#face down on the floor bc shark bit too hard
aka-indulgence · 1 year
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It be like that sometimes
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kth1 · 4 years
Piquant [Jungkook x Reader]
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Piquant [Jungkook x Reader]
Pi-quant / adjective: having a pleasantly sharp taste or appetizing flavor.
⟶ Credit: @kimtaehyunq​ ⟶ Genre: Smut | 21+ | Vampire AU | One Shot ⟶ Warnings: explicit, sub!jungkook/whiny lil thing, vamp!jk, oral (M&F), fingering, blood/blood play, biting, period blood, noona kink, adult content, bondage(M), unprotected sex, language, semi overstimulation, semi cock-warming, creampie, squirting, roommates to ?, multiple orgasms, etc ⟶ WC: 12k ⟶ Summary: Jungkook is your awesome roommate who also happens to be a vampire. There’s nothing wrong with that of course, even with the playful tactics he does to fluster you. Until you realize those quipping taunts meant more than he led on. ⟶ Teaser: “He savored your flavor; his mouth finally got the taste it has been curious about for a long time now. He wanted more before his taste-testing was over, and he knew exactly how to get it.” ⟶ Author’s note: Hello everyone, this story is a precious gift to @jkeuphoriadreamland​ – as Yoly fully enjoys a bit of a whiny brat version of Jungkook. And NOONA KINKS. I tried my best to write him as a sub, and I truly hope you enjoy this fic. Nervous as all hell because you are a wonderful, glorious writer; and gifting you a fic of my own makes me kasdjhf. Anyways, this is unedited bc reasons - I had fun being your Peach Peep and writing this for you! (I didn’t mean to make it as long as it did… oops. xoxo)
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“You smell pretty tasty.”
“Well, I’m not!” You retorted.
“Let me have a quick taste? That’s all I’m asking for.” Jungkook requested.
“Koo, no! You have plenty of bottles of blood in the fridge – just heat some up.”
Jungkook snorted with disgust, “Tch, that blood is synthetic. It’s not as good as straight from the source.” His finger trailed up the inside of your wrist, his body taking a step closer to yours.
You snatched your wrist back to yourself quickly, glaring up at your pest of a roommate. “Oh no no no – Jeon! You stop that!” Jungkook took another step, a grin present on his sculpted face. You respond with a pointed finger, raising your eyebrows in question. He wanted to play this game again.
“But Noona, please!” He whined with a pout. The vowels drawing out with the sentence with a childish tone, but his eyes shared something deep and dark. Thirst.
“I am not your bloodbag Jeon Jungkook!” your accusatory finger now prodding his chest.
“True, you’re not. But you are my friend.” He smiled, cupping your hands in his, “friends help another out.” He let out a little giggle when he saw your flustered face.
You scoffed, laughing as your roommate continued to plea. “You don’t need help! You have blood in the kitchen! B negative to be exact. It’s a fresh stock!” You shooed him, ushering him to turn around and pushing him towards the opening of the kitchen.
“Noona!” he droned again.
Oddly enough, Jungkook adored using this nickname towards you. Even though he is a hundred and something years older than you, his ripened age of vampire is in his early twenties – when he was changed into one, he found it humorous to call you Noona because your human years have surpassed his frozen age. Thus resulting, in his mind, you being ‘older’ than him. That, and the fact you get flustered up over the nickname.
There’s no doubt in your mind that your pesky little vampire friend could overpower you at any second if he really wanted to, but there was a firm alliance between the two of you. He has control over his hunger after all, he’s not a savage. Just because Jungkook is a vampire doesn’t mean he was a monster. For years vampires have lived among the human race, they aren’t out to rule the world or anything. Just trying to survive like every other creature.
Still, he and you were good friends. Actually, when you first met him you developed one of the biggest crushes on the mysterious vampire – but that feeling subsided drastically when you realized more about his lifestyle.
The two of you met through friends of friends. Trustworthy, as you had his back and he had yours. And now, you two shared an apartment in the busy city of Seoul, making ends meet as he works at the local vamp lounge, being a bartender. You wallow yourself forever in an office desk job providing customer service over a phone and through your computer.
“I swear to god if you ask me one more time, I’m going to throw my silver jewelry at you!” you threatened. “And stop calling me Noona!”
He scrunched his nose, annoyed at your rejection. “Ahh, you’re no fun.” He grumbled under his breath, turning away and departing towards the kitchen.
“It’s my blood! My property!” you yelled to the back of his dark ruffled hair, watching it sway with each of his steps before it vanished behind the wall.
“Then stop bleeding around me! Don’t get another paper cut and I wouldn’t ask!” he shouted from the other room.
The shuffling noises from the fridge to the microwave was audible enough to hear. A hint that he’s reheating a bottle of blood. Luckily for him, you were nice enough to stop by the convenience store on your way back home to pick him up a fresh batch of blood. Picking up his favorite flavor for his special acquired taste.
You looked down at the coffee table that was littered with a pile of mail, some ripped open and some still untouched. Your eyes darted at the piece of envelope that was sharp enough to break through your skin and cause a nasty little cut. You mentally scolded the piece for causing a stinging pain in your index finger. The irony of the rent notice cutting into your wallet was the act paper that cut into your flesh.
With your hand still close by, you examined the cracked cut that adorned a leaky line of red with a bead of blood threatening to drip off. “Wouldn’t ask.” You mocked Jungkook, speaking to yourself. “Oh please – you’re such a begger.” You sucked on your finger, attempting to take the small sting away and ridding your blood while you continued to reorganized the mail on the table.
The audible footsteps of Jungkook resonated as he approached back in the living room, bottle attached to his mouth. You glanced over your shoulder to see what was up with his lingering, and he answered your gaze with narrowed cut, stink-eyes. Sipping bitterly hard on his warm thick fluid drink, he rolled his eyes and continued down towards his bedroom.
He heard what you said.
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Jungkook was gone, a scheduled vacation to meet up with some old friends for the weekend. You have the whole apartment to yourself for once, and during this time you had an untimely visit from your aunt flow. It tainted your mood, unwanted pains and cramps forcing you out of whack. Your weekend consisted of kissing your lips to Ben & Jerry’s selection of ice cream flavors, watching movies and downing your own dosage of Advil and other pain killers.
The apartment wafted with your heady scent. Something you couldn’t pick up with human smell alone but to a vampire like Jungkook, he could pick it up instantly. Like a shark in a water, he can catch whiff of all kinds of scents with those advanced heightened senses.
You were fast asleep in dreamland, a heating pad atop your stomach that lulled your cramps at an ease. Curse the world that during this period, your cramps were ungodly painful, and you felt like complete and utter shit.
What you didn’t know was that your roommate had decided to cut his group hang out short – coming back home in the middle of the night. Not like he couldn’t come and go as he pleased – it was his house too. But tonight, it was slightly… different.
He stepped up the stairwell in the apartment complex, fidgeting with the ring of keys in hand. A strange smell entered his nose, something foreign yet so similar to him. It forced him to halt his actions, standing still while looking down the corridor. It was coming from this floor – his floor.
Jungkook reached level 3, turning his way down to his apartment with the scent leading him all the way to the front door. A succulent aroma enticing him, ticking his hunger. He soon realized that sweet pungent smell that he zoned into was your scent – your blood was lingering in the airway in a heavy dosage.
“Oh fuck!” he unlocked the apartment door in a rush, speedily running in as fast as the bulk of your musk entered his sinuses. Immediately Jungkook thought the worst, thinking something happened to you; you were hurt and bleeding out. Were you okay? Why are you bleeding?
His feet brought him to your bedroom door, “Y/n! Y/n!?” he’s frantic. The moment Jungkook busted your bedroom door open almost off its hinges, he was relieved to see you intact and unharmed – seeing your body sprawled out across your mattress fast asleep.
But the sudden commotion jolted you up out of your slumber, the booming sound of your door flinging open and Jungkook’s voice calling out your name startled you.
“Kook?” You whipped your head towards him, a groggy voice to match your terrible bedhead you sported.
“Shit, sorry! Fuck, I didn’t mean to wake you! I just – I,” his thoughts were cut off, that rambling of his mouth seized when you shifted yourself on the bed, rolling the comforter around. The blanket that sealed the majority of your scent now accidentally releasing in a wave, the sweet tangy smell hitting Jungkook face first.
His hand latched to his nose, plugging his ability to smell you any further. Internally he was fighting his natural urge to go for it, to have a taste of this juicy aroma that was causing his mouth to water and fangs to sharpen. This impulse was worse than any other time, like when you got papercuts or accidentally nicked yourself with a knife. You always had a peculiar smell, something that made him curious, and now he’s invested.
He knows he needs to leave the area, go get himself a bottle of blood or find a unfortunate prey on the street, quickly. He can’t touch you; he shouldn’t touch you – but god do you smell so good and your scent was incredibly inviting.
His backpack slunk off his shoulder to the floor with a thud, the intoxicating smell was so deadly that it was forcing a haze of thirst run over him. “I thought you were hurt.” He confessed.
You rubbed your eyes to remove any forming crusts, “Hurt? What? I’m not hurt. That’s why you woke me up?”
Jungkook shook his head, staring over at your confused and puzzled face. “N – no Y/n, you’re bleeding. Like a lot.”
It took moments for you to register what he was implying. Widening your eyes when you finally came to realization. “Oh no… shit. Sorry Koo. I’m fine I swear.”
You scurried, flipping the covers over you to witness a decently large stain that had accumulated through your night shorts. You bled through your bottoms, something you haven’t done in years, yet mother nature is always good at being unpredictable. You sighed, face palming yourself to how you practically ruined the fabrics and it will take a miracle to clean them completely.
Jungkook froze, all instincts fighting to break free the moment his sensory eyes laid on the darkened patch that decorated between your legs. His fist tightened; his body completely stiff with blown out eyes. “Run Jungkook, fucking run.” He ordered himself internally.
You carefully moved your body around, attempting not to get any more blood on your sheets. Thankfully you didn’t have any cramps right now. Typically, you were very cautious around your roommate during times like these. Plugging yourself up with tampons from beginning to end of your cycle, refusing to stay around him or the apartment for too long, even he would take time away to give you your space. It was out of respect for another, established as a primary rule before you two signed your contract to the apartment.
As you hobbled closer towards the door in which Jungkook stood, you couldn’t understand why he refused to move out of your way.
“Kook, I have to go to the bathroom.” You seek to brush pass him but Jungkook’s hand snatched your arm – grip strong.
In a slow raspy voice, he breathed, “Noona.”
You blinked up at him, watching a flicker of red flash over his darkened orbs. You felt caught, trapped by his intense stare. His build was larger than yours, almost menacing when his body hardened to block the frame of the doorway.
“Jungkook… relax…” You felt the temperature of your body shift. Should you be worried? Scared? Embarrassed?
“I can’t.” his other hand held onto your free arm, slowly backing you away from the door with trembling steps. His eyes frantically searched your face, pupils wide while the chocolate brown of his eyes shaded to a vibrant red.  
His eyes were demanding, a scare or warning that there was no going back from this. You’ve witnessed this look before when you visited the bar he worked at, when his eyes catch onto a delicious treat in the crowd. It won’t be easy to escape this situation. Jungkook was invested in getting what he wanted, what he was craving…
“This – this would be weird. It’s – Jungkook listen to me for a second.” The back of your legs touched the edge of the bed. “Jungkook!”
He hummed, glossing his eyes over you once more. His tone beckoning you to continue.
“This is period blood!”
He shrugged, rubbing his hands along the expanse of your arms, not allowing you to sit down just yet. He can feel the warmth of your body, how you are much warmer than usual. “It’ll just taste a little off. It’s not like I haven’t had it before.”
“Ew, Kook! No that’s gross! Like, do vampires actually enjoy? This?” You tried wiggling yourself out of his grasp. But he stepped closer – closing whatever distance there was between the two of you. You swallowed thickly, feeling quite intimidated and small under his presence. But you took note, his tight chest now flexed in front of you and hands held firm to your arms as if he was holding onto dear life.
“Y/n.” Jungkook whispers, leaning closer to your head. His phantom breath tickled the shell of your ear, “Please let me have a taste. Can I please…?”
It sounded so sensual coming from him. A shiver running down the base of your spine from the odd request. His hands now ghosted your hips, fingers etching a tingly sensation into your exposed skin. He carefully played with the waist band of your shorts – dipping a finger under it in a teasingly way.
Jungkook was controlling himself to all extremes. He knows he can’t attack you the way his nature wants him to, you’re his friend after all. He shouldn’t be stalking towards you like this. He cannot ruin you the way you’re ruining him right now. But he’s surely thinking about it.
You felt shy, nervous but oddly turned on by your roommate’s intimidation. All his persistence, his pleading whines slowly getting to you. You should feel disgusted – right? The idea of blood, your blood, your period blood, being taste tested by your friendly vampire. Which makes you question yourself even more when you tell Jungkook, “Okay…”
You’re shocked and so was Jungkook. Your confirmation is all he needed to hear, so he didn’t need to stop his action of snaking his hand down your shorts, slowly trailing his fingers towards your core.
A small gasp escaped him the moment the freshly soaked patch on your undies came in contact with the pad of his index finger. The urgency of pushing his finger down onto the cloth to collect whatever residue he could overwhelmed him.
It was an odd feeling – your roommate exploring his wondering hand down your shorts. What you didn’t expect was how it still felt somewhat good. The sudden contact of your lady bits now getting attention not by your own hand, but of someone else’s. Causing your body to jump with a sexual alert and now you’re the one holding onto Jungkook’s arms as if you were going to buck under him.
Jungkook brought his fingers back up to meet his face as he inspected the redden stain that now coated the tips of his digits. A strange manner – something no human in their right mind would do – Jungkook sniffed at your remainder. Naturally this would be so revolting for a human. But Jungkook is a blood-sucking vampire. Any form of human blood wired him up and he lived off of it, literally.
You watched him with your bottom lip between your teeth. You watched as he stuck his fingers in his mouth and exhaled a very audible groan thought his nose.
“Fuuuuck, Noona…” his tongue dragged between his fingers, then lips to savor the flavor. Suddenly his hand disappeared back to the waistband of your shorts, this time less hesitantly now. “You tasted like this all along?” He speculated while advising you to sit down, tugging harshly at your bottoms.
You nervously fumbled trying to catch his hands before he could hoist your bottoms off. He was fast, desperate for more. “Kook! You said a taste!” you squealed.
“I’m not finished tasting!” he growled. A more aggressive side taking over his demeanor. In his swift act of removing your bottoms you heard the ripping of seams. Fabrics pulling apart. Then your used panties and shorts were discarded off to the side – there was no saving them now.
Jungkook held your hands, staring down at your now pinched thighs that hid his juicy treat. He can sense your uncertainty, your nervousness – so he tried to look as apologetically pleading as possible while kneeling down in front of you. “Noona – please!” The pitch of voice didn’t match the way of his eyes that stared you down. “I’ll make it feel good, I promise. Just let me show you!”
He shoved his face between your knees, attempting to pry your legs apart, that strong scent now mere inches away from his mouth. Jungkook couldn’t control his hunger any longer, not when there was free blood just asking to be eaten.
It was almost pathetic at how desperate Jungkook was being, wiggling his head further into you. His eyes glowing pure red as they fixated at the crack between your thighs. He dragged his lips across your skin, planting reckless open mouth kisses. The sight of your roommate on his knees for you sparked a deep desire within your core.
“Kook! Let’s talk about this!” You flushed as you pinched your thighs as tight as possible. Jungkook’s hands firmly held yours still. He grunted at your resounded rebuttal, pleading more with a high pitch – needy whine.
He wasn’t listening, he couldn’t hear you as his hunger took over his senses. His throat felt dry though his mouth watered for your flavor. Heat embedded into your cheeks, rocking a wave down to your bundle of nerves. You squeaked at the shifting movements of Jungkook wedging his face even more. “Kook is this even right?!”
Complete turmoil ran through your mind – you’re sharing yourself with your friend. Someone you had a crush on, and now that attraction crept back up. An act that you two have never experienced before. This wasn’t your average ‘oh here take some blood from my wrist’ situation. Jungkook was aiming for more than just a snack and it didn’t seem like the vampire didn’t mind what-so-ever.
“I’m okay with it Noona – are you?” He nipped your leg lightly, slowly dragging his now sharpened fangs on the soft skin. His lips formed a pout as he looked up at you with reddened puppy-dog eyes. “I won’t bite you.”
Everything about this situation seemed so wrong, but Jungkook was making it sound so right. You never realized how the excitement of the situation was causing your chest to rise erratically, an ache in your core now persistently present and you swore the puddle down below wasn’t just blood now.
You were nervous and body slightly shaking. It’s late, it’s wrong, this whole circumstance entirely dangerous. But that didn’t stop your body acting on its own accord by widening your legs just enough for Jungkook’s head to slip in. A spark lit bright in Jungkook’s eyes when he laid them upon your dirty flower, the sight looking as appetizing as ever.  
“Yeah.” You breathed. “It’s okay with me. Don’t bite me or so help me god –“
“I won’t.” Jungkook didn’t hesitate to slide himself in – licking up the blotches of blood that escaped onto your inner thighs. The sensual feeling of his tongue tracing patterns around your pussy.
Lewd noises came from Jungkook, devouring your juice as if it was the best meal on Earth. Satisfaction releasing through his nose that moment the flat of his wet muscle licked up between your lips, flicking at the tip of your clit.
He released your hands as he felt you ease into him, moving them to your upper thighs to kneed lovely circles into them.
“Oh!” you moaned. Your fingers carded though his hair – head nestled deep between your legs. “Koo-!”
He grinned against your sex. A slight giggle escaped his lips, “Yes, Noona?”
Jungkook looked up at you through his eyelashes and with a cock of his eyebrow, mouth entrapping your cunt. He flicked his tongue up you once more just to see your reaction.
You shuttered – back landing onto your mattress. You openly sighed with a ridged breath. The dangerous mouth of Jungkook eating you up like it was his job. “Fuck, Kook.” You giggled at your shameless moans. The feeling of bashfulness creeping up on you from enjoying the sensation, those disgusting thoughts fading away against the immense pleasure. Stimulation being particularly focused on your small bundle of nerves, especially when Jungkook sucked on it.
The mess that dressed your cunt was most definitely already cleaned up by now. But Jungkook continued to pleasure you in return – after all he did say he’d make it feel good.
He savored your flavor; his mouth finally got the taste it has been curious about for a long time now. He wanted more before his taste-testing was over, and he knew exactly how to get it.
“Let me thank you, Y/n…” he purred.
Snaking his fingers under you, he teased the pads of his digits around your entrance. Prodding slowly along with the rhythm that his tongue set. Your cunt clenched around the insertion of two of his fingers that eased in effortlessly.
You allowed him to have a taste and now he wanted to repay you back by giving you a treat you won’t forget. You gasped for air the moment Jungkook’s fingers curled up into the thicket of your inner walls, pressing long drawled out strokes against it.
Your hips bucked, jerking up into the wild tongue of Jeon Jungkook. It was sinful the way he ate you out, and even at the right angle you felt the sharp of his fangs that threatened to dip into you. His word was true, he wasn’t going to bite you, just clean you up.
With the constant thrusts of his vicious digits, he was also swiping out any hording residue of your unfortunate mishap that got you two in this situation in the first place. Of course, this luscious taste is distinct, but Jungkook can also relish in the flavor of your natural essence that extracted from your cunt. And the mix of these two delectable tangs together soon made their way to the top of Jungkook’s palate.
Your body tightened, the sudden rush of your climax rushing through you as goosebumps rise across your skin. The fist you steadily held in his hair, tightened. Your back arched off the mattress, Jungkook’s hand holding your hips securely down.
Vibrations ran through your body while you moaned Jungkook’s name, creaming all over his face. He groaned in return, lapping up every inch of you.
He leaned back, removing his mouth and fingers. Wiping the back of his hand over his mouth, Jungkook peered up at you with constraint. You remained laying, staring at the ceiling and feeling completely washed out. That just happened? You had one of the best orgasms of your entire life all because Jungkook was thirsty?
“You good, Y/n?” A mousy voice drew your attention out of your thoughts, back down at the man who hesitantly stood up. His hands moved your legs back together, and he assisted you to sitting back up right on the edge of the bed.
You nodded, reserving your thoughts for another time as you looked up to Jungkook. His eyes were no longer blood-lust red but instead his wide doe-eyed nuisance you’re oh-so used to seeing. They wouldn’t be so annoying if they didn’t work on you, but they did. Every. Damn. Time.
“I’m good, Kook! Uh – thank you.” Your expression of gratitude stammered out of your mouth faster than you could think.
Jungkook murmured under his breathe, but it was loud enough to hear the “Yeah, of course.”
Oh boy. You can feel it – the awkwardness setting in.
Before there were any more unsettling silences between the both of you, you spoke up. “I should really get myself cleaned up, if you can excuse me, I should really go to the bathroom.”
With that announcement you scurried, more like dashed yourself to the bathroom that was adjacent to your room. Leaving Jungkook to stand in your bedroom bewildered. He glanced down over at your discarded ripped bottoms that lay lifeless on the floor, still stained with your pungent aroma. He faltered battling with his inner thoughts when his lips quivered ever so slightly.
“Fuck.” He seethed the profanity through his teeth while palming over his groin.
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It’s been a week since the misadventure that happened between your roommate and you. Determined, you choose to take the path of act-like-everything-is-fine. Nothing was wrong, no of course not. Right?
You had a full week to dwell on these thoughts, by yourself. No interests in opening your mouth about it to your best friends, or any random stranger at a bar or even the same clerk you run into at the convenience store every now and then.
So what – you let Jungkook have a taste of your blood? You’re an adult, and it was perfectly fine! He needs blood to live anyways – if anything you were doing him a favor! So, you told yourself…
But strangely enough after that night, after the mind-blowing orgasm that left your core fluttering for days even at the thought of that night, Jungkook distanced himself from you. No matter how many times you addressed him to partake in a casual event that the two of you normally participated in like enjoying a movie on the couch, having drinks together, running to the store or even playing one of his blasted videogames – Jungkook declined more than often. It was always.
Jungkook was hardly to be seen, stating he picked up more shifts at the lounge or hanging out with others. Meanwhile his nights remained occupied, and your days were busy with your office job – it caused more of a space between the two of you. When his actions persisted, you couldn’t help but think there was something wrong.
By day four of post orgasm those flooded doubts came running in. What you two did wasn’t right, you fucking knew it. Jungkook must have known it too. “This totally fucked up everything didn’t it?” It’s the only excuse you could devise with the series of events.
Now day seven you sat there in the middle of the couch; legs crossed over another as your foot impatiently tapped in the air. It’s been exactly a week from that treacherous night, and the more you thought about the risky behavior you both endured, the more it couldn’t escape your mind. You’re putting too much effort into something that shouldn’t be minded.
At least, that’s what Jungkook was doing – right? Not minding the incident…
With a glass of wine in hand, you sipped with resent as your flickered through the list of movies to preoccupy yourself with. Something needed to stand out, something to distract you from your irritated mindset. Maybe a comedy, maybe some horror with a bit of action?
You settled for something, clicking play and started up towards the kitchen. Swallowing the remains of your glass in honor of filling it right back up to the brim. In the course of your tipping the wine bottle into your cup, watching the dark liquid pour out of the nozzle so fluidly, you heard the entrance of your apartment open up.
That can only be one person – Jungkook.
Placing the bottle of wine back down on the counter, you turn with a full glass in hand. You walked out of the kitchen to be met with the emptying of the living room once again. Jungkook must have bee-lined it straight to his room.
A sudden rage rose up within you, not particularly enjoying this cold-shoulder act Jungkook insisted on giving. You want to confront him; you’re getting tired of this odd behavior and if there was an elephant in the room that refuses to leave then you will kick it out with all your might.
“Jungkook!” You hollered, feet stepping down the narrow hallway towards his room that was hidden in the very far end. “Kook!” Your voice belted his name a few more octaves higher.
Your knuckles contacted his bedroom door, tapping against the wood. “Can you open up?”
Through the wood you can hear the rummaging of Jungkook throughout the room. He was ransacking his drawers, the sound of his chair wheeling back and forth as his steps moved to and fro. “I’m busy right now.”
A stern huff escaped your lips. To calm yourself you took a long swig of your wine, hoping it cooled you down – or even give you more of a liquid courage to speak up.
“It will only take a minute!” You barked.
He didn’t reply back to you, but instead he continued to rustle around his room for god only knows what. With this indication, you felt peeved and your hand was fast to the doorknob. Twisting the handle fast enough to fling the door open so you can face him.
Jungkook was in the midst of tucking in his black fitted button up shirt, belt still hanging loose through the loops. Matching with his black sleek trousers and set of tuxedo shoes that went along with the monochromatic attire for work. For a brief moment, your mind zoned in on how Jungkook would look… when not just dressing, but undressing. That thought bubble was popped abruptly when he whipped his head in your direction and yelled at you.
“I said I was busy!” he repeated, tone fully capturing the blunt of his attitude.
“Jungkook, come on you’ve been avoiding me all week.” You inclined.
Jungkook ruffled out the last bits of his shirt, tapering it into the band of his pants. He fastened his belt security along his waist with the clinks and clacks. “I’m late Y/n. I don’t have time for this.” Jungkook breezes past you towards the bathroom with his stationary bag lugged over his shoulder. He eyes himself in the mirror, tidying up his hair and quickly rinsing his mouth with mouthwash.
Your feet pattered to the bathroom door, now leaning your body against the frame of the entrance. You can notice the harsh side-eye you receive from Jungkook, but you pay no attention in giving a reaction to it. “Kook, what did I do for you to avoid me? Was it because of what happened?”
There was sadness laced inside your voice, but it was taken over by puzzlement. You were just concerned, what happened to the dynamic between the two of you? Why can’t Jungkook even look you in the eyes half the time and run away to steer clear of you?
He spit his mouthwash into the skin, checking his teeth in the mirror for any imperfections. He shimmied the other string of his bag on to his other shoulder and turned to leave the bathroom, seeing that you now stood in his way he gave you an uneasy glare. “Move.”
“What the? No! –“ you protested. Your finger jotted out towards him, “Stop avoiding me!”
He can tell by the flare of your nostrils that you were fuming, and your tone of voice rising with each word you spoke only added to the obvious fact that you were indeed pissed. If it wasn’t for the clear sight that you’re holding up a cup full of alcohol, he’d most definitely would have smelt it lingering off of your breath. Jungkook attempted to grab the glass of wine out of your hand, assuring you that “you probably drank too much already.”
“Hey! – No, give me that!” You argued, holding tight with your fingers circling around the base. He’s shuffling around, pulling at your wrist to let go of the damn thing, but it was when his hand latched over yours that covered the base an unexpected shatter echoed in the apartment.
Wine spilled between the two of you, decorating the bathroom floor and your feet with the murky dark liquid. Pieces of bladed glass scattered around, and you winced when you felt the sudden jab of a shard that dug itself into your palm.
You yelped, jumping back in surprise and pain. You held your hand out, outstretching your fingers to see the blossoming of red liquid leaking from the shard. “Fuckin’ hell!”
“Shit! Y/n, I’m sor –“ Jungkook cut himself mid-sentence after reaching out towards you. The blood oozing out from that blade of glass was spilling out your sweet tasteful scent, and it wired Jungkook. His inner thirst now aroused.
Pain was plastered over your face as you ripped the piece out from your palm. You pressed firmly against the open wound, looking at the mess that is now below you. Glass everywhere and wine seeping into the cracks of the tiles.
Your eyes met up with Jungkook’s just as he was pushing pass you, down the hall and out the front door. Astonished at Jungkook’s utter rude mannerisms, you held your mouth wide open. He just up and left you in the middle of a mess that was caused by him. That you now have to clean up after taking care of this fresh cut inside the palm of your hand.
And he still didn’t answer your questions.
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Another week went by with your poor attempts of consulting Jungkook and him avoiding you like the plague. And with the last ‘real’ incidence where the two of you spoke more than a few syllables, you ended up with a fresh cut to your hand and having to mop and sweep up glass shards and your favorite flavored wine off of the floor. And at this point, you felt like you were avoiding him just as much.
The animosity in the air between the two of you went down a gruesome hill. Tumbling down into smithereens where neither one of you can easily look at another. Jungkook still remained busy as ever, staying out of the house only until you leave for work. The only things that made you know he was still alive was the empty blood bottles left in the sink, the shower curtain being tossed every-which-way, and the half-hazard filing through your piled up mail when he picked out his belongings and left yours disorganized.
Needlessly to say, Jungkook stressed you the fuck out. You were bending to his routines, you were seeking shelter away from him, and all casual activity between the two of you completely vanished. Your confusion turned into spiteful hatred, wanting to smack your roommate upside the head.
Now you’re on week three of roommate-distancing. Your room became your safe haven. The living room was a crossfire full of casualties. The kitchen is a death wish. And the bathroom became your secret chamber when you needed to relax with a steamy relaxing shower and your bubbly loofah.
All this time, your mind already grew curious about Jungkook. There was no way you can repress your emotions when it came to him completely shutting you out. But you did stop remembering that night that turned the sequence of things between the two of you. You wanted to forget; you don’t want to think about it – ever.
You spent weeks dwelling over this roommate dilemma, and it tainted your mood entirely. Your job lacked enthusiasm, your tv didn’t please you enough after watching the same junk over and over. Tonight, you felt appropriate to go out for the night, treat yourself. Because you out of all people know you deserve some fun after the bullshit you are handling.
Fuck it – you’re going to the bar.
Pleather jeans hugged your legs, a blouse that you had tucked in lays low on the neckline flaunting your clavicles and upper chest. You jeweled yourself with a silver body chain that connected at your neck and dipped down between your breasts underneath your shirt. To top of your rocking outfit, you selected your best pair of open-toed red high heels lacing up the front and pinning up half of your now curled hair.
After finishing off the last touches of your make-up you gave yourself a quick look over in your standing mirror. Amused with your selection of attire you gave yourself one last twirl before grabbing your purse and heading out your front door.
You just needed time out, grab yourself a few drinks. There’s no shame of going to the bar alone, plus you enjoyed becoming acquainted with the bartenders here and there. It always gave you a sense of comfort knowing, even though it’s apart of their job, you can vent to them about your worries.
The Snake Pit, a clever yet sinister name for a bar tended to be one of your favorite hot spots to visit. Not only it had a dancefloor and an elongated bar that stretched to the full extent of a wall, electro pop music, and it had its own special feng shui to it.
Heel’s clacking against the hard-wooden floor beneath you, you strutted yourself over to an available seat by the bar. You smiled sweetly at the oncoming bartender who was headed your way, “Hey there! It’s been a while hasn’t it, Y/n?”
You handed over your card to the young chipper male who gleamed down at you, “Open a tab for me please. I’ll start with a mojito, Jin.”
“One Mo-Jin-To coming right up!” he smiled, whipping around to grab the appropriate glasses and mixtures. You bobbed your head to the music waves as you checked out the crowds around you. It was packed here tonight, and you’re happy to see people enjoying a great time.
“How’s it been?” Jin questioned after placing the glass on a coaster in front of you. He leaned in resting his elbow against the bar. Jin was a notorious little flirt, but with good intentions. He just wanted to make his customers as happy as possible – or maybe just enjoyed swooning the ladies to give him better tips.
“It’s… alright. Been better. Just needed to blow off some steam. And of course, I came to visit my favorite bartender. Can’t ever forget a face like yours.” You laughed along with Jin, taking a quick sip of your drink. “Oh? You made it a strong one.” You gave him a thumbs up, “yup, definitely my favorite bartender.”
Jin responded with a playful wink before leaning back up to assist other customers who beckoned for his attention. “Let me know when you need round two!”
And round two came sooner than later. Possibly drink three being concocted as you continued to sip down your mojitos like they were juice. When you grabbed your freshly made glass, you made your way to the dance floor to find some fun.
Within the course of an hour the beat of the music picked up drastically. Bodies swayed left and right in formations, lights flickering and buzzing around your sights. You were so into the rhythm that your hips moved naturally to the tunes.
Until a hand grabbed at your waist, turning you slightly towards them. A man slightly taller than you and maybe just as tipsy as you decided to take his chance on dancing with a pretty lady. “Hey!” he slurred over the loud music. “Let’s dance?”
His invitation wasn’t much of an invite, considering that he was already dancing along with you. But you accepted with a wide smile, urging him to come closed so you could relax your arm around his shoulder as you continued to drink. “Might as well, it is a dancefloor.” You giggled.
The bar felt like you were playing musical chairs with suitor on suitor. Eventually your drink vanished completely, and you were on your third dance with another random, but handsome, stranger.
“You smell just as pretty as you look.” He whispered into the shell of your ear, rocking his pelvis into your backside. His hands found a home on the curve of your hips, and you couldn’t help but laugh at his confession.
“That’s got to be one of the better pickup lines.” You hummed. “I’ve heard worse” you teased as you whipped yourself around in place, now placing your hands through the man’s hair. It was thick and hardened with some sort of product. You glanced around at the bar, noticing your favorite bartender flirting along with an innocent girl that sat right in front of him. A couple having a heavy make-out session just a few feet away from their interaction.
But you found a spare seat that was left empty, a motivation for you to go back for another drink? Or just relax from dancing since you felt like you needed a break.
“That’s not very nice,” the man prodded. Nudging your head aside so he could place a tender kiss against your neck.
With reflex you jerked your body away, avoiding the man and pushing him away. “No thank you.”
As you were turning on your heel, the male stepped close to you once more. Arm linking around your body, “Where do you think you’re going? Thought we were dancing?” He grinned eerily, an odd ominous vibe now shining from him.
Your hands came up to shove him away, but there was a movement in a blink of an eye that you didn’t catch. Maybe your vision was impaired, but you could have sworn you were just in the clutches of this man, and now he stands five feet away from you with a bewildered look.
“Back off.” A low grumble resounded next to you, a face popping into your perception. Jungkook?!
Jungkook’s jaw was clenched, grinding his teeth against another as the muscles flexed on the sides of his jaws. His arm was now linked around your waist, holding you close to him.
“What the fuck man?”
“She said ‘no’, didn’t she?” Jungkook challenged the man, stepping in front of you now to face the male. From here you can see his back tensed up under his dark t-shirt. You couldn’t comprehend the duel going on between the two, or maybe you couldn’t hear over the voluminous blaring of techno beats.
When the male fled the dancefloor, Jungkook turned to look at you. “What the fuck Kook!” You blurted. He was taken aback for a second, confused why you’re all of a sudden yelling at him. “Excuse me? Shouldn’t you be thanking me!?”
“Not that. I don’t care. But what the actual fuck?!”
All your pent up and inner rage towards your roommate from the past few weeks was making you hostile. Even seeing his face stirred you up to the point you wanted to hit him for being so idiotic.
“Y/n, seriously. Not right now. I just need to get you out of here. Please.” He grabbed your elbow, leading you a few feet before you tugged back on your arm.
“No!” Your hand gripped around his wrist, trying your damn near hardest to pull him off of you. “You need to explain right the fuck now!” You stomped your feet, throwing a small tantrum.
Jungkook’s patience was very thin, especially when it came to drunk you. He stepped closer, tugging your body next to his. “Fucking listen to me for a second, dammit. I need to get you out of here. I’ll talk to you when we’re outside.” He spat back at you.
“Why?” You rebutted, glaring up at his face.
“Cause you’re fucking bleeding, Y/n! And if it wasn’t for me that sleazy vampire would have had you for dinner!” He bit back. Both him and you were bickering back and forth, drawing attention from surrounding bystanders.
“What’ do you mean I’m ‘bleeding’” you air quoted with your fingers. You belted out an obnoxious laugh. Your unpleasant emotions were getting the better of you – resulting in making an ass out of yourself when all your roommate was trying to do was help you out. “Next thing you’re gonna say is that we’re friends too, right?”
Jungkook’s nostrils flared, his brows raised as high as they can reach. You were acting quite absurd and he didn’t understand what had gotten into you. “Y/n, I can fucking smell you.” He seethed out the words through his teeth. That’s when you noticed his fangs were now elongated and sharp. Jungkook wasn’t joking around.
A moment of realization kicked in and your eyes widened. “Wait, really?” You trembled.
“Yes. Now let’s get you out of here.” Jungkook escorted you through the crowd, hand now holding yours. The two of you quickly grabbed your tab from your helpful bartender while Jungkook looked out for any wondering eyes. If both he and that strange vampire could smell you, he was sure others can too.
Jungkook followed close behind you, being extra protective while scanning the areas outside on the way back to your apartment. When the two of you made it about four blocks down in complete silence, besides the sound of your heels hitting the concrete below, you decided to chirp up. “You said we’ll talk outside. So, talk.”
“Alright. What do you want to talk about?”
Your feet came to a halt, twisting your neck to look at Jungkook who walked a few paces behind you. “Seriously? You can’t imagine anything, not one thing, as to what I want to talk about?”
Jungkook ignored your stare, dismissing the obvious topic of interest by responding with. “Well, it’s easy for a vampire to tell another vampire apart. For one, they don’t have a heartbeat. So, when I saw him up on you, I grew curious.” A smug little grin pulled up on Jungkook’s face.
You balled your hands into fists, frustration pulling on every nerve in your body. “Don’t play coy with me! Stop. Fucking. Ignoring. Me. Jungkook.” You marched yourself right up to where he stood, invading his personal space. “I’m tired of it. Just talk to me. What did I do?”
“Nothing.” He mumbled. “It was me, not you.”
You snorted; the classic phrase used in so many cliché break up scenes. But this time, it’s not a break up. It’s literally two friends who have a weird misunderstanding with another. “Oh? So that’s it? It’s you and so you avoid me?”
“Keep walking, we’re only a few blocks away.”
You shook your head in defeat, crossing your arms and held tight to your body. The faster you get home, the faster you get to clean yourself up and the faster you can close off Jungkook. Little did you know that your furious speedy walk gave your butt just enough jiggle in those pleather jeans you decided to wear. Giving Jungkook something to admire from a far as his senses were being laced with your aroma.
“I’m sorry Y/n…”
“No, I’m sorry I have a shitty friend like you.”
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Jungkook kept up with your pace, walking step by step along with your strides. He knows you don’t truly mean the words coming out of your mouth. It was his fault, and he was trying to admit blame for it all.
As the two of you made it up the stairwell in your apartment complex, Jungkook tried speaking up to you once more. “Y/n, look I know what I was doing wasn’t –“
“I don’t want to hear it.”
You slotted the key into your door, twisting it open and walked yourself into the darkness of your living room. Your night out became a terrible mess, rounding back to the initial problem that you’ve been trying to avoid. Once you kicked off your heels, tossing them aimlessly across the floor mat, you did the same to your purse and keys.
“Y/n.” Jungkook’s voice broke through. He reached for your arm, tugging you to face him. “Look I’ll talk all right?”
“Oh? So, I go weeks with being ignored by you, but you can’t last a night when the tables are turned?” You mocked Jungkook, looking at your roommate straight into the eyes.
“I had to, Y/n!” Jungkook pleaded for reason. “Please, I needed time okay?”
By now you were sobering up, any remains of your alcohol intake must have been sweated out during dancing and on your walk home. Jungkook was sporting his infamous doe-eyes while he looked desperately back into yours.
“Time? Time?!” you rose your voice. “Time to be an asshole? Needed time to ignore me when we could have discussed the problem? You literally circumvented yourself away from me for weeks? Was eating me out that terrible?!” Your fingers found their way to pinch the bridge of your nose.
“Whoah! Y/n, Y/n whoah whoah. No!” Jungkook grabbed at your shoulders and leveled his head with yours. Surprise took over his body, clearly the both of you were having polar opposite battles going on with your minds. “No that’s not the – that isn’t. Gah… Fuckin’ hell. Eating you out was great! I enjoyed it.” Jungkook eased his hands over your shoulders, “Wholeheartedly, even when I don’t have much of a heart to comment by, I promise you. I think… it was too good actually. But, that wasn’t the problem at all!”
Your face froze in place with your mouth forming an ‘O’ shape. Only a few times you closed it, just to open it up and speak. “Wait… I’m confused. What’s the problem then?”
Jungkook exhaled a long, exasperated sigh, rolling his eyes at you. “Y/n. Your – uh your blood is a problem for me.”
“Well now I’m slightly offended, Jeon! You said I smelt good!” You wacked his chest with your palm. During which, a brief flicker of red cut through his irises and it made you pull your hand right back from him. It was at that moment, even when Jungkook’s gazed turned to a scowl, you knew he meant something else.
“You should really get yourself cleaned up.” His voice didn’t sound like a sincere worry, but more of a threat.
You snapped back at him, “You should really learn how to control your hunger.”
Jungkook squinted his eyes at you, licking his lips with a fixed gaze. He leaned forward suppressing the enigmatic smile he wanted to show you. “May I remind you, Noona, you’re bleeding right now.”
There it is again, that pet name that he enjoys cooing you with. The name that slightly makes you shy because you yourself don’t know how to react. Or maybe it riled you up, it was his way to flirt around with you shamelessly.
Your heady scent wasn’t as strong as the last time, no not at all. It was as dull as usual when you covered it up with tampons, only a faint aroma wafting from you. Not a pile of blood decorating your skimpy nighties in the middle of the night.
But it was the fact that Jungkook has already had a taste of your blood, he knows what it tastes like. He knows how good that succulent flavor drips so freely from you. Jungkook refuses to let any other vampire pry on you, like that bastard back at the bar. This blood was favorable, and god dammit he’ll protect it at all costs.
You crossed your arms over your body, staring down Jungkook who was quickly turning into the Jungkook from a few weeks ago. “And if I am bleeding, you sir, aren’t getting any of it.”
Jungkook held back his tongue, prodding it against the inside of his cheek instead. Your scent secretly became a dangerous drug for Jungkook. Almost addictive in a sense. He was lucky to have been walking the streets near The Snake Pit, smelling your custom flavor in the air. But he was so completely unlucky when he skipped out searching for a quick drink that he was left thirsty.
And the agonizing walk from the bar back home to make sure you remained safe, getting a nice view of your ass swaying with each step in those tight pants, only tantalized him further because all he could do was sniff you out. You invading his vicinity only teased him worse.
He let out a breathy sigh again, “What can I do?”
“I’m sorry?” You blinked at him.
“I haven’t eaten tonight, and I know there isn’t any more bottles because you stopped buying them… what can I do to get some of your blood right now?”
You quizzed Jungkook, “I don’t know, what can you do?”
Jungkook reached for your hand, unfolding your arms from your front. He raised it to his face, where he placed your palm flat across his cheek. His hunger was forming an empty pit in his stomach, he physically could feel his abdomen churn inwards at the thought of your blood touching his tongue. His voice came out as a soft whisper, “I’m so sorry for mistreating you recently.”
Jungkook’s thumb rubbed along your inner wrist, stepping closer to your body. He can feel your heartbeat pick up pace, the warmth of your hand against his face grew clammier the longer he stared at you. “I – I would really love some, if you let me. I was good to you last time, right Noona?”
His words were sweet, his eyes were sweeter with the pleading look he emitted even when the color of his orbs turned to that deadly crimson. Fuck. You don’t know what it was about Jungkook that triggered you in the most sinful of ways.
Was it the way his smile looked so dashingly sexy even when he’s being a childish punk. The effortless good looks no matter what style of clothes he was wearing? His entire aspect, the living (well actually dead) embodiment of Jeon Jungkook was everything you actually craved.
You breathed, “Yeah… You were very good to me.” All of those memories of that night flooded back. The feelings. The satisfactions. How hot and heavy Jungkook’s tongue felt against your swollen sex.
“Let me be good to you again.” Jungkook advised, kissing your inner wrist now.
“Only on one condition.” You stated as your grab both of Jungkook’s wrists in your hands. You guided Jungkook down the apartment hallway, ignoring the poorly lit areas and towards his room. After pushing open his door with a foot, you pointed to his bed.
“My bed is the condition?” He grinned amused at the option in front of him. Thinking that this condition was nothing serious, but easier for him. He complied to sit down facing you with a questionable look. “What now, Noona? You have me.”
Your hands reached behind your neck, unclasping the body chain you decided to wear out tonight. “This. This is my condition.” You held the long piece of jewelry up. “It’s pure silver. I’m sure you understand.”
Now you drew Jungkook’s curiosity even further, what did you have in mind with that chain? He never knew his roommate was so kinky before. You peaked his interests with entertainment.
“Wrists. Now.”
“But how am I going to be good for you if you cuff me?”
“Do you want my blood or no? Because I’m certain just about a minute ago you said –“
“Okay. Okay. Fine.” He shook his head while displaying his wrists out to you.
The burn of the chain sizzled against his skin as you twisted it around another, tying his wrists together. It was painful for a vampire, not only does it burn but it also paralyzes the affected, so they cannot pull the material off of the area so easily.
Jungkook’s face had irritation written all over it. The pain biting him with annoyance. The only thing keeping him going is the fact that whatever he may do will give him the blood he desired.
“This is for you ignoring me for weeks.” You raised his arms above him, pushing him back onto his bed and securing his wrists to one of the posts with the assistance of a sturdy belt.
Jungkook groaned out, “Hey, I said I was sorry!”
“Apology is not accepted.” You smiled.
He watched you carefully, eyeing your bar outfit, your face, the excitement behind your eyes sparking at the actions you chose to partake in. “So, this is my punishment?” He winked.
You shrugged, making your way over to the other side of his bed to sit down next to him. “I’m pretty sure this is a reward for you, since you want my blood.” You reminded him waving your wrist in front of his face.
There was struggle, Jungkook’s eager bloodshot eyes now zoning in on the span of your wrist. You watched as his adam’s apple bobbed with a swallow. He was thirsty.
When his eyes glanced back over to yours, he had desperation screaming from them. His breath turned jagged, inhaling your lingering scent some more. “Noona – please. What do you want?”
You leaned back laying down and used Jungkook’s abdomen as your pillow, staring up at the ceiling. His innocent pleas sounded mesmerizing to you. You wanted to hear him talk, to confess.
“Besides my blood what do you want, Jungkook?”
Jungkook leered down at you. With this angle he can see the expanse of your neck on show, stretched long and elevated on his waist. He can only dream about sinking his fangs into that supple skin, slurping up whatever poured out of you.
“I want to put my mouth on you.” He declared.
You rolled your eyes, turning to face him. “I said besides my blood.” Indicating that he would want to repeat the same process as last time.
“Not down there. Not right now at least.” His eyes conveyed a secret promise.
A blush snuck up to your cheeks, raising the color of your skin to a warmer shade.
“Would you like that, Noona? Will you let me put my mouth on you?” He said with excitement. The strain of his wrists tugged at the post, Jungkook eyeing you through heavy lids. “Please, let me do something. I’ve been smelling you all night.”
On a whim you perched yourself up over Jungkook, straddling above his waist. “No.” You smiled wryly once you grabbed at the hem of his shirt.
Jungkook parted his lips, licking over his set of teeth. The two of you exchanged a brief heated look, a challenging gaze. Then the sudden tear of his shirt ripped in two as you tore the seam apart with all your might. You exposed his flexed stomach all the way to the top of his chest. “And that’s for my shorts and underwear.”
Jungkook whined, not at the lose of his shirt, but at the bold movement of your actions. It was hot. Your initiative was something he’s never seen before coming from you. And the image of you hovering your dirty flower right above his pelvis is forever going to be ingrained into his memory.
His chiseled upper body was on full display for your eyes now, disregarding the shreds of his shirt still linked around his arms. Fuck, Jungkook was sexy. The entire idea of this sculpted creature under your demand was turning you on second by second and you decided to take advantage of your leverage.
“Noona, just a taste please?” Jungkook begged with a reedy voice. He thrusted his hips up into you, wiggling his eyebrows. He was under your control, completely wrapped around your finger and it didn’t stop him from begging.
You fingered at his nipples, running your thumbs around the softened skin to cause them to perk up. You traced patterns with the tips, running up and down along his abs. “Where do you want to put your mouth?” You inquired. Tapping your digits around his cool skin. “Here?” you prodded, pointing at his upper chest right under his clavicle. “Hm, what about here?” you ran your finger over the prominent vein that bulged out of the side of his neck from constraint.
You watched the way Jungkook’s eager looks turned into anguish, the agony of not having what he craved was tormenting. Your teasing wasn’t helping, you were testing him.
“Anywhere.” He stuttered. “Everywhere.”
Jungkook gasped when you pushed down your weight onto his hips, his growing bulge now receiving attention instead. You smirked; you knew Jungkook was turned on by this. “Jeon? What do we have here?”
He swallowed thickly. Trying to straighten out his mind to respond to you properly but nothing but natural instincts were getting in the way. “I’m hard. I’m horny. And you’re extremely hot right now. As much as I am hungry, I’m thinking many other things about you right now.”
“Enlighten me, Koo.”
Jungkook dropped his head back onto the pillow under him with a whimper. He was parched, he was sexually aroused, and infuriated that he couldn’t do anything about either of them.
“Noona please!” He cried. “Do whatever you want, please. Just help me out.” Jungkook drawled on and on. His wrists continued to strain against the custom-made handcuffs that burned into his skin, rendering him from movements.
Jungkook pointed with his chin towards the junction of your bodies, “Help me.”
It dawned on you, how sleeping with your roommate right now probably wouldn’t be the wises of ideas. And those uncertainties were calculating on your face. Jungkook notices this, jumping at his opportunity to speak. “Y/n. Hey – Look at me. I’m okay with this.” His voice came out soft, still whimpering under you.
“Are you sure?”
“Yes. Fuck yes! You have no idea how much I need you to touch me right now.”
You hesitantly unbuckled his belt and unlooped the button to his jeans. His dick was prominently swollen, being constricted against the layers of materials. With a swift tug at his bottoms just below the curve of his ass, you released the beauty of his hardened thick cock, red at the tip with a spruce of precum glossing over the head.
Jungkook exhaled a shuttered breath, his cock aching to be touched. His member twitches cutely at the ghost of your hand hovering above it, and another whine resonated through his nose. You couldn’t help but admire the curve of his dick, the vein that ran over the underside of it. How soft his frenulum looked to the touch.
“Is this what you want Kook?” you firmly grasped at the base of his dick, right above the well-groomed hairs. His hips jolted up at your touch, flexing his muscles and pulling his arms from the restraints.
“Y – Yes!” he choked out. “Help me Noona. I promise I’ll be good for you.”
You didn’t doubt his promised plea. Last time he promised you something he surely delivered it.
You smothered his leaky precum over the head and through the slit. Fisting his shaft nicely just to watch Jungkook thrust his head back further into the bed. The angel of his jaw tilted back that showed up his thick neck was a delicious sight to witness.
To surprise him, you dipped your head down. Kissing your lips to the tip of his dick and running your tongue along the area. You hummed in satisfaction when Jungkook’s thighs started to shake underneath you. Who knew you’d have this power and demand over your friend.
Your mouth sank down, taking him in an inch and he choked out vowels. He tasted of a sweet salt, miraculously this part of his vampire body remained animated. “Noona!” His teeth remained clenched together, fangs threatening to bite into his bottom lip. “Don’t stop.”
The wetness of your mouth coated along the rest of his cock, submerging him as far as you can go and wrapping your hand around whatever portion you couldn’t reach. His tip touched the back of your throat when you took him in. Subconsciously you made sure to suck hard as you pulled away.
A string of saliva linked between your mouth and his dick, thinning out right before it snapped. Jungkook groaned out at the sight. He was painfully hard, and his stomach constantly reminded him he needed to drink before he depleted himself.
He whimpered as you abandoned his member, letting it relax against his stomach. He huffed out with a buck of his hips, “I was good to you last time!” he reminded.
“That you were.” You sat at the edge of the bed, untucking your blouse from the band of your pants. “So good.” You blushed.
“What are you doing?” His kicked you softly with the side of his foot. Your fingers found their way to the zipper of your bottoms, undoing them and shimmying them off. The blouse and bra you wore was soon tossed to the side. “I’m going to ride you if you let me.” You peered over your shoulder, baring your backside to him.
Jungkook’s eyes lit up, beaming the red hues that decorated them. “Yes, please. My god – please ride me.”
You straddled yourself over Jungkook’s waist, making sure not to fully sit down on top of him just yet. You wanted to tease him of the sight from a few weeks ago. Your lovely lady-bits wafting his favorite flavors together. “I guess I was bleeding a little bit huh?” You laughed to yourself.
His mouth watered; lips parted. Your smell lingers into his nose and filled his lungs. Jungkook was thankful you tied him up otherwise he was sure to have attacked you to get this treat.
“Rub yourself on me, please. I want you to coat my dick.”
He caught you by surprise, this lewd sentence spilling out of his mouth. But you conceded, sitting yourself back on his throbbing member, just to run yourself up and down on it. Your wetness caused an embarrassing and loud squelching noise, your taint painted on Jungkook’s cock like a canvas.
He met the swing of your hips with his own, grinding up into your slick sex. His pressure was forceful up into your folds as if his dick was asking for permission to enter you. “Is this what you want?” you teased again.
He nods vigorously, controlling his impulse to thrust up into you. His hunger remained dominant, but the lust for you became top priority.  
You locked eyes with him the second the tip of his dick threatened to push past your hole. He was yearning to break through and glide his dick against your velvety sleek walls. His lips are pink and bitten while he continued to let out those cute pleading noises you enjoy hearing so much. Jungkook’s eyes fluttered closed in a tormented bliss.
He was ultimately at your mercy, within your clutches and you could break him at any moment. Leave him hot and heavy to get back at him if you really wanted to. You didn’t speak, just waiting for a sign that he was close to his breaking point.
Jungkook whines again brokenly, “Please, please Noona. I want to be inside you. Can I please?”
So needy. So deprived of his wants and wishes. You feel for him, you really do. Feeling him shake like a leaf from the anticipation of plunging his cock so far up into you. And you allow it.
You leaned down further, allowing just the head to sink in. He groans out your name the moment you slipped him back out, just to repeat the process once again now easing yourself all the way down on him. You stiffed a moan yourself, humming along with the series of loud whiny noises escaping his mouth.
“No more ignoring me, Koo.” You rolled your hips up. “If we have a problem, we should address it. Right?” You circled, bobbing yourself on his cock. “Right?” Your hands found perch on his chest, pinching his nipples enough to harden them and forcing an animalistic growl out from Jungkook.
He gasps, choking out breaths, “Right!” his eyes skewed shut. Jungkook’s wrists were bleeding, pinned together tightly. His lust fogged mind wished to get his hands on you, to guide the movements of your hips or even flip you over just to pound himself inside your cunt.
His eyes opened just enough to stare at the way your body moved on top of him, a small raspy groan leaving him. God you look like a delicious treat – he’s even questioning himself how he lasted this long without taking you before.
The pants that hugged his thighs were preventing him from widening his legs. The fabric softening the blow of your ass landing down on him. The stinging burn of pain mixed with the immense pleasure of your pussy clenching around his smooth cock has got him spinning down in spirals.
“I – I’m, Noona. So close.”
“No.” You asserted, slowing down your pace to a halt. “Not yet.”
Jungkook kicked his feet out, eyes blown wide. “What, Why!?” His cock twitched inside of you the same way his hips jerked up.
“Bite me first.” Your wrist made its way in front of Jungkook’s mouth. His tongue swiped out licking your delicate skin. His mouth latches onto you with no hesitation, the sharpness of his fangs burying themselves inside forcing you to hiss at the sudden infliction.
It was like biting into a peach, liquid spilling all over her mouth. Jungkook sucked with fervor, drinking down your delectable juicy liquid while his hips jutted up into you. He wanted you to continue, keep moving before his orgasm gets denied. He muffled a cry against your bleeding wrist when you swivel your hips at a certain angle.
You were panting in the open air, picking up your speed to meet his urgency. Face gorgeously flustered, unshed tears sparkling from Jungkook’s eyes. Your blood pushed Jungkook over the edge, freefalling down into a pit of pure bliss. He chases his orgasm, using a sharp uncoordinated sloppy thrust to bury his cock deep inside your cunt as he came. Cum jetting out of him in streams like a fountain.
His fangs retracted from your wrist, being replaced with light butterfly kisses over the wounded area. Jungkook flops back to the pillow, short of breath. Portions of your blood smeared around his lips and also his dick.
“Holy shit – “ his words faltered.
You gave him his moment, allowing him to take it all in before you moved off of him. Lifting your body off of Jungkook he cuts your action with a sharp tone, “Where are you going?” His eyes dawdled on your exposed body, forcing you to freeze mid pull-out.
“I? I was going to clean up?”
He shook his head frantically, “Don’t get off me just yet. Ah. You didn’t cum – I want to make you cum.” Jungkook edged his hips up with a spasm of overstimulation, his member hiding back inside of you. “Sit back down on me please.”
He was softening inside of you; you can feel it slowly shrink and the idea of cock-warming to get you off wasn’t something that sounded promising.
“Kook, it’s really okay. I don’t need to.”
“I want you to. Get me out of these chains.”
You sighed, leaning forward enough to hold Jungkook’s cock inside of your super slippery walls. Giving Jungkook the opportunity to place hot open-mouth kisses to your breasts that dangled down in front of him. The make-shift bondage was released, pulling the chains off of his ruined wrists. They’ll heal back shortly anyways.
His hands latched to your waist in a blink of an eye, digging his nails into your skin. There was a pool of mixed liquids between the two of you, glistening in the light. He didn’t bother to yank his pants off, he wanted to focus on you instead. He guided you to run your hips a certain way, tilting them down so your clit can run against his pelvis.
“Hold me inside you, can you do that for me Noona? I’ll get hard again just by watching you use me.”
His voice was filthy whispering those sentences in the air. Involuntarily causing you to clutch around his dick.
“Ah – just like that,’ he cooed. “Play with me, do what you want.”
He continued to pilot your lower half on him, running your drenched pussy into him. Your breath turned labored; clit throbbing with sensitivity from the build up of stimulation. Your hands ran the expanse of his chest, his biceps, around his collarbones and up. Finger’s interlacing with the tendrils of his hair at the nape of his neck.
He was bringing you close to your release just as his cock started stiffening back up. Your breath caught in your throat, a brief squirm of your body reacting to his dick prodding into your sweet spot.
Your mouth dropped open, pleasure taking over your face. “Right there?” Jungkook taunted. “You like my dick against that spot?” You nodded like a bobble-head. He moved you again, repeating the action.
You never noticed how your hips were moving on their own accord now, how greedy you were being as you used your roommate as a pleasure toy. A very hot, sexy, vampiric sex toy indeed.
The moans escaping you were coming out as a song, heighten with each second your lower stomach started tingling. It was happening. You were at the brink of your orgasm, railing your clit into Jungkook. “Fu – fuck. Kook!” Your eyes clamped shut and your bottom lip was bruising from your demanding teeth. “I’m so – gasps – im so close.”
You practically hiccuped the moment his fingers pinched your bundle of nerves, tweaking it between the two digits. Forcing your body to thrust forward with a maddened cry. Orgasm after orgasm erupted through you, vibrations shooting through your body the same way you squirted all around Jungkook.
Jungkook caught you before you could collapse on top of him, sitting his body up so he could hold you in his arms. He petted your hair as you rested your head in the crook of his neck trying to calm down from the aftershocks of your numbing body.
“Hey, it’s alright, I gotcha.”
The warmth of your body captivated him. Your smell of arousal and blood dampening his body and sheets are sure to stir some problems in the future if he didn’t get it cleaned up quickly.
“Thanks…” you murmured under your breath, inhaling his manly scent.
“Clean I get you cleaned up?”
You nodded, circling your arms a and latching your legs around him. Exhaustion was whipping over you and you swore you started to see stars in your peripherals. What was it about Jungkook that caused the best orgasms you’ve ever received?
He chuckled, “Noona, I’m still inside you right now. If I’m gonna clean you up, I need to be able to move. You’ve made a mess everywhere.” He tucked a strand of hair behind your ear, trying to get a better view of your blush fucked-out face.
“I feel a little weak.” You embarrassingly whispered.
“Of course you do – I fed on your blood. And you came about 3 times in a row.” He held you tighter, shifting himself to swing his legs to the edge of the bed. Everywhere was soaked. Leaking fluids colliding with anything it touched. It was then he decided sleeping in your clean bed will be easier for the both of you. “I’ll get you something filled with vitamins to help you replenish.” He gave a quick peck to your temple, examining the way you dozed off.
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© All rights reserved under @kimtaehyunq​ - do not copy, repost, modify, edit, or translate any of my work without my direct consent. This tumblr is the ONLY place my fics are posted.
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megalodon-writes · 4 years
Pairing - Akaashi Keiji x F!Reader
Word Count - 1.5k - Part I
Warnings - slight unwanted physical contact 
Synopsis - The reader sees a couple strange men at her work.
Part I - Part II - Part III - Part IV
a/n: I have worked really hard on this fic for about 6 days now. I had the idea while watching Finding Nemo (along with some akaashi fics) and this story is very close to me. thanks to @/dorkyama , @/spicyness , @/thicchaikyuuboys , Arnold, and Victor for helping me with questions/concerns/editing. I’m not gonna apologize for all the fish facts in this series bc high key im a slut for aquatic life
“Did you guys know that otters hold each other's hands when sleeping in the water to avoid drifting away from each other?” You said into the mic, watching the few otters swim around playfully. A couple little girls' mouths flew open and they sighed wistfully. You chuckled with how sweet they were. “Otterly adorable, if I do say so myself.” Usually, when you said some sort of pun, you got a groan from others. But you started giggling when you heard ugly laughter in the back from a guy who looked like an owl.
“That was not funny.” A little boy said seriously, crossing his arms. You looked at him and smiled sweetly.
“I thought it was hilarious.” A man said, standing behind the boy. His hair was spiked up and it looked like he had forgotten to re-dye his hair for a long time. The boy carefully turned around and his eyes grew wide.
“Whoa! You’re.. You’re…!” The kid stuttered. You raised an eyebrow and looked at the guy, trying to remember if you had seen him somewhere before. The man that was standing behind him piqued your interest. He was attractive, his messy black hair framed his stoic face nicely.
“Hey kid.” The guy who looked like an owl grinned. He stuck his hand out and shook the kids hand vigorously. The boy looked excitedly at his palm, before running off to his parents.
“Are you a celebrity or something?” You asked the man. You didn’t mean for it to come across rude, but you would have thought you shattered his world from how he looked at you. “Oh, I didn’t reali-”
“He’s fine.” The dark haired guy said. “Bokuto plays on a professional volleyball team.” 
“Oh, I’m sorry, I don’t watch.” You said. Just then a little kid came up and tugged on your shirt.
“Hi, um, what are the otters named?” She said, her voice reminding you of songbirds. You bent down so you could look her in the eyes and smiled.
“Hey sweetie. That one is Jasper, and the other is Kegin.” You pointed out the two cuddling and the girl's eyes lit up. “The other three are Daya, Sunshine, and Moon.”
“Akaashi! Touch pool!” The volleyball player yelled, grabbing the other guy's hand and dragging him over to the stingrays. 
You stood up after the girl ran off and you glanced over at the two guys. The one named Akaashi was standing there barely leaning over the edge while Bokuto had his whole arm in. You thought it was adorable when Akaashi made a face as he grabbed Bokuto's sleeve to pull it out of the water. You quickly looked away when his blue green eyes met your gaze. Turning back towards the otters, you gave several more facts into the microphone, hoping the guy didn’t notice you staring. Once the time came, you switched headsets with your replacement and hurried to your other station. As soon as you arrived, you gave several quick facts out and took a nice, deep breath, pondering if you would see that cute guy and his chaotic friend again. The way the fish moved in the water was so calming that you watched the sharks for longer than you probably should have.
“That one has a gnarly bite outta it!” A blonde haired teenager said to his date, knocking you out of your trance. “Look!” He pointed to one of the reef sharks that had a large circular scar on it’s side. You smiled and scanned the crowd, but your heart stopped when you saw Tozen walk in. He grinned and sauntered up to place a hand on your shoulder. You cringed slightly and mentally kicked yourself from forgetting you were going to have to present with him.
“Hey.” His smile made your toes curl. “I’m glad we get to be partnered up.” He let his hand fall away, but not without brushing down your entire arm. It wasn’t drawn out, but it still sent chills up your spine and you looked at the ground. 
“Yeah.” You mumbled. 
“What’s up guys?” He said excitedly into his mic. “I’m Tozen and this lovely woman is Y/N. We’re going to be giving you a small presentation about sharks so if you have any questions, remember them for the end of it!” You took a deep breath and forced yourself to focus on everything except him. 
“Please sit on the benches and if there’s room then scoot closer.” You smiled and looked at the people. The two guys from earlier walked in and your heart lifted as Bokuto waved happily. You threw your hand up in a small response before they snagged seats in the front row. 
“By raising your hand, how many of you like sharks?” You asked. Bokuto's hand shot up followed by Akaashi and several others. One little boy turned to his mother and not so quietly whispered how much he loved them. “Me too! So what we have in here are some reef sharks, a couple sandbar sharks, and a few guitar fish!”
“Don’t forget the sea turtle and the other aquatics.” Tozen laughed. Honestly, you preferred when he presented because it didn’t give him as much of a chance to do things that made you uncomfortable. You let out a shaky breath you didn’t realize you were holding and got wrapped up in the presentation. Your favorite thing was that every time you gave a fact or some form of fish trivia, Bokuto looked like a kid given free reign in a sweets store. You kept letting your eyes drift to Akaashi, and everytime you met his gaze you felt the butterflies in your stomach become more alive. You opened the floor up for questions and several peoples hands were raised, including Bokutos. You chose a kind looking boy with a red baseball cap on.
“Hi sweetie, what’s your name?”
“I’m Nen.”
“Hi Nen! What’s your question?”
“Why is that one shark hurt?” He asked, worry laced in his voice. Bokutos hand dropped and he leaned forward intently. 
“She actually healed up nicely so she doesn’t hurt anymore!” You said, making Nen give a small smile. “Sometimes sharks bite others to establish dominance or-”
“That specific one is a female and sometimes the mating process of sharks can be a bit rough.” Tozen said, looking at you. You had to bite the inside of your cheek to stop yourself from giving a reaction that would probably be best described as gagging. His comment caught you so off guard that you felt like you had been thrown into a hot pan. Akaashi’s eyebrows furrowed when you looked at him.
“Usually, they get playing around and sometimes just bite each other. That’s what happened to our sweet Miyako here.” You took a couple steps farther away from Tozen and continued answering questions until no one else raised their hands.
“Alright, thank you guys for coming! Go ahead and check out our other shows for the day! We’ve got a seahorse feeding, penguin talk, and others!” He grinned and waved to everyone. “Not to mention if you buy our stingray package, you get a small plushie and some food to feed them right out of your hand!” A few people said thanks as they left to find out about the stingrays and others went to marvel at the sharks.
“We have to do that, Akaashi.” Bokuto said. “I want to feed the stingrays. I bonded with them.” You snickered under your breath and suddenly the two men were standing next to you. “Hey, you’re really smart!” He said happily. You laughed and switched the mic off, sliding it into your back pocket.
“Thanks for being so excited. Honestly, it made my day that you were ecstatic.” 
“You know a lot about sharks.” Akaashi said simply.
“I’m currently studying to be a marine biologist. Plus, they’re my favorite animal. It’s the whole reason I decided to work here.” You smiled sweetly but your heart sank as you felt Tozens arm snake around your shoulders.
“We’re glad to have her. She’s quite brilliant.” He smiled down at you. You stood there, rooted to the spot and clenched your fist. “I’m Tozen.” He moved his arm off of your shoulders and stuck his hand out. Bokuto shook it quickly but when it was Akaashis turn he folded his arms. “Okay. Well, I’ve got to go to another presentation so it was nice to meet you guys.” He gave you one last look before leaving the room. Your entire body relaxed and you blinked several times.
“You’re not giving any other presentations today, right?” Akaashi asked, watching where Tozen had disappeared. You raised an eyebrow at him and shook your head.
“No, this was the last one.”
“Ah man.” Bokuto complained. “You’re really fun to listen to.” You were touched by the small compliment. Grinning, you pulled out your phone to look at your schedule.
“Well, you guys are welcome to come back again. I have more presentations over the next couple of days.”
“We also could just hang out outside of your work.” Akaashi suggested, making Bokuto's face light up.
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savagesbonergarage · 4 years
Tranquility | Kit Fisto x Reader
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Word count: 2326
Warnings: Near-drowning, near-death experience, blood, brutal injury, CPR (or whatever this star wars equivalent would be), scars, fluff, super slow-burn, smut in later chapters
Summary: You often dream about the night you nearly lost your life at the maw of a karkarodon, however it isn’t the trauma that haunts you. Fortunately, fate presents an opportunity to reunite you with your savior face-to-face, and this time, you aren’t going to let him forget you.
(a/n: @hxldmxdxwn​ this is 4 u bby bc i know you’ll read it. :) i have a really bad habit of making established backstories for the reader so sorry if thats annoying. Second chapter will have the *chefs kiss* sexy times, so dont worry if this one isn’t doin it for ya - it’s comin)
Chapter 1 of  4?
It’s so cold.
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The small speederboat that carried you across the waves was softly rocking, beginning to lull you to sleep. You had deflected the remaining power in the boat to the repulsorlift and scanners in order to conserve enough energy to make it back home once you had done all you could after a long day and night of sifting through the sea’s garbage. You had collected as much trash as your cargo floor could hold and managed to save thirteen different sea creatures from their mangled nooses, but you weren’t ready to call it a night yet.  
There’s always one more, I can save one more life.
And you were always right. The scanner in front of you beeped loudly, depicting what appeared to be a large turtle caught in an old electroshock net approaching on the screen. You rushed to action and honed in on the poor creature’s location, your vibroblade at the ready. Once you were close enough, you carefully pulled the turtle closer to the speeder and cut away all the suffocating bits of netting that trapped it.
“It’s okay, it’s okay, there...that’s better.”
As soon as it was freed from its entanglement, the turtle swam a quick delightful loop around the speeder before it returned to you and rested its head in your palm. You smiled, thanking it with some soft chin scratches. This is why you always went above and beyond doing what you do. You loved the seas and it’s creatures, and knowing that you were making a difference, even for only a handful of lifeforms, was worth it. You bid the turtle farewell as it returned to the depths, uttering a sigh of relief that was hastily followed by a yawn. If you were going to have the strength to do all this again the next morning, you needed to head out. 
The giant net you had saved the turtle from weighed far more than you anticipated. Once you had finally pulled it all from the water, the screen beeped a loud warning signaling cargo capacity was at its absolute maximum. 
“Well, looks like we’re going the old-fashioned way tonight.”
After the push of a button, the speederboat hit the surface of the water with a huge smack nearly sending you overboard. Repulsors were convenient for saving time, but your old speeder simply couldn’t handle the weight. Every night you contemplated getting a bigger and better one once you had earned enough credits, but for now you had to make due. You set the course for home and climbed into your seat, looking up at the stars. Your eyelids became heavier and heavier, and with the aid of the swaying waves, you drifted off to sleep.
There was a loud thud accompanied with the convulsion of the boat, which knocked you out of your seat and jolted you awake. Your forehead hit the hard durasteel control panel and you felt the hot blood trickle down your face. You held your hand beneath your nose and stumbled up onto your feet, groaning in pain, as you checked your surroundings. You weren’t sure how long you’d been napping, but the speederboat was stalled and you couldn’t see land in any direction. More importantly, there weren’t any obstructions nearby that your boat could have hit. You started to panic as you jumped over to your control panel and searched the area. Luckily, the shoreline was only about eight klicks to the southeast, but you still weren’t near as close as you should have been; especially considering the fact that your fuel reserves were gone. Completely empty.
“Oh, no…”
You did your best to keep calm and think rationally, trying to focus on how you were going to get home. You had some emergency rations on board, and there was likely something in the garbage pile that you could use to help row the speeder back to the docks. It would take a while, but you would get there eventually. Unfortunately the moment your panic dissipated, a giant red flash sped across the tracking screen. If you blinked you would have missed it. The air felt ominous and your gut was screaming at you to defend yourself. You pulled out your vibroblade and took a defensive stance, hoping, praying, that your instinct was wrong.
It wasn’t.
The monster shot up from the water and slammed directly into you, pinning and crushing you beneath its massive, heavy frame. It’s forearm was pushing against your neck, immobilizing you as a rumbling roar of a chuckle escaped it’s gargantuan jaw. Rows and rows of deadly sharp teeth flashed at you, filling you with dread. A karkarodon. It released its hold on you and stood up, laughing at the sight of your incapacitated state as you coughed and groaned.
“Finally. I’ve been hunting you for a while…”
He studied the substantial collection of trash on board and scoffed. You tried to ignore the pain and prop yourself up onto your elbows, just in time to watch the vile shark start throwing the piles of junk back into the water. You choked on your words many times before you finally got them out.
“S-stop! What do you think you’re doing?! Isn’t the sea your home?”
The karkarodon snarled and stomped back over to you, waving an accusatory webbed finger in your direction.
“Your actions are disrupting my meals, pathetic human! With the shallows obstructed with this, my prey are forced into the deep waters where I reside. My prey would swim directly into my jaws, until you encouraged them to return here.”
His words were meant to intimidate you, however you took them as a compliment. Your hard work was beginning to pay off after all, and you were saving more lives than you knew. You spoke through a hearty grin, blinking away blood and tears.
“Sounds like a personal problem.”
Before you could even react, his denticled leg collided with your ribs and launched you into a durasteel plate on the other side of the boat. Blood now coated your tongue with a metallic film, and your vision was beginning to fade. Was it really going to end like this? Your eyes danced across the floor, spotting your vibroblade that was thankfully just within reach.
Not yet. Not without a fight.
You pushed through the torment your body was suffering through sufficiently enough to grab hold of your weapon. After a handful of wheezes through gritted teeth, you willed yourself onto your feet and charged at the gilled bandit, catching him off guard with enough time to cleave your blade deep into his rhomboid with all your strength. 
With a resounding bellow you were knocked onto your backside by the seething karkarodon, who now gazed at you with rage-filled predatory eyes.
“That’s it, time to feast!”
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Pain still shot through you from your attack and although your body couldn’t be willed to move, you had to move, somewhere, anywhere, soon, quickly, now. Move!
However, it was too late. It had all happened so rapidly. As you were preparing to fling yourself off the vessel, the beast shot at you with accelerated velocity and clamped his jagged maw deep into your flesh, encompassing the entirety of your shoulder and bicep, the crunch and popping of bone and muscle fermenting into every cell within you as you were both plunged into the sea. The water erupted in crimson plumes the further the teeth sank into you and the deeper you descended into the cold abyss. You could no longer determine which hurt was coming from where, and your breath had become lodged in your throat. 
So, this was it. You were going to die.
Strangely, you began to feel at peace. You relaxed every part of your being and gazed upward into the bursts of your own blood that gracefully danced up to the surface of the water. You pondered on the life you had lived, and prepared to accept your fate.
I only wish I could have done more…
Something dropped into the sea above you, creating a foamy eruption of bubbles as it dived directly into the swirling red. It was nearly impossible to tell what it was, as you began to fade in and out of consciousness. A rod of peridot light illuminated in front of the mysterious personage as it drew closer to you. Another monster? You couldn’t be sure; you were fading, and fading fast. The presence of this figure comforted you in a strange way you couldn’t explain, and as it swam nearer you could finally see that it wasn’t an it, but a he. His face, his body, his rippling tendrils entered your field of vision, and you couldn’t help but smile as you let go of everything. 
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It all faded into blackness, and you were gone.
“Breathe. Please, breathe through me.”
A voice. It echoed in your mind as though it were yours, but it clearly belonged to someone else. There was a feeling, a desire, to focus solely on your breath. To remember how to breathe. Slowly, ever so slowly, sensations began to return to you. Firstly, pain. Maker, it was almost unbearable.
“It is alright. Keep breathing.”
The next sensation was pressure; you sensed varying pressures all over as you started to encapsulate your own body once again. More soreness and pain, but also warmth. You could feel...something. Where were your hands? Your eyes refused to open, but your skin was able to feel touch better than before. You willed your fingers to move, and there was another sensation - something was pressed against you, or someone, that was supporting you. You felt skin, so unlike your own, but so smooth and warm. 
“That’s it. Stay focused.”
There was something so soothing about this voice. It was so close, just who did it belong to? Another sensation overtook you - chill, the chill of the moving water. There was a stable pressure at the nape of your neck, around your waist, and...on your mouth. Something sparked, but you weren’t entirely sure what. You focused on your breathing again, and you clutched the warm body that was holding onto you. This was a person after all. A man, and his mouth was pressed against yours. You were breathing his air. You felt your body squirm a little as your face tensed with all the nerves that were hitting you.
“We’re almost there, just a little more.”
 The outline of his lips against yours became more prominent with each passing second. It seemed that the longer you felt this intense pain, the faster your mind was being restored. Curiosity began to overtake you now, and you had to see...slowly, you opened your eyes. Everything was blurry and distorted for a while, but you could see his silhouette. Your arms were wrapped around his neck, and your hands were clutching onto some of his numerous headtails. His eyes - you could finally see his eyes, mere inches from your own. You gazed into them, completely mesmerized by how somehow the entire galaxy was reflected in there, while they bore into yours in return. You felt the corners of his mouth extend into a smile.
“That’s a good girl.”
Water rushed around your ears as the both of you emerged your heads through the surface of the sea. He still clutched you tightly, but he moved his hand from your nape to your cheek as he broke your oral connection, allowing you to breathe for yourself. Naturally, you gasped and coughed, the sting of the pain from your endeavor engulfing your entire body in waves. Your nautolan hero kept you above water as he used the force to pull the edge of your speederboat to him and carefully lifted you into it. You rolled onto your back, still convulsing and shivering before he hopped over and held you with your back against his chest. He vigorously rubbed your good arm to conduct heat while he activated the comm on his free wrist to contact his astromech. 
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You made the mistake of looking over at your shoulder; or at least what was left of it. The churned flesh was flayed into hanging bits, and you had lost so much blood that the exposed meat was nearly white. You instinctively used your good arm to grab the nautolan’s right hand and clutch it desperately, trying to think of whatever you could to distract from the pain. You had a thousand questions for him, but one more dire than the rest. You did your best to form a coherent sentence.
“N-name...w-what’s your-”
He carefully pulled you in even closer to his bare chest, enveloping you in as much warmth as possible. You felt the rumble in his throat as he answered you.
“I am Kit Fisto. Jedi Knight of the Republic.”
 The whir of a Republic transport sounded overhead, and Kit swiftly carried you in his arms over to the hatch. Your eyes never left his face - you wanted to remember it forever.
He looked down at you and smiled handsomely with both his lips and his eyes, a Kit Fisto trademark that you would come to treasure for the rest of your life. You could hear the sound of clones clamoring around to get you ready to transfer to the med unit, and your lids became heavy again. You drank in Kit’s features until exhaustion overcame you and you slowly released his hand.
Thank you, Kit Fisto.
(Notes below the cut)
(Thanks so much for reading! Better yet, thank you for sticking through to the end :) I wanted to add some notes before I post chapter 2, since there are some things that might need clarifying. First, not super important but I thought it was neat: turtles are a thing in star wars canon, and nautolans were meant to be depicted living on the backs of giant turtles in the special features of the clone wars. I like to think that the reader saving the turtle is forshadowing her encounter(s) with Kit. :) Next, there’s the ‘breathing Kit’s air’ thing that without context totally seems weird, so I’ll try to clarify for those who haven’t read the Tides of Terror comic: (spoilers?) Kit is amphibious and can breathe both air and water, so when Aayla is underwater unable to hold her breath for much longer, Kit totally fucking kisses her in THE MOST SEXUALLY CHARGED IMAGE IN STAR WARS links their mouths and is able to breathe for both of them. :) Hope this helped some things make more sense! 
If you have any questions for me my asks are always open :) happy reading!)
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slversoul · 3 years
* mia goth, cis female + she/her  | you know cecilia rutherford, right? they’re twenty-four, and they’ve lived in irving for, like, three hours? well, their spotify wrapped says they listened to summer wine by nancy sinatra and lee hazlewood like, a million times this year, which makes sense ‘cause they’ve got that whole strap of a silk slip falling down her shoulder, sitting on a sailboat and smoking, soft smile hiding shark teeth thing going on. i just checked and their birthday is june 1, so they’re a gemini, which is unsurprising, all things considered. ( cornelia  )
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death tw, gaslighting tw, animal death tw, murder tw, attempted murder tw
born at 12:02 am on june 1, three minutes after her twin brother, making her younger — a fact cecil never let her forget.
the twins shared one name. one head. two hands. two feet. one heart. it was impossible to tell them apart as small children, everyone assuming they were identical twins with their matching haircuts and outfits.
their parents had met when their father was shooting a movie in brazil, sweeping their mother off her feet, and bringing her to connecticut where they were married within three months. only four years later she was moving to italy to live with her young lover.
back and forth the twins moved between their father’s home and their mother’s home. the constant shuffling around led them to be homeschooled in their youth. all the better for them. the twins ran through the large houses, barefoot, with laughter filling the corridors behind them.
it wasn’t that their parents didn’t love them, but they had other things to preoccupy their time. cecil and cecilia only had each other.
when they turned 11, they were enrolled in a middle school, settling in with their father full time during the school year. the other kids might not have known them, but they certainly recognized their last name. despite their lack of early socialization, they made friends quickly. calm and easy to converse with, they were respected among their peers.
(attempted murder tw) the first incident happened when they were 12. with their friend over and their father gone, the three of them were swimming in the pool. their friend, wanting to show off, dived into the pool. in the blink of an eye, cecilia watched red bloom from him, seeping slowly into the surrounding pool water. she wanted to run and find the housekeeper, wanted to call 911. do something. do anything. cecil held his hand up, stopping her in his tracks. his eyes were on their friend floating face down in the pool, and her eyes were on him, searching for anything buried in his cold, dark eyes. as the seconds ticked by, he finally lowered his hand, and cecilia ran screaming into the house. the friend lived, but from then on, there seemed to be a separation between the twins and the rest of the world.
they skipped eighth grade, too smart for any of the silly assignments their teachers had for them that year. they played tennis and golf and even learned to sail. all activities they could do together. all activities their parents had wanted them to learn on their own.
(animal death tw) it was their trips to italy that got them interested in architecture and history and classics. places they could explore first hand, reconstructing history with nothing more than their imaginations. one night, they snuck out of their mother’s villa and stole three chickens from a neighboring farm. deep into the woods they went until they came across the smooth stone. it was cecil that butchered them, but this time, cecilia’s eyes were cold as she watched the blood spill down the stone and seep into the forest floor. the gods were appeased cecil had said.
every time a friend encouraged cecilia to step away from cecil, the friendship ended shortly after. he was her older brother. he knew the ways of the world and was helping lead her through it. she went on dates but she never dated, preferring to limit her company. perhaps that’s why everyone clamored to be around her, and even fought for cecil’s attention. they didn’t walk, they floated, in a reality of their own making. a secret universe that no one else got a glimpse of. but their classmates and their teammates and their neighbors needed to know what made them so different from everyone else, blinding them to the coldness the twins wrapped themselves in like a large quilt.
off they went to college, both of them double majoring in classics and history with a minor in latin.
the tipping point came when they were placed in different recitations for some general lecture. they demanded their parents try to convince the dean to place them in the same one, and the parents insisted they tried their hardest, but in reality, they were happy to see the twins apart. it was there that she made friends. friends who didn’t know her brother, and didn’t care to know him. it started with study group without cecil, but it grew bigger and bigger, until slowly, she became cecilia rutherford and not cecil’s sister.
of course, he didn’t take this news well. he was sick every month, needing cecilia to nurse him back to health. or he wanted to do a family dinner the same night she was supposed to go out. she tried reconciling him and her friends, but they never seemed to get along. torn between two worlds, she was tugged back and forth, helpless in the middle.
(murder tw) bunny, siobhan, cecilia, and cecil were at the marina late at night. they were tying the boat up, having spent the whole day in the sun, still tipsy from an afternoon of drinking. a comment about one of their classes, one cecil wasn’t in, struck a nerve, and he launched into a tiraid. a move to grab cecilia, resulted in him being pushed away, slipping and falling over the pier and hitting his head on the boat before he landed in the water with a splash. nobody made a move to call for help. a relief really. he had been but a stone, trying to drag everyone down to whatever sad pit of despair he lived in. it was a secret that they would take to the grave, binding them together.
they stayed close throughout college, drifting away as they graduated. cecilia moved from pursuit to pursuit, treating everything as if it was some kind of game rather than a career. she even tried her hand at writing a novel, growing bored after only ten chapters in. she had more fun laying around on the yacht of whoever she was seeing at the moment.
her brother’s death hardly left a mark on the family. they cried together at the funeral, but they floated apart again, dealing with the grief in their own way. she never talked about it, preferring to block out his memory entirely than deal with the consequences of their actions. this proved impossible when she received a note, slipped under the door of the penthouse she was currently renting out. a note, in her deceased brother’s handwriting. you can’t get away that easily. fear left her cold, and she tracked down her old friends, packing up and moving to irving, north carolina to confront the past.
she’s friendly and charming and outgoing. she can talk to everyone and be kind to everyone, but that doesn’t mean she likes everyone. it’s all about appearances. is very good at hiding things and keeping things close to her. she’s still struggling with the loss of her brother because he was her best friend. she’s aware of his flaws, but it’s hard for her to reconcile her fairytale version of him and the truth. cecilia is super smart and pretentious and snobbish, but she’s also a bit of an airhead in that she’s not aware of how the “common person” lives. she’s very out of touch with things because she lives in the bubble of her parents’ money. she’s calm always. it always seems like nothing fazes her, and it’s all a façade. um i think i’ll add more to this later but that is all for now :)
okay, so as she is new, like literally just moved in hours ago, she’s not really going to have recent connections. but i’m so down for doing past connections :)) maybe a love affair when they were both on vacation somewhere, or someone who she knew in the past who hates how calm she is about everything. also someone who knew her brother and either hated or loved him bt that would be fun angst bc she doesn’t talk about him anymore :) anyway, if you think our muses could have met in the past, just let me know and we can brainstorm connections :D
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evils-corner · 5 years
There's a lot of headcanons I have for everyone sosnsjsnsn so enjoy!!!
General ghost headcanons
Ghosts don't technically NEED TO eat and sleep, but a lot of them do both anyways because it's a pleasant experience, and a lot of them never stopped those habits after they died.
Ghosts can make themselves solid and transparent as they like; meaning they can make themselves solid to interact with objects and people (like Luigi), but can also make themselves transparent to go through walls, people, etc.
Not all ghosts are people who died - some ghosts are born that way. Portrait Ghosts/Boss Ghosts however ARE people who died.
Ghosts curl their tails together as a sign of affection, akin to holding hands.
Ghosts can change their bodies a little bit, like extending limbs, etc. Some ghosts (like Morty....mostly just him) like to change their tails into legs from time to time!
Hotel Staff
The hotel was functional before the events of the game, and served as a hotel for ghosts. The staffing was the same (i.e. all of the portrait ghosts were there) as well as some of the Goobs and other ghosts working for the hotel.
Even though they're ghosts and don't technically NEED TO rest or anything, the staff still have an end to their work days to sleep and do as they'd like...but they still have to work LONG days.
On the second floor on the left side of the hallway, there's a door that leads to a hallway containing a set of rooms for the hotel staff to stay in, since they all live there.
He died in the 1940s at the age of 25, working as a bellboy - he lost control of a trolley of luggage and fell down a flight of stairs, snapped his spine, and was smothered/suffocated under the luggage when it fell on top of him.
He has nightmares sometimes about his death.
He overworks himself to please Hellen because he MUST Be A Good Worker. He does the jobs of at least three people all at once and is constantly moving.
He's very anxious and is prone to having anxiety attacks.....about work and just life in general.
He's trans and gay and is dating Kruller!
Chambrea was murdered in the 1940s on her way home from work one evening, by an unknown man. She was 36.
She's a HUGE Gossip, and she loves to listen in on people's conversations to get the Tea. She's known to spread rumors and not have all the facts though...so take her gossip with a grain of salt.
She has a HUGE crush on Johnny Deepend. (She's into very toned guys.)
Kruller died in the 1980s at 42 years old, from a heart attack while running around on the job. He had high blood pressure and high cholesterol from poor diet his whole life that led to the heart attack.
He feels much more confident with his sunglasses on.
He wears glasses when he's off the clock. Poor guy can't see without them! His sunglasses are prescription too.
He LOVES board games!
He's really nervous and easily flustered! He tries really hard to be tough, but in the end he can't do it because he's just a really sweet guy.
He falls asleep on the job a lot.
He's Bi and loves his boyfriend Steward!
He's best friends with Morty and DJ Phantasmagloria!
Chef Soulfflé
Soulfflé died in the early 1910s after getting locked in the freezer overnight of the kitchen he worked at. He was 51.
He thinks all of the food he made is Top of the Line, and he WILL get angry if you say otherwise.
 Amadeus Wolfgeist
Amadeus died in the late 1700s from an aneurysm brought on by his temper after a performance. He was 49 years old.
He sleeps in his piano more often than in his room in the hotel. He prefers solitude and doesn't like being around the others. Most of his free time IS spent alone in his theater or dressing room.
He has a BIG sweet tooth and can't resist sweets....especially donuts!
He doesn't like DJ Phantasmagloria's music.
 King MacFrights
Died in the mid 1300s at the age of 41 in battle, when he took a Lance to the chest and was impaled.
He's very sensitive about his height and he will get VERY angry if you comment on it at all.
 Dr. Potter
Died in the late 1970s from old age at 85.
He was a recluse and took care of dozens upon dozens of plants all at once and he loved every one of them dearly.
He sweet talked his plants and would Hum to them softly as he made his way through his gardens.
He names every single one of his plants!
Morty died in 1972 at 37 years old, when a stage light fell on him after he uttered the word "Macbeth" in the theater. He didn't believe the superstition.
His real name is Mortimer, but he prefers Morty. Don't ever call him Mort he will Kill You (unless You're Kruller. He's the only friend who's allowed to call him that)
Morty was an actor as well as a director when he was alive and performed in theater, plays, musicals, etc as well as on film.
He was fluent in a handful of languages including English, French, and Italian. 
He has a wonderful singing voice and also performed in an opera or two!
After he died Morty continued to haunt the theater he died in for a good decade at least. Mostly he spent his time moping about and crying in the theater, upset over his death.....the locals began to tell stories of the Weeping Ghost that haunted the theater, and his death became a sort of joke - the man who died because of a superstition and now spent his days crying about it. Morty did NOT like that and that just made him ANGRIER.
Eventually he got fed up with that place and in a fit of rage absolutely trashed the place before leaving to find a new place to live, coming upon the Hotel and being given a job there by Hellen.
He's got a big gay crush on Luigi let's be real here guys. They're dating!
He has a fainting couch in the studio that he'll throw himself onto while wailing....he's a big drama king after all!
Ug was trampled to death and then eaten by a T-rex, around 30 years old.
He doesn't understand anything going on in the rest of the hotel and is prone to destroying everything he sees, so he just stays in the museum.
Thog Ug don't care.
Clem died in the 1960s due to exposure from the various toxins, diseases, etc. In the sewers where he worked. He was about 28 years old.
He has a rubby ducky collection!
He collects things that people drop down the drains/that end up in the sewers with him, and will bring them back up to be found and collected.
He's dating that weird mop with a face drawn onto it. It's been a steady three year relationship so far.
Serpci died around 2000 BC~ at the age of 31, being sacrificed to the Gods. She was the reigning queen at the time, and gave herself up to the Gods for a better afterlife, as well as to help her people flourish.
She's very attentive to how she looks and dresses; a queen such as herself must always look the part, you know.
She's intrigued by all of the new technology and things around the hotel, and enjoys going from floor to floor, learning about it all. Though she does get a bit scared of things like movies, DJ Phantasmagloria's music, etc...
She's a lesbian and is dating DJ Phantasmagloria!
Nikki, Ginny, Lindsey
The triplets died at the age of 12 when a magic trick misfired, and caused the building they were performing in to catch fire and burn to the ground, in the early 1980s.
Ginny is the oldest, Lindsey is the middle child, and Nikki is the youngest.
They like to switch and change hairstyles to confuse others as to which triplet is which!
They think all love and romance and affection between the adults is GROSS!!
The three of them will flock to Chambrea when in need of comfort....the maid is almost like a pseudo-guardian to the three girls, and reminds them of their mom.
Captain Fishhook
Died in the late 1600s during a conflict between his pirate ship, and a band of soldiers. He was shot in the chest and fell overboard, only to be ripped apart by a shark.
The shark however did not survive attempting to eat the captain and died as well.
He very much likes how he looks now and thinks he's a lot more intimidating than he ever was when he was alive!!!
Despite the fact that he thinks and acts like a human, he has an animalistic side as well and sometimes succumbs to those instincts.
Johnny Deepend
He died at the age of 26 around the 1980s, when his swimming trunks got caught on the drain of a pool and he drowned.
He's very cocky and confident about his looks and he loves to show off his muscles.
He's a bit of an asshole......he's just a straight fuck boy, honestly.
He knows Chambrea's head over heels for him, but she isn't his.....type. Not thin or young or pretty enough for him.
DJ Phantasmagloria
She died in the 1970s after overdosing on ecstasy, when she was 29 years old.
She's self conscious of her actual hair and doesn't like it all that much, which is a big reason as to why she wears wigs all the time.
DJ Phantasmagloria is her stage name! When she's not performing, she just goes by Gloria.
She tends to call people "baby" and "sweetheart" as friendly pet names.
She's dating Serpci and is very.....very gay for her gorgeous girlfriend!!
She really enjoys Amadeus' music, even if he doesn't like hers. She understands! She loves listening to him perform.
Hellen Gravely
She killed herself in the 1930s at the age of 43.
She was a model for a period of time before her death. She didn't become the owner of the hotel until she'd already been dead for a few years, but it had been an ambition of hers in her life.
She HATED how she looked as she started to get older, and layered on the makeup to make herself look young and pretty again.
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ramibvnd · 3 years
Neil x the Protagonist
for @bloodredandvividblue :) i’m sorry this fic is a mess but i wrote it with barley any plot lmao
I named the Protagonist David for one’s sake bc I honestly got a trauma from writing the Protagonist lmao. TW: violence, blood and a small bit of height complex
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The party was bigger and definitely wilder than David had estimated. Light effects almost gave him an epileptic shock and the people dancing made the floor tremble when they jumped to the beat. A tall boy crashed into David’s shoulder and he flinched back, ready to defend himself when he realised that it was just a very very drunk partygoer. In despair he searched the crowd for Neil but his sandy haired partner was untraceable. It shouldn’t affect David that much but the smoke, the alcoholic scent and the flashing light made him feel dizzy and all he wanted to do was leave this cellar as fast as possible - which was not possible since they were here to take down an informant of one of the most infamous terrorist in north europe.
Blindly David tried to find his was through the crowd to the outer, calmer part of the dancefloor but then Boombayah started playing and the people went crazy. Despite his broad posture David was almost overrun and his only chance to not die in this club was dancing with the crowd how was more sort of a big bulk now.
Black spots began to dance in his vision and he could feel his blood travelling down into his legs - something that never happened to him before but the last days were nerve-wracking and he had barley slept. David bit hard on the inside of his cheek but it didn’t help and he sensed his consciousness slide away when a warm hand grabbed his hand and pulled him out of the crowd to the cooler, less active part of the bar. As soon as their skin touched David could tell it was Neil, nothing was more familiar to him than the body of his partner. Neil sat him on one of the chairs and had the audacity to splash a glass of water in his face.
“Darling I wish I could give you a more sensitive treatment but we need to catch the informant”, Neil whispered and exed his glass, Vodka Tonic David guessed, before scanning the room.
Damn he’s actually fucking taller than me, David thought when he looked up to his partner who towered over him. It bugged him that he was the small one. The thought never crossed his mind but now, sitting next to Neil, half consious and dizzy it did.
Neil was worried about David and his rather strange response to the situation but he couldn’t allow himself to split his attention. The informant was not identified, they only had proof that they existed. He was pretty good at spotting suspicious people but at an illegal party it was harder to filter out the real criminals. Methodically he searched the room when his eyes met with a pair of stunning blue eyes. They belonged to a woman with defined cheekbones and a shark smile and the realisation hit Neil the same time it hit the woman. She turned around and disappeared in the crowd in the direction of the doors.
“Fuck”, Neil growled, grabbed David’s hand again and trailed after the woman. Luckily his partner had seen the interaction and was somewhat ready to run with Neil. This time they elbowed the people out of their ways and didn’t take any consideration of the glasses or other fragile things. Within seconds they reached the door and the fresh, cold air cleared David’s mind, finally he could breath again and the adrenaline washed away the remaining dizziness.
The woman was sprinting through the snowy street and about to throw them off, if they didn’t hurry up.
“Holy shit she’s fucking fast”, David gasped and forced his legs to go even faster.
Neil laughed breathlessly next to him: “Too fast. If we want to get her we need to have some sort of vehicle.”
No sooner said than done David continued to chase the woman while Neil manipulated a motorcycle’s ignition until the engine started. Realising that she was in the disadvantage now, the informant pulled out her gun and started shooting at them. With horror the former CIA agent saw the bullets hitting a bit too close to the motorcycle but Neil didn’t slow down. Knowing that this was up to his partner now, David slowed a bit down and prayed internally that the informant wasn’t a overly skilled fighter.
Plus minus a minute later he heard a few shots and increased his speed again and when he run around the corner, he stopped immediately: Neil’s shirt was soaked with blood, a knife in his right hand and the breathing stagnant. Regardless the fact that he just killed someone, David couldn’t help but think how hot Neil looked.
“She’s dead”, his partner said as if there was any clarification needed. The amount of blood alone was enough to assume she was either dead or would die within the next two minutes.
“Now I need a vodka tonic again”, Neil added and put the knife back into the holder.
So they went in a bar and ignored the people who instantly started muttering when they saw Neil’s bloody shirt. The barman on the other hand wasn’t bothered at all by it and didn’t even cast them a second look after taking their orders. As they stood there, David decided to rest his chin on Neil’s shoulder and was surprised that it fit perfectly. The height difference was perfect to do it but it bugged David a little bit.
Neil laughed and took a sip of his vodka tonic before leaning to his partner: “How’s the weather down there?”
David rolled his eyes and took a step back. Since when is he the small one? As far as he remembered he was the one who would master the mission with ice cold precision and mastered the Tenet initation. Neil on the other hand was a golden retriever (the whole team could approve) and a physicist who got way too excited about theoretical possibilities. Me, small?, David thought a bit infuriated and wanted to throw his response in Neil’s face but the words never left his lips because Neil lifted David’s chin and gently kissed him. Immediately the rest of the world turned numb and all that David felt was the soft lips on his, the fine hair streaking his forehead and the firm grip of Neil’s hands. The taller one’s lips split into a grin and when parted to breath again, David put his glass on the table and grabbed Neil by the waist. If this was what it meant to be the “small one” he gladly accepted it.
-> if you’re interested in more fics feel free to check out my protagoneil fic on AO3 :))) https://archiveofourown.org/series/2215392
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laufire · 4 years
In depth fandom ask: the last fandom you joined bc I can't remember it now
Well, I guess the last fandom I’ve properly joined --making a few edits, starting yet-another-WIP etc.-- is Black Sails, so. Plus I want to talk about it a little, spoiler-free, in case you decide to watch it ^-^ (I’ll leave that to the s3 post I need to finish...).
Top 5 favourite characters: Max is my number one, without a doubt, and of the rest of my faves Silver has an edge... but the remaining positions are a tough fight between Flint, Jack, Madi and Miranda, and I honestly can’t choose DD:
Other characters you like: Mr. Scott, Anne, Idelle, the Maroon Queen, Billy, Eme, Abigail... This show has a lot of great characters tbh.
Least favourite characters: I still loathe Peter Ashe with every fiber of my being. Alfred Hamilton is obviously The Worst(TM). And though it hasn’t grown into hate (yet), I don’t like Woodes Rogers one bit ¬¬
Otps: Flint/Miranda, and the combos in Flint/Madi/Silver and Anne/Jack/Max (in no particular order at the moment because I just HAVE TONS OF FEELS ABOUT THEM ALL).
Notps: I don’t have strong NOPE feelings towards anything, but I’m not into Eleanor/Max (which is a dynamic I actually really like BUT that I’m glad it doesn’t return to shippiness LOL); Eleanor/Rogers (I might be indifferent towards Eleanor most of the time but I haaaaaate Rogers for her. RUN GIRL), Flint/Vane (booooooooring).
Favourite friendships: Max & Silver (THE duo I swear), Jack & Max, Flint & Silver, Idelle & Max (I might not have said so before but I guess I like a little conflict LMFAO), Billy & Flint (NOT a friendship, but their relationship absolutely cracks me up I swear. “Who’s Billy?” XDDD).
Favourite family: Madi’s family, which is all I can say without getting spoilery. I just. *lies down on the floor overcome with emotions* xDD
Favourite episodes: the problem with binge-watching (okay, I’ve taken s3 more slowly but) is that they all kinda blur together LOL. Hmm. The season finales are all *chefs kiss* so far (sometimes in a very painful way... I’m looking at you s2. Though the ominous Flint/Silver moments in the s3 were A LOT too); any in which I get to see Max & Silver scheming together ofc. And the first handful of eps in s3 were particularly enjoyable to me because I was drowning in PURE ANGST and Flint & Silver feels xDD (I can’t NOT believe the fandom seems to call one of those “the shark date” asñldfjasdfñl).
Favourite season/book/movie: oof. I honestly can’t pick; s1 is probably the “least” because the others include better moments for some of my secondary faves, and because there’s a plot that’s really hard to watch... BUT it has things on it I adore to pieces too. s1-2 doesn’t have Madi (major drawback xD), and s3 is after one of my faves’ death... but frankly they’re all neck and neck so far.
Favourite quotes: “I am ruined over you” always comes to mind DD: “Liked is just as good as feared”; Max combo with Eleanor about sand (typing that down made me think of Anidala LMFAO. The scene itself is very different though! xD) in the s1 finale; “in another time, in another place, they would call me a queen”; “this ends when I grant them my forgiveness, not the other way around”, Mr. Scott’s “No. Only YOU.”... honestly, this show’s dialogue is just too good(TM), I could just quote it all back xD. And of course, I HAVE to mention “WHO’S BILLY”. It’s the law.
Best musical moment: the score is perfection all around, but given that I never skip the intro just to listen and watch it... yeah, the intro xD
Moment that made you fangirl/boy the hardest: well, I *might* have lost it the moment CAPTAIN FLINT COMES OUT TO LONG JOHN SILVER OVER A BONFIRE, IDK XDD
When it really disappointed you: the fact that I won’t get to see a fully fleshed out Mr. Scott-Silver dynamic is MAJORLY disappointing, let me tell you. That Flint’s actor didn’t somehow get his mother (aka Maggie Smith aka Professor McGonagall aka Lady Violet) on the show too ¬¬. LOL.
Saddest moment: character’s deaths of two of the characters listed on “top 5”/“others you like” xD.
Most well done character death: the hanging in 3x09 was well done and served its purpose.
Favourite guest star: for a value of “guest star”... I’m going with Idelle.
Favourite cast member: Jessica Parker Kennedy is the one that I know and love for other projects she’s done.
Character you wish was still alive: THE ONE WE TRAGICALLY LOST IN 2x09.
One thing you hope really happens: I’m cheating because I know there’s some of that in s4, but I want to watch more Flint/Madi interactions pls.
Most shocking twist: well, I wasn’t spoiled for Mr. Scott’s plot in s3 so I was (pleasantly) surprised by that xD
When did you start watching/reading?: a little over two weeks ago; I watched (devoured) s1-s2 and 3x01-3x04 in a few days because I wanted to meet Madi, and then I tragically had to slow down :(((
Best animal/creature: I will always love Treasure Islands’  parrot that Silver named after Flint LMFAO.
Favourite location: Nassau aka Max’s ~domain xD. And Miranda’s house.
Trope you wish they would stop using: noooooone. I love the tropes this show reuses LMFAO. Romantic Betrayals(TM), triumvirates, “good things happen in the dark/away from civilization”, the power of narratives, social climbing and revolt... bring them oooooon.
One thing this show/book/film does better than others: quite a few xD. But one that really stands out to me is the dialogue; both the ~deep and sorrowful type (there were so many quotes where I had to take a break to freak out properly lol), and the humorous ones.
Funniest moments: I know I’m repeating myself, but I recently rewatched the pilot to edit some scenes and I keep remember the WHO’S BILLY one xDD (which I maintain it was Flint trolling him. He could give Abigail a rundown of Billy’s whole life story AND he shamelessly checked him out that one time. Flint knows who Billy is, he’s just an asshole xD). Really, all the scenes between Billy and Flint in that episode are comedic gold lmfao. Billy’s “oh dear I fucked up” expression when he tells Flint the crew has started to think him weak and Flint looks half a second away from murdering him right there, his WTF face at Flint’s antics with the stolen page... Gold, seriously.
Couple you would like to see: I meannnnnn. I would’ve been very happy if the show had decided to go with Flint/Madi/Silver, for one. Bonus if Miranda could’ve been included. Or just explicit Flint/Silver in poly arrangements (THEY ARE IN LOVE, IT’S JUST ~COMPLICATED XD).
Actor/Actress you want to join the cast: MAGGIE SMITH DAMMIT.
Favourite outfit: literally everything Max wears in s3. Eleanor’s s1-s2 outfits were things I’d love to wear too. Flint’s ~dramatic coat. Miranda’s collection of supposedly-puritan-but-showing-the-goods dresses xDD (and ofc her London clothes), Jack’s clothes (he’s Nassau’s fashion icon lbr).
Favourite item: the books!! Especially when Flint gave Miranda “La Galatea” as a gift (given that sometimes he reminds me of my OC Latoya, you might understand the freakout I had when he gave the other member of my OTP a book titled like that xDD).
Do you own anything related to this show/book/film?: no, but I kinda want to. I did have a Treasure Planet computer game I tragically can’t find... it was about collecting money in increasingly difficult scenarios LOL. And I probably have more pirate-y/Treasure Island theme stuff. I had a long pirate phase xD
What house/team/group/friendship group/family/race etc would you be in?: Max’s because I like being on the winning team, thanks xD (though I do ~align more with Flint and Madi’s lbr...).
Most boring plotline: Eleanor and Vane’s ~romance is not at all badly written... but the fact that I find both of them boring kinda ruins the whole thing because I always wish that time went to someone else xD. Also, Blackbeard. Meh.
Most laughably bad moment: n/a.
Best flashback/flashfoward if any: the London flashback where Miranda goes to Flint’s house unannounced to take him to an art gallery, she finds him half-naked and he gets all awkward about it lmao. And then they hook up in the carriage :DDD
Most layered character: we get to explore Flint and Silver the most. Silver’s development in particular is something that never ceases to impress me ngl.
Most one dimensional character: except the one-note characters I wouldn’t really call anyone completely one-dimensional, tbh. Though I do think the fandom attributes more complexity to Thomas than it’s seen in canon? Like, I like what I see; I think he’s functional, he works well, and he adds wonderfully to Flint’s (and Miranda’s) story, but I don’t see him as a full character in his own right. Which is perfectly fine for the narrative so far, but I fear it might fall apart for me at the very end.
Scariest moment: I never know what to say in this... I mean, I guess Flint killing a man with his bare hands in the pilot Like That was scary xD. I understand why Silver freaked out LOL.
Grossest moment: any of Max’s interactions with Vane tbh. Stay away from her ¬¬
Best looking male: Flint has that ruggedly handsome thing going on for him, if you’re into that (and sometimes I do appreciate his ~aesthetics... very sad he shaved his head in s3 though. Like, I get you did it for the Angst, honey, and trust me, I Feel U, but still). I feel like I might be forgetting someone, but seriously, none of the dudes in this show so far do anything for me LOL. I can honestly say I love them for their personalities xDD
Best looking female: I have a weakness for Max, but Miranda, Madi, Anne, the Maroon Queen, Idelle, Eme... all of them are gorgeous in their own way. This show is good for sapphic women’s enjoyment in that sense xDD.
Who you’re crushing on (if any): I could crush on any of the women mentioned above tbh.
Favourite cast moment: I have literally only seen this post about an interview where Flint’s actor says he’s too old to party with The Youth of the cast and just wants to chill on the weekend... with bonus Max and Eleanor’s actress talking about how Vane’s once climbed the side of a building up AND back down. I’m with you, Toby Stephens, you don’t need those shenanigans xDD
Favourite transportation: the Walrus, for sentimental reasons LOL. I liked stolen Spanish warship too.
Most beautiful scene (scenery/shot wise): lots of good ones, though I think my fave might be the one of Miranda sitting by the window in London. Or the one of Charles Town burning down, I liked that :))) (I remember thinking “Flint better go full Daenerys on them”. And he did! It was nice xD).
Unanswered question/continuity issue/plot error that bugs you: n/a, so far.
Best promo: n/a.
At what point did you fall in love with this show/book: I liked it from the word go, but the moment that TRULY cemented it for me was in 1x03, with Max making a decision that I... frankly didn’t expect. It made things worse for her in the short-term, the storyline itself was difficult and disturbing to watch and I still have some mixed feelings about it. But what it said about her as a character and how her journey goes after that... I was in awe of her, and of the show.
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ask-de-writer · 4 years
THE TAIL OF THE GHOST : Tales to Read AFTER the Lights Are OUT! : (1 part)
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by De Writer (Glen Ten-Eyck)
2317 words
© 2016 by Glen Ten-Eyck Writing begun 10/30/16
All rights reserved.  This document may not be copied or distributed on or to any medium or placed in any mass storage system except by the express written consent of the author. ////////////// Copyright fair use rules for Tumblr users Users of Tumblr.com are specifically granted the following rights.  They may reblog the story provided that all author and copyright information remains intact.  They may use the characters or original characters in my settings for fan fiction, fan art works, cosplay, or fan musical compositions. All sorts of fan art, cosplay, music or fiction is actively encouraged.
He awoke to the almost feathery sensation of tail hairs flirting softly across his face.  Again.  The soft, sweet voice of the young mare offered, “Up, Old Warrior!  It is time for us to battle another night away!”
Opening one eye, the Old Warrior beheld two things.  One, the young mare was right.  The sun was setting.  Time for him to get up and fry a few hay twists for breakfast.
The other was a bit more awkward to see.  The young mare herself.  Other than the fact that her mane and tail were darker than the fur that covered the rest of her, there was simply not much to be seen.  Her outlines were slightly hazy and he could see the wall mount with his old battle honors and medals right through her.
Years ago, needing to reduce the size of a peacetime army, Master Sargent Warrin had been mustered out for his age and infirmity.  Some Infirmity.  True, he was missing the tip joint of his right wing.  That had failed to slow him down any.  Only dumb headquarters brass saw it as an infirmity.
When mustered out, Master Sargent Warrin had got from his forward post in the forest to Fort Everfree Edge faster than the overweight but “fit” pegasus Lieutenant that had delivered his Orders.  The scene that followed had got “insolence” added to his mustering out Orders.
All that he had done, after all, was point out to Base Commander Morrgripe that the UNFIT pony that they were mustering out could out run, out fly and carry a heavier battle pack in the air or on foot than ANY officer in the Fort.  That might have been bad enough, but the 950 golden bits that he had won while proving it, including a bet from the BC, had earned him the insolent tag.
Then the Prance border heated up a few years later.  For the fourth time!  They tried to get him to sign a forced reenlistment.
He had taken great pleasure in rubbing the Infirmity Muster Out in their faces!  At that time he was employed flying express post for Princess Luna’s Royal Road Commission.  AND had racked up SIX commendations for his swift deliveries!
He was smiling as he looked up at his second wall mount.  The commendations for swift post and two of Luna’s Crescents for gallantry in dealing with deadly civil emergencies were in it.
The sweet little mare poked her head through the wall near the stove where he was seasoning his frying hay twists with assorted dried flower tops.
With not a care in the world, she walked on into the kitchen, hooves about 10 cm above the floor.  “Smells lovely, Old Warrior.  I wish that I could eat some along with you.  That is something that I miss a lot.
“Until you came, ponies that stayed here at this old chateau were afraid of me.  I just saw you smiling.  Was it remembering your Insolence or was it the Fast Post Service that you were remembering?”
He looked up and offered her a small plate of his seasoned hay twist.  “It was a little of all three things, Sweetie.  The third being you, of course.  Mostly you.
“Here, this plate is yours for now.  If you cannot eat what I cooked for you, at least you can smell it and share breakfast with me that way.”
Her eyes twinkling, the little mare, Sweetie, sat.  On the air.  And sniffed appreciatively.  He poured her a small cup of the strong Rom black tea that he favored.  She smelled that too, a blissfully happy expression on her face.
He watched in fascination as she reached out a hoof and the day’s mail appeared in the same ghostly form as herself.  When she took back her hoof, all of his day’s mail was solidly there on the table.  She seemed to be pleased at his expression.
He sorted his mail and made a sour expression when he opened one with the Army Retirement Board seal on it.  He brightened considerably at the contents of a different envelope  It bore the seal of Chancery Court of Princess Luna’s Royal Road Commission.
“I have to go down to Everfree Town, Sweetie.  I wish that you could come with me.  I enjoy your company.”
She smiled like a conjurer doing a clever slight of hoof trick.  “I can.  I have followed you to your garden that is in the glen.  Because it was daylight, you could not see me but I was there.  I am hard to see in bright lamplight too.  That does not stop me from seeing you, only you from seeing me.”
“I thought that you were haunting this chateau.”
“I was.  Then you came.  You were not afraid of me.  You even started waking at sunset and spending the night awake, just so that you could see me and talk to me.
“It took some time for me to learn how to talk to you so that you could hear me.  Nobody else can hear me at all.  I love being able to talk to you.  The stories that you tell me of your adventures are endlessly fascinating.  I especially like the one about your meeting Princess Luna on the Prance frontier.”
The ex Master Sargent Warrin grinned!  “You learned how to move real things and that led you to writing too!  I must say that I admire your determination.  I would have loved to have you in a platoon of mine!
“Now, let’s go to Equesrian National Bank and try to settle this business!”
Sweetie smiled happily, “I love going out with you!  What is Equestrian National Bank?”
Bemused, the old warrior paused in the doorway and looked over at Sweetie, who was simply strolling through the wall of the chateau.  There was no porch under her but she did not seem to notice that.
He mused, “Forgot how long ago you died, Sweetie.  A bank is a business that takes money from many ponies and then loans it out to businesses, farms and home buyers.  They make money off of the loans and then share some of what they make with the ponies they got the money from.
“Usually, everypony sort of wins.  While they hold my money, they keep track of how much I have and add on my share of what they earn with it.”
Sweetie had no wings but she easily kept pace with him, seeming to trot along like a pegasus on a well made cloud.  Except, of course, there was no cloud!
With a luminous smile she explained, “I have managed to change from haunting the chateau to haunting YOU!  That means that I HAVE to stay close!  That makes it easy to keep up.  The magic of haunting and all of that.”
He flew with happy strokes of powerful wings.  She trotted ahead and flirted her ghostly tail in his face sometimes!  It made him get a goofy smile on his face every time that she did it.  He spiraled down to the Equestrian National Bank and walked in.
He requested a meeting with Mister Horshiz, the branch Vice President of Operations.  Instead of having to wait, Mister Horshiz, a really sour gray maned red pony, demanded, “There you are, Warrin!  Why are you six days late on the rent for the Royalmont Chateau?  You owe us 1500 golden bits plus six days of penalties!”
Warrin looked askance at him.  “Not possible.  I was PURCHASING the chateau from Princess Luna, who owned it.  There is a title deed transfer that my agent told me has been delayed.  My making the purchase was the Princess’ idea.”
“I have the DEED right here!”
Horshiz held out a blue scrolled edge document.  Warrin’s battle trained reflexes snatched it faster that Horshiz could pull it back.  His eyebrows rose at what he saw.
In a saccharine voice he asked, “Where is the original?  This is a Chancery Copy and it has been altered.  The Royal Seal is a copy, not an original, as required by Crowns Law.”
“That is a trivial detail!  Pay the past due rent and penalties or be evicted at once!” Horshiz demanded.
Sweetie’s voice caught Warrin’s attention.  “Keep him talking love of mine.  I see some very interesting things in this file on his desk!”
Warrin grinned like a shark seeing a helpless swimmer.  “When Princess Luna’s personal property deed was so severely delayed in transfer, I wrote to her.”
He held up his envelope with the seal of the Royal Road Chancery Court on it.  He read, “Dear Master Sargent (Ret.) Warrin:  It is with great pleasure that I enclose your latest Royal Road Fast Post Commendation for assistance in the recent Dappleton Grist Mill dam failure.
“In spite of your Retirement from our Postal Service, your heroic over flight in thunderstorm weather and precise damage assessments made all of the difference for some hundreds of our subjects.
“In response to your request for an audit of the title problem concerning the Royalmont Chateau, I have disturbing news.  The Title Deed was sent to the Everfree Town branch of Equestrian National Bank to have the deed transfer to you notarized and the transfer registered.
“Celestia and I jointly agreed, after the Dappleton disaster, to gift the Chateau to you for your many services to our Realm.  Along with the deed, all needful fees and a full refund of all the monies that you have paid were sent to the Bank.
“The deed, fees and refund were directly stolen.  A Royal Audit has shown other irregularities concerning your accounts at the Everfree EQNB.  Among these, your retirement payments from both Our Army and the Royal Road Post System have subverted.  The direct golden transfers on the Royal Treasury are being made to Everfree EQNB.  They are issuing DRAFTS, which they fail to pay until thirty days have passed, giving them unlawful access to the use of your honorable retirement funds.
“The whole scheme has been directly traced to General  Morrgripe of Fort Everfree, who appears to have a grudge against you concerning how your took your Muster Out.  Something about losing a bet.
“I may add that due to My personal friendship, stemming from your heroic shielding of my person with your body during a surprise attack by Prance forces, it was my request that you be kept in our Royal Armored Pegassi.  However, in the end, such decisions do properly belong to the Base Commander.  Then Colonel Morrgripe ordered you Mustered Out.
“I will never forget that you lost your right wing tip when protecting me during the Third Prance Incursion.  
“Both General Morrgripe and Branch Vice President Horshiz have been summoned to Our Royal Court to answer charges Under Our Royal Wing, concerning the theft of My personal property and gift.  They must also face the subversion of our Royal Retirement System.
“Please find enclosed a fully transferred Title Deed formally Sealed by both my sister Celestia and I.  This Deed supersedes any previous documents and is already Registered in all of the appropriate Courts of Law.
“I remain your loyal friend, Princess Luna.”
While Warrin was reading, he noticed with amusement that he could, just barely, see Sweetie.  She was laying her hoof on documents from the file on Horshiz’s desk.  Like when she picked up his mail at home, the documents faded slowly away while Sweetie grinned.
For his ears alone, she said, “We called them Sharing Associations when I was alive.  Losing needed documents is still a favorite ploy, I see.  He is losing some that he will wish that he still had!”
Warrin grinned even more widely.  He held up his copy of the Chateau’s deed.  “You are effectively dead, except that you will be working on the Royal Roads!  This one is ALREADY registered by the direct order of BOTH Princesses.
“I was coming to let you know that both the payment by draft and the Deed issues had been taken care of.  I was going to let you off the hook on all of this and shaft General Morrgripe, whom I do detest.
“Unfortunately, you just had to try to extort a rent from me for a property that I own outright as a Royal gift.”
Sweetie strolled through Horshiz’s desk and laid her hoof just above Warrin’s lap.  A number of documents faded into existence in his lap.
She hugged him, which felt like being surrounded by the softest of feathers.
Whispering in Warrin’s ear, she said, “Come, my love, let us go to our home and leave this pony to his fate.”
Agreeing, Warrin stood, folding the documents into his shoulder pouch.  He turned to the stunned Horshiz, “I would love to see you try to claim either rent or eviction.  The first thing that the court will do is look to see who owns the property.  The Registry will show that it is ME.  That will make you prima facie guilty of fraud.  You know it, too.
“A pleasant evening to you.”
He stopped by the Police Station and delivered the documents that Sweetie had purloined.  He explained, “These are part of the evidence in a case Under the Royal Wing.”
He produced his letter from Princess Luna.  The desk pony checked his Wants, Warrants, and Summonses file to confirm the Royal Summons and took the documents, saying, “I will be see to getting these forwarded to the Royal Road Chancery Court.”  Shaking his head in disbelief he added, “Stealing from Princess Luna?  Not a wise thing to do!”
Warrin’s flight home to the Chateau was in no way hindered by Sweetie getting in front of him and flirting her tail in his face from time to time.
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levi-inthesun · 5 years
It’s Just You and Me, Baby
Part 1: Baby Shark
Summary: Scott Lang is turned into a baby while the team is trying to figure out time travel. Trouble is, they can't seem to turn him back into an adult. As the only ones w/out any sort of science knowledge past High School, you and Steve have to look after him.
A/n: if this exact story already exists I am so sorry. Part of me feels like I may have read something similar, but I'm not really sure? ALSO, this was meant to be a one and done thing buuuuut suddenly I already have a good chunk of the second part written. Oops.  A/N- I read this after posting annnnd whoops I did not edit this damn thing. SO I am doing it now :)
Warnings: Swearing, a tiny bit of smut near the end (first time writing anything, bear with me), sexual frustration (bc you & steve are competitive asses in a relatively small space).
Steve Rogers x Reader
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Steve called out your name over the sound of baby Scott crying. "He won't stop!"
You could hear the desperation in his voice and forced yourself to get up from your nap. Rubbing your groggy eyes, you walked into the common room and saw Steve, tears of his own in his eyes, doing his best to shush his tiny teammate.
"Have you tried singing to him?" You asked, voice flat.
Steve nodded, "That's when he started crying."
"Damnit. Ok, give him here," Steve gently handed you the baby, and he automatically started calming a tiny bit.
"That isn't fair," he grumbled under his breath.
You looked at him incredulously. "You're telling me you wouldn't feel calmer if I, in particular, were holding you?"
Steve blushed slightly, and your heart betrayed you by skipping a beat, or two. Ignoring it to the best of your abilities, you sat down, adjusted Scott so he was sitting on your stomach, your legs keeping his wobbly body propped up, and began singing-
"Baby shark doo doo, doo doo doo doo. Baby shark doo doo, doo doo doo doo. Baby shark doo doo, doo doo doo doo. Baby Shark!"
You kept going with the song, doing the hand motions along with it and soon enough, baby Scott was giggling and clapping.
After a while, Scott was just fine playing with some toys on his blanket on the plush carpeted floor. You turned to Steve and was about to say something when he suddenly stood up, chuckling slightly and moving to fix your hair. It had turned into a bit of a rat's nest during your not so great nap.
"Your hair looks nice," steve teased as he gently ran his fingers thru the knots.
You rolled your eyes, hoping to distract from the blush that was rising at him being so close.
"I think I'm just gonna take a shower, make me coffee?" You asked, stepping back and placing a kiss on Scott's little soft head.
"Sure," he said, smiling softly.
You would have taken your sweet time in the shower, but you knew coffee awaited you, so you were quick. Walking into your bedroom with a towel around your body, you began digging through your dresser. Steve cleared his throat from the doorway and you turned around quickly. Had you not been so surprised your jaw would have dropped.
Somehow, Steve looked like an entire meal despite being so desperate for Scott to stop crying earlier. Then he had looked messy, had vomit stains on his t-shirt, the whole baby-nine-yards. Now, he was in a clean shirt that accentuated his chest and arms, and a pair of jeans that you just knew did wonders for 'America's ass'.
You realized you were staring too long when a smirk grew on Steve's lips and you went to grab the coffee from him, but his hold on it didn't budge, bringing you closer to him.
"You smell nice," he whispered, voice low.
You gulped loudly and attempted to say thanks when you suddenly had the coffee in your hands and he sauntered away. You quickly shut the door and let your head rest on the door.
You had to get him back (get him back, what the hell were you thinking?) And knew exactly what to do.
A few minutes later, you walked out of your room towel-drying your hair and Steve swore his throat closed up right then and there. You were wearing your longline, push up sports bra (you had no idea why push up sports bra were a thing until right then) and a pair of high waisted jeans that sculpted your lower body perfectly. You sat on the couch next to Steve and began braiding your hair back, towel forgotten on the floor (you'd pick it up later).
You watched Steve from the corner of your eye as your back arched slightly, arms up, braiding your hair. You saw his eyes widen and had to almost physically stop yourself from smirking. You got to the point where you could keep braiding your hair by bringing it over your shoulder, and as you continued you looked over at Steve from under your eyelashes and you swear you heard him sigh.
(Maybe this was mean... Nah) your tongue darted out to wet your lips then softly bit your lower lip, looking around and settling into the couch as you finished off your braid. Steve still later there, body turned towards you and you giggled slightly when you realized he was working to control his breathing.
Flicking your braid back over your shoulder you leaned over to him and rubbed your thumb near his lower lip, "You had something there," you whispered, getting up to check on baby Scott, who has somehow perfectly timed his crying.
It had been over a week and they weren't any closer to getting Scott back to normal. By now, you and Steve were sharing a large apartment in the compound because it was just easier.
"How long are you going to keep this game up? I swear one of you should just jump the others bones- should have a long time ago, if you ask me."
Nat complained every time she had the chance, which was often, but she secretly loved having her very own entertainment- the last few years have been incredibly lonely.
"Well, no one asked you," you rolled your eyes as you continued bouncing. Bruce had gotten one of those baby wraps for you and Steve, said it was a late baby shower present. Scott loved it. You could just attach him to you, him facing the world, and you didn't have to physically hold him. "And I think I'm winning," you added, winning at your friend.
"Well no duh!" Nat called out, standing up. "Steve has been pining after you since you first joined the team," she whispered to you. "Put the man out of his misery," she added as she began walking off.
"Whatever, tiny Scott, I'm having fun and I'm winning, I don't care what the cranky lady says," you said as you opened the door to take a walk outside.
"Hey!" Steve called your name, running up to where you were. "You two going on a walk?" He asks, smirk present as you failed at not looking at his shirtless body.
"Yup," you replied.
"Mind if I join?" He asked his finger now in Scott's hand.
"I guess. Are you going to put on a shirt?" You silently cursed at the way your voice ever so slightly shook.
Instead of answering he grabbed the now shut door and you walked out.
The walk had been excruciating. Steve was basically perfect, even offered to take Scott from you but THAT you knew you wouldn't be able to handle. Shirtless Steve holding a baby?
Halfway through, Scott began to scream bloody murder. You stopped at a park bench and took him out of the wrap, checked his diaper, tried to feed him. Everything you could think of.
"Just hold him facing me, ok?" You nodded and Steve stooped down and began fucking singing baby shark, hand motions and all and Scott immediately chilled out.
Back at the compound after Steve put Scott down for a nap, he slunk in the couch right next to you, knees touching.
"I fucking hate that song," he stated, turning to look at you. "I had to watch that stupid fucking video so many times to get the hand motions right, oh my god."
You chuckled, agreeing before turning to him. "God, it's kind of hot when you swear," your voice sultry.
"Oh?" Steve said, his face getting closer to yours.
You could feel his breath hot on your lips when Nat burst in yelling your name.
"It's important. Come on!" She grabbed you by the hand and practically had to drag you out of there. When you were in the elevator, Nat burst out laughing.
"What is so goddamn funny, Natalia?" You asked, incredibly annoyed.
"I was watching-" she started trying to catch her breath, "the-the security cameras," she forced a deep breath thru her lungs, "and couldn't resist. You two have been driving us nuts, serves you right to get cockblocked." By the time she finished her signature smirk was on her lips.
You desperately wanted to be annoyed, but seeing Nat laughing like that- it was like before. Your eyes showed your emotions, and Nat caught it, recognizing what happened. Quickly, however, you were rolling your eyes and getting out of the elevator.
"Your welcome!" She called after you, teasing.
You flipped her the bird and heard her cackle.
Back in what was nicknamed, apartment Baby, Steve was picking up the baby stuff that littered the floor.
"What was that all about?" He asked, throwing another toy in the wicker basket.
You walked up to Steve and hugged him. His surprise faded quickly and he hugged you back just tight enough.
When you pulled away, he saw the tears trying to escape and his features softened.
You pulled him to the couch, and still holding his hand you turned to him.
"Nat was laughing, like, really truly laughing, Steve. It- it was like before when we would all play pranks on each other to blow off steam, and Nat- the goddamn super-spy and assassin would give herself away because she couldn't stop laughing right before the prank was pulled and it just...." you sniffed, and Steve gave your hand a squeeze, "I know we have, at one time or another, mentioned that we have all lost so much, it just, it hadn't hit me as hard as it did when she started laughing..." your voice trailed off for a moment before you found the words you were looking for.
"It hit hard when Buck was suddenly gone, for both of us. He became my best friend here. He grounded me in a way I've never known before. And, and Peter, god that kid has my heart- what I mean is, is that I've dealt with the grief of losing people I love. That pain is normal, constant. What I haven't dealt with is the fact that there are parts of us missing, those of us still here."
You didn't realize you were crying so hard until Steve wiped a tear away and pulled you into his side. You took in a shaky breath and closed your eyes for a minute.
"I, I don't know how to deal with this," you sobbed into his shirt.
You weren't sure how much time had passed, but you stopped crying when you heard Scott begin to cry. You tried to get up, but Steve stopped you, and you heard the song 'baby shark' begin playing in Scott's nursery.
"I got F.R.I.D.A.Y. to play it anytime he starts crying." Steve shrugged.
A small smile appeared on your lips before you shook your head and let out a sigh, pulling away from Steve.
"Whatever, though, right?" You started, and Steve's eyebrows crinkled together in concern. "We are gonna fix it. Everyone will come back and it will be fine. Whatever."
"No," Steve replied and your head turned sharply, almost mad. How dare he not let you be ignorant about feeling your feelings!?
He turned to face you, holding your face in his hands.
"It does matter even if we do succeed. Because even if they come back, there are parts of us that died with them, that we may never get back," Steve's voice was soft yet firm at the same time. Your name came from his lips like a caress to the cheek, "if you don't allow yourself to grieve this loss, just like the loss of our friends," he shook his head slightly, "our family, you are going to lose even more of yourself and I don't think I could bear watching that happen."
Steve placed a kiss on your forehead and the tears began falling again, this time though, you saw tears fall down Steve's cheeks too. So you placed a kiss on his cheek, wrapped your arms around his middle, and cried with him.
It was three weeks of the song baby shark. Three weeks of this stupid competition to see which one of you would get too horny and break. Three weeks of the luxury of being so close to Steve. Three weeks until Bruce could get the time machine working just so, to bring Scott back.
You place baby Scott in the machine gently and placed a kiss on his chubby cheek.
"I'm gonna miss you, you little bastard," you said, stepping back to stand with Steve.
"I think I will too, just a little," Steve stated.
Steve took your hand in his, something that had become extremely comfortable to you both that you didn't even notice.
Then, a few seconds later, Scott was back in his adult form and you were free.
You began packing your thing up from the apartment you were sharing with Steve when he came in.
"What are you doing?" Steve's frustrated voice carried to you from across the room.
"Well, we aren't parents anymore," you shrugged and got back to packing.
"F.R.I.D.A.Y.," Steve said loudly. "Please turn off the security camera in the common rooms of this apartment, this is personal."
"Yes, Captain Rogers," the A.I.'s voice responded. "All cameras in apartment 'Baby' are now off."
Steve muttered a thanks before taking a few quick strides over to you.
"What was that for?" You asked, confused.
Steve looked you up and down and you remembered you were wearing a pair of boy short underwear and a bralette.
"You win," he whispered before taking your lips with his.
He kissed you like there wasn't enough time in the world. Like you were the only person he had ever wanted to kiss. His lips never left yours, his hands roaming your uncovered skin, pushing you back until your back met the wall and a moan left your lips.
Steve pulled back suddenly and you whimpered slightly at the loss. You looked in his eyes and swore he looked like he would eat you-
"God I could eat you up," he growled and next thing you knew, he had thrown you over your shoulder and you shrieked.
Steve only faltered when 'Baby Shark' began to play over the speakers. Frustrated (in more ways than one, you thought) Steve set you down on the couch and you rubbed your hands over your face. Just as Steve was about to tell F.R.I.D.A.Y. to stop, Scott burst into the room.
"You know, I weirdly love this song," he said smiling before leaving just as quickly as he had come in.
Once Steve had gotten the A.I. to turn it off and told it the song was no longer needed, Steve sat down next to you, his hand resting on your thigh.
"What a mood killer," you finally said and to both of your surprise, Steve burst out laughing.
You watched, confused, as his eyes crinkled and his hand went up and grabbed his chest and his entire body shook. When he finally calmed down, he turned to you and recognized the emotions playing across your face from earlier. His face began to show concern when smiled and moved so you were on your knees, straddling Steve's legs and you cupped his cheeks in your hands so that he had to look up at you.
"There you are," you said softly and a tear trickled down his cheek from the sudden mix of emotions moving from joy to a sudden deep sadness. You kissed the tears falling before placing a kiss on his forehead, another on his nose, one on his jaw, then placing a kiss on his cheek.
You pulled back, just enough to see Steve's face and you smiled. Steve gave you a soft smile before placing a kiss just as soft on your lips, then another and soon, he was kissing you somehow just as thoroughly as before, however, this time, he was taking his time. You felt goosebumps as his hands smoothed over your ribs, down to your hips where his hands rested, guiding you to sit in his lap. Your own hands moved from gripping the back of his head, one to stay, fingers threaded through his grown-out hair, the other gliding down his neck, over his impressive chest muscles, then back around to hold yourself as close to him as you could. Steve scooted forward on the couch and you let your legs wrap around his hips before he stood up, his hands pressing firmly into your hips and ass. 
He began placing open mouth kisses on your neck, biting down softly.
“Your room or mine?” you breathed and he chuckled slightly, walking into whichever room was closest and kicking the door shut with his foot.
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stereotypcd · 6 years
 ooc;; here’s PART ONE the second part is coming soon, I’d love to hear what u guys think of it so hmu if u wanna if not thats cool too. i put it under a read more bc holy fuck it’s long.
She wakes up alone. The only sound is her heartbeat, one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten. Counting the beats of her heart was something, Debbie has done the moment she learned her numbers ( and how to talk ) it took 2,130 heartbeats for Mama and Daddy to get home. They said she was finally old enough to stay at camp alone, inside the comvee of course. While they went to film animals, they were trying to get Daddy’s show back ( which they had been doing and failing since Debbie turned two years old. ) Twelve, thirteen, fourteen, fifteen, sixteen, seventeen- rubbing the sleep from her eyes, eighteen, swinging her body to the edge of the bed, nineteen, climbing the ladder and opening the door to the top level of the comvee. Twenty.
Hazel hues glance up at the note pinned to the fridge, not ever bothering to open it, because she knew it would empty. WENT FILMING. BE BACK BY LUNCH, STAY IN THE COMVEE AND DRINK PLENTY OF WATER, AND TAKE YOUR NAP- LOVE YOU, SWEETHEART. But they had left a few water bottles since out in the desert dehydration was no laughing matter, where the sun could drain the life from your veins in mere seconds. A bowl of leftover noodles on the table, they had been eating plain noodles for two weeks straight, it was to the point where just seeing it made her stomach turn. But she would shovel it down, hardly even tasting it. It was better than starving to death. Debbie learned to not voice her discomforts, it only caused more problems. She knew her parents were doing the best they could given the situation. Sitting around doing nothing all day made Debbie restless and put her on edge. she cleaned she decided to clean up a bit, it was fairly easy to clean up since the comvee was a compact space, so there wasn't a need for a vacuum, a broom, and dustpan could do the same amount of work. ( of course, it was a bit more time consuming. ) So she swept the floor, emptied the contents out outside, and walked back to the comvee to finish the chores ( plus the extra things she added on. ) she was finishing up the last chore, the remaining dishes, dipping her hands in again, wincing, a loud cry escapes her throat, eyes shimmering with tears, dark red staining the soapy water, a large gash down the palm of her hand. It took Debbie almost ten minutes to stop sobbing and to bandage the wound and finished washing the dishes. Being extra careful to not cut herself again. The blonde sits the dishes in a rack to dry, wiping her arms and pushing her hair out of her eyes. She was proud of herself for getting everything done in time for her nap. Things were going pretty good today, well besides the sharp pains in her stomach. It was getting harder to ignore the empty, gnawing, painful feelings in her stomach, Mama called it hunger pains. Crawling into her bed, small arms wrapped tightly around her stomach, she was supposed to be taking a nap. But it was hard when it felt like someone was twisting a knife into her stomach, squeezing her eyes shut and forcing herself to try and sleep through the pain. Counting the beating of her heart while she drifted toward sleep. She dreams of French fries. Hot, golden and greasy. Greedily stuffing them into her mouth. She wanted dozens. Boxes full, enough to never be hungry again, feeling the tastes explode against her tongue. She dreams of food as her stomach growls and her muscles clenched and a whimper escapes chapped lips.
Then, she woke up.
Debbie woke up more hungry than when she went to sleep. Debbie was so use to those dreams that the throbbing pain in her head, along with the emptiness in her stomach were almost too normal for the 4 year old. Mouth bone dry, sweaty blonde locks sticking to her forehead, vision slightly blurry, pulling her legs against her and wrapping her arms around her them. Hazel hues land upon the air conditioner, fingers hovering over the on the button, licking dry lips. Pulling her arm away, wiping the sweat ( or tears ) from her eyes. After a few more minutes of sitting curled into herself, Debbie decided it was time to get up. Swinging her legs over the edge, a shark band-aid across her knee from when she fell chasing an aardvark around camp yesterday. ( which Nigel had a spend a hour and half talking about ) Debbie smiled at the memory, there were good things among the bad if you looked hard enough.
They came home looking worn and sweaty as Mama shuffled up the comvee steps holding a strange looking box that she wouldn't let Debbie see. She was forced to sit outside with Daddy, he doesn't notice the bandage wrapped around her hand or if he had he never says anything. Debbie preferred it that way, she didn't want to add any more stress upon her daddy ( and mama’s ) shoulders. But at least he had gotten fruit for lunch... Even it was kiwi ( it had been the cheapest thing at the market ), ”Sorry, Sunflower. I know how you aren't too fond of kiwi, but next time I'll get the biggest and shiny apple I can find.” The blonde smiled, swallowing down the last bit of fruit, Daddy kissed her cheek and went to check on Mama. Debbie emptied her stomach and covered it with sand, shame burned through her and her hands shake. Hazel hues scanned the surrounding area, no animals or her parents in sight, her stomach rolled. ( Mariann checks the test again. Checks the box to make sure she's reading it correctly. No, oh God, please no! Beside her, Nigel looks it over as well, and her stomach clenches. “It’ll be already, dearest.” Nigel kisses her forehead. ) Later when Debbie was in the bathroom washing her hands she found the little stick with a + on it, when she asked her Mama what it meant she started crying and Daddy rubbed her back and muttered things she couldn't understand.
“We can’t keep living like this, Nigel.”
“I know, dearest.” Rubbing a hand over his knuckles. ”Our show is nearly back, that film of the Wildebeest seems to have caught their attention and they said they would start funding our show again... if- if we kept filming.” Nigel raked a hand through his ponytail, wrong. That was so wrong. This is about his children and their happiness, not his. Nigel knew he was fooling himself into beliving if they kept going that things would get better, that they would have the show back. Debbie wouldn’t have to go hungry again, but weeks turned to months and then to years- Debbie was 2 years old when they begin filming and she’s 4 years old now. It was time to face the facts that the show wasn’t coming back and he hated himself for how blind he had been to not only himself but his wife and most of all to Debbie. His precious little sunflower. “Debbie deserves a better childhood then this-“ A hand reaches up to muffle a sob. “And,” she paused. Resting a hand atop her stomach. “I’m pregnant.” The words came out small and hushed like she didn't even want to hear the words. “I don’t want to bring another baby into this world not knowing if we can properly care for it.” Nigel remained silence, letting his wife vent out her feelings. She clearly needed this. “Just barely scraping by, we can hardly keep ourselves fed... Let alone Debbie. This isn't how a child should grow up.” Living day to day wasn’t how they wanted to raise their children, it wasn’t right. It wasn’t fair to anyone. ”Perhaps it is time we set down roots, for the sake of children.” This was about Debbie’s and their future baby’s wellbeing. They deserved a chance at a normal and stable childhood... They had already in slow ways ruined Debbie's. They had been incredibly selfish and they can never fix it. “I’m calling my mother tomorrow.” A laugh left her throat. “She’s been nagging us for years about moving back in with her and Dad.” Nigel nodded, he remembers. She wipes her eyes. Mariann was a bit bitter her mother always nagging about her job about how she was raising her child.... it was so frustrating. This is for the children, his is for the children, this is for the children. She kept repeating that phrase over and over in her head.
Ear pressed against the thin door, she knew she was supposed to be in the shower since it was her bath time, but her parents have been acting weird since they got home. A baby? A heavyweight settles against her chest, suddenly it was growing harder to breathe, trying to catch her breath. She couldn't, though, and her hands clenched. Her heart had sped up wildly and she couldn't seem to get it to calm at all. Something was horribly, horribly wrong. Her chest hurt, and she couldn't breathe and everything - it took her a few minutes to come down from it, and then there was nothing but exhausted crying. Slowly but surely her breathing because soft and her hands weren't shaking anymore, but that heavyweight atop her chest never seemed to fade. Mama was having a baby?
“Sweetheart, dinner will be—“ She froze, eyes wide and still clinging to the door like it were a lifeline. “Debbie. What's wrong?” Mariann already knew what was wrong and it broke her heart. The sound of her Mama's soft voice drags her from her thoughts. “N’tin’ jus’ sleepy...” Voice horse and small. Down on her knees in seconds, grabbing her baby into a tight hug combing slender fingers through golden locks. “Shhh, it’s alright. Mama’s got you.” A feeling of dread settled in the pit of her stomach, she felt worthless as a mother, like she failed her... Which she guessed she did, in a way. The guilt only ate away at her when blue hues landed on the bandage wrapped around her small hand, a spot of dark, crusted over blood seeped through, the air had been sucked from her lungs, eyes watering. Her hand. What happened to her hand? Mariann didn’t ask questions about how she got it, because like everything else she already knew. She cleaned the cuts, dressed it with fresh bandages and kissed her hand. “I’m so sorry, baby. Mama is so sorry.” Voice soft, heavy breathing and sobs escaping her Mama, gripping her Mama’s arm, the embrace was warm and soft and Debbie never wanted to leave. An unknown feeling settled in Debbie’s heart, it was all twisted and she didn’t understand why she felt this heavyweight in her heart and atop her shoulders. Was this her fault? A few moments later the sobs turned to whimpers and soon she was calm again. Mariann held her and curled up into the bed, told her about the animals the had filmed today. They stayed like that until dinner was ready.
They had dinner around 6pm, it was white rice and molasses ( which helps to sweeten the plain rice a bit ) Debbie hated how the molasses felt going down her throat, it sticks to the roof of her mouth and teeth and feels heavy in her stomach like swallowing bricks. But she ate because it made the hunger pains go away. Plus had the benefit of filling her up faster, which is probably why it was for dinner. Daddy let mama and Debbie eat first while he put the dishes away, Mama was silent doing most of the dinner. Hazel hues glanced up from her half-empty plate, stuffing a spoon full into her mouth. “I saw a pretty horsey t’day, it had, like, black and white strips.” Muttering with a mouth full. Mama looked up, a tired smile slowly crossing her lips a laugh leaving her throat. “That’s wonderful, sweetheart. But it’s called a zebra.” Debbie’s face lit up a wide smile, one of her front teeth was missing. “Zeb-r.” The word felt funny leaving her mouth. “You should go tell Daddy, I know he’ll be happy to hear that.” The blonde nodded. “But finish your dinner first.” She didn’t need to be told twice, she devoured it into minutes. While she was getting up from the table she noticed Mama had hardly touched hers, she frowned. Crossing her arms and planting herself back into her seat. “You gotta, like, eat, Mama.” Debbie looked her straight in the eyes ( which was something Debbie never really did. ) She wanted to prove her point that she needed to eat too. She watched her eat a few spoon fulls, a twitch of a smile crossed her face. “Good.” Giving a nod, before running off to tell her Daddy about the horsey, er, zebra.
It was a warm night, Mama had gone to bed the moment dinner was finished, she had helped Daddy put the dishes away. It was nice. She told him about the zebra and he rambled off facts about the said animal, every once in a while his eyes would linger on the bandage around her hand, Debbie knew he was chomping at the bit to ask her about it. But the words never left his throat, which Debbie was thankful for, she was far too exhausted to try and explain it. Once everything was put away and Debbie was in her footy pjs, Daddy took her up to the roof of the comvee to look at the stars. Hazel hues watched stars speed past eyes her, it was like someone had poured salt against very dark cloth. Curled up against her Daddy, apple in hand, rubbing a thumb across the smooth texture of the apple, it had warmed a bit in her hands. Finally, after a few moments the blonde raised it to her lips and took a huge bite out of it, shimming a put at the sweet taste of it, Daddy smiles down at her. “I’m glad you’re enjoying it, Poppet.” They continued like that throughout the night, pointing out various constellations until Debbie couldn’t keep her eyes open. Glancing down to the sleeping 4 year old wrapped up his arms, an apple lay forgotten still clenched between small fingers. “Don’t worry, Poppet, ” he whispers, eyes glossy with unshed tears. Placing a kiss, softly atop her forehead. ”Things- Things are going to be better... I promise.” He swore on his life that he would fix this, make sure Debbie grow up never being hungry or scared again. He wouldn’t let his baby girl suffer. Never again.
The camp was set up near a stream where they could get water and take baths, but it had dried up. It just happened to be the dry season in the Savanna meaning most of the plants shrivel up and die and sometimes the rivers and streams dry up, leaving behind dry cracked earth baking in the sun. A lot of the animals migrate to find food. Which was also what Daddy went to do since they had no water and food ( Debbie had eaten the last of the rice for breakfast, which made her feel guilty over because Mama and Daddy hadn’t eaten ) left Daddy had to go to the market early before the sun had even rose, he always said it was best plus the drive/hike there was long. It was just Mama and Debbie left to stay at camp and wait for him to return, it was hard because Debbie was so, so thirsty. Golden locks flapping in a sudden gust of heated wind. For a moment, everything was still and peaceful. Tired hazel hues flicked up to the face of her Mama, she looked worn and stressed. She swallowed it was like eating sandpaper, licking chapped lips.
Her mouth was so dry, tongue sticking to the room of her mouth. ”thirsty.” The words were forced from an aching throat, while Mama combed slender fingers through golden locks. ”I know, baby. Your father should be home soon.” Daddy has left early in the morning before the sun was even awake, he wanted to her to the market before everything was taken. They would need to have enough food to make the trip to Mariann’s parent’s house which would take a week or more.
A pause.
”Why don’t you try and get some rest.” Giving a weak nod, shutting glossy eyes. She was fighting off the tears she knew would fall if she kept trying to force words from dry lips. Debbie was just glad they had leftover rice from last night so at least, her stomach was full. Kind of, Debbie was never really full just enough to take the edge off of her growling stomach… Just enough to keep her alive. Debbie dreamed of laying on her back, hair flowing around like a helo, in a large body of water, the sea, she could taste the salt water on her lips. ( don’t drink the water, sweetheart ) the sun beating down against her skin, eyes lazily shutting a sigh of peacefulness leaves her lips. shoulders slacking, her whole body trying to jelly- the stress seemed to melt away in seconds. A wide smile reaches chapped lips, tiny hands dip under the clear water, cupping the water and raising it to her lips only for it to slip through her fingers. She tried again, but still, it spilled from her hands.
Tears well up, eyes glossy. Her breath hitching on a sob. No. No. No! She tried again but it ended the way. Warm tears spill freely down red cheeks. Again and again and again and again and again- “Deb-“ A Voice broke through the fog of the nightmare, it was her Mama. “Wake up, sweetheart.” Hazel hues snapped open and she jolts upright, chest heaving. “You were having a bad dream.” Blinking, once, twice. Her cheeks were wet. The nightmare was quickly forgotten when she heard her Daddy walking up to camp. “Hello, poppet!” The blonde jumped up, almost tripping over her own feet. rushing into her Daddy’s full arms. “Oof- it’s nice to see you too.” A bark of a laugh reached his throat. Mariann followed after her, a smile across her lips.  
Nigel placed a kiss to the top of her head, sitting the bags down. Wiping an arm his wife. Nigel reached back and handed each of them a water bottle, Debbie’s eyes lit up like a kid in a candy store. Hungrily twisting the cap off with her teeth, guzzling it down in three breaths, the plastic cheaking. Cooling her burning throat. Still gripping the bottle, almost scared that if she let go she’d never get water again. She knew that was a lie because Mama and Daddy would never let that happen. Her body desperately craving for more, the dry air was already beginning to dry out her mouth, she snapped it shut. Hazel hues glance up to Mama, she looks tired. Debbie instantly feels a stab of guilt clenching her insides, she should have saved some for Mama. Why didn’t she save some? Why was she so greedy and stupid? The blonde bites down on her quivering lip. ( She doesn’t realize there are more bottles. )
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buckyismyaesthetic · 8 years
Punk (Chap. 5)
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Summary: You’re head over heels for your best friend Bucky and hate the nickname he gave you as it doesn’t exactly scream romance.
Word count: 2942
Warnings: Same as always
A/N:  FYI on Chap. 4 I had to go back and make a minor change bc of a continuity error.  Bucky’s hair is short (think TJ Hammond style) in this fic and i slipped up an put in a man-bun note (it’s my weakness). Sorry!  Now, back to the story….
Abandoning Wanda in your closet to hunt through the mass of new clothes you’d unceremoniously shoved in there earlier, you raced down the floor towards Nat’s room, ready to call the whole night off after that disaster of a dinner.  You rounded the corner and attempted to stop short but your socks had no grip and you crashed into a wall of muscle.  “Sorry, Sam,” you mumbled.  “You okay?” Sam laughed and steadied you back on your feet.
You heard Bucky snort from behind and winced. Great, he’d just seen you stuff your face full of Chow Mein and apple pie and now he caught you hurdling down the hallway like the giant boulder from Indiana Jones.  “He’s fine,” Bucky clapped him on the back.  “Not even you could crack this thick skull.”  
And with that he pulled Sam’s sweatshirt hood over his eyes and gave him a noogie before guffawing like a doofus and racing past you with Sam hot on his heels.
“Ay yo!  What the hell’s that mean?!” he hollered.  “And don’t touch my hair, man!”  Sam’s voice carried down the hallway as he chased your best friend.  A loud thud and muffled ‘ooof’ confirmed that he’d caught up to him and apparently rugby tackled him in the living room.
What does that mean? You asked yourself, thinking back to what Bucky’d said. ‘Not even you…’  What? Is that, like a fat thing?  Like yeah, you’re clearly big and round and wrecking ball shaped so one might think that you’d be able to smash Sam’s bird brain like melon but…what?  Or like, you’re almost, not quite, rhino sized but if you keep going for a lil’ bit longer you’ll get there?    
You shook your head angrily at yourself.  No, Bucky doesn’t think those things.  You think those things.  The nasty little gremlin in your head who stood over your shoulder when you looked in the mirror and parroted nasty thoughts and held a magnifying glass to every flaw.  But what if all of the terrible things you thought were true.  And what if Bucky could see them?  What if everybody could see them?  What if they all whispered about it behind your back saying, “Poor Y/N, no wonder she’s alone.  Look at her.  She’s so fat and ugly.  Too big to be desired.”  Just the thought of what the others might secretly think of you made your heart clench painfully.
Moving on autopilot as those nasty thoughts swirled around in your head, you found yourself standing gloomily in front of Natasha’s room.  You twisted the handle and swung the door open, ready to declare defeat for a night that hadn’t even started, but you pulled up short at the sight before your eyes.
Clint and Natasha were standing in a passionate embrace next to the redhead’s bed.  Her arms were wrapped around his neck while his hands cradled her face.  They moved slowly, lost in the moment of being together and kissing so intimately.  You leaned against the doorframe watching them for a minute.  That was what you wanted with Bucky.  To be held close like he couldn’t get enough of you.  To pour your heart into a kiss and have it returned tenfold.    You sighed softly at their love.  Seeing them, two people who deserved love more than anything, well, you’d admit to turning into a big old mush.  They were your OTP.  You shipped ‘em—hard.  
Nat pulled away from Clint’s, her lips brushing his as she spoke.  “We know you’re there,” she said, not looking at you.  
Clint smiled against her lips and you couldn’t help the goofy grin spreading across your face at his actions.  “Hey, Y/N.”
“Hi guys.  Sorry,” you smiled sheepishly.  And suddenly you remembered.  “Oh shit! Sorry.  You’re sayin’ bye! I’ll just—I’ll come back.  Fuck, I’m sorry—”
“It’s fine, kiddo,” Clint replied stepping away from Natasha slightly to look at you.  “I don’t leave until 5am anyway.”  He, Thor, and Vision were leaving for New Mexico on a mission. Something about drug cartels or the Roswell incident…you hadn’t been listening at dinner and, admittedly, you knew like two things about New Mexico…was the Grand Canyon there?  Or in Arizona?…Nevada?  Note to self: Google shit later.
The archer moved to the bed to pack more things into his go-bag.  He looked down at his watch, prompting you to go the same.  10:30.  Shit.  “Alright, you two, about this ‘girls nite’,” he adopted his ‘serious’ voice and glanced between you and Nat, which only made you snicker and Nat roll her eyes.  Clint ignored you both and continued.  “You,” he pointed to Nat.  “Do not kill anyone.  Drunk men hitting on you deserve to be maimed, not murdered.”  
“What if they touch me?” Nat teased.  “Is violence permitted then?”
Clint pretended to think about it.  “As an Avenger, I frown upon it.  As your boyfriend?…well, just don’t get caught, babe.”  He gave her a playful wink which made her grin devilishly.  “And you,” he rounded onto you.
“‘Be Natasha’s alibi,” you replied with a little goody-two-shoes sass.  “Have the getaway car ready to go with fake passports in the glove department—”
“No setting anything on fire, no starting bar fights, no ritual Satanic sacrifices of any kind,” he spoke over you, ticking off his fingers,  and you weren’t sure how he managed to keep a straight face because you’re cheeks were puffed trying to keep gales of laughter from pouring out.  
“I make no promises,” you snickered.
“And try not to break any hearts while you’re out there, kid.”  He gave you wink.
“Ugh, okay, that one I can promise.”  You rolled your eyes.
Nat, having moved to the closet to collect an outfit and some makeup, materialized at you side.  She leaned in to whisper in your ear while Clint was distracted rolling a pair of socks into tiny all for his bag.  “I know that look, Y/N.  We’re not cancelling.  You’ll be fine.  It’ll be fun.”
Blast her and her stupid spidey senses!  How could she possibly know that you were planning on backing out and spending the remainder of the evening playing Call of Duty and drinking cocoa?  Nat hooked her arm through yours, leaned in to give Clint another kiss goodbye before warning him to come back to her safe and sound, and then marched you back towards your room where you were subjected to the tortuous task of making yourself look half way decent to be seen in public.
Tears were shed.  Curses were thrown.  Friendships abolished.  Mortal wounds were inflicted.  But, in the end, Wanda and Natasha had managed to get you dressed for the club.  They assured you over and over that you looked stunning in the three quarter sleeve, tea length dress but you honestly didn’t see it.  You felt exposed and vulnerable and kept tugging at the hem to pull it further down, fearing that your cellulite was on display and that with every step people could see your underwear.  And you weren’t used to wearing things that were so….form-fitting. You normally wore boys clothes.  Baggy sweaters with sleeves so long that you could curl your fingers around the edges.  T-shirts with graphics and movie quotes, images from your favourite fandoms.  Your socks never matched and usually had pictures of pizza slices or dinosaurs.  And your feet were usually kept nice in warm in combat boots or chucks.  None of this ‘stilettos’ crap.
Speaking of which.  “I feel like Bambi on ice, Wanda,” you whined as your ankles wobbled with each step in the ‘fuck me pumps’ Nat had smashed onto your toes.
“Stop complaining,” she replied.  “You look amazing.”  She whipped her phoned in front of you, forcing you to take a selfie with her.  You grimaced. Having your photo taken was one of your least favourite things.  You’d much rather take the photo than be in it.  She could put one of those pretty filters on it at least.  Something that got rid of your double chin and deemphasized the asymmetry of your face.  Preferably, a filter that evened out the plethora of skin tones your face was fond of sporting despite MACs best effort to conceal everything.   And even with all that expensive make up on you felt ugly. Like a clown and a liar.  This isn’t me.  This is a mask…Like a villain from Scooby Doo…
“Get outta here with that!”  You pushed the camera away and focused on not tripping on the sidewalk.  
“Are we there yet?”
“Yes,” Nat groaned stopping in front of a door. You had asked her that question about eleven times in the fifteen minute walk from the tower to the club.  And when you had protested and wanted to take a cab she said “you need practice walking in those heels” in her stupid, know-it-all voice.  She was right.  You did need practice.  Also. You needed new feet!  You were surely bleeding.  They’d have to be cut off.  Why the fuck do girls wear these things?!
The heavy bass music from the club assaulted your ears as the bouncers let you pass.  The lights were dimmed out over the dance floor but the bar was light up and crowded as people shark swarmed the bartenders, waving money for drinks.  
“Breathe,” Nat whispered in your ear.  She must’ve seen your eyes go wide as you took in the mass of beautiful people before you.  Women were decked out in short dresses, five inch heels, tits up and out looking like Victoria’s Secret models.  And…where they casting the next Magic Mike movie in here?  All of these guys looked like they’d stepped out of an Abercrombie Catalogue.  Where were the average looking people?  Where were the normal, regular shaped folk who didn’t look photo-shopped to perfection? What kinda club was this?
Why were all of these girls either short and petite or model tall and waifish?  It made you feel like Shrek.  Oh, fuck.  My dress is green.  Greaaaaat.  You crossed your arms over your stomach in attempt to make yourself feel smaller.  I don’t like this, I don’t like this, I don’t like this…
“You okay?”  Wanda handed you a cocktail.  
“Yeah, fine.  Good.  I’m good.” Do.  Not. Hyperventilate.  
She knew you were lying.  She was Wanda after all.  Why you even bothered was a mystery…probably just natural instinct; when in doubt, lie your ass off.  “Come on, you see anyone you like?  You can practice talking to boys here.”
“Yeah, that’s perfect.  Pick a guy an’ practice what you’d want to say if he were Bucky,” Nat pipped in as she sipped her martini.  Just the thought of pretending to flirt with Bucky had your stomach in knots.
“I dunno.  It seems mean.  Flirtin’ with someone and just, I dunno.  Not likin’ ‘em,” you shouted over the beat.  “And I don’t even know what I’m doing anyway.  ”
“Just go over to,” Nat twirled around gathering intel of the men by the bar, “that guy.”  With a jut of her chin she pointed out a cute, stocky guy with short, light brown hair.  
“No, he’s—he’s probably not interested.  I don—I don’t wanna bother him,” you stammered. You could feel sweat gathering on your back and cursed under your breath.  Now that you were here, you didn’t think you could do this.  Sure, it sounded great in your head.  Practice makes perfect.  But what if this guy rejected you…like Bucky would…what if his face twisted with revulsion as you approached him? What is he just stares at you thinking ‘Great, the ugly chick is talking to me’?  No, you can’t handle that!  Rejection like that would kill you, you just knew it.  
You tugged on your neckline, fanning yourself. It was getting too hot in here; your face was flushed and every square inch of skin felt hot and clammy.  There was no way you could flirt with Bucky!  You couldn’t even flirt with Joe Schmo over there! But you had begged Nat to help you, recruited Wanda into the plan, interrupted their evenings. Backing out now wasn’t really an option.
The guy at the bar turned and happened to catch you staring at him during your mental freak out.   Oh fuck oh fuck oh fuck!  Stop looking! You, rather uncooly, averted your eyes and turned to re-join Nat and Wanda’s conversation only to see them slinking away from you.  Natasha mouthed ‘go!’ and pointed towards the bar while Wanda gave you an apologetic shrug and allowed herself to be lead off into the throng of dancing bodies.  Spinning quickly back to face the bar, hoping your face wasn’t frozen in mortification, you found your target.  The guy was still there with his friends.
So, you had two options: 1) stand in the middle of club, alone, looking like an idiot, or 2) go talk to that guy and make a fool of yourself.  Both sounded equally horrifying but right now you felt like every single eye in the club was on you, and not in a good way.  This is how the gladiators must’ve felt before they were eaten by lions, you mused.  Seeking the shelter of the bar, you meandered through a mob of people and forced yourself to go over to the him.
He was slightly shorter than you with your heels on, a small problem to some people, but to you, well, it made you feel like the Jolly Green Giant.  Guys liked girls who were tiny.  Little.  Small enough to pick up and carry around.  They want to be the big, brave protectors.  Your physique didn’t exactly allow for that, at least not with this dude.  But if Natasha saw you walk over here and not even attempt to flirt with him, she’d flay you alive; you liked your skin where it was thankyouverymuch.
You swirled the drink in your hand, trying to hype yourself up to make your move.  Aha!  Liquid courage!  Downing the glass in two quick gulps, you slammed it back down on the bar.  This caught the guy’s attention and you froze like a deer in headlights.  Line?  Line? What’s my line?
“Hey,” he said.
Oh thank god. “Hi.”
  Flirting should be a college course.  People should have to pass tests or get board certified before being permitted to attempt making advances on civilians. Why the hell don’t they teach these things in school?  What were you supposed to do with your hands?  Do you touch his arm?  What if he doesn’t like that?  Your dress doesn’t have pockets to jam them in—clearly a design flaw—and you’d already dropped two straws on the floor as you fiddled with them nervously.  
After the standard introductory greeting where you learned that his name was Ethan, you both lapsed into a silence which you assumed was becoming unbearably uncomfortable and, being the awkward turtle that you were, felt the need to fill it.
“So, uh,” you bumbled.  “D’you—” Don’t ask “d’you come here often?”! “—d’you…have…a…job?” Ohmygod kill me.
Ethan laughed and proceeded to tell you about accounting.  It went right over your head, like anything math related did.  But you smiled and nodded in what you hoped were all the right places.  And that was how it went.  An odd, uncomfortable conversation where you felt like you were conducting an interview and somehow intruding on his life.  He was perfectly polite, but you couldn’t tell if he was even interested let alone flirting, hell, you couldn’t even tell if you were flirting, or if he was just being a nice guy and putting up with the unsightly, annoying chick crashing his night out .  Luckily, your rescue came in the form of a cute little witch asking you to go dance.
“Nice to meet you,” you waved to Ethan as you followed Wanda into the chaos of the dance floor.  “Thanks, Wan.  I was dying out there.  This isn’t really my thing.”  Wanda rolled her eyes in amusement and tried to get you to gyrate your hips to the beat, but you merely stepped back.  “This isn’t my thing either.”  You were a dorky dancer; you danced to the Spice Girls, Mambo No.5, N’SYNC.  You head banged to Motely Crew, rapped to 50 Cent and Eminem.  You were not Beyoncé or Shakira.  You did not have sexy hip swivels; you did not drop it like it was hot. If you dropped it, it stayed down and shattered like Humpty Dumpty.
“How’d it go?”  Natasha walked up behind you and you quickly informed her of your less than stellar performance.  “Aw, it’s okay.  You just need to keep tryin’!  You didn’t burst into flames, Y/N.  He didn’t shove you away or look at you like you were something stuck to the bottom of his shoe,” she parroted back your earlier concerns.  “You can do this!  C’mon. Let’s find someone else.  You pick.”
Natasha gripped your shoulders and spun you about, forcing you to dance, and making you laugh in turn.  “Okay, okay!” you gave in.  She was sort of right after all.  That guy didn’t run screaming from the club when you went to talk to him. Maybe you could do this.
The darkness of the dancefloor didn’t really let you see anyone clearly so you angled yourself so that the people by the bar were in view.  “Okay, I pick—” Just then the crowd parted like the red sea and there he was, looking effortlessly gorgeous, like he’d been carved from marble and blessed by Aphrodite herself, leaning against a stool occupied by a very beautiful woman—“Bucky.”
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