#except not talented or motivated at all
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Discover the inspiring world of ABI Resource Advocate Art, a unique and captivating collection created and presented by an individual thriving despite living with a Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI).
This exceptional artistry not only serves as a testament to the resilience and determination of the human spirit, but also raises awareness for the challenges faced by those living with TBI. By transcending the boundaries of traditional art, the artist has harnessed their innate talents and channeled adversity into a powerful visual language that inspires, educates, and motivates us all. Embrace the captivating beauty of ABI Resource Advocate Art and join us in celebrating the indomitable spirit of the TBI community.
art therapy, advocacy, mental health, creative expression, healing, self-discovery, recovery, resilience, trauma, support, empowerment, self-care, therapeutic, arts-based interventions, emotional well-being, mindfulness, psychological, coping strategies, art materials, catharsis, creative process, personal growth, communication, group therapy, artistic, self-esteem, stress reduction, artistic journey, transformation, connection, holistic, self-awareness, non-verbal, individual therapy, art techniques, brain injury, painting, drawing, sculpture, self-expression, art education, social change, wellness, art advocacy, community, artistic voice, disability, rehabilitation, accessible art, inclusion, collaboration, creative arts therapies, music therapy, dance therapy, drama therapy, storytelling, visual arts, occupational therapy, cognitive, physical, emotional healing, human rights, therapeutic alliance, art therapist, expressive arts, personal narrative, cultural, social justice, art programs, advocacy organizations, art-based research, creative healing, awareness, brain health, survivor, artistic empowerment, resilience building, identity, artistic exploration, sensory integration, creative writing, restorative, interdisciplinary, art-based practice, mental health promotion, trauma-informed.
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originalaccountname · 4 months
I think that, on the topic of Dazai being "made for the dark", it's useful to take a step back and compare him to other characters that had a similar path to his.
Kyouka wasn't always in the PM, and was forcefully brought in when she was a shell of herself. She had natural talents for the skills needed to be an assassin. These skills were nurtured by people who have known darkness their entire lives, who saw them as useful and fulfilling. Except Kyouka didn't like killing, despite being good at it: she didn't want to have to do it. She got help and got out, but she still uses these skills in her new world, just not the same way.
Jouno used to be an executive in a criminal organization. We have seen Jouno in the Hunting Dogs be cruel and mocking. He very efficiently threatened civilians, caused psychological harm to Kunikida while trying to recruit him, roped a child (Aya) into being his witness, and in the past tried to coax a criminal into committing suicide. His own partner, Tetchou, chastises him for these terrible habits, and yet, he wants to help people! Gratitude from the people he helped is worth more than anything, and that's all he needs to be on the side of justice, his strong criminal leanings irrelevant.
Dazai is much like them. His skillset and fragile moral compass were incredibly well-suited for the mafia life. He has talent for business, negotiation, torture, strategy, improvising, etc., and has no qualms about killing. His obsession with death led him to pick the PM as his path, his apathy, skills and insane luck made him at home in organized crime. Yet, his health was getting worse, which meant him being suited for the dark, him being "built" for the mafia life, didn't mean his spirit was. When he left to help people instead, he found more friends, more fulfillment and got better. His previous skills are repurposed or hidden away until needed.
BSD is full of characters who were good at what they did, but unhappy, unfulfilled or unhealthy in their lives. I'd argue that even more characters actively live in that limbo, looking fit for the lives they live, but would be better in a different one, maybe even one a bit harder for them.
Dazai was "made for the dark" the same way Kyouka was made to be an assassin. Dazai found fulfillment in helping people the same way Jouno did. The original statement isn't incorrect, but it's not an absolute truth either; feeling trapped into something you don't like or is harmful to you while being good at or enjoying it is a very common thing that BSD regularly pushes to the full scale of a character's motivations. To not reject how one was "made for" a certain life while fighting or yearning for a different one is compelling: it's spitting in the face of fate in favour of your happiness, it's having agency over your life. It's a good message.
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sunderwight · 8 months
thinking about reverse SVSSS AU where the demon characters are human and the human characters are demons (LBH is still both), but cultivation society operates more like MDZS so that the demon characters can preserve their ruthless clan politics and inheritance systems, and but demon society (which the formerly human characters are now part of) operates more like the ghosts in TGCF, where it's mostly a free-for-all of powerful demons establishing whatever kind of system they please in whatever space they can carve out. I think that'd preserve the meritocracy elements and "twelve different sects in a trench coat" qualities that cang qiong has as an organization.
so the peaks are instead these sort of liminal space cities which are ruled by the most powerful/influential demons, who choose their successors (at least ostensibly) based purely on talent and ability. instead of the sprawling alternate dimension demonic realms of PIDW, they're more like pocket dimensions which can only be accessed if you know the secret ways, existing in the shadows of otherwise seemingly normal towns, mountains, cities, forests, etc. humans sometimes wander into them by mistake, although whether they can get back out again or not depends a lot on which demon lord's domain they were unlucky enough to stumble upon.
Mobei Jun and Sha Hualing are still the heirs of their respective sects/clans, which are among the most powerful sects around. The CQMS peak lords are the rulers of twelve allied demon settlements. Tianlang Jun was the heir of the strongest sect, sort of like Wen Ruohan if Wen Ruohan's biggest motivation was to have his Hot Girl Summer rather than conquering everything, but after his and Zhuzhi Lang's disappearances their sect lost a lot of clout. Su Xiyan hailed from a wealthy demon phantom palace, known for its exceptional hostility towards humans (this version of HHP definitely literally eats people).
The demons-turned-humans are still exactly as cutthroat and dubious as in PIDW. Sha Hualing still wants to kill her father to take his position, Mobei Jun's uncle still tries to assassinate him, the cultivation world has an underground business in trafficking demon body parts (officially decried, but unofficially often consumed to help boost cultivation or create certain tools), the sects often go to war with one another and tend to wreak havoc on the secular human governments and societies whenever they do. All that sort of stuff.
On the humans-turned-demons end, demons in this setting are sometimes born the same way as humans -- two parents of compatible genital orientation get it on and some months later etc etc, which is how siblings like Liu Qingge and Liu Mingyan happen. But sometimes demons also just sort of manifest out of concentrated pockets of demonic energy. Some demons come from humans (SJ and YQY were both born from the unquiet ghosts of slave children), some come from animals (SQH was a pet hamster who was tormented enough to become a demon hamster, and then cultivated enough to take on a human shape), some come from collisions of powerful elemental forces such as volcanoes or floods (Su Xiyan).
So demons have a lot of apprenticeship and teacher-and-student style familial relationships, and demons looking to build families often will risk venturing out into the human realms and trying to find other isolated demons to bring into their fold. Demons alone in the human world are highly vulnerable to being hunted, killed, or enslaved. This is also why there's such a high percentage of "orphans", and contributes even more to a demon like SJ (no parents) resenting a demon like Luo Binghe (found and adopted by a kindly older demon almost right away).
So in the original PIDW, Luo Binghe is a kid who thinks he's a demon and grows up under the cruel and resentful talons of the Lord of Qing Jing, Shen Qingqiu. Every twenty or so years the demon settlements manifest much more strongly in the human realms, during which time they are a lot more vulnerable to attacks from humans. To help deal with this this, the demon rulers traditionally host big, dramatic, scary events that bring everyone within a certain geographic range together, the better to put any righteous sects off the idea of trying to single them out and attack. Most of the smaller settlements clear out entirely in preparation, leaving "ghost towns" where the buildings appear but the demons and anything too valuable to risk leaving behind are all gone.
This Demonic Alliance Conference is a time for contests, trials, matchmaking, partying, festive hunts, trading, and big displays of power. What could be a massive weakness instead becomes a big celebration, and a time for mingling and making new connections.
In PIDW, after suffering years of abuse at the hands of his cruel master, Luo Binghe attends the DAC in hopes of securing some better place for himself in demonic society. But when the righteous sects launch an unprecedented attack on the event, his human heritage is revealed, and Shen Qingqiu tosses him into the twilight space between realms in disgust. Binghe is forced to navigate the hollow and desolate place, locked into his newly-revealed and very weak human form, until he bonds with the legendary Xin Mo blade and effects his escape. Then he sets about bringing the righteous sects to heel (his bloodline means he's heir to one of the biggest sects around, even if they've fallen on hard times the past 20 or so years) and of course conquering the demon realms, and taking revenge on Shen Qingqiu, all while accumulating a record number of wives.
Shen Yuan transmigrates into Demon Lord Shen Qingqiu, ruler of Qing Jin settlement, a haunted bamboo forest in the most cursed mountain range ever.
Downsides -- he's of course destined to be dismembered and/or shoved into a pickle pot by the protagonist.
Upsides -- he's a demon with amazingly awesome demon traits! He has talons! Fangs! WINGS! Also, Binghe is a little demon bun and he is so cute, like a puppy with his fluffy wolf ears and baby claws and darling bright red eyes. Who could ever persecute such an adorable monster boy?! His tail literally wags when he's excited!
Plus Shen Yuan gets to spend as much time investigating cool beasts and other demons as he likes. He's in heaven. Well, not literally of course, but for his standards. Pretty close. Almost worth the price of admission!
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matan4il · 3 months
Out of curiosity, what does the UN actually gain from keeping the terrorists in power? Obviously antisemitism but way do they materially gain?
Anon, don't be so quick to dismiss antisemitism. It's a really powerful motivator, for some people even more than money, because it is often to connected to a person's views of themselves, their society and the world. As such, antisemitism can be linked to issues of self-worth or hope for the future. And the place where someone's self-worth depends on demonizing Jews, or their future hopes depends on the notion that their society will be so much better, if only a Jewish collective (whether the Jewish religion, race or state) will be dismantled, they are emotionally invested in ways that can be far more crucial to them than money.
So I personally do think that antisemitism played a big role in how the UN has acted regarding Israel for decades.
For example, the UN sets up a special agency to help Koreans in Dec 1950 (UNKRA). By Jul 1958, less than 8 years later and 5 years after a ceasefire was achieved between the two Koreas, the agency was seen as having served its purpose, and was dismantled. Since then, if there are ever Korean refugees still in need of help, it goes through the general UNHCR (established 1951. It replaced the UN's temporary agency IRO, established Dec 1946, which itself took over from UNRRA, established Nov 1943), the UN refugee agency that takes care of ALL refugees in the world... except the Palestinian ones. Their agency (UNPRP) was established by UN resolution 212 in Nov 1948, and later became UNRWA in Dec 1949.
Now, take a second to consider how there was NEVER any UN agency dedicated specifically to help about 1.5 million Jewish Holocaust survivors at the end of WWII, which is May 1945 (with many of them still being murdered after the end of the war, in places like Poland in Jul 1946 or Libya in the Nov 1945 and Jun 1948 pogroms). No special agency for them, no intervention to protect people who had literally been through and somehow survived the worst genocide in human history, and were still being targeted and killed after it was done, even though the UN had a talent for establishing plenty of refugee agencies just fine during those years. But there was a special agency set up for the Arabs in the Land of Israel, even though they were the aggressors in the 1947-1949 Independence War, and it still operates to this day, unlike UNKRA, which was set up later than UNRWA. Why? What reason is there for treating Holocaust victims worse than the Arabs who declared a war of extermination against Jews in Israel? Or for treating Palestinians better than any other group of refugees in the world, even though other groups often need the help much more?
I can only see one thing in common when it comes to all of these illogical, counterintuitive decisions, and that is antisemitism. Dislike the Jews? Deprive them of getting their own agency, even while others get one. Hate the Jews? Dedicate special resources to the refugees who can be used as a political pawn against the Jewish state, while still counting them as refugees even after being resettled with citizenship elsewhere, unlike every other refugees group.
And never forget, the UN's voting "democracy" (where antisemitic abuse is not penalized in votes) IS inherently vulnerable to the tyranny of the majority. There is only one Jewish state at the UN. There is a block of over 20 Arab countries, another of over 50 Muslim ones, and when they're told a lie such as the one invented by Amin al-Husseini in 1929, that the Jews are attacking the al-Aqsa mosque, then it's easy to recruit all of them against Israel without even much effort. Then add countries which have vested interests in keeping the Arab and Muslim countries on their side, or who have issues with the pro-west, pro-democracy countries (and Israel is not only one of them, it is closely allied with the US, which is the leader of that stance) and basically the one Jewish state has close to no chance.
But over the years, in addition to being invested in keeping the issue of the Palestinian refugees going as a tool against Israel, to present the Jewish state as uniquely oppressive, the UN has also become invested in the jobs that the conflict produces for its members. UNRWA alone employees over 30,000 people and is, by the UN's own admission, one of its biggest employers.
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On top of that, the UN also has other workers who deal specifically with the conflict (and therefore are employed thanks to it), such as OCHA oPt. OCHA (Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs) is the "humanitarian arm" of the UN and oPt is its branch that takes care specifically of the Palestinians. WHY is there even a need for this, if the Palestinians already have (UNIQUELY!) an entire UN agency dedicate just to them? And then on top of that (yes! A redundancy on top of a redundancy!) they also have a Palestinian branch for the OHCHR (Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights).
Having so many employees dedicated to this specific conflict does make the UN financially invested in keeping it from being resolved. Also, it's probably easier to get donations for the UN when talking about this falsely over-hyped conflict (here's a recent example, a report shows there's no famine in Gaza, the UN has known this and kept it quiet), especially when the hype is fed by so many antisemites happy to spread libels about the Jewish state. Some of the antisemites are likely very rich and happy to donate to any organization targeting Israel (I can even name some very wealthy governments happy to continuously donate to the UN and UNRWA, when they're also known for their antisemism, like financially sponsoring known antisemitic professors at US universities).
I do think the antisemitism is what enabled the creation of the financial aspect to the UN's anti-Israel bias, and interest in preserving the conflict, but now I'll mention one more factor. It's also one that IMO was preceded by the antisemitism and financial interest, but now it adds its own fuel to the fire. Since 2007, when Hamas violently took over Gaza, in order to keep its programs running there, the UN has been collaborating with Hamas. Because that's what happens in an actual dictatorship, which has absolute power over its people, and doesn't allow for any civilian liberties. If you wanna run a UN agency in North Korea, you will HAVE to collaborate with Kim Jong Un's dictatorial regime. And if you want to run a UN agency in Gaza post Jun 2007, you will HAVE to collaborate with Hamas. So that's exactly what the UN has been doing in Gaza. In doing so, it has been collaborating with a genocidal, antisemitic, radical Islamist, terrorist organization. And as has allowed Israel to enter Gaza and gather evidence, we have more and more proof that the UN is complicit in Hamas' crimes. That is NOT something the UN wants the world to realize. So it's trying its best to stop Israel from fighting in Gaza, to prevent the gathering of further evidence, at the same time that the UN is doing its best to screw over Israel's credibility. If the UN can vilify the best witness against it, who will believe the evidence about its complicity anyway?
I hope that helps answer the question!
(for all of my updates and ask replies regarding Israel, click here)
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winter2468 · 2 years
Thinking about Faye as a subversion of the ‘fridging’ trope.
Usually, in a story like this (masculine man loses his wife, motivating him to go on an adventure), the story is usually invariably sexist. The wife’s death is violent, but once the man has started going on an adventure, proving his heroism, she’s basically never mentioned again. She’s a brief plot device, forgotten after the start except for a few dull flashbacks. We never learn more about her as a person. She existed to date a man and then die. That’s it.
And Faye isn’t that at all.
Her death was not violent, and does not happen onscreen. It was a quiet death, presumably from illness, and what’s more: she saw it coming. She was at peace with it.
Anger over her death isn’t the reason for the adventure. Kratos doesn’t start wandering the Nine Realms because he’s angry about his dead wife. He travels the Realms because he wants to honour his wife’s wishes. The journey only happens because of the immense respect he felt for her.
Her death isn’t the sole reason why the adventure starts. Yes, she’s the reason why her husband and son go travelling, but Baldur’s appearance is what introduces violence into the story.
Faye had a life before she met Kratos. She’s not a paper-cutout mother-and-wife. She had friends. She kept secrets. She was a warrior who led a rebellion. Her association with Brok and Sindri is the reason why they agree to help Kratos and Atreus. Kratos acknowledges her talent, and the fact that she was better than him at some things. Her life before Kratos directly affects the story after her death.
Faye is not forgotten by the narrative. The whole story is haunted by her. She knew what would happen. Kratos and Atreus talk about her with each other and with others. It’s clear how much she meant to them and how significant she is to the plot.
Meaningful flashbacks. Usually when a woman is fridged, the flashbacks are just an overly bright snippet of the woman looking pretty and saying some variation of ‘I love you, babe’. But the flashbacks in God of War: Ragnarok are plot-relevant. Kratos and Faye don’t just discuss their relationship. They talk about grief, morality, mortality, Kratos’s past, and the way to raise their son.
Genuine grief. This isn’t a man seeing his wife dead, crying a single tear, killing a bunch of people, and never reflecting on his widower status again. Kratos, Atreus, and other characters all mourn Faye’s passing. Years after her death, Kratos is still deeply moved by his memories of her. She is not forgotten by anyone.
Faye wasn’t some disposable woman. She’s the cornerstone upon which the entire plot rests.
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Nothing Has Changed - 9
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Summary: Returning home for peace, you're faced with your tormentor, Bucky Barnes, who is now involved in your family's business.
Character: Bucky Barnes x Female!Reader
Warning: Angst, Tragedy.
Nothing Has Changed - Series Masterlist
Main Masterlist || support: Ko-fi
Thank you to anyone who gave a like, reblog, and left a comment. It motivated me to write more. 💖💖💖
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“This town looks peaceful to an outsider, a perfect place for a pensioner to spend their free time,” Steve commented, his gaze sweeping over the quiet streets.
“I guess the Bronze Lodge is their only destination,” you replied, noting the town’s well-known resort.
He nodded. “It's a great place and helps the economy. Most locals work there.”
You glanced around, recognizing a few faces from your past. “Hmm. I see some familiar people.”
“So, you've met the homecoming queen,” Steve said, a hint of amusement in his voice.
“My number one hater,” you responded dryly.
“She will hate you even more after seeing how successful you've become,” Steve chuckled.
You nodded, and the ice between you began to melt as the conversation continued. The years apart seemed to fade as you shared updates and memories.
“Don’t you realize you're talking behind her back? Isn’t she your close friend?” you asked, raising an eyebrow.
Steve shrugged. “Not anymore. After graduation, all of us went our separate ways. Bucky went abroad to study business, Natasha pursued her modeling career, and others moved to different states.”
He sighed, reflecting on how time had changed their once-close group. As everyone grew older, they followed their own paths. But in the end, almost all of them returned to this town.
“What made me curious is Jake. I thought he would be the one to make it big since he won multiple competitions related to computers,” you said, recalling the prodigious talent he once displayed.
“Ah, Jake. He wanted to be popular so badly back then. Ironically, he got it in the worst way possible,” Steve replied with a hint of regret.
“What happened to him?” You leaned forward, intrigued by the unfolding story.
“Well… Jake got out of control with his IT skills and hacked the department of defense and he made a crypto scam.”
You gasped. “Really?” Would a guy like Jake do something like that?
“The government banned Jake from anything related to coding for a few years,” Steve explained, shaking his head.
“How did you know all of this?” you asked, impressed by his knowledge of the local gossip.
“His mother told her friend, and her friend told her hairdresser, and the hairdresser told everyone at the church,” Steve said with a wry smile.
Gossip travels fast. You almost spilled your hot jasmine tea, laughing at the absurdity. Steve quickly handed you a tissue, and you gratefully accepted it.
“Then… what do you think about Mayor Martin?” you asked, curious about the town's leadership.
Steve's expression turned serious. “I don’t trust him.”
A shiver ran down your spine at his words. Something was wrong if even someone as reserved as Steve didn’t trust the mayor.
You went home, Steve's words still lingering in your mind. You needed answers, so you decided to ask your dad about what had happened in the town since you left.
Tom sat in his favorite armchair, engrossed in a thick book. Without looking up, he replied, “There haven't been any significant changes, except for the new resort owned by the Barnes.”
“But,” he continued, his tone growing more somber, “I have noticed an increase in the number of funerals I've conducted for a single travelers.”
'Single travelers?' A cold shiver ran down your spine at his words. "Who paid for the funerals?" you asked, your voice tinged with unease.
“The town mayor, Martin, has been kind enough to pay for the funerals,” Tom added, finally lifting his gaze from the book to look at you.
Your instincts screamed that Martin’s kindness had a hidden agenda. “Don’t you ever wonder why so many tourists die in this town?” you asked, your voice tinged with suspicion.
Tom chuckled, dismissing your concerns with a wave of his hand. “Are you saying there’s a serial killer in this town? That’s impossible. The police have deemed all the deaths accidents.” He closed his book and patted your shoulder gently. “You should go to sleep. You've been working too much.”
As Tom headed to his room, you remained in the living room, deep in thought. Your father, accustomed to dealing with death, seemed numb to its frequency. But not you. The increasing number of deaths didn’t sit well with you, and the mayor’s supposed generosity felt more sinister than charitable.
Should you and your dad leave this town? The question gnawed at you as you pondered your next steps. Once a familiar haven, the town now felt shrouded in mystery and danger.
The next day, you returned to the hotel feeling renewed determination. As you walked into your office, you stopped abruptly. Once cluttered with documents and black binders, the table was completely empty. A wave of panic surged through you. Had someone stolen everything? The scene eerily reminded you of when the FBI raided your office and confiscated all your belongings.
You bolted out of the room and hurried to Bucky's office. As you approached, you heard raised voices from behind the closed door.
“You’re doubting me?” a woman exclaimed.
“At first, but now I have the evidence. Numbers don’t lie,” Bucky responded firmly.
“Hmph. I still can’t believe it. She’s only been here for a few days, and you trust her over your own mother?”
You couldn't take it anymore. You pushed the door open, making both Bucky and the woman flinch. “Are you doubting my skills?” you demanded, crossing your arms and standing confidently.
The woman turned to face you. She was Lydia Barnes, Bucky’s mother. At fifty years old, she exuded elegance and grandeur, her rich lifestyle evident in her designer clothing and impeccable grooming. She looked you up and down, her eyes narrowing.
Lydia remembered you. You used to be a shy girl who never met anyone's gaze. But now, you stood before her with unshakeable confidence. Your eyes, so full of determination, reminded her of someone she detested—your mother.
Lydia’s face hardened. “I see you've returned,” she said, her tone dripping with disdain.
“I have,” you replied, meeting her gaze steadily. “And I found discrepancies in the financial records. Someone has been embezzling money from this resort.”
Lydia's eyes flashed with anger. “How dare you accuse me?”
You maintained your calm demeanor, but your eyes locked onto hers with a sharp intensity. “I didn't accuse you, Mrs. Barnes. But why are you so defensive?” You let the question hang in the air, trying to bait her into revealing more. “It’s impossible for a business owner to steal from their own business, isn’t it?”
Lydia's face went pale for a moment before she recovered, her expression turning icy. She was momentarily stunned, clearly taken aback by your insinuation.
Bucky stepped in, his tone exasperated but calm. “Mom, we’ll discuss this later. Right now, we need to focus on the numbers and figure out what’s really going on.”
You took a step back, observing Lydia carefully. Her fists were clenched tightly at her sides, and her eyes were narrow slits of fury. She was clearly not used to being questioned, especially not in her own domain.
Lydia straightened up, regaining some of her composure. “Very well,” she said coolly. “But don’t think for a moment that I’ll let this go.”
As she turned to leave, you caught a glimpse of vulnerability in her eyes—a fleeting moment of fear that she quickly masked. It was enough to confirm your suspicions that there was more to this story than she was letting on.
Bucky let out a heavy sigh once she was gone, rubbing the back of his neck. “I’m sorry about that. She’s...complicated.”
You nodded, taking in the tension that still lingered in the air. Lydia was an odd woman, and you couldn't shake the feeling that she harbored a deep-seated dislike for you. The first time you saw her was at her husband’s funeral—Bucky's dad.
Even then, her eyes had fixed on you like a tiger eyeing its prey. You always wondered what you had done to her.
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Author Note: Hey friends,
If you've been enjoying the content, I've set up a Ko-fi account.
Your support through tips would mean the world and help me keep creating.
Only if you feel like it!
Here's the link: Ko-fi
Thanks a bunch for being fabulous followers!
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zucchichat · 1 year
My opinion to "desperate" artists and TIPS TO IMPROVE YOUR ART
This is my art journey
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6 years later...
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If artists want support and followers, they should earn them by their own accomplishments and hard-work.
I hate it when they earn it from guilt-tripping others, being desperate and earn followers out of pity
You can never have a stable and healthy relationship with your followers that way, and you may get worse when you dont gain any interactions with them
Please stop doing this, and start growing your acc on your own. If you feel like your art doesnt appeal to others, start taking advice and study from other artists around you that you like. There are thousands of FREE resources on all platforms: Instagram, Youtube (recommended) , Pinterest (for reference) ,... And alot of separate websites you can find!
Trust me, hard work pays off
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Its okay to feel like you dont improve at all, but thats not true, if you study and practice often (no need to do it everyday, it can be 2-4 days a week) you're already better than yourself yesterday
Compare your art to other artists has alot of benefits since you can see what to improve and see the progress. But dont do that too often, it'll turn to be an unhealthy obsession and in this world where there're always people better than you, you'll suffocate yourself forever. Thats a hard hit to reality but it's the truth. In this i recommend:
Find artists that you like and set them as your art goals, they can be artists with totally different artstyles, art is never something stable and its always good to try new things
From your art goals, start "taking" some of your favourite things about the artists and "artistically" add them to your own.
Tracing is another way to study privately for beginners, but i dont recommend doing this for long, it can stagnant your progress if you rely on it too much.
Unless its your style of choice, practice confidence in your streaks and lines, use your whole arm to draw (i know it can be boring at first, but everything you do now will have a rewarding result)
Stepping out of your comfort zone sometimes. You dont have to do this if you consider art as a hobby, but if youre serious or wanting your art to take a new step, i recommend expanding your art to many categories, like drawing backgrounds, hands, poses, anatomy, ect.
Study color theory, this is optional but i heavily recommend, this makes your art UPGRADE NO EXCEPTIONS
Here are some of my very basic tips, you've probably seen them everywhere and hear these thousands of times already, but if you're reading this and feel motivated, consider this the start of your journey! This is gonna be an exciting, might be tiring and frustrating, but memorable
Goodluck! The future awaits new extremely talented artists to bloom💖
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lueurjun · 5 months
guitarist boyfriend! jay
popstar!reader x guitarist boyfriend jay! in which you’re supplied with a new guitarist who just so happens to end up falling hopelessly in love with you. a/n—if this is bad, don’t blame me. it was a spur of the moment spark of motivation.
gather around and hold hands because this is everything to me
YOU GUYS are everything to me
that micheal scott meme where he’s holding jim and pam’s hands… that’s what it looks like. me holding you guys by the hands because i just love u both so much. i am apart of this relationship. i am the captain of this ship. the leader of- okay you get it
guitarist jay and his global popstar partner?? stop before i cry
okay ! let’s get started with how you guys came to be
it all started because your guitarist decided to seize an opportunity to permanently work for another pop star
traitor. i’ll set them on fire. ( for legal reasons that’s a joke ).
and you’re all for new opportunities and such but they happened to leave smack bang in the middle of your world tour
three hours before your concert
someone hand me a lighter rn-
so not only are you set to perform in front of a sold out stadium, in a country you’re not too familiar with, but you’re left with no guitarist either
cue the emotional meltdown backstage with all your stylists and staff around trying to calm you down
imagine you’re filming a documentary and they put in the scene where you’re sat on the floor just sobbing whilst people rush around you- the way i’d sue my own team
anyways lucky for you, yang jungwon is on your team — and he has a friend who has exceptional talent on the guitar, who also happens to be in the area
how convenient, it’s almost like this was written in the stars
jay arrives but he doesn’t even get to say hi to you before he’s carted off by your manager to be coached for the performance
so you really only saw the back of his head through teary eyes
but according to your stylist, he’s one hell of a babe
stylist is me btw lemme wipe away your tears. come here, pretty
you take their word for it and just try to mentally prepare for the concert ahead after the shock of being blindsided
it’s not until 5 minutes before you go on that you officially get to meet jay
and suddenly the concept of workplace crushes makes sense to you because bro looks like he’s just stepped out of a vogue magazine
models should be thankful he picked the idol industry
he looks super nervous as he shakes your hand, he’s all jittery and it makes your heart swell
of course, he’s polite as ever as he compliments your work and all that you do and expresses how much of an honour it is to play for you
he’s laying it on thick but i would too if i was in your presence tbh- you’re everything embedded in gold
there’s not much time for conversation before the pair of you are being ushered into position, but you catch the wink he gives you before he stalks away with the rest of the band
and you certainly don’t miss the knowing grin you receive from your drummer, sunoo
suddenly, you’re taking deep breaths to ease your pounding heart which is going crazy
not because of the thousands that are about to watch you perform live, but because of the small interaction you just shared with jay
oh you are so cooked- but personally, if i was jay, i’d never wash my hand again after shaking yours
anyways the performance goes smoothly, and jay excels just as jungwon said he would
you were surprised at how easy it was for him to get into the swing of things
and your fans seemed to love the new addition given ‘y/n’s guitarist’ trends on twitter afterwards
needless to say, concert one with jay is a great success so much so that he secures a permanent spot as your brand new guitarist
yesss bros getting a major bag and YOU? he’s living the dream fr
as the shows progress, you and jay seem to gravitate closer both on stage and off
if you’re not hanging out constantly, then you’re sharing winks and subtle glances across the stage whilst you’re performing
and as expected: a ship begins to set sail
your fans are begging for it to happen. your friends are begging for it to happen.
i’m begging for it to happen
and finally, it does.
jay bites the bullet and asks you out on a date
what’s the worst that can happen? you say no, oh wow-
we’re on a floating rock lovelies. shoot your shot 🫨
luckily for jay, you didn’t say no. in fact, you were more than delighted to say yes
onto the relationship because this is so long, i always do this
right off the bat he is OBSESSED with you
but would he swim across the ocean to get to you? i would. i would, y/n.
heart eyes constantly
so much so that fans literally have 30 min compilations on youtube of him just staring at you as though you were an aurora dancing across the sky
blowing kisses at him as you’re performing
alexa play that should be me
your discography is so shamelessly dedicated to him
everyone eats it up
iconic paparazzi photos
jay having you sat on his lap to teach you the guitar and him leaving gentle kisses against the nape of your neck
sighhhhh genuinely why do i do this to myself? someone take over because i am DEPRESSED
if you’re already able to play guitar, i can see the pair of you doing a little duet where you just stare at each other all 😍😍 whilst playing at each other
wearing one of his picks on a necklace
him having your name written on his guitar
also you get special treatment and your band members make sure you know it
“i moved his guitar out of the way so it didn’t get trampled on and he grabbed sunoo’s drum stick and threatened to shove it down my throat but you touch it and all of a sudden roses grow from his eyes? disgusting.”
sunghoon has had enough
yapping about him during interviews with the brightest smile on your face
this would be me as a celeb- i would not be able to keep my life private i’m a certified yapper
if you want to go for the more private approach
subtle exchanges on stage
it would be like private but not secret
cuddles backstage !!!
being seen wearing each others tour jackets when leaving the venue
crawling into his bunk on the tour bus late at night after everyone has fallen asleep but also being the last to wake up so everyone knows you’re in there anyway
him shielding your face from all the flashes of the camera
protective jay is everything to me.
he’ll definitely be your plus one to any event
and the two of you absolutely steal the show every single time
he also supplies your fandom with memes of you and they thank him for it
i better stop here because i’m getting too carried away shsjsjsk and i’m pretty sure i strayed off the prompt 😭
overall, you and jay? dream couple ☁️🤍
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maxzinn · 5 months
⇀ pairings ; aventurine x stoneheart! reader
⇀ notes ; fem!reader since I used the pronoun 'she", but can also be gn! if you wanna ignore the fem pronouns, I'm cool with it <3
⇀ a/n ; hol' up hol' up... my brain's COOKING SOMETHING.... I watched that IPC ad about the different IPC departments and me brain started thinking of reader being a Ten Stoneheart...
Ruby is a Senior Manager of the Talent Motivation Department in the IPC, and is one of the Ten Stonehearts who specializes in espionage and is a master of disguise.
Ruby climbed up the ranks with her exceptional talent and acting skills - successfully fooling her targets and opponents, retrieving crucial information directly from her targets, and forming allegiances for the IPC with the most difficult of all businessmen with a high success rate.
Her ability to learn quickly and plunder everything she's been taught allowed her to take on many roles and to no one's surprise, Diamond took an interest of her ability... she soon became a valuable asset to the IPC, with her ability to form relationships with those who are not yet willing to join the IPC and finding dirt on their enemies.
Ruby doesn't often show her face, being known publicly was never good for her line of job. That's why when Aventurine met you for the first time, he was taken aback to know that there was someone called Ruby in the Stonehearts. You weren't there in the room when he was officially given the Aventurine stone, he doesn't remember seeing your face as he scanned the room during his "promotion"
And as he offered to shake hands, he immediately felt it. you have the hands of a gambler. and in your eyes reflects the look of a schemer.
When you left to tend to your own business - he immediately confronted Jade, who was the one responsible for this meet up between the two of you, but she only chuckled at his reactions.
"an interesting character isn't she? this mission is crucial to the IPC, so it's better if you get along with her, Aventurine. after all you felt it too didn't you?..."
"wasn't this always what you wanted? the excitement, the thrill, the elation..."
"knowing that someone can match your gamble..."
I feel like I wanna write short fics/headcanons about this... hHmm...
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"He's a Son of Poseidon!" "She's a Daughter of Apollo" "They are a child of Artemis and blessed by all the gods" "He's a child of Hades"
Yeah, yeah, we get it. But do you know what I want?
A child of Dionysus! Why you ask?
Well first of all, it would be fucking hilarious. Imagine hearing all those amazing stories about getting claimed by a magical sign in the sky and being all excited just for the grumpy camp director to show up and be like "yeah, don't worry and don't make a fuss, that's one of mine" and just leaves again.
Second, he doesn't seem like a complete asshat of a father? I mean, he's a god so he is a shitty parent but, he's the only god (except maybe post hoo Apollo) who actually cares about his children to the extend that he mourn for them. Remember when his son died in the fourth book of PJO? That wasn't pretend as far as I'm concerned. Or when he asks Percy to look after his son in The last Olympian because he (even though he doesn't say it out loud) can't stand the thought of loosing another child.
So yeah, maybe he doesn't get the "Father-of-the-year" Award, but he's definetly not the worst parent.
[Also, as far as I remeber he truly loves his wife, so your parents really must be something special and therefore you too]
And lastly: Amazing powers
Dionysus is the god of wine, theater and joy as well as fertility so you probably are really good at drinks and stuff. Probably have a green thumb. His children are quite popular due their theatrical tendencies that light up the conversations or mood. But this can be quite useful too.
Turning enemies into grapes, tie them up with vines and being very convincing due to their natural acting talents.
However Dionysus is also the god of madness, ecstasy and intoxication.
Sure, children of the big three are bloody powerful and I surely don't want to make enemies out of an Ares or Athena child but Dionysus?
Imagine having an opponent that can drive you into madness (literally) with just the snap of their fingers. Imagine fighting alongside someone who can turn your team into ecstasy and therefore increasing their motivation while at the same time intoxicating the enemies to a point where they loose their mind and can't stand straight.
Sure, breaking somebody's body good and well, but breaking somebody's mind and bending it to your will ? That is true power.
A/N: Since some people mentioned it, I know, that Castor and Pollux exist. I even mentioned them in this post. This is mainly about fanfiction. However I wouldn't mind having a canon story with a dionysus child as protagonist, but I really don't care if Riordan uses Pollux or invents a new one.
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mixiury · 10 months
Always remembering you - Genshin x GN reader
Characters: Wanderer, Itto, Kaveh, Neuvillette
Summary: You have to leave for a long period of time. What do they do after it? (Basically them missing you)
A/N: I am alive!! Sorry for not posting in a while. Honestly I haven't been very motivated to write but I randomly got this idea so I hope yall like it! (I edited some parts and typos I noticed so hopefully now it is better :)
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Wanderer has no need for things as transitory and insignificant as the attention of others— specially if it comes from an human being— so what makes you believe that you would be an exception?
It's been decades since he last sought companionship after all. The only reason why he asked you to accompany him is to complete the tasks Nahida assigned him. It is just easier for you to do all the hard work instead of him. Don't try to read between the lines.
Yes. Of course it was necessary to stop in the middle of Sumeru's forest to contemplate the surroundings for the past hour. It is part of his job to ensure that there are no potential dangers near the city.
Actually, the fact that the path you were taking was blocked by a tree that mysteriously collapsed in front of you due to a strong blown of wind has nothing to do with him. Why would you think he did that in the first place? You're imagining things.
The only reason he's holding your hand right now is so you don't get lost or delay him by this absurdly long new path he's chosen. Yes, it's clearly the only option you two have, so don't complain and keep walking.
But if you need a moment to rest he won't refuse. And if at any point you decide to lean your head on his shoulder, he won't push you away either. Just don't get used to this, he only allows it because he knows how fragile human bodies are and he prefers to avoid Nahida's scolding for leaving you in the middle of nowhere.
And if you still have doubts, that's right, the fact that all these things happen after not being able to talk to you all week is totally a coincidence.
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Itto, on the other hand, doesn't seem to know the word discretion.
What do you mean you have another important commission to do? But didn't you just finished one yesterday? How about you join him in a beetle tournament instead? Or maybe you can spend time with the gang? Come on, he knows you can't refuse this unique opportunity!
Hmm? That you always spend time with them..? But this time is different! This time they will do something so different and so incredible that you just can't loose! Trust him. Arataki Itto always keep his word!
And it is just that it seems like the entire universe is sending you signals to spend time with him. From Itto posters that mysteriously appear on paper airplanes to his name in the alphabet soup you eat.
But if all that is not enough to convince you that it is the destiny the one putting you together, somehow you both end up meeting multiple times a day. No matter where you look, he will be there.
Do you have to collect different flowers from Inazuma for your commission? It turns out that floristry is one of his hidden talents! Do you have to give them to someone? How curious! He was just talking to that same person! Are you saying he is brothering them? Of course not! He would never do that... On purpose.
There's no point in questioning him, somehow he always has an excuse- (although it doesn't mean they make sense). It's only until you look up at the sky and see fireworks with Itto's face, his signature, and the words "I miss you" that he finally tells you the truth behind all the coincidences that has happened during the day.
However, the moment does not last long, because shortly afterwards different guards come running to capture Itto for alleged harassment and "illegal use" of fireworks without authorization. Complete defamation if you ask him.
At the end, you and Kuki have to visit him in jail and take care of all the paperwork for the damage him and the gang caused. But hey, at least that means his plan worked?
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Kaveh directly doesn't seems able to function properly.
Don't get him wrong, he knows better than anyone how hard it must be for you to be so busy. After all, he has found himself in the same situation as you multiple times in the past.
It's just that he had never noticed the influence you have on his life until that moment, where instead of having breakfast together at the same place as always he finds himself eating preheated noodles from the microwave.
For the first time in a long time he's having trouble concentrating on his work, unable to finish the commission he's been putting off for the last week— not so surprisingly— the same amount of time since you traveled to Fontaine.
Because every time he looks at the paper on the desk he can't stop his hand from drawing sketches of you, his mind clouded with questions about your safety and how you are doing.
Kaveh doesn't really know how to control that feeling so he does the only thing he knows in situations like this; Overwork himself. Going from basically doing nothing all week to creating almost a month's worth of work in a few days.
Of course, it doesn't take much for his friends to notice, trying to reason with him more than once. However, if there is something to recognize from Kaveh it is his stubbornness, reassuring them that everything is completely under control.
It's only until he ends up falling asleep during a conversation with Tighnari that he decides to take action into his own hands, sending you a letter telling you about the situation because your boyfriend can barely stay awake during the day and has been living of coffee.
And despite his reproaches towards Tighnari, he can't help but feel glad the moment you return to Sumeru a few days earlier than anticipated, updating you on every little detail that happened while you were gone and sleeping for almost a full day no long after. He may thank Tighnari later.
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Unlike the others, Neuvillette feels totally fine after you left.
Of course he notice your absence and perhaps your name has appeared in his mind more than three times in the day but that's all. There is no need to worry about it, Take all the time you need.
He continues with his routine as always. He is also a very busy person so he doesn't think a lot of it. He's just walking around in the same place where you met because he's taking a short break. Nothing more than that.
In fact, you might even be able to see him ordering at the same coffee shop where you had your first date, sitting at the same table he sat at back then. But that isn't related to this situation, so please continue what you are doing.
But if you notice how Fontaine has fallen into heavy rain this last month, he will just reassure you that it's completely normal. Probably is just the weather that hasn't been stable lately. Nothing to worry about. Everything is under control as it always has been.
Yet, even if he manages to fool himself, all the melusines notice the way his gaze wanders from the documents on his desk to the empty seat next to him. His eyes shining every moment he hears the door of his office open just to met with the disappointment in them when he realizes it's not you on the other side.
Because despite his attempts to distract himself, it's simply impossible when every place he goes has some memory of you. He knows you won't be away for long so why does he feel like something is missing when you're not around?
Melusines try to talk with him, even requesting help to Furina, but it doesn't seems to be an end of the countless rains that has been occurring since you left.
He will just continue denying his feelings over and over, completely oblivious of them and the attempts of others to cheer him up.
It's hard for Neuvillette to understand the reason for his the emptiness he feels, but when he sees you once again he can't help but notice the great sense of relief that comes with you, immediately asking you how you are doing and making sure you feel welcome.
Maybe with the pass of the time he will be able to come in terms with his feelings but for now all he wants to do is to spend more time with you.
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noah-shin · 1 year
𝒴𝒶𝓃𝒹𝑒𝓇𝑒 𝓇𝒾𝓋𝒶𝓁 𝓍 𝓇𝑒𝒶𝒹𝑒𝓇
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Warning: creepy, stalking
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Yandere rival who couldn't care less about you when you shifted to his school in the middle of the year. You were not exceptional at first and he didn't think of you as an academic rival.
Yandere rival who actually becomes shocked seeing how you topped most subjects. He contemplated that you were being fake by behaving politely with everyone but him. He didn't even talk with you properly… …
He always stares at you with a blank expression. Though he gives you a hateful stare, his thoughts are all about you. His ears become red watching you laugh or when you glance at him.
Yandere who always makes sure that you sit right beside him so that he could busk in your presence. It has become a rule between students to never sit on your seat. So that your rival could stare at you with ease.
Yandere rival who is envious of the fact that you're naturally talented. How could you be so care free and still top all exams? "You must have cheated," He would say to piss you off. You would just smile at him and go back to your own world. He holds grudges against you for having loving parents who never pressurize you for anything. (Unlike him)
He always asks the teacher to put you both together in a group project to spend more time with you. He always comes over to your place to finish the job and always asks if you made the cookies you gave him. He always finishes his work beforehand to just stare at you and listen to you talk during the meeting. He has a pleasant expression while gazing at you.Suspiciously whenever he comes over to your house, something goes missing. Doesn't matter what it is. Your chapstick, that old pencil, watch,anything associated with you. "Did you accidentally take my chapstick?" He would deny any claims saying he doesn't even know you use pink color, peach flavored chapstick… ..
Bad attention or good attention doesn't matter to him. If he gets attention from you, that's enough. He always nags you and tries to find your fault even though he actually gushes all over it in his house.
Yandere's rival who is jealous of the fact that you're his best friend's close friend and his friend knows more about you than him. He's aware that you're trying to snatch his friends, his position, everything! " You're so jealous yn" (he actually want you to snatch everything away along with him)
He constantly talks about you and only you in his friend circle. The only reason he keeps those losers with him is to talk shit about you. He is so bitter, observing that you look so happy minding your own business while he thinks of you every second. He thinks talking about you and constantly keeping you in his mind will motivate him to do better.
Yandere rival who uses students to know more about you. He thinks nobody is good enough to be with him except you but still acts politely with your friends. "Hey! So why didn't yn come to school today?" He doesn't even care that he makes it so obvious.
Yandere who gets mad when he sees anyone else bully you and sometimes defend you. Though he acts salty with you, he never takes it too far to emotionally drain you out. Moreover,his obsession extends out of academic life too.
He has a whole shrine of your pics and other stolen things from those group projects. He has a diary describing his feelings to you with your pictures stuck to every few pages. In some of them, you're smiling, sleeping or even eating in your not so secure house.
Yandere rival who wakes up hours early to just sneak at you while you're sleeping. His day is not fulfilled until he follows you back to your home to make sure you're safe and sound. He's pretty good at being sneaky too and knows nobody will believe any accusations against him.
He's so smitten with you that it doesn't matter if he becomes second in the exam. Because obviously you deserve the first position.
Yandere rival who just wants your attention so badly that he taunts you on a bad day just so that you will hit him. That way at least you will make physical contact with him. He doesn't hear the curses you throw at his face. You shudder watching him moaning from hitting his face."Did you fucking enjoy that, creep?!" You stepped back in disgust. Who knew your rival was a masochist?
You were so blinded by the rivalry that you didn't even notice how his pants tightened when you screamed at him.
But when you have known his intentions,you became paranoid and spill the tea to everyone. Unfortunately no one took you seriously.You feel hopeless seeing nobody believes your words.
Yandere rival who stalks all your social media accounts and sends you messages from fake accounts.
He doesn't let anyone give you gifts on valentine's day and makes sure you don't go on date with anyone. He's just way too much in love to let it happen
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Reblog if you like
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bonny-kookoo · 1 year
I have transcended here, so follow my vision:
Jungkook is always taunting the hybe staff that monitors his lives right? What about a fic where he does this because he kinda likes the pretty new IT intern 👉👈 and she is always stressed out working the night shift and wondering is he asleep yet should I end the live? oh no is he about to give a major spoiler, he would not do it right? workout sounds are kinda suspicious and low-key obscene should I "accidentally" end the live?
Hm... warning for like.. jungkook flirting? And suggestive themes lol
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Your heart beats faster whenever you get the notification. But not because of the same reasons the fans pulses might race quicker.
No, you personally get palpitations because of him, personally.
You don't even know why he's bitten into you like a stubborn dog like this, not daring to let go, teeth buried deep in your skin. You don't think you're outstandingly pretty, you're not special, you're not even supposed to have any sort of friendly or private contact with him whatsoever. Your job is on the line every time he has his 'fun'. But every time you scold him with that fact, he's got the same answer.
'I've got enough money for both of us, baby.'
You're not sure how the hell the agency has not yet caught onto his games- teasing words never directed at the fans, but you on the other side monitoring- them hearing in on it simply collateral damage. He knows you watch him every time he goes live. Your angry emojis you send him every time he edges on getting inappropriate in front of millions worth it every time, as he has to imagine you angrily scolding him so cutely just like last time you did.
He wonders how long you'll let him toy around with you like this.
He remembers when you ended his live when he fell asleep, calling and ringing his doorbell in panic because of the still burning candle- but when he'd tried to lure you into his claws, offering to have you sleep over at his place since it was late and raining heavily, you'd declined- probably having sensed his actual hidden motive.
You're not easy. And he can't deny that he loves the chase.
At first, it was just fun. He thought if he played it cool and most of all smart enough, you'd eventually cave in- but by now, he's actually become much more personally interested in you. It's not just about what you might feel like all messed up under his hands with his dick balls deep inside you anymore- that's somewhat moved into the background, lust no longer the main reason for his interest.
It's the soft domesticity you offer him here and there, gentle care a man like him can do nothing but fall for.
You're nothing but IT staff, newly hired for your exceptional skills when it comes to recovering data from the most messed up hard drives, and your talent for making sure nothing leaks out where it's not supposed to. You take your job seriously, work with all your soul and energy, always try and do your best even in the most lost-cause-scenarios. But he remembers you restoring almost all of his files after his pc crashed, offering him gentle reassurance and some water to calm him down. And a few weeks later when his tablet was infected with a virus (most likely stemming from the.. not so family friendly he occasionally visits...), you'd simply giggled about it, not making a huge deal out of it, even sharing your homemade food with him in his office while you waited for the new firmware to install.
You cook really well. Not perfect- but perfectly imperfect, just like home cooking is supposed to be. And you're so sweet- it's giving him cavities just thinking of you.
And yeah- you're also called his 'babysitter' whenever he's live randomly at night, since you yourself can't sleep all that much. He wonders if it's insomnia, or another health issue. He wonders if he could do something to help you sleep at night.
He wonders if you'd hold onto him when asleep. He wonders if you like holding hands.
He's asked you these things privately often, at first just to tease, but these days he means those questions. He wants to know more about you, about who you are apart from your job, but you take your role in the company pretty seriously it seems like. You never break your contract, always remind him that you're not allowed to either answer his questions, or have any private contact at all.
And he hates it. He hates that you're so goddamn nice, never daring to break any rules.
"Hm? Ah yes, it's late.." he comments at the chat flowing with thousands of messages, not truly paying attention to them. "Its late, I can't sleep~" He hums, leaning back against his couch, sighing. "Maybe I should eat? I'm not on a diet right now.." he wonders to himself, picking at his new piercing. "..maybe. Would you eat with me?" He wonders, and on the other side of the live, in your office chair, you want to hit your head on your keyboard.
He knows exactly what he's doing. You want to punch that dumb smirk right off his face.
"Hm, would you.. I'll make some food, yes." He nods to himself, getting up to take the phone with him, setting it up in his kitchen. "Late night Ramyeon.. yes." He sings, dancing a little as he opens two bowls. "I'll eat two. I've got.. a big appetite." He says, having turned around to look at the chat again- or more so the camera. "And I'll put some sauce in it too. I like it hot, you know?" He giggles, and you on the other side wonder if it would cost you your job if you 'accidentally' cut the connection.
Instead, you send a red-faced angry emoji and a pointing finger as a warning.
And the moment he receives it he brightly grins laughing to himself. Are you watching him from your office at the company building? Or maybe you watch him from home? Possibly in bed? And if so, are you wearing anything? Images of you in nothing but underwear spark in his mind, making him space out as he leans on the kitchen counter, hand playing with his bottom lip. He'd bet half of his wealth you probably wear cute lacy underwear, with bows in the middle.
He could probably rip the frail fabric of your underwear off your pretty body with his bare hands. He knows he's got the strength for it.
"Hm, maybe I can't finish two though?" He wonders as he fills both bowls up with hot water. "But I'll try.." he sings to himself, not a care in the world while you watch, being tortured by the sight of his broad back. It would be a lie to say that he's not attractive- he knows it too, after all, and you're not blind. You're simply just not putting your job on the line for a simple affair- you won't be used like that.
You've been through that before. You can't do this again.
The rest of his live is uneventful, he doesn't actually eat any of his food, ends the live with the excuse that he's tired after all, and you're finally falling head first in your lap before your phone rings. Accepting it, you don't answer, but his voice on the other end does.
"If you come over now, it'll still be hot when you're here." He chuckles, and you know he refers to the instant food he'd made.
"Jungkook-ssi, I can't do that.!" You groan.
"Why not?" He wonders almost innocently. "Its not like people will know." He tells you.
"I'm not putting my job on the line for.. an affair." You decline. "You might have your fun, but I'll have to deal with the consequences later." You say, and for a moment, there's no sound, before he sighs.
"You know.." he starts, sitting down on a chair at his kitchen table. "..weeks prior I would've given up at this point. Would've told you 'alright, cool' and then let it go, you know?" He tells you, one hand supporting his head while his phone lays on the table. "But I honestly don't wanna just.. have an affair, as you call it."
"Oh?" You scoff. "Jungkook-ssi, I have to end this call. Please refrain from-"
"I want to get to know you." He rushes out. "I.. genuinely want to. I take all of the blame if things go south. I'll make sure you get the best job if Hybe kicks you out, promise." He offers, before he sighs yet again. "Just.. let's just eat ramyon at my place, no strings attached." He asks, and you laugh after a moment, making him grin too.
"Eat ramyeon at your place?" You giggle, and he clicks his tongue.
"You say 'wanna see my cat' these days." He says, and you get up into a sitting position.
"Well, I mean, you were aiming to see a cat, in a way." You attempt to flirt back, and its quiet. "Oh my God sorry, I really shouldn't-"
"No, no-" he laughs. "That was adorable, really." He grins to himself on the other end of the call. "So?"
"I can't." You decline. "I don't have anything else than this job. Please don't make me do this." You say, and he bites his lower lip.
"I meant it." He repeats. "No funny business. Dick stays inside my pants, and I really will make sure to get you a new even better job if someone finds out and gets you fired." He promises.
"How can I trust you?" You ask.
"Have I ever done something to get you into trouble?" He asks, and you think.
"I can think of a few times-" you start, before laughing when he groans out in agony. "The food is cold now anyway." You say.
"I can heat it up." He offers.
"I don't like spicy things." You respond.
"Nothing wrong with being vanilla." He jokes, and you roll your eyes on your side of the call.
"You're such a pervert. What would the fans think?" You scold playfully.
"They love it." He chuckles. "Just like you'll love me."
"Bold claim." You say.
"Just give me a chance." He offers. "One chance to make you fall for me."
"What if you won't fall for me?" You ask.
"Impossible." He hums, voice low as he watches the phone on his table. "Already did."
And you're quiet for a moment, before you sigh.
"I'll bite your hand off if you touch me inappropriately." You threaten, and he laughs.
"And I'll willingly accept my punishment, baby."
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threepandas · 1 month
Bad End: Stolen
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I was furious.
Terrified. Completely enraged. Sick to my stomach. Overwhelmed and yet expected to function. To keep my shaking hands smooth and screaming thoughts orderly. All I wanted to do want scream. Cry. Destroy and destroy, weep and RAGE.
Then hide in a closet under blankets until the monsters went away.
But... but he wasn't going too, was he?
"Ah, my honored Sister, how good of you to join me." Greets the murderer before me, voice cool and smooth like the scales of a snake. There is a gleefully victorious lilt to that voice. A curling possessiveness to the title.
I am not his sister. We are not ever REMOTELY related. It is not even a matter of me disowning him for what he's down. It is simple truth. We are not, by blood, related. We were not RAISED together. Our relation? A farce. A legal machination by my... my Father, oh gods... No! Don't get swallowed by the memories! T-The blood. Focus!!
Fafnir is... WAS just one of many promising, talented, ambitious young men with no father's that DEFINITELY were my Father's bastard sons, no really. He most certainly wasn't COLLECTING meritorious youth into our house, under his name, and training them up with his wealth and influence. To bypass the bullshit class system and give them a chance at better lives!
Maybe suggest they pay it forward.
My father would never be so duplicitous. No, no, he was just a very lustful man... that no one ever saw going out to have sex. Who's wife had never been the least bit upset with him. And to whom he was fiercely loyal. Yes. Very, very lustful my father... w-was.
It was just while the family continued it's work on opening up opportunities for the lower classes. Jobs and better quality of life. Hospitals and schools. Fighting against those who benefited from nothing changing. It was slow. Like pulling teeth. The work of lifetimes, he'd said. I... I was expected to help continue it.
I'd been GLAD too. So utterly RELIEVED I was reborn into a house with some fucking sense of RESPONSIBILITY. Duty and honor and taking care of people! Building up social services! I had grand plans. Even after recognizing, a little alarmed, that I was on the fringe of a god damned OTOME game of all things.
One I barely remembered. Had played, loved most likely, as a preteen. A literal lifetime ago.
It didn't effect me, right? I wasn't here for boys or parties. Politics or fanciful dreams. Let someone else have their lace filled, flower coated, high drama adventures of love. I had late night paperwork and community research. Surprise to orphanages and hospitals to insure their was no corruption or mischief going on.
That one health clinic in Oakworth that took forever to get going.
Fafnir was a capture target! Which is why it took me forever to realize. As he had been so very small and filthy at first. Then merely small and in poor health. Short hair because his poor hair had been beyond saving. We passed by each other. Nodded, maybe exchanged pleasantries, but did not truely interact.
He lived in the dorms. I lived in the main house. He was basicly a student my father was paying to have taught, using our name. I was my father's actual daughter. We may have LEGALLY been related. LEGALLY brother and sister. But in actuality? We were no such thing.
Honestly, most of the "Sons"? Kept their original last names in day to day life.
Or at least... they did.
I.. I think I had shit taste, as a preteen. That or my luck has finally run out. Maybe it was my family's fortune, that finally could no longer best the odds. After all, there is always one. That ONE soul. Who sees something good and doesn't care about anything or anyone but themselves. Ruins things for everyone.
As long as they get their's, right?
A sea of motivated and ambitious young men. Trying to change their station in life. Have Better and MORE. Change the world around them. Leave their marks. Is... ha! Is it any wonder, in hindsight, that our luck eventually gave out? It was always going too. I guess Fafnir just wanted MORE.
He was supposed to go to the Royal Academy, fall in love. Compete against prince's and duke's, knights and heirs to merchant companies. All for the heart of the only daughter of a Ducal house, that had been (of course) raised by peasants. A carriage accident and presumed death cliché.
I honestly couldn't even remember his route. I might have read about it. But had never PLAYED it. He had had short hair, all but two had. So I played the foriegn prince route, even though he was kind of an ass. He was a handsome one at least. At least to me. It was just, I had never... still never...
I liked men with long hair.
Something which I had never told anyone.
Yet? As Fafnir grew? He did not transition into the character I remembered, like the others had. He grew his hair out. Became not only fiercely protective of it, but invested in higher quality products to care for it. Discovered my favorite perfume maker and commissioned a cologne for himself, that would mix well with the scent I always wore. Systematically tracked down each and everything I've ever liked, behind my back, to consume and memorize every facet of them.
I was blind to it.
My Father was not.
And... a-and... it cost him his life.
Father was not pleased with want he saw. But assumed it was a crush at first. We were young after all. Young people do weird, awkward, over the line things. Are learning about boundaries even as they grapple with sudden floods of hormonal shifts. A terrible time, really. It could be excused. As long as it didn't go TOO far. So long as someone sat Fafnir down for a talk.
They did.
He got more subtle.
A cycle developed. One my Father was not pleased to see. Fafnir would cross boundaries, be caught, get scolded, and contritely apologize... then get more subtle in his approach. Be more clever. As though all he had learned was "don't get caught". and "if you want to get, what you want to have, you need to have the skills to get passed us."
He grew concerned. Eventually, alarmed. I had thought nothing of it, back then, because "of COURSE he was supposed to go" to the Royal Academy? But... we honestly, really, Truely? HADN'T sent anyone there before. And there HAD been far more skilled boy then him. Prodigies.
But... my favorite ribbon necklace had gone missing.
From the room where I slept.
My Father took one look at Fafnir's pleased expression amongst the chaos and needed no further proof. He would not kick him out. Far too dangerous, he thought. But he WOULD send him away. Now?
Now I wish he'd risked it. Because... because everyone was dead. Struck down by the monster we let into our home. And by ancient law, which we both KNEW he was planning to exploit? This was a... a "family matter". Because, after all, we WERE legally family. Members of the same House.
"Such hesitation, Sister. You'd think I was a threat." He muses into his cup of tea, swirling it lightly. His eyes flit back to me, lips curling just slightly. "Don't worry, though. I understand completely. I would never hurt you."
But he would hurt others. He already has. Most of them didn't survive it. Ha ha... like a brutal yank on some unseen leash. I want to cry. Not sure if this is what shock feels like. But yes, thank you, for the lovely remind, Fafnir. That you have filled my home with bodies. The corpses of those I loved.
I use what little dignity I have left to walk forward and sit down.
Oh look, he has utterly ruined all my favorite things in one blow. There, my favorite tea. That, my favorite flower. Across the table my favorite snacks. Even a few favorite fruits. A dish or two. My favorite cup. And now? N..NOW? All I will every be able to associate with them is death. The stench of copper and the horror of this moment.
The joy of them is gone.
"See? Isn't that better? No more standing awkwardly to the side. Now we can sit, face to magnificent face. I've brought you a few things I know you'll enjoy. Isn't that nice? I've wanted to do this for the longest time." He sighs in contentment, as though this were no more then a matter of busy schedules and social anxiety. "And now? Now we are finally together. Siblings for now, but I am working to fix that. And if i can't, well..."
His smirk was a thing of nightmares.
"I'm head of the house now. You're finally Mine."
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cloverthebarbearian · 9 months
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I am here to feed the Rugan community to the very best of my ability 😌❤️ she's a long list fella's so get comfy
Masterlist of Rugan HCs (NSFW under cut)
Rugan on the Road
With the Zhentarim
He's incredibly bossy while never doing much hands on work himself
He's always trying to find shortcuts to getting a job done quick and easy
Constantly pulling 'we're a team here we're family c'mon now' if his crew starts bickering
Empty promises of promotions or good words put in for low ranking recruits if they do extra work for him
But if you ACTUALLY manage to impress him though? He will show favoritism and not even try to hide it
Doesn't care much for following orders if he can get more from a better deal, but has been getting sloppier about hiding his schemes with age (girl why did you offer to split profits on a smuggling job with a complete stranger for real)
Big drinker, heavy sleeper, still somehow the first to wake up every morning
Also the first one to duck during a battle if he finds an opening
First one to act like 'we sure showed them! By working together. As a team.' When the fights been won
As much as he loves to slack off and take shortcuts, you'll never catch him complaining about the 'little' things. Low rations? Not hungry. Long journey? We need the exercise. Small crew? Good for stealth, travel light.
Even though he's a selfish asshole, he has a really charming demeanor and good enough attitude during the shittiest of situations that most people find themselves enjoying the journey with him by the end of the day
With Tav's Party
(Let's say after you've saved him from being near beat to death for finally getting caught scamming the Zhents, you convince him to let you escort him to Baldur's Gate just to make sure he doesn't get jumped again and fucking Die)
The man is SO flirty. He can't stop flirting. Depends on if Tav is into it or not will drastically change how he comes onto them, but note its not JUST Tav hes flirting with. He's got eyes on practically everyone. (Except Laezel. He tried, once. She threatened to kill him) No one knows if hes serious or if its just his personality but the man can't stop flirting.
At first, he puts in some work. Wanting to put in a little effort to carry his own weight and not be a burden, though Tav insists on him resting after the ordeal
But it doesn't take long for him to milk the mothering. His injuries suddenly become too distractingly painful. Even though Shadowheart absolutely mended that broken rib two nights prior. He insists the bruising is still pretty serious. He needs to save his strength for travel.
The entire party gets pretty sick of his BS after a while, but its not enough to kick him out or anything
Phrases like 'shut up rugan' or 'fuck off rugan' become campsite mottos
Once you all get to Baldur's Gate, its a funny, bittersweet dynamic of everyone saying they're releaved he's finally leaving, but reluctant to say goodbye
The first night without him is unusually quiet without his drunken campfire stories and earth shakingly loud snores
Rugan as a Mentor
No ulterior motives in the sense that, he only ever recruits people he also finds attract. A bias he refuses to outright acknowledge ('I have an eye for talent! Not my fault the talents also a looker 😏') so he would recruit Tav with every intention of possibly bedding them. The motives are not ulterior. They are perfectly apparent.
Similar to in game canon, he'd recruit them by trying to come to some sort of sale arrangement. Though lets say instead of selling the chest to split profits for themselves, he convinces Tav that rescuing him would surely warrant a reward back at their base, which would in turn lead to more jobs, which would lead to more money for them
Always insists on training his personal recruitments himself (for the non-ulterior ulterior motives)
Is FULLY the type of coach who has to insist their stance is all wrong so he can stand intimately behind them and guide their limbs to the proper position
He's got his cheek pressed to their's, gruff voice low, talk'm'bout 'You're far too tense, Sweetheart. You really need to relax those shoulders and widen your stance, like this...'
He's entirely aware of what he's doing and makes Zero effort to be subtle about it
General Rugan HCs
Drinks a lot but holds it well
Getting him truly drunk is VERY funny and usually ends up with him gushing about how much he cares about his friends, his guild mates, stuff he'd never be caught dead saying sober, and will insist he never said drunk either
Has 101 stories of his decades running jobs on the road, most of which you're certain are entirely made up... Until you meet an old business partner of his one day, who can corroborate the tale
For such an experienced merc/trader, surprisingly light on battle scars
Very, VERY ready for retirement. May have even been getting sloppy with his scams on purpose in the hopes of being kicked from the zhents all along...
The man fucks. The man FUCKS. Rough and sloppy and hard and like its the last romp he'll ever have every single time.
Will always make sure his partner finishes, typically more than once
Likes to choke his partners
Likes to cum on their face
*Gasp*! Oh noooo, we can't find/afford a room to rent for the night. I guess I'm just gonna have to take you right here in this ally by the bar 🤷🏼‍♂️ but you better be quiet, unless you want to get caught...
Big into dirty talk and will practically narrate his plans for the evening as he acts on them
Has the stamina to last hours and prefers to take his time but still always down for a quickie where he can get it
Sorry everyone, but the idea of aftercare is lost on him. When you're both finally spent he's literally tossing you a damp rag while he steps out to smoke a Fantasy Cigarette
Cuddles in his sleep, and doesn't even know this about himself. But you will wake up in a near-suffocating bearhug if you fall asleep together
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nesquiiksstuff · 11 months
✎ ❝general relationship headcanons!❞
syzoth (feat. ashrah), baraka, raiden
love languages
thouple (syzoth + ashrah + reader)
thank you guys for so much support! im just going this hc thingy while I think up this for the raiden story (which hopefully won’t take too long). please enjoy!! ᰔ
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ᰔ syzoth :: quality time and gift giving
he is not uncomfortable to talk about his passed family, honestly syzoth would enjoy if his partner was interested in that part of his life. whether it’s recommending visiting their grave site, or sharing his grief—is something that he greatly appreciates.
the reason ashrah and syzoth work so well is because they’re both trying to right their sins, having you be there and being supportive means the absolute world. he shows you that through small thoughtful gifts (mostly trinkets that he finds at markets or on his walks).
idk if anyone is actually interested in a thouple with them…but hear me out 🤲. I genuinely think ashrah and syzoth would be so well rounded and loving. date nights either in Shaolin’s gardens or mileena’s palace (probably in the library), always romantic with stereotypical candle light and a nice dinner. syzoth thinks it’s important to make it special as possible since there’s only a few times when you’re all together.
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ᰔ baraka: acts of service, words of affirmation, physical touch
what baraka truly needs is another leader. there is so much responsibility placed on his shoulders with the colony—but of course he would never truly ask you to help, he’s stubborn and well…has a guilty conscience. you would need to insert yourself without needing to be prompted. assertiveness and responsibility is something he finds extremely attractive, as well as being compassionate, gods knows that it’s also something he needs.
physical contact is foreign to him, after years of being alone once his family passed and being ill. he adores it when you bring some type of normalcy to touching him, though he’s the first to pull away. baraka knows the risk he puts you in everyday, if he can limit the chances of tarkat spreading to you—while still indulging this relationship, he will.
like asking for extra leadership—he wouldn’t pursue you. baraka wouldn’t ever expect another chance of love, in all honesty he would think that his pining is one sided. Though once you’ve established a relationship with him, he’s open with you. private moments with you are filled with him thanking you for the work you put in the colony, and how you treat not only him but others. even though he’s no poet, he makes sure you know he cherishes you.
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ᰔ raiden: words of affirmation and quality time
usually he pursues people that he highly respects. you don’t have to do something exceptional, but having passion for your own beliefs is what he values in a person and especially in a partner. also it would be admirable if you were interested in his own goals and aspirations, after all raiden’s prospective has changed much once the events in outworld has passed.
raiden is humble…but he likes showing off to you—not exactly out of place of smugness but he enjoys when you are impressed at his talents. he smiles so brightly whenever you compliment him on his achievements or on his hard work in general. it’s probably one of his top motivation besides him genuinely enjoy what he’s doing.
if you two ever got the chance to go back to fengjian his first goal would to introduce you to his family, he has to be a mama’s boy. he cares deeply for his family and he wants you to feel included in that circle. besides visiting them, he’s taking you to see the sites and old hang out spots. leading you along by holding your hand keeping you close (I love him he’s so sweet ugh). it means everything that you’re willing to listen to his childhood stories and just with him in general to visit his hometown.
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sadly i’m trying to keep his to minimum since my own little headcanons for him should show up in the story i’m writing for him :]
thank you for reading!
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