#famous friends
theactioneer · 4 months
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Steven Seagal & Sylvester Stallone (1993)
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pleasebringmeatrout · 2 years
Think I may just devote my Tumblr to posting weird shit I've found on getty images. Have a picture of Judy Garland with the Kray twins.
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midnight-star-world · 1 month
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Chris Young - Young Love & Saturday Nights
So today on the MSR (Midnight Star Review), I would like to talk about the latest album from Country Music Singer Chris Young. The new album is titled "Young love & Saturday nights" and was released on Friday March 22nd, 2024. But before we dive into the 18 track project, let's talk about the career of Chris for a little bit first.
Chris has scored 4 number ones on my weekly list MSR (Midnight Star Report), which combines both CMT (Country Music Television), the Billboard Country Music Airplay Charts, & even myself. And the list used to include GAC (Great American Country) until that officially retired at the end of 2018. Some of the biggest hits from Chris you may remember are songs like "Gettin' you home", "Famous friends" which features Kane Brown, & "The man I want to be". Other songs like "Tomorrow", "Aw naw", & "Who I am with you". Now before we dive too far off track, let's jump back in the new album.
Some of the highlights from the new CD are songs like "Looking for you", "All dogs go to Heaven", & his current single "Young love & Saturday nights" which was co-written by David Bowie featuring his "Rebel Rebel". I felt like this song was one of the standout tracks "What she sees in me", and also you should check out "Call it a day", & "Drink to remember". Other songs you should check out are "Don't stop now", "Fall out" & "Fire" mentions Johnny Cash's "Ring of fire". There are even more highlights to mention as well like "Gettin' older", "Knee deep in Neon", & "Down". Chris also co-wrote 15 out of 18 tracks, & also had help from his buddy Mitchell Tenpenny, & Hardy. Here is the rest of the track list now.
Track list.
Looking for you.
All dogs go to Heaven.
Young love & Saturday nights.
Don't call me.
What she sees in me.
Country boy's prayer.
Double down.
Call it a day.
Drink to remember.
Don't stop now.
Fall out.
Gettin' older.
Right now.
Million miles.
Everybody grew up.
Knee deep in neon.
And that's a wrap for the track list. And on the MSR (Midnight Star Review), I would give this album a 5 out of 5 stars. On an album with 18 tracks, there is something for everyone for sure. So if you a Chris Young fan, you will be getting this cd yourself. It is for sure one of his best CDs ever. Thanks for taking the time to read this review. See ya all next time.
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A Little Jealousy
A/n: every time I see this title, I think of Monsta X 🤙
There was always a little part of Cassie that felt protective of the men who surrounded her daily life. From simply wanting to take care of them if they ever fell ill, to not liking it when anyone even so much as looked in their direction. There was one of them in particular who she didn't like the attention he would get on a regular basis, and while yes he was essentially famous, Cassie didn't think that meant anything.
"Who is this girl?" Cassie said as she scrolled through multiple pictures of Amai with another female.
Cassie didn't recognize her from anything, not another girl group, not a childhood friend, not someone at the company, not even a manager. Cassie was slightly filled with jealousy thinking that maybe Amai had moved on from trying to date her and was with this girl. She felt her face hot and thought about why she should even be upset with this.
"I-I mean, we're not dating and I..." She trailed off for a second. "Well I am single! I can get upset if someone who I have the chance of dating is with some other girl... it would be different if it was a guy who was all over Amai, but..." She grunted and locked her phone before sitting in her chair looking out the window.
What should I do?
Cassie didn't know what to do, she didn't even know if she could fully call this jealousy or not.
She thought for too long on it and found herself becoming disinterested in everything. She didn't want to write, she didn't want to eat, she didn't even want to move her hand to put her desktop to sleep. She rolled her eyes thinking about Amai.
"I mean, he can date if he wants to, but why put me through all of that for so long then?" Cassie wondered if she was taking this too seriously. Right as she was thinking that her phone went off and without thinking she answered it.
"Hello?" Her voice came out angry.
"Woah, what's wrong with you?" She heard Amai say.
"Nothing." She simply stated.
"Well okay... but I'm near your place right now and I figured maybe we could hang out for a bit."
The hell? "Aren't you busy?"
"No, I finished practice a while ago, but we still have something to film later tonight. We just got a little bit of time off."
Cassie pressed her lips together. She knew saying no to him would only cause some kind of problem down the line, especially because Amai could very easily find out she wasn't doing anything from Ankara.
"Alright, where are you at?"
"By that cafe near your place."
"Alright, I'll be there in a bit." She hung the phone up right after saying that and got up to get dressed appropriately.
As Cassie was getting ready to leave when it suddenly began to rain. The universal sign of something being wrong... Cassie sighed and got an umbrella and headed out to meet with Amai.
When arrived at the cafe, she saw the dyed gray hair of Amai mixing with the slight mist of the rain, she didn't bother to call for him, but as she got closer she noticed he was talking to someone. She stopped trying to see who it was and Cassie only felt her blood boil.
He's really with her? Does that mean-
Cassie's mind went all over the place and her thoughts about the rain didn't help. However, she went up to Amai and finally got to him, the girl looked at Cassie causing Amai to turn around as well.
"Hey, sorry to call you out like this." Cassie said nothing. "But, she has to go so." The girl nodded and gave a smile to Cassie.
"Too bad we can't talk a bit more." Cassie gave her a fake smile. "Maybe some other time?" The girl suggested. Cassie nodded without a word. "Alright then, you two have fun!" She said teasingly.
Amai sighed and gave Cassie his full attention.
"She's really too much with that... but good thing I was here or I would've got caught in the rain. Maybe we can share an umbrella." Amai said with a chuckle, Cassie made no effort to talk. Amai gave her a look. "Okay seriously, I knew something was wrong over the phone. What's up?" He said.
She finally said, "it's nothing serious."
"Well it's making you upset, so it must be serious."
Cassie looked off but then spoke suddenly. "It's nothing... but I was wondering who that girl was?"
"Oh, it might be bad for me to tell you this, but you don't even go on social media." Amai got close and whispered. "She's gonna be a host for this new show that's planned to air in the winter. Our group is planning to be the first guests!"
Cassie felt a bit happy about that. "So, you know her from work?" Amai nodded. Cassie released a small sigh.
"Wait a second, you've never asked me about anyone else I've been with before."
"Well, it's just because I saw a few pictures of you two together."
"So? I take pictures with my bodyguards sometimes. You know that's just how I am." She looked off. "No way." She looked back to Amai, "Are you jealous?" Cassie stared without saying anything. "Oh shit you are!"
"I-I'm not!" She finally said.
"I doubt it. Look at how red your face is!"
Without even being able to see her own face, Cassie knew she was blushing. Amai smiled at her and stepped a bit closer. The rain began to slow and Cassie could clearly hear him.
"You don't even need to be jealous. You know I only have eyes for you."
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justabandaid · 11 months
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My small circle of regular friends is interesting too. And many famous people are dull and boring 🥱
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shayna365x · 11 months
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Monday, 7/10/23. My husband opened some mail and then casually handed this over, “hey, we know her!” I shrieked in excitement. This is our good friend that we hang with a lot! On the cover of a communication that will arrive in mailboxes all over the state! (She and her wife are featured inside!) Good thing I told her, or hers might have gotten thrown out! 😳
0 notes
evermoredeluxe · 8 months
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hairmetal666 · 3 months
Eddie thought inviting Steve to the Grammys would be fine, cool, no big deal. And it should be, but Steve is walking out of the suite's bedroom wearing a burgundy tuxedo that fits him like a fucking glove. His shirt is unbuttoned just enough to let chest hair peak out, and Eddie thinks he might faint.
He's always been attracted to Steve, of course, but never let it go further than that. Like, sure, Steve was hot as fuck, and sure he was the best guy Eddie had ever met, and sometimes, yeah, he did have to force away thoughts of Steve when he jerked off, and in other circumstances he'd totally be head over heels. Just, Steve is straight, the straightest, a fucking arrow.
Eddie tears his eyes from Steve's body. "You look great, man." He slaps Steve's back. Keeping it cool; keeping it so cool.
"Psh," Steve says. "Have you looked in a mirror? Oh my god." His eyes are saucer wide as they travel down Eddie's body.
"Is it too much?" Eddie crosses his arms over his bare chest.
"Are you kidding? You're--fuck, man. You look good as hell."
He's wearing a silky burgundy shirt, open to show off the necklaces around his throat, his tattoos, the silver in his nipples. His pants are leather, tight, sitting low on his hips and putting the cut of his pelvic bone on full display. They have a lace-up closure that comes dangerously close to showing pube.
Heat rushes to his face at the compliment. "It's--you know. Hazard of the job."
"Yeah, hazard, sure. Guess it's a hard life having hot dudes literally throwing themselves at you."
Eddie barks out a laugh. "That's a vast exaggeration."
"Is it?"
He blushes harder. "You're my date tonight, Steve."
"My point exactly."
His manager and publicist usher them out the door before he can ask what the hell that meant.
The ride is giddy and playful, Steve popping champagne to celebrate Eddie's nomination for Song of the Year, even though there's no chance in hell he wins.
Steve is happy. His face is bright with joy, eyes shining, laugh loud and infectious. He's gorgeous, knows it, will be an absolute menace on the red carpet. He's been with Eddie to parties and stuff before, doesn't have any anxiety in front of the camera and isn't obsessed with musicians like Eddie is, unafraid to meet them.
Or so Eddie thought.
Because now they're standing at the edge of the red carpet, Steve very nearly trembling next to him.
"That's--That's Madonna." Steve points to her. "We're not even ten feet away from Madonna." He gulps. "Eddie. Madonna."
Steve has met famous people before with Eddie. Ozzy, briefly, Janet Jackson, Dave Grohl, James Hetfield, and he'd always been fine. Barely batted an eye. But get him within reaching distance of Madonna and he falls apart.
Eddie doesn't think about it, grabs Steve's hand, twines their fingers together. "Okay?"
The smile Steve throws him, grateful and a little embarrassed, stabs straight through his heart. He calms as they make it up the carpet, but he doesn't drop Eddie's hand, even when they pause for pictures. In fact, he leans into it, drapes his arm around Eddie's shoulders, or around his waist, seeming to thrive the closer they are. Eddie feels this dangerous pull to indulge in it, to let himself believe it means something, and he doesn't quite have it in him to turn it off.
By the time they reach their seats, Steve is relaxed back to his normal charming and handsome self, doesn't bat an eye as Eddie introduces him around.
The show passes quickly with all the performances and Steve whispering jokes in his ear. It's the best time he's ever had at an award show, like he should have been bringing Steve along this whole time. He's so distracted that he's not really ready when Paula Abdul comes out to announce Song of the Year.
His name is read off as a nominee and Steve grabs his hand, squeezes tight. Eddie's heart flips in his chest. He's not paying attention when Paula opens the envelope, too focused on Steve's strong hand holding his. He hears her say, "And the Grammy goes to--" and everything goes fuzzy.
Steve is saying, "oh my god, oh my god, Eddie. Get up, get up."
And his fucking song is playing and everyone is cheering, a couple people slap his back, and oh shit, oh shit, he fucking won. He stands, Steve with him. He thinks they're going to hug, that's what you do in these situations, but Steve is kissing him. Not on the cheek and not a quick peck, but lip-to-lip, soft and sweet.
Steve just kissed him and he has to get on stage and give a speech. He has no idea what he says because Steve just kissed him. On the lips. On purpose. His ears are ringing and words tumble out of his mouth, thinks he says, "couldn't have done it without you, Stevie," before tripping over his feet to get backstage.
Interviews, photographs, congratulations all help him settle. He's still buzzing with the win, but aware enough now to think the kiss had to be an accident. They've been friends for nearly a decade and Steve never seemed interested in men generally or Eddie specifically.
It takes a while to finish up the backstage business, but when he makes it to his seat, Steve just beams at him. He doesn't mention the kiss, which makes Eddie think he's overreacting. It wasn't a big deal. Sure, he could still feel Steve's lips, warm and soft, against his own, but it didn't mean anything. He's just too in his big gay feelings to be objective.
They don't get a chance to really talk until they're back in the limo and on their way to the after-party.
"You won," Steve says.
"I won." Eddie smiles. "Crazy."
"You deserved it."
He shrugs. "I don't know about that."
"Doesn't matter. You did." Steve fidgets with the cuff of his jacket. "About earlier, um. The kiss. I--"
Eddie feels his face heating, heart kicking up. It was nothing, he knows, and Steve shouldn't have to-- "It was an accident. It's okay. I know you don't--it was the heat of the moment and--I know you're not--you don't--"
Steve blinks a lot, emotions flashing across his face faster than Eddie can categorize.
"What if I do?" Steve asks. His voice is too soft, eyes locked on the cuff link he's fiddling with.
"What if I did mean it?"
"You're straight."
Steve goes pink. "I'm really not."
"Steve?" He shrieks. "Since when?"
"Um. Since you invited me to this?"
"What the fuck?" Eddie shoves him. "What the fuck, man?"
"I know, I know!" Steve pulls his hand through his hair. "You invited me and I freaked out and I didn't know why, and Robin made the saddest little face at me. Said, 'oh, dingus, you didn't know?' How the fuck was I supposed to know!"
"I think you wanting to fuck me should've been a pretty good indication!"
"I thought that happened to everyone!"
"It doesn't!"
"That's what Robin said!"
They're both yelling.
"Jesus christ. Jesus christ," Eddie keeps repeating.
"Look, I get it if you don't want me too, dude. I know that's not how it works, but I've been pretty crazy about you without realizing it for a while now, so--"
He doesn't mean to, he really doesn't, but he laughs. Like, super loud. Like a donkey bray.
"Okay, can the driver let me out? Like, can I go? I can't--"
"Wait, wait, sweetheart." Steve's gotten up, like he's about to knock on the partition, but Eddie grabs his wrist. "Of course I want you back, you idiot, oh my god."
"Oh." Steve's ears are pink. "Oh. Well. That's good."
Eddie huffs. "Just good? I won a Grammy and the guy I've been pining over for years wants me back. I'm having the night of my life."
"Shut-up." Steve's smile is so big, his eyes so bright.
He raises an eyebrow. "Make me," he says in his lowest register, but he's truly not prepared for it when Steve clambers over to him and lowers himself to straddle Eddie's hips.
"Holy shit," Eddie whispers. "Holy shit, Steve."
He give a wry little smile, eyes locked on Eddie's mouth. "Baby, can I kiss you?"
"Yes." Eddie clears his throat. "Yes, please, do that. Yeah."
Only, he doesn't. He's straddling Eddie, they're so close their breath mingles, and Steve's eyes flicker between Eddie's mouth and his eyes, lips so close to touching but not.
"C'mon, asshole," Eddie says.
"I knew you'd be a brat." He whispers. He wraps his hands into Eddie's hair. "Been dying to do this."
And then they're kissing. They're kissing and it steals all of Eddie's breath and his thoughts, and it's new but it's also like they've been kissing forever, like their lips and tongue know each other, like coming home.
He whines, high-pitched and breathy, and Steve laughs, kisses him deeper, moves closer, and Eddie feels how hard Steve is, the persistent pulse of him. And shit Eddie's close, on the brink just from this, from nothing, oh my god.
Steve's hands drift down Eddie's torso, mapping his chest and his stomach, coming to rest at the laces of his pants. "These have been driving me insane," Steve breaks the kiss to say. "Been thinking about undoing them all night."
"Fuck, sweetheart, you can't say shit like that," Eddie groans.
"Why not?"
"Because--because," Eddie sputters but then Steve's lips are on his neck and he's rolling his hips for friction.
Steve's fingers find the laces again, trace against them. Eddie's legs fall open, arching into the touch. "We're going to be so late," he murmurs as Steve's fingers get to work.
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In limousines we have sex, every night with my famous friends!
Frank Sinatra
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batradio · 1 year
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ink-the-artist · 2 years
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Girls Night
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dingledraw · 4 days
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Lady Antonia J. Crowley
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bruhstation · 21 days
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seventy-nine magnificent years
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tortelorrini · 3 months
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wodimewoahtime · 1 month
hey till...... don't you have just a little too much tsundere "i'm not gay" yaoi protag power???? why are you attracting these guys like a hamster to the shredder
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hairmetal666 · 10 months
Steve has this bar he loves in Chicago. It's a little bit dive-y, a little bit dirty, but it's quiet. A good place for when he needs to clear his head.
Only, tonight, the place is packed. Music pounding from the jukebox, no space at the bar, patrons at the dartboard and pool table. In three years he's never seen it like this.
He has a second to wonder what's going on before he sees exactly who is going on, and for him to catch Steve looking.
"Stevie!" Eddie Munson cries. He leaps from the bar top, the people below scrambling away from the stomp of his big black boots.
He hasn't seen Eddie in years. Can't actually remember the last time. Max and Lucas's wedding? Robin and Nancy's baby shower?
Steve considers booking it out of there, escaping in the crush of the crowd. By the time he has the thought, though, Eddie's already pulling him into a hug.
He's excited to see his friend. He is! Really. He loves Eddie. But that's kind of the problem.
Steve fell in love and Eddie left town.
Well, maybe it wasn't so dramatic as all that. It wasn't until six months after they packed the last box in the back of Eddie's van that Steve could name his feelings for what they were. And by then, Corroded Coffin were building buzz and Eddie had a huge whole life outside of the people he saved the world with.
Over the years, as Eddie's fame grew, he came around less and now they hardly see each other. They still talk from time to time, Steve still buys all the band's records, and Eddie's still close with all the kids, Nancy and Robin too.
Eddie releases him, those big eyes bright, a pure and genuine smile stretching his face. Steve's stomach twists, heart skipping a beat.
"Gotta be honest with you, man. Never expected to see Steve Harrington in a place like this."
Steve snorts. "There's lots of place I go you wouldn't expect."
Eddie's smile wobbles, Steve thinks. It's gone in a blink, though, and Eddie laughs. "I'm sure you do, sweetheart. Have time for a drink with me?"
Eddie navigates to the bar, returns with two beers in hand. He presses his palm to the small of Steve's back, directing him to the single empty table in the corner as far from the jukebox as possible.
"How's life treating you, Stevie?" Eddie asks after a sip. "Nance told me the store is doing really well."
"It's good, yeah. Finally turning a profit. Wasn't sure about Dustin having us add a game section, but he was right. It's really taken off."
"Oh, he told me," Eddie smirks.
Steve rolls his eyes. "I'm sure that he did. He hasn't let me hear the end of it."
"That tone," Eddie says, voice soft.
"What brings you to Chicago?" He asks to hide the way all the fucking love he feels for this man is bleeding out of him.
"Not really supposed to be," he laughs. "Flight got diverted to O'Hare, can't get another one until tomorrow. Have to make it to LA in time to play a show."
They both know Eddie loves it; the rush, the adrenaline, that comes with performing, to making it to shows at the very last minute. It's how they got here in the first place.
"Working on new music?"
Eddie leans back, dimples popping with the pleased lift of his lips. "Oh, Harrington, you don't even know what we have in store." He leans over the table and launches into tales of rehearsals and writing. Steve drinks his beer and can't take his eyes off his friend, Eddie the sun Steve orbits around, helpless to his gravitational pull.
"So, Stevie," Eddie says, once there's no more to tell about music. "You seeing anyone?"
Steve hides his cringe with a chuckle. Picks up his beer to buy time and finds it empty. "Not anyone of note."
"C'mon, how is that possible? You're easily the hottest guy in this place."
He grimaces. "That's a low bar."
"Oooh, still bitchy after all these years." Eddie snickers, takes a swig from his bottle.
"Seems like it's been a while since you dated."
"You interrogating my love life now, Munson?"
"No, not at all. Just curious."
"Okay, who are you dating? Still that guy from People?"
"Gossip," Eddie frowns.
"Anyone else you got your eye on?"
"No one new," Eddie says. He stares at Steve hard for a second, like he wants to dig into his brain, like it holds the answer to all life's question.
"There is someone, then." Steve tries to ignore the jealousy licking down his spine. Eddie isn't his and never will be.
Eddie picks at the label on his now empty beer. "Not--not really." He licks his lips, leaning over the table again. "Is there a reason you don't seem to date anymore, man? It's just--you wouldn't hurt for options, right?"
Steve freezes, trying to figure out a way to answer that won't end up breaking his own heart. "Ah, it's--you know, things got busy with opening the store and everything. Stopped being a priority."
"Are you lonely?"
"Are you?" He snaps before he can stop himself. "Sorry, I'm--sorry."
"Yeah, man. I'm lonely as hell." Eddie answers as though Steve didn't give him an out.
"I--you ever have someone where the timing is always wrong?"
"Think it's a hazard of my profession. Who's yours?"
"What?" Steve clunks his bottle too hard against the table.
"The one that got away?"
"It's--it--I--it doesn't matter."
Eddie's smile is all jagged edges. "Nancy?"
"God, no. Nance and I are good with being friends. No lingering feelings there. Who's yours?"
"Ahh," Eddie sits back a little, eyes glittering with an emotion Steve can't place. "The best boy I ever met. Can't get over him, can't forget him. I think they guys are going to start banning my 'pathetic gay yearning songs'. Gareth's words."
Something in Steve's chest crumbles to dust. There's someone. Has always been someone. Of course. Eddie is beautiful and hot and charismatic and fucking famous. And Steve is--just a guy who runs a struggling bookstore with a couple of his best friends.
"That's--I'm sorry it didn't work out." He's trying to stop his voice from breaking, from giving Eddie any hint of what he's feeling, just knows he has to get out. "Listen, man, thanks for the beer. Great to catch up. You should hit up Robin and Nancy the next time you're in town. I gotta get going."
"Wait, Steve--"
"See you around."
He doesn't wait. He pushes through the people, and races out the door, into the crisp Chicago fall air. He squeezes his eyes closed, practices his breathing exercises, tries to relax the clench of his teeth, ease the screaming in his lungs.
Three steps away from the building is as far as he gets before he hears, "Steve, please wait." A hand catches his hip, holding him in place.
"Eddie, I don't--"
"It's you," Eddie says. His face is pale, stricken. "You're the one who got away, Steve."
"I've never been able to work up the nerve to confess. I've been trying for years, but. Too afraid of losing you to tell the truth."
"Years?" Steve's brain is trying to wrap around what's happening. That Eddie has feelings for him? That he's the source of the pathetic gay yearning?
"God, since 1986, at least."
Steve doesn't know what to say; what to do. He's been waiting for this moment so long, and his brain goes on pause.
"It's okay if you don't feel the same," Eddie rambles. "Hell, I'd be surprised if you did, but--"
"You're mine too," the words tumble out.
"You're the one who got away. For me. You're mine."
"Steve," Eddie breathes. "Is this--are you serious?"
"Pathetic gay yearning and all."
Eddie's laugh is a bright spot in the darkness, relief and happiness mixed with the hope of what's next.
Steve can't help but giggle. "We're so dumb," he says.
Eddie looks at him with a raised eyebrow before bursting into giggles of his own. "So dumb, Steve, oh my god."
"It's been a decade!"
"Fuck," Eddie cackles.
They collapse against each other, chests heaving with their mirth. As they catch their breath, Steve nuzzles against Eddie's neck, relishing the closeness. It's easy for him to change the angle so their lips meet in a kiss frantic with ten years of longing.
"Your place or mine?" Eddie asks once they part.
Steve laughs. "You think I'm that easy, Munson?"
"Oh, Steve," Eddie smirks. "I know it."
"Asshole." Steve presses a kiss to his jaw. "How many songs did you write about me?"
Eddie smiles so hard his dimples pop. "All of them, baby. Every single one."
Steve rests their foreheads together, body fizzing like freshly uncorked champagne, "Take me home, Ed."
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