#except for one who he hasn’t been able to bring himself to kill…yet
winterchimez · 1 year
Beast in the Beauty - Chapter 8
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pairing: profiler Hyunjae x detective f!reader
genre & warnings: jack the ripper au, angst, violence, thriller, crime, mentions of prostitution, graphic description of death, major characters death, alcohol, some fluff
word count: 3,408
taglist: @deoboyznet @hokupi @kyusqult @asteriaskingdom @flwoie
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The clock on the wall chimes, indicating that it was already past noon. 
You are now seated at your desk, organising all of the clues that all of you have gathered up till now. 
Ever since the third victim case from a few weeks prior, all of you were surprised, to say the least, by how quiet the ripper himself has been. There hasn’t been any more murders since then, which was unusual considering his timeline of killing spree from the previous cases.
Except for the fact that the killer decided to turn his attention towards the police station now, where he targeted your friend Eric who was still behind bars, lying down hopelessly as there was nothing much he or all of you could do for the time being.
And of course, the letter you received from the ripper himself.
Only Haknyeon, Eric, and Hyunjae knew about this for now, and you certainly do not wish to bring it up to the chief, at least not for now, after seeing how capable the ripper is able to manipulate one of you next in his scheme.
What was his motive? Perhaps the killer is doing this all for revenge because of a grudge he had towards the law enforcement? Because you sure knew that it wasn’t the case when the ripper struck for the first time decades ago, where he merely hunted down prostitutes and had nothing to do with the police. 
As there was a stark contrast as you compared the ripper’s current spree from 30 years ago, you were basically scratching your head really, not knowing where to really look to find the clues you needed.
The ripper’s words continue to linger in your mind, look back at the crime scenes. 
You did the same as before. Flipping through archives from all of the cases up till now, even from the five canonical victims from the 1880s, but still to no avail.
As you grunted and began messing up your hair in frustration, a pair of hands lay upon your shoulders, and you turn your head up to look at the individual behind you. 
Ah, your boyfriend. 
It has been a week since that romantic incident at your apartment, and you’ve still yet to fully grasp the situation you’ve been in since then. 
The way he touched you, made you feel safe and warm, and you craved for more. The steamy kiss and make-out session, and what happened after that? 
Wait. wait. 
You had to shake your head to clear out those nasty thoughts, even though you couldn’t help but replay those flashbacks in your mind nearly all the time now. 
In conclusion, you were just happy to finally be in an established relationship, especially with someone who likes you back, and hell with a damn charming fine specimen as well.
Oh, how you were the luckiest girl alive.
You haven’t informed anybody about the relationship though, as you’d both like to keep it low-profile for now, especially knowing how this wouldn’t be the right time to announce that oh-yes-we’re-finally-a-thing to a gloomy and depressed-filled group of detectives in the office, having the ripper case sucking the lives out of them basically. 
In other words, you both had to keep the little lovey-dovey actions you both have been doing to a bare minimum, if you didn’t want to get caught this early at least. 
However, in all honesty, getting that confession out was like a burden off your shoulders, and you’re able to finally relax a bit. With having a somewhat doting boyfriend by your side, working with this cold-blooded murder case seemed a bit more bearable during this tumultuous time. 
In fact, you actually received another letter from the ripper himself a few days ago, but it was different this time having someone who cares about you knowing about this whole ordeal. He made sure you did not keep any secrets from him and forced you to let him accompany you as you made your way back to the lion’s den days prior. 
Unfortunately, none of you had gotten any luck gathering new intel from that encounter, for the ripper himself did not show up at all. It was definitely odd to say the least compared to the first encounter you had. 
You thought it to be a prank this time, maybe from someone else, or even from the ripper himself. But that didn’t matter because you both came back safe and sound which was the most important. Hyunjae was there, to keep you safe, and you were grateful for that. 
The days of quietness ended abruptly though, as the person you would least expect to storm right into the station was here, making her way right through your desk, demanding your presence right this second. 
“Y/N. We need to have a word.” Selene forcefully dragged you out of your seat and the next thing you knew both of you were out the door, leaving behind a puzzled Hyunjae, whom you at least managed to mouth “I’ll get in touch with you later” before your friend slammed the door shut. 
Throughout the whole journey of Selene dragging you to god knows where, you kept posing questions, on where she was taking you to and what has gotten into her for her to act in such a way. But the young lady didn’t speak a word, until both of you arrived at your destination. 
Your eyes widened as you took in the sight before you.
This is… or was… Selene’s former residence, when both of you were kids. 
As Selene unlocked the door, she vigorously shoved you into the apartment, with you earning a yelp of pain in return.
“Selene. Calm down and tell me what’s going on.” 
“Why didn’t you tell me.”
“Tell you what?”
“About everything. Eric’s been placed behind bars, accused of something that he has never committed.”
She then takes a few steps closer until you both are only centimetres apart. “And you received a letter from the madman himself.” 
God, Haknyeon must’ve told her. 
You couldn’t blame Haknyeon though, for you knew if Selene did not hear a word from you and Eric for a period of time, Haknyeon is the person she would go to for answers. Knowing how she is practically a master of sweet-talking to people because of her profession, you knew Haknyeon didn’t stand a chance against her. 
“We promised, Y/N. We would go through all sorts of hell and pain together, no matter what it takes. We would never keep a secret from one another. So tell me.” Now grabbing hold of both of your shoulders. “Why, Y/N?”. 
“Selene, I want to keep you safe from all this harm-”
“Bullshit, Y/N. You know that there’s no escape from a murderer like the ripper, we are all bound to receive some sort of harm, be it directly or indirectly, because that is our job!” 
Damn, she was pissed. It has been a while since you've seen your friend like this, which could only mean one thing and that she was hella serious with whatever words and actions she would pose.
And when she goes all enraged mode, it’s gonna take a hell of a long time to calm her down and talk some sense into her. But, you still had to try. 
“Y/N, when I heard you actually paid a visit to the killer himself, do you know how worried I was? Of how it could’ve cost your life that night? My god, Haknyeon was lucky I did not storm right into your apartment the day I found out about this.” 
This time, you fired back at the female. “Selene, after seeing what the ripper himself has done to both Eric and I, it should be crystal clear that he isn’t here to play games with us, and how serious and deadly he could be.” 
Seeing that your friend was about to cut in, you quickly posed another remark that made her stop in her tracks. “Whatever you’re thinking right now, drop it. You won’t stand a chance alone.” 
That made Selene drop both of her hands from your shoulders and pace around her room as she massages the migraine that was growing immensely.
You already knew what Selene was about to propose because that’s how well you knew her temperament since you both were kids. 
Don’t even think about hunting down the ripper alone. 
“I’m warning you, Selene. You will regret this, and I can’t afford to lose you. I beg of you.” 
Because we’re sisters, not by blood, but by heart. How much we’ve been through since we were young, and there’s nothing that could replace our bond. 
If only Selene wasn’t blinded by rage, she would’ve given you a hug and apologized for all of the anger that she has put on you unknowingly. 
But she has had enough. Seeing how the target has murdered her co-workers in cold blood, and now eventually interfering with the lives of her closest people dear to her heart, you and Eric. 
If you’re not going to catch the ripper, then she will. 
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Selene’s POV 
It has been a few weeks since Selene moved back to her former residence. After multiple murders she has encountered over the past few months, especially how many of them are, or well used to be former employees of Cherry Hunt, she could no longer bear to reside in that place any longer. 
It was hard for her to announce her decision to Mrs Potts when she was the one who basically took her in after escaping her house of horrors. Seeing how her mother brought a different man each day into their household was too much for young Selene at that time. 
As much as Selene loved her mother, she definitely was against the idea of going into this field of work at the beginning. However, ever since you both decided to be partners in crime and eventually you helped Selene in securing a job of being an undercover agent, maybe it wasn’t so bad after all.
As long as you both are inseparable, Selene would do anything to keep you safe and happy. Because that was how close you both were and you basically grew up like sisters, even if it wasn’t by pure blood. 
In order to find a proper place to stay for the time being, she had no choice but to return to her former residence, for it was the cheapest option out there in the market. 
It looked exactly the same as it was as she reminisced back to her younger days, though she had to thank whoever moved in after she and her mother left actually kept the place well-maintained and even decorated it to look as aesthetically pleasing as possible. That was a steal honestly speaking. 
The previous owners had no problems helping Selene to lower the rental fees by negotiating with the landlord, and she could never have been more grateful than that. 
You were definitely stunned when Selene dragged you back to her former residence, for you knew how Selene basically detested this place and swore to never return even if she had to. But since the entire ordeal from that day was fundamentally influenced by rage on both sides, Selene wasn’t able to explain to you clearly how she ended up with the current living situation she was in now. To make matters worse, the conversation did not end on a good note, where you left her residence with a vexed expression, and Selene too was left behind with the same look as well. 
Both of you knew you had to come clean with all sorts of secrets that you both have been hiding from one another and eventually apologize for causing all of these uproars. But neither of you will be doing that anytime soon because you both were stubborn like that, just like when you were kids. 
But Selene knew deep down in her mind, she will have to be the one first to do the deed since she was practically the one who dragged you forcefully into her apartment and vented out on you. 
However, that will have to wait, for she will be catching the ripper down red-handed on her own firsthand. 
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Being an undercover agent for years now has taught Selene so many valuable skills that she never knew she would be needing them for her current self-assigned mission. One of them is being able to find out hidden clues that are basically a naked eye to most individuals, including the detectives themselves. 
In all honesty, Selene could very well become a spy as her official profession, if only she was able to afford the expenses to further her studies like you did. At the end of the day, she knew both of you came from very different backgrounds and she couldn’t blame her hardworking mother for any of this. 
Shaking off the negative thoughts, she knew exactly where to find where the ripper himself had left off, which was to return back to the previous crime scenes in person. 
Your childhood friend isn’t slow-witted and she herself has been keeping up with all of the latest information in regard to the case, and she was well aware of how there were some striking contrasts in comparison to the cases from the first murder spree back in the 1880s and to the current one. 
Hence, she knew what exactly to look for and at without spending way too much time on a matter that had no relation to the case. 
To start off, she returned back to Buck’s Row, where the ripper’s first-ever victim, Mary Ann Nichols was found decades ago. As she arrived on the scene, Selene immediately began searching high and low for clues, even looking up at the walls and every crook and corner of the scene. 
She then took out a vial that contained a chemical solution, which she may or may not have stolen from the forensics lab where she snuck in a few days ago when most of the detectives, including you, were out on patrol. 
Luminol. To recover dry patches of blood. 
Selene began emptying the solution and scattered them around the scene, and sure enough, traces of blood had then reappeared on the surface. Unfortunately, she had no luck as it was just splatters of blood which indicates how violently the victim was attacked by then, and nothing new was found as written in the archived reports. 
With that, it had somewhat given Selene a clear answer, that she no longer needed to go through the remaining 4 of the 5 canonical victims. She might as well skip right to the crime scene of the first victim that happened months prior instead, George Yard Street. 
Your friend prayed as she hoped, desperately, that she is somewhat able to get some answers from here. Otherwise, she will have to start all over again from square one. 
With a second bottle of vial in hand once again, she emptied its contents and scattered it throughout the scene, just like she did before in Buck’s Row. 
This time, however, sure enough, she found a valuable hint, so much so that this was the key to finding out the identity of the killer himself. The hint that the law enforcement had desperately needed and has missed that will give you the breakthrough all of you craved for.
She was ecstatic. And she couldn’t wait to tell you the best news that has happened over the past few months. 
There were writings on the wall. 
In haste, Selene took each of the letters down word by word, and she quickly rushed off to the next scene, in hopes that she would be able to get the same answers. 
True enough, writings in dried-up blood were found once again in the second crime scene, and ultimately in the third, which was the most recent one that Selene was there that night as she recalled the horrors of that day. 
Only this time, she wasn’t able to fully get down the full message, for a deep chilling voice stopped her in her tracks. 
“I’m afraid you have known too much, young lady.”
Standing behind Selene stood a tall male, wearing a dark cape and a top hat with his facial features being covered by the dimly lit area. 
Jack The Ripper. 
It was already dark out by then, which Selene failed to notice as she was preoccupied with finding clues throughout the entire day, and how the fog is getting thicker every minute. 
Selene was stuck in Miller’s Court, with the killer, all alone. 
She was in a life and death situation now, with none of you detectives by her side. Sure, she has been cornered before by criminals in previous cases she has worked on, but not with this madman that the public feared so much about for the past decades. Judging by the aura and tension she was feeling in the air, something had to be done real quick. 
Or else there is a high possibility of her becoming the fourth victim. 
“Well, sir Jack, it is truly a pleasure to finally be able to make your acquaintance after so long.” Selene tried her best to remain calm as she replied to the madman, but clearly failed to do so as it was obvious both parties could tell by the shakiness of her voice. 
“Now now, don’t be scared. I am just here tonight to have a friendly chat with you my darling.” 
No. Not happening. 
“Well then, let me tell you one thing, Jack. You have ruined the lives of the people I care so much about, and hell even took them away from me. I swear to God you leave my friends alone from now on. Don’t even bother trying any more.” 
As she was done, she immediately threw the vial of her hands right towards the ripper, which actually did land on the man himself, earning a slight yelp of pain in return. 
With that, Selene immediately made a run for it, dashed through Miller’s Court and out into the streets. She couldn’t look back, fearing that the ripper was right behind her. Selene kept running throughout the night, constantly turning into several different alleyways, in hopes of confusing and losing sight of the ripper. 
Once it had been a while and Selene was determined that the killer had lost her, she made a quick return to her residence. 
I have to let Y/N and the others know about this information. And fast. 
With the chances of the killer still out there, she couldn’t risk going straight to your doorstep, for fear that the ripper would hunt you down as his next victim. She could go to the station, but everyone would either be off work or out on patrol at this late at night. 
Instead, the young lady quickly took a spare paper that was left laying on her desk and quickly wrote down a message with her pen dipped in blue ink. 
Just as she was about to finish her message, a knock was heard on her front door.
Crap. Did the ripper actually follow me when I thought he had lost sight of me? 
Selene contemplated for a moment before deciding to entertain whoever was by her doorstep this late at night. Before heading to the front door, she decided to fold the letter neatly and tuck it away in a secret location, one where she knew it will be found by you or your friends if anything were to happen to her. 
With a deep huff, she took in a deep breath and peeked through the peephole of her front door.
Oh? What is he doing here late at night? 
Thank heavens it was someone Selene knew. She mentally laughed at herself for being so paranoid and eventually turned the doorknob to open the door to greet the individual standing at her doorstep.
Since she basically couldn’t leave her guest standing out in the cold foggy night, she invited the male in with the thoughts of brewing a hot cup of tea and lighting up the fireplace to have a proper conversation. 
Little did she know that this was a fatal mistake that Selene has ever done in her entire life.
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lilacartsmadsion · 2 years
So i had an idea…after the curse manifested, yes cacao would have gone berserk for the first time but he believed it was a dream. But when the next council meeting rolls around, the first after chapter iii, clotted cream strikes a nerve
Can we have a scenario
Clotted Cream: Your own son has killed and tore apart kingdoms just to get that little trinket in your hands…for all I say, he should be dead, not roaming about and having some sort of Self-Reflection journey.
Dark Cacao: He’s already been exiled from his homeland and won’t return until he redeems himself.
Clotted Cream: Well that worked so PERFECTLY well the first time, you give him way too many chances, what makes you think that your son is worthy of being trusted anymore?
Dark Cacao: He hasn’t done anything yet…I have witness the light come back to him…he’s safe
Clotted Cream: Is that the King telling me that or the heart of his father?
Dark Cacao:…
Hollyberry: That’s enough Clotted Cream…
Hollyberry: I’ll admit it was a risk that Dark Cacao’s willing to take, but his punishment is still a worthy punishment, he has betrayed his Allies by tenfold! He nearly killed the Head Priestess…! He is no longer welcome in the lands of our kingdoms, not even your Republic as punishment! This leaving him to fend for the forests.
Hollyberry: Is scurrying through the woods in search for food, shelter and sustenance not enough punishment as is?
Clotted Cream: I do believe that the Son of Dark Cacao Cookie, could survive under those circumstances, after all, it is the Dark Cacao Kingdom’s best known training.
Clotted Cream: Not only is his punishment mild, but due to being trained by Dark Cacao personally, his training made it so he could live lavishly and survive the wilds without the means of ever going outside…
Dark Cacao:…
Clotted Cream: Thus bringing me to say…you were too tame on him…I am well aware that he is your son but…
Clotted Cream: You do know that his crimes against Earthbread are to be taken accountable…after all…Dark Enchantress’ Crimes are not being ignored…you still continue to strike at her despite her being a former friend…unlike your son who you refuse to kill…
‘Will you still be clawing at that precious sword of yours after your kingdom has fallen? Will you persist even after having SLAIN YOUR OWN SON?!’
The room turns Dark for a moment, and to Clotted Cream’s eyes, he suddenly feels like…is Dark Cacao’s eyes glowing? Is he suddenly more…ghostly than before? The Aura was familiar however…the power of the Soul Jam…blinded by hate and anger…
Until Dark Choco intervened…holding his father’s shoulder…
Dark Choco: My father chose a punishment that was better for me at that time…
He notices the sudden shock looking at his son, confused and concerned, and the sudden grip on his shoulder looking a little too tight…
Dark Choco: My father spared me the first time because he was unable to finish the fight…as his son, I was able to overpower him in battle…and as he banished me, I had injured him greatly…thus preventing him from finishing the deed…
Dark Choco then looked at Clotted Cream dead in the eye.
Dark Choco: At the time as well…no soldier was more refined at training than I…no warrior, not a single cookie in the Dark Cacao Kingdom could beat me in the art of battle, due to the training I had with my father…thus leaving him with no choice but to leave me to exile…
Dark Choco: It was the same the second time…except I had left the kingdom on my own accord…my father was cursed by the Head Priestess of the Dark One and was incapacitated during the whole thing…his subjects were either injured or too focused on their king to even take notice of us.
Gingerbrave: It’s true! I saw the whole thing! Dark Cacao Cookie didn’t wake up until Dark Choco had left…Caramel Arrow Cookie had to get him back to his senses.
Clotted Cream stared at Dark Cacao, then looked towards his son.
Dark Choco: If you have a problem with the way my father handles punishment then take these factors into account…
Dark Choco: If you are done then I shall speak to the Ancient Heroes…do you think it would be worth the punishment if I were to be executed?
Hollyberry and Pure Vanilla looked at each other, and looked at the nervous look on Dark Cacao’s face…it looked like he was still scowling as ever, but they could tell the difference…
Hollyberry: I still have to think about my decision…
Dark Choco: Pure Vanilla Cookie?
Pure Vanilla:…
Pure Vanilla: I find Dark Cacao’s punishment enough…you’ve struggled hardships…and have learned through pain…I think you have suffered enough punishment as of now…
Dark Choco:…Then Clotted Cream shall wait for Hollyberry Cookie’s decision…
Clotted Cream: I-
Dark Choco: You cannot make judgement against me…my lack of presence in the Republic would be proof that I have defected from their cause…and not proof that I have further betrayed my kingdom…you have no jurisdiction against me…
Dark Choco left the room his grip on his father leaving a ghostly image, Dark Cacao swiftly checked from behind him, almost out of concern as his son closed the door behind him.
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blackberrywars · 2 years
For the fic writers game. 🍑 And 🫐 of course 🤣
AHHH thank you so much for playing dear! I'm sorry it took so long but @halehathnofury, here it is! My most beloved Opinions
🍑 If you could make a connection between your favorite character and another work you care about (whether a crossover/fusion or a wonderfully “pretentious” literary reference) what would it be? How would it work?
Well, I think you and I both know that it's Lambert. And this question makes it difficult because I really can't think of another character quite like him, especially a male one —someone so deeply hurt but still expressive, who wants better but has given up hope on it, simply resigned to clinging to what he knows. He's loud and angry, but he makes it very obvious that it is from a place of grief. He finds loves, but is always waiting to lose them. It's an archetype I've usually only seen in older characters (which......... Vesemir parallels, anyone?).
That being said. "Pretentious" literary reference.
Frankenstein's monster. Born on a able, brought forth by a magician who was so desperate to see if he could, he never stopped to wonder if he should. He's made of a dozen different parts, but none of them matter anymore, except for the fact that they matter the most —they make him human, make him long for all the things humans long for. A family, a lover, kindness. Good meals and warmth. But his rebirth, no matter the parts (the history) that make him human, has made him a monster in everyone's eyes. Lambert may not have murdered his makers, but then again, they were dead pretty soon. If he hadn't had the better influences of his mother and the Wolves... who knows what he'd do.
Additionally, because it's a favorite of mine:
Mad Max from Fury Road. Is part of this inspired by the similarity between Tom Hardy's and Lambert's luscious, smoochy lips? Yes, of course. But also, it once again brings up the theme of having his humanity eviscerated by his environment and the people around him, and, even when he does find some solace, still resigning himself to his reality. Spoilers for the movie, I guess, but Max is pretty goddamn feral for most of the movie, and everyone around him dehumanizes him, to the point of him being turned into a human blood bag. He snaps at everything, because everything has been a threat. Furiosa and the Wives eventually ally with him, and show kindness. He returns it, but at the end, he still moves on. Rebuilding Citadel life isn't for Max, the way Geralt's Corvo Bianco life isn't for Lambert. It will take something else.
🫐 What’s your favorite underrated thing in your fandom? (A ship that only you seem to write for, a character there’s almost no fics about, a trope that criminally hasn’t been written yet, etc.)
In a general sense? The School of the Bear. I swear, it's not even me just being horny on main for large, hairy men, but the logistics of Arnaghad's philosophy really have so much potential. I've written a little about this before, but mostly in references. Essentially, yes, Arnaghad is poisoned by hyper-independence, but considering what reliance on kings/mages got the other schools, he kind of has a point. And if he didn't realize that, or care about witchers' lives, he wouldn't have founded a school about it. He would have just fucked off. He truly believes his method is the best way to keep witchers alive, even if he probably killed the most trainees on the way.
It's a really fucked-up, cruel kind of care that Arnaghad has.
By contrast, I feel like a lot of the fics about the Bears either take the minimal lore we have at face value or soften it to a considerable degree, and I enjoy both approaches. They make sense, especially when writing angst or fluff/smut, respectively. The latter is especially combined with a kind of post-sacking era, which makes sense; it's a bit like most Kaer Morhen fics, where the focus is on the members after the school itself has fallen, rather than when it was actually running. And believe you me, I adore those fics, especially the ones by @round--robin with the wonderful OCs. They are delightful. But something I would also love to see is some writing on Haern Caduch while it was still in operation. My heart hurts just thinking about it.
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absolxguardian · 2 years
Andor and the freedom of metaphor
Disclaimer: I have not watched any of the Bourne films, but I have listened to all of the Kill James Bond episodes on the series.
Tony Gilroy, as you might have seen in some of the trailers, is the showrunner of Andor. He also co-wrote Rogue One, the first three Bourne movies, and wrote/directed the Bourne Legacy. The Bourne films exist in a constant conflict between depicting the CIA (accurately) as evil, the antagonists who operate an illegal CIA death squad that birthed Jason Bourne and are now hunting him while also staying within the pro-American imperialism party line of mainstream Hollywood. The Bourne Legacy is the film where this comes to ahead, where it is revealed that inside the CIA there is a second evil CIA that actually did all the Treadstone stuff.
Given what we’ve gotten in Andor, I believe that Tony Gilroy himself is not conflicted in this way. He has a clear conception and hatred of imperialism in all its forms, as shown in the well crafted analogies and real world similarities in the show that many other people have written about. It is implicit or explicit executive interference that has muddled the themes of the Bourne films he has been involved in. Despite Andor being as mainstream as the Bourne films in its production, Tony Gilroy has been able to write something a lot less compromised because on its surface it isn’t about the evils of the American (or British, or whoever) state. 
This is one of the powers of speculative settings like Star Wars. Not only does working in metaphor and similarities to the real world allow you to present unique angle and address a different variety of topics than you could with a single story when only using the real world (or think about how many different people could relate to the Dhani when they aren’t just one real world group),  it also lets your work have a wider reach. Somehow Disney didn’t object to all the themes present in Andor, but they sure would if it was about America and a real mega-corporation. While the ISB hasn’t really done any intelligence work on screen yet, they are the space!CIA, and unlike in the Bourne films, there is no equivocation required. You’ll also avoid the controversy that would otherwise emerge if the anti-imperialist themes in your work were explicitly anti-American. This could perhaps help your message reach some more people, people who when you aren’t making them start on the defensive by criticising “their team”.
If you want to make even a subtextually anti-war film using real world militaries, that isn’t going to happen in Hollywood anymore. The studio is going to want to get the free sets and props and rather than hire an consultant so that you can actually depict everything accurately, they’re going to bring on the DOJ who while they will help keep things accurate in the technical sense, the involvement of the government will turn your film into propaganda. But there’s no easy financial carrot when the military you’re depicting are a bunch of stormtroopers instead.
And this isn’t the first time this has happened with Star Wars. George Lucas could have never made a film where the heroes team up with the Viet Cong and then drive America out of their country. Except, he did. It’s called Return of the Jedi and the Viet Cong are also cute little teddy bears. And that’s only one example. Andor is just contiuning the long tradition of using an sci-fi fantasy setting to depict anti-imperialist themes while still being acceptable to executives and embraced by a wider audience, even if many of them don’t pick up on the subtext.
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I just had a thought.
Some sort of AU where the spirits in Ennard all end up splitting when Baby is ejected. She becomes Eleanor, Ballora, Lolbit and Foxy’s fates are undetermined, and Funtime Freddy returns to his own body. So CTW Funtime Freddy is possessed in this AU.
Michael has long since realized what’s happened and is frantically trying to track them down, especially Baby, who he fears is going to hurt more people and is slowly destroying what little remains of Elizabeth. He’s basically digging through an index of flea markets and similar places to try and see if anyone made the mistake of buying them.
This is how he finds out about Funtime Freddy. A vendor that sells mostly animatronics ranging from Halloween props to mech pieces tells him that he managed to get his hands on an entire Fazbear animatronic. A model he didn’t recognize, looked like a weird looking dog, he said, but every part of it was there except one arm. He’d sold it off to someone he didn’t remember, but didn’t keep the receipt or any record of the purchase.
Michael briefly considers strangling this idiot half to death, but comes to his senses, thanks the man for the information, and redirects his search to find the poor shit who’d bought the thing- assuming they’re still alive- and all the while he’s trying not to cry from frustration that this lead got totally fucked over by one flea market vendor.
Maurice has had Funtime Freddy for a little while now, but hasn’t been able to fix him up. His granddaughter was found dead inside it. It looked like she’d killed herself, her death was ruled a suicide and the thought that he’d been inside wondering when she’d come join them for Christmas while she was brutally decapitating herself only fifty feet away makes Maurice sick. For a while, looking at it at all destroys him emotionally, and yet he begins to feel this drive to repair Freddy now more than ever. So he goes out and online looking for parts- ranging from new thread for his wife’s sewing kit to fix the rips in the fabric to new valves and air tubes for his mouth, neck, and hands, or even a control panel to turn him on and off.
Well, he quickly discovers he doesn’t need a control panel. When he replaces the mechanisms in Freddy’s neck, he seems to lift it back up straight by himself. Maurice swears he sees his hands twitch sometimes. But when he replaces the valves and reworks the tubes in his mouth, he suddenly hears a whisper from inside.
“You put me back together.”
Startled, he jumps and tries to pull away, hitting his head on Freddy’s teeth, which draws a bit of his blood that beads on Freddy’s canine.
But the whispers don’t stop.
“You could put us all back together. You know what we need.”
“We love you, grandpa, please put us back together.”
Then Funtime Freddy fixes his eyes on him and opens his mouth.
Maurice is startled enough to pass out, but Funtime Freddy shows no malicious intent.
A rattled, chattering and broken voice box tries for a few illegible words, and Maurice, in shock, says something to himself about how he should get that replaced too.
Maurice desperately wants to believe it’s Millie. He knows he didn’t recognize the whispers as her own, but he wants to hold onto hope.
He brings Freddy inside.
It’s hard to communicate with him, even more so to try to search for traces of Millie in him. He lets himself hope for a long time. Maybe he called her grandpa because it was Millie, even though she hardly called him that. Maybe he called out to him because Millie wanted him to come to her.
But then he catches Funtime Freddy babbling incomprehensibly again, repeating that same meaningless snippet from that same book. And then he just keeps talking.
Then, a moment’s pause.
Maurice is absolutely certain he’s not getting dementia in his old age, so that really only can mean this is real.
“How? How do I help you, and my granddaughter?”
When Michael finally tracks down a series of purchases for animatronic parts to one person, a widower who’d recently lost his granddaughter, he’s terrified that this man is trying to use Funtime Freddy for… well, ultimately for what he was made for. To bring his granddaughter back, or to kill others trying.
So when he finally arrives at the house of Mr. Fitzsimmons, an old, sprawling white house that looks like it hasn’t been touched in years, that’s what he’s expecting. Hands shaking, he knocks on the door, and hears back a low, gruff but tender voice tinged with a southern accent. “Who is it?”
It takes Michael too long to regain his composure. “Sir, my name is Michael Afton. I’d… like to speak with you.”
The voice, already gentle in sound, becomes audibly more relaxed. “Come on in, Michael, the door’s open.”
Michael considers pointing out that no, the door is closed, but assumes this is a ruse to lull him into a false sense of safety, and figures it’s best to disengage.
So he opens the door, and is met with the strangest house he’s ever seen in his life. It’s filled wall to wall with odd collectibles, but it feels more like a home than a museum. The air carries a warm, sort of herbal scent like the homeowner had recently made dinner. Muted sunlight lights the living room from through a window covered with a thin floral cloth, and on the worn pale brown couch sits Maurice Fitzsimmons himself.
He’s older than Michael had expected for some reason. He looks to be around his seventies, with shaggy silver hair resting behind him. He has a gold bracelet on one hand and a brown leather watch on the other. Around one ring finger is a gold wedding band, the other one of which appears to be the charm of his similarly gold necklace. His brown glasses sit imperfectly on his wrinkled yet soft looking face, and Michael notices his tan hearing aids.
And the fact that Funtime Freddy is on full fucking display in his goddamn living room, he notices that too.
It takes a few minutes of small talk and declining Maurice’s offers of tea, coffee, a spot on the couch, etc. for Michael to work up the nerve to ask about Funtime Freddy.
He watches Maurice’s expression carefully, looking for even the slightest hint of malice in his eyes.
Instead, his expression softens, and he gives something of a sad smile. “This is my granddaughter,” He says sadly. “And my grandson. Fourteen and four respectively.”
“But I- no offense, sir, I don’t mean to pry, but I thought you had only lost your granddaughter…”
“Nonsense, both of them are my grandkids. My dear old grandson even took to calling grandpa long before I knew he was there.” He laughs a little at that. Michael doesn’t. “And there’s no need to call me sir. Just Maurice works. Or Mr. Fitzsimmons if you prefer. I did used to teach students your age.”
“Alright, Mr. Fitzsimmons, what do you have the animatronic for?” Michael continues, a little more suspicious now.
“Company, I suppose. I’m a collector. Of what?” He laughs again. “Depends on who you ask. Millie would tell you it’s junk. My wife used to say I was a ‘collector of things.’ I don’t think the little boy has noticed they’re even there. He’s so out of it.”
“They usually are,” Michael admits. “They cling to what little they can. Their names, vague approximations of their faces, and the day they died. It’s never good, I’ll tell you that. They hold onto their pain. The agony fuels them.”
Maurice nods. “Do you know how you get rid of it?”
Michael tenses, shaking his head. “I’ve been trying for a long time. I let them enact their vengeance on me, I went along with their goals to escape, I followed their puzzles and tried to figure out how they died, who they were, I even tried to- physically dismantle their bodies to try and get rid of their ghosts. Nothing works.”
Now Maurice shakes his head.
“You put them back together. These kids, they feel broken… Michael, was it?”
“Yes, sir.”
“They feel broken, Michael. They’re scared and alone. You need to give them closure. However one would to that. I don’t know what you’ve been dealing with, but it sounds like you’ve got your spiritual work cut out for you. You might be onto something with the vengeance plan, but remember it’s not you they want. They want closure.”
“How did you do it?”
“I fixed up their body, put them in my living room and started reading to them and letting them watch TV. From the sounds of it, my grandson never had much. So I’m trying to fill that void.”
“Do you think that will help them move on?”
“I doubt they’ll stick around. It sounds like it hurts.”
“It does. But you didn’t answer my question.”
“Well… I just wanted my granddaughter back.”
The words are strained, sad.
“I took a chance I wasn’t growing demented and tried to reach out. I just wanted more time with her, really. Don’t we all? When someone dies, we just want… that one last moment with them. But Millie’s in pain, and so is my grandson. I don’t want them to stay… if it’s going to hurt them”
Michael sighs. “I understand the feeling, Mr. Fitzsimmons. I… my family is inside those things too. I’ve only got my boyfriend and a small few friends, but the only people I really love were both killed by these robots, and now they’re stuck in there. It’ll be hard to let go, I really don’t.. want to… but I want to help them. It was my own stupid fuck-up that caused it in the first place.”
“I feel that way about poor Millie, too. Someday soon will be the kids’ last day with me. But if it’s going to be peaceful for them to not be stuck here anymore, then I’m not too afraid to be alone.”
Maurice nods, a sad smile returning to his face. “This body’s starting to give up on me, just like theirs. Someday soon will probably be my last, too. So I won’t be alone for long.”
Hey, ummmm that last part, fucking ouch like what the hell :D
This is a really interesting idea tho, I really like seeing Michael and Maurice interact, and Maurice interacting with CTW Funtime Freddy is weirdly adorable, and I imagine CTW Funtime Freddy's spirits acting as like Maurice's bodyguards while in CTW Funtime Freddy since he helped them and all
I was listening to this when I got this, and I sorta think it fits the mood of the AU, especially Michael and Maurice meeting for some reason
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seaphoam-writes · 2 years
A Father's Duty (2/?)
A Father's Duty on AO3
Summary: An encounter with a quantum fissure leaves Picard with more responsibility than he asked for, but he'll do what he always does—his duty.
Chapter 2
It’s 0800 hours and 40 minutes, firmly into the start of the day shift, nearly 4 hours since Picard awoke, and he finally has his tea. It’s probably cold now, however, because he hasn’t been able to bring himself to drink it. He’s in the conference room with his senior staff, listening to Data update them on the precise details of how a child—
My son.
—came to be aboard the Enterprise in a quantum reality not his own.
It’s a harrowing tale, the stuff of Picard’s literal nightmares: a world being torn apart by the Borg, a world in which the Enterprise was destroyed at Wolf 359.
A world in which Picard is still Locutus.
That reality’s Will Riker failed to save Captain Picard, and so his final act was to save Picard’s son instead. Just before launching what he must have known would be a futile attack on the Borg cube, he tasked Data with getting Louis to safety and shoved them into an escape pod.
The boy’s mother, it seems, was already gone, killed when the Enterprise took severe damage from a Borg disruptor beam.
Data and Louis spent the intervening years on the run, jumping from star base to star base, ship to ship. At some point, Data heard rumors of a quantum fissure, a fixed-point across the space-time continuum that essentially acted as a keyhole that intersected multiple quantum realities, but while investigating the fissure—after finally having found it—they were discovered by the Borg.
Picard heard the story once already, consequently he’s not truly listening; he’s staring at the table, lost in thought.
It’s chilling to be confronted by the fact that there’s a reality out there—multiple realities—in which his assimilation led to the fall of the galaxy. And this boy, Louis, spent years fleeing an enemy partially commanded by his own father.
“What about the boy’s mother?”
It’s Riker who asks the question. Data responds.
“Nella Daren,” he says. “An accomplished astrophysicist and head of stellar sciences aboard the—"
Picard blinks and looks up. “That’s not what he meant, Data.” To Riker—to the rest of his crew—he clarifies, “This reality’s Nella Daren died 10 years ago.”
She died performing her duty as a Starfleet officer while aiding the evacuation of the Bersallis III outpost. It was her idea to cross-connect several thermal deflector units to create a shield against the firestorm ravaging the planet, and it’s because she stood by her post that the USS Yosemite was able to save every last colonist. Unfortunately, she and 8 other crewmen lost their lives.
“I’m sorry,” Riker says, gently, his eyes on Picard.
Picard presses his lips together, uncertain how to reply. He never met Nella Daren. Never will. And yet…his heart aches for her loss, for her absence in this reality. They pulled up her service record in sickbay, and as soon as Picard saw her photo he understood why he fell in love with her. She bears a striking resemblance to Beverly.
Unfortunately, Beverly also saw Nella Daren’s photo. She didn’t say anything, but she must have seen what Picard saw, must know the secret Picard’s kept hidden for decades, ever since she married his best friend and became forever off-limits.
But Picard can’t find it within himself to feel anything about that right now, because right now he’s numb to everything except for the boy that’s biologically his lying unconscious in sickbay.
The boy he’s…responsible for.
“What do we do next?” Will asks. “Do we try and send him back?” He makes a face at his own question, sighs and sits back in his chair, mutters, “What would we even be sending him back to?”
It wasn’t a statement that required an answer, but Data provides one anyway.
“Very likely, a reality in which he wouldn’t survive for much longer.”
A visible ripple of unease passes through the room at the idea.
“In any case,” Data continues, “the fissure was damaged by the explosion, and has become unstable.”
It's currently unclear whether the shuttlecraft the other reality’s Data piloted into their world self-destructed or was destroyed by the Borg, but use of the “keyhole” is now dangerous, I fnot impossible.
“So, he’s staying.”
Picard meets Will’s gaze and nods.
What else can he do? Send the boy back to die at the hands of the Borg? Risk his safety to try and send him elsewhere?
He can’t. He won’t. Louis is his son, regardless of the technicalities.
The boy stays.
That decided, Picard dismisses his staff. He asks Data to remain, as he possesses the other Data’s memories and is currently the expert on both Louis Picard and how they all ended up in this situation. Geordi, Worf, and Will stand, but while Geordi and Worf move towards the door, Will lingers.
Picard turns to him. “The bridge is yours until further notice, Number One.”
Will nods, leaves slowly. He wanted to say more, Picard realizes, but the moment’s past, Will’s tall frame already disappearing through the doors. He makes a mental note to schedule a meeting with his first officer, allow the man an opportunity to speak his mind.
Beverly and Deanna are still there, watching him, and Picard gazes warily back.
Beverly’s been cautious with him since announcing the results of the DNA analysis, as if he’s a horse she’s afraid to spook, and Deanna—well, Deanna once accused him of cringing whenever asked to assume a parental role, but despite all this, Picard finds himself looking to them for direction, because he truly doesn’t know what comes next. He feels unmoored, afloat.
“We should wake him up, Jean-Luc,” Beverly says.
Wake him up. Talk to him.
Picard’s suddenly…nervous.
What is he supposed to say to the boy? Does he understand what’s happened to him?
“Captain,” Deanna prompts. “I know you’re feeling trepidation, but it’s important to keep in mind that Louis will be feeling just as lost and confused as you are. Perhaps even more so.”
Picard takes a deep breath, holds it. He knows Deanna is right. He’s an adult, he can sort himself out later. But Louis is a child, and he needs someone to take charge of him. Take care of him.
“Alright,” he says. “Let’s wake the boy.”
Picard steels himself for what’s ahead as they make their way down to sickbay, but when they cross the threshold, they’re waylaid by one of Beverly’s nurses, pink-cheeked and breathless.
“Dr. Crusher! We were just about to call you,” Ogawa says. “The boy that was here—he’s gone!”
Over her shoulder, Picard sees the bed Louis previously occupied empty. A cold finger slithers down his spine, and his lungs freeze.
Beverly lays her hands on Ogawa’s shoulders. “Calm down,” she orders, calm yet firm. “Tell me what happened.”
Ogawa wrings her hands. “We thought the boy on the bed was sedated. I swear we only left the room for a minute, and when we came back he was just gone. We’ve been running around, looking everywhere but we can’t find him! I’m sorry, we don’t know who he is, we don’t know who to ask the computer for—”
Picard’s suddenly grateful that Beverly ran Louis’s DNA, otherwise this would have been a far larger problem.
“Computer,” he says, “locate Louis Picard.”
Louis hears voices, hovering over him. One is Data’s, one is a woman’s, and the other…
The other is a voice he hears only in old logs that Data plays for him.
But Louis knows the difference between a real voice and one he’s hearing through the computer, and this time that voice isn’t a recording, it’s real, it’s—
He tries frantically to reach for that voice, but his arms are too heavy. He tries to scream, but his mouth won’t open. He lies there, stuck, feeling as though he’ll burst from the longing, the desperation, until the darkness pulls him down and he dreams.
When he wakes, it’s slowly, hazily. There are figures moving in and out of his sight, and he feigns sleep until they’ve resolved and he realizes he’s in sickbay, and neither Data nor his father are there. He waits, watching, and when he’s certain he’s alone he slides from the bed, crouches down, and tiptoes to the door. Once outside, he bolts.
Louis runs as far and as fast as he can, zig-zagging until he’s out of breath but certain that he’ll be hard to find should someone come looking, then he ducks into a recessed doorway and looks around.
He passed plenty of people on his crazed run from sickbay, but the corridor he’s in is currently empty, and across from him is a computer interface. He goes to it. It takes him eleven tries, but eventually he gets the information he needs. This time, he walks, and tries to look like he belongs.
Shuttlebay 2.
At first, Picard thinks Louis is running—perhaps 8 isn’t too young to pilot a shuttlecraft, after all. But then he realizes the true reason and it chokes him, hastens his steps. Decorum be damned, he breaks into a run, not caring if the others are following or not.
Once inside the shuttlebay, he locates Louis immediately. He sitting on the floor amidst the ruins of his shuttlecraft. Data had them beamed aboard, but as no one’s yet ordered their examination, there’s no personnel to notice a child there, no one except for Data, Deanna, and Beverly to witness Picard now, treading carefully around bits of charred metal to where the boy’s sitting cross-legged, shoulders hunched.
He scans the wreckage as he goes, terrified he’ll find some piece of the other Data—his head, a disembodied hand—terrified that’s what Louis is holding, but he sees that it’s only a bit of torn cloth.
Part of a blanket, perhaps? Or a cherished, stuffed animal? Something that provided emotional comfort?
It’s Kamin’s memories that inform those thoughts. His daughter Meribor was quite attached to a certain stuffed doll at one point, and Batai carried his baby blanket everywhere until he was 6 and it practically disintegrated in the wash.
Picard kneels down, close to the boy without crowding him. The boy doesn’t move, doesn’t react to Picard’s presence, so after a brief hesitation, Picard reaches out and puts his hand lightly on the boy’s shoulder.
At the sound of his name—or perhaps at the sound of Picard’s voice—Louis takes a deep, shuddering breath and looks at him.
He has the same grey eyes as Picard, and Picard’s momentarily struck dumb by the revelation.
What must it be like for the boy, to be looking at a man who is both his father and not his father? Does he know that his mother isn’t here, that it’s just Picard?
Then, Louis’s hand tightens into a fist, crushing the bit of fabric.
“I don’t want him to be dead.”
“I know,” Picard says softly.
Louis’s face crumples
Before he lived as Kamin, Picard wouldn’t have known how to handle this, but Kamin’s memories are nestled alongside his own, as real as his own, so what he does next comes naturally. He shifts his hand, slides it down, and tugs Louis by the elbow into his own arms and crushes him in a hug.
As the boy sobs into his shirt, something ignites within Picard, a fierce protectiveness, that bone-deep instinct that manifests when one holds their child for the first time. He presses his cheek to the boy’s hair and makes a silent vow.
I’m here, and I’ll protect you.
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whiteqnn · 4 years
Pairing: Corpse Husband x Fem! Reader
Summary: Sean invites one of his good friends - Y/N - to play with him and the group. She has a lot of fun with them, but at the same time is too oblivious, too nice, and too pure to notice that one particular Among Us player has taken a liking to her the moment he heard her voice...
Notes: Hello everyone! This is the very first time I’m publishing something bigger in here, I’m honestly still figuring out how Tumblr works, even though I’ve had this account for quite some time now 😅. That being said, please don’t expect anything super impressive. I tried my best though just so you know. 🥺
A/N- It didn’t turn out as I expected, but I really hope at least some of you find it enjoyable :(
Y/C/N - your channel name
part 2
part 3 
part 4 
part 5 
PURE [1]
“Did you guys find anybody?” Felix asked, as the number of players still showed just 7 of them. They could just start now, but the game would be way more fun with a full lobby. 
“Yeah, Lily’s joining. I just texted her the code, so she should be here at any moment.” Sykkuno replied after receiving a text message from the said girl. “Oh, and Corpse also said he’d be joining soon.” 
“Great. Anyone else?”
 “I think Jack was also bringing someone, right?” Dave asked.
“Huh? Oh yeah, I have one coming, she’ll join us in a few” the asked man replied at the same moment Lily’s character appeared in the lobby. 
“Who you’re bringing Jack?” 
“Y/N” he said, causing Felix to gasp in shock and yell into his mic:
“How the fuck did you manage to convince her? I’ve been bugging her about this game for the past week and she always had some excuse!” 
“What can I say, my charm is irresistible” Jack replied nonchalantly, causing everyone in the lobby to laugh at his fake deep voice.
The number of participants changed to 9, as a little black astronaut with horns on his helmet appeared in the lobby. 
“Corpse, you’re here!” Rae’s character ran up to the man, circling him excitedly. 
“Hey man!”
“What’s up, Corpse?”
“Hello everyone” his deep voice sounded out “Sorry to keep you waiting.”
“All good man, we’re still waiting for one person.” Felix reassured him “Sean, why is she not here yet? Are you sure you’ve sent her the right code?”
“Of course I am!” he all but shouted at Felix “And about that, she just texted me to give her a few more minutes and that we should start without her.”
“We can just wait, right?” Lily offered, earning a few hums of approval from the others.
“I think it might take a little longer than a few minutes, she has some problems with her microphone.”
“Who are you guys talking about?” Corpse asked, completely unaware of who Jack was referring to.
“Wait, Jack, you mean Y/N from Y/C/N?” Sykkuno asked suddenly, only then realizing why this name sounded familiar
“Yeah, the one and only” Jack replied, a smile evident in his voice.
“Oh my god, I love her videos!” Rae exclaimed at that “She’s so funny and sweet!”
“Yeah! Her new video is so freaking cute, I wish she’d upload more often.” Poki agreed. 
“Right?” Jack said, clearly very proud of his friend. “But don’t let that sweet demeanor fool you guys cause she’s one of the best players I’ve encountered in this game.”
“That’s true, she’s a secret big brain genius” Toast confirmed, making Pewdiepie gasp once again. 
“wHAT??YOU TWO PLAYED WITH HER?!” Felix’s offended voice boomed through everyone’s headphones “HOW DARE YOU. HOW COULD YOU NOT INVITE ME?!” 
“That’s for not inviting me to your latest Cringe episode!” Jack was quick to respond, making others in the lobby laugh at their mini fight. 
“Oh, so that’s where I recognized her from!” Sykkuno nearly shouted when he finally put two and two together. “I can’t wait to meet her, she seems like a really nice person.”
“She is! When she got impostor for the first time she refused to kill me” Toast explained, earning himself a couple of Aww’s from his friends. “So we just ran around the emergency button until I called the meeting and voted her off.”
“Yeah, only to be her first victim in the next game.” Jack all but giggled, clearly very amused at the memory of Y/N going into a full berserk mode. No one except for him and Toast knew how good she really was at this game... 
“She’s basically the wolf in sheep’s skin” Felix concluded with a chuckle “Very soft wolf, however.”
“She’s like the complete opposite of Corpse, both in voice and personality” Jack suddenly said, making Felix laugh wholeheartedly at something only two of them understood at the moment. 
“I don’t know how should I take that” Corpse admitted with a chuckle. He remained silent for most of the conversation since he didn’t really know who the guys were talking about. But he would lie if he said he wasn’t intrigued by this girl at least in the slightest. Although he heard about her channel, he hasn’t seen any of her videos, so he didn’t really know what to expect. But hearing what gamers like Sean and Felix said about her, he knew he’s not gonna be disappointed once the girl joins them in the game. 
“Imagine Corpse and Y/N talking.” Felix said suddenly with a seemingly very amused voice.
“Imagine Corpse and Y/N both being Impostors” Toast said, which resulted in many of them shouting over each other at how crazy that would be. 
“Alright, now that you mention this I start fearing the moment two of them meet” Jack confessed with loud laughter following the sentence. Corpse chuckled deeply under his breath, at the same time glancing at the questions his audience was asking him in his stream. He could hardly read any, as there were quite a lot of people asking, so all he saw was just a bunch of comments moving at the speed of light in his chat. He wouldn't say it out loud, but he was slightly nervous, seeing the growing number of people watching his stream. It was still a rather new thing to him, and he feared he'd say something inappropriate, or just make a complete idiot out of himself. 
"At least no one can see me..." he mumbled under his breath after muting his microphone. 
"Oh! Y/N just texted me! She's joining the call right now!" 
"Fuck yeah!" Felix shouted excitedly "Just so you know Jack, I won't forget that you two played without me."
"Uh-oh. Is that a threat? Are you threatening me now?" 
"It's a warning" Felix replied, receiving a series of gasps from other players. "If I get impostor, you're the first one on my list."
"Okay, everyone heard that! You know who to vote off when I'm dead!" 
"It's so cool to play with someone new, I wonder if she's as good as you guys depict her" Sykkuno spoke up, but before anyone could answer his question, a new character popped up in the lobby.
"Hi everyone! I’m sorry I left you just like that, but this stream would be completely useless without me being able to answer your questions. Fortunately it wasn’t anything serious, I just had to readjust my mic and go through the settings to find what was wrong. Took some time, but here I am now!” Y/N chirped into her microphone, smiling apologetically at her webcam. At the moments like this, she really appreciated how supportive her audience was. No one was hating on her when she had to get off the stream for a couple of minutes, and everyone was just so understanding that it made her heart melt. Perhaps her audience wasn’t very big, but it felt almost like a second family to her. 
“Anyway, as you already know from my twitter, today I’ll be playing Among Us with my friends and their friends! I can’t wait if I’m being honest, last time I played this game was so much fun, and there was only a few of us.” she admitted with a genuine smile on her face. “Let’s just text Sean now so we can get into the lobby...”
Y/N: Ready to play with you guys ^^
Jackaboy: Great! You got that mic fixed already? 
Y/N: Yes, everything is fine. I’m sorry you had to wait so long.
Jackaboy: It’s all good kiddo, no worries. I’ll call you and send you the code in a sec. 
Y/N: Perfect, thank you Sean :)
Jackaboy: Btw, everyone can’t wait to meet you ;-)Y/N stared at the screen for a moment, only now, seconds before joining the group, realizing how nervous she felt. From Sean’s tweets she saw earlier, she figured that the lobby was right now full of many famous streamers, those she wouldn’t even compare herself to. It’s not that she thought of herself very low, but... being among such youtube celebrities like them made her panic a little bit. She didn’t want to look like a complete fool amongst them. 
Playing or recording with Sean and Felix was something else because she knew those guys for years (and yet still sometimes found herself thinking how lucky she got to be able to call them her friends). She felt good in their company, not worrying about choosing the right words. But amongst the rest of the players, she knew only Toast and talked with Rae maybe once in her life... 
What if the rest won’t like her? 
Y/N cleared her throat, realizing that she was still staring at her phone like hypnotized and her audience was already asking her what’s going on. She quickly typed in the code Sean had texted her and readjusted her headphones, before joining the discord chat.
“THERE SHE IS” screamed Sean, making her grin from ear to ear, hearing how excited he was “Little wonderchild!”
“I think you meant little TRAITOR” Felix corrected him with a scoff. A silence settled in the lobby as everyone was waiting for Y/N to speak up.
“Um... hello everyone..” she said softly, almost inaudibly, a sudden wave of shyness taking over her. “I’m Y/N” 
“Oh, you were right about that Corpse thing!” replied another, also very soft and very sweet voice, and Y/N saw the image of someone named Lily pop up. “It’s like the exact opposite!” 
“See? Told ya. Everyone, meet Y/N/N, the little angel from Y/C/N.” 
“Hey Y/N!”
“Hi there!”
“Hey, what’s up?”
“H-Hi, so great to meet you, Y/N!” a very friendly sounding voice said, and a little lime astronaut with the name Sykkuno above it started running around her. “Can’t wait to play with you!”
“That’s so nice, thank you” she replied with a wide smile on her face, moving around his character as well. “I can’t wait to play with you too, actually with all you guys. It’s so great to be here with you.”
“Jack I swear she’s the cutest little thing I’ve ever heard. Where the hell did you find her?!” Poki all but yelled at the man, making Y/N giggle to herself and in-process loosen up a little bit. They all seemed like someone she’d happily be friends with. 
“Or rather, where do you get one?” someone else commented, making them all burst into laughter, Y/N included. 
“Guys, what did I say about that sweet demeanor...” Jack said after calming down from his fit “Don’t put your guard down just because she sounds like that!”
“Wait- what did you tell them about me?” Y/N asked confused, the tone of her voice making him laugh even more “Jack!”
“Don’t worry, only the good stuff” a very deep, low voice spoke up, leaving her taken aback for a moment. Her eyes widened slightly and she glanced at the name of that person, reading out CORPSE. Now that’s something she didn’t expect... 
“Corpse, mind your manners! You didn’t even introduce yourself!” 
“Oh, shit- yeah, sorry. Um, I’m Corpse, it’s very nice to meet you Y/N” he replied right after, making her lip corners curl up into a smile. 
“Nice to meet you too Corpse, you have a really pleasant voice.” she spoke sweetly, completely unaware of the chaos that was taking place in her stream chat. She didn’t even think of it the way her audience did, she just simply spoke up her mind, and being an incredibly nice person - turned it into a compliment.
“Oh- wow. I mean, thank you so much. I love your voice too, it’s really sweet” he replied, nervously chuckling at the end, before muting his mic. It was, however, enough for Felix and Sean to start teasing him, as the two immediately screamed:
“It’s the voice Felix, I told you he’d fall into her trap!” 
“Wait- he was just being nice, guys! Stop making fun of him” Y/N immediately defended the man, trying to speak up over the hysterical laughter of the other players. 
“Oh my god, but what if they both get impostors and they both pull the voice cards on us?!” Rae managed to yell through all the noise, making Y/N even more confused.
“Wait, what? What do you mean? I don’t understand.” 
“Don’t worry Y/N, that’s how I feel all the time around them.” Sykkuno seemed to be the only one who heard her question, as the rest continued their gabbing without giving her as much as a glance. 
“Alright, let’s start the game maybe. I might have a few old scores to settle” Toast cleared his throat theatrically, his astronaut coming face to face with Y/N’s. 
“Oh, you mean me? I thought I already apologized!” she replied frantically. “You gave me no choice Toast, I didn’t even want to kill you in the first place...”
“I’m sorry!” 
“Alright, enough! Toast, just don’t kill her right away, okay? Let her run around the map, fearing for her life for a moment.” Y/N gasped upon hearing Jack’s words, clearly sensing the smirk behind his voice. 
“Wha- Jack?! Since when are you against me?!” 
“Don’t worry Y/N, I won’t let them hurt you. You haven’t played with us yet, I’ll protect you.” 
“Oh, thank you so much Sykkuno! I’ll protect you too!” 
“Great. Another one simping...” was Felix’s last words, before the game began. 
Y/N sighed in relief upon seeing the word crewmate forming on her screen, but at the same time feared Toast’s inevitable revenge. She thought they'd already buried the hatchet, but it seemed that he was desperate to make her pay for the last time they played together. 
“Aw, Sykkuno was serious” she mumbled with a smile, when his lime astronaut started circling her white one, so she would follow him. “Okay, let’s do some tasks.”
They both made their way towards the medbay, Sykkuno patiently waiting nearby as she did the scan, then Y/N waiting for him to do the same. The moment his little character stepped towards her, a meeting was called by none other than Felix.
“What happened?” Rae asked.
“I called the meeting because I’m afraid of Jack” he responded, causing everyone to laugh. “Seriously though! Dude’s been following me around the whole time.”
“I was just making sure nobody kills you.”
“Yeah don’t go all Sykkuno on me!” Felix screamed, making the call erupt into even more laughter. 
“Alright, are we skipping?” 
“Guys, my life is in danger!” Felix wouldn’t give up. “Come on, show some support! Y/N? You played with him, you know his techniques!” 
“Sorry Felix” Y/N giggled, clicking the skip button. 
When the next round began, Sykkuno was quick to join Y/N on her way towards admin, where they both found Poki doing the upload. They did the card swipe and left her there, when the lights suddenly went off.
“Uh-oh. Let’s head the opposite direction, Sykkuno” the girl murmured, dancing around his character and heading towards Comms instead of going to Electrical. It was the easiest way to die, after all. 
Once they entered the room and waited for someone to fix the lights, Y/N could see another figure appear in the same location. She couldn’t recognize whose character it was, but upon seeing the horns on the helmet she smiled to herself.
“Hey there, Corpse” she said, walking up to the black astronaut, who was standing still in the same place as if he was just watching her and Sykkuno run around Comms instead of doing their tasks. 
They stood like that for a couple of seconds until Corpse turned around and ran away, and that’s when the first body was reported. 
“Oh no, Jack!” 
“Poor guy. He’s gonna haunt us now.”
“Where’s the body?” 
“Navigation” replied Rae, who was the one to find Sean’s green astronauts’ body “Didn’t see anyone around, but I’m pretty sure someone just vented right in front of my eyes...”
“Any suspicions?” Toast asked.
“Um, not really sure, it was the exact same moment the lights went off. I was doing tasks with Jack and then he just died. I only saw the vent close, nothing or no one else.”
“Okay, where are you guys right now?” 
“I’m in admin with Dave, we only passed Poki when we got there.” Lily’s voice sounded out, quickly being joined by Poki’s explanation.
“Yeah, I was finishing the upload when you guys came in, Y/N and Sykkuno saw it”
“Did you see her?” Toast asked, addressing his question towards the white and lime astronauts. 
“Yes, we were doing the card swipe before going to Comms. Corpse joined us for a moment and then left.”
“Yeah, I was on my way to fix the lights when I stumbled upon them in Comms, the body was reported the exact moment I left.”
“Can someone confirm this? I mean, did someone see you besides the two of them?” Toast continued his questioning. 
“I think I only saw Felix in Medbay.”
“Hmm, so no one really knows where you were this whole time. You could easily lure Jack into Navigation and kill him there. Is that what you did, Corpse?”
“Woah, that’s some serious accusation” Corpse replied in his usual, low and calm voice. “Where were you Toast? You seem the only one who still doesn’t have an alibi”
“Neither does Felix.” Y/N spoke innocently, and the mentioned man quickly started his explanation.
“Okay, I was with Jack at the beginning but he clearly can’t confirm this since someone snapped his fucking neck. We’ve split up in O2 after doing our tasks and then he must’ve gone with Rae. I just wandered around the map, escaping from the death.”
“Hmm, so not only were you one of the last people to see him alive, but you also admit to not doing your tasks” Y/N said, trying her best to keep her voice steady and stop herself from laughing. She was sure Sykkuno was doing the same thing, they both refused to do any tasks after the lights went off, after all.
“Yeah, but does that already makes me an Imposter? I’m just scared for my life, that’s all.”
“Y/N has some good logic, but I’m not really sure it’s Pewds. I mean, I saw him in Medbay and he really seemed to be just jogging around.” Corpse said, his voice almost immediately doing its magic, as people more or less willingly agreed to skip this round as well. 
“I think it’s Felix. I mean, I haven’t played with him yet, but I have this feeling that he’s just acting.” Y/N said to her chat after muting herself. She went towards Weapons to do another task, seeing Sykkuno’s little character follow her once again, but the doors were suddenly locked and his lime astronaut remained in Cafeteria. “Oh no, Sykkuno” she sighed with a pout on her face, deciding against waiting for him and risking getting her neck snapped. She finished her task in Weapons and moved towards another location, when suddenly Corpse appeared in front of her, coming right out of nowhere. 
“Oh- Corpse, you scared me to death” Y/N breathed a laugh, watching as his character stood still for a couple of seconds, before circling around her white astronaut. Y/N nodded her head with a smile, even though he couldn’t see her, and followed him in Shields, where they found Poki’s dead body. 
“The body is in Shields” Y/N replied right after reporting the body, only to gasp in shock when she realized more than one person was killed. Red crosses decorated not only Poki’s name but were also visible next to Dave and Lily. 
“What the hell?!” Felix all but yelled into his mic, obviously shocked just like everyone else who was still alive. 
“Now that’s... a lot of bodies” Sykkuno mumbled under his breath. 
“Alright, who’s in Shields? Y/N, you said you found the body there, which one?”
“Poki’s, Corpse was there with me” her reply was followed by his short and low hum. 
“Sykkuno, where are you? I didn’t see you anywhere since the last round.” Felix asked, clearly accusing the lime astronaut of being a murderer. 
“I was... doing the wires in electrical, Toast was there for a moment as well.”
“Yeah but I was only searching for the body, so I saw you maybe for a second” Toast replied, building even more suspicions around Sykkuno.
“But- guys, you know I wouldn’t kill two people in one round, let alone four of them.”
“No one says you did that, I only mentioned that you were nowhere to be seen. You could’ve been sabotaging the map for the other Impostor” Felix said nonchalantly.
“Guys, I-”
“It’s him! It must be him!” Rae shouted through her mic. 
“Sykkuno is 100% innocent, I can vouch for him” Y/N’s voice sounded out in everyone’s headphones “We were together since the start of the game and he didn’t kill me, even though he had quite a number of chances to do so.”
“Weren’t you with Corpse this time?” Felix asked suspiciously.
“I was! But at the beginning, I was with Sykkuno, until someone locked him in Cafeteria. That’s when we split up.”
“And you haven’t seen him ever since?”
“Well, no, but-”
“Then I can assure you it was only a matter of time before he’d stab you in the back” Toast concluded, making Sykkuno gasp in confusion.
“Wha- No, I would never do that! Y/N is our guest, I was just making sure she was okay!”
“Sykkuno, simping won’t save your life right now” 
“Wha- I- Guys!” he tried to stutter out some logical explanation “Y/N, don’t believe them!”
“I don’t, I know you’re innocent! C’mon guys, he wouldn’t do it!” 
“Yeah yeah, let’s kick him out. Corpse, who are you voting?” Toast asked, and Y/N could see the I voted sign next to his character. 
“I kinda feel like Felix tries to shift the blame onto Sykkuno. He didn’t even tell his location, and was already throwing accusations on someone else.” Corpse replied after a moment, making the smile widen on Y/N’s face. Someone was finally on her side! 
“That’s because he can’t even explain himself!” Felix exclaimed, voting as well. 
“Besides, I’m pretty sure if it wasn’t for whoever locked that door, Y/N would be dead as well!” 
“No, I told you I-!”
“Guys, we have ten seconds to vote. Rae?” 
“I think it’s him as well. He was acting suspiciously since we started this round. I vote Sykkuno”
“No, Sykkuno...” Y/N whispered with a pout on her lips, when she saw the number of people who voted for her lime friend. 
Sykkuno was ejected. 
“Alright, I’m pretty sure it’s Felix. I saw Rae multiple times and she didn’t kill me, Toast also doesn’t act very Impostor like, but maybe that’s just one of his strategies... Corpse is with me again, I don’t think that’s him, I mean, he followed me around last round, but still didn’t do anything, and even vouched for me and Sykkuno when we were both clearly chilling in comms. It can’t be him... right?” 
 Dead body reported.
 “I just saw Corpse kill Toast, then vent!” Rae’s voice blared through Y/N’s headphones, as she looked in shock at the red cross next to Toast’s name. If not him, then..?
“What?” the accused man asked calmly “That’s a self-report, she’s trying to frame me. You guys can’t possibly believe her.”
“I believe her. I saw you enter the Electrical with Toast, then he’s suddenly dead” Felix said. 
“That’s because she vented in there and killed him.”
“No! I swear, Y/N/N you have to believe me!” she directed her words towards the girl who remained silent during their discussion, processing her accusations over and over in her head. “I was fixing the wires, Toast was doing another task, and then boom! I see Corpse snapping his neck!”
“How could you see that if the lights were off?” Y/N suddenly asked, making Rae cut her own sentence off “No one went to fix them, they were off the entire round.”
“It’s Rae, it must be her” Corpse couldn’t help but laugh wholeheartedly at how small was the mistake which completely blew Rae’s cover. “We’re voting Rae, right Y/N?”
“No! Guys, I mean, let me explain, I-!”
Rae was ejected. 
“Now that was something I didn’t expect. I would’ve never thought it was her, I even suspected that Sykkuno might really have been the other Impostor, but now... It’s just me, Corpse, and Felix. I’m clear, clearly, so it must be one of them. And since Corpse protected me for the past few rounds, there’s no other option than...”
Her eyes suddenly widened when the realization hit her, and she quickly turned around to speed towards the emergency button. Fortunately, no one was around to stop her from calling the meeting.
“Felix.” Y/N started, trying to contain her excitement and sound seriously “Where were you when Sean was killed?”
Neither Corpse of Felix said a word, as it was probably the last question they expected her to ask. Felix cleared his throat, however, and finally replied:
“Y/N, that was literally the beginning of a game. How am I supposed to remember what I did then?”
“Well” she said nonchalantly “I, for example, clearly remember the things you said even when we were in the lobby.”
“What are you implying?” 
“Wasn’t it you, who told everyone that Sean was your number one if you get Impostor?” she asked with a wicked smile on her face. Felix was dumbfounded, he obviously didn’t expect her to pull that card on him, hell, he didn’t even know how she knew about it since she wasn’t even in the call at the time. 
“FELIX” Corpse suddenly broke the silence, simultaneously breaking the said man from his train of thoughts. 
“Okay, first of all- YOU WEREN’T EVEN IN THE CALL WHEN I SAID THAT” he yelled through his mic, making both Y/N and Corpse laugh, as it only confirmed their suspicions. 
“See? You only proved my point.” 
“Oh, fuck’s sake- I was just joking okay?!” he tried to defend himself, but hearing how he couldn’t even contain his own laughter anymore, it was clear he already accepted the defeat. “It wasn’t serious, god damn it!” 
“You know what to do, Y/N” Corpse’s voice asked through her headphones, and surely, she knew exactly what to do.
“C’mon Y/N, that’s not fair! At least let me explain myself!” 
“Bye Felix” she said in an overly dramatic tone before Corpse voted as well. 
Soon enough, the sign VICTORY could be seen on her screen, which made her squeak and joy. This game was really fun, even though she was so scared of being killed first. 
“I knew it! I knew you would figure out it’s him! That son of a bitch who murdered me!” Jack basically yelled out, clearly very happy about the result. 
“Y/N, seriously now, how did you know I’ve said that?” Felix asked without even hiding his surprised tone.
“Let’s just say I might’ve stolen some of your viewers, Felix” she admitted, winking at her webcam, a new wave of comments landing on her chat. “Thanks guys!” 
“Okay, that is rude and not fair!” 
“It helped me win, so I’ve got nothing else to say” Y/N grinned from ear to ear, before muting herself for a moment to finally answer some of the questions from her chat, while the rest took a quick break to eat something or go to the bathroom.
She was halfway through telling the story of how she met Sean when she noticed she got a message from a private discord chat. 
CORPSE: That was really impressive :)
Y/N smiled to herself upon seeing his text and quickly typed out the answer. 
Y/N: Thanks!! I wouldn’t have done that without you though, you stood up for me and Sykkuno and all
Y/N: Also, thanks for protecting me from being murdered ^^
CORPSE: No problem, I knew you were innocent right away. 
CORPSE: Anyway, good game, Sean was right saying that you’re one of the best players
She couldn’t help the blush that arose on her cheeks, it was very sweet of him to say that, even though she didn’t actually do much except for exposing Felix. 
Y/N: I wasn’t an Impostor though, so you didn’t really see much :)
She watched the three dots beside his name, that signaled he was still texting. The chat was completely forgotten, but people seemed to quickly notice that small, shy smile on her lips, and the pink tint decoring her cheeks.
CORPSE: Okay, now I’m intrigued... 
Y/N: Maybe we’ll both be Impostors one day ^^
CORPSE: Can’t wait for that to happen.
Soon enough, they returned to the lobby to begin another game. Y/N glanced at her chat for a second, and the moment she returned her eyes to the game, her jaw basically dropped. 
IMPOSTOR was written in bold letters in the middle of the red screen, right above her name.
Corpse’s little character was standing beside her. 
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Dream SMP Recap (April 25/2021) - The Red Banquet
The day has finally come.
All the preparations have been completed. The invitations have been sent out. Everything has been leading up to this moment, and the Eggpire is ready to make their move.
It’s time for the Red Banquet.
A brief summary of the week’s total events can be found at the end of the post.
Captain Puffy
- Puffy walks around on the surface. Everything is prepared, the armor is where it should be. She hopes everything will go well.
- Everyone is dressed up for the occasion (except George). Hannah, Niki, Fundy, Eret, George and HBomb are all there.
- Bad says hello to Ponk in the Egg Room. Ponk tells him that no one has arrived yet. Antfrost greets them by the entrance and they go up the stairs to find Niki waiting. 
- Puffy and the other guests soon enter the room as well. Antfrost points them towards a coat room where they can put all their items. Foolish arrives with the Rolexes. They drink some cider, head to the dance floor and play some tunes.
- Bad comes over and greets Puffy. Foolish informs Bad that he peed on the Egg. Sam also has a dumpy and HBomb has two of Fundy’s cocks. 
- Antfrost goes off to speak with Ponk alone and check for some last guests. They watch as George arrives.
Ant: “He looks sort of lost, but that’s okay -- we welcome everybody here.”
Ponk: “Hold up...I don’t know...hmm. Hmm...”
Ant: “I mean, he looks harmless enough.”
Ponk: “We need to get a real good look at him first. Quickly.”
Ponk: “I don’t know what that’s about.”
Ant: “I don’t know. Well, we’ll just keep an eye on him.”
Ponk: “Yeah...”
- They then go speak to HBomb and Niki. H hasn’t stopped dancing
HBomb: “I’m doing my best impersonation of a white dad.”
Ant: “Did you guys notice that the guy over there -- George -- just sort of wandered in? He seems sort of lost.”
Ponk: “I feel like he’s hiding something.”
- From the walls, Ranboo in a shadowy outfit can be seen watching. 
- HBomb is the DJ.
- Bad comes over to say that dinner is ready. Bad tells Puffy that they have shrimp cocktails and they all go to sit at the table. Some people are in jail and weren’t able to attend. Ponk cooked all the food.
- Bad welcomes the guests to give toasts to the meal.
First up is Foolish, who says that he hopes that after today, nobody has to say “turn a new leaf” or “let bygones be bygones” ever again. Everyone has come here in agreement in the hope of something new.
Next is Eret. 
Eret: “As the monarch of the SMP, it’s awesome to be able to maybe see the SMP going back to being reunified again, and seeing all of us not have to worry about fighting each other on different sides. I hope this is a new chapter of the entire community as a whole. Cheers to that.”
Then Ponk steps up. Long ago, an old, wise man told him “People change like the tides in the ocean.” Now he truly knows they do.
Puffy steps forward. Bad and Antfrost, she considers as friends, and the Egg has separated them. She hopes this brings them all together and makes the server more peaceful. 
George was asleep twenty minutes ago. He asks about the soup. Ponk says it’s made from organic, free-range beets.
Finally, Bad says he appreciates everyone coming. This is the perfect opportunity for everyone to come together and let bygones be bygones. To set aside past issues to grow and advance forward, even with the wrongs that have been done. 
- He nods to Antfrost, who breaks a block behind them, revealing a button. Antfrost presses it.
Bad: “I was very, very happy that we were able to gather everybody here together for what is, I’m sure, going to be a banquet that none of us are ever going...to...forget.”
- Lava starts pouring down from the ceiling, walling them in.
Bad: “Yep. Prepare to die.”
- Everyone panics. 
- Puffy tells Bad that she didn’t trust the Eggpire anyway, and planned for this. She removes the cover from the table and looks into the chest -- it’s empty.
- They watch as the Eggpire members all don the diamond armor that Puffy and Sam had prepared. Hannah says she had to do it, had to tell them. For the Egg.
- Sam says that he had another plan, because he didn’t trust the Eggpire. He’s tired of all this fighting, and it’s about time that they blow up the Egg for good this time.
- Sam flicks the TNT lever and the explosives rain down on the Egg. When they explode, though, the Egg turns into crying obsidian instead of getting destroyed, reverting back to normal Egg blocks after a few seconds.
- After Quackity’s attack, Bad and the others took preparations to make sure that the Egg wouldn’t be vulnerable to TNT anymore. Now, it’s time for the executions.
Bad: “You see, the Egg needs something, and it’s gonna get it from each of you. See, in order for the Egg to hatch, it needs energy. And it gets that energy by people dying near it. And that’s the role that you guys are gonna fill! We’re gonna kill you, one by one--”
Eret: “You’re a monster.”
Bad: “What’d you say, Eret?”
Eret: “You’re an absolute monster. How could you. We all trusted you, Bad!”
Ponk: “Trust! Okay, Eret. Keep talking. Keep talking about trust.”
Eret: “...That was a long time ago.”
- Bad says that Eret is the perfect person to sacrifice first! He leads Eret to a spot in front of the Egg lined with Netherite blocks.
- Foolish steps forward, saying he’s had enough. The Egg can shield itself against TNT, but can it withstand lightning?
- Nothing happens. Bad laughs.
Bad: “You really thought, Foolish? You thought you could enter the Egg’s domain and beat it in a battle of power? Come on...you’re in the Egg’s territory, Foolish.”
- The Egg is suppressing Foolish. Ant suggests they start with Foolish instead and take Eret’s life later.
- Puffy steps forward. She and Antfrost shout at each other. Puffy says she gave them chance after chance. Antfrost says that Puffy betrayed them first.
Ant: “Foolish, your own son, is about to be slaughtered because of you!”
Puffy: “I’m only one person!”
Foolish: “Puffy, Puffy, it’s okay, it’s not your fault--”
Puffy: “NO! It’s not alright!”
Ant: “Puffy, you could have stopped this if you had stayed with the Eggpire. But this is your fault.”
- Antfrost kills Foolish with a sword.
Cause: Sacrificed by Antfrost to the Egg
- Everyone screams in horror. The Eggpire wonders who to kill next.
- Suddenly, Quackity shouts at them to stop and drops into the room. He tells Bad to calm down. He puts on diamond armor.
- Quackity tells them they’ve just killed a man, asking if this is what they wanted. Bad tells him that he’s doing all this for the Egg, for what the Egg can give them.
Quackity: “I’m telling you, Bad, you’re a pawn to power. You’re nobody, Bad. You’re working for something that, quite frankly, doesn’t even care about you. I mean look at the Egg, look at the Egg! Look at what it means! It doesn’t mean anything. It doesn’t mean anything, Bad. So how about...how about we just stop playing games.”
- As Quackity monologues, he subtly slips Puffy a Netherite axe, potion of strength and a golden apple.
- Bad can’t stop, or else he can’t get what he needs. 
Bad: “Guess what, Quackity. If you wanted to stop us, you should’ve brought more than just yourself. You should’ve brought an army.”
Quackity: “Guess what, Bad? I did! I did. In fact, I brought the next best thing...I brought my biggest enemy!”
- Technoblade logs on and drops into the room, his hoard of dogs following.
- Not only that...Quackity also went looking across the lands for the best mercenary he could find. Purpled drops into the room as well.
Bad: “We HIRED you to take out Puffy, and you join the enemy’s side?!”
Purpled: “Bad, to be frank with you, Quackity just had the better price.”
- Techno explains that he didn’t want to work with Quackity, but the Egg is too great a danger to the server and it’s against everything he stands for.
- Suddenly, Puffy jumps forward with her axe, attacking Ant. The Eggpire is shocked that she has a weapon.
Puffy: “You’ve taken my kindness for weakness, Antfrost!”
Cause: Killed by Puffy with an axe
- A fight breaks out. Bad shouts for the remaining Eggpire members to retreat. They run out. Quackity orders Purpled to go track them down.
- Bad leads the Eggpire out. They can regroup later. For now, they have to run. They have to split up. They can’t get caught, they have to stay safe and go as fast as they can.
- Alone, Bad thinks to himself.
Bad: “This is such a trainwreck. This whole plan...everything was for this moment! And it’s gone! They -- they have the Egg now...they have it. What can I do? I can’t do anything! I need to get out of here. I need resources...”
“Wait, I know where I can go. I know who I can see...but the Egg, the Egg is -- it’s in their possession right now. What can I do? What can I do against it? I can’t do anything, they have it! I needed the Egg, I needed...I needed what it was gonna give. It was gonna help me get what I wanted, but now they have it...they have it...I just...I just wanted what...I just wanted what it could give me.”
“I didn’t really -- I didn’t really want to hurt anybody. I just wanted what it could give me, but...I don’t know. Did I screw up? Am I in the wrong here? I don’t know...I just need to go. I need to get out of here.”
- Bad starts rowing away into the ocean.
- Quackity asks Sam what to do next. The Egg is invincible.
- Purpled lost them in the labyrinth. Sam says he’ll build a prison for the Egg if he has to. He wants to find a way to destroy it, but for now they need to lock it away where it can’t be accessed.
- Quackity makes sure everyone is alright. They then exit the room through the whole in the wall. Quackity tells Techno to come with him and Sam to talk. They leave the others to escape the rest of the way.
- They make it to the surface, relieved. HBomb hands them all soup to remember the event by.
- Puffy goes off on her own down the Prime Path. While she talks to herself, Ranboo walks down the path with potion particles coming off of him.
Puffy: “What did I do? What -- I...My son died! And I killed my best friend! I...I need to find Foolish. I...I don’t even know who I am anymore. The life I swore to protect, I didn’t at all, and then I took one myself! I don’t even...I...I can’t do this anymore. I just...can’t.”
- Eret mourns Foolish after the events of the Banquet. Foolish sacrificed his life for Eret, so at the very least he should be commemorated.
Eret: “I don’t even feel like I knew him that well...which makes things even harder. He’s helped me out with so many things, just from the kindness of his heart. He claimed to know me. He claimed to know a me which I don’t even remember... And he sacrificed himself for me.”
“At the very least, I need to commemorate his sacrifice, I...I should’ve been the one to die, not him.”
- Eret builds a Totem statue in his fortress. 
RIP Foolish I’ll miss you, old friend.
- Eret builds a replica of the Egg in their museum.
- Ranboo logs on in his house. He decides to go around the main area today and fix some stuff. His inventory is quite empty, so he grabs stacks of grass blocks from a chest and heads out.
- He heads over to the main area and remarks that the server is beginning to look okay now that the Blood Vines are gone.
- He notices some posters for the Red Banquet.
Ranboo: “Oh, that was today! ...Cool!”
- He carries on and runs into Sam near the Community House. They exchange some steak. Sam says he’s collecting materials for the bank, as people need it now more than ever. 
- Sam suggests Ranboo invest money and charge cash for his hotel. Ranboo points out that they already have currency in the form of emeralds and diamonds. Sam explains his waiver idea for the bank.
- Also, Sam needs to build a vault. People can come and rent a spot to lock away important items. 
- Ranboo asks if you can lock away people in the vault. Sam says that’s what Pandora’s Vault is for already.
- Sam mentions that they’ll put the Egg in there. Ranboo asks what makes this different from regular storage. Sam says it’s more secure.
- Sam and his associates will be there day and night to actively defend everyone’s belongings. Ranboo asks how many guards Sam has under his command. Sam says quite a few.
- Why now? Sam says there’s no time like right now and quotes Oogway.
- Sam doesn’t plan on charging interest. He just wants to establish a better system of trade on the server.
- Ranboo explains to chat that he can use this system to make infinite money by trading emeralds and diamond armor.
- What if someone is, say, already quite rich on the server? Sam says the trade and the guard of supplies is most important. 
- Ranboo asks how fragile the system would be. What would it take to bring it down?
- Sam says a whole nuke. Ranboo replies that he was thinking systematically. He asks how the Great Depression happened and Sam explains inflation and the circumstances for economic crises. 
- Sam gives Ranboo a “prototype Sam dollar.” (One iron ingot)
- They go to Hannah’s house to steal and then find an anvil in the spider spawner to name the ingot “Smollar.” They go down the tunnel and Sam says that Ranboo shouldn’t go down to the Egg Room. It’s under quarantine.
- He’s planning on moving the Egg and asks if Ranboo heard what happened. Ranboo didn’t. Sam fills him in in the Egg Room. Ranboo is curious about the Egg turning into obsidian and picks up a piece of the Blood Vines, suggesting Sam do some experiments.
- They exit the Egg Room and find some strange llamas. Ranboo shoves a chest in Drip Llama.
- Ranboo, Sam, and Foolish breed a ton of llamas to begin the Industrial Revolution.
- Bad comes over and becomes one with the llamas to cope. Foolish turns into a L’manburg Llama and is promptly slaughtered by Ranboo.
- Ranboo, Bad and Foolish create a gigantic llama train.
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Upcoming Events:
- Quackity’s business opening
- Tommy’s plan
- Tales From the SMP: “Space Race”
- Dream’s lore video
- The Banquet aftermath
4/19 - Nothing much happens.
4/20 - Nothing much happens.
4/21 - HBomb makes a diamond game, Jack plans to open a pub sidechain for his hotel business
4/22 - Tubbo shows Tommy how to make TNT cannons
4/23 - Puffy, Foolish, Hannah and Sam meet on Cloud Prime to discuss the Banquet, Ranboo’s Enderwalk Saga: “The Lessons”
4/24 - HBomb’s diamond game, George’s anniversary dream, Bad hands out invitations
523 notes · View notes
azenkii · 4 years
A Long List of Trash Fire Lord Zuko Headcanons
...that i couldn't get out of my head:
(warning: SUPER LONG POST i havent figured out how to trim posts yet)
he's the one who unchains azula despite iroh's protests. she doesn't even try to fight him, just cries into his shoulder and keeps mumbling about how father's going to be so disappointed in her. he takes her to her rooms and has her drink a sleeping draught, then stations the best guards he has left outside her chambers.
his first council meeting takes place literally a day after sozin's comet. he hobbles into the council chamber shirtless with his entire torso covered in bandages and every council member just looks at him like '...what'
he does NOT sleep for like,,a week after sozin's comet and then another two weeks after his coronation. katara, aang and suki try to persuade him to sleep and he doesn't listen. eventually sokka, toph and mai team up to literally drag his ass to bed and tell him he's not allowed to get up until he sleeps (does mai pin him to the bed with her knives? yes. is it kinky or sexual in any way? definitely not.)
he drinks So. Much. Tea. at this point it's practically tasteless to him but he drinks it anyway because he just needs something to do and tea is something familiar. he keeps iroh on his toes because he's constantly asking for new tea blends, uncle, i think i actually tasted the last one,
he flat-out refuses to grow his hair for at least a year after ozai's defeat. the second it starts getting close to his chin he shears it off himself, with his knife, and his stylist has a heart attack every single time
when he's tired he'll occasionally jump up when one of his guards moves. it stops after a bit, but for the first month and a half or so he's really twitchy. when sokka asks, the only explanation he can come up with is that he's not used to having people stand behind him silently and not want to kill him, much less want to protect him (sokka immediately takes him out for a shopping trip and makes a point of walking behind him the entire time, but only on zuko's right side, where he can clearly see it if sokka moves towards him)
when the healer declares azula mentally unstable and in need of an institution, he shuts himself in his office for the rest of the night. no one's allowed in, not even iroh. he finally emerges in the morning, eyes red from crying and sleep deprivation, and tells the librarian that he'd like a list of the best mental institutions in the country, please, the best in the world if you can get them
he loves theatre (is this even a headcanon?). unfortunately it practically died out in the fire nation along with the rest of the creative arts, leaving nothing but small troupes like the ember island players. one of zuko's personal goals (meaning things he wants to accomplish that aren't as important as restoring his country) is to bring back theatre; he finally manages to do it after about eight months or so of being fire lord, along with other arts like dancing, music and sculpture
he establishes a national day of mourning, on the first day of autumn every year, to commemorate the genocide of the air nomads. from 100AG onwards, every calendar printed in the fire nation has it marked. at first it was called the day of repentance, but aang persuaded him to have it changed (by arguing that he didn't want guilt to be a literal staple of fire nation culture)
he introduces literally So Many educational reforms, plus a mandatory class that teaches students about the cultures of the other nations (air nomads included) and how some of their traditions overlap
he turns down the offer of having a statue put up of him in the capital. toph ignores him and does it anyway.
he visits azula regularly, makes sure she's (relatively) comfortable and well-fed, and sometimes just sits down outside her door and tells her about everything that's going on right now ('some of the far colonies have developed their own standardised writing, azula, you wouldn't believe it, and i've asked the fire sages to come visit more often—but you never liked them, did you? oh, well; i'll make sure none of them go into your chambers by mistake')
(he doesn't know it, but when he does this azula sits by the door and listens. she wonders what kind of writing the colonists have developed, and whether or not the fire sages have taken on some new recruits.)
he hates being above anyone else. never sits in the throne if he can help it, nor does he sit on the dais in the council room. when he talks to people shorter than him, he finds himself stooping a little bit to talk to them on their level (the exception to this rule is sokka, who he mocks for being shorter all the way up until sokka grows taller than him, the bastard)
the first time he visits the earth kingdom, the earth king's ministers call a toast. he ends up being the only one who has to sit out, because he's too young to drink by earth kingdom law
once his servants figure out he won't kill them for talking to him, they start becoming a lot more bold, telling him off when he doesn't take care of himself. at one point, they force him to let them take care of him so much that he literally just bolts into the gardens and hides there until the staff rope in mai and ty lee
when he needs to escape, he does one of two things: (a) he dresses up as the blue spirit and does some parkour until he calms down, or (b) he goes to work at the jasmine dragon. (b) happens less often bc the jasmine dragon's in ba sing se, but there's been a few memorable incidents when an earth kingdom diplomat walks in and yells, 'LEE?!' when they see the fire lord
the first court artist who draws him also happens to be the one who drew azulon and ozai. he draws zuko without his scar. zuko takes one look at it and tells him, very calmly, that he'd like him to leave, please.
zuko burns the portrait. he doesn't fire the court artist, but he never calls on him again unless he has to. a second court artist is called, and can't help but be a bit confused when the fire lord tells him to be sure to include the scar
he forgets the crown. a lot. sometimes he walks into council meetings in his sleepwear with his hair tied up in a messy ponytail and a bunch of scrolls tucked under his arm. none of his councilmen have the guts (or the heart) to tell him that this is not, in fact, formal council wear
he goes to feed the turtleducks when he's stressed. he thinks he's being subtle. he's not. the entire palace knows, and they consciously give him space when they see him in the turtleduck garden
most of his staff are older than him, so they look at him and see this teeny tiny fire lord who is So Small and who Must Be Protected. the day after zuko's coronation, the head chef holds a meeting where they commence Operation Do-Not-Let-That-Boy-Turn-Out-Like-His-Father (subsection He's-The-Only-Good-Thing-We-Have)
one night he wakes up to find suki sitting in his room, decked out in full kyoshi warrior garb and makeup, and just about screams blue murder. suki tells him there are suspicions of an assassin in the palace, and would you please stop yelling it's very distracting, we won't be able to hear anyone coming over that racket
zuko gets very, very paranoid of random spirits after that. yeah, suki looks like a possibly malevolent spirit when she's wearing her makeup, what about it? (when he tells sokka he's highkey terrified of spirit shenanigans, sokka just looks at him and says, 'man, the stories i could tell...', and THAT'S when zuko remembers sokka spent like six months more than he did travelling with the avatar)
on his first visit to the southern water tribe, he removes his boots and leg guards, rolls up his pants and kneels barefoot in the snow. even though chief hakoda immediately starts trying to pull him up, he's stubborn as hell and stays kneeling for the entirety of his very long, very sincere apology-on-behalf-of-the-fire-nation speech. he nearly loses his toes to frostbite after that, and both sokka and katara never stop giving him shit for it
the first time he grows a 'beard' is completely accidental. he's stressed over some trade miscommunications with chief hakoda, hasn't slept in a few days...and then when sokka arrives as water tribe ambassador to help smooth things over, he takes one look at zuko and says 'man, facial hair does not suit you'
zuko: facial what now
he checks a mirror to find that he's got stubble covering his chin, dark enough that it almost looks intentional, and holy gods how the fuck did he not notice this before
'UNCLE WHY DIDN'T YOU TELL ME' 'i assumed you were doing it on purpose' 'WHEN HAVE I EVER DONE ANYTHING ON PURPOSE'
he shaves it all off immediately, of course, which prompts a lot of teasing and rib-poking from sokka until zuko finally snaps that he's scared it'll make him look like his father. sokka stops after that.
(the day after sokka leaves, zuko finds that a mysterious someone has scribbled all over ozai's royal portrait, giving him a frankly ridiculous beard and moustache that literally CANNOT be grown in real life. oddly enough, he can't bring himself to care about the defamation of royal property. he's too busy laughing.)
his paths cross with toph and sokka more than any of the others, because sokka is ambassador and toph is technically still a beifong. most of the time, at formal functions, he ends up sequestered in the corner with toph and a hoard of snacks, and they talk and swear much more than they usually do (zuko's ministers once heard him when he was drunk with toph, and the servants swear the older ministers' ears started bleeding)
he restores fire nation cultural festivals, and in doing so subjects himself to learning a lot of complicated dances
during one memorable week, he wrote so many letters and drafted so much legislation that he ran out of paper. he had to go visit the nearest school and ask for some
he keeps up with his firebending and sword training even though it's hard to fit into his schedule. his ministers refrain from reminding him that he has guards to protect him now; it's still hard for zuko to trust his safety with anyone but himself (team avatar is the exception).
he started sleepwalking about two months into his reign. no one knew why. one time, he nearly sleepwalked right off the edge of a balcony, and one of his guards had to grab him by the back of his robes.
the sleepwalking stopped after around a month and never happened again. at this point it's practically palace legend.
after freeing the war prisoners, he went around collecting every single earthbender-proof wooden cell he could find in the capital and surrounding areas. when he'd gotten most of them, he gathered them into a huge pile in the city square and set fire to them with his own hands.
unfortunately he couldn't do that with the waterbender metal cells but he did get toph to come in and bend them all into pretty shapes (well, toph thought they were pretty shapes. everyone else thinks they're meaningless squiggles)
he learned how to write with both hands at the same time out of sheer necessity (he refused scribes until it became clear that he'd be putting some people out of a job; that was when he started letting scribes write very, very minor things, but all important documents/drafts/letters are still written by him)
he once put the wet end of an ink brush in his mouth instead of the wooden end by mistake. didn't even realise until he bit down to keep it in place and ink went oozing everywhere
when his guards rushed in to find him coughing and spluttering black liquid all over his desk they thought he'd been poisoned but no he's just stupid
on his 17th birthday, his first one after being crowned, he got tackled by team avatar in the middle of the ballroom and ended up at the bottom of a cuddlepile for like ten minutes
this cuddlepile happened at an event that was very much public and very much formal. it was a scandal for weeks
just. fire lord zuko, guys. so much potential
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ryosmne · 3 years
Tattoo artist! Sukuna x reader part 4
Hello, it's me your friendly neighborhood Sukuna simp, I don't have much to ramble about today, I hope you have fun reading this part :)
Series masterlist here
Warnings: Language, alcohol consumption, implied smut that I'm too shy to write.
The café was unusually quiet today, maybe it's because the other days y/n found herself sitting at that exact spot by the window, Mai was the one sitting across from her. Today was different, Nobara took Mai's place for brunch after class, to be fair she hadn't showed up in some time so both Nobara and y/n jumped at the opportunity to spend some time together.
"So, does it feel lonely now that Yuuji and Mai spend so much time together?" Nobara asked, evidently trying to make y/n admit to some form of jealousy she was sure she had. "Not really, I'm happy she's finally with someone so good for her and she's finally off my back about hooking me up with random dudes" y/n said and she was honestly happy for her best friend, Yuuji was a very nice guy and in the past few weeks he's been seeing Mai, he's nothing less of a sweetheart and y/n saw him a as a little sibling even though they were roughly the same age.
"Of course, why would you be lonely, Sukuna's been keeping you company too." Nobara's eyes had a glimmer in them, not because she wanted to tease y/n, but she was very invested in the girls business with the oh so attractive tattoo artist.
Nobara did her homework on the guy, he certainly wasn't as polite or well mannered as he came across the night they met. He did seem like trouble at first glance, but the way he looked at y/n that night, or the times he waited for her to get off class to have some time together, Nobara would say that even a blind man could see that y/n had been tugging on Sukuna's heartstrings.
"It's not like that" y/n was once again flustered. What was she to the pink haired man, who missed no chance to be around her? "You're making out in his car in broad daylight, what is it like?" the brown haired girl chuckled, her friend was an idiot if she worried for a second about the man who looked at her like she would disappear at any second. "I don't know, but we aren't together like that, he's an interesting guy" y/n longed to be with him, she had a faint memory about him talking about something like that the time he spend the night with her, but then again, she was drunk and that could be her mind playing cruel tricks on her.
"Ok then whatever you say, I really hope you're not doubting the dude that cooked you ten different options for breakfast, after he took your drunk ass home."
"Wait how do you know about that- did Mai? Oh I'm gonna kill her."
Despite the tiny voice asking 'what are we?' in y/n's head, her days with Sukuna have been some of the best she's had. Granted they couldn't see each other that often, whenever they did, it was always better than the time before.
Sukuna had taken her to all the restaurants he knew were good, cafes with the best tiramisu she had ever tasted, taking an hour and a half to get to the next place he'd see her smile listening to her excitement filled voice as she told him how delicious the food was, then giving him some attitude mumbling about how she didn't expect him to have such nice taste, was the easiest victory to him, the highlight of his day.
He hadn't managed to get her back to his chair like he needed to yet, he had been so busy finding the best places to take her to that it seemed like it completely slipped his mind. It hasn't slipped Sukuna's mind though, he's just been nervous to bring it up again, what if she doesn't want to do that anymore? What if she changed her mind? What if she just agreed because she felt compelled to do so? Sukuna didn't know which one was worse.
Even on the days they couldn't see each other they were in touch, texting silly things or messing with each other. If a day was anything other good Sukuna could vent and let out his frustrations talking to y/n and she often did the same. Sukuna preferred calling her for that, not only to get things off his chest but because her voice was so calming to him, the need to hear it grew stronger each day he wasn't able to see her.
Afternoon classes were always adding to her demise, y/n even accepted Mai's gossiping over paying attention. Yuuji as she expected was as sweet as he looked, Mai was once again gushing over him and his adorable nature. Y/n just smiled at her friend who rumbled about the boy who, by now had a very firm hold of her heart. "You and Sukuna?" She asked, prying for any information she didn't already know from Yuuji. "Me and Sukuna" y/n stated back, shit eating grin on her face, knowing how not entertaining Mai and not feeding her what she wanted completely pissed her off. Y/n's phone buzzed from her pocket, giving her a little break from her friends curiosity.
Can I take you out after class?
Y/n's lips tagged into a small smile. "Speak of the devil" Mai teased looking over y/n's phone.
Hmm depends. Where to?
Its a surprise, doll
You know I hate surprises, but I can make an exception for you.
Mai pretend to gag next to her, but y/n payed her no mind. She had already seen enough from her and Yuuji to do the same.
You won't regret it, I'll be outside when you're done.
"Just don't make out in the parking lot again, being in his car doesn't mean that we don't see you." Mai was being Mai again. Y/n shoved her arm lightly and told her that they all knew how her and Yuuji sneaked around the bathrooms, laughing as her face flushed red.
Sukuna entered her field of view leaning against his car, finishing up a cigarette, looking too good for anyone not to stare at him. The total black outfit he had on did wonders for him, even if it was the simplest of crew cut shirts and sweatpants, every piece of clothing complimented him. Waving at Mai, y/n walked towards him noticing he's cocky expression. "Feels like you're eating me up with those eyes" he laughed, why must the sound of his voice be this melodic at all times. "Don't worry I missed you too" Sukuna said laying a soft kiss on y/n's lips as a greeting. If her fellow students weren't staring already, now they surely were .
" Where are we headed tonight?" Y/n asked fastening her seatbelt, she still kind of thought of Sukuna as clumsy, even though he's driven her many places, it's not that she didn't trust him, he was a very good driver. Hey safety comes first.
"You'll find out" he spoke with a little grin, before starting his engine and driving off.
Unlocking his door, he let y/n step inside first. Sukuna's house was surprisingly neat, everything looked to be in place, the décor was minimalistic. It felt like Sukuna very home-y, but then it didn't. It was too tidy, y/n didn't really think of him as a tidy person. The place also had his scent of sandalwood so y/n easily relaxed into the new space taking some more steps forward to look around.
"Bringing me to your house like this without taking me to dinner first, tsk should've known you were that type 'kuna." Y/n said in a mockingly disapproving tone "Who said that, I'm cooking dinner for you." Sukuna said draping his arm around her shoulders guiding her to his kitchen.
Whatever Sukuna had on his stove smelled scrumptious, making y/n's mouth water, maybe how pretty Sukuna looked with an apron on and a little sweat forming on his forehead from the heat of the stove helped too.
"You know, I would have never guessed you knew how to cook." Y/n let some of her assumptions fly in the room, she was the only one with a pass to talk about whatever she wanted with him. Sukuna wasn't going to shut her down. Y/n had leaned back on his table, her eyes roamed his figure freely. Sukuna would look over his shoulder smiling to himself every time he caught her in the act.
"I had to learn, Yuuji and I lived with our Grandpa, when he passed, it was just me and him." Y/n's heart clenched in her chest, Sukuna sounded different saying that. The truth is, Sukuna had never talked about that with anyone, he never made word of his grandfather's passing or the hardships him and his brother went through when they were left alone. He had mentioned to y/n that his and Yuuji's grandfather raised them, but from the way he spoke about him y/n was sure his Grandfather was doing well. "I'm sorry for your loss" was all she could muster at that moment, the pain in his voice was much too real for her. "Thank you, at least my brother turned out pretty good" he quickly changed the subject to something ligter, surprised at his self for opening up to her so easily. "You didn't turn out that bad either" y/n let the words spill, she had spent the past half hour blatantly checking out his back, she had nothing to get shy about. Sukuna let out a laugh, gripping his wooden spoon a little tighter throwing a glance over his shoulder. "Is that what you think?" Y/n shifted in her seat, how could this guy go from sentimental to laughing about his brother and to whatever this dark seductive tone was, she had no idea.
"Come on don't get shy on me, you were having fun checking me out just a minute ago, see anything you like" in the blink of an eye, Sukuna was slightly bent down facing her. Even after all the makeout sessions they've had that usually ended with y/n slapping his arm worrying that someone saw them and Sukuna looking at her with a cocky grin reassuring her that they gave a good show to whoever was watching, he could still make her all flustered, and she looked adorable like this, a deer caught in headlights. Sukuna kissed the tip of her nose, telling her she looked cute before turning his attention back on the food.
"Did you find that movie?" Sukuna's voice came from the kitchen, y/n was fumbling with the remote on his couch. Sukuna insisted on eating in his living room, he didn't want this to feel too formal, he still had whine out with fancy plates and everything, but he only wanted to cook for his girl and see her eyes light up eating his food, like they always did when she tried the food on the restaurants he took her.
"Yeah, here let me help with that." She said getting of the couch to help him set everything. "No no no, you go sit down, I'll do the work." Sukuna insisted, y/n only raised a brow at him and complied.
"Okay, you have to teach me, this tastes so good 'kuna" that nickname stuck, not that Sukuna complained, his stomach still did flips every time y/n called him that. She was looking at him just the way he hoped she would. The dish was quite simple, chicken with some red salsa and vegetables, but it was better than anything she'd ever tasted.
"I can give you a little cooking class, as long as you go grocery shopping" He offered her a little smile and y/n rolled her eyes playfully.
Y/n was leaning on Sukuna's chest with her arm hooked around his waist, he had a firm hold of her too, mindlessly looking at the screen but not paying enough attention to it. The movie y/n chose turned out to be a barely watchable C grade thriller and the two glasses of wine they had didn't make it tolerable either. Bad movie or not, having her under his arm like this was all he needed to feel calmer. Sukuna was so calm that he forgot why he brought y/n over.
"Can I show you something?" Sukuna spoke softly, looking down at her, y/n nodded in reply and groaned loudly at the loss of his warmth when he got up from the couch, Sukuna could only chuckle at her .
"Just two drinks and you're already a brat."
"Shut up."
Sukuna came back holding a big folder and some sketch books, y/n's curiosity picked and she found herself straightening up a bit.
"I've been dying to show you these." Sukuna stated as he flipped through the pages. Y/n's eyes danced all over the various shapes and designs he had came up with. Her eyes traced a particular three headed fox, she had never seen anything like that before, she reached out her hand to feel his drawing on her fingertips.
Sukuna's heart picked up its pace, she was currently in aww at his favourite piece for her. "Are those what you told me you came up with form me?" She was amused, she stared at him wide eyed not believing that anyone would ever do something like that for her, "Yeah, every design here is meant for you, you can pick whichever you like, but if you don't want me to tattoo you, I'll understand, you don't have to let me if you don't want to." Y/n couldn't believe it, there were enough drawings in here to fill her entire body in ink. She had hardly believed him when he said he had a vision for her sleeve, but this, this was out of this world.
"I don't even know what to say, these are so beautiful, but why did you go through all this trouble?" She still couldn't see a reason for it. "You've given me so much inspiration from the first time you visited, I can't get your skin out of my head, seeing you in my work is just surreal. I would do anything to do it again" Sukuna's words had not yet sunken in properly, y/n was still in disbelief.
Sukuna placed his sketchbooks on the coffee table, his hand prompting y/n's chin up so he can look at her face in the dim lights of his living room. "I will decorate any part of your skin you're willing to give to me, I'll give you the best work I can, please let me do this much." Sukuna almost sounded desperate, his face was once more too close and his wine scented breath tickled her lips, he had almost gone mad drawing in most his free time, and every time he saw her, a new idea of what would fit her popped into his head.
"You can do that" the moment these words rolled out of y/n's tongue, Sukuna had heard all he needed, and latched his mouth on hers, allowing his hands to explore more of her body. Between heavy breaths, Sukuna whispered about the softness of her skin, how he couldn't wait to mark her again, how he wanted her to be his canvas, his and only his. Diving in her neck once more, littering her sensitive skin with bruises she'd have to cover up tomorrow and her hands tangled up in his hair. "Just be good for me and I'll be gentle" His words only made her anticipate more.
The next day Sukuna was walking like the happiest man on earth, he woke up and had breakfast with his beloved doll, he had a smile on his face you couldn't miss. His co-workers didn't miss it either nor did they miss the huge forder he had under his arm when he came in, but they didn't question it.
Gojo spent his time teasing him about his unusual demeanor while Geto laughed to himself assuming what everyone else did.
Teasing him and prying about Sukuna's previous day didn't really work in Gojo's favour, Sukuna would simply ignore him and his smile still hadn't fadded. Gojo took it as his personal mission to piss him off when he had a lightbulb moment.
"Come on man, you talk about her all the time and when she comes over we're all working, when are we gonna get to meet her?" Gojo pushed, for the third time today, he finally found a weak spot.
The entire crew was curious meet y/n, properly this time at least, but Gojo was the only one who could confidently voice that. "Tell you what, go one month without fucking someone in here, and we can all go for some drinks tonight." Sukuna said in a joking manner, there was no way Gojo Satoru would agree to something like that, the man couldn't last two days on that deal, he was not about to give his word to Sukuna and take one for the team.
Gojo stood before the pink haired man, his glasses low on the bridge of his nose "Then, it's a deal" he said, obnoxious as ever with his hand extended for Sukuna to take. Sukuna knew Gojo was a man of his word, and if he shook on something, he would no doubt keep his end. Now Sukuna had to keep his as well.
Hey doll, I was wondering if you'd like to go grab a few drinks with me and the rest of the guys after closing?
Sure, I'll be there before nine, what's the occasion?
No need, I'll pick you up, they just really want to meet you, you don't have to come if you don't want to though.
Don't be stupid, I won't pass the opportunity of collecting blackmail on you.
Sukuna was smiling at his phone, that was so typical of y/n, his grin quickly faded once his eyes met the idiots standing before him with hopeful eyes. "Just don't do anything stupid" he sighed defeated before getting back to work, this was going to be a long night.
Y/n easily spotted Sukuna's car, he was parked just further down her street. Carefully swinging the passenger door open, she expected at least extra someone inside, but it was just Sukuna.
"Hey 'kuna." y/n greeted stepping inside, Sukuna faced her with a half smile, lazily bringing his hand on her jawline, pulling her in for a short kiss. "You're looking very pretty today, dollface." he spoke, still inches from her face, as his eyes traced her figure. Every inch of exposed skin begging him to mark it. Sukuna halted his wandering thoughts when y/n spoke again. "Everyone ended up ditching you in the end? cause you could've taken me out without an excuse like that."
"I wish they did, but unfortunately for both of us we'll have to suffer through it, I know you'd rather have me all to yourself." The mare glance he gave her from the corner of his eye as he put the car on speed was enough to have y/n's hear thumping in her chest. "Speak for yourself, airhead." Y/n's tone didn't lack at all in sarcasm. She did want him all to herself but she also was very intrigued by the rest of his crew, Sukuna always spoke about them. Whether it was stories from his childhood, college or everyday work things, y/n kept hearing about Nanami, Geto, Gojo and Megumi so she looked forward to getting to know them for herself. She had only seen Gojo and Nanami. Megumi and Geto had always been occupied when she dropped by the shop she would catch a glimpse of them tonight.
Sukuna's hand had taken a grip of her thigh, making y/n not so focused in their conversation. Sukuna was mindlessly squeezing while warning y/n about his friends.
The bar looked more like a museum in her opinion, still a very beautiful, elegant place. Y/n expected no less from Sukuna, he's already accompanied her to the best small restaurants and patisseries, sometimes she wondered how he came to know this many perfect date spots.
Sukuna had managed to slip his hand in her's the moment he noticed eyes on his precious doll and guided her to the table his co-workers were sat.
"You owe me 50 Nanami, they did show up."
"You're making me regret this already." Sukuna said, his head dipping slightly
"Come on 'kuna don't be such a grump" had that been y/n's voice Sukuna would've smiled down at her and his demeanor would instantly change, Gojo's voice only offered him annoyance.
Y/n took notice and softly brushed his hand with her thumb, Sukuna let a little laugh and proceeded to introduce the girl under his arm to everyone. "Y/n this is Geto, Megumi and you already know Nanami and Gojo here" Sukuna spoke pulling out y/n's seat as she shook hands with everyone. Gojo took the chance to piss his friend off, after all he would have to strictly work for the next month, he brought y/n's hand to his lips, giving her a compliment on her dress, making Sukuna red in the face.
Everyone took a liking to her very quickly, seeing exactly why Sukuna was so taken by her, she was witty and smart with a silver tongue that was also very sharp. Geto begun telling her about Sukuna's embarrassing drunk nights in college while Gojo laughed and even Nanami snickered. Megumi made Sukuna regret the day he considered taking him in his shop when he told y/n how he always cried as a kid if he didn't have a cookie after his meal. "That's why you always grumble about dessert?" Y/n asked him choking in laughter, Sukuna mumbled a reply and went back to looking annoyed, he was really happy to see y/n interact with his friends so effortlessly. This girl was constantly giving him more reasons to be around her.
Y/n was in the middle of a deep conversation with Nanami about philosophy, her eyes gleaming when he mentioned Plato's allegory of the cave. Geto subtly tapped Megumi's leg to get him to notice how Sukuna was resting his chin on his hand staring at y/n, who was blabbering about Greek philosophers, with the most sweet expression on his face any of them had seen. Gojo also took notice of that and an unspoken pact of 'annoy the fuck out of Sukuna' was made then and there.
"Have you thought about the next thing you want done or did you just want one tattoo?" Gojo asked the girl, breaking her conversation with Nanami a little too early for her liking.
"Yeah, I'll be getting some more work from Sukuna pretty soon" y/n replied proudly, her mind wandering to the night before to Sukuna and the beautiful pieces he came up with just for her. Sukuna perked up, his heart thumping by how happy y/n sounded with these words rolling out her lips.
"You sure you want him to do it though? You know I'm free if you need." Gojo's voice was condescending like always. Sukuna tensed up, jaw clenching at the thought of anyone laying a finger on y/n's skin. "Are you crazy? with work like this, I wouldn't let anyone else do it." Y/n laughed, Gojo must've been joking anyway.
Sukuna found so much comfort in her reply, she loved his artistry and never hesitated to show it, no matter how much of a brat she could be with him. Geto butted in the conversation too "y/n is right, look at how beautiful Sukuna's work looks on her, there's no way she'd change him." Y/n nodded at his words. "But I also do black and gray, I'm sure I could come up with something for you" Sukuna's eyes were glaring daggers at the raven haired man next to him, he remained oblivious to it laughing on the inside, Sukuna was so predictable.
"Thanks, but you said it yourself, there's no way I'd change him." Y/n spoke confidently, taking a sip of her vodka, knowing that at this point she was stroking Sukuna's ego and it would only grow bigger. Sukuna had no idea what everyone was onto trying to tattoo y/n, probably piss him off. From the looks of it, y/n wasn't going to let that happen. Nanami was observing quietly exchanging a few more words with y/n, he was right about her not taking other people's bullshit, Gojo couldn't pull anything with her, Nanami could see what Sukuna saw in her.
"Y/n, when you first came you were going to get tattooed by Megumi right?" Nanami spoke, Sukuna never expected him to join the others in their stupidity. "Yeah, he takes the walk ins right?" Y/n said casually, paying no mind to what Nanami was trying to do, the rest of them were also shocked that he decided to join in on making Sukuna's night a little hellish. Oh the betrayal.
"Did you want to get tattooed by Megumi?" Such a simple question, but Sukuna was at the edge of his seat "Yeah, I did, he was the reason I chose Domain in the first place, everyone loves this guy's work, I was pretty excited." Sukuna's face dropped, it's not like he didn't expect that, of course y/n came based on the reviews, he couldn't be mad at her for not booking him, she didn't even know him. He was pretty happy that he ended up taking her in that day, even if his insides boiled with jealousy at this very moment "Sorry for ruining your plans doll" the same smugness echoed in his voice "I can only stay mad at you for so long." Meeting his enlarged pupils and darker eyes, she could tell Sukuna was indeed, jealous. He had nothing to be jealous of, she didn't plan on leaving his side anytime soon, but when Megumi took his turn in the game everyone seemed to play, y/n found it hard not to join them. "If you still want to I can tattoo you since I never got to" Megumi knew he was walking on thin ice when Sukuna gave him a look that made him wish he was dead, these two got in fights all the time as kids and ended up with bruises all over them, if Megumi didn't ease up Sukuna would gladly remind him of the past.
"Uh, yeah, if you've got a design" y/n said with a bit of hesitation, Sukuna was seathin next to her, his hand aggressively palming her leg just above the knee. The rest of the night Sukuna didn't really speak, only leaned in y/n's ear to tell her to slow down on the vodka, the rest of the guys continued to talk amongst themselves as if nothing had happened.
Exiting the bar, y/n was walking- trying to keep up with Sukuna who walked fast to his car after mumbling a goodnight to everyone. Y/n regretted playing along, she'd never seen Sukuna this quiet. " 'kuna, I'm sorry I really didn't want to upset you" she said her eyes on the ground, gently tagging at his jacket, how could he ever get annoyed with her when she looked like that. Sukuna wasted no time swiftly taking a hold of her, his lips ghosting her's "I'm not that upset, only a little" his voice barely above a whisper, lips grazed over hers briefly. Sukuna didn't know if that was his heart or hers thumping so hard "I'm tired of dancing around it" his breath was hot, warming up her face making y/n's face impossibly hotter. "Dancing around what?" She asked with visible hesitation. Sukuna dipped down once more, not so softly this take taking her soft lips into his own, gently tugging on her bottom lip with his teeth, letting one of his palms to rest on her cheek and the other taking a loose hold of the back of her neck. Her arms naturally found their way around his neck. "I told you I want you all to myself" . Did he mean what y/n was thinking? Did y/n want him to call her his? Sukuna almost crackled at her puzzled expression. Sukuna wasn't one to express things this openly, y/n was a bit dense in that department so he had to, at least he told himself that.
"I'm starting to get a bit disappointed, I clearly remember you saying 'i would say yes' with some romantic mumbling" Sukuna said, stroking her cheek ever so slightly.
Her breath was striped from her lungs, it wasn't from the kiss this time. So that did happen, y/n's mind was not playing tricks on her, Sukuna had in fact asked. Her eyes once again gleamed looking straight to his crimson irises. "So will you be mine?" He was more confident this time, they had grown closer, laughed more, shared more, Sukuna wanted this from the very first session they had together and the more time he spend around her, the more he couldn't bare the thought of anyone laying their fingers on her. Perhaps Nanami's little show got under his skin way more than he could ever admit, but there was no way he's letting anyone mark her. Y/n was his personal artwork, only the finest of pieces shall taint her skin. "Yes, airhead" y/n said, finally having enough air to form words, still in his arm with a smile on her face, indulging him on another deep kiss. "Let's seal the deal then."
Sukuna finally got to fulfill his need, y/n was back on his chair late in the afterhours of the night. He finished free handing another of his designs he showed her the night before, the outline of her sleeve, with the Cerberus foxes he created just for her.
Y/n was standing in front of his full body mirror, examining the very delicate lines of his marker. His arms snaked around her waist, Sukuna could watch her admire his art for eternity.
"You look so beautiful in it" he simply stated, looking at their reflection he could only note her beauty. Y/n looked beautiful, beautiful on her own, beautiful in his tattoos, beautiful in his arms.
"Your art is probably the most beautiful thing I've seen, but you too are a close competitor" her voice crystal clear, she managed to make a faint pink dust his cheeks. Sukuna wasn't one to take compliments, but from her? He could listen to her little praises all day. "Now, now get your ass back on this chair, you're not getting out of this"
"I didn't plan to anyway."
Bonus Domain shenanigans: Megumi had the pleasure of opening up the very next morning, what the hell happened here, he was about to call the cops when he saw Sukuna looking scruffy and sleep deprived, emerge from the back room, same pants and undone dress shirt as the night before. "What the hell" was all that he could say. Sukuna was thankful he let y/n out the back just so they could both avoid the embarrassment that was to come.
"What happened here?" Geto asked the moment he came through the door, although he already knew, Sukuna was predictable. "Nothing happened" Sukuna groaned trying to get them to shut up, he just needed some coffee. He disappeared in the back again.
"yeah sure, 'nothing happened' does he think we're stupid or something" Gojo said to Nanami, who already had a headache and he hasn't been in for 15 minutes yet. "Stop it already nothing happened" Sukuna said, coming out in the front to order a coffee. Gojo stared at him, walked closer to him and began laughing straight to his face, "fuck you're laughing at?" Sukuna was confused
"Next time, clean the lipstick off your face and neck." Nanami chuckled while Gojo continued to laugh at Sukuna's frustration.
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valdomarx · 4 years
Geralt stalks like a beast through the forest, strength and anger rippling beneath his skin and twisting into dark, bitter shapes.
The potions give him the edge he needs to take on larger, more dangerous monsters. But once the killing blow is struck and a trophy claimed, he’s left like this, with poison running through his veins and bile building in the back of his throat.
He feels raw, every nerve exposed, every sensation overwhelming and yet also distant. The Cat has sharpened his senses to flood the dark night with sickly white light, but spots of acute brightness dance in the corners of his vision and every twig cracked underfoot sounds like a thunderclap, reverberating throughout his body.
The Tawny Owl gives him the stamina to fight on long past the point a human would have dropped dead from exhaustion, but it doesn’t take away the tiredness deep in his bones. The weariness weighs on him like a yoke, dragging him down toward the earth, but he knows there is no way he’ll be able to rest or to sleep until the heavy thrumming clears from his bloodstream.
The potions are toxic and cruel, but he has made his peace with them and their necessity in his life. Still, he will not impose himself on others in this state, at his most base and vicious.
His eyes are black from pupil to sclera, more wolf than man, and thick, dark veins spread across the taught, pale skin of his face. He longs to snap and to tear with pointed canines, to rend and to rip with sharp claws. He vibrates with furious, animalistic energy, and any creature that comes into his orbit turns and flees the moment they catch sight of his monstrous visage.
He smells the bard before he sees him, and a ripple of rage runs through his chest. He’d told him to stay back at the village. He’d told him it wasn’t safe. In the months they’d been travelling together the bard had proven himself braver than his foppish appearance would suggest, but real dangers lurked in this forest.
Tonight, Geralt was the most dangerous of them all. He was all instinct and malignity, unfit for human company. And now he’d have to confront Jaskier in this state and see his horrified expression and smell his fear. The sharp, metallic tang of fear on the tongue was unpleasant at any point, but now, with his nerves frayed to the quick, it will be truly unbearable.
He resolves to get the damn confrontation over with and pushes into the campsite, all heavy steps and snarling teeth. Jaskier, who has been sat by the fire playing his lute, sucks in a quick breath when he catches sight of him. He waits for the screams of horror, the trembling of fear, the recriminations and excuses as Jaskier leaves. He braces himself for it like an oncoming storm.
Instead, Jaskier tilts his head to one side, considering. Geralt barely dares to move. “Huh,” Jaskier says, after a moment. “Is that a potion thing? Or a witcher thing? Or a you thing?”
Geralt doesn’t understand why he hasn’t run yet. He takes a step closer, lets Jaskier see his hideous form more clearly in the firelight. “Potions,” he snarls, waiting for the panic to set in.
“Huh,” Jaskier says again. He does not look panicked. He looks thoughtful. “Does it hurt?”
Geralt flinches back like he’s been struck. No one has ever asked him that before. Why would they? But Jaskier sits patiently, apparently awaiting an answer, so he grinds out the words. “Not exactly. It’s,” He casts around for a term to explain it. “Intense.”
Jaskier hums and gets to his feet. Now he will gather his things and make an excuse, and then he’ll be gone, frightened away by Geralt like everything else living.
Except Jaskier takes a step toward him. And then another. Geralt stands still as a statue, unwilling to frighten him further. Jaskier walks right up to him, bold as the day they’d met, and examines his face with unabashed interest.
“Would it help if I-” He wets his lips and Geralt follows the movement minutely. “- That is, can I -?” He lifts his hand and brushes the hair back from where it hangs in Geralt’s face, a movement so delicate and soft it feels like the ruffling of a breeze.
“There you are,” he says, and smiles.
This behaviour is mystifying, even by Jaskier’s standards. Geralt scents the air, trying to determine his mental state, looking for fear or confusion or disgust. He smells... he smells, honest to gods, only the sweet sickly cherry of arousal.
What the fuck?
Whatever this is, he won’t keep Jaskier here against his will. “You can leave,” he growls. Jaskier’s face falls. “If you want.”
Jaskier shakes his head sadly, and brings one hand up to delicately cup his cheek. Through the hum of toxicity, the touch is warm and kind and grounding. “Silly witcher,” he says, so softly. “You won’t be rid of me that easily.”
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weirwoodking · 3 years
I have a small headcanon that Sansa has already skinchanged into a bird without her knowledge once before. This passage about Marillion in the sky cells in particular:
“When she closed her eyes she could see him in his sky cell, huddled in a corner away from the cold black sky, crouched beneath a fur with his woodharp cradled against his chest.”
What do you think?
Oh, absolutely. I do think that she’s experienced her powers in some way, she just hasn’t thought about them.
George does leave these little subtle hints in the text that point to the Stark kids abilities, the earliest being in chapter one:
Halfway across the bridge, Jon pulled up suddenly.
“What is it, Jon?” their lord father asked.
“Can’t you hear it?”
Bran could hear the wind in the trees, the clatter of their hooves on the ironwood planks, the whimpering of his hungry pup, but Jon was listening to something else.
“There,” Jon said. He swung his horse around and galloped back across the bridge. They watched him dismount where the direwolf lay dead in the snow, watched him kneel. A moment later he was riding back to them, smiling.
“He must have crawled away from the others,” Jon said. (Bran I, AGOT)
While on horseback, and halfway across the bridge, already far away from where a mute direwolf puppy was, Jon was able to “hear” him. Obviously, he didn’t hear Ghost, he sensed him. Already, he was bonded with Ghost, even though this was about a year and half before Jon had his first “true” wolf dream. And furthermore, it takes a while before he’s able to clearly remember these dreams:
The wolf dreams had been growing stronger, and he found himself remembering them even when awake. (Jon I, ADWD)
So, yes, I definitely think that Sansa could already be having skinchanging dreams with a bird/birds. She just might not remember it. Also, she doesn’t have to have been having direct dreams, but moments of using the bird’s senses. Not fully in the animal, just sharing it’s space for a moment.
Unlike the sh*w, where skinchanging is an on/off switch (you’re either inside the animal or not inside the animal), skinchanging in the books is more nuanced. Jon is able to brush his hand up against Ghost and tap into the wolf’s senses, without fully warging him. He can even taste blood in his mouth after Ghost kills, and he can feel the wolf’s hunger. The most notable instance of this “one mind in two bodies simultaneously” thing is with Arya and the Braavos street cat:
That night she dreamed she was a wolf again, but it was different from the other dreams. In this dream she had no pack. She prowled alone, bounding over rooftops and padding silently beside the banks of a canal, stalking shadows through the fog. (Cat of the Canals, AFFC)
The tavern was near empty, and she was able to claim a quiet corner not far from the fire. No sooner had she settled there and crossed her legs than something brushed up against her thigh. "You again?" said the blind girl. She scratched his head behind one ear, and the cat jumped up into her lap and began to purr. Braavos was full of cats, and no place more than Pynto's. The old pirate believed they brought good luck and kept his tavern free of vermin. "You know me, don't you?" she whispered. Cats were not fooled by a mummer's moles. They remembered Cat of the Canals.
The Lyseni took the table nearest to the fire and spoke quietly over cups of black tar rum, keeping their voices low so no one could overhear. But she was no one and she heard most every word. And for a time it seemed that she could see them too, through the slitted yellow eyes of the tomcat purring in her lap. One was old and one was young and one had lost an ear, but all three had the white-blond hair and smooth fair skin of Lys, where the blood of the old Freehold still ran strong. (The Blind Girl, ADWD)
"It is good to know. This is two. Is there a third?"
"Yes. I know that you're the one who has been hitting me." Her stick flashed out, and cracked against his fingers, sending his own stick clattering to the floor.
The priest winced and snatched his hand back. "And how could a blind girl know that?"
I saw you. "I gave you three. I don't need to give you four." Maybe on the morrow she would tell him about the cat that had followed her home last night from Pynto's, the cat that was hiding in the rafters, looking down on them. Or maybe not. If he could have secrets, so could she. (The Blind Girl, ADWD)
While Arya is not fully outside of her body and in the body of the cat, she’s able to use the cat’s eyes as her own. And she isn’t even aware that she’s doing it, it’s just occurring naturally. I do believe that the same cat she dreams as in AFFC is the tomcat that she sees through in ADWD.
So, yes, I do believe that Sansa could be looking through the eyes of a bird. She’s just not aware of it.
It does seem like the Stark kids are much more powerful than the average skinchangers/wargs, immediately bonding to the wolves without realizing it, and already connecting with other animals. Arya is able to warg Nymeria from an entirely separate continent, which probably isn’t standard behavior, especially not for someone who doesn’t even know what they’re doing and has no training. Even Varamyr, a man who has mastered the control of five animals, recognizes Jon’s power:
The gift was strong in Snow, but the youth was untaught, still fighting his nature when he should have gloried in it. (Prologue, ADWD)
So, the Starks seem to be pretty powerful. And that includes Sansa, as GRRM has confirmed that she is still a skinchanger, meaning that he’s definitely going to have a bond with an animal at some point. It would make sense for him to have already been leaving little hints about it.
A very important component to Sansa’s character, which could be affecting her skinchanging powers, is her memory. The way that Sansa’s mind has coped with her trauma is by suppressing and rewriting certain distressing, scarring, and confusing memories. This is something that all the Stark kids do, in different levels. For example, Bran believes that Rickon intentionally suppresses the memory of Ned being dead:
"Tell Robb I want him to come home," said Rickon. "He can bring his wolf home too, and Mother and Father." Though he knew Lord Eddard was dead, sometimes Rickon forgot... willfully, Bran suspected. (Bran V, ACOK)
Bran himself does this as well:
The dream he'd had... the dream Summer had had... No, I mustn't think about that dream. He had not even told the Reeds, though Meera at least seemed to sense that something was wrong. If he never talked of it maybe he could forget he ever dreamed it, and then it wouldn't have happened and Robb and Grey Wind would still be... (Bran IV, ASOS)
Sansa does this the most out of her siblings, it’s her primary coping mechanism. One example is how remembers (or tries not to remember) Jeyne Poole:
Sansa did not know what had happened to Jeyne, who had disappeared from her rooms afterward, never to be mentioned again. She tried not to think of them too often, yet sometimes the memories came unbidden, and then it was hard to hold back the tears. (Sansa II, ACOK)
She tries to not to think of her, because it’s too traumatic for her to do so.
Another example is how she’s trying to process the situations she’s in at the Eyrie.
I am not your daughter, she thought. I am Sansa Stark, Lord Eddard's daughter and Lady Catelyn's, the blood of Winterfell. She did not say it, though. If not for Petyr Baelish it would have been Sansa who went spinning through a cold blue sky to stony death six hundred feet below, instead of Lysa Arryn. He is so bold. Sansa wished she had his courage. She wanted to crawl back into bed and hide beneath her blanket, to sleep and sleep. She had not slept a whole night through since Lysa Arryn's death. (Sansa I, AFFC)
He is serving me lies as well, Sansa realized. They were comforting lies, though, and she thought them kindly meant. A lie is not so bad if it is kindly meant. If only she believed them...
The things her aunt had said just before she fell still troubled Sansa greatly. "Ravings," Petyr called them. "My wife was mad, you saw that for yourself." And so she had. All I did was build a snow castle, and she meant to push me out the Moon Door. Petyr saved me. He loved my mother well, and...
And her? How could she doubt it? He had saved her.
He saved Alayne, his daughter, a voice within her whispered. But she was Sansa too... and sometimes it seemed to her that the Lord Protector was two people as well. He was Petyr, her protector, warm and funny and gentle... but he was also Littlefinger, the lord she'd known at King's Landing, smiling slyly and stroking his beard as he whispered in Queen Cersei's ear. And Littlefinger was no friend of hers. When Joff had her beaten, the Imp defended her, not Littlefinger. When the mob sought to rape her, the Hound carried her to safety, not Littlefinger. When the Lannisters wed her to Tyrion against her will, Ser Garlan the Gallant gave her comfort, not Littlefinger. Littlefinger never lifted so much as his little finger for her.
Except to get me out. He did that for me. I thought it was Ser Dontos, my poor old drunken Florian, but it was Petyr all the while. Littlefinger was only a mask he had to wear. Only sometimes Sansa found it hard to tell where the man ended and the mask began. Littlefinger and Lord Petyr looked so very much alike. She would have fled them both, perhaps, but there was nowhere for her to go. Winterfell was burned and desolate, Bran and Rickon dead and cold. Robb had been betrayed and murdered at the Twins, along with their lady mother. Tyrion had been put to death for killing Joffrey, and if she ever returned to King's Landing the queen would have her head as well. The aunt she'd hoped would keep her safe had tried to murder her instead. Her uncle Edmure was a captive of the Freys, while her great-uncle the Blackfish was under siege at Riverrun. I have no place but here, Sansa thought miserably, and no true friend but Petyr. (Sansa I, AFFC)
Sansa knows deep down (not even that deep, just down) that Petyr is untrustworthy. She knows he’s fed her lies, but she wants to believe them. She wants to be able to trust him. She wants to feel like she can be safe with him. She wants to be safe. It bothers me a lot whenever people say Sansa is “stupid” for trusting Petyr, or “uncaring” for not thinking often of Jeyne. She isn’t stupid or uncaring, she’s a traumatized thirteen year old whose brain is trying to cope with what she’s gone through and what she’s currently going through.
So, she has built a wall. And behind that wall are the memories of Lysa’s death, the truth about Jon Arryn’s murder, and Jeyne Poole. I think it would make sense if skinchanging, something that involves the mind, is also something that she’s subconsciously repressing. I talked about this sometime a while ago, but I believe that a big moment for Sansa in TWOW is going to be her confronting her memories. And most significantly, confronting Baelish about what happened to Jeyne Poole and exposing the truth of Jon Arryn and Lysa’s deaths. Thus, defeating Littlefinger, the mockingbird.
It would make sense if this coincided with her skinchanging abilities truly awakening. As her mind opens, her powers become stronger. I’m pretty deadset on Sansa’s bird being a falcon, not just for the House Arryn connection and because she’s gone hawking with a falcon before, but also because of the symbolism. Falcons symbolize “vision, freedom, and victory. Hence, it also connotes salvation to those who are in bondage whether moral, emotional, or spiritual”. I think that Sansa bonding with a falcon and “flying free” would be perfect for the conclusion of her caged bird arc.
Sorry, this got really long, it just kind of turned into all my thoughts about how skinchanger-Sansa might come to be in TWOW. I think it’s going to be an important part of her story, as you don’t just give four of your POV characters the ability to control animals with their minds and not have that matter. (And, it’s already an important part of Jon, Arya, and Bran’s stories, so it most likely will be for Sansa, too.)
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youareunbearable · 3 years
I've been thinking, but what if Beren knew Meadhros before the Dagor Bragollach and the Silmaril quest went down
Sure his father was sworn friends with Finrod, but Meadhros was the Watcher of the North, he probably had worked and fought alongside Beren’s father, Barahir of Dorthonion, Lord of Ladros and Chieftain of the house of Beor. Maedhros worked alongside a lot of men, and he was smart and likeable and a strong general, so he probably kept good relations with the Men that lived nearby that would be willing to lend willing swords to help him protect the March.
He maybe even was a guest to Barahir’s wedding, he maybe even sent a gift at the birth of his son. Beren fell in love with an Elf, and that love must have come from somewhere. As a child he must have visited Maedhros’ kept in Himring for a summer celebration that his family was invited to. He had never seen so many Elves before, and they were as beautiful as they were strange. There was one Elf, tall with dark hair, who could sing Songs so beautiful Beren felt as if he could reach out and wrap the sound around him like the world’s loveliest cocoon.
Even the Lord of Himring, the tall being with survival scars and glowing eyes and hair like living fire, looked gorgeous when he laughed. Apparently the singer he just complimented was his younger brother Maglor, and not in fact a beautiful maid. No one seemed to mind his blunder, and Maglor gave him a warm smile and a head pat so all was water under the bridge.
(Years later, Maedhros would continue to tease Maglor that his beauty and voice must be second to Luthien, if his young lover was able to forget him upon seeing her. Maglor just sniffs)
When the Dagor Bragollach happened, many of Beren’s people fled to Maedhros’ fort, and Maedhros kept them safe. When things calm slightly, he might even send out a search party for the missing Chieftain and his son. The scouts return months later with a sobbing Beren and the Ring of Barahir. Instead of letting the man wallow in his grief alone in the wilds, Maedhros would help him, help him be the leader his people need, help him take his grief out on the swarms of the Enemy at their gate, and help him deal with the grief of losing a father. He might even show him his father’s ring, the Feanorian star signet ring that he keeps as a necklace after his father’s death. Tells him how he gave this ring to his brother Maglor when he went off to go fight Morgoth, and how his brother returned it to him 30 years later after his rescue. Maedhros mentors and guides Beren for four years, long yet also just a blink of the eye.
Beren would lead fighting parties, he would become a swift and terrible blade under Meadhros’ wing, and a kind and just leader. But the bounty that Morgoth put on his head is still the same in this version, and he is still chased and hunted by Sauron until he flees into the woods of Nan Dungortheb, then into Doriath, and still falls in love with Luthien at first glance.
She still loves him back just as fiercely, and when Beren asks Thingol for Luthien’s hand, this time when he asks for a Silmaril, it is a snub towards the Noldor who have hosted and trained and, one could argue, even raised Beren. It is still just as an impossible task as before and Beren still accepts.
He knows he cannot go to Maedhros for this, he has his own battles at the North and Beren could never ask him to go back into the Enemy’s hands, so he writes him a letter explaining that he will not be returning home and still goes to Finrod. Celegorm and Curufin still try to stop their foolish cousin and his men from going on this quest. Finrod once again leaves with his small group of loyal men.
Except this time, as they leave Nargothrond, Amras and Amrod ride on to intercept them and encourage them to first rest, plan, and wait for Maedhros’ backup at their fort in Estolad. There they have more Men and Elves that want to join their group, and when Maedhros comes (furious about Thingol, worried about Beren going on this impossible task, sick with the feeling of the Oath forcing him to want to help send this young Man to his doom on the slim chance he might succeed) they create a real plan, get the schedules of the Enemy’s movements, and maps (a map of Fingon’s path into Angband, a map of Sauron and his lieutenants recent movements, patrol paths, and some secret paths that the trolls and slaves they rescued gave, and the layout of Morgoth’s halls that Meadhros himself remembers from his enslavement)
Maedhros also gives him a small, thin blade of Mithril. "It’s to hide on your person, if you get captured, this blade won’t break and is light as a feather." He gives him this blade, not to free himself or the others, as the purpose his brother Curufin had in mind when he made the blade for Maedhros after he was rescued by Fingon, but as another method of escape. The eldest of Feanor’s Sons grips Beren’s arm and tells him that there is nothing worse in Arda than being at the mercy of Morgoth and his pet Sauron. He tells him this blade may seem like a curse, but it is a gift. Meadhros doesn't pray, he hasn’t in centuries, but he dearly hopes that Beren will not have to use it.
This time, when Finrod sings his Song of disguise, it's over much more than a handful of followers. This time, when they reach Minas Tirith they are better prepared to sneak past the fallen city.
(This time, Curufin and Celegorm don’t kidnap Luthien so Celegorm will marry her, but to keep her safe. She still doesn’t appreciate it and still steals their dog. Well, it’s not stealing if the dog escapes with her. This time, when the brothers are still forced to leave Nargothrond, it's not under exile but as a polite but firm request to leave. This time, when they chance upon Luthien and Beren again, Celegorm isn’t fighting over his ego and heart being bruised, but because this bitch stole his dog, and because they made their dormant Oath writhe under their skin, which one could argue is worse. They still lose against the Man and the Half Maiar, and Celegorm’s dog still won’t come home. This time, when they make to to Maedhros’ Himring fortress, they aren’t screamed at for their political fuck ups, but they get a stern “Why do you two always make things so difficult for me” lecture of disappointment while Maglor plays an unsympathetic and taunting accompaniment)
They still fail. Finrod still fails in his battle against Sauron but he is able to do more damage to the former Maiar, and they free more of their trapped men before he is killed by a werewolf. This time it’s not only Arafinweian Elves that fall, but Feanorian as well. When Luthien comes to save him and carry Finrod’s body away, it is Meadhros’ men that send the news to his nephew in Nargothrond, and this changes things.
When they go into Morgoth’s halls again, this time, Beren uses the little mithril blade he was given. This time, he escapes with not one silmaril, but two. One for Thingol, and one for Meadhros and his Oath.
His hand is still eaten with the Silmaril by Carcharoth. And Beren still grieves for the loss, not because he has nothing to bring Thingol, but because he knows he can’t give Maedhros his due if he wants to marry the love of his life.
When he gives Thingol the Silmaril, he also gives a warning before doing so, that the gem may be cursed with Morgoth’s taint and while it’s shine is beautiful, it hides something darker, for nothing so lovely should make people bleed and die for it. And if Thingol was wise, he would give the Silmaril to the sons of Feanor before the Oath and the Curse of Feanor catches up to him.
Melian agrees. She is ignored. This does not change.
Beren and Luthien are wed, and Beren invites the Feanorians on the Hunting of Carcharoth, and it is Amras and Amrod that slay the beast with the help of Huan after it attacks Beren. Huan still dies. Beren still dies. Luthien still dies. Yet the Fenorians gain a Silmaril. This is different.
The Oath is not completed with just the one, but it is sated. This time, the Sons of Feanor do not send a letter to Thingol asking him to surrender the gem. This time Celegorm and Curufin do not threaten to burn Doriath to the ground on a refusal that never came. This time, Thingol does not tighten security on his borders. Melian still suggests that they give the Sons the stone after she catches her husband staring at it for too long. Once again she is ignored. That, at least, does not change.
Luthien still sings her husband back to life. They still retire tp Amros and Amrad’s lands, and this time Beren’s people in Himring join them. Dior is still born, and he plays and hunts with two red headed uncles.
(Nirnaeth Arnoediad is still fought. Maedhros is not betrayed by Ulfang, who had seen the light of the Silmaril the Sons hold, and does not cave to the sweet honeyed words of Sauron. His people are not cursed. And his sons still live to fight to survive the battle. This time, Nargothrond sends forces, and Luthien convinces her father to send troops as well. This time Fingon, and his men are not focused and he is able to defeat Gothmog. Fingon is wounded from this battle, and he still dies, but not to a Balrog. He dies as his father did, managing to land five blows on Morgoth before he is slain and the Dark Lord flees. Morgoth’s forces are dwindled down deeply, and there is a unity amongst the Free People’s of Beleriand. They still count heavy losses, but not as heavy as before. Maedhros grieves the death of his dearest companion, and retreats to Himring. While he was successful, he is still the shadow of the Elf he was before. He still wears golden ribbons wrapped around the stump on his right arm and he still weeps. His brother’s still don’t know how to help him. But this time, they do not suggest a second Kinslaying)
Thingol still dies to the Dwarves. Melian is still wounded and returns to Valinor in her grief. But this time Beren doesn’t kill the Dwarf Lord of Nogrod, he lets him keep the necklace but takes the Silmaril. Luthien, in her anger and grief, curses that the Dwarves of Nogord will one day succumb to their greed and become a stain upon their people.
(Unknown to Luthien or the Dwarves, thousands of years later, it is a descendent of a Nogord dwarf that convinces the King of Khazad-dum to continue to mine until they woke Durin’s Bane. It is a descendant of Norgord that was a spy for Sauron which allowed him to overtake Mount Gundabad. It is a descendant of Norgord that uncovers the Arkenstone. It was Narvi, a descendant of Norgord and Durin’s Folk that marries Celebrimbor, and whose death caused such a profound grief that became a weak point which Annatar was allowed to breach and convince Celebrimbor to craft with him. And it was in Narvi’s memory and honor that Celebrimbor crafted the Seven Dwarven Rings of Power. However, that tragedy could also be blamed on Feanor’s Curse.)
Dior still married Nimloth, he still had two sons and one daughter. His parents still die of mortal age and he once again becomes King of Doriath. This time, he gives his father’s bridal gift to his Elven foster uncles, Amrod and Amras. For this Dior was raised on the belief that this stone was indeed tainted by Morgoth. He knew and saw the death and destruction left in its wake. He heard Feanor’s Twins whisper about their broken eldest brother. How he blames himself for the deaths of the Nirnaeth Arnoediad, and for the death of the former High Noldiran King Fingon. All because he was spurred on by the confidence the Silmaril gave him. He saw how it turned the greed of the Dwarves into slaying his grandfather and wounding his grandmother. This time, he saw and he wanted no part in it.
This time Doriath is the one to host the refugees of Gondolin. This time, it burns by the followers of the Enemy that followed the refugees there. This time, Elrond and Elros are not raised by the ones who burned their city. But instead they were carried out by their twin uncles Elured and Elurin. This time, they were found by Meadhros and Maglor (they were on the run, as Himring was forsaken and overrun by Morgoth’s filth) who takes in not one, but two sets of twins in.
For all their mannish blood, Elured and Elurin aged more like Elves, and therefore looked and acted like Elves of thirty-one, which meant they were children themselves when they fled their burning home. This is compared to their father and younger sister, who grew like Men and were fully grown by their mid twenties.
Elrond and Elros are still raised by the Sons of Feanor. Elrond still follows his love of healing by trying to help the broken Meadhros, and still learns to sing at Maglor’s knee. Elros still learns to fight and foster his love of leading by watching and copying and learning from Maedhros and still learns to love and care and cook from Maglor. Their travels across Beleriand still make the younger twins open minded and still want to love the other races. Elrond still wants to create a city that acts as a safe haven for everyone. Elros still wants to live amongst men and make the choice that his grandmother made.
This time, Elured and Elurin get a chance to live. This time, Elurin will learn that he loves working with horses. This time, Elured will learn he likes to build things with his hands. This time, they will live long enough to join Elrond in his safe haven of a city, and this time they will help him raise his children, this time they will help guard Celebrain on her travels to visit her mother and their family. This time, they will be captured and allow her to escape back to her husband and their children. This time, it is them that will sail because they can’t escape the feeling of being chased, running wounded through tunnels, and being tortured. This time, Elrond grieves, but his children don’t grow up without a mother.
But that is a tale for another time.
In this time, when the War of Wrath ends, Maedhros and Maglor leave their two sets of twins in Lindon. They gather their brothers who live there, and collect those that don’t. This time, all seven of the Sons of Feanor fight in the War of Wrath in an attempt to take the single Silmaril from Eonwe. Curufin and Celegorm are still slain together. Amrod still burns, but this time to a balrog.
This time their Oath is fulfilled, but for attacking a Maiar it still burns them. Meadhros, lost to the pain of his remaining hand and centuries of grief, leaves his remaining brothers and still tosses himself and one of the Silmarils into the fire of the earth. Maglor weeps, tosses the second Silmaril in the ocean, and tries to drown himself. For it was he who urged his brother to join the War under the cover of taking the last Silmaril, but Caranthir pulled him back, weeping himself.
Amras, weeping, throws the final Silmaril to Eonwe, who has caught up to them. He curses the stone and with the Oath complete, refuses to let it tear apart what is left of his family. Eonwe sends the stone into the sky, and it still becomes a token of repentance, and it is still cast as a star in the sky.
Amras, Caranthir, and Maglor limp back to Lindon, and they are welcomed by Gil-Galad and Celebrimbor.
Caranthir will choose to stay with Celebrimbor in Eregion. He will continue to do trade with the Dwarves, he will continue to make lots of wealth on his trade routes, and he will continue to raise his own Half Elven children he created with Haleth. This time, he will see Annatar for the evil he is and refuse to accept any of his gifts. This time, when Celebrimbor accepts Annatar into his halls, he calls his nephew a fool and he leaves Eregion Numenor. This time, Caranthir will help Elros’ descendants create Gondor and there he will live with his children well into the Fourth Age. He will die being ambushed by a small band of highway robbers traveling to Lothlorien with trade goods.
Amras will continue to travel the world until he finally settles with a band of Green Elves which eventually settle in Greenwood. This band will soon join Oropher's group of Sindarin Elves. Amras will eventually marry a Green Elf and they will have one daughter, Tauriel. Amras will join the Last Alliance during the end of the Second Age, and he will die in battle. His wife will be left to raise their baby daughter alone, and soon she will fade after a thousand years of grief. Tauriel will be raised as a ward of Thranduil’s (in honour of her father, who was Lord of Elves and who’s own brother raised two generations of their children) and becomes dear friends his own son Legolas and spends many evenings babysitting him and teaching him the shapes of the stars.
Maglor will continue to sing by the water, he will still have a hand burned by the Silmaril, and he still will have a mind half lost to grief and guilt. But he will stay with Elrond, Elured, and Elurin in Lindon, and he will join them in Rivendell after the War of Sauron and the Elves, and he will be a grandfather to Elrond’s children, and he will walk Elured and Elurin to the Grey Havens, and he will sing on the shore until he can no longer see their disappearing boat. And come the end of the Third Age, he will sail west with his son and his daughter-in-law with the ring bearers.
This time, the Sons of Feanor will all be reunited on the Shores of the Undying Land.
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tokoyamisstuff · 3 years
Scandal Ch. 4 - Loki x Reader
Summary: Nothing can stop the wrath of the God of Mischief, when he realizes he had been deceived by the people he trusted more than his beloved wife.
Warnings: Angst, Violence
Words: ~1700
"But what the world fails to realize is a villain is just a victim whose story hasn’t been told.” - Chris Colfer
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I Story Masterlist I General Masterlist I
Taglist: @hi-there-x @haloangel391 @misssilencewritewell @babayaga67 @accioremuslupinn @mochimommy2002 @just-someone-who-likes-to-write @damalseer @bethanystan @loser-alert @star017 @nina1800 @queenariesofnarnia @n1fangirlsblog @vengefulsokovian @lunamoonbby @freyagallileaevans​
A/N: This is a rather boring chapter, but we’re far from done!
“She already left several moons ago. It was her own wish, we did not force her.”
“Where to?” 
Loki was long back on Asgardian territory, yet his mind couldn’t find peace. Well, how could he, now knowing what Laufey told him?
His world had already crumbled to dust when he left you behind - but if Laufey spoke the truth, his whole existence had been built on lies from the very start.
Not knowing where to search for answers, the prince sneaked into Odin’s forbidden chambers, walking in the shadows protecting him in the midst of night.
There it was: The Cascet of Ancient Winters - the very relic that doomed the fate of your newborn, revealing it’s shameful blood to all of Asgard.
It just urged him to try and see for himself, even if the truth would shatter his heart.
Loki wouldn’t even flinch at the Allfather’s words, already tightly holding the cascet in both hands.
“Am I cursed?”
The God of Mischief wouldn’t even dare to turn around and look at the person he always ever thought to be his father - for as soon as he laid fingers on the cascet, he began turning into that same shade of blue your son did.
Panic began to rise in the young god, fearing to be killed by the people he loved so dearly shall they lay eyes upon what he truly was. His chest began to tighten, fastened breath turning into a cold mist.
“No” was Odin’s firm but unsatisfying answer, to which Loki only responded by putting down the cascet.
“What am I?”
“You’re my son.” His words came from the heart, not even faltering as Loki turned around to present his Jotun form to the Allfather.
“What more than that?!” he almost growled in between gritted teeth, appearance slowly returning to his usual self.
At that deepest, darkest day in his life yet, Loki would be too blinded by betrayal and rage to see his father’s true love towards his adoptive son.
“The cascet wasn’t the only thing you took back from Jotunheim that day, was it?” The prince took firm steps towards the man that he had known all his life, but had become a complete stranger towards him through that sole moment.
Again, only a “no.”
Loki’s mind was racing, thinking about what else may have been hidden from himself - and what kind of consequences that revelation had for everything he had done up until now.
“In the aftermath of the battle, I went to the temple -- and I found a baby” the Allfather continued, “Small, for a giant’s offspring. Abandoned, suffering, left to die...”
“...Laufeyson” Loki completed Odin’s sentence. So every word the King of the Jotunns had said was indeed a fact.
“W-W-why?!” he almost whined, voice weak and defeated. “You were knee deep in Jotun blood, why would you take me?”
“You were an innocent child-”
“No.” The God of Lies himself had become so sick of being fed those, starting to snap. “You took me for a purpose. What was it???” 
For what felt like an eternity, there was only silence.
The image of that small, blue child in his arms had been painfully burned into his heart back then. But now that he knew the story behind all of this, it held a completely different meaning.
Just like he had been abandoned back on that frozen rock, he had abandoned his own child, as well as the love of his life.
Outcast, abused, left to die...and now, god knows what had happened to you...
That secret had destroyed more than just his own life. It had ruined the only honest happiness he was ever given - you, and his son.
He just needed to know: The reason behind all the pain and suffering he had to endure - and caused to others as well.
“I thought we could unite our kingdoms one day, bring about an alliance, bring about permanent peace...through you.”
That was just too much for Loki to bear. “What?” he reacted with a barely-there voice, every word of his father shooting daggers through his heart.
“But those plans no longer matter.” No matter what Odin might want to explain, Loki wasn’t able to listen to any more, jumping into his own conclusions.
“So I am no more than another stolen relic, locked up inside of here until you might have use for me?!” he croaked, afraid of the answer.
“Do not twist my words.”
“You could told me what I was from the beginning!” he now yelled, furious at how virtuous Odin would still defend his own action. “Why didn’t you?”
“You’re my son” he repeated once again. “I only wanted to protect you from the truth.”
“Why, ‘cause I-I-I-I’m the monster people tell their children about at night?!” Loki clenched his fists, fingernails drawing blood to his palm.
“At least when my son was born, you should’ve dropped the charade!” Pure agony was dripping from every syllable, and for a mere second, his eyes were glistering bright red once again. “You’ve forsaken two innocent lives - the most important beings in my pathetic existence - and now you’ve burdened me with their suffering as well!”
That sure was a miracle - how a person so broken from the beginning wouldn’t collapse under pressure that huge.
“It all makes sense now, why you favoured Thor, all those years! Because no matter how much you claim to love me, you could never have a Frost Giant sitting on the throne of Asgard!”
But who cares about the throne, honestly? Not him. Not anymore. Ever since he knew you.
It all dawned to him now: What he could have, if only he had put his trust in you like so many times before.
All his life, he only ever remembers a shadow. At first, he thought it to be the shadow of his brother, or never being enough for his own father. Maybe the other Asgardians looking down on him, making him feel like he doesn’t belong.
Yet in the end, that very shadow was inside of his own mind.
But you?
You had loved Loki with all of your heart, banishing the darkness from his mind through your bright affection.
It didn’t matter to you what anyone thought of him - or even what he thought himself to be.
Because you saw him for what he really was, and he found peace with that.
And he was certain that it wouldn’t matter to you whether he called himself Odinson or Laufeyson - as had you loved his child dearly, ever since he took his first breath.
He could never make up for that greatest of his sins, Loki knew that much.
“Where are you going, my son?”
Reluctantly, Loki made his way past the man he now only considered a stranger. Still, when Odin tried to reach out to him, Loki immediately ducked away, startled and afraid for his true nature to hurt anyone.
More than ever before, the God of Mischief despised himself to the core of his being. He was lost, confused, shocked - and still, determined.
“Creating a Kingdom for my family.”
[Earth, 2 months later]
On times like these, you thought your mind was betraying you.
Especially when you catched yourself reminiscing sweet, innocent moments - far back in the past, before everything you ever held dearly got destroyed.
You still felt his touch, feather-light on your skin, as well as his scent haunting your memories. And sometimes you couldn’t help but wonder how life would have been, well...if things were different.
Frantically shaking your head, you clasped the book closed and threw it into a corner of the small one-room-flat SHIELD had provided for you.
Your magical pockets were always almost empty, except for a few necessities - and that book. It held the first flower Loki ever gifted you, and you had dried it in between those pages so it would never lose it’s beauty.
But now, remembering meant pain - because Loki Laufeyson would never come back.
For he is dead.
Fell of the Bifrost, as confirmed by Heimdall, who secretly kept in touch with you all this time. So you knew it all: Of his grief and treason, which slowly led him into madness. 
And what did you do in the meantime?! Nothing at all!
You should’ve tried everything, anything to get back and help him go through that time of need, hel!
“Endure it, Y/N...you need to stay strong...for Liam.” After so many times of telling those words to yourself, you doubted them to have any effect on your broken heart at all.
Yet it would never fail to keep you going. For that wonderful child was proof of your love, and now your last memory of him.
Rocking the small Jotun to sleep, tears found their way to your eyes like so many times before, dropping to the baby’s face unnoticed.
So you tried to sing your pain away as you cooed that little wonder to sleep.
“Å eg lengtar så tidt dette landet å sjå, Og det dreg meg så blidt, når eg langt er ifrå. Med den våknande vår vert min saknad so sår, så mest gråta, mest gråta eg kan. Å eg minnest, å eg minnest, å eg minnest så vel dette land. Å eg minnest, å eg minnest, å eg minnest så vel dette land.”
“Oh I long so long to see this land, And it pulls me so gently, when I'm far away. With the waking spring host my missing so sore, so most cry, most cry eg can. Oh I remember, oh I remember, oh I remember this country as well. Oh I remember, oh I remember, oh I remember this country as well.”
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the-bau-quinjet · 4 years
The Perks of Cold Weather
Hello! This is just a whole lot of fluff because I need some positive vibes this week. Feel free to send some requests my way if you’d like! They can be as specific or as vague as you want and I’ll do my best. None of my ideas are currently working for me.
Summary: Reader and Spencer have some fun in the snow in a small town in Alaska.
Words: 2996
Warnings: none I think
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When you first started at the BAU, you were quick to realize the group was more like a family than coworkers. It was clear in the little things they did for each other on case, like the way JJ and Spencer would comfort each other on particularly difficult cases to the slight bickering that would inevitably start up between Derek and Emily about anything that didn’t really matter.
 You were quick to find your place in the little family as well. Well, not find it so much as fall into it, but you didn’t mind. You were only 28 years old, meaning you were the youngest member of the BAU. Being the youngest meant a lot of teasing from the “older sibling” personalities of everyone except Rossi and Hotch. Their personalities were much more parent-esque. With how much they’d tease you, you were always quick to jump on the chance to tease them for a change. The perfect opportunity arose when a case came up in Alaska.
Penelope walked through the bullpen, calling you all into the roundtable room right before you left for the day. “Hello my wonderful crime fighters. I wish I had better news, but this case is a real whammy. Three women have been found stabbed to death in a small town in Alaska.”
 The collective groans of just about everyone in the room were quiet, but obvious.
 “I know, I know. Another freezing cold case. I wish I could send you to LA all the time, but alas bad guys aren’t deterred by freezing temperatures.” She went on to explain the details of the case before Hotch dismissed everyone with his typical “Wheels up in 30.”
 The team dispersed to collect their go bags- and winter items for the cold weather they would surely be facing in Alaska- before meeting on the jet. When you got there, everyone else was already boarded, and you couldn’t help but feel the low energy of everyone on the plane.
 “Don’t tell me the lot of you are afraid of a little snow?” You can’t stop the smirk from appearing on your face as you sit down across from Spencer and adjacent to Emily, Derek, and JJ.
 “Big words from someone who hasn’t been on a case in Alaska yet.” Derek’s reply comes without hesitation. The grin on your face only grows when you realize that everyone really is feeling low because of the impending winter wonderland.
 “Don’t tell me you’re excited for the cold weather?” JJ shivers just asking the question.
 “Of course I am! I’ve always loved the cold. There’s something so magical about watching snow fall. It feels like Christmas!” The four of them stare at you like you’ve lost your mind. “You are seriously telling me none of you like the snow?” You scan all of their faces in disbelief, eyes landing on Spencer last.
 “Don’t look at me. I’m from Nevada, it’s basically the desert. Winter in Las Vegas is comparable to fall in DC. The last time it snowed with any significance was in 2003 and that was only an inch.” Spencer nearly starts rambling about weather patterns across the US, but cuts himself off.
 “You all are seriously killing my good mood with your bad vibes. I will change at least one of your minds by the end of this case” You say in a huff while putting your headphones on. You try to catch up on some sleep before you all reconvene to discuss the case.
 After the briefing and right before landing, everyone starts bundling up in layers upon layers of sweatshirts, jackets, coats, gloves, scarves, and hats. You pull a sweater on over your long sleeve and zip up your FBI jacket, adding a cute beanie more for aesthetics than warmth. You’ve never been one to get overly cold, so you skip a few layers everyone else put on.
 The rest of the team marches off the jet as if they would rather be anywhere else, but you don’t let it deter you. You exit the jet with a smile on your face, taking a deep breath of the cool Alaskan air.
 “You really are enjoying yourself?” Spencer asks with a small smile. You meet his eye, the look on his face giving you butterflies, before responding.
 “Of course I am. It smells like winter!” The two of you share a laugh as you get in the SUV headed to the police precinct to actually get to work.
 The case only lasted two days. You were glad to have solved it so quickly, but you would be lying if you said you weren’t going to miss the snow. After the case files are all packed away and Hotch goes off to coordinate the jet, you head outside to absorb every last ounce of winter possible.
 “I thought I might find you out here.” Spencer sits next to you on the bench as you stare at the flakes falling from the sky.
 “What can I say, I just really love the cold.” You reply without turning your head. “Maybe it’s weird, but I would pick cold over hot any day.”
 “I don’t think it’s weird at all! I think it’s kind of cute actually.” That gets your attention and you turn to see he’s looking at his hands in his lap, fiddling with his thumbs. “I like how happy you are when you look at the snow.”
 Of course, that makes you smile again. “Thank you, Spence.” You can feel your cheeks heating up, but you’re quickly distracted by the sound of Derek calling the two of you back into the station.
 “Hey lovebirds, Hotch needs us.” You roll your eyes at Derek before standing up, offering your hand to Spencer to help him up. He takes your hand, squeezing it slightly as he rises from the bench. He only drops your hand when he goes to hold the door open for you, leading you back inside. The team gathers in the conference room, Hotch walking in with a grim expression.
 “I’ll cut to the chase. We won’t be able to fly home until this evening. The snow from last night on top of the storm that’s about to pass through is too much to clear right now.” Everyone, including you, sighs before nodding in understanding. As much as you would love to stay longer, you know it sucks that everyone can’t go home to their families. “This case is wrapped up, so feel free to just explore the town or relax in the hotel. We should be able to take off at 9:00 pm, so I expect to see all of you on the jet by 8:45.” Those words were music to your ears. As everyone begins to pack up to head out, you turn to Spencer.
 “I can’t believe this. It’s like a snow day! I’ve always loved snow days! We would always go outside, have a snowball fight, build a snowman, and try to build an igloo but end up giving up when it collapsed for the third time.” He chuckles at your enthusiasm, but nods along as you both walk out of the precinct toward the hotel just down the street. “Then we’d go in for lunch, make hot chocolate and cookies, and watch all our favorite movies.”
 “Is that what you want to do today?” Spencer asks as you both walk into the hotel lobby.
 “I mean, in a perfect world, yeah. That is exactly what I would want to do today.” You smile wistfully as you think back to your childhood snow days with your siblings.
 “Well then, let’s see how perfect we can make the world, just for today.” Spencer’s smiling as he says it, taking in the confusion and shock on your face.
 “You mean… You want to build a snowman? With me?” Your heart is beating so forcefully, you wouldn’t be surprised if it flew right out of your chest.
 “Yeah, and all the other things too.” Spencer’s words are soft and unsure, contrasting the confidence of his previous statement.
 “But you don’t like the cold weather…” You simply can’t fathom why he would volunteer to do these cold weather activities when just two days ago he was talking about how little snow he experienced when he was younger.
 “But you do, and we’re stuck here anyway. So, why not?” Hearing that he would spend his day off playing in the snow simply because you want to does things to you that you chose to ignore for the time being.
 “O- okay… yeah, let’s do it! ” The two of you smile at each other for a few seconds before you each bring your things to you respective rooms with a plan to meet in the lobby in fifteen minutes.
 When you get to your room you pull out the warmest clothes you brought to Alaska. Although it would suffice for walking down the street, it’s not exactly made for playing in the snow. After getting dressed you meet Spencer in the lobby. He is dressed in warmer clothes than you, but still not snow proof.
 “I don’t know if this is a good idea…” Your excitement to start this day with Spencer has dwindled since imaging the cold, wet clothes you’d end up in. “The key to a good snow day is waterproof clothes and we definitely don’t have any. How am I going to make you like snow if you’re freezing and wet at the end of the day?” You would expect the resident genius to agree with you, but instead of a grim expression and a nod in agreement, Spencer’s smile grows.
 “Don’t worry about it. Just come with me.” He leads you outside of the hotel with his hand on the small of your back all the way down to the town store. “What needs to be waterproof? We can find snow pants, jackets, gloves, and boots right here.” He looks so pleased with himself as he leads you around the store to collect all the items you’ll need. He even picks out a sled for the two of you.
 After checking out, he leads you back outside where you pull the waterproof gear on over your warm layers, tossing the tags into a nearby trash can. Before you can say anything, he is again leading you through the town with his hand on the small of your back. He stops when he reaches the park, turning to you once again.
 “Where do you want to build the snowman?” You mirror the grin on his face as you run across the park to a flatter area.
 You begin compressing the snow in your hands to form the ball that would eventually become the bottom layer of your snowman. Spencer copies your actions, forming a lopsided ball for the middle. You leave Spencer to work on the head while you search around the nearby trees for sticks to use as arms and rocks to use for the eyes and buttons.
 After finding the perfect set of sticks, you return to see Spencer adding a carrot nose right in the middle of the head.
 “I didn’t even see you buy carrots!” He laughs at your childlike enthusiasm, moving aside so you can add the sticks to the middle. You also add the rocks you gathered for the eyes and buttons. Spencer surprises you again by pulling out a hat and scarf to add the finish touches.
 After forcing him to take a selfie with you and the snowman, you walk across the park to find a good sledding hill. You find the perfect hill, and offer to go down first since it’s going to take some effort to form the path. Spencer watches you scooching your way through the snow, forcing the sled down the hill, laughing hysterically. You haven’t been able to enjoy snow like this for years.
 Spencer was hesitant to sled down the hill together, but one pout from you and he climbed on right away. The sled picked up pace is you barreled out of control, flipping and rolling down the hill.
 You took the opportunity of a distracted Spencer to form a snow ball, waiting until he was only a few feet away to throw it at him. Of course, as soon as it hits him it’s game on. The two of you are running through the park, hiding behind trees, and dodging each other’s snowballs. Spencer, being uncoordinated, mostly missed you. That is, until the very end of the snowball fight when he hits you right in the face, the surprise causing you to fall to the ground.
 “Y/N! Are you okay! I’m so sorry, I didn’t mean to-” He’s cut off by your laughter.
 “Relax Spence, its fine! It was powdery snow. It’s not like you hit me with a chunk of ice.” You smile at him as he helps you to a standing position. You’re so focused on standing up without slipping on the compressed snow beneath your feet, you don’t realize how close the two of you have become.  When you look up to meet his eyes, your noses are nearly touching.
 Without much thought for the consequences, you lean a few inches forward, ever so slightly brushing your lips against his.
 Spencer is so stunned, it takes him much longer than he’d care to admit to reciprocate your affection. So long in fact, that you’ve pulled away and are frantically trying to think of something to say to save your friendship when he pulls you back in.
 The two of you don’t pull away again until the need for air overpowers your need for each other. You stay close though, foreheads pressed together.
 “Let me take you on a date. A real one where we go into knowing it’s a date.” Spencer says it all in one breath.
 “Oh, Spence. This whole day has been a perfect date, even if we didn’t say it at first. But I would love to go on another with you.”
 The two of you are all smiles as you walk back toward the café near your hotel. You’ve been outside so long it’s nearly dark- granted it gets dark around 4:00 this time of year in Alaska. Upon entering the café, Spencer is quick to order two hot chocolates and cookies to go.
 “I know it’s not the same as baking them ourselves, but we don’t have access to an oven in the hotel.” He says, squeezing your hand before leading you out of the café.
 You would blindly follow Spencer anywhere, but that doesn’t stop you from asking him about it. “Where are we going now? I thought we were going to eat…”
 “Back to the hotel. We have one more thing to check off the list for your perfect snow day.” Of course he would remember your list from earlier in the day. “So tell me, what’s your favorite snow day movie?”
 “That’s actually a tough question. It changes depending on the mood.” You are genuinely trying to think of the perfect movie to end the perfect day as you walk back into the hotel.
 “I’ll tell you what, why don’t you go up to your room and pick out a movie that fits ‘the mood’, and I’ll meet you there in a few minutes?” You simply nod in response, too lost in thought to contemplate where he could be going.
 15 minutes later you have finally picked out a movie to watch when Spencer enters your room, carrying a takeout bag.
 “I finally found a movie!” You smile at him as you show him your computer screen. Anastasia is queued on your Disney+.
 “Perfect. We can now officially start our date.” He smiles, pulling the food out of the bag, he hands you a cup of tomato soup and a grilled cheese sandwich. Your heart warms at the sight of it. You know Spencer has an eidetic memory, but you still get butterflies at the idea of him remembering your favorite cold weather food.
 The two of you sit against the headboard, setting the computer between you to play the movie. After you’ve finished eating you shuffle around on the bed, moving the laptop so you could cuddle with Spencer.
 “I’ve got another reason for you to like the cold weather.” You state matter-of-factly, eyes still trained on the movie.
 “Yeah? What is it?” Spencer’s eyes are trained on your face.
 “It’s better for cuddling.” A small grin appears on your face at the sound of Spencer’s airy laugh. He pulls you closer, both of you completely content.
 As much as you love the cold and snow, dragging yourself out of Spencer’s arms and into the cold air to get to the jet on time was not an exciting task. In fact, it put you in a slightly sour mood, something Morgan was all too quick to pick up on.
 “What’s the matter L/N? The cold weather got you down?” He laughs at your annoyed expression.
 “Not a chance, Morgan. I quite enjoyed our little snow day actually.” You smile at Spencer as you pull your blanket from your go bag and sit on the couch.
 “You actually played in the snow? It was only 22 degrees today!” You can’t help but shake your head. 22 degrees is cold, but nothing compared to how bad it can get in Alaska.
 “We did indeed. I think I managed to turn Spencer on to the cold weather too.” Spencer sits down next to you encouraging you to share your blanket.
 “How’d you manage that? I’ve been to on enough cases with Pretty Boy here to know he prefers the warmer ones.”
 “It’s actually rather simple.” Spencer replies, shifting his arm around you on the back of the couch. You smile as you close your eyes and lean into his touch. “Colder climates make for better cuddles.”
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insomniasymphony · 3 years
Obsessive Hisoka Morow x Female Reader [He cannot hate you]
Constellation: Obsessive Hisoka Morow x Female Reader Words I got: → Protective → Duality → Affection Rating: Teen up and Audience
                            ►► He is the devil with a sweet tooth,                               And you are the candy on his tongue.                       Get on your knees and ask him to choose                                     Nothing sweeter than you.                              For sweetness doesn't last long. ◄◄
Hectically, you jerk your head from left to right, look around for other cars and take a breath when there are no others blocking the road. In the cold evening air, your legs carry you in hurried steps across the asphalt, to the other side of the pavement that should lead you through the houses of Yorknew. Further and further, until the hotel room is forever gone.
The breath on your lips rises in white clouds, bringing something wistful with it that you don't want to pay attention to. Still, you can't rid yourself of the thought in the back of your mind.
It's not too late to give up on your plan.
You could drag yourself back to the room you've been sharing with Hisoka for four days, put on something pretty and wait for the magician to return from his meeting. He'd tell you about his new plan, kiss you, and fuck your senses into no-man's land for half the night because you're his favourite toy.
That's the problem: you're just a doll that can be replaced.
He's never said that he loves you, even though you've been spending every spare minute together for six months. Hisoka took you on his journey and he hasn't let you out of his sight since.
You shower together, eat together, he kills anyone you exchange too many kind words with. It's as if he wants to shut you off from the world so that you belong to him alone.
But this obsessive nature of his is nothing but terror for you. Sometimes you long for freedom, which you know Hisoka will never give you. He would rather strangle to death with his own hands than see you go. His subliminal threats make that clear time and time again.
And tonight you are ready to die for your freedom.
A little more hastily, you hurry ahead, turn into a narrow alley and hear the echo of your footsteps rising up the stone walls. Each reverberation makes your skin seem colder under your soft woolen coat. The goosebumps don't subside, the shiver persists, and you can't help but believe that behind every shadow is a part of Hisoka. His intense gaze has made you paranoid.
Briefly, you shake your head. This time his eyes won't be able to pierce you. When Hisoka returns, the hotel room will be empty and you will be long gone – so far away from him, with a new name and a new life, that he won't find you. For three weeks you have been looking for someone who would save you and Hisoka from this relationship and you have indeed found someone who wants to fulfil all your wishes for a lot of money in exchange.
Your gaze wanders once briefly over your shoulder. Through the echo of your own flight, you can no longer perceive anything but your own movements. Hisoka could be walking right behind you and you wouldn't notice. The racing of your heart makes the blood rush in your ears and everything else inside you is so erratically tense that you don't know if your nerves can hold it all together.
Only when the alley ends and sends you between other streets to find safety, a tiny part of the fear falls away, still simmering underneath.
Across the street, at least fourteen cars have parked. This area of the city seems like a residential neighbourhood where men return to their loving wives. The husband old-fashioned in a suit while she wears an apron because dinner is boiling on the cooker. Docile women in the kitchen who have no time to look for other men. Probably that's exactly what Hisoka is longing for too. A woman who only has eyes for him. All day long. Without exception. Locked up like a bird in a cage.
Even though you never intended to replace him. Hisoka is the man who won your heart. A guy who goes through life strong and ruthless, but always takes great care to make sure you're okay.
Your steps slow down as you stop at the edge of the pavement. One of the vehicles is started, flashing its headlights three times. The sign that this is your getaway car. The man who will take you away. Away from Hisoka, whose arms have wrapped protectively around you more than once in the last six months. His warmth on your skin has always been comforting and even though you know he hates it when you talk to other men and he has left marks on your body as a safety for himself as a result, his company has always been loving. He has never hurt you unless you found sexual pleasure in it. He never raised his voice at you. Never did he try to lock you up. His only crimes are the threats that still jump through your senses and also the fact that he likes to corner and intimidate you.
On top of that, he messes with people for your sake who are more dangerous than one might think at first. Yes, you love him. But if you don't leave, he will either throw you away or he will be killed because of you. You are poison to each other, you can't explain it any other way.
Yet, you don't want to go. The fear in your heart has made room for sorrow and the desire to run back into his strong, protective arms is strong.
Swallowing dryly, you give yourself a push. You have no choice but to make the best decision for both of you. Your feet start moving again and you drag yourself along, reaching the car you're getting into. You find room in the back seat, the fabric of which clings to you strangely and uncomfortably as you take a shaky breath and look in the rearview mirror for a half-glimpse of your helper's round face.
“Are you ready, good lady?” His smoky voice scrapes through the atmosphere, merely making you nod before he finally starts the engine and drives off. Your heart sinks four floors deeper, smothered in grief and fear, both of which settle on too many things in your chest. Maybe you're making a mistake, but this relationship has no future.
You feel the car smoothly take the turns, hear the engine accelerate, sense every bump in your bones. You claw your sweaty hands into the upholstery as you reprimand yourself to rest with conscious inhales and exhales. It's over, you've escaped, given you both the freedom you deserve.
Yorknew's houses diminish for a moment, bringing trees and the parkland to the fore where you would have loved to have a romantic walk. But Hisoka doesn't think much of boring strolls. He likes sex. Togetherness where you are close to each other – all to yourselves, so that you can snuggle up to him and you just sit there. Amusement parks. Bungee gum. You.
The thought draws a sigh from you before the car makes a strange rattling sound, forcing the driver to stop. You halt at the side of the road, so you can't help but hold your breath.
“What was that?” you press out.
“If I saw right, I just accidentally drove over a marten,” the stranger returns to you, making you exhale because it's not a horror movie you're in after all. Then he gets out.
The open door, which he doesn't close, brightens up the inside of the vehicle, makes the outside world a little more unfriendly than it really is and forces you to get out too, because you can't find a quiet minute alone on this upholstery.
Slowly you push your way back into the cold of the darkness, glancing at the streetlights flickering conspiratorially before circling the car to check on your driver. But all you see in front of the bonnet is a trail of blood. Not a marten. No one. Probably he's just taking the dead animal away, burying it so the kids won't get spooked in the park the next day.
The cool air seems to bite down to your bones, numbing your skin as you count off two minutes. The restlessness keeps you looking around and for a moment you are willing to jump in the car and eagerly drive on. But your driver also has your new identity and all the other things that have been so painstakingly prepared. You can't leave without him. So you stroll a few steps towards the park. Just until the blackness seems to swallow everything, because the flickering streetlamps don't give enough light for more.
Tense, you cross your arms in front of your chest, bobbing up and down before gnawing fear begs for action. “Hello?”
Only silence returns to your question and you can't help but take a step over the dark threshold and venture further ahead to find your driver. Three, four feet ahead to the first tree closest to you. “What's wrong?”
Again you meet only silence, staggering a few more steps ahead and giving up in the same breath. A glance over your shoulder moves the car, which is already a few metres away from you, into a ghostly, almost lonely picture, apart from the other vehicles that pass by every now and then. No one seems to care about the abandoned automobile.
A little more annoyed, you take a breath, shake your head as something wet hits your cheek and you instantly look up because the sky didn't look like rain at all when you started running.
And it still doesn't.
Nevertheless, your heart stops for a beat.
Cold seems to consume you from within, makes you pull your coat tighter.
Up there, above you, fixed between branches, the lifeless eyes of the man who was supposed to help you escape stare back at you. His arms hang twisted above him and his legs are missing entirely. In the darkness, suffused with moonlight, you can only make out the bitter facts. And one of them is death.
“Do you like it?”
Instantly you suck in the air sharply, turning around in an instant only to catch sight of Hisoka. Leaning relaxed against a tree, he shuffles his cards as if nothing has happened. “I thought we had decided that you would wait in the hotel room. Where were you going with that man at such a late hour?”
His gaze lifts so that his amber eyes can look at you, while his features wait in a lack of enthusiasm for answers. You don't know if he's angry, but his expression seems to threaten you.
“I-I... I wanted to...” What do you want to say anyway? You don't know yourself what exactly you wanted other than to just get away from him for too many things that seem wrong. “Away.”
“Where to?”, Hisoka inquires, pushing himself off the trunk and coming closer. The cards disappear into the pockets of his white trousers in the same blink.
“Just... away,” you counter, unable to look at him any further because his eyes seem to look right down into your core.
“From me?” He pauses in front of you. “Why?”
Again your attention jerks to him and you hate the fact that he is wearing heels because it only makes him taller than he already is.
“You... are... constricting me.”
“Is that so?” The almost biting undertone in his voice is frightening. But you don't have time to think of what his next move might be as he grabs you by the chin and forces you to look at him very closely. His grip is so tight around your jawbone as he does so that you panic he might break it.
Then he leans towards you, breathes such a gentle kiss on your lips that, along with fear, terrible warmth rises up inside you. Your heart races wildly, but you don't know if it's the fear or the longing. Seeing him like this, knowing he is so close to you, is cruel because you love him, don't want to leave him, but don't want to see either of you die either.
The mere thought of losing him, or not being good enough anymore, knots your stomach as your vision blurs and the sobs in your throat quietly spill out.
Hisoka watches this rection, loosening his grip around your chin and running his thumb over your lips. A little like he wants more words from you. And you can't help but give them to him in a gush.
“I love you, Hisoka. I really do. But this can't work.” You have to swallow to keep from breaking into a raspy cough. “You lock me up like I'm your pet and you're messing with people who might kill you one day.” The first tear rolls down your cheeks unintentionally, making you wipe it away in frustration because you don't want to seem like an effeminate damsel in distress. “You're going to kill yourself because of me. And if not for that, then one day you'll just throw me away because you're not a man for life. And I'm afraid that by then I'll love you so much that I won't be able to stand it. So I was gonna let you go. And I can understand if you hate the decision, but isn't that the duality you love to talk about? Love and hate, both sides of the same coin? I-” Hisoka interrupts you as he takes your face in his hands and forcibly pulls you to him, far enough to force you onto your toes to press a kiss to your lips. A warm touch full of affection so gentle it takes your breath away.
Then he lets go of you, remains close in front, but his features are adorned with a friendly smile that makes him a little suspicious, while his hand caresses your cheek. As he does so, he brushes your lower eyelid, collecting another tear that was about to escape.
The tenderness he has for you irritates you so much that every one of your brain cells shuts down for a breath before Hisoka focuses on you again, piercing you with a blank stare. The atmosphere between you grows heavier.
“You think too much about nothingness, love.” His voice is so soft that it seems almost deadly at the same time. “And because you're like that, I'm going to let you get away with it for today.” He leans down to your ear, licks once over the shell with the tip of his tongue. “But if you run away again, I will kill you.”
“H-Hisoka...” You don't know what you can say to appease him. Nothing seems good enough. But Hisoka understands, straightening up to look at you again, putting on that playful smile he goes through life with. “Or I can put you in chains so I can have you with me for the rest of my life. Whichever option you like better.”
He tilts his head, looking at you with mockery and at the same time with a barely perceptible commitment so that you can feel the blush on your cheeks. On one hand, he's making a fool of you, on the other, he's conveying in his own unique way that he's sure he wants you for himself – forever.
He can't stay mad at you for long, can't even punish you for your terrible action, just takes you as you are, as if he has a weakness for all your stupid words and your troubled feelings.
And in those seconds you know that he loves you no less than you love him.
[Picture from a card collecting game]
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