#fake news in the ukraine war
greencheekconure27 · 1 month
Another one for the blocklist, @ theendnews
An antisemitic antivaxx conspiracy theorist spreading russian propaganda, quelle surprise
And even if you don't care about Ukraine they should still be blocked and reported for THIS:
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Combined with this:
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The aforementioned russian propaganda below:
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odinsblog · 5 months
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DOES YOUR FAVORITE movie star or pop singer really love the Kremlin? Though the ads in your Facebook feed may lead you to believe such a thing, it’s just not true. In recent months, a major disinformation campaign has run rampant on Meta and X (aka Facebook and Twitter). The campaign uses fake ads that show existing photos of extremely famous celebrities—Beyoncé, Oprah, Justin Bieber, Shakira, Cristiano Ronaldo—which have been doctored with fake quotes that back Russia and criticize Ukraine.
The campaign, which is still in progress, was perpetrated by a pre-Kremlin group known as Doppelganger. Information shared exclusively with WIRED has also linked this disinformation campaign to Russia’s GRU military spy agency.
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ohsalome · 10 months
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ketrindoll · 2 years
How to recognize state-sponsored Russian propaganda
It's no secret that the Russian state, using troll farms and other means, has been spreading deliberate disinformation for years. They are known to be behind the 2016 Presidential election in the US, the Brexit referendum in the UK, and other smaller and bigger events. For example, the EU discovered financial ties between Kremlin and right-wing political figures in Europe, with Marine LePen being openly financially supported by the Russian bank. Their propaganda has been in full force ever since Russia invaded Ukraine and is part of the openly stated Russian war against the West, which Kremlin propagandists and state media describe as being amoral, degraded (referring to LGBTQ+ community rights in particular), and out to destroy the great and traditional Russian state. It's modern, hybrid warfare is set against us every day.
So how to recognize if something you are reading, whether repeated on the news or in social media comments/posts, is Russian propaganda?
It's going to be a long post, unfortunately, as it's directly linked with the DebunkEU.org investigation, but certainly worth reading.
Part 1: Narratives related to war
After Russia invaded Ukraine on the 24th of February, the trolls had a period of unusual silence. But soon enough they picked up where they left off, perhaps even more severely than before. There were a few key points that Russian trolls spread in the comments:
Refugees are all crooks, that are rude to volunteers, steal from their hosts, steal husbands (the latest British tabloid the Sun post seems to perpetuate this story without any credible evidence, other than a Facebook post), etc. Some impersonate registration center employees to spread fake stories about supposed bad characters among the Ukrainian refugees. Such posts are usually the same in every country and are meant to discourage people from helping those in need. Similar tactics were used in regards to Syrian refugees, who fled Russian-bombed Aleppo, but that time it actually worked. Any actual bad-apple cases would get blown out of proportion to paint all refugees as such. It shows the absolute despicable nature of the Russian government - not only do they destroy a country, but they also make sure its citizens are despised wherever they go. (began to spread late February-early March till now)
Questioning national identity + Whataboutism: "What about Liberia/Iraq/Palestine", "Why are you not putting up your own country's flag?" It's to minimize the open support for Ukraine and spread the classic Russian attitude of {if America did it, why can't we?} (began to spread on the 28th of February)
Ukraine is evil: Biolabs in Ukraine, Ukrainians killing Russians in Donbas, and other similar lies are all just poor attempts at justifying the war. (28th of February till now)
The West is to blame: from blaming NATO to saying that it's America, and not actually Ukraine, that is fighting Russia is all part of Russia's general attitude of "fight against the rotten West and Gayrope [gay Europe]". Even though NATO only expanded as a response to Russian aggression and there were no agreements for it not to expand. The reason it pisses the Russian gov off is that it makes it hard for them to restore the USSR borders by swallowing its neighbors. (began to spread early March till now)
Part 2: What Russia wants you to believe
There are three main conspiracy theories that Russia tries to spread to destabilize Western societies and "divide and conquer".
The concept of public safety. This theory questions the very basics of democracy, by trying to prove that a secret group is controlling everything behind the scenes, thus undermining your power as a voter and belief in a democratic system. This group is supposedly making us choose between few, suitable to them, options, and the only way to avoid being part of the system is by removing ourselves from it altogether and assembling into independent societies. The greatest evil is the West and US in particular, meanwhile, Russia is a state that's immune from this and protects traditional values and spirituality. In Europe, this group calls for the return of the USSR, and all around the world, they are recognized for their talks about globalists and praises of figures like Stalin. This propaganda was first spread by the Soviet secret service and has been officially approved by Putin himself.
New World Order. This theory is perhaps the most widespread and accepted. It states that the world is ruled by elites (again, democracy means nothing), who seek to eliminate individual countries and establish a New World Order. It tries to paint many cultural and intellectual figures as members of this organization, and they are behind every major event locally or internationally, from financial crises to unpopular political decisions. This theory began spreading in the 50s and 60s and gained particularly strong traction during the pandemic.
The great reset. This is a theory that exploded in 2020 and states that while the earth is overpopulated, vaccines and other methods can be used as population control to reset the global political system and economics. Klaus Schwab became a figurehead of this conspiracy. Again, Russia somehow is immune to all of this.
Just so you get an idea of how widespread is Russian state-sponsored propaganda, Lithuania, a country with a population of less than 3 million, has identified 105 pro-Russian or propaganda spreading Facebook groups alone, not to mention websites, "news" sites, and individual fake accounts. Most of those are managed by just 8 people. Think how much could be in large countries like America that Russia considers an enemy state. Also, be careful about what you spread regarding Ukrainian refugees, as an example of what happens when misinformation gets out of control can be seen in how Syrian refugees are treated to this day.
Part 3: Trolls
Regarding trolls, another example of a Lithuanian investigation into one of the pro-Russian Facebook groups shows this:
A post is created that spreads fake news, support for Russia, or some shocking new info about Ukrainians.
In two days, 227 comments are left under the post.
2571 comments are left right after the Bucha massacre.
484 users posted those comments.
400 reacted positively to "Bucha is fake" posts.
An unusually large amount of comments were either a direct/poor translation or in Russian.
Most of the comments were written by fake accounts. One of such accounts wrote 9 comments in just 21 seconds.
What does it tell us? Most of the traction in pro-Russian or misinformation groups is coming from Russia, troll farms in particular. Also, there is no point to argue with them. A bot that posts 9 comments under different posts in just 21 seconds is not going to read your replies or answer them. The best course of action is to report the comment. Facebook is notorious for not giving a shit, but if enough people will report both the comment and the profile, chances of those getting taken down will massively increase. Don't just scroll by, report both the comment and the user.
Also, follow the money. Facebook ads are not cheap, and if you see someone promoting their conspiracy ideas, think about how they got the cash. In a small country like Lithuania for a politician or supposedly freelance journalist to have 10'000-16'000 euros for ads is highly suspicious. It rings true everywhere - from QAnon to others, how can they afford to promote themselves, to buy domains, to support a large team, etc. Basically, follow the money.
And for goodness sake, stop watching those random YouTube videos as a source of truth.
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draumurt · 9 months
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One person sent me this post and I searched a bit, so if anyone saw it too, just wanna make clear what is really going on.
This is a footage of warrior exchange between Ukraine and Wagner group, which occurred on 26.05.2023. You can find posts and video in "The Telegraph", "Wall Street Journal" and many more websites. During this exchange we returned 106 Ukrainian warriors.
On this person's example you see that you really need to educate yourself :)
UPD. I added screenshots from the sources I mentioned, so you can see the proof right away
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potuzzz · 27 days
The Holodomor happened and Stalin could've avoided or stopped it at any time
Oooo, something I know a lot about!
Well, there is a half truth here, which is that, yes, yet another famine did indeed occur in Ukraine in the 1930s along with the greater Soviet region, as famines occured there repeatedly for many centuries, and this famine did indeed kill people.
This cycle of famine killed millions for hundreds of years under various tsars. And yet, less than a few decades after the Soviets took power, the cycle of famine was finally broken, and starvation in the region became a distant memory. The famine you call the "Holodomor" was one of the very last of these famines that the Communists worked diligently to prevent and alleviate--even during times of war and barbaric invasion and strangling siege from the world powers--and who the first finally successful in doing so.
So, how did this story get twisted from "the Soviets finally ended a brutal cycle of famine that the tsars did nothing about," to, "Joseph Stalin created a man-made famine to purposefully kill Ukranians in a campaign of genocide and terror"?
Let's talk about kulaks, international rightwing news, and then finish off with miscellaneous factors that exacerbated the famine and slowed Soviet response to it.
When the impoverished and starving masses of the Russian Empire and its colonies, led by the Bolsheviks, arose in a popular revolution a decade prior to seize society for themselves to build the socialist Union, there were many who fought quite viciously to stop this People's Government from coming to or keeping power. The remnants of the tsarist government, big corporations, fascists, white supremacists, the Orthodox Church hegemony, and opportunists all took money, weapons, training, soldiers, resources and other support from European and American monarchies/rulers and international corporations who had colonial interests in tsarist Russia and its own colonies; those who had a vested interest in keeping the Soviet people oppressed and suffering, from Russia to Ukraine to Kazakhstan, Belarus, Uzbekistan, Siberia, Georgia, Lithuania, and others. These counter-revolutionaries, this coalition of fascists and capitalists supported by or directly from the Western imperial powers, these people murdered civilians, minorities, and elected government officials in terror attacks, bombings, shootings, pogroms. They destroyed trains, granaries, farming equipment, factory equipment, tools, spare parts, buildings, homes, power grids, water pumps--this was a war directly on the masses, on the populace. This war on the life of the Soviet people themselves was most fierce in the civil war against the Whites (the tsarist remnants), and particularly in the genocidal Nazi invasion, but it continued for the entirety of the USSR's existence--and slowed but didn't stop even when the Union dissolved and the ex-Soviet states became capitalists or fascists themselves, up to this very day, manifest in NATO plans to balkanize and neoliberally colonize modern capitalist Russia.
One of the most despicable cases of this sabotage against the new, aspiring egalitarian society was the kulaks and what they did during these times of famine.
The Soviets had collectivized the land and the food, and began distributing it evenly to the peasants who had toiled in serfdom these lands for generations without reward; in essence, confiscating lands from wealthy slaveowners and giving the farmlands to the slaves, and ensuring those who were most vulnerable to starvation (such as during hard winter months, or famines) always had access to the bare necessities to live.
So, what did the kulaks do in response to this confiscation and just redistribution?
They burned their own crops. They killed their own cattle and horses and chickens and pigs by the herd. All to spite the new government of the people--and all leading up to and in the middle of this famine you reference as the "Holodomor."
So, we have a region that has historically suffered from famine repeatedly for centuries, and right when they are due for another one, a class of people that amount to slaveowners and landlords and those that aspire to be like them starts sabotaging a socialist government by destroying food en masse.
Sure enough, famine hit, and large amounts of people died.
See, and this is where rightwing news sources come into play.
As referenced, there were many monarchist, capitalist, and fascist interests involved in destroying the socialist experiment from its birth until long after its death.
One microcosm of this genocidal hatred was the fake news. Anybody with even a moderate grasp on history and the realities of the modern day knows that any leftwing governments, movements, or individuals are subject to lies and deceit of their rightwing adversaries. 1930s Eastern Europe was no different. Sourced that were dismissed unanimously at the time even by liberals and conservatives alike as rightwing tabloids--the Breitbarts and Stormfronts and Fox Newses and 4chans and OANs of the day--all began inventing stories of thousands, no, hundreds of thousands, no, MILLIONS, NO, TENS OF MILLIONS of dead littering the dirt roads of Ukraine--a claim quickly debunked by several verified reports at the time from independent journalists, diplomats, and travelers of various nationalities and political predilections at the time.
And yet, what amounted to flat earth conspiracy in the 1930s got a veneer of trustworthiness as its newspaper pages yellowed charmingly with age, and after urgings by the CIA, began to be used as legitimate sources cited in scholarly articles in Ivy League campuses. The Banderites, a sect of Ukranian Nazi collaborators in WW2 who joined the German Nazis in raping, pillaging, and murdering their own countrymen, also spent their every waking moment pushing for decades pushing these otherwise contemptible narratives riddled with errors and blatant fabrication, forgery, and theft--pictures used from completely different famines in completely different countries, tallies of dead that do not match birthrates and subsequent censuses by the tune of millions of people, completely invented and unverifiable names of imaginary interviewees, even the supposed TRAIN SCHEDULES of these supposed "journalists" have been debunked to the point of proving none of them even set foot in Ukraine SSR or anywhere else nearby.
Suddenly, what was correctly seen by all normal people as total BS in the 1930s, after a century of legwork, suddenly was trustworthy primary sources that were cited by Harvard professors, and then American diplomats, and then Wikipedia, and now everybody on the Internet who recounts the tale of Stalin's genocide on the Ukranian people--an idea alone that is complete nonsese when one considers the vast resources that leaders such as Stalin invested into ENDING these famines, developing Ukraine, and feeding ALL the people within the Soviet Union, all at the EXPENSE of the Russian body.
The repeated behaviors of the Soviets show them to be concerned with helping the masses achieve the basic necessities of living, they show a longstanding love and comraderie between Ukraine and Russia, they show intense efforts to end natural disasters such as famine. The repeated behaviors of the USSR's enemies show a bunch of cowards who will stop at nothing, lying and destroying to sabotage anything even remotely leftwing that threatens their colonial interests, such as a large unified Eurasian world power that refuses to allow multinational corporations to have a blank check robbing their people for cheap labor or resources.
To let off the gas pedal and reach a stopping point, I must pay homage to some other factors.
The experiments of Soviet scientist Lysenko, one of those tasked with ending such famines and industrializing agriculture to a scale that could quickly feed the entire Soviet people, were a failure, and likely contributed to the predestined famine that struck 1930s Ukraine. While many valuable lessons were gleaned from the failure of Lysenkoism, it is no doubt that its failure may have exacerbated the famine.
There is also the question of the struggling, newly born Soviet state to modernize in its early days. There was some telegrams, but most communication still had to be done by horseback mail carriers, and telephones were barely a thing at all yet. News traveled slow through the mountains, steppes, tundras and forests.
Finally, there is a legitimate question as to mid-level Soviet officials being negatively motivated to exaggerate or outright lie to meet their quotas. While early Soviet history is filled with comraderie, cooperation, bravery, justice, determination, and communal compassion, it is also simultaneously, due to the extreme pressure from international invasion, civil war, sabotage, and the like, an era of violence, mistrust, paranoia, disloyalty, volatility, and a lack of confidence. Many of this Soviet officials feared failing their country, they feared losing their positions, many even feared overzealous higher-ups would deem their failures to be intentional, proclaim them a traitor, and imprison or kill them--it was difficult to tell during this time who was collaborating with or sympathetic to the enemy, who was being paid by foreign agents, who was an opportunist enriching themselves, and in this confusion and militant attempt to keep the ship from sinking, there are tales of innocents whose lives were ruined or even stolen from them. Many mid-level Soviet officials assigned to keep track of the region misrepresented and padded their numbers to make it appear things were well on-par with Soviet objectives. Thus, grain was exported even when the famine was full swing, because the reality of the famine--especially when combined with the slow-travelling news--had yet to truly sink in to the Soviet leadership.
In closing, the following:
Mistakes were certainly made, and many people died--the true number is hard to determine. However, what is sure is that modern Western estimates are grossly distorted. The famine of Ukraine in the early 1930s was one of the last of its ilk due to the diligent work of the Communist government to destroy the cycle of famine, and they eventually succeeded, and not only Ukraine but the entire multinational, multiethnic Soviet Union and its hundreds of millions of people never suffered starving or food insecurity for the rest of the Union's existence.
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workersolidarity · 1 year
Watch "The Grayzone exposes shoddy ICC warrant against Putin" on YouTube
This one takes the cake.
I would say these are the most farcical charges I've ever seen, but they're being presented concurrently with the roll out of the Trump indictment, another farcical set of politically motivated charges.
The ICC Warrant accuses President Putin and his Director of Children's Welfare, Maria Llova-Belova, of literally kidnapping 16'000 Ukrainian children and forcing them against their will into a network of reeducation institutions spread across the Russian Federation "that stretches from the Black Sea all the way to the Pacific Coast" in order to retrain them and indoctrinate them into Russian ethnic and Nationalist views and even give them military training, describing the children as "hostages," though no evidence for this is provided.
The author of the report, Nathaniel Raymond even went on TV on CNN's Anderson Cooper's show and declared this was tantamount to genocide, connecting Putin's actions to Hitler's Nazi Germany.
These wild accusations are all based on a report conducted by an organization at Yale called the Humanitarian Research Lab, headed by Nathaniel Raymond which was in-turn funded openly by the US State Dept who contracted the Lab for the report and provided the HRL Team with access to Pentagon Satellites.
The report's authors conducted no ground investigation, no direct interviews, nor did they even request access to the sites in question, instead relying on Pentagon satellite imagery, similar to early fake investigations into the supposed Chinese Uyghur Camps. And it even appears that the State Dept contacted Yale's HRL and requested they form an investigative team two weeks before the Russian SMO began.
Nathaniel Raymond even admits in an interview that HRL was originally focused on Human Rights abuses in Afghanistan until they were pressured into investigating Russia by the State Dept two weeks before the beginning of the SMO.
In the HRL Report, the authors reference Russian news articles but appear to have used Google to translate the articles rather than an actual in-house translator. This despite being fully funded by the State Dept and Yale University, two sources for endless propaganda funds. They then chose to exclude actual testimony in those articles that quote the children from the program happily discussing how much they enjoyed the experience.
But the biggest and most obvious flaw in the narrative being pushed by the US and NATO in conjunction with the ICC is the fact that these are NOT in fact ethnic Ukrainian children being shipped off and retrained in Russian Nationalism.
That's not even remotely close to the truth.
These are children from families in Eastern Ukraine, specifically the Donetsk and Lugansk People's Republics, suffering terribly under the weight of the war, who largely identify as ethnic Russians, speak Russian, and desperately want to get their children away from the frontlines: away from falling rockets and shells, away from the extreme poverty and destitution taking hold in Ukraine, away from the political corruption, away from the persecution against Russian speaking Ukrainians, and away from the economic and food access disruptions that have made life in Eastern Ukraine Hell for 9 years.
According to one violin instructor at a camp, many if not most of the children have lost a house, some have lost relatives and friends, and they cannot continue their musical instruction back home where only remote learning is possible. And even that is not always possible.
The report even concedes the children are participating in these cultural camps with direct parental consent and were returned to their families when they said they would be.
As for the facilities themselves, you don't have to believe me, believe the author of the report, Nathaniel Raymond who described the institutions as basically "teddy bears" at one point in an interview.
And according to the Yale HRL and the State Department's own paper:
"There is no documentation of child mistreatment, including sexual or physical violence, among the camps referenced in this report."
And of course there isn't.
These are NOT "reeducation camps" and ZERO evidence exists of ANY political training going on, of ANY kind, at ANY of the camps.
These are cultural institutions that offer music instruction and other artistic and scholastic outlets for these children to express themselves in a safe environment, without the fear of rockets and shells falling overhead. Children are brought, once again with the consent of their parents, to these educational and cultural facilities for an agreed upon period of time, usually a matter of a few days or weeks, and they are promptly returned to their families on time.
Most of these programs center around music or the arts and parents send their children to these facilities free of charge. The children are escorted safely into the Russian mainland, riding trains or busses where they get to observe beautiful lands and environments along the way. It is truly an escape for these children.
Some parents said they sent their children to the camp because they wanted to take advantage of a free trip for their child. Some hoped to protect their children from ongoing fighting, taking advantage of intact sanitation and nutritious food inaccessible from home. While others just wanted their children to enjoy a vacation at a time when few outlets for children exist in their hometowns.
The facilities themselves are described as generous: children are well fed and taken care of (something that's been difficult in war time), they get playtime, music instruction, therapy and schooling. Most of the children come from VERY low income families, badly affected by the war. Some are literally war refugees.
Therefore these people at the ICC, in the US Govt, and at NATO are basically demanding Russia return these children to Ukraine, into a war zone, where they can be brought into Western Ukraine, accused of being collaborators by the SBU, or returned to homes that no longer exist and are still under fire.
And again, I just can't stress this enough:
The Yale Humanitarian Research Lab conducted NO on the ground reporting, conducted NO interviews, and DID NOT request access to the facilities housing these camps.
Read more about this ridiculous facade here:
It's truly astonishing just how far the US is willing to go to damage Russia.
Even the ICC itself has fallen under the weight of US Foreign Policy.
The US, like Russia, is NOT a member of the ICC and has actively fought its investigations over the years, imposing sanctions on the Court a few years ago, and even going so far as to pass what's known as the "Hague Invasion Act" aka the American Service-Members' Protection Act, that literally threatens to invade the Netherlands should the ICC ever detain American service members for War Crimes.
But as a Pro-Western leadership has recently gained control at the ICC, the US has found use in the Court once again as yet another tool for damaging Russia on the international stage.
Watch Journalist Jeremy Loffredo visit one of these camps in this video
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taiwantalk · 6 months
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charlesoberonn · 2 months
It's gonna be such a funny mess when Donald Trump dies of a stroke on April 1st, 2024.
Naturally everybody will think it's fake because of the date only to lose their minds (both positively and negatively based on their opinion of trump) when realizing it's real
There will be massive celebrations in the streets and on social media and lots of predictable "don't speak ill of the dead" discourse about those celebrations
Weird evangelicals will pull some weird number trick talking about how Jesus was conceived on April 1st and that makes Trump a sort of messiah and people will make fun of that
The Republicans (after they're done with the faux-sadness and faux-outrage) will stomp over each other to be his successor but none of them will succeed. They'll tear each other apart and have no single nominee for the November elections.
There will be discourse about if Biden and the living former presidents should go to his funeral (they won't, he was a traitor insurrectionist)
The Ukraine-Russia War immediately goes in favor of Ukraine as morale in the Kremlin is reduced. China similarly backs off from its threats on Taiwan.
Ten thousand new memes are made, some sticking around for years to come.
Not a month later a bunch of unofficial biographies of Trump hit the bookshelves, many with new details about just how awful he was.
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russianreader · 1 month
"Across the River They're Making Chocolate": Vsevolod Korolev's Closing Statement in Court
<Vsevolod Korolev During his closing statement in court today the documentary filmmaker Vsevolod Korolev read a poem by Grigori Dashevsky: 1. Across the river they’re making chocolate. Out there the river-ice is breaking up. And upriver we’re waiting, but for now no bus comes, only its vacant ghost, a desolate fleshless light flying ahead to the engine’s howl and the clatter of the ad-slates…
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greencheekconure27 · 1 year
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@ informtheworld *heavy Russian accent* : No I'm not spreading Russian propaganda why would you think that?😅
(for those who don't know Russian- "Baiden" is what you get if you transliterate "Biden" into Russian and then back into English . Biden=> Байден=>Baiden)
Some of the other fake news/propaganda @informtheworld is trying to spread.
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kinialohaguy · 2 months
Aloha kākou. A stalemate with the Russia-Ukraine War exists. Many people are dying on both sides. Although, in my opinion, Ukraine is not winning this war. Neither is Russia. We’re at a stalemate. Ukraine is running out of soldiers. According to independent journalists, Ukraine soldiers are pulling young men as young as seventeen years of age off the streets and out of their homes. Then…
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ohsalome · 10 months
The Dumbest Arguments About Russia's War on Ukraine
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gameofthrones2020 · 4 months
Ukrainian Counteroffensive Slowed
Ukrainian Counteroffensive Slowed and why this could be a Ukrinaina military planning something big and what can we learn from past wars
During the previous two weeks of June 2023, Ukraine made gains in the area around Bakhmut and Zaporizhia. In the east of Ukraine, Ukraine’s army has captured the town of P’Yatkhatky these are not significant gains. Still, the town’s capture in eastern Ukraine shows that the Ukrainian military is looking for witnesses and has advanced along the Russian Federation’s defensive lines. According to…
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petrelunivers · 6 months
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tankertalk · 8 months
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Tanker Talk Issue for 9/4/2023 (2 pages total)
To be able to read the page clearly: Click on photo, then “right click” the image and select “view image”, then you can click on the page and enlarge it to be able to read better.   Like always, you can go to the following page to read this most recent issue of Tanker Talk: Facebook link: https://www.facebook.com/tankertalk/
And don’t forget to visit:
Twitter link: https://twitter.com/TankerTalk
And like always, Tanker Talk is a satire paper and please do not take anything printed within it as real news…. even though some of it might be real. I also tend to find the majority of these news stories on the internet and they are not mine. I am reprinting them. I make no money on this endeavor even though I should know better. But you can send me some if you like what you're seeing.
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