “Good. Now, push off with your back foot to lunge forward.” She did as instructed, jumping forward slightly. “Again- Keep your back foot at the correct angle this time.” Amy’s eyes rolled in her head as she tried the motion again, focusing on keeping her body aligned. “Better… Try it as one swift motion.”
Awkwardly, Amy pushed her sword hand ahead and propelled herself forward all at once, losing her footing slightly. “Ugh! Wait-” Taking a deep breath, she tried the move again. And again. And again. Metal patiently watched her determination as she became slightly better with each thrust. It was so amusing to see the sheer effort it took her. The 16th time was the charm, as she was able to lunge swiftly without losing her footing. “Ha! How was that?”
“... It was fine. Anyone can do it once, though,” he derided.
“Hmph. Let’s see how many more I can do, then.”
To his surprise, Metal didn’t seem to get bored with such basic practice. Her tenacity was enjoyable to experience and she took instruction well, even if she stumbled. Metal moved on to demonstrating how to parry and eventually had her practice the motions together. Around two hours into practice, he came up in front of her, pointing his sword. “Not bad. Why don’t you try to parry an actual lunge?”
“Actually, can we stop for now? I kinda haven’t eaten anything all day.” Amy stood naturally, holding the sword down in front of her with both hands. She went from threatening to sweet in a second.
“Oh- Yes,” he brought his sword down to his side. “Of course. And I should check that we are still on course.” She handed him her cutlass hilt-first but he refused it. “Try carrying it on you. I’m concerned you may forget it’s not as easy to summon as your usual weapon.”
“Pft- You’re concerned about me? That’s new,” she smirked.
“Do not confuse it with amity,” he said flippantly, walking off toward the helm. “You know where the galley is.”
“Whatever, weirdo…” Amy affixed the dulled sword to her waist by the side, undoing the ties that kept her skirt girded around her hips. How anyone got things done with such a cumbersome garment, Amy did not know. The choice of theme still didn’t make much sense to her.
“That should do it,” Tails closed up a hatch on the ship’s engine. He gave the operator a thumbs-up and before anyone knew it, the loud humming and rattling indicated that it was once again fully operational. Some of the crew hung around, cheering, as one of the cameramen leaned in close to the boy.
“Color me impressed.” Rouge sat atop a stack of crates watching the operation. She now wore a much more official-looking fitted navy pantsuit and captain’s hat. “All fixed in under 24 hours! Any chance you’d like to become a permanent member of the crew?”
“Thanks, but I have my own crew,” Tails laughed.
She pouted with a slight sigh. “Suit yourself…” She hopped down from the stack of crates, floating her way up toward the stairs. “I’ll let the crew know we’ll be moving soon. Everyone here, back to your posts.” The cameraman scrambled to shift his focus and follow her up.
A few of the crewmates patted Tails on the back and congratulated him as they got ready to return to their posts. Tails made some small talk until they’d all filed out a few minutes later.
Knuckles stretched his arms and rolled his shoulders. “Finally, we can get a move on. Do you think we’ll catch up to Amy and Metal?”
Tails nodded. “It’ll take a couple of days, but yeah- this ship’s faster.”
“Amy’ll have to hang on ‘til then…” Knuckles held up the compass that Rouge had recovered- it was identical in size and shape to his except that it was gold rather than brass. The arrow pointed in the same direction, though the inscription on the back was different. “ The time has come to find me- it is my turn to bleed. -Scarlett .” The boys found it kind of creepy, but it seemed to serve the same function so it was good enough.
“ Attention all crew: the ship is now fully operational. We will be setting sail in 30 minutes. ” Rouge’s voice was heard over the intercom.
“That’s our cue- come on.”
Back on Metal’s ship, Amy sat on the edge of her seat. She’d brought her lunch back up to the deck and got comfortable under the roof of the helm watching H3 and H4 work. The two little robots ran from task to task, tying various knots and doing whatever one does on an antique pirate ship, sometimes stacked on top of one another for height. Amy clapped in amusement any time they finished something, much to Metal Sonic’s annoyance.
Once they were done, the pair scrambled up the stairs to the helm and gave their master their signature salute. “Very good. That is all for now,” he told them. Rather than scurry off, H4 threw his arms in up, catching H3, who balanced on his brother’s hands with his own.
“Oooh!” Amy clapped and giggled at the silly display while Metal groaned. H4 tossed the other in the air and switched to a handstand himself as H3 landed, their soles connecting. Then H3 rolled into a ball and his brother spun him on the soles of his feet. Amy had burst into full-blown laughter. “Wow, you guys are talented!”
“That’s enough,” Metal interjected. He was authoritative but not harsh in his tone. His henchmen complied, both standing back up on their feet. They waved to Amy as they scuttled off to the lower decks.
“Those guys are fun- did you teach them that?” Amy wiped a tear from her eye as the laughter subsided.
“ No. They were programmed to entertain for some reason. It was not my doing.”
“Well, they’re pretty good at it.” Amy leaned back in her chair, taking a sip of iced tea she’d made to go with her meal. She fanned herself in the heat. “Hey, are they gonna do the same?”
Metal was examining his sharp fingers, having found a scratch in the chrome paint job. “The same what?”
“You know, the same wish. To be organic.”
“What- oh, no,” he shook his head. “They are not the same as me. Or should I say, I am not the same as them…”
“How so?”
Metal had to be careful with his words. “Well… their AI is very simple. They are trained in certain tasks and to look for the right reactions in others as they do so. They’re quite simple- no real ‘emotions’ to speak of.”
Amy placed down her glass. “But you have feelings?”
“They are… simulated. But yes, I suppose you could call them that.”
“Huh. And I thought you operated on blind rage alone,” she chuckled.
Turning to her, Metal leaned an elbow on the railing to his side. “More like… spite.”
“Ha- is that what you feel for Sonic?”
“You could say that.”
The surroundings grew quiet in the absence of Metal’s minions. There was little noise but the gentle swaying of the sea and perpetual whirring from his turbine. Amy closed her eyes and listened as the sails waved in the wind, leaning back so the breeze sailed through her hair to cool her down. The air moved across the soft locks that flowed from her quills. She gently swiped them away when they blew over her face, her sleeves billowing lightly. When her eyes opened, she found Metal staring at her rather intently.
He turned his head away, looking back toward the wide-open deck. “Shall we continue our lesson?”
It was strange, the way he looked at her. She could almost swear there was a yearning in his gaze. She began to seriously consider that he could be telling the truth about his intentions. “Sure, just give me a few.”
Amy hardly noticed how much time had passed during the impromptu “training.” She found that it was much more enjoyable than she anticipated; learning a new skill was fun and Metal Sonic was a surprisingly effective teacher. There probably wouldn’t be time to become proficient at it, but learning to wield a sword was probably at least more entertaining than lounging around the ship most of the day. Still, as daylight dwindled, she was exhausted from the constant exercise and was ready to break for the day. Metal Sonic, for his part, didn’t ever seem to slow down, and was now demonstrating how to perform some combos.All part of being a machine , she supposed.
“Hey, it’s fun watching you and all, but I’m really tired.” She stretched her arms up warily. “Can we stop?”
Metal stopped his demonstration and stood upright. “Hm- Yes, it has gotten late. Will you continue tomorrow?”
Why did he look so excited about teaching her the ropes? Amy wondered how he normally spent his time if he found this to be so entertaining. What else was she going to do out at sea? “... Yeah, sure. It’s fun.” Her smile was sincere this time.
“... Indeed. You don’t learn as slowly as I thought you would.”
“Gee, thanks,” she chortled. “I’m gonna freshen up.” Amy tied the practice sword around her waist and mocked a salute at Metal. She saw his shoulders rise momentarily as if to give her a single laugh. The scenario still felt strange, but Amy was remarkably calm- relaxed, even- as she returned to her temporary accommodation. It was dark by the time she felt ready to leave her room again. It was too early for bed and there was nothing to do, so she returned to the main deck with her lantern in hand.
It was empty. No henchmen, no Metal Sonic- just the swaying ocean and sound of her heeled boots against a hardwood deck. She wondered if she’d have experienced such tranquility while traveling with her friends. Tails’ boat was so much smaller and the three of them already felt like they crowded the space. She missed them. They must be so worried…
Unsure of what else to do, Amy laid down on the bare deck to stare into the dotted sky. It was cold and hard and a bit damp, but the stars overhead were so vibrant she swore she could almost reach out and touch them. She passed some time finding any constellations she could identify in the summer sky.
At the sound of a door creaking open, Amy turned her head toward the captain’s quarters. Metal Sonic stood in the doorway, catching her in his gaze. Only yesterday the sight would ignite Amy’s battle instincts; now she just remained still and silent. There was no reason to fight. It was odd.
Metal looked into her eyes for a minute until she turned her face back to stargazing. His heavy, metallic steps echoed across the empty deck as he approached her. He was otherwise quiet. Metal loomed over her for a moment before joining her, laying next to Amy on the wooden floor and wondering what was so fascinating about the night sky. The way it illuminated out at sea, far from the light pollution of Eggman’s airship and other hiding places, was unlike anything he had seen. He could see why she was so interested.
Amy started giggling after a minute. It was so absurd! They’d normally be trying to rip each other to pieces, but here they were stargazing together.
Metal turned to face her. “What is so amusing?”
“Nothing… Just that, this reminds me of before. Back when you couldn’t talk and I couldn’t fight- you’d kidnap me and we’d just sit there without a word.” The memories weren’t the most positive, but the idea was laughable now. She smiled.
“Ah- yes. Well, I can talk and you can certainly put up a fight now.”
“Yeah,” she giggled. “I had to become strong ‘cause… Well, I was looking for my own freedom, I guess. Like you.”
So she was really beginning to believe him after all. Metal thought that should have been an accomplishment, but his body failed to produce a positive response in his program. What should have translated into pride instead felt like... guilt? That was new. “Did it pay off?” he asked after some silence.
“Well, I got kidnapped again but other than that,” she shrugged playfully.
“Yes, that was… unideal.”
“I get it,” she sighed. “I probably wouldn’t have helped you otherwise. No offense.”
“That is understandable.” Metal turned his attention to the glittery sky, mapping the stars. He was never very interested in it, but he recognized all the common constellations- although they didn’t make sense to him. “Tell me, can you identify constellations?”
“Yeah, I know a few.” She pointed up toward a cluster of stars. “Like… Hercules. It’s pretty prominent this time of year, and it’s easy to recognize.”
“I am familiar with the legend, but this set of stars does not resemble a man…”
“Oh! You gotta, you know, connect the dots.”
His optics allowed him to do that automatically, placing lines between each of the stars in the correct order. The constellation resembled a square with a line coming from each corner, but not a mythical hero. “They are… just lines.”
“Hm… I guess that one’s pretty abstract. How about…” she moved her pointer finger across her vision. “Cygnus. It’s a swan.”
“I have seen swans. This does not look like one.”
“You gotta use your imagination a little!” She scooted closer to him, holding out both hands in front of his face. “See how it kinda looks like a cross when you connect the dots?”
“Okay. So, the shortest side of the cross is the tail, and the opposite part is like a long neck.” Amy traced each of the stars as she addressed them. “So then, where they cross…”
“Hm… Wings?”
“Yeah!” She giggled. “See? Not so hard.”
It was not how Metal would have chosen to depict a swan. The dots and lines that made up Cygnus were only conceptual, after all. “Perhaps I’ll understand better once I accomplish my goal…”
“Maybe,” she sat up. “Don’t worry if you don’t, though- most of them are nonsense; It’s just for fun!”
That seemed even more pointless. He sat up as well. “I do not comprehend it.”
“You will,” Amy assured. “Things don’t always have to make sense, you know?”
He found some understanding in her words, although “sense” it did not necessarily make. It was amusing, though, he admitted to himself. “I suppose I will.”
They sat chatting a while, Amy trying to explain the meaning of various constellations, Metal doing his best to imagine the abstract figures she described. As clouds moved in and the sky became less visible, the topic moved on to Metal’s interest in pirates. He spoke at length about the life and history of Captain Scarlett and her elusive treasure.
“According to accounts, she used the mirror to become the ‘greatest pirate alive’ and gathered most of her riches during this time. Soon after, her wife, Beryl, became ill and was unable to travel- that is why there are so many letters between them. After Beryl’s death, Scarlett disappeared. It is not known what happened to her or her ship- she likely became shipwrecked and drowned.”
“That’s so sad,” Amy commented. Her eyes were slightly misty.
“Well, piracy had its hazards. Still does. I have a book-” Metal turned his head away, looking intent.
Amy tried to see what he was looking at. “What is it?”
“I hear thunder…” A few seconds later, Amy heard it, too, as a light drizzle began to fall upon the deck.
“Oh, I don’t want to get wet again-” she sprang up.
“To my quarters, then.” Amy sprinted to the safety of the double-doors while Metal followed behind slowly. He was listening for further thunder and determining wind speed. Going in after her, he called to his henchmen, who were sitting at his table playing cards. “H3, H4- Lower the sails. I need to steer.” They both clinked their claws against their heads and jumped past him to start the task.
“Is everything okay?” Amy shook a bit of rain from her hair.
“A minor storm. Stay here.”
Although she had seen many badniks in and around water, Amy worried the rain could affect him. “Will you be alright?” They were both a bit surprised at her question. There was an unexpected tenderness in her concern.
“Yes,” he responded softly. “I am built to withstand worse.”
Amy nodded and he closed the door behind him. It was just her and H1 in the room now. He sat at the table still, cards in hand, and turned up to look at her. She smiled awkwardly, remembering this was the one who was hanging around in front of her room all morning. He patted the chair next to him, inviting her to join.
“So… What are we playing?” He stared at her silently. “Oh, right- you don’t talk. Uh… Go Fish?” H1 gave her a quick, violent nod that made his joints squeak obnoxiously. “Okay, okay! I’ll set up.”
They got two rounds in, H1 pointing at the deck whenever Amy needed to “go fish.” He won the first set but she bested him in the second, and they were now playing to break the tie. The storm outside was intensifying, heavy rain pounding on wood and thunder growing louder.
Amy was studying her cards closely, trying to decide which pair to go for next, when H1 sprang up, making a bee-line for the double-doors and running out into the open deck. “Why did he-” She gasped as her chair slid back and several pieces of furniture were pushed to one side. It didn’t last long as the ship rolled the other way, causing her to crash back into the table with an “oof!” That was more than a bit worrisome. She listened as the thunder and rain grew louder, the ship continuing to sway. Then, a huge crack of thunder boomed in her ears, followed by the sound of splitting wood. Amy quickly made her way to the main deck to see what was happening, immediately being pelted by rain and seawater.
The lower yard perpendicular to the foremast was cracked and practically broken in half, being held together only by H4’s coiling grip. She saw H3 pulling ropes, weighing down that side of the lower foresail to reduce stress on the beam. Metal Sonic was barking orders from the quarter deck above. Amy ran up to the helm just as H1 propelled himself in the opposite direction, toward the bow. His one glowing eye blazed when he spotted her.
“What are you doing? I told you to stay inside!”
“Don’t you guys need help?” Amy held onto the railing as the motion caused her to slip and slide on the wet floor.
“H1 is hoisting the jib, there’s nothing more to do but steer. Get inside, now!” Just then a towering wave came up to their port side. He was sure Amy’s featherweight would be blown off-board if she left the helm now. “Argh! Come here-” Metal steered in the opposite direction, trying to ride it out without capsizing. As the boat rolled, Amy stumbled to his left side and he pulled her in, putting her between himself and the wheel. He held her by the waist with one arm while the other remained affixed to the steering device. “Don’t drown!” he barked.
The wave swallowed the elevated deck, leaving Amy and Metal completely underwater momentarily. Metal’s heavy body remained unmoved while her feet were swept off. She’d have been washed away- or at least violently slammed into the railings and water-logged- if he hadn’t affixed his iron grip around her. As the water passed over, Amy sputtered, having swallowed a huge gulp. A whining set of beeps came from ahead of them.
H3 was pointing up frantically, indicating that the top corner of the sail had torn off the yard by the rope. The sail flailed wildly around him until he took hold with both hands again, stabilizing the bottom once again. If the sail ripped any further off the mast it would fold over and become worse than useless, sending the ship to one side with its imbalance. He would send one of his henchmen up if they weren’t already securing half the mast.
“Damn that torn sail,” Metal cursed under his breath.
Amy coughed into his chest in front of him. “Tell me how I can” cough “help!”
He took to his mind frantically, calculating out all the different scenarios in which they would survive if the vessel capsized. He wasn’t too worried about his crew; they could take a beating and were waterproof. But the girl… Whether he kept her by him or sent her away, she had little hope of survival if the ship went down. Their only hope was to hold on and reaffix the sail.
Reluctantly, he made the decision. “The sail needs to be mended. Steer.”
“No!” cough “I can fix it-”
Another wave was about to wash over them. “Shut up and take a breath this time!”
Amy was just able to take in some air before they were engulfed by saltwater for a second time. As it cleared, Metal glanced back at the torn sail. He could fly up and do what he could to reaffix it, but steering the ship and knowing when and where to turn was a lot harder than it looked. He was able to calculate the safest angle with which to navigate into the waves and keep the vessel balanced. Someone without any knowledge on the subject, however...
If she could get high enough, Amy wouldn’t have to worry about being washed off the vessel so long as he kept them upright. “Can you climb?” he asked her.
Pushing her wet hair out of her face, Amy answered. “Yeah!”
“Take that rope and climb up the mast- reaffix the sail by the eye. Here, use my sword to cut the rope. Do you understand?”
Amy nodded. There was determination in her eyes as she took his sword and booked it to the ratline.
“Hurry- Before another wave hits.”
She climbed, struggling against the wind as it vibrated the taut ladder. Water weighed down her long skirt as she went. Once at the top, another wave washed over the main deck, causing the vessel to roll once more. She held onto the ropes for dear life, unsure of how to get to the end of the adjoining yard. Amy turned her gaze in every direction frantically- how do people usually get up there? I could shimmy , the thought, but what do I hold onto?
Despite Metal’s ability, the ship was difficult to control without the proper sails. He felt uncharacteristically apprehensive watching Amy climb as he steered between waves, as if ready to lunge for her if she were to fall. Another wave was now threatening to roll the vessel from the starboard side, so he did his best to focus on steering.
Glancing down, Amy got an idea. She wrapped an arm through the tightly woven ropes and used her free hand to pull out the sword, then promptly sliced through the top of her skirt, revealing the black half-slip beneath it. It was easy to tear off from there and use as an impromptu support system. Amy tied the length of maroon fabric to the yard above her, leaving some room between it and the knot. She hoisted herself up and carefully made her way across the beam on her belly, twisting and dragging the fabric with her. Once she reached the tear, she said a prayer and dropped her body down onto the circle of hanging fabric, hoping it would act as a hammock to support her while she worked.
It wasn’t perfect, but it held. Amy couldn’t believe how high she was, supporting herself with only a bit of fabric on some creaky wood. She was able to do as Metal Sonic had instructed, hanging precariously from the beam and taking hold of it when she felt too much turbulence. Once she’d replaced the rope through the eye of the sail, it was just a matter of getting back down.
A melodic set of rings and tones came from below her. Amy smiled when she spotted H1 on the crow’s nest some feet down. He reached up, uncoiling his extendable arms to pick Amy up and lower her to him safely. “Oh thank goodness,” she threw her arms around the little robot and hugged him close. “I thought I was gonna die up there!”
The vessel was noticeably more stable now that the jib was functioning and the mainsail was secured. Amy heard a whistle and noticed Metal Sonic signaling for them to descend. Climbing down the ratline proved much faster for Amy without the deadweight around her waist, and she rushed back to the helm to see what else needed doing. H1 was already working to tie up the broken beam.
“How are we doing?” Adrenaline rushed through her as she asked.
Metal was taken aback by her excitement; She really seemed to have a knack for putting herself in danger. “Better…. Good work.” He noticed the change in her wardrobe then, but said nothing.
“Oh, it was easy,” she lied. “What else do we need?” They rolled again, listing starboard, and she grabbed onto his arm for balance.
He acted quickly in bringing her between him and the wheel again. “Nothing. We- I need to steer us around the storm.”
The proximity was slightly discomforting now. Amy flushed as she turned away from him to look toward the bow. But the constant motion didn’t allow her to leave his side just yet; They swayed backward while climbing another wave then leaned forward as the vessel crashed down over it. Amy couldn’t stifle a yell when the ship descended, Metal pulling her closer to him still. He wouldn’t admit how much alarm his body was producing as he saw the high chance of tipping forward. The ship’s boom was dunked under the waves momentarily until the entire vessel tipped back, balancing itself like a buoy.
Amy was shaking. Her heart was ready to leap out of her chest, sure she’d be unable to maintain her balance had it not been for Metal’s support. Any rosiness in her cheeks quickly vanished to stark white and she remained speechless in her panic. Metal looked down at her in front of him. He realized he was still clutching her to him, but didn’t ease his grip. He told himself it was in case another wave hit.
They continued to sail over the stormy waters, but it appeared after a few minutes that the worst was behind them. Metal loosened his hold around Amy as her heart rate leveled and her breathing went back to normal. The rain began lightening up, no longer showering the deck. It was a light drizzle by the time either of them found anything to say.
Amy inhaled. “That was… A lot.”
“Yes…” he turned his attention to his minions, who were securing the sail back to the mast. It had been repaired to the best of their abilities with as much rope as they could tie around it.
“So… This ship. It’s kinda falling apart.”
“That appears to be the case.”
There was an awkward silence between them. Amy was still sandwiched between Metal Sonic and the ship’s helm. Now that the shock had faded it was uncomfortable again. “I’m gonna… Step aside…”
“Of course-” Metal removed himself from behind her, taking some steps away to free her. “I did not expect you to do so well.”
“Yeah, thanks.” Amy rung out her locks. They were both soaked, but her clothes were heavy with all the water.
“You may change in my quarters- if you need to.”
“Got another fun outfit planned for me?” she mocked.
“Yes. Come,” he stepped down from the quarter deck toward the captain’s quarters.
Amy scoffed. “I was not being serious.”
Metal addressed the henchmen as he passed. “H1, H3, H4- you did well. We will complete repairs tomorrow.” They all saluted him, and as soon as he turned away, moved on to high-fiving each other noisily. The doors were held open to his room and Amy passed through.
Much of the space was in disarray. The chairs were in different corners of the room, half of them toppled over. The screen had collapsed and any books that lined the shelves had flown off and lay open or bent on the floor. Amy was worried what state her room could be in…
“Well, this is…”
“A mess,” Amy interrupted.
“That is a fair assessment.” Metal made his way to the far corner of the room, bringing the screen upright. “At least this is functional…” He pointed a hand to it, inviting Amy to use it.
Amy was weirded out again by his interest in her attire but was even more uncomfortable in the drenched outfit she had on. She made her way to change while Metal Sonic hung around the room, picking books up from the ground. He’d left her another period-accurate garment to dress up in. The sight of the long-sleeved white nightgown annoyed her at first, but she was glad she at least had something comfortable to sleep in.
When she stepped out from behind the screen, Amy made her way to pick up the floor mirror. It was cracked at the top from having toppled forward but was otherwise functional. She looked ethereal in the white gown, even if it was a little costumey.
“I hope it is to your liking,” Metal said as he approached her. “I understand you were uncomfortable resting in the other clothes.”
Amy had forgotten that the first thing she’d done that morning was to complain about the outfit to him. “I’m surprised you cared to remember.”
“I have ample memory storage; I do not forget.”
“But you still cared.” She smiled up at him.
“... I didn’t want to hear your whining.” Metal stepped away, continuing to tidy up his quarters from the whirlwind.
“Sure.” Amy pretended to study the dress in the mirror, actually watching Metal in its reflection. It was all so elaborate- the ship, the costumes, the sword fighting. What was the point of it all? “Hey, Metal… How come you’re so invested in this pirate act? It seems kinda…”
“Illogical?” He did not turn to look at her.
“I was gonna say inconvenient, but…”
“Hm.” He straightened up the last chair. “I suppose I just wanted something to control,” he shrugged. “It seemed on-theme.” It wasn’t a lie.
Amy had no idea what to expect but the answer still shocked her. It was becoming difficult to doubt him when she realized that she could relate. He really did have nothing to gain but his autonomy. “I understand,” she said simply.
Metal made to return to the deck, holding a door ajar. “Perhaps it will pay off for me, as well.”
“Yeah,” she smiled.
Amy gathered up her wet clothes to dry in her room. It was hard to tell how long she’d spent on deck chatting and then weathering the storm, but she was exhausted- and hungry. She was lucky everything in the kitchen was bolted down but felt less so when her suite was in complete disorder. For once, she didn’t care- simply plopping herself on the mess of sheets and pillows that she could gather atop the plush mattress.
“I am… so sore.” Amy lay on her back directly on the cool wood of the quarter-deck, groaning. “Everything hurts. And it’s sooo hot...”
The ship swayed slightly on the calm water, as Metal turned the helm sharply. “I suppose that means you are too weak to train, then.” He watched the compass eagerly. They had been blown off course by the storm the night before and the arrow was constantly changing direction now.
Ignoring his little insult, Amy darted her eyes up at him. “Is that all you think about?”
“What else are we to do?” He made a frustrated, metallic ring as he turned the ship in the other direction. “How does this ridiculous thing work?”
“How should I know…” Amy yawned. “You seem too busy steering to train me, anyway.”
“H1 can take over once he’s finished with the sails. I suggest you get ready.”
Amy clicked her tongue at him, crossing her arms over her torso. She rolled her head to the side, watching the horizon pass them by.  “When you have muscles, you’ll see…” But he was right, there was nothing better to do. It made her think about what her friends might be doing then. Would they catch up to Metal’s ship? She dreaded confronting them at sea, having to convince them of Metal’s plan. Even if they were worried, Amy would rather deal with them after the fact, asking them for forgiveness rather than permission.
Metal stared down at Amy. For all the spying and research he had done on Sonic and his  friends, Metal was still astonished by her bravery and tenacity in the face of danger. Looking back on their early meeting, he always categorized her as a weak, defenseless being. Even as Amy had grown strong over the years, this was the first time Metal experienced her pluckiness on its own, unadulterated by the presence of her teammates. It impressed him more than he cared to admit.
The maneuver she’d pulled climbing up the mast had left Amy with a pretty noticeable wardrobe change, too. The short half-slip she wore under the layers of scarves at her waist allowed for her usual mobility; he was almost excited by the prospect of sparring with her now that she could move more freely. Her boots and stockings were in full view and the oversized frills of her blouse were more striking now. Metal had found the billowy ankle-length skirt fetching in its historical context, but now she looked...
“Couldn’t we do it at night when it’s not so hot?” she interrupted his thoughts.
“I am not looking forward to becoming as sensitive as you,” he quipped, getting his mind off Amy’s appearance. “But fine.”
The compass appeared to stabilize again. When he set off to research pirating, Metal failed to realize the amount of waiting involved on seafaring adventures and began to wish he’d commandeered a faster ship. But, at least the company was good.
It was more than Rouge could say for her guests. “Look, I appreciate your help fixing the ship and helping us navigate around that storm, but I’ve been hired to recover whatever’s on that island!”
She and Knuckles argued over the fate of “her” treasure for hours. “I’m telling you I just want one thing!” he asserted.
“And I’m telling you I can’t just hand you an artifact when our funding is on the line. There are legalities-”
“Since when do you care about what’s legal? This is more important than that!”
Rouge huffed, plopping into her desk chair with folded arms. “Maybe if you just told me why you’re after it I could talk to my patrons about-”
“No! No one can know what’s in there!”
“ Stop interrupting me! ” Rouge’s wings flared out behind her as she slammed her hands down on the desk. The two glared at each other, neither relenting until a knock came at her chamber door.
Tails pushed it ajar with sheepish caution. “Uh… Am I interrupting?”
“... You’re fine,” Rouge sighed in exasperation. “Sit.” She rubbed at her temples, taking a breath. “I just want to know what we’re after so I can help. Can one of you please explain what the fuss is about?”
“Come on,” Tails nudged Knuckles. “We’re on the same side…”
Knuckles groaned under his breath. “Fine.” Rouge leaned in to listen, resting her wary head in her hand as he continued. “We’re after a Knuckles Tribe artifact known as the Stone Mirror…” He explained some of its history and how they knew that it was buried among Scarlett’s treasure.
She waited until he was done, and then slid her chair back, pulling a large scroll from the top drawer of her desk. “I’d like to show you something.” Unrolling it revealed a copy of the same map they’d used to navigate, stitched-together from a set of letters written by Scarlett. “These letters were addressed to Beryl over the course of several months- she and Scarlett were married. It seemed Scarlett wasn’t too eager to reveal the location of her stronghold, even to her wife. Some say she sailed there alone after, well…” Pointing to one of the letters at the bottom, Rouge read some of its contents aloud.
“ I am sorry for how my selfish desire has destroyed our happiness. You slit your palm and gave your very blood for me, and in my deception we were cursed. It was the mirror that took your health, and my guilty action that will take you if we do not act. These riches were meant to be your assurance in case of my demise; Instead, I must seal away all that I have earned in the hopes of saving you. There is no time to waste coming for you- Please find me.  Love, Scarlett. ”
She set down the scroll. “Earlier in it she writes about meeting some mystic that gave her information about a mysterious mirror and its curse. Something about lying toBeryl?”
“So she mentions it…” Knuckles pondered. “Legend states you need a blood sacrifice from someone else who’s ‘willing and knowledgeable about your intentions.’ Basically you lie and the other person gets cursed. Guess she found out a little too late.”
Rouge sat back in her chair, staring down at the collection of letters. “It’s well recorded that Scarlett recounted making some wish to become a great pirate. Historians just attribute it as a tall tale. Shame about Beryl, though,” she sighed. “In any case- this ‘Stone Mirror’ sounds dangerous.”
Knuckles nodded. “I don’t know how he found out, but I’m assuming it’s what Metal Sonic’s after.”
“... Okay. We’ll create a diversion to snatch up the mirror before the cameras can record it. But we’ll have to beat Metal Sonic there.”
The three of them nodded in agreement- Knuckles promising to find a way to destroy the dangerous artifact. And if they ran into their unexpected enemy at sea, there would be no choice but to subdue Metal Sonic before he could get his hands on it.
Three days went by and there was still no sign of this mystical secret island, orany land for that matter. Actual pirates may have had work to do, but Metal Sonic’s three henchmen seemed to do the all work of a full crew in a quarter of the time. It left Amy and Metal with very little to do other than practice their swordsmanship and chat late into the night.
Amy picked up swordplay like it was second nature. It helped that there was little more to do, but she’d never had issues with swinging a weapon around. After a fourth day of practicing she was getting the hang of perrying against Metal Sonic and was serving combos that would give any other beginner a run for their money. Though she complained of sore muscles and exhaustion constantly, Amy fought against it nevertheless, advancing far quicker than either of them anticipated. Metal was forced to admit that he found it admirable- though he didn’t express it out loud.
Metal, for his part, found himself appreciating Amy’s companionship. Her witty nature complimented Metal’s droll quips, and she found it funny that he put so much effort into his tough pirate charade. He didn’t have anything to counter with when they’d shot back petty insults at one another and she’d finally burst into laughter, remarking on how insistent he was on appearing superior. Metal supposed she had a point, getting his own chuckle out of it. Amy continuously commented on how he would feel differently when his body was organic as if to test him. Of course, Metal played along, but each time he did, there was a nagging twitch in his mind.
The guilt Metal felt over manipulating Amy was beginning to weigh. For years, he’d waited for this kind of opportunity to get the upper hand on Sonic, to become something that not even his rival could imagine. Metal wasn’t sure what form he would ultimately take when he finally got hold of the Stone Mirror, but it was so far from the average organic being that Amy imagined for him. “I wonder what color your eyes will be,” she had mused aloud during an evening conversation- what a wholesome thought compared to Metal’s. He said that he hoped they’d be green like hers and got a laugh over her flustered babbling.
Out of all the things that could go wrong with his plan, feeling remorse was not something he prepared for. It’s not as if he’d ever felt guilty for acting in his own interest in the past, but Metal realized that he’d never worked with someone on a team as an equal, either. There was a sense of kinship between them that grew from fighting against the harrowing storm; They both quickly became comfortable in the other’s presence, as if having been friends for years. That was a first for Metal.
But he couldn’t let all his plotting and past failures go to waste. Metal wasn’t about to let one of his former enemies sway his plans. Amy was nice to have around but there would be others; this was the only time he’d get this opportunity.
But I may as well enjoy myself, he thought. After four days at sea spending most of Amy’s waking moments together, Metal had grown to enjoy their time together; It was a shame it wouldn’t last.
On day five, they met in his quarters while Metal dug around for another sharpened sword. He tossed props aside from a closet as he searched.
Amy stood at the shelf on the opposite end of the room, perusing through a book. “What are you looking for?”
“A sharpened sword,” he answered plainly.
“You have a sword… And claws...”
“It’s not for me- Ah, here we are.” Metal turned back to her, a sheathed sword in one hand and a long, red garment draped over the other. “H3 does find the strangest places to store things…”
Putting the book down, she spun to him curiously. “What’s that?”
“I missed seeing you in red,” he said in the most pompous tone he could manage, holding it out to her.
She took it with a smirk. “Another skirt?” Amy unrolled the garment, revealing a long, notched jacket with gold piping that framed it intricately.
“No, something more fitting this time.”
She threw it over herself excitedly. Belting the jacket at the waist, Amy smiled at her reflection. “Oh, it’s pretty. And way more functional,” she giggled, turning her friendly countenance to him. “Thanks.”
“I thought you would feel that way.” Metal unsheathed the sword and handed that to her as well. “Now we can really spar.”
“I don’t know,” she said. “Seems kinda dangerous…”
“Hmph- I doubt you’ll land a hit,” Metal replied confidently. “And rest assured I will stop before the blade touches you.” He pointed the weapon at her theatrically.
Amy rolled her eyes. “It’s lunchtime- I’m taking a break.” She snatched the weapon from him, hanging it gingerly around her waist and making her way down to the kitchen. She was surprised to see Metal Sonic tagging along behind her. “You hungry?” she smirked.
“Something like that…”
She snickered a bit, not sure what to make of the comment but finding his presence enjoyable nonetheless. Amy got to work preparing her lunch while he observed her from across a high table, his cutlass drawn up to his eyes so he could look past it at her dramatically. She glanced at him with a scoff. “Making sure it’s sharp enough?”
“I can assure you, it is.”
Amy stuck out her tongue at him, sitting down on a tall stool to eat her lunch. “You are just as cocky as Sonic…”
Even if that was true, her comment irritated Metal. He sauntered around the table to her side, the sharp point of his weapon aimed at her. She didn’t appear phased. “I doubt that Sonic knows much about swordsmanship.”
“He’s apparently pretty skilled at it, actually,” Amy said, taking another bite.
With her mouth full, Amy shrugged. Metal lowered his sword, pacing around to her other side and looming over her shoulder. She continued to ignore his taunts as she ate. “I’m gonna grab some water…” Amy stood, continuing to watch him out of the corner of her eye. Turning back, she heard him speak again.
“En garde,” he announced with a lunge. The tip of his sword stopped just shy of her chest.
Glancing down at his weapon, Amy returned with a sweet smile. “Aw, how am I supposed to take you seriously if you won’t follow through?” She looked back up at him with doe eyes.
Metal met her soft gaze, locking his vision on her endearing face. “Well, would you like me to-”
Before he could finish, Amy had drawn her sword and gone for a parry, knocking his blade to the side. Then she lunged, closing the distance between them and bringing her weapon over his head. He swung his sword back up, blocking the hit. “Hmph! You’re just as impatient as Sonic, too,” Amy smirked.
“Argh!” Metal pushed her sword off and away from him, brandishing his in a ready position. “Will you continue to compare me to that imposter when I am organic?”
Amy held the same pose, teasing by twirling her weapon around in circles. “Depends. Are you gonna keep letting your life revolve around him?”
“Hm- How else would you and I get to spend time together?” Metal lunged, backing Amy against some kitchen equipment until she countered his attack with her own swing. She ducked underneath his next attack and backed away.
“You wanna hang out that bad?” she giggled. “Maybe just ask me out to coffee.”
“Oh,” Metal approached her slowly, his sword still drawn high. “What are those called again?”
“What are what called, weirdo?”
“Let me see…” As he continued his approach, Amy backed out through the kitchen door and into the narrow hallway. “Oh, a date ?”
Caught off guard, Amy lowered her weapon momentarily. He did the same as he neared her, their eyes locked. “Th-That’s not really-” His sword was upon her again a second later. She dodged, not having time to counter the sudden attack.Should’ve expected that, she thought, planning her next move.
But there was little time to think as Metal lunged toward her again, swinging from every direction as she struggled to block with her sword. They continued down the hall, clinking and striking their weapons together. Amy was just managing to remain defensive; he wouldn’t give her an opening.
Finally, Amy got in a parry after ducking from one of his swings and rolling behind him. When Metal turned back around, he narrowly avoided a swing that passed just under his chin. He sprung back. Out of striking distance, they both stared at each other, Metal holding his weapon down by his side. He was surprised that he didn’t feel the need to hold back more, feeling somewhat proud of Amy’s progress. But he wouldn’t let her know any of that.
“Ready to give up?” she teased.
He drew up the cutlass again, taking a step closer. “How easy could I possibly make it for you?”
Rather than fall back, Amy took his challenge and moved in his direction. “I don’t know… Looks like you’re having a pretty hard time to me,” she sneered. She was having more fun than she expected.
“I could say the same!” He rushed her then, Amy countering the next few swings.
Suddenly, they were each backed close to a wall as they stood in tandem in the narrow hallway, Metal just in front of a set of doors. As he swung again, she dove under his attack and through the double-doors. When the room came into full view, Amy looked on in awe. It was a grand ballroom, elegantly decorated in white and champagne- presumably for the wedding that was meant to be held there. Metal nearly landed a hit on her while she was distracted, but Amy seemed to be a master at dodging his lunges.
“Don’t get too distracted,” he taunted her.
Locked in battle, they continued moving down the length of the ballroom, circling around the winding rows of banquet tables and chairs. Metal was coming at Amy in full force, giving her little opportunity to counter. He could see her growing more tired now, her heart rate increasing exponentially as her breathing became more shallow. Taking advantage of this, Metal increased his speed and continued his swings, varying the direction so she couldn’t duck behind him again. They fought their way to the front of the room where the space was more open. Footsteps clicked as they stepped across the hard dancefloor that spanned from wall to wall at the front of the ballroom. Soon, Metal had completely backed Amy into a wall as she panted.
Amy realized that she was, perhaps, a bit too confident. Even if she were to get to a point where her skills surpassed his, Metal Sonic couldn’t tire in battle as fast as she would. She had to find a different advantage.
When she tried to perform an unexpected lunge, his sword made contact with her own so harshly that she lost her grip. It clanged to the ground next to her. Metal used his forearm to pin Amy to the wall by her chest.
She let out a grunt as she clashed with the wall behind her. Panting, Amy glared up at him in exasperation. “Are you satisfied now?”
“I am… impressed.” Metal cocked his head to one side, observing as her chest heaved under his grip. “But I knew you wouldn’t best me so easily.”
“Really? I thought you had more confidence in your teaching skills. I know I’m a great coach...”
Metal stared on at her curiously. “Is that so? And what do you teach?”
Amy gestured to the floor with her eyes. “I taught Sonic how to tango pretty well-” She was cut off as he pressed his forearm against her more firmly.
“Hmph- if you think that will distract me-”
“Hey,” Amy’s face softened into a smile as she interrupted him. She reached a hand up, taking hold of Metal’s lapel. He glanced down at the gesture in confusion. “You wanna know how else you’re like Sonic?”
“... Do tell.”
“C’mere.” Amy held an almost saccharine expression as she gently tugged his collar toward her.
She hardly had to pull as Metal allowed himself to be drawn into her. It may have been a ruse- he was fairly confident in that- but he was greatly interested in what she had to say as she lifted her chin to speak into his ear. Metal remained vigilant as Amy continued.
“You’re really cute,” she whispered.
Staggering back, Metal fixed her eyes with his. She twinkled back at him. “What do you-”
A sharp blow to the side of his head sent Metal off from atop Amy and to the ground. He lost command of his sword just as her enormous hammer came into his peripheral view. Of course - the thought ran across his mind as Metal landed on his side noisily. Amy sprinted to snatch his sword from off the ground as he readied to come back on his feet- but her boot heel was upon his chest before he got any further than facing her. Metal’s heavy body banged on the hard dancefloor as she pushed him down under her foot. Amy stood over him with his own sword pointed just under Metal’s chin. She was grinning from ear to ear as she watched his broken eye illuminate for a moment.
Metal would have been furious if she’d looked malicious, but her sparkling grin was so… cheery. “It’s cute that you think you can beat me so easily!” Amy laughed with genuine amusement as she removed her boot from his body.
His left eye now flickering again, Metal could only manage to glare for a second until he found himself chuckling as well. “That was most certainly cheating…”
“Didn’t know you had such strict rules.” Beaming, Amy allowed the hammer to disappear from her grasp and offered Metal a hand up. The lights in his left eye sputtered out again as he stood. “Hey, I almost fixed your eye! Maybe another wack will do it,” she smiled.
“Somehow I doubt that.” He hadn’t let go of her hand, instead using it to jerk her toward him. “But perhaps you could show me your little dance now?”
“Ah… I don’t know if you’d really enjoy it.” Amy offered Metal his sword, holding it between them.
He took it from her gently and slid it down by his side. “Won’t you indulge me?”
Her cheeks flushed lightly. Amy had just said it to distract him; she could teach, but she suddenly felt flustered in such close proximity. “Well… Maybe-”
The room shook then. Metal kept Amy from losing her footing as the ship rolled unexpectedly. They gave each other a look of concern.
“Is it another storm?” Amy asked.
Metal shook his head. “No- come to the deck, don’t forget your sword.”
He was floating out the door before Amy could find the words to respond. She followed him, picking up the weapon she’d dropped to sprint down the hall and up the long staircases.
“Surrender Amy Rose and the artifacts at once!” Rouge was flying above her deck speaking into her  megaphone with Knuckles, Tails, and her crew on deck below. Her ship floated across from Metal Sonic’s as cameramen focused on both of the captains.
Metal stood nonchalantly with his arms crossed behind, amplifying his voice to speak. “I can assure you she is under no duress.”
Knuckles had managed to snag a megaphone of his own and was now putting the full force of his voice into it. “Then where is she?!”
Metal squinted at the rumbling noise, his receptors vibrating uncomfortably. “Argh- You do not need to yell into that, I can hear you just fine.”
“Tell us where she is now!” Knuckles was getting ready to threaten him as Amy busted through to the deck. The three henchmen burst through just behind her.
When she spotted her friends, Amy’s face lit up and she ran to the ship’s railing. Metal remained in his stately pose behind her in an attempt to indicate that there was no threat. “Guys!” Amy waved, “I’m okay!”
Leaning close to the rails, Knuckles yelled into his megaphone again. “We can’t hear you-”
“Knuckles, that’s enough! I can hear her just fine so shut up,” Rouge snapped down at him. He crossed his arms irritably, grumbling. “Amy,” she continued, “we’re here to rescue you; are you hurt?”
Waving her hands in front of her, Amy answered as loud as she could. “Rouge, I’m fine! Are you guys okay?”
“Us?” she looked puzzled, “You were the one who was kidnapped...”
“It’s okay, I’m, uh…” she turned to beckon Metal, who looked almost bored at the turn of events. He approached her slowly, keeping an eye on the others. Once he was within reach, Amy clung to his arm in a friendly gesture as his expression became nonplused. “I’m helping Metal! Let’s team up!”
He whipped around to her with reproach. “That is not part of the plan!”
“Plans can change,” she responded in a low voice before addressing Rouge again. “Let us aboard and I’ll explain!”
Completely perplexed, Rouge didn’t know how to respond. Knuckles was shouting at her to repeat what Amy was saying and Tails began to call out to her as well. “Don’t move,” Rouge directed a command at Metal with a glare before floating down to the others. “What do you two want?!”
Tails pushed Knuckles aside in order to get a word in. “We’ve detected an island 30 naughtical miles from here in the direction of the compass- there’s no other land within range. It has to be the place. We can be there in the next couple of hours. We need to get Amy back ASAP.”
“We’re that close?” Rouge glanced back across the way to the other ship, where Amy and Metal appeared to be… arguing? Their tones were too hushed to decipher the speech, but neither was fighting the other. Though they both waved their hands around in apparent annoyance, Amy held him close to her without any resistance. Rouge didn’t know what to make of it. “She said… she’s helping him.”
“Helping Metal Sonic?” Tails looked just as confused now.
Knuckles butted back in, shoving Tails aside. “She said that? What’s his game?”
“How should I know?” Rouge brought her hands to her hips in frustration. “She said she wants to come aboard to explain.”
“That sounds like a trap!”
Rouge nodded in agreement. “But it’s the only way to get her back peacefully. We’ll just have to be ready for him.”
The boys each nodded in reluctant agreement. Rouge took a breath and quietly signaled her crew to be on alert. Approaching the side of her ship, she called out to the others. “You may board. We will extend the bridge.”
Amy and Metal paused their arguing to come to her attention. “Don’t you-” he started before Amy interrupted him.
“No need, we’ll fly over!” She faced him. “Come on, let’s go.” He glared at her with resentment, worried he’d just be ambushed and forced to engage, putting his plan in jeopardy. Amy tightened her grip on his arm and lowered her voice. “I’ll hold on to you so they don’t attack.”
His glare softened. That should work , he thought with some remorse. He wished he could feel more positively about tricking Amy so well she was willing to risk her safety for him. When Metal nodded, she climbed into his arms readily. She really held no doubt in him.
“You three,” he told his henchmen, “... be on alert.” H1 shot forward, standing on the ship’s railing and pointing ahead. “... Yes, I suppose I should bring one of you. Move.” Metal could the others’ clinking salutes as he and H1 lifted off, Metal flying over the sea carefully with Amy. A cameraman on a lower deck followed their path while another stood near Rouge, recording their landing. The little minion stood readily by Metal’s feet as the crew took steps towards them, encircling them steadily. Metal gazed around at them but did not move.
Knuckles came the closest. “It’s time to drop her,” he demanded.
“Very well.” Metal lowered Amy to her feet and she quickly wrapped herself around his arm, taking a step in front of him.
“I’m okay, Knuckles. I’m gonna hang onto Metal for now, okay?”
“Why? What is this?” Knuckles was shouting again, continuing his approach. “Did you do something to her brain?”
Metal scoffed, standing his ground. “What exactly do you think I could do?” A camera came up close to the side of his face while a mic loomed above. He turned his head sharply, his single blazing eye catching the crewmember off guard. “Is there something I can help you with?” The cameraman scrambled back, making himself scarce.
“Metal, just ignore it,” Amy tugged on him while his eye rolled around his screen.
“Alright,” Rouge’s assertive voice cut through the crowd that was quickly forming in front of them. “Everyone back off, you’ll hear my signal if I need you. That goes for you, too, Knucklehead. Move!” As her crew dispersed and the cameras backed to a safe distance, Rouge stood some feet in front of them. “So you made friends with Metal Sonic? I’d find it cute if I wasn’t still bruised from his last attack.”
Amy chuckled awkwardly back at her. “Yeah, well… you look great in your new uniform.”
“Hmph.” Rouge cracked a smile as she saw Amy there, protecting her unlikely friend from attack. It was almost sweet. “Well I’m relieved you don’t look too bad yourself. Cute jacket.”
“Thanks, uh… Metal picked it out,” Amy smiled.
“Really?” Rouge turned her attention to him. “Charming. Now what is it you want?”
When he didn’t respond after a few seconds, Amy cut in. “Metal has a… request. For the Stone Mirror.”
“What?!” Knuckles came booming back, stomping his feet.
Rouge held her arm out in front of him with a brief glare, then continued. “We’ll talk in my quarters. No cameras. Come on,” she turned on her heel and beckoned for only Amy and her “friends” to join her. They all followed behind Rouge awkwardly as the crew murmured around them, cameras following their every move.
Rouge locked the door behind them once they were in the privacy of her office. Then she faced Amy and scolded her. “You cannot go around mentioning magical artifacts in front of the crew. Why do you think you were all after it in the first place?”
Amy shrunk back, still clinging to a silent Metal Sonic. “Sorry… You’re right…”
Rouge sighed with exasperation, sinking into her chair. “Will you all sit?! You’re making me anxious.” As everyone complied, Knuckles most reluctantly, Rouge addressed Metal Sonic with some sarcasm. “I would love to hear what you have in mind for the mirror.”
After some seconds of silence, Amy nudged him. H1 climbed up the chair legs to sit in his lap, staring up at him. Metal shot them each an irritated look before starting. “I would like to use the Stone Mirror to become… organic.” He’d lied to Amy so easily, but was almost embarrassed to show such vulnerability with the rest of his enemies.
“Organic?” Rouge massaged her temple. “I don’t even know what to say to that. And Amy, you believe this?”
“Doesn’t matter if she believes it or not,” Knuckles butted in, “there’s no way Metal Sonic’s getting his hands on the mirror!”
Rouge nodded. “Unfortunately, I’m inclined to agree.”
Amy ignored Knuckles and spoke to her instead. “For the record, I do believe him. And I think it’s a good reason to use the mirror.”
Rouge shushed Knuckles before he could start again. “Amy… There’s something you should see.” She opened the top drawer of her desk and retrieved the same copy of the map she’d shown Tails and Knuckles. “I’m sure you know about Scarlett’s treasure and her letters to her wife, Beryl.” Metal’s piercing glare was already scanning through the text in the letters as Amy nodded. Rouge explained the entirety of the Stone Mirror’s curse, blood sacrifice and all, as Amy listened in shock.
“Amy,” Rouge’s tone softened. “This is a big risk for you…”
“Look, this thing cursed Beryl because of her wife’s dishonesty.” Knuckles got up angrily, pointing a finger at Metal Sonic. “Are you really willing to risk that for him ?”
“ Oh, ” Amy lowered her eyes in thought, her grip on Metal’s arm loosening slightly.
“The only way to lift the curse was for her to give her own blood and leave everything she’d gained behind; Hence why she sent for Beryl to meet back with her on the island. She tragically passed before making it off the ship.” Rouge stood from her desk and circled around to the front, facing Amy and folding her arms. “And I’m sorry to say I don’t trust Metal Sonic as far as I can throw him.”
The new information shouldn’t have changed Metal’s plan. He was willing to do anything for an advantage against his nemesis- or so he thought. But now, spending a few days with one of his enemies was enough to sway him? He supposed he could get The Doctor to sacrifice for him- he would revel in the opportunity to take Sonic down... No, he thought, I can’t let her get in my way. It wasn’t as if she’d be safe from him when he finally transformed into whatever monster he could conjure. And yet…
“If I may,” he spoke finally, placing his claws softly over Amy’s hand as it held his forearm. “Your blood will not be necessary. Someone else can take the burden.” He turned to Rouge. “I am only asking for use of the artifact to fulfill my wish.”
“Fat chance,” Knuckles interjected. “I still don’t believe you’re telling the truth- no way I’m letting you turn into a monster again. No deal.”
“Knuckles…” Rouge strode over to him. “Can I have a word, privately?”
He raised a brow at her but agreed. “... Fine. Tails, keep an eye on Metal Sonic.”
“Sure?” the boy looked at his enemy, sitting calmly with one of his best friends at his side. He hardly looked threatening.
As they stepped out, Amy faced Metal again. “Who’s gonna help you if I don’t?”
“... I believe The Doctor will be willing.”
Tails looked at them skeptically. “Eggman knows you wanna do this?”
“No,” Metal replied, once again carefully curating his words so they did not sound suspicious- or make him feel any worse. “He has few details of my plan. I am not sure how he tracked us a few days ago, but I do not believe he will deny me. I wanted to complete the task independently, but I will do what I must.”
“Well I’ll help you if he won’t,” Amy assured.
“Amy, you’ll die if he’s lying,” Tails shot back.
She scoffed as if it didn’t matter. “We’ll all die if he’s lying.”
“How is that better?! How can you be sure he’s telling the truth?”
Amy paused. She felt his steely fingers on her and focused her ears on his gently whirring engine. H1 looked at her from Metal’s lap expectantly. It wasn’t clear to her just why she’d grown to trust him so quickly, but she knew in her heart he would do the right thing. “Because he wants someone to kick his butt at sword fighting,” she smiled. “I’ve gotten pretty good at it the past few days, you know.”
Metal could no longer look at her. He removed his hand from atop hers and sat silently, trying not to let the guilt overcome him.
Tails’ face contorted. “What are you even talking about?”
The door cracked open then, Rouge stepping back inside. She addressed Metal Sonic directly. “We will allow you use of the Stone Mirror,” she began. “Knuckles will take it immediately after. No one on my crew is to know about it- we’re after the treasure only. We expect to come up on the island in the next hour, so get back to your ship and wait for a tow.”
“That soon?” Metal asked.
“Yes. You are not to step foot on land in order to avoid suspicion. We’ll recover the artifacts.”
“... Very well. Let us return, then.” He removed H1 from his lap and rose, Amy’s fingers slipping away from him.
“Amy’s staying with us,” Knuckles called from the door.
Amy’s cheeks puffed indignantly. “ Amy’s going where she wants. I’m staying with Metal.” She stood and pushed Knuckles out of her way, taking her leave.
Metal thanked Rouge and went past the others without a second glance, his lackey scurrying behind. There was no doubt they were plotting something against him, and Metal was determined to make it onto that island and get his hands on the mirror himself- by force if necessary. He would do anything. Almost anything .
The second Amy and Metal stepped out, a set of cameras once again bombarded them. It assured they went away and off the ship quickly so Metal Sonic couldn’t hear what was being discussed in Rouge’s quarters without them.
Inside, Tails got up from his seat. “Are we really just gonna let Metal Sonic use the mirror?”
“Absolutely not,” Knuckles shot back.
“But Amy doesn’t need to know that yet.” Rouge leaned back on the front of her desk pensively. “We’re getting ahead of him so he can’t threaten us with whatever he wants to do with the mirror. No doubt Metal Sonic will get... forceful.”
“Stubborn girl,” Knuckles grumbled. “It’d be easier to keep her safe if she’d stayed here…”
“Arguing with her would blow our cover; and she can take care of herself. Let’s just be ready for whatever he throws at us.”
Tails’ ears drooped slightly. “I wish Sonic could help us, he’d make quick work of Metal…”
“Who needs him?” Knuckles puffed his chest out confidently. “I’m bored of watching them fight anyway!”
Metal and Amy stood at the bow of his great ship, the breeze blowing through Amy’s hair gently. She leaned forward, looking into the horizon, waiting to spot land. They were moving a little faster now as Rouge’s vessel towed them across the sea. Metal stood next to her watching the compass intently. They continued on the right path. It was minutes away now.
Suddenly the hidden inscription on the back made a lot more sense. He shone a pale violet light over it and read- The Mirror’s bloodlust was nothing to me, for I’d have bled myself dry for you. It didn’t just seem like useless theatrics, but the caring words of someone willing to sacrifice for another. What Metal didn’t understand, however, was how Amy was so ready and willing to do the same for him. Worse than deceptive, it felt undeserved.
Spotting his intense concentration on the compass, Amy spoke up. “Crazy how Beryl gave everything to Scarlett like that, huh?”
Metal did his best to shake his head clear of the guilt. “Yes. I suppose she cared for her.”
“That’s an understatement,” Amy chuckled.
“Is it? Then... what is it you feel that makes you so willing to do the same for me?”
Amy swiveled over to look at him directly. He stared down at the compass, not meeting her gaze. “I guess I think it’ll be good for us both.”
“How can you be so sure? Are you convinced I will immediately betray The Doctor and join your team?”
“I guess not…” Amy frowned at the thought. She knew it was an unrealistic expectation, though she remained hopeful he would change for the better somehow. “But I think we should all be free to make our own choices. Maybe you’ll make some good ones.”
“I am not so sure…”
There was a drawn-out sigh as she leaned her back in contemplation. Amy couldn’t help but see the good in people, and when she looked at Metal now, she saw more than a lifeless machine. There was passion in his voice and enthusiasm in his demeanor whenever they indulged in his interests. There was a small sparkle in his eye when they spoke. She had seen him joyful, and concentrated, and playful, where all she would have previously associated him with was rage. But more than that, Amy felt a connection, like perhaps this was something they were meant to do together. How else could they have become such fast friends? Friends, she smiled at the thought. It filled her with optimism. She rolled her head back on her shoulder to look to him again, their eyes locking this time. He’d been staring- it wasn’t the first time she noticed, but he didn’t dart his eyes away this time.
Softening her eyes, Amy looked at him dreamily in the late afternoon light. “I think you’ll do what’s right for you. That’s enough for me.”
Seeing that honeyed expression and hearing such genuine words, Metal never regretted anything more than he regretted bringing her along. I should have just worked alone, he scolded himself. How could he have miscalculated the outcome so terribly? In his mind, Amy would reluctantly agree to help and he’d otherwise use her as a shield against her friends’ attack;. Nothing prepared him for feeling something toward her. There was a kinship, a bond that quickly formed like puzzle pieces fitting together. They managed to just… click. There was no room in his plan for that. But he was so close…
“I do not believe your friends have such faith in me,” he said finally.
“Yeah, I kinda got that feeling. I think we’re gonna have to sneak onto that island first if you want a chance at the mirror.”
That was nothing short of surprising to hear. “You would deceive your friends?”
“It’s for a good cause- they’ll forgive me. You’ll see.”
For the first time in days, land came into view on the horizon. It was a lush green island with little more than a tall mountain rising from its center. It was tiny even as they approached. Metal and Amy exchanged looks as they spotted it.
“Looks like this is it,” she remarked. “Just a teeny island with a little mountain…”
“It appears that way.” He scanned as far as he could zoom with his optics, getting a closer look at the landscape that was still some miles away. “That, however, is a volcano.”
“No kidding...” Amy glanced around the side of the vessel. “Is there a boat around here? We need to sneak ahead if we want to reach the treasure before the others.”
“I have a better idea...”
As Rouge and her crew were making preparations to dock, Tails spotted something flying in the distance. A look through his binoculars revealed H3 and H4 flying in tandem at full speed, apparently trying to get ahead of both ships. “Hey, those are Metal’s lackeys over there.”
Rouge ripped the binoculars from his hands. “They’re trying to get ahead of us, then? We’ll see about that. Tails, come with me; Knuckles, maybe you should pay our friend a visit.” Knuckles nodded as the others both kicked themselves off and toward the flying robots.
They caught up to them quickly and tried to block their way, but were soon engaged in battle. H3 and H4 used primarily evasive tactics and steadily drifted them in the opposite direction of the island while Knuckles made his way across Rouge’s ship and over to Metal’s.
Knuckles climbed over the tow rope that connected the ships and landed on deck with a shout. “Metal Sonic! Call back your minions, now!” Not hearing an answer, Knuckles stomped across the hard floor until he found the entrance to the captain’s quarters just below the helm. Not one to wait for invitations, he made quick work of the door with his fists. He punched through the splintered wood, finding Metal Sonic sitting across the room, the back of his captain’s hat visible over the winged armchair that faced away from the door. “I said call them back now!” Metal did not respond. “Did you hear me? And where’s Amy?!” Knuckles marched over to the chair, swiveling it around to face him. “I said-”
Instead of Metal Sonic, Knuckles was met with H1, who quickly ambushed him with his long rope-arms, holding him in place. “Damn you little-” Knuckles continued to struggle against H1, his master nowhere to be found.
“Well done, H1,” a shrill voice chimed from the door.
Knuckles twisted his body around clumsily to look. The rage in his eyes grew when he saw him. “Eggman!” Knuckles yelled just as his voice was swallowed up by H1’s coils around his mouth.
Meanwhile, Metal carried Amy swiftly over the water, floating quietly close to its surface. They stuck near the side of Rouge’s ship until they snuck ahead of it. The pair managed to make it to shore well before Rouge’s crew as she and the others remained distracted with Metal’s henchmen. They booked it across the sandy beach and onto the greener area, searching for another clue as to where exactly they’d find the treasure.
“Okay… what now?” Amy’s eyes darted around the scenery looking for any hint of a hidden treasure.
Metal looked to the compass that continued to point northward. “This way,” he instructed, accelerating into the small forest of palms that surrounded the volcano’s base with Amy on his heels. They ran deep into the tropical thicket as the sky above changed hue, the sun nearing the horizon. It wasn’t long before they reached a black stone wall overgrown with moss.
“Looks like this is the end of the line…” Amy ran her hand along the wall in search of another hint.
As Metal approached, he found the hand that held the compass was repelled, as if an invisible force pushed it away. Intruiged, he held out his other arm, feeling no such push. The device’s hand spun left and right wildly as he waved it in front of the wall. “Interesting…” He placed a claw on the wall, scratching at it. He was able to make a mark on its surface with little effort. “This is some kind of volcanic rock. It repels whatever this is made of…”
“Really? Must be why it points in the other direction?” Unsure of what else to do, Amy pulled the little crystal spyglass from her pocket, looking through its eyepiece. She scanned the wall up and down, the atmospheric light turning deep red as it had just before they’d set sail together. She stopped, finding a small spot that glowed faintly. It was a small divot in the rock. “There’s something here...” Amy pawed at the vines that crept up its surface, scratching off years of moss that had grown over the glowing spot.
She finally revealed the formation under all the greenery. “Oh! It’s shaped like-”
“Like a heart,” Metal interrupted, shining his own violet light upon the small heart-shaped crater. He approached it slowly, eyes fixed on the compass. Its rapidly twisting arrow straightened as he neared the spot. The correctly pointed side of the arrow indicated straight ahead. Reaching out, the compass practically jumped out of his hand from the magnetic pull as he moved to place it in the glowing divot.
To their left, the rocky base of the volcano rumbled. They whipped around to find a wall shifting, vines and moss tearing apart as a stone slab lifted off the ground to reveal a narrow entrance to a hollow cave within.
“Well that seems like a pretty clear path to me,” Amy grinned. But it was short lived as a sudden explosion boomed from the direction of the beach. Worried for her friends, Amy looked at Metal with concern. “What was that?”
Metal was just as shocked. “I don’t know…” He raised his eyeline to scan the sky, seeming to spot something not far away. Why here? He asked himself as he recognized the round figure.
“Why are you here?” he amplified his voice to The Doctor.
“To help you get the Stone Mirror, of course!” he called back giddily. “I’ll be happy to give you what you need! What form are you taking?” Another silhouette came into view above not far from them.
Metal shot a glance back at Amy. “When did you call him?” She stared up at Eggman with confusion.
“I didn’t,” Metal responded. Before he could think of what to tell Amy, he watched as H1 hovered down next to The Doctor, his arms still tangled around an enraged Knuckles. But Metal didn’t call for H1, either- which could only mean it was The Doctor’s doing. “Is this how you found me?” Metal growled, incensed at the realization.
“Wasn’t H1 useful?” Eggman cackled. “I know you wanted to work on your own, but aren’t you glad I was watching now that you need me?”
Metal was within reach of completing his mission on his own terms. The sight of his master infuriated him, his determination to succeed without The Doctor's help returning in full-force. He’d convinced Amy, he’d made it to the island- he was going to complete his objective. Why should he feel guilty about that?
“I don’t need you!” he roared. “I have everything I need!” He accelerated toward H1, grabbing the smaller robot by his shoulders as Knuckles uttered muffled curses while they flailed around in mid-air. “ Double-crossing heap of scrap metal! ” Metal’s voice rang out with a harsh mechanical twinge as he took hold of either of H1’s arms and swiftly ripped them out of their sockets, dropping Knuckles a few feet to the ground. As H1 kicked his feet around helplessly, Metal grabbed him by the head and catapulted him out of sight, far back in the direction of the beach.
His eye radiated a fierce, burning glow as he whipped around to face Amy, who looked horrified at his actions. “We need to go, now!”
“What? But what about-”
“Go!” Metal extended his arm out, shoving Amy through the cave opening.
“Metal!” Eggman shouted, “What’s gotten into you? That’ll take me all evening to fix!”
Ignoring him, Metal flew back toward the opening as Knuckles began to slip away from the heavy uncoiling tubes. “I’ll leave you to deal with him, ” he called back to The Doctor. Once inside the cave, Metal shot his arm out once more, grabbing and ripping the compass from its spot in the wall. The limb retracted back past the opening just as the stone wall fell back into place, narrowly avoiding crushing his hand.
They were swallowed in the pitch darkness of the cave. Metal illuminated his thermal vision in search of a path ahead, but was met with Amy’s panicked eyes first. Unable to see, she groped around for a wall to follow until Metal grabbed her hand and pulled her toward him.
She did not look the slightest bit relieved. “Metal! I can’t see anything…”
“I can guide us; let’s go.”
“Wait- what was…” he saw her glance back toward the direction of the cave entrance unhappily. “I mean, wasn’t that kinda harsh? What you did to H1…”
“Perhaps- but he was a traitor as far as I’m concerned.”
“Yeah, but, you really seemed to hurt him...”
The clock was ticking and there was only so much time before the others would come after them. “He will be fine,” Metal grumbled impatiently, starting forward.
Amy let herself be pulled along, but she wasn’t dropping the question. “It’s just… is that really the kind of person you want to be?” Amy quickly remembered how she’d thought of Metal. She had forgotten how absurd it was that she’d agreed to help him and how he’d coerced her into it to begin with.
“I’ve been betrayed, how would you have liked me to react?”
“Were you? It really sounds like Eggman was trying to help you-”
“I don’t need his help!” He cut Amy off. Her eyes cast down anxiously and Metal registered the doubt and unease in her face. She almost looked sick, stumbling in the dark and frightened by his violent reaction. He knew she was right to feel that way, but his mind was made up- he would do whatever it took to use the Stone Mirror without The Doctor’s help. And Amy had to be willing, so something had to be said to assuage her. “I can’t be indebted to him any longer. I need to do this alone.”
“But you can’t do it alone, Metal, that’s the point!” Amy’s hands fumbled over his arm until she reached his shoulder, facing up at the single glowing eye, the only thing she could see. “I know you wanna be independent, but we all depend on people. Don’t you think he cares about you if he’s willing to give you this much freedom?”
In a way, she was right- but without knowing the truth, Amy would never understand. Metal highly doubted The Doctor would actually help if he’d really wished to become organic, but he could not deny his master’s well-meaning interest. They had the same goal, after all… Metal just knew he could accomplish it without him. Perhaps then he could feel as if he were an equal in his empire and not just some high-ranking lackey. But how much of that could he really tell her?
“It is different… He created me, and he can control me. I cannot escape his shadow.”
“Is having flesh and blood really gonna change that?”
“... I do not know.” Any illumination provided by Metal’s eye turned to darkness. To Amy, it looked like he’d closed his eyes, though he continued to lead her forward without issue. He just wanted her to look away, making the guilt easier to beat down- but she held her ground. Metal continued, turning his face from her. “I believe that changing my form will give me some sovereignty, making me more respectable in his eyes... It is complicated.”
“I know.” Amy looked for the red LEDs to come back on so she could look Metal in the eye, but they remained out. “But I think you can accomplish that as you are.”
Metal stopped as they approached a wall. He could still see Amy looking lamentful in his peripheral vision, her hand in his as the other clung to his shoulder assuringly. This must have been where the treasure was stored, but he wasn’t sure he could still bring himself to deceive her. He made himself visible to her again, shining his red light on her face. He felt her exhale, as if relieved, when he did. “Are you… still willing to help me?”
A small smile spread across her lips. “Of course. I just wanted you to know that I think you’re capable, you know?”
Perhaps secretly, he’d hoped she would refuse. But there was no turning back now. “I believe we are here...”
“What is it?”
“A door… without a handle.” He stared at the wall head, a smooth slab that extended from the floor to the ceiling of the cave. The shape of a door looked to be carved into it, a circular cavity in place of where a doorknob would be. Words were painted in a neat script following the shape of the hole, appearing to have faded over the decades. “There is a bore hole. It reads, ‘For my greatest treasure: my gem, Beryl.’”
“Oh, ’cause Beryl is named after a gemstone, right? Pretty romantic,” Amy teased, wanting to lighten the mood.
“It is… clever.” Metal examined the hole in the door, measuring its diameter and determining its depth. Amy knelt ahead of him, her hand sliding off his shoulder and reaching out to the wall. She ran her fingers blindly along its surface in search of a clue. He watched as she felt around the great stone barrier, apparently determined to do whatever she could to help. With Amy’s other hand still held in his own, Metal led her to the carved edge of the doorframe. “This is the door,” he said, her fingers tracing down the groove in the stone. “And the bore hole.” He pulled her hand to the spot in the door where one would find a doorknob.
Amy placed her palm over it. “It’s kinda warm,” she remarked, feeling as balmy air flowed through from the other side.
“Yes,” he agreed, hesitantly pulling away.
“ My gem, Beryl, ” she repeated. “Hm…” Fumbling around her pocket, Amy pulled out the spyglass and held it up with the bluish crystal at the end. “Does this look like beryl?”
Metal’s hard claws clicked against the crystal as he held it between his thumb and forefinger. “It does… how theatrical.” There was amusement in his voice as he realized. “Shall we?”
Amy nodded, beaming with excitement. She brought the eyepiece end up to the hole in the wall, letting Metal push the crystal into the divot until it clicked. Pulling herself up by his arm, Amy gave him an encouraging nudge. Metal paused. He stared down at her a moment. “Go on,” she insisted with a smile.
Before they could move ahead, however, a sliver of orange light entered through the floor of the stone corridor. Looking back, Metal and Amy found the door to the cave once again rising, Rouge’s silhouette just illuminated in the late sunset as it rose. Knuckles and Tails weren’t far behind her but neither Eggman nor any of the henchmen were within sight. “This is the end of the line!” she commanded, stepping into the cave.
Metal and Amy shared a brief glance, and she gave him a single nod. “Do what you have to, but be careful, okay?”
If there was a time for Metal to reverse his decision, it was now. But though he hesitated, Metal returned her nod and turned to face the cave opening. The cavity in his chest began to glow with a white light that quickly brightened, luminous with energy. “I suggest you remain where you are,” he warned Rouge.
She stepped back slightly with a gasp, unsure if she could block his attack. “Amy, call him off before someone gets hurt!” she demanded.
Amy shook her head desperately. “Just stay back!”
Knuckles came charging in then, his eyes ablaze as he rushed past Rouge and started down the length of the corridor. Tails made a fruitless effort to stop him but was quickly pushed out of the way.
Rouge yelled, following after Knuckles. “Don’t!”
The compression chamber in Metal’s chest was charged, brilliant with energy. He turned his head slightly to Amy. “You stand back as well,” he advised. Not letting Knuckles get too close, Metal levitated a few inches up and aimed his chest engine up toward the cave ceiling. Rouge just managed to tackle Knuckles to the ground as Metal’s laser fired into the stone ceiling, causing a pile of gravel to rain down between them. Metal shot himself backward and away from the falling stone. As his feet hit the ground, he forced Amy to the wall and stood between her and the collapsing ceiling, blocking the stray debris with his body.
She shut her eyes and used her arms to shield her head, but Metal didn’t let so much as a pebble past his frame. As the dust cleared, Amy peeked up. Metal towered above her crouched form, only his glowing eye once again visible in the darkened cave as it stared down at her. Amy hid her face, slightly flushed from the excitement- and the proximity.
Metal pushed himself from the wall, offering her a hand. “Are you hurt?”
“I’m fine,” she squeaked, accepting the boost. “What about you?”
“No sustained damage.”
They stared at each other for a moment, once again hand in hand. Metal listened to her quickened heartbeat and observed the warmth surrounding her face. Amy panted lightly. She looked especially radiant in his thermal vision, her cheeks illuminated bright red. “Thank you,” Metal blurted out.
She looked at what little she could see of him with wide eyes. “What… what for?”
He wasn’t sure. “For… everything.”
“Well,” Amy slipped her hand away from his gently. “Don’t thank me yet. We’re almost there! Oh-” she hopped past him and lifted her voice, hoping it reached the other side of the debris pile. “Are you guys okay?”
There was a short pause before Rouge called back. “You’re lucky no one’s hurt!”
Amy released her tense breath. “Thank goodness! I’m sorry, we’re going to the treasure room now!”
“The what?!”
They could hear Rouge cursing from across the heap momentarily. Then Metal could just catch Tails utter something before their voices quickly faded away.
“I think we should hurry,” Amy said, hurrying back to his side. Metal simply nodded, reaching for the eyepiece in the wall.
The crystal spyglass turned like a knob in a door. Metal pulled it open and was immediately greeted with a burst of hot air that shot past them, the stone door acting as the only barrier to keep them from being scorched. As the air passed, the enormous chamber beyond became illuminated with torches lining the walls. On the farthest wall, a thin stream of magma flowed down the height of the farthest wall, making the space sear with radiant heat.
Standing ahead of her to look past the door, Metal cautioned Amy. “We are here. But for some reason Scarlett decided to store her treasure in a magma chamber.”
“That’s… terrifying. What else is in there?”
Metal stepped from the back of the stone door, standing in the entrance of the mysterious chamber with its seemingly magical torches and streaming lava. And then there was the treasure; Mounds of sparkling gold coins that glittered even in the dreariest of light were speckled with ingots and gilded statues all across the dusty ground. The center of the room was covered inches deep in jewels, silvery blades buried within the treasure to their gem encrusted hilts. Within it, on a platform mounded with riches, sat an ivory casket, its edges shining with golden filigree inlaid with rubies and sapphires. And finally, atop it all sat a simple stone box, its dull surface clashing with the glimmering room. “What we have been looking for,” Metal said with more lament than he intended.
Pushing past the door, Amy stood next to him and took in the magnificent sight for herself. She gasped with awe, her wide eyes shining with a golden halo in the warm light. “It’s beautiful,” she sighed. Amy stepped inside, giggling. “Rouge is gonna freak!”  The balmy air was stifling, but she ignored it and moved ahead, approaching the room’s center.
He followed her in cautiously, kicking random bits of treasure aside. “Be careful, there could be traps…” He watched as she pushed ahead, seeing her trod through the thick blanket of coins that littered the ground without hesitation. She fanned herself and pulled on her blouse collar uncomfortably, but headed straight for the macabre chest that sat in the middle of it all. There was no uncertainty in her stride- Amy was determined to help Metal in any way possible. He didn’t expect that to be so devastating.
Amy made her way up the elevated platform, standing on her toes to reach up to the top of the casket. There was an inscription on the lid of the stone box that sat on it. “ DO NOT OPEN,” it read. Raising a brow, Amy leaned in closer to find additional words on the front. “There’s an inscription on here…” She read it aloud: “The box reads, ‘In this casket lies Beryl, all I loved besides the sea. In this box, my remorse. Leave this cursed object where you found it; The remainder of this wretched treasure is yours. Scarlett.’ Oh…”
Reaching her side, Metal stared at the inscription that just reached his eye level.Remorse, he repeated to himself silently. “I suppose this is what we are here for.”
Amy sighed. “Yeah, I guess we should do this quick,” she reached out to the box.
Metal thought about stopping her, taking her hand and pulling it away from her cursed fate, but he did not get the opportunity. Something suddenly came crashing through the rocky wall of the chamber, chunks of stone booming as they scattered to the ground.
The cavern rumbled. Amy held onto the edge of the casket for support while Metal stabilized himself and turned his vision to the crash site. The bow of a metallic ship had pushed its way through to the cavern, its steely peak unaffected by the collision. As the rubble settled and the early moonlight seeped in through cracks, Eggman strode out onto the deck with a cackle. “What do you think of my new ship?” He extended his arms proudly. “She floats and flies!”
Metal was fuming. There he was, pushing past his immense guilt and moments from fulfilling his goal, only to be interrupted by The Doctor once again. Amy could sense his anger. She quickly found her balance and lifted her hand to his shoulder, trying to give him a reassuring look. He tensed up but did not look in her direction.
When neither of them responded, Eggman continued. “Don’t you like it? I thought we’d get you a better pirate ship for your-”
“Why do you insist on interrupting me?” Metal cut in bitterly.
“Oh come now,” The Doctor continued, “We’re on the same team! You made it this far- don’t let your pride get in the way,” he warned.
As he leaned forward on the bow of the ship, H3 and H4 popped in from the crack in the wall, squeezing their small bodies through the narrow space. Everyone watched silently as they flew crookedly toward Metal. They were scuffed and scratched, one of H4’s arms missing as the socket sparked out weakly. They landed on either side of Metal, clinking their hands to their heads weakly. “Yeesh, what happened to them?” Eggman asked with a grimace.
Clearing her throat, Amy cut in. “Look, I know you wanna help, but we have this under control. So please leave before someone gets hurt!”
“What?” he chortled. “Do you still believe Metal wants to be, what was it- ‘organic’? Ha!”
“Be quiet!” Metal spat back, his voice cutting into a dissonant metallic ring. Amy drew back her hand as she recoiled from the harsh noise.
“ Oh ,” Eggman snickered at the realization that Metal was trying to protect the girl. “Very interesting! But no need to keep up the charade, just grab her along with the mirror so we can get out of here.”
Looking between Eggman and Metal, Amy took several steps away from the robot. “He’s not lying, is he...?”
Metal stared back at her blankly. She would never help him now- his self-reliant plan had no hope of succeeding. If only he hadn’t hesitated…
“Well, hasn’t this been cute?” Eggman cackled cruelly at her fear before addressing his creation once more. Lowering his brow, The Doctor’s demeanor quickly became more serious and authoritative. “Metal, you need me in order to complete your objective. Time for action!”
He was right. Finishing the mission the way Metal had envisioned was out of reach, and Amy would never trust him again. All that was left to do was complete his objective. “It will be easier if you surrender,” he threatened her, narrowing his vision.
“ Of course you were lying.” There was bitterness in Amy’s voice as they glared at one another. She was trapped and outnumbered, but she wasn’t one to go without a fight, and he knew that. She took her gaze around the room frantically, surveying her surroundings. Just as she was deciding her next move, Amy spotted something red in the corner of her eye. She quickly shot her glare back at Metal Sonic, inching away from him.
Knuckles had slipped in through a crack in the stone, quietly scaling the wall near Eggman’s ship. Amy also spotted Rouge and Tails hidden in the ship’s shadow by the cave floor. Rouge brought a finger to her lips as Amy saw her. She knew that Metal would sense her friends if she didn’t keep his attention, so she kept talking. “Why’d you teach me how to fight if you just wanted me to surrender?”
“If you think you will best me in a real fight, you are mistaken. Give up before you get hurt.”
“Hmph! You were gonna kill me anyway- or were you just gonna let the curse do the work?”
The question lacked an answer. For however determined Metal was to get ahead of Sonic, he didn’t want to have to do it at Amy’s expense... Yet there was no calculable scenario in which he would defeat his rival where she wouldn’t intervene. There was no choice but to destroy her, too- whatever he did would only delay the inevitable. “Does it matter?” He took an imposing step toward her.
Amy reached the end of the long casket, turning the corner and putting it between them so Metal faced away from Eggman- and her team. She knew it wouldn’t hold him for long. “So I guess wanting to be friends was a lie, too…” There was genuine lament in her tone, her eyes squinting back sorrowfully. Amy couldn’t believe she’d let herself become attached to Metal- and in such a short amount of time. Whatever connection she’d felt was as good as severed now.
Metal stopped his advance, standing across from her. “...I never said that.”
“You sounded pretty eager to ‘spend time together,’” she quoted him.
A loud ZAP was heard behind Metal. He quickly whipped around to find Knuckles falling to the ground before Rouge swooped in to catch him. “Did you really think I wouldn’t put up a barrier? Come now!” The Doctor laughed as he pulled out a small remote and the invisible barrier flashed around the ship. He pressed a button that sent at least a dozen sword-wielding badniks jumping off the deck and after Tails, Knuckles, and Rouge.
In the confusion, Amy jumped up to snatch the entirety of the stone box from atop the casket. Upon pulling down the heavy container, an ivory switch came up from the casket with a distinct CLICK . The cavern immediately began to rumble, Amy attempting to circumvent the treasure-topped platform and run back toward the direction of the ship in all the chaos.
Realizing this, Metal addressed his minions. “You two block her- the box is mine .”
Amy ran, struggling to keep her balance on the shifting cavern floor. Metal quickly propelled himself after her, reaching out with a clawed hand. Thinking fast, Amy tossed the solid stone lid back at him, hitting him square in the forehead. “Augh!” he groaned as he was knocked off route. As his henchmen closed in ahead of her with arms extended, Amy charged directly at them. Just as they reached out to stop her, Amy hit the ground and slipped between them, scraping against the hard floor. H3 and H4 collided with their arms entangled as she hurried to dust herself off and continue forward.
The cave trembled as the single thin stream of magma at the far wall thickened, now forming a pool on the cavern floor as its exit overflowed. A crack near the chamber entrance also burst open, sending boiling lava spewing over the door from which they had entered. Amy pushed forward through the surrounding heat, lugging the heavy weight toward the direction of her friends- and the oncoming battalion of badniks.
But Metal was quickly upon her again, his eyes blazing with the left flickering wildly front the blow to the head. Knowing he wouldn’t fall for the same trick twice, Amy instinctively ducked as he approached her. The hefty container slid in front of her and Metal lunged for it, snatching it off the ground to remove the artifact he’d been after- But there was nothing inside except dust.
Peering back at Amy, Metal found its rocky handle in her grasp. She had picked up the Stone Mirror- a simple rounded hand mirror with a handgrip and no discernible features other than its distinctive lack of any actual reflective surface. Amy was turning it back and forth in her hands, wondering if this was really what they’d been looking for. It resembled a hand mirror in shape alone, failing to function as an actual looking glass.
Ahead of them, Amy’s friends were already taking on a troupe of robots. After giving one a swift punch to the head that knocked it clean off its body, Knuckles caught sight of Amy- and the Stone Mirror. “Amy- don’t let him get his hands on it! Destroy it!” he called back, just dodging a swing from another badnik.
Hearing this, Metal tossed the useless box aside and flung himself at Amy once more, drawing his sword. As he brought his weapon down over her, Amy held up the mirror at both ends, blocking his attack with its handle. His sword made contact, but bounced off as he hesitated at the last second. Drawing her own sword, Amy pointed it at him sharply. “I’m not going down so easy!” She lunged at him, managing to push to the side as she changed direction toward the pooling magma at the other end of the chamber.
“H3 and H4, corner her!” Metal commanded. The henchmen had just managed to detangle their limbs. H4 launched himself forward at her while H3 came up on the other side.
The heat thickened as she approached the impossibly hot lava, panting and sweating, struggling to run ahead. Metal Sonic was faster than her and closed in quickly behind. Amy could already see H3 and H4 cornering her into the far wall. Rather than wait to be trapped, Amy swung her arm and pitched the mirror fiercely toward the magma. H4, however, threw out his remaining arm, catching it before it made contact with the boiling pool. “Take it back to The Doctor,” Metal instructed him.
“Crap!” Amy cursed. She spun around and pointed, calling out to her friends. “He’s got the mirror!”
Unfortunately for the little robot, the damage he’d sustained made it impossible to fly straight, and he struggled to avoid obstacles. This made it easy for Tails to fly by, grabbing the Stone Mirror to try and pry it out of H4’s tightly clamped claws. Not having another arm to entangle the boy with, H4 swung the coil around wildly, trying to throw Tails off like a mechanical bull. Seeing this, Metal ordered H3 to help his brother and the minion quickly wobbled off.
Eggman watched in frustration as it all unfolded, most of the robots lying in a heap of scrap at the base of his ship. “This is getting boring,” he yawned, and he flipped another button on his remote that sent out another wave of badniks. “I’ve had enough of this; go after the girl! Make it quick.” He wanted to draw the others away from the ship for a quick getaway once the mirror was secured.
Knuckles groaned in annoyance at the new wave of badniks. “I’ll deal with them- help Tails grab the mirror,” he yelled to Rouge through fierce swings of his fists. She nodded and shot herself toward the battling minions.
Meanwhile, Amy was cornered- Metal Sonic ahead of her while searing magma pooled behind her. “Surrender!” Metal commanded, pointing a steely claw at her while he held his sword down by his side.
“Never!” She had no choice but to get out of the way as lava threatened to melt her boots clean off, so she lunged at Metal Sonic with her sword, putting her full force into the attack. His stance quickly changed and he blocked her attack with his sword.
Metal attempted to counter, but Amy kept after him, swinging at him so furiously that he couldn’t get an attack in. “You lied to me!” she screamed out, her eyes brimming with fury.
“Argh- I did what I had to!” he spat back, holding his weapon against hers.
She gripped her sword fiercely with both hands, pushing against him. Angry tears formed in the corners of her eyes. “I thought we had something!” she wailed. Metal’s guilt bubbled to the surface and he faltered momentarily, giving Amy a chance to push his weapon away and plunge toward him. Metal lost his grip and the sword clattered to the ground away from him.
Amy’s lunge would have impaled him through the chest if it wasn’t for the interference of one of Eggman’s badniks. The robot cut ahead of Metal, blocking her swing. As Knuckles struggled to keep them all back, four more of the rotund bots arrived, surrounding Amy and Metal. She brandished the weapon in front of her frantically, pointing it from badnik to badnik. “Rouge,” she called, “Use the sword!”
Metal’s sword had landed just below where she and Tails struggled against H3 and H4. She kicked H3 aside and shot down, seizing the sharp weapon from the cavern floor. “Tails- move!” she warned. The boy quickly propelled himself away as he saw her aiming the sword at H4’s remaining arm. Rouge flung it at the robot, slicing his hand off at the wrist, sending his clamp-like fingers falling to the ground with the Stone Mirror still in its clutches. “Hold them off!” Rouge caught it mid-flight, clamp and all, and got moving in Amy’s direction with the intention of tossing the artifact in the magma and picking her up on the way back.
“Metal,” Eggman howled from a speaker, “Stop that flying rat and retreat with the mirror at once!”
Giving her a final glare, Metal lifted off the ground. “I wish you’d given up,” he told Amy before thrusting straight up to intercept Rouge.
“Why do you care?!” Amy‘s chest heaved, her weak hand wiping the sweat from her brow as the group of badniks slowly pushed her closer and closer to the bubbling magma behind her.
Rouge wasn’t fast enough to dodge Metal Sonic. All she could do to keep the mirror out of his clutches was to hurl it in the direction of the lava pit just before he made contact with her, sending her plummeting to the cave floor- without the Stone Mirror in hand.
As if slowing time, Metal shot his gaze toward the mirror as it fell. His systems worked at lightning speed to determine its velocity and the likelihood that he could catch it before it was destroyed. Metal was tough, but not indestructible- he wouldn’t survive a plunge into the magma. But it was when he was calculating the possible outcome, already drilling his body through the air and down toward the sizzling pool, that he spotted Amy Rose cornered by badniks against boiling magma, mere feet from being pushed into it.
Suddenly, there was a second option to his trajectory. It was her or the Stone Mirror. Save Amy Rose, or be closer than he’s ever been to fulfilling the very objective to his existence. Why was it a question? So much as considering her over his purpose went against his plan, the very core of his programming; And yet, he had already decided the moment he saw her in mortal danger. Before he could comprehend why, Metal had already shifted his flight path.
Amy was panting and swaying, dizzy from the intoxicating heat of the cave. Her vision was blurry and wet with tears as she fought off the attacks from several opponents at once. If they didn’t end her, the magma would. One of the badniks lunged at her while she parried another and she was sure she wouldn’t be able to dodge in time. Just as Amy thought she would have to say a final prayer, Metal Sonic landed between her and the robot, arms outstretched to form a barrier between them.
The sword-wielding badnik stabbed its weapon forward with no time to stop before the sharp end impaled Metal through the chest. The sword cut into his turbine, causing sparks to fly out as the engine sputtered. He heard the devastating sound of the Stone Mirror falling into the magma next to them, watching it sizzle from the corner of his eye as it sunk in. There went everything he had worked towards- yet this regret was so much less than the remorse he’d felt betraying Amy.
“Metal!” Amy gasped.
“You scrap-heap!” Eggman shrieked at the badnik whose sword was stuck in Metal Sonic’s engine. “When I’m through with you-”
There was no time to finish the statement. Glowing-hot lava began to burst from cracks in all the interior walls as the cavern quaked. Gravel fell from the ceiling as the space began caving in. “Retreat at once!”
All of Eggman’s remaining robots dropped what they were doing to run, leaving Knuckles free. He spotted Rouge crawling across the ground and Tails kicking H3 away from him a final time. Knuckles ran to Rouge, supporting her as she stood. “Where’s Amy?” he asked frantically as they struggled to stay upright on the unsteady ground.
Rouge turned her head back as Tails joined them. “Oh, no…”
Metal gripped the hilt of the sword that stuck out from his chest and quickly drew it out, tossing it to the side. The increased lava flow had left them completely surrounded on a precarious island that would soon be inundated. In her surprise, Amy shook the daze from her head. The tears that had welled in her eyes overflowed as she looked up at him in shock. “You- You came back!”
“I am as surprised as you,” he said, drawing her close to him as the boiling magma rose around them. “Hold on.” Metal lifted them off the ground, faltering as he did. His engine stalled, causing him to hover up and down unexpectedly until they finally passed the pooling lava, crashing onto the cavern floor. They were past the immediate danger, but Metal could no longer fly. As Amy stood, he found that his legs had given out as well- only enough power left to operate his upper body. He ordered his minions over hurriedly. “H3, H4, I need you here.”
The little robots did their best to fly over, dodging falling pieces of the stone ceiling. Metal was taken aback by their appearance. “H4? Where’s the rest of you?” The minion shrugged with what was left of his right arm, only the long coil hanging down from its socket. Realization set in for Metal. He looked back at Amy’s panicked face. “H3 cannot carry me alone. I will have to stay. You go with him-”
“No!” Amy shook her head furiously. “You can’t!”
“My weight exceeds his capacity-” Metal tried to explain.
“Don’t be stupid!” She grabbed hold of one of Metal’s arms, dragging him across the floor at a surprising pace.
Her strength was impressive, but they would never make it out before the chamber caved in at this rate. “We are too slow! Just leave!”
“I won’t!” Amy struggled. “H3, a little help would be nice!”
He and Metal exchanged glances for a moment. Metal quickly realized the stubborn girl wouldn’t be leaving him behind. “Well, help her!” he commanded.
H3 obeyed, swiftly grabbing his master by the other arm and dragging him along. They moved at a running pace now, nearing the half-collapsed wall from which Eggman had crashed his ship.
“Amy, what are you doing?!” Knuckles called out. He’d handed Rouge over to Tails to fly out with and now ran alongside her and Metal.
“Just shut up and run!”
As they all neared the threshold and The Doctor caught sight of Metal Sonic, his ship began to back out from the wall. “Hurry!” he yelled at them as it floated back.
The ceiling was falling down behind them, burying the chamber and all its treasure under mounds of solid stone and liquid earth. The entire cavern was seconds from collapsing. Tails was the first out with Rouge in his grasp while H4 and Knuckles followed closely behind. Finally, Amy and H3 dragged Metal past the cave’s external wall as the entirety of the cavern came down behind them. Stones boomed, pounding to the floor in the direction they’d come from. The crashing stone wall rattled and broke the ground outside, lurching everyone forward and away from the entrance with a gust of wind.
It was a rough landing, but the side of the volcano they’d come out from faced the sandy beach. Knuckles groaned, spitting sand out of his mouth after landing face first. Tails came down, landing softly beside him with Rouge. He set her down on the beach and collapsed onto the soft ground, exhausted. Eggman’s steel ship floated above them as he hung over the rails looking relieved. Metal’s henchmen floated about for a moment before a faint beeping drew them away into the palm tree thicket nearby.
Amy couldn’t bring herself to sit up. She lay in the sand, sweating and heart pounding, staring straight up at the night sky as the adrenaline subsided. Metal’s half-functioning body was strewn beside her face-down. He pushed himself from the sand, flipping over to look straight up. Metal fondled the ground desperately, leaving drag marks in the sand with his sharp claws until Amy’s hand happened upon his, locking their fingers together. He relaxed, relieved to still have her by his side. It was the least he could hope for after giving up his plan to save her, he told himself- but he knew it must have been more than that. They sat in silence for just a few moments.
“... It does look a bit like a swan,” he muttered, staring into the starry sky. Cygnus was in full view over the island.
Amy couldn’t keep from snickering as he spoke, noticing the constellation suspended above them. “Guess you didn’t need to be organic to see it after all- ow! Laughing hurts...”
“Seeing as I am still mechanical, I’m afraid I cannot relate…”
She burst out in laughter, holding her ribs with her free hand. Amy’s shoulders bounced, highlighting the dull soreness in her arms from having dragged Metal’s heavy body across the collapsing cavern. “Don’t start-” she giggled. It always seemed to amuse her when he made those snide remarks.
Some yards away, Rouge sat up, holding the back of her head. “There goes my treasure… Is everyone alright?”
Tails flashed a lazy thumbs-up as Knuckles stretched beside her. “I’ll live,” he remarked gruffly. “What could those two be laughing about…?”
“Who knows?” she grumbled. “A bit cheery for a pair who just cost me my treasure.”
Quick footsteps were heard from the far side of the beach. Rouge’s crew and a set of cameramen were hastily running to meet with her. She sighed. “Back to work, I suppose.” As they stumbled near, Knuckles came to his feet and gave her a hand up. Tails dusted himself off groggily and joined them. The trio were surrounded by sailors and cameras soon enough as Rouge immediately began giving orders, playing up the authoritative remarks for the cameras.
Down the beach, Metal’s minion’s floated near him, H3 holding H1’s sparking body in his arms. Metal pushed himself to sit up, looking at the dismembered robot with remorse. “Perhaps I was a bit harsh…” He took hold of H1 as the metallic husk beeped intermittently and automatically, not appearing to be active.
Pulling herself into a sitting position, Amy groaned. “Is he gonna be okay?” she motioned to H1.
“Yes… I can repair them all. We will be fine.”
Eggman hovered down in his floating Eggmobile, coming to a landing and jumping out to address his creations. “Metal! What happened out there? Is your turbine functional?”
Metal glared at The Doctor for a moment. The lights in his left eye flickered weakly every time he moved his head. He believed he should have been furious, but he had neither the energy nor any strong feelings against his master in that moment. “No,” he responded simply.
“You sure did a number on him,” Eggman said, referring to H1 as Metal held him. “Well, we’ll get ‘em next time… Here, charge up so we can go.” A battery pack was quickly hooked up to Metal’s back, steadily providing his body with the power to operate his legs. Amy watched fondly as Eggman doted over him, a sly smile appearing on her face. The Doctor noticed her peering. “What are you looking at, you pest? You should consider yourself lucky to be alive-”
“That is enough,” Metal said plainly. “Give me a minute…”
“... Fine,” Eggman relented. “I‘ll make preparations to ‘set sail,’” he snickered, getting back into his hovercraft and floating away to the flying ship.
H3 and H4 sat in the sand by Amy and Metal, patiently waiting for him to regain his energy. As The Doctor’s attention turned away from him, Metal pulled the charging cable out from his back and connected it to H1’s body. The narrow strip of light that formed his visor powered on as Metal held him in front of his chest.
“You are quite the little spy…” Metal stared at H1 as he activated, the small robot bobbing his head around as if nervous. “... Very good work. I shall keep you around.” H1 stopped his frantic movement, tensing up for a moment before relaxing. Amy giggled as Metal set him down in the sand between them, reaching out and straightening the bandana around his neck. Metal turned to face her so their eyes met. “Thank you for bringing me with you. I am not sure my body could have been recovered from all the rubble.”
She was beaming warmly. “Well, you didn’t let me die in the end, so…” she gestured vaguely. “Call it even for now.” Amy winked.
“Hm. For what it’s worth, I was not going to permit you to sacrifice yourself. Though I cannot comprehend why…”
“Oh thanks,” Amy snickered through her sarcastic response. “Well, even though you lied… I think I believe you,” she shrugged.
Metal never felt like he needed to justify or excuse anything that he’d done in the past; He only ever did what he had to in the name of completing his objective. And though he resented losing this opportunity, the guilt he felt from lying was somehow much stronger. “Yes, well- I have never apologized for anything in my entire existence, but… I do regret that. I am sorry.”
“Really?” She ran a finger through the sand, leaving faint lines. “Ah, at least I got a sword lesson out of it ...I’ll think about forgiving you,” she responded with a coy smile. Metal Sonic was a bit of a mystery, but she could sense that he was apologetic in saving her and as he reactivated H1. She felt it was genuine, though she promised herself to keep him on his toes if they ever say one another again. “Anyway, don’t you need to charge, too?” she asked.
“There is enough for us both. In any case, I can spend a bit more time with you this way.”
She grinned playfully. “Yeah, too bad we’re in no shape for a dance lesson.”
“I suppose not... Perhaps next week, then.” He forced it out indifferently, but there was hope in his response.
It was unclear whether he was just teasing her. Amy flushed suddenly, turning her gaze away. Nothing could have been stranger than feeling this fondly toward Metal after the emotional roller coaster of the last several days, but the idea of being that close again didn’t sound so bad to her now. Only time would tell how the unusual new friendship would play out from opposite sides, but Amy was more than willing to find out. “Yeah, I guess that’ll work,” she responded finally, smiling back up at him. She couldn’t help but think that he’d be grinning back if he could.
“ The treasure has been… compromised, ” Rouge explained. Footage of her on a beach played on a small hand-held tablet. She was wearing a scuffed-up navy suit but stood with confidence and authority. “ There were some… complications. It may be too dangerous to excavate. ”
B-roll of the surrounding area played as a news anchor reported the story. A dark, tropical beach with a mountain at its center. A pile of rubble surrounded by crew members as Tails pointed at and discussed various spots. Rouge storming off the beach as Knuckles followed after her angrily.
Sonic watched the morning news in awe. He’d been lounging groggily near the Master Emerald when he sat up at the appearance of his friends.
“ … and perhaps most strangely of all, the missing historical ship, the Royal Fortune, was found drifting just offshore. She appears to have sustained some damage over the week or so since she went missing. Her disappearance seems to be related to the notorious Dr. Eggman. ” As an announcer spoke, the recording showed a short clip of Metal Sonic and Amy chatting at the bow of the now-anchored ship, her leaning over a railing nonchalantly and giggling while he stood in a stately manner, his gaze fixed on her. Amy then ducked out of the shot when she spotted the camera. Metal Sonic turned to face it directly, glaring with his left eye flickering eerily. The shot quickly panned away.
“Is that…?” Sonic’s jaw dropped as he watched the clip, unable to fathom just what kind of adventure they’d ended up on. Seeing Amy lounging around with Metal Sonic on a stolen vessel was by the far the strangest, but everyone appeared to be safe and would likely be returning soon, so there was no need to worry. “Heh, can’t wait to hear about this.” Sonic went back to his leisurely position as the story ended, grinning over the unexpected footage of his friends and eagerly waiting to hear about all the fun his team was having without him. Still, he doubted it would be enough to get him tagging along on the next seafaring adventure.
wow so that ended up being like twice as long as intended~ i hope yall enjoyed it. meant to have it up earlier but. that’s life.
this is of course part 2 to what i was working on for @metamy-ship-week​
a very very very special thank you to @mmm-asbestos​ for inspiring this fic and brainstorming the story with me. i am incredibly thankful to have worked on something with someone who inspires me so much ❤ i had a great time
happy new year friends~ i hope 2021 treats you all with kindness.
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rieson · 4 years
Hiya! Congratulations on 200 followers! 😊 Could I request Zoro and "tired' for the prompt! The scenario would be totally up to you, and you can make it fluff or angst, but I would prefer the fluff if possible hehe 😊 congrats again! 💖
pairing; zoro x gn!reader
genre; fluff , humor
content warning; none
word count; 1,082
authors note; hello !! thank you so much, sorry this took so long (i was focusing on the match-ups requests more and than the scenarios requests) i hope you forgive me for delivering this very late, i am very sorry !! but other than that, I hope you enjoyed this! sorry for grammar errors <3
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─ after a long tiring day of luffy dragging you with him to do pranks around the ship, you understandably get exhausted and go to zoro to fuel your energy back to 100.
"yeah" you mumbled, voice barely above a whisper.
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BEING apart of the Strawhat crew is exhausting and very energy draining; and that's a proven fact.
If one were to ask the crew members on how much energy it takes to get over a full day on the sunny go ship ─ most of them would say a lot, and they aren't lying either.
No matter if it was a ‘relaxing’ day with no one on their trail or days where they would have to fight endlessly.
There’s really no difference between days like those, why may you ask?
The answer is your captain.
Your oh so chaotic captain that seems to have an endless amount of energy everyday.
Where does he even get all his energy from? You rarely even see him sleep!
Hence, that's why there is always never a dull moment in the sunny go ship─The ship that accompanies the whole straw hat crew sails all over the wide ocean.
Your captain; Luffy likes to pull pranks whenever he gets bored.
And today is one of them.
Today was supposed to be your ‘do-nothing-all-day-except-cuddle-with-zoro’ day (keyword; supposed to be) but then Luffy just HAD to drag you into his antics with Usopp.
What makes it worse is that your boyfriend didn't even try to rescue you from his own captain dragging his significant other to do the dirty job of the pranks for him.
All he did when you sent him a pleading look that clearly screams ‘pls help i dont wanna get dragged into this mess’ was lazily look at you and mumble “Im too tired for this” before going to sleep again.
Talk about betrayal.
And now, here you are, on a so called ‘mission’ that Usopp has assigned you to finish; so his prank could succeed.
If you’re being honest with him, you didn't really catch on to anything Usopp has said about the mission and failed it.
Leading to the present;
“Okay, well Looks like we’re on to plan B now since [Name] failed the mission i gave them” Usopp spoke out in the circle that consists of You , Usopp , Luffy, Franky , and Chopper.
Luffy sent you a pout, “Why did you fail the mission [Nameee]??” He whined, grabbing you by the shoulders and shaking you.
“Luffy i-”
“It was supposed to be succesfuuul!! NoooooO” He slurred on his words.
Usopp sent you both a glare; silently telling Luffy to shut up and stop shaking you so he could discuss a new plan.
“Sorry! Shishishi!~” Luffy sent Usopp a boyish grin and sat obediently.
You on the other hand, was still out of it.
Franky cleared his throat “Well technically this would be plan G”
“How many plans do we have? Is there like, a plan M?” Chopper questioned; mostly to himself but the others heard it.
“Yeah, but [Name] dies in plan M” Answered Usopp, voice way too calm for someone that had just admitted that one of his prank comrades would die in one of his plans.
As if hearing the word ‘[Name]’ and ‘Dies’ in the same sentence, you snapped into reality.
“Wha?!- ME?? DYING?!” You exclaimed in both shock and horror.
All attention was on you now.
Usopp gave you a nervous smile, “Y-Yeah… It's risky…”
“Shishishi! It can't be THAT bad! I'm sure you can do it! You’re in my crew afterall, i won't let you die!” Luffy gave his signature grin and patted your back quite harshly; causing you to cough violently.
“Lu─ffy!” You coughed and swatted his hand away.
Finally regaining your composure, you questioned Usopp, “What IS plan M anyways?”
He avoided your gaze and stared at the opposite direction and whistled lowly, “Well...it may or may not involve stealing something from Nami..”
Your face visibly paled.
If you’ve learned something from being on the strawhat crew since the beginning; one of the rules was most definitely to not steal anything from Nami, the redhead had made it clear to whoever in this ship that tried to steal something of hers would have been in debt with her.
And you definitely did not want to be in Debt, especially in Nami’s debt.
You’re broke already from trying to satisfy your boyfriends addiction to booze─ you can't possibly pay Nami!
Deciding that enough was enough; you stand up and left without a word; Leaving everyone in the circle shell-shocked confused as they watched your figure shrinking smaller and smaller as you made your way to the crow’s nest.
Stomping your feet irritatedly as you climb up to your boyfriend’s training room, you grumble profanities under your breath.
Arriving at your destination, you look around and saw your green haired boyfriend snoring albeit loudly; his back on one of the chairs.
Your eyes soften at the sight but you narrowed your eyes as soon as you remembered that he didn't even help you get out of Luffy’s antics.
You huff through your nose, approaching his sleeping figure, his chest rising up and down every now and then.
You flopped your body onto his; making Zoro abruptly wake up and wheeze as the air in his body got knocked out.
“Wh─HEEE─” He coughed violently.
“What are you doing?” Zoro managed to croaked out.
“Sleeping.” You answered.
He narrowed his eyes and grunted, “I cant breathe like this, get off”
He cocks an eyebrow at your answer, seemingly clueless onto why you were acting like this.
“Did i do somethi?─”
You cut him off before he could even finish his sentence,
“Yes. Yes you did Mr. Roronoa. You let Luffy drag me into one of his pranks again even though today was supposed to be a day where i relax and only cuddle you! But nooOOooO you just had to let luffy steal your significant other to do his pranks!” You ranted, blowing a raspberry on his thigh; Making his skin slightly tingle.
He gave you a deadpan expression and scoffed “Not my fault you weren't strong enough to go against him”
You slap him.
“Fine then. You cant sleep on my lap anymore.”
His face visibly panicked, sweat dripping down his forehead, “Okay okay! Im sorry jeez, i’ll talk to luffy about that”
You don't respond.
Zoro shifts his body into a more comfortable position; laying your head in his chest.
“..Yeah” You mumbled, voice barely above a whisper.
“Go to sleep, i’ll wake you up.”
“Thanks…” You lost your consciousness as soon as Zoro started playing with your hair and rubs your back.
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thewildomega · 3 years
Star in the Sand Ch.23
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Sitting on one of the rocks you winced as Chopper treated your injuries, letting out a deep breath as he cleaned the one slice on your shoulder. 
"...You need to be more careful Y/n..." 
Grinning slightly at the reindeer you nodded, "Yes doc." He had already checked on your baby, assuring you and Crocodile, who had not left your side that your little one's heart was still beating strongly. 
As soon as the animal doctor had finished treating his little star he had requested a word with him. While he didn't normally care if people feared him this time he tried to sound a little more reasonable so that the 'Chopper' would agree to tell him everything he needed to know about the health of his soulmate and unborn child. When he nodded his head he kissed the crown of his darling's head and looked into her eyes. "You stay right here and rest while I speak to the... doctor." he told her in a firm voice, removing his coat once again and placing it over her thinly clothed body to keep her warm. Seeing her nod tiredly he looked to Daz and Bentham. "Don't let her out of your sight." 
"Of course Mr. Zero." Bentham smiled as the ever imposing man turned away. Looking to his old co-worker he smiled even larger and clung to his arms for a moment before doing a spin, "It's it exciting Mr. One, We are going to be uncles!"
Giggling as both Daz and Croc rolled their eyes you looked down to your belly and rubbed it gently. You couldn't think to describe the weight that had been lifted from your shoulders nor the dark cloud that seemed to disappear now that you were back with your soulmate again. Your child would have their father in their life, they would have a family, looking up at the straw-hats you smiled softly to yourself, and plenty of friends as well. 
"So you are the granddaughter of Big Mom and Kaido huh?" 
Snapping your head to the side you saw none other than Law come walking over to you. Blinking you looked the man over, his voice and whole demeanor was everything you thought it would be. "So I've been told." 
"That means that the child growing inside of you is also of their bloodline. Anyone that has anything to do with Kiado is my enemy. "
Noticing that the name of your Grandparents had caused heads to turn your way you licked your lips before looking back to the warlord. "I have no ties to either of them beyond blood. As far as I'm concerned all the family I have is here with me now." 
Finishing up his conversation with the blue nosed Reindeer he turned back to see Trafalgar Law standing close by Y/n. In a flash he was materializing in front of her, staring down the man. "Do you have a problem Law?"
"He won't stop coming for you, he knows you exist now, both of them do. Sooner or later you will have to make a choice." Law spoke, continuing to address the woman behind the famous Crocodile. 
"I've already made my choice." 
Hearing this he nodded and looked o Crocodile now, "Doflamingo will no doubt be coming here himself, I would make sure she was far away by the time he gets here."  was all he said before turning around and walking away. 
Glaring at the man's back for sometime he finally turned to looked down at his woman as he stepped over to her. Stroking the side of her face with his hook he saw her smile lovingly up at him. 
"Y/n princess I cooked you some delectable food packed full of proteins and vitamins." Sanji spoke. 
"And I brewed you some lavender green tea with a hint of honey, just like you like it." Brook added, rushing over to hand the woman the steaming cup of tea. 
"Yeah well I made her favorite vegetables as a side..."
"You are trying to win her over with vegetables, Who does that?!" 
"I don't have to win her over, when it comes down to you and me there isn't even a competition."
"Yeah that's because she would pick me!"
Noticing Crocodile's lip twitch and seeing the vein in his forehead poke out you grinned slightly and grabbed his hand before he could use it to make both of your friends a pile of dust. After eating all of our food you were left even more exhausted than you were before. You had tried to stop halfway but Crocodile quickly told you to finish eating. As it came time to say goodbye you quickly gave your gator a pout and your best puppy dog eyes before he growled out and gave a small roll of his eyes. 
"Bentham. " he called out, noticing Daz shaking his head from behind the flamboyant man. "...you are coming as well, I at least know you will help keep an eye on her." he spoke and saw Daz's shoulders drop in defeat. 
"Of course Mr. Zero! I shall protect Y/n and little Croc with my life." Bentham declared with a over the top bow. 
Smiling you hugged Crocodile's waist, feeling his hand rub your back. Looking to the Straw-hats you glanced up to Croc before moving over to your friends. Standing in front of all of them you smiled, "I don't know how to thank you all, I wish I had something to give you or... or something..."
"Don't mention it Y/n. We're friends right? That means we help each other." Luffy smiled and everyone else nodded in agreement. Although you coudl always name the baby after me..."
"Not a chance in hell." Crocodile grunted as he moved over to stand by his love. 
Chuckling Luffy rubbed the back of his head. "Worth a shot." 
"Here's your bag, I put the gift from Neptune in there as well."
Nami told you, handing over the small bag with the little bit of clothes she had bought you and some other things it looked like. 
"There some other stuff as well, thought you might want something to remember us by." 
"Oh yeah..." Taking off his hat Luffy ripped off a piece of paper and handed it over to his friend. "Here's my vivre card, that way you can come see us and we can meet little Luffy."
Hearing Crocodile growl you grinned and took the card from him. "Thank you Luffy, for everything." 
Smiling he placed his hat back on his head. "Maybe next time we are together you can make that one dish as a thank you... you know the one with the meat and sauce and cheese..."
"Lasagna." you smiled.
"Yea that one." 
Nodding you looked to the captain. "It's a deal, until then though I did make you something." seeing his confusion you smiled softly and tilted your head. "It's in your locker. I didn't really have all the details but maybe it will suffice." 
Smiling he perked up. "Really?! Is it food? Is it meat?" 
Giggling you looked to him, "I guess you'll just have to see." 
"All Right! Oooo I hope it's those cookies with the nuts and..."
Watching hi run towards the ship you smiled. "Bye Luffy!" 
"See you later Y/n... you too Gator!" Luffy yelled back.
Finishing telling everyone else goodbye you were lifted up into Crocodile's arms as he carried you back to the ship. Looking at all the familiar faces you smiled softy, especially when you saw Maverick smiling largely at you. 
"Good ta 'ave ya back lass." the old man spoke in his thick accent. 
"Alright get us off this block of ice." Crocodile spoke, giving the command to set sail. Going to take his darling into the cabin he stopped when he heard a loud yell. 
Turning back when he heard the Straw-hat yelling Y/n's name he watched as an arm stretched over to the railing beside them. As the boy was pulled over to his ship he watched as he instantly wrapped his arms around y/n in a hug. He was about to step over and yank the his off but stopped when he noticed the few tears rolling down his cheeks and the picture frame in his hand. Glancing to the picture inside he saw a drawing of what looked to be three young boys. 
"Thank you." Luffy said in a thick voice. 
Smiling you hugged him back "Don't mention it." you spoke, repeating his words. As he pulled back you gave him one last smile that he returned. 
"Don't you worry Y/n I'm going to take down Kaido and then Big Mom then there won't be anyone that wants to hurt you or your baby." 
Giggling you nodded. "I'll hold you to that." 
Standing behind her in the shower he felt his cock harden but grit his teeth, now was not the time. Watching some of the water running down her body and down the drain he noticed the slight pinkish tint and swallowed hard. He knew she was tired, both her injuries and everything else taking their toll on her. Seeing her leaning against the wall he stepped up behind her and let his eyes take her in. It had been six months since he had last seen his soulmate. She was skinnier than when they had been separated, not as thin as she was when she had first joined up with the straw-hats though according to the doctor. Noticing the light scar running down her back from shoulder to the top of her left ass cheek he furrowed his brows, that was new. Lifting his hand he gently traced the thin mark with his thumb. As if knowing what he was thinking she spoke in a quiet whisper. 
"Wouldn't hand over my locket." 
A whip then. Clenching his teeth he took a deep breath before leaning down to kiss the scar. From what Chopper had told him her shoulder and forearm had been broken while she was imprisoned, neither of them healing right which now caused her slight pain occasionally. She had been subjected to the cold for months, her body would be sensitive to the cold now for the rest of her life. Basically starved she had lost a tremendous amount of weight, both her and their child now requiring extra proteins and vitamins. The reindeer had also told him that their child would likely be born smaller than it should be, that it would be underweight for a while. Chopper had spoken to him about many things he coudl do and he planned on seeing them through. He would care for her, massage her, keep her warm and feed the best of food. She would rest, grow their child while her own body healed.
The small creature's words rung in his head, making true fear fill him. "If she was to give birth now, in the state she is, she might not live through the birth." 
He couldn't loose her, he wouldn't loose her, not again. Or their child. No he would make sure to take the very best care of them both. 
Pouring some of the shampoo into her hair he placed the bottle back up before he started washing her hair. It wasn't an easy task, not with only one hand but when she went to take over he grabbed her wrist in a gentle grip and move it back to her side. Carefully he started washing her hair that was now longer than when they had last seen each other. He made sure to get as little soap in the fresh injuries on her shoulder and palms as he next started washing her body. Turning her towards him he saw a bruise forming on the side of her face, going up her temple before disappearing into her hair. Why was it she seemed to always be hurt one way or another. How he grew tired of seeing her beautiful body littered in bruises and blood. Glancing down to her breasts and slightly swollen stomach he again felt his arousal spike but pushed it away and finished bathing her. "Go get into bed little star." he told her, placing a kiss to her forehead. 
Drying off you moved into the cabin and pulled on one of his shirts, leaving it only partially buttoned as you crawled into the large bed. Snuggling down into the comfy bed you sighed as his scent overtook you. Closing your eyes you turned your nose to the pillow and listened as he showered himself. By the time he was out you assumed you must have drifted off the movement of the bed starling you.
"It's alright." he spoke n his deep voice, moving to lay down beside her. Opening his arms for her as she moved to cuddle up to him he grinned softly, his eyes closing.
Cuddling up to him you felt his strong arms wrap around you, felt his one hand rub your back under his shirt. Hearing the sound of his heart made it all real, you were so afraid you would wake up and all of this would have been a dream, that you would still be slowly freezing and starving to death in Impale Down. As his lips softly pecked your head you nuzzled deeper into his chest, your eyes filling with tears and your lip trembling.
Hearing her sniffle and feeling the his chest become damp with her tears he continued rubbing her back while his left arm pulled her closer if it was possible. "Why are you crying little star?" he asked in a low voice.
"I'm scared your going to disappear again... that I'm going to wake up and you'll be gone." you whimpered.
"I'm not going anywhere darling." he promised her. Rubbing his hand around to her belly he stroked over the bump there. "I don't know how you did it, how you kept our child alive in that hell, how you even managed to stay alive yourself. You were there longer than I was and still.... everyday I woke up and expected to feel that emptiness take over, for you to have..." he couldn't even finish. Swallowing thickly he continued stroking her belly and side. "I am so sorry starlight..."
"No, I need to say this." he told her and heard her become quiet. Taking a deep breath he started again, "I failed you yet again. It seems that is all I ever do, that I am unable to protect you. You are my soulmate, it is my responsibility to care for you... Not a day went by that I didn't think of you, that I didn't miss you. You don't know how worthless I felt knowing that the woman I love, the mother of my child was sentenced to that place."
It was strange hearing Crocodile become so emotional, something he always kept locked away but you wouldn't say a word. His hand stayed on your belly, stroking your skin softly.
Taking another breath he kissed gently at her forehead again. "When I got your letter I at first thought it was some trick, that someone was playing some cruel joke on me, I didn't want to believe it because I was so afraid of it being false but it wasn't." smiling a little he continued holding her close. "All the horrible things I've done in my life I can't imagine why fate took mercy on me but I will be forever grateful to have you in my arms again. I may very well never let you leave my side again." Feeling a light kiss to his throat he hummed. 
The both of you stayed silent for a while, just basking in one another's embrace before he spoke again. 
"Darling..." hearing her sleepy hum he continued rubbing her head and hair. "Earlier with Law, you told him you had already made your choice what did you mean by that?"
"You, I choose you Croc. I will never join Big Mom or Kaido because even though they are blood you are my family. You, me and our little Caiman." 
Feeling his lips turn up into a smile he moved his hand to turn her chin up towards him so he could press his lips to hers. It was a long, slow kiss, there was no desire to take it further they were just simply expressing how much they had missed one another, how much they loved one another. When it came time to breath he pulled away but kept her chin tilted so he coudl look into her alluring eyes that he adored so much. "You believe it's a boy then, that we will have a son?" he asked, the soft smile staying on his face. 
Nodding lightly you saw his eyes twinkle a little. Rubbing his bare chest you grinned softly and turned some to lay a bit more on your back but still enough to stay in his arms and look up at him. "A son just as handsome as his father and probably just as cunning."
Chuckling he moved his hand to unbutton the few buttons she had holding the shirt on her small frame. "A little boy with his mother's stunning eyes and temper." 
Giggling you sighed as he rubbed your belly, "I don't think this world knows what it's got coming." you told him and heard him let out a small laugh. As his hand passed over your lower abdomen you felt a strange sensation and flinched, your eyes snapping down to your belly. 
"Was tha..." another jolt hit the palm of his hand and he stared down at her stomach in awe. Grinning he rubbed his hand again slowly and felt his child kick at his hand. 
"He knows we're talking about him." you smiled. "That's the first time I've ever felt him move." 
Humming he smiled and looked back to her, "See he is already a daddy's boy."
Rolling your eyes some you smiled and reached up to stroke his jaw. You stared at his face until your eyes became to heavy to hold open. 
Feeling her hand fall against his shoulder he looked back to her and saw her sleeping peacefully, a soft smile on her face. Grinning he pulled he blanket back over them and settled down beside her, placing a kiss to her temple. "Sweet dreams little star. I love you..." Feeling another hard kick to his hand he smirked, "And you, my son." he spoke in a low deep voice before joining her in the first peaceful sleep in months. 
He could only grin a little as she looked around confused but he didn't say a word. Keeping her tucked close to his side he led her down the correct street, thankful it was nighttime so not many people were out. As they came up on the home he saw her brows knit a little before she again looked to him. Paying her no mind he walked up to the front door and glanced down to her before opening it and smiling softly, "Welcome home darling."
Blinking your eyes went a bit wide and you looked back towards the large home that was more like a mansion before snapping your eyes back up to him. 
Seeing shock on her face he chuckled some and led her inside, shutting the door behind them and locking it.  Removing his coat from her shoulders he hung it on the coat rack and continued watching her as she just stood there looking around but not moving. Sighing softly he took her hand and moved her throughout the place. "I settled on this island a few months ago, took over the black market position here."
"Took over?" you asked but saw him raise a brow. "Never mind I probably don't want to know." 
Humming he grinned and showed her room after room. "Truthfully there are more rooms than I know what to do with but at least now we will have a room for the baby." he said and saw her smile sweetly up at him. "You are free to decorate it however you please and anything you need you let me know and I will see you get it." 
Smiling you leaned into his side. Ever since the other night when he had felt the baby kick he had seemed rather thrilled of the idea that he was going to be a father. Daz who you had spoken to when Croc had to talk with Bon on something said that it was likely that Crocodile had feared he would never see you alive again, that he would never get o meet his child but now that the both of you were reunited he wasn't taking it for granted. 
"This is the kitchen, although I did have chiefs cook for me I was quite fond of your cooking and perhaps if you are willing and up to it we may share one of your delectable meals again." Seeing her nod quickly and smile he grinned but then thought of something. "I don't want you pushing yourself though, if you do not feel like it or you are too tired then I will get the cooks to make you whatever it is you want." 
Next he showed you the two living room, the courtyard that had soft green grass and a few trees. Croc had quickly led you to one of the small plants and pointed out that it was your apple tree that you had sprouted on the ship. He told you how you were free to garden all you wanted. After that was the spare rooms, his office that homed many books. You could only smile like a child in a candy shop as you looked over all the books, not knowing he was watching you smiling. 
At the end of the tour he led her down the hall to the large wooden door, opening it he checked it over for safety before turning on the lights and stepping to the side to allow her in. "And this is our room." 
Walking inside you looked around the large room. There was the massive canopy bed in the center of the room with a matching dresser and side table on each side. A little sitting area was in the right corner with what looked to be a private door to the courtyard behind it. On the other side of the room was two more doors, closet and on suit most likely. The bedding and chairs were all done in a grey color that complimented the dark wood. "It's beautiful, all of it." you told him, turning to face him as he came to stand beside you. 
Grinning he looked down at her, stroking her lightening bruised cheek with his knuckles. "I am glad you like it." Feeling that spark of arousal he swallowed and cleared his throat. "Come let me show you to the bathroom, I am sure you like a shower before bed." 
The bathroom was no less grand than the bedroom or rest of the house for that matter. A huge soaking tub that would fit you, croc and probably another person set in one corner with a equally large walk in shower on the other. Crocodile had quickly started the shower for you, adjusting the temperature before saying he wanted to check something, asking you if there was anything you wanted or needed before he left you to bathe. You found it strange that he seemed to always have something to do anytime you needed to be naked. That over emotional side of you kept saying it was something with the way you looked now, maybe you were no longer attractive to him. While you tried to see reason you couldn't help but be hurt a little.
Removing your clothes and then the bandages you glanced up to the mirror and looked over your body. Bruises spotted your skin along with the healing sword slash across your shoulder. Injuries were here and there and you felt your lip twitch as your eyes moved to your breasts. They were still much smaller than when you had first went into Impale Down. Looking down to your small baby bump you sighed and rubbed your abdomen. 
Taking a long shower you got out feeling much more refreshed than you had before. Drying off something caught your eye and you grinned when you noticed your silk pajama set folded on the bathroom counter. You were sure they weren't here before, he must have brought them in. Pulling on the shorts and shirt you brushed your hair and teeth before walking out to the room. Seeing Crocodile sitting in one of the chairs you moved over to him and curled up in his lap when he held his arm out. Humming you grinned and nuzzled into his neck. 
Grinning himself he wrapped his arm around her, kissing her head. "I missed this." 
"Me too." you told him, closing your eyes as his warm calloused hand rubbed your thigh. 
Closing his eyes as his hand creased her soft skin he adjusted his legs as his pants grew tighter. Damn he wanted her, he craved her, so much it was taking everything he had to keep from carrying her over to the bed and taking her like the deprived man he was. He should have made her wear the pants. Not that it would have done any good. She coudl probably be wearing a burlap bag and he would still feel as horney as a teenage boy. He had to wait though, wait until she was healed. It had been six months and his body was aching for her but he wouldn't risk hurting her or his child. No he would just have to resist. Glancing around the room he saw her bag sitting on the table and rose a brow, a distraction is what he needed. "The Straw-hat woman, Cat burglar Nami I believe her name is, she mentioned something about packing you other things she thought you might want, what s it?" 
Sitting up you smiled and grabbed the bag from the table, not realizing your dear Gator was staring at your backside, his hand trembling as he resisted grabbing it. Sitting back on his lap you felt him move your legs to rest over his other knee as you started picking out items to show him. "Pappag gave me these, well more like Nami talked him into letting them get anything they wanted." you smiled. 
Glancing over the clothes as she pulled them out of the bag he saw she had a pair of shorts, a t-shirt with a star on it and the word 'Crimin' on it along with a black two piece bathing suit with the same design on one of the cups. Humming he rose a brow and leaned back some. "And who is this Pappag?"
"Oh he's a starfish that designs clothes. He's a really big deal on Fishman Island." 
"A starfish." he asked and saw her nod. Grunting he listened as she told him about her time in Fishman Island with the Straw-hats. He had been surprised to find out that Jinbe and her father had been friends. While he didn't much care for the shark he was grateful for him helping his love send him the letter. Next he watched her show him the music box that King Neptune had gifted their child. As he listened to the soft tune he couldn't help but grin a little at the soft smile on her face as she talked about how they coudl play it to help their little Caiman go to sleep. When he saw her face light up he watched as she pulled out tangerines. 
Looking to him you grinned, "Your child seems to like fruit just as much as you." Thinking of something you tilted your head. "You know these are from a tree Nami brought on the ship with her, from Conomi Islands, your home." 
Raising both of his brows at that he looked to the fruit as she peeled it. 
Taking one of the sections into your mouth you grinned and held another to his lips. As he parted his lips you placed the piece on his tongue and saw the corner of his lip turn up as he ate it making you smile. 
"Still the best tangerines in the world." he said and saw her smile before offering him another. 
For the next few minutes the two of you sat in the chair talking and snacking on a few more tangerines. You were quick to save the seeds, hoping to grow a tree of your own. Soon however though you were covering a yawn and he was standing. 
Carrying her over to the bed he pulled back the covers and laid her down. He coudl tell she was sleepy based on how heavy her lids hung over her eyes. Tucking her in he kissed her brow before going to take a shower himself but only after making sure both the balcony door and bedroom door were locked. Getting out he glanced over to her sleeping form and sighed at the feeling. Quietly moving over to the dresser he pulled on a pair of pajama pants while staring at the neatly folded scarfs beside it. Reaching under them he grabbed the small velvet box hidden underneath and pulled it out. Flipping it open he stared down at the ring he had picked out over six months ago. It was beautifully crafted, only the best for his little star. The plan had been to give it to her that night in the hotel after they ate dinner but then she had felt ill and then that Charlotte had shown up. The whole night he had planed out had been ruined in an instant. Raising his chin he closed the box. This time everything would go right. Placing it back under the scarfs he closed the drawer, hiding it away for only a few days more. 
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Pirate AU (Part Three)
Cordelia and Alastair stood outside a small café, her hat dipped low to hide her face. Lucie had told her that she was bringing her cousin, so she thought it only fair to drag her brother along as well. Alastair seemed apprehensive, claiming Eugenia was already watchful of them but Cordelia countered by saying this could be a way to prove their innocence. 
The problem with waiting outside in London though was that it was pouring. Constantly. 
“I can’t believe you convinced me to do this,” Alastair said, scowling as he shook rain soaked dark hair from his eyes. 
“A few hours of being social will not kill you dadash.”
His eyebrows raised at the use of their native language. They spoke a mixture of English and Persian when they were at home, but using it anywhere else elicited dirty stares that made Cordelia want to stab something with Cortana. Alastair looked as if he was going to say something but a strong blow of icy water into their faces before he had the chance. 
Before Cordelia could contemplate unanchoring their ship and sailing somewhere warmer, she heard her name being called. Lucie and the presumed Eugenia Lightwood were hurrying towards them, umbrellas nearly being blown out of their hands. Cordelia propped the door open for them, offering a smile to Lucie who’s eyes were bright from the wind instead of tears. 
“I’m so happy you’re here,” Lucie said in an overjoyed whisper, a complete contrast to the last time they had spoken, though Cordelia suspected it was a front. Lucie’s cheerfulness was most definitely a pretense but Cordelia understood why she had it in place. “ Eugenia desperately needs a distraction and as do I.” 
Cordelia smiled, enjoying Lucie’s happiness as she watched Alastair and Eugenia have a sort of staring competition. “I had to drag Alas- my brother here. He isn’t fond of social outings.”
“So,” Eugenia said smoothly when they were seated, “Your brother here is rather good at slipping out of conversations isn’t he?” 
Alastair scowled as he usually did, as if he was trying to kill someone by looking at them. “Cornering new arrivals is something you do often then?”  
“What tea do you want!” Cordelia cut in brightly, waving the menu in their face. 
“Black.” They responded in unison, their glares intensifying. 
“Will Thomas be joining us?” Lucie asked her eyes darting between the two as if she either wanted to laugh or flee. 
At that Eugenia’s eyes went soft and worried. “He hasn’t returned home yet. He isn’t usually the reckless type but-” She cut herself off. 
“Who’s Thomas?” Cordelia asked gently, trying not to overstep. She felt Alastair lean forward as if he was interested in the answer as well. 
“My brother. He saw the note and took off.” 
Eugenia looked between Cordelia and Lucie, confusion clouding her face. “Lucie didn’t tell you? I thought the two of you were- oh. Well there was a note left in the Institute, by the killer,” Her voice hitched on that word, “or some cruel person who wants to make our lives more hellish.” 
“What did the note say?” Alastair asked, his voice low. 
Eugenia shrugged and pulled a paper from her pocket, sliding it across the table. Cordelia inhaled sharply and felt Alastair’s arm tense before she had the chance to read what the note said. The symbol at the bottom. She had seen it before. A crude jagged line that had been carved into numerous wrecked ships around the ocean. She’d watched those ships fall. 
As for who it belonged to, that was a mystery. 
Cordelia was getting tired of mysteries. 
Lucie, who had been watching Cordelia with a confused expression, stood up suddenly and grabbed her hand. 
“I- what?” Cordelia stammered, horror and confusion hazing her mind. 
“I think we have matters to discuss. 
Pulling Cordelia away from the table, she led the two of them into a dim hallway before whirling around, her cheeks faintly pink. 
“You’re lying to us aren’t you?” 
Cordelia drew back sharply, which seemed to give Lucie all the confirmation she needed. 
“You are,” She murmured. “Tell me it wasn’t you? You didn’t do this to my cousin?” 
“No-Goodness, Lucie no.” 
“You’re lying about something. How did you get on the guest list? Who are you? Did you have something to do with Barbra?” 
“I didn’t have anything to do with her, I swear it.” At Lucie’s intense stare she felt her resolve crumble a bit. 
“You need to prove it. Please.” 
Cordelia looked at Lucie again, her blue eyes were blazing. She told herself that this was an awful idea, that she had only known Lucie for one afternoon. She felt an odd sort of connection to her, that much was true, but was that really enough? Perhaps if she denied Lucie the truth then she would go to her parents, incriminating them even more. Cordelia knew all it took to get her imprisoned was a word claiming her guilt. 
Cordelia let out a soft sigh of defeat and lowered her voice. “I might have to show you. You wouldn’t believe it otherwise.” 
Alastair wondered what demon had possessed his sister to have made her sit alone at a table with Eugenia. He determinedly stared at the wall, praying she wouldn’t attempt at small talk. Not that she seemed like the type. 
“Why did you react that way?”
Alastair startled. “What?” 
“When I gave you the note you and your sister looked as if someone slapped you.” 
He internally cursed himself for allowing such a see-through expression, but he truly hadn’t been expecting it. It meant that the killer they were dealing with was a pirate, more than that, a pirate that belonged to one of the most dangerous crews known. 
“It was a startling note then,” He grumbled, casting a backwards glance at Cordelia who didn’t look anywhere near done talking. 
“The writing was too small for you to have read it that quickly.”
Privately, he was surprised that she noticed so much. It would be admirable if it wasn’t so aggravating.
“We aren’t responsible for what happened at the party,” he snapped instead. 
“I’m aware. I don’t believe you’re guilty, but I do believe that there’s something important you’re keeping from us.” 
“Of course. We’re strangers.” 
Eugenia rolled her eyes and leaned forward. “I don’t want your snark. I want your help.” 
Before Alastair could respond or even process what she said, Cordelia and Lucie arrived back at the table. 
“Am I to tell Eugenia?” Lucie asked. 
“Tell her what exactly?” Alastair muttered to Cordelia, who had a somewhat sheepish look on her face. 
“So Alastair do you have skulls on your masts?” Lucie chirped happily, taking a sip of her tea. “Eye patches? Maybe a peg leg?”
The note lay forgotten between them as the siblings bickering took the attention. It’s words were scribbled in a suspicious red that grew darker the longer you looked. 
Your families have wronged mine in ways you couldn’t imagine. Vengeance must be taken and vengeance is often taken out on innocent people isn't it? Don’t assume that this is over. 
Kamala knelt in front of the telescope, her dark hair fluttering uncomfortably in the soft sea winds. The barely discernible block of land known as London lay little ways away. She plucked a quill from where it rested in it’s inkwell charting the estimated distance of her journey. She was something of a self proclaimed sailing master, charged by Tatiana to travel the seas in her name. It wasn’t a pleasant job exactly, but the pay was good. 
She absentmindedly rubbed the needle in her hand against the lodestone resting on the table, watching as it grew magnetized and swung to true north. A soft thud sounded behind her, but Kamala didn’t have to turn to know who it was. 
“London?” The girl’s voice was icy as always, nearly as sharp as the wind tearing through her thin blouse. 
“London. We have a job.” 
Grace scoffed and came up next to her to lean against her table, cluttered with maps and compasses. Tatiana had taken Grace when she had been very young, twisting and molding her into the girl she was now. Kamala had come soon after, hired from a village where she had been running out of money. Everyone came for selfish reasons she supposed, but she never understood Grace’s motives to stay. 
“What’s in London?” Grace asked, “Besides Tatiana.” 
Kamala winced. “The Herondales.” 
Grace’s face twisted into an unpleasant scowl, she turned on her heel and disappeared to enter the hold where their beds were kept. The Herondales were a touchy subject. She didn’t understand the full story, just knew that Tatiana made a public offer to marry off Grace and the Herondales declined; just as publicly. Then again Tatiana had a way of twisting the truth and Grace a way of believing it. 
Kamala steeled herself before rapping her knuckles on the door leading to the captain’s cabin. The door swung open rather quickly revealing the captain of their ship. A man named Belial. He had been aboard longer than even Grace, terrorizing the seas alongside Tatiana and the rest of their crew, but as far as Kamala knew there were no romantic ties. 
Belial, though she would never admit such a thing, frightened her. She relayed the direction they were meant to be headed and tried not to appear as if she was fleeing when she retreated into the hold. 
“Ms. Joshi.” Belial said, stopping her in her tracks. 
“Yes?” She asked, wondering what would happen if she pushed him overboard. 
“When we arrive in London there’s something I need you to do, since Tatiana will have her hands full with her vendetta against the Herondales” When she didn’t respond he continued. “ Our other ships have reported sightings of the Carstairs. In London.” 
Kamala stiffened. She’d only seen the Carstairs ship once, hadn’t seen their small crew at all but she’d heard enough about them. The boy with cold eyes and sharp daggers, the girl with red hair and a golden sword that marked their family. 
“What exactly is it that I’m meant to do?” She asked, clearing the roughness from her voice.  
“Lure them here. Locate them and bring them to this ship.” 
“You want me to capture them?” 
A cruel smile twisted his face. “No. I want you to kill them.”
Tagging: @adoravel-fenomeno and @barbra-lightwood
Props to Alastair for being able to canonically pick up a language he’d stopped speaking for several years, I still feel so awkward about talking in my native language.  
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