#everything surrounding those characters is so sad. how can you hate them
llegato · 10 months
god i hate tobirama fans.
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221bshrlocked · 1 year
i remember...
Pairings: Captain Rex x afab! Jedi Reader
Words: 8579
Warnings: Angst with a happy ending. Mutual Pining. Some mention of blood loss but it’s not graphic. Love Confessions due to anesthesia-like fluids. I make up some random stuff about bacta so just ignore that bit please. Sad Rex. Heated Make-Out Session. Oral (female receiving). Squirting. Oversensitivity. Biting. Slight Dirty Talk. Penetrative, Unprotected Sex (wrap the shlong before you king kong my dudes). Breeding Kink. Creampie. Rex being a gentleman after sex. 
Summary: “You’re s-safe, thank the Force.” His hold on you tightens when you hiss in pain, but you never once turn away from him, wanting to commit every moment to memory. If you survive this, you are sure you will never come this close to him again. But if you die, oh, if you die, then you would have spent your last seconds showing him how much he means to you. 
A/N: This is for @imarvelatthestars​ who is also taking part in the @cloneficgiftexchange​. I hope you enjoy this and I can’t wait for you to read the two other fics as well. Also, hi it’s nice to meet you :) This was originally going to be just fluff but my hands slipped and they went all the way so I hope you don’t mind. P.S. This is the first time I write for our dear Captain so I hope I got his character down correctly. If not, please let me know how I can write him better. As always, reblogs are appreciated. 
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It was becoming unbearable, mustering up the courage to fight every day in a war that meant absolutely nothing, that held no benefits for anyone except for those in political standings. The feeling of dread only worsened in the past few months, almost as soon as you were added to the 501st as another General. Count Dooku’s thirst for blood has increased, and you had this fear that it wasn’t only him. No, there was something much bigger playing at hand. 
Perhaps someone even. 
Shaking the dreadful thoughts aside, you scan the grounds quickly to see if any of your men were still alive. As you walk through the carnage, you will yourself to come to terms with the reality of this new life that has been thrust upon you, the recognition that it was most likely worse for your men making you wince angrily before returning to the task at hand. 
“General,” the familiar voice of your Captain shifts your attention behind you, and you nod with an exasperation you’re sure is visible to him as you head towards his equally fatigued body. 
“Any news on whether Anakin managed to get the intel?” You rub the side of your temple as you wait for Captain Rex to focus on you instead of his dead brothers surrounding you. 
“He uh, he didn’t get there in time. He thinks one of the super tactical droids destroyed everything before it self-destructed.” You can hear the disappointment in his voice, and you look into his eyes for a moment to gauge his reaction. Grief swims in his eyes as he returns your gaze, and you hate that you don’t have to look at him to know what’s going through his mind. His Force signature is a cool shade of blue, one that parallels the lines adorning his armor, and your heart clenches when you see how different it is from the normally calming purple hue often surrounding him and setting your mind at ease. You’re reminded once again of just how much of a toll this war is taking on him and his brothers, and you turn away from him out of fear of bursting into tears and making matters worse. 
If only you could comfort him beyond what’s deemed appropriate. 
If only you could tell him how you feel. 
“Don’t worry General, we’ll get them next time.” You hate that he’s trying to make you feel better when it is you who should be offering him supporting words. No words manage to part your lips, and you hum at him as you kick one of the battle droids nearby, trying to distract yourself from pushing past those hidden boundaries and embracing him in an attempt to return those affections he so clearly pushed upon you. 
Just as you walk around him, you sense a strange feeling overtake your mind, and you glance to the side quickly, not really thinking of what you’re doing as you step in front of the Captain and activate your lightsaber. The sequence of the blaster shots drives your anger deeper, and you evade them to the best of your abilities, away from Rex and yourself until they each hit the battle droid attempting to kill you. 
Scanning the area one last time, your mouth runs dry when you turn around and watch pure and utter shock display as clear as daylight on your Captain’s features. Pushing the weapon back into the holster around your hips, you smile at him to let him know that he would always be safe with you, only to tilt your head in confusion when he doesn’t return the gesture. You follow his line of sight and watch as the adrenaline of the battle leaves your body and makes way for a searing hot pain shooting through your side. Pushing your palm against your hip, you take it away and find it laced with fresh blood.
In all the time you have spent with Rex, you have never once heard him display such unadulterated fear, not when he was near death all those months ago, nor when he thought there was no escape for him and his brothers after a particularly draining battle. 
You whisper his name as you fall to your knees, but strong arms reach for you before you hit the ground, turning you over and pushing violently against the wound to prevent it from bleeding. 
“Kriff, why- why would you…you shouldn’t have-” He can’t get a single word out, and you try your best to set aside the pain shooting through your body so you can enjoy being in his arms. You feel your muscles give out, barely allowing you to reach up and caress his cheek. You don’t realize you’ve painted his beautiful skin with blood until you see tears rolling down his cheeks and stream a pink line to his chin. 
“You’re s-safe, thank the Force.” His hold on you tightens when you hiss in pain, but you never once turn away from him, wanting to commit every moment to memory. If you survive this, you are sure you will never come this close to him again. But if you die, oh, if you die, then you would have spent your last seconds showing him how much he means to you. 
“Stay with me, mesh’la.” He leans down and rests his forehead against your own, distracting you enough before he lifts you in his arms and runs to the nearest gunship. You clutch onto his shoulder like your life depends on it, unable to hold back from crying as each movement sends throbbing stabs down your spine and across your hip. You can faintly hear his apologies, and you rest your head against his shoulder to distract yourself once again. This close, you can smell his natural scent, and you shiver when you recognize how musky and sweet it is as it seeps through your senses. 
You think you hear him call for Kix, but you can’t stay awake for much longer, the blood loss and your body’s fatigued nature taking over as soon as you get on the gunship. Rex puts you down with ease, but he snaps your name harshly when he sees you shutting your eyes and going limp in his arms again. 
“Don’t close your eyes,” it’s his Captain voice, and you laugh at the demanding tone he’s aiming at you, only to cough violently and clutch at your side when your body jolts forward. 
“I thought I g-give the orders here?” He doesn’t bother to smile at you, and you hate that he knows you’re only trying to diffuse the tension. When you look up at him, you find him frowning down at you, the blue aura around him now turning even darker as he looks around to see if Kix is nearby. 
You gulp as the ship comes to life, and the harder you try to remain awake, the more tired your mind becomes. As you look around you, you find several of the men staring at you with worry etched on their features, and you feel a sense of peace wash over you at the thought of being so important to them. You can no longer keep yourself conscious, and just as you turn your head to the side and see Kix jumping into the gunship, you surrender to a deep sleep filled with midnight blue embraces and loving words. 
A bright light wakes you from your haze, and you flutter your eyes quickly to get used to the blinding rays shining down on you. You try to get up immediately but a hand to your shoulder keeps you laying down, and you look to the side to see Kix whispering calming words to you. 
“You nearly gave us a fright Commander,” he says after a while, and you look around to try and figure out where you are, only to find an extremely uncomfortable and worried Captain standing by your bed. 
“What were you thinking, hmm?” He snaps harshly at you, making you furrow your eyebrows in curiosity before you turn to Kix. Before you can say anything, Kix walks around and pushes Rex’s chest, urging him to move back and calm himself. 
“You may be the Captain, but I outrank you here. I will not have you yelling at one of my patients. Understand?” His tone is firm, and you giggle at the thought of hearing one of Rex’s men not minding getting physical with him. 
“I…feel weird.” You sigh deeply and look down, only to see several tubes coming in and out of your skin. 
“That would be the Bacta IV. You weren’t doing so well Commander, a simple bacta patch wouldn’t have done the trick.” Kix removes himself from Rex but remains in between the two of you, checking on the needles one last time before moving to the other end of the room. You watch as he makes himself busy, and whatever conscious part of your mind thinks that he’s only pretending so he can give the two of you some privacy. 
“To answer your question Captain, I- uhhh…I wasn’t thinking.” You drag the sheets down your body, suddenly feeling flushed as Rex continues to stare at you with a fiery anger you never thought him capable of. 
“Actually, that’s…n-not true. I was thinking…but- you know what I mean.” You are not making much sense, and when Rex sighs before pulling up a chair to sit next to you, you smile at you and reach for his hand. He takes it reluctantly but never once looks at you. Neither of you say anything for a while, and you slowly begin to fall asleep when he continues to rub your wrist with his thumb. 
“What were you thinking mesh’la…”
It’s a rhetorical question, or at least, you would have recognized that it is had you been more aware and less drugged. You open your eyes and gaze into his own, finding them filled with unshed tears. He looks defeated, and you frown at him while you tug on his hand to bring him closer to you. 
“Don’t…don’t cry. It makes me sad to see you cry Rex.”
He chuckles then and you smile at him, rubbing the back of his hand in return to soothe him a little. 
“I was thinking of you, and- and how it would kill me if I were to lose you. I can’t lose you Rex, I- I would not survive another day without you…I love you too much to let you go.” You’re not sure why the room is suddenly silent. All you know is, Rex’s Force signature has turned a deep shade of red and his fingers stopped drawing patterns on your skin. You think you hear Kix turn around but you’re too busy looking into the Captain’s eyes to register anything that’s not him. 
“Mesh’la,” you want to ask him what the word means, but your eyes grow heavy yet again, and you rest your cheek on the pillow while gazing into his hazel, brown orbs. Before you can say anything else, you fall right back to sleep, completely missing Rex’s reaction to your confession and Kix’s reassurances that you were stable but required to rest further. 
You dream of a time filled with peace, of longing gazes and soft caresses. Your mind fills your heart with hopes and wishes, ones you pretend are not impossible to reach. Your heart, once guarding a close-kept secret, finally feels as light as a feather, and it clenches softly when it hears revelations of a similar love, words yo uneven thought would be reciprocated as desperately. 
It’s this last sensation that wakes you again, except this time, you’re less dazed than before but much more awake. Sitting up quickly, you study the room you’re in and take a few deep breaths to try and collect your bearings. 
“Commander, you’re safe. You’re alive and safe. Breathe, breathe for me.” You look up and watch as Kix guides you through breathing techniques, and only when you’re relaxed and aware of your surroundings do you finally notice the other figure standing nearby. 
“How long have I been out?” You ask as you look down and move the medbay gown to the side to see the wound. It’s fully healed and you throw Kix a quick glance, silently thanking him for everything that he has done for you. 
“Almost 22 hours, sir. It’s quite remarkable actually, most people would take much longer to heal, even with the bacta. Then again, you’re a Jedi after all.” He checks your vitals, not bothering to mention that Rex is in the room. When he’s sure you’re all clear, he steps aside and finishes some reports on his holopad. You look to your right and watch as Rex slowly approaches you, sitting down on a chair near your bedside and slowly reaching for your hand. You’re surprised by the gesture but don’t deny him, looking back to Kix to see if he is aware of what his Captain is doing. 
“How are you feeling?”
“Like a bantha ran me over,” you laugh at your own reply, but Rex doesn’t grace you with a hint of a smile. There is something nagging at the back of your mind, and you narrow your eyes at your joined hands, only to gasp lightly when he rubs your wrist and moves closer to you. If Kix notices what’s happening, he says nothing and turns around to give you some privacy. 
“Do you…do you remember anything?” Rex asks reluctantly, and you get the sense that he wants to tell you something but is holding back out of fear of your reaction. 
“I remember walking through the battle, and…and talking with you. I remember a droid trying to shoot at you but I took him down before he hurt you. And…I remember getting shot at.” You recollect the events of the last rotation to the best of your abilities, and when you stop speaking, you notice Rex’s aura shift to a cool haze once more. 
Kriff, what was it? 
“You don’t remember anything else?” He asks yet again, and you tilt your head to the side in confusion, his tone of voice bordering that of a man who has just lost everything he ever had. 
“I- I uhh…no. I don’t.” You shake your head several times to figure out if he was referring to anything specific. When you turn to Kix to ask him if he knows what his Captain is talking about, you notice an apologetic expression on his features, one that was not aimed at you but his brother. Before you can say anything, Rex lets go of your hands, making you wish you can give him whatever answer he was searching for. 
“I see,” it’s all Rex says before he stands up and pushes the chair back to the wall. You watch as he takes a stance and salutes you, his eyes never meeting your own again as he thanks you for saving him before running out of the room. You don’t turn away from the shut door until Kix walks by and checks your vitals again. 
There is so much you want to ask him, but knowing Kix, you get the sense that he wouldn’t tell you even if you begged. He was good at keeping secrets, always has been. 
“You’re cleared to leave General, though I do suggest you take it easy for the next few days. You may have physically healed but the psychological strain will take longer to get back to normal. Will you be needing any pain medication?” Kix asks as he takes out all of the needles and tubes from your arms, and you shake your head while you look up at him, hoping that you find whatever answer Rex was looking for swimming in his eyes. He avoids your gaze altogether, and you shut your eyes in irritation at the thought of upsetting Rex. 
Maker, what was it?
You do your best to not take your frustration out on Kix as you get dressed, and before you leave, you thank him for taking care of you for the past rotation. He offers you his best wishes before returning to his seat and you make your way back to your quarters in the Jedi Temple slowly, all the while trying to figure out what transpired that made Rex ask you several times if you remembered anything, but more importantly, what you could have possibly said that upset Rex so much and made him leave without sparing you a second glance. 
You keep to yourself as you head to your rooms, searching your mind for any clue as to what has happened after the battle. When you finally make it to the privacy of your space, you remove all of your clothes and go straight to the refresher, wanting to get rid of the blood and grime that has stuck to your skin for the past day. But no matter what you do, you can’t remember anything past the battlefield, and you feel your mind almost collapse on itself when the annoyance of memory loss turns into sheer anger. 
Force above, what was it?
It occurs to you much later than you would care to admit that there was no way you can recall anything if you’re this unstable, and against your better judgment, you make your way to one of the meditation rooms instead of getting some rest as Kix suggested. As soon as you enter the quiet place, you move near one of the fountains, finding the consistent sound of water soothing to your soul. As you sit down, you take a few deep breaths and clear your mind of anything not related to the Captain of the 501st. 
As you initially thought, it’s much more difficult to focus your mind when all you can feel is guilt for making Rex feel so disappointed and sad. You recall back all of the conversations you’ve held with him, especially the ones that lasted for an entire night as you kept watch before a serious battle. You remember the snide remarks aimed at Anakin, and the jokes he often laughed at the expense of Ahsoka. You remember and remember…
But no matter what you think of, you still can’t quite figure out what happened in the past rotation. 
Willing yourself to focus harder, you decide to empty your mind altogether, even of those moments with Rex that you cherished and kept closely-guarded within your heart. 
The Coruscanti sun slowly moves past the horizon but you remain seated against the flowing waters, pleading with the Force to give you a sliver of a hint so you can fix whatever wrong you made against Rex. 
It’s only when your senses finally still do you see a faint dark red pass through your mind’s eye. You zero in on the memory, pushing yourself past your levels of comfort to seek out the desperate aura once again. 
I was thinking of you.
Your voice rings through your mind, not sounding normal to your ears, but you are confident it is your own. Clenching your fists tightly, you seek out the memory until it flashes before your eyes as clear as the searing Twin Suns on a hot Tatooine day. 
I can’t lose you Rex.
A faint sensation passes down your arm to your wrist, and you feel Rex’s thumb halt in its movement the more you reveal to him your secret. You can see his hands shaking as you pull him closer to you, the words spilling from your mouth making your heart skip a beat as realization washes over you. 
I love you too much to let you go.
The last image flashing before your eyes is the look of utter shock that befalls Rex’s handsome features, and had it not been for the soft manner in which he whispers that one word to you in return, you would think he was completely repulsed by what you just confessed to him. 
You open your eyes instantly, wincing yet again when your senses become overloaded with the sounds and scents all around you. Looking around the room, you take a few minutes to come to terms with the reality of what has transpired between yourself and the Captain. 
You had told him what you promised yourself you would never reveal to him. 
In a moment of weakness, your heart decided to reveal its deepest secret instead of continuing to keep it hidden. 
Looking outside the large glass windows, you notice how dark it became outside and curse yourself for taking so long to remember. It would be inappropriate to go to him now.
You look down to your hand and trace the skin Rex has touched all those hours ago, smiling to yourself when you recognize that your heart has already made the decision for you. 
Not caring for how mad you must look, you race outside of the meditation rooms and run through the hallways of the Temple, ignoring the strange and concerning looks from the others still awake as you make it past the gates of your home and towards the barracks of the 501st Legion. It is raining uncontrollably outside, and you nearly lose your footing a few times as you run across the grounds towards the familiar building near the Jedi Temple. You see a handful of men hanging outside the barracks, and they try to call out to you to see if you need any assistance, but you pay them no mind, heading straight to the quarters of the Captain and ignoring how soaked you’ve become in your journey to him. 
When you reach the hallways housing the Clone leaders, you slow down and move past the doors silently, praying to the maker that he was in his quarters and not elsewhere. As you reach the end of the hallway, you come to a stop in front of the large, steel doors housing Rex, and before you can think twice of what you’re doing, you push a few buttons on the pad beside the doors, waiting patiently for them to slide open to you. 
There is a faint sound of frustrated sighs from behind the door, and you nearly laugh at the sudden turn of events, but the doors slide open and reveal an extremely tired and irritated Clone Captain, one that had just gotten out of the showers from the looks of it. 
“Fives, if I have to tell you one more time- kriff, G-General!” His eyes widen in horror at the sight of you, and he walks out to the hallway to see if there are any signs of danger that led you to him. When he finds it as empty as ever, he turns back around and eyes you suspiciously. 
“General, what- what are you doing here?” Rex asks, continuing to avoid your gaze as he moves back to his quarters and tugs you along with him. You realize too late that you probably shouldn’t be found at such an odd hour in your Captain’s private rooms, but you brush the thought aside, knowing that this could not wait for another time. You don’t respond right away though, and Rex studies you slowly before moving to his dresser and taking out a pair of sweatpants and a shirt. 
“Here, change into these.” He throws the articles of clothing towards you, but you throw them back on the bed instantly, approaching him slowly to avoid scaring him. 
“Captain.” You try to catch his attention, but Rex is adamant on not sparing you a single glance, moving to the other end of the room and grabbing one of his shirts before putting it on quickly. 
“I don’t mind General,” he attempts to distract you, and you shake your head at him while following him around the small room. 
“Captain, please.”
“You’re going to catch a cold, and I’m not going to hear the end of it from Kix.” Rex ignores whatever you’re saying and rubs his temples furiously, making you wish he would just look at you instead of avoiding you as if you were just another commanding officer. 
As if you hadn’t spilled your heart out to him a day ago. 
Your frustrations nearly get to you, but you quickly come to understand that the man in front of you would continue ignoring your pleas if you didn’t cut to the chase and tell him what you came here for. 
“I remember.” 
Rex stops in his pacing, dropping his arms to his side and looking at the gray wall ahead of him. He doesn’t move a muscle, and your heart skips a beat when the hue around him turns into that familiar shade of burgundy once more, the same one that graced your sight when you told him how much you love him. 
“I remember, Rex.”
You repeat your words and watch as he slowly turns around and meets your eyes in a heated gaze. He continues to remain silent and you take the chance to step closer to him, hoping that he doesn’t get spooked by your revelation and walk away again. 
“You- you remember?” His question is laced with a faltering anxiety that you hate you’ve caused him to feel, and you close the last bit of space between the two of you, smiling at him as you reach for his hand and rub your thumb over his wrist. 
“I remember…I remember everything Rex.” 
He gulps down at you, watching carefully as you extend his wrist up to your mouth and lay the softest of kisses across the sensitive skin beneath your thumb. His sharp intake of breath sends a shiver down your spine, and before you can say anything else, Rex pushes you back against the nearest wall and attacks your lips in a desperate kiss. You moan into him immediately, throwing your arms around his shoulders just as he leans down and grabs your hips to hoist you up in between his rigid body and the solid wall behind you. 
You part your lips in a gasp and Rex takes advantage of your shock, sneaking his tongue into your mouth and devouring you without a care for anything except the lewd noises you are gracing him with. He doesn’t know where he can touch you, but as he feels your nail sink into his neck, he breaks the kiss and moans your name over and over again, giving you but a moment of respite before lunging for your mouth once again. You’re soaking wet, and you want to warn him so he doesn’t get wet as well, but he doesn’t let up once, moving down your jaw and licking the droplets of water sticking to your skin. His tongue feels hot against your already flushed skin, but you can’t find it in yourself to complain, not when you finally had him in your arms, stealing your breath with such needy kisses. You don’t realize you’re crying until he pulls away abruptly and looks at you with concern. 
“No, please…don’t stop. I’m just- I’m so happy.” You try to bring him back again but he’s much stronger than you, keeping some bit of distance between your mouth until he can ask you that burning question. 
“Are you sure I’m not hurting you, mesh’la?”
“No, gods no. I never thought you’d reciprocate my feelings Rex, and- and when I remembered the way you looked at me, I…I ran over here.” Your smile grows when you notice the soft smirk gracing his handsome features, and you lean your forehead against his own briefly to relish in the moment. 
“I love you, cyare…so damn much. I- I thought I lost you back there…couldn’t, couldn’t believe what you did for me. And then you told me why and I nearly lost my mind all over again.” He lays as many kisses as possible across your entire face, making you sniffle each time he reveals to you what was going through his mind. 
“I love you too Rex, have been ever since I joined your legion.” The sentiment manages to put a halt to his words and he looks at you for what you deem is too long before leaning down and taking your lips in between his own again. It’s much less frantic than before, but it is just as deeply felt, and you tilt your head to the side to deepen it further, whining against him when he removes the both of you from the wall and walks back to his bed. 
He lays you down softly and continues to leave a trail of kisses down your neck, swearing beneath his breath when you reach for his shirt and try to remove it off of him.
“Rex, what- oh kriff, what does that word mean?” You manage to ask in between each kiss and nip he marks your body with, whispering his name over and over again when he chuckles at you and sits up to remove his shirt. You bite into your lower lip as soon as he reveals his broad chest to you, giggling like a little girl as Rex throws his shirt aside and drags his hand up and down your body. 
“Why don’t I show you sweetheart?” The Captain descends down upon you possessively, dragging his hands everywhere with an aggressiveness you’ve never seen him display before. He has you whimpering in the span of a few minutes, and with each bit of fabric he rips from your body, you’re left wishing he would put you out of your misery and claim you. 
“Please, Rex.” You beg shamelessly, covering your eyes with your arm when you’re left in nothing but your undergarments. 
“Shh, I got you cyar’ika…I got you.” The Captain coos at you as he traces lines up and down your body, passing his fingers in between your thighs teasingly and laughing when he notices goosebumps erupt across your skin. You peak from above your wrist, only to find him studying you closely and with a hunger unseen on his features before. 
“S-stop looking at me like that.” You turn your head to the side when he drags your arms away from your face and places them above your head, making you wish he wasn’t enjoying making you flustered. 
“Like what?” He’s nearly breathless as he asks you the question, not caring for how wanton he looks as he hovers his lips above your sternum before slowly making his way down your stomach. 
“Like…like-” You can’t find the words to tell him what he looks like, mostly because you know he’ll only laugh and reiterate whatever you say in agreement and cause you to feel even more embarrassed at being the subject of his scrutiny. 
“Like I want to eat you? Like I want to devour every fucking inch of you? Like I want to mark you with my teeth and hands until the whole kriffing galaxy knows who’s making you feel good? Is that how I’m looking at you sweet girl?” He pronounces each question with a harsh bite to your skin, smiling wickedly at you as he descends between your thighs and shoves them wide open to make room for himself. 
“Y-yes…I- oh gods please Rex, just- just…”
“I hate to break it to you ner cyare, but I will never,” he growls his need for you against the edge of your panties, biting down and chuckling when you twitch beneath him and reach for his shoulder, “ever,” his voice is much rougher, and you think that perhaps he will kill you through sheer frustration, “ stop looking at you like that.” You whine his name, and as you try to ask him once more to not be so brazen with you, he shoves his nose into your core and breathes in deeply. It’s absolutely filthy, the manner in which he nudges along the damp material hiding you from him while staring directly into your eyes. You shouldn’t be surprised by how far dilated his pupils are, but as you sink your nails into his muscles, you furrow your eyebrows and will yourself to continue staring at him, wanting to ensure that he wants this just as much as you. 
“Rex…please, touch me.” You slide one of your hands up to his cheek, cupping his chiseled jaw beneath your palm out of fear of having him move away. 
“I am touching you, mesh’la.” Rex raises a curious eyebrow at you, nuzzling into your hand when he feels you settle down and whine in frustration. 
“I need more.” You hope he understands what you’re trying to say, but it seems that Rex wants nothing more than to push you over the edge of irritation, huffing out in laughter once as he leans over and kisses your inner thighs. 
“Like this?” He asks, licking the spot he’s kissed before moving to the space just below your hip and nipping it lightly. “Or like this?” He inquires with a whisper, taking the edge of your panties in between his teeth and pulling them up until he makes sure you’re still looking at him before letting go and smirking at the snapping sound that forces you to jolt your hips into his face. He must be able to see the annoyance etched on your features because as soon as you try to sit up on your elbows and give him a piece of your mind, he drags both of his hands beneath your thighs and hoists them up until you’re perfectly laid out for him. 
“Rex, if you don’t- ahhh fuck,” you throw your head back as soon as you feel the heat of his mouth engulf your wet core. He’s licking you violently through the flimsy fabric of your panties, and when you manage to look down at him through dazed eyes, Rex shoves the material aside and shoves his tongue violently against your clit. You drag your nails across his scalp before you realize how painful it might be, but when you attempt to grab anything else, Rex shakes his head and sucks on your clit before letting go altogether. 
“Don’t fucking stop…mark me baby, mark me so the whole GAR knows who fucks you like the filthy jetii’ika I know you are.” Your eyes widen in shock at his words, amazed that the normally respectful and shy Captain is capable of groaning the filthiest words ever as he goes down on you. You return your hands to his blonde hair, a zap of lightning shooting across your muscles when you feel the buzzed cut tickle your heated skin while he continues to fuck you with his tongue. 
“Rex…oh fuck, you- you feel so good. Please don’t stop…don’t stop Captain!” You don’t mean for the honorific to fall so easily from your lips, and you look down to see if it made him uncomfortable, only to find him staring hungrily at you as he pulls you harder on his face. 
“Is that what you want, cyar’ika? You want me to be your Captain…give you orders and make you cum on my face before I fuck you till you can’t feel your legs?” You know it’s a rhetorical question because he returns his attention to your engorged clit soon after, laying his tongue flat against your bundle nerves as he drools over the fingers resting just below his mouth. You want to watch him as he worships you, commit to memory the desperation filling every muscle of his body as he shows you how much he craves you, but as soon as he eases two of his fingers past your slit and rubs against your walls, you’re shutting your eyes and arching your back at the sudden flash of pleasure that takes over your whole body. 
“Cum for me ner jetii’ika,” the tone of his voice, along with the needy order, are all it takes for you to reach your pleasure, and you dig your nails into his scalp in an attempt to bring him closer to you as you roll your hips back and forth against his mouth. You can’t feel anything except his tongue and his fingers, and you manage to look down through heavy-lidded eyes to watch Rex as he makes you cum. Your body shakes violently when you see his Force signature turn into a bright cloud of red, the shade validating to you the Captain’s feelings as he continues to assault your cunt until you grow oversensitive. 
You try to push him off of you but he is relentless in his mission to pleasure you, wrapping his arms around your hips and pushing down your body until you understand that he won’t be letting you go anytime soon. You feel empty all of a sudden, but then you notice his wet fingers as they grab you through your chest bindings and you feel another wave of ecstasy slowly creep up on you. 
“Drench my face, sir.” You’re not sure what it is that coaxes another orgasm out of you, if it is the way he orders you to cum on his mouth again, or the sound of the honorific falling from his lips as he licks and sucks on your clit. You scream his name like a benediction, the sensation he was bringing upon your fatigued body driving you mad with lust. You can faintly hear him moan your name in return, and it’s only when you look down after he’s let up do you realize that you’ve done exactly what he wanted and drenched his face. You should be embarrassed, but as Rex licks at you softly with a lazy smile, you realize that he may have enjoyed this more than you. 
“Oh maker, I- I’ve never…” You try to speak but your voice comes out hoarse, making Rex laugh even harder as he sits up and wipes his face with the back of his hand. 
“That was the sexiest fucking thing I’ve ever seen sweetheart…I want you to do it again.” He drags his gaze down your body as he brings his fingers to his mouth and sucks on them, the same ones that were showing you stars not a moment ago. He looks positively sinful, and you giggle embarrassingly at him before you try to reach for the tent on his sweatpants. 
“No,” he grips your wrist tightly and falls against you, pushing you down into his bed with his whole body before reaching for both of your hands and laying them above your head. You frown at him, unsure why he was denying you the same pleasure he brought upon you. 
“Don’t look so upset, mesh’la.” He winks at you as he kisses down your neck and licks the water droplets sticking to your sternum. You sigh heavily and extend your neck out further to give him more access, the action pleasing him more than you thought it would and making him groan deeply into your breasts. “Believe me when I tell you…if you touch me now, this night will end much earlier than I would like it to.” He sucks bruises across your chest, managing to hold both of your wrists with one hand while the other moves to unbind the wrapping around your breasts. It doesn’t take much to reveal you to his eyes, and when you’re finally freed of the offending article of clothing, Rex growls before ascending upon you, not caring for how rough he’s being as he takes a nipple in between his teeth while he rolls his thumb over the other. 
“Ah f-fuck…Rex, you- your tongue is- oh kriff, I need you Captain…please. I want to feel you, want you to fuck me, hard.”
“Yeah sweetheart?” Rex soothes the love bites with his tongue, swirling the rough muscle around your hardened peak until your chest rises and falls rapidly. He’s memorizing every inch of your skin, and you notice his smile grow deeper when he sees evidence of his claim beginning to appear all over your body. You always imagined him to be possessive with things he enjoyed, but you never thought once you’d be at the receiving end of such dedication, such admiration. 
“Claim me, my dear Captain.” You plead one last time, tilting your head down to try and kiss the top of his head in an attempt to make him lose control. The gesture does the trick, and Rex ascends up your body and takes your lips in between his own, ripping the breath out of your lungs as he sucks and licks into your mouth until you could no longer focus on anything but the sensations he was ringing from your body. You whine and moan for him as he pushes you harder into his sheets, and when you tries to rest his weight on one of his arms, you throw your own around his neck and pull him as flush to you as possible. 
“I want to feel you, all of you.” You whisper the request against his cheek, kissing his jaw lightly in anticipation for what comes next. When you sense his hand moving down your body, you nip across his neck and mirror his actions from earlier, distracting him on his journey just as he did with you not a moment ago. 
“Fuck sweetheart, you’re going to be the death of me.” Rex groans against your forehead as he struggles to pull the edge of his sweatpants down his hips. It becomes very clear to him soon that you weren’t going to let up on marking his skin, and he sighs in irritation before deciding to pull his cock out from underneath the band of his pants. 
“Please Rex,” you urge him with soft pleas and wet kisses, laying your head back to look into his eyes as he pushes aside your panties and rubs your clit with the hard tip of his cock. 
“Are you ready for me, cyare?” Rex asks, furrowing his eyebrows in focus so as to not hurt you. You nod frantically at him, widening your legs even further to allow him to settle more comfortably in between your thighs. 
“Fuck me, Captain.” You breathe against his quivering lips, sighing in relief when the crown of his dick catches at your wet entrance. 
“Yes, sir!” It’s all the warning you get before Rex thrusts his throbbing cock into your cunt, and you watch with fascination as the aura shadowing over the two of you becomes an even deeper shade of red, one that mixed perfectly with his normally blue hue and created a soothing new wave to your eyes. 
Neither of you move, looking into the other’s eyes to ensure that this was actually happening. 
Rex struggles to breathe, and you massage his neck with your fingers before shifting your hips to get closer to him. The movement sends his cock gliding against your clenching walls, and you both moan the other’s name as you feel pure ecstasy take over your spirits. 
“You- you feel…” Rex tries to speak, but he loses focus of the sentence, instead moving all of his attention into committing this moment to memory. 
“Perfect.” You finish his thought, leaning up and kissing his lips once before relaxing back into the mattress and silently urging him to move. When he pulls out of you and pushes back in slowly, you realize that you’ll never get enough of this. 
Enough of him. 
And from the way he was gazing down at you, it seems that the feeling was mutual. 
“Rex, just- I want you to cum. I don’t care about me, I only w-want to feel you cum.” You cross your legs behind his back to bring him deeper inside you, the action forcing a cry from his lips that sounds awfully like your name. You giggle beneath him, pride feeling your chest at being the one to bring him to such pleasure. 
“I- I’ll be damned if you don’t cum on my cock at least once tonight, mesh’la.” The promise is accompanied with a dangerous glint in his eyes, and you gulp nervously at him, shutting your eyes to relish in the feeling of being so full. Each thrust brings about a fresh wave of arousal to your core, and you dig your nails into his back to show him just how good he’s making you feel. The delicious drag of his cock across your tight walls nearly makes you question whether this was all real, not because you didn’t expect him to feel so perfect inside you, but because he was so much better than your imagination. 
His grunts are music to your ears, and you leave a trail of kisses across face the closer he gets to his peak, wanting him to scream your name when he finally cums and claims you. It’s a battle of needs at this point, with your minds telling you to make this last as long as possible but your joined bodies screaming for a sweet release. You can feel every inch of him, every hard vein slide against your fluttering walls the harder he fucks into you. 
There is so much on your mind, so much you want to tell him, but you’re not coherent enough to remotely breathe out a string of affirmations to him, so you instead look back into his eyes and hope he can see right through you, recognize every bit of your heart that has always screamed his name since they day you met. 
“I- I won’t last much longer, cyar’ika.” He manages to confess as he thrusts become harder, deeper, more intimate. You shake your head and whisper your lack of care for what he just said, wanting him to finally mark you as his own and fill you with his seed. There’s something inherently faithful about wanting him to fuck his cum inside you, a sensation you’re aware would scream your devotion to each other but is against every rule set in place for someone like you…someone like him as well, 
But you can’t find it in yourself to care, not when Rex was finally sinking so sweetly into your pussy over and over again until you couldn’t think of anything else but how utterly divine he felt as he joined your bodies with a string of unparalleled pleasure. 
“Ner jetii’ika, I- I’m…oh kriff, where do I-”
“Inside me, please!” You cut him off, swallowing his moans as he shakes above you while bringing one of his hands in between your bodies, the sudden touch of his digits against your oversensitive clit making you arch your back into his chest and part your lips for him. He grunts several times while rubbing your hardened bundle of nerves, swirling his tongue around your own when he feels you clench harshly around him. You shudder beneath him, unable to fathom the sensations he was pulling from you so easily, so exquisitely. Just as you break the kiss to breathe, Rex growls your name in between expletives, shoving his cock into you a few times before finally coming undone. Your pleasure lasts for longer than you thought possible, the feeling of his seed painting your walls and oozing out of you somehow making you feel even more attuned to his pleasure, as if his ecstasy was connected to your own and refused to part from it. He bucks his hips into you with shallow thrusts, resting his forehead against your chest as he slowly comes down from the brief high. 
You’re both too dazed to move a single muscle, and when you try to unwrap your legs from around him, Rex hisses in surprise at feeling your pussy flutter around him one last time. He finally sits up to look at you, and you watch as the smirk on his face grows with each bit of skin he sees adorned with his touch. 
“So…all of that means ‘mesh’la’?” You break the silence and laugh along with him when he finally catches on to what you’re referring to, only to hiss in discomfort when he pulls out of you and leaves you empty. You watch as Rex reluctantly sits up and shoves your thighs apart to look at the mess he’s made of you. You want to shake your head at him, call him disgusting for being so obvious with what he’s done to you, but when you find him biting his lips and staring at you with newfound lust, you realize that teasing him may not be the best idea now. 
“Fuck cyare, you look beautiful.” You giggle as you hide behind your arms once more, making Rex tease you about your shy bedside manner when he was literally fucking you into kingdom come not a moment ago. He gets up and walks to the refresher, quickly coming back to you to clean you up so you don’t have to move much. You can’t help but look at him with adoration as he rubs every inch of your skin. He’s careful and patient with you, taking his time to caress your skin before throwing the towel aside and reaching for one of his shirts to hand you. 
“Why give me a shirt when you know you’ll take it off of me in another hour?” You ask him teasingly, laughing hysterically when he throws it aside and shoves his sweatpants down his thighs. 
Your eyes shift to his cock instantly, and you marvel at how thick and long he is…and the fact that he was already starting to get hard again. 
“To even the field,” he winks at you as he slips beneath the covers and pulls you into his side, wrapping his arm around you before dimming down the lights. 
You sit in silence for what feels like hours, drawing patterns on his beautiful, bronze chest while he rubs your shoulder and back to soothe your body. It’s only after a while that Rex finally breaks the quiet air of the room and looks down at you, waiting until you meet his eyes before he finally tells you what he’s wanted to say for so long. 
“I would rather die than let anything happen to you, ner cyare. You know that right?” He says, matter-of-factly, and you sense a sliver of anxiety fill his otherwise calm aura for a brief moment before it evaporates into thin air. 
“I know darling, and you know by now that the feeling is mutual.” It’s not what he wants to hear, that you are sure of, but you can’t find it in yourself to lie to him, wanting him to know that you care for him just as much as he cares for you. 
“I guess both of us are going to be stubborn about this.” He shakes his head and leans over to kiss your forehead before resting back against the pillow once more. 
“You bet your sweet ass.” You retort immediately, yelping in shock when he pinches your shoulder and sends you closer into his chest. 
“You haven’t even seen my ass, sweetheart.” He snorts at your comeback, glancing down at you for a moment before shutting his eyes and enjoying the feeling of having you so willing and relaxed in his arms. 
“Oh, believe me Captain, I have seen your ass…and I fucking love it.”
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dumbkiri · 5 days
𝗕𝗮𝗸𝘂𝗴𝗼 𝗞𝗮𝘁𝘀𝘂𝗸𝗶 𝘅 𝗙𝗲𝗺!𝗥𝗲𝗮𝗱𝗲𝗿
This is an AU where all characters are adults and have families!
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“I wanna love you for the rest of my life.” 
He declared so lovingly with his hands holding his wife gently. 
The two of them danced under the moonlight and stars with silent looks from the audience surrounding the both of them. Her beautiful white dress swayed side to side as the two of them moved to the slow melody playing in the background. 
She gave him a sweet smile and removed her hand off his shoulder to caress his face. The words she returned to him made his heart flutter, “Forever and always, Katsuki.” 
He leaned forward and kissed her lips for the hundredth time that night. She felt so warm and real in this moment of his dream. He never wanted to leave knowing what awaited him when he awoke, so he remained in her arms for a bit longer. 
He forgot about his real world problems and indulged in this heavenly dream with the love of his life. She gave him everything he ever wanted. Children that were born with incredible quirks and their best features combined. A house that they built together for their growing family. 
But all good things come to an end eventually. 
“Do you miss me, Katsuki?” She looked up at him with a disappointed expression, her [e.color] eyes dulling out. 
He faltered, but replied, “Of course, I do. I miss you every time I look at our children. Katsumi looks more like you, but Hiro has your personality. When he gets mad, the earth beneath his feet cracks.”
He chuckled at the memory of Hiro’s shocked expression, then the seven year old apologizing profusely for the damage done in the dining room before he stomped away. 
“But he was rightfully mad, was he not?” 
Katsuki’s smile morphed into a frown as he returned his sad gaze to his wife knowing what she was talking about, “It was a misunderstanding, [Name].” 
“He saw you kiss another woman, a woman that isn’t his mother,” She responded quickly as she pulled away from him. Her eyes looked down at the floor and she held herself together, he knew she did this when she felt insecure. 
He wanted her not to feel that way. She was his wife, not some-
“I’m missing, not dead.” 
His heart clenched at the reminder of her situation. 
“You stopped looking for me so you could start a new relationship with someone else. Of course, it has to be with our children’s teacher, huh?” 
She looked up at him and her sad glare poked a huge hole into his heart. 
“Just because you stopped looking doesn’t mean Hiro has. He doesn’t understand what happened with that villain. All he knows is that you came home without me. Now two years go by and he sees you kissing his teacher. Wouldn’t his anger be justified because he never lost hope in finding me?” 
Of course, it’s justified. But Camie kissed him, he didn’t initiate it. He couldn’t because all he could think about was his missing wife. All he could think about was how wrong it felt to touch another woman.
He swallowed the lump in his throat and shook his head, “I…I don’t love her, not like I love you.”
Then [Name] inhaled through her nose and said, “But you’re starting to. You don’t need to lie to me and you certainly don’t need to hide this from Hiro. He will understand when you give him time. Don’t let our boy grow up to hate you because you started loving a different woman. Let him understand why you stopped looking for me and why you’re settling for Camie.”
He was settling for Camie as harsh as it sounded, but the truth lied in your sentence. 
“I meant what I said, loving you for the rest of my life,” He took a step toward her with his hands reaching out to her pretty face. 
He held her with a loose grip then he rested his forehead against hers and said, “But our children need a mother. I can’t raise them on my own. Can you forgive me?”
He felt her tears touch his rough hands and he clenched his teeth to hold back his own. He waited for those words, remembering how this dream always ended in heartbreak. But her cruel words never came, instead she gave him a different answer. Not the one his mind usually came up with. 
“Please don’t stop searching for me.”
The way his heart jumped in surprise had him pull back, looking into her [e.color] eyes that had tears pouring down her cheeks like a waterfall. 
She held onto his hands and desperately said, “I’m missing, Katsuki. Don’t lose hope, I need you to keep looking for me. I want to come home.” 
He couldn’t believe what he was hearing. This answer had been extremely different from the one she always gave him. He can remember word by word why she couldn’t forgive him, but now…she begged him to keep looking for her. 
“[Name], is this- Where are you?” 
The urge to ask that question to her felt strong and she shook her head, “I won’t be able to tell you, but I’m closer than you think. So please, keep looking. I don’t want to be with him anymore. I want to come home to you and our beautiful children.”
Her begging made him feel even more guilty for letting Camie kiss him. Then there was another issue that made his blood boil. She mentioned the villain that took her away. His guilt and his anger never mixed well together, it only made him more emotional seeing his wife so vulnerable. 
Katsuki breathed heavily and pulled her into his strong arms with a kiss planted on the crown of her head. 
She looked up at him through his hold and spoke, but her words could not be heard. Her lips moved, yet no sound entered his ears. He lost his hearing in a crucial moment and like a ripple in the water, she moved away from him. 
“Hey, old man, it’s morning already.” 
Katsuki woke up from his dream, hearing the voice of his grumpy 13 year old boy. 
Now Hiro looked like Katsuki, inheriting the spiky blonde hair and sharp eyes, but his eyes were the color of his mother’s. The boy glared at his father when he received no response from the man and said mockingly, “Don’t you have a ‘meeting’ with my teacher? She wouldn’t stop talking about it last week.” 
Katsuki groaned and sat up in the bed, his spiky hair unruly like always. His red eyes focused on his son as he blinked the sleep away. 
“I do, but it’s really just a meeting.” 
“Yeah, sure,” Hiro rolled his eyes and moved away from the door shouting, “Katsumi and I are going out with some friends to the park while you have this meeting. Then we’re going to grandparent’s house for dinner.” 
“It’s not like that, brat!” Katsuki shouted back, gripping the bed sheets tightly as he growled out. 
Then he heard his children getting ready to leave the house with no snappy remark from Hiro. 
He rolled his shoulders and neck feeling the pops in his sore muscles. His eyes roamed the master bedroom and thought back to his dream with his wife. 
She begged him to keep looking for her. 
Yeah, he admitted that he did lose hope in finding her. Two years felt like forever without his sunshine and raising kids that looked and acted like her had been rough on his mental state. 
Nevertheless, he needed to grow up and be a better father to them. They already lost their mother, they can’t afford to lose him too. 
As Katsuki was getting ready for the parent teacher conference about Hiro and Katsumi, he heard his children down the hall speaking amongst themselves. Hiro, as usual, didn’t have the need to quiet down his tone while Katsumi tried her best to get her brother to speak softly. 
“Did you really see dad kiss her?” 
“Of course I did,” Hiro bit back, hurt that his sister doubted him. 
Katsumi quickly replied to Hiro in a hushed whisper, “Whoa, hey! Not so loudly, Hiro~ Dad could be-” 
“Good, he should be listening,” Hiro jabbed then moved on to say, “Dad kissed my teacher. Now all she does is gush about how ‘attractive’ he is to other teachers. You know how awkward it is to walk down the hall while our classmates talk about dad cheating on mom? She’s not dead, Sumi. She’s missing.” 
Katsuki heard Katsumi sigh and sadly say, “Yeah, I know. But you’ve seen how dad is…angry and lonely almost every day. Mom…made him very happy back then, so who cares if he’s looking for companionship to fill that hole in his heart.”
“We should care,” Hiro snapped back, “Our mom is out there suffering with a villain. We’re suffering because we miss her. You and I are coping by relying on each other, dad can do the same.”
“I don’t think so,” Katsumi sighed and said, “He can’t even look at me, probably because I look like mom so much. I haven’t seen him smile at me since her kidnapping. He looks at me with regret and you look at me differently too.” 
“What?” Hiro asked, surprised by his sister’s claim, “No, I don’t.” 
“Don’t lie to me!” Katsumi snapped back, her temper just as bad as Katsuki’s when he was younger. 
Katsuki heard Hiro fumble with his words and shook his head at his son’s response. 
“Well sure, it’s hard to look at you, you literally look like mom! But that doesn’t mean-” 
“You two are the worst! It’s not my fault I look like her!” 
Katsuki heard his daughter storm down the stairs and shut the front door loudly, announcing her departure. Then he heard the frustrated mumbles from Hiro, the boy stomping down the stairs and angrily putting his shoes on. 
“Stupid sister,” Hiro grumbled, grabbing something by the door, “she forgot to put her shoes on.” 
Then his son slammed the front door after himself. 
Katsuki took a deep breath in and thought about his children’s conversation with each other. He didn’t think Camie would talk about their budding relationship to other teachers. Didn’t know their classmates whispered about their family. 
Then there was the situation with Katsumi. 
He hated to admit it, but his daughter spoke the truth. Katsuki hadn’t smiled at her in the last two years, not even over her accomplishments. He couldn’t hold a long conversation with her or lock eyes with her. 
But he heard her stories through his mother. 
Coming to a conclusion on how to fix his relationship with his children, Katsuki pulled his phone from his pocket and messaged his mother:
I will be joining for dinner as well. 
Who invited you? 
Does it matter? 
Just know that I’m coming over. 
Gotta talk to the kids about their mother.
Do not drag me into your mess! 
My grandchildren see me as a trusted guardian.
This is serious, old hag. You’re going to moderate the conversation. 
I’m clearly biased, brat! You kissed Hiro’s teacher while still married!
Did you even think about how [Name] would feel?
She’s missing, not dead.
“I’m missing, not dead.” 
His wife’s words from the dream played back as he read his mother’s message to him. 
Yeah, he knows that. But he can’t help the urge to fill the hole in his heart just like how Hiro can’t help acting out against him. They all have different and unhealthy coping mechanisms. 
Yeah, I did. I’m not going to deny it. But I don’t love Camie, she’s just there. 
He didn’t get an immediate response and he stood at the door waiting as patiently as he could. His foot thumped on the floorboard while his bottom lip was between his teeth. 
Then three message popped up instantly:
If you say one thing that I don’t like… I will kick you out of my house. No one hurts my grandbabies!
He smiled at her response and messaged her: I know.
Katsuki ignored the stares he received from other teachers and parents that he passed by in the hall. His hands were tucked into his jacket and clenched up from this unwanted attention. God, he felt small from their judgemental stares. He could hear their stupid whispers and he wanted nothing more to yell at them. 
“Hey, dad,” Katsumi called out to him with her head down, “you don’t have to visit my teacher if you don’t want to. My grades are totally fine compared to Hiro’s and-” 
“Sumi,” Katsuki sighed and looked to his left, barely catching her off guard with her nickname. He also hasn’t addressed her lovingly in two years and he hopes to fix this burned bridge between him and his daughter. 
“Uh…” He trailed off and looked away from her surprised look. She was the spitting image of [Name] back in their grade school years. 
‘Damn it, get it together and stop looking like a damn sad man!’ He yelled at himself mentally. 
After getting his composure back, he walked up to Katsumi’s classroom and stopped at the door. He swallowed the lump in his throat and kneeled down to meet her height. She ignored his intense stare, but he gently guided her face to look at him. 
Carefully he said, “I care about your grades as much as I do for Hiro’s. I know you won the prize at the science fair beating Izuku’s nerdy son. You worked hard to put that broccoli boy in his place and I’m damn proud of you for doing that. And I’m…sorry that…for everything.”
Stupidly, he couldn’t apologize properly to Katsumi. 
Luckily for him, his daughter understood what he wanted to say. She blinked her tears away and jumped at him, hugging him with a sniffle. She wanted nothing more than to have an actual conversation with her dad. Finally he was owning up to his mistakes and this is all she really wanted from him.
“I forgive you, dad,” She moved away then tilted her head, “but it will take Hiro a lot of convincing to do the same. You really, really hurt him.” 
Katsuki slumped and said, “Yeah, I know. But I want to make it up to you guys. I need to talk to you guys about something, but it’ll be with grandma too. She can keep Hiro calm and-”
Katsumi giggled and shook her head, “You really think grandma will be on your side?”
The man huffed out a frustrated sigh and stood up to his full height, “Your grandma asked me the same thing, but I wormed my way through.” He took Katsumi’s hand in his rough one and said, “Alright, let’s get this meeting done with.” 
Katsuki knew of Katsumi’s accomplishments through his mother, yes. But everything his daughter ever achieved made him super proud. She led the classes with confidence, competed for the top spot of the class with a ‘friendly rival’ and everyone loved her. 
He didn’t know Katsumi was popular among her classmates, especially since Hiro mentioned whispers of their family. God, he felt so stupid and regretted ever letting it get so far. 
“Katsuki,” Camie’s voice had a hint of adoration in it, “what a pleasant surprise. I wasn’t sure if you had time for teacher conferences.” Her laugh echoed in the classroom and it caught the attention of the hero’s daughter. 
Katsumi squeezed her father’s hand as they walked into Hiro’s classroom. She looked around the room and it looked sort of like her own classroom with Mr. Fujioka. Her red eyes then landed on the woman that gradually captured the attention of her father. 
She was pretty tall and slim. Her short hair was a caramel color and Katsumi couldn’t deny her beauty. Did Ms. Utsushimi have something similar to her mother or was her father interested because the hole her mother left needed to be filled?
“I’m trying to fix my mistakes and be a better father for my children,” Katsuki grumbled out and walked over to the two chairs in front of Camie’s desk. He led Katsumi to one and sat down after his daughter did. 
Then his red eyes met with Camie’s soft colored ones, “Is there anything I can do to help Hiro boost his grades? I know he’s failing some of his classes.”
Camie cleared her throat and sat down at her desk pulling up a file of Hiro’s school work. She pulled out some tests and showed the red marks on most of the questions. Then the teacher licked her lips before she explained, 
“Hiro is smart, much like his sister,” Camie compared Hiro’s old work to his current school work, “He would have been in the same class as Katsumi and Sora this year and last year, but I’m sorry to bring this up as it is a touchy topic. His grades started dropping the moment his mother went missing.”
Katsuki already guessed that. 
“Figures,” He mumbled under his breath and shook his head, “I’ll talk to him about his work. Thank you for this.” 
Katsumi stood up from her chair and watched her dad do the same. 
Quickly Camie followed suit and brushed her hair from her face, “If you really want to help Hiro out, you have to tell him to leave the work to the heroes.”
“Huh?” Katsuki gave Camie a sideways glance then turned his body towards her, “What are you talking about?” 
Camie looked down at a nervous Katsumi then back to the father, “Your kids are actively looking for their mother along with Sora. They’ve been talking about the Market and how they can find her in that group.” 
Oh hell no. His confusion immediately turned into a protective anger. 
Katsuki spun around to question his daughter with an angry scowl on his face, “The hell are you guys doing, huh? Do you know what the Market is capable of?” 
“Dad, we-” 
“They hurt children like you!” Katsuki spat then grabbed Katsumi’s shoulders in a death grip, “The Market is a group of villains that should be left for the heroes to deal with, not a dumb trio like the three of you. Do you understand me, Katsumi?” 
The little girl couldn't look her dad in the eyes, not when he looked so mad. He wasn’t even going to listen to her. 
“Katsumi,” Katsuki growled out and shook her a bit to make her look him in the eyes. Then he crouched down and used one of his hands to force her to do so. 
“They kidnap little girls and little boys with powerful quirks like you and your brother,” His eyes flashed with a dangerous warning, “then those kids are sold to the highest bidder. For months, these bidders do whatever they want to these children before they make them fight one another. The ones that lose a fight are disposed of. Do you want to end up in a ditch like them? Katsumi, I asked you a question!” 
“No!” Katsumi cried, tears shining in her red eyes.
The sight of her tears softened up Katsuki’s flaring rage and he pulled her into a hug. He rubbed his hand up and down her back to soothe her, but she kept on crying. He went too far in scolding her and scaring her, but everything he said about the Market was true. He needed her to recognize the danger in trying to find a group like that. 
Katsuki picked her up into his arms and held her gently, looking over at Camie, “We’re leaving.” 
“O-oh, okay,” Camie whispered back and watched the little girl cry in her dad’s arms. The teacher never saw a sight like that before. But she didn’t blame Katsuki for acting out like that. She’s heard the stories and truly fears for her nosy students. 
Children go missing every day, but a lot have been found dead with wounds from various quirks. She couldn’t imagine any of her students ending up like that. 
She couldn’t imagine how Katsuki would react if one of his children ended up the same way. 
Hiro’s head hurt a lot. 
The last thing he could remember is walking to his grandma’s house after Katsumi messaged him saying that the conferences just ended. Now his location remained a mystery to him.
 Fear slowly creeped up his back, but he had to stay focused. Fear blinds all the other senses that could help him out in this situation. 
While sitting up, his body felt extremely tired and worn out. His [e.color] eyes looked around his surroundings, but only darkness covered him. 
“What the hell is going on?” He questioned quietly. 
A bright flash blinded him and he blinked his eyes to get used to the light that shone on his body. 
A flatscreen tv hung on the wall with the word ‘Welcome’ appeared on the screen. Then a robotic voice spoke to him through the speakers giving him orders, 
“The drug will wear off in a few moments and once your system returns to normal you will go beyond the door to show off your quirk. If you do not comply, you will be terminated.” 
Hiro pushed himself off the floor and the pain in his head gradually went away while he asked himself a million questions. 
He had been drugged. 
He needed to display his quirk once the door behind him opened. 
If he doesn’t follow this order, he will be…killed?
“My dad said that the survivor from the Market is pretty messed up. Said that the boy used his quirk to kill other kids, kids that the heroes found all over Japan in alleys or abandoned places,” Sora's voice echoed in his head.
The door slid open with a swoosh and Hiro’s shoulders sagged in disbelief, “Oh, fuck me.” 
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camelspit · 4 months
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Master Cadence by @tw-5
Umber by @chronically-ill-psionipath
Tinker by @thefoxysnake
Esha Aria by @camelspit
Lady Galvin by @an-ungraceful-swan
Note! Definition of a sexywoman:
According to the sexywomanpedia, a sexywoman is "a character who shows the 'lanky suitman villain' tropes, is popular with wlw, and/or is highly divisive." Some factors to consider are morality (or lack thereof), overall mysteriousness, and strength (physical or abilitywise.)
Master Cadence:
"she’s a linguist. she’s a woman in stem. she’s tired of everyone’s bullshit. she’s fruity as hell. her house is cool as fuck (a howls moving castle style boat-thing made of metal that she built herself because she didn’t want to live in the elven cities???? come on). she’s a MASTER. what more could you want." @let-them-sing-of-others
"she’s an academic. shes smarter than u. she hates on the council and she’s RIGHT. she hates sophie actually you know what she has a hater complex but in a hot way. i love her yr honour." @necromycologist
"ok not to be a lesbian or horny on main (<- ace) but HOLY SHIT i want her to step on me. this lady has intensified my sexuality crisis" (anonymous)
"Shes an evil hot powerful shade that got killed in the book she got introduced in what more could you want" @thefoxysnake
"Umber (Redacted) is one of the women in the series that isn’t JUST psychological manipulator! She also fought! She broke bones (if I remembered correctly) and messes with everyone’s minds without even revealing her true name! She has a boyfriend! A BOYFRIEND. TRIX. She went through something ‘the incident’ (mentioned in the latest book) and joined the Neverseen! She got Trix, her Pookie to be in the Neverseen as well 🥺. You can tell she was also a good lover how Trix was so sad over her death. KEEP IN MIND SHE DIED BEING CRUSHED, so for those who likes angst; there you go. She died in her mission. She was Tam’s mentor and an EXCELLENT fighter if I do say so myself. Who wouldn’t vote Umber? A girlboss with a sweet boyfriend and has murderous tendencies? 😔🎉 Vote for Umber PLEASE! I’M BEGGING YOU! PLSPLSPLSPLS 😭😭" @chronically-ill-psionipath
"she's trans! she's autistic! she's a mad scientist! she's everything you could possibly want in a woman!!!!!" @gay-otlc
"shes a mad genius she built a mad science castle she invented steampunk literally why would you not love her" @necromycologist
Esha Aria:
"shes sooo funny guys. she fucked with the system to get some dick and almost got away with it. she chose that dick over her daughter. she may be exiled but at least she has her man. morals and consequences mean nothing!!!" @camelspit
Lady Galvin:
"She's one of the greatest alchemists there ever was, and yet no one recognizes her for her talents. She's surrounded by people who will never understand or appreciate her, and because of that she tries to make their life hell. She has no ambitions, no future, no goal, and yet she doesn't break. She wears her cool ass capes and rules over detention with an iron fist, desperately searching for the control she lost when she realized her job wasn't up to her. She's an evil supergenius stuck in a children's school." @lizzie-dude
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saintsenara · 5 months
Weird question but do you think the centaurs SAd umbridge in ootp? It kinda feels like it’s written that way and it’s pretty disturbing tbh
thank you very much for the ask, anon!
the spoiler alert is that i don't - i think the series' approach to sexual violence leaves a great deal to be desired, but i don't think this is one of those cases - but obviously this discussion does come with a trigger warning for rape and is under the cut.
i know where this interpretation comes from - since a huge amount of the classical greek mythology surrounding centaurs is based in the idea that they rape human women - and i also know that the series' general view that any violence which happens to someone who "deserves" it is fine means that readers consider it plausible that jkr would have thought it acceptable for umbridge to be subjected to such a "punishment"...
and the text certainly can be read as showing the aftermath of a sexual assault:
All six of them looked around. Professor Umbridge was lying in a bed opposite them, gazing up at the ceiling. Dumbledore had strode alone into the forest to rescue her from the centaurs. How he had done it - how he had emerged from the trees supporting Professor Umbridge without so much as a scratch on him - nobody knew, and Umbridge was certainly not telling. Since she had returned to the castle she had not, as far as any of them knew, uttered a single word. Nobody really knew what was wrong with her either. Her usually neat mousy hair was very untidy and there were bits of twig and leaf in it, but otherwise she seemed to be quite unscathed. “Madam Pomfrey says she’s just in shock,” whispered Hermione. “Sulking, more like,” said Ginny. “Yeah, she shows signs of life if you do this,” said Ron, and with his tongue he made soft clip-clopping noises. Umbridge sat bolt upright, looking wildly around. “Anything wrong, Professor?” called Madam Pomfrey, poking her head around her office door. “No... no...” said Umbridge, sinking back into her pillows, “no, I must have been dreaming...” Hermione and Ginny muffled their laughter in the bedclothes.
but i think its actual intention is for us to take ginny's reading of the situation as the correct one.
the series likes to punish its bad characters for their bad deeds with a punishment connected to their defining flaw. lockhart - the epitome of grasping narcissism - is felled when he believes that he'll be able to perfectly cast a memory charm, too convinced of his own brilliance to notice that ron's wand is broken and the spell will backfire. fudge - a coward who's obsessed with his own public image - is forced from office when his year-long burying his head in the sand is revealed and the public turn on him. marietta edgecombe - a traitor, and a character jkr is on the record as loathing - is punished for wanting to remove the risk of negative attention falling on her and her family by having her crimes, quite literally, written on her face.
bellatrix is taken out by her arrogance, wormtail is taken out by his moral insubstantiality, and - of course - voldemort is taken out by his attempts to outrun both love and death.
what the series hates about umbridge is that she is the encapsulation of bureaucratic bigotry - she's someone who is obsessed with maintaining control and order by subjecting everything in her life to elaborate rules, she values the rigidity of social convention, and she is completely intolerant of anything which contradicts this rule-system. her ruthless discrimination against "half-breeds" is because she wants to confine things she fears or doesn't understand into rigid boxes - she doesn't want to risk discovering that a colleague she likes is a werewolf, because that would undermine the belief system she upholds, and so she removes that threat to herself by passing legislation which prevents werewolves from working alongside her.
her punishment for these crimes - in the series' world-view - must therefore directly relate to her prejudices, and - specifically - to her prejudices being wrong. it wouldn't do for her to be raped by creatures she considers subhuman, because this would justify her belief that centaurs [and werewolves, mermaids, goblins etc.] are savage beasts who will violate wizarding norms at every opportunity, and who, therefore, need to be subjected to violent wizarding control.
it makes more sense to suppose that she is subjected to something she would find it impossible to deny was "civilised" - i imagine, for example, that centaurs have their own legal system, and that she is dragged off to stand before the assembled community and have something which she can meaningfully recognise as a trial - and that her shock and disorientation is because her conviction that she'd be brutally attacked by a group she considers incapable of restraining or governing themselves did not turn out to be true.
and she is also, i think, supposed to be read as affected by the fact that dumbledore - whose authority she has been trying to eradicate from the school - is the person who rescues her, and who achieves through his commitment to [ostensibly] respecting centaur autonomy, far more authority over them than the ministry does.
her humiliation, then, comes - in the text's eyes - from the fact that her hypocrisy has been utterly exposed. and so ginny is right to say that she's "sulking" as a way of trying to save face.
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lovelufian · 1 year
How To Be Cute
It's been a while since I have noted ideas for more accurate Fae characters. And yes, you read the title right. I am giving you ideas for a realistic, more-than-meets-the-eye, cute character. Or use it for yourself I don't care, go nuts.
A little more quiet. Cute is not loud. Cute is not always chaotic. Cute is cute even if they just sit on a corner and minding their own business, be it staring at the plants on the sidewalk or gazing at the stars. Cute has glints of innocence in their eyes and is cute even just staring at you.
More than words. If I hear one more person mispronouncing so many words intentionally just to sound cute I may explode. But cute is caring. So voice your concerns. Say those small questions. Let out those naive concerns without screaming them out.
Not mean. Cute is more than pouts. Cute is more than a small voice screaming into your ear. Cute is caring. Cute is nice. Cute is nice to everyone and will try to correct themselves when they are hating. Cute has a heart and they are not afraid to use it. Cute is not rash and tries their best to never say a dirty word, not because they think it's bad, either they are just not aware of the word, they think it's unnecessary, or both.
Cozy. Let out those plush animals. Warm blanket. Cup of chocolate. Soothing music. ASMR (Well if it suits your fancy). Do this without the intention of showing off. Have a "protocol" ready when you get broken-hearted. Just do it for yourself. Do it alone. Enjoy time alone. Play with pets. Make sure you're always comfortable (not at the expense of others though). Take a break from people if you need to. That is self-care. Self-care is cute.
Gently Unmasked. Tears are not weak and as you don't overdo them, you're fine. When you feel touched by something, show it. If you find something adorable, show it. But I know we as a society has been raised not allowing ourselves to show unmasked/unfiltered emotions in public until it's already a known universal collective experience. Start when you are alone, and keep doing it until it becomes natural to you.
Innocent. Let yourself be oblivious. It's fine if you don't get that someone is flirting you. It's fine if you don't get that innuendo. It's fine if you are what everyone is afraid of, single. It doesn't matter cause you know why? You are happy with life anyway. Contented with friends. Family. Animals, what have you. You live a cozy life, why desire so much for flirting and innuendos from other people?
Contented. Feel enough. Cute does not share the adult desire of wanting everything. Cute is not greedy. Cute shares, even. Cute knows does what they can with what they have and is happy enough about it. Cute doesn't need to envy because they are already happy, and looking forward with another day, and you can see it in the joy and hope in their eyes.
Has an inner child. Do not deny your inner child. Find the most adorable things you can find in life and surround yourself with them (yes it includes bugs if you find bugs interesting). Let your interests wonder. Learn about the things you like. Pursue with your heart.
Wholesome. Cute appreciates wholesome. It's not exclusive though. When cute sees unfamiliar things and innuendos, they are just confused, but never shows ick about it.
Nice beyond cues. Cute doesn't need a cue to be nice. They are decent beyond social cues, and they are kind just because. They do nice things from the heart. And they don't care about the public norm because they are not so aware of it.
Hoping. Hope and innocence run side by side. Once you learn to have hopes you can immediately trigger your innocence. Not everything has to be sad and tragic. Not everyone will hurt you. Not everything you're going to do is going to fail.
Uses ways to convey emotions through messages, but never overdoes it. The only things in emojis that you can use most times are 🥺 and the smiling version of it. Maybe some 🤣 too. The rest is emoticons or kaomojis. But do not overdo them, as it looks unnatural.
Soft but not whiny. Cute is soft and fragile, but doesn't whine all the time. It just minds its own business while looking very "smol" about it. Whining is noisy. Noisy is not cute.
Modestly styled. There's a fine line between being "innocent cute" and "adult cute". We are talking about innocent cute here. Don't show so much skin. Wear cozy and modest clothing. Any color would do, even black, as long as it gives an innocent vibe to your being. Feel yourself in soft fabric shirts and pants/skirts. Wear that adorable little hair ornament you have. Show the flowiness/softness of your hair. Keep the makeup light.
Hygge. Whether or not you know the word for it, enjoying your life within the simple and cozy things and spending time with those you love and those you appreciate is a good thing. It will allow you to feel wholesome and therefore act nicely with the world. Nice is cute.
For me, cute is sctually more of a vibe and personality than anything. The style is just a plus. Also, cute is not and will never be limited to skinny. Skinny does not equal cute and never will, and I will bludgeon whoever says otherwise. Cute is not something with a specific style that you have to do even when you don't like said style. And cute as a personality doesn't revolve around clothing, trinkets, or body types.
I might add more here if I ever remember any else, but for now this will be my list. Enjoy and use as you will.
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champmorado · 1 year
chick hicks & jackson storm character analysis!!!!
so chick hicks has major daddy issues, plain and simple. because of his dad, he tied his self-worth to being a "winner". because of his dad, he made himself not care about anyone else but himself. because of his dad, everyone else was either a "loser" or someone standing in the way of victory
chick is arrogant, overly so. because of this, hes lonely. hes unbelievably lonely. do you think his crew chose to wear those matching mustaches? who would willingly hang out with the dirty, cheating, crash-causing, second-placing chick?
he surrounds himself with mirrors. with people that tell him what he wants to hear, and laugh at his stupid jokes, and just so happen to be on his payroll. but if you strip away all the sponsor money, the insults and jabs, the angry & arrogant exterior, youre left with a sad and disappointing middle-aged man that was never truly a "winner". a man that no one wants to love or even be associated with
(but hes in extreme denial about that)
now, jackson storm
i dont have access to a copy of storm chasing (damn ittttt) so i'll just be going off the wiki and the movie
jackson storm didnt even want to be a racer. he was completely fine with being an e-sports player. but he was extorted by a guy that ended up firing him anyways so here we are
because of that, jackson has the world's weirdest form of imposter syndrome. he doesnt belong here. hes the best racer there is. he shouldve been racing since he was a child. he hates being a racer. he wouldnt trade it for the world. he wishes he could be just a gamer again. etc etc
he never really compliments himself, though. he needs to tear someone else down to lift himself up. he needs someone thats "worse" than him before he can boast about how great he is. deep down, he doesnt like being a racer, and he feels that the racing world doesnt deserve him
he also never lets himself feel. hes always distant and his emotions are always disconnected from the present. this started out as a way to avoid having angry outbursts but now he feels shallow. his losses arent painful but his wins arent rewarding. meeting a fan feels the same as meeting a hater. everything just feels.... insincere
so yea 👍 thats my brainrot on them as individuals, the father-son dynamic brainrot will come soon
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dreamlanddeluxe · 8 months
Found the article from the previous post and it sums up my overall thoughts on the show exactly. If anyone cares to hear my more personal thoughts surrounding That Hotel Show they will be under the readmore
Like truly I’m not hating on this show just to be a hater, my thoughts are purely on the show itself divorced from my criticisms against Viv. I’m just upset that so many are either blind or purposely ignorant to the abhorrent and harmful issues present in there. It does nothing to subvert expectations, rather it enforces conservative viewpoints already established surrounding the themes of christian sin, redemption, and general morality. I could forgive the eyesore of an artstyle, I could forgive the haphazard musical numbers, I could even forgive the million plotholes present if the characters were intriguing enough, but everything that Charlie’s motives are based on sours anything that could even be remotely salvaged from this show to me. Her character is the definition of “purity,” not through acts of kindness, rather through a lack of anything “sinful” (which in the show’s case, is mainly sex, drug use, and homosexuality! How wonderful!). She does nothing to truly support the main cast, she is only good in comparison through her lack of the aforementioned “sinful” topics.
And yes before anyone mentions it, I know she’s in a relationship with a woman, but truly look how her relationship is portrayed in comparison to the other relationships in the show. Since Charile is supposedly the mascot of redemption, her relationship is so clean and cutesy! They barely hug or kiss let alone even mention *gasp* SEX! She’s not like those other nasty perverted cross-dressing kink-obsessed overtly-sexual faggo- I mean people right! She’s such a good girl who just wants to turn them towards the right path! God’s path! ….Do you see what I’m getting at.
I might’ve liked this show if I was 13. I don’t say that with kindness, but I don’t say it with hatred towards my younger self either, I say it with sadness. I was a kid that grew up in a extremely religious household, with these same views of sin and morality used against me and my identity. I never had a moment of peace, all my thoughts were “impure” and my homosexual desire was nothing but devil’s work. I still think of the times I spent crying, trying to make my parents believe wasn’t some sort of devil spawn. It was a relentless unrewarding mind game trying to prove my “purity” and destroy my romantic and sexual desire, that I would later discover I had no chance of winning to begin with. Going through that was horrible to say the least, its no understatement to say it will forever alter how I view myself and my desires…. So to see someone not only uphold this ideological framework, but also get praised for it? Have a fanbase go crazy for it? Unbelievable. To me Charlie is a personification of the traits I would need to have in order to prove my “purity” but deep down never could achieve, as I was never meant to win.
I would like to give this show’s fans the benefit of the doubt and assume that majority of them are those hurt 13 year olds that don’t know they deserve better. But I know there’s others who truly believe this is the peak of writing surrounding these topics, and to that all I can say is look inward and ask yourself why so.
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dangermousie · 1 year
Lost You Forever ep 37
There are a lot of things going on in this ep but one of them is XY finding it a lot harder to let go than she thought it would be. Her immediate reaction to Jing's family mess was to cut him off and it was pure self-preservation on her part - I mean, she didn't even think to let Jing know his supposedly demure fiancee was an assassin for hire by fifth and seventh kings, which was not only a safety issue but something that may have helped him to break off the engagement before the pregnancy and maybe even after, because she really did not want to fight for him. And it was because she wants to protect her heart at all costs. But I think she is learning that being passive and waiting to be pursued and detaching when there is trouble didn't actually result in self-preservation. She is still hurt and she still hasn't gotten over him (so perhaps fighting would have been worth it, because not fighting led not to indifference but to pain.) And Jing really does look like a ghost and then he sees her and he's in pain if at least marginally more alive but he's just so beaten down.
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One thing hasn't changed - he still is on it like a hawk at the first sign of her in trouble.
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I do love how often he's depicted as a supplicant - on his knees in front of her.
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When she comes to and withdraws her hand and you can see him trying his damnedest not to cling and failing...
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If you want to switch up the flavors of misery have CX, and my heart breaks for him here utterly, as he's marrying a woman he does not love or even know, to solidify his position and to protect XY. It is not any different than when he was pretending to be a playboy chasing those random women and hating it so much - I remember his telling XY he hated their smell and here he is, with another woman and this time forever.
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His face in that last cap- I just want to cry. Did I mention that CX is my favorite male character now? He is digging his own grave as determinedly and as knowingly as XL and ouch ouch ouch ouch. By following her insane "romantic love above all" credo, his mother (who literally committed suicide to be with her dead husband instead of raising her freaking small child who was surrounded by sharks!) made sure her son will never even have a chance at love.
The bit with Jing watching XY with XL and this time all he can do is watch in silent despair because he has no right? Ouch ouch ouch.
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When he walks into the feast room, he really looks like he can barely lift his feet and it's a miracle he does not trip over the threshold and collapse.
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(Oh, the bitter irony since this is applicable to both CX and Jing.)
The chemistry between them is insane and I was rooting for them to kiss (sorry Jing, I still root for you!) but of course he won't let it. XL is determined to march on to his death for his cause and is shutting down any hope/part of him that wants to instead seek love and the future - by lashing out or avoidance or just shutting things down. It's pretty horrifying tbh. They are all so traumatized.
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If even Rich Jesus is rolling his eyes at you, you know you fucked up. (I am so sad she didn't live to see the fallout!)
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I "love" granny being sooo excited to see the spawn of satan, completely not caring that her supposed beloved grandson (who she drugged into this!) looks like the walking dead.
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The fact that he still mourns for the old monster when she keels over - I could never but then this is the gentleness that XY fell for and that had the patience to woo her. Everything has plusses and minuses.
PS I loved this bit so much. She can't let go, can she? The empress of denial and moving on is incapable. How can anyone argue after stuff like this that she doesn't love him?
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chidoroki · 1 year
182 Days of TPN - Day 176
Chapter 176: "We're Home!"
The long awaited hug! It's so heartwarming it almost makes you forget about Emma tossing her weapon aside, which later becomes an unfortunate consequence, but we'll worry about that later and do our best to focus on these precious kid's happy faces.
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I'm pretty glad their reunion is one of the only things to get animated from this chapter.
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Of course one of the downsides to the anime not including everything is us missing out on Phil's reaction to seeing everyone else. The rest of the kids just sorta show up all in one place in the second season but the manga makes the many reunions feel more personal, especially with him learning that Norman was never killed.
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Phil reflects on how hard the past couple years have been for him while keeping the farm's secret and feeling isolated from the other children due to knowing it and if there's anyone who can understand his pain, it's Ray, as he suffered the same cruel experience so the fact the two of them can share this hug (and head pat) is so sweet, it can bring me to tears. These boys deserved so much better! No more sadness allowed for either of them til the end of time!
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I'm very happy Sherry get her own moment with Norman too. Their friendship is so adorable. She's undoubtedly his biggest fan.
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Look how relieved and happy Isabella is to finally be done with all the lying and fighting. That smile of hers is so pretty, she wants nothing more than to care for her children like a real mother should and damn it y'all, I wish she could've got that chance alongside all the other moms and sisters!
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This quote (that continues into the panels after this page) is probably my favorite from Emma. I know I've said it a lot, about how amazing Emma is to be so optimistic while being surrounded by this world's many various threats that constantly want her dead, but finally being able to see her achieve all her goals while staying true to herself is something I'll always be proud of her for. No matter all the difficulties she faced, whether it was losing someone dear to her, sustaining serious injuries or making life changing decisions, she kept on fighting to secure a better future for her family. Of course she had some moments of weakness to process everything going on around her and to keep her emotions in check, but not once did she ever quit pursuing that bright dream of hers.
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The children have all fought through so much together and had their own personal struggles, so seeing them all smile and break out into tears is definitely one of the best moments of the series. They all deserve this victory and a moment to be excited about their freedom.
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Sigh, rest in peace to all those we lost along the way! I may not remember all their names aside from Yuugo, Lucas, Conny, Olivia & Michelle, but having Emma think of everyone again proves just how important they all were to to, even if we, as readers, didn't get to see them often enough throughout the story.
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Yeah, that brief moment the kiddos had to relax? All gone, thanks to this bastard! If anyone desired to know which character I hate most, it's this damn demon. I don't wanna talk about it but the reason is literally unavoidable in this chapter and to this day I'm still crushed that it happens.
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Glad you finally realized your own mistake, honey, but ya gotta be quicker than that! These poor children though, living just a normal life at the orphanage one moment and then running scared for their lives because of this demon the next.
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I'm so damn proud that Ray managed to stay alert despite all the reunions and how his protective nature gets kicked into high gear to try and stop that bastard from harming Emma and the girl she's rushing to save.
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The look on Ray's face (& everyone else's) makes me wanna scream. I don't wanna imagine this scene getting animated (& I'm so incredibly thankful it wasn't) but I can just hear the couple of shots Ray fired off, the complete silence that follows as the kids stand by completely speechless due to the sight in front of them as an occasional drop of blood drips off the demon's claw as Emma slowly looks up and... aahhh fuck.
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The way I fell in love with this woman just a handful of chapters ago to now be on the verge of losing her, just.. FUCK! I hate it. I hate it. I hate it. I hate it. I hate it. I will always hate it. I will always hate this demon. I will always hate how this chapter was released on Mother's Day. The timing could not have been any worse and I'll never not be completely devastated by this moment!
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Favorite panel/moment:
I desperately need some happiness right now and this panel is the perfect way to achieve it. Writing out the next chapter is absolutely gonna put me through emotional hell. again.
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deadite-central · 1 month
This took some time but we’re finally back on track with Dressrosa!!
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I started this out in my last post, but while Rebecca's design is a genuine mess I think her story is great. Learning that the toy soldier the other Straw Hats teamed up with raised her is such a sweet altough sad story for everyone involved in it, and it makes the reveal that it was Kyros all along who had been forgotten all the more soul crushing. It also pains me to see this genuinely sweet girl be forced to fight for her life as a gladiator with everyone in the audience bashing her simply because of her herritage.
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As for most of the Straw Hats, when Law's plan backfires on him and Doflamingo sets his eyes onto the crew, we get one of the coolest Sanji moments of him stopping the main villain of the arc, even if for a moment. It's a well done show of both of their powers, and it's lovely to see the Straw Hats and Momo cheer Sanji on
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That's all the fun for now as we get to some gruesome reveals surrounding Dressrosa and Doflamingo, starting with Momonosuke recounting the time he saw one of many moments of cruelty from the man to those he deems lesser than himself. A gladiator is supposed to fight, bleed and die for entertainment, because that's how he wants it go, that's what'll make people excited. It's probably the most terryfying moment he has to me, especially because this was often how the less strong people were treated in ancient times. This was something that used to happen. Also Momonosuke being terrified of just the memory of this sells the entire scene very well.
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Things aren't getting better anytime soon as we learn the story of how exactly Doflamingo took over Dressrosa. Starting a massacre using his devil fruit, making the people detest their king and then swooping in as the hero who saves them. I love the parallels Dressrosa has to Alabasta, and I'm already prepearing a seperate post for that, but the way Doflamingo and his pirates do this so quickly is just upping their menace and that's just good set up.
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To make matters worse present isn't that much better as after fighting Doflamingo for a while Law lands right next to the colosseum in Luffy's view, and then gets shot multiple times. Things are looking incredibly dire for the main cast at this point, as it seems they are back to working out in Doflamingo's favour.
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Thankfully, One Piece can always keep lightheartedness in the story. Like I said I'm not the biggest fan of the Colosseum but Bartolomeo is hilarious. I'm so happy we have a character in this series who's such a superfan of Luffy and the Straw Hats. He's so fucking funny in every scene he's in and I can't help but laugh whenever I see him. I adore this dude. Not only that but we get more into Bellamy's slow redemption (if you can call it that?? I'm not quite sure), and finally, we're met with somebody who's here to help Luffy. Sabo isn't intorduced in this arc completely tho yet so I'll get back to him another time
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Remember when I said everything seems to be going in Doffy's favour? Yeah. Seems. Fujitora quickly reveals himself as not much of and ally to him, as we find out he clearly knows that what's going on here is eeringly similar to what was happening in Alabasta. He hates the Seven Warlord system and he will make sure that everything happening in Dressrosa will bring everyone closer to disbanding it. Which Doflamingo, obviously, would like to avoid.
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The cherry on top of all of this is when it becomes clear that it's no longer Luffy who's fighting in the colosseum, and suddenly, Doflamingo’s calculated act gets shattered as things will slowly descend from bad to worse for him, and I can't wait to talk about that
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shootertron-stuff · 3 months
"Deserving" of abuse and Space Marines
Honestly I am not the most succinct person who knows how to say what I mean, and I mostly post about it from a "non-diegetic BDSM" viewpoint, but one of the main beliefs I want to get through about my Space Marine mpreg stuff is that the idea of a perfect, good, innocent victim is bullshit. Even dirty dogs do not deserve to be kicked like dogs.
(discussions of abuse, rape, pregnancy)
The reason I talk about Chaos cultists thinking those Imperial Space Marines (who are fascists who burned down a children's hospital or something like that) deserve to be raped and impregnated and are so lucky to not be in a smaller cage is because I hate this attitude in real life that says criminals should be tortured as an official policy of the "justice system". That anyone deemed a terrorist deserves to be tortured. Such an attitude also leads to people who haven't done anything wrong being slammed with abuse.
Clothilde is surrounded by chaos cultists who get mad they they're ungrateful to be married to a powerful Black Legionnaire, who think they are getting what they deserve for indiscriminately killing heretics, because I'm horrified by this dismissive attitude towards suffering if the person "deserved " it. Because the definition of "deserved" can be muddied into meaninglessness.
See: people joking about prison rape. People complaining that prisons are too luxurious for prisoners.
I give them character flaws, make them a weirdo with beliefs their children can't stand, because so what if they are like that? They don't deserve abuse. I am not saying they deserve abuse because they're insufferable. I am saying they don't need to be a perfect angel for their suffering to be valid.
(Don't you know no one alive can always be an angel? When everything goes wrong you're bound to see some bad.)
(One of the things I have planned is the Nametaker has a tragic backstory of his own, and he tells Clothilde the story thinking they will find it funny because haha, the traitor is getting punished. But instead Clothilde is horrified and sad that their captor never got better from all...that. They wonder how someone who was a sex slave and hated it manages to keep sex slaves. Because their captor thinks he's being a "good" captor.)
They spout genocide justification? Be racist against furries? Slap their cowives in frustration when someone trashes the bathroom? Same thing.
They're in love with their captor because most of their life they've been conditioned to love authority figures who don't deserve their love, and the Nametaker took advantage of that. And this unwillingness to leave shitty people happens in real life. It makes them annoying to their children. Yeah, the children should "know better" but as in real life, it can be extremely frustrating to see someone go against common sense like this.
So yeah, I post a lot of kinky torture stuff, but any comments about the victims deserving it comes from the perspective of the torturers.
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gethellbcnt-m · 4 months
screaming my thoughts about s2e8 into the void because i need to to scream it somewhere n i dont wanna bother people SO--
the song was fun, the visuals were comedy gold, and i thought the escalation from playful horniness to Anxiety-Fueled Dread was very entertaining !
LOONA YOU ARE NOT HELPING YOUR FATHER FEEL BETTER ! you know he's gotta give that bird the ultimate stuffing to keep the book ! WHY WOULD YOU SAY THOSE THINGS--
Moxxie being supportive of his boss is adorable... even if Blitz technically caused a divorce, but those two were on their way there anyway so it's fineeeeeeee !
Cleatus, Keenie, imma need you two to shut up- i know the dhorks are kinda dumb when it comes to taking info with a pinch of salt, but this is just sad. speaking of : WHY ARE MY TAXES BEING USED ON THIS INSTEAD OF BETTER SCHOOL LUNCHES-- i'm also getting incredibly vague lion king vibes from the shot of those priest clones... and is that Collin foreshadowing i see in the interrogation room ??
sick robot suits, loving the parallel between the IMP and team CHERUBS. i wuold've preferred if the cherubs kept to the background more and saw that hell isn't too different from heaven, and that the hellborn are just vibing to the best of their abilities wherever they live.
Blitz's shopping spree was such a joy to watch, and it shows how much effort he's willing to put into the visits he makes to Stolas in order to keep his business and friends financially secure. i'm waiting to see if one/the mnm's will get a similar sequence in the future.
these shopkeeper designs fucking ROCK and i want to know more about them ! even if i know they're probably one-time characters and will never see them again lol
love love LOOOVE Fizz and Ozzie's toy/entertainment selection !! i can't stop looking at everything in the background because A] it's so colorful and B] i'm a pervert who wants to draw my muses in some of these hehehe
the remainder of IMP vs. the CHERUBS were so fun to watch ! i feel bad for Ozzie though, he and Fizz are definitely having a talk about Blitz and his team being surpervised if they're ever allowed to visit the Lust ring again after all the damage they caused.
Stolas... didn't just start the conversation by giving him the crystal, first ? asking about the book first -- Blitz's only reason that his business is still running and keeping him AND his employees financially afloat -- and seeing the underlying fear and uncertainty on Blitz's face before Stolas doubles down... God, it hurts. ' i can always do better ' just... OUGH.
i am going to out myself as a Blitz enjoyer here because i relate to him a lot on a concerning level.. but also because i've been to that scalding, steaming pit of self-hatred, too ; i've long since climbed out of that pit, but i can understand his position because i've been there. you feel like you're alone, even when you're in a room full of company that you enjoy being with. you feel like even when you're surrounded by loving family/friends, you have this feeling in your heart that they secretly hate you regardless of how much praise or support they give you. something just feels... off. any signlas that Stolas may have given him just whooooooshed over Blitz's head because he's too caught up in his own self-loathing to see it.
additionally, i've ALSO been fearful of someone with higher authority who's able to decide whether or not i keep my job depending on their opinion of me. to have such low self esteem and be at a disadvantage in The System just freaking sucks donkey balls, bro.
i'll give Stolas credit where it's due : the communication is FINALLY happening ! but you know what's awesome about that process ? learning to LISTEN !! he knows that Blitz is a guy who uses humor in the way he communicates, and i feel that it would not have taken more than a few seconds for him to have said, ' Blitz, i'm being serious '. would it have not lead to Blitz blowing up at him ? i don't know ! would it have lead to Blitz calling out Stolas and having his emotional rant anyway ? it's entirely possible !
both characters are so caught up in their pains that, if they took a little more time to clarify themselves and their feelings, it's very likely that their confrontation wouldn't have ended the way it did.
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soukokuchild · 2 years
Today I'm offering you soukoku angst (cw: major character death)
Dazai lays on the ground, blood spilling out from the wound on his chest but he couldn't care less. Well, he hates the pain caused by the wound but at the same time he doesn't feel anything at all.
Perhaps there's one thing he feels: regret for getting the agency involved into his last suicide attempt. He knew from the very first moment that they couldn't have won that war, so why did they try?
Dazai doesn't know what happened to the agency members.
All he does now is just staring at his enemy above him with a relaxed smile on his face, his head on Chuuya's lap.
"Oi Dazai... remember that shitty song you used to sing to me years ago?" Chuuya asks looking at him. His usual loud and cocky voice is now raspy; the tiredness is palpable.
As soon as he saw the brunet collapsing on the ground Chuuya ran towards him kneeling by his side, conscious that it was a fatal injury.
"Oh gods no, not that song again..." Dazai's tired too but still manages to chuckle a bit, memories flowing into his mind.
Back in the Port Mafia Dazai loved to torment Chuuya by singing him "You are my sunshine" on the way for the ninth mission. From the start he enjoyed annoying Chuuya with such disgusting and playful love declarations which, as the time passed, were rooted till something more deeper blossomed, something that went beyond mere jokes. They didn't know exactly when those words turned out to be more truer than they could've imagined.
"Thank you, Chuuya." Dazai mutters feeling his eyelids getting heavier and his entire body number as the time goes by. That's so good Dazai thinks but there's still a part of him that aches knowing what he's leaving behind. Who is leaving behind, again.
"Don't say that. There's nothing to thank me for," there's a sad smile on the redhead's face hidden from Dazai's visual. "I killed you, afterall."
An heavy silence falls on them again, they seem not paying any mind to the war that surrounds them. They seem to not hearing the screams coming from the dying soldiers, the sound of shots and the despair that fills the air. Everything in that place is drenched with blood and death.
"Wasn't that our goal?"
Chuuya stays silent. It wasn't he would say but knows too well that if he says so, all Dazai's beliefs would crumble. How could he force someone who's already slipped away from his hands to live? Dazai always trusted Chuuya enough to put his own life into Chuuya's hands without any hesitation. It was obvious that Dazai would've asked Chuuya to end his sorrow. It would've been Chuuya the one to take Dazai's life away. It's an agreement they made way before their feelings surfaced. It's an agreement made with their first fight ever.
"Can you sing for me, chibi?" Dazai doesn't need to say what song he wants to hear. It's not the first time that Chuuya sings for Dazai but of course this one has to be special. Tragically special. When Chuuya starts singing, Dazai almost regrets not asking him to sing more when he had the chance. Almost because what they had has been enough to quiet his tormented heart down.
"You are my sunshine, my only sunshine
You make me happy when skies are gray"
For a brief moment Chuuya's lips quiver, his shaky voice shows what he's desperately trying to hide from his dying partner. It doesn't help Dazai who joins him and they sing along until Dazai is too tired to keep going. The bandaged detective can feel Chuuya's hands tremble but it doesn't stop him from stroking Dazai's hair.
"You'll never know, dear, how much I love you
Please don't take my sunshine away."
That last sentence is barely a whisper and Chuuya doesn't dare to look down at Dazai. He closes his eyes and even though the battle rages on, the executive doesn't care anymore.
The song ends and Dazai is already gone. Chuuya places a soft kiss on his lover's forehead, careless of the tears streaming down his pale face.
"Don't expect to hear those words from me now that you're gone, Osamu. You know that I do."
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celestie0 · 4 months
🪷 ALSOALSO just as I hit the ask button I just..thought about how utterly tragic gojo's life was when he was alive. Nothing but a vessel to hold power, a vessel used by clan structures to maintain the rotting society, a weapon that was seen as a threat or hope but never as a human with his own emotions or feelings behind. None of that was reserved for him.
I know people think Gege is losing his mind but honestly I'm not surprised they went down this route. It's cruel and absolutely fucking brutal but I feel like that's the whole point. To not be freed from the label of "the strongest" even in your death, to the extent that your corpse has to be used to win a fight or get an edge against the villian is a brilliant and cruel way to show the burden of the duty that fell on his shoulders.
If it's any consolation atleast he's with his most cherished people now. I did kind of tear up at the chapter because holy hell. His arc and entire character is genuinely tragic. Everything that has happened so far somehow showed why gojo was so deeply attached to geto and those three years despite everything that went wrong between the two of them. He had someone who saw him as Satoru first and not the six eyes user, who shared his burden and thanked him for his efforts instead of just treating it as something he's supposed to do anyway. It's not in the least bit surprising that gojo still considered him his one and only best friend, regardless of the differences that ultimately separated them.
At the very least his death was kind. To go back to the time you cherished so dearly, surrounded by people you care for, being able to be vulnerable and to finally be able to let go of that burden on you as the strongest. Enjoy your time now, you did everything and so much more to have deserved this freedom.
Man it just hurts ☹️ sorry for rambling but you know I never quit with my yapping
aaa do you mean you sent another ask too bb? i don't think i received it if you did :(
i know. i am so devastated by latest jjk. you're so right, he never had a chance to just be a human. always bottling up his emotions because he felt they didn't matter, he always upheld the burden of being the strongest for the sake of others. even in death, he cannot rest peacefully. i saw a really sad tiktok edit to phoebe bridgers song lyric "always an angel, never enough", and that RUINED me. he was always a weapon, and never a person.
"To not be freed from the label of "the strongest" even in your death, to the extent that your corpse has to be used to win a fight or get an edge against the villian is a brilliant and cruel way to show the burden of the duty that fell on his shoulders."
i agree. it's so wildly dehumanizing and i despise gege for going in this direction, but there is also a part of me that thinks it's an interesting direction to take gojo's character. the problem is, there is no window of light through the story he is telling, and it's starting to become too much. it's different if there was a balance of angst and relief, but to do such a thing to such a beloved character when we haven't known a single chapter of peace in so long is just too much. i personally cannot handle it, but even through my sadness i can kinda see the vision.
"Everything that has happened so far somehow showed why gojo was so deeply attached to geto and those three years despite everything that went wrong between the two of them. He had someone who saw him as Satoru first and not the six eyes user, who shared his burden and thanked him for his efforts instead of just treating it as something he's supposed to do anyway."
agreed, it's so tragic how things ended up for him and geto but i always loved the detail that he never truly hated him, he just hated the things that he did. it's so hard to let go of a connection w someone like that, after all geto was the only one to truly see him as a person. also this is random but people feeling bad for shoko when gojo said geto was the only person he truly called his friend sfkshdfkjsd after latest chap it's so obvious why he didn't really think of her as a friend AHHAH
it's so tough. even in death he simply cannot be put to rest. UGHHH why can't we just have happy things gege. i will go read my hurt comfort fics n cope
-ellie (insert frog emoji here sorry im on pc rn)
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twisted-tales-told · 4 months
I need you to tell me EVERYTHING about why you hate Barty like I am so invested in your beef with him
HII I’m glad u find my hater energy entertaining! I love getting to talk abt my bcj hatred!
Honestly the short answer is I find the way most people characterize him boring!! Like boohoo you have daddy issues and you’re mean to people and youre gay & homophobic so sad I’m so sorry for you *yawns*
Like we don’t need this version of bcj because I can go to a first year history lecture and point at 10 of him.
You wanna talk about versions of Barty I’m Interested in?? Art heist baby and ohb Barty live in my head rent fucking free. You know why?? Because they have substance. They have Motive. They have thoughts behind their eyes.
I just get so tired of male characters so quickly when they get sulky. Like big whoop you didn’t get what you want?? should we throw a party??
Honestly I think the number one reason I don’t like him is because of how much other people like him. I don’t like most people in the marauders fandom if I’m being honest. I think a lot of yall are ruining the sanctity of fandom and everything it stands for. And a lot of those vibes surround bcj stans i tend to find.
Also I hate Marauders TikTok. That feels relevant. I feel like he only exists as the guy he is in this fandom because of TikTok. And TikTok is ruining the holiness of these characters. Flattening them. Making them “babygirl” or whatever. Ruins my fun personally.
In conclusion Get off of my lawn.
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