#expression of love through music and art
diana-bookfairchild · 2 years
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@flufftober Day 11: Poetry, Art, Music, Craft
Jace wasn’t sure how it had started.
Maybe it had started the day he played Simon the song he’d composed for Clary to ask if he thought she’d like it.
Maybe it had started when the fifteen-year-old redhead stubbornly stood her ground in the Pandemonium and made him curious and half already head-over-heels.
Maybe it had even started the day Valentine had begun to teach him the piano.
He wasn’t sure how any of it happened, but he was definitely happy with the results.
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Simon knew perfectly well when it started: two days before Clary and Jace’s one-month anniversary. He wasn’t perfectly sure if they were celebrating their relationship or their father’s death or their winning the war but he decided not to ask.
“Where do you think we should go?” Clary asked, looking anxious, swinging her legs, sitting on the table.
Simon didn’t answer for a moment, too occupied with considering when his mother would get home. It had been another wonderful day of throwing his mother’s food away and hiding the fact that he was now a vampire. He was just thankful that drinking Jace’s blood had made him able to withstand the sun again, because dealing with that would have been impossible much longer.
“Si,” Clary said impatiently.
“Sorry,” Simon blinked. “Right. You think he’s ever seen a movie?”
His best friend nodded. “He’s seen a couple,” She made a face. “He’s obsessed with The Birds. Maybe I should just show him another to get him off that.”
“That’s just bad taste,” Simon smirked. “Think he shows that in other areas too?”
Clary seized a cushion from the couch next to her and lazily tossed it at him. In past times, he would have dodged it. This time, her shadowhunter aim struck true despite his vampire reflexes.
“Take him to dinner,” Simon said, laughing. “Candlelit and everything. Maybe one of those places you like to sketch the sunset.”
“Planning on it,” Clary said, smiling brightly too. Her red hair fell into her eyes. Simon valiantly tried to ignore the urge to push it out of them – like he’d tried to ignore all signs of his continuing feelings. “What else, though?”
“The arcade.” Simon decided. “He’d love the fighting and racing games.” Simon had to grin imagining the look on Jace’s face at seeing Dance Dance Revolution. The piano was one thing, that was entirely another.
Clary brightened up. “That’s a great idea! Thanks, Simon.” She checked her phone. “I have a while before I have to get back to the Institute. Want to go check the new comics in the store out?”
Simon shrugged. “Sure. Should be fun.” He and Clary always had fun though, whatever they did, so it didn’t really matter.
He was thinking about Jace. How he’d turned into someone he admired from the ‘fake blond’ he’d hated with a passion. Enough to approve Clary’s relationship with him even with a broken heart. He couldn’t believe he knew Jace well enough to give his girlfriend ideas for a date. And that he liked thinking of him on the Dance Dance Revolution machine, all sweaty and grinning with that lazy arrogance he always had.
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Clary’d had ideas of what her life was going to be since her childhood.
She was going to backpack around Europe with Simon. She was going to study Art, hopefully in NYU or Columbia. Maybe she’d specialize in art therapy eventually, or architecture or design. That part hadn’t been too clear. Simon would take a nice safe major for his mother, while focusing on his music. They’d live together.
And eventually, she’d meet someone who made her heart race. Who was handsome and charming and appreciative and loving. And she’d get a job and maybe a pet and maybe kids later in life.
That had all been for later though.
And she’d never thought about what would happen with Simon then.
Simon had been a constant for more than a decade in her life. She couldn’t imagine it without him. He was part of who she was.
But Clary had never imagined that he would find someone when she’d find a boy. She’d never taken him for granted in the usual way – she’d always treasured his friendship – but she realized she had taken his presence in her life for granted; never once imagined that in her future he might not be there.
She remembered how jealous she’d been of Izzy when they’d first met – la belle Isabelle with her grace and beauty and deadly smile and whip, with whom Simon had been smitten instantly.
She’d always imagined that the one she loved would come into her life and change it forever – that romance would come into one’s life with pomp and blare, clear and instant.
And it had. She loved Jace. Jace was everything she’d imagined – beautifully handsome, appreciative of her and her art, broody but kind, a knight in shining armour. He was also everything she’d never thought she could love with such a fierce intensity – snark, trauma, an overprotectiveness that extended to making decisions for her. Being her father’s adopted son.
But love had also somehow managed to creep up on her, silent and invisible, unfolding from her friendship like it had always been inevitable. Simon was an open-book, lighthearted, clumsy even as a vampire. Nothing like her childhood dreams of romance. And yet, loving him was childhood innocence. Easy as breathing. It came naturally.
Two boys, nearly nothing alike, and they both had an unimaginable hold of her heart.
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Jace had never thought he’d ever feel romantic love.
He’d thanked the Angel everyday for Alec and Isabelle and Max. Robert and Maryse too, but his siblings had always been more family to him than them. He knew they were fond of him, but to them he was their ward. To his siblings, he was family. A Lightwood through and through.
For him, they were enough. Of course they were.
And then he’d met Clary.
She was … everything. She was the whole world, his whole world. He wasn’t sure when, exactly, he’d fallen in love with her. She was always unexpected. He had no idea what she was going to do or when. He’d had no idea he was going to kiss her until he did. He hadn’t known she would come for him at Renwick’s until she did. He hadn’t thought in his wildest dreams that she would slap him for putting her life at risk rather than throwing herself at him for saving her.
Romantic love wasn’t something that he could shrug off, apparently. Even when he knew she was his sister, even when he knew it was wrong, even when she’d been dating someone else, loving Clary wasn’t a switch in him that could be turned off.
He had never felt as much jealousy as when he’d seen Simon kiss Clary’s wrist in Magnus’ house. He’d burned with it, the rage and sadness enough to power several cities.
He still wasn’t sure when Simon had turned from the annoying mundane tag along to someone he valued.
It had become clear, eventually, that without Simon there was no Clary. If Clary was the world, Simon was the axis that kept it spinning and stable. The evenness to her temper, the caution to her impulse, the light-heartedness to her angst, the carefreeness to her troubledness.
He’d nearly given his life for the vampire, back on the ship. I would have let you, he’d said in response to Simon’s horror at his capability of draining Jace’s blood. The first time saving him, at the Dumort – that had been entirely for Clary, because he didn’t want to see the panic in her eyes any longer.
The second time … despite his jealousy, despite Simon being a downworlder – it had not been for her. At least, Clary hadn’t been the only reason.
And it had been enough to at least somewhat trust him. We have Clary in common, he’d said. We both care for her. She’s important to both of us.
Jace wasn’t sure what exactly to make of that.
Nevertheless, the vampire was his best source as to whether Clary would like the song. So off he went.
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“You’ve composed a song for Clary,” Simon said, staring at Jace. “And you want me to say if she’ll like it.”
“If you’re done rehashing what we’ve already established, vampire. . .” The Shadowhunter drawled.
Simon held his hands up in surrender. “Alright, alright. There’s a piano in the other room. We can use it.”
“Why exactly do you have a piano?” Jace asked curiously, watching Simon through narrow gold eyes from his seat on the piano. His eyes are so. . . otherworldly, Simon thought, unwillingly enraptured. He shook it off.
Simon had to smile at the memory of the story. “Clary and I were ten, my sister Rebecca was twelve and she’d decided she was going to be in the school orchestra. And Luke said he had a piano in his house, so she decided she was going to learn to play it. But then Clary said—”
“Alright, alright,” Jace rolled his eyes. He looked, oddly pensive and for a moment, almost jealous. But what would he have to be jealous of? He was the one dating the love of Simon’s life. “By the Angel, you’re a more long-winded storyteller than Isabelle.” He stretched his hands out and considered them, before laying them on the piano and beginning to play.
Simon had no idea how to describe what followed. He knew Jace was talented. Jace was good at pretty much everything he did. But he hadn’t expected the music Jace played to resonate with him so deeply. He could see Clary as Jace saw her: the red hair, the gleam of mischief, the temper, the courage.
Simon’s guitar was lying next to the piano from the last time he and Rebecca had played together for one of their family gatherings (Mom, Luke, Jocelyn, Clary, and Aunt Betty). Simon hardly knew when he picked it up and began to flow with the song.
The melody dragged him into a high – into a trance he couldn’t escape. He didn’t need to know the technicalities of it, he could just play. It was like the times Clary got inspiration for her drawings; she literally couldn’t stop drawing or explain where all that was coming from.
The last notes faded away and the spell was broken. Simon and Jace stared at each other.
“You. . . You understood—” Jace cleared his throat and stopped, like that would prevent Simon from understanding what he was saying. The way they had synchronized, the way he had understood what Jace was playing and been able to reproduce it on the guitar. . .
They understood one another’s music.
“Do you think she’ll like it?” Jace asked finally.
Simon wasn’t sure who the sudden roaring jealousy he felt was for. He wasn’t sure of anything. “I’m sure she’ll love it,” he said in a brittle voice.
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Clary spent a lot of time sketching Jace.
She could never quite perfectly capture him, though she never stopped trying. She supposed it was the same with all artists regarding people they loved: their essence was always frustratingly missing from the art.
Her pencil made an unintentional skid across Jace’s wing. Irritated, she sighed.
“Jace!” All her attention was instantly on her boyfriend, who was leaning against the doorway. She set aside the sketchbook and bounced up to him. “What are you doing here?”
Jace took her hands and pressed kisses to them, avoiding the obvious charcoal spotted places, giving her shivers. “Watching my beautiful artistic girlfriend create marvels?”
Clary smiled. “You can be here for that too, but I really don’t think that was your main intention in coming.”
Jace shrugged, looking uncomfortable. It sometimes still blew her away how he trusted her enough to be vulnerable around her, when sometimes he couldn’t be around Alec and Izzy, who were dearest in the world to him, his parabatai and sister. “I wanted to see you,” He whispered. “You’re always, well – when I see you, I always feel more … grounded.”
Clary knew what he meant. It was the way she always felt when she saw Simon. She didn’t think he’d take well to that comparison though.
“Did something remind you of … the War?” She asked gently. They’d talked about it, but it was still a landmine of a topic around everyone. Clary personally thought the lot of them needed therapy.
Jace laughed wryly. “Not that. This time at least.” He kissed her before she could question him further.
Even recognizing the deflection technique, she kissed him back, winding her hands in his hair the way she always liked to. Sparks flew between them, as they always did. Jace never handled her delicately, never seemed to think she wasn’t strong despite his smothering overprotectiveness. He tasted of danger, of fireworks, and yet of the coolness of mystery and night.
So different from Simon, who felt like childhood, like lemonade, the sweet aftertaste that lingered and made you happy. Who held her like she was delicate china.
Jace lifted her up and Clary hooked her legs around his hip. “Don’t think,” She gasped. “That you’re going to escape my other questions—oh, again!”
Jace smirked and his teeth scraped against the same spot on her neck. His hands moved from her waist to her cheek and the bed, and her sketchbook was knocked off it.
Its pages turned as it landed on the floor, ending on a sketch of Simon, smiling gently with flyaway hair in the moonlight, the Mark of Cain vivid. There was an eerie stillness and yet soft bright light to it that seemed to capture him exactly, making her fond of it, much more than all the ones she’d made of him over the years while learning how to draw.
Jace picked it up, face emotionless, and considered it.
“Jace—” Her mouth fell shut. She didn’t know what to say.  
“You love him,” He said.
There were any number of things she could have said: I love you. He’s my best friend. I didn’t even know, until recently.
All of them were true, but they would’ve also been cop outs and if there was one thing that she wasn’t, it was a coward.
Jace looked thoughtful. “And … You love me too?”
Clary exhaled softly, and caught his hand in hers. “You know I do.”
His face softened. “Yeah. I do.” He sat on the bed, pulling her down next to him. “What are we doing, Clary?”
Clary felt panic stir in her. He wasn’t breaking up with her. Was he?
“We’re in a relationship,” she said with forced calm. “And you’ve just found out that I am also in love with my best friend.”
“Unconventional,” Jace quirked a grin. “But then again, our relationship always has been like that.” The relief she felt caused the melting of tension she didn’t even know existed. If he was joking, things were fine. “Can’t even fault your taste,” He said sadly, shaking his head.
Clary had to suppress a grin at the similarity to the conversation she’d had with Simon only a day back. “Aren’t you the one who always called him a rat faced bastard?”
“He did go and get himself turned into one.” Jace muttered defensively. “But no, there’s something about him. . . He isn’t half bad-looking.”
Coming from Jace, this was a bald statement of attraction. That made her consider him more carefully. Jace, who had once thought Simon was the worst and most inconvenient person to grace the earth. Jace, who had his face carefully neutral and playful, his hands clenched and the strange tenor of his voice when he was speaking of emotions but was trying not to be emotional.
“You’re in love with him too.” Clary realized as she said it.
Jace exhaled, and his hand trembled. Clary squeezed it reassuringly. I’m here, it said. You’re not alone. If you don’t want to talk about it, we won’t, but emotions won’t kill you.
“Love is rather an exaggeration, I think,” he said at last. “But there may be more to my feelings for him than I thought.”
Clary stared at him. “I can’t believe you even admitted that much.”
That startled a laugh from him. “Isabelle couldn’t, either.” He said. He was smiling the way he always did when he spoke of his brother and sister. “But Alec said. Well. He said that his relationship with Magnus had only come about when he went to thank him for saving him, and thereby, ‘talking and admitting feelings’.” Jace wrinkled his nose as he always did at those things. Clary felt her heart swell in fondness.
“Well,” She said. “That is definitely more emotion than I expected from Alec.”
Jace snorted. “Yeah, the hard-as-stone thing is a whole façade. He’s a total softie.” There was a pause. He sighed. “I’m going to have to do this whole thing again with Simon, right?”
At this, Clary giggled. “Afraid so.”
“Damn it.”
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“You’re inviting me to your one-month anniversary dinner?” Simon stared at his best friend. She always had barmy ideas, but this was ridiculous even for her. Then something occurred to him. “Does Jace know?”
“Of course he does,” Clary said, sounding offended.
“Right. . . .” Simon trailed off, wondering why.
“He wants you to bring your guitar,” the redhead added.
At this, resentment built up in him. So Jace thought he could just get him to play the song without even asking in person? A confession of love that wasn’t his to the girl Jace knew he loved? He ignored that the hurt stemmed from the fact that he’d thought playing Jace’s composition together was theirs and theirs alone, that their duet had been private, a secret treasure for his heart.
Well. Clearly not.
What had he even expected from Jace?
Clary obviously saw that he was going to refuse. “Please, Si,” she said, her green eyes wide. It was the same expression she got every time she wanted to do something recklessly stupid, Simon refused to get involved, right before he’d do it anyway and both of them got grounded by their moms. It was completely unfair because Clary knew the effect that expression had on him. His firm wall began to crumble rapidly.
“Fine,” Simon sighed.
Clary smiled brightly. “Great!” She peered closely at him. When he raised an inquiring eyebrow, she gave a very Not-Clary awkward laugh. She hesitated. “What do you think of Jace?”
Simon stared at her. “Are you seriously asking for my approval of your boyfriend a month after beginning to date him?” His not-beating-anymore heart began to pound. If anyone could figure out how he was feeling, Clary could. She knew him best, even though she had a total obliviousness to any feelings directed her way. And he really didn’t want to have a ‘yes, I fancy your boyfriend, except maybe not really, except I definitely do because I think he’s stupidly attractive and snark and courage humanized and an incredible musician with whom I’ve played a duet like never before’ conversation with her.
“Yes, I am.”
“Well. . .” Simon swallowed. “Jace is. . . .” Play it cool, he told himself. “Alright.” That came out way too stiffly.
Except Clary didn’t seem to think so. She studied him for a moment and then went back to smiling brightly, kissing his cheek and heading out of the house.
Simon wasn’t sure if the ‘I have a crush’ lightheadedness he was going through was because of Clary or Jace.
“I thought you were going to a mundane restaurant?” Simon asked, frowning.
“We were,” Clary said. “But we couldn’t exactly take you somewhere they wouldn’t serve you blood.” She was leaning into Jace.
They’d turned into a couple that used ‘we’ for everything, Simon thought bitterly, trying to hide his surprise at how they’d changed their plans for him.
Dinner went easily, much to Simon’s amazement. He’d expected having dinner with the best friend he had been in love with for years and her boyfriend for whom Simon had also developed feelings for would’ve been awkward, but this was natural. And it gave him way too much hope, ganging up on Clary with Jace, laughing at Jace’s stories of his and his siblings’ antics, nodding in commiseration at the way Jace’s face fell when he mentioned Max and Clary kissed his cheek in comfort.
They were a good couple, he noted with a sad-proud feeling. He was happy Clary had found someone who loved her so much, someone who was so amazing even he’d begun to … Well.
Jace kissed the remaining strawberry chocolate off Clary’s mouth. Simon’s throat closed up. He was torn between continuing watching and feeding some fantasies and jerking away because this was his best friend dammit! Clary pulled away and cleared her throat. She exchanged an indecipherable look with Jace.
That made him anxious. He could always read Clary.
Clary pulled out two papers, and Simon recognized them as coming from the sketchbook Luke had gifted her for her fifteenth birthday. She pushed one towards Jace. “This is for you,” she said nervously, twisting her hair with her fingers the way she always did when she was tense. “I know it’s not much, but considering—”
“Clary,” Jace said with a sharp inhale. He looked like he was about to cry and Simon felt uncomfortable at witnessing such an intimate moment. He wondered why Clary’d asked him to come. “It’s beautiful.” He said, sounding awed. “You- I look – well. Thank you.”
Simon caught a glimpse of it. It was a sketch of Jace, sitting, leaning back, looking remarkably pleased with himself and yet softly happy. The way he crossed his arms, the way his chipped tooth made his smile imperfect, the way his eyebrows relaxed, the light reflected from his golden wolf eyes. . . . Every detail revealed how much Clary had poured herself into this piece.
Every stroke was an ode to how much she loved him.
Simon couldn’t breathe through his longing and jealousy for a few moments – it was pretty good he didn’t actually need to do it anymore. He ignored them kissing.
“And Simon,” Clary said, holding out the other rolled up sheet. Her eyes were bright. With trepidation, with hope. “This is for you.”
Finally feeling like they’d come to the point of why they’d asked him to come there, Simon’s hand trembled a bit, feeling the same emotions Clary displayed so openly. He took it and rolled it out.
He stared at the drawing, wondering, hopeful, fragile enough that a breeze could knock him over. Time stopped, and the world paused.
It was Simon. Simon with his hands stretched out, smiling half-seriously half-playfully in the moonlight, the Mark of Cain very visible.
Clary poured her emotions into all her work – he’d seen breathtaking emotion-wringing portraits of hers of sceneries, their mothers, Rebecca, the Lightwoods.
This – this was different.
This was like Jace’s. From which anyone could tell that each stroke was an expression of love, that the artist loved the subject beyond all measure – the eros type of love.
“What is this?” His voice was tight.
“Simon,” Clary’s voice was trembling. “I love you. I’m in love with you.”
Simon had wanted to hear these words for years. He dropped the paper, but Jace’s reflexes were fast enough for him to catch it before it fell into the remains of his blood waffles.
“Would you like some poetry to make things clear?” Jace asked, leaning back casually, like hearing his girlfriend confess her love for someone else was an everyday thing. His eyes pierced him, and the message was clear: Say you love her back, because I know you do. If you break her heart now, I will stake you through the heart.
Not that Simon needed that, thank you very much.
“I – I love you too, Clary, Of course I do.” He spoke. Clary smiled up at him with tremulous hope. “But why are you--? What are we going to--?” He stumbled over his questions.
“That depends on what your answer is to this,” she nudged her boyfriend.
Jace sighed deeply. “I wouldn’t mind being in a relationship with you, vampire.” He drawled.
 Simon was not prepared for this. He pinched his arm to make sure he wasn’t dreaming.
“Jace!” Clary chided.
Jace gave her a petulant look. She nodded her head fiercely in Simon’s direction. He interrupted. “You – like me?”
Jace stared at him, clearly recognizing the wishes and dreams and hopes he had put into that one question. “Yes,” he said softly. “I can’t say I love you – but. When we played the – at your house,” he glanced at Clary, who apparently didn’t know about that. “You understood me. You understood my … music. And even before that. You refused to lie about my family to leave the prison. You stayed with Clary despite everything. Even your goddamn pop culture references.” His whole face softened. “And Clary loves you.��� It closed. “What about you?”
“And Clary loves you.” Simon agreed, his mind whirling. That was the basis of everything: as Jace had put it a bit more than a month ago; Clary was what they had in common. They both cared for her. “You’ve saved my life. So many times. Despite my being a Downworlder or mundane. You understand my music, you keep up with me in every argument and fight we have. You never treated me differently after I was Turned. You kept me sane while I was in prison. And you’re quite possibly the most frustratingly handsome person I’ve ever met,” Simon rambled. “How could I not?”
Jace looked completely stunned. Then he blinked, and the usual knowing smirk spread across his face. “How could you not indeed.”
“So. . . So. . .” Simon ignored that. “If we all love each other, then. . .?”
“Simon Lewis,” Clary said, exchanging a look with Jace. “How would you like to join our relationship and try being with us?” Jace looked at him in supposed boredom, but Simon knew him well enough to recognize the barely concealed hope.
“I. . .” Simon pinched himself again. “Definitely.”
“Really?” Clary asked, voice trembling, her eyes bright with tears.
Simon laughed hoarsely. “Clary, I’ve been in love with you for as long as I’ve known what romantic love is. I love you. Of course I’ll jump at the chance.” Like I did before, went unsaid. He’d gotten a bit too emotional at the end, but Clary was worth it.
She leaned in and kissed him – and Simon couldn’t help feeling that this was so much better than their previous ones. Clary let out a sigh and her breath was warm and she was so beautiful and tasted like heat and strawberry and chocolate and felt like home. She was incredible, and kissing her was all he could focus on.
Then she dropped back, and even before he could complain of the sudden loss, Jace had swept in. Jace kissed like he did everything else – intensely and fiercely. If Clary had been the steady love and home, Jace was the windstorm that swept everything away in its wake, yet so awe-inspiring to behold. Kissing him was an exhilarating fight, and their teeth clacked together. Their first kiss left him even more breathless than he usually was.
Simon watched Jace and Clary kiss too, and now – now watching it didn’t create any jealousy, just pure simple happiness and awe. Disbelief swirled in his head. The two people he loved – and now they were in a relationship. He felt Clary’s foot twine around his, in the way they had always done in boring functions since their childhood, and feeling bold, he reached over and took Jace’s hand.
Jace’s gaze snapped up to meet his, and then he smiled and winked. He held the cup of coffee Clary had been drinking from up, and when Clary reached up, he held it even higher.
Her eyes narrowed.
“Jace,” She said in a clipped tone that did nothing to bely her happiness. “Give it to me.”
“Why?” Jace asked, shrugging. “Not my fault you’re so short.”
“You’re playing a dangerous game there, Heronwood,” Simon said cheerfully to his new boyfriend.
“Heronwood?” Jace echoed, eyes as narrowed as Clary’s.
“Herondale plus Lightwood,” Clary nodded solemnly. “It’s a beautiful portmanteau.”
“And it suits you perfectly!” Simon laughed.
Jace gave a yelp as Clary elbowed his arm harshly and dragged her coffee cup away from him, all three of them laughing all the while.
Simon’s dead heart swelled as he looked at them – his gorgeous amazing girlfriend and boyfriend.
“I love you both,” he said recklessly.
Jace smiled suddenly, the sweet smile in Clary’s drawing, very unlike the sarcastic asshole grin he usually had. “We love you too.”
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Jace could just imagine what his fa—Valentine would say.
His daughter, and a vampire.
But now, now after he was dead, after all the abuse was finally out in the open, he looked at his incredible partners who understood him and his music and his trauma so well and had now begun to argue about something something in a tv show and thought about his home and his adopted parents and the siblings who had stuck with him through thick and thin.
Every time Valentine had told him he was unworthy of love. Every time he’d broken a bone of his. The dead body of his beloved falcon. Valentine lecturing about how parabatai led to destruction. How love destroyed.
He was wrong. So, so wrong.
It all mattered, of course. Abuse couldn’t be resolved by a relationship.
But still. He was lucky. He was so glad he had made it here.
“We’ll need to talk about this,” he said. “How we’ll make a relationship like this work.”
“We do,” Simon agreed.
“But later,” Clary said. Playfulness danced in her eyes. “For now. . .” She kissed him again, and he closed his eyes and just ... enjoyed the feeling of Simon’s hands on him and Clary’s lips on his.
So very lucky indeed.
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hcnnibal · 1 month
What do a1 and a2 think of art? Like. Do they think about it? Do they like certain media like sculpture or oil paintings or weird subversive flyers slapped on telephone poles? Do they have favorites
a1 loves art, its one of the only things that genuinely moves him. hes particularly fond of abstract and modern. he’s got a poet’s soul. he likes carl andre and richard serra and theo van doesburg and those sorts of guys
a2 doesnt really ‘get’ art. or poetry. or anything that isnt like. literal.
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p1x1x · 4 months
me pushing myself further with my art drawing really cool perspectives and whatever with the Duo and then i turn around and make lame cutesy ship art waaahhah 😭😭😭
dont read the tags on this if you havent watched gbc i just ramble spoilers 😭 just uhh screaming yknow. mostly mmnn but i like the other characters i swear its just these guys are making me insane
#UGGGGGGGHhhH the duo ever rn…#theyre jsut. so important to each other#supporting each other in their honest expression#FLIP OFF THE WORLD#and i mentioned once on twitter about how real mmk’s fear was#music is everything to her… so for those songs she wrote of her own expression to not be accepted or seen as successful..#yeah that Hurts#i totally get the feeling of wanting to quit… bc why would you want to be hurt that way…#OUUGGGH music (art in general) being able to leave a mark on people…! it can change people…! dont stop making art…!!!!!#but then there’s the side of me that sees all those moments and be like Hell yeah thats some romantic shit… wooo codependency yuri…#going into romantic ship mode#ouggggh but theres also the slightly messed up fact that mmk saw nn less as nn and more as her own past self#and how mmk was not really guiding nn the person so much as she was trying to fulfill her dream through nn#(ok my wording might get confusing but im RAMBLING OKAY)#GOD NN’S VA AND LINES WERE SOOOOO GOOD#mmk stuck in trying to amend her past…! but nn pulls her back to the present#back to reality and shows her that she can still fulfill that dream that desire…!#you saved me with that song its that important and i love it so i love you who laid bare your feelings#UGH THE TRUCK SCENE THAT THAT THAT UUUUGGGGHHFHH#she loves the real mmk…!#god what was i saying with codependency yuri earlier…?#oh right nn only being able to keep going now bc of mmk#hhhhhhhhh#and well. mmk having her happiness depend on keeping nn going (bc of yeah. seeing her past self in her…)#but the confession makes mmk realize what she was doing#(yet still good stuff for codependency yuri)#ok im shutting the fuck up now 😭
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hella1975 · 1 year
made my first dnd character ever and she's a total cunt and i love her
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noxtivagus · 2 years
"in your darkest hour, in the blackest night…think of me…and I will be with you. always. for where else could I go? who else could I love but you?" i'm never gna shut up abt this line from ffxiv
#🌙.rambles#[ ffxiv. ]#the self-love in lvl 70 quests >>>>#honestly my interpretation of it is#yeah. no one could love you any better than your own self#n what this quote means to me rlly helped me a lot in the past few years#when i'm remember n hold unto myself#of how i've come this far bcs i'm me yk?#this 2023 i really won't be so afraid anymore#i'll hesitate less i won't hide as much#the only things that rlly. weigh me down i think are#the. inevitable loneliness n#the weight of the past that i love so much.. bcs i really do value life so much. it's too much for me bcs i feel too much n think too much#n i want to do so much but#yk as long as i'm. me. i think i'll manage somehow#i'll make my way through as i always have#it's just a bit lonely when i think about it but yk i do have my family i do have my friends n i'll always have apollo#music literature stories video games art or wtvr just really mean so much to me bcs i can express myself freely n truthfully#but it's so bittersweetly human to not be able to do as much as i want n i don't think i've completely accepted it despite#knowing n being so aware of it. but i'm still.. young after all.#random thought but i rlly like my hair today i hope it'll still be like this on the fair 🫣#ARGHHH I WANT TO WRITE SO MUCH BUT I'M A BIT TIRED RN BCS OF WALKING OUTSIDE W APOLLO#ONE DAY ONE DAY we will adopt some of the strays here 🥺 starting next week we're gna help the volunteers here feed them#yk what i'm gna get things done now n i'll stop writing >< i'll. fix my tumblr one day. yes. but for now i'll focus on myself.
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lokiiied · 1 year
idk about you guys but i kinda owe video editors my life <3
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inkskinned · 1 year
the thing about art is that it was always supposed to be about us, about the human-ness of us, the impossible and beautiful reality that we (for centuries) have stood still, transfixed by music. that we can close our eyes and cry about the same book passage; the events of which aren't real and never happened. theatre in shakespeare's time was as real as it is now; we all laugh at the same cue (pursued by bear), separated hundreds of years apart.
three years ago my housemates were jamming outdoors, just messing around with their instruments, mostly just making noise. our neighbors - shy, cautious, a little sheepish - sat down and started playing. i don't really know how it happened; i was somehow in charge of dancing, barefoot and laughing - but i looked up, and our yard was full of people. kids stacked on the shoulders of parents. old couples holding hands. someone had brought sidewalk chalk; our front walk became a riot of color. someone ran in with a flute and played the most astounding solo i've ever heard in my life, upright and wiggling, skipping as she did so. she only paused because the violin player was kicking his heels up and she was laughing too hard to continue.
two weeks ago my friend and i met in the basement of her apartment complex so she could work out a piece of choreography. we have a language barrier - i'm not as good at ASL as i'd like to be (i'm still learning!) so we communicate mostly through the notes app and this strange secret language of dancers - we have the same movement vocabulary. the two of us cracking jokes at each other, giggling. there were kids in the basement too, who had been playing soccer until we took up the far corner of the room. one by one they made their slow way over like feral cats - they laid down, belly-flat against the floor, just watching. my friend and i were not in tutus - we were in slouchy shirts and leggings and socks. nothing fancy. but when i asked the kids would you like to dance too? they were immediately on their feet and spinning. i love when people dance with abandon, the wild and leggy fervor of childhood. i think it is gorgeous.
their adults showed up eventually, and a few of them said hey, let's not bother the nice ladies. but they weren't bothering us, they were just having fun - so. a few of the adults started dancing awkwardly along, and then most of the adults. someone brought down a better sound system. someone opened a watermelon and started handing out slices. it was 8 PM on a tuesday and nothing about that day was particularly special; we might as well party.
one time i hosted a free "paint along party" and about 20 adults worked quietly while i taught them how to paint nessie. one time i taught community dance classes and so many people showed up we had to move the whole thing outside. we used chairs and coatracks to balance. one time i showed up to a random band playing in a random location, and the whole thing got packed so quickly we had to open every door and window in the place.
i don't think i can tell you how much people want to be making art and engaging with art. they want to, desperately. so many people would be stunning artists, but they are lied to and told from a very young age that art only matters if it is planned, purposeful, beautiful. that if you have an idea, you need to be able to express it perfectly. this is not true. you don't get only 1 chance to communicate. you can spend a lifetime trying to display exactly 1 thing you can never quite language. you can just express the "!!??!!!"-ing-ness of being alive; that is something none of us really have a full grasp on creating. and even when we can't make what we want - god, it feels fucking good to try. and even just enjoying other artists - art inherently rewards the act of participating.
i wasn't raised wealthy. whenever i make a post about art, someone inevitably says something along the lines of well some of us aren't that lucky. i am not lucky; i am dedicated. i have a chronic condition, my hands are constantly in pain. i am not neurotypical, nor was i raised safe. i worked 5-7 jobs while some of these memories happened. i chose art because it mattered to me more than anything on this fucking planet - i would work 80 hours a week just so i could afford to write in 3 of them.
and i am still telling you - if you are called to make art, you are called to the part of you that is human. you do not have to be good at it. you do not have to have enormous amounts of privilege. you can just... give yourself permission. you can just say i'm going to make something now and then - go out and make it. raquel it won't be good though that is okay, i don't make good things every time either. besides. who decides what good even is?
you weren't called to make something because you wanted it to be good, you were called to make something because it is a basic instinct. you were taught to judge its worth and over-value perfection. you are doing something impossible. a god's ability: from nothing springs creation.
a few months ago i found a piece of sidewalk chalk and started drawing. within an hour i had somehow collected a small classroom of young children. their adults often brought their own chalk. i looked up and about fifteen families had joined me from around the block. we drew scrangly unicorns and messed up flowers and one girl asked me to draw charizard. i am not good at drawing. i basically drew an orb with wings. you would have thought i drew her the mona lisa. she dragged her mother over and pointed and said look! look what she drew for me and, in the moment, i admit i flinched (sorry, i don't -). but the mother just grinned at me. he's beautiful. and then she sat down and started drawing.
someone took a picture of it. it was in the local newspaper. the summary underneath said joyful and spontaneous artwork from local artists springs up in public gallery. in the picture, a little girl covered in chalk dust has her head thrown back, delighted. laughing.
#writeblr#warm up#this is longer than i wanted i really considered removing that part about myself and what i went thru#but i think it really fucking bothers me that EVERY time i talk about being an artist#ppl assume i just like. had the skill and ability to drop everything and pay for grad school.#like sir i grew up poor. my house wasn't a safe space. i gave up a FREE RIDE TO LAW SCHOOL. for THIS. bc i chose it.#was it fucking hard? was i choosing the hard thing?? yes.#but we need to stop seeing artists as lazy layabouts that can ''afford'' to just ''sit around and create''#when MANY - if not MOST - of us are NOT like that. we have to work our fucking ASSES off. hard work. long and hard work#part of valuing artists is recognizing the amount we sacrifice to make our art. bc it doesn't just#like HAPPEN to us. also btw it rarely has anything to do with true talent.#speaking as someone with a chronic condition i hate when ppl are like u have it easy. like actively as i'm writing this my hands r#ACTIVELY hurting me. i haven't been posting bc my left hand was curled in a claw for the last week#this isn't fucking luck. after a certain point it's not even TALENT. it's dedication & sacrifice.#''u get to flounce around and do nothing with ur life'' is a narrative that is a direct result of capitalism#imagine if we said that about literally any other profession.#''oh so u give up 10 yrs of ur life to be a doctor? u sacrifice having a social life and u get SUPER in debt?#u need to work countless hours and it will often be thankless? well i wish i was that lucky''#we should be applying that logic to landlords ONLY#''oh ur mom and dad gave u the money to buy a house? and all u did was paint it white and rent it? huh.''
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kawluv · 3 months
Natal chart 1st and 5th houses: What gives you energy?
Для ру.астро пабликов: указывайте мой тгк @cherrishyoutarot при использовании поста.
Aries in the 1st house: A person receives energy from activity, competitions and the start of new projects. They live at high speed and love challenges. Aries in the 5th house: They get joy and energy from risky ventures, sporting events, and creativity that requires physical activity and passion. Taurus in the 1st house: A person receives energy from stability, material pleasures and a comfortable environment. They value beauty and physical well-being. Taurus in the 5th house: Joy and energy come through the enjoyment of material things such as food, music, art and sensual pleasures. Gemini in the 1st house: A person gets energy from communication, exchanging ideas and learning new things. They are adaptable and like variety. Gemini in the 5th house: Joy and energy come through intellectual activities, communication, flirting and participation in a variety of social activities. Cancer in the 1st house: A person receives energy from emotional connections, caring for loved ones and creating a cozy home. They are intuitive and caring. Cancer in the 5th house: Joy and energy come through family activities, taking care of children and participating in emotionally meaningful creative projects. Leo in the 1st house: A person gets energy from self-expression, leadership and recognition. They like to be the center of attention and show their individuality. Leo in the 5th house: Joy and energy come through theatrical performances, creativity, romance and participation in bright and exciting events. Virgo in the 1st house: A person receives energy from organizing, analyzing and helping others. They value order and detail. Virgo in the 5th house: Joy and energy come through creative projects that require attention to detail, as well as through activities related to improvement and improvement. Libra in the 1st house: A person receives energy from harmony, partnership and social justice. They appreciate balance and beauty in a relationship. Libra in the 5th house: Joy and energy come through art, romance, social events and creative projects related to aesthetics and harmony. Scorpio in the 1st house: A person receives energy from intense emotions, deep transformations and research. They are strong and insightful. Scorpio in the 5th House: Joy and energy come through intense creative projects, emotionally intense romantic relationships and participation in mysterious or transformative experiences. Sagittarius in the 1st house: A person gets energy from traveling, learning and philosophical reflections. They are optimistic and adventurous. Sagittarius in the 5th House: Joy and energy come through adventures, educational activities, travel and philosophical or spiritual creative projects. Capricorn in the 1st house: A person gets energy from achievements, ambitions and structure. They are disciplined and pragmatic. Capricorn in the 5th House: Joy and energy come through creative projects that require perseverance and discipline, as well as through participation in activities related to achievement and recognition. Aquarius in the 1st house: A person gets energy from innovation, independence and humanitarian ideas. They are unique and original. Aquarius in the 5th house: Joy and energy come through participation in collective projects, social change and creative initiatives related to innovation. Pisces in the 1st house: A person receives energy from dreams, intuition and spirituality. They are sensitive and compassionate. Pisces in the 5th House: Joy and energy come through mystical and artistic projects, creative imagination and participation in spiritual or intuitive activities.
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tarotwithavi · 11 months
Venus in houses
Venus signifies love, beauty, relationships, art, aesthetics, and harmony in astrology. It also represents how we express affection and what we're attracted to.
These post are general and won't resonate 100% because we have to consider other aspects too.
For entertainment purposes only!
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Venus in the 1st house
People with Venus in the 1st house tend to be naturally charming and attractive. They have a friendly, approachable vibe that draws others in. People often find them physically appealing, even if they're not aware of it. These individuals have a certain grace and poise about them. They carry themselves with elegance and may have a good sense of fashion and style. They know how to make a positive first impression. Venus represents beauty, and when it's in the 1st house, these folks have a deep appreciation for all things beautiful. They may have a keen interest in art, fashion, or design. Socializing comes naturally to them. They enjoy being around people and are often the life of the party. They make friends easily and can adapt to different social situations with ease. Relationships play a significant role in their lives. They are often focused on creating harmonious and loving connections with others. They may fall in love quickly and enjoy the romantic aspects of life. In conversations, they tend to be diplomatic and tactful. They have a way of saying things that doesn't ruffle feathers, which makes them excellent mediators in conflicts. People with Venus in the 1st house are generally well-liked and popular. They have a magnetic quality that draws others to them, and they can often get what they want through their charm and charisma. Many of them have artistic talents, whether it's in music, visual arts, or any other creative endeavor. They may find joy and fulfillment in expressing themselves artistically. On the downside, they may have a tendency to indulge themselves a bit too much. This could manifest in overeating, overspending, or other forms of self-gratification. They often have strong preferences when it comes to aesthetics. They know what they like and don't like, whether it's in their home decor, clothing, or personal grooming. They value harmony and balance in their lives. Disruptions or conflicts can be particularly distressing for them, and they may go to great lengths to restore peace. Their personal values are very important to them. They are likely to stand up for what they believe in, and they seek partners and friends who share similar values.
Venus in the 2nd house
Having Venus here often means you appreciate the finer things in life. You might have a knack for making money and enjoy spending it on beautiful stuff – whether it's a fancy car, a stylish wardrobe, or a cozy home. You're likely drawn to luxurious and high-quality items. Quality over quantity is your mantra. You'd rather have one exquisite piece than a bunch of cheap stuff. Venus in the 2nd house can bring a touch of charm and grace to your financial dealings. People might find it hard to say no to you when you're asking for a loan or negotiating a deal. Your values play a significant role in your relationships. You're attracted to partners who share your values, especially when it comes to money and possessions. Harmony in these areas is important to you. You tend to be generous with your loved ones, showering them with gifts and treats. It's your way of showing affection. You usually have a good sense of how to manage your money. Financial stability is essential for your peace of mind, and you work to achieve it. Venus also rules beauty and art, so you might have a keen eye for design and aesthetics. You could excel in professions related to art, fashion, or interior decorating.You find pleasure in the sensory experiences of life – good food, beautiful surroundings, and physical comfort. This can also extend to your romantic life, where physical intimacy is essential. if Venus isn't well-aspected here, it could lead to overindulgence in spending or a tendency to be materialistic. Be mindful of not equating your self-worth with your possessions.
Venus in the 3rd house
Venus in the 3rd house blesses you with a silver tongue. You have a natural charm in the way you speak and interact with others. Your words are like sweet melodies, making it easy for you to connect with people on a personal level. You're a great conversationalist and can easily win people over with your pleasant demeanor. Venus is the planet of beauty and creativity, and in the 3rd house, it infuses your communication with a touch of artistry. You may have a talent for writing, public speaking, or storytelling. Your creative ideas flow effortlessly into your conversations, making them engaging and memorable. You're socially adept and thrive on building relationships with those in your immediate environment. This placement often indicates a strong bond with siblings, making you a friendly and supportive sibling or enjoying close relationships with your brothers and sisters. You may also have a knack for forming close friendships with your neighbors or people you encounter in your day-to-day life. Venus in the 3rd house can make you a lifelong learner. You have a curiosity about the world and a love for acquiring knowledge, especially in subjects related to art, culture, and aesthetics. This placement can encourage you to pursue studies or hobbies that involve beauty, such as literature, music, or the visual arts. While you're charming, your interactions with others may sometimes be perceived as flirtatious, even if that's not your intention. You enjoy the playful side of communication and may engage in witty banter or playful teasing. This can make you quite popular and fun to be around. In relationships, you express your affection through words and gestures. Love letters, sweet text messages, and small romantic surprises come naturally to you. You appreciate the beauty of love and use your communication skills to strengthen your romantic connections. Your relationship with siblings tends to be harmonious and supportive. You're there for them when they need you, and you bring a sense of ease and understanding to your family dynamics. The 3rd house also relates to short journeys. With Venus here, you may have a fondness for weekend getaways, road trips, or other short adventures, often with loved ones.
Venus in the 4th house
You find a deep sense of emotional security and comfort within the confines of your home and family. There's a strong need for a harmonious and loving domestic environment. You have a strong attachment to your home and might enjoy decorating and making it aesthetically pleasing. Your home is often a place of comfort, love, and artistic expression. Family plays a significant role in your life. You may have a close and loving relationship with your family members, particularly your mother or maternal figures. You attach sentimental value to family heirlooms, traditions, and memories. Your family's history and heritage are important to you. Your approach to love and relationships is nurturing and caring. You may express love through taking care of your loved ones, especially within the home environment. You seek a harmonious and peaceful home life, and you might go to great lengths to maintain a loving atmosphere. You enjoy entertaining at home and often find happiness in hosting gatherings. Venus in the 4th house can grant a good sense of style and design for home decoration. You may enjoy collecting art, antiques, or items of beauty for your living space. Your early childhood experiences, especially in your family, can strongly influence your attitudes and behaviors in love and relationships as an adult. There can be a strong interest in real estate, and you might invest in properties or find a career related to homes and interior design. Striving for balance and emotional security is crucial for your happiness. You seek relationships that provide a sense of comfort and emotional well-being.
Venus in the 5th house
With Venus in the 5th house, you have a magnetic charm that makes you naturally attractive and romantic. You seek love and pleasure in creative and playful ways. You enjoy the excitement of romance, and your relationships tend to be passionate and full of affection. This placement enhances your artistic and creative abilities. You may have a talent for music, art, or any form of self-expression. You find joy and fulfillment in creative pursuits and often use them as a means of showcasing your love and affection. Your inner child is very much alive, and you enjoy fun and playfulness. You may have a special connection with children and might excel in roles involving teaching or working with young people. Your love life often resembles a romantic fairy tale. You have a love for entertainment, whether it's through the arts, sports, or other leisure activities. You enjoy the finer things in life and are willing to invest in experiences that bring pleasure and luxury. Your charm and charisma are accentuated, making you a natural flirt. You tend to be social and love attention, often becoming the center of attraction in social settings. This can be a positive trait in your love life and personal relationships. You may be more willing to take risks in matters of the heart. This can lead to exciting and passionate relationships, but it may also involve some ups and downs. Love and creativity often go hand in hand for you, and you're not afraid to pursue your passions. If you become a parent, your love for children will shine through. You're likely to be a warm, affectionate, and creative parent who encourages your children to explore their own creative talents. Venus in the 5th house can bring out your dramatic side. You enjoy being in the spotlight and expressing yourself with flair, whether on stage or in everyday life. You may have a wide range of hobbies and interests that allow you to express your creativity and love. Your interests can become a big part of your identity and how you attract and connect with others.
Venus in the 6th house
You have a natural flair for bringing beauty and creativity into your job. You tend to enjoy work that involves art, aesthetics, or social interactions. You are likely to be diplomatic and pleasant in your interactions with colleagues and clients, making you a valuable team member. Venus in the 6th house often bestows good physical health. You are inclined to take care of your body and may be drawn to activities like yoga or other forms of exercise that are not only beneficial but enjoyable too.You are charming and diplomatic in your interactions with co-workers. This can create a harmonious work environment, but be cautious of overindulgence in office gossip or drama This placement can signify a love for helping others. You may be drawn to careers in healthcare, social work, or any field that involves assisting and nurturing people. You have a strong need for beauty and aesthetics in your daily life. You might decorate your workspace, have a well-organized and visually pleasing schedule, and appreciate the finer things in your daily routines. Your creative talents can be expressed through your work. You may find ways to infuse artistry into even the most mundane tasks, making your daily routines more enjoyable and fulfilling.Be cautious about romantic involvements in the workplace, as Venus in the 6th house can lead to romantic attractions with colleagues. It's essential to maintain professionalism in such situations. You may struggle to find a balance between work and personal life, as you can become so absorbed in your job or daily tasks that you forget to take breaks for self-care and enjoyment.
Venus in the 7th house
Venus in the 7th house indicates a deep need for harmonious relationships. You are drawn to partners who are attractive, charming, and cultured. You seek equilibrium and balance in your partnerships and may avoid conflict whenever possible. You have a natural ability to attract people and form meaningful connections. You may be seen as diplomatic, charming, and well-liked in social situations. Your charisma can be a significant asset in your personal and professional life.This placement often signifies a strong desire for committed and long-lasting partnerships. You are likely to value the institution of marriage and may dream of a fairy-tale romance. Venus in the 7th house can enhance your artistic and creative talents, as the 7th house represents partnerships, and Venus is the planet of aesthetics. You might find artistic expression through collaboration or partnerships. You have a refined sense of beauty and may be drawn to artistic or visually appealing partners. You appreciate art, fashion, and all things aesthetically pleasing. In your relationships, you tend to be diplomatic and value compromise. You may go to great lengths to maintain peace and harmony, sometimes at the cost of expressing your true feelings. This placement can influence not only your personal relationships but also your business partnerships. You're likely to have a good sense of business and can form lucrative partnerships, particularly in ventures related to beauty, art, or design. While Venus in the 7th house brings a lot of positive attributes, there can be challenges too. You may struggle with being overly dependent on your partner for emotional well-being, and at times, you might fear being alone. People with Venus in the 7th house often attract love into their lives. However, the challenge lies in maintaining that love over the long term, as you may idealize your partners. Your ability to negotiate and find common ground with others is a significant strength. You're skilled at resolving conflicts peacefully.
Venus in the 8th house
You possess an intense and deep emotional nature. Your feelings are not superficial; they run profound and can often be veiled, even to yourself. In your romantic relationships, you seek deep, passionate, and transformative connections. You're drawn to intense, soulful bonds with your partners. Your desires and pleasures are deeply rooted in the physical realm. Sensuality plays a significant role in your life, and you may have strong sexual appetites. The 8th house is also associated with shared resources and joint finances. You may have financial dealings with others, such as business partnerships or shared assets with a spouse. Venus in the 8th house can give you a magnetic and alluring presence. People may be naturally drawn to you because of your intense charm and charisma. You are inclined towards personal transformation and growth. You're not afraid to confront the darker aspects of life and explore the mysteries of the human psyche. You take your relationships seriously and are willing to invest a lot of emotional energy into them. Loyalty is crucial to you, and you may have a tendency to hold onto relationships longer than most. Financially, you may experience highs and lows. Joint financial matters can be a source of both gain and loss. It's essential to be cautious in financial partnerships. The 8th house is associated with the occult, mysteries, and hidden knowledge. You might have a natural inclination towards astrology, tarot, or other mystical subjects. Venus in the 8th house can also lead to a desire for control in relationships and financial matters. You may find it challenging to trust others completely. Your love life is often transformative. Relationships have the power to change you, and you may go through periods of intense emotional growth and change through love. On the downside, you might struggle with jealousy and possessiveness in relationships. It's important to work on trust and open communication. Venus adds an element of grace and elegance to your personality. You have a refined taste and may enjoy indulging in luxurious and beautiful things.
Venus in the 9th house
You possess a deep love for exploring new horizons, whether through travel, higher education, or spiritual pursuits. The desire to expand your worldview through these means is a significant part of your life.Venus brings harmony to your beliefs and values. You seek a sense of unity and may find beauty in various cultural, philosophical, or religious traditions. This placement often indicates a person with a more liberal and open-minded approach to different belief systems. You're attracted to intellectual and philosophical subjects. Learning is not just a duty but a pleasure for you. You may excel in fields related to higher education, publishing, or teaching. Venus in the 9th house encourages an appreciation for art, culture, and aesthetics from around the world. You might have a love for foreign languages, literature, or art. In relationships, you may be drawn to partners from diverse cultural or educational backgrounds. Romantic relationships often have a touch of adventure and exploration. Travel can be a source of pleasure and learning for you. You may have the opportunity to travel for pleasure and education. These experiences can be pivotal in your personal growth. Your ability to express your beliefs is marked by diplomacy and charm. You can discuss sensitive topics without causing offense and might even be a mediator in philosophical or religious debates. You seek deeper, spiritual truths and might explore various belief systems to find your own path. This placement often indicates a person on a lifelong journey of self-discovery. Your sense of aesthetics is influenced by your exposure to different cultures. You appreciate the beauty in diversity and may incorporate elements of various cultures into your personal style or home decor. At times, your strong desire for expansion and exploration can make you restless or commitment-averse in relationships. You may need to find a balance between your love for freedom and the stability of a long-term partnership.
Venus in the 10th house
You are likely to be quite focused on your career and public image. Venus in the 10th house suggests that you have a strong desire for success and recognition in your chosen field. You're drawn to professions that involve art, beauty, fashion, design, or anything that allows you to express your creative and aesthetic talents. You possess a natural charm and diplomacy that makes you adept at dealing with people in authority. This can be a valuable asset in your professional life, as you have the ability to network, negotiate, and create positive relationships with influential individuals. You have a refined sense of aesthetics, which can be applied to your career choices. Whether you are an artist, a fashion designer, or even in a corporate setting, you appreciate beauty and elegance. This can help you stand out in your profession. Your public image is important to you, and you are often seen as someone with a strong sense of style and grace. People may view you as a tastemaker or a person who embodies the ideal of beauty and harmony. Venus in the 10th house can also indicate an interest in social standing and a desire to be associated with those in higher social strata. You may feel comfortable in elite social circles and aspire to climb the social ladder. You tend to approach authority figures with diplomacy and grace. This can help you navigate your way through the corporate world or other hierarchical structures with finesse. There can be a connection between your career and your relationships. You may meet significant others through your professional endeavors or choose a partner who is supportive of your career goals. Careers in public relations, marketing, or any field that involves presenting an appealing public image may be particularly suitable for you. Your ability to make things look good is a valuable skill. You are likely to gain popularity and recognition in your career, which is influenced by your charm and your ability to win people over. However, be mindful of balancing your personal and professional life. With Venus in the 10th house, there can be a tendency to prioritize your career at the expense of your personal relationships, so it's important to find equilibrium.
Venus in the 11th house
Venus in the 11th house is like a social magnet. People with this placement often have a natural charm and are well-liked by their friends and acquaintances. They're the ones who make social gatherings more enjoyable. This placement fosters strong and meaningful friendships. Venus encourages harmonious connections, and in the 11th house, it means you're likely to have a wide circle of friends who genuinely care about you. The 11th house is associated with social causes and humanitarian efforts. With Venus here, you might be drawn to charity work or other activities that promote social well-being. Venus in the 11th house makes you great at networking. You easily connect with people who can help you professionally and personally, which can be a significant asset in your career. You're a team player by nature. Collaboration and group activities bring you joy, and you're likely to excel in team-based projects. You might find yourself involved in social or community events, and people often look up to you as a popular figure. Your charisma and appeal can lead to a high level of popularity. In matters of love, you're an idealist. You seek a partner who not only shares your goals and dreams but also someone who is your best friend. Your love life is often intertwined with your social circles. This placement can also bring creative friends into your life. You're drawn to artistic, musical, or creative individuals who inspire you. On the flip side, there can be a tendency to keep some emotional distance from friends. You might appear more aloof than you actually are, which could be misunderstood by some. The 11th house represents your hopes and dreams. With Venus here, you're likely to have artistic and aesthetic aspirations. You may want to make the world a more beautiful place. Venus is linked to money, and in the 11th house, it can bring financial opportunities through your network and friends. Your social connections might play a role in your financial success.
Venus in the 12th house
This placement often indicates secret or clandestine love affairs. You might find yourself drawn to relationships that aren't out in the open, maybe due to societal or personal reasons. You've got a vivid imagination and a strong creative streak. This could manifest in artistic talents or a penchant for daydreaming. You tend to keep your emotions hidden, even from yourself. It can take a while for you to truly understand what you want and need in love and relationships. The 12th house is about self-sacrifice, and with Venus here, you might find yourself giving a lot in your relationships, sometimes to the detriment of your own needs. You have a deep well of compassion and empathy for others. You might be drawn to help those who are less fortunate or in need. Venus in the 12th can inspire artistic pursuits in seclusion. You might excel in creative fields where you can work behind the scenes. This placement can also indicate a strong connection between love and spirituality. You might seek a partner who shares your spiritual beliefs or find love in places of worship. On the flip side, relationships can be a source of inner turmoil. You might attract partners who are emotionally complex or who bring hidden issues to the surface. Your idea of romance can be dreamy and idealistic. You might have high expectations in love and may need to learn to balance these with reality. The 12th house is often associated with past life issues and karma. You might feel a strong karmic connection with some of your partners. Privacy is essential to you when it comes to love. You might not be one to flaunt your relationships on social media or in public. Your desires in love can be somewhat unconscious, and you may not always understand why you're attracted to certain people or situations.
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harrysonlylover · 16 days
A mini blurb
Trope: AU/ non-famous Harry/ Husbandrry
Warnings: unprotected sex, praise kink, aftercare.
A/n: First piece i’ve written in months!!!! Wohooooooo
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“My love.”
Two words that echoed through the four walls, penetrated themselves into her skin and had her dizzy with unexplainable feelings.
They overpowered any other sounds in the room, turning into a mantra that fell from his lips religiously. That was all he could say. Words never did a good job at conveying what he felt for her anyway.
“I know my love, I know.” Every flex and move he made was art in itself. The conjoining of their bodies was the closest experience to a heavenly ritual, and the main ingredient in their spell was pure and obsessive love.
The confusion between praising her every second and drowning her face in kisses overtook him— his baby love deserved everything.
“I—I—“ She tried, she really did. She wanted to express her adoration, how good he was making her feel, how in love she was—but his cock always rendered her speechless.
“Oh baby, you don’t have to speak or think.” He cooed, pressing a gentle kiss to her forehead followed by a sharp thrust. “You just have to feel the pleasure I’m giving you and touch your man’s body.”
He sparked a reminder in her head—she hadn’t touched him yet. She didn’t waste time in allowing her soft hands to roam his back, neck, hips and ass.
“Good girl, that’s my good girl.” The whines that left her lips had the power to crown him as the man who sinned the most. All he needed was one whimper to fall from her lips, and he’d go on his knees.
“I just love it when you take your husband’s cock so well.” He drove into her wet cunt that was so swollen from overstimulation, drenching the sheets beneath them that witnessed two previous rounds.
His love made him an insatiable man, and he was not sorry about it.
Y/n was cockdrunk in the best fucking way possible. She was Harry’s pillow princess, and she loved it. Taking care of her sexual needs was his favourite activity, and she didn’t complain one bit.
The room reeked of sex and sweat— just another day for the lovebirds that fucked each other’s brains at any given moment.
Harry shifted his attention to her neck which was marked with bruises, her gorgeous breasts, and every part of her skin that he was able to reach.
He didn’t have to look down to where they were joined to know how wet and creamy they were— he could already tell from stuffing her full prior.
“You hear that my baby? That’s the result of your pussy being so greedy for my cum.” He sped up his thrusts, and the sounds of wet skin slapping echoed louder.
“Y—yes.” A hazy smile painted itself across her face. She wasn’t embarrassed to admit it, and that’s what Harry adored because he was equally obsessed with her pussy.
He had long thrown the duvet away, not wanting to feel anything on his body but her hands. The feeling of her skin on his was close to a spiritual experience—he adored fucking her in all positions, but missionary was always a winner.
Getting to see her beautiful face, whispering the filthiest words in her ear, and lacing their hands together was incomparable.
“My perfect girl—so good for me.”
The intimacy of feeling heat radiate off their bodies as he drove inside her velvety walls, her skin morphing into his, and her sweet moans that were music to his ears.
Her arms were wrapped around his neck while her legs were locked around his hips—the closer the better.
“Perfect fucking pussy, my angel.” He chuckled against her face. “She flutters for me because she knows my cock owns her.” Y/n clenched around him at that exact moment, for the sake of being a menace.
“Oh, you think that’ll make daddy mad? You’ll have to try harder angel.” He fixed his posture, landed a quick peck on her nose before arching his back, and fucked her deeper—reaching her g-spot with a sadistic smirk on his face.
Once her legs began shaking, she just closed her eyes and buried her face in Harry’s neck as his thick cock brought her closer to her third orgasm.
“So good for your husband.” He praised her, grabbing her hand to kiss her wedding ring that he spent a fortune on.
His thrusts turned hard and fast, the warmth of her cunt making his eyes roll backward as it almost tipped him over—even the smell of her skin could make him cum.
His abs contracted as he fucked her like there was no tomorrow—trying to give his wife the highest level of pleasure.
“Fuck!” She pulled him even closer with her legs before locking her lips with his as her orgasm washed over her body.
Her desperate moans during the kiss along with her pulsating pussy had him follow her by unloading his cum inside her.
His moans were slutty, ringing in her ears as she relished the sight of his eyes rolling backward, with his face scrunched in pleasure. He was a sight for sore eyes.
“I love you, I love you—“ They whispered to each other in their dimly lit bedroom, legs tangled with sweaty skin and giggles.
Harry always took time with his aftercare, his angel loved being kissed first, and she needed all the love after his cock exhausted her.
“Prettiest angel.” His hand caressed her cheek, earning a smile from her.
He stayed inside her per her request for a few minutes, admiring her, doting on her, telling her how gorgeous she was before carrying her bridal style to their bathtub.
She sat with her back to his chest as he scratched her head to help her relax, but it was enough to set her to sleep. Harry chuckled quietly at the sight of his sleeping wife—he wondered how could someone look so beautiful while sleeping.
He knew that he’d have to wake her up at some point as she pouted and headed for their bed with a sleepy face and wet hair, but for now—he’ll just admire her. ——————————————————
Kindly reblog if you liked it!
Taglist: @babegoals @hotnhardrrry @mattieshattuck1 @harrrrystylesslut @virgopr1ncess
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astro-rainbow777 · 5 months
💐🌸 𝓣𝓪𝓾𝓻𝓾𝓼 𝓣𝓱𝓻𝓸𝓾𝓰𝓱 𝓣𝓱𝓮 𝓗𝓸𝓾𝓼𝓮𝓼 🧸🌱
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♉︎ - Happy Taurus Season Everyone!!! In honor of Taurus season, I am continuing the signs through the houses series. I hope y’all enjoy my findings & this post serves you well. Thanks so much for all of the support! Happy Spring & Upcoming Beltane to the Pagan Community <3
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🌸 Taurus in the First House ~ Taurus on the ascendant is the embodiment of peace, calm and pleasure. These natives aren’t the most outgoing but leave such a comfortable and cozy first impression. They don’t say more than needs to be said, however they are unlikely to turn down a conversation. They have a soft and natural beauty about them and strong familial values. They enjoy the finer things, have a clean aesthetic and a “rich” aura. Many of them are shorter or more petitie in size, have a pleasing and smooth voice and kind eyes. However, if you mess with the bull, you’ll get the horns! Being on the opposing end of Scorpio, when they cut you off, it is completely. Good luck getting back into their lives because they are a closed book. Why y’all always smell good? Fr tho
🐂 Taurus in the Second House ~ Here the sign is in its ruling house, they do very well in saving their money, are picky about what they eat and indulge in the material pleasures of life. They value loyalty, commitment, stability and security - not to mention their love fashion & the arts. They will tell you they have the most exquisite taste, you would find it very difficult to change their mind. They hold up strong values and morales, what they know to be right and wrong is the truth. This is a very secure personality, they are very comfortable with their bodies, and have a healthy sense of worth and self love. Honestly such a healthy placement - as someone with NO earth in their chart - muhbenaaaace
💰 Taurus in the Third House ~ These natives find security and peace in their childhood homes, where they grew up, the memories of their cousins and siblings. They could be the most stable or the least stable out of their siblings. The way they think, learn and communicate is slow and methodical. They take their time in studying new topics, preferring to stay on the surface of a topic. They may have an artistic and beautiful singing voice, or maybe the way they speak is just very polite and sweet. They were raised with manners and this makes them very charming. They can have a liking for music that moves at a slower pace, classical music, or just a more elegant taste in art.
🥘 Taurus in the Fourth House ~ Their family could be a source of stability and security for them. The mom, mother figure or more feminine role model can be the bread winner in the family, her love language could be gifts, an amazing cook, and give a lot of hugs 🫂 They have stable emotions, it takes a lot to emotionally sway them. It may end up bothering people who try to get an emotional reaction from them because of this. They can be the most grounded one in their family. Their family may view them as realistic, practical and reliable. Family is what gives them sanction from the world.
💝 Taurus in the Fifth House ~ They express them selves in a very material type of way, their flex is their finances. These natives take a lot of pride in what they have...this usually comes from a place of having to work really hard for their things. They love the natural look, minimalist, they like long lasting, high quality, practical fashion. To them that is the best statement to make. They don’t like that trash to treasure look their tastes are refined. They will shower their kids with the finer things and really enjoy providing for them - this will be their love language. They aren’t huge adrenaline junkies and enjoy more grounded, chill hobbies. They definitely don’t mind being alone and love their down time at home…on the couch…snacks…naps…repeat.
🐻 Taurus in the 6th ~ These natives prefer a slow start to their daily routine, and enjoy a slow paced job, with chill yet organized coworkers. The workplace must be something that they don’t hate… because if they hate it and it stresses them out just thinking of going, they won’t work there. Period. They need low maintenance pets as these individuals are very independent in nature. It’s important for their day job to be a place of peace and pleasure for them, and once they are comfortable, it’s gonna be hard to get them to leave. Their job can provide them with sooooo much stability if they have a good one.
🍨 Taurus in the 7th ~ Wining and Dining with your loved ones! Shopping sprees, luxurious and high quality partners. With the ones they love the most, they spoil, eat and they just want to be lazy with them honestly. They want their relationships to be a place of peace for them. It’s important that their partner can support themselves and is stable on their own. It will just cause them stress if they are constantly worrying about having to take care or mommy their partner. It’s possible that they can stay with someone out of fear of the unknown/change, even tho they don’t like them or it’s not working anymore.
🌷 Taurus in the Eighth House ~ Cycles related to self esteem, self worth, and supporting themselves. Honestly, this is a really hard placement to have- they may have times where they stay in ab*sive relationships because they can’t support themselves financially or they are too uncomfortable alone. However, the eighth house is notorious for taking your greatest fear/weakness and turning it into their super power. You just have to get through those lessons and take those leaps of faith to unlock that power and hidden potential! They like to engage in their senses when they’re intimate with their partners and prefer slow love making rather than the raw primal stuff.
🪴 Taurus in the Ninth House ~ These people can be a little fixed in their beliefs, their spiritual beliefs/religion can be a source stability and sanction for them. If they aren’t necessarily spiritual- they could just have a specific philosophy or lifestyle that they stick to. What I admire about these individuals, is they know exactly what they want. When they travel, it has to be somewhere where they know exactly what to expect, somewhere that won’t give them anxiety, and probably a more luxurious staycation type of experience. They could also enjoy a nice nature walk with their loved ones.
👛 Taurus in the Tenth House ~ Every single person I have met with this placement neeeeeed a stable job, they will not leave a job if it provides them with the type of lifestyle they desire. It doesn’t really matter what they are doing for their career as long as it aligns with their values. Their dad/father figure could have been the sole provider and could have made a huge impact on their reputation. This is definitely a daddies money placement 💀 - sorry if that’s triggering for anyone lol. The father figure could be super down to earth and chill, enjoy cooking or just be way too overly indulgent in a negative manifestation.
👒 Taurus in the Eleventh House ~ Is the stay at home friend, doesn’t like to get out of their comfort zone to meet new people. Much likely to want to stay inside and bond with their community in a space that is familiar and inviting to them. Their community could be their sanction and be the most stable part of their lives. They enjoy cooking and creating art for their friends. Anything to bring peace to their homies senses! For their friends, the Taurus eleventh house native’s place is a home away from home. How special 🥹
👄 Taurus in the Twelfth House ~ When it comes to matters of the twelfth house, spirituality, isolation, ect. - these individuals may like to keep things light and on the surface. They are comfortable being alone, in fact they consider it to be comfortable and safe. Their spirituality isn’t something they spend time questioning, and they could be very comfortable with the unknown, they enjoy their own curious nature. They are endearing to their own selves, however sometimes their sense of worth could be confusing. They may have a hard time understanding their own values and morals, preferring to just go with the flow, everyday they are a new person trying on different personalities, hobbies and styles! The possibilities are endless! It’s quite an interesting placement. One more thing….secret indulgences…the silent snacker
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Smell ya later!
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saturnsbabyboii · 1 year
♡Venus Through the Houses♡
(Brought to you by Sailor Venus)
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In astrology, Venus is the planet of luck, love, and beauty. It represents the way one loves, relationships, sharing, affectivity, and seductive ability. Venus is all about pleasure, especially pleasure shared with someone else. This planet concerns itself with love, romance, and harmony in our emotional attachments, marriages, friendships, and other unions like business partnerships. Venus is content to spread happiness and tenderness, all the while teaching us how to love and appreciate others and the things that we possess. We appear attractive, and we attract others. Socializing with and relating to others are important to this planet. Beauty is also strongly associated with Venus. The arts, music, dance, drama, and literature, and a sense of the aesthetic fall within the realm of Venus. Venus entreats us to indulge our senses and revel in the beauty of our world. This planet is inextricably linked to refinement, culture, charm, and grace. Venus also deals with the pleasure we derive from our possessions. Luxuries, jewelry, paintings, expensive cars, good food and drink, a beautiful home, and a sense of refinement all please Venus. This planet asks us to appreciate the exquisite nature of things. It’s a sensual and romantic world as far as Venus is concerned. Venus takes 225 days to complete its orbit of the zodiac and is never more than 47 degrees from the Sun. Its feminine energy rules Taurus and Libra and the Second and Seventh Houses. Venus's sign describes how you love and how you want to be loved. The house of Venus tells in which life areas you find happiness and where you feel loved. As the lesser benefic planet, Venus is often a point of ease and luck in the horoscope. 
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♡Venus in the 1st house♡
When Venus is in the 1st house, there is a strong sense of self-identity that is linked to beauty, love, and harmony. Natives with this placement are very likely to be charming, attractive, and personable and may have a natural talent for the arts or music. However, they may tend to be overly concerned with appearances and place too much emphasis on superficial qualities. If Venus is close to the ascendant, then this benefic planet would have a large influence on your appearance. Venus in the first house indicates a beautiful physical body. You appear ethereal, and some may refer to you as a goddess or god. This placement is frequently found in the charts of actors, models, and fashion icons. However, they may tend to be overly concerned with appearances and place too much emphasis on superficial qualities. A person with Venus in the 1st house might be feminine in demeanor and energy. 
Venus here represents a person with exceptional social skills. They can also be quite diplomatic, tactful, and skilled at negotiating relationships. You are magnetic, affectionate, and charming. You desire peace, harmony, and beauty all around you. People are drawn to you, and you are well-known. Individuals with this placement should remember that true beauty comes from within and cultivate deeper connections with others beyond mere surface-level attraction. Venus expresses her qualities through the 1st House values. Your initial reactions are either subtle or sensual. You follow your dislikes or infatuations, sometimes quite blindly, before you begin to think, accept your interlocutor, or keep your distance. Through your sensations, instinctive desires, or natural repulsions, you discover the world, others, and the unknown. Venus in the first house indicates that you are well-liked and popular. These individuals are stunningly beautiful. Everyone seems to want to be around them, and success seems to come naturally to them. In addition, they are often attractive and well-mannered. People are drawn to you because of your charisma and, in some cases, physical beauty. Venus is all about harmony, and when it is in your first house, it tends to give you a melodic appearance- the kind that people write music and poems about. Venus in your first house bestows grace, elegance, beauty, and allure on you. Others frequently spoiled you, especially when you were a child. Venus in the first house also indicates that your childhood might have been pleasant and that you lived in a lovely location. 
This placement often gifts you with a beauty that radiates inside out. You are friendly, warm, and affectionate. This placement can be a lovely location. This placement often gifts you with a beauty that radiates inside out. You are friendly, warm, and affectionate. This placement can result in an outgoing personality; most people with Venus in the first house are extroverts or at least comfortable around others. People with Venus in their first house also tend to have refined tastes, and many are talented actors. Planets in the first house always appear in one's life and are visible to others. People notice the energies of planets in this house and associate them with the person when they look at them. Venus in the first house is no different. People regard you as the epitome of beauty and grace. 
Venus is the planet of love and romance. As the ruling planet of Libra, she desires harmony above all else. A person with a prominent Venus in their chart has a strong desire for love and intimate connections. They want to be loved, and there are usually a lot of people who want to. With Venus in the first house, however, make sure that people are drawn to the real you. The natal chart is much more than just Venus, and people have much more to offer than beauty. People with Venus in the first house function best when they are in a relationship. To be happy, you need a lot of romance and pleasure in your life. One disadvantage of a natal Venus in the first house is that it may attract superficial people who will abandon you when times get tough. This is not to say that people love you solely because of your appearance, but it is important to be aware of this tendency. And, as always, Venus's sign and aspects have a significant impact on how this planet plays out. 
People with natal Venus in the first house instinctively know how to attract what they want into their lives. They achieve their objectives more easily than others, in part because people are eager to assist them. Although Venus is beneficial, it bestows its gifts on you without your participation. Too much Venus can make you sluggish. You become accustomed to success without exerting any effort, and you have forgotten how to work for it. This is often learned the hard way, especially if your Venus in the first house is afflicted. Venus enjoys living life to the fullest. However, everything should be done within reason. People with Venus in their first house have a proclivity for self-indulgence. They are attracted to the finer things in life, such as nice clothes, good food, and other luxuries, and could be described as a hedonist. However, you might have an extremely addictive personality, and once you've gotten used to this lifestyle, it's difficult to give up. 
♡Venus in the 2nd house♡
When Venus is located in the 2nd house, it can significantly impact an individual's financial status and personal values. This placement is often associated with a fondness for beauty, luxury, and comfort, which may result in excessive spending or a desire for material possessions. However, it can also attract abundance and financial prosperity since Venus is the planet of love, harmony, and prosperity. Individuals with this placement may also place a high value on their self-worth and self-esteem, which can influence their relationships and career decisions. It is important to nurture your emotions and engage in meaningful experiences. Although love cannot make you wealthy, it can enrich your life. Your wealth is measured by the kisses and tears you share rather than the number of dollars you have. You have an instinctive and effective approach to managing your assets, even if it may seem haphazard at times. You prioritize a person's innate preferences and personality over their image or wealth. People with this placement are their own greatest asset, possessing healthy self-esteem and the belief that they deserve the best. Venus is in dignity in this house because it is traditionally associated with Taurus. 
When it comes to financial success, Venus is one of the best planets to have here. You will probably accumulate wealth. This placement indicates that you are a hard worker who strives to lead a comfortable life. You have a deep appreciation for the luxuries that life has to offer, such as art, jewelry, nice clothes, and other refined things. This hedonistic tendency makes you an excellent fit for careers in areas like fashion, beauty, interior design, or any other creative field that requires a refined aesthetic sense. Venus governs the second house, which means that these individuals have a natural knack for creating financial prosperity, making money, and a keen understanding of how the material world operates. The second house is also the house of talent. Venus here represents an artistic talent and a sophisticated taste. You value beauty in the world and are a source of beauty yourself. Taurus rules the throat in astrology, and people with Venus in the second house have a pleasant voice. However, you can be quite materialistic, in your emphasis on financial stability. Venus in the 2nd suggests that you might spend a lot of money as well, which can be exasperated by the presence of hard aspects. This can be problematic because financial success is based on the amount you retain rather than what you earn. You place a high value on your social status and are willing to go to great lengths to amass more popularity, as it is interwind for you with wealth. However, becoming fixated on your status can lead you astray. In some cases, Venus in the second house can cause you to become obsessed with material gain, and this can lead to stinginess, and shallowness, and develop a vain and histrionic attitude towards life. 
The position of Venus in your birth chart can reveal the kind of partners you tend to be drawn to. When Venus is located in your second house, you may find yourself attracted to people who are both sincere and well-off, as well as physically appealing. You place a high value on stability and security in your romantic relationships, and you feel loved when your partner expresses their affection through physical means. You are not one to rush into a relationship - instead, you take the time to get to know your potential partner before committing, and once you do, you are fully invested. Your love is enduring, and you believe in taking things slow and steady in matters of the heart.
♡Venus in the 3rd house♡
This house is ideal for individuals with Venus placement in the 3rd house. It is believed that this placement brings about a charming and sociable nature to one's communication style. People with this placement are known for their conversational skills and have the natural ability to connect with others on a personal level. They may also possess a talent for writing or poetry and find pleasure in reading about art, beauty, and culture. However, it is important for individuals with Venus in the 3rd house to balance their desire for harmony with the need to express themselves honestly and authentically. It is crucial to control your moods based on the way you relate to the world. Communication is more than just exchanging information; it is a field of experience that involves your natural likes and dislikes. You should refrain from making judgments on people, ideas, or concepts. Instead, let your heart have the final say. You possess a creative mind and can easily express yourself. You are also very curious and love to communicate, which makes you diplomatic and a good conversationalist. You may be associated with street style, fashion education, art galleries, or the local art scene. You have good social skills, are flirtatious, and can easily strike up a conversation, developing a reputation as the popular girl in school or the girl next door or something of equivalence.
Venus in the third house indicates literary talent. You enjoy poetry and are artistic and creative. The third house represents education. Venus is madly in love with education. If you have this placement in your horoscope, you will spend your entire life educating yourself. Your home is most likely littered with books. You have a natural talent for languages and can quickly learn new ones. Aside from knowledge, Venus in the third house frequently bestows dexterity. People with this placement are extremely talented. This combination can result in a good teacher or writer.
It is suggested that if Venus is placed in the third house, you may tend to avoid conflicts. You may possess the ability to understand the other person's perspective, which can be advantageous in negotiations. Venus in the third house can help to resolve disputes quickly. This placement of Venus indicates that you have an inherent talent for communication and can achieve your goals while simultaneously being kind and charming. The third house is associated with siblings and childhood. If Venus is not negatively affected, it indicates that you had a harmonious relationship with your siblings during childhood, which will continue to be supportive throughout your life. Individuals with Venus in the third house usually have cheerful childhood memories and are often well-liked by their community. Although, at times, you may indulge in gossip, you are a beloved member of your neighborhood and acquaintances. Venus in the third house also indicates that you enjoy running errands and embarking on short journeys. During these trips, you may come across several things that can serve as sources of inspiration for your artistic endeavors.
Through the influence of Venus in you chart you can discover what you desire in a relationship, how you approach love, your way of giving and receiving love, and your perception of your worthiness. The third house in your chart represents your cognitive abilities. If Venus is present, you naturally gravitate toward intellectual individuals. You seek a partner who can mentally stimulate you and make you laugh. Additionally, you enjoy flirting. Communication is vital to you in any relationship, and you long for someone with whom you can engage in stimulating conversations. You tend to meet potential partners through your immediate surroundings, relatives, or even chance encounters on short trips.
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♡Venus in the 4th house♡
When Venus is located in the 4th house, it can indicate a strong desire to create a pleasant and harmonious home environment. This placement is often associated with a deep connection to family and a need for stability in relationships. Individuals with this placement may have a natural talent for decorating and creating a cozy atmosphere. They tend to express their emotions most freely within their family circle. However, they may be selective in their choice of loved ones and exclude those who are too different from themselves. They limit their love to a reassuring home and may tend to become overly attached to material possessions. It's important to remember that true happiness and fulfillment come from deeper connections and emotional security, rather than just external aesthetics. People with this placement are typically optimistic and cheerful and thrive on being surrounded by love and warmth. They are well-suited for creating a happy family environment and have good relationships with all family members. They are skilled at diffusing conflicts before they arise.
It seems that you possess a deep fondness for both your biological family and the family you establish as an adult, as indicated by the placement of Venus. This position suggests that you share a strong bond with your parents, and they have played a positive role in your life. Those with Venus in the fourth house are more likely to hail from a well-to-do family. The fourth house symbolizes not only your immediate family and home but also your ancestors and heritage. Venus in the fourth house is captivated by great-grandparents and all of your ancestors. It is believed that the past holds the answers to contemporary dilemmas. Individuals with Venus in the fourth house are often intrigued by history, archaeology, and ethnology or feel a profound connection with traditions and people of the past and their way of life. Customs and traditions are of great importance to you. You live your life by your family's values, and your principles align with your parents'. With this placement, you tend to be more conservative, and traditional values hold a special place in your heart. A joyous family life is a top priority for you. You may be fortunate in terms of real estate or land ownership. 
Venus in the fourth house also suggests that you are environmentally aware. You put in quite a bit of effort to make your home look appealing. Your aptitude for interior design is revealed by Venus in this position, as you may take great pleasure in decorating your space, be it your bedroom or home, create a cozy and welcoming atmosphere for yourself and your loved ones. Spending time at home is crucial to an individual with Venus in the fourth house, and they put in considerable effort to make it inviting and comfortable. 
You are likely drawn to individuals who are clean-cut, traditional, and stable. You seek a long-term relationship rather than a fleeting romance. However, those with this placement typically marry later in life. Emotions play a crucial role in your relationships. You possess intense emotions, and feeling secure and loved is critical for establishing a bond with someone. With Venus in the fourth house, you exude charm and tend to attract partners rather than the other way around. Raising a family with your partner is of great significance to you, and you may have a passion for it. As a cardinal house, the fourth house may also influence your passions and career. With Venus in this position, you may excel as a wedding, party, or event planner, wedding dress designer, interior decorator, house flipper, or jewelry designer.
♡Venus in the 5th house♡
Individuals with Venus in the fifth house possess a deep-seated admiration for sentimental and romantic relationships, as well as emotional attachments that bring them a sense of fulfillment. Their pursuit of love, whether it be a lover, a child, or a work of art, is characterized by an unwavering passion that drives them toward their desires with unwavering determination. They desire to craft something with genuine affection that is truly stunning and leaves an indelible mark on both themselves, as a creator, and the recipients. The act of expressing love is one of the most powerful ways they share a piece of themselves. 
This placement indicates a heightened desire for pleasure and entertainment, which manifests as a strong creative energy and an appreciation for art and beauty. People with Venus in the fifth house are often blessed with natural charm and charisma that makes them attractive to others. However, it is important to balance pleasure with responsibility, as the fifth house also represents happiness, putting one's happiness in the presence of others, love, vices or monetarily luxuries can lead to a shaky and unstable mindset that shifts between optimism and pessimism that depends on what they have and what they don't. It is no surprise that individuals with Venus in their fifth house possess a playful and humorous disposition, making them interesting people who enjoy being the center of attention and entertaining others.
The influence of Venus in the fifth house can enhance one's artistic abilities, such as acting and writing. It is a remarkable combination for producing art since the planet of beauty is situated in the house of creativity. This placement imbues individuals with an imaginative and playful personality, allowing them to go with the flow and exude an appealing quality that draws others towards them. They have a good relationship with their inner child and tend to be childlike and playful, traits that children are naturally attracted to. People with Venus in the fifth house are often skilled at working with children and enjoy nurturing and protecting them.
They usually have an abundance of romantic opportunities as they are very attractive. They value attention and are playful and charming, with plenty of sexual energy. They are drawn to individuals who share their upbeat and fun-loving nature. Hence, this placement suggests that they may have many love affairs. They're attracted to exciting individuals with vibrant personalities, strong creative abilities, and an intense desire for love and pleasure that match their own zest. 
♡Venus in the 6th house♡
Individuals with Venus in the house of Virgo are generally associated with practicality and groundedness. As an earth house, the sixth house prioritizes the pursuit of making a living and facing reality. It is worth noting that health and work are the two central aspects of life that the sixth house focuses on.
For those with Venus in the sixth house, there is a tendency to be detail-oriented and find pleasure in work that encompasses beauty, aesthetics, or creativity. This may manifest as possessing artistic abilities or having a passion for fields such as interior design, fashion, or graphic design. Individuals with this placement possess a keen eye for color, texture, and design and are often drawn to professions that involve helping others, such as healthcare or social work. In essence, Venus in the sixth house indicates a desire for beauty and harmony in the workplace and a commitment to serving others.
Your Venusian signature lies in your ability to be affectionate. You define yourself and your social role through your sensitivity, sense of aesthetics, and ability to be emotive. This often leads to a profession that is directly related to charm, femininity, and art. Ultimately, your place in society and your social function are determined by your ability to seduce, trust your instincts, and your natural preferences.
The distinction between the sixth and tenth houses is crucial to understanding your professional life. The tenth house represents your overall career and life path, while the sixth house represents your job and workplace, where you earn a living and pay your bills. The sixth house is also linked to health, revealing your susceptibility to diseases and what to watch out for. Daily routines that aid in maintaining good health are associated with the sixth house.
Pursuing art and beauty daily is a way of life for those with Venus in the sixth house. Finding beauty in the ordinary is a skill that they possess. Office decorating, interior design, architecture, creating objects of form and function are all areas that can be explored. You possess the ability to bring harmony to the workplace, beauty, and help your coworkers get along. You enjoy providing aid and assistance, which is why those with this placement often work in health or counseling positions, but there are many other jobs where they can indirectly aid others. Collaboration is typically a part of your job.
People with Venus in the sixth house are often conscientious and make excellent employees who are emotionally attached to their work. This placement indicates a job where you spend most of your time in a pleasant work environment. You get along well with your colleagues and are charming, creating a harmonious work environment. Venus in the sixth house makes you popular and well-liked at work, bringing you good fortune in your daily dealings. Your health is excellent, as you prioritize healthy habits such as getting enough sleep, drinking water, and avoiding unhealthy habits. However, if Venus receives difficult aspects, you may be prone to indulging in junk food and other sugary and salty foods.
Success in both work and love often go hand in hand in your life. When you are happy and fulfilled in your job, you radiate happiness, making you more attractive. Those with this placement frequently meet their partners at work, and they may share the same profession or work in the same field. When it comes to matters of the heart, you take a logical approach. You may appear reserved and cold, taking your time to decide if a relationship is right for you. However, once you commit, you are a devoted and caring partner.
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♡Venus in the 7th house♡
The placement of Venus in the seventh house is considered favorable for Venus since it is in her own house, the house of Libra. This placement is believed to bring about a happy marriage and good fortune in relationships. If Venus is not afflicted, then one's spouse is likely to be charming, attractive, and financially well-off. Individuals with this placement tend to perform best when paired up with someone as they dislike being alone. The placement of Venus in the seventh house can reveal valuable insights into an individual's relationships and partnerships. People with this placement are usually highly sociable, possessing an innate charm and charisma that often draws others towards them. Such individuals are quite popular among their peers.
One notable characteristic of individuals with Venus in the 7th house is that their decisions are based more on gut reactions than logical reasoning. When it comes to interpersonal relationships, they tend to feel first and think later. This sensitivity can be a double-edged sword, as it can make them the most charming person in the room when their sensitivity matches that of the other person. However, they can also be vulnerable to unwanted visitors and should approach new relationships with caution.
Regarding romantic relationships, Venus in the 7th house suggests that the individual places great importance on finding a partner with whom they connect on a deep emotional level. They tend to be quite romantic and enjoy expressing their affection towards their partner in various ways. This placement is an excellent sign for a happy marriage, as Venus is here to help them find the person of their dreams and live happily ever after. The spouse is likely to be attractive and charismatic, embodying many of Venus's characteristics. People with Venus in their seventh house have plenty of opportunities to get married.
Individuals with Venus in the 7th house often have a natural talent for public relations or working with the public. They are charming and loving, and the people tend to adore them. They are also well-suited to careers in law or counseling, where their negotiation skills and ability to see the other person's point of view can be put to good use. If Venus is not afflicted, this placement can also bring good luck in legal matters or business partnerships.
However, there is a potential downside to this placement, which is a tendency toward codependency in relationships. Individuals with Venus in the 7th house may struggle to maintain their own sense of identity outside of their partnerships, relying heavily on their partner for emotional support and validation. They value intimacy in their relationships, and emotional bonds are crucial to their sense of well-being. They want a relationship where there is a balance of giving and receiving. Individuals with this placement feel truly loved and worthy only when they are with someone. Finding happiness on their own can be a significant challenge, and they require a sense of belonging to someone. This dependency on others can be a trap, and it can be challenging for them to advocate for themselves in relationships, especially if their Venus is afflicted. To avoid this trap, it is essential for individuals with Venus in the 7th house to cultivate a strong sense of self and learn to advocate for their own needs in their relationships.
♡Venus in the 8th house♡
Your Venus is located in the eighth house, the house of Scorpio, which brings a sense of mystery and allure to your life. You are naturally drawn to hidden things and have a passionate and mysterious personality. This placement indicates that you will benefit greatly from other people in life, especially when it comes to joint resources, inheritance, gifts, and other methods of financial support. However, it also brings intense and transformative experiences in relationships and finances, indicating a strong desire for deep emotional connections and intimacy, while also fearing vulnerability and betrayal. The eighth house represents shared resources and financial gain often enters your life through the finances of others. Relationships help you grow spiritually and financially. Your spouse might leave you a great inheritance.
You have a natural talent for managing resources and investments but need to be careful not to become too possessive or controlling. This placement suggests a need to explore and understand the deeper mysteries of life and love. You have a strong desire to transform other people's sense of beauty and appearance. You should move beyond what the mainstream tells you to like, love, and look like. Shed superficial creativity and notions of beauty and art. Get deep into your creative processes and discover what truly inspires you. You are well-adapted to crises, thrills, wounds, and healings, and your affectivity thrives on contrasts, transformations, and self-questionings. When you explore something you love deeply, you might become so obsessed with it that you let it symbolically (or literally) kill you. People with placements in this house are drawn to mysteries and things that defy logic. You enjoy contemplating everything hidden, and this placement might pique your interest in psychology and spirituality. You are frequently drawn to forensics, detective novels, and horror films. Your ideal way to die would be out of love. 
Venus in Scorpio's house makes you irresistible, but it doesn't guarantee happiness in a relationship. You may struggle to understand emotions and be complete on your own. Your marriage may not last, but when it ends, you will benefit greatly, as you transform and improve after the ending of every vulnerable and intimate connection. In a relationship, you want to share yourself completely and seek your soulmate. You place a high value on intimacy, which may lead to jealousy or possessiveness if you feel hurt or in danger. Sex is an important part of any relationship for you, and you may have numerous kinks and desire to explore your sexuality and limits with a trusted partner. This placement is often fraught with drama, and you may choose the wrong partner for a relationship. Ultimately, you have a strong desire to save and assist others but remember that everyone must first help themselves to solve their problems.
♡Venus in the 9th house♡
This placement of Venus in the ninth is absolutely enchanting, serving as a testament to your positive, bright, and daring spirit. The ninth house has a significant association with the higher self, indicating a deep-rooted interest in spiritual pursuits. When Venus, the planet of love and relationships, is positioned in this house, it points towards an individual who possesses a unique set of values and ethics that they abide by in their daily life. This placement often leads to a preference for partners hailing from diverse cultural backgrounds, with travel being a common means of finding a suitable match.
Your Venus is endlessly inquisitive and constantly seeking out novel experiences, which may account for your profound love of traveling to foreign locations and immersing yourself in different cultures. With Venus situated in the ninth house, it's possible that your significant other hails from a different country or culture, and this placement may also suggest a powerful inclination toward higher education, philosophy, and spirituality. You tend to be drawn to individuals from diverse backgrounds and treasure the values and beliefs that you glean from these encounters. However, it's important to maintain a practical and rational approach to life, even as you embark on the beautiful journey of discovering love as you may lose yourself in absorbing everything in your partner's life, neglecting your own. Your philosophy is rooted in emotions, pleasures, and heartfelt connections, which allow you to explore and excel beyond your limitations. You possess a deep appreciation for wonders, and your emotional life is constantly fueled by exploration and discovery. Your romantic life is akin to a playful game of "love me-love me not," but with exotic flowers instead of daisies. You firmly believe that everything is waiting to be discovered and shared, and you never tire of adding new dimensions to your emotional life.
You possess a natural inclination to explore the world beyond the confines of your hometown. Your passion for adventure, coupled with your desire to experience diverse cultures and religions, is a direct reflection of your Venus placement in the ninth house. Your natural talent for acquiring foreign languages is impressive, and your attraction to individuals of varied backgrounds is quite apparent. You crave the excitement of traveling to exotic destinations, continually seeking to quench your thirst for knowledge and curiosity.
Your sense of independence is highly valued, and you remain open-minded and accepting of others. Should you encounter any constraints, you are not one to remain in a restrictive situation or relationship for long. Education is of utmost importance to you, and you thrive in both formal and informal learning environments. Those with Venus in the ninth house tend to be highly educated and may even pursue careers in teaching with a primary focus on maritime law. Your philosophical interests are strong, and you relish in contemplating life's most profound questions, eagerly engaging in discussions with others.
Higher education and spirituality are two other domains that the ninth house represents, thereby making it likely for individuals with Venus in the ninth house to find their significant other either in college or through spiritual connections. Jupiter, the planet of good fortune, is closely associated with the ninth house, thereby making it a place of abundant positive energy. Venus, being a sensory planet, absorbs this energy, leading to a favorable outcome in terms of marriage. The type of individuals that one is attracted to is also indicated by Venus, and in the case of Venus in the ninth house, one is attracted to individuals who are well-educated, modern and have a broad-minded perspective. Philosophical connections and a shared ethical value system are highly valued in a partner. In addition to this, the ninth house is also associated with in-laws, and with Venus in the ninth house, it is likely for individuals to share a positive relationship with them.
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♡Venus in the 10th house♡
Individuals with Venus in the 10th house are bestowed with a plethora of charming and attractive qualities that can prove to be advantageous in their professional lives. This placement brings forth a sense of balance between the energies of Venus and one's career, resulting in the emergence of success and recognition. The Venusian talents of these individuals are predominantly utilized in their vocations, making them popular among colleagues and superiors. Their public image is likely to be good, and they may excel in fields of directive roles in art, beauty, fashion, or entertainment.
However, this placement can sometimes result in a tendency to prioritize social status and material success over emotional fulfillment and inner satisfaction, leading to an imbalance between professional goals and personal values. To ensure a harmonious equilibrium, individuals must strive to strike a balance between the two.
If your vocation is correlated to aesthetics, art, or decoration, your Venusian qualities such as charm, taste, and receptiveness can prove to be valuable assets in maintaining your ambitions. You may become known for your work in the world as an artist or an innovator who rearranges elements into harmonious forms. Additionally, you may also have creative talents that you can be presented through public performances that make an impression on the audience. This placement also highlights the potential for success as an arbitrator or someone who mediates and resolves conflicts in family or work environments.
People with Venus in the 10th house are passionate about their work and think about the long-term, making plans for the future. They value beauty and grace and consider them as assets that help make them feel powerful in life. A smile is considered the most effective weapon for individuals with Venus in the 10th house. Venus brings good fortune and harmony to the house where it resides, making success in career and professional life easier to achieve.
Working with the general public can also lead to good fortune, and this placement brings social success, making one a born diplomat. Individuals with Venus in the 10th house are courteous, kind, and charming with excellent manners. In the eyes of the public, Venus here makes individuals appear charismatic, graceful, and loving. They are well-liked and adored, and their community knows who they are, with overwhelmingly positive impressions of them.
This placement also indicates a preference for playing it safe and following the rules rather than dictating them. Individuals with Venus in the 10th house are usually attractive and well-dressed, and this placement often shows that authorities and bosses favor them, helping them get ahead in life. In terms of love, these individuals tend to choose partners based on logic rather than emotion, carefully considering whether they will be good partners. They are drawn to powerful and accomplished people but also value trustworthiness and accountability. With traditional values, this placement indicates that these individuals may meet their partners at work or in a professional setting and desire, not just a successful partner but also one that adds and support their own success.
♡Venus in the 11th house♡
When Venus is in the eleventh house, it indicates a desire to socialize, make new friends, and be a part of something bigger. You have a fondness for meeting new people, and as a result, you have made many new friends. These friends often help you advance both professionally and personally. There is always someone available to present you with a new opportunity, introduce you to someone, or involve you in a new project.
Having Venus in the eleventh house is a favorable placement for money matters. This house denotes the income one earns from their profession and the things that come into their life. People with this placement have a diverse set of interests and prefer engaging in activities with others. They are likely to be part of organizations or societies that share a common goal or interest, such as those related to art, fashion, diplomacy, and social causes. They enjoy being part of a group and are regarded as socialites or society's darlings. Their relationships are marked by a deep understanding and complicity, which makes them feel like a whole entity. Although this principle can create some challenges, they strive to maintain exemplary relationships. They have artist friends who share their aesthetic sense, and they tend to meet their partners through social groups or organizations. They are natural leaders, and people are drawn to them. They have a large circle of friends, mostly feminine in nature.
Individuals who possess Venus in their eleventh house tend to be highly intelligent and creative. They enjoy questioning conventional methods of doing things and often wonder if there's a better way to accomplish a task. In their journey, they relish meeting like-minded individuals who share their interests. Venus is commonly associated with clubs and organizations in this domain. Being a part of a group where one can meet new people and assist one another is gratifying. These individuals have an extensive network of professional contacts and love the act of volunteering. It's an excellent way to forge new friendships while simultaneously contributing to the betterment of the world. With this placement, there are frequently humanitarian ideals. Venus in the eleventh house corresponds to being tolerant and open-minded. With the planet of harmony, they connect modern values with traditional ones to create unity between people. The eleventh house represents ideals, and Venus implies that these individuals have a plethora of them, to the point of losing touch with reality in their pursuit of a utopian world they envisioned.
Venus represents how one loves and desires to be loved. Its placement is critical when it comes to one's love life. With Venus residing in the house of friendship, one's partner is also their friend. This is a positive position for long-term relationships since both individuals share similar life goals and aspirations. Individuals with Venus in the eleventh house often attract others with their intelligence. A mental connection is significant to them, and they seek someone who thinks like them. If one hasn't found their soulmate yet, getting involved in social activities, volunteering, fundraising, or charity work may help. Spending time with friends is also essential. Often, these individuals become romantically involved with someone who is their friend or someone they met through friends. It's not uncommon to meet a significant other through volunteering or within the same group or organization that one is a part of.
♡Venus in the 12th house♡
When the planet Venus is in residence in the house of Pisces, where it is exalted and its influence is particularly strong. individuals may experience difficulty with self-esteem and connect with others on a deep level. While Jupiter remains the true benefactor in this astrological situation, Venus still offers some level of protection and guidance. However, it is worth noting that the twelfth house can be a challenging and peculiar place for planets to reside, as their energies often feel distant and difficult to access in one's everyday life. It is not uncommon for those with this placement to find themselves drawn to unavailable partners and engaging in secretive relationships. The twelfth house is typically associated with hidden or subconscious issues, which can make it challenging to overcome these patterns of behavior. 
Despite these challenges, individuals with Venus in the twelfth house may possess a strong spiritual or artistic inclination. However, it is essential to remain mindful of self-sabotage and escapism, working towards greater self-awareness and balance in both personal growth and relationships. Love can be a complex and elusive thing for those with this placement, as they may be seeking an unattainable romantic ideal. 
These natives possess a compassionate heart and a desire to help others, which can attract positive energy and support when they need it most. If you were born with Venus in this house, you may be particularly sensitive and introverted, requiring plenty of time alone to reconnect with yourself.
You particularly possess excellent artistic abilities, as you have the potential to explore the mysterious realm of the twelfth house and use it as inspiration in your art, as well as in your daily life. Engaging in art can be a great way to unwind and relax. However, this placement of Venus also indicates that you have many emotions that you either conceal or keep hidden from others. Some potential themes of your artistic expression may include anything from married life to romantic fantasies, as well as exploring the beauty of nature and wildlife. You may also have a fear of sharing your art with others. It is possible for you to have your work displayed in exhibitions, institutions, or other public spaces. Through your art, you can develop your sense of love and embrace your fears by channeling them into creative expression. You may even find that you are drawn to creating spiritually-inspired or devotional art, including paintings of gods and goddesses, phantasms, fictional characters, fan art, and fantasy art. Despite any challenges that you may face, your creativity can flourish and help you to become stronger.
People with Venus in the twelfth house may find themselves in complex emotional situations. They may develop feelings for individuals who are not available due to reasons such as being married, having a family, or being committed to work. Expressing their feelings may not be an option in such cases. Moreover, even if they are in a committed relationship or married, they may find themselves in love with someone else, which can lead to internal conflict. Despite their desire to remain faithful to their partner, suppressing their emotions may prove to be a challenging task. Conversely, these natives might be victims of cheating and being in a relationship that is characterized by a breach of trust, boundaries, and in the worst cases, abuse. Consequently, their love life may be a source of pain, and they may have experienced heartbreak in the past.
Individuals with Venus in the twelfth house are often attracted to those who have experienced significant suffering or are emotionally unstable. They may be drawn to helping them, but it is crucial to remember that they must first help themselves. This placement may also shed light on hidden bad habits related to excessive self-indulgence. Since Venus is associated with pleasure and enjoying life, individuals with this placement may tend to suppress their need for love, which is a basic human need, and instead project it onto behaviors such as overeating, overspending, or denying themselves happiness.
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Bye Babes ❤
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khaire-traveler · 6 months
☀️ Subtle Apollon Worship 🏹
Singing/listening to your favorite songs; this applies to any music, though
Listening to music while studying
Playing any instrument
Dedicating a journal to writing poetry or stories
Reading poetry books; reading ancient poetry/stories (especially ancient Greek poetry/stories)
Dancing to any music of your choice
Setting reminders to take medication on time; taking your medication in general
Taking care of your body physically, such as brushing one's teeth or taking a shower
Taking a walk on a sunny day; basking in the warmth of the light
Keeping a pic of him in your wallet
Wearing jewelry that reminds you of him
Keeping imagery of light/the sun, lyres, instruments, music, swans, cranes, or ravens around
Getting a wolf, swan, or dolphin stuffed animal
Anything to do with positive and healthy self-wellness
Learning archery
Learning to do divination outside of the obvious (the obvious being tarot, runes, and pendulums, for example; not obvious would be cartomancy, pyromancy, carromancy, shufflomancy, etc.)
Doing homework (yes, really)
Being kind to yourself when you're having a difficult time
Placing positive affirmations on somewhere you'd see them everyday, especially ones about things you're proud of
Checking in with yourself emotionally throughout the day; how are you feeling? What are some good things that have happened so far? What are some not so good things?
Learning about philosophy and taking note of your thoughts on the topic
Learning more about yourself (e.g. make a list of things you enjoy, try new hobbies, experiment with new outfits, etc.)
Expressing yourself through art of any kind
Having a candle that reminds you of him (no altar needed)
Keeping a personal journal/diary - somewhere where you can keep track of your thoughts and feelings
Practice compassion and patience, especially with yourself
Continue learning throughout your life; interesting topics, philosophy, music, psychology, physical health, etc.
Learn about any medical conditions you or a loved one has
Learn about your healthcare options and medical rights (HIPPA in the US)
Support education forward, humanitarian, healthcare, or homeless shelter organizations
Volunteer at a homeless shelter
Donate clothes, toys, hygiene kits, and other items; hygiene kits are always needed
Be kind to children; play with them if offered
Make a list of things that make you feel human throughout the year - moments where you feel present, content, and alive
Sharpen your mind; play memory or mentally stimulating games
May add more later! For now, this is my list of discreet ways to worship Apollo. I hope it helps someone, and take care, y'all! 🧡
Link to Subtle Worship Master list
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autistic-shaiapouf · 2 years
Continually sitting here like. wow I hope I'm being recognized on this site as one of the top people that talks about pouf + makes art of him, as if I haven't gotten multiple asks thanking me for my service
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lunarianscorpio · 8 months
Courtship: Venus Signs (part 1)
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Earth signs Desire commitment and a lasting partnership.
♑︎ Capricorn Venus:
Loyal, protective, quietly romantic, reserved, thoughtful, and considerate in matters of love, romance, aesthetic, self-worth, and money.
Practical about themselves, understanding their worth in the material world and how others perceive them.
May appear aloof, but knows precisely what they want in a partner.
Will patiently wait for the right person who fulfills their needs and standards.
Prioritizes career or finances during single periods.
Potential imbalance if partnered with a water Mars sign, as they might yearn for love despite being comfortable alone.
Speaks highly of you, openly expressing affection and admiration.
Brings up your name in conversations, showcasing a deep pride and love.
Holds themselves to a standard of perfection, pushing for continuous improvement and sometimes feeling resentful for falling short.
Learns that self-worth is a gradual process, not a forced ascent.
Refined aesthetic taste with a strong inclination towards the arts, especially visual arts.
Enjoys concrete and physical expressions like sculpting, painting, and escaping into books.
Looks for love when it aligns with life plans and flows naturally.
Enjoys darker colors, earth tones, and may favor black without flashy appearances.
Dresses in a reserved, chic, professional, or vintage-inspired manner.
Appreciates rich earthy smells like coffee grounds, vetiver, and rainy woods, as well as clean spicy scents.
Loves food, particularly rich dishes with sentimental value.
Very good with money, enjoys it, and doesn't require much assistance.
Attraction Preferences:
Attracted to corporate types, mysterious, closed off, enigmatic, classy, and practical individuals.
May be drawn to businessmen, morticians, older people, architects, and mystics, venus in taurus, virgo, capricorn, scorpio & aquarius.
Romantic Behavior:
Takes love seriously with a guarded heart, feeling deeply in love.
Very romantic but often feels like gestures aren't sufficient, leading to inaction.
Shy and rarely flirts, but when they do it's straightforward and to the point.
Indicators of interest include trying to impress through achievements or appearance changes.
Finds dating challenging and tends to avoid it.
In relationships, seeks reassurance of worth, cherishment, and likes to be in charge but remains loyal for the long haul.
♉︎Taurus Venus:
Intense, sweet, amorous, dependable, highly romantic, and artistic in matters of money, self-worth, and relationships.
Struggle with self-worth, often comparing themselves to a mental aesthetic and others' looks; need to recognize and appreciate their internal and external beauty.
Enjoys various creative pursuits, particularly art in all its forms, including poetry and fashion; may also have a love for cooking and music.
Craves pampering and security for genuine romantic love.
Adores style and cultivates a unique, expressive fashion sense rather than following trends.
Good with colors, with a preference for all colors, avoiding overly loud or aggressive shades.
Prefers luxurious and flavorful foods, often indulging in sweets; enjoys rich and intoxicating smells like vetiver and Spanish moss.
Envisions an ideal partner but may find it challenging to meet someone worthy.
Values luxury and comfort in relationships.
Willing to test suitors to identify the one truly devoted to love.
Surprisingly, adept at managing money; understands when to save and when to spend, with purchases typically substantial.
Attraction Preferences:
Looks for well-dressed, classy, debonair, and sturdy individuals who are reliable and appealing; may also be drawn to the starving artist.
Finds bankers, farmers, businesspeople, artists, singers, and chefs interesting romantically, as well as venus in capricorn, taurus, virgo, pisces and cancer.
Romantic Approach:
Shy and reticent in matters of the heart due to intense and deep feelings of love.
Signs of a Venus in Taurus crush include becoming soft-spoken, gentle, touchy, or direct stares.
Prefers silent coaxing and seduction, often not outwardly showing intentions but putting extra effort into appearance.
Enjoys giving little gifts and favors to catch someone's attention.
Loves being pursued, feeling special, and indulging in classical romance with all senses involved.
Like Capricorn, can wait patiently for the right match.
Envisions a future with you and strives to bring joy into your life.
Unable and unwilling to imagine a moment without you, showcasing deep emotional attachment
Craves physicality, contact, and commitment for a stable relationship; highly responsive and respects differences to achieve a harmonious equilibrium
♍︎ Virgo Venus:
Analytical, helpful, idealistic, altruistic, and witty in dealing with aesthetic, self-worth, money, relationships, and romance.
Struggles with self-worth due to intense analysis of aesthetic and high expectations for perfection in artistic endeavors.
Needs to learn self-love by embracing flaws as part of the mortal experience.
May avoid Venusian activities out of fear of not being good enough, despite possessing skills in art, especially in sculpting, painting, gardening, and fitness.
Enjoys soft colors reminiscent of spring, woody browns, and greens.
Dresses in a conservative and professional style, conveying their identity concisely.
Prefers smells associated with comfort, cleanliness, citrus, vanilla, or fresh sheets.
Health-conscious and selective about food, considering taste and health reasons.
Analytical and good with money, excelling in facts, figures, and understanding the monetary value.
Attraction Preferences:
Attracted to practical, healing, intelligent, logical, and detail-oriented individuals.
Finds mechanics, scientists, doctors, researchers, and teachers attractive, venus in taurus, capricorn, virgo, cancer & scorpio.
Romantic Approach:
Shy and hesitant to initiate, prefers being pursued in romantic relationships.
Not inclined towards overt displays of affection or emotional expressions.
Tests partners subtly for devotion; silently contemplates moving on if betrayed.
Displays profound kindness, aiming to enhance your days with subtle yet impactful gestures.
May struggle with dating due to the ability to magnify minor flaws in others.
Indicates a crush by offering help with projects or problems, showing a genuine desire to assist.
Craves deep unconditional love and struggles with criticism due to self-critique.
Needs reassurance and to be cherished, emphasizing the existence of perfection through love.
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Fire Signs: Seek thrill and excitement, desire an intoxicating romance.
♐Sagittarius Venus:
Happy-go-lucky, adventurous, moralistic, and charitable in matters of self-worth, love, money, aesthetic, and romance.
Generally maintains a healthy self-worth with contagious perky confidence.
Enjoys flirting, playing the field, and has a childlike spirit, but must avoid becoming overly cocky.
Fondness for literature, poetry, spoken arts, and may engage in creative pursuits like music.
Views love as a game for entertainment.
Needs freedom; relationship flourishes with the right balance.
Prone to boredom and drawn to creative, unattainable partners.
Loves games, including sports or video games.
Looks for love randomly but avoids feeling tied down, keeping options open during the search.
Enjoys dramatic and vibrant colors that evoke a happy or jovial vibe.
Dresses in a comfortable and interesting sporty or hippy-esque manner.
Willing to compromise, recognizing the importance of give-and-take in maintaining the relationship.
Prioritizes the relationship over the desire for control.
Finds mentally stimulating and "foreign" foods delightful, especially spicy dishes.
Prefers earthy and floral smells, like fresh-cut flowers.
Attraction Preferences:
Attracted to different, free-thinking, scholarly, and jocular individuals.
May be drawn to professors, older people, athletes, large individuals, or sages, venus in sagittarius, leo, aries, aquarius and gemini.
Romantic Approach:
Doesn't take love too seriously and sees it as something to be enjoyed.
Expresses crush openly or tries to make the person laugh if attracted.
Enjoys dating, meeting new people, and tends to grow infatuated quickly.
Needs space and time to feel independent in romance.
Requires expansive and big gestures for true fulfillment.
Dislikes clichés, dense individuals, and clinginess.
Seeks a partner in crime and confidant for genuine engagement in a relationship.
♈︎Aries Venus:
Pioneering, vivacious, unapologetic, and feisty in matters of self-worth, style, money, and relationships.
Healthy self-worth, with Venus influencing interests and self-definition.
In the arts for making striking, edgy statements rather than adhering to traditional beauty standards.
Fond of debate and mental combat; values independence and security for genuine love.
Striking style, athletic/provocative appearance, or an appearance that appears indifferent.
Fondness for warm colors and simple, comfortable fabrics; may enjoy spicy food and earthy smells.
Not overly concerned with money, views it as a necessity; can spend on expensive hobbies and toys.
Attraction Preferences:
Looks for spontaneous, fun-loving, extroverted, and exciting lovers; may find quiet but in-control individuals appealing.
Attracted to athletes, soldiers, mechanics (technical thinking), rebels, lawyers, construction workers, and rough individuals romantically and physically, venus in aries, leo, sagittarius, aquarius and gemini.
Romantic Approach:
Driven, direct, and open in the arena of love; willing to try anything once.
Sign of a Venus in Aries crush is teasing in good fun; loves to show off and impress the object of affection.
Enjoys the chase and seduction, though may grow bored quickly; awkwardly romantic and wants to pamper loved ones.
Enjoys the chase but may get bored once the conquest is achieved.
Requires physical and mental stimulation to stay in love.
In relationships, desires independence and control; dislikes being told what to do or competing.
Needy romantically, vocal, and somewhat pushy in expressing desires; values feeling appreciated and being treated as number one.
Reveals their vulnerable sides to you, emphasizing transparency and reciprocity.
Demonstrates an all-encompassing love once they've truly embraced their feelings for you.
♌︎Leo Venus:
Bright, magnanimous, fun-loving, romantic, and superfluous in matters of self-worth, love, relationships, money, and aesthetic.
Self-worth can vary from low to overly high, often compensating and may appear arrogant.
Requires constant reassurance of self-value, sensitive to insults, and hides struggles behind a smile.
Enjoys the arts, excelling in activities where they can be in the spotlight, including sports and physical activities.
Seeks love when feeling unappreciated but waits for genuine needs.
Dresses in a sporty, casual, flashy, professional, or debonair style with a fondness for bright colors, gold, red, and occasionally black.
Enjoys giving attention and expects occasional reciprocity.
May become overwhelming when self-absorbed, needs grounding.
Loves spicy aromas, such as cinnamon, cardamom, and clove, as well as smooth scents like vanilla.
Enjoys indulging in various foods, especially childlike treats.
May spend generously, particularly for the enjoyment of others, requiring assistance in budgeting.
Attraction Preferences:
Attracted to showy, artistic, athletic, charismatic, and powerful individuals.
Loves glamour and grandiose declarations in relationships.
Seeks a loyal and committed partner who enhances their ego.
May find appeal in bosses, artists, actors, soldiers, royalty archetypes, and athletes.
Romantic Approach:
Goes all out in love, courting, pursuing, and wooing simultaneously.
Enjoys spectacular romance and is not shy about dating or the dating scene.
Expresses interest by going out of their way to impress and compliment, may straightforwardly communicate their feelings.
Desires to be treated like royalty, pampered, and made to feel special.
Expects reciprocity in passion, intensity, and drama to keep the relationship fresh.
Dislikes feeling unimportant and needs consistent expressions of love, yet maintains independence.
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Water Signs: Seek a fairy tale romance, searching for a Prince or Princess.
♓︎Pisces Venus:
Dreamy, romantic, loving, creative, and fantastical in matters of love, self-worth, money, relationships, and aesthetics.
May have a deluded sense of self, occasionally needing help to see themselves clearly.
Shy but enjoys occasional flirtation, especially in a playful context.
Attentively listens and remembers your words, valuing communication as a way to understand and love you better.
Enjoys hearing you talk, using it as an opportunity to deepen their understanding of you.
Enjoys art, particularly music, dance, and literature.
Often seeks love, viewing themselves as a part of a whole, searching for a profound connection.
Shy in pursuing but makes subtle gestures to be closer.
Needs to occasionally be more selfish in relationships.
Vulnerable to being taken advantage of due to an overly loving nature.
Loves colors reminiscent of the ocean and the sky, including dark to light blues, greens, purples, and black.
Fashion style can vary from free-flowing, ocean-breeze attire to trendy runway looks or understated appearances to avoid attention.
Enjoys aromas like the ocean, fruit, and candy.
Has a big appetite and loves seafood, sugary sweets, and food from different cultures.
Not overly materialistic but acquires money effortlessly, often spending it on loved ones.
Attraction Preferences:
Attracted to mystical, aloof, artistic, emotionally expressive, and structured individuals.
Compatibility with sailors, psychics, healers, artists, or therapists, venus in pisces, cancer, scorpio and maybe taurus.
Romantic Behavior:
Shy yet not afraid to initiate romantic gestures.
Signs of interest include leaving messages unread (a commitment test) and engaging in deep conversations beyond typical bedtime hours.
Prefers soulmate connections over casual dating.
Needs lots of love, affection, and care in a relationship.
Dislikes being perceived as overly dependent and can be disillusioned if their idealized image of a loved one shatters.
♋︎Cancer Venus:
Affectionate, sentimental, sweet, romantic, and receptive in matters of self-worth, money, style, aesthetic, partnership, and love.
Healthy self-worth usually influenced by family perceptions and upbringing.
Tendency to become engrossed in memories, potentially distorting them, leading to psychic disharmony.
Enjoys emotionally fulfilling hobbies such as reading, acting, cooking, baking, gardening, and finds stimulation in architecture or interior design.
Looks for settling-down material in love, avoiding games.
Assumes the role of the nurturing mother in relationships.
Magnetic and alluring, attracts partners effortlessly.
Analyzes and evaluates relationships; values security and harmony.
Style may not always be fashionable but holds value and meaning, either following family styles or changing frequently to keep up with trends.
Fondness for pastels, silver shades, especially purple and blue, preferring a dapper look without being overly flashy.
Delighted by scents from home, ocean breeze, or a forest after rain, with a preference for earthy and fruity smells.
Loves cooking and food, attached to traditional dishes, with a craving for sweets and creamy treats.
Excellent with money, skilled in investment and business ownership.
Attraction Preferences:
Attracted to emotional, trustworthy, familiar, and loving individuals.
May also be drawn to sailors, travelers, royalty archetypes, poets, bodybuilders, and comedians, venus in cancer, scorpio, pisces, taurus and virgo.
Romantic Approach:
Shy but can pursue if necessary, values traditional romance and believes in love traditions like meeting the spouse's family.
Takes relationships seriously, finds letting go challenging.
Signs of a crush include blushing, bashfulness, attempts to talk, and revealing something emotional
Will push back if being used, prioritizes home harmony.
Invests considerable time in your company, fostering comfort and mutual ease.
Their presence brings a soothing calmness, contributing to a deep sense of connection.
Desires a fairy tale experience, appreciates sentimental mementos, and values cherishing shared memories.
Craves emotionality and feels hurt if emotions are disregarded, but can become clingy and manipulative if not moderated.
Extremely loyal and willing to weather the storm, not easily bored.
♏︎Scorpio Venus:
Possessive, secretive, romantic, intense, loving, and creative in matters of self-worth, money, love, relationships, and mystique.
Tendency for relatively low self-worth, feeling unattractive, and presenting a facade to compensate, emphasizing the seriousness of love.
Craves cherishment and security for a safe and healthy self-worth.
Subconscious and energetically seductive, attracting both desired and unwanted things.
Displays creativity, viewing destruction as a form of creation, especially in music or activities involving breaking and destroying things.
Enjoys sports, video games, and may have various artistic talents.
Desires to merge and feel complete, often seeking love but may struggle when needing support.
Appreciates a variety of colors, with greens, purples, and blues drawing particular interest.
Dresses in a sporty, dark, artsy, or blending-in manner.
Prefers hypnotic and deep smells like dark chocolate, wine, and musky sea scents.
Enjoys spicy foods and exotic tastes that mentally and physically engage them.
Skilled with money and investing.
Attraction Preferences:
Attracted to intriguing, mysterious, closed-off, powerful, and emotionally intense individuals.
May find interest in surgeons, doctors, researchers, mystics, sailors, and chemists, venus scorpio, cancer, pisces, capricorn and virgo.
Romantic Approach:
Takes love seriously, aiming to make their significant other happy even if not overtly romantic.
Signs of a crush may include slight rudeness or playful power games, seeking attention harmlessly
Tests partners to determine worth, with potential psychological challenges.
Struggles to trust, but deepens emotionally when in love.
Sensitive to your emotions, quick to notice when you're feeling down.
Focuses on understanding and meeting your love language needs, especially during challenging times.
Serious about love, dating can be challenging.
Needs a partner who understands the intensity of their passions, values trust, and avoids deception.
Loyal and committed once invested in a relationship.
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Air Signs: Seek innovators and intellectual connection in romance.
♒Aquarius Venus:
Impersonal, creative, original, universal, and shocking in matters of relationships, love, aesthetic, self-worth, and money.
Usually has a healthy, if not detached, self-worth.
May distance themselves from the concept of "the self," which could be psychologically challenging.
Friendly and may unintentionally flirt; aesthetic taste is intriguing, embracing individuality and the arts.
Finds beauty in dreamy, surreal colors like pastels and neons.
Enjoys music, visual arts, poetry, and activities involving the mind like video games.
Looks for love when feeling a lack of a true community and seeks one-on-one connections.
Dress style may be striking, eclectic, modern, or fitting a group aesthetic with a hint of a hippy flair.
Enjoys scents like the ocean, clean, light, breezy, and sweet aromas like cotton candy.
Appreciates complex and unique flavors for mental stimulation.
Good with money but prone to sudden spending sprees.
Preferences in Others:
Likes individuals who are aloof, idiosyncratic, distant, unattainable, intelligent, and humanitarian.
Attracted to musicians, scientists, researchers, astrologers/mystics, and philanthropists, venus in aquarius, gemini, libra, aries and saggitarius.
Romantic Behavior:
Cerebral about love but values its importance.
Indicators of interest are sporadic and confusing, ranging from acting like you don't exist to wanting to hang out.
Struggles with the balance between independence and craving companionship
Craves stability and loyalty despite a logical façade.
Expresses feelings through late-night texts, sharing thoughts they might hesitate to say in person.
Fickle in courtship; captivates with eccentricities.
Values freedom, loyalty, and stability; may become depressed without them.
Not particularly fond of dating and may see it as a waste of time.
In a relationship, seeks reliability paired with excitement and random, unexpected events.
Once committed, tends to stay, being a fixed sign.
♊︎Gemini Venus:
Charming, poetic, sociable, witty, and cunning in matters of self-worth, love, aesthetic, finances, and relationships.
Self-worth tied to communication skills and fitting into the community, needing to learn that being liked doesn't equate to true beauty.
Enjoys various creative pursuits, including dance, music, poetry, and a genuine love for conversation; may also have a fondness for sports.
Requires stimulation in a relationship, finds love more fun than necessary.
Trendy in fashion, stylish, adaptable to changing trends; values fashion as a form of communication.
Likes bright colors, especially various shades of blues, and tends to shy away from dark colors.
Enjoys a variety of food, likes to be intellectually engaged with what they eat, with a fondness for sour and childlike sweet foods.
Attracted to citrusy, sharp, and clean smells, such as fresh sheets.
Doesn't overly focus on money, invests well, and can be impulsive with hobbies or travel urges
Thrives on communication; requires mental stimulation.
Loses interest if not intellectually engaged.
Easily uses people for temporary connections until captivated elsewhere.
Attraction Preferences:
Attracted to intellectual, well-informed, sporty, suave, and aesthetically pleasing individuals; may appreciate the "wholesome person next door" aesthetics.
Finds PR people, librarians, professors, bosses, writers, actors, athletes, or local individuals attractive, compatible with venus in aquarius, gemini, libra, sagittarius & aries.
Romantic Approach:
Flirty, fun-loving, and eager in romantic relationships.
Displays goofiness or attempts to make the other person laugh when they have a crush.
Enjoys intellectual play and wants a partner who can match their quickness.
Thrives on humor, eureka moments, and engagement of the mind.
Enjoys the thrill of the chase but may grow bored with monotony; long-distance relationships can work well.
Loves learning about their partner, so keeping them guessing and engaged is crucial.
♎Libra Venus:
Harmonious, diplomatic, balanced, romantic, and idealistic in self-worth, money, love, and relationships.
Self-worth is influenced by how others treat them, seeking approval and universal love, but can struggle with feeling not good enough.
Needs to learn self-love and not rely solely on others for integral well-being.
Enjoys flirting and charm, finding exhilaration in social interactions and fun with potential mates and friends.
Naturally gifted in the arts, excelling in fashion, architecture, and textiles.
Actively looks for love, deeming it important and feeling lonely without it.
Ruled by Venus; loves beauty, luxury, comfort, and diplomacy.
Attracts potential partners effortlessly due to appealing qualities.Has varied color preferences based on cultural definitions of balance, avoiding reactions in people.
Trendy and hip in dressing, adapting to current aesthetics without growing overly fond of styles.
Enjoys bright, sunny smells like orange and mango, along with fruity, gentle, and sugary scents.
Adores sweet foods, indulges the senses, and may overspend on luxuries, requiring help in budgeting.
Attraction Preferences:
Attracted to polite, intelligent, artistic, and politically savvy individuals.
May find interest in lawyers, decorators, doctors, venus in libra, gemini, aquarius, leo and sagittarius.
Romantic Approach:
Ruled by social convention, enjoys romantic gestures seen in movies and media.
Can be passive romantically but enjoys playing cat and mouse games, flirting, and having fun, even if shyly.
Signs of a crush include compliments, offers to help, and extending invitations to social events.
Needs a fun, light, and very romantic partner to feel complete.
Values trust in friends and lovers, seeking someone to share both joy and dark times
May withdraw if harmony is disrupted; values care and nurturing.
Can harbor deep rage if pushed to the limit in a toxic relationship.
Communicates emotions through their eyes, conveying the depth of their love without words.
Enjoys the dating scene, finding joy in getting to know potential partners.
Dislikes crass or unpleasant partners who embarrass them.
Lives in a realm of pure ideals, exhibiting prince/princess charming-like qualities.
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noxtivagus · 2 years
suteki da ne
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#🌙.rambles#yk that twt acc w final fantasy music. THE SONGS. REMIND ME. FINAL FANTASY MEANS SO MUCH TO ME FR#shaped so much of my identity n my personality n wtvr man. the lyrics of suteki da ne r so personal to me for some reason. idk#ff for the dreamers fr but it has rlly contributed in making me a hopeless romantic even more back then n#GUYS I HATE FEBRUARY N 14TH SO MUCH FOR MAKING ME THINK OF THESE STUFF AGAIN#hmm.. maybe i'm sad n maybe i'm hiding a lot more than it seems . (just a maybe for sure. hahahaha definitely not surely nah haha. hahaha.)#suteki da ne is so. special to me tho. like from start to end. N THEN THE CONTEXT W TIDUS N YUNA N I KNOW SPOILERS TOO SO. 😭😭#gna project that on my own ocs too !!!! i wna write of them more bcs i have so many ideas here n there#several ending ideas or wtvr bcs i love imagining it as a video game. n. hmm. star-crossed lovers but end up being destined together#themes like. freedom n birds n the moon themes n yk i'll make the color blue have a special meaning. dreams wishes psychology ideals#ideals reality mythology stuff like that r some keywords they've just. yk always meant a lot to me ever since i was young. ^^ n more.#SUTEKI DA NE HAS LOTS OF THEM UWAHH n while water has always been my fav from. those elements n being yk a water sign ig.#.. growing up i have a lot of memories of vacations on beaches w my family. the sand n the breeze n the waves by my feet#hehe. really grew up swimming a lot too. nearly drowned once but i've never been afraid of the water.#i'm rambling abt myself again but what do i have to be sorry for if this is my space anyways? but uh. i overshare on social media ik 🥹#but. rambling gives me comfort. i want to put out as much as i can into this world before i make my leave.#which DW WILL HOPEFULLY not be anytime soon. life's hard but i'll make it through the very end. & i'll do as much as i can fr.#when i. finally write those stories.. it's just. lovely to imagine how the ppl who personally know me wld understand n see myself in them.#expression of self through. many mediums such as different kinds of art is so special to me. i love to express myself n i equally love to#yk see others too. see them for who they really are and love them and understand them as much as i can.#probably bcs i want that myself too. n i crave n desire it myself too but it makes me happy n. yh so happy beyond words to#..just. live with others in that way? with ppl beside me or even just.. watching them.. though#hang on i'll ramble again but goddamn i write so much ig bcs i want to be understood so badly. i. really need that sincerity n communicatio#n authenticity w others for it to be. really real? life.. i can't put it into words rn but literally just in one word that holds so much.#life. yeah. hang on i still have assignments to do T_T n i ended up rambling sm but. i'll stop overthinking it.#nothing to be insecure abt w your own self unless it hmm. help no i won't ramble about that rn either but rn for me#just for me i know enough to say that i shouldn't have to be afraid. with the way i see the world i know there's so much more meaning n#maybe.. nah not maybe. fuck if hope's 'naive' as aymeric says as well. personally no matter what i'll stick to myself. hold true to that.#n my determination with this will never be half-assed n. help i'll stop now fr but i feel better now c:#BACK TO SUTEKI DA NE THOUGH. FROM END TO START FR 🥹 HELP NO START TO END I MEAN. 🥺🫶🏼
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