#everything else about this show just feels like boring filler
absolutebl · 9 months
This Week in BL - Bit Slow Round These Parts
Organized, in each category, by ones I'm enjoying most at the top.
Dec 2023 Wk 4
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Ongoing Series - Thai
Last Twilight (Fri YT) ep 8 of 12 - Mhok is about the most indulgent boyfriend on the planet. Why they dressed as 1930s gangsters for the wedding? I have no idea idea, but it’s adorable. IFYLITA mark 2? And they’re even dancing together using bits of the same steps that were used that show too. Cute nod.
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The Sign (Sat YT) ep 6 of 10 - Everything but the kitchen sink includes lesbians apparently. Excellent. Carry on. Also a lot of filler about the sides. (Boring, stop that.) I wish the doctor were a little bit more of a multifaceted character (and less evil snakey), and that we had some of his backstory + Tharn. If we saw them as kids, having a longer true friendship, it would make Tharn’s attitude a little bit more sympathetic and forgiving.
For Him (Thurs iQIYI) ep 5 of 10 - I like this show, but it’s awfully one-sided in the romance arena. I mean shouldn’t they be trying to support and make each other happy? Why does it always have to come from Him? Also, I’m constantly worried about the fact that Nail doesn’t eat any vegetables. His digestive track must be in serious distress. And if the boy is a bottom?! Look I have concerns is all I'm saying, I hope he's getting his fiber along with the dk. Meanwhile... Mom confrontation! Always fun.  
Twins the series (Fri GaGa) ep 9 of 10 - Now I’m having a hard time keeping the twins straight. Who’s getting beat up for whom, what’s going on? No matter who, First caught himself a live one. I like those bits.
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Pit Babe (Fri iQIYI) ep 7 of 14 - I got little crumbs of my sides but not enough, and then they dropped the mpreg bomb. Kinda like blowing the BL diaper. Trash watch happening here.
Cooking Crush (Sun YT) ep 5 of 12 - They are so cute. And mostly such good communicators. Except evil dad is evil! I didn’t have OffGun tango on my bingo card, but I'm happy to check it off. After making everyone sing, GMMTV is now making everyone dance. I much prefer it. Kiss came a bit out of nowhere. But it was sweet. 
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A few minutes later...
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Bake Me Please (Mon Gaga) ep 6fin - I don’t know, I feel like this just wasn’t good enough for the class of talent involved. Which means it’s mostly the story and script's fault. In the end I kinda just wanted Guy to get the guy.
In cluclusion:
A lack-luster story about a group of bakers coping with (mostly) a shoddy script that could not be saved by either the beauty nor the talent of the actors involved. It suffered for lack of narrative backbone and so did I. 6/10
Middleman’s Love (Fri YT & iQIYI ep 8fin - Mai is an adorable clingy boyfriend, and that bit was kind of cute.
Office clown, Jade, a manic pixie dream dork, is courted by the new intern, Mai. This show is right in my wheelhouse but it fell flat for me. I wish it had lived up to the concept behind the title (if nothing else). If we had done more of Jade‘s family and the reasons behind his self-worth struggles and self-acceptance issues, they might have been easier to bare. Without backstory, the show had no through line. In the end, Jade was a largely intolerable character, and Mai felt flat and lacking in personality. I was disappointed with this show, and I hope they don't blame the pair for the poor ratings. 6/10
My Universe (Sun iQIYI) 1626 ep 19 of 24 - Meh. So dull. 
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Ongoing Series - Not Thai
VIP Only (Taiwan Fri Gaga) ep 7 of 10 - I’m not really interested in the late addition love triangle concept.
Sahara-sensei to Toki-kun (Japan Fri Gaga) ep 4 of 8 - a bit too frenetic and manic for me, this one. Glasses boy is best boy. But I’m kind of confused as to was actually going on with this show. Including whether I like it or not.
I Became the Main Role of a BL (Japan Sun Gaga) ep 1-3 - AKA BL Drama no Shuen ni Narimashita: Crank Up Hen - it should finish airing at the very beginning of the year, so I decided to wait and watch all 3 back-to-back. 
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It's Airing But...
Playboyy (Thurs Gaga) 14 eps - Dear Playboyy, it's not you, it’s me… I hate you. You’re about as deep (and as palatable) as a shot glass of cum. While I'm sure you’re someone’s kink, you're my weakest link. Goodbye. I DNFed this at ep 5. Frankly I'm impressed with myself for getting that far.
Night Dream (Sat YT) 6 eps - It’s a pain to track down and I really didn’t like the first episode so… DNF  
The Whisperer (Sun ????) 10 eps - Thai horror BL that ALSO involves cheating (what joy is mine). I don't think even the perfect single dimple can motivate me to watch. Word is... it's terrible.
7 Days Before Valentine (Weds WeTV) 10 eps - Giving me Luminous Solution vibes. I'm waiting to binge if safe.
Dead Friend Forever (Thai Sat iQIYI) - horror, meh, tell me if it's worth my time?
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It's done and I didn't, or we can't
Beyond The Star (Weds iQIYI) 8 eps - House of Stars meets Boyband. I was NOT impressed with ep 1. Been told I shouldn't bother. So I won't.
Behind the Shadows (Korea movie) - This is a historical I was interested in, but I've been told they kill the gay so I'm OUT.
[INTERNATIONAL] Cherry Magic (Sat YouTube) ep 3 of 12 - yeah Japan put the smack down on our boys. Sadness. You can use a VPN if you like. Read all about it here.
What Did You Eat Yesterday Season 2 AKA Kinou Nani Tabeta? Season 2 (Japan Gaga) 10 eps - will binge when I have a spare day.
Crazy work load right now so no idea when that will be. (End of year is a bear for me.)
Honestly I'm gonna have an epic number of dnf's this year for me.
Next Week Looks Like This
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Original 2023 forthcoming BL master post (see comments, some are inaccurate, NOT KEPT UPDATED). With the end of the year upon us I'll do an "announced for 2023 but never happened list" soon.
Also my best ofs are coming.
Don't think I'll do a stats round up this year, everything progressing as before.
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(Last week) - sorry, forgot to link it.
It's 2024 people! Round ups are coming!!!! Leave a comment or an ask, if you have something specific you want addressed.
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lesbianoms · 1 year
Consider this:
A seemingly classic office rom-com but in a world with vore dynamics. One coworker that a bunch of others are fighting over, except they’re not necessarily interested in dating her so much as they are eating her.
The new girl who gets the job is straight out of a heteronormative dreamland. She’s naive and shy, but a hard worker who’s ultimately looking for love. She’s lasted this long in her career and she feels like it might finally be time to find a partner, and what better place to look than a heavily populated office building? She’s finally ready for romance!
Oh, and she also happens to be prey.
She shows up the first day and the office is ripe with hungry tension. All the other people there– the secretaries and receptionists, the men by the water cooler, and the women dressed in business suits or long skirts– they’re all staring at her, licking their lips idly. It’s like she’s a fresh piece of meat to them.
And then her heart just begins beating furiously as she realizes that the office is completely made up of predators.
But the new girl quickly puts up a front and smiles, eager to make a good first impression on her first day at work. Besides… she’s worried that they can smell her fear.
I like to imagine that the office is mostly female driven, so throughout the day the new girl is surrounded by hungry women who eye her up and down, wanting nothing more than to fill their bellies with her. Some of them might try to lull her into a false sense of security… maybe they compliment her on her fashion sense, or tell her how nice her perfume smells, or maybe a few of them invite her over into another room for some “girl talk.”
And maybe, just maybe, the new girl reluctantly accepts. After all, she does miss the downtime she had during her old job, the casual chats with her coworkers about life and men and the intricacies of doing your makeup right and all that other boring filler stuff. She convinces herself that she wouldn’t be that appetizing to them anyways.
And as she falls prey to her naïveté once more, she also falls prey to the women. They all jump on her and attack like the hungry preds they are, biting and licking her, tasting her, until one gets a steady hold of her, drags her possessively away from the group, and greedily swallows her down.
The new girl kicks and struggles in the pred’s gut, begging her to be let out and feeling her preyish fear kick into overdrive. The other women stare at their coworker in annoyance and jealousy, and she just grins, flashing her teeth and rubbing her swollen gut victoriously. Everybody else rolls their eyes and leaves. Oh well, maybe they’ll get lucky when the next meal comes along…
After work, the pred goes home, cradling her gut and cooing to the girl in her belly, telling her what a filling meal she made and how she actually lasted longer than most of the prey that worked in the office before her. She belches loudly, yawns, and makes her way upstairs, eager to sleep off her sweet little treat.
As the pred falls asleep the prey feels herself getting sluggish, losing the battle to the stomach acids. Her entire career, her search for love, her lifespan– all cut short by the churning walls of some hungry lady’s gut. Everything goes numb and dark…
And then, the new girl discovers something incredible about herself, something she’d never had any way of knowing before.
She can reform.
She wakes up in her own bed, eyes wide and staring at the ceiling. Everything feels too bright. It wasn’t possible, it just wasn’t; she’d just been digested, she should have been dead. And yet somehow, somehow she was still laying there, breathing and thinking and feeling like she’d always done every morning of her life. She was still living. She’d survived.
A confident, wide grin spreads across her face.
She shows up at work the next day, shocking everyone, especially the girls who’d fought over her the day prior. The pred that ate her actually becomes a bit pale and flustered. None of them have ever experienced a meal coming back to haunt them.
Throughout the rest of the series, the new girl flaunts herself to her coworkers, teasing them and offering herself up on a silver platter, only to slip away in the morning and leave their bellies emptier than she’d entered them. She builds up a reputation for being a fulfilling catch, too, squirming and writhing and stirring up a myriad of wonderful feelings in the pred’s body. Some of them are even encapsulated by her as a person, rather than a meal. There are office bets started up, debating who’s stomach she enjoys being in the most. The female pred from before finds herself fantasizing about being asked on a dinner date by the prey.
She actually grows to become a somewhat respected member of the company, spending her days heading boardroom meetings and her nights gurgling away in the depths of some lucky colleague’s belly.
Ultimately, she ends up leaving the office a better place than she found it. Her preyish nature makes a lot of the preds more opened-minded, and maybe they start hiring other prey around the office without any ulterior motives. Maybe some of them start holding memorial services for the prey coworkers that they’d eaten in the past. Collaboration reaches an all time high as preds realize they don’t need to be competitive anymore.
Sure, the work environment can be a little tense at times. The “new girl” is still prey, after all, surrounded by an office of hungry preds. That will never change. But this time around, she wouldn’t have it any other way.
199 notes · View notes
theharrowing · 8 months
Showstopper 📸 3: Nobody has ever made me feel this way
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Hoseok knows the rumors.
Everyone in the industry knows the rumors.
Min Yoongi is a player. Min Yoongi is a snake. Stand in front of Min Yoongi’s camera, and you will be just another one of his victims – prey for him to use as he pleases and toss away when he gets bored.
📸 Hoseok x Yoongi
📸 word count: 18.7k
📸 strangers to lovers, model & photographer au, angst, smut, fluff, slash, nsfw, 18+
📸 warnings: Hoseok & Yoongi switch; they are both hot and cold & there is plenty of angst; footsie that turns to cockstepping; explicit discussion of sexual acts; jealousy; attempts at communication; dry humping; hair pulling; use of "good boy"; mouth spitting; blowjobs; deepthroating; a lot of drool; brief delicate cheek slapping; cum swallowing; some overstimulation; frotting; Yoongi is surprisingly submissive; sexual acts happen while somewhat under the influence but not drunk.
📸 notes: this chapter is very dialogue heavy!!! i hope some plot points don't feel too rushed or contrived, but i am trying to squeeze everything into my 4 planned chapters, since i have so much on my plate! 💜
📸 written for the BTS Found Fest!
📸 thanks to @neoneunnajimin for beta reading.
📸 posted jan. 2024 | read on ao3
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Hoseok cannot, for the life of him, pretend that kiss never happened. 
He may as well be drunk each day with the way he spaces out, misses instruction, and does not seem to be fully aware of his surroundings. He is clumsy, always staring at Yoongi's hands, and forgetting to change poses without being told. 
And to make matters worse, Yoongi's moodiness has ramped up. He is quick to snap his fingers and bark instructions. 
"Model," he will say, not using Hoseok's name, "get your head out of the fucking clouds, what is going on with you?"
With a shrug and maybe a yawn, Hoseok will sigh and bat his eyelashes. "Sorry, boss," he will make his voice soft and sweet as candy floss, "just tired this week."
The thing is, Hoseok is coasting until he finds out whether Dior wants more from him. He already has the cover and the money shots – the shit he is doing this week is all random filler images that Yoongi will keep a stock of in case he needs something for an ad. Random outfits, random backdrops, random accessories. 
Why he is bothering to do any of this right now seems pointless. It is almost as if Yoongi is just asking him to be around for the sake of having him around, and Hoseok finds it tedious. After his hot shot Dior campaign, he deserves a vacation. He wore a merkin, for fuck's sake. 
During the third day of this nonsense, Namjoon comes sighing into the makeup room, shaking his head. There are other models around, so he waits to get up close to Hoseok's ear to mutter, "You're really getting under his skin. Are you trying to get fired?"
Hoseok simply stares at him with one eyebrow raised. He knows Yoongi has told Namjoon about the kiss – he tells Namjoon about everything. 
Namjoon confirms that he at least knows something by rolling his eyes, shaking his head, and saying, "Well, he has asked me to invite you to dinner with him today so the two of you can speak."
"I have nothing to say to him," Hoseok says, holding out his perfectly manicured left hand to inspect whether his nails are still shiny and well-groomed – they are. "If he wants to invite me out, he can do it, himself."
On top of everything else, Hoseok is playing hard to get. If Yoongi wants to see or speak to him, he can earn the right. One does not barge into Hoseok's apartment, surprise him with a life-altering kiss, and then carry on like everything is fine. Absolutely not. 
He wants to annoy Yoongi by playing footsie with him under a restaurant booth, or seduce him up in his big, dark office, but not let him have anything more than another kiss. Just to show him that he is not fully in control. 
But he doesn't want to make it obvious to the other models. He has no desire to commiserate with them over the ways Yoongi has used them. 
Ultimately, Hoseok wants to come out on top – figuratively and literally. He wants to have Yoongi sprawled out across that big, leather-topped desk of his, moaning Hoseok's name in his deep, raspy timbre. That's the goal. 
Namjoon pulls out his phone and thumbs around, dimples on display as he smiles to himself. Hoseok likes it when Namjoon plays along with his cattiness, and he imagines that Namjoon is relaying his message to Yoongi. 
Meanwhile, models come and go, all shooting with different photographers throughout the massive studio space. Only Hoseok and Sunmi have Yoongi's attention, and Hoseok has been attempting to watch like a hawk to see if any flirtatious behavior is exchanged, but much to his chagrin, Sunmi only seems to be behind Yoongi's lens when Hoseok is busy getting his hair and makeup done. 
He wonders how many more models Yoongi will kiss this week. How many does he text to ask if they need a ride home? How many go out to lunch with him in secluded corner booths and shower at his home studio?
Whereas before, Hoseok thought he was catching feelings for Yoongi, now he is determined for it to be a power play only. He just wants to fuck him once to get it out of his system – mark up that round little ass of his. Then he can leave this whole stupid company behind. 
Hoseok is balls deep in a mental image of Yoongi bent over his large desk when he hears the man's voice cut through his imagination, bringing him back to reality.
Hoseok looks up to find Yoongi's head peeking into the room. Namjoon is still present, still on his phone, but Hoseok can tell by his expression – by the way his eyes are staring unmoving at the device – that he is definitely eavesdropping. 
"Yes, boss?" Hoseok asks with as much indifference as he can muster. 
"How would you like to come on a little field trip with me? Dior wants to discuss a second round of outfits, and I could use some dinner."
Hoseok stretches his back and lets out a deep sigh, then he slouches in his chair and shrugs, acting bored. "Sure. Sounds fun."
Rather than respond, Yoongi simply leaves the room. Hoseok stands to follow, but Namjoon stops him in his tracks. 
"Let's find you something nice to wear," he says.
Hoseok looks down at his favorite baby blue cropped tee and low-rise daisy duke denim shorts and says, "What are you talking about? I look amazing."
"I didn't say you didn't look amazing," Namjoon responds with a playful smile. "But I just think you should wear something a touch more put together."
By now, all of the models have left the room, and Namjoon closes the door. 
"Why?" Hoseok asks conspiratorially. "Is he taking me somewhere nice? Gonna butter me up? Or finally apologize? Maybe try to corner me for another stupid fucking kiss?"
With a sigh, Namjoon turns to a rack of black and white clothing and begins to search until he pulls out a black blazer, black slacks, and a delicate off-white silk blouse. Hoseok rolls his eyes dramatically but cannot hold back a smile as he strips down and allows Namjoon to play dress up. 
The blouse has a deep v-neck that hangs gracefully down to the valley of his pecs, and he wears the fitted blazer fully open, with the blouse tucked into tight, fitted slacks that are accentuated nicely with a black leather belt. Namjoon dusts a thin black line around Hoseok's eyes and chooses a pair of chunky black loafers for him to wear. 
While Namjoon is digging through a chest for jewelry pieces, there are three soft knocks on the door, followed by it slowly opening and Yoongi sticking his head back into the room. Hoseok stares at his boss, watching as his eyes widen and then settle back to their cold natural state. 
"We're just about finished, boss," Namjoon says. 
Yoongi heavy-blinks and nods once, then says, "I'll be in the car."
Hoseok is no fool – he knows that behavior well. "He wants me so bad," he says, giggling to himself while cold metal is draped around his neck and fastened into place. 
Namjoon has chosen a stack of delicate gold chains that drape and cascade beautifully with the deep neck of the blouse. Hoseok dances his fingertips along one of the thickest chains and smiles into the mirror. 
"Joonie Baboonie, you have such an eye for style."
"Baboonie?" Namjoon asks with a chuckle as Hoseok spins on his toes and pats Namjoon on one of his big, strong biceps. 
"Yes, Baboonie! You got this primal ape thickness to you," he says, giving Namjoon's arm a squeeze. 
Namjoon gasps and yanks his arm away, pretending to be scandalized. "I don't even know what to think right now."
"Trust me, it's a compliment," Hoseok says as he turns toward the door, looking over his shoulder to add, "You're easily one of the hottest men on this peninsula."
The tips of Namjoon's ears turn a precious shade of red, and Hoseok grabs his phone, wallet, and keys from where they sit on the vanity counter and slide them into his borrowed pockets, giggling to himself over how fun it is to rile Namjoon up. 
He takes his time walking through the studio, to the large front doors ahead, listening to shutters snap closed while photographers and directors instruct and praise and ask more from their models. Despite feeling fed up with Yoongi's antics, he is proud to be part of this world, and he holds his head high as he pauses before the sliding glass doors and waits for them to open wide. 
It is early evening, still bright and warm outside. Hoseok spots the familiar sedan sitting curbside and is pleased to find only Yoongi waiting for him. He can play coy all he wants in the presence of others, but he is not so sure he can hold up the facade around Seokjin, and the man's absence is a relief. 
Yoongi wears a black mask over his nose and mouth, as well as black sunglasses, and when Hoseok opens the door and slides into the front seat, Yoongi points to the glove compartment and says, "Disguise, please."
Now that Hoseok is alone with Yoongi, he fully takes in his appearance. Between being photographed by him earlier in the day and now, he has changed from his typical flowing black rags into a white button-up top with long, sharp lapels, and charcoal grey slacks that strain against his thighs. His hair has so much volume that the tips fan out in pretty waves, and Hoseok openly stares, feeling his feigned impassiveness crash down around him. 
There is no way he is going to be able to have the upper hand if Yoongi is this fucking pretty. 
"Hoseok," Yoongi says, "we don't have all day."
Hoseok clears his throat, blinks Yoongi from view, and leans to open the glove compartment. Inside is a pair of black sunglasses and an unused black mask, and he reaches for each item to put on.
"Why the disguises?" he asks. 
"I don't like my identity being widely spread, and there always seems to be someone in the high-end districts waiting for me to waltz into a shop or restaurant. Better safe than sorry."
"Why is that?" Hoseok asks, adjusting the mask to fit comfortably over his nose.
Yoongi sighs. "The last thing I need is for the press to see me taking my models out to eat and spread the word that I'm fucking them."
"Because you are," Hoseok mutters. 
"Flirting is not the same as fucking."
Hoseok rolls his eyes and tips his head in Yoongi's direction. His voice is low but challenging as he asks, "How many of them do you fuck, boss?"
It is a shame Yoongi's face is covered; Hoseok would love to see his expression as he says, "Currently, none."
With a hum, Hoseok turns to reach for his seatbelt. He does not believe Yoongi for a second, but he is still happy with the claim. 
"Where are we off to?" Hoseok asks in a far more chipper voice.
Yoongi sighs, turning Hoseok's attention back to him. He has his sunglasses pulled down to the bridge of his nose, and his eyes appear somewhat sad. 
"Look, I'm sorry for kissing you. I should have asked…or…I don't know…refrained."
"Yup," Hoseok responds snarkily.
"But we need to at least pretend things are normal, for the sake of professionality. Otherwise I will not be able to continue having you at M Magazine. I really don't want to let you go, Hoseok."
"Because I'm a good investment. I know."
Another sigh. "Is that really how you feel?"
Hoseok rolls his eyes again, thankful that his expression is hidden, because he suddenly feels dangerously close to crying. He takes his time to think about his response, and then he shrugs. Yoongi is fucking insane if he thinks Hoseok is going to give him an ounce of his dignity.
"I thought we didn't have all day?" he asks, instead.
Yoongi slowly blinks, then says, "We have time for this. If there's something we need to discuss, I can always make time for it."
"Wow, so caring," Hoseok drawls sarcastically. "You're really good at putting on the good boy act when it's just the two of us. How many other models do you do this for?"
Yoongi squints, pushes his sunglasses back into place, and presses the ignition start button. Then he simply asks, "Sushi?"
"Sushi sounds great," Hoseok responds genuinely as he sits back and looks out the windshield, eyes trailing over details he barely registers of vehicles and trees. 
Off they drive. Hoseok spaces out entirely, blocking out everything ahead. Instead, he fights with his own emotions, unsure how he would like to proceed. 
He wants to tease Yoongi, and ultimately break him down. And in order to do so, he knows he needs to drop the snark. But Yoongi has genuinely pissed him off, and it is difficult not to bring it up. 
When the racing thoughts get to be too overwhelming, Hoseok reaches into his pocket and takes out his phone. He has Namjoon's number saved from their spa day, and he pulls up his contact.
Hoseok Joon Baboon, this man is driving me insane. Please snitch on your bestie and tell me what he said about The Kiss™. I feel claustrophobic in this car because I don't know what the fuck this man is thinking.
Hoseok assumes Namjoon is still at work, but there is a chance he is between models, or packing up for the day. It is rare for anyone to stay past five, and it is a quarter to five now. 
For good measure, he also sends a text to Jeongguk. He is eager to pick his friend's brain if Jeongguk is willing to talk about his experience with Yoongi. 
Hoseok Ggukieee!!! Drinks later? On me? I'm having a crisis that only you could understand.
He places his phone face down on his leg and patiently waits, staring out the side window at all the tall glass and concrete buildings. This side of the city is where all the money is. Designer shops, high-end restaurants, five-star hotels. 
Yoongi pulls up to a valet stand, takes a deep, slow breath, and shuts the ignition off. Hoseok swallows thickly, wondering if there really might be members of the press lingering around, waiting to photograph his boss – and, by extension, him. 
As soon as Yoongi is out of the car, Hoseok follows suit, unbuckling and slowly opening his door. He has no idea why his heart pounds, and he glances around at his surroundings, noticing the way people stop and take in his appearance. 
"For Min," Yoongi says as he hands the valet attendant his key. 
The attendant bows and Yoongi turns to Hoseok, nods his chin, and walks toward a large glass door. 
Hoseok follows close behind, trying to elongate his steps to accentuate the beautiful garments he wears rather than prance ahead quickly. He feels like royalty in the outfit Namjoon has dressed him in, and he intends to savor each second he spends in it.
Yoongi holds the door open, and Hoseok steps inside. Immediately, he is hit with rich umami and spicy scents, and he stops and waits for Yoongi to step ahead and say, "Two for Min," to the hostess.
"Right this way," she says, leading the two of them through a lavish restaurant furnished in gold, crystal, and jade, with copious amounts of natural lighting. 
She leads them to a section of private booths with tall wooden walls – an area that is much more dim and intimate than the main dining hall – and she points to a booth all the way at the end. There are no other patrons in this area of the restaurant, yet Yoongi only removes his sunglasses once they are seated. 
"The usual?" she asks, and Yoongi turns his attention to Hoseok. 
"I usually get an assortment of sashimi, as well as inari, miso soup, and sake."
"That sounds good," Hoseok mutters, feeling inexplicably shy as he removes his sunglasses and scoots to the center of the booth. 
"The usual, for two," Yoongi nods to the hostess, who bows and walks away. He busies himself with unfolding his napkin and placing it over his lap, and then pulls out his cell phone. 
Hoseok pulls his phone out, as well. And in that moment, it vibrates.
Joon Baboon All he said was that he made a mistake. He feels like he broke your trust and pissed you off, and for that, he feels guilty. 
Hoseok rolls his eyes and bites his lip to prevent from smiling. 
Hoseok Is that what this fancy as fuck sushi dinner is about?
Joon Baboon You didn't hear it from me…
Hoseok  The magic words!!! 
Joon Baboon But, yes. 
"About Dior," Yoongi says, causing Hoseok to set his phone down on the booth beside his leg and lift his attention to his boss. "Technically, the contract is over if you are pleased with all we have done. But they have reached out to express interest in having you model the upcoming winter line."
"Oh?" Hoseok perks up and folds his hands over his lap, watching as Yoongi pulls the mask from his mouth and neatly sets it aside. 
Yoongi is devastatingly pretty with his hair wild and curly. Especially with the crisp white shirt, his skin looks petal soft, and his lips have a slight gloss – kissable and sweet. Hoseok hates how quickly one look can make every wall he attempts to build around his heart buckle and crumble to his feet. 
"Cardigans, hoodies, handbags," Yoongi continues, "possibly sneakers. Oh, and they have a grey wide-legged wool pant that I believe you would be particularly stunning in, if that interests you."
Hoseok licks his lips and nods. For once, he has nothing snarky to say, and instead, he sits back and takes a deep breath. More Dior means more time spent with Yoongi acting as his agent. He feels conflicted. 
"Would this be something we begin soon?" Hoseok asks, suddenly feeling antsy and shifting in his seat. "Or would we draw up a new contract?"
Yoongi studies his face, then leans forward with his elbows on the table. "What would you like to do? Continue the current contract and get all of that out of the way, or pause with Dior in order to find representation with a more permanent agent?"
Hoseok gently nibbles on the inside of his lip. He figures he may as well be honest with Yoongi, despite how much he loathes putting his feelings on display.
Luckily for him, a server approaches with a tray of water and sake. Hoseok busies himself with pouring small glasses of sake while the server excuses themself. He can feel Yoongi watching him, and he swallows back his anxiety as best as he can.
"In the event that Dior keeps thirsting for my good looks, I think I would like to find a more permanent agent."
He glances up and sees Yoongi watching him, chin resting against his folded hands.
"S-so, if you wouldn't mind putting me in touch with some," Hoseok continues, pulse quickening the longer Yoongi stares, "I would appreciate it."
"Alright," Yoongi says. "I can set up some interviews for this week."
"Thanks, boss," Hoseok mutters as he slides a soju glass forward.
"Any particular reason you are eager to pay money for representation?" Yoongi asks in a teasing voice as he reaches for his glass before Hoseok has a chance to let it go.
The warm graze of Yoongi's fingers makes Hoseok swallow thickly and pull his hand away. Yoongi's signature smirk is back, and it fills his tummies with butterflies and regret.
"Maybe," is all Hoseok is willing to say. 
 Yoongi hums, then lifts his glass, waiting for Hoseok to lift his, as well. 
"How much sake will it take until you comfortably tell me what's on your mind?" he asks.
Hoseok scoffs, referring to the other night as he says, "At least three bottles."
Yoongi lifts an eyebrow and softly chuckles. They tap their glasses together, and Hoseok shoots the liquid back, savoring the almost buttery quality that shines through the semi-sweet flavor.
"How much will it take for you to be honest about your intentions with me?" Hoseok tries. 
Yoongi lets out a slow exhale. "My intentions are to assist you with finding an agent to represent you for the rest of your brand contracts, and to continue assisting you with putting your best face forward in the hottest magazine in South Korea."
Hoseok hums and licks his lips. He wants to challenge Yoongi further, but he worries that this is not the place for that.
The booth rattles with an incoming text message, and Yoongi's eyes follow the sound, then lift to Hoseok, asking, "You gonna check that?"
Hoseok rolls his eyes and laughs humorlessly to himself, reaching for his phone. "You're insufferable," he mutters under his breath. 
"Well, you aren't willing to speak openly with me," Yoongi quips, "so you may as well entertain yourself somehow."
Hoseok tongues the inside of his cheek as he lifts his phone, sees that it is a message from Jeongguk, and unlocks his screen to read it.
"Do you like wasabi in your soy sauce?" Yoongi asks, and Hoseok flicks his gaze up briefly, annoyed with his sudden change in topic. 
"Sure," he says, dropping his gaze down to his phone. 
Ggukie Bun Drinks sound fun, but idk how much I wanna talk about that man…you'll have to loosen me up quite a bit to get me to spill, hyungie.
He sends a quick response—
Hoseok You got yourself a deal, bunny. I'll hit you up when I'm finished with dinner.
—and slides his phone into his pants pocket before leaning forward with his elbows against the table.
"You want me to talk?" Hoseok challenges, keeping his voice low in case there are people sitting in nearby booths. "Alright, boss, I'll talk about anything you want. Pick my brain, since you're so eager."
Yoongi smirks and the sight alone has Hoseok's frustration reaching an all new high. The audacity of this man to push his buttons so much; he is going to lose his fucking mind. 
Hoseok watches as Yoongi uses his chopsticks to mix a dollop of wasabi into a small square dish that he has poured soy sauce into, eyes glued to his long fingers cradling the black lacquered utensils.
"So, you're saying I don't have to spend eight hundred thousand won on booze to get you to open up?" Yoongi teases as he lays his chopsticks down across an empty dish. 
"Eight hundred—" Hoseok gasps, then looks at the ceramic carafe in the center of the table. "What?"
"I know, one hundred and thirty thousand won is a lot for just one bottle, but I rather like how smooth this one is."
Hoseok chuckles and shakes his head. "You cannot be serious."
Yoongi's voice drops an octave as he leans forward and says, "Don't think I wouldn't spend that kind of money on you, Hoseok. Especially if it gets those pretty lips talking."
All the little hairs on Hoseok's body stand at full attention. He has half a mind to excuse himself to run outside for some fresh air. 
"Pretty lips?" Hoseok asks, instead, unable to hide the tremble in his voice. 
Yoongi's smirk becomes a grin, and there is a devious glimmer in his eyes as he says, "I quite liked the taste of soju on your tongue, but I bet this sake would be even better."
Nervous laughter rocks through Hoseok's chest, and he holds his left hand up and shakes his head, muttering, "Okay, you need to stop."
"Awe, what's the matter, Hoseok?" Yoongi teases.
"I am so fucking serious."
Yoongi sits back, resting his hands on the top of the dark wooden table, and Hoseok allows himself to stare at his short, tidy nails and knobby knuckles. 
"Is that why you no longer want me to be your agent?" Yoongi asks. "Eager for another kiss?"
"Fuck it," Hoseok grumbles to himself as he sits tall, looks Yoongi in the eye, and says, "Yeah. That is why."
Yoongi watches Hoseok, eyes trailing from his eyes to his lips and back up. He appears to have something to say, but for once, is holding back. 
Servers approach with trays of food, starting with the miso soup and inari, then the sashimi. Hoseok thanks the servers, smiles impatiently at Yoongi, and then waits for him to start eating. 
But Yoongi keeps his eyes on Hoseok. He slowly blinks, saying nothing, and Hoseok takes a deep, fortifying breath and says, "Yoongi-ssi, I would like to eat. Please start."
"Sorry," Yoongi utters softly, lifting his burgundy napkin and tucking one corner delicately into the neck of his shirt. 
Hoseok rolls his eyes and sits back with a huff, crossing his arms over his chest. Whatever game Yoongi is playing at, it is wearing him out. 
"I was just thinking," Yoongi says as he reaches for his small bowl of soup and lifts it to his lips. He blows delicately at the broth and says, "Seokjin may have room to represent you."
Hoseok sits forward and reaches for his own small black plastic bowl with red along the rim, and he lifts it to his lips. "Seokjin works as an agent?"
Yoongi sips at his soup and closes his eyes. A smile graces his lips, and Hoseok forgets for a moment how hungry he is – all he can do is stare.
"Seokjin started out as my in-house agent," Yoongi says as his eyelids flutter open. "But then he got bored of dealing with fussy models and slowly transitioned to becoming my assistant. Sorry, my goon."
A hint of a smile tugs at Hoseok's lips before he can stop himself. He has a sip of the miso soup, and the rich, savory broth instantly warms him, sending a chill along his spine as he adjusts to the sudden change in temperature. 
With another salty sip, a small square of tofu glides between his lips and practically melts on his tongue, and Hoseok understands why Yoongi reacts the way he does to savoring this soup. It really is delicious, and the perfect starter to the meal. 
"I'm not sure he would enjoy me, then," Hoseok jokes, holding the bowl close to his lips. Steam rises from the broth, and he enjoys the way it dances over his skin. "I'm pretty fussy."
Yoongi chuckles, shakes his head, and mutters, "You're not that bad," before having another sip. 
Hoseok sets his half-finished soup aside and reaches for his chopsticks. The inari is calling his name, and he reaches for a piece while Yoongi sets his empty soup bowl down, and he dips it rice-side-down into the soy sauce and wasabi.
Although inari is a simple dish of sticky rice tucked inside a soft, fried pocket of bean curd, there is a semi-sweetness to it that, paired with soy and wasabi, is quite delicious. He does his best to only bite the edge of it, leaning over his bowl to catch stray grains of rice that fall. 
He alternates between nibbles of the inari and slices of sashimi, hardly taking his eyes off the table until the meal is nearly finished. Yoongi fills the glasses of sake, and he stands slightly to reach across the table and set Hoseok's close to him. 
With Yoongi hovering over the table, looming over Hoseok, the breath catches in Hoseok's throat. He watches as Yoongi smiles slightly and licks his lips, then settles back in his seat.
"How many models are you regularly kissing and flirting with?" Hoseok asks, reaching for his sake.
Yoongi shakes his head, and mutters, "Hoseok—"
"I'm serious," Hoseok interrupts, sitting tall in his seat. "Whatever it is you're doing with me, I don't want it if this is something you're doing with someone else, too. The rides home and gentle knee touches…all of it. I'm serious."
"I'm not taking anyone else on dinner dates or squeezing anyone else's knee," Yoongi insists. "The only other model I am spending time with is Sunmi, but I am not eager to piss off her partner."
"But if she were single—" Hoseok attempts. 
Yoongi shuts him down, "No, Hoseok." He snickers and reaches for his cup of sake. "Not even if she were single."
Hoseok raises his eyebrow. "You aren't fucking Seori?"
At this, Yoongi chuckles. "Did Namjoon tell on me?" When Hoseok says nothing, he continues, "Seori and I had a fling once."
"Months ago."
Hoseok tongues the inside of his mouth. "How many months ago?"
Yoongi lifts his sake and shoots it back, then reaches for the carafe to give himself a refill. "Hoseok, you and I shared one kiss. That hardly gives you grounds to interrogate me."
With a heavy sigh, Hoseok extends his right foot, reaching until he feels the toe of his loafer make gentle contact with the side of Yoongi's leg. Yoongi looks down, then up, and raises an eyebrow.
"You intend to share more than just one kiss with me," Hoseok challenges, scooting forward and rubbing his toe higher. "Don't you?"
Yoongi swallows visibly. "This is hardly appropriate behavior to conduct with your boss, Hoseok."
"You started it," Hoseok says plainly, dancing the edge of his shoe against Yoongi's knee. "Call Seokjin. Ask him to represent me."
Yoongi dances his tongue between his teeth as he watches Hoseok. Then he rolls his eyes, reaches one hand below the table, and grazes his fingertips over the joint of Hoseok's ankle. Despite it being a light, innocuous touch, Hoseok's exhale comes out a bit shaky, and he sets down his neglected cup of sake. 
"What is it that you want, exactly?" Yoongi asks. 
He scoots forward, causing Hoseok's shoe to graze his inner thigh. And despite how unaffected Yoongi seems by the movement, Hoseok's heart pounds at the thought. 
"I don't know," Hoseok lies, taking a deep breath and stretching his leg forward. 
Hoseok can feel the moment the toe of his shoe very lightly grazes Yoongi's crotch. Yoongi's lips gently part, and Hoseok knows he must look ridiculous with his mouth hanging halfway open, but it is the only way he can hope to breathe; the air feels far thicker than it had moments ago. 
"You don't know?" Yoongi challenges, scooting forward again. 
The bottom of Hoseok's loafer presses firmly against Yoongi's crotch, and at the same time, both men gasp. Yoongi's eyelids flutter ever so slightly while Hoseok's mouth and eyes widen. 
Yoongi tips his head to the side and asks, "Then what are you doing?"
"Fucking with you," Hoseok mutters before he can stop himself. "Wanted to see how far I could push you."
"Ah," Yoongi responds, resting a hand against Hoseok's shoe while the other pushes the hem of his pants upward to gently grab his ankle, skin against skin. "Well, you have yet to reach your limit."
A server approaches, and Hoseok instinctively attempts to yank his leg away, but Yoongi holds his foot in place with one hand while tugging the napkin from where it is tucked into his shirt and draping it over Hoseok's shoe. 
"Is there anything more I can bring you tonight?" the server asks, glancing between Yoongi, Hoseok, and what is left of their meal. 
"One more bottle should be good," Yoongi says, leaning forward and pressing himself against the sole of Hoseok's shoe while grabbing the sake carafe to give it a shake. 
There seems to be liquid inside, and Yoongi reaches with his other hand, silently asking Hoseok for his cup. 
"One more bottle coming right up," the server says as they turn to walk away. 
Hoseok watches Yoongi, feeling trapped in place and dumbfounded, foot lodged between Yoongi's thighs. 
"Cup?" Yoongi asks, making Hoseok heavy-blink and reach for his sake.
Hoseok slams back the drink, sighing through the sudden onslaught of very tasty liquid. He holds his cup out toward Yoongi, cradling it delicately in the fingers of both hands while Yoongi fills it with more clear sake.
He fills his own cup next, sets down the carafe, and lifts the cup. "To finding you an agent," he says with a grin.
Hoseok lifts his cup and nods, then shoots the liquid back. He reaches for the carafe, but Yoongi tuts his tongue against the roof of his mouth, insisting on being the one to handle it. 
By the time the server returns, the sake is gone, and a new carafe is set between them. Yoongi does not seem to notice the fact that Hoseok's shoe is still in place between his legs, and Hoseok makes no move to drop it. 
"Ah, right," Yoongi says after pouring them another glass. "I forgot that I have business to attend to."
Hoseok watches as Yoongi pulls out his phone, tipping his head to the side curiously. 
Yoongi thumbs around, then holds the phone to his ear, eyes on Hoseok as he smiles and says, "Seokjin…might I ask you for a favor?"
* * *
The second round of sake renders the two of them unable to swing by Dior and peruse their winter line. Or, perhaps the game of footsie distracted them from their goal. Likely, it is a combination of both. 
Hoseok opts not to get dropped off at home first, which is a mistake. Jeongguk is already at their favorite dive bar, and he watches as Hoseok gets out of Yoongi's vehicle, undoubtedly clocking the way he stumbles as his legs remember how to walk. 
To make matters worse, Yoongi must notice Hoseok wave to Jeongguk, who sits directly behind where Hoseok stands, on a rickety metal chair on the bar patio, smoking a cigarette while wearing a skin-tight black shirt tucked into baggy black pants. 
"You know him?" Yoongi asks, turning back to Hoseok, who pats his pockets down to make sure he has everything, standing beside the open passenger door. Yoongi wears the mask over his mouth, but his eyes are visible.
"I do," Hoseok says. "Why? Do you?"
Yoongi studies Hoseok briefly, then says, "He looks like someone I've photographed before."
"Interesting!" Hoseok chirps, drawing out the syllables.
"Something tells me you already know about this," Yoongi grumbles somewhat defensively. 
Hoseok grins, sarcastically asking, "No…why would you think that?"
"Drink water," Yoongi says with a hint of concern that breaks through the annoyance in his eyes, clearly eager to change the topic and leave. "And text me if you need a ride home."
Hoseok sighs and waves Yoongi off, muttering, "I can take care of myself," then he closes the door and stumbles onto the sidewalk, giggling as he nearly trips over his own feet. 
"Are you fucking kidding me?" Jeongguk grumbles as Hoseok approaches.
Hoseok is definitely more than tipsy, but he blames his giddiness for his inability to function properly. Seokjin had agreed over the phone to represent Hoseok, meaning once they sign a new contract, Hoseok will feel more confident to pursue his pretty boss. 
He also felt Yoongi become rock-hard under his shoe, but that is a detail he does his best to block out for the time being. That one he will unpack later, once he is home alone. 
"Business dinner," Hoseok responds, doing his best to act sober. He plops himself down in a chair across from Jeongguk and sighs dramatically, wishing he had a glass of water.
"Business dinner?" Jeongguk parrots incredulously. "Dressed like that? Stumbling around drunk? Be serious. I thought you were in crisis mode?"
"I am in peak crisis mode," Hoseok insists. "And anyway, Namjoon dressed me like this. Doesn't he have good taste."
"Namjoon," Jeongguk says in a dreamy tone, lips tugging into a smile. "Should have let him rail me, instead. He was way nicer."
"I bet you still could," Hoseok mutters, fighting the urge to take out his phone and text Namjoon to ask if he would be interested.
Jeongguk looks out into the distance, doe eyes bright and shining. Then he shrugs, and says, "Maybe some other time," and sits back, taking a drag of his diminishing cigarette. "So, what did you want to discuss?"
"Well, Ggukie, I was wondering if you would be open to telling me about what happened between you and my boss."
Jeongguk takes a sharp inhale of nicotine and holds it in. Then he shakes his head and blows a plume of smoke out toward the street. "Nah. Too sober."
Hoseok rolls his eyes and stands up quickly, holding his hand out to Jeongguk while saying, "Let's fix that."
* * *
Two bars and several rounds of shots later, Jeongguk and Hoseok are sitting on the couch in the back of some dingy neighborhood haunt that only people in their mid-twenties seem to patronize. Hoseok has his legs up on a low, wooden table on which neglected pint glasses of water sit creating rings of condensation around their bases, and Jeongguk has his legs draped over Hoseok's lap.
"It was just little shit at first, you know?" Jeongguk mutters, eyes half-squinted in part because there are several bright neon beer signs just to the right of Hoseok's head giving off a greenish-blueish glow. 
Hoseok nods.
"Little touches here and there, using pet names and favoritism, asking me to come to his office, inviting me to his studio. He took it slow at first, as if to suss out whether I was interested. But of course I was interested. I mean, you've fucking seen him."
Hoseok nods a little more emphatically; he absolutely has seen him.
"But then he got really assertive, pressing against me in his office, muttering shit like," Jeongguk's voice drops to a low, mocking octave, "we shouldn't be doing this, and, you drive me crazy, and, I can't keep my hands off you."
Hoseok remembers Yoongi cornering him in the makeup room. But you understand why we can’t do that, yes?
"Then one thing led to another, and he had me draped over the couch of his studio with his tongue in my ass."
"Oh my god," Hoseok mutters, in part because he was not expecting this conversation to veer into this territory so abruptly and in part because he has sat on that couch several times!
Jeongguk says nothing more, only stares ahead as if whatever he is searching for is lightyears away. 
"So…" Hoseok attempts, "then what?"
With a loud sigh, Jeongguk says, "Then we started fucking. Often. At his place, in his office, in the restroom at a fancy sushi spot."
"Oh my god," Hoseok mutters once more, eyes widening while staring out at the busy bar but not looking at anything in particular. "He took me to a fancy sushi spot."
"I've never had someone so eager to make me cum, like…god, the shit that man does. I pretty much stayed prepped and ready to bottom at all times."
"He was always in control?" Hoseok asks.
"Always. And it was amazing until it wasn't. Some girl named Seori was hired and he dropped me like a sweet potato."
Hoseok frowns, turning his gaze to Jeongguk. "Awe, Ggukie. Not a sweet potato."
Jeongguk nods slowly, nibbling on the inside of his mouth. "I know I shouldn't have taken it personally, but it was…it was a lot. He always said he wasn't into relationships but it was hard not wanting more from someone who made me feel so good."
Hoseok heavy-blinks, gazing around the bar, at people standing and sitting, talking and shouting about this or that. He idly traces his fingertips over the hems of Jeongguk's baggy jeans, trying to sort out what he should do. 
On the one hand, he really wants to try to make Yoongi hand over control and grovel for him. But he also feels sad for his friend.
Jeongguk seems to have gotten lost in his mind again, and Hoseok is no better. He still has so many questions, but it is hard to pull any one of them coherently to the surface. 
Finally, Jeongguk sits up straight, removing his legs from Hoseok's lap while muttering, "I think I'm going to venture out and find a sweet potato vendor."
"Okay," Hoseok says, mind still swirling with all the new information. He is definitely drunk enough to call it a night, but he also considers joining Jeongguk on his quest. "Yeah, okay, I think I would also like a sweet potato."
As Hoseok and Jeongguk venture out into the night, the details of events become foggy. He stumbles down the sidewalk for an indeterminate amount of time, and suddenly he is at a food cart, pulling notes from his wallet in exchange for a piping hot, foil-wrapped sweet potato. 
Next, he is at a small metal table sitting next to Jeongguk, typing a haphazard text message to Namjoon that reads, Eating a sweet potato and thinking of you. Because you are semi-sweet and also thicc. You and Jeongguk would make a cute couple btw!
Then he is shivering, still at the same small table, answering a phone call from Yoongi. He hugs his arms around himself tight while Jeongguk stumbles off into the night, toward his apartment two blocks away – also in the direction Hoseok lives. 
"You sure you don't need a ride?" Yoongi asks, voice deep and caring. 
"I'm like three blocks away," Hoseok insists, getting up to stumble in the direction of his drunk friend. "It would take you longer to come to me than it would take me to walk there."
Yoongi hums. “At least stay on the phone with me while you walk?”
Hoseok grins, ignoring the fluttering of his heart as he mutters, “Geez, obsessed with me, much?”
"Excuse me for caring," Yoongi responds, sounding somewhat affronted.
Hoseok chuckles and walks slowly, watching his feet meet brick, attempting but failing to step on as few cracks as possible. He smiles and says, "I don't know, I'm drunk enough that I might start saying regrettable things."
There is a pause, followed by, "Such as…?"
"Such as that I know you used to fuck my friend," Hoseok giggles, squeezing his eyes closed for a second because he knows he must have pushed Yoongi's buttons. "He told me all about your moves, Yoongi, and how you pretty much used the same formula that you're using with me. Which begs the question…which cute newcomer will take my spot, and how long do I have before I'm dropped like a hot little sweet potato?"
The sigh on the other end of the line is so audible, Hoseok can picture the downturn in Yoongi's eyes and the way his lips slightly frown while he is thinking. 
When he says nothing, Hoseok continues, "See, I warned you," dragging each vowel out dramatically.
"And what would you like me to say, Hoseok? Shall I call Jeongguk and apologize to him?"
"Nah," Hoseok responds, glancing up at brick buildings, pleased that he is still stumbling the correct way. "That would just piss him off."
Ahead, Jeongguk has stopped to lean against a tree and light a cigarette, and Hoseok makes note of the way his flat tummy curves from the way he stands slightly hunched over before his hips are swallowed whole by baggy jeans. He pictures Yoongi's large hands pressing on those hips, and the way Jeongguk must have gasped so sweetly. 
Then, Hoseok shakes his head, attempting to dispel the thought; he needs to get laid.
"But you have some reason for bringing this up?" Yoongi asks. 
With a sigh, Hoseok says, "I just hate to think my days are numbered. It's exciting to have caught your attention, but it seems," he drags the word out playfully, "that your attention is fleeting."
"We can talk about this when we're both sober," Yoongi mutters lowly.
Not wanting Jeongguk to overhear Hoseok talking to Yoongi, he stops in his tracks. Sadness sweeps over him, and his body undulates like overcooked pasta ever so slightly in place. Although the sweet potato has bought him a little time before blacking out, he is still quite drunk.
"Are we doing anything productive tomorrow?" Hoseok whines. "These last few days of random shoots have felt pointless, and…I might throw up."
"You might throw up tonight from being drunk, or tomorrow from being bored?" Yoongi clarifies. 
"Honestly…" Hoseok screws up his face, thinking it over. "Both."
Yoongi chuckles. "I can't believe my top model is calling in sick because he was out drinking all night."
Hoseok is quick to push the blame. "You got me drunk first!"
Yoongi laughs, and it is a pretty, rich deep melody that causes Hoseok to sway. Then he says, "Seok…you know tomorrow is Saturday, right?"
Relief washes over Hoseok, and he nearly stumbles to his knees. "Oh, thank god."
"I would like to see you briefly, tomorrow, though," Yoongi adds. "If you are available. Seokjin would like to iron out a contract and have everything set in stone as quickly as possible so that he can move forward with your next round of Dior shoots. We can meet up in the evening, if you prefer?"
Ahead, Jeongguk has continued to walk home, so Hoseok continues, as well. 
"Were these random ass shoots just your excuse to keep seeing me?" Hoseok asks coyly. 
"Hoseok," Yoongi drawls, making Hoseok inhale deeply as a tingle works over his body from the sound. He hums in response, and Yoongi continues, "Please stay on topic. Will you be available to sign the contract tomorrow?"
Hoseok grins. "Only if you can admit that you kept me around this week just to see me."
"I would rather talk about my feelings for you once we are sober and you have that contract with Seokjin signed."
"Your feelings for me," Hoseok mutters, mostly to himself. 
There is a pause, followed by Yoongi asking, "Are you home yet?"
Hoseok stares at the silhouettes of trees and square buildings ahead, the darkness broken by glowing street lamps. "One more block,"
"I could have picked you up by now."
Hoseok sighs. "You totally could not have. And anyway, I wanted to walk."
"Were you dishonest about how far the walk is? Or are you having a more leisurely stroll than usual?"
"Jeongguk stopped ahead and I didn't want to catch up to him while on the phone with you."
Yoongi sighs. "How long have you known that Jeongguk and I have a past?"
In far too chipper of a tone, Hoseok says, "Since the day I was hired."
Yoongi says nothing, and Hoseok wishes he could see his expression. At this point, he is too intoxicated to care whether he could be pushing Yoongi away. He still believes that no matter what, he will have a shot at fucking him at least once. 
It is not as if Hoseok has any interest in pursuing anything more with him. 
"Almost there," Hoseok chirps. He has a pep in his step now that his building is in view. It feels like ages since he has taken a nice hot shower, and he desperately wants to wash his face. "Oh, Hey, boss?"
Yoongi hums.
"Do you need this outfit back? Can you, like…deduct it from my paycheck, or something? Namjoon really put his babussy into this fit, and I might want to wear it again."
With a sigh, Yoongi mutters, "It's yours. Keep it."
"Thanks, boss. But how much do you think—"
"I'm not charging you for it, Hoseok. You're correct that it suits you well. Keep it."
Hoseok's cheeks warm, and he grins, raising his shoulders to his ears with glee and dropping them down. He makes his voice as soft as possible as he says, "Thanks, boss. You're too sweet."
Yoongi grunts, making Hoseok quietly laugh to himself. Either he has struck a nerve with Yoongi, the man is very tired, or both. 
"Alright, I'm walking up to the front door of my building. I'm home safe. You don't need to stay on the line any longer."
"Hoseok," Yoongi says, making him stop with his hand lifted to the knob, key dangling between his fingers. "Tomorrow, will you come discuss a new contract with Seokjin and I?"
"Oh," he mutters, sliding his key into the knob and twisting it open. "Yeah. Tomorrow evening is fine."
"Wonderful. I'll bring a lawyer along so that we can get everything finalized quickly."
Hoseok makes his way to the stairwell, slowly taking each step. "And then we'll celebrate?"
A pause, then, "How would you like to celebrate, Hoseok?"
Hoseok hums, making a show of the fact that he is giving this matter very serious thought, despite only one thing running through his head. 
"A kiss," he finally says, biting his lip as he shuffles down the hallway to his door. The closer he gets to his apartment, the heavier his limbs feel. 
"Alright," Yoongi grumbles, making Hoseok grin. "I will kiss you to celebrate."
Hoseok punches his code into the keypad beside his door, and when it clicks open, he lets out a long, happy sigh. Home at last.
"I'm in my apartment now. Gonna strip out of these clothes and take a nice, hot shower."
Yoongi makes no sound, so Hoseok continues. 
"Maybe while I'm in there, I'll think about earlier, at the restaurant, with my foot pressed between your legs."
Yoongi sighs, and Hoseok steps from his shoes, feeling victorious. 
"I felt how hard you got under my toes. You liked it, boss."
"I did," Yoongi admits, voice low. 
"I liked it, too."
Hoseok shrugs out of the blazer and delicately drapes it over the back of his couch, then he balances the phone between his ear and shoulder as he begins to unbuckle his belt. 
"Yeah. The way your lips parted and eyes widened, so faint and so eager to hold your pleasure in. Beautiful."
"I could say the same for you," Yoongi responds, voice breathy. Hoseok wonders if he is touching himself. "I saw how affected you became."
"I want to see you like that when you're not having to hold back," Hoseok practically moans. "I want to make you unravel."
Yoongi hums and Hoseok holds his breath, waiting for whatever delicious thing he may have to offer. 
But then he says, "We should talk about this when we're sober."
With a sigh, Hoseok's body feels worn and heavy; his spirits feel dashed. 
"You're right," he mutters. "Good night, boss."
"See you tomorrow, Hoseok."
Hoseok lowers the phone from his ear, grumbling, "See ya," as he hangs up.
* * *
Despite the joyous occasion, Yoongi behaves rather coldly. 
At first, Hoseok chalks it up to the fact that Seokjin and a lawyer are present to draw a new contract for his modeling representation. The document is straightforward; Seokjin insists on taking almost no money from Hoseok for his services, citing that he makes more than enough being Yoongi's personal goon – a word he says playfully, with a wink. 
They discuss long-term plans that stretch further than Hoseok's employment with M Magazine, should he move on to other publications, and everything feels official and exciting in a way Hoseok hasn't experienced since he graduated from college as a fresh face getting scouted by seedy, desperate photographers and art directors. 
But even as they bow to the lawyer and bid him farewell, there is something sour looming over Yoongi, like a bitter little stormcloud threatening to burst at any moment and become everyone else's problem. Seokjin even nudges him, attempting to crack jokes, but he rarely smiles, and he hardly makes eye contact with Hoseok. 
It feels like whiplash after how playful he was last night, and Hoseok hovers around the sofa, not feeling welcome enough to sit, but not sure whether he should leave. Until finally, Yoongi stretches and yawns, and Hoseok sees that as an opening. 
"Well, you're tired," he says, sliding his hands into the front pockets of his pressed, black fitted slacks. "I'm tired, as well. So I think I'll head out."
"Yah, Hoseokah!" Seokjin barks. "We should celebrate!"
A yawn works its way from Hoseok's chest, and he lifts his hand to cover his mouth. Seokjin flinches away as if he is at risk of catching some kind of virus from a yawn and frowns.
"We could schedule something for next weekend," he suggests. "Or whenever all of us are free."
"All of us are free right now," Seokjin insists. "Yoongichi, you don't have any extravagant dates planned, do you?"
Yoongi shakes his head, but his eyes are glued to his phone. He seems stressed out, and frankly, it annoys Hoseok. It feels rude to build up his excitement to see him this evening, only for him to act completely indifferent to Hoseok's presence.
"Why don't we all go out to celebrate once Seokjin and I have our first round of Dior shoots under our belt?" Hoseok recommends. 
Yoongi nods, eyes never leaving his phone, and Seokjin sighs but agrees. 
"Alright, sounds like a plan."
"Cool," Hoseok says, nodding listlessly, "then I'm going to head out."
Finally, Yoongi lifts his head to look at Hoseok fully. And for a split, brief, teeny tiny moment, Hoseok thinks Yoongi might finally be direct with him. But then his eyes fall back to his phone as he grumbles, "I'm glad the three of us could sort this out."
"Need a ride?" Seokjin asks. 
Hoseok shrugs but happily says, "I would appreciate it."
Seokjin approaches Yoongi and mutters something lowly before giving him a slap on the shoulder, which Yoongi more or less seems to ignore. Then he makes his way to the door, where Hoseok trails along to slide into the pretty black loafers he wore just last night. 
Hoseok does not say goodbye to Yoongi, and when they step into the elevator, he lets out a sigh.
"I hate when he gets preoccupied," Seokjin complains. 
Hoseok chuckles. "It's honestly pretty rude."
Hoseok pulls out his phone and sends Yoongi a message—
Hoseok The way you hardly looked at me tonight is absolutely crazy. I no longer want that celebratory kiss.
—then tucks the device into his pocket. He does not expect a response to come any time soon.
"I love him, and he's a great businessman, but he is kind of an idiot," Seokjin says, making Hoseok laugh. "He has no fucking interpersonal communication skills."
It feels good to laugh, and Hoseok does not hold back. He bends in half, gripping his knees as the cords of his untied black, silk modern hanbok hang past his knees. He has to apologize to someone once the doors slide open and he steps forward, nearly barreling into them.
"Geez, it's not that funny," Seokjin complains despite still laughing.
"Oh, it definitely is," Hoseok insists as they make their way out into the evening. 
* * *
Hoseok does not hear from Yoongi for the rest of the night while he is out with his friends at the club, nor the entirety of Sunday while he is letting Jimin distract him with brunch and shopping. 
And by Monday morning, when there is still no word, Hoseok decides he no longer cares. He has a shoot later in the morning with Yoongi, and he begrudgingly gets out of bed and goes through his routine as if it were a standard early morning, with the plan of stopping by his favorite cafe for a sweet treat and a latte.
The weather is hot but not stifling, and Hoseok wears the same flowing black silk modern hanbok top he wore to Yoongi's place on Saturday, untied over a tight black tank top and mid-length, black wool shorts. And, of course, his favorite new chunky black leather loafers. He tucks his phone, keys, wallet, and lip balm into a small black handbag and sets out for the day with a forced smile. 
And truthfully, the cafe trip does wonders for the residual sour mood Yoongi had put Hoseok in, leaving him in a much more positive headspace. That is until he arrives at the studio. 
The familiar sights and sounds are like a weight on Hoseok's shoulders, but he holds his head high and makes a beeline through the expansive studio space to his sanctuary. The makeup room. 
Upon entering, Hoseok finds Seokjin and Namjoon standing by a metal rack of clothing, sifting through outfits. He sets his coffee down on the long vanity counter by the mirror wall and prances over to see what they have in store for him. 
"Yoongi wants us to start with this," Seokjin says as he pulls out a charcoal grey blazer and matching slacks.
Hoseok wonders if this is the grey wide-legged pant that Yoongi said he thinks Hoseok will look stunning in. He rolls his eyes at the memory, then smiles widely as he chirps, "Looks great, Jinnie-hyung!"
It takes no time at all for Namjoon to have Hoseok dressed in the grey suit with his hair slicked back and his face made up. By now, they have the process down to a science; Hoseok hardly has a chance to get comfortable in the makeup chair. 
They opt not to pair the outfit with jewelry, but Hoseok wears black and white sneakers that he is not a fan of for this type of outfit. This look is currently all the rage with these high-end brands, and does not understand why.
"I'll let Yoongichi know we're ready for him," Seokjin says as he leaves the room, and Hoseok gives a thumbs-up.
"Wow, so Seokjin-hyung is your agent?" Namjoon asks. 
Hoseok swivels around in his tall, black chair and smiles widely. "Yeah! I'm excited. He seems very knowledgeable and dedicated, and he doesn't want to take all my earnings."
"Of course, he doesn't," Namjoon chuckles. "The co-founder of M Magazine undoubtedly makes a pretty penny."
"Co-founder?" Hoseok asks, shocked. "Yoongi only mentioned he was previously an agent and then shifted gears to work as his assistant goon."
Namjoon shrugs. "Seokjin-hyung has always done a little of everything, with the exception of photography. He has an eye for beauty and design, but prefers the more tedious duties that come with being an assistant. I think he likes being useful. And he tends to feign modesty, which is why nobody refers to him as the co-founder."
That checks out, and Hoseok nods. "Well, I am glad I have a use for him. Gotta get to stardom somehow!"
"Trust me," Namjoon says, leaning close. "You will."
Hoseok visibly swoons, causing Namjoon to lean away with regret painted on his face. "You're the sweetest, Joon Baboon!"
A deep, impassive voice cuts through the joy, with one simple word.
Hoseok turns to find Yoongi standing in the doorway dressed in a white blazer unbuttoned over a white dress shirt, with matching white shorts, tall black socks, and black loafers. His hair is slicked back, combed behind his ears, there is a pair of black glasses tucked into the neck of his shirt, and he wears a scowl on his pretty face. His trusty camera is in his hand, strap wrapped around his wrist, and his eyebrows are raised high with impatience. 
"Sure thing," Hoseok says flatly, mood instantly killed. 
He slides from his chair and follows Yoongi out, into the studio, to the corner where he prefers to shoot, near the bottom of the steps that lead up to his office.
There is nothing for Hoseok to pose on or near, so he just stands against the dark backdrop, angling his body and elongating his neck and limbs. Yoongi shoots quickly, stepping back and moving forward, eye glued to the viewfinder. 
When he finally does glance over the camera, it is to say, "Give me a little movement, like a twirl but with one foot kicking outward."
Hoseok does some twirls and kicks, accentuating the loose cut of the slacks and doing his best to embody fluidity. He feels as if these shots will be magnificent, and he waits for Yoongi to crack a smile and tell him he is doing well. 
But instead, Yoongi drops his hands to his sides and says, "That's good," then he lifts his camera high enough to begin sifting through the photos. 
On the breast of Yoongi's jacket is a pretty white flower that stands out in the bright glow of the box lights, and Hoseok curses himself for wanting to rub his palms across it, heavy-blinking to avert his eyes.
"New outfit?" Hoseok asks. 
Yoongi shrugs. "If you have time for more, sure."
"If I have time?" Hoseok bites back. "I've barely been here for an hour."
Yoongi continues to flip through photos, making Hoseok wonder if he heard him at all. Then he says, "Yeah, whatever your agent wants," and walks off. 
"What the fuck," Hoseok mutters under his breath as he turns and stomps back toward the makeup room. This behavior has him wishing he would have stepped on Yoongi's balls a little harder at the sushi restaurant. 
Seokjin already has outfits laid out when Hoseok returns, and he is changed into more casual wear, sporting an array of hoodies, cardigans, and handbags. Yoongi is just as standoffish, giving Hoseok almost nothing to work with, but he continues to change shirts and pose, doing his best. 
And then, suddenly, Yoongi's phone rings loud and shrill, making everyone but himself flinch. He sighs and stops what he is doing, muttering, "One moment, sorry."
Yoongi's phone is typically always on vibrate while at work, and he absolutely never drops everything to answer the call. How uncouth, Hoseok thinks, standing under the warm lights with his hands on his hips while Yoongi walks several paces away, talking lowly into his phone.
As soon as he returns, Yoongi mutters, "Something has come up, but it seems like we shot everything we need. Thanks for everything. Great job today." He only spares Hoseok a quick glance, and then he turns to walk up the stairs to his office. 
Hoseok sighs, nods to himself, and begins back toward the makeup room. From the corner of his eye, he watches as Seori rushes in through the front doors of the building, dressed in a light pink hoodie and sweatpants and looking frazzled. She makes a beeline for the steps and runs to the top, where she quickly knocks but does not bother to wait before walking into Yoongi's office and closing the door behind her. 
The feeling that swirls in Hoseok's tummy is envy mixed with something else – something even more bitter. Something numbing. He can't quite put his thumb on it, but he chooses not to dwell on it. 
Until he enters the makeup room with a heavy sigh, and – upon realizing only Namjoon is present – begins to crumble emotionally. Despite feeling the desire to cry, tears only prickle gently around the edges of his lids but never fully gather. More than anything, he just feels defeated.
"I didn't follow your advice, okay," he admits, taking Namjoon somewhat by surprise as he throws himself on the makeup chair. "I should go home. I need to clear my head. I feel so—"
"What happened?" Namjoon asks kindly, approaching with his arms loosely crossed over his chest. 
"You warned me about that man, and I listened! I really did! But my heart and my body did not, and now I feel like I am a marionette hanging from strings eager for a master. But rather than tug on my strings and make me dance, he just fucking leaves me hanging."
"That's…a beautifully pathetic analogy," Namjoon mutters, dimples on display. 
Hoseok attempts to swat at the handsome man, but Namjoon simply leans slightly back, avoiding his fingertips. 
"I don't even care about being in a relationship with him," Hoseok mutters somewhat under his breath. "Like, I'm foolish, but I'm not that stupid. I just…ugh! He…ugh!"
Namjoon chuckles and shakes his head. It is not the laugh of a man who wants Hoseok to feel foolish, but one of a man who has likely had this conversation this time and time again.
"He charms in his own way," Namjoon says. "And then he puts up a wall when he thinks he is getting close to someone. It's like he's terrified of just allowing himself to open up to people."
"Why?" Hoseok sighs.
Namjoon shrugs. "No idea. There's no shocking character reveal or tragic backstory, you know? Yeah, his parents are wealthy and they don't hover, but they are kind and supportive. His relationship with his brother is casual and positive. Aside from his playboy tendencies, he is a great person to work with, and a great person to work for. No gambling problems, no drinking problems, no sordid past. He just…doesn't like to commit to anyone."
Another sigh pours from Hoseok's mouth, this one drawn out with a groan. He drops his head back dramatically, feeling extra annoyed – exorbitantly annoyed. 
Hoseok finds nothing inherently wrong with having commitment issues or with preferring to sleep around without strings attached. He and his friend group have always been pretty loose with hooking up, and it has never caused drama because they all know where they stand with one another. 
But it is frustrating that the result is a lack of empathy and poor communication. Hoseok is fine with being someone's piece of ass on the down low, but he needs to know where he stands. And it annoys Hoseok that, rather than finding a reason to hate Yoongi and make the idea of backing away from him feel easier, he really sympathizes with the guy. 
Hoseok laughs to himself, despite feeling little joy. "If he wanted to just fuck around, I wouldn't even object. And I have been rather forward with suggesting I am open to it, but he just clams up and doesn't say anything."
"Mmhmm," Namjoon grumbles in a tone that suggests he knows this all too well.
"Whatever," Hoseok sighs. "We did well today, and although he was the opposite of helpful or encouraging, I feel good about the shoots. So I suppose I could call it a day."
Namjoon nods and seems to glance at the time on his phone. "Seokjin left during the last shoot – said he had some important business to deal with – but he asked me to tell you that you are amazing, and doing great, and that he looks forward to going over the photos with you and Yoongi. He also says to take some time off and he will contact you with a schedule some time this week."
This time, the sigh that Hoseok lets out is one of relief. Relief to have an agent who is receptive and feels positively about the work they are doing. Relief to have some time off to relax, pamper himself, and get some fucking space from Yoongi. 
He changes back into his black tank top, silk hanbok top, shorts, and loafers. With his arms hanging open, he convinces Namjoon to lean in for a semi-awkward hug, and thanks him for all his hard work. Then he opens that door with a fortifying breath and sets out toward the front doors, eager to get home and unwind. 
The studio is quiet, with only one photographer and model on set in the far left corner. Hoseok does not even look their way, eager to reach the sliding glass doors. And he almost does, before he hears a familiar voice call for him.
"Jung Hoseok-ssi."
Hoseok physically recoils from the sound, closing his eyes to take a deep, annoyed breath. He was so close to making it outside – just a couple more feet from freedom. 
With a plastered smile, Hoseok spins, asking, "Yes, boss?" as he searches for the source of the voice. 
Yoongi stands at the top of the stairs, arms straight down at his sides. He asks, "Do you have a moment?" 
Hoseok nods and makes his way through the large studio space, heart betraying him in a frantic dance the closer he gets. He wonders if there will be any visible trace of Seori on Yoongi's skin or any lingering scent of perfume. 
With each footfall up to Yoongi's office, Hoseok feels his body undergo more and more duress. His legs and hands tremble, his palms begin to prickle, his breathing feels labored. Yoongi turns and enters his office as Hoseok gets close, and once he reaches the top, he takes a fortifying inhale. 
"Yes?" Hoseok asks, attempting to come off as impassively as possible.
"Close the door, please," Yoongi says, making his way toward his desk.
Hoseok closes the door and gives himself a second to collect his composure before turning toward Yoongi and approaching. He expects to find Yoongi sitting at his chair, but instead, he is on the corner of his desk, half-sitting with one foot suspended somewhat, and his arms crossed over his chest.
"I owe you an apology," Yoongi says. His hair is all in place, and there is no sign on his clothing or skin that might suggest anything transpired with Seori. 
Still, Hoseok scoffs, nods, and says, "Yeah, you do." 
"I understand that sometimes my behavior can be a bit…" Yoongi takes a moment to choose his words, and Hoseok opts to fill in the blank for him. 
"Confusing. Frustrating. Demeaning."
"Distant," Yoongi provides.
"Distant," Hoseok parrots with a humorless chuckle. "Sure, yeah, that's certainly one way to put it."
There is sincerity in his rich tone as Yoongi drops his arms to his sides and says, "I'm sorry." 
"You could have at least sent a reassuring text message. Or even an apology. Any kind of communication at all."
"My distracted state the other night was nothing personal, but I should have given you a heads up that I had a lot on my plate."
"The other night, all weekend, all day," Hoseok corrects, allowing himself to feel the full range of his anger. "Not one word. You gave me nothing."
Yoongi sighs and slowly stands, remaining leaned against his desk. 
"And, look, I don't feel like you owe me an explanation," Hoseok says, eager to make his desires clear. "But a simple heads up would be nice. I know that you and I are not an item, and I don't care that we aren't – that's not my goal with you. But don't let me play footsie with your cock under the table and tease me with promises of a kiss, but then give me the cold shoulder."
Something in Yoongi's gaze shifts – darkens. His lips part, and his stance relaxes. 
"So what is it that you want?" Yoongi asks.
"Truthfully?" Hoseok says, and Yoongi nods. "More than anything, I want a healthy work relationship. I want to excel in my field and become a supermodel, and I know that you and your team have the means to do that for me."
Yoongi nods, cracking a smile, filling Hoseok with pride and encouraging him to continue voicing his desires. "I also want to lay you out on your big, expensive desk, and fuck your brains out."
Yoongi's lips part wide in a gasp. It is subtle the way blush rises to his pretty cheeks, but even in the dim light of his office, Hoseok can make out a shift in hue.
"I'm not interested in having strings attached," Yoongi says with the lift of an eyebrow as if in warning. 
"No shit," Hoseok scoffs, holding firm, challenging eye contact. 
They stare at each other unmoving for only a few seconds, but those seconds drag on, thickening the air with rich, palpable tension. Hoseok slowly breathes in through his nose, allowing himself to dwell on the familiar musky and floral notes that cling to the air and drive him wild. 
"Come here," Yoongi commands softly, nearly a whisper. 
As if tugged by some invisible force, Hoseok stumbles forward automatically. Yoongi's thighs spread, allowing Hoseok to get nice and close, standing taller than usual with Yoongi's hips bending slightly. 
Hoseok sets his handbag down on the desk and looms, drinking in the heat exchanged between them. Whereas Yoongi had the upper hand last time – pulling Hoseok near, slotting their lips together, and pressing him into the wall – this time, Hoseok intends on giving him zero control. 
"Tell me what you want from me," Hoseok says, placing his hands on the edges of the desk and leaning close enough to smell the sweetness of Yoongi's breath. 
Yoongi's eyes fall to Hoseok's lips, and he very subtly smiles, saying, "I still owe you a kiss."
"You want to kiss me?"
Yoongi's lips twitch faintly. "Yes."
"Is that all?" Hoseok asks, tilting his head to the side as if giving into the command but keeping the miniscule distance between them. 
"I want you, Hoseok." Yoongi's rich timbre is as deep and alluring as the ocean, and undoubtedly posing just as big of a threat. "Physically…in any way you will allow me to have you…I want you."
"If I let you have me," Hoseok says softly, annunciating every syllable with purpose, "I need at least a little communication. No fucking around with my feelings. Even without strings attached, I still have feelings, Yoongi."
Hoseok drops honorifics, wondering if Yoongi will care, and Yoongi just nods, eyes pleading. He seems genuine, but he has also seemed genuine in the past. 
Still, Hoseok cannot hold back any longer. He rolls his hips forward, connecting their bodies before he connects their lips, breathing in the slight gasp that tumbles from Yoongi's mouth into his the moment their lips touch. 
Yoongi sighs into the kiss, but Hoseok has no intention of going easy on him. He rolls his hips again, forcing Yoongi's thighs to spread further as he licks over his pretty lips and darts his tongue inside the small opening. 
It comes as somewhat of a surprise the way Yoongi seems to melt and become pliant, hands still gripping the desk and giving Hoseok access to do as he pleases, moaning softly but unabashedly. Hoseok lifts a hand and cards it roughly into Yoongi's product-slickened hair, taking no care to prevent the strands from tugging before grabbing a handful. 
With a gasp and a whimper, Yoongi's mouth falls further open, and Hoseok licks inside, darting his tongue around to taste and tease. He hums whenever their lips enclose one another, only for Yoongi to moan each time Hoseok forces him to open wide again.
Finally, Yoongi lifts his hands and grips Hoseok's hips, digging his fingertips and pulling him close. Hoseok rolls his hips again, picking up a slow but firm rhythm, connecting their clothed cocks somewhat haphazardly but with a promise to Yoongi of what could be his. 
"Hoseok," Yoongi gasps against his lips, causing them to tug into a smile.
"Yes, pretty Yoongi?"
"Please," he rasps, fingertips digging with more purpose, pulling Hoseok's hips close. 
"Please, what?"
With a needy sigh, Yoongi tips his head back as if gasping for air. His lips are kiss-slick, and Hoseok sucks the bottom one between his teeth, only releasing when Yoongi whimpers a high, broken sound. 
"What is it, Yoongi?" Hoseok asks firmly, rubbing the tips of their noses together. 
Yoongi heavy-blinks as if struggling to gather his thoughts. He lets out a breathy chuckle, and Hoseok wonders if it is some kind of nervous tick. 
"I don't know," he mutters, eyes searching Hoseok's face. "I want more, but I'm not sure how we should proceed."
There is a shred of vulnerability in Yoongi's expression, laced in Yoongi's voice, that Hoseok so desperately wants to exploit. 
He nibbles on his own bottom lip, backing up only enough to fully take in Yoongis's face. He wonders if it would be more exquisite to use his mouth to make Yoongi fall apart or have the other on his knees for him. 
"I have an idea," Hoseok offers, cocking his head to the side before lowering to a nearby brown leather armchair.
Yoongi watches as Hoseok settles and scoots the heavy chair closer, leaning forward to press his palms against Yoongi's hips through the semi-soft, white wool of his trouser shorts. Yoongi's lidded gaze darkens, and he reaches slowly to graze the backs of his knuckles along Hoseok's cheek before pressing his thumb against Hoseok's bottom lip and dragging it down. 
"Hoseok," Yoongi groans, taking a step forward to properly tower over him. "You have no idea how many times I have dreamed of having you like this."
Hoseok grins, nibbles on the tip of Yoongi's thumb, and opens his mouth to fully suck the digit between his lips when there is a loud knock on the door, followed by the handle rattling. 
Panic rises, and Hoseok sits tall in the leather chair before instinctively slumping back. He is able to use his feet to push it back a little, putting space between himself and the desk.
Yoongi is quick to take a step back, cross one leg over the other, and fold his arms over his chest. He leans against his desk a stoic statue of a man, with his erection hidden nicely by the way he stands. Although there are subtle signs of Yoongi's lips having just been used, and his hair is somewhat out of place on one side, his expression is flat and gives absolutely nothing away.
In hindsight, Hoseok probably should have locked the door. 
"Yoongi-ah," a breathy female voice calls, "I know you said our conversation was over, but I'm here to— oh."
Hoseok turns to find Seori standing with her arm outstretched, holding the office door wide open. She wears a red satin robe that falls just above her knees, and her nipples stand out beneath the thin fabric. 
"Oh!" she says again, eyes darting between Yoongi and Hoseok. "I'm so— I'm sorry. I had no idea you were busy."
"What do you want?" Yoongi asks, running a hand over the hair that had come untucked behind his ear, flattening it somewhat. 
Hoseok focuses his attention on his boss, impressed by how measured and blank Yoongi can become in an instant. Absolutely nothing gives away the heated exchange they shared only moments earlier, nor any hint of interest in the model. 
"Can I, uh…talk to you?" Seori asks. 
Yoongi gives a curt nod and steps away from the desk, arms falling limply at his sides. And despite the hushed way in which Seori speaks on the other end of the room, the sound travels just enough for Hoseok to detect. 
"Please, I just want—"
"I told you, we're finished. Please accept that."
"But Yoongi, I—"
Yoongi speaks low and soft, but loud enough that Hoseok questions whether he wants to be overheard. "Please don't ruin your career over a brief tryst. You are a fine model, and I would hate to lose you because you cannot take no for an answer."
Whatever the woman says next is too pitchy and distraught for Hoseok to make out. He feels awkward eavesdropping now, cursing himself once more for not locking the door. Yoongi's voice drops to an octave that is undetectable at this distance, and soon the office door is clicking shut. 
An exasperated sigh pulls Hoseok's attention, and he turns to find Yoongi standing with his face tipped to the ceiling, taking a deep breath. Really, Yoongi has no one to blame but himself for this mess, yet Hoseok finds he feels for the man. 
"Wanna get out of here?" he offers. 
Yoongi snaps his gaze to Hoseok, instantly relaxing. Hoseok stands from the chair and fully faces Yoongi, but does not approach, watching as the man studies his face, seeming to weigh his options. 
Then he nods and says, "Yeah. Let's go."
Hoseok smooths his hands down his shorts and gathers his handbag while Yoongi quickly crosses the room and shuts off his monitor. He does not touch Hoseok as they leave, and Hoseok gives him space to lock up and walk down the steps toward the exit. 
Across the room, Seori is on the phone, and she seems distressed. Hoseok glances at Yoongi, watching whether or not the man seems concerned, unsurprised when he does not. As they approach the door, within earshot of the model, Yoongi turns to Hoseok, expression as flat as can be, and begins to talk shop.
"So, as I said," he mutters just loud enough to be overheard, "once we have the greenlight from Dior, Seokjin and I will sit down with you to discuss what the next steps are. There is talk of another brand scouting you, but I think Seokjin should be the one to deliver the good news."
By the time Yoongi finishes his sentence, they are outside. The air is far cooler now that the sun is beginning to set, and Hoseok's shoulders rise instinctively as he shivers through an exhale. He wonders if what Yoongi just said about another brand scouting him is really true, or just something he made up on the fly.
Yoongi walks to the left, where his vehicle is parked on the curb, and Hoseok follows suit, slipping into the passenger seat as soon as the door is unlocked and making haste to buckle his seatbelt. No words are exchanged as Yoongi presses the ignition start button and drives off, and Hoseok sits back in the cool leather seat, accepting his fate. 
Despite his attempts at fortifying his heart, Hoseok acknowledges that a small part of him does wonder what it would be like to be the only object of Yoongi's affection. Beyond his money and status in the industry, he imagines what it would be like to receive consistent, uninhibited attention from a man like Yoongi. 
The ride remains silent until Yoongi pulls up to the curb outside his apartment, puts the car into park, and sits back with a heavy exhale. 
"Seok," he grumbles, pulling Hoseok's attention. He likes that the nickname has returned, and he does his best to ignore the way goosebumps break out over his skin. "Out of an abundance of transparency, I just want to state that I am not currently, uh, seeing anyone else."
Hoseok has no idea what to say, so instead he stares. Despite Yoongi's innate ability to keep his expressions measured and cool, there are small tells that give away his nervousness, like the way he slightly darts his tongue across his bottom lip, and how his eyes seem to focus in and out while he thinks. 
"Seori may seem like a current and constant nuisance, but she and I only hooked up once, months ago. I don't want to reduce her worth by calling it a drunken mistake, but that genuinely is all that the experience was. And, well, I don't want to point any blame, but it seems that your presence in the studio has caused her to ramp up her attempts at repeating what we did." 
Yoongi sighs, screwing up his face as if he is pained as he says, "The other day, when I was on my phone during the contract signing, I was attempting to assuage her anger with me giving you the cover, as well as inside ads."
"You were text-fighting with her all evening?" Hoseok asks with more of an edge to his voice than he intended, because, truth be told, he is a bit angry that Yoongi felt he couldn't just say something. 
"My reputation is somewhat exaggerated. I do not come onto every model I hire, but because I am not one to get caught in a dating scandal, rumors fly in favor of me appearing to be a fuckboy. I do occasionally give in to desire, and I am sure your friend Jeongguk has a story of his own…but it is never my intention to use people up and toss them aside."
"He told me the two of you were hooking up until Seori showed up and you dropped him like a sweet potato."
"So you alluded to, the other night." The edges of Yoongi's lips raise for the splittest of seconds, and then he sighs once more. "That was bad timing, at best. Jeongguk was fun to spend time with, but he was clingy and seemed to want a relationship, which I was not willing to provide."
"Clingy," Hoseok mutters, chuckling at the end of the word. 
"I don't necessarily mean it in a bad way."
Hoseok tongues the inside of his mouth, voice low as he says, "Well, he seems pretty hurt."
"It's not like I dropped Jeongguk abruptly. We spoke about it on several occasions, but I admit, he was a hard one to let go of. We had fun."
With a slow, heavy exhale, Hoseok mutters, "Alright, well…I'm still annoyed with you for ignoring me all night, and all weekend, and... You could have at least clued me in a little."
"I shouldn't be telling you this," Yoongi drops his voice lower, "but Seori was attempting to blackmail me. She thought threats of defamation would put me in her palm, and although I have immaculate legal counsel, the whole thing put me in a sour headspace. You are right that I should have said something to you."
Hoseok hums, taking the information in, unsure what to say. 
"I tell you all of this because I was thinking about the other night, at the sushi restaurant, just before your shoe happened to be tucked tight between my legs. You were asking whether I was kissing and spoiling any other models."
A shiver runs along Hoseok's spine at the memory, and he watches Yoongi's lips as he says, "I'm only spoiling you."
Hoseok wants to believe him. He thinks he really does believe him. But he is still determined to only give so much, and not allow himself to get too swept up in whatever Yoongi is trying to do. 
If Yoongi is so eager to insist they are exclusive, where does the line draw between fucking and dating? It is no wonder Jeongguk seemed to misunderstand their arrangement, and Hoseok worries he will end up in the same position.
"Okay," is all Hoseok says because his heart whooshes so loudly in his ears that it is hard to form a more coherent thought. 
"Seok," Yoongi mutters, formed like a question, "what's on your mind?"
"I want to go upstairs," Hoseok says somewhat robotically, eyes lingering on Yoongi's lips.
He watches as the tip of Yoongi's tongue darts out and wets his bottom lip, and he fights the overwhelming urge to lean forward and suck it between his teeth. 
"Alright," Yoongi says. "Let's go upstairs."
Hoseok forgets he is wearing a seatbelt as he reaches for the handle and attempts to get out of the vehicle, finding himself momentarily trapped and flustered. Once he is finally free, he joins Yoongi on the sidewalk, attempting to be as calm as possible as they make their way through the lobby to the elevator. 
Hoseok remembers Jeongguk saying Yoongi bent him over the couch in his studio, causing his stomach to tie in knots. He is not eager to have a repeated experience that his friend had. 
Thankfully, Yoongi seems to have other plans. He holds his key to the pad in the elevator and hits the number five. Hoseok stares at the round button glowing with a golden ring. 
He wonders how the apartment level differs from the studio level. How does Yoongi furnish his home? What kind of vibe is he into?
As the elevator dings, Hoseok sucks in a breath. He grips onto the straps of his handbag while the doors slide open, and Yoongi walks into the small hallway first, kicking out of his loafers and leaving them near tidy rows of shoes. Hoseok does the same and sets his handbag by his shoes while Yoongi enters the code to the door into the keypad.
For some inexplicable reason, the beeping sounds from the keypad seem louder than usual. Hoseok swallows thickly and licks his lips as Yoongi opens the door, switches on a dim overhead light, and shuffles into his home.
Hoseok is not at all surprised to find that everything is black and grey. The floors, the rugs, the walls, the furniture, are all black, with grey curtains and silver accents that add hints of lightness. 
The entire far wall is a window, allowing a gradient of light to pour in from the setting sun, and hanging from the high ceilings are rectangular light fixtures, from which dim golden light glows, illuminating the space nicely. 
From the marble floors, to the plush rugs and matte-finished woods, the textures are so rich and varied that everything appears to be its own shade of black, especially with the golden glow of the overhead lights. Plush, soft couches make a large u-shape in front of the massive window, and sprawled over black tables and shelves are books, various camera equipment, and file folders.
"Wow, so bright and colorful," Hoseok chides as Yoongi leads him to the right, toward the large open kitchen – the same placement as in the studio downstairs. 
"What can I say, I'm a man of simple tastes," Yoongi drawls over his shoulder. "Water?" he asks, tugging open the door of a massive black refrigerator. "Soju? Whiskey? Beer?"
Yoongi looks over his shoulder, illuminated by the bright white glow of his fridge. He has given Hoseok too many options, and he finds he cannot choose. 
"Water is fine," he mutters when Yoongi impatiently lifts his eyebrows. "Unless you want a little something to take the edge off."
Hoseok feels nervous – why does he feel nervous? His hands fidget in the wide sleeves of his hanbok top, and he finds his gaze wandering around the apartment, unable to stay in one place. Perhaps it is the conversation in the car that has caused the excitement from earlier to shift into nervous energy.
"I don't have an edge to take off," Yoongi responds. "Do you have an edge?" 
This kitchen is not as barren as the one in the studio. Yoongi appears to have every appliance known to man, all neatly in place along countertops and storage shelves. This place actually appears lived in and cared for, and Hoseok finds the enveloping darkness surprisingly calming. 
"No," he lies, realizing he had been stuck in his head. "No edge."
Yoongi chuckles and closes the fridge empty-handed, then he moves to the right, to where cabinets sit tall above a large sink, and he produces two shot glasses and a large glass. As he turns on the sink and switches on a filter that is attached to the faucet, he glances over his shoulder and nods to a nearby cabinet, saying, "You seem to have a slight edge. Pick your poison and we'll do a shot to loosen up."
To the right of the sink, above the countertop, is a cabinet with a glass window showcasing several bottles of whiskey. Hoseok finds a Japanese one with an inviting white and black label and pulls it out while Yoongi shuts off the sink and sets down a tall glass of water. 
"Nice pick," Yoongi says as he reaches for the bottle, uncorks the top, and pours two shots. 
Hoseok inches nice and close – close enough to smell the cologne Yoongi wears – and reaches for one of the shots. They clink the glasses together softly and shoot the liquid back, and although it is rich and smooth, the strength makes Hoseok wince, which in turn makes Yoongi chuckle.  
"It's good," Hoseok insists, feeling somewhat embarrassed despite having no reason to be. "Just strong."
"One more?" Yoongi asks, leaning close. "Or is your edge softened?"
"One more," Hoseok responds, tipping his chin upward in a challenge. "I wanna taste it on your tongue."
Yoongi snickers then pours two more shots, which they quickly drink back, and this time, Hoseok does not react as strongly to the earthy, semi-sweet flavor. This time, he picks up hints of caramel and enjoys the way it settles over him like a warm hug. 
Ordinarily, two shots are hardly enough to make Hoseok feel anything but warm and energized. But he only ate breakfast today, a realization that makes him feel somewhat foolish, all things considered, and the whiskey has a bit of an effect on him.
Hoseok feels light around the edges. Fuzzy tendrils of frenetic energy erupt from him like tiny solar flares ignited by Japanese whiskey and Yoongi's proximity. He places his hands against Yoongi's hips and turns him until his ass is against the counter, then he slides his hands to rest against the countertop, caging Yoongi in like he had in his office. 
"Kiss me," he whispers, elated as Yoongi obeys immediately, leaning close to lick over Hoseok's lips and then part his own.
Hoseok sucks Yoongi's bottom lip into his mouth, smiling as he whimpers. He licks over Yoongi's tongue, tasting remnants of heady caramel and something far sweeter and more personal. As if driven mad by the flavor, leans his body against Yoongi's to rut his hips forward. 
"Bed," Yoongi mutters against Hoseok, to which Hoseok nods without disconnecting their lips. He is not ready to stop tasting Yoongi just yet. He wants to commit the flavor to memory. 
Yoongi's hands find Hoseok's hips and grip tightly, working to both spur him on and calm him down. Hoseok parts the kiss with a heavy sigh and nods once more, resting his forehead against Yoongi's and allowing himself to return to earth. 
Then he reaches for the cold glass of tap water and takes a long, slow gulp, hips still pressed against Yoongi with a slight twist to them. He drinks half of the glass down then holds it for Yoongi to have, and takes a step back to give both of them a little space. 
Yoongi drinks then sets the glass aside, takes Hoseok's hand, and leads him through the apartment, past the large glass wall through which the sun sets into an inviting greyish blue with pink hues. The door straight ahead is open – the same place the door to Yoongi's studio can be found on the floor below – and Yoongi walks in and flips a switch that invites a soft purple glow.
Similar to the rest of the house, everything is shades of black, save for the bedding, curtains, and rugs which are forest green. Two of the walls are made of glass, allowing the light from the setting sun to pour in through sheer dark green curtains, and there is dark furniture throughout, but Hoseok's attention is on the bed – a wide mattress on a low black platform that is lifted inches from the floor, under which a purple light glows. 
"You can change the color if you'd like," Yoongi offers, speaking directly into Hoseok's ear and fanning warm breath against his cheek. 
Hoseok tugs Yoongi's hand toward the bed and says, "I bet purple would look nice against your skin," as they stop and face each other. 
Hoseok begins to yank open Yoongi's white blazer, which absorbs the light into a pretty lilac shade, and Yoongi chuckles and takes over, very delicately removing the item and handing it to Hoseok. 
"Leave it there," he instructs with a nod of his chin, and Hoseok turns to find a small armchair nearby, to the right of the bed, over which a black blazer rests. He drapes the new blazer beside the other and turns back to find Yoongi unbuttoning and untucking his white dress shirt. 
With each inch of skin that Yoongi reveals, Hoseok feels his heart begin to race. He shrugs quickly from his hanbok top, tossing it in a heap onto the armchair, then yanks his tank top over his head and chucks it aside.
When his fingers reach the button of his shorts, Yoongi's large, knobby fingers stop his movements, pulling his hands away. Hoseok looks up from his interrupted task to find Yoongi shirtless and sinking to his knees. 
"Let me do it," he insists.
Hoseok nods and swallows thickly, watching as Yoongi's knees are engulfed by a soft, dark green shag rug. Yoongi rubs his hands up Hoseok's thighs, causing a warmth to simmer in the pit of his tummy, and he breathes deep and slow, doing his best to maintain his composure. 
As Yoongi yanks at Hoseok's shorts, pulling them past his knees, he sits high and wafts his breath against his black briefs, warm then cool on his growing erection. With his gaze directed at Hoseok's eyes, Yoongi nudges his nose and lips against him, taking deep breaths as if savoring his musk, and Hoseok reaches one hand to grip Yoongi's product-slick hair and give his head a rough tug. 
Yoongi whimpers, and the sight of him on his knees, submissive and making such pretty sounds kicks Hoseok's need to tame him into overdrive. Yoongi reaches for Hoseok's waistband, but Hoseok shakes his head and says, "Hands at your sides."
With a gasp, Yoongi's eyes widen – pretty and endless depths of inviting brown. Hoseok tongues the inside of his cheek and grips Yoongi's hair a little rougher. 
"You have to earn it."
"Earn it?" Yoongi responds almost sardonically, and Hoseok yanks at his head just enough to make him whimper and sigh. 
"You heard me. Earn it."
"Please?" Yoongi tries, batting his long, dark lashes like a pretty little doll. 
"Please, what?"
"Please let me taste you."
"Only good boys get to suck my cock, pretty Yoongi," Hoseok responds in a mocking tone. Yoongi's pupils react to his words, and Hoseok snickers. "Are you going to be a good boy for me?"
"Yes, Seok," Yoongi practically moans. "I'll be a good boy for you."
"Not just tonight," Hoseok says, tipping his head to the side and peering down at Yoongi with squinted eyes. "You're going to be good to me for as long as we do whatever it is that we are doing. No more miscommunications. No more half-truths."
"I'll be good for you," Yoongi insists, eyes wide and pleading. 
"You're still my boss, so we will have to navigate that dynamic one day at a time," Hoseok continues, reaching his other hand to drag his thumb along Yoongi's bottom lip the way Yoongi did to him in his office. "As long as we are not at work, we are equals, and you will treat me as such."
"Yes, Seok," Yoongi mutters. 
Hoseok gives his hair a tug and grits, "Louder," through his teeth.
"I'll be good to you, Seok," Yoongi's voice switches from coy desperation to firm insistence, deepening as he says, "Please let me be so good to you."
Hoseok's head spins. He nods and releases Yoongi's hair, then drops his arms to his sides and says, "One thing I like about you is your quick wit and sharp tongue…and I'm sure that is not the extent of what that pretty mouth can do."
Yoongi grins, then lifts his hands to paw over Hoseok's cock and grab for his waistband. Arousal soars through Hoseok – lava in his veins – and he does his best to keep his composure, whimpering softly while he holds firm eye contact with Yoongi.
That is, until he pulls Hoseok's briefs down, and Yoongi's gaze falls to his freed cock. His eyes widen, and he licks his lips as he sits high on his knees and shuffles a little closer. With slow strokes, Yoongi makes Hoseok dizzy, dragging against his foreskin before pushing it down, revealing a flushed head and length. 
With a delicate flick of his bubblegum tongue, Yoongi laps up the precum that drips from Hoseok's tip, sending a shiver down his spine. Yoongi drags his lips over the tip and crown, gaze intently returning to Hoseok, teasing with feather-light touches. 
Hoseok smirks down at the man – eager to knock him off his pedestal a little – and asks, "How many other pretty models have you dropped to your knees so easily for?"
Yoongi's eyes widen, burning with something Hoseok struggles to discern, and a scoff comes from between his lips. He seems incensed but so terribly aroused. Hoseok grins. 
"That's what I thought," Hoseok grumbles bending as he grips Yoongi by the chin and tugs enough to make him sit even higher. He feels powerful and possessive. "This is all for me. Now, open." 
As soon as Yoongi's lips part, Hoseok spits into his mouth. Yoongi's eyes widen further, and he keeps his mouth open as if he is waiting for instruction. His submissive side has Hoseok simmering with desire. 
"You're so perfect, Yoongi," Hoseok praises just above a whisper. "So fucking perfect. Now put those pretty lips to good use."
Yoongi nods once – a shallow, quick movement – then wastes no time taking Hoseok's length deep into his throat. Hoseok feels Yoongi swallow and possibly begin to gag, but he is slow with the way he pulls back and sinks down, sucking with his lips tight around the tip each time, eliciting bursting waves of pleasure. 
"Fuck, Yoongi," Hoseok groans, reaching to grip his hair with his right hand. He cannot believe this is finally happening. "Your mouth feels amazing."
Yoongi hums and moans, increasing his speed but never seeming rushed, and Hoseok's head spins as his arousal builds and builds. It has been far too fucking long since he has had someone so pretty down on their knees, and the sight alone of Yoongi's doll lips wrapped around him while tears pool around his delicate, long eyelashes builds his pleasure too fast. 
"I won't last long," he whimpers. "Feels too good."
As if spurred on to push Hoseok over the edge, Yoongi swallows his cock deeper, holding it lodged in his throat until his face begins to redden and his eyes bulge. The sensation is exquisite, especially as Yoongi pulls back, mouth full of thick saliva, making the slide smooth as silk. 
And again, Yoongi sinks down as deep as he can and holds Hoseok there, gaze trained upward despite the way his eyelashes flicker. Hoseok reaches with his free hand and gives Yoongi's cheek a delicate slap, then lower to cradle Yoongi's throat and feel himself buried deep from the outside. 
"Holy fuck," he babbles, nodding. "Fuck, you drive me crazy, Yoongi. Such a good boy, perfect, perfect."
This time, when Yoongi pulls back, saliva pours from between his lips, and he uses both hands to stroke along Hoseok's length while he bobs his tightened lips just past the head, laving with his tongue. 
Hoseok is overstimulated in a way he has never experienced from a blowjob, and his resolve crumbles in an instant. 
"Gonna cum, fuck," Hoseok warns. "Can I cum in your mouth?"
Yoongi heavy-blinks and attempts to nod, lips and hands still working Hoseok over. Hoseok's entire body feels hot – set alight, threatening to combust. 
"Fuck, fuck," Hoseok whimpers, trembling from pleasure that teeters just on the edge of insanity. 
Yoongi stills his head, holding his mouth open and tongue flat while stroking Hoseok with both hands. The tip of his cock drags along Yoongi's pretty tongue, and with one more measured stroke, Hoseok releases, moaning and gasping, practically folding in half as his cum spurts in long ropes, painting Yoongi white. 
Although the strokes slow, they do not stop. Yoongi's large, soft hands milk him of every last drop until Hoseok is gripping Yoongi's shoulders and he is begging him to have mercy. 
"Fuck, Yoongi," he gasps, lowering to his knees, no longer able to hold himself up.
Yoongi's tongue continues to lay flat, cum and drool dripping down his chin, and Hoseok sits high and spits once more into his mouth before commanding him to, "Swallow."
Hoseok watches intently as Yoongi closes his lips and swallows his cum, then his hands are on him, lazily gripping at his throat and neck. He feels drunk with power and desire – feels ready to allow the blaze inside him to swallow both of them whole. 
"On the bed," Hoseok commands.
Yoongi's face is flushed and covered in a sheen of sweat, his once-style hair is fucked up and sticking out on the sides, and his lips are pretty kiss-swollen petals. He breathes slow and deep as he nods, eyelashes fluttering as if he too is coming down from a high. 
Rather than stand, Yoongi turns haphazardly on his knees, gets onto his hands, and crawls. His white trouser shorts hug his plump round ass, swaying with each movement like a beacon of pleasure, and Hoseok crawls behind him, eyes never leaving his prize until they must – until Yoongi climbs up the platform bed and turns, sitting with his feet planted on the floor. 
Hoseok crawls to Yoongi's shins, then sits high on his knees and uses his palms to spread his thighs. He licks his lips and reaches for Yoongi's button and zipper, but Yoongi grips Hoseok by the wrists and yanks. 
"Come here, Seok."
Nodding, still feeling somewhat delirious, Hoseok gets up onto his feet just enough to crash down onto the low bed, caging Yoongi's legs as the man chuckles and crawls backward to the center of the mattress.
"I have an idea," Yoongi promises, rotating to scoot until his shoulders are against the dark headboard. He pats his legs and says, "Come here," while he hastily shoves his shorts and briefs down, and his voice is rougher than usual, no doubt from deepthroating.
For the first time since all of this has started, Hoseok gets a good look at Yoongi. His complexion is soft and supple against the dark bedding, and his body is a gorgeous blend of thin and muscular – similar to Hoseok, yet different. His shoulders are wide, his hands are large, yet he is knobby and slightly lanky, small against the large bed. Breathtaking.
The hair at the base of Yoongi's hard, leaking cock is trimmed low – an inviting patch of black against lilac-tinted skin. Hoseok leans close to kiss along Yoongi's hip and breathes in his musky-sweet scent, but before he can tease, Yoongi has both hands on Hoseok's cheeks and jaw, tugging him upward.
Hoseok lifts and wiggles beside Yoongi, who has slithered down into a lying position. "Kiss me," he groans, still pulling Hoseok by the face, forcing him to crash down against him, licking against his lips. 
As Hoseok settles onto his side, Yoongi drapes a leg around Hoseok's hips and rolls their bodies together. Already, Hoseok's cock is becoming erect, and with each roll of Yoongi's hips, he feels hypnotized. 
"Fuck, Yoongi," Hoseok groans, sinking low against Yoongi's chest to leave marks with his lips and teeth that will be hidden under clothing tomorrow. "You don't know what you do to me."
Yoongi lifts his hand to Hoseok's lips and rasps, "Spit," and Hoseok obeys, gathering saliva under his tongue only to trickle it into his palm. Then Yoongi reaches between them, engulfs both cocks in his warm grip, and thrusts. 
"Oh, shit," Hoseok whimpers in tandem with a deep, needy groan from Yoongi. 
Hoseok spits hastily into his own hand and reaches to engulf them further, then he sets a rhythm with his hips, pushing when Yoongi pulls and pulling when Yoongi pushes. Pleasure grips Hoseok tight, threatening to drag him into the hot, inviting depths of hell, and Hoseok whimpers as he leans into Yoongi, sucking his lips between his teeth. 
The kiss is a sloppy gnash of teeth and tongues with nobody in control. Yoongi seems to be losing his composure quickly, and the more he moans and trembles against Hoseok, the more persistently Hoseok strokes their dicks. 
Their rhythm is hypnotizing – a dance between two bodies so fluid and perfect, Hoseok has a lingering thought that perhaps the two of them were meant for each other. Their connection feels so intense, it scares the shit out of him.
"Seok," Yoongi whimpers, lower lip caught in Hoseok's teeth. "Close. So close. "Gonna—"
"In my mouth," Hoseok insists, releasing his hold on their cocks and haphazardly sliding down the length of Yoongi's body.
He is quick to sink Yoongi deep into his throat, wasting no time sucking as if his life depends on it. Yoongi stays on his side and grips onto Hoseok's hair, hips trusting, never losing their dizzying rhythm. 
Hoseok can feel Yoongi pulsate against his lips and he swallows him deep, moaning and humming around him until Yoongi's hips tremble and he shoots his load straight into Hoseok's throat. Yoongi's voice is pitchy and broken, his body quakes with bliss, and Hoseok breathes through his nose, doing his best to swallow each drop without his gag reflex interfering.
Suddenly exhausted, Hoseok releases Yoongi's spent cock, gasping for air. It is messy the way Yoongi attempts to pull Hoseok's lips back to his, body bent in half while Hoseok stretches and strains until he finally finds the strength to crawl up to him and kiss him properly. 
"Seok," Yoongi gasps against his lips, eyes wide and filling Hoseok's vision. "You're incredible. Nobody…" he pants, "nobody has ever made me feel this way."
Honeyed words taste bitter against Hoseok's tongue as he considers all the different times Yoongi must have used that line before. How many models did he sink his claws into similarly, only to drop without a care in the world? What is worse is that Hoseok almost believes him.
Yoongi holds Hoseok in place against him, lips lazily dragging, eager to kiss despite losing the strength to move. Hoseok's mouth moves on instinct alone, erection long forgotten to the brewing storm inside his head.
"Nap," Yoongi grumbles, body falling limp and relaxed around him. "Then food."
"Okay," Hoseok whispers as he reaches for the soft comforter on which they lay, folding it over them rather than bothering to attempt to crawl beneath it. 
Yoongi smiles, drifting to sleep, and Hoseok leaves soft pecks against the tip of his nose and the apple of his cheek, eager to kiss and kiss and kiss. He wants to commit this moment to memory in the event that this is the last time. 
As Yoongi's body becomes heavy as lead, lost to the firm grasp of sleep, Hoseok waits for him to lightly begin to snore. He waits, laying on his side and tracing each shape of Yoongi's beautiful face, shoulders, and chest with his eyes. 
He waits and he waits until Yoongi rolls onto his back, limbs slipping away from Hoseok's nude body. And then he waits just a beat longer before he slowly, silently slips out from beneath the comforter, collects his clothing, and tiptoes into the living room. 
It is still early in the night, and Hoseok stares out the window at the city below the hill, at the river in the distance, at the cars that drive by. He slips into his clothing, tiptoes to the front door, gathers his handbag and shoes, and, in the elevator, calls for a cab.
Over and over, Yoongi's voice plays in Hoseok's head. Nobody has ever made me feel this way. 
Over and over, his pretty, tearful eyes and soft, kissable lips sear into Hoseok's mind, taking up permanent residence, threatening to drive him mad. Hoseok stares at his reflection in the elevator doors, unsure how he is supposed to feel. 
He got it out of his system. He successfully fucked with the pretty man with the reputation for using people, and he slipped away in the night, giving him a taste of his own medicine. 
But he does not feel satisfied. It is as if vines have snaked their way into his chest cavity and they squeeze, threatening to puncture his lungs with their thorns and steal his air. 
He feels defeated. Deflated. He has accomplished his goal, yet he does not feel victorious. 
Nobody has ever made me feel this way. 
Those pretty words spoken in that raspy voice taunt him over and over, and Hoseok walks out into the chill night feeling emptier than before.  
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one more chapter left!!! and don't worry, these two idiots will have a happy ending, okay. i just have to drag you through the angst mud a little more because it's funnnn. 😍😍😍 apparently i can only focus on one bestie at a time, so i will do my best to bring Taehyung into the spotlight in chapter 4!
also i feel like it is silly to have described Yoongi living in an all black and grey space with my whole entire chest, but this is what i had in mind:
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tag list: @codeinebelle @dasexydevitt13 @fluffybuns69 @giriiboyy @idkjustlovingbts @itsmina29 @mgthecat @moonleeai @m1sss1mp @spookyminyunki 📸 want to be added to this tag list for part 4? or the list for all of my member x member fics?? or everything i post??? or maybe this fic isn’t for you and you want to be removed???? comment or dm! i will make your dreams a reality.
Showstopper is copyright theharrowing 2022 - 2024. no translations or reposting allowed!
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sunnysunsins · 6 months
Since recently everything here has been taken over by dipshits who lack media literacy, i will come back here to say - RWBY is a good show. It is good. It has good story and good writing and good characters. Does it have stumbles and limitations? Of course, like everything else ever created. Is it the real reason yall are dedicating your lives to religiously following and picking apart every detail to find something, anything, to hate on and make it your whole personality? Nah.
Yall are just pissy your hc wasn't canon. And i'm only half-joking.
Yall are just stuck in the expectation of "cute girls in school fighting monsters and baddies", which it hasn't been for almost a decade. Let Beacon fucking die already, it was the most boring part of the story anyway. If you like it so much, watch.. idk, high guardian spice. Or maybe my hero academia, it has godawful writing too with your favorite Adam-like and Ironwood-like archetypes you adore so much.
And if you didn't click off already in hissy rage, and want to challenge me on the writing point:
Yall are complaining about pacing, characterization lacking, skipped development, insert some other reason, how "show went to shit after volume 3". Well, newsflash, look back at volume 1. REALLY look at it, without your nostalgia boner.
How, in what actually can fit into 3.5 full-length episodes, it skips a whole semester with only a few moments shown in like 3-8 minutes. Notice how Ruby and Pyrrha interacted like 2 times in 3 volumes total. Ruby and Penny? Yeah, they barely interacted too. Ren hasn't talked to rwby girls at all aside from ensemble scenes.
Too many characters in later volumes? Honey, 1-3 had SO many pointless grunts and you ate them up. The whole Vytal festival was filled with them.
Can you tell me the plot of volume 2 from the top of your head? Yeah, me neither. If i think maybe i can remember there was a mecha fight, a dance and a train, but beyond that what was the point of that entire volume again?
Your favorite, pedestalled, volume 3, most of which is fighty-fighty filler and the only stuff you actually remember when jizzing your pants about it is last 3 episodes.
Most character interactions and development happened after Beacon arc. Most actual plot and bigger story happened after it too. Yall are stuck circlejerking to *filler*, setup, which only purpose was to show the status quo to later destroy it and start to show the real picture.
Do you know why v4 and 5 feel so empty and missing something? Sure, juggling multiple plots gave it's pacing issues too, but it felt empty because there were no side characters to fill out the world and make it feel alive. V5 cast was so tiny it felt like nobody interacted at all. Because there were none of those "extras" yall hate on so much. The extras make the world feel real. Which is why Atlas feels alive when Mistral wasn't.
The most complaints about later volumes are chucked down to lack of media literacy and nuanced reading of situations and characters. Translated for your easier understanding: the writing was too nuanced for your "cute girls go fighty fighty brrr" brain to comprehend. Sometimes things require you to put the situation into character perspectives. Sometimes their decisions are made under stress + personality + influence of events and interactions. But i guess yall don't want to think, yall just want to watch "girl go brrr killy killy monster"
I can continue writing down all these other points, but i'm hungry and should get up so i won't. Bottom text: RWBY is a good show with good story and good writing and good characters. It has struggles and fumbles like every other piece of media. But for some reason, because it's indie, it's held to a much higher standard and everyone feels entitled to pick apart every detail of it to make themselves feel justified for feeling sad over their dead headcanons, even though they'd never do the same picking for big production popular series with much *much* worse writing than even the worst of RWBY's fumbles.
If you made it this far and are a member of rwde, congratulations, you still have a reasonable bone or few. Most others i guess clicked off at first point and blocked me after sending me some kinda death threat, idk, i haven't posted this yet after all.
So yeah, feel free to leave your takes and death threats below, i'll happily discuss further later
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whothehellisoli · 8 months
ok, alastor thought/theory dump:
i think HIS magic is the green. i see why it could by the color of his deal but the chain he had on husk was green and based off valentino and angel it’s safe to assume the chain color is the overlords. i think all green magic is his.
however when his eyes go all radio dial creepy they turn black, which, in my opinion, shows his soul isn’t his when he’s using his powers, similar to how angel only has one black eye because valentino only owns his soul in the studio.
it’s honestly a confusing mix, when he uses his powers his soul isn’t his, but they are HIS powers. so i think it’s most likely he sold his soul to make it easier to gain power on his own. he’s not stupid, if he got power through a deal the deal maker now has an element of control over his power. so he cuts corners, and with the help of presumably lilith, becomes more and more powerful.
if the deal was the source of his power he wouldn’t say that getting out of it will let him “pull the strings.” he wouldn’t even WANT out of it, his only motivation that we are certain of atm is power and control, and yes his deal takes his control but if it gives him his power losing that would take BOTH.
i think a crucial bit of information were missing is when did this deal happen and how does husk know. (and why didn’t alastor kill him but that’s vaguely explainable)
was it when he first got down? young and dumb and selling his soul, which would explain how he made such a big splash so quick? or was it seven years ago? gaining power at the expense of leaving hell with lilith to do god knows what?
i think it’s far more likely to have been when he first got to hell, and lilith was able to exercise her control over him to get him to leave with her. obviously his place in the hotel isn’t because he’s bored, that’s been made clear several times. so why?
it’s possible it’s part of his deal with lilith but she’s still such a mystery i don’t think it’s safe to say anything about her. alastor said in ep 7 that charlie was powerful, being on her side was a good bet, and he could mold her. based on that and his presumably genuine interest in everyone, i think he’s choosing to be there. it’s chess, moves and counter moves, etc. he stays at the hotel and he isn’t lying when he calls it his latest project. he’s just lying about why. he saw naive charlie on tv and knew she would welcome him in, hence his evil little grin. that’s HIS choice, not liliths.
now, for his monologue in the tower. i’m going to be working off the idea everything in the song was an intentional decision and not made for the sake of sounding good.
“this place reeks of death, there’s a chill in the air” that seems like filler, painting the scenery, but i don’t think so. i think it’s meant to show he cares about the hotel and the people in it. he can physically FEEL the tragedy affecting him. he might not be as distraught about it as someone else, but he does care.
“i barley escaped being KILLED by a hair” he put emphasis of killed while singing, that’s the key take away. he almost died. he’s coming to terms with the limit of his power and it’s driving him insane. and i think it’s important to note that… he kinda, didn’t? almost die? his microphone broke (which does show power far greater that him) and he got thrown against the wall. that’s hardly enough to kill someone. he’s been untouchable most if not all of his time in hell, so this fight was a brutal reminder he IS vulnerable. he told adam he though he was tougher than him. tougher that the first ever soul and someone only lucifer was able to take down. his ego definitely got killed but i think this line shows he’s never really processed the idea of losing.
“‘alastor altruist died for his friends’” if you watch with captions you can see that line is in quotation marks. someone else is saying that, meaning he thinks the general perception of what happened will be that his reason for almost dying is to save the people in the hotel. but that’s just the words, next step is his facial expression. his eyes are wide and darting around, he’s gripping his face, he’s TERRIFIED. love is a weakness, he’s not just feeling weak (which IS part of why he’s spiraling), he’s being perceived as weak, which is so much worse. he’s losing his control and needs it back, leading to:
“sorry to disappoint, that is not how this ends.” there’s a couple things with this line. the Vs and other overlords will be disappointed because he’s not dead and his “friends” (his word, not mine, but i think it fits) will be disappointed he’s not willing to die for them like they maybe assumed he did. “not how this ends” is obvious, he didn’t die, so his rein didn’t end. but pulling back to his desperation in this scene, he’s angry, his latest power grab isn’t working out, but it will.
“i’m hungry for freedom like never before, the constraints of my deal surely have a back door ” again with the desperation, the fear, not sure if mania is the right word but it’s what comes to mind. he’s scrambling. but at the same time, how did his deal almost make him die?? he wants out of it, hence why i said i doubt it gives him his powers, so it must in some way limit his powers? but why would he make a deal that hinders him? again, this is why i think when he first got to hell he sold his soul to make it easier to gain his own power. but in some way his power isn’t HIS. it still is on a leash.
“once i figure out how to unclip my wings, guess who will be pulling all the strings” is showing us how he is still very VERY much power driven, and will stop at nothing to get control. he may be bound now, but in season two i think we’re gonna see a lot of him trying various means to break deals. i doubt he will be the big boss at the end of the season, but he’s playing his own game, and he is CRACKING. he’ll be violent, have an even quicker temper, charlie is going to try to help him but he’ll refuse. his mouth is sewn shut, so he can’t say WHY he’s so upset, but everyone will know something is wrong.
good GOD that was long
TLDR: “i think when he first got to hell he sold his soul to make it easier to gain his own power. but in some way his power isn’t HIS. it still is on a leash.”
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spopsalt · 8 months
Going into detail about EVERYTHING I hate about spop
This was the winner of the poll! Keep in mind these are in no particular order! I hope you enjoy it! This VERY long post so be warned!
The representation it's so bad, a lot of it is just stereotypes. Bow being the black best friend, Mermista being the sassy black woman, Catra being the angry Hispanic woman, and the only autistic character being put ON A LEASH!? The only non-binary character being a fucking LIZARD!?
Catradora. It is awful. It is so bad. It's so romantized despite being in a KID'S SHOW! That's what I hate most about it. Little kids will see this and believe this is how they should treat the person they love, or this is how someone who loves them treats them. It's just bad. Really bad.
How they ignore everyone's trauma. Some characters have some really interesting trauma that could be explored, but they just get ignored for abusive catgirl! Seriously, some of the trauma could be legitimentally interest, like Micah, how did he feel about not being able to say goodbye to his wife? About being in beast island for years? Haha no you idiots, he has no trauma! He's just a goofy dad haha! How about Glimmer who also didn't get to say goodbye to her mom, who sacrificed herself so everyone else can live? Who was crushing under the pressure of being queen! Who had everyone around her ignore her mom's death? Who got manipulated by Shadow Weaver when she was vulnerable? Haha! No, she has no trauma! Angella, always feels a lingering guilt about her husband, who believes her husband is dead. Haha! Nope! No trauma! (I used three examples but there is so much more)
Seahawk. That's it.
The way they treat war, they've treated it as a joke, a game, and a backdrop, they don't show how it affects people, we couldn't of gotten to see citizens stories of how their lives were affected? Nope!
The amount of filler. White Out and Mermesteries, have no point other than being annoying filler, they don't have any meaning to the plot, and to make it worse they just drag on and on.
The wasted potential. This is so annoying. It has so much potential, if it was given to competent writers, it could've been so good, maybe even a masterpiece, but it's just so...bad.
The "jokes" I'm being nice by calling them jokes. They are more like awkward moments that beg you to laugh. Haha Kyle, a poor innocent kid gets bullied for the 35455467568th time please laugh! Haha! Bow's voice cracks for the 967986786897th time! Laugh again!
Seamista, Mermista looks like a teenager, and Seahawk looks like he's an adult. Mermista clearly doesn't like Seahawk, Seahawk just kept invading her boundaries and eventually, they got together. Seriously what the fuck?
Worldbuilding, it is so bad at it. We never see any citizens or get a feel for how the world looks, the only difference is cosmetic
Catra's redemption arc. Just in general. it was so rushed.
The needless ships in season 5, they are so rushed and have no purpose to the plot.
The princesses are so boring and one note, for them being the title, they don't do much.
The character arcs, or lack thereof, the ones we do get are boring and one note.
The pacing is just so bad, it's either too slow or too fast.
Season 5. It's self explanatory.
That's about all I could think of at the moment! Let me know what you think!
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mahou-furbies · 8 months
My Precure season ranking is here again! Series within tiers are in the order I watched them.
Top tier
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Go! Princess Precure - Great characters and a particularly lovable heroine, handles its dream theme well and the princess motifs support it and give the show a memorable and consistent visual look.
Star Twinkle Precure - Mostly great characters, the message is a bit muddy but the space theme holds up well and traveling to other planets gives a nice chance of pace.
Tropical Rouge! Precure - A lot less ambitious than the other two, but has excellent characters and was just a lot of fun for what it was. Has the single best episode in the franchise.
Ok tier
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Kira Kira Precure A La Mode - I like the character designs and the main theme is consistent, plus sweets visuals always earns some points from me. Not particularly interesting characters though.
Fresh Precure! - Alright characters plus Setsuna has a great character arc and the story doesn’t do anything offensively stupid, but also doesn’t particularly stand out, introduces a major theme out of nowhere at the end and the colours are really ugly.
Futari wa Precure Max Heart - Slow as molasses and Nagisa and Honoka don’t have a lot to do, but Hikari’s story was unexpectedly good and also unique for the franchise.
Smile Precure! - Fun characters and surprisingly enjoyable "filler" episodes, but not enough substance for top tier.
Futari wa Precure Splash Star - A memorable theme and a great villain side. Main duo is ok but not particularly well developed.
Hirogaru Sky Precure! - I really want to like this because 4/5 of the cast is so good, the character designs are excellent and the ending is great but the story is just so nothing. And Ellee baby form detracts from every scene she's in.
Mid tier
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Healin’ Good Precure - Nodoka’s story is one of the best in the entire franchise, however I found pretty much everything else about it boring, and find it has the dullest character dynamics and Asumi is to be the blandest Cure overall.
Futari wa Precure - Nice chemistry with the main duo and a main heroine who feels fresh at this point, but is otherwise kind of generic and especially the second half was pretty weak.
Mahou Tsukai Precure! - Ha-chan is great but otherwise felt pretty plodding, really weak villains.
(lower tiers under readmore)
Meh tier
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Delicious Party Precure - Memorable theme but otherwise doesn’t have much that stands out about it. Has disjointed plot elements and I didn’t particularly care for any of the characters.
Yes! Precure 5 - No glaring issues (aside from the fact I don't like Nozomi) but also no particular highlights either, kind of meh all around. Has some nice character dynamics.
Bottom tier
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Happiness Charge Precure! - Hime is lovely and the concept of the International Precure is great, but I also find half of the main Cures awful and in the end the show is a directionless mess that doesn’t do anything with any of its unique ideas.
Doki Doki! Precure - Great Cure designs and props for trying with the lore, but the show is far too busy making everything about how amazing Mana is, which consumes everything else.
Yes! Precure 5 GoGo - Unnecessary sequel with a generic story and doesn't really add anything worthwhile to the Cures' character arcs.
Kibou no Chikara: Otona Precure '23 - The stuff on the Cures' adult lives was good but a letdown on all other fronts. Nostalgia pandering without properly delivering. And no new Cure forms!
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crimsoncosmic · 3 months
The Eight Episode Formula: Binge Watching, Filler Complaints, Streaming TV Services & The Consequences
Does anyone else remember how there used to be a certain point in time where TV shows used to have at least 23 episodes per season and each episode was about a maximum of 45 minutes long? Where each episode would be released weekly and everybody would talk about it the next day? If you ask me, that was the golden age of TV in my opinion. The seasons had plot lines, character arcs and development and occasionally, a good filler episode to give us a break from the main serialized plot point.
Unfortunately, a lot of new shows are lacking these same things, and I think it’s not just a downgrade in writing or quality in general, but I think it’s got something to do with the new formula shows use by dropping 8 episodes per season, each of which being an hour long, which majorly damaged the pacing and the overall writing of the show.
Now, it’s worth noting that this formula could work for some series, depends on the type of show it is. But, most producers aren’t considering this aspect and trying to apply this formula to every series possible, which is making TV shows more boring to watch, as now, TV has become a lot less enjoyable.
While it’s not exactly easy for many to put their finger on why this is the case, I have a few possible suggestions as to how this formula makes shows less enjoyable to watch.
Disclaimer: This is a matter of personal opinion and is not intended to attack any specific people. This is only centered around criticism.
1. Binge Watching
The first thing that I think of when it comes to this topic is the influence of binge-watching. Now, I understand some shows are better off being binge watched within the span of a few hours. But, that can only apply to so many shows. A show like Avatar: The Last Airbender isn’t meant to be watched and finished in one day. It’s not written for that sort of formula. But, nowadays, shows are all trying make their shows binge-able that can be finished within a day. And, it’s not really making shows more enjoyable.
For one, the writing itself is rushed. Even if the episodes are an hour long, it still feels like there’s too much being crammed into one episode more often than not. There’s not much time to develop characters or do any world building because they’re too focused on working on the main plot. There’s little to no subplots, no character arcs, no side quests, just this one plot point that’s the only purpose of the entire story. There’s no underlying theme or anything, which I guess is fine, but if the story has little to nothing else going for it besides a singular plot line that they rush through, than what’s the point?
Now after you binge watch a show, you don’t feel the same way you would when you would binge to catch up on the most recent weekly episodes you had missed of a show you liked. Now, it’s just over with and that’s that. The story barely sticks and half the to, you probably can’t even remember what it’s about because it rushed through everything and there was too much to take in.
Because they’re trying to make shows to be binge-watched rather than just watched at a normal rate, they’re not working on actually making a story worth watching or caring about. They’re just making a quick cash-grab that will have its fifteen minutes of fame before everyone forgets about it.
Which is another reason why binge-watching has an effect on shows, mainly their ability to continue them. When everyone binge watches a show, everyone has seen it all and its popularity is short lived. They don’t try to keep the audience invested. When they made weekly episodes, it increased the interest because everyone would wait to see it, and then they’d be intrigued to get to the next episode when it airs. Its fame lasts longer when everyone would be exposed to the same amount of content at the same time and they’d all be on the same page to talk about it. Now, everyone talks about it for at least a month or two and then it dies down. So, even if they did make a second season, it wouldn’t get as much viewers because nobody was anticipating it or even cared about it.
So, it was almost as if it was all in vain.
2. Streaming Services
Arguably streaming services and the binge watching thing go hand in hand, since it’s streaming services who mainly advise this formula. With streaming services, there’s no wait, since all of the episodes are dropped at the same time. So, naturally, they get binge-watched. But, that’s mainly the thing that Im referencing in their context. When I mention streaming services, I’m focusing more on their lack for care of shows.
Along with binge watching leading to the fast fashion of shows where they only trend for a few weeks but then eventually become irrelevant and everyone moves onto the next trending show, it also causes streaming services to not care for their shows anymore. A lot of times, streaming service have a habit a canceling shows that made a lot of money and earned a lot views, that would gain even more had there been a second season. But, due to their tendency to rather follow trends as a cash grab than actually continuing a pre-established enjoyable show with a wide audience, they cancel it.
And, it’s a shame, since they usually cancel shows that are genuinely good, with good stories and good characters and a lot of potential. Only because it doesn’t fit what’s currently trending. These streaming services seem to care more about what they think the people want than what they’d actually prefer. They don’t treat these forms of media as art pieces (even though they are) they treat them like products to sell.
And as I mentioned before, there are some shows that were originally intended to have a minimum of 15-20 episodes. But, due to them being produced by streaming service companies (Netflix for example), they’re forced to cut it down to the 8 episodes format, which ends up causing writers and actors to make adjustments to their pre-planned work, which leads to more working, it also makes it difficult for them to write it properly since the show might be cancelled after the first season. They try to get in as much as they can as possible out of fear that they might not get a chance to continue the story and even if they did, they won’t be allowed to do it the way they originally planned to. And it often ends in the writing becoming a bit sloppy.
So, in the end, there’s no benefit to it. Their work has been ruined compared to what it was originally supposed to be and it’s most likely going to be cancelled, so the struggle would be all for nothing.
3. Filler Episodes Complaints
Okay; This one might be a little obscure, but I felt as if it was worth referencing. When shows actually were making the 20 episode seasons, there was a common complaint. At least 1/3 of those episodes were filler episodes or episodes that didn’t dwell on the main serialized plot point. They just served as little breakaways from the intensity of the main storyline. And, people hated that.
There was a never-ending hatred for filler episodes, as many believed they didn’t serve any purpose in the story and that they were useless. So, instead of just skipping filler episodes, the more reasonable thing to do, they instead advocated for shows to stop doing filler episodes as a whole. Only have episodes that center around the main plot, since filler served little to no purpose in the quality of the story.
Except, now that there’s a severe lack in filler episodes, in fact, they practically don’t do filler episodes anymore, it becomes more apparent just how important they were. When watching shows now, it’s more common to find it hard to care about any of the relationships or the characters or anything. Now, a lot of shows feel hollow, incomplete. Practically unfinished.
There’s no character development, no backstory, no arcs, no world building, none of those things despite them being key factors to making a good story. And, that’s when it became obvious as to why filler episodes are important.
Filler episodes give the writers time to flesh out the characters and show other sides of them that we don’t get to see during the main episodes. It shows us how the characters are when they’re actually in a normal situation, and gives us insight to their personalities. Filler episodes could also be used to flesh out characters backstories as well and could be used to give characters more development.
They also allow for little side quests and subplots, that allow for more world building. Filler episodes could give writers a chance to explore the world outside of the main plot, and main characters. It gives us a chance to fully indulge in the world and fall in love with it. Develop an attachment to it, so vital moments within the story are much more impactful.
Filler episodes helped further develop worlds and characters as a whole. But, due to people complaining about filler episodes, since they wanted to only focus on the main plot, studios have decided to eliminate them altogether, making the shows shorter. And the effects became obvious within the writing.
Filler could contribute to the writing just as much as other episodes. They make the audience develop an attachment.
The 8 Episode Per Season TV Format has become a repeated pattern amongst newer shows now, and it’s having an effect on the quality and enjoyability of shows.
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magnorious · 8 months
Hazbin Hotel is the Perfect Musical for People Who Hate Musicals
*Spoiler Free!*
I watched this on recommendation and the pitch was “the cast is filled with Broadway performers, also there’s an aro/ace and he’s amazing”. Broadway is never an enticing detail for me.
I heard the name “Hazbin Hotel” and assumed the plot would be about “has-been” performers staying at the hotel trying to regain relevance through a series of convoluted musical numbers and big dance numbers and boy, was I completely wrong.
Charlie, Lucifer’s daughter, is attempting to redeem souls in Hell so they get a second chance at going to Heaven to save them from extermination by the forces of Heaven, because Hell is becoming overcrowded with sinners. She created the “Hazbin Hotel” as sinner rehab to save her friends.
The show reminds me a lot of Phineas and Ferb in that every single episode features a song and dance, in a show about kids living up their summer vacation building wild and wacky inventions while a pharmacist battles his arch-nemesis platypus in the B-plot. That the show is at all a “musical” is just icing on the cake — not the entire cake.
I might not like Broadway, but I respect it for the art form that it is, and still this show didn’t feel “Broadway”. The songs were explicitly not-meta, no huge cabaret dance and chorus, and except for one single track, no song felt mis-matched to the images on screen (Carmilla’s power ballad felt a little over the top, if great independently).
And, like Phineas and Ferb, everything was so sincere that it went so far into ridiculous and came out the other side wildly entertaining. There was not a single boring character, a single dull voice acting performance, a single scene where I lost interest.
This show is hysterical if you don’t like comedies either, because the dialogue is so fast-paced and witty, throwing insults and slinging dry humor in blink-and-you’ll-miss-it moments. I have to watch it again just to pause and catch all the background details.
And speaking of details! This show is also a perfect example of why animation is not inferior to live action. It’s so refreshingly un-Disney in its character design and so far removed from attempting to ground its animation. I did have trouble at first distinguishing characters from background elements because their silhouettes are so zany, but that faded fast. Arcane and Spiderverse are beautiful achievements in animation, but this is a cartoon through and through.
Every single character (except Adam, his minion angel, and the English Vee demon) are adorable and every silhouette is unique. For a show that’s four hours long, every major character gets the chance to shine and they pack a ton of characters into four hours. Every single character is sincere in who and what they are, fully marinated in this wacky world that would crumble if any one performance didn’t embrace the craziness.
And among the performances, every time they cursed and sang about wildly inappropriate content, I pictured posh Broadway performers in the recording studio having the time of their lives in a role they could never put on stage in front of mass audiences and it was hilarious.
The main cast is also fantastic. Main character – Charlie – could so easily have gone from endearing to annoying with her optimism but she rides that line perfectly. Characters might find her annoying and her rank as the Devil’s daughter is her shield, but no one who calls her their friend makes fun of her behind her back. They know she cares, and they care about her.
Four hours isn’t enough time for plot contrivances and the show knows it. Anyone else would draw out the “liar revealed” plot line for drama and filler fodder for an entire episode and Hazbin doesn’t. Another show would have the double-agent act do more damage and not get them discovered immediately. Another show would draw out a heroic sacrifice with rousing violins and horns and slow motion — not Hazbin.
The rest of the main cast – Vaggie, Alastor, Nifty, Husker, Angel, Sir Pentious — have incredibly strong personalities in the time they were given to shine and even the side characters aren’t lost in the shuffle. I think Alastor is most everyone’s favorite and he’s mine as well. I liked that, as I said above, he genuinely cares about something he probably shouldn’t with the success of Charlie’s hotel. He’s plotting and scheming in the background but he’s not a liar or a pretender and everyone is aware of those plots and schemes. A lesser show would have made him a shrewd villain. I was rooting for everyone to escape their lots in life and succeed almost the moment they appeared on screen, endeared to the entire main cast in seconds because this is a group of friends that are genuinely friends.
The show is Amazon’s, and with that comes permission for all manner of foul language and mature content and it does get dark but never gratuitously dark like Amazon’s Invincible or The Boys. There’s a very polite and considerate content warning for depictions of assault and while I guessed the character it happened to, I expected a lot worse given the platform I watched it on. It didn’t need to be violent or graphic to get the point across, so kudos for respectful restraint.
Lastly, the musical numbers themselves. I grew up watching the Disney Renaissance movies and I have seen productions of Broadway shows. It’s the culture that bothers me, not the performances. So I never anticipated hating the songs and, save for one sung by a random minor character in Heaven, every single track was a banger with incredible variety. The lines are sharp and witty (and take full advantage of being rated 16+) and insanely catchy.
I already feel late to the party with this review and the season just wrapped up. For anyone else who either looked at the title, or the art style, or heard “it’s a musical” and kept scrolling, Hazbin Hotel will surprise you at every turn with its refreshing sincerity, incredible animation, and endearing characters you can’t wait to see more of in season 2.
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literaila · 11 months
hi v! first just wanted to say that i’m absolutely obsessed with your fics. i especially love the way you write banter and dialogue between characters. it all feels very natural and unforced. that being said, i’m trying my own hand as writing but seeing as i’m not great at conversing irl, im having trouble with dialogue. i was wondering if you had any tips? especially for scenes when two people meet for the first time?? anything you have to offer would be so appreciated! love love love you and hope your week has been going well so far!!
- 🎾 (if this emoji isn’t taken yet :D)
ah, welcome to my talk-show where i give advice that probably won’t help!
okay, so, for my dialogue i spend lots of time just talking to myself, and (specifically for peter) i usually put in the stupidest option i can think of. when i can’t figure something out i joke about it, and find an idea in that. sometimes i even put in the jokes cause they’re funny to me. it helps when it’s less serious—i struggle writing serious things, even though i used to write primarily angst.
(if you go back and read my old fics—don’t, i’m warning you—you’ll notice that all the dialogue is pretty stiff. you honestly do just learn by doing, but no one wants to hear that)
i, luckily, think only in words so i just run through what sounds most natural to me—sometimes when i’m reading other things, very well written things from wonderful authors, i’ll catch a line that doesn’t seem very natural to me, but for someone else it might. so take everything i say with a grain of salt.
for introduction scenes your characters are typically going to be more awkward, even if one or both is usually fairly charismatic. because it’s awkward to meet new people. so i add in more filler words (um, uh, well, and, etc.) than necessary because people also talk like that. if i’ve got one charismatic character then i usually make them tell a terrible joke.
also writing about what your characters are doing while they’re talking is helpful, because it helps give the reader an idea of how they’re saying things. also breaking up the dialogue too. body language is its own form is speaking.
and the classic tip of not writing all of your dialogue in the same structure. boring, i know.
but! don’t fret, because you’re your own toughest critic, and while i don’t like some of the things i write, there’s usually someone who does. so someone will like yours too (probably me)
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Okay so my thoughts on Go Rush’s most recent arc
The first Yugioh arc I got to watch as it was coming out (only two episodes of it were out when I fully caught up on the show), a pretty momentous occasion for me that I’ve been looking forward to for quite a while.
The arc is also Go Rush’s equivalent of WRGP.
Was it as bad as that? I guess not, it was far shorter and I enjoyed a greater ratio of it than I did of WRGP, where apart from the mildly good Team Taiyo, and okay final duel, I was either completely bored out of my mind or filled with rage the entire time. This arc of Go Rush meanwhile, of the thirteen episodes it gave us, I fully enjoyed... five. And thought two (the finale) were okay while everything else ranged from boring to awful. Characters were butchered, the story took directions I couldn’t get invested in, and the amount of Sevens fan service was more excessive and distracting than it ever has been in this show before.
It wasn’t so bad that I’m quitting the show, I do feel like they can recover from this lackluster arc. 5Ds recovered from the far longer WRGP arc after all so maybe Go Rush can have its equivalent of Ark Cradle soon. I hope it can.
The first three episodes of their arc were a strong start that showed a lot of promise, the initial premise was really enticing and interesting. I also liked the Yuhi vs Tremolo duel, and Tremolo as a character overall. His scenes even in the lesser episodes were enjoyable, he seems like a fun character despite his shotty introduction and I hope we learn more about him and Phaser as the show goes forward.
The episode where they raid MIK headquarters, despite its fumblings, was also pretty good and pretty much the last time I had fun with this arc. I did think the final duel between Yudias and Phaser was okay (Phaser being a dragon alien was cool but man did his humanoid dragon form look weird as shit), but it would’ve been a lot more enjoyable if nearly everything between the MIK raid and that duel didn’t range from boring to downright awful. The treatment of Manabu’s character and shafting of his potential arc this season was frustrating, as was Zwijo being... way too different after what happened last season. He and Phaser both feel like they changed too much in such a short amount of time to the point where I can’t really believe they’re genuine.
I also couldn’t stand the overabundance of Sevens fan service this arc. I love Sevens but having two episodes in this cat world that accomplished nothing for the overall story, or really even the characters, brought the pacing to a screeching halt. It felt like filler, filler that wasn’t funny or charming. It just felt like the creators of this show were shaking the audience and going “HEY REMEMBER SEVENS?! YOU SHOULD WATCH SEVENS SO YOU CAN UNDERSTAND THIS SCENE! SEVENS IS REQUIRED VIEWING FOR GO RUSH NOW SO SUCK ON THAT, DICK NIPS.”
And that’s obnoxious, as someone who does like Sevens, so if anything, I feel bad for the people who didn’t see or like Sevens but were enjoying Go Rush only to be bombarded by so much sudden Sevens continuity and fan service that didn’t even provide anything new for Sevens fans. For me, as a Sevens fan, the episode where they travel to Sevens time felt like it was just there to remind me of a better show I could’ve been watching instead.
Go Rush has its own identity out of Sevens and a unique charm to it despite being a sequel and before THAT episode, it could be enjoyed without having seen Sevens. I’m gonna use GX as an example, I know I do that way too much but both GX and Go Rush are sequel shows that shifts the focus to different characters than its predecessor so I think it’s a fair comparison.
In GX, no DM character was a major player in the plot like Yuga is in Go Rush and while GX had DM fan service here and there for sure, the fan service was never so bad it took away from or overshadowed the new characters. Sure, Judai duelled Yugi in the final duel but that was at the very end of the show, like a fun extra, and it still tied into Judai’s character arc first and foremost. GX knew to keep the focus on its new characters and themes and as a result, despite being a sequel, it felt like a completely distinct experience from DM and even surpassed that show for me.
Every time Yuga is onscreen in Go Rush though, it just makes me realise how much more I care about him than any of the new Go Rush episodes because time that should’ve been used to develop those characters was instead used to remind us of the old characters.
So overall, Go Rush needs to shape up and shape up fast. I want to enjoy this show, and have enjoyed it in the past, so please. Go Rush, be Go Rush, don’t be Sevens Pt 2: Convoluted Time Travel BS Boogaloo.
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Okay I finally finished Good Omens 2 (S2) and here is what I think of it
So Let’s Talk about Good Omens 2
First off, I have to give a round of applause to you Tumblr. There’s no doubt in my mind S2 was inspired by this site’s carnal desire for angst and that our local cryptid, Neil took that into consideration when writing S2. So for all of the people broken and depressed over the ending, the only people you have to blame is yourselves.
Neil served what the fans wanted, what this site wanted. What you wanted.
Am I upset with how it played out? No…but the journey to the big reveal at the end had its highs and lows. The main thing that I didn’t like is that they saved all the answers for the final episode, and I do mean ALL the answers to the questions that came up in episode one. Although, the plot twists were good.
Anything unexpected that came out of the plot was just…good. I’m not going to list them all here to prevent spoilers, but the unexpected was never a letdown. Any unexpected joke made me laugh my ass off.
Like, who the hell was gonna expect Jon Hamm to just wiggle his butt like a lost puppy at the camera? The answer is no one.
I just noticed the gigantic fucking clue to the plot twist was that when Jim first met Crowley he was wearing that blanket like he did in the statue.
And it wasn’t until the end with Nina and Maggie that they were supposed to be a parallel to Az and Crowley that we will ‘wait and see’ what happens and that ‘no one should play a hand on how they live their lives’. The same could be said for what happened to Job. His entire life was ruined over a bet between God and Satan.
The low points of the series I definitely thought were the excessive human cast who kind of…were there? We really didn’t need to spend as much time on them as we did. Disclaimer: no I’m not saying this as an anti-LGBTQA+ statement, I’m saying this as a perspective from the plot. And that ‘seamstress’ joke was just…it wasn’t funny.
Overall, episodes 2-5.5 felt like filler and only episodes 1, the second half of 5, and 6 felt like it was building structure to the plot. Everything else in between was mostly filler. Nothing wrong with it, but when a lot of nothing goes on that doesn’t really add up to some threads being tied together is quite bland and boring when a manhunt for the Archangel Gabriel is how you begin the premise for the season. The Nazi Zombies? Never come up again and are still alive roaming the Earth for all we know.
But hey, any moment where Jon Hamm was doing absolutely nothing and being funny was an absolute delight.
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I AM DISAPPOINTED BECAUSE I WAS NOT QUENCHED IN THE GABRIEL STRIPPING SCENE YOU MAKE ME ANGRY NEIL! (I’m kidding although…if there’s an deleted scene…can you like…share? 👀👀👀 Once the strike’s over of course) Let’s be real if they showed Jon Hamm stripping the show would turn into ‘Good Gabriels’.
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Like no one is talking about this and it makes me sad
I also want to figure out what the significance of Muriel having The Crow Road by Iain Banks at the end of the series and what it is supposed to represent.
I hope Shax gets some more development.
And Aziraphale and Crowley? I’m already calling it now because my deductions are never wrong, but by the end of it all they will ineffably out on Alpha Centauri enjoying each other’s company. Alpha Centauri has been referenced too many times to not be a staple plot point.
The ending didn’t really feel like an end. It was more of an intermission or Third Act Breakup.
So when Good Omens 3 comes up with the Rapture and Second Coming I really hope they just call this man up to play Jesus.
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It would be hilarious that we expect Jesus to be this humbled carpenter who is all wise from Nazareth but after years upon years he just became some chill broski from Florida.
Overall, it was an enjoyable fun time. Upon giving out my thoughts, it’s ineffable that this is Part 1 of 2 seasons (at least). More than likely S3 was in the works, but the strike happened and put everything on hold. For now.
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incesthemes · 7 months
final thoughts: supernatural season 10
wow holy shit that sure was a season. i'm not actually sure how i feel about it???? aside from the obvious brainrot it's given me and also the mental illness. idk i'll put down my thoughts and maybe by then i'll figure out how i feel.
for starters, this might rival seasons 6 and 7 for the "fewest amount of episodes i enjoyed" award. specifically, i liked 1-4, 8, 12, and 18-22. the finale... i'm unsure about currently. i'll have to think about that and come back to it in a few paragraphs. so 11 of 23 episodes is... whew. this season was rough for me for sure.
overall the balancing of the A plots with the B plots felt rather juvenile, even though the overarching plotling felt so much more present than it has since like, basically kripke era. it felt like for the most part, episodes started with a topical conversation between sam and dean, then they went off and worked a case that was hand-crafted to parallel the seasonal arc, and finally at the end they sat in the impala and discussed the lessons they learned today. feels more like kids programming than the TV-MA rating suggests, lol.
but see that's the thing, right? like i said, the seasonal plot felt so present compared to past seasons. everything was tied in together, nothing felt really out of place, it all circled back to the big picture of the season. for a post-kripke season, that's pretty damn awesome and a much needed relief. i've gotten used to half-baked filler episodes that hardly relate to the story at all and feel hamfisted in because they don't know what else to do, so it does feel nice that the plot was actually relevant, always an undercurrent to every episode and informing the characters' actions.
i just... well, i probably feel this way because of the poor pacing of the story. i mean don't get me wrong, i didn't necessarily love the A plots of those episodes either (for the most part), but like i mentioned in a previous post, i just don't think it's handled well. it's a GREAT concept but the execution is lacking in so many places between season 9 and 10. the dearth of serious developments throughout most of the season dampened the urgency of the plot, the lack of consistency in the mark's effects made it hard to predict where the show was leading, and the empty promises bored me. they're all absolutely terrible ingredients for a tense plot, so even though the plot was relevant in all these episodes, it felt stagnant and barren. there's really only so many times sam can fret about "dean getting worse" without dean actually, tangibly getting worse before i have to roll my eyes.
at the same time, a lot of those episodes i didn't like had some AMAZING dialogues and scenes in them. i know i've been raving about the parallels and mirroring between season 8 and seasons 9-10, but these seasons really are phenomenal at painting a Big Picture. they know what they want and how they want to do it; they just seem to really struggle with the details. dean confessing in a church to mirror sam confessing in sacrifice? sam lying to dean about burning the book of the damned to save him to mirror dean lying to sam about gadreel possessing him? sam getting charlie killed because of those lies to mirror how dean got kevin killed because of his lies? sam comparing himself to claire in order to highlight how he's abandoned his desire for independence? these are all really impressive story beats that on a higher level serve to contain these three seasons in some kind of sick brotherfucking ouroboros that's like, a narrative metaphor for how wrapped up in each other they are. they spin in circles around each other like binary stars, repeating each other's mistakes, throwing everyone else in their lives away, clinging to each other with a toxic ferocity and devotion that should kill them, that does kill them so many times, that ruins their lives and leaves them broken and bloody and alone except for each other. and still the story spins and spins and spins and never stops, because they never stop because they're insane. it's deranged. they're deranged.
i don't understand how there can be such a clear, amazing vision that's fucked up so spectacularly on an episodic level. i guess because i'm so used to seeing the opposite: the details are great, but the big picture is messy and unsatisfying. supernatural continues to defy logic, and it's utterly fascinating to me.
anyway i said i'd come back to the finale so here i am. i know cain foreshadowed the whole "dean will kill sam" thing in the executioner's song, but i really... don't think there was much substance to that to warrant the sudden development. sam continued to be, throughout both season 9 and season 10, pretty much the only person dean didn't nearly kill—and quite the opposite, since sam was the only one capable of placating dean when he had the first blade in his hand. sam functioned more as a grounding presence for dean, so the textual dialogue between the characters and the visual reality of it all just did not match up. and so when dean brought sam to him to kill him, it didn't really make any sense at all.
also frankly, the conversation between death and them wasn't all that convincing either: death claims with such self-assurance that sam would go to the ends of the earth to save dean at any cost, but sam and dean have both individually proven that they're capable of, well, not doing that. dean went to lisa after swan song, sam found amelia after survival of the fittest. and if sam is meant to be a mirror of dean in this season, then it stands to reason that, if sam made a promise to dean to move on (like dean promised sam in swan song), then sam would have made good on the promise. yes, sam is psychotic about his brother, but there's not only precedent for sam "moving on" (loose definition), but it would have been narratively cohesive to finish off the role reversal, if dean really had been sent into fucking outer space (lol). again: the textual dialogue does not match with the visual reality here.
so why did sam have to die? because, of course, they needed the cain and abel parallels. but they just... set it up so poorly, and they fumbled the mirroring, and in the end it felt weird and cheap. sure, bringing sam there to explain the circumstances and threatening him on pain of death if he interfered was totally warranted (sam is psychotic about his brother), but when he gave up? why would he need to follow through? there's a poor foundation for it, so the development felt very contrived and poorly executed. which is unfortunate, because i was looking forward to the fratricide. what's even more unfortunate is that this would have been such an easy fix. just make dean more aggressive toward sam. like deadass just have them fight more, have dean get uncharacteristically angry with him (though the thing at charlie's cremation was a nice touch), have dean actually visibly contemplate fratricide, yknow. something that isn't "oh my baby brother is the only person who keeps me sane" followed immediately by "i'm going to kill him." if you're going to have a prophecy, you need to commit to it!!! i'm just saying!!!
and now that i've written all that out, i think thaaaat's why sam's emotional speech at the end felt so cheap. there was no real reason for him to be in that position in the first place, and there was no support for the weight it was being given. honestly a shame, because i think the speech itself was very good and emotional; it just did not hit without the buildup to it.
and then not to beat a dead horse, but everything i said before was proven TRUE in the very next moment: dean killed death to save sam, because sam is his rock and his reason for living and he could never hurt sam, past present or future. like i said! dean really was a negative threat to sam this entire season!! sam was the only person who could even influence him positively!!! cas tried to do what sam so consistently did and dean beat him to a fucking pulp!!!! the tension was NOT there because dean is weak to sam; there was never any other option, or even a hint of it.
i suppose all that answers my question... i don't think i liked the finale, no. which is honestly surprising, because i think supernatural generally goes very hardcore with its finales. this might be the first one i've disliked? maybe? or no, i don't think i liked the season 7 finale either to be honest. but season 7 is season 7 so like. it is what it is.
i don't know. this season was bizarre, and there were a lot of moments that made me so, so much worse than i thought possible—like i thought the season 9 finale made me bad, but then they just kept going and good lord. i will not get over this role reversal plot any time soon. the concept was amazing, and i appreciate the level of commitment the writers had to this development. the mediocre execution really dragged things out longer than i feel they should have though, and as you can see i have plenty of criticism. it has so much charm though, and it finishes off the three-season wombo combo in what was meant to be a satisfying way—like i see what they were trying to do i just think they failed at it. so it's definitely no season 6, that's for sure. the vision was its redeeming feature, and GOD what a vision it was. i adore what they were trying to do with seasons 8-10 so i really can't dislike it yknow. because holy shit!!!
anyway i guess that's all. which means it's time for my detox, and after that i'll officially be in Late Season Supernatural, finally. i can't wait to see where that'll take me (i'm looking respectfully at red meat). i'm also watching season 1 with a friend, which is a delight because jesus christ this show has such an incredible foundation. if i get a chance between that and reading fanfic, i think i'll watch sharp objects finally, since it's short and sweet (not actually sweet, from what i can tell). so that'll be fun :)
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lovecolibri · 2 years
"It's like eating rice cakes" that description is soooo accurate and has me on the floor lmao 6A IS indeed dry af I can literally visualize the styrofoam taste lmaoooo
It's just sooooo lacking in substance. And it's really extra frustrating because the set up for some delicious and deep moments were like, RIGHT there! Even in s5 we had things like the perfect set up for Eddie having to listen to his firefam be in danger and unable to help, and Buck having some deep conversations with Bobby about Eddie and reinforcing their father/son bond. So then, when Bobby was in danger, the emotional beat with someone like Chim or Eddie telling Buck to relax because Bobby was going to be okay would actually land and would have given Bobby something to do as well. But s6 had SUCH potential with the blimp crash, with Buck being allowed to make a choice for himself instead of just having to react after someone else makes the choices, with Bobby having things about Wendall all season leading up to 6x09, with Madney's love story coming back together and healing ON SCREEN, with Buck/Bobby having that father/son dynamic back, with Buck's storyline being intertwined and influenced by Chris and Eddie's/Henren and Denny's/Madney and Jee's (for serious SO many opportunities), with the Eddie and Chim dynamic, with the Chim getting abducted while Maddie listened to that and then Buck putting himself in danger to save him, just....it's all RIGHT THERE. The emotional beats are so big it takes WORK for the show to completely miss them so hard.
This is why I'm always tagging things asking Tim to come back. Completely outside of the Buddie of it all, he was SO good at telling stories, bringing multiple plotlines together and having multiple plots for different characters running at once, not dragging things out more than needed, and just a general cohesiveness to everything, especially in regards to the emergencies helping push existing arcs along instead of just feeling like filler to take up time. He was also REALLY good at pacing and emotional balance between dramatics and fun as well as making sure that the characters, storylines, and emergencies/victimes were treated with respect and with heart.
We know for a fact that Tim was the one making Kristen include those intimate conversations so they happened on screen and those moments really held a lot of the heart and depth of the show. It's become really clear with 6a how badly those are missing now that there isn't the excuse of main characters being missing.
Take out the depth and heart of the show, and it looses what made it special, what made it stand out from other shows, and what made it resonate with such a wide audience. The fact that every social media has seen people mentioning the show feeling off/boring/filler/not the same really says that it's not just a handful of Buddie fans being needlessly picky. I know casual viewers and evey they are telling me they're bored and miss how the show used to be. And it's pretty clear where the issue is coming from because WHEN the cast gets their moments to shine they are still knocking those moments out of the park.
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smoglitch · 1 year
well, this is it. i’ve just finished watching all 39 episodes of rgu. ill put my impressions under the cut
so. in the end, i dont have much to say. the reason why being: i dont really care. at all.
saying ive watched everything feels like an overstatement since i did get distracted while watching rgu. i got bored. because if you get rid of the stock animation, repeating scenes, and what feels like pointless filler, you’ll be left with... um. well, not much.
look, ill be honest i only ever really cared about juri. the scene were her necklace broke made me feel physically ill. it was heartbreaking. her voice acting was perfect too. i’ve got no complaints. i just wish this series was about juri at this point. this show didnt deserve her.
i dont know if it’s me being dense but nothing else in this show made me think or feel any emotions. i dont hate rgu, i dont think it’s bad and i dont think i could call it bland. but i dont care. thats it
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sunshinechay · 1 year
I wouldn’t be surprised if the major issue with saifah gets resolved in the same episode but then what else are they gonna show? If it’s a bunch of filler then it would be a let down for me. I want them to spend alittle more time on the sailom escorting plot and sailom’s feelings about his own poverty and his background. But the show seems more interested in Kanghan’s rich boy problems with his dad, which has been boring to me. And doesn’t absolve him of his violence/nastiness in the first two episodes.
I do agree that I think most of Saifah’s plot may get resolved within an episode or two but I think that might be more because Saifah has kept Sailom in the dark about most of it. I think Sailom is going to find out late in the game and be left holding the bag which I think will lead back to the escorting plot line.
I don’t think that’s over, not by a long shot. I think the reason it feels like it’s gotten left behind is because Sailom likely feels like he’s left it behind. He has Kang’s tutoring as a steady source of income so he doesn’t need to escorting to make ends meet and pay off the debt collectors. If everything with Saifah truly blows up, I think it’s what is most likely going to force Sailom back into it. He will be solely responsible for paying the debt and thus has to make money in order to do that. Especially if the reason Saifah gets arrested has to do with Kang’s family, which I think is most likely to happen. If this happens, it’s very likely that that is when all of Sailom’s feelings about his situation will come back up.
As for Kang, I do agree that so far, the show hasn’t done much to absolve him and I’m honestly not sure if it means it’s going to come back later or if it’s just truly moved on (which I agree will be disappointing if the latter). I really like Kang, specifically because so much about him doesn’t make sense and I feel like it has to do with his family and his youth and just how much of it we don’t know but I understand that this just isn’t people’s cup of tea because the “poor little rich boy” trope truly has been done to death. I think it’s just the focus for now so we as an audience can get invested in their dynamic and their love story. Kang is a mess of contradictions that don’t always make sense so I do agree with you there. He needs to work harder to make up for what he did to Sailom and others. I think that’s what he is trying to do with offering Sailom a job and a place to stay, especially because it’s clear Kang hasn’t figured out his feelings for Sailom when he offers it. He just knows he doesn’t want Sailom to be in danger and if Sailom is living at home and working as an escort, then he is in danger.
This show has definitely made some stumbles, I definitely agree about that, but I really do think the show’s third act will bring back up Sailom’s poverty and his need and determination to provide for himself as a means to an end and I really don’t think Kang is going to take it well. Mostly because I think a lot of Kang’s issues do stem from his family and father and the belief that he had nothing to offer, which is another reason I think it’s important they focus on it right now. Kang had already proven to be extremely loyal, if also someone with a massive temper and self worth issues.
It’s definitely doing to be interesting to me and I hope that they do it in a way that will be narratively satisfying for both the show and the audience. We’re all on this ride and hopefully it’s get us somewhere that we all enjoy. :)
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