#fae reblogs
sope-and-shine · 2 years
Tag Nine People You Want to Get to Know Better
@svgahigh Thank you for tagging me!!! 🥰🥰
Fave color: Green. I love a dark forest green all the way to a nice pastel green. Green is just my favorite color and I love it!! Second favorite? Yellow 
Currently reading: At the moment I’m reading like 8 different Twitter AUs. The last physical book I read was by Junji Ito(I highly recommend all of his works if you’re into horror/thriller graphic novels.)
Last song: Don’t Blame Me by Taylor Swift. Literally one of the best moods for writing. I swear, i get so productive when  listen to this song.
Last series: Komi Can’t Communicate on Netflix. It’s so cute!!! I swear, it makes my heart so happy.
Last movie: Brave. Brave is one of my favorite movies and I could probably quote it from beginning to end.
Sweet/Spicy/Savory: Sweet and Savory. Though I do enjoy a little bit of spice
Currently working on: My Happenstance series. I literally have so much to do and I have to write Dragon Boy and Back to You at the same time. I’m just glad that the Christmas fic I’ve been putting off for forever is done and waiting patiently for the holiday season.
Tagging (no pressure, of course): literally anyone that sees this and wants to! 
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nothwell · 7 months
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Do you want to narrate a queer romance audiobook?
OAK KING HOLLY KING is a gay Victorian fantasy romance between a fae warrior and a mortal clerk. It has high heat and high adventure to the tune of 150k words.
Ever since its release, readers have demanded an audiobook version. To that end I'm now seeking…
male narrator
capable of British accents beyond RP (Northern accents particularly sought!)
Auditions are open now through November 30th.
Please email nothwellsebastian@gmail dot com for the audition script.
Thank you!
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clxckwork-sun-n-moon · 9 months
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Through the eye of your seeing ring, the expression on the guardian entity's face was unmistakable - you should not have come here.
so....I have had some small ideas for an AU set after the Pizzaplex burnt down. where Y/N is an urban explorer with a love for faeries and such, and in exploring the (surprisingly overgrown) ruins of the (seemingly) abandoned Pizzaplex they find that it is very under new guardianship. turns into a fun lil romp as MXES realises this human is going to be very persistent in coming back, but might be able to help him out....
expect small bits of Fae Ruins to crop up now and again, between So Cries the Wolf and Old Forest Gods
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royalboybun · 8 months
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here’s another Flight Rising doodle- this time it’s my fae, Precious!! he was the first dragon on my account!!! 🩵
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violent138 · 2 months
I see so much batfam-fae content, but come on, Gotham villains are literally playing by magic-world rules. Riddler can't outright lie but loopholes it via riddles. Maybe that's even why they go so crazy in Gotham, the city's old enough to have plenty of iron everywhere.
So many Rogues have ridiculously specific weaknesses. There are kidnappings, apprenticeships, and changeling-esque shenanigans. I for one, am more than ready to believe in Redcaps haunting the ruined Narrows as their territory. Squabbles in the Rogues' Unseelie court disrupt the city.
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stiltonbasket · 1 year
Vampire WWX/Fae LWJ: What is their first time sleeping in the same room like? Their first breakfast? Or when WWX notices that LWJ is softer with bunnies?
part 1
On the morning after his arrival at the Cloud Recesses, Wei Wuxian opens his eyes to find Lan Zhan's moon-white face hovering less than an inch above his.
"I am going out to fetch breakfast for us," Lan Zhan says stiffly. "What do vampires eat when they cannot get human blood?"
So rude, Lan Zhan! Wei Wuxian laments to himself, rolling a sleeping A-Yuan onto his back. You could have at least wished me a good morning first, couldn't you?
But then, he had woken Wei Wuxian to ask what he wanted for breakfast, so perhaps this is just what Lan Zhan is like when he tries to be kind.
"Meat, mostly," Wei Wuxian replies, watching as his husband grimaces in distaste. "But half-blooded xuemo can survive without it, so you needn't hunt for me. I'd be grateful for a bit of the porridge you and your brother like as long as you give me permission to eat it."
He winks, making Lan Zhan blush all the way up to his ears. "You will give me permission, won't you?"
"I will, but that is beside the point. By the laws of your people, I am your husband, so it is my duty to provide the nourishment you need." The faerie takes a deep breath. "If you require meat, I will bring you some suitable creature to kill and eat as you see fit. I cannot do the killing myself, but fetching the animal—that I can do."
Wei Wuxian's heart melts; for all faeries hate to do harm to living creatures, and yet his Lan Zhan is willing to do most of the hunting work on Wei Wuxian's behalf.
"There's no need for that," he says gently. Lan Zhan opens his mouth to protest, clearly not liking the look of Wei Wuxian's thin wrists and sallow face; but Wei Wuxian only motions toward the south side of the cave, where he can hear the river gurgling through the trees on the other side of the wall. "You go out and buy some rice and vegetables, and I'll catch some fish for myself while you're away."
Lan Zhan inclines his head and departs, taking his money purse with him; for while the Lan faeries grow their own vegetables in the wood, they have to buy rice and dried spices from the human settlement to the north.
No wonder their food is so bland, Wei Wuxian thinks wryly, as he makes his way towards the river with A-Yuan in his arms. Lan Zhan doesn't have a single herb in his kitchen, except for that old lump of ginger.
He plants A-Yuan in the soft ground near the water, as he usually does at this time of morning. Wei Wuxian helps him dig his little legs as far into the ground as they can go, looking on in satisfaction as the three long leaves on the baby's head unfurl and reach up towards the sun; and then he lays a fish trap in the shallows and splashes across the river, keeping A-Yuan in his field of sight as he searches for kindling seasonings.
He manages to find wild cloves and garlic growing on the far bank of the stream; and by the time he goes back to examine his fish trap, A-Yuan has finished sunning his leaves and soaking his little body in the mud.
"I don't know if you're old enough to eat food," Wei Wuxian muses, marching back to the cave with A-Yuan wriggling under one arm and the laden trap under the other. "You need to be sunned and watered like a plant, so eating fish might make you sick. We'd better not risk it."
A-Yuan squeals and looks up at Wei Wuxian with wet, reproving eyes. "So you do want to eat fish!" Wei Wuxian says accusingly, making A-Yuan shriek with laughter. "But you don't have any teeth. I don't know very much about babies, Yuan'er, but I do know that the women in Jieyu Village never started weaning theirs before the babies cut a first tooth."
The baby looks more wronged than ever. "Bu!"
"Perhaps we should boil the rice into porridge, and put pieces of the fish inside," says a deep voice from behind them. "That way, the rice will be soft enough for A-Yuan to swallow without chewing."
"Oh!" Wei Wuxian turns around and nearly jumps out of his shoes at the sight of Lan Zhan, standing at the mouth of the cave with a bag of rice slung over his shoulder. "Lan Zhan, don't be so quiet when you're walking. I nearly dropped A-Yuan."
Lan Zhan shakes his head. "I doubt you could ever do such a thing. But in the future, I will endeavor to make more noise when you are close by."
He lowers his eyes to Wei Wuxian's fish trap. "Did you catch anything?"
"A pair of grass carps," Wei Wuxian tells him, extracting the fish from their prison and holding them up for Lan Zhan to see. "Now, go light the fire and fetch some water from the well. I need hot water for A-Yuan's bath, and it's past time for breakfast."
So Lan Zhan lights the fire in the little courtyard; and there is a courtyard, much to Wei Wuxian's relief, because Lan Zhan built his small refuge after the fashion of most human dwellings, so that Wei Wuxian could almost forget that his cave was a cave and not a wooden house. After that, he sets off for the nearby well with a yoke fitted about his neck and shoulders, returning scarcely ten minutes later with enough water for both breakfast and A-Yuan's bath.
"I will bathe A-Yuan while you fry the fish," Lan Zhan says, dropping the pails and taking the baby from Wei Wuxian's arms. "There is oil in the bag of groceries I brought, if you need it."
"You didn't have oil in your kitchen?"
His husband sighs. "I used the last of it for yesterday's dinner. Now go."
Wei Wuxian nods and makes his way outside, where he finds a strange contraption for grilling set up in the middle of the courtyard. It looks strong enough to support a hook and pan; but the fish will cook faster in the coals of the fire, so he spears the two carps and roasts them with his foraged seasonings until the skins are burned black.
"Is the rice ready?" he calls, ducking back into the cave. "And what about A-Yuan?"
"A-Yuan is ready. The rice is not," is his husband's laconic answer. "Come take him, and I will bring the rice out to you when it is cooked."
In the end, it takes another quarter-hour before the rice porridge is cooked through and made cool enough to eat. Wei Wuxian feeds some of it to A-Yuan and tries a little himself, after which he puts down his spoon to scold Lan Zhan for being so miserly with the salt and ginger.
Lan Zhan looks oddly pleased for a faerie being scolded about his cooking, though Wei Wuxian can't begin to imagine why.
Stranger still, that breakfast is one of the best Wei Wuxian has ever had; and he doesn't understand that, either.
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>Greeting user [SALTZ WHEELIE]. Congratulations, it is your [5TH CYCLE] on [REVENIA], the planet of [FAE]. Reminder: You plan to [RESEARCH HERMIT CRABS], [STARGAZE], [BLEND RANDOM OBJECTS], and [PLAY SCRAG] today! Make sure to get a healthy [MORNMEAL] of [HYDRA-BLOOMS] and [SPIRIT CRUNCH™]. What do you wish to do?
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laurenhufflepuff2 · 3 months
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groveyrising · 1 year
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got reminded of them (limoncello and mu) and was compelled to draw this as quickly as possible
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orange-artblog · 3 months
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dark cream week: day 6 - thunder
shattered by galacii-gallery
cross by jakei95
dark cream week by @zu-is-here
the full image ->
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and a close up of Shattered as I think it‘s quite pretty
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pestilentbrood · 1 year
i see u all liked that beepo post . now what if i told you that
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crimewizards · 11 months
i dont really know how to explain this, but it's incredibly frustrating to be a he/she pronoun user. every single time i go to a pride event, convention, even my queer-focused doctor, no one ever has she/he pronoun pins/buttons/stickers/etc. it's a little disheartening in a way i can't fully explain - when i went to that doctor, they had separate stickers for she/they and they/she, but none for he/she. the doctor had to clarify that i used both he/him and she/her, as if i'd written it wrong. like. are they too "opposite" to think about including? are they too "different" that no one would use them that way?
it just... i don't know, man. sucks.
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arrowheadedbitch · 4 months
Info dump challenge! Reblog with everything you know about the fae and/or other mythical creatures. Any if them. Have fun!!
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booksapphic · 5 months
can’t believe the cruel prince series is over and people are still grossed out by cardan’s tail. like do you want to fuck a fae prince or do you want to fuck a hot man with pointy ears and magic get your story straight
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a-fae-slvt · 1 month
Help A Thirsty Fae?
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mollyringle · 3 months
ARC reviewers wanted!
Please reblog if you know any avid readers who frequently review books online! Especially if they enjoy novels containing: - fae - witches - angst-free queerness - romance - a cozy noblebright mood even amid magical disaster - '90s cover bands I seek reviewers and general word-of-mouth-spreaders for my novel Ballad for Jasmine Town, which contains all of the above. (As to the romance and queerness, the main couple is a trans man and a bi woman, in case you prefer to know such details.) It can be requested on NetGalley and Edelweiss right now, or I could email you an ARC in PDF or epub format.
Here is the publisher page if you’d like to read more about it. (Though distributed by Simon & Schuster, the book is independent-press-published. The publishing world is complicated.) For those who've read Lava Red Feather Blue: it takes place in the same country and has some overlapping events, but you don't have to read one book to make sense of the other. They are both stand-alones. Thank you in advance, and I hope it finds some happy readers!
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