#except she wears her og clothes
fruitatiously · 1 year
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miku again
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I feel like the idea of “more practical” outfits is kind of overused in ND’s Spop. I mean, come on.
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A GIANT cape with wings? Not practical.
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Same goes for Glimmer. A body suit, a vest, and a cape? AND wings? It’s a hat on a hat in a hat.
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No wonder her wings were so small. Those things were literally stunted.
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Frosta wearing this 24/7? Not practical.
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This scene. They BOTH should’ve gotten caught on branches and brambles. They’re both wearing long flowing outfits. Not practical.
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Exposed tum? Great for looking good. And for stabbing. Not practical. No one living in deserts irl does this. They wear light and breezy robes for breathability and coverage. Shoutout to BFS for also not dressing appropriately.
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Cutting holes in SPACE SUITS for hair and tails? Not practical.
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Spinnerella’s… Armor? That hardened pink thing that’s only covering her left side and the swirls probably stabbing into her stomach and thigh? Not practical.
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These bracers? Either too flimsy seeing how easily they are bent back, or if they worked properly Adora’s wrists can’t bend all the way. Not practical.
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This outfit for a guard? Not practical.
Catra, Scorpia, Entrapta…. Hell, DT has TWO. All the windows windows. All the cutouts. I like them. I wear them. I think they look cool. But in this show? Not practical.
agree with all of this!
like,, i know a lot of people are just gonna say “it's a fantasy show, it doesn't have to be realistic!” and i can understand the idea of wanting your characters to have an aesthetically pleasing design but
1. that can be done while giving the characters a practical and secure armor (for example, general amaya from tdp looking hot as fuck while wearing an almost full set of armor)
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2. just change the characters into a proper armor when they're fighting. spop only does this ONCE in the entire show, and that was during the battle of brightmoon. and even then, they fucking erased adora's armor so that catra could scratch and injure her. what was the point of the armor then?
and catra doesn't wear an armor EVER, her outfit looks like it's made out of regular cloth but she somehow almost never gets injured while fighting. even when adora slams her into a boulder, she's completely unharmed except for a few scratches. i get that cartoons can't show blood but you can still see that catra isn't injured and exhausted the way adora is.
the main reason i have a gripe with this is because of all the fans saying that the original she-ra wasn't realistic enough. either leave the OG alone and just accept that not everything is perfect or realistic in fiction, or criticize spop the same way you criticize the original. you can't have double standards here.
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tennco · 10 months
as vague as it was, i think zun had some idea of yukari at the time of her introduction, as seen with her concern over the barrier and the wellbeing of gensokyo. this would eventually evolve into the gensokyo sages and include kasen and okina, though even among them yukari remains the most noteworthy. but i'm not here to talk about that, i'm here to talk about outfits
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her original appearance in PCB had yukari wearing a purple dress, in reference to her name most likely, nothing fancy. but it's interesting to me how zun immediately put that aside to go with the pale dress and tabard, similar to her shikigami Ran, for the following games IaMP and IN
it definitely gives her a more distinct look from any other character, although being the setting that Touhou is, it's kinda weird to me for someone to be wearing similar clothes as their subordinate. i might be missing the mark on that one though. thing is we would see the purple dress, or a variation of it, on multiple occasions after IN. for a while it seemed like zun was going back to that design actually, only broken up by SWR because, going on a limb here, they probably didn't wanna re-do the art and spritework. even in WaHH where the second sage kasen is introduced, yukari is seen with a variation of her og dress.
what's the meaning of all this then? i don't know. the wiki states that the purple dress is yukari's casual wear while the tabard is her work attire, with a nice "citation needed" next to it. though it sounds believable enough i guess, every time yukari's seen with the tabard on she's actively participating in an incident. it makes sense that on those occasions where she's actually showing herself, she would want to present and fully put on display who she really is. even though no one really associates the look with the sages or anything afaik, that's something only we know
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so the tabard look started as "this is what ran wears", evolved to "this is what yukari and her shikigami wear", and finally "this is what the sages of gensokyo and everyone related wears", as kasen and okina's outfits share that element (and later, chen as well). except yukari, yukari can dress up like a grandma when she wants to because she's a special girl
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ultfreakme · 7 months
Thoughts on Jessie Gender's video on NATLA
I really admire Jessie Gender's videos usually, she's the one whom I usually go to to see videos on gender and queerness in media. I like her stuff a lot and respect their work.
But the NATLA video left me going "no, wait, that's not what happened" a lot. I can't summarize the video, I suggest people go watch it if they want to know but I disagree with practically everything for the most part.
I'm not anybody on the internet. But what I do have is a lifetime of growing up on ATLA, a degree in Sociology and English Literature, coming from a culture that ATLA is based on, studying about colonial rule, researching the cultures ATLA is based on in my spare time and a love for the original. Does that establish some legitimacy? If for some reason you feel like you need to go hate on Jessie for this, DON'T. DO NOT. This is me just critiquing because I think the video content was biased and I want to honestly engage with the points made because everyone has a tendency to demonize the adaption without looking at it on its own merit. With that said:
Point 1: Sokka's sexism is taken out to make the show more palatable and his arc in the Kyoshi Island episode undermines Suki to prop up Sokka.
She says that Sokka's sexism and him addressing it is a show-long arc, and him deconstructing that is him fighting against the colonial sexism of the Fire Nation.
Sokka's sexism is explicitly dealt with in one episode. He's shown to be overtly sexist in the first 4 and never again except for little comments here and there that every other character makes as well and goes unaddressed. His sexism is not because of the Fire Nation- FN is very inclusive of women as warriors. Sokka's sexism is an anomaly because no one but him cares that Katara isn't just sitting home mending clothes(Bato, Hakoda, none of the men on the ship they are on in S3 say a word and she takes off to join Aang in the Fire Nation islands).
If Sokka's sexism is not systematic to the Southern Water Tribe or caused by the Fire Nation, what kind of commentary on sexism is this?
She also says Suki is played down and demured to give Sokka confidence when she's teaching him, taking away her arc as she pines for the new boy who she likes because he's shirtless. Sokka's throughout the episode shows insecurity and a more subtle form of sexism where he's trying ton prove he's as good as her. He's trying to show off his strength to her, and failing miserably and when he realizes she bested him, he walks away. He goes into it assuming he's better than her but walks away realizing shit she is GOOD. Then he goes to her dojo to observe the practice and follows along, Suki invites him in seeing him fucking up the forms outside and teaches him.
Suki falls for a tackle Sokka does in the og and live action. In the OG, it's shown as Sokka ACTUALLY being better. In the live action? He isn't. One lesson doesn't make him better, she transitions from actually teaching him to kinda flirting until she completely stops. She's not weakening herself for him, both of them are expressing romantic interest. How did Sokka, a boy who that morning was defeated by them, get better than SUKI in a spar she put genuine effort in? I think that's frankly more sexist than the live action take.
Additionally, Suki was meant to be a one-off character meant to teach Sokka that sexism is bad. She existed entirely to serve Sokka's character arc and had no independent motivation in season 1. In the live action, we see her talk about wanting to go into the world, and see her growing motivation through Aang's presence of wanting to not just protect Kyoshi Island, but the world. She became what she is only in season 2 and 3. Sokka's sexism arc didn't even pan out well because he never addressed the issue with Katara after that episode, the first and most affected victim of his sexism.
Sokka wearing the armor in the original, is a joke. Aang calls their uniform a dress while laughing (it's not, like it's not even constructed like one, the bottoms are loose pants called Hakama). He isn't put into the uniform to show solidarity, it's a joke, and we are meant to be laughing at Sokka for the most part. Queer fans have reclaimed and redefined that scene to be like drag, but that wasn't the original intention of the show because we get jokes on Aang's masculinity which never actively get refuted from Toph in season 2. Katara of all people points out Sokka wearing a poinytail in a demeaning manner multiple times, a supposedly girly hairstyle. If the original wanted to honor Sokka embracing gender fluidity, they wouldn't consistently mock him for being choosy about buying a bag and wearing a ponytail(which in-universe has cultural importance to him).
All signs of 'femininity' in Sokka are played for laughs in the rest of the show(down to the scene where he draws a rainbow, and his master Piandao simply rolls his eyes).
Sokka is also never once shown as a better warrior in the live action- his story is the opposite. Sokka yearns here to be an engineer, a scientist tinkering away with new inventions. His father Hakoda and the SWT discourages this because there is no value in that for them. Value is shown for them to come from physical strength, which Sokka NEVER has in live action season 1(him having biceps and being shirtless is not a glorification of strength). He's good, but he's nothing special. His true highlight is in his intellect and the show implies pretty well that Sokka doesn't need to be physically strong or a warrior to fight back against oppression.
That's his defining line in the show teasers "you do not need to be a warrior, to be a hero."
Point 2: The sexism arc isn't replaced by anything more nuanced.
It is! It's replaced by the biases against bending. Sokka discourages Katara from bending because the Fire Nation attacked the SWT to eliminate waterbenders. Both Katara and Sokka hold fear for waterbending, a part of their own culture, specifically because of the Fire Nation's hegemony and hierarchical beliefs. Waterbending = preservation of culture and Katara says these exact words in episode 1. Sokka stopping her is him being under the colonial hegemony of the FN because waterbending is what brought Fire Nation soldiers to their shores to kill their mom. That's the new arc and it has follow through to the end. Instead of Sokka telling Katara to kick ass because he isn't sexist anymore, the live action Sokka says it because he's embraced waterbending and his own culture now through seeing Katara grow and letting her choose for herself what's best for her (instead of smothering in his faux warrior persona, which they literally discuss when stuck in the cave). This arc is exclusive to the show, there's no comment on the cultural significance and erasure of waterbending in the original.
It's made more explicit in Katara's arc, where she needs to get past the fear the Fire Nation has put in her of the dangers of her own bending, and embrace that her people wanted to protect it (Kya sacrificing herself, Gran-Gran hiding the waterbending scroll).
Point 3: Showing the genocide of the Air Nomads is disrespectful
In the original, the Air Nomads are nothing but a memory. At all times. We never see the influence of the Air Nomad culture on Aang, or see them alive and thriving at any point. We see them fight back on the live action, and the actual genocide is a few short minutes, interspersed with Aang sinking. It's not a lingering process and it shows the abilities of Air Nomads. Jessie says this is purely aesthetic and to be cool, but there are significant moments that happen here.
Establishing the powers of Air Benders- this is the first and last time we'll get to see Air Bending on this scale and this shows what they can do
There's a scene where two air nomads nod to one another, and the air nomad switches from defensive to an extremely offensive move. It shows that this isn't typical for the Air Nomads, and that they are being pushed to their limits
This is a festival, they were defending themselves and it's important to show that the Air Nomads didn't just go silently without a fight and were ambushed on an important day.
To show the Fire Nation's cruelty and the extent of their power during the comet specifically.
To give weight to WHY everyone Aang runs into is so critical and hateful of the fact that he was gone, and to also show why Aang never refutes them and the weight of what he's lost (and also that even if he were there, he couldn't have done anything)
It's not just to be cool, it's honestly not cool to watch and taking Gordon Cormier, a child's quote to say that's what everyone's impression is, is disingenuous despite the disclaimer given. The kids' quotes always get taken out of context. Reviewers and Avatar fans who went to the premiere were disturbed overall by the violence. They did not think of the Fire Nation as "cool", they saw the Air Nomads like that. Like don't we want people to think of the Air Nomads in a positive light for fighting back?
Their culture gets little to no expansion in the original, and whatever Aang has left of them is actually slowly stripped away in the original.
Aang is made to okay the destruction and modification of the Northern Air Temple when destruction is shown as wrong during his rage and grief in the Southern Air Temple. The new settlers have used the gliders of Air Nomads to device weapons that fly, which were then sold to the Fire Nation. The Mechanist and his people continue this and create more weapons to fight the war in the temples(albeit this time agaisnt the fire nation but the cycle of violence continues using devices and cultures of a peaceful people). A once-peaceful place, is now a center for war innovation and Aang is told to accept this because he must let go of the past to look to the future.
The above, in comparison to Aang simply saying "I should let go of the past and look to the future" is FAR more disrespectful of Aang's culture and past. The live action keeps Gyatso's memory a constant companion to Aang, he is terrified of letting go of the past and it hinders him from simply living.
Point 4: Violence is shown as good and the cycle of violence is perpetuated.
She says Kyoshi demanding Aang to fight back and hit hard is showing that Aang needs to embrace strength and power. That everyone telling him to fight and be alone means strength is given importance, and that the same is shown when Zuko says "sometimes the weak can become strong, sometime you just have to give them a chance."
Kyoshi is wrong. She is willfully portrayed as powerful, but harsh. Roku(though his screentime was small) disagrees with her and tells Aang to find his own way of fighting and that is ultimately what Aang follows.
Kyoshi doesn't come off as correct, she's demanding and harsh, unforgiving. Aang initially lets her take over because he is scared of the power he holds and she promises she can control it to help others. Aang doesn't want power(he literally says 'I don't want these powers'). In the finale, he gives in to the ocean spirit and does what Kyoshi asks; save everyone, even if it costs his own life. But it is shown as a tragedy. Katara calls back for him and tells him he shouldn't have to sacrifice himself, that he has a place in this world as he is no matter what others tell him and he listens to THAT. He says he will save the world not alone, but with his friends, in the memory of the Air Nomads to ensure it never happens again.
Physical strength is only a priority to Katara's character. Sokka doesn't fight in the end, he's begging Yue to not sacrifice herself and is protecting her. He's not some macho man. Aang is also not embracing power.
Zuko says that line not to show that he can grow stronger, but that people should get second chances. He's a hurt kid wishing his father had the compassion to let him grow. But he doesn't and Zuko walks away from it thinking physical strength and bending prowess is important, crushing his compassion. That line on a meta level isn't even about physical strength. It's about mental fortitude and character, and the strength to be compassionate.
Jet was mentioned as being portrayed as more wrong, but in the original he was ready to sink a village of innocents. in the live action he genuinely helped Katara with her waterbending and was justified in wanting to kill the mechanist(who collaborated with the fire nation) and King Bumi (who is neutral, incompetent and has let the Fire Nation run rampant in the city). He's more sympathetic here because he's doing it with a concrete reason, and he didn't even manipulate Katara the way he did in the original. She was genuinely charmed by him.
A big problem I had with Jessie's video was putting in clips from some right-wing channel between critique of NATLA....which....why? Huh? And these were used to say NATLA is leaning into fascist tendencies and smoothing out any critique of colonialism when it really isn't. I think NATLA is very explicitly saying the same message as the original. Not in the same way, but it is. The show actively engages audiences and the characters in discussions of cultural erasure and the problems of valuing power(the latter especially through Zuko and Azula).
There are million issues with the live action (Sokka's casting, ableism in Zuko's burn scar, the writing issues, pacing issues, the lack of screen time for Aang and focus on the Fire family). The ones Jessie Gender discussed though, are not it.
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sun-stricken · 7 months
i love gray's friendships with female characters, at least through tenrou arc! like that he's at once the "cool guy," sweet underneath, kinda flirty, and embarrasses a little easily - it's very easy to come up with HCs for his female friendships and you can't often say that about the cool rival guys(TM) in anime!
like for cana - -they're were the OG kids in the guild and i like the idea that cana felt like she could complain about boy troubles to gray -they were also friends with benefits at some point 👀 they broke it off very amicably and cana still rants to him about "girl stuff." he always finds it boring when she starts but eventually he gets invested and starts ranting with her, by this point mira also joins in on their gossiping <3
for erza - -she was definitely his first crush/love around his own age and one of the reasons he responded so strongly when he saw her crying alone, was because he was reminded of when ur used to do the same thing since she lost ultear (like the flashbacks in tenrou island arc of her sobbing while clutching ultear's old baby clothes). except back then, he didn't know how to help and just pretended he never saw anything, and it's one of his biggest regrets. so he decided to do something about erza even if he was really clumsy at it. -eventually he learned ice-making and wielding all those weapons because he asked erza to help teach him (even if he had to swallow his pride to do it). at first it's just between them but eventually a lot of the guild gets invested and watches their sparring sessions - levy helps him find books about specific swordplay techniques based on erza's recommendations -once, erza criticizes his fighting style and says she can read every move because he keeps playing it safe and is constantly on the defensive; she urges him to be more spontaneous and unpredictable because that kind of creativity is well-suited for maker mages. so during the fight, she's got him pinned (as usual) and the guild thinks it's over until, on a whim, he suddenly kisses her... and in erza's shock he manages to unpin himself and hold his own ice dagger at her throat instead. the guild's holding their breath and thinks erza's gonna beat him up LMAO, and gray also immediately tries to apologize and grovel, but erza simply brushes it off and says he was the smarter fighter that time, so he won fair and square. they both don't know that it was the other's first kiss 👀 -to thank erza for training him, gray gifted her those diamond-knife earrings (i figured bc he also wears that cross necklace and occasionally earrings...) - he's not really sure if she even likes them because she didn't show too much interest in jewelry/makeup/anything that isn't strictly practical, but to this day, he's never seen her take them off -erza made him quit smoking lmao, he used to be smoking buddies with mira until they both quit. he still doesn't do it but sometimes at a town event or similar occasion, he might indulge in a cig or two - nothing more. but he never does it in front of erza -gray standing up to erza in galuna island arc is like a guild legend now. people always bring it up when they introduce him to a newcomer; gray feels kinda embarrassed and uncomfortable by it and tries to apologize to erza about it, but she says she doesn't mind at all and he taught her a valuable lesson that day
for lucy - -sometimes he sits in on her and levy's discussions about the short stories she's writing and her eventual novel. he doesn't really throw out too many ideas, he just prefers to listen because he's reminded of the tales of adventure that ur used to tell him and lyon after dinner. sometimes lucy asks him about his home country and stuff so she can write short informational articles about it in sorcerer weekly, and he's happy to reminisce. -he really does find lucy's apartment comfortable because it has multiple thermostats. lucy always keeps the laundry area a little cooler just for gray whenever he drops by, since she knows he likes sitting there
for ultear - -it's a little hard to look her in the eyes sometimes because she resembles ur so much, but gray always appreciates her presence. sometimes ultear asks him to talk about little things about her mother, like her favorite foods or a story about her, and gray's always happy to indulge. lyon joins in too when he can! -once lyon hit on her in front of gray much to the latter's complete mortification, but ultear just burst out laughing and lyon turned brick red (there's an unspoken plea from lyon to never bring that incident up, but gray's just waiting for the chance to use it against him) -he always feels a little jolt in his chest when there's something ultear subconsciously does that's just like ur - they both put their hands on their hips the same way when they're pleased, she dots her "i's" with big circles like ur did, and they have similar tastes in food. gray doesn't know whether to feel pleased or pained -ultear thinks gray's stripping habit is endearing -ur was kinda gray's first puppy crush in the early says of being her student (before she became like a mother to him), and sometimes he wonders if he might end up feelings similarly about ultear if they spent more time together -ultear gave him a very rudimentary communication lacrima where you can tell the other person's mood/general state of mind if you let a little of your magic flow into it. sometimes gray uses it at night to see if she and crime sorciere are doing okay <3
i love exploring Grays relationship with others so much, also this is so long and as much as i love it i cant think of things to add on to it
but this absolutely needs to be shown to the world and praised bc holy shit this great and im definitely stealing at least 90% of these
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snarky-art · 9 months
bbyyyy SOTLK dresses redesign?
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These were actually really interesting to work with, both in trying to keep colors and shapes from the original dresses combined with adding my own lore to it! Except for Aisha’s which wounded my so. I really wanted to keep her flowers but I just,, couldn’t get it to look right🥲 I added purple instead tho which is the color of the flower of andros, which is similar in appearance to a Camas Lily. They bloom in lush expansions all along the coast of the land of Androsia, where the mainland and sands meet.
More info on outfits below!
Musa: Tang dynasty influence. Did my best to keep some of the shapes from the og gown. The 2 red dots that I’ve featured a few times in either side of Musa’s mouth in different designs represent loudness and boldness and are commonly used symbols in a lot of melody, which are traits one would want to represent when holding as representation for the different cultures of Melody, proud of their heritage and great unbending will.
Aisha: mentioned some above about the purple additions to be the substitutes for actual flowers. Kept the split down the middle at the dress itself, just changed its length and shape, trying to keep the shape of the original one some with the purple bits below the corset tho
Tried to keep more true greens than teals too. She deserves more sleek satin fits also. Most of the stuff I draw her in I imagine there’s satin I just decided to do shading this time lol
Tecna: I decided before even designing this I wanted to keep that jacket on them at all costs. Happy with the shapes overall here and really love the colors. Probably my favorite of these looks. Shiny pants and silk featured because they look good on them. To me, they aren’t Tecna if they don’t have some weird heels too.
Flora: probably my least favorite design just because I feel like I need to get better at giving them more variety in their outfits, but I did what I could to keep a lot of the shapes present. Instead of those 2 long flower strands, I just had them replaced with the split full of flowers down the side.
Bloom: empire waistlines are very much the norm in Dominion fashion with not as many ruffles or as expanded a gown shape as featured here, but Bloom is new to this and her parents wanted her to be as comfortable as possible for the celebration. Bloom got to have direct input on the adjustments to the dress and is living the princess dream she’s always wanted currently. She intentionally looks a little awakward as a result, the stylists doing what they could to accommodate what she wanted and mesh it with traditional Dominion fashion styles to reiterate that Domino is what she represents. The slightly more formal front hairpiece with the additional 2 gold curls is present to make the statement that Domino is so back and Bloom is even wearing the golden headpiece that the heir wears to show this. It’s not until after the party she learns it was Daphne’s, and that leads to some Insecurities and the reality of what reviving Domino actually means for Bloom. More spirals coming in waves after this point. As always with Dominion garb the cyan gems are for those of the royal family and purples are for those that work with The Dragon Flame.
Stella: by this point in the story, Stella really starts to get more involved with Lunarian stuff and connect with her moon culture. It starts small in her presentation, with certain cuts of cloth (the slope of the fabric on the top part of the skirt) and the style of some of her jewelry, specifically the one with gems that is tilted to match the fabric shape and the incorporation of more blue gems. She also stops straightening her hair all the time (her hair is blonde from her mother, whom is Lunarian, but the saturation comes from her Solarian genetics, making the color look like it’s from Solarian genetics. Straightening it to match the majority of Solarian hair was a sure way to make sure she passed as Solarian until someone notices her pupils, which are Lunarian. She no longer fears if she’s passing or not. She is learning to take pride in her moon side).
Stella choosing to have the little blue gems on the bottom of her gold gem dress bit instead of gold or more orange is a bold move also she is starting her proper journey to doing joint work and advocating properly for systemic change for Lunaria.
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emocl0wnpp · 4 months
Because i'm in a fankid frenzy again,time to properly introduce my babies!!(part1)
(Also in the current canon they're all adults-)
Also they're all in the same friendgroup-
So first we have Claws' and Jack's kids,Liam and Lau
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A little about them
He was adopted when he was 7(he died as a human and due to a mistake,ended up in hell where Claws found him as a little ghostie creature-)
The doll he "uses as his body" was made to look like Jack(duh) because he looked up to his father as a child
Though as he grew older he looked up to Claws more and more
The doll is made out of porcelain btw-
He knows how to play the piano :D
He was in his school's sport team(main reason why he's buff as hell)
He's very much..expressionless,and has trouble expressing his emotions in general
He's kind of like a mime
But he's a very sweet guy tho!
He's gay..very gay #manlover
He owns a casino in the underworld and is kind of a maffia leader,but still works under Zalgo
Lost some of his colors :((
Mama's boy(the good kind-)
His best friends are Floss,Jay,Corn,Berry and Alan(they'll be mentioned later)
Absolutely spoils Alan(his bf) even if he can't show affection/love properly
Knows his way around guns
If you need a gun he knows where to get them(from him)
Very much overprotective of Lau
Jill's favourite (and only) nephew
Now Lau!
Same story as Liam,except she was adopted when she was 6(Liam was 12 by that time)
The pretty pink princess of her family
Very much a daddy's girl
Jack spoiled her rotten when she was a kid
But thankfully Claws didn't let her to become a spoiled brat
...she's still a brat though,but a likeable one
She was the pretty cheer captain of her school :D
And she was in the theatre club too
Pretty much a Draculaura, Regina George, and Heather C. kind of gal
She works as a model in the underworld (she rich rich)
Loves having girl's only days with Claws(we love a wholesome mother-daughter duo)
Her besties are Cheryl,Jenna and Floss(will be mentioned later)
Makes Jack carry her stuff when she goes shopping
Actually she makes Jay(her husband),Liam AND Jack carry her shit-
Biggest girl's girl out there.
HUGE Millionares and Britney Spears fan
Despite her "bimbo" persona,she's hella smart
Jill's favourite (and only) niece
Next up are the trouble trio..Vicky and Candy's sons Candy Floss(just Floss or Flossy), Candy Corn(or just Corn) and Jay(the pics are in this order)
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First, Floss:
The oldest twin
Takes a lot of pride in being the oldest twin
He's a loveable jerk
Trans guy!! (Still dresses kind of feminine to break stereotypes)
Has a deep ass voice
His hair is dyed. Non if it was his real hair color(his og hair is the same color as Jay's)
He takes after his dad Candy a lot..like a LOT
But he's a momma's boy like Liam-
He had to do cheerleading instead of being in the sports team bc his coach was an asshole,but during his senior year he was allowed to play in the team :D
Bullies his brothers as a form of love
Ngl he's kind of a jerk to everyone but it's his love language
Pretty boy™️
Does modelling with Lau :D
His best friends are Liam,Alan,Jenna,Cheryl and ofc,his brothers
Has a ferret named Noodles
Despite his jerk personality,he's an absolute loverboy when it comes to his lovely wife Jenna
Next up,Corn!
The middle son of the 3
Pretty much the quiet artsy kid
Who knows how to make bombs
Half of his face is burned,but he covers with it makeup
He has a strange shape-shifting ability that makes his colors change according to the seasons(will post it either here or in a p2 post)
He's probably the closest to Candy from his brothers
But he learned witchcraft from Vicky and very much enjoys it
He has a prostetic leg because of an accident(same as his burn marks)
He usually wears funky clothes
His wife is named Halloween :D (she's not my oc but one of my bff's,and idk if he has tumblr or no so i can't show her-)
Even tho he's quiet,when he snaps it's over. He can be a big bitch let's just say that-
But i swear he's a cool guy
His best friends are his brothers,Berry and Liam
He was also in the sports team alongside Liam
He stores stuff in is hair (his hair genuinely works as a portal-)
And last but not least, Jay and his assistant Opal the snake!
The youngest of the twins
And probably the oddball-
The sweetest guy alive
Literally THE husband material
But his heart already belongs to Lau :3
Matching west and bowtie with Liam!!
The patches on his shirt represent his brothers and friends
He owns many snakes,but Opal is his baby
Again,best husband out there,also spoiled Lau rotten
Got bullied by his brothers but loves them regardless
He's has a dad bod!
He has a little portal in his hat
He got Vicky's thick german accent-
Unlike his brothers,he learned a lot from Jason actually
His best friends are his brothers,Liam,Berry and Alan
Lau made him dye a pink strand in his hair-
His dream is to make his own circus and he works HARD to achive that
He's very The Greatest Showman coded
He'd probably love that movie too
Next iiiiis Jenna! The daughter of Jason the toymaker and Jade(i STILL didn't make a post of her-)
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Prettiest doll out there!!
Looks a lot like her mom :3
Her eyes are made from glass
The sweetest girl out there
Daddy's girl,learned a LOT from Jason
Literally just a ray of sunshine
The kindest killer out there if there's a thing like that-
Besties with Lau and Cheryl <33
She did cheerleading too
But she loves all of her friends equally
Also an art kid like Corn-
Even though she's a sweet and well mannered girl,she got her anger from her dad-
She has a slight french accent because of her mom
Her parents did not approve of her relationship with Floss but she didn't care
She's pretty rebellious ngl
But other than that she's just a bundle of joy
Despite all these sweet things i listed for her she's lowkey like Jecka from Class of 09-
Also she's very much a Heather M. and Gretchen girl
Next up,Cheryl and Alan :D
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First Cheryl:
Alan's twin :3(the older half)
She's mute and uses her mask to talk
Modded her mask to sound like Hatsune Miku once
Both of her arms and legs are prostetics(lost them in a fire related accident,along with her voice)
She's a proxy for Slendy
She usually hangs around Clockwork and Kate the Chaser when she's with the other proxies
But her besties are Lau and Jenna of course<33
But she's also friends with BEN and Toby
Both her and Alan are raised by their older sister Natasha
Lesbian women kisser woman lover♡♡♡
Heather D. and Karen kind of gal(she ain't dumb she just loves Karen with all her heart)
Girl failure but it's okay I love her
Did cheerleading with Lau and Jenna as well
Very good around tech and hacking
Her and BEN make a great duo when comes to tech
She learned sign language just to cuss people out
Now Alan:
Cheryl's twin(the younger half)
He gets bullied by Cheryl for being 0.1 second younger
He loves her with every fiber of his body tho
He's dyslexic
He's also a proxy for Slendy
He usually hangs around Masky Hoodie and Toby,they're like the brothers he never had
He looks up to Masky a LOT
But his best friends are Liam,Cheryl,the trouble trio and Berry
And Liam's biggest fan(we love a supporting boyfriend)
He used to be scared of Liam's family,especially Lau since they are in the same friendgroup
He got his burn mark in the same accident as Cheryl
Ngl he's kind of a jock himbo
Unless Liam is around then he's just a simp
Borrowed Hoodie's old,well,hoodie-
Helps Cheryl with tech stuff
Now time for the oddball of the group,Berry
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Zalgo's son
No his full name isn't Berry i just forgot his actual name
Berry is just his nickname
Yes Zalgo got himself a son
Though Berry ain't nothing like him
He's canonically autistic btw and his special interest is humans+human biology!!
Let's not count how many humans Zalgo got killed for Berry
He surprisingly gets along with Lazari
Claws had to babysit him when he was little
Till this day he calls her mom by accident
His bestfriends are everyone in his friendgroup but he's the closest to Liam and Lau
He can be hella scary ngl
When he's mad or just really overwhelmed all hell is unleashed
He's over 5 meters/16 feet tall damn
He's fluffy unlike Zalgo
He made a lot of comments about his dad being all bones AND being bald
Zalgo babies him to death and he hates it a lot
He loves his dad tho
The person in the back holding him is his wife Y(who also belongs to the same friend as Halloween does)
He's a pretty sweet guy who can and will do wrong,but usually he's very friendly to those who are friendly to him
Corn's different season looks along with some other kiddos will be included in another post bc i can't add more pics</3
Hope you enjoyed this tho!!
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legendarybelmont · 3 months
To go back on the topic of NFCV redesigns, I think one of the worst issues (aside from the general artstyle that is deep in the uncanny valley) is that the designers took elements of the og designs but without understanding what they mean
N!Trevor has the iconic scar over the eye. Why? He got into scruffles with normal ass humans. That is supposed to mark him as the first Belmont who killed Dracula. N!Sypha and N!Alucard got scarred by N!Dracula, but him? nah it's not like he matters am i right?
N!Alucard is in theory pretty, statuesque and elegant, but his clothes simply look like a cheap cosplay, and no prince would go around with his cleveage exposed like that. Also, in his SotN bio, Alucard is stated to look lithe but being stronger than he looks, while N!Alucard has a lithe frame combined with evident muscles.
N!Hector looks actually very good in terms of design simplification (except for the stupid ass bobcut they gave him), but in-universe he sticks out like a sore thumb for his extravagant outfit that doesn't even fit what he does. Why does Hector wear one glove and an arm guard? Because he's a sword fighter. Is N!Hector a sword fighter? Not even in the slightest, he's a blacksmith.
N!Isaac's uniform is taken straight out of PtR, but apparently the designers didn't know that Hector wore the same uniform in that manga, so now the two Forgemasters look mismatched for no reason (not helped by the different crests they have on their backs - why???). Also, N!Isaac has tattoos like Isaac, but... they don't really convey anything about him, and they're too generic to be as memorable as Isaac's intricate runes. They're just there.
(and while she's so different I don't even want to consider her a game character, N!Carmilla looks very generic in her #girlbossness, and she should have had a more prominent mask or skull motif, not just a "pointy chin" like the wiki says)
The others are pretty much decent, although I'll always have reservations about N!Dracula's weird elongated yet too short proportions. But yeah. There is a distinct lack of care in the redesigns, even those who in a vacuum look good.
don't have much to add but all correct all factual here 👍 i agree very much. its also crazy how they decided to transplant trevors chest scar onto alucard for... some reason, and then had to give alucard fashion that doesnt suit his character at all, also for... some reason (we know why. its fanservice that doesnt even work because he is not nice to look at in the first place). the forgemaster uniforms always get me as well... ughhhh its all so baaaaad. also call me a hater but i never liked the dracula design he looks so off to me!! you either go full in on the hot old man or you go full in on the mathias, the in-between never works well (even kojima couldnt pull it off perfectly, and she didnt do it often besides)
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Comfort in Room Service
Summary - Part 24 in the Comfort series
Pairing - Dean Winchester x Reader, Reader x Sam (platonic), Reader x Bobby (father-figure), Andre (OG Character) x Reader (best friends)
Series Masterlist | Masterlist 
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“I believe we have a case to talk about first…”
“Best I can tell … it’s a vengeful spirit. All the victims so far are newly married men. My guess is a couple got hitched, things went sour so she regretted it and then she must’ve died somehow. Potentially killed by the new husband, and now she’s taking it out on all the men that get married in that chapel. If I wanted to play devil’s advocate I would say she’s trying to protect the women, but I still don’t think it’s right.”
“For someone who’s been out of the game for a while that’s some good deduction work. You got the actual research and files to back it up?”
“Files? I told you, I don’t do that stuff anymore. I found out what I could legally. The rest is up to you and your boy toy.”
“Dean’s no more my ‘boy toy’ than Danny is yours. I chastise Dean for not being nice enough to you, don’t think I’ll refrain from treating you the same. He drove all the way here to help with a case you found, granted I had a big part in it, but he’s here all the same. He deserves more respect. He’s reserved, but he’s never been rude, not to you anyway.” You go to say more but you hear the bathroom door open. You shoot Dean a smile as he walks towards you. 
Andre stands up awkwardly. “Yeah, so uh, that’s all I got. You think you can work with that?”
You look back over at him and nod, “Yeah, thanks. We’ll do some more research and check it out. You and Danny enjoy your wedding planning.”
Dean gives you a quizzical look as Andre turns to leave.
“Thanks. Be safe … both of you. Good night.”
“Good night,” you call out as Andre leaves.
Dean sits on the couch beside you pulling your feet into his lap. He starts to massage your feet, ankles and calves as he looks at you for an explanation. When you stay silent he says, “I heard all that you know. It was quite sweet of you to defend my honour like that.”
“That’s not what I was doing. I just … I know what he thinks about our relationship. He wishes I could’ve found someone who wasn’t in the game, like him and Danny. But I didn’t. I found you, and he doesn’t get to take that out on you. I choose who I date … who I marry … and I choose you. Regardless of what anyone else thinks.”
“I promise I’m going to get you out of this life … one way or another.”
You sit up and put one of your hands on his, briefly stopping his movements. “We’re going to get out … together. But first, we really should talk about this case.”
“Alright, Sweetheart, what’d he give us to work with?”
You lean back again and say, “Well, a vengeful bride is killing off any newly married men in a popular chapel. What we need to figure out is who she is, or was, so we can burn her bones before anyone else dies.”
“So, we go in as FBI tomorrow and get access to the list of everyone ever married there and figure out who’s dead.”
“Or we could go undercover … you feel like playing bait?”
“I thought you didn’t want to get married in Vegas?”
“I don’t. FBI it is then, except I didn’t bring anything FBI-worthy. When I left with Sam I was going to hunt what I thought was a werewolf or something.”
“I’ll buy you something to wear, on two conditions…”
“One, I get a fashion show. And two, you also get something really nice for the casinos and a fancy dinner once we gank this ghost.”
“You know you’re the only boyfriend in the world that actually wants to go clothes shopping with his girlfriend.” 
“Fiance. And it’s not like it’s a common occurrence. I like spoiling you and seeing you dress up.”
“Dork.” As you finish talking your stomach growls loudly.
“Sounds like it’s time to feed my girl,” Dean says. As he reaches for the room service menu on the coffee table, you hear a knock on the door. You give each other a confused look as he gets up. 
He walks back into the room a few minutes later with a trolley covered in a crisp white cloth with silver dishes, utensils, wine glasses and a bottle of red wine. “Son of a bitch’s still trying to upstage me…” he grumbles as he wheels the trolley over to the couch. 
“Dean…” you scold. 
“I’m taking you to a five-star restaurant before we go home. Five-course meal minimum with drinks and a view to kill for. I’ll show you I can give you what you deserve.”
You reach out to him and say, “Jealousy is not a good look on you, Babe. Come here.” When he gets close enough you take his hand in yours and pull him down to sit beside you again. “How many times do I have to tell you that you’re all I ever want and need? This is just his way of apologising for how he acted earlier.” When he stays silent and glares at the trolley you continue, “Have you ever heard of love languages? Andre’s is quite obviously gift-giving. Do you know what mine is?”
He slowly shakes his head, still not looking at you. You sit up and take both of his hands into your lap as you force him to make eye contact. 
“It’s quality time with a hint of physical touch. Two things that you give me almost daily … because I’m convinced yours are the same. You need and want those things as much as I do so it’s second nature for you to do it. That’s one of the things I love most about you. I don’t need gifts or fancy dinners, I just need you to hold me. That’s enough. You’re enough.”
He looks away again as tears start to well up. You rest your head on his shoulder. “I know you’ll never hear my words, or never truly believe them anyway. But I just hope some part of you knows how I feel about you. I’ll never leave you or choose anyone else over you, Fiance.” You kiss his neck softly before sitting up and examining the trolley. You pick up the wine bottle carefully opening it to ensure the cork doesn’t fly off and break anything and then fill the two glasses with the rich red liquid. You place one glass in Dean’s hands as you lightly tap your glass to his. 
“I know you like to provide for me. Another part of how you show your love is through acts of service. But you do that all the time. I’ll let you take me where ever you want tomorrow and cook for me when we get back to the Bunker. But for tonight, can we just enjoy this dinner together? Please, Baby? Just because Andre bought it doesn’t mean we can’t still make it about us.”
Finally, he lifts his head and meets your eyes as he takes a small sip of the wine. You smile and follow suit. You quickly lift the covers off the plates before you lose his attention to his self-deprecating thoughts again. One at a time you reveal serves of chicken pot pie, salmon filets, lasagne, ribeye steaks, tiramisu, and creme brulee. It’s the biggest selection of food you and Dean have seen in a long time. You hand Dean a fork and you each start digging into the dishes not even bothering to serve them on the plates. 
By the time you get to dessert you’re feeling full but Dean takes the two dessert trays and a spoon and goes over to the bed. As he takes a big spoonful of the tiramisu he looks at you suggestively. Curious and a little excited about the thoughts going around his head you get up and climb into the bed and join him. He holds a spoon out to you and you let him slip it into your mouth, you close your eyes, moaning at the initial sweetness and then the bitter mix of the coffee and alcohol. Once you swallow you take the spoon off him and feed him. 
“It’s no pie, but it’s alright,” he says before kissing you. His hand cups your cheek securely as he deepens the kiss. You drop the spoon and slip your hand into his hair. You try to pull him to lay down with you but he pulls away. You chase his lips for a few more quick kisses. “Patience, Sweetheart.”
He gets up and puts the leftover food in the fridge and then rifles through your bag until he finds the stuffed bunny he bought you months ago. He tosses it towards you and you catch it, hugging it close to your chest. “I can’t believe you brought that with you.”
“When I left the Bunker I was going on my first hunt in forever without you. Of course, I brought it. It’s the only thing you’ve given me that doesn’t have a life-saving property.”
“It’s hard to believe you’re a hunter sometimes. You’re so cute.”
“Says you, Winchester. Now come here and cuddle with us.” You hold up the bunny.
“You’re over-dressed,” he states as he comes over and pulls your jeans down your legs. You reach under your shirt and unclasp your bra and slip it off before throwing it at him as he’s shedding his own jeans. He then lifts his shirt over his head and holds it out to you. Once you take it he rounds the bed while you swap your own for his larger one. This whole routine was not unusual for you, it’s actually almost second nature, especially when on hunts. You often shower after getting back from a gruesome hunt and then redress in a clean set of day clothes until bed when you strip and steal one of Dean’s shirts. Eventually, he just started to offer you the one off his back and sleep topless next to you.
He climbs into bed with you and you snuggle up close resting your head on his chest and draping your arm across his stomach. He wraps his arms around you and kisses the top of your head. You lay there for a while enjoying the silence. 
You’re pretty much asleep when Dean quietly says, “I promise I’m gonna get you out safely. I love you too much to trap you here in this life with me. Whatever it takes, Sweetheart. You’re gonna get out.”
Assuming that he’s only opening up because he thinks you’re asleep you subtly snuggle closer, keeping your eyes shut. You feel him run his fingers over your silver ring. You can only imagine the thoughts circling around in his mind. The dread of what he could be planning settles deep in your stomach and you push back tears and will yourself to go to sleep. 
─── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ───
A/N: Sorry we still didn’t get to the hunt or much action this week. I just keep getting lost in these fluffy moments between Dean and Y/N and can’t bring myself to cut them out or skim over them. 
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w0nd3rplay · 4 months
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@theelderhazelnut @laismoura-art @scentedcandleibex since y'all wanna see my gal the most today's their bday (may 21) btw, I wasn't satisfied with what I have now since I got a better understanding of the mk1's lore and I have better ideas...here something to refresh anyone's memory or who the hell is this oc
Yoomi being a sorta reincarnation of Shang Tsung is now exclusively to this version Yoomi and his applies the same to the 'Mariposa' codename
She has a huge butterfly motif as an allusion to Shang Tsung's snake motif (since both snakes and butterflies symbolize transformation)
This version of Yoomi did still burn the village down like it was in the og version but is seen as a mysterious figure amongst other characters (in the og version, Yoomi has her past disclosed by her adoptive mother and grandmother)
She got taken in by a different witch coven rather than Vividalux instead, that witch coven was created for the sole purpose of balancing out both the Shirai Ryu AND the Lin Kuei, this witch coven is somewhat akin to organizations such as the men in black, odd squad, scp except it's for magical creatures rather than alien-like beings
Despite being someone else now, Liu Kang and Kitana trust her less out of fear that she might turn out like her predecessor.
Is an adult (19-20 years old) during this version of mk1's storyline
Wears lots of soft pastels, simpler yet frilly clothing and gives out this magical girl-esque vibe in terms of style
She has a spell which causes to fuck up everyone's senses and cause mass sensory overload towards any surrounding individuals
She can spawn her own functioning fairy wings via magic as a form flight
Her own set of dolls are based on predator animals and are very hostile towards those who are posing as threats towards their master and her allies
She doesn't have the ability to travel other worlds, only see their glimpses in the form of dreams
She still dated Satoshi but doesn't have the whole 'your soulmate will have your scars on their body' ordeal (the latter is applied to the og version too)
One of the more chill and less reckless Yoomi variants but is a huge whole ass supervillain-like menace if they pissed her off enough, she's a very petty girl
Use more visual-based art magic and mostly use illusions as another allusion to Shang Tsung
Owns a butterfly themed battle axe
That's all for the birthday special, I'll need to work on Zhenbing and Kidd Thunder, tweaking some of Satoshi's parts and maybe introduce the new era along with it's own set of Kombat Kids...
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multifandom-nerds-blog · 11 months
Spoilers ofmd S2 ep 8
When your cat is looking at you weird cause you're crying in front of your laptop. (She literally came on my lap and started purring to calm me down.)
First of all. Ed is a fucking mood. Avoiding work to just daydream the whole day. But also. How tf did he manage to put on his soaking wet leathers?! That was icking me so much. They were lying down there for like, at least two days or some shit.
Also. It makes no sense how Auntie survived, except for being a badass. But that's good enough reason I guess. Also why did they use Lucius clothes from all people to open the bars? Like, is he the only one wearing undergarments or what?
Roach and Jackie are a duo which I need more of now. It's not a want, it's a need. (Roach putting his smoke into the soup, and Jackie apparently poison training all her husbands. They could be such bffs.)
Stede, Zheng and Ed were waisting so much fucking time. Like. GUYS. half the episode is over already.
WHEN THAT MF SHOT HIS GUN AND IZZY DIDN'T MAKE A SOUND. Like. No one fucking noticed until they were running to the ship and Ed was carrying him (Frenchie immedieately ran to them TT). His talk whith nose guy though. Yes Izzy. Slay. You tell him. (TO PROTECT THE CREW. AAAAHHHHH)
Fucking Izzy apologizing to Ed and Ed saying that he should be the one to apologize. I'm wheeping. I'm dying. My cat is doubting me.
The WEDDING. no words. just beautiful. (Also. Does that make Roach the captain now, since he finished the vowing process? I would go for it.)
And then we end the episode with Frenchie being a noodle. perfection.
Also. also. This makes Fang the only remaining member from the og blackbeard crew. (Unless pete really was once in the crew)
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diamondcrownacademy · 11 months
DCA Info Part 7: Magic Rings and Gem Colors
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The art used is from this post from August 4th 2020
Magic Rings
For Diamond Crown Academy, the students use rings to conjure magic instead of the pens the students of Night Raven College use. Students wear a magic ring on their of choice hand on their index/pointer finger (As wearing a ring on a pointer means leadership, confidence and authority) and the girls have to trace a sigil or sign in the air to cast strong spells, small spells just require pointing. Phoenix jokingly stated that the rings symbolize the happy endings that the OG princesses (with the exception of Alice) got with their princes. The students get to make their own choices and reap the rewards of their efforts, kind of symbolism. The design of the rings are gold with a simple round gem on it following the color gems on the student's dorms.
Gem Colors
Each stained glass portrait of the heroines are placed in the hallway of the main college building, lining the hallway with a plaque at the bottom describing the virtue they represented. The students of DCA follow their example to become a true princess. The 10 dorms are built on their image and like the gemstones that you see on the uniforms of the Night Raven College and Royal Sword Academy students.
The gem colors and virtues are shown below, with my personal theories on why the colors and virtues were chosen.
Snow White, Cinderella and Aurora
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🍎 Pommeneige
The color of the gemstone on the brooch worn by students affiliated with the Pommeneige dorm is red, which matches the color of Snow White's hair ribbon, the red cloth on her puff sleeves and the interior of her cape. Red was also the color the poison apple took the appearance of in order to trick Snow White into eating it. Snow White represented the virtue of innocence. In this case, kindness and a bit of naivety. Snow White was known for being kind but also naïve, which made her fall for Queen Grimhilde's trap easily.
👠 Glastanzerin
The color of the gemstone on the brooch worn by students affiliated with the Glastanzerin dorm is white, which matches the color of Cinderella's iconic gown in the original 1950 film, which was a silver white in color. Cinderella represented the virtue of hope, always know to keep being hopeful. This feeling of hope can be shown in "A Dream Is a Wish Your Heart Makes" where she encourages her animal friends to never stop dreaming and the entire theme of the song which carries out throughout the film is to keeping believing in your dreams.
🌹 Rosadormienti
The color of the gemstone on the brooch worn by students affiliated with the Rosadormienti dorm is pink, which matches the color of Aurora's dress that is mostly used for merchandise. Aurora represented the virtue of determination, never lose the drive to reach your dreams. While Aurora herself doesn't show signs of determination in her debut film, this is shown in later media.
Ariel, Belle, and Jasmine
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🐚 Coquille
The color of the gemstone on the brooch worn by students affiliated with the Coquille dorm is purple, which matches the color of Ariel's seashell bikini top. Ariel represented the virtue of freedom, never forgetting that you can't be bound by anyone. Ariel herself desired freedom from her overprotective father and this is expressed by her fascination with humans and their world.
📚 Chateau Beastiale
The color of the gemstone on the brooch worn by students affiliated with the Chateau Beastiale dorm is yellow, which matches the color of Belle's iconic golden ball gown. Belle represented the virtue of loyalty and intelligence, standing by someone's side and never forgetting that knowledge is sharper than any sword. Belle stayed by the Beast's side and helped him to better himself. Belle was also famous for her intelligence.
🏝️ Magiaoasis
The color of the gemstone on the brooch worn by students affiliated with the Magiaoasis dorm is blue, which matches the color of Jasmine's sky blue casuals (although in later media and merchandise, it's colored turquoise). Jasmine represented the virtue of wittiness, using your wits to your advantage and to solve problems. Jasmine is shown to use her seductive cunning to her advantage. An example of this occurred when she faked being under the genie's influence in order to distract Jafar.
Mulan, Pocahontas and Tiana
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🐲 Dragonstone
The color of the gemstone on the brooch worn by students affiliated with the Dragonstone dorm is dark red, which matches the details on the outfit Mulan wore during the climax of the original 1998 film. Mulan represented the virtue of honor and bravery, finding the courage to stand up against your fears and insecurities. Mulan disguised herself as a man to take her father's place in the war and she wanted to stay true to herself, all while bringing honor to her family.
🍂 Sagamore
The color of the gemstone on the brooch worn by students affiliated with the Sagamore dorm is orange, which is a very earthy color and Pocahontas herself has a fondness for nature. Pocahontas represented the virtue of will and wisdom, learn from others as how they learn from you. Pocahontas expressed wisdom and offered kindness and guidance to those around her.
🐸 Lagniappe
The color of the gemstone on the brooch worn by students affiliated with the Lagniappe dorm is green, matching the color of Tiana's frog form and her initial wedding dress. Tiana represented the virtue of diligence, hard work goes a long way. Tiana herself was known to be a hard worker and hoped that this would lead her to opening her own restaurant.
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🐰 Futterwacken
Alice is a special case, she represents young girls growing up finding their identity. And being true to yourself is a golden lesson in the academy so that's why her stained glass is kept near the Futterwacken Dormitory built on the hill overlooking the other dormitories. This gem doesn't appear on the Futterwacken brooches because instead of brooches, they have keys of various colors.
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vampirejuno · 11 months
if you have the time and brainpower i would love to hear more abt ander ("ander"?) bc that's such a fun premise. idk if it's "fun" in the canon of the story per se but [insert eyes emoji bc i'm on desktop rn]
Hehehehehehe yesssss >:]
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So! I refer to them as "og ander" and "ander" (or Mira, if talking about pre-transition) respectively. Story takes place in a pre-industrial but slightly post-medieval feudal country (unnamed for now lol). The twins are from an important noble family, but, while they're respected, they're not always treated as well as other noble kids because their mother is a non-white foreigner. Mira is a bit more visibly mixed than her brother, but otherwise they look almost identical (despite my art skills).
Now, their mother comes from a matrilineal society where women raise their daughters and leave the sons to the fathers, so she raises Mira according to her customs, and og Ander is raised by their father to be a Good Son and Heir. But the twins are still very close, and every once in a while escape for a day out in nature, usually to the river.
It's kind of implied that they were both trans from the start as they liked to switch clothes as little kids and could pass for each other, until their father caught them doing it. Og Ander later on thinks of it as their souls getting mixed up before they were born. It's a bit easier for Mira at the start because her mother's culture involves martial arts and hunting, something that helps Mira feel more masculine in her father's society. Og Ander however, well..... He saw masculinity as a performance and a duty he had to keep up, until one day when they're about 12 it just wears him out and he can't keep doing it anymore.
So naturally og Ander fakes his death by "drowning" in their river and runs off to be a witch. Mira fully believes he actually died. In their country, there's a folk/religious custom to honor the dead: when a loved one dies, you take on a responsibility over something that was important to that person in life. It can be as small as always feeding their favorite birds or as big as taking their child into your own care, which is where the name of this custom - "taking a ward" - comes from.
Anyways, Mira takes a ward for og Ander - to be a Good Son and Heir, as their father was left without one, until another boy is born to her parents. Mind, nobody outside of the family (except their childhood friend) knows it was og Ander who died cos they looked so similar, so with some effort Mira can pass for her brother well enough. Needles to say neither of her parents is happy about this, but as a religious custom it has to be honored.
So Mira becomes Ander and effectively loses his relationship with both mother and father - the first because he (gonna use he from here on) gave up being a woman and sons aren't important, and the second because his dad's a cunt who cares about Legacy and the Family Name, which isn't a very promising prospect if your heir is "secretly a girl" (and also extremely dyslexic! This will be important), and your Shitty Wife can't birth another son :/
So father sends Ander off to join a special military order dedicated to a specific saint, as is common for young noblemen (this particular one requires members to vow to never speak a lie, so Ander quickly learns to speak indirectly and twist literal truths to adhere to that vow while still keeping his secrets). In the meantime father gets rid of his wife (sends her away, pretends she disappeared and must've died). He then marries Ander's childhood friend (Rika, which btw means river in ukrainian if you put the stress on the other syllable :3). Ander hears about it and comes home.
This is where the important dyslexia comes in. Ander's dad told him he'd inherit everything once he can read out what's written on the family heirloom sword. Ander tried for years to learn, to no avail, and never even found out that the inscription was in a dead language that no one alive remembers. So anyway Ander takes the sword and runs his father through and then fucks off with Rika. Those two have such a weird thing going on but that's a whole separate post
Anyways that's my brief summary of his backstory hehe thank u very much for asking <333 I also have. A little prologue I wrote abt the day og Ander drowns. It's not long and I can post it if anyone wishes to read it 👀
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deuynndoodles · 2 years
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[id: a colored, digital sketch redesign line-up of the links from four swords (adventures). from left to right, it is blue, red, green and vio. shadow is not included. they all have four panel patterned tunics with embroidery. they each carry a small charm with their element on it and their four sword.
blue has chin length choppy hair that is pulled back with a headband. her hammer is tied to her back and she looks disgruntled. her charm hangs from her belt.
red has short fluffy, curly hair that frames his chin. she does not have a hat (or anything mimicking a hat). their fire rod hangs on their belt and he grins with his eyes closed. her charm is on a necklace.
green wears the standard windsock hat and has wavy, spiky hair. he smiles softly. he is only equipped with the four sword. his charm is on a bracelet.
vio has long, straight hair that is tied into a ponytail. they carry a bow and a messenger bag. they look reasonably bored. their charm is used to pin their travelling hood together. end id]
i love being an artist bc i can say "the links have freckles except for vio + shadow bc theyre shut-in losers who dont touch grass" and make it REAL
hcs and thoughts under the cut
-blues a trans girl bc i said so
-vio uses they/them and blue will beat up anyone who misgenders them (even tho vio themself doesnt rlly care)
-red uses he/him on default but doesnt care about pronouns. they think its fun when people mix it up
-as said above they all have freckles from the sun, except vio who rarely goes outside
-vio carries the bag that has all their supplies and materials. blue is the one who maintains and upkeeps it but u dont want to keep vio away from their books for long
-they each repurposed their hats to their own needs.
-green likes the og bc it flies in the wind. blue cut up her hat and used it to tie up her hair bc it was driving her crazy
-reds caught on fire from hanging by the fire rod and he got used to it before it could be replaced (his clothes are now all enchanted to be fire-proof)
-vio wears a hood bc they like to be mysterious
-red wears gloves to protect his hands from burns (the fire rod heats up fairly quickly). she has better control now but they just got used to it and why change something that works?
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transboykirito · 9 months
You’re emo. Help me. Is Strea emo or a e-girl?
first of all, "you're emo. help me." is the funniest way anyone has ever started an ask to me and i will think of it for a long time
second of all, she's... neither? i literally studied this and wrote actual papers on this lemme ramble and Education The Children TM
so going into this we need to remember strea was first made in around 2010, and then reworked until she made her official debut in 2013 in infinity moment
what people know as an e-girl now isn't what it originally meant. the term originated in the late 2000s (around 2007/2008-ish) as a derogatory term for girls who were looking for attention from men on the internet, especially by acting overly sexual and promiscuous, flirting with men, or doing anything percieved as being for men. these days it just means a vaguely alternative girl online (mostly tiktok) who likes anime and wears a specific style of makeup and clothing.
so immediately, no, strea isn't an e-girl by the new definition, and she doesn't really fall under the category for the old definition either - which is the way it was used when she was first created.
she's also not emo (though, emo is a subculture defined by music, so it's a little harder to pinpoint sao characters as being emo unless we have an idea of their music taste, like kazuto and elsa) - emo is categorised by music mainly, yes, but style-wise it was strongly associated with black outfits, skinny jeans, hoodies, vans, heavy eyeliner, black nail polish, etc. the stereotypical things. strea doesn't meet many if any of those requirements except for just wearing dark colours.
HOWEVER, emo spawned a similar (but still very distinctly different) style and subculture in the early to mid 2000s that ended up having the height of its popularity from 2008-2012 (right around when strea was being created and finalised) - scene.
scene was similar to emo, but a lot more colourful. the other noticeable difference is that scene also had its own language, in a way, and it was mainly marked by "internet speak" - you know rofl, rawr, basically anything ending in a z instead of an s To Be Cool? that was hugely popular with scene kids, as well as several of the emoticons that strea uses frequently.
strea's attitude and personality alligns way more with scene, and since a lot of scene kids were also heavily into gaming (think of them like the og e-girls, there's a lot of overlap) i think it makes sense that's what she was inspired by and based on.
also, as a footnote, i think strea also took a huge amount of inspiration from suicide girls (it's a whole thing don't look it up it's a mess) which was online modelling and... shit... that targeted alternative subcultures including emo and scene. it was a subculture in itself. strea also fits in there quite well, i've quietly wondered if that's the design reason behind her moles lol (it was very common for suicide girls to give themselves beauty marks to make them more unique??? there's a whole thing please be careful if you look it up it goes into sketchy shit very fast)
BUT if you would like some confirmed emo kids (based on music and style), kazuto and elsa both listen to emo music (elsa also listens to goth music), kirito's style is/was influenced by emo culture at the time, you (i) could make (have made, several times) a case for rika being inspired by emo and suicide girls style. i love this shit sm.
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verdemoun · 1 hour
Hey, it's me again! Sorry for being mousey last time.
I know this is a bit recent but if I wait too long I'll either lose the idea or my nerve.
For some reason, I adore the Transfem "Kieran" Duffy HC. It's almost certainly projection, because while I was never held hostage by a roving band of psychotic Irishmen, I am shy, neurodivergent, and paranoid to the point of having escape plans I will never use.
I know you already did one for 1899 Kieran (which may or may not have cursed me with a love of an incredibly niche HC for an already very niche character) but could you maybe do one for Timewarp?
Alternatively, if you would like something different, Sean and his father learn about everything that happened in Ireland after their deaths. The 1916 Easter Rising, The Troubles, or Margaret Thatcher as a whole.
As another alternative, disregard this ask all together, and go get a snack. You probably need one.
A snack would be good rn I'll have a snack with one hand and reply with the other.
Transfem Kieran,,, beloved.
Bessie motherfucking Matthews can smell gender dysphoria like a bloodhound and would notice the second they brought the non-verbal smelly homeless former-O'Driscoll home.
Kieran's been sleeping rough for a month, just like when he was first let off the tree in Horseshoe he desperately needs a bath.
After a slight miscommunication about hot water (and the concept of not needing to share bath water), Kieran is sitting on the couch two hours later shivering in three layers of clean clothes and a blanket with Bessie very gently and patiently brushing the knots and mats out of his hair. The first thing Kieran makes close to a noise is a delighted squeak in the back of his throat as Bessie says what nice hair he has. Bessie immediately ties a little braid in Kieran's hair, to another overjoyed squeak.
Kieran absolutely latches onto Bessie as a safe person. When her husband assures her Kieran had always been around the women in camp and just seemed to prefer their company, Bessie takes note.
Innocently saying that they weren't expecting any more timewarpers for a while so Kieran has to go shopping in her wardrobe for a bit. While Hosea's clothes are in there too he picks out a v-neck and a chunky knitted cardigan and looks very content in women's clothing that still fits loose because of how scrawny he is.
Bessie also offers to help Kieran shave. Getting a close shave was still a fairly rare occasion thing in 1890s so she could easily say it was a treat to make timewarping seem less scary.
Instead Mair gets a moment of seeing herself with her hair perfectly washed and brushed and soft and clean shaven in femme-presenting clothes that didn't even exist in canon era and very quickly goes from 'yay men can be pretty in modern era' to the gender euphoria of 'wait am I a man? or am I a pretty lady? can i,, oh i can be a pretty lady!!'.
Bessie would also be euphoric because a) timewarp actually giving people a chance to explore gender identity in a way they couldn't in canon era and proving all the fear and learning to adapt to modern era is a good thing b) she finally gets a daughter because throughout all the children she has accidentally adopted over her lifetime (Arthur, John, Sean, Lenny) she is yet to actually have a daughter due to dying before the gang picked up Tilly.
Bessie would adore brushing Mair's hair and taking her shopping to get fancy nice smelling soaps and clothes. Mair would still be a hoodie gremlin but the classic oversized paired with a mini skirt but the hoodie's so long it just looks like she's not wearing anything under it.
Exception being first-time she sees a dress she absolutely must have. It very much looks like something from the early 20th century and only modern to the gang, with a bell skirt and petticoat to match.
Processing timewarp honestly takes up so much of the gang's time most would struggle to actually recognise Mair as Kieran except for the OG timewarpers who would respect times change I guess Mair is her name now. 'There's cars now and no one owns horses, and robbing banks and getting away with murder is almost impossible, you have to get an actual paying law-abiding job, also sometimes people change gender'.
Molly would absolutely fall in love with having another girl in the gang who doesn't actively hate her (her and Karen still have some beef to work out) and spend hours doing Mair's make-up with all her fancy products and Mair would adore it. Otherwise she is useless at doing make-up because that shit is hard.
She's somehow an even bigger horsegirl because she really identified with the being a girl part. People thought Kieran was obnoxious with his love of horses? Mair is worse, infinitely, infinitely worse. The few who make the connection Mair was once Kieran Duffy? The way she talks about horses.
My Little Pony backpack that goes everywhere with her.
She makes friendship bracelets for her favourite people, because she would never part with any of her precious horse figurines for any reason. She would still bite Sean for touching any one of them.
Bessie: precious darling daughter would you like to get our nails done together? Mair: yes please!! - after - Mair: yay pretty nails!! pretty!! Bessie: Bessie: it's okay if you want to take them off Mair: oh my god yes please
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