#fake fan smh me
toxictoxicities · 2 months
idk guys i think they MIGHT like trafficlights just a hunch
Nah SliverMoon 100%
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sheepfish03 · 1 year
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He’s the man that conquered death.
Hermit a day may 27, Joehills!
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cactuslester · 5 months
watching the tree again because obviously i am, december classic, and the way phil calls it "our tree" when they didn't even actually live together yet, they didn't move into the manchester apartment together for another like nine months, but really, pretty much as soon as they met, everything was we, us, ours from then on
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ickypuppi3 · 2 years
speaking of billy and el
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m3llowm1sh · 2 months
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guys holy shit i predicted melodie................
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dragon-365 · 8 days
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*trips and falls down the stairs, scattering my shitty anthro space odyssey memes*
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swiftfootedachilles · 3 months
it's wild that you're not sure why people in the gallavich fandom are blocking or not interacting with you when you are out here calling incredibly talented artists "fatphobic" for seeing fictional characters in a different way than you do/where we left them in canon. fandom is a place for everyone to have opinions, and they're not always going to match yours. instead of continuing to call people out for things you don't like, you could try reblogging things that you do and saying nice things in the tags. people are out here creating for the love of it all, and it's really upsetting to see negative attitudes when we could just be enjoying our time online together.
wow you wrote all this and i really dont care! lame as hell that you had to hide behind anon though. i would love to know who you are so i can be sure to not interact with you in the future. i imagine we share many mutuals and are probably in the same discord channels. you might even follow me! very lame of you to send this anonymously because you dont want me and your friends and followers seeing you beefing over blatant fatphobia!
drawing chubby and fat characters as skinny is fatphobic. literally textbook fatphobia. i didnt even call any individual artist fatphobic; just was referring to the act of erasing a character's body type... which like 80% of all artists in all fandoms do... its not a cardinal sin to not know how to draw fat people or anything lol i was just making a pretty basic observation. i can like an artist and still give valid criticisms of their works. but you seem to have taken that post reeeaaally personally... maybe you need to go do some self-reflection or something!
i dunno what to tell yall. ive been in the shameless fandom for barely a year and had this blog for over a decade. i have always been a social justice blogger first and a fandom blogger second. so if you dont like me pointing out flaws and prejudices in fandom spaces then idk, stop interacting with me! :P
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sodrippy · 30 days
dressing as iceburg for halloween bc he has the exact same shade of violet hair as me
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muslimintp-1999-girl · 7 months
You guys never deserved that song in the 1st place then
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voidedjuice · 6 months
Finally finished reading rozen maiden II 💪💪💪
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gloriousmonsters · 11 months
opening the barsoom tag every now and then like a rat hitting a lever that gives me an electrical shock. i always hope there'll be like, an actual post, and every time i just have to block 25 new blogs that are posting art of white pinup dejah thoris in a metal bikini
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hailsatanacab · 9 months
today I had to explain to my 11 year old anime obsessed nephew what yuri is, and then later I had to explain to my 36 year old anime obsessed brother what yuri is
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risingsunresistance · 2 years
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dandelionandkrindle · 2 years
why am i only just now realising that i forgot to gif timeless isle and wandering isle....
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chemicalarospec · 1 year
archiveofourown works 27954677 (fic about light and 9/11)
Nooo wayyyyyyy! I HAVE to read this.
Okay I'm back, it was good! 2012 vibes came through with the "oniichan"s lol. (Actually, not sure why I felt this. It is. Japanese. For some reason I just don't think people would type that today.) (I don't think the author is Japanese? Just didn't give the vibes of writing from within the POV, idk, there were some details on Japanese crimes but I wasn't sentient at the time so I don't know if they were international news. Well-researched though if not Japanese; I even checked the school year and I think it works (sorry I'm a freak I'm a weirdo I like researching things!!).)
And Light would totally try to predict the effects of 9/11 haha. I tend to think of Pre-Death Note Light as inbetween the popular fanon do not say neutered do not say neutered de-clawed, dare I say woobified version, and the No Regard for Human Life Death Note Light, but this always-pitiless Light was cool and interesting! I like how this interpretation had him always fundamentally the same callous person but still had 9/11 effect his motivation and ideology. This is a certified "America deserved 9/11" moment (this clip is funnier if you know he originally said, "yeah, I said that" and then that it wasn't fully serious). (Light Yagami would be fixed if you taught him socialist theory. I think it could be done.) I was born after 9/11, so I can't actually say much to it lol. The author definitely remembers it (posted 2012, says it was previously posted but since they have other backdated works, I think it might actually be from 2012), but the fic really is an exploration of how Light Yagami would have reacted -- doesn't seem like much of the author's own sentiments leak in--, which I admire since that's something I struggle with in my own writing.
I wasn't sure why there was a section with Near at the end (the titular symmetry? I didn't know in what way) until the last line, to which I went, "Oh, yeah." The AN also says it wasn't well received when it was first posted, and I can see why, but (speaking as someone who was not alive for 9/11 and 22 rather than 11 years after the event) I don't find it objectionable (re: "This is a certified 'America...'") . I'll admit though, the construction of the parallels isn't in the best taste, depending on how you take it -- I think the symmetry is meant for the towers themselves and the symmetry of the conviction of justice (same as in the manga/show Light/L), but the metatextual comparison of Light Yagami, fictional man, to the real 9/11 terrorists kinda might be in poor taste. This is discourse. I'm not a Discourse Master. I am making zero claims on this matter, just perspectives that others may take.
I left kudos twice because I forgot I wasn't signed in on this computer haha.
If anyone's curious, I searched up "9/11 Japanese" after making the post and apparently there were a few Japanese banks with some employees in the World Trade Center who died, and a young man on one of the planes.
I've been thinking about making a post about how remembering it was written in 2004 is necessary to understand some parts of Death Note, and I can't believe I didn't think about including 9/11 there seriously until now, but obviously, yes, of course it influenced the narrative not just in a-possible-joke-to-make way.
Wow, this is like my Goodreads reviews at this point lol. Since this was technically an ask, I wrote all my thoughts, but it was more than I expected. Sorry, is probably be awkward if you are the author!
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lastofthemadones · 1 year
im so glad more people are watching goncharov cause for years i would bring it up as scorcese’s best film and people would just stare at me blankly. thought I was in my own personal mandela effect!
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