#factory gadgets
alienskart · 10 months
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May Lord Krishna brings an abundance of health and wealth at this Govardhan
Alienskart Web wishes you and your family a very happy and auspicious Govardhan Pooja. May this festival brings a lot of happiness and joy in your life. Alienskart hope this festival of Govardhan brings good fortune, wealth and prosperity to your life. May lord krishna always be in your heart and help you remain happy and healthy. Wishing you all the good things in life. Praying that the festival fills your life with unlimited happiness, peace and success.
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ballpitbee · 2 months
NICK OBJECTUM RIGHTS!!! (foghorn blast)
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fizzy-tizzy · 5 months
Losing my mind over the Wagstaff short but I have seen ppl shit on him for leaving the guy to get crushed so like… what did y’all expect him to do??
The man was pinned under what was probably several hundred pounds of rubble- and the other stuff fell before Wagstaff could even get that close!! There was nothing he could’ve done!!! The guy was fucked regardless imo
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jcmarchi · 10 months
Apple iPhone 16 Batteries Are Likely to be Sourced from India - Technology Org
New Post has been published on https://thedigitalinsider.com/apple-iphone-16-batteries-are-likely-to-be-sourced-from-india-technology-org/
Apple iPhone 16 Batteries Are Likely to be Sourced from India - Technology Org
According to media reports, Apple has already informed its component suppliers about its decision to procure batteries for the upcoming iPhone 16 models from India.
Apple company logo inside an office building – illustrative photo. Image credit: Zhiyue via Unsplash, free license
With this decision about the production of the upcoming iPhone 16, the company is aiming to diversify its global supply chain and reduce reliance on China.
Chinese battery manufacturers, such as Desay and Simplo Technology, are encouraged to establish new factories or expand operations in India. Additionally, Japanese electronic parts maker TDK Corp will manufacture lithium-ion battery cells for Apple iPhones in India.
This economic change is also expected to create thousands of jobs in the new market, but the local impact on Chinese manufacturers is very likely to be negative, at least to some extent.
The report citing sources close to Apple notes that Chinese battery manufacturers have received encouragement to either establish new factories or expand their operations in the country in relation to production of batteries for iPhone 16. Desay from China has been prompted to establish new factories in India, while Simplo Technology, a Taiwanese battery supplier for Apple, has been urged to increase production in India for upcoming orders.
If the iPhone 16 battery supply progresses successfully, Apple also intends to relocate even more iPhone battery production to India.
Recently, IT Minister of India Rajeev Chandrasekhar announced that Japanese electronic parts manufacturer TDK Corp would produce lithium-ion (Li-ion) battery cells for Apple iPhones in India. These cells will be supplied to Sunwoda Electronics, and the contract with Apple has the potential to generate 8,000-10,000 jobs in India.
Desay and Simplo package the electric cells produced by TDK and their counterparts into modules, which are then sent to assemblers such as Foxconn. Foxconn, the Taiwanese company, plans to invest $1.5 billion in India as part of its expansion strategy.
Written by Alius Noreika
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kraiilo · 1 year
OldBoy by Krailo
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shenzhenmodernlife · 2 years
Let us go to the factory together!!!
Learn more here:
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oof00foof00f · 2 months
Ok wait what if Willy Wonka and the chocolate factory but steddie, Eddie is Wonka and Steve’s kid gets a ticket somehow , Eddie falls in love first sight tries to impress Steve with all his weird little gadgets, just really focusing all on Steve
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teriri-sayes · 6 months
TCF Modern AU Character Checklist (Official)
RIDI, one of the Korean publishers of TCF/LCF, recently released new ebook volumes for TCF. The volume set consisted of volumes 10-18, spanning chapters 201-398 of Part 1. And RIDI added a "Character Checklist" as the exclusive bonus content for buying the volume set.
What is this character checklist about? It's just a list of things that the characters are most likely to do or prefer. But it is set in a modern AU (alternate universe) setting.
Those who want to purchase official merchandise can head over to RIDI to buy the new ebooks. You can get a 10% discount and a 5000 won coupon if you participate in the event, so the cost for the new volume set will only be 24,160 won. But be aware that this is only in the Korean language. There is no official English ebook for TCF. 🥲
The new ebooks included new novel covers. For volumes 1 - 9, they changed the ebook cover to this:
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And for volumes 10-18, the new ebook cover is this:
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Because the character checklist is not publicly available for free, I will only post a quick summary of it.
likes to eat snacks while working
beautiful handwriting
celebrates others' birthdays grandly
frequent social media poster because of work
makes tteok-galbi and gives it to Cale
2nd best at making snow ducks
makes travel plans because of the kids
good at claw machines
world traveler who's good at driving any vehicle
frequent social media poster because he's an attention-seeker
scared of bugs
heavy drinker
troublemaker child because she couldn't control her strength
good singer of old songs but only does it upon the kids' request
picky appetite
doesn't use kiosks because he's not interested in learning anything new
great dancer
makes travel plans
knows the most about memes
makes travel plans
likes winter because of family get-togethers
frequent social media poster because he finds it exciting
good at drawing because everyone praised their drawings
posts memes
makes travel plans
prefers to play together than go on amusement park rides
likes winter because of family get-togethers
late sleeper because he always daydreams of going on trips with his family
good at drawing because everyone praised their drawings
Choi Han
stiff dancer
secretly prefers thrills in the amusement park
good at making snow ducks
student with low grades
believes in fortune telling stuff but is in denial over it
somehow ends up as the leader in team projects
celebrates others' birthdays secretly
best fit as the leader of a K-pop boy group
buys lots of online books to read when he achieves slacker life
heavy reader
drinks hot Americano because Ron says cold drinks is bad for him
likes spicy food
likes horror movies
good at computers because Tasha taught her
first to apologize after getting into a fight
model student with good grades
loves to eat meat
always grumbles on trips but shuts up when Cale stares at him
bad at using machines and gadgets
prefers eating over studying
drinks iced Americano in the morning
troublemaker child because she wanted to do lots of things
likes pineapple pizza
likes mint chocolate and eats it together with Mary
Some trivia:
Mint chocolate in Korea is similar to pineapple pizza that people either heavily like or dislike.
Witira being a heavy drinker is a pun related to her race as a whale tribe. Sulgorae (술고래) is a figurative expression for a heavy drinker. It’s a combination of the words 술 (alcohol) and 고래 (whale). English has a similar expression to it - drink like a fish
Making snow ducks is a trend in Korea. They use plastic tongs with a duck mold to create snow ducks. Some treat is a game where you make dozens of it fast as if printing out items in a factory, and line it up in a row.
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Tteok-galbi is grilled short rib patties. Hmm, delicious~! 😋
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error501blog · 10 months
Ninjago Avatar the Last Airbender AU
There has been a lack of these in the Ninjago fandom and it personally offends me.
Background to get out of the way: these are characters existing in the Avatar universe. The gaang have their adventure which affects the ninja leading them to meeting each other.
Cole lives in the Fire Nation as a noble.
Jk, he lives in the Earth Kingdom. He lives in Gaoling and attends Master Yu's Earthbending Academy. He has a lot of pressure to succeed and do well because his nonbending father Lou shows him off. Lou does a lot of community theatre, but doesn't have much time for Cole. Cole and his father were heartbroken after his mother's death. She died helping a small village fight the Fire Nation. They're distant and barely know each other.
He wishes to have more value and help people with his Earthbending just like his mother. He never expresses this to Lou, knowing his father wouldn't let him. He seeks out ways to help people and runs into a man who goes by Wu. He's young, in his early 30s. He offers Cole to join the White Lotus. (but cole doesn't know it's the white lotus)
Cole talks with his father, trying to bond with him. They break out into an argument, causing Cole to run away with Wu. They're searching for more White Lotus members, now that news of the Avatar returning has given them hope.
He lives with his parents in a more industrial part of the Fire Nation. His parents work in a factory, so Jay is often left alone at home playing by himself. He likes to tinker with gadgets and taught himself how to bend lightning. (Jay has some weird thing where he can't do normal fire, but can do lightning. It's because he's always wanted to power things, so his brain is just wired that way. In his teen years he tries to undo it, but can't) He's insecure as he can't bend fire like a normal person is viewed as a freak. He's talkative and a little cuckoo as he talks to doodles he made and pretends they're friends.
Overall, he has a nice life with his parents, completely clueless of being adopted.
It all changes when he meets this weird dude from the colonies and this other buff dude from the colonies. One of the dudes, the one with the mustache is really obsessed with paisho. They keep helping him out and being friends. He learns their names are Kenji and the buff one is Gen.
One night there's this serious mood in the air. Jay decides to play paisho and he learns the pairs real names. He soon learns about the Order of the White Lotus. Wu does some really dubious thing, offering Jay a chance to learn engineering at a higher level. He doesn't tell Jay the cause and purpose of the White Lotus yet.
When Ed and Edna hear about the offer they're ecstatic. They hope Jay will get rich and help them. They let Wu steal Jay away.
Zane lives in the North Pole. He is chill. His father died recently, so he's depressed, but he's doing alright. He desires to help people beyond the North Pole. He's skilled in bending water, as he trained under Pakku for years. Pakku can tell Zane has a desire to help people. Zane doesn't vibe with other people from his own Nation and is very awkward around them. Pakku decides to send Zane to Wu, knowing he'll be better there.
Zane is sad about leaving his home. He finds Cole and Jay very nice, but weird. He has no idea why they can't talk about missions in front of Jay. Zane finds the Earth Kingdom odd, and hopes Wu comes back from his trip to the Fire Nation.
Kai & Nya
Kai is a blacksmith who lives in the countryside of the Fire Nation with his sister. They don't know why their mother is and Ray is serving in the war. Kai is a firebender, while Nya is a waterbender. They live in the Fire Nation as their appearance is more Fire Nation than Water Tribe. Kai is no master of firebending, only knowing tricks to help him with blacksmithing. Nya, is worse off, as she can barely move water without getting angry and giving up.
Kai is angry and wants the war to end, so his father may come home. He feels comfortable being a recluse in the forge, whereas Nya goes to school. They both work hard at hiding their Water Tribe heritage. It's Kai who goes greater lengths than Nya.
Kai is focused on making money so they both can survive. He wants to wait for his father to come back. He spends most of his time in the forge. Nya likes to read about inventions and breakthroughs, but can't work on her craft as she lives in the countryside.
They get visited by a strange man and are annoyed with him for wasting their time. I supposed the they in this case is just Kai. Kai is annoyed at this strange man from the colonies browsing his workshop.
When Nya comes back from school and the man sees her he's intrigued. (As in Wu has a really good hunch)
One night Nya wakes up detecting an intruder. Kai rushes in to fight against the intruder. The intruder is very good, he extinguishes Kai's bending quickly and much better at wielding a weapon than Kai. Nya panics and does a surprise attack with her water on the intruder. Kai uses the distraction and tries to knock him out. The intruder reveals themselves as the man from earlier. He begs them to join the Order of the White Lotus. Wu recognizes they have great potential to be powerful benders. He tells them their mission and what they do. Nya joins because she's sick of hiding her waterbending and wishes to improve. (She ends up getting tutored by Zane) Kai joins out of fear that Wu would spread their true heritage. He doesn't want to get killed. They both go on a boat to the colonies, awaiting to meet with the group.
The meet up
The five all become a group, very unsure of what Wu is planning. Nya is the happiest, as she is being trained by Zane and improving at a very fast speed. Cole is enjoying himself much more than his time at home, but he and Zane agree that they haven't done anything substantial. Kai is the most suspicious of Wu. Wondering why he'd get a group of five together. Why would he do this? What does he want? Kai is snooping when he's not getting training with Wu. Wu is a firebender so he trains under him directly. Jay spends most of his time playing around. (Wu can't lightning bend. Wu knows most in the Fire Nation Royal Family can. He also knows only one other person outside of this, but it's due to other factors)
Cole and Zane join Kai on inspecting their living quarters. They find a bunch of scrolls on the Spirit World. At dinner they bring this to Wu's attention. Jay figures out he's being lied to. (And doesn't care) Nya is pissed. Wu comes clean, saying the Spirit thing is a side project. He wants them alive to fight on the side of the Avatar. He says the Avatar will have an army, but they need ninja. He wants to train them to be ninjas.
I'll make one about Lloyd and his family later. I need sleep.
Any questions, please reblog with.
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Propaganda under the cut
Jeff Andonuts
-Overall characterized as pretty awkward, the kid first introduces himself by listing his flaws (including “I’m very nearsighted” among them, the silly, that’s a neutral trait!) and then saying he wished they could be friends when he literally just saved people that called him over there telepathically with the phrase “friend we never met” in there! Almost like he was rattling off a memorized script in a way and I say this in the most awww look how hard he’s trying way possible. He’s pretty implied to be nocturnal as he works during the night and his specialty is fixing busted technology. He’s very good at it too! His dad was also a scientist but their relationship is interesting? Anyway, tldr his dad was always so absorbed in his work that they hadn’t seen each other in 10 years while Jeff was at boarding school and for context, Jeff is 13. Relationship with mother unknown. Do not ask. We don’t know either. Anyway, he’s got the autistic swag in the tbh stares at you blankly way. You can’t even see his eyes in most official art, so he’s just peak -_- to me right behind Frisk Undertale. Did anyone submit them too? Maybe I will if I have the energy.
-saved my life while i was playing this game also he has guns and can make a lot of gadgets he cannot crit but also cannot miss and hes super genius
-pathetic below average guy at the beginning of the story, everyone treats him like shit. then he gets possessed by an angel and he has to go kill god. he meets two guys and he falls in love with one of them and through the power of love and friendship and gay people they save the universe and also peter kind of becomes god. anyways its never outright said that hes autistic but he very clearly is and ive never met a single person in the fandom who disagrees. his special interest is rocks and he used to have a job sorting them at the rock factory. he has a pet lizard named lizard. hes still a pretty below average guy throughout all of the god killing stuff also but hes pretty nice and his humanity single handedly changed the narrative. he had gay sex
-autism swag . he likes rocks
-OHHHH BOY. Peter Sqloint was just a dude with a lizard until the archangel of retribution Exandroth possessed him. then he met Rumi (WHO HE WILL LATER HAVE SEX WITH AND MARRY BECAUSE OF HIS AUTISTIC SWAG) and Thanatos (big robot bitch who likes the lizard and hates Gods) (they all hate gods) (they kill gods). Anyway Peter Sqloint is THE Autistic with a Bowl Cut ever :3 OH he beats exandroth in a battle in his mind after he's stabbed by Thanatos (it wasnt his fault, a god put a spell on him). He comes back though, so it's chill
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alienskart · 10 months
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Speed up your industrial operations with industrial gearboxes
An industrial gearbox is an enclosed system that transmits mechanical energy to an output device. Gearboxes can modify their speed, torque, and other attributes to convert the energy into a useable format. Gearboxes are used in a variety of devices, for a broad range of purposes. Alienskart provies you the best quality and a huge variety of gearboxes which can be customized according to customer needs. Different types of gearboxes are worm gearboxes, geared gearboxes, Siemen gearboxes, aluminium gearboxes and many more.
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mylittleponyauprompts · 4 months
An AU where Twilight Sparkle and Rainbow Dash switch species and hometowns, but not necessarily roles in the story.
Rainbow Dash is still the one who causes the sonic rainboom like event. She is tasked to hatch the dragon egg like all other students in the schools entrance exam, and she wants to try adapting Pegasus magic for the task. And being Rainbow Dash she wants to be fancy about it, so her haphazardly created incubation spell has Rainbows mixed in. Creating a technicolor explosion that does indeed hatch the egg, and sends a shock wave across Equestria.
Twilight Sparkle is childhood friends with Fluttershy in this au due to the changes. While Twilight is introverted and similarly shy, she always felt this sense of justice and would always protect Fluttershy from their shared bullies. And one day led to a race, one she stubbornly said yes too in Fluttershy's honor. Twilight Sparkle isn't the best at flying usually. But right in the middle of the race she's hit by a blast of rainbow colored magic, that jumpstarts hers. She has a magical surge during the race, going faster than she ever has in her life. And she can't find a way to stop, and all she can see is the color of her magic. So she's stuck up there flying in circles at high speeds until something or someone stops the magical surge. And that someone ends up being Fluttershy.
Fluttershy doesn't get knocked off the race track and watches the entire race unfold. Eventually seeing her best friends magic explode and start flying faster than she's ever seen anyone fly. Twilight wasn't stopping soon, and no one nearby was helping. Even adults didn't know what to do. So Fluttershy did the bravest and most reckless thing in her life and flew into the tornado of purple colored magic and feathers. She doesn't know how she managed to catch up, nor even catch her or pin her to a solid enough surface. But now that Twilight wasn't moving, she could get words into her head through the noise of the magical surge.
Rainbow Dash's special talent ends up being spell creation and magical theory. She's Celestia's personal student, and the wizard equivalent of a mad scientist.
Twilight Sparkle ends up with talent in magic, and speed. She's not fond of racing after what happened. She does enjoy working in the weather factory, particularly with dangerous weather patterns like tornadoes and hurricanes. While she doesn't like racing, she for some reason likes the danger speed can have. She's a storm chaser, and likes studying natural magic storm patterns have.
Fluttershy's talent is in health care, particularly out in the field. She is a paramedic, and at times a life guard for either nearby beaches or for the edge of cloudsdale for those who can't fly yet, are disabled, or tourists using spells to walk on clouds but certainly can't fly.
Optional additions-
Spike and Scootaloo swap places. Spike is the adopted little brother of the Sparkle family and looks up to his bigger sister Twilight Sparkle quite a bit. Scootaloo is the dragon Rainbow Dash hatched, and is a bit of a little mad scientist in her own right. She enjoys creating gadgets and enjoys fire a little bit too much.
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seat-safety-switch · 1 year
Saving fuel is really important. They’re not making any more dead dinosaurs (because of a lack of alive ones,) and burning that fuel is going to eventually kill all of us. Those are pretty good reasons not to waste fuel unnecessarily. Oh, also, it costs money, and I hate spending money on things that aren’t high-performance race tires and AliExpress gadgets that I don’t need.
Automakers have taken up the torch, making incredible new engines that can turn entire cylinders off, run partially in Atkinson cycle, and travel back in time to burn the same gasoline twice. Unfortunately, these wonder engines are attached to modern cars, which are disappointing, sodden lumps with no personality that are, for some reason, obsessed with promoting the survival of the human race. How can someone like me, with an ordinary everyday shitbox made by strung-out half-blind factory workers over half a century ago, also save fuel?
The obvious answer is to walk more, which is exactly what I end up doing a lot, when the car breaks down. One litre of gasoline contains about a jillion billion times more calories than I have to eat in a day in order to push my car back home. It would be difficult for me to walk any more, especially since my suburban neighbourhood has no sidewalks and I’ll get arrested if I get too close to the Richie Rich gated community again. That’s the rich for you, always getting in the way of environmentalism for their own selfish desire to hold onto their batteries and lawn flamingos.
Another answer is alternative fuels. Porsche and Mazda, among others, are working on some fancy science bullshit which will take carbon dioxide out of the air and turn it into rip-roaring race fuel. All it requires is an absolute shitload of electricity. I tried to design my own alternative fuel last year, using potatoes and a recipe from my friend who had been to prison a few times, but all I ended up with was some incredibly potent moonshine that my slant six could barely crank on. We’ll mark this down as “kind of a success,” because selling it off to some local mobsters let me get some gas money, and they were too blind once they drank it to come after me.
Ultimately, the best solution for me is one I discovered fairly late. Because I live on the bottom of a hill, I can just let my car coast downward, like an enormous Hot Wheels. As long as I don’t ever touch the brakes, even for red lights, my fuel cost will be zero until the rotten wheel bearings heat up and start really dragging the speed down. Going back up the hill is difficult, sure, but I found out that I can just sleep in the back until the parking patrol tows it. The best way to save on gas is to make some other sucker pay for it.
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artnerd1123 · 3 months
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Big thinker, attention blinker, and always down to tinker~
profile undercut~
Name: Inventor Pronouns: she/her Gender/sexuality: trans woman + lesbian Species: human  Height: 5’3”  Age: late 20s Occupation pre-dungeons: mechanic/repairman of many assorted machines (cars, factory equipment, household appliances, anything really), general tinkerer  Dungeon wish: a complete understanding of everything in the universe!!!  Fighting style: scrappy. In EVERY meaning of the word. She’s incredibly skilled at building her own weapons/equipment on the fly, and uses this to her advantage on the battlefield, able to use a “gadget” for free the entire fight- though she scraps it for a new one after each battle. Her lineups often seem slapdash and chaotic, but her experience as a mechanic, computer code geek, chemist, and holder of two science based PHDs mean that even when something backfires, the results help further her goals. Any advantage she can have she’ll take, though she tries not to fight unfairly with those weaker than her/equal to her in strength/prowess. She’s not experienced in a lot of weapon use, but she doesn’t have to be- she just has to know how to build em! She can make them pilot themselves if need be. All that being said, her stocky body is still PACKED full of muscle and energy, so even though she’s not a great fistfighter, she can and will fuck you up  Strengths: high energy, curiosity that knows no bounds, her hunger for knowledge is never sated (and therefore her persistence of answers never wavers), will get up over and over again no matter how many failures she endures, works great off of spite, in all aspects of her life she’s highly inventive- no seriously! She’s resourceful, extremely good at troubleshooting, and always thinks outside the box. She absorbs information like a sponge, and even if some of it leaks out now and again, she’s never one to shy away from re-studying her topic of choice. She thrives in chaotic and fast paced environments, and has experience in mechanical/chemical/computer coding/a bit of biology all firmly under her belt. Weaknesses: absolutely cannot sit still, processing slower tasks is difficult and waiting is excruciating, so her patience with her own work is very low, working hard off of spite can make her run herself into the ground if she’s not careful, has trouble reaching out for help in her own personal life struggles, can get overly emotional, explosive when angry, her one track pursuit of knowledge often leaves her blind to the obvious (bad) stuff happening around her, getting her to fully drop something is really difficult unless you have a project that’s more exciting, sticking to just one thing is agony so she hops between projects a LOT- not that great for long term goals  Personality: Inventor is always bright eyed and bushy tailed no matter how late of a night she had! She’s fast paced in how she works, how she talks, how she reaches for activities/knowledge, and how she exists day to day. She likes to keep herself busy all the time, and has a BLAST doing so- after all, you never work a day in your life if you love your job! And she LOVES being able to tinker with all sorts of gadgets, machines, and all manner of chemical reactions. Despite her avid love of finding and learning about new things, she can be timid around strangers, unsure how to present herself or conduct herself around them. She’ll shake it off and go back to her own bouncy eager self with enough time. While she often gets impatient with her own work, she does her best NOT to be impatient with people- especially those who are helping her in her work, and those she loves. Her patience when it comes to learning about new topics and/or people is vastly larger. She often wears her emotions on her sleeve, getting riled up easily (for better or for worse). Passionate is probably the best way to describe her overall. She is, however, terrified of being a failure. Being told you’re worth nothing growing up will do that- hence why she keeps moving all the time. Something’s bound to turn out eventually! There’s no way those screaming for her downfall are right. Right?
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yeuc-c · 11 months
Gizmos and gadgets.
Trinkets and things.
He is also fully equipped to create mechs, factories, and weaponized bionics!
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pizzatowerepisodes · 3 months
Oh Brother!
Peppino gets a letter from someone called “Maurice” who says his ma wants them to spend time with each other. After Peppino barricades the entrance to his restaurant, he turns around and, to his horror, sees that Gustavo has let in a man who looks a lot like him. Peppino introduces Gustavo to his older brother, who wears a blue and green outfit with a cap. 
First impressions are already sour as while Peppino is nervously trying to be nice, Maurice chastises him for running the dump of a pizza joint. Even when they try to serve him a meal on the house, Maurice is disgusted by the mediocrity of Italian cuisine and demands for steak. Peppino reveals to Gustavo and Brick that Maurice has always been like this, but can’t do anything about it because he's much older and stronger than him.
That night, Peppino reluctantly invites Maurice back to his house, with yet more criticisms from him about Peppino’s living conditions. Maurice takes the bed while Peppino sleeps on the couch. The next morning, Peppino wakes up to Maurice not being in the house anymore. He’s relieved, believing that the visit has come to a quick end, and is happy to go back to his restaurant.
When Peppino arrives at his business, he is absolutely horrified by what he sees; a huge pile of garbage at the back of his restaurant, and the sign has changed to say “Maurice’s Garbage Factory” Maurice reveals he signed a contract with Mr Stick to buy the rights to the land. All that empty space for a failing pizzeria was a waste, and he’s making better use of it. Mr Stick begs an angered Peppino not to hurt him because he wasn’t just motivated by greed, Maurice threatened to hit him with a bag of nickels. Peppino sadly heads back to his house, with Gus and Brick having to stay behind since they’re now Maurice’s employees.
We see how Maurice bothers the rest of the cast over the next few days.
Maurice brings in his own lunches because Noisette’s cafe is “disgusting on the eyes and tastebuds” 
He’s very unresponsive to Noise trying to bother him several times, much to Noise's frustration. 
When Pepperman tries to give Maurice a house tour, he asks if Narcissus reincarnated into an apple because there is no other reason someone would want to look at their own grotesque reflection so much. 
When Fake Peppino tries to imitate Maurice, he just calls him a pathetic attempt at a doppelgänger who belongs with the rest of the trash. 
When Pizzahead tries to blow up the joint, Maurice reveals he has a lawyer on speed dial and will sue for property damage. The legitimacy of the lawyer is questionable, but Pizzahead doesn’t want to take any chances.
Even Mr Stick gets sick of Maurice. He outright refuses to pay rent because he doesn’t believe in taxes and he throws Mr Stick’s gadgets away, calling them useless gimmicky toys. Mr Stick rips up the contract and gives Maurice his money back, but Maurice reveals he has a copy of the contract and more stored somewhere safe.
After work hours, the gang gathers to talk about making Maurice leave and bringing Peppino back. Not only because of everything else that happened but audiences of the cartoon will not respond well to such an unpleasant main character. They go to Peppino’s house, only to be greeted by Maurice again. Apparently, Maurice kicked Peppino out because he didn't want anyone jobless living with him. The rest of the gang panics to look for Peppino.
Eventually, they find Peppino tucked away in an alleyway, filthy, disheveled, and roasting a tree branch on an open fire, as all the garbage he could’ve eaten is at Maurice’s. They all beg for Peppino to come back, with Gustavo saying how everyone really likes him… well, Noise says he likes to hate Peppino, unlike Maurice, whom Noise just hates to hate. Pizzahead tries to encourage Peppino as well, saying that he’s been such a good enemy who’s thwarted so many plans, so he can’t give up just because a grouchy relative told him to. This gives Peppino the confidence boost he needs to head back.
Tomorrow at Maurice’s business, Peppino and his friends/enemies show up, demanding the restaurant back. Maurice is not budging and reminds everyone that he owns the joint. With much encouragement from everyone, Peppino doesn’t back down despite clearly being scared. 
Maurice decides that if Peppino’s so desperate for the restaurant, they should fight for it like men. They sit at a table and prepare for an arm wrestle. Peppino looks petrified while Maurice is unphased. Noise does the countdown, everyone eagerly watches, and… Peppino instantly wins, accidentally throwing Maurice on the ground and breaking his arm.
Cut to the waiting room of the hospital, where Peppino’s in shock at what happened. He believes he’s going to get beaten up with Maurice’s bag of nickels once they’re face to face again. Maurice arrives with a cast around his arm and torso. He chastises Peppino for breaking his bones, making him unable to work for a while. Peppino’s extremely apologetic. However, Maurice compliments Peppino on impressing him for the first time. He agrees to destroy all the contracts and give Peppino his restaurant back. While the brothers aren't necessarily on good terms, Peppino is satisfied knowing he doesn’t have to let Maurice walk all over him anymore.
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