#everyone went from loving Jax to hating him because he's an asshole when that was already established and everyone loved him for it
s0ckh3adstudios · 5 months
Can I just say the reception to episode 2 of The Amazing Digital Circus has been absurd and NOT in a good way.
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onlyheretoread2 · 1 year
Lovin' my storm part 8
Carol: hunny we need to check your side
Storm: m' fine IV had worse
Hershal: storm at least let me look.please jaxsons is goin to need you soon.
Storm signed heavy and unlocked the tower door. Carol came in "where's Jax" storm said blankly.
Carol: with beth for the minute. We need to check you.
Storm: "k'
Hershal checked her wound in her ribs luckily it's just a bad graze. Storm couldn't think strait.
Did he really not car?
Had I bitched to much?
Why did he leave our baby?
Why did he leave jaxson
What's wrong with me?
Am I not pretty any more?
Was a baby to much for him?....
Little did storm know Rick was hiding a secret.
Rick : it won't work
Daryl: it's gotta
Daryl: he knows the governor he can help.
Rick: he won't do anything but put everyone at each other's throats.
Daryl: so cut him loose but keep last samurai?
Maggie: she helped us
Daryl: then ditched us
Rick: she's not coming back
Maggie: she's no position to care for herself
Rick : hershal will stich her up then she gone
Daryl: well follow u get storm back in your car.
Rick: He ain't comin
Daryl: he's my blood. You'd do the same
Glen: NO. My blood is here and at the prison. Merles your blood. But your important blood is on that car. Not to mention your wife with a bullet wound
Daryl: let's go storm needs help.
Rick: he ain't comin . Come on storm need help.
Daryl: fine well fend for ourselves.
Daryl walks to the car .
GLEN: Daryl are you serious? Your gunna abandon your wife and kid for that asshole?
Daryl ignored glen and pulled a note pad out. He scribbled down a not and approached Rick.
Daryl: give this to her when she wakes up. She'll know where to find me.
Rick: DARYL she needs you
Daryl: she's got me just let hershal check her and let her gets little mans stuff
Rick: your kidding right?
Daryl: I love her. That'll tell her where to find us.
Daryl walked over to storm and whispered .
Daryl: I love you. Take care of lil man till we see each other again.
With that Daryl kissed a fussy jax then went with his brother.
Rick: were not telling her
Carol: what?
Rick: nothing
___2 miles later___
Glen and Rick are alone by a car
GLEN: I agree
Rick: what?
Glen: don't tell storm. We'd never live with ourselves letting a woman and baby alone into the world.
Rick: yeah . I'll hide the note
Glen : what's on it?
Rick :looks like coordinates. Brobinly somewhere to meet.
______current time___________
Carol and hershals walked with storm to retrieve jaxon.he was excited to see mommy but looked for his dada.
Storm: he's looking for him
Carol: yea. I'm sorry
Storm: y
Carol: he left you
Storm: don't be. I was dumb to believe I mattered. Just glad jaxon isn't older he would remember him.
Carol : are you ok?
Storm:gotta be
Jax: DA. DA !
Storm began sobbing
Merle: been 6 days baby brotha . What the hell we waiting on
Daryl : you know what
Merle: seriously? She ain't dumped your ass yet?how's the Rugrats anyway?
Daryl pulled a poleroid from his back pocket. Merle looks at it.
Merle: he looks like you.
Daryl: and acts like storm
Daryl was laughing with tears brimmimg
Merle: how much longer we gunna wait? She may have decided to stay
Daryl: she wouldn't . She hates Rick .
Merle: y
Daryl: you in Atlanta. She only stayed because she had the baby and help
Merle: how you know officer friendly gave her the note? It's only a days walk . Been almost a week.
Daryl thought about it. "DAMMNIT RICK IMA BEAT YO ASS" he yelled as he took off toward the prison.
Merle: goin ta get her?
Daryl: her and jax
Merle: Jax?
Daryl: jaxon Axle Dixon.
Merle : cool
As they approached the prison suddenly gunshots wrang out. Daryl ran spotting Rick by the fence.daryl shot the walker pinning him to the fence. Daryl approached Rick angrly and pinned him while they had a break from the walkers now in the yard.
Daryl: where's my wife?
Rick : cooking last I knew
Daryl just ran up the field into the cell block and the first thing he heard was jaxon. Waaaaaaa" "waaaaa"
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Daryl approached the cell as he heard storm desperately tried to calm the infant.
Storm: please bubba
Storm: mama is so tired it's all over
She rocks jaxon and ever tries to feed him but he is scared and tired.
JAXON whips his head around till he spots the familiar face.
Jax: DA DA !
Daryl entered the cell and approached storm with his hands out .
Daryl: I can help. Go rest
Storm: go to hell.
Daryl: excuse me?
Storm : you don't get to abandon a baby then storm back in. Let me guess you draged merle back with ya?
Storm didn't give Daryl time to respond she simply walked past him. Daryl was confused but then remembered what merle said.
Rick: calm down. We need them to stay away we have little ammo.
Daryl: y does storm think I abandoned them?
Rick: because you son deserves better. Not to live in the woods with him. (He points to a now locked up merle)
Daryl : so you keep her hear and tell her I left?
Rick : you did leave!
Glen: yeah so we told them how you said it was merle and me before this crap.
Daryl: where's the letter.?
Rick looked at Daryl then retrieved the leffer from his pocket. He hands it to Daryl hesitantly.
Daryl looks at merle"u good for a few?"
Merle: yea . Go get her. Officer friendly better watch out when she learns the truth
Rick:what's that?
Merle rases her shirt to reveal a healed stab wound.rick looks confused
Merle: she was cooking and I told her Daryl was with a hooker I brought. Bitch threw the knife .
Storm : I'ma bitch huh?
All three men turned around
Storm: what wasn't I told?
Storm: what did I not get told daryl
Rick: he wanted...
Storm: did I say Rick? Last I knew my husband was named DARYL
Storm looked over to daryl he handed her the note. Storm looked confused as she opened it.
My love
Rick would not allow merle to come back . I'm gunna take him to the old campground . Come find us when you can bring little man. I love you till the day I die Storm Dixon. I love our little man.
Love Daryl.
Storm felt sick.she had hated Daryl . Thought he abandoned jaxon. She was a horrible wife .
Daryl grabbed storm shoulders"baby"
Storm: Rick what the hell? You to glen what was all that shit you told me
Daryl: what he tell ya
Storm: said you anderle left saying you didn't know if you'd come back. Claimed you just left and not a word or care . Said you made them bring me back.
Daryl: what? He looked over at glen and Rick
Rick: we wernnt gunna just let a 9 months old out into the forest to God knows we're. JAXON needed to be protected.
Storm just looked at Rick then stormed back to there tower followed by Daryl. JAXON was with gamma carol.
As soon as the door shut Daryl locked it and started to talk..
Daryl: baby we......
Storm slammed her lips to his. Wrapped her legs around him and ran her hand thru his hair. The kiss was hungry but Daryl New they needed to talk.
Daryl:baby we....
Storm: let's leave. (Daryl looked confused) let's get merle and little man and just go.
Daryl : baby he need safety. It's safe here.
Storm : is it? These people shot you, locked merle on a roof , and now they've made me think you abandoned me again. Storm said the last part quietly.
DARYL: again?
Storm said sniffling and tear on her cheaks: you always disappear when merle is sober or here. I thought I was ok with it but we have Jax now . It hurts worse for him.
Daryl wipes his wife's tears then kissed her forehead before pulling her into an embrace.
Storm kissed Daryl and the electricity came back. He tapped her legs telling her to jump so she did. He lowered her to the floor and within what felt like ours but was only 2 mins they were kissing on the cold floor.
Daryl put his hand into his wife's mound rubbing her fiercely yet soothingly.
Storm: god baby
Daryl: feel good bebe!
Storm : fuck yes!
Storm came twice on his fingers and Daryl llicks her juices from them savoring every taste. When he was done he'd places another hungry kiss to his wife's mouthe before lifting her. He placed her against the wall and began to live himself up. Storm had one leg wrapped around his waist and the other up on a chair .
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Daryl fucks his wife brought just as she likes. They decide after they will let jaxon crash with gamma. Carol happily abliged. Rick would get his ass handed to him the next day.
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rebelwrites · 4 years
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Chibs Telford x Reader
Requested by @chibsytelford // “Soulmates don’t have to be romantic. Sometimes your soul resonates with a friend.” I would love this prompt with Chibs. Maybe him and reader somehow became bestfriends, and they literally share everything with each other, and maybe someone makes a comment (A croweater or one of the guys) about how cringy it is or something and like guys and girls can't be friends and one of them says that prompt.
Prompts: “Soulmates don’t have to be romantic. Sometimes your soul resonates with a friend.”
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Chibs Telford Masterlist
March Writings
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There was a time where you hated that your dad made you go live with your auntie. But as you got older you completely understand why he did it. He was a single parent, debt up to his eyebrows and he wanted to give you the best shot at life so just before your eighteenth birthday you moved in with your Auntie Gemma. As the years went by you grew close with everyone, had more of a brother and sister relationship with Jax rather than cousins, you saw each other as siblings as well. Constantly bickering and just winding each other up. But it also meant you got close with Chibsy.
Neither of you cared about the age difference, at heart you were both the biggest kids on the planet. There wasn’t anything romantic about your relationship, he was your best friend, protector, confidant.
Everything was shared between the two of you, from secrets to his clothes to food. Nothing got hidden. You both knew each other's deepest darkest secrets, he helped you rebuild the relationship with your father and he even paid his debts off so he could restart his life without the black cloud hanging over his head. But because you were so close, practically joined at the hip everyone always kept saying you needed to just grow some balls and tell the man how you felt.
But everything was purely platonic which very few people understood.
It was currently a Sunday evening, the music was flowing and everyone was having a good time. It wasn’t a party but you had hijacked the speakers and plugged your phone in and blasting your throwback playlist through the club, singing awfully at the top of your lungs. Yes you were slightly drunk but that was Jax’s fault for making a bet that you couldn’t down 15 shots quicker than him. So now you were slightly drunk and 100 dollars richer because he sucked at shots and forgot Chibs had taught you how to down shots like a pro. So you cranked the music up to drown Jax’s moaning out.
“So raise your glass if you are wrong in all the right ways. All my underdogs. We will never be, never be, anything but loud and nitty gritty dirty little freaks. Won't you come on and come on and raise your glass. Just come on and come on and raise your glass” you sang loudly as you plonked yourself of Chibs’ knee wrapping your arms around his neck, stealing his bottle of beer.
“Lass ye gonna make it facking rain” he smirked, stealing his bottle back off you, frowning when he realised you finished it.
“I have a beautiful voice thank you” you winked.
“If ye say so” he laughed as Tig passed you and him another beer.
“Look I’m sick of this” Tig said, slamming his hands on the table. “Just fucking admit it, you both have the hots for each other, so get it over with and do the deed and just get together”
“Dude shut up” Jax winced “I do not need the thought of my sister and Chibs doing the deed”
“Surprised you can think of anything else apart from your self Bro” you laughed “but yeah that’s weird don’t think of me doing that”
“Bitch” he winked.
“Asshole” you smirked, flipping him the bird.
“Ye both are facking children” Chibs laughed shaking his head.
“But seriously you guys are soulmates so just get together” Tig carried on as he brought his beer to his lips.
“Tiggy soulmates don’t have ta be romantic. Sometimes ya soulmate resonates with a friend.” Chibs smiled squeezing you tight.
“Damn right chibsy” you grinned clinking your bottle against his before standing to your feet, getting ready to leg it from what you were going to say next “now seriously no more talk about me and chibsy getting together because it’s making me feel sick.”
“Oh that’s is lass” Chibs roared as you ram out of the clubhouse. “Yea ye better facking run”
“I will get the first aid kit” Jax laughed heading to the bar before following his brother outside ready to patch you up as he knew damn well you’d end up running straight into the wall or something.
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abused-sides · 3 years
Hungry [dead dove: do not eat]
    Trigger warning: someone dies from a food allergy and it’s VERY graphic, it’s an unsympathetic character. This is also written from someone who has a ton of severe food allergies, including the one that’s used, so it’s not some random asshole making light of a situation. Abusive relationships, death, murder, unsympathetic character is murdered
note: please read the trigger warnings and do not fucking read if it’ll bother/trigger you, this is the last warning
    Every morning, Janus ran out to buy him and Remus coffees while Remus stayed behind and burnt their breakfast. 
    Logan woke up to the smoke detector screaming and the rest of their roommates groaning while Roman frantically waved a blanket and snapped at his brother (Janus still smiled when he came home). It was as good of an alarm clock as any. 
    Every morning, Logan scraped together breakfast for a boyfriend he didn’t love. 
    Remus and Janus’ voices carried over from the living room as they ate on the couch. Logan used the burnt remnants of their stove to make bacon and eggs, something he could cook in his sleep. He wasn’t sleeping, though—He was focused on Remus and Janus. 
    “So,” Remus stole a piece of bacon and talked with his mouth full, “when’s the oaf getting up?” 
    Janus sipped at his coffee. “Obligatory defensive comment incoming,” he murmured, and Remus wrapped an arm around his waist. 
    “Don’t make fun of him,” Logan announced. 
    As much as Patton begged everyone to get along, Remus was never one to hide how he felt. Neither was Jaxon. 
    “You know he doesn’t do it on purpose, and you know he’ll be down here any second,” he whispered, and bumped Remus with his hip, who laughed. “Get out of here!” 
    Remus finished the bacon and said, “I gotta get to work anyway.” 
    That didn’t stop him from making out with Janus a good few minutes before leaving. 
    Jaxon stumbled into the kitchen sleepily. 
    “Morning, J,” Logan said quietly. 
    He hated Jaxon’s first appearance—he was too tired for Logan to tell what type of mood he was in. He used to stay quiet until he knew for sure, but Jaxon snapped at him once and said, “When you don’t say good morning, it feels like you’re mad at me or you don’t care about me.”
    Logan always said good morning now.
    Jaxon ignored him, took his plate, and went back upstairs. Logan relaxed. 
    “Just let me know when you want me to kill him for you,” Janus sneered, then ducked into his and Remus’ room. 
    Roman left for work next, singing on his way out, followed by Patton, who kissed Logan’s cheek and told him to stay safe. Virgil worked nights and didn’t wake until well after 3pm. Janus used noise-cancelling headphones while he worked. As much as Logan tried, he couldn’t get a shift today. He was essentially alone with Jaxon. 
    His stomach churned. 
    He went to his computer. 
    It didn’t take long for Jaxon to come back downstairs. He wrapped his arms around Logan’s shoulders and nuzzled into his neck. 
    “What’s going on?” Jaxon asked. “You’re tense.” 
    Logan’s shoulders relaxed. “I just have a lot of work to do.” 
    “So? Take a break. Come hang out with me.” 
    “Jaxon…” Logan frowned at the screen. “I have a deadline.” 
    Jaxon yanked his arms back. “Are you mad at me or something?” 
    Logan looked over his shoulder. “What? No. Why would I be mad?” 
    He crossed his arms over his chest and scowled, brown eyes hard. “Because you haven’t hung out with me all week. I never see you anymore.” 
    “I work right here in the living room because you wanted to see me more,” Logan insisted. “And we watched three movies last night. We can watch three more tonight.” 
    “Well I don’t wanna force you.”
    Janus’ door creaked open. “That’s exactly what you want to do. Can you two quiet down?” 
    “Come with me,” Jaxon growled under his breath and grabbed Logan’s wrist. 
    Logan stumbled after him. 
    “HEY!” Janus stormed forward and grabbed Logan’s other wrist. “He has a deadline. He needs to work. Have you no manners?” 
    “Sorry, princess, I wasn’t raised in a castle.” Jaxon yanked Logan hard enough for his shoulder to ache. 
    “You’re hurting me,” he said desperately. 
    “Let go of him.” Janus’ eyes were deadly slits. His teeth were fangs, his grip of a Boa. 
    Logan pulled—he’d get punished for that later—until Jaxon let go and he stumbled back into Janus’ arms. Janus quickly righted him then took his hands away. Logan shivered. 
    “We’ll talk about this later,” Jaxon mumbled, “when the snake isn’t around.” 
    He turned and stomped up the stairs. The door slammed, and Logan flinched. 
    “I’m sorry,” he spouted as he turned to Janus. “I’m so sorry about that. I didn’t mean to interrupt your work.” 
    “Don’t worry about it.” 
    “And what he said—” 
    “I am a snake. It’s great. Is your wrist okay?” 
    Logan held it up. The skin was clear, but a bruise would surely show. “It’s fine. He almost…” He forced a laugh, “almost dislocated my shoulder, though.” 
    “Let me take a look at it. Sit down.” 
    Logan sat and Janus tugged his loose neckline down enough to expose his shoulder. Janus hummed. 
    “Is it hurting?” 
    “Just a little. I’m okay.” 
    “Let me get some ice.” 
    Janus came back a moment later and settled the icepack on Logan’s shoulder. 
    “Why haven’t you kicked us out?” Logan asked quietly. 
    “Because if he left, you’d go with him. And we like you a lot.” Janus ran his fingers through Logan’s hair, who leaned into the touch. “Besides, we have better plans for him. We’re killing him, remember?” 
    Logan laughed, and prayed to God Jaxon didn’t hear. 
    Logan didn’t see Jaxon again until dinner. Roman and Remus were play-fighting in the kitchen, yelling over the boiling of a stew. Patton and Virgil were watching a horror movie on the couch, Janus sat at their feet. Virgil kept kicking him. 
    Jaxon came down the stairs as Logan asked to help with dinner. Remus quickly took Logan under his arm. 
    “Yeah! Stir this for me. Hey, Jaxon. I’ve got Logan helping me here.” 
    “I missed you at lunch today,” Logan said over his shoulder. “Are you okay? Feeling sick?” 
    “A little,” he mumbled. “Will you eat with me?” 
    Logan melted. “Of course. Remus, is this safe for him?” 
    Remus grabbed Logan’s shoulder. Logan furrowed his eyebrows as they locked eyes. 
    “Yes.” Remus tapped something on the counter. “Janus and Roman helped me.” 
    Logan glanced down. 
    Peanut powder. 
    He swallowed. 
    “It’s perfectly safe for Jaxon.” 
    Blood rushed through Logan’s ears. 
    “No, actually.” Logan sucked in a shuddering breath. “No, I want to make him something myself.” 
    Remus’ shoulders slumped. “I understand. I guess.” 
    “But…” Logan grabbed his hand. “You can make it again if I ask?” 
    Roman set a hand on Logan’s lightly purpled shoulder. “We absolutely can.” 
    Logan got to work making Jaxon grilled cheese sandwiches, and they ate in the living room with everyone else. Jaxon kept wrinkling his nose and pursing his lips like he was rubbing his tongue against the roof of his mouth. 
    “Everything okay, Jax?” Patton asked sweetly. 
    “There’s no peanuts in that, right? Something about the smell is setting me off.” 
    “Nope.” Janus laid his head in Remus’ lap. “We know about your allergy, Jaxon. We’re careful.” 
    That night, Logan stayed up late with Jaxon watching movies. Logan fell asleep cuddled against Jaxon’s chest and woke up the next morning snuggled with him in bed. 
    He hauled himself out of bed, heavy with exhaustion, as the smoke alarm screamed. Janus kissed Remus on the cheek before leaving for their coffees. Remus cracked another egg in the pan. Roman sang Disney at the top of his lungs as he got ready in the bathroom, Virgil pounding on the door demanding that he needed to piss. Patton snapped that there’s another bathroom upstairs and that if those two didn’t stop fighting he’d lose his mind. 
    Logan found a path in the kitchen to grab the stuff for French toast. He pushed aside Remus’ used dishes and ingredients to set his own down. 
    “How are you feeling?” Remus asked as Logan whisked. “You know, about the decision you made.” 
    “Good,” he admitted. “I think it was the right call.” 
    Remus set the spatula down hard. “So how else do you wanna proceed?” 
    Logan’s whisks slowed. “I… I don’t know. Last time I talked about maybe taking a break, he—” 
    “Hey, Jaxon!” Patton greeted cheerfully. 
    Logan snapped his mouth shut. 
    “Morning, handsome.” Jaxon kissed the back of Logan’s neck. 
    He smiled as Jaxon poured them both juice. “It was the right decision.”
    “Logan!” Jaxon bounded down the stairs. “When are you stopping for lunch?” 
    “Um…” Logan shifted in his seat. “I had lunch.” 
    Jaxon stopped. “What?” 
    “It was quick.” Logan pushed back in the chair to face Jaxon. “Just a snack, really. Then I got right back to work.” 
    “Why would you eat without me? I knew it, you are mad at me. We always have lunch together.” 
    “I know, I’m sorry—”
    “If you know, why did you eat without me? What did I even do?”
    “You didn’t do anything!” 
    “But you’re mad at me.” 
    “I’m not mad at you!”
    Logan flinched. 
    Jaxon grabbed his wrist and hauled him to his feet. “Don’t be a baby! Just tell me!” 
    He slammed Logan into the wall just as Janus’ door opened. Logan’s head bounced off the paint, his eye erupting in pain. 
    “Get off,” Janus snapped. 
    “This is none of your business! Go back to work!” 
    Janus pulled his phone out of his pocket. He dialed three numbers. 
    “Put the phone down!” 
    “I need someone here right away, my roommate—”
    Jaxon leapt ten steps back. Logan crumpled in on himself, pressed against the wall where Jaxon left him. 
    “I think he’s calming down now,” Janus said into the phone. He raised an eyebrow. “Yes, I would like you to remain on the line.” 
    Jaxon grabbed his wallet and keys, and stormed out. The door slammed and Logan flinched. 
    “He’s gone now. Thank you for your help. Let me ask.” He pressed the phone to his shirt. “Do you want to press charges? Do you want the police to come?” 
    Logan shook his head, eyes watering. “I want to make dinner.” 
    “That again?” Jaxon asked, peering over Logan’s shoulder. 
    Logan stirred the thick broth. “You didn’t get to try it. It’s good.” 
    Jaxon shrugged. “Is your eye okay?”
    “It’ll heal.” 
    He left. Logan grabbed the peanut powder and dumped in a generous amount, then left it to boil and cook down. 
    Everyone stared at Jaxon as they ate. Logan finished his bowl and grabbed seconds. Pale blotches appeared on Jaxon’s face. His lips swelled. 
    “Are you sure this doesn’t have peanuts?” He asked nervously. “I don’t feel great.” 
    “My eye hurts,” Logan announced. 
    “I have some medicine for it.” Remus kissed Logan’s cheek. “I’ll be right back.” 
    Jaxon glared. “Kiss your own boyfriend!” 
    By the time Remus came back, Jaxon’s throat was swelling shut. “Drive me to a hospital,” he demanded in a hoarse voice. 
    Patton knelt between Logan’s legs and applied the cream Remus bought to Logan’s browbone and the top of his cheekbone. 
    “Dinner was good,” Virgil said. “Are you gonna finish yours, Jax?” 
    He glared and stumbled for the door. “What the hell is this?” 
    Virgil shrugged and grabbed Jaxon’s bowl, downing the rest. Roman leaned against the door with his arms crossed. Jaxon threw a punch, but Roman easily ducked against Jaxon’s weak, wobbling frame. 
    “Oh, God, are you okay?” Patton gasped. “Call an ambulance!” 
    Jaxon collapsed to his knees as his body convulsed. His hands dug into the carpet. He vomited, elbows and knees locking. 
    “Shit, did we add peanut?” Roman asked. “Old habits.” 
    “What’s the number again?” Remus stared at his phone in confusion. 
    “What’s… wrong… with you… all…” Jaxon gasped through his throw up. 
    “911, I think,” Logan mumbled. “Are you okay, love?” 
    “I need someone here right away. My roommate is having an allergic reaction. He was eating alone, we didn’t catch it very fast— yes. Okay, I understand. Mhm.” He gave them the address then hung up. 
    Janus, Remus, and Roman turned on the T.V. Logan and Patton got to work cleaning up after dinner. Virgil stared Jaxon down. 
    He was dead before the paramedics arrived. 
    The smoke alarm blared. Logan hauled himself out of the warm bed and came out of Janus and Remus’ room. 
    “Slept long enough,” Janus said, wrapping his arms around Logan’s waist. 
    Logan leaned his head on Janus’ shoulder. “Coffee?” 
    “Yeah. Let’s go.” 
    “Breakfast is almost ready!” Remus called. “Hurry up!” 
    Logan got into the car with Janus. Janus pulled out of the driveway and headed towards the nearest coffee shop. 
    “How are you feeling?” Janus asked, reaching over and taking his hand. 
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breanime · 4 years
Bre’s Boys: “So what if I’m jealous?”(Jealous Boys)
Billy Russo: “Oh,” you looked down at your phone, “it says I have a missed call. When did Rob call me?” Billy didn’t look up from his phone. “When you were in the shower.” “Is that why you came in there?” You smirked; Billy had ended up joining you in the shower, hence you not checking your phone in a while. “I came in there to remind you who you belong to,” he answered back. You grinned. You and Rob had been working together for a while now, and Billy made no secret of his dislike for the guy. “Are you jealous?” “So what if I’m jealous,” he stood up, pocketing his phone as he walked over to you, “Doesn’t make you any less mine.” You laughed, reaching up and wrapping your arms around his neck and giving him a kiss. If Billy’s jealousy resulted in sexy showers well... who were you to say no?
Logan Delos: Logan had been pacing for 15 minutes now. No, correction--he was pacing and ranting. “So he grew up with you--okay, and? I still know you better!” You were on the couch, watching him. Logan had just met your childhood best friend, and they hadn’t exactly hit it off... “And what the hell was that whole ‘oh, since when were you into macaroons’ thing? Like, are you not allowed to like new things?” You laughed, and Logan stopped, glaring over at you. “What’s so funny?” “You/ You being jealous.” He huffed. “So what if I’m jealous--I’m the one you go home to every night, not that douchebag!” He leaned down and kissed you, and you smiled into the kiss. “That’s right,” you said as he crawled onto you, “you’re the one.” 
Jax Teller: As soon as your ex saw you, you could feel a change in the air. Jax watched him closely, his blue eyes unblinking until the guy is gone. “Dude, you looked like an insane person,” you said, leaning your head on Jax’s shoulder, “Did you get it all out?” “Get all what out?” “The jealousy.” Jax chuckled, shaking his head. “So what if I’m jealous? Doesn’t matter.” “Oh, it doesn’t?” Jax grabbed your waist and pulled you in front of him so that he was smirking down at you. “Nope. All that matters is that that guy, and every other guy within a 30 mile radius knows that you’re my girl.” He kissed you then, and it was the kind of kiss that made your toes curl. Jax probably had a point about everyone knowing you were his--after a kiss like that, how could they not?
Coco Cruz: “So what if I’m jealous?” Coco followed you into the house. “You’re my girl, I have a right to be jealous!” “Baby,” you sighed, turning to face him, “there’s no need to be jealous; I’m all yours.” “Yeah,” his hands went down to your waist, “I know you are, but still... I don’t like the idea of any asshole off the street coming on to you...” “I mean, I can’t help that I’m fine.” Coco laughed, dropping his head onto your shoulder. “Yeah, you’re fine as fuck, querida.” You wrapped your arms around him. “And I’m with you,” you promised, “for ever.” Coco raised his head. “Forever, huh?” He asked. “Forever,” you said back, your lips brushing against his, “my loco Coco...” 
Angel Reyes: “Say it again,” Angel grinned, leaning against the door. “Angel, I swear to God--” “C’mon, baby, say it again, please,” he whined, batting his eyes at you. You sighed, rolling your eyes and trying to swallow back a laugh. “I was just a little, teeny tiny bit jealous when I saw you with her,” you confessed, “Like--just a little bit.” “Awwww,” he grinned, “baby, you were jealous!” “Yeah, okay, so what if I was jealous? I can’t help it!” You reached over for him, your fists balling into his shirt. “You’re my Angel.” Angel’s answering smile made your heart melt, and he leaned down and kissed you, his lips soft on yours. “Tell me you love me.” “I love you, Angel.” He smiled, his lips on yours. “Love you too, babe.”
Miguel Galindo: Miguel didn’t say much on the drive home, but he didn’t have to. You knew he was jealous. He held your hand in his as the driver took the two of you around the city. You smiled as you dropped your head to his shoulder. “Lunch was great,” you said. His hand flexed in yours. “Yeah? You didn’t think it got too crowded?” You closed your eyes, a little buzzed from the mimosas. “Why? Because Blake was there?” Miguel groaned, his head nesting on top of yours. “I hate that you were with him.” “Once,” you reminded him, “a long, long time ago.” “I hate that you were going to marry him.” You sat up, smiling at your cartel boss husband as he basically pouted. “Are you jealous, Miguel?” He scoffed. “So what if I’m jealous? I’m the one who married you,” he huffed, his arm wrapping around you, “so I won.”
Nick Amaro: “I don’t like that guy,” Nick grumbled as he sat down across from you. “What guy? The host?” “He was looking at you...” “Well, yeah, that’s how conversations work.” “No, I mean...” Nick sighed, shaking his head, “forget it. I’m being stupid.” You licked your lips, trying to and failing at not smiling. “Is... Are you feeling a little territorial, Nick?” “Maybe...” “A little possessive?” You smirked. Nick laughed, shaking his head again. “It’s possible...” “Maybe even a bit jealous?” “So what if I’m jealous?” He leaned closer to you, his dark eyes gleaming in the low light of the restaurant. “I have the most beautiful woman in New York on my arm, how can I not be?” “Oh, Detective Amaro,” you cooed, “you’re such a charmer!” 
Johnny Tuturro: You could feel Johnny’s eyes on you as you talked with the local cop. And when you walked back over to Johnny, he was frowning. “What?” You asked, walking out of the precinct. “I didn’t know you two were friends,” Johnny said back. “Well, he’s the main guy on the gang unit here, so...” “So he gets that smile, huh?” He grumbled. “Thought that smile was just for me.” ‘Oh, Johnny,” you laughed, “are you jealous?” “Nope.” “Yes you are!” “No I’m not, I’m too hot to get jealous.” “You’re so jealous, you’re a jelly green donut, dude.” Johnny rolled his eyes as he took your hand in his. “So what if I’m jealous? I’m still 100% cuter than that guy.” You laughed. “Yes, Johnny, you’re cute.” “And I got a banging bod.” “Yes, Johnny.” “And I’m the best kisser in the world.” “Okay, babe--” “The galaxy, actually!”
Rio: “Hold up a second,” Rio’s voice was hard, and you looked up from your seat behind him as you went over this month’s expenses. He was glaring at one of the guys who were trying to do business with him. “The fuck are you looking at so closely?” Rio asked, he turned towards you, an eyebrow raised before he looked back at the men. “Her? My Queen? She what you’re looking at?” The room went silent, and you could feel the men take a collective, nervous breath. “Huh?” Rio went on. “Answer me.” “Nah, we--we weren’t,” one of the guys began. “Nah, not you. Him.” All eyes were on the accused man, and you could see the tension in Rio’s shoulders. “Sir, I--” the man began, but Rio interrupted him. “Get the fuck out of here,” he said, already turning back towards you as Mick escorted the men out. You raised an eyebrow at him. “So... you a little jealous, babe?” “So what if I’m jealous?” He leaned down and pecked your lips. “I don’t like people lookin’ at what’s mine.”
Thanks for reading! Please let me know what you think! And if you really enjoyed it and you can send in a tip, I would greatly appreciate it! 
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tragertrap · 4 years
Intimidating || Juice Ortiz x Reader
Summary: (Y/N), although Jax's best friend, wants nothing to do with the motorcycle club that's fucking up her town. Well, at least that's the case until she meets a certain member of SAMCRO with a stupid haircut. Even though he seems too intimidating at first, (Y/N) learns to never judge a book by its cover when she gets a chance to see his softer side.
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Having a best friend that works at an automotive repair shop definitely comes in handy for (Y/N), especially since her 'old ass disaster of a car' constantly breaks down.
"Wow, that's the 3rd time in a month (Y/N)!", Jax said before he let out a chuckle.
"You know I'm saving for a new one asshole." She hit his bicep playfully.
"I hope the best friend discount is still on", she mumbled.
"It expired after the forth time you used it darling."
"I'm sorry. It's just that... money's kinda tight right now."
"I can imagine..."
"Can I pay you back in pancakes?... or waffles? I know you won't deny waffles." She asked with an awkward smile on her face, hoping her best friend would accept.
"Have you not pay for the car AND poison me with your cooking? I think I'll pass", he teased her.
"I meant going to the diner outside of town but since you're being an asshole I guess the offer is off the table."
"Okay okay if you're not the one cooking, I'm down", he said, his smirk never leaving his face.
She couldn't help but laugh, thankful for her best friend being there to cheer her up.
"Thank you Jackie."
"My shift ends in half an hour. If you wanna wait we can go for pancakes after I'm done here", he said, putting an arm around her.
She had just left work, so the timing was perfect for a warm meal at a cozy diner with her best friend.
"Yeah, sure! I can wait."
They started walking towards the garage and the blond man started talking again: "You know I'd fix your car for free anyway but then you mentioned pancakes so I couldn't say no."
She narrowed her eyes and looked at him.
"You're lucky I love you Teller."
He laughed and gave her a kiss on the cheek, his arm still around her shoulder.
"Me and Chibs are just finishing off with an old bike and then we're good to go."
"Chibs?" she asked with a raised eyebrow as they were approaching the bike Jax was talking about.
"One of the guys... the Scottish one. Do you ever listen to me when I talk?"
"I was mostly asking because of the weird name but sure... Scottish one. Got it! One of your scary biker friends, right?"
He couldn't help but laugh yet again.
"Scary biker friends?"
(Y/N) loved Jax. The two immediately became best friends at a pretty young age when (Y/N)'s family had moved to Charming next to Gemma and John Teller's house. She loved him the way you'd love a brother, she was always there for him whenever he needed her but one thing she decided to stay completely away from was the club. She wouldn't approve of the outlaw lifestyle in the first place but also witnessing the mess it caused to her town, and most importantly her best friend, was only making it worse. She wouldn't ask any questions in case she'd get answers she wouldn't like. He was ok with it. More than ok with it actually. She was an escape for him to a carefree past and a light of positivity in his chaotic present.
She met the 'Scottish one' that was helping Jax fix the old bike and it went better than she expected. Once she got over his pretty intimidating look, scarred face, leather jacket and all, he actually seemed pretty nice and interesting.
She was sitting on a bench next to the two bikers working when she noticed another guy trying to fix a car nearby. Well, it was pretty hard for him to go unnoticed. He had a short dark mohawk and a tattoo on each side of it on his head, wounds on his face from god knows what and tattoos all over his arms and torso, that was now visible since his shirt was long gone. His muscular body was glistening from his sweat in the Californian heat and the muscles on his arms and upper back were moving in sync as he was working on the damaged car.
He had been over that car's engine for what seemed like forever and as much as she hated to admit it, (Y/N) wished she wasn't jealous of an old car. She had noticed the guy before, one of the many times she had to visit TM due to her shitty car, but that day she had the chance to take a 'closer look'.
His left hand was resting on the car's open hood now, giving her a better view of his muscular arm and flexing abs. The focused look on his face, lowered eyebrows and clenched jaw, made him appear even more intimidating and yet attractive, especially when he unconsciously licked his lips in deep thought.
"(Y/N)! (Y/N)?" her friend interrupted her watching of the 'show'. "Can you pass me that cloth over there?", he asked as he pointed to a gray piece of cloth on the bench she was sitting.
After that small interruption she was back at unapologetically starting at the tan guy nearby. She guessed that she had missed a lot since a small part of his abs was covered in grease now and his face seemed even angrier after the amount of failed attempts to start the car.
After some more conversation with Jax and Chibs, once she looked over at the mohawk guy again, he had already put his black shirt on, meaning that his job fixing the car was done. Later as he was putting a no-sleeve leather jacket on, which (Y/N) unfortunately recognised, he was aimlessly looking around when he caught the almost-drooling girl looking at him. She immediately dragged her gaze to Jax and Chibs, mostly out of embarrassment as well as some fear of his intimidating look. Next thing she knew, the mohawk guy was strutting confidently towards her and the two bikers, shoulders and arms swaying back and forth. He was wearing a pair of black sunglasses, no one knowing where his brown eyes were focused on.
"Hey brother", Chibs said with a smirk.
He answered with a simple 'hey' and a light hit on Chib's back and then did the same to Jax, after he took off his sunglasses and put them hanging outside his leather jacket's pocket.
(Y/N) didn't know if she should have been mad or relieved that the hot outlaw completely ignored her existence, exactly because he was a hot outlaw. Nevertheless, she was satisfied she could study the biker up close. He was wearing buggy cargo pants with chains hanging from one side near his waist and the black shirt she had noticed earlier was visibly a little too tight on his muscular chest. He put his hands in his pockets, as (Y/N) was staring at the veins and black tattoos on his arms that had started to fade.
"Jax, I wanted to tell you that I can't come with you guys tonight. I have something personal to take care of." He didn't give any further details since his brothers were not the only ones present. He was waiting for an answer from Jax with a frown on his face since the sun was getting into his eyes. (Y/N) noticed how his chocolate brown pupils appeared almost red against the sunlight.
"Yeah, that's okay. We're more than enough for tonight anyway. You can take the evening off."
"Awesome, thank you man", he said with a smirk as he lightly hit Jax's back.
He then shook his head up as an indication of saying goodbye, while maintaining eye contact with (Y/N), before he walked away.
Was that saying goodbye to me as well?
It was a goodbye to everyone.
He was looking at my direction though.
(Y/N) wasn't exactly loving the fact that she was enjoying this.
The hot pancakes Jax and (Y/N) were eagerly anticipating finally arrived at the table.
"Thank you darling", the blond biker said to the waitress while intensionally making his voice sound a little deeper. He was smirking the entire time while sitting all laid back, exuding confidence. The young girl gave him a cheeky smile and went her own way.
"Do you ever take a break?" (Y/N) questioned him sarcastically.
"A break of what?" Jax asked, a playful look on his face since he obviously knew what she was talking about.
"Hitting on innocent women."
"She was eyeing me since the minute we walked in."
The only way she could respond was with an unamused look.
"Also don't act all innocent to me. You're worse than I am", he said before letting out a chuckle and taking a big bite of his pancakes.
"What are you talking about? I don't hit on any person on a 18 feet radius, at any given time and place."
"Well yeah, that's because you're too scared to actually hit on them so you just stare from afar."
(Y/N) kicked his leg under the table.
"Ouch", he screamed in a playful manner while rubbing his leg. "You bitch", he whispered.
"That's not true."
"You were staring at Juice the entire time we were at TM. Didn't even say hello to him."
"Staring at what?" She asked while laughing, not even understanding that with the word Juice, Jax was refering to a person.
"The guy back at the garage. Mohawk and tribal tattoos. You were practically drooling over him."
"No I wasn't", she sounded offended.
"You can't hide from me girl. You know that. I know you better than I know myself."
"Ok he's hot... I was looking, yeah... but 'drooling over him' is an overstatement."
"Yeah, yeah, whatever you say", he raised his eyebrows while taking a sip of water.
"You weren't even listening to what me and Chibs were saying."
"Actually I was actively trying not to listen to your club... business... stuff."
Jax rolled his eyes at her desperate attempt to change the subject.
"You could've at least say hello, you know. Dude doesn't bite."
"Are you sure about that? He looked like he could bite to me. If I'm being honest I was kinda scared of him."
Jax started laughing. "Scared? Of Juice? I can guarantee you he was more scared of you than you were of him."
"What do you mean?" she asked amused.
"Let's just say that not everyone has their way with women like I do."
"You're an idiot."
"No seriously, he'd get nervous even if he was around a female dog."
"What? He looked pretty confident to me. Intimidating. And scary as I said before."
Jax couldn't help but roll his eyes and sigh. "You know, underneath all the leather and the tattoos, we're still human. Didn't you like Chibs?"
"He was pretty nice I guess. Well, when I could make out what he was saying", she said referring to his thick accent.
"See? And Juice is even... milder...", he was trying to find the right word, "than Chibs. Dude's into technology and computers, coding and shit. He's a total nerd."
"He's still an outlaw biker. Seriously, could you ever imagine me being with someone like that Juice guy?"
"With the stupid haircut of his? Hell no, you deserve way better."
"Jax, I'm serious."
"Well... no, it's not the easiest thing to imagine, but you're full of surprises baby, I know that", he chuckled.
"A mohawk, head tattoos and chains hanging from his pants is a pretty big surprise though, don't you think? And these fucking leather jackets."
"I've told you a million times, they're called kuttes."
She couldn't help but roll her eyes.
"(Y/N), if you can be best friends with me, you can date a guy like Juice, trust me. Also I have chains on my pants too, should I be offended?" he was once again teasing her.
"You should meet him. And by meet him I mean like actually have a conversation." He was trying to find a reason for her to meet the Sons after all those years, meet the other part of him she had been avoiding for so long.
"I'm not getting into your club business shit for some boy, Jackie. Especially a boy with a fucking mohawk."
"I'm not asking you to get into the club shit. Trust me, I wouldn't want that", he was all serious now, "I'm just saying that you can meet the guys. They are my family. They... they're a part of me. You met Chibs, he was ok. You know we don't only talk about dead bodies and guns. We have other interests as well."
She was quiet, not knowing how to respond, so he continued:
"We are family (Y/N). They've been there for me through my hardest times, just like you have. Maybe you have more things in common than you think. Besides, I think you and Juice would make a great duo", he told his best friend, smirking after the last sentence.
A few days later (Y/N) was heading to TM once again. She had agreed with Jax that when she'd come to pick up her car, she'd come in the clubhouse to meet the guys for the first time.
So there she was, nervous, walking slowly towards the clubhouse entrance. Second thoughts were taking over her mind.
I don't know if I'm ready for this. I'm not meant to be involved in this kind of stuff... with these kind of people. What am I supposed to have in common with a bunch of criminal bikers? If only it wasn't for this dumb, scary, hot ass Juice dude.
To her surprise the dumb, scary, hot ass Juice dude was sitting by himself on a bench outside the clubhouse.
Shit, shit, shit. Ok. Go talk to him. No I can't go talk to him. I have to walk right by him anyway, I should talk to him. What am I supposed to say? I can just say hello. Or hey. God just look away.
Juice was looking down at something so she hoped he wouldn't look up at her. She was getting closer, still overthinking.
I should ask him about my car. Or Jax... yeah, I should ask him where Jax is.
Juice looked up giving her a small smile that made her knees weak.
"Hey... you're Jax's friend right? If you're looking for him he's probably in the clubhouse", the tan biker spoke first, making everything way easier for her. The truth is he did know who she was, that's for sure. 'Jax's cute bubbly friend whose car was breaking down constantly.'
"Awesome, thank y-" she didn't finish her sentence. She had felt something against her ankles, so she looked down. To her surprise there was a small gray kitten slithering between her legs and rubbing its small head against her ankles.
"I think she likes you", Juice said with a wide smile, the kind where his eyes smile as well. Apparently that's why he was looking down earlier.
"It took her weeks to trust me and stop running away from me and now she's all up on you the minute she meets you. I'm kind of offended actually", he said before letting out an adorable laugh, while spreading his right arm close to (Y/N)'s shoes, making the kitten rub its face on his big palm. He eventually grabbed it and put it gently on his lap where he was sitting.
A 'badass' biker dressed in black leather, full of tattoos and with a fucking knife hanging off his belt, petting a small kitten that was purring loudly on his lap. The contrast in this image was pretty apparent, to say the least. (Y/N) was sitting there taking in this unusual sight before he spoke again:
"She's a stray. Found her by some trash cans a few weeks ago and fed her. Now she won't leave." He was busy petting the cat, only looking up to face (Y/N) by his last sentence.
What he said, along with his big smile at the end, warmed her heart. Maybe bikers do have feelings after all. He suddenly didn't appear all scary to her. She sat on the bench next to him and although confident, it took all the courage she had.
"Why don't you take her to the animal shelter?" she asked while petting the cute kitten that was still on his lap.
"I wanted to... but I couldn't", a loud laugh escaping his lips. "I tried, I promise", he added while raising his hands in the air in an 'I'm innocent' motion. "I mean look at that face."
The cat was looking up at them, its green eyes shining. She was still petting it, when her hand accidentally brushed against Juice's.
"She's so cute", (Y/N) said after a few moments of silence while looking at the kitten, in order to change the sudden awkward atmosphere.
"She is", he said softly while looking at the cat and then up to the girl next him, not knowing who he was referring to either.
"I wanted to take her home but I'm too busy for a pet, you know, with the club an' all. I'm not even home that much. I wouldn't want to neglect her."
"I've always wanted a cat, but never really made the decision. I... I would love to get her... Well, if you're okay with that of course."
"Yeah, of course", he exclaimed all excited, "it breaks my heart knowing she's out here day and night. Getting her a home is everything I could ask for... you're gonna have to let me visit her though."
A sexy smirk appeared on his face and (Y/N) responded with a lovely smile. Maybe meeting the club wasn't such a bad idea after all.
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clonehub · 3 years
(mandomydad) please tell me about blitz (bliz?) i love hearing about ocs
Of course! His name is Bliz and originally I had it so Kiki named him but I'm changing that.
His rise to being commander is an interesting one. He got a field promotion--kinda skipped over the other people that were above his rank, but it was an emergency and he was taking charge. It was a bad battle, the original commander had just been killed and Kiki herself was unconscious. He didn't carry the battalion to victory, but he did stave off the enemy long enough for reinforcements to arrive. He was a heavy gunner before hand so he's a bit on the taller side. Otherwise, he wasn't a fully grown one if that makes sense.
He got specialized training to be a commander and was immediately crushed by how much being a commander was also wrangling your men into line. He's not very good at it. He's impatient and filled with an anger that he doesn't know how to turn off. In the beginning, working with Kiki was difficult because he was trying his hardest to be like serious and appear in control and she's VERY lax compared to him.
Then they synchronized a bit and even tho their leading styles are different, they did become friends! But he's also a bit insubordinate. They definitely flirted on and off before starting their relationship. And then he fell in love and she broke it off.
Bliz is a mess of PTSD, anger, and depression. He's insecure and he takes that insecurity out on others. He's the jealous type--Ridge and Kiki are friends and so Bliz is unnecessarily mean to Ridge, which doesn't reflect well on him as a commander. He's an unnecessarily brutal fighter. He can rude to Kiki and to other command clones. He copes with alcohol when he can get it and he self harms, which Cord is trying to get under control.
He's also an insomniac, gets some pretty bad migraines, a huge flirt, and an even bigger hypocrite. He's a clone and an asshole!
One by one crusade squad all starts to leave. Ridge skips a battle, is charged with desertion, and by this point Bliz is so toxic he's overiding Kiki's order not to send him back to Kamino. Ridge goes and they naturally don't hear from him again. His and Kiki's relationship starts to deteriorate after that.
Kiki gets pregnant and he has a stupid and intensely small hope that the child is his. It's not. She leaves the Order to raise her child and he feels guilty.
Jax, Edger, and Ratchet all mysteriously disappear while on leave on Coruscant. He can guess what's going on but now his guilt is mounting. Marik is gone pretty soon after. It's just him and Cord, then Cord goes and Bliz is alone. He's not expecting anyone to come back for him. By this point, the rage has been replaced with loneliness and self hate.
He's surprised when he takes the opportunity to desert the second he sees it. He's even more surprised to see how everyone settled down on one of Verocias moons--how everyone basically is better off without him. The forgiveness wasn't something he could comprehend. All of them went through an adjustment period to get used to civilian life, and his was the worst of it. He does end up getting hospitalized, and then he's in a mental hospital for a few months, and when he comes back he's less depressed and not an alcoholic anymore.
I'm not sure he reaches Pure Happiness the way Kiki and Jax do. He gets to a level of contentment where he's at least not wallowing in guilt anymore. He's also much quieter and more mellow, a total 180 from how he was during the war.
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Heart of Novocaine Ch4|| Jax Teller x Sansa Stark (SoA/GoT)
Sons of Anarchy x Game of Thrones AU (show divergent)
Warnings: finally, SMUT   🔥 🔥 🔥
Summary: After loosing her mother and elder brother in an accident, Sansa takes her younger siblings and moves in with Jon, who lives in Charming, to start anew, amidst from and the suffering and heartache from the past. But can she adapt to Jon’s dangerous lifestyle? And what if her “past” comes looking for her? And for how long will she be able to abstain herself from the alluring advances of Jax?
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Chapter One || Chapter Two || Chapter Three
Chapter 4 - Do I Wanna Know?
Margeary and Loras made their arrival in style, walking out of the cab right outside the Teller-Morrow Autoshop. By the time Sansa managed to get her purse and walk out the shop, most of the club’s eyes were already set on the pair, with a few suggestive comments being made out loud. Of course Margeary didn’t let that moment go to waste, and waved back at the boys, sporting her most devilicious grin.
Sansa took them to Jon’s place, where later at night they had a family dinner, just the Starks and the Tyrells. Since Margeary wanted a night out, Jon suggested the club, something Sansa would’ve been against if Margeary hadn’t been so excited by the suggestion. Arya was going with them, and the club ambience was something Sansa didn’t want her 19-year-old sister to be thrown into.
Yet, she relented, even when she wondered if she would be able to keep everyone on their best behaviour until the night’s end. She doubted it, though.
Sansa sighed impatiently, tapping her hand on her knee with vigour and rhythm, as she waited for Margeary to choose something to hear, pulling one dress in front of her, then the other, undecided. She was only in her underwear, having already tried both dresses. Twice.
“The red one, makes your ass look bigger” Sansa pointed, and her friend winked at her
“This is why I love you, babe, you’re always looking after my assets”
Sansa chuckled. She missed Margeary wholeheartedly, she truly did. Margie cared for her so much that Sansa always felt herself falling short to reciprocate that amount of devotion.
“Humm, you’re not thinking of wearing that out, are you?” Margaery made a disgusted face towards her, obviously directed to her loose dark-green dress
“I like this dress”
“I like it too, for church”
Sansa rolled her eyes, but Margeary couldn’t tell because she had already turned her back to her friend and was scavenging through her giant suitcase, throwing pieces all over the bedroom floor “Ah! this one will do”
“Margie, are you serious right now?” Sansa grabbed the dress in front of her, in disbelieve. The dress, black and skin tight, might have looked classy on her friend, but in her taller, curvier frame it would be too much revealing “I’ll look just like those trashy women that hang around in the club”
“I doubt any of them can pull this look off. With those black heeled boots and the right makeup, every boy in that bar will be on the palm of your hand... Even the Prince”
The Prince. Since her arrival, Margeary had made it very clear that she wanted to spend time with the bikers and, at first, Sansa thought her friend wanted only to satisfy her bikers fetish, but as her questions at the dinner began to sound more inclined to a certain VP, Sansa came to the horrifying realization that she was, in fact, playing the sweet Cinderella’s Godmother on her.
Sansa felt her cheeks warming up, as she pulled her dress of and put the new one, squirming inside of it, adjusting it in place “Jax’s not interested in me that way”
Did she sound disappointed? Oh Gods, did Margie noticed it?
Of course she did, she was smiling softly at her “He’d be an idiot, not liking you” Margeary spoke, as she brushed Sansa’s hair with her fingers “you’re the most beautiful woman Charming has ever seen. Well, right after yours truly” that last part was said with a grin, one that Sansa returned.
It was a quiet night at the Sons’ clubhouse, Jax noticed, as he grabbed a couple beers and throttled back to the table where his brothers were. A quiet night wasn’t that bad though, considering that Jon was bringing his sisters and their friends in. He looked around, taking in the faces of the crowd. A few regulars, and a couple croweaters. Even some of the Sons were missing, something he was actually thankful. He walked by Chibs, who was playing pool against Tig, and slapped him on his shoulder, making him loose his stance and fail the shot.
“Oi, you bloody bastard!” Chibs yelled, while trying to hit him with the cue, but Jax dodged it easily. He sat by Juice’s, handling him the beer, but the boy seemed to be focusing elsewhere
“Hey, asshole, here’s your bee- Jesus” was all Jax managed to say, as his eyes followed Juice’s target, landing on the sweetest vision he had all day. Sansa in high heels and a short black dress, showing off those long, beautiful legs of hers. Sansa in a leather jacket and heavy makeup, making her look older, and edgier.
Proper Sons’ old lady material, if Jax was allowed to dream of it.
“Yo, Jon, over here”
It was Juice’s voice that snapped him out of his trance, and he straightened himself on the chair as the group came over.
They all sat down around the table and Sansa introduced them around. The girl, Margeary, was stunning, Jax acknowledged, all sweet smiles and suggestive eyes, the kind of girl that would always stand out in a crowd. Her brother Loras was what Jax assumed to be the common boy in Sansa’s life. Rich, pretty boy, but too scrawny to hold his own. He doubted the boy had ever thrown a punch in his life.
Jax tried to keep himself focused on the conversation that flowed on the table, replying when the questions were directed at him, always on his best behavior, but the truth was he couldn’t help to let his mind - and eyes - wonder off to the pretty red-haired goddess in front of him, and the things he was so desperately willing to do to her... that was until he noticed Margeary staring at him, her perfectly sculptured brow raised with curiosity, her mouth closed in a thin line.
If she spoke up, he was fucked.
“You know what” she started, shifting her eyes towards Jon “I really would like to play a game of pool right now” she got up, and the rest of the group quickly followed her, surrounding the pool table, where Chibs and Tag had just finished their game.
Jax felt himself breathe out, relieved. She caught him red-handed, practically drooling over Sansa, but she didn’t said a word. He needed to be more careful, specially around Jon.
So, out of respect for his brother, he wouldn’t cross that line. Sansa was off-limits.
The night went on, as they played a few games, and had too many drinks.
Sansa passed her cue to Jon, excusing herself to the bathroom.
“What you’re waiting for?” Margeary asked, standing by his side, crossing her arms in front of her chest, watching the game in front of them. No one seemed to be paying them any attention, so she turned her head towards him, speaking in a low tone “Go get your girl”
Jax took a last sip from his beer, setting the empty bottle on a table as he made his way to the bathroom.
Jax entered quickly and closed the door behind him, his eyes never leaving Sansa. She was leaning over the bathroom sink, tracing the corners of her lips with her index finger, brushing away the smudges of her lipstick. The loud music from the bar was barely a whisper against the drumming of his heart, wildly beating against his chest. Jax walked slowly towards Sansa, stopping right behind her. She was facing the mirror, but her eyes were set on his reflexion. On what he was doing.
He held up his hand, brushing against her skin on its way up. Hand, wrist, arm, shoulder, neck. There he could feel her heartbeat pulsating wildly against the tip of his fingers, and he found himself gasp in anticipation.
“I know I shouldn’t be here...” he tried to sound steady, but his voice was cracking with his every breath “I tried to keep my distance...” he continued, his eyes focusing on his hand, and the way it trailed down to her thigh “But I need to know...”
He stopped, and she turned around. Her hands were on his chest, and his on her hips. Her cheeks were flushed red, and her lips were parted, inviting “What, Jax?” she let out, barely a whisper, and it was his ruin.
He held her face in his hands and leaned in for a kiss. It wasn’t a soft one, as he had anticipated. The kiss was wildfire, burning through with every brush of the lips.
Sansa wrapped her arms tightly around his neck, pulling him closer against her body, and Jax instinctively pushed her against the wall behind them. Maybe he had used too much force, since she pushed him away lightly, breaking the kiss, as both gasped for air.
Jax leaned his forehead against Sansa’s and closed his eyes, trying to steady his raging pulse. He had wanted to kiss her for so long, he was afraid that he might not be able to stop now. He didn’t know where it was heading, but he knew exactly where he wanted it to lead.
“What was it, Jax?” he heard her say, and he opened his eyes.
She was staring up at him, eyes round and dark, lush lips luring him to devour them.
“I need to know how you taste, darlin'”
And this time she was the one who jumped into the kiss, capturing his lips with hers, tugging roughly the hair at the back of his head in one hand, while the other explored the skin under his shirt. He couldn’t say he hated it, any of it. On the contrary, the way she nipped on his bottom lip, the way she laced her tongue in his, every little brush with her nails on his skin, every little moan that erupted from her, was only driving him closer and closer to the edge.
He didn’t even noticed that her hands had moved from his head and ribs, down to his belt, until he felt the pull and the unbuckling.
“Are you sure about this?” Jax asked, stupidly, by the looks she was giving him, with her quirked brow and sly smile
“You said you wanted a taste. Then have it”
Jesus. This woman would be his undoing.
Deciding not to waste anymore time, he went back into devouring her mouth with his, as he helped her out of her panties. Then he grabbed hold of her thighs and lifted her up, using the wall for support, while leaving a trace of wet kisses from her mouth, to her jaw, and down her neck, stopping at her collar bone.
“Jax...” Sansa whined, but her voice turned into a whimper as he pushed inside her, slowly, filling  completely her slick and tight core.
Everything about Sansa was euphoric. The smell of her perfume, the sweet and savory taste of her skin, the moans that erupted from her lips, a siren call pleading for him. She was his aphrodisiac, and soon the slow and smooth rhythm he’d started with had sped up, hips grinding as he thrusted in and out of her.
The sound of her moans lost intensity as her walls started to clench around him, and he pummeled harder to help her reach her climax before he lost himself to his. It didn’t took her long, and she dig her nails on the back of his neck as she came, hard and divine, throbbing around him, riding him capriciously.
But it was her dazed eyes watching him and parted lips whimpering sweetly as she came down from her high that drove him over the edge. Jax felt so inebriated by her touch that he had to hide his face on the crook of her neck as he thrusted clumsy this time, growling low as he filled her up with his hot release.
They stood still for a while, both trying to steady their breaths, and Jax raised his head, watching Sansa as she placed her hand on the back of his neck and pushed him closer, a playful smile gracing her lips.
“Did you satisfied your cravings, Boss?”
Jax placed his palm on her cheek, brushing lightly brushing it with his thumb “After tonight, Red, I doubt I’ll ever have enough of you”
Sansa pulled him into a tender kiss, both reveling on the aftermath of their savoring, knowing deep inside their lives would never be the same, now that they both got a taste of each other.
A.N.//- Yay, I’m back!!! And writing smutg, nonetheless! I hope you’d enjoyed this chapter, I’ve never written smut before, and I haven’t written nothing for at least six months, so I’m pretty eager to know what you think of this one. 
Sorry for any mispellings, english is not my native language, and I don’t have a beta-reader. Feedback = Love!
Taglist is OPEN: @lokilvrr @mrsjaxtellerfan @purple-moon123 @cheryl-odair-stark @wanderinglunarnights @madamebaggio @just-get-though-it
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This was the first of my Mortal Kombat guest character shit. Think I made this two or three weeks ago. I forgot, anyway, enjoy these. Mainly it includes Archie from Bioshock Rebirth. The last one was meant to be with Noob Saibot. But long ago, I changed it to Shao Kahn.
Archie: You know, you remind me of someone I really hate.
Kano: Ohhh, who was he?
Archie: Let’s say he was Irish at first. Then he became a Bronx motherfucker.
Archie: I knew a crime boss that would make the entire Black Dragon look like a bunch of bitches.
Kano: Those are fighting words mate. Where is this asshole so I can gut him? Or make good business with him.
Archie: He’s already dead because I hung him from a ceiling.
Archie: Don’t you dare get near Elizabeth.
Kano: Hey, a dog can’t stop sniffing.
Archie: You touch her, and I’ll rip that metal eye off of your face.
Archie: Sonya told me all about you and the Black Dragon.
Kano: I am the Black Dragon you yobbo.
Archie: The Black Dragon is nothing compared to the Demon Of Rapture. 
Archie: You remind me of someone who I have mixed feelings on.
Kabal: Wonder how I remind you of him?
Archie: He killed for money, and he was a Helluva Grim Reaper in Rapture for Ryan.
Archie: You being fast doesn’t scare me.
Kabal: Maybe I’ll visit those Little Sisters after this. They’ll probably like me.
Archie: Get near those girls and I’m gonna shove those swords up your ass.
Archie: I hate people like you. 
Kabal: Black Dragon pays good. Nothing personal.
Archie: That’s why I fucking hate killers like you.
Archie: You really think you, a fast asshole of a mercenary, can beat me.
Kabal: All I’m seeing is a punk ass kid who thinks being a soldier made him tough.
Archie: I’m gonna show you why Splicers and Sofia called me the Demon Of Rapture.
Archie: So the Shirai Ryu is more than a clan?
Scorpion: We’re a family. 
Archie: Me and the Vox highly commend that honestly.
Archie: You know, you’re one of my favorite characters to play as actually.
Scorpion: What do you mean by that?
Archie: I think you and everyone else would be shocked to learn what you are in my world.
Scorpion: The Shirai Ryu would be honored to have you.
Archie: I don’t know. I don’t think I’ll fit.
Scorpion: Trust me, we would welcome you.
Scorpion: So the Vox are than an army?
Archie: We’re a community in a way. Trying to take care of each other.
Scorpion: The Shirai Ryu commend the Vox for their goals.
Archie: I question why you would even praise me?
Scorpion: You’re unlike any soldier I’ve met. Imagine our combined forces?
Archie: A ninja and an Army Ranger...that’s a Helluva team up.
Johnny Cage: Come on, let me star as you in a movie based upon Rapture.
Archie: Sorry, I think you’re too old to play me now.
Johnny Cage: Okay, that hurt a little hearing that from you. We could change the age though.
Johnny Cage: Your story would make a perfect movie.
Archie: I don’t think I want you cashing in on the shithole that is Rapture.
Johnny Cage: You’re missing out on the Rapture cinematic universe.
Johnny Cage: So you’re telling me our world...is basically a video game in your world.
Archie: Yep.
Johnny Cage: Holy shit!
Archie: I think you may not want a cinematic universe based upon Rapture or something.
Johnny Cage: Come on, you know its genius.
Archie: You’re gonna have to get through Ken Levine if you really want that.
Archie: So, you have issues with your dad too?
Kitana: It’s more complicated than simply issues.
Archie: Understandable. For me, my dad was a Capitalist tyrant asshole.
Archie: Its time for your rule to end.
Shao Kahn: I’ll crush you with my war hammer. 
Archie: I’ll fuckin beat you to death with a God damn golf club to make your death look insulting.
Archie: You make Ryan, Fontaine, and and Sofia Lamb look like pansies.
Shao Kahn: Is that a compliment?
Archie: No, it means you make me more sick than any of them.
Archie: You really think you, a dictator, can stop me.
Shao Kahn: All I see in a man trying to be a warrior. Everyone you faced is nothing like me.
Archie: I’m the Demon Of Rapture you shit fuck.
Archie: I don't think you would last in Rapture probably.
Shao Kahn: Do you know who I am? I am mighty.
Archie: I don't think the Splicers, Big Daddies, and Big Sisters would give a shit.
Archie: What you did to Sindel was despicable.
Shao Kahn: I'll go for Jasmine and Tenenbaum next.
Archie: If you touch my mothers, I'm making sure your brains fall out when I beat you with a golf club.
Archie: You remind me of someone I highly respect.
Jacqui: How would you describe her?
Archie: A natural born leader, and the best damn sister I know.
Archie: I’m just...reminded of terrible things that happened to people looking at you.
Jax: You mean you know people who went through what I experienced?
Archie: No. I’m reminded that Rapture literally made slaves in diving suits. 
Archie: You’re not leaving this fight alive.
Joker: Awww, not going soft on me?
Archie: Do I look like your God damn Batman?
Archie: Unlike Batman, I’m going to kill you.
Joker: What makes you say that?
Archie: I’ve read The Killing Joke and The Dark Knight Returns. You make me fucking sick.
Archie: I know a clown that I think scares me more than you.
Joker: Well who’s this other clown then?
Archie: The clown is from a video game, drives an ice cream truck, and has a flaming head.
Archie: Vietnam huh? I’m sorry you went through such Hell.
Rambo: What about you kid?
Archie: A little bit of Iraq, and Rapture itself. 
Archie: Green Berets, you have my respect John.
Rambo: Same to you as well. Always did respect the Rangers.
Archie: Brothers to the end am I right?
Archie: You lost your whole platoon? I’m sorry. No one should have to experience that. I feel the same.
Rambo: You lost anyone?
Archie: Even though I was a loner. I lost my whole unit. Was the only survivor from the aircraft. Damn Ryan.
Archie: You want peace as well after all the Hell you’ve been through.
Rambo: Do you feel the same?
Archie: Yes, I do. 
Archie: You really think you could last in Rapture?
Shao Kahn: All those you've mentioned mean nothing to me.
Archie: Eleanor Lamb would make you her bitch.
Edit just noticed I didn't put cream after ice...so there...hope you all love the references everyone. :)
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justcallmefox89 · 4 years
Artist in the Devildom
Jax has just arrived in the Devildom as the newest human exchange student at R.A.D.  With Arianthi and the seven lords of the Devildom to guide them this exchange year should be a breeze.  Right? 
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Written from the perspective of my non-binary OC, Jax Montgomery.  Jax uses they/them pronouns.
This story takes place in the Truth or Dare AU where Mammon and Arianthi get engaged.
I would like to give a massive shout-out and heartfelt thank you to @fivenightsat-enbys​ for all their help and being so wonderfully patient with me and my questions.   
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The flash of bright white light is blinding, and my body feels like it’s falling through an endless tunnel.  I know that this is allegedly safe, but that doesn’t stop me from scrunching my eyes closed and letting out a high pitched scream.  I’m still screaming when I feel my feet touch solid ground.  After a few seconds I simmer down and open my eyes, blinking away stars.  
Once I can see again I find myself standing in front of two men and a girl around my age, in an office that can only be described as rich old white man aesthetic.  Lots of large dark oak furniture, some obviously antique oil paintings of naked people and things I’ll probably have nightmares about later.  Gold lighting fixtures.
Into it.  Very into it.
I clutch onto my duffel bag and octopus plushie, shuffling my feet and giving them all an awkward wave.
“Yo,” I say, attempting a smile.  
Given the current state of my stomach and the fact that I was currently standing in the Devildom, face to face with some real life demons, it feels a little forced.  
Why did I agree to this?  Definitely, most probably, in the top three of my worst ideas of all time.  
The taller of the two men steps forward, flashing me an enthusiastic grin.  
“Jax Monteiro?  Welcome to the Royal Academy of Diavolo.  We’re so excited to have another human student here!” 
“Whoa!  Down boy,” the girl says, stepping towards me with giggle, patting the auburn haired man on the arm.  “Give them a second to adjust.  Portal jumping is harder on us poor humans than it is on you all.”
She holds out her hand.  “Hi Jax, I’m Arianthi Wolf.  I’m the ambassador to all the exchange students here at R.A.D.  And I’m a human student too, so you’re not all alone down here.”  
She gives me a soft smile of reassurance.
I quickly give her hand a shake, returning the smile, mine more genuine this time.  Arianthi is about six or seven inches shorter than me, with long curly black hair and bright green eyes.  A smattering of freckles runs across her nose and cheeks, standing out against her pale skin.  
I’d love to draw her.  
I’m itching to get my hands on my sketchbook.  
The guys too.  And this room is insane. 
She motions at the auburn haired man next to her.  He towers over her, looking like a giant standing next to a pixie.  I’ve always considered myself tall at 6′3, but this guy has a good six or seven inches on me.
This must be how mom felt when she asked me to get stuff off the high shelves at the grocery store.
“This is Lord Diavolo, founder of R.A.D., and the human, angel, demon exchange program here.  The goal is to bring the celestial realm, human realm, and the Devildom closer together and foster a better understanding between the three.”  She pauses for breath.  “He’s also the prince of the Devildom.”
Holy shit.  
“Do I need to like, bow or something?”  I ask nervously.  
Diavolo chuckles.  “Please don’t.  I just wanted to welcome you to the Devildom before returning to my duties.  Arianthi will help you get settled in and go over your course schedule with you.  You’ll be staying with her at the House of Lamentation along with the seven lords of the Devildom.”  He gives me a boyish grin.  “I hope your year with us is less eventful than Arianthi’s first year.”
“Diavolo!”  Arianthi gives him an exasperated grin while he waggles his eyebrows at her. 
He holds his hand up, laughing.  “Sorry princess, I couldn’t resist.”
Princess?  Oh, I’m totally asking her for a story time once we’re alone.
Diavolo motions the other man in the room forward.  He’s closer to my size, with delicate features, turquoise hair, and moss green eyes.  
“This is my servant Barbatos.  If you find yourself needing anything and are unable to reach Arianthi or any of the lords, he can help you.” 
Barbatos offers me a small nod.
“Barbatos is the one who really runs things here.”  Arianthi gives me a mischievous smirk.  “He’s also an amazing chef.  The best baker in all three realms.  His devilberry tarts are to die for.”  
She mimes swooning.
Barbatos beams at her praise.  “You flatter me Arianthi.”
Diavolo rubs his hands together, smiling.  “Well, we really do need to be going.  I have to welcome the new angels to Purgatory Hall.  I’ll leave you to it Arianthi.  Don’t worry Jax, you’re in very good hands.”  
He gives Arianthi a wink.
Hate to break it to you Diavolo but as cute as she is, I’m more interested in how good your hands are.
“Dia!”  Arianthi gives him a dirty look.  “Stop that!  I’m sure Jax doesn’t appreciate it, and you know Mammon hates it when you do that.”
Mammon?  A third player has entered the game.  This could be some spicy telenovela shit.  Must.  Know.  Now.
Diavolo just chuckles at her and exits the room, Barbatos in tow. 
“Okay, tell me everything princess.  I have to know.”  I smirk at her and she rolls her eyes good naturally. 
“Dia and I were a.....thing for a while.”  She waves her hand dismissively, looking slightly annoyed.  “He’s still a little in his feelings about things, but I’m engaged now.  Sometimes he likes to push my fiance’s buttons.  Diavolo is a lot of fun but he is a world class shit stirrer.” 
“Mammon is the fiance?”  I guess.
She gives me a soft smile.  “Yeah.  He lives at the House of Lamentation too, so you’ll be meeting him soon.  Anyways, we should get going.  Do you need help carrying anything?”
I hold up my duffel bag and my plushie.  “This is all I brought with me.  But you can carry Samson if you want.”  
I hand over the large purple octopus.
“He.  Is.  Adorable.  Levi would love him.”  She cuddles Samson close to her chest as she leads me out of Diavolo’s office.  
“So, right now we’re in the Demon Lord’s Castle.  Diavolo and Barbatos live here, and there are always some high ranking demons staying here too, trying to get in good with Diavolo.  You’ll be here off and on throughout the year for parties and things like that.  Hopefully you’ll escape the “bonding sleepover” ordeal I went through my first year.”  She shudders.
“Bonding sleepover?  Like a summer camp bonding sleepover?” I quirk an eyebrow at her.
She gives me a long suffering look.  “Dia is like a kid in a candy store when it comes to human world activities.  It was his idea.”
I chuckle.  “It was that bad?”
Arianthi holds up a hands and starts ticking events off on her fingers.  
“I got sucked into an evil possessed painting with some others and we ended up in the dungeon.  In the dungeon we were almost eaten by Henry 1.0, who may be the biggest snake to ever exist, like anywhere.  Then when we tried to get a picture of Lucifer sleeping we ended up getting chased by Cerberus and we wound up in the dungeon again.  Where Henry 1.0 tried to eat us.  Again.  And there was a pillow fight where everyone ended up unconscious except for Diavolo and Lucifer.  And me, but only because I was hiding under my bed.”
I stare at her, mouth open, debating if she’s being serious or not.  She looks back at me, face unchanged.
“Oh, wow, you’re actually being serious,” I say.  
I don’t know if I’m terrified or....nope.  Definitely a little terrified after that story.  And why did they want a picture of Lucifer sleeping?
As if she can sense my fear Arianthi gives my shoulder a comforting squeeze.  “I know it sounds insane but every day isn’t going to be like that here.  And you’ll always have someone looking out for you.”
I breathe out a sigh of relief and give her a quick grin.  “Thanks, Arianthi.”
We make our way outside, and I’m startled by the fog and dim sunlight.  
It’s the middle of the day, right?  Or does time work differently here?
I must look confused because Arianthi quickly explains.  “Time works the same here, but the weather is different from the human realm. We don’t get bright sunlight down here.”  
She shrugs apologetically.
“It’s all good,” I tell her with a smile.  “I figured things would be different when I agreed to all this.”
She giggles.  “At least they gave you some warning.  I was one of the first humans picked for the program and they just zapped me out of my apartment without warning.  One minute I’m on my couch watching The Great British Bake Off, and the next I’m down here.  Mammon and Asmo had to take me shopping for a whole new wardrobe.”
“Damn.”  I join in on her laughter.  “So how did you adjust to being here?”
Her mouth scrunches to one side as she ponders my question.  “It was hard, that first month.  None of the demons were really used to humans, and a lot of them didn’t want me here.  But I gradually got closer to the brothers and that helped.  Now it’s hard to imagine my life without them.  They’re family now, you know?”
I nod.  “Do you think I’ll have any issues here?”
“Nah.”  She shakes her head.  “I’ll be looking out for you and whatever classes we don’t have together you’ll have with one of the boys.  Lucifer made sure of it.  But if you do want to go out somewhere be sure to take me or one of them with you.  Some of the lower level demons are still assholes about humans being here.  I get a little more respect now that I’m Mammon’s fiancee and a full time resident of the House of Lamentation.”
We meander through the R.A.D. campus, Arianthi pointing out various buildings and explaining the curriculum to me.    
“Ok, so......the seven demon lords that we’ll be living with.  Lay it on me.  I wanna know what I’m getting into.”
Arianthi takes a deep breath.  “I’ll just give you the rundown from oldest to youngest.  Hold on, because this family is a roller coaster of ‘what the fuck’.”
I snort out a little laugh.  “I’m from Florida.  There is literally nothing here that can shock me.”
“If you say so,” Arianthi replies with a smirk.  “Buckle up buttercup, because we’re going to run through this fast.  Oh, and the brothers are ranked in accordance to how powerful they are, not their actual ages.  But they are all thousands of years old, in case you were wondering.   Anyways the oldest is Lucifer, the Avatar of Pride.  He’s Diavolo’s second in command down here.  Very serious, doesn’t laugh much.  He’s like the dad at the House of Lamentation.  But not the fun kind.  Don’t let any of the others talk you into trying to prank him.  Unless I’m in on it, because I’m always down for that shit.”
I have found my people.
“The second oldest is Mammon and he’s the Avatar of Greed.  Don’t leave anything valuable laying around or he’ll take it and try to sell it for some quick Grimm.”
“Wait?  Isn’t Mammon your fiance?”  I’m confused.
She gives me a self-deprecating shrug.  “The heart wants what the heart wants.  We’ve been working on the stealing thing, but at the end of the day he is the Avatar of Greed and it’s hard to control that.  He models too, to earn some extra Grimm.  I’ve been pushing for him to do more of that to curb the stealing.  Oh!  I forgot, Grimm is our currency down here.  I’ll hook you up with some so don’t worry about that.”
“Oh no you don’t have to-” I try to protest but she cuts me off with a smile.
“Really, I want to.  I want you to be able to enjoy your time here, not worrying about trying to find a part time job to earn some cash.”
“Lucifer is the house dad, but you’re totally the house mom aren’t you?”  
Seriously, this girl might be an angel.
She blushes a little.  “Um....guilty.  I sort of fell into it my first year here.  The boys needed someone to take care of them then.”  She pauses.  “They still sort of do honestly.”
I laugh.  “Alright, who’s next?  Hit me with it.”
Arianthi pauses, like she’s trying to come up with the right words.  “Levi.  Well Leviathan, but you can call him Levi.  He’s more introverted than the rest.  Very into gaming, anime, movies.......and a book series called The Seven Lords.”
“I’ve read that!”  I exclaim.  “Great series.  I brought some anime with me too.”
“Cool.”  She grins at me.  “Sounds like you guys have some things in common.  I bet he’d love to see some anime from the human realm.  He’s obsessed with Ruri-Chan too, but I’ll let him explain all of that to you.  He’s also the leader of Hell’s Navy because of the whole lord of the sea thing he’s got going on.  And he’s the Avatar of Envy, so try not to take any of the things he says too seriously when he’s acting jealous.”
“Wait, what?  Lord of the sea thing?”  
Mind.  Blown. 
“Yep.”  She nods enthusiastically.  “He can summon and control sea monsters and all sorts of underwater nightmare fuel.”
“Bad fucking ass.”
“Right?”  She laughs.  “On to the next.  This is where things get kinda weird.”
“Weirder than summoning sea monsters?”  I ask.
“Like daddy who is also my brother weird.”  She answers with a straight face.
“Get the fuck out of here,” I say with a laugh.
“Satan is the fourth brother.  He’s the Avatar of Wrath so try not to piss him off.  He’s very intelligent, loves to read.  But don’t touch his books without permission.  Actually, just stay out of his room all together.”
I look at her and smirk.  “This is all fascinating but I’m still waiting on the daddy/brother angle.”
She laughs.  “Ok, ok, ok.  When the boys fell from heaven Lucifer’s rage was so intense that it became a sentient entity.”
She shoots me some finger guns.  “Exactly.  Lucifer and the other brothers raised him.  He gets a few characteristics from each of them, but he’s most like Lucifer.  Which pisses him off because he hates the thought of being like Lucifer.  And Lucifer doesn’t want to think of Satan as his son, so everyone just refers to Satan as their brother.”
I shake my head in wonder.  “It’s just like being back in Florida.”
Suddenly a white haired demon comes and grabs Arianthi from behind, picking her up and spinning her around.
“Yo, what the hell?”  I yelp in surprise.
The demon sets her down, hugging her from behind, resting his chin on her shoulder and nuzzling his face into her neck.  Arianthi lets out a high pitched squeal as his hair and nose tickle her.  He eventually stops, staring at me suspiciously over her shoulder.  
“Hey babe, who’s he?”  
Arianthi elbows his ribs.  “Mammon, this is Jax.  They’re the new human exchange student who’s going to be staying with us this year.  So be nice to them.”  
She stresses my pronouns and a look of realization crosses Mammon’s face.  
“Oh shit!”  He looks contrite.  “I am so sorry.  I shoulda thought before I said anything.”  
He releases Arianthi and holds out his hand.
I shake it.  “No worries.  It happens.  Thanks for apologizing though.” 
He gives me a crooked grin.  “Still, I am really sorry.  Won’t happen again.  And if anybody tries to mess with ya since you’re the new human around here, THE Great Mammon will handle it.”
Arianthi rolls her eyes fondly at me and shakes her head behind his back.  “I’m sure Jax appreciates the sentiment, but everything will be ok.”
I grin back at Mammon.  “Arianthi’s probably right, I should be fine.  It’s cool of you to offer though.”
Arianthi wraps her arms around his waist and looks up at him adoringly.  “But if any demon does try to give Jax a hard time I’ll tell my big, strong, handsome fiance and let him sort them out.”
Mammon puffs up with pride and he looks down at her lovingly.  “Damn right ya will.”  He presses a kiss to her forehead.  As he pulls away he notices Samson in her arms.  “Oi!  What is that?”
“Isn’t he cute?”  Arianthi holds him up and wiggles one of his tentacles.
I shrug and kick away a rock.  “He’s mine,” I admit.
“Cute as hell,” Mammon says, one slender finger reaching out to touch the plush fabric.  “Levi would love ‘em.”
“That what’s she said.”  I gesture at Arianthi.  
He chuckles, throwing an arm around her shoulders.  “I just wanted to tell ya hi baby.  I gotta run to the store real quick then get back to the house.  I’m on dinner duty tonight with Levi.”  
Arianthi stretches up on her tiptoes to give him a soft kiss on the lips.  “Ok, I’ll see you at home.”
“See ya later.  Bye Jax.”  Mammon gives us a small wave and starts to walk away.
“Oh!  Don’t forget that Beel had practice today so make extra!  He’ll be hungrier than usual!”  She calls out after him.
He turns around and blows her a kiss to acknowledge that he heard her.  She smiles as she watches him walk away, then turns back to me, serious.
“I really am sorry about that.  I’ve told everyone your preferred pronouns so it shouldn’t happen again and if it does -”
I hold up my hands and give her a small smile.  “Hey, hey, hey.  Shit happens.  And it’s not like he did it on purpose.  Plus he apologized, then offered to look out for me which was pretty cool of him.”
She still looks concerned.  “I just don’t want you to feel like you can’t be yourself.  Especially at home.  I want you to be comfortable here.”  
“It really is fine.  He figured out his mistake and apologized, and I bet it won’t ever happen again.”  I smile and gently nudge her with my elbow.  “And if anybody starts some shit I’ll just let the house mom take care of it.”
Arianthi gives me a soft shove and laughs.  “Damn right you will.  I’ve got your back down here.”
We start walking again.  
“Ok, who’s next in the line up?”  I ask.
She gives a big sigh.  “The Avatar of Lust, Asmodeus.  You can call him Asmo, everybody does.”
“Lust hmmm?”  I raise my eyebrows.
“He’s sweet, he really is.  Very into self-care and indulgence.  Just don’t spend any time alone with him until we know how his powers affect you.”
I look at her in shock.  “Are you saying he’d try to.......?”
“No! Nothing like that,”  Arianthi reassures me.  “Asmo would never force anyone to do anything they didn’t want to do.  But since he is the Avatar of Lust he’s able to bring out other people deepest wishes, kinda like a walking aphrodisiac.  Some people are immune to it, others can learn to block it out.  Those that aren’t have a tendency to.......overindulge in their most decadent desires.”  She gives me a pointed look.  “So until we know how you’ll react, no alone time with Asmo.”
I make my most serious face and give her a quick salute.  “Yes ma’am.”
She uses one of Samson’s tentacles to slap my arm and laughs.  “Smart ass.”
I smirk.  “Alright, Asmo is number five so who are the last two?”
Arianthi chews on her lower lip for a moment, as if internally debating what she wants to tell me.  Finally she gives me a small smile and starts to talk.
“Beelzebub is sixth and Belphegor is seventh.  We call them the twins though, because their father created them at the same time, and they’re extremely close.  They’re together almost all the time.”
I interrupt.  “Wait, their father?  Like God?”
Arianthi’s eyes grow dark and she scowls.  “He’s a piece of shit,” she mutters.
“Did you just call God a piece of shit?”  I ask her, shocked.
“When there’s a dad out there who can make my dad look like Father of the Year, then you know the guy’s a total ass bag,” she growls.
“You just called God an ass bag.  I feel like I’m missing a lot of backstory here,” I respond.
She shakes her head as if she’s shaking away her negative thoughts.  “I’m sorry Jax.  There’s a lot of history you’ll learn this year, and how the boys fell from grace is part of it.  It was hard on all of them, but Beel and Belphie took the hardest hit.  It will be up to them to tell you their side of things though, in their own time.”
“No worries.  I’ve got patience for days.”  I grin at her. “You’ve got serious beef with God huh?
“I’d throat punch him if someone gave me half a chance,” she answers seriously.
“You don’t look like it but you’re frightening.”  I laugh.  “But it’s the kind of frightening I want on my side at all times.”
She laughs with me.  “I told you I have your back Jax.  Always.”
“That means a lot Arianthi.”  
Not many people do now days.  
“So Beelzebub and Belphegor?”   I ask.
“Beel and Belphie.”  She smiles to herself.  “Beel is the Avatar of Gluttony, and his food intake is phenomenal.  Do not ever come between him and his food, and if you see a container in the fridge with his name on it, don’t even breathe near it.  He once wrecked the kitchen and one of the walls to my old room because Mammon and I ate some of his custard.”
I stare at her.  
“It’s like I haven’t even left Florida,” I whisper reverently, and she huffs out an amused laugh.
“A lot of people treat Beel like food is his only interest, but it really isn’t.  He plays sports and he works out everyday, so if you ever want to join him for a workout he’d be thrilled to have a buddy.  He’s really sweet, thoughtful, and kind.  And sensitive, but he tries to hide it so he can stay looking strong for the people he cares about.  He never wants to let anybody down if they need him.  He’ll open up if he gets close to you though.”
“It sounds like you guys are really close,” I say quietly.  
I wonder how Mammon feels about that?
She stops walking and turns to look at me, a shadow passing over her face.  “I’m an only child and my mom and dad weren’t very good at the whole parenting thing.  I wound up in foster care when I was 5.  Stayed there until I aged out.  I would have given anything for a big brother like Beel back then.  He’s really taken care of me since I’ve been here, and been nothing but supportive of me.”  She gives me a shaky smile.  “I’ve got my big brother now so I try to look out for him however I can.”
“He sounds like a really good guy,” I say, suddenly feeling guilty for my earlier thought. 
“He is,” Arianthi answers and we resume walking.  “Belphie is the Avatar of Sloth, so he’s constantly sleepy.  He can nap anywhere, and he gets super cuddly with people when he does, so if that’s not your jam be sure to let him know.  Don’t touch his cow pillow.  He’s pretty sarcastic and he can be hard to get to know, but he’s sweet when you do.”
We turn a corner and she stops in front of a large three story house.  Even though it’s well maintained and beautifully built something feels a little......off about it. 
This place would give the house from Texas Chainsaw Massacre a run for it’s money in the creepy as shit category. 
“Here we are!” she says brightly.  “The House of Lamentation, and your new home for the next year.”
My eyes dart around, taking in every detail of the house as we walk up the steps to the front door.  
Arianthi suddenly pauses with her hand on the doorknob.  “Jax there’s something else you should know about the house before we go in.”
“Ok?” I say, confused.
“Satan is a little bit of a crazy cat lady.  He’s rescues strays and keeps them until he finds new homes for them.  Lucifer says he can only have one in the house at a time, so you may occasionally be called upon to help hide one.  Or five.”
“Totally ok,” I answer with a grin, relieved that the big secret is just contraband kitties.  “I love cats so no problem on that front.”
She smiles at me as she opens the door.  “Great!”
We walk into the foyer and she shuts the door behind us.  
“Also, allegedly some guy murdered his whole family here a long time ago.  So this place is probably haunted.”  She smirks at me.
“Of fucking course it is,” I mutter, playfully giving her a dirty look.
“If it makes you feel better I’ve never seen any paranormal stuff as long as I’ve been here.”
“It does.  A little bit.”  I look over and smile at her.  “Oof!”
I ram into something large, solid and......warm?  I look in front of me and see a very large, very muscled chest.  I tip my head back until I see a pair of friendly violet eyes looking into mine.  
“Beel!”  Arianthi gives him a quick squeeze.  “This is Jax, the new exchange student.”
“Sorry for running into you,” I say.  “I wasn’t looking where I was going.”  
I take a step back so I can get a better look at him.  Like Diavolo, he is huge.  And built.  Really built.  His shaggy, bright orange hair highlights the color of his eyes.  
“It’s ok,” he tells me, smiling before he takes a large bite of the sandwich he’s holding.  He squeezes Arianthi back.  “Hey Arianthi.  When’s Mammon coming home?  He’s supposed to make dinner tonight and I’m starving.”
That smile is goddamn adorable.  
I shake my head.  
Get it together.  You’ve seen cute guys before.  But he is beyond cute.  And built.  And taller than me.  And if he’s everything Arianthi says he is............  
I quickly slam that thought back into its box and tune into their conversation.  
Arianthi is frowning.  “He should be back soon.  If he isn’t I’ll help Levi get things going so dinner isn’t late.”
He beams at her.  “Thanks Arianthi.”  He turns that megawatt smile to me.  “Do you need any help getting your stuff to your room Jax?”
I’m flustered.  Why am I flustered?  I don’t get flustered.  
“N-n-no.  Thanks though.”  I give him a small smile.  
Did I just stutter?  Oh god.  
I internally cringe.  
I see Arianthi’s eyes flicker between the two of us, and she gives me a mischievous smile.   
“We might need help later though.  In case they want another dresser or any of the furniture from my old room brought into their room,” she tells him.  
Beel gives us another easy grin.  “No problem.  I’ll be in my room if you need me before dinner starts.  See you later Jax.”  
He ambles away, munching on his sandwich.
“See you,” I call after him.  
I look to my right and see Arianthi looking at me with a shit eating grin on her face.  
“Shut up,” I mutter.
“He’s cute right?”  She nudges me with her elbow.
Oh my sweet baby Jesus yes!  
“He’s ok,” I say, trying to stay nonchalant.  “Seems nice.”
“Is nice Jax code for a “total snack”?  Or “I want to climb him like a tree and never come down”?”  She snickers, teasing me.
“Ok, you are officially the worst,”  I tease back, reaching out and ruffling her hair. 
“But am I officially the worst and right that you think Beel is a cutie?”  She raises her eyebrows.
I’m saved from answering by Mammon bursting in through the front door, two shopping bags in hand.
“Oi!  H-h-hey Jax.  Hi baby.”  A faint pink blush dusts his cheeks and he tries to quickly edge past us.  “Runnin’ a little late, gotta get dinner goi-”
Arianthi snags the hem of his jacket, stopping him his tracks.  “What’s the rush my love?”
“N-n-no rush.  Just wanna get dinner on time.  Ya know how Beel gets.”
What is he so nervous about?  
I’m suddenly very suspicious.
Please don’t be a fuck boy Mammon.
She pulls him closer and loops her arms around his neck, leaning in to give him a quick kiss on the cheek.  “Mammon?”  
“Y-yeah baby?”
“Why do you smell likes witches?”  Arianthi keeps her voice light, arching an eyebrow at Mammon.
Ooh, I know that look.  Mom used to give me that look all the time.  Wait, witches?  They have witches down here too?!
“I maybe, mighta stopped at a little card game on the way to the store.”  Mammon’s tone is smug, despite the guilty look on his face.
Arianthi rolls her eyes, smiling.  “How much did you win?”  
“650 Grimm.”   He smiles back at her.
She holds her hand out in a “gimme” gesture.  
Mammon groans, reaches into his jacket pocket, and hands her a thick stack of bills.  “Come on baby.  Aren’t ya gonna let me keep any of it?”
She quickly divides the money, handing half to me and pocketing the rest.
“Wait, what’s this for?”  I ask, confused.
“We agreed that whenever Mammon goes gambling half of whatever he wins goes to you, so you’ll have Grimm for whatever you need here.  And the other half goes to a joint project we’re working on.”  Arianthi laces her fingers with Mammon’s and cuddles into his side.
Mammon’s irritation is instantly gone, replaced by a dreamy smile as he squeezes her hand and presses a kiss to the top of her head.  
“That joint project is going to be amazing.  I just know it,” he softly whispers.  
“What’s the project?”  I ask, curious.  “If it needs any artwork, I could totally help you guys out with it.”  
Arianthi disentangles herself from Mammon.  “It’s a surprise for his brothers.  It’s really sweet of you to offer Jax, but I wouldn’t want to bother you -”
“You won’t!  You wouldn’t be,” I interrupt.  “I feel bad just taking your money like this, even if you guys did plan it.  So let me help you out with whatever art you may need done for this project.”
“That’s really cool of ya Jax,” Mammon says, grinning at me.  “We appreciate it.”
“Seriously,” Arianthi echoes.  “I saw some of your art when I went through your student profile.  They are insanely freaking talented,” she tells Mammon.
I can feel my face turning red.  “I’m not that great,” I manage to mumble.
“Hey, if you’re good at somethin’ don’t go bein’ modest about it,” Mammon tells me.  “I gotta go get started on the food before Beel smashes down another wall.  See ya at dinner.”
“See you,” we respond in unison as he moves towards the kitchen.
“We should get you settled into you room,” Arianthi tells me.  “I’ll show you the kitchen after dinner; you’re on dish duty with me tonight.  I hope that’s ok.”
“Totally fine.”  We start climbing a set of stairs.  “So are you going to let me in on what this surprise project is?”
“Are you going to tell me what you really think of Beel?”  She counters with a smirk.
“Touche.”  I smirk back.  
“Ok, here you are.”  She stops in front of a closed door.  
“That’s Beel and Belphie’s room,” she says, gesturing to the door to the right of mine.  “And Mammon and I are to the left of you.  My private library and office is on the other side of our bedroom.  If you ever need to use it you’re more than welcome to; I never lock the door.  I’ll show you where everyone else’s rooms are tomorrow.”  
“Sounds good.”  I smile at her as she hands Samson to me.
“I’ll let you check out your room and unpack your stuff.  If you think of anything you want for your room we can go check out my old room tomorrow and see if you like anything in there.  I’ll come get you in about an hour for dinner.  If you need anything before then just knock, ok?”
“Ok.”  I open the door to my room, then think of something.  “Hey Arianthi?  Will my iPhone work down here?”
She shakes her head.  “No, but we’ll get you set up with a D.D.D., which is the Devildom version of an iPhone.  Barbatos is supposed to bring one by in the morning for you.”
“Oh cool, thanks.”  I smile at her and she turns to go into her room.  
“Hey,” I say quickly.
She pauses in her doorway and turns towards me.  “What’s up hun?”
“You would’ve made a really good big sister.”
She gives me a gentle smile.  “Thanks Jax.  That means a lot.”  
She slips into her room, softly closing the door behind her.  
I step into my new room and start looking around.  There’s a desk, a couch, a small dresser, and what has to be a king size bed.  
Fucking awesome.  And an en suite bathroom?  I officially love this place.
I drop my bag onto the floor and wander over to look out the window.  My room looks out over a wide expanse of forest.  
Pretty view.  
When I turn back around I notice that someone has left a pile of things stacked in the far corner of the room, next to my desk.  Someone has left me a bunch of............ art supplies?! 
 An easel, canvas, charcoal, sketchpads, pencils, oil paints; I eagerly rummage through what looks to be anything my little artist’s heart could ever possibly need or want.  
Arianthi.  Had to be.  Her thoughtful ass would do something like this.  
Grinning to myself I shuffle over to the bed and flop down, cuddling Samson to my chest.  
I think I’m gonna like it here. 
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chibbybish · 4 years
Here With Me (Juice x Reader) !NSFW!
Part 4 (Final Part)
requested by @kchavez666
tag list: @everyhowlmarksthedead
[word count: 2400]
[reading time: 00:19:10]
-I recommend listening to this while reading-
A/N: I really did go through an emotional rollercoaster while writing this.
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You slowly opened you eyes and looked around.
"Tara?" You yelled as you remembered what you were doing at St Thomas.
Tara entered the room holding your newborn which instantly brought tears in your eyes.
"We're here to see mommy, yes?" Tara said softly and gave you little Theo to hold him.
"Hello little guy." You kissed his forehead. He looked so small and you were so afraid that you would somehow break him or he would explode.
"Congratulations, (y/n), you're the strongest woman I know." Tara kissed your cheek.
"Please tell everyone to come in, I want them to see him." You tried to wipe your tears.
"Of course." Tara opened the door and told everyone to come in the room. They all came in, silently and were left speechless when they saw baby Theo in your arms.
"Hi, hi, baby!" Chibs whispered.
"He's so tiny. I'm sorry I'm gonna cry my eyes out." Tig sniffed.
"Hi little angel." Jax gave him a little Sons Of Anarchy cap.
"Oh, uncle Jax is giving you presents!" You told your son.
"Is he gonna explode?" Happy asked, making some of the guys laugh.
"Hello there! Hello!" Gemma caressed the baby's little hand.
"Everyone is here little Theo!" You kissed his forehead again.
"Well not everyone." Clay sighed.
You looked at him, curious.
"I see everyone." You smiled. And then you saw him. You saw Juice entering the room and panic filled your whole body.
"What are you doing here?" You growled. You gave Theo to Tara and she took him out of the room.
"I asked you something." You stormed.
"Baby I-"
-Baby? After all this, you have the audacity to call me baby?
Everyone looked nervous.
"We're gonna leave you two have a chat, shall we?" Gemma said and everyone started exiting the room.
Once you were left alone, Juice attempted to approach you.
"Don't come closer, I'm gonna freaking scream." You barked.
"Please (y/n), let me explain." He cried quietly.
"Explain what? That you left me because you're an asshole? You left me alone! I was calling your name when I was in pain while you were probably cheating on me with some bitch on birth control!" You raged.
Your whole body was shaking. You couldn't yell or be mean to him because you just loved him too much, but he deserved it. You were the most forgiving person but, at that time, you knew you shouldn't forgive him for leaving you like this.
"I didn't cheat on you!" He tried to explain.
"Yeah, right." You shrugged not being able to believe a word he said.
"Please." Juice kneeled down next to the bed. "Please believe me, I never cheated on you." He mewled.
You didn't say a word.
"Please, forgive me, please." He held your hand. "Please, don't leave me." He added and his crying became harder.
"Don't leave you?" You took your hand away from him. "Do you now how much sleep I lost when you left me?" You shouted.
The door opened and Chibs came in.
"Come on Juicy boy, let's get you out of here." He tried to take Juice out of the room but he wouldn't move. "Come on brother, Theo is hungry, we have to leave him with his mother." He added.
"No, I wanna stay here, he's my son too!" Juice sobbed.
You grabbed the collar of his t shirt, feeling nothing but anger. Chibs stopped pulling him back.
"You should've thought that when you were leaving me." You seethed. "Don't you dare call that baby your son, you hear? He's my son and mine only. His daddy left him before he was even born." You released Juice, having left both him and Chibs speechless.
"(Y/n) please-"
"Leave, Juice. It's the only thing you know how to do best." You growled.
"Come on, Juice." Chibs grabbed his arms and walked him out.
Tara brought Theo in the room and gave him to you.
"Hello baby boy." You kissed his forehead. "Let's feed you, okay?"
A few days passed and the only thing that was on your mind was Juice, begging you to forgive him.
Little Theo was now home with you, with Tig, Chibs and the rest of your friends occasionally visiting you.
You parents were in Hawaii, having the time of their lives and you could only contact them via video call.
"Is that my grandson?" You mother squealed in one of your video calls.
"Say hi to grandma Theo!" You lifted your baby up.
"Hi baby! Oh my god, Karl, you have to see this!" She smiled and nodded to your father.
"Oh hi, baby! My little angel!" Your dad exclaimed.
They both came when you died twice after giving birth to Theo but they had to leave a few days after.
"Now baby, tell me; did that Juice come back?" Your mother asked.
"Yes but he's not part of our lives anymore." You kissed Theo's soft cheek.
"Girl power, baby! He left you first." Your dad approved.
"I like your dad!" Tig exclaimed.
You laughed and looked at the time.
"Oh, I'm sorry guys, I have to feed Theo now, okay?"
-Of course sweetheart! Take good care!
-Okay mom!
-We love you pumpkin.
-Love you too, dad! Have fun!
The video call ended and you went to sit in the living room.
"There's no way mommy's gonna ever lose weight, you hear?" You told Theo and laughed.
"Don't listen to her, it's not your fault. Your mommy is as sexy as ever!" Chibs interfered.
"You heard grandpa Chibs!" Tig approved and you laughed.
After feeding your tiny son you took him in your room and carefully placed him on the bed.
"Mommy's gonna eat some ice cream, okay?" You kissed his forehead. He seemed very sleepy and hungry at all times, which made him the most adorable little baby you had ever seen, and no one had a different opinion on that.
You went back to the living room where Chibs and Tig were sitting, reading newspapers and books.
"My boobs are suffering." You complained, physically hurting.
"Oh the pain of being a mother!" Tig said, dramatically.
"Fuck off." You said making both of the men laugh.
There was a knock on the door.
"I'll get it!" Chibs stood up.
When he opened the door, he saw a very very sad Juice, looking exhausted.
"Oh shit." Chibs mumbled.
"Who is it?" You stood next to him and your big smile vanished once you saw Juice. "I told you to stay away from me and my son." You brked and your hands turned into two angry fists.
"Please, please let me talk to you, please." He kept saying.
"Tig?" Chibs yelled. "Let's go, brother." He added, and they left you alone.
You made room for Juice to come in. He seemed lost, as if he didn't know where to stand or sit.
You walked passed him and into the living room.
He quietly followed you and sat on the sofa across the couch you were sitting on.
"I'm listening." You crossed your arms waiting for him to speak.
"I am not going to tell you how much of a mess I am, because you already know that." He said, calmly. "But I am a mess and I was so scared when you told me you were pregnant." He sniffed.
"What were you so afraid of, for God's sake?" You growled.
"I was afraid I was gonna ruin his life, (y/n)." He said. "I was so afraid I wouldn't be a good father!" He ended.
"Well, that has just been confirmed." You ironically laughed. "I don't want you near that baby, I don't want you anywhere near us!" You yelled. "Chibs and Tig are more like fathers to him than you'll ever be, you hear me?" You seethed.
"I know and I'm so sorry, please forgive me, please. I didn't mean to hurt you!" He trembled.
"If you didn't want to hurt me then why the hell did you leave me?" You yelled, fed up with the audacity this man had.
"I can't say anything to justify myself, there's nothing to say. But I'm so sorry, please let me be in your life again. Please." All the drama caused you a headache.
"No, please leave." You stood up and showed him the exit.
"(Y/n), please don't do this."
-You left once, couldn't be hard to leave again, a second time, right?
-(y/n), please, please.
He approached you and grabbed your hand, kneeling before you.
"Please." He kept saying.
"Don't make this any harder, Juice." You said, coldly.
"I'm not gonna give up until you forgive me." He said. Damn right, he wouldn't, you thought.
A few tears were threatening to roll on your cheeks but you made them go away.
"Please leave." You told him again.
"You're breaking my heart, please forgive me." He kissed your hand.
"Did you ever think about my broken heart?" You pushed him away.
"I've learned my lesson, I've paid for my mistake, please forgive me." He bawled.
Finally, the tears that were threatening to escape your eyes where now rolling on you cheeks and falling from your chin.
"I hate you." You cried.
Juice stood up and tried to hug you but you just started hitting his chest with your fists.
"I'm so sorry baby." He said when he was finally able to hug you.
"God, I missed you so much." You clenched your fists around the fabric of his t shirt and burried your face in his neck. Only then you realised that you had missed everything about him; his smell, his touch, his presence in the room.
"Juice, Juice." You kept saying. You broke the hug after a few minutes and looked at him in the eyes.
"I will never leave you again, never, never." He kissed your cheek and then your lips; deeply and passionately. He was hungry for you and you were hungry for him.
"I need you, I need you right now." He said out of breath and started pushing you until you were right outside the bedroom.
"Theo is sleeping here!" You whispered, while Juice tried to undress you. He nodded and guided you in the living room, helping you lay on the couch.
"God, I need you." He helped you take your pants off.
He put his face between your legs and kissed your skin,sending a shiver down your spine.
"Oh Juice!" You gasped when you felt his tongue entering the most sensitive part of your body. He just kept on slurping and tasting you as you tried to moan as quietly as possible.
"You drive me crazy!" You said, taking off your t shirt and bra.
Juice stood up and took off his clothes, as fast as possible.
You started kissing again, while Juice started playing with your boobs.
You moaned his name as he put a finger inside you.
"Oh how I missed this pussy." He groaned and put a second finger in you.
"Please, I want you right now!" You whined.
"What do you want me to do, baby?" He asked in a raspy voice while he kept fingering and leaving wet kisses on your chest and boobs.
"Fuck me, I want you to fuck me." You begged him. His member was already hard as a rock.
He entered you, making you moan with pleasure.
"Oh yes!" He groaned and grabbed your legs. He started fucking your pussy faster and harder and at the same time he played with your boobs.
You almost had forgotten how this felt like. You hadn't had an orgasm in a few months and what was happening right now was amazing.
"Harder!" You yelled as you felt your whole body shaking.
"Oh baby, oh baby!" Juice groaned as he kept fucking you. He put his whole member inside you and kept going fast and hard.
"I love you, I love you!" You moaned as you started cumming on his hard member.
"I love you too!" Juice moaned and took his dick out, cumming on your boobs.
He kissed you gently and went to bring you a towel.
After you both had cleaned up, you lied down on the couch next to each other.
"No matter how many times I'll apologise, it will ever feel like it's enough." Juice kissed your nose.
"Shut up. Let me enjoy this, it's been so many months." You smiled and closed your eyes. You buried your face on his neck, letting his smell flood your lungs.
"I love you baby." He kissed your forehead.
"I love you too." You kissed his chest.
After a few minutes little Theo started crying.
"Oh we woke him up!" You stood up, naked, and started walking towards the room.
"Wait, you're naked!" Juice laughed.
"So are you." You said and wore your panties. "Come on, you have to see him."
Juice wore his boxers and just quietly followed you.
When you entered the room, little Theo turned his face to look at you.
"Did we wake you up baby?" You lied down next to him, feeling exhausted.
Juice was still standing in the hallway, not being able to say a word.
"Are you gonna sit there, or are you joining us?" You laughed trying to calm baby Theo down.
Juice entered the room and lied down next to his son; Theo was now between his parents.
"Hi little guy!" Juice took his little hand in his and kissed it gently.
"Say hello to daddy." You pushed the little baby towards his father, gently.
"Hi, hello." Juice put his hand around him. "You are so cute." He kissed his little forehead and then turned to look at you. "Can you please wear a bra? I'm trying to focus on my son but your boobs won't let me." He whined.
"Shut up!" You laughed and crawled closer to them. You kissed Juice while putting your hand around your baby.
"I swear I will do my best and be the best husband and daddy on this planet." Juice said and a few tears escaped his eyes.
"Husband?" You asked surprised.
"Will you marry me, (y/n)?" Juice smiled.
"Hell yeah!" You exclaimed and kissed him.
Little Theo yelled something no one understood and threw his small hands in the air, while kicking like every baby does, making both you and Juice laugh, happily.
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g-goldenskles · 4 years
Made Like Towers - Chapter 5 (preview)
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<---Chapter 4
High School AU featuring teenage versions of Juice, Jax, Tara, Opie and Donna.
Audrey Hayes is standoffish, distant and cold - and yet, all Juice wants to do is figure her out. The closer they get, the more he realizes how vibrant her soul is, and just how similar she is to him. Your teenage years can be cruel, but nothing can ever compare to your first love. 1990s
Juice and Audrey have a chance to talk things out.
Pairings: Juice/OC, Jax/Tara, Opie/Donna
Rating: T (will have a higher rating in later chapters)
Warning: Language
Genre: Teen Angst, Romance, Slow Burn
When Juice asked Audrey on a whim if she’d come over to his place to help him out with their assignment (they were growing tomato plants), the last thing he expected for her to say was yes. Especially after their last interaction, which he was still kicking himself over. He wasn’t necessarily sorry for fighting Justin, per say, but he had felt like an asshole when she poured the contents of her water bottle on him.
Audrey raised her chin when he told her his address. “I know where that is. I’ll have to stop home first, but I can come over after work,” she replied. She rode a bicycle when she could not depend on her parents, or Gemma, or Tara, for a ride. Juice thought that was endearing, mainly because her bike came with the perfect-sized basket for her plant.
They were both at TM that Saturday morning, working the early shift. “Cool,” he said. “And thank you.” For the first time speaking since their string of incidents, that had gone well.
The phone rang from Gemma’s office, taking Audrey’s attention away from the conversation. She walked off and practiced a sensual stroll as she went to answer it.
“Is three good?” he called out after her.
“Yeah,” she said, not bothering to turn around.
He stubbed out his cigarette in the nearest ashtray while Jax and Opie casually chatted up the owner of the Thunderbird. He was glad to see the car go after spending one too many grueling afternoons under its hood.
When the owner left, Juice wandered over to them. He liked Opie and Jax – their friendly bantering reminded him of the kids back in Queens. That sentiment fell on everyone at Teller-Morrow, especially Chibs, who had taken a liking to him.
“Hey,” Jax greeted him. “Haven’t seen much of you lately. Busy with a certain someone?”
“Hope you’re wrapping your shit up,” Opie said. “Pretty sure half the football team has hit that.”
Jax whistled, and his chest pulsed with amusement. “Damn, that was cold bro.”
“Somebody’s gotta warn him.”
“I haven’t slept with her,” he admitted. Him and Ima were not actually dating, or in a relationship, so to speak. They were just hanging out and making out. She was conventionally attractive – platinum blonde hair, blue eyes, and always wore miniskirts. She was even funny sometimes, outside of school, where there was less pressure to act like a snobby cheerleader.
She had been the one to approach him, and to say that he wasn’t still riding atop the ego boost would be a lie. He even got dirty looks from Justin when they strolled down the hallway together, which was an added bonus.
Jax gave him a cheeky smile. “If it ever goes there, just think about it first.”
He stuffed his hands inside of his pockets. “I haven’t even introduced her to my mom yet- “
“Juice,” Jax said with a shake of his head. “You can’t introduce every girl you meet to your mom. She’s gotta be special.”
“What makes a girl special?” he asked and cut his eyes to Opie. “Not screwing half the football team?”
Jax let out a stifled laugh. “I mean, for some guys, it could be that. But I’m talkin’ more about how well you click with a girl. Like, there are girls that you can fuck and have a fun time with, but who can you talk to?”
Opie groaned. “Give him any excuse to ramble about Tara, and he’ll take it.”
“Shut up, man,” Jax retorted. “You know you’re just as whipped.”
Opie jokingly flipped him the bird.
“Okay,” Jax continued. “So, say you are with Ima, right? Does the conversation flow? Is it natural, or is it one-sided?”
Juice cocked his head. “It can be one-sided, I guess. Not bad, just…surface?”
“And there’s nothing wrong with that,” Jax said. “The key to girls like Ima is to not take them too seriously. Just enjoy it while it lasts.”
“Enjoy it while it lasts,” Juice repeated. That made sense. “Hey, can I ask for your advice on…somebody else?”
“Go for it.”
“For starters, I don’t mean this in a…hooking up kind of way. Okay, so, Addie’s coming over later, and- “
“Oh boy,” Opie intercepted.
Jax turned towards him and said, “you in the mood to give commentary on every chick we talk about?”
Opie frowned. “No. I had this conversation with her the other day and” – he let out an exasperated sigh – “never mind.”
“Addie’s sort of a head fuck,” Jax said. “She’s super chill – funny, smart, great to be friends with. But she can be a downer sometimes, and moody. I’ve been in the doghouse with her more times than I can recall, but she always comes around – eventually.”
“Maybe she wouldn’t be so moody if she didn’t mess around with dirt bags,” Opie said as he pulled out a pack of Marlboro reds that had been tucked underneath his leather jacket.
“My hands are off that shit head,” Jax replied. “Until the moment he steps foot on this lot, of course. I’m not as cool as this guy,” he directed the comment towards Juice and patted Juice’s chest with the back of his hand.
Juice gave Jax a lackluster smile at the recognition. “I guess I’m just looking for tips on how to talk to her, in a way that won’t end with her hating my guts.”
Opie puffed on his cigarette. “Let her lead the conversation. If she mentions something, it means she wants to get it off her chest – and take it from there.”
Jax nodded. “That was solid, I second that. Why are you guys hanging out anyway?”
“We’re lab partners,” Juice replied.
“Careful,�� Jax said. “If you fuck up her Biology grades, she will never forgive you.”
Juice rocked back and forth on his heels. For whatever reason, he was looking forward to spending time with her – but he was also erring on the side of caution. Talking to Audrey felt like a game of cat and mouse, and he always seemed to be on the losing end. It was strange – the way that Jax’s description of Addie being a head fuck both confused him and made perfect sense.
When he was a kid, he’d been obsessed with those gargantuan, one thousand-piece puzzles. The closer he got to solving one, the faster his heart would race. Audrey was like a manifestation of that feeling.
“That goes without saying,” Juice said.
You can read the rest of Chapter 5 at either:
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imagineredwood · 5 years
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***Another one down. Sorry it’s taken me four score and seven years to finish up the storyline. I’ll be trying to finish up the existing requests that aren’t finished yet so that everyone can get their requests completed❤️***
Part 1   Part 2   Part 3    Part 4    Part 5   Part 6 
“You sure you’re ok to do this?”
You nodded as you stood in Gemma’s driveway, hand in hand with Happy. You were a ball of nerves of course, apprehension and anxiety flooding through your body after being away from your home and family for so long. Jax had assured you though that there were no hard feelings on the side of the MC, only guilt for having let the situation get so out of hand to where you had been driven away. Happy was by your side though, never planning on letting you out of his sight again.
He still left shafted by you leaving, something he knew he was going to have to come to terms with in his own time, but the anger and resentment he had once felt was now gone and his only concern now was you. He squeezed your hand and you looked up at him with a small smile.
“Now or never.”
The both of you walked up to the front door, the sky shades of pink and purple after the sunset for Gemma’s Sunday dinner. Happy held the door open for you and you walked in, Bobby and Piney the first two members you saw sitting at the table in the kitchen.  They both looked over and grinned at the sight of you, Bobby getting up to give you a hug, Piney staying in his seat and waiting for you to come in further. Bobby placed his hands on your shoulders, holding you an arm’s length away from him as he looked you over, mainly the obvious bump of your tummy which hadn’t been there when you’d left. Bobby wrapped his arms around you, bringing you in for the strongest hug he could manage, tears springing to your eyes at the warmth you’d always remembered. You could honestly say that you might’ve missed Bobby the most, his compassion being something you had always admired. As you pulled away, you smiled, looking up at him as he pressed a kiss to your forehead. He pulled away and let you head towards Piney who opened his arms to you as well. He didn’t say anything, his hug and the look in his eyes saying enough. 
After that it was Tig, him hugging you and rocking you side to side in his embrace, his voice soft in your ear.
“We missed you so much, doll. We’re so happy you’re back home with us, where you belong.”
The next few minutes went by like that, everyone else greeting you and telling you how much they’d missed you. It was clear that in time, your secret relationship was not nearly as big of a deal as they had made it out to be and at this point, they were just happy to have you back with them. Juice was the last one at the table and you greeted him with a soft punch to the shoulder.
“You asshole. I know it was you that found me.”
Juice laughed and tugged you into a hug, teasing you himself just like old times.
“If you had been a little smarter, I wouldn’t have been able to track you.”
You hugged softly and pulled away, Juice’s eyes looking behind you. You turned around and saw Clay standing there, an unreadable look on his face as he looked at you. Your eyes locked with his and he gave a soft smile, opening his arms to you. He wasn’t much of a sentimental man but the thought of you refusing his hug did run through his mind and he felt his heart sink. You returned the smile though and stepped into your father’s arms, them immediately tightening around you. One hand held the back of your head to his chest, cradling you as he whispered to you.  
“I missed you babygirl. I’m so sorry.”
You nodded your head as best as you could in his grasp.
“I fucked up. You fucked up. We all fucked up. Let’s call it even.”
Clay nodded and gave a chuckle, shrugging.
“I guess that’s fair. Let’s sit down and eat. We haven’t had a Sunday dinner since you’ve been gone. We can talk later.”
You thanked Gemma as she placed a cup of coffee down onto the table in front of you, leaning down to take your head in her hands and press a long kiss to your hair. She pulled back some but left her hands in place, looking down at you with love in her eyes.
“I’m so glad you’re back baby.”
She let her eyes glance down to your tummy and she softly poked at the bump.
“You too.”
You smiled as she pulled away entirely and walked around to take a seat beside Clay. Everyone else had left, leaving just you, your parents, Jax and Happy. Hap was beside you, his hand heavy as it held onto your thigh under the table as it had been the entire night. There was a bit of silence, all of you looking around at each other before you cleared your throat and began.
“I know this got away from us. We were all upset, and we all reacted quickly, but I am still hurt. This was my family, and because I made a decision that you weren’t happy with, you cast me out of the only home I’ve ever known.”
Clay winced and looked down, Gemma reaching over to clasp his hand in both of hers.
“I felt like I really didn’t matter to you guys. I didn’t rat, I didn’t take a deal. I didn’t do anything that warranted you to bar me from my family. I always stuck my neck out for this club, for my family. For you to cast me aside and for you to not stick up for me,”
You gestured over towards Jax and he swallowed, guilt weighing heavy as he knew he had failed you as a big brother.
“I felt like once you found out I was pregnant, you were really gonna treat my like shit. It just didn’t make sense to stick around. I didn’t want to put that on Happy. I know it might not seem like it, but to me, leaving was my only choice. I hate that I hurt you guys, but you hurt me first.”
You looked down at your coffee cup, Happy staying silent beside you but offering a comforting squeeze to your knee. You smiled softly at the gesture and looked back up at both your parents and your brother.
“Hap and I are together. We’re staying together. That’s that. I know you may not approve but that’s just the way that things are going to be. I have a family now and they need to come first.”
Gemma nodded quietly, never liking to be told how things were going to go but still proud that you were putting your foot down and setting boundaries, being a strong woman, now strong mother. She’d raised you well.
“I’m going to stay for a little while, get everything situated, but wherever Happy goes, I go. If he stays in Tacoma, I’m staying. If he comes back here, I’ll stay here. I’m only a couple months from having this baby and I want to be settled down, wherever he’s at.”
You felt bad at the tension Gemma’s body got, hating to hear that just after getting you back, she may be losing you again if you decided to follow him. All eyes shifted to Happy after that and he leaned back in his chair, his eyes trained on Clay only. No words were spoken but a conversation happened between the two men, Clay nodding slowly.
“We want you back in SAMCRO with us, Hap. Both of you. But I do understand if you want to stay in Tacoma. We’d really rather you transfer back though. I can have the papers done by today. Let you go back, get your stuff and come back. If that’s what you want.”
The words killed Clay as they left his mouth, hating that he was even extending the option or putting it on the table to stay in Tacoma, but after everything that had happened, the last thing he wanted to do was make you feel trapped or that he was still trying to be in control. There was silence for a couple of moments, Happy looking over at you before he spoke. You nodded and he did too, looking back at Clay as he grabbed your hand under the table and brought it up to rest on top of the table in plain sight, done with hiding.
“We’ll stay. I’ll leave her here while I go and get my stuff and bring it back.”
Everyone nodded and Jax reached over to place a hand on Happy’s shoulder, roughly but playfully jostling him with a smile that Happy returned.
“Good to have you back bro. And sis.”
Both you and Happy stole a glance at each other, glad that the ordeal was over and that you both could love each other and create your family in peace with the existing family you already had. With a smile fueled by genuine happiness, you placed a hand on your baby bump and looked around at the faces of your family.
“It’s good to be back.”
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penny4yourthot · 6 years
Never Have I Ever
Request from @answer-the-sirens : Any chance for a Happy X Reader, where you're new to the shop and everyone assumes your sweet and timid but you go to a clubhouse party, and get involved with a drinking game, dirty version of "never have I ever" and nearly every round you and happy drink and everyone's like da fuq, maybe at the end he comes over to you all impressed and... I love your blog! Phenomenal writer!
This will be two parts. The second part will be all smut! hope you like it and thanks for the request!
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It had been a completely normal day for you. Get up at 7 am to get ready for work, get dressed, make your coffee, and head out the door. It wasn't until you went to start your car that things quickly went to hell. Your car wouldn't start. You were screwed. Your boss was such a jackass and told you that you couldn't miss any more work. You had gone through some health issues a month after you started this job and had to miss quite a few days for various doctor appointments. You had moved to Charming a few months ago and had no family around that could come to pick you up.
Grabbing your phone you called the nearest mechanic. Teller-Morrow was the first one on the list. Had your mind not been going a hundred miles an hour, you probably would have thought to call a different one. You were well aware that this is where the local motorcycle club called home.
Of course, you had heard of the Sons of Anarchy and had seen them riding around but you were sure to keep your distance. Hearing all the horror stories of what the club was involved in from your neighbors you tried to stay away, although you knew that your neighbors were very dramatic so you couldn't believe everything they said.
It only took ten minutes for the tow truck to arrive at your house. It wasn't until the bald man, covered in tattoos, stepped out of the truck that you realized you had called the mechanic shop where the Sons worked.
“Car won't start?” the man asked you were shocked when you heard how low and raspy his voice was. You had seen him around town before but never have spoken to him or any of the Sons before.
“Uh, um, yeah,” your voice came out hardly loud enough for the man to hear.
“I’ll get it on the rig, can I give you a ride somewhere?” He looked at you when he spoke and he immediately saw the fear in your eyes.
“No, that's okay. Thank you,” your voice barely above a whisper.
“Are you sure? You look like your headed somewhere important,” he said as he pointed at your clothes. You were currently wearing a pencil skirt and a long sleeve blouse. Your office job required you to dress up professionally, which you hated.
Shit, what other option did you have? You would get fired for sure if you didn't show up to work and there was no way you were walking five miles in these heels.
“Well, I'm just headed to work. I guess I could use the ride,” you quietly spoke as you watched him get your car hooked up to the tow truck. You could feel his eyes on you when you looked away towards your house.
“Okay it’s all set, ready?” he questioned as he hopped in the driver's seat. You walked up to the passenger side door and opened it before climbing in. You put your coffee in the cup holder while holding your purse in your lap.
“I can pick you up too, your car should be done by then. What time do you get off?”
“Um, I get off at 6.” So far this man seemed nice enough to offer you a ride home, so why not? Your co-workers were a bunch of assholes who wouldn't give you a ride so you were grateful for the offer. After telling the man, whose name you had learned to be Happy, where you worked, he headed down the street knowing exactly where to go. This town was small enough to know where everything is.
Quickly arriving at your job, you thanked Happy for the ride and then walked into work somehow only being ten minutes late.
The day went by so slowly. Your boss got on you for being late and constantly gave you the hardest clients to deal with all day. You couldn't be happier when the clock hit six and you got to leave. You saw Happy sitting in the tow truck in the parking lot of your job and you got in and sighed heavily as you sat down.
“Rough day?” He looked over at you as he started the car
“Just my boss being a jerk, nothing new.” You buckled your seatbelt in as Happy drove off.
“Fuck bosses, they suck. Want me to kill him for you?” Happy laughed. You couldn't tell if he was joking or not so you just laughed in response.
“We're having a party tonight if you wanna join, lots of booze so you can forget your shitty boss,” he said as he looked over at you. He saw the look that washed over your face, one of uncertainty, almost fear.
“Look, I'm not sure what you have heard about us but-”
“I know your part of the motorcycle gang.”
“Club, Motorcycle club,” he corrected, “and whatever you heard is a load of bullshit. People are just afraid of us because we ride motorcycles, wear leather and carry guns. They know the truth though, we keep this town safe.” His raspy voice held confidence in it.
“Alright fine, I'll come to the party but just cause I had a shit day,” you laughed and noted that you were felling a hell of a lot more daring than usual today. “And because its Friday and I'm off tomorrow,” you added with a smile.
It had been so long since you hung out with anyone. Too busy with your job to make any friends. You were desperate to get out of the house for a few hours. You didn't even care about the rumors you had heard about the Sons anymore.
Pulling into the Teller-Morrow lot, you looked around seeing all the motorcycles parked in a neat line. You suddenly felt a bit nervous. There were a few men in the garage looking like they were putting things away to close up.
Happy parked the truck and got out. You followed him into the larger building opposite from the garage and as soon as the door open you were hit with the scent of weed mixed with booze.
“I didn't expect the party to be started so early,” you told Happy as he held the door open for you.
“We take Fridays very seriously,” he laughed, “some of them have been drinking since they got out of bed”
“I can see that,” you chuckled as you looked around and saw various stages of drunk men.
Happy lead you to the bar and you both started to drink.
Two hours passed quicker than ever. You had four beers and four shots and were currently up dancing around to the music with a few of the other girls that were there. You had kicked your heels off earlier in the night, no way in hell were you going to be dancing with them on.
“Heyyy let's play never have I ever! We used to play that in college alllllll the time!” You yelled to the other girls who all agreed.
“Guysss, come on, let's play!” One of the crow eaters yelled at the group of men who were standing around playing pool. Most of the men were so drunk they would agree to anything. One of the girls turned the music down as you all sat around on the couches and some of the guys on the floor.
“Okaaayy, so this is how you play. You say never have I ever and then say something you have never done! And if anyone else has done that thing they take a sip of their drink!” one of the crows said loudly enough for everyone to hear.
“Okay, I'll start,” another one of the girls said. “Never have I ever done it with someone twice my age,” she drunkenly said with a laugh.
“So I guess we are playing the dirty version of this game,” you laughed as you took a sip of your drink. Looking around most the other women took a drink as well.
“Okay, okay. I'm going next. Never have I ever done it in public,” one of the crow eaters said, which shocked the hell out of you considering not ten minutes ago she was dancing almost naked on the pole. You sipped your drink and looked around the room and caught Happy’s eyes as he looked at you with wide eyes clearly shocked that you have had sex in public. Earlier today you were almost too afraid to talk to him he thought you were really shy and so did the rest of the guys.
“Dammmn you’ve had sex in public? You seem so damn shy, you hardly talked to any of us tonight,” Jax yelled drunkenly at you. This caused a deep blush to run up your face as you nodded yes.
“Okay, Jax your turn!” the blonde crow eater who just went said.
“Okay fine, ummm never have I ever had sex with one of my teachers” he laughed as he lit a cigarette and took a sip of his beer.
You looked straight at Happy when you took a large gulp of your beer. He about spit his sip out when he saw that. He gave you a look, one that you have never seen on him. Almost like a look of want and need. You winked at him which caused him to growl lowly in response.
“Okay, I’ll go! Never have I ever been chocked out during sex,” the red-headed Crow eater that you were dancing with before said. And once again you had to take a sip. Half the men were watching you at each turn. They were shocked that someone who seemed as innocent as you had done all this stuff. It could also be because you were new around here and no one had taken a claim on you yet.
“Never have I ever had sex over texting before,” Chibs said with a laugh.
“That's because your too damn old to know how to text old man!” Opie joked as he and the rest of the ‘young’ people, including you took a sip of beer.
“Okay, your turn,” Happy said looking over at you eager to hear what you haven't done.
“You first,” you quirked back at him.
“Fine. Never have I ever had sex with a dead body.” Everyone laughed as they looked over at Tig who was the only one in the room to take a sip.
“What? It's not as bad as you think,” he said as he drunkenly downed the rest of his beer.
“Your turn.” Happy looked back over at you waiting for you to go.
“Never have I ever been tied up during sex before, unfortunately,” you were shocked by your quickness to reply and even more shocked that you held eye contact with Happy the entire time you spoke.
He got up from his spot on the couch across from you and sat down right next to you, putting his hand on your thigh.
“We can change that,” he whispered in your ear and then proceeded to take yet another sip out of his beer. You felt the heat rise in your face as you debated on whether or not to take him up on that offer.
 Never Have I Ever Part 2
Tag List: @gemini0410 , @utterlyhopeful , @rebelwriter95 , @genius2050
Happy tag list: @redwoody-incorporated
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mrsjaxtellerfan · 6 years
Coming Home (Jax x OC) (Chapter 8)
Hey guys! Cowritten with @lookprettyliveclassyplaydirtyyt. Hope y'all enjoy!
Warnings: Language
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Chapter 8
“Ari, wake up, it’s nearly 10.” I wake to Jax gently shaking me, Abel laying on the bed next to me cooing away.
“What?” I grumble.
“It’s nearly 10, Sophia keeps asking if you are getting up. I have to get to work.” Jax states, planting a kiss on my forehead before picking up Abel and leaving the room. I lay there for a minute thinking about the events of yesterday, worrying if I’m leading Jax on. “Come on Buddy, let's get you changed and ready.”
I walk into the Abel’s room. “Jax. I’m gonna need the keys to the Caddy, so Sophia and I can change, but we will get Subway and bring you a sandwich. Maybe you can push her on the swing instead of Channing. Sophia and I can take Abel with us, if you would be comfortable with that.”
“Chucky!” Sophia yells from her spot on the daybed. “His name is Chucky, and he’s my friend.”
“Sorry, Chucky.”
Jax chuckles. “If you guys don’t mind taking Abel, that would be great. I’ll take the bike to the clubhouse, and you guys can drop off Gemma’s car and pick up the bug.”
“After lunch though, daddy.” Sophia says. “Are you gonna eat with us?”
“You better believe it, darlin’.”
“What kind of sandwich do you want, daddy?” Sophia asks.
“Your mommy knows.” He says, lifting up Abel and handing him to me. “I have to go to work. Sophia, can I get a hug?”
“Yes, Daddy!” Sophia yells, throwing herself into his waiting arms, wrapping her little ones around his neck.
“That is the best hug I have ever gotten Sophia! You give really good hugs!” Jax says to her, giving her a kiss on her chubby, little cheek.
“Mommy’s friend Kelsey says that too!” Sophia turns to look at me. “When are we going to see Kelsey?” Sophia asks.
“Soon, baby.”
“Alright, I gotta get going. I love you all.” Jax says, pecking me on the lips, kissing Abel’s head, and making his way toward the door, leaving me dumbfounded.
“Love you too, daddy! We will see you for lunch!” Sophia yells after him.
“Ready to go, baby?” I ask Sophia as I finish bucking Abel into his carseat.
“Yeah mommy.”
“Gemma?” I holler, walking into the house.
“In here.” I walk toward the living room. “I moved the birds and cleaned up so Sophia has a place to play. I unpacked you guys already, and Clay and I got her some new toys. I hope that’s okay.”
“Gem, it’s great! Thank you!” I smiles, hugging her.
“Where did y’all stay last night?” Gemma asks with a knowing grin.
“With Jax. Before you ask it wasn’t like that. Nothing is ever going to happen between Jax and I. We told Sophia last night, Gemma, she knows now.”
“Whatever you say, sweetheart.” Gemma grins. “How did it go?”
“She made him promise not to hurt her and I like Darren and Opie did, and made Jax promise to protect her from birds, let her ride on his shoulders, and love her as much as he loves Abel. He agreed, so she took it well.” I say, smiling slightly. “Sophia, don’t you need to ask Grandma Gemma something?”
“Grandma, do you think Papa Clay can scare away the monsters while I’m here? I don’t want them to hurt me, and some are too big for Hank to protect me from.” Sophia says, wrapping her arms around Gemma’s legs.
“I think he would love too, sweet girl. I also think you should ask him when you take your daddy lunch, just to make sure he promises you. Because Clay will never break a promise.”
“Go get dressed Sophia, we need to go. Grandma Gemma will show you where everything is.” I say, taking Abel and walking toward my temporary room.
“Hi, sweet boy.” I coo, making Abel smile and shove his hand in his mouth. I set him down where I can see him and go to my closet. Dresses. I go to the dresser and find what I was looking for, shorts, jean shorts. I pull a Panic! At The Disco tank top on, knowing that almost all of my bruises are gone, and grab a pullover in case it gets chilly later.
“Hey sweetheart.” Gemma says standing in my doorway.
“Hey Gemma. I was thinking, maybe you could drop us off at T-M after we pick up lunch for us and the guys, so I can get the bug.”
“I can do that.” Gemma says
“Mommy, don’t I look pretty?” Sophia asks, coming into my room.
“You do! In fact, that looks an awful lot like a dress I had when I was your age.” I smile at her while grabbing Abel. “Let’s go see if daddy likes your dress.”
“Juicey!” Sophia shouts, spotting the Mohawk right away. “We brought you a sandwich!”
“Thank you! I needed a sandwich!” He replies.
She spots Clay and runs over to him. “Papa! I have to ask you a question!” She says running toward him, stopping after dropping Hank in some dirt. “Haaaaank!” She screams and sits down on the ground next to him. “I’m sorry I got you dirty again. Do you promise to come back to me again if you go on vacation?” She begins to sob, tears running down her cheeks
Jax comes out of the clubhouse with Chibs and Half Sac following him, he stops when he spots Sophia on the ground, and runs over to her. “Sophia, baby, what’s wrong?”
“Th-th-the last time I g-got Hank dirty, he ha-had to g-go on v-v-vac-cation. I d-d-didn’t mean to g-get him d-d-dirty, p-pl-ple-ease don’t be m-mad, daddy.” Sophia says, sobbing into his chest.
“I’m not mad, baby. We will get Hank all clean, I promise.” Jax picks her up off the ground, and Hank too, and walks over to the picnic table.
“Jax! What happened?” I ask, walking over to where they were sitting, setting down Abel and everyone's sandwiches.
“She dropped Hank and then thought I would be mad at her and send him on vacation.”
“I should’ve been watching her, Jax. I’m-”
“No. You were doing a lot. Like helping with Abel, and getting everyone's food. This isn’t your fault, she probably would’ve dropped him anyway.” Jax says pulling Sophia, who is still sobbing, in for a hug. Grabbing Hank, he begins to wipe off the dirt. I look down at Jax holding Sophia and wiping the dirt off Hank, this family thing might work.
“Daddy?” Sophia says, looking up at Jax. “Thank you for not sending Hank on vacation. I love you.” She wraps her arms around Jax’s neck, and Opie lets out a deep growl making Sophia gasp.
“Where’s the sandwiches Sophia?” Juice says, with a smile on his face, rounding the corner. “What happened.” The smile falling off his face, being replaced with a look of concern.
“She dropped Hank, and Opie scared her.” Jax said, looking up at Juice. “Sophia, why don’t you sit with papa Clay for a little bit while I go talk to Opie, Okay?” Jax says, kissing her cheek before handing her to Clay and giving Hank back to her. “Opie.”
“Sophia.” I sit where Jax had been sitting. “Isn’t there something you need to ask papa Clay?”
“While I am at your house, with you and Grandma Gemma, will you scare away the monsters under the bed? I don’t want them to hurt me.”
“Of course I will, Princess.” He holds out his pinky. “I promise.”
“Sophia, my friend Piney would like to hold you. He is Opies daddy.” I say to her.
She goes over to where he is sitting and climbs up on his lap, facing him. “Hi.” She says, looking up at him. “Opie hurt my mommy, but you didn’t, so I’m not mad at you.” She says, before she turns around, sets Hank down on the table, and begins to eat her sandwich.
“Daddy!” Sophia says excitedly when she sees him again. “Thank you for cleaning Hank off. You got hurt, daddy. Are you okay?”
I look over at him. “Jax.”
“I’m fine darlin’. Nothing a little love and a couple alcohol pads can’t fix, after lunch of course.”
“Yes, sweet girl?”
“Do you like my dress?” She asks, looking down at it.
He puts his hand on her chin. “I love it, darlin’. It looks like the one your mommy used to have when she was your age. Except the zipper isn’t safety pinned in the back.” He says. “Your mommy still hates wearing dresses. Skirts, she doesn’t mind, but she HATES dresses.”
“Can I have a bite of your sandwich, daddy?” Sophia asks from her seat on Piney’s lap.
“Can you come sit over here, I don’t want to drip sauce on everything.”
“Thank you for letting me sit with you, Piney. You’re my friend.” Sophia says before turning to give him a hug, grabbing Hank, and walking over to Jax.
“She has really good manners.” Piney whispers to me after we move Sophia's sandwich closer to her.
“Yeah, my ex, Darren, he would yell at her if she didn’t use them. One time he locked her in the bathroom because she asked him for some food. It was 4 in the afternoon, and I was at work.”
“What did she mean about Hank going on ‘vacation’?” Piney asks
“When Darren locked her in the bathroom, he destroyed all her stuff, saying he was ‘punishing’ her for not using her manners. I couldn’t bare to tell her  that all that was left of Hank was practically stuffing and a few threads of yarn. So, I said he went on vacation and will come back to her someday.”
“That’s cute.” He smiles at me. “Thank you for letting me hold her after my sons asshole move.”
“You’re welcome.”
“Daddy, did Opie hurt you?” Sophia asked looking up at him after everyone had finished eating, she was sitting on his lap, picking at the strings on his patches, noticing the black eye and split lip for the first time.
“We got into a fight because he is mad that you’re not around him anymore.” Jax said, rubbing her back while I fed Abel.
“But you’re my daddy and he’s not, so why would he be mad?” Sophia turns to look at me. “Mommy, did I something wrong? Am I in trouble? Should I go to the bathroom?”
“No, Sophia.” Jax interjected, before I could say anything. “You did nothing wrong, you’re not in trouble, and you don’t need to go anywhere. Except the swingset. Want me to push you?”
“Really daddy? You’ll push me on the swing?” before he has time to answer, she gets up and grabs his hand. “Mommy, can Abel watch Hank while I play?”
“Of course he can, babe. You go and have fun.”
Sophia goes running toward the swingset, Jax following behind her.
“We need to talk.” Opie says to me.
“No Opie. We don’t, we have nothing to talk about.”
“Please?” Opie begs.
“What do you want?” I sigh, knowing he isn’t going to let up.
“I’m sorry. The things I said were awful, and I was pissed at Jax.”
“Opie. You were pissed at Jax, and because of that, Sophia now knows the truth. She knows that Jax is her real daddy. She also knows that you hurt mommy.” Chibs grabs Abel to burp him, putting Hank back on the table.
“Just give me one more chance to prove I can be a good dad.”
“No, Ope. You fucked up your own kids, I’m not gonna let you do the same to Sophia.”
Opie slapped me across the face. “Do NOT talk about my family again. You don’t know anything.” I stand there, clutching my cheek, trying to wrap my head around what just happened, tears springing to my eyes as I looking into the guilty eyes of the man I once called my best friend.
“Mommy, why did Opie hit you?” Sophia asked standing behind me, holding Jax’s hand. “Opie, why did you hit my mommy. You promised me you wouldn’t hurt her.” She runs away, in tears, toward the office that she knows Gemma is usually in.
“I have to go talk to her.” I said moving from between the two men, seething and pissed off at each other.
“Darlin’. Let me see your cheek.” Jax growls.
“Jax, it’s nothing.”
He gently pulls my hand away from my cheek, a red handprint starting to bruise. “This shouldn’t have happened. You don’t deserve this.”
“Jax. It’s fine, I’m used to it.”
“You shouldn’t be.” He let's go of my wrist and kisses my opposite cheek. “Go check on Phia, she wanted to tell you something.”
I smile up at him and walk toward the office.
“What the fuck man? You had to hit Ari, and in front of our daughter?”
“She was talking about Donna and the kids.”
“That doesn’t mean you can hit her! Do you know all of what she has been through. Do you know all of what Darren did to her and Sophia?” Jax asked.
“Right, you don’t, and I don’t either. I’m slowly trying to figure this shit out, and you gotta go and fuck this shit up. I should punch you, I’m not going too, because Sophia is coming, I can hear her humming. But if she weren’t about to see it, I would hit you so hard you see stars tomorrow. Stay the hell away from my family. Understand? I don’t even know who you’ve become.”
“Daddy.” Sophia says, wrapping her arms around his legs and hiding her face from Opie. “Mommy’s crying. Can you help?”
“Phia.” Jax says, pulling her up over his shoulders. “Take me in the direction of your mommy. And Opie, be gone when we come back out.”
“Onward, noble steed.” Sophia says, pointing in the direction of Gemma’s office. Jax laugh, hopping around, faking like he’s going to knock her off his shoulders, giggles erupting from the tiny girl as she clutches his hair.
“Jax.” I say, looking up at him from where I’m sitting. He’s panting, and hunched over, with a giggling Sophia on his shoulders.
“Darlin’.” He pants. He pulls Sophia off his shoulders and sits next to me on the couch. His breathing evens out. “Sophia said you were crying, and she wanted me to come help.”
“Jax, you really didn’t have to do that. It would’ve been fine.”
“No, darlin’. He did to you what Darren did, and what he promised Sophia he wouldn’t do to you, hurt you. I’m not gonna let him get away with that.”
“Jax, he is just gonna have to learn to move on.”
“Mommy.” Sophia says from her place on Gemma’s lap. “Grandma Gemma has family photos of everyone but us. Can we take one? With A-Abel too?”
“If that’s what you want, sweetheart. Why don’t you come with me and help me check on him and Hank.” I say, hoping Jax is going to fill Gemma in on what happened.
“Mommy, are you okay?” Sophia asks as we make our way out of the room.
“Baby, I’m okay. I promise.” I reply, pulling her up into my arms and making my way over to Chibs but not before making sure Opie was gone.
“You okay, lass?” Chibs asks, turning my face to the side seeing the bruise that is forming.
“I’m fine.” I reply, taking Abel from him as Sophia moves to climb up in his lap.
“Can you keep an eye on her? I’m going to go talk to Jax and Gemma.” I ask.
“Yes of course.” Chibs replies, tickling her belly.
“Ari, baby, I’m so sorry.” Gemma replies, pulling me into a hug.
“I don’t know what got into him. The Opie I know would never do anything like that.” I sob, putting my face in Gemma’s neck as Jax takes Abel.
“He’s been going through a rough time, but that’s no excuse for what he did to you.” Gemma says, pulling back to look me in the eye. “How about I take the kids, and you and Jax can go relax and decompress after everything, it has been a crazy 2 months.” Gemma smiles. I can’t believe it has been 2 months since I stumbled into Charming by complete accident.
“I agree. We need some time to figure things out, babe.” Jax says, rubbing my back. I nod in agreement.
“Let me go talk to Soph and see if she’s okay with that.” I say, leaving the room.
“Hey, Sophia, come here a minute.” I yell, seeing my baby come running across the lot.
“Are you okay, mommy?” Sophia asks.
“I’m fine baby. I was wondering if you wanted to stay here with grandma Gemma and the boys while daddy and I go talk.”
“Yes!!!” Sophia yells running back to the guys to tell them she gets to stay. “Soph, don’t daddy and I get hugs?” I yell after her.
“Fine.” She sighs making her way back to the office. Hugging me and hugging Jax before running off again.
“Well I guess she’s okay with it.” I laugh, walking over and giving Abel a kiss before hugging Gemma.
“Y’all taking the bike?” Gemma asks.
“Hell yeah we are!” I exclaim, winking at Jax.
“Well I guess that answers that question, what the lady wants the lady gets.” Jax laughs.
“Thank you, Jax.”
“Oh course, darlin’.” Jax smiles, handing me his extra helmet. “Any place in mind?”
“The water tower. We haven’t gone out there since that night.”
“You mean the night we conceived Phia?” Jax smirks, fully knowing the answer, throwing his leg over the bike.
“Shut up and drive.” I say, climbing on behind him clutching his waist, his ab muscles moving under my hands.
“Whatever you say, darlin’.” He replies, taking off out of the parking lot.
“Do you remember my senior prom? When my date bailed? And I made you bring alcohol, and we spiked the punch and everyone got alcohol poisoning?” I ask, looking up at him from my spot next to him at the top of the water tower. “I also remember someone in white sneakers an awful lot like yours helping me tag the school. Do you think they know who did it?”
“Babe, I’m 100% sure they know who did it.” Jax smirks. “We weren’t exactly subtle, I mean we initialed it, afterall.”
“No, you initialed it, Jax, I just helped.”
“That might not have been the brightest idea, but you didn’t get suspended for it so… I drove by the other day, I think they just painted over it, but it’s starting to chip.” Jax smiles, brushing the invisible dirt off his jeans.
“Nervous? I mean, we haven’t been up here since that night. If you want a repeat performance, you’re going to leave here slightly disappointed, Jax.”
“Oh, darlin’, if I tried to get a repeat performance you and I both know I would.” He smirks, brushing back my hair, rubbing his thumb over my lips.
“Yeah, good luck explaining that baby to your mom.”
“I didn’t mean the baby part! Soph and Abel are plenty for now!” Jax busts out laughing.
“Are you saying you don’t want to have more kids? You always said you’d want to have half a soccer team running around.”
“Baby, I’m saying I don’t want another kid right now, not that I don’t want anymore at all. I wouldn’t mind having a couple more kids with you.” Jax smiles.
“4, Jax. There are twelve players on a soccer team, you’d have to have six kids running around. I just hope they’d look more like you, and not like me.”
“Well, darlin’, if you are lookin’ to have 4 more kids I think we should start practicing.” Jax smirks.
“In your dreams, you cheeky bastard.”
“You’re right, I do dream about it, all the time.” Jax smirks, leaning in, closing his eyes, I turn my head his lips landing on my cheek.
“You didn’t think that line would work, did you?” I ask, with a laugh.
“Well I was hoping.”
“If you weren’t such a cheeky bastard I might’ve let you kiss me.”
“Maybe, guess you’ll never know.” I smirk, making my way toward the latter.
“I’ll know one day, babe.” Jax says climbing down the water tower behind her.
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thirstygirlclub · 6 years
Duchess 12
Chapter 12 – Lost Cat
Happy rolled his eyes for what felt like the millionth time since he got to work that morning. Juice would just not shut up about Catherine and, though he understood his friends obsession with her, he also needed help with logging the work the car had had done on the computer. Technology was never his particular area of expertise and he didn’t know what to press to get the damn invoice to print off. He couldn’t even handwrite it either because his writing was bordering on illegible.
“Have you seen her eyes?” Juice continued to gush, “They’re like this crystal blue colour. Amazing. You know how much I love girls with blue eyes right? Just something about them, I don’t know.”
“Shut up,” Happy huffed, resisting the urge to correct his friend, “and help me with this. What do I press?”
“How many times do I have to show you this, man? Look at that thing with the printer symbol on it- no that’s new docu- fuck’s sake. Give it here. I bet even Chibs will get this shit faster than you will.”
“I heard that!” They heard Chibs call from the work bay.
They laughed as Happy tried to watch what Juice was doing on the computer. All the symbols looked the same and he had managed to press something to format the document properly so all the writing was on the right lines and in the borders. Happy would never understand why Clay didn’t just get a receptionist or something to do it for them. Sometimes Gemma would be in to help and occasionally Viv but they both had their own stuff to do.
“Are you boys nearly done?” Chibs asked from where he was stood in the doorway wiping his hands on a rag, “Miss Hulme had been waiting forever.”
“Dickhead over here messed up the invoice; I had to fix it.”
Happy smacked Juice on the back of the head with a quiet tut but the other two just laughed as the printer started to spit out the piece of paper. There was gossip around the garage that the printer in the office was older than Jax but it was highly unlikely. However, from the choking, strained whining noise that came from it and how slowly it printed stuff out it was easy to believe.
“We really need a new printer,” Juice sighed as the machine begged for death and Chibs hovered near it to catch the paper and Happy nodded in agreement.
There was a tense pause as the noise stopped and Chibs held his hand nervously over it, ready to catch the paper. All three men were holding their breath and had their eyes focused on the old printer.
“Ah ya bastard!” Chibs shouted in both anger and surprise as the invoice shot out; making all three of them jump, “I’ve got it Miss Hulme, here you go.”
Chibs walked back out to the work bay and handed the lady the invoice to look over and sign. Miss Hulme was one of their best customers. She was an older woman with lots of money and a huge crush on Tig.
“You think Catherine would wanna work here?” Juice asked while he started printing out a second invoice for their files, “I think we’d get loads of new customers if she did. She know how to work computers?”
“Doubt it,” Happy shrugged.
It wasn’t that he didn’t have faith in her or think she was stupid but… he imagined she’d get distracted easily and forget to do things. And she maybe she wouldn’t really know how to use a computer; he didn’t and he felt he was marginally more sensible than she was. Besides, if she worked there Happy wasn’t sure he would be able to concentrate on his job if she worked with him; he would just want to sit with her all the time and just be with her. He was becoming a sap, he realised, and it needed to stop.
“You’re probably right. Gemma’s looking for a cleaning lady though, right? She could do that.”
“She has a job.”
“Pft! Working for that asshole in that fake fancy strip club? She’s gotta hate it there.”
“She’s fancy,” Happy stated, “she probably likes it.”
Juice shrugged and they both jumped again when the second invoice was spat onto the floor. Grumbling, Happy went to pick it up when he was disturbed by the sound of a familiar voice shouting for Jax. All heads turned to the forecourt where Jack was stood holding Romeo and looking both worried and in pain. Jax jogged over to the teenager, put his hands on his shoulders and shook him slightly.
“What’s going on?” Happy asked as he approached, the invoice forgotten.
“I don’t know where she is,” Jack all but sobbed to him and Jax, shaking his head and cuddling the little dog closer, “she’s gone. I got a call to- she said to meet her at Theo’s place but-” he shrugged hopelessly, “that was yesterday. I’ve not heard from her. What if Jerry- ”
The boy was holding in tears but no one would have blamed him for crying. Chibs came wandering over with a very forced look of calmness on his face. Romeo was looking around happily and wiggling in Jack’s arms to get to Happy. His fur was matted and messy too. Catherine wouldn’t be happy about that.
“Where would she have gone?” Jax asked, “Did she say?”
Jack shook his head again and looked at them with wide blue eyes. Happy had expected them to be grey but then again Jack and Catherine looked nothing alike. He was breathing heavily like he had been running but then it dawned on everyone that he probably had ran all the way from the centre of town to the garage in the midday California heat.
“She had something to do,” Happy said slowly, trying to figure out what she had meant, “that’s what she said.”
“What though?” Jack demanded, rounding on Happy angrily although there was something of a theatrical way about how he was acting, “Did she say what or where she was going?”
Happy shook his head and raised his hands up to stop Jack from advancing any closer. Jack was the same height as Happy but built wider and looked strong, plus if Happy was to hit him he didn’t imagine Catherine would be too pleased. If she was still alive.
The thought that something had happened to her made his stomach drop and his brain get hot and he wondered if perhaps that was how she felt when she was confused.
“She’ll come home,” Chibs said reassuringly but Happy couldn’t help thinking that it sounded like he was talking about a lost cat, “have you got a number for her? Does she have a phone?”
“Yeah she’s using Mom’s but I’ve been calling it all day and it’s going straight to voicemail.”
Chibs stopped Happy from walking to his motorcycle with a stern shake of his head and tugged on the work shirt Happy wore. There was going to be no way that they were going to go and look for her when they were working. Jack was directed to sit in the bar and just wait because there was nothing else for any of them to do but try and not concentrate on the missing girl. Woman, Happy reminded himself, Catherine isn’t a girl; she’s a woman.
“Stop fretting,” Chibs growled at Happy, annoyed with the anger that was coming off of him in waves, “she’s fine.”
“You don’t know that,” Happy sighed from under the hood of a car, hiding his face from his friend, “she might be dead.”
“Don’t say that.”
There was dread in the Scotsman’s voice which betrayed his calm tone from before. Happy knew what he was thinking because he was thinking the same thing. Catherine hadn’t killed Jerry, only got him in the shoulder, and there hadn’t been anyone stationed outside the house so he could be anywhere. She was safe when she was in the clubhouse with them but then as soon as she left he could have got her anytime. Happy had given her money for a cab back from the hospital but she may not have used it. Maybe she had used it and Jerry had just got her before she could get inside. What if she had been kidnapped by the cab driver?
He was getting stressed just thinking about it.
“She’s fine,” Chibs said again sternly from close beside him, “just act normal for the kid, ok?”
Happy looked behind him to see Jack walking over to them. He just looked back down into the car engine. It was a mess so he would be able to just ignore Jack and concentrate on his job. Happy had decided that he liked Jack even though he thought the kid was an asshole when they first met. Jack genuinely cared about his sister and it was nice to see.
“I’m sorry for coming to you guys,” the boy said, “we just… don’t have anyone else; Mom’s in hospital, Dad’s de- missing somewhere and Uncle Jerry...”
“Hey, don’t worry about it; we understand.” Chibs was saying kindly and patted the kid on the shoulder, “It’s tough moving somewhere new where you don’t know anyone. We all went through it.”
“Yeah but you had like… ready made friends.”
And that was the moment that Happy realised that Catherine and Jack must have been so lonely the entire time that they were there. That’s why she told him that he was her best friend; she didn’t have anyone else. The thought made him feel sad but she had him now.
Catherine POV
I was so tired and my eyes were dry and painful when I opened them. I was curled up on the armchair beside Mom’s bed with a thin, scratchy blanket over me. Mom was awake and sipping her morning coffee and reading the newspaper with her one eye. She still looked so dignified and high-class even though she was in hospital. She looked literally so unbothered by anything that she may as well have been having breakfast in our villa in France. The one we used to have.
“Morning Mom,” I said hoarsely.
“Good morning Honey. How are you?”
I shrugged. I didn’t know how I was because I kind of didn’t feel anything. I was just… meh. I know I should be maybe upset or angry or whatever but I just couldn’t. After everything that happened in the past 3 or whatever days I just couldn’t feel anything. I know there was something behind it, like, when a lot of the people we would go to in the ambulance had gone through something they would just be normal but then later on they would go crazy. I guess I had that to look forward too.
“Tired,” I answered eventually.
Mom just nodded slightly, flipped the page over and sipped her coffee again. She hadn’t looked at me this entire time. Whenever I had asked her about everything last night she just refused to answer me and told me to go to sleep because I was tired.
“Mrs Dillinger?” A soft voice said from the door way and I looked around to see Jax’s girlfriend Tara stood in the doorway, “Good morning.”
Mom finally looked up from her newspaper to look at her. Tara was wearing doctor clothes. I didn’t know she was a doctor and I especially didn’t know she was Mom’s doctor.
“How are you feeling? Any better?”
“Yes thank you Doctor. Those painkillers work wonders!”
Tara smiled and walked in to check the charts on the end of Mom’s bed. It was kind of awkward how quiet it was but there was nothing I could really say to either of them. Tara looked up at me and smiled politely then did a double take. I waved slightly then put my head on the back of the armchair and closed my eyes again. I felt so tired.
“Jax called me,” Tara said and I opened my eyes again, “your brother’s looking for you. He’s worried.”
Ugh. I forgot about Jack.
“He should be in school,” I coughed, “where is he?”
“The garage. I think you should call him and tell him you’re safe.”
I sighed. She was right. Tara seemed like a grown up grownup, you know? Like I’m an adult and stuff technically but Tara had everything together. I was kind of jealous honestly.
“Are you ok? You’re breathing sounds off.”
“Yeah, no, I’m fine. Just kinda sleepy.”
But she was already coming over to me with her chest listening thing in her ears. She did a few tests like asking me to cough while she listened to my lungs but when I did it made me cough even more. Then she looked into my eyes with her little torch then she looked up my nose which was kind of weird. She hummed thoughtfully then Mom pointed to a little trashcan beside the chair and told her that I had thrown up too. I didn’t even remember that. I didn’t remember much of last night after I saw Daddy in the car.
“Where have you been, Cat?”
I looked at Mom, panicked, but she didn’t say anything and I couldn’t answer either. Obviously I couldn’t tell her where I had been because she might tell the police or Mr Lowman and I wouldn’t want either of those things to happen. When I didn’t say anything for a while she just frowned in a kind of worried way but let the subject go. She said something about a chest x-ray or a blood test but I refused; mostly because I didn’t have any money to pay for it.
“Just make sure you call the garage, ok? I think he’s still there.”
I nodded and she let Mom know she would be back some time later to give her some more medicine then left. I was left with Mom in an awkward silence. I hated it so much because it just made me realise how much I didn’t know her. Like, Mom never really spoke to me after I stopped doing pageants and stuff and even less when we moved here. She was always at work or in the city or something and I never knew what she was doing and she didn’t know what I was doing either. Could she really blame me for wanting to be around Mr Chibs and Mr Lowman? They were proper adults that helped me when I needed them which was way more than what she had done in the two years since I stopped being a pageant girl.
“Well? Are you going to call your brother?”
“Oh. Yeah, I guess.”
I pulled out Mom’s phone from my pocket and found Jack’s number from through all the other contacts in her phone and called him. He answered straight away and asked immediately where I was but I told him not to worry because I was with Mom. But then the phone sounded like it was being rattled around I heard Jack protesting.
“Hey- Wait-”
“Where are you?” I heard Mr Chibs say seriously, “We’ll come and get you.”
I couldn’t help smiling at the worried tone in his voice. Such a dad.
“I’m ok Mr Chibs, I’m at the hospital with Mom. I fell asleep, that’s all,” I told him.
“I’m coming to get you sweetheart, are you ok?”
There was more sounds of Jack arguing and some barking that would have come from Romeo and then I could hear footsteps. He called Mr Lowman over and told him where I was. It was kind of nice to hear that they were concerned even though they didn’t need to be.
“No Mr Chibs, honestly!” I insisted, sitting up when I heard a car door opening, “I’ve got money for a cab and I need to go see Theo about work and stuff anyway. Can you please tell Jack to take Romeo back to Theo’s place and go to school? I don’t want him to miss anymore. He’s clever, you know?”
He sighed and the speaker rattled.
“I’d prefer it if I picked you up.”
“I’ll come see you guys later, ok? I’ve just- I need to some stuff first. Like get changed. I promise I’ll stop by and bring you food and we can have dinner.”
There was silence then I heard the car door shutting again and more annoyed talking then Mr Lowman saying something. It was so hard to understand him over the phone but I think I kind of got the gist of it; he was angry that Mr Chibs wasn’t coming to get me. I couldn’t let them though, right? Like, if he came to get me then he would see how much of a mess I was and stuff and he would ask questions and I just don’t think I could lie to him.
“As long as you’re safe Catherine,” Mr Chibs said finally, “that’s all we care about.”
Tears came to my dry eyes and made them sting. I clasped my hand over my mouth to silence a quiet cry that came out and I heard the car door opening again. I don’t even know why I was crying, honestly. Maybe this was where I was having a breakdown now.
“I’m bringing Jack and coming to get you. Get in the car Kid, bring the dog. I’ll see you soon Catherine… you’re gonna be alright.”
I think I know why I was crying. Mom sat in her bed, not talking or looking at me while I cried, but Mr Chibs only had to hear me cry once and he was already on his way over here. Mr Chibs was a better parent to me in like 3 days than Mom and Daddy had been my entire life. Like, yeah they had given me literally everything I had ever wanted but Mr Chibs was just… nice. He made me hot cocoa when I was cold and wet; and when I came back after… Jerry, he put me to bed and sang me to sleep when I couldn’t. I wish he was my real dad. I wonder if maybe, since Daddy was gone now, Mr Chibs could adopt me.
I hung up the phone when he said goodbye and Mom looked at me. She promised me yesterday that she would look after me, that we would look after each other, but maybe she had forgotten that. It was like she hadn’t just lost her husband and made me destroy his body.
“Who was that?” She asked like she would when I would be on the phone back at home, like I was talking to some bad people.
“Just Mr Chibs. He’s gonna give me a ride to Theo’s place so I can go to work.”
She smiled at me then and I couldn’t stop myself from smiling back at her. When she reached out her arm to me I stood on my aching legs and went to cuddle her. I know she was being weird right now and she wasn’t telling me things but I just wanted her to love me, you know? Like, I just wanted her to be happy with me.
“Good girl,” she said to me, “make lots of money today, ok? I promise I’m going to get all that money that Daddy stole from you back.”
“Then can we go home?”
Mom sighed and kissed the side of my head firmly. I guess that was a no.
“I love you Catherine, remember that ok?”
I said nothing and left her room before going down to meet Mr Chibs outside but saw he was stood in the reception with his hands in his pockets. He looked really tall and always wore black. He would have looked scary if I didn’t know him I think but I knew he was a kind man. I was about to wave but then I saw that he was talking to Tara and they looked serious but then I saw they saw me and they stopped talking. She walked away quickly with a small nod of her head and he patted her arm gently with a small smile. He had a really friendly smile. As soon as Tara left I skipped over to Mr Chibs and he immediately hugged me. It was the kind of hug you see dads give their kids on TV that was so tight and comforting and completely surrounded me. It was nice.
Mr Chibs held me by the shoulders and looked over me worriedly. More than Mom had looked at me all night and morning.
“Are you alright, Sweetheart?” He asked softly and touched my cheek.
“Fine,” I nodded and smiled shakily, “Is jack at school?”
“He’s not happy about it. Come on, there’s someone in the car that is gonna be pleased to see you.”
I frowned in confusion but then slipped my hand into his as he led me out of the hospital into the parking lot and pointed at a black car. At first I didn’t know what he was pointing at then I saw a pair of pointy brown ears poke up at the bottom of the driver side window then Romeo’s beautiful little face peering through.
“Oh my gosh! Romeo!” I laughed happily and ran to the car to get my boy.
The car doors beeped as Mr Chibs unlocked it. When I opened the door Romeo literally jumped into my arms and started licking my face and trying to get as close to me as possible. I felt so happy that I wanted to cry. I hugged him tightly and buried my face in his soft fur. He was so messy looking though! I hated him looking messy and tried desperately to straighten it out as quickly as possible.
“I can take you back to TM if you don’t want to go to work-” Mr Chibs started saying but I cut him off with a laugh, “I’d rather you were-”
“Stop being such a dad!” I laughed again as I hopped into the car, “I’m fine! I’ve gotta go back to work at some point, you know? I’m not making money if I’m not at work.”
He looked like he wanted to be sad or angry but he smiled at me and patted my head before ruffling Romeo’s ears.
We drove in silence. Kind of silence anyway because I was talking to Romeo about things that were going by and asking him if his uncle Jack had been good to him. Mr Chibs was laughing quietly as I spoke but didn’t interrupt. It was a short drive but a nice one and talking to Romeo was distracting me from thinking about everything because if I stopped talking for one second I think I’d just break down. I didn’t want to do that in front of Mr Chibs.
“Here we are. Last chance for having another day off,” he offered.
“I’m gonna be fine, just tired, you know? I’ll see what they have left after dinner tonight and bring some round for you guys ok?”
“Round where?”
“The garage.”
When I looked back to him my face fell from the smile into another scowl; he was looking at me kind of patronisingly. Had I been stupid again? I didn’t think I had.
“Did you used to think the teachers lived at school too, sweetheart?”
I blinked and tilted my head to the side, looking at him with a frown.
“We don’t live at the garage, Catherine.”
I guess I should have realised that. I looked down at my lap and tried to hide my light blush behind my tangled hair. I felt so stupid now but then he chuckled lightly and patted my forearm. I looked back up at him and smiled slightly.
“Here,” Mr Chibs smiled and pulled out a scrap of paper and a pen before writing an address and phone number on it, “this is where we live. I’ll ask Hap to come over as well, ok? He’ll be happy to see you.”
“He will?”
Mr Chibs nodded with a smile and handed me the paper. His writing was nice even though it was written in ballpoint pen on a crumpled up receipt. I nodded and looked over it a few times to try and remember it because I would probably lose it while I was working. I remember walking down his street when we first moved here and me and Romeo would explore for hours on end. It was in one of the nicer parts of town. Not as nice as where my house was though.
I said a quick goodbye to him and started to clamber out of the car with Romeo under my arm but when I looked back at him to wave he looked worried and sad again. With a small smile I sat back down and leant over to give him a quick kiss on the cheek and patted the hand that was on the gear stick.
“I’m gonna be ok,” I reassured him with another nod, “I promise. Thanks for the ride.”
He didn’t look convinced but pressed his lips together so that they completely disappeared and he looked like he just had one big beard and it made me laugh. I think he would have been a really good dad; his little girl really missed out.
With a final wave, after shutting the door, I walked into work. I took a deep breath and hitched Romeo up higher so that his head was under my chin and cuddled him slightly harder. As soon as I was through the door I was attacked into a massive hug by Kathy who sounded like she was nearly in tears. I laughed and lied to her; telling her I was ok, just shaken up, and that I probably needed a new uniform and she hurried me upstairs where the spares were kept. There was a couch up there where I guess Jack would have slept and was actually used as a staff room during the day.
Theo was going to need to order me a new uniform because there was no way in heck I was going to go back to the house to try and get my own. I just told him mine got damaged in the wash or something. He was kind of annoyed but seemed to understand. He also let me have my wages a couple of days early because I told him I was desperate. He wasn’t happy about that either but I guess looking like a homeless man made him realise I really needed it.
Working was actually a really good way to distract myself too. That was until Jack came in with his face all bloodied again and the whole of the past couple of days came back to me in waves. I hurriedly handed the guests their drinks and chased him through the dining room, dodging tables and guests and trying to keep the hair that had fallen from my bun out of my eyes.
“Jack wait!” I shouted as he disappeared into the kitchen, “Jack!”
Salvador the chef shouted something in Spanish and waved a big knife around then just went back to chopping and muttering under his breath as I continued to chase my brother through the kitchen.
“Jack stop my legs hurt! Why aren’t you in school?”
“I’m not going there anymore!”
I finally grabbed his arm and turned him to look at me. His face had different cuts on it than it did before and that gash had opened up again. He had that face on like he did when Daddy would tell him off and I wondered if that was my job now. I wasn’t ready to be a dad.
“You need to go to school!” I shouted at him and stamped my foot, “You’re clever! You’re supposed to go. You can’t stay here.”
“Where am I gonna go Cat?! We can’t live here in this strip club for the rest of our lives, and we are obviously not gonna go back home or to LA. So where?”
I sighed and shrugged. What was I supposed to say? How could I tell him that I didn’t know? He was just a kid and I was his big sister and I didn’t know what to do or say to him. Jack just huffed and turned to go up the stairs. Theo shouted at me to get back to work from across the kitchen. My head switched from looking between Theo and up the stairs where Jack had gone and I just wanted it to stop. Before I could decide which way I wanted to go Jack had charged back down the stairs with a small bundle of clothes in his hands and his rucksack. Had he gone back to the house?
“I’m going to a friends.” Was all he said and barged passed me again, pushing me back against a wall and passed the food waiter’s; causing someone to nearly drop his plates.
“Jack!” I shouted angrily but my brother just left out of the kitchen and back through the restaurant.
I sighed and rubbed my face. What was I supposed to do?
Theo shouted angrily at me to get back to work and I had literally no choice but to do what he said. I spent the rest of the shift worrying about Jack and not concentrating on my work. Luckily I was kind of good at my job already and didn’t really have to think about it too much until the dancing girls came in. There was a couple of them, like Bambi, who said hi and waved at me from across the room. I watched them disappear into the changing room behind the stage thoughtfully. Then, I felt like crying when Kathy walked in for her shift at night which meant mine was finally over.
She hugged me tightly when she saw me and looked at me like Mr Chibs had done.
“What happened Cat?” She asked in a whisper, “Jack came in- he looked awful!”
“Just… family stuff, you know? You think we could talk about this another time? I need to go and meet some people.”
Kathy nodded and I walked with her to the kitchen where I could ask Salvador if there were any leftovers. She caught me up on the drama that had happened over the past couple of days. Apparently two of the girls got into a huge fight on the stage in front of everyone about one of them stealing the others guy. I was shocked but it was also kind of regular thing. They were both new and were told to never come back so there was an opening for another couple of dancers. I knew what she was trying to get at and honestly I was starting to consider it.
The only thing that used to stop me from talking to Madame about dancing was Daddy and he wasn’t here anymore.
“Where’s Madame? Have you seen her today?” I ask Kathy and she clapped excitedly and squealed before pulling me back out to the restaurant area.
“Go,” she hissed and pushed me towards the older lady.
Madame used to be a dancer too but stopped when she got too old. She was only 40ish though but apparently the guys only spend money on girls that are younger which is literally so weird because Madame is beautiful. She smiled warmly at me when I approached.
“Hey- um. Kathy said you have room for a dancer?” I asked, tightening my bun; knowing I looked like a literal mess right now and I don’t look like the kind of girl she would hire to be a dancer, “And I was kind of wondering- I mean- I can dance kinda and I sing and play the piano-”
Madame laughed and held up her hands to stop me.
“Cat stop! Anyone can dance, you know this. Besides, I’ve had my eyes on you for a while now; I think you could do really well on stage. Those girls thought this was just any kind of a club and I told them if they wanted to do that they could go to The Jellybean. You understand what kind of establishment I run here though so I don’t think you’ll be any trouble.”
I nodded slowly, excited now. I hadn’t been on stage in a long time and I missed the attention, honestly.
“Come in tomorrow night. We’ll talk about it then.”
I nodded again as she walked away and I turned to Kathy with a grin and she was doing small, excited jumps and clapping again before Theo sent her to do her job. I don’t know what was up with him today, normally he let me and Kathy talk.
So, it turns out that Salvador had so much food left over from the evening time rush because they make everything on the menu first and then serve it after. The whole food side of it was weird and different to me because I was literally just a drinks waitress and know too much about the restaurant side of it.
“Can I take some of this?” I asked Salvador as he was tipping some leftover croutons in the trash, “If you’re just gonna throw it anyway, you know?”
“Huh? Sure, why not? Call this my charity work for the week,” Salvador laughed.
I laughed with him but mine was probably too high-pitched and quick. Never in my entire life have I ever been called a charity case and I was literally so offended but I didn’t say anything, mainly through being scared of what he would say/do if I argued with him. I didn’t need another Jerry situation, especially not at work. I needed to come back here.
He bagged up pretty much all the food because he literally couldn’t bear to throw all his ‘finely crafted’ food in the trash. I wasn’t sure how I was meant to carry it all to Mr Chibs’ house or how we were supposed to eat it all. I guess he could keep some for the next few days if he wanted, and if Mr Lowman was there he could take some back with him. Besides, hopefully Jack would come back too; he could eat like a horse. I wish he was here now though because I wasn’t going to be able to carry all of the bags and Romeo at the same time. Romeo was just going to have to walk I guess. I didn’t want to waste my money on a cab.
When I arrived at the house I was literally so tired but I didn’t even need to knock because the door was thrown open and Mr Chibs had come out and taken some of the food bags off of me. I didn’t even notice the row of motorcycles lined up along his driveway until I halfway passed them. How many people were here? I thought it was just going to be Mr Chibs and maybe Mr Lowman, me and Jack if he ever turned up again. It’s not the first time he had disappeared. Sometimes he would stay at whatever friend’s house for days.
“Never seen you in your uniform,” Mr Chibs said, interrupting my thoughts, with a warm smile in my direction, “you look cute.”
“Thanks, Mr Chibs. It’s not so bad, I’ve seen worse.”
He laughed and led me into the house. Along the wall of the entryway there was loads of matching jackets of their club. In the living room and on the couch sat Mr Lowman, Mr Juice, the hairy man who’s name I didn’t know while the man that had saved Jack (Mr Tig?) and a blonde man I didn’t recognise seemed to be fighting over who would sit in an armchair. When I was about to ask why everyone was here Mr Chibs told me that they heard there was free food and came straight over. I could see Mrs Chibs pottering around in the kitchen like she didn’t have loads of biker men in her house; I’d be frantic about my floor and furniture getting dirty.
Romeo ran inside, yapping happily and wiggling at Mr Lowman who picked him up and turned to look at me over his shoulder. I waved as best I could with both of my hands full and he nodded seriously. Was he angry with me?
“Oh Cat!” Mrs Chibs exclaimed, wiping her hands on a towel, “How are you? I heard about what happened!”
“Yeah-” I said awkwardly, “yeah I’m fine.”
“Filip said you had-”
“Food everyone!” Mr Chibs shouted, interrupting his not-wife with a small, pointed look at her and she looked mad.
All the men stood up and rushed over to Mr Chibs and grabbed the bags out of my hands. I gasped in surprise and stumbled back slightly but kept my cool. Romeo wiggled in Mr Lowman’s arms when he walked over to the kitchen where the food was. He loved human food.
“What is all this stuff, Cat?” Mr Juice asked, beckoning me over to let them know.
“Oh, um… so… this is chicken paella, roast lamb ribs and stuff,” I said pointing to the boxes containing potatoes and veggies, “tortilla Española, that’s a mushroom risotto and this is just some starter stuff.”
“Quiet night?” Mrs Chibs asked, helping herself to some lamb and potatoes.
I nodded.
I couldn’t really do anything but hover around. Mr Lowman was eating paella out of the container while still holding Romeo, Mrs Chibs managed to get herself some lamb and stuff before the rest of the men got it all.
“Can we leave some for Catherine, boys?” She said, smacking Mr Juice’s hand away with her fork.
“Oh! No, I’m ok. I’ll just have whatever is left.”
But Mr Lowman pulled a plate out of a cupboard and handed it to me, nudging it into my stomach when I didn’t take it; making me grab the sides. He still hadn’t said anything to me but he smiled so maybe I had been forgiven for whatever it was. There wasn’t much food left after the guys had piled up their plates and I worried there wouldn’t be enough for Jack when he came over let alone me. When Mr Lowman saw me hesitating and looking around at the empty containers he took some veggies and potatoes off of everyone’s plates and putting them on mine then spooned some risotto next to them.
“Eat,” he said with a nod and fed Romeo some chicken and a piece of lamb fat.
“Thanks…” I whispered, feeling kind of bad that I had food from everyone’s plates but they didn’t seem to mind, Mr Tig actually stood up from the chair and gestured for me to sit down so I smiled at him.
We ate in silence for a while, the only things anyone said was how nice the food was until I turned to Mr Tig. He was sat on the arm of the chair I was sat in.
“I don’t- um… Mr Tig?” I asked nervously looking up at him and he looked down at me curiously, “I don’t think I thanked you for helping Jack yesterday. It really means a lot, so… so thank you. If I can ever do anything to repay you please let me know.”
Mr Tig’s eyes softened and he put his hand on my shoulder, gently rubbed it while shaking his head.
“Nah, don’t worry about it. My dad was err… he wasn’t too good to me as a kid. I woulda wanted someone to help me too.”
There was something about how he spoke that made my heart hurt. I guess he had been some stuff too. Maybe they all had. Maybe all of us in this room had been through stuff that hurt. I wiped my eyes when I thought of that and looked around at them all. Is that why they were friends? Did they not have anyone either?
“That’s horrible, I’m sorry,” I said to him, patting his hand, “but thank you anyway.”
“So, you like me now?” He asked with a smirk and I nodded happily smiling back.
But then the hairy man just had to ruin the moment.
“What about me? Do you like me yet?” he asked.
I whipped my head around to look at him and scowl.
“Obviously not. Why would I like you?”
The blonde man started laughing but I glared over at him before turning back to the other man and still scowling at him. I folded my arms while I waited for an answer. Out of the corner of my eye I could see Mr Lowman smiling while he ate.
“Is this another rhetorical question?” The Hairy Man asked with a laugh.
I still didn’t know what this meant but I was angry and didn’t care.
“So, one: you grabbed me in that disgusting little motel, and you shouted at me there too and I hate being shouted at; then you make my floor all dirty and started smoking in my room then you came here, where you weren’t even invited by the way, and stole all the risotto. It’s literally the only thing I could eat. So no. No I do not like you.”
I huffed and turned away from him, resting my head on Mr Tig’s leg and scowling at nothing in particular. I wasn’t even hungry anymore but I didn’t feel bad for shouting at him. He shouldn’t have been so horrible all the time. Mr Lowman was scary when I first met him but at least he didn’t grab me like the other man did and he had never shouted at me either. I know I was sulking but I wasn’t embarrassed. Just tired.
Happy/3rd Person POV
Catherine was perhaps the only person he had seen that still looked pretty even when she looked like shit. She still had cuts on her face and beneath the collar of her shirt he could see the bruises the Jerry had left on her neck and he knew that beneath her uniform there was a cut on her side and bruises on her arms and body, friction burns on her knees and elbows and things that Chibs had told him were signs of smoke inhalation. He also knew that somewhere on her head there was a clump of hair that had been ripped out. There were bags under her now closing eyes and she just looked ill. But still pretty all the same.
Tara had told Chibs she had smoke inhalation. Chibs had tried to keep it from Happy and only tell Jax but that was never going to work. As soon as Chibs had arrived back in TM Happy had been all over him, asking how she was, where she was, what she was doing and if she was ok then he no way not to let him know what was going on. It had taken everything in Happy’s being to not go to her work and make sure she was ok himself.
“She’s kind of a brat,” Kozik said quietly when he caught Happy glaring at Tig who had Catherine resting her head on his thigh.
“Yeah,” Happy smirked, “she is.”
Kozik looked at him with a raised eyebrow and a small smile; showing he knew exactly why Happy liked it when she was like that and he didn’t say anything to argue it. But then his attention was brought back to Catherine when Tig started to stroke the stray curls away from Catherine’s face with a weirdly soft expression. When Catherine had first lay on him he looked like he was about to make some kind of remark about her being there but Chibs shot him a sharp glare and his mouth snapped shut again. That didn’t stop Happy’s jealousy though because, as with Jack at the clubhouse, he wanted to rip Tig away from her and sit there and put his hands through her hair but the Pomeranian sleeping on his lap was stopping him.
“Not your usual type,” Kozik chuckled, “you asked her out?”
Happy scoffed and stroked the dogs head gently; making him sigh and shift.
“Why not?”
When he looked back up at his friend he wondered how he could tell him without Catherine overhearing everything. There were a lot of reasons that he wouldn’t ask her out, mainly because he was scared that she would say no. She didn’t feel anything for him, that much was clear; she still called him by his last name for god’s sake, but also because he couldn’t be sure how comfortable she would be with what he did for work. He just shrugged and cast his eyes back over to her. She had been through so much; he wasn’t sure he wanted to put her through any more.
“You like her though, right? I know you, Man, more than anyone else in this room. Ask her out. Take her back home.”
“She ain’t got nowhere to go.”
There was nothing Happy wanted more than to invite her to live with him and Mama until she was back on her feet but there was nowhere for her to sleep. Plus Mama would be beside herself and probably show Catherine all of his baby pictures and she really didn’t need to see a baby Happy in the bath; it would probably scar him for life if she did. His mother had been pestering him since he was a teenager to bring a girl home so she could show a girl photos of him as a child but he never found anyone he liked enough to introduce to her. Catherine though… Catherine was different.
“At least introduce me,” Kozik sighed in false annoyance and tapping his shoulder before standing up; causing the little dog to lift his head and look at him.
Happy still didn’t want to put Romeo on the floor since he looked so sleepy so he settled him in the seat that Kozik had just vacated and stood up as well. Almost as if she knew Happy had moved, Catherine opened her eyes and fixed them on Kozik warily as he all but loomed over her.
“Catherine,” Happy gestured between her and Kozik, “Kozik. Kozik, Catherine.”
“Oh,” Catherine mumbled almost incoherently, “it’s nice to meet you.”
She held out her hand to shake his but when she did Happy immediately clocked the burn marks on her fingertips and the bruises he already knew were there showed under the cuffs of her crisp white shirt.
“Herman Kozik,” the blonde man clarified with a smile.
“German?” Catherine asked.
“No… Herman.”
At first she looked confused; tilting her head to the side and narrowing her eyes at him but then she laughed happily. She pulled her hand back from him to cover her mouth while she did and sat up from Tig’s leg and nobody could help smiling along with her, Happy included. He tucked his chin to his chest and let out a small laugh. It was good to see her genuinely smiling.
“Just wanted Hap to introduce me before I left,” Kozik told her once her laughter had calmed to quiet, happy chuckles, “and thanks for the food.”
“Oh, that’s ok. Thanks for coming. You’re nice.”
Tig scoffed but Catherine didn’t seem to be notice.
Catherine POV
I was beginning to think maybe I thought everyone was German. Maybe they were secretly although I don’t know why they would keep it a secret. Either way, I liked him; he was nice and I like him and he was a friend of Mr Lowman’s and he had mostly nice friends. Mr Tig was nice too and I forgave him for smoking in my bedroom because he helped Jack and he was there helping at the house when everything happened. The hairy man was there too though. Maybe I could forgive him one day. But not now though, it would just be embarrassing to say I didn’t like him then now say I did.
“Hey, Cat?” Mrs Chibs asked, “Do you have anywhere to stay?”
“No Ma’am,” I said, shaking my head at her.
I didn’t know what I was going to do or where I was going to stay that had room for me and Jack and Romeo. I didn’t have any money so I couldn’t buy or even rent anywhere. I didn’t have any friends and I think that if I asked Theo if we could stay at the lounge again I would get my head bitten off. I don’t think he likes me anymore after Jack’s misbehaving today so that was a no go. Then Kathy might have room for one of us but not all three.
“Stay here sweetheart. Do you have work tomorrow?”
“Yeah, all day. So like, breakfast and lunch and dinner and I literally have no idea how I’m going to get Jack to stay in school. He came in today looking like he’d been beat up and angry and I just- I didn’t know what to do. What are you supposed to do with teenagers?”
I looked around at all the grown-ups but they all looked sort of awkward. Maybe they didn’t know what to do with teenagers either. I shouldn’t have to be doing this, was all I could think as I looked around confused and tired and sad. When I looked at Mr Lowman I saw him studying my left hand and I fiddled with my neck scarf. He was looking at my fingertips where I knew I had burns from the matches last night; after I couldn’t look at Daddy anymore I just kept lighting matches and letting them burn until it hurt my fingers then I would throw them in the dirt. It was like I couldn’t stop watching them.
Thankfully though, Mr Lowman didn’t say anything about it and just looked at it suspiciously until he noticed me looking at him. I know my eyes were wide and shocked but he nodded at me to let me know he knew about them. I kind of wanted to tell him that maybe I was going to start dancing soon and all about my conversation with Madame but I didn’t want to talk about it in front of Mr Chibs and their friends. That would be weird because they weren’t my best friends. Mr Lowman was my best friend and I feel like I could tell him everything. Almost everything. Like, only legal things because I was no way going to tell him about what I had to do last night.
Suddenly, Mom’s phone rang and I jumped and looked at it. It was Jack. I grabbed it off of Mr Chibs’ coffee table and answered it.
“Jack?!” I asked frantically.
“Sorry Cat,” I heard him whisper, “I didn’t mean to get you in trouble today.”
I looked around at the people looking at me before standing and looking for somewhere to go where I could talk in private. Mrs Chibs gestured to a door through the kitchen that I guess led to her backyard. It was dark now and kind of chilly.
“You didn’t! Where are you Jack? Are you ok?”
“I’m at Aaron’s house. You wanna talk to his mom?”
Before I could answer I heard him talking to someone and the phone being passed over to a lady.
“Hello? Is this Jack’s sister?” The lady asked.  She sounded older and kind.
“Yes? Who am I speaking too?”
“My name’s Judith Lawson, I’m Aaron’s mom. How are you doing?”
“Yeah- I’m- yeah. Is Jack ok? Where do you live? Where is he sleeping?”
“Don’t worry, Cat!” Mrs Lawson laughed happily which just frustrated me, “I’m not letting them sleep in the same bed. We have a spare bedroom that Jack stays in when he comes over. I won’t have any underage sex under my roof!”
I stared out into the dark yard in silence as my stomach dropped and my mouth went dry. I didn’t know Jack had a boyfriend; he never said anything too me. I would like to think that he would have told me if anything exciting like that happened. Obviously not. And now there was this whole thing about him being sexually active just made me feel so stressed about being kind of a parent.
“Oh! Didn’t you know? I’m so sorry if you didn’t know he was gay I-”
“I knew. I just didn’t know he was- are they- I mean… I didn’t know he had a boyfriend. I’ve never met him. Jack never said anything.”
“I’m sorry… it’s just that he comes around a lot so I thought you would have known.”
I already didn’t like Mrs Lawson. She sounded patronising and like she was trying to make me feel bad about not knowing about Aaron but how was I supposed to when he never said anything? I mean, I hadn’t even seen my family since I started working 13 hours a day. Yesterday was the first day in a long time that I had even seen Mom.
“Can you put Jack back on the phone?” I asked, trying to hide that I didn’t like her but I don’t think it really worked.
More sounds and talking then Jack was on the phone. We were silent for ages and I sat down on the door step with a sigh.
“I’m really sorry Cat,” he apologised again, “if you want you can meet him tomorrow. Like, come here and meet him and his family. You’ll like them. It’s like being back at home again. They have this big house and Aaron’s really sweet. He’s good to me.”
“Where did you meet him?”
“Math class. He sits behind me.”
That was really cute and I couldn’t help smiling even if it was shaky and I was about to cry again. I didn’t even know why anymore; I just couldn’t stop crying right now. What had happened to my family? I know me and Jack were mean to each other but that doesn’t mean we weren’t close. We used to tell each other everything and Daddy used to let me have everything I wanted and when I was a kid Mom used to be sort of nice to me. We used to be kind of close.
“Are you ok though?” I asked him quietly.
“No,” Jack admitted and started crying.
“Me neither.”
We cried on the phone together for a while and I heard a kind voice talking to him and I guessed that was Aaron. He sounded nice at least.
I let him know that I was safe and that I was glad he was too but I needed to go because I had work early tomorrow. He had done his homework and everything but I told him to make sure he goes to school tomorrow and he promised me he would. All that I needed to do now was find somewhere to stay until I had money for an apartment or something because apparently Mrs Lawson was fine with Jack staying at hers until I found us somewhere or even until Jerry left the house.
I wondered if Jerry was still there now. It had been over 24 hours since I went to get Mom’s car last night when he was still there. I wanted to go and see to maybe check if I had any clothes left that Jerry hadn’t cut up. The thought of going made me feel sick though. I just wanted to go home.
As I hung up I felt someone come and sit beside me. I looked to my left and saw Mr Lowman looking down at me with a frown only to surprise me by wiping the tears off of my cheeks clumsily. Like maybe he had never done anything like that before. I smiled when he wiped his hands on his jeans.
“I’m ok,” I told him with a small nod, “I promise.”
He didn’t look convinced but didn’t push anything. I think maybe that’s why I liked him so much; he never ever pushed me to talk about anything I didn’t want to and sat with me until I felt better. I leant over and rested my head on his shoulder and he reached his arm over my lap and rubbed my leg comfortingly before resting his head on mine.
“I need clothes.”
“Stores are closed now.”
I shook my head and I think he realised what I meant.
“No. Not after last time.” he said quietly and stopped rubbing my leg, “You can’t go back.”
“I’ll be ok. I mean… I was last time right? After I shot him and Mr Chibs came in anyway. I just think there has to be some of my clothes left. I don’t have money to buy anymore with and I need to get Romeo’s leash and food bowl. And maybe Jerry’s gone, you know? Maybe I could sleep in my own bed.”
Mr Lowman sighed and stayed quiet for a while.
“I’ll get your stuff. Stay here with your dad.”
Then he stood up with one last pat of my knees. I looked up at him with wide eyes and watched him walking through the kitchen before scrambling to my feet and following him. I wonder if he meant to call Mr Chibs my dad or if it was an accident. He started talking to the nice man, Mr Kozik and Mr Chibs while the others listened. When he was finished talking, Mr Chibs rounded on me with his finger pointed at me like he was going to tell me off.
“You’re not going,” he said firmly as he walked towards me.
I folded my arms and scowled at him which just made him shake his finger again.
“Not after last time, no way in hell. Let Happy and Kozik go and grab whatever you need. You can stay here.”
“Daddy!” I protested angrily and stamped my foot and pointed at the two men who were stood watching amused, “They don’t know where they’re going properly! And, and what if something happens? Huh? What if- I can’t- What if he does something to them? I can’t lose anyone else!”
“You’re not going. That’s it. End of. No more arguments young lady.”
I scoffed, folded my arms back over my chest and rolled my eyes. Didn’t he understand I couldn’t lose Mr Lowman like I had lost Daddy? I mean, I know they didn’t know but still. Like, my fear should be enough. I also called Mr Chibs “Daddy” again. I need to stop doing that; he probably doesn’t like it.
When I looked at Mr Lowman to plead with him to convince Mr Chibs to let me go he avoided my gaze, probably because the Scottish man was glaring at them both. I huffed again and leant against his kitchen side.
“Fine. But if Jerry kills Mr Lowman, it’s your fault,” I said, trying and failing to keep the panic and worry out of my voice then looking away from them all.
Out of the corner of my eye I saw Mr Chibs put his hands on his hips and sigh. I know I was being a brat and really annoying and stuff but I couldn’t help it. I just really didn’t want them to go, especially if it was without me. I didn’t want anything to happen.
“We’re big boys,” Mr Kozik said, “we’ll be fine. Right Hap?”
“I said fine!” I snapped and stormed back out into the backyard; slamming the door shut behind me and walking towards the lawn chairs to sit down.
I didn’t want to see them go. I didn’t want to think about them in that house just in case Jerry was there and they got hurt. I was just going to wait outside until they got back. There was a few minutes of silence then I heard two motorcycles starting up and going down the street then silence again.
Happy/3rd Person POV
“Shit,” Kozik chuckled as they walked towards their bikes, “you ever end up with her you’re gonna have your hands full.”
Happy smirked again and climbed on his bike as he pulled on his gloves but he couldn’t help thinking about the panic in her voice and in her eyes. What did she mean by anyone else? Who had she lost? Her housekeeper? Maybe she was talking about her mom. But she was worried about him. So much so that she would put herself back into danger and through all that again just so she knew he was alright; that had to count for something. She at least cared for him which was something he wasn’t used to people outside of his friends and family.
Catherine was his friend, Happy realised, she cared for him because he was her friend and it made him happy. She didn’t know who he was or what he did; Catherine just saw him as a normal guy so she wouldn’t have any idea that he could handle whatever it was Jerry would throw at him. That was why she was worried.
“Come on,” he told Kozik and started his bike, “sooner we go, sooner she can stop panicking.”
“She’s got you already, hasn’t she?”
Happy didn’t reply, just backed his bike out of the line and started driving towards her house.
OHMYGODI’MREALLYSORRY – this is a nothing sort of a chapter so I’m not entirely sure how I managed to stretch it to over 10,000 words. I have read and reread this so I think maybe all the mistakes have been ironed out but apologies if they haven’t.
Stuff should start happening soon, I’m just getting everything lined up in my plan so it happens logically, you know?
Sorry again! Until next time,
Doe xxxxxx
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