#evidence of my sins tbh
super-sootica · 2 years
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#and boomers be like 'we worked hard you guys don't know the meaning of hard work' hun i run circles around you on the daily and would whip a
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914 notes - Posted November 7, 2022
It's always Destiel, we always come back to Destiel.
1,115 notes - Posted July 16, 2022
If you have a tumblr account and say you don’t know who Dean Winchester is, I simply don’t believe you
You’re already infected, from the moment you signed up
1,658 notes - Posted March 21, 2022
The World: Boris is leaving?!
Brits: Yes, but also. Look at our cat! His name is Larry
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1,929 notes - Posted July 7, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
With so many elections coming up worldwide it's probably a good time to remind everyone that tumblr once got infested with agents trying to convince everyone not to vote, or not to vote left because the candidates weren't morally pure enough.
Also a reminder that they were better at tumblr than most of us, comrade interloper was great at memeing. Like, the talent!
Anyway don't fall for it. There is no morally pure option.
44,692 notes - Posted July 27, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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chubs-deuce · 4 months
Apparently there's another Alastor theory going around! It's Roo who is in control of him, she's the Root of all Evil or something? I too, have this deer man spinning in my head microwaving so I am eating up all these theories
I do not know much of this Roo character, but with all the eyes always watching him in the background it would somewhat make sense!
I'm ngl I had no idea this character was even a thing and had to look it up in the wiki and hOLY SHIT.
That would... honestly explain a lot.
I still do think that Lilith being gone for the exact same timeframe as Alastor is a bit too specific to be complete coincidence, but maybe it doesn't have anything to do with Alastor's deal after all? I've been struggling to try and pinpoint a motive or purpose for such a deal, so maybe neither Lilith nor Eve are actually the answer here, or only a part of it?
I'm still in the process of rewatching the season and collecting notes on the side to hopefully try and make sense of later on, but knowing this character may come into play in the future definitely adjusted my perspective on things...
Like... Alastor seems to absolutely despise the idea of being seen as altruistic and selfless - maybe his overarching goal and/or his end of the deal is to spread as much evil and carnage as possible or sth like that? Idk man.
He also keeps everyone around him at a very deliberate distance (unless he's got an agenda and uses the friendship angle and physical contact to manipulate), then he seems almost genuinely sentimental during his talk with Niffty? But imo it sounds like he's expressing wishful thinking more than anything.
I think he's deliberately trying not to get attached to the hotel and its inhabitants because he already knows it's not going to stay that way, since the plan seems to have always been that the hotel and, in extension, Charlie, are mere stepping stones to whatever unseen goal he has. For now we are meant to assume that it's an elaborate plan to free himself from whatever contract it is that's plaguing him, but I think there's a lot more to it than that.
What I'm currently trying to figure out is what his plans are for after that...?
Like... what is he going to do with the newly regained freedom? What was the deal keeping him from doing?
Maybe it'll have near apocalyptic consequences and he was restricted for a damn good reason :'DD either way I'm fucking terrified.
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a-dauntless-daffodil · 3 months
Okay I know we like to joke about Vaggie and Charlie having really kinky sex but..
* Charlie for years thought that her girl friend was normal Sinner and wanted to get her into Heaven.
* Charlie has "pre marital sex" on the list of things to avoid.
* There is no way she would bar her girlfriend from redemption for her own needs.
So that's a lot of evidence against them having that sort of carnal relationship pre-reveal. However, we can then add-
* Charlie was shocked by the sex scene in the first episode.
* She was highly uncomfortable in the BDSM club.
* She almost threw up watching Angel Dust's porno. Like legit, she looked like she was going to hurl, and Vaggie helped block her view and comforted her.
* She is extremely uncomfortable even discussing Abgel's job, actually.
So what am I getting at? Charlie may be bi-romantic, but when push comes to shove, she acts very much like a sex-repulsed asexual. So it's possible that their relationship is purely romantic and not sexual. Which fits into their whole paradigm of having a really non-standard relationship by Hell's standards.
Either that or any "fun times" they have is so vanilla that it turns the ice cream coffee flavored in comparison. Because Charlie is clearly not comfortable with anything more exotic.
ach well, tbh as an ace i'm much more comfortable talking about and being around sex stuff in social / public / business situations than TWO out of my three Very Sexual Sisters are, even tho im pretty repulsed by it personally. like I'll skip past it in movies and such while they happily tuck in and enjoy. So.... lots of ways to be ace and allo, i guess
it's all just headcanons to me. who the fuck even knows XD
charlie maybe or maybe not getting jiggy with with Her Girlfriend wouldn't mean she'd ALSO be up for watching or being around while OTHER people are doing it ^w^ i can feel that too
anyway, my comment to this post is basically me falling in the love with the OTHER headcanon that poor charlie didn't wanna risk damning her gf's soul by having the pre-marital sexy times-
and is Very Fucking Frustrated / Horrified to realize that was never even a thing with vagige anyway. Also, the gayness. like. already a sin
OwO; oops?
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saintsenara · 24 days
idk if someone else asked you this but: what's your fav interpretation of snily? platonic or romantic? (my fav is platonic, but tbh i love any version of them that still respecting their tragedy)
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ok lads, here we, here we, here we fucking go...
i like snily a lot - as both a platonic and a romantic pairing - because i think it has so much potential to be really interesting - and, above all, that it's interesting because it's a great relationship for an author to use to directly undercut a lot of tropes about love [romantic or otherwise] which both the canon series and vast amounts of fanfiction use uncritically.
by which i mean, it's not a big, epic, written-in-the-stars love story. it's not inevitable - it's not ginny "never giving up" on harry - and it's not romcom-happy-ending-perfect - the way james and lily's relationship is described by everyone who ever speaks about them - and it's not a perfect blending of two halves of the same soul - there's no timeline in which we could hear mcgonagall saying "you never saw one without the other", as she does about james and sirius - and it never could be.
but what it can be - much like remadora, which i think is genuinely one of snily's closest parallels - is evidence that love which is none of these things has the capacity to be just as transformative, just as meaningful, as just as worth an author's time.
and - of course - has the capacity to be possible. i'm not going to bother with the argument that snily is impossible to write in a canon-coherent way [or impossible to write without it being abusive] - and i'm especially not going to bother with the argument that it's immoral to see as a plausible pairing. thinking this is a skill issue - a refusal to grapple with several of the fundamental truths about being human: that redemption is possible; that forgiveness - even of the gravest sins - is possible too; that love is strange and unpredictable; and that there is nobody - not a single soul - on earth who is unworthy of it.
which is why - of course - my favourite flavour of snily is one in which james dies in 1981 [maybe he's the one who won't stand aside, maybe the magic which causes the killing curse to rebound doesn't need to hinge on choice, and so on] but she and harry live, and that - in order to try and ground herself in the face of her shattering grief - she returns to cokeworth, seeking a reminder of the certainty of childhood which she can cling to at a time when everything else is out of control.
that snape would be lurking about is unsurprising - the man clings to the certainties of his childhood [even if these certainties are much less happy than lily's] like a limpet. he's still living at spinner's end, seething about james and sirius - stuck in the past and unwilling to move on to the future.
and not only stuck in the past, but stuck on a fantasy.
it's clear in canon that snape and lily's major issue - prior to the break in their friendship which we see in snape's worst memory - is that neither of them ever takes the other as they actually are. the lily of snape's head is a construct - especially after her death - and the snape of lily's head is the same.
lily - even in the few pages of her we see in canon - seems to be stuck viewing snape as the child, devoted exclusively to her, whose role was to teach her about the wonderful world of magic, and who acted primarily as a tool of her own self-actualisation.
this is why she can’t understand why snape is so embarrassed by the way his poverty makes him stand out at hogwarts, and why this would make him want to fit in with the sort of purebloods she clearly thinks are awful. it's why she doesn't understand his need for reassurance when it comes to whether his [platonic] affection for her is reciprocated. it's why she doesn't take what happens to him at the marauders' hand seriously until she's made an explicit part of it by james. and it's also why she doesn't engage with snape's radicalisation until she literally can't ignore it anymore. mulciber and avery can be figures she loathes - and figures she recognises as potential death eaters - because she regards them as having the agency to be bad people if they so desire. but snape isn't someone she sees as existing for himself or having a life of his own, until his behaviour is so egregious that it forces the scales to fall from her eyes. he exists for her.
and snape is the same. he sees himself as the person who gave lily the wizarding world and, therefore, as the person who gets to dictate how she understands it.
this is why he can't understand what it is about mulciber's use of dark magic which appalls her [as a teenager, he, like voldemort, clearly thinks that applying boundaries to which sort of magic can or should be practised is nanny-state gatekeeping]. it's why he doesn't understand why it upsets her when he's rude to petunia and why he fails to grasp that she can simultaneously have a difficult relationship with her sister and love and value her. it's why he dislikes her forming her own views on the marauders, instead of agreeing with his. and it's why he thinks lily's hatred of the death eaters is stupid - he believes [undoubtedly correctly, given voldemort's relationship with him] that joining the organisation will allow him to transcend the restrictions imposed upon him by his muggle father and social class, and he is incapable of seeing how this wouldn't be the case for lily. she exists for him.
teen snily exists within this context - and i think there's something sincerely interesting which can be done with an exploration of their friendship [including that friendship turning into a romantic relationship] which takes the fact that the two people involved have to confront their mutual insistence on loving an imagined version of the other into account. maybe it crashes and burns - as it does in canon, when snape and lily see each other clearly for the first time when he calls her a mudblood - or maybe they start trying to do the work.
and adult snily exists within this context magnified to a hundred. i think there's just something so compelling about the idea of them running into each other in cokeworth. and lily being torn between seeing snape clearly - knowing exactly who he is and what he's done - and still wanting to pretend that he's the best friend of her childhood, so she can have five minutes of respite from the immensity of james' death. and snape being torn between wanting to confess his role in the prophecy debacle to her - to take responsibility and commit to atonement, safe in the knowledge that this would mean losing her forever - and still wanting to pretend that everything is as it was again, and lily will listen to him, and be what he wants [and needs] her to be.
and this gives us the potential for mess - and mess which is very sad, which is the best kind.
maybe they reestablish their friendship [or even transform it into a relationship] while clinging to that childhood fantasy, and are then forced to acknowledge who the other really is and fall apart. maybe they don't ever acknowledge this, and remain stuck in a mire of toxic codependency which hangs on never being honest with themselves and each other.
maybe snape stubbornly refuses to move on from his hatred of james [just imagine...] even once he has what he's always claimed to have wanted. maybe lily can't move past the mudblood incident. maybe the revelation of the prophecy and snape's role within it is something lily - entirely, entirely understandably - would never be able to move past.
and yet...
maybe - gradually, and with lots of setbacks - they each learn how to be satisfied with the other as a real person. maybe they learn how to listen to each other, how to talk to each other, how to value each other. maybe they let go of childish resentments - maybe lily says "yeah, james was a dick to you and i could have been more sympathetic to that" and snape says "thanks, now i can work on moving on from this so i'm not the sort of person who's still obsessed with school beef when i'm nearly forty". maybe they work through bigger, more justified resentments - maybe snape shows that he is sincerely sorry about calling lily a mudblood, and demonstrates this, and she feels able to accept his apology.
and maybe snape looks her in the eye and tells her what he did, and lily still manages to find some small glimmer of hope in the midst of her fury that she thinks is worth clinging to.
[the fact that switching sides and putting yourself into mortal danger in an attempt to destroy voldemort means that you have a pretty good claim for your wish to atone for your sins to be genuine, for instance...]
perhaps the two of them find themselves in a state of fragile cordiality - polite hellos in shops, a quick drink at christmas. perhaps they bury the hatchet but then lose touch, and forgiving snape and being forgiven by lily helps them each let the other go. perhaps they have a relationship which doesn't last, but which is no less significant to either of them for it. perhaps they share a drunken kiss and laugh about it the next day. perhaps they work out how to be friends properly - and they're yapping away over a roast dinner as we speak. and perhaps they work out how to be more than that.
stranger things have happened, and they always will. isn't it fun to come up stories which think about how?
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jarofstyles · 8 months
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FICTOBER Prompts/Masterlist
Warnings- angelsxdemon, mention of god, blasphemy tbh, smut
“That isn’t the type of scream I’m used to…” The dark eyed demon smirked down at the angel, sweat spattering her littering skin. Her chest heaved as she looked up at the dark eyed creature with a glare, but it was hard to focus on the comment. 
It was hard to focus on anything when she had the best cock inside of her, hitting every spot that she didn’t know needed to be hit.
She would be exiled, if they knew. Her wings would be taken, and she would be stuck at heaven’s gate doing intake, but somehow her feud with a demon who also frequented her area of earth had blown into a full blown sexual affair. 
“B-Be quiet and keep doing that.” She huffed, her light voice falling into a mewl as he did just that. 
No sex had ever been such a temptation. She understood now, why people sometimes lusted after these creatures. Her complete opposite, dark minded and murky to her light and airy, and yet she found herself in this position. They quite literally fed off of sin, and the clouds knew that this was one of the most sinful activities she had even partaken in. It was another question she had for the big man up in the sky. 
If it was so bad, forbidden to the highest degree, then why did it feel so good?
Her toes curled as the strokes of his thick cock sent zaps of pleasure into her belly and her heels dragged down the backs of his thighs, trying to tug him deeper as she felt his sweat dripping onto her chest. Deep pink, wet lips had sucked one of her nipples into his mouth, making her whimpering continue as he hit into her with precision. Like it was a prearranged strategy to know her body’s most sensitive places, a roadmap to making her cum. 
His length filled her perfectly. The sounds of it slipping in and out of her sopping hole was audible in her room, sure she was making a mess of her bed. It would be a humiliating reminder when he inevitably left her and she woke the next morning to find evidence of their salacious activities, but one that would most definitely leave her cunt aching for more. 
“Who said you can give demands, little Angel?” The demon cooed. “Who says… I want to hear anything but my name and you begging for my cum leaving that holy little mouth?” Sharp teeth brushed her jaw, a deepy chuckle leaving his lips as he nipped the skin and slid a hand around her throat, pinning her down on the bed. His hips continued their thorough thrusts, the evil smirk on her face making her squeal. 
“No, no. That’s what I want to hear. God’s little servant, such a shame. A pussy like this should be working for my side.” He crooned, the filth and blasphemy leaving his tongue like a silk ribbon tied package.  She should pull away, leave, report her sins, but she didn’t want to fight the inevitable pleasure. His words were offensive and dirty and she couldn’t stop herself from clenching around him.  “Yeah…” He moaned, looking down at her cunt being spread by him. It was soaked, a ring of cream settling on the base of his cock before sliding down to his overly full balls. “It would be put to such good use in hell. Y’could come party with me… Play my funny little tricks… Let me fuck you where everyone could hear. I think you’d like that.” 
Y/N didn’t know why it sounded appealing when it was absolutely not something she had even allowed herself to think of, but she knew. She knew it was something that was  going to stay with her and haunt her. The feel of his cock filling her like it was perfectly curved to cater to her, the sound of his taunts, his nails digging into her thighs. It would be a recurring nightmare that would make her reach between her thighs when she woke up in a sweat. 
“N-No..” Her eyes closed and her mouth opened in pleasure as he began to move a bit harder inside of her, well aware her words were lies but having to try one last time to save herself. Why did they forbid sex when it felt like euphoria? Why was this going to be a punishment if anyone found out? How could they blame her for indulging in someone who knew what she needed and to find a release she didn’t know was full? 
“Yes.” He replied, squeezing slightly over her throat. “No angel should have such a tight, weepy little cunt. Dripping all over my fat cock, making a mess of my balls. Think you’ll clean them up for me after I empty them into this perfect little angel cunt.” Pursing his lips, he spit down on where they connected and made her squeak in disgust- but he could feel what it did to her. “It’s too late to pretend. I’ve corrupted your soul, sweet Angel. You’re so gone for it.. Gonna lick yourself off of me and get me hard again so I can take all of my one promised night….” He thumbed over her clit with his other hand, watching her back arch off the bed. “Mhm… I’m going to haunt you, darling.” His eyes were completely black, brows furrowed as his face controrted with rapture. He’d never find another pussy quite like this, and he wanted to be the only one to own it. Perhaps it would take time, but he as going to be the one who kept her. “ But I’ll be here to quell that ache that I’ll leave behind. All you’ve got to do is beg.”
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sillyghostspace · 21 days
"Dan Heng is Dan Heng, No Need to Overcomplicate Things" - Dan Heng x March 7th
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Author's Note: My first Honkai Star Rail fanfic and the first one I will be posting here :3 I really find Dan Heng and March 7th's relationship so adorable, so this is my take on it. I would say it is kinda romantic, but tbh, just them being together as friends is cute enough for me. Hope you enjoy!
Summary: Dan Heng is struggling to sleep thinking about his past identity--the one he doesn't even know. Yet, everyone around him tries to make him remember of his past sins as the High Elder, Dan Feng, and everything becomes a headache due to his meeting with Jing Liu. He then goes to the Parlor Car of the Astral Express to find March who will comfort him with her smile <3
Genre: Fluff, soft romance
Dan Heng lay on his bed, both eyes wide open. He had no drive to sleep at all.
At this hour, he should’ve already gotten his well-deserved rest, enjoying what he could have for a dream—although his venture to this so-called dream land rarely ever began. His posture was perfect too, the embodiment of an ideal sleeping position. The temperature should’ve been spot on too. Not too cold nor too hot. Even more, the precious books surrounding him gave a piece of comfort that, to his understanding, was unbeatable by any place in the world.
It was the best sleeping condition he could’ve ever asked for.
If it’d been the usual days, it would’ve only taken seconds before his eyes were shut.
It was evident that something bothered him. An undescribable feeling kept his mind occupied—and in reality, he’d already figured out what it was. There could only be one correct answer.
After all, it’d only been a few days since his true identity—or his past self, to be precise—was unveiled even to himself.
He bore the title of the Imbibitor Lunae, one who had committed a grave sin under the gaze of countless burning and even dead stars in the universe. The price for giving in to the forbidden fruit of giving someone an eternal life was a punishment for life. Although—and even if his past self did it with a good intention—no one saw it the same way as he did. A criminal deserved to be exiled—that was how people remembered him.
In the end, what he’d done was still considered as a crime frowned upon by the long-life citizens of Xianzhou.
Yet, the disdain they had wasn’t for Dan Heng in particular, but for who he’d been before. However, with no recollection about any of those things, every blame fell on him—and although it’d been many years to make those people forgot, the black-haired young man still felt unwelcomed in their eyes for a reason he himself couldn’t comprehend.
And then, today was another eventful moment in his life. It was the very same day of his first and most likely last meeting with the renowned criminal of Xianzhou—one who shared a history with past himself, Jing Liu.
The mara-struck woman reached out to him with a single letter, asking to spend the day with him together. It was clear she tried to rile up those buried memories of Dan Feng within Dan Heng’s mind. Her voice echoed right in his ears, as if those were constant reminders of his past identity he didn’t know about.
It was the same with the Stellaron Hunter, Blade, who shared even a deeper bond with Dan Feng. But, the stronger that bond was, the more intense his hatred towards the reincarnated High Elder became. His stares were enough to cast a dagger right on Dan Heng’s neck. Forgetting it didn’t mean he was innocent for the man who forged his signature weapon, the Cloud-Piercer. The fact he was still using that weapon until now proved it even more.
The memories didn’t end there, though. Jing Yuan, Baiheng, Bailu….Those who were related to his history as Dan Feng with him not even knowing anything about it….
It was too much to process.
Dan Heng’s restless gaze lingered on the ceiling. He wished to forget those memories that rushed into his head all at once. But as much as he tried, it turned out to be a futile attempt. Whether he liked it or not, he couldn’t separate his existence from Dan Feng. He understood that his past self was the reason he existed now. The reason he could breath and feel the warm blood pumping through his veins—everything had a start, and in this case, his start was Dan Feng.
Having a severe crisis identity—one that made him doubt his own existence—would be the perfect way to describe what he was feeling now.
There’s no way I can sleep like this….
It’d been hours away from his usual schedule. At this rate, Dan Heng knew falling asleep would be closer to impossible. Thus, Dan Heng had two choices. The first one would be to close both of his eyes as long as he could, and if a miracle did exist, the next time he opened his eyes would be in the morning—although telling the differences between morning and night in Astral Express wasn’t that straightforward.
Even he who had made that option thought it as a bad idea. Since he knew his mind better than anyone else, he was certain that his worry wouldn’t vanish into thin air so easily, just from sheer will.
The only sensible option left was the latter, and it was him spending the time organizing his thoughts. It wouldn’t be in his room, though, as the familiar feeling surrounded by books and other archives would only distract him. It must be in a place where nothing could bother him.
Strangely enough, he chose Astral Express’s parlor car as the spot. With his tendency to spend time alone in his room, Dan Heng’s presence wasn’t that big around that area. Maybe a change of atmosphere was what he needed now.
I don’t think anyone is awake at this hour.
Dan Heng got up from his bed, although calling it a bed would be an insult to other beds in the entire universe. It was just one layer of mattress spread on the ground that his body had squeezed for numerous times at this point. It was a wonder how that bed could still reserve its softness. With only a pillow and a green-colored blanket that could cover him from head to toe, Dan Heng could have a safe and sound sleeping time—something March couldn’t comprehend.
At least it was better than the Express’ naughty and sassy racoon, Stelle, who found her comfort in the form of a hard, rough, and thick trash can.
The floor was quite cold, but it didn’t bother Dan Heng. He walked out of his room towards the Passenger Cabin. As what he’d expected, it was quiet. The sound of his footsteps echoed across the empty hall. It only took a few steps until he arrived at the door separating the area he was currently in and the Parlor Car.
As soon as the door opened, he crossed that gap, greeted by comfortable warm air that breezed through. The large whale acting as the light floated above him. Not just that, a certain music that could calm one’s soul with its jazzy, gentle melody serenaded the area. Dan Heng wasn’t someone who had one favorite song, but he didn’t mind the relaxing tone whispering in his ears now.
What he didn’t expect was that one girl sitting on one couch.
Her short pink didn’t look as neat as the usual with some bed hair sticking out. Based on the pink pajama she was wearing, it looked like she’d tried to sleep before, but her attempt had failed miserably. Her eyes were glued on her phone, but the sound of the door opening alarmed her of someone else presence.
“Oh, Dan Heng?”
March raised her eyebrows as she noticed the presence of his friend. Dan Heng closed the distance with every step. She turned off her phone and placed it on her side. On the other hand, Dan Heng approached her until he stopped and stood next to her.
“March, you’re not asleep yet?” Dan Heng asked.
“I was about to, but Stelle invited me to play this new gacha game she’d been waiting. I couldn’t turn her down since she looked so excited.”
“Where is she then?”
“Ah, I think she became mad when I got the character she wanted in a single pull. I didn’t even do anything wrong!” March said, trying to downplay the crime she’d done towards Stelle’s weak heart. After all, gacha players are one step away from becoming one-kidney creatures. “I believe the character’s name was Elisia? Or was it Elysia?”
“You said that as if I knew what you were talking about.”
“It will be faster if I just show you the character.”
“There’s no need for that,” Dan Heng said. “What about you then?”
“Me? Well….” March was scratching the back of her head while showing an awkward smile. “You see, the game is much more addictive than I thought. I’m still playing it, actually. You know what? You should play too, Dan Heng! We three can play the game together, of course, only if Stelle is still up for it.”
“I’ll have to pass on your offer.”
Dan Heng once again declined March’s offer before walking towards the couch right across from her. That entire time, March was watching at her friend walking away and sitting down on the same colored couch as the one she was using now—all was done without any sound. March, who had expected the interaction to last longer, felt dumbfounded by that.
Second had passed with the music looping for the umpteenth time. Dan Heng was staring at the window behind him, watching the dots in various colors pulsed in the galaxy. Some of them shone brighter than others, while ones that weren’t as lucky would slowly fade away, swallowed by dark matter covering the universe.
He tried to focus on his own thoughts when March came up to him.
“Hey, why didn’t you sit down beside me?” March asked.
“You were using it,” Dan Heng answered.
“Even though there’s still so much space on it?”
“….Do I need to?”
March didn’t hesitate to throw her body to the couch. If Dan Heng hadn’t evaded in time, they would’ve crashed into each other, resulting in a catastrophe both of them wouldn’t want.
“You should be more careful,” Dan Heng said, looking at March, who planted her face on the soft couch.
“S-sorry….” She groaned in pain.
After making sure that she was sitting comfortably next to Dan Heng, March looked at Dan Heng. He, of course, noticed that, as March not breaking an eye contact whatsoever.
“What is it?” he finally asked.
“It’s just….It’s pretty unusual that you’re still awake, you know?” March said. She had a confused look on her face. “Actually, you being here is already unusual. What’s the matter?”
“I couldn’t get any sleep.”
“Is that it?”
“That’s it.”
“Hmm….” March pushed her back onto the couch. All of a sudden, a wide smile appeared on her face—a mischievous kind. ”If that’s the case, then—”
“Sorry, but I’ve to refuse.”
“I haven’t even said anything!”
“You want me to do something for you, right?”
“No no! I just want to take your picture!”
“So my guess was correct….”
“It’s just a photo, though!” March pulled out the blue camera she always carried. At this point, it’d become the part of her. “Jan jan! Stay still, okay?”
“Where did you even pull that out from?”
“C’mon, give me a smile.”
March acted as if she hadn’t heard Dan Heng’s words. She aimed the camera at him, looking at the black-haired young man through the lens. Every of her movement was expressing excitement. The same thing couldn’t be said about Dan Heng, though, who was staring at the camera with no expression.
“Smile a little, won’t you?” March was already taking photos, but none of them struck her fancy.
“Why do you even need a photo of me, anyway?”
“Well, I need more photos for my collection.”
“Then the photos don’t need to be me.”
“Maybe, but I want these photos to hold some kind of memories, you know? Like, when I see it in the future, I can think back to what happened, ‘Oh, that’s when Stelle found her first trash can’ or ‘I forgot how beautiful Belobog was!’, something like that. You get it?” March checked out the photos she’d taken before. Just by looking at them, she felt happy. “Besides, it’s very rare for you to hang out with us. Don’t you think it’s nice to have your photos as well? So c’mon! Give me your best smile.”
March’s optimism was something Dan Heng didn’t have. And yet, he wanted to understand that. At least, he wanted to be able to think the way March did. The turmoil happening inside his head wouldn’t stop if he kept his way of thinking forever.
“March,” he said, completely facing his friend now. “I actually need your advice.”
His sudden request startled March. It wasn’t an everyday thing where she could hear Dan Heng asking her for something—or anything to begin with. He was afraid that she’d make fun of him with her usual energetic attitude, which he couldn’t hate, but instead….
“I’m listening.”
….She smiled while leaning her body forward. She put all her attention on him, and it was enough to reassure Dan Heng.
He told her everything—from his meeting with Jing Liu for the first time until the fight he witnessed in the Scalegorge Waterscape between two people who’d shared memories with his past self. He even told her about his meeting with both Stellaron Hunter members, which catalyzed his transformation. Every detail and emotion he had….He laid them all for March to hear.
It was the most vulnerable Dan Heng had ever been in front of someone else.
March was listening the entire time until Dan Heng uttered the last few words.
“….That’s it. That’s the end of it.”
“Hmm….That’s certainly complicated….” March said while pressing her temple.
Dan Heng realized that what he’d just told March was probably too much for her to handle at one go. He blamed himself again, thinking that it was a bad idea after all.
“Sorry. I’m troubling you, am I?”
“Ah, no no! That’s not what I meant.” March sounded panic upon hearing those words. She had to take a deep breath first before she could continue. “To be honest, though, is that a problem?”
“….What do you mean?” Dan Heng asked.
Throughout every possibility he had in his mind, what March said was something he didn’t expect at all.
“I mean, I get that you’re thinking about your past. I do it some times, but well, you’re talking to someone who doesn’t have past after all,” March said while pointing at herself. Even when she said something as sad as that, her smile didn’t disappear. “I’m just thinking that although one’s past is important, it doesn’t mean they have to base their existence on that, right?”
“Do you think so?”
“Yup! Just look at Stelle! You think she cares about her past?”
“Fair enough.”
Dan Heng averted his gaze a little. He couldn’t deny that March’s words were comforting enough, but it’d be a lie if he said nothing worried him anymore. In the end, the reason he told March everything was because of that same worry.
He made an eye contact with her again.
“What about you, March?” Dan Heng asked. “Can you still think of me as Dan Heng after hearing my story?”
“Why can’t I?”
It was an instant answer from her.
“Dan Heng that I know is cold, likes to overcomplicate stuff, borderline rude with his words….”
At that point, Dan Heng didn’t know whether it was a compliment or not. But one thing he was sure about would be March’s sincerity within every of her word. That was one thing he couldn’t deny.
“But for that same reason, I believe that Dan Heng is Dan Heng! He isn’t Dan Feng, Xiaonzhou’s traitor, or even Cold Dragon Young!”
“That last bit is unnecessary, isn’t?”
“M-my point is that Dan Heng is already more than fine. He is the precious member of Astral Express, and not to mention my precious friend as well!”
Dan Heng could see the sparkles within her eyes. The lights were illuminating for him, and he’d never been so grateful upon knowing this girl who was pushing his back this whole time.
He then shifted his gaze towards the floor. He could see his own reflection on it because of a certain conductor’s amazing skill at cleaning. The face he saw on it wasn’t any different from the usual, but for some reason, he couldn’t help not to smile.
“D-Dan Heng, are you okay?”
March, who didn’t know what was happening inside Dan Heng’s head, was worried after seeing her friend having his head down, looking even more dejected than usual. What she didn’t know was the immense gratification he had for March. Her attention had cracked even the emotionless Dan Heng.
He pulled his head up. His mouth began to move, and from the gap between his lips, he conveyed his happiness.
“I’m more than okay, March. Thank you.”
That smile he had on his face was genuine. March hadn’t prepared herself for that. The embarrassment finally hit her as both of her cheeks became redder and hotter—almost oozing steam from them.
“N-now, l-let’s just—”
She tried to change the topic before the embarrassment could kill her. But instead of that, something fell onto her lap. Upon opening both eyes, she could see Dan Heng’s head right on her lap. His eyes were already shut. It seemed that once he’d relaxed, his body instantly gave in to the fatigue. It felt as if the burden on his shoulders had been lifted just from being next to the pink-haired girl.
“D-Dan Heng?”
No sound could reach his ears anymore. It was completely silent, as Dan Heng had already fallen asleep.
No words were uttered at that moment, but it was Dan Heng’s way of saying that being close to her comforted him. March couldn’t even be mad at it. She showed a gentle smile before caressing Dan Heng’s hair several times.
And as if a light bulb appeared on top of her head, she’d just gotten a nice idea. Dan Heng was being harmless now, and there was no way he could avoid what she was about to do.
It was the sound of her camera shutter. Nicely projected on that small screen was Dan Heng’s side profile, right on top of March’s covered thighs. There was a subtle smile on his rather stoic face. His calm and steady breathing was translated into his posture as well.
To him, it was the best sleep he’d ever gotten.
On the other hand, March was yawning too. She was getting sleepy. None of her eyes were able to resist the temptation. Then, right after a sweet whisper directly into Dan Heng’s ears, she also fell asleep.
"Have a nice sleep, Dan Heng."
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abiiors · 4 months
okay so while we’re on the topic… i’m a newer fan of the boys, i actually got tickets to one of their concerts back in october when they were touring in america from my aunt even though i had never really been a fan of them (her heart was in the right place 😭😭 bc i do listen to a lot of music that’s like in their sphere ig?? and i’ve been to festivals that they’ve performed at so i can see why she would’ve thought to get me those tickets, i just never really listened to their music before) but i went to the show regardless bc hello free concert tickets?? would have been a sin to let them go to waste tbh and oh my god am i so glad i did, it was actually one of the best shows i’ve ever been too!! especially considering i only really knew their popular songs?? like robbers, somebody else, aaaand it’s not living if it’s not with you
ANYWAYS that being said, since i had never really followed them before i always pretty much ignored anything i saw about them on twitter and stuff, mainly the negative things said abt matty bc not my faves, not my business?? but i gotta ask someone who’s been a fan of them for a lot longer than i have, what iiiis the deal with all the “matty healy racist” “matty healy homophobic” “matty healy [insert smth hateful here]” rhetoric??? bc from what i’ve seen of him after getting to know more abt the band he doesn’t appear that way at all?? like were there things he said that were taken out of context??? what’s up with the nazi accusations??? also homophobic??? is twt not aware of what he did in malaysia?? also straight men that are homophobic would never have the kind of close male friendships that the band have with one another… it seems like he’s twitter’s scapegoat tbh but idk i’m simply so confused and anything i find online trying to explain it all seems very biased based off the language they use so if you can/would like to… pls help 😭
okay first of all, welcome to the fandom!! i'm so glad you're here and i'm so glad you got to see them live!! they genuinely are so so incredible <33
now onto the questions!
i won't say matty's a saint. he's definitely done things in the past that are disappointing (to me at least, as well as to many others on here). last year he went on a podcast called the adam friedland show where many tasteless jokes were made about japanese people, the porn website ghetto gaggers, ice spice as well as countless other tastelss things were said.
now i really really want to clarify that matty never made those jokes but he did laugh along to them which is also a shitty fucking thing to do. he's since said that he was advised not to go on the podcast by people close to him and he still did it. however, he's also publicly apologised to ice spice and she's also said that the 1975 are one of her fav artists.
in may of 2023 he started allegedly dating taylor swift (i still don't believe it, i still think they either just made music or they just fucked or both) which exposed him to a whole new level of fame that was unprecedented. and the swifties are... rabid, to say the least. they made fun of his appearance, his past addiction issues, hoped he would have a relapse and die, all sorts of horrendous stuff. they discovered the podcast which was pretty fresh at the time and the whole thing spiralled into him being labelled a racist, homophobe, transphobe, pedophile, nazi, you name it, he was being called it.
however literally NONE of it was backed by evidence (but i don't expect people whose sole source of information is twt to realise that)
they have clearly never learned what a nazi is. i'm not even going to try to debunk that here because i feel like it would be insulting to your intelligence
he's not homophobic or transphobic, he's literally an ally to the point of being a fruity lil shit. he's been banned from 2 countries (dubai and malaysia) for openly supporting queer rights. they were also briefly jailed in malaysia for the stunt they pulled and had a lawsuit filed against them. he's even won ally of the year at the diva awards in 2019
literally every single fan who's ever met him has had nothing but amazing things to say about him. he's been incredibly kind and sweet to people
the band has always been openly political and vocal about their beliefs
you're absolutely right about him being the twitter scapegoat because unfortunately that's exactly what it is </3
i hope that clears things up tho, i'm sorry this is so long!!
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theoutgriber · 1 year
Barbara Howard and Christianity Observations
As a chaplain and fan of Barbara Howard, I have a special interest in Barbara Howard’s relationship to Christianity and her church in Abbott Elementary, so here are a few thoughts. 
Her church is large enough that not everybody knows each other, that it can put on programs that sell out, and it has a finance board and cliques--Delisha Sloss is comfortable, at least with a small segment of her ‘coworkers in Christ,’ with scolding Barbara for ‘shaking people down again.’ That makes me the church ladies in the Fundraiser episode know that Mrs. Sloss has been stealing and either don’t care or actively benefit. I would also guess that the church organization itself is at least moderately wealthy. Mrs. Sloss is probably not the only member who is well-known or influential in the broader community. Canonically, Barbara may not be wealthy, but she hasn’t been in a personal position of having to ‘hustle,’ and she cares about her image. That makes me think that most of the church members are in the middle or upper classes and value respectability. 
It’s also notable that Barbara didn’t report the stealing to an authority within the church (it’s possible that she tried once using official channels and was shut down or just decided that reporting would stir up trouble and that ignoring it was better). Keeping a good surface relationship with one’s ‘colleagues in Christ’ is more important than almost anything else. It doesn’t sound like a church with a culture of trust and transparency. There’s no mention of pastors or priests, so it may or may not be a church in which the clergy or exceptionally powerful and charismatic. 
As other fans have pointed out and explored through fic, Mrs. Sloss is able to shame Barbara in the Fundraiser episode, like to both of them, the hypocrisy in scolding her is neither here nor there. Theologically, it’s possible that the leaders in the church tend to assert that all sins are equal, an idea that can allow leaders to gloss over major abuses to keep their communities on an even keel. This belief could contribute to Barbara’s struggles with making ‘immoral’ choices in the School Board and Fundraiser episodes. I suspect that the church as a whole promotes a certain moral rigidity or formula of morality (see also, cutting out controversial parts of popular Halloween movies) that makes it especially hard for Barbara to grasp the slur reclamation in “Forever Bitch Apparel.” 
At the same time, while my impression is that Barbara’s church is unhealthy and possibly even abusive, it probably also serves positive and resilience-building functions in her life as well, like opportunities to sing and dance and connect with friends outside the school. Barbara doesn’t seem to have an ‘angsty’ relationship with God (granted, Abbott Elementary is a comedy XD), and she seems to have a certain confident and casual way of speaking to God (”Throw us a bone, please. Amen”). God and Christian moral structure seem to be sources of comfort and confidence that help Barbara to persevere as a beloved teacher in a situation that burns most teachers out. She has a personal code that she sticks to as a teacher, evident from the first episode. She’s able to be creative, loving, lively, and welcoming to Jacob and Zach (which one wouldn’t necessarily expect). She also shows that she can navigate and maintain boundaries in the school setting and take time for herself. She doesn’t have a problem speaking her mind to Ava or her colleagues, so she’s not the stereotype of a resentfully over-giving Christian woman, at least in her work environment (that might’ve been a different story when Taylor was growing up, tbh). Granted, no human is completely consistent in their beliefs and actions, but maybe Barbara has honed very fine compartmentalization skills over the years (see also: Sea Barbara). Relationships with other adults, I suspect she is finding, defy the habit of  compartmentalization. 
I would like to see Christian faith be a source of strength and resilience for Barbara in fic and canon. I also want her to be given the tools and support she needs to let her experiences with people at Abbott shift her thinking. Based on what we’ve already seen, I think God is a loving and protective force for Barbara (not someone she worries about bothering), and her convictions fortify her to show up for her kids every day. You do *everything* you can for your kids, even, as she’s learning more deeply, when that means you have to prioritize and let your values shift. That conviction isn’t a historical contradiction to Christian behavior. In light of what she’s experiencing this season at Abbott, I hope that she will be empowered to see the problems in her church environment and make a change. That could mean taking on a different position in the church or maybe even leaving her church, no doubt a scary and disorienting experience. 
I don’t know what else to say about that at the moment, but I’m curious about others’ thoughts about this topic and am greatly enjoying the ‘conversations’ that fic writers are having with the canon currently! 
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pigeonwit · 10 months
i mean. now i gotta ask. approaches to the scabs??? 🎤
oh hello!! okay i'm not sure if this is for the 'opinions on [x]' ask game or just in general so im just gonna sort of spew my opinions out there and hope they make sense
i think i may have gotten. a BIT overexcited about just how many thoughts i have about the scabbers because i am not,,, the MOST aware of the bg newsies. uksies changed that cause the shows just so interactive you can never NOT be aware of them. that being said i only really know tommy boy and splasher, and i really don't know who the third scabber is. i'm sorry i know i'm a fake fan but please bear with me i swear i have good stuff for this!! mostly!! i'm gonna put it under the cut cause this got long but. i think it's good!!
so the only scabs i can really talk about is tommy boy and splasher and like. i think about their dynamic SO much. i find it interesting that splasher got his name from saving a boy from drowning yet was too scared to run in during the strike. i mean granted he's a kid but in my mind there's more to it - it might be a bit odd to explain but bear with me!! so for starters i basically just took @walkman-cat's hc of splasher being a greek immigrant as canon - anything that adds a new distinct context to the newsies actions and behaviours i just,,, LOVE - but i also got very invested in what people had to say about splasher and tommy boy's dynamic. they do seem very brotherly, and from what i've seen and heard, tommy boy acts like an older protective figure while splasher's more friendly and childlike - i think i saw a post saying tommy boy was the one who explicitly TOLD splasher to hide when the fighting started? and i just took that as gospel tbh.
in my mind, i think splasher had an older brother who was very, VERY aware that things were different for them. they were abiding by a completely different set of rules to everyone else and if anyone saw them breaking those rules, there would be extreme consequences for it. i think his brother took it upon himself to make sure that if splasher was ever too noticeable in any way - too loud, too eager, too childish - he would be the one to punish him for it, because he knew anyone else would only punish him harder. it was better for him to get there first to scare him straight rather than risk anything worse - and i think that's why splasher's bravery in saving a drowning boy isn't as present in the strike. i also said in a conversation with davey that i believe over time his brother might've slowly become more and more bitter over their situation and taking out that frustration on splasher - perhaps not physically, but definitely verbally and emotionally. and i think that eventually reached a breaking point that lead to splasher running away to live at the lodging house.
(i know this is so incredibly specific with very little evidence but like i said earlier, everyone's interpretations of the bg newsies are essentially just OCs and,,, yeah i like my little newsboy ocs. i have thoughts and i like them and i'm going to go with them if and when i write more about these characters, but no one else needs to agree with me on them, especially with how VERY specific that splasher backstory is)
so then Enter Tommy Boy, right? 'cause he KNOWS how it feels to have someone who's older than you, who's meant to protect you and only hurts you instead. i think he took it upon himself to look out for splasher and make sure he didn't feel like he had to hide himself, making him feel able to show his confidence and silliness and general childishness - but i also think this backfired without him knowing because now splasher has a brother figure who likes him, and he really doesn't want him to NOT like him.
i think the crucifix has to have some sort of insight as to how tommy boy was convinced into striking. it can't've been something as simple as 'god says striking is a sin, quit your strike, join our emo newsstand'. i think maybe what got to tommy boy was an idea of a good person, a good brother, a good father, caring and providing for his family no matter what. the delanceys seem so manipulative when he goes to them for help - i think they sold him some kind of idea of how the noble thing to do (the thing he should be doing for splasher, the thing his father never did, the thing that might make his father finally love him because despite everything, he's still just a kid desperate for someone to be proud of him) is to provide for splasher and his father, grit his teeth and bear it, rather than just be selfish and let his father starve, leave splasher to the bulls, just because he wants some more money to go along with it. and hey if that wasn't convincing enough, what if they offer to cover some of his papers for a little while? stretch the pennies a little, one good samaritan to another? that sounds fair - much fairer than just sitting around complaining that you deserve more, right? i think the delanceys and tommy boy have a similar relationship with the word 'deserve'.
i think splasher tried to put up a fight about it, because that's what tommy boy taught him to do - be loud and honest and himself - but maybe tommy boy snaps at him, or perhaps splasher sees how hard tommy boy is trying NOT to snap at him, and he just retreats into himself. the last performance i saw, tommy boy's the one who shoulders past the other newsies while splasher trails behind with his head just hanging towards the floor. i think he's scared of doing things wrong, scared he might let down the family that took him in when his first one didn't want him - so when tommy boy tells him to be realistic, and when mike yells at him to 'do something!', both of them as angry and frustrated as his brother used to be, maybe that strikes a cord in him.
i know this is technically unrelated to the scabbing, but i have thoughts about the aftermath, too. i think their brotherly relationship might be a bit fragile for a bit, for very different reasons. i think splasher assumes he's done something wrong - whether it was hiding or not hiding well enough, whether tommy boy's mad at him for trying to fight or for being so bad at it that he got beaten down immediately. and i think tommy boy's blaming himself for ever putting splasher in that kind of position in the first place. and i think he's thinking especially hard at how in awe splasher seemed of davey - yknow, the guy who actually is someone's brother and (for that matter) is actually GOOD at it - after he convinced splasher to strike. i think he's thinking very hard about how davey knew exactly the right thing to say, about the guy who didn't question his own morals or faith even once, about the guy who shoved past the delanceys and tackled a cop and climbed a rope to keep his brother safe when tommy boy couldn't even block a punch.
that's all i have really. i know it's very specific and leaves out one newsie altogether but i have thought a LOT about tommy boy, splasher, their dynamic and how that might've influenced them scabbing. i hope this was satisfactory? again like most of the stuff i write this is. purely for me. i'm not expecting other people to like it - again i know very very little about the background newsies and whatever canonical information they have, so i'm probably very out of character here, but these are just my thoughts that make me happy, i'm not trying to pass them off as canon in any way. i hope you enjoyed them anyway though :)
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mzannthropy · 6 months
I absolutely agree that Camilly>>>> Daisybilly. Also Edmila. I'm just gonna pretend none of the cheating happen. Also, what do you think about fics that make Billy a bad father? I hate them lol. Billy was there for Julia's plays,soccer games, and to see her grow into an adult. You can tell he loved her.
(This got long...)
Thanks, it's good to see someone still cares about Billy x Camila! Tbh I've been thinking that I probably misunderstood the story, which is not unlike me with the way my mind works, but the thing is, I was only in it bc of Sam Claflin. I would never have had picked the book up if he hadn't been cast in the series. I barely care about real 70s bands, never mind fictional, and I didn't know anything about Fleetwood Mac (in fact I only started listening to them bc of DJATS and, funnily enough, I saw that 1997 performance on TV which they just happened to show at the time when the filming of DJATS was going on--but I didn't think anything of it. Don't those two hate each other?). That's my kind of longwinded way of saying that I had no idea I was supposed to ship Daisy and Billy, especially as I rooted for Camila right from the beginning. I'm also much older than majority of the fandom and have one failed marriage under my belt already, so I see things differently.
I think that Camila liked the rockstar side of Billy, hence why she was able to overlook some things (after all, this was the 70s), bc she knew he would always come home to her. Relationships are laundry and taxes, not omG tHE wAY thEY LooK aT eAcH OthEr on stage, but I guess that's not cool enough for the show. I'm not a fanfic person, actually, I read maybe about three a year (and that's only short ones) and with the exception of Jane Eyre, I don't write any (I prefer writing original). Occasionally I check AO3 for some particular piece of media or a ship, just to see what's there (in fact I did so twice in the last week, once for a particular pairing in a L.M. Montgomery book and once for all The Count of Monte Cristo fics, Sam's next project). I've never looked at any DJATS fics ever and I'd rather not know. So I didn't know there were fics that made Billy a bad father. I suppose people can write what they want, if they need to make Billy worse for their preferred ship to exist, well, they're free to do so, if it makes them happy. I loathe cheap, lazy plot devices and villainisation for the sake of making the protagonist look better, or making the reader/viewer care about the author's favourite pairing. I tend to feel the exact opposite of what the writer(s) want me to feel. So merely hearing about the Billy as bad father fics makes me hate them, lol.
It's not true, anyway. The show didn't exactly do Billy any favours with erasing the twins, bc in the book, he was with Camila while she was giving birth to them, holding her hand etc, in contrast to Julia's birth. But even so, we have some evidence of him being a better dad, like when he rang Camila while on the Aurora tour and wanted to hear Julia just sleeping. They could have done more and I suspect they really did, that there were more scenes that they eventually cut. Idk, but this picture just makes me think there must have been more. Who knows...
So while he may not have been the world's best dad, he was not a bad one either. After all, as I started saying lately, (about real people but it goes for fictional too), people can be more than one thing.
Saying that, Eddie gives me mild incel vibes. If Camila wanted to be with Eddie, she'd be with him. "I'd choose you over everyone" means nothing, it's just words. It was a bit of a lazy shortcut for Camila to cheat with him, but that's just one of the show's sins. They gave Camila a creative profession and then did a fuck all with it, like why couldn't she have connected with a fellow photographer? Like that dude she talked to in the dark room or whoever it was.
I wonder if soon we'll start seeing articles on Screen Rant et al about how "wrong we were to ship Billy and Daisy and how emotional affairs ruin the lives of everyone around them" or something similar. More likely, though, the show will fade into obscurity which I will honestly be thankful for. I'm glad that Sam got what he needed out of it (he talked about it in interviews) and I'm glad Camila got some recognition, she just won a breakthrough award at Critics Choice and I'm glad Suki and the others got to be in it and the songs are good, and I wish them well, and I wish the writers a very hope your pens break and drafts get deleted and I hope Hello Sunshine burns down.
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angel-armed · 1 year
Have you perchance read this analysis about vash suffering from child abuse? I think it’s really nuanced. And I personally find this evident (contrasted) with Vash’s love for humans in TriStamp VS the portrayal of humanity & Vash’s love for them in TriMax, is what makes me as someone who really enjoys the manga feels a bit frustrated with the writing decision. I wonder what is their angle for this, tbh. https://www.tumblr.com/ciaran/712003810796650496
Thank you for the link! I actually feel like this analysis is spot on, and while it is a different angle than the one in Trimax, I honestly feel like it adds more to Vash's depth in a lot of ways. It's one of several changes that I really couldn't complain about.
Vash and Knives are both victims of abuse and neglect. Like the analysis says, yeah no family is perfect-- but I always thought Rem seemed afraid of Knives, likely due to the nature of his power-- and therefore favored Vash. Vash got his own taste of this after the Big Fall.
I think that Vash's love for humanity can and should be seen as a destructive force. Too much of anything is bad. In this case, my belief is that the writers in Tristamp specifically are going for a very precise message. That message as I interpret it, is the fact that A: People are very different. No matter how much or how well you know someone you can never expect them to 100% understand you as a person. No matter how much you long for that-- even twins are different people. The second more heavily thematic part of that is: that neither Vash nor Knives can be considered completely morally correct. Their greatest sin isn't the things they've done, caused, or allowed to happen. Their sin is not being able to understand each other through their human pride and pain-- enough to strike the balance between their ideals.
This, is in my opinion a reflection of many real life situations. I've been an activist on the leftside of things most of my life. The movement's greatest weakness in my opinion is directly reflected in this theme. Centrism is garbage-- that's not what I mean, but the movement needs both Knives' righteous fury and Vash's unconditional love-- And THEY need each other to not turn those things self destructive. Their two ideals can only save each other or anything else when they are working hand in hand through constant compromise and careful communication.
So in my opinion, the writers in Tristamp are telling us that even love can be self-destructive and perpetuate the abuse you've experienced. Righteous violence FEELS right, to punish evil doers feels like a high-- but it robs you of everything you love on the way.
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I think a lot of people forget that pagan myths and religious texts are often based around events that happen but misremembered or people were not being able to interpret correctly.
Dragons: Most likely ancient humans finding dinosaurs bones but not comprehending them.
Giant snakes like the hydra, Apophis, orochi, and Jorgumdar: humans finding remains of giants snakes or if I got my cavemen stuff right. Prehistoric humans fighting the giant snakes that once roamed the earth.
You mentioned a comet, now did that comet created massive tsunamis and such that lead to the creation of the great flood, the Greek monster Typhon, etc?
Atlantis is a allegory yes, but we keep finding massive landmass that submerged into water. Or even human temples and such in the sea. So my question is: how much of human history have been lost to time by nature?
They also ignore that oral history and mythology is how ancient cultures passed down knowledge. Pretty much every ancient myth is either based on something that happened or is designed to teach some sort of lesson.
As for the flood, yes, exactly. Pretty much every corner of the world has a flood myth, and they all pretty much go more or less the same way. The gods, or God, is angry with humanity, sends a warning to one man saying that a flood will come; either that god or another god tells the man to build a boat, or an ark, or an underground sanctuary, and hide everything that needs to survive the flood; once the flood is over, the man and his family repopulate the Earth. There's also usually a warning that another world ending cataclysm will happen if humanity refuses to obey the gods/loses its way/sins too much/etc. And a lot of those stories say that the new apocalypse will be fire. Keep in mind these are stories from civilizations that conventional history says never met, and could never have met. So if that's true (and there's some doubt on that front, tbh) then all these cultures either were talking about the same event, or someone went around the world and spread this story for some reason, or both.
It's actually really fascinating if you do a deep dive. There's a lot of evidence out there that human civilization is a lot older than conventional historians and archeologists are willing to admit. And that a lot has happened in our past that those same people refuse to even allow to be studied. For example, there's evidence to suggest that Atlantis may have been in Indonesia in the sunken land of Sundaland. But after some promising early findings--including a giant temple that was dated to just after the end of the last ice age (when humanity was supposed to still be all hunter-gatherer societies and not even remotely able to build giant stone temples), with even older layers of the temple buried deeper that were discovered by ground penetrating radar--the Indonesian government shut down all study of that site because the head of some archeology department in the government publicly petitioned to have it stopped and their funding redirected towards her own projects. Archeology is a very stubborn field of study, and archeologists are very, very reluctant to accept any new information that contradicts what they already "know". Honestly, ancient alien nonsense has done a lot of harm to alternative historians, because they're now the popular face of all non-conventional history. Even though a lot of what they show as evidence of aliens is actual, real evidence that currently accepted conclusions in archeology might be wrong, it's hard for anyone to study those things seriously partly because it's tied to "ancient aliens". But that's a whole other rant. Basically don't trust academia, especially entrenched academia that refuses to question its own dogma.
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bookishfeylin · 2 years
I’m gonna go ahead and say it: if every single main character in ACOTAR was arrested for the worst thing this fandom said they did within the scope of the books (meaning not even talking about things we as readers didn’t see happen), the only ones who would not be going to jail (in a fair & non-corrupt legal and judicial world) are Nesta, Elain, Lucien, and Tamlin. Like really, imagine if they got arrested for the things they were hated the most for, and all the evidence was there to prove beyond a reasonable doubt that they all absolutely did what they were being accused of. That’s how I decide who to reserve my anger or disappointment or disgust towards.
Let’s really look at it. Nesta, so evil and abusive for…saying mean things? Letting Feyre hunt while she sat on her ass? The judge would immediately ask two questions: how old were you and where were your parents? Then he’d dismiss the charges.
Elain same as above.
Lucien…tbh, I don’t really know what people’s problem with Lucien really is other than he wasn’t immediately perfect to Feyre. Charges dismissed.
And even Tamlin. His biggest sin in the narrative is locking Feyre in the house, correct? (I asked around why people hate him so much and this was always the answer)… He (and Feyre) would probably be asked: why did you feel you had to do this, has this sort of thing ever happened before, are arguments common between you two, did you talk to her before this? And once all the answers come back (yes we argue, no this has never happened before, yes I tried talking to her but she didn’t listen, I was trying to keep her from hurting herself), those charges would also be dropped and the judge at most would order anger management and counseling FOR THEM BOTH (because I read the damn books). The judge would probably only tell Tamlin that he can’t do that sort of thing in the future even if it WAS to protect her, and to next time involve the cops if it’s not something they can resolve on their own.
Rhysand would be under the jail for his actions UtM ALONE. Convicted and charged for sexual battery or assault (both of which are felonies), aggravated assault, theft, torture, kidnapping, conspiracy to commit (insert crime here cause he’s done a lot), and a plethora of other things. UNDER THE JAIL. And this all is only in Book One. Imagine the list if we went book by book. He is by far one of the worst characters legally speaking that I’ve ever encountered.
Feyre would be convicted for theft (from Tarquin), conspiracy (for that shit she pulled in the spring court), endangering minors (spring and summer), manslaughter, kidnapping (what happened to Nesta IS kidnapping, legally) and more.
The entire inner court for conspiracy to kidnap and slavery (Nesta was working for the night court as emissary and as a warrior and in the library with no autonomy and NO WAGES and no choices to do anything other than what she was told, severe physical punishment given when she didn’t comply). They’d all be held accountable because of their positions of authority and power acting on Rhysand’s and Feyre’s behalf despite their autonomy. Jail time for them all. Elain doesn’t count here because she doesn’t have the same authority or autonomy to say no like the others considering her circumstance (newly turned fae, nowhere to go if they turn against her, living off of Feyre, etc.) so she’d probably be let off for helping pack Nesta’s stuff.
It’s really that simple to me. And that’s all without counting the magical stuff (the daemati powers are absolutely mind rape and rape is a felony) or the stuff specific to running sovereign governments (which is why I didn’t count torture for Azriel like I did for his master or the fact that women are being abused and mutilated under Rhysand’s authority right under his nose, which absolutely is neglect).
Reading this, all I could think was yessssssss. Long rant under the cut.
In the grand scheme of things, the Inner Circle are a group of war criminals and the "bad" characters just... aren't. The sense of morality is skewed in this story, and that would be fine... if it were just a blasé adult fantasy series written to explore dark themes. Instead, Mrs. Maas has made it clear across interviews that she's using real world values to try to teach a lesson about abuse and red flags and relationships and love and what it means to be good and bad, and the lesson she's teaching here is... not good. At all. To say nothing of the fact that this was originally published in YA.
Regarding Nesta and Elain: I truly can't see them as abusive. Do I particularly like either of them? No. But why would I hate them? Nesta is mean. That's it. I'm going to write more about this later, but in ACOTAR she only says two things to Feyre: that she smells after hunting, and that she won't amount to anything (in anger, after Feyre tells her she shouldn't get married). I've heard way worse than that from my younger brother. Is he abusive? (And the answer is no, as someone who was actually IN an abusive relationship I scream every time I see the "nEsTa Is AbUsIvE" posts start circulating around.) Because he and I would fight to death for each other if push came to shove. That's how siblings ARE. And that's how Nesta is with Feyre! She tried the best she could within her human limitations to bring Feyre back, and she couldn't. I've mentioned before about digging through the Feylin tag and finding some old posts from the ACOTAR fandom from 2015/early 2016, and you know what else I noticed, aside from people complaining about Feysand being popular? A lack of complaints about Nesta being "abusive." It's like people understood that they were siblings who fought frequently but still loved each other before Rhysand entered the picture and this series retconned itself to be about abuse and redflags instead of the usual fantasy fare... oh wait.
Additionally... we know Feyre can't cook, and was out hunting all day long. And if her father can barely move, then... who was cooking? Cleaning? Doing the housework? Like do people really believe Nesta and Elain just sat down and stared at the walls of their cottage every single damn day for 5 years. What's more likely--that they stared at walls for hours every single day for years on end or that they were probably doing housework--women's work, if you will? Here we do not devalue women's work! That shit is important.
Lucien has literally done nothing wrong, ever. He didn't do anything to Feyre UTM, so I don't know what this fandom is on when they say Rhysand hates him for UTM. I think they confuse Lucien healing Feyre's face and offering her his jacket UTM with Rhysand drugging, groping, and torturing her. In ACOMAF, Lucien is also in an abusive relationship with Tamlin? He's not in any state to help out Feyre? If you're mad at Lucien for being unable to fight against his and Feyre's significantly more powerful, mutual abuser, then you must also be upset with the Inner Circle for hiding the truth about Feyre's pregnancy from her for months on end, ultimately culminating in her nearly dying in childbirth, right? People also blame Lucien for trying to bring Feyre back in ACOMAF, like he didn't watch Rhysand drug and grope Feyre every single night for months and like Rhysand hasn't spent centuries wearing a mask of cruelty to convince people he's evil... ok. How dare Lucien fall for Rhysand's mask. How dare he be wary of Feyre staying with the male who drugged and assaulted her.
Then Tamlin himself. This is the only one where I disagree with you slightly, anon. Well actually... I'm not sure. I want to say, for posterity, that Tamlin is abusive in ACOMAF. I'm not debating that. My problem with Tamlin is that everyone acts like he does, but only he is called out as abusive for it, while it's excused when other characters do it. These are concrete actions. Either something is abusive or it's not. But... this fandom can't seem to decide that.
For example, is locking people up (like Tamlin did to Feyre) abusive? Most stans would say yes. But if it is, then that ALSO makes the Inner Circle abusive for locking up Nesta, and Rhysand abusive for locking them all up in Velaris for years on end. To use your example, they'd all go to jail. If the Inner Circle weren't abusive when they locked Nesta up, and if Rhysand wasn't abusive for locking the Inner Circle away for 50 years, then neither is Tamlin when he locks up Feyre, so... I'm at an impasse here. It's the same with his magic exploding when he's emotional. I'm not denying him losing control of his magic is physical abuse, but it was... unintentional. That's how Mrs. Maas wrote it. It is clearly written as an accident, triggered by Tamlin's emotions. My abuser kicked and punched me, and it was always intentionally done to get me to do what she wanted. Tamlin was not intentionally trying to hurt Feyre. A lot of people in the fandom consider this physical abuse, but it was, for all intents and purposes, and accident, and losing control of magic when feeling emotional has no real-world parallel. That's how Sarah wrote it. As something Tamlin could not control. If accidentally losing control of magic when in an emotionally charged situation is physical abuse, then doesn't that make Feyre abusive when she burned Beron and Lady Vanserra in ACOWAR? If it isn't abusive when Feyre loses control of her magic, then it's not abusive when Tamlin does it either. Either something is abusive or it isn't. What about keeping information from someone about their body? Tamlin kept information from Feyre about her powers. If that's abusive, then so is Rhysand keeping information from Feyre about her deadly pregnancy.
Not that Tamlin wasn't emotionally abusive as well, and not that he wasn't generally toxic in ACOMAF. Feyre still needed to get away from him, because he was retconned into being the perfect storm of abuse. But as I discussed above, the Inner Circle does all that and then some, acting wayyyyy worse than any other character I've discussed thus far, including, as you said: sexual assault, battery, torture, mind rape, theft, conspiracy... this response is already getting way too long but let's just say I agree with everything you said about the Inner Circle.
In conclusion: the hypocrisy drives me crazy, because Nesta, Elain, and Lucien don't do anything to warrant the level of hatred they receive, and while Tamlin is abusive, the Inner Circle acts like him and then some. If we argue that Tamlin is abusive for the things he does (which he is!) then that makes the Inner Circle abusive as well. And if not, if locking people up, losing control of magic, and keeping information from people isn't abusive... then the Inner Circle would still be in jail and are morally worse than Tamlin is, simply because they've committed war crimes and he... hasn't.
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quietwingsinthesky · 10 months
If you are still taking prompts how about a scene with lucifer worshipping sam like hes heavenly gift - basically just luci giving sam a self-esteem boost (because tbh sam really needs one)
hello anon! i think this one got a little... weird? but i hope it's what you were looking for :3
When Sam says that he is unholy, it’s resigned. 
Deaths around me since I was born, he presents as evidence, without Dean or Dad vouching for me, I think I would’ve been shot before I turned eighteen. Always knew there was something wrong, deep down. Demon blood rotting my veins.
He doesn’t list Lucifer as one of the reasons he’s damned. Not to his face, if he does believe it, but Lucifer doesn’t think so. They’ve spent too long entangled. Sam knows his sins as well as his punishment, his part in the grand play and how few scenes he was written to be in before curtain call. Blame grows like vines up a wall, reaching higher and higher for who was actually at fault. Sam was going to be Lucifer’s from the moment he fell, but Lucifer was always going to fall. Placing the onus on God is harder for someone who never met him. (Lucifer speaks as someone who can’t despite that. Even closing his vessel's eyes can make him feel trapped, and he still loves the God who caged him.)
So, the vines reach nowhere before they’re torn down by Sam himself beside the tall stone. He takes their straining bodies and wraps them around himself to mimic chains when no one else will bind him. He leads himself to the gallows to choke for betrayals he had no control over. He thinks he’s to blame for being a baby who smiled at a stranger over his crib before the sour taste of sulfur splashed on his tongue. Someone has to be punished for it. 
If a stay in Hell couldn’t make him feel pure, how does he think tearing himself apart will?
Sam is stubborn, but he was made in Lucifer’s image and they both learned from hardheaded older brothers how to stand their ground. As many times as Sam tries to tie his own noose, Lucifer will sit beside him and undo the knots without judgment. 
After all, Sam threw him back into Hell, and Lucifer still loves him. He can’t blame Sam for anything.
His greatest crime, Sam always claims, was freedom. He knows this, taught to him by Heaven’s sifted memories and his brother’s scowl at his happiest moments. Lucifer is hungry for every minute of Sam’s life that he missed, and though most scars are ones Sam will tell stories about in detail, (“-two of them coming at me, with claws as long as my forearm, and one got lucky-“) Lucifer had an easier time wrangling the horsemen than he does getting Sam to tell him about Stanford. 
It’s strangely easier for Sam when Lucifer wears another face. With long blonde hair falling around his shoulders and soft brown eyes and a mole between his brows that Sam will press a kiss to, he’s allowed to hear about that secret life. Sam doesn’t call him Jessica anymore, but when he tells Lucifer about her, he holds him like he's half-memory, half-dream. He talks about his other friends, faces that, if he’s lucky, he hasn’t seen in years, and if he’s not… Lucifer still has yet to drag that out of him, even though he knows already about the devils on Sam’s shoulder before him. 
Lucifer kept track of exactly how long he was locked away, on Earth and in Hell. On Earth, he measure it against the rise of man’s empires. As for Hell, humans haven’t bothered to invent a number that high. Most of the stars he watched be created and grew alongside are now younger than him by millennia. 
So it is not lightly that Lucifer tells Sam that freedom is never a sin.
He’s not sure Sam believes him. 
Sam will take on every burden tossed his way. Most people seem happy to let him. Lucifer will not see him crushed. He’s too lovely for that. Too important. (After all, he’s Lucifer’s entire world. That must mean he’s the center of the universe, more gravitational pull that the sun.)
It has to be like this: in the shade of the Bunker’s main building, where the grass grows a deeper shade of green than the other side because the soil is better for reasons Lucifer is still puzzling out, Lucifer pushes Sam into a wall and kisses him. Sam makes a noise, surprise, but he came out on Lucifer’s invitation for some fresh air and he doesn’t push him away. There are dandelions growing in the crack between the cement and the ground it sticks out of. Lucifer nudges Sam’s feet gently to the side so that he doesn’t accidentally step on one. 
“If you wanted somewhere we could make out in private, my door has a lock,” Sam says as Lucifer breaks the kiss to let him breathe. His lungs expand and deflate in a strong, steady rhythm. His heart beats calmly. Lucifer listens to it. He’d gotten used to spending entire nights keeping track of Sam’s heart, fear gripping him every time it would skip a beat or weaken. The trials would have taken everything from Lucifer. He is sick of his Father’s ultimate sacrifices or how Sam always seems to be the one who must lie down on the altar. 
“That’s not it,” he says. He kisses Sam again for the easy joy of it. Sam melts into him. He has mostly recovered thanks to Lucifer’s attention, but sometimes, the weakness will strike back again. Sam’s gotten very used to leaning on Lucifer. “I want you to understand something.” Sam’s mouth curves into a smile. Lucifer lifts a finger to trace the dimple that forms. 
“What?” he asks. 
“How good you are,” Lucifer says. He can feel the words rip through Sam worse than any barb, and that hurts. He’s more used to insults than praise, no matter how Lucifer tries to make up the difference. 
“Lucifer, that’s not-“ Sam tries for the first time to push him away, and though Lucifer allows distance between them, he doesn’t let Sam run from this. Not when he needs it. Instead, he runs his fingertips gently over Sam’s skin while he’s kept at arm’s length. Sam relaxes under his touch, never fully, but Lucifer is still reintroducing him to all the love he’s allowed to have. He trails his touch up Sam’s arm to the hand keeping him at bay, firmly clasping Lucifer’s shoulder. Lucifer wraps his hand around it.
“This world doesn’t deserve you as its savior,” he tells Sam. Sam shakes his head, and Lucifer wonders which part he’s denying more, that he’s too good for the world or that he ever even saved it. They were both there in Stull, two parts of one whole, but somehow it’s only Lucifer who remembers it for the victory it was. “It’s lucky that you don’t care. That all it would take is one decent soul to convince you it’s worth it. They don’t even have to be pure. They just have to be trying to do better, and you’ll walk into fire for them.”
“That’s just my job,” Sam downplays. 
“No, your job is to hunt. No one makes you care. You’ve chosen to do that all on your own, no matter how hard it is.” Because it is hard, even for Sam. He’s as human as the rest of them. He gets frustrated and angry and hurt. He extends kindness anyway. 
Lucifer should know. Who else would find the devil half-dead on their doorstep while trying to close Hell and still bring him in from the cold? Who else would have given him a second chance he never earned?
Sam’s grip on his shoulder falters. Lucifer leans back in until his mouth meets Sam’s again. 
“I wish I could share how I see you, Sam,” Lucifer says. “You shine so bright.” Sam laughs bitterly like Lucifer’s told a poor joke.
“I went to Hell,” he argues. “I couldn’t even finish the final trial. There’s nothing pure, nothing bright, about me.”
“Hell tried to snuff you out. The trials tried to burn you until there was nothing left. You are so much more beautiful for having survived them.” And beautiful makes Sam flinch. Something Lucifer knows for certain: before him, no one had ever called Sam that, except maybe as a joke. Handsome, sure, and he is, but he’s beautiful, too, and Lucifer needs him to believe that. He will, one day. Lucifer is nothing if not persistent.
“Why do you care so much about what I think?” Sam whispers. Lucifer bumps his forehead to Sam’s, and Sam’s hand comes up to rest on the back of his neck and hold him close.
“Someone should,” Lucifer says. He shuts his eyes and thinks for ways to make Sam understand how much this matters. It goes beyond simple pride. 
And maybe that’s how to show Sam he’s serious. 
Lucifer presses one more kiss to his lips to steel himself. His grace recoils at the vulnerability of what he wants to give Sam, but he wrestles it into obedience. Sam is blinking back tears, mostly succeeding but for one or two that glance off his cheek as they escape the tip of an eyelash. Lucifer kisses the wet spots they leave. 
Arduously, he forces himself to his knees. The very concept of him rebels against it. He sits at Sam’s feet like the dandelions beside his heels. It takes everything in him to gaze upwards at Sam and see his expression. Sam’s mouth is agape. His hair falls forward into his eyes as he looks back down at Lucifer. He can’t seem to remember how to speak, and that’s just as well because Lucifer can’t either. He reaches up for Sam’s hands and manages to capture both of them in his own.
Sam is leaning back against the wall. Lucifer tips into him. His thighs lift off of his heels as he pushes himself forward. He rests his head against Sam’s stomach.
It’s peaceful. Lucifer won’t go as far as to say that he feels like he belongs there, but it’s nostalgic, in a way. He forces the air out of his vessel’s lungs. It makes the bottom of Sam’s shirt ruffle. 
One of Sam’s hands escapes Lucifer’s. It finds its way to the back of Lucifer’s head, and the uncertain scratch of nails over his scalp settles him enough that he can speak again.
“You are good,” he tells Sam. “You are good. You are good.” He repeats himself. He’s out of practice with prayer. He hopes the mantra will do. Maybe Sam can teach him a thing or two later.
Sam listens, and maybe, Lucifer hopes, he starts to believe it.
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Why is Goncharov 1973 funny:
I saw something like the goncharov joke stands in direct contrast to the “sometimes the curtains are just blue” post which made me go hm…. Also saw people confused by the joke so now I thought too much and made a three parter on my take
Part 1: shoe movie funny
The original joke is that a pair of shoes invented an obviously fake movie, which is funny because why would a pair a shoes do that. The derivative joke is a person going “wow loser you haven’t seen this fake movie?” Which is a joke stressing how ridiculous it is by pretending it’s normal for shoes to advertise a niche obviously fake scorsese film, who isn’t known for gimmicky advertising, BUT ALSO a joke on how bullies could use fear of missing out to make people just pretend to have seen something that doesn’t exist rather than reveal ignorance (like the classic made up band name jokes).
The next step of the Goncharov joke, and from what i can tell launched it all, is a person making up a poster about the movie and going oh yes this very real movie. It has jokes about the mafia genre tropes (“ice pick joe”, a hot lady side character, mostly male cast, scorsese actors) as well as being funny because it commits highlights the same two juxtapositions as the previous jokes, FOMO and shoe movie funny, while adding the inherent funniness of someone putting in way too much work for a bit. Things like the soundtracks follow on this (they’re mostly funny because they take the shoe movie too seriously) and thus should be categorized as part of the third wave.
Part 2: sometimes the curtains are just blue
The fourth wave of goncharovism, which is the bulk of the posts and the subject of most discussion, is media criticism, content, and derivative works about Goncharov, a movie that doesn’t exist. There’s posts that read like actual film critics, lines that seem like surprisingly good dialogue, themes about time because Film Shows Clocks Means Deep, bad overwrought dialogue, and most critically, the typical tumblr engagement with a piece of media including meta, gifsets, fanworks and snide comments about how other people are misinterpreting the movie. A movie that isn’t real. It’s fake.
The joke here is obviously a love letter to and scathing critique of criticism- the fact that analysis of something that doesn’t exist reads like actual analysis that people unironically post mocks that a lot of analysis doesn’t engage with text but overlays existing biases over it regardless of content, and also that a lot of movies are the same movie tbh. Katya is being held to unrealistic standards makes fun of shallow stock feminism, “homoeroticism” points to tumblrs obsession with gay stuff that isn’t actually that gay, and all the fake and often bad quotes show how we love to feel deeply about stuff we don’t really engage with. It’s also pointing to how silly it is to put in this much “anger” and effort in and how enjoyable it is to do this, regardless of whether it makes sense. Sometimes curtains are just curtains, and sometimes a clock doesn’t fucking exist, but it sure is fun to say what the curtain really means is that humanity is inherently sinful and that the clock means that Goncharov and Andrey, two characters that don’t have personalities because the movie they’re from doesn’t exist, wanna fuck.
The joke is that it’s fake deep, but it’s fun to do anyways. The joke is that people are getting mad about “people” who don’t exist being sexist etc because they’re making fun of tumblrinas who don’t look at nuance and assume a very specific form of oppression without evidence AND that people would say that shit because scorsese bros ARE sexist. The joke is that we know it’s fake but people find themselves taking it seriously anyways because it’s fun to make up a movie together and fun to make fun of ourselves. I love it!! It’s great!!! But it’s not a declaration against that the curtains are just blue, it’s a satire making the same point much more joyfully.
Part 3: the reality of goncharov
The fake goncharov movie has trended a fairly specific ways: it has defined characters and relationships, a fairly limited cast in terms of people who matter, homoeroticism, hot girl with a gun, and a lot of foreshadowing. It’s very invested in Katya and Goncharov’s personal narratives despite the wide array of people on the poster. Other than that very funny post about a (fake) shoot out showing the destructiveness and hollowness of nationalism, it’s not all that engaged in systems or the mafia specifically.
And sure, our Goncharov is so narrow partially due to its fake genre- mafia movies are tropey and hero obsessed. It’s fake. We’re making fun of the “best movie” by making a fake tropey movie!! But half the joke is being earnest, and our fake movie is chock full of the tumblr beloved tropes of obsession with romantic relationships, with “themes” that emphasize tragic endings for mutual obsessions, of an absolute lack of engagement with systems while insisting we are engaging , and of a focus on two or three characters instead of an ensemble cast- a million people are writing a movie and yet it has no breadth.
And GET THIS- Goncharov is a real movie. No, I mean it. Goncharov is probably a Google-translate-error-caused misprint of the movie Gomorrah, “presented” by Scorsese while not being directed by him at all. Egbert’s review, so mercilessly parodied in Gonch-posting (or goncharosting, as I like to say), calls it “a curative for the romanticism of The Godfather and Scarface”. Rather than deifying a specific man, it is a series of vignettes about horrible violence that seems unavoidable for its rotating characters. It’s based on real killings, and many of its actors were actually arrested for mafia activities. Forget hollow themes- it’s a movie that’s harrowing due to its reality.
Which is very very funny. Like i genuinely can’t believe we made a fake mafia movie that’s accidentally about a realest mafia movie ever made that proves how much we don’t mentally engage with the important oppressions and systems in our world while insisting that we’re self aware the irony the thematic parallel the sheer “oh fuck for real”ness of it all i was going to try to say something deep but like can you believe it??? God playing is playing 4-d funny chess with every last one of us. Long live goncharov
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do you have any tips for trying to convince non-larries of the truth?
Not really tbh. It's very difficult to convince anyone to stop believing in something that they hold to be true, whether it's a belief or lack thereof. This goes for you, me, and everyone. Most people in debates don't listen to the other party and instead try to think up a counterpoint to whatever their argument is. Each person is already fully convinced of what they believe to be true or not true.
The thing that a lot of antis fall victim to is something called slothful induction:
"Slothful induction, also called appeal to coincidence, is a fallacy in which an inductive argument is denied its proper conclusion, despite strong evidence for inference."
This means that they write anything and everything off as mere coincidence, and they don't consider the probability of certain coincidences being more or less likely to happen. Basically, whether "larry is real" isn't a question so much of "is it a fact" but moreso a question of "Is it more or less likely?" and also "How much more or less likely is it?".
Take for example the blue bandana project theory.
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The first project was for wearing certain-colored clothing. Obviously this would not be easy for the members of 1D to participate in as they'd have to wear the same colored clothing at every concert, but then the project was changed to bandanas.
It's unclear exactly how popular this project was, but I know it was popular enough for 1D to take notice of fans doing it.
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(Harry is wearing red, green, and blue in the first image; it is unclear why, but my hypothesis was that he was just given them and wanted to support the project or let people know that he knew of it)
Anyway, he was first spotted wearing a dark blue bandana in August 2014, and he wore it at the concert that night too, a little after the project was started [it was started for the WWA tour as far as I know, and the WWA tour went from April to October 2014 (and the project continued on into the OTRA tour in 2015)]:
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He purchased the bandana while in Nashville at Imogene + Willie's, a couple days before the concert in Houston. Imogene + Willie's is like a gift shop, and they sell a variety of things. They sell 11 different bandanas, and the one Harry decided to purchase was the dark blue one, which matches the color of Louis's microphone and the color for the Bandana project that's meant to state that you're a 'Louis girl'.
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Here is the link to the bandanas listed on the website.
He still wears that same bandana to this day:
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And sometimes this one from another brand:
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He doesn't wear bandanas super often, but when he does, it is, like, 90% of the time these dark blue ones. He's worn this red one too for instance:
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So, if you want to actually figure out the mathematical probability of this being a coincidence, you would, first of all, have to do a lot more digging and researching than I did just now lol.
Secondly, you'd have to ask some questions. Here are some off the top of my head:
• What exact date did the Bandana Project start?
• How popular was the Bandana Project? To figure this out, you'll have to ask a set of questions: 1. Did #BandanaProject ever trend and, if so, when? 2. How many tweets were there from the time it started to the time, say, 1D's hiatus started? 3. Were there ever many signs related to the Bandana Project at concerts which the members of 1D could have seen, and, if so, how many instances of this can you find on video or in pictures? 4. In footage from the WWA tour and the OTRA tour, how many people on average can you see wearing the specific-colored bandanas?
• How many times did it seem like the members of 1D knew of the project -- as in, exactly how many times did they insinuate it by either wearing a colored bandana or by acknowledging it in some way, shape, or form?
• How many times has Harry worn a bandana of any color since the Bandana Project started up until now?
• How many times has Harry worn a dark blue bandana since the start of the Bandana Project in comparison to how many times he's worn any other color since the start of the Bandana Project? Calculate the exact ratio.
To answer all of those questions would actually take a fuck-ton of research that I'm not prepared to do as of now. But, if you were able to get conclusive answers to these questions with a huge amount of evidence and if you didn't go into it with bias but a desire to figure out whether this theory holds up or not regardless of your identity as an anti, larrie, or neutral, then you could go on to calculate the probability of it all being a coincidence or not. You would have to figure out exact numbers from the answers to the questions above.
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There are more questions we need to consider, and probably some I haven't even thought of. One such would be: Harry has worn bandanas before the Bandana Project started, but how many of them were blue or dark blue as opposed to any other color, and how many of the bandanas that he has worn after the Bandana Project were dark blue as opposed to any other color? Calculate the exact difference/ratio of the before and the after.
You have to think like an anti too if you want to figure this out, because you need to go in with the mindset of actually trying to debunk the theory rather than prove it, because, if you're trying to prove it, it's a lot easier for a ton of bias to slip in, like ignoring contradicting evidence.
If you're ever going to try to do something like this, just know you will have to spend weeks to even months compiling research. It may not seem like it would take that much time, but... if you really wanted to know the exact probability of it being a coincidence vs. not being a coincidence, you would have to sift through so many tweets, videos, posts, articles, reverse-image-searching for exact dates, or whatever else you can think of to find as much information as you can just in order to get exact or as nearly-exact-as-you-can numbers. Only then could you actually prove anything, like, actually scientifically. Even then, an opposing party in a debate will not take one instance of something being more likely to not be a coincidence rather than to be one as enough sufficient evidence to conclude a wider statement such as "Harry and Louis are in a secret relationship." If we wanted to once and for all prove this, I'm pretty sure it would take actual years to do so, as there is 13 years worth of stuff to go through. You would have to sift through masterposts and gather only what you think could be hard/concrete evidence, and then for each of those pieces of evidence you would have to do exactly what I just went over that you'd have to do with the Bandana Project. You would have to take a logic class and understand mathematical probability, and you would have to do checks to see how valid your math/logic is, and you would have to potentially consult someone to check for bias or to see if you might have forgotten to ask yourself a question that could potentially support the other case.
Basically you would have to employ the scientific method. This, again, could take years.
That's all I'm saying because it truly is extremely difficult to prove anything in a debate unless you have, like, actual statistics to go based on, which... we don't have since no one has put in the extensive effort it would take to do so just yet.
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