#faceless after dark
brokehorrorfan · 4 months
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Faceless After Dark will be released on Blu-ray and DVD on June 25 via Dark Sky Films. The 2023 meta psychological horror-thriller is currently available on Digital.
Terrifier's Jenna Kanell stars from a script she co-wrote with Todd Jacobs. Raymond Wood directs. Danny Kang, Danielle Lyn, Max Calder, Michael Aaron Milligan, Kathrine Barnes, Jason MacDonald, and Israel Vaughn round out the cast.
Special features are not listed. Read on for the trailer.
Following her breakout success as the star of a killer clown horror flick, Bowie (Jenna Kanell) now finds herself struggling to capitalize on its success. But when she is suddenly held hostage by an unhinged fan posing as that same killer clown, horror becomes her reality as she fights to survive the night and escape before he completes his sinister plan to recreate the film’s fatal plot.
Pre-order Faceless After Dark.
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splatteronmywalls · 4 months
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thenefilim · 4 months
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Review - Faceless After Dark (2023)
Jenna Kanell from the Terrifier films co-wrote and stars in a film about an actress best known for a film about a killer clown film who finds show business is taking a toll on her sanity.
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movies-tv-more · 3 months
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Movie Releases for June 25, 2024
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movieposters1 · 1 year
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scarevalue · 4 months
Faceless After Dark review
A very specific revenge fantasy results in one of the most entertaining horror films of the year.
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englishmansdcc · 4 months
FACELESS AFTER DARK review - For fans of gore or people who like watching movies with unstable and unpredictable characters
Director: Raymond WoodStarring: Jenna Kanell, Danny Kang, Danielle Lyn, Max Calder, Michael Aaron Milligan, Kathrine Barnes, Jason MacDonald, and Israel Vaughn Movie Length: 1 hour 23 minutes What it’s about: A life in the spotlight as an actress turns one girl’s life into an anxiety filled nightmare where the line between her roles and reality begin to blur. Especially as she’s haunted by…
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kevinsreviewcatalogue · 5 months
Salem Horror Fest 2024 Week 1, Day 3: Cat People (1942), Burned at the Stake (1981), Young Blondes, Stalked and Murdered (2024), and Faceless After Dark (2023)
The third night of the Salem Horror Fest had another theme to it, especially once I got past the retro films they showed earlier in the day. If the second night was Found Footage Night, then this was Hollywood Night, with both of the evening's films revolving around fame, especially that of actresses.
First up, though, comes the older films...
<Originally posted at https://kevinsreviewcatalogue.blogspot.com/2024/04/salem-horror-fest-2024-week-1-day-3-cat.html>
Cat People (1942)
Approved by the Production Code Administration of the Motion Picture Producers & Distributors of America
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Score: 4 out of 5
Cat People is one of the most famous horror movies of the Golden Age of Hollywood to not have come from Universal Pictures, instead being produced by Val Lewton at RKO Radio Pictures. RKO's horror unit, which Lewton spearheaded, was an extremely low-budget affair, and that unfortunately shows through when it comes time to actually show the monster in this movie, in scenes that often sucked all the tension out of the room thanks to the dodgy, primitive special effects on display. It speaks to everything else about it that this movie manages to overcome its extremely low-budget effects work and emerge as a near-masterpiece of classic horror, one that feels like a prototype for a lot of more modern "tortured vampire" stories (only with a woman who transforms into a killer cat) that was notably made back when Universal's Dracula was still a "modern" horror movie. Director Jacques Tourneur was a master at building tension out of very little, and the subtext in the story, ranging from immigrant experiences to lesbianism to proto-feminism, feels like it's pushing against the boundaries of the Hays Code in every way it can. There's a good reason this movie still gets talked about more than eighty years later as one of the unsung classics of its era, and it's still worth a watch today.
Irena Dubrovna is a Serbian immigrant and fashion illustrator who meets a handsome man named Oliver Reed at the zoo while she's sketching some of the big cats they have there. They hit it off and eventually marry... but Irena is afraid that, if they consummate their marriage, her dark secret will come out. You see, back in Serbia, legend tells of people in her former village who, in response to their oppression by the Mameluks, turned to witchcraft and gained the ability to transform into cats, one that has been passed down to her. Oliver dismisses this as superstitious nonsense and sends her to a psychiatrist, Dr. Louis Judd, who tries to convince her as much, but before long, Oliver and his assistant (and potential romantic foil) Alice Moore start to notice strange things happening around them that line up with what Irena told him.
Tourneur knew he didn't have the budget to actually shoot a monster for very long, so for much of this film's runtime, he keeps the cat person in the shadows and lets those shadows do the talking. A lot is mined out of those shadows, too, perhaps best illustrated in a scene where Alice is being stalked by Irena in which we never actually see a monster, but we know full well that there's something lurking in the darkness just outside the reach of the streetlamps, Irena's transformation into a cat depicted by simply having the sound of her footsteps go dead silent -- and ending on what's still one of the all-time great jump scares. Irena herself makes for a great anti-villain, one who's clearly troubled over what she is and fears that she might get the man she loves killed because of it, but still ultimately gives in to what is in her nature. At a time when the original Universal monster movies were still being made, Irena's portrayal feels downright subversive, predicting all the more anti-heroic and morally cloudy takes on vampires and other monsters that have become the standard for urban fantasy stories in modern times, especially with this film's rejection of the period settings characteristic of Universal horror in favor of a contemporary time and themes.
This film has its problems, to be sure. Some of the dialogue is stilted, with a scene of Oliver telling Irena that she's safe now in America getting some outright laughs out of the audience I was with, even if it did do the job of highlighting how clueless Oliver actually was. French actress Simone Simon makes for a very compelling presence, but at the same time, it's clear that English is not her first language, which does lend to the feeling of Irena as an outsider but also means that, when she's speaking, her English-language performance is pretty flat. Most importantly, when the film does have to finally show the monster at the end, it's clear that they just filmed a black housecat and hid it in enough shadows and perspective shots to try to make it look like a big, scary panther, and didn't quite pull it off. Team America: World Police spoiled me years ago on that by doing something very similar as part of a gag, and it took me right out of it towards the end. The film ended on a high note, but there are still a lot of rough spots here.
The Bottom Line
All that said, Cat People remains a very interesting movie, one where even some of its flaws (barring its bad special effects) lend to its appeal. If you're a fan of classic horror from the Universal days and wanna see something from outside the Universal wheelhouse, I'd say give it a go.
Afterwards, I caught a "secret screening" that turned out to be a long-forgotten bit of '80s schlock filmed in Salem, presented by James Branscome of the podcast Cinematic Void in a manner evocative of late-night basic cable from the '90s, complete with ad breaks thrown in where they showed period commercials from that time. That experience was undoubtedly the most interesting thing about the film and did a lot to liven up the affair, because otherwise...
Burned at the Stake (aka The Coming) (1981)
Not rated
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Score: 1 out of 5 (the movie itself), 3 out of 5 (the broader experience at the screening)
Yeah, this wasn't good. Cinematic Void perhaps recaptured the '90s late night cable experience a little too well, complete with the fact that it looks like the screener they used was burned from an old, worn-out VHS copy of the film, because, as the host explained at the start of the show, this is a film that was only ever released on VHS and hasn't come out in newer formats. Specifically, it was one of the later films of Bert I. Gordon, a filmmaker best known for cheesy giant monster movies that have often been featured on Mystery Science Theater 3000, and in this one, he didn't have the trademark special effects that earned him the nickname "Mr. B.I.G." It's a film that's only watchable today as a cheesy relic of a bygone era of bad movies, which helped with the experience that Branscome put together but did little to help the film itself. I wouldn't bother seeking it out.
Opening in 1692 with a brief history of the Salem witch trials (butchered, of course), the film then fast-forwards to modern-day Salem in 1981, where a young girl who's descended from Ann Putnam, one of the primary accusers in the trials, winds up possessed by the spirit of her ancestor, who it turns out was influenced by the Devil himself to corrupt the town in a wave of paranoia and false accusations of witchcraft. At the same time, the father of one of the accused in 1692 finds himself mysteriously transported to the present day, and must work to stop the evil that has reemerged. It was all very dumb, put together with the production values of an afterschool special and only really notable because they shot it on location in Salem, Massachusetts (perhaps the reason why the Salem Horror Fest and Cinematic Void picked it for the program). It was an interesting historical artifact of '80s Salem, watching the film and seeing what had changed or remained the same compared to the city I saw outside the Peabody Essex Museum's auditorium, but beyond that, I had to put up with a lot of terrible production values, awful lighting, bad acting, and everything else you could imagine showing up in a bottom-of-the-barrel straight-to-video VHS quickie from the early '80s. There were apparently some bits that were based on real-life folklore concerning witchcraft, including working with actual witches who lived in Salem as consultants, but it barely came through in the film itself, especially when it was tough to even make out what was happening on screen. One kill that was supposed to involve a giant spider coming out of somebody's back instead looked like he was being mauled to death by a possessed dog, to the point of creating plot holes.
The Bottom Line
Burned at the Stake is an extremely deep cut that I'm not surprised hasn't gotten rereleased since, even with Gordon's schlockmeister legacy. Cinematic Void's presentation was honestly the big reason it was watchable at all, not unlike how many of Gordon's other movies have been immortalized by MST3K, and that's not what I'm reviewing here (though do give them a listen). This one was rough.
The evening was when this turned into Hollywood Night, with the first of two very good slasher-adjacent horror movies about being a film actress.
Young Blondes, Stalked and Murdered (2024)
Not rated
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Score: 4 out of 5
Young Blondes, Stalked and Murdered is a film that's very, very good at both building tension to a head and then denying you any sort of payoff. It's a slasher movie without the slashing, one in which the real terror comes in the paranoia as we watch a young woman navigate a world where, off in the background, there's a serial killer operating and it's increasingly clear that he's set his sights on her. It ended on a note that at once felt both anticlimatic and entirely appropriate, one that took the undercurrent of Hollywood satire running through the film and drove it home by indicating that our protagonist's failure to "make it" in the industry may have very well saved her life. This is one for horror fans who are interested in a film that may not have a lot of big thrills and frights, but instead serves up a ceaseless parade of little ones that slowly build up and never let up.
Our protagonist is a twentysomething woman named Stacy who's moved from Minnesota to Los Angeles to become an actress, and is struggling to get parts even as her friends in the city, all fellow actresses themselves, are finding ways to get parts and succeed in the industry. What's more, some of them are turning up dead, slaughtered by a serial killer who films it and then posts the deeds online. Initially, the murder is something that happens in the background, alluded to in the opening scene but something that we're mostly encountering through Stacy's eyes, hearing from her friends "hey, did you know that Chloe, that girl from our acting class, was found brutally murdered?" or something like that, as just one of many things that's on her mind. It's a slasher movie that, by taking a perspective that's initially far away from the killing, puts us in the shoes of somebody who doesn't initially seem like she's in danger. We know she is, of course, because this is a horror movie and she's the main character, but it's easy to see how she could miss the warning signs, especially because the film never actually shows the kills, only the impact they have on Stacy and her circle of friends. Not showing the kills denies you the instant fright, but instead feeds the slow burn of the film's drama, keeping the viewer squarely in Stacy's mindset as she starts to slowly, but not entirely, realize that something's wrong. It's honestly a pretty creative way of explaining how a character in a horror movie keeps making dumb decisions -- because she doesn't know she's in one, even if we do.
Samantha Carroll has to carry the entire movie as Stacy, and she does a very capable job. Her life is not the glamorous one she wanted -- she may be beautiful, but she's living in a dingy apartment, she's struggling to make ends meet, and she's increasingly wondering if this is worth it. It's easy to understand how somebody in her position brushes off all the growing warning signs around her as her friends drop dead one by one, especially as their deaths give her hope that she might have a shot at their roles. It's clear that she's the kind of self-centered person who often comes to Hollywood with stars in their eyes, but she's still somebody we sympathize with. The film is beautifully shot, at once making Hollywood feel both gorgeous and bleak while also hiding a dark side that increasingly starts to weigh down on both the viewer and Stacy as it goes on. The killer's identity is never explicitly stated but is otherwise very heavily implied, and when Stacy and the killer meet, it is one of the scariest scenes in the film as alarm bells started going off in my head telling her to get out of there. That scene in particular marks something of a turning point in the film where what had once been lurking in the background increasingly comes out in the open to the point that even Stacy is starting to feel it, even if it feels to her like just one more thing weighing on her mind.
The Bottom Line
An offbeat, minimalist take on the slasher genre that's powered by creeping dread, Young Blondes, Stalked and Murdered isn't for everyone, but if you're keyed into its style, it's an extremely effective slow-burn chiller.
And finally, we end the night with a film that feels as though its star and co-writer Jenna Kanell was working out some stuff -- but fortunately, it produced a very solid closer.
Faceless After Dark (2023)
Not rated
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Score: 4 out of 5
In Faceless After Dark, Jenna Kanell, the film's co-writer who's best known as one of the stars of the 2016 slasher Terrifier, plays a scream queen who's best known for a movie about a killer clown in which she played the final girl. It's not hard to figure out that at least some of this film may be autobiographical. If it were entirely so, I might have some thoughts about Kanell's mental state, but fortunately, this is otherwise a very fun, darkly comic film that reminded me in no small part of American Psycho and Falling Down, a story about somebody pushed to the edge by work, the internet, society, and mental illness who goes off the deep end. It was a highlight of the third night of the Salem Horror Fest, and one I'd love to see succeed.
Our protagonist Bowie is an actress who's recently shot to fame as the heroine of a bloody slasher flick, which on one hand has made her rich but on the other has made her a public figure under constant scrutiny by her fans, some of whom can get downright obsessive. One night, with her girlfriend away shooting a movie, one particularly deranged fan breaks into her home while dressed as the killer clown villain of her most famous film in an attempt to scare her. Already withering under the pressure, Bowie finally snaps as a result of this encounter, and starts to head down a very dark path as she fights back.
I really don't want to say much more than that. This movie has a lot of surprises up its sleeve that the trailer did a good job of hiding, and which only really come out during the second act. Kanell is the star of the show here, playing a character who's pretty obviously based on herself and doing it well, with Bowie initially serving as somebody who plays a kick-ass horror heroine on screen being pushed into that role for real but her cool demeanor slowly but surely warping as the film goes on into a sick, deranged parody thereof. There's a lot of style on display here, especially with a series of gory kills inflicted on some very loathsome people written in such a way as to make you wonder whether or not they deserve what happens to them. And through it all, there's a sense of sick righteousness as the victims increasingly start to resemble the people you normally find online if you read the comments for more than five seconds -- gross fetishists, moral scolds, pedophiles, and everybody in between, all against the backdrop of a world that feels like it's getting worse with every passing day.
The Bottom Line
Faceless After Dark is a damn good movie filled with gory kills, a mean streak a mile wide, and a great performance by Kanell, and one that I'm looking forward to seeing again when it hits video, even if I can't really say much more without giving away all the best parts.
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moviesandmania · 5 months
FACELESS AFTER DARK Demented fan meta-horror - trailer
Faceless After Dark is a 2023 American home invasion meta-horror thriller film about an actress who is held hostage by a demented movie fan. Directed by Raymond Wood from a screenplay co-written by Todd Jacobs and lead actress Jenna Kanell (also in Terrifier; The Bye Bye Man; Demonica’s Reign). The movie also stars Danny Kang, Danielle Lyn, Max Calder, Michael Aaron Milligan, Kathrine Barnes,…
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halloweendailynews · 1 year
'Terrifier's Jenna Kanell Leads 'Faceless After Dark' Meta Horror Movie
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Jenna Kanell, star of Terrifier, who made a memorable splash earlier this year in Universal’s horror-comedy Renfield, is taking matters into her own (bloody) hands this fall, when she returns to the screen in the new horror film Faceless After Dark, a deviously meta tale about a down-on-her-luck scream queen stalked by an unhinged, murderous fan. If that plot sounds a little too close to home,…
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SUMMARY: After her breakout role in a killer clown horror flick, Bowie finds herself held hostage by an unhinged fan posing as that same killer clown. Horror becomes her reality as she fights to escape before he re-creates the film's fatal plot.
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texeoghea · 2 years
btw i have not posted art in a few days bc again we are in the process of moving i dont always have time to draw but i feel like my brain is going to explode with the amount of ideas i have that i cannot for some reason talk about. at all times i am thinking abt a hundred things and i post about one of them maybe sometimes. youll never know about the incredibly in depth persona 5 destiny au that has been forming in my brain for the last three weeks
#not art#albeit i have not caught up in destiny in like a fucking year. my knowledge of it spans from#red war to beyond light. anything before or after that i dont really know and i didnt really pay attention to some of the seasons#like arrivals and uhh the caiatl introduction one. sorry im just invested in the eliksni mostly. but like#a lot of the lore and concepts of the destiny world drive me insane i am so deeply in love with the idea#of guardians and light and darkness and what it means to be chosen by a god and the question of identity#when you cannot remember anything about your past and are expected to simply start over and let yourself#become something completely new. some kind of perfect living weapon of destruction for a wordless faceless god#that eternal question of who is that under the mask. who are you when you have nothing. when your light is destroyed#what makes a guardian. what does that mean. what happens when you take that away#what parts of you are ingrained so deeply that you have kept those traits through death and amnesia#and what parts of you are so different as to be unrecognizable because of the way you live now#what does free will mean when you exist at the whims of a higher power. when your life was picked at random#DESTINY IS SO AWESOME CONCEPTUALLY IT SUCKS THAT ITS PAY TO PLAY AND DOESNT REALLY WELCOME NEW PLAYERS#AND THAT SO SO SO MUCH CONTENT YEARS WORTH OF CONTENT AND LORE HAS BEEN SUNSET#AND IS NOW PRETTY MUCH IMPOSSIBLE TO ACCESS AND YOUD JUST HAVE TO READ ABOUT IT THROUGH OLD LORE ENTRIES AND POSTS#AND EXTRAPOLATE FROM CUTSCENES WHATS GOING ON. DESTINY IS GREAT. ID LOVE TO PLAY AND ENJOY IT#sorry i like somehow really deeply imprinted on this space shooter game back in 2020 somethings wrong with me
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darkmovies · 1 year
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Faceless After Dark (2023) Date de sortie : Prochainement Réalisateur : Raymond Wood Scénario :  Todd Jacobs, Jenna Kanell Avec : Jenna Kanell, Danny Kang, Danielle Lyn
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🧠🪱Wiggly Wednesday🪱🧠
(This one ran away with me, whoops)
Batboy_Kas: Um ... dude, what? 🤨
This is the dm that greets Steve when he pulls his phone from his back pocket to check his Instagram. One confused frown, some scrolling, and one near-heart-attack later, he concludes that he forgot to lock his screen when he put the phone away earlier.
Which caused him to somehow end up on this random stranger's profile.
And go to his DMs.
And send him a GIF.
Not just any GIF. One of a grotesquely round and jiggly, animated ass. There's a text beneath the GIF. It reads: 2iggnag lg9gajdgka hfhdgjy.
"Aw, fuck!" Steve swears, neck prickling with heat as he types his reply.
Steve_Hairington: Shit, sorry. My ass typed that 😅
Batboy_Kas: Fitting choice of gif 🍑
Steve_Hairington: Yeah I guess
Batboy_Kas: You could say it's a ... smart ass
Steve snorts a laugh. What a dork! He's still debating if he should reply or leave it at that when Batboy_Kas sends his next message.
Batboy_Kas: So ... not even the tiniest chance you were flirting with me?
Steve_Hairington: Sorry dude. I prefer my men-
(He pauses to squint at the guy's profile pic. A cute little cartoon bat.)
-a little more human-shaped.
Batboy_Kas: Hey! That's just bc you've never had a creature of the night b4 🦇😉
Steve_Hairington: 🤣🤣🤣 Nice try, bat boy!
They end up texting (and flirting) regularly. Kas - named after some vampire dude from that dungeons and dipshits game Dustin enjoys - is a huge fantasy and music nerd, can keep up a string of banter for hours, and his dms quickly become the highlight of Steve’s days.
He knows better than to meet random faceless and nameless strangers from the internet, he really does. But when Kas says he's in town for work some two months later, Steve is a bit embarrassed at how fast he agrees to a date.
Kas doesn't really beat the vampire allegations when he shows up at their meeting point, skittish and nervous, clad in an oversized Metallica hoodie, drawn all the way over his head inspite of the sunny weather, dark shades obscuring his eyes.
He's cute, though. Sweet and almost shy without the distance and a screen between them, but still with that quick wit and edgy sense of humor Steve has come to like so much. A deep, rich voice that makes something inside Steve’s belly tingle, a hint of dark curls spilling out from his hood, and strong, calloused hands covered in rings, the edges of black tattoos disappearing into his sleeves. It makes Steve wanna take the stupid hoodie off him so that he can see all of him.
Which is exactly what he does when they take it to Kas's hotel room later that night. And God, the man is gorgeous. Dark, messy curls framing a pair of insanely dark brown eyes and the poutiest lips Steve has ever had the pleasure of kissing. An intricate web of tattoos that are just begging to be traced with his tongue.
Later, when they're lying together in an exhausted tangle of naked limbs and sweaty sheets, Steve snaps a photo and saves it as his phone background. He doesn't think much of it.
Until a week later, when Dustin opens his phone to read out a message while Steve is driving and starts shrieking so loudly they almost crash into a tree, bc why the fuck does Steve have a selfie of himself and Eddie Munson - frontman of the world famous metal band Corroded Coffin - on his phone and are you both naked, Steve???
Tagging some friends to share a brainworm of their own:
@cuips-not-cute @steddiecameraroll @postmodernau @oh-stars @steddie-island
@wynnyfryd @pennyplainknits @medusapelagia @hotluncheddie @sidekick-hero
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oreo-creampie · 1 year
“𝐝𝐨 𝐲𝐨𝐮 𝐭𝐡𝐢𝐧𝐤 𝐨𝐟 𝐦𝐞 𝐰𝐡𝐞𝐧 𝐲𝐨𝐮 𝐭𝐨𝐮𝐜𝐡 𝐲𝐨𝐮𝐫𝐬𝐞𝐥𝐟?”
𝐰𝐚𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬: double penetration with toy and dildo’s dick, caught masturbating, teasing, begging, praise and degradation, some objectification (toji), roommate!toji, roommate!suguru, roommate!satoru, first time, friends to friends with benefits, caught jerking off, satoru jerks off in the living room, recorded accidental confession/purposefully confessions, vibrator, praising degradation
𝐫𝐞𝐪𝐮𝐞𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐝 𝐛𝐲 @sluut4toji: HII IM BACK LOL maybe toji w prompt 11 ?
𝐟𝐞𝐲: I wanted to do this prompt with satoru and suguru so why not have them all on one post! i hope you enjoy it and don't mind
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Biting into your lip pumping the thick dildo into your sloppy, drenched cunt. Angling it just right to hit your g-spot making your toes curl. Closing your eyes, letting your lip go with a groan of Toji’s name as you cum on your toy.
He croons “How often do you think of me when you touch yourself? Pretty slut playing with yourself thinking of your roommate. What did I do that go your beautiful cunt this soaking wet.” He grabs your remote, glaring at the screen scoffing as if offended.
Shutting the tv off, and slipping his gym shorts off. His fat, veiny cock hangs well past his thick balls. So long, and thick, with a dark short patch of hair above.
He’s been wearing no underwear, explaining by you had gotten such cunt soaking outline of his cock earlier. Which got you to masturbate, to begin with to one of several bookmarked videos of faceless men similar to Toji.
He crawls onto your bed, settling between your legs. “You keep walking around shirtless in those snug gym shorts. Your cock looks so big in them even when soft, I can tell whenever you get hard. Please I want you to fuck me stupid.” Gliding the pulsing dildo out when Toji grabs your wrist.
Letting go of the toy for Toji to take over. Pumping it into your oversensitive squelching cunt. Spitting into his large palm, smearing it over his thick cock head. “You’re a sexy dumb little cock sleeve, aren't you? Playin’ with yourself moaning my name when you can walk across the hall get on your knees and beg me to fuck your tight cunt loose.” Your eyes widen when Toji lines his cock up with your already stuffed cunt.
Reaching out, splaying your fingers on his well defined abs. “Yess I'm your sexy dumb little cock sleeve. Nnng!” He quickly rocks his hips forward. Using his strength and weight to stuff his thick, veiny into your wet, sensitive cunt. “Fuck! Daddy! Fuck! Toji!” Double stuffing your cunt with your toys was nothing compared to the sweet burning pleasure of your cunt taking Toji’s cock with another fat dildo.
“Oh you're mind? Then I can fuck my cock sleeve however I want." He groans, setting a rough pace. Keeping the toy still inside of you pulsing on your g-spot. His balls hitting your ass.
He groans, "It feels like I’m fucking a tight vibrating wet pussy sleeve. Gonna make me bust a fat nut in your pretty cunt, you'd like that, wouldn't you? You want to be my sexy cum dump?” Holding the toy next to his cock, gliding it almost fully out. Keeping both fat heads inside you.
Toji groans, the smooth sound picking up a bit of rasp. Your cunt squelching with each quick thrust. “Mmmm listen to your cunt squelch. Did ya just cum before I caught you? Good, you're pretty tight cunt should be extra sensitive. I want you to feel this after I'm done with you.” He pauses moving the toy on top of his cock.
Your toes curl and your cunt quivers from the strange pleasure of the toy and cock partly swirling. "There we go, now I can watch ya cry while I use like a pussy sleeve." You're going to lose your mind getting fucked like this.
Shuffling into the living room at three in the morning. Unable to sleep and thirsty. Your quest for something to drink is forgotten when you hear Satoru moaning louder than the porn playing on the tv.
At this angle, you can't see anything but the tv. A woman similar to you is getting rammed by a dildo on a fuck machine. "She looks a lot like me." Glossing over your statement with, "Why in the living room?" He groans, and you can picture him with that cocky smirk that makes you want to kiss him every time.
"Why not? And that's why I'm jerking off to it. What you said about me early has been giving me blue balls." The slick sound of him his cock off gets faster. Your cunt is getting wetter. "I'd get off to pictures and videos of you if I had some. Since I know how badly you want to fuck me why not confess how often do you think of me when you touch yourself?" A recording of your voice fills the air.
'Ever since he moved in it's like I'm heat my pussy stays wet. Every time he smirks I want to sit on his face and drown him. Or scratch his pale back whenever he walks around shirtless. It doesn't matter how much I touch myself while thinking about him I'm still too damn horny. I'm going to-' He pauses your long ramble about him.
Your cheeks are burning more than your soaking wet cunt is. Remembering how to walk, going for his phone. "Why the hell do you have that saved!?" He stands up, holding his phone well out of your reach above his head.
Crossing your arms, huffing, "What the point! You've already heard it several times by now." Pressing your thighs together, your indignation conflicting with your lust. His cock is touching your stomach. His pre cum and lube smearing onto your shirt.
"Damn it." Pealing your shirt off, not caring since Satoru standing in front of you naked. Jerking off to a video of women similar to you. After playing your lustful confession.
"You're so mean." Pushing his chest the falls back dramatically into the sofa. Pulling you with him, shifting to straddle his lap. "Messin' up everything but my pussy. I can soak through so much of my underwear and now you're messing up my favorite shirt." He shuts you up by roughly kissing you.
Grabbing your hips, his thick fingers sink into your squishy crease. Lining you up with his cock, guiding your clothed cunt. Grinding your puffy clit along his long cock. You can feel the puffy veins through your thin underwear.
Parting your lips, Satoru slips his tongue into your mouth. His grasp tightens on your hips when you try to grind your hips faster. Whining into the kiss, clenching your thighs, and breaking away.
Your underwear is getting annoying quickly. Pleading with him, "Please I want to feel you, let me take my underwear off." He smirks, kissing your forehead.
"Why should I? How about I tease you n' not let you cum. See how horny you get before you can't handle it and you break down crying begging for my cock. I should show you mean." Roughly slapping your ass, you jerk from the sweet pain. Moaning, your cunt clenching around nothing.
Smoke drifts past Suguru's kissable lips and out the open window. Sliding his hand along this thick veiny, beautiful cock. White pre-cum pearls up on his cock head before he smears it with his large fingers.
You wish those fingers were inside you instead of you're own. They look so thick, and long. Even though he hasn't touched you, you're already convinced that Suguru could fill you up, and reach your g-spot to make you cum faster than you could.
Suguru fucks his fist, the well-defined lines of his abs deepening. "Look at you beautiful, does thinking of me when you touch yourself always make you this wet?" Sliding your fingers out of your soaking wet cunt to stroke your clit. Your cunt clenches with anticipation when Suguru stuffs his big out before coming closer.
Spreading your lips apart to show him your tight cunt aching to be full of his cock. "Suguru please, are you just going to watch and jerk off or are you going to touch me? Please touch me, I'm tired of dreamin' about you. I need you to touch me, please." He grabs your thighs, massaging circles into your skin so close to your plush lips.
Shifting your hips, he shifts his weight onto you to keep you from squirming. He croons, "I'm touching you, just like you asked. Yet you still look so upset and needy. How do you play with yourself when you think of me?" Whining frustration builds beneath your lust.
Pleading with Suguru, "Touch my soaking wet cunt. Please I'll lose my mind if you don't touch, fuck and stretch my cunt out." He swipes his thumb between your lips up to your clit. Moaning with a grin when he strokes your clit.
You confess, "Use my vibrator on my clit. Or I stuff my cunt with a dildo." He stuffs two thick, longer fingers into your cunt with a loud squelch and a groan. "Please I can't stop thinking about you." Gliding his fingers out, spreading them apart admiring the slick coating them.
"Princess I'm going to get you addicted to my cock." Licking his fingers clean with a loud groan. "Where is your toy?" You point to your dresser. Suguru's heavy, beautiful cock swings as he walks over to the dresser.
Getting the toy, turning it on, "Please Sug fuck me hard and fast, cum in me, cum on me. Please Suguru I wanna be fucked stupid, till I can't walk." Standing at the edge of the bed, looming over you pressing the vibrator to your clit.
"Your safeword is melon. I'll be so proud of you if you use it. I'll also be proud if you be a good girl and let me break your beautiful sloppy wet cunt." Gliding two thick fingers into your cunt, slowly spreading them apart. Watching your tiny cunt stretch, spitting inside of you, then stuffing it deep.
strawberry brat all works
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b1rds3ye · 1 year
Mask On
How the boys react to their new ally who is more adamant on wearing their mask than Ghost himself.
Characters: Captain John Price, Simon “Ghost” Riley, Johnny “Soap” MacTavish, Kyle “Gaz” Garrick
GN!Reader w/ no physical descriptions (except shorter than Ghost)
Genre: Fluff
Word Count: 3.1 (~0.8 each)
Warning: Canon-Typical Violence, Mentions of Reader potentially having insecurities, Not Proof Read
A/N: You know what maybe I want to be the badass masked character 😤
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Captain John Price
The captain is thorough, and he immediately knew something was up when he looked up your file only to be greeted with no photo. He’s honestly a little peeved that his rank doesn’t grant him this confidential information, he’s known Simon before he took up the mask so this is the first time he’s genuinely had a faceless ally
But ultimately, as long as he can trust that you’ll be following orders, he doesn’t care if you have a mask or not. But his concern is only that for a fellow soldier
It takes a little longer for him to warm up to you - facial expressions tell a lot about someone’s character. He’s a bit prickly around you, he learns about you indirectly with how you interact with the rest of the 141
But over time there’s a shift. He can’t pinpoint when exactly but the sight of your mask relaxes him. After days separated on a mission, high stakes and adrenaline has Price snapping his head at the faintest of foreign sounds. But upon the familiar sight of your signature mask, he feels at ease
Price is fiercely protective of you and your mask. He likens it to his hat, only far more important - that mask is part of your identity and he knows just how important a soldier’s psyche is. If the enemy manages to take off your mask, he’ll stop at nothing to get it back on your behalf, even if you reluctantly tell him to abandon it
If he can’t salvage your mask, Price has now made it a habit to carry a balaclava for you in one of his pockets. If that’s not available, he’ll even offer you his hat, tipping it down far enough to obscure your eyes
Off duty he finds himself staring at your visage more these days. Looking at how the mask curves over your features, or the small slivers of skin that reveal themselves. He catches himself before you notice but he’s still disappointed in himself, he feels like a Victorian-era prude hyperventilating at the sight of an ankle
“Looking fresh, sergeant.”
You let out an audible chortle at Price’s words. The last mission was a success but at great costs, one of them being your mask damaged beyond repair during melee combat. Your face still wasn’t revealed, but slashes against fabric embedded with dirt and ash have made your signature mask look unrecognisable. Immediately upon returning to base and after debriefing, you were out of commission until you could don a new mask.
Price would be lying if said he didn’t miss your presence for the last few days, hiding away from the rest of the soldiers in base. He has no doubt you’ve still maintained your training and visiting the infirmary for mandatory checkups, but he’s gotten far too used to you being at his beck and call. The famed sight of your mask is no longer in his periphery, giving a nod of approval (not that he ever needed your approval, but he does enjoy your attention).
And now here you are with a new mask, the highlights glowing under the overhead lights and the darks swallowing up the lightwaves like an animal starved. Your updated look had you noticeably confident, shoulders square and head tall.
“Thanks, Captain.”
He can hear your smile and he ends up sitting next to you. Did he need to sit so close? No, but he acts as though his thigh brushing against yours was pure coincidence.
“What are you going to do with the old one?”
“I don’t know,” you shrug, giving a light pat to a pocket in your cargo pants that your past mask currently resides in. “I know there’s a lot of memories in this… it’s my first mask… but I don’t know what to do with it.”
“I’ll keep it.”
You look at him. Price now has the uncanny ability to read your mood purely through your body language. From the speed at which you turn your head, the inclination of the neck, how your shoulders slant, he’s surprised that such a vicious soldier can act so endearingly in these moments.
“For what?”
“Safekeeping,” he says simply. “I’m proud of my soldiers, sergeant - want to remember their accomplishments.”
You shrug in agreement and fish your mask out of your pocket. You don’t need to know how much Price truly values you, how having your mask will be like having a part of you by his side to motivate him when he’s working alone.
Simon “Ghost” Riley
You’ve got a mask? Cool, so does he. Simon really doesn’t care when he first met you. He offers a simple nod of acknowledgement to you and then it’s all mission talk. If anything, the mask makes him respect you more, like him it’s always the masked ones who’ve seen shit and can get shit done
Even before you two became friends, you two were often paired together for operations. Perhaps it was just assumed the two masked people were on the same wavelength and to be fair, they were right. It didn’t take long for Ghost to admire your prowess on the battlefield
However as the two of you start to get closer, Simon gets a bit of a eureka moment. So this is how all his allies feel when trying to get along with a masked figure, unable to see any of their expressions. Oh how the tables have turned. It’s not daunting for him, more just amusing
He knows the struggles of having a mask so he helps out where he can. He reminds you if it’s been some time since you last washed your mask (advice he does not follow himself) and he’ll offer you some of his obsidian powder he uses to obscure any uncovered patches of skin
Price often has the two of you accompany him for interrogations, he calls it “mask pressure”. There’s nothing more terrifying to a target than having two imposing faceless figures standing on either side of them, unreadable and unpredictable
It’s clear you don’t want to show your face to anyone and Simon doesn’t question it. His natural curiosity is not worth your discomfort and he makes that abundantly clear. If on the rare occasion you catch him without a mask, he’ll sometimes put it back on so that you don’t have to be the only one with their face covered
If your mask is ever compromised, Simon covers you with his hulking figure. No one dares get on the bad side of Ghost who shoots the most terrifying glares towards anyone looking in his - and consequently your - way. He stands in front of you, back rigid and shoulders square, his posture only slacking if he feels you hold onto his back, seeking comfort
A few weeks ago, when left in a briefing, you finally noticed Simon was staring at you from across the room. He had been staring for a good while now, but you - ever the diligent soldier - were distracted discussing tactics with a corporal. So there he was, standing and observing in the corner of the room - his “observing” being drinking the sight of you. And that was when he noticed, among all the glory that was you, that your mask was slightly off alignment. Cue his eyes being trained on your head for you to get the idea that something was wrong.
When your head stayed still - probably challenging his gaze - he tried to change tactics. He added the occasional upward jerk of the head - miming an attempt to shake the mask back in place - but your head only tilted in confusion. You still could not figure out what he was doing.
Eventually he gave up and walked up to you. He lifted a tentative hand, silently asking for permission and you nodded. He pinched at the fabric on the side of your face.
“Your mask’s slippin’,” he said gruffly. It wasn’t the end of the world, only a small adjustment that only someone as observant as him could notice. Still, he felt satisfied at your heavy exhale, you must’ve noticed it’s a little easier to breathe with everything in alignment now.
Today, Simon finds your gaze trained on him, head following whenever he moves across the room. You used to stare when you first met, you probably found him intimidating and he doesn’t blame you. He thought you’d be over that though, you two were closer than that. At least he hoped.
“Penny for your thoughts?” He eventually asks and that spurs you into action.
Standing in front of him, you reach up, your hand grabbing the top half of the skull that overlays his balaclava. Your thumb lightly hooks into the skull’s eye socket - a little close to Simon’s actual eye but he trusts you. He feels you tug upwards, and Simon now realises that the skull had been sinking down his face, the peripheral around his brow no longer obscured. He’ll need to reapply the glue for the mask later.
“We really need a hand sign for this,” you mutter.
And so you two make one. It’s discreet, a closed fist with a thumb poking out, dragged from the jawline up to the hairline. The rest of the 141 just look at the two of you in confusion whenever you use it though, your little secret.
Johnny “Soap” MacTavish
Johnny’s generally a good judge of character. Although it’s a little uncanny being unable to see your features, he’s used to it because of Simon. One conversation is all he needs to reach a conclusion as to what type of person you are and now he treats you as if you’re good friends
Yes, he is curious about what you look like under the mask. He used to make comments about it occasionally until he caught you on a bad day
“C’mon Sarge, just a peek.” “Not happening, Johnny.” “What, you ugly?” “… that’s not for you to speculate, MacTavish.” “Shit, sorry. I- I’d never think that of you, or care. I know you’re a looker.”
And Johnny stands by his statement. Even if he’s never seen your face he quickly developed a little crush on you. How you conduct yourself in battle has him watching you with stars in his eyes and he just knows you’ll take his breath away if you ever show your face
When Johnny’s bored, he likes doodling your mask and potential alternative designs in his journal which he’ll show you sometimes. He’s not an artist but he gets the idea across. He’s created a “happy” design, an “angry” one, and the “when I see Soap” design which is just your standard mask with a whole lot of shoddily drawn love hearts on it (you haven't seen that design yet)
He’s genuinely surprised at how determined you are at keeping your mask on in all circumstances - you’re worse than Simon at this point - but he’ll never ask because he doesn’t want to potentially open up old wounds. Despite his curiosity for what you could look like, Johnny will never invade your privacy and ensures no one else does either. If you’re in your room he’ll knock once, twice, thrice, until he’s absolutely sure you’re ready for him to enter
If something goes wrong and your mask falls off he’s looking away and shoving everyone else to look away as well. He’s like a guard dog, shouting and name-shaming anyone who dares look in your direction. No one except other members of the 141 will be able to approach you until you’re covered
Was it smart to have you and Soap - combined to be the most disruptive and obnoxious soldiers on the field - alone to handle a stealth mission that was off the books? No, but you sure as hell weren’t going to disappoint Price or Laswell. The objective was clear and the rules of engagement were even clearer; under no circumstance can the enemy know you’re from 141.
“We’re gonna need to cover our faces,” Johnny mutters absentmindedly beside you. You pull your binoculars down to send him an incredulous look and he chuckles. “I need to cover my face.”
“You got a mask?”
There’s a pause and Johnny’s looking at you, eyes glinting in that familiar mischief. That was never good news.
“You bet.”
You offer a tentative nod of encouragement before lifting your binoculars back up to observe the target site. You hear the repeated shuffles of fabric against fabric and clothes sliding against skin. It’s prolonged, you swear it’s enough time for Johnny to change his entire uniform. His breaths become muted, mouth now covered until it eventually falls to complete silence. It’s unnerving, the designated demolitions expert is not known for his silence, and you have to look back at him yet again.
Of course you expected Johnny to be wearing a mask, but it was the mask itself that took you by surprise.
“Is that… mine?”
“Was yours.”
You squint and somewhere in the depths of your mind, you vaguely recall Soap asking if he could have one of your spare masks back at the base. You humoured him, and said your wardrobe was his.
That was your first mistake.
You figured he was just going to take the piss, wear your mask to scare some privates around the base. You didn’t think he’d actually wear it on a mission. It was unexpected, but it felt like an honour. How he was so willing to identify with you in some of the most dangerous of situations.
But your silence has Johnny getting fidgety. He’s already reaching up to pull the mask off.
“I have a normal balaclava. If you don’t like this I can-”
“Wear it.”
You can’t see Johnny’s face but you see him pull his head back in surprise. Then he smiles, one so wide, expanding his cheeks you can see it stretch your mask. In that moment you’re glad your mask obscures your features as you feel yourself grin at his own joy.
“We’re a team, aye?”
“You bet.”
Kyle “Gaz” Garrick
Kyle’s may be close to Simon but he's not entirely used to masked allies. When you first arrived he shot Captain Price a cautious look, a silent conversation between them finished by Price’s definitive nod. Eventually he relents and puts up with you
Subconsciously, without seeing your face he ends up reducing you to a weapon. He respects you like a soldier, a robot. His language is restrained, only issuing orders and you recite them back
It’s only when another soldier cracks a joke on the mission and you laugh does it flick a switch in Kyle’s mind. You weren’t all orders, you weren’t a machine, you were a human (with a damn nice voice might he add). He feels terrible for reducing you to a tool simply because he can’t see your face but he’ll make up for it now
He becomes a bit of a menace in the sparse quiet moments of a mission. He makes the occasional one liner about how you wear the mask so others aren’t distracted by your good looks, but then changes the topic so quickly you’re not even sure he said it
Yes, Kyle’s a little obsessed with your voice. He can’t see you and he doesn’t have the experience like Price or Simon to read body language accurately. Instead, he can read your mood near perfectly with the inflections in your voice (which is arguably more impressive). While he doesn’t want you to ever be upset or angry, sometimes how you taunt the enemy has a shiver running down his spine
Because your mouth is blocked by a mask, many allies don’t offer you food or drinks. Not Kyle though, if he’s grabbed refreshments, he always ensures he has extra for you. At first he just gives them to you and then leaves. But when you said it was okay for him to stay - trusting him enough to just look away when you lift you mask - Kyle’s heart soared
If anything happens to reveal your face, Kyle is immediately by your side. He pulls you close to provide comfort, while also guiding your head into his neck or shoulder to block anyone from seeing you. Another member of the 141 will find a solution to cover your face, you are Kyle’s first priority and he’ll gladly hold you all day
After a long mission, you and Kyle are finally safe upon reaching exfil. Sitting on a helicopter Kyle slumps against his seat, and you do the same beside him. Although he could finally relax, he feels absolutely filthy, swamped in his own sweat under multiple layers. Dirt and mud caked his boots and crept all the way up to his thighs. Some even sneaked up into under his tactical vest.
He spares a look and sometimes he thinks you can’t possibly be human. The heat is suffocating enough without a mask, Kyle has long forgone his signature cap to let his head breathe. If your body language was any indicator, you weren’t handling the sweltering heat of the helicopter engine or Al Mazrah’s temperament. Your chest notably heaving under the weight of your tactical gear, breaths so laboured it sent the fabric around your mouth pulling and billowing with each inhale and exhale.
There isn’t much Kyle can do for comfort, but he tries. He shifts a little closer to you. Your head shifts to look at him, the movement was far too slow, like your head was too heavy and his heart tugs a little.
With one hand, Kyle gently tilts your face up to him. With the other he lightly pinches the fabric of your mask at the junction between your jawline and ear. Teasing it between his fingers, when he pulls his hand away there’s gunk on his fingertips. Dust, dirt and as he squints at your mask he realises that some of the stains are likely the dried blood of an unidentified enemy.
The hand he’s resting on your chin is about to pull away until he notices how you’re resting your head on it. He can’t see your face but he has no doubt that your eyes are near shut, almost drifting off to dreamland. He occupies himself by gently brushing away loose debris off your mask which has you relaxing further into his touch.
“We gotta wash this,” he murmurs defeatedly.
“... yeah, we do,” you grumble, voice thick with fatigue. Kyle does not stop his ministrations - even pulling some fluff off of the cotton of your mask. It does little to actually clean your mask - at this rate it’s going to need pure bleach to clean it - but he can’t bring himself to stop. Not when you trust him this much, leaning into his touch, entrusting him to be the respite from your mission.
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Masked Reader Masterlist Call of Duty Masterlist
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