#everywhere Everything
pinofdnp · 2 days
keep my hand in yours <3333
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midnights-dragon · 4 months
til our fingers decompose // i’ll keep my hand in yours
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getshimback · 6 months
oh hey btw everywhere everything i wanna love you til we’re food for the worms to eat til our fingers decompose keep my hand in yours. if you even care.
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lynxindisguise · 2 months
i can’t stop thinking about asexual wolfstar since your last post. they are inside my brain now. i love them dearly.
honestly same. they are just so!! laslasjdflkjsdf.
and there's so many potential variations...
wolfstar deciding they don't care about sex at all.
wolfstar only getting off on kink and roleplay.
wolfstar who enjoy sex, but it's more like a fun thing to do together than an essential part of the relationship.
wolfstar who enjoy intimacy and romance and the emotional aspects of sex but don't care much about the physical sensations.
asexual sirius who sees sex as a cool skill/talent and really likes turning remus on but doesn't want to be touched.
graysexual remus who sometimes desires sex and sometimes has intense periods of sex repulsion.
some combination of these is how I see the dynamic of og wolfstar in everywhere, everything and I don't when/how I'm going to be able to explore that more deeply/explicitly given their unique Situation, but I absolutely plan to at some point.
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duskandcobalt · 2 months
Everywhere, Everything: Chapter Four
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Chapter Summary: Azriel meets Elain’s new boyfriend at Nyx’s birthday party. Graysen has some questions about Elain’s “friend.”
Word Count: 4.4K
Missed the first three chapters? You can find the Masterlist for this fic here 🥰
A/N: chapter four already!! Thank you to everyone that’s read this fic and commented or interacted in anyway! I’ve had the loveliest messages come through and it’s been such a joy to chat with you guys about this. I’m a little extra nervous to post this chapter, please keep in mind that this is a bit of a slow burn and we must suffer a little before we get our reward. Alternate title is “Graysen Slander (Azriel’s version)”
Read on AO3
Flying back home to Velaris had caused Elain a level of anxiety that had previously been unknown to her.
There used to be a time where she enjoyed seeing her city from the birds-eye-view of an airplane window. She loved to look down and admire the twinkling lights on either side of the sprawling river that split her hometown in half. She liked to scan the buildings as they came into view and point out each place that held a space of her heart because of the special memories attached.
There was her elementary school, the movie theater parking lot where she had her first kiss, and her favourite library. There was the ice-cream shop located a few blocks from their childhood home that she and her sisters would sneak out to at all hours of the night for their cookie dough fix, not bothering to change out of their robes and slippers. She’d look out for the small park where she and Nesta spent their Saturday’s sprawled in the grass, reading books and gossiping. Her heart ached as she spotted the rose and sculpture garden she and Azriel liked to stroll through early on Sunday mornings, hot cups of coffee warming their hands as they walked and talked, Azriel leaning in close to tell Elain that the roses there had nothing on the ones that she grew in her garden.
She hadn’t bothered to point any of those places out to Graysen as their flight had made its descent. Hadn't really felt the need or desire to share those parts of herself with him. She’d just sat quietly, staring straight at her own reflection in the little screen in front of her as she took deep breaths to try and ease the rapid beating of her heart.
Her anxiety had calmed a little once they’d landed and disembarked, emerging from their gate to Nyx’s loud squeal of her name which brought her back to reality just in time for her to drop her bags and catch his tiny body as he ran towards her at full speed and flung himself into her outstretched arms. 
“Hi, baby!” She’d hugged him tight, overwhelmed by just how much she’d missed him.
“Hi, Lain!” Nyx giggled, his little face tucked tight against her neck.
She hadn’t questioned the nickname, one her nephew had never called her before, because she had been too distracted breathing in the scent of his hair - the scent of the same watermelon shampoo that her mother had used during bath time when she and her sisters were kids. It was comforting and familiar and exactly what she needed to push past the worry that had rendered her useless for the past few hours.. 
The initial introductions had gone as well as she could’ve hoped.
Graysen had defaulted back to the easy charm that he’d used back in the day to talk Elain into a drink and it seemed to work on Feyre and Rhys well enough that the drive back to their house and the late dinner that followed were easy and painless. The only hiccup was that Nyx refused to even greet Graysen and had thrown him the most menacing looks he could muster up each time Graysen so much as attempted to hold Elain’s hand. 
“He’s jealous,” Feyre had laughed nervously, embarrassed by her son’s behavior after he’d insisted on sitting next to Elain at dinner. “He’s always been a little territorial when it comes to her and since he hasn’t seen her in a few months…” 
Graysen had laughed it off but Elain had caught the annoyance in his demeanor at the idea of having to share her. Even if the person he was sharing her with was just her soon-to-be five year old nephew. 
Elain’s anxiety returned in full force the next afternoon when guests began to arrive for Nyx’s party. No amount of rearranging balloons or organising the treat station could keep her attention off the front door each and every time it opened. It was only a matter of time before he showed up and the wait was torture. In the years she’d known Azriel, he’d never once missed an important event when it came to his friends and there was no way he’d start now. 
“So…” Nesta appeared next to her suddenly, head cocked to the side as she leant against the table and watched in amusement as Elain straightened the goodie bags for the seventh or eighth time that hour. “Graysen seems nice.” 
“Yeah,” Elain nodded, not bothering to look up from the little cellophane bags full of treats that she’d been busying herself with for the last ten minutes. She didn’t need to look at Nesta to know her true feelings. She could hear it in her voice. “He’s great.” 
“He’s very… passionate.” Her sister studied her nails as she fought to hold back the teasing smile that played on her lips.  “About work. And golf. And work. And his car… Did I mention his work? Because he certainly did.” 
“Okay, okay.” Elain groaned, casting a fleeting glance across the room where Graysen was still chatting to Rhysand. 
She sent a thank you to the universe that Feyre had married a man that had the talent and patience to talk to absolutely anyone. She couldn’t say the same for Cassian, who had quickly maneuvered out of that conversation and over to the backyard to terrorize the kids, instead. 
“He just loves his job,” Elain shrugged, finally turning to face her sister. 
Nesta raised a perfectly manicured brow, fixing Elain with a pointed look. “You mean he loves money.” 
There was a reason Elain had never introduced a boy to her family and the reason was standing directly in front of her, all perfectly coiffed hair and dangerous eyes. Feyre could find a way to see the good in anyone and the boys would say they were okay with whoever Elain dated as long as she was happy. But Nesta - Nesta had always had a knack for seeing straight through any of Elain’s lies and she’d never been afraid to call her out when necessary. It was a quality Elain had come to appreciate from time to time but she didn’t appreciate it today.
“I mean… he does work in finance.” 
“Elain.” Another pointed look was thrown in her direction.
“He looks like he pays more for a haircut than I do.” 
“Nesta!” Elain hit her sister on the arm, unable to stifle the laugh that bubbled to the surface. She knew exactly how much Graysen paid for his hair cuts and Nesta was right. “He’s nice.”
“You know who’s nicer...” Nesta said it under her breath but Elain heard her loud and clear. 
“Stop,” Elain lowered her voice. “Please. You promised.”
“I promised I wouldn’t tell the boys and I haven’t,” she replied without missing a beat. “I never promised we wouldn’t talk about it at all.” 
“Nesta, please. I can’t talk about this now.”
What Elain really wanted to say was that she couldn’t talk about this ever, but she knew that would only result in more back and forth and right now all she wanted was for this conversation to be over.
“He’s miserable, El.” Nesta lowered her voice to match Elain’s. “He’s very good at acting like he’s fine but he’s not. You just left and I know you’ve cut him off completely since and -”
“I haven’t spoken to anyone, really. It’s not like I’ve only stopped talking to hi-” Elain abruptly stopped speaking, standing up straight and plastering a smile on her face just as she spotted Graysen beginning to make his way towards them.
He didn’t have a chance to say anything, had only just managed to sling an arm around Elain’s waist when the front door swung open and Shadow came flying through. She was nothing but a black blur, ducking and dodging around furniture as she ran straight through to the kitchen. She paused in front of Rhys for a quick hello before she made a beeline towards where Elain stood with Nesta and Graysen by the dining room table. 
Her long tail wagged furiously, whipping against the wooden leg of the table. Shadow was seemingly unbothered, too busy flailing around happily between Nesta’s legs before she finally came to a stop in front of Elain. Her long snout nuzzled into Elain’s open palm and her lean body leant heavily against her thighs.
Much like Nyx, Shadow paid Graysen little to no attention other than to sniff  in his direction just once which Elain thought quite strange given that Shadow loved meeting new people and she’d famously always favored the company of men. 
“Hi, Shadow girl!” Elain cooed, crouching down to properly greet the dog that had come to feel like her own over the years. She’d gone with Azriel the day he’d picked her up and brought her home, had even helped name her. “Look how gray you’ve gotten!”
“She’ll be nine next week.”
The timber of his voice hit her at the exact same time as the familiar scent of his cedar cologne and Elain was suddenly grateful that she was already on the ground because if she’d been standing, she was sure her knees would’ve given out completely.
Elain swallowed her nerves, raising her eyes from Shadow’s sweet salt and pepper face to look up at Azriel only to find that every bit of his attention was focused solely on her.
“Hi, Lain.”
There were a couple beats of silence before Elain got a hold of herself and stood up. She stepped forward and before she could stop herself, she raised onto the very tips of her toes and wound her arms around his neck. Azriel’s arms wrapped around her waist in turn, tentatively at first before she felt his fingers flex against the middle of her back as he relaxed, readjusting his grip to pull her tight against his chest as if it was the most natural thing in the world. Probably because it had been at one point in time.
“Hi, Az.” She whispered into his neck, breathing in the divine scent of him. The scent of home.
“Hey, Azriel!” Nesta said loudly from behind them, effectively breaking the trance that Elain had unwittingly found herself in. 
She let go of Azriel quickly and took a large step back, bumping into the dining table, as Nesta took her place in his arms. 
She was only just aware of Graysen staring at her in her peripheral, his hand once again heavy against her hip.
“Were you planning on introducing me?” He asked her as Azriel and Nesta separated and Azriel turned to face them again. Elain hadn’t noticed that she’d been staring dumbly straight ahead - directly at Azriel’s chest. 
He was wearing an oatmeal coloured fisherman’s sweater that she’d told him she loved on him more than a few times and a small, stupid part of her wondered if she crossed his mind when he slipped it on this morning.
“Oh, yes!” She shook her head, laughing nervously. “Um, Az… this is Graysen, my uh…”
“Boyfriend.” Graysen finished the sentence for her, extending his hand towards Azriel. “And you are…”
“This is Azriel. My…. Azriel.” Elain stuttered as she watched the two men shake hands.
She allowed herself the tiniest shake of her head to ease the frustration she felt towards herself. She sounded like an absolute idiot.
“I think I’ve missed something,” Graysen looked between Elain and Azriel, eyebrows lifting slightly. “How do you know each other?
“We’re good friends.” Azriel answered at the same time Elain said “He’s Rhys’ best friend.”
Jesus. Fucking. Christ. 
She couldn’t possibly have handled that any worse.
“So you’re Rhys’ friend or Elain’s friend?” Graysen asked, the slightest hint of a frown forming on his lips. 
Any hope that Elain had of him dropping this topic evaporated in front of her eyes.
“We’re all friends. We met through Rhys when he started dating Feyre and we all spent basically all our time together.” She answered quickly, briefly meeting Azriel’s eyes.
Another mistake. 
All she saw was hurt. No one else would’ve noticed because the emotion was there and gone in a flash but Elain saw past the mask. She saw the hurt she’d caused him. Hurt at being reduced to a friend of a friend, as if he wasn’t so much more to her. As if they hadn’t spent years of their lives seeing each other almost every day. Trading secrets. Letting each other see parts of themselves they’d never allowed anyone else to see.
“It’s nice to meet you,” Azriel smiled politely, redirecting his attention to Graysen. “I’m gonna go find the birthday boy but I’ll talk to you guys later, I’m sure.”
He didn’t look at her again before he walked away, Shadow obediently following right behind him. Even Nesta quickly excused herself so she didn’t have to be around to witness the uncomfortable tension that had settled heavily between Elain and Graysen..
She had absolutely no idea what had come over her. She thought she’d been somewhat prepared to see him again but nothing could’ve prepared her for the reality of him standing in front of her. Smiling at her. The feel of his arms around her - strong and sure and familiar. Nothing could have prepared her for seeing him walk away from her, disappointment lingering behind his eyes. She’d done that to him and she hated herself for it.
She silently cursed herself for ever thinking that bringing Graysen back here would be a good idea. Mere minutes had passed and she’d already fucked up. She had no idea how the hell she was supposed to make it through this day, let alone survive an entire weekend of this.
“What the hell was that?” Graysen muttered as Elain turned in his arms, once again plastering on a smile in a last ditch effort to rectify the mess she’d just made of that introduction.
“Nothing,” She shook her head, leaning in to kiss his cheek. “That was nothing.”
When Azriel walked into Rhys and Feyre’s house earlier and caught a glimpse of Elain for the first time in four months, she was wearing another one of those dresses that threatened to send him to his knees. 
He loved each and every one of her dresses but the one she wore today was a pale blue with delicate straps that tied at her shoulders and draped elegantly over her frame in a way that just about teased at each dip and curve concealed by the lightweight, silky material. It was perfectly demure for a children’s birthday party but something about that dress on her was downright sinful. 
Maybe if the circumstances were different, he’d be able to steal a glance every now and then and attempt to carry on with his life, but the circumstances were not different and Azriel was cursed to get through this afternoon looking at Elain in that dress with some other guy’s arm around her waist. 
He hadn’t been able to get her out of his head. Even if he had no right to think of her in that way. Not when she’d made it abundantly clear not once but twice now, that she didn’t want him like that. Still, he couldn’t help that the memory of her kneeling on his bed and tracing a path across his hips with that pretty mouth of hers came rushing back to the forefront of his mind in the ten or so seconds that she’d been on her knees in front of him, patting his dog and looking up at him with those big, brown eyes. 
Any satisfaction that he’d gotten from that memory or simply from seeing her and having her in his arms again, disappeared the second she stepped back and he’d been introduced to her boyfriend.
He knew there was something off with the way they interacted within the first few minutes of watching them together that afternoon. Azriel knew that the smiles she gave him weren’t genuine because they never quite reached her eyes. Elain evaded Graysen’s touch, swiveling out of his grasp each and every time he went to put his hand on her hip, ducking her head so the kiss he intended to give her landed on her forehead instead of her lips. 
He wondered how no one else seemed to notice it when he could see it so clearly. He was in tune with her every emotion, knew her better than he knew the back of his own hand. He’d had time to hone that skill and right now, the piece of his brain that was dedicated solely to her was screaming that something wasn’t right. 
Azriel hated the way she acted around him. Hated the way Graysen acted towards her. Actually, Azriel just outright despised Graysen.
He’d come into this day wanting the best. He genuinely wanted to see Elain happy even if the notion of her being with anyone else made his chest constrict in a way that couldn’t possibly be healthy. But he knew she wasn’t happy and one handshake was all it took for Azriel to know exactly what kind of guy Graysen was.
His grip had been firm but his hands bore no evidence of ever doing anything more difficult than swinging a heavy golf club. Graysen had a smile befitting of a politician’s son - charming but edged with insincerity, like he’d do or say whatever was necessary to get what he wanted. He carried himself with the ease of someone that had had things handed to him on a silver platter for his whole life and there was a certain arrogance to him that had Azriel wondering what Elain could possibly see in him. He knew her well enough to know that it wouldn’t have been the expensive clothing or the twenty thousand dollar watch on his wrist that had piqued her interest just like he knew that the glittering diamond tennis bracelet circling her wrist was for Graysen’s benefit and not hers.
He’d endeavored to try and find out if the guy had any redeeming qualities at all to help Azriel come to terms with them being together but he’d been stopped every time he’d tried to approach Graysen.
Azriel almost found it amusing the way Elain had been running what could be considered award winning interference between himself and her boyfriend all day, somehow managing to keep them well away from each other in and amongst entertaining her nephew and his flock of tiny friends. But now that all Nyx’s friends and their parents had gone home and the sun was beginning to set, there was very little Elain could do to keep them from speaking. 
Graysen had started the conversation as they sat on the couch next to each other, just behind where Elain was sitting on the floor helping Nyx unwrap the copious amounts of presents he’d received today. Graysen asked Azriel about how he had met Rhys and Azriel explained that they’d met when they were kids and Rhys’ family had all but adopted him as one of their own. The topic had turned to Velaris and Azriel had sat through mind-numbing comments about how the river looked nicer in pictures, how things closed too early, and how there was no real potential for growth. 
He’d just nodded and shrugged wherever he thought appropriate and he’d failed to get more than a sentence in but then Cassian had asked if Azriel was still planning on staying at their place after dinner with everyone the next night and when Azriel had answered that he would as long as he managed to finish the ring he’d been working on, Graysen had suddenly had a lot of questions. 
“So you set up a little stall at what? … Weekend farmers markets? Sell jewelry to old ladies and teenage girls?”  Graysen asked after Azriel patiently explained exactly why he was making jewelry. “And you make money from that?”
Azriel noticed the way Elain stiffened at the condescending tone of Graysen’s voice. The snide way he laughed as he reduced Azriel’s work to the equivalent of a children’s roadside lemonade stand. She set down the toy she’d been unboxing for Nyx and swiveled around to face them.
“He’s not making jewelry with dollar store plastic beads, Gray.” It was maybe the most fed up Azriel had ever heard her sound. He’d always known her to stay quiet and avoid confrontation. He didn’t even need one hand to count all the times he’d seen her snap and each of those times had been at Feyre or Nesta so he didn’t really count them. “It’s his business and he’s done really well.”
“It’s fine, Lain.” Azriel said softly, his heart swelling in his chest at the way she defended him even if he was unbothered by Graysen’s comments. It was nothing he hadn’t heard before from his own father or brothers. He continued to speak, confidently taking Graysen’s questions in stride in a way that Elain hadn’t quite been able to.“I actually work in data security but I make jewelry in my spare time and sell custom pieces online. Although, I did have some pretty successful mornings at farmer’s markets when I was just starting out and -”
“I thought you didn’t like being called that.” Graysen interrupted him, calculating eyes shifting from Azriel to Elain.
“What?” Elain asked, eyebrows furrowed in a way that Azriel would’ve found endearing in any other circumstance.
“He calls you ‘Lain.’” Graysen replied. “You told me you hated when I called you that.”
“I just prefer ‘El,’” She shrugged, picking at the sleeve of the cream cardigan she’d thrown on over her dress. “And he isn’t the only one. Nyx has called me that all day today, as well.” 
Azriel stayed silent. He knew exactly where Nyx had picked that nickname up from but he wasn’t about to expose himself for cornering his friend’s kid into multiple conversations with the secret agenda of trying to siphon information about what Nyx’s Auntie was up to these days. 
Graysen huffed, crossing his arms like an overgrown child as he sat back. He’d dropped his line of inquisition for now but Azriel had a feeling that wasn’t the last Elain would hear of this topic and the thought made him sick.
He’d been carefully watching all afternoon - noticing the way Graysen spoke about Elain and the possessive way he touched her as if she was something to have or to own. It had turned his stomach, memories of the way he’d seen his father treat his mother seeping into his mind despite his best efforts to keep them at bay.
Azriel paid extra attention to him now, picking up the way Graysen acted towards Elain as he continued to answer questions about his jewelry. He cringed at the scowl that found a home on Graysen’s lips each time her attention was pulled away from him and the way that scowl only deepened at each passing remark that hinted that maybe Azriel and Elain had, in fact, been closer than what she might’ve alluded to earlier. 
He wasn’t sure exactly what she’d told Graysen about him. He had a feeling she hadn’t told him much at all. But he saw the wheels turning in Graysen’s head when Azriel’s craft came up again and Azriel explained exactly what type of jewelry he made and Graysen’s eyes had drifted to the chain that had faithfully stayed clasped around Elain’s neck year after year. 
His suspicions were confirmed an hour or so later when Azriel rounded a corner, making his way towards the powder room at the foot of the stairs only to stop halfway there when he was distracted by a pair of low voices coming from Rhysand’s office across the hallway. 
It was just a simple hushed whisper but his ears perked up at the voice he’d come to find grating over this very long, very tortuous day. 
He could hear his mother’s voice in his head telling him that it wasn’t polite to eavesdrop, that nothing good every came from it, but he couldn’t help himself as he stood there - still as night, locking in on the hushed conversation and blocking out the raucous laughter coming from the kitchen. 
“You know what I find most interesting about all of this?” Azriel heard Graysen ask. “In four months, I’ve heard about your sisters and their husbands but you haven’t even mentioned his name once.”
“He’s just a friend,” Elain answered quietly. “I swear.”
“Right,” Graysen scoffed. “And I suppose he’s the friend that gave you that necklace?”
Azriel swallowed,  his eyes pinching closed at the animosity - the clear jealousy - that laced Graysen’s question. He could hear the malice in the way he spat out the word ‘friend’. He could only imagine the way he’d be glaring at the little gold oval that Azriel knew Elain would be clutching in between her thumb and index finger.
Graysen had asked her about the necklace, that thin gold chain Azriel had gifted her all those years ago that sat faithfully around her neck every day since. It was his only sign, as delusional as it might’ve made him, that she still thought of him. After everything that had happened the year prior, Elain still wore that small, handmade pendant and even if they didn’t speak, even if his messages had gone unanswered… Maybe her continuing to wear that necklace meant that she didn’t completely despise him. 
Azriel kept moving, not allowing himself to so much as breathe until he was safely behind the closed door of the powder room. He had wanted to keep listening but he knew he shouldn’t. He didn’t think he could stand to hear her answers to Graysen’s questions. Didn’t want to know if she’d attempt to explain to Graysen whatever this thing was between them or if she’d continue to insist that he was nothing more than a friend. 
But Azriel wanted an answer. He deserved an answer. He just didn’t want to get it by eavesdropping on a conversation he wasn’t a part of. He needed to hear it directly from her. He needed to talk to her.
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eyluvu · 3 months
Everywhere, everything. Wanna love you 'til we're food for the worms to eat. 'Til our fingers decompose, keep my hand in yours.
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Everywhere, Everything by Noah Kahan is my favourite song rn and it's so percabeth coded.
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sunlight-fics · 3 months
Everywhere, Everything
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•Andrew Hozier X reader
-Warnings: Talking about the future. Established relationships.
It was a perfect summer evening. You and Andrew were laying outside in grass under the trees in the backyard. You keep your head on your boyfriends chest while your hand was intertwined with his. Music played in the background as y’all both laid there peacefully. Finally Andrew broke the silence, “Do you ever think about our future together?” When he asked that you open your eyes and for the first time in a while actually thought about it. “Yea… it’s been awhile though. Why do you wanna know?” You responded while playing with the grass that you laid in. “I was just thinking. I want my life and future with you. I want you to be everywhere with me and also my everything. Like I most literally want you to be with me 'til we're food for the worms to eat. Til our fingers decompose.” He said while knowing damn well he just took half of that sentence out of the song that was playing, ‘Everywhere, Everything.’ By Noah Kahan. You also caught on to what he was doing, but your heart couldn’t help but completely melt when he said that. “We didn't know that the sun was collapsing, 'Til the seas rose and the buildings came crashing. We cried, "Oh-oh-oh, oh-oh-oh, oh"… The song played in the background. “I want to be with you too. Till the end of time or the end of the earth.” You said back. You have never really felt this kind of love before, you couldn’t help but hold back tears. “But do you think it would last?” Andrew asked back hesitantly. “Hozi, I think it would absolutely last. I love you more that I love myself.” You responded. “I love you too.”
“Everywhere, everything I wanna love you 'til we're food for the worms to eat. ‘Til our fingers decompose. Keep my hand in yours.”
You then sat up and looked at him. His freckles were slowly coming back and his hair was a beautiful auburn color in the sun. “Do you think we are in love in every universe?” He then looked at you, putting his hands behind his head he smiled softly and said “I think so… of course we are.”
Note: it’s super short and I apologize for that! I lost my train of thought halfway through. anyways THANKS FOR READING!!!!
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how’s everyone enjoying stick season (we’ll all be here forever)
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lheautontimoroumenos · 11 months
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Would we survive in a horror movie? I doubt it we’re too slow moving.
Tai & Van in YELLOWJACKETS (2021-) / Noah Kahan, Everywhere, Everything
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enjoy-the-butterf1ies · 10 months
Everywhere, Everything-
CL16 (Chapter 3/?)
Pairing: Charles Leclerc × female!reader
Series Summary: In which a rising singer gets her biggest break yet; opening at the Austin Grand Prix. All record companies would have their eyes on her- along with a certain monegasque driver.
Trope: Slow burn with a mix of other tropes in there (He fell first, one bed, roommates, all the good ones!)
Chapter Summary: An early morning with Charles almost makes you forget you had to go back home later that day. Or did you?
Warnings: Cussing, Y/N is oblivious, probably typos 🫣
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The sun peaking through the hotel window agonizingly awoke you from your slumber. How cruel of the sun it is to rise so early every morning, you thought. Rubbing the sleep from your eyes, you attempted to sit up with blurry vision, but failed.
You were never a morning person.
You could recall all the times your friends would wake you up at sleepovers- at lunchtime. They knew better than to speak to you before noon, at the very least. Groaning, you turned to check the time on your phone. Yep. 10 am. Just as you thought, way too early. At least for a night owl such as yourself.
Flashbacks from the night before quickly flooded your head. “Holy shit,” You mumbled to yourself. Yesterday felt like a dream, one you never wanted to awake from. Everything from playing in front of thousands of people to sleeping in a strangers hotel room seemed like a cruel drug induced vision. Luckily for you (and probably your health) it was a very real experience. The nearby couch with discarded blankets and pillows confirmed that for you.
Only thing missing was Charles; where could he be at a time like this?
You wiped your eyes once again, still groggy and longing for a nap. Surely you could sleep for another 30 minutes… or 2 hours…
That pleasant thought was soon interrupted by Charles unpleasantly walking into the hotel room. You could tell he tried to be quiet by opening the door slowly, but your blood still boiled at the sound of his footsteps. You turned to glare at him. You couldn’t help it.
“I’m so sorry, I didn’t wake you up did I?” He said, frantically setting down all of his bags. His eyebrows furrowed together in guilt.
“Mm-mm.” You muttered, shaking your head. Well, barely. You were too lazy to shake completely.
Charles sighed. “Good, I got breakfast,” He offered, holding up a white bag with a delicious aroma radiating from it. The scent surrounded you, even from your position on the bed. Your stomach growled in protest. “I had interviews all morning, barely made it to the bakery before they closed for breakfast. Damn, I really rushed.”
You pushed yourself to sit up. You knew looked a mess but you couldn’t possibly care about that when you were so hungry. “Mm food,” Was all you mumbled. You weakly held out your hand, squinting your blurry eyes. Charles exploded into laugher. He tried to stop it, but the sight of you with bed head and exhausted expression was too much. You pouted. “What’s your issue frenchie?” Your morning voice cracked. Charles cackled harder at that.
“Not a morning person, huh?” He chuckled out, setting the food on the bed next to you. You dived directly into it, not even answering his question. Charles watched in admiration as you hungrily found a buttery pastry and smiled at the sight. Just what you needed. You tapped the spot on the bed next to you, motioning for him to sit down. He hesitantly sat down on the bed making sure to keep a respectable distance; he didn’t want to risk making you even slightly uncomfortable. You handed him a croissant in silence. “Thank you,” He said. You nodded, taking a bite of your pastry. You gave a thumbs up to him, a signal that it was very good.
Charles was sure he had died and went to heaven. To the normal eye this would seem like a very strange scenario- Sitting in silence with a grumpy girl who would rather focus on shoving a croissant in her mouth than have a conversation with him. But to Charles, it was the most perfect scenario. You looked so cute in your sleepy state and he would rather spend years in silence with you than to have never met you at all.
Or maybe he was going insane.
“Not a morning person,” You finally mumbled, popping the last bite of food into your mouth. You took a swig of coffee Charles had picked up as well. “I get very grumpy when the sun comes up… Thank you for breakfast.” You felt a little sheepish at the way you acted when he first arrived this morning.
Charles smiled softly. “No worries,” He said. “Reminds me of your song ‘Sunrise’ and the line about hating mornings- didn’t know how honest that was.”
Your eyes widened, taken aback. “You listened to that song??” You stuttered. And he remembered that line too? What is with this guy? He nodded happily to your question. “Wow- I- That’s so awesome.”
“I really think you’re meant to be a star, Y/N.” He stated confidently.
“Thank you Charles, it’s been a really long road. I still remember making songs in my moms closet as a 7 year old, hopefully one day I can make songs in my own record studio.” You laughed at the memory. You were a big dreamer. Always had been.
“You’re gonna get there one day, mark my words.” He said. You smiled at him, hands tightening around the cup. You were a little nervous under his gaze but didn’t know why. You pushed the feeling down.
“I’m not sure about that, after today I don’t have much going for me,” You said regretfully. He lifted a brow in confusion. “I’m just returning home to play the same old gigs in the same old bars. I would love nothing more than to continue playing in front of thousands of people- but that’s not realistic.”
Charles was in shock. “What??” He stood up from the bed. He honestly hadn’t even thought about you leaving soon. He hated it. “No, that’s not the kickass ‘follow your dreams’ Y/N I talked to last night. You’re gonna go far. You set your sights on your dreams and complete them, remember?”
You blinked at him. “Charles-“
He cut you off. “I have an idea,” He said, a wide smile spreading across his face. “It’s a long shot, but promise me you won’t leave until I get it sorted out.”
You were so confused. You checked your phone. “Charles, my plane leaves in 5 hours.” You protested. He nodded.
“That’s all I need,”
⊱ ────── {.⋅ ✯ ⋅.} ────── ⊰
You had one hour to get to your plane in time. And in normal Y/N fashion, you were running late. You pressed your phone in between your ear and shoulder as you hurriedly packed your suitcase.
“There’s a ton of chatter about you on F1 media, but other than that… I’m sorry Y/N.” Diana said through the line. “I know you were hoping to get discovered.”
“Yeah, I set my expectations really high didn’t I?” You chuckled sadly. The thought of returning home empty handed tore at your heart. “And it wasn’t all bad, gained a few more fans, some confidence, and an experience I’ll never forget. Oh, and a new friend.”
“New friend?” Diana smirked. “It wouldn’t happen to be that hunk Leclerc you stayed with last night, would it?”
You rolled your eyes, even though she couldn’t see you. “It’s not like that Di,” You said, very matter of fact. You knew what she was getting at. “Nothing happened, and after today, he’s probably never gonna talk to me again. It was just a really nice thing he did, and very much a one time thing.”
Diana hummed. “Tell that to all of the streaming platforms he followed you on,” She pointed out.
“So, he likes my music? You like my music, doesn’t mean you wanna get in my pants.”
“Yeah well I’m also not a hot ass F1 driver either so-“
“GOODBYE Diana,” You hung up on her, but you knew that wouldn’t be the last time she talked about him. You checked your watch. You definitely had to leave soon if you wanted to get your flight. But the thought of leaving without saying goodbye to Charles felt wrong, especially after how kind he’s been.
He disappeared a few hours ago and hasn’t returned since. You were running out of time to wait. Sighing, you packed up the last of your items and picked up your guitar. Maybe you could DM him over insta to say goodbye, or ask around for his number-
Just then, the door slammed wide open. It almost hit you in the face. “WHOA!” You jumped back in shock. Charles came rushing in, heart beating in his chest but a huge grin on his face. “That’s the second time you almost knocked me out frenchie!!” You yelped. Hidden below your annoyance, you were glad he came back in time.
“Drop your bags,” He said, nearly shaking from excitement. “You don’t have to go home today.”
You were so confused. A million questions went through your mind at once. “What do you mean??” Is the one you decided on. “Charles, I have a plane in 45 minutes!”
He shook his head in a frenzy. “I talked around, got with some big guys and long story short, they said you can continue at playing at Grand Prix for us for the rest of the season,” His smile was miles wide. “I’m talking Mexico, Brazil, Las Vegas, and Abu Dhabi, Y/N. This is your chance to be discovered. A chance to live your dreams.”
Your mouth hung agape. He had to have been joking. There was no way this was happening. You silently swore to kill him if he was pulling your leg. “Charles-“
“I promise you this is very real,” He nodded, almost as if reading your thoughts. You felt emotions you had no idea existed. It was as if a tornado was swirling inside your brain.
“I- I don’t have the money-“
“Not an issue, I will provide you with everything you need,” He said.
You shook your head no. “I can’t ask you to do that, that’s- that’s crazy-“
“Y/N, listen to me. I want to do this. I want you to do this.” He met your gaze with the most honest eyes. Your heart caught in your throat. “You don’t have to take the offer, but if you leave today and get on that plane home-“
“I wouldn’t be following my dreams,” You whispered, looking down. It was all hitting you. Holy shit. This means everything. This could be everything for you. Your entire future, and Charles was holding it in the palm of his hand.
“Please, Y/N,” He nearly begged. It was almost a selfish act, part of him did this so he wouldn’t have to depart from you so soon. But if he could see you achieve your dream, he would die a happy man.
“Charles, are you sure?” You fidgeted, meeting his eyes once again. You gave him a soft smile.
At the sight of the smile, he had never been more sure of anything in his life. “I’m positive,” He nodded.
You covered your mouth with your hands and let out a muffled squeal. You couldn’t help but jump up and down in excitement. “Mexico, here we come!!” You shouted, unable to stop the laughter. Charles joined in chuckling, clapping and grinning wider than you had ever seen. “Can I give you a hug??” You asked, caught up in the moment. For a second your mouth went dry, regretting it. But Charles quickly muttered a small “Of course” and pulled you in for a tight hug. Your heartbeat sped up. “Thank you so much, Charles,” You whispered into his shoulder.
“No, thank you Y/N,” He said with the widest smile you thankfully couldn’t see.
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orionfalling · 2 years
when noah kahan said "drive slowly. i know every route in this county. maybe that ain't such a bad thing? i'll tell you where not to speed." and when he said "why am i so obsessive? hangin on to every sentence? this town's the same as u left it; your page was blank but i read it!" and when he said "honey come over, the party's gone slower n no one will tempt you - we know you got sober. there's orange juice in the kitchen, bought for the children. it's yours if you want it. we're just glad you could visit." and when he said "oh, this town's for the record now! the intersection got a target and they're calling it downtown." and when he said "i got dreams but i can't make myself believe them, spend the rest of my life with what could have been, and i will die in the house that i grew up in."
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svnflowermoon · 6 months
everywhere, everything ft. gracie abrams actually needs to be engraved into my brain
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lynxindisguise · 2 months
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Universe 668x: Vampires
The one-room shack is cramped and cluttered, filled with books, plants, a dusty piano, and of course, a coffin. One coffin.
“There’s no people for miles, and you’ll not be bringing any back here, so it’s goats and rabbits or nothing.” Remus raises his glass pointedly and takes a sip.  
“You’ve no curtains,” he observes.
“My plants like light.” Leave it to Remus to prioritise the happiness of some plants over his own.
Sirius cocks his chin towards the singular coffin, waiting for him to catch on. His dismayed expression does not disappoint.
“It looks roomy enough,” he offers innocently.  
“I’d prefer the sun,” Remus grumbles, looking rather petulant. They both know full well that they’ll be sharing that coffin come dawn.
“It’s adorable when you pretend to be repulsed by me.”
“I’m not pretending. And don’t call me that.”  
“What, adorable?” he smirks, creeping forward. “But you are adorable.”
“Yes because I’m trapped in the body of a child,” he snaps.
Oh. Chastised, Sirius wavers in place. “I’m sorry. I didn’t mean...”  
Remus drains the remaining contents of his mug, blood staining the inner portion of his colourless lips. A single drop pools in the corner, and he can’t shake the urge to lick it away. It’s something he’s done before, he’d guess, something done regularly.
What happened between them? For once, they’re the same sort of monster; shouldn’t that have made things easier?
But then, sometimes it’s easier to love a different monster than a mirror reflection. Neither of them have ever particularly liked their reflections.
start from the beginning
multiverse jump!
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duskandcobalt · 16 days
Everywhere, Everything: Chapter Five
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Chapter Summary: On her last night in Velaris before she heads home, Elain and Azriel finally gets a chance to talk about what's going on between them.
Word Count: 5.9k
Missed the first four chapters? You can find the Masterlist for this fic here 🥰
A/N: As always, thank you for all the love on the last chapter of this fic. It's always so much fun to hear what you guys think. An extra thank you for your patience with me in getting chapter five out. This past month has been a rough one and I haven't been writing much because of it but I finally managed to sit down and finish this chapter and I'm happy with how it turned out. I hope you are too. As always, I must remind you that this is a slow burn and we must get through a heavy dose of angst before we can reap our reward. The good news is, the reward is coming very soon.
Read on AO3
The first time Elain had sex with Graysen was also the first time he’d asked her about the necklace. 
It was the last week of January and he’d invited her back to his apartment after he’d taken her out to dinner at a glamorous hotel that offered unbelievable views of the city for their fourth date. She’d seen the invitation for what it was. Knew exactly what he had in mind from the way he’d lowered his voice to ask her, the pad of his thumb sliding over her bottom lip. Elain had only hesitated for a moment before she’d accepted his offer, Nesta’s voice in her head from a night years ago when she imparted some wisdom to Feyre after a particularly bad breakup, her hands on Feyre’s shoulders as she looked into her teary eyes. 
“Fey, the best way to get over someone is to get under someone else.” 
Elain had laughed at her sister’s advice at the time but standing there outside the restaurant that night, looking at Graysen as snowflakes drifted lazily from the dark winter to sky to cling to her hair and eyelashes, she’d decided that she wanted to put Nesta’s advice to the test.
She’d spent weeks in a daze, unable to sleep as the memory of Christmas night played on repeat in her mind as if it was some sort of faulty film reel incapable of moving past a certain scene and insistent on torturing her. She had grown sick of it - sick of the guilt that consumed her for still daring to think of Azriel. For wanting him again even though she had been the one to leave. 
Dating Graysen had only done so much to take the edge off, providing her a few hours of distraction each week, but she needed more. She needed to attempt to replace the phantom feeling of Azriel’s weight on top of her, the feeling of him inside her.
In a way, sleeping with Graysen had helped. She’d always liked sex. She enjoyed being close to another person, appreciated the immediate intimacy that came with having a pair of hands gripping her hips and someone’s lips on her skin. In the few times that she’d pondered what Graysen would be like in bed, she’d suspected that he would be much like the other guys she’d been with over the years and she’d been right. 
His initial careful kisses had quickly progressed to deeper, bruising ones. The gentle hands that had slowly undone the zipper on the back of her dress had transitioned into firm hands that held her down and maneuvered her whichever way he liked, taking her how he wanted without taking a second to even check if she enjoyed the things he did.
Elain was used to this treatment. The rough sex. She’d come to like it - crave it, even. But every now and then, there was an occasional moment where her partner would leave and she’d be left by herself in a cold bed, thinking about things a little too long until angry tears welled in her eyes at the realisation that most of the men she’d been with felt entitled to do whatever they wanted to her. That no matter how respectful they may have been towards her or how much they genuinely liked her, they all seemed to get off on debauching a girl that was otherwise quite reserved. Graysen had been no different and because she’d always desired touch, she couldn’t help but take it however it was presented to her. 
Graysen had taken the small golden pendant in between his fingers minutes after they’d finished, propping himself up on one elbow until his shadow loomed over her. His thumb had dragged over the engraving on the front - smoothing over the intricately detailed rose- before he flipped it over to study the back, turning it this way and that until it caught the little bit of dim light streaming in his window from the streetlamp outside. 
“What’s the deal with this?” He’d asked her, the slightest edge to his voice. “You never take it off.”
Elain had tried her best not to freeze at the question but she couldn’t help the way her heart stopped for a split second before her heart rate picked up again, slamming against her chest like an anvil. She gently took the pendant back from him, easing it out of his grip to press it tight against her chest until she knew it would leave an oval shaped indentation on her bare skin. It was a grounding tactic, something she did to bring herself back into her body whenever her anxiety veered out of control.
What was she supposed to tell him? How could she begin to explain the necklace that she’d worn religiously every single day for the last four years? The sentimental value that such a small object held? 
She couldn’t exactly tell him that every time she touched it, she thought of the hands that had made it just for her, thought of the way those same hands had grazed her skin the night Azriel had fastened it around her neck and all the things those hands had done to her the last time she’d visited home before she started dating Graysen. When she’d been propped up on Azriel’s kitchen counter and splayed out in his bed. 
There was no simple way to explain that she’d never mustered up the courage to ask whether the tiny ‘A’ he’d engraved on the back stood for her last name or his first. 
Instead, Elain had settled for the most honest answer she was willing to give him at the time. 
“It was a birthday gift from a friend back home.” 
She’d never thought that they’d get to the point where she’d have to divulge exactly who that friend was, let alone have that friend and her boyfriend in the same room together. She’d been a fool to think that Graysen wouldn’t put two and two together and last night she’d been well and truly caught out. She’d stood in front of him like a deer in headlights, one arm wrapped defensively around her stomach while her other hand clutched the necklace tight in between her fingers as if she was afraid that he’d reach out and pry it right off of her. 
“Is he or is he not the friend that gave you that necklace, Elain?” Graysen had asked her once more, his lips pressed together in a firm line. 
Elain had hesitated for a moment but she knew there was no way around this. There was no lie she could possibly make up to steer him away from the truth. It was plain as day who had given her that necklace and so all she could do was just nod silently and try to keep her hands from shaking.
“Unbelievable,” Graysen ran a hand through his hair, tugging at the short strands. “He’s not just a fucking friend then, is he? Didn’t seem like he goes around making jewelry for all of his friends.” 
He was right. Azriel had never made anything for anyone except her. It was something that Feyre and Nesta never let him forget.
“I don’t know what you want me to say,” Elain took a deep breath, dropping her necklace back down and crossing her arms in front of her chest. “A friend made me a necklace for my birthday. There’s nothing else to it.”
“Did you date him?” He’d asked, his gaze unwavering as he stared her down. Daring her to try and lie to him.
“No.” Elain answered easily and honestly. “We never dated. Never even came close to it.” 
Even if she’d spent plenty of time daydreaming of what it would be like to date Azriel, she’d never pursued anything more with him for reasons that were all too complicated to explain.
“But you’ve fucked him.” 
He hadn’t phrased it as a question. It was a statement, his shoulders squared and his voice sure. 
Elain had hesitated a second too long and she watched as something settled in his eyes that made her realise that he’d been hoping he’d been wrong and was sorely disappointed to find out that his assumption was correct.  
“How many times?”
She had scoffed, shaking her head. Couldn’t believe that he would have the audacity to even ask her that question. 
She’d been about to open her mouth to argue back, to ask him what number would qualify as too many times or if knowing how many times she’d slept with Azriel would affect anything, but the sound of footsteps running down the hallway caused her to pause. 
She’d been saved by her nephew who had popped his little curly-haired head around the door to Rhysand’s study to innocently ask if she’d read him a book before bed.
Elain hadn’t even spared a second to look at Graysen again before taking Nyx’s small hand and allowing him to lead her up the stairs to his bedroom where he spent entirely too long picking out his book for the night. 
She slipped out of Nyx’s room an hour or so later, only padding down to the kitchen to say goodnight to Feyre and Rhys, before heading back upstairs. She’d been simultaneously relieved and disappointed that Azriel had left just ten minutes before with Nesta and Cassian. 
Elain had tiptoed into the room she and Graysen had taken over for the weekend, had quickly changed and silently crawled into bed, facing away from Graysen who excused himself to bed not long after their ill-fated conversation. He’d sidled up to her after a couple minutes, pulling her back against his chest while one hand slid up her stomach to cup her breast. 
“Gray,” she tried her best not to flinch away from his touch. “We can’t. Not here.”
“El,” he muttered into her hair. “Come on.”
“Thought you were mad at me,” she couldn’t help the small gasp that escaped her as the hand that wasn’t circling her nipple dipped under the waistband of her underwear.
“You can’t blame me for being jealous when someone else looks at you like that.” His teeth scraped over the sliver of skin that the stretched out neckline of her shirt left exposed.
“There’s nothing to be jealous of,” Elain whispered, biting down on her lip as he turned her around and pulled her on top of him. 
He ground his hips upwards, letting her feel him hard against her. “Prove it to me.” 
She wasn’t particularly in the mood for this but she relented, allowing him to lift her shirt over her head before she bent down and pressed kisses all the way down the center of his chest. 
This was the opportunity she needed - not to take her mind off anything that had happened that day. There was nothing that could keep those memories at bay. It was simply a distraction, exactly what she needed to hopefully keep Graysen from asking more questions that she wasn’t ready to answer.
She’d give him this, let him have her just how he liked while her mind wandered elsewhere. To a place where the hands on hips weren’t his but someone else’s. To a night that featured her fingers buried in dark hair while a pair of hazel eyes looked up at her from between her thighs. It was wrong - so unbelievably wrong - to think about someone else in a moment like that. But she couldn’t help it. Couldn’t bring herself to feel guilty as she let herself get lost in the fantasy of tattooed, golden skin sliding over her own bare skin.  She was only thankful that Graysen’s hand was over her mouth to keep her quiet because if it hadn’t been, she would’ve had to fight to keep a different name from slipping out from between her lips. 
One more night. She just needed to make it through one more night and then she could go back to her new city and do what she did best - pretend that the life she had in this town, and the person that she was when she was here, didn’t exist at all. 
A few months before their wedding, Nesta and Cassian had moved to a sprawling property on the outskirts of Velaris that featured a gorgeous ranch style home complete with the porch of Elain’s dreams - one that wrapped around the entire perimeter of the house and featured a built-in swing to the right of the front door. It was picture book perfect and it helped to ease the loss both Feyre and Elain felt when Nesta moved… even if she was only a forty-five minute drive away. 
Elain had always looked forward to spending a weekend at Nesta and Cassian’s. She and Feyre would pack a bag and head up to their cousin’s house where the three of them would sit shoulder to shoulder on the swing, a thick blanket draped across their laps as they watched the sun set over the mountains. If they were lucky, Cassian would bring them snacks and drinks until either bugs or the cold sent the three of them heading back inside. 
This time, instead of a gossip filled car ride with her sister, Elain and Graysen had made the journey in almost complete silence. She had hoped that they’d made their peace last night but when she’d awoken this morning, it was clear that there was still some awkwardness lingering between them… perhaps at the knowledge that the subject of their argument would be sharing a wall with them tonight.
He hadn’t left her alone for even a second since they’d walked into the house to find Azriel already there, a dish towel slung over his shoulder as he chopped onions for whatever it was Nesta had on the menu for the evening. Even when she went to greet Azriel with a hug, deciding that it would be more suspicious if she greeted him any differently today, Graysen’s fingers had stayed on her back.
She remained patient with him, pushing aside the anxiety she felt at his constant proximity. She did her best to reassure him any way she could that he had nothing to worry about, all the while hoping that maybe she could convince herself of the very same thing in the process.
There had been no ducking out of his arms or dodging his kisses tonight. There had only been soft smiles and reassuring touches at all the right moments. Still, she couldn’t help that as she stood around the kitchen counter with her family - her attention had shifted, catching the subtle flex of Azriel’s forearms as he leant forward, his hands wrapping around the lip of the counter as he spoke to Cassian.
It was the smallest movement, barely noticeable, yet it triggered something in her brain that thrust her straight back into the memory that she’d tried and failed to avoid for the past few months. 
Suddenly, she couldn’t concentrate on anything else, unable to tear her eyes away from the familiar ridges and veins of his hands. The heat of Graysen’s palm flat against the middle of her back faded into nothing as she remembered the taste of cinnamon and cream. Remembered the way she had once been perched on a counter so similar to the one they were currently standing around. The easy way Azriel had slotted himself between her knees, her dress rising up her thighs. The feeling of his fingers dragging up her legs until they slipped under her hem. The gentleness with which he’d touched her. She swore she could feel his breath against her neck. Swore she could hear the things he’d whispered into her ear that night. 
“Helloooo… Earth to Elain!” Feyre’s voice brought her back to reality, her sister’s hand waving in front of her face as Elain’s vision cleared and she attempted to remember where the hell she was and what she was doing. “I asked if you wanted another drink?” 
Elain could only nod, afraid of how her voice might betray her if she attempted to speak. It didn’t help that she was all too aware of the way Graysen watched her, blue eyes once again filled with the suspicion she’d been working so hard to keep at bay as he  tracked her gaze to the pair of hazel eyes that were now staring directly back at her from the other side of the counter.
She readily accepted the margarita Feyre handed her, not wasting any time before downing half of it in one go. She’d never needed a drink more in her entire life. 
Azriel stood directly outside the kitchen. He hadn’t turned any lights on when he’d wandered out a little while ago so it was just him, the stars, and the tiny smoldering ember of amber light flickering at the end of the lit cigarette slotted in between his index and middle finger.
He was utterly exhausted, eyes bleary as he tried and failed to link the stars together to form a constellation. He’d tried to fall asleep but he was too distracted by racing thoughts of the way Elain had looked at him from across the kitchen counter. The fleeting want that had appeared in her eyes - there and gone in a second, a lingering blush on her cheeks the only evidence that he hadn’t imagined the whole thing. He told himself it was just the margarita in her hands that had caused the sudden rush of heat to her cheeks but he knew her better than that. He knew all her tells. 
That’s why it had hurt even more to see her disappear down the hallway and into her room, her piece-of-shit boyfriend in tow. Azriel didn’t know how long he’d lasted laying in bed before he’d gotten back up and stumbled outside, too paranoid about each and every noise that he could hear from the room that shared a wall with the one he stayed in each time he found himself crashing at Nesta and Cassian’s for the night. 
If Graysen had been annoying at Nyx’s party yesterday, he’d been ever worse this evening because he’d scaled up the charisma and had seemed hell bent on befriending Azriel only to then become increasingly quietly irritated when Azriel made it clear that he was completely disinterested in anything that even remotely hinted at any sort of camaraderie.
He’d also taken to being even clingier with Elain. Hadn’t given her even a second to breathe all night, trailing behind her every chance he got, pulling her back into his side any time she strayed more than a few inches away. Even stranger, Elain had seemed intent on appeasing him and had stayed faithfully by Graysen’s side the entire time. She hadn’t even disappeared for a moment alone with Feyre and Nesta to talk about whatever the hell those three talked about whenever they were left alone together. All Azriel knew was that it usually resulted in raised voices, either in the form of an argument or incomprehensible half sentences interrupted by high pitched giggles as they all spoke over each other. 
Azriel saw Graysen’s overbearing behaviour for what it was - insecurity. 
Insecurity that came with a front row seat to the realisation that his prized girlfriend had an entire life before him. Without him. That she had family and friends that cared about her. 
Azriel had a feeling Elain’s life in Meadowview revolved heavily around Graysen. They probably spent time with his friends. Went to his favourite restaurants. Did his favourite activities. He wondered if she’d managed to retain any part of herself when she was halfway around the country, isolated in a bubble with Graysen, with no real escape other than her job. 
Maybe it wasn’t fair to jump to conclusions, to assume that she hadn’t been able to maintain a sense of self. He hoped for the best, desperately wanted to be wrong, but he knew her too well to know that he most likely wasn’t far off.  
He wanted to talk to her about it to try and decipher for himself exactly how she was doing but he hadn’t been able to get her alone - either because she’d been avoiding him or because of the five foot ten, blonde, walking trust fund  who’d been glued to her hip for the past eight hours. 
That’s why when the lamp in the kitchen switched on, the soft golden glow illuminating the window over the sink, it felt like a prayer was answered. 
He didn’t know exactly how he knew that she’d been the source of that light or that she’d be the one to walk outside but he knew when he turned to look, she’d be there - hair gilded by the light behind her. It was something about the gentle way the storm door creaked open, the feather light footsteps against the wooden floorboards. Something about the even, familiar rhythm of her breath.
He’d managed to get in one last deep drag of his cigarette before she was standing beside him, close enough that her arm brushed his. She reached up, lazily taking the cigarette from his fingers. She studied it and for one singular moment, he wondered if she’d surprise them both and take it between her lips. But this was Elain and so all he could do was huff out an amused laugh as she frowned, letting the cigarette fall to the floor until she could snub it out with her slipper covered foot. 
“Filthy habit,” Elain muttered. 
It was only then that he really allowed himself to look at her. He was thankful for the little bit of light from the kitchen lamp as his eyes traveled from her feet and up her bare legs to the hint of lilac shorts that he could only see the ruffled hem of because they were largely covered by the sweatshirt that fell right down to the top of her thighs. 
It was a Velaris University sweatshirt that at one point had been black but now resembled a faded gray and included a smattering of tiny holes around the stretched out collar. That sweatshirt had been missing from his closet for the better part of a decade. She’d had it in her possession for so long that Azriel wasn’t entirely sure that she would even remember who its original owner had been. It’s why he didn’t let himself read too much into her wearing that particular sweatshirt while sharing a bed with someone else. 
His eyes continued their journey upwards, over those full lips and the perfect slope of her nose. All the way up to drowsy, brown eyes and the tousled hair that he hoped and prayed was just the result of a restless night’s sleep and not the other option that sprung  to mind. 
Her eyes were fixed on him, clearly drinking in the sight of him just like she’d done when he’d first walked into Nyx’s party. 
There was a beat of silence between them, neither of them really knowing where to begin now that they were alone together. 
“Hi.” Her voice was barely a squeak, nervous and high and he couldn’t stand it. Hated this awkwardness between them. Hated that she felt any level of unease around him. 
“Trouble sleeping?” He raised an eyebrow, offering her a slow, sleepy smile that he hoped would work to put her at ease. 
Satisfaction settled in his chest when he saw her shoulders relax a little, at least a fraction of the tension she held within her melting into the night. 
He fought the urge to reach out and touch her, to place a hand on the back of her neck and slide his thumb around the knot he knew he’d find there. He resisted the temptation to tuck her hair behind her ear so he could see her face without it being half hidden in shadows. 
“Yeah,” Elain nodded. “Couldn’t get the fan to work and I need…”
“The white noise,” Azriel finished for her, another wave of satisfaction flowing through him at the first upward tilt of her lips. 
“What about you?” Elain asked, her gaze still focused straight ahead. “Trouble sleeping?”
“Something like that,” He replied, schooling his expression into one that would hopefully hide the real reason he was awake. “At least it worked in my favour this time.”
“What do you mean?” 
“It means that I’ve been trying to get a minute alone with you for two days now.”
“Oh,” she bit her lip. “Well, yesterday was so busy with all the kids and then tonight has been a lot as well…• 
“Yeah,” Azriel laughed, leaning into her just enough for his arm to press against hers. It was meant to be an innocent, playful touch yet it still managed to send a spark straight down his spine. “It was the kids that were keeping us from talking and definitely not because you’ve been actively avoiding me.” 
“I didn't think it would be so obvious,” Elain groaned, glancing up at him from the corner of her eye. “I was hoping you wouldn't notice.”
“I notice everything about you, Lain.” He adjusted his stance slightly, pivoting at the waist so he was turned towards her. “Always have.” 
There was another second of silence as she looked away from him, nervously running a hand through her hair. “You can’t say things like that.”
“It’s true, though.” He shrugged, choosing to move on with the conversation before she could ruminate on that any further.“How have you been?”
“Thought you noticed everything about me.” He could practically hear her smirk even through the sleepy rasp of her voice and he loved it. Appreciated the fleeting moment of playfulness. Of normalcy. “Shouldn’t you know the answer?”
“I want to hear it from you.”
“I’ve been good,” Elain still didn’t look at him. Her eyes were focused steadily, stubbornly ahead. “Meadowview is good. Work is good. Everything’s good.”
“Say good one more time and maybe I’ll believe you.” He hadn’t missed that she’d neglected to mention her boyfriend.
“Funny,” she rolled her eyes. “How have you been?” 
“Fine,” he shrugged. Then, before he could stop himself he asked her one of the questions that had been haunting him since last night. “Why have you never told me you didn’t like when I called you  ‘Lain?’” 
Elain paused, her brows furrowing. She clearly hadn’t expected that question from him. 
“What are you talking about?” 
“Last night… Graysen said that you didn’t like it when he called you that. You said that you preferred to be called ‘El.’” 
She ducked her head, the bridge of her nose wrinkling as she looked down at her feet. A surefire sign she was embarrassed by something. “I only like it when it’s coming from you.” 
He bit back a smile, rocking back on his heels in an attempt to dull the sudden rush of emotion he felt at her admission. 
“Thank god.” He pressed a hand to his chest in a show of relief. “I’ve been worried that I’ve been unknowingly pissing you off for the past ten years.”
Azriel chuckled, teeth dragging over his lower lip as she turned to look at him. She gave him a wry smile and a shake of her head and though he wanted to live in this moment forever, he couldn’t put it off any longer, there were far more pressing matters to discuss.
“Lain,” Azriel let out a breath, his smile slipping into something more serious. He spoke slowly, choosing his words carefully. “If you’re upset or if I misread the situation that night, I’m sorry but just tell me so I can -”
“Azriel, we can’t.” She whispered, cutting him off before he could even get out everything he wanted and needed to say.
“I can’t… we can’t talk about this.” Her voice was strained, her hands twisted in the cuffs of her sweater.
“We have to talk about it, Elain.” He insisted. “It’s been months of silence and we can’t keep going like this.”
“There’s nothing to talk about,” she swallowed, shoulders once again tensing as she turned to face him. 
“You can’t be serious,” Azriel couldn’t keep the exasperation out of his voice. 
Even with such scarce lighting, he could see the blush that crept up her neck as she defensively crossed her arms in front of her chest. 
“Nothing happened. It’s fine.” Elain said, her voice low. “It was just sex. We got caught up in the moment and that’s all it was.”
“Just sex,” Azriel shook his head. “You wouldn’t have left and stopped talking to me if it was just fucking sex.” 
He’d always prided himself on maintaining a mask of cool composure around other people but it always seemed to falter around Elain. He couldn’t hide from her. Had never felt the need to. This was no exception.
“I didn’t -”
“Don’t.” He interrupted her. “Whatever you’re about to say about not cutting me off or about things being fine between us, it’s absolute bullshit and you know it.” 
“Azriel,” Her voice broke, splitting his name into two halves. “I shouldn’t have left and I know that and I’m sorry but I just can’t…”
“Do you regret it?”
“Do you regret it?” He asked again, making a point to look directly at her. “Sleeping with me. Do you regret it?”
Azriel watched as she closed her eyes, one hand of hers coming up to clutch at her necklace as she took a deep breath. It felt like a lifetime before she finally spoke. 
“I only regret it in the sense that I can’t stop thinking about it.” He could barely hear her over the crickets and the frogs and whatever other nocturnal creatures occupied the field around his friends’ home. “I only regret it because I haven’t been able to stop thinking about you.”
He couldn’t believe it. Couldn’t make sense of her saying exactly what he’d hoped but never dreamed that she’d go as far as admitting it. Suddenly, he didn’t know what to say. Didn’t know what to do. It was involuntary, really… the way he reached for her. One arm extending, his hand mere inches from her hip. The tips of his fingers just grazed her sweatshirt before she stepped back, just out of his reach. 
“Az.” The pounding of his heart came to an abrupt stop in his chest as he watched her eyes fill with tears. “It happened and it was good and I promise you I don’t regret it but I can’t do this. We just can’t…” 
“Just tell me why you left then, Lain.” He pleaded. “Full, complete honesty. I just want to know why you left without saying anything. I thought - everything was fine when I fell asleep.” 
“It doesn’t matter now, Az.” She wiped away a stray tear. “What’s it going to solve? What’s done is done.”
“It does. I need to know. I need to understand.” 
“I don’t know why. I wish I did but I don’t...” she started. “I panicked and then I realised how awful I’d been for leaving like that and I thought you’d be upset.” She took another deep, wavering breath. “I thought you hated me.”
Her voice was once again so small, so timid. It shattered every part of him. 
“Elain,” Azriel reached up and tugged at his hair just so he had something to do with his hands. Too afraid that he’d reach for her again. “If I were capable of hating you, this would all be a whole lot easier.” 
“I’m sorry,” she breathed, tears falling faster now. “I’m so sorry that it’s like this between us but I don’t know what to do. I don’t know how to fix this.”
“I just want my friend back, Lain.” He said gently. “I’m not asking for anything more than to have you back in my life as my friend. I miss you so fucking much and if the only thing that’s stopping you from talking to me is what happened between us that night then we can forget it. If that’s what it takes, we can agree to pretend it never happened.”
“It’s not that easy. You know it. I know it. It’s been months and I can’t forget it.” She shook her head. “It’s just easier this way, Az. You and me… we just can’t be friends the way we were. Not right now at least.”
“You don’t mean that, Elain.” His nails dug into the palms of his hands. “I know that’s not what you want. Look me in the eye and tell me you mean it.”
He waited for her to seal their fate. To look him in the eye and tell him that she’d meant every word. That she really wanted nothing more to do with him. But she didn’t look him in the eye. Didn’t really look at him at all. She only stepped further back, her gaze fixed on some arbitrary spot above his right shoulder.
“I miss you, Azriel. More than you know.” Her voice broke as she began to turn away from him, walking towards the door. 
“Wait,” he followed behind her, his fingers closing around her wrist to stop her from reaching for the handle of the screen door. 
She didn’t pull away from him this time. Didn’t try to step back. She just twisted around to face him fully, her pulse rapid under his touch. 
“Do whatever you need to do.” The words left him in a rush. “ Go home, think about things. I can handle you being with someone else, I’ve done it for a decade… but please…. please don’t stay with someone that doesn’t make you happy just to prove a point to yourself or to me or to anyone else.”
There was another stretch of silence to accompany the crease that formed in between her eyebrows as she mulled over his words.
“Goodnight, Az.” She stepped forward, her chest against his. He released his grasp on her wrist  just in time to wrap his arms around her waist as she reached up on her toes and slung her arms loosely around his neck. Every part of her pressed against him for a split second. It was over before it began but he felt the cool, dampness of her tears against his cheek as her lips brushed his skin just once before she pulled back from the hug.
He let her go, his fingers slipping slowly from her skin. “Goodnight, Lain.”
Elain disappeared inside the house and the kitchen light flickered off a few seconds later. Azriel turned back around, sitting down on the porch step after pulling a stray cigarette and lighter out of his back pocket. He closed his eyes and counted to sixty. When he opened his eyes again, he was right back to what he’d been doing fifteen minutes ago, before she’d come outside. 
Once again, it was just him, the stars,and the dim light from the lit end of his cigarette. He didn’t know how long he stayed out there going over what just happened but he was still there, staring up at the sky and rehashing answers to questions he couldn’t decide if he regretted asking when the sun began to rise.
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backhurtyy · 7 months
everywhere everything i wanna love you til we’re food for the worms to eat til our fingers decompose keep my hand in yours btw. if you even care.
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kaaaaaaarf · 5 months
Have you read the good word first chapter of @lynxindisguise's multiverse wolfstar fic yet??? It's called everywhere, everything and I am fully obsessed. I made a little playlist for it, which I will likely update with every chapter!
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