#exploded lion
wisteria-lodge · 2 months
I read your post on Exploded Lion Primaries and about how “The ends justify the means” is very characteristic of them. And that struck a chord within me. Whenever I try to explain to my Loyalist relatives about my primary and how yes I would prioritise goals over them, I struggle in explaining how my goals/Cause seems to motivate me (I have a fear of losing control and PTSD to thank for that) For that quote resonated with me. Finally this is how I understand how to express my feelings. I do have the fear that I am a  terrible person because I might be Exploded though. I’m sorry for talking too much 
It sounds like you're just a Lion. (Maybe even a slightly Burnt lion, going from the apologizing.) Lions prioritize their goals, their causes, and their emotional response to things over the people in their life - that's just what a Lion *is.* I would say that the warning signs of an *exploded* lion are.
They are willing to do things in the short term that they know are bad, and even Feel Bad, because their end goal is just That Important. (or because they're just That Special)
Binary "If you're not with me you're against me," type thinking. Any critique or criticism is an attack. The only angry/abusive responses I've ever got from SHC stuff have been from exploded lions.
"My answer is not just AN answer, it is THE answer" type worldviews. Exploded Lions tend to be... a little grandiose in their thinking.
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meandmyrandomstuff · 5 months
In LWW Lucy meets Santa Claus and lives all her years in Narnia with the certainty that he exists. I can't help but imagine when she comes back to our world and her parents try to break down to her who Santa Claus is, and she's like "don't be silly, I know him personally"
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yurokiku · 9 months
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guys i love ga ming so muchhh 🥺💖
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sleepiestslooth · 11 months
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archdevilsupreme · 2 months
Fellow arsonists and dearest onlookers,
THIS is the reminder you needed to maybe, just maybe, remember some idiot dragging along Cazador's corpse all around Baldur's Gate (for like most of Act 3, as I kinda ran into this palace at level 9 like a fucking idiot not knowing where tf I am until I thought, oh just fuck it and go through with it now (I did die a lot...)
I would like to present the "Bag Of Death- Shenanigans" to you!
These determined adventurers swore themselves to be as fucking ✨dramatic✨ as possible.
So they started putting every corpse of their enemies in a backpack. Which they then put into their camp chest. While they do often fight about who is a worse influence on the other, they can agree on being insufferable as a team thus I need you to imagine Mazikeen (my Tav) arranging this pile of corpses while Lord Fangs is just standing by complimenting her on the creative display and giving signature sass. He's not helping. Of course he's not. Why should he, his job is to make this shit burn. He's also 15 points behind on strength compared to her. I love the thought of her moving and carrying stuff for his majesty, Lord Fangs.
But anyway.... I'm straying...
Their teammates hate them & their bullshittery, all these two wanna do is commit arson all the fucking time. You thought Karlach is starting fires? Nuh uh, it's this hellfire duo, they're just little devils, all mischief, all mayhem- all the time. I love them for this. (Tbh we all know it's just me, I'm Fãerun's most pathetic revenge seeking arsonist.)
Also Astarion very much deserved to igni the fuck out of this pile (what a weird way to spell Cazador).
Thank you for your attention, here's to having fun with fire!
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rabbit-exe · 1 year
rewatched exu calamity and brennan really rocked up to the critical role studio and said "I'm gonna hurt that paladin So Bad"
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t00thpasteface · 5 months
hmmmm what if instead of taking my ochem final i just walked down to the beach and ate broken glass for two hours
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iampeachless · 7 months
Calling all former (and current) phannies of tumblr.... 😬
I'm making a deep dive powerpoint about Dan and Phil and I need your help deciding what to include as significant events in the phandom since the beginning.
I'm talking deep lore, most popular videos, and vocabulary that people who have never heard of these gays would need to know
message me or pop it into my ask box, I may not respond quickly but your contributions are greatly appreciated !!
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metal-sludge · 1 month
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Shots from WHITE LION (1983 - present)'s performance at the Marquee in London, England on Jan. 20, 1988 | METAL HAMMER, February 1988.
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lion-buddy · 1 year
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why she blue tho
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wisteria-lodge · 2 years
lion primary + lion secondary
Hey! I’ve been wanting to write to you for some time.
I think I am a Double Lion, for the most part. At least, right now that’s what I feel comfortable with. If I had to talk about my values, right now my loved ones are more important to me than any big cause or my country etc. If anything happens to me, they’ll be the ones impacted the most. Naturally, I prioritise them more.
On the surface, sure this looks pretty Loyalist, but that little “right now.” Just that little acknowledgement that this is how things are now, but maybe not how they’ll be always makes me think that there’s an Idealist primary underneath.
What keeps me going at my worst moments is my desire to see my nephews and nieces. I really want to be an aunt. I want to see my sibling get married, and be there for them. And I will live to see that at any cost.
I am the most important person in my life. It’s my life, it should be centered on me. And this is a attitude I adopted recently after I went to therapy.
I don’t have too many universal values on here. But this one I like. Because the way I see it, the alternative is burning yourself out (and very possibly building up some kind of resentment.) At which point you’ll have made yourself someone else’s problem anyway.
Beforehand I used to run myself ragged trying to find the One True Purpose of my life. The idea of a cause that I could wholly dedicate myself to captivated me. Letting go of that idea wasn’t easy, but I had to because a) it isn’t realistic and b) it wasn’t good for me.
Oh there’s the Lion. This is actually a fun (and probably useful) way of thinking about Exploded Lion. Exploded Lions vanish into the cause - but what is there is no Cause? Probably something like this, hopping around and getting increasingly and increasingly desperate.
The opinion of my loved ones matters to me, but at the end there are some things I simply won’t budge on. And these things are not topics I am willing to waver on, and I cannot fully explain why I have come to value these concepts/beliefs so much. It’s definitely been a process though, little things adding up over time to create like a fort of belief.
Beautiful description of a Lion primary.
As for secondary, I think I am Lion because nothing else fully fits. I don’t know if this is a primary thing or secondary thing, but the idea of changing myself so that other people would like has always been utterly repellent to me.
It is a secondary thing - but in this case, yeah that feeling would be strengthened and reinforced by your primary.
Even when I was utterly desperate for social connection, I was adamant that I would rather spend the rest of my life alone than change myself for anyone. Companionship obtained that way is not worth anything. I don’t think in extreme terms like “spend the rest of my life alone” any longer, but my stubbornness on this remains.
Healthy Double Lions are such powerhouses.
I am at my best when I prioritise myself and do not allow my behaviour to be influenced by the way others behave. I mean, to a certain extent I am willing to, but that’s when it comes to making sure I am not making someone needlessly uncomfortable? That I am respecting their boundaries? I don’t think these things count as “changing my behaviour” though. It’s just being considerate.
Being a Lion secondary shouldn’t just be open permission to be an asshole :) Lion secondaries can always hit the breaks. In fact, they’re really good at hitting the breaks. Lion secondaries can hit a boundary and stop, or at very least lower the volume.
I can’t think of examples for singleplayer, but I really like fixing things if that counts for anything. Tinker around with the thing for a bit and it all starts making sense. It needs me to use my head without using it too much. It’s invigorating. I really like fixing things more than creating them.  I would’ve become a mechanic if it paid enough.
Awww. You, and other EXTREMELY LOUD Lion secondary Anakin Skywalker <3
(I would not be surprised AT ALL if this is a Single-Player Lion Pattern)
As it is, I will probably become an engineer. I think bird primaries are so cool. I thought I was a bird primary because it seems like the right way to go about things
You, and all the rest of the Lion primaries.
but it stressed me out and made me miserable.
Yep. (I imagine you probably had some Burning in your past, or even some Burning and Exploding happening at the same time, which would make you my first example of a Burnt/Exploded Lion.)
It’s so cool how their way of doing things minimises bias and they just. They choose based on what seems to them to be backed up by sound reasoning and that’s incredible.
I know right. It’s so cool.
I tried to do that but it just turned me around in circles. Everything can be justified if you try hard enough. I think I’ll stick what feels right over what looks right.
The is the the Lion primary way.
Thanks for reading all this way :)
Thank you for writing in. You seem remarkably self aware, and in a remarkably good place. I think you’ve got yourself and the system pretty figured out, and this was a very relaxing read.
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monotone-artist · 7 months
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aheem um. me and @tmuse-ac made sonic sonas :]
[id: a colored digital drawing of a sonic oc. he's a blue owl with a light blue face and a light blue tail-tip. he has blue eyes, tufts of feathers like "ears," and scruffy hair. she is wearing an open cream-colored flannel with brown and blue stripes, a black shirt with a blue greek omega symbol on it, white gloves, a dark blue digital watch, and brown boots. she is idly standing and slightly smiling, one hand up in a wave. end id]
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matoitech · 2 years
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blue as a pic i saw and was like oh i NEED to redraw blue with this, and then the art without the text in better quality. original under the cut
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commanderfloppy · 1 year
What? Me drawing a trending thing WHILE it is trending and not 2 months later???
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When you're in the Whispers and have to snoop around in the places of higher ups, getting arrested is par for the course.
Tybalt is not looking forward to having to get bailed out by the Preceptors, Tori is used to this.
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bleh1bleh2 · 1 year
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He's 106!!
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zip-zoom · 1 year
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