#excuse me potty mouth
fledermoved · 2 years
And, frankly, if I may add, if you continue to try and isolate users for things like this that are false and/or have already been addressed, you're a fucking bag of shit. Take a look at your life, man. It's 2022. Get real.
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kaikaykoa · 2 years
yoki ( gnauss wisden ?? gay as hell ) is like . my bastard character of nnk. for almost a decade I never would've thought I'd have a character in nnk i would SO GENUINELY HATE I would go red heat would come up to my face my ears would feel pressure and heat emits out of me . I see his face and immediately short circuit and imagine 27 explosion green screen video overlays just put on top of him I am in utter disbelief . I was betrayed ( <- has a backstory for this apparently )
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sttoru · 2 months
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⠀ 𝝑𝑒 ⠀⠀ 𝐒𝐘𝐍𝐎𝐏𝐒𝐈𝐒. you show your husband some affection, thinking you two were alone - only to be interrupted by your son.
tags. dad!toji fushiguro x wife!female reader. fluff, suggestive. mentions of toji developing / having a dad bod. & reader having a mom bod. reader gets called ‘princess, mama (by gumi)’. baby gumi waking up bcs of a nightmare. excuse me - not beta read bcs i was half asleep when writing this rt_t
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“tooooji,” you smile as you enter the kitchen. you’ve put megumi to bed - finally - and have the chance to spend some one-on-one time with your dear husband. both of you deserve the rest after a hard day of work.
toji has been putting the dishes back in their designated spots whilst you were away. the dark-haired man turns his head to the side once he feels a pair of arms wrap around his waist. a small grin tugs at his lips, “missed me, princess?”
you roll your eyes. even if years have passed since your marriage, toji has not stopped using that specific nickname for you. he loves calling you ‘princess’, because that’s what you’ll always be to him. in his eyes, at least.
“mhm,” you decide to indulge him. you bury your face into his broad back, feeling the muscles he’s worked so hard on obtaining. after megumi was born, toji did let himself go for a bit, but that is a good sign.
it means he’s content with his life - this peaceful life that he’s settled down for with no regrets. no more being reckless, no more battling for money; he’s now got a family to come back home to after all.
“is the little brat asleep?” toji asks while putting the last dish away. he’s visibly enjoying your warm hands that have slid under his shirt. your skin is so soft to the touch compared to his.
you chuckle and nod to his question. “gumi’s sleeping like a baby,” you rub your husband’s stomach gently, feeling the little bumps of his fading abs. you’re loving his new body - just as much as toji loves yours.
toji turns around to face you, desperately needing to return the favor. he can’t get enough of being with you. his rough hands grab your waist and bring you closer against his body, until your chests are nearly touching. he lowers his head to your neck, “that means i can show my wife how much i love her, yeah?”
you shiver at how toji’s voice turns from soft and gentle to sexual and husky. big hands find their place on your tummy, massaging the loose skin with its stretch marks. you can hear your husband’s breath hitch. “fuck,” toji swallows his spit, his fingers moving to grasp your hips.
toji loves how your hips got wider after you’ve given birth to your child. every change in your body, whether big or small, is completely welcomed by him. your body has blessed toji with a son he loves and he’ll forever be grateful for that fact. the least he can do is take his time to appreciate you.
“so beautiful,” toji sighs as he leaves soft pecks on your neck and throat. his fingers are working their way down to your thighs and ass—not leaving a single patch of skin untouched. his lips eventually find yours and you melt into his embrace.
it’s getting heated and the tension is palpable. toji’s about to lift you into his arms when you catch a glimpse of a short figure in the doorway. your eyes widen and you immediately detach your lips from your husband’s.
toji quickly catches on and sighs. he cocks his head to the left, the sight of his toddler standing at the doorway coming into view. “damn kid,” he whispers, nearly pouting because of the interruption. you playfully slap his bicep—a warning to fix his potty mouth in front of megumi.
“h-hey, gumi,” you say with an awkward giggle, walking towards the child. you fix your shirt in the meantime, straightening the material. you crouch down to megumi’s level and pat his head tenderly, “what happened? why are you out of bed?”
megumi stares up at you with teary eyes. he’s clenching onto his dog plushie, hugging the stuffed animal to his little body. you can easily guess that he’s scared—probably because of a nightmare. he’s been getting those more frequently.
though, instead of explaining himself, megumi searches for answers to something else. he points at his dad who’s leaning against the counter with his arms crossed. the toddler then looks back at you like he’s made some big discovery;
“mama papa kissing!”
you nearly choke on your spit. megumi’s a clever little boy and it shows through his advanced vocabulary. you’re surprised that he’s learnt what that meant already. you try to deny what your child said, “no, uhm, mama and papa were just hugging!”
toji snorts at your half assed excuse. he lazily walks over to you two, hands in his pockets. he bends forwards and looks megumi in the eyes with a huge smirk on his face. “yeah, we were. ‘n you totally ruined it,” he utters without any shame and menacingly sticks his tongue out at the little boy.
you hiss and lightly shove toji—he cannot take anything seriously. you’re trying your best to distract megumi’s attention from what he’s seen his parents do, to what his reason is for waking up.
“did you have a nightmare again?” you coo and pick your son up. he instantly snuggles up to you and presses his face against your chest in search of comfort. you smile and can conclude that your assumptions are right.
you pet megumi’s head whilst softly humming one of his favorite lullabies. toji watches your interaction with his son and his mood softens once more. he silently hugs you from behind—also wrapping an arm around megumi—turning it into a little family group hug.
“y’re all right, buddy,” toji mutters to megumi and the little boy sniffles in response, “mama ‘n papa ‘re right here.”
after a couple minutes, you carry megumi back to his room before putting him down in his bed. your husband stands next to you as you make sure your kid is tucked in properly.
megumi stares up at you with a sniff and you nearly melt at the adorable sight. you brush his bangs out of his eyes and kiss his forehead, wishing him a good night. the toddler nods and hugs his plushie to his chest again, still a bit shaken up from the nightmare. however, he’s doing a lot better after he got comforted by both his parents.
“sweet dreams, gumi,” you whisper and rub megumi’s cheeks with a fond smile on your lips. toji simply stares at you conversing with megumi—his face showing little to no emotion. though, from within, toji is absolutely in awe at your motherly personality. you’re the perfect mother.
megumi gets drowsy and tosses onto his side so he could be more comfortable. he struggles to open his eyes, but manages to look at toji. the little boy pouts and points another finger at his dad, this time drowsily warning him, “papa no kiss mama, ‘kay?”
that comment catches you off guard. you’re embarrassed by the fact that megumi still remembers what he’s seen in the kitchen. you try to clear your throat and explain yourself, but toji’s one step ahead of you. he silently mimics megumi’s words and rolls his eyes—
“yeah yeah, whatever. i won’t,” toji promises his son. the toddler clearly inherited your husband’s protectiveness. you chuckle at the playfulness between the two, enjoying the jokey banter the father-son duo have each time.
megumi huffs in victory and nods. he can sleep in peace now, knowing his dad won’t try anything funny with you. he closes his weary eyes and is asleep within just a few seconds.
you stretch your arms and sigh in content. you can’t help but chuckle once you notice how megumi’s fallen asleep with a tiny smile on his lips. you give the child one last forehead kiss before leaving the room in silence.
toji follows right behind you. now that his son is sound asleep, he doesn’t have to keep his promise. technically— he wasn’t planning to anyway.
“c’mere,” your husband mumbles and grabs your hand. he pulls you into a tight hug, hands instantly roaming your body which he admires so much. he plants his lips onto yours not a second later.
you smile into the kiss, finding it funny how toji couldn’t keep his (fake) promise for even one second. he would die if he actually couldn’t kiss you, and that isn’t even an exaggeration.
toji pulls back after a moment and smirks at you—those bedroom eyes of his very telling.
“so, where were we?”
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thevoidstaredback · 1 month
"If I turn around and there's a hero, vigilante, anti hero, villain, anything or anyone related in anyway to the Justice League, I'm going to fucking lose."
It was quiet for a second, then, "Don't turn around?"
Red fucking Robin. "What did I just say?" Phantom turned on his heel to face the young vigilante.
The kid threw his hands up, "I told you not to turn around!"
"And yet here we are," he crossed his arms. "The hell do you want?"
"You seem awfully snippy today."
"Seeing as you and everyone under the sun has been stalking me, trying to get answers to questions I'm not going to answer, I think you can excuse my attitude."
With a huff, Red Robin also crossed his arms. "How do you know what I'm going to ask if no one else has been able to talk to you?"
"Because living beings are all the same. Curiosity of the unknown drags you around by your ear." Phantom turned back to continue walking away, "Now go away."
The kid matched his pace. "No way,"
His eyebrow twitched ever so slightly. "I have a meeting soon, kid. You can't come along." That was a total lie. He had nothing going on that demanded his attention now that Constantine had ditched him after getting the demon under control. Maybe he could drop by Fawcett and visit Billy?
"No you don't." This damn kid-! "You've been wandering aimlessly for the past hour."
Phantom turned again to face the vigilante. "First of all, stalking people is hella creepy. Second of all, my schedule is none of your damn business."
"Careful there, kid," Red Robin smirked, "You'll get scolded for having a potty mouth."
"I'm thirty-fucking-eight!"
"You're literally fourteen."
Phantom closed his eyes. "Nocturn give me patience," he then looked Red Robin directly in the eye, "We've had this conversation. I'm dead. I don't physically age. That doesn't change the fact that I have walked this planted for thirty-eight years. Is that simple enough for you to understand or do I need to dumb it down for you?"
Red Robin blinked, his mouth agape. What? Did he just- The nerve! The audacity! "I'll have you know," he huffed, "I'm smarter than Batman."
"He tell you that himself?"
"Yes." It was one of the only times Batman had ever praised him, so that interaction was held particularly close.
Phantom looked Red Robin up and down, his expression reading both 'are-you-serious' and 'what-do-want?-a-medal?' Without a word, he turned back to his path and began his march anew. Any attempts at conversation from Red Robin was ignored, much to the younger's chagrin. Maybe he'd go away if he ignored him long enough.
Phantom and Red Robin wandered for the better part of an hour, not so much as a word passing between them. Neither stopped for any reason, and neither broke the set pace. It could almost be considered a friendly stroll through the city, if one ignored the slight apprehension surrounding the two.
Red Robin took this time to observe Phantom. He'd never spent too much time around anyone from the JLD who wasn't Raven, so he took the opportunity to get to know another on the team.
Phantom insisted that he was thirty-eight, not fourteen, and that the reason he looks as young as he does is because he looks like he did when he died. Not a comforting thought in the slightest. He knew that, though, when B had briefed him on all the members of or associated with the Justice League.
His powerset was almost completely unknown. They'd all seen him use a flight/levitation ability, as well as some form of density shifting and a healing factor, but Red Robin was more than sre that Phantom had more up his sleeve than that. He worked as a part of the JLD team, so he had to have some magical understanding or capabilities. But Raven wouldn't tell him if she knew, no matter how much he pestered her.
Looking at the kid now, Red Robin seriously wondered if Phantom had a civilian disguise. Ether white hair, toxic green eyes, the glow he seems to give off, and the contrasting bright white and vantablack suit and gloves he wore could not be easy to hide.
There was also a slight sense of unease Red Robin felt when looking at or being around Phantom for a long time. He hadn't noticed it before, but now it was as obvious as a neon sign. It was a strange mix of Uncanny Valley and sinking horror. Why was he feeling like this?
Phantom stopped in his tracks in a dead end alley. Without turning around he said, "Alright, spit it out. What do you want to ask?"
Red Robin hesitated for a moment. Surely it couldn't be that easy? Was Phantom really going to answer his questions? He shook his head to snap himself out of it.
"Come on, kid," Phantom pulled a piece of chalk from his front pocket. "I don't have all day."
Red Robin wanted to scoff because he most certainly did have all day. But, he pushed it aside. He was about to get answers that not even the Justice League could get! He decided to start of easy. "When did you die?"
"Try again." was the growled response.
"I said 'Try again'."
Okay, okay. Touchy. "Why'd you join the Justice League?"
"I was bored." It was clipped. Phantom's on edge. Why?
"What're the rest of your powers? I know you have more than what you've shown everyone."
Phantom walked to the wall and started to draw a door on it with the chalk. "Next question."
Red Robin rolled his eyes. "Fine. How did you die?"
Every movement from Phantom froze. Every minute, involuntary twitch, even the telling signs of breathing. For a long minute, nothing happened and Red Robin had the dawning sense that he'd just asked something he really shouldn't have.
Phantom drew a circle in the rectangle he'd drawn on the wall, completing the door. "I'm going to give you a piece of advice that you seem to have completely glossed over." The piece of chalk was hidden away as he gripped the now 3D door handle. "If you value your life, don't ask the dead how they died." He opened the door and stepped through before looking back at the red clad vigilante. "They won't be so nice about it." Then, the door closed and the chalk erased itself.
Part 6 Part 8
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ja3hwa · 4 months
♡ 𝐋𝐨𝐯𝐞 𝐌𝐞 𝐋𝐢𝐤𝐞 𝐘𝐨𝐮𝐫 𝐅𝐚𝐯𝐨𝐮𝐫𝐢𝐭𝐞 𝐃𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐦 | 𝐊.𝐇𝐉 ♡
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【Synopsis】 : Hongjoong wanted your first time to be special and romantic. Soft.....this is not what he had in mind. Whoops.
『Word count』 :  5.17k
-> Genre: So Much Smut. Fluffy. Romantic.
Pairing: Dilf!Hongjoong x Park!Reader
[Warnings] : I want to make this a realistic first time. It's funny, there's jokes and mistakes. It's loving. The reader is scared but not of Hongjoong. Insecurities. Oral. Fingering. Squirting. Making out. Praise kink. Bratty sub reader. Soft dom Hongjoong. Lots of lovey-dovey shit. Cute little kisses. Confessions. Daddy kink. Pet names. Unprotected sex cause these two forgot about it until after. Whoops. There is so much dirty talk and slight degrading. This is so filthy and soft and all over the place. Listen man I’m so hooked on sappy romance. And to the bitch that hated angels outfit cause it ‘not 10pm dinner date worth’, theres a part I wrote in here just for you.
Masterlist | Navigation | Part Five | Mini Series Masterlist.
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 “If you don’t get back in my car right now, I’ll drag you into it.” His words were dark, tainting on your lips. It was like a drug you’d never get enough of. Quickly, without slipping, you got back into his expensive car, your hand never leaving his thigh as he drove and your lips suckling on his neck. Hongjoong was glad it was almost two in the morning and no one was on the road otherwise he would of most likely hit someone with how fast he was going. He made it back to his apartment in no time and without another moment to spear, he dragged you towards the elevator by your hand. Fingers entangled with yours.. he pinned you against the wall in a feverish kiss, holding the back of your neck, guiding your mouth with his. This was not what he wanted your first time to be like. But god, did he need every second of it.
The way his hand crept up your dress, crawling at your hips. Feeling your frilly panties along his fingertips. His tongue raked down your hot skin, suckling a bright red mark on your neck. He was going to litter you with his marks, every part of your beautiful untouched body. Taint it like you were made for him. He was going to fuck you like it was the last thing he was ever going to do. Because you deserved every treatment he gave you.
You didn’t get time to take in your surroundings as you kept your lips flushed against Hongjoong’s. It was only when it was proving difficult to get your docs off when you both ended up laughing and grinning like idiots. Hongjoong was the first to pull away, pushing you slightly to lean against the hallway table so he could kneel down in front of you. You’ve never felt such a feeling like you had right now…This powerful older man, on his knees in front of you, slowly and carefully taking your shoes off. If he wanted you to feel like royalty, he was doing a bang-up job. 
“You like me on my knees, hmm? Angel?” He seemed to notice the way your mind had wandered off. Blush erupted over your face, feeling embarrassed of being caught bluntly staring. 
“I..Uh..” You looked around the hall, trying to find something to distract yourself as Hongjoong placed your right foot back carefully on the floor, having finished removing your shoes. Your sight caught the most amazing thing you’ve ever laid eyes on. “Holy shit…”
“Excuse you?” Hongjoong laughed at your potty mouth, but you walked down the hall, entering the large, dining, kitchen, and lounge room area. It was all opened with floor-to-ceiling windows. You could see almost the whole city. You’ve never been this high up before either, so it made the view even more grand. You watched in awe as the city light captivated you. You were so distracted you almost didn’t notice Hongjoong’s hands snaking around your waist, tugging at the strings on your corset, ever so slightly loosening it with every pull. his eyes never leaving the side profile of your stunning face. “It’s beautiful isn’t it.”
But he was not talking about the city view…
"It is..." You whisper. His lips inched against your neck, kissing down until he got to your left shoulder. Your shall had been forgotten long ago, most likely still in the car. And as you stood frozen watching the scenery beyond the thick glass so intensely, you felt Hongjoong finally slip off the belt around your plump hips, chucking it somewhere in the room. His fingers played with the fabric of your dress while you tilted your head to the side to give him better access. He could smell the sweet perfume on your skin. Feel the way he created goosebumps on your soft skin from the hot breath from his nose. His fingers would tangle, tug, and pull any part of your delicious outfit. The outfit he swooned over at dinner. The outfit he couldn’t help but smile at, thinking how sweet you looked, just like those strawberries that were embroidered on it. The outfit he was going to take great pleasure in taking it off you. Or maybe he’d fuck you in it first, watch how your nipples would peak through the layers of cotton. Feeling the roughness of the frills on his thighs as he thrusted in you hard. He’d keep those pretty little white socks you still have on as well. You’d be the most perfect little treat for him. “Hongjoong…”
He took a step back as you called for him. Standing so still, you didn’t dare to turn around. You could hear him move, the sound of fabric shifting, leather rubbed against jeans until… The clank of something metal hit the carpeted ground. 
“You wanna turn around Angel.” His voice was smooth, deep. Hypnotic. His words made every nerve burn in anticipation. This was really happening, he really wanted to have sex with you. Your heartbeats were hard, like a low base bashing on your chest. Thump, thump, thump. You could feel yourself become high head. Dizzy. Like your mind was slipping into a subspace of your mind you’ve never been before. “Baby.”
He called again but this time he was back right behind you, his hands on your hips made you take in a sharp breath. And without a second thought, you reached behind your body, pulling at the string that held the waist hem of your dress taught to your frame. Hongjoong didn’t dare take his eyes off your delicate fingers playing with the string, not until it was completely loose and the dress started to sag. Only having your shoulders keep the fabric up. Neither of you spoke, it was like you were both holding your breath. Waiting for the other to do something. You finally turned around.
His shirt was gone, the top button of his jeans was undone and his belt by your feet. You would never get enough of this man. The way he was built. The scars and tattoos decorated him like a human canvas. Everything was perfect. He was perfect. “H-Help me…”
He didn’t know he could move so fast, his fingers lacing under the cotton resting on your shoulders, slowly... go slowly god damn it. He screamed to himself as he pushed the fabric off you. The dress fell quickly, pooling by your feet. But he did not dare look down. No. His eyes stared into yours so desperately. he felt like he was in a dream and if he looked at your body he feared his cruel brain would wake him up. You took the ranes this time. Unclasping your bra without breaking eye contact with him. He could see the swell of your breasts out the corner of his eyes but he refused to look. The thump from the article of clothing falling to the floor made his heartbeat fall into his throat. And then his eyes widened, audibly gulping as you reached for his left, tatted hand. He felt your soft skin against his, and then he felt your hot plump chest in his rough palm. You hitched in a breath, feeling your overly sensitive nipples scrape along his hands. 
Hongjoong finally looked.
Taking in a big shaky breath, he saw you. He saw your soft curves, your juicy breasts. The way the balls of flesh rose and fell with each sharp breath. He made a mental note to kiss every stretch mark, scar, and blemish on your body. You are perfect. His other hand gripped your free breast, fondling your flesh. Your eyes fluttered close, tilting your head back slightly. Little pants would slip from your parted lips, as Hongjoong would start to leave light feverish kisses on your jaw, neck and collarbone. He would lower himself slightly, before slowly, pushing you backwards. you’d gasp loudly when your bare back would hit the ice-cold glass of the window. Hongjoong quickly knelt in front of you. Kissing between your breasts before latching his mouth on one of your nipples, while his free hand gripped your right thigh slowly, softly… parting your legs. You looked down at the older man, seeing his intense stare as he watched your every move closely. “Yes, I do….”
He looked confused for a moment, curious as to what you might be answering… and then you spoke out again. “You on your knees…I like it.” You felt like crawling out of your skin, feeling embarrassed at your words. But Hongjoong had a different expression. He growled, kissing down your pretty tummy, finding your stretch marks on the side of your hip, before kissing each and every one. He could do this for hours if he so wished, but for now, he just quickly pepper kisses a few before stopping just above the hem of your panties. He glanced back up at you one more time, slowly without breaking eye contact his fingers hooked under the soft cotton fabric before slipping them off down your legs. You were now completely bare in front of him.
“Fuck, angel. Aren't you the most gorgeous thing I’ve ever seen. So soft.” he kisses your thigh. “So plump.” And gripped the flesh of your legs to move apart until he could see your dripping pussy. “So wet and ready for me.”
“F-fuck Joong!!” His name slipped off your tongue like it was your favourite thing to say. Fingers dug into his fluffy hair as he pressed his nose against your already sensitive clit and inhaled. You were the most delectable thing he’s ever had, and your taste was all he was craving. So he dived right in, his tongue flatting against your hole before licking all the way up, swiping over your nub. He did the same motion a couple of times before he shoved his tongue inside. He needed to prep you well. Get you nice and wet, and he was loving every minute of it. The way your head was thrown back against the glass, moans spilling from you, becoming his new favourite melody. 
He could feel you were close by the way your body started to shake, struggling to keep yourself up. He, without a second thought, pulled away, nearly knocking the wind out of your lungs at the sudden loss of pleasure. But before you could say anything, he was tugging you down to the soft carpeted floor with him. He wasn’t expecting to fuck you on the floor. God no. Not today anyway. But he wanted to make you cum a few times first before pounding you into his mattress. 
“There, there angel. I’ve got you.” His soft voice made your head spin as you laid on your back with your legs spread as far as they could go. You needed him in every way as he latched back onto your soaked cunt, sliding in a finger. You knew you were already falling over the edge. You’ve never climaxed so hard before, seeing white and hearing a light buzz in your ears. Those romance novels had seemly been correct when it was the right man, he would be able to give you everything. Including the most mind-blowing orgasms.
“Fuck, J-joongie I f-feel weird.” You needed to come again, rolling your hips against his now two scissoring fingers his tongue didn’t stop its desperate antics and then Hongjoong sucked harshly against your clit. You swore over and over as your legs began to shake, you cried a silent scream in the next breath as you felt Hongjoong sit up.
“Holy shit…” His deep chuckle caught your attention, opening your eyes you see in horror… Hongjoong was covered in a wet liquid. His chin, cheeks and chest dripping… d-did I just squirt? “That was the hottest thing I’ve ever seen.”
You felt your face heat up, wiggling a bit so you could sit up. The floor was a mess, and so were your inner thighs. But Hongjoong couldn’t care less, all he was thinking about was if he could get you to do that again. “Come on baby. Let’s move to somewhere more comfortable before I fuck you on this floor.”
He spoke so casually, but you could hear the lust dripping from his tongue. He was holding himself back, wanting to restrain himself and your little bratty attitude caught onto it quickly. Smiling, you pushed yourself up on your knees, while he watched intensely. You crawled over to him before resting your hands on his shoulders, his face so close to yours. “You gonna take me to bed Hongjoong? You’re best friend's daughter?” You whispered, inching closer. “What would he think? Hmm? Tainting my innocence.”
“I’ll do more than taint your innocence baby…” He knew what game you were playing, grabbing your hair, and tugging it back, making you forcibly look up to the roof. His nose glided across your neck before he suck a harsh red mark on your soft skin. “I’m going to fuck you until your head is filled with nothing but me. My cock. The way I fuck you. The way I’d make love to you… I’ll ruin you for any other man.” He bit down hard on your collarbone surely leaving indents of his teeth. “Cause you’re mine now princess. Mine alone.”
Him saying he’d love you causes a different feeling to grow in the pit of your stomach. A feeling you know you’d have to discuss tomorrow. But for now, as he led you to his bedroom. Your wobbly legs found themselves perched at the entrance of Hongjoong’s lavish room. It was not as you were expecting. He looked like such a minimalistic man, with a simple, sleek style. But yet his room... was filled with unique forms of art, house plants—some fake and some real—an abundance of vinyls, CD’s and a beautiful vintage record player, sitting in the corner of the room. The dark brown wooden stand the record player laid on matched his spruce bed frame well, and his dark near black bed sheets screamed the mystery man you knew him to be.
There was only one thing out of place. On his desk, besides two custom-made motorbike helmets that he most certainly painted himself, was nail polish. Rows of bottles of nail polish. All different colours and brands. Who knew a big tough tattoed, ex-military businessman wore colourful nail polish. “Sorry about the mess.”
He spoke so casually as he picked up some clothes off the floor and threw them in the direction of an ensuite. His cute simple smile was so innocent as if he hadn't just made you squirt all over his floor just minutes before. “No, No…it’s perfect.”
Your smile eased his racing mind as he kicked himself for not cleaning up before. But yet again, you being here wasn’t planned. It was supposed to go so differently. But such as life goes, nothing goes the way it’s planned every time. He chuckled lightly, walking over to your figure that stood still in the middle of the room. You weren’t standing awkwardly by any means but more so like you were admiring everything. Taking in as much detail, fearing you’d never see the inside of his mind like this ever again. His hands found their place on your hips once more, tugging you lightly towards the bed. You giggle, grabbing his face with both hands, you squished his cheeks as you kiss him messily. His smile grew against your own and as the back of your knees hit the end of the bed, you fell with him causing you both to laugh. 
“God, I could get used to this.” He murmured against your lips, crawling with you until your head hit the nice soft pillows. You just hummed in approval, letting him deepen the kiss by sliding his tongue into your mouth. You couldn’t see what he was doing, but you could feel him shifting around as if he was looking for something. You had to break away from the kiss, so he could finally see what he was doing. You tilted your head back, seeing him grab a pillow, rolling it long ways until it was like a little cinnamon roll. He lifted up your hips slightly, making you eye him in confusion as he placed the pillow under your lower back.
“w-what is that for?” You help him by planting your feet on the bed before wiggling your hips into a comfy position on the pillow. 
"It's to help me fuck you better." He said with such cheek it almost knocked the air out of your lungs. He laughed at your wide-eyed expression with a slightly parted lip. "Hah, it's so you don't feel any discomfort when I penetrate you, darling. Don't worry. I just don't want to hurt you for your first time."
"Oh god." You moaned, covering your eyes with your arm. You knew he knew you weren't experienced, but him explaining the pillow made you feel like you were having an awkward sex ed class with your much older teacher. 
"Hey, It's okay. You don't know these things, Angel." He pulled your arm away from your face lightly kissing your wrist, then forearm before kissing your cheek and the corner of your mouth. "I know you're not as experienced as me. But I want you to know, baby." He gave you a peck on the lips. "I don't care. In fact, I'm honoured you want me compared to someone younger, less...me"
You knew he was gesturing to his scars. His battle wounds and how he carries a lot of trauma and PTSD from the military. You remember your father had spoken about healing and struggling with society after being in wars. But you knew Hongjoong was on the battlefield a hell of a lot longer than your father. "Hongjoong."
You grabbed his face again, gently rubbing your thumb along his rough skin. "What you went through, what you've done. It doesn't define you now. You're such a caring, sweet, sexy, and kind man. I couldn't ask for a better person to be my first."
You've never confessed such a thing a loud before. Sure you have a big crush on the older man, but you've never actually said it to him. You were falling in love with him and you wanted him to know that. He smiled, kissing you again. It was slow, passionate, and soft. You could feel his love spilling from his heart to yours, and then he pulled away. "So you think I'm sexy."
"That's what you got out of it!!" You whacked his bare chest, making him huff out a breathy 'hey'. You went to hit him again, but he grabbed your wrist this time, pinning your arms above your head. Everything fell silent after that, his lips find your cheeks once again, littering your face with kisses. 
"I want to take you out. I want to spoil you." He kissed down your neck. "I want to call you mine and be with you without the thought of anyone judging." His kisses trail down to your collarbone, than the valley of your chest, kissing every part of skin he could. "I don't care about your father. If he doesn't approve then fuck him. I want to call you mine. If you'll let me."
He gave your nipples a suck each before kissing back up to your face, locking his lips with yours. You could feel him shuffling around, using his free hand that wasn’t holding your wrists to fondle your breast. You were becoming lost in your feelings. Mind spinning as you felt Hongjoong’s tongue dance around your own. Teeth clashing against teeth as the kisses become hotter… messier. Everything was perfect, letting you slip into complete bliss until Hongjoong panted against your swollen lips “Take a deep breath for me.”
You didn’t understand but followed his order obediently anyway. that’s when you felt his warm, wet tip slip against your hole. You quivered, whimpering at the feeling. You needed him so badly, that your mind was short-circuiting. “S-sir, please. Please. Put it in me.” 
“Fuck baby, you can't say those types of things.” He moaned, resting his head on your shoulder, his hand that was needing your breasts was now stroking his cock. He had pulled his jeans down to his thighs, making you pull your leg up to help push them further down until they started slipping off his thighs and pooling at his knees. He kissed your shoulder before sitting up fully. 
"Hong—fuck...." You gritted your teeth as you saw his cock resting against his leg. He wasn't huge, but his girth made you swallow a harsh ball of saliva. How on earth was that thing going to fit inside you? You couldn’t help but take him all in, eying his whole figure. This man was built like a god if you’d ever seen one.
“You like what you see angel?” he laughs, finally throwing his jeans somewhere in the room. you sat up, spreading your legs wider so he could get a full view of your soaked cunt. Your smile was devious and dangerous. Just like the one you put on the first night, you were both together. The brat in you was showing. He had to chuckle watching you intensely with a bitten lip as you touched yourself. Your hand inching slowly towards where you needed him most.
“I don’t know. Do you like what you see, Daddy?” 
He was back on top of you with a growl in his throat. His face inches from yours and his cock rubbing against your clit. Your eyebrows knotted together as he breached your hole, tip sitting tightly inside you. You gulp, trying your best to take a deep shaky breath. His eyes never left yours as he watched you come undone. Your mouth fell open as each inch slipped into your abused cunt. Your moans were weak, breaking into a cry as he finally bottomed out completely. “Fuck, your cunt is so tight baby. So warm. You are doing such a good girl. My best girl.”
“H-Hongjoong t-too big.” Your whimpers were high-pitched and whiny. Your bratty nature out of sight. Your fingers dug into his shoulders as you pushed against him slightly. It wasn’t that you wanted him off you by any means but your mind was racing. From feeling so full, pleasure surging through your whole body mixing with a sharp pain coming from being stretched out by his cock. And then there was the overwhelming feeling of having failed your father, letting his best friend fuck you…. But as Hongjoong kissed your tears that ran from your eyes. He whispered back to you lovingly, tenderly.
“It’s okay princess. You are doing so well. Keep taking deep breaths for me. Relax.” What he really wanted to say was how fucking tight you were. How good you felt around him. How he wanted to bust a nut right then and there. “C-can I move..fuck…” His pants became more frantic as you nodded your head with a little ‘please’. his hands that rested on either side of your head, now one rested on your hip and the other behind your neck, holding you in place. Your legs wrapped themselves tightly around his waist, letting him thrust slowly and deeply into your wet pussy.
His nose rubbed against yours, while his mouth left agape mere inches from your own. Your breath mixed with his with each pant and battered breath. Your eyes had snapped shut, focusing solely on his cock inside you alone. Hongjoong felt like he was on cloud nine, the way you moaned his name. Hugged him tightly. The way your body needed him just as he needed yours. Everything was just as he imagined if not more. His little angel. His sweet best friend's daughter. “Fuck, angel. You feel so good. My dirty little girl.”
“D-dirty?!” You gasped as his hand left your hip to push the pillow up more so he could fuck you deeper. His chuckle felt cold, chilling and oh-so-pleasurable. 
“Hmmm yes, my dirty...” He tilted against your ear grunting with each thrust. “little cocksleeve. So tight and warm for me, fuck.” You whimpered at his filthy words, digging your nails into his skin, fearing to draw some blood as his thrusts got sharper. Hongjoong didn’t mean to slip up with his rambles but he couldn’t help it. It just felt so right. And you felt the same.
“Yes, daddy. Please. H-Harder please.” You gasped throwing your head back. Hongjoong sat up this time, hooking your right leg over his shoulder, chuckling darkly. Your smile grew feeling his cock sink deeper inside you. He held onto your plump thigh for deal life as he humps his cock into your pussy, grunting at the feeling of your walls spasming around him. He swallowed in a sharp breath, snapping his eyes shut with a loud hiss going blind by the tight feeling of your squeezing cunt. 
“Fuck, baby. How did I wait this long to fuck this tight cunt? I should have fucked you the night we screwed around.” He lent down bending your body at an odd angle but the burn made your head spin in the best way possible. He cupped your chin, pulling your focus back to him, staring into his hot, lust-filled eyes. “You would have liked that huh darling? Me fucking you while your father is in the next room.”
“Jesus fucking christ.” You snapped, yelling at you felt the tingle in your gut grow quicker. “Yes, Joong. I wanted you to fuck me then and there so so badly.”
“Ha, See you are a dirty girl. I should punish you. Maybe I’ll wake you up tomorrow to eating this deilous pussy until your screaming me to stop.”
“Yes, Yes Yes. Please.” You babbled, squeezing tightly around him. You were so close to the edge, and Hongjoong could tell. By the way your face scrunched and how your legs started to shake. He knew you just needed a little push.
“You gonna cum baby? Come on, let go. I wanna feel you cum around my cock darling.” He growled in your ear, moving your leg back around his waist so he could move closer to you. Your lips found his against in a heated moment. Passion spilling out with each thrust as he swallowed your moans.
“Joongie please come with me. Come inside me. I wanna feel you.” You mumbled against his mouth, making him let out a groan. His stomach tightened as he tried to hold on just for a little longer. He needed to feel you come first. He needed to feel you as you tightened around him. As your eyes rolled back and you finally let go. You swore over and over again as felt him empty his load deep inside you. Your scent mixing with his as his groans harmonized with yours. 
“God, I love you.” His hips stuttered before stopping entirely. Your heart was thumping so hard against your chest that you could hear it in your ears. Hongjoong was the same, panting like he had just run a marathon. He kissed your cheeks, then your jaw and lips, littering your face in soft pecks. The silence that consumed the room suddenly felt comforting, like a blanket you’d wrap around yourself on a cold day.
You could feel Hongjoong slowly soften inside you, but didn’t pull out. Your fingers raked through his hair, scratching his scalp. You couldn’t have sworn he was purring for a second. “H-Hongjoong.”
“Yes, dear?” He hummed so casually like this was just a normal night shared with a lover.
“I-I think I love you too.” You whispered unsure if it was the right thing to say. He had blurted out the words of devotion in the heat of the moment and it worried you that he might not have meant it. But it was in fact the opposite. He had to constantly bite his tongue so he wouldn’t say it. And in the moment it felt right. His smile grew, sitting on his elbows so he could see your sweaty, beautiful face, dancing in afterglow.
“I’m glad. Cause I mean it. I’m foolishly in love with you.” He tried to act dramatic which caused you to hit his chest lightly. He sat up with that action finally pulling out of you. You shivered as he did it, feeling his cum slowly slip out of you. “Sorry about…that. I should have put a condom on.” 
He rubbed the back of his neck, feeling embarrassed that he, a supposably mature man, couldn’t control himself. You sat up slowly, reaching for his bicep before rubbing him lovingly “Hey, it's okay. I asked for it. And I’m on birth control so it's fine.”
“Well in that case.” He smirked pulling you onto his lap. You hissed slightly at your sore limbs and overly sensitive sex. His arms wrapped around your waist, letting your chest rest flushed against his.
“Now now soldier. I think definitely cannot go another round without some rest.” You laughed peppering his cheek slowly. He hummed knowing you needed rest and a part of you knew he was half joking about going another round…
“shower and sleep.” He mumbled against the crook of your neck, feeling his fingers draw shapes into your back. You sighed feeling so much contentment. Safe in his arms. You both knew that what had now happened was something forbidden, and you both were going to have to confront your father at some point.
But as Hongjoong helped you to the bathroom and slowly lathered you with body wash that smelt like him with giggles and laughter echoing in the spacious shower room. Neither of you cared for the outside world. Not when Hongjoong's lips brushed against you every so often as you rinse the soap off your body. Not when he put you in one of his shirts and dragged you back to bed with his fingers tangled with yours. 
And not when he held you tightly, whispering how beautiful you are. How lucky he is and now he was never going to ever let you go.
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lookingformoondrop · 7 months
ok but Can you image the total shit show it’d be if reader somehow rizzed up BOTH Andrew and Ashley?? 😨 literally preying. Like imagine reader is not necessarily popular, but they definetly are one of the most attractive people in the class if not the most
Andrew Graves x Reader x Ashley Graves
TW: Some nasty cat fights between the Graves siblings, everyone has a potty mouth, mentions of unaliving eachother, not proofread, reader just wanted a cookie.
♥︎Notes: This was actually so fun to write. I always love writing arguments between my two favorite assholes and watching it burn from there. Enjoy this messy headcannon and sorry it took so long<3.♥︎
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Someone call the police, ain't no one coming out of this alive.
First, we gotta start with how you rizzed up the siblings. Starting with Andrew,
I can already see that to get through Andrew's heart, you gotta be funny.
Yes I know that this brooding son of a bitch is dressed in only dark colors, but he values some humor and I feel like the way through his heart is that.
You were in class chatting with a classmate near Andrew's desk when the classmate brought up your history teacher. Uptight, strict, and a prick, you said, "If he berates me anymore for my red pen, his head will go so far up his ass he'll find his own bullshit."
Unexpectedly, both of you heard a snort. Searching for the source, you saw Andrew covering his mouth with his hand, horrified by the sound he had just made.
You smiled at him and brushed off the snort to the classmate, "I think we're hearing things."
That truly made his heart flutter.
He had started sitting closer to you after that. Whenever he got ready in the mornings for school, an extra step in his routine was to hope that you were coming too.
"Hey Andrew," you walked by Andrew's desk.
"Y -Y/N! Hi..." Andrew mentally cussed himself our for the stutter.
It was dumb...really dumb.
But it made Andrew smile and feel giddy when he walked home.
I feel like Andrew would be very tame when it came to his feelings for the reader.
He'd blush when you're around and check in with you to make sure you're okay. He'd be too embarrassed to actually ask you out, but he would definitely try to find excuses to hang around you.
Now, the only natural explanation for Ashley's involvement with you would be that she saw her brother with a dumbass grin one day and HAD to investigate.
So, how did you rizz up Ashley?
Well, it's simple, really,
She went to your house to get a clear look at you and saw you dancing through the window,
You were fun and disgustingly too kind.
But somehow, that fun energy intrigued Ashley. You would smile at her randomly when she corssed the street. You had no idea who she was, and yet that smile irked Ashley (in a somehow pleasant way).
"Hey guys!" She cheerfully entered the classroom doorway, a spring in her step.
Andrew turned to look at the voice and immediately felt a muscle in his forehead twitch. "Great," he thought, "another one of Ashley's ploys so that she can harass any woman out of my life."
You, of course, were baffled at seeing this girl suddenly love up on you, but judging by Andrew's murderous smile towards her, you figured they were related somehow.
But instead of Ashley being an ass towards the reader, she began to cling to their arm.
This began a looooong sequence of events where it would go one of the following ways,
You'd go to a spot around town, invite one of the Graves siblings, and no matter how secluded, isolated, unknown, or illegal said spot was, the other Graves sibling would find and join you.
This definitely opens the possibility of more intense sibling fights.
I say intense, but it's more like,
The fights would get so loud that the neighbors would call the police
By the time the police came to knock at the door, Ashley was pulling Andrew's hair and trying to put him in the washing machine, while Andrew was clawing at Ashley's face and trying to smack her head against said machine.
When Andrew (and for some reason) Ashley came to school, you were startled by how banged up both of them became. Still, when you asked about it, all they did was brush you off (and stomp on each other's toes when you weren't looking).
While they did loath each other for trying to steal Y/N from one another, they never doubted the protection they felt they owed to Y/N.
Some random classmate decided to hit on you and make you verryyyy uncomfy. When you recounted the tale to Andrew, he refused to leave you alone for weeks, constantly fantasizing about bashing the guys face in.
ASHLEY ON THE OTHER HAND would absolutely demolish any shithead who tried hitting on you. "They needed to be punished!" Is the last thing she said, and the last time you ever saw that classmate.
Was it risky? Yes. Did Andrew scold her for it? Yes. Did either one of them regret it? Hell no.
Overall, the entire relationship is a complete shit show. And even if you begged them to play nice, they'd still fight over you.
"Ashley, can you help me? I can't reach that cookie jar."
Ashley sprung up from her seat. "Sure thing, N/M~" But just as Ashley was going to reach for the jar, Andrew pushed her into a pile of trash bags in the kitchen and proceeded to grab the jar for you.
"Here you go, Y/N," Andrew smiled at you while you panicked on who to check in with first.
Suddenly, from the pile of trashbags came, "Andrew, you ass!"
Fight or flight kicked in, and you immediately bolted out of their kitchen. Having remembered plenty of their fights, you decided that for today, you were perfect content with just going home. That was enough Graves for today...
Yeah, that was plenty of Graves for today.
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Thank you for the ask!<3
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omnomnomdomcaps · 1 year
Risk and Reward - Remastered
I'll be slowly bringing back some of my more popular captions. This one features the fantastic PaddedKittenVuittQn.
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“What are you looking at!?” she glares, as you watch the stream run down to her ankles, “What do you mean, do I feel any different? Feel different how?
“Oh, god, is this about that stupid file you made me listen to? Look, I told you already, hypnosis isn’t real. Get over it. Sorry to burst your bubble. 
“Do I remember what it said? Uhhh… no, I kind of fell asleep listening to it. Wasn’t all that exciting, I guess.
“Okay, seriously -” she’s starting to sound annoyed, now - “I’m not talking about this anymore. I have to get to work, and right now I’m trying to figure out - ugh - why my jeans are so uncomfortable all of a sudden. 
“But, hey,” she chuckles, “thanks for the fifty bucks, I guess.”
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“Ummmm, excuse me? Can I get some privacy in here, please? 
“What do you think I’m doing here? What I always do here. You know…
“Okay, fine! I wanted to show you I could still use the potty. I mean, it’s not like I have to go or anything,” she insists, though you can hear her tummy churning, “but then you had to be so mean about it and say I prolly forgot how… 
“Yeah, I know why I’m in diapies!” she’s clearly flustered, “I mean diapers. Rrgh. I had a couple accidents, okay? I don’t know, they just happened. I can still go potty like a big kid - I mean a big girl - I mean a growed-up - grrrr - I’m not a baby, okay?
“What do you mean, I clearly need my diapies? I mean diapies - ugggh!” she yells, her face glowing red, “No, of course they’re dry! I… I think?
“The new file? Yeah, I listened like you told me to. I don’t know why you like those so much, it’s not like they do anything,” she rolls her eyes, as her body shifts automatically into a squat, “plus, you said I’d get candy…
“Now could you not distract me? I’m trying to remember what to - hnnnnph - sorry, trying to remember what to do now…”
For a moment, she’s silent, looking around the bathroom and scratching her head, before she turns it back towards you and sniffs.
“Ew. What’s that smell?” 
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For a moment, you wonder if that’s her mouth watering as she looks at the donuts. But no, she’s just drooling. Again. 
She probably doesn’t even remember how she got this reward, what new instructions she had to listen to to be holding them in her hands. Of course, there’s a lot she doesn’t remember lately - how to talk properly, how to walk properly, how to use the potty…
Well, that’s just what she gets for being so stubborn. Maybe, after she realized she’d wandered off to work in soaking wet jeans, she should have learned to stop taking your wagers. But no, she just kept on insisting that hypnosis wasn’t real, and kept signing up for everything you offered - and at a lower price, to boot. 
And now, that leaves her here. You know she’s just going to make a terrible mess of things if she eats on her bed, but you let her have her treat anyway. After all, she’s earned it.  
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ichorai · 1 year
dinner & diatribes ; adrian chase. (m)
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track eleven of WASTELAND, BABY!
pairing ; adrian chase x gn!reader
synopsis ; the two of you only brought the worst out of each other, but you just couldn’t stay away.
words ; 1.8k
themes ; comedy, mild smut (?)
warnings / includes ; arguing, lots of swearing, they fuck against a desk but it's not too graphic and pretty glossed over, reader punches adrian and breaks his nose, chris is the embodiment of e_e
main masterlist.
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“I had him!” you snarled, striding up to Adrian until the two of you were practically nose-to-nose. He had ripped his mask off earlier, seeing no point in keeping it on when everybody on the team was already very well aware of his not-so-secret secret identity. “He was the only shot we had at getting information and you just fucking—Argh! You ruined everything, you dumb fucking piece of motherfucking—!”
Raising his hands in a condescendingly placating manner, Adrian retorted, “Woah! Watch it, potty mouth!”
Frustration crawled through your skin and wove beneath your muscles, nestling within your bones. “God, I hate you. This was my mission. You had no right interfering—!”
“Well, excuse me, first of all, this was our mission. Second, I’m sorry for saving your ass!” he interrupted. “If it hadn’t been for me, you would be out there, bleeding out of multiple gunshot wounds, thinking to yourself, ‘Oh, I wish Vigilante was here to come rescue me! He’s so handsome and I wish I could have sex with him just one more time and tell him how sorry I am for being a dick and ignoring him and pretending like it had never fucking happened!’”
You clenched your jaw, eye twitching. Sure, the two of you had slept together once—it was the heat of the moment and the adrenaline after a bloody fight, really—sodden clothes were hastily torn away or pulled to the side, bleeding lips were roughly slanted against each other, and he had fucked you on top of Chris’ messy desk with wild abandon. So fucking what?
“I was more than capable of handling the situation on my own.”
“Oh, were you, really?” Adrian rolled his eyes. “Don’t kid yourself. Honestly, sometimes it feels like you wouldn’t even care if you died—!”
With a growl rumbling within your throat, you wound your arm back, clenched your hand into a tight fist, and struck Adrian squarely in the face. A bilious crack echoed throughout the dingy room. He reared backwards, clutching his most-likely broken nose, groaning loudly. 
You were well aware of the fact that the rest of the team was awkwardly watching the two of you hash it out. Tentative, Adebayo started saying, “Guys, I think we—”
“No!” you cut her off. “Fuck you, Adrian.”
With that, you stormed out of the room, ripping off the rest of your tactical gear along the way and cold fury wrapping its dark hands around your neck. 
“Fuck,” Adrian said, all stuffy from his bleeding nose. “That made me so hard.”
Chris smacked him on the back of his head, which made him squawk with pain.
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“I don’t know, man,” said Chris, sticking his tongue out the corner of his mouth as he concentrated on scribbling a dove of peace on another one of his weapons that Harcourt hadn’t bothered emblazing, despite his repeated insistence. “Maybe you should apologize to Y/N. They seemed really pissed.”
Blowing a raspberry, Adrian waved his most best friend’s advice away. “Pfft—no, if anything, they should be the one apologizing to me. Did you see how my nose was all bloody and crooked?”
Chris momentarily turned his attention away from the crude drawing of the dove of peace (which, unsurprisingly, looked like a ghost), and scowled at the spectacled, borderline psychotic man-child across from him. “Jeez, stop overreacting. Harcourt set your nose back right after, don’t be such a baby.”
“But it hurt!” Adrian whined. “You know that a person’s sense of smell is probably, like, the most important sense out of all the senses?”
“I don’t think that’s true.” 
“Uh huh—scented candle businesses would go bankrupt if none of us could smell!”
Narrowing his eyes, Chris replied, “Yeah, but how the fuck would that make it the most important—ugh, you know what? Just go apologize to them. We have another mission tomorrow morning and I don’t want their panties in a twist because of you.”
Adrian chortled. “Heh, wouldn’t be the first time I twisted their pa—” At Chris’ sharp glare, he immediately cut himself short. “Fine! I’ll go, I’ll go. If I die, please play an episode of Friends at my funeral—specifically the episode where they hire Danny Devito as a stripper. I really liked that episode. I liked it a lot. You got that?”
“Yeah, Danny Devito, stripper, funeral, got it!” retorted Chris, clearly not listening anymore as he waved Adrian away.
Squaring his shoulders, Adrian marched away from his trusted friend and headed to the room down the hall, pushing the door open and peeking his head through. He saw you buried behind a pile of paperwork on your desk, muttering incoherently beneath your breath. 
When you noticed him come in, he pursed his lips and waved awkwardly, shutting the door behind him.
“Hey,” he called out from the other side of the room, a bit too loudly. You winced at his volume, and he moved closer before parroting himself, this time much quieter. “Hey.” 
“Hey,” came your tentative, stiff reply. “What do you want?”
The man in front of your desk cleared his throat, rocking himself back onto his heels as he swung his arms awkwardly. “I, uh, just wanted to apologize.”
“Oh, yeah?” You crossed your arms, cocking one of your eyebrows expectantly. “Go on, then.”
“I’m…” Adrian doubled over groaning, stomping his feet like a petulant child, before righting himself and huffing in an overexaggerated manner. “Ugh, I hate this. Fuck—I’m sorry, okay? I shouldn’t have said those things to you. It was unprofessional.”
Humming, the beginnings of a smirk began to play with the corner of your lips. “Great, thanks. You can go now.”
Adrian stayed rooted to the spot, staring at you blankly. 
“What?” you asked him.
He scowled, gesturing to his slightly-crooked nose.
Rolling your eyes to the ceiling, you sighed. “Fine. I’m sorry for punching you. Happy?”
“Yeah, pfft, whatever—doesn’t even hurt,” he bluffed, leaning his weight onto your desk in an effort to appear nonchalant. 
You scoffed. “With how you were groaning, you made it sound like I nearly killed you.”
“You’ve got a strong punch, okay?” he heatedly rebutted, before haughtily sticking his sore chin up in the air. After another second of tense silence, he glanced at you from the corner of his eyes, pushing his glasses further up the bridge of his fucked-up nose. He coughed into his fist, before muttering, “Honestly, though… it was really fucking hot.”
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The dull wooden edge of your desk dug into your lower back as Adrian leaned over you, mouth rough on yours, glasses knocked askew amidst his vigor. One of his hands were buried in your roots at the back of your head, anchoring you close to him, and the other pinned your thighs apart so he could slot between them. Your hands were tightly curled up in the gap between his sweltering skin and his suit’s dark armor, yanking him to bridge the gap between you. His nose brushed your cheekbone every time he surged forward to kiss you—and it sent a mild jolt of pain spidering down his spine, but he didn’t seem to mind it too much, rather preoccupied with other sensations.
Clothes were hastily pulled to the side, sweat beaded both of your foreheads, and strained gasps fell through your lips as he began to move against you.
Neither punching Adrian nor fucking him afterwards were on your agenda for today, but you certainly weren’t complaining. And judging by how loudly he was moaning into the brutal kiss, he wasn’t going to complain, either.
With one final roll of his hips into yours, he bucked forward with a strangled, choking noise as his climax washed over him just when you were pushed off the edge as well, sinking his teeth into the flesh of your shoulder, his eyes rolling into the back of his head.
“God, you’re loud,” you panted, snaking your hands to his hair to gently pull him away from the crevice of your neck. 
He stared at you with full-blown pupils, delighting in the fact that you were quivering against him ever so slightly. “And you’re so fucking hot.”
“Alright, buddy, we’re done here,” you said, patting his chest, before pushing away and straightening out your wrinkled clothes. “This is the last time this is ever happening, by the way.”
Adrian scoffed, righting his glasses up his nose. “Uh huh, yeah right. Admit it, you just can’t resist me. I’m like the peanut butter to your jelly! The… the chocolate to your pizza!”
Nose wrinkling, you shook your head incredulously. “What? Who the fuck eats chocolate with pizza?”
“Uh, duh, I do,” he replied, as if it were obvious. “It’s amazing—you should really try it. I don’t know, maybe you could come over to my place one day and have some. Nothing beats the perfect ratio of greasy-crispy Hawaiian pizza and Nutella straight from the jar.”
Kiss-swollen lips parting, you leaned against your desk out of interest once again. Adrian was fidgeting with his hands awkwardly and began looking everywhere but you, like he hadn’t just fucked you silly literally a minute ago.
“Are you asking me out?”
“No!” he said. “Maybe.”
You regarded him with a strange look.
“Ugh, yes, fine, I’m asking you out. Well, technically in—I’m asking you into my house. Preferably into my bed—”
“Alright!” you interrupted, holding your hands out. “Fine. Only this one time. But just because you’ve come in me twice by now doesn’t mean you can go on falling in love with me, okay?”
Brightening, Adrian sidled closer to you, the green of his eyes glimmering beneath the flickering lights hanging over your desk. “Don’t worry, that won’t be a problem. If anything, you should watch out for falling in love with me. I’m quite the catch, you know?”
It was hard to suppress the growing grin forming over your lips. “You’ve got the Barbie Girl song as your ringtone.”
“Yeah, and? It’s a good song—super catchy. It’s practically a chick magnet,” he defended, beaming like an idiot. 
You rolled your eyes, patting his chest twice, before striding away from both him and your desk, off to go to the bathroom to clean up the sticky mess between your thighs. Adrian watched you go, before repeatedly punching the air with excitement and breaking out into a dance—not to music, but to the buzz of the office’s artificial lights, and the lethargic whir of the semi-broken air conditioner. 
 From outside, he could hear Chris greet you, and he momentarily paused in his little victory jig.
“Oh, hi, Y/N! Hah, your hair’s all messed up, why do you look like you just had your brains fucked—oh. Oh. God damn it, you guys better not have done it on my desk again!”
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soffpisces · 6 months
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hickey prank!!
enha!hyung line
warnings: suggestive, foul language (jake's got a potty mouth), mdni
you were about to give up on your prank as the third hour passed at the dorm, and he still hadn't noticed the red splotch on your neck. sighing loudly, you cross your arms and decide to glare at the back of his head, hoping he'll feel your stare. he does about two minutes later and glances back at you sitting on his bed. pausing his game, he pulls his left headphone off his ear and huffs a laugh at your face.
"what's with the pout, doll?" by his smug grin you can automatically tell he's messing with you. the frown on your face melts and you get up from your place on the edge of his bed, uncrossing your arms to push at his shoulder guiltily.
"you're no fun!" you complain to him with a laugh while he gasps dramatically.
"oh my- are you cheating on me!?" he exclaims, clearly just poking fun at you now, wiping at your neck. he holds his finger with the purple eyeshadow up to your face with amusement. "it looks like somebody smashed a blueberry on your neck, babe."
heeseung truly never lets you win.
you almost feel bad when you see his smile slide straight off his face as he lets you through the door. deciding to keep up the act, you smile at him and step past with a kiss on his cheek.
"hey, baby!" you exclaim cheerfully, not getting very far as he catches your wrist and pulls you to him.
"you have something to tell me, y/n?" he says, eyeing your neck with a confused frown. of course, this man was not going to let this slide. if you had even cut a centimeter off the ends of your hair he would notice right away and compliment your haircut. you didn't know why you thought he wouldn't notice at first, and now you have to act dumb.
"hmm..." you pretend to think and look up at him innocently. "i love you?" you say cheekily, trying to hide your fake guilt. although, with how he's looking at you, it's turning into real guilt. your heart quickens with the way his eyes dart around your face and down to your neck.
"not quite the answer i was looking for, sweetheart," his expression turns even more serious as his thumb goes to swipe at the fake hickey. you try not to give anything away in your expression when his thumb wipes away the pigment.
he brings his thumb up to examine it with confusion, "is that-"
"april fools!" you cut him off as realization dawns on him (it's not even april).
"you little-" he has you dangling over his shoulder in half a second, producing a screech from you.
"wait! i'm sorry!" you plead with a laugh, feeling everything you had in your hands fall to the floor. though he cuts your begging off with a sharp spank on your ass.
"oh you’ll be sorry alright.”
he noticed the mark on your neck faster than you initially expected. that's not saying he's not attentive, but usually he's got his head in the clouds.
you had put the makeup on messily in his bathroom with the little makeup you brought to the dorm. when you were done trying to make it look believable, you made your way out and sat with him on the couch. it was almost impossible to hold in your laugh at the thought of pranking him, so you got up with the excuse of getting water from the kitchen. of course, he had to smack your ass as you passed (bf tax), but you only half-glared at him as you made your way out of the room.
jake comes creeping into the kitchen not even 30 seconds after you leave him, and you almost grin at his curious look. one of his hands wraps around your waist and the other one takes the glass of water out of your hand to set it on the counter.
"what're you doing baby?" you can tell he now realizes something's up as he searches your face. deciding you want to move things along, you noticeably shift so your neck is in view and try to hide a giggle as he finally notices the red splotch.
before you even respond to his question he’s asking, "what the fuck is that?"
"what do you mean, jakey?" you grin innocently at him. he looks almost dumbfounded at this.
"i mean this big ass hickey on your fucking neck, y/n." he's now holding your jaw so that your neck is presented to him. you can tell he's starting to get angry as his hold tightens on your face, so you decide to give the act up.
"babe, it's just a prank," you giggle out as he finally releases your face. the relief on his face is instant, and your skin tingles as he wipes his thumb down your neck. his dumbfounded expression just makes you laugh harder, practically collapsing on the counter behind you.
"yea? you think it's funny?" he's playfully growling at you while he plops you down on the countertop, shoving your legs apart so he can stand between them. you immediately notice the change in the air and gasp when his mouth meets the sensitive skin of your neck.
"won’t be funny for long, brat.”
he knows something's up the second your eyes meet (especially because of the thick scarf wrapped around your neck...it's september). he lets you through the door with a raised eyebrow at your meek greeting.
"what's with the scarf? your grandma make it or something?" he says, tugging on the end of it. your hands quickly grab it to put it back in place, keeping up your act.
"yes, actually. it's hand-knit!" you exclaim innocently and smile up at him. he's clearly not convinced as his face twists up.
"that's lovely. would you like to hang it up, perhaps? it's like 80 degrees..." he trails off as you brush past him and put your stuff down.
"mmm no, i think i'll keep it on," you respond passively; your expression almost breaks at the look on his face.
the silence is palpable between you two as you stare at each other in silence. wow, your acting skills are superior.
"what's under the scarf, doll." it clearly was not a question but more of a demand for you to remove it as he stalked closer to you.
you swallow down a giggle as you take a step back for every step he takes.
"well that would be my neck, you see-" your squeak is cut off as you see him speed up. deciding to make a run for it, you position yourself behind the couch; the opposite side as him.
the two of you have a show-down for about a second before he breaks the silence.
"if you show me now, i'll be nice." he offers and crosses his arms. you almost give in, seeing his muscles bulge under his t-shirt.
"you're not giving off very nice vibes right now..." you say, eyeing the kitchen as your escape. he catches your movement a second too late as you sprint to the kitchen in hopes of salvation.
your prayers are answered as you spot an unassuming heeseung hovered over the ramen on the stove.
"heeseung! help!" you beg frantically with a laugh. at the least, he seems a little frazzled as you use him as a human shield against your boyfriend.
"y/n? what's happening?" he tries looking over his shoulder in confusion as you peek around him to look at an unimpressed sunghoon.
"he's gonna get me!" you cry out pointing at the man.
"hyung, i'll deal with this," he grumbles and stalks towards the two of you. your grip on hee's shoulders tightens as you plead, "hoon, please-" you cut off as heeseung moves so sunghoon can grapple you.
your laugh echoes through the kitchen as you get thrown over his shoulder in one move. "it's a prank! please hoon! somebody help!
a sharp spank interrupts your pleading and hysterical laughs.
heeseung's head pops out from around the kitchen corner, "don’t break anything!”
in my corny era🙈🙈sorry hee’s is so short!!
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gyllenhaalstories · 6 months
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summary: not even a christmas miracle can save a familly dinner with the cahills from turning into a debacle.
warnings: i'm quoting a scene from the movie but i'm taking creative liberties, food & eating, curse words, family feud, smut (quickie, semi public sex, pussy eating & fingering). 18+ NO MINORS.
word count: 2440
photo credits: me (@/gyllenhaalstories) / divider credits: @/saradika & @/saradika-graphics
notes: ending a second year with a tommy fic just felt right. ❤️💚 thank you for reading & REMEMBER TO REBLOG!
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"This food is great, Elsie. Thank you." Tommy broke the awkward silence that loomed over the dinner table. Despite the smaller plate full of discarded peas in front of him, he still enjoyed the homemade dinner offered to him.
You opened your mouth to thank the older woman, too, for being such a lovely host but you were cut off by a wave of arrogance and bitterness that washed over your side of the table.
"Compared to what?" Hank Cahill huffed mockingly.
You helped Tommy's youngest niece and silently prayed that this would not degenerate for the sake of the kids. But of course it would. It was not a proper dinner at the Cahills if it did not end up in a screaming match. "Let it go." You leaned closer to your boyfriend to whisper those words, but your attempt at calming him down was, rightfully, vain.
Tommy dropped his fork on his plate and threw his hands up, shrugging. "Other food." He sounded defeated, knowing he already lost the fight that had barely started.
"Prison food?" His father retorted.
Tommy was a ticking time bomb around his family. Again, rightfully so. Hank just loved to handle his oldest son like a grenade, throwing him in a ditch once he started the explosion so he would not have to take the blame for the collateral damage. Tommy slammed his closed fist on the table.
"Tommy!" Sam called out his name, so quick to protect his father.
And, just as quickly, Tommy shut up. He reached his arm in front of you so he could reach to the other side, trying to reassure Maggie.
You could feel that he was fuming and he tried to hold it in so things would settle down. Instead, Hank mumbled into his plate and ate a spoonful of green peas.
Unable to handle the tension, Tommy promptly sprang to his feet and walked away to hide in the bathroom.
Nobody ever stood up for Tommy. Elsie would excuse herself to the kitchen. Grace would focus on her daughters. Sam would watch with his mind lost elsewhere and, mostly, without a care for the way his father treated his brother. Nobody truly ever ever stood up for Tommy except you. If Hank took a certain malevolent delight in being mean to his son, you took just as much pleasure in calling him out for it.
You stood up just as promptly as Tommy did and threw your napkin on the table. "With all due respect, mister Cahill..."
That sentence always succeeded in putting an angry smirk on the elderly man's face. He knew you had little to no respect for him, which was exactly what he deserved.
You looked at Maggie and Isabelle, bringing your hands to your ears so they would imitate you. They giggled as they pretended to hum a little sing-song to cover up the sound of your potty mouth. "You have no room to talk as the poor excuse of a father that you are." You took advantage of the fact Tommy was out of the room to lay the truth before his father. He would not allow it otherwise. "Tommy appreciates the hard work your wife did to prepare us a lovely Christmas dinner more than you ever could. He sure as hell didn't learn thankfulness from you and you should be glad he didn't learn how to be an asshole like you 'cause that's all you know how to teach."
Isabelle and Maggie uncovered their ears and resumed to eating and talking to each other. It broke your heart a to witness just how used they had gotten to this dysfunctional family.
You pushed your chair behind you and walked around the table. You stood by the head of it and, on the other side, there was Sam standing up and looking at you with a hint of disdain, but mostly surprise. Even he could not stand up to Hank in such a way. All the bravery and courage and praise about how he was so strong for serving his country so proudly turned into dust when it came to facing a bad guy such as his father. You held his gaze for a few seconds before you huffed, in the same manner as Hank did earlier. "So much for being a hero." You looked at both Sam and Hank one last time before you made a beeline to the bathroom.
You closed the door behind you and took a moment to assess the scene.
Tommy was pacing back and forth in the small bathroom. He looked tense but his demeanour softened when he locked eyes with you. He shrugged, silently apologizing.
"They'll be fine." You reassured him, easily guessing that he worried about his nieces. "You'll be fine too." Your hand reached to his cheek that you stroked lovingly. "Yeah?"
"Yeah." Tommy nodded, pressing his lips together. He kissed your forehead and lingered, as if he was charging his batteries up and as if they were fuelled by the sweet scent of your perfume and the warmth that emanated from you and comforted him effortlessly. "It's just that—"
You shushed him with a peck on his lips. "Let's forget about it for now, alright?" You were met with a frown and a quizzical gaze. "They're gonna keep on being annoying. They're your family, it's what they do best." He agreed with a shrug. "Your father has already ruined so many things for you. Don't let that angry old man ruin Christmas."
You heard a faint chuckle coming from Tommy. "Like the Grinch?"
You laughed along with him. "Exactly like the Grinch."
He leaned forward for a kiss. He inhaled your scent again and further calmed down. He pulled back with a grin on his face. "I thought it was good that I talked about my feelings?"
"It is!" You defended yourself quickly. It was something you put a lot of emphasis on, to help Tommy better himself like he wanted. All that pent-up anger would lead nowhere if he followed the example of his brother and father. "I'm proud of you for working on that and talking about how you feel with me. You're doing so good at talking."
He mouthed the words 'thank you' but he frowned again while you caressed his arms up and down, the sleeves of his shirt awkwardly following your movements. It took a few seconds, but he caught on. "Let me guess..."
"Enough talking for now." You moved in closer and whispered at his ear. His family made enough noise to cover whatever sounds the two of you could make. You both knew it, it was not the first time you sneaked away from them. "But..." He squinted at you. "It's not a crime to find your boyfriend hot when he's lashing out at other people, right?"
He shook his head, telling you that it was not a crime either for him to think what you did earlier was even hotter. "Yeah, enough talking for now." Tommy smirked and pressed a kiss on your lips, a kiss that got deep and rough in no time. The mood shift was very much welcome.
Your hands caressed their way up to the collar of his shirt, clinging onto it. You kept making out, only taking quick breaks to catch your breath.
Meanwhile, Tommy's hands moved down to your ass and gave it a hard squeeze. He guided you towards the vanity so you could lean on the counter, not once did his lips leave yours. Instead, his tongue invaded your mouth and he swallowed your moans.
You held his face in your hands for a moment or two, enjoying the kiss to the fullest before you moved on to something else.
He pulled his head back when he felt your hand now in his short hair. Tommy smirked and, without any resistance, he let you push down on him until he got on his knees.
"You look so pretty down there." You murmured.
You thought he was too distracted to hear you by the way he hungrily peppered kisses on the inside of your thighs, but the words you spoke sent a wave of pleasure down to his cock. That's not what he wanted to focus on right now.
The main focus was you and the soft whimpers you let out when he kissed your pussy over your panties. You were glad Tommy convinced you to wear a skirt for Christmas dinner.
He grunted, displeased by how his brain reminded he did not have the luxury to take his time. He pushed your panties to the side and held the fabric out of the way with his thumb as the rest of his hand pushed your leg open for him. He buried his tongue between your folds and let out a moan louder than yours.
You covered your mouth with one hand and bunched your skirt up with the other.
Tommy’s tongue lapped at your pussy, closing his eyes blissfully at the taste of you.
You started to move your hips, disregarding the uncomfortable counter that rubbed against your ass. You humped Tommy’s face and your eyes rolled to the back of your head as his nose bumped on your clit, and as his tongue teased your entrance.
With his spit and your wetness, it was like your body was begging for him to fuck you. You had to wait for that, and he was already getting impatient. He pushed his middle finger inside of you and sucked on your clit, that was as close as he would get to feeling you wrapped around him.
Luckily for you, the Christmas music coming from the living room kept your activities safe between Tommy and you. There was no way your moans, and Tommy’s, could be heard.
But, to be even more careful, Tommy’s hand on your thigh gave it a squeeze. He flicked his tongue on your clit just how you liked it, pumping his finger in and out of you quite fast.
You abandoned your skirt to put your hand on his head and hold him in place. It was the most subtle way you could think of telling him that he felt so fucking good.
And he knew it. He pulled away for a short moment, just long enough to catch his breath and to give you one of his cocky smirks. His beard was glistening, his lips were wet and his eyes were dark with lust.
You barely had enough time to admire this beautiful sight that he was back at it. His beard burned on your sensitive skin, but, in the heat of the moment, it felt too good to stop. He was making your head fall back in pleasure as you felt the familiar tension of your orgasm approach.
Tommy's finger curled up inside you, finding that sweet spot that made you whimper. His tongue met with your clit and this time, he was not stopping. He was not stopping even if you tried so had to close your legs around him. He was not stopping even if you tried to control the pace with your hand on his head. He wanted, and needed, you to cum and he knew just how much you needed it too.
"Oh, fuck!" You moaned out, immediately biting on your finger to prevent another slip up. You wanted to tell him so badly how close you were, but it was pointless.
He already knew. He sucked on your clit and pumped his middle finger in your wet pussy a few more times until he felt your walls clench tight around him. Tommy fought against your body, just carrying you over the edge until he was convinced you could no longer take it.
Your vision was blurry aside from the little stars that were spinning around Tommy's head when you looked down. You forgot how to breathe, how to move even, until Tommy slowly slid his finger out of you and let you come back to your senses.
The sloppy kiss you shared after that was heavenly. You could taste yourself on his lips and his tongue, and it only got the two of you even more eager for what would happen the second you were left actually alone.
Tommy adjusted your panties back in their place and flattened your skirt, or, well, he tried to. You looked rough and so did he with his face shiny from your wetness.
You kissed him again, quickly, before you turned the faucet on and helped him wash himself clean as best as you could get it. While the water was running, you moved closer to his ear and asked a rather important question. "So, what's the escape plan?"
Tommy's eyes widened. Right. You guys needed a plan. It was not the first time you sneaked away like that, but he always forgot how awkward it could be. "Can you fake a tummy ache?"
"You're so clever." You chuckled and patted his face dry with a tissues.
The two of you took deep breaths and tried to darken your expression, although it was hard to shake off the pure pleasure you had experienced.
They were surprisingly gullible and believed in your lame excuse, at the exception of Maggie who whispered to her sister that you were one of Santa's elves and uncle Tommy had to drive you to the toy factory. They were so caught up in their conspiracy theory that they barely let you out without a hug, but they rushed to the front door for a kiss goodbye.
Hank looked at his son disapprovingly, Elsie promised to save slices of pie and cake to be picked up when you felt better. Grace smiled and focused her attention back on her kids and her husband.
You got out of there as if nothing happened. As if there had not been a huge fight, as if that same fight had not been resolved by Tommy devouring your pussy like it was his last meal.
A last meal that needed to be followed by dessert, Tommy's hand that was on your thigh while he drove his truck home reminded you of the rest of your evening plans. You watched him drive and you played the game of whether he could be patient enough to wait for you two to be home or if he would give up halfway and take you in the back of his pick-up.
Judging by the way Tommy was smiling and beaming, one thing was for sure: the Grinch was not successful in stealing Christmas this year.
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meowzfordayz · 1 year
when you’re feeling low — kyojuro, tengen
Author’s Note: don’t mind the potty humor in Tengen’s. 🙃😂 #still cute tho
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when you’re feeling low — kyojuro, tengen
Rengoku Kyojuro x Reader, Uzui Tengen x Reader
Word Count: ~700
CW: explicit language
Emergency Request Fulfilled: I was wondering if I could maybe have something alone the lines of Rengoku and Tengen giving the reader a little pick-me-up when their feeling really down?
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“Sweetheart,” Kyojuro greets you—softer than usual—from the couch, brows furrowing at the sound of your backpack slamming to the ground, “Did you have a difficult day?”
“That’s one way to put it,” you snort, stomping over to the kitchen, “How was yours?”
Thank fuck you think as you turn on the electric kettle, already filled halfway.
“I am happy to focus on you,” he answers gently, standing quietly while watching your frenzied movements, “Which mug would you like?”
“I don’t know,” you mutter as he joins you in the kitchen, “The biggest mug we have?”
“Are you making a caffeinated beverage?” he chuckles, tone tinged with concern despite his teasing expression, warmth emanating from his body as he fills in the space.
You huff, glaring sarcastically as he reaches up for the biggest mug in the cabinet, “None of your business, Rengoku Kyojuro.”
“I forget my place, my sincere apologies!” he grins fondly, placing the mug on the counter beside you before bowing deeply, “However,” he continues lightly, rising once more to meet your eyes, “Might I suggest that your displeasure is my business, and that I care very much about your wellbeing?”
“You can suggest it,” you scoff, trying your best to remain pouty despite the smiling tugging at the corner of your mouth, “Doesn’t mean I’ll believe it.”
“What if I finish making your tea, and you make yourself cozy on the couch? I am certain my spot is still toasty, if you would like to claim it?”
“I suppose actions speak louder than words,” you hum with an air of indifference, unable to stop your smile from shining through, “Thank you Kyo.”
“Who is this Kyo?” he gasps, affronted, “I know only of one Rengoku Kyojuro!”
“Oh hush,” your nose crinkles, shoulders loosening as he pulls you into a suffocating hug, promptly melting into his firm embrace.
“No, you hush,” he murmurs, squeezing until you squeak, smirking with satisfaction as his hold barely loosens, “You are terribly cute, and would look even terribly cuter decompressing on the couch.”
“I think you just decompressed all the bones in my body,” you groan, wiggling helplessly, “Let me gooo.”
“Alright, alright,” he laughs brightly, distancing himself just far enough to kiss your forehead, “I love you.”
“And I love you,” you grumble, cheeks flushed, “My dearest, annoyingest, Rengoku Kyojuro.”
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“What do you need?”
“Excuse me?” you raise an eyebrow, head turning toward Tengen posturing lazily in the bathroom doorway, “I’m peeing.”
“For twenty minutes?” he smirks, “You should’ve said you were pooping,” eyes flickering downward, “And taken off your pants. Then, you might’ve convinced me.”
“Are we really doing this right now?” your eyes roll as you stand, phone slipped into your pocket, “Maybe I was about to pee.”
“I watched you come in here twenty minutes ago-”
“Stalker,” you interject playfully.
“-and I just wanted to make sure you’re okay,” he finishes, tone softening as your expression hardens.
“I’m fine. You go to the bathroom for forever, and I can’t?” you snort, “Double standard much.”
“If there’s something on your mind, then I’m happy to listen,” he offers gently, ignoring your attempt to deflect his concern.
“So maybe I had a bad day.”
“No shit,” he laughs lightly, stepping fully into the bathroom, “If you want space, then you’re welcome to take up someplace more comfortable than the toilet seat… in fact, what if I needed to pee?”
“You clearly have no qualms with interrupting me.”
“Yeeeah, but if you were actually peeing-”
“Is this supposed to be making me feel better?”
Tengen pauses, warm hand settling on your hip, his confident grin coaxing an endeared scoff from you, “Not necessarily, but I am a pretty decent distractor, wouldn’t you say?”
“I’m sure you would say,” you retort.
“This isn’t about me,” he declares, “This about you and your maybe-a-bad-day, and what I could maybe-do-to-help.”
“Honestly,” you begin, sighing fondly as you allow yourself to lean into his chest, his other arm wrapping securely around your lower back, “You’re doing a great job. Thanks love.”
He whispers You’re welcome darling as your eyes close, mouth quick and reassuring as he kisses the top of your head I love you, hang in there.
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mistress-riddle · 2 years
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𝐁𝐔𝐑𝐍𝐓 𝐎𝐔𝐓. tom riddle.
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❦ ━ CW. mild language, established relationship, NOT PROOFREAD!!
❦ ━ REQUEST. Hello! What about a lil somethin for reader x tommy bby with prompts 54, and 72? — anon
❦ ━ PROMPT. 54. “i never thought i’d ever know what it felt like to look at someone and smile for no reason.” 72. “you’re hot when you’re mad.”
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"fuck!" the sudden disruptance to the silence you sat in had your eyes widen in shock.
"woah," you exclaim as you tilt your head in confusion at your irritated partner "feeling a bit agressive today?"
"nothing's bloody working out for me today so do excuse my sour mood." you sigh as you drop what previously occupied your attention to check on the angry 7th year before he decided to blow up the room.
tom stood hunched over a table, dress robes long discarded and on display were his folded sleeves and slightly loosened tie. he looked messier than he normally was, an obvious sign of distress.
"okay mr. potty mouth, you can calm down now." you joke as you grab a hold of his thesis and skim through it.
"okay mr. potty mouth, you can calm down now." you joke as you grab a hold of his thesis and skim through it.
"okay mr. potty mouth, you can calm down now." you joke as you grab a hold of his thesis and skim through it.
"looks easy enough, right?" he asks after feeling you subtly judge him and you nod your head immediately "that's what's pissing me off."
"you don't normally struggle, what's on your mind?"
tom releases a heavy exhale at your question and runs a hand over his face before combing through his curly hair "it's nothing."
you don't believe it and he knows you don't believe it once he catches a glimpse of your pointed stare and another exhale leaves his lips as he begins to lose himself in deep thought.
"tommy." you call after a minute or two and he turns to you with a questioning look "what's been plaguing your thoughts?" you ask once more and he nibbles on his lips, the first you've ever seen him do so.
"do you think?..." he begins and you watch as he folds his arms and places his hand over his mouth in a rubbing motion before continuing "I'm burnt out?" he finally whispers.
you pause and hold his stare "why do you ask?"
tom grimaces as he takes it as yes "dumbledore claimed that I was 'burnt out' and suggested I take a break but I knew he was actually looking down on me so instead of doing that, I said I was just fine and stated that I had actually started a research on a topic in transfiguration that I wanted him to review,"
you arched à brow in curiousity "when's he expecting it to be done?"
"I told him he can review it by the end of the week..."
"you're bloody mental." you scoff as you shake your head at him “you let him instigate you and now you've reached your limit.”
"[name], you know how dumbledoor is with me-"
"thomas, you have other responsibilities for merlins sake, you're the head boy and you run multiple clubs!"
"i know but-"
"transfiguration isn't even your best subject and you're bloody compiling your workload?"
tom is stunned as you have a go at him but the truth was, he's learned to tune people out and so all he's really focusing on is your irritated expression and he utters the next line subconsciously "you're hot when you're mad."
"complimenting me won't complete the projects you've started that need finishing." you remind him as you point at the parchments stacked on top of each other and he releases a sigh.
"it's fine, I'll pull an all-nighter and have them done by tomorrow."
"absolutely not." you shake your head definitively and begin to push him to take a seat "I'll go over your thesis and see if the practical work fits it while you rest."
"I can do it myse-"
"no, I won't put up with your little tantrums every time you get something wrong." you decline immediately and he gives you an exasperated look "just take a break."
tom finally relents as he leans back in the chair once he acknowledges your persistent look "fine." you place a kiss randomly on his head before you began analyzing the theory work once again in order to test out the practical aspect.
tom watches you from his spot beside the fire, your face scrunched in total concentration as you quietly speak to yourself and he mutters lowly to no-one in particular “i never thought i’d ever know what it felt like to look at someone and smile for no reason.”
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❦ ━ TAGLIST. @bellatrixscurls @veroriddle @latte125 @pearlstiare @wvsh @anyqueen008 @potters-heart @shibble @eleventhboi @teenwolfbitches28 @mr-marvolo-riddle @teenwolfbitches28 @daddymalfoy-issues @sugar-quilled
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howlingday · 4 months
Nora VS Yang
Yang: Hey, uh... Should we be playing this?
Nora: What do you mean?
Yang: Won't we get banned for playing this? Y'know, because of the dark themes and all that?
Nora: Girl, why are you acting like such a coward right now-?
Yang: Hey, hey! Who the fuck are you calling a coward?
Nora: Oh, I'm sorry! I didn't realize there was a third person in this room!
Yang: Bitch, I will drop your sh-
Yang: ...Oh, shit.
Nora: Excuse our potty mouths. Hi there, everyone! It's Nora and-
Yang: Hey! Last I checked, we did a poll and everyone wanted "Yang and Nora", not "Nora and Yang"! I do the intros here!
Nora: Oh... My bad-
Yang: Yeah. Your bad!
Nora: Oho, you better take that assertive attitude out of your voice because I KNOW you're not talking to me like that!
Yang: You wanna go?!
Nora: Bitch, you ain't said a fucking word! Let's fucking go!
Yang: Aight! Put your fucking paws up, then!
Nora: Yeah, they are up, and I got the oil!
Yang: Alright, fine, then let's... Bitch, what?
Nora: Yeah, the oil. Y'know, 'cause we're gonna wrestle, so we might as well put on a show for the OnlyFans, right?
Yang: What?! No!
Nora: But why though?
Yang: Girl... You're WEIRD. And, I'm sorry, but did you fucking say "OnlyFans"? You've got an OnlyFans?
Nora: Don't you?
Yang: No!
Nora: See? Then that means you're not about your money then!
Yang: Girl, what the fu-
Nora: By the way, I don't really have an OnlyFans. Sorry to all the fans getting their hopes up over it.
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snowwolflover · 7 months
A deal is deal
part 14
"Go ahead a take a quick shower and then we will get everything ready for your date" Miss Rae offered. I agree and she walked over and grabbed a towel from the cabinet and a matching hair towel and brought them over setting on the counter. "I'll be back in a little bit" She added. As she walked out I began to take off my clothes. I saw some hangers on a door so I hung up my clothes and folded the rest and set them on the counter then I jumped in the shower. She had a high walking shower with jets and shower heads everywhere. I started with the rain fall shower head and just let the water run all over me.
Down stairs Ameera was still feeding the baby's. She had pulled out some jars of baby food and set the on the island and was spoon feeding Michelle and Kit Kat. Grace was really starting to squirm in her seat. Ameera walked over to her "Are you ok sweetie?" she asked and Graces mumbled yes but was clearly not paying attention. Ameera watched her for a moment and then took a spoon full of the mixed veggies baby food jar she had in her hand and guided it right in to Graces mouth. Once the flavor hit Grace she snapped out of it and realized what happened. She started to spit it out but Ameera cut her off "No No No, we don't spit out our food. we swollow it." she said as she pushed another spoon full in to Graces mouth. Grace was not pleased but did swollow it. Miss Rae walked in to the room just then. She checked on all the baby's and what they were eating and commended Ameera on doing such a good job.
Just then she saw Grace sitting in her chair with nothing in front of her. "Gracie, baby. Did you already eat everything?" she asks. "No Miss Rae. I had lunch with Tiffany already" Grace explained. "Ok baby, I understand but I would like you to have something so I know your tummy is ok before nap time, ok" Miss Rae told her. "But I'm not hungry" Grace started to complain before being cut off by Ameera. "Miss Rae I'll make sure Grace has something small." She told them both, then she looked at Grace and said. "Your not allowed to leave the table until your have eaten your meal" she added. With that Ameera walked over in front of Grace and set down two jars of baby food. "Let me know when your ready to start eating" Ameera told her. Then Ameera and Miss Rae were talking back and forth while once again Grace zoned out trying not to make a mess in her pants.
By this point her stomach was really started to go crazy. She's fighting and fighting it so much which only seems to make it worse. Just then she noticed that Ameera takes one of the Twins out of her chair and starts to walk them to the bathroom. A few minutes later the two come back and she puts her back in her chair. "Ameera, can I go potty too.... please?" Grace asks. "Baby your in a diaper. your ok, go ahead and use it and I'll change you after." She replied. Grace was unhappy with that reply but knew she was stuck. Miss Rae excused herself from the room and went in to her home office leaving the kids to have lunch and just as she walked out Grace lost the battle and started to load her diaper. She tried to lift herself up in her chair to make it a little easier but she couldn't stop it at all. Once she was down going she took a deep breath and tried to relax herself. "Ameera I'm done now can I please get changed?" she asked. Ameera looked back at her from the otherside of the counter. "Yes baby I'll change you, right after we are done like I said. Let me know when your ready to eat yours." She tells Grace. "You said you would change me after I went?" Grace starts to snap. "No, I said after. I've already told you we can't leave the table until we are done and I have to take you all the way upstairs to change you and I can't leave the baby's here that long, and you had better watch your tone young lady. You in this situation because your in trouble, don't make it worse. Let me know when your ready to eat and we can get this over with." Ameera quickly corrected her.
Upstairs I finished my shower and dried off. I was looking at myself in the mirror and exfoliating my face with the scrubs and soaps she had. As I'm doing this I hear Miss Rae call out Knock knock as she comes around the corner and in to the bathroom. "Oh good your getting things taken care of. Did you make sure to clean up and shave while in the shower" she's asks. I half laughed and said "Yes ma'am, I did." She smiled and walked over to the closet and started to look around. After a couple of minutes she called for me to come in. I washed my face off once more and then walked in to see she had pulled out a few options for me to look at.
There was a white pencil dress with Blue flowers, a silver dress with a shirt skirt and a black dress with a mid length skirt that had a slit in it. I picked the black dress and went to go get my folded clothes. Miss Rae stopped me "Will the underwear you had on work with this dress or do you need some?" she asked. I looked at what I had been in and although they would be ok they are not what I would pick out if I were home. Miss Rae could see my thinking about it and spoke up. "Take a look at these" she said as she pulled out a few sets of bras and panties she had. "My company sells these and I have some samples down in the office so I'm sure I can find your size. Do you like any of these ones?" she offered. I looked at them and because of the dress I picked out a simple black thong and a bra with some lace. Miss Rae left and went down to her office to find the set for me.
Back down stairs Ameera was finishing up with the other children at this point and getting there faces cleaned up. "Ok Ameera, Can I please have my lunch?" Grace asked sulking by this point. "Yes baby" Ameera answered. She walked over to Grace and grabbed a jar and opened the top. She put the spoon in and started to stir It up. Once it was ready she scooped up a bite and feed it to Grace "Ummm yummy carrots" she said is she slipped the spoon in to Graces waiting mouth. Grace swollowed it as fast as she could and reopened. Ameera kept feeding her bites as Miss Rae came in again to check on everyone as she was going to the office. "Oh. Ameera it smells like someone is going to need a change when your down" Miss Rae says out loud as she walks over and checks Michelle diaper. Ameera smiled, "Yes Miss Rae. It's Grace and I will get her and everyone else changed and down for a nap shortly." She confirmed. Miss Rae went in the office and dug around for a moment and then came back out holding the lingerie on a hanger. She walked back in the kitchen and showed it to Grace. "I got these for Tiffany, do you like them?" she said as she showed them to Grace. Grace smiled and she shook her head.
Miss Rae smiled and walked back upstairs to Tiffany and Ameera finished feeding Grace her carrots. Once Grace finished the jar Ameera opened the second one and made quick work of feeded that one to Grace. Lucky for Grace it was apple sauce this time and was much easier for her as the flavor was similar to what she's had. Once everyone was done eating Ameera get everyone down and took them all upstairs. She made Grace wait in the playroom with the kids as she took each child youngest to oldest in to there rooms and got them ready for a nap. Finally it was Graces turn and she was taken in to her new nursery and put on the changing table. He face was bright red at this point but Ameera paid no attention to it. she took down the dirty diaper and took her time cleaning her up with out saying much. Once she was done getting her cleaned up and the dirty diaper was in the diaper pail she asked Grace, are you ready to start behaving now? Grace with a tear in her eye nodded her head and said yes.
Ameera grabbed a pull up from under the table and put it on Grace and then brought her down. she took of Graces top and slipped on a PJ top she had gotten. "Little ones don't wear pants to bed, this way it's much easier for me to check and if needed change them when they are asleep" Ameera tells her. "Now I'm going to put you down for a nap but I don't think Tiffany will be here when you wake up. Do you want to go say bye before you lay down?" Ameera offered. "Yes please, I know she has a date tonight but I thought auntie Kat was going to watch me tonight?" Grace asks. "Let's go talk to Tiffany and see what she wants to do" Ameera says nicely as she takes Graces hand.
The two walk in to Miss Rae's room and around to the bathroom. Tiffany was standing in front of the mirror working on her hair. She was in the black lingerie Miss Ray had showed off along with some black hoes and a garter belt. Her dress was hanging on the back of a door with the heels sitting just under them. Miss Rae was seated in a chair at her vanity off to the side a little. "Tiffany your little one wanted to say Bye before she takes her nap" Ameera announced. Tiffany turned and set down the curling iron. "Ok, Come here sweetie" Tiffany said as she opened her arms for a hug. Grace ran over and gave her a big hug. "Miss Rae, I was going to have Kat baby sit Gracie tonight, Should I cancel that?" Tiffany asks. "Sweetheart, That's up to you. Gracie is always welcome here but if you already have a sitter then we can drop her off later when Kat is ready?" Miss Rae tells them. Grace looked up at Tiffany for a moment. Grace spoke up "I'm ok doing either way. I'm going to go take a nap for now and then if Kat still wants to babysit then we can, if she has other plans or anything I'll stay the night here". Tiffany gave Grace another hug and then patted her butt, "Thank you sweetie." she said to Grace. "Miss Rae, I'll have Kat text you later today when she's out of class and you can go from there if that's ok?" Tiffany continued. "That's fine love" Miss Rea replied with a big smile.
Grace Ran over and gave Miss Rae a hug to and then walked back to Ameera and took her hand. "Ok, nap time" Grace said as the two started to walk out. Miss Rae and Tiffany both laughed a little and then went back to talking themselves. Ameera took Grace in and helped her in to her bed. She set a sippy cup down on a table next to the bed for her Incase she got thirsty and gave her a kiss on the forehead.
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Sweet Dreams little one.
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overwatchfics · 1 year
hello! can i request genji nsfw hcs ?
Genji NSFW HCs
A/N: I'm not duper great with male smut so heads up. It used to be restricted on my rules but I'm giving it a try. (Also I'm having SUCH a hard time imagining Genji naked and I'm cracking up so pardon if this isn't good I'm just laughing my ass off thinking mercy gave him a fully weaponed robo-schnitzel please excuse me my 5 year old potty mouth is coming out lmfao)
Talk about a real smooth talker Genji is pretty damn good at it.
You're pretty convinced he talked your pants off in the first place
Genji is very big into foreplay, and in particular loves to give oral.
He feels that his face is once if the few parts of him that has the capability to actually feel you
So Genji will glady put hit tongue to use, in a way that has you twitching everytime he runs across your clit.
He'll only add his fingers if you ask, he's insecure about using them since they can't feel anything and he fears it will take you away from the experience.
Oh how wrong he was.
I hope you have crutches Anon because you're not going to be able to walk to walk the next day.
With vibration to use you'll be flailing helplessly on the bed, clothing the sheets or his head riding him like no tomorrow
Speaking of riding, Genji's favorite position is cowgirl
This way you can lean over him and plant your hands on his chest, this makes him melt, he'll lean up and hold you there with him.
He's very big into body worship and praise
Leaves kisses all over your body and if you do the same you can here whirring of the machinery in his body (like the purring of a cat)
Aside from that I feel that Genji is pretty vanilla, but he's such a wholesome robot boy.
Blackwatch Genji though? Whole other story I'll get to that another day.
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snaililita · 7 days
Aightt,I had an idea for fluff dtk x (gn)reader who is Asymmetrical, meaning their appearance is Asymmetrical/messy n they're somewhat more chaotic. Basically a whole polar opposite of Kid. But yet they somehow work together,as if they complete each other(like reader helping Kid calm down when he's worried abt smth being asymmetrical too much,n Kid calming down reader when they act as if they got sugar overdose n would destroy everything on their way)
Basically yin n yang couple,,,
It can be a oneshot,or headcanon,or both,,I'd lov to read anything:))
OMG THIS IS BASICALLY ESU 72(my OC) AND KID ALREADY EJFKEKFK dw I got this in the baaaaag😔😔😔👏👏👏👏 This just an excuse to ramble about how much I LOOOOVE THIS DYNAMIC😩😩😩 (Pictures of Esu will be at the end if you're curious about her!)
Death the Kid x Asymmetrical!Reader~☆٭꙳
TW: Kid swears cuz he's potty mouth, other than that we gucci!!
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☆ You.
☆ YOU.
☆ You were HORRIBLY asymmetrical and so unbearably friendly. With your stupid outfit and uneven bangs. They were lopsided!! Oh it drove him CRAZY.
☆ But your overly friendly rear end just keeps on /showing/ up. You never seem to want to leave him alone.
☆ Everything about you two was different, even down to your colour schemes!
☆ He was a pessimist, you were an optimist. He was an asshole, you were a ray of sunshine. He was a ballerina, you were a punk. (/j about that one.)
☆ Even your combat styles managed to be opposites with him being far ranged and fast you being hand to hand and a little slower.
☆ But somehow, that made you guys work like clock work almost.
☆ Where he falters, you cover him. And where you struggle, he picks up your slack.
☆ For instance, he isn't the most social person but definitely knows how to carry a conversation where as you want to make friends, but you're extremely awkward.
☆ So he'll help pull up topics for you while you do all the talking for him.
☆ Me thinks you guys would have matching outfits, but in an opposites kinda way.
☆ Like he'd wear black and purple with yellow accents and you'd wear white and yellow with purple accents. You feel me?
☆ You're also kind of more on the dumb side, so he helps you with homework since he's the brains of the two of you.
☆ But you're infuriating little grin makes up for your dense noggin.
☆ You probably wear lots of colours opposed to Kid's monochromatic colour scheme. Like that one rainbow hair girl and the goth one, yeah that's you and Kid.
☆ I imagine you'd also try your best to straighten paintings with Kid but always be an inch off and he'd rant and rave at you.
☆ But he also apologizes after cuz he realises he was being a douche and you were just trying your best:(
☆ "Damnit, I'm sorry that was impolite. I... didn't mean any of that. You're much more than trash, I assure you."
☆ There was one time you made a bracelet for him, but he refused to wear it cuz it'd make him asymmetrical and unbalanced so you turned around and left.
☆ He thought he upset you so he went to find you, turns out you were making a matching bracelet for him to wear on the other arm so he'd stay balanced.
☆ God he loves you so much and doesn't even realise it. Boy is down bad.
☆ You guys really are like the sun and moon, a golden retriever and a black cat.
☆ Completely opposite, but that also makes you perfectly balanced. You two work together in perfect sync and fill in gaps the other leaves. Two pieces of a puzzle stuck together flawlessly.
☆ Like the little dancers in a music box.
☆ No matter how much of this you point out though, he'll still vehemently deny all of it.
☆ But like, you also do your best to fold toilet-paper for him so maybe you're not too bad. (He would die for you.)
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Heeeere's Esu! I'd lore dump for hours but that'd make this post ten times as long٩( ᐛ )و So I'll leave it with just the info in the reference! Hope you enjoyed the little thingy, stay hydrated and eat well!!! ✨✨✨
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