#fam don't even sweat this lmao
dxrksong · 1 year
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What if the Lazarus pits had blob ghosts and they merged together to became a concept ghost?
Now for the memes!
Al Ghul approaches the pits
L: uh-uh, what's he doing?
Al Ghul: *dives into the pits*
L: UGH! *Pukes out a blob ghost that looked around before immediately rejoining Lazarus* NO! GET HIM OUT OF HERE!!! OUT!!!
Al Ghul: *gets yeeted* ?!
Would Lazarus like Jason and the others? 🤔 strangely enough, I'd say yes.
L: At least you guys didn't try to just constantly USE ME like my last master did! *dramatic sobs*
Batman: *desperately trying not to adopt this unknown entity* how OLD are you?
L: *suddenly fine* oh, me? I just formed yesterday! Let me tell ya, it was QUITE a surprise to suddenly be able to move and see! It's been a true experience so far, I can see why you guys like doing this so much!
Batman: *physically restraining himself* Hn.
Jason: so what exactly are you?
L: oh, me? Well I don't know TOO much but from what my instincts are telling me, is that I'm a type of ghost!
Dick: GHOST????
L: yes! Specially a Concept ghost! Like how there's a concept of time and space, I'm a concept of the pits.....I guess.
Jason: you guess???
L: only a few days old, remember? I don't even have a guardian ghost yet!
Batman: *immediately at attention* are you supposed to have one?
L: yep! Every baby ghost needs a guardian! It's not like we can know everything the moment we're born. Hell, I don't even know where the other ghosts are, all there is here are shades....and remnants.
Tim: I have so many questions.
L: and I have so little answers! It seems we're stuck in the same boat Tim! (Oh btw Tim, your clones wanted me to say Hi)
The fam: WAIT WHAT?!
Lazarus and the shades getting along as Lazarus greets them like one would do to their pets.
L: why hello! Yes, hello! Look at you, look at you *coos*
Hmmm 🤔 Lazarus would need a guardian that can make portals in order to show them how and to make sure they get fresh ectoplasm when need. And the only ghosts I can think of is Wulf and Clockwork.
But there's also Cujo.
Lazarus meeting the only other ghost he's seen and it's this small dog.
L: are you my dad??
Cujo: *sweating because oh no this child has no parents, but how the bark does he raise a baby ghost?*
Tho Wulf parenting Lazarus would also be cute.
Walker finds Wulf and immediately spots the kid.
Walker also knows that bonds between a baby ghost and it's parent are near impossible to break. (Not to mention against the rules.)
So then it'd be Walker and Wulf raising this baby ghost together lmao!
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mamamittens · 1 year
Okay but say Big Mom did find out about reader- just as she was mentioned a few times at the start…
The custody battle would be one for the ages yes?
Reader would be sweating bullets and hiding behind anyone and everyone.
Can't decide which is funnier. Big Mom trying to adopt them or have them marry into the family so the whole Charlotte line is showing off trying to entice them while the reader is quietly going
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"please don't."
Reader doesn't leave the ship for several months, even after being promised that they'll be escorted at all times. What a turn of events lmao, though Whitebeard is both amused and still pissed off about it.
I do think there would be a few cute moments if somehow one of them meet the reader.
"My face scares people."
"U-Uhm, Katakuri--sir--no offense, but I can't even see it and I already know your name scares me more than anything that could be up there."
(shows face)
Reader: 😲
"BABY! AHCK--shit! Sorry! You have the same smile as Mao!"
"My prettiest baby sea king!"
Katakuri: 😶😳
Reader's Rizz remains undefeated.
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Fams going to be pissed at the parade of flowers arranged by would-be suitors (for either marriage or adoption, take your pick lmao)
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starswornoaths · 5 years
I'm at work atm and on mobile plz ignore formatting but this is the source of all the jokes about furymint and I want to thank @aethernoise for indulging in this silliness lmao
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“I don’t think I’ve ever seen you bake before, now that I’m thinking on it,” Serella mused, leaning across the counter to peer into the crust lined pan, now carefully being filled with a bright, citrus scented tart filling.
Sniffing at the not-yet-made treat, her mouth watered.
“Truly, I wish I had more time to dedicate to it,” Aymeric admitted, smoothing the filling out with a spatula. “I like it greatly.”
“More like you enjoy the end result,” Serella teased, even as she swiped a finger on the inside of the mixing bowl he had been using. To her delight, the lime custard was just as delightful and refreshing on the palette as it was to smell. “Same as me!”
“I can enjoy both,” Aymeric conceded, even as he swiped the sticky end of the spatula with a finger to taste it himself, “I daresay ‘tis better to.”
“Mhm,” she hummed in agreement, her finger still in her mouth.
“Since you are over there, dear one—might you cut off a spring of furymint for me, please?” He asked, even as he turned to place the tart in the oven.
When he straightened and looked at her expectantly, he was puzzled to find Serella staring at him in confusion.
“Fury…?” She trailed off—she was looking at the plants she had spent the last few years cultivating; he wasasking for a spring of one of them, but despite her best efforts, she couldn’t recall what furymint looked like. Had she even heard of that plant before now?
“Furymint,” Aymeric supplied again, wondering if perhaps she had simply not heard him clearly the first time.
“I…” She had never felt more stupid, staring at the myriad of fresh herbs she kept near the kitchen and struggling to divine what the fuck he was talking about.
“Ah, worry not, dear one,” he reassured her with a gentle smile. Reaching for the herb shears he dexterously snipped a particularly verdant looking sprig in anticipation to garnish it with once it was finished baking. “There we are.”
“What?” Serella blinked when she realized which plant he had taken a few leaves from. “But that’s not called—“ her frown melted away, and as it dawned on her that she may have to ruin another part of Ishgard’s history for her beloved, she stared into the bushel as though it had opened up her mind’s eye to some dark secret of the universe.
“Are you well, Ella?” She heard him ask but still she needed a moment more to be in awe of her newfound knowledge.
“Yes…?” He asked, and now that she was careening back to earth she realized he sounded worried.
“Dear one. Light of my life.” She tried to stop herself from smiling like a madwoman, though all at once she felt a deep empathy with those raving about the things the world showed them on whatever street corner they could.
They suddenly seemed less crazy and more that what they had been shown had been too much for them to handle.
She felt much the same in that moment.
“Serella?” Aymeric asked quietly. “You are worrying me, love.”
“What…did you just call that plant?” She asked, and given the way he tilted his head and looked at her she must have sounded as ridiculous as she felt.
“’Tis Furymint, dear one,” he repeated as though he were trying to mentally prepare himself to discover she had some disease that ate away at memory and sanity.
“To you,” she replied, already beginning to lose ground to the giggles that threatened to bubble over in her throat, “and to all of Coerthas, perhaps.”
“The rest of the world just calls it, ‘spearmint,’ my love,” Serella explained, already feeling her face split in twain for how wide her grin stretched. “So, err…thank your ancestors for that.”
“Wha—!” Aymeric sputtered, eyes wide in shock.
Her delight would not wait for him to process the revelation, however, and through giggles she mused aloud, “do you suppose it was discovered by some Orthodox botanist who was feeling particularly blessed that day?”
���I…am not entertaining that thought,” he said flatly.
“I mean, what else would be the reason? Who discovers a plant and says, ‘sure it’s got leaves like spears and all, but that’s an appropriation of Halonic iconography so I claim this plant in the name of the Fury, thanks lads,’ and the rest of the world, for all of history thereafter, deliberately ignored it and left Ishgard out of the joke?” Through her giggling she further pondered, “is that the real reason Ishgard wasn’t keen on rejoining the Alliance?”
“I…am not the person to have this discussion with.” Aymeric said helplessly, already deeply regretting that he’d uttered the word in the first place.
“I don’t mean to joke about Ishgard’s history—truly, I don’t!— But,” she gestured at the plant, “it’s sort of its own joke, isn’t it?”
When Aymeric let out a sigh from some repressed corner of his soul she leaned across the counter and rested her chin in her hands, beaming up at him in delight.
“I’m sorry,” she said in the least apologetic tone she had, “I’ve gone and side tracked us. What were you going to use it for?”
“It was,” Aymeric groused, “intended to garnish the tart once it baked.” He turned and pulled a glass from the cupboard. “It is now, however, going to garnish my drink that I am in sudden and urgent need of.”
When a bottle of gin and a shot glass joined the cup on the counter the Paladin snorted a laugh again.
“A shame you didn’t start drinking before you began baking,” Serella mused through her chortles, “that would have made a fun little experimint, would it not?”
As he twisted the cap off of the gin he maintained a flat, unamused expression that only served to make her laugh harder.
“Dear one~” Serella cooed to him, “are you furyous with me?”
As she managed to gasp around what had rapidly devolved into wheezing, silent laughter, Aymeric took a deep breath, resigned himself to the fact that it was going to be one of those days, and maintained unimpressed eye contact with her as he forewent the shot glass and just started pouring gin straight into his cup.
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paintedkinzy-88 · 2 years
Dragon Balance Au
How.... how many kids would the BSP HAVE?? That castle is going to be filled up. Like is it Momma Nootmare just constantly having kiddos?? Is it daddy noots with the mamas lounging on tentacles or dragon cuddles?? I know there's Cresent that's popular for Nightmare/killer, there's a few cross/Nightmare kids out there.... but I don't think Nightmare is wanting a tribe of skeletons or to be a matriarch/patriarch of a clan of skeleton dragons.... rumors of a dragon army would probably spread while noot is just dying of exhaustion from childcare. I think he'd be the last dragon to get a kids.... (ironically, I think life would kinda just prefer to be aunty life for now. Fluffy babies would be cute, but there's too many babies tumbling around.)
Or is that scenario just a really bad nightmare that Noot wakes up sweating from.
Honestly something I’ve thought about often chjsnfjsn. Cuz I agree, I don’t think any of them would want a ton of kiddos, and Night would definitely have to work through some of his own shit before he felt comfortable with babybones, but at the same time they’d probably have the most outta everyone, especially considering its not just Noots having the kids between the six of them o o f
Crescent is a definite, mostly cuz I like his dynamic with the fam and I’d like to see a kinda water dragon ish design with him. Lux would also be there, I love her. I feel like Horror and Night would have a kid??? Cuz Horror was his first hoard?? Maybe HorrorDust??? I’d love a Kross and/or Driller child ;-;
Long and short of it: idk. XD I’m not giving them an army of baby bones, one for every possible ship duo (or fuckin more, this isn’t even taking into account more than two of them could have a single fuckin kid cuz ✨magic✨), but they’re also not gonna just stop at 1 or 2 lmao. They’ll be responsible about it, waiting a while before having any more so they don’t have a zillion toddlers to take care of at once, but I can promise they won’t have more than like 8.
Ima just. Ima focus on Crescent and Lux for now, they be the first ones. BSP and Dream wouldn’t have another until they were at least 4.
I feel like it seems like a lot of kiddos, but y’know Night has a whole ass castle and six parents plus Aunty Life I think they’d be alright if they played it smart—
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roanniee · 3 years
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Aces HCs
Headcannons? Yes. Yes.
The 3RD YEAR Aces + Sakusa and Meian being taught the "Filipino" way of washing clothes? Yes please.
Filipinos mostly wash clothes while outside, with a few deep, circular tubs, and a manual pump.
warning: chaos, crack and a bit of spicy content bc.... water soaked aces and meian? hello?
So for this hcs, S/o are at the least, a quarter Filipino. I usually tend to make it as general as possible but... hehehe for the sake of this one.
Thank you to @lovemeian @ushisrever and @saudade-mayari for their inputs HAHAHA
@slutbench helped too ig HAHAHA
Anyway, Enjoy!
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Mans is very curious. He visited the Philippines with you, saw your aunt handwashing the clothes and has the need to help.
Such a gentleman I swear.
Let me help you, Aunty.
He would NOT let you help either.
Even if he doesn't know how to do it, he won't let you help him.
So you sit down a little ways away and tell him what to do.
So... I rub the cloth between my knuckles like this?
Yes, Aran. You're doing amazing.
He is so careful too, that no water splashes on his clothes.
good for you tbh. The baklas and the titas aren't staring.
but you know how them muscles flex so...
goodluck to you.
Asahi Azumane
Girl. Boy. Bakla. Tomboy.
Oh you poor dear.
He is such a baby in this
I am so sorry for you.
You ask him if he wants to help bc you see him watching you halfway through the coloured load.
He just shyly nods and goes over to you.
The moment he sits down...
Oh honey...
Like a baby trying to swim. Dogpaddles his way through the next load.
He's terrified that he's gonna rip the clothes with his strength so he uses minimal force
It barely cleans the shirt but you just sneakily redo it for him
mans is so proud of himself when he's done
pls praise him.
bc he'll give you kisses and will be more determined to help you.
Hajime Iwaizumi
Ah. The man of the hour.
the entire reason why this was thought of.
we all know that Iwa is half filipino hc right? Right.
Listen. mans already know what to do.
His Nanay had to handwash his clothes when he was young.
Batang kalye si Haji please
Asal kalye yan
I feel so sorry for Mama Iwaizumi please
but he matured
and he knows how to wash them clothes.
It's laundry day? He's already up, the clothes are piled and separated in their respective batya and he's pumping the poso like hell.
and he's gonna make you help.
y'know that pic of him with his sleeves all the way up his shoulders? yeah that's gonna be him.
but add in the wet shirt bc he's splashing the water everywhere
so you got the view.
also he uses tide bar with downy according to @saudade-mayari HAHAHA
Koutarou Bokuto
First of all. Don't let him help.
For your sanity, just don't.
He's a literal kid.
He's amazed by how you wash the clothes and he wants to help.
But what ends up happening?
You don't get the laundry done
till late at night bc of him
He's literally playing with the water and the clothes
and he's genuinely amazed at how a bar of detergent could lather so much
mans got you both soaking too
I am so sorry for you
he made up for it
by hanging the clothes up for you when you're done
cuddling you all night hehe
Wakatoshi Ushijima
Oh god.
Another clueless one
Just make him pump the poso.
bc if you make him wash it
he wouldn't know what to do
I am? Supposed to wash it by hand? How?
Just follow my lead, hon.
Unlike Asahi who was too scared to rip
Toshi doesn't know his strength.
Mans will rip the clothes and he wouldn't even notice it.
So unless you want the clothes to be all ripped like a poor recreation of ripped denim fashion
don't make him wash it please.
just make him get you water and lift the heavy loads lmao.
Kiyoomi Sakusa
You... are better off letting him do as he pleases.
You will not be able to convince this man to wash clothes the Filipino way.
I'm being serious.
He won't even touch the poso.
It's so rusty why would I even go there?
man will travel however long he needs to and will use mineral water as laundry water.
mans will also complain about everything.
Why does the detergent smell like that?
The water?? comes from underground??
What about the filtration system??
Oh and my personal favourite
Yes, Kiyo. We do.
...I'm buying you and your family a washing machine and dryer set.
Kiyo no-
…Yeah no good luck lmao
Shuugo Meian
this one is for Lavi HAHAHA
Oh lawdddd
expect people drooling over this man
this 6'5.2, beefy man
like even the lolas are drooling lmao
bc mans is gonna be washing them clothes shirtless.
arms out in display
abs glistening with soapy water
thighs flexing?
back sweating?
whooooo don't get distracted
focus on glaring at the people staring lmao
mans is so good at washing the clothes though like...wow
and he's very efficient and quick.
A job that would've taken you hours? done in an hour.
And he hangs them up so perfectly too.
mans is perfect. don't let him go
looking at you Lavi
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©Roannie 2021 Please do not plagiarise or repost my works.
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heffrondriving · 2 years
hey man how old r u bc like for some reason i've been under the impression that u were a minor (bc i am and like idk ??) even tho that's probably not true bc btrs like 10 years old so u don't have to answer with an actual age just if ur an adult or something omg. i gave way too much exposition just to ask how old u r im sorry </3
oh dadgummit, i should prob throw it up there in my bio or smth, i rlly don't wanna be That One Shady Fandom Creep ykyk (;´༎ຶٹ༎ຶ`) and idk abt that either maybe i just clown around a lot and act extremely juvenile a little lot sometimes always and am gnome-sized irl, but i certainly never wanna be misleading or anything insidious. so for the sake of full transparency, i just turned 22 this month *instantly shrivels into the cryptkeeper* and i was around 9 when big time rush first aired (so pretty much perfectly fitting in their age demographic lmao), so there ya go ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
and on that subject, while i do try my very best to tag appropriately and make a clean bill of this blog and don't believe there's anything much in it that would warrant a full 18+ warning (except maybe for my incessant sailor mouth......sorry ;-;), please do feel more than free to block and/or unfollow if anything makes you feel uncomfortable or if you simply want to!!! that's completely fine and greatly encouraged even bc this hellblog is full of nothing but pure brainrot anyway oops we're all about that very cool funky important internet safety here *flips cap backwards B-)* also not to be preachy grampa but i've been chronically online since i was like 12 and am now Irreparably Broken as a person for it /hj so any minors out here in the corner of the interwebs pls stay safe be vigilant and watch out for yourselves first and foremost also tbh stay away from t*ktok insta & twt i beg, okay have some virtual headpats and thank u <3
n e way don't sweat it fam i mean i wrote a whole forking dissertation paper just to answer this ask about my current age (boringly too) so that evens everything out methinks. and i don't get them much anyway so i live for asks!! hearing from other people about anything, btr-related or notwithstanding, makes me stupidly happy believe it or not (pls believe it, there is an ancient loser duwende running this blog) 😊✨ now if you'll excuse me, old man allen needs their joint medication and 18-hour nap, so g'bye for now~ (-̀◞ω◟-́)
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oikaw-ugh · 4 years
LEIA!!!!!! 💖💞💗💕 HOW ARE YOU??! I saw you were doing match-ups! Can I have one but is it possible in a best friend way instead of lovers? Only if you want to and if you have time ofc! I'm 156 cm (almost 5'2 so don't call me 5'1 T^T) I barely get angry and I smile unconsciously a lot. (it's because I'm looking at your posts ;D jkjk) I'm a aquarius and I have hair which is a cross between Yachi's and Oik's hair. I look serious but actually am kinda sweet. Eh, if you need more deets, tell me!!😘
👁 PILAR BB HELLOOOOO THIS IS SO CUTE 🥺 was planning to do this the next weekend but as I write this (this paragraph), I am stuck in a group conference I don’t really want to. I hate the people and their humor :v that’s so rude of me.
And oooooh a bestfriend, now that's knew. But the moment I read this, the Holy Spirit told me your bestfriend would be...
Tsutomu Goshiki! (。♡‿♡。)
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I don't know thoughhh but it just screamed Goshiki
Also, because you said you smile a lot? I think that makes Goshiki interested with you? But that’s just me LOL.
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You’re childhood friends, alright?
Probably it’s either Goshiki’s family went to your neighborhood or yours to his!
But either way, we gotta thank your mothers for being so friendly with each other. If it weren’t for them, you wouldn’t be bestfriends with Goshiki!
Like, imagine your moms just chatting at the dining room, and like, you’re at the backyard playing with your toys?
Goshiki with that cute frown on his face: Wʜᴀᴛ...ᴀʀᴇ ʏᴏᴜ...ᴅᴏɪɴɢ???
He thinks frowning is manly let the child be
Pilar: These are my toys. Do you want to play with me?
Goshiki: ...I ɢᴜᴇss I ᴄᴀɴ ᴘʟᴀʏ ᴡɪᴛʜ ʏᴏᴜ.
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When you were youngerrrr (like elementary/middle school young)
I feel like Goshiki was a loner
Like, no. Not the sad loner. Just that awkward dude that nobody wants to be friends with.
Because he’s just so proud of himself and like??? we don’t really want a show off as a friend yk what I’m saying?
So Goshiki is contented with being friends with you!
Pilar: Goshiki, you should try to be friends with others.
Goshiki: Hmph! I don’t need them! I’m already great by myself!
Also Goshiki on the inside:  🥺😢
Somehow, you kind of felt like you need to be at Goshiki’s side all the time? Because you know that he knows that you both know that he’s just too shy good for everyone.
So you try to be there for him at all times
Which is like, not that much because you’re pretty friendly yourself.
So it’s inevitable that sometimes, you kind of forget about him as you mingle with your other friends.
Whenever this happened, Goshiki is just silent at his seat, glaring at you, mad. 
Mad at what? I don’t know? The leaf? He’s kind of confused himself. He didn’t know what to do.
Going home together is a thing too! 
Goshiki wouldn’t admit it but he loves to go home with you.
Because it’s more livelier with you around, especially with how easily you get distracted. + he can boast at you, too!
Both of you: *silently walking*
A cat/ a doggo: *breathes*
Goshiki: *groans* 
But deep inside, he likes it when you two get sidetracked when going home.
He hates it when things suddenly don’t go according to plan?
One time it was already dismissal and it’s time to go home. 
But you were so into your friends’ conversation you didn’t even know it was time to go home and Goshiki is growing impatient on his seat.
Pilar: Goshiki! Let’s go home?
Goshiki: *scoffs at you while blushing in anger* Yeah, right! I can go home by myself!
but he waited for you lol
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I think this is where your friendship grows more.
To the point that you both went to Shiratorizawa because you didn’t want to be separated from each other.
Well, Goshiki went like, “I don’t care if you don’t go with me to Shiratorizawa! I can handle myself.” but we all know that’s a lie.
He wanted to be a volleyball player.
Mainly because volleyball is just a very crowded sport? And thinking of Goshiki interacting with other people just??? makes your heart??? melt???
you hope his arrogance do not piss them though
He tells you that he met the team’s ace. 
And like, he’s trying to dethrone him because their ace is actually very popular!
Pilar: Are you sure with that though?
Goshiki: Of course I am! What? You think I can’t do it?
Pilar: Nah. I know you can do it! *sincere smile*
Goshiki in a nutshell:
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Let’s talk about you two on a daily basis
Goshiki is very proud and he does not hesitate to tease you >=]]]
Goshiki: This is why you’re still 5′1″. You keep on eating sweets. you need to eat healthy foods to become taller.
Pilar: eXCUSE ME I AM 5′2″
Honey, there’s really not much of a difference in the eyes of a 5′11″ :(((
The fights are really petty jdbfdf but like, not the types that make you go mad yk (I’m so sorry Pilar BB my words are just failing me).
Pilar: You’re supposed to put cereal before the milk, Goshiki!
Pilar: iT’S NOT A SOUP-
Things are shared between you two c:
Like, your classmates wouldn’t be surprised when today, Goshiki wears his purple varsity jacket and the next day, you arrive at school wearing it.
Pilar: Goshiki~ can I borrow your hankie?
Goshiki: Pilar, do you still have those oil absorbing sheets?
Pilar: Goshiki~ you’re going home late today, right? Should I leave my umbrella for you?
OH, AND BY THE WAY! Somehow, Goshiki is able to open up to others well now??? Like, the people around him just take his arrogance lightly? They love him AND THIS MAKES YOU SO PROUD.
Goshiki: ...Are you crying?
Pilar: No. I’m sweating with my eyes ;)
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Suitors? Frowned upon.
A no-no for Goshiki >=[[[
Goshiki: Do you hear yourself? You think that guy can take care of you? Does he even know your zodiac sign?
Pilar:  👁 👄 👁
Pilar: ʷʰᵒ ᶜʰᵉᶜᵏˢ ᵒᵗʰᵉʳ ᵖᵉᵒᵖˡᵉ'ˢ ᶻᵒᵈᶦᵃᶜ ˢᶦᵍⁿˢ ᵃᵗ ᵗʰᵉ ᶠᶦʳˢᵗ ᵐᵉᵉᵗᵘᵖˀ
Pilar: ʷᵃᶦᵗ ʸᵒᵘ ᵏⁿᵒʷ ᵐᶦⁿᵉˢˀ
But truth to be told, Goshiki is just uncomfortable with the thought that you might get hurt by other boys’ if ever you let them court you.
But your happiness >>>> before anything else so as much as Goshiki hates it, he’d let you entertain your suitors anyway...
BUT that does not mean he’s not going to pry >=[[[[
Your suitor(s) can only approach you at your BREAK TIMES
Break times=snacks and lunches WITH GOSHIKI
Your suitor is uncomfortable with Goshiki glaring at the side? TAKE IT OR LEAVE IT.
Your suitor would like to drive/walk with you home? I’m sorry, Goshiki is already at the gate waiting for you
Goshiki: What? You’re taking her home? Do you even know where she lives? I’m the only one who know where she lives! *proud*
Goshiki: You don’t even know her mom!
Your suitor: :V
You try to discuss this with Goshiki, though. But he is hardheaded!
Goshiki: I’m just trying to protect you! Those boys are just going to break your heart, you’ll see!
But anyways, at the end of the day, it’s: Goshiki >>>> before anyone else for your case so when your suitors couldn’t take Goshiki’s sharp tongue, I’m sorry then they’re not worth keeping.
Bye, bitch.
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serious fights...
I think that could happen if Goshiki takes his sharp tongue too far!
Like, when he boasts too much he wouldn’t he has offended you?
It happens rarely since you aren’t the type who gets mad easily but whenever this happened, it takes sooo long to patch up?
And Goshiki at these times would be so down! The volleyball club would find it odd how he’s not saying his normal banters (like, he’s the better ace and stuff).
Your parents would find it odd how you went home alone when you’re usually with Goshiki?
Mom/Dad/relative: Pilar, you’re home? Where’s Goshiki?
You: I don’t know with that bowl cut pole.
Them: Ahhhhh. A fight.
Like, they’d purposely hold dinner together or something. And both of you are like: ???? of all times? Why?
Like, it’d be so cute if they’d let you buy something at the groceries for “dinner”. And you both would be so awkward because??? you’re in a fight.
Goshiki tries to break the ice first though. After hours of silence, he’d randomly say things like, “Hmph! The Milo model looks ugly. I look better than him!” he said that while reaching for the Milo in can.
And you’re like:...you’d look better if you change your haircut.
Goshiki, obviously offended: eXCUSE ME?!
And before you knew it, you two would laugh your ass off because of that and you’re back to being besties! :>>>
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Here you go, Pilar! I’m sorry if this took long BB :> and I hope I’m accur8 or something ehehhe :))))
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Lux & Dash
Lux: Good pilgrim, praytell Lux: is your hair just like that or do you have a routine Lux: I must know Dash: what's yours naturally trying to hang like? I'll hit you with what's outta this world 🐤 Lux: full samara, senpai Lux: turn off the tube QUICK 🙄 Dash: 🤣 bummer Dash: 🥥 oil is far out on all hair types even 🔪🔪🔪 Dash: aloe vera will make her 💪 Dash: lemme 🤔🤔.... Dash: do you fuck with 🐣?? Lux 🙇 down at your feet, oh lord is the most high place! 🙌 Lux: the chooks here lay too many for us non-strict-vegans to get through Lux: save my hair AND cut down on our foodwaste? Lux: I will be ♕ and you will be ♚ Dash: 2 🥄 🥑 oil, same of 🥥 & aloe vera gel Dash: 2 raw 🥚 Dash: heat it & leave that baby on for time Dash: 30 mins ++++ Dash: 🚿 with whoever Lux: the CP of my hair is gonna rival Rapunzels Lux: 💃💃💃 Lux: I promise to never ever clock you with a 🍳 Dash: 💛👼👑 Dash: you'd be choice with her 🌺🌺🌺  look Lux: 😘 plant 🌱 for every 🌺 and compliment you gimme then we can talk about april showers coming earlier than anticipated☔️ Dash: right on Lux: Is your full name Dashiell/ can I call you that anyway Lux: because its really fitting and if you care to know I shall tell you for why Dash: it's not but if you're down I can be down too Lux: SO; here was my thought 🚄 climb aboard and ride the rails with me for a sec here Lux: Dash ➼ Dashiell ➼ meaning page boy ➼ page boy = ring bearer ➼ ring bearers of the One Ring ➼ Samwise Gamgee = you AM I RIGHT OR AM I RIGHT Dash: 🤯🤯👍 Lux: I know, allow me to scoop up the remainder your 🧠 from the ceiling and put it into a handwoven jute tote for you to take home Lux: I been knew you love food as much as him, its like 1845-49 up in here after you've come around 🥔💀 Dash: tight gestures like those 👐 gotta keep you in the groove here 🥰 Dash: trust you to pick up on a royal appetite Lux: I'm the holy daughter returned, boy Lux: only eating manna from heaven, though if anyone in this place could make a 😋 cake like back home, I'd let them eat it Dash: set to call you that when I fall in with my 🎺 but do you go by anything shorter on top? Lux: Hebrews 13:2!!! Lux: so that explains where you come from Lux: more in a cloud of smoke than holy light but they could only get so many details dead on in the good book Lux: I'm Lux, of course, X if the mood takes you but I can't make it any easier for you Dash: here to make us 👀 the light, yeah? righteous 👼 Lux: The mission of making my parents proud of me again is not one I am currently embarked upon but service to God and all his creations was always their jam Lux: supposedly Lux: but if you're here to get me to renounce my sex, along with the devil and all his works (duh), oh angelic messenger, I still have to decline Dash: aere perennius is the vibe I'm picking up from you, Lux Dash: it'd be a heavy mission Lux: You owe the world a forest for that one because words like that evoke so many cardinal sins within me Dash: do you know about 🎋? Lux: Tell me Dash: it's a tanabata tree, for wishes Dash: they set the bamboo afloat on the river or on 🔥 after the festival Lux: We must participate here Lux: and one day I will go to where the festival is meant to be and you must come because you introduced me to the magic Dash: we can go to Japan, Sao Paolo or LA, they all have 'em Lux: Of course Lux: I seem to have traveled in the wrong direction Lux: to the wrong coast and onwards Dash: at least you ain't separated from your lover by a 🌌 Dash: that's the legend that goes with the festival Lux: oh Lux: how heartbreakingly beautiful Dash: but they are allowed to meet once a year on the 7th day of the 7th lunar month Dash: it's not a total downer Lux: so young Dashiell believes it is better to taste heaven but the once than to never know it at all Lux: good Lux: I like you Dash: I try & get my kicks tasting as much as I can as often as I can Dash: though yeah, once over never Lux: can't take on the 🌌 Lux: though perhaps you can, with a name like a superhero Dash: no sweat 💪 Dash: if I don't ✂ my hair off 😏 Lux: 😱 Lux: I do have weak ankles! Lux: you avoid barbers and I'll avoid heels that are taller than... Lux: five Lux: no six inches Dash: 👌👌 Dash: if you avoid any heel I'll be able to reach you way out though Dash: no 🛹 jumps 💫 Lux: YET Lux: until you remember where you parked your chariot of fire, you give me reason to kick off my heels, and I'll happily do it Dash: 💃? Lux: Both in worn levis, both in torn T-shirts Lux: of course, that's the only way Dash: there's a tanabata song, I could sing it for you Dash: the translation at least Lux: 😻🙏 Dash: it'll be a blast Lux: 🚀🌠 Dash: have you 👀🎸? Dash: mine's MIA Lux: you can borrow my girl Lux: for one song Dash: I won't hog her like a flake, digging the trust too much Lux: you can abuse my trust just go easy on Dolores Lux: she's a folksy kinda gal, if you kick it punk rock she'll 😳😩 Dash: she'll stay 🍒💖 I'm about a gentle touch Dash: what kind are you? the words are the festival's but I don't know the 🎶 Dash: I'll make it yours, like Lux: as angelic as you look Lux: a sinner can only but hope not Lux: how about you sing it for me but play it like its yours Dash: cool with me Lux: then the song can be ours Dash: I think you're unreal Dash: the most Lux: Oh, because I am Lux: and you are perfect because you know that's a compliment Dash: this fly by of yours is gonna last some time, yeah? Lux: though not compelled by God or a power higher than my own Lux: this is where I'm meant to be Dash: me too Lux: I know Lux: I divined you out of 🌟✨☀️🌌 Dash: we planting that forest to grow together or on opposite sides? Lux: one 🌎 one 💓 Dash: roots are gonna get tangled if you keep laying down your 💓 next to mine Lux: I can grow anywhere Lux: you don't need to worry about me Dash: 🌻 Dash: you're gonna make this place better, I feel it Lux: you have family here? Lux: in the commune Dash: yeah Lux: do you like it here Dash: I love it Lux: I do too Lux: its Lux: loving Dash: when did you come through? have you met every 🐤 & 🐈? cos you should meet everyone Dash: feel all the love Lux: I've been in Dublin about... a month, two Lux: feels like forever Lux: but here I'm a total 🍒 Lux: I met Hazel completely by fate at a women's health drop-in she was running a few weeks ago, told her my story and here I am Dash: farm tour 1st 🍀 tour 2nd Lux: Coming Lux: 🎸 in tow Dash: safe Lux: and sound Lux: I'm just tryna catch a mirror moment Lux: not enough, if I had any complaints but 🤫 Dash: which room's yours? I'll make space to hang another one near Dash: then the 🌙 Lux: we'll end the tour there Lux: my contribution Dash: now that's sound Lux: Do you know about me? Dash: what about you? Lux: That I don't have girl parts Lux: I won't be accused of that kind of trickery Dash: I won't accuse you of any Lux: ☺ Dash: you set the pace, I'm in it Lux: You're keeping up spectacularly Lux: now, where does my tour start? Dash: orchard Lux: 🍏🍎🍐🍊🍋🍇🍈🍒🍑🥭 Dash: there's the best 🍏🍎 tree, easy to climb whatever shoes you're wearing Dash: you can see the whole farm from the top Lux: [Show up honey] Dash: [😍 at her we all know] Lux: [dressed hyper-femme as always and way more dressy than most here we know, doing a curtsey like 🤭] Dash: [holds out a 🍎 like he's the 🐍 & she's Eve, looking cute and tempting] Lux: [obviously taking it and taking a sassy bite] Dash: [into it obviously hand holding through this orchard tour for Winnie's sake] Lux: [gonna climb this tree] Dash: [do it kids] Lux: [gonna have to help her even though she's left the heels behind] Dash: [thankfully he's not that much of a dick that he won't, imagine just like byeeee] Lux: [😂 no one needs anyone falling out of a tree rn] Dash: [we aren't killing either of you off so just enjoy the view] Lux: ['it looks so big from up here, when you're in it, it feels...close'] Dash: ['it's big but the fam's bigger' gives her a look like you'll see, genuinely buzzing cos does love it here] Lux: [the biggest smile 'why don't you live here?'] Dash: ['my mum & dad don't, & that's their biggest drag, they ain't hip but they ain't real hassle' casually don't mention that Cosmo exists okay then] Lux: [nods 'everyone should get as much family as they can'] Dash: ['you can meet 'em too, it's cool'] Lux: [excited puppy look like really?!] Dash: ['my mum used to be a rad skater & now she sits around bench racing at her own bone yard, it's a good space to hang loose'] Lux: [just listening like no way! 'what about your dad?'] Dash: ['he's more easily bugged, we don't always vibe, but shit stays chill'] Lux: ['yeah but what did he used to be? before he got old and boring too'] Dash: ['he played football' with a shrug cos so uninterested we know] Lux: ['ooh, was he famous?'] Dash: ['not really'] Lux: ['bummer'] Dash: ['you wanna be famous?'] Lux: [is thinking like hmm 'I don't NOT want it but its not my number one all-time dream...not even top ten'] Dash: ['what is?'] Lux: [puts her index fingers to the corners of his mouth to make him smile] Dash: [laughs] Lux: ['you?'] Dash: ['I'm thinking we should start a band' shout out to Ali your lowkey grandma] Lux: [a look like um yes, how have you not and putting three fingers up to let him know its made the list] Dash: [starts to climb down like come on, so much to see] Lux: ['don't ditch me!' and running after him] Dash: [takes her all around the vegetable patches next, introducing her to any peeps they come across] Lux: [living laughing loving honestly we can skip] Dash: [imagine all the cute animals they would have, I hope none of them die in the fire I'll cry] Lux: [lmao animals usually bolt when fire so they should be fine, unless they then get hit by cars or some shit] Dash: [I'm saying they are all A okay bitch] Dash: [post tour skip] Dash: gotta hit home Dash: later? Lux: Undoubtedly 😊 Dash: we'll jam Dash: 🤔 band names Lux: I'll throw it out there Lux: I wonder if anyone can drum drum Lux: not just drum circle Lux: I'll ask that too Dash: I'm jazzed Lux: 🎺 Dash: you play the harp 👼? Lux: ☺😋💕 Lux: If only Lux: there are bass' and banjos and plenty of acoustics Lux: I'll go thrifting and see if I can find one Dash: wait for me Lux: we should see how many wild instruments we can find Lux: one for everyone Dash: your 🧠⚙️ is far out Lux: but not far enough you can't reach me Dash: 🌌 can't stop me, yeah? Lux: nope Lux: not as long as you got that hair Dash: [selfie like it's still there] Lux: Thank God Lux: don't need to 😢 today Dash: you don't need to cry any day baby Lux: Keep me smiling Dash: I've got you Dash: we all have Lux: 💕 Lux: I really thought I knew family and community before this, you know Lux: but I was wrong then and this is better Dash: right on Lux: You're adorable Dash: I've got 👀 for you too Lux: I know Lux: your 👀 are like Lux: coffee Dash: 🧠⚙💖 Dash: yours are like jumping into a river Dash: they get bluer the deeper you go Lux: oh Lux: I think I want you back here now Lux: where did you go again Dash: 🛹🗲 Dash: my parents place Dash: you wanna meet me there? Lux: I'm not in the mood to meet your parents right this second, forgive me Lux: but by the time I've finished dinner here and 🚲 over Lux: sounds good Dash: idk if they're there cos I'm not yet Lux: so we can be alone alone Lux: that'd be novel Dash: yeah Dash: it feels like so much empty space Dash: for the number of bodies who live in it Lux: do you feel lonely there Dash: nah, it's got a good feel Dash: I grew up in it Lux: That's a feel you can't buy Dash: I'll show you my 👶📸 Dash: they're wild Lux: you musta been so cute Lux: your face is still 👶 now Dash: no ✂ then either Lux: so mowgli Dash: oh no, is this a trippy topic for you? Dash: I didn't think Lux: it's okay, I like hearing about happy kids Lux: its a sin to be envious of or covet other people's happiness Dash: Lux Lux: 😊? Dash: I don't think I believe in sin Dash: so if you wanna harsh on my good vibes, you know, I won't be 😡 Lux: Oh, sin is very real, its just whether you believe you'll be punished for the sins that are written about Lux: I appreciate you but I've got nothing to be 😡 about either Lux: 🤞 Dash: you can hit me with a shut up any time Dash: I'll still dig you Lux: I enjoy our conversations Dash: yeah? Lux: absolutely Lux: you're a beautiful 🐺 boy Dash: you're the most beautiful 🦊 Lux: never stone cold Dash: nah, the hottest Lux: I feel it Dash: 👍 it's the mood you gotta stay in Lux: with you around, that shouldn't be a problem Dash: we'll keep vibing Lux: did you like it Dash: you want me to say what I know you could tell Dash: I'll write you a 🎶 Lux: First hit for the band? Lux: I'll be famous after-all Dash: I've been listening Dash: I understand what you want Lux: and you're gonna give it to me Dash: that's my action for sure Lux: roll 20 please Dash: come be alone with me Lux: dash dash dash Lux: you're so pretty and fun and cool and I want you again Dash: [sends her the deets to where his house is] Lux: so far Lux: I must like you huh 😏 Dash: yeah it's a drag where I live Dash: but it's new heights that you like me Dash: 🚀💕 Lux: why wouldn't I? Dash: idk Dash: do you know about me? Lux: I know enough to like you Lux: what do you think would make me unlike you Lux: let's compare Dash: it's not all laid back the shit that other girls say Lux: you're a 💔 Dash: I'm not out here making a game of it like that Dash: but it's happened for real Lux: Oh dear Dashiell Lux: my heart was broken long before I got here Lux: and I've had to severe and untangle roots so much deeper than yours could ever be Lux: I told you, there's no need to worry about me, you can't hurt me Dash: that's fucked up Lux: Perhaps Dash: can I make it any better? Lux: no Lux: but that's okay Lux: now is better, there's no need to fix what's been Dash: I wasn't being plastic before, you're home now Lux: I feel it Lux: I have no choice but to give up my old definition but I'm less scared and 😢 at the prospect of the redefinition now, forced though it was Dash: it'll be okay Dash: we'll make it happen that it's only that Dash: or like better Lux: you're not a bad person Lux: I can tell Dash: if I'm someone you like, I'm cool with it Lux: good Lux: I need people right now, you know Dash: everyone at the farm, they'll be what you need Dash: they are for me Lux: what do you need them for? Dash: a blast Dash: my other fam want me to change some shit I do Lux: 🚀👌 Lux: I get that Lux: is it stuff you can't change or don't wanna Dash: idk if I recognise the difference Lux: sounds like a can't, then Dash: stepping into new 👟 feels like a bad scene Dash: I fuck with the ones I've worn in Lux: That's up to you Lux: I like new shoes Lux: maybe they're just worried your feet are getting all scrunched outta place Dash: yours are groovy though Dash: not handed down Dash: they fit you Lux: I had to steal 'em though Lux: and when my dad found 'em they sent me away Dash: a 🦊 like I said Lux: have you seen the fox and the hound? Dash: nah Dash: it's disney yeah? Lux: Yep Lux: I'm gonna make you watch it Dash: I'm about netflix & chill Lux: We'll chill first Lux: its real sad Lux: 😭 Dash: I be trying to chill with you nonstop though Dash: how bad do you want me to 👀 at things other than you Lux: 🤭 Lux: maybe your cinematic education can wait Lux: if we're truly to make the most of alone alone time Dash: lay it on me that I'm an ugly crier another day Dash: we're making beautiful things happen Lux: you're Lux: just like Lux: seraphic Dash: around you, I gotta be Lux: nu-uh Lux: I can't tell Lux: I fell out of God's favour like a long time ago Dash: you can tell Dash: you're still 👼 Dash: the fallen ones were the most beautiful anyway, yeah? Dash: god's a jealous 🐈 Lux: All angels are beautifulc Lux: and genderless actually, like God Lux: beyond our limited understanding, better Dash: cool Lux: for them Lux: its self-idolatry if you want it for yourself Lux: 🚫 Dash: if I want you for myself, what sin is that? Lux: you actually wanna know? 'cos I've always thought this particular subset of sins sounds unintentionally hot Dash: I'm listening intently Lux: peccata clamantia Lux: The sins that cry to Heaven for Vengeance 🤤 Lux: they're the ones that God will deliver his justice upon, lots of people only know about the seven deadly Lux: but they're the least serious, actually Dash: shit Lux: guess that's why it feels so good Lux: shall we? Dash: 🌌 & god trying to stop us but I'm 💪 Lux: you want me Dash: yeah Lux: then you can have me Dash: show up Lux: I am Lux: ⏲ Dash: right now though Lux: if only my bike had wings Dash: that can be your festival wish Dash: mine too cos I've waited fucked up amounts of time for you Lux: 💡 Lux: your mind, boy Lux: though patience is evidently not your virtue, I'm not mad about it Lux: at all Dash: idc about virtues if you're a sin Lux: you're making me all pink Dash: it's a beautiful colour for you Lux: you're the loveliest 🐺 I've ever known Dash: I wanna be Lux: you are baby Dash: you're like a song I can't get out of my head Dash: & it's the most Dash: I'm so connected to every word Lux: You make me feel really...high but it that warm, soft focus way where there's no bad thoughts or feelings at all, no doubt or regret or shame creeping in, just the good washing over you again and again, like that split-second after you cum but Lux: prolonged Lux: its crazy, you're crazy Dash: we can live in it Lux: lets Dash: I'm in Lux: 🎡🎢🎠 Dash: 🎪🤹 Lux: 🤡 Dash: 🦁🐯 Lux: 🐘 Dash: 🍿 Lux: 🥜 Dash: 🐿️ Lux: 😱 Lux: how could you Mr Squirell Dash: he's gotta eat Lux: He could've just asked Dash: he don't know you like that Dash: thought you'd say nah Dash: I tried to persuade him he wasn't right on & you're 👍 but I must not 🗨🐿 Lux: 😂 Lux: he's more than likely from my homeland, I'll speak to him Lux: can't understand your accent Dash: gabh mo leithscéal Lux: 🤗 what did you say?! Dash: pardon me Dash: is 🗨🍀 on your list? Lux: I've always wanted to Lux: no one at my father's church really spoke it Lux: or would teach me if they did Lux: will you? Dash: my mum taught me Dash: hers never spoke it either Dash: your turn to bring me an 🍎 Dash: but yeah Lux: 😣 damn Lux: someone else here might, I've heard loads of languages flying about Dash: eu também sei português Dash: also from that side of the fam Lux: I 👀 that Dash: Arlo & his brother & sisters are my cousins Lux: Ahh Lux: that's cool Lux: they're so cute Dash: there's many more but they don't live at the farm Dash: you have to catch 'em when they fly by Lux: I'll be sure to do that Lux: do they all have lots of kids, how are there so many Lux: no offense Dash: started with 11 Dash: & most of 'em had 👶s Lux: ELEVEN Lux: 🤔💡 Lux: are you mormons? Dash: 🌼 children ☮ Dash: it was a big-ish fam before that though 👵 had 8 Dash: & she's no hippie Lux: why are you an only-child? Dash: I'm not Dash: I've got an older brother Lux: oh, me too! Lux: he's 13 years older Lux: I was a miracle mistake baby Lux: where's yours Dash: at ⚽ training I think Dash: that's his bag Lux: oh he's not 👴 Lux: you didn't mention him before Dash: he's 18 months + on me Dash: but we're in different 🌌 Lux: I feel you Lux: it musta been nice when you were kids though Lux: I loved when there were kids in the congregation but people always moved on, from God or physically Dash: nah, it's been hassle from the jump Dash: he's 🏆🥇💪 Dash: I'm 💫🚀👀 Lux: you don't like him huh Dash: he's a drag Dash: we're usually jiving 🥊 there's no ☮ & 💓 Dash: messes with my equilibrium Lux: You gotta protect yourself Lux: I get it Dash: I knew you would Lux: 'course Lux: its the same with my brother and my mom Lux: they still 💓 me but they can't see me Dash: do you 💓 'em? Lux: oh of course Lux: they're my family Dash: do you wish you could see 'em? Lux: I wish I still lived with them Lux: but I understand why I can't Dash: do you get to 🗨? Lux: no Dash: can't you? if your dad didn't find out? Lux: No Lux: not unless I'm going to make efforts, make changes Lux: and I can't and that's two eternal sins Lux: at least Lux: could make a case for 3 Lux: so they have to turn away, you see Lux: they all love me but there's nothing they can do until I do Dash: I'm sorry Dash: that everything's so heavy for you Lux: you don't need to be sorry Lux: not your transgressions Dash: but I don't want you to change Dash: & idc if it's a sin Lux: you're sweet Lux: they just want to save me from hell Dash: we're gonna have to live forever Dash: to save you Lux: We better find the philosopher's stone Lux: or the fountain of youth Dash: the 🐿 will help Dash: he digs you now Lux: he's a wizard Lux: knew it 😏 Dash: most animals have magic Lux: true facts Dash: 🦊s who are unreal 👼s especially Lux: you're such a flirt Lux: 😋 Dash: yeah 😏 Dash: that's my magic 😍💖 Lux: I can't disagree Dash: 💭😘 Lux: you can dream 'til I get there Dash: I'm 👀 for your 🚲 Lux: I'm meant to be up on the balcony, not you Lux: love some role reversal Dash: yo don't be on the rebound, Romeo 💔 Lux: awh you jealous Dash: 🤣 Dash: of someone you forget at the start of the play as soon as you 🕰 me? nah baby Dash: but it's salty to the other 💘 Lux: It saves her life Lux: she's fine, honestly, thriving Dash: okay then yeah, I am jealous Dash: of her thrive Lux: poor boy Dash: it's no bummer, like Dash: she ain't gonna be immortal, that's me & you Dash: our fam Lux: there's only so much magic to go around Dash: however much there is, we gotta use it right Lux: 🎺 that's holy decree Dash: & royal 👑 Lux: okay sweet prince Lux: 🤭 Dash: if I go solo from the band, there's an outta sight name Lux: you could do so many covers 💜 Dash: it'd be groovy Dash: but I ain't leaving the group Lux: not before its started Lux: have some loyalty, boy Dash: yo not ever Lux: we gonna do a blood oath Dash: use your hair as a 🔪 before the 🥑 & 🥥 hits Dash: or the ✂ I don't Lux: 😂 you're horrible Lux: and its far too limp for that Dash: nah your hair is 💣 Lux: ☺ Lux: really Dash: yeah Lux: it grew quite fast Dash: 🔮✨ Lux: I'm gonna grow it as long as I can Dash: there might be a better recipe Dash: I'll 🗨 to every 🐤 on the farm Lux: I wish I had curls like them too Lux: most of them Lux: alas Dash: you can borrow mine Lux: you're the bestest friend in the whole 🌌 Dash: 🤞🤝👐 Lux: let down your long hair then Lux: I think I've arrived Dash: [let her in and give her a house tour boy] Lux: [we clearly need Cosmo to come back like Dash did in that convo jussayin] Dash: [payback tbh so yeah we do] Lux: [she'd just be chatting up a storm, awks] Dash: [casually steer her to your room as fast as you can like] Lux: [just being like wanna come watch fox and the hound lmao] Dash: [she's so cute bye] Lux: [at least Cosmo won't be rude to you, even if he is like umm] Dash: [just thinks she's high probably] Lux: [most likely] Dash: [rude but fair] Lux: [when is your brother not as far as you're concerned] Dash: [exactly dr phil] Lux: [anything else we wanna though?] Dash: [we know what's up I think we can post it]
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pingvin-king · 5 years
was tagged by the homie @ipu-ki thank u💙
🍃 name/nickname: AJ, J/Jay, Pingu, Tofu, & many more
🌙 zodiac: boar/pig
🌿 height: 163 cm
🌻 followers: 122
🌱 following: 185
🌷 last thing i googled: “5'4" in cm” 😂😂I still think in feet & inches ok
🌸 favorite musician: lol I can't answer that
🌳 last song i listened to: Maye - My Love
🌿 song stuck in my head: spot the difference - onefour
🌼 amount of sleep: uhh my sleeping schedule is completely fucked rn lol so last nite? 7hrs? mind u i sleep at 2/3am...
🍃 what i’m wearing: black hoodie, dark blue sweats, white shirt, socks w my new house slippers 😎👉
🌻 dream job: i like the idea of working at an lgbt+ centre w a focus on helping out the fams at large but..idk, the spaces I've interacted with felt v...alienating in that im-the-only-brown-person-in-this-room kinda way. & unrelatable? Also distance is an issue (both physically and in hearts yo). i wanna connect w peeps in my area but aint no one thats Out out here that isn't white or deep in that Closet.
but i want to do more w my poetry too. it comes & goes but i enjoy the process and sharing it in my 'can i share my Soul words with you? No don't look at me tho, i am Anonymous' way
🌸 dream trip: i have a list of destinations already, m8. most are just revisiting well-loved places but i dont think I'll be flying anytime soon. in the next couple years tho? It'd be nice to go on a roadtrip since I haven't even seen a quarter of what australia's got yet. Just me, good company, a tough off-road kinda car and the Road.
🌙 favorite food: what you want to eat rn? I've been craving some lū sipi & talo and crab salad lol (also a damn good potato top pie. I haven't had one since i moved from NZ)
🌳 instrument: the only instrument that i learned to play and play well is flute lol
🌷 languages: english, tongan.
🌿 favorite song: i can't pick lol so heres my recent faves
Starlight - Alma
Night to Remember - Shalamar
Everything He Needs - Carly Rae Jepsen
🍃 random fact: i really want to get a new pair of glasses with a blue frame or round lenses?
🌱 aesthetic: lord of the rings, studio ghibli, i wear alot of black and blue, dark academia, southern gothic, Romanticism, James Dean, Gothic literature, everyone in Maurice esp their hair 😌👌, Colin Firth in a bathtub, I love well-tailored suits (modern & historical), Swords, art noveau, Petyr Baelish's wardrobe - yo, there's just too many ok? My own clothes don't match up to the wardrobes of Aesthetics I've acquired over the years lmao
Ima tag @sugarplum18 @babybisces @dafidol @lucybrahless @joosypeach @fromlovecomestruth @witnessme-shinyandchrome & anyone interested 🐧☕ even if i didn't tag u, I tagged u thru the universe ok?
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quirrrky · 2 years
*gasp* omg sis u've no idea how honoured i am to hear that, ur so sweet sobs 😭🤧💖 omg for me i have like two tones skin in my arms n legs, and why must the differences be so obvious?? ToT maybe we could use some lotion?? but please like u said it's so hot, the lotion will prolly make ur skin sticky and when u went outside, met the hot weather only to be sodden with sweats?? no- i hate summer to the bone, too 💀🤝 but aye, ur bday is like coming in about 3 weeks? (did u know that actually if i don't remember wrong, ur bday is on thai's new year? 13-15 april hehe ;))
LMAO although not totally the same but surprisingly yesterday i just had thai style bbq w my fam too 😋💖 + another funny fact i fell asleep pretty early as well- my weekend's been fine, exactly like what i've said- it's super hot but food's still there to mend you <//3 tho not so long cuz tmr i gotta go school again 😭💔 hbu tho? how was ur weekend? :>>
IKR!!!! I can;t even understand my breed now sobs...AND THE LOTION THING, yesk, yuck the ickiness when sweat finally comes out of our pores augh!! RLY???? I didn't know Thai has their own new year,,,like I only knew just now! and it's on my birthday???? WOAH!!! I really must do something nice then 🤧
O.O...RLY??? wait- is that the bbq w/ peanut sauce??? or is it just me???? najahahaha I guess we sleep early lately bc it's hot and it gets us tired so quickly...srsly not a fan of this szn tho, I wish we can experience a kinder szn like spring
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