#f*ck buff
onlyfr8love · 1 month
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Rostov on Don (traffic 05/2024)
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yupstep · 5 months
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-Legal Name: Aina Calland (No longer goes by that name)
-Call Sign: Zona (picked that name because she saw half a Arizona green tea can that only read ‘Zona’ and thought it was cool)
-Age: 26 8/18/1997
-Nationality: Norwegian
(She speaks Bokmål dialect, her English is a little broken and sometimes she’ll get words mixed up. Fork and f*ck are often an issue when pronouncing)
-Height: 5’8” / 68”
-Weight: 145lbs
-Body type: Toned | Abs | buff thighs | itty bitty titty committee | slightly toned arms | Strong endurance but horrible balance.
Body Notes: Chest tattoo is the Troll Cross which is believed to offer protection. Her back has the Valknut triangles for the loss of her father and wings to guide her.
Mother passed when she was 5 in a drunk driving accident. Father passed when she was 17 from CVD caused by unhealthy smoking and drinking habits. She was close with her father, he took care of her and her sister well. Older sister is alive(more info on her later)
Zona is pretty easy going, her mind thinks before she acts during most situations. She is politely aggressive, will often be heard saying please or thank you while cussing someone out. She has dad humor as well as a little bit of dark humor when she thinks no one is listening. Zona has a mild case of Tourette’s, she mainly will whisper small noises as she works or repeat sounds that catch her attention. It’s not very noticeable unless looking for it to happen. She gets awkward around large groups of people she doesn’t know and prefers to stick around a familiar face. The poor girl is an introvert that wants to be an extrovert. She thinks in pictures so visuals are a lot better than verbal instructions or making her read.
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Zona started her career to be EMS after finishing high school at the age of 17. She wanted the adrenaline rush of having to think fast to save lives while being physically active. She got a head start in high school and studied for 2 years to get her bachelor degree in Paramedic Science then began her Vocational school right after.
BACKSTORY: (In the works will probably mess with this along the way)
Zona often volunteered her time to help with disaster relief and emergency assistance with the Red Cross in Norway. After a terrorist attack in France, Zona and a few others at her work offered to assist with NATO to help with humanitarian needs in France. It was volunteer based and had an unknown time line. While she was there another attack took place, Zona along with other volunteers and civilians were taken hostage by the terrorists group. She was transported to an unknown location(we still figuring that out) where most hostages were killed or used for ransom. They used Zona as a POW and forced her to tend to their wounded due to her medical background. She was captive for 5 months before Chimera infiltrated the hidden base.
MORE ABOUT WHAT HAPPENED NEXT WILL COME : D I gotta draw more art cuz the plot thickens. I also suck at writing so please forgive me if things don’t make sense…
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donutwatches · 7 months
MHA 2.14 - Bizarre! Gran Torino Appears - part 3
This is my first time watching this show so no spoilers.
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The thought process of a high school boy. Go jumpy jump = be cool. He is such a doofus here. I love him. 
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Deku’s parkour game still need a lot of work. Something that I love about shonen anime in general is the time the story gives to training. The hero’s are always shown putting in the hard work to earn their strength.
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Me as f*ck. Every morning of my life as I drag myself out of bed feeling busted. However, Deku’s exhaustion is more valid since he has been hardcore parkour-ing all night long. Who knew that being like a bouncy ball would be the key to being the next #1 hero. 
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This had me snickering. I know it is not Gran Tostito’s intention, but my dirty mind cannot help it. I mean, All Might’s big buff body sure is a redeeming feature. And Deku’s face is too funny, like he can’t process All Might having flaws.
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All Might’s predecessor? I NEED TO KNOW MORE RIGHT NOW! MHA loves to tease with little hints and then it makes you wait to find out. People have told me that I have to wait multiple seasons to learn certain things and I am DYING. I better not have to wait too long to get info on the predecessor.
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This is it. His brain finally broke from the pressure. It was only a matter of time. RIP to Deku’s brain. F in the chat for Deku’s broken lil’ noggin. This is what lack of sleep and too much parkour gets you. 
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Ha! I have no comments this is just funny as hell. This show has pretty great humor in general. When this show was recommended to me initially I was told that it has fun characters and action, but no one told me that the comedy beats are pure fire.
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Baby is having a breakthrough moment. He has been using OFA like a battering ram, just brute force, which works well for All Might, but it does not suit Deku’s abilities as much. 
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I am EXCITE! Deku has so much creative intelligence and I feel like him using OFA more strategically will have amazing results. I cannot wait to see how he develops his quirk if he internalizes the power as his own and develops his personal style. Not just copying All Might.
Click here for episode 15  
Click here for the master list
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notmoreflippingelves · 3 months
Anyways, my headcanon is that Kristoph has a very particular "type" and most of the people he's romantically/sexually attracted to meet at least two (2) of the following criteria:
Sarcastic and/or mean but with a strong protective streak
Fiercely independent
Extreme, perhaps irrational sense of loyalty to their cause and/or loved ones
Buff/Muscular/Strong/Athletic (or at least buffer/in better shape than Kristoph which isn't particularly hard to achieve)
Older than him (even if only by a year or so)
Therefore, I feel fairly confident in concluding that Kristoph might hypothetically be attracted to all of the following people.
Phoenix Wright (the prototype, the whole package)
Godot|Diego Armando (no longer dark-haired, but he was pre-coma ).
Simon Blackquill (not an "older" man but honestly his height/build would probably more than make up for it)
Shi Long Lang (hair isn't particularly dark but the rest fits)
Raymond Shields ( fits apart from not being particularly buff but might still be buffer than Kristoph )
Dick Gumshoe (not particularly mean and a bit less independent than the others but the rest fits)
Dhurke Sahdmadhi (not particularly mean/sarcastic but definitely gives off 'intense, don't f*ck with me' vibes at first)
Damian Tenma (also not particularly mean but definitely more than a little scary)
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catindabag · 6 months
TBOSAS on Crack short take (69)
*Code names are for losers*
Festus: Yo, guys-
Lysistrata: Not now, Creed.
Festus: Just hear me out.
Sejanus: Bro, be quiet. Someone might hear us.
Festus: It’s very important.
Coryo: No. We’re going to do our history homework today-
Festus: Really, Coryo? Inside the school gymnasium?
Coryo: Unfortunately.
Festus: But you could always finish that stupid paper tomorrow-
Coryo: Professor Demigloss said that whoever passes their homework first gets a day off from school.
Festus: But it’s the middle of the night and we are about to commit a crime against Dr. Gaul!
Coryo: Creed, calm down. It’s not the end of the world. We’re just here to steal that crazy woman’s plans for this year’s Hunger Games.
Festus: Which is a crime! A dangerous crime!
Coryo: That we’ve all agreed to commit together.
Sejanus: And forever.😍
Io: I’m so excited! This is my first time committing such a heinous act! I feel so rebellious-
Vipsania: Don’t say that word. It’s forbidden.
Io: Rebellious.☺️
Vipsania: *gasp* She said it again!
Coryo: We’ll be fine.
Festus: But still!
Coryo: I don’t care. I’m getting that day off with my boyfriend.
Sejanus: Me and Coryo are going to go on a super secret romantic date. Afterwards, we’re going to-
Lysistrata: F*ck.
Sejanus: Obviously.
Coryo: This is why we shouldn’t finish each other’s sentences.
Festus: You two are going on a secret romantic date without me?!
Coryo: Fortunately.
Festus: But I want to go on that date too!
Hilarius: Can I join? I wanna take some cute candid photos of Coryo-
Coryo: Ew. No. Go away.
Hilarius: I’ll give you 20 bucks.
Coryo: Not enough.
Festus: How about we all go on a double date instead!
Coryo: A double date with who?
Festus: With me and Percy-
Hilarius: And me!😀
Sejanus: No! My Snowy and I need our ✨alone time✨ too!
Coryo: We’re going to-
Felix: F*ck. We know.
Festus: But I wanna go on a date with you guys!😫
Felix: Bro, lower your voice. No one knows we’re here, remember?
Festus: But-
Androcles: Shhhh! Do you hear that?
Coryo: Hear what?
Androcles: I think I heard someone or something squeaking-
Festus: That’s just my precious Odysseus.
Androcles: Who’s Odysseus?
Festus: My freaky pet rat.
Vipsania: Creed, I told you not to bring your ugly fat rat to school!
Festus: Sickle, my bro, don’t be like that. My Ody just wanted to run around and get some fresh air. That’s all.
Vipsania: Not inside the school gymnasium! I workout, eat, and sleep here for Panem’s sake!
Felix: Ney Ney, why do you even live here? Last time I checked, you and your super buff family live in a huge luxurious house that looks like a gym.
Vipsania: Yeah. However, my very competitive and delusion mother kicked me out last year.😞
Felix: Why? What did you do?
Vipsania: She thinks that I’m an enemy of the state for having more track and field medals than her. So she kicked me out.
Gaius: That’s wild, bro.
Domitia: Girl, your mother’s insane.
Hilarius: My parents kicked me out too. Now I live in a dumpster with Creed and his rats.😊
Festus: You don’t even pay rent.😒
Hilarius: I will. . . Someday.
Pup: How the mighty have fallen.
Florus: Sorrows and prayers.
Hilarius: Thanks-
Florus: Not you, Heavensbee. I’m giving my condolences to Ney Ney.
Vipsania: I’m fine. Don’t worry about me. I still have my auntie Sickle.
Festus: Anyways-
Coryo: Babe, what’s the answer to question 7?
Sejanus: Read it for me, my love.😍
Coryo: Who is the current mayor of District 2?
Sejanus: Mr. Rocky Rock O’Rolly.
Coryo: Thanks, Babe.
Lysistrata: Is he a good person?
Sejanus: Mr. O’Rolly is not even a person. He’s just a piece of rock.
Lysistrata: Like literally?
Sejanus: He’s very solid.
Lysistrata: So a piece of rock is currently the mayor of District 2.
Sejanus: He’s been the mayor since we were in grade school.
Gaius: And nobody said anything?!
Dennis: Bro, where did your people even find Mr. Rocky Rock O’Rolly?
Sejanus: A random hobo found him “sitting” inside a cave 4 days before the election.
Urban: Who the f*ck would vote for a piece of rock?
Sejanus: Don’t judge my District! They’re trying their best!
Urban: To ruin their lives!
Coryo: Canville, shut up. We don’t have the right to judge them.
Urban: I can judge whoever I want!
Coryo: We literally voted a fluffy fat cat to be our official Capitol Mayor a few months ago.
Urban: But to be fair, Boa Bell is a good Mayor.
Sejanus: Mr. Rocky Rock O’Rolly is also a good Mayor, Ban Ban!
Urban: Is he cute?
Sejanus: No. He’s an ugly rock.
Urban: Can he respond back to you?
Sejanus: No.😞
Urban: That’s what I thought.
Pup: But don’t forget, the true leaders of Panem are a bunch of dogs.
Felix: They’re not just an ordinary bunch of dogs though. They’re-
Pup: A “sacred” pack of Bichon Frisé puppies. We get it.
Clemensia: Pup, does it bother you that your father is taking orders from a literal fur baby?
Pup: No. He loves it.
Festus: But seriously, guys-
Everyone: Creed, no.
Festus: Creed, yes!
Coryo: Ugh. Fine! Fire away.
Festus: Yey! So I was thinking-
Persephone: We’re now thinking?
Festus: No, not really. But since we’re going to stop the Hunger Games forever and save our Tributes from killing each other, we should start with creating our ✨code names✨.
Coryo: Code names?
Festus: Yeah! Code names like Class Pres-
Felix: “Class Pres” is not a code name, Creed. It’s short for Class President.
Festus: Yeah, right. Whatever you say, Class Pres.
Io: I’m with Creed on this one. Having code names are fun!
Juno: For what?
Io: For ✨Operation Felix✨!
Livia: Ew. Code names are for losers. I’m going with ✨Sparkly Sparkly 123✨.
Festus: That’s too long. Make it shorter.
Livia: Fine.🙄 I’m ✨Hot Pink✨.
Palmyra: I’m Monty-
Festus: No. you can’t have “obvious” code names.
Palmyra: Ok. I’m Palmyra-
Festus: Ugh! You guys are so bad at this.
Palmyra: But I’m Palmyra Monty-
Festus: I’ve decided that I’ll be the one to give you guys your code names.
Felix: That’s not fair-
Festus: Felix, you’ll be Hello Kitty.
Felix: I do love Hello Kitty.
Festus: Coryo, you’re Cabbage Soup.
Coryo: What?!
Festus: Sejanus, you’ll be Sugar Daddy.
Sejanus: Coryo’s sugar daddy.🥰
Festus: Palmyra, you’ll be Deadly Pie.
Palmyra: I’m Monty-
Festus: Livia, we all know you’re Hot Pink.
Livia: Obviously.
Festus: Florus, you can be Introvert John.
Florus: That- that actually makes sense.
Festus: Jasper, you’ll be Nuclear Lover.
Io: Ok!😊
Festus: Urban-
Urban: No.
Festus: You’re Anger Issues.
Urban: F*ck you.
Festus: Percy, you’re-
Persephone: Cannibal.☺️
Festus: No.
Coryo: She’s Cannibal, Creed. Deal with it.
Festus: Fine. Dennis, you’ll be Illegal Man Juan.
Dennis: Nice!
Festus: Iphigenia, you’re Super Mart.
Iphigenia: Isn’t that obvious?
Festus: Fine. You can be Skeletor.
Iphigenia: But-
Festus: Apollo, you’ll be Sunshine Valley.
Apollo: Yey!
Festus: Diana-
Diana: I’m Moony!
Festus: Ok. Ney Ney, you’re Buff Baby.
Vipsania: I can live with that.
Festus: Pup, you’ll be Commando Sleeper.
Pup: Cool.
Festus: Juno, you’re-
Juno: Princess Peach.
Festus: Princess B*tch?
Juno: Princess Peach, dumbass!
Festus: Fine! You’re Princess Witch! Happy?!
Juno: Like I care.🙄
Festus: Hilari, you’re-
Hilarius: Queen Bee! I’ll be Queen Bee!
Festus: Fine. Gaius, you’ll be-
Gaius: Zoolander!
Felix: That doesn’t make sense.
Gaius: My family owns the zoo.
Felix: That still doesn’t make sense-
Festus: Zoolander it is.
Gaius: That’s right!
Festus: Andie, you’ll be Catch Me If You Can.
Androcles: Nice!
Festus: Tia, you’re-
Domitia: Cheese Maiden!
Festus: Why?
Domitia: My family sells cheese.
Festus: Your family sells milk-
Domitia: And the best cheese.
Festus: Right. Arachne, you’re- Where’s Arachne?
Coryo: She’s asleep.
Festus: Good. She’ll be Spoon On My Nose.
Clemensia: She won’t like that-
Festus: She’s Spoon On My Nose. End of story.
Clemensia: She’ll kill you.
Festus: She won’t. Clemmie, you’ll be Blood Orange.
Clemensia: I rather be-
Festus: Blood Orange, do you copy?
Clemensia: Copy?
Festus: Good! Lizzie, you’ll be Droug Deleour-
Lysistrata: That’s too obvious! Call me something else.
Festus: Drug Delecour?
Lysistrata: Let’s stick with Droug Deleour. I’m Droug Deleour.
Felix: How about you, Creed? What’s your code name?
Festus: I’m-
Livia: Garbage?
Juno: Dumbass!
Dennis: Rat Boy!
Coryo: Cheesecake!
Sejanus: Burger!
Festus: No! I’m Eagle One!
Everyone: Heck, no!
Festus: Fine. I’ll go with Garbage Man 123.😔
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guildedwaterlily · 11 months
Urogi and Karaku are two buff mf who really just said " f#ck tops I shall let my man boobs out freely " and run around showing off their muscles. Sekido must be so fed up with these two now I understand why he said " Same goes for being stuck with you... Karaku " XD
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↓ The panel in question I mentioned ↓
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open-hearth-rpg · 6 months
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Safety: Great RPG Mechanics #RPGMechanics Week Nine
One of the greatest things about modern rpg gaming is that the issue of safety has become a great filter. Beyond the actual application of safety tools, it has become accepted and conventional to the point that a game has to make a deliberate choice not to discuss that in some way, particularly for any material moving towards edginess, horror, etc. If a game goes into problematic areas but doesn’t address those issues, someone has made a deliberate decision. 
And that’s something which has changed over the last decade and it makes me super happy. Just a few years ago Free League publish Mutant: Elysium, a game where you effectively play fascist, human-supremacist, state tools who engage in ongoing PVP and player betrayal. Imagine Paranoia without the humor and more jackboots. And the only nod to the potential problems with this was a passage that said, yes players might get mad at one another and if that happened you should probably stop the game and talk about it. 
Weak sauce. 
Or another game, written in part by creators I respect, which covered a licensed property with a strong ethnic element, including a history of white co-opting, which had no talk about cultural issues in play, culture sensitivity, the challenges of playing characters from that culture. It boggled my mind at the time– but it was just far enough back I could squint my eyes and hold my nose. I like to think people would point out that absence today– or more likely that oversight wouldn’t have happened. 
So when a ttrpg doesn’t have any discussion of boundaries, talking to the table, or handling safety– especially with tough themes– that’s a good filter– it moves it down in the likelihood of actually spending the effort to bring it to the table. I appreciate too when slightly older games start to address these issues in later supplements. More recent Star Trek Adventures publications like the Players & Gamemasters’ Guides and the Lowers Deck Sourcebook have called out theme and issues which could be a problem at tables (eugenics, suicide, death) and suggested way to talk about these with the table.   
And here’s the thing I’m going to be brutally honest about. I thought safety tools were dumb when I first heard about them in the abstract. My immediate reaction was to go into grumpy GM mode, worrying about people talking away my autonomy as a GM. I thought up straw man arguments based on how imaginary players could use these to break or derail a game. I was an asshole about it. But then I started to see people actually railing about it and invariably they were people I considered asshole GMs. And I started to ask myself AITA?
More importantly I started to actually see and interact with these things in play. That really showed me how dumb I’d been about the whole thing. But two things sealed the deal for me. First I had a player I’d played with for close to two decades, a big, buff dude stop a game. He said: enough with the spiders. He finally told me that he was phobic, really badly phobic and sketched out an incident as a child. It had always stressed him out, had made him quit games, but he’d never said anything. We’d played together for years and years and I hadn’t known and he hadn’t said and it had made some of his time at the table really awful. 
I see GMs say “my group has played together for years and never needed…” Yeah, f*ck you. I’m willing to bet there’s someone who had an evening ruined or quit your table because of that. And don’t get me started on the “we always had girls at the table and they never had a problem with it” line. Someone did and they felt like they had to get along and keep their mouth shut. But that’s an older generation of gamers– my generation of dinosaurs and the generation which followed us. I am genuinely grateful that the needle has moved and these kinds of discussions have become commonplace and accepted. 
The second event which completely changed my take on this was at Gen Con running a late-night Saturday session for Game on Demand in 2017. A group of five sat down, four guys and a young woman. They were clearly a friend group who had been playing together for three days. I set up the game and then I went through the X-Card with the table. And I looked up at the young woman and saw a look which I can only describe as “thank f*cking god.” She didn’t know me, but she realized there was a chance that I wasn’t a total asshole. 
So yeah, safety tools are one of the greatest modern meta-mechanics to facilitate play. I love reading how different games provide resources. On Open Hearth we ask that GMs use a layered set of tools for all sessions: Lines & Veils, the X-Card, and Open Door. Each has a different purpose and role. GMs have leeway to swap some of these out for other tools they’re more comfortable with but most people use these three because they’re accessible and work. 
The best games spend some time discussing how these tools work in the context of the game and how to implement them. Safety tools aren’t a band-aid, the game facilitator and the table as a whole has to be aware of how to resolve situations using those tools. That can be a challenge and good games illustrate those techniques. There has to be follow through. 
A couple of recent games have solid safety sections. #iHunt uses its own structure and lays things out pretty thoroughly. It also spends time talking about its philosophy regarding safety. Apocalypse Keys has a great three pages which tightly lay out the concepts of the game’s Green, Yellow, and Red approach. I’m biased but I think Hearts of Wulin also does a pretty good job– it combines a CATS explanation, safety tools, and some cultural notes. 
But it wasn’t as good when I first sketched it out. It took time to develop some of those ideas– with influence from Agatha Cheng and James Mendez Hodes for the cultural discussion. Other concepts came from feedback. Hearts of Wulin offers romantic action melodrama. I knew I wanted to make clear that players should consider gender and sexuality fluid in play. But a playtester pointed out that the structure of mandatory romantic entanglements pushed out aromantic characters. 
And again I’m going to cop to being dumb here. My first reaction was “well, it is a game about romance so that’s key to the genre.” But on reflection I realized how limiting and potentially alienating that could be. It didn’t take changing the rules to fix. I just added in language about how players who wanted Ace or aromantic characters could do that. They could swap out a romantic entanglement for a general one or they could read “romantic” as a strong bond of friendship, care, or devotion. 
I’m ranging wildly in this because so much of table culture and play management circles around the broader concept of safety. It’s not an onerous thing and the care spent here pays back. It includes a lot of elements: active tools, collaboration, consent, check ins, establishing boundaries, and beyond. For example I stress that players should identify pronouns for themselves and their characters. In play they should also take care to get those right and make corrections when applicable. 
I love this for a couple of reasons, but most importantly the one I talked about at the start of this. Using pronouns makes fascists, TERFS, and the like really mad. It’s a great filter for them. Every couple of months I’ll get a comment on one of my actual play videos. Most recently I got this one on a Dune session zero: “wow, this is the first time I've stopped viewing RPG content after just 5 seconds. however it is a must, after hearing the application of the pronouns after the presentation."
All I can say is good, die mad about it. 
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ladyofthestarlight · 2 years
How i think the parents of every bachelor would react if their children are hit/bullied/abused by their partner or in general
Trigger warning: mentions of abuse, physical violence and shouting
Alex: When Evelyn and George first brought Alex to their house he was a very small boy with sad eyes who flinched everytime someone approached him too quickly or too harshly. After some time living with him, they both earned his trust and he began slowly opening up to them. When he first told them the entire story about his fathers abuse Evelyn had to go to cry alone in her bedroom. George raged all day and cursed his stepson under his breath, but since that day he made sure Alex felt safe at all times.
Sebastian: Robin would go livid and intimidante the shit out of whoever did this to her son. She would probably say things like "stay the f*ck away from my son or else!" and things like that and it works! Who wouldn't be intimidated if a furious, buff woman is screaming at you with an axe?? Obviusly she would try to keep him away from his abuser. Demetrius and Maru would be supportive and try to make him feel better with the few things they know that make him happy.
Maru: The same as Sebastian, Robin would axe-intimidate anyone who hurt her daughter, but this time Demetrius would be 100% trying to kill the abuser. Hes not the type of person to use violence but he will definitely try to poison their coffee at least once (to Robin's dismay). He also looks for a professional who can help Maru psychologically and emotionally after her abuse. Seb would also be softer around her.
Abigail: Pierre was a boxer right? And he's an idiot, so he WOULD go beat the shit out of the person who did this to his daughter. Caroline dissaproves of his way of handling things, instead she prefers talking to Abi about her feelings and assure her nobody is allowed to just treat her like dirt, that she is loved and deserves protection. They definitely wont let her bully ever near their daughter again.
Sam: Jodi would insult that bitch as if they were the most foul creature on existence, Sam is a sweet boy, mischievous yes, but not malicious or evil. He doesnt deserve being treated with such cruelty, especially not hitten. Kent is not on violence's side and would try to avoid using his fists to cut the situation... until his son gets abused. That is something he can't ignore. Violence is nothing to make light of, he knows from experience how deadly it can be, so if his son is getting abused and he doesn't know how to defend himself, you can bet someone is getting a black eye.
Maybe i will make a part two with Haley, Emily, Shane and Penny
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viktheviking1 · 8 months
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Fizzarolli was laughing his *ss off in the dimly lit corner booth of the bar that stank of lost hopes and dreams. Though still in a jester hat, the rest of his outfit was surprisingly normal. He wore a cropped sweatshirt and high rise shorts. His limbs were wiggling everywhere and if it weren’t for the obnoxious laughter, one might have thought he was having a seizure. Blitz prayed silently that no one noticed him blushing from embarrassment. He put his hands in his leather jacket, and spun around on his heel, lifting one leg up to start taking long strides out of the situation.
“Ooh, no you don’t.” Fizz extended both his arms and grabbed Blitz, pulling him into the seat, “Soooo~ Blitz! How are you?! Last time I saw you, we were tied up.”
“Don’t make it sound sexual. What are you doing here? I was supposed to be on a date with a guy named Fozzi. I figured he might be a furry or have a muppet k*nk, but this," Blitz gave a dramatic gesture in Fizz's direction, "this is so much worse.”
“Well, I thought I was going on a date with a handsome fellar named Bluez, who I thought might be a mopey faced grump or have sh*tty taste in music. So, I guess we’re both sooooo disappointed.” Fizz crossed his arms around themselves, a couple of times over.
Blitz opened his mouth to say something, but stopped himself and instead said, “Hang on; What do you mean, Blues?”
Fizz rolled his eyes, pulled out his phone, and shoved his extended arm right into Blitz’s face, “This is the account I’ve been messaging. See right there? B-L-U-E-Z. Bluez.”
Blitz took the phone from him. “Oh, ****** on a stick. I made my account so fast, I must have typed it out wrong.” He tried rubbing the stress out of his eyes.
Blitz looked up again at Fizz, who was grabbing his phone back, “Wait, just a f**king minute. Why are you on a dating app, anyway? And with a different name, to boot. Things not going so fantastic with the big c*cked rooster, afterall?” Blitz would never admit it, but he was genuinely concerned for his old friend.
Fizz sighed and placed his head on the table
“Ozzie says it’ll help our image . . .” He sat upright again, “I mean, my image. As a sexy entertainer and celebrity, I’ll get more press if I have a personal love life for paparazzi to dig their teeth into, something which I don’t already have, obviously. Because the thing with Ozzie is purely sexual. Because his d*ck-”
“Yeah, yeah. It’s huge, I know.” Blitz rested his chin in his hand; elbow on the table.
“YOu kNoW wHaT?!?!?!” Fizz stood up and extended himself really tall, which would almost be intimidating, if he didn’t look like, well, a clown. Unless you were afraid of clowns, which Blitz was (mostly) not.
“Because you told me, jeez.” Blitz rolled his eyes.
“Oh, oh. Right, yeah. Ahem.” Fizz settled back down in his chair, trying to pretend he’s not blushing as dabbed the sweat off his forehead with a long *ss handkerchief.
“You know, you’ve always been pretty bad at lying.” Blitz cocked an eyebrow up at him and grinned.
“What- what do you mean? I never- I haven’t-” He paused, “Hey, you two buff chicks. Dontcha got anything better to do?” He turned his attention to the hellhounds guarding him.
One turned around, “Asmodeaus said that we were not too-”
“Yeah, yeah, I know. But this is Blitz! A childhood friend of mine who is basically a pro level gunslinger or some sh*t. Not to mention he literally rescued me from being, I don’t know, sold off to the slaughterhouse or something. Point is, I’m safe now. Why don’t you two go on a date? I can see you two eyeing each other, and it’s f**king annoying. Go, get.” He motioned, shoeing the two away, who both blushed awkwardly, but complied.
Fizz turned back around and went stiff with surprise when he saw Blitz on the brink of tears, “Uhhhhhh, what the f**k”
“I’m your childhood friend . . .? Who you are safe with?” Blitz tried not to squeak as he spoke, failing miserably.
“Okay, first of all, I specified childhood. As in, I was friends with when I was a child. And second of all . . .” Fizz blushed a little, “I uh- you know- I mean, you did kind of get me out of that bind, pun intended, and you didn’t have to do that. You could have decided at any point that I was dead weight and left me. But you didn’t, so you know, um, thank you for that.” He shrunk a little, looking away from Blitz, heat filling his face.
Fizz sat up straight again, “And your punishment for helping me is having to save my sorry *ss again should another d*ckhead take me as his prize. So, ha!”
He meant it as a joke, but Blitz smiled and said, “It would be my f**king honor.”
They both sat there for a second before Fizz spoke up, “You know while I’ve got you here. There is something I’ve been wanting to talk to you about. You and Princey . . . Are you gonna fix that?”
Blitz rolled his eyes, “Ugh, not this again. I don’t know how many times I have to tell people. We can’t get back together, because we were never together in the first place. It was just a mutual agreement that it was time to move on.”
Fizz looked Blitz up and down, seeing that depressed undertone he was hiding so poorly, “Mhm, yeah, mutual, whatever. Honestly, who you f**k with or f**k up with is none of my business; that is until it starts to affect me.”
Blitz was taken by surprise and went into immediate defense mode, “The f**k does my s*x life got to do with you?!”
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surprisebitch · 1 year
my dream bf
- blonde
- above 6 ft
- buff
- short hair
- beautiful eyes
- hardworking
- strong & can protect
- silvermane guard captain
- ranked 1 jujutsu sorcerer
- loves domestic things (gardening, cooking, baking)
- hung top
- would f*ck me til the daylight 34 35
- loyal and romantic
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84reedsy · 2 months
Fmk Marty jannetty, Rick steiner, buff Bagwell
🙃 🙃 🙃 🙃 🙃 🙃 🙃 🙃 🙃 🙃 🙃 🙃 🙃 🙃 
F*ck: Marty Jannetty (He'll probably get pissed about me asking about Shawn Michaels the entire time lol) Marry: Buff Bagwell (I would like you to know that I said this with gritted teeth) Kill: Rick Steiner - (He almost was the F*ck choice, but some of his more recent comments got him booted from pleasuretown)
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gossipcentral · 1 year
18 naked cowboys in the showers at Ram Ranch! Big hard throbbing c*cks wanting to be sucked! 18 naked cowboys wanting to be f*cked! Cowboys in the showers at Ram Ranch! On their knees wanting to suck cowboy c*cks! Ram Ranch really rocks! Hot hard buff cowboys their c*cks throbbing hard! 18 more wild cowboys out in the yard! Big bulging c*cks ever so hard! Orgy in the showers at Ram Ranch! Big hard throbbing c*cks ramming cowboy butt! Like a breeding ram wanting to rut!
..........are you okay?
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nomnomdiary · 8 months
⚠️Offended opinion
Never like Allied crew. Their buff looks forced for me. Just like how fairy godmother makes Cinderella's dress in one night and boom. Especially Daniel Park. Like.. I think it's enough to add the UI mode for him. I can't stand with crazy mode *idk what's called, in Indonesian we say "mode Reog". you know the mode he used in One Night 3 arc*
Except for Zack. the process is real from how he defeated by Johan in the flashback until he met Gongseob Ji.
Sorry not sorry, Johan Seong still better. He needs more 3 years to be the one of the strongest character. The process is so real. In the end he got nerf because he's too strong and he's not good character. Yea personally I don't mind at all, I really understand that he's not good character.
But I really don't understand why fandom called Johan illogical just because he was strong and he's not good character.
Allied is totally overrated as f*ck
Since seeing the buff of the Allied, I never as enthusiastic as before.
And the important is the fandom of Allied is pretty annoying makes me less interested with Lookism. They are snowflakes and do act as the moral police just because they're in protagonist.
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smokeybrandreviews · 1 year
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The flood gates have opened and i have been on this mobile game kick for weeks. It started with BLEACH: Brave Souls and I've been legitimately entrenched in this weirdly satisfying form of gaming ever since. Now, I'm not going to sit here and say mobile gaming is super great, it’ not and wildly predatory, but i am going to say i have found a few that don’t outright suck ass. Brave Souls turned out to be more of a mixed bag than i expected and has kind of fallen on the back burner. Since my Fate/Grand Order account got yeeted into oblivion and I've started over fresh, i have realized how goddamn terrible that sh*t is. FGO is bad. It’s the worst! Outside of the overall narratives (Fate, at it’s core, is a visual novel), there is no substance to that “game.” It just prints money for Type-Moon. That said, i stumbled across one that has the same energy as my beloved Azure Lane. I get so much of the same vibes with this one that i feel like it might become a proper option in my gaming repertoire. The game i;m talking about is Dragon Ball Z: Dokkan Battle!
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Now, I'm a sucker for Dragon Ball, period. This blog is riddled with essays and rants about that franchise. I’ve loved that sh*t since before i knew what Dragon Ball even was. I saw a little blurb about Hyper Dimension in a Gamefan magazine in the Nineties. I had no idea what the f*ck i was looking at but i knew it was the coolest sh*t, ever. When i got older and more familiar with the franchise, i realized it was SSJ Goku firing off a Kamehameha at Perfect Cell but, back when i first saw that sh*t, it was straight up bewildering. Imagine seeing Perfect Cell for the first time, with no contest, in the throwaway space of a video magazine that was about Sonic 3? Yeah, it was a confusing time. As i got older, i absorbed more and more understanding of DB through cultural osmosis. Being an otaku (Weebs before the term “Weeb” was coined), i came to recognize such things as Super Saya-Jin, Broly, and Freezer. When i finally got the opportunity to take in the franchise personally, i felt like i had been watching this sh*t for decades. And i loved every second of it. Dokkan Battle is kind of a love letter to everything Dragon Ball and i ma her for all of it. Before i get into why i adore this game so, i need to pay some bills. Basically, explain to why this mobile game doesn’t suck like MOST of it’s kin.
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Dokkan Battle is just Bubble Bobble. That’s it. This sh*t is Bejeweled with Super Saiyans. It’s just Puzzle Fighter, on a slant, with dope ass Dragon Ball cutscenes. That, alone, gives it more wight than the VAST majority of games in the Play Store. Full disclosure, the mechanics of this game aren’t super unique. Like, you’ve played Bubble Bobble in your life. You’re probably playing a clone right now. If you can do that, you can do Dokkan. There are, of course, little quirks to it’s specific dynamic. Like, there’s an Elemental Wheel where certain things are stronger than others and the Spheres you select correlate to those rules or whatever. It’s diversified further by the characters you pick to go into battle, having these same Elemental aspects. Buffs and debuffs re given to them in battle depending on if said character matches said bubbles or whatever. Dokkan isn’t changing the wheel with there game play loop but I've been playing this sh*t for decades so I'm pretty comfortable with that. Seriously, who doesn’t know how to play Puzzle Fighter? Well, let me rephrase; Who under the age of forty-five, doesn’t now how to play Puzzle Fighter? That type of game is basically Oregon Trail for my generation. In terms of playability, Dokkan is, arguably, a better game than Azur Lane and i f*cking have a blast with that sh*t but that’s not why i love it so much. It’s a real bonus, but not the thing which has me gushing over it right now.
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The history is what keeps me coming back to Dokkan. This sh*t spans the entire Dragon Ball franchise. The shows, the games, the manga; All of it. There are characters, multiple versions of characters, that have been on scree or on the page, for the blink of an eye. Super deep cuts like Western Supreme Kai or Towa, are represented in this sh*t. They get a back story. They are developed as characters, to an extent. We all know I'm a sucker for lore so this sh*t really, REALLY, speaks to the core of my entertainment experience. It’s just mad dope being able to see Super Saiyan 3 Vegeta, Final Flash a guy into oblivion. That never happens in Dragon Ball proper. Vegeta hates that form but in this game? Yeah, he’s a perennial component to my team. There is just so much depth in terms of team structure, and even more when it comes to leveling them up. Awakenings, Z-Awakenings, and Dokkan Awakenings are available to a great many of these characters, with a significant power increase to these characters. Each has a skill tree unlocked once out get to a certain level and, as a Final Fantasy guy, I'm all about a Sphere Grid. Like, everything about this game is built for me to absolutely lose myself in it and i have willingly done so. I am all over Dragon Ball Z: Dokkan Battle and, if you are like me or like my sh*t here, you probably will, too.
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chickensarentcheap · 2 years
Esme stuff :)
@secretaryunpaid, @tragiclyhip, @youflickedtooharddamnit​
Out for the day with the old fella.  how handsome is he? All big and buff and hot AF and giving me that cute little smile?
I know you’re jealous.
On a side note, the most bad ass old woman with both her arms covered in tattoos and neon pink hair, actually approached us (after sitting a couple tables away from us on an outdoor patio) on the sidewalk and asked how we ever managed to have sex LOL. You know, considering our pretty big size difference. And what does my smart ass husband say?
“Don’t worry,  she’s gentle with me.”
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“Esme Michelle...come and get your children.”
Oh so now they’re just MY children, huh?
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The cutest, sweetest skunk I ever did see!
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Oh my heart.  My biggest love with my tiniest.
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It seems like forever ago that I truly believed I’d never have this kind of life.  Someone that loves from head to toe, inside and out,  and a whole bunch of little humans that call me ‘mumma’.   It’s such a beautiful existence in an even more beautiful place.  Way beyond anything I ever could have imagined, wished for, or dreamed about.   I get to share so many amazing sunsets and sweet little moments like this one, with the love of my life.  My heart is so full.
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Addie and Brookie wanted to play ‘dress up’ and I caved in.  And yes, that is a doll diaper on of them stuck to my tutu lol
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Not long after Takota and Brookie were born and Tae was still on that long road to healing after the nightmare with Nathan.  New additions  to the family also  meant new additions to the family tattoo on his left forearm and the initials and birth dates on the right.  Just when I think he couldn’t get any sexier…
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My anniversary card from my husband LOL
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Nugget’s school was closed for a staff holiday, so he got to spend the entire day with mum and dad :). Daddy even shrugged off all work related responsibilities so the three of us could get some much deserved quality time together.  It was a lovely day of hiking, bike riding,  lunch out, swimming, and then the hunt for shells and sea glass.  And Tanner telling us everything there is to know about sharks :)
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We had family pics done today,  so here’s Sr and Jr in their matching outfits. How handsome are they?
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Now THAT’S a view
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F*ck you and your long, beautiful eye lashes. Totally wasted on a man!  On the bright side, all the kids inherited them!
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We’re double dating with Andy and Clover and the boys are sitting in the back.  I may or may not have just sent mine a raunchy text.  
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thefriedlibrarian · 2 years
What's Poppin'?
I'm sure you've acquired from the title the purpose of this blog because you're a smart lil pothead.
Or maybe you're not a pothead, and you would like to observe my experiment; and that's okay too. We don't judge here!
Here's a quick bio, just so you have an understanding of who'll be providing your literary 420 content:
I'm a 20-year-old female, from an unlegalized state that I will not mention.
I work two jobs and I'm about to go to college soon, so post dates may vary, but I'll keep a consistent one-a-week.
I'm very picky about what I read, but I'm a big mystery-romance buff. However, I'm very open to recommendations AND I'd love it if you guys were to submit your own posts to me so I can show y'all off. I'm very supportive of other authors, and I love hearing other inputs about what I'm reading or what others are.
My fiancé may or may not add some input, depending on the type of novel that is being read (he's more of a sci-fi type person).
I am EXTREMELY light weight. I have not smoked in about a week to this post, due to having to work so much (I manage two restaurants, and if my district manager found me fried at work, I'd lose my job), but I can assure you that the content will for sure be provided while I'm, quite frankly, blazed as f*ck.
And lastly, my favorite author as of right now is Nicola Yoon, and my favorite books are Everything, Everything, and The Sun is Also a Star, both of which are by Nicola Yoon.
But, more to come! The first update will be soon!
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