#facebook mum memes
bueris · 4 months
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I just woke up from a nap
yes to all of that 👍 10/10 🔥🔥🔥
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My mum's been sharing a lot of facebook memes like this:
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and none of her usual memes about tequila or gardening so some kind of shit's going down in her social circle
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gracerings · 2 years
trying to assign a social media platform of choice to tlt characters:
1. gideon: twitter. she livetweets everything she does, retweets every new meme, gains a following by making terrible jokes that routinely go viral. she gets a lot of dms (some of them horny)
2. harrow: tumblr. she has an aesthetic blog, a mix of gloomy/goth and religious imagery, she forgets to hide her likes and you can see she liked a bunch of self-insert fanfiction marked ‘y/n x ninth cavalier’
3. nona: tiktok. she makes funny videos with every dog she meets, but her real clout comes from the videos where she eats erasers or chews on some wood, people keep wondering if it’s some kind of trick or she really does eat them (she does)
4. ianthe & corona: instagram. they have a joint account and they post almost exclusively selfies where they’re shown wearing the same outfit. they get a lot of sponsorship offers but most of the big ones try to convince corona to ditch ianthe and make a solo account. corona blocks them
5. ortus: facebook. he has 3 friends: his mum, his late dad’s account handled by his mum because she refuses to delete it, and matthias nonius. he posts exclusively long verbose extracts of his poems and gets exactly 3 likes (his mum, his late dad, nonius, but nonius is the only one who actually reads them)
6. jod: twitch. obviously. heartbreaking: guy who claims to hate the internet is always online. livestreams for 8 hours a day every day
7. palamedes: linkedln. very professional account, curated of course by cam
8. camilla: absolutely zero social media presence of her own
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diovstheworld · 1 year
Never forget la squadra's canon gc!!! Can you write some hcs about how each of them act in the gc plz?
ahhhh of course i can! this request honestly came at the best time bc i was thinking of doing a post like this and i was already making a post about their typing styles so i’m gonna combine them all in one! thank you so much for requesting and i hope you like! also side note, this is a modern take on the group chat rather than of the period golden wind is set and ALSO i’m sorry some of these are shorter for some of the characters :(
୨ ╭ ୨୧ ✦ ︶꒷꒦・⎯⎯・⎯⎯・₊ˎ✧๑
proper punctuation and capital letters at all times when he’s typing
he's not one for using abbreviations very much but he does use some of the ones that formaggio has taught him
tries to keep the group chat strictly for work purposes but it never stays that way lmaooo
doesn’t really understand the memes that are sent and usually responds with a ‘???’
he’s not really one to use emojis, i feel like he would be a little confused by them
some of the others try to teach him but it never goes very well
he does use the knife emoji a lot though
his response time to messages varies. if it’s something important, he’ll respond quickly. if it’s something dumb, like a meme or something that he doesn’t feel needs his input, he’ll take longer to reply or just read the message and not reply at all
probably the tamest in the group chat
he’s the type of person who misses a lot of messages and has to scroll back so far to see all the chain of messages he’s missed
middle aged woman type texting tbh Imao
just like risotto, he has full proper puntuation and capital letters in his texts
uses text abbreviations even though he doesnt use them correctly Imao
just like risotto he’s not great with emojis but he does use them
but he uses them in completely the wrong way which is always making formaggio laugh (i think these headcanons i have are heavily based on the fact i see prosciutto and risotto as the mum and dad of the group lmaooo)
takes his time with typing so it normally takes him a while to respond to the chat
isn’t a fan of the memes that are sent in the chat mainly because i feel he would have a strange taste in memes (facebook mum type memes tbh lmao)
always types in lower case (he's just like me for real)
loves to send memes
probably the worst for responding
he very often leaves the guys on read which results in the boys having to harass him with messages until he answers them
always making fun of prosciutto for taking so long to type
also always making fun of any meme that isn’t his lmao
but he secretly finds a lot of them funny and even saves a lot of them
always giving nickname suggestions for the other members
big user of all caps texting to be honest
regularly asked if his caps lock button is broken lmao
another one who also loves sending memes to the group
sends them at the worst times though. the other members of the squad regularly get annoyed at him for sending memes at 4am
very active in the group chat but has a bad habit of ignoring work related messages from time to time
always the one to take the conversation topic off of work and onto something completely unrelated
when he’s not sending memes, he’s normally documenting his whole life to the group tbh. he’s sending pictures anytime he sees a cute dog or cat on the street or if he sees something funny out in public
basically just constantly spamming the group chat lmao
also always giving nickname suggestions for each of the members
another all caps enjoyer actually
except he actually is yelling unlike formaggio
again, likes to send memes but his taste in memes is awful lmao
he answers messages pretty quickly i think to be honest
i think in general he’s very active in the group chat and basically reads messages the second they come in unless he’s busy on a job
also probably harassing the group chat a lot when they don’t answer him
and since he’s impatient it’s only going to be a few minutes before he’s sending follow up messages lmao
also always gets irritated by formaggio’s spamming lmao
also practically lives in the chat at all times and is always active
was the one who made the group chat for risotto (because i think risotto wouldn’t be too good with technology lmao) and is definitely a co-admin
always giving the members different nicknames and changing the name of the group chat
and risotto always has to change it back lmao
i also think he would type in lowercase
which i feel would annoy prosciutto which is also partly why he does it lmao
has definitely sent nudes to the group chat before (he says it was an accident but no one believes him)
always replying with a lot of laughing emojis to all the memes that are sent
i think he’s pretty quiet in the group chat. he doesn’t say much but he’s always reading messages
always leaves likes on messages too to let people know that he’s definitely read them
sometimes he feels to awkward to respond or doesn’t know what to say so that’s why he likes the messages instead
but he always responds to prosciutto and risottos messages first, all the others are secondary
unlike formaggio and illuso, pesci is making cute and nice nickname suggestions for the group chat
also melone is probably always scarring that poor boy with some of those photos he sends lmaooo
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alexisntedgy · 9 months
I certainly disliked the canon ending of ghosts, but that doesn’t mean I don’t have Older-Mia and the ghosts headcanons (most of these are for if she had grown up in Button House )
. Alison switching to a Spotify family account (or the 16-odd years from now equivalent) because the ghosts and Mia were sharing and the ghosts kept messing up her stats by streaming 90s girl bands (kitty) and various bad 80s songs
. She still has collaborative playlists with the more music-inclined of them though. Julian gets annoyed at the amount of song requests Cap and Kitty have for their ones, but he secretly works really hard on the one he shares with her
. Julian sends her money on her birthday (and sometimes when it’s super-not-her-birthday) through his savings account. Mia first became suspicious that it was actually just her mother’s money sent through Julian’s account when she was about 15, because how does julian have any money??? but eventually she accepts the truth- that it’s a mix of the money julian made online gambling and a little extra from her mum
. Occasionally Julian will send a larger sum of money at random, because “if giving her money makes me her favourite ghost, I’m not going to not do it”
. The ghosts are really annoying about gift suggestions for her every single birthday and christmas, and their ideas get more and more outdated and inaccurate for her age as the years go on
. She has sleepovers with Kitty and they watch terrible romcoms :)
. Mia has memories of the ghosts doing performances for her when she was a toddler, and when she couldn’t see them anymore Alison would play music for them all to sing along to, which eventually evolved into karaoke nights with specific parts for everyone
. Her favourite song to perform is the one Kitty and Cap always request, “Reach” by S-club, but that’s a top secret. she still keeps doing it in her grumpy-teenage-years because she knows it must make kitty and cap so happy (which it does)
. She found out James was gay when she was 7 and Alison made a joke to him about how he still fancies the weatherman after all those years. The conversation had been rather brief, with Cap requesting a few specific things for Alison to repeat to Mia. When Mia’s response had been “cool”, he may have teared up a little but you saw nothing
. By the time she’s 13 and has the attention span for it, Pat’s making her watch all of Star Wars. She thinks it’s okay, but she thinks it would be more okay if Pat didn’t make Julian type up a small quiz afterwards as a “fun but educational activity”
. One year in her mid-teens she got a casual job so she could save up enough money to buy the ghosts a nice christmas gift each.
. Julian emails her terrible old facebook memes and she doesn’t have the heart to tell him how unfunny they are
. They play just dance, no matter how outdated it is (although it can be an absolute nightmare when it comes to not bumping into the ghosts)
. Robin sometimes demands to tuck Mia in (although Julian has to actually do that part) and turn off the lights by himself. This goes on way past the age considered normal, but it’s one of the few ways she can feel close to robin, so she keeps letting him do it once a month or so.
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indiangp · 4 months
why is my mum sending me MotoGP memes from Facebook 😭
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clowns-go-honk · 11 months
I think Agnes Montague would like the Facebook mum minion memes. I don't think she'd really understand them, but she'd laugh at them.
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starsforhours · 8 months
more Saturday tiktok ideas bc these men ARE icons of the internet
a fan makes a tiktok to the 'the night we met' song and it goes from them laughing in interviews and on stage to them in the camp videos and talent show
my love mine all mine (or any love song) = Zuben edits. There are so many Zuben edits. you can't escape
EOE becomes THE Zuben song. It's played everytime the two of them are introduced, there are so many edits to it, and every year on the anniversary of The Coming Out, Saturdays try to get it to chart
birthday tiktoks. Every member's birthday has saturtok SWARMED with videos wishing them happy birthday (ik this is about tiktok but there are swarms of wishes on EVERY social)
they are meme lords, they have so many sounds from their tiktoks that go viral bc they're so funny
Angel posts the most, Ruben second, Jon either manically posts 20 tiktoks in one day or nothing for 4 months, and Zach has an account but he doesn't post unless he a, lonely, or b, has to. Zach just posts on Ruben's account; Saturdays joke it's less Ruben's account more Zuben's and they're not wrong
like half their discography has a trend to it on tiktok. People do tiktoks on trends that Saturday has and it takes like four parts just to get through them all
you can rely on Angel posting lots of behind the scenes stuff on tiktok (and his youtube channel), whether it's on the tour bus, behind the scenes stadium things, sound checks, or vlogs. He does content like day in my life-s where he's like 'day in my life but im famous and you're not mwah' and the internet loves him
Ruben either posts couples content or chaos with Angel, no in between. They once pranked Jon and Zach and they had a prank war that lasted a solid week.
Mama and Papa Phan, Mother Braxton, and Ma Knight are all popular on tiktok too. They don't have accounts, they post things to facebook, but still people on tiktok LOVE them and are always joking about 'i wish they could adopt me' and call them Mama, Papa, Mother and Ma. Mum Montez, not as popular. People don't hate her, but they just saw everyone else's reactions to her and came to their own (not wrong, not as bad) conclusions.
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darkmaga-retard · 1 month
If you're not far-Left and woke that is
Robin Westenra
Aug 06, 2024
You’ve got to hand it to the Brits.
They (sill) have a sense of humour despite the fact that humour is as dead as a dodo on the BBC and elsewhere.
Everyone in England finding out they’re far-right.
Here’s a view from a historian of nazism from Southport
An Open Letter to Prime Minister Keir Starmer (Southport)
Dear Keir Starmer, I'm calling out the Fascist United Kingdom government for its tone-deaf and totally inappropriate response to the disorder on the streets of Southport and the rest of this country. I'm calling for peace. Could you actually listen for once?
More satire
10 Foolproof Ways To Dodge Keir Starmer's 'Two-Tier Keir' Policing In The UK
UK — "Oops, what did we vote for?" are the words spoken by every ordinary Brit after their first sip of coffee in the morning, as they struggle to navigate the treacherous waters of Keir Starmer's new government and its infamous "Two-Tier Policing" policy.
Fear not, dear Brits, for I have compiled a list of acts that will definitely get you into trouble with Two-Tier Keir;
1. For being white: Consider a temporary skin-darkening procedure or wear a balaclava and carry a knife while taking the tube to work!
2. Declaring allegiance to Elon: Soon you'll receive a text from your mum: "Get off X" 3. Talking about the UK when not in the UK: Stick to American politics, they are way more tolerant!
4. Protecting your children from masked and armed thieves: This is racist. Instead, teach your kids to politely ask the thieves for their names and addresses.
5. Winning gold at the Olympics: If you're white and blonde like Keely Hodgkinson, do not beat a pack of black athletes in 800m. Let them past!
6. Commenting on Facebook posts: Only use emojis and GIFs. No one can arrest you for a well-placed laughing face.
7. Using the British flag emoji
: Patriotism is now thuggery. Replace it with the flag of a small, obscure island nation that you have colonised. Try this one
8. Criticising Starmer: Avoid poking the Hitler within, we all got one. And, avoid posting memes portraying Starmer as Hitler!
9. Independent Journalism: Don't do it from the UK. Set up shop in a luxurious resort in Cyprus with great internet, cheap cocktails, and massages!
10. Avoid using the words 'Civil War': If they do slip out of your mouth, claim you were referring to a movie you just watched! At publishing time,
Three-Tier Keir is about to be deployed, featuring the army!
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literarydesire · 2 months
My family works well because we balance each other out; LinkedIn Dad, Facebook Mum, Tumblr/Pinterest older sister (me) and TikTok/Insta younger sister (god help her) meaning the memes my dad sends me my sister will have already sent me five months ago.
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n3ptuned · 3 months
my mum just showed me a p!atd facebook meme she truly understands me
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bisexualseraphim · 1 year
Susie Green of mermaids literally said that she went to thailand to get her son a sex change operation because he was too feminine for his homophobic dad.
She went to Thailand to help her DAUGHTER get sex reassignment surgery because her DAUGHTER was suicidal due to gender dysphoria and constant bullying and abuse both at school and on the streets (and yes, even by her own father), and due to NHS waiting times she would have been in her mid twenties by the time she would be able to have the surgery, by which time she may already have been dead by suicide from the crippling depression caused by dysphoria.
Jackie is now 29, very vocally supportive of her mum and her charity, and living an extremely happy, full life as a woman. She very likely would not be here if her mother hadn’t given her the support she needed.
The way you people spread extremely easily debunkable blatant misinformation slandering others is somehow both amusing and extremely disgusting. I find it rather telling that you seem to assume everyone else is on the same level of intelligence as you (ie: if I tapped you gently on the forehead I’d hear a distinct echo). I bet you’re the type of person who sees a meme on Facebook of Albert Einstein next to a completely made up quote and posts it without doing even a 2 second Google search before taking it as gospel. Cunt for brains.
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olderthannetfic · 2 years
This Goncharov debate is only circling back to the two issues your marvelous blog has put into question all year long. (years?)
One, we are facing a new generation of people that have no idea how to use the internet. If people google search for the movie, and the first result is the Wikipedia page for it, and they settle for that information alone, then obviously they don't know how to look for other sources of information that is not the already digested ones by either social media or Wikipedia. The second is known for being the target of trolls constantly messing with the entries every time some meme is blown out of proportion.
But I don't buy this explanation from some other anons. People are always championing for wokeness but get blinded by their wish of making everything safe because I just google it, and several results mention how all this is a big Tumblr joke. Come on kids, if you can get easily gaslighted by the internet, then this obviously means the people you defend or yourself, maybe need to learn how to navigate this. This has to do with fake news and that stuff, but I thought that only happened to my 68-year-old mum because her only source is Facebook. There are several articles already about how this is “reality internet/unreality/meme”.
Second. Mental illness. I don't mean to victim blame anyone, I suffer from mental illness too, bipolarity, OCD, and clinical depression. I have my bad days. But I am aware of my issues, and that's why I have to be self-aware and not engage with everything that makes me hurt. Once again we need to understand that the only safe space, is the one you create for yourself. The internet is not supposed to be monitored or censured, people can try to control it, but honestly, that would only kill the internet, they already are containing people with algorithms and fake news as it is. To use another meme. “You can't handle the truth”. But others do.
Now, some people are not self-aware of their mental illness, but why do we need to turn it into a responsibility for everyone?. This is the same issue as kids on the internet, I don't have kids, so why should I care about some random kid wandering unsupervised by his parents into the space I have created for myself?. If I had a kid, I certainly would NEVER give them free access to the internet, and when ready, I would teach them at least, how to use it. This is the same issue with people with severe mental illness. It's the responsibility of their families (not their friends either, being in charge of the health of a friend would turn into caregivers burnout).
I might sound extreme, but this is similar to giving a mentally ill person a Gun. People are saying that those kinds of individuals “loss their grip of reality” because of a meme, and in turn, this makes them self harm?, suicidal?....this is the same then as giving them something as dangerous as a weapon. Only people think there's nothing wrong, and it's harmless to have an internet connection.
But if it was, then we wouldn't be speaking about people getting hurt by a joke. But as with guns, those are tools too, it's not problem of the tool, but who is allowed to use one/carry one. People need to stop babying others on the internet, it's no one's duty to make it safe. It took me less than five posts down in my main to see people fighting about Goncharov’s plot differences to make me realize it was a meme.
Do you know what actually needs unreality tags?. Everything and everyone on Tiktok, like put a tag on the App. In fact, I constantly need reality checks every time I enter Instagram and I see an incredible hegemonical beauty on vacation on some paradise island. Influencers should tag themselves as unreality because they induce in me an existential crisis with their dreamlike perfect -from outside capitalist lives. Maybe the real problem is social media….Nah, lets blame the creative artsy game of those dorks instead…right?...
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bueris · 4 months
reblogging stamps and blinkies and geocities whatever things I wasn't online for whatever those were but like they're like facebook mum memes for people under the age of 30 is this why old people like those memes so much is this how it feels
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snooziep · 1 year
15 questions for 15 mutuals
Tagged by @her-pegship <3
1. Were you named after anyone? no, neither my sister nor i - not many women in my family but my parents just went with names they like.  my mum had a family middle name (king - not double-barrelled with her surname, just middle name king so it stayed with her when she married) which she hated so didn’t give to us.  i get why, but i do think it would have been kinda cool.
2. When was the last time you cried? listening to “my favorite murder” last night - it was a survivor story and those always get me.  in fact it really doesn’t take much to make me cry - happy stuff, sad stuff, memes, donkeys, tv, sunsets, books, people being nice, gifs of ducks......
3. Do you have kids? no.  i have kids in my life (niece and nephew and god-daughter etc) so best of both worlds - all the fun and not much responsibility
4. Do you use sarcasm? of COURSE not
5. What’s the first thing you notice about people? height. not sure why! i am quite tall I guess and have been since i was quite young so maybe it became a thing in my head in those formative years.  and it has no bearing on my opinion of them. it just somehow registers in my head whether they are taller or shorter than me.  this has been exacerbated by zoom.  i have colleagues i didn’t meet in the flesh for a couple of years and when i met them it was always “huh taller/shorter than i imagined”
6. What’s your eye colour? blue/grey/bloodshot
7. Scary movies or happy endings? a bit of both? scary then happy at the end? although i do love a good wtf ending. i read a lot stephen king in my teens so i like that “yeah happy ending.... wait... what?  nnooOOOOOOO!”
8. Any special talents? I sing, and I have a knack for finding/tracking obscure facts and trivia. this is @her-pegship’s answer and oooh that’s me too!!
9. Where were you born? Nottingham, UK
10. What are your hobbies? jigsaws, tv/cinema/reading, singing in a choir, propagating succulents, fact forum on facebook (started on myspace - yes i am that old!)
11. Have any pets? i had rats for a while.  loved them dearly but even they were too much responsibility haha.  so for now it is plant babies.
12. What sports do/have you played? you wouldn’t know it if you met me now, but i played volleyball right through my 20s and i danced (ballet and tap) from 8 to around 30. but now it’s a big fat NO
13. How tall are you? 5 foot 8 (173cm)
14. Favorite subject at school?  physics and chemistry
15. Dream job? i have worked in the civil service for 30 years and aim to retire in 2025 but i think i will get a little shop job.  i did that in my 6th form and loved in - in a paper shop selling fags and sweets (and newspapers). that’ll suit me.  tidying the shelves, chitchatting to folks. folding up my tabard at the end of my shift and heading home with weary feet but an relaxed brain.
tagging some folks but happy to hear from anyone (and obviously dont feel obliged!!!) @imsfire2 @letsby @ladyk23 @katsdisturbed @obishenshenobi @fishyandclintbarton @arms-and-arrows  @dannybagpipesarecalling @sarabeth72 @keyrousse @iriel3000 @redsector-a @cakeisnotpie @taketheshot21 @hijirikaww
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imaginaryberries · 7 months
Something that's cool is that a few years ago I told my mum I thought I had ADHD and she was like no you don't. Since then I've given her books and shared resources and stuff with her and this morning she sent me a request to join an ADHD meme page on Facebook that she is already part of lol
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