#everyone thinks she’s dumb when she is literally two years younger than most of her peers STOPPO
steddieas-shegoes · 9 months
Mama Munson cannot cook.
She cannot bake.
She can barely make a grilled cheese without burning it.
But Wayne can cook.
He can bake.
He makes grilled cheese with tomatoes and garlic butter.
Eddie is raised with Wayne’s superior cooking and baking skills, and until he’s a teenager and goes to other friend’s houses, thinks that the “men of the family” are responsible for cooking and baking.
Wayne’s gotten aprons, and cooking utensils, and baking pans for Christmas and his birthday as long as Eddie’s lived with him.
Up until he’s too old according to his friends, he helps him in the kitchen.
Mama Munson watches the shift, but her and Wayne agree not to push.
They watch his diet do what most teenage boy diets do: turn to cereal and sandwiches at all hours of the day and night, some pizza sprinkled in when money allows.
Wayne still cooks, but his shifts turn into overtime hours, and then doubles, and he spends most of his time at home sleeping.
Eddie doesn’t seem to care, or at least not visibly.
His lunchbox is never stuffed with any food anyway, his mama isn’t dumb enough to not notice what he’s doing after school two or three days a week.
And then she almost loses him because the town turns upside down, almost literally, and everyone shuns them even more than they already did.
Not Steve Harrington, though.
He shows up every day after his volunteer shift with a grocery bag or two of fresh produce and jars and boxes and gets busy cooking. Nothing is ever that lavish, but there’s always a pop of flavors coming through even in the most simple dish.
She pretends she doesn’t see the way Eddie’s eyes widen after the first bite of whatever dish Steve’s made, reminiscent of when Wayne used to be able to cook for them almost every night. She pretends not to see the way Steve watches, waits for Eddie to show he likes it, relaxing into his chair and taking his own bite only after Eddie takes a second one.
She looks at Wayne, who’s pretending the same thing, but not hiding it well behind a knowing smirk.
Eddie starts spending more time in the kitchen with Steve, helping cut up vegetables and stirring as they talk, like he did with Wayne when he was younger.
Wayne goes back to work, but Steve always has a lunch packed for him with the leftovers so he doesn’t feel completely left out, blushes when Wayne hugs him on his way out the door. Eddie watches with a fond smile, and Mama Munson doesn’t say anything even though she should.
She’s seen what happens to boys who like straight boys firsthand, can’t be completely certain Steve’s a safe bet yet, even with the looks he throws and the care he gives. She thinks maybe he’s just a nice kid who loves his people.
But she wakes up one morning to whispering in the kitchen, and she knows Wayne isn’t home yet from his shift, so it has to be Eddie and someone else.
She sneaks out of her bedroom to see Eddie sitting on the counter, sweatpants on without a shirt, and Steve standing between his legs, cupping his face in his hands.
She’s certain that Steve left last night after she went to bed, she heard the front door open and close. But she looks closer and sees Steve’s wearing one of Eddie’s band shirts and the Christmas flannel pants Eddie got last year in his stocking.
So Steve didn’t leave, maybe wouldn’t leave ever if she was reading their faces right.
She decided not to interrupt them, sneaking back into her room and getting ready for work.
There’d be plenty of time for her to question Eddie about it, about Steve, about his feelings and if he was happy.
When she did finally go out to the kitchen, Steve was frying bacon and flipping an omelet in a pan while Eddie was sipping on a cup of coffee.
She kissed the top of Eddie’s head, then pulled Steve down to her level so she could kiss the top of his.
“Guess it’s about time we try your breakfast since you’ve been spoilin’ us with dinner for so long.”
Steve and Eddie’s matching red faces told her everything she needed to know.
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chikoyama · 1 month
not me realizing i might have accidentally made chiyori mildly neurodivergent, but probably high-functioning. she’s probably masking a fuckton to compensate.
she’s kinda sensitive to touch, so she’d always be careful to touch other people herself unless she feels 100% comfortable around them. if she needs someone’s attention, she’d normally she’d just grab their clothes (like sleeve) instead to avoid direct physical contact. she doesn’t randomly seek physical contact unless it has practical purpose (lovers might be an exception). if the situation isn’t urgent, she’ll ask: “is it okay, if i touch you?” because she thinks they might be as sensitive as her (she’s projecting). for people who are just naturally touchy-feely, she’d probably get startled at first, but might get used to it, or learn how to tolerate and respond to it.
she’s compelled to animals, especially cute ones. she’ll emphasize with them a lot. as a kid, she’d spend her pocket money on buying treats to feed street cats, or her pet rabbit instead of candy for herself, lmfao.
for people who aren’t able to get past her ‘mask’, chiyori will continue to appear timid when interacting, or she might expend a lot of energy trying to not appear unpolite. once it slips, she can be quite mischievous though.
she’s likely hyper-empathetic. she has a lot of compassion, even for strangers. it might be hard to actually offend her, because she’ll reason it by looking at the situation from their perspective. even in her younger years she might have been susceptible to being (ab)used.
a lot of emotional monitoring, which means she’ll be constantly scanning the moods of other people to understand how they’re feeling, so she can adapt her own behaviour. that’s why she might appear intense with her staring and gauging — she’s just analysing the other’s emotions and reactions. people who appear stoic or inscrutable in a way might make her incredibly nervous though.
things that might appear obvious to other people, might not be to chiyori, so she might ask questions that are considered dumb. usually, she’d try to conceal it by asking in an elaborate way. “so, uh, what’s your definition of [insert term]?”
hyper-observant. might be tied to being hyper-empathetic, but she notices small details about people and her surroundings. she’s good at listening, asking questions, noticing subtle social cues that makes it easier for her to appear considerate and blend in. i’m not sure she’d know how to channel it into something actually useful in her younger years.
in a larger social setting, chiyori would probably prefer to be hovering in the periphere to observe people and their behaviours. it’s easier for her to interact one-on-one rather than in larger groups of people, because the sensory input from multiple people might overwhelm her. she only has two eyes — can’t monitor the emotions of everyone at once.
chiyori might be oblivious to flirting or sarcasm, or like she’d understand it but not know exactly how to respond to it, even if she is interested? she’d likely learn as she gets older. in her younger years, she might take a lot of said things literally, but learns the meaning behind eventually.
a lot of these personal ‘quirks’ she finds a way to cope with, or learns how to apply to her own advantage as she gets older. in her younger years, people might just think of chiyori as naive, dumb, or adorable even. she usually gets away with it, because she’s… well, a girl, i think?
chiyori doesn’t feel the urge to share her interests with other people. most likely, she’d just do her own thing, but it doesn’t mean she doesn’t crave or enjoy company. she just doesn’t feel the need to share unless prompted, or she knows they’re like interested, or like there’s a specific goal to it?
i don’t really think she questions her own behaviour a lot? mental well-being, neurodivergency etc. isn’t a prominent focus in japan and might be considered a topic of taboo even. i think most people and chiyori herself just accept her as she is, because she’s not being brash or an obvious inconvenience to others. unfortunately, it might be more to her own detriment.
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kamigeist · 1 year
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Sky and Nina:
Ima just Oc Info Dumb because why the hell not 🤷🏽‍♀️ (these are old drawings)
Sky and Nina are brother and sister, their relationship is very close and they tend to look out for each other all the time but I won’t lie that Sky has a bit of a sister complex 🧍🏽‍♀️
The world setting these two are in is a fantasy world, one where literally anything your imagination can muster up probably exists, so different species just casually walk around the streets. Humans exist too so I haven’t completely removed them off the face of the earth :)
Alright so let’s talk about Sky. Well he’s a 18 year old guy with severe sleeping problems such as; insomnia, sleep paralysis and occasionally might pass out during the day. Coffee and anything that would give him an energy boost is his best friend. The only other times he can get a goodnights sleep is if he sleeps/cuddles up with someone he trusts (which makes sense right? You get bad nightmares and the only way to feel safe is in the person you trust the mosts arms) and usually it is his sister, but sometimes it can be his most closes friends too. (Which I just realised is only girls 🥸 but don’t worry two of them are dating while the other is an asexual game obsessed nerd so that automatically rules them out lmao) This was only one thing about sky I HAVE MORE AHAHA-
When he was younger he encountered a few demon spirits that try to talk to him and weirdly try to comfort him whenever he was feeling down. Though they more freaked him out more than anything because whenever he would talk about one being right next to him the other person would get really confused and just assume he might of accidentally watched a horror movie and just has a wide imagination. Basically he could actually see demons and everyone would just assume it’s because he’s very imaginative. I say that he might of accidentally watched a horror movie because horror movies was actually his mother’s favourite genre of shows to watch, so it would usually be on the TV whenever she would be on it. And although the horror movies did scare him it never had anything to do with the actual demons around him. In fact ever since he was 6 years old there had been this one specific demon that has been by his side since 6 to 18 years old, Sky liked to call them Siren because they occasionally they would sound like one and it’s what freaks him out the most but actually Siren has another name which Sky refused to call them. Their real name was actually Mittens but that’s it, Mittens wouldn’t talk about themselves. Only talk about Sky and whatever he was thinking because they have been in Sky’s head most of his life that they know exactly everything there is to know about the blonde male. Almost like are trapped with Sky forever. Mittens would love to do physical damage but the chains on Sky’s wrists are made with magic to keep the demons from actually touching him or any other person. Kind of like how Sky is like the gate between Humans and Demons. Now here’s the funny part, these chains on Sky’s wrists- yeah he actually has no idea who put them on him since one day at the age of 8 years old he woke up after a long night that felt like forever and had these chains that ended up being impossible to remove. Almost like they were super glued to his skin, later on as a few years past he found out it non other than his own mother who put them on :0 DUN DUN DUNN- to protect him from the evil that would ever come across his way. Before he had them he would get injured or scratched up in his sleep so the mother had no choice but to do what she did even if it meant being in debt to someone for it. That debt was her life. She died when Sky was 9 years old.
So yeah that’s the emo boy for you 👍🏽 ON TO HIS LITTLE SISTER ☝️💥💥
Nina is 7 years younger than Sky so that would make her currently 11 years old. Now you might understand why he has the need to protect his younger sister? For she is the only family member he has. Plus Nina has actually been blind her entire life, from the moment she was born the doctor’s found out that she just about made it but will likely suffer blindness for her entire life. So she has no idea on what the world she lives in truly looks like. Though she really does enjoy being outside in the nature so she can feel the breeze and the grass and whatever animals or insects decide to come near her. Kind of the complete polar opposite to her older brother who likes staying indoors more. Sometimes she goes out with her brother (mostly) and sometimes she’ll go out with her friends who understands her blindness and tries to take care of her during school and out of school. Basically she is loved by good people with a good heart and that’s all that matters to her. Now here comes fantasy kick because from the age of 6 she once thought she could see again but really what she was seeing was the spirits that have already died but continues to live on as spirits. (Basically the brother sees demons while the sister can see spirits, I like think that they remind me as a devil and angel) And the first spirit she saw was non other than the loving mother she never got to spend more time with, sadly 😔.
I’d like to just say that their mother never purposely left it was more so that she just wanted to keep her children safe from any harm no matter what, even if it costed her life for a better result. Fun fact, she knew of both her children’s ability but never said anything because she figured they would be too young to understand the full story.
I’ve given them such a tragic backstory BUT IT WAS NECESSARY!! Also if your reading this message then congrats for reading my rambling about these two specific characters that are actually very important characters in the main story of mine. Good job 👍🏽 you might as well tell me what you think of it right? Maybe even suggest some improvements or questions 👀
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sleepyowlwrites · 2 years
Hi sleepy! Here for story teller Sunday
Tell me more about R Blakesley in the Youth Story. What’s their power, and *tucks hair behind ear* do tell their favorite ways to self-destruct.
Roland Everett Blakesley is seventeen, and a middle child. he's six years younger than his older brother, but only two years older than his younger brother, Callum (Cal). R and Cal are very close, since their parents are often both away on business trips and their brother Leander is in university.
R doesn't like his name, which is why he goes by a single initial. it's dumb, just like he is. R is a flirtatious, dramatic boi, prone to saying things he only halfway means just to distract from a subject he doesn't want to talk about, or to stir up conversation on a subject he wants to focus on. he's very affectionate, very casually so, but he still puts a lot of weight and meaning into how he affections his friends. he tries to tailor his care to everyone's specific tastes, but often gets lazy and reverts back to his default: hugs and flirting. Evie and Savannah call him out on it the most. Evie does because she's blunt and doesn't hold back when she wants to say something, and Savannah because she feels everybody's emotions and doesn't appreciate when anyone is clouding up the air with colors (of emotions) because they're not very straight about something.
R's power is projected thermography, which means he can print pictures onto objects from his mind. he uses it mostly to create pictures for the photo albums Cal makes - mostly for Nyks, but for all of them since Nyks shares - and also because he has a terrible memory and making pictures is the only good way to make sure he remembers things.
R's favorite way to self-destruct is to create trouble with someone, ignore that it's hurting both him and the other person, and then feel guilty about it and hurt and sulk while struggling to apologize and potentially receive forgiveness. he wants to be the hero that he think Cal needs him to be, but is very bad at being responsible for his own words and feelings and being accountable for them, either. he's responsible for others, just not himself.
at the start of Youth Story, R is engaged in a mutual dislike and fight-on-sight arrangement with Mark, so they can postpone dealing with their teenage angst by punching each other a few times and then never talking about it, despite having the same friend group. everyone is trying to get them to stop doing that, and they gradually do, even behaving passively around each other until they work up the courage to apologize. and then they're really awkward for a bit while Mark is unsure of how to act around R and R is just acting like he and Mark were never "enemies" to begin with, which means flirting, drama, and affection. it's delightful, they're both so dumb. their friends literally tell them this.
“You guys are so stupid,” Evie grumbled. “R, apologize, too.”
R tugged Nyks toward him and wrapped his arm around the less than solid boy*. “I’m sorry. I’m stupid.”
“You’re not stupid,” Nyks mumbled. “You’re just dumb.”
Then Cal turned to him, a bright spark**, and Mark noticed that there were no lamps turned on, only this sweet boy's smile, and clarified, "R texted me. He said he might have offended you."
"Which we took to mean that he definitely offended you, because he's R and if his mouth is open he's offending someone." Irina stuck her chin out at Cal. "What?"
Cal dimmed only slightly. "Don't be rude. What did my idiot brother say, Mark?"
*Nyks' power is phasing and he doesn't have the best control after he was struck by lightning that one time.
**Cal's power is light manipulation, and he glows when he's happy.
and a bonus, after R and Mark are sort of friends now:
Mark squints off the to side before looking back at R’s grin with not nearly the hardest glare, hands rustling in his jacket pockets. “Can we go inside now? It’s cold out here.”
“Yeah, it is.” R rubs his own hands together.
“Why’d we have to meet outside to begin with?”
“I thought it might help defuse our tempers.” R is eyeing his shoes with disinterest.
Mark exhales a bigger breath and it lingers in the air for a couple of extra seconds. “You’re so stupid.”
R’s face lights up as their eyes meet. “I am! Therefore I should not be held accountable for my actions.”
“Don’t even try.” Mark moves past him and nudges his arm with an elbow. It feels oddly natural, but he isn’t going to analyze it just now. “You wanna freeze? Come on.”
it's been a while since I revisited Youth Story. I was gonna try and write the first draft this year. I still can. I have no idea what I'll be doing for April camp nano, which has been my best writing month for the past two years. hmm.
thanks for asking, Inkspell!
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1d1195 · 2 months
I'm glad your weekend wasn’t horrible! Though please take some time to recharge! While nothing too bad may have happened, it can still be a lot of being around people! Cleaning is oddly relaxing for me too lol. What are you most excited to cook on your list of recipes?
I used to LOVE project runway when i was younger! Tbh I think I just loved any show that involved creating something like baking,cooking, and even home renovation stuff lol But ngl reality tv shows about dating/love stuff  is something that I can’t get into lol But I can see how you are more drawn towards scripted stuff though and I get it!
Kids are crazy! Sometimes it is wild how they cannot simply be kind or even understanding of others. I didn’t personally suffer from bullying but that doesn’t mean literally interacting with kids my age was easy. Anyways I'm sure giving them reminders is helping even if they may not appreciate it at the moment! Though I get that it can be so annoying because you're kind and it comes naturally to you!
That’s so sweet! And you’re so right about nicknames! Though I am never bold enough to give someone a nickname or use one unless they tell me too lol and yeah I dislike the brand for more reasons other than that obviously but my inner child loves holding grudge lol 
I LOVE when people give context or just share details lol im the same way too! Once I get on a topic I feel strongly for and/or once I'm comfortable with someone I YAP AWAY! But lowkey I miss silly little filler chapters in general! They remind me a lot of my early wattpad days when I was 12 HAHA But yes I do agree filler episodes are so underappreciated now! Especially how most shows don’t even go beyond 10 episodes per season now which I find kind of sad! 
Both of my classes meet twice a week, but both are 3 hours long :( And they both are live zoom sessions so that means that there is no recording happening. Which I totally get but 3 hours is alot 😭But you're right it is so much info 😭 Yeah lowkey my therapist said it wasn’t a good idea to do two summer sessions back to back but I need to graduate on time lol Also how is teaching summer classes goin? Are you almost done?
Hope you can get some rest and have a very calm rest of the week! You don’t have to thank me! Seriously talking to you is never a bother and I enjoy it so much! THANK YOU for constantly giving such thoughtful responses to not only me but everyone you interact with💗Wishing you to have the BEST week bestie!! Love you lots!-💜
My dumb son invited his friend over to stay with us for a couple days so now I'm hiding in my room. I have to pretend to be social and shit and it's the worst. I've barely recovered from my fam. I just want to be quiet and alone by myself 😭😭 No but tbh it's fine. I'm just dramatic. Cleaning was REALLY good actually. I've been trying to do some much needed stuff (like washing walls and baseboards. Very adult stuff lol) Maybe I'll do some more organizing and shit while his friend is here so I can hide and whatnot.
I made this ravioli dish that was really good. It was sort of alfredo-y and had spinach and sundried tomatoes. Honestly? I'm most excited to make these roasted veggies lol. Potatoes, carrots, zucchini hehehe
I liked the first few seasons of project runway but the premise got away from me (and the writers I think). I wish I got more into cooking shows. I do have a serious soft spot for Cake Boss tho 😂
I have this one student who said to me "she never gives up on me" and it honestly kind of melted my heart. She's a TOUGH kid. Like I'm lowkey afraid of her 😭😭 I'm glad she likes me because she's kinda cuckoo 🤣🤣 She has these massive angry blowups, not necessarily her fault because of mental health and undiagnosed ADHD but she doesn't always make the best decisions either. For some reason she listens to me. So I keep trying to help her even though she makes me INSANE. But the point of that was she's a mean girl tbh she struggles to stay out of drama (sometimes not her fault, but many times it is) anyway. She's a lot, can't wait for her to graduate.
An inner child grudge is like no other. I love it tbh. I have a grudge. My mom told me at like age 6 we hate Bank of America and I refuse to set foot in there lol so I totally get disliking the brand.
I can't say I'm surprised, we do send each other lengthy messages 😭 it would be a TIME if we met in person hahahahahaha we wouldn't stop talking for ages. It's CRAZY how there are no filler episodes and the seasons are SO short. So so so crazy.
OMG T W E L V E HOURS of zoom a week. That's so so long. I hope they give breaks. Honestly, this is going to sound super weird, but I think it's pretty cool that you didn't listen to your therapist about this. It's fairly low-stake and it's a lot but you have really good intentions of getting your classes done on time so you can be DONE and graduate. One of the things I'm worried about starting therapy is that I'll want to do it perfectly and I'll want my therapist to think I'm the best lol (can you tell I need it?) so I feel like I would be obligated to do EVERYTHING she tells me to (I want a she because I hate men most of the time lol) and I would overwhelm myself with that if that makes sense. So it's refreshing to know you don't have to listen to her; at least in this instant. Hopefully that all makes sense
One more week of summer school. They're going well. I'm worried some kids aren't going to pass. We offer some classes online and I'm concerned they aren't going to finish/pass. Which is so irritating. Because like, why show up for a month if you're not going to pass? I know there's deeper issues and more to it, but still. We make it PRETTY easy to pass...
Hope your week gets easier too LOVE YOU
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viriditic · 8 months
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CHARACTERS: tatiana won, trenton won, random nurse (mentioned: nael sterling, sybil won, unnamed won father) WORD COUNT: 1577 WARNINGS: inappropriate age gap relationships, allusion to depression NOTES: baby LITERALLY. so excited for the first piece of this series (links to other will be here eventually). if you ask i'll tell you the name teehee.
⠀⠀★ ۫  ⠀⠀ Everything was easy for Nael; it always had been. At the ripe age of 12, he had met his best friend for the first time. Trenton and him would continue to be inseparable.
Their bond was quick, becoming a unit as soon as they realised how similar their lives were. Like Nael, Trenton came from wealth – an old money mother with a fortune back in the motherland, and a father who married for money first and love second. Trenton’s mom was only slightly less overbearing than Nael’s. But Mrs. Won wasn’t herself if she wasn’t pestering the boys over something silly like an undone button.
The one thing Nael didn’t have was a sister. It wasn’t exactly like Trenton was obsessed with having one, but he did nonetheless. Tatianna was only three years younger than Nael and Trenton, but from the minute Nael could remember, she was tagging along.
She loved the boys more than anything – and what Trenton did, so did Tati. It started with the skateboard; the minute Trenton got one, Tatiana was sneaking it away to practise kickflips. It soon became music, from the drums to GarageBand to an actual turntable. And after that, it was his friends. His first girlfriend suddenly became best friends with Tatiana. Trenton and Nael start going to parties? Now Trenton’s a little too-young sister is there too.
It wasn’t long before Nael considered Tatiana an equal part in his life to Trenton.
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It was always a fight with her mom, and a fight with her mom meant her dad and Trenton were disappointed too.
Her spit was gross to taste, and her entire body was sore from the needle. She could barely remember a second of it, which she figured was the point.
But the part she wanted to forget about the most was the part that lingered. Something that everyone would tell her she was brave for, something that her mom never shut up about, overtaken by the loneliness of it all.
From the second Tatiana could remember, she was following in Trenton’s footsteps; what he did, she did. A long time ago, Trenton had made it clear that Tatiana was second best to his life, and a long time ago Tatiana would try to sour it all until he realised what was important.
But it was always, every single time, never her that came first. Brother, by blood, meant to always protect each other, and the last words he said to her were that she’s always making these dumb decisions.
Maybe that’s why she didn’t tell him. Maybe that’s why she didn’t think twice about blocking his number. He chose her mom; he chose to let her walk away, and Tatiana wasn’t going to try with him anymore.
She wonders if he was there the last time she was in a room like this. Not just a hospital room, because she’s had too many broken bones to count. But when she was a baby. Did Trenton sit there and think they’d get along? Did he sit there and think he’d choose her, even when she lies, even when she hurts their mom?
It had always been complicated with Sybil Won. She had two children she loved and adored, and those two children were nothing like her but so much like each other. But Trenton and Tatiana, despite their differences to their mom, always defended her, even when she was in the wrong. Tati had always chalked up her brother’s loyalty to teenage angst. Of course, he’d want to bicker with his sister, but he was an adult now, and he’s still looking at her telling her she’s cruel.
Cruel for a lie that would protect them. Cruel for protecting herself. Cruel for protecting someone who didn’t even show up…
Nael had come to her hotel room three days after the fight with her mom, and she told him the truth, given him the test and everything. He held her hand through the entire story until that moment, and his grasp loosened. She didn’t think anything of it because he still kissed her before he left, promising he’d come back the next day.
He didn’t.
Not just the next day, but the day after that, and the week after that. Months later, and Tatiana is nothing but lonely. In that hotel room for months until the final month, until the hospital.
It happened in public, and all Tatiana could think of was Trenton and her mom. That maybe it was her fault she was alone, that maybe all these years, it had always been her that was overreacting – that her mother wasn’t strict; she just cared. And Trenton didn’t hate her; he was just a teenage boy. So normal, not wanting her anywhere near his friends, and if only he knew.
Abandoned and alone, and the pain of it all came back. Because Trenton was in South Korea, and her mom was in Montreal, and somehow Tatiana ended up in Niagara Falls, as far as she could get with only enough money for one gas station stop. Niagara Falls for nine months, all alone.
He probably wasn’t even in Canada anymore; he probably was in Korea visiting Trenton, pretending like he didn’t run away, pretending like Tati’s lie to his best friend was real. Like she wasn’t alone, forever attached but alone.
The nurse came in, wheeling the bassinet with her. “Ms. Won, you have a visitor.” The crib was pushed towards her, and Tati’s stomach dropped.
A horrible daughter, a horrible sister bound to be a horrible mom. “I- I can’t even look at him.” She whimpered, “I can’t even think of a name.”
The nurse had a look of pity on her face, which just made the tears worse. “Oh god, oh god.” Tears falling nonstop, “Oh god, I’m a horrible mom. I haven’t even looked at him yet, and I’m a horrible mom.”
“Sweetheart, you haven’t even seen his face yet; you can’t give him a name if you don’t know what he looks like.” Her injured threading through Tati’s hair, “And you can’t be a bad mom if you haven’t named him yet – it’s the grace period.”
She imagined her mom saying this, running her hands over her head and laying in the bed with her. Even at their worst, Sybil would hold Tati’s hand.
The nurse sent her a little smile and tilted her head towards the bassinet.
Although the tears would stop, the dream of her mom being here gave her a little high, “Okay.” is all she could breathe out, and the next thing she knows the baby’s being put into her arms, and the tears aren’t going away but getting stronger.
Not a single bit of Nael there. Black hair and dark brown eyes, with little rosy cheeks, and maybe her mom and brother were in the room with her. Maybe she can just call them first for once, maybe it’s not her loss at all.
“I’m not a bad mom.” She laughed, tears still streaming down her face, but she didn’t care. This was her little boy, and his little cheeks and fluffy hair were telling her she was a human, a daughter, a sister, and a mom.
She wasn’t bad or perfect; she was just her.
“I think he’s a lot like dad,” a voice said from the door, a voice that took away the pit in her stomach and laughed at it. A voice that, from every injury she ever had, was always there to lessen the blow before mom showed up panicked.
“I booked mom a flight over here, and dad’s on his way from Singapore,” he sat in the chair like nothing was crazy about any of this, like he knew the whole time.
“You’re not freaking out,” was all she could get out, eyes still stuck on the little blob in her arms.
“I’ll yell at you when you’re an empty nester.”
“I’ve ruined my life, Trent. Ruined,” she muttered, “I have no education, I have no job, or boyfriend. I’m alone.”
“You’re so stupid sometimes, T,” his footsteps got closer, and the bed was caving as he sat beside her. It was the first time in nine months that she had seen his face in person.
“We both know, baby or not, you’re not suited for academia. I have connections now, you know – real music connections, not that underground bullshit you’ve been doing.”
“He told you about that too?” She didn’t want to say his name when everything was still fresh for all of them.
“I’ll kill him, T, I mean it.” No, he didn’t, he’d never hurt a fly, “And no, I always knew, just like I always knew about Nael – I mean not that it was mutual but you are not subtle and never have been.”
The whole idea of Trenton thinking Nael was just a friend made her more nauseous than childbirth, “How much do you know?”
“I know he’s never allowed in my apartment again, and I know he obviously walked away when it mattered – all things considered.” He took a deep breath and brushed the baby’s hair back, “But I didn’t want to hear it from him, not when you were here and he was so comfortable lying to me when it drove you crazy.”
“Mom’s really on her way.” Her voice broke as her head leaned down on his shoulder, and all he was hum confirmation.
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tell me about your ocs and rambling is very much encouraged !!
ahhhh ok. I tend not to share their names because I've had most of them since I was younger than 13 and their names are dumb LOL.
Used to be puwrple is probably my favorite, she is the main character in the non-existant story I am writing. Tired, stressed and sweet. A lot of inspiration for her character early on came from SU Pearl. Very anxious mom friend who cannot and will not ask for help. The leader of the group and she blames herself for everything, lots of self esteem issues and tends to be a doormat. She leads more with words and reasons than with strength, one of the only humans in the group and that leads to a lot of people disrespecting her. She has like 4 jobs, she's been divorced twice, workaholic and an artist who probably does not give a shit if she drinks the paint water. Dog person/horse person, mailman and big tiddy bisexual goth milf and has recently started a rather torrid relationship with another member on the team.
Theatre kid is also a main character but doesn't become the main main character for a while, the audience stand in as she's new. Inspired by my hometown she owns a theatre with a cafe in the front and is a good fucking cook but also has a big head about it. Dance lessons and community plays. they were broke out the ass when they first bought the place, lived in the soundbox of the theatre with her cat. They are traumatized but tbh she is honestly very well adjusted. Has a great relationship with her family, loves her (step) mom dad and (step) brother. Has an actual fucking wife, god I love their wife. Met their wife when doing a production of Mary Poppins, fell head over heels and cast her as Mary before realizing how absolutely terrified of the stage she was. Love story of the ages. Being ace in dope as shit kids. Only half human, has fucking waterbender powers and tbh is probably the scariest one on the team. Has two cats now and is good with knives. Southern and queer and makes that everyone's problem. Vegetarian but not by choice.
Next main character is big and buff. Has so much fucking trauma but is very quiet about it, doesn't bring it up. Mildly well adjusted but sad. Tends to be a doormat because she doesn't want to cause trouble. Wears pretty much exclusively pink, very cottagecore. Lives in a massive garden. Bald bitch by choice. A rare bird person, actual disney princes if the disney princess had the body of kronk. deeply loyal to her friends, her best friend is puwrple and tbh she cares about her way more than she does the team or the mission. Oldest on the team via time travel shennanigans not really by age. Tea drinker, actually kind of a witty bitch but doesn't say her comments outloud. Has a pinterest board through of those "People who love to read" type memes. Reads excessively. Probably has a podcast to the surprise of most people who generally assume she's Tech illiterate. She is also the oldest oc as far as creation goes, I've had her since I was like 9 which means she's literally going to turn fucking 11 next year and I can't handle it :,) OH! Also she has a gf and though they love each other its a bit rough because I'm not going to sugar coat it: her gf is a bitch but we'll get to her in a minute.
A newer edition to the team, I think I was 16 which is new by comparison to most of the others when I made them but I really can't remember. I'll call them clown. Clown is where I put all the cringe and I could not care less I fucking love them. They are hot as shit and I may or may not have a crush on my own oc. Curly fade dyed bright red is their signature look. lotssss of trauma and is not well adjusted at all. Horse person/cat person. Came from the fucking circus gutter where fucking pennywise spawned probably. Actual demon. Sad boy. kind've an alcoholic tbh. Lives a lot of different lives in a lot of different dimensions and isn't really happy with any of them. A performer at heart, there's a character in something vivzipop that's very similar to them and that makes me sad. Is the one that puwrple has the torrid relationship with. Head over heels for her but they both have a lotttt of issues. All of my ocs kinda have mommy and daddy issues but clown is the definition. Fire symbolism. Just an average 20 something taking care of their 17 year old great great great granddaughter. Lives in a trailerpark primarily and has a pillows that just say stuff like shit and bitch because i think that's very funny. I'm getting more and more incoherent here but you get the point I love them.
I'm burnt out now but I have more, stay tuned, especially for the one I called a bitch earlier, she's important I'm just tired.
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shibaraki · 2 years
wanna cry every time I remember anya is actually a 4 year old pretending to be a 6 year old
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mythiccheroacademia · 4 years
The whole time traveling children has me feelin some type of way tbh. Imagine Mirio, Kaminari, and Tamaki walking into their respective rooms and there are just small children vibing. Mirio with his daughter, Kaminari with a daughter and Tamaki with a son. 😭
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as i said, parent!bnha is SUPERIOR
A/N: So, instead of making these separate asks, I’m just going to make it one giant post. I thought it would be easier that way. Probably the only post that’ll have more than three characters lol
Warnings: none
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Kaminari Denki:
when kaminari walked into his room, he didn't expect to see two children on his bed fighting like wild animals
the younger girl was totally beating the boy’s ass tho
kinda embarrassing bc she’s gotta be like, seven, at most
as if it’s not the weirdest thing he’s seen (bc it’s not) he rushes in to break them apart
he manages to separate them with his arms 
the boy with yellow hair snaps his jaws at his sister’s fingers
“hey! bad! no biting!” he scolds
the little girl blows a raspberry and taunts “yeah! papa says no biting!”
the older sibling just rolls his eyes “rat”
meanwhile, denki is literally malfunctioning
the only person’s pants (and heart) he’s been trying to get in to for the past three months was y/n’s and he sure as hell would remember if he did
he didn't have kids
especially one that was his age
“sorry! you two are cute, but i’m not your pops”
thus, they begin to tell denki about how they mayhaps followed him and their mother into a dangerous mission and got hit with a time travel quirk
denki just nods his head
tbh, he’s not that weirded out
weirder things have happened
but, he does have one question
“who’s the lucky woman?”
coincidentally, you bust into his dorm room, wet from a recent prank and head steaming with anger
“Kaminari Denki!”
his son juts a thumb over to you
“the woman that’s about to murder you”
“oh say less”
his life literally couldn't get any better
before you get the chance to throttle him, the little girl jumps in your arms and your anger is immediately quelled 
“hey mommy! i just wanna let you know that it was [son’s name]’s fault that we followed you when you told us not to”
you’re to busy trying to get them from killing each other to comprehend anything that’s going on
kaminari is in a love-struck gaze bc hot damn, he won the jackpot, huh?
if he wasn't in love with you before, he’s in love with you now
you and your feral children
it was nice being God’s favorite
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Kirishima Eijirou: 
funny thing was
kirishima woke up from his afternoon nap with his mini-me in his arms!
at first, he was really confused as to why there was an 8 yr old boy with spiky teeth and (your hair texture) black hair on his bed
he thought he was dreaming
then the little boy bit his nose and grinned like he had done the funniest thing in the world 
did he get hit with some duplication quirk?
and what was that he said...daddy?
as in, father?
kirishima is wide awake now, but before he can ask the kid what’s going on, the boy is up and making use of his punching bag
he decides it wouldn't hurt to get a morning work out in, so he decides to humor the kid
after a mini workout, kirishima is in near tears as the boy tries to flex the little muscles he has 
eventually, he gets the kid to tell him what happened and finds out he was hit with a time travel quirk of some sort
instead of being weirded out, kirishima is ESCTATIC 
he has a family in the future 
he’s so excited and proud that he just has to show his son off to his friends!
the first thing he does is go and bother bakusquad in the common room
he’s bragging like shit to them and his ego swells as they all swoon over how cute and handsome the kid is 
you and bakugo come out of the kitchen to see what all the commotion is about and the little boy excitedly runs to you and jumps into your arms 
“momma! you’re here! you’re so pretty! why’d you marry daddy when he looks so unswol?”
it’s silent before bakugo fucking dies of laughter 
“y-you finally let shitty hair hit it? and got knocked up?? LMAO”
everyone’s dying and kirishima wants to die
he can’t believe this was how his long-term crush on you was getting outted
by an 8 yr old boy
so not manly
you look confused before you put the pieces together
the kid did look like you and kirishima
you want to console kirishima about the crush that you lowkey knew he had on you, but your son was one step ahead of you
with a gracious smile, he hits bakugo’s head
“what the fuck kid!?”
“don’t make fun of daddy, uncle bakugo! at least daddy didn’t faint at his wedding″
Bakugo’s contemplating murder and everyone’s rolling on the floor
even ten years later, bakugo still holds a grudge against your son
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Togata Mirio:
i’m about to kill y’all w this one
since year one, mirio has been feigning over you 
but 1) you were too dumb to notice 2) you both were really busy with, y’know, school and 3) he lowkey gave up bc he thought you deserved better
so imagine his surprise when he sees this four year old girl on his bed
and she looks like you with his features
mirio might not be the brightest crayon in the crayon box
but he’s got eyes
and it wasn't like he’s memorized your features to the T
the tiny girl is swinging her legs absent-mindedly before exploding with happiness when he sees him
she runs to mirio and he catches her with open arms 
“daddy! daddy! i got hit with the coolest quirk at school today!”
proceeds to tell him about her best friend discovered her quirk and it was a teleportation quirk 
mirio can’t help but giggle along with her even tho he knew it was a scary situation for the parents
speaking of which...
he innocently asks her who’s the mom
“mommy is the prettiest mommy in the world! she has e/c eyes, hair like me, and the most beautiful s/c skin! her name is togata y/n!”
if he wasn't geeking before, he’s geeking now
not only did he manage to marry you, but you let him be your baby daddy?
big bet
mirio doesn't even care at this point
he’s parading around UA with the fattest smile as he introduces his daughter to damn near everyone 
everyone’s freaking out bc wtf when did mirio get someone pregnant??
maybe he should've explained himself, but he sees you at your locker and makes a b-line for you
“good morning, y/n!”
he doesn't notice that you slam your locker close and hide the confession letter you wrote to him behind your back
you’re a stuttering mess and he’s too busy basking in the fact that he’s holding y’alls child 
y’all look like a mess
but he’s ready to lay it on thick when the little girl kisses your nose and cheers,
“mommy, i missed you”
he explains the situation 
you cant help but smile, “you know this could potentially ruin the timeline?”
and you feel like melting as he gives you the softest smile 
“there’s no way I’m letting that happen. not when i end up with the woman i’m in love with. we’ll just have to twist fate together”
and twist it you did
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Tamaki Amajiki:
tamaki wasn't the bravest person ever 
and he knew his crippling anxiety got in the way of a lot
but he had never been more proud of himself for managing to invite you to his room
it was supposed to be a study date
despite how bold you normally were, he took comfort in how nervous you seemed 
now, you two were leaning in, about to kiss
and then a voice from behind interrupts 
“uh, am i interrupting something?”
you two let out the ugliest squeal and jump 50 feet away from each other 
you’re all over the place, trying to explain the situation
tamaki’s heart is barely beating at this point
it takes the kid, who looks about 16, about thirty minutes to calm you down and revive tamaki
explains that he’s from the future and a descendant of tamaki’s family
decides to leave out that you two are his parents so he doesn't risk possibly erasing himself from the space continuum 
that would be bad
despite how surprised you two were, you two take it rather well 
you three spend the day together bc you and tamaki feel this weird sense of responsibility for the guy even though he’s only two years younger
the boy is trying his hardest not to expose himself, but it’s so hard
you two are asking him everything from his favorite food to if he has any siblings
he’s good at pretending that he’s cool, calm, and collected, but he wants nothing more than to jump into his parents’ arms and cry about how scared he is of messing up
but he won’t 
bc he’s a strong boy
but he slips up
“how far are you down the future?” tamaki asks
“uh, about like 100 years or so--”
“you’re lying”
the kid nearly chokes on his food as his father blinks at him
you try and scold tamaki but he continues
“i don’t mean to be mean, but your nose twitches when you lie. y/n does the same thing”
that’s when the jazz record stops and everyone is staring at one another
this time, you nearly pass out
y’all had a kid together???
the boy, coincidentally, starts fading and he thinks he fucked up
now he’s full out sobbing into the both of your chests, scared that he’s disappearing
despite the news, you and tamaki calm down, look at each other, and hold your son
“don’t you worry, baby” you coo, kissing his fading hair
“i have a feeling we’ll see you quite soon” tamaki comforts, closing his eyes
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Bakugo Katsuki:
bakugo finally understood when his mom said
“the meaner you are to your parents, the nastier your kids will be to you”
he regretted being such a demon bc his kid was literally the spawn of satan
katsuki didn’t need an explanation to know that that...thing was his kid
he looked damn near identical to him with features that he couldn't quite place
but anyways, that wasn't the focus rn
rn, he was trying to figure out a way to keep that animal caged
as soon as katsuki took his eyes off him, the six yr old ran out the door as fast as his little legs could carry him
“catch me if you can, you old bastard!”
yup, it was his kid
his son is blasting his way through the halls, skillfully evading Katsuki’s grabbing hands 
he’s wildly laughing as he flips and turns through the doors, watching with glee as his father falls on his face
multiple times
the small boy latches on to a cupboard and smirks
“no wonder mom always beats your ass! you weak!”
katsuki nearly looks like the devil, eyes white, and face red with fury
his pride suffering by the second
he’s about to cuss the kids to hell when you come out of the kitchen, confused
you were about to ask why katsuki looked like a rat with rabies before you caught sight of a basket of fruit teetering on the edge of the cabinet, above the little boy’s head
“look out--”
the basket falls on the kid’s head and he’s on the floor, reeling from the hit
katsuki would've normally laughed his ass off, but he felt kind of...concerned?
he watches you run towards the child who’s trying his hardest not to cry
the boy holds his head, fat tears in his eyes as you pick him up and coddle over him 
“i’m sorry, baby. I'm sorry i didnt get there in time” 
cue the waterworks 
the boy is full-on sobbing into your chest about how his head hurts
you bounce him and kiss his forehead as katsuki checks over the red bump 
“you’ll be okay, brat” he comforts, voice softer than usual
in that moment, katsuki can’t help but notice how much a family y’all look like rn
then the dots start connecting and he goes 
oh shit 
so, maybe, he’s had a tiny crush on you
and it didn’t help that you two were friends with benefits bc yall were horny teenagers
but who knew he’d get the balls to ask you out on a proper date one day
he was such a simp for you gosh it was ugly
“you have to be more careful from now on,”  you say to the boy 
the brat suddenly looks innocent and katsuki wants to throw him
“sorry, mommy. i’ll be gooder”
the look on your face is priceless 
bakugo uses it as a chance to kiss you 
“i guess now’s a good time to tell you that i want to be your dick on demand but with feelings and shit, dumbass”
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phoenixyfriend · 3 years
Thoughts on “Auntie Soka and Little Leia” now that I’ve actually got it posted:
Call it a director’s cut! The process of actually writing the thing, and also jokes made along the way. Link to the actual fic.
Unfortunately, I don’t have the energy for image descriptions, even the text screenshots. Might come back that later. Most of this was DMs with @atagotiak​.
This was an entire thing before I even started writing:
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Before I decided on ages and stuff Ahsoka, to Jango, who has had zero contact with Kaminoans: Okay I know I'm a Jedi kid so you hate me but this toddler is your clone from the future. Jango, tired: What the FUCK are you talking about. Rex, barely able to talk: Don't you dare leave me with him, Commander! Ahsoka: I'm not going to leave you I just--I'm so tired I'm so fucking tired I haven't slept in five days and someone tried to kidnap Leia two days ago I am so fucking tired I need help
Ben: [twenty years of depression followed by a 'now I'm safe' breakdown over the course of weeks] Sokari: [whatever the FUCK this mess is]
When Ahsoka mentions there only being three other Jedi at the time of her death,  I was thinking Kanan, Yoda, and Obi-Wan (Leia told her about the latter two living past her). She's not counting anyone that received training after the Temple fell, and she didn’t know about Cal.
When Leia says  “I was adopted and raised by one of the founders of the rebellion, a movement built on the desire to instate freedom and democracy in a galaxy that had lost even the pretense.”
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Depa: I'm no therapist but I diagnose you with "incredibly fucked up." Ahsoka: yeah, that’s fair
"Why did you pick Depa for--" She's pretty and I'm gay. Also because of the Kanan thing But mostly I'm gay "It's not a visual medi--" GAY
Empty of context beyond general post-fic AU: "Hey Sokari, we need to engage in psychological warfare against this individual and--" "I'm going to break into his office and leave a threatening note on his desk and leave no other sign that I was there. He'll see that his security is nothing and the only reason he isn't dead is because I'm too nice to kill him." "...okay, not what we were planning, but that works. Why is that your first choice?" "I really like breaking and entering, it's soothing." Ben just standing there with a bland smile like This Is Normal.
"We need someone to infiltrate a highly guarded facility in hostile territory." "So we're sending the Torrent kids?" [sigh] "We're sending the Torrent kids."
Rex and Sokari insist on both going by "Torrent" even though Rex could be a Fett. Jango really wants him to be a Fett. Rex has too many grudges to agree to being a Fett for... a while.
I really hope it's blatantly obvious that Ahsoka's not a reliable narrator for some things Ahsoka: Fett could care less if I died Jango: jfc even if you are older than me I can see you're fucked up. Drink your hot chocolate. Hells. She's got good reason to expect him to hate her as a Jedi! BUT. THAT IS NOT REFLECTIVE OF REALITY
We don’t get a lot of actual characterization for Jango, but the way I played him out here is he has never really parsed that Jedi are people before all this. It's a lot harder to treat them as a monolith when the traumatized former child soldier is having regular breakdowns in your shitty little kitchen
Fett: I respect you Ahsoka: No, don't do that
Ahsoka’s vigilantism is something that, in my mind, she's associating heavily with Zygerria and then the clones.
I figured that she never bothered to learn Quinlan’s teacher’s name but in the process of looking up some basic facts (whether he had a surname), I found that Wookiepedia was forced to give us a VERY wide range of possible death in Legends.
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Please take a moment to imagine Quinlan's FACE when Ahsoka initially dismisses him. Quinlan has put a lot of effort into being rogueishly charming! It's very useful for his line of work! He knows to expect either irritation or a return flirtation when he acts like this with people his own age! Ahsoka is not flustered OR rolling her eyes and insulting him, she's just ignoring him and it's a bit of a blow to the ego
This just makes me really happy:
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This was the initial comment I made, as a joke What if Maul is just. There. On one of the planets they make a pitstop at. What if Maul exists as the walking problem he is, but fifteen, and Ahsoka immediately tries to kick his ass and drag him back to Coruscant. I do not have room for this plot but What If
Despite not having room for this plot, I proceeded to write this plot.
Maul is kidnapped and it’s the best thing that ever happened to him HE'S FIFTEEN HE'S DUMB AS SHIT AND HAS A BAD ATTITUDE AND YEAH HE'S A DARKSIDER BUT HE'S FIFTEEN
Ahsoka: I sense... Maul [takes off sprinting] Rex: [immediately takes Jango's blaster and runs after her] Jango: Wait who Tholme: Who Quinlan: Who Jango: [looks at Leia] Leia: I don't know who that is either! Ahsoka, already wrestling a teenager to the ground: Oh no, you're a child, REX STUN HIM AND GRAB THE CUFFS, I'M SURE FETT OR THOLME HAS SOME
Fighting him isn't even legal, they have NO evidence of criminal wrongdoing, so first she needs to yell until he admits to something she can fight him about
Ahsoka: When I see Maul, it's on SIGHT Maul: WHO ARE YOU
Ahsoka: The Force didn't give me hands just to NOT throw them when I run into That Crafty Son Of A Bitch
Ben, when they arrive, after the tearful reunion: You... you brought Maul. Ahsoka: Well, yeah, he's fifteen and kinda dumb. I figured we could drag him here and force him into therapy, see what happens. Ben: I can't quite tell through the gag, but I think he's threatening to feed you your own spleen. Ahsoka: Lol, yeah.
Ben is absolutely on team "get Maul therapy" and will fight the Council on rehabilitating the baby Sith But also it's like. Here's your daughter! And your niece! And your daughter's QPP! Also your best friend, but baby, and his teacher, and the biological origin of a number of people you cared for deeply! AND ALSO THE GUY WHO SPENT LITERAL DECADES CRAVING YOUR DEATH, FOR SOME REASON
I just really want Ahsoka lovingly bullying Maul She gives him noogies and the horns don't protect him because girl has reinforced gloves
Maul's only allowed a low-power training saber and his fights with Sokari involve Much Taunting by her and Eventual Screaming by him, and everyone pops by to see: 1. Sokari doing the most absurd flips, for fun. 2. The bullshit that is ataru-shien reverse-grip jar'kai in the hands of someone who makes it work 3. What a Sith lightsaber form looks like 4. Just the general nonsense that is the way these two fight
Tia said “Wrt ridiculous flips. I'm remembering that time she beheaded four Kryst'ad at once.” and I just Rex brings up the quadruple beheading at one point to get someone to stop asking questions and the awkward, horrified silence almost makes him regret it. And then Sokari just snorts and makes a joke about how Rex once speared a slaver point-blank and everyone's just like hello??? "are you two okay" "no"
Maul absolutely starts crushing on Sokari after a 'sword under chin' moment and she's just very "Uhhhhhhhhhhhhhh you're fifteen, bye" GO MAKE PUPPY EYES AT OBI-WAN OR SOMETHING
The crushes are the worst part of everything, really, she's an attractive young woman that can kick a lot of ass, and a lot of people are into that! Unfortunately, most of those people are a decade younger than she is, mentally, because all the people her actual age look at her and see a child on account of the 17yo body.
It’s almost a good thing she’s in no place mentally for a relationship.
I just want Ahsoka to wear beskar.... I think that would be Nice........
This AU is also what caused this post.
I'm deeply enamored by the idea that Ahsoka can win fights against "older" padawans pretty much unilaterally, even when they team up 2v1 And then she offers to fight 5v1 "But only if I have permission to fight dirty." Ben approves it, a horror show full of "I fought many wars and will scream in your face or kick you in the balls if that's what it takes" follows She wins. There are no permanent injuries, but her reputation certainly gets weirder. Nobody under the rank of Knight agrees to let her fight dirty again. She just lets that stand because, well, she's not actually a padawan, she's thirty-three.
I’m not going to write this but my brain was EVIL and suggested it:
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IT WOULD BE REALLY SAD IDK maybe 9yo Anakin has nightmares about what's happening to baby Ahsoka because bullshit about time-traveling force bonds IDK ANYWAY he cries to Sokari about the nightmares and she's like "oh shit" and it's time to go rescue herself from motherfucker unlimited
It's either that or she's like, expecting to welcome mini-me aaaany day now, for like, several months, before she realizes Something Went Wrong. Anakin’s dreams could even start right as she’s starting to realize something’s off.
Obi-Wan has never had a padawan that doesn't at some point bite Even Luke will, when pushed
OH also once the twins get Baby's First Lightsaber (training sabers, not real kyber), Sokari begs to borrow them for a dumb joke and tells Rex to get on her shoulders for a "Grievous Greeting" and they do The Thing
Jango and Ahsoka wrt Quinlan is just “Do I need to beat him up for you” “You realize I’ve beaten up sith lords before?”
JANGO'S TRYING He's just. "Can we be friends? Can I--can I be the guy that just noticeably gets in the way of a creep on the subway so you can be more comfortable without someone making a scene? I'm fucking trying here, give me a hint."
We didn’t actually figure out Jango’s age until this point. The only reason Fett's age matters is for Quinlan making a Wild Oats quip after Jango says he didn't know about Rex until a few weeks ago, and Fett going "How old do you think I am? And how old do you think the kid is?" and Quinlan getting Very Awkward as he does the math. Rex overhears and lets Quinlan sweat for a bit before saying "I'm a genetically-modified clone someone grew in a tube, he didn't know or have reason to know until he saw me with Sokari." Which is like. Eight additional layers of WTF, obviously, but at least Jango gets to avoid awkward wild oats jokes
Like, you’d expect the rebuttal to be ‘he’s my brother just with a biiig age gap’ or ‘he’s my nephew’
I find it very unfortunate for Quinlan that I've decided his defining characteristic in this context is going to be repeatedly putting his foot in his mouth
He’s trying so hard but "That sounds like a cool thing, maybe I'll ask ab--and it's another fucking trauma."
I'm doing Ahsoka&Jango t w i c e (there’s another fic where I’m doing it)
It’s just a fun dynamic! So much resentful respect.
Like she's twenty seconds away from calling him a bitch at any given time and he's just there like "I don't like you but I do see you move like you're about to tell an entire building to get on their knees with their hands in the air and I can respect that" Also she's probably much less judgmental about using blasters than Obi-Wan is The Maul subplot actually started with me daydreaming about Ahsoka grabbing a blaster for Reasons
I like the idea of Jango just deciding the most Useful thing he can do is help teach the Smol how to fight. He's AWKWARD around Rex and Soka because he doesn't know if there's anything he CAN teach them.
I didn’t actually plan for Tholme to figure out the age thing, he just SAID it and I had to sit there like Wait.
Ahsoka, Rex & Leia: ahhh, children Tholme: you say that like you aren’t children
I liked getting to write Rex's little "I have worked with all of them, and they're all Terrible" He loves them But They once got stranded on a planet that didn’t exist and Ahsoka died and Anakin killed a god.
There was research and discussion as to whether Ahsoka could win against Tholme but seeing as she held her own against Vader, and fought Grievous at that physical age without dying, etc.... yeah, the only thing holding her back was her body not being what she was used to, and she’s had a few weeks go adjust.
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“I miss being able to just jump off skyscrapers” is such a jedi thing
Jango: I'll take the gun back if he tries to leave, they can't get far before--WHAT THE FUCK He knows Jedi are scary but he’s still not really used to just how over the top ridiculous they are He knows how to deal with Jedi in battle, not Whatever The Fuck These People Are Doing
Rex isn't even a Jedi, he's just so used to working with them. “Oh yes time for free-falling without a parachute again, same shit as always.”
Tia: I’m imagining Jango freaking out and Quinlan and Tholme being like. Concerned but mostly exasperated Clearly if they’re jumping off buildings it must be serious? But jfc they could’ve maybe communicated a bit more?
Leia: I want to finish my juice Tholme: Quin, stay with her while we go figure out what those two are doing. Quinlan: Wait what
Jango: Oh now he’s jumping off a building too??? Tholme: Sokari, you are not registered! You can't legally jump out windows yet! Jango: What the hell is going on? Is this normal?
We don’t necessarily know how often Ahsoka and Maul ran into each other after Mandalore. There was the later thing on Malachor, but other than that I'm just going with the idea that they ran into each other every year or two and just went for the eyes like feral cats
Ahsoka: I need to kick ass and you're coming with me. Rex: Yeah, okay. [several minutes later] Rex: Whose ass are we kicking?
Ahsoka and Rex
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Neloms aren’t a SW fruit to the best of my knowledge, I just wanted to mess around with lemons/melons
Jango: you didn’t think any of this through, did you? Rex: you were there, you know we didn’t "When the Jedi says to jump out a window, I jump out a window."
Tholme’s real composed about stalking the ancient nigh-mythical enemy of his people, very “Life is already so goddamn weird”
This fic has been so heavy on the trauma but then I introduce Maul and suddenly it's the worst kind of comedy Nobody is competent, everyone's a little dumb, the bad guy is just grocery shopping
My propensity for banter has turned this into a six-person buddy cop comedy about Maul buying grapes They spend a significant amount to time ineffectually stalking Maul before Quin suggests the sensible option Quinlan just "You remember this is my literal job and specialty right"
Ahsoka sees Maul and all her brain cells go out the window except "Fight good" Usually she doesn’t need to worry about doing things legally. Maybe she needs to worry about someone seeing her do illegal things but she spent the past 15 yrs in a place where her existing was illegal
I feel like he’s also maybe kinda wanting to reassert that yes he is competent. Bc like. Ahsoka’s been kinda condescending this whole time and also can beat everyone up so. It's not his fault that he's actually the youngest person there, but.
Jango is finding this whole being friendly to Jedi thing a lot more overwhelming than he thought it would be. And overwhelming in different ways.
Maul usually signifies things getting worse and more horrifyingly tragic but he's just a dumb teen that they needed to arrest for his own good.
Quinlan: Look, I'm useful! Ahsoka: I've been through hell, wanna hear? Quinlan: NO. I DON'T. WHY.
Quinlan: I understand the concept of joking about your traumas, I do it sometimes myself! But sith hells that’s a lot of trauma.
Quinlan just wanted her to treat him as a Competent Individual, and here she is whipping out stories about Dying and Gods and the Force insists it's the truth and he just???? And apparently emo darksider over there is a Sith. And just, sure. Why not
A lot of people’s interactions with the time travelling disaster lineage is just
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Tholme and Fett arguing and  Ahsoka's just waiting for a moment to pop in with "Hey, when's the last time either of you worked with the other's culture before this mess? Yeah, that's what I thought."
Much like Leia and Ahsoka hurting each other earlier, and Tholme figuring out the de-aging, we ALSO have Fett’s confrontation with Ahsoka being something the characters just did, rather than something I planned.
FTR the only time I managed to trigger myself while writing this fic was the “your behavior isn’t actually acceptable and we’ve all been trying really hard to give you room to recover but you have to at least make an effort to not be a bitch”
Writing about people having PTSD and symptoms of such: Yay! Writing about people having PTSD and engaging in toxic behavior to cope: Shit Ahsoka had... basically my exact reaction. It's "remind yourself that you're in the wrong, that they have a point, and then be overly formal in the apology because fuck if you accidentally make them feel sorry for you when they're the injured party"
Quinlan: Can we be friends? I mean, you're an asshole, but you're really cool. Let's be friends. (He MIGHT be nursing a crush) (Neat mysterious girl who can beat him up.)
Also he realises she's probably nicer when not having a slow-motion breakdown He's like "Huh, you'll probably be less of an asshole once you've gotten therapy."
...also, she pretty and got Nice Biceps
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I love writing a good mental breakdown
I was so close to including a "he tried to kill me" just early enough for Jango to wildly misinterpret as her thinking Quinlan tried to kill her. He'd have been very confused, considering Quinlan's the one that called them down in a panic and currently has Ahsoka having her massive breakdown in his lap But
Tia:  I could see Jango interpreting it as idk, Quin resembling someone or for a moment acting like someone who tried to kill her and she had a flashback or something like that
There's absolutely room for a couple reasonable interpretations there And "trapped in a flashback about someone who tried to kill her" is absolutely what's happening! Just. You know. For a different reason. Jango probably wouldn’t assume Quin would hurt her, for one thing he seems to like her, for another even if he did he’s smart enough to pick a way that wouldn’t be so likely to get him caught
I had to step back and actually say “Also I'm just. Wow. I'm really just shoveling QPP Rex&Ahsoka at full speed”
Me, a few weeks ago, joking: Two halves of the same idiot black ops specialist Me, now, entirely seriously: Two halves of the same idiot black ops specialist
Me, belatedly: Oh, Ahsoka being joyfully mean to people was a form of mania she was unconsciously using to build a barrier between herself and her impending meltdown
She went from "just died" to "in charge of Rex and Leia" in like. Two minutes.
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Confession: I've been delighting in the mental image of this whole Mess leading Jango to try to retake Mandalore, and Ahsoka loans him a saber for a 1v1 to get the darksaber.
“Can’t I just fight him barehanded? That’s how I did it on Galidraan.” "But the drama, Fett!"
Probably Rex has learned how to use a saber as well, because you never know when you have to borrow a weapon
I later changed my mind to Jango asking her to help, rather than her just sneak-teaching him, but it was funny.
Background nonsense to all this is Ahsoka and Rex, despite Rex being as force-sensitive as a lump of coal, having developed a process where she can extend her sensitivity to him mind-to-mind for weird symbiotic battle trance that scares everyone around them. It’s very similar to Battle meditation.
CONTEXT FOR LEIA BEING WORRIED ABOUT THOLME HIDING THINGS: Tholme is hiding the fact that the Council reached out and told him that the people he picked up might be connected to Ben and Luke, who showed up after the Depa thing but a solid week and change before Jango's ship makes it to the Temple. They asked that he not share that information to avoid getting anyone's hopes up in case the two situations aren't related. Ben and Luke haven't shared enough information for anyone to really be sure if the other three are connected Because the info Tholme has isn't quite the info Jango has, etc. And they can't just say Ben is a future Obi-Wan over comms
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I just have a lot of feelings about people trying to do something right and just. Nobody's at fault! Not really! It's just complicated!
Tia: I like how when Ahsoka isn’t doing maladaptive trauma response stuff she’s very mature. And of course she’s had to be but it’s a good like, contrast. Where when she slows down to think about things she’s very sensible
Jango just spends most of this story lowkey wanting Ahsoka to Be His Friend but there's too much baggage that he's only metaphysically responsible for
Local aroace(?) has a squish
Ahsoka: He just wants to get on my good side because of Rex. Jango: I'm pretty sure you could kill an entire army without trying but you wouldn't because you have actual morals and stuff... and when I met you it was because you were killing yourself trying to keep (what appeared to be) children safe... you seem cool please be my friend.......
Ahsoka’s #1 weakness: mountains of trauma Ahsoka’s #2 weakness: she just doesn’t get why so many people think she’s cool and want her to be their (girl)friend
Jango, a 27yo massacre survivor who's killed Jedi masters with his bare hands: [gets lectured on various government structures by a tiny girl that's missing several teeth and needs to sit on books to see the table properly]
Ahsoka was raised in a religious meritocracy but developed all her opinions during a galactic war and then became a vigilante spy, Rex comes from a military cult, Leia is from an inherited monarchy that participates in democracy, Quinlan was originally from what appears to be a dynastic dictatorship, and IDK about Tholme other than that he is also from the religious meritocracy. And in legends Quinlan came to the religious meritocracy after his aunt sacrificed his parents to a vampire cult and then forced him to experience the psychometric echoes of that. There's just. A lot going on.
Leia at least has knowledge about structure and admin in theory that isn't based in either the military or populations under 10k
Jango: I want to be your friend. Ahsoka: Sounds fake.
I am unfairly fond of "Rex destroys a conversation by bringing up his own horrifying childhood and calling it a cult"
"Why does Sokari call you 'Rex'ika'?" "Because she's older than me." "...can I--?" "No."
Nickname privileges are extended ONLY to Ahsoka and older clones. There are no more older clones, so it's just Ahsoka.
Me joking about Star Wars AUs: Would you like a crackship? Me writing actual Star Wars fic: My favorite character type is apparently “too traumatized to have a relationship” so this is at least 90% gen.
I had to pull a scene opening at one point because Ahsoka's skill with not getting shot is actually much less useful than Tholme's clearance levels.
Now I really want a team-up of Ahsoka, Rex, and Jango where they do have to get in a dogfight of the "she flies, we shoot" variety and Fett just has to scream because the speeder thing to catch Maul was one thing, but this....
Ahsoka, before TCW: I know all the traffic rules but I'm not that great at flying! Ahsoka, after TCW: I'm great at flying but if you let me behind the wheel we are absolutely getting arrested.
She went from "knows the rules but doesn't have the skills" to "has the skills but primarily in the form of not getting shot" which! Is delightful! "Bet I can get us through that alley--" "DO NOT"
Jango and Ahsoka are both just very "Is this friendship? Is this camaraderie? My heart's been fried on platonic love by so many murders that I'm not sure anymore." "I've lost a lot of friends. I kind of forgot how to make those."
I have no idea if "hasn't been closer than Alderaan except that one trip to Chandrila" is canon-compliant but ehhhhhhhh It feels plausible enough?
Belatedly realized that I could just explain my optimal Rex&Ahsoka dynamic as just... drift compatible. It's vague enough on the specifics while still digging into the meat of what they mean to each other and how they work together. The terminology is already in existence. I can just use it.
Romantic? Platonic? Familial? Doesn't matter! They're drift compatible.
They are important to each other and that is what matters
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I really like the Leia&Quinlan thing. He's just like "This small child needs a friend that isn't super depressed," and decided he's going to be her friend. I keep trying to toss in "Quinlan volunteers to 'baby'sit." She's not much older and she has a Baby Brain, it works out
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There's a running bet as to whether Leia will leave the Order the second she turns thirteen, or if she'll let Sokari "train" her for a few years first. And... that’s how I came up with Leia Antilles, Senator of Serenno.
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They'll be bullshitting Ben as her new master to "finish out the padawanship" since they can't tell everyone she's really in her thirties and he's conveniently there and already knows everything and was half her master anyway. Like Ben was planning on taking on Luke, but Luke is "six" and even he can't swing that as old enough to be a Padawan, and it's not like Sokari will take more than a handful of years to justify knighthood, sooooooooo
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bettyminicoop · 3 years
We're at AU since 504, and I'll prove it to you.
So, Riverdale is a comic.
No not like this.
This is how this article began a day ago, when I tried to develop a theory about season 5 and try to explain the absurdity of everything that we have seen on the show lately. But Riverdale is really a comic, in which anything can happen, including events that take us to an alternate universe.
So, the main secret of the season 5 is not mixing ships, it's not about TBK, not about Moth Men, not about TRAUMA™. The main secret of the season 5 is: "What the hell is going on here?"
Does RAS like predictions? Jughead in 417 literally says, "In what future are we not together?" Thus, launching this universe, in which we find ourselves since 504. And there is an explanation for all this, oddly enough.
Honestly, I think that the absurdity of 518 helped me a lot. I realized that all the ship's nonsense of the season is a red herring. I calmed down, exhaled, moved a little further and looked at the whole picture.
For convenience in the future, I will call the events of the first four seasons as RD01, and season 5 since 504 as RD AU. So, everything that happened in RD01 also happened in RD AU, but in a different way. And something may not have happened at all. This is where all the inconsistencies with the plot of the first four seasons come from.
1. The writers are not lazy, they don't forget what happened 5 episodes ago. RAS simply deceived everyone by taking a very risky step. All of the plots that take place in Season 5 have a backstory that we don't know anything about. Except for certain plots that are taken out of the context of the first four seasons. But the difference is that all these plots that happened in RD01 went completely differently here in RD AU.
2. The episode of Citizen Lodge has the most direct evidence for the existence of RD AU. Because if this episode hadn't happened, it would have been hard to guess RD AU. It would be impossible to connect the dots. Citizen Lodge is the key to unlocking the mystery of Season 5 of Riverdale.
The Midnight Club takes place in 1992, but Citizen Lodge takes place in 1988. Although these are the same characters, in the same age range. But at Citizen Lodge we were shown newborn Veronica, because Hermosa never existed here. In RD01, the Lodges have a family rum business, RD AU Lodges are shoe shiners not originally living in Riverdale. The events of both episodes contradict each other, because they took place in different universes. This is not a fault of the writers, this is a deliberate hint. This whole new RD AU universe exists several years earlier than RD 01.
Small addition. In 516 it is indicated that Hermosa exists in the RD AU. But maybe she is younger than Veronica.
3. The last time a clear timeline is set is 503, when Jughead sits in Pop's a year after graduation. And when he walks out the door, he says that the next time he saw his friends was six years later. But we haven't seen that yet. Because that's where RD01 ends.
When 504 starts, nowhere is it stated how many years have passed. The first timeline is set by Veronica Lodge. "It's 2021". And this is the very first clue that we are in the middle of RD AU.
4. When Season 5 was announced, RAS said it would be a 5 year time jump. But by the start of the season, it turned into 7 years. And there is still no error. In RD01, after Bughead says goodbye on the porch, their next meeting actually happens in seven years. But we haven't seen it yet.
RD AU probably takes place five years after core four graduated from high school. And this is confirmed by Bughead's conversation in the bunker when Betty asks Jughead why he's bringing up a conflict five years ago. Which by the way does not negate the fact that voicemail happened only two years ago. Because it is the aftermath of a terrible five-year conflict that ended Bughead's relationship in RD AU. Do you seriously agree that kissing was a terrible thing to do? Probably something worse happened at RD AU.
5. On the chest of Archie RD AU there is no scar after his meeting with the bear, so this did not happen in this universe. We've been shown Archie's breasts so many times this season but we never really noticed!
6. Tom Keller and Sierra McCoy do not appear to be married in RD AU, although they literally fought the Gargoyle King for their relationship.
7. I believe that the RD AU timeline is shifted 4-5 years back relative to RD01. As confirmed by Bughead's bunker conversation and the events at Citizen Lodge. And this explains why RD AU is now in 2021, and not 2027, as it should be in RD01.
8. I watched season 5 very casually and hardly saw more than 1/3. So I need you to help me collect more evidence for the existence of RD AU. For every plot, event and conversation, you need to apply an AU theory filter. And I can promise you, every piece will find its place in the puzzle.
By the way, differences can be not only in plots and dialogues, but also physical in the appearance of characters and interiors.
I'm sure that Veronica's question to Archie, where he sees himself in five years, was also not accidental. But I no longer have the strength to develop this and build it in the context of RD AU. Especially because I don't know much about their relationship history. I trust you to figure it out.
And I wouldn't be at all surprised if Season 5 of Riverdale is still Jughead's book from RD 01, called Rivervale.
Will we get the RD AU backstory in Season 6? To be honest, I'm not sure if we need it.
Is Polly still alive in RD01?
Could Alice's hallucination at 518 be AU on AU? That is, literally being RD01 inside RD AU. Because these scenes were, it seems, the most "normal" in the whole episode. Follow up on this idea. Or we can just wait for season 6 special.
It does not matter at all which ships the RD AU will end with. It does not matter. Because season 5 and season 6 special is not about ships.
Maybe season 6 special is when RD01 and RD AU mix. Well, let's see, it's not long to wait.
Is there a chance RD AU will end on episode 100? Perhaps.
Please give this season and finale a chance. I am currently re-watching individual episodes to find confirmation of my AU theory, and now season 5 makes sense! Check it out for yourself. I'm sure there will be a TBK mystery in the final episode next week that will make my whole AU theory obvious. But I will write about this separately right after this post.
Looking back now, I think the flurry of spoilers ahead of 518 is literally when RAS went crazy. Because we're incredibly dumb and didn't want to see obvious clues in the narrative.
I will never pull this stone out alone. So, my young archaeologists, arm yourself with hammers and brooms, and help me bring this treasure to the surface completely.
I want to say THANK YOU to Bughead fandom. Because you are amazing. Because you are building theories, you are guessing, you are thinking. Because you spin every situation, you question every plot that happened on the show. And I am overwhelmed with complacency, because the uncovering of the main secret of Season 5 came from the Bughead community. After all, who else besides Bughead can uncover Riverdale's secrets?
And thanks to those who first brought up AU in Riverdale. Because only thanks to this theory, I was able to pull the thread and untangle the whole ball.
It's so liberating. It’s like someone has suddenly turned on the lights in the dark room we’ve been in since the beginning of Season 5.
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racheloveyunho · 3 years
Till Death do us part - 1
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Y/N grew up in a wealthy family, she always was seen as a beautiful and smart kid and was most likely to take her father’s place as the CEO of one of the most important companies in South Korea. However, after the death of her mother, Y/N’s family slowly started to break apart. Her father was always working to forget his uncalled pain while his kids were left alone at home.
She was 17 years old when her life took a sudden turn when she met him in a dark alley. He was a bloody mess, bruises everywhere but behind blood and dirt, she could see his beautiful features and his addictive gaze. Maybe she should have walked away, maybe she shouldn’t have helped him, but the moment his gaze locked with hers, she was already his.
Choi San was his name.
Genre: Mafia AU, angst, fluff, stranger to lovers
Words: 2486
 TW: Y/N is described as an OC. Please be aware that this story will contain a lot of triggering content such as smut, blood, death, murder, drug, kidnapping, etc. Do not read if you are under a legal age!
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Chapter 1
 I still wonder what would have happened if I didn’t meet him during this gloomy night? We were young and I was way too brave for my own good. Maybe it was my faith or maybe it was a sheer coincidence but now, I know that I will love him till death do us part.
 5 years ago.
 "Hey Y/N, wake up sleepyhead! It’s time to go to school and I will surely not wait for the princess to wake up" my brother yelled loudly from the first floor, waking me up in the process.
I groaned and shifted uncomfortably in my bed; it was too much noise at such an early time of the day. My long-browned hair was messy from the last night, as always. I was the type of girl to move a lot during my sleep and my morning head was always a funny one, swollen, with small eyes and with some of my lightly curled hair stuck in my mouth. After five minutes of rethinking my life decisions, I found enough motivation to get out of my bed and walked down the stairs.
"Why the hell did I agree to help other students during holidays, huh?” I asked my brother as I lazily rubbed my tummy.
“Maybe because you are too dumb to say no to your teachers?” he answered, his mouth full of food.
“Do you mind keeping your mouth shut while you are eating? It’s disgusting.” I shook my head disapprovingly.
I headed toward the kitchen to get a cup of fresh milk. Jin, my brother, childishly opened his mouth wide to show me the content of it. I let out a long “Ew!” before smashing his arm playfully.
“No, but seriously Y/N. There’s no use to be brilliant at school if that means you have to help your classmates with their studies during holidays” Jin said after taking a sip of his coffee.
“Yeah, but the teacher who asked me this favor told me that he will write a recommendation for me if I agreed to help him” I answered.
“You don’t even need a recommendation, we’re from a rich family” Jin mumbled to himself but it was loud enough for me to hear it.
 He wasn’t totally wrong and I knew it. We were born with a silver spoon in our mouth. We were “cake eater” as the other kids used to call us when we were younger, we never knew what it felt like to run out of money and everyone at school was jealous of me because of that.
But they didn’t know. No one knew how hard it actually was for me and my brother.
My mother passed away 2 years ago, and since then, my father didn’t stay at home with us longer than a week straight. He was always working, working, and working again, his job had literally become his life. He was one of the richest men in Korea and still, he was always eager for more and worked every day and night for it.
He wasn’t a good father for me and Jin. He never made any compliments to us, all he was able to do was to pressure us to be as perfect as possible or at least perfect enough to not ashamed him and his reputation. Unlike my brother, I wanted to hear my father say that he was proud of me, just for once. That’s why I was trying hard to be the perfect daughter, with good grades, good manners, and good appearance but even if I tried my best, it wasn’t enough for him.
 “Do you know why I’m working so hard, Jin?” I asked him, voice as soft as a whisper, almost not daring to tell the truth.
“Why?” Jin put a hand on the top of mine, a sign of comfort since he already knew my upcoming answer.
“I don’t want to follow his rules forever. I’m still a minor so I had to stick at them but when I’ll turn 20, I will leave this house and will never come back” I sadly stated, “I want to marry a man I’m in love with, I want to do a job I like and most of all, I don’t want our father to commend my life.”
 Jin tightened his grip on my hand. He understood me, he understood me too well. We were indeed rich but we were far from being happy. Jin was 6 years older than me which means he was already an adult. He wanted to leave this house as much as me but couldn’t bring himself to do so and leave me behind.
Unlike me, Jin has never been a good student, he always has been considered a failure to our father, and even if he finally was able to run away from here, he stayed there for me. I was really lucky to have a brother like him and I was well aware of that.
 I took my breakfast and came back to my room to take a quick shower and get ready for this day I knew would be exhausting.
My brother was already waiting in his car. Jin took me to school as often as he could. He was working on a supermarket he owned and even if he was pretty busy, he wanted to spend his mornings with his “sweet baby sister” as he liked to call me.
I am indeed lucky to have a brother like him.
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 8 pm, it was already late when I heard the bell ring for the last time today. I was the last one to leave the class as I helped my teacher with the preparation of some material for the next day. It didn’t bother me too much, I wasn’t in a hurry to get home since I knew my dad was finally coming back home from his work.
In all honesty, I didn’t want to see him. I didn’t miss him at all, even after all this time. I wandered here and there even though the street was already pitch black.
 “Oh! It’s been a while since I last went to the haunted alley!” I happily exclaimed to myself.
I knew every nook and cranny of Seoul, I grew up there after all. My favorite place was the haunted alley. As its name suggests and according to some beliefs, that path would be haunted.
It was an old story I heard with my friends when I was less than 10 years old. A grandma from our neighborhood scolded us and told us not to stay there because there was a woman who had been murdered in the walkway and that since then, one could hear her cry every night.
A simple way to scare naïve kids you may think, and you are more than right. However, this story is known by everyone, not just by kids. That’s the reason why I love this place, thanks to all of these rumors, no one uses this path except me. It was like my secret place.
 I walked around the alley with heavy steps, thinking about my father and his upcoming lecture about how to be a good girl. My thoughts were suddenly stopped by the voice of two men who seemed to be fighting each other. I stayed still for a moment, trying to figure out where the noises were coming from.
“You piece of shit! And you claim yourself as the Boss” son?” One voice laughed.
I hid in the dark and saw what could have been mistaken with a scene from a horror movie. Between two old houses, a tall man was beating up a boy who seemed to be around my age.
I felt shivers down my spine but before I could even think straight, my body started to move with its own will.
“Hey! Let him go!” I shouted, my voice betraying me by showing how scared I really was.
 I moved closer to the two men, I could now see them more clearly.
The young boy was sitting on the ground, badly bleeding, whereas the tall man was standing in front of him, blood on his hand and his nose broken.
They were watching me. The silence was heavy, the only thing I could hear was the beating of my racing heart and the shake of my knees that were begging me to run away from this place. The silence was soon replaced by an ominous laugh.
“Wow. What a beauty! Is she your girlfriend? Huh?” The tall man laughed and hit the youngest on his stomach before coming closer to me.
He came closer, until he was in front of me. I had a better view of his poor state. He wasn’t less bleeding than the other man, his blood was actually covering his whole face.
I don’t know what had taken into me at this exact moment, the adrenaline was rushing in my veins and even though my feet were stuck on the ground, unable to move, my hand reached the pepper spray I always carried in my bag. Before the man could react, I used my weapon against him.
When the chemical product had reached his eyes, he screamed and placed his hands on his face, trying desperately to soothe the pain. I took advantage of the situation and kicked him as hard as I could on his crotch before he fell loudly on the ground.
I quickly grabbed the boy by his arm and helped him stand up. He was badly injured but followed me without any complaint.
 I was panting when I reached a lighted street. We stopped there, trying to catch our breath.  I turned around to face the man I was still holding and my breath hitched in my throat, not from the run I previously had but because of how beautiful this man looked.
“Are you okay? What is your name?” I asked him but he simply stayed silent, staring at me with his piercing eyes.
I took a better look at his features, he was really handsome with a well-defined face. He wasn't older than me but he hadn't the body of a teenager either. His broad shoulders and his arms muscles could be seen without any effort from him. His dark hair was harmonizing with the dark of his eyes and his dimples were visible as the border of his lips turned upright in an inviting smirk.
How can someone like him be involved in such a fight?
“The sight is at your taste?” he giggled, his smile spreading wider.
I finally took notice of my staring when I heard him laugh. I must say it was the most beautiful laugh I ever heard, slightly high-pitched but almost bewitching.
“I wasn’t staring!” I shouted from embarrassment. Fortunately, the darkness of the night was covering the redness on my cheeks.
“Sure, you weren’t” He added, amused by my reaction “I’m San. Choi San. I didn’t need your help earlier but thank you, I’m glad you rescued me”
He came closer to me and gave me a sincere smile, showing even more his dimples.
My heart was going crazy in my chest. This boy seemed small earlier compared to the other man but he was way taller than me, maybe 7 inches taller.
“You’re welcome”
I was a bit intimidated by him but I dared not to look away. He had something special, an aura that seemed as dangerous as comforting. His gaze was intense and deep, it was like he was looking through me, memorizing every detail of my face.
He didn’t move and didn’t talk for at least 2 minutes and even if I was feeling uncomfortable, I did my best not to let him know.
“Where is your house?” he finally asked after what felt like an eternity.
He startled me with his sudden question, I didn’t expect him to talk this soon. Why did he want to know where I lived? He probably wanted to walk me home and I would have gladly let this handsome guy walk me home if I hadn’t met him in an odd situation.
‘But he is really handsome…’  I thought, sighing softly, making San arch an eyebrow.
“It’s okay, I live near here, no need to walk me home. You can go ahead…” I said “Go ahead to…the hospital, your house or…go murdering someone…whichever comes first” I added, lowering my voice at the end of my sentence.
His face changed into a surprised expression “I wasn’t going to walk you home, don’t worry”
I sighed in relief even if I felt a bit disappointed, maybe he wasn't that bad after all.
“I want to stalk you” he stared at me with his beautiful smile as if it was the most natural thing to say.
‘What the fuck?’
“Sure, stalking me haha, it was obvious, silly me!” I gently hit my head and laughed awkwardly, taking a step back from him.
He laughed sweetly and took my chin between his thumb and his index to lift my face up. His mouth came closer to my ear and he whispered a small “Just joking” before turning his heels back and leaving me, alone, in the dark street.
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  I was finally back home. Fortunately for me, my dad hadn’t noticed me since he was already sleeping on the couch.
I quickly went upstairs to my room and collapsed on my bed, my mind still processing what had happened earlier. It was scary to say the least but fascinating at the same time. I was still confused even after showering. This San had a deep effect on me, not only mentally but physically too.
“Choi San…” I muttered before closing my eyes and drifting into a deep sleep.
This is my first story, it’s bad but I’ll try to improve myself!
This series will be uploaded slowly since I don't have a lot of time.
Thank you for reading!
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pradaksj · 4 years
the swimming lessons
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all rights reserved © pradaksj
↳do not repost, translate, or claim as your own.
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❧ pairing⟶  jungkook/reader
❧ genre⟶  swimminginstructor!jungkook , fluff, a bit of comedy? head canon/bullet points 
❧ rating⟶ e for everyone??? none??? idk how ratings work lol i just know that m = the dirty, which this story has none of
❧ word count ⟶ 5,000 
❧ summary ⟶  accidental swimming lessons with jungkook were definitely worth the money 
❧ a/n ⟶ i literally dreamt something similar to this in like january and told myself i'd write about it when i had the time so hear i am :)) this goes out to all my folks who can’t swim !! i'm on the same boat with you , get it?  cause we can’t swim ... ok anyways ... enjoy ! (note: i have not proofread this yet so sorry for any mistakes!! ill get to it soon !! ) 
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“hello, welcome to lucky duck swim school, how can i help you?” the receptionist, who was loudly chewing her gum, sounded more like an automated voice message than a person...
see today was your first official swimming lesson
how fun!! ...
totally not embarrassing for someone your age !!!
honestly, it wasn't your fault you didn’t have any family members or friends with a big pool you could learn in growing up 
and by the time you did, you were too much of in an awkward phase to be properly taught
aka your body absolutely refusing to float on its own anymore
but after several trips to the beach with friends and attending different pool parties, you were tired of being made fun of !! 
no longer would you remain at 5 feet and under !!! not on your watch ! 
and so here you were, ready to start your journey into the world of swimming :)) 
“hi i um have a swimming lesson at 3 with um ... i believer her name was um—” 
hmmm what was her name ??? jennie??? no, maybe it was aaliyah ??? no that wasn’t it.... 
the receptionist taps on her keyboard buttons, her long nails making a noise 
pop, her bubblegum goes 
“yeah jungkook” you mindlessly say. 
that was not the game given to you by the last receptionist 
jungkook is a boy’s name !!! 
you didn’t want a boy instructor !!! 
not with the way you were looking 
“i um—i had asked for a girl instructor—” you awkwardly mention 
she rolls her eyes
um RUDE 
she continues clacking with her keyboard, looking for god knows what 
she sighs 
“there’s no slots with female instructors available for today, nor for the rest of the month, the earliest i can probably squeeze you in by is july.” she bluntly states. 
july was when you needed to already know how to swim !!
that’s the peak of summer ! 
there was no point in knowing during winter or any other season besides summer for that matter 
and you were not going to get made of by your friends this year
no no NO
“soo do i reschedule you or.....” 
you sigh 
“no ill take it” you pout, resembling a child. 
“it it makes you feel any better, jungkook’s our best instructor, most popular too” 
oh yeah that makes you feel so much better 
you were going to make a complete fool out of yourself in front of the so called “best instructor” 
“well go get yourself washed up, get into the pool, and jungkook will be with you shortly” she smiles, her attitude now changing now that (what looked to be a supervisor) was passing by. 
what a bi—
flip flop. flip flop. flip flop. 
your sandles press onto the water on the floor of the girls locker room, a grouchy look now on your face 
this wasn't fair 
you made an appointment with a female instructor!! 
you didn’t care if he was the best instructor or the most popular ...
squeeaaakkk , you twist the rusty shower handle
...because now you were you were going to be judged for your lack of skills 
not that you had any to begin with, but still! 
god, you sounded like such a karen ... 
it’s just ...
a guy instructor ??? 
you understood that this wasn’t elementary school anymore and boys certainly didn’t have cooties anymore but like :// 
no no, you had to give this jungkook guy the benefit of the doubt
if he was one of the best, it was clearly because he was professional and good at what he does 
putting your worries to rest, you turn off the shower 
this was going to be fine
just fine 
clearly your worries were not put to rest 
just a temporary halt 
pat. pat. pat. 
okay let’s get it ! 
making your way out to the pool, you dip your foot in 
VERY cold indeed 
1 ...2...
you dip your whole leg in, quickly using the momentum to place your whole body in 
“5 feet and below ... you’re my bitch !!” you think to yourself 
your hand still clearly gripping onto the ledge, still afraid of accidentally reaching 6ft
.... now to wait 
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“megan seems to have fractured her leg last weekend on a rollerskating day gone bad, so you’ll be taking up her appointments for the next month of two until she’s cleared for work” 
huh ???
“also she, well now you i guess, have a lesson to teach at..” 
jungkook’s supervisor looks down at his watch 
“oh i guess in 30 minutes, could’ve sworn it was at 4..” he mumbles that last part to himself
30 minutes?! 
“don’t worry i’ll up your pay for the remaining time that she gets better” 
he winks ;) making a clicking noise with his mouth before leaving the staff room 
jungkook sighs 
today was supposed to be an easy day :/ 
a simple cleaning of the pool along with a couple of measly hours of being the lifeguard and that would’ve been it but noooo 
he just had to be the highest rated swimming instructor on the company website 
he couldn’t complain though, sometimes it was fun reading the reviews past students left, even if sometimes they were a little too...
whats the word...
it often made him wonder if he was in fact an actual good swimming instructor or if the high highly rated reviews were for other reasons.... 
honestly it’d be dumb of him not to acknowledge the amount of googly eyes he’d get ranging from the mother’s of his younger students to his actual adult students (female and male) 
he just liked to think that didn’t come into play when they wrote their reviews 
changing into his black fitted rash guard, he glanced at megan’s schedule 
name : y/n 
age: 23 grown
swimming level: beginner  aka noob. 
he chuckles to himself 
well won’t this be fun 
he couldn’t lie beginner adult swimmers were always a spectacle to watch 
they almost reminded him of baby ducks learning how to swim 
only that they’d verbally curse their frustrations here and there 
quickly showering, he begins to make his way to the pool 
hmm, he wonders..
what should he eat after today’s lesson? 
a bacon cheese burger sounded really good 
maybe even grab himself some birria tacos from that new restaurant that just opened near his apartment 
hmm no he had to start spending less on takeout 
looks like it’d be rame—
as corny as it sounded, he could’ve sworn he felt his heart skip a beat 
because whoever it was in that pool was pretty, like really pretty 
hOly ????? 
you couldn’t be y/n ... could you?!?!?! 
you were the only person who looked 23 years of age in the pool ...
mayday mayday 
jungkook.exe has STOPPED WORKING  
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whoever this jungkook person was, sure was taking their time 
deciding to have some fun before your lesson, you begin to gently play with the water 
swish. swoosh , the water goes 
soon you’d be well on your way to becoming the next michael phelps 
maybe with time you’d even be able to a somersault in the water like your friend always—
“y/n?” a voice from behind says your name
ah finally 
taking in a deep breath, you turn your attention to the so called “best swimming instructor” 
MY .
WHAT ?????? 
this man looked like he came straight out of GQ magazine !!!! 
this HAD to be some mistake , there was just no way ... 
your cheeks feel as if they were burning up 
probably because they quite literally were 
there was no way you’d be able to come here every saturday for the next month, not without fawning for this dude every single minute 
of course you were a stuttering mess
of FuCkiNg course 
“that’s me” 
cue the awkward smile 
“be professional” jungkook tells himself
at the end of the day, you were his student 
any crush on you would just have to wait until of course ... you were no longer his student 
for now the only goal was : teach you how to swim 
the next one down the list being : to take you out on a date ! 
he offers you a handshake 
wow he had a strong grip 
“i’m jungkook, i’ll be your swimming instructor for the next month” 
he flashes you his all too famous smile
there was just no way this man was real
just nO wAy 
crap, you were still holding his hand! 
idiot, idiot, idiot ! 
“sorry” you awkwardly laugh 
ha ha ha 
so funny 
god did you just want to hide to disappear 
“it’s fine” he laughs 
even his laugh was attractive :( 
“so y/n, before we begin with anything, i think it’s important to review about what kind of things you already know and what you don’t” 
oh right ... 
for a moment you had COMPLETELY forgotten you were here for swimming lessons 
how embarrassing 
“oh um..” 
um, um , um. 
“so like floating, holding your breath underwater, pushing, gliding, arm movement, that kind of stuff,” he explains 
you knew a cool trick to make it look like you were water bending :D 
of course you weren’t going to admit that here 
silently you nod your head no 
he gives you a reassuring smile, sensing your timidness 
“that’s fine, only more for us—” he corrects himself, “for you to learn,” he laughs 
hey you weren’t complaining 
“so i personally always like to start off with teaching my students how to float. as long as we get that down then you’ll have no problem learning the rest” 
gosh his smile was so infectious 
shaking your head, you reminded yourself that this was your teacher 
+ you paid 300 bucks for these classes, so you couldn’t afford to be giving him the googly eyes all day 
you were so cute :( 
jungkook couldn’t help but find you so endearing 
the color of your swimming goggles even matched your swim suit :(( 
so cute ! 
“okay so the first thing i want you to practice is going underwater for a couple of seconds, just so you get used it,” he instructs, “i’ll demonstrate” 
taking in a deep breath, he goes down under 
he’s back up 
pausing for about another three seconds, he takes in another deep breath of air before going back under 
he repeats the same thing over and over, until the max count becomes 20. 
“use my finger as your reference of when to go up, but come up for air whenever you feel like you need to. it’s important to go at your own pace, so don’t feel pressured to get it the first try” 
no pressure at all 
“you ready?” 
you nod your head 
“okay, deep breath in”
you sink your head underwater, mentally counting the three seconds before going back up 
“good job,” he gives you a high five, and you almost feel like a schoolgirl, “now let’s try to five seconds” 
woo!!! 5 seconds here you come !! 
taking in a deep breath you go down under again 
easy peasy ... LEMON SQUEEZY 
“okay now to ten” 
now why were these seconds going by slow all of a sudden? 
sucking it up you manage to make it to 10, but not without being out of breath 
“you okay?” he’s quick to ask 
yup, totally fine ! 
you definitely didn’t see the gates of heaven for a quick moment :D 
nodding your head, you enthusiastically say, “let’s go for 15″ 
he smiles at your enthusiasm
ahh so cute 
nope nope nope
you were not going to make it to 15 
immediately you make your way back to the surface, trying to catch your breath 
“hey you did amazing,” he immediately reassures you, “remember as long your going your own pace then you’re doing just fine” 
well doesn’t that make you feel better 
you wonder if he’s this kind to all his students 
besides the most obvious reason, there was no question as to why he was the “most popular” instructor 
and to think you had been complaining earlier !! 
and soon you’re back underwater, going at your own pace until finallyyyy you’re able to make the 20 second count 
“nice !!” he genuinely celebrates with you, making you feel completely proud for yourself 
“okay now that we have that done, we can move onto learning how to float facing both front and back” 
he was just thinking ahead 
cool :o 
“so what i want you do is first relax,” he laughs, gently pushing your stiff shoulders down 
as if your blush couldn’t get any deeper 
“now my personal belief is that all humans can naturally float, just that for others, it takes a bit of a push to get them at that state,” he begins to explain 
others meaning people like um you 
“the key to floating is to relax” 
oh you’ve heard that before
many MANY times and each time you’ve tried to so called “relax” you just end up sinking 
“the moment you fight or stress for even a tiny bit, you will sink. now i know what you’re thinking, ive heard that before” 
he was good 
“but sadly it’s true, until you learn to relax then you’ll be able to swim” 
you sigh 
this was where it became hard 
you were the queen of stress 
you and stress went hand in hand almost like a married couple 
it was just that deep water was scary !! very very scary !! 
the amount of horror stories you’d seen on tiktok was enough for you to know, ocean = scary 
“so here’s what i need you to do, i need you to place your arms on top of the water like as if you’re going to fly” 
you follow his commands 
he separates your arms, which had been too close together, giving them a small rub 
“remember you need to relax y/n,” he chuckles, feeling the tension in your arms
“relax, i need to relax,” you repeat 
“okay now right now when i tell you, you’re gonna take a deep breath in and look down, from there you’re gonna let you body move forward. so remember you’re not gonna jump, you’re just gonna let your body glide forward and float. almost as if you’re flying to me,” he explains 
mm it was easier said than done  
“you ready?” 
“okay deep breath in” 
you inhale a deep breath in 
“look down” 
you do that as well 
“and let go” 
slowly your body begins to rise on its own 
oh my god !!!!! 
you were about to float!!!!! 
the day has come !!!
no more staying at 5 feet and under 
you were ready to hang with the big kids :D 
but as quick as the momentum came, the faster it left because soon you felt yourself sinking, the breathing exercise jungkook had made you do now coming in handy 
you almost had it :( 
it was right in your grasp, only to have it snatched away 
not wanting to offend you, jungkook keeps his giggles to himself 
“hey at least you almost had it,” he comforts you, “let’s just try again” 
you sigh, now letting your doubts creep in 
because of this, this time your body almost immediately sank this time
he frowns 
you were losing confidence :/ 
“come on i’ll help you” 
grabbing your hands, he signals for you to follow his breathing pattern
“deep breath in” 
“deep breath out” 
god, was his voice soothing 
“i need you to relax y/n, let everything go” 
a soft feeling of relaxation washes over you, similar to that feeling you’d get when you were on the verge of sleeping
“i’m gonna let you go at the count of three, and then you’re going to float, okay?” 
silently you nod, knowing that speaking would only cause you to tense up again 
he lets go, and soon you’re floating, just like he said you would 
you hold your breathe for a good while before standing back up, a huge smile on your face 
“holy shit! i did it!!” 
he gives you high five with both of his hands, for a second holding them before letting go 
“now let’s try floating on your back” 
he notices that there’s now a fire in your eyes that wasn’t there before
clearly you were now more determined to learn, excited too
preparing yourself to float once more, you realize you were missing something.... 
he tilts his head, confused by the faint blush on your cheeks 
“do you think you can um—” 
now it was his turn to blush 
“o-oh yeah” 
what was his problem??? 
you were a student asking for help 
that was all ...
point blank. 
he helps you get on your back, his hand placed under your back as a way to keep you up 
you float easily again!! 
“nice!!” he smiles 
summer, here you come !! 
“okay so we’re gonna keep practicing that for the remaining time that we have and next week i’ll start teaching you about stroke techniques and which ones are easiest to do” 
nodding your head, you practice your floating by the end of the hour  having it practically mastered 
the two of you get out of the pool, now drying off 
“you’re a really fast learner y/n,” he compliments you 
you mean, you didn’t wanna brag butttt 
you were a fast learner indeed 
“thank you,” you say in return, “but that’s only because you’re a great teacher” 
did you really say that :o 
aren’t you feeling a little bold today y/n  
his blush returns for the second time today
well technically you weren’t in class anymore ... 
a little flirting wouldn’t hurt right? 
if only he knew what to say .... 
“well at least you won't ever drown!” 
jungkook, you idiot !!!!! 
someone needed to smack him straight in the face for that ! 
at least you won’t drown????
no fucking shit 
well there goes his chances with you now going down the drain 
but to his surprise, you laugh 
“you’re right, i won’t,” you say in return, “well i’ll see you next weekend jungkook” 
you flash him a smile, and he was certain he felt butterflies in his stomach 
walking into the girl’s locker room, you let out a sigh of relief
wheeeeew ! 
faking confidence was hard ! 
very VERY hard 
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“so today you’re going to learn how to stroke so you can officially be called someone who knows how to swim, next week you’ll learn to tread water and continue perfecting your swimming, and then the final week i’ll teach you some fun extra things” 
“sounds good,” you say, definitely excited to learn more. 
“okay so now that you know how to float, right now when you float facing downward, you’re going to pull against the current with your arms, alternating each one. now the tricky part is that while you do that, you also have to paddle your legs a little and come up for air when you need to, and when you’re back in the water you should slowly be exhaling bubbles of air rather than holding your breath” 
well that sounded hard :/ 
“let me give you a demonstration,” jungkook says
he’s quick to float facing downward, showing you the maneuver he wanted you to learn while coming up for air every five seconds
thought it was a little childish, he somehow still looked good doing it 
he truly was blessed with the looks of a god 
he comes out the water
“okay now your turn” 
you nod your head, that determined look you had on your face last week now returning 
following his example, you begin your attempt at paddling and stroking your arms at the same time
immediately you begin to panic and water begins to splash everywhere, including on jungkook 
noticing your panicked state, jungkook is quick to grab you and place you back on your feet 
“hey hey, i got you,” he comforts you, not wanting you to feel discouraged 
you sigh 
well that was embarrassing 
“remember y/n you have to learn to coordinate everything, so think of it this way. your legs have to always be paddling, it’s the arm and coming up for air that switch roles. when you come up for air, it’s only your legs paddling, while when you’re head is back underwater it’s both your legs and arms paddling. once you get that pattern, the bubbling will come naturally” 
you make an ohhhhh face
you could do that ! 
“remember what i told you last weekend y/n, you need to relax and be comfortable so you can build confidence. there’s no need to panic because i’m here,” he smiles at you 
gosh this just wasn't fair >:( 
cute and charming ???? 
this boy really had it all 
not wanting to disappoint, you try one more time, failing once again 
now you were frustrated :/ 
“damn it,” you mumble to yourself, a sadness to your voice
jungkook feels his heart swell 
he didn’t like seeing you sad :( 
but doggy paddling was the most basic technique he could teach you so he couldn’t really cheer you up by offering a different technique 
you needed to learn to doggy paddle before you could move on to the more bigger strokes
damn it ://  
“hey don’t feel bad about not getting right away,” he gives you a small smile, “i remember when i first started learning it took me forever to even learn how float, so the fact that you’re already at this point is enough of an accomplishment” 
well that makes you feel little better ... 
“but you were probably a kid, im ...” 
old , is what you want to say 
figuring what you were gonna say, he only laughs 
“who said i was a kid? i was probably like 19″ 
assuming he was your age (which he was), you do the quick maths in your head 
that was like .... 4 years ago ! 
how the hell did he get so good in such little time???? enough to be teaching courses ??? 
“not knowing how to swim is nothing to be embarrassed about y/n, if anything it takes a lot of courage to even sign up for a class so don’t beat yourself up too much for not getting it right away” 
he ruffles your wet hair, a small affectionate gesture 
you didn’t know how it was possible but you were falling for this man and QUICKLY at that 
he was just so ??$%@^! 
“so let’s try one more time, and if you still can’t get it then we’ll push it to next week, a free extra lesson on me” 
though the temptation to purposely fails was very intriguing indeed, you still had to try for the sake of it 
if you got it, you got it, and if you didn't well .... 
an extra week with jungkook it was :D 
“you ready?” 
you nod your head 
you float and begin to paddle, this time actually getting the hang of it !!!
you hear jungkook’s muffled voice from above the surface, “there you go!!” 
holy shit ! 
you officially knew how to swim !!! 
at least enough to save your own life if push came to shove 
once you were out of breath, you stand back up, a grin on both of your faces 
for jungkook it was hard not to tackle you in excitement so instead he settled for a very enthusiastic high five 
“you did it!” he cheers 
“ahhh!” you giggle like a child 
“from here on out, the rest is a piece of cake!” 
yay yay yay !!! 
“now let’s start working on deeper strokes, maybe we’ll even have time to throw in backstrokes!”
noticing your changed expression, he awkwardly laughs while scratching his neck 
“or maybe not” 
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this week was the final week of swimming lesson with jungkook
last week’s lesson of treading water and perfecting your swim seemed to had gone by in literally the blink of an eye ! 
and so today was possible the last time you’d see jungkook unless you managed to grow the balls and ask him out once that clock hit 4, once you were no longer his “student"
by now you were 100% sure you liked the dude... like a lot 
and he was definitely someone you wanted to get to know outside of this pool 
you just weren’t sure if he liked you the same way 
you mean yeah there were definitely times that had you raising an eyebrow here and there, but you always excused it as him simply being a kind hearted person by nature 
because clearly his five star rating on the company’s website had to come from somewhere 
not that you checked or anything....
who were you kidding 
yes you did
your favorite review was the one that went..
“wow!! this dude is amazing !! came here for beginner lessons and even i found myself fawning for the dude , and i don’t even play for that side of the team !! not only were his lessons thorough, but he’s a very charming person ! 10/10 recommend!” 
and so you were stuck 
did he liked you or was he just treating you like he treated everyone?? 
“ahh y/n,” jungkook’s voice suddenly brings you back to reality 
“today’s our final lesson!” he announces, not sounding too sad
in fact he sounded excited  
damn :/ 
he playfully jumps into the pool, today being his so called “fun day” 
“so since today’s your last lesson i thought i could teach you how to do a.....” 
he pauses for dramatic purposes 
immediately your eyes light up 
you always wanted to learn how to do a somersault in water, remembering the number of times you’d look at your friend in jealousy whenever she did one 
“you ready??” 
eagerly you nod your head yes
“okay so the steps to doing a summersault is first of course, you need to take a deep breath” 
“from there you tuck your chin to your chest, next you do the moment of the somersault by swinging your chest forward and gently kicking out your legs, so basically forming a ball and then kicking out.  naturally, if you have enough momentum, you’ll spin, but if you don’t just use your arms to complete it” 
“think you can give me a demonstration?” you innocently ask 
he winks at you, “of course i can” 
taking in a deep breath, he follows his own instructions, and you watch he perfectly executes his somersault 
“woahhh, that was so cool!” you say, even now finding the trick to be amazing 
“now i dont expect you to get it right away, so right now that you try i’m going tog hide you thought the movement so you get the gist of it” 
sounds fair enough 
you weren’t trying to drown on your last day either 
“okay, you ready?” 
“let’s get it!” 
taking a deep breath in, you feel jungkook’s hand get placed on your back, ready to push you so you could do the somersault 
and slowly you feel yourself spin with the help of jungkook, a smile already forming on your face 
“ahhh!” you smile big and wide, causing Jungkook to smile along with you 
“you think you’re ready to try it on your own???” 
“yes sir” 
“okay 1....2....” 
mustering up as much as force you possible could, you push yourself into ball and successfully do the somersault 
feeling an immediate rush of adrenaline, you begin to splash water all over once you come back up for air, declaring an all out water fight with jungkook 
soon the two of you are chasing one another, you now using your new swimming abilities to get away 
you’re a swimmer 
the sound of jungkook’s infectious laughter fill the air and soon you feel him grab your waist at an attempt to stop you 
“gotcha” he says, and he turns you around to face him 
slowly each other’s heavy breathing becomes relaxed, and it’s as if you’ve felt a shift occur in what you considered your new “friendship” 
“so....” he awkwardly says, hands still wrapped around your waist 
his was was RED
like cherry tomatoes red 
this only makes you giggle 
if you had doubts before, you DEFINITELY didn’t have em anymore 
he liked you :)))) 
and you liked him :)))) 
and in ten minutes you were officially no longer his student so......
“there’s this new restaurant that opened near my place....” you say 
immediately his eyes light up 
“cancun eats?” 
you nod your head and he gives you a toothy grin 
“i was wondering if you’d want to go out some time...” you muster up the courage to ask him out 
%^@%!@&!@^&@%! = jungkook’s brain 
holy crap !!! 
you liked him!!! 
he wasn’t just delusional !!! 
“hello?? jungkook??” you laugh, waving a hand in front of his face for jungkook.exe had truly stopped working this time 
nodding his head yes like a child,  the two of you being to lean closer to another, the clear goal in mind being each other’s lips
because honestly you’d come this far now, might as well give him a .... 
“wait!” he suddenly interrupts  he glances at the digital clock on the wall, remembering your final lesson officially ends at 4
because no way in hell was he going to get fired for kissing a student on the clock 
“okay now,” he smiles, and you only roll your eyes, happy to have taken up on those swimming lessons. 
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a/n : i was gonna make this longer but this was always meant to be a small little head canon so :))) pls give this a like, comment, or a reblog if you enjoyed it !! (if u can of course) and my ask box is always open for whatever !! :)) see yall next time 💞
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fruityutas · 4 years
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requested ~ no
not proofread
wc: 2.3k
genre ~ fluff, highschool au
synopsis ~ badboy!jisung is smitten with you after catching a glance of you on the first day of school, so the dreamies help him to make you his by the end of the year
warnings ~ fighting, cursing, underage smoking (don’t smoke children!! Or adults just don’t smoke in general)
note ~ this is a continuation of something another blog wrote! i got full clearance from them to write this and i’m finally getting around to it! @itsarealshitshow thank u again for letting me do this!! here’s the original post :)
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“so what’s the plan for today, sung?” haechan says a little too loud for jisung’s comfort. the younger looks about, bug-eyed, for people who could have heard. “dude, that sounded like we plan on killing someone.” haechan just shrugs and pops the gum in his mouth. jisung shoves the boy lightly, causing him to choke. sniggers erupt from the group of boys that sit in the farthest corner of the lunchroom. the dreamies are what they call themselves, though everyone finds it a bit funny. “what was that for, you brat?!” haechan’s friends erupt in laughter, causing the nearby table to look over. the table that just so happened to be where your friend group sat. jisung makes eye contact with you and smiles. you send a timid one back before your friends roll their eye at the group’s antics and begin to leave. yeri takes your arm and pulls you away from the table before you can say anything about it.
science drags on so you ask to use the restroom to see if you can find jisung in the halls. not the most educated choice but you have to at least speak to the boy. the hall pass in your hand is your ticket to getting out of trouble with any teacher, and the excuse of you being new. passing the rows of lockers proves no sight of the boy you seek until you get to the last ones near the back entrance of the school. There was jisung and his friends at the end, talking about some game while huddled around what you presumed to be a switch. you stop abruptly, which causes your sneakers to squeak. all six of the boys look up at you with eagle eyes. you’re a deer caught in headlights and not a word is uttered for a good minute. “you better not rat us out, goody two shoes.” haechans’ the first to speak. you shake your head and walk up to them. “i’m skipping class too so it really wouldn’t bring me any luck to do that.” they all look at you confused. “yeah yeah why would i skip class i get it. i’m looking for jisung, actually.” the boy in question turns red as a tomato and starts to stutter. the others snicker at his flustered state. you turn to jisung and smile sweetly. “i know my friends are always rude to you guys but i wanna get to know you. sorry for their behavior, also. they don’t know when to keep to themselves.” your face is now red as well, mostly because up close, jisung is absolutely breathtaking. “that’s for sure.” haechan’s mumble makes its way to your ears but is quickly muffled by jaemin smacking his arm.
in the next few weeks, you got a lot closer to jisung and his friends much to your friends’ dismay. “they’re all trouble, y/n. why do you hang around them?” you roll your eyes at her. “they’re just high school boys, they literally laughed at a fart noise the other day. they aren’t any harm to anyone.” she scoffs at you. “i thought you’d be at least a little smarter than this, but apparently not. i can’t be friends with someone who hangs out with unscholarly people.” you’re taken aback at her statement. “whatever yeri, if you don’t wanna be friends anymore then i don’t care, have fun being a bore.” you hurried away before she could say anything back to you. you were glad she didn’t want to speak with you anymore, all she ever talked about was school. you needed to find jisung.
in the next few weeks, you got a lot closer to jisung and his friends much to your friends’ dismay. “they’re all trouble, y/n. why do you hang around them?” you roll your eyes at her. “they’re just high school boys, they literally laughed at a fart noise the other day. they aren’t any harm to anyone.” she scoffs at you. “i thought you’d be at least a little smarter than this, but apparently not. i can’t be friends with someone who hangs out with unscholarly people.” you’re taken aback at her statement. “whatever yeri, if you don’t wanna be friends anymore then i don’t care, have fun being a bore.” you hurried away before she could say anything back to you. you were glad she didn’t want to speak with you anymore, all she ever talked about was school. you needed to find jisung.
you knew to find him in the back of the gym around this time of day. it was oddly quiet in there today, probably due to them not wanting to get caught for the third time this week. “jisung.” a small reply was heard along with the laughter of his friends. you walk over to where they were sitting and sit next to jisung. you lean against his shoulder and he reads you instantly. “what’s wrong?” you sigh and shuffle to get more comfortable. “yeri and i are no longer friends. all she does is be rude about the fact that i’m hanging out with you guys and i got tired of it. so she said she didn’t want to be friends with me and then she called me dumb! the audacity of her.” all six boys bust into giggles. the look on your face is unamused, and the boys only laugh more at it. “listen, y/n, she was probably right about us. we are trouble. i bet you didn’t know jisung beat up some kid yesterday because he was talking about you.” you snap your head to jisung, who is sheepishly looking down. “he was saying gross things! i can’t let someone speak of you like that, y/n.” you sigh and force him to look up at you. “jisung, you don’t have to protect me.” he pouts cutely, “but i do! i have to.” you blush at the thought of him protecting you. “but why?” now it’s jisung’s turn to blush. “i like you…” it comes out as a mumble and you almost don’t catch it. the boys whoop and holler while the two of you sit in each other’s flustered presence. you scoot closer to jisung and whisper in his ear, “i like you too, you know.”
the next days are filled with teasing from the group and sweet gestures from jisung. holding hands in the hallway, kissing at your locker (which more often than not turns into making out in the janitor’s closet), and him buying your lunch.
“y/n!” an unfamiliar voice rings in the hall and all of you turn to see a guy running up to you. you recognize him from your science class, but you’ve never really spoken with him, so you’re just as confused as they are. “this is for you.” he turns to look at the rest of the group with a look of disapproval before turning back to you. “uh, thanks i guess. what’s your name again?” his face flashes disappointment before returning to a happy one. “ilhoon, from science class?” you nod in agreement before he winks at you and walks down the hall. “what the fuck was that?” jisung’s deep voice grumbles in his chest, the vibrations reaching you due to his figure hugging yours. “i honestly don’t know, sungie. lemme read this note.” you open up the letter and begin to read out loud. “this is for your eyes only, cutie. i know we haven’t spoken much, but i want to get to know you so how about we go on a date?” jisung scoffs at that. “the way this kid thinks he’s getting a date with you. i’ll take care of it baby.” you point him a look. “park jisung, i can handle my own thank you. i’ll just tell him that i’m dating you and he’ll back off.” jisung stays silent but rolls his eyes in response.
jisung keeps seeing that kid in the hallway, and everytime they make eye contact, he receives a scowl from him. the gall this kid has, to think that you’d go on a date with him. finally managing to corner him, jisung asks what he thinks he’s doing. “i’m trying to ask y/n out, park. now get out of my way.” scoffing, jisung yanks the boy’s arm. “now listen here, she’s taken. by me. so don’t even think about it ilhoon.” “i’m not scared of you, ya’know! you think you’re tough but you’re not.”
“i think you should shut up if you know what’s good for you.” haechan’s quick response makes his presence known, along with the rest of the dreamies. ilhoon rolls his eyes. “this is between me and jisung, brat.” haechan tsks at the boy, “well, you asked for it kid.” ilhoon looks confused before a harsh punch is delivered to his cheek. his head whips around from the force and he doesn’t have time to recover before jisung is swinging his other arm at him. a sickening ‘crack!’ is heard by the group as the boy wails in pain. “definitely a broken nose. good job sung.” jaemin pats him on the back as they walk away. jisung looks over his shoulder and yells out, “don’t talk to y/n again, got it?” he doesn’t bother to acknowledge a response from ilhoon.
lunch is busy as always, though the table that your little group sits at is in the back corner of the lunchroom. it provides a nice space away from everyone else where you can all enjoy each other’s presence. “jisung why the fuck did you break this kid’s nose?” your harsh voice cuts the air as soon as you are close to the table. his face goes pale while the rest of the boys burst into laughter. “i, he was trying to get with you! i’m your boyfriend and he was talking shit about you being with me!” you sigh in guilt and scoot yourself close to him. ���sungie, you’re my boyfriend ok? i don’t want to date anyone else. i just don’t want you getting in trouble.” he blushes at your words of affirmation and nuzzles his head into your neck. the rest of lunch goes by smoothly, and before you leave the boys go out to smoke (even though you always nag at them to stop). “how many times have i asked you guys to stop killing your lungs?” laughs all come from their mouths as they walk past you. jisung gives you a slightly guilty look before joining his friends in their endeavors. you sigh and stand with them until they finish, which doesn’t take longer than 10 minutes. jisung walks you to your class before heading to his, a sweet gesture he always did.
word got around that he broke a kid’s nose, and he does get into trouble for it. three days suspension and four days of detention after that. you know he will be skipping detention just as much as the principal so you fail to understand why he was even given detention.
the first day he’s out was boring to you, but you went to his house right after school with the other boys and got to hang out. the second and third days were boring as hell, but the day jisung returned was very… interesting. Jisung hadn’t entered the classroom yet this morning, so you sat alone next to his desk in the back. ilhoon enters the classroom and searched for someone, and when they aren’t there he heads straight for you. “hey y/n.” you give him a blank-faced look. “uh yeah?” he smirks a little, though it’s hard for him presumably because of the broken nose. “now that park is ya’know, facing the consequences for being an asshole, do you wanna go on a date?” you almost cackle in his face, but you keep it to yourself. what in the world is he thinking? “listen ilhoon, since apparently, you didn’t get the memo that jisung punched onto your face, i’m gonna have to spell it out for you. i do not want to go on a date with you, and i never will. you really could’ve avoided getting your nose fucked up if you had just realized that not every girl in this school wants to fuck you.” he scoffs at you and grabs your arm, squeezing rather hard. “listen here, brat. you’re not so bad as you think you are just because you’re dating jisung. so i’m gonna ask you again. are you gonna cooperate with me or do i have to train you to be a good girl?” he’s suddenly jerked back, and hard. the collar of his shirt chokes him and jisung slams him to the ground. while he’s gasping for air, jisung leans down close enough to breathe on his face. “listen here, brat. my girlfriend is not a dog to train, and more importantly, she isn’t yours and won’t be. ever. so stop trying, and if you ever so much as breath in her direction wrong i will do so much more than break your stupid fucking nose, got it?” ilhoon nods so fast you think his brain is knocking around in his head before he gets up and sits in his seat. jisung scoffs at the action and sits down, taking your arm in his hold gently, checking for injury. “are you ok baby? he didn’t hurt you did he?” you shake your head before kissing his nose for reassurance. “no, i’m fine, thank you.” he pecks your lips before turning to face the board, just in time for the teacher to walk in.
maybe jisung was a bad influence, but that didn’t stop you from loving him. and in the end, jisung did get you to be his way before the end of the year.
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idek20000 · 4 years
Just some of my Naruto Shippuden ship and friendship Headcannons cuz I feel like sharing and I can
SasuNaru (relationship)
* Definitely the couple that has the soft boy and the wannabe e boy who's only soft for his boyfriend
* Naruto is perfetional clothing thief
* Bestfriends/Enemies/Boyfriends, I don't make the rules
* Sasuke is overprotective, jealous, AND territorial, so if they ever argue, then that's more than likely the reason behind it
* Sai is totally who got them together, and here's how...
* Sasuke hated Sai's guts because him and Naruto were close so Sasuke saw that as "Wtf, he's taking Naruto from me". Naruto obviously liked Sasuke and even Sai saw it but Sasuke was too blinded by his jealousy and insecurities to see. So of course Sai just comes out one day in front of everyone and is like, "Sasuke. Naruto. Please just get together. The sexual tension is suffocating."
* After a long, long talk they finally announced that they were dating
* Shikamaru didn't really like Sasuke before but now he doesn't like him at all. He's the overprotective dad bestfriend and has probably tried to kill Sasuke on multiple occasions
* Sakura wasn't the happiest camper when she found out they were dating
* She's fine now tho
* Sasuke would call Naruto "Honey", in the same voice as Craig from South Park, fight me
* I feel like NäŘűťØ ůĆHīhÂ
Sorry, I just had to include that-
SasuNaru As Parents
* They would definitely have one or two sons, maybe a daughter too
* When their first son was under a year old he didn't really like or trust Sasuke all that much and was more about Naruto
* He warmed up eventually and now he thinks his dad is the coolest
* Naruto would be the understanding parent while Sasuke would be the parent who was secretly worried about them all the time
* Their son would throw rocks at the window of the Hokage office and Naruto would look down and see a message on the ground, written out in rocks (normally saying things like 'I love you' or 'Good luck!' And it always Makes Naruto's day
* They do their best to keep their son happy and healthy
KanKiba (relationship)
* The couple to stay up all night and watch funny pet compilations
*Kankuro is Akamaru approved, and Kiba finds that EXTREMELY ATTRACTIVE-
* Sometimes Kankuro will lay down with Kiba sitting on his stomach and he'll try to do his makeup
* Kiba has most likely had to save some children from Kankuro's wrath
* Kankuro will literally be as mean as a snake one moment and then as soon as he sees Kiba it's like: (/^▽^)/
* When I tell you Temari loves Kiba I mean it-
* They've become bestfriends and Temari calls Kiba more pet names than Kankuro does
* For example: Sweetheart, Sweetie, Sweet Thing, and basically anything that includes the word "Sweet"
*Gaara likes him too. Kiba said that he thought his plants were nice AND liked his eyeliner
* After meeting Kiba for the first time Temari went up to Kankuro and said "If you don't marry him, me or Gaara will." while Gaara stood beside her, nodding his head in agreement
* Kankuro and Shikamaru have this really screwed up relationship lmao
* Shikamaru would be overprotective over Kiba and of course Kankuro would be protective of his big sister
* "Ha. I'm dating your sister."
"I'm dating your bestfriend. So suck it, bitch."
"Wait what-"
* Everytime they see each other, whether it be Kankuro approaching Konoha's gates or Kiba approaching Suna's, Kiba always tackles Kankuro in a big hug, making them end up laughing uncontrollably on the ground in each other's arms
* Their relationship is poggers
* Kiba would mock the SHIT out of Kankuro
* "💅ŁéŤ§✨hĄvƏ💫ą🧚‍♀️pŮpPèť🤡šHØw👁§ėçřëț💯błÂČķ👾mĀÏđƏñ💥ŤhË🥵ŠhÖWş💋õVÊŘ😍"
KanKiba As Parents
* Would have an older son who is super stoic and serious and then a younger son who is more fun and outgoing
* The older would be into something like archery while the younger likes both dogs and puppets so he tries to mix the two as well as he can
* They would like to get into Kankuro's face paint and try to be like him
* I feel like their sons would both be able to use chakra strings and would lowkey swing around like Spider-Man/AOT
* Very loving and caring parents
* Kankuro is that, "I'm going to give you this, but don't tell your mother" type father
* They're both pretty chill parents, but they're definitely not to be seen as pushovers
* Overall good, fun parents
Shika, Naru, and Kiba (friendship)
* Papa 'Maru and his two dumb babies
* Shikamaru probably makes them hold his hands when they cross the street tbh
* Shikamaru is probably the one who has to listen to them rant about their boyfriends, meanwhile he's doing nothing but adding to list of "Why I should kill Sasuke Uchiha and Kankuro Sabaku"
* When I'm sad I imagine that Kiba doesn't have a dad so he asked Shikamaru to walk him down the aisle on his wedding day and Maru cried-
* Or that Kankuro would ask Shikamaru's permission to propose after asking Kiba's mother and sister-
* I'm a sap for Papa Maru, ok-?
* Everytime Naruto and Kiba do something stupid, which is usually all the time, Shikamaru and Akamaru would just give each other the look
* You are my dad...You're my dad! Boogie woogie woogie!
* "Maru."
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alreadyblondenow · 4 years
When December comes | Hendery
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✦ Hendery x reader x Lucas ✦ Fluff, Smut, Angst, Royalty AU, Nutcracker AU ✦ 3/5 for HOLIDAY SERIES: Once Upon A December
Summary: As an adopted legitimate princess and future queen of two kingdoms, you grew up proving yourself that you deserve the role that has given to you. Nothing is simple about being an adopted princess but being arranged to marry Prince Hendery turned your life upside down.He left you, eventually. And by the time he came back to your life, you have a loving boyfriend, and Prince Hendery…. is arranged to be married to your sister now.  
Word count: 8,690k
Warnings: adopted reader (if thats triggering at any point, please click away) A lot of smut, unprotected sex, mentions of sex, swearing, mentions of other idols, fingering, mentions of rough sex, heavy cheating, major character death
A/N: PURE FICTION. This is a love triangle fic but not much focused to Lucas, more on Hendery. Inspired by a bunch of royalty movies, especially princess diaries, Nutcracker (ballet), inspired by the song Satisfied from Hamilton. Love writing for Hendery so much. Check my recent post for Hendery’s thirst photos whahaha, as per Lucas character here idk I always see him as sweet and lovable and he always knows what to do. The guy has serious good leadership skills if you haven’t’ notice and i think its sexy. I’m glad this didnt reach to 10k bc u know me i hate my works being long af haha enjoy reading mwa!
For @jeongyoonohs​ sorry it took me so long to finish this :( But this is for you! 
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Once upon a time, in a kingdom not so far away, ruled by a king and queen who can’t have a baby no matter how many times they’ve tried. The sad news spread all over the kingdom and caused chaos everywhere mainly because they were scared for the fall of their beloved kingdom.
But the king is wise. He made an alliance with the kingdom of his truest friend and together they helped each other’s kingdom by making an agreement. “I can’t have a child, but my queen and I have decided to adopt a baby girl,” the king says to his fellow king.
“And my wife is carrying a baby boy”
“It’s settled then. My adopted daughter will be arranged with your son, and someday be married to each other” They shook hands and made the agreement official by sealing it with their signatures and royal seals in front of their queens.
The kingdom that lost their trust with their king is now calmed relieved after hearing the great news of the two kingdoms having an alliance. And to fully earned their trust again, they searched far and wide for a baby girl that will soon be the future of their kingdom.
“And that baby girl is you my darling” your grandfather finishes his bedtime story to you. Caging you in his strong arms, cradling you like you’re truly related by blood. “Grow up as a fine woman and save this kingdom” he added. You embraced your grandfather back and smiled so sweetly at him, tracing his handsome features… then you remembered.
“Tell me the story about the Nutcracker prince,” you singsong to him. He doesn’t tell you the original story, but instead, he always tells you his version and it’s always better. His embrace became tighter, then he looked at his expensive watch to check how many minutes does he have left.
“Okay. I only have a few minutes left, princess” He started by introducing the Nutcracker prince to you which is actually magical because even though you’ve heard of this so many times it never gets old and you’re always excited to hear it again.
He described the prince as a soldier like him, but a younger version he says with a giggle. And that Nutcracker slash prince slash soldier is made specifically for you so that one day, the two of you can rule two kingdoms all at once. “Why do I need a prince?” you pout, and your grandfather is startled by your question.
“Well, jeez, I don’t know. I’m sure you can still be a fine queen without a prince, right?” he says while tucking you in and preparing you for bed. “But let’s just say that princesses like you need a proper man like the Nutcracker because… grandfather will not always be by your side” of course he can’t mention death to you, no, you’re too young to know about these things. So he kissed you goodnight on your forehead and promise to see you early in the morning again.
Growing up as an adopted princess was never easy because the eyes of a judging kingdom have always been against you and your family. That’s why as you grow up, you swore to yourself that you will prove them wrong and that you are the future of this kingdom. At a very young age, you made your parents proud of your gift of leadership and continue to make them proud by doing great in school.
Until one day, the queen finally got pregnant.
The kingdom became so busy about the queen’s pregnancy and literally, every person is excited about your baby sister. You were only nine years old and you were innocent as you can be so you don’t know that the attention is slowly shifting to your baby sister. You didn’t mind of course, again, you were just a kid. But as you grew older and older you can finally foresee a life behind the shadow of your baby sister. The real princess. It’s like she took everything from you… but whenever you remember that you’re adopted, it seems like she’s just taking what’s originally hers in the first place.  
Today is your thirteenth birthday and you celebrated it with your grandfather in an amusement park. He is the only person left in your life who can see you as a rare gem and you’re thankful for him. As you walked around the busy park, with a few bodyguards on your sides, you and your grandfather laugh and laugh while you’re eating hotdogs on a stick.
“Your father told me that you refused to have a ball for your thirteenth birthday? Why?” he asked while enjoying his food.
“I’m not a real princess grandfather, I don’t deserve a ball. And besides, riding that scary rollercoaster is better than dancing with a bunch of princes whom I don’t know in the first place, and playing dress-up the whole night”
“Hmm. Don’t you say that you’re not a real princess, there was a Y/n before your baby sister. And the kingdom is still looking forward with you ruling us someday because you’re older than your sister and you’re still a legi-“
“timate daughter, I know, I understand grandfather thank you for reminding me” you wiped the ketchup on his lips and smiled at him, “What will I do without you? I hope that my Nutcracker prince is exactly like you. Wise and strong”
“Don’t worry about that darling, you’re still young, and I’m still here” he giggles and walks you towards that scary rollercoaster ride.
Things slowly change around the castle and you learned to distant yourself from your parents but not forgetting your duty as a first born and legitimate adopted daughter of the king and queen. And as you enter royal high school, you thought that your life will get uglier but no. Surprisingly, school made you feel alive and less of a princess and more like a future leader.
But most importantly, you finally met your Nutcracker. Prince Hendery.
Usually, prince and princesses meet for the first time during a royal ball, soiree, or a simple lunch at the palace’s garden grounds. But you and Prince Hendery, met in the school hallway for the first first time. It is as if your whole world slowed down, every student walked in slow motion while you and Hendery locked eyes on each other. And the best part is, he did not know that you’re the princess who’s meant to be forever with him.
At first, you don’t talk to each other and just simply exchange smiles and glances from time to time whenever you cross paths in the hallway, eating at the cafeteria, or ‘reading’ at the library. You thought it wasn’t fair that you know everything about him but he doesn’t even know what you look like.
“You know I’ve been flirting with this princess for months already, do you know her name?” Hendery whispers at his fellow prince, Xiaojun, and told him to take a look at where you’re seated. Xiaojun then scoffed at his friend and playfully slapped Hendery’s face knowing that he is completely clueless about who you are.
“I don’t know if you’re always going to be this dumb, you’re going to be a king someday. Anyway, that princess is Y/n. The Y/n” and that is all it takes to make Hendery realize that he has been flirting with his soulmate for weeks now.
From there on the prince has become bold with his gestures. Sitting with you during breaks, even flirting with you in front of your friends and his friends. Prince Hendery has the most beautiful smile you have ever seen, hair is black and soft and you bet it smells good either, he was tall but just right for your height. Not only he was perfectly handsome, but he is a gentleman too. In other words, everything about him screams prince charming.  
You and prince Hendery were the talk of royal school. Everyone knew about your arrangement and the alliance of your kingdoms. You even hear people talk on the hallways that you’re literally made for each other that’s why everyone envied you.
“Let’s grow up first, okay?” Hendery says, giving you a single rose during your school’s Valentine event. A simple gesture that says there's no need to rush on being in a relationship and make everything official between the two of you but also, it was a subtle move to show everyone that you already belong to each other so there should be no competition.
You fell in love with each other from a distance, not rushing through love, taking your time, and enjoying your youth because you have a lifetime together. Although, Hendery likes reminding everyone that you’re his in the most subtle way, may it be hugging you in public, kissing your cheek before you go home, and smiling your way whenever he sees you around the school.
From freshman year until your senior year, you and Hendery waited until you’re both legal of age to finally make it official. The news was all over the TV, tabloids, articles, and magazines that you’re in love with each other. It was a cute high school sweethearts story and every day was perfect.
Senior year just started and you and Hendery decided to study together but the planned study session became a make out session, giggling and cuddling in his bed while still wearing your uniforms. The prince was looking at you, admiring your pretty face touching your features softly then suddenly he noticed that he can almost see your breast. He looked away, of course. And covered his head with one of his pillows as he groans in frustration.
“What? Why?” you asked, completely clueless. He didn’t answer you, instead, he covers your exposed skin with a small pillow. “Oh shit, I’m sorry” you apologized immediately and became shy like him too.
“It’s okay. If I’m being honest I wanted to touch you but, I knew better than that. Can we promise to be each other’s first and last?”
“You mean sex?”
“Exactly, sex”
“Only if we seal it with a kiss,” you bite back in a flirty tone, looking at his pink lips that are slowly coming closer to you. When your lips touched, you returned the kiss and swing your arms around his neck, situating him accidentally in between your legs. Skirt lifted and all. Your bodies are becoming warm in an instant and you both know you need to stop before you make wrong decisions.
“How's that for a promise? Let’s get married when we grow older and have sex every day” he bit the shell of your ear, making you giggle and laugh with him. Being this horny with each other is normal, you thought. You are both young and full of passion, and it amazes you how Hendery wanted to wait until you get married and be kings and queens.
Senior year is perfect. Every day.
Until one day, Hendery’s father died and he stopped coming to school. You hear different kinds of gossip every day. 'Is he a king now? That's why he's not coming to school?', 'School is boring for king Hendery now', 'Are they gonna be married soon?', 'Are they even ready to rule yet?'. Again, you were the talk of the nation. The headline ‘Prince Hendery left Princess Y/n’ was everywhere and you can't do anything about it. You weren’t hurt that he left everything, you were more worried because maybe he’s all alone and grieving. You wanted to ask his family but you respect their privacy.
“So he just left?” you told your grandfather everything. He just came back from his cruise around the world and you’re happy to see his visible tan lines, for sure he had a great time.
“Yep, just like that grandfather,” you walk shoulder to shoulder around the palace’s garden, looking at the flowers and harvesting some fruits.
“Well, I’m sure he had his reasons. Just stretch your patience my darling, you know what they say, love is patience” he pats your hand before picking a lemon. “Enough about the prince, I heard you are making quite an impression now. The king is beyond impressed” he was talking about your win, elected student body president. Apparently, it’s a big deal for your father, because, during his stay in royal school, he was elected as president too.
“I didn’t try too much, I think I won because of my popularity and not because of my leadership skills” you once again doubted yourself but of course, your grandfather is here to straighten you up.
“Show them you’re both. Popular and a great leader”
It was always a good talk with your grandfather, but whenever you remember that Hendery is not with you anymore it automatically makes you sad. You missed him. So much.  
But even though you missed Hendery and it’s like he took a part of your heart and brought it with him, life goes on. You faced Senior year and showed everyone your perfect smiles like nothing is bothering you. But at night, when you’re all alone, you just can’t help but look at your pictures with Hendery on your phone and miss him.
Life goes on.
With or without your prince.
You studied day and night, kept your eyes on the prize, and busy yourself until your heart is finally healed. You waited for him of course, you waited long and hard but you can’t wait forever.
As you continue to know yourself, get involved with a lot of organizations in college, your journey has become even more thrilling when you met Lucas. He’s not royalty nor does he came from a rich family, he’s “just a man who’s brave enough to ask a princess on a date” his exact words.
Lucas is a whole new adventure to you. He’s the epitome of new things and new experiences. But your favorite thing about Lucas is, he can make you forget that you’re a princess even just for a few hours. He made you happy every day because he never forgets to tell you that being happy is the most important thing in this world. He loves you with every part of his being. And he’s ready to face your world and be with you in every step until you become queen.
“N-no I don’t want to be king. I can be your butler and still love you for all I care” he covers your naked body while you both come down from your highs. Tonight is one of those nights that you can be with Lucas without having your bodyguard. He was praising you during sex, calling you ‘princess’ or ‘my queen’ whenever he thrust and pushes you on the edge, so you asked him a stupid question if he wants to be king. “I just want to be with you, people may see me as a gold digger once the news that you have a commoner boyfriend comes out, but we both know that’s not true right?”
“Of course, not” you embraced him and apologized for the question, hiding your face on his chest. You feel his big hands caress your back to comfort you and soon plant kisses on your temple. He’s always sweet and gentle like this. If only people would see the kind of person Lucas truly is.
“But what if he comes back? What will happen to us?” he was talking about Hendery. When Lucas knew that you’re arranged to be married to Hendery, he didn’t take it lightly. He was mad but not to you. You didn’t talk for weeks and you’re both heartbroken, but Lucas realized that it's better to love you fiercely now than waste his time worrying about the future.
“I will talk to my father, don’t worry about that. Wong Yukhei don’t you trust me?” you kissed his chest to put him back in the mood and change the subject. Of course, he can’t say no to you.  
After getting your degree in college, you started working for the king and queen, spearheading foundations, and knowing the kingdoms that you’re going to rule someday. Remember when you thought your parents will forget about your existence because they had your sister? Well, that didn’t happen. Your parents were proud of everything you’ve achieved and they wanted your sister to follow in your footsteps.
Slowly, you proved to them that you don’t need a king to rule this kingdom. Introducing Lucas to your parents did not go well at first but eventually, they saw that you and Lucas are happy with each other despite having different worlds.
Still, they want to keep your relationship hidden.
It’s Christmas Eve and you’re all dressed up right now, ready to shake a lot of hands and dance with a bunch of princes and dukes and god know what else but you can’t help but take care of a few things before you enjoy this night. You were signing some last minutes contracts and reading proposals when you heard a soft knock from your door, “S-sorry. Come in” you see your boyfriend dressed up in a tux, looking so handsome. He smiled at you before he enters and closed the door behind him, “well you look dashing” you put your pen down and crossed your arms.
“I’m here to pick you up your majesty, the guests are waiting downstairs and your grandfather-“
“Oh he’s here! Perfect!” you exclaimed and express your excitement upon hearing that your grandfather is here. You haven’t seen him for a very long time and you have lots of stories to tell him. “Oh shit- by the way. Lucas, uhm… Can you zip my dress, I forgot I unzip it because it was uncomfortable. Stupid ball gowns” you said, turning your back to Lucas and waiting for him to take care of your zipper. But before he zips you up, he kisses your exposed shoulders and massaged them.
“Don’t forget to have fun tonight okay? I’ll be watching you like a hawk the whole night- well actually, not you. The men that will dance with you tonight” Because Lucas has no rank or title, he can’t earn a dance with you because it’s against the conditions that your father gave.
“All done your majesty,” he says and stepped back to open the door for you.
Every Christmas Eve, throwing an extravagant ball has been your family’s tradition for centuries. It is known by royalties across the globe and this fancy Christmas party is actually part of your kingdom’s history. Different respective kings, beautiful queens, annoying princes and princesses, dukes and duchess are invited and all are here not only to have fun but also here to talk business with you.
The night goes on, dancing with a few guests before you meet and spend some time with your grandfather. You wanted to whine and complain to your assistant but she’s just doing her job so you shrugged it off. “How many more left?” you asked while waiting for the next Prince to ask to dance, “two more your majesty. Your grandfather is next after this” you smiled and thanked her, giving a bow to the next prince who’s about to dance with you. And the moment you lift your head to meet his eyes, you thought you were dreaming.
For a moment you forgot proper princess etiquette and gave Hendery a tight hug, shocking everyone at your behavior but they’re even more shocked about Hendery’s appearance. ‘The son of the dead king has finally shown himself’ you hear everyone murmur around you but you don’t care. You smiled so big seeing that handsome face again. He kissed your hand and asked you to dance which you accepted gladly, now that Hendery is back and you’re all dressed up wearing your tiara, you feel like a real princess finally meeting his prince in a storybook.
“Where have you been?” you whispered to him.
“I’m sorry I left you like that, I was devastated” he whispers back as you two dance in the middle of the ballroom with the other royalties, trying so hard to hide the excitement. While you were dancing with Hendery, you remember that handsome smile that made your knees weak, his sweet gestures to prove his feelings for you, and your promises to each other.
Is it really true that first love never dies or your love for Hendery was just too strong that it never died?
When Hendery was about to hand you over to your grandfather, your father and mother came out of nowhere with your younger sister on their side. Is it because they’re happy to see Hendery too? Or are they going to press you regarding the arranged marriage again? You cling to your grandfather as you get nervous but careful not to show it. “Ah! Hendery welcome back! How was your time in the army, good?” your father exclaims. So all this time he knew where Hendery is.
“I had a hard time your highness, but I made it back in one piece” Hendery answered and made a small joke that made you all giggle and let out a small laugh. Oh you missed him.
“Hendery, I want you to meet Y/n’s younger sister” you watch him kiss your sister’s hand, “and also your future bride to be”
You were completely taken aback by what you just heard and the words that came into your head were, ‘I thought you were mine’ but you didn’t speak your mind and listened further to what your father is saying. But as you listen more, you feel like your dress was becoming tighter and tighter in every second that you can’t breathe anymore. “She will be your queen in your kingdom, and Y/n will be an independent queen here” your father explained proudly.
“But she’s too young” you pointed at your sister but you see how your sister’s eyes are sparkling. Too late. You thought. You watch her be charmed by Hendery’s visuals, that damn smile captured your sister’s heart in an instant.
“Hendery can wait until his bride is in the right age to be married, right son?”
“Of course your highness, it’s my duty” he answered confidently.
After the unexpected talk, you excused yourself, went to your room, and breathed outside on your balcony. You can’t forget your sister’s face as she looks at the man you used to kiss and you used to love. She has no idea what controversy she will face in the future, she is so young and blinded by infatuation…Or maybe you’re being like this because you’re jealous.
“Believe me I’m just as shock as you are”
A familiar voice made your heart race and your body stiffen in no time. You turned around secretly hoped that you’re wrong, but you will never forget his voice and also how his mere presence makes your heart excited. “How did you get in here?”
You hear him scoff and stood behind you, “We used to make out a lot in your room-and mine too of course. I still remember the way to your room by heart” he looked up the stars to stop himself from looking at you. You looked so beautiful tonight that he can’t stop blushing and admiring you.
You were silent. Mainly because you don’t know what to say and you’re not sure what to feel either.
“It’s going to be fine” with all his courage he tried hugging you like how he used to when you were only teenagers. But you pushed him away and stepped away from him. Hendery felt a slight pang in his heart, he never thought that you could do that to him.
“Were not together now don’t you get it? You were gone for years Hendery, a lot has changed”
“You’re hurting me, this is not our fault we love each other what's wrong with that” he reasons out, trying to lower his voice because someone might hear him.
“Loved. Past tense. My sister likes you and you are arranged to be married to her Hendery” you close your eyes as you remember what happened again earlier.  
“If I have known that life will take you away from me, I shouldn’t have wasted my time and showered you with love and affection when we were young”
With a heavy heart, your first love left you in the cold night with a confused mind.
To make it up with your grandfather, you spend Christmas morning with him while drinking tea by the palace garden and telling him numerous stories about Lucas…and also your talk about Hendery last night.
“Don’t do something stupid that your future self with regret” he says, stirring his coffee and chewing his bread with jam. He was talking about cheating, he didn’t tell you exactly but you get it. “Did you tell your boyfriend already about what you felt upon hearing your sister’s engagement?” You shook your head and see your grandfather get disappointed but he understands that everything that’s happening now is not easy for you.
“He’s away, for now, left first thing in the morning to go to Hong Kong for his family” you felt hopeless again.
“Oh everything will be fine. I’m sure he will understand, that man is wise. I’m rooting for him” he says like Lucas is his son.
“What- really not Hendery?” you let out a laugh because your grandfather is cute.
“Nope. Now, don’t ask me why. Figure it out yourself” he winks and continues to eat his breakfast.
As days go by without Lucas, you and Hendery continue to meet each other accidentally whenever he visits your sister. You’re a busy woman, but your mind seems to have time to think whether they kissed already, hold hands, or admitted their feelings to each other if there's any.
You saw flowers on your way to your office and you thought that maybe it's for your sister, from Hendery and you can’t help but to get envious and jealous. He used to give you flowers back when you were in high school and now… he’s doing it to your sister too.
While you were reviewing proposals, you got a phone call from your personal phone and it's Lucas which you’re very excited to answer. “Hey” you singsong, putting the phone between your ear and neck while you continue to scan through papers.
“I’m sorry I haven’t been in touch, everything okay back there?”
No. You wanted to tell him that you’ve been having these weird feelings towards Hendery. “No, baby. Everything’s fine, I’m working now… As usual- how's everyone there?”
“They miss you. They wanted you to visit next year” he says, breathing deeply before he continues. “Listen, I want to stay here for a little longer. I miss them too you know-“
“And it’s fine! Baby, I understand. You’ve done so much for me already, go and be with your family” you felt guilty for caging Lucas in your country. Even though he’s the one who wanted to stay here, still. You can feel that he’s homesick sometimes.
After working in your office, you went straight to your room and purposely skipped dinner because you knew that Hendery is still here. When you opened your door, the same flowers that you thought Hendery gave to your sister is sitting on your coffee table with a small envelope that has your name on it.
Dear Y/n,
Back when we were in high school, I gave you a single rose for Valentine's day and I told you, “Let’s grow up first”
Now that we're all grown up, and still obviously madly in love with each other, I will not hold myself back from loving you. Not anymore.
I’m sorry for leaving, please give me a chance and meet me at the back of the palace at midnight. I’ll be waiting.
Bold of him to think that you’re still madly in love with him. How can he say that?
You look at the letter as you grow weak and let yourself flop on your couch, face first and still undecided if you’re going. Frustrated and guilty, that’s what you’re feeling ring now. Frustrated because you don’t know what to follow, your heart or your mind. Guilty because your heart says you should go.
At the end of the day, you find yourself walking in the dark on your way to the back of the castle to meet Hendery. Hugging yourself as you cling more in your thin cardigan, trying to keep yourself warm as you feel your heartbeat faster by every second you come closer to the meeting spot. You see Hendery at the back of a thick tree, face illuminated because of his phone screen. “Oh you’re here. Sorry I was about to ring your phone” he admitted.
“Why am I here? What do you want?” You asked in the softest way possible. He saw that you’re shivering and invited you to go around the tree. There you see a blanket and small pillows and the lake was perfectly lit by the moon. What a beautiful view. And while you were admiring the view, you feel him place his jacket around you and motions you to sit on the ground with him.
“Please for once let’s pretend I didn’t leave you. I didn’t want my father to die, I didn’t expect our kingdom to suffer. And you’re the only good thing that’s left to me. So please”
You looked at him for a second that soon turned into minutes. You bit your lower lip and you remember that you weren’t mad at him for leaving, so why are you mad at him now?
Slowly, you accepted the warmth that he offered and sat close to him, sharing the blanket and keeping you close. “You’re here to hear me apologize sincerely” he gulps before he starts talking and explaining why he left, looking into your eyes so you know he’s telling you the truth. He told you that his father’s last will is for him to join the army and to be a soldier because in his father’s eyes he’s not yet ready to be a young king so he didn’t have a choice but to leave.
You were heartbroken while hearing his part. “I was never mad at you for leaving. I was worried about you”
He smiled sweetly at you. The kind of smile that makes your body warm and heart flutter, he pulled you close and you let him. “I know. Mother told me you were looking for me, but she can’t tell you anything. I told her I’m the one who should tell you someday. I’m sorry” he embraced you tightly, his cheeks resting on your shoulders. And right then and there everything is clear to you. You still have feelings for him.
“What are we gonna do now? My sister, Lucas” you asked him as you rake away strands of hair from his face.
“I’m not in love with your sister” he admitted without hesitation.
“But I love Lucas” there’s that guilty feeling again. You feel your heart breaking for Lucas, he doesn’t deserve being cheated on like this.
“I thought you were mine” he whispers. And even if it's a whisper the hurt was obvious from the sound of his voice. He didn’t see it coming. He didn’t think that this will be more complicated than he imagined.
“Funny. I thought the same thing when my father told us you're enggaged to my sister” you admitted and scoffed.
“Give me a chance to win you back. And if you're not coming back to me, just let me be with you for a little longer. I beg you”
There was a moment of silence and Hendery understands that you needed that silence to think, “Okay” you said. And saying ‘okay’ never felt so wrong. You cupped his face and tried to turn this moment around, “what's it like to be away from home?”
“Sad. I think of you every day and of course my family but they get to see me but you... not even a picture just our memories in my head”
Now that Hendery is a prince slash soldier, you remember the Nutcracker story your grandfather used to tell you for bedtime. That’s when you realized that you and Hendery are truly made for each other.
But you have Lucas...
As your night with Hendery continues and makes up for lost time, the emotional reunion turned to giggles and laughs when your time together has ended. He invited you over to his own house for a date since he can’t take you out like he used to, and reminded you that you gave him a chance to win you back, and thanked you.
On the next day, your mind was blanked. You can’t believe that you’re cheating on Lucas and have been refusing to answer his calls.
Days went on like this until you’re not awkward with Hendery anymore and you’re comfortable again around him. He showered you with love, you accept it wholeheartedly. Every day was sweet with Hendery even though you’re both aware of the future consequences but no one seems to care for now.
You go to his place and spend time with each other, whether talking the whole night and telling each other stories, him making you giggle and laugh with your legs on top of his thighs while you both sit on his couch enjoying a glass of wine or whenever you’re busy reading something or you brought a little work at his place and he can easily take your stress away by making you laugh.
Today, you came early and decided to cook for him and have dinner together. You don’t know but Hendery is leaning on the door frame of his kitchen with a flower in his hand, watching you chop some peppers in his kitchen. He felt like he finally won you back. Just seeing you hum while you prepare dinner makes his heart so happy. He then walked slowly and hugged you from behind, resting chin at the top of your shoulders, and showed you the flowers he has for you.
You smiled so big, dropping the knife on the chopping board and turning around to give him a kiss.
That’s your first kiss again.
He was shocked but you did it again. You realized he was trying so hard that he’s slowly being successful in winning you back and you’re actually scared of the future but he makes you happy.
“What? It’s not like we haven’t kissed before” you touched his lips and felt his embrace tightens every second. “Dinner in 30 minutes” you smiled and went back to finish chopping the peppers and finding a nice vase for the flowers he gave.
After dinner, a few glasses of wine, cheese, and grapes, you and Hendery are buzzed and talking about work as prince and princesses while enjoying the view from his couch. The lights are turned down low and you didn’t even notice at first but the mood has been making you horny even though your topic was stressful and your minds are clouded with alcohol. You don’t know what came into your head but you sat on his lap with lidded eyes, touching his body feeling his hard rocked abs through his white dress shirt.
He giggles and laughed at you. He’s so fucking handsome when he does that. “Seriously you have to stop you will embarrass yourself in the next morning,” he told you to stop but he fixed the way he sits and made sure you were comfortable on top of him. He teased you more, smiling so handsomely and making your heart flutter.
“I'm not that drunk just buzzed. Want me to prove it?” You challenged with a flirty tone that turns him on.
“Mhmm. Okay,” he tilts his head and waited for this proof you were saying.
“I still remember how we sealed our promises with a kiss. Like that day when we promised to be each other’s first and last” your fingers went up to his hair, ruffling his soft black hair and massaging his scalp.
You don’t know what happened but the mood changes and he’s avoiding your eyes. ”I’m sorry,” he says.
“No no don’t be, you’re here now make it up to me” you kissed his neck while he gets drunk even more because of your kisses. Your hands are placed on his neck like you’re telling him you still belong to each other, rolling your hips slowly to make him horny as much as you are.
“Did you have sex with anyone already?” his question made you stop what you’re doing to him and pulling away from the kiss to look at him, you thought he didn’t like what’s happening. But to your surprise his lips went to your neck, kissing you softly but full of lust. You feel his warm tongue just below your jaw and it felt great.
“Lucas, how about you?” You moaned out, shamefully.
Usually, his heart will hurt whenever you mention Lucas, but he’s the one kissing you now. So instead of getting hurt, he smirked. “A couple of girls. Life can be stressful I need an adult stress release. Any kinks?”
“Not that I know of? You?”
He stopped and looked at you to tell you the story. “Well remember when we were making out and I accidentally saw your breasts?” you nod at him, “I think I developed some kind of breast kink and I always imagine that I’m having sex with you instead of a stranger” he admitted and looked at you clothed breast right now. “That's how much I miss you” he placed a gentle kiss on your lips and went back to leaning comfortably on the couch. He got shy but he can’t stop looking at you.
To be honest your heart swells knowing that he desperately wants you like that. As quickly as you can, you untuck your blouse and removed it in front of the prince. “You can experience the real thing tonight “ you intertwine your hand with his and slowly placed it on your breast.
Breathing heavily. Both of you. You’re like teenagers who are just about to have sex for the first time.
He sat up to meet your lips and kiss you the way you deserved to be kissed, slowly you feel his hand travel to your back to unclasp your bra. You removed and fed his lust, revealing your breast to him for the first time. Hendery was so nervous that his hands are shaking when he removed strands of hair away from your face and held you on your shoulders, slowly he lowered your body on his and started kissing your collar bones and chest before he proceeds to your breast.
It was quiet and all he can hear is your moans and the sound of his wet kisses. You wanted to tell him that his lips feel great against your skin, and simply tell him to fuck you already. When his mouth finally reached your hard nipples and bit them softly, you parted your lips and your arms swings around him and push his head to your breast even more. You noticed he knows how to use his tongue, you figured he has been doing this to someone else for years and years while the whole truth is he always wanted to do it to you. The way he flicked his tongue brings you back to reality and when he sucks your nipples good your grip on his hair tightens and when that happens he bites your nipples again to make you shiver. This man is good.  
He placed his hands just below your boob area to hold you still while he does whatever he wants to your breast. Sucking, pinching, bitting, and kneading. Everything felt good and your moans are good proof. With his strength, he got up from the couch and carried you to his room while you kiss with lust. He lay you down on his king-sized bed and kissed your body down while unbuttoning your pants and pulling them down until you’re only wearing your panties. Hendery then unbuttoned his dress shirt in between your spread legs, kneeling in front of you, stripping until he’s only wearing his boxers briefs. He situates his body on top of you grinding on your clothed private parts, hands all over each other’s body. He then went back to kissing your nipples and sucking them but little did you know Hendery is just distracting you while his hands are slowly coming down inside your panties.
With a great shock, you closed your eyes and parted your lips as you feel Hendery’s cold fingers slide up and down on your wet slit while his mouth is still sucking your nipples. It was a whirlwind of feelings, everything felt good, and seeing Hendery enjoy turns you on too. By the time you had your first orgasm, shaking and body so sensitive with swollen nipples, Hendery was kissing you softly and asking you in the most innocent way if you’re okay. The sound of his giggles makes you calm, the way he whispers soft praises beside your ear while his hands roam freely around your body. Truth is he’s genuinely happy right at this moment because he doesn’t need to imagine anymore.
He went back to kissing your body down until he reaches your wet core and licks it up and down for a while before he lines his cock. In between your widely spread legs, you watch Hendery lick you good and feel him moan from time to time. “Hendery” you called him, kneeling in between your legs in an instant, flashing his beautiful body to you. His skin is flawless, strong arms, perfect abs, and of course, fucking beautiful smile. Everything about him makes you weak right now that you just opened your legs, reach for hard cock, and line it to your entrance yourself. “Woah” he giggled and stopped you, “Okay calm down, I’ll fuck you good I promise” he pumped his cock in front of you and lines it immediately just how you want it and slowly enters you. He wasn’t big like Lucas but he kept his promise, he fucked you good.
So good that you asked for more as you grip his Egyptian cotton sheets and let your body be dragged with every hard thrust he give you.
So good that you asked him to go slower because you don’t want it to end yet.
So good that you asked him to cum inside you and asked for another round.
On your third orgasm, your hole is dripping with mixes of your cum and Hendery’s while the handsome prince is kissing your neck as you come down from your high. “I love you” he whispers but he was too late, you were sleeping soundly already, arms wrapped around his neck. He smiled and kissed you one last time before he pulls out and cleans you up.
He didn’t sleep that night, he just watched you sleep beside him. Let you cling to him in the middle of the night, watch you roll in his bed and expose your body, but of course, he’s quick to cover you again. And when the time comes, he wakes you with kisses on your shoulders, embracing you tightly and kissing you more.
“Wake up” you hear him whisper and you try to open your eyes the moment he told you so. You see his window, it was still dark so you closed your eyes again. “Want to watch the sunrise with me? You’re going to love it” he went down from his bed and opened his curtains so you can have a full view of the sky while you enjoy your comfort in his bed. You sat up and waited for him to join you again and stay warm together. Slowly, you see how the sky became pitch black to deep blue to light blue until you can see the pretty view outside his house. It was calming. He was holding your hand the whole time.
After watching the sunrise with him he fell asleep while holding your hand and you think he’s cute for having a tight grip even though he’s sleeping. While he was sleeping, it’s now your turn to admire his handsome features and watch him sleep before you start your day and make breakfast.
You hate to admit it but it looks like he has completely won you over.
“You look good in my dress shirt” he greets you good morning and kissed you on your temple while you set the table. You feel his hands in your hips, slowly coming down to your butt, and realized that you’re only wearing his dress shirt and thin panties. He still can’t believe that this is all happening, “are you real?” He whispers.
“Yes. Now come on, I have a meeting with the parliament. Need to go home and get ready” you eat some fruits as you scan your schedule for the day and there you see it and completely missed it.
Lucas went home last night. And you left your personal phone in your car. Fuck you said to yourself but didn’t show it to Hendery.
Leaving this morning became harder than you expected and you spent a total of 20 minutes kissing and flirting with Hendery before you finally open the door.
You went on with your day and made an excuse to Lucas as to why you didn’t pick him up at the airport last night. You were at your office with stacks and stacks of paper works and you weren’t even acting stressed when he came in because you were indeed stressed with everything.
“Oh baby, I’m really sorry” you greet him with a kiss and left everything on your desk. Lucas saw how stressed you are so he understood immediately and didn’t even bother asking. “You’re coming home to me tonight right? I missed you” he added and pouted like the big baby that he is.
“Uh-huh. Of course yes, I’m all yours” you smiled and he hugged you so tight before he leaves you to work again.
“Of course. You’re always mine” he said and kissed you goodbye.
The nights are cold for Hendery when Lucas got back because he can’t get a hold of you. No text, no call, no email. No nothing. And once again, he was heartbroken and he felt like he’s losing you again.
When he visited your sister a week since the last time he saw you, Hendery saw you with Lucas and didn’t even think of taking another glance. He had all these emotions ball up in his chest and he needed to release them.
“Hey, I didn’t know you were visiting today” your sister was surprised and invited him into her room. When she turned your back at him, he saw your figure in your sister. He’s back to imagining girls to be you, he’s back to that sick habit of his. But he can't help it. Effortlessly, he flirted with your sister, and surprisingly your sister was horny. Very horny for Hendery. One thing led to another and the next thing he knows he’s fucking her hard from behind kissing her shoulders and imagining that it’s you.
“What’s that noise” you murmur to Lucas while you were having a nap with him. Lucas giggled and whispered back, “I think Prince Hendery paid her a visit and... you know...” he was giggling and keeping you close to him as he went back to his nap, completely clueless that you’re hurting.
Everything that you and Hendery built from the past few days falls down when you came to his house and had your first fight.
“You didn’t call! Or texted that he’s already back you just left me hanging!”
“And that’s a good reason to fuck my sister?”
“It just happened!”
“Bullshit!” You shouted back. Louder than before, completely overpowering his shouts. With all his bravery, he got you a glass of water, came closer to you, and caressed your shoulders to keep you calm.
“I fucked up and I’m sorry, please,” he says sincerely.
Then you realized something.
“You don’t have to say sorry to me. It’s okay if you and my sister fucked because someday you will be married to each other. Were the ones cheating”
He listened to every word you said and begged you to take it back because he’s losing you again. When you finally said, “let’s end this Hendery. Do you want to have more fights like this in the future? What will you feel if I tell you that me and Lucas fucked last night-“
It was like thunder, disturbing the silence of his quiet house when he grabbed the glass of water and threw it in one corner.
“Exactly my point. We don’t belong to each other anymore. I’m sorry”
“Y/n. Please-“ he begged once again but you just repeated everything you said and left him.
The end.
It was the end of your story with Hendery.
But just as you thought that you’re done handling one heartbreak for the day, you’re wrong. Lucas called to tell you the news that your grandfather had a heart attack and was rushed to the hospital.
After everything that happened on that day, you never made peace with Hendery and never talked to him again. Lucas saw you at your lowest and took care of you every day after the funeral and never left your side.
Months passed by quickly and Hendery is staying in your palace as per your sister’s request and continue to ignore each other for safety. Sometimes you greet each other for formality but never as friends and as past lovers. Lucas is not stupid to not see what’s happening.
Two months before your coronation day, you were sitting on your throne with your leg up and pouting as you’re thinking if you’re really ready to be a queen. You see Lucas enter the hall but you did not move an inch. He sat on the cold floor in front of you, reaching for your hand and kiss it.
“I miss him, I wish he could see me as a queen” tears started to fall but Lucas is quick to dry them.
“He saw you as a queen already even when you were only a little girl” you understand what he said and you’re thankful for him for not leaving you at your lowest and choosing to be with you even though he found out about you and Hendery. “So... I wanted to do this, while you’re still you. And not...the queen” he says awkwardly and pulls out a small red velvet box.
But you sit properly and stopped him from opening it and saying the question that will change your life, “how can you stay to a woman who cheats?”
“Your grandfather told me love is patient. I had a meaningful talk with him, you’re right he’s wise. He told me you love me and he said if one day you do something stupid and wrong, which turns out you did... He told me ‘check your heart if you still love her, and if you still do marry her and don’t ever let her go again’"
Tears started to fall from your eyes again. “So will you marry me Y/n. Let me be the one to dry your tears forever?” He let out an awkward laugh, nervous about the next thing that will come out of your mouth.
“Yes, of course, yes” you cup his face, and this time you’re the one to dry his tears away.
Little did you know that Hendery heard everything. And he is beyond heartbroken.
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