aamellow · 1 month
Dude one of my ex art friends who can't draw in anything other then family guy art style and was transphobic, spammed me dms to kill myself, refused to use tonetags saying the autistic people in my group "should know it's not that hard" now has 1k followers on Twitter who have this fucker a platform oh my god.
(I'm trying to be so chill about this but as someone who has been struggling to start their art career seeing a shitty person I knew get that is so infuriating)
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anaenconstruccion · 1 month
Ha pasado mucho tiempo desde que escribí mi última carta dramática, y me duele muchísimo que seas tú el próximo destinatario. Esto debí haberlo escrito hace un año exactamente, y la verdad lo postergué porque no quería afrontar todo esto. 
Me rehusaba a ser la víctima de alguien más, me negaba a creer que lo único que había dentro de ti era maldad pero, ahora estoy muy segura de que es así. 
No mereces ni siquiera esta carta, no mereces que te piense un segundo, no mereces que pronuncie tu nombre o que te dedique si quiera una sola letra. Pero a la vez mereces cada una de las palabras en esta carta. 
Me partiste la madre. Y no con tu despedida, eso fue un alivio. Me rompiste el alma desde el momento en el que te conocí, a mí me tomó dos años darme cuenta de la basura que tienes en el corazón, pero a ti te bastaron 2 segundos para ver que dentro de mí sólo había amor, y por eso lo tomaste. 
Ojalá sólo me hubieras mentido, ojalá sólo me hubieras engañado, ojalá sólo me hubieras traicionado pero eso no fue suficiente para ti, no te bastó. 
Ni siquiera las drogas impidieron que te metieras con él, que se burlaran juntos de mí, que me hicieran mierda, que las dos personas más importantes para mí, se unieran en mi contra para hacerme pedazos día con día. 
Hiciste que confiara en ti, que te contara mis traumas, mi pasado, que te implantaras en mi familia, fingiendo ser la mejor amiga que alguien pudiera tener, fingiste que te importaba. Me usaste y eso todavía lo entiendo. 
Lo que no entiendo es cómo pudiste contener toda esa rabia y guardártela cuando me veías. ¿Cómo pudiste reír conmigo y al mismo tiempo mandarle mensajes a él diciendo “Déjala, es un desastre, déjala, está loca”?
Los dos se encargaron de hacerme creer que indeed estaba loca, que yo tenía muchos problemas y que nunca nadie me iba a querer, que lo único que hacía era causar lástima y molestar. De él no me sorprende, de él no me esperaba menos. Pero ¿de ti? Oh, de ti…
Pasé muchos meses avergonzándome de mí misma por ser tan estúpida y confiar en alguien como tú, por no ver las señales, por darte más de lo que tenía. Pero, ¿sabes? La que debería sentirse avergonzada eres tú. 
Sé que en ti no está habilitada la función “sentir” y es por eso que no te deseo ningún mal, ya tienes suficiente con ese corazón. 
Me destrozaste, a mí y a muchas personas más, por eso, estoy segura de que tarde o temprano, tu envidia, tu ira, tu malicia, te terminará destrozando a ti misma. 
 Ésta no es una declaración de odio o una carta llena de rencor, es algo que me servirá como recordatorio de que la gente mala, va a hacer maldades. La gente dañada, hace daño. No les importa a quién, no importa nada, sólo ellos. Y en tu caso, no te importas ni a ti misma. 
Te diría que espero que estés bien y que mejores, que sanes y todo eso pero cuando se trata de ti, ya no tengo esperanza. Supongo que hay una muy buena razón para habernos conocido, sin embargo, no me interesa averiguarla.
No me da vergüenza decir que efectivamente lograste tu cometido, sí me dañaste, sí me rompiste el corazón en más de mil pedazos, sí me hiciste llorar, sí me causaste un trauma, estúpidamente sí te extraño, sí todo.
Pero aquí la que perdió fuiste tú. La que recibía todo eras tú, yo no pierdo nada porque ahora soy consciente de que nunca recibí nada.  
Ana Gala lunes mayo 6, 7:26pm 2024.
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lightbnyx · 11 months
Será que ela também sente a minha falta?
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nobody tells you how hard it is to lose a friend without any particular reason
we didnt get in a fight
we didnt gossip behind eachothers back
we just stopped talking
and its the worst. knowing so much about a stranger. someone that made you the happiest youve ever been, gone without any explanation.
i miss you friend
it will never be the same
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gothsausageparty · 2 months
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tw depression, ableism, suicide
its been so long since me and my exfriend stopped being friends yet i still am not over it. it still hurts so much. not bc we arent friends anymore but what happened after we stopped being them. he knew i talked to a guy and went to his profile on twt and started making fun of my mental health. he knew i was autistic, depressed and tried to k1ll myself before. he knew all that and still laughed at me. he knew i used to be abused and he made fun of it. now hes posting about being such a good person, how amazing he is, and how he is the best bf ever. he doesnt have a gf, he only talks to girls it seems and as far as i know talked to 4 girls at once. he is such a bad person and it hurts me to see people buy his good guy act. why we stopped being friends? i called his online gf ( they never met) that shes friends with a nazi and flirts with a nazi. i told him to talk to her he ignored me so i blocked him. he proceed to do the same, stalk me and then mock my mental health. how do i forget?
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geminibarbi3 · 6 months
update of my life to my tumblr diary,
i have an ex best friend and we currently planned to go out and get some drinks and discuss our differences. we're going on tuesday and i'm scared as fuck because what if we end up like that roaring scene fight from mean girls? lmao
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feeling: queezy and scared!!1
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thewtcho · 2 years
American Pickers fans beg Mike Wolfe to 'reconcile' with ex-friend Frank Fritz after fired star suffers stroke
American Pickers fans beg Mike Wolfe to ‘reconcile’ with ex-friend Frank Fritz after fired star suffers stroke
AMERICAN Pickers fans want to see Mike Wolfe and former costar Frank Fritz “reconcile” after the fired star suffered a stroke. There has been a noticeable distance between the former friends since Frank was removed from the History channel series. 5 After former American Pickers star Frank Fritz suffered a stroke fans have a pleaCredit: Getty 5 They want Mike Wolfe to make amends with the…
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cringefailvox · 4 months
okay you guys got me to talk about staticrose enough that i started a sequel to my qpr fic, hope you're proud of yourselves
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my-fancy-hat · 3 months
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he saw it coming🤷
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withoutalice · 6 months
fandom ask game: transformers!
The first character I first fell in love with: 
literally Bayverse Optimus Prime 😩 I got into the fandom bc of his fat tits ahahha
The character I never expected to love as much as I do now: 
Rodimus, believe it or not. I thought he was going to be annoying and hard to like...he still is annoying and stubborn but he's hot soooo ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
The character everyone else loves that I don’t: 
Oof probably Cyclonus idk his personality just didn't mesh with me when I was reading aha. I love Cygate though ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
The character I love that everyone else hates: 
The character I used to love but don’t any longer:
Starscream 😔 I love him he slays but he's a *little* too hard to like as a character bc of fandom
The character I would totally smooch: 
Soundwave! He's so 🥰
The character I’d want to be like: 
I wish I was as cool as Knockout he literally slays so hard also body goals smhhh (if you know what fic i'm referring to no you dont) But in all seriousness probably Ratchet bc he's just so strong and kind and I'm already the parent of the friend group oughhghg.
The character I’d slap:
probably Arachnid just bc she murdered my comfort character (not her fault but yknow)
A pairing that I love:
Overpan 😭
A pairing that I despise:
DriftRod ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
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ruiiplume · 1 year
OLD ART JUMPSCARE AHEAD (also under my old name i don't go by anymore)
But they will always be my fave arts i drew for fire emblem
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mafuteru · 7 months
even though im a bit on the reclusive side i am still always extremely curious about people and their stories..
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apopcornkernel · 4 days
feel free to explain why in tags!! and rb for sample size 🫶
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takekawa · 5 months
addendum that cannot be put in a nice way either: is self sufficiency in regards to technology just not being encouraged or taught or. or what. dear god. i learned how to pirate as a preteen bc i could not afford things. is this just another economic divide
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thatbendyfan · 11 months
y’all ever *does a little anime girl spin* regret *✌️*
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blakyoo · 1 month
incomprehensible to me why u can still see someones posts even if u block them. i do not want to see this person ever again. free me
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