#everyone: I want a book about Haymitch/Finnick/Johanna games
kald-dal-art · 1 year
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Drawings of technically cannon Victors from Hunger Games, but they don’t get any lines of dialogue, and we know basically nothing about them…..but I love them regardless
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thedelicatearcher · 3 months
Mom Effie at a theme park is a force to be reckoned with
If someone dares tries to cut in line she'd kill them 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭
Dad Haymitch gets fast pass and brings litrerally everything from home while grumbling about the prices 😭😭😭😭
Peeta only wants to go on baby rides and then wants to go on this insane super fast upside rollercoaster
Finnick and Johanna win every carnival game
And Katniss gets a glitter temp tattoo with Finnick (they both got dolphins) 😭
And Katniss also only goes on kids rides 😭😭
YES TO EVERYTHING😭😭 effie organized the whole trip, booked the tickets, packed some sandwiches, made an itinerary, and 'suggested' possible outfits to everyone (she sent a pinterest board of cute theme park outfits to the groupchat and was pretty disappointed when only peeta and finnick followed her theme).
so, when something went wrong, effie went MAD. one person cut in line and her eye started twitching, she was glaring at them and didn't calm down until someone got involved and got the person out of the line.
hayffie was like bad cop and good cop😭 effie was so strict on everyone following the itinerary and haymitch was the typical dad that said yes to whatever his kids asked him permission to do so he could be left alone
KATNISS ONLY GOING ON KIDS RIDES, THIS IS CANON!! she can try to hide it however she can, but that girl is afraid of the bigger rides. she even grabs peeta's hand on some of the kid's rides.
finnick and johanna definitely get on every ride, racing to the rollercoasters, cutting in line, and pushing the people in front of them if they have to. then, when they finally get tired, they buy a churro and go to the carnival games. each one wins a plushie that they will cuddle to sleep.
also, katniss and finnick getting dolphine glitter tattoos!! that's soooo damn cute!!
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hexsdexs · 9 months
More from my thg reread, mockingjay edition
The dialogue is UNHINGED. It's so unhinged that it's funny.
I think it shouldve been in the movies just how uncomfortable katniss was the entire time she was in 13. It makes much more sense.
When she finds her prep team and they removed their physical additions. Katniss describes them as an inflated balloon. When she sees a drain in the cell.
Gale is the worst. And not because of the love triangle manipulation. Because: Absolutely no regard for any civilians. Thinks katniss cares too much about her prep team. Effectively implying they deserve being imprisoned and katniss has to spell it out for him that it is over a PIECE OF BREAD?? Thinks katniss is causing trouble by asking for the victors to be pardoned. Wants to kill DISTRICT CIVILIANS in the nut in 2. Wants to kill capitol civilians. He's like actually a war criminal.
Katniss doesn't trust any of them except the other victors.
It's a significant moment that katniss and finnick see peeta's propo together in the hospital, where peeta tells her not to trust the rebels. Finnick then tells her to pretend they never saw it, and then they keep it from them for days. They don't even tell them. Katniss is the one to confront gale about it.
Katniss takes annie to 12 to pick from dresses, then upon describing how weird annie is on the plane, decides she loves her based soley on the fact that finnick loves her and katniss trusts him. It's slightly funny how she spend the entirety of cf thinking of ways to kill finnick and now he's her best friend.
Haymitch is katniss' dad. That scene when he tells her he will surgically implant her with an earpiece if she takes it off again?? 😭😭
It's significant that haymitch repeatedly calls katniss and peeta "the girl", "the boy". Effectively reminding everyone that these are CHILDREN
Katniss making johanna the pines because she doesn't have any possessions. 😭😭😭😭
Most importantly. Katniss and peeta, through and through, are what they wished they never would become. From the first chapter of thg to the last one in mockingjay, they are both pieces in a game. Once in the capitol's game in the original book, again in catching fire when they are the only ones kept in the dark about the rebels. And each in 13's games in mockingjay. Peeta is snow's piece against katniss, katniss is not useful to the revolution except as a pretty girl. She's a showgirl. Not part of the fight. She doesn't even want to be the mockingjay at all.
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lost-in-beacon-hills · 10 months
Rating Hunger Games ships (on personal preferance) I tried to find gifs but there's like none for most of them :(((
10. Katniss x Finnick
I'm sorry I know everyone loves Finnick x Annie but we saw very little of her and I think him and Katniss would have been such a fun pairing. I found myself wishing Finnick paid more attention to her. Although I do love their friendship. 8 out of 10
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9. Peeta x Clove
I'm soft at the idea of them. It's like everlark in a different font. She's closed off and I just know that under the right circumstances he'd be in love with her. 9 out of 10
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8. Johanna x Cashmere
Kinda crack ship but I want to write a fic for these two. Enemies to lovers meets hateful lesbians. I can't read Johanna as anything other than Lesbain Ace. Cashmere would definitely have a soft spot for her. 100 out of 10
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7. Foxface x Thresh
I love the idea of it. She's cunning and he's strong. They would have made the cutest couple. Plus look at him, he's a cutie patootie. 10 out of 10
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6. Cato x Clove
They were canon. Can't tell me I'm wrong because they just were. 10 out of 10
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5. Glimmer x Clove
I love lesbian Glimmer. That girl loves girls and it makes me so happy. Plus I really like them just growing together. Imagine them as friends even. I need it. 50 out of 10
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4. Brutus x Enobaria
Controversial I know. But despite the age gap they would be codependent and each other's other half. I love them so much. (I like to think they spend years together as mentors before even looking at each other. She's well into her 20s or 30s before they even date) 10 out of 10
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3. Haymitch x Effie
They're the sweetest. Effie is a darling and Haymitch cherishes her. 9 out of 10
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2. Katniss x Peeta
The book was fucking perfect and I will accept nothing less. I don't even need fanfic to read. The original story makes me that happy. It's perfect. 1000 out of 10
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1. Cato x Katniss
I go feral for these bitches. The book scene really hammered it home for me. She was always talking about the boy from two. She notices him a lot. He dies because of her in a horrible way. I need them to get a good ending. Plus he deserved so much better. (And also I'm a huge Alexander Ludwig Stan. Sue me.) Infinity out of 10
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rithmeres · 9 months
district 4 is so interesting to me because they're commonly named as one of the career districts but the actual text kind of shows us otherwise?? granted we don't get a good look at too many district 4 tributes but district 4 was one of the very first to rebel, and their tributes in the 75th games were extremely anti-capitol. my theory is that maybe they were a bona fide career district some time ago, maybe ~30 years, but anti-capitol sentiment grew over time and by the time of the books they're not really playing the games that way anymore. maybe kids still train to compete, but it's more for survival and not for glory or the capitol's favor.
or maybe they just lumped in with the careers because they're generally healthy and strong and have lots of skills that transfer to the games, and the kids from 1 & 2 target that and ask them to join the pack. because besides maybe 11's potential botanical knowledge, 4 is really the only district that gets any skill buff from their line of work. at the very least they can all swim. everyone else is in factories or mines. so maybe 4's kids are not coached and trained like 1 and 2, but their natural advantage from their environment (wealthier district, physically active work, healthier diet) brings them into the career pack more often than not.
maybe it's just not something suzanne thought about, but i think there's support for my theory that district 4 formerly trained career tributes but doesn't any longer. like why would finnick have volunteered for his games at the age of 14, that's a death sentence. and if it's true that he didn't volunteer, it means a 14-year-old was reaped and no 18-year-olds vied for his place, which is not typical career behavior. and if he had volunteered because he had been trained and coached for the games, i can't imagine any mentor would send in a kid younger than 16 if they wanted their kid to have a shot at victory. even if they were betting on his beauty carrying him through the games. it just doesn't make strategic sense to me to send in someone SO young. why not wait two or three years for him to become even more beautiful. and also, if the district 4 careers were just as career-y as 1 & 2, why did no one volunteer when finnick was reaped the second time?
i am almost 100% certain that many of the reapings for the 75th games were rigged. whether by the capitol or by the rebels, i'm not sure, but it's too fishy. despite being known rebels, johanna and katniss as their districts' only female victors obviously had no choice, but aint it sure convenient that finnick AND annie both got reaped, and that haymitch's name was called when everyone knew peeta would volunteer. fourteen out of the twenty-four victors turned out to be rebel sympathizers, and while i'm sure several only joined the plan once they had been reaped, many of them were known anti-capitol people. i don't know if that's just because most victors became capitol haters once they survived their games and were turned into toys for the president, or if the rebels planned to get as many as their people in there as possible, or if the capitol decided to knock out all their unsympathetic victors in one go, but it's too much of a coincidence to be a real coincidence
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jeanmoreaux · 10 months
I want to understand so bad why so many people love Catching Fire 😭😭😭 idk why I remember getting bored send help I need to reread the series
Pls tell me what makes so enjoyable for you?
i think on my first read the story definitely managed to subvert my expectations; the twist and turns caught me off guard (which makes sense for a 13yo i guess but i like to believe that even for more experienced readers the story went ways they didn’t expect). to me the tension that this book creates is just something that draws me in (a tension that is created by an instability you can find in every aspect of the narrative). because the stakes rise—this is not just a story about an arena and 24 kids fighting to the death anymore. it’s about an entire nation and its people now. the internal politics take up much more space, you can see the oppressive system at work much more intimately because you see that it extends into every aspect of life in panem. it’s every and influences everyone. not even the capitol‘s citizen are exempt from experiencing the consequences of it in one way or another. you see how, intentionally or unintentionally, some are complicit in their own oppression while others, just as intentionally or unintentionally, rebel against it. and then you have the ones that actively fight it despite the threat of violence and death. you see how fear and propaganda are used to ensure obedience but it also clearly shows you how this method of control is playing with fire…. because desperate people have nothing to lose. for me, cf manages to but thg into a context that gives these games even more (symbolic) meaning. and ofc tensions also rise BETWEEN and WITHIN characters. the everlark dynamic is especially delicious to me in this book (some of these scenes are like bread and butter to me i‘ll never get over them). haymitch relationship with both peeta and katniss is so interesting ESPECIALLY when you know how he’s essentially betraying them both in different ways for half of the book. i also adore some of the side characters we‘re introduced to (finnick and johanna mean so much to me <333). and when it comes to katniss‘s inner world i think the tension collins creates shines the most. the first person narration lets you experience katniss‘s turmoil in a manner that has you realise how torn she is between different impulses and wishes and hopes and fears. and that makes so much sense given the situations she‘s finds herself in throughout the book. and ngl her reluctance to engage with this revolution and accept the role the rebels have assigned to her makes her such an interesting character to me. it’s so realistic how she deals with this entire situation. and what’s even more tragic is how realistic it is that friends and enemies and strangers alike us her for their own agenda without ever even really think about if that’s something she wants. because they can justify it as being ‘for the greater good’…..
the plot covers so much ground as well, from the victory tour to the quarter quell, and both just adds to add to our understanding of panem as a political entity. to have them back in the games again is exciting as well because technically things shouldn’t be different but they are, and they are not what you expect, which just adds to this feeling of instability that the book as a whole evokes in the reader. and at the same time there are light and funny and sweet moments this book that don’t feel out of place because they still have a space in this world that’s only at the brink of rebellion but not quite there yet. and these moments just make you feel for these characters even more because you want That for them. you want them to be happy and safe but you know that they won’t be because the scale is about to tip one way or another and you Know their situation is precarious.
idk there is just so much There from a textual analysis standpoint as well. it’s hard to explain why i love it so much tbh. i just think it’s really well written and very exciting almost in an anxiety-inducing way because you’re trapped in katniss’s head and she’s being drag in all these different directions by all these different people without really knowing what’s going on. like maybe my reread thread will give you some idea (it’s by far not everything that stood out to me. the post would have to be at least six times as long to come even close. i mean i don’t think i even mentioned some very basic stuff like the overpolicing and police brutality in district 11—a district with a majority of black citizens). there is also my VERY short goodreads review. i wish i could list you all the reasons this book is my favourite in the series but like you probably realised i am struggling to break it down even a little bit.
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catching fire liveblog no one asked for!!
- “you are a strangely dislikable person” hey did you guys know i love haymitch because i love haymitch
- fucking insane that president snow is just. in her house. like imagine you come home one day and donald trump is standing in your living room.
- anything with rue gets me choked up instantly….. that whole scene in district 11? whoof.
- the “one day i’m gonna volunteer just like you did” is rough.
- i did not remember that snow was a grandfather… who on earth did he have kids with??
- the dynamic between katniss, peeta, haymitch, and effie is soooo. rotates them in my brain.
- i know it’s the point but this quarter quell concept is so deeply fucked up
- i want an au where haymitch fights in these games instead of peeta
- haymitch reaching for effie’s hand <3
- finnick was fourteen when he won his games,,,,, that’s wild (the trauma potential for his character,,, going insane)
- finnick is so. RAGHHHHH. he’s so hot.
- johanna lesbian-coded character of all time <3 to me <33
- mags is so sweet 😭
- i forgot about the painting of rue that i’m assuming peeta did??
- katniss making the dummy of seneca is. ugh. it’s so good.
- caesar has no morals but at least he serves cunt
- the mockingjay dress is so cool
- finnick and annie are so sweet i can’t wait for them to get married and for nothing bad to happen to them ever 🙃
- johanna was so real for telling everyone to go fuck themselves
- cinna sacrificing himself to make 👏 a 👏goddamn 👏 statement 👏
- “if it weren’t for the baby” truly is peeta’s most iconic moment
- also i love haymitch’s little toast to peeta at that bit
- all the tributes holding hands 🥲
- haymitch and effie are the dysfunctional parents of all time
- the peacekeepers killing cinna in front of katniss as she watches unable to do anything is so upsetting
- starting the arena in water is an insane fucking advantage for some people (finnick) and probably a disadvantage for a lot of other people
- i know it’s a whole revolution thing but i like to think of haymitch giving finnick his bracelet like ‘protect my dumbass kids please’
- wouldn’t it be funny if peeta was dying and finnick just made out with him (like katniss thinks is happening in the books??)
- i love katniss but,, my girl stared at the fog for so goddamn long before doing anything about it !! why’d you wait to TOUCH IT AND GET POISONED to see if it was dangerous?? it’s a fucking hunger games arena of course mysterious fog is gonna be bad!
- god finnick’s reaction when mags dies,,,,
- but also damn that fog kills you QUICK… maybe it’s just because mags is old but that canon went off like,, immediately
- the female morphling sacrificing herself for peeta 🥲 i know she was probably in on the whole revolution thing but still
- that post about all the district twelve victors holding someone in their arms as they died is sooooooo. yeah.
- the whole “tick tock” scene and realizing the arena is a clock is so cool
- i love their friendship and so i have to love finnick and katniss bonding over experiencing The Psychological Horrors
- johanna just casually trauma dumping okay girlie
- finnick looks so hot in this last scene on the airship,, i know i’m predictable but GOD 😩
- i love the little reminders we get sometimes that haymitch is strong and did in fact win the hunger games against 47 other people.
- this movie is so confusing ngl,, i can never keep track of who’s good/who’s in on the rebellion, etc.
- still a great movie though <3
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realmermaid333 · 2 years
What do you think about Star Crossed Lover strategy on the 74th THG?
Who did invent it?
Who benefited from it?
Thank you, @curiousnonny
Hello @curiousnonny ! thank you for this ask, this was fun to answer!
I think the idea came from Haymitch after Peeta admitted his feelings for Katniss. I think it was obvious to everyone, besides Katniss, that Peeta liked her. And Haymitch, having been a victor for 24 years, knew this could be a good thing for Katniss and Peeta. A way for them to stand out in the Capitol and get sponsors.
I think Katniss and Peeta actually both benefited greatly from the Star Crossed Lover strategy. Not only did it help them get sponsors during the Games and become fan favorites amongst the Capitol. It also likely protected them from some bad stuff afterwards. As we know, Finnick was, very unfortunately, forced to "sell his body" after the games. Snow attempted to do the same to Johanna, who refused and in return her family was killed. And according to Finnick, other victors were forced to "sell their bodies" as well, although they were not named. I have thought before that the Star Crossed Lover strategy very well could have protected them from the same fate. With Katniss being seen as a fan favorite, there is a chance she could have been sold too. Though I am not sure how the Capitol viewed her beauty-wise, they had very high beauty standards and I think Katniss was described by some Capitol folk as being "not very pretty" in the books? So I don't know. Maybe if Peeta died it would have been an issue for her since Peeta made Katniss look desirable by being in love with her. If anything, Peeta likely was the one who needed to worry about that. He was considered handsome and was very charming, it would not surprise me if Snow would have tried to do the same with him that he did to Finnick.
I think, at first, the Star Crossed Lover strategy benefited Peeta the most since it got him out of the arena. If Katniss did not protect Peeta and didn't want him to live, she could have maybe won the Games by herself just fine. And it made Peeta interesting to the Capitol and immune to the same fate Finnick had. Peeta was also the first to fall in love with her, so he actually liked the strategy because he could be close to Katniss. But without the strategy leading to Katniss trying to eat nightlock berries with Peeta, the rebellion may have actually never happened. Or it would have happened years later. So in the end, it led Katniss to becoming the Mockingjay, caused the war that ended the Hunger Games, and when Katniss realized she was in love with Peeta too, she ended up with the love of her life because of it.
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lemonluvgirl · 2 years
Please sort The Hunger Games characters into HoGwaRtS Houses :
For reference (according wikia)
Hufflepuff : Loyalty and hard working
Gryffindor : Bravery and chivalry
Ravenclaw : Wit and learning
Slytherin : Cunning and ambition
You can include as many characters as you want/can.
And you can give a reason why do you sort that character into that house.
Thank you so much 😊
PS : this is just for fun, if you don't like HP or THG, just ignore this ask 🔥
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I actually do like Harry Potter :) and I love the Hunger Games, so I would be happy to participate!
Ok, so I guess I'll start with the characters in the order they appear:
Katniss-Gyrrifindor because she's just got that brave, pure hearted, heroine vibe. The only other house I could see her in would be Hufflepuff, maybe. But then again I think Katniss' foremost trait is bravery, beyond even her loyalty or her hard working nature. Also that whole chivalry thing, if I tweak the idea so that it applies in Katniss' case, I would say that Katniss does have a lot of qualities of the original idea of chivalry. Because the concept of chivalry was developed in the middle ages, as a code of honor for knights to follow. And one of the classic codes of honor was to protect the weak, which Katniss OBVIOUSLY excels at.
Prim-has to be Hufflepuff because she's a classic hufflepuff. She's constantly loyal to Katniss, even when Katniss pulls away from everyone and doesn't explain what she's going through. Also she was selected for the doctor program in D13 when she was just fourteen years old. That girl was HARDWORKING. There's no doubt about it. She's a super hufflepuff.
Gale-I would actually sort him into Ravenclaw, even though he does have a good amount of ambition. He could be Sytherin, especially in the last novel. But I'm working off the idea that the hat sorts people at a young age, before things like war and hardship change them. I always saw his inherent nature as being someone who seeks and searches for knowledge and freedom. I think a lot of his resentment came from the oppression he was born under and the lack of opportunities for betterment. I feel like he would thrive in Ravenclaw.
Effie-I think would be Ravenclaw or Slytherin. She's smart, (she has a specialized degree in architecture) and ambitious so either one would do for her.
Haymitch I would sort into Gryffindor. Definitely. Because in his youth he was extremely brave, (his behavior during his Quarter Quell was pretty admirable, especially in reference to Maysilee Donner) (I would still argue he's brave in his old age, I mean he was willing to go back into the Games during the Quarter Quell to save Peeta's life) and he does some seriously chivalrous things in the books as Katniss and Peeta's mentor. He doesn't allow the Capitol doctors to surgically enhance Katniss after her and Peeta's games (they wanted to give her fake boobs). He tries to protect Katniss and Peeta from the horrors and debaucherie of the Capitol.
Finnick - Gryffindor as well. He's very brave, and despite all he's been through he is actually a chivalrous person. He is one of Peeta's best protectors and friends throughout Mockingjay. He seems to me like a man of action, a lot like Katniss. Jump in feet first and think about the consequences later. All bravery and noble intentions.
Johanna- I'm going Slytherin because it feels like a seriously good fit for her. She's be so happy there. She'd rule the roost quite easily I think.
Peeta- I saved the best for last because, well, its Peeta hello. Anyways, I hope no one vilifies me for this but I honestly think Peeta fits into Slytherin quite nicely. I like how one professor who wrote an explaination of his character described him. He said Peeta was a renaissance man. He is a person with talents and areas of knowledge (painting, baking, speaking to large crowds), he is worldly, more so than Katniss. He automatically figures out the other tributes strategy that puts Katniss off her game before the Quarter Quell (the whole making her uncomfortable and teasing her because she's pure thing). He also is a very good liar, and is great at deception. Like seriously, even Katniss says so in Catching Fire. And let's not forget his subtle manipulations of the audience and of other characters all throughout the books. "She came here with me." "We're madly in love, so feel free to kiss me at any time." "If it weren't for the baby" "Katniss isn't aware of how the rebels are using her image" etc. etc. So he's remarkably cunning. And I also think he's pretty ambitious. He went into the Hunger Games with a plan. To join the FREAKING Careers as a false flag, to gain their trust and then ultimately betray them, in order to save Katniss. The dude is a strategist. But he also has a damn heart of gold. Like he uses his powers for good, not evil and wow that's so hot to me.
But anyways enough of me thirsting over Peeta. Again all these house sorting decisions are all just MY OPINIONS. So nobody come after me because of this Hypothetical situation.
But this was fun <3
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lovelyylorelaii · 8 months
requesting rules and information
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hello all and welcome to my requesting rules and guidelines post! i wanted to put this information out there in a place that was easy to access and all up-to-date to make for a fun and safe space for everyone to enjoy!
as mentioned in my about me post, i am a uni student and so there may be periods of inactivity or when my requests are closed for longer than usual, but please do not be alarmed i will be returning and your posts will be answered. so with that in mind it would be very much apprciated if you could not spam my ask box with the same request over and over again, or chasing up a request; if it has been requested it will be on my list and i will get to it so long as it does not ask something of me which i have stated i will not be writing. HOWEVER if i am active and your request did not ask me to write anything i stated in my boundaries post that i would not write and it has been a while since you sent it in there is a chance that it may have gotten lost so it is okay if you send me a message or request it again!
if requests are closed i would appreciate it if you would refrain from sending any requests in as i will not see them and they may get lost if too many are sent in when i am away. this would also make it difficult for me to get on top of posting again when i return from my breaks! when requests are open or closed will be noted in my biography!!
below are the characters and fandoms i write for, however, if there is someone not listed below you can request for them as chances are i will have heard of them but may not be the biggest fan of the show/movie/book but i will do my best and otherwise i will let you know! if a character below is crossed out then it just means i am taking a break from writing for thme for now, just to keep things interesting and so i am not always writing for the same person so, check back often as this may change!
⟡criminal minds
ෆ aaron hotchner
ෆ derek morgan
ෆ emily prentiss
ෆ jennifer 'jj' jareau
ෆ penelope garcia
ෆ spencer reid
⟡gilmore girls
ෆ dave rygalski
ෆ dean forester
ෆ jess mariano
ෆ lane kim
ෆ logan huntzberger
ෆ lorelai gilmore
ෆ louise grant
ෆ luke danes
ෆ madeline lynn
ෆ paris geller
ෆ rory gilmore
ෆ tristan dugray
⟡hunger games
ෆ coriolanus snow
ෆ finnick odair
ෆ gale hawthorne
ෆ haymitch abernathy
ෆ johanna mason
ෆ katniss everdeen
ෆ lucy gray baird
ෆ peeta mellark
ෆ sejuanus plinth
ෆ bruce banner
ෆ druig
ෆ james 'bucky' barnes
ෆ loki
ෆ makkari
ෆ natasha romanoff
ෆ peter parker (tom holland/andrew garfield)
ෆ pietro maximoff
ෆ sam wilson
ෆ steve rogers
ෆ steven strange
ෆ thor
ෆ tony stark
ෆ wanda maximoff
ෆ yelena belova
ෆ jj maybank
ෆ john b routledge
ෆ kiara carrera
ෆ pope hayward
ෆ rafe cameron
ෆ sarah cameron
ෆ billy loomis
ෆ ethan landry
ෆ kirby reed
ෆ samantha carpenter
ෆ sidney prescott
ෆ stu macher
ෆ tara carpenter
ෆ tatum riley
ෆ carl gallagher
ෆ debbie gallagher
ෆ fiona gallagher
ෆ ian gallagher
ෆ kevin ball
ෆ lip gallagher
ෆ mandy milkovich
ෆ mickey milkovich
ෆ svetlana yevgenivna
ෆ veronica fisher
⟡stranger things
ෆ billy hargrove
ෆ dustin henderson
ෆ eddie munson
ෆ jane hopper/011/jane ives
ෆ jonathan byers
ෆ lucas sinclair
ෆ max mayfield
ෆ mike wheeler
ෆ nancy wheeler
ෆ robin buckley
ෆ steve harrington
ෆ will byers
ෆ adam milligan (michael!adam included)
ෆ bela talbot
ෆ castiel
ෆ charlie bradbury
ෆ crowley
ෆ dean winchester (moc!, michael!, demon! included)
ෆ gabriel
ෆ garth fitzgerald iv
ෆ jack klein
ෆ jody mills
ෆ john winchester
ෆ jo harvelle
ෆ lucifer
ෆ meg masters
ෆ rowena macleod
ෆ ruby
ෆ sam winchester (meg!, gadreel!, demon blood! included)
⟡teen wolf
ෆ alison argent
ෆ derek hale
ෆ isaac lahey
ෆ jackson whittemore
ෆ kira yukimura
ෆ lydia martin
ෆ malia tate/hale
ෆ peter hale
ෆ scott mcall
ෆ stiles stilinski
ෆ theo raeken
⟡the summer i turned pretty
ෆ belly conklin
ෆ cam cameron
ෆ conrad fisher
ෆ jeremiah fisher
ෆ steven conklin
ෆ taylor jewel
⟡vampire diaries
ෆ bonnie bennett
ෆ caroline forbes
ෆ damon salvatore
ෆ elena gilbert
ෆ elijah mikaelson
ෆ hayley marshall
ෆ katherine pierce
ෆ niklaus mikaelson
ෆ rebekah mikaelson
ෆ stefan salvatore
ෆ tyler lockwood
0 notes
readingforsanity · 2 years
Mockingjay | Suzanne Collins | Published 2010 | *SPOILERS*
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Young Katniss Everdeen has survived the dreaded Hungers Games not once, but twice, but even now she can find no relief. In fact, the dangers seem to be escalating. 
President Snow has declared an all-out war on Katniss, her family, her friends, and all the oppressed people of District 12. The thrill-packed final installment of Suzanne Collins’ trilogy will keep young hearts pounding. 
The final book in the Hunger Games series leads us to Katniss leading the rebels in their war against the Capitol. She starts off slowly, simply doing propos, or videos, showing her either in simulated combat and/or dressed up the nines to get the Capitol’s attention. It isn’t until she is actually involved in a heavy comabt situation in District 8 that her involvement begins to really come out. 
With Gale, Finnick, other members of District 13′s militarized community, they begin to wage the true war on the Capitol. Eventually, Johanna Mason and Peeta Mellarck are saved from the Capitol. Johanna is simply unlike herself, relying on heavy drug usage to get through the day. But Peeta is completely transformed into someone different, changed by the Capitol to want to kill Katniss on sight. 
Members of District 13 help to repair his damaged mind, and in the end, it begins working. He simply can’t remove what’s fake from what’s real. 
Katniss and a group infiltrate the Capitol eventually, and along the way, she loses several of her friends, including Finnick. However, once the rebels have secured the Capitol and President Snow is captured, Katniss visits him after the death of her sister Prim. He informs her that it was not the Capitol that released the parachutes that exploded that lead to her sisters untimely death, but that of the rebels, and even worse, it was something that Gale had designed. Unfortunately, it wasn’t what she expected to happen, and neither was it Gale’s intention. But Katniss cannot remove Gale from what had happened, therefore their friendship ceases to exist. 
When President Snow is going to be publicly executed, Katniss recalls the converstion they had, where Snow informed her that it was always President Coin’s intent to remove him from his candidacy and take over the Capitol for things to continue just as they had been. Snow had promised to never lie to her, therefore she realizes that he was telling the truth. When she was meant to be executing Snow per her conditions on becoming the Mockingjay, she instead assassinates President Coin. Snow eventually dies, though it isn’t clear how. 
Katniss and Haymitch are returned to District 12 to begin rebuilding it, and eventually Peeta returns as well. Slowly, they begin to form the relationship they were always meant to have. 
In the end, the Hunger Games cease to exist and everyone is living in their free worlds. Gale has a job in District 2, and Peeta and Katniss remain in District 12, along with Haymitch because it is their home. They are married, and do have two children, a little boy and a little girl. The history of the games are taught in schools, and eventually she will teach her children about what happened, though she discusses it with them delicately now. 
Discussion Questions 
1. What is Katniss’s greatest challenge when she returns to see the ruins of her home? What is the meaning of the rose she finds on her dresser? Why does she keep repeating facts about herself? The repetition of facts to herself is to keep reminding her of what is right in front of her. The concussion she received in the previous book makes it difficult for her to concentrate, and it hasn’t quite healed by the time she returns to 12. It’s her way of focusing. The rose on the dresser means that Snow is still after her, and I think he was ultimately trying to warn her of Coin’s true intention. But, her greatest challenge is believing that everything that had happened was her fault, when in truth, none of it was her fault and once again, they were pieces in the Capitol’s games. 
2. Why does Katniss take the cat Buttercup back to District 13? What role does Buttercup play in the story in later chapters? Buttercup is a main character within this story. She returns with him to District 13 initially for Prim. Prim would have been lost without him if he hadn’t survived the bombing. Katniss feels the need to return her sisters beloved pet. But, eventually, he does help keep the citizens of District 13 calm when they are forced to move deeper underground after the Capitol bombs them, and then once Katniss returns to 12, so does Buttercup in hopes of finding Prim, but only to realize that Katniss and Buttercup need each other. 
3. What is the first reaction Katniss has to the people of District 13? What makes her say, “In some ways District 13 is even more controlling than the Captiol”? District 13 is a sort of military base. Schedules must be followed to a T, though Katniss rarely does this. Everything is down to the hour, and to the minute almost. She finds everyone fairly welcoming. It isn’t easy for their community to be overrun with so many refugees at once, but they make do with what they have. 
4. What influences her decision to become the Mockingjay? Why does Katniss have to ask for conditions once she agrees to take on the role of Mockingjay? Her decision is because she knows that if she didn’t do anything, the Capitol would still win in the long run and all of her attempts would have been in vain. She doesn’t want to call for a cease-fire, because either way, someone she loved would have ended up hurt or dead, and she figured fighting for a cause would be better than being a sitting duck. However, she still desperately wants to save people, thus asking for the conditions that she did. 
5. Discuss the feelings between Katniss and Coin. Why do they distrust each other from the beginning? How does Coin treat the conditions that Katniss demands for being the Mockingjay? Is Katniss really a threat to Coin’s power? Coin is sincerely threatened by Katniss. Katniss has influence on many people, and Coin only has influence on her people. Katniss has influence over several people across all of the districts and even within the Capitol. She really was a threat to Coin’s attempt at power. 
6. Compare the reactions of Katniss and Gale to the imprisonment and treatment of Katniss’s prep team, Venia, Octavia and Flavius. How does this reflect on both of them? What is the difference between the prep team and the filming crew - Cressida, Mesalla, Castor and Pollux - who are also from the Capitol? Gale can understand why they were held captive while Katniss is appalled at their treatment. While they were from the Capitol, they did not need to be treated under such harsh conditions. However, Katniss’ prep team is treated differently from the other TV film crew members because the TV crew members weren’t completely riddled by the Capitol’s influence while the prep team was fully immersed in it. 
7. What was necessary for Katniss to create a truly effective propo for the rebellion? Why didn’t the first idea work? Why does Haymitch say, “That is how a revolution dies?” After the taping in District 8, what does Katniss mean when he says, “I have a kind of power I never knew I possessed?” Katniss was never one to be scripted. She needed her own influence in order to make the right choices. When she was faking it, it never came off as sincere. But, when she was being her true self, she was able to touch a lot of people in the long run. Katniss eventually realizes that a lot of people are watching her and counting on her to be the face of the rebellion. 
8. Discuss the role of television propaganda in today’s society and the techniques that are used to influence our thinking. How do these techniques compare to those used by the Capitol and the rebels in Mockingjay? It may be because it’s late, but I’m not entirely sure. It’s drilled in us that things are bad for us, like smoking is bad for you. Candy will eventually rot out your teeth. These are all things we believe to be true because of what is told to us on a near daily basis. I believe the same goes for the propos they filmed. They want to see Katniss in action because they believed it would keep those still in the fight wanting to fight for the justice they has people and humans deserved. 
9. Why did Plutarch cover up Katniss and Gale’s insubordination in District 8 during the taping? What is the effect of the propo on the rebellion in other districts? Why are the propos so vital to the rebellion? What affect does Katniss and the Mockingjay symbolism have on those fighting against the Capitol and those in the Capitol? In all honesty, I don’t think the propos had the effect that they were hoping for. I think Plutarch was so into his idea of entertainment, especially as Head Gamemaker, that he kept up the charade because he didn’t know what else to do. However, since the Districts appear to be so spaced out from each other that it akes days upon days to get from one to the other, that they want the world to see. Almost like a news story. 
10. Discuss the role of music in this book. What is the signifiance of the Hanging Tree song? How many ways does the song play a part in the story? How does it connect Katniss and Peeta to their past and their future? Research the song Strange Fruit sung by Billie Holiday and discuss its similarities and differences to Katniss’s song. The Hanging Tree is about death and trying to find purpose in the death that makes it most significant and why Katniss relates so closely to it. 
11. Discuss the changing nature of the relationship between Katniss and Gale. What does Gale say is the only way I get your attention? Did Katniss ever love Gale the way he wants her to love him? Does he truly love her? I think Katniss and Gale loved the idea of each other, but they weren’t right for each other. They had things in common, such as being responsible for their families at such young ages when they should have been enjoying their childhoods, but ultimately, they had to grow up very quickly. But Gale was always going to be onto bigger things, whether that have been in District 12 or otherwise. Did they love each other? I’m sure of it, but not in the way that people wanted them to leave each other. 
12. Discuss the changing nature of Prim’s role in the story, as she grows older. Identify times when Prim helps Katniss when no one else can. Prim is the only constant in Katniss’ life that isn’t changing. Obviously physically she is, but Prim has always been a place of solace for Katniss. Katniss would do anything, including dying, for her. However, Prim is quickly growing up just liek Katniss had no choice. She has seen a lot due to her duties as their mother’s assistant as a healer, and that can make anyone of any age weary of things. 
13. Why do the rebels decide to rescue Peeta? Discuss the effects of the hijacking of Peeta’s brain. Discuss Katniss’s comment, “It’s only now that he’s been corrupted that I can fully appreciate the real Peeta.” What is the significance of the pearl she keeps? Katniss holds onto the pearl because it is the constant reminder of what Peeta was like before the hijacking. Peeta was subjected to having his memories altered with the use of tracker venom, and within that, he began associating Katniss with fear and loathing instead of love. But, the rebels rescue Peeta because they know it’s the only thing that Katniss would have wanted, and so that she would continue her reign as the mockingjay. 
14. Why are Finnick and Johanna important to Katniss? discuss her relationship to each of them and how they help her prepare for the final fight. What is the effect of Finnick’s propo about his treatment by President Snow. Johanna and Finnick are the only two people in District 13 who understand fully what she has gone through with the Games. However, Johanna and Finnick were subjected more as victors than Katniss was ever able to endure. The rebellion ultimately kept her from experiencing the fates that they had after their victory in their Games. They keep each other focused on the final plan, and every one of them is on the same page, helpnig each other through the difficulties. Finnick’s propo confessing what had happened to him over the years after his Games ultimately lead a lot of the Capitol, and those not in the know in the Districts to completely change their minds about President Snow, ultimately forcing him to hide. 
15. When Katniss learns of the work Gale is doing with Beetee, using the psychology of trapping as much as the mechanics, she says to Gale, “Seems to be crossing some kind of line.” Gale’s reply is that they are “following the same rule book President Snow used.” Do the ends in this battle justify the means, as Gale seems to imply? He’s thinking of an “eye for an eye”, and while I agree with him to a certain extent, there had to be a line drawn. The whole point of the rebellion was to get away from their current conditions, and Gale was thinking like a Capitol citizen as opposed to that of a far away district. But, his plan works, and it works so well that Katniss actually loses her sister when one of Beetee and Gale’s designs ends up in the Capitol battle. 
16. Why is it so hard for Katniss to accept Gale’s idea for trapping the workers inside the Nut. What does she mean when she says to the wounded man in the square, “I”m tired of being a piece in their games? How many ways does the invasion of the Capitol remind Katniss of the Games? Katniss is, as she always had been, a piece in a game. Whether it was the Capitol or District 13, Katniss was being used and she knew it. However, because of what happened to both her father and Gale’s in a mine explosion, she couldn’t help but feel guilty because of what it was like in the mines in their district. 
17. Discuss Katniss’s feelings of guilt and insecurity when confronting Peeta. What makes her say, “Finally, he can see me for who I really am. Violent. Distrustful. Manipulative. Deadly?” What makes her think the worst of herself. What she has done up until this point makes her feel this way about herself. She believes that countless people have died because of her, either indirectly or directly by her own hands. She hates that about herself, and it’s once again a ploy either from the Capitol or 13. But, because Peeta sees her as a threat for the majority of the book, she believes he’s actually seeing the true version of herself which isn’t true. 
18. What are Coin’s motives in ordering Peeta to join Katniss’s squad in the Captiol? What are the advantages and disadvantages of having him on the squad? When Boggs transfers the holo to Katniss, why does he say, “Don’t trust them?” Whom he does he mean? Coin sent Peeta because she truly believed that he would lose whatever hold he had on his mind and kill her. In the beginning, there was no advantage, but eventually I think they realized he might be helpful once they got to Snow’s mansion as he had been inside of it before and during his capture. 
19. Do you believe it was the rebels who killed the children with the exploding parachutes? If so, how does that make you feel about whether this was justified as a means of winning the war? It’s too much of a coincidence for it not to be the rebels, which is disgusting. They were willing to harm children, which the entire point of the rebellion was to keep helpless children out of harm’s way. And in the end, they lost several of their own people. 
20. Why does Paylor allow Katniss to enter the rooms where Snow is being held? Does she know that Snow will reveal to Katniss the role of the rebels in Prim’s death? Did Snow tell Katniss the truth? Snow did tell Katniss the truth. He said himself that he’d never lie to her, and I truly believe that. He was always honest and forthcoming with her since the first book. However, I think Paylor had some sort of inkling of Coin’s intentions, and wanted Katniss to hear it directly from the source as opposed from someone else, where she was less likely to believe it to be the truth. 
21. Why did Katniss vote for another Hunger Games? To save the lives of more people? Or did she secretly anticipate sabotaging the plan? I’m not sure. This is what confuses me. She, more than anyone else, wanted to see the end of the Games. She mentioned this quite a bit over the course of the three books within the series. It goes back to Gale and the two wrongs don’t make a right bit. 
22. Why does Katniss assassinate Coin? Does she do it to avenge Prim, or because she believes it is for the greater good of the country, or both? How does Katniss escape retribution for Coin’s death? I believe it was both - she wanted the revenge for her sister’s death that Coin obviously did on purpose to get a rise out of Katniss, but also because she knew that if Coin was still in control, nothing would have really changed. She was the same, if not worse, than Snow. 
23. Gale tells Peeta, when they are hiding out in the Capitol, that Katniss will pick whichever one of them she can’t survive without. In the end, why is that one Peeta and not Gale? First of all, Katniss would never have been able to get over what Gale did in the Capitol by killing her sister. But because she and Gale were too alike in the longrun. Peeta was the calm to her storm. 
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lepidopteragirl · 2 years
Fanfic commentary ask for "safe among liars":
Part I:
"Hey Tubbo." Quackity says, stuffing his beanie back on as he looks up.
"Big Q." Tubbo nods, not really sure what to say.
Quackity gives an ironic little chuckle at the nickname. "Couldn't sleep?"
It's not a question.
Another crash shakes the walls, a muffled rumbling cutting off Tubbo before he even has a chance to open his mouth. He wordlessly sinks down next to Quackity on the cot, clicking the flashlight off again, leaving both of them in darkness.
"I suppose you can just pretend it's just a bad rainstorm if you close your eyes." Tubbo remarks when the rumbling goes silent, false brightness running out of every corner of the words.
"Why do you think I'm still awake?" Quackity says with a bitter laugh.
"Oh. Your Games?" Tubbo says awkwardly.
He doesn't remember thunderstorms playing a part in Quackity's games in the footage he and Ranboo watched to prepare for the Quell, but he supposed he could have missed something, misremembered. They've never really talked about each other's games, because why would they need to? Not exactly the greatest conversation topic: Hey Quackity! Tell me all about the little details of the forced deathmatch you had to fight in at 15 and all the grisly parts of it that haunt you at night!
tbh I just want to hear about what happened during those Games but shhhh
Part II:
It feels like forever, waiting for Ranboo, for Sapnap and Karl, and Tubbo's almost starting to think that none of them got out when Sapnap makes his way through the doorway. He's on crutches when he walks out, favoring an ankle and limping slightly, but Tubbo can tell the exact moment when Sapnap sees Quackity, because he throws the crutches away with a clatter, running down the ramp at almost the same speed Quackity springs to his feet and flies toward him.
They meet somewhere in the middle, clutching at each other's faces, brushing tears and loose strands of hair off cheeks, kissing and spinning in delirious circles, pressing their foreheads together while whispering soft things that Tubbo feels like an eavesdropper even witnessing. They fall to their knees together, a single puddle of saltwater and murmured I love you's in voices too tender for anyone but the two of them, clinging into each other like they were made to fit.
hiiiii aqua kissing u gently on the forehead i love talking aboutthisone sm
okay so for the first one i wont say toooo much bc the fic talking about that bit is high on my slate of new projects to work on, but, i will say that karl sapnap and quackity's storyline is loosely modeled off finnick and annie's from the books, which ive been having lots of fun with bc i have an extremely detailed outline i made when i was like 15 of a finnick and annie backstory that i never wrote, and im v much enjoying playing with it for the fiances. (q is a little more of a mix up of haymitch, finnick and a small bit of johanna too but shhh).
so sapnap was the first to win his games, and q was the next year. karlnap r childhood sweethearts from four, and q is from seven, so sapnap and q met bc of the games, and the three of them started falling in love too. but president snow/schlatt is not happy about this when somehow, they're a little too careless and news gets back to him. now they don't hear that really, no one tells them, but karl is reaped that year, and everyone knows that he shouldnt' have been. so karl goes into the games, and he's not really a fighter. he's okay, but he's not a Victor. and q and sapnap know this, forced to watch the games playout from the mentors rooms with nothing they can do. but during the games, when it really starts to get bad for karl, the artificial rain generators break, the arena floods, and well. karl is the only one left. (this also canonically happened in annie's games in the books) clearly not a great experience
and as for q and sapnap's games, i dont' have as clear of an idea, mostly bc the actual games aspect was the part that stuck in my head the least lol, but i do think that sapnap's games went similarly to finnick's in the books, and q's were more similar to haymitch's, with him figuring out a glitch in the arena or smth similar on part two ohhh cfiances ur my cfiances say it to me they r special to me. this bit was heavily inspired by the part of mockingjay where finnick and annie reunite. (i was going to put the clip here but i can't find one for the life of me but trust me okay) they make me so ill htey are so inlove i love gay ppl
send me a 500 word ish snippet from one of my fics & ill give u dvd commentary on it!!!
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everlarkficexchange · 4 years
Everlark Fic Exchange. PROMPTS
Springtime Edition 2021.
These are the prompts we’ve received so far.
Crossed out prompts have already been selected and are being turned into fics!
A huge ‘Thank you’ to everyone who’s taken the time to come up with an idea and send it our way. Your prompts are the heart of the Exchange. Without them, our authors wouldn’t get to write all those beautiful fics. So, please, keep them coming!
You haven’t sent anything yet? Don’t worry, there’s still time. We’ll be receiving prompts until March 7.  Don’t be afraid to inspire us!
Prompt 1: “No, I noticed just about every girl, but none of them made a lasting impression but you.” (Peeta’s pov of the girls who made impressions that didn’t last and the ones Katniss made that did.) [submitted by @567inpanem]
Prompt 2: “Luck Is What Happens When Preparation Meets Opportunity” - When they are assigned to the same group in middleschool Home Ec class, Peeta seizes the opportunity to pursue Katniss using all his well-honed family bakery and salesmanship skills. [submitted by @567inpanem]
Prompt 3: I would like to see some everlark where Finnick walks in on them or Johanna and the there victors make fun of them for what they heard [submitted by anonymous]
Prompt 4: Trope: Jealousy Katniss. Modern AU Katniss Everdeen sees his ex boyfriend as the date of one of her coworkers in the company party. She shouldn’t care, because she broke with him, one year ago and still.... when their song plays, against her better judgements, she finds herself dancing with him. [submitted by @alwayseverlark]
Prompt 5: Peeta and Katniss were both rescued in the arena and Peeta shares a bunk in D13 with Finnick - Finnick was sleeping and Peeta and Katniss doesn't see him there in the dark hours while they are tangled in lust and desire - either when everlark is doing it and realizes finnick is there or maybe finnicks POV as he is listening silently or even telling Johanna about it the next day - maybe he even stops them mid fuck with a snide sarcastic remark it's up to you [submitted by anonymous]
Prompt 6: Modern AU. High School or College Everlark. Make the “booth Kiss” but Everlark! Peeta is the big brother of Katniss best friend, and she never imagined rule number #9 would become a problem. “Rule #9: Relatives of your best friend are off-limits.” [submitted by @alwayseverlark]
Prompt 7: Prompt: Butthurt emotionally immature Peeta acts the asshat manwhore around Katniss when, in misinterpreting her, he believes that she thinks he’s not good enough for her. [submitted by @567inpanem]
Prompt 8: Age gap. Peeta and Katniss are cast as the romantic leads in a show (tv, film, stage, or even a commercial). Of course they cast someone half his age. Peeta can’t help falling for her anyway. [submitted by @567inpanem]
Prompt 9: Canon-Divergent/ In Panem D12 “I waited for you” he said but she dint’t reply. He pressed for an answer he knew he deserved, “under the rain, Katniss. I waited for you, under the rain... why would you do that?” / “I can’t do this anymore, Peeta” / “Bullshit, you can but you just don’t want. I thought you were brave!” he yelled at her looking for any reaction that will give some hope. His tears threatening to run down his face. / She didn’t move, and she didn’t correct her, so he ran away and slammed the door behind him. / “I love you” Katniss said to an empty room. [submitted by @alwayseverlark]
Prompt 10: Canon Divergent. When Peeta is rescued from the Capitol and brought to D13, he’s forgotten everything related to Katniss. The Capitol has erased his memories: no Valley Song, no bread, no games, ... nothing. It’s the perfect opportunity for Katniss to let it go, it’s what every tells her... but she still kisses his pearl goodnight. [submitted by @alwayseverlark]
Prompt 11: Prim is marrying before starting her dream job as a pediatric surgeon in another district. 30-something Katniss is proud, thrilled, and yet bereft when her entire life was lived for Prim. She’s never even dated. Has Peeta been waiting for this moment to make his move? Or do they meet at the wedding? Or when her friend drags Katniss out of her slump to a party or on a wild vacation after convincing her to quit her jobs and start a new life? [submitted by @567inpanem]
Prompt 12: Fae Katniss. She’s been with him his entire life, so Peeta simply accepted that no one else could see her, thought other people had their own Katniss. She’d been called his imaginary friend and later a crutch, a figment of his imagination, a delusion. Dr. A asks him to make a “real” friend, ignore Katniss, try going on a date. But Katniss won’t be ignored. And a jealous Katniss is a force. [submitted by @567inpanem]
Prompt 13: Katniss is “just one of the guys” and the only girl in school who’s never been asked for a date by any of these guys. One day she’s “discovered” by a modeling agency and whisked to the Capital. She returns 3-months later with a new look, new found confidence, and cash. How will Peeta deal with the new Katniss and all the attention she gets from everyone?  [submitted by @567inpanem]
Prompt 14: Peeta is 17 when it comes out the only thing his mother ever cooked was the books; he loses his home, his family, his roll in the community. Katniss is 17 when she loses her only reason for living. What brings them together? How do they help each other survive? What forces work against them? When do they accept the other as ally, as friend, as lover? Canon divergent. [submitted by @567inpanem]
Prompt 15: 16-yr-old Peeta’s family moves away. 10 years later he returns and buys a foreclosed upon fixer-upper. When does he learn it belonged to Katniss’s family? She still lives there and hides from him, observes him, haunts him, and ruins all his romantic dates when he’s trying to impress women by making them dinner. Does she learn all she needs to know about him and fall in love before he discovers she’s real and living with him and the one who’s been ruining his love life? [submitted by @567inpanem]
Prompt 16: canon divergent, arranged marriage. Many, many years after the rebellion, old victor and mockingjay Haymitch living alone finally starts accepting help, hires teenagers Katniss to bring him liquor and pick up packages and Peeta to bring food and do some chores. The old man sees how the 2 could be good for each other, and being strategic, manipulative, and an old romantic fool with regrets over “the one that got away,” he writes a will leaving his huge fortune to Peeta and Katniss on the condition they have a big romantic wedding within 30 days and live in his mansion caring for his Effie Rose Garden (“Creamy buds unfurl to reveal a memorable heart of buttery yellow, dusty apricot and zesty orange. From a cupped bloom, Rose Effie gradually opens to a perfect rosette, showcasing her splendor.”) And geese.  [submitted by @567inpanem]
Prompt 17: AU, supernatural. “The Monkey's Paw" retelling - 3 wishes are granted (to the owner of the monkey's paw, either Katniss or Peeta) but the wishes come with an enormous price for interfering with fate. Will the last wish make things right? [submitted by @567inpanem]
Prompt 18: enemies to lovers. Katniss ruins Peeta’s relationship or his shot with a super hot woman. Peeta ruins Katniss’s shot at great job or security with potential fiancé. Other series of embarrassments and cockblocking type events? Will they start sabotaging each other for revenge? Will they have angry sex or will it dawn on them that they’re actually attracted to each other first and make everything awkward before they instead have a sweet vulnerable moment and slow reverent love-making? [submitted by @567inpanem]
Prompt 19: based loosely on retelling of biblical Jacob and wives Rachel and Leah in that polygamist Peeta is husband to both Katniss and Prim. [submitted by @567inpanem]
Prompt 20: Peeta works in ER or long-term care facility. Katniss called in from next-of-kin list and has to decide whether to pull the plug on Prim. They argue over value and meaning of life, over spiritual beliefs and doubts of afterlife, over everything. What will she do? Will this event in this one room be the only thing they ever share, or will the bond they forge through this emotional event be the beginning for them? [submitted by @567inpanem]
Prompt 21: Graduating senior Katniss finally accepts an invitation to one of Madge’s wild, unsupervised parties completely unprepared for what goes on in them. Everyone at the party notices her for different reasons from jealousy over the way she looks to suspicion that she’s going to tell parents about the activities to desire to ruin her good girl reputation. Peeta has never missed a party - how does he react to seeing her there? [submitted by @567inpanem]
Prompt 22: Their creative writing assignment is to write a short story or poem and to illustrate it as a sketch, painting, animation, with puppets, anything goes. Classmates Katniss and Peeta base their works on the exact same shared experience! (such as the burnt bread, the dandelion, the meadow at sunset, something else entirely). Reaction? People think one of them copied the idea off the other or that they worked together. But Katniss and Peeta realize that the other one remembers, and it meant something to them, too! Will they finally talk? [submitted by @567inpanem]
Prompt 23: social media type craziness enemies to lovers. Katniss and Peeta each host a YouTube channel rapidly growing in popularity, Peeta focuses on baking and Katniss on wild game cooking, a competition for audience share becomes personal after they both bake a meat pie recipe, viewers begin to rabidly support their favorite or to ship them together hard, they start to hate each other without ever meeting, maybe they get forced into interacting for a charity benefit, things get ugly, maybe one or both has significant other who react badly to the shipping hype? [submitted by @567inpanem]
Prompt 24: While no one expected Katniss to show up to graduation right after her mother passed away and her sister died, they were surprised that she disappeared completely, and even more stunned when she reappeared years later to claim the town’s only apothecary as the last living family member. What compels her to take it over? Where has she been? What kind of welcome does she get? How does she feel about returning and about town life? What’s been going on with Peeta, is he the baker, is he single, a dad, how’s he been all these years? Will talking with him be awkward? Has he changed? Who has Katniss become? Does she seem different? Will she stay? [submitted by @567inpanem]
Prompt 25: Katniss is the new girl at this school, transferred to get a better education. Everything about her is alluring, even more so because she doesn’t see the effect she has. Seems everyone is in a clique. She learns that some people are mean and compete like it’s a fight to the death. How does she survive this new arena, learn to identify friends, and stay true to her values under this pressure to fit in? [submitted by @567inpanem]
Prompt 26: MJ canon divergent: Prim was not killed. Gale and Katniss attempted to get back to how they were before the war, but he realized he already lost Katniss' to Peeta - heart, body and soul. Any POV. [submitted by anonymous]
Prompt 27: Everlark in a Tangled!AU, with Katniss as Eugene, and Peeta as Rapunzel (without the super long hair...he has lovely, curly blond locks that heal when combed along to the song...but boy uses a rope to get people in/out of the tower!) [submitted by @albinokittens300]
Prompt 28: Modern AU: Bestfriends!Everlark took their shot at being lovers. But Katniss introduced Peeta as her "bestfriend" to a guy in a party (she was not used to calling him boyfriend yet). He was furious. [submitted by anonymous]
Prompt 29: I want to request a fic where Katniss and Peeta almost lost their first child and it just made their love and relationship even stronger. [submitted by anonymous]
Prompt 30: Peeta is Katniss’ tantric yoga teacher. She joins the class on a dare from Johanna and is committed to attending for 3 months. She hates it...at first. Smut happens. [submitted by @mrspeetamellark]
Prompt 31: Peeta Mellark, breakout star and heartthrob has just been cast in the newest highly anticipated fantasy epic (think like Jon Snow in GoT....or whatever because this is just a prompt) His character is highly skilled with a sword and absolutely lethal with a bow. Him and the rest of the cast have to do three months of intensive training prior to production. How will that go with him having a massive crush on Katniss Everdeen, weapons expert and fight choreographer? [submitted by @nightlock-89]
Prompt 32: Katniss Everdeen, famous musician hates posing for photoshoots whether it's for an album or a magazine with the exception of celebrity photographer Peeta Mellark who seems to always know the way to get the best shots. [submitted by @nightlock-89​]
Prompt 33: Based off the movie The Vow except it's Peeta who wakes up to find out he's married to his childhood crush Katniss Everdeen with no knowledge of them ever even dating. [submitted by @nightlock-89​​]
Prompt 34: Modern AU where a forty year old Katniss has shut herself off from the world from fear of getting hurt. After her sister dies she realizes how isolated she is and now wants to open herself up to love, but hasn’t a clue where to begin. Everlark HEA - the details of how they meet and what Peeta’s been up to are entirely up to you. :) [submitted by anonymous]
Prompt 35: Katniss and Peeta tet to have a date night but the babysitter calls for some "disaster" at home (a burst pipe or something, nothing serious). [submitted by @booksrockmyface]
Prompt 36: Katniss and Peeta are both single parents. They meet while chaperoning a field trip. The rest is up to you! [submitted by @mrspeetamellark]
Prompt 37: Forbidden romance AU: Katniss is the school principal. Peeta is a new teacher fresh out of college. Age!gap Everlark. Smut happens. [submitted by @mrspeetamellark]
Prompt 38: Both Katniss and Peeta are rescued from the arena, and Peeta’s entire family makes it safely to D13. How does everyone get along? (Perhaps the older Mellark brothers have a “chat” with Gale? Or the Hawthornes, Mellarks and Everdeens meet up for the first time at dinner and a fight breaks out? Does anyone have anything to say about the beach kiss?? Prim? Rye? Gale? Will Katniss stick by Peeta or avoid meeting the expectations she set with that beach kiss and declaration of “I need you”?) [submitted by @567inpanem]
Prompt 39: Katniss has been bumping into the same stranger (Peeta) for months. When they get stuck in an unfortunate situation together, she decides to be the first to say hello. [submitted by @eiramrelyat]
Prompt 40: Katniss is finally, after a long fight with infertility, expecting their second baby. She plans to share this news with Peeta in a big way. Just some sweet, happy Everlark excited for their second toastbaby! [submitted by @albinokittens300]
Prompt 41: based on high school musical. katniss as gabriella, the smart, great singer and shy girl who starts a friendship w the football star player of the school peeta mellark after singing together at a new year's day's party. could be based on the events of one or all three movies. just some light, fluff high school romance and a very hea. [submitted by anonymous]
Prompt 42: Group of friends. Economic disaster, no jobs; eventually in desperation someone in the group suggests making a porno for $, the idea takes off, as they work on a script and put out ideas, alot becomes clear, like who has kinks, who has tried a lot, and that one is an inexperienced virgin. Does the writing experience have consequences to the group dynamic, will they actually film and sell it, will they stay friends? Are any couples or siblings part of the group? Are secrets revealed through brainstorming? [submitted by @567inpanem]
Prompt 43: After getting her to agree to be his girlfriend, Gale calls Katniss frigid for not being ready for more than handholding and chaste kisses. In effort thaw her faster, he makes an appointment with a team of sex experts, Mellark, Mason, and Undersee (offering MD diagnostics, individual and couple counseling, sex surrogacy help). The professional team breaks under strain of dealing with jackass Gale. Katniss breaks all ties with him and learns in working with the team that she wants sex and just how she likes it. (Is it M/F, F/F, 3-way...) [submitted by @567inpanem]
Prompt 44: First-date Everlark. How do they know each other? Who asked who? How do they prepare? Where do they go? How old are they? Does the first date end with a kiss? Pancakes? Request for another? Is it perfect or a disaster so epic they actually have fun and agree to a second first-date? [submitted by @567inpanem]
Prompt 45: Peeta works security (peacekeeper? police?), Katniss is a protester (rebellion? BLM?) or a civilian (rebel?) or a local translator in her village. Do they know each other at all? Work together? Fight on opposite sides or meet at common ground? What threatens them? Are their feelings real? [submitted by @567inpanem]
Prompt 46: They really do toast privately in CF - katniss wearing an orange dress for peeta and peeta making cheese buns for katniss. They wanted something their own. No one knows about it and there’s no baby (as far they know) but how would this change their relationship? How they make their decisions? Would anyone actually believe they’re married when she gets to district 13? [submitted by anonymous]
Prompt 47: Katniss and peeta have a secret semi-relationship prior to the 74th games resulting in a child. Katniss’ family hides it was her pregnancy and pretends its mrs everdeens - assuming katniss went to cray or something. What happens when both katniss and peeta are reaped? Will peeta learn of his child? Will anything change during the games? [submitted by anonymous]
Prompt 48: Mrs. Mellark survived the bombing of district 12 because she was squatting at Peeta’s house. How does this event change her and how does this effect Everlark? (Does this count as an eligible prompt? I just think it would be a great dynamic!) [submitted by anonymous]
Prompt 49: Age gap. Peeta is a kid in love, driven to enlist, returns as amputee, expects no woman will have him, let alone Katniss. She has become a skilled healer, comes to care for him. He makes her heart full again, she renews him. Age becomes irrelevant. [submitted by @567inpanem]
Prompt 50: Fae Peeta or some other supernatural. Mellarks are secretly fae and Peeta meets his mate *Katniss* on the first day of school. katniss is human and it’s dangerous for them to interact when they are so young still. Peeta is forbidden to interact with her until the 74th games - where he will do everything he can to save her. [submitted by anonymous]
Prompt 51: Katniss and Peeta unknowingly have super powers. Anything beyond regular human is rare or unheard of in Panem. For some reason it manifests in both of them and comes out as they both fight to protect each other’s lives in the games. [submitted by anonymous]
Prompt 52: An AU based on Casper The movie from 1995 (just rewatched this movie, it gaves me so much EverLark vibes^^). Katniss comes to live in an old house alone or with family. Peeta is a ghost staying in this house for who knows how long. He doesn't remember much of his living life. The house is full of secrets. They try to discover the story of Peeta and of course they fell in love ! How can it be a happy ending ? 😉 [submitted by @dreamingreaderuniverse]
Prompt 53: Peeta has a harder time after the 74th games then anyone realizes. PTSD, the virtual abandonment of his family, and Katniss’ lack of interest in him, he’s in a bad place. He puts up a front when around Katniss and Haymitch, but things come to head when he gets an anxiety/panic attack while on the victory tour. Katniss is there for him. [submitted by anonymous]
Prompt 54: Madge has hosted “Beach Week!” ever since her family acquired the multi-dwelling retreat years ago. Katniss never had the $ to go, but with Madge relocating to Paris, Katniss lets Madge cover her share of the expenses with the promise to make it the best! week! ever! Katniss assumes Madge means taking a turn at karaoke or *gulp* going skinny dipping by moonlight. She learns that Madge and her many guests shed all inhibitions, especially with this being their last chance to go wild. [submitted by @567inpanem]
Prompt 55: Arriving in D13, it’s quickly discovered that Peeta will never be the same. Mixed with a failed high jacking, and a brutal beating, Peeta’s brain will never be the same. He’s childlike and mostly nonverbal, but Katniss still sees her Boy with Bread and will protect him at all costs.[submitted by anonymous]
Prompt 56: Peeta wasn’t highjacked in MJ. He was tortured, but not set against Katniss. After Peeta’s warning to D13 he receives the punishment for treason: he becomes an avox. [submitted by @kiinghanalister]
Prompt 57: Girl Scout Cookies come to D12: real world trackerjacker venom to a proud 4th generation baker. Is his own daughter a new scout? Is he asked to lead the fundraiser? Does troop leader Katniss come by with her scouts asking to set up a sales table in front of Mellark Bakery? [submitted by @567inpanem]
Prompt 58: Katniss’s grandchild is full of questions: why does grandpa walk funny? why is your yard have only dandelions when everybody else only has grass? why can’t I pick the prim roses - they’re yellow, too ... did you know I could eat this many cheesebuns? [submitted by @567inpanem]
Prompt 59: Katniss dad is a victor he won his hunger games and is a mentor. Peeta is reaped for the games and Katniss begs her dad to help him win the games. [submitted by anonymous]
Prompt 60: Quote prompt: I can see in his eyes what I've done is unforgivable ... "Who can't lie, Peeta?" (Maybe Katniss and Mrs Mellark manipulate situation to get what they think is best for Peeta, sacrificing relationship and destroying trust? Does he leave for years? Does she ever apologize enough to renew a friendship? Was he forced to live a different life than what he wanted? Or does he live his dream life but without Katniss? Is he happily married with kids when she sees him a few years later? Or is he an old bitter man who never loved or trusted again?) [submitted by @567inpanem]
Prompt 61: The Hunger Games is real - you can go home with your winnings to live HEA. Katniss and Peeta celebrate with sex. Unfortunately, the beauty treatment chemicals stimulate the gonads, and Katniss finds she’s carrying not just one Mellark baby but eight. They’ll need more $. Haymitch suggests a reality tv show. Everyone must play a roll to earn a salary - Mrs Mellark plays the loving grandma (off camera, she’s still a mean bitch), who else will take on a tv persona? They jam in many ridiculous product placements. They slap their logo onto anything they can sell to capitolites. How far will they go to keep those baby butts in clean diapers? [submitted by @567inpanem]
Prompt 62: Katniss is the football team’s new kicker and the league’s first and only female player. It’s their first road trip. She’d heard stories about what goes on from head cheerleader Madge and piccolo player Delly. Katniss deals with locker room issues, getting respect she earned for her skill, handling the culture of drinking and casual sex, dealing with possessive girls jealous of her time with the guys or others influencing her to change her look or her attitude, finding what makes her happy and what is real. [submitted by @567inpanem]
Prompt 63: Enemies to lovers; Katniss and Peeta are rival business owners (located right next door to each other). A blackout during a snowstorm pushes them together and they are forced to face their true feelings. Do that really "hate" each other, or is their intense desire for one another manifesting itself in other ways? Before the night is over, they find themselves locked in the other's arms. [submitted by @ameliaodair]
Prompt 64: Katniss and Peeta are in a scary car accident - bring on the angst! With happy ending of course :) [submitted by anonymous]
Prompt 65: 74th games - Katniss is being cornered by a male tribute (whoever you want) early on in the games. She doesn’t have her bow and he’s larger and stronger. He quickly over powers her but he’s not looking to kill her - he has more nefarious ideas. Peeta finds them and doesn’t hesitate to tackle the tribute off of Katniss and kills him in rage. Katniss doesn’t leave Peeta’s side after this moment. How does this change Katniss and the rest of the books? [submitted by anonymous]
Prompt 66: A story told in pictures. Like, Instagram of their stuff only, as Katniss and Peeta get in to college, change roommates, suffer loss, move on, eventually see their stuff together when they cohabitate, or maybe start there and go through drama of breakup until find way back together. (Like the supposition that your garden looks overgrown is a clue that your husband is having an affair type of idea). [submitted by @567inpanem]
Prompt 67: 🌈❤️🦋Katniss and Peeta are the cutest couple!🌸❤️🦄Everbody hates them. Everyone tries to break them up, for their own reason, using their own methods. Damn it, it only makes their love stronger! It ends in some triumph, like celebration of their golden anniversary or other great fortune. [submitted by @567inpanem]
Prompt 68: Katniss always wanted to be a mother, she just never wanted to admit it with the Games hanging over everyone’s heads. So when the war is over and everything is real for Katniss and Peeta, she’s wants to start a family with Peeta. Only- Peeta has never wanted kids. [submitted by anonymous]
Prompt 69: It’s the start of the holiday shopping season. The Hunger Games Victors’ big public event is attending the grand opening of a huge new toy store where they are presented with hottest must-have new toys: action figures of themselves. Afterwards, they start playing with their dolls. Johanna’s is quickly naked. Is Finnick’s anatomically correct? Anyone jealous of Katniss’s doll coming with the Cinna Collection accessories? [submitted by @567inpanem]
Prompt 70: Everlark AU Where the Heart Is (movie) - heavily pregnant Katniss is abandoned at a Walmart in the middle of nowhere by her baby daddy. Homeless and with nowhere to go, Katniss secretly bunks at Walmart each day. One early morning she goes into labor and is discovered by the blue eyed and kind employee Peeta who immediately jumps in to help. Admitting to having no one or place to go to Nurse Effie, Katniss finds herself and her baby the reluctant charge of Haymitch Abernathy. [submitted by @kiinghanalister]
Prompt 71: Magic of Ordinary Days AU: 1940s, Katniss is a single pregnant girl. Desperate for her daughter not to have a child out of wedlock, Mrs Everdeen contacts a priest who in turn knows a young man who just may be willing to help. Sweet, kind and shy Peeta stayed home to take care of the family farm when his beloved brother went to war to never come back. He’s always wanted a family but rural small town life gives little chance to court. He hears of Katniss’ plight and graciously offers to marry her and raise the child as his own. He does everything he can think of to make a home for Katniss and the baby. How does Katniss take it? How does their relationship develop? Will they fall in love? [submitted by anonymous]
Prompt 72: Post MJ Everlark Parallel to the CF Scene that takes place after the jabberjay hour. [submitted by anonymous]
Prompt 73: Katniss looses a baby before they have Toastbaby one [submitted by anonymous]
Prompt 74: Con man Peeta has an elaborate operation fleecing money out of unsuspecting wealthy victims. Why does he do it? Is it a Robin Hood type operation to redistribute money to the underprivileged and marginalized people? Or is it more selfishly oriented? He can’t do it alone and hires Katniss as a “research assistant.” Authors choice as to what exactly her role is. Does she help select the victims? The recipients of the funds? Or is she involved in planning and executing the cons? Does she help him discover the errors of his ways if he’s doing it for himself? Whatever the plan is, falling in love is not part of it and when you lose focus of the plan, bad things happen. [submitted by @katnissdoesnotfollowback]
Prompt 75: Black swan style AU with Peeta as Odette and/or Odelle. [submitted by @katnissdoesnotfollowback]
Prompt 76: Vignettes from a mother’s eye. Everlark through the eyes of Mrs Everdeen, Mrs Mellark, Mrs Hawthorne. One of them or any combination of the three. Canon compliant or any AU. [submitted by @katnissdoesnotfollowback]
Prompt 77: Married Everlark are coworkers and their marriage is on the rocks. They’ve been sleeping in separate rooms. Divorce looks inevitable. On a business trip, there is *dramatic pause* only one bed. Does the forced closeness lead them to really talk for the first time in months or does it drive them further apart? Smut not required. [submitted by @katnissdoesnotfollowback]
Prompt 78: Everlark in their twilight years. What do their relationships with the toastbabies look like? Are there grandkids? [submitted by @katnissdoesnotfollowback]
Prompt 79: This holiday is dumb, Katniss says every year even as Peeta goes all out with the traditions, decorations, themed baked goods, cajoling Katniss to partake in activities. Now there’s a toastbaby on the way and for some reason, Peeta doesn’t do any of the things he usually does for the holiday. How does Katniss react? Relieved? Or does she realize she actually loves his zeal and tries to spark the spirit back into him? Writer picks the holiday and level of cheesy fluff. [submitted by @katnissdoesnotfollowback]
Prompt 80: How does that work? They were roommates and best friends. When they meet a couple who has a common law marriage, Everlark starts to wonder if it applies to them too. Go angsty or fluffy or crazy, wherever the muse takes you. [submitted by @katnissdoesnotfollowback]
Prompt 81: Shakespearean style AU in the vein of Still Star Crossed. Katniss and Peeta were not the famed star crossed lovers. Someone else was. But while the deaths of their best friends are still fresh, Katniss and Peeta find themselves in an arranged marriage to hopefully heal the rift. Tell me their story. Any time period or setting welcome. [submitted by @katnissdoesnotfollowback]
Prompt 82: Everlark + Taylor Swift. I'll make it easy. Any song, write a fic based on it. Are Katniss or Peeta the songwriter, or the ones living out the ending? [submitted by @archersandsunsets]
Prompt 83: Katniss gets stung by tracker jackers post mj, Peeta take care of his wife [submitted by anonymous]
Prompt 84: Elementary School - the beginning of having a “girlfriend/boyfriend” - Katniss’s best friends (Maggie and Gale) are the “it couple”. She really doesn’t care - she can sit with her friend Jo at lunch and hangs out on the monkey bars alone. Until a new boy comes to school! [submitted by @winegirl65]
Prompt 85: Arranged Marriage!Everlark. (Not medieval necessarily but ‘old time’ setting) Peeta and Katniss have been betrothed since they were children, but have only seen each other through portraits/paintings. Both grow resentful of their arranged marriage, and act up against it; K being as wild and unladylike as possible: hunting, wearing trousers, riding bareback; P being a rake, silver tongue con artist, etc. A month before their wedding, they meet at a The Hub (black market/pub/whatever disresputable place you want it to be) and bet at arm wrestling against each other. Is it love at first sight? Do they armwrestle each other? Do they recognize one another? Will there be smut because ‘hey, we’ll be marry in a month anyway’? Writers choice! [submitted by @alliswell21]
Prompt 86: Katniss is married to Gale, but they have an open marriage. Gale sleeps around and has other girlfriends, but Katniss is only intimide with her best friend, Peeta - extra brownie points if Everlark have toast babies or Kat leaves Gale for Peeta. Thank you! [submitted by anonymous]
Prompt 87: Katniss is desperate for a job. She applies for a job with the following description, even though she isn’t fully qualified: We are looking to hire a Data Analyst to join our data team. You will take responsibility for managing our master data set, developing reports, and troubleshooting data issues. To do well in this role you need a very fine eye for detail, experience as a data analyst, and a deep understanding of the popular data analysis tools and databases.Peeta’s just doing his friend a favor, applying for a job he’s definitely not qualified for in order to keep an eye on his friend’s crazy uncle.What happens when Katniss and Peeta are the only applicants for the job of data analyst to Supervillain Haymitch? Will they find a way to both get what they need? Do they stick to the job description or discover that there’s much more to the phrase “Others duties as assigned”? What about Haymitch? His nefarious plans always go awry, and actually don’t seem all that evil, but perhaps with the help of his two questionable new data analysts, he can finally expose two-faced Superhero Coin for the dastardly villain she is. [submitted by @katnissdoesnotfollowback]
Prompt 88: Peeta designs “toys” for his adult shop. He hires Katniss to test his products, she has to fill a questionnaire for feed back or something of the sort. One day she comes in complaining that one of the toys doesn’t work; Peeta thinks she’s not using it properly, so he sits in to watch her try it once more... “to take notes”. She is indeed using it wrong, so he steps in to show her the correct way. [submitted by @alliswell21]
Prompt 89: If Prim and Peeta are never reaped, and Mrs Mellark and Prim die after the 75th Games, and widower Mr Mellark marries widow Mrs Everdeen, what would happen to Katniss? We know from the book that her mom would leave her. And, what would Peeta do? [submitted by @567inpanem]
Prompt 90: The Olympic committee is selling sponsorships and heavily advertising the upcoming games. The most photogenic of each sport is asked to pose for pics and attend functions, film commercial together, do some interviews. What sports represented by Katniss, Peeta, others? Required to look cozy? Animosity behind those smiles? Competitiveness? Banter? Any secrets? Do they have a “breakfast club” ending? [submitted by @567inpanem]
Prompt 91: Katniss senses something is amiss before the bakery door opens: chaos as Mr. Mellark incapacitated (throws out back?) on one of their busiest days! Mrs M never acknowledged K before, but they desperately need kitchen help, now! And K is more than capable of working hard. A bargain is struck to clean up and follow all other directions thrown at her in exchange for bread and coin. Hard negotiations? Peeta’s reaction? Is it Katniss and all 3 boys in the back? Do the older 2 know her? Any talking? How does the long day go? Does it end well for Peeta? [submitted by @567inpanem]
Prompt 92: Years later, the blocked mine shaft is finally cleared, and the bodies are recovered. Will recovery of her father’s remains help Katniss or make things worse? Will the community do anything to honor the men? Will the Everdeens get any personal effects, did he leave a message for Katniss? Will there be evidence that leads to prosecution and $ settlement? Will Peeta, Gale, community, mom, Prim be there to support K? Who can she talk to? Is she changed? [submitted by @567inpanem]
Prompt 93: Mr Hawthorne doesn’t die in the mine explosion. It’s he who Katniss meets in the woods and becomes her hunting partner, and eventually a father figure when he starts offering advice on what to do once she graduates. He sees how the baker’s son acts, but he has 3 sons who need strong, hard-working and skilled wives, and he saw Mrs E leave town life behind. Peeta never sees K with Gale - what impact does that have on him? Does Mr H speak of rebellion or does he stay quiet on the subject? Does Katniss see the Hawthorns happily married and modify views on marriage if not on raising a family? [submitted by @567inpanem]
Prompt 94: Chris Pratt was a “kick ass” door to door coupon salesman. That could be Peeta! Vacuum cleaner sales, and he has to come in for a demonstration! He’s charming, but does his pitch earn him a sale? Does his cleaner choke on all the cat hair from buttercup? Does the powerful unit suck up something of value? Is it even her house or is she house sitting and wasting his time? [submitted by @567inpanem]
Prompt 95: Peeta is also rescued or ah least when he is saved from the capitol he isn’t hijacked which leads to katniss and peeta finally dating - Johanna and finnick still make fun of the happy couple about being so “pure” and one day they have enough - either they purposely do the deed loudly or something in front of them or whatever it is, make it steamy! Or.......peeta exxagerates and tells finnick and Johanna what they have done together in an attempt to prove how unpure they are and Katniss overhears and finally does all the things peeta was explaining [submitted by anonymous]
Prompt 96: The Games ended with the rebellion years ago, but now you can “experience all the excitement for yourself at Disney’s newest theme park The Hunger Games! Take a wild train ride into a real replica arena! Experience the thrill of virtually racing to the 3-D weapons pile then trade your kill count tickets in for arcade prizes! Flex your muscles swinging real replica axes and swords! Try on costumes, or enjoy a spa day at Beauty Base Zero! Enjoy an all-you-can-eat meal at The Cornucopia Buffet!” So, who wants to go? Or, who works there? [submitted by @567inpanem]
Prompt 97: Everlark cuddling. That’s it. That’s the prompt. [submitted by @katnissdoesnotfollowback]
Prompt 98: Toned, nubile, athletic Katniss and Peeta are hired as stunt and body doubles for a couple of famous film actors who have been liberally airbrushed for the promo pics. The $ is good. No one can know. A lot of nudity. No dialogue, just well timed grunts and groans. One talks a lot when nervous between takes. Some embarrassing moments. Friendship and trust built over time. When it’s over, can they walk away? [submitted by @567inpanem]
Prompt 99: I want a smutty filled fanfic in d13 if Peeta wasnt hijacked and or captured. Are they in a relationship? How does this change Katniss’ relationship with Gale? What does Johanna think of it all? Does Finnick make fun of them but slap Peeta on the back? Does Mrs. Everdeen have an awkward conversation with Katniss about birth control? Does anyone overhear or walk in? [submitted by anonymous]
Prompt 100: Can be modern canon compliant divergent or whatever but with Johanna and Finnick and or Haymitch talking about Everlark and what they have or haven’t done yet. They all make a bet to see who is right and how far the star crossed lovers have taken there physical and emotional relationship. Extra points if Finnick knowingly smiles at Peeta or Everlark tells them who is right. [submitted by anonymous]
Prompt 101: Artist Peeta’s niche: option 1: pets - portraits dressed in period costumes with or without owner, or perfectly painted on sugar cookie, other medium? Does Prim want it, or does Katniss surprise gift it to Prim? Buttercup or Lady? In studio or outdoors? Is K indulgent or exasperated? option 2: uptight Katniss discovers that Prim had erotic boudoir photos taken of herself, and neither she nor photographer Peeta told her! She would have stopped Prim. Who is Peeta to katniss? Is Peeta insulted by what she spews out about his job and art? [submitted by @567inpanem]
Prompt 102: Peeta and Katniss are both made to wait outside the principals office. One of them in trouble for getting into a fight. The other ? Conversation started by the one not seething. As the hour drags on, they discover common ground and attraction. Suddenly, principal opens office door, and the moment is gone. Do they find way to each other at school? Or in big high school, do they happen to see each other years later under very different circumstances? [submitted by @567inpanem]
Prompt 103: Nonhijacked Peeta in d13 needs advice from Finnick about well, you know, how to fuck a girl. And well Katniss goes to Johanna or Annie for the same thing. Will Finnick and Johanna and or Annie tell each other about Katniss and Peeta asking advice? Will they purposely sabotage Everlark by giving them funny bad advice? Will they purposely and awkwardly talk about it at lunch with Gale there? Up to you but make it funny and hot [submitted by anonymous]
Prompt 104: Everlark before the quell starts to get intimate, when it dawns on them that Katniss doesn’t want to get pregnant and frankly, either does Peeta however this is something they want to experience. So what do they do? Ask Panem’s biggest heartthrob Finnick for some condoms. Hopefully when the victors have training the next day at lunch, Finnick hasn’t told anyone. Hopefully....😏 [submitted by anonymous]
Prompt 105: Katniss is lucky enough to be upgraded to First Class on a flight home to visit her mother and younger sister. Little does she know that onboard is one of Panem’s most important, and consequently, most handsome men, and he takes a shining to her. [submitted by @mandelion82]
Prompt 106: Peeta is a pearl diver/diver/oceanographer. He’s been looking for the perfect way to propose to his longtime girlfriend, Katniss, and thinks he’s found it when he discovers a rare pearl under the sea. The problem is, Katniss isn’t the only one who appreciates his find. [submitted by @mandelion82]
Prompt 107: When her boyfriend cheats, Katniss gets her revenge by making a pass at her boyfriend’s greatest enemy. She only intended to flirt with him to piss off her cheating ex, but things spiral out of control, and they wind up in a dangerously passionate entanglement. [submitted by @mandelion82]
Prompt 108: Everlark fall for one another over a blood transfusion. It happens not once, but twice. His blood runs through her veins, and now hers runs through his. What are the odds they would save each other’s lives? [submitted by @mandelion82]
Prompt 109: Haymitch as a matchmaker. Nuff’ said. His matches are always disasters, but one time, he gets it exactly right when he sets up his neighbors, a stoic girl with a braid and a lonely, blond baker boy. [submitted by @mandelion82]
Prompt 110: A group of bachelorettes/bridesmaids kidnap groom-to-be, Peeta Mellark, in order to convince him that he's marrying the wrong woman, and that he should, in fact, be with their friend and fellow bridesmaid, Katniss Everdeen. [submitted by @mandelion82]
Prompt 111: Peeta is a struggling post-graduate art major. He finally finds a place he can afford because the landlord cuts him some slack on the rent. One day, his landlord becomes ill/injured and his daughter/niece takes over. Peeta's instantly smitten with her, but she insists on the full rent. Will Peeta find a way to pay his sexy landlord? Can he also win her heart? [submitted by @mandelion82]
Prompt 112: Katniss's family owns a Mexican restaurant. Peeta and his friends come in, and he's immediately captivated by her. He keeps coming back, hoping to win her over, but he makes the mistake of inadvertently insulting her/her family. Can he make amends? Will she ever go out with him? [submitted by @mandelion82]
Prompt 113: she’s the man au featuring katniss and gale as the twins, peeta as duke, and madge as Olivia. [submitted by @thegirlwhowokethedreamer]
Prompt 114: Inspired by THIS picture I found - finnick understands Peeta and katniss' love for one another in his point of view [submitted by @everlark-always]
Prompt 115: Post mockingjay, everlark picnic in the meadow, with child or without whatever you feel I just want happy thriving everlark post war [submitted by @everlark-always]
Prompt 116: Hades Peeta and Persephone Katniss fanfic. Maybe Katniss is being abused or needs a reason to leave Olympus and Peeta provides that for her or Peeta just takes her. Peeta may bit of a douche or even dark!Peeta but the two warm up to each other eventually. [submitted by anonymous]
Prompt 117: Dark!Peeta fanfic where he is a stalker, kidnapper, or serial killer. But he does all of these things because it’s his way of protecting Katniss and ensuring they will be together. Katniss finds out in the end and chaos ensues [submitted by anonymous]
Prompt 118: Under the Tuscan Sun AU: Reeling from the breakdown of her marriage due to her partner's infidelity, and struggling to follow up a successful book release, Katniss's friends book her a trip on a bus tour through Tuscany, Italy, to try and help her move on. When she accidentally ends up buying a villa in the Tuscan countryside, she finds not only new inspiration but a new chance at love in the form of her blonde-haired contractor, Peeta Mellark. [submitted by @thelettersfromnoone]
Prompt 119: what if Katniss and Peeta didn't get interrupted by finnick that night on the beach in the quell? Would they have kept going? Would the outcome of the night change since that new relationship step where they absolutely would have refused to be seperated? [submitted by @everlark-always]
Prompt 120: In the blast in THG, Katniss loses hearing in BOTH ears - she's miraculously able to hear the announcement of the 2 tributes from the same district (maybe it's just super muffled??) how does katniss handle the rest of the games without her hearing? how is peeta able to communicate with her? [submitted by anonymous]
Prompt 121: Secret lovers!Everlark, aged 20s: They've been a group of friends with Gale and Finnick. Katniss has always been "one of the boys" and seemed uninterested with boys... until Peeta and she had this drunken confession night and they've been hiding kisses and touches since. Summer in a few weeks, they want to go officially together to their annual beach trip, and they start planning how to break it to their friends gently... especially to Gale whom she turned down in college. [submitted by anonymous]
Prompt 122: a day in the bakery with Peeta and Katniss ... could be modern or in Panem ... I’ve just been watching a lot of Korean cafe videos and I need detailed descriptions of cake and cute couple moments 🍰 [submitted by @rosegardeninwinter]
Prompt 123: wholesome late 1700s Austen-esque romance with local country pastor Peeta (a la Henry Tilney) and his pretty, windswept parishioner, Miss Katniss Everdeen (a la any Austen heroine) with the angelic singing voice and dandelion trimmed bonnet [submitted by @rosegardeninwinter]
Prompt 124: The war is over, Peeta has been home for 6 months and things have been gradually better between him and Katniss. Just as Katniss starts to realize how much she needs Peeta things begin to fall apart and he is quick regressing into the tortured Capitol mutt. The Doctors say there is no hope. Katniss convinces Beetee to break into Peeta's medical files and discovers things about Peeta's mother noone knew, especially Peeta. Can this new information be the key to bringing her Peeta back or will it destroy both of them. [submitted by @emazura]
Prompt 125: Peeta Mellark has just started school with a disability (physical, metal, etc.). How will his best friend, Katniss Everdeen, help him through the year and navigate bullies? [submitted by anonymous]
Prompt 126: The Wedding Year AU. K & P meet and start dating. Early on, they learn that between the both of them they're invited to a lot of weddings (for friends, coworkers, family, whoever), even in the wedding party for some. They decide which ones they'll attend, and these weddings are spread throughout the year. The thing is K has commitment issues and isn't sure if she's even the marrying type, so how does this year of weddings play out for her and P? [submitted by anonymous]
Prompt 127: AU - Peeta is has two older brothers, a loving but weak father, and an abusive mother. How can the older boys comfort five year old Peeta after his mother’s attacks? [submitted by anonymous]
Prompt 128: broken katniss post mockingjay - super depressed about everything and the weight of what she went through is finally sinking in with no war to distract her. Peeta comes back and takes care of Katniss - either Peeta Katniss or even Haymitch’s points of view [submitted by @everlark-always]
Prompt 129: AU Inspired by the Greek and Roman mythologies, where the Games take place in an amphitheater/arena turned into a labyrinth. How often do the games occur? Are there mythological beasts/mutts? How do Katniss and Peeta survive? Or do they not? What happens after they leave the arena? [submitted by @katnissdoesnotfollowback]
Prompt 130: Sheep herder Peeta and quiet seamstress Katniss. That’s it. That’s the prompt. [submitted by anonymous]
Prompt 131: okay well somebody’s gotta do the inevitable Everlark/WandaVision crossover ... but it’s gotta end happy or I’m gonna be very upset [submitted by @rosegardeninwinter]
Prompt 132: Katniss and Peeta are musicians writing songs about one another unbeknownst to the other. Specifically Taylor Swift's cover of Untouchable, Katniss writes about Peeta. Peeta writes Jump then Fall (maybe change it up a little) about Katniss. Please & thank you! [submitted by @lovely-tothe-bone]
Prompt 133: The victory tour is live-streamed and mandatory viewing for each district. What no one expected however, was for Snow to know Peeta was the words behind Katniss - the one he couldn’t control. When peeta starts talking about rue and thresh in D11, snow issues the command and everyone is shocked when a bang rings out and a red spot starts rapidly spreading on Peeta’s chest. Reactions and the aftermath! [submitted by anonymous]
Prompt 134: Katniss and Peeta in an FLR marriage, Peeta is bisexual and so Katniss has a lot of boyfriends like Cinna, Thresh, Gale, Finnick with whom they have sexy times. [submitted by anonymous]
Prompt 135: Princess Katniss Everdeen was forced to marry King Snow's son Cato, to ensure that the people in her kingdom didn’t die due to famine. Too bad she falls in love with Cato's personal sex slave, Peeta Mellark. But his time in the royal harem and that with the prince has made him too broken to even consider about love. Will Katniss be able to soothe his bettered soul? What happens when the king finds out? [submitted by anonymous]
Prompt 136: Katniss Everdeen never had a student as unruly as Peeta Mellark. She wants to spank the hell out of him. What happens when he finally submits himself to his hot and sexy bio teacher? [submitted by @everlurked]
Prompt 137: Millionaire Katniss Everdeen is a porn film maker. Too bad she has to hire, watch and edit two of the sexist man on earth Peeta Mellark and Finnick Odair having sex when she finds out that she might be having a huge crush on Peeta. But she thinks that they are in a relationship. Will she take a chance when Peeta tells her that he is bi and actually Finnick and him are friends, comfortable with each other to do such intimate things for money and not so subtly hints that he likes her too? [submitted by anonymous]
Prompt 138: Katniss realizes her feelings for Peeta on the train back and is honest with herself and Peeta about how real it was for her - the beginning of a real relationship after the games [submitted by @everlark-always]
Prompt 139: Young Katniss discovers a wolf cub caught in one of her traps while hunting with her father. They bring him home to heal and Katniss falls in love with his gorgeous blue eyes. He joins the family and becomes Katniss’ new hunting partner. As he grows, Katniss discovers the orphaned wolf’s secret. Werewolf!PeetaBonus: Jealous Gale (As friend? Hunting partner? Your choice) [submitted by anonymous]
Prompt 140: The west side of the village is surrounded by a vast forest that no one dares to enter. There’s a legend that states anyone who enters will die in the hands of the wolf that can’t turn back into a man. Katniss doesn’t believe this but when she reads a book, the curiosity gets to her and the only one that she could trust is the drunk man of the town. Witness her encounters this cursed being and how everything in this town isn’t what it seems. #werewolves #magic [submitted by @animekpopxx]
Prompt 141: Okay. So texting is wonderful, isn’t it? Katniss is thrilled that she can talk to people without actually talking, especially across the room when that one person you want to talk to is in a different conversation/group than you are. (This can just be fluffy, but as an added bonus, maybe it’s also a way for someone to get *flirty* - or more - with their convo, making her blush like crazy, and the people in her group wanna know what’s going on, why are you blushing..... Or even reversed where Peeta ends up blushing at something she sent. Though he would probably just grin and look up at her unabashedly, which she chided him for later because it’s a dead giveaway. OR! Katniss receives an unwanted text/set of texts from someone - named or not idc - and someone like Finnick or Jo, Gale, maybe Prim, or even Peeta - beast mode activated - sees it over her shoulder and loses their shit and starts taking over the conversation in a ridiculous and hilarious way, unbeknownst to the person responding, and to Katniss’ chagrin. Maybe even as a group, and Katniss just cannot get her phone out of their hands. (I feel like Haymitch, Cinna, and Effie would add their hilarious two cents here and there but also I have no idea how that would work. Idk. This is also known as “The prompt for something I want to write but I don’t write sexy because I’m an awkward turtle but I still want to read this”. You know. Thank you in advance to anyone who read this and/or takes it on.) [submitted by @everybirdfellsilent]
Prompt 142: An Eon ago, the powerful seer got sent a prophecy that shook the world where it stood. "The joining of the purest soulmate will bring the gift that will change the world." (Can be changed to sound so much better)Throughout the years, the prophecy has been misconstrued and manipulated to their owe benefit. Is Katniss the child, the prophecy warned or is there more to that? #Magic #Soulmates [submitted by @animekpopxx]
Prompt 143: Katniss moves into a new town for her new job when she catches the eye of the VP of the bicker gang. How long can she resist him and can she truly fit into his life? #HotPeeta [submitted by @animekpopxx]
Prompt 144: She has a night of fun before the start of the semester. She meets this guy, they hit it off that they sleep together. But when she shows up to her class the next day, she sees the guy again. But he’s her professor and he’s way older than she originally thought. #olderPeeta [submitted by @animekpopxx]
Prompt 145: She moves in with her aunt and uncle when her parents dies in a small town. After suffering through trama, Katniss slowly starts to get better with the help of her family (aunt, uncle, cousin) and the Mellark brothers. But when things starts happening to her and the people around her, it’s revealed that she and almost everyone in the towns are apart of the werewolf pack and that one of the Mellark brothers is her mate. #werewolves [submitted by @animekpopxx]
Prompt 146: Katniss and Peeta Mellark as the "Biggest Family of District 12!" #allthetoastbabies [submitted by @animekpopxx]
Prompt 147: An Everlark fic inspired by e.e. cummings poem I Carry Your Heart [submitted by @lovely-tothe-bone]
Prompt 148: When a wolf pup runs towards Katniss while in the forest calling her Mama, she doesn't know where they came from and how can she understand them? Is she going crazy? Who's the father? (Its the hot hunk that she meets a day later) #werewolves #toastpups [submitted by @animekpopxx]
Prompt 149: An Everlark fic based on the real life story of a kitty becoming best friends with a neighbor (I will post the video link in the comments of the answered ask). Is Peeta depressed? PTSD? Grieving? (Please no divorced/widow/single dad storyline though unless it's like adoption). How does Katniss ultimately bond with Peeta and be a healing light for him in addition to Buttercup? Tension tension tension. [submitted by @lovely-tothe-bone]
Prompt 150: Katniss + Peeta idiots to lovers, modern au best friends secretly pining for one another. Ever the dynamic duo and short on cash, they decide to participate in a couples study. Who's the therapist? (Haymitch?) At what point does the therapist assigned to them realize they aren't even together? And does the therapist realize one or both is in love with the other? Big bonus points for a "It's you. It's always been you." moment. [submitted by @lovely-tothe-bone]
Prompt 151: Pandemic!Everlark. It's their first zoom date and stressed out, overworked Katniss FALLS ASLEEP (maybe they were watching a show together?) Peeta stays on the line and draws her. What happens after Katniss wakes up to a sheepish Peeta with a breathtaking portrait of her? [submitted by @lovely-tothe-bone]
Prompt 152: Enemies to lovers modern au. Katniss emails her group of new hires the training guide to review before they start on Monday. Monday morning just before she's set to meet with the group of trainees Katniss finds an email from new hire Peeta Mellark, attached is the training guide. Completely edited and rewritten. Lots of fuming in their first meeting and total tit for tat hijinks ensue. Torture us with the rivalry please. [submitted by @lovely-tothe-bone]
Prompt 153: Best friends!Everlark who have always been in love with one another. Katniss is in a pretty serious accident, of course Peeta visits her every single day. He notices that every time he enters the room her heart monitor beeps due to elevated heart rate. He notices and finally mentions to a mutual friend (Madge? Finnick?) how it's sweet that she gets excited to see her friends, said friend rolls eyes and is like uh yeah ok "friend". Peeta's all what? Cue suspicion so next time he visits her he takes it a step further and gives little touches (brushes her hair back, strokes her cheek, grazes her arm? LET IT BURN) to see what happens. Sure enough her HR skyrockets. Tell us all the sweet and suspenseful details :))) [submitted by @lovely-tothe-bone]
Prompt 154: Soulmate au where your soulmates injuries and scars show up on your body tinted in their favorite color. Katniss through the years as she discovers new marks, pondering what it could possibly be, finally figuring out that her soulmate is being hurt way too regularly and in very specific places. Do her parents figure out Peeta is being abused? How do they find and "rescue" him? Or does Peeta live his whole childhood being abused before turning 18? Does he runaway? How do he and Katniss find their way to one another? [submitted by @lovely-tothe-bone]
Prompt 155: Just a really sweet meet cute of skateboarder!Peeta wiping out the first time he sees Katniss. Bonus points for her being a skater too.[submitted by @lovely-tothe-bone]
Prompt 156: Post MJ: Toastbabys perspective from in the womb throughout pregnancy. Bonus points for post birth moments. [submitted by @lovely-tothe-bone]
Prompt 157: Miscommunication. Katniss texts Peeta that she needs some 🥖. Peeta thinks the breadstick is a euphemism of her asking him for sex. How do things play out? [submitted by @lovely-tothe-bone]
Prompt 158: CF AU: Peeta gets drunk with Haymitch after the quell announcement. [submitted by @lovely-tothe-bone]
Prompt 159: High school au with popular girl, valedictorian, great at sport and then there is Peeta Mellark shy, awkward, sweet but not so good in academics with a huge crush on Katniss. Will she even look at him when she already has tall, dark and handsome Gale by her side? Typical high school drama ensues. [submitted by @everlurked]
Prompt 160: Katniss witnesses a potential crime in progress and gets in contact with law enforcement. Thanks to her tip, a travesty is adverted. But why did the perpetrator seem to recognize Katniss? And when did the baker’s boy become a head FBI agent? [submitted by @kiinghanalister]
Prompt 161: Katniss is texting back and forth with her older boss (who is hott and recently divorced) about a deadline. She's also bra shopping and taking photos to send to Johanna to get her opinion when she accidentally mixes up the recipients. She notices that she just hit send on the photo to Peeta by mistake (her boobs look amazing by the way, bonus points if it's sunset orange) Mortified she texts "shit, wrong person" What happens the next day at the office. Does Peeta think the pics were for a boyfriend? What's he thinking about during the staff meeting? Will Katniss be able to show her face? [submitted by @nightlock-1989]
Prompt 162: Peeta is actually the Mr. Mellark Mrs. Everdeen left behind to marry her true love when they were 18. They parted on good terms but Peeta just had to get out of town never knowing Mr Everdeens first or last name. 22 years later he returns and falls in love with frequent customer Katniss (who is of age) He brings out the playful side in her and she makes him feel young again. Katniss, who doesn't have a great relationship with her mother, doesn't tell her about the older man she's dating. While running errands, Mrs. Everdeen bumps into Katniss and Peeta, who happen to be engaged in a playful game of grab ass. Shock sets in for everyone. Does Mrs. Everdeen think Katniss is Peetas midlife crisis? Does Katniss' young age begin to nag Peeta? Huge bonus if Katniss freaks out because she realizes Peeta has fucked both her and her mom. [submitted by @nightlock-1989]
Prompt 163: Golden Age of Hollywood AU: Songbird Katniss finds herself signing a contract with The Capitol Productions, a major force in the studio system, after a casting agent hears her singing at a nightclub. Her first project is a musical with a handsome Capitol film star, Peeta Mellark. But while they agree to an engagement as fodder for film promotion, the fine print on their contract never covered the relationship becoming real... [submitted by @thelettersfromnoone]
Prompt 164: Peeta is a handsome prince, fleeing his evil stepmother, who has stolen his rightful crown. Katniss is a skilled tracker, taking bounties to send the money back to her struggling family. Will the well-respected hunter make good on the bounty, or will her heart have a different plan? [submitted by @thelettersfromnoone]
Prompt 165: Peeta gets with another girl after the war, while him and katniss are trying to be friends, thinking katniss doesn’t want him, but instead it only makes her insanely jealous. When she falls ill does Peeta come to her rescue or does he keep his distance to please his new gf [submitted by anonymous]
Prompt 166: Peeta moves into a new town. It’s a small town but so lively but things starts getting weird when he starts encountering dead animals on his back porch. Looks like someone found their mate and is trying to empress him. #werewolfKatniss [submitted by @animekpopxx]
Prompt 167: He knows where she is at all times. What’s she’s doing and who’s she’s with. But lately she’s been hanging out with that guy for his liking and he needs to teach her and show her that she belongs to him and no one else. Her whole mind, body, and soul. !DarkPeeta #psychological #thriller #angst #mightnothaveanicehappyending [submitted by @animekpopxx]
Prompt 168: One thing that sets this community apart from the others is that is a matriarchy. But a lot of surrounding communities want to get in. When it is Katniss’s coming of age ceremony, the prophet tells her that she has the opportunity to choose a first husband from the neighboring community. Katniss was set on Gale but he became the third husband of (whoever you choose). Will she stick to her community’s men or branch out and get new blood? #olderpeeta [submitted by @animekpopxx]
Prompt 169: A Capitolite veiwer perspective on the 74th games, maybe running right up to the first day of the Quell. Do they notice Katniss or Peeta at first, or is it one of the other tributes they like. How do the Starcrossed lovers creep up on them. Maybe reactions to Rues death, or the victory tour ( if you want to go that far) [submitted by @darkhorse-javert]
Prompt 170: Superhero/Catburglar AU: The jewel-thief Mockingjay has evaded The Capitol's superhero, Captain Strong, for long enough, and the Merchants of the city have started putting pressure on the hero to bring the thief in for justice. The only problem? The Captain is the alter-ego of teenager Peeta Mellark, and his elusive nemesis is his high school crush, Katniss Everdeen. [submitted by @thelettersfromnoone]
Prompt 171: IndianaJones!Katniss and JiltedLover!Peeta [submitted by anonymous]
Prompt 172: Secret Agent Everlark. Peeta and Katniss are undercover partners on a case in Istanbul (or what have you). They take names and kick ass. [submitted by anonymous]
Prompt 173: Peeta's POV in THG when he wakes up in the cave after Katniss injects him with the medicine to cure his blood poisoning, finding her in a very scary pool of blood. His perspective until she finally wakes. Canon compliant please. [submitted by @lovely-tothe-bone]
Prompt 174: Victory tour AU/deleted scene, Peeta and Katniss walk along a beach in District 4, in a brief moment where they are alone, and Katniss tells Peeta why her favourite colour is green, and anything else you think would fit nicely into that conversation. Basically just Katniss opening up a little more. Either Peeta or Katniss POV. [submitted by @emilia206]
Prompt 175: Katniss hits the force field in CF instead - Peeta’s reaction [submitted by anonymous]
Prompt 176: Peeta absentmindedly calls Katniss “love”. She doesn’t mind. [submitted by anonymous]
Prompt 177: Canon compliant Peeta's POV in MJ when the bombs go off in front of the president's mansion. [submitted by @lovely-tothe-bone]
Prompt 178: A story based on THIS tweet. [submitted by anonymous]
Prompt 179: Prompt based on the korean drama “Lovestruck in the City”. Peeta as Jaewon and Katniss as Eunho and the rest is up to you [submitted by anonymous]
Prompt 180: Capitol didn’t know hijacking but they left Peeta broken. He was sexually assaulted many times by Capitol buyers, both men and women. Will he be able to recover? How does it affect Katniss and Peeta's dynamic. Also Finnick plays a very important role in Peeta's recovery. [submitted by anonymous]
Prompt 181: After her parents death (possibly small pox?), Katniss goes to live with her mothers family. They accept beautiful blonde Prim instantly, but Katniss looks far too much like her Native American father. They sell her as a slave at auction to the Mellark Plantation. Even though she always works to the point of collapse, she is treated terribly by Peeta’s brutal mother. Does he help her keep in contact with Prim? or take care of her when the slave masters beat her? Does Mrs. Mellark sell her again? [submitted by @hope4hea]
Prompt 182: Canon Divergence Katniss gets caught hunting and whipped [submitted by anonymous]
Prompt 183: Katniss is really pregnant in CF and forced by Snow to get an abortion [submitted by anonymous]
Prompt 184: Horror-love story. Locals tell legend of “La Dame Mellark” who practiced Dark Arts, caused her family’s ruin, and haunts decrepit, facetiously-named “Mellark Mansion.” What if ghostly figure sometimes spotted in window and unexplained occurrences not her ghost but actually Peeta who survived fireball explosion with physical and emotional scars? Years later, Katniss new in town, either seeks shelter there, maybe looking for her sister’s missing cat? Is Katniss trapped or injured or on the run? Does her singing soothe Peeta when he slips from shy to explosive personality? Does he free her? Do locals storm property looking for her? Is Katniss the delusional crazy dangerous one who repels the attacking horde with explosion, then is soothed by gentle Peeta who promises to care for her because turns out Prim died long ago and Katniss never faced truth? HEA for them, maybe not for townsfolk. [submitted by @567inpanem]
148 notes · View notes
semper-legens · 2 years
39. Catching Fire, by Suzanne Collins
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Owned: Yes Page count: 472 My summary: After winning the Hunger Games, Katniss thought she and Peeta were out. But Panem is in a state of unrest, and there are uprisings beginning against the Capitol - uprisings which want Katniss as a figurehead. After a threat from the President himself, Katniss realises she has to tread carefully. One wrong move, and everyone she loves could pay the price... My rating: 4.5/5
I think this is my favourite of the three Hunger Games books. It’s a lot more politically interesting than the first book, showing the other victors and their struggles against the Capitol and the start of rebellions across the Districts, while still keeping to that Hunger Games structure which the final book largely abandons. It gave me a much better look into the Capitol and how they tick than the first book, and raised the stakes so much, keeping the tension high throughout and ending with a perfectly-pitched punch straight to the throat. It’s a masterclass in how to write a book in this genre, really, and I absolutely loved it.
The thing that interested me about Katniss in this book is how she’s really more of a follower than a leader. We see this in the last book, where she takes her cues from Haymitch around how to act in the arena and follows Peeta’s lead with the love story. Here, Katniss spends almost the whole book not knowing what is really going on, that some of the other tributes are planning to escape the arena and lead a rebellion against the Capitol, but it’s revealed in such a way that an astute reader can pick up that something’s going on behind the scenes. And yet, she’s not a powerless pawn. She rebels against the Capitol, knowing the consequences, because she is angry at the way she and her people have been treated. One of the more interesting things is that she tries to play the Capitol’s game at first, trying to convince the Districts that her love story with Peeta was real and she was just a young woman deeply in love. What ruins it? Going to Rue’s district. She wants to repay the kindness shown her by Thresh and Rue, she wants someone to pay for what happened to Rue. And that ends up dooming her - but sparking the flame of rebellion through the Districts.
Here, the anti-Capitol sentiment is stronger, because the reader knows exactly what it is they do. We have characters like Finnick or Johanna showing us that other tributes rebelled and were punished and hate the Capitol, and we have the characterised people of other districts showing that rebellion has started. Katniss spends the whole book certain she is going to die, so to a certain degree she doesn’t care about what happens to her, but at the same time the Capitol can still hurt her family and Gale. She’s caught between a rock and a hard place, scared and traumatised and desperately trying to hold onto what she knows, but everything has changed. She gets a grim reminder that the pretence with Peeta wasn’t just for the arena - this is her life now, she will have to marry him if she wants to stay alive, because that is what the Capitol expects. She will be in the public eye forever, her actions are no longer her own.
The Capitol are more overtly evil. We see first-hand more of their violence, as they flood District Twelve with soldiers authorised to enact corporal or capital punishment on those who transgress, as they beat Cinna in front of Katniss and drag him away to be killed for defying them, as President Snow comes to threaten Katniss in person for not behaving as he wishes her to. And all of these things are things that happen in reality, you will note - perhaps more exaggerated here, but honestly not that much. This series seeks to throw a spotlight on how we treat violence by those in power, and I think it is very successful at that.
Next up, I finish the series, as Katniss becomes the Mockingjay.
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katnissmellarkkk · 3 years
Okayyyy here comes the next chapter ! Number .... lemme look. Okay, number six! 🥳🥳🥳
And yes, my thoughts as usual will be a messy, very Everlark-biased and full of typos. Letsss gooooo 🥰🥰🥰
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Is this the first time Katniss and Peeta have been to their floor or is this just the most opportune time to explain and introduce the Tribute Center living quarters?
Also why are they called tributes anyway? That word suddenly seems weird to me after nine years... 🤔🤔🤔
“I've ridden the elevator a couple of times in the Justice Building back in District 12. Once to receive the medal for my father's death and then yesterday to say my final goodbyes to my friends and family” .... 😶😶 so only good memories and connotations to elevators then, huh?
“The walls of this elevator are made of crystal so that you can watch the people on the ground floor shrink to ants as you shoot up into the air.” My mind is just imagining the elevator in Andrew Garfield and Emma Stone’s Spider-Man movies 🤗.
“It's exhilarating and I'm tempted to ask Effie Trinket if we can ride it again, but somehow that seems childish” this is so cute and innocent omg. Katniss, like I said in my last chapter blog, still has some childlike innocence left in her 🥺🥺🥺. I’m a sad.
Also excuse the unnecessary extra gif use but 🤭🤭🤭
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Oh wow, so Haymitch hasn’t been around since they were on the train? No wonder neither Katniss nor Peeta fled they could trust him for basically the entirety of the first book. 😐😐😐
You know it’s bad when Effie being around feels like a blessing to Katniss. Girl has more restraint than me, I’d have ripped off this woman’s janky wig by now without remorse. 🤷🏼‍♀️🤷🏼‍♀️🤷🏼‍♀️🤷🏼‍♀️
Effie acts like they’re her purebred show dogs. I know I know how is this news, that’s a blatant fact. The movies really softened her up tho for the general audience. And I bleed the movies and books together more than I should 😔😔😔
Well at least she’s made herself useful, trying to get Everlark sponsors ... even if it’s ultimately to benefit herself above anyone else .... 😤
Effie calling Twelve barbaric while she’s preparing them for the slaughter isn’t even ironic it’s like literally just brainless. Johanna probably had the nickname floating around for a lot of people before she officially knighted Katniss with it 😭
“Everyone has their reservations, naturally. You being from the coal district.” Is this how they refer to Twelve? So basically if a district makes a better item, it’s a more worthy one in the Capitol’s eyes? So essentially, if District Eight made like diamonds or pearls or whatever then it would be more worthy? So are the districts assigned their numbers (one, two, three, four, etc) based on their order of importance to the Capitol’s lifestyle? I always thought it was based on their distance in relation to the Capitol? Okay so I didn’t really pay much attention to these facts previously when I read these books ok look away I’m an idiot
Omg 😭😭😭😭 Effie is such an idiot. But the coal turns to pearls thing is my favorite line from her only because it serves as the cutest inside joke when Peeta makes a callback to it in Catching Fire and Finnick is just like “why are these two teenagers so stupid who did I ally with? 🥵😳🥵😳🥵”
“I wonder if the people she's been plugging us to all day either know or care.” After reading Songbirds and Snakes, I’m sure they don’t have a clue, boo. 😑😑😑😑 although not everyone was an idiot back then ... maybe Snow is putting lead in the drinking water?
“But don't worry, I'll get him to the table at gunpoint if necessary.” I know she’s trying to help and I know we say this kind of thing today, but considering this is two kids she’s well aware will be heading into a death match this is just bad wording I know surprise surprise 🙄🙄🙄😬😬😬😬
“Although lacking in many departments, Effie Trinket has a certain determination I have to admire.” Katniss really does see the best in people. What’s sad, y’all, is I think Katniss unconsciously really tries to like people and that’s why she has her guard up so high. Because the softer you are, the easier people will step all over you. Terrible phrasing here, Samantha, I’m so sorry to any of my readers ... okay now that sounded arrogant, implying I have readers 🤭🤭🤭🤭🤣😅🤣😅🤣😅
“My quarters are larger than our entire house back home.” Omg? I mean, yes, I knew this already obviously no duh but like also. Just the fact that three people live in a space smaller than a bedroom and bathroom arena is saddy sad sad. Also do they have indoor plumbing in the Seam or is their backyards just full of—okay, I’ll see myself out. 😶🤭😅🙃
“The shower alone has a panel with more than a hundred options you can choose regulating water temperature, pressure, soaps, shampoos, scents, oils, and massaging sponges.” I’m just imagining a Spongebob scene ngl.
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I’m sorry there’s so many gifs this time around it’s probably taking us out of the reading headspace I’ll never do it again 😩😩😩😩 I talk like I have a class of people listening to me 🤭🤭🤭
“Instead of struggling with the knots in my wet hair, I merely place my hand on a box that sends a current through my scalp, untangling, parting, and drying my hair almost instantly” I need this someone invent this NOW my brush is yanking out my hair 😔😩
“I program the closet for an outfit to my taste.” ‘Yes, Alexa, I’d like a hunting jacket, some boots and a green shirt. Yes, it can be brown.’
“You need only whisper a type of food from a gigantic menu into a mouthpiece and it appears, hot and steamy, before you in less than a minute.” I like this idea because it means that Peeta could order hot choccy to comfort Katniss after her nightmares in Catching Fire from the comfort of her their own bed. 🤗🤗🤗 also I want this for myself. The bad people are giving my greedy self ideas look away everyone 😬
“I walk around the room eating goose liver and puffy bread until there's a knock on the door.” 🤢🤢🤢🤢 Of everything you could have chosen, child, this is what you decided on? Someone help my girl and her rotten tastebuds now.
“Effie's calling me to dinner. Good. I'm starving.” Baby, you were just eating. She’s so nutritionally messed up. 😔😔😔
Katniss trying wine 🥳🥳🥳 she’s so funny, trying to find a way to improve the taste 😅. She’ll make a good taste tester for her baker husband one day.
Hahahaha Katniss not liking the feeling and judging Haymitch for always being tipsy. Also this is sad because she ends up addicted to morphling later one which is far worse than a little wine.
I’m glad to know Baked Alaska survived the apocalypse 😅🥳
Katniss just constantly trying to decipher the recipe of every meal and how to recreate it reads cute on a surface level but it’s actually so tragic because everything to this girl is based around food. Like even more than is typically noticed. They really should have given a hint at this in the first movie. Good thing she marries a man who can always keep her full.
I’m just forever side-eyeing you, Gare Bear.
That’s Gary Ross for the confused kids in the back.
Why does Katniss yelling mid-sentence, “oh! I know you!” add to her innocence? 🥺 it’s because she was overwhelmed by all the food and new luxuries she’d never even been able to imagine ... and also this is pre her first games so she’s still got some childhood left in her 😩😔
I wonder how Lavinia felt seeing Katniss volunteer and knowing she’d be her Avox? I wonder if she, like Cinna, somehow volunteered to be her Avox?
I mean ... talk about convenient placement that this specific girl was assigned to Katniss’ district—oh wait, y’all, I just caught myself. She’s from Twelve. She was assigned to Twelve’s tributes because she’s from there, duh. I’m such an airhead omg just call me Effie.
Don’t you actually dare.
“When I look back, the four adults are watching me like hawks.” Meanwhile, Peeta is just like 😬😬😬 eating his dinner.
Actually, ngl, this could be such a reach and it probably is but like maybe Peeta sensed a confrontation coming and, because of his implied upbringing, he naturally becomes silent or makes himself invisible when trouble starts looking like it’s gonna arise. 🥺🥺🥺 I don’t know why I say these things I’m just hurting my own feelings but ya know the drill. I thought it so I said it.
Why is Effie yelling at Katniss for saying she knows the Avox girl like omg overreaction much? And I know, the sky is blue 🙄🙄🙄 she’s prejudiced against basically everyone, I know, I know
Rip her wig off, Katty Deen 🤗🤗🤗
Oh I stupidly forgot that Avoxes are supposedly known by everyone to be traitors or criminals. So I suppose this isn’t Effie’s worst offense but I’m keeping a tally anyways
Katniss is blaming her stuttering on the wine but my girl just has social anxiety 😔😔😔
Peeta coming in with a save 😭😭😭 he’s already trying saving his girl 🤧
Alsoooo the unspoken friendship, the covering for the other and teaming up against the adults, is still riding high and going strong here 🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰 look away, y’all, the shipper comments are coming in strong
Also why is this the first real interaction with Peeta in this chapter yet? My baby needs more page-time 🤭🤭🤭
“Delly Cartwright is a pasty-faced, lumpy girl with yellowish hair who looks about as much like our server as a beetle does a butterfly.” Now why did Katniss just tear Delly to shreds for no reason at all 😭😭😭 this was a surprise assault on the poor girl 🙃🙃🙃🙃
“She may also be the friendliest person on the planet - she smiles constantly at everybody in school, even me.” Okay not to tie absolutely everything back to Peeta ... but to tie absolutely everything back to Peeta ... this description of poor, sweet Delly is actually indicative of Peeta’s character? Since Delly, we find out in Mockingjay, is Peeta’s childhood best friend, her personality being this sunny, kind, good-natured person tells us Peeta has always probably been somewhat like her and perhaps not as much like the other town kids Katniss implies to be stuck up or snooty. Maybe Katniss is just shady and deflects onto others 🤷🏼‍♀️🤷🏼‍♀️🤷🏼‍♀️.
Also the fact that she gives this like ... mean description of Delly but saw Peeta as popular, even though surely Delly and Peeta spent time at school together, implies further that Katniss did indeed harbor a secret crush on Peeta even before the reaping. A very mild comparison of his on her though, of course 😅😅😅
“It must be the hair” “something about the eyes too” their piggybacking on the other’s comments really is just chiefs kiss 😘🤗🥰🤧 FYI I know the saying is chefs kiss but I made the typo once a long time ago and decided to add it forever to my brand 🤗🙃🥳
Also though this Everlark interaction is reminiscent of when two kids get caught by their teacher goofing off in class and covering for each other 🥰 only it’s a lot more deadly stakes
“A few of the other couples make a nice impression, but none of them can hold a candle to us.” She’s so modest 🤧🤧🤧 her narration here and during the Tribute Parade just has the vibes of ... well .... sorry in advance
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Haymitch’s comment “Just the perfect touch of rebellion. Very nice” leads me to think he and Cinna and maybe Portia were always in cahoots about the rebellion even before Katniss and Peeta came along and well ... lit their match on fire 🥁🤗🤣🤭
Katniss is like “rebellion??? Rebellion where??? What’s that you old people speak of???” And yet, girlfriend goes out to the woods and hunts illegally every day of her life 🤣🤣🤣🤣.
“But when I remember the other couples, standing stiffly apart, never touching or acknowledging each other, as if their fellow tribute did not exist” too lazy too look it up but there’s a quote from Ballad about Lucy Gray and Jessup being distinguished by their visible friendship too that set them apart from the other tributes.
Either Suzanne thought of drawing a nice parallel showing what a failed Everlark attempt looks like, because I firmly stand by the fact that without their real feelings behind their act, even Katniss’ unconscious ones, they wouldn’t have pulled it off, or Suzzie just reused her own content. I prefer the former but I think it’s probably the latter 🤭🤭🤭
“Now go get some sleep while the grown-ups talk." I know Haymitch is being facetious here but this quote reminded me of the fact that the movies would have hit differently if they’d cast actual sixteen year olds in the roles.
“When we get to my door, he leans against the frame, not blocking my entrance exactly but insisting I pay attention to him.” This is such a flirty, high school boy pose, you cannot convince me otherwise 😭😭😭
Also I definitely feel like Peeta is getting more and more confident here because he’s oblivious to Katniss’ inner monologue as much as she is his actually we all are his sadly and he probably thinks she’s starting to like him 🤧🤧🤧
“So, Delly Cartwright. Imagine finding her lookalike here." 🤣 He honestly cracks me up idk why this line isn’t even special or that great. He’s just so ... subtly nosy / funny. Which brings me to that quote from Mockingjay where Katniss talks about his sense of humor because it’s one of the things she loves most about him 😭😭😭
But he’s like, “I can keep a secret, Katniss, tell me who that tongueless chick is to you 😬”
Katniss stop talking about debts, friends cover for the other all the time 🙄🙄 I know it’s in her character stop yelling at a fish for swimming that’s not a real phrase I know that too
Okay first of all, they’re about to share a secret 🥰🥰🥰🥰. My shipper goggles are on tight and obstructing my vision. I know this and am proud 😬🥳🤗
And secondly, “Maybe sharing a confidence will actually make him believe I see him as a friend.” Hey, butthead, you two are already friends. She doesn’t even recognize that the girl who constantly sits with her, talks to her, eats with her and trades with her is her friend either though, I’m shocked she calls Gale her friend
Does Peeta get to know Cinna too? I don’t think so but it’s mentioned now a couple times in this chapter alone that Peeta has interacted with Cinna. Katniss never interacts or has a conversation with Portia.... then again, is that even surprising? Katniss isn’t ... what you would call ... social. Hashtag relatable.
Awww, they’re communicating so effectively together 🥰😭🤧🥳
Also rooftops belong to Everlark only 😍😊😉 I mean, seriously, Katniss never goes up on a rooftop with anyone else. Besides Haymitch in the first movie but we ignore.
“Electricity in District 12 comes and goes, usually we only have it a few hours a day.” Earlier she said the Seam didn’t often have electricity, in particular, so either she’s not specifying her section of the district anymore or Suzanne is backtracking.
“But here there would be no shortage. Ever.” I’ve had two power outages recently so clearly the Capitol isn’t based on us currently today then 😐😐 I’m just joking ok
“I asked Cinna why they let us up here. Weren't they worried that some of the tributes might decide to jump right over the side?” .... boyfriend, where does your mind go sometimes? Peeta’s darker than we realize, y’all 🤭🤭🙃🙃
“He holds out his hand into seemingly empty space. There's a sharp zap and he jerks it back” between this and Catching Fire, Peeta is addicted to getting shocked by forcefields 🤧🤧🤧
“I wonder if we're supposed to be up here now, so late and alone.” If this was a romantic drama or comedy, that line would have meant something a lot more fun 😒😔😬😉😏
“On the other side of the dome, they've built a garden with flower beds and potted trees.” Is this meant to resemble Snow’s grandmother’s garden???? Like he had them put a garden there to like ... put a piece of his Grandma’am in the games? Idk this made zero sense it was a stupid thought
Two people in a garden at night, with wind chimes, sounds romantic in any other context. 🥺🥺
Ummm does everyone in the entire district know Katniss and her father used to hunt together?
Oh nevermind, Lavinia is not from District Twelve. My bad, guys. I should go up and edit my previous thoughts but that’s a lot of work. 😅😅😅
Katniss, stop being so hard on yourself. You and Gale were kids. 😣😣
Ummm, Katniss for a girl always complimenting Peeta’s storyteller, you’re pretty good at painting a picture yourself...
Peeta noticing she’s shivering 🥰🥺
He gives her ... his jacket 😭😭😭😭 such a romantic troupe Samantha, get over it there’s literally children dying
Oh wow, Lavinia was from the Capitol originally. Hmm, it is sus now that she got District Twelve this particular year.
But also 🤧🤧🤧 “he secures a button at my neck.”
His hands .... are .... often .... at her .... neck .... 😶😬 .... look away, y’all
Oh wow, Katniss is over here thinking, “who’d leave the Capitol if they were from here???” And Peeta’s like instantly, loudly, without hesitating, “well I would 🙋🏼‍♂️”
Hot take, y’all ready? Peeta was a bigger rebel than Katniss from the start. At least internally.
Awww, Peeta is so jealous 😭😭😭😭 and kind of nosy 🤭🤭🤭
Katniss : “me and Gale are not related” Peeta : “😬🙃😭😩😶”
“I'd set out to tell her I was sorry about dinner. [...] my apology runs much deeper. [...] I let the Capitol kill the boy and mutilate her without lifting a finger. Just like I was watching the Games.” I feel like this is actually a good comparison though, because of you grew up in a society where you have to watch kids die, your whole entire life you’ve watched it in a glorified television show, you would be really desensitized to it...
“You don't forget the face of the person who was your last hope.” Here she’s talking about Lavinia but it applies to Peeta too. Katniss was Lavinia’s last hope and she feels like she let her down but Peeta was her last hope once and he came through. And, as she said in chapter one, she’ll never forget him for it. And for other things too. Later on. 😏
Of course my last bullet point was focused on Everlark 🤣 is anyone surprised you shouldn’t be we all knew who this post was written by right? 😅
And once again, if too made through this marathon, congratulations 🥳🥳🥳🥳 maybe next chapter I’ll talk less not likely though so don’t count on it 😅
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ilguna · 4 years
Metanoia - Chapter Eleven (f.o)
Summary: you will be crowned victor of the 75th hunger games.
Word Count; 4.2k
Warnings; swearing, mention of murder and torture
NOTES: i give reader a last name to fit the world.
You run your fingers over the white cotton sheet, trying to ignore the fact that you’re currently inside of the training center. You’d be able to recognize this place with your eyes closed. It’s made out of concrete with all the newest technologies. The people that are walking around here--especially the avoxes--have the same clothes and designs as the people inside of the training center.
Of course, the avoxes change clothes, but the things they wear are still outstanding and degrading to differentiate them from everyone else. They still look as best as they possibly can while also looking like a servant. That doesn’t mean that they can’t re-wear clothes though, which is exactly what’s happened.
The avox that stands in the corner of your room wears the same black and white plaid outfit that they wore during the night of the interviews. It’s a terrifying outfit, really. You absolutely hate it, which is another reason why you’re avoiding eye contact. You’d ask them to turn around if it weren’t for the fact that she has to keep an eye on you.
The doors to your “hospital room” are glass, you can see right through them. Which also means that you’re able to watch the doctors that come in and out of rooms. Some push carts, others don’t. It doesn’t really matter, all that does is that there’s brief moments where someone isn’t in the hallway.
They all look so rushed, as if they’re working on some sort of deadline. How fast they’ll move…
It’s almost as if there’s something going on out there. Or they don’t want you catching on to what’s happening.
“Huh.” you push yourself up from the bed, impatient at the lack of attention that you’re getting, compared to whatever is going on out there.
As soon as you get too close to the glass, the avox jerks forward and grabs a hold of your arm. It’s not a tight grasp, she just pulls you back a little, and then lets go. Hell, from what you can see, she’s fearful. Like you’ll blow up on her or something.
“Is someone coming, then? Soon?” you ask, and she nods.
You sigh, running a hand through your hair as you take a seat on the bed again. This time, you find something to occupy yourself. Firstly, there’s no cut on the back of your head anymore, it feels like. No bump, no dip, it might be completely healed. It really just means that you’ve been here for a couple of days.
As for everything else that has happened to you--it’s gone. No more scabs from the man-eating spiders. Your skin is smooth, but that doesn’t excuse every single little scar that it’s left behind. 
Your heart twists, you hold your arms out in front of you, seeing the fresh scars. Next are your legs, which are even fresher. They’ve still got that bright color to them, not yet blending into your skin tone. And it’s probably because you didn’t pay as much attention to your legs as you did your upper body.
Which was because your upper body was being televised. For the rest of that day, you were only in a sports bra. There really wasn’t a point in your eyes to just strip down the bottom half of the suit to apply ointment that wouldn’t even stay put. No one would be seeing it anyway.
The scars are fixable, you think. It’ll cost money, but you can get clear skin again--’polished’ as they say. It would have to come before the rest of the tattoos, though… and the old tattoos would also have to be fixed in that case. A lot of money, and you’re not too fond of fixing those tattoos. They’re memories, keepsakes.
You could always just get the rest of your body fixed, and leave your arms alone to avoid all the fixing stuff. It’s your best bet.
You look to your left wrist to see the soulmate words. You rub your thumb over them for a moment, and then scowl.
They left you behind. They left you with Johanna and Peeta, which was the worst thing that they could have done.
They didn’t even wait. Or even try with you standing there--it’s not like they couldn’t have seen you! You were standing right fucking there beneath their noses. And with how everything had gone down, you’re sure they could have afforded one more drop. There was more than enough time.
The glass doors slide open, making you look up.
You can’t help the amount of rage that shoots through your veins instantly.
“And so we meet again,” the words are bitter out of your mouth, you press your lips together in a thin line.
President Snow.
He motions the avox out of the room, and she listens without hesitance. With that, Snow sits in the chair--that you hadn’t even noticed was there--and crosses his legs.
“Yes we do.” he says.
You clench and unclench your teeth while you stare at him, trying not to have an attitude, since this man can kill you with the snap of his fingers and not even feel remorse for it. However, it all goes out the window because he’s sitting right in front of you with a smug look.
This motherfucker has ruined your life over and over and over.
Before your first games, you had it good. You had a big, loving family. You had two sisters and three brothers, and a pair of parents that would do anything to protect you all. Your grandparents, aunts, and uncles, and cousins were all alive. You had big gatherings during the summers, and cried when they had to go home.
And then you volunteered for the games, as you were instructed to do. You won your games, and at the end of your so-very-rich victory tour, he presents you with the worst fucking offer you’ve ever heard. Sell yourself for more money. Money, jewels, riches, clothes, love--adoration. 
Except, it wasn’t an offer, he was telling you. But what he wasn’t telling you, was that he was picking off those cousins, those aunts, uncles and grandparents. Next were those siblings of yours, and when you said no for the final time, your parents. You came home to a fucking massacre in your childhood home.
Everyone looked like they were frozen in place. They were shot, beaten, bruised and bloody, but they were right where they had been when it had happened. Your father was still in his armchair, your mother face-down in dirty sink water, your siblings playing in their rooms, reading books, sleeping. 
It was all the same for the rest of your family too.
And when the first fucking check with your victory money came through, you used it all to put them in the ground. You basically had your own fucking cemetary. 
The worst part is that you agreed after all that. He had killed everyone, and yet you still went through with it, as if you had anything else to lose. Your family was the only thing that you had left. It wouldn’t be the same if he killed friends, because it’s not you who would be grieving anymore, it would be their family.
While you were touring the Capitol on President Snow’s order, you got the tattoos done. You had the flowers done first for your family, every name had a flower that reminded you of them, and at your wrist would be the soulmate tattoo. You had your left arm done first so that the Capitol people would think that you were being sweet.
Then you had the graveyard done. And along came the graveyard, came the nastiest fucking attitude any of them had seen. It only took a week before Snow basically packaged you up and sent you back to District Two. He has to admit that it was smart of you to do that. And for fucksake, you’d do it again.
The attitude is a defense mechanism to keep the people who are too weak-hearted and manipulative-looking away. Only the ones who don’t care, stick through it. And they tend to be the more understanding type on top of that.
The last time that you saw President Snow--other than on tv or in person as the tribute parade--was when he tried to convince you to allow Tanith to be sold around the same way you were.
You felt so fucking smart then, for picking her out specifically. You basically told Snow ‘good luck’ with trying to find anyone she cared about to kill off. She’s a fucking orphan, and back then she didn’t really like you very much. So, he couldn’t get to her by attacking you.
With Zavian, he just wasn’t desirable.
“Stop staring and get to it already.” you snap, lowering your chin a bit as you bite your cheek.
Snow laughs, “Never was one for small talk.” he pauses for a moment, his face becoming more serious, “What do you know about Katniss Everdeen and her plan?”
Well, this can be a very easy answer, or a very hard one. 
Technically, you don’t know anything. You don’t know any part of the plan that they had going on, except for the fact that they had to keep an eye on Katniss and Peeta the entire time. Just to make sure that they wouldn’t get hurt, killed or ran off. The only thing you had the slightest clue on, was the fucking time on when you guys would get out. And even then, it seemed like that was unplanned.
But at the same time, you know a lot more than you’re supposed to, thanks to that talk with Finnick before the interviews. His question of whether or not you were a loyalist was an immediate click. You knew in that exact moment that he was planning something with the others.
You look over Snow’s face, he’s studying you, waiting patiently. It’s only been a couple of seconds. 
You can’t play dumb, you can’t say anything stupid or he will know and be on your ass almost as quickly as you knew of the plan.
“You want the truth?” you ask him, he motions for you to get started, “I didn’t know anything, I wasn’t told a single thing--I put the pieces together myself, and it wasn’t very easy to do. Which means, I could be completely wrong.”
“Tell me what you think you know, then.” 
“I thought that Finnick, Katniss, Peeta, and Johanna were in an alliance, and that they were all getting along.” you lean forward, “I was wrong. Katniss wanted to kill Finnick in the cornucopia until he showed her some dumb bracelet that belonged to Haymitch.
“I only stuck around them inside of the arena cause Finnick and I are soulmates.” you hold up your wrist for Snow to see, “I wouldn’t have dreamt of doing it otherwise.”
Snow squints at you, ignoring your arm, “What else?”
“Finnick and I had a conversation thirty minutes prior to the interviews.” you lift your chin a little now, trying to recall the entire conversation, “The basis was an alliance between him and I, at least. I chose to ask because of the scores that they had all gotten, thinking that it would be better to be on their good side. I didn’t want to be hunted.”
Snow watches you hesitate, and you know that there’s no way you can avoid this now.
The thing is, you’re trying to not get anyone in trouble, while also saving your own ass, and it’s hard to do. Because you don’t owe any of them a single thing, but there’s something in your chest telling you to do it anyway. 
You feel… anxious. And it’s your own emotion.
Your voice is quieter, “Finnick had asked me a peculiar question just before the conversation was over, and I still don’t know what it means.” Snow won’t be able to tell if you’re being truthful or not, “He asked me if I was a loyalist.”
Snow hums, rubbing his white beard, “That’s not it.”
You shake your head, “That’s it. Finnick knew that I had wanted to be in their alliance to be able to kill him and the others. He said that he wouldn’t let me in because of that, and then he asked me if I was a loyalist. I told him I didn’t know what he’s getting at.” you draw your eyebrows together, “That’s when Haymitch came around the corner, must’ve heard us talking or something. He said that the interviews had started, and the conversation ended after that.”
“Which hallway?”
“The uh--first hallway to the left if you’re standing in the main corridor. In the direction of leaving the backstage area.” 
Snow nods now, standing to leave.
“When do I get to go home?” you ask, sliding off the bed to get to your feet too. He’s not going to leave the room until he gives you an answer.
“Soon. I want to show you something first.” Snow says, “Get dressed.”
He takes a step out, leaving around the corner. The avox comes in with some clothes, nicely folded in her arms. The doors don’t offer much coverage, but it’s not really anything they haven’t seen before.
You strip, pulling on the new clothing carefully, afraid of hurting your newly healed skin. It’s a pair of black skinny jeans, and a pink shirt with a breast pocket. The avox then holds out a pair of black tennis shoes for you to slip on after that. And when you’re done, she leads the way out of the room.
You follow her down the hall, passing by everyone who’s moving so quickly. When you get a glance through the windows into the courtyard, you can see that you’re on the base floor, and the building towers over you.
The hallways wind confusingly, but the avox manages. She has this place memorized as if there’s a map in her mind. For a while, you’re confident and unaware of your surroundings, until you pass through a hallway with cages. Only then do you get apprehensive.
Snow is in the next room, which is a corridor of white. The avox backs off, standing in the corner, and you take it upon yourself to approach Snow by yourself. He’s in front of a particular door, staring through the window in the door.
“Katniss Everdeen, Finnick Odair and Beetee Latier have been taken to District Thirteen, did you know that?” Snow asks, he looks at you briefly, before back through the door.
There’s a sick feeling in your stomach.
“No, I didn’t.” You don’t want to see what’s through that window.
“But you knew that they were taken out of the arena.”
Just thinking about that night gives you a goddamn headache, especially with all that happened afterwards.
After the hovercraft had left, you stared for what felt like forever. Feeling dejected and betrayed, especially with all the time that had been left over. No one came for you, so it was up to you to decide what would happen next.
When you had finally gotten over your feelings, you went ahead and found Johanna, who was right next to a panicked Peeta. Screaming in her face about how all of that was her fault. Johanna took it like a champ, with her mouth sealed shut and everything. But the second that you were there, Peeta turned on you like a rabid dog.
You tried to take a page from Johanna’s book as you calmly explained to him that Katniss, Finnick and Beetee were taken by a hovercraft. 
Peeta didn’t like that, and with him getting in your face, an anger was rising from your stomach to your throat. Like simmering grease, only you’re not supposed to let grease simmer. Because it gets dangerous, begins to pop and burn the skin, and that was exactly what had happened.
You tried to get Peeta to back off, because you didn’t want to make a huge mistake with Johanna standing two feet away. But he kept pushing, and pushing, and pushing so you swung. He fell, and when he tried to get back up, still running his fucking mouth, you lost it.
You hadn’t felt that angry since you found out that your entire family was dead. You did everything you could possibly imagine to harm Peeta in that moment. The first kick to his ribs was the weakest, but the second definitely left some sort of damage. Then Johanna tried to come over, and you knocked her out without a second swing.
Peeta would have gotten the absolute shit beaten out of him if it weren’t for the second hovercraft that had shown up. Only, this one dropped peacekeepers, and you knew instantly that you were in huge trouble. With the arena falling apart, the fire eating at the forest around you, the lack of Katniss, Beetee and Finnick due to an earlier hovercraft, and the fact that you were clearly grouped up with the two morons.
Johanna was an easy grab, Peeta fought relatively hard, and there was no struggle from you. The only thing you actually remember is getting a sedative inside of the hovercraft, and that was it.
“Yes, I knew that they were taken out of the arena.” you answer Snow, blinking a bit to refocus your eyes, “And that means that Peeta and Johanna are here.”
Snow moves aside for you to see inside, and with the pucker of your lips, you move over to see inside. You clench your teeth, expecting the worst, and when you do finally look in, it’s… you can’t put it into words.
Peeta is strapped to a chair, malnourished, purple eye bags that are see able even from this distance. He looks nothing like he did before, he looks gross. Like a…
Like a boy that would have to file for tesserae to eat for the next year. A kid from the Seam.
You swallow thickly, “What the fuck?”
“If I find out that you aren’t telling the truth--” His voice is measured, but there’s an underlying tone, anger, you think, “--then I will bring you back from District Two. And I will be getting the real answers.”
If this is what they’ve done to Peeta--sack of flour, absolutely harmless--you can’t imagine what loudmouth Johanna looks like.
“I’m telling the truth.” you tell him, your eyes flickering back to Peeta.
He’s spotted you now, and the two of you stare at each other, eyes locked and neither of you move. With the look of you, he relaxes. It’s strange that the sight of you gives him so much peace, even though you would have killed him if the peacekeepers hadn’t come. But he must see something in your face, because he draws his eyebrows together, like he’s asking a question.
“How long have I been here?” you ask Snow.
“A couple of weeks.”
You look at him now, “I’ve been in a coma?”
“Medically induced. Those spiders weren’t just flesh-eating, they were venomous too.”
Not to mention your head injury, and everything else that had occurred inside of there. You might as well be lucky to be alive.
“I want you to do something for me, when you do get back to District Two.” Snow says, you look at Peeta again to see that the glass is blocked.
“Which is?”
“Show them that you are a loyalist, and get the rebels to calm down.”
One word spirals up in your mind, strong and stubborn that you struggle to hold down; No.
They have Peeta strapped to that chair like he’s an animal. They’re starving him, they’re depriving him of sleep, and that window is blocked because they’re doing something to him. 
“I’m not agreeing to that until I get to see Johanna and anyone else you have here.” you tell him, “Only then I will try to get two to settle down.”
Snow smiles a little, “You’ll have two weeks.”
You nearly laugh in his face right then, but manage to hold it back, “I don’t have much of a choice, I’ve already agreed, haven’t I?”
Snow nods approvingly, before leading you right next door. In this chair is Johanna. Her hair is shaved, she’s soaking wet, and she’s thrashing against the restraints without control. You take back what you said about Peeta, this is an animal. Doing this to Johanna is like putting an angry lion inside of a small cage. It’s only a matter of time before she gets out and explodes.
She looks just as hungry and tired as Peeta does. But Peeta isn’t getting nearly as bad as tortured as she is. She looks like she’s been through hell and back, as if she’s seen the devil himself and laughed in his face. 
In this case, Snow would be the devil, and she would be the exact fool to do something like that. 
Johanna spots you the same way that Peeta did, by the off chance that her eyes glance over the glass. The second that she has, she relaxes for a moment, and the window is covered almost immediately after.
The both of them had the same reaction upon seeing you. You can’t think of a reason why, until it hits you. They have to be thinking that you’re here to save them. You’re seeing the state that they’re in, and they’re hoping that you’ll relay the message to tell someone of their condition, you’re sure of it.
Snow grabs your arm, yanking you along to the door across from Johanna’s. When you look into this one, you’re a little more confused.
“Annie Cresta wasn’t inside of the hunger games.” you place your hand against the glass, “Why--”
“Leverage.” Snow says simply, “Who would she belong to, Miss Rosecelli? Who would tear the world apart to get to her?”
It dawns on you then, and you nod a little bit. Finnick, obviously. This is Finnick’s girlfriend, the one that you told him to keep. 
“What’s the point of having her if you’re not starving her like the rest?” you ask.
“I do have morals.”
‘Not very high ones’, you think.
“I’m surprised,” you look at Snow, “Considering all the other shit you’ve done, you still have a heart.”
Annie is healthy, that’s all you have to say about her. She’s got rope to twirl and knot, she’s got books to read, food to eat and a nice bed. She’s not strapped to anything, it looks like she has medication, and she’s content. You can’t help but to wonder if she’s secretly going insane or plotting her escape, though.
“One more room.” Snow ignores your comment, ushering you to the door to the right of Annie’s.
You shuffle over, thinking that Snow couldn't have possibly taken anyone else that would matter. Beetee’s girlfriend--or whatever Wiress was to him--is long gone. There’s no leverage to have against her.
“Take a look inside.” he’s smug.
You stare for a moment, before following his directions.
Your hand flies up, going to grab the doorknob, but Snow stops you, a tight hand on your wrist, “Just in case you thought that it’s only your life on the line.”
He’s threatening to kill her.
You clench your teeth together, not removing your eyes from Tanith. She looks almost as bad as the other two do. Except, Tanith is a few days behind. Snow didn’t start the process on her until recently. It won’t take long until she catches up, because he could make that happen at the snap of his wrinkly fucking fingers.
“I understand.” you grind your teeth.
She’s not awake to see you, Snow was anticipating this visit. He had her knocked out so that she wouldn’t try and fight against the restraints. She’s smart enough to slip out of them, it makes you curious if Snow knows that too, or he just wanted to see your reaction to having her unconscious. Like he’s trying to trick you into thinking she’s dead.
“The avox will take you to the hovercraft.” he lets you go, “Two weeks.”
Snow has just made the biggest mistake in his life.
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