#fairy tail zancrow
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hello i had an idea once. Here is ur explanation for it
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Ok goodbye
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eli-workshop · 1 year
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Zancrow meets Clover
I like them, blond gremlins shenanigans
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fairytail-redraw · 4 months
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An extra prompt for this month because y'know *gestures wildly to pride month*
The fairy tail redraw event is open to all artists (whether you are traditional or digital) and editors!
The rules are simple:
Pick a prompt to redraw or edit (or 2, or all of em if you feel like it!)
You're free to interpret and change the drawing however you see fit! Wanna change some colours? Wanna tweak things here and there? Go ahead! Nothing's off the table! The prompts are here to inspire you!
When you're done, @ this blog in your post and use the tag #fairytailredraw for it to be reblogged here and that's it! All there is to it!
Also an important note: though the redraw prompts change every month there is no such thing as a late drawing! You could draw any prompt any time and it wouldn't matter.
So no pressure on being late!
Have any questions? Look here or shoot the blog a question!
(Reblog to help get the prompts around!)
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sakurakitsume-art · 1 month
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The black hair occurs as a "god force", though its mire for show than an actual power up.
Chelia's hair is always affected by the wind, often indicating her mood. She's also 19, like Wendy.
Zancrow's hair IS fire, it can also reflect his mood.
Ogra's hair is staticy, his powers manifested the marking on his chest.
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saccharinerose · 6 months
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ouch, watch the claws (or don't, he seems to like it)
13 notes · View notes
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love this bastard man, wish we saw more of him
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genavere · 9 months
Power of the Underworld
Fandom: Fairy Tail Characters: Lucy Heartfilia, Natsu Dragneel, Zancrow, Jackal Rating: Teen + Warnings: Fighting, blood, death mentioned Summary: Mard Geer is the King of the Underworld - Alegria is his ultimate spell to bring back those who wish revenge against his current enemies. And Fairy Tail has many enemies beyond the grave... Status: Finished
This is for @phoenix-before-the-flame for the @theguildawards Gift Exchange. They gave me freedom, so this is what I came up with. Hopefully, they enjoy!
Mard Geer’s voice rumbled with the Cube as the spell took form, breaking and twisting parts of the outer shell, floors crumbled inward, and entire rooms were destroyed. Each shudder of the floating fortress caused those inside to adjust their footing to stay upright. Those who couldn’t were crushed by falling debris or trapped.
Then, as a loud groan filled their ears, they realized everything had begun to plummet.
“What is going on!?” Lucy felt herself begin to rise off the floor and tried to grip the debris around her.
“Lucy!” She looked up and saw Natsu working his way towards her, the normal determined look on his face filled her with hope. “Take my hand!”
“I'm trying!”
Taking a chance, she pushed herself forward and tried to take his offered hand. Fingertips caught a single breath of each other. They pushed their bodies further, desperate to hold on.
“Just a bit more...!”
Feeling his warm skin brush against her fingers again, a frantic cry left her lips, afraid what would happen if they lost each other.
Matching her, Natsu let out a growl, fighting against the lack of gravity that threatened to force them apart. There would be no way he would allow that to happen!
Using what magic he could dredge up after the last fight, he sent a blast of magic to his feet and felt himself propel forward. Arms opened, and muscles strained hard as they wrapped around Lucy's body and held her close to his chest.
“I got you,” he whispered, feeling her arms wrap around his chest and grip the fabric of his coat. The chill of her skin against his chest reminded him of her lack of clothing and how badly she could be injured if she were hit by the falling debris around them.
A gust of pressure blasted the area around them, sending them further down the crumbling hallway. He sucked in some air and blew out a breath of fire, trying to use it to direct which way they were blown. With a hand against Lucy's head, he kept her hair and face from being burned, focused on keeping her safe.
Unfortunately, that was enough of a distraction as another wave of pressure sent them tumbling through the air. They both cried out, Natsu turning green from the motion, and as a loud rumble of the fortress slamming into the ground filled their ears, they felt themselves collide with something and darkness took over.
Lucy woke gasping—the air caught in her throat and her already burning lungs ached with every cough that tore through her chest. There was no water around to calm her irritated throat, and the dust in her mouth caked the saliva that she tried to produce.
Dry heaves took over, tightening her empty stomach and threatened to expel the organ each time one took over. Burps and ugly sobs filled the night air, and she wondered between gasps just how she had managed to escape to the outside.
When she managed to finally get a decent amount of air into her lungs without setting off another round of coughing or heaving, she wiped her mouth with the back of her hand and grimaced at the blood that mixed in with the spittle.
There had been none in the mess she threw up, that she knew, but seeing the blood made sense why her head hurt. With no mirror or water to visually check herself, she patted herself down for any sign of damage. Touching the spot that ached on her forehead sent a jolt of pain through her entire body. It reminded her of the Thunder Palace’s jolt she took when she first joined Fairy Tail.
The rest of her body seemed to be okay besides a few cuts and bruises. If they survived, a hot bath loaded with epson salt and a few potions would be the best cure she had for all the aches she'd have.
Wiping what blood stained her face as best as she could by only feeling it, she flung it off to the ground and wiped her hands on the back of her skirt. Good thing it was a dark color, or any guild members she ran across might think the worst.
A frown pulled at her lips.
Natsu had been with her before, when they had been in the halls of the large cube that housed the Tartarus guild. Glancing around, she saw nothing but destruction, and not the kind she normally saw with him.
“Natsu?” she called, pushing herself up to her knees. Rocks and pieces of what used to be the large cube bit into her skin. Listening to her surroundings, only wind and the occasional debris falling under the weight of gravity answered her.
“Natsu?” she called again, louder and with urgency. Standing, she stumbled a bit, looking through the area for any sign of her teammate.
The last she remembered was being in his arms as they flew through the air. Whatever had happened started after that weird spell name Mard Geer said. Alegria, she recalled, trying to recall if she had ever heard of it before in either passing or in the books she had read.
Nothing really came to mind, but thinking too hard about it brought about more pulses of pain through her head. When they got out of it, she would look it up...maybe.
No other sounds than she heard before came about. It made her wonder if she were the only person left in the whole world. A silly thought, really, but one that stuck.
“There are others around,” she told herself, speaking to the wind. “And I am never alone with my spirits by my side.” Feeling their warmth calmed her down a little.
Everyone else was fine, probably beaten up and bruised like her, and waking up to find where they had been fighting nothing but rubble. Natsu would appear out of nowhere, like he was prone to do. A large smile would be on his irritatingly handsome face and he'd hit the battle off with an “I'm all fired up,” line.
Wait—every nerve in her body lit up like warning bells. What battle? There was no battle going on.
“Lookie what we found.”
The power of her keys hummed in urgency against her hip, reacting to the panic she felt setting in her gut. Looking over her shoulder, her eyes grew in disbelief. “That's...not possible!”
Jackal laughed, throwing his head back, and smacked his companion on the shoulder. Next to him, golden hair wild as if struck by lightning, grinned down at her and raised his arms out.
“Surprised to see me, girlie?” Zancrow's maniacal laughter joined Jackal's, black flames gathered around him. “A little payback to show you what a demonized God Slayer can do to you Fairy Flies!”
“Argh, dammit!” Gajeel pushed the wall of debris off him and growled. “What are those bastards thinkin’ crashing their own base?” A coat of dust turned his dark skin grey and even as he tried to wipe it off, the mixture with his sweat only made it smear. Unable to stand the feel on his skin, he tore his headband off and wiped his face with it. Before he tossed the soiled cloth to the ground, he used it to blow the crud out of his nose and took a whiff of the air.
“Can’t get a hint of anything with this shit in my nose still,” he swore, gritting his teeth in aggravation and tasting the dust coating the inside of his mouth. Spitting what he could gather out, he looked around for water or something to clean things up but found nothing but piles of rubble and destruction. “They can’t blame us for this, this time.”
Left with limited options, he closed his eyes and focused on what he could hear around him.
A chilling silence hung in the air with the odd rock or bit shifting and falling to the ground as the ruins settled. Beyond that, voices of those who were trapped under the piles began to struggle for breath and call out for help. He ignored them if they weren’t anyone he recognized. The enemy soldiers could suffocate for all he cared.
Sounds of voices he finally did recognize came from afar—too far for him to understand what they were saying, but he could get the gist of it. Their guildmates were helping each other and regrouping. He should move to find Levy, Lily, and the others, but something else caught his attention, something he did not need to focus on to hear.
Spinning around, he threw out a punch as the footsteps rushed at him. Skin broke on both fists that collided with each other, and dark eyes of both dragon slayers glared at the other.
“Watch where you’re going, you fire-eating freak!” Gajeel bit out, gnashing his teeth at the other.
“Like you’re one to talk, bolts for brains!” Natsu growled back, ready to start a fight with the other. “Why are you just standing around? We need to find Lucy and the others!”
“Bunny girl?” He thought over what he had heard before Natsu came running at him. “I didn’t hear anythin’ from her when I listened.”
They stepped back from the other, Natsu shaking the blood from his knuckles and Gajeel doing the same after realizing the grey dirt covered his hands, too. Then he looked over the other dragon slayer. “How’d the hell you stay clean through all that?”
“I didn’t,” Natsu answered, sniffing the air around them. “I couldn’t smell with all that dust, so I burned it all.”
“Must be nice. I’d give ‘bout anything for Juvia’s rain right now.” They stood by each other, using their senses to try to find their guildmate. “Was there anything back the way you came?”
Natsu shook his head, deciding to start running in a direction away from where he had been. “Only Gray. Guess one of the demon guys is his ol’ man, so they were talkin’.”
“You serious?”
“That’s what they said,” he said and shrugged. “I wasn’t gonna stop them.”
Gajeel could understand that. Both of them would be thrilled at the off-chance of finding their own adopted fathers and being able to catch up with them—after yelling at them for disappearing. Whatever their reasons, it didn’t excuse them from leaving children to fend for themselves in the world.
A bite of jealousy for the Ice Mage crept up, but it was quickly shoved down. A battlefield was not the time or place to deal with such thoughts or emotions. Not when their guildmates were fighting for their lives still, and they had no idea what new dangers the Alegria spell brought.
“Where’d you see Lucy last?”
“After that weird spell,” Natsu halted, sniffing the air and frowned. “Wait…That can’t be right.”
“You don’t remember? Salamander, I am about to—” He began pushing up his sleeves, ready to pound the shorter dragon slayer into the ground for not remembering crucial information about the blonde. So much for being her teammate.
“No, I remember,” he growled, looking around. “This smell…it’s the same as one of those guys from Tenrou.”
“Are you serious?” Most of those wizards they had fought all those years ago had died on the island or managed to escape with Hades. The idea that they were here meant they were taking advantage of Fairy Tail’s weakness and striking when they were down.
Natsu nodded, trying to catch the scent again. Just then, as a breeze washed over them, the stinging scent of smoke caught their attention and large bursts of light appeared over the mountainous landscape of debris.
“That’s Loke’s magic,” Gajeel shouted, knowing that magic anywhere after facing off against it.
“That’s where Lucy hasta be!”
“Hey! Wait, Salamander!” He took after the other slayer, grumbling under his breath. “If you lead us into a trap, I will personally make your life hell!”
Lucy cried out as her body tumbled over sharp rocks and piles of debris from a cloud of smoke. Balls of light grew around where she landed, ready to explode in a split second before she could even get her arms under her.
Everything shook around them as the orbs exploded, tearing into the destroyed area even more and sending the two flying off again. Manic laughter followed after her as Zancrow and Jackal emerged from the smoke, grins wide on both of their faces.
“That was great!” Zancrow hollered with his head thrown back and gave Jackal a high-five. “I think your explosions knocked that kitty cat right back to the pound!”
“You’re not too bad, yourself.” Jackal grinned, staring at the blonde as she struggled to push herself up. “All tuckered already? Thought you’d actually put up a fight.”
Lucy grunted against the burns and pain wrecking her entire body. Her whip lay useless elsewhere, used as a conduit for Jackal’s explosions, and Loki had taken a substantial hit for her earlier, but she could feel her magic still ebbing away. That meant he had to still be there, but he would need help.
Taurus and Aries were out of the question after what they experienced earlier. Virgo might be a good choice, she thought, then immediately dismissed it. The spirit would be limited in what she could do like Loke since they couldn’t get close to them. Not without erupting in either flames or destructive explosions.
“Wanna make a bet?” She heard Zancrow's higher pitch voice coming closer and glanced through her ragged hair at the two demons. They walked side by side with each other, like the best of friends. How she would walk with her own friends, her team...and Natsu.
Tears burned her eyes. Rocks bit into the flesh of her fists. Were her friends even still alive? Surviving a crash like that without being trapped or seriously injured would be unlikely. She managed to come out mostly unscathed, severe bruises and aching joints, but mobile. If others had been as lucky, could they be fighting off against their enemies?
Something was off about the former Grimoire Heart member, she noted. There were intricate tattoos wrapped over his exposed arm and swirled around his pectorals, ending at his nipple. Whenever Wendy or Natsu described him, they never mentioned tattoos. Though, they had mentioned his strangely spiraled eyes, she couldn't remember if they mentioned them glowed red, either.
The closer they got, the less of a chance she had to fight. Another attack like before would knock her out of the fight completely, and if that happened, there was no knowing what they would do to her then. No, she had to keep fighting and find her friends!
“Open, Gate of the Archer! Sagittarius!” The golden key turned with a twist of her wrist and a bright light blinded her at the appearance of her strangely clad spirit.
“Howdy do, you called?” Sagittarius asked, saluting as he stared into space.
“I need you to keep those two at bay while I try to figure out a plan,” she ordered, pointing at the laughing demons.
“Right! Can do!” He equipped his bow and began shooting at them as he backed up with Lucy limping beside him. Both knew his arrows would do little to dissuade them from attacking, but a little extra damage and time never hurt when nursing wounds.
“If I can find the others,” Lucy mumbled, feeling the drain on her body and magic reserves. “They have to be alive...”
Alive or not, wherever the rest of Fairy Tail was, it was not there, and she faced an enemy alone with only her spirits beside her. But not for long, she knew. Only Loke could summon himself without her magic, but she had already opened his gate, and he pulled at her reserves, which meant he still lingers somewhere on the battlefield.
Could she summon a third spirit?
A weariness sagged her shoulders, her legs trembling and threatening to collapse, the thought of when she had last rested or had something to eat still lingering in her mind. A specific date or time wouldn't come to her, or even if she had spent it at home or somewhere else. If Natsu and Happy had been there, crashing her apartment like they did several nights out of the week, nothing came forward of those memories.
Her eyesight blurred and her brows furrowed. Had she hit her head during the crash, she wondered. It would make sense, but the fact she felt stretched beyond her capabilities suggested a different outcome. A different explanation.
“Miss Lucy!”
Air wheezed out of her lungs quickly, a mass of weight crashed into her from the side and heat scorched the ground around them. Startled, she glanced around, realizing she had allowed herself to zone out while in a life-or-death battle!
Berating herself would come later--that is, if she survived. The thought left a bitter taste in her mouth.
Glancing at where the demons had been, the sight brought a chill to her soul. Hand in hand, Loke wrestled for dominance over Zancrow, their fingers interlocked and squeezing to add another level of torment to the other. The demonized God Slayer laughed, crazed eyes nearly circles at their size, and slammed his forehead into Loke's.
Where she had been was a blackened scorch mark on the stone floor—what had been the bottom of the cube, she realized then. Those who had been fighting at the bottom of the cube...her spirits who suffered as they fought alongside her...Shimmers caught her attention and she realized then who had collided with her.
“Sagittarius!” She cried out, seeing the pain in his eyes.
“Forgive me, Miss Lucy. My battle ends here...” The archer spirit completely dissolved into the light of the stars, going back to the celestial realm to recover from his injuries.
Her breath caught.
A cry from Loke caught her attention, “Loke!”
His entire body had been engulfed in black flames, burning him as his body shimmered brightly and began to disappear. Their eyes met for a brief moment through his blue-tinted glasses, “I'm sorry...We failed.”
Tears blurred her vision in frustration and pain. She had meant to think of a plan to fight or to escape, not get distracted by her own inability to focus. Because of her, Sagittarius and Loke had both been hurt, and the situation only grew worse.
“I win!” Jackal declared, hand on his hip in triumph. “Said I could get her on my explosive trap without realizing.”
“That doesn’t count,” Zancrow argued, gesturing wildly towards her now that his hands were free. “She might have stepped in it, but that weird horse guy took all the damage. I call for a new bet!”
“And what would you want to make a new bet on?”
A cold chill ran through Lucy. Think, she told herself, trying hard to figure out a way to escape. If she pulled out Virgo, it was possible they could escape through tunnels, or they could set up a trap to lure the demons in.
The only other spirit she felt she could call on was Aquarius, but there was no water—she blinked the tears from her eyes and swallowed as laughter caught her attention.
Like old pals, Zancrow and Jackal were sharing a secret handshake and grinning like evil fools. “That sounds like fun,” Jackal laughed, finishing the hand motions with a fist bump. “What's the winner get?”
“How should I know, I just came back here after hearing the call,” Zancrow shrugged. “I wouldn't mind finishing off the pesky fly, but if she dies during the bet, I call the next one!”
“Who says you will even win?”
“Who says you will?”
“Wanna bet who will win?” Jackal stepped forward, lifting a fist.
“That's exactly what we are already doing!” Zancrow mimicked him, both glaring at the other. A tense moment ticked by and then they were laughing again, smacking the other on the back. “This is gonna be fun!”
“Come here, girlie!”
“—Open gate of the Maiden! Virgo!” Lucy cried, holding the golden key out. Immediately, the pink-haired spirit dove forward and disappeared into the ground, tunneling around. Both of the demons looked around them in shock, trying to figure out where the spirit would come out from.
They learned soon enough as the ground shifted and broke inward, sending them tumbling down into a large crater that no longer supported the top surface of the ruins. Virgo came up from the original hole she created, glaring at the demons.
“Princess, Big Brother told me the situation,” she said, keeping her place between the enemy and Lucy. “I can keep them at bay while you make a run for—”
“No!” Lucy pushed herself up, pulling out another key from her pouch. Running it over her tear-stained face, she glared down at the men below. “I won't run and leave you!”
“But Princess--!”
Throwing her arm back, Lucy willed all the remaining magic power into the key, “Open, gate of the Water Bearer! Aquarius!” With a twist of her wrist, light flared around them, blinding anyone around. Her legs wobbled, barely able to hold her own weight up, yet she stumbled forward in determination. There would be a victor in this battle, and she--
“You idiotic little brat!”
Blinking, she stared behind her as the light faded and felt a hand connect with her cheek. Aquarius' face, twisted in anger, sent her entire body into flight mode, and she nearly took off running if the spirit's arms hadn't captured her and wrapped her in a tight hug.
“I can't do anything to help you without water around, but I can grant you this from the Spirit King.” A soft kiss pressed against Lucy's forehead and a swell of energy filled her. Around them, water formed a sphere of protection and her body glowed as new clothes replaced her old ones. The final piece came as the mermaid touched her collarbone and a similar tattoo marked her skin.
“You better be grateful,” Aquarius bit out, glowing as she closed her own gate to go back. “You brat.”
Feeling the energy coursing through her veins, the power tingling at her fingertips, she turned to see Virgo staring in awe at her. Realization came then what she had been gifted—Aquarius had given her part of her magic to use. A stardress, a voice echoed in her mind from her keys. The power of the stars had been gifted to her in her greatest time and she would not waste it.
“Yes, Princess!” The maiden dove back into the hole she created and giant rocks began breaking from the sides of the giant hole the demons were caught in. They rolled down towards the middle, forcing them to dance out of the way to avoid being crushed.
“You think this will stop us,” Jackal growled and explosions sent chunks of stone flying in every direction. Black flames flew up and wrapped around the water shield that protected Lucy as she put her hands together and focused on the power Aquarius gifted her.
“Survey the Heavens, Open the Heavens...” Her eyes closed, letting the magic flow through and around her. All the distractions around her and the explosions faded into the background as the words of the spell came forward. “All the stars, far and wide, show me thy appearance with such shine.”
Below her, the ground rumbled and began to become unstable from the amount of stones Virgo threw at the demons in distraction. The water shield around her kept her safe from the heat that tried to burn her, but she could feel the surface boiling—could feel it draining her power to maintain.
“Oh Tetrabiblos, I am the ruler of the stars—”
A large explosion sent the earth beneath her heaving into the air and she felt Virgo's gate close. Stumbling back, her concentration on the spell crumpled and she managed to open her eyes just in time to see Zancrow appear out of a fume of smoke and fire heading right for her. Black fire consumed his fists, and rage filled his glowing swirled eyes. “You bitch!”
Lucy raised her arms to block the blow the best she could even knowing that it would hurt no matter what she did. Stories of those dark flames had been something Natsu had told her on many sleepless nights camping under the stars... “Natsu!”
“Back off!” A familiar voice cried out as iron collided with the crazed Demon God Slayer's face and sent him flying across the ground of rubble. Lucy winced as his body collided with a large pillar sticking up from the ground and slumped over. The way he laid, she didn’t even know if he was dead or alive, but what concerned her was who had sent him flying.
Lowering her arms, she looked up until she caught sight of Gajeel’s dirty, sweat streaked face panting as he stared down the once deceased God Slayer before turning to Lucy, red eyes glaring. “Have you no self-preservation, Bunny Girl?!”
She blinked at him. “Ex-cuse me?” Leaning up into him, she poked his dusty chest and glared at him. “Thank you for saving me, but I had been managing two demons by myself until you showed up!”
“Hey, I just saved yer ass—”
“And I said thank you, but you coming in acting like the hero and then yelling at me when I have been doing my damndest to stay alive is not helpful or wanted!” She shoved her finger into his chest again, feeling hot tears running down her cheeks. Anger and relief mixed together knowing that she wasn’t alone anymore, that the weight of the fight didn’t land on her shoulders and magic reserves.
Pressing the heels of her hands against her eyes, a sob broke through her resolve and she wrapped her arms around Gajeel’s chest, not caring about the dust, grime, or sweat on him. “Thank you.”
“Ah, geez…” He laid a hand on her hand, patting it gently as he rubbed the back of his head with the other. Glancing over to the crater, he frowned at the smoke and dust that hid the scene below. “We better back away, this might get ugly.”
“W-what do you mean?” She began to pull away to look—arms pulled her against Gajeel’s chest again, the ground shook below them and an explosion sent them forward onto the ground. Smoke and ash consumed the sky and the air around them, making it difficult to get even a gasp of breath. Ringing filled her ears, taking away yet another one of her senses and leaving her grasping around the ground.
As the air cleared and ringing faded, another sound sent a soundwave blasting over them and Lucy’s muted scream added nothing to it. Covering her ears, she barely registered when arms picked her up and carried her away from the crater just before another explosion sent more wreckage flying at them.
“What’s happening!?” She screamed over the noise, looking for the cause of the noise.
Beside her, Gajeel also had his hands over his ears looking pissed. “Dammit, Salamander! What are you doing—ah shit!”
Dark flames shot towards them through the smog. He raised his arm to try to block it, but a wall of water consumed it in a burst of steam seconds before it hit them. Lucy held her hand out, panting and coughing, but glad she had managed to catch it before it hurt either of them. Unfortunately, what the water couldn’t stop was Natsu appearing just before toppling into the three of them. The three of them groaned, piled together with Natsu over both Gajeel and Lucy.
“Dammit, get off, flame brain!”
“Why does this always happen to me…”
Natsu clamored off of his guildmates and wiped the blood from his mouth. “Gah, sorry guys. Didn’t expect ‘im to go all monster sized.” With groans, the other two stood up and moved to stand on either side of him, neither looking their best.
Through the thick of the smoke, two shadows emerged together. One stood almost three times taller than the other and one had both hands engulfed in dark flames. As the smoke cleared from them, Zancrow threw his head and shoulders back to let out loud pearls of laughter. “Didn’t expect to see me again, did ya! New and improved, a Demon God Slayer!”
“Wait…wasn’t this the guy that messed up my scarf and hurt Gramps on Tenrou?” He looked at Lucy with a frown.
“Yeah,” she answered with a nod. “From what you told me of him, he fits the description.”
“I thought he died!”
“Alegria is the ultimate spell of the King of the Underworld,” Jackal’s guttural rumble drew their attention to the beast. “Those with a strong enough desire for revenge for Mard Geer’s current enemies come back from the dead in demonic forms!”
Sharp claws dug into the stone below him as he took a step towards them. “All of you must be one of the most hated guilds with our base collapsing like that. The number of enemies back from the grave to tear you to pieces will be a blast to see!”
“Did he just…” Gajeel couldn’t finish that sentence. The reality of the situation bleak if the demon told the truth.
“All our enemies are back?” Lucy felt a chill run through her entire body, memories of all their previous fights coming back as she thought of how close some of them had been to failure. If their enemies were stronger now, would they be able to make it out alive this time?
Natsu stepped forward and thrust his hand into his fist, “So what if you brought all of them back! Even if they got stronger, so have we.” He glanced at Lucy and grinned. “Sounds like a fun time to me.”
Zancrow laughed again. “You’ve hardly been able to take on Tartaros’ demons as they are, yet you expect to take on so many others?” Black flames fluttered and grew into a large fireball. Red lightning crackled around the outsides of it, and he chucked it, growling, “Don’t make me laugh!”
Lightning and flames swirled around Natsu’s arms and he stepped forward to knock the fireball out of his way easily. “You might not understand this, but don’t expect to be able to take on all of them. No, I expect to be able to fall back on my friends when I need to for their support.”
“Heh,” Gajeel rolled his eyes, “count me out.”  
“So, Lucy,” he kept his eyes on the two demons, but she knew he was listening to her closely, “what’s the plan?”
Looking over the area trying to think of how they could best use their environment, she frowned and pressed a curled finger against her lips. “Before either of you came, I had been attempting a Urano Metria, but they interrupted me. If you two would be able to distract them, I am pretty sure I could take out at least one of them.”
“Then we’d only have the other to take care of.”
“All right! Now I’m all fired up!” He slammed his knuckles together, sending an eruption of flames over his fists. “Let’s go, Gajeel!”
“Don’t you two even think about it,” Zancrow said, swirling his dark flames tighter around himself and erupted his own fists on fire. “The only way any of you manage to get away is by explosion!”
Jackal bounded by the God Slayer, claws spread wide to swipe at the two dragon slayers. Black, jagged blades split through Gajeel’s forearms—matching close to his skin as camouflage—and caught the claws before a breath of red fire engulfed the beast and grazed the other demon.
Fires of black and red, explosions, and sections of the earth being sliced apart filled the space as the four men ran down their blows and traded spells. Lucy watched it from further away, but it was horrifying. Fighting would always be a last resort for her when she could, and unfortunately, now was not that time.
Spreading her arms wide, she closed her eyes and focused on the magic power deep inside, the last bit of energy she had to spare. The fighting dulled away to a quiet beat she used to focus her breathing and formulate the correct amount of power into each word. “Survey the Heavens, open the Heavens, all the stars, far and wide. Show me thy appearance with such shine.”
A heavenly light spread around her, shining a beacon in her direction. Those all around would see the clouds above part, the stars shimmer and spin, and the planets moving to align. Enough power had been pushed into the words this time. She trusted her friends to keep her safe as the spell was prepared.
Natsu slid across the ground, balancing well enough to stay on his feet and take off again to land several punches against Jackal. Each strike brought a glow of light that would grow and explode the area around him. Each explosion, another jab of pain and sheer determination to absorb the flames and heat through his skin for energy.
“Is that all you got?” He threw himself back, avoiding a swipe of claws. Throwing his body forward once the danger passed, he threw himself up toward Jackal’s face. “Fire Dragon’s Iron Fist!”
Dark flames circled around Gajeel’s arms and blasted up into his face, knocking him back along the ground. Growling, several kunai materialized in his hands and he threw them with deadly accuracy. Each one flew off harmlessly as Zancrow twirled his dark flame scythe in front of him.
At the last kunai, the crazed blond lunged forward, ready to slice Gajeel’s head clean from his shoulders, but for a large man, the Iron Dragon Slayer easily dodged out of the way, quick on his feet as his scaled fist slammed into the other’s face.
When the sky opened to reveal the night sky above, both he and Natsu jumped back, their shoulders pressed together.
“Ready, Lug Nut?”
“Heaven then Hell,” Gajeel chuckled, “seems too poetic for these losers.”
Behind them, Lucy’s final part of the incantation echoed over the landscape. Her body glowing in the heavenly light of the stars. “Oh Tetrabiblos, I am the ruler of the stars, aspect become complete, open thy malevolent gate. Oh 88 Stars of the heaven...” Her eyes shimmered and snapped open as the planets above came raining downward. “Shine! Urano Metria!”
Both demons stared in awe and disbelief as eighty-eight celestial bodies flew towards them in a bid to end their lives. Zancrow jumped to his feet, determined to survive. “I just came back! I won’t die so easily!”
But to both of their horrors, iron shackles gripped their feet and limbs, keeping them locked to the ground. When they looked at the dragon slayers, they shuddered at the grins on both of their faces that seemed to twist and morph into snarling maws of dragons.
From above, the planets hurled into the earth where they stood. Their bodies pelted by the force and weight of each mid-size planet. Screams of pain ripped through their throats, but the true horror of the attack stemmed from below.
As Lucy directed each of the 88 heavenly bodies down on their foes, Natsu and Gajeel utilized the distraction and punched the ground together. “Molten Iron Earthen Eruption!”
A new sound filled their ears, the ground began to heave and glow until large jagged pieces of iron began piercing upward with pillars of flames. Heat shimmered in the air; the ground became impossible to traverse.
Jackal swiped at the sharp spikes that tried to impale him, swearing loudly at each cut, gouge, and burn. “I will not fall so easily! You pathetic wizards are mere parasites beneath demons!” He summoned a large glow to his fists and set off a massive explosion.
Moments before the explosion, Zancrow stood inhaling the flames around him, laughing when he had taken in a stomach’s worth. “Have you forgotten who you are up against? I am stronger than I had been on Tenrou!” Arms stretched wide, the explosion wrapped around his silhouette and filled the sent broken iron, flames, and stone soaring through the air.
Still standing in front of Lucy, Natsu and Gajeel each took in a breath to try to counter the blast with their own breath attacks when two large walls of ice curved over them—one pink and the other blue. Serrated iron stuck into the ice and the explosion caused the whole area around them to shift downward. The land no longer able to support everything it had endured after Virgo had carved the tunnels through it.
Another range of pink ice lined the ground as it collapsed, keeping them safe and on even ground. “Sorry we’re late,” Silver apologized as he strolled up with Gray next to him. Both looking different with genuine smiles on their faces. “Needed to have a little father/son bonding time.”
“’Bout time you two showed up,” Gajeel griped with his arms crossed.
Natsu went over to Lucy and helped her stand as she looked at the completely transformed area. Dark clouds covered the battlefield beyond the area of ice and kept the fate of their enemies hidden.
Gripping his hand tightly, Lucy glanced up at him, her lower lip worried. “Is it over?”
Looking at Silver briefly, Natsu nodded, not willing to tell her of the blood he smelled coming from the two, or the sounds he could hear from their still bodies. The smoke hid their gruesome deaths from flying projectiles, fire, and iron and ice stakes that drove the final blows home.
“Yeah,” he answered, giving her a reassuring smile, “this one is, but if we got more enemies coming, I can’t wait to show them what Fairy Tail has in store for them now that we’re stronger!” Squeezing her hand, he dragged her to the others and pushed her attention towards Silver and Gray and away from who they had been fighting against.
Eyes narrowed, he sniffed the air once, catching an extremely faint scent somewhere in the miles of wreckage of the two again—somewhere they would be brought back to life and ready to fight. A constant circle the demons could afford, but Fairy Tail couldn’t.
It would be their next area to go, he decided, sharing a nod with Gajeel, and they would take them out once and for all.
This story kinda got away from me, but I had to get it out and done. Lots of fighting in this, but I don't mind that. It's a different form of angst to throw into the fandom. Thank you @teleiapotami and Libra for doing your speedy readings of it to ensure no influencers were consumed in the making of this story!
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respawningjupiter · 1 year
I made my first ai chat bot!!
It's Zancrow from Fairy Tail since there's none of him and he's not very popular
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fairytail-whathesays · 11 months
Can I get some Zancrow headcanons? We know next to nothing about this guy but I think he's neat
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Zancrow wields godslaying magic which, in essence, is a corruption of dragonslaying magic that Zeref created. His flames are vicious and purify indiscriminately.
Zancrow is also what happens when dragonslaying magic's proto-dragonizing brain degeneration effects--dramatically enhanced by corruption into godslaying magic--go unchecked. There was a time when Zancrow was calmer and less psychotic (not by much--he still resembled Phantom Lord Gajeel a little too much), but this changed when his godslaying magic turned inward and made him violent, unstable, and mindlessly aggressive.
Thanks to this, Zancrow has a near-constant headache, always present on some level and sometimes unbearable, which only ever seems to feel relief when he exercises his magic. If his magic isn't used to destroy things around him, it will start to destroy him from within. Much like an addiction being fed, though, it only reduces his resistance to it, causing the brain degeneration to accelerate rather than stall.
As aggravating and hateful as Zancrow is when he's at rest or especially when he doesn't like someone, you do not want him to actually like you, let alone be attracted to you. Nothing actually improves.
Unlike, say, Azuma, Zancrow is not attracted to power. He's attracted to destruction, and even that in only a very loose sense. He used to be an asshole type of chad, with high school jock energy around women and men, but the godslaying magic eating away at his mind has pretty much atrophied his more innately social factors. He's much the same way with platonic relationships.
He would get along entirely too well with Zero.
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fairydares · 2 years
Did anyone else not remember that it was Hades who gave zancrow his godslayer abilities? Like uhhhhh wtf
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earmo-imni · 2 years
Me, watching the Seven Kin of Purgatory and their master arrive on Tenrou Island:
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“Sweetheart 🌸”
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“…Girl, what are you even doing with your life?”
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“Baby 💖💖💖💖💖”
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foreverevanescent · 1 year
The main event of Night 1 of BTWF Last Gasp; Zancrow defends the BTWF World Heavyweight Championship against Mirio Togata, Crona Gorgon, and three members of the NWO (Katsuki Bakugo, Mercury Black, and Pete Corvus). Who is heading into StarShow to face Izuku Midoriya in a BTWF World Heavyweight Championship match?
We're now gonna be on the last stretch of highway on the Road to StarShow. Be sure to favorite, follow, and leave a review if you liked what you read.
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nightdemon04 · 1 year
hello! I saw that you write for fairytail. So I was wondering if u could write a fic where a gn! reader cuddles with zancrow? (if you don’t write for him, you could do this request but with lyon or gray) please and thank youu
have a good day <33
Thank you for the request! ^^ it's been quite a while since I've seen Fairy Tail so I'm gonna do Gray and maybe in the future zancrow when i watch Fairy tail again also I'm very sorry it took so long I've been quite busy lately with a new job and my birthday soon (tomorrow)! I hope you have a great day too! ^^
Gn reader x Gray
!Fluff and a squint of sillyness!
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It's been a long day for you and all you wanted to do was lay down and sleep. Until you went inside your house and saw a naked Gray.
'GRAY PUT YOUR CLOTHES ON!' that scared him badly since he didn't notice you come in 'Ah sorry sorry.' he quickly put his clothes back on.
'So now that you are decent what are you doing here Gray?' he turned towards me 'What I can't see my own partner anymore?' i kept silent '...' he frowned a bit 'Natsu said u had a rough day so I wanted to be here for you.' he looked away trying to hide his blush. 'Alright come on then.' He looked at me puzzled.
'I thought you were here for me come on I going to bed we are going to cuddle, I need my cuddles.' I say smiling, he looks so cute when he's blushing.
'Alright yea sure.' I can just sense you blushing I don't even have to look. When we entered the bedroom I could just smell the scent of my favourite candle. Amazing smell to relax with, I pulled Gray's arm towards the bed and aggressively shoved him on it
'Stay I am going to change into something comfy and we are going to cuddle wether you like it or not.' He just nodded and when I came back in my most comfortable outfit I saw that Gray made himself comfortable under the sheets (am i the only one that can't lay in bed without a blanket on me?) and i joined him. He pulled me into his arms. Nothing was said between us, a mutual understanding not to talk about it and to just hold eachother. He pulled me in closer and his grio got a little tighter not too tight just enough. It was just us under the sheets silently enjoying eachothers heat, silently comforting eachothers for the stressful day we've had.
'I love you.' was the last thing i heard before i fell asleep.
'You did amazing today and I'm so proud of you.' Gray was glad you fell asleep because he couldn't stop his blush from making another appearance.
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I had to write it a second time because i accidentally deleted half of it 😭 but i hope you like it and i'm sorry it took so long life has been difficult lately. Also my mother's tongue isn't English as you might've noticed but i tried my best hehe
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pyropsychiccollector · 7 months
Natsu Harem: Fairy GET! 13/14
Nearly there. (人◕ω◕)
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If you guys have been following me for a while, you know I'd never forget Sorano-chan. Sorano Aguria. (人◕ω◕) She's in my Top 4 Natsu ships. Has been for a very long time~ I've been saving the best for last cuz you guys have heard me talk your ears about them for ages. (人◕ω◕)
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When did they meet?
Natsu encountered Sorano during the mission to crush Oracion Seis. At the time, Sorano was working to revive Nirvana, which was Brain's plot to destroy Light Guilds and convert them to the dark side. But for Sorano's part, her dream - her prayer, if you will - was to fade into the sky like an angel. ... In other words, she just wanted freedom. Sorano and the rest of the Seis that worked under Brain were slaves at the Tower of Heaven like Erza, Simon, and their friends. And it simply became their misfortune to be used as pawns by Brain to hold back his more powerful, destructive personality of Zero.
Still, Sorano was among the first to be defeated by the Alliance of Fairy Tail, Lamia Scale, Blue Pegasus, and Cait Shelter. In this iteration, Natsu was the one to capture her and confiscate her Gate Keys. And when Nirvana gets activated... It's not just Richard whose heart is swayed, but Sorano's as well. This was brought about due to Natsu and Erza speaking with her, effectively reminding Sorano of the sister she saved and left behind, when the Zeref worshippers captured her as a child...though Natsu and Erza aren't aware of this, as Sorano privately ruminates on it. Sorano is ashamed to have been a part of something so insidious, feeling she has no right to ever see Yukino again... But she helps the Alliance against her friends, knowing it's best to reel them in and stop Brain.
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Oracion Seis still gets beaten, and Cobra/Erik is still pissed about Brain stabbing them in the back... Unfortunately, there's not much resolution for the Seis on that front. Lahar still takes them away, in addition to Jellal. Sorano has no expectation of ever seeing the light of day again; she doesn't deserve to, or so she thinks. Richard was happy to hear his brother had joined Fairy Tail, and does have hopes of seeing him again someday... Sorano bitterly wishes she had Richard's optimism. ... But she doesn't. Sorano lets Natsu keep her keys, do whatever with them; even if Scorpio and Gemini want to be her spirits still, Sorano doesn't feel worthy enough.
When did they grow closer?
... Nevertheless, during the seven years Fairy Tail's strongest are missing, Warrod Sequen of the Wizard Saints approaches the imprisoned members of Oracion Seis and Grimoire Heart. This happened shortly after Jellal was sprung from prison by Ultear and Meredy; Warrod sees this as a golden opportunity. He gets permission from the Council for an attempted rehab program, and personally takes Sorano, Richard, Erik, Sawyer, Macbeth, Rustyrose, and Azuma under his wing. They're the only ones who showed any interest in freedom with the condition of changing their ways; Zancrow and Kain were too set in their destructive habits. But even so, it's rough getting through to most of them. If it's not guilt gnawing away at them, the former prisoners merely want to do their own things, do soul-searching on their terms. ... Which can't happen, because they're Warrod's responsibility.
To help motivate them, seven years into their rehab, he offers them the chance to participate in the Grand Magic Game. Make a wager out of the competition since Fairy Tail is competing, their best having finally returned. If they can beat Fairy Tail and emerge victorious in the games, they'll have full freedom, no obligation to join any guild... But if Fairy Tail wins, then they'll have to join the fairies. It's not a bet that they're super eager to take on - save for Sorano and Richard, none of the former Oracion Seis or Grimoire Heart want to join Fairy Tail. Nevertheless, when Raven Tail is ousted from the games for foul play, they're given this opportunity to compete.
Sorano had already bumped into Natsu in the first days of the games, roaming around Crocus. He returned her Celestial Spirit keys to her, which just... blew her away. Sorano thought for sure Natsu would have foisted them off on that Heartfillia girl, but he held onto the keys all this time... for her sake. (๑╹ω╹๑ ) Sorano's honestly at a loss for words, and honestly doesn't care about the "bet" anymore. Either way, she's probably gonna be joining Fairy Tail with Richard... It might seem silly to feel indebted to a knucklehead that pounded her into the dirt years ago, but Sorano doesn't care. Fairy Tail's about as free as one can get. They're strong and fight back against monsters like the Balam Alliance.
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... That, and well... (๑╹ω╹๑ );;; It doesn't take her long to see and hear about Yukino-chan. At first she was pretty happy her sister was doing well for herself in a strong guild like Sabertooth... But then she heard about Yukino getting kicked out because of a simple bad matchup in the battles... And Sorano couldn't have been prouder of Natsu raining Hell down on Sabertooth for that. (๑╹ω╹๑ ) Sorano herself might feel powerless, unworthy to go and do anything for Yukino-chan... But like a night in shining armor, Natsu wrecked their shit. Both unofficially and officially. (๑╹ω╹๑ ) She was quite gleeful about him taking down those "Twin Dragons"...
Unfortunately, however, Sorano gets captured like Lucy and Yukino, their golden keys taken to be used to open the gate. Events of the dragon invasion go about the same, just with "Hydra Roots" helping out all the other guilds. And Ultear not using Last Ages~
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When everything blows over, and the members of Warrod's "guild" (as well as Crime Sorciere) are pardoned for their heroic acts in helping save Ishgar from the dragons... Sorano can hardly believe it. Just like that, she's given a new lease on life. Sure, not everyone is happy to be joining Fairy Tail, but they lost the games. They have to accept that. ... Even Sorano has to accept that Yukino-chan will be in the same guild. A reunion she's very conflicted about... But since she's pardoned, Sorano doesn't have many excuses to fall back on, dodging any interactions with her sister. It's just something to get used to. (๑╹ω╹๑ )
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I bring all this background info up, cuz it explains why Natsu gets close to Sorano after the GMG are over. (๑╹ω╹๑ ) With all the new recruits, Natsu was bound to bump shoulders with former Oracion Seis eventually~ Understandably, they largely stick to themselves... in the beginning, at least. But when Natsu hears from Yukino that she and Sorano are sisters, he helps mediate between them for the first couple of talks. In his eyes, they're like Mira and Lisanna... They even have white hair~.... Sisters should get along. (๑╹ω╹๑ ) And between Richard hugging it out with Wally, Erik getting reacquainted with Kinana (formerly Cubelios), and even Azuma and Erza having a solid respect for one another... It doesn't take long for "Hydra Roots" to fully integrate into Fairy Tail.
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Sorano is... rather affectionate with Natsu. Much to the ire of a good few ladies. (๑╹ω╹๑ ) The human embodiment of an angel not only plays matchmaker for Yukino-chan and Natsu, she gets rather cozy with the Dragon Slayer, too. Not only tagging along on jobs with Team Natsu and dragging Yukino along, but also... She was among the first of the new girls to ever see Natsu's house. (๑╹ω╹๑ ) Even if Mira and Erza gripe about it, Sorano makes herself right at home with the pyro~... Natsu doesn't mind how scantily clad she is on a regular basis, he seems rather used to such things... Which intrigues Sorano quite a bit. (๑╹ω╹๑ ) If he has all these perky girls swarming him, how has he not gotten laid yet? How has he not succumbed to ecchi impulses like a lot of the other guys in the guild?
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Of course, in spite of how shameless Sorano can be, it's not mere physical attraction that draws her to Natsu. He's more than just candy for the eyes. (๑╹ω╹๑ ) He's strong as hell, and the way her cares for all his friends is... It's very pleasant to be around. And his acknowledgement of her strength, depending on her more in the heat of battle than that Heartfillia chick... Sorano-chan takes pride in that. (๑╹ω╹๑ ) Sure, Natsu says Heartfillia is strong in her own way, yadda, yadda, yadda, but what's Heartfillia bring to the table besides her spirits? At least Sorano and Yukino have hand-to-hand combat training. And moreover, Sorano has her... angels~.... \(๑╹ω╹๑ )/ Heartfillia gets kidnapped and smacked around all the time~... While Sorano is a proud fighter in her own right. (๑╹ω╹๑ ) ... Now, one downside is that Natsu doesn't do well on the Olympia.... But hey, even motion sickness can be "cute"~... And unlike that armored sardine redhead, Sorano never punches Natsu in the gut to let him rest in her lap. No sir. His face just gets smothered in Sorano's thighs or her bosom. Whichever is closest at the time~! \(๑╹ω╹๑ )/
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When did friendship turn to something more?
Sorano, like Mira, moves pretty fast to get what she wants. (๑╹ω╹๑ ) Sure, being Natsu's friend for the first several months before Fairy Tail's "disbanded" is a good taste of what having the pyro in her life is like... But Sorano-chan is greedy. Which is precisely why after Alvarez blows over, Sorano is allllll over Natsu without reservation in the slightest. (๑╹ω╹๑ ) She cottons onto Mira's proposal plans... And makes plans of her own. Ultear might beat Sorano to the "pregnancy" stage, but she proposes to Natsu like Mira does... And screws hubby long and hard after getting hitched. (๑╹ω╹๑ ) Of course this means Natsu has to marry all the girls pining after him... And it's a rather chaotic ceremony and afterparty... But they pull it off~... Mostly due to Sorano pushing for the competition and polygamy. (๑╹ω╹๑ ) Hubby should be loved, and have many, many children~... Sure, gentler girls like Yukino-chan are scandalized at how fast they move, but Sorano insists that she knows what Yukino wants. What they all want. (๑╹ω╹๑ )(๑╹ω╹๑ )(๑╹ω╹๑ )
It's definitely a new challenge for Natsu too satisfy all these ladies... But he loves each and every one of them. Even that horny angel of his~... It's another challenge entirely to keep everyone from taking disagreements too personally. There are factions in this harem. Sorano and Yukino. Wendy and Chelia. Ultear and Meredy. Juvia and Meredy/Juvia and Lisanna. Erza and Kagura. Lisanna and Mira.... (๑╹ω╹๑ ) But Natsu's used to brawls everyday... And he wouldn't miss this adventure for the world~ \(๑╹ω╹๑ )/
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thehylianidiot · 1 year
So over the past month and a half, I've been using @magicalpouchofmagic's expression meme for practice on drawing various Fairy Tail characters. And eventually completed the entire thing and decided to compile every one of them. This is without a doubt my biggest drawing project, and I feel accomplished.
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Some tell a story, some are paired with other expressions, some are a challenge designed to draw a character with an expression they might not fit with. Long story short, all sorts of things here.
Feel free to share what are your favorites.
And thanks to everyone in @theguildawards for suggestions on who to draw
Characters featured in order (read more because it's a long list):
1A: Zancrow reacting to arson
1B: Mira reacting to shipping
1C: Mavis reacting to someone talking about fairies
1D: Lucy reacting to the spilt beer barrel
1E: Lisanna reacting to being stuck in Edolas
1F: Cana reacting to the spilt beer barrel
2A: Lucy reacting to Natsu setting things on fire (again)
2B: Zeref reacting to... not sure what but 99% sure Natsu did it.
2C: Rouge reacting to Sting's version of "taking care of the dragons"
2D: Lisanna reacting to being home
2E: Natsu reacting to having some lax time
2F: Gajeel reacting to the opportunity to tick off Levy
3A: Kuki reacting to wondering why she's on a Fairy Tail expression meme. I have no idea either.
3B: Erza reacting to Jellal being "engaged"
3C: Natsu reacting to the spilt beer barrel
3D: Cana reacting to her daddy issues
3E: Gray reacting to the spilt beer barrel
3F: Elfman reacting to manliness
4A: Cobra/Erik reacting to the rest of Crime Sorciere's... improvised concert
4B: Gildarts reacting to being a dad
4C: Loke reacting to someone asking for flirt advice.
4D: Laxus reacting to finally finding his way back to the guildhall after three weeks getting lost (the Thunder Legion is just as ecstatic)
4E: Yukino reacting to finally getting some screentime
4F: Meredy reacting to Jellal being "engaged"
5A: Natsu reacting to being in a tough fight
5B: Acnologia from @pencilofawesomeness 's AU reacting to baby's first slaughter (what a proud parent)
5C: Wendy reacting to leaving Cait Shelter
5D: Jenny thinking how she'll react to her fight with Mira
5E: Jellal reacting to Jellal being "engaged"
5F: Dan Straight reacting to any lady within a mile radius
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Congratulations! Since you got to the end, here's a version of 2A I used as color practice.
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kaeyankat · 2 years
What I'll write for
Oneshots, headcanons (All x reader, no ocs or canon x canon)
Some au's or themes I'm good with: Yandere, poly, love triangle, celebrity, monster au, etc. Themes I WILL NOT WRITE FOR ANY CHARACTER: Angst (Death of character or reader included), cheating, r^pe, abuse, certain Kinks (Non-con, bathroom kinks, extreme pain, etc)
In mature posts, all underage characters are AGED UP past 18.
Seven Deadly Sins
Meliodas, Ban, King, Gowther, Howser, Gilthunder, Griamore, Slader, Arthur, Helbram, Gloxinia, Zeldris, Estarossa, Monspeet
One Piece
Luffy, Zoro, Sanji, Usopp, Ace, Akainu, Smoker, Coby, Mihawk, Doflamingo, Shanks, Benn Beckman, Marco, Kid, Killer, Law, Buggy, Crocodile, Cracker, Katakuri, Bartolomeo
Fairy Tail
Natsu, Gray, Gajeel, Loke, Laxus, Bickslow, Freed, Elfman, Lyon, Hibiki, Ren, Eve, Bacchus, Sting, Rogue, Orga, Rufus, Jellal, Midnight/Macbeth, Erik/Cobra, Zancrow, Mard Geer, Jackal, Zeref, Acnologia, Larcade
Vampire Knight
Kaname, Zero, Ichiru, Akatsuki,Hanabusa, Senri, Takuma
My Hero Academia
All Might, Aizawa, Present Mic, Vlad King, Aoyama, Iida, Ojiro, Kaminari, Kirishima, Shoji, Sero, Tokoyami, Bakugo, Monoma, Mirio, Tamaki, Shinso, Enji, Keigo, Fat Gum, Shigaraki, Dabi, Twice, Kurogiri, Mr. Compress, Overhaul
Hunter x Hunter
Gon, Killua, Kurapika, Leorio, Hisoka, Illumi, Pokkle, Silva, Chrollo, Nobunaga, Feitan, Phinks, Shalnark, Uvogin, Wing
Potentially Others, Ask. But these are the main characters. I do not do Females.
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