#everyone is you pushed out
eamour · 2 months
a radical change.
radical change requires radical action. i am not indicating any physical act but rather an act done in the mind. if we aspire to change radically, we must radically BE and HAVE within imagination. we are compelled to satisfy our inner self and save our own personal reality.
imagination as the real self.
"you are now an outer reflection of inner identification."
this is a principle that everybody who wants to successfully manifest needs to understand: your true self is IMAGINATION. what you are physically, you have been mentally first. we are not pretending, not trying to sound spiritual, we are simply stating something factual. you can only ever be imagination since imagination is your purest form of being. it’s the place where all things come to fruition.
the personal reality within.
knowing that imagination is our real self, our inner being, that means that we may decorate it the way we want. we can make it as beautiful and as ugly as we please. as a consequence, your inner reality does not obey nor surrender to outer circumstances. the rules and restrictions of the outside do not apply to imagination, nor is your inner world bothered by the limitations of life. meaning, to ensure a change of reality from WITHOUT, you will first have to affirm a change of reality from WITHIN. there is no way around it.
to change radically.
the medium through which we experience is the same medium through which we change — it’s FEELING. an assumption is a feeling. to assume that you have or do not have your desire is a feeling. it’s a state of mind. a mental state that reveals your inner self. to change self radically, you need to assume radically. you need to FEEL radically.
the importance of drastic change.
from what i have learned in my own manifestation journey, it is so important to drastically change. to desire the impossible and to dare to asssume it, for courage is necessary, means to step out of your comfort zone. it means to prove the law's credibility and functioning for yourself. otherwise, it's always going to be "coincidence", "luck" or "it would have happened anyway". when i choose to make radical things happen by radically changing within, i won’t go out and seek for answers outside of me. i will understand that i am CAUSE and i am the EFFECT.
be the change.
a little change of mind can only result in a little change of reality. that being so, a bigger change of mind has no option but to result in a bigger change of reality. and your inner self can only identify with what you identify with. thus, you are always in charge, always in control. so why not be the change? again, you can only ever experience the PRESENT, the very NOW in imagination. for you to see changes NOW, you are obligated to change NOW.
"all the mind asks is, 'what do you want?'" — edward art.
with love, ella.
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gigidragonbbxxx · 1 month
you are constantly manifesting. why waste time thinking badly of yourself and life? get up and say wonderful things about yourself.
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creature-wizard · 6 months
You have to take responsibility that the abuse that happened to you was created from your own fears and thoughts. That is the nature of everything is you pushed out. You have to take responsibility.
Here it is, folks. A Law of Assumption believer at their most ghoulish. Fuck this cult and fuck anybody who pushes this victim-blaming shit on others.
Nobody is responsible for their abusers' behavior. Nobody. Ever. Your abuser, and your abuser alone, is responsible for their choices. End of story.
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I have the answer to all your manifestation problems.
Literally just persist.
It's normal to feel resistance. It's normal to not want to keep on top of your game whether that's affirming, visualising, scripting, all of the above, etc. It's normal for there to be a point where this feels hard.
Your brain doesn’t like change. It's just your ego trying to protect you, trying to bring you back into your comfort zone of victimhood. Don't let it. Fight those opposing thoughts and feelings. Your mind WILL submit.
Could take a day, could take a week, but your persistence will pay off and your manifestation game will feel good again. Slam all areas of your mind with what you want at all times no matter what, and it has no choice but to show your desires in your 3D.
Another important point; ignore your current 3D if you don't like what it's showing. It's just your old assumptions playing out. As long as you keep persisting, it will go away and your new assumptions WILL be reflected.
Believe me, I know how hard it is to persist when your mind is trying to bring up all the thoughts and feelings you don't want and all the beliefs and assumptions you don't want to have anymore. But look at it this way; these things are only being brought up so you can be rid of them for good.
In my opinion, this is the hardest part, but it makes your manifestation show up sooo fast afterwards and makes the rest of the process a breeze. Sometimes you need to be tested to figure out whether you truly want your desire.
Persist. You will have what you want as long as you just fucking persist.
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shiftingforyeonjun · 2 months
"I always have been and I always will be more than good enough exactly as I am to anyone I desire."
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fifi-txt · 2 months
an idea i had:
i used to have a lot of difficulty manifesting people to appear differently in my reality, especially when it came to my parents. they would be so hard on me and never let me do anything i wanted to do. i think this was because my negative assumptions were so heavy on my mind that i could never live in the end properly or exist in a state where i could believe they were chill and lenient.
instead, i started trying to manifest that they had been replaced with people from alternate realities that were exactly how i wanted them to be. like shifting, except i was making them shift instead of myself. this was much easier to wrap my head around instead of starting from scratch reworking and rewriting all my limiting beliefs. it has been incredibly helpful.
what are your guys thoughts on this?
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sh03g4z3r · 1 year
˚ʚ♡ɞ˚ “whatever you focus on expands, so focus on what you want, not what you fear” - neville goddard ˚ʚ♡ɞ˚
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hxneydreamers · 1 year
Some affirmations for boobs please growing boobs
My body is perfect.
I love my chest.
I love my boobs.
I have the perfect body.
I have the perfect boobs.
Everyone loves my boobs.
I have Pam Anderson's body! (hehe)
I have the ideal chest.
I'm so happy with my boobs.
My boobs are my favourite feature.
I'm a size ___ (say your ideal boob size and/or shape)
Everyone always tells me I have the best boobs.
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musematerials · 1 year
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nevilleprincess · 2 years
✧─── ・ 。゚★: *.✦ .* :★. ───✧
✧─── ・ 。゚★: *.✦ .* :★. ───✧
a lot of times we forget the simple facts! I wanted to make a post reminding us of them! ♡
1. Circumstances never matter :)
- the law cannot fail us, and inevitably we WILL get what we have been affirming, and persisting for. Doesn’t matter if your SP told you they hate you, or blocked you. Nothing is permanent. Everything is created by us, that’s the good news.
2. You make your own rules!
- If you want/assume your manifestations come in 3 months… it will come in 3 months! if you persist in the affirmation “I manifest in 3 days or less”… you will see proof of it! If you think you need high vibrations to manifest… you will need them to manifest. If you don’t think so, then you don’t need them. Make it easy for yourself!
3. It’s never “too late”.
- start changing your mindset now. start tomorrow. start whenever you feel like it. Time is not running out! we have a lot of time. Life is long. Time is NOT real. Our desires were made for us <3 That friend group you want is not going anywhere. That SP you want is always here for you! France will always be there for your dreams of moving to Europe. That big mansion and fancy car will always be right there for you. I hope you find peace in this knowledge! (all of these are examples, it applies to anything you desire).
4. We’ve been manifesting since birth.
- just think in your favor. it can only benefit YOU. you want something? think from already having it. you will have it. it can be NO OTHER WAY! we are thinking every single second anyway, just think in your favor, please! Things will change, for the better!
5. People do not have free will.
- EIYPO. Everyone is you pushed out. this means, people act how you expect them to act. Maybe you don’t have specific thoughts about that particular person, but maybe for a GROUP of people, that they happen to fit into. You probably stereotype people without realization. Or maybe, you believe what other people have told you, for example: “all men are cheaters!” not true, unless you make it true. “all girls are unfriendly…” not true! switch your thoughts! “this person won’t like me” SWITCHES TO “this person will love me and be kind to me”. THIS IS YOUR REALITY! Do not be intimidated.
Do I have everything figured out in my life? No :) I take it day by day. Do not stress yourself out. Simply tell yourself, you will have it, no matter what. (Even if you do not believe that). Say it! It’s simple. I understand it can get hard. DO NOT GIVE UP!!! I have manifested many things before. Well, we are manifesting everyday, every second, for our whole life. Think in YOUR favor!!! NO ONE ELSE WILL DO IT FOR YOU!!!! Get fed up with not having what you want. Get tired of the victim mentality. You are never limited! Nothing is impossible. Persist.
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theangeldiaries · 2 years
Key Law of Assumption concepts
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Everyone is you pushed out is just the concept of the reflection of your own perception of yourself. It states that however you view yourself, others will view you the same way; everyone and everything in your tangible reality is influence by your assumptions. For example, when I was first getting to know my sp - at this point I didn’t consciously use the law of assumption - I knew that he was interested in me and attracted to me and enjoyed spending time with me, however I for whatever reason was sure that he wasn’t a relationship type of person. Sure enough, when I asked him what we were and if we were heading towards some sort of exclusivity, he told me that he really likes spending time with me and really likes me as a person but that he wasn’t ready for relationship yet. All I had to do was flip that belief into him wanting a relationship with me and now we’re doing great. Have you ever known someone who is constantly saying how annoying they are? When you first meet them you disagree and reassure them that they aren’t annoying but soon enough you find them so irritating you can’t stand to speak with them for more than five minutes? That’s also the concept of everyone is you pushed out taking action. What you assume about yourself, others will also assume about you.
Living in the end/in the wish fulfilled ♡
This concept is key to manifesting any desire quickly and effortlessly and simply calls for you to live as if you already have your desire and embody how that version of you would think and feel in day to day life. To live in the end, simply enter the state of already having your desire and completely disregard any 3d evidence that would suggest otherwise. Your sp has been ignoring you? Um absolutely not they are head in heels in love with you. I literally just overheard them saying that you’re the one they want to spend the rest of their life with so don’t give me that bs 🙄 this is the type of inner conversation that might help shift you further into the state of already having your desire, try to flip doubtful thoughts as they appear to follow the narrative of your desire. It’s okay to lapse from this state, fully lingering in the wish fulfilled may take a bit of time and practice but I find that doing a quick manifestation exercise helps me shift back into the desired state; guided mediation is a good one, or writing down everything you love about your desire as if you already have it (e.g. i love how my sp never makes me question the authenticity of their love for me, etc.) or playing a song that you associate with your manifestation on repeat and visualising a short scene that implies you are living in your manifestation now (don’t be surprised if you live through that exact same scene at a later date).
Subconscious and conscious mind ♡
Dr Joseph Murphy likened the relationship between the conscious and subconscious mind to osmosis. He discussed how the subconscious mind is like a garden and you are the gardener, planting little seeds in your subconscious mind all day long, most of the time without even knowing you are doing so. The subconscious is unresting, it keeps your heart beating and your lungs expanding with air without any interference or acknowledgement from the conscious mind. The conscious mind is a bit of a bitch, in most cases it will actively give you fear and doubt during your manifestation process as a defense mechanism; it does not want you stepping into the unknown and will actively search for evidence in the 3d that proves to you that everything you affirm to yourself is false in an attempt to pull you back into your comfort zone where it knows you can’t be harmed. Kinda cute but also very annoying whilst manifesting. You can use the conscious mind and it’s need to take care of you as a logical explanation for any doubt or worry that may arise and release any need to listen to it’s worries by self soothing. On the other hand, the subconscious mind literally has no idea what’s going on. It has no way of differentiating between what is real and what is imagined, what is true and what is false, etc. Therefore the only way to access your subconscious mind is by using the conscious mind to impress any desired information onto the subconscious. This is why it is vital to persist in affirmations as a thought repeated will sink into the subconscious and be projected into the external world, just like during the process of osmosis in which solvent molecules (thoughts) diffuse through a semi-permeable membrane (from the conscious into the subconscious). Once a thought has entered into the subconscious mind, it is reflected into the external world. Your subconscious will never let you down, it will immediately begin to find ways of planting your desire into your 3d reality and won’t stop until it is there. Remember, you are not trying to change anything outside of self, you are simply influencing the subconscious mind and allowing it to alter the external world for you. There is nothing to change but self.
Internal and external ♡
This one is fairly simple: your internal state will be reflected into the external world. The 3d is simply a projection of the 4d world and so whatever you give your energy to in your mind is what will present itself to you in your physical reality. Focus on love to receive more love, focus on wealth to receive more wealth, focus on success to become more successful, etc. Persist in the vision held within your mind and watch it flow into your 3d reality with ease.
Self concept ♡
Self concept is the idea of self constructed from personal beliefs. It is all about how we perceive ourselves and how we view our traits, characteristics, our appearance, etc. It is also where many limiting beliefs come into play; any external condition can influence the internal beliefs and self concept is key in working through any limiting beliefs we have about ourselves and how others interact with us.
Thought transmission ♡
I adore this one. Just as I am manifesting him, my sp is also (most likely unknowingly) manifesting me. How do I know this? Well aside from him never giving me a break and showing up in my dreams every single night, I discovered some time ago now that the reason he popped into my mind so (and I mean so so SO often) is because I could literally feel when he was thinking about me. The thoughts I have about him and the thoughts he has about me feel different and I’ve learnt to distinguish which is which over time. For example, I know when he wakes up after me in the morning without checking his location (which I’d advise to avoid doing whilst manifesting an sp) and when he’s about to send me a message based on the feel of the thought of him I have in that moment. Feeling him thinking of me feels kinda deeper (?) if that makes sense, it feels more like a sensation and less than an actual thought I would have in my own head. Just the other day when I didn’t message him first thing in the morning as usual as I just wasn’t in the mood, my chest went tight and I got a fleeting sensation of anxiety in my stomach. I felt his response to him seeing that I hadn’t messaged him since the evening before and it probably sounds crazy but I know I can feel his emotions alongside my own. I don’t have a rational explanation for this one but that’s okay, manifesting is anything but logical and that’s one of the things I love about it. Just know that when you persist in your affirmations, your sp will undoubtedly start to reflect your affirmations back to you. Your affirmations are literally being planted into your sp’s mind. If that doesn’t prove just how powerful we are then I don’t know what will.
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eamour · 1 month
i feel like many of you still feel so overwhelmed by the word "FULFILLMENT". i had the urge to clear this up, mainly because i saw comments of people saying things along the lines of "everything used to be better before we were told to fulfill ourselves!" or "what even is fulfilling? can’t i just affirm and persist?".
i thought this was actually pretty obvious but maybe it still confuses some people. manifestation terms, pretty much the very majority of them, all imply the SAME. they all refer to the same thing. it’s just that we like using and creating synonyms to re-define and re-describe words to make it more understandable, or to simplify manifesting.
to "fulfill self" could mean anything. it actually means so much. it means whatever you want it to mean. it means whatever FULFILLMENT means to you. i'll give you a list of what "fulfill yourself" could also stand for:
embody your desired version of self.
get into the state.
live in the end.
identify with your desire.
feel the wish fulfilled.
claim your desire to be yours.
shift your state.
accept your desires as true.
experience it in imagination.
be and have it in your mind.
think from your desire.
shift or redirect your focus.
change or flip your assumptions.
persist in acceptance.
believe you have or are it.
feel it real.
and more …
all of these things refer to the exact same thing — how to MANIFEST. we just happen to have a bunch of ways to explain it.
so, when somebody talks about "fulfillment" or "saturation", it always means what YOU think it does. if you read a post that’s asking you to fulfill yourself, it’s asking you to do whatever the hell you want to get into the state of mind in which you have or are what you desire to either have or be. this also includes methods like visualisation, affirmations, and so on.
to "fulfill self" isn’t something new. it’s not an extra step you need to take after (1) desiring something, (2) claiming it to be yours and (3) persisting. think of it as the last two steps combined.
manifesting will always be the same. it doesn’t change, and neither does the law just because we say "fulfill and continue to do so" instead of "affirm and persist". therefore, i think, if you feel overwhelmed by all of these terms, you may have not fully grasped the concept of manifestation or don’t understand that these definitions are all alike.
i hope this could help. 🙏 so please, let’s not demonise every new word trending on here which is supposed to make manifesting more comprehensible.
with fulfillment, ella.
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medicinalbotanicals · 2 months
Everyone is YOU Pushed out Explained Neville Goddard
- Everyone is you pushed out and imagined means that everything and everyone in your reality is a reflection of your own consciousness.
- You can change anything or anyone in your reality by changing yourself first.
- You can create any reality by imagining a scene that implies the fulfillment of your desire and assuming the feeling of the wish fulfilled.
- You can test this principle by applying it to any desire you have and observing the results.
- You are the creator of your own reality, and nothing is impossible for
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creature-wizard · 6 months
The Law of Assumption community has two contradictory views about other people's agency.
The first view is that each and every person is individually responsible for manifesting their own happiness. When it comes to manifesting happiness, everyone is an individual with agency and power.
The second view is that no one who brings you unhappiness actually has any agency, because then they're suddenly an extension of yourself - "everyone is you pushed out," the LOA believers say.
Both of these things cannot be true. People cannot be individually responsible for everything they manifest and have no agency or responsibility when they do harm.
But holding these contradictory views and applying both of them to people who have suffered allows them to maximally blame victims. In the eyes of the blamer, the victim is an individual with agency and power, but the perpetrators are not. There's no logic or sense to this; the only purpose behind this thinking is blaming the victim.
It cannot be simultaneously true that everyone is individually responsible for manifesting their own happiness and that everyone is you pushed out and therefore has no agency over their own behaviors toward you. These are mutually exclusive positions. Either everyone has individual agency, or no one does.
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Keep affirming. Keep persisting. The law will work for you. It has to. Keep pushing even when it seems like nothing is happening. Things are happening. I promise you. You’ve got this.
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it just clicked in my head.
you know that phrase, “forgive and forget?”
i grew up believing (as well as many of you believed) that you must forgive a person for doing you wrong, and forget it and move on. Be the bigger person. Forgive them for hurting you. Even if that person destroyed you. You don’t want to stoop down to their level and hate them forever right?
I grew away from that idiotic morality because of the people that treated me like i was nothing. I tried to graduate to, “Forgive but never forget” sort of mentality. Forgive them because their knife in your back came from their own place of self loathing and hurt. But never forget, and avoid them to prevent another knife in your back.
until i started researching the law of attraction and manifestation.
spoiler alert! It ties back into, “Forgive and forget” and why it’s important and still relevant.
Keep in mind that there will ALWAYS be circumstances. But i feel like there’s a new perspective that you should look through before holding a grudge against anyone.
Personally, this excludes abusers. At the moment i still have a “Forgive but never forget” mentality against certain family members that have hurt my development.
So let’s get on with it. It was never “Forgive and forget, be the better person!!”
It’s SUPPOSED to be, “Forgive and forget, so that you may attract what you desire”
Let’s say your SP did you dirty and isn’t giving you the attention you crave. Maybe they said something that stuck with you in a negative way. And now, while still wanting to manifest your SP, you can’t help but remember what they did, and see them in a different light.
Let’s go through what that looks like whilst manifesting:
“My SP is always thinking about me. My SP loves me.”
“but remember that time they said they didn’t have time for you?”
“i do. im so mad at them for that. i don’t like that they did that. They never have time for me. They’re the worst.”
You CANNOT manifest your SP now if all you can see is the past.
It makes so much sense. How could you manifest what you want your SP to do/be like, if all you expect from them (internally) is to treat you like shit?
this is coming from a place of lack. everyone is YOU pushed outward. if you do not feel worth the trouble, then your SP will not see you as worth the trouble.
THIS is what they meant by forgive and forget. THIS is what they meant by, “you cannot be loved if you do not love yourself first”
now yes, you can manifest whatever you like no matter what. but to get what you desire faster and have it PERMANENTLY (unless manifested otherwise 😉) then you need to let go of the past. Look at your SP the way you want them to be. Not what they used to be.
i hope this made sense!! if ya got questions LMK!
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