#everything about gwens world was amazing
tttrashmouth · 1 year
obsessed with the shot in atsv where gwen is at her window at the beginning and has her mask off but when she’s looks into the window’s reflection she’s still spider woman. then at the end her coming back again after losing miles and looking into the reflection in her window and this times it’s all her because spider woman cannot exist without gwen herself and her realizing that she’s just a person too
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cyberjam · 1 year
ATSV HEADCANON: the spiders as yanderes . . . ☆
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warnings - usual yandere themes, use of (bug) pet names like ladybug, no use of y/n or reader, stalking, manipulation, paranoia, a hint of kidnapping, a suggestion of stockholm syndrome, not proof read etc...
word count - 814
i was sleep-deprived while writing this request, so i apologize for any errors or mistakes, enjoy :)
main masterlist <33
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MILES - the delusional yandere.
Miles would be so deeply in-love with you that there wasn't much you could possibly do to get him away from you. You could kick and scream at the top of your lungs and he'd just laugh to himself thinking you wanted to play fight. He would go to the ends of the earth for you and he assumes you would do the same for him as well. You could tell him how much you hated his guts and he'd simply take it as you being a bit cranky and in need of a nap. There wasn't a single thing in this world that could make him think you hated him, and once you found out he was Spider-man, that tiny bit of assurance that you were safe was completely washed away and you no-longer felt secure in the city that was supposedly protected.
"you're shaking, bug..don't worry your friendly neighborhood spider-man is here."
GWEN - the overprotective yandere.
You were just a sweet quiet kid. You sat in the back of the class, constantly in your own world. You didn't disturb anyone, always got your work done, and simply just tried to make yourself invisible to the best of your abilities. But It didn't take long for gwen to take notice of you. (you did share multiple classes together..) gwen took pity on you for some time, you were so quiet and innocent...so weak. How could someone like you survive in this world without her? It didn't take long for gwen to take on an aggressively protective role over you. She just knew deep down in her heart that people were gonna walk all over you and she had to be the one to stop them before they reached you. You don't need to be involved with the filth of the world, you need to be with her. So, once she takes you please don't be mad, she only wants what's best for you.
"i finally got you in my arms, ladybug..shh, don't worry i'm not doing this to hurt you, i just wanna protect you."
PAVITR - the clingy yandere.
Pavitr becomes so emotionally attached to you that he truly believes a second without you by his side would shatter him completely. It was rough for him in the beginning, not being able to hold you, smother you in kisses, and talk your ear off about his endless amounts of love for you. But once you two became well acquainted enough to his liking, he won't hold back at all. Pavitr will always be able to slip in his obsession with you in any conversation you two have, always going a bit overboard when he mentions how the reason he's able to live and be the best version of himself is because of your very existence. He gets overwhelmed when you're not close by, it worries him when he doesn't know what you're doing 24/7. What if you're talking to someone else? Laughing at someone else's joke? Surely whoever you're talking to isn't as amazing as Pavitr and If you can't see that he'll just have to show you.
"being away from you causes too much pain, jalebi...we were meant to be one."
HOBIE - the manipulative yandere.
Hobie will make you feel like you can't live without him. That you need him for absolutely everything, wether it be running to the store, picking out an outfit for the day, or even eating food on your own. He will break you emotionally until you're fully dependent on him and feel absolutely useless. He wants you to ask him for everything, he wants to hear the sweet sound of your voice calling his name for help, He needs to hear you say that you need him. Because you do, don't you?
" I don' know why you continue to fight my affection, darling. I'm the only one who's gonna love you the way you need to be loved. Why don't you get that? "
MIGUEL - the possessive yandere.
Miguel wants to be wanted by you. He wants you to be so dependent on him that the only words that ever slip past your lips are silent pleas for his help. He wants you to cling to him and whine at the absence of his presence. He wants you to be fully dependent on him. Any ounce of freedom you used to have before you met him is completely stripped away. Whenever he feels as if you're being independent or going about your day without acknowledging him, he gets extremely upset. You are his and his only so he will not hesitate to remove family and friends from your life if he has to, because in reality you don't really need anyone but him, right?
"tsk. this is why you should always come to me for help, it's what i'm here for, baby."
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maybe i'll make a more descriptive one in the future, who knows...until then, send me some requests :)
likes, reblogs, and comments are always appreciated <33
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hi-i-love-u-bitch · 1 year
Okay I see your "if Hobie and Noir meet they would be besties and punch nazis together" and I totally agree with that! But also consider:
Hobie is Spider Noir's biggest fanboy!
Like in the comics he's like a HUGE Gwen Stacy stan and he's such a goofy little dork about it. In ATSV him and Gwen's relationship is more like chill friends, and I'm okay with that. But I think it be so funny that when Hobie was recruted into Spiderverse society and Miguel was showing him all the other universes with the different Spiderman variants he pauses by the computer screen with that one gritty black and white universe cuz he just saw some guy in a fedora and trench coat PUNCH A FUCKING NAZI!!! WHO IS THAT GUY?!?! HE'S SO COOL!!!
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He asks Miguel a million and one question about the guy and when the old grump annoyingly shoos him away he asks Peter as he briefly met him during that one incident in Miles is dimension. When that still isn't enough he asks Lyla to tell him everything she knows on Noir. Now obviously Lyla has no obligation to do this but she's also never seen Hobie this giddy and excited over something other then music. Its adorable, he's almost like a little kid wanting to know everything about their favorite cartoon. Also she low key likes to annoy Miguel and Hobie's rebellious spirit that gets under her straight laced boss is skin which is hilarious.
You know when Gwen first met Hobie she was a bit intimated cuz he just had that "too cool" vibe about him. But as soon as she mentions that she has worked with other Spider people before, which includes Noir, he did a whole 180 and became a complete dork!
Hobie: Get out, you actually met him! 🤩
Gwen: Uh, yeah?
Hobie: How was he like? What did he say? Did he talk about fascist corruption that not only plagued the system back then but even now as well? Was he super cool during the fight?! 😃🤩💫😻
Gwen: ..........He was nice.
Hobie: That's so rad! ✨️🤟🤩
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I also feel like, aside from Miles, Gwen keeps in contact with the other Spider peeps from the first movie and tried to recruit them into the Spider society but obviously Noir and Porker didn't join. Porker because he’s a cartoon that follows "toon logic" and Miguel's ideologies are too serious for his taste. And Noir because, and I quote: "The last I heard of a secret society designed to 'keep the peace for the greater good of humanity at any cost' a whole world war came about it. I know fascism when I see it, kid."
Gwen relays that message to Hobie when explaining why Noir isn't joining and Hobie's response to that is: "He gets it! He just like me fr! 😭💕"
I think it be really cute that in the next movie when they finally meet Hobie is kinda awkward and shy. Like this guy has never respected an adult in his life (at least not any that didn’t deserve the disrespect) and with Noir his all like "Hello sir" "How are you sir" "It's very nice to meet you sir!" And Noir is actually just a really nice guy if a little broody but he's heard so much about this kid from Gwen and how much of a good friend he's been to her so Noir already likes him on principle.
Hobie: Uh Mr. Noir-- Parker, sir! It is such an honor to meet you! The work you do in your universe is amazing and I hope to learn more while working alongside you however briefly.
Noir: Ah, Peter is just fine really, or Noir if it gets to confusing. No need to be so formal, we're all on equal footing here. I've heard a lot about you and your world as well from Gwen. Although it does sadden me that such a young man has to take on the burden of saving the world from such a corrupt society yet again, you're going about it quite well. War is hard and ugly and violent but you are amazingly brave to be able to stand up for what is right in the face of it all. If anybody is honored here it is me, for being able to meet such a remarkable young man like you. And knowing that my friends have made such honorable allies in the midst of all this chaos.
Hobie, externally: Yeah, it's whatevs 😎
Hobie, internally: Dont cry dont cry dont cry dont cry dont cry dont cry dont cry dont cry YOURE GUNNA LOOK SO UNCOOL IF YOU CRY IN FRONT OF HIM NOW 😭💕😭💕😭
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I just think it be really cute if they had a wholesome father-son sort of relationship where they shit talk corrupt government systems and punch fascists together. You know, regular father-son bonding!
(Also I think that's another reason Miguel didn't invite Spider Noir to the Spiderverse, cuz he knew that both of these menaces together would cause a bigger headache than its worth 🤣🤣🤣)
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merthur fic recs: sof's masterlist
(inspired and encouraged by the ever-lovely @romanticeulogizingelegies <33 ilysm babes)
hello, there! these are fifteen fics that i've collected over the years as my favorite merthur fics of all time. they come in all sorts of genres and lengths and vibes, so buckle up!!
Sorcerers & Knights, and their long-lost Prince by DracoWillHearAboutThis [30k, 9/9]
"Can't you watch where you're going?!" Arthur snapped. 
"You ran into me!" the other man exclaimed, incredulous, and Arthur stilled because he knew that voice. And that accent.
He looked up and found himself face to face with a flushed, indignant Merlin Emrys, tour shirt drenched with coffee. Bloody hell.
"That shirt is Dior," was all that came out of Arthur's mouth, without his permission, and the singer's face hardened.
"Well, bugger for you," Merlin snapped. "Might have to wear off the rack, for a change, like the rest of us. Maybe the money you saved with that could go to your precious charity."
Arthur blinked, the blow of the other man's words not even hitting him before he heard Gwen Smith shriek from down the corridor.
"Merlin! You can't say that to the Prince of Wales, oh my God!"
Merlin is the lead singer of the popular British band called Sorcerers & Knights. Arthur is the Prince of Wales. Their paths cross and destiny unfolds.
fellow merthur/rwrb fans rejoice, this is practically a rwrb AU! except Merlin is the lead singer of a rock band, Sorcerers & Knights, and Arthur is the prince of Wales. the romance between the two of them is so insanely sweet, and i love all the outside commentary from the rest of the cast:)) i also recommend literally anything else by DracoWillHearAboutThis !!
Caesura by StormDancer [52k, 1/1]
Merlin is a writing prodigy with the world's most angsty case of writer's block; Arthur is an overachieving Econ major struggling to escape his father's shadow. Together, they fight crime!
Well, no, they don't. But they do fall in love.
College AU where Merlin is an undiagnosed unmedicated ADHD anonymous prodigy author who takes a course on his own work, meets Arthur, a fan, and they fall in love?? omg. on another note, Merlin's characterization in this fic is INSANE! he's giving deranged thought daughter and im obsessed
all ye faithful by schweet_heart [26k, 1/1]
After an eight and a half year absence, Arthur returns to his father’s house for Christmas, determined to find some closure and finally let go of the past. Merlin, as ever, gives him a reason to hold on.
wow. this fic. there's just so many good things to say about it, but i'll start with the beautiful depiction of parental abuse. Uther isn't physical, and he never does anything too obviously harmful, but it's the little things he says and the overall toxicity of his presence. and then the way he acts with Mordred, Morgana's son, while Arthur watches and wonders why his father never treated him like that?? it's brilliant. absolutely brilliant. the whole fic is a small town AU where Merlin and Arthur were together in secret and broke up as teenagers, and meet again when Arthur comes home. everything about this fic, from the breaking-up-and-making-up to the beautiful depiction of abuse, is so amazing.
Of Lemon Drops and Lizard-Cats by supercalvin [26k, 2/2]
When Inspector Arthur Pendragon went into work that morning he didn’t expect to get on the bad side of an attractive paramedic whose dessert-related insults were surprisingly scathing. Then the same man turned up at the police station, with a clever glint in his eye and his daughter in his arms.
When Merlin Emrys became a single father he made one simple rule: he wouldn’t date until Aithusa was old enough to understand. Merlin had always had his hands full with his daughter and never had a problem with this rule until Arthur stepped into his life. Then everyone he knew started conspiring against him.
single dad paramedic Merlin?? smitten detective Arthur?? mutual pining but self-forbidden romance?? it's amazing. and the domesticity of this fic... let's just say i finished it and couldn't stop thinking about families for the next week. the outside commentary from the rest of the cast in the department is top tier, and Aithusa as Merlin's daughter is the absolute cutest thing
wanna be your end game (my youth is yours) by ladililn [63k, series]
Merlin grows up in Buckingham Palace. Unfortunately, so does Arthur.
this fic is actually a series, and it's genuinely so adorable i have no words. them?? growing up together?? badgering and arguing and teasing?? but truly being there for one another, always, when it came down to it?? elite. the absolute greatest. and their completely oblivious mutual pining never fails to make me giggle <3
after the storm (are you leaving) by Imagined, Scarlet_Ribbons [60k, 6/6]
“Gorwin is my King,” Merlin says, golden eyes fixed flatly on Arthur. “And I work for him. That’s what it says.”
“That’s what what says?” Arthur all but roars, wishing he had a sword just so that he could swing it at something. He needs to let all of this anger at something, anything, he’s just not sure at what and he doesn’t really care anymore.
“The treaty you signed."
Arthur lends Merlin's aid as a sorcerer to an allied kingdom. He doesn't expect to find Merlin, two years later, in shackles, and only a mere echo of the person he used to be.
this fic is beyond devastating. a warning that it is extremely dark, with a lot of addiction and (non-sexual) slavery. overall, though, it's so beautiful. the way that Arthur forces himself to allow Merlin to leave, and then finds him absolutely destroyed?? then stands by his side through all of it and never gives up on him?? such a beautiful fic, as well as everything else written by these two authors
secrets i have held in my heart by arthur_pendragon [20k, 8/8]
Merlin carves himself into Arthur’s soul while the song of summer trails behind them in the sultry air; while the trees haggle with the sun over the price of autumn — separation. Arthur will forever remember this week in which he obtained his heart’s desire and had it ripped away from him.
wow ok so i'm really not exaggerating when i say this is the best fic i've ever read in my life—it's so heart-stoppingly beautiful and painful and the writing is gorgeous and genuinely i don't even know how to communicate how good this fic is. it's friends-with-benefits but also secret-mutual-pining and angsty and hurtful and ahhhh. so so so good.
Next to You (It's the Rule) by LunaMyLove [62k, 8/8]
Arthur and Merlin have a special relationship. They always have, even when they were prince and servant. While many question it when first noticing, eventually it becomes an understanding in Camelot—and even among some other countries—that where there is Arthur, there is Merlin. And, where there is Merlin, there is Arthur.
Arthur and Merlin's relationship as witnessed and explained by others.
Also, or
Five times someone realizes that Merlin is the Queen, one time Merlin realizes it himself, and one time he owns it.
this is one of the funniest fics i've ever read! if you're familiar, it's very reminiscent of CaffeinatedFlumadiddle's writing. Merlin and Arthur's relationship is hilarious, very mischievous-cat and cat-owner. i also adore Mordred in this fic—he's so squishy and adorable idkidk
since we're alone, you can show me your heart by isolationqueen [7k, 1/1]
Going on a month long road trip though Europe with Arthur is probably a terrible idea. Only, Merlin has never been able to say no to Arthur.
modern road trip AU my beloved!! ughh i love the bitchy pining in this fic, and how protective and jealous Arthur gets. just them going from club to club in all these different places.... so good!! always recommend <3
More than I bargained for by follow_your_fire [27k, 3/3]
Arthur's had enough of hearing about Merlin's unsurpassed bedroom skills from his friends.
There's no way Merlin is better than him, is there?
Well, only one way to find out.
this one is for my porn-with-plot girlies!! Arthur being gay for Merlin is the funniest thing ever, and watching him be so bewildered and confused the entire fic but covering it up so that Merlin doesn't suspect a thing is top tier. and then Merlin being soft?? and loving?? and fluffy?? and then Arthur just doesn't know what to do..... SO GOOD!!
A Collapsing Star With Tunnel Vision by objectlesson [8k, 1/1]
“Perhaps we are doing her a favor then,” he says, pausing to chew the inside of his cheek before adding in a measured, careful voice. “I wouldn’t want to live without my love, either.”
Arthur whips around in the saddle to stare at him, eyes hard and dark, like the storm clouds building on the distant horizon. “What love? You haven’t got a love,” he snaps, like he’s the sole keeper of all Merlin’s secrets.
'Arthur acting different with Merlin alone than he does with the knights' my beloved!! this fic is so poetic and beautiful, with Arthur being ugly and mean but so in love and Merlin is equally so ahhhhh. so insanely good. lots of monster hunting and metaphorical discussions. im obsessed with this fic you don't even understand
Nicest Thing by idlestories [19k, 1/1]
Arthur has been best friends with Merlin since they were eleven, and in love with him since they were sixteen and he realised what that was. Too afraid to risk the friendship, he's resigned himself to never telling him how he feels.
Now, high school has just ended, it's their last summer together before university, and Arthur? Arthur is just trying not to think about it.
Featuring: loneliness, pining, drunk Merlin, driving lessons, and more than a few poorly-executed teen movie clichés. Covers June-December the year they start university.
this fic is so criminally underrated it makes me homicidal. one of my top three favorite fics of all time, do you understand me? it's so. it's so good. the pining?? the yearning?? the split as they go to different unis?? the summery poeticism of the writing?? i'll never get over this fic. i think about it every day. amazing.
time, mystical time by andiwriteordie [17k, 1/1]
Finally, the man tears his gaze away and meets Arthur’s eyes once more. “I seek the aid of your Camelot,” he says, but his voice sounds more hesitant now, as if he’s had to change his response for some strange reason.
Merlin can’t help but believe that reason is him.
“As for who I am,” the man says with a bit of a chuckle, and he glances around the room again at familiar faces, at his friends. “I am Arthur Pendragon, King of Camelot.”
When a mysterious stranger shows up to Camelot claiming to be Arthur from the future and seeking help for his sick consort, Merlin learns some things about himself, about Arthur, and about a future he never dreamed was possible.
Arthur from the future time travels back in time to find Merlin, the only person powerful enough to save his cursed consort, an older Merlin?? i physically cannot. this fic is so good. shows two sides of the same coin (ha): Merlin and Arthur, established with Merlin's magic out and proud, and then Merlin and Arthur, unestablished and Merlin's magic still a careful secret. and Morgana in this fic is elite!! she's absolutely hilarious and completely done with merthur's bullshit
For Want of a Nail by 0hHeyThereBigBadWolf [235k, 44/44]
Fleeing from Essetir in the bloody beginnings of the Purge, Hunith finds herself on the doorstep of old friends. That's all it takes to untangle the skeins of destiny and weave a new tapestry.
long fic alert!! but oh my god i love this fic. Leon being Merlin's older brother?? elite. Arthur and Merlin going through angsty mutual pining?? top tier. and then later on, this fic features probably my favorite OC of all time: Bellegere, Arthur's cousin and Agravaine's daughter. i love her so much and you can pry her out of my cold dead fingers. just such a good fic!!
what is this feeling by redkay [13k, 1/1]
“Get out of my sight, and don’t come back until you can prove to me why I should allow you to remain in my service.”
Merlin stares at Arthur, confused. His tone was ominous, and it certainly sounded like a threat, but Merlin can’t quite work out what part is supposed to have him shaking in his boots. He’s halfway back to Gauis’ chambers when it dawns on him: Arthur actually thinks this stupid, degrading job is something he would be willing to fight for - as though Merlin’s life wouldn’t be complete without the honor of scrubbing the sheets Arthur manages to soil on a disturbingly regular basis.
In which it takes Merlin a bit longer to warm up to Arthur than it does in canon, but he gets there in the end.
we deserve more of Merlin being genuinely bitchy and pissy at Arthur!! the show really did make him Arthur's #1 fangirl wayyy too quickly, but this fic fixes that right up. it's so funny, but so heart-touching at the same time. a classic <3
wow, this list is so long overdue it's insane, but i think this was the right time to finally put it out there. i hope you like these fics!!
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emilykaldwen · 3 months
Fic Recs!
I decided to grab a few fics that I was recently introduced to as well as fics I haven't seen get a lot of traction in the space. This is just a personal list that I wanted to share!
@corporalicent's Rhaenicent Fics at AO3 - Cata is a beast when it comes to writing this ship (as well as other fandoms!) and has some really creative AUs out there: I mean come on: Nun!Rhaenyra and Novice!Alicent? We're here for that!
@lullaebies GenderSwapped!Green Kids AU Protector of the Realm on AO3 - So Helaena is now the only *son* of Viserys and Alicent, and Aegon/Aemond/Daeron were born girls. How intriguing is that! They are on a break for right now but go give that fic a look! Not to mention they write Aegon III/Jaehaera content that I just think is chef's kiss.
@dragonsoftheeast Firebender!Targaryen/No Dragons Dance AU Fire Made Flesh on AO3 - Um Hi, Helaena being the one to lose the eye? Actual good political matches. Unparralelled usage of High Valyrian and Valyrian Culture world building???? Sign me the fuck up! Dote is an amazing crafter of such a unique and fantastic canon divergence and I am constantly surprised more people aren't squealing about this amazing story that packs in so many twists and turns and is truly so thoughtful.
@theothermaidoftarth writing some Baela/Daeron and is currently working on Nettles/Cregan check out Song for Evermore on AO3 - Rare Pairs are a precious thing in any fandom and my girl is killing it with some fascinating ideas and utterly fantastic characterizations. We love IC AUs!
@gwenllian-in-the-abbey is leading the Baela/Aegon ship with her solo fic All Kings Are Beautiful on AO3, an 'Aegon was named heir' AU, as well as her other co-written work - Gwen's work reads like a historical fiction novel and that's really my favorite kind of thing. I haven't been able to read everything she's done but man, the nuance! The stakes! the ideas! She brings what I love to call an Old School A Song of Ice and Fire fic vibe to HotD space and I mean this with the highest of praise.
@selfproclaimedunicorn is writing Sins of the Father on AO3 because what if Rhea and Daemon actually had some kids but things still went sideways? - HELLO! MISA? Misa's talent for burying her fingers into every character we see and pulling out all the bits and bobs that make them tick? Is just.. I want to write this well when I grow up. The way she has seamlessly altered canon to the point where I'll see gifsets of scenes and go 'Where are Yorick and Ella?'. Also she has an Alicent x OC fic, and I would lay my life down for Aldreda Farwynd, my tall seal mommy.
@mimikoflamemaker is writing Daemon centric OC fic the False Dragon on AO3 - I haven't been able to dive into this yet but have talked fic and plotting with Justine. Their passion for the source is palpable and her creative ideas deserve to reach more people! Vaerra and Elyas are fascinating OCs with intriguing connections that you do not want to miss!
@jotterjots / @bronzefuryfic is also writing a 'What if Daemon and Rhea had a daughter' AU, Bronze Fury both on tumblr and AO3 - JJ is a real one and I always enjoy her insights. I actually had NO IDEA! that she was writing fic but from what I've read, it looks fantastic!
@acrossthesestars is writing Haunt Me, an Aemond War Bride AU that has me by the throat on AO3 - It's not a list without mentioning this amazing fic that's almost to the finish line. Alex's command of conflict and characterization where characters are allowed to be imperfect is something more of us need to dive into! We love a byronic lead in Aemond where all his edges and issues are fully acknowledged, a wily and fantastic female lead in Wylla Karstark, and just an overall amazing AU where these characters are clawing for their happy ending.
@branwendaughterofllyr is writing a 'What if Vizzy and Daemon's youngest brother lives and has a daughter' AU, A poison Tree on AO3 - I haven't been able to dig into this yet but it's just such a fascinating and original concept to make this Dance make a little more sense, and bring more high stakes. She's a long time ASOIAF writer who is passionate about the source material and here to show you what this world can be. Do go check her work out!
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chihuahuawashere · 8 months
Punk flower!!!
Miles knows how to play the acoustic guitar when he was younger his dad taught him how to pay it.
When he went to the Spider society he didn't tell anyone because he was embarrassed.
Gwen knew how to play the drums and is in a band and play rock music.
Hobie does everything on his electric guitar and is always looking cool with it slug around him plus he using his guitar to fight villains.
Miles only knows how to play cute slow love songs and popular songs that are playing on the radio right now. He doesn't think / him/ playing any sort of instrument will ever make him look as cool as them so he never brings it up.
But one day when miles was at home Hobie (like always) snuck into his room to see what his sunflower was doing. Miles was on his chair back facing the window when he was playing "home" by Edward Sharpe & The Magnetic Zone. Slow and sweet as he was finger plucking and every word sounding like sweet honey. Hobie didn't dare make a sound, he didn't want miles to ever stop singing he sounded down right beautiful.
But when Hobie was trying to get closer to sunflower feeling a like a pirate getting lure the sweet songs of a siren he stepped on one of billies toys that was laying around on miles floor.
Miles immediately whips around ready to fight only to get hit with embarrassment right in the gut. He wanted to die right then a there.
Hobie immediately started fan Girling about how good he was then right after scolding him about him to telling him that he can play and hiding this amazing talent from him and completely off of the walls. Hobies colors started changing rapidly matching how fast he was talking and pacing around miles room.
Hobies cool and chill demeter changed to fan girl seeing her light long idol in person. New articles on his body was also changing so fast it was hard to keep up and trying to read it all.
Once Hobie finally claimed down he came to a realization. He can't tell anyone about this. Miles sounds to beautiful for this world and he doesn't want to share it with anyone he has to find this beautiful treasure from the world only he's ears alone to hear. This is an amazing discovery and no one can find it.
When he finally stops in his tracks he looks at miles still sitting on his chair look up at Hobie completely bewildered by the sudden outburst of Hobies reaction. Miles doesn't even know how to react.
How does miles react?
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Can you rate the Courtney ships mod courtney? Obviously there’s like a million but the more well known ones (gwen, heather, cody, scott, emma rr, bridgette, etc), i want to see your faves
Gwourtney - 10/10 the definition of a yuri situationship. I love gwourtney in that context. Well, and every context. I love gwourtney but it’s so unserious. It’s hard for me to look at gwourtney and think that they’ll last longer than a week bc they have different opinions of eternal sunshine of a spotless mind or some bullshit
Duncney - 10/10 I have a huge soft spot for duncney. I shipped it when tdi was first coming out and i still love it to this day. I have so many thoughts about duncney i could write paragraph after paragraph about it. It was not handled well in canon i will be the first to admit that but i just. I lvoe it. Being 9 and watching the duncney kiss live on tv was just. Ugh. You had to be there ok. I get ppl not shipping it or even liking it bc eugh it gets bad but in a time pre-TDA you have to understand it was 🔛🔝
Heathney - 1000/10 MY FAVORITE!!! heathney solos. Heather and Courtney are just perfect together. They’re both a little evil and I love that for them. They would take over the world. They’ve both got strategy-oriented mindsets and they’re both super critical but in very different ways. Heathney is the best of opposites attract and great minds. Heather and courtney have so much to bond over. I have so much more to say but I don’t want to write a whole book here lol
Scottney - 10/10 scottney is good. I don’t love it though. It really feels like an afterthought in tdas. If there had been real effort into developing their relationship, it could have easily been amazing. I will say I love how so much of tdas is Duncan kissing gwen & being like “DO YOU THINK COURTNEY IS WATCHING?” And Courtney’s too busy dating an idiot ginger who eats dirt.
Bridgney - 10/10 Bridgney my beloved. I’m really big on friends to lovers as a trope. Mutual pining on your best friend is just. Oh god its so good. It’s such a rarepair though and i get it, since a lot of other courtney ships are more “dynamic”. But bridgney is so good. I feel like it’s the ship courtney would feel the most “peaceful” in. And courtney would nudge bridgette out of her comfort zone. And i love that for them.
Emmaney (courtemma?) - ?/10 i like Emma/courtney bc i kin courtney and i have a crush on Emma. I think they would be very competitive in a relationship though and that could easily get out of hand tho. I could easily see them hooking up when they’re in law school lol. I never read Emma/courtney fics tbh if anyone has any recs send me them
Courdy - ???/10 where did courdy come from? Courtney deserves better than cody she’s so slay and hes so cringe
Justney (justin/courtney) - 10/10 honestly I feel like this one is criminally underrated. Justin’s crush on courtney in TDA is really cute. The fact that likes her because she’s a strong competitor & is deeply fascinated by her is just… I really like it. It feels like justin appreciates courtney for who she is and loves how unhinged she could be. In this regard they actually have a lot in common and I think Courtney would really like him if she gave him the time of day lol
Alecourtney - 10/10 another one that’s slept on tbh. I like aleheather dont get me wrong but i could easily see Alejandro falling for Courtney’s completely unhinged side. And when courtney said she’s Alejandro’s “gal” its just. It’s cute ok. Don’t come at me.
If you guys want my opinion on any other courtney ships, send me them! I love talking about courtney and all her girlfriends/boyfriends/etc and I’m a huge multishipper so I love everything
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Expanding on that post I made of Noir adopting Hobie but I love the idea of that making Peni and Hobie adopted siblings. Soooo general headcanons and thoughts time! (Inspired by @ryderdire and @queercoded-disney-villain and the comments they left!)
This got a lot longer than expected so there is a lot more stuff under the read more!
I like to think that Peni and Hobie already knew each other beforehand but in passing. Hobie knew of her and occasionally they talked but he never really got to know her
Of course that all changed when Gwen gathered her small team of Spider Folks to save Miles
After everything goes down and they have time to actually hangout, Hobie tries to get to know her at first. He thought her mech was pretty sick. She mostly avoided him though. He didn’t exactly know why but didn’t care. He assumed it was cause her and Miles weren’t on the best of terms anymore. And while her, Noir, and Ham were still close, there was some tension between them. Especially since she sided with Miguel (at first).
When Noir adopted him (that’s an entirely different story to tell later), he was sorta shocked that Peni was Noir’s adopted daughter. He thought the two weren’t on great terms. Noir explained that despite what she did he still loved her. Fathers are supposed to love their children no matter what right?
Of course since Peni was Noir’s daughter, that meant they had to be around each other more often than not. It was…very tense at first to say the least. Noir usually hung out with Ham (he wasn’t allowed to stay with Peter B after Mayday was born) so it was an awkward experience having serious conversations in a cartoony world.
Eventually, Hobie cracked what was eating at Peni. Despite her being more closed off (which everyone who knew her said was odd) Hobie somehow managed to break through her walls. Jokes and his general demeanor slowly eased her.
In general, Hobie and Peni are a force to be reckoned with. With him being more reckless in his fighting style and Peni being more coordinated, enemies are afraid of even getting near them. Especially cause of SP//dr.
If anyone dare lay a hand on Peni, Hobie would be sending an electric guitar through their head with no hesitation. That’s his sister goddamn it.
Hobie does like to paint his nails and allows Peni to do his sometimes. He’ll do Peni’s for her too but they end up more messy than what she can do. They’re still passable though as he’s done Gwen’s before a few times.
As they get more comfortable around each other, Hobie absolutely will tease the hell out of Peni. She isn’t good at teasing him as he just doesn’t give a shit but does eventually finds some fuel.
Like Noir, Hobie will carry around Peni on his back if asked.
Secretly, he taught Peni some curse words so when she said fuck around Ham, he was immediately on his tail. Hobie doesn’t regret it though. He thought it was hilarious.
Hobie will carry Peni under his arm like a sack of potatoes when she’s not in her mech occasionally. He’ll be just hanging out with someone and have her under his arm.
Peni will fall asleep if held for too long. She just finds it relaxing. Hobie finds it amusing.
Hobie has taken Peni to his world and has let her join in on his rioting. She actually ended up being more of an anarchist than Hobie. He was THRILLED about it.
She was even given yellow shoelaces by Hobie and goddamn Noir was proud as hell
Speaking of Noir, he does also have blue shoelaces but keeps them around his belt. He doesn’t want to make them dirty or destroy them by accident. Hobie is secretly very happy Noir accepted them and wears them.
The two siblings will argue about their world’s food. Hobie says that his cuisine is unique and good but Peni just tells him that he’s clearly never had Japanese cuisine. They will always argue about this.
Occasionally they’ll go to Noir and ask him. He’s literally only had 1930s food so he thinks everything is amazing. Everything except beans on toast. Telling Hobie he’s had this in his world before as a cheap meal.
Hobie will play his guitar for Peni and has learned songs that she likes. Even if they aren’t from his era. It gives him a chance to learn more stuff and make Peni happy.
He refuses to play anything that he considers too slow though. He’d rather rock out than play a slow waltz.
Peni will sneak into Hobie’s world and replace his alarm clocks with indestructible ones. He HATES when she does this.
Once when Hobie got burnt slightly by a rouge molotov, Peni ended up making him a sorta protective bandage that was fire proof to wear under his suit. He ends up using it both for him and anyone who is with him. Peni was extremely happy to help.
Speaking of riots, Peni once got pushed over and nearly shot by a cop but Hobie DID NOT let anything else happen to her. Let’s say his guitar needed an extremely good wash afterwards. Brains aren’t easy to get out of guitars. Ham was horrified but Peni kept telling him she’s seen worse. That didn’t help.
Peni and Gwen do have girl days which means Hobie isn’t allowed. Despite trusting Gwen with his life, he will tell her to bring back Peni unharmed or something will happen. Gwen knows he’s serious about that.
Peni loves to tease Hobie about his romantic relationship with Miles and Pavitr which surprisingly makes him flustered. No one knows how she does it but she does.
(I’ll explain their romantic relationship in more detail later but Hobie is dating Miles and Pavitr while Gwen is dating just Miles. Pavitr is still dating his girlfriend while dating both Hobie and Miles. Gwen was never romantically attracted to the others except Miles.)
Hobie will get dragged along to the mall by Peni. It’s a hilarious sight. Just this punk dude with his younger, more preppy sister.
Since Hobie can purr like most Spider Folks (silly headcanon of mine), he does it a lot around Peni. She can’t purr but enjoys hearing Hobie purr. It’s comforting.
Hobie will hold Peni’s hand if she asks and isn’t ashamed of it. He’s a big brother goddamn it, he will act like one.
He did teach her a bit of guitar too. He even gifted her one. It was a not so great one but Peni treasures it. It has a bunch of stickers on it.
When Peni cries over her past, Hobie is very commonly the one that is immediately there to comfort her. Purring nonstop and giving her words of comfort. He knows what it’s like to have no one to cry to and no comfort.
Hobie doesn’t cry much but when he does, which is rare, Peni is always nearby. She doesn’t even hesitate. Hugging him as hard and close as she can. He appreciates it.
Peter B likes to call them Peni and Hobs (like Calvin and Hobbes)
Hobie wears some pins on his jacket that Peni gave him. They’re mostly just similar to the normal ones he already wears but some are cutesy. He will not take them off even if he’s made fun of.
They rarely stay over at Noir’s place (he lives with Ham) but when they do, they’ll share the guest room. It’s always chaos.
Ham has gotten more than one noise complaint from his neighbors about loud guitars playing at night. He loves them both but god they give him a headache.
If Hobie wasn’t held back by anyone when he met Miguel again after becoming Peni’s brother, he would have already bashed Miguel into oblivion. He was NOT pleased about him manipulating Peni.
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loopeyfluff · 1 year
Spiderman across the spiderverse thoughts and spoilers underneath read more. it's all just gushing, do not expect a proper review.
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That. Was. Fucking. Insane. That was the best movie I’ve watched. Literally captivated from start to finish. WHAT AN EXPLOSIVE INTRODUCTION?! with gwen stacey and her drums? Such powerful animated movements, in fact ALL THE ACTION SCENES carried SUCH GOOD WEIGHT, made SUCH GOOD USE OF THEIR ENVIRONMENT, and were just generally so well choreographed! The first villain was just so visually stunning and animated, I LOVED his style. And the humour from the very start was just, on point. This entire movie WAS SOOOO FUNNY. IT WAS HILARIOUS! Hahaha the lego spiderman scene? How miguel was like, “you’re one of the best of us” XDDD. And omg the MAIN ANTOGNIST IS THE BAGEL GUY. I CANNOT. THATS SO HECKING FUNNY. HAHAHHWYWHAJABWHAJJAHAHAHAH.
Such a visually stunning movie man. Like the first one was amazing, but this somehow topped that. The ENVIRONMENTS AND WORLDS THAT WE EXPLORED WERE SOOOO BEAUTIFULLY CONSTRUCTED? Indian spiderman- just everything about him was hilarious- had such an amazing universe, just the layered upon layers of buildings and roads EVERYWHERE. omg HOBY??? I LOVE HOBY MAN. How earlier he was like, miles u gotta use ur palms too not just ur fingers, and then he was also very established to be an against capitalism and institution type man, AND OMG MY GUY AAAAAA HELPING MILES OUT!!!! WHEN NO ONE ELSE WAS DOING ANYTHING FOR HIM??? HOBY’S A REAL ONE GUYS I LOVE HIM.
MAYDAY WAS ADORABLE! Peter being such a doting father was so adorable and EVERYTHING. Like that sequence of him showing all the baby pictures to miles and gwen, and then when he told miles that he should HOLD THE BABY IT’LL MAKE YOU FEEL BETTTER!!!! And ofc it did XD THAT TRAIN FIGHT SCENE??? SO MANY MOVIES HAVE TRIED IT BEFORE, BUT THIS WAS THE ABSOLUTE SICKEST TRAIN FIGHT SCENE IVE EVER SEEN. Just the train BULLETING UPWARDS, and then the call back to the leap of faith?
AHHHH but also! So many wonderful computer screen background worthy shots within this film. I absolutely adored the way they kept having the spider people sit and hang upside down. It made so many visually stunning scenes! Like when they were going up the elevator,,, AND THEY WERE ALL UPSIDE DOWN!!! AARHEGEH SOOO COOOL!!!!
Oh man but that brief appearance of peni parker! SHE LOOKED SO TIRED :(!!! URGEGWHW WE GOT TO SEE SPIDERHAM AND SPIDERNOIR AT THE END BUT MAN I RLLY WISH I CUDA SEEN MORE OF THOSE GUYS WYHWHAHWUIAKjahauai!!1!1!?1!1!1 I was so happy when they finally appeared with gwens group of spider allies tho ; - ;!!!!!
Okay back to bagel guy, what a fun and hilarious opening and introduction? Hahaha trying to steal the atm machine and their whole banter, it was just so funny. Amazing introduction. I loved miles’ roommate too! I wish we got to see more of him haha.
Oh oh oh, I loved all of the impact frames in this movie, and also the speech bubbles and sound effects and other fun comic style things, but the glossary squares that kept appearing on screen??? AMAZING!!!! I would love to go through this movie again and just pause and read over everything! THE COLOURS WERE SOOOO GOOD IN THIS MOVIE??? THIS MOVIE REALLY STOOD OUT FOR ME IN IT’S PALETTES! SOME SCENES WERE JUST COMPOSED SO BEAUTIFULLY I JUST AYWHAHAHWUJAHAHAHAH!!!!
The plot twist at the end was so good. It was so well built up too, there were so many hints and what not but it only hit me when aaron showed up… the mom’s eyes being different, her not knowing who spiderman is,,, earlier when the screen got the WRONG DNA,,, and also just the different colour palette? So many good clues. I’m over here laughing at how anticlimactic the mom is taking the news, and then AARON SHOWS UP. And the revelation HIT ME LIKE A TRUCK MAN. IT WASN’T A JOKE.
can we talk about the amazing sound track and sound design for this movie??? I watched this in VMAX which is a cinema which had a larger screen and louder speakers, and wow, I WAS SOOO IMMERSED MAN. Not only does the music SLAP and match each new place so well, but it just adds so much to the viewing experience!!!!
This movie was an absolute masterpiece. Wow. Jesus. The first movie was like my favourite movie. But this somehow TOPPED THAT???? Insane.
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chimerathewriter · 1 year
Goody two shoes
Chapter 1
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Summary: Our spider friend arrives in Miles earth
🕸 🕸🕸🕸🕸🕸🕸🕸🕸🕸🕸🕸🕸🕸🕸🕸🕸
" Hey guys" Miles welcomed Gloria and Eniola in his house
" Hey Miles thank you for inviting us" Eniola smiled and they entered, evewrybody was there, Gwen,Ganke, Pav and Hobie they were fixing the table
" Good evening Mr and Mrs Morales" Gloria greeted them and gave them a basket
" This comes from my parents, they apologize for not coming" she whispered
" Oh well come in the food is almost ready" Rio announced they
" At least somebody brought something"
" Hey guys"
" Glo you are finally here" Pav hugged her, he noticed somebody else was with her
" Who is she?"
" Guys this is Eniola my best friend, you already know Gwen and Ganke, this is Pavitr and Hobie"
" Sup" Eniola smiled
" Is she your man in chair?" Hobie asked, the two girls looked each other
" No I'm just her best friend she doesn't need that" she answered
" Where have you been recently, we haven't see you around lately" Gwen asked, they all sat down
" Is exam season and I got a new job" she sighed exhausted the punk artist hummed
" You are slowly becoming a slave of capitalist society goody to shoes" she rolled her eyes
" I'm so sorry but where I come from I can't do whatever I want"
" That's just you babes" the tension was thickening nobody couldn't phrase something, until Rio and Jefferson came out from the kitchen with food
" Tonight we have Mofongo, Arroz y habichuela and for dessert Piragua" Rio announced putting the food on the table
They immediately took the forks and stuffed their faces with food.
" Woah y'all were really hungry huh?" Jefferson laughed
" This food is amazing" Pavitr exclaimed
" Mami you are the best as always"
" Thank you" Rio leaves a tender kiss on her son forhead
" Anyway Gloria I heared you came back at V.I.S.I.O.N.S as a IT assistant, how is everything going?" Jefferson asked
" Is going well, I just wanted to start to be indipendent a little bit"
" Indipented? your still a slave of capitalism" Hobie whispered, getting punched by Gwen, who was smiling akwardly
" And your brother Ikenna is coming back right?" her body tensed
" Uhm yeah is coming back tomorrow" she smiled softly
" Mrs Morales Mrs Oknma said you left your phone at her shop" Eniola added
" What!? How did......."
" Rio first finish eating and then we will go and get it" Jefferson tried to reassure his wife
" We can go and get it, Mrs Oknma closes at 9PM" Miles suggested
" Can you?" they nodded
" Alright" she seated back sighing in relief
🕸 🕸🕸🕸🕸🕸🕸🕸🕸🕸🕸🕸🕸🕸🕸🕸🕸
" Thank you for the amazing food Mrs Morales" Ganke waved at them before leaving the house
" Yeah it was lit" Hobie followed him back, they started walking
" So Hobie how do you find this place" Eniola asked
" This is a nightmare a colourful capitalist world"
" Well at least is colorful"
Miles shrugged his shoulders, they arrive at the shop
" Oh Miles you came for your mother's phone?" an elderly woman welcomed them with a smile
" Good afternoon Mrs Okonma" Eniola bowed down
" Eniola Gloria you are her, the phone is on the back, look around and take anything yu want is on the house " the lady left , thye staqrted to look around, Gloria's phone started to ring and left the shop
" Hobie what was that?" Gwen asked, the young man looked at her confused
" What was what Gwendie" he said taking some plantain chips
" You and Gloria at Miles home?" Pavitr
" Nothing just stated my opinion"
" You promised that you would have restrained from the comments especially with Gloria"
" So he talks like to my bestie everytime"
" Don't worry he only does that because he has a crush on her" Gwen confessed making Eniola gasp
" Fam....."
" Well let me tell you bruv that you are not gaining points from her or me" she patted his back, making the rest of the group giggle
" I don't what you people talking about?" the lady came back with the phone, she gave it to Miles
" Did you.....ah thief" she pointed out at the little bohy whop was running away,
" Imma take care of this" Spider Thorn started to chae him
" Go" Eniola pushed the punk artist
" What?" he looked at her confused
" Follow Gl- Spider Thorn" she pointed at the hero who was starts swinging on the buildings reaching the heroine
" What are you doing here?"
"I'm giving you a hand"
" I thought you don't believe in team and teamwork"
"Well I don't even believe in consistency" they finally managed to stop the kid
"Do you know that stealing is wrong?" she approached the little boy who was shaking, suddenly the bag that he had broke and packets of diapers and furmala fell
"Spider Thorn please my family has no money and my mother has just given birth" the boy burst into tears, the girl noticed that the boy was without shoes
"Okay go, I'll say I couldn't catch you"
"Really?" he
"Yes and hold" she dried his tears and gave him some money
"This should be enough for some shoes and some food" the boy hugged her and walked away
"Goodbye half my first pay" she spoke to herself, the other Spiderman was staring at her
" What do you want?"
"Nothing is just…it was really good of you to let it go"
"Do you really think I would have handed him over to the police, I know how many people starve here in New York as Spiderman I try to do everything I can"
"Every weekend M … Spiderman and I bring boxes of food to families who can't afford it and then like Gloria I tutor kids who don't have time to study" she explained proudly
" I did not know"
" Obviously you didn't know, I'm just a goody two shoes for you" they swing back at the shop.
" Sorry Mrs Okonma I didn't catch him but here is the money for the things he stole" she handed the money
" Thank Spaida Thorn" the heroine left ,After a while the shop closed
" Gloria said that she's back at her dorm, and you will see her tomorrow" Eniola read them the text message her friend sent, the group separated
Next Chapter
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nightowl374art · 1 month
-So I'm very excited to write this 'cause I've been meaning to do it for a while now. So yah here I go...
-I just love your art so so much! Like fr bro you give me so much joy with your fanarts. I haven't felt this attached to an artist and certain art style in a while but you bring it all back with what you're doing and I'm so extremely grateful. So y'know... Thank you deeply from the bottom of my heart.
-I love every piece you've made so far but I gotta say ... That one with the remake of the amazing Spider-Man 2 graduation was just out of this world. Andrew's spiderman is my favorite of the live action trio and I love that one part so much! But I gotta say... Take this as an idea lol... So there's one more part of that movie I deeply love. It's the part where Peter makes the "I love you" on a bridge and then takes Gwen and they make it up to each other... Can't help but see miles and Gwen do that as well. Like in the end of beyond like them getting together or like maybe Miles proposing like that IDK! Take my idea 💡!
-Ok so that's my fav fanart but I'm absolutely in love with their beautiful family! Their kids look so beautiful and them being together is something I treasure a lot! I love how you made the kids different then the comics and also the way you made Miles and Gwen! They look so good! I love Gwen's side braids and Miles haircut it's like... I don't see him doing it BUT I freaking love the spider detail in the side! I even told my friend that if I had my hair like Gwen someday I would add that detail! It looks so good! So perfect like chef's kiss! Also the first art I saw of their kids was that one with Peter B calling Miles and Gwen for having kids and them all just being like:
Max and Charlotte: who the hell is this dude?
Miles and Gwen: What the actual f-
Miles (dad): Idk who the hell you are but please don't touch my kids...
-I also love miles 42 and Gwen 42 art... It looks so cute and she looks hot as hell btw. I also find it very funny when they are having a double date with miles 1610 and Gwen 65. They look adorable ... So different but very refreshing I really like it!
-Look like I mentioned I'm beyond have and grateful that you're making art like this... It's not just the art or the art style but the impact it made me! You're very talented and special! I can't wait for more beautiful art from you. I hope you're getting all the support you deserve and that you're doing well! Never stop smiling and have a nice day/night!
-Hope you get to read this soon and sorry for being so long! But this is just a fraction of what I was meaning to tell you so yah....
-Thank you for everything and for your time! Bye❤️🌻🫂🕸️
I am always amazed when people say these kind of things to me. It means everything to me to know I can bring even just a little bit of joy to someone through my passion, so I would like to say thank you to you 💕.
Agreed. Andrew is my favorite version of Peter, the vibe of his movies really speak to me. I love the scene you’ve mentioned, but it breaks my heart because of Gwen’s fate. However I would love to do that for Miles and Gwen. Right now I’ve got a lot of pieces in progress, so don’t expect it right away, but if I find a chance to do it I will ✨
I really enjoyed drawing their kiddos and had every intention of drawing them differently from the comics. I wanted to do my own interpretation of their kids since the spiderverse style if different from the comics. I actually based Gwen’s braids on some of her concept art, I loved that look (it’s viking-ish which I dig) so I wanted to do something with it.
Though Miles and Gwen 42 are not exactly canon, I still love the idea of them and so I’m glad you have enjoyed what I have made.
Just so you know, I’m very moved by what you said and all your heartfelt thoughts about my art. It’s lovely to hear what you think and how it has given you joy. It’s all I could’ve asked for as an artist so I hope you know how grateful I am 🩷
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camlannpod · 4 months
first of all: I am having a blast with Camlann, it's been a while since I've excitedly awaited the new episodes of an audio drama! Thank you for putting this amazing story out in the world :) I have Very Important Burning Questions after the main character descriptions - 1) what type of dog/breed is Gelert? 2) is Gwaine a snapback guy? 3) are there any sort of headcanons floating around regarding Kay's appearance (ngl, I heard him speak and I was immidiately like. yeah. this checks out. annoying little shit :) ) bonus question: has there been any concious choice made for the spelling of the names? as someone who has studied the mabinogi and had to translate sections pwyll and branwen (and voluntarily had a go at Yr Afallenau Myrddin), I have noticed my brain tends to default to certain spellings, so I was wondering if there is a reason for the spellings you've chosen?
Hello hello hello!!!! Thank you so much for the kind words this is lovely of you!!!!
Regarding your questions:
Gelert is an Irish Wolfhound! Big grey boi
Hmmm, snapback might be slightly too American for him. Gwaine is quite proudly Scottish. He was living in Bristol though, so he's definitely a fashionable sunglasses guy.
Hahaha yep! Honestly with Kay the defining feature is Forgettable. Like, I'm kind of joking and I'm kind of not. He's someone who easily blends into crowds and who people tend to pass over and underestimate. He was a scrum-half on the rugby team, so he's definitely wiry. But he's not bulky, and I always imagine everything about him being a bit washed out. I also imagine him as shorter than Arthur and Gwaine.
Kind of! Also hell YES fellow medieval Welsh person!! So broadly speaking when it comes to the character's modern names I wanted very modernised, easy to pronounce names. This is partly a practical issue - the actors have to say the names a lot, and not all of them speak Welsh. But it's also about the fact that Camlann is very much a story that rejects the premise that there is a 'pure' or 'true' version of any story, or the idea that you need the oldest or most accurate name to really connect with it. So with Gwaine - Gavin, Owen, Owain etc could work just as well as Gawain. It's also sometimes a character choice - for example Dai very specifically wanted to keep using a Welsh name when he moved to England. Dai is easy for English speakers to say, but still distinctively Welsh, so it was the compromise he settled for. And then sometimes it's kind of a backstory thing - Gwen's Dad Kai taught Western Literature at a university in Hong Kong. He was a single dad, and Gwen was his only child, so they're very close. Gwen's mother gave her her Chinese name, Shújūn, but left when she was a baby. So, (unusually), Gwen and her Dad chose her English name together when she was a teenager. But because Kai taught broadly Western Literature, he was working with English Arthuriana rather than Welsh, hence Guinevere/Gwen instead of, for example, Gwenhwyfar.
Thank you so much for the questions, andf for listening to the show!!! It's always exciting to get a chance to ramble about it.
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shokuto · 9 months
The sentiment that Miles isn’t really Spider-Man and that Gwen should stay away from him aren’t new critiques and Miguel/Jessica embody the both of them respectively in atsv. He designates Miles an anomaly, an unusual event that defies all known logic and she strongly advises against Gwen seeing him. Miguel forbids it outright.
And even the reasoning behind it parallels the one in the real world—how everything Spider-Man related is ultimately defined according to Peter’s story. The algorithm that predicts the death of Miles’ dad for example designates the canon event that afflicts all Spider-Men ASM90. Amazing Spider-Man #90 is a Spider-Man comic about Peter Parker that ends with the death of Captain George Stacy.
It’s incredible how layered the core conflict is, even better how rabid and unreasonable the Spider-Society is presented for their stance in it. Like yeah dude. This is you. You’re an angry bitter loser
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queatherine · 5 months
td spoilers episodes 9-13 (long post; more in depth thoughts towards the end)
ep 9:
the dudes being there for priya awwwww that was so sweet !!
hey julia, is that car cool enough :)
sighhhhh mkulia
julia is that tiktok lumberjack lesbian,, i think shes canadian too
ep 10:
listen, i think we could all agree that the moment damien found that immunity idol way back when sealed his fate that he was NOT going to be a finalist,, so i wasnt surprised, just saddened
julia manipulation truly is everything i love evil women
ep 11:
MACARTHUR??!?!??!??!? truly not the cameo i expected, but i did not mind it!!
can we stop this annoying distrust arc between priya and caleb?
cant believe they killed off raj
so like,, did dinosaurs just never go extinct in the total drama universe??? is this one of the insane lore bits like 9/11 never happening (or happening some time after 2009???) 9/11 was the asteroid that killed the dinosaurs
ep 12:
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me 🤝 priya afraid of lighting + thunder
can we stop this annoying distrust arc between priya and caleb? pt2
i dont ship juliayne (juliayne shippers i do not hate you please do your thing i love you), but goddamn i want more interactions between theyre sooooo silly
ep 13: listen, i think wayne winning is fine. do i love himbos? yes. was i rooting for him in the finale? yes. in the grand scheme of things, do i think he is a good finalist? no. we can all agree that hes very much an owen, and i dont mind that!! i actually think having a fan favorite, comic relief, underdog third party winning makes sense in this season, because i dont think caleb or julia winning would be a satisfying end (especially how they were handling them by the end)
caleb's story was messy, and at the end of the day (and i know that the intentions changed), he did start his alliance with priya to use her. him winning, after all of the drama, after priya was gone, wouldve just idk felt shitty. he did get the girl in the end, which concludes his story better than him winning it. (if im comparing this to the tdi 2007 final three,, i guess hes the gwen)
as for julia, she had two seasons to be villain, and it was amazing. she is so good at what she does and she is such a joy to watch. and we all know how total drama handles its villains, they need to get their comeuppance. did bowie double cross her last season? yes. and she came back still was the main villain and was AMAZING at it. but she was still the villain for another 13 episodes, AND HER GETTING PRIYA OUT LAST EPISODE, she cant win. was her just desserts satisfying? meh. nice callback to heather (we all know julia is the heather of this comparison), though i can understand people who dont like this callback and think its tiring or something. they couldve done something else, but im not mad (i kinda fuck with the mullet). i just see no satisfying way for julia to win with how she was presented in these seasons: she was not world tour heather, with three full length seasons and a greater threat to overcome; she was island heather, and therefore could not win.
overall thoughts of the season:
im someone that thinks the hockey bros jokes nearly always land, so i enjoy the shit out of them (i think im in the majority?)
im someone that did not like priyaleb at first, grew to being more neutral about it, but still found it to be a bit tiring. i like priya, i like caleb, i dont like tiring romantic subplots, and it sucks that that was the entire thing for these characters this season
the julia mk duo was AMAZING, one of the highlights of this season and one that i never wouldve expected to be real. mkulia wins in my heart and i hope they start their podcast (JULIA WAS GOIGN TO USE THE MONEY TO START THE PODCAST WITH MK HOLY SHIT GIRL IS IN LOVE)
it sucks that certain characters really got nothing this season (millie, nichelle, emma, and even axel to an extent).. but i get that characters like millie and emma already had a lot of screentime last time and someone has to be an early boot (just realize the ones i listed off were all women,, damn the writers fr just hate women)
at the end of the day, i really enjoyed this season. and i think the most important part of that enjoyment was this was the first time i got to watch a season and have no idea what was going to unfold. i watched the first four season of total drama when they were airing, but i was a little kid with poor comprehension skills. the first three seasons aired before i knew how to read (i learned to read late). and with tdpi, rr, and tdi 2023, i watched them after the fact and knew who the winners were going in. this was the first season i watched were i truly did not know the winner, and that added to my enjoyment. not to mention this being the one and only time i was present in an online space to talk about show as the episodes dropped. this season was a bit messy here and there, but it delivered some great stuff. i found myself laughing out loud and just having a good time, which is all i need out of my silly little cartoon
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wii-brains · 1 year
Spider-Man: Across the Spider-Verse Review
‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️SPOILERS BELOW ‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️
This is not a simple review. It will contain specifics and loud opinions.
I just need to start this off by saying that I fucking love Hobie. He is definitely one of the best parts of the movie. I am so happy that the rumor I heard about Hobie liking Gwen and creating a “love triangle” was not true. I very much dislike “love triangles.” I was screaming the entire time Hobie was on screen. He’s an anarchy genius.
Pavitr is the sweetest lil bean. It was such a relief seeing a happy Spider-Man. I really loved seeing Indian culture represented in a simple everyday way.
The Morales family is amazing and I only want the best for them. Mr. and Mrs. Morales are trying hard to be good parents and it shows.
Peter B. Parker what the hell are you thinking bringing a child into a violent fight?? I can sort of forgive the first one but then lying to MJ about it. You were literally carrying MayDay in a bjorn on a bullet train going skyward. I understand that you want Miles to see MayDay and see the good he brought you but a violent environment is not the time or place.
Speaking of bad parenting, Gwen’s father is an immature ass. When Gwen said, “You’re a good cop, Dad.” I wanted her to follow it up with, “but not a good father.” Why can’t superheroes condemn their parents?
Superhero movies don’t allow characters to hold their parents accountable because they’re objectively made for children to enjoy and children aren’t meant to question or judge their parents. When a parent missteps the child is required to meet the parent where they stand by accepting that everything was done out of love. How the child feels and how the slight effected them isn’t discussed. Marvel did this with Howard and Tony as well as Odin, Loki, and Thor. It’s insane that Sony and Marvel deny children seeing their heroes protect themselves and set boundaries with the people who are supposed to care for them above all others.
Miles is truly a King. He’s better than all those other spider-people and right now I don’t think they deserve the good he’s gonna bring them.
I’m not the biggest fan of Gwen’s actions or the romance between her and Miles. I would have preferred to see Tiana Toomes with Miles but Miles does go the furthest with Gwen out of all his girlfriends, opinions can be made as to why that is, so Gwen and Miles makes sense. I feel that their relationship is still in the crush stages and after her betrayal it could be the end of it. Maybe we could see Tiana, Kate, or someone else in the future.
I’m sure Miles is going to forgive Peter and Gwen but I at least want him to make them sweat more or for them to admit in full why they betrayed him. In order for Sony and Marvel to stop showing their audiences that unconditional forgiveness is required characters need to communicate and reach an understanding that isn’t one person deciding to be the bigger person, especially the child.
It’s fascinating to me that spider-people are so willing to rationalize their losses that they will all follow Miguel when he is clearly wrong.
Miguel that world fell apart because you were in it not because a canon event didn’t happen. Canon events, termed by Miguel, are just common themes that have/will lead to similar events because of course they will. Someone not dying in one instance is not the same as someone making roots in a universe that is not their own. The universe is resilient and it will correct itself. If a person’s death is more important than their survival then don’t worry the universe will make sure that they die.
Unlike the spider-heroes who are rationalizing their loss via acceptance, Spot is resorting to anger. He’s just focusing on the brightest string, like the Maximoffs did with Tony.
I found Miguel’s theory of Miles being an anomaly to be interesting. As I previously stated the universe will only go along with things it agrees with, Miguel learned this lesson pretty traumatically, so I believe that 1610 Peter was going to die that night. And if spider-42 hadn’t been brought to universe-1610 then there wouldn’t be a Spider-Man in 1610. So I think that the universe agreed that 1610 Miles is meant to be Spider-Man. I mean as we have seen multiple times in Across alone, Miles is a good force in every universe. I’m wondering if in 42 Prowler Miles is considered an anti-hero instead of a villain. I mean it’s more likely that they will go with the storyline of Miles meeting the evil him to strengthen his own morals, reminiscent of Billy. But I think I’d prefer the first storyline. It fits the narrative of “fuck canon/the box you want me in.” Also does Miguel just not care about universes without Spider-Man because he could have figured out a way to save 42 if he wanted? I’m so excited to see what happens with 42 Prowler and the final fight.
Absolutely loved all the cameos. All the spiders were perfectly done. Someone correct me if I’m wrong (pls pls send me screen grabs) but I didn’t see 199999 Peter in the holograms. Miguel mentions him in a derogatory way but that’s it. I might be reaching since 199999 Peter is my favorite but I think this is because Miguel groups Miles and Peter together. Miguel is okay with not saving everyone which is something Miles and 199999 Peter refuse to do. 199999 Peter’s main motto is “If you have the power to stop the bad things from happening and they happen anyway then they happened because of you.” Honestly, Peter holds himself to this way to tightly but Miguel does the exact opposite. He doesn’t even try to help people and then absolves himself from guilt. Peter literally almost destroyed the multiverse trying to help people and then lost everything fixing it, again Miguel did the opposite.
My final thoughts about Spider-Man: Across the Spider-Verse are fuck Miguel, I’m disappointed that so many spider-heroes would want to rationalize their trauma so bad that they would intentionally hurt one of their own, and of course the animation is breathtaking. Can’t wait for Beyond the Spider-Verse!
ps. I saw a tweet where someone said they want RiRi to get the Miles treatment and I totally agree. I would die to see RiRi Williams in 2D animation! She’s phenomenal with a great story, plus we’d get a young Tony Stark in 2D. RDJ would voice him no question. We’d be winning winning.
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rosemelon82 · 1 year
i'm not going to pretend like i think nobody is interested cuz this is the best movie of 2023 and you cannot tell me otherwise and also everyone has been waiting for this for forever so
im writing this because i wasnt able to fully rant to my friends and my family doesnt want to listen so i dont really care and im screaming out into the void of tumblr. will someone hear me? i wonder
ANYWAYS (listening to the fire soundtrack as i write this)
that was the best movie i've ever seen and arguably even better than the first one. i am simply obsessed with every single detail of this movie and i cannot stop thinking about it. also me and friend were basically freaking out about everything cuz it was so damn good i cannot even stop.
there was a huge amount of parallels to the other spiderman content that we've seen and i love the way they incorporated them. the way miles saved gwen when falling during that one fight scene with spot. the bus scene with pavitr and gayatri who btw i am totally obsessed with. the way all the words that O'Hara said to miles were basically opposite of what his mother said to him earlier in the movie. the way he was listening to music on his bed when gwen showed up. the scenes from other universes where its mcu canon??? the reference to earth 19999 from miguel??? and a ton more of course
because i am also desi (lore reveal!) and also just because he was done so well. im just sad that they did not include more of him in the movie after his earth canon event was disrupted. it felt pretty raw to see almost the same scene from no way home in across the spiderverse with pavitr instead of tom holland. i also like that regardless of what consequences it has later, even if he doesnt know yet, he's able to save inspector singh. also mentionable is that they switched from mira jain to gayatri singh. in the spiderman india comics they had mira jain and props to the creators for the rep for jains cuz they don't get seen in media very much or at all for whatever reason. maybe cuz most of it is now like gwen stacy canon or whatever? idk someone if u know explain to me please
not related to parallels i almost cried at gwen's speech just cuz it resonated with me so much. thats all about that anyways anyways anyways
the art
god i could go on about the art forever. HAVE YOU SEEN IT? TELL ME THAT IS NOT THE MOST BEAUTIFUL SCENE EVER!!!!!!!!!!! every single city scene just blew my mind and the coloring and style of every single spiderman and scene was just stunning and how was it the most amazing thing i've ever seen?????? i cannot get over the coloring for half the scenes. i love the cities differences and the way that everything falls together in each world. my friend pointed out that when miles put his jacket on in earth-42, it was colored purple and black instead of his usual colors, which indicated so much of how he was prowler in this world instead of spiderman. i think it was interesting also to see that switch of character and did you see the way that his face was much more aged as prowler? there were a lot more lines there and he looked more mature in a way. miles morales from earth-1610 had cleaner lines and a lot more chill vibe. also like the character design for miles morales earth 42 holy shit bro that was so cool i cannot even did u see the lines on his chest and the helmet/headpiece thing the way it opened and his hair and voice and omg
ughh don't even mention the ending cuz why did they have to leave on such a cliffhanger like that??? we have to wait until i think next year for the next movie and i will be in the theaters on that premeire night regardless of what i have to get done that night i dont care. im so excited to see what they will do next i can already imagine some of it and its gonna be so beautiful!!!!!!!!!! <333
thanks for reading to the end. i love you guys!
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