#established clace
diana-bookfairchild · 2 years
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@flufftober Day 11: Poetry, Art, Music, Craft
Jace wasn’t sure how it had started.
Maybe it had started the day he played Simon the song he’d composed for Clary to ask if he thought she’d like it.
Maybe it had started when the fifteen-year-old redhead stubbornly stood her ground in the Pandemonium and made him curious and half already head-over-heels.
Maybe it had even started the day Valentine had begun to teach him the piano.
He wasn’t sure how any of it happened, but he was definitely happy with the results.
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Simon knew perfectly well when it started: two days before Clary and Jace’s one-month anniversary. He wasn’t perfectly sure if they were celebrating their relationship or their father’s death or their winning the war but he decided not to ask.
“Where do you think we should go?” Clary asked, looking anxious, swinging her legs, sitting on the table.
Simon didn’t answer for a moment, too occupied with considering when his mother would get home. It had been another wonderful day of throwing his mother’s food away and hiding the fact that he was now a vampire. He was just thankful that drinking Jace’s blood had made him able to withstand the sun again, because dealing with that would have been impossible much longer.
“Si,” Clary said impatiently.
“Sorry,” Simon blinked. “Right. You think he’s ever seen a movie?”
His best friend nodded. “He’s seen a couple,” She made a face. “He’s obsessed with The Birds. Maybe I should just show him another to get him off that.”
“That’s just bad taste,” Simon smirked. “Think he shows that in other areas too?”
Clary seized a cushion from the couch next to her and lazily tossed it at him. In past times, he would have dodged it. This time, her shadowhunter aim struck true despite his vampire reflexes.
“Take him to dinner,” Simon said, laughing. “Candlelit and everything. Maybe one of those places you like to sketch the sunset.”
“Planning on it,” Clary said, smiling brightly too. Her red hair fell into her eyes. Simon valiantly tried to ignore the urge to push it out of them – like he’d tried to ignore all signs of his continuing feelings. “What else, though?”
“The arcade.” Simon decided. “He’d love the fighting and racing games.” Simon had to grin imagining the look on Jace’s face at seeing Dance Dance Revolution. The piano was one thing, that was entirely another.
Clary brightened up. “That’s a great idea! Thanks, Simon.” She checked her phone. “I have a while before I have to get back to the Institute. Want to go check the new comics in the store out?”
Simon shrugged. “Sure. Should be fun.” He and Clary always had fun though, whatever they did, so it didn’t really matter.
He was thinking about Jace. How he’d turned into someone he admired from the ‘fake blond’ he’d hated with a passion. Enough to approve Clary’s relationship with him even with a broken heart. He couldn’t believe he knew Jace well enough to give his girlfriend ideas for a date. And that he liked thinking of him on the Dance Dance Revolution machine, all sweaty and grinning with that lazy arrogance he always had.
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Clary’d had ideas of what her life was going to be since her childhood.
She was going to backpack around Europe with Simon. She was going to study Art, hopefully in NYU or Columbia. Maybe she’d specialize in art therapy eventually, or architecture or design. That part hadn’t been too clear. Simon would take a nice safe major for his mother, while focusing on his music. They’d live together.
And eventually, she’d meet someone who made her heart race. Who was handsome and charming and appreciative and loving. And she’d get a job and maybe a pet and maybe kids later in life.
That had all been for later though.
And she’d never thought about what would happen with Simon then.
Simon had been a constant for more than a decade in her life. She couldn’t imagine it without him. He was part of who she was.
But Clary had never imagined that he would find someone when she’d find a boy. She’d never taken him for granted in the usual way – she’d always treasured his friendship – but she realized she had taken his presence in her life for granted; never once imagined that in her future he might not be there.
She remembered how jealous she’d been of Izzy when they’d first met – la belle Isabelle with her grace and beauty and deadly smile and whip, with whom Simon had been smitten instantly.
She’d always imagined that the one she loved would come into her life and change it forever – that romance would come into one’s life with pomp and blare, clear and instant.
And it had. She loved Jace. Jace was everything she’d imagined – beautifully handsome, appreciative of her and her art, broody but kind, a knight in shining armour. He was also everything she’d never thought she could love with such a fierce intensity – snark, trauma, an overprotectiveness that extended to making decisions for her. Being her father’s adopted son.
But love had also somehow managed to creep up on her, silent and invisible, unfolding from her friendship like it had always been inevitable. Simon was an open-book, lighthearted, clumsy even as a vampire. Nothing like her childhood dreams of romance. And yet, loving him was childhood innocence. Easy as breathing. It came naturally.
Two boys, nearly nothing alike, and they both had an unimaginable hold of her heart.
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Jace had never thought he’d ever feel romantic love.
He’d thanked the Angel everyday for Alec and Isabelle and Max. Robert and Maryse too, but his siblings had always been more family to him than them. He knew they were fond of him, but to them he was their ward. To his siblings, he was family. A Lightwood through and through.
For him, they were enough. Of course they were.
And then he’d met Clary.
She was … everything. She was the whole world, his whole world. He wasn’t sure when, exactly, he’d fallen in love with her. She was always unexpected. He had no idea what she was going to do or when. He’d had no idea he was going to kiss her until he did. He hadn’t known she would come for him at Renwick’s until she did. He hadn’t thought in his wildest dreams that she would slap him for putting her life at risk rather than throwing herself at him for saving her.
Romantic love wasn’t something that he could shrug off, apparently. Even when he knew she was his sister, even when he knew it was wrong, even when she’d been dating someone else, loving Clary wasn’t a switch in him that could be turned off.
He had never felt as much jealousy as when he’d seen Simon kiss Clary’s wrist in Magnus’ house. He’d burned with it, the rage and sadness enough to power several cities.
He still wasn’t sure when Simon had turned from the annoying mundane tag along to someone he valued.
It had become clear, eventually, that without Simon there was no Clary. If Clary was the world, Simon was the axis that kept it spinning and stable. The evenness to her temper, the caution to her impulse, the light-heartedness to her angst, the carefreeness to her troubledness.
He’d nearly given his life for the vampire, back on the ship. I would have let you, he’d said in response to Simon’s horror at his capability of draining Jace’s blood. The first time saving him, at the Dumort – that had been entirely for Clary, because he didn’t want to see the panic in her eyes any longer.
The second time … despite his jealousy, despite Simon being a downworlder – it had not been for her. At least, Clary hadn’t been the only reason.
And it had been enough to at least somewhat trust him. We have Clary in common, he’d said. We both care for her. She’s important to both of us.
Jace wasn’t sure what exactly to make of that.
Nevertheless, the vampire was his best source as to whether Clary would like the song. So off he went.
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“You’ve composed a song for Clary,” Simon said, staring at Jace. “And you want me to say if she’ll like it.”
“If you’re done rehashing what we’ve already established, vampire. . .” The Shadowhunter drawled.
Simon held his hands up in surrender. “Alright, alright. There’s a piano in the other room. We can use it.”
“Why exactly do you have a piano?” Jace asked curiously, watching Simon through narrow gold eyes from his seat on the piano. His eyes are so. . . otherworldly, Simon thought, unwillingly enraptured. He shook it off.
Simon had to smile at the memory of the story. “Clary and I were ten, my sister Rebecca was twelve and she’d decided she was going to be in the school orchestra. And Luke said he had a piano in his house, so she decided she was going to learn to play it. But then Clary said—”
“Alright, alright,” Jace rolled his eyes. He looked, oddly pensive and for a moment, almost jealous. But what would he have to be jealous of? He was the one dating the love of Simon’s life. “By the Angel, you’re a more long-winded storyteller than Isabelle.” He stretched his hands out and considered them, before laying them on the piano and beginning to play.
Simon had no idea how to describe what followed. He knew Jace was talented. Jace was good at pretty much everything he did. But he hadn’t expected the music Jace played to resonate with him so deeply. He could see Clary as Jace saw her: the red hair, the gleam of mischief, the temper, the courage.
Simon’s guitar was lying next to the piano from the last time he and Rebecca had played together for one of their family gatherings (Mom, Luke, Jocelyn, Clary, and Aunt Betty). Simon hardly knew when he picked it up and began to flow with the song.
The melody dragged him into a high – into a trance he couldn’t escape. He didn’t need to know the technicalities of it, he could just play. It was like the times Clary got inspiration for her drawings; she literally couldn’t stop drawing or explain where all that was coming from.
The last notes faded away and the spell was broken. Simon and Jace stared at each other.
“You. . . You understood—” Jace cleared his throat and stopped, like that would prevent Simon from understanding what he was saying. The way they had synchronized, the way he had understood what Jace was playing and been able to reproduce it on the guitar. . .
They understood one another’s music.
“Do you think she’ll like it?” Jace asked finally.
Simon wasn’t sure who the sudden roaring jealousy he felt was for. He wasn’t sure of anything. “I’m sure she’ll love it,” he said in a brittle voice.
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Clary spent a lot of time sketching Jace.
She could never quite perfectly capture him, though she never stopped trying. She supposed it was the same with all artists regarding people they loved: their essence was always frustratingly missing from the art.
Her pencil made an unintentional skid across Jace’s wing. Irritated, she sighed.
“Jace!” All her attention was instantly on her boyfriend, who was leaning against the doorway. She set aside the sketchbook and bounced up to him. “What are you doing here?”
Jace took her hands and pressed kisses to them, avoiding the obvious charcoal spotted places, giving her shivers. “Watching my beautiful artistic girlfriend create marvels?”
Clary smiled. “You can be here for that too, but I really don’t think that was your main intention in coming.”
Jace shrugged, looking uncomfortable. It sometimes still blew her away how he trusted her enough to be vulnerable around her, when sometimes he couldn’t be around Alec and Izzy, who were dearest in the world to him, his parabatai and sister. “I wanted to see you,” He whispered. “You’re always, well – when I see you, I always feel more … grounded.”
Clary knew what he meant. It was the way she always felt when she saw Simon. She didn’t think he’d take well to that comparison though.
“Did something remind you of … the War?” She asked gently. They’d talked about it, but it was still a landmine of a topic around everyone. Clary personally thought the lot of them needed therapy.
Jace laughed wryly. “Not that. This time at least.” He kissed her before she could question him further.
Even recognizing the deflection technique, she kissed him back, winding her hands in his hair the way she always liked to. Sparks flew between them, as they always did. Jace never handled her delicately, never seemed to think she wasn’t strong despite his smothering overprotectiveness. He tasted of danger, of fireworks, and yet of the coolness of mystery and night.
So different from Simon, who felt like childhood, like lemonade, the sweet aftertaste that lingered and made you happy. Who held her like she was delicate china.
Jace lifted her up and Clary hooked her legs around his hip. “Don’t think,” She gasped. “That you’re going to escape my other questions—oh, again!”
Jace smirked and his teeth scraped against the same spot on her neck. His hands moved from her waist to her cheek and the bed, and her sketchbook was knocked off it.
Its pages turned as it landed on the floor, ending on a sketch of Simon, smiling gently with flyaway hair in the moonlight, the Mark of Cain vivid. There was an eerie stillness and yet soft bright light to it that seemed to capture him exactly, making her fond of it, much more than all the ones she’d made of him over the years while learning how to draw.
Jace picked it up, face emotionless, and considered it.
“Jace—” Her mouth fell shut. She didn’t know what to say.  
“You love him,” He said.
There were any number of things she could have said: I love you. He’s my best friend. I didn’t even know, until recently.
All of them were true, but they would’ve also been cop outs and if there was one thing that she wasn’t, it was a coward.
Jace looked thoughtful. “And … You love me too?”
Clary exhaled softly, and caught his hand in hers. “You know I do.”
His face softened. “Yeah. I do.” He sat on the bed, pulling her down next to him. “What are we doing, Clary?”
Clary felt panic stir in her. He wasn’t breaking up with her. Was he?
“We’re in a relationship,” she said with forced calm. “And you’ve just found out that I am also in love with my best friend.”
“Unconventional,” Jace quirked a grin. “But then again, our relationship always has been like that.” The relief she felt caused the melting of tension she didn’t even know existed. If he was joking, things were fine. “Can’t even fault your taste,” He said sadly, shaking his head.
Clary had to suppress a grin at the similarity to the conversation she’d had with Simon only a day back. “Aren’t you the one who always called him a rat faced bastard?”
“He did go and get himself turned into one.” Jace muttered defensively. “But no, there’s something about him. . . He isn’t half bad-looking.”
Coming from Jace, this was a bald statement of attraction. That made her consider him more carefully. Jace, who had once thought Simon was the worst and most inconvenient person to grace the earth. Jace, who had his face carefully neutral and playful, his hands clenched and the strange tenor of his voice when he was speaking of emotions but was trying not to be emotional.
“You’re in love with him too.” Clary realized as she said it.
Jace exhaled, and his hand trembled. Clary squeezed it reassuringly. I’m here, it said. You’re not alone. If you don’t want to talk about it, we won’t, but emotions won’t kill you.
“Love is rather an exaggeration, I think,” he said at last. “But there may be more to my feelings for him than I thought.”
Clary stared at him. “I can’t believe you even admitted that much.”
That startled a laugh from him. “Isabelle couldn’t, either.” He said. He was smiling the way he always did when he spoke of his brother and sister. “But Alec said. Well. He said that his relationship with Magnus had only come about when he went to thank him for saving him, and thereby, ‘talking and admitting feelings’.” Jace wrinkled his nose as he always did at those things. Clary felt her heart swell in fondness.
“Well,” She said. “That is definitely more emotion than I expected from Alec.”
Jace snorted. “Yeah, the hard-as-stone thing is a whole façade. He’s a total softie.” There was a pause. He sighed. “I’m going to have to do this whole thing again with Simon, right?”
At this, Clary giggled. “Afraid so.”
“Damn it.”
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“You’re inviting me to your one-month anniversary dinner?” Simon stared at his best friend. She always had barmy ideas, but this was ridiculous even for her. Then something occurred to him. “Does Jace know?”
“Of course he does,” Clary said, sounding offended.
“Right. . . .” Simon trailed off, wondering why.
“He wants you to bring your guitar,” the redhead added.
At this, resentment built up in him. So Jace thought he could just get him to play the song without even asking in person? A confession of love that wasn’t his to the girl Jace knew he loved? He ignored that the hurt stemmed from the fact that he’d thought playing Jace’s composition together was theirs and theirs alone, that their duet had been private, a secret treasure for his heart.
Well. Clearly not.
What had he even expected from Jace?
Clary obviously saw that he was going to refuse. “Please, Si,” she said, her green eyes wide. It was the same expression she got every time she wanted to do something recklessly stupid, Simon refused to get involved, right before he’d do it anyway and both of them got grounded by their moms. It was completely unfair because Clary knew the effect that expression had on him. His firm wall began to crumble rapidly.
“Fine,” Simon sighed.
Clary smiled brightly. “Great!” She peered closely at him. When he raised an inquiring eyebrow, she gave a very Not-Clary awkward laugh. She hesitated. “What do you think of Jace?”
Simon stared at her. “Are you seriously asking for my approval of your boyfriend a month after beginning to date him?” His not-beating-anymore heart began to pound. If anyone could figure out how he was feeling, Clary could. She knew him best, even though she had a total obliviousness to any feelings directed her way. And he really didn’t want to have a ‘yes, I fancy your boyfriend, except maybe not really, except I definitely do because I think he’s stupidly attractive and snark and courage humanized and an incredible musician with whom I’ve played a duet like never before’ conversation with her.
“Yes, I am.”
“Well. . .” Simon swallowed. “Jace is. . . .” Play it cool, he told himself. “Alright.” That came out way too stiffly.
Except Clary didn’t seem to think so. She studied him for a moment and then went back to smiling brightly, kissing his cheek and heading out of the house.
Simon wasn’t sure if the ‘I have a crush’ lightheadedness he was going through was because of Clary or Jace.
“I thought you were going to a mundane restaurant?” Simon asked, frowning.
“We were,” Clary said. “But we couldn’t exactly take you somewhere they wouldn’t serve you blood.” She was leaning into Jace.
They’d turned into a couple that used ‘we’ for everything, Simon thought bitterly, trying to hide his surprise at how they’d changed their plans for him.
Dinner went easily, much to Simon’s amazement. He’d expected having dinner with the best friend he had been in love with for years and her boyfriend for whom Simon had also developed feelings for would’ve been awkward, but this was natural. And it gave him way too much hope, ganging up on Clary with Jace, laughing at Jace’s stories of his and his siblings’ antics, nodding in commiseration at the way Jace’s face fell when he mentioned Max and Clary kissed his cheek in comfort.
They were a good couple, he noted with a sad-proud feeling. He was happy Clary had found someone who loved her so much, someone who was so amazing even he’d begun to … Well.
Jace kissed the remaining strawberry chocolate off Clary’s mouth. Simon’s throat closed up. He was torn between continuing watching and feeding some fantasies and jerking away because this was his best friend dammit! Clary pulled away and cleared her throat. She exchanged an indecipherable look with Jace.
That made him anxious. He could always read Clary.
Clary pulled out two papers, and Simon recognized them as coming from the sketchbook Luke had gifted her for her fifteenth birthday. She pushed one towards Jace. “This is for you,” she said nervously, twisting her hair with her fingers the way she always did when she was tense. “I know it’s not much, but considering—”
“Clary,” Jace said with a sharp inhale. He looked like he was about to cry and Simon felt uncomfortable at witnessing such an intimate moment. He wondered why Clary’d asked him to come. “It’s beautiful.” He said, sounding awed. “You- I look – well. Thank you.”
Simon caught a glimpse of it. It was a sketch of Jace, sitting, leaning back, looking remarkably pleased with himself and yet softly happy. The way he crossed his arms, the way his chipped tooth made his smile imperfect, the way his eyebrows relaxed, the light reflected from his golden wolf eyes. . . . Every detail revealed how much Clary had poured herself into this piece.
Every stroke was an ode to how much she loved him.
Simon couldn’t breathe through his longing and jealousy for a few moments – it was pretty good he didn’t actually need to do it anymore. He ignored them kissing.
“And Simon,” Clary said, holding out the other rolled up sheet. Her eyes were bright. With trepidation, with hope. “This is for you.”
Finally feeling like they’d come to the point of why they’d asked him to come there, Simon’s hand trembled a bit, feeling the same emotions Clary displayed so openly. He took it and rolled it out.
He stared at the drawing, wondering, hopeful, fragile enough that a breeze could knock him over. Time stopped, and the world paused.
It was Simon. Simon with his hands stretched out, smiling half-seriously half-playfully in the moonlight, the Mark of Cain very visible.
Clary poured her emotions into all her work – he’d seen breathtaking emotion-wringing portraits of hers of sceneries, their mothers, Rebecca, the Lightwoods.
This – this was different.
This was like Jace’s. From which anyone could tell that each stroke was an expression of love, that the artist loved the subject beyond all measure – the eros type of love.
“What is this?” His voice was tight.
“Simon,” Clary’s voice was trembling. “I love you. I’m in love with you.”
Simon had wanted to hear these words for years. He dropped the paper, but Jace’s reflexes were fast enough for him to catch it before it fell into the remains of his blood waffles.
“Would you like some poetry to make things clear?” Jace asked, leaning back casually, like hearing his girlfriend confess her love for someone else was an everyday thing. His eyes pierced him, and the message was clear: Say you love her back, because I know you do. If you break her heart now, I will stake you through the heart.
Not that Simon needed that, thank you very much.
“I – I love you too, Clary, Of course I do.” He spoke. Clary smiled up at him with tremulous hope. “But why are you--? What are we going to--?” He stumbled over his questions.
“That depends on what your answer is to this,” she nudged her boyfriend.
Jace sighed deeply. “I wouldn’t mind being in a relationship with you, vampire.” He drawled.
 Simon was not prepared for this. He pinched his arm to make sure he wasn’t dreaming.
“Jace!” Clary chided.
Jace gave her a petulant look. She nodded her head fiercely in Simon’s direction. He interrupted. “You – like me?”
Jace stared at him, clearly recognizing the wishes and dreams and hopes he had put into that one question. “Yes,” he said softly. “I can’t say I love you – but. When we played the – at your house,” he glanced at Clary, who apparently didn’t know about that. “You understood me. You understood my … music. And even before that. You refused to lie about my family to leave the prison. You stayed with Clary despite everything. Even your goddamn pop culture references.” His whole face softened. “And Clary loves you.��� It closed. “What about you?”
“And Clary loves you.” Simon agreed, his mind whirling. That was the basis of everything: as Jace had put it a bit more than a month ago; Clary was what they had in common. They both cared for her. “You’ve saved my life. So many times. Despite my being a Downworlder or mundane. You understand my music, you keep up with me in every argument and fight we have. You never treated me differently after I was Turned. You kept me sane while I was in prison. And you’re quite possibly the most frustratingly handsome person I’ve ever met,” Simon rambled. “How could I not?”
Jace looked completely stunned. Then he blinked, and the usual knowing smirk spread across his face. “How could you not indeed.”
“So. . . So. . .” Simon ignored that. “If we all love each other, then. . .?”
“Simon Lewis,” Clary said, exchanging a look with Jace. “How would you like to join our relationship and try being with us?” Jace looked at him in supposed boredom, but Simon knew him well enough to recognize the barely concealed hope.
“I. . .” Simon pinched himself again. “Definitely.”
“Really?” Clary asked, voice trembling, her eyes bright with tears.
Simon laughed hoarsely. “Clary, I’ve been in love with you for as long as I’ve known what romantic love is. I love you. Of course I’ll jump at the chance.” Like I did before, went unsaid. He’d gotten a bit too emotional at the end, but Clary was worth it.
She leaned in and kissed him – and Simon couldn’t help feeling that this was so much better than their previous ones. Clary let out a sigh and her breath was warm and she was so beautiful and tasted like heat and strawberry and chocolate and felt like home. She was incredible, and kissing her was all he could focus on.
Then she dropped back, and even before he could complain of the sudden loss, Jace had swept in. Jace kissed like he did everything else – intensely and fiercely. If Clary had been the steady love and home, Jace was the windstorm that swept everything away in its wake, yet so awe-inspiring to behold. Kissing him was an exhilarating fight, and their teeth clacked together. Their first kiss left him even more breathless than he usually was.
Simon watched Jace and Clary kiss too, and now – now watching it didn’t create any jealousy, just pure simple happiness and awe. Disbelief swirled in his head. The two people he loved – and now they were in a relationship. He felt Clary’s foot twine around his, in the way they had always done in boring functions since their childhood, and feeling bold, he reached over and took Jace’s hand.
Jace’s gaze snapped up to meet his, and then he smiled and winked. He held the cup of coffee Clary had been drinking from up, and when Clary reached up, he held it even higher.
Her eyes narrowed.
“Jace,” She said in a clipped tone that did nothing to bely her happiness. “Give it to me.”
“Why?” Jace asked, shrugging. “Not my fault you’re so short.”
“You’re playing a dangerous game there, Heronwood,” Simon said cheerfully to his new boyfriend.
“Heronwood?” Jace echoed, eyes as narrowed as Clary’s.
“Herondale plus Lightwood,” Clary nodded solemnly. “It’s a beautiful portmanteau.”
“And it suits you perfectly!” Simon laughed.
Jace gave a yelp as Clary elbowed his arm harshly and dragged her coffee cup away from him, all three of them laughing all the while.
Simon’s dead heart swelled as he looked at them – his gorgeous amazing girlfriend and boyfriend.
“I love you both,” he said recklessly.
Jace smiled suddenly, the sweet smile in Clary’s drawing, very unlike the sarcastic asshole grin he usually had. “We love you too.”
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Jace could just imagine what his fa—Valentine would say.
His daughter, and a vampire.
But now, now after he was dead, after all the abuse was finally out in the open, he looked at his incredible partners who understood him and his music and his trauma so well and had now begun to argue about something something in a tv show and thought about his home and his adopted parents and the siblings who had stuck with him through thick and thin.
Every time Valentine had told him he was unworthy of love. Every time he’d broken a bone of his. The dead body of his beloved falcon. Valentine lecturing about how parabatai led to destruction. How love destroyed.
He was wrong. So, so wrong.
It all mattered, of course. Abuse couldn’t be resolved by a relationship.
But still. He was lucky. He was so glad he had made it here.
“We’ll need to talk about this,” he said. “How we’ll make a relationship like this work.”
“We do,” Simon agreed.
“But later,” Clary said. Playfulness danced in her eyes. “For now. . .” She kissed him again, and he closed his eyes and just ... enjoyed the feeling of Simon’s hands on him and Clary’s lips on his.
So very lucky indeed.
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edwinspaynes · 6 months
promised myself i was going to do this high for humor value and to be edgy. and now that i am high, i will be doing it. thank you to @thevagabondexpress and @imabitchforjemcarstairs for telling me to go for it.
Wessa -> EXCITEMENT LEVEL 9/10. i always want to see more of these two and am curious about what they may do in paris. i'm picky with wessa content and very finicky with it, but i am currently cautiously optimistic about liking the story. if i do i think i will be a bit more satisfied with wessa's canon storyline/content as i want to see them in an established relationship. i'm so interested in what the little crystal ball/snowglobe on the cover means and kinda hope they get into some magical mayhem.
Clace -> EXCITEMENT LEVEL 7.5/10. I like Clace and they give me nostalgic feelings, so it will be fun to catch up with them. They're not, like, an all-time favorite ship, but I like them together and am curious what theyre like as an adult couple.
Arianna -> EXCITEMENT LEVEL 9/10. I'll admit that this ship is one i have some complicated feelings about, but i like them a lot anyway. they're one of the most interesting/compelling dynamics in the TSC canon to me even if i don't think they're thomastairherondaisy-like soulmates. i think that this story is a good choice because their story feels unfinished, and to properly conclude their storyline we need to see them have some conversations and make some compromises. i'm really rooting for them and am excited to see how their relationship works/changes.
Herondaisy -> EXCITEMENT LEVEL 1000/10. i mean, it's herondaisy. Did you really expect anything less? i'm pumped because i want to see them domestically after they acknowledge that they're married and in love. there's going to be a 2nd wedding rune scene, which is awesome and im hyped, but i also think we're probably gonna get some honeymoon adventure content of both of them and i am even MORE excited for that. i like how cordelia is running and james is reachng after her on the cover like "i love my wife she's so adventurous but come baaack. wait for meee." and YES??? good god. this one is going to be so good. and im so curious what the pomegranates are??? yeah??? i think something about being invincible because of persian myth. maybe it's because they're soulmates. an unstoppable duo. i'm gushing lol @angeldaisies @hanelizabeth. i need to stop but this will definitely happen again when i get to the thomastair story.
Sebastian and SQ -> EXCITEMENT LEVEL 8.5/10. okay i KNOW this one's controversial, and i get why one might be upset if their favourite ship did not make the cut. but like. okay. i am SO excited for this story. this is going to be DARK. this is going to be TWISTY. this is going to be the dark horse of the bunch, fundamentally fucked up and horrifying. doomed by the narrative. i'm so excited that this story is there because it's going to be so tonally unique. i think cassie wanted to write something truly fucked up, i think she has the talent to pull it off perfectly, and i am fucking pumped.
Jemma -> EXCITEMENT LEVEL 2/10 for the setting. it'll be cool seeing another institute while they're on their travel year. but otherwise i'm not vibing. i expected it fully though so it's fine, this is the only one in the set i'm considering a throwaway for me that i will for sure dislike. But that's okay! because next up is...
Thomastair -> EXCITEMENT LEVEL 1000/10. guys. look. these are the people whose love i am myself in love with. these are the people that make me believe in hope, and healing, and the power of getting better together and doing better. and we havent seen them in a lot of established relationship, so im glad to do so here. AND IN A ROMCOM. YES. and we're definitely getting content of them playing with zachary. which is like, a dream come true for me since a) i adore that kind of story, and b) zachary is such an important part of alastairs arc. i also think they're going to babysit him and everything that can go wrong will. he's lost! he's rolling away! ahhh! oh it's going to be great. like the herondaisy story this is definitely going to be beloved by me. there's no way to make me not like it. this is going to be one of my comfort stories for the rest of my life, i can tell. like nbs or cls or eet or the herondaisy story or the matthew novella. the thomastair story goes into this special and exclusive category. but yea im gushing again because they're soulmates and i love them <333
Kierarktina -> EXCITEMENT LEVEL 6/10. Yes, i am not really a kierarktina fan, but hear me out. I find their relationship interesting, and they have a lot of things that really don't work. but I think a story where they begin to unpack these differences would be astounding. Also sue me i'm interested in the horse on the cover, much like Ken in the barbie movie.
Sizzy -> EXCITEMENT LEVEL 7.5/10. another ship that while not an all-time favourite is nostalgic and beloved by me. and we've barely seen them at all since TMI, so it will be great to know what they're up to.
Lukelyn -> EXCITEMENT LEVEL 6.5/10. do i care about this couple? no. i don't dislike them, but i'm meh on them. BUT i LOVE the circle, and it said that it took place in the past. we might get another circle story! But also... i want to see Ragnor and think he might appear here??
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serenecalamity · 1 year
♡︎ salve of forgiveness
~ mortal instruments/shadowhunters
~ explicit, 🔞
~ clace
~ 2/2, 9.2k
~ commission for BrittBit
~ hurt/comfort | angst | established relationship | trauma recovery
❥ ao3: https://archiveofourown.org/works/12816159/chapters/29258535
❥ ff.net: https://www.fanfiction.net/s/12802985/2/The-Salve-of-Forgiveness
❥ if you enjoyed this and would like to support me further, you can do that here ✨🌸 - https://t.co/RRcKMpIXqa
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vierss-herondale · 2 years
Clace fanfic recommendation of the week
A few days ago I read this AMAZING fanfiction about Jace and Clary that I found to be really refreshing because is an AU but not the typical one.
Title: Reading Between The Lines Author: SereneCalamity  Summary: Jace was a powerful crime lord with incredible telekenetic powers. Clary was his one weakness, a telepathic art teacher. Clace. Mutant AU.
I really REALLY liked it because is such a different plot and that´s so hard to find when you been reading Clace fanfics for a few years like me. And it´s got extra points because Jace and Clary are already an established couple who kick asses together and I LOVE Clace as a team rather than fighting each other. I actually cried when they said "I love you" to each other.
There´s sexy times, so much fluff, drama, fights, is well written, is such a good fic I tell you.
Anyways, I decided to recommend the fic in case you are a sucker for Clace fanfics like me haha 
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You can find more of my fanfic recommendations under the tag: Clace Fanfic Recommendation of the Week.
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khaleesiofalicante · 3 years
In the seven sins au, are you going to keep the ships? malec, sizzy and clace? (Idk what is the plot but I can only imagine the pleasure it would be of all of these Valentine's experiments turning back to him and making him suffer painfully)
Clace is an established ship as the story starts. Malec and Sizzy happen as we go forward in the story :)
also I would do anything to make valentine suffer <3
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theceaselessidiot · 2 years
I started thinking about an old shadowhunters/tmi fanfic idea I had and then I randomly decided to read the dark artifices series instead (for fun and "research") and so far I have the following opinions:
I don't care for Julian, I don't know why, but I don't like him that much
Ty being autistic is established in a very stereotypical way. Its like Clare did a superficial "Autism 101" google search and called it a day. Like kudos to her for even having an autistic character, but she should've done a lot more research about it.
I know Clare wants me to root for Julian and Emma, but my brain immediately started shipping Emma with Cristina the moment they had a scene together. Then, when Mark & Kieran entered the chat by brain went: what if Kieran, Mark, Cristina all dated each other AND EMMA
CC, please stop with the needless exposition! It makes your characters sound weird as fuck! Have a "previously on tsc" chapter and move on! When your characters go on and on about Clace and everything from TMI and I'm going "yes I know I read TMI 10 years ago and even I remember all this", then something has gone wrong.
Also, please stop recycling plot points, I can already tell this is going to be a forbidden romance thing between Julian and Emma and I'm in Chapter 14 of Lady Midnight.
Your side characters are once again more interesting than the MCs. Next time, just write about Mark, Kieran and Cristina.
I genuinely like the world, some characters and the beginning of plot. I do like Ty, Mark, Kieran, Cristina and Diana the most so far, but also the younger Blackthorn siblings. I like the family dynamic, because it really wasn't there in TMI (I only skimmed TDA, so i can't say much about it).
Edit bc I forgot: SHOW DONT TELL! Like it has gotten much better from tmi, but so often its "let me tell you all these things about this character" instead of showing me that this character has a specific trait or emotion.
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polarnacht1 · 3 years
Diamonds In The Sky
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Pairing: Jalec
Rating: Mature
Tags: canon divergent // Dimension Travel // Time Jumps // Wishes // Be Careful What You Wish For // established Jalec // Parbatai Love // one-sided Clace // Angst // Afterlife // MCD (Jalec) - but there is an afterlife // transition to afterlife // mild blood & gore // Canon typical violence// Happy Ending
Clary wakes up in the early morning on the day she has to battle her father to find a strange figure standing in her room. A man that resembles someone she knows but yet isn’t the same. The man has one specific request…
Jace and Alec spend the night before the battle together, for the first time not caring if others find out about their secret relationship, as they are not sure if they will live to face the consequences.
A story about life, death and afterlife, about wishes and their consequences.
Read on A03
Written for @shadowhunterbingo, prompt fill: Interdemensional Travel
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beclynn-herondale · 4 years
I rly loved tlbotw (THE ENDING DJDLD) but at the same time I felt kinda sad and disappointed? Like the whole book kinda felt rushed, snippets (that I LOVED) got cut out, and some of the tmi gang had weird dynamics during some points? Like they’d all be fine in one section, but in the next they’d act... off? I definitely feel like it could’ve been better and compared to the writing in chog and trsom, tlbotw was... lacking. Idk, I rly wanted to like it more... 😔
Hi anon, sorry I didn't answer this sooner, i was trying to think of how to word it properly.
Anyway, yes some of the snippets being cut definitely upset me but also that is the publishers sadly and what they say is kinda final *bunch of cowards cutting them*
And the plot was a little rushed but I actually liked it, we usually have a plot slow burning and having a fast pace plot was like a breath of fresh air for me, however I am not saying that it is/was for everyone and if you felt that it was rushed and not in a good way then that is totally valid of you.
And on TMI Gang I have seen a lot say they were ooc but for me they weren't, they aren't teenagers anymore, they are adults who are starting to see that every time they go to work they are sacrificing themselves or their loved ones and they may not come home, they aren't as reckless as they used to be because they are maturing and growing, they are still them just have grown a lot. They see that they have big responsibilities to uphold as the heroes of the Mortal War and Dark War, this is Cliche but being a hero isn't easy as the Musical Hamilton would say "history has it's eyes on you' and that's true history has it's eyes on our TMI Gang and they have to ask themselves what is it they want history to remember them for?
And I think their dynamics were more just they know what they mean to each other and they don't need to say it, they say it in the looks they give each, in the having the others back in a fight, they said it when they all followed each other into hell again. And I think a lot of people felt it was off cause we didn't have as much of an emotional journey but we already had that with them, they already had their emotional journey and have established their relationships, and Malec is confident in their relationship now, Clace is secure in theirs, Sizzy is secure in theirs, we saw them reach this in TMI and TFTSA.
And I am rambling but hopefully this makes sense, we are used to having an emotional journey and we didn't in this book cause we already had it, but I am sorry you didn't enjoy as much as you hoped, I personally loved it and enjoyed it, but yes it was rushed.
I hope the other books will be what you hope Anon and remember they will always be our TMI Gang and Malec will always be with us
I hope you are have a good day and are staying safe 😘😘
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izzymalec · 4 years
Clace s1 even failed the incest trope.
admskmdkmd the worst trope for any established ship to have and doing a take back and get them back together rlly just still makes it weird like whyyyyyy
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echele-78 · 4 years
The Secret
Read on AO3
Square Filled: Vampire Jace
Ship: Clary Fray/Jace Wayland
Rating: Teen
Tags: Vampire Jace, Dreams and Nightmares, Panic Attacks, Emotional Hurt/Comfort, Cuddling & Snuggling, Secrets, Established Relationship, Canon Compliant, Clace, Tags Are Hard
Summary: Jace tells Clary something and makes her promise not to tell anyone else.
Created for @shadowhunterbingo
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lightwormsiblings · 4 years
How th no one mentioned 1.12!! Like: some great Alec&Izzy content, petty Alec basically going 'lmao you kissed your sister, good job you hetero fuck' at Jace, the salty wine glass pull, malec dragging each other, Magnus putting all his frustration on clace, Magnus being sad but also hot, the best smooch in the history of tv!! I C O N I Q U E !!!
Hahaha true!!! That wedding kiss is iconic! And the whole episode is pretty great! I remember being on the edge of my seat during all the Malec interactions and I already knew they were gonna smooch at the end.
Also “Magnus being sad but also hot” fucking sent me. I’m dead, that’s a prefect description. He’s dressed up to help him hide his pain, which is something I really like that they used again in 2x13. It makes Magnus feel very real. When a chacarter does something you as the audience knows they’re going to do because it’s been established that they do it in certain situations it always makes me happy. And is a sign of some good writing.
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*disclaimer: don’t get me wrong, I love this show. But the writing has been absolutely terrible and I’ve had it with this bs*
I just sat down and thought about what happened during 3B until now and I genuinely cannot remember any bigger plot points. And there’s only one episode left, not counting the additional 2 that were added after cancelling the show.
Like...what have they done in the 9 episodes they had until now??
Jonathan was introduced and was a major letdown because with everything they could have down with him, all they did was show him lusting after his sister.
Dark!Clary was something I thought would happen from around the 2nd episode into 3B and instead what we got was the chaos siblings running off to Paris and the others bringing Clary back in the same episode, more Jonathan stalking and lusting after his sister, and an endless back-and-forth between the light and the dark side. And now that she’s Dark all she does is…act sexy and flirty? Where’s the evil? Okay there seems to be a fight scene next episode so…we’ll see if they fix that.
They gave Malec almost exactly the same storyline as they did in 2B after establishing SEVERAL TIMES that they are working on their communication, that they got more open with each other, that they trust each other, that they’re always there for each other, just to make them go back on their words an episode later.
What even is happening with Clace?? Why did the whole Jonathan mess suddenly evolve into an incestuous love triangle?? And let me not even get started on the drugged making out. Wtf. Is Jace even still a character they consider if it’s not about keeping Clary save and getting her back? What does he do aside from that? And yeah Shadowhunters love once, deeply, blah blah blah but his whole life revolves around his girlfriend who ran off with her brother. Clary is not exactly in danger at the moment. Yet all he thinks about is her. Maybe give his character some more meaning outside of Clace??
Then...Sizzy. I thought they’d slowly build them up from the 1st episode but instead they brought IzzyxRaphael and IzzyxMeliorn back up and wrote Sizzy as friends. Cool cool. Where are the big Sizzy scenes and the romantic getting together the fans were promised??
As for Luke and Maia and the werewolves as a whole it seems like they keep forgetting that they actually exist if it’s not for the sake of killing off almost the whole pack. Luke with the Praetor was ignored for two episodes. Maia gets the Jordan mess instead of her actually acting on being the new alpha. What happened to building up the pack? Where did Bat disappear off to?
Also, I just randomly remembered that Lilith ran off with Cain. Yeah. What about that?
They ignored the fire that Asmodeus could have brought to the story for 8 of 10 episodes.
And instead they gave us Heidi at LENGTH to the point that almost everyone was annoyed of it. Great. What was that even good for? What progress did it bring? We could have gotten Raphael as a link in the Downworlder prison if they made Heidi disappear with the Praetor instead of bringing her back. She was unnecessary.
What even was the point of these episodes? Where is the big plot with Jonathan as the New Bad Guy? All he did by now was whine about wanting his sister at his side and search for a sword without any clear incentive on what he actually wants to achieve by raising the demons. We’re in episode 9/10 and there’s no sword in sight.
What was the point??
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deamaia · 5 years
sorry to come to you but you've said this is a safe space to do so.. i'm still real mad about the 2x11 jalec training scene. it was so unnecessarily pseudo flirty undertones plus they did that same "standing close tension" thing that they had clace do. plus the end ground pinning. 2x11 was obviously from jalec-bias writer/ director (much like 2x03 and 3x08.) and the fandom just let them get away with it w/o complaint! compare that to jace/ izzy (the other sibs) in 2x05 for how extra 2x11 was :(
yeah this is a safe space for you to vent about what you hate about the show lmao (just know that i sometimes might go off the rails and TALK). now about the scene, i have to say i don’t like the scene, i don’t care for it, and imo it shouldn’t even exist, i do kinda defend it here but but BUT please know that i don’t like the scene, don’t enjoy watching it, i share a lot of feelings with you of distaste for this scene, so here it goes...
here’s the thing, i’ve only seen than scene twice, when it first aired and during my rewatch and i do have to say that when i first watched it i barely paid attention because i was annoyed and uncomfortable and really really really done with the show, while watching the whole time i was thinking “why can’t they give a scene like this to malec”, and a lot of people were upset at the scene babe i really don’t remember people just letting it go, there were A LOT of people talking about how that scene should have gone to alec and magnus, or how the dialogue and directing made it seem “flirty”, so people that were upset about the scene really didn’t let the show go scot free, people were calling them out... anyway, once i rewatched the show and got to that scene i told myself i shouldn’t skip it, so i didn’t, and i was confused because it wasn’t at all what i remembered, the scene is just the characters having fun, and something i’ve noticed is that in these type of scenes the actors always have a blast, since every time they do a training scene they are having a lot of fun and you can see it, the characters and d*m and matt were having fun and the bits people said were “flirty” just felt like two friends going back and forth teasing each other to make the other lose, maybe it’s because i wasn’t as annoyed with the show after it ended and i finally rewatched it, or maybe it was because i had already gotten my malec training scene, but the scene feels normal to me??? (even tho i don’t like it and would never rewatch it... also anything involving d*m is a no from me) i understand how some people can think it’s weird and i agree lmao but it’s also probably just how matt and d*m were behaving while filming rather than the director wanting it to be “flirty” since at this point it had already been established that alec was head over heels for magnus and felt absolutely nothing for jace and completely let go of whatever he had held onto (his “feelings” for jace they weren’t feelings and even matthew daddario acknowledges that) before coming out. and the thing is that the dynamic jace and alec show in this particular scene is a dynamic that we only see when jace is with izzy, where they are joking and smiling and teasing each other, we never see alec and jace be like that in the entire show, so that’s why this feels so out of place and i can understand how it can be interpreted like flirty but honestly it genuinely just feels like they are both trying to be cocky and get under the other’s skin
now about the other training scenes, most importantly the izzy and jace one since they are the only other siblings that have this type of scene, when i first watched that scene i swear it made me uncomfortable because it felt flirty as well, but then again i rewatched it and it felt completely normal and just like two siblings banting. like i said maybe it’s just the actors having fun but it could be interpreted differently 
that being said, i do think that a lot of the writers LOVED to disregard canon and wanted to show favoritism to jalec which is nasty and horrible , maybe some of the writers did write the scene with the intention of it being romantic or something (ew). honestly the scene wasn’t even necessary, there’s no reason for it to exist other than give jalecs their wet dream and you are allowed to be angry and hate the scene, believe me, even tho i just kinda defended it, i don’t like the scene, i don’t like alec and jace’s dynamic, and i don’t even know why i made this long ass rant when yeah the scene sucks and shadowhunters was killed specifically because of it
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themimsyborogove · 6 years
I’m too cranky over feet in my rib cage to want to be cranky over fiction today. How about some potential positives over the TMI gang in TEC2?
Raphael, Tessa, and Catarina are all definitely going to be in TEC1 and at least Ragnor, if not also Catarina and Tessa, will be in TEC2. I’m going to hope this means the TMI gang won’t take center stage and have Alec’s friendships trump Magnus’s. An equal blend of both their friendships/found families coming together, with Magnus and Alec at the center, would be ideal.
By TEC2, all the TMI relationships are firmly established. This means little to no “Will they? won’t they?” drama (thank God). As much as I was over Clace by the end of six books of YA relationship drama, I think they could be fun as side characters in a story not centered on their romance.
QoAaD did have some good friendship moments with them. Jace holding Alec’s hand while Alec sat at Magnus’s bedside. Clary and Jace insisting on going to get the lake water over Magnus’s objections that it’s too dangerous. The whole gang around the campfire before the battle. I wouldn’t mind more of that, with a stronger focus on the friendships.
I want to see Ragnor troll the hell out of Clary over her leading Valentine and Sebastian directly to his house.
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khaleesiofalicante · 4 years
JACE WEEK - Heads of the Institute Clace Headcanons
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There is a tapestry of Consul Alec in the NY institute library. Jace put it up the day after Alec got elected. 
Clary, along with Simon, is responsible for conducting mental health programs for shadowhunters in the NY institute. All current nephilim under the NY institute have access to support services and resources they need to handle issues such as depression, anxiety, PTSD, developmental issues, etc. All members are trained to not only practice useful coping mechanisms such as breathing techniques, but are also trained to respond to a shadowhunter in need of psychological support, for instance they all need to learn grounding techniques to assist during  a panic attack. 
Jace, in order to support the program in his own way, made each member a customised playlist they can listen to during their patrols. 
Sometimes when things get a little too hectic at the institute, Jace and Clary hide out in the greenhouse until they feel calmer. Everyone knows about this, but no-one disturbs them. 
Clary and Jace also encourage extracurricular activities among institute members, not just as a skill but even just for pleasure. There is a painting class that takes place every Thursdays and a music class that takes place on Saturdays. 
They also incorporated certain aspects of mundane culture into the NY institute. They put up a Christmas tree in December and go all out during Halloween. 
Izzy is currently attempting to make Church the official mascot of the NY institute. Clary and Jace agree. Alec has been ignoring their fire messages. 
Both of them have been found, many times by many people, in compromising positions and in the weirdest of places.
Meetings with downworlders are not only held in the institute. Jace and Clary visit each downworld fractions in their respective headquarters to establish mutual respect with the local leaders. 
The library has been stocked up with mundane YA books, music and games for relaxation and entertainment. 
The NY institute has a Netflix account. 
Since nephilim from around the world visit their institute, Jace and Clary have established a anti-bullying and non-discrimination policy (of both nephilim and downworlders) on the basis of various identity factors including race, gender identity, expression, sexual orientation, family name etc. This policy was drafted with the support of Luke and Jocelyn and is currently being examined by Consul Alec to be implemented in institutes around the world. 
When Clace became the head of the institute, Simin got them a matching t-shirts. But since the position was abbreviated, the t-shirt just says “I’m HONYI”. Clary has ‘lost’ hers and Jace wears his way too often. 
Now that they have a bigger bedroom as the heads of the institutes, they have expanded their rooms with more personal items. Clary is trying to sneak in a Pacman and Jace wants a ‘manageable’  bloodhound. They still share one toothbrush though. 
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takaraphoenix · 5 years
Now that I finished the movie! Have a bit of a conclusion on it:
Yes, the movie does hold up. Both, in comparison and in general. I really enjoy it still. I love the things they kept from the book and most things they changed.
It’s obvious why I forgot Isabelle, because aside from having the Average Fantasy Protagonist actress cast for her, Isabelle has barely anything to do in this movie, she has no actual personality developed for herself, no dynamic between her or anyone is properly established, though she at least does get to interact with Simon already, I guess.
I think my mind blended Alec and Simon into one character, because there is barely any Alec in it, so I think my mind took the “Alec is in love with Jace” and Simon’s interactions with Jace and turned both those Brunette White Boys into one character in my mind.
I also know why I forgot Magnus. He was in less than five minutes of the movie and the actor was... not good. His line-delivery was really bland and the fact that the writing reduced him to an exposition machine didn’t do him any favors either. So, in terms of Magnus, the show definitely wins.
Another disappointment was Valentine, who... was so bad. They completely reduced him to a violent bastard, removing all complexity and nuance and all those intriguing mindgames from the character. That’s just sad, to be honest.
Now that we got the bad things outta the way!
CLARY. I LOVE CLARY. Oh gods, after three seasons of the show and one book, it feels so nice to love Clary again. Sure, show!Clary slowly gets better over the course of the seasons but... she never actually reached the point of me 100% liking her, I just generally don’t mind her and like her for the sake of how the other characters feel about her. But movie!Clary? Oh, I love movie!Clary, I love her so much, I wish this was the Clary I could have gotten to see through the entire series, be that in proper adaptations or in the books.
Same goes for Clace! I really, really liked their dynamic in this movie?
And sure, many things felt a little rushed, but it’s a two hour movie cramming hundreds of pages in so that’s a given really. For what they had to work with, they really did well, in my opinion!
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