dailydccomics · 2 years
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this is a good Atom uniform!!! Superman: The Man of Steel #69
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webnewsbr · 7 months
NOTA – Federações do setor produtivo pedem audiência com a Governadora Fátima Bezerra
Com o objetivo maior de manter o diálogo franco, aberto e respeitoso entre o setor produtivo do Rio Grande do Norte e o Governo do Estado, os presidentes das Federações da Indústria; do Comércio, Serviços e Turismo; dos Transportes; e da Agricultura e Pecuária protocolaram, nesta segunda-feira (19), um pedido conjunto de audiência com a Governadora Fátima Bezerra. É momento de uma conversa…
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ariarihocksnfree · 5 months
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For some a prologue,for some and epilogue.
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sashaofravenlock · 2 years
Continued from X
“You do not know what you ask of me.”
Eregion burned. His legions would be upon the capital in a matter of days, and they torched everything in their wake. There would be nothing left for the elves; this was their punishment for keeping the Three from him.
He was Annatar no longer - Tar-Mairon, beautiful and bloodied and burning, stood before here, crowned in iron.
“I am not who you thought I was. Annatar does not exist.”
“I know what I ask for.”
She sounded foolish, she knew that before she even spoke. However, the longer she stood before the Dark Lord and held his attention, the more time it gave everyone to escape. All she hoped was that he didn’t wish to kill his child within her.
Lithe fingers stayed wrapped around the faern scythe pointed at his throat, her body poised and ready should she need to fight him. This time she wouldn’t have surprise on her side so whatever she planned to do, she must be swift and agile. Which would be far more difficult while pregnant. 
“I know that you are not Annatar and now I know that you aren’t Curumo either.”
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master-dellamorte · 1 year
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The Anarchy Babies
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lunastrophe · 5 months
Drow Language 🕷️ Glossary from Drow of the Underdark (2e)
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Drow glossary from Drow of the Underdark (E. Greenwood, 1991), a supplemental rules book for use with AD&D (2e). Around two hundred canon words that allow to create simple sentences, messages and the like.
I organized the terms from the glossary into categories, so that the range of topics and the variety of vocabulary for each of them could be seen more clearly. Unsurprisingly, categories with the most words are connected to dealing with people, stealth and fight, travel and exploration, also magic and spirituality.
🕷️ To Be
tlu – be, to be phuul – are zhah – is
🕷️ Pronouns
usstan – I, self (literally, "this one") usstil – one in my place dos – you dosst – yours dosstan – yourself nind – they, them, their, theirs* nindyn – those vel’uss – who
*In fan-created drow language sources, "them", "their" and "theirs" are usually translated differently to avoid confusion.
🕷️ People, Professions, Titles
dobluth – outcast faern – wizard, magic-worker of any race or gender ilharn – patron, title of matron mother’s chosen mate ilhar – mother, to mother* ilharess – matron or matron mother, title of a female ruling a noble drow House ilharessen – matrons jabbuk – master, male in charge of some task or office malla – honored, term of respect qu’ellar – House, titled noble family sargtlin – (drow) warrior valsharess – queen** yathrin – (drow) priestess yathtallar – (drow) high priestess
*Only in a biological sense - "to mother" as in "to give birth to", not "to nourish and comfort". ** Title typically reserved for Lolth.
🕷️ Friends, Enemies, Relationships
abban – ally, not-enemy abbil – comrade, trusted friend* akh – band, group inthigg – agreement, treaty khaless – trust** maglust – apart, alone nau – no ogglin – rival, opponent, enemy*** qua’laelay – argument, disagreement, confrontation, but not yet open conflict quarth – order, exercise of authority quarthen – ordered, commanded ssinssrigg – passion, lust, greed, longing, love**** thalra – meet, encounter talthalra – meeting, council, parley thalack – war, open fighting xal – may, might, perhaps
* At least as trusted as possible in drow terms (see khaless). ** Especially foolish or misplaced kind of trust, since drow do not really believe in genuine trust. *** "Active"; all creatures are considered potential ogglin until proven otherwise. **** Not a selfless, unconditional, romantic kind of love.
🕷️ Non-Drow, Monsters
darthiir – faeries, surface elves, traitors gol – goblin goln – goblins haszak – illithid, mind flayer haszakkin – illithids rivvil – human rivvin – humans orbb – spider phindar – monster, dangerous being, especially a non-intelligent creature
🕷️ Insults
iblith – offal, excrement, carrion* wael – fool
* Often used in reference to non-drow and slaves.
🕷️ Battle, Life, Death
bautha – dodge, to dodge dro – life, alive elgg – kill, slay, destroy elghinn – death honglath – clever thinking, calm, bravery, good behavior jivvin – fun, play, but in sense of amusing cruelty, "animal spirits" kulg – snag, hitch, blockage* kulggen – deliberate rampart, shield, or other barrier luth – cast, throw, hurl phalar – grave, battle-marker plynn – take, size sargh – confidence in weapons, battle-might, strength-at-arms, valor sarn! – beware!, warning! sreen – danger streea – suicide, death in the service of Lolth, a House, or a community streeaka – reckless(ness), fearless(ness) thalackz’hind – raid, attack from afar ultrinnan – conquering, victory, to win or prevail velve – blade, dagger, knife, sword z'ress – power, strength, force, dominance**
* Impediment to will or to plans, but also an actual, material blockage, like debris in a shaft or passage. ** Especially strength of the will that allows a person, for example, to successfully manipulate others.
🕷️ Schemes, Stealth, Shadows
brorn – surprise brorna – surprises golhyrr – surprise, ruse, trap ilindith – aim, goal, hoped-for event inth – plan, stratagem, scheme kyone – alert / alertly, wary / warily, careful / carefully kyorl – watch, wait, guard kyorlin – watching, waiting, guarding olist – caution, stealth oloth – darkness, utter natural darkness or magical darkness ssussun – light, brightness veldrin – shadows, concealment afforded by varying light velkyn – unseen, hidden, invisible waela – foolish, unaware, unwary
🕷️ Magic, Faith, Destiny
elamshin – destiny, the will of Lolth* elend – usual, traditional faer – magic faerl – magical faerbol – magical item orthae – holy, sacred Quarvalsharess – Goddess (title of Lolth) quar’valsharess – goddess (other than Lolth) ul-ilindith – destiny yath – temple, also property, work or decree of the temple Yorn – power, will or servant-creature of the Goddess (Lolth)
* Destiny as unique purpose, connected to the intent of higher power (Lolth).
🕷️ Work, Learning, Exploration
colbauth – path, known way mrimm – guide, key, inspiration noamuth – wanderer, lost, unknown obsul – opening, door, gap or chink ragar – find, discover, uncover talinth – think, consider xun – do, to complete or accomplish xund – striving, effort, work xundus – doing, achievement, work completed or manifested in some concrete result zhaunil – learning, wisdom, knowledge z'hin – walk z'hind – trip, journey, expedition z'orr – climb
🕷️ Wealth, Goods, Gifts
belaern – wealth, coinage, treasure belbau – to give belbol – gift bol – item, thing, an unknown, unidentified, mysterious or important object cahallin – food, but only produced or harvested, including raid-spoils; not hunted game or cooked food
🕷️ Numbers, Quantity
uss – one ust – first draa – two drada – second llar – three llarnbuss – third tuth – both mzild – more jal – all
🕷️ Comparisons
alur – better, superior alurl – best, foremost taga – than ultrin – supreme, highest, conqueror ultrine – supreme, highest (applied to Lolth only)
🕷️ Relations In Space And Time
alust – in front, facing, in the forefront bauth – around, about dal – from del – of doeb – out elendar – continue, continued, continuing, enduring harl – down, under, below izil – as lil – the lueth – and natha – a pholor – on, upon rath – back ratha – backs rathrae – behind ulu – to wun – in wund – among, within, into
For more of my drow lore ramblings, feel free to check my pinned post 🕷️
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alpydk · 3 months
Do you think that Mystra taught Gale how to use that practiced tongue, or is there another mortal out there that we should be thanking profusely?
Personally, I believe Mystra would have stifled his use of the practiced tongue, but that's another story for another day. When I think of Gale learning his skills like this, I think of pre-orb/pre Mystra Gale days when he was an academy student aged (early 20's) arrogant ball of sex and hormones. I think to one of my favourite fanfics Alchemy 410 by the very talented @the-real-housewives-of-waterdeep (who has been so gracious to lend me Illy for this little scene) - and how this drow elf would teach him to be the man we see and dream about today. So here is my full answer of how it all began:
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Word Count - 1069 (hehe) - Fluff
Gale was a natural to magic, the weave coming as freely to him as it would a sorcerer born to the art. The lightning crackled at his fingertips; the spell ready to be unleashed. “Perurer” A quick pop before the electricity fizzled into nothing, the amount of r’s required causing him to roll them as if he were Tara settling in front of the fireplace.
The Drow elf laughed at his feeble attempt to cast the simple spell; her own lightning bolt having already hit the target in the courtyard with ease. He patted down his robes, the tension of her observing him creating nerves he wasn’t quite used to. The two of them had studied together for some time at Blackstaff Academy, once glaring across the class at each other, now sharing in competitive banter, trying to push each other towards being the best they could be.
She’d struggled with alchemical potions, and he’d gloated arrogantly. “Not everyone is meant to be good at everything. Unless they’re me, of course, but I’m something of an anomaly,” he’d said with a smugness that he was now regretting entirely.
He lifted his fingers, the spell at the ready. “Puruerer” He knew as he said the first syllable that he had messed it up entirely and she was taking great joy in now finding exactly where his weaknesses lay. He’d always been good with literature, devouring books and knowledge. He’d, however, never been one for the more linguistic elements of reading. Who exactly corrects your pronunciation when you have so few people in your life? “My dear Illyth, your smirk does little to aid in my concentration.”
She brushed aside her thick white hair and stepped forth, ready to demonstrate the spell again to him. She held her head high, her shoulders back, this rare moment where she was the one who shone so brightly, giving her a deep sense of pride. “Well, when you pronounce the words as if your tongue were numbed by Deepwine, I’m going to smirk.”
“Mock not the man that mispronounces a word. It means that he learnt it by reading.” He watched as the lightning flickered so readily from her cool grey fingertips, her tongue curling around the verbal component with ease. He was a little jealous of her skills in this area, her practice with languages not only leaving her skilled in pronunciation but also quick with retorts.
“Mrimm lil faern ulu zhaun lueth ragar natha malla ogglin.” She muttered as she approached him.
“Ah, we mock me further in a less used tongue. How nice it must be to see me struggle for once.”
She bit her lower lip, her burgundy eyes glancing over at him fondly. Their relationship was always one of cat and mouse, the roles often reversing but neither willing to be caught. She approached him, placing her hands on his hips, and lining his body with hers so that they were directly facing one another. She gazed into his deep brown eyes, her mouth in a soft smile at the familiarity that had built up between them. When they had first met, an argument would have broken out over something as insignificant as this, both too proud to admit their faults in front of the other. Now though, they learnt, they grew and bettered each other. “Open your mouth like this.” She pursed her lips slightly, a soft p sound emerging in a whisper.
He sighed. “Illy, my issue is not with the movement of my lips. As we both know, I already have had plenty of practice in that area.”
“Then I guess you will never impress a woman, as lips are not the only element in play.” She ran her tongue delicately over the amethyst curve of her lower lip, a playful taunt to his ever-present ego.
He felt his heart skip a beat, the devious look of her eyes pulling his mind from the spell craft lesson that should have mattered more. He gave a mock huff and pulled the face she ordered of him, believing it ridiculous.
“Now say the spell. Perurere.” The word practically growled out of her as she spoke, her tongue flicking up lightly behind her teeth.
He listened to the music of her voice, watched the way the corners of her mouth subtly rose in an attempt to hide an all too pleased smile. He mimed the spell along with her, his attention not fully on his own attempts to improve, but more on the idea of his tongue entwined with hers; a longing dance they had only engaged in once before.
“Gale Dekarios, at this rate you’ll be summoning only magma mephit for all of eternity. Not to mention letting down many a potential love interest.”
He scoffed at her comment. “I’ll have you know that was only done once, and besides, I didn’t hear you complaining during our brief rendezvous.”
“Beginner’s luck.”
The slight darkened tinge of her cheeks let him know the effect the memories of that night were having, one of truth potions and nararoot tincture. “Hm, well, we certainly cannot be relying on that now, can we?” He leaned himself slightly towards her, his hands placed behind his back, his brown eyes focussed on hers and a devilish gaze passing quickly over them. “Perurere,” he spoke with ease, a charged energy passing between each syllable as his voice hummed.
She felt his warm breath as the spell was pronounced correctly, as his confidence grew seeing her satisfied smile. She reached her hand to his face, a reward for his hard work, and stroked his cheek lightly with the pad of her thumb. “Mrimm lil faern ulu zhaun lueth ragar natha malla ogglin.”
“Illy…” he let out as a barely a whisper, her touch enough to make him lose all composure, her native language another puzzle that he longed to solve about her. “Shall we make an arrangement, of sorts?”
She eyed him up curiously, the warmth of his skin under her palm causing her to wish they could move on to other extra-curricular activities. “And what do you have in mind?”
“I continue to aid you with alchemy.” He brought his own hand to her hip, tugging her towards him lightly, his hot breath mingling with hers, their lips grazing against one another’s. “And in return, you coach me on how to have a more practised tongue.”
“Mrimm lil faern ulu zhaun lueth ragar natha malla ogglin.” = Guide the wizard to learn and find an honoured rival.
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songshieldandselfcare · 4 months
@opal-punk asked for ...a Orym starter!
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"Dorian? Take a walk with me?" Orym asked, once they were settling in, after Aeor. Back safe in Zephrah. Alma had hugged Orym tight when he return and burst into tears seeing Dorian, hugging him with an extra squeeze. Something Orym knew his mother did when she was extra worried. Cyrus's body had been returned to Zephrah. Orym knew he couldn't expect Dorian to stick around for much longer.
As much as he wanted him to stay...
Orym held Dorian's hand, bringing him along towards a winding path, where the blossom of flowers and trees grew more vibrant with each bloom they passed until they came to the memorial plateaus, the graveyard. There were bridges and stepping stones, each memorial connected to the next. A reminder that they were all connected, in some way. There were empty spaces still and Orym knew it was far too presumptuous to think that Dorian would want to lay Cyrus to rest here. But he wanted to do something, for Dorian.
"I know your parents will want to... I mean, I don't know how your people deal with death. But if you would want something here for him. A stone, a tree, anything... I'm sure Derrig and Will wouldn't mind the company. It's helpful, I think, having a place to come talk to people who have left us."
Stacked stone marked the graves of his husband and the man who Orym thought of as his own father. Will's sword stuck into the ground, Derrig's chestplate fastened to the stones. Six years of weathering, six years of Orym and their family coming to visit and polish the relics and leave flowers. He had failed to bring Faerne and Dorian with him before, failed to visit himself when they had stayed here before setting off for Orym's mission. Before meeting the rest of the Bell's Hells.
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kairithemang0 · 2 months
For context I'm on vc with Casper and Faern and I said I really enjoyed starting arguments and that's I'm a punch first ask questions later type of person and they both agreed that I'm post fall Owen which is the first time I've gotten that so like... I want the opinion
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actualsailboat · 11 months
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Faerne & Selorn
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webnewsbr · 10 months
Sistema Faern/Senar promove seminário com ex-ministro Aldo Rebelo e entrega Medalha do Mérito Rural
O Sistema Faern/Senar realizará na próxima terça-feira (05) o 6º Seminário Cenário Econômico e Político para o Setor Rural em 2024, que terá como palestrante o ex-deputado federal e ex-ministro Aldo Rebelo. O evento também marcará a entrega das Medalhas do Mérito Rural Senador Moacyr Duarte às personalidades que mais se destacaram no setor em 2023. O prêmio é considerado a maior honraria…
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dreaminggoblin-yells · 7 months
OC Kiss Flörke x Yrden
“Did they hurt you?” he demanded. I wanted to say yes. In that moment, I wanted to tell him everything that had happened to me, everything between Faern and me, everything I had been made to do that made my sword feel heavy in my hand even when I just sparred. Instead, I walked to the chest at the foot of my bed, and lifted the glass hawk out of it. Yrden narrowed his eyes. “What is that?” “Something I was given,” I said. “By someone I thought understood me. I thought I could trust him.” I had buried it all deep inside for a long time, under layers and layers of ice. I held the bird up to catch the sliver of moonlight that found its way through the shutters of my window. “What did he do to you?” Yrden's voice grew quiet. “He hurt you, didn't he?” “He tried to kill me,” I whispered. “First, he tried to chain me so that I would continue fighting. Then, when I fled, he found me, and tried to kill me.” My hand closed around the bird. Its talons cut into my palm. I flung it into a corner, and it shattered. Yrden closed the distance and pulled me into a hug. “You won't have to fight anymore,” he whispered. “I won't ever make you fight, I promise.” “I want to believe you. I want to.” I buried my face in his shirt. I didn't want him to see me cry. “Then do.” He lifted my chin until I met his eyes. Gently, he kissed my forehead. “Believe me. I won't make you shed blood ever again. I swear it. On my name, my blood, my kingdom.” I closed my eyes, and forced my trembling shoulders to still. “I believe you.”
Flörke and Yrden are characters from a writing project that's currently on ice but not forgotten! And I remembered writing this scene for one version of that project, so I dredged it up from the depths of my documents folder for this year's OC Kiss Week. It's my first year participating! Hi everyone! I swear I also write stories with non-traumatised characters sometimes. Flörke is just... a victim of the plot. Oops.
There might be more scenes coming, I have a few ideas, but life is life, so I can't promise I'll get round to all of them
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doppelnatur · 2 years
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fishy pronouns for my lil silvester party :)
[ID: Seven different digital drawings of fish. One has no text on it for filling it in yourself. Its a black fish with frilly fins. Next to it is a white shark it is labeled with they/them/their and the/themself, below it a yellow muray with sie/ihrer/ihr/sie and die/der/der/die, next to that is a salmon labeled with keine pronomen keine artikel, in the row below is the same ray sticker twice once it is it/him once it/her the labels of the one on the left read es/seiner/ihm/ihn and das/des/dem/den the one on the right reads es/ihrer/ihr/sie and das/der/der/die, the next row has a goldfish labeled with er/seiner/ihm/ihn and der/des/dem/den, the last one is a fish skeleton it is labeled fae/fae/faem/faer and faer/faern/faerm/faere]
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justa-mina · 1 year
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── outfits: marta caloteira wedding  ๋࣭ ⭑
A ideia de ir a qualquer evento durante a noite ia contra os mais básicos instintos de Mina, o entanto ao notar a empolgação de Faerne para o evento não pode deixar de ir, para ficar de olho na amiga. Qualquer um que sentou perto de Mina durante a cerimonia notou as lagrimas que escapavam copiosamente de seus olhos. Durante a celebração, Mina é vista sempre correndo atrás da amiga para conter qualquer caos que a fada possa estar planejando.
— Fearne, volta aqui! Você não vai colocar pó de mico no arroz de jogar nos noivos!
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tief4tief · 5 months
I've been picking thru the drow dictionary to come up with nicknames Ilphyrr calls the companions.
Astarion- Olphyn (Thief) or Jesshc (Fangs)
Lae'zel- Maelthra (young dragon)
Wyll- Velve (Blade) or Abbil (friend)
Karlach- Flamgra'in (Burning) or Glenn (soldier)
Shadowheart- Yathrin (a word for a priestess of lolth that she uses mostly tongue-in-cheek) and later Ussta'anon (my flower)
Minthara- Baenre (derogatory)
I usually leave Gale in his rock because I don't give a shit about him but if he was in the party Ilphyrr would probably just call him the drowic word for Wizard "Faern"
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kairithemang0 · 23 days
dont tell faern, but whenever i see them online on discord, I always read their name as 𝓯𝓻𝓮𝓪𝓴nibly
call me Helivetica the way i cant read
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