#evil guan
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tenmastrousers · 7 months
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hopping on the meme but he ended up just looking like a cute dogboy..
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solacestea · 28 days
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day one: role reversal au
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heartinhyacinth · 1 month
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fyodcrs · 11 months
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The Deadly Scimitar. Such demonic weapons require cruel determination and bloody sacrifices to forge, and are cursed from birth. Don’t touch it, and don’t let it hurt you, otherwise the consequences are unpredictable. This is not some bloodthirsty demon scimitar or ominous weapon at all...
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hualianschild · 6 months
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arohuacheng · 11 months
imagining the story from pei ming's perspective is rlly funny i think. this god from all that time ago ascends again (you were there for the first two times) and immediately waltzes into a situation that fucks something up for your descendant (putting both of your reputations on the line, messing up how hard your descendant worked to become a god and how hard you worked to ensure that he would have that chance) and then refuses to let you smooth the situation out and on TOP of that your friend's little sister (who hates you and who you are trying to look out for by request of your friend) is on your case about it too. so you've gotta work all that out and then like. you chill for a little bit (still kind of upset about your descendant) until your friend undergoes a heavenly calamity. and then in the space of like A Day the god from earlier shows up again with a fucking ghost king, your friend dies, the little sister you're supposed to be looking out for disappears, and everything just kinda goes to shit. so you're like. grieving. trying to process everything. until your OTHER close friend goes off the fucking rails with the spirit of that guy she murdered, and then you get called out to the spooky ghost mountain where you're confronted with the girl whose death YOU were essentially responsible for and have never really come to terms with, and then like. you just kind of hang out with these gay people until everything resolves itself. fight some ghosts. fight the heavenly emperor. get your friend to stop being evil for a little while so she can fix the filing systems. and then you just have to keep being the god of love i guess
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Just a thought, but would you agree that the evil Master Monk Guan timeline confirmed that the main thing keeping Chase Young from gaining such a massive advantage over the Xiaolin side was his inability to truly work with other Heylin baddies, particularly Hannibal Roy Bean himself?
Yeah, I'd say so.
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The biggest players on the Heylin side are ancient and very powerful. Dashi's team was able to match the Heylin's might back in the day, but after Dashi's passing and one of his teammate's defection, the power scale tipped firmly in the Heylin side's favor.
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If the Heylin side all pooled that power together, then in the absence of Dashi's trio, nothing is stopping them from Evil World Domination.
Hannibal and Wuya are typically willing to work together towards a common goal, but Hannibal needs to attain power from elsewhere. The fallen monk Hannibal choses to try to make his muscle makes all the difference.
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In fact, Hannibal would be the one that would need to spearhead this type of alliance, because no one else on the ancient Heylin side would really want to share the throne as their first option. And despite himself, Hannibal's bread and butter is still using people. He'll use that to play peacemaker among the villains when it suits.
Hannibal keeps his monk in line and Wuya has enough confidence in Hannibal needing her too much to cheat her out of this, that the alliance works. And in turn, Wuya needs Hannibal to keep his monk in line so she doesn't get sealed or de-powered again, which makes this a mutually assured destruction. Which makes for a stable enough partnership.
Chase is currently still feral when they all team up, but it wouldn't surprise me if, in a few centuries when Chase comes back to himself, Chase eventually personally tears apart this Heylin alliance, too.
In the alternate timeline, Hannibal is able to make Guan go along with him. And as they amass power, Hannibal probably eventually found a way to free Wuya (probably still makes Jack do it), and Guan is still subservient enough to Hannibal at that point that she'll work with them despite otherwise having reservations about working with any of Dashi's lackeys.
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In the main timeline, Chase turns on Hannibal and seal him away in the Ying-Yang dimension shortly after he regained his senses from the Lao Mang Lone, so the main thing that would have chosen to capitalize on uniting the Heylin side is gone.
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Chase also refuses to play nice with anyone on the Heylin side for the long term, or with anyone besides Omi, really. Which goes a long way towards sowing division between everyone else on the Heylin side too. There's already very little trust to go around among the villains.
A lot of the time, Heylin infighting is keeping the Heylin side more in check than the Xiaolin forces are.
Chase even personally dealt with the threat of Wuya coming back by taking away her main option of getting her powers back, which was way more effective in clipping her wings than the monks resealing her in an unlocked puzzle box. And Chase taught Omi how to get Sibini out of Clay's body so they could seal him before Sibini became an actual Heylin threat.
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Chase even helped beat the spiders. And it didn't seem like this was the first time ensuring the world doesn't get destroyed, because this world is his to take over, and he doesn't want anyone messing with that's his.
In the interim between dragons, Chase and Guan are probably still what's kept this world standing, ironically enough.
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Chase isn't by any means a good guy. But he's only interested in ruling as an apex predator. He's vain. He's cocky. There are very few people he's willing to stand by the side of at the top, and absolutely no one he's willing to stand underneath for it.
In his eyes, if Chase isn't ruling the world, no one gets to.
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(He probably slipped up in the 80 year bad timeline because he was too distracted by Omi's disappearance to keep tabs on his Heylin competitor's power grabs.
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And Jack, as the only other person whose been shown to recognize the potential in temporarily setting aside his differences with his Heylin competitors to amass power together, probably took the chance to pull a lot of power grabs in Omi's absence and then double-crossed them all. Including getting Wuya and Hannibal temporarily on his side too, since he's stolen Wuya's power and Hannibal's Moby Morpher at some point.)
tldr; if any Heylin besides Chase starts amassing power, Chase is more likely to squash that than the Xiaolin warriors are. He does not play nice with other villains.
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I don’t always make Feng Xin suffer, but when I do? God do I make that man suffer. He’s just my little meow meow and I want to see him cry 🥸
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gravity-what · 2 months
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I see portrayals of betrayal
And a brother's final stand
I see you on the brink of death
I see you draw your final breath
I see a man who gets to make it home alive
But it's no longer you
Listening to the Epic Musical and, well “No Longer You” really inspired me so enjoy Chase having to face off against a Sphinx and being forced to confront his future.
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imafraidoftomorrow · 4 months
Listen, I know Jun Wu has done horrible, unforgivable things as a result of his bitterness and his anger and his grief and his resentment, and nothing can make up for the suffering and the anguish that he caused so many people, especially our sweet Xie Lian. I know that.
But... I still can't help but wish that someone, anyone, just one single person, had listened to his story and told him,
Hey. I'm really sorry that happened to you. That was a horrible thing to have to go through; no one could have deserved that. You tried your very hardest. You tried everything that you could think of to do. I'm sorry that not a single person appreciated your efforts. I'm sorry that they only used you. I'm sorry that they scorned and ridiculed and renounced you. I'm sorry that everyone left you all alone in the end. The fact that you tried should have counted for something. The fact that you even thought to try should have meant something.
I just think, maybe if someone had told him those words at any point in time, then things might have been different. Maybe he could have changed. Maybe his heart wouldn't have frozen over. Maybe he could have turned himself around.
For as much as he wanted to corrupt Xie Lian and make him his 'successor', I think maybe deep down, a part of him actually just wanted to be vindicated. To have his suffering be understood. And while Xie Lian did not owe him a single ounce of sympathy, if he had shown him even a little bit and said the above, I'm willing to bet the great White Clothed Calamity would have broken down crying.
Xie Lian himself was saved by a single act of compassion, after all.
There's just not enough empathy in stories.
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yumaisbored · 4 months
caps lock STAYED on when mxtx was writing Qi Rong’s dialogue
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xielianlover2 · 5 months
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idiosinkrasies · 5 months
There’s something almost poetic about spitting hateful words at someone and not feeling remorse, but then when you love that same someone you feel the need to apologize and beg for forgiveness
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bktsjkko · 2 years
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if ghost king bad then why so sexy 😈
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naixaie · 2 years
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HAPPY SPRING !!!! 💐🌷🌸✨
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