#everything hurts and I’m exhausted
curiosity-killed · 9 months
Shoutout to my friend who watched me go from “I feel like I’m going to throw up” to “I think I’m going to have an anxiety attack” to actively hyperventilating on the floor in the space of 1 (one) minute and somehow responded effectively.
Significantly less of a shoutout to my body for APPARENTLY having the exact same physical cues for both “going to pass out from low blood sugar/dehydration” and an anxiety attack
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livelaughlobotomyxx · 8 months
today was busy and crazy and anxiety inducing. but i got my hayden hug (sort of). things were disorganized and they got super behind so things were rushed. they said no hugs, but i have him a little side hug and a back rub and he did the same 🥰 i told him i liked his empire jacket and he got a big smile on his face and said “thank you!”. also went to the panel he had with ewan, so i’ll have to post some highlights from that when i have time it was great. all in all a really fun day
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fourthapprentice · 11 months
some people want friendships but only the benefits of one. they want the company, the entertainment, the attention, etc. but don’t want to put in the “emotional labor” / effort of actually BEING a friend to someone
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justmossyaps · 17 days
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I can’t remember when I stopped caring , when it stopped feeling so intense and personal. I can’t remember when it stopped making me so angry at everything and only enraged at myself, when I stopped trying to say no, when I stopped trying to find ways out, when I stopped fighting for the grieving child inside me,when it all turned too repetitive to change, I don’t remember when exactly I stopped caring about dying in this house., I’m just tired, ready to die somewhere, and I don’t care where anymore.
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thecampbellclub · 3 months
i need some drunk sad hughie on the edge of the gun after robins death for morale boost
#hughie campbell#he would be standing there in a haze holding her arms#for hours because he won’t let anyone take them#he won’t say what happened because he can’t comprehend it#his favorite hero as a kid just killed his future wife and his mind is shattered#the ambulance is called for hughie and his father comes#hugh is the only one who can get through to his son#but even then#hughie won’t let go of her arms until his dad physically tears them from his hands#and hughie collapses and his dad scoops him up#they take him to the hospital but he’s clealyy in severe shock#so he’s not speaking at all besides small whispers and sobs that are intelligible#when hugh takes him home he just wants to go to bed but hugh is concerned hughie may hurt himself#which isn’t incorrect#he leaves the door open and in the middle of the night sort of comes to#and he can’t handle it#he can feel her blood under his fingernails#even though they’d practically scrubbed him clean at the hospital#so he raids the liquor cabinet#like he’s a child sneaking booze from his parents#his dad finds him the next morning still hammered beyond belief and sick over a bowl he dragged from the kitchen cabinets#hugh isn’t sure how to help so he just sits by his son and rubs his back as he’s sick#because what are you meant to do when that happens to your son?#hughie clings onto his dad and scream sobs until he finally finally begins to feel the claws of exhaustion weighing on him#he sleeps on the sofa for the forserable future because everything reminds him of her#and hugh feels safer knowing hughie is in eyesight and not behind a door in the hallway where it’s less obvious to know if hughie is safe#hugh takes to sleeping in the love seat by the sofa to keep an eye on him#hughie knows what he’s doing and appreciates it but he can’t help but feel like a burden#i’m gonna perhaps write this
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rosicheeks · 5 months
To anyone who messages me - I’m sorry. Im sorry I suck at replying 99% of the time. I’m sorry I don’t have the mental capacity to hold a conversation. I’m sorry if you see me active on here reblogging and answering asks but I still haven’t replied to your message. I’m sorry I want to talk to you but I get overwhelmed by the smallest things.
I really really really hope you never think I’m purposely ignoring you or trying to hurt you in any way. I hope you can understand that I’m truly trying my best.
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adxmanial · 1 month
#having a time again#I fucking hate rsd#I hate just feeling the overwhelming urge to go scorched earth and abandon everyone and everything I’ve ever known#I thought I had it under control and it got triggered again recently#and it leaves me fucking exhausted and regretting all my life decisions in the end#hate fucking relapsing#hate being unable to read people’s minds#being built fucking Wrong#and having people hate me for reasons I’m not even Aware of because I can’t pick up on it and no one just fucking Talks#no one just Says when they’re bothered they let it fester and then it’s My fault#I didn’t Completely burn this bridge yet but god I am staring at it with a lighter and gasoline in hand#all that’s stopping me is that what I’m about to burn meant and still does mean a lot to me but#I can’t keep fucking doing this#it always ends like this#it never fucking changes and I don’t know why I bother I should stay in my little hole Alone where no one can hurt me#and I can’t accidentally hurt anyone else#idk man#having a fucking time#and maybe I shouldn’t even be Talking about it here#becuase who cares it’s social media#but if I don’t spill my guts Somewhere then I’ll fucking explode and cut ties with Everyone in my life at a trigger’s notice#and I need to pour this out somewhere Else#so I Don’t do something I know is Bad#in a moment of fucking rsd anxiety panic attack#lays down under my rock and dies#becomes a mushroom#if I’m a mushroom I’ll have no more problems#the mushroom hive mind will understand me and I will understand the mushroom hive mind
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fuzzyspiderpawz · 6 months
I just saw TWRP live last night
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I will never be the same I have transcended space and time
also I got this signed Starlight Brigade poster
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lilyflxwers · 6 months
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threnodians · 1 month
i am having a very bad brain day today and i desperately need to stop being depressed and miserable and exhausted somebody please send help to pull me out of the trenches 🥲
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eepymonstrr · 4 months
ya boy is still cooking and is about to fucking fall over
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I feel like someone ran a truck through my body and then ran me over with the same truck while being lit on fire on a completely unrelated note can someone please come shoot me in the head.
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just-rogi · 3 months
#I’ve been so fucking frustrated these past few weeks between insurance not covering my meds and having to jump through hoops to get my#injections and shit#but god ive been having crazy joint issues the past two weeks#yesterday I literally couldn’t get out of bed#I can’t sleep doing laundry is exhausting#I’m taking the max amount of ibuprofen my doctor prescribed and it’s not doing anything#it just hurts all the time#the weather is finally nice and I can’t do anything but lay in bed with the lights off#I had an event I had been planning for for MONTHS for pride#and at one point I had to stop and lock myself in my friends car for a half hour#just to cry because my hips and knees hurt so badly#I couldn’t even enjoy the after party because I just wanted to get home and lay down#I’m so frustrated not being able to do anything#I just want to get some relief from this shit and my meds can take up to 12 weeks to work#they were prescribed eight weeks ago but insurance denied them#because apparently they always deny immune suppressants the first time around and then approve of them to save money#I wouldn’t be in pain right now If my insurance just approved my meds in May#I can’t fucking adjust to this I was a competitive dancer I’m twenty two I don’t understand any of this#the last time I was at the rheumatologists after getting my injections I held the door for an older woman who also had arthritis#and I was all shaken up over my appointment and she was so nice but was in a lot of pain and when I said#‘I understand I’m sorry’ she just looked at me so genuinely sad and said ‘but you are so young?’ YEAH I am too young for this#I’m just so tired and so angry all the time and I’m sick of everything hurting when I’m trying to sleep#my best friend is traveling at
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hetchiew · 11 months
I keep sneezing hard enough that not only does my congestion get knocked free, but my nose starts bleeding,
And then a few minutes later my congestion will come back strong enough that it stops the bleeding,
And then I sneeze again and the cycle repeats🙄
This has been happening all day and I’m really starting to not feel well😫
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singlethread · 4 months
Like I’m paying a 100,000 dollars to work more than forty hours a week and not have weekends most the time and I’m too fucking chronically ill for this
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