#except moving into my dorm on sunday so hopefully you see this before that because once classes start.. i will be dead
fairyzar · 2 years
u havent updated ur spotify in awhile and i always go to u for reccs :(
ahh sorry i private most of them lately, i’ll leave some playlists below + eps/albums i’ve been loving lately!!
feel good: based off jaehyun’s “forever only”, alternative rnb
cunty kpop: kpop songs that are for the gays but also like… dark
evergray by jiwoo: jiwoo’s one of the most underrated krnb artists on the scene rn imo
good grief by sky: discovered by chance, if you like umi/raveena healing type of songs then you’ll loveeee this album
butterfly paradise by jessica domingo: another healing album!!!
suzuki saint: another discovery by chance, honestly this list will be full of them but he only has a few singles released and it’s a really promising discography. chill acoustic indie pop vibes?
play with the changes by rochelle jordan: def the vibe for dancing, similar to nao abra etc etc
5am by 吳卓源: i knew of this album a while ago but finally saved all the songs instead of a few, simple rnb pop!
9m88 radio by 9m88: knew from sumin promoting their collab track on her story! pleasantly surprised by all the moods in the album!
i c u u c me, pt. ii by sebastian mikael: really chill rnb, good for focusing
b l u r r by xavier omär: the scream that i made when tarantino (pre-release single) dropped… i’ve been a fan of omär’s music since 2016 and this ep did not disappointttttttt.
forest in the city by umi: my favorite album of the year, sooooo angelic!!!
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darkblueboxs · 4 years
If you're taking requests, maybe the foxes reacting to soft andreil? I love seeing their relationship through outside perspectives
Sorry for the delay! I ended up with two very different ideas for this and wrote both of them. I’ll be posting the other one in the next week or so! [EDIT: Here it is!]This was great fun to write. Thank you for the request.
In the Eye of the Beholder
Read here or on AO3
#1 Dan
Dan raps her knuckles against the door to the monster’s flat and waits. Nicky greets her with an impressive mop of bedhair and a baffled expression which smooths over only when Neil darts past, citing brunch with Dan as his excuse for being awake at such a thoroughly reasonable hour on a Sunday morning. He’s in high spirits, from what Dan can tell, rolling on the balls of his feet as they wait for the elevator to arrive. Dan is ready to put it down to excitement over their plans – she has a stack of potential recruits under her arm thicker than Les Misérables for them to discuss, hopefully with a stack of pancakes of equal height on the side. Then she spots the light bruise peeking over the hem of Neil’s collar, and draws a very different conclusion about the source of Neil’s good mood.
She smiles as they step into the elevator, but keeps the observation to herself. While some members of the team love to badger Neil for the slightest insight into his relationship, Dan is willing to push her curiosity aside for the sake of Neil’s privacy. He has plenty other teammates to pester him without her jumping on the bandwagon.
Just before the doors slide shut, an arm bursts through the gap, forcing them open. Andrew is as stoic and terrifying as ever (not that Dan would ever admit it) even while wearing Neil’s foxprint-patterned pyjama bottoms. The quickened rise and fall of his chest is the only hint that he ran to get here.
Neil raises an eyebrow at the sudden appearance of his underdressed partner.
Andrew lobs something at Neil which bounces off his chest and lands on the floor between his feet. Neil stoops to scoop it up, and Dan sees that it’s his wallet.
“Idiot,” Andrew huffs. He retracts his arm, and the doors slide shut on the sight of him stalking back to their dorm.
Neil taps the wallet against his hand a couple times before sliding it into the wallet.
“You’re both idiots if you think I’m letting you pay for brunch,” Dan says wryly.
Neil shakes his head. “I said I was going to pick up some stuff at the store afterwards. But thanks. Brunch is on me, though.”
“We’ll see,” Dan says, which means no. “Okay, I’ll admit it. That was sweet of him.”
The corner of Neil’s mouth twitches. “Nah. He’s just making sure I come back with the junk food I promised him.”
“Sure.” And, oh, Dan had been trying to be good, but she really can’t help herself any longer. “So, did you guys mean to give each other matching hickeys, or was that just a fun little accident?”
Neil slaps his hand to his neck and groans.
All in all, it’s a great morning.
 #2 Kevin
Aaron’s trial is coming up. Kevin wouldn’t care (well, he would, but for different reasons) except that it’s making the cousins snippy and fractious. More so than usual. Andrew isn’t sleeping properly, although he would deny that it had any relation to the trial. Unfortunately, his insomnia is contagious, which ends with Neil losing focus at their night practice, having spent the best part of a week running on fumes and gatorade.
Kevin has been patient – patient by his standards, anyway – but the third fumbled catch in a row snaps his temper like brittle bone.
“Get the fuck off my court, Josten.” Kevin says, smacking the base of his racquet against the floor.
“Fuck you,” Neil answers reflexively. He stops to push his lengthening bangs back from his face.
“I’m not joking. You’re in no state to play. Get the fuck out.” Kevin wishes Neil would take it as the blessing it is, a night to re-focus and re-calibrate, but instead he’s glaring Kevin down like he just asked him to eat sewage.
Neil turns away from him to send another ball barrelling towards the goal. It misses by an entire foot.
“Neil,” Kevin says sharply, readying for a fight that neither of them have the energy nor patience for.
Before he can begin, the doors to the court bang open. Andrew stands in the entrance, arms crossed. It’s the expression that ends an argument before it’s had time to start; Kevin knows it far, far too well.
Andrew leads Neil away to the showers while Kevin continues his drills.
When he’s finished washing up, he finds the pair in the team lounge, collapsed on the wider of the couches. Neil is asleep, slumped into Andrew’s side. Andrew looks up as Kevin enters, but he doesn’t move his hand from its resting place in Neil’s hair. Although Neil was the only one of the pair training that night, Andrew’s hair is plastered against his head as though he, too, is fresh out of the shower. Kevin tries not to consider the implications.
They wait in silence for a few minutes, watching as Neil sleeps, properly sleeps, for the first time in far too long. Neither are willing to disturb him, but the night is late and Kevin has a whole host of classes waiting for him in the morning.
“I’ll walk back,” says Kevin. Andrew meets his gaze for a long moment before nodding briefly. The bags under his eyes betray him.
Kevin darts back into the lockers to pick up Neil’s abandoned kit bag. When he passes them again, Andrew has slouched onto his side, having manoeuvred Neil in front of him so they can both lie comfortably. His arm is slung protectively around Neil’s waist like Andrew is prepared to beat off the world to keep him there.
Kevin knows they spend more nights in each other’s bunks than out of them in the dorm, but somehow they’re always up and away before anyone else is awake enough to give them any hassle over it. Kevin doesn’t care, but Nicky can be overbearing at the best of times, and Aaron is… well, Aaron. But here, in the privacy of an empty stadium, it looks like Neil has finally found enough security to drop off at last, and Andrew looks ready to follow. Kevin shuts the door behind him, not quite smiling, but close. It was strange to some, the idea of Neil and Andrew, but anyone who saw them curled up together would see it plain as day. They just fitted.
The next day, Neil is closer to being himself again, and no more is said on the matter.
 #4 Matt
Matt has to admit that press duty with Neil is never boring. The interviewers seem to share his opinion, visibly perking up when Neil follows Matt into the room. They lost to the Bearcats, but it was close enough that Matt doesn’t have to lie when he says that he’s proud of the team’s performance today.
“Some are saying that the failure of the defence line in later stages was due to Minyard’s performance in goal in the second half. How would you respond to that?
Matt doesn’t know why he bothers opening his mouth; the question may be directed to him, but he knows damn well that a boulder in the shape of Neil’s fury is already barrelling in this hapless reporter’s direction. “Well-”
“Last time I checked, this was a team sport,” Neil says loudly. “Was I hallucinating that, or has there been a few rule changes since yesterday?”
Matt isn’t sure whether to laugh or groan. Coach had told Matt to keep an eye on their resident fire-starter as though anyone was at all capable of controlling Neil when there was a mic in front of him. Matt feels sorry for the poor sucker that will one day be assigned to the role of Neil’s publicist, because he’s sure that Neil will drive them into an early grave alongside Matt’s.
“You have to admit that the number of goals that he let in-”
“I’m sure it had nothing to do with the fact that his entire defence line had already played two full quarters before he even stepped foot on court. People get tired the longer a game goes on, of course defence is going to suffer in the second half. But sure, keep pinning it on the goalie you clearly have it in for.”
Matt claps a hand on Neil’s back. “What he said,” he agrees, staring down the reporter.
They take no further questions.
Matt doesn’t mean to eavesdrop, but when he leaves the showers to see Andrew and Neil alone in the locker room he ducks back out of sight. He walks into at least one dramatic confrontation amongst his teammates per week, and sometimes the best way to deal with the daily bouts of fox drama is to hide and wait for the storm to pass.
“Point me to where I asked you to lead my own personal crusade.” Andrew’s flat tones echo off the tiled floor. Matt regrets leaving his Ipod in his bag. The conversation doesn’t seem too personal to overhear, but Andrew and Neil have never been the easiest reads.
“I’m tired of them talking shit about you just because they have a vendetta against anyone with your…” Neil trails off. Matt imagines him to be making several expressive hand gestures; it’s hard to condense all of Andrew’s history and circumstances into one word. “…everything,” Neil settles on.
“Your principles should not intersect with my business.”
“Even if it could affect your future career?” Neil’s words are met, unsurprisingly, with silence. “Besides, yours do.”
“When I first came here, you told Nicky to back off. Not out of concern for me. Because of your principles.”
This time, the silence stretches so long that Matt doesn’t think Andrew is going to answer.
“Point,” Andrew concedes.
“Besides, is it so bad that I’m standing up for you?”
“Only when it’s making new enemies for you. How many does one man need?”
“I’ve got room for a few more,” Neil says. There’s a rustle of movement, and, oh, are they kissing? Matt strongly suspects that they are kissing. It’s more than his life is worth to look. He takes a few steps back, rattles his kit loudly and makes as much noise as possible before entering the locker room. The pair are a safe distance apart by the time he enters, and Matt gives them a probably-not-convincingly-casual nod before busying himself with his change of clothes.
The pair spend the journey home holed up together at the back of the bus, and if he suspects that they’re doing a little more than talking, Matt keeps it to himself.
They’ve earned a little privacy, after all.
 #5 Aaron
“Well, maybe if you stopped and took the time to, I don’t know, explain literally anything that you do, we wouldn’t be in this fucking mess.”
“Aaron,” says Bee, a gentle reprimand. He isn’t in the mood to hear it. His attention remains on his brother, who’s features remain the same stony, impassive blank that they have in almost every joint session to date. It’s an expression that makes Aaron want to tear his hair out, or kick his brother’s face in, or both.
“What would you like me to explain?” says Andrew, more of a challenge than an offer. Aaron snorts, because, where to fucking begin?
“How about we start with your little fuck-buddy, seeing as you’re so keen to start on mine.” Earlier that week, Andrew had returned early from a class to find Aaron and Katelyn together in their dorm room. The result, while not outright violent, had been deeply unpleasant for all involved. And of course, Andrew was being an ass about it.
“Aaron. We’ve talked about this. How can you expect Andrew to talk about Katelyn respectfully if you won’t offer the same respect to his own partner?”
Aaron scoffs. “It’s not the same.”
Andrew’s eyebrow… it doesn’t quirk, but it twitches. “Oh?”
Aaron gestures vaguely. “You know what I mean.”
“I can assure you that I don’t.”
“Me and Katelyn. You and Neil. It isn’t the same.”
“How so?” Andrew’s tone isn’t in the danger zone yet, but it’s edging towards it.
“I’m not talking about the gay thing. I’m talking about…” The hand Aaron was waving clenches into a fist as he drops it into his lap. “Don’t make me say it.”
Andrew and Bee share a look over his head.
“Aaron,” says Bee.
“I just, fucking…” Aaron grapples with words, struggling to find a combination that won’t rip them apart any worse than they already have been. “How the fuck can you expect me to believe that you and him… that you’re real. That you’re normal, that you’re like us, after everything those fuckers did to you. What makes him so different?”
Andrew watches him. Just when Aaron resigns himself to the fact that no answer is coming, Andrew speaks. “If I ask him to stop, he stops.”
Aaron bites down on the inside of his cheek so hard that he thinks he might have drawn blood. “It can’t be that simple.”
Andrew shrugs.
Andrew’s eyes flicker upwards, like he would rather be anywhere else, having any other conversation in the world than this one. “We have a system. We don’t touch each other without asking first. We listen to each other. We talk. What more do you need me to say?”
Aaron falls silent. He doesn’t know what he needs from his brother, still, but it’s something.
“I have a question in return,” Andrew’s eyes flick to Bee. He isn’t looking for permission, but she nods in encouragement nonetheless. “Katelyn. What makes her so different?” Andrew meets his gaze dead-on as he turns Aaron’s own words back on him. “How can you trust her, after everything that bitch Tilda did to you?”
And finally, it all clicks into place.
Aaron forces himself to look his brother in the eyes. So much like his, yet at the same time so different. “Okay,” he concedes at last. “I see.”
Because, at last, he does.
 #7 Allison
Neil appears at Allison’s door with a black eye, a bust lip, and the words “don’t freak out,” spilling from his mouth before she can get so much as a word in.
“Great start,” she says, pulling him in. “Who do I need to kill?”
“My shoelace came undone and I ate shit while I was on my run. I just need enough makeup that I can get through class without looking like I’ve been in a fight again. Do you know how many of my lecturers have taken me aside to give me the domestic abuse hotline?”
“You should know how to do this yourself by now.” Allison rolls her eyes as she leads Neil through to the table.
“You’re better at it,” he admits grudgingly, and oh, doesn’t that just warm her heart to hear.
“Nice try. You’re still taking me out for coffee after this.”
Neil pulls a face, and Allison laughs. It doesn’t take long – Allison has treated him in far, far worse shape, as much as she’d rather not think about it – and soon there’s only the faintest smudge around Neil’s eye.
“Can I tempt you to some mascara? Glitter?” Allison asks, waggling her eyebrows as she spreads the contents of her makeup bag out for his inspection.
“Maybe next time,” says Neil, “When I’m not going to a calculus lecture.”
“But that’s the best place for it.” Allison dabs the tip of his nose with her brush, and Neil’s face scrunches up as he tries to hold back a sneeze. His hair flops back down over his forehead as he moves, falling into his eyes.
“Don’t move just yet,” Allison says, yanking a drawer open and fumbling for the kitchen scissors. “I’ve been meaning to deal with that mop for weeks, and right now I have you trapped.”
“Oh, no,” Neil says flatly, but still he surrenders herself to her demands. Wise move.
“Perfect,” says Allison a few minutes later, ruffling Neil’s hair to shake away the last loose strands. “Ready for the red carpet now. I hope there aren’t any cute guys in your maths class, or Andrew is going to go mad with jealousy.”
Neil snorts. “He’s not really the type.”
“Mhmm,” says Allison, because in her experience, everyone is the type.
Speaking of the psychotic little devil himself, Andrew bursts through the door just as Allison is brushing up the last of the trimmings.
“Hey,” Neil says, apparently impervious to Andrew’s thunderous entrance. Andrew ignores the greeting, taking hold of Neil’s chin to turn his face from side to side.
“Kevin said you fell,” he says, relinquishing the grip. Allison half-turns away, pretending to busy herself tidying but really listening, because the monster’s overbearing-boyfriend performances are rarely seen in public yet endlessly entertaining.
“Shoelaces. Who could have seen it coming?”
“I did. And warned you. Twice.”
Neil winces. “My bad.”
Andrew mutters something under his breath that seems to involve the words kill you. The day Allison understands their relationship is the day that she gives up on any and all gossip for the rest of her life.
Then, Andrew pauses, distracted. “Did you trip and fall onto a pair of sheers?”
“Allison gave me a haircut. How does it look?”
Andrew holds his hand in front of Neil’s face. When Neil nods, Andrew runs it quickly through his hair, gently tugging at the roots as he goes. “Awful.”
“Hey,” Allison interrupts, outraged. They both start, and Andrew’s hand drops away, like they had forgotten she was there. Which was the point, really. She holds the scissors in Andrew’s direction. “You’re next, scraggy.”
“When I’m dead,” Andrew replies flatly. It’s clear he isn’t joking. Neil shakes his head at them both.
“Come on, then,” Allison says. “Neil’s taking me for coffee. Give us a ride and I’ll buy you the sugariest, most expensive drink on the menu. I’m hoping the diabetes will finish you off if lung cancer falls through.”
Andrew glances between them. “Fine.”
Sugar and Neil; the keys to Andrew’s stony little heart.
 #8 Nicky
Nicky is fully capable of responding to his cousin’s newfound domestic happiness with maturity and decorum.
He just chooses not to.
This has nearly ended in violence no less than eight times. But really, how can he be expected to let it lie when his cousin, who came to him an unruly, violent teen to whom any conversation was like pulling teeth with plastic tweezers, is, for the first time, experiencing the gay teen college romance Nicky could only have dreamed of?
With his fiancée a million miles away, Nicky has to live vicariously when it comes to matters of the heart. There is no better subject for this than his violent baby cousin, who, it seems, isn’t such a baby anymore.
Nicky is beyond late for his class already when he realises that his laptop is dead. He had been skyping with Eric until ass-o-clock in the morning, forgot to plug it in before passing out in his bunk and is paying for it three-fold. He has two options; pencil and paper (what is he, a toddler?) or steal someone’s laptop. The answer is both clear and obvious.
Andrew’s is the first to hand. He most likely won’t surface until noon, by which time Nicky will have returned from class, leaving him none the wiser. The perfect crime.
Or it is the perfect crime until Nicky opens the laptop in the middle of his seminar to a webpage that is filled with very, very unsafe-for-classroom content.
Nicky slams the laptop shut. It wasn’t a video, none of the sites Nicky knew from his own fits of late-night loneliness. Large blocks of text, diagrams that were more analytical than downright pornographic. Nicky slides the laptop open again, just enough for the screen to light up once more, and tabs up. No, not porn. Informative. Educational.
The girl beside him, although unable to see his screen, is giving Nicky some very strange looks. Nicky glances back to the laptop before sliding it shut once more. Pencil and paper will have to do.
The class is drier than dirt, leaving Nicky’s mind with far too much space to think. A dangerous pastime in Nicky’s case, Eric would say teasingly. Nicky had assumed – well, not that he had thought about it, much, but Andrew always seemed so set and sure of himself that it was hard to imagine him googling how-to guides like an acne-riddled teen the night before prom. His apparent innocence is weirdly adorable. Not a word Nicky uses out-loud in his cousin’s presence, but true all the same.
Nicky remembers his first time. Awkward, uncomfortable, and involving entirely the wrong set of genitals. He can only hope Andrew and Neil’s is better.
He shouldn’t get involved. He really, really, shouldn’t.
Nicky slips the laptop back into place mere moments before Andrew slouches into the living space. Nicky watches him as the coffee-maker gurgles away, thinking.
Andrew glances up. Nicky isn’t sure what he reads in his face, but it must be setting off alarm bells, because his hands move almost unconsciously to his sleeves. Nicky holds his hands up.
“I just…” Oh, this is a lot more awkward than Nicky anticipated. “You know, I’m always here for you. If there’s anything you want to talk about.” He clears his throat. “If you have any questions…”
Andrew’s eyes narrow. They flick in the direction of his desk. Nicky remembers, far too late, Andrew’s impossibly perfect memory. He would remember the exact position he left his laptop in. Nicky is busted.
“Don’t borrow my laptop,” Andrew snarls. The coffee brewer clicks, and it may be the only thing that saves Nicky’s life.
“I’m sorry! I was in a rush!” Nicky says weekly. “If it’s any consolation, the guy who sits behind me now thinks I’m a grade-A pervert.”
Andrew slams a mug down on the counter so hard he almost cracks it. “One more word. One more.”
“I won’t. I won’t, I promise, I’ve been there, okay?”
Andrew takes his coffee and his laptop and leaves without another word. Nicky counts it as a blessing.
The next day, he’s working his way through the mother of all essays when Andrew enters the room, pulling the door shut behind him. Nicky keeps working until Andrew pulls a chair over to Nicky’s desk and sits in it. He stops typing mid-sentence, fingers hovering over the keys.
“Everything okay, Andrew?”
“I want you to take a moment and remember how many knives I have on me right now.”
“A lot, I assume.”
“A lot,” Andrew confirms. “If I had any other choice in the world, I would take it. But I have you. So, I’m going to ask you something, and you are going to be calm and level and mature and everything that you usually are not when you answer.”
“Of course,” Nicky says in a heartbeat. He can’t think of a single time Andrew has ever come to him for help, not even when he was wrapped up in bed and coughing his lungs out the day before his AP Calc exam. Nicky has never been more determined to get something right in his life.
“How,” Andrew says, stops, starts again. Today is full of firsts; Andrew is usually so careful and measured with his words. “How do I do it without hurting him?”
Nicky’s heart is ready to melt or break or explode, maybe all at once. “Oh, Andrew.”
“The knives, Nicky. Remember the knives.”
“Okay,” says Nicky, and he tells Andrew everything he can. He wants, more than anything, for Andrew to be safe and happy, and if it involves going into details that even Nicky is squeamish about discussing with family, then that’s what he’ll do.
He offers to write out a list of reliable books and websites for Andrew to check out, ones he used himself and others Eric recommended to him. Andrew shakes his head.
“Just tell me. I’ll remember them.”
When they’re done, Nicky almost claps Andrew on the shoulder. He thinks better of it, hand hovering mid-air before he withdraws it. “Andrew.”
Andrew is half-way out the door, but he stops, which is more than Nicky expected.
“You’ll be fine.”
Andrew huffs, and abruptly disappears. Nicky smiles to himself as he turns back to his essay.
It took him a long time to piece it all together, but the truth is that Andrew really can be quite sweet, in his own terrifying way.
Nicky wonders how long it will be before he has to give Neil the sex talk too. Maybe he should offer.
Best not to; he has some self-preservation instincts, after all.
 #9 Renee
Renne likes to think that she has improved at reading Andrew over the years. Some of his quirks are more obvious than others, however; it doesn’t take a student of human character to notice that when Andrew wants to spar, it’s usually because he has something on his mind.
Renee is hardly in a position to judge, not when she finds the cut and blow of a vicious fistfight as cathartic as he does. There’s still a piece of Natalie Shields underneath all of Renee’s growth like the pit at the heart of a peach. Sometimes the best way of holding her down is by letting her out in controlled increments. Give her the inch so she won’t take the mile.
As usual, it is only when they have beaten each other to exhaustion and back that Andrew is ready to talk. They sit cross-legged in the centre of the room, slurping down apple-juice cartons like kids in the playground, and finally, Andrew speaks.
“I want you to train Neil.”
Renee sets her carton down. “I thought Matt was teaching him to box.”
“He’s a shit boxer.”
“Neil or Matt?”
Renee shakes her head. She reaches back to pull out her hair tie, letting her bangs tumble back into their usual place. “Is there a reason Neil hasn’t asked me himself?”
Andrew is silent. There it is; the heart of the matter.
Renee sighs. “I’m not going to force Neil to train with me if he doesn’t want to.”
“I don’t force Neil to do anything,” Andrew says sharply. Renee winces; it was a poor choice of words on her part.
“Why do you think he needs it?”
“Matt is teaching him how to box. It’s not the same as real fighting.”
Renee hums. “Can’t he do something for fun?”
“That’s not the point. Besides,” Andrew pauses. “Matt only knows how to fight like the fuck-off giant that he is.”
Renee can’t argue with that; Matt never had to learn the same style of combat that she and Andrew did. He may teach Neil how to throw a good punch, but there’s a big difference in stance and strategy when your opponent is a foot taller than you. Renee and Andrew learned that the hard way.
“And who is it that you think Neil is going to be fighting?”
Andrew waves one arm in an all-encompassing gesture. “Have you met him?”
“Renee,” he shoots back, imitating her tone and inflection.
“What did he say when you suggested that I teach him?”
Andrew scrunches up his features in an imitation of Neil’s ugh face. “He said that he gets enough bruises as it is.”
“He’s not wrong.”
Andrew doesn’t roll his eyes, but his eyebrows twitch as though he’s considering it. “He also said he doesn’t need to get any better. Because he…” Andrew grimaces. Sharing is still tough for him, even after years of therapy and trust. “He has me to protect him.”
“As I said,” Renee says, smiling. “He’s not wrong.”
“He’s an idiot.”
“He has his moments.”
They finish their juice boxes in silence.
“Well,” says Renee, getting back to her feet. Her legs may be going stiff, but there’s still some fight left in her. There always is. “I may not be able to train Neil, but at least I can train his bodyguard to the best of my ability.” She holds her hand out to Andrew. After a moment of careful consideration, he takes it, using the pull to swing himself to his feet. “One more round?”
Andrew nods, determination setting in his eyes like concrete. “One more round.”
Renee likes to think that she has improved at reading Andrew over the years. This time, as they trade hits and kicks, it isn’t anger or frustration powering Andrew’s movements; it’s something far more powerful.
She thinks – hopes – prays – that the worst of Neil’s fights are behind them. All the same, she sleeps a little easier knowing that, should the day come, Andrew will be at his back with a knife in each hand.
That’s love, after all.
Thank you for reading - please let me know what you thought
Still open to requests!
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sav-grey · 4 years
TAGGING: Savannah Grey & Sam Kyle @samuelkyle
DATE: Sunday, September 6th
LOCATION: Savannah’s Luxor NY Dorm Room
TOPIC:  Sam finds Sav’s pregnancy test
NOTES: This is slightly backdated, it occurred right before everyone left for France! 
Sav was a bit of a wreck. At least, as much of a wreck as she ever became. The trip to NYC, Luxor France, not feeling well had all combined to make the past few weeks insane. Plus the positive pregnancy test sitting on her desk didn’t....exactly help. When Sam reached out, offering to come over because she hadn’t been feeling well, her first instinct had been to say no, but then...she decided maybe some company, company that wasn’t Maddie, would like calm her down a little. Make her feel more normal. So Sav unceremoniously tossed the test into the trash when she heard a knock at her door, swinging it open to let Sam in. “Hey,” she said softly, giving him a smile. “You know, if you didn’t want me to think you were sweet, you shouldn’t offer to check on me when I’m not feeling well,” Sav pointed out, echoing back to their conversation at the Met.
Sam tried not to blush at the compliment of sweet although his face still got slightly pink. "Considering you're one of the few people I enjoy talking to call it self interest." He set down a bag on the table. Sure bringing soup and other meds might have been a bit overkill but that was what people did when others were sick. At least that's what he'd experienced. "Are you feeling any better?" Sam asked not sure what to actually do. "I brought soup, and other things to hopefully help." He mumbled softly looking away his eyes landing on the trash before quickly looking somewhere else not letting his emotions flare up on his face.
"Can't fault you for that," Sav replied, forcing a small laugh in response to Sam's answer, motioning for him to follow into her room as she turned back to plop herself onto her bed. "Sure," she answered, shrugging up her shoulders. "I mean, a little bit, but not really. You didn't actually have to bring me anything, though. I've just been sleeping it off," Sav explained, blowing out a huff of air after her sentence. She actually hadn't really registered if her symptoms had gotten better in the past few days or not, because not thinking about it was definitely the better way to go about this. "I haven't actually hung out with anyone in forever, so thanks for coming over."
"Amanda used to make me soup when I wasn't feeling well. I figured it might make you feel better." Sam shrugged following her into the room. He sat next to her not positive what to do. "I should have brought something fun then." He grumbled realizing his idiocy. Sam had only brought the stuff to make her feel better. "Do you know why you're sick?" Sam asked curiously he wanted to hear that the thing he'd seen in the trash wasn't hers. That it might have been her roommates, at this point he'd even accept a lie as the truth. "How you got sick?" He clarified feeling a bit nervous.
"Soup is always everyone's catch solution. No matter how you're not feeling well," Sav mused, her nose wrinkling up a little bit. So many people had suggested soup when she mentioned she hadn't been feeling well, she was starting to get annoyed just hearing the word. "Fun like what? More proof of aliens?" she teased, giving Sam a little smirk, glad that talking to him was making her feel a little bit more normal at the very least. "Nah, just the company is fun enough. I think I just went a bit too hard in the city. Wore myself out."
"Well I got actual meds too, and there's a few other things to hopefully make you feel better." Sam shrugged realizing soup might have been a bad decision. "I was thinking more puzzles, video games, or chess." His face felt hot as he looked away rubbbing his shoulders. "I do have a switch but I'm not sure if you'd be interested? Oh? What else did you do?"
"I'm not a big video game person. And I don't know how to play chess," Sav admitted, watching Sam as he fidgeted, her eyebrows furrowing a little. She knew she was in a weird mood, but she wasn't sure why he seemed to be too. "I just went out a lot. Tried to cram all of my favorite places in," she said, tipping her head to one side before reaching out and poking Sam in the side. "Thanks again for bringing all that, Sam. If you don't mind just being lazy and not doing much I wouldn't hate it if you hung out with me for a bit," Sav said, a slight smile on her face as she attempted the joke.
“I could teach you if you’re interested.” Sam shrugged offering to teach.  Playing chess was something he’d done a lot with people at Luxor. Even going as far to teach a few people as well. He gave a small nod, “I only went to a few places. You might have had a better time it seems.” She caught him off guard and nodded. “We can hang out,” he nodded at her. “Sav,” Sam started before shaking his head. “Never mind. I have my switch so we could play Mario kart if you’d like?” It was one of the few games he always kept with him.
"Sure," she agreed, lifting one shoulder in a shrug in return. Sitting still and playing chess didn't seem like something she'd be good at, or have the attention to do for long, but she was always down for new challenges. At least for a brief amount of time. "I don't know about that. Wasn't all that fun," she said with a sigh. She didn't want to get into the drama with her ex-boyfriend with Sam, let alone the fact that she had been feeling sick for most of the trip too. "I'm a New Yorker, I don't know how to drive. I guarantee I'm terrible at that game," she said with a laugh.
"Why wasn't it fun?" Sam asked. from what he understood most people liked being in the city and even he had gotten somethings he'd enjoyed. "You don't have to tell me if you don't want to. Maverick my brother got another tattoo. I went with him it was interesting." He felt the need to change the conversation to anything except how she was. "I can't drive either it's pretty easy to learn though." Sam shrugged and then looked a bit frustrated. He couldn't stop thinking about what he saw. He needed to ask about it despite what could happen. "Sav, I. I, saw the thing in your trash... is it your roommates?" He asked not positive if he wanted to actually know the answer despite his brain not letting him stop thinking about it.
Sav flinched away from Sam at his question, her eyes darting towards her trash can before looking back at him. Fuck. How had she been so stupid? She could tell that her face had visibly paled, and as completely unprepared for that question that she was, she paused for a few seconds too long to make any denial believable. "I don't know what you're talking about," she said automatically, as she pushed herself off the bed, grabbing the soup Sam had brought out of the bag and stepping towards the door, dropping the now empty bag into the trashcan, if only so Sam couldn't get a better look at the test. Maybe he would be willing to be completely gullible, if only for her sake.
Sam Sam watched her move feeling more nervous than than when he had actually asked his question. He'd obviously been right based on her reaction. "It's okay." He shrugged rubbing his head nervously feeling like he had to get up and actively start walking or at least move his body. "It costs 500k to raise a child from the day they are born to 18 in New York. It costs even less in France and they are ranked 11th in the world to have a kid. Hypothetically whatever was decided it would be fine. And I'd help you. Regardless of whatever it is."
Sav crossed her arms across her chest, listening to Sam's words with a rising sense of annoyance. And panic, if she was being honest. She watched his fidgeting, the expression on her face hardening, no clear emotion visible on it. "Maybe you should go, Sam," she finally replied, her voice soft. His offer was kinder than anything she would've suspected, but Sav wasn't about to get into any sort of details with him. She wanted the least amount of people to know the least amount of information. About most things, really, but particularly this.
Sam stood up from the bed and pulled out his switch. He turned it on and held out one joycon. “If you really want me to go I’ll go. If not. You should at least be able to say you can play Mario kart.” Sam shrugged letting the conversation change to something easier. If Sav didn’t want to talk about that was fine with Sam. He really didn’t want to talk about it either.
Sav raised one hand, rubbing at the corner of her eye as Sam spoke, a small sigh leaving her lips. "It's fine. You don't have to stay," she said softly, her face still extremely neutral. She wasn't going to actively confirm anything to him, or even acknowledge what he had asked. That's about as close as she would get. "I'm pretty sure I would horrify you with my video playing skills anyways. Or lack thereof."
Sam paused, usually this is where he took every opportunity to leave. But now, he didn’t actually want to leave. “If you want me to leave I will.” He offered still holding out the joycon to play. Most people weren’t that good at video games. It didn’t mean that they didn’t play. “It doesn’t matter as long as you enjoy playing.”
A small sigh left Sav's lips before she reached out, taking the controller from Sam slowly. She didn't typically use video games as entertainment for herself, though she was known to get insanely competitive about them when the opportunity arose, but she figured it would at least be a nice distraction for a bit. "See what I mean? You're always nice to me," she said quietly, her eyes blinking up to meet Sam's. "Okay, teach me how to use this thing, I really only play like retro arcade games ever. And swear you won't laugh at how bad I am."
Sam shrugged starting up the game getting things ready. “I think most people I know would call it self interest. You’re interesting, and because I’m usually an asshole -or so I’m told- I recognize somewhere in my brain that if I am not nice you won’t want to hang out with me.” He then pointed to different buttons explaining the controls. It’d been a while since he’d played Mario kart with anyone since usually he and Mave played more violent video games. “Not gonna laugh. The last time I laughed because something was funny was at the bonfire.” Sam paused for a moment realizing that wasn’t actually the last time. “Last Luxor party the pool one. That was the last time.” He started up the game not wanting to go into how much of a disaster that whole party was. Let alone why it was supposed to be the good one.
Sav raised an eyebrow up at Sam, one corner of her mouth turning up slightly. "Can't fault you for doing something out of self interest. Though maybe that's my own self interest encouraging you in that," she said with a shrug, moving back to sit onto her bed again, motioning for Sam to join her. She leaned in slightly as he explained to her, nodding along. "I didn't go to the bonfire party," she admitted. Normally she was always down for a party, but Sav had skipped that one. "Do you only ever laugh at parties? Remind me to spend time with you at the next one."
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cosmic-affinities · 4 years
Pinky Finger
This is just a separate post of something I just reblogged! (Its my own content I just posted it underneath the original inspiration) (Credit for the prompt goes to @dekatsu )
So this came out to be A LOT longer than i intended soooo, here you go i guess?
AO3 link here
It’s the pinky finger. Of course, it is. It seems like every shitty thing originates from that small appendage. It’s ridiculous really.
Katsuki could really do without this shit.  
It all started when Midoriya broke all his fingers except his right pinky, from there the damned thing was out to end Katsuki Bakugo’s life. It was the little things, leading with his pinky instead of his pointer finger like a normal fucking person, tapping his desk so quietly that Katsuki was the only one able to hear it, and the last, most devastating, approaching obscene, way he sucked on the tip of his pinky when he was too concentrated to realize what he was doing. That was the metaphorical nail in the coffin, and if Katsuki were to witness that while fighting, it would be literal.
Katsuki was fucked, and he knew it. It was bad enough having a crush on your childhood friend that you bullied then eventually and painfully formed a tentative friendship with but, it was even worse being utterly obsessed with his damned pinky. It couldn’t have been something normal like his ass (which was spectacular) or his legs (which could crush him any day of the week) or even his hair (softer than what should be considered legal) no, it had to be his fucking finger. To top off the shittiest cake known to man, his best friend (a thought he would never admit to having) figured it out.
Katsuki was very careful to be discrete, all to avoid the very conversation he was pointedly not taking apart in. Kirishima managed to corner him outside his dorm room.
“Bakubro, what's with you and Mido? I know you guys are friends now, but you barely look him in the eyes, and you constantly look super focused whenever he is talking to you.” A wordless grunt is all Kirishima got in response, typical.
“Alright, I guess I’ll just have to take guesses and see which one sticks. Ok here goes, are you trying to think of a way to destroy him without actually killing him?”
“Ok, trying to read his mind?”
A bored look.
“How about trying to make him stop talking with only your mind?”
A look that read ‘you are a dumbass’
Kirishima smiled before he spoke again, almost knowingly. “Oh, I know, you are trying to figure out a way to ask him out.”
No eye contact, a poorly concealed flush on his cheeks. Bingo.
“Finally something I can work with. So what’s the plan, I say we call it Operation: Izukatsu what do you think?”
“I think you’re a dumbass who doesn’t know what he’s talking about, and also doesn’t know how to properly name something.” Finally, Katsuki broke his silence.
“Alright smart guy what do you think we should call it?” Kirishima expertly avoided leaving room for denial.
“First of all, there is no ‘it’ so congrats you jumped to a dumb fucking conclusion and second you are a dumb fuck.” Of course, Katsuki found room for denial.
“Ok, ouch did you need an entire point to call me dumb? Don’t answer that! And yes there is an ‘it’ I can tell because you wouldn’t have said anything in the first place if there wasn’t. Admit it, bro, I’m smarter than I look!”
Katsuki flushed again, it remained a flush because he vehemently swears he does not have the ability to blush.
“See! That right there is the ‘it’ I’m talking about. Bro, you know I won’t say anything right? It would be pretty messed up if I did since I'm kinda the same way with Denki.” That was the perfectly placed vulnerability, the perfect way to get someone like Katsuki to cave in.
“No, you and Pikachu are fucking gross, basically sucking each other's dicks in front of everyone and still not getting together.” Maybe Kirishima’s plan wasn’t flawless, it just needed some adjustment.
“Well if I make a move on Denki will you make a move on Mido? That’s a double win for you, a boyfriend and you won’t have to see whatever it is Denki and I do.” Well adjusted, vulnerability and a wager.
“I’m only going to say this once and only to you because I know you won’t go blab your fucking mouth to the first person you see. Fine, if you figure your shit out with Pikachu I’ll figure out mine. But you have to convince Deku it was a joke when he laughs in my face.” Katsuki wouldn’t meet the redhead’s eyes.
“Bro, you know Mido isn’t like that and I doubt he is going to laugh at you. Plus I’m pretty sure he feels the same way.”
“And why the fuck do you think you know how I feel.” It wasn’t a question, but Kirishima was going to give him an answer anyway, he needed to hear it.
“Do you not see the way he looks at you? Or talks about you? Or how excited he gets when you talk to him? Or how he basically jumped around when you agreed to spar with him? Or-”
“OK! I get it, whatever. He’s like that with everyone.”
“Bro if he was like that with me, you would have blown me up a long time ago.”
“Ok, fine whatever, if this blows up it’s on you.”
“I will take that risk for you bro.”
Katsuki finally relaxed a bit, assuming the conversation was finished.
“So, what should we call it if Izukatsu isn’t ok?” Kirishima had the confidence to smirk, thinking he could fluster his best friend.
“...bakudeku.” Katsuki said, barely loud enough for Kirishima to hear him.
“Oh, come on you know I won’t say anything, not even to the squad.”
“Whatever this has been way too much talking about this bull shit, come find me after you grow a pair and ask out the phone charger.” With that Katsuki walked away, nearly slamming into Deku, but the nerd’s reflexes had quickened since coming to UA so he was able to step aside and grab onto Katsuki before they ran into each other.
“Woah Kacchan, where’s the fire? What’s got you walking so quickly?”As he spoke Katsuki could feel the hand on his bicep twitch, that was the only warning he got before he felt the tapping. So light that many would not have noticed, and if it was anyone else Katsuki wouldn’t have, but the hyper-focus he gained around Deku was amplified as his right pinky lightly tapped him rhythmically.
“Oh just shitty hair being stupid, I don’t want to lose IQ points.” Deku laughed, Katsuki wanted him to do it again.
“Kacchan I know he’s your best friend, no need to pretend.” More giggles followed.
“Well, whatever, either way, that's what I was walking away from. What about you, aren't you usually with Round Face for breakfast on Sundays?” He hoped that didn’t come off creepy, he just happened to know where Deku usually was on Sundays.
“Oh yeah usually, but she needed some time to talk to Tsu so I told her to take her to breakfast! Hopefully, now she won’t get so distracted every time Tsu walks by.” A smile lit up Deku's face as he quietly laughed, nearly blinding to Katsuki.
“Finally, maybe now I’ll be able to go to class without being caught between someone staring at their damn crush, it's gross walking between Shitty Hair and Pikachu can’t even imagine your two.” Katsuki faked a small gag which earned him a pretty laugh, maybe he could record it.
“Lucky you, I still have to deal with Todoroki, I make sure to avoid Class B when I’m with him if he sees Shinsou there is no getting him back.”
“Does this class need a fucking matchmaker? Is that what it'll take? Even Racoon Eyes can’t get enough of Earphones I swear can’t go anywhere without someone acting dumb around their crush.” Katsuki silently hoped this would be the end of this particular topic, talking about crushes while Deku tapped his bicep was hitting way too close to home.
As if he could read Katsuki’s thoughts, Deku removed his hand, the contact was immediately missed.
“Maybe a matchmaker wouldn’t be so bad, I don’t know how much more I can take!” Deku laughed again, he was definitely out to get Katsuki today.
“Oh and what about you? Does Round Face expect you to use your Sunday the same way she is?” Katsuki heavily faked nonchalance, he knew Kirishima wouldn’t take long to hold up his end of the bargain and he at least wanted to prepare for rejection.
Nervous laughter met his ears and when he looked at Deku he saw a red face, only managing to make his freckles stand out even more, damn any higher power, that was fucking cute.
“Oh um I don’t think she expects anything from me!” Deku’s pinky started to twitch, capturing Katuki’s attention momentarily.
“Good, since you’re free and I have Mario Kart for my switch, wanna play?” Did he fucking say good? Shit, hopefully, Deku didn’t notice.
“Oh, sure! I just need to eat something first if I don’t, I won’t make it through one round.” If he did notice he didn’t mention it.
“I was about to make some rice and I guess I could make enough for you cause I’m guessing you can’t cook for shit, even if it's just rice.”
“I’m going to choose to ignore the insult and just say thanks, so thanks Kacchan!” Another blinding smile, fuck.
“You ignoring it means it probably true, come on I’m starving.” Katsuki didn’t wait for a response, electing to walk forward and hope the damn nerd followed him.
He did.
They made their way into the kitchen area and Deku just pushed himself up onto the counter and watched as Katsuki expertly moved his way around the kitchen, it didn’t take long, he was only making rice after all.
Just as he finished he commented, “You know, you could’ve helped me instead of just staring at me.”
Although he was red, Deku managed to respond, “I thought you said I can’t cook, what happened to that huh?”
“Well, either way, you didn’t have to stare.” Katsuki tacked on a light laugh at the end, he hoped Deku knew he was joking.
“Wh-what! I wasn’t-”
“Nerd! I’m messing with you, now come on and eat already, I didn’t cook for you not to eat.”
They both ate fairly quickly, neither was kidding when they said they were hungry. Once they finished they got up and made their way back towards Katsuki’s dorm.
“Let me stop in my room to grab a blanket really quickly so I can beat you in Mario Kart without getting cold.”
“Yeah right you’re gonna beat me, no one has been able to beat me yet. Come on, let's go.”
The two make it to Midoriya’s room and Katsuki is told to wait by the door while Midoriya grabs a few things. He takes the time to watch the nerd navigate perfectly around his mess of a room, collecting snacks, and a big blanket. His eyes wander around the rest of the room, flicking between All Might decorations and figurines, and school work. As he glanced towards the windowsill above the bed, he noticed something stark compared to all of the All Might things.
“Hey Nerd, what's that on your window? It doesn’t look like any All Might stuff I’ve seen.” Katsuki’s interest piqued when Deku turned red and tried to stutter out a response. He was finally able to compose himself.
“Oh, that’s just an old hero figuring I found, nothing crazy.” Katsuki didn’t buy it.
“Well let me see, what hero is it? I know just as many of them as you do.” Deku quickly moved to grab the figurine but a firm hand on his wrist stopped him.
“Like I said, it’s just something I found, you wouldn’t be interested in it! Trust me!”
“Then let me see it, now I’m curious.” Deku tried to wiggle out of the firm grasp, without activating his quirk Katsuki had him beat in raw strength so he was out of luck.
“N-no! Trust me you won’t like it!”
“And how do you know that?”
“Uh, just a hunch?”
“Are you asking or telling? You know what, whatever I’m just going to grab it.”
“NO WAIT!” Deku tried to get him to stop but Katsuki was already leaning over the bed to grab it, all while keeping his eyes on Deku, making sure he didn’t try to stop him.
“What could be so bad-” Katsuki finally looked down at the black and orange figurine in his hand, it was him in his hero costume. His cheeks tinged with red, he had to come up with something to say and fast.
“Tch they got my hair wrong, it’s pointier than that.”  He continued to inspect the figure, trying to act unaware of Deku’s blush and slight sputtering.
“Uh, I um found that in a hero kiosk is the mall just after the sports festival, apparently a lot of people wanted figures of the winners. The ones of Todoroki and Tokoyami didn’t look right, but yours was pretty close, I guess I got excited seeing you three as figures.” It was a wonder the nerd didn’t pass out from a lack of oxygen, he tried to explain himself all in one breath.
“Who would want losers on their shelves anyway, at least I earned a spot, HA I wonder how many people actually have these.” The lack of insults seemed to calm Deku down a bit.
“I actually asked! He said he had sold at least 50 of just yours that day alone! For someone who isn’t even a Pro yet, I thought that was pretty impressive!”
“Heh, probably more than the other two, anyways why don’t all of the extras know about this? I know for a fact a handful of them have been in here and none of them would have let me hear the fucking end of it.”
“Oh um well usually I put it away when people come over, but today was a surprise so…” His pinky started to tap against his arm slowly, he was embarrassed.
“Eh, they would all be too jealous to function anyways. So are you ready? Mario Kart isn’t going to play itself.” Hopefully, the change in subject would calm him down.
“Yeah! We can go now.” The tapping stopped as Katsuki replaced the figure.
“Alright then hurry the fuck up, we’re wasting time.”
The two made their way to Katsuki’s room, but as they got closer Deku’s pinky started tapping his thigh.
“You nervous I’m going to beat you so badly you won’t get to finish the race?” Katsuki hoped to try and ease the anxiety he could see in the other.
“What? I’m not nervous! I’m definitely going to beat you!” His pinky gave him away, it tapped faster as they approached the door.
‘Do I tell him I can tell he’s nervous? Would that be embarrassing? Should I just let it go? Why was he so nervous anyway?’ Katsuki’s mind was running on overdrive until he finally settled on something to say.
“Tch, as if. No way you could beat me.”
“Well we’ll just see won’t we?” Although Deku looked smug and challenging his pinky still twitched.
As the pair entered the room Deku took a look around noticing how clean it was, although he didn’t expect much less. Katsuki made quick work of setting up the game and directed Deku to the bed.
“You can put the snacks on the desk and sit on the bed, unless you want to sit on the floor?”
“I think gaming usually happens on the floor leaning against the bed, we don’t want you to singe your bed when you lose, do we?” He displayed the confidence so well that Katsuki was wondering if the pinky tapping didn’t mean what he thought. He immediately scrapped that line of thought, there was no way he was wrong.
“I think we have to worry about you rage quitting.” A quick eyebrow raise solidified the challenge, both were determined to win.
Katsuki sat down next to Deku on the floor leaning on the bed and handed him a controller, as they went to the player select screen Deku threw the blanket around his head and over his shoulders. The fabric bunched all around him and Katsuki couldn’t help but wonder why he brought such a big blanket.
“Let’s see what shitty set up you use Deku, cause I know it won’t be as good as mine.” They both completed the character select in relative silence, one they were done both had… comments.
“Never pegged you for a Baby Mario kinda doesn’t fit you.” Deku chuckled out.
“HEY! He is fast and he is a mini badass when you jump! And you don’t see me making fun of you for using Yoshi! Especially the green one, how predictable!”
“Mhmm sure Kacchan, just tell me one thing? Why did you start using him in the first place?”
“Oh wipe the smug look off your face, it started as a bet. I told Shitty Hair I could beat him with anyone and any setup and he said prove it, so we spent an entire night going through me using all the characters and it was just the funniest fucking thing to see Dry Bowser get beaten so badly by Baby Mario! Now whenever someone loses to me it's just that much better that they lost to a literal baby!”
“Why am I not surprised? And Green Yoshi has always been good to me!”
“Look, just wait until you see badass little Baby Mario on the first place pedestal, you will see what I’m talking about.”
The two played the four rounds of the Star Cup, and as they finished the heated round on Mount Wario they saw they had tied for points. The lead up to the awards screen played out and both of their characters were featured.
“Haah?! I won on a technicality!? No fucking way, I need to completely beat you, none of this tie bullshit!”
“Well Kacchan, it is something to see the person in second place still be taller than the one in first even though the platforms are uneven.”
“Are you not going to acknowledge our tie?!”
“I was getting to it, looks like since you won the last race in the cup, the game gives you first place. That's interesting. I never knew that. I wonder what happens if you tie with a CPU? Or if you tie on a worldwide game?”
“Deku! Mumbling!”
“Right sorry. Wanna rematch?” The excited look in his eyes took Katsuki by surprise, he could only navigate the way into setting up the next match.
“I think we should do the Lightning Cup first because the Special Cup has the harder version of rainbow road, in comparison the rainbow road on the N64 is pretty easy.”
“Yeah sure whatever Deku, just stop leaning into the hard turns, this isn’t the Wii, everything is on the controller.” The only reason there was a need to mention this was because Deku was leaning dangerously close to Katsuki, and he wasn’t sure he could hold it together.
“Oh! Sure Kacchan, I didn’t even realize I was doing it!” The pretty blush was back on his cheeks as he let out a small laugh, Katsuki definitely couldn’t hold it together.
“I’m only telling you cause by the time we get to rainbow road you’ll practically be in my lap!”
This was not the right thing to say. The thought alone made the two of them horribly red, and Deku started to tap his pinky again.
“Let’s start the fucking race, I have a point to prove.’
This cup went similar to the first but Deku managed to take first place in the last race, Rainbow Road N64, meaning Yoshi was at the top of the platform.
“Not this fucking tie again! Damn it Deku! When did you become good at video games?” Katsuki cautioned a look at his bundled up nerd, also a mistake. The pride in his eyes as he looked at Katsuki made his breath hitch ever so slightly.
“I’ve always been good, you were just too scared to admit it!”
“Tch whatever, we still have one more cup that’s worth our time.” Katsuki forced himself to look away, despite the warning before the previous round, Deku ended up even closer to him and he wouldn’t be able to hold it together much longer.
“Maybe this next one we won’t actually tie.”
“I don’t plan on it nerd.” Katsuki contemplated for a second before continuing, “Share your damn blanket its fucking cold in here and all my shit’s folded.” He had been thinking about asking since he saw how big the blanket was but better late than never.
“Oh, sure!” Deku unwrapped himself and draped the big blanket over their laps, now connected by their thighs, and tucked it around them. Successfully keeping them together in a blanket cage.
Katsuki focused very hard to keep himself from wrapping around Deku, trying to focus on the game in front of him, as he started up the final cup.
The last was shockingly similar to the first two, although Katsuki was very close to becoming the fair winner until Deku started to tap his controller leaving Katsuki momentarily distracted leading to the final tie.
“Another fucking tie, that's it it’s gotta be rigged!”
“Kacchan I just think we’re too good and the game doesn’t know how to handle it.” Deku giggled which effectively cut Katsuki’s train of thought short.
“Tch whatever you’re probably right. It just can’t handle us.” Katsuki allowed himself to laugh too, eventually, the pair leaned against each other and the bed calming down after a bout of laughing and small jokes continuing to make everything seem much funnier than it was until the two were breathless. Once the two finally settled, Katsuki realized he didn’t want Deku to leave, even though he only extended an offer of Mario Kart.
“Wanna watch a movie? You brought a bunch of shit and we haven’t even touched it.”
“Yeah, sure! What’d you wanna watch?” Pointedly neither moved from their position.
“I have a bunch of All Might’s old movies downloaded on my laptop, we could watch those?” Before he spoke he could feel Deku’s excitement.
“Yes! That sounds like fun! Maybe we could sit somewhere else though, the floor is only comfortable for so long.”
“Yeah, we can just sit on my bed and use a pillow to prop up the laptop.” At this Katsuki reluctantly moved, grabbing his laptop and the snacks off of his desk moving them to his night table. Deku grabbed the pillow and settled in near the wall, making room for Katsuki to sit next to him, they were basically pressed up against each other from shoulder to ankle due to the size of the bed.
“Man, I haven’t seen one of these in a while, I guess it’s different when you have the real one as your teacher huh.”
“Damn right it is, I remember watching one of these at your house when we were barely old enough to understand what was going on. Auntie Inko was so confused when all we kept screaming was ‘I am Here’ as we ran around.” Katsuki began to laugh at the memory, it seemed like so long ago.
“Oh my gosh, I remember that! Didn’t we use Auntie Mitsuki’s towels as capes?” Deku soon joined the laughter.
“Yeah, the hag was trying to scold us but Auntie Inko pointed at the TV and they just kinda let us be, I guess they knew we wouldn’t stop for a while.”
“Man if I would’ve been told that All Might was going to be my teacher I would’ve freaked out, I kinda did when I found out honestly.”
“If you tell anyone this you’ll be dead before you can finish your sentence, but I did too. I scared the neighbor’s cat with my quirk on accident.” At this Deku threw his head back and laughed so infectiously that soon the pair was in a similar state to the one they had been in on the floor just before deciding to watch a movie. Breathless and happy the pair leaned back and watched the action sequence in front of them play out.
With the occasional comment the movie went by quickly and neither made a move to stop the next one from playing.
By the time Katsuki knew what was happening the second movie was almost over. He blearily lifted his head and tried to sit up, realizing he couldn’t move because of a weight on his chest. He looked down and took in the sight in front of him. Here he was basically cuddling with Deku, right arm over the greenette’s back resting on his hip. He saw that Deku had him trapped in a hug with an arm on either side of him and a head relaxed on his chest.
Deciding against his better judgment, Katsuki decided to lay his head back down, wrap his other arm around Deku, and go back to sleep.
This time he was woken by a voice.
“Kacchan. Kacchan?” Along with the voice, Katsuki could hear the end credits of the third movie playing in the background.
“Mmm shhh, I’m sleeping.”
“Kacchan! I can’t get up.”
“That sounds like a you problem, Deku.”
“Kacchan would you open your eyes!”
“No, I’m still asleep.”
At this, the pair heard the door swing open and a voice before they could react.
“Hey, Bakubro! You missed lu- oh hey Mido sorry I didn’t realize you two were in here, I’ll just go.”
Both boys on the bed scrambled to get up and respond, Deku was the first to compose himself.
“Oh don’t w-worry Kirishima! I just fell asleep during a movie.” He didn’t say anymore, clearly red with embarrassment.
“What is it that you need Shitty Hair?” Katsuki shot Kirishima, a warning glare that was dulled by the flush on his cheeks.
“Oh, well I was just coming to ask why you missed lunch and tell you some uh, news you could say.” The eyebrow raise made it perfectly clear as to what news he had for Katsuki.
“No- not already? Are you fucking serious! Not even a full day?!”
“I am serious thank you very much, we are going to get ramen tomorrow after classes get out!” The excitement was clear in his voice. “Now it’s your turn!”
“What do you mean Kirishima? It’s Kacchan’s turn for what?” The curiosity overpowered any lingering embarrassment.
“Well, basically Bakubro and I made a deal. He said that, and I quote ‘if you figure your shit out with Pikachu I’ll figure out mine’ so, now he has to make his own move.” Kirishima turned to face Katsuki and raised an expectant eyebrow before either could say anything they heard a small voice.
“Oh, I didn’t realize you had a crush on someone Kacchan.” And then slightly louder and more positive “Anyways, I’ll let you guys talk. I should go, Uraraka will want to talk to me, bye guys!” Deku stood up and walked to the door without grabbing anything.
“Deku wait!” It was too late, he was already out the door.
“REALLY?! Did you have to say all that shit to him?! Fuck! And he left his fucking blanket!” Katsuki now stood and paced around in front of Kirishima.
“Sorry! I thought you had already made your move! You guys were all cuddled up so I just assumed!”
“Fuck! No! We seriously just fell asleep! Damn it! What am I going to do, he thinks I like someone else?!”
“Bro, did you hear how he sounded when he said he didn’t know you had a crush on someone? “
“Yeah, he sounded surprised, what the hell does that have to do with anything?!”
“DUDE! He didn’t sound surprised! He sounded heartbroken! Or maybe just really sad, I guess heartbroken is a strong word.”
“What the fuck? No, he didn’t, did he?” Katsuki sounded almost hopeful, which maybe wasn’t fully appropriate for the situation.
“Ok dude, first of all, don't sound so happy about him being sad, second of all YES he did, would you just go and get him?!”
“NO! What the hell man! Things between us are complicated! I can’t just go up to him, it would make things weird! I have to have some kind of plan that I can get out of because I’m still not convinced that you know what you are talking about.”
“Bakugou! If you don't, believe me, why don’t you go ask Todoroki or Uraraka?! I don’t want to deal with any more of this! Dude, he likes you, you like him, go for it!”
“Look, it’s not that simple-”
“Yes, it is! What could possibly be holding you of all people back? You should-”
“I TOLD HIM TO KILL HIMSELF! OK, look in middle school I gave him a lot of shit and I crossed a line that I can’t go back from and so now there is no way he could ever see me like that, I am lucky enough that he can even look at me!”
“Yeah oh. That's why I don’t want to just go up to him, I can’t.”
“Want to talk about it? Maybe if you talk to me you can figure out what it is you want to do, because I still don’t think you should just sit on this.”
“Want to? Never. Should I? Probably.” They stayed in silence, the news was shocking enough to keep it from being awkward. There was a long pause before Katsuki finally spoke up again.
“Look, everyone knows he was a late bloomer but no one knows how late. It was like a month after school had started we were talking about high school and everyone knew I wanted to go to U.A. then the teacher mentions that Deku wants to go too, but at the time he still didn’t have signs of a quirk, at least that he showed. I had known him my whole life, I knew he wanted to be a hero and I also knew that if he did whatever the entrance exam practical was he would probably die or get seriously injured.
That doesn’t excuse what I said but I didn’t want him to get hurt, no matter how badly I treated him he was my best friend once, hell one of my only friends ever at that point. Everyone else flocked to me because I was flashy and powerful, he was my friend before we had to worry about quirks. So that year I was especially hard on him and it is so fucked up because even then it hurt to be mean to him, and yet I did it anyway because I had the fucked up mindset that he was going to hold me back from being a hero because he could never be one.
Then he jumps into the fucking middle of me and the sludge monster and I was so fucking mad that he did, if All Might hadn’t been there he would have been dead, all to save me who had told him to take a fucking swan dive off of a god damn building earlier that SAME FUCKING DAY.
Eventually, I apologized, obviously, now we are closer than we have been since we were four and you wanna know what he told me when I apologized for telling him to do that? He told me that his thought right after I told him was
‘Idiot! If I had really jumped, you’d be charged with bullying me into suicide!! Think before you speak!’
He was more worried about me getting in trouble than he was about what I actually fucking said to him. What kind of a shitty person can do all that to someone then still try to ask them out huh?! That's not even all, that's the worst of it but I gave him hell to try and protect him instead of growing a fucking pair and just telling him to not be reckless or even being there myself to fucking protect him. The only good thing to come out of that shitshow is that I was the only one fucking with him, no one else dared to bully him because he was my target. Do you hear how fucking awful that sounds? The only good thing I did for him was bully him enough that no one else did. So yeah it’s fucking complicated.
Now I learned his nervous ticks because I’m fucking afraid that I still make him nervous. Like today I saw him start tapping his damn pinky as we got closer to my room and I freaked the fuck out and tried to figure out why he was nervous, how can I try to fucking date someone that I still check to see if they are afraid of me? The answer is I fucking can’t.” As Katsuki finished talking he realized he had tears running down his face, he didn’t even know when he started crying. He never met Kirishima’s eyes, he couldn’t take whatever hatred he was sure they displayed.
“Listen, that’s not who you are anymore, and if Midoriya is still by your side after all of that what makes you think he would abandon you now? I’m not going to push you anymore because it won’t do any good but I still think you should tell him, you talked out your past and now you guys are friends, why does it have to stop there?” Kirishima patted Katsuki’s knee from where he sat next to him. Katsuki finally looked up to see an encouraging smile on his friend’s face.
“Maybe I will. Shit! He’s probably still trying to figure out what happened earlier fuck! He wakes up basically being smothered by me then finds out I have a-” he stopped short.
“A crush?” Kirishima filled in.
“Yes, he thinks I have one on someone else! Fuck, I need to find him.”
“Dude, why don’t you take a second to eat something and clean yourself up? You both missed lunch and, no offense dude, but you kinda look like a mess.” Katsuki looked in a mirror and realized Kirishima was right, he was in rumpled sweatpants and a tank top, his hair was still messy from his nap, and his face was red and slightly puffy.
“Ok yeah, you’re right. Hand me my phone?”
“What are you gonna do?”
“I’m gonna text pink cheeks and ask her to keep Deku busy until I can go talk to him, I don’t want him to be in the middle of something.”
[Baku] Hey, is Deku with you?
[Uraraka] Why.
[Baku] I need to talk to him.
[Uraraka] About?
[Baku] Does it fucking matter?
[Uraraka] Yeah it kinda does, so why do you need to talk to him?
[Baku] Why does it matter?
[Uraraka] Maybe because I saw him walk out of your room looking like a mess and he won’t tell me why.
[Baku] Fuck, are you serious?
[Uraraka] Yes I’m serious! I keep trying to ask but he keeps changing the subject.
[Baku] Oh shit can you keep him busy for like 20 minutes? I just need some time then I can go talk to him and sort everything out
[Uraraka] Only if you tell me why he doesn’t want to talk about it.
[Baku] Fine whatever, him and I fell asleep watching a movie together Kirishima walked in to find us laying together then the stupid head told him that I like someone but I’m not really sure what part he doesn’t want to talk about.
[Uraraka] When you say laying together you mean…
[Uraraka] Cuddling?
[Baku] Yeah.
[Uraraka] How close were you?
[Baku] Does it matter?
[Uraraka] Yes! I won’t keep him here unless you tell me.
[Baku] Fuck! Fine, he was basically on top of me, hugging me and my arms were around him. Now, are we done? Can I count on him being with you?
[Uraraka] One more thing. When you say you ‘like’ someone, you mean like a crush right?
[Baku] Seriously?
[Baku] Fine. Yes.
[Uraraka] Alright he’ll be with me in the kitchen.
[Baku] Perfect.
“Alright, I have twenty minutes to pull myself together and figure out what to say to him. Fuck, I don’t know what to say to him. What did you say to get Pikachu to go out with you?”
“Oh, we’re already together, we’ve been dating for like three weeks, he and I just thought this would be the best way to get you to ask out Mido.”
“Are you fucking serious?! You know what that is a problem for another time, just tell me how it went down three weeks ago.”
“Well, basically I saw Denki turn down a girl from the support course and so I went and asked him why he said no, he told me she wasn’t his type so I asked him what his type was and he told me that he was into guys so the girl really didn’t have a chance and so I took a risk and asked him if he wanted to go with me to get dinner, like on a date, were my words i think and he said yes. And while we were at dinner we ended up talking about we had both been kinda crushing on each other and he said that and I quote “At least we aren’t as bad as Kacchan and Deku’ and he said your names in air quotes so we came up with a plan to get you to ask out Mido.”
“You are absolutely no help, you are only going to make me mad. Fucking three weeks and you don’t tell me.”
“You have been pining after Mido for like a year now I don't want to hear anything.”
“Fine, whatever, just help me figure out what to say.”
“Just tell him the truth! That would be the easiest thing to do.”
“Ok, you know what I’m going to fix myself up and then go find him I don’t want to hear you anymore you are not making me feel any better.”
“Alright bro, just tell me how it goes ok?”
“Tch yeah whatever.”
Kirishima leaves Katsuki in his room, where he spends the next 15 minutes washing his face, brushing his hair, finding something to wear, and folding the blanket Deku left. Before he knows it, it’s time to head down to the kitchen, but when he gets there he sees Uraraka sitting by herself.
“What the fuck pink cheeks! I thought you said you would keep him here!”
“I did, he's just going to the bathroom, calm down Bakugou.” Katsuki stood facing her, back to the door and let out a sigh.
“So have you figured out what you’re going to tell him?”
“Nope, not in the slightest.”
“I think you should just say it, just tell him ‘Deku I have a crush on you’ just like that.”
“Yeah no I don’t think so, also how do you know that I… like him?”
“Because neither of you is as subtle as you’d like to think, anyway if not just telling him then what are you going to say?”
“I don’t know! All I know is that I can’t just tell him.”
“And why not?”
“Right, yeah. Cause telling him ‘hey Deku i just thought you should know that I have a giant fucking crush on you, so much so that apparently half of this damned school knew before either of us did, and I’d really like to date you if you want to.’ would totally go over well, and why the hell do you keep moving like that? What the fuck is wrong with you?”
“I was trying to tell you to shut up!”
“And why is tha-”
“Hey, Kacchan.”
“Hey Deku. WAIT DEKU!” At this Katsuki finally turned around, blushing like crazy, no matter what he said.
“I’ll let you two talk…” Uraraka made her way out of the kitchen leaving the two boys alone.
“So… how much did you hear?”
“I’ve been here since the first ‘Hey Deku’”
“Oh wow ok yeah she really was trying to tell me to shut up.”
“Um, Kacchan?”
“Did you really mean what you said?”
“Well yeah, as much as I wish you hadn’t heard it that way I wasn’t lying.” The two were still in the same places, Deku in the doorway and Katsuki in the middle of the room.
“What about the thing Kirishima said back in your dorm?”
“He was talking about you, dumbass.” Maybe the insult wasn’t necessary, but it made both feel more comfortable, it felt more familiar than anything else at that point. Katsuki decided to lean against the island behind him.
“Yeah.” After Katsuki responded neither spoke for a moment, tension hung around them. Until Katsuki finally broke.
“So, do you want to go get dinner, like on a date? Maybe today?” After Kirishima told him what happened between him and Kaminari, Katsuki couldn’t think of anything else to say.
“OH! Yes! I would love to, today?” Deku seemed to finally realize what was happening as he responded, excitement taking over his features.
“Yeah? You really want to?” Katsuki let himself become hopeful, the entire thing was far more nerve-wracking than he imagined.
“Yes, Kacchan! When and where?” The enthusiasm was clear on Deku’s face and it seeped into Katsuki.
“How about tonight I’ll pick you up at your dorm at six? And where will be a surprise.”  
“Sure! That will give me plenty of time to get ready, and it will give me a chance to talk to Uraraka, I need to chew her out for not telling me anything, she saw how much of a mess I wa-”
“Deku! You’re mumbling.” A small, fond smile appeared on Katsuki’s face, although he would never admit it.
“Oh! Sorry Kacchan, sometimes I can’t tell that I’m actually saying things out loud!”
“Nah, it’s fine. I just figured you probably wouldn’t want me to hear everything you were about to say.” A red glow took over Deku’s face, it was unfairly cute in Katsuki’s eyes.
“Yeah, you’re probably right.”
“Oh yeah! One more thing, you left your blanket in my room, I folded it up and left it on my bed, do you wanna go get it?”
“Oh no it’s fine, you can just give it to me tomorrow after classes, I don’t need it right away!” The red on Deku’s face got slightly darker.
“Alright, so I’ll just meet you at your dorm at six?” Katsuki finally straightened up, off the counter, and made to walk towards Deku.
“Yeah, sounds perfect!”
“Can't wait,” Katsuki said as he reached Deku. Before he left the kitchen, he leaned down and gave Deku a swift peck on the cheek, with confidence he didn’t realize he possessed at the moment.
The small sign of affection made them both blush madly, but Katsuki quickly walked away before either could realize that they were in a similar state.
As the two separated Katsuki’s mind drifted back to Deku’s pinky, the damned thing was out to ruin his life, but if that was the cost of being with Deku, then he was willing to let it wreak havoc. And if that night, Katsuki fell asleep wrapped in a large blanket surrounded by Deku’s scent, that would be between him and Deku, who was suspiciously happy to find a smell of burnt sugar lingering on his favorite blanket when he got it back.
Thank you for reading, I hope you enjoyed if you want to read a sequel of either any of the other pairs mentioned in this fic (maybe a get-together or a snapshot of what these two mean when they say their class needs a matchmaker.) OR if you want to see their date just let me know! I just didn't want to invest so much into this project when I have another request if I didn't know how much of this people would want to read! Thank you again!
Also, what are your opinions on the Mario Kart players? I really want to know what more people think, I've already had two people tell me Baku would play as Bowser but I kinda like him playing as Baby Mario, especially in this context.
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Fratboy!Tom Holland | Tom x Reader 
Chapters: | 1 | 2 |
Chapter 2
   You wouldn’t say that you liked Mondays, but there was something refreshing about the start of a new week. The mad dash to get all of your work done on Sunday night often meant you hit a slump in the afternoon, so to cope with the post-weekend crash you’d created a routine that involved getting a large coffee from the campus coffee cart and finding a nice grassy spot in the quad to settle onto and get a start on your readings for the week. It was small, but it was something that helped get you through the day and gave you something to look forward to. This particular Monday was sunny, but a cool breeze would occasionally blow through and gently tug at your hair as you made your way around campus. You walked towards your usual spot at the base of one of the many trees in the quad and settled yourself against its thick trunk. Across the quad, a group of people were kicking around a soccer ball.
You took a sip of your coffee and pulled out your textbook and notebook and started reading, jotting down important things from the chapter as you read. You’d had 30 minutes of uninterrupted reading time when someone suddenly plopped down beside you.
“Hello Y/N,” grinned Tom, a slight sheen of sweat covering the copious amount of skin he was showing in his muscle shirt. “You didn’t text me, I was worried about you,” he said, taking a pull from his water bottle. As he tilted his head up, you got a clear view of his tight jawline.
“I’m sorry. I’m sure it’s kept you up at night,” you responded. “I thought you didn’t live on campus?”
“I don’t, I was just at the gym,” he said, pointing back at the large rec hall on campus. “I’d just finished when I saw you sitting here, figured I’d pop by and say hello.”
“Well, hello to you too,” You said simply, turning to look back at your book.
“What’re you reading?” He asked. You held up your book higher so he could read the cover, still staring intently at the paragraph you were reading. “Student’s Guide to Cognitive Neuroscience? Sounds hard.”
“Yeah, you really need to pay attention to what you’re reading to get it,” you respond pointedly.
“Oh come on Y/N, you can’t honestly tell me you’d rather read that than speak to me,” Tom laughed.
“Yes, I am honestly telling you that,” you said, mimicking his accent. “I need to read this, we have our first midterm soon.”
“Alright, alright,” Tom said, throwing his hands up in defeat, “I’ll make this quick. Sig Ep’s hosting a fundraising event this weekend. We rented the pool for a night and are gonna put a bunch of inflatables in it and watch Titanic. Sound like something you’d be interested in?”
“So that’s why you came over,” you said, barely managing to refrain from rolling your eyes “You haven’t sold enough tickets yet and need a few more people to come or you’ll get fined. That’s how that works, right?”
“Sweetheart if you don’t think I could sell ten tickets then you don’t know me,” he smirked.
“I don’t know you,” you pointed out. “I met you like, two days ago.”
“Fair enough,” Tom laughed “let’s change that though. Don’t worry about buying a ticket, I’ll put your name on the list,” he said as he stood up and brushed the grass off his pants. “You have my number so if you’ve got any questions you can text me. Or call if you’d like to hear my voice more. I could give you tips for your impressions.”
“Wait I didn’t sa-“
“I’ll see you Friday!” He said before heading off, a smug smile plastered to his face.
“Why are boys such idiots?” You asked as you tossed your backpack at the foot of your bed. After your encounter with Tom, you couldn’t focus on your reading so you retreated back to your dorm.
“Because they’re boys,” Amanda said simply. She laid in her bed with her laptop on her chest, watching Criminal Minds on Netflix. “You can’t expect a lot out of them. What happened?”
“This guy, Tom, he’s trying to drag me to the Sig Ep event this weekend. But it’s at the pool and-“
“Wait, Tom as in Sig Ep Tom?” Amanda asked, looking over at you. “Tom “look at me I’ve got perfect hair and a British accent” Tom?”
“I mean, yeah, I guess.” You said, suddenly uneasy. Did he have a reputation you hadn’t heard of? He was probably a serial dater. Going out with girls for a few weeks before leaving them for the next cutie in a crop top. He could be the type. “Why, is he-“
“Oh my God Tom Holland is trying to get you to go to Sink or Swim that’s fucking hilarious.” Amanda laughed before you could finish your question.
“It’s not funny!” You said exasperatedly “I talked to him for like, twenty minutes on Saturday and now he won’t leave me alone.”
“And you’re complaining? The guy’s gorgeous. And British!”
“He’s a Sig Ep, Amanda, you know I hate them. I only go to their parties because of you guys.”
“Honey, listen,” Amanda said, pausing her show and moving her laptop to the side so she could sit up and look you in the eye. “I’m not going to say you need to get over your dislike of Sig Eps. After what Daniel did it’s valid. But you need to make an exception for this guy.”
“Why should I? All he’s done is walk around like he’s the king of campus or something and try and flex his snarky attitude at me,” you say, rolling your eyes. “And I guess he called me an Uber on Saturday but that’s it.”
“Woah woah woah wait, Tom’s the guy from Saturday?” Amanda said, “Uh-uh, you don’t get to say he hasn’t done anything for you when he was literally willing to fight Daniel to defend you.”
“Oh my God, Amanda, he was not defending me!”
“He totally was!”
“Babes!” came a voice from your shared bathroom. You lived in a suite with 3 other girls, your two rooms split by a shared bathroom. You and Amanda were in one room, and Emily and Shannon were in the other. Standing in the doorway of the bathroom was Shannon, a patient smile on her face. “What’re you yelling about? I’m trying to study for my French quiz tomorrow.”
“Tom Holland was Y/N’s savior from Saturday!” Amanda blurted.
“No. Way,” Shannon said, a grin spreading over her face.
“Yeah, and he asked her to go to Sink or Swim!”
“What’d you say!” Shannon asked, taking a seat at your desk.
“I didn’t say anything, he didn’t ask me,” You said, pinching the bridge of your nose “Besides I thought it was just a movie screening. It’s not a couples thing or anything… is it?”
“I mean, no, it’s not a couples thing,” Amanda said, “But how many people do you really think these inflatables can fit?”
“I’m not going,” you said flatly “If there’s anything worse than being surrounded by Sig Eps, it’s being surrounded by Sig Eps in a pool.”
“You could sit in the bleachers. No need to get near the water,” Shannon offered.
“I’m not going,” you repeated, growing frustrated. Your roommates could see your growing tension and backed off. They began talking about their own plans for Sink or Swim before Shannon dismissed herself to go back to studying. Now that the seat was vacated, you sat at your desk and took out your textbook, struggling to pay attention to your reading.
“So, saw you talking to a girl today,” Harrison said, spreading some peanut butter on a slice of toast. “Who is she?”
“Just a girl I met at the party on Saturday,” Tom responded, grabbing a protein shake from the fridge. “I only spoke to her for like five minutes, are you stalking me or something?”
“I’m everywhere, mate, you should know this by now. What sorority she in?” Harrison asked.
“I don’t know. She’s friends with some Pi Phi’s apparently.” Tom said. He shook his protein shake and sat down at the frat house’s shared dining table.
Harrison walked over and leaned over the table on his elbows in front of Tom.
“Quit your bullshit, dickhead. Gimme more details,” he said as he took a bite of his toast without breaking eye contact.
“Are you two gazing lovingly into each other’s eyes again?” Jacob asked as he walked in on the scene.
“Tom’s fancying some girl and I wanna know more about her,” Harrison said.
“I don’t fancy her,” Tom said, rolling his eyes.
“You’re certainly making an effort with her,” Harrison said.
“Is it the girl from Saturday?” Jacob asked “Because she was cute,”
“Oh so you tell Jake about her but not me,” Harrison said, acting wounded.
“There’s nothing to tell! I’ve spoken to her like twice, it’s no big deal.”
“So you’re saying you haven’t stalked her Instagram yet?” Jacob asked.
“No, why would I?” Tom shrugged, downing the remainder of his protein shake.
“Because she might have swimsuit pictures on there,” Harrison said, waggling his eyebrows.
“Real mature,” Tom said, rolling his eyes. “I think she’s cute, alright? That’s all there is to that.”
“Is she coming to Sink or Swim?” Harrison asked.
“Hopefully. Bought her a ticket.” Tom shrugged again.
“You don’t usually invest in your hookups,” Jacob pointed out.
“It’s $5 that’s hardly an investment.”
“But it’s something,” Jacob countered.
“You guys are annoying, I’m going to my room.” Tom groaned, leaving the kitchen.
“Remember we have thin walls!” Harrison yelled after him.
Once he got to his room, Tom flopped on his bed and let out a deep breath. It had been a long day, and he still had a lot of homework to get done. Despite this he pulled out his phone and opened Instagram, typing in “Y/N”.
He smirked a little when he saw her profile picture and tapped it, his smirk vanishing when he saw your account was set to private. He was so used to people’s accounts being open and available, he checked to see if he didn’t accidentally try and view your finsta instead. But no, there was only the one private account under your name.
“Mysterious girl…” He mumbled, finally putting his phone down and heading over to his desk to do his work.
AN: I’m taking title suggestions for what to call this series! If you have any ideas you’d like to share I’d love to hear them ^^ 
Tags: @iaiabear @just-a-littlebit-of-everything @fijiangecko
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Scene Week - Sunday
WHO: Bailey Rhodes (Dom) & Eli Hummel (sub)  @bwaybailey
WHERE: Switch Dorms, room 108 ; Bailey’s suite.
WHEN: Sunday Afternoon, 19th May
CLASS: You Missed A Spot - Cleaning and Cooking Dinner
NOTES: Dominant has submissive do chores in the room and then cook them both a meal afterwards
This week sure had been eventful for Eli but he had enjoyed finally getting out there and was now ready to do a domestic scene with Bailey. He had never really done anything domestic before except helping clean the house with his step mother so this would be a great experience for him. He made his way to the switch building and found Bailey's room, taking a quick sigh before he dropped to his knees and knocked on the door.
Bailey didn’t really know what he was supposed to do, this whole things so new to him but he figured a domestic scene was simple enough. He could get Eli to do some chores around his dorm and then cook them dinner. Then he would see what Eli would want as a reward. Simple. He smiles when he opens the door and sees the submissive. “Hey,” he greets with a grin. “Come in, kneel by the couch,” he orders. Once Eli is inside his dorm he shuts the door behind him and walks over to the couch himself.
Eli smiled up at Bailey, "Hey Sir" he breathed out and then, once ordered, crawled over to the couch. He hadn't been given permission to stand so he stayed down on his hand and knees, stopping next to the couch and sitting back so he was kneeling, his hands resting on his knees, "I've never done a domestic scene before Sir" he said, as he watched Bailey go to the couch.
“That would make too of us, darling,” he replies as he leans against his couch, looking over at Kurt. “I’ll tell you what I had in mind and you can tell me if you’re okay with it or not and if you’re not, we’ll discuss something else,” he advises with a small, reassuring smile. “I was thinking I’d give you a list of chores to do, nothing too big and then you can make us dinner. So, thoughts?”
Eli nodded, he knew Bailey was new to the institute so it wasn't all that surprising he'd not done it before. He listened to what Bailey had in mind, "Yes Sir, I can certainly do some chores and cook us dinner. What did you have in mind for food?" he asked.
Bailey was glad that Eli was okay with what he had decided on, he didn’t ever want someone to feel like they had to do something. “Good boy,” he praises with a soft smile on his lips. “For dinner, I bought fish and I was thinking you could make us fish tacos,” he starts. “If you don’t like fish, I have chicken and beef, too, so take your pick.” Bailey was someone who literally liked every food there was - except kale that was gross. “There’s a list of chores on the counter for you that I want you to complete.”
Eli bit his lip as a blush crept to his face at being called a good boy and he nodded, "I can make fish tacos" he smiled, quite looking forward to that now. He looked back to the kitchen, "I'll erm, start those chores for you now Sir, can I get you anything? A drink or something before I start?" he asked.
“Good because they’re my favourite,” Bailey replies with a soft laugh. He didn’t know how people felt about fish so he always had a backup plan but he was glad Eli was onboard. He can’t help but smirk with how uncertain Eli seems considering that’s exactly what he was here for. “I’ll have a glass of water before you start. Thank you.”
Eli nodded and went into the kitchen, locating the glasses and pouring the water before taking it through to Bailey and placing it on the table, "I'll go and do those chores" he said. Picking up the list, he decided to start in the living room, fluffing the cushions on the sofa, folding some blankets he found laying around and instantly noticing the one with playbills, "This blanket is beautiful Sir" he said as he folded it. He swiftly moved on, dusting the areas that he could reach. Once finished in the lounge, he made his way to the kitchen working his way through the washing up and then drying it and putting it away before wiping the sink down and cleaning the sides. He'd taken a little longer then he normally would and managed to do it all in just over an hour, "Hey Sir, I think I've gotten everything you asked for".
Bailey accepts the glass from Eli, thanking him as he does. He doesn’t want to get in the submissive’s way too much so when he’s in the living room, Bailey keeps to the kitchen, looking up every now and again to keep an eye on Eli as he cleans. “Thank you. It’s my favourite throw I’ve ever owned,” he tells him. He sometimes thinks he goes overboard with the whole Broadway thing but honestly the doesn’t really care if he does. He likes how efficiently the submissive is working. He comes back into the kitchen as Eli speaks, smiling at him. “Good boy, thank you,” he praises as he sits down at his table. “You can start with the food now. And If you need a drink, help yourself,” he adds. He leans back in his chair casually.
When Bailey called him a good boy, he flushed a little and took a breath, turning to busy himself in the kitchen. He grabbed the ingredients he needed from the cupboards and the fridge and set about preparing them. Once his ingredients were prepared, those that didn't need cooking, he moved in bowls and plates and took to the table. He went back and grabbed stuff to lay the table with, doing that before cooking the fish. Once the fish was cooked, he diced it and turned to smile at Bailey, "I think dinners done" he said with a small laugh.
Bailey had been alternating between messing around on his phone to looking up and watching Eli as he prepares their food. It starts to small so good and he’s so ready for food now - he actually hasn’t eaten yet today for no particular reason he just hadn’t been hungry but now he is. When Eli speaks he puts his phone down and smiles at him. “Good, ‘cause I’m starving,” he tells him. “You can dish it out for us and sit,” he tells him.
Eli moved back to the dining table and started portioning the food out for the two of them. He walks to the kitchen to grab himself a glass of water and then returns to the table, "It's ready for you, Sir" he says sitting down
“Thank you, Eli,” Bailey says with a soft smile. He’s happy with how the submissive has been during their scene. He had liked Eli from just speaking to him and it was nice to see that he took things seriously when he needed to. “Do you have any scenes planned for Monday and Tuesday?” he asks.
Eli nodded, "You are welcome Sir" he said taking a bite of his food. He listened to the question and nodded, "Yes sir I have. I've had a scene every day of this week" he said, somewhat proudly. Yes his body was paying and he had bruises all over his back and ass but he was content.
Bailey nods his head, impressed. He likes people that involved, that do things to the full and don't just have ass it because what's the point in that? He wants to work hard and likes other people who are the same. "That's good. Aiming high for points, huh?" That was the goal after all.
Eli smiled and continued to eat his food, “That and I really want to learn and this seemed like a fantastic opportunity to get to interact with Dom’s and Switches and see what kind of thing I enjoy” he admitted, “Like I’ve enjoyed doing this with you Sir”
"It is good to find out what you like and don't like and the only way to do that is to jump and experience new things." That's exactly what Bailey planned on doing here. He wasn't the most sexual person in the world, unless he was comfortable with someone, hence the domestic scene. He can't help but smile when the submissive says he's enjoyed their scene. "Good, I am glad to hear that."
Eli nodded, “I know I need to start coming into my own. I’ve been nervous about admitting stuff to people and wanting to talk about what I like and what I don’t”. He had discussed things with one Dom but even then, he had been particular and omitted things.
"I guess when you get the right people, it's easier to tell them what you want and like," Bailey responds with a shrug. He strongly believes that because he really isn't in the business of just tell anyone what he likes and wants. "Okay since you have been so awesome, such a good boy, during this scene I want to reward you for it. So tell me what you would consider a reward for yourself."
Eli nodded in agreement and then found himself smiling like a fool when Bailey called him a good boy, "Oh you don't have to do anything for me sir, just being a good boy for you is enough" he paused and added, "If you want to though, I love books and could either use a trip to a library or a book store".
"Don't sweat it, you've bene good that definitely deserves a reward, darling," he assures. He figures whoever he Dom's will get a reward from him, he would never do a scene and not reward someone. "That sounds like someone I can do for you when I have the points to." He was glad he'd not been here long and hopefully would have points to go off campus so soon. "I will tell you when I have the points and then you can pick a day that works for you."
Eli smiled and nodded, "Thank you so much Sir" he said, gulping and looking down to the floor, "I must warn you, looking for books with me is boring cause I normally go to the history section but I promise, I won't be long".
"You're very welcome, darling," Bailey responds. He lets out a chuckle as he shakes his head. "Don't worry about it really, you don't have to rush, you can take as much time as you need. It's a reward for you, take advantage of it" He wouldn't offer to do something if he didn't want to, he would just pick the reward himself but he wants people to actually like the reward.
Eli looked back up and nodded, "Thank you so much Sir, I'll be sure to enjoy myself when we can go and do this". He finished his food, "Would you like me to wash up?" he asked
Bailey smiles, satisfied with what Eli had said. "Good, that's what I like to hear." He was glad he had decided to patriciate in scene week because it means he wouldn't have to spend a long time worrying because it turns out it would have been for no reason. "Yes, that would be great."
Eli nods and stands up, collecting the empty dishes and taking them through to the kitchen, making quick work of washing them up, drying them and putting them away. He walked back to the dining area, "Is there anything else I can do for you sir?"
Bailey leans back in his chair, satisfied with how this scene had gone. He didn't feel too much pressure and Eli was a born natural submissive it seemed which most definitely did help. "No, you're fine. Thank you for today."
Eli nodded and smiled, "Well then Sir, if I am no longer needed may I leave? I'm really rather tired. Only if that is OK though?"
Bailey smiles back at the submissive. "Of course you can, go rest," he replies. He can only imagine if Eli has been fully booked that he is tired right now. "If you need anything, just message me, okay?"
Eli smiled and walked to the door, turning back and nodding, "I will. Thank you very much for today Sir, I really enjoyed it" and he opened the door, letting himself out.
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thelarryficrecplace · 7 years
Larry Fics Masterpost - Christmas Edition
Hello again, sorry for some reason I could not find this post so I had to repost it (props to me for making 3 drafts ey)! Anyway it’s freezing outside, so I hope these Christmassy fics keep you warm:
all the lights are full of colour by infinitelymint:
Summary: So, fast-forwarding eight years from the day Harry met Louis, he is now a twenty-seven year old owner of one of the most up-and-coming eating establishments on the London restaurant scene, father of two wonderful boys and… separated from his husband. Now, that last part definitely was never a part of the original plan.
Or, Harry and Louis are separated, but for the sake of their two sons, they choose to spend Christmas together. It may just lead to a Christmas miracle.
Word count: 26,727
love is a word (you gave it a name) by hattalove:
Summary: “It’s worth it anyway,” says Harry, looking into Louis’s eyes. He’s untucked his hair from behind his ear, and it falls down in silky strands to obscure his face. He looks so painfully young, even after everything. Louis’s strong, strong boy. “Just for the two of us. We get to be selfish for a little while.”
it's christmas. in between snowman building, tree shopping, and ill-advised skating on a frozen lake, louis and harry get ready to take the most important step of their lives.
Word count: 21,413
We Will Find Our Way by supernope:
Summary: Harry smiles at Louis, quick and easy, and says, “Well, since we’re in the same boat, we’ll just make our own Christmas. What do you say?”
Louis tamps down on a bloom of warmth in his belly. He barely knows Harry past seeing him walk down the hall in just his skivvies - not that he’s complaining - but he’s being so lovely, smiling at him so hopefully, and, well. Louis doesn’t much fancy the idea of spending Christmas completely alone. Nodding, he reaches out and pokes Harry’s dimple, watches it flirt to life underneath his fingertip. “I say yes.”AKA, Harry and Louis are uni students studying abroad in New York, stuck in the dorms together over Christmas.
Word count: 9,580
every time i run, i keep on falling on you by hazmesentir:
Summary: AU. After being best friends for 8 years, Harry moves to LA. It takes the keen observations of all of Louis' friends to realise the one thing he really wants for Christmas is Harry.
Word count: 12,111
Tis the Season for...Love? by AFangirlFantasy:
Summary: Prompt: Harry seems to have it all: A successful career as a pastry chef, a Victorian home in London, and a dedicated boyfriend who he's been with for years.
One day he stops by his boyfriend's apartment to surprise him and finds out that he's not so dedicated to Harry after all. Shocked and too depressed to celebrate, he decides to skip Christmas and on a whim leaves on a plane to New York. In New York he meets Louis…
Or...Louis might just be what Harry's needed all along.
Word count: 27,958
Candles On Air by isthatyoularry:
Summary: Harry’s smile is filled with unconditional love — just not the right kind. Louis has told himself for years that it’s okay. Harry loving him the way he can is enough. Each year it gets a little harder to repeat the same mantra."
It gets better. It will pass. His friendship is enough."
Harry has taken the liberty of putting on classic Christmas tunes on the speaker in the kitchen, and as their shared flat isn’t the largest Louis can hear Mariah Carey’s crooning from where he’s perched on the small sofa in the living room. Harry is on the floor, humming along. And yes. All Louis wants for Christmas is Harry.
A Christmas AU ft. Pining, Heartbreak, and maybe A Happy Ending.
Word count: 29,666
Snowed Under by ModestlyHomo:
Summary: Louis picks up a hitchhiker on Christmas Eve.
Word count: 10,192
Under that Damn Mistletoe by hickeystyles:
Summary: Louis' heart froze when he looked over and saw Liam whispering in Harry’s ear and nodding towards the mistletoe. Louis’ eyes widened comically before he dove out of sight so Harry couldn’t see him standing under the mistletoe like an idiot, or worse, like he was part of Liam’s plan to have Harry kiss him.
Or a Christmas Party AU where Louis is in love with his best friend Harry and everyone else is trying to force the two of them under the mistletoe together.
Word count: 9,923
All I Want For Christmas Is You (And Your Children) by hazzboolarry:
Summary: Harry finds himself at Tesco on December 24th for a quick grocery shopping with his daughter Leah.
He thought he’d come back home with a few things for dinner (and probably a few that Leah slipped through the cart without him noticing).
He absolutely did not think about the possibility of meeting a gorgeous single father of two children.
And inviting him to his Christmas Eve dinner at home.
[Christmas Fic with single parents Harry and Louis, they meet at Tesco, Louis is struggling with money but no fear because Harry is there and it’s just really cute]
Word count: 11,307
at candle glow and mistletoe by tomorrows:
Summary: “I swear to God,” he mumbles under his breath as he squeezes them on, “if this is all a ploy to kidnap me, I’m going to feel no guilt for keeping your jacket.”
“Just trust me, alright?” Louis holds his hand out for Harry once the other man straightens up, his soft face flushed in a way that only the holiday rush can do. “I couldn’t hurt you if I tried, Harry Styles.”
Harry places a tender hand over Louis'. “Okay,” he answers, a little breathless. “I trust you.”
an au where louis is santa, harry is a single dad, and niall is the worst reindeer to ever exist
Word count: 5,890
all i want for christmas is by crybaby:
Summary: With Harry up against his side, his little four year old snuggled in his lap like it’s her favourite place, Louis could really believe they’re a real little family, off to their chalet to spend Christmas in the snow. A real little family where Louis would have the luxury of kissing Harry under mistletoe and rolling around in the fresh snow with him, taking him upstairs to his bedroom and fucking him to keep him warm.
Word count: 17,884
Chestnuts Roasting... And All That by elsi_bee:
Summary: Louis is apparently the only person at his new job who is single as can be. It’s not a big deal to just tell his new colleagues that he has a boyfriend, right? Until he has to make this imaginary boyfriend magically appear at the office holiday party. Cue fake relationship antics with a certain someone who is more than willing to play along.
Word count: 46,760
Make My Wish Come True (Baby All I Want For Christmas Is You) by larrymylove:
Summary: Louis has just agreed to spend the holidays with his family, and to bring Harry along with him. There's just one problem...he and Harry have broken up, and are wanting to avoid telling everyone until after the holidays. The fake/pretend relationship AU with a twist.
Word count: 29,549
as long as there's christmas by soleilouis:
Summary: louis and harry decide to spend part of their christmas holiday at disneyland. their kids could not be more pleased.
Word count: 4,648
Rated R by cherrystreet:
Summary: Louis gifts Harry with a surprise sex tape, and it accidentally makes its way into Harry's family Christmas party. Ridiculousness ensues.
Word count: 7,635
wrap me up like a present and put me away by clicheanna:
Summary: It’s Christmas time and as Louis’ best friend, Harry needs to make sure he doesn’t feel lonely during the merriest part of the year. Maybe putting anonymous notes in his locker isn’t the best way, but, technicalities.
He’s not going to do it. It’s ridiculous. Zayn is wrong. There is absolutely no reason for him to result to this.
But Zayn’s stupid prick voice and idea has been stuck in his head. And it was like, three in the morning, and he couldn’t remember why it was a bad thing to just try.
And now he has 135 words written on the paper (he counted) and everything he forgot about in the middle of the night comes flooding back. Louis will find out. It’s inevitable. He will, and he’ll never want to speak to Harry again. He’ll think he’s a freak who puts notes in people’s lockers about their undying love for them. It’s not worth it to find out whether he thinks petty crushes are cute or not.
Harry clenches the paper around his fingers.
He’s not going to do it.
Except he is.
Word count: 8,882
All I Want For Christmas (Is You) by dea_liberty
Summary: Louis is a Christmas elf that thinks Christmas has lost its magic, which is not surprising, really, when he works at Toys "R" Us. Working in retail at Christmas time can kill anyone's Christmas spirit. Harry is a customer that comes in looking for a present for his goddaughter and finds something else worth writing to Santa for. It’s the last Saturday before Christmas and, at this precise moment, he’s never, ever hated Christmas more. “No,” he hisses into the phone for what he feels like the thousandth time in the space of about a minute. “I can’t get another three hundred Playstations just because some stupid popstar tweeted about it.” He stomps down the next aisle. As luck would have it, it’s the fucking Barbie and Ken doll aisle and right there in front of him is a doll of the bloody popstar in question. Louis wants to step on it.
Word count: 7,696
Let It Snow by foxandbee:
Summary: It’s Sunday the 1st when Louis realises that, oh crap, it’s December. And he really only realises this because he walks out of Sainsbury’s and straight into a tiny, tiny human. Frosty the Snowman cuts off abruptly when the rest of the choir notices that Louis has just flattened their soprano.
Or the one where Harry's a Christmas caroller and Louis' a bit silly and it takes them almost a month to get their shit together.
Word count: 4,856
Didn't think it would work out by swirlingchaos:
Summary: There was no way he could let it happen, the prospect of working with Harry for the next two months or so seemed like a nightmare specially designed for him. From hell. By the devil himself, probably. Perfect torture, fit amazingly well with the self-destructive path he’d been on for a year now, Louis clearly had to say no.
“‘Course, yeah, I’ll clear it with Simon then, brilliant, cheers mate,” Fuck.
Or, Louis is a primary school teacher, Harry has a 7-year-old son in his class, Louis has a 1-year-old crush on Harry, and they have to put on the school's Christmas play. Brilliant.
Word count: 16,396
A Rhythm In Rush by fondleeds:
Summary: They walk slow, unhurried, and they talk about everything, the earth and the glaciers and themselves, little bits and pieces. Harry finds himself falling open, caving in like the crevices that run like cold veins from the icy lakes. It feels strange to talk this way. He feels like he should be having this conversation hidden under his covers, whispering in the dark. It feels like the kind of talk that means too much, that means trust and revealing the small things that make up the bigger ones, except they’re both barely blinking an eye.
Harry is a WWF journalist with big dreams and Louis is a glaciologist that flies helicopters for fun. Greenland is an odd place to spend Christmas, but just maybe, the perfect place to fall headfirst into love.
Word count: 40,010
Harry, Did You Know (that your baby boy, is married to his best friend?) by tempolarriefics :
Summary: 10 years ago, Louis and Zayn made a pact that if they weren't married by 30, they'd marry each other. So they do, as best mates do.
Enter Harry Styles, who's new to town. He and Louis are immediately drawn to one another. Louis doesn't tell Harry about Zayn, because they're just friends (who are married.)
Harry finds out on Christmas Day, Louis/Zayn's "anniversary".
Word count: 35,549
Love Actually, is all around. by satellitemoments:
Summary: Louis is Prime Minister and Harry his fortunate catering manager.
Word count: 16,561
Night Changes by louhearted:
Summary: Harry is buying last minute Christmas gifts for a party on Christmas Eve and gets snowed in the store with cashier!louis. Featuring side ziall and Liam, Niall and Zayn as Louis' best mates.
Word count: 29,743
All I want for christmas is you by Tita:
Summary: The one where Louis is a pining punk, Harry is the school’s sweetheart, and a miss sent text at a Christmas party turns out to be the best possible present.
Word count: 2,950
beautiful star by tommoandbambi:
Summary: “You know, when I pegged you for a druglord, I wasn't exactly challenging you to make me believe that you actually are one. What is this place?” Louis says after he swallows over the mild panic that's building up in his throat over the fact that he's literally sitting in front of the cause of his teenage sexuality crisis.
Word count: 17,220
Potions and Presents and a Partridge in a Pear Tree by b0yfriendsinl0ve:
Summary: Harry has a bit of a crush, it's Christmas and there's chocolate.
Word count: 7,052
December 23rd by dinosaursmate:
Summary: He scanned the shop floor, disappointment starting to bubble in his gut before he spotted the familiar face emerging from the back room, efficiently stacking boxes onto a previously empty shelf.
“Well! If it isn’t my favourite curly-haired little elf.”
Harry spun around with comic speed and a grin split his face immediately.
“Louis!” He said, looking like he was about to fling himself into Louis’ arms, stopping himself at the last second. “How’s it going?!”
“Not bad, you?”
Harry just nodded, straightening that same green hat upon his head. “Need some help?” Louis enlists the help of a blushing, curly haired shop assistant to find all his Christmas presents and ends up receiving one of his own.
Word count: 7,757
O Christmas tree! O Christmas tree! (thy candles shine so brightly) by throughthedark:
Summary: “So Harry,” Louis said solemnly. “My sisters and I are determined to find the very best tree this place has to offer. Do you feel up for the challenge?”
AU where Louis needs a Christmas tree and Harry just so happens to work at a Christmas tree farm.
Word count: 9,831
can't blame gravity by karamelised:
Summary: They have a tradition on their birthdays.
Word count: 11,931
underneath the christmas tree by suspendrs:
Summary: Good morning, and happy birthday to ME! You’ll be happy to know that I went ahead and planned out your present to me, so you can return that awful watch (sorry I peeked, I couldn’t help it) at your liesure leisure (?) and do this instead! I’ve planned a scavenger hunt for you, and I’ll see you at the finish line. Your first clue is hidden inside my favorite box of cereal. Love you! -L
Louis sends Harry on a scavenger hunt on Christmas Eve.
Word count: 17,792
If Only in My Dreams by jupiter_lou:
Summary: Harry considered the situation silently for a moment. "Listen, I’m only going home through New Year’s Day. If you wanted to, you could come home with me for the week?" The sentence morphed into a question as he watched Louis's face drop open with surprise.
"I couldn't do that, Harry," Louis dismissed, eyes widen with incredulity. "We barely know one another, and I could never intrude on your family time like that!"
"What better way to get to know me than to spend time with the people who shaped me into who I am today?"
OR the one where Harry's new flatmate, Louis, needs a place to spend Christmas, so he invites him to spend it with his family. When they arrive, everyone thinks they're dating.
Word count: 13,914
Let Me Give You My Life by midnightskies:
Summary: Gemma has one rule for Louis while he stays with her family at Christmas; not to hook up with her little brother, so of coursethat's the one thing Louis does.
Word count: 14,258
let this one gift last forever by larryshares:
Summary: harry plays santa at the mall every year, and one day he meets a quirky little girl who instantly captures his heart. it doesn't take long for her father to do the same.
Word count: 10,607
give me my chance and give me my wings by sopattable:
Summary: Harry never really wanted to put a name to the face…or the ass… but now he has it, and now he has to buy it a present.
A University AU where Harry’s a music student, Louis takes theatre, and Niall’s the captain of Secret Santa and relationships. Also included is singing, pranks, and way too many fruits and vegetables.
Word count: 18,803
my world is filled with cheer (and you) by rbbsbb:
Summary: AU. They're all in Secondary school together, and Harry isn't new to pining. The annual Secret Santa gift exchange is on, though, and when he pulls Louis' name, Harry decides that he needs to get his boy the best present that he could ever ask for.
(Or, Harry is in love with Louis, his best mate, and is his Secret Santa this year.)
Word count: 11,643
Pining for You by peanutbutterapple:
Summary: Harry sells Christmas trees. Louis doesn't mean to buy so many of them.
Word count: 9,764
There Is a Light by perfectdagger (sincerelyste):
Summary: Louis and his daughter have had a pretty bad year and things start to change when Harry tries to buy the same doll Louis intended to buy for his little girl for Christmas.
Two girls.
Two fathers.
Two families, meeting and becoming exactly what the other needed during the holidays.
Christmas/New Years AU in which Harry and Louis are single parents and they meet at an odd encounter at the toy shop and somehow, they end up together, bonded by their little ones.
Word count: 17,880
Have Yourself A Merry Little Christmas by hilourry:
Summary: “Have you been a good boy this year, Louis?” Harry mumbles into Louis’ neck, leaving a big fat bruise there for everyone to see. The girls are going to make snarky comments about this tomorrow, Louis thinks.
“I tried to be, I really did, but I just love being naughty. I couldn’t help myself, I hope I don’t get coal in my stocking,” Louis pouts, starting to nip on Harry’s jaw.
“Mm, well, Santa sent me here to punish you,” Harry smirks, gripping Louis’ thighs.
or Louis and Harry are married with two kids and another on the way. They celebrate Christmas as a family.
Word count: 5,003
let your heart be light by scagnetism:
Summary: When they crawled into bed that night, Louis cuddled into him with hazy eyes, whispering into his neck, “I’m so happy, Hazza,” and Harry will never get tired of that.
He’ll never get tired of being a part of this family and sharing Christmas with them.
Or, Christmas with the Tomlinson family.
Word count: 3,430
where the lovelight gleams by midnights:
Summary: louis has spent exactly sixteen christmases with harry. he's been in love with him for exactly ten.
ft. stupid, silly boys who don't know they're in love, an ot5 sleepover, and christmas eve with the tomlinson-deakins
Word count: 8,027
Wise Men Say Only Fools Rush In. by hemakeshimstrongx:
Summary: "Louis has only had his breath taken away a few times, none of them caused just by looking at another human being. But he's looking at Harry and he can barely breathe but he wouldn't have it any other way."
[or: Louis takes Harry home for Christmas, and realizes that he doesn't ever want to have another Christmas with anyone but Harry.]
Word count: 9,565
If Only in My Dreams by shipsdrifting:
Summary: When a snowstorm delays their flights and strands them both at their university during the start of winter break, Harry and Louis find each other. And with a little help from their friends, they might even get to keep each other.
Word count: 20,604
Yours In Fractions by FullOnLarrie:
Summary: Louis and Harry are strangers who, because of a mix up, share their mutual friend's apartment and bed over the holidays.
Word count: 23,585
Time and Ten by aclosetlarryshipper:
Summary: "Don’t you think it’s weird that when you get older, Christmas doesn’t really feel the same?”
Harry wishes he could say something helpful, but he knows Louis is right. Once you begin to have to give gifts instead of simply receive, the lost feelings of wonder and excitement are irreversible.
“I guess that means you just have to bring the magic yourself,” Harry says.
(Harry and Louis are babysitters who meet in line for Santa.)
Word count: 21,762
It's Grand Just Holding Your Hand by embro:
Summary: As a part of a charity drive, the students could buy their classmates Christmas-themed gingerbread biscuits.
Harry's got to be the only person in school that's not got anything, but the pretty boy who wears reindeer jumpers and festive suspenders might just be making it all worth it.
Word count: 3,245
Nothing Left to Lose by loviedovielou:
Summary: Louis fucking hates Secret Santa.
Word count: 6,090
as soft as midnight whispers by thispieceofmind:
Summary: au. louis only likes christmas on christmas, and harry wants his birthday to be perfect.
Word count: 6,069
every december (your star lights the sky) by larrystomlinsons:
Summary: Louis needs a date for the Christmas dance and Harry is the wingman that has feelings for him.
Word count: 17,793
All Hearts Come Home For Christmas by itsprobablylarry:
Summary: “Gemma, who the fuck is that?” Louis hisses as he watches her wave back with a big smile.
Her brows furrow for a second as she looks at Louis. “What? That’s my brother, you dork. Told you he’d pick us up, didn’t I?”
Well fuck. Apparently, Mr. Handsome over there is Gemma’s brother. And Louis is spending a week with him. Pretending to be his sister’s boyfriend. Shit.
(Basically: Gemma brings ‘her boyfriend’, Louis, home for Christmas and her brother is really hot.)
Word count: 8,106
Home for Christmas by haloeverlasting:
Summary: Or, the one where Harry didn't think he wanted a family, but with a little Christmas magic (and maybe one Louis Tomlinson) he realizes that he is very, very wrong.
Word count: 22,004
Holiday Secrets by mafkaast:
Summary: Harry Styles, a charming, kind and family-oriented lad, is in his second year of University, studying abroad in the United States.
When Harry can’t afford to go home for Christmas, his roommate William Tomlinson takes him along to his family. William rarely talks about or visits his own family and seems very private about his twin brother Louis.
Immediately upon meeting William’s large, loud family, Harry is intrigued with Louis. He is alluring yet awfully shy and secretive.
And even when they grow closer to each other, Louis continues to remain somewhat frightened and distant. What is Louis hiding, what is his secret?
Word count: 83,922
Wrapped in Red by QuickedWeen:
Summary: Louis backs himself into a corner and has two days to find a date to bring to the Horan Family's big annual Christmas party to both appease his mother, and show up an ex-boyfriend. In the midst of Christmas shopping and trying to work out his dilemma, he meets Harry Styles, the cute volunteer behind the charity gift wrapping booth.
Word count: 15,189
make my wish come true by deblond:
Summary: “Did you know that there’s a hole in your tights?”
“Yes,” Louis answers with as much dignity as he can muster. “Any particular reason you’re staring at my ass, Harold?”
“It’s a good ass,” Harry says smirking. “And it’s Harry.”
Or, Louis works as Santa’s elf at the mall. He meets Harry.
Word count: 4,708
Just Hold On by sincewewereeighteen:
Summary: "Everyone’s in the living room. Dan’s family has come and gone, they’ve done the dishes, and Harry’s parents went their way too. He stayed, because everybody asked him to. Well, everybody but Louis. Still. He stayed."
Word count: 8,774
Kiss Me on This Cold December Night by hopeneverdies:
Summary: Louis Tomlinson is a year three football (soccer) player attending a university that fosters international students in Ontario, Canada. Harry Styles is a year one student living in the same building and is obsessed with the Green Bay Packers. Louis thinks Harry's a wanker while Harry can't figure out why Louis doesn't like him. A blizzard keeps them and their mutual mates from flying home for Christmas. Will Louis ever see Harry for who he really is? Will they both be able to overcome past heartbreak and open up to someone again?
Word count: 34,489
Maybe We're Perfect Strangers (Maybe We'll Stick Together) by FallingLikeThis:
Summary: Or Louis works for a gossip site and, when it comes to light that ex-musical partners (and lovers) Harry Styles and Ed Sheeran are spending the holidays together, he's sent to see if the reunion the world's been waiting for is in the works. But at the cost of his own holiday with his family. Louis really hates this job.
Word count: 24,589
you make my whole world feel so right when it's wrong by xxPayne:
Summary: (or, Harry is pregnant and stops at the mall to buy cheap baby clothes. Louis has extra money from working a long shift, and he can't think of a better way to spend it than on him.)
Word count: 6,281
I Can't Even Separate Love From Lust by RedPhoneBooth:
Summary: Louis and Harry have a one night stand, but it all turns a bit more serious when they have to pretend to be a couple over the holidays. Things were fun and casual at first, but feelings change and Harry should really be aware of who's around when talking out loud.
Word count: 19,072
we’ll wake up in the snow and bury all our trouble by immortalized:
Summary: Or, on the way to his mum's house for Christmas, Louis finds himself in a bit of a dilemma, but he also finds himself a cute boy.
Word count: 10,767
Everything I Need I Get From You by moodlighting:
Summary: Historical AU. It's two days before Christmas, and Harry has only two pounds and thirty pence to his name to purchase a gift for Louis.
Word count: 8,224
Pizza My Heart by Happilysunlight (sunlight), yslstagram (lindseyloveslouis):
Summary: Plans fell through, and Louis ends up alone for his birthday and Christmas. He gets a little tipsy and decides to order pizza put on a show for the delivery boy.
Harry’s just elated he gets to deliver a pizza to the boy he’s had a crush on for years.
Word count: 13,035
Snow by protagonist_m:
Summary: AU in which Louis and Zayn are meant to be, except for how they aren't, and Louis is trapped in some weird cross between Requiem For a Dream and Love, Actually. All just in time for Christmas.
Word count: 28,171
All I Want For Christmas Is Lou by ologist:
Summary: Harry doesn't expect to find an elf living in his Christmas tree, but Louis is quite lovely enough to make up for the shock.
Word count: 5,606
your eyes are like starlight now by babyboylouis:
Summary: or the one where louis hates his job as an elf at the shopping mall, but hates it a lot less when he meets olivia and her hot daddy
Word count: 2,132
On The First Day of Christmas My True Love Gave to Me.... by larrymylove:
Summary: Harry never wanted to attend a Christmas party with his mortal enemy Louis Tomlinson. He especially never wanted for anyone else to see the gag gift he brought along for the host. But now Louis' tearing into the gift, and life never tends to always work out quite the way you expect.
Word count: 5,925
For Reasons Wretched and Divine by panicmoonwalk:
Summary: Or, the one where Louis and Harry’s Christmas holiday at Hogwarts is rudely interrupted when they’re dragged off on a tropical wizard’s vacation, featuring some angry centaurs, a spell gone wrong, and the ‘weirdest birthday anyone’s ever had. Ever’.
Word count: 19,055
precious little thing by Anonymous:
Summary: a university AU featuring phone sex operator Louis, copious amounts of sweet, soft kink discovery, and Louis being Harry's Daddy.
Word count: 21,034
Frozen Hands to Hold by hickeystyles:
Summary: Christmas AU where Harry is spending the holiday alone until he meets Louis who invites him to spend Christmas with his family and friends. Harry may or may not be in love with him at first sight.
Word count: 41,586
Pass the Cranberry by iwillpaintasongforlou:
Summary: (Or, the one in which Harry and Louis fuck very, very quietly in his childhood bed on Christmas night so as not to wake the countless sleeping Tomlinsons just beyond those four thin walls.)
Word count: 3,552
doorbell rings, we're not listening by bottomlinsons (grimgrace):
Summary: At approximately quarter past three in the morning, Harry is woken by a thump. Louis is gone, he notices first. Santa’s kidnapped him, he thinks next. (Or: A Christmas AU wherein Louis has bad habits and Harry loves him anyway.)
Word count: 2,186
i'll be home for christmas by suspendrs:
Summary: Or, Louis and Harry can’t decide where to go on Christmas.
Word count: 12,609
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fatbottombucky · 7 years
The Librarian *Bucky Barnes x Reader* NSFW
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Summary: A University AU. You have been studying in the library all weekend, although the sexy librarian has been distracting you. Turns out you’ve been a bit of distraction for him also. Warnings: Explicit (+18) smut, public sex, no condom & oral. Also swearing
Quick thank you to my close friend @full-of-sins-not-tragedies for reading this over for me. - Rosalie
University was hard and stressful but you loved every second of it. You had made friends with all the History majors, your dorm roommate was hilarious and the campus coffee pop-up stand was a lifesaver, literally. University was everything you expected to be and more, you did think it would be more partying at 4 am but you did go to the occasional one or two at the weekend.
Except for this weekend. This weekend is spent in the library on campus, researching medicine in the 18th century. You had been arriving as soon as the doors opened and staying to just before closing time.
Also, you couldn't lie the man running the library this weekend was hot. When you walked in on Saturday morning, he was perched behind the oak desk with a book, glasses perched on his nose and long hair tied back into a bun. White button up shirt tucked into blue denim jeans. He was intimidatingly handsome, rugged with the unshaven face but adorable in the sense his mouth moved as he read; muttering the words to himself.
You had, admittedly, been slightly creepy with the staring when reading about history became boring. He was just so intriguing to you. You hadn't seen him work here through the week, you hadn't seen him around campus either, he was an enigma to you. You wanted to know more but yet, you didn't want to go up and just talk to him. So, you kept to sneakily peeking over the mountain of books at him.
When you walked in on Sunday morning it was dead. Everyone had gone out partying Saturday night, leaving the library to be empty on Sunday as they all nursed their hangovers. He was there, sat silently behind the desk, till he glanced up at the door opening and smiled at you. Pride and Prejudice perched in his right hand.
“Morning,” you didn't expect his voice to sound like that. It was smooth but rough, and mesmerising. “I left all your books stacked from yesterday,” he nods to the table you have been sitting at, you shyly smiled. His smile and eyes, close up, had you weak at the knees.
“Thank you.” You walk over and place your bag down, taking off your jacket and sitting down. You glanced at the librarian, his gaze fixed on the book in his hand, his grey eyes zoning in on the words before him. God, he is handsome! The blue button up shirt clings to him desperately, whenever he moves his hand to flip a page the shirt seams strain, he really needs a bigger size; although, you appreciate the smaller size.
You quickly open one of the books just so you look as though you're doing something. Instead of studying the book you begin to think what his name could be, what name suits him to you. He suited the name Joe, it's not like you were ever gonna find out his name; you'd never talk to him unless necessary to find a book.
Two hours passed and no one else had even walked past the library, let alone enter it. You sighed bored, glancing to where the librarian worked on putting books on shelves. He had a trolley beside him, stacked full of books that he was organising, putting in the correct places. His muscular back directed at you, his long hair pulled into a low bun at the nape of his neck. Your eyes trailed down to his ass, it was a fantastic one, shapely and perky; he was just overall perfect. An Adonis, sculpted by the gods, made to torture introverted history majors.
Before you knew it, you were staring at the silver zipper of his black skinny jeans. He had turned around. You were staring at his crotch. You hurriedly looked away, way to be subtle! You glanced to see him chuckling to himself, he had caught you creepily checking him out, how humiliating. You'd have to move to another library after this, the one off campus, it was an hour or two away but, at least, they didn't have an Abercrombie model walking around. You watched him from your peripheral vision, stacking and arranging the shelves, occasionally glancing at you; probably, to make sure you weren't sexually assaulting him with your eyes.
After an another agonising hour, you decided to call it quits. You weren't taking in any new information nor could you focus with the librarian walking around in those tight jeans. You stacked the five, heavy, history books and walked down the many aisles and shelves till you reached your section. You put the books back, hopefully, in the correct spaces.
“Those books don't go there,” a soft voice chides through the silent library. You gulp and look over your shoulder, he's leaning against the shelves opposite you, arms crossed and looking you over. “Those three go up there.” He points to the shelves above, two up. “I’d get you a ladder but it's broken.” He shrugs, a smirk fighting to come on his face.
You looked at the shelves again, seeing the empty spaces. You didn't remember getting these books from here but paying no mind to that, you got on your tippy toes, and reached to put each book in the empty places. You could feel the skirt you decided to wear rise up the back of your thighs. Before you could let that thought set, a warm body pressed against the back of you, it was hard and firm. A hand slipped up your arm and grabbed the last book from yours and place it back for you.
“I know you've been watching me.” His warm breath fanning against the back of your neck, blowing your hair forward. “I wasn't sure at first but today? Today it was perfectly clear you've been thinking what I have been too.” That confession had you keening, your eyes fluttered closed as his hands gripped your hips pulling you flush against his hard chest. His nose nuzzled the hair from your neck, his lips ghosting over the flesh as he spoke, “you've been driving me crazy since you walked in here. Short skirt, denim jacket and biting that pen of yours.”
Your breath hitched at his words, the fact he's been watching you too. The fact he was trying to restrain himself like you have been doing. Thank god it was a Sunday and you were the only two people not hungover.
One of his hands slipped down your stomach, trailing along the black skater skirt material till his fingertips made contact with the soft flesh of your upper thigh. You licked your lips to stop them from drying out- due to the fact you were harshly breathing, you really need to control yourself- as his fingers toyed with the lace panties you wear underneath. One, long, slim finger ran along your lace covered cunt, feeling your wetness through the material, you flushed with embarrassment; two days of sexual frustration, of just watching him and you were this wet for him.
He didn't comment, only groaned as he rubbed you through the panties. Lips trailing along your neck, his other hand holding your stomach and keeping you up and pressed to him. Your knees shook at his ministrations. His fingers moved your panties to the side and instantly he pressed two into you.
You groaned loudly, the sound echoing off of the shelves and around the usually silent library. “Shhhh! You gotta be silent in the library.” You whimpered softly; your own hands gripping the shelves in front of you tightly. His fingers pumped into you hard and fast, he sucked marks harshly onto your neck, occasionally nibbling the skin.
You bite your bottom lip to stop from crying out. He was good, too good, with just his fingers. You couldn't begin to imagine what damage he could possibly do with his mouth and cock. It's like he could read your mind because he pulled his fingers out of you, lifting his hand up towards you but instead of having you taste yourself (like some guys love watching you do.), he slipped the fingers into his own mouth. You watched from over your shoulder, the sight alone making you grow wetter. He groaned at the taste of you.
He pulled away a bit, spinning you around to face him. His glasses were slipping down the bridge of his nose, his dark hair was messy but still looking perfect. He gripped each side of your panties and pulled them down your legs, slipping to his knees before you, and helping you step out of a scrap of material. His large warm hands skimmed up the back of your legs, helping pull one leg over his shoulder and have full access to your most intimate parts. Not wasting any time he dove right into you.
You gasped loudly as he sucked on your clit harshly, nibbling on the sensitive bud. His stubble rubbing against your inner thighs creating a heavenly friction that you've never felt before now. From the painful book shelves digging into your back, the lapping and licking of his mouth and tongue, plus the thrill of doing this out in the open had you on the premise of an orgasm. You looked down meeting his stormy grey eyes that are framed by his glasses, his hands holding your hips and keeping your skirt up.
You felt yourself reaching your blissful end but before you could tip over the edge he pulled away. His mouth, chin and stubble glistening with your juices. You whined at the loss of contact, he slipped your leg off his shoulder and stands towering over you. His stare is intense as he looks at you, brushing the hair from your face and moulding his lips over yours in a passionate kiss.
You helped undo his belt and jeans, sliding your hand inside of his boxers and feeling how hard, hot and ready he is for you. You had to remember to take a thank you card to your history lecturer tomorrow, if it wasn't for him assigning hard essays, you wouldn't be in this position right now.
“You ready-”
“God, just fuck me already.” Your voice is breathless and pitchy, he chuckled and hoisted you up, wrapping your legs around his waist.
He lines himself up to your entrance, “it's Bucky, by the way.” You frowned and looked at him, “my name.” He grins before you could tell him your own he's pushing inside of you, stretching you to accommodate himself. He groans resting his head in the crook of your neck, you feel him shake a little at allowing you to get used to his size.
“Bucky,” you breathed, carding your fingers through his hair. “Move, please, move.” You gasped.
Holding your quivering thighs, he lifted his head and began a punishing pace into you. The air was knocked out of your lungs as you clung to his back, letting him pound into you. The ache of the shelves being pushed into your back was becoming numb to the pleasure you were feeling. His grunts and groans being muttered into your ear, you cried a little loudly when he hit the right spot. His lips quickly silencing you.
His hips snap to yours in a fast, brutal pace, the sound echoing off the shelves. One of his hands slink down your bodies and start rubbing quick circles on your clit, forcing you quickly to the edge. You gasp and whimper feeling your walls flutter around him, nails digging into his shirt covered shoulders. You faintly hear the sounds of loud thuds on the floor but ignore it in your orgasm bliss haze. His hips continue to snap and stutter till he reaches his end.
He grunts into your ear, a small sound as he releases into you. You hold onto each other, his head in the crook of your neck and still locked to each other pressed to the shelves.
He lifts his head, pieces of hair has fallen from his bun frame his face, his glasses are steamed up and crooked on his face and he wears a blissful smile. You chuckle and grin back at him, he pulls himself out of you and helps you clean up and pull your panties up as he tucks himself back in. You look at the floor and see various books littering around, you raise your eyebrows and chuckle with him.
“Uh- I'm Y/N, by the way.” You shyly smile, blushing a little at the fact he didn't know your name and you only knew his and the fact he was a librarian here.
He chuckled and looked nervous. “Yeah, I know. You're friends with Natasha,” you nod a little. “I'm friend with Steve, you were at his birthday party.”
“Wow. Small world,” you mutter. “Sorry for creepily staring at you.” He raised his eyebrows.
“We just fucked in the library I volunteer at and you're saying sorry for the very reason we did that.” He laughed and you rolled your eyes. “I get off work in ten minutes… want to get some coffee?”
(Honestly, I am slut for university AU’s which is why I have a three part fic of one, based upon my own time at university because my friend Ben reminded me of all the shit we got into together and honestly if it ain’t Bucky at university, then I don’t know. - Rosalie) 
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Good afternoon everyone. It finally became a beautiful day outside and I pushed the dogs out of the house to go play because they were stuck in the house during the rain. I feel pretty good today and feeling positive. My GoFundMe account is up and live now we can start pulling in money for the new project to assist the homeless. The goal with Pathway to Self-Sufficiency is to take the homeless and put them inside a dorm room/tiny house where they can be safe and help them get back on their feet to working and graduating the program when they are able to move into their own apartment. We would like to be able to break ground on building the little community for them before the end of the year. There are many homeless individuals that we have speaking with that are anxious and excited about this new program and want to be the first ones to graduate the program. We have gotten quite a good response from the homeless community and hopefully a good response from the working and tax-paying communities. My husband is hurting so he is laying down with a pain patch on while I sit here and get some writing done. We went out earlier to pick up some totes for storing some of our homeless hygiene products so they don't get damaged. We need to schedule another day to go down to Florida to pass some out and I need to set up appointments for donation tables at mass merchants like Walmart. We have been focusing on setting things up for the building project and my charity state walk, but most of that is taken care of except a few simple things, but now is the time to get money coming in to keep buying food to feed the homeless. At the bottom of my posts, you will see two links for donations. One is the GoFundMe link to make a donation towards the building project of Pathway to Self-Sufficiency and the PayPal link is where you can make a donation to help with food and supplies. We hope that you choose either one to show your support in assisting us in ending hunger and poverty. Well, time to get writing so I will end this post here with a wish that everyone enjoys their Sunday with loved ones and a very "Happy Birthday" to those born on this date. Take care. Building Project 
Food & Supplies
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manifestlegacy · 7 years
Nola Knows Best -- Day 1
Recap of Saturday, March 18th. The day was spent celebrating St. Pat's in Columbia, SC. It was an absolute drunkfest with 40,000 of our not-so-close friends. 6:45 AM rolls around, and we're woken up by our host, Tommy. Fortunately we were able to turn his 5:30 and 6 AM alarms off the night before while he was in a drunken stupor. All the guys were rip roaring and ready to get after it when 7 AM rolled around. The girls, however, not so much. Three Ubers were called at 10 AM to go to the "lit pregame," which ended up being anything but lit. We were fortuitous in that we convinced Tommy not to get there at 8, or it would've been even more of a lonely fest. Kyle, Lindsay Dylan and I had an awesome Uber that dropped us off about a mile away from where we needed to be - leading to our walking 15 minutes in rain which was less than ideal. Despite the lack of hype at the pregame, we managed to get off to a hot start in the inebriation department before going to eat at -yes, you guessed it - Chick-fil-a. Our ensuing move resulted in fishbowls at Horseshoe - a seemingly promising move at the time. Split 2 ways per bowl, this put us right where we needed to be to begin a pattern of forgetfulness - or maybe that was just me. Peter made a strong recovery after puking all night to make it out at this stop on the tour. Also, sorry for releasing this info Kristen, but Tianara told me you pulled the trig mid-fishbowl. Next move - the home of my infamous ghost puke - Saloon. In one of the most heroic moves of the day, Tianara stole two cat-in-the-hat-like green hats for her and me which led to a great pic as seen below. Tommy bought a round of Irish car bombs for a group of nobodies and I spilt half of it on my Nova hat. Our friend, Chris Wolfe, also poured himself a shot at the bar without paying, resulting into a firm request from the bouncer to exit the bar. Breakers Live - what an iconic 5 Points bar. Whole squad seemed to be litty in this one. I remember about half of this one - but I do know our yet-to-be-developed characters made an appearance at this loc. What a blessing. We also received a minimum of 20 free beers here thanks to Brian's connects. I wish I could tell you much about the next two hours, but it would all be fabricated. What I do know, however, is that Bevo and I wandered around Columbia for no less than an hour. Thirty minutes of this time was spent sitting on the side of a street in the grass shooting the shit. We also miserably failed at an attempt to enter a dining hall on campus. Or maybe it was a dorm? I can't remember. Two Ubers canceled on us because they couldn't find us, but third time was a charm and we made it back to Tommy's alive. After a group nap and four of us squadding in Tommy's bed for a couple hours, we all woke to Tommy passed out on a ~clean~ wooden floor in his living room. After a QT to Five Guys, we returned to be in bed by 10. 6:30 wake up call on Sunday. Oh, except Dylan and Tucker. Dylan returned after midnight and Tuck went home with a girl (imagine that). See you tomorrow for an uneventful update of our drive to Nola and a (hopefully) eventful recap of our first night in the casino.
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