#fandom is supposed to be fun. chill tf out
the amount of people i’ve seen getting angry about gabriel’s ‘death’ when it’s not even confirmed is ridiculous. you guys need to calm down fr
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purpleknight9k · 2 years
Stop being dicks about the Autism Swag Summit finals, guys. This is supposed to be fun and silly fandom times. Chill tf out
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belphegorbillickin · 3 years
Hmm I didn't particularly get an om matchup before this, but I got guys from other fandoms who I DIDN'T even know LOL like,,, the matchups were cute and all, but who tf is that guy??
However, my friend stated that I could go with Mammon well, but I didn't think so. He's sweet and I love him, but he's just dumb someone I'm literally not attracted to. He's also too childish, and while I like that, we're better off as friends lol. Mature guys with a mischievous side to them lol or JUST mature even (as long as I can drag him into mischief hehe), I like that more romantically tbh. Also proves how your matchup was accurate tbh ^^
Similarly with Levi, we're better off as friends. I'm surprisingly really into anime and video games (thanks to my brother) but still. Clingy people... Oof. And esp if they get offended then.. o o f.
Diavolo is someone I view as a literal friend, idk why. BUT SIMEON CAME AS A PLEASANT SURPRISE AGAIN LOL.
How about you? Who do you think you're most compatible with? – 🍹
Sorry, I've been a little busy dealing with doctors visit and the side effects with a new medication. I keep passing out or getting dizzy enough that I have to lay down while writing lol, but this new stuff should be way better in the long run! I also got to change my heart meds into something I take once a day that's supposed to have less side effects too!
But yeah, I can't really see Mammon at all lol. Levi is definitely a specific niche that most people prob wouldn't be into, but I also think people ignore his personality and make him into a human otaku stereotype instead of a complex demon using his hobby as escapism. Even his fans often turn him into a western gamer or uwu weeb boy stereotype imo.
Levi and Diavolo were definitely put there to be friends though, I just felt like a mini rant lol.
IDK who would you say just based on how I talk and write? Jk, I love pretty much all of the obey me characters in different ways, but tbh I wouldn't set out to date any of them irl.
I'm someone that'd much rather be alone than with someone stressful, and I'm an "extreme" antisocial introvert for the most part anyway. Even ignoring the danger and demon/angel problems they're just annoying and not exactly great partners lol.
If I had to choose though it's definitely Beel. Assuming the whole running out of food and human-eating thing isn't any more of a problem than in game that is. I mean even his brothers are scared of Beel eating them in his sleep.
He's just so sweet and chill, Beel just wants a simple happy life and so do I. He may not always succeed, but he tries to be responsible and keep MC safe. I feel like everyone else is so stressful and wants to play mind games or feels like they have to.
There's also the problem of Belphie though, it'd be pretty much impossible to spend all that time without him being a part of it and Beel would prob enable him.
Belphie is the toxic emo bf I've always wanted, but even ignoring the whole murder thing he's extremely clingy and manipulative.
I'd def feel way less bad about telling off than I would with Levi though. I'd actually step on him on purpose when he falls asleep on the floor if he wouldn't be so terrifying irl.
I've gotta be honest though, that and the manipulation is what makes him hot in the first place. I wouldn't be into him if he was just "sleepy softboi uwu."
Also I would never willingly let it be known that I like Belphie to anyone irl, especially not to him. I'd probably still couldn't stop myself from being a huge simp, but y'know. All it'd take is some fingerless gloves and piercings and it'd all be over for me.
I guess there's a decent chance of him worming into the relationship and being "compatible" that way. Honestly overall he'd still probably be one of if not the one I'd enjoy hanging out with the most. He's pretty much the perfect blend of chill, mischievous, and fun to go back and forth with.
I love Levi and I'd honestly be happy being a shut in with him, but tbh I can't help but feel like I'd reach a bad end with him even if I try to imagine them less demonic. At least Belphie's too lazy to do much so long as you prioritize him.
I can't help but see Levi getting worse the more confident he gets and the more he feels like he has claim over you. The more he monopolizes the more he needs to feel secure and etc. Envy iis kinda never ending that way and I'm not someone that'd spend enough time with the others for him to back off.
But ignoring that and sticking to canon I think we'd both be super compatible as friends and probably end up being more. Although tbh I have a ton of bad memories with guys like him, mostly just as friends but y'know, to the point where it affected how much I liked him for a while at first.
Despite what I said he'd probably be the least terrifying irl because the danger is more subtle and kind of forgotten after the trivia. If anything the romantic side would probably really start from me hiding from Belphie in his room all the time lol.
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bereft-of-frogs · 4 years
2020 Fic Year in Review
I was tagged by @aurorawest ! I’d been planning on doing something similar eventually and I like the directed questions here, so it worked out well.
Total number of completed stories: 27
Total word count: (I’m terrible about keeping track of word counts so this is total posted word count, thank you ao3 statistics) 189,970
Fandoms written in: MCU, the very tiny fandom of the Netflix series Into the Night, and I got one very, very short Les Misérables fic done
Looking back, did you write more fic than you thought you would this year, less, or about what you’d expected? I guess about what I expected? Maybe a bit more, actually, I only ended up being about 40k short of my word count from last year, I didn’t think I’d actually get anywhere close. So that’s good!
What’s your own favorite story of the year? For the tiny airplane fandom, I really liked ‘we are the sleepers, we bite our tongues’. And I’m just going to keep saying ‘where is your sting’ for the MCU lol.
Even though also, I mean, ‘alone amidst the ruins’ is definitely the one I’m most proud of. I worked so hard on it. I just don’t revisit it as much because I spent so much time working on it, whereas I do occasionally reread ‘where is your sting’. XD
Did you take any writing risks this year? Hm. Striking out in a new, very different fandom was a bit of a risk. One that resulted in multiple nights looking up things like ‘how to fly a plane’. :) And also it was really the first time I started writing for a fandom that I had 0 other input other than canon. Before I start writing for a new fandom, I’ve usually read a whole lot of fic and gotten a sense of the audience and what else is out there. But...there was nothing else out there when I started writing. This was all me and it was a little intimidating, especially with some of the technical stuff.
Do you have any fanfic or profic goals for the new year? Several! 2021 New Year’s Writing Resolutions:
- Not have such a damned complex about writing. Look. I had a whole time this year, I think we all did, and I just want myself to chill tf out about this one thing. Just chill out a little bit, self. Chill.
- Write about more space ghosts. And by that I mean more episodic space adventure plus magic and/or ghosts (bonus points for ghosts) style fics. Sort of along the lines of some of my older whumptober prompts (like ‘1. stabbed’ ‘5. poisoned’ and ‘7. kidnapped’ from ‘pain and other human sensations’ or ‘hurts like ghosts’). I didn’t really do any this year, had a lot more short, angsty fics. The closest I think I got was the whumptober prompt ‘enemy to caretaker’ or maybe ‘withdrawal’. But I have some ideas and even though those fics are a lot of work because of worldbuilding stuff, I want to do that work because they’re really my favorite type of fics.
- Make progress on series. I’d really like to get my next fic in ‘the nine in the tree’ finished before the next Doctor Strange movie is released, and make some progress on the third fic in ‘the dead reign there alone’ considering it’s been like...a long time and I think if I make any progress on it, I’ll feel better.
- Write more second drafts. Oof. Like, this is the most obvious advice that I should have absorbed a lot time ago, but like...writing a second draft makes the writing better. I get that now. I probably won’t do full second drafts for everything, but yeah. More focus on editing/rewriting in the new year.
Most popular story of the year? ‘like a tear on a cheek’ got the most kudos, by quite a bit. I’m happy for it, it was really sappy and indulgent, and kind of a mouthpiece for my own thoughts about forgiveness and redemption. I think that probably struck a chord XD
Story of mine most under-appreciated by the universe, in my opinion: I logically know why this is the case, but tbh my two more extreme AUs I think were slightly underappreciated, if I do say so myself. I did my first actual all-human AU with ‘panic room’ in January, and then my ‘medieval-ish’ fantasy AU ‘a keen scourge through the wintry air’. Like, I get why these didn’t get as much attention as others I wrote this year, I still think they’re a little underappreciated. XD
Most fun story to write: Obviously, I found ‘where is your sting’ to be the most fun. ghosts in space!. It was pure Sakaar Trash Party with ghosts and overwrought dialogue, I had a lot of fun.
Most unintentionally telling story: in a chapter of ‘alone amidst the ruins’, I included a line about the WHO advising on the wearing of masks.
a line that I swear to God, I wrote last year. got to it during the rewrite and had to go lie down for a bit.
Biggest disappointment: Even if I knew I probably wasn’t going to get all the way through the whumptober prompts this year (2018 was a - somewhat scary in hindsight - lightning strike of dedication and inspiration. I don’t know how I did Fall 2018 and I’m not sure it will ever happen again), but I would have liked to finish the ones I had started. Coming up on the end of the year and I’ve left one multichapter fic hanging, and still haven’t finished the ‘possession’ one which should be easy to finish.
This is also more a regret than a disappointment but I do sort of now regret my choice to publish all the whumptober prompts separately. Urgh, I think I would just be happier if they were organized into collections by fandom, they just bury everything else and some of them are so short and I really, really wish I had stuck with my method of organizing them in one document. Errrrr, regret. Like there are definitely benefits to doing it this way, but...still. Wish I had done it the other way.
Biggest surprise: Honestly, getting any comments and kudos from the tiny airplane fandom was an absolutely delightful surprise. Thank you, anyone who kudosed any of those works <3
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So, 2020. What the fuck was that, am I right? It honestly feels like another world already. Like I’ll remember doing something and be like...hm not sure that actually happened to me, sort of feels like that happened to someone else and I just watched. I know I’m supposed to tag people, but also #SocialAnxiety (even in fandom). but please please please if you are a fic writer and want to take a moment to reflect on your writing experience this year, consider this an open tag!!!
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commoncoral · 4 years
10, 21, and 27 for the TF ask meme
Favorite human character(s) 
I supposed that would Miko from tfp haha, I know that the fandom is sort of split on her but well y’know I made up a small thing in my head since it’s hinted in the show where Miko feels neglected and pushed by her parents to act normal by sending her to America for a better education and discipline. Since she feels trapped, she often acts out to do what she want because she has the freedom to do so. After finding a family figure in Bulkhead, she learns how her actions has consequences and affects others around her. I feel for that stuff XD
Sari would be another because of her whole journey i got to see through tfa, dealing with the world around her in her own circumstance and the learning how she was a techno organic. She is pretty likable and her development as a character was realistic from being a kid to her pre teens? (forgot the ages XD)
(do proto humans count?) Una from beast wars cause she was hilarious in go with the flow. Seeing Megatron baby sit or rather order around a kid without much knowledge in language is certainly a unique scenario to see XD
A pairing you love that no one else seems to 
Well this is pretty obvious, BW megop! XD Their dynamic is entertaining since beast wars is very meta on their hero and villain stuff, so just Megatron being all like “Oh have you, the honourable Optimus have come to save the day?” and Primal just bonks him on the head midway that sentence like, “Stop bothering me, i’m just an explorer.” and then Megatron is even more interested to invite him in his hottub hehe. There’s a lot that hasn’t been explored yet in this ship that i would like to see. Though what would be even more cool to see is beast machines megop where they take their villian and hero role seriously in that context :3 (I’m looking at you teamew for ever expanding my love for this ship XD )
A bot you want to be best friends with
Tfa bulkhead, having a nice painting friend and talking about anything with him would be very relaxing ^^
A lot of the girls from cyberverse, they all seem to fun and chill to hang with :D
Any Jazz would also be cool! There are too many cool robo friends lolol
Maybe Tfp Arcee or Optimus if I go on a self exploration character development story with them where I learn to get over my shyness and be more bold and brave facing scary situations XD
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infinite-inferno · 5 years
Who Cares?
Fandom: Jacksepticeye
Characters: Chase Brody, Doctor Henrik von Schneeplestein, Marvin the Magnificent, Jackieboy Man, Jameson Jackson, Antisepticeye
Content warning: a lot of mentions of depression, addiction, alcoholism, suicide mentions, suicidal thoughts
If I wasn’t on mobile I’d use the zalgo text for anti so instead it’s bolded
As soon as Chase closed the door to his bedroom he flopped onto the bed, his smiling and laughing expression he wore seconds ago with his family immediately replaced by a somber one. He took long, deep breaths, having a staring contest with the ceiling (it of course won). After... well he couldn’t tell how long he laid like that - time seemed to slow and drag on forever but also go way too fast - he spoke so softly to himself that he barely heard himself speak. “Am I really depressed? Or is it just that I’m reminding myself that I’m supposed to be sad? I was just out there with everyone for hours and wasn’t sad at all. Am I just faking it?” A lone tear escaped from his eye and he didn’t bother to wipe it away.
He heard his phone vibrate, but didn’t bother to check it. The only person that would be calling him is his therapist’s office, attempting to confirm a meeting he already planned on skipping. He went to one to humor Jackie, and of course he had to schedule another visit, but the whole time he knew that he wasn’t going back. He would just be wasting his therapists time, and taking up space for people who really needed therapy.
His room wasn’t far from the room where all the other egos were still gathered - he told the others that he was going to his room to plan the next bro average video (which he really should be doing anyway) - and he could faintly hear some conversations. From what he could piece together, they started playing Cards Against Humanity and somehow Jameson was winning, even though he didn’t understand most of the cards. He could tell that they were having a lot of fun - a lot of fun without him.
“Would anyone even care if I-“ he spoke, again, barely audible (he wondered if he even vocalized the words, or if they halted in his head). He had to stop himself short, not daring to finish the thought. “Chase you idiot, you already tried to do it and you know what outcomes you would get. Doc would blame himself if he couldn’t save you, Marvin would lock himself away in his room and refuse to come out, Jackie would take out all his emotions on fighting villains that were unbeatable, at least in his headspace, and Jamie would...” he trailed off, biting his lip. “That’s right... he wasn’t even here when I did it...” Chase blinked and violently shook his head. “PMA Chase... PMA... PMA... PM- ya know they can shove that up their arse. I need a fucking drink is what I need not some positivity bullshit,” he grumbled, going back to further examine his closet. There had to be something...
Huffing, he picked up a pair of shoes, put his hat back on his head, and wiped any evidence of tears off his face before walking out of his room. He took a deep breath right before he got to the room where all the egos were gathered - he was right about his guesses as to their activity - and strode to the door. Jackie looked up from the game as Chase walked past to get his coat. “Hey Chase, what’s up? Where’re ya going?” He sensed something off about him (but it could’ve just been paranoia) and needed to make sure nothing happened to any of his brothers.
Chase blinked. He didn’t expect any of them to notice and now all of them were staring at him and- ‘deep breaths’ he thought to himself. “I’m just... going for a walk. I’m stuck on trying to find a new idea and... need to clear my head.”
If Jackie still had his doubts, he kept them to himself. “You have your phone on you right?”
Chase held up his phone as evidence, giving a “yup” in response. With that, he walked out the front door. “Of fucking course it’s raining,” he muttered, heading towards one of the bars in town. He knew better than to try any of the ones close to the house, as they knew him and wouldn’t contribute to his addiction. Finally, he ended up at one that he didn’t even know existed, and figured it was worth a shot. He walked up to the bar and sat on the stool, surveying his options, pupils dilating by simply looking at the bottles. He told the bartender to “keep em coming until I’m so plastered I’m falling off the chair.”
The bartender eyed him, as it was 4:30 pm on a Tuesday, but didn’t question it, besides offering a “rough day?”
Chase nodded to that, “I guess you could call it that.”
The bartender handed him his drink. “If you want to just drink your cares away, go ahead. But if you want an ear then I’ll be here.”
Chase took a long swig, then registered what the bartender was saying, growling slightly. “I don’t need fucking therapy.” He finished his drink and felt his phone buzz in his pocket.
Baby Bean: “Hello Chase, it’s Jameson. Please do let us know when you will be returning. Marvin wants to know when he should begin making dinner, as he does not want your food to get cold, although given his history, you might be better off eating while you are out! 😆 I also should tell you that, while I do not know for certain, I think that some of the others are fearing that you are out getting bent, but if you say you’re just going for a walk, then I believe you! ☺️💚 Have a swell rest of your stroll!”
Chase sighed, grabbing the phone with his other hand. ‘What do I even say to this?’
“uh idk when i’ll be back. tell marv not to worry about me and not to burn the place down. also ty jj it means a lot that u trust me like that. i just wish the others would too” he deleted the last sentence, not wanting his brothers to feel guilty over not trusting him, especially when they had every right to be doubtful - considering he was actually at a bar. It also hurt to see that Jameson trusted him, because that meant he was betraying his trust, and he drank another glass at the thought.
About 20 minutes later, he felt his phone vibrate again. Judging by how it was many texts all at once, he assumed it was Marvin before he even pulled out his phone.
Magic Man: “Hey”
Magic Man: “I’m making dinner rn”
Magic Man: “It’s mac and cheese and whatever frozen chicken we have”
Magic Man: “Jamie said u were taking a longer walk but like it’s raining out and I don’t want u to get sick”
Magic Man: “Plz respond Chase”
Magic Man: “U there?”
“yo chill marv”
“i stepped inside a store to get out of the rain”
Magic Man: “Do u want one of us to pick u up??”
Magic Man: “If u lmk wya I can teleport to u”
Magic Man: “Or I’m sure Hen or Jackie would drive to get u if u just wanted to drive back”
Magic Man: “Ik how u feel abt teleporting”
Chase bit his lip before downing another glass. He forgot exactly what he was drinking, but it was alcohol and that’s all he cared about. He didn’t want to tell them that he was at a bar, not even thinking about how anyone could see or smell that he was drunk from a block away. He got another drink and almost forgot to respond before another message came through.
Magic Man: “Chase?”
Magic Man: “Plz just tell me where u r so we can pick u up”
“what so u can make fun of me??? nope i’ll b home later. i’m gonna stay here a bit longer then WALK home”
Chase put his phone away, not wanting to see Marvin’s response and just wanting to see more alcohol in his hands.
It was probably about an hour later when the bartender finally cut him off. He said that he was told to stop him when he looked like he was going to fall out of the chair and so the bartender wasn’t going to let him have any more. Plus his boss would be pissed if he let Chase leave any more intoxicated than he already was.
Chase stormed out of the bar and back into the rain before realizing he had no idea where we was. He looked around and tried to find something familiar but came up with absolutely nothing. He started walking in one direction, but it felt wrong, so he started in the opposite direction, which also felt wrong. So, he did what anyone else in his situation would do - he cried in the rain on the sidewalk of a basically empty street. After he felt he cried all he could, he looked at his notifications.
Baby Bean: 2 unread messages
Ze Best Doctah: 1 unread message
Magic Man: 13 unread messages, 2 missed calls
Spider-Man 2.0: 7 unread messages, 5 missed calls
Turtle: 1 unread message
“Shit.” Chase mumbled, scanning through the messages.
Baby Bean: “Hello Chase, Jameson again! 😊 You haven’t responded to anyone and we are all very worried about you. I’m hoping that your cellular device simply ran out of charge, but Jackie is informing me that when he tries to call you it would not ring as long as it is if your device has run out of battery.”
Baby Bean: “Chase, it’s Jameson. Where are you? I am getting increasingly worried for your safety, as is everyone else. Please respond to one of us.”
Ze Best Doctah: “Chase are you alright? You are scaring all of us. Do you need help? Or a ride? Marvin said you would not tell him where you were. I am praying you are not at a bar but right now I don’t know what to think. I trusted you would be smart and safe but now I’m not sure if you were either. Please call one of us when you see this.”
Magic Man: “Chase y do u think I would make fun of u?”
Magic Man: “R u ok?”
Magic Man: “R u mad at me?”
Magic Man: “Chase plz answer someone”
Magic Man: “If I said smth I’m sry”
Magic Man: “Just plz come home”
Magic Man: “Chase?”
Magic Man: “Ur dinner is getting cold WHERE ARE YOU”
Magic Man: “If u put on dnd I’ll b pissed”
Missed call from Magic Man
Magic Man: “Chase I stg if ur at a bar rn imma fucking deck u”
Magic Man: “No actually I’ll let Jackie do that”
Missed call from Magic Man
Magic Man: “Pick up ur damn phone Brody!!”
Magic Man: “Where tf r u????!!!!”
Spider-Man 2.0: “where did you go chase???????”
Spider-Man 2.0: “I thought you were just going on a walk”
Missed call from Spider-Man 2.0
Spider-Man 2.0: “if I have to save your ass from something or someone”
2 missed calls from Spider-Man 2.0
Spider-Man 2.0: “this isn’t funny chase”
Spider-Man 2.0: “I’m really fucking worried about you
2 missed calls from Spider-Man 2.0
Turtle: “Brody get your ass home RIGHT NOW!”
Chase weighed his options between who seemed the least pissed at him. Marvin and Jackieboy were obviously out. He didn’t particularly want to call Anti either. That left Henrik and Jameson. He went to the contact and pressed the call button. It barely rang before it was picked up.
“CHASE!! VERE ZEE FUCK HAFFE VOU BEEN??” Henrik shouted, his accent the thickest Chase has ever heard it, barely understandable in his drunken haze
“I’m sorry Hen” he slurred
“Chase vere are vou? Are vou fucking betrunken?!”
“Hen, Hen what? I-I don’t know what... what you’re saying.”
“HES ASKING IF YOU’RE DRUNK ASSHOLE!” Jackie shouted. “You’re on speakerphone you dick!”
Chase couldn’t see it but Jameson was trying to tell Jackie to calm down.
Chase sat down on the sidewalk, leaning against a building. “I’m not fucking drunk,” he slurred
“Tell that to your voice.” Marvin piped up.
“Fiiiiiiiineeeeee mayyybeee I had a drink or few. Happy?”
“How many is ein few?”
Chase snorted and started laughing like that was just the funniest thing ever. “Fuck if I know, I wasn’t counting.”
“Chase where are you?” The static behind the phone let him know it was Anti and he whimpered.
“You’ll be mad at me...”
“WE’RE ALREADY MAD AT YOU DIPSHIT!” Jackie yelled. Henrik left the phone on the table while he grabbed his shoes and a jacket, figuring that because Chase called him, he should be the one to get him.
Chase suddenly got quiet. “I don’t know.”
“What do you mean you don’t know?” Marvin furrowed his eyebrows.
“I mean I’m lost... that’s why I called... I was at a bar, then tried to walk home and got lost.”
There was silence for a little while. Marvin suddenly stepped towards an open area of floor and started mumbling a spell. “He’s on the corner of Center Street and Behmer Drive. A block down from a bar.” Henrik nodded, grabbing his phone and getting into the car.
“Chase stay on ze phone ja?”
“Okayyyy.” Chase yawned. “Hen I’m tired.”
“Vell I vill not carry vou in so vou need to stay avake”
“But I’m sleepyyyyyyy” Henrik sighed, driving as fast as he could without getting arrested until he saw a familiar figure all the while trying to keep said person awake. He pulled over and got out of the car. Chase stood up, but he stood up too quickly and vomited, luckily for him none of it got on Henrik. As soon as he was done, he was ushered into the car.
“I von’t um... vhat is that expression? Chew vou out now, vou vill certainly get enough shit vrom Jackieboy and Marvin.”
“Thank you,” Chase mumbled, the heat of the car feeling nice on his cold wet body.
“Und vour hangover und sickness vill be more zan enough punishment tomorrow.”
“I’m real sorry Hen.”
“Zat is vhat vou zaid last time. Und vou did it again. Vou must earn mein trust back Chase. Jamie’s too. Und vou vill be lucky if ze ozers trust vou again soon.” All of a sudden, Chase broke into sobs. He thought he didn’t have anymore tears left in him, but apparently he was wrong.
“Please don’t make me see them Hen... I’m just so weak and pathetic and you all are important. All I have is... is... I’m just useless. What have I ever been besides a nuisance? With all my whining about Stacy, over reacting to a couple sad days and calling it depression, my-my bad habits and self destructive tendencies... I’m surprised you all still keep me around,” Chase’s whole body shook with his sobs.
There was a lot to unpack there and Henrik had no clue where to start. He pulled into the driveway and put the car in park, turning to face Chase. “Chase... how long have vou been feeling like zis?”
He just shrugged. “I dunno... a while now, maybe a year or so?”
“Vhy didn’t vou say anyzing?”
“I was scared you would realize your mistake and kick me out.” He mumbled. It was quiet, but Henrik heard it loud and clear.
“Ve vould never dream of it Chase. Vou are far from useless-“
“Oh yeah? Name one thing that I’ve done that actually helped!”
Henrik went silent as his brain tried to think of a good example that wasn’t easily written off because he knew that anything he said would be torn to bits anyway.
“Thought so.” Chase shook his head. “I actually thought you were gonna say something too. Guess I can add moron to the list.”
“Chase stop-“
“Oh look, I’m being a bother yet again. Shocking.” He got out of the car, slamming the door, puked in the grass, then went inside, ready to be reminded yet again of how weak and pathetic he was.
The second he opened the door was the second the yelling began. He didn’t even bother protesting because they were all right. He screwed up, could’ve died, worried them all.
“Do you have ANY idea how scared we were?! I thought I was going to get a call from a hospital that you were hurt or DEAD! We all were so worried-“
“I DIDN’T ASK YOU TO CARE!” Chase snapped.
“WELL SCREW YOU TOO! I’m your brother!” Jackie fired right back.
‘Ok I think that’s enough’ Jameson tried to intervene, but of course, nobody was paying attention to him. Well, nobody except one person who did happen to notice. Anti stepped in between the two.
“That is enough.” His voice caused everyone to stop yelling, Jameson signing a small thank you towards him. “It seems like Chase has already berated himself over and over, haven’t you? I’m not inside your head, chill out, but you’re fucking screaming it with your body language. You seem to forget that you all can’t hide anything from me. And, I can assure you Chase, you aren’t faking anything, and we all would care.
“Don’t you see? Look around you Brody! Jackieboy is yelling at you because he was scared, and cares so damn much about you. Marvin had so much anxious energy that while he was pacing he started to fucking glow. Yes Marvin, I saw that. Jameson wasn’t signing anything, he just retreated into his mind again, like he always does when he’s worried. Henrik was prepping his work station just in case you came home half dead and was shaking so much he dropped half his equipment. And I-” Anti took a deep breath “I was glitching so much I disappeared for a little bit, just static filling my place. I’m still glitching a lot, and it is taking all of my energy to stay present enough to knock some sense into your drunken mind! We care about you because we all have no idea what we would do without you here!” He balled his hands into fists, and stared down Chase, watching him deflate even more than he already was. He shook his head, retreating to his room where he resumed his excessive glitching.
Jameson was the first one to recover. ‘Chase? What did Anti mean about “you aren’t faking anything, and we all would care”?’ When he was met with a blank stare, he sighed and looked to one of the others to translate. Marvin was the one to interpret for Chase.
“I... I had it in my head that... that I was just faking my depression... that I was just sad a bit. And that... that nobody would care if I... if I... tried again.” Everyone in the room but Jameson understood, and Jameson wasn’t quite sure if he wanted to know. His mind supplied an answer and he didn’t like it. Jackie was the one to walk over to Chase and engulf him in a hug. The rest soon followed, and Chase began to cry again into Jackie’s shoulder. After a while they one by one let go, and Chase looked between them all before going to his room and passing out on his bed.
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thelegendofclarke · 6 years
I'm a jonsa fan, but she straight up nailed you, unfortunately. Just own up to it. You claimed something that was clearly a lie and they've pulled receipts on you that shows it was a lie. Honestly, the more jonsa fans that behave like lunatics about daenerys and call her crazy shit, the worse jonsa fans look. We all need to chill out.
Nailed me on WHAT? And own up to WHAT?? And WHAT tf do those so called “receipts” show, exactly?!?
Did you happen to miss the part where she said, “ETA: oh wait i DIDN’T actually send her those links that I SPECIFICALLY SAID I SENT HER but she’s still a terrible person who I hate sooo…” (x)
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And no, I didn’t want to get involved. I was TRYING to take a step back from wank and a step back from fandom in general (both for fandom related reasons and for personal reasons, many of which I told this person but would rather not publicly get into detail about). A fact that I told this person MULTIPLE TIMES, and yet they STILL continued to bring up wank to me and drag me into it and demand I insert myself into conversations and situations that made me uncomfortable, which I refused to do as is my right. You can count on one hand the number of times I have actually TALKED about D on my blog. I don’t like the conversation that surrounds her, it is unpleasant, unproductive and (CLEARLY) toxic af. I don’t know why I have the ~responsibility~ to talk about things I have never talked about in the first place or what ~accountability~ I have for things I have never fucking talked about. And I NEVER said there wasn’t toxicity or issues in the fandom when we talked and on the NUMEROUS occasions where they continued to try to show me wank when I specifically said I was trying to AVOID WANK and had it Blacklisted, TS-ed, blocked, and filtered all I possibly could. They were forcing things on me that I was not seeing BY DESIGN for my own personal reasons which I explained to them on more than one occasion. Me saying “I didn’t fucking see this” isn’t me saying “that didn’t happen,” CLEARLY it happened given that they showed it to me. They are just completely misrepresenting what occurred here.
(Oh and not to mention that the times that I DID get involved or try to do something, they were deemed “not good enough“ or “not supportive enough” or “not specific enough.” Remember the Love Train thing I tried to do to be supportive after the whole Campfire Fuckplot bullshit? Yeah, apparently that was me just trying to “bury them in wank.” Like, I cannot even EXPLAIN to y’all how draining and degrading and fucking depressing it is to have people CONSTANTLY nitpicking your every goddamn move and word trying to find some kind of insidious intent and make everything you do or say a personal insult to them. To CONSTANTLY have people hinting at or vague blogging about or a lot of times just down right telling you what a terrible, horrible, no good, very bad person and friend you are. To be CONSTANTLY accused of using people for popularity, of being fake, of lying, of gaslighting. And all this coming from people who are supposed to be your “friends,” it’s NEVER ENDING and it’s just awful to be around tbqh.)
(And it’s REALLY CUTE and SUPER CONVENIENT that the part about “oh wait lol I DIDN’T ACTUALLY SEND HER THOSE OR SHOW HER ANYTHING!!!” didn’t make it into the original call out post. Nooo no no, that call out post is just about how I’m a lying bitch who no one wants to be friends with because I’m fucking shady, and that’s what is making the rounds and that is what people are believing.)
Or how that part about me “reblogging with a rebuttal” is a FLAT OUT FUCKING LIE, given this is the post and the version of the post I reblogged…
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Or how my url is NO WHERE in the notes of the 2 year old post she posted a screenshot of that is somehow supposed to prove my ~insidious knowledge~ of something…
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A post which I do not remember seeing… I very well might have; but like I said, it has been 2 years, and it’s not a time I particularly care to look back on or think about. (I was also being placed on meds for the first time due to the personal/mental health issues I referenced at that point and my doctor was trying to figure out which dosages I needed so I was out of it A LOT.) Nor does this post refer Hitler at any point, which is supposedly what I am being a “fucking liar” about having never seen.
Or how those DM screenshots (of our private conversation from over a year ago) don’t say a fucking WORD about Hitler…
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Or how she left out the original part of the Twitter thread where I specifically stated that it is the “D is Hitler” argument that I’ve never seen. (and for the last time: NO, I HAVE NEVER SEEN ANYONE IN FANDOM SAY THAT!)
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And left out the ENTIRE rest of the twitter thread/conversation in question (which does not say ANYTHING about albinism). And in which I did NOT say that I have never seen anyone comparing D or the Targs to other things like Nazis, nor deny that there are any problems with this fandom being toxic (because, i mean, lol CLEARLY there fucking are)…
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(**this is where the tweet in the photo above would go but I’m not putting it in again because that would be redundant**)
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(Links to this whole twitter exchange for anyone who wants them: x, x, x, x)
Or how this person is accusing me of just caring about ~popularity~ and wanting to maintain my “BNF-ness” and gain “popularity points;” an issue THEY are fixated on (and have brought up and accused me and other people of in multiple times in multiple conversations) not me (x, x)…
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Or where they have straight up admitted to keeping tabs on me (or hate scrolling i think is the term the ~youths~ are using nowadays) on twitter even though we do not follow each other on twitter (or on here), and we are not on speaking terms and haven’t been for some time, and they have stated they wanted to curate me out of their fandom experience (x)…
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Or where this person is bringing up private and very personal shit (that I told them in confidence because I thought they were my friend and that I could trust them) because they hate me (x)…
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**Backhandedly referencing the fucking terrible depression I was going through at the time where I couldn’t even get out of bed in the morning. A fact that I, again, told her in confidence because she was supposed to be my friend and I trusted her.
(Also, this wasn’t the worst few months of MY fandom life. My fandom life doesn’t revolve about YOU or the things YOU care about, believe it or not. I’d have to sit down and think about when the worst time of my fandom life was. There are a few points in time that are strong contenders. But I gotta say… right now is NOT PARTICULARLY FUCKING FUN.)
AND bringing up personal things that happened between us which have nothing to do with what they are accusing me of or the situation at hand…
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And for the fucking record: yes, our friendship crumbling DOES stick out in my mind. There are several events and things said that I remember VERY CLEARLY which happened over a number of months. I have NO DESIRE to get into all of that, I personally don’t like airing my dirty laundry for everyone to see or broadcasting my personal issues with someone like it’s one of those fucking Jerry Springer talk shows… But given the fact that the last text this person sent me was about 5 months ago on October 10, 2018 (yes, I have “receipts.” but no, I am not posting them. I, for one, don’t like violating the trust people had in my or their privacy by posting stuff from our private conversations) over a YEAR after this wank happened in September 2017, the dissolution of our friendship has very little to do with THIS.
Or how that was a call out post made up completely of misrepresentations and flat out lies, yet ironically has the goddamn NERVE to call ME a “fucking liar.” And that it was full of false information that she “stands by” and is not only LEAVING UP to let it continue to spread through out the fandom, but also NOT CHANGING OR CORRECTING the part where SHE FUCKING LIED. And how now I am having people like YOU who didn’t even read the post or look at anything she said (which is nothing) calling me a fucking liar too.
Or about how all of this (whatever ~this~ is or whatever tf they were trying to prove) probably has nothing to do with the incident in question in the first place. No, this is more about their person feelings on ME and the shit that went down between us and whatever ~sins~ they feel I have committed against them. And that I didn’t let them boss me around and do what they told me to do and fall in line or CONTINUE to let them use me as their fandom punching bag and take out all their fandom frustrations (that had nothing to do with me and that I could do nothing about) out on me. And that they are using this as an excuse to lash out at me and come after me with bullshit that ISN’T EVEN TRUE. They are straight up, flat out using LIES to call ME a liar… I don’t fucking like this, I don’t want to “Go” or “Do This.” In fact, I fucking hate this; it makes me feel icky and I just want it to be over. But I am NOT going to just not stand up for myself. Of course THIS isn’t the shit that will get spread around or that people will see or believe, but I’m not going to let myself just take it lying down.
DON’T call me a lunatic, DON’T demand I take responsibility for shit I didn’t do and didn’t say, DON’T call me a fucking liar, and DON’T come into my ask with this crap again.
Hate me all you want, you clearly aren’t the first and I’m sure you won’t be the last… but DO NOT SPREAD LIES ABOUT ME.
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moonwolfhowl · 5 years
Yuletide 2k19 edition
Hiyo, first off I’m moonwolfhowl on tumblr and nightmoonz on AO3. I’m really excited that you got me and I just want to thank you so much in advance and I really hope you have fun with this!!
Secondly, here are a couple things that I like and dislike, (and some prompts but you can take ‘em or leave ‘em). If you’re not 100% sure on if something is or isn’t my deal my ask box is open and the anon option is turned on.  
Ratings: I prefer through T-M, but tbh I’m pretty easy so if you wanna go up to E feel free ^__^“’
Likes, Loves and DNWs:
Likes and Loves!
AUs! No, seriously, every kind of AU
Humor! Especially: sarcasm, witty banter, etc…
Angst and hurt/comfort are awesome!
Slow Burns
MUTUAL PINING and/or SEEMINGLY unrequited feels
idiots to lovers, this can either be enemies to lovers or friends to lovers. sort of related to the point straight above XD
found families
Fake relationship/dating/marriage you know for a cover/mission/(fill in the blank)
Bed Sharing
Sex Pollen
“In Vino Veritas” 
Happy Endings!!
Squicks/DNWs (do not wants):
Character Bashing
Abuse of any kind
Actual unrequited feelings
Harm to animals
Major Character Death
Scat and/or Watersports
2nd and 1st person perspective
Spiders especially Tarantulas, this is a huge trigger for me
Okay! I’m gonna put a break here because this is a long post and all prompts/ideas are below.
Alrighty, so these are just some silly prompts or ideas that you can take from or totally ignore altogether! It’s really just some ideas that you can look to if you’re stuck or need a jumping off point.  And man, like if you already had an idea? Please feel free to go with that instead, I just want you to have fun  = ^__^ =  
Also again, if you have any questions the anon option is turned on for my ask box.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~OOctopath Traveler - Therion, Tressa Colzione, Cordelia Ravus, and Leon Bastralle
Oh boy this game. I have no words that can even describe how much I LOVE this game. The storytelling was fantastic and I got really invested in not just the main 8 but in all of the minor/side characters too. I know I have Therion, Cordelia, Tressa and Leon specifically but if you want to throw in any of the other characters in the tagset you totally can, same with any side ships (here’s looking **You don't have to include ALL the characters I selected here in your fic, you can mix them up or follow a prompt I have. I only request that you include at least one of the ones picked here <3
I’m kind of open to anything but if you do need a jumping off point (and/or want to see me gush over my favs) check out the prompts below
Therion - I love him and would die for him he is my perfect little trash bandit. It kills me how he longs to belong somewhere but is equally afraid of it for very good reasons. Because of this he’s so heavily guarded and *sobs* his reactions to people (the 8 and Cordelia) genuinely caring about his wellbeing? It just hrrk! I’m so happy I started with him, that I got to see his growth throughout the story and how his emotional wounds finally seem like they’re on their way to healing. Tressa - My adorable little gremlin, she’s such a little badass! While money may be on her mind a lot she’d never cheat anyone! She’s genuinely kind and her travel adventure is so interesting because it’s about exploring the world, experiencing new places—and while she has a certain understanding of this—she learns the true meaning of sentimental value in things. I love her so much. Leon - I love how much of his character is wrapped up in some mystery and that he seems like a tortured but mature soul (as you can see I have a type.) Cordelia - I love Cordelia and she is entirely underrated. She’s been through quite a lot and her faith in my best boy helped him come back into the world able to to trust and love people again. She’s very soft and caring and now that her stolen heirlooms have been restored to her she can come back into the world herself.
Gen ideas:
Tressa and Therion teasing TF out of each other doesn’t matter what about or who about. I just love them and they have such a brosis vibe
Tressa spear fishing and shocking Therion or everyone by it, you can add any and/or all of the characters in the tag. (Inaccurate Tressa, "What? I live in a Port Town my dudes.”)
I know this is cheesy but Therion having his first Apple Pie would destroy me ; __ ; it can be when he’s little or an adult, AU, Canonverse or Canon divergent it can be a Birthday treat to himself, it can be the first thing he pays for with money he earned on his own. If you want to include any character my sign up sheet or want to include any other octo character(s) that’s fine too!
Shippy ideas (which I’m a little more into but whatever you are comfortable with is a-okay by me):
Cordelia Ravus/Therion (Thordelia)
THEM *SWOONS* I just love them, Cordelia helps my baby boy trust in people again and brings happiness back to his world… and he has so much respect for her I’m just— ; __ ; I just love them
Actor & Author relationship: AU, Canonverse or Canon divergent you name it!
Again Tressa teasing TF out of Therion but specifically about Cordelia (esp after his chapter good god. *swoon*)
Cordelia’s POV on her Noble Thief
Anything post game like I wouldn’t mind seeing her rebuilding Bolderfall, visiting each layer of the city and helping it thrive
Fake Dating. Any Setting XD
The “I’m supposed to take out the target but I fell for them instead” is also very good
Tressa Colzione/Leon Bastralle
; w ; their relationship and care for each other—like Thordelia’s—makes my heart melt
Any kind of them traveling together and developing feels on the open seas post game
Her being his apprentice and learning from him while teaching him some new things
Does Leon have a thing for the arts? Is that why he’s particularly enamored endeared to Tressa spotting the painting?
yeah ngl anything, my thirst is real
A Very Shippy and utterly ridiculous prompt. Tressa x Leon (Treon? Lessa?) and/or Thordelia (however if you wanna include other side ships like Olberhardt or H’aanit x Ophilia for example you can go for it!)
Masquerade! Can be Canonverse, Canon Divergent or AU!
A Masquerade ball in which: 
They can either know each other beforehand or not
Halloween Party, Adults, College AU
idk this is just something to have fun with and hey lol if you wanna make it more mature feel free
Promare - Lio, Galo, Gueira, Meis
Man this movie messed me up and all the right ways. Honestly one of the most chilling things was to see all of the Burnish being used as engine fuel… I like—ngl I cried, and then when Lio gets used as the core? ; __ ;
Honestly I will be happy with anything you come up with, there are so many possibilities just know that a heavy angst fic is A-okay by me, but if you want to do a flufflier or humor fic those are also so Very VERY good. I have some ideas below but again like if you have an idea in mind or started something by viewing my likes list go for it!
**You don't have to include ALL the characters I selected here in your fic, you can mix them up or follow a prompt I have. I only request that you include at least one of the ones picked here <3
Lio - Um yes I love him. He’s just such a tortured soul and true cares about people. I like—honestly he is my favorite character. The way he used his flame to protect Galo? How hard he fights for the Burnish? How hard Gueira and Meis fight for him and stop at nothing to save him speaks volumes about the kind of person he is. I just love him and want him to have nice things
Galo - This wonderful brilliant dumbass. I also love him and despite me calling him a dumbass he’s actually pretty with it when it comes to adapting to his environment. He also takes in new information and rather than reject it out right he examines it critically. Like the way he approached Kray about the Burnish experiments was not the smartest… However, he still went to find the truth no matter how much it could have hurt him and that really defines what kind of guy he is.
Gueira & Meis - So unfortunately we didn’t get to see much of these two but what we did get to see was GOLD. I love them, I love how they fight so hard to protect their fellow burnish and how loyal they are to Lio. Like omg when the Burnish were being rounded up but they used the last of their strength to save Lio, believing—knowing that he would come back for them? *hrrk* My heart.
So okay!!! Ideas and/or prompts! Again you don’t have to use these if you don’t want to <3
Anything Shippy with Lio and Galo + hurt/comfort?? 10/10
An AU where the Promare gift the Burnish with their “fire bending” abilities permanently
Anything found family esp if it's adopting Lio's litter fam with Galo's ; w ;
I'd love to see what was going on with Gueira/Meis while they were locked up side by side. What did they talk about? Their faith in Lio? Them possibly growing up with Lio? Their feels for each other? And honestly you can go as angsty as you want to with this.
Gueira & Meis being over protective (big bros) of their boss and bestie Lio. (Poor Galo lmao)
Feel free to include any other characters you want from the tag set or canon in general ^___^ 
Crescent Moon - Any
Ah… my poor beautiful tiny manga fandom… I love this 6 volume series so much. The storytelling can be fast paced at times but it doesn't even phase me considering how detailed and intricate the themes, lore, relationships and monsters & magic are. For this fandom anything goes, like any AUs, tropes, canon compliant or divergent is all welcome here.
Bonus points if you have your own take of the song/legend: “Princess Princess why do you cry?”
If you want to make a fic about the Princess and the Demon boy when they were kids, or have any fic at all featuring them (kid or adult) I'm all for it.
I love Mahiru Shiraishi/Mitsuru Suou they are such little disasters anything with them would be amazing but I’m a multishipper so if you have a ship that isn't them and you've been dying to write your ship? Write your ship! I'd love to read it!!! 
And anything including Akira is god tier - he is the bestest boy. 
I’m sorry I know this prompt is very open ended and very vague but like I’d just be happy with anything
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specterpeach · 6 years
i feel like i’ll be spitting up blood before this fandom learns to chill tf out...like a lot of the “valid” criticisms are just...bad;;;; it’s painfully obvious most of them lack life experience and honestly just seem mean spirited :/// also seems obvious that many just don’t have the maturity levels to be tackling these subjects on any kind of convincing level
oh yeah, and did they forget fandom is supposed to be...fun??? what a wild concept 
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ejmcmoon · 7 years
HP and the Birthday Weekend: HBP Reaction
So I’ve been doing reactions for Freeform’s HP marathon. Freeform is skipping OotP, so here’s HBP (stupid Freeform). If you don’t want spoilers, don’t read.
Poor Harry. He looks so sad while his picture’s being taken. Poor kid needs a break.
I’ve always found it weird that the Death Eaters can fly without brooms. In the books, only Voldy and Snape can do it. Here it seems like they just add it for flashy effects.
Lol Dumbles is like “Forget the pretty girl and take my arm.”
Slughorn is so damn Extra. He fucking destroyed the place so that it looks like he’s already attacked. What a drama queen.
“I do love knitting patterns” Dumbledore is the embodiment of gay stereotypes and I’m not sure whether that’s a good thing or a bad thing.
YASSS the twins’ joke shop!
“How much is this?” “Five galleons” “How much for me?” “Five galleons” “I’m your brother” “Ten galleons” I LOVE THESE TWo
When Fenrir Greyback almost saw the trio spying on the Malfoys in Borgin&Burkes, I got literal CHILLS
Honestly,  I don’t understand why Romione (especially Ron) don’t think Malfoy is a death eater. After all the animosity between them and Malfoy, I think they’d be a little suspicious Malfoy.
Lo Flitwick is being petty af 
Luna’s great. “No but I’ve done several toes. How different can they be, really?”
Hermione gets mad at Ron for eating while  Harry’s missing, but honestly I would be too. It’d be more like stress eating, but still.
Draco looks so depressed my poor bby
Minnie ain’t got time for that slacking off shit lmao. Also, I feel so bad for Ron. People always sideline him for Harry
Okay, but the potions lesson scene is the one time where Hermione’s hair is as frizzy as should be. Smh
Ugh, NO DUMBLES. Harmione is NOT a thing. It’s all about Hinny and Romione.
I really wish they’d shown more of Voldy’s memories. They were really important plot points.
Whose decision was it to make Draco consistently have a green apple? Not that it’s bad but I’d just like to know which department instigated the Drapple fandom.
“SHUT IT” The one part where Movie Ginny acted like she was SUPPOSED TO
Why you little snitch Ron. Harry’s relationship with his book is very intimate and personal (Jk I love Ron.)
Ron jfc. Ginny can snog whoever she wants to
“What if she saw you here snogging me? Would you expect her to get up and leave?” Hermione you sly mofo.
Aww look at Hermione wrapping her arms around her boys
“Why is it when something happens, it is always you three?”  Because they’re protagonists and shit must always hit the fan around them
“How grand it must be to be the chosen one” Would you like some fries with that salt, Sev?
“Hermione’s got nice skin” Lol they’re both WHIPPED
Belby devouring his desert like a caveman is my aesthetic and mood whenever ice cream is in the vicinity
Good job Harry just abruptly stand up and making A HUNDRED TIMES MORE AWKWARD
Ron why are you acting all condescending?! She low-key asked you to the dinner party!
Have I mentioned how much I LOVE Luna’s lion hat?
Damn the Weasleys are on fire today
“You didn’t put it in. Ron only thought you did” Yes because Harry is slick af and also Slytherdor af.
“I think this room’s taken” Yes now gtfo. Also, I hate how Lavender was black but they made her white when she had any huge significance to the story
“But I am the chosen one” *slap* Come on Hermione let the boy have some confidence. Hitting him is a bit abusive
LOL when Cormac threw up on Snape’s shoes I was like, “Boi you’re fucked.”
Wow Lavender is so extra. She has good writing on foggy windows skills, tho. Mine usually turn out really ugly
I wish she’d (Ginny) fed him a canary cake and then he turned into a canary. And ugh Ron is such a cockblock.
Ugh they fucked up all of the ships in this movie? All of the Hinny scenes were awkward as hell and Ronks wasn’t even canon during that burrow scene.
Speaking of the Burrow scene, I think it’s cool, but they could’ve taken it out to include scenes like Voldy’s other memories, Hinny scenes that aren’t bullshit, tc.
Also, Ginny wouldn’t have just been STANDING there letting Harry defend her. She’d’ve hexed those Death Eaters into next week!
“Excuse me while I go and vomit” I’d wanna vomit too Mione
Oh gods here comes the scene where Harry is so unbelievably not smooth about asking Slughorn for the memory. Prepare for a massive cringe attavk.
“Is that what you told Tom Riddle, sir?” WHY ARE YOU SUCH AN IDIOT HARRY???? LIKE FUCK
“They [the cauldron cakes] were lying on your bed. I thought I’d try one.” Oh Ron your love for food is gonna be the death of you.
Rupert’s acting like he’s wasted is spot on. OMGS when he hugs Slughorn, tho!!!
Gods Slughorn is such an incompetent teacher. DON’T JUST STAND THERE DO SOMETHING GOSH DAMMIT
“And for the record, I’ve always found him interesting” We know Mione we know.
Ugh wonderful the Sectumsempra scene is close. Harry does so many things that give me second-hand embarrassment in this movie.
What I don’t get is how Lav is at a different table when she’s in Gryffindor. They could’ve had her sit at the Gryffindor table for the trio’s in sync judging stare
“Did you and Ginny do it then?” “What?” “Hide the book?” *wiggles eyebrows* They did more than that
Ugh why did he drink the whole damn bottle of liquid luck? He was supposed to save it for Ginny and the trio!
On the other hand, Harry being high and cocky af is the best thing!
“How on earth did you get out of the castle?” “Through the front door”
“Harry!” “Sir!”
Aww Hagrid bby don’t cry #ProtectHagrid2k17
Wow Slughorn and Hagrid are so fucking drunk.
Hey at least they included the fish story! That was super cute and feels destroying. Damn this scene tugs at my heart strings. 
WHY WOULD A FORBIDDEN SUBJECT BE FOR HYPOTHETICAL USE???? (I mean unless you’re writing a book, but that doesn’t apply here) I love Slughorn and think he’s an interesting character, but fuck he’s so dense
YES THEY ACTUALLY EXPLAINED THAT THE ROOM OF REQUIREMENT ISN’T ON THE MAP. They should’ve included it on the DVD! This would’ve made Ron’s line about Mione saying that in DHpt2 make so much more sense. Ugh this movie has so many plot holes it physically hurts
“Has it ever crossed your brilliant mind that I don’t want to do this anymore?” For once I agree with Snape. Dumbles is a manipulative asshole.
Okay, so in the books when Sumbles and Harry get to the cliff they swim across the sea or ocean or whatever to get to the cave. And I guess they skipped that part, but still had it happen? So how tf did they swim across it here? The water is way too strong? Apparition maybe?
THAT BOAT LOOKS HEAVY. Why make Harry pull it out all by himself?! You’re a wizard, Dumbledick! Use magic!
Dumbledore yelling that it’s his fault breaks my heart now that I know the context. Like, yeah, he’s an asshole, but poor guy. It’s so tragic.
“Don’t worry, sir. We’re almost there.”  “I’m not worried, Harry. I’m with you.” Oh the fucking irony.
The added choir scene is so haunting
The way Snape walked in gave me GOOSEBUMPS. And “Severus...please.” UGH MY HEART
Nooooo! Hagrid’s cabin! What about Fang?!
So Harry just walked in Dumbledore’s office and ARE THOSE LEMON DROPS ON DUMBLEDORE’S DESK??? FTW!
Ugh I hate how Ron’s in the background for most of the last scene. He’s a part of the trio too!
Aww Fawkes don’t make me cry! Great now I’m emotional.
So overall HBP is my least favorite movie adaption because of how sloppy it is. But damn that ending scene got to me.
I’ve had loads of fun doing these. I guess I’ll both DH movies tomorrow and then OotP on Monday. Later!
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nurseyydex · 8 years
consider this: SMH & one direction
i just wanna talk about smh and 1d ok im so sorry this wasnt supposed to be this long i have no control 
dex grew up with sisters (let me have this he has a bunch of sisters ok) so not only was he completely unable to escape one direction he was not allowed to get away with any sort of ‘bands that have mainly young female fanbases are not real music’ misogyny that lots of teen boys and adult males have 
so he likes 1d he doesnt advertise but he had to listen to them a lot so he knows their entire discography and what they have some good songs ok bro 
so yeah they find their way into his workout playlists so fucking what man they’re fucking hype songs 
his fave is niall bc hes chill and just wants to drink beer and play his guitar and listen to dad rock and he’s irish (dex is irish and is grandma loves niall bc she’s irish and what a sweet young lad) he’s not like die hard niall stan but he knows all of the 1d discourse from his sisters debating (im willing to listen to other opinions my back up is louis bc hes a punk) 
he save up one year (and got help from his fam) to get tickets for his sisters to see a wwa concert as a birthday/christmas/every holiday present bc theyre expensive and they dont have a lot of money 
his mom technically bought the tickets he just helped pay for them and the girls surprised him with a ticket for him to come with (mama poindexter: well i cant let them go alone who’s gonna watch them you have to go make sure they dont get arrested for doing something stupid) dex played it cool but it was such a fun concert and so fun to hang out with his sisters tooo
nursey now is a goddamn hipster u cant tell me he isnt into a bunch of british alternative bands and bc of his brit music phase he knew about one direction from the very start at the x factor stage (he definitely mentions this all the goddamn time when they start becoming popular but he chills out through the years)
hes been to at least one concert for every tour (he even got tickets to the madison square garden show) - he went to every concert with his sister but it was his idea to go and she was just there to keep an eye on him
also a big reason he got into the band was zayn like heres a pakistani muslim boy who’s super talented with these white dudes and that representation is super important (i also hc nursey as muslim or at least partially but zayn is a brown muslim boy killing it so yeah its awesome) 
but nurseys fave tho is harry especially when harry is a total hoe with long hair and jewelry and those red carpet looks like nursey is in love but also in awe bc those sparkly boots and that floral suit like those are iconic Looks™ and nursey loves it bc gender isnt real and he loves hoe looks (zayn is like 1.5 tho bc nursey is in love)
nursey tries to serenade dex with little things one day when they’re chilling by the pond on the grass and dex punches him bc nursey is making him emo even when he knows dex doesnt have emotions (in public in front of people who can see him cry)
bitty likes them they’re no beyonce but theyre fun and attractive and yeah hes gonna have some fun dancing to them he isn’t really up with all the drama and disc*urse until the boys have 1d nights and they watch this is us and the concert dvds bc he learns a lot 
he loves 2013 era harry and all the time liam (that boy is thicc and bitty 100% does not swoon)
holster like come tf on holster loves them he unironically and passionately loves one direction completely unashamed he does not care for your opinions and no one makes fun of him bc he’s a 6′4 fucking big ass hockey player who could drop kick u across campus if he wanted to
he claims he doesnt have a fave but he would die for all of them 
his fave rotates seasonally and he has a different fave for each era 
he went to the tmh tour and he’s gone to every tour since - he goes with his sisters bc its a bonding topic for them he sits at the edge of the floor or at the end of a row on the sides bc hes so tall he feels so bad and he tries to stay out of the way of the little girls behind him but hes nice to them and talks to them and so they like him even if hes a giant
but really he and his sisters are so close bc they have a lot of similar interests and they talk about pop culture stuff and its hard to keep intouch when hes away so much but they have group chats about 1d and tv shows and stuff so its so nice for them to keep up a strong bonding time 
ransom is a britney bitch and holster dragged him into 1d. he’s in it for the memes and the drama really. (he likes the songs and thinks its fun but he wouldnt have been a fan and gone to concerts if it wasnt for holtz)
holster takes him to the wwa concert and they have a blast 
holster also drags his ass to see this is us opening night (they both cry)
chowder just loves everyone and he doesnt understand why people hate 1d (or other pop artists with majority young female fan bases that ppl hate bc misogyny) when theyre so fun he’s not an active /fan/ until smh has team bonding nights involving one direction jam sessions and concert dvd watching and drunk history
on such 1d nights they put on one of the dvds and it accidentally turns into a drinking game (mainly drinking bc this part of my god did u see that !!! THAT NOTE CHANGE !!!! and ZAYN WHY !!!! and other painful parts) and some of them *cough* nursey dex and holster *cough* get possibly the most drunk they ever get bc of this 
theres loud awful drunk singing along and some sobbing (this is definitely not based off of any sort of personal experience whatsoever nope never done this before) 
after the movie when everyone is so drunk they talk about 1d history which is how the veterans teach the others about the exciting drama and disc*urse  
lardo is a bad bitch who is tough as fuck and manages a division I mens hockey team and every single one of them is afraid of her. AND she would not let any bro tease her for liking one direction bc why the fuck not. 
she has plenty of their songs thrown in arting playlists and in pump up playlists 
and she knows theres nothing better to cheer holster up when he’s having a rough day than a 1d dance sesh 
dont forget where you belong is the first song on her team bonding playlist bc its a love song to ur bandmates which transfers very well to love songs to ur teammates 
shitty unapologetically loves 1d and boy bands and girl bands and he supports all things that young girls love but are not taken seriously bc girls like them 
he’s written at least 3 papers/projects on the misogyny surrounding young girls and their interests and involvement in fandom and also boybands (he tries to fight all guys who disrespect girls’ interests and the power of teenage girls)
he’ll randomly show up to a 1d night bc obvi he’s in that gc and he’s ready to party and express emotions and dance and talk drama 
he loves harry bc “THAT FLOW MAN!!! HIS FLOW IS SO SICK!!!”
he cried when harry posted the pic of the hair he chopped off and cried when he saw the another man shoot where harry was defying all sorts of societal norms it was beautiful and his flow is still so nice even this short its ok it’ll grow back better than before
one friday night the lax bros sneak over to try to prank the haus and peak in the window and see half of the hockey team in the living room drunk off their ass singing loudly to a one direction concert on the tv - holster and nursey jumping around attempting to dance along, ransom clinging to bitty on the floor crying about a ‘hiatus’, bitty soothing ransom, dex forgetting about the drink in his one hand to drink rum from the bottle, shitty naked (not surprising) and slow dancing with a life sized cut-out of harry styles with tears streaming down his face (more surprising), and chowder lying on the couch singing through mouthfuls of pie 
they walk back to the lax bro house without executing the prank and they never mention it again
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tobns · 8 years
Greys, for the in-depth fandom questions 😝 (I did them earlier they're fun lol)
 UGH agreed 
Top 5 favourite characters: lexie, mark, cristina, izzie, jacksonOther characters you like: meredith, callie (didn’t like her for a hot second in s7 though), arizona, addison, BAILEY THE QUEEN OF EVERYTHING, george, april, karev only in the later seasons when he grows tf upLeast favourite character: burke. get it away from me. Otps: slexie, japril, merder, calzona, alex and izzieNotps: cristina and burke, romantic izzie and george, romantic mark and callieFavourite friendship: i feel obliged to say the twisted sisters, but i really loved lexie and derek’s friendship a lot. also, callie and derek’s friendship. too fucking hilarious in s9Favourite family: the greys Favourite episode: 5x22, 6x22, or the s6 two-parter finale Favourite season/book/movie: season 6Favourite quote: either mark’s advice about love to jackson in s9 or my baby lexie when she’s like “i’m calm, i’m so calm, i’m the calmest person here.” and then twenty seconds later “BACK THE HELL UP, RIGHT NOW.” also, bailey’s speech to the nurses against mark sloan was iconic as hellMoment that made you fangirl/boy the hardest: i lost my SHIT when mark came up to lexie and told her she could have a husband, i also got unparalleled chills in the s5 finale when george writes ‘007′ on meredith’s hand and she realizes who he isWhen it really disappointed you: when izzie left for what seemed like no good reason???? WHEN MARK AND CALLIE SLEPT TOGETHER. AGAIN. Saddest moment: when mark’s voice cracks when he tells lexie to stop bc she’s going to be fine, when he starts kissing her hands and telling her he loves her over and over again and his voice cracks once more, when mark sees the body bag on the plane and literally diesMost well done character death: mm, i know this is super random but probably adele webber??? literally one of the most heartbreaking and honest moments in all of s9. that and all the other character deaths were ones i couldn’t stand by Favourite guest star: leven rambin i’m biased she’s my everythingFavourite cast member: chyler leigh, eric dane, sara ramirez, ellen pompeo, kate walsh sarah drew, jesse williams, jerrika hinton, caterina scorsone….i love casts yall you can’t make me pick just one (but if i had to it’d be chyler)Character you wish was still alive: ….do i even have to say itOne thing you hope really happens: everything goes supernatural and all my babies return from the deadMost shocking twist: when george wrote 007 on mere’s hand, i’m still shook tbh. i also didn’t see the merger with mw coming so i suppose that countsWhen did you start watching/reading: october of 2016Trope you wish they would stop using: let’s all just not communicate our wishes and desires before we run off and get married and then fight until we’re blue in the face over it!!! also, everyone leaving and dyingOne thing this show/book/film does better than others: knowing when to bring in new characters and how to make sure you fall in love with the newbies and have them grow on you before they (shonda) start to subtract and addFunniest moments: i’ll limit this to a few if i can–6x03 when lexie goes insane and mark is like why god why me, mark’s reaction when he finds out the blonde he’s hitting on is lexie, meredith confronting lexie in the shower and lexie’s like MERE I’M NAKED AND IN THE SHOWER, george and istan, cristina losing her shoe and no one else seeming to care, cristina when she sees owen and grabs meredith and they take off runningCouple you would like to see: slexie. sorry i’m not sorry.Actor/Actress you want to join the cast: i have literally no idea…i want kim raver back if that counts for anything??Most boring plotline: all of season 4 i don’t know herBest flashback/flashfoward if any: the mark flashbacks in 9x01, and all of 9x02 since it’s pretty much a flashbackMost layered character: ameliaScariest moment: s6 finale my heart was in my assGrossest moment: anything to do with eyes, i can’t stomach it and that’s why i couldn’t like julia was bc OPHTHALMOLOGIST EYES NOPE CAN’T DO ITBest looking male: eric dane or jesse williamsBest looking female: chyler leigh (esp as a blonde, hallelujah amen) or addison montgomeryWho you’re crushing on (if any): i mean…have you seen who they castMost beautiful scene (scenery/shot wise): the mark/lexie kiss in adrift and at peaceUnanswered question/continuity issue/plot error that bugs you: HOW ONE MINUTE ALL THE INTERNS ARE THERE AND THEN NEXT IT’S LIKE OH LOL ONLY ONE OF YOU IS LEFTAt what point did you fall in love with this show/book: um, one episode in. i knew i was a goner after the train crashed
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