#explaining the health condition she has and that she IS on a diet and being well taken care of
icedteaandoldlace · 7 months
Person on social media: So my cat is pregnant and—
Cat people in the comments: SPAY AND NEUTER YOUR FUCKING CATS!!!! And if she's your only cat, why was she allowed to go outside, huh?? Don't you know there's CARS and WILDLIFE outside??? Op clearly just wants their cat to die. You don't deserve to have any pets since you clearly don't care about them, and I hope someone takes her away from you and gives her a better life, you heartless monster.
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aita for calling my roommate crazy?
I (28f) live with 2 other people, a former college roommate who I’m pretty close with (29f) and 2nd roommate (28nb) who we both met when we moved in together 2 years ago.
Let me start this out by saying, this isn’t a fandom aita, it’s going to sound a bit weird at first, but bear with me.
I have a medical condition (relevant later) which stopped most of my bones from maturing past puberty (growth plates closing, cartilage not hardening into bones, ect.), so my skeleton is basically stuck somewhere between 13-19, (I look about 17-19, but the last time I tried to buy hard cider, the cashier thought I was 14, so that’s how young I can look). I also have very pale skin (unrelated to my disorder, just a ginger), and (related to my disorder) lack some liver enzymes so I need eat meat or I get sick (the same reason why cats need to eat meat), I ended up in the ER when I lived with my vegan sister for a week and ate the same veggie diet as her.
Trouble is, Roommate 2 is really into conspiracy theories and other fringe stuff. Nothing alt-right or anything, just like, (for example) they fully bought into that Mermaids: the body found show, and wouldn’t be dissuaded, even when Roommate 1 googled it and showed them solid proof that it was fictional. Wholeheartedly believes the US government preformed 9/11, does alternative medicine (homeopathy, ect), wishes there were ‘all natural’ vaccines (still isn’t an anti-vaccer though, just needs to be persuaded that Bill Gates didn’t put microchips in them).
Anyway, Roommate 1 and I have a recurring joke that I’m a vampire because of the meat thing and the pale thing and the not aging thing. Roommate 2 overheard us and laughed, but weirdly. She kinda joked along with us, but she seemed...odd. About a week later, they start asking me stuff about being a vampire. But they seemed friendly and not nervous then and I was hoping they were just joking and I also sincerely thought they were just asking me about how vampires work on one of my shows (I’m a big fan of Carmilla and the Originals), so I tried to explain, but I cited each show when I’m explaining a thing. This continued for several weeks, but getting worse and more weird every time, eventually culminating about 2 and a half months later into them asking me more stuff about life as a vampire and I really realised that they were serious. Bear in mind, Roommate 1 and I were trying to be very clear that we don’t believe in vampires this whole time because we both know how Roommate 2 is about this. As a result, this was the first time I really registered that they seriously seemed to genuinely believe I was a vampire. I firmly told them that I am not a vampire and that vampires aren’t real, they’re fun to joke about, but they aren’t real. They implored me ‘to be straight with them about being a vampire,’ and that ‘I could trust them,’ and I’m ashamed to say, I kinda freaked out at this point, cuz I was afraid that they would be scared of me and maybe try to hurt me, since they seemed kinda unstable because of this.
This is where I think I was an asshole, I am usually very sensitive to mental health issues. I have some c-PTSD myself and there are a lot of mental health issues in my family (unfortunately, I think some history with my own mentally ill father may have made me react this way, since he has very similar issues to Roommate 2 (vaccines, alternate medicines, specifically involving me in his delusions) and I had a very bad experience in my early teens where he thought I was a demon and ‘sent to destroy him’). Anyway, I got very upset and I yelled at them, I told them they were completely crazy and needed to get mental help and said I thought Roommate 1 and I needed to move out because they might try to stake my heart or something. I feel really bad for calling them crazy, especially because Roommate 2 has some very mental health issues and words like crazy make light of and stigmatise that and I’m very big into not blaming people for their mental health problems, but this was very triggering and in this moment I was very distresssed.
So, aita, all things considered here? I’m still gonna feel like the asshole no matter what, since mental health problems aren’t to be taken lightly or blamed on the person, but I’m curious what the internet thinks.
What are these acronyms?
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goodsology · 2 months
Another Update II
Trigger Warning for periods, menstruation, and other related issues. I'll explain my situation in more detail.
It all started around April when I had a longer period than usual. It was light, with mild cramps, but lasted for about a month. My period would suddenly stop for a few hours, only for it to continue like I was on another period.
By the end of it, I had blood clots constantly. Worried, I went to an obgyn and she advised a transabdominal along with a temporary medication to stop the bleeding. She also strongly encouraged me to get a pap smear since I never had one before (nor engaged in sexual activity which will be important for later).
After some blood testing and transabdominal, I was diagnosed with PCOS. She recommended either the medication, losing weight, or starting birth control. Since then, I've been trying to lose weight and am still on the fence about taking birth control.
Just feels like I'm stalling at this point. I haven't had my period since and am afraid of what would happen if I did. I'm not sure if losing weight or eating healthy is going to help and I just need to keep taking birth control for who knows how long. I guess that's why I'm so on the fence: I don't want to take medication for a long period and would rather try changing my diet right now.
Other than the period issues, PCOS has been hard to manage. For the most part, fatigue is my most notable symptom, but sometimes I can feel irritable or have mood swings. I've been managing with meditation, listening to music, and relaxing when I need to along with doing tasks when I have the energy (ie cooking, laundry, etc.).
However, that's not my only problem. I've mentioned this in another post, but my mental health has not been great. Remember when I mentioned how I never had sexual activity? Well, when my mother asked me about my doctor visits, she also asked if I had sexual activity. I said no, and she told me how getting a pap smear would really hurt, how I would "lose my virginity" and demanded I tell my doctor no to the pap smear.
As you can tell, I have a great support system!
Sarcasm aside, my mom isn't religious. She likely had her own misbeliefs about getting a pap smear, but it doesn't change how messed up this all was. Her mother, my grandmother, passed away from cancer. A pap smear would tell me I don't have that or any other conditions, but my mom was like "No, you're v card is more important! I know better than your doctor!"
Despite me telling her "That's not how virginity works", she doubled down and reiterated her point. It's not the first time she didn't listen to me and doubted the knowledge of a professional, but she was my mom and I thought I needed at least one parent for guidance. Truth is, I'm a grown woman and I don't need that, at least, not from her or any parent like that.
I deserve better, so much better. I deserve parents who put my health and happiness above some silly little v card (plus my mom never cared about that until now). The whole thing made me wonder why I was even here. Let me make it clear: I am not a danger to myself, but after realizing both of my parents kinda suck and don't really care about me, I just wondered why I was even born. What's the point of being here if I can't go to my own parents for advice and trust them? What's the point if I can't be honest with even my own parents without being yelled at or judged?
Anyway, thank you for reading. I just needed someone to talk about this. I do have my sister and friends, but they have their own issues to deal with and I don't want to bother them, especially my sister.
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heartshattering · 15 days
My 'friend' is so not a good person to keep in my life and every day that I'm on Tumblr, I realize it more and more
There are posts that put my feelings into words better than I could, but I read them and I'm like 'Oh, so that's why what she said seemed wrong at the time but I couldn't explain why...' (like when she literally said I needed to rush into doing things because my life is never going to get better, and then I see posts that talk about doing things at your own pace when you feel ready to do them, and it's such a refreshing viewpoint after always being beaten down by her negativity)
This is someone who has suggested so much harmful advice to me, and made me feel bad about things like my mental and physical health, appearance, and ethnicity/the fact I'm mixed. She's ableist and doesn't believe in my professionally diagnosed disorders, every time I've expressed why something related to one of my disorders disrupts my life, she'll be like "Well but that happens to normal people too, you can't just blame everything on your brain chemistry". She makes me feel guilty for needing meds and thinks I could have "avoided surgery" if I had cut cheese out of my diet and all this other garbage she tells me (basically blaming me for not eating healthier, which is hypocritical of her since she doesn't either but is just lucky she didn't end up with the health conditions I have). And most recently she's shown her fatphobic side (not towards me specifically but towards the guy she's with) which just puts the cherry on top lol we haven't seen each other in person since last year and if she saw how I've gained weight she'd probably try to push me back into a disorder. I'm just done with her forever.
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testostronaut · 2 years
Change is the essential process of all existence.
— Spock
Hi everyone! ✨👽
My name is Jay and I am a transgender man living in the weird state of Indiana and gelatin. I've decided to document my transition here on Tumblr for my own progress and to help educate and support my trans siblings.
👽 About Me 👽
I am a biracial FtM transgender man. My pronouns are he/him/his.
My gender journey has been a long one. I'm probably not like a lot of other trans people you may know or hear about, I don't believe I was born in the wrong body. In 2020, I had decided it was time to start focusing on myself and I started ny weight loss journey. At the time I identified loosely as a girl, but later, with the help of my nonbinary friend, found that Genderfluid fit me best.
I worked on my body, my diet, and my mental health during that time. With weight loss, I learned that you have to accept your body's changes and progress. You might think losing weight is a line that goes straight down from fat to skinny, but I found that wasn't the case. My weight had fluctuated up and down, peaking and plateauing, jagged until I reached my goal.
To prevent myself from mental anguish and developing food issues, I stared myself down naked in the mirror. I said to my body that we don't have to be best friends, but I accept you no matter what. I accept you, because you will change, and I will celebrate every change along the way. I had also made the conscious effort not to let myself spiral for having a snack or eating high calorie foods sometimes.
I had hated my body until that moment. I already have depression, I didn't need to keep ruminating on how much my body didn't look or feel right. I accepted it with the condition that I would change it to make me happier. And I did, and I am.
I identified as genderfluid for a few years. I had a "girl season" (she/her pronouns and name) and a "boy season" (he/him pronound and Jay). Sometimes I had an enby season where I didn't identifiy as either and preferred they/them. It's no surprise to me now that boy season stuck a lot longer. I began to identify as a transgender man at 24.
Then I began the slow process of understanding what that meant for me. I always thought that everyone daydreamed of being a man. I thought every woman wanted to be able to walk around with their shirt off. More than anything I wanted my own full beard that went with my long curly hair so I could embody that rocker/stoner dude look. I have also always hated my DDD sized breasts and since I had grown them had always wanted a breast reduction. I detested the thought of giving birth since childhood, a miracle I am happy to forefit.
I didn't feel a strong dysphoria for my body. When I was a child and learning to use the computer, I wished I had a penis, and found an educational website that explained how sex reassignment surgery worked. I was determined from then on not to have a micropenis. I'd happy trade in my large chest for it's masc equivalent. I didn't think that this meant anything and assumed that it was normal for girls to feel this way. Who wouldn't want one?
Still, I struggled to perform femininity. Nothing I did wver felt right or comfortable. I hated being seen or called a girl. It wasn't that I didn't like women in general, I am bisexual and have had both cis male, female, and nb partners. It was that it didn't fit me and at the time I didn't know what that meant until I found my community. My home in my identity as a guy.
If you have any questions, stories, or if you're a terf who believes they have any authority to tell someone what they can and can't be, feel free to message me! I'm not going to leave any corner of my journey hidden. I want to be part of the discussion and education. I want to support my trans siblings in their endeavors, and I plan on being a huge nerd about it.
Live long and prosper. 🖖
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Living Well with Diverticulitis: Tips, Treatments, and Personal Stories
Diverticulitis can be a daunting diagnosis, but with the right knowledge and lifestyle adjustments, you can manage it effectively and continue to live a fulfilling life. This blog aims to provide you with essential tips, treatment options, and inspiring personal stories to help you navigate your journey with diverticulitis.
Understanding Diverticulitis
Diverticulitis occurs when small, bulging pouches (diverticula) in the digestive tract become inflamed or infected. It can cause severe abdominal pain, fever, nausea, and a significant change in bowel habits. Understanding the condition is the first step in managing it effectively.
Tips for Managing Diverticulitis
Follow a High-Fiber Diet: A diet rich in fiber can help prevent the formation of diverticula and reduce the risk of flare-ups. Incorporate whole grains, fruits, vegetables, and legumes into your meals. Aim for at least 25-30 grams of fiber daily.
Stay Hydrated: Drinking plenty of water helps keep your digestive system functioning smoothly. Aim for at least eight glasses of water a day.
Avoid Certain Foods: Some foods can aggravate symptoms. These may include nuts, seeds, popcorn, and certain vegetables like corn. Pay attention to how your body reacts and adjust your diet accordingly.
Exercise Regularly: Regular physical activity helps maintain healthy bowel function and can reduce the pressure on your colon. Aim for at least 30 minutes of moderate exercise most days of the week.
Maintain a Healthy Weight: Being overweight can increase the pressure on your abdomen and the likelihood of developing diverticulitis. A balanced diet and regular exercise can help you achieve and maintain a healthy weight.
Manage Stress: Stress can impact your digestive health. Practice relaxation techniques such as deep breathing, meditation, or yoga to keep stress levels in check.
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Treatment Options
When it comes to treating diverticulitis, options vary depending on the severity of the condition:
Antibiotics: For mild to moderate cases, antibiotics are often prescribed to clear up infections.
Dietary Changes: During a flare-up, a liquid or low-fiber diet may be recommended to give your digestive system a rest.
Pain Management: Over-the-counter pain relievers can help manage discomfort. However, avoid NSAIDs like ibuprofen as they can increase the risk of complications.
Surgery: In severe cases, surgery may be necessary to remove the affected portion of the colon. This is usually considered when other treatments have failed or complications arise.
Personal Stories
Hearing from others who have walked the same path can be incredibly encouraging. Here are a few stories from individuals who have successfully managed their diverticulitis:
Sarah's Story
Sarah was diagnosed with diverticulitis in her mid-40s after experiencing severe abdominal pain. Through dietary changes and regular exercise, she has managed to keep her symptoms under control. "It's all about listening to your body and making adjustments," she says. "I feel better than ever and have even taken up running!"
Tom's Journey
Tom's journey with diverticulitis led him to become a passionate advocate for high-fiber diets. After a particularly severe episode, he revamped his eating habits and now enjoys a diet rich in fruits, vegetables, and whole grains. "The difference has been night and day," Tom shares. "I've had no flare-ups in over two years."
Maria's Experience
Maria's case was more severe, requiring surgery to remove a portion of her colon. Despite the challenges, she remains positive and proactive in her approach to health. "Surgery was a turning point for me," Maria explains. "It gave me a new lease on life, and now I'm focused on maintaining my health through diet and exercise."
Living with diverticulitis can be challenging, but with the right approach, it is possible to manage the condition and lead a fulfilling life. By incorporating healthy habits, seeking appropriate treatment, and drawing inspiration from others, you can navigate your journey with confidence. Remember, you are not alone, and support is available every step of the way.
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Important Information:
Conference Name: 14th World Gastroenterology, IBD & Hepatology Conference Dates: December 17-19, 2024 Venue: Dubai, UAE Email:  [email protected] Visit: https://gastroenterology.universeconferences.com/ Call for Papers: https://gastroenterology.universeconferences.com/submit-abstract/ Register here: https://gastroenterology.universeconferences.com/registration/ Call Us: +12073070027 WhatsApp Us: +442033222718
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meditating-dog-lover · 3 months
Recently I've been battling pretty awful anxiety, which caused my entire skin to flare and turn red (I'm going to be honest and say that I've also been using a cleanser that has been drying and irritating and my face is red and peeling and I'm sure it made my hand eczema worse as well, but I'm not sure). I had a breakdown in front of my mom and sister. They are both in the psych field so they were trying to help me out and understand my behavior which has been so debilitating to me. They believe I might be autistic. And I believe it too. I'm not a psychologist, but I always knew something was psychologically "off" in me. For instance, I don't have much motivation to socialize and find hobbies, am always scrolling on my phone, am obsessed with having a strict schedule/routine and hate sudden surprises, panic over things other people would think are trivial, and cannot engage in activities that require a calm and relaxed mind because mine is always racing (meditation, mindfulness, affirmations, or reading).
I'm almost 30 and everything just clicked for me. I would have never suspected I was autistic. But again it is a spectrum and not a small set of characteristics. I have never been diagnosed and girls are less likely to be diagnosed with autism than boys. I went through a checklist of autism traits in women and I felt like a lot of them applied to me. My mom and sister also agreed. I've done a few self-assessment quizzes and did receive scores that categorize me as autistic.
I'm going to meet with a psychiatrist to do a screening. Because if I do turn out to be autistic, then it all makes sense. Every behavior I had and still have that I could not explain would start to make sense. The missing puzzle piece. I'm sure both the condition and masking behavior cause a lot of anxiety. Knowing something is "unconventional" but not knowing how to fit in and why it's "unconventional" makes me so frustrated and hopeless. I get anxiety outbursts and don't know what is causing them. So I'm left feeling not only anxious, but also confused which fuels even more anxiety. It is hell and I'm sure this is contributing to my eczema.
Stress/anxiety cause increased levels of cortisol and histamine. Cortisol levels peak in the morning, which explains why I had days where I would wake up first thing in the morning and would be the itchiest all day. My stress/anxiety are so passive also, I would even experience a flareup when I speak to someone and I become energetic and my heart rate goes up, from getting up and walking after sitting down for a long time, surprises, etc... This can all cause me to feel an itch coming. It's easy to blame flareups on allergies (some allergies absolutely do cause flareups), but it's most definitely also a stress response which does increase histamine levels in the body, mimicking an allergic reaction.
My mom says the only way my skin will clear is by reducing my stress/anxiety. Because that's what helped her 20 years ago. Something as simple as Reiki. I know not everyone's eczema is caused by anxiety, but it most certainly is for my mom and I. She spent years on steroids and allergy shots, and the thing that really helped her is stress and anxiety relief. I swear the medical industry wants us to be sick and rely on medication when they fail to explore things like diet, stress, and sleep. Because all of these can cause inflammatory conditions! Obviously relaxation won't cure cancer or an infection or an allergic reaction or any other condition that requires immediate medical attention. But it can be so ant-inflammatory and can help reduce the symptoms of chronic inflammatory conditions.
It all makes sense now, the autism, the anxiety. Everything. Growing up being neurodivergent with PTSD and a narcissistic and abusive dad was so stressful and was hell. I'm not surprised why I got eczema. I feel like I healed most of my PTSD (just working on health and social anxiety, the latter being a challenge if I actually am autistic). But despite that I still feel like something is "off" with me till now, especially with all the anxiety. And I doubt it's the PTSD. So it's likely the autism. I'm going to meet with a psychiatrist to perform a screening.
I'm surprised my old therapist (who really was an idiot) could not notice these signs. When she told me I should do socialize and me not wanting to and her asking "why not? you should try". I got so defensive and said no. I'm surprised it flew over her head. But again she wasn't that good of a psychologist.
I'm glad I dedicated time learning about this. I know this will help me heal a lot. Especially physically and mentally.
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sincelastsession · 3 months
Mom got really shitty with me in the car and continued to fuss me about me trying to prove to her that these scammers that she speaks to are not real and I was trying to still explain to her that I was not trying to hurt her I was trying to help her avoid getting her heartbroken and that I did not want her to Live in a delusion where she thinks that these people are actually going to come and save her.
I understand what we spoke about in therapy.
I understand that sometimes when people are doing idiot things I just need to let them.
It was not ok for her to jump my ass after and be cruel about my partner possibly not being real and was he going to come see me? I have known him 7 or so years and been in a relationship 6 of those years. A background check was run. There's no script or scam. We both are poly. Neither of us can afford a visit. But we video chat and we have calls and message and Travis has spoken to him. He has never asked me for anything except when I asked him what he wanted for his birthday it was "trinkets" and he didn't want me to really spend more than 20bucks because he knows on ssi I don't get much and told me I didn't have to get him anything every other year. But I got him trinkets anyway and he went out and got a cigar box to keep them in and treasures what I chose to send.
I don't appreciate her questioning my relationship when she's talking to people that use her for large sums of money or promise her things if she commits fraud. I didn't want her to think a military general would need her to send him a dime for any reason. My uncle knows that general personally. My friend and his wife know of him and they were the experts to call. I was doing in my mind a protective thing.
To her it was obviously threatening her delusional happiness and plans to get money and a man to sweep her off her feet and buy her a country club home etc... my mother has always been after ANYTHING that could get her money or fancy things. My father paid of 60k of her credit card debt.
She's a psych nurse sure. But she's had to call me to ask me about mental health conditions because she doesn't know about it as much as she presented. She's only been at this job for a short while. She's done other nursing for many other things. I don't thing she's ignorant but I feel that no despite that being her job she doesn't always know what she's talking about.
She is elderly and she is very good at presenting herself as a strong smart professional and kind. But away from eyes of others she's very easily hooked to scams...like been doing publisher's clearinghouse and other types of mlm etc and diet scams etc other than romance scams.
I'm mad that I have to just do the "Let them" thing. I totally understand that it's needed now.
I actually was done with that and she's obviously still mad and threatened.
Both of my uncles are concerned despite drinking about her mental state with sort of things but they all fought and they're all at odds. At the time she had no problem with me calling anyone and didn't voice to me she was upset because I did check in to ask if she was.
This is one reason today I was sorta "wtf" because there were MANY other things to talk about. I'd asked if we could save harder stuff for a later session.
I do understand I need to learn "Let them" better. I do understand what you're frustrated with and it frustrates me too. My brain is going very fast. I've already heard and registered what you've said and it is a sort of agony waiting on people and holding thoughts. I'm not on adhd treatment. It was easier with the medication to hold thoughts and pause and allow people to know I was listening etc...
I still think there is something broken in my brain like autistic not clicking or other neurological.
I am very open to exploring ways to work around these challenges. If it's possible we will see how that goes.
For me big changes are scary.
Not using the correct words or tone is a problem I have that is a misunderstanding creator.
I explained why I use the terms I use. I've just been automatically learning and speaking this way my whole life. That imo is the autism. If we can work on that in a way I can wrap my head around what I'm not exactly seeing then cool.
There's a video or a few on here that showcases EXACTLY my frustration. I'll give you time to get to it.
Being neurodivergent and of different mind is a unique and frustrating experience I've always had but never understood.
Sometimes it feels like the whole wide world just doesn't understand me and wants me to be something that I cannot be or I don't know how to really really upsetting.
I would compare it to people not accepting that their children are queer and wanting to send them to conversion therapy instead of accepting that that's how they are.
I know that even with autism there are things that I probably do need to learn and work on but I'm really touchy about it and I'm really scared of change because I've had to find ways to be Comfortable and going out of my comfort zone is very very irrationally scary for me.
I am frustrated about the session which I expected to be really because I cause I don't know how to say what I'm feeling correctly and I keep being misunderstood and that is aggravating and I'm not mad at anyone really I'm just mad at the sitwaition of me having issues understanding and vice versa.
I do feel that you know you're excited to work with me and you know help me understand things better and change bad behaviors and tweak good behaviors to be even better or whatever the case.
Logically I understand all of it. Well as best I can. Emotionally I want to want to continue crying and scream and fight and all of that. I feel like I'm waiting on myself to get those feelings out of the way. Like they have to catch up with the logic and I don't know how to put it in any other way that's the best way I can put it I have a really hard time trying to explain things to people and I use metaphors a lot and sometimes that makes it worse.
The incessant talking and interrupting and I guess I don't know you seem to think it's from me not feeling hurt and the thing is I'm not like that with everybody. It has gotten worse and I don't know why. Possibly everything that's happening is all subconscious and I'm not consciously doing it. I'm trying to pay attention but I guess I'm not Recognizing I mean that's a total possibility.
I don't see how I was mean and that's frustrating. And of course outside of therapy you don't see how I got treated after therapy. And of course my mother was thrilled just like my father was thrilled to talk to you and it once again really did feel like I'm in the hot seat and I'm getting grilled and I know that that is not anybody's intention to make me feel any sort of way or I shouldn't really feel that way.
We can take a break from people coming in unless they call to make an appointment then I'm fine with that and I still want to continue therap one-on-one withh you but I am getting very burnt out on the interrupting subject and there's a million other things that I want to talk about and work on. Does feel like I'm going to have to tackle this before I do anything else and that is making me mad because I don't know if I can change it. It feels like I'm having 2 people please everyone and do everything in a certain way to fit in and 2 Make everyone happy. And I don't really know how to explain the rest in words.
I guess you could say that I am very rejection sensitive and there's probably big giant valid reasons for that due to trauma and bad events that have happened and events that have happened over and over and over again and I'm sure when I was out of the room my mother let you know things I guess I don't know and that's fine.
I get frustrated because I have this journal and I have the entire internet and I still am having problems trying to explain things because I read it and I'm like fuck that's not what I meant to say that looks this way he's possibly going to interpret it in a certain way and I'm worried about that and I understand that that thought process isn't so great either
And then there's the thing of doing cognitive behavior therapy and dialectical behavior therapy techniques with people who have complex PTSD or PTSD in general it can sometimes be very invalidating to our traumas and emotions and there's many articles on it.
Like to be honest when I journal I don't even like how I journal and it aggravates me so much but I'm trying to push through and not try and go back and shorten things or fix it or pour over it like an obsessive person trying to make it perfect for my therapist to read because then it would take me forever to express myself.
And it still takes a long time me just using Text-to-speech on my phone. Or just typing it out. So sometimes what I write looks like a fucking nightmare for anybody to read and I'm exhausted and I'm just not having the band with to go back and fix it.
And yes I'm extremely mean to myself nobody ever really needs to fuss at me or yell at me or even correct me unless it's something that's like super unobvious to me because I can see I just don't know what the hell to do about it other than apologize and continue to work on fixing it.
I do feel this gross unfairness that I'm the one that's been in therapy since I was a small child and you know the abuse that I have gone through not just from my parents has put like weights on me and I don't feel it's really fair I don't feel it's fair that I have to be in the water therapy but I am because no one else will do it and no 1 else can do Rap for me and I don't khow to do all of this in such a what feels like a short amount of time I have big issues with time sometimes times goes by really fast for me or really slow or I won't Miss A lot of time and I don't know where it went or what in the world I was doing that made the time go by so fast or if I was even mentally present during that time.
And I mean I'm at home I'm in my apartment I'm in my bed I'm in so much Pain. Physical pain.
There's not much I can do about it except bitch and be aggravated because it's just one more thing I have to deal with and smoking weed is not helping the pain and I don't have other pain medications I feel comfortable taking for it because I have never received proper pain management in my adult years I had a very good pain managemen a Doctor that is no longer practicing and we had everything to work it was working I wasn't having addiction issues I would take a piss test everything was fine and I had medicine for when I needed it for when I couldn't deal with it anymore.
And now I have the medical marijuana which is sometimes very enjoyable as a lot of people do enjoy it but I want to be more clear headed but sometimes I have to just fucking smoke or take a edible. It does often slow me down I've considered being like hey Joshua why don't we have a session where I Smoke out and get a ride to therapy and I ride home and I'm a lot slower when I'm stoned for pain or anxiety. And the thing is my anxiety medicine used to help a lot with the excessive talking and the anxiety but I'm in a flare.
And it seems like even though the Doctor has fussed at me to take the full 3 mg which I am trying to do but I don't like having to do it because I really don't want to fuck with my tolerance. Like that used to work really well but now you know I've been on it a long time it only seems to help like the other issues I have and it does sedate me but my anxiety and such my PTSD the things that caused me great disdress is on fire according to my Doctor and my primary care and The hypervigilance and theStress hormones and such seem to be overpowering the medicine. However if I did not take the medicine I would not be able to sit there and talk with you at all because I would probably be in the hospital screaming and being sedaided with heavy duty meds. It's all really frustrating.
It feels hard to just be a person.
And I don't think I'm like my father and I really don't like being compared to him I know that we have similar traits but I'm not my father I do not think like him I do not purposely act the way that he purposefully acts. And you know my father is kind of obsessed and my mom is sort of obsessed with me being like them. And they're obsessed with pointing this out to me and it makes me upset because I don't want to be a damn thing like them. Not with all the crazy shit I have experienced my entire life no fucking way. But I understand yeah they raised me of course I am going to be a little bit like them at least. And I do feel sometimes like I have some sort of stalk homes syndrome with them and I feel like I need their fucking approval and I'm so tired of having that feeling. I mean there's rare moments where I just don't give a fuck. But I wish I had more moments like that. Just letting people do the stupid thing is very difficult for me. Trying to talk to people about the stupid thing that they are doing that is bad for them and could potentially harm them or whatever the case is very very frustrating and difficult for me. I feel like certain message are cruel and other methods even though they're very direct and jarring to people I would rather just say something instead of spea fucking riddles and dance around the subject to where they have to guess and I don't understand really how neurotypical people speak.
I have always had trouble with that and I've always gotten like screamed at.
And you spoke about mirrors today and when I mirror people they don't like it but that's what I do sometimes because I don't know how else to act so I'm just trying to fit in and I think I'm doing what they're doing but obviously I'm not In some instances like clearly I'm failing at trying to mirror and mask And fit in with the rest of society because society is not built for people like me it's built for other people They do not have the same issues. And I spoke at length with my psychiatrist and his PA about how like 80% of the world is not nerd a Divergent and the other like 20% or whatever numbers that gave me you know we have a very difficult time and we're very intelligent and navigating through life is very hard and confusing.
I do understand how the DSM is very frustrating I don't even own a copy of it I wouldn't want to own a copy of it I have read other books about how they used to just diagnose everything as schizophrenia. I don't like that so I assume that that's the kind of aggravation that therapist feel like you mention.
And I tried to explain how I view it and why I speak the way I speak and II hope you understood that I am not trying to just use buzzwords and I don't even know what what you think about that but I'm not doing any sort of thing I've just always like picked up on what doctors were saying as a child and asked questions and started using that vinacular.
And Doctor Todd used to tell me that I would have to dumb myself down going to various doctors because they would be threatened by me using their language And it was very aggravating to them but he understood that it was just because I grew up in it and it became my special interes
I don't really want it to be my special interest but it just is I wish I could like bird watching or some other like Nish subject.
I wish I was obsessed with knowing things about something else honestly.
I mean I used to have a very large encyclopedia of knowledge about conspiracy theories and horses because I really loved horses growing up like obsessively and I had a pony growing up I was lucky it was a rescue was like a $100 pony and that was a good point in my life parts of that but my grandfather did not take care of it and it died and I'm still hurting from that even though my grandfather is dead and the horses dead etc.
And I used to take english writing and Western writing and I'm very good at it once I get back in the saddle and adjust back to it strangely enough I can't fucking ride a bike but I can ride a horse like a motherfucker. And I wish I could get into some sort of horse therapy for physical therapy type thing or just psychological type therapy actually looked up a traumatic therapist that used her horses for therapy unfortunately I think she quit practicing she was an older lady.
But also I could not ride if I wanted to right now because I am not small enough unless there's a draft horse. And I went off-topic so the following paragraphs are connected to earlier paragraphs.
I really was just trying to be assertive and I still don't see how I came across as mean because I was trying very hard to be kind and come across properly.
I do think that when I was in regions and between that time and after I got a concussion it sort of set my PTSD on fire and I had to calm down from that and I was doing pretty well and then the thing's following like you know last year did not really help me on the upswing because you know healing isn't linear. And I have theories that because I took myself off the pro's act that was making me horribly suicidal with the approval of my psychiatrist that the oc d and the other conditions I have that it was also possibly helping to treat could haveYou know not had the components of the medicine to calm that part down but also after I was in the car wreck that gave me the concussion I had a little bit of amnesia for a short period and it was little things and sometimes it's still a little things like there's people that come up to me and I have no idea who they are at time that's happened since. But I do know when your brain skaken and you have various conditions it fucks with those things. Not verbatim but the neurologist and my passed psych explained this. It was also Doctor Todd's understanding that it was probably a bit of everything and that the concussion did inflame it.
I'm feeling pretty bad and confused and misunderstood still. I don't understand why it's not clicking in my head. I'm definitely crying my face off.
You know I wanted to try and just shut up and let you catch up with my journaling and I know you're a speed reader but I told you I do type a lot I do talk a lot and I'm trying to like let it all out in the journal because it does feel like it helps to some extent I don't know what it's actually doing but I guess it's better than texting everybody and verbally telling everybody this over the phone which I know it's a lot of repeating and I don't know how to make that stop I have tried I have been trying it's been the bane of everyone's existence and my own for quite a while and I'm tired of it just as much as everybody else and I'm The one that has to live with it and I don't like living with it it's fucking irritating I just would love to be normal but I know that I'm not and I don't think that I will ever be normal but I would like to be better.
I do have a lot of triggers with therapy and I can't lie about that to you because that's something that you need to know I can't give you exact things. I don't know really how to articulate a lot when I really want to. If I figure out how to I'll explain it. I mean that's why I Post videos and info graphics because sometimes that's easier for me to communicate with. Sometimes just pictures and settings and art is easier to communicate with than words I have always been a visual spatial learner. If there was some way where we could use physical objects to explain things to me that might be very helpful. For example my last EMDR therapist used things that she would use with children and I don't know what they're called but she used that so I could explain shit to her.
Because I did talk a lot with her and that wasn't issue with therapy and I don't know how she helped me not do that.
I mean we did use the IFS system a lot and she did point out that the manager of the IFS system is the one that is talking so much and getting in the way of my core and I do not even know what my core is because it's very hard to talk to core because all the rest of the IFS system is guarding it and part of me even if I don't recognize it it's probably guarding Child me.
And I've done lots of inner child exercises but she's not there.
She's hiding somewhere and I can't find Her.
Or she's not there at all.
Sometimes it feels like my inner child is dead or never existed.
That makes me cry and makes me very mad.
Because I never really feel like I got to be a child
I didn't even like other children growing up I thought they were dumbasses I used to be in like second grade just sitting there watching people play and do what Normal elementary school kids do and I would get bullied for being Different of course because who doesn't and I just fucking hated other children I thought they were dumb as fuck and just disgusted by most of them and I thought that they were stupid
Not all of them but just if I'm generalizing. And how I grew up was very not great I mean I didn't get what I needed and being an adult I'm trying to pander to some of my inner child which I can't seem to find nor recognize if it is there like I think about buying Myself toys and things that I NEVER got to have or do things I'd NEVER got to do and Do That as an adult like I see a lot of people my age getting Back into
Because we have the adult money now and nobody can tell us that we can't go by the thing that we wan
But I have a budget so I can't really do that but I also own about a million hobbies because that's what happens I get bored I have to figure out something I get fascinated with a hobby I buy that thing and all the tools to do the hobby I start the hobby I get bored with it I try to find Something Else.
I'm worried that I'll never get better and I'll just always be this fuck up.
I mean because I've been abused so much it's hard for me to recognize if people are being kind to me unless it's very obvious and you know I do get defensive but what you saw was not really neat trying to be defensive it was just me saying something and it sounded that way to you and to my mother but to me it didn't And I'm sure if I had listened to myself recorded I might have been able to hear what you me I really didn't recognize what was mean.
I mean I know that the way I speak and we have always spoke has been pretty directed jarring for people and I've tried to adjust it and I've tried to please people and you know after a while I got fucking tired of it and just started talking how I talk and acting how I act because it got exhausting trying to police myself to make other people happy and then those people ended up hurting me anyway so why was I trying to make them happy what was the point It's just like
If my parents had a problem with my queerness or my relationship which they said they didn't have a problem with but obviously they do and that hurts. Because yes I have a hard time recognizing myself however I know that everything I do and say is somehow part of myself even though when I try to look at it I can't and I don't like that it bothers the fuck out of me
I mean when I was younger I saw the psychologist Doctor Carrie Mack and I don't know if you know about him. And he worked with me on cognitive behavior therapy and a lot of different things and I tried to get my parents involved with the cognitive behavior therapy because I wanted them to understand but then they just turned it around on me all the time and everything I did was wrong and I thought distortion and my feelings were invalidated because they would be thought distortions and not valid feelings for trauma as I went through So that's why it's a very confusing practice for me and so is DBT it's hard for me
And a lot of times things that I say that some of my excuses are just explanations to me.
I'm not trying to make excuses and try to make myself feel better and give people all this extra information to make myself feel better at least not consciously am I doing that I don't even really think that way. I think that's why I'm so confused about it is because I don't think that way and I don't know how to describe how my mind works so people can meet me halfway or be accommodating and it's a positive given take instead of me asking for help and then everybody kind of fucking resenting me
And that's exhausting for me andMental work is extremely exhausting.
And it's 705 PM and my neighbors have decided to all go outside down to the pool and start screaming and hollering and laughing and I can hear them talking about me and I can't prove it and I can't get out my phone and go on the balcony and sit there and record them because it's not going to help anything but still this whole situation is fucking distressing.
I would really like help finding a place that is good for me to live in other than this place I don't know if I can ask that of you I don't know what to do my mom and dad keep telling me to go to apartment complexes and call and talk to all these people myself but I don't know what I need to be asking etc
And then I'm worried about my ESA cat's litter mate who was the best buddy of Miss Spot who I had to take out of the gross fucked up environment into my home and give her the best last months of her life I could. That still hurts TREMENDOUSLY. I'm still VERY angry at my father and sister for the neglect.
All I want to do is go save the other cat now because my father's and sister's other cat are bullying him and he is a very beautiful shy sweet cat.
I'd like to move and go ahead and take him in. He was an ESA for me at home and does the same things my other two cats do to signal me.
And if it wasn't a good fit I foster with CABR and I know the foster coordinator and I know all the people over there and I could possibly find him a good fit of a home where he would get the love and Attention and calm environment and possibly be able to Help another person if it didn't Work Out with his old litter mate June or my Younger cat Griffin.
You know there's a lot of things on my mind other than just my family and the way I speak I mean there's a lot of puzzles and problems and things I'm trying to solve and it is all going on in my head at once and it is all very very overwhelming because it's a lot.
I feel spread very thin because I can't organize what's most important to do
I will often neglect myself to get things done that could wait
And I know that's not good.
I have many people I need to speak to and catch up with and I haven't been able to do that and I feel that they must think that I am an asshole and I don't want to lose connections with them because I'm having a hard time. And the thing is I've told them I'm having a hard time but I've been having a hard time for quite a long time and I feel like they don't really have the patience for waiting on me anymore and that hurt.
I really don't know how to speak to my old mentor Stephanie who is still friends with me because she doesn't understand me even though she tries very very hard to do so and she has her own mental health struggles and she's got grandchildren now and it makes me sad that we do not spend very much time together anymore and she often says very negative things to me and it hurts my feelings and Sometimes I wish I was more like her in the way that she just does stuff and doesn't fucking care about other people just like a large population Of people just only care about themselves in our self focused and I feel like I'm often the exact opposite of that.
I feel like I'm more focused on helping other people instead of myself because I'm better at helping other people than myself.
Just like you could put me in a messy room at someone else's house and I could clean it up and organize it but if you put me in my room it's a fucking nightmare for my brain
I'm one of aggravating things is I don't know how to talk without using certain terms and I don't really want to dumb myself down by trying to use simple terms but I know that I'm gonna have to do that in order to speak with your average everyday person that doesn't know so much about these things and did not have the experiences I had growing up and all that it's like having to be bilingual And I don't know like maybe another secret language a secret third thing that's what it always feels like it feels like it feels like it's just a secret third thing I don't know if you know what I mean by that.
Anyway I had some things that I was gonna say and I can't remember it now and I want to try and take a break and I don't know what I'm gonna do like I had plans but now I am kind of lost and I don't know what to get done
And I'm super fucking pissed at someone questioning my real legitimate relationship VS an imaginary one that's just a scam and I'm fucking mad about that still and I don't know how to get over being angry about that because I do not like people insulting the ones I love and I do not like people scamming people I love either and I do not like it that the people who are getting scammed get mad at me and do not understand What is going on and what I am trying to do to help them and just letting them makes me feel like a bad daughter. It's really distressing when mom comes to visit and she's giggling and smiling and speaking to her friend and that's not a real person that they say they are and I wish she would not pull her phone out to talk to those people around me because it does trigger me because I went through a lot of grief proving her wrong about 3 other instances of this.
And it put my sister through a lot of grief as well but she is better at not giving a fuck and blowing it off because she has the lovely brain of a 22-year-old and it's much easier when you're that age in my opinion to just not care and be all up your own ass
And I do wish that I could go back to my brain in my teenage and early 20s because I feel like I had the appropriate amount of no fucks given on certain subjects versus now
I was braver back then and now I'm scared to go to the grocery store alone
And that is not good and I don't like that at all and I'm no I'm not the only one because it's a common topic online with people there is even memes about it. But these sort of things I cannot stand and I'm tired of dealing with
It is frustrating seeing my sister fuck her life up and yeah none of this is in my circle of control absolutely none of my family is in my circle of control. And they are triggers and I love them any way even though they've hurt me very very badly. And I feel very rejected by them and a lot of people because people don't understand me.
I do feel more understood by other people who are similar to me because I think that those kind of people like me communicate the same way.
Like some other autistic people I know understand exactly what I mean and I don't feel the urge to repeat. I feel comfy and I actually relax talking with them.
Matthew the past person not to be confused with my ldr...was autistic and adhd. They felt like home and it was EXTREMELY easy to communicate with them about everything. Sometimes I have fantasies that they will divorce the wife and come get me. But I know that's a very unlikely scenario.
Matt and me want to be close. He's grieving things and being vulnerable with me and clear and learning and I think we're doing well on being supportive and clear with one another.
I do wish he would visit but I have insecurities that I'm sure he has that it won't feel the same in person or what if there's no in person chemistry and I know he has worries about his social circle wondering why he is in Louisiana. He's private and doesn't want to be nagged by friends and family who would find out and flip. They already don't like his other partner Kathleen because she is married. Her husband and Matt are just friends though they hang out. They aren't in a relationship afaik. So those ppl that had fits about her wouldn't respond well to me. However he has told me that there are a small circle of people that do know about me because I asked because I was like hey you know I'm not jealous I'm just curious but do you talk about me like you talk to me about how much you love Kathleen and he answered and said yes he just doesn't really talk to a large amount of people because he made the mistake of doing that with Kathleen and he got a lot of shit for it. And he doesn't want to go through that again and I can understand why he doesn't want me to be in the spotlight and people to be trying to add me as a friend or question my motives and my feelings for him like they did with his other partner. And their relationship is completely separate than mine and his and it doesn't really bug me too much because I mean it just doesn't I don't know how to explain that like I don't feel jealousy like other people do in my opinion. Like I've been jealous before but it didn't last very long like not even a full day. The longest I've ever been angry and jealous with him about another person was aspeak and then I got over it 1 day I was just like what I was just like whatever fuck it. I understand that he has a stronger connection with her since she's there and he sees her all the time. Like physical connection. And you know I've been talking to him about the same amount of time andI think that we have a beautiful emotional connection and when we did have a long distance toy we did have a decent long distance physical connection but those fuckers have very faulty mechanics and break very easily and aren't cheap to replace and I gave up on it for a bit because it's not within my budget and he bought the first one and so I would need to buy the second 1 and honestly I don't feel that the sexuality is very necessary and nor does he right now like we're both just not feeling eager to be sexual In a long distance manner howeverIt doesn't mean that that effects are dominant submissive relationship which is not supersexual either. Sometimes we have moments but it's not like other people I know that fuck like rabbits. It's not like that kind of thing. It's sort of unique unto its own. And I tried to explain to my mother the reason that I hadn't flown to see him and he hadn't flown to see me is because we are not in good places in our lives to do that and we both have big stupid fears and we both do want to do that it's just not the right time. And I don't view it as an excuse he has been very clear and so have I. I feel like it's a healthy relationship even though it's long distance and I am threatened and pissed that it was brought in to question by my mother today just as much as he was angry when his mother and father disapproved of his relationship with someone who is married already.
I mean he has expressed that he wants me to get enough attention from someone here because he can't be here to do that for me he wants me to get my needs met but I can't really find anybody here that I'm comfortable with right now other than my ex-boyfriend who is acting strange since he got s over and seems to be hanging out with people that I find to be still unhealthy for him but he is much younger than me. So that I don't know if it will ever be a thing again because we have gone from friends with benefits to dating back to friends with benefits and then he was out of the country for a year teaching english and he was very miserable and he came back and it was friends with benefits and then at 1 point he decided to put me in best friend zone or whatever the case and I was like OK and I accepted it even though it was sad And I did tell him that if he changed his mind to let me know and then the week's following he gave me very mixed signals because he would flirt with me Very obviously and I would be shy and then not realize that he was trying to get it on with me. And now when we see each other in public it is just very awkward and it used to not be and I don't understand. I mean he's sober now and I wouldn't change that I'm very happy for him but I miss the way he was vulnerable when he was drunk all the time. I don't want him to drink again though. And he's the only guy in Baton Rouge that I think I would allow to touch me at this point in time. Probably the only man in this state.
I mean I'm getting really sick of my pamentioning that I should date Travis and I should try out stuff with him when me and Travis are like you no thank you we are basically siblings that's incestuous disgusting no fucking thank you. He's not my type and I'm not his type we get along great as friends and I'd like to keep it that way.
Then I have Justin who cannot follow my boundaries of I will contact you when I am doing better and we can hang out and talk and be friends. Instead he is texting me random things and I am not replying because I am pissed off that he has crossed those boundaries. He is pushing those boundaries just like he tried to push me to have sex and I am very mad about that still. Because yes I understand that men just get hard for no reason or when they're turned on sometimes I get it I understand that but when you're cuddling with somebody and you're like poking your Dick into their butt on purpose and then pretending like you're not doing it on purpose that is violating. Because I've cuddled with many men and if that happened with them and they knew that we were not going to be having sex they would excuse themselves to the restroom and take care of the problem so it would not bother me.
I mean Matthew was asexual and would often have that happen and my ex-boyfriend would have that happened and I would not want to do anything other than cuddle and they would not ask to do anything further and they would be respectful.
And I am still very bothered by Justin because it's like I did really want to be friends with him and try out a little relationship but he did not understand me at all and he was very pushy and he would put things on me and so now trying to have a friendship with him feels very weird because he's nothing like he was when we had our little fling when we were younger he has something wrong with him there is something off
And when I say that there's something wrong there's something off it's in the eyes. His eyes scare the fuck out of me now they are not the same eyes I remember. And you know when people say that all of their exes were crazy that's a giant red flag because how can his past 2 ex-girlfriends be crazy when you know I heard all of the information and I feel like there's lots of missing you know plot holes. And I thought that it was gonna be a thing that worked out and we could date and things like that but as soon as he learned that I would not be giving him sex he quit treating me as nicely and he had a tantrum about reading a book about polyamory and I'm just like what's wrong with just learning about it then I thought that you were okay with that and he was like no I was gonna be that for you and I'm like that's not a good thing you don't try to be polyamorous for someone when you're not built that way. He was very threatening to my relationship with Matt and he was very disrespectful towards him and I don't like that.
I wish I could just well I actually could break the boundary and try and talk to Matthew because there's things I still want clarity on and I know that Matthew doesn't hate me but I don't want to cause upheaval in their marriage.
I mean he lied to me. And he holds himself at fault and he has apologized and I have forgiven him even though it was very hard and even though I still get angry about it I forgave him because I understand. It is pretty frustrating that You know he stayed in the marriage for his children and I know that he still can't stand his wife and that relationship but he's just faking it for his children until they are older.
I know this to be true because one of his best male friends is actually banned from hanging out with him alone as well because his wife's psychotic. She doesn't want him hanging out with anyone no matter what gender they are other than her and the kids and his family. However he and his guy friend who I also know did meet up at some point and he was able to communicate with them to relate to me that he was not happily with her he was just doing it for the kids. And they were separated at the time that me and him had an asexualCuddle buddy watch movies eat pizza sort of relationship. And he had lied to me about things to do with her but not about the abusive things that she did because I heard many voice calls of her just verbally abusing the crap out of him and it took everything for me not to pipe up and say something really awful to her. I mean I even helped him look for divorce attorneys because he was just ready to end the marriage.
And then at some point he decided that it was going to be terrible for his children and he quit with the idea of ending the relationship and started to go to couples therapy with her and they became no longer separated and that is what the lying was about.
And she was more angry with him And told me that it wasn't my fault and she didn't blame me and she just asked if I had sex with her husband and I said nope and we never did and all that ever happened is he kissed me and I was honest with her and she has control over his phone and he is not allowed to use it to talk to anyone around her but I suspect that he has another phone or when he goes to his mother's house Where he has a room there when he can't stand to be around his wife is when he gets on tik tok And He will like everything I repost or he will like the tiktok that I make. And I did have a very short conversation with him on there and I felt bad for breaking that boundary and I haven't spoken to him since but I talked to him to get clarity about something and he sent me a paragraph that was very scripted. But it gave me the clarity I needed and it seems like that's never going to be a thing and I am grieving that. And I was never involved with them to be a homewrecker I really did think that they were going to get a divorce and it didn't start off as a romantic thing at all we were friends first and he made those moves. But it really wasn't many moves to make because we were just so comfortable around one another and there was no sex there was curious kisses basically because he didn't really like that too much and I didn't care because that's not really super important to me if it's somebody I care about like there's toys I wouldn't die.
And I don't know I need to just shut up for a while but I keep talking because I'm stressed out and I need to get certain things out of my system.
I mean right now as I speak my neighbors are outside in the pool purposefully hollering and screaming and it is very distressing to me and when I came home to that bullshit yesterday it was very upsetting to the point my mom had to come spend the night and I feel shit about that but I am scared. To come home today and have those neighbors glaring at me near my apartment eating chips the same chips that we're in the fucking astray Was very telling that they are the ones that were responsible for touching and fucking with my property and that means they have no respect for me or others or others property and they don't care about anything and they don't understand what the word courtesy means and it's really interesting because they're muslims and Muslim people like real Muslim people who practice religiously do not act like that from my experience. Like I don't know I suppose it's the same thing with christians and Christianity I don't follow either of those really because I don't think that I need an imaginary friend to have good morals and values. I don't doubt that there's some sort of higher power of some form butI don't subscribe to made up imaginary friend religions that are more new than anything els Like I mean there's ancient religions that you know how to a female and in history it seems like a lot of the female dynamics in religion have been erased and that's fucked up
Anyway I'm off-topic again always it seems. But yeah my neighbors are outside being extremely loud and screaming on purpose because I think the office let them know that I had PTSD and I think they're just now torturing me aside from fucking with my shit to get back at me.
I cannot wait to move and I am so scared that I'm going to lose it before I get to move.
I wish I could just have a sit down talk with office mediation with those neighbors so I could explain to them that I don't actually have any problem with them as people I just would not like to hear them screaming and hollering and being very trashy all times of day. And I know with apartments you get a mixed bag of neighbors but you know my neighbors before even a fucking drug dealer we're super polite and super courteous. And it doesn't have to be this way at all and I think you know if the courtesy officer sat down and the office manager sat down and I sat down and so did the occupants of that apartment and I just explained that like Hey you're really loud and it's difficult for me to get any rest when I'm hearing screaming and nobody else around the complex does this because I go on walk sometimes when I can make myself get out of the apartment and I've never had this problem in the past 5 years with anybody that lives here. Just mostly people off the street and people off the street jumping the fence to get in the pool which would be loud because they would treat it like a public pool instead of a private residential pool.
It also sort of disturbs me that people have their kids playing in the pool by themselves outside past 8 PM at night II don't know what sort of parenting that is but I think it's pretty fucking stupid and 1 day they're going to end up Walking out there and one of their children will be drowning and no 1 is going to get down there fast enough or something.
I know it's a lot of my control is just frustrating and I need to vent
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The Wizardry Of Magnesium For Better Rest And Unwinding
You might remember magnesium from science lessons at school—it emits a brilliant-white light when burned. However, it’s even more brilliant as an aid for better sleep, recovery, and relaxation, say scientists. “Magnesium is an essential chemical element, the fourth most abundant mineral in the body after calcium, potassium, and sodium,” says Carolyn Dean, author of The Magnesium Miracle. “All these minerals are essential but magnesium seems to do the most—it acts as a cell mineral ion gatekeeper, allowing the appropriate amount of the other minerals to enter the cells,” she explains.
Dean cites scientific research that has found 80% of metabolic functions involve magnesium as a cofactor, including facilitating fat metabolism, controlling blood pressure, and normalizing hormone secretion. “That’s huge and unparalleled,” she says, noting that it’s especially significant because many of us are deficient. While the numbers vary, much of the research suggests that at least 20% of us are not getting as much as we need in our diets.
We’re becoming increasingly deficient due to poor diets, which include nutrient-poor ultra-processed foods. Even the magnesium-rich vegetables, such as leafy greens, that we consume offer much less than they did previously. “Over the years our soil has become so over-tilled that the magnesium we usually get from our food has decreased,” clinical psychologist and sleep medicine expert, Dr Michael Breus, adds. “Often, supplementation can be a great help to counteract any deficiencies.”
The health benefits of magnesium
Our collective awareness of magnesium’s magic has been equally deficient, until recently. For Dean it’s been a long time coming; in The Magnesium Miracle, she notes that its beneficial properties have been known for over 75 years, even being prescribed to help treat heart disease back in the 1930s. JAIS Insights Blog
It wasn’t until the 1980s, when Dr Bella Altura and her husband, Dr Burton Altura, made magnesium the sole focus of their research, that people began to show interest. Conducting over 1000 experiments on the element, the Alturas created the Blood Ionized Magnesium Test to better measure magnesium levels. “When I spoke with them in 1999, they were extremely frustrated that their incredibly important work was not being adopted in clinical practice and mainstream medicine,” Dean says.
Since then, the discourse surrounding magnesium has skyrocketed. Social media has played its part: TikTok is obsessed with sharing different supplements, and which are best for what, and it’s no different for magnesium. Search for it and you’ll discover millions of videos endorsing it as a miracle mineral, linking it to pretty much every condition thinkable.
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stmacorpuschristi · 4 months
Comprehensive Family Healthcare in Corpus Christi: Finding the Right Family Doctor
Choosing the right family doctor is one of the most important decisions you can make for your family's health and well-being. In Corpus Christi, a city known for its rich history, vibrant culture, and picturesque coastline, residents have access to a variety of healthcare options. This guide will provide an in-depth look at the importance of having a family doctor, the qualities to look for, and a spotlight on some of the leading family doctors in Corpus Christi.
The Role of a Family Doctor
A family doctor, also known as a family physician, is a medical professional who provides comprehensive healthcare for individuals of all ages. They are trained to diagnose and treat a wide range of conditions, from acute illnesses to chronic diseases. Family doctors also emphasize preventive care, helping patients maintain their health through regular check-ups, screenings, and lifestyle advice.
Key Responsibilities of a Family Doctor:
Preventive Care: Conducting routine physical exams, vaccinations, and health screenings.
Diagnosis and Treatment: Identifying and managing acute and chronic illnesses.
Patient Education: Offering guidance on diet, exercise, and healthy lifestyle choices.
Coordination of Care: Referring patients to specialists when necessary and ensuring continuity of care.
Qualities of an Excellent Family Doctor
When searching for a family doctor in Corpus Christi, consider the following qualities:
Communication Skills: A good family doctor should be an excellent listener and communicator, explaining medical conditions and treatments in a way that is easy to understand.
Empathy and Compassion: The ability to empathize with patients and provide compassionate care is crucial for building trust and a strong doctor-patient relationship.
Experience and Expertise: Look for a doctor with a solid educational background, extensive experience, and a reputation for excellence in patient care.
Accessibility: Consider the doctor’s availability, including office hours, ease of making appointments, and response times for emergencies.
Leading Family Doctors in Corpus Christi
Corpus Christi boasts a number of highly respected family doctors. Here are a few who stand out for their dedication to patient care and community involvement:
Dr. Jane Smith, MD
Dr. Jane Smith is a board-certified family physician with over 20 years of experience. She is known for her patient-centered approach and her commitment to preventive care. Dr. Smith's practice emphasizes the importance of lifestyle changes and holistic health, offering services such as nutritional counseling and stress management alongside traditional medical treatments.
Dr. Robert Hernandez, DO
Dr. Robert Hernandez is a well-respected osteopathic physician specializing in family medicine. His practice focuses on treating the whole person, not just the symptoms. Dr. Hernandez uses a combination of modern medical techniques and osteopathic manipulative treatment (OMT) to provide comprehensive care. His dedication to patient education and community health initiatives has earned him numerous accolades.
Dr. Emily Nguyen, MD
With a background in both internal medicine and pediatrics, Dr. Emily Nguyen provides exceptional care to patients of all ages. Her bilingual abilities in English and Vietnamese make her practice accessible to a broader community. Dr. Nguyen is known for her thorough approach to diagnosis and treatment, ensuring that patients receive the highest quality of care.
Choosing the Right Family Doctor for Your Needs
Selecting the right family doctor involves careful consideration of several factors. Here are some steps to guide you in making an informed decision:
Assess Your Needs: Consider your family’s specific healthcare needs. Do you need a doctor who specializes in chronic disease management, pediatric care, or geriatrics?
Research and Referrals: Look for recommendations from friends, family, and other healthcare professionals. Online reviews and ratings can also provide valuable insights.
Check Credentials: Verify the doctor’s board certification, education, and training. Professional organizations such as the American Board of Family Medicine can be useful resources.
Visit the Office: Schedule a consultation to meet the doctor and staff. Assess the office environment, cleanliness, and the professionalism of the team.
Evaluate Communication: Ensure the doctor listens to your concerns, answers your questions, and respects your preferences.
The Importance of Preventive Care
Preventive care is a cornerstone of family medicine. It involves measures taken to prevent diseases, rather than treating them once they occur. Family doctors in Corpus Christi play a crucial role in promoting preventive care through:
Regular Check-ups: Routine exams help catch potential health issues early.
Vaccinations: Immunizations protect against serious diseases.
Screenings: Regular screenings for blood pressure, cholesterol, diabetes, and cancer can detect problems early when they are most treatable.
Healthy Lifestyle Counseling: Advice on diet, exercise, and avoiding harmful habits like smoking and excessive alcohol consumption.
Accessing Healthcare in Corpus Christi
Corpus Christi offers a variety of healthcare facilities, from large hospitals to small clinics, ensuring that residents have access to high-quality medical care. Key healthcare providers in the area include:
Corpus Christi Medical Center: A comprehensive medical facility offering emergency care, surgery, maternity services, and specialized treatments.
CHRISTUS Spohn Health System: A network of hospitals and clinics providing a wide range of healthcare services, including family medicine.
Coastal Bend Wellness Foundation: A community health center offering primary care, mental health services, and support programs for underserved populations.
Community Health Resources
In addition to family doctors, Corpus Christi has numerous community health resources designed to support residents' well-being:
Public Health Department: Provides immunizations, health education, and disease prevention programs.
YMCA and Community Centers: Offer fitness programs, health education classes, and wellness activities.
Support Groups: Available for various health conditions, providing emotional support and information sharing.
The Future of Family Medicine in Corpus Christi
The future of family medicine in Corpus Christi looks promising, with advancements in medical technology and a growing emphasis on holistic, patient-centered care. Trends that are shaping the future include:
Telemedicine: The adoption of telehealth services allows patients to consult with their doctors remotely, increasing accessibility and convenience.
Integrative Medicine: Combining traditional medical treatments with alternative therapies such as acupuncture, massage, and herbal medicine.
Personalized Medicine: Using genetic information to tailor treatments to individual patients, improving outcomes and reducing side effects.
Choosing a Corpus Christi family doctor is a significant decision that impacts your family's health and quality of life. By understanding the role of a family doctor, recognizing the qualities of a good physician, and exploring local healthcare options, you can make an informed choice that ensures comprehensive and compassionate care for your loved ones. With the right family doctor, you can enjoy peace of mind knowing that your family's health is in capable hands.
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ratsmoocher · 7 months
i need to be a hater. i reread "the program" after first reading it in like middle school and then read the sequel bc i was like well i might as well. and they're both.... bad? i didn't like them? i feel like they're trying to say something but it keeps getting buried under a stupid love triangle and the dystopian YA girl rebel craze of the 2010s. there's several things i didn't enjoy but my main qualm was that the book's about a teen suicide epidemic and yet it doesn't give us a single reason why teens are killing themselves en masse other than "the program" which was supposed to fix it by taking "infected memories" so kids wouldn't have anything to be depressed about. and the text says the program is making the epidemic worse, obviously, and the origin of the epidemic is one of the big mysteries, but it's never revealed beyond "a girl took antidepressants for too long and got suicidal and then somehow it became contagious" when like. one of the hallmark symptoms is drawing spirals. this isn't "normal depression" and it's apparently so contagious that one in three teens were dying or something. but even though the pov character is a teen girl, the only reasons she has to be depressed are things the program is doing to her life. the author tells us literally nothing about the world that her story is set in. there's references to diet coke and denny's and mcdonalds so i guess we're supposed to assume that this takes place in a world similar to ours? or just flat out our world? but being depressed and having depressed friends myself, it feels so disingenuous to not give us any information about, say, the political climate of this world, or any widespread societal issues that might make kids depressed. it feels so shitty to say "these characters are depressed and beyond the program itself, it's a mystery why!" when i personally am casually suicidal because the world is falling apart around me. the depression in the book is completely separate from the real world conditions that the characters are in. once a character said something like "if they really wanted me to get better they wouldve taken away my abusive dad" and like!!! yes!!! address the root cause! but almost no other characters have moments like that, where their actual life conditions are taken into account to explain why they're suicidal. it feels overwhelmingly like the characters are depressed for no reason, or at least that the epidemic started for no reason, like in the book's world it's an actual virus or something. and that feels so gross to me as an idea pushed in a novel for kids who might be dealing with depression that was caused by real, tangible things. it just feels like there should have been a material reason for the epidemic in the text. something that could maybe be changed to fix the problem permanently. even at the end of the book they're just like "the program is over and suicides are down but we never figured out why it started and nothing else has changed!" like. great. so you didn't actually fix the problem. i learned after finishing "the treatment" that there's four more books in this series and i cannot say i want to read them. i swear to god i need more materialism in stories about mental health or i'm gonna flip my lid.
ok i found some reviews that agree with me thank god. and now i'm even more pissed bc it seems that the author really was just describing regular old depression this way. as in, spreading the idea that depression is contagious. and that it comes out of nowhere and even if your life is fine it makes you suicidal. like i'm sure that does happen to some people! but not on a widespread scale like this and not like a contagion. other ppl were saying the narrative trivializes depression and i think that's the root of my problem w it. depression and suicide become the backdrop for a codependent teen relationship (portrayed as a good thing) caught in a shitty love triangle and topped with a "we have to join the rebellion against the government" type story that always happens in the second book in a YA dystopia series. maybe if the narrative ever presented a viable alternative to the program i would've liked it more, but there was never a reason behind the epidemic, so there can't be a solution. it's a book written from the perspective of a depressed teen, but by an adult who doesn't remember being a depressed teen, if they ever were one, so the pov character has nothing to say. like when people in real life say "we don't know why the youth is depressed!" when we know exactly why kids are so fucked up and it's the material conditions we live under. but in the book, there's just. no reason. it's a world where the adults are correct when they say kids are sad for no reason. it just sucks.
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best-nutritionist · 10 months
Dr. Anu Goswami: Noida's Expert in Weight Management, Lifestyle Coaching, and PCOS Treatment
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In the bustling city of Noida, individuals seeking comprehensive and personalized health solutions are turning to the expertise of Dr. Anu Goswami. Renowned as the Best Weight Management Dietitian, Lifestyle Management Coach, and PCOS Doctor in Noida, Dr. Goswami has carved a niche for herself in the field of healthcare. With a commitment to holistic well-being, she empowers her patients to achieve their health goals through a combination of nutrition, lifestyle modifications, and targeted medical interventions.
Best Weight Management Dietitian in Noida: Dr. Anu Goswami's approach to weight management goes beyond conventional methods. Her personalized diet plans are tailored to individual needs, taking into account factors such as metabolism, dietary preferences, and medical conditions. With a focus on sustainable and long-term results, Dr. Goswami guides her patients towards healthier eating habits and lifestyle choices.
The cornerstone of her weight management strategy is education. Dr. Goswami believes that informed choices lead to lasting changes. Through one-on-one consultations, she educates her clients on the importance of balanced nutrition, portion control, and the role of physical activity in weight management.
What sets Dr. Goswami apart is her unwavering commitment to addressing the root causes of weight-related issues. Rather than offering quick fixes, she collaborates with her patients to develop realistic and achievable goals. This patient-centered approach has earned her a reputation as the go-to Weight Management Dietitian in Noida.
Best Lifestyle Management Coach in Noida: Lifestyle plays a pivotal role in overall health, and Dr. Anu Goswami understands this connection intimately. As the Best Lifestyle Management Coach in Noida, she assists individuals in making sustainable lifestyle changes that positively impact their well-being.
Dr. Goswami's coaching extends beyond traditional weight loss programs. She delves into various aspects of her clients' lives, including stress levels, sleep patterns, and daily routines. By identifying areas that may be contributing to health challenges, she guides her clients in creating a holistic plan for a healthier lifestyle.
In a world filled with fad diets and quick fixes, Dr. Goswami stands out for her evidence-based approach. She emphasizes the importance of gradual, sustainable changes that individuals can integrate seamlessly into their lives. Her coaching goes beyond the short-term, aiming for long-lasting transformations that improve not only physical health but also mental and emotional well-being.
Best PCOS Doctor in Noida: Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS) is a common hormonal disorder that affects many women, and Dr. Anu Goswami has emerged as the Best PCOS Doctor in Noida. Her comprehensive and empathetic approach to PCOS management has garnered praise from patients dealing with this complex condition.
Understanding that PCOS requires a multidimensional strategy, Dr. Goswami combines medical expertise with lifestyle interventions. She works closely with her PCOS patients to create personalized treatment plans that address hormonal imbalances, menstrual irregularities, and associated symptoms like acne and hair loss.
Dr. Goswami's commitment to education is particularly evident in her approach to PCOS management. She takes the time to explain the condition to her patients, ensuring they are well-informed about their health. This empowerment enables individuals to actively participate in their treatment, fostering a sense of control over their well-being.
See more information
Best Weight Loss Nutritionist in Noida
Best Obesity Treatment in Noida
Best PCOD Doctor in Noida
Best Lifestyle Disorders Doctors in Noida
In the heart of Noida, Dr. Anu Goswami stands as a beacon of holistic health. Her titles as the Best Weight Management Dietitian, Lifestyle Management Coach, and PCOS Doctor in Noida are well-deserved accolades, reflecting her dedication to the well-being of her patients. Dr. Goswami's unique blend of medical expertise, personalized care, and a focus on education sets her apart in a crowded healthcare landscape. For those seeking not just a doctor but a partner in their journey towards better health, Dr. Anu Goswami is the name that resonates with trust and excellence.
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scentedchildnacho · 11 months
Todd Gloria tries to kill everyone of playboy......so I finally at Lutheran church told them what Jerry with the NAACP in Biloxi Mississippi told me to do.......I am white.....and I was almost murdered with Jew non whites I had to have childs portions for all the jew ho to be travel in
The Jew kept making me feed a lot of ho
The males all look Jew they aren't ethnic looking at all but a chabad is up the street so im sorry but rabbi can feed it's ho get away from me
I mean the women aren't really a problem they look to be ameri indian or Italian so them stopping by is normal but gross amounts of Jews is a huge problem my whole life big dick Jew believes his non ethnic image must genetically alter systems that aren't offended by ethnic appearances
The Catholic church wants a lot more priests so if that's what their here to do they need to then live like a holy man not get use to women and children dying for their sport
Thats why latinism is everybody knows church is mostly for the girls so what are the men doing creeping around
The ladies with fed benefits were being juvenile delinquents.....so I told them off....the one client you talked to today smoked on all of outside and we all have viruses and poverty in our lives and that's why no one voluntarily feeds her it's a creepy skinny privilege that has to kill people of cops or I don't give things to people who need rehab on the street
So I told them her condition won't get better till you daddy veteran her......she wanted excessive privileges and did nothing for anyone here so her eating disorder gets worse and worse you cannot ever baby or favor or spend lots of time on a skinny femme gross it has transgressive problems where has it been
I just explained to the fed benefit ladies that they allowed territorialism the thing infected everyone with cigarette smoke and has nothing for anyone
I finally had to force the lady if lutheran to realize dieting women is wrong....these women have health complications from dieting and don't give my protein to playboys
I had to tell the ladies those men are very repulsive batterers that go to playboy parties don't ever feed them off me or if the white place is open to Jew Nazis I will get rid of them with negro resistence and no one can go here anymore till dr king Jr allows it
David finally killed the Goliath....uhm white is engineered by Indians so David yea we think we should be allowed only David is male nothing larger then David yea
David played a chord and it pleased the Lord dump big sport jerks on rabbi it's rabbi it's a lot more masculine
I just dont understand what near latin pre school would be spiritual need for masculine gross hyper addictive activity
People like me are impoverished and have a maternity issue so
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vertanvertan · 1 year
Gain Details About Amy Myers MD Review
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Amy Myers MD may be a distinguished health practitioner, creator, combined with boss within purposeful medicinal drugs, strengthening consumers internationally to create total wellness not to mention well-being by personalised health care as well as everyday living changes. Your sweetheart major strategy to medicinal drugs features generated her a prominent set up the health together with well-being town, with numerous triumphant catalogs, a doing well medical train, along with substantial online presence. Dr. Amy Myers MD gathered him / her specialized medical place via Louisiana State College Health and fitness Sciences Centre not to mention concluded her well versed in urgent situation medical care at the Collage associated with Md. Soon after utilizing conventional medicine for countless years, the woman encountered special health and wellness issues, which often triggered her venture directly into smartly-designed prescription medication. Embracing this unique cutting edge paradigm in attention, your lady sought to uncover the roots the things that cause diseases instead of just solely getting rid of indications.
During 2012, Dr .. Amy Myers launched these Austin UltraHealth medical practice in Austin, Texas, by using a concentrate on smartly-designed treatments, a integrative strategy which usually explains all of the interconnectedness for the whole body's equipment. The lady's process speedily earned particular attention owing to the lady's different combination of classic along with managing treatment options. In a education represent cutting-edge diagnostics, custom-made cure policies, together with resolve forpersistance to responding to whomever in its entirety, my wife with success improved tons of individuals recover their. Generally if the internet surfers of the website over the internet, they are grab info about Amy Myers MD.
Like an counsel on the useful remedies life-style, Dr. Amy Myers MD draws attentions to value of nutrition within controlling together with reversing severe ailments. He acknowledges the outcome from diet regarding total well-being as well as uses this information to build one of a kind nutritionary routines. Your ex focus restoring all the stomach and intestines runs the latest pivotal purpose inside her tactic, simply because this lady is aware this gut's intense affect on many pieces of well-being, like the immune system element, mind physical health, along with autoimmune issues.
Through 2015, dr. amy myers released her first book, "the autoimmune solution,In . of which has been a top pick and then a shining example having to do with a cure for citizens experiencing autoimmune problems. Inside this ebook, he explains a wide propose to recognise triggers, repair the particular gut, in addition to rebuild sense of balance inside of the body's immune system. Your girlfriend pure tactic has resonated a lot of unique, strengthening these to take control of these health insurance and grasp the into action, rather then reactive, foot position for well-being. In 2017, she published her second book, "The Thyroid Connection,Within in which delves into your complexities in thyroid gland wellness these interaction of various conditions which add to thyroid gland dysfunctions at all. This ebook, dependant upon the girl's professional medical have, explore, and know-how, promotions helpful hints and tips together with doable actions for those of you that is simply optimization thyroid element. Being evidence of the girl's impression, Dr. Amy Myers MD is actually a sought-after business presenter and he has sprang out in different new media vendors, including series, podcasts, as well as health and wellness summits. Him / her pursuit for train and inspire runs far beyond the girl health observe, reaching persons throughout the world.
Dr. Amy Myers MD have received several constructive reviews coming from clientele as well as subscribers likewise. Her process of smartly-designed remedies and then patient-centered worry has attained the compliments to get masking the basis factors issues of health rather than just getting rid of signals. Countless people experience stated sizable innovations with their health insurance and well-being following adhering to your sweetheart personalised remedy strategies as well as standard of living referrals. To understand the particular location on the Amy Myers MD reviews, folks may well mention the examples below backlink .
Visitors involved with the woman's catalogs, just like "the autoimmune solution" and "the thyroid connection," now have highly regarded that beneficial realistic specifics coupled with easy-to-understand product descriptions the woman provides you with. These types of instruction books are already recommended when it comes to empowering men and women to take charge of the company's health insurance and create advised resolutions.
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cryptid-killjoy · 1 year
Summing up
Valerie has been resting up since her ordeal at Hobbiton and mostly avoiding any general conversation that happened prior to it. 
Victor has managed some testing of his own kind with Valerie. Her condition is unique to her considering the weaknesses left behind from the damage done from her Lyme disease for one, but mostly because of her electrical and nervous system which is clearly unique to her and Jetsam (well and other relations with that power) Point is the system is damaged. 
She’s left with a unique problem. Under a normal circumstances Dr. Frankenstein would explain he might suggest metal stents to hold arteries open but with her special system using these materials conductive materials don’t seem like the wisest long term solution. He wouldn’t be able to ensure how long it would hold or how her body would react. Other materials might melt with the high heat. 
So for now the best prevention for her is to keep her on the meds and a healthy diet and non too strenuous activity until they can figure something out. 
Victor and Zero go into inventing mode. 
Meanwhile Scout is quite under the belief it’s simply time Valerie has to change and there’s just no more time to think on it. 
Dale on the other hand believes it’s not that simple or else his mom would have done it by now anyhow. 
That said I feel like Scout’s moon would have come and gone by now. I hate speeding past everything, but my brain needs to pull everything up and reboot a little. 
Thomas and Scout would get their sight on her first moon. I wanted that to be a sweet moment. But, I guess we know it’s going to happen so it’s okay to say it did. Mush Mush. Yay. Yay. They’re connected. If you wanna add anything about what he taught her or what not let me know. But there’s no way she wouldn’t go from all out sobbing and hugging to running around the house like a wild child shaking her booty over finally getting that sight. 
I’m sure Death enjoyed the rest of Thanksgiving as it was lovely and they’re all off to a great start of a friendship. They can call him anytime
As soon as I saw the Flaming Hot movie I knew Dale had to go watch it with Elsa. No way he wouldn’t want to sit over there and share in the loveliness of that with her. He’ll catch her up on what’s going on with Val’s health cause he’s a worried boy. Mention Flo’s coming back soon probably but not go into all the private stuff Thomas talked about it, just that he thinks Flo will back soon. 
Delta is finally going to give people “The Exit Call” - Details on how to leave safely will be given to all those with permission to leave. Basically all played muses who Delta is aware of shall have permission and get the details personally and be told to give the details to no others. 
Willem and Fig are the only ones out and about still. I hate to fast forward them too because I was so into their adventure there for a sec but idk maybe zip everybody back to a good spot? Let’s at least get them home and playable. I don’t think he’s leaving Feral anyway. But if you want her for something in Funkytown use her idk. I hate them being held up. It’s just a really big chunk I have to write next to get them through the last of the adventure I had no idea I was going to write which ended up pretty damn awesome hahaha. I’m still going to finish it. But, if you need Fig say they’re home and he has a Aunt Peri now. Hook’s out there I guess probably has a chip on his shoulder Willem went and had to play against him. But it all worked out in the end using his wings, and his Aunt’s wings, and even his puppet Tink’s wings to make magic to fix the winter and Pan and on goes the war that goes on forever between Hook and Pan keeping the Nevers alive and thriving. Or something like that. lmao. I’ll fill in the details later. 
I feel like I’m missing something or somebody. But that’s it so far. Meep. 
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dietclinic0 · 1 year
5 Summer Foods to Boost Your Energy Levels
 Are you struggling to manage a medical condition such as diabetes, hypertension, thyroid, PCOD, or obesity? Do you want to learn how to use diet to improve your health and well-being? Then, you don't want to miss the upcoming webinar on therapeutic diet plans at Diet Clinic, hosted by the renowned dietician Sheela Seharawat.
Sheela Seharawat is the founder and chief mentor of Diet Clinic, one of the leading names in the field of nutrition and wellness. With over two decades of experience, Sheela has helped thousands of people to achieve their health goals through a customized and holistic approach to diet and lifestyle.
In this webinar, Sheela Seharawat will share her expertise on how therapeutic diet plans can help you cope with your medical conditions. She will explain how certain foods can affect your body and how to create a balanced and personalized diet plan that suits your needs and preferences.
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The webinar will cover the following topics:
1. Understanding therapeutic diets: Sheela Seharawat will explain the science behind therapeutic diets and how they can help you manage your medical conditions. 2. Key principles of therapeutic diets: Sheela Seharawat will discuss the essential principles of therapeutic diets, such as the importance of balancing macro and micronutrients, avoiding processed foods, and choosing nutrient-dense whole foods. 3. Practical tips for creating a therapeutic diet plan: Sheela Seharawat will provide you with practical tips on how to create a therapeutic diet plan that works for you. She will also share some real-life examples of people who have successfully managed their conditions through therapeutic diets. 4. Q&A session: The webinar will include a Q&A session where you can ask Sheela Seharawat your questions and get expert advice on managing your medical conditions through diet.
By attending this webinar, you will learn how to use therapeutic diets to manage your medical conditions and improve your health and well-being. You will also have the opportunity to connect with other like-minded individuals who are also looking to achieve their health goals through diet and lifestyle changes.
To register for this free webinar, visit the Diet Clinic website or social media pages. Don't miss this chance to take control of your health and transform your life with the help of an expert dietician!
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