#fake J2 fans
serenescreaming · 11 months
If you call yourself a J2 fan, but ignored Jared at CC Scotland only to post the first picture at CC Liverpool, I have news for you. You are an AA who only uses Jared to prop up your greasy haired favourite.
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hatchet-boy · 2 months
miss when everyone thought j2 was having a passionate love affair behind the scenes. nowadays everyone just thinks they hate each other. which is much more boring and also makes me sad
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dotthings · 6 days
You are not, nor have you ever been, a "fan" of the tv show Supernatural if you don't respect what the supporting cast brought to it and if you demonstrate your low media literacy as you keep smoking your bonkers off the wall detached from canon lack of comprehension of Castiel's arc, hate Cas, hate Misha, and erase the show's actual themes and actual story while you ride the j2 hat brosonly projection train guzzling your own home brew of fake erudition and actually believe you're a superior fan. You are not. A fan. And have no rights to claim to be a fan. You think everything after Kripke is trash, you are not. A. Fan.
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lol-jackles · 4 months
What are your thoughts on Clif Kosterman? He seems like a real leech to me, and he’s ALWAYS around Jared - it feels creepy. He calls himself “Bodyguard,” and while I don’t doubt he has had experience in this, and probably could help to defend J2 if needed, I know that’s not his official role with Jared now. If he really was a real bodyguard to him, I doubt he’d have an IG account and be posting about all their adventures all the time - being a real bodyguard means being invisible in general. And if he truly is a leech, why on Earth would Jared keep him around? And Anson, Stands, and Charlie too for that matter? I know it’s a lot of speculation and gossip, but I’m wondering also from a business perspective. Shouldn’t support staff be more invisible instead of, well, in our faces? Do you think Jared may be too trusting, despite the fact that he seems to be very business-savvy? Thank you in advance!
Cliff is no real bodyguard, you have to go to actual bodyguard/security school for that.  Have you ever been to conventions?  They have real security detail to escort Jared and Jensen around, these security men are young, buffed, and silent.  And of course real bodyguards never NEVER give out pictures and locations of their charges; in another country they would be shot for that.  
Cliff was a driver and a glorified baggage handler hired by WB. He calls himself a (fake) bodyguard because it sounds better than driver. J2 need a driver because the network doesn’t want them to drive himself home after 12 or 14 hours on the set.  Cliff wasn't the original driver, that was Bob. There was an altercation and Bob abandoned Jensen by the side of the road, threw the car keys at Cliff, and said, "it's all yours".
Cliff reports back to WB, which is why he posted on social media of J2 and the locations, to show WB he’s on the job and the Padaleckis and Ackles are reminded to behave.  There was one famous story of Jared at some music festival and managed to ditch Cliff and took off. Cliff was probably trying to hit on a drunk girl before he realized Jared was missing and went looking for him.  Cliff was pissed over losing Jared.  No idea how long it took for him to find the wayward actor.
Handlers are supposed to be invisible to the public, but in J2′s case, visibility was “necessary” because it was before Jared or Jensen got their social media accounts, so Cliff served to some capacity as their social media gatekeeper by shuttng down fake Js tweeters and speaking on their behalf, allegedly.  Like the infamous coin toss to get fans to vote in the PCA for Jensen but conveniently does not include video of the said coin toss with the Js’ alleged witnessing and approval of the result. Once the J2 got their own social media accounts, Cliff had to step back publicly, and he did to some extent.  To make up his waning influence, WB rewarded Cliff a vendor table at the lucrative SPN conventions. Those vendor space are highly coveted and vendors line up and wait for years to get a chance at the SPN convention. Cliff started his own merch line called “Cliff hangers” that he sells at Creation cons. 
Since SPN ended, Cliff no longer serves as official driver. I think he's a bit of a charity case for the Padaleckis.
Have you heard the quote "better the devil you know than the devil you don’t". Meaning it’s better to deal with a someone you already know than with a new person that could be worse.
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castielstwigandberries · 11 months
if the supernatural movie doesnt include a reference to
nevada and georgia turning blue, stop the count, destiel making putin resign, sherlock season 5 rumors, destiel news meme, which political person had to be briefed on what destiel is now?, jensen looks like he was holding back homophobic slurs, weird cuts in the confession scene, which way was dean thrown now?, bury your gays speedrun, gay angels get send to superhell/eeby-deeby/cas plinko, recognizing the confession scene only by the first letters of each word, 'homosexual declaration of love', The Tapes™ (Release them now jensen!!!), meta analysis after 15x18, 'i gripped you tight and raised you from perdition' callback as dean saves cas from the empty, why lamp?, onion field, pizza man montage, parallels be paralleling, dean screaming cas name so loud in one take that people heard it blocks away, dean offering to kill sam if it means chuck brings cas back, the 4 year old son of lucifer becoming god, chuck won theory, 'we explore the nature of destiel in act two', excitement for a long finale which could only be about dean saving cas, right?, the insanity inducing quotes of the day for episodes, 'the night we met' and 'angel with a shotgun' songs of the day on set, filming in a barn, worst finale ever (even worse than game of thrones), weirly short with 11 scenes cut, two thirds montages, carry on wayward son playinf twice, back to back, one a weird cover version, vampmimes, no cas in the finale but instead some random vampire from season one no one remembers, dean finally gets nailed from behind, dean dies from tetanus, party city wig, good cars go to heaven, Car/Cas and Biden/Bi!Dean/Bye!Dean, 'cas helped', blurry wife, misha and jensen are not in the thank you video, everyone was supposed to be at the roadhouse originally but no one was informed of those plans, walker backdoor pilot, covid/capitalism destroyed everything, misha was in vancouver for filming the last episodes and was in less episodes than he was contracted for, misha denies ever having been in vancouver, misha says originally he was supposed to be in the finale as jimmy, misha says cas was supposed to be in the finale and 'sidle up to dean in the roadhouse', heterosexual destiel whose kisses would have created entire universes, destiel reciprocated in spanish, rogue translator, #TheySilencedYou, Jensen Ackles sexy silence, jensen ackles longcon, deanbenny breakup in season 8 script leak, Heller Obama, fake italian dub, misha collins x bill clinton sex scandal, misha addressing the "scandal" and tagging bill clinton and monica lewinski, 'still beautiful, still dean winchester', mishapocalypse 2.0 and 3.0, 'eyes like the sky' beer from jensens brewery rumored to be misha description, cockles anniversay photo, chaos machine jensen ackles' production company, 'rainbow road' beer close to deans birthday, blue green ('destiel') shotglasses from jensen brewery, ash and ellen's actors roleplaying roadhouse reopening in twitter, people think they are planning destiel wedding, disappointment when thats not the case, fans celebrate Destiel Wedding anyway on Valentine's Day 2021, fallout with both actors after one said a 'queer interpretation would damage the integrity of the show',
*takes a deep breath*
jared calling cas junkless and comparing his love for dean to the love he has for his children, misha collins cameo including 'still beautiful, still dean winchester', saileen and midam wedding, spn prequel announcement and subsequent j2 fallout, '@/robbiethompson et tu brute wow. what a trully awful thing you've done #bravo you coward', the prequel being about the least favourite characters of supernatural and a love story disproved by canon, 100000 destiel fics on ao3, misha tweets about that, rumors if mishas secret ao3 account, real italian dub going 'you're kinda okay' instead of i love you, misha tweeting a video of him saying 'te amo' in response to that', jensen saying if there'd been more time he (he meant dean but he used first person pronouns) would have hugged cas and said 'i love you too', first anniversary, misha collins coming out as bisexual on accident and then saying he 'happens to be straight' three days later in a five post apology thread, hot sauce from adam/micheal actor advertised by him playing midam, casbaiting in the winchesters trailer, jarlos shipping by winchester main actors, dean with beard and turtleneck, jensen saying he wanted misha in the winchesters but it didnt work out because of scheduling conflicts but hed be there in a season two shortly before the show was cancelled, death of the rogue translator and destiel getting dragged to the trending page every time there is news
*panting* then i dont want it.
yes this is all i could remember without looking it up
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walkergirlsposts · 13 days
LOL if anyone is fake it's actually been proven to be Jensen towards Misha. Remember all that about his "birthday party" that came and went. They had no part in any celebration and even forgot they made the comment. When a fan brought it up a week before Danneel didn't even realize it was around the corner. They hung onto that for a full ass year just to find out it was all a lie. Never seen a lie like that with Jared.
Oh right!! How they've been praying for jenneel to throw Misha this big birthday bash??? Then the con comes and goes, and it's just a sad little cake onstage. They were actually crying that j2 didn't invite him to their panel to wish him HB. How parasocial are these people? It's just a birthday! Who tf cares? Then we find out days later it was only a lunch they went to with Rob And Rich. 🤣🤣🤣
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narrynukezankielover · 8 months
Again these are my personal opinions or what I personally see or think as someone seeing these episodes for the first time.
To begin with the episode where Dean and Sam die and go to heaven. I love when someone else talks about Cas and only looks at Dean. The angel told Dean and Sam that god had done a lot for them but he was looking directly at Dean while saying that god had saved him, put them on a plane and brought Cas back for you. Then turned to Sam to say after everything he’s done. That sounds like god brought Cas back because he knows how much Cas means to Dean. Otherwise he would’ve been looking between the two of them.
Then the necklace. Up until now that necklace was a brotherly connection between Dean and Sam. Like I think Dean didn’t want to give it to Cas in the first place because Sam gave it to him. It’s special to him but once he gave it to Cas it meant hope. Hope that god would help. Then when they found out god didn’t really care yes it hurt Dean but what I think hurt Dean more was that Cas lost his faith in god. It’s like as long as Cas has hope Dean has hope. Then when Dean threw away the necklace the look on Sams face was like “you’re seriously throwing that out? I gave that to you.”
To me Becky represents the Jared or the J2 fans. The ones that think Jared is everything. Even the ones that ship Dean and Sam. I’m not going to lie the scene where she’s writing a sexual fan fic about them makes me want to throw up. They’re brothers fake brothers in a tv show but it’s still disgusting. Then Cas expresses how much he hates Sams voice and tells him not to ask stupid questions. It made me bust out laughing but it felt like Cas represents the other side of the fandom. I just had to put that in there because I love Cas honesty with that stuff and I had to agree with him.
So far my fave’s 2 episodes are the Jimmy episode and season 5 episode 18 which I believe is also the 100th episode. There is soooo much Destiel in it. I knew about these scenes I just didn’t realize they were all in the same episode.
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Dean telling Cas to blow him got him this look. Cas kept this look for a few seconds. It’s like wait that’s a sexual thing right? Did you really just say that? The guy is really confused.
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The “not for nothing Cas but last time someone looked at me like that I got laid” scene. HOLY SHIT. That was clearly flirting not a joke. Sam even gave Dean a “are you seriously flirting right now” look.
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(Sorry about the stuff in that picture I took it while I was watching the episode and clearly forgot to take it off). Then Dean gave Cas this smirk and a wink which looks like it might’ve been Jensen trying to make Misha laugh which could be why Cas look became even more intense. Could’ve been Misha trying hard to stay in character. Either way that’s some serious flirting.
Later Cas got worried about Dean and what I love is that when he heard something inside the room he opened the eye door but when he couldn’t see Dean he got really worried and had to go in. If it was anyone else in there Cas would’ve said it was a trap and left them alone but he couldn’t take that chance with Dean. I’m still trying to figure out tho how Sam left to find Dean a few seconds later yet Cas found him in no time (how did Cas know where to find Dean? Suppose it could’ve been he just went to the closest religious person. I love Cas honesty here telling the guy he prays too loudly) and Sam was back at Bobbys house when Cas and Dean got back. He didn’t spend much time looking for Dean.
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It’s not a sexual scene but it sure looks like it. Cas pushing Dean around telling him yet again how much he’s pissed that he rebelled for Dean so he wouldn’t have to say yes to Michael but yet here he is going to do it anyway. Dean didn’t even try to fight back. Don’t know if he knew Cas is a lot stronger than him and didn’t see the point in fighting back but knowing Dean I can’t see that being it. Or if what Cas was saying was finally getting through to his head and maybe thought he deserved what was happening and let Cas make the decision in this moment that he wasn’t saying yes right now.
I know the last episode of season 5 was supposed to be the last episode but some of it is just weird. Dean looked back at Cas sleeping and said “ain’t he a little angel.” Dean sounds so cute when he said that. It reminds me of in Good Omens Crowley calls Aziraphale angel all the time. At first it was because Aziraphale is an actual angel but over time it became a cute nickname like sweetie or honey. In this scene it felt like a cute nickname instead of just that Cas is an angel. Of course Sam ruined the moment when he said “angels don’t sleep.” Dean then looked confused and worried. The thing that pisses me off is that Sam made Dean promise to go to Lisa and have a life with her. It pisses me off because Dean didn’t say he wanted that life plus you just heard Dean saying something sweet about Cas and he thought it was a good time to bring this up. Really makes me want to punch Sam. Sam wants that life but he pushed that life on Dean in a promise. When they were in heaven Deans heaven was being with Sam but Sam’s heaven was being away from his actual family but being with a family. They really were going to let the show end with Dean liveing Sams happy ending. I’m trying to forget that shit happened but the fact that Dean didn’t want it makes it a bit easier. At least they didn’t try to say it was Deans idea.
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justjensenanddean · 2 years
Jensen Ackles and Danneel Ackles | Brighton UK (Crossroads 6), March 12, 2023
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Jensen just yelled „are you not entertained?“ and then said „you don’t even know what that’s from, do you?“ to Danneel. „I failed as a husband.“ Danneel „remembers *Russel Crowe*“ (but not the line). (x)
Danneel complained because Jensen had them change the chairs to higher and less comfortable. Now Jensen is trying to direct us for a hbd video and complained we‘re as hard to direct as Jared. (x)
Danneel doesn’t yell at Jensen when he does something wrong in the house, just wordlessly shows him. Jensen demonstrated that. (I.E. dishes in sink and not the dishwasher) (x)
“i put my pots in the sink and danneel says why don’t you put them in the dishwasher and i say they find their way and she says HOW DO YOU THINK THEY FIND THEIR WAY JENSEN?!”  (x)
Fan congratulates them on The Winchesters! Cheers in the room  (x)
Winchesters set. How to set the tone. Jensen started by giving a talk on day 1 to Drake and Meg. Same talk Kripke gave J2 while filming Wendigo. Show begins and ends with their relationship on and off camera. (x)
Jensen sat down and had a talk with meg and drake similar to what kripke gave him and jared during the filming of wendigo about how the show starts and ends with their relationship on and off camera  (x)
Jensen is telling the story about how Kripke sat him and Jared down at the beginning of the show and told them that they had a responsibility as the leads. “We had the most fun on this set doing what we love to do”.  (x)
Jensen says Drake was really eager for directions as to how to be the best that he could be. Meg is a natural-born leader and just went “oh, I get it”. (x)
“yes we took the kids in baby no i have not driven baby i haven’t even asked” - danneel  (x)
They took the kids out in Baby but Danneel has never driven it. Danneel talks a little more and corrects her pronouns to „she“ when talking about the car. (x)
Danneel hasn’t driven Baby yet, but not because Jensen won’t allow it, just because she hasn’t thought about driving it! Also said it smells “like a boat”  (x)
danneel said baby doesn’t start the same as she does on the show and jensen GLARES and everyone goes WHAT and she says oh no she sounds the same she’s just slower  (x)
jensen ended up complaining that the show used a different cars sound than the impalas bc people used to come over expecting his baby to sound like ‘BRUMMMMMMMMM’ and instead it was more ‘PTH bfbfbfbf’ and he said it was embarrassing    (x)
They used to use a fake sound for how Baby would start, and Jensen actually begged them to change it to something more similar to how it actually sounds.  (x)
Danneel’s mom was calling Jensen’s phone and he actually considered answering it until Danneel gave him THE “no”  (x)
Danneel hasn’t driven baby yet and says it smells like a boat  Danneel says it doesn’t start like it does on the show.  Jensen has just confirmed that it is in fact a boat engine lol .  (x)
baby 1 is jensens, baby 3 is jareds, baby 2? stunt car. insanely damaged little gal with all these stunt items on it  (x)  jensen refuses to remove any scratch or dint from baby or let anyone grease or oil the hinges of the doors !!!! (x)
They had to remove the radio in Baby while they were on SPN because (quoting Jensen) “Jared and I are CHILDREN”  (x)
jensens talking about the truck he drives in big sky and how it’s a complete pile of shit and that he couldn’t get the door open and had to use a screw driver in some of the takes to open it  (x)
jensen keeps apologising for long answers bc there’s so many people waiting  (x)
Some RadioCo cheers for the third album!!  (x)
the fan said jensen is a musician and danneel nodded encouragingly (x)
Jensen still stands by the statements that he is “not a musician” and he “has three album to prove it”, and he’s “not an actor, and has fifteen seasons to prove”. Danneel just thinks he’s both.  (x)
Relationship with music. Reference to Jensen‘s former answer of „I am not a musician“. How about now? He stands by his comment. Not a musician. He has three albums to prove it. Much like he‘s not an actor. He has 15 seasons to prove it. (x)
Jensen would rather be pretty good at everything than really good at just one thing.  (x)
jensens talking about how as a teen he never was super amazing at one thing but he was good at everything in the sense of he was never a star athlete but he could play all the sports and it’s something he’s grateful to be able to dip into different talents and arts  (x)
“give everything a try.” advice they give to their kids    (x)
They’re trying to teach their kids that they can try anything they want, as long as they possibly can.  (x)
Danneel wants Jensen to do another play!  (x)
“she was like, jensen you’re gonna do it you’re gonna get it and i was like how do you know? and she said because i know you”  (x)
Danneel talked Jensen off the ledge when he was rehearsing for his play years ago. “I was gonna walk, and she just said ‘Jensen, you’re gonna get it’ and Jensen asked ‘how do you know that?’, Danneel said ‘because I know YOU’.” (x)
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jensens talking about his song writing process and how he builds it up through cords and vowels and then words from that and then tell a story through that. so music, melody then lyrics to that  (x)
Danneel is so supportive of Jensen - it is really shining through  (x)
Jensen about Adam staying in the cage for 10 years: HEY I DIDNT WRITE IT!  (x)  Jensen praising Jake Abel as an actor, but also as a very genuinely good person. (x)
“As Dean, I would’ve taken Adam under my wing and done my best to connect with him, despite about our father.” (x)
jensen said that dean would've taken adam under his wing and looked after him and that he would've loved to have had adam brought back sooner so they could've flushed out that dynamic more (x)
They have to be very careful about going through the proper channel to get spin-offs developed.  (x)
They’re actually talking about giving contacts to people wanting to pitch things. It’s a lot to go through from a legal standpoint but it’s doable. (x)
jensen said they have to be careful legally on how to take fan submissions for shows and how even getting the winchesters took a lot for them. they said the gersh agency is who they’re rep by and that that’s the best way to start” (x)
Jensen and Danneel have to be super careful when listening to pitches legally. Even when they started pitching The Winchesters, they were told to go through the proper channels. They have a special person to do pitches now.(x)  Danneel says Supernatural is one of the best fandoms“ and Jensen corrects her that it‘s “THE best fandom”. (x)
jensen says he would do his audition as if it was the last performance of his life. he said if u sit waiting on the callback it’s the worst thing you can do (x)  “it’s like if you’re a painter, the more you do, the better you get. build that confidence, build a thick skin, but not too thick that it blocks the world. just the negativity, bring in positivism always!” (x)
What would they tell their younger selves when they started acting? Jensen got the advice that acting is a game in numbers. The more you do it, the better you get. The more you try, the more chances. Every audition was his final performance. Don’t wait for callbacks (x)  Same goes for writers and artists. The more you try, the better you get. Build a thick skin, embrace positivity. (x)
“Get a thick skin from negativity, embrace positivity ” (x)
jensen said there’s always a story he wishes he tells at conventions and forgets till after the con now he’s on the spot he can’t remember  (x)
Funny story in their back pocket but nobody asked it yet? Jensen has those, but currently forgot them all. He had one yesterday but Danneel forgot it too. „We have three kids.“ (x)
french mistake when we got pitched that episode i remember saying as long as i don’t have to play anyone other than dean winchester you can put me anywhere or call me anything you want, i’m still playing dean because i know where he is and he’s in me  (x)
“jared played a lot of variations of sam but i was just dean for most of the series until michael dean or demon dean because i was like NOPE don’t take dean away from me and i’m still like this” (x)
HBO SPN question! Danneel: “Dean would have been able to swear a lot more!” Jensen thinks it would have been actually pretty similar to the Boys. “Watch the Boys, and then put that into SPN, and you’ll have HBO SPN” (x)  At the heart of it, it would’ve been the same show.”(x)
Jensen recalling his scene in Lazarus rising - “it was HOT in that box!” It was like being in a sauna underground. And he had to do it twice. (x)
Lazarus Rising. It was summer and it was about 50°C in that box under the earth and Jensen was in it, could barely hear the crew. But thankfully he could hear Kim‘s significant voice through the dirt and neoprene. (x)  The hole was cut in the neoprene but dirt on top of it. Jensen didn’t have to do a lot of acting because he was so happy to get out of that hole. Then Kim said „let‘s go again“ and Jensen yelled „fuck you, Kim“. (x)  Danneel says that story just gave her so much anxiety and she could never do that. In the scene before, Jensen was in a coffin and they put crumbled oreos instead of dirt. Jensen turned his head and had Oreos in his ears for a week. (x) 
“there’s not a lot of directors i’d do that for but i’d pay every dollar to do that for him again”  (x)
When talking about Samuel Winchester, Robbie wanted „someone like Tom Welling“ and at some point Robbie asked if Jensen couldn’t just call him. So he did and Tom agreed before Jensen was even done with his pitch. (x) 
They actually started refering to Tom as a ‘placeholder’, same build, same age, etc. and then Robbie asked Jensen if Jensen and Tom were keeping in touch, and Jensen was like “yeah! … *realizing* OH”. He then actually called him to ask if he was interested.  (x)
He‘s happy that he and Danneel are now in a place where they can call and ask close friends they trust to come in for jobs. Jensen hopes he‘s also one of those people that others trust and call to be on something. (x)
jensen said it before and stands by wishing we got longer time in purgatory says how benny is one of his favourite characters and there’s a reason in atomic monsters he brought benny back and it wasn’t written in the script he just wanted to give a homage to that storyline (x)
When Danneel was first up as Anael, Jensen flew home to be Mr Mom while she worked in Vancouver. A storyline Jensen wanted more of is Purgatory. Benny is one of his fave characters. He called Ty for Atomic Monsters, wasn’t scripted. (x)  Second to that is Michael. Danneel: „Because you liked the outfit.“ He did.(x)
How much input do they have into the Winchesters and who’s idea was it to bring Dean back? They both chose Robbie has the writer because they love his writing. Similar story to getting Tom Welling on the show, “I would love to get Robbie! … Oh, I should call Robbie!” (x)
Whose idea was it to bring Dean back? When pitching The Winchesters, he wanted Robbie because he‘s one of his fave writers on SPN. The others all already have successful shows on TV. (x)  And then the Ackles told Robbie to „go nuts“. Robbie is a big Dean fan and „wanted to write Dean again“. He wrote the voice over, send it to Jensen. Jensen read it out loud and unconsciously changed words.Robbie took notes. Called it „going through the Dean machine.“ (x)  Jensen fake complains again about having to do the 6 page exposition in The Winchesters finale. But it was cathartic to him and fun for him & Robbie. (x)
Robbie was the one who write the Dean voice over and then Jensen would record and add stuff and then go “oh shit did I fucked that up?” And Robbie went “no, you just made it ‘more Dean’!”  (x)
Jensen referring to himself and Robbie as the “Deanarrator” (x)
jensen basically said that by episode one and two they both jus sat back and watched and got to see the show unfold thanks to robbie (though jensen loved to be needed to be like HERES WHAT DEAN WOULD DO when asked) (x)
“oh they’re gonna rewrite canon it’s gonna be a DISASTER! then i come in and i’m like lol it’s an alternate universe… SUCK IT!” (x)  “which i have to say that opens up a LOT of opportunities guys… a lot! in senses of multiverses… a lot of shows do it, why not us” (x)
Jensen has been trying to get Danneel to come to cons for a while but she always said „no, that’s your thing“ and he replied „it could be your thing too“. (x)
“thank you for being here see y’all real soon! and THANKYOU for making danneels experience amazing she wasn’t sure she thought it was my thing i said it could be her thing too. y’all are AMAZING!” (x)
‘Thank you for making Danneel’s experience amazing - I keep telling her this could be our thing!’ (x)
Jensen just thanked us all for making Danneel’s first experience on stage at a convention fantastic and memorable one and that they will definitely be coming back to the UK (x)
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hologramcowboy · 3 months
You do realise Jensen can sing off tune of purpose right? or that not singer sounds perfectly in tune even with training but ofc you don't know that since you are a fake Jensen Fan.
Its really funny and pathetic to see you J2 /Jared/W*ncest Fans claim be fans of Jensen when you don't know anything about or get his jokes or hate the fact that Jensen has close friends other than Jared like Jason manns (Who has known Jensen longer than Jared has known Jensen), Rob, Rich, Misha, JDM, and Jim.
And don't you dare say "well AA or Destihellers want Jensen and misha to sleep together" When in reality when people say that Jensen and Misha are boyfriends it is MOST LIKEY A JOKE.
And you the hell do you think you are, making these bs about Jensen not being a family man or that he doesn't love his wife, how do you know? I'm going to take it as that you don't know because YOU ARE DELLUTIONAL AND PATHETIC. the only way you can 'know' about this is that you show majority of the fandom proof which I doubt you have and you have to be a creepy stalker of Jensen to know this which I doubt you are one at all after all you are just a fake Jensen Fan.
You do realize that being a great singer is not only about singing on key, right? 🤣 Jensen is not an artist, he is an amateur. Deal with it.
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serenescreaming · 11 months
Love the J2ers who didn't even acknowledge Jared was at CC Scotland talking about how Sweet Jensen is to make time to join the spn panel. Not sweet, just needs to make sure anything Jared does he can do it too.
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eisforeidolon · 1 year
Robbie Thompson tried to put an OOC I love you in Dean's mouth in Goodbye Stranger, but Jensen shut it down because it wasn't appropriate to the character. Nobody would know that, except Misha told the hellers to wind them up - conveniently leaving out that the replacement line of being family was the same intended sentiment as the original according to Thompson himself.
The set design in Stairway to Heaven for Castiel's fake heaven was going to be full of pictures of Dean in a mocking jab by Metatron, but when Jared pointed out that fans would take it as a serious hint at the ship being a thing, it was promptly taken out. Nobody would know, except Misha told the hellers to wind them up - conveniently leaving out that it was removed for being a potentially misleading joke in bad taste.
So yeah, nobody could make Jensen do the confession scene even when Misha and Bobo the Assclown conspired behind his back to cook up what looks to me like SPN's only legit queerbait and present it to him as a done deal. But when the speech itself was that pointedly ambiguous as to type of love? When it didn't involve Dean as other than a baffled spectator who explicitly couldn't reciprocate whatever feelings according to their own shitty script? When it had no impact whatsoever on Dean's own story - past, present, or future? When J2 had already been talking about having more creative control when they did a revival down the road? Would it really have been a notably better choice for Jensen to refuse to do the scene ... and wait for Misha to inevitably wind up the crazies with suggestively misleading hints of what might have been? He'd have basically been fighting against Misha ruining only his own character, when the little weasel would almost certainly turn around and sic the lunatic fringe on him specifically for saying no. Again.
I mean, I do think it was a terrible idea to throw the shippers any kind of a bone both in principle and in a practical sense, but really? We all know they were not going to be happy with anything other than the show ending in a completely OOC schmoopy fanfic-esque glurgefest D/C HEA with Sam conveniently somewhere ... else. Tantrums were inevitable. Hell, SherIock ended with the two shipped characters raising a baby together with the mother conveniently dead - the starting premise of a million shipfics. Yet shippers on the same level of batshit and refusal to accept being told no repeatedly as hellers? Rioted because it wasn't the Mostest Important-est Gay Representation EVAR they'd been promising themselves TPTB were really writing (in secret for reasons, naturally).
The goodbye scene didn't cause the still-ongoing meltdown, nor were the particulars of the finale what was really behind it - it was the decade plus of built up entitlement and delusions which not only caused it, but made it inevitable.
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dotthings · 2 years
Welp. I've talked before about how parts of the Jared stan lane have fake woke, dino, pseudoliberal tendencies while they're actually very narrow minded and anti-progressive and anti-diversity wankers. They sure are going hard openly embracing homophobic and fascist dog whistle tactics aimed against Destiel.
They're screaming and kicking and yelling against their own irrelevance. Nobody cares that you hate Destiel, Susan.
Worse, though, some from the staff of jibcon are full on embracing homophobic dog whistles, concern trolling, and fascism. They, and the Jared stans, resemble the book banning efforts targeted against LGBTQ books in libraries and schools going on in different states in the US right now. It's the same. Underlying. Mentality. It makes THEM uncomfortable. So nobody else should be able to have access. THEY don't like it so it has to go. The arguments are also relying on a vile level of demonizing the entire Destiel lane, which is extra gratuitous and gross and hilarious when you consider all the hatred that Jared stan accounts have been spewing onto the internet on multiple platforms non-stop.
The real world political climate makes it even more alarming that this is happening in a fandom space. It's a reflection of real world problems and it's leaking in. I do not want to hear your "shipping isn't activism" and that it doesn't matter how welcoming fandom spaces are. It matters.
Argue with the wall.
This is malicious and the goal is to full on ban Destiel from fandom spaces and make shippers feel unwelcome. Someone even made the slippery slope argument, and tried to blame the existence of fanart.
So let me slippery slope this--if they get their own way banning Destiel at cons, the fandom fascist anti-Destiel brigade will start a concerted effort to try to silence it online too.
If you think this is ok stay away from me.
Argue with the wall.
A jibcon staffer sought out a fan on twitter who got blocked at jibcon from having her fanart signed, despite Jensen's willingness to sign Destiel fanart (and he signed others). The fan got Misha to sign it and was comforted. Jensen never even got a chance to see it.
The jibcon staffer replied to this fan with a screed shaming them for refusing to hide their "boy love," used the "I have a gay friend" excuse, and collective accused every Destiel shipper who ever asked to have fanart signed, by two actors who have been more than willing and both have been kind and supportive towards shippers in fandom spaces, of only trying to "look cool" and using it as a "toy."
While the usual suspects from the Jared stan lane opportunistically tried to incite even more hatred aimed against the Destiel lane and used homophobic dog whistle tactics and concern trolling.
Someone calling all j2 fans "moderate, sensible" and all Destiel shippers "Gross" is classic dog whistling and is a tactic used by the far right while they attempt to paint compassion and inclusion and equity as an extremist position.
Do not even try to tell me this isn't homophobic fandom style fascism.
Argue with the wall.
It's stifling and silencing and malicious and people who think because THEY don't like a queer ship, it should not be seen and heard. They're like puritanical far right groups who wail "protect the children."
I do not care even one ounce if you don't like destiel and you're not a shipper so you think this is all ok.
Homophobic dog whistlers and concern trolls who target Destiel shippers: You're done. You are not welcome in this fandom. Leave.
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lol-jackles · 11 months
Whenever Anons tell me that Jared fans are just as bad as AAs and hellers, I always ask for receipts.
The reason they won't ever be able to provide this (besides the ones Jai & co have been exposed as having faked to frame Jared fans...) is they don't exist (I know you know this lol, just making a general statement). The thing is, AA's are soooo beyond sensitive that they literally think saying we don't like Jensen's outfit at a con, or that he looks tired, or that he's had botox is "hate". You say anything even remotely critical about Jensen? You must hate him. They take such personal offense to things that are barely a slight to Jensen as hate.
Jared fans on the other hand, have had over 16 years of dealing with the hate and insults and biting their tongues. They have a much thicker skin. They are getting more assertive and pushing back more nowadays, but they still had to stay quiet for 15 years to keep the peace because, for some reason, it fell on them (much like it falls on Jared).
Btw this is exactly how and why I left the Jensen fandom completely. I was a Jensen leaning J2 fan when I joined the fandom. Problem was that I didn't immediately turn on blinders to Jensen's behavior when I joined (like a good little Jensen fan is expected to). So I made a mildly critical comment about him and was dogpiled. I was told I wasn't a real fan and that I actually hated him and was just pretending to like him. I was called some pretty gross stuff and told I wasn't wanted there. And from people I really didn't expect (at the time I didn't expect it at least). That's when I realized there weren't a lot of "safe spaces" in the Jensen fandom and it was exhausting trying to get news about him from sites where I also had to see (tagged) Jared hate and them attacking other fans like me. It was just easier to not bother anymore.
I actually saw a few posts recently from TB/GenV fans who were really annoyed that Jensen had a cameo in GenV because it's annoying how he takes over and all the gifsets and everything are all him. They didn't want him on the spinoff because that was a show mostly safe from his fans. It took them less than one season to piss off TB and GenV fans. Jared fans put up with it for 15 years.
Thank you for sharing your history. This completely jives with the many private convo I had with Dean/Jensen fans laminating the lack of safe space within their fandom that doesn't include Destiel and/or hating on Sam/Jared (X) but also expected to never discuss Dean or Jensen other than a perfect victim because AAs viewed themselves as perfect victims that the world must change and cater to them. The only advice I could provide them was to go to original posts by Sam girls (because at least they respect the show's canon) and look at who are reblogging or liking with Dean's avatar or his name.
Yeah I never understood why it fell on Sam girls to keep the fandom peace by appeasing the demented Sam haters. Just like it fell on Jared to protect Jensen from Destiel hellers' campaign to slander Jensen as a homophobe (*wave hello to MallorytoyourMickey aka Heidi aka High-D aka my buddy!*) but they won't protect Jared from slanderous lies spread by their own fandom on social media.
Which is why AAs, hellers, and even Kripke get the shock of their lives when Sam/Jared girls do strike back because they're like cats - chill and indifferent but have murder mittens and Freddy Kruger hands when rudely poked.
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I’ve joked that Jared’s stans’ response to the Prequel debacle was “I’VE BEEN FREED!"  They no longer have to support and defend Jensen especially now that SPN is over, then the Prequel debacle was the cherry on top because it gave them the ultimate permission to no longer do the geek social fallacy thing. And I like to think that Dean fans are also free from Ackles Army's death grip of the character now that they're moving on to The Boys fandom.
Speaking of which, I'm not surprised to hear TB/GenV fans are annoyed by the AAs. The soap opera and SPN fandom couldn't stand them, why would TB fandom be any different? As long as AAs view themselves as perfect victims, they don't believe they need to change their attitude.
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orionsangel86 · 2 years
Aa someone who pretty much threw away all their hope as soon as SPN cons started up again after the finale, it is a really crazy position to be in now to have to once again adjust my views and reconsider everything thats been said over the last 2.5 years.
I quit spn fandom and stopped paying attention to cast interviews because frankly:
Jared literally does nothing but spew the absolute worst most rancid takes I have ever heard to the point that I genuinely believe the man is completely deranged and has no idea about the show he filmed for 15 years
Misha has basically given up hope and stopped caring. He started off fighting to ensure people took the confession seriously, and seemed genuinely proud and passionate about ensuring people understood the love confession was legit and Cas knew exactly what he was saying, but over the years it seemed like he was broken down behind the scenes and forced to toe a company line of ambiguity for some unknown suspicious reason. Now he's back to resorting to jokes most of the time.
Jackles though, Jackles has until this point always been a fucking head fuck of a mystery. The "sexy silence" post finale. The sole interactions being with Misha and about the confession. The way he gushed about the confession shortly after it aired before the finale. Then the production company, The Winchesters, the J2 messy public fallout and cringy PR fake reassurance of love for his "brother". The fact that in every con up until this point he has kept any answers about the confession abiguous and deliberately vague - always playing both sides, always trying to keep ALL fans happy whatever they believe about the show. The attempt to explain it as Cas not feeling love the way humans do at one point (much to fandoms horror).
I admit I have joked many times about the "jackles long con" (the conspiracy theory that ever since he found out how spn has ended he has personally been on a war path to fix things and give us a satisfactory ending for Dean and Cas) but I was always in 2 minds about whether it was legit a thing. I believed he wanted to fix Dean's ending somehow yes, but I always figured Cas's story was an afterthought the same way Sam's was. I had no delusions that Jackles would legit want to give closure to the confession and give us reciprocated Destiel - whatever that may look like. It just didn't seem like a thing Jackles would want to do. Save Dean? Yes definitely. But actually make it canon that Dean is bisexual and madly in love with his angelic best friend? Even on his most Destiel friendly days I have never been able to truly believe that.
But this latest response from him at jibcon is veerrrry interesting. To plainly state that he hopes the confession is addressed. That he wants to see that. Its the first time he's ever mentioned it in non vague terms.
Look I have no hope of a fanfiction style sappy romantic destiel reunion scene in the Winchesters or whatever. But for Jensen to genuinely give a clear and thoughtful response about what he thinks that would look like, that he thinks Dean would want to talk about that, and address it, that is certainly progress beyond anything we've had from him before.
One of my friends in our group chat raised the thought of Jackles addressing the confession only to have Dean tell Cas he's sorry, but he doesn't feel the same way. THAT is a terrifying thought, but I gotta ask, would Jackles really do such a thing? He knows exactly how much Destiel means to the fans. He knows how important it is, hell, he was online watching the Nov 5th fallout along with everyone else. If it wasnt important, it wouldn't have trended above the US election. He would alienate the majority of his fanbase. Remember, he has already technically picked a side - something I thought he would never do. The Jared stans and bronlies and Destiel haters all loathe him now. They curse his name as much as Misha's ever since he dared to exclude Sam/Jared from The Winchesters. Jensen isn't an idiot, he knows who his main fanbase is, and that is proved even more obvious by The Winchesters itself, which according to my friends who watch it, is very pro Destiel. My friend described it as what SPN could have been were it not for Jared and Bob Singer - a kinder, friendlier, queerer, and more equal, show. I haven't watched it so I can't comment, but I see so many people say that this among other recent behaviours proves that Jackles is on our side.
I am of course still a bit hesitant to give him so much credit. I'm not gonna stamp him with a big HELLER FRIEND stamp like the one we stamped on Misha years ago. But I am feeling more positive towards him than I have in ages.
Ever since the confession, the official stance on Destiel seems to be to keep it as vague and ambiguous as possible. To never confirm or deny anything especially when it comes to Dean. This has been frustrating, but has kept the door open at least.
By Jackles stating today that he wants the confession addressed and even hinting that it may be in the cards sooner rather than later, tells me that a decision has possibly been made.
The ambiguity has got to go. Dean either reciprocates or he doesn't. Those are the only options available.
If, as it has so often been teased and alluded to, Cas is going to make an appearance in The Winchesters, Jackles would surely need to get Misha on board with his plans. Misha who has been firmly on the side of Destiel since day 1. Would Misha really agree to step back into Cas's shoes only to have his heart broken by a rejection from the man he loves? I don't think he would.
So surely, the only way for the confession to be addressed is to go with the other option. Full reciprocation.
Who else is there to even object anymore? Jared? Fuck that guy? Bob Singer? That old asshole has no power anymore. The CW? Maybe. I dunno what Jackles situation is with the execs and how much power he has over the Winchesters stories. But perhaps he's been able to convince them? Given the state of queer media in 2022 and how rapidly the world has moved on from tolerating CW style queerbait.
Shows like OFMD, Good Omens, The Sandman, IWTV, WWDITS, etc etc... they have proven that queer is popular. It brings in cash. The CW has always been sitting on a goldmine with Destiel, which has never really stopped being popular, even now. They were fools to not go all the way the first time around, and after the queer media boom of 2022 they look like even bigger fools. I still have my own beliefs about the circumstances that prevented a proper destiel ending (mostly to do with the business of the one star the CW were holding onto at that time and his stupid cop propoganda show) but considering all that has happened since then, were the CW given another chance to explore Destiel now, I think they'd be absolute fools not to take it.
Anyway, the point of all my rambling is this: I think I'm back on board. Laying it all out logically, if Jackles is gonna address this, he's gonna do it in the way that will be the most popular, and generate the most publicity, engagement, and ultimately, cash.
In other words: we may see yet ANOTHER "Destiel is canon" day before the decade is over.
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canonicallysoulmates · 10 months
J2 Hawaii Con Main Panel 2023
What was Jensen’s experience voicing the Red Hood? And when will we see him on the big screen?
That was his first big voiceover gig and it was great because then it got him the opportunity to play another character in that world so he loved that experience and he’s continuing to do stuff like that just as Batman instead. And he’s ready and waiting for somebody to give him an opportuniy like that on the big screen. x
What is their favorite food that they ate on scene? And what is their favorite food to eat behind the scenes?
 Jensen says it would be so much easier to name the least favorite. 
Jared says they were literally watching outtakes in the green room before this panel but in the s15 ep with Mrs. Butters the scene where Sam gets cake for his birthday, Jared was training for a marathon and he was hungry all the time so there was like 3-4 leftover cakes and he took every one of them home, and the scene with Dean and Amara in the bakery there was a bunch of real stuff in the case and he was like 'I’m taking that home' about a bunch of different things so he would take food home all the time. 
Jensen asks Jared if there was anything from catering or craft services he would almost eat daily and I love it because before Jared can fully give his answer Jensen is saying the katsu chicken, and because it was Jared’s favorite they all had to have it once a week too. 
Jensen mentions a trail mix craft services had that he would eat so much off, and then one day Maisie went up to him as he was having a handful and asked him if he knew what the raisins, peanuts, and almonds were and he was confused until she told him they’re just obstacles keeping him from the m&ms.
So that was something off camera he would eat almost every day, on camera Dean ate a lot of crap. The worst was the turducken, he was forced to eat so much of it, it got to the point where he would eat- he would take a bite and because it was so in character would take a bite at the beginning of a scene, now they know that’s a rookie mistake, you take a bite at the end of a scene so when they yell cut you can spit it out into the spit bucket and you don’t have to swallow but his dumbass was constantly eating throughout a whole scene so he got really good at taking a bite in the first take and then shadow biting in the second. Jared says Jensen would even do this when the coverage was on him so the cameras would be over his shoulder and yet he'd see Jensen grab the food and eat but he'd just be fake eating. His favorite to eat were the taquitos they were so good but they never got to have them again because they were store-bought and the grocery store that sold them went out of business. x
Next is not a question it's a fan telling them a dad joke x
What is an item on their bucket list?
Jensen doesn’t have a bucket list. Jared has one item and it’s to make Jensen create a bucket list. x
Would Jensen ever consider doing the Masked Singer?
No. He’s only seen a few of those early on and he’s seen promotions of it, and the costumes look very uncomfortable, and the singing has to be prerecorded so you’re just dancing around in a furby outfit. Jared asks him if he would do it? And Jensen replies that not on TV.  x
When the SPN reboot comes around, is Jesus going to be a part of it?
Jensen points towards Jared and says he already is, and then gives him a little pat on the knee and it quickly goes from cute to hilarious because Jared stretches his arms out like on the cross 😂
Jensen doesn’t know but maybe, hopefully, we’ll see. x
What is one of their most memorable times where they tried to impress their wife?
Jared replies that he likes to lead with his worst qualities so he thinks the majority of the first year and a half of his relationship with G was probably all failures because he was like 'listen i'm gonna fart, and not shower, and not take good care of myself but if you can deal with that the rest is actually decent'.
......and they say romance is dead.
Jensen says he’s been trying to impress D since he met her and he doesn't think he's done it yet but he desires to keep trying. x
Are they still interested in re-doing Lonesome Dove together? Or is there some other project they want to star in together?
Jared would love to he thinks it'd be an awesome idea. And actually, the key makeup artist on Walker won an Emmy award for makeup on Lonesome Dove. Hell yes, he’d love to.
Jensen says it would be fun to do something as brothers again whether it’s Lonesome Dove or SPN. x
Was there something they were looking forward to watching or something that surprised them that they watched while they weren't working?
Jensen didn’t watch anything, three kids under the age of ten is consuming. 
Jared watched Top Gun Maverick which was awesome. Beyond that Coco Melon.
Jensen says he's seen so much Bluey, he almost had to go as Bandit for Halloween until his daughter decided she didn't wanna go as Bluey she wanted to go as Black Cat. He does say that D watches Gilded Age and he proxy has watched it and gotten into it but it’s a soap opera. He also watched all of Gen V cause he was curious to see how bad he looked so he watched his scene but ended up watching the whole episode then wanted to see everything so he went back and started from the beginning, and called Kripke to ask how many hit shows one man needs. x
What is something they took for granted while they were on SPN and didn't realize?
Jared's honest answer is he thinks he took for granted the city of Vancouver. He and Jensen did a really good job in the last 2 or 3 years off if they had a late call or night shooting at 6pm they’d sneak off to ski or go for a bike ride or something but often they were just working and he didn't have an excuse G, D and the kids weren’t in Van most of the time they were at home watching them taking them to school and stuff but he doesn’t think he took enough advantage he thinks he kept waiting for life to happen to him instead of realizing it was already happening.
Jensen says the set atmosphere. It really became what it was organically, it naturally established a really fun, welcoming culture on set that as guest stars would go on they would comment on it and say it was the best place to work. And they’d think that’s cool never really thinking it was by design but now they both know how precious that is and understand that in order to achieve that you have to put in a certain kind of work, they were doing that work unknowingly by being themselves and treating everybody as equal. He takes that knowledge now when stepping into other sets and he's very hyper-aware of the culture of those sets and he does everything he can to make it a welcoming, fun, entertaining space to create. x
Do they remember their first concert experience and who was it they went to see?
Jared doesn’t remember which one was first but in San Antonio, he saw En Vogue open for Vanilla Ice. And, his mom took him to the TMNT concert as a Christmas gift.
Jensen’s first concert was with his mom and his aunt, it was when he was 6. The Michael Jackson thriller tour and he was terrified because of the lights and the costumes and the roar of the crowd he had never been in a crowd that big and then he came out and blew the roof of the place. And then first concert on his own was Van Halen. x
How do they prevent burnout?
Jared says they burn out all the time and then they have moments like this with the fans where they remember why they like to stay lit. Jokes aside he thinks they do burnout, he knows he does, not a lot but he gets exhausted and he thinks Sam and Dean did as well he thinks all the characters that they’ve played have then you kind of remember why you keep fighting, why you get back up, you get a little help from your friends and you kind of fake it till you make it and then you're back on track. It gets hard for sure but ideally, the good they've been a part of and the families they’ve built and been invited to be a part of certainly give him energy, and motive him.
Jensen says they also started doing this at an early age where they conditioned themselves to work this hard, the strike and the pandemic were pretty bad for them they don’t know how to turn it off or shut it down because they’ve been doing for so long it’s how they’re wired so it’s like Jared says yeah, they burned out on occasion but also know that this is what fuels them so it's easy to recover and jump back in the pool when they love it and have been doing it this long. And they have people that inspire them and give them energy to keep going through the moments of exhaustion. x
What was their very first acting role in school?
For Jensen, he did drama class cause he had to pick an art elective and his first big High School production was Cyrano de Bergerac. He played Christian the character that needs Cyrano to speak for him to win over Roxane. But he was maybe a junior or freshman then in his senior year he did West Side Story.
Jared’s first legit role he can recall doing was Mercutio, he doesn't think anybody would sit through it, there was also a play called Candida but he doesn’t really recall the first one. It was all stuff that high schoolers don’t really grasp yet but it got him curious. x
Do they have a passion or a topic that they could confidently teach a one-hour class on?
No. But Jensen does think they could both fill 60min on set etiquette. Not just how to act or the art of filmmaking but what the different departments do and why and the craft that goes into a day on set. x
Do they have any plans for their canceled shows?
Jared says it was obviously not their choice for the shows to not come back and they’re gonna find out what their industry is gonna look like in the next couple of months. He'd love for them to come back but he doesn’t know what the world is gonna look in terms of content like 3yrs from now.
Jensen says the shows weren’t on air for long enough for them to generate a worth for them to be taken and shopped around it’s an unfortunate by-product of the industry, people move pretty fast and when things get shelved or cleared off the table everybody is moving on so it’s hard to resurrect things that there's not a want or need for it to be brought back. That unfortunately the shows didn't have enough time to root themselves and find their legs, and it was really unfortunate timing because both shows were great. But their industry is in such a transition period right now crazy things are happening all over the place. He and Jared were very fortunate to do what they did when they did because SPN survived some rough waters but he doesn't know if the show would have made it through something like this, and Jared takes it one step further and says if last year had been the first season of SPN they'd have gotten axed. x
What's their most memorable photo op?
Jared says they've had some funny requests at times.
Jensen says there was a line they used to have, he doesn't know where it went or when it was removed but he does remember at one point MC looked at him and went 'it's come to this'.
Jared shares a story about a photo op they had with Krista, and she wanted to do a funny mid-action pose like a bodyguard diving and she could have just posed but instead, she did a full-on dive across several times.
Jensen says that a funny thing though that he'll get asked to do rock, paper, scissors a lot and it's not a video just pick one of the three, he's always gonna do scissors because that's what Dean did and it's what he's married to at this point so if you want to beat him do rock, and if you wanna let him win do paper, or just don't do anything, you don't have to it's a picture. x
J2 Main Panel Hawaii Con '23
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chaos0pikachu · 6 months
Hi chaos,
I don't know if you've heard of the Ohm-Nanon fans going to Nanon's concert wearing Ohm masks but it happened? (I don't know how to end that sentence.) (Sorry, English isn't my first language.)
You have written about parasocial relationships so I wanted to ask why are people still involved in Ohm-Nanon? Bad Buddy ended so long ago and they are still doing all this. What makes Ohm-Nanon so special? We haven't see such huge bad behaviour from other pair brands.
Please never ever apologize for how you sound in English which is a dumb broken language anyway lol fr you're English is great
anyways um, what in the fucking purge?? lmao sorry the masks thing is just taking me out I'm imagining it and the image in my head is giving kdrama to the max with the discord music and everything lmaoooo
I had not heard of that b/c I don't follow actors like that at all this is very much Brand New Information.gif for me whew wow
Soft disclaimer here I am not an expert behavioral science or anything related so like, anything I say in regards to this is based only on what I've read, can link to from experts in the field, and speculation.
I don't think OhmNanon are necessarily "special" tbh like this behavior is extreme but I wouldn't call it "new".
In western fandom you had or still have fans behaving like this we just call them "tinhats".
Like, take Larries for instance, Louis just spoke about it in an interview that nothing he can say will deter the conspiracies theorists so he's kinda stuck. This article from VOX is old (2016) but it features a pretty clear cut timeline of the theories, and obsession tinhats have with Larry. Even before Larry there was J2 (Jensen Ackles/Jared Padalecki from Supernatural):
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I want to note that One Direction stopped being an active band in 2016, almost 8 years ago. And neither Harry nor Louis have been spotted like, hanging out~~ in public for almost that entire time. Meanwhile Jared and Jensen have been been married to their wives since 2010, almost 15 years.
To play fair, Caitríona Mary Balfe (best known for Outlander) is also at the root of a tinhat conspiracy with her costar Sam Heughan. Caitriona has been married since 2019.
Western fandom likes to pretend this environment of fan entitlement, and obsessing over costars relationships is an East Asian entertainment only thing. I thoroughly disagree, and I'm sure the people involved in these various tinhat conspiracies, many who have been thoroughly and ruthlessly harassed along with their spouses, family, friends, and anyone else caught in the crossfire would also disagree.
For me the only arguable difference between like MewGulf and Larry is MewGulf played up skinship as a means of capital and for work, while Louis and Harry were just two dudes in a band.
[I even watched the old school MewGulf videos of them during Peak Fanservice Era and I gotta say it's all so obviously hilarious fake and played up I would have never taken them seriously as a true blue couple. They reminded me more of Adam Lambert making out with his bassist during his FYE tour (Tommy, who from what I remember is straight but idk 100%) for the fun and rock n roll of it all.]
I'm getting off track, I don't think OhmNanon are "special" by-the-by because I've seen this entitled and obsessive behavior with other tinhat ships. The length of time doesn't really matter, what matters is sunk cost fallacy:
"the phenomenon whereby a person is reluctant to abandon a strategy or course of action because they have invested heavily in it, even when it is clear that abandonment would be more beneficial."
Fans have invested time, love, and literal money into Ohm and Nanon, therefore giving them up - and thus giving up the "community" they've build with other Ohm and Nanon fans - is unthinkable and painful.
Combine that with general fan entitlement towards public figures, the para-sociality of believe you, individually, know what's "best" for this person - aka this STRANGER - and there's a belief that you can change or force an outcome that suits your needs and wants.
There's a lot of dehumanization involved in fan entitlement, ppl stop viewing public figures - especially actors and musicians - as products rather than people. And with a product if you leave a bad review, and enough bad reviews the company will fix and change the product.
But people aren't products, and you can't force them to do what you want or be who you want them to be just because it upsets YOU individually.
So at the end of the day, what's gonna happen with Ohm and Nanon? Well, they'll probably just keeping doing what they do. Filming their individual shows, maybe one of them will do another BL - I think Ohm already has one in the works? - and try to move on with their lives. They're coworkers and from what I've seen seem fine being coworkers. I'm not interested in speculating what their relationship is, or was, publicly, they've said they're fine with each other so I'm very es lo que es about it.
For fans, well they're probably slowly taper off eventually with only a core group of "true believers" or whatever like some MewGulf, BrightWin and others have. As fans I think the only thing we can do is discourage the behavior, and be empathetic towards the people being harassed.
Now I'm gonna leave you with my favorite debunk of a tinhat post:
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