#ew bella
isaackitty · 1 year
Silly rooms :3
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aithusarosekiller · 7 months
Regulus definitely does the thing where he'll be talking to someone and James will come over and silently nestle up to him so he just puts an arm around him and strokes his hair without breaking the conversation at all but if he senses ANYONE else coming within 5 feet of him he'll stare at them creepily until the go away
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angelofthepage · 5 months
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Happy Birthday Sammy Lawrence! I can't believe it's been seven years since BATIM Chapter 2 came out, that feels unreal. Decided to celebrate by drawing some are of Jack, Sammy, and Bella from Searching the Depths: The Heart of the Studio. Nothing says 'good birthday in the cycle' quite like a cucpcake and your found family being safely with you. This piece also comes with a video essay, where I talk about why BATIM Chapter 2 is so meaningful to me.
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lukosei · 2 years
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Excuse me while I go cry again
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bellaxgiornata · 2 months
Y'ALL. I just found Charlie's Daredevil workout routines and now my ass is tempted to do them. My brain is over here like "Omg it'll be just like working out with Matty!" *hair twirl*
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devdas5z · 2 years
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Bella Thorne in Entertainment Weekly Magazine
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inkabelledesigns · 4 months
for your ask game! is there anything with my favorite little guys (you know who XD) in Searching the Depths? If not I will happily accept a Richard section, he's an honorary little guy.
Oh Victor, you spoil me. XD Y'know, I think I do have a little bit I can hand you with one of your favorite guys. We're gonna throw you some of Depths and some of Richard, since this is the only Bendy ask in my box. (Warning, spoilers ahead for both)
Searching the Depths - The Heart of the Studio: Chapter 18 - Hell's Bell
The screaming voices in her mind only got louder before they were reduced to whimpers. The man carefully took a handkerchief from her breast pocket and wiped away at the ink on her mouth and cheeks. She was trembling in his grasp, her breathing unsteady, shaken, unable to stop hyperventilating. 
"What…the HELL was that?" She looked him dead in the eyes, tears pricking her own. 
"My sheep…" he sighed. "I'm so…I'm so sorry." He looked up to the railing. "My flock, give me a moment, will you?" 
No sooner had he asked, the monsters hurried out of the room, and the ominous light of the projector flickered to life. He let go of her, hurrying to the instruments left behind. A pluck of a note on the banjo, drum, violin, and cello, and the next thing she knew, a door had opened up. 
"Let us speak somewhere more…private. Where prying eyes might grant us peace." He grasped her by the arm and dragged her in. She nearly tripped over herself at the pace he was taking her. As soon as they were inside, the door snapped shut, and the man let out a breath she hadn't realized he'd been holding. "Oh dear god we're in for it now." He held his head in exasperation as she yanked her arm out of his grasp.
"Listen buddy, you owe me some answers." Bella coughed and leaned against the wall, struggling to stay upright. "What the heck is going on here?" 
"You really aren't Henry, are you?" No emotions betrayed him, she could hardly believe he could say that with a straight face. Then again, maybe he wasn’t. How could a being with no face even have a straight one? But he seemed sincere!
"Not in the slightest. I'm five foot nothin', at least a few decades younger, and as much as I'd like to think I make a convincing man, something tells me that's not what led to your confusion." She let out a deep breath. "My name's Bella. Bella Ewe. And you are?" 
"I am the prophet of our Lord and savior, the ink demon." 
"The prophet of-" That title, oh dear. No, it couldn't be, could it? Just like Joey's story. Just like… "Sammy Lawrence?" She raised an eyebrow. "No, you can't be, that's not possible!"
"Hard to believe, isn’t it?" He sighed. "That name hasn't been mine in…I don't know how long." 
"You can't be the real Sammy. He died in the forties, he's not some-some prophet for a bunch of monsters!” She threw down her arms in frustration. “He's a brilliant composer with an amazing legacy!" 
"As flattered as I am to hear such praises, I'm sorry to disappoint you, little ewe." He leaned against the wall, gesturing rather matter-of-factly. "But I am no liar, that would go against my cause. The people that once worked here have all met with a terrible fate. And if you're here, I'm assuming you have too." 
"I…I suppose that's one way to put it." She winced as she held her side. "But…how? Why? I thought…I thought this was just a story. How is this real? How am I here?"
"Likely the same way the rest of us came here: the ink machine." His voice was so cold, she could see how tightly his fists were clenched. Almost made her afraid they'd burst.
Richard the Keeper: The Studies of 214
Chapter ??? - Naming Convention
“This is a waste of time-”
Bella held her hand up in front of him as she faced the other keepers. “Wait a sec Rich, they might be onto something.” 
“Well no offense, but to us, you all look the same. A name tag might be helpful in telling you apart.” 
“You can't be serious-”
“Oh I'm very serious!” She laughed. “Come on, it'll be fun! There are so many wonderful names to choose from, they've all got different meanings, it's great!” 
The snobby keeper snorted. “Oh yeah? What's Richard mean then?”
Richard was about to spit back at him, but Bella held up her hand again. “Depends on where you come from. In some cultures, it means ‘mighty ruler’, in others it's simply ‘rich’. In others still it's ‘powerful and hardy’. Though I remember one old friend…he said it meant ‘helper of humanity'. I don't know how true it is, but…” she turned and smiled at Richard, “seems fitting for someone trying to make a better world.” 
Richard froze for a few seconds before quickly pulling his clipboard closer to his face. “We have a schedule to keep-”
“Yes, and we will keep it.” She patted his arm gently. “But let's be honest, we're getting nowhere fast. I think this could help.” 
Another keeper interrupted. “I didn't know names could have such meanings. Do they all have so much depth?” 
Bella nodded. “Oh yeah. There was this old baby names book in our local library. I had a friend who checked it out all the time, helped him pick out so many names for his characters.” She chuckled. “Probably not a flawless method, but it's what we had, and it was all in good fun. But some people don't care much about name meanings, just use whatever sounds good.” 
“What about you?” They asked. 
“Me?” She held her chin in thought. “Well, Bella means beautiful in most languages.” 
Richard raised an eyebrow. “But that's a nickname, not what was chosen for you. What does Isabella mean?”
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cloudii-skiies · 3 months
i think that everyone who associates themselves with THAT side of booktok should be publicly executed 😊😊
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aquanova99 · 2 years
Hi can u do the cullen reaction for their mate wearing their clothes pls
Love ur work btw❤
Firstly, thank you so much my dear! ♥️ Second I am going to assume for the headcanons sake you are female or a smaller presenting fem person
Carlisle stays in button ups
That is just simply his comfort wear and you won’t catch him in comfort wear or hoodies ever
He would literally die before he did that
So I’m assuming for him at most you could wear like the button shirt, larger socks and underwear
You will not be wearing it long because this look is very…como se dice? Hot.
Edward is crying in the corner because Carlisle literally cannot control his thoughts
Will not touch your clothes because I think she worries she you would get mad so unless you offer she won’t touch your things
On the opposite end of the spectrum she loves when you wear her clothes
They always look better on you in her opinion
Likes to tease you and ask where you got them
The best person to wear or steal clothes from
Emmett’s is laid back but he loved when you wear anything he owns because your perfume will linger on it for awhile and it drives him crazy
He has extra hoodies for you just so he is t without one he likes
Thinks you look small and tiny in his clothes because this guy is a giant
You two probably have everyone rolling their eyes with how affectionate you two are
Yeah and she’s wearing your clothes what about it?
No but seriously, there’s an unspoken agreement you both just share a ridiculously large closet
Starts on his account because even though vampires can’t feel cold (yes you’re a vampire no humans unless you’re Edward 🤢) he will give you his jacket
He wears a mix of fancier and comfortable clothes so your pick bb
Always has a little smirk on his face when you come out wearing something of his
Will fight you
First of all ain’t nobody fitting into her clothes and even if you did…
She bought those for her
She also buys you your own clothes
She will buy you a copy if you want but those are her clothes
Do you not have your own clothes?
Has he been neglecting you?
What do you mean you like to wear his stuff? Why would you want to wear the clothes of a killer?
Really you want to wear her stuff
But why? She never had anything trendy or anything
She’s usually the only one who wears stuff like this
Please understand the sarcasm
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chussychickenfart · 1 year
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these are funny idc
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tiktoksinspo · 2 years
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glass-clown · 1 year
everyone who makes the caliente's or the goth women white go to hell immediately
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cobycobsy2k · 2 years
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Alternative Season 2 Episode 3: "The New Neighbor"
Pleasantview, early 1994
After several years away from Pleasantview, Cassandra and Don decide to come back for a visit to see Mortimer and Bella, and also so little Adam and Ella can see a new place.
Outskirts of the Goth mansion
Adam (a little bored): Why did we come to Pleasantview, Mommy?
Cassandra: Honey, we came to see the grandparents! They want to see you!
Ella: Will we also see Angela?
Don: Of course Ellie!
At that moment Mortimer and Bella left the mansion to greet their daughter, son-in-law and grandchildren.
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Mortimer and Bella (Waving to their grandchildren): Hey kids!!
Adam and Ella (Running to her grandparents): Hi grandpa, hi grandma!!
Cassandra (Waving to her parents): Hello dad, hello mother, how are you?
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Bella (approaching her daughter): We've been great Honey, why don't we just go inside?
The Goth-Lothario family entered the mansion, where Cassandra and her parents were talking, while Don was taking care of the children.
Cassandra (While thinking of a co-worker of his): So he and I met while doing some work in the lab!
Mortimer (interested in meeting his daughter's friend): And what was his name?
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Cassandra: his name is Timothy Riley!, he lives in Belladonna Cove
When she said the last, Mortimer and Bella got too serious.
Bella (as she got up): Cassandra, you know VERY well that talking about Belladonna Cove and "you know who" is strictly FORBIDDEN in this house.... Respect your brother's memory please...!
Cassandra: I know mother... But, Timothy is a good person, I swear! I'll invite him to dinner tomorrow, so you can get to know him well...
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Mortimer (while lowering his voice): And what are you going to do with Don and the children...
Cassandra (rolling her eyes): I'll ask Don to go with the Kids to the movies... maybe he'll go with that Nina...
At that moment Don enters the room
Don (Interrupting the conversation): Sorry for the interruption, but I have to go to work, see you soon!
The black-haired man left the mansion, obviously he was not going to work, he wanted to go for a walk to see what changes were in Pleasantview, so to confirm that, he went to Dina and Nina's house, to visit .
Don (Thinking while ringing the bell): "Well... it's been 8 years since I left Pleasantview, maybe Dina and Nina don't even remember me anymore"
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At that moment footsteps were heard towards the door, and to Don's bad luck, it wasn't Dina or Nina who opened the door... It was a man with brown hair, who looked at him with a smile.
Don (Introducing himself): Good morning, my name is Don Lothario! Will Dina or Nina Caliente be here?
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Subject: Good morning... Unfortunately the Caliente family moved 3 years ago... And yesterday I moved to Pleasantview from Desiderata Valley, Nice to meet you my name is Sujet D'Experience!
Don: My name is Don Lothario and... well, you may have seen the news about the Goth family.
Sujet (Amazed): Ohhh, no wonder your face sounded familiar to me!! Don't worry, I understand that pressure from the paparazzi and the press, welcome to my house, you can come in!!
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The two men entered the house, Don observed every detail, from pictures of different sizes in which there were various news clippings dating back to 1990, but there were some images that caught his attention, especially those with the name of the goth family or their name
Don: Hey Sujet A question, what do you do?
Sujet (Approaching Don): I'm a journalist, I've been working for four years haha! don't be scared by all those cuts, they have helped me to get my job... But hey, I don't want to talk about that, besides being a journalist is a bit boring.
Don: Ohhh, don't worry! Hey, could you give me a rundown of everything that's happened in Pleasantview?
Sujet (Sitting down with a cup of coffee and offering a cup of coffee to the black-haired man): Well, for starters, Darren Dreamer remarried 1 year ago to Gabriella Sensal and they had a girl; Also that the Pleasants had twins, although it is rumored that Daniel Pleasant has an unrecognized son with Model Ekaterina Dunnoff, although that is just an old theory; Also that the Newbie's daughter: Brandy, got pregnant by that boy Skip Broke...
Don (Surprised): Oh...
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angelofthepage · 2 months
3 New Chapters of Searching the Depths: The Heart of the Studio
Order of Operations
Frankly, I'm Outta Here
Hell's Bell
I have been waiting so long for this set to be ready. Two short chapters, and one long one. Folks, it is time, we are getting into the meat of this story, with what may be my favorite chapter of the adventure so far, Chapter 18: Hell's Bell. I hope you all enjoy this Bendy fanfic! I'd love to hear your thoughts on this one!
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helenofblackthorns · 2 years
I have more Thomas thoughts but I think I'm going to wait until morning to say them
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nonenglishsongs · 4 months
Bella Bellow - Denyigban (Ewe?)
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