#fandomlife confessions
chaifootsteps · 1 month
These people are going to give me a rage stroke
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Of course they chose the picture where Blitzo nearly broke down in tears right in front of Stolas while confessing how Stolas's constant treatment of him makes him feel.
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lagosbratzdoll · 2 months
I saw this confession in regard to fans casting indigenous actors for House Stark: tumblr(.)com/fandomlife-confessions/738947497242869760 and I do agree. It did get me thinking about whether or not making House Velaryon black was a good idea. Especially when Aegon III’s children will be black.
I have my own issues with the First Men being framed as indigenous. I cannot actually remember if I have gotten it out anywhere else but I'll summarise it here.
I find the Starks/First Men being indigenous (in the story) problematic because that narrative erases those who sing the song of the earth, the giants and all the other old races who fought, bled and died to keep their home/land. I have a lot of issues with Game of Thrones' portrayal of the old races and I could rant about it for hours but that's not the point of this ask.
To your point, I have repeatedly argued here and elsewhere that making the Velaryon the Black House™ was a decision that lacked forethought. It is a textbook example of benevolent racism, superficial visuals and the emptiness of the diversity movement.
I'm not sure what you mean by the last part but to be honest, I truly believe that the show is going to erase Daenaera to push some bullshit the greens and the blacks made peace with Jaehaera and Aegon the Sad's marriage. So, I don't think the Blackness of Aegon's kids will ever be an issue.
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lizzie-queenofmeigas · 3 months
You ever see a take that’s so bad you actually start feeling sorry for a character you normally hate? 😶
Honestly they have no respect for Alicent. It's sad, she was an awesome villain in the books.
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terrorofthetrident · 22 days
I have an awful feeling this confession is about to become a reality:
idk this seems like a stretch.
i don’t think alicent was ever really hopeful about or viewed the greens/crowning aegon in a super positive light to begin with, so i don’t think there’s much for her to be disillusioned with..she was doing what she felt she needed to do to keep her children safe. though, from the trailer, we do see that she’s overwhelmed with how things are turning out and questioning if the sacrifices she’s made were worth it..
she might feel horrible about the deaths of rhaenyra’s children, but i couldn’t see her helping rhaenyra defeat and kill her own children. no matter what they do. and i don’t think jace is gonna die in season two.
i doubt she would express regret over not marrying helaena to jace since that never would’ve solved anything..
so, i think we already know that alicent and rhaenyra will meet in the season finale, at least from the leaks i can recall, but i don’t think it’s going to end well ?
as of right now, i don’t think this would happen, but we’ll see after season two. i’m definitely not trying to say you or others don’t have any reason to be concerned, but i personally don’t see this happening…at least i hope not (choosing to not be so pessimistic).
sorry if my response seems all over the place.
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alicent-archive · 2 months
Saw this confession and it honestly feels like something that could happen:
I think some aspects are a bit jumping the shark, but I can see Alicent voice regret Helaena didn’t marry Jace and I can also see her help Rhaenyra as an advisor.
Oof okay, the confession definitely enters...fanfic territory and (as you've said) jumps the shark, but I'll try to address the points that concern S2.
Guilt for Luke's death = I think what will cause Alicent's guilt will be shock; it's so early on in the war, that the death of a Targaryen prince and his dragon by the hands of her favoured son would provoke a reaction from most people.
Become disillusioned = This is a biiiit OOC for her, she might have regrets, but I just can't see her become completely disillusioned.
Realising she gains nothing from the patriarchy = I don't think Alicent will...ever realise that. She's a product of her environment and how she was raised, and I don't think she'll ever quite reach that stage.
Quest for Rhaenyra's forgiveness = Rather than forgiveness, I think what will lead her to Dragonstone will be desperation; perhaps this is the last and final attempt Alicent will ever try at peace before she realises that nothing can be done. The realm is at war.
Helaena and Jace = I can't see Alicent admitting to that, and her reasons for refusing were valid. With Helaena, TB have a hostage, and Alicent would never regret NOT putting her only girl in danger for a half measure.
Advisor Alicent = I've got no idea; it really depends how that Dragonstone conversation goes, but I really don't think Alicent would assist or advise Rhaenyra. I think Alicent would try and settle her guilt and choose peace, not continue the war and aid the people attempting to kill her family.
Overall, I've got no clue what S2 is cooking up for my war wives, and all of my thoughts could mean nothing by the end of the season.
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rhaenicentdaily · 3 months
Predictions for S2?
I saw this confession and i can see this being the direction Ryan and Sarah are planning to take:
Oh, hello there! Thanks for asking my opinion! It's like you cared about what I thought? Insane.
To answer you, I don't think I have a personal prediction for season 2 or any of the future ones, but I will say, what you sent is very grim but also very characteristic of what we have seen of House of the Dragon so far.
The writing seems to want to give Alicent more space to emote, but never to grow off of her passivity. I personally would much prefer to see her resolute on her side of the war before going down the regret path. I'd also love to see her lean on her faith more as a coping mechanism for her trauma.
The events per say, I mostly think will in fact happen like it's listed. I would hate to see Alicent effetively acting against her children, but I think something like this might happen, the degree of it is what worries me. It makes sense that they'd make them slowly work together when Rhaenyra is governing King's Landing, they've already shown that both of them care about the people and are knowledged on rulling. It would be a moment for us to feel what could have been if they weren't chained to the patriarchal system that rules Westeros. They will probably parallel their fathers at the same time they are superior to them.
The ending, I believe, will be entirely as it is in this theory: Alicent will watch Rhaenyra die by Aegon's action and will be consumed by her own regret and guilty until poisoning her son trying to put an ending to the war and she will die with Rhaenyra's name in her lips.
The exclusion of her own children in this prediction ("no Viserys and only Rhaenyra's children") is what sits wrong with me. While, yes, the memory of them will always be painful and linked with the war, her blaming her children for what has taken place is not something I see happening nor would wish for her character. By the end, I'd hope she understood enough of the world she was raised in to realize they were a product of their family, like she was.
I know I spoke extensively on Alicent here and not that much on Rhaenyra, but I feel like the predictions you sent are more focused on her.
In the end, I'm never sure what to expect of the writing of the show, mostly because consistency isn't what they are known for. Much like Game of Thrones, the narrative revolves around what will generate more gasps and Twitter reactions of the audience, instead of world, relationship and character building.
THANKS for sharing the predictions and asking my opinion. I love discussing anything involving those two traumatized repressed woman kissers.
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Saw /fandomlife-confessions post up someone's take on Tokyo Mew Mew New recently and got so, so infuriated. That take essentially not only shits on Mia Ikumi's efforts to give the story better pacing and more depths to the characters she created but also the sheer amount of work the studio and VAs have put into the remake. Way too many people have their nostalgia glasses on in regards to the first anime without having read the source material to understand where the folks who produced New are coming from and this upsets me to no end.
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marysblo0d · 1 month
I have a feeling this is going to be Rhaenicent’s journey S2 onwards:
I’m going be honest this seems too good to be true 😭
I can’t imagine Alicent abandoning her children because that has been her main drive so far. Everything she has done is for them so I can’t logically see her actively giving daemon of all people advice on how to kill her son.
I want a Rhaenicent reunion as much as the next person but I don’t think they should just throw logic out the window in order to get it.
I’ll settle for the canon angst because I know I will always have AO3 to rely on. 
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Looks like FandomLife has a SC fan working there.
Good for them?
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princesserica84 · 4 years
Reblog instead of Like!
Hey awesome humans. I just want to say that if you see an awesome piece of fanart on tumblr you should reblog it as well as liking it. These artist are amazing and do a great job of bringing our favourite characters to life. More people should see them. Please reblog them. I’m serious. These artists want to be more known. Reblog this! If you like this and don’t reblog I will bug you.
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ps- everyone go and praise @booigi-boi on how amazing her art is because she doesn’t believe it. This post is for you.
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ohfugecannada · 4 years
Hi I work in fandom life-confessions and while it's unfortunately a while until your confessions get posted as there's many waiting to be made (the submission box was accidentally opened), do I want to share some things. (remove the spaces) [Caprino. no/ shop/en /items/] they sell some old Norwegian puppetry movies with subs, also go to [olvesblog. blogspot. com], go to the 2008 entries, specifically the picturebook Mare, it has a stop-motion movie in the works since 2011 called The Dream Prince
Aw cool! Sorry about submitting stuff when you didn’t intend to open the inbox. If I knew you were full up on submissions I wouldent have made mine. Especially since opening up submissions was an accident. But thanks for the puppetry film recommendations! I’ll definitely go check those out! :)
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ptersparkers · 4 years
pope’s secret
summary: pope’s got a secret. 
warnings: typos, probably.
notes: yall need to hype up pope more like you do with the other white boys.
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When Pope tells you to hold his hand while you’re trying to balance on a shallow piece of concrete, you don’t think much of it. You’re too busy trying not to fall, deciding your ego wasn’t as important as keeping your shins nice and clean. The bottom of your Converse is hitting the hot concrete and you can feel the heat from underneath the soles, but you don’t care. It’s a nice, sunny day out and you would be damned if you were inside the Chateau with minimal air conditioning, if anything. 
His hands are surprisingly soft. This is the last thing you think about before giving up on trying to balance yourself. Pope laughs at your attempt and holds onto your hand when you step off of the makeshift balance beam and he holds on to you until you pull your hand away. You miss the delighted grin on his face when you tell him you’re happy he came outside with you despite the sweltering North Carolinian heat. 
In all honesty, the Pogues never cared much about keeping secrets and it felt like the lot knew more about each other than they did about themselves. You knew everything there was to know about the rest of the group and they could say the same for you if someone were to have asked. The Pogues prided themselves in their ability to never keep secrets to avoid a major rift in the friend group because that was the last thing they wanted.
But Pope has a secret. He keeps it in a drawer hidden behind thoughts that consume him daily and he tries not to think about it unless he’s alone, if at all. Pope’s always trying to brave a smile and find new hiding places in his mind when he can feel this secret crawl to the tip of his tongue, ready for the secret to be spilled. His secret is that he likes you more than a friend. 
When you look extra beautiful on a particular day or you say something profound that makes his eyes widen with interest, he has to breath to keep himself in check. Pope tries to clear his throat and make it look like he was coughing when he wants to think of anything but your lips on his. His mind races and his gaze focuses on anything that isn’t in your vicinity because he doesn’t want to give himself away. 
Pope think he likes you because you took the time to understand him. Out of everyone in the group, he always felt closest to you and he knew it was a matter of time before his feelings graduated from platonic to romantic. 
He can remember the instance when he first felt like his heart was going to burst out of his chest if he wasn’t able to kiss you. You were tired and JJ had convinced you to smoke his joint a few times after you expressed interest in trying it for the first time. None of the Pogues could tell if it was because you had an eight hour shift at The Wreck, the joint, or both, but you were so out of it to the point where JJ had to physically hold you up to keep you from falling while your eyes were drooping. 
Pope looked at you with adoration and loved the way your cheeks became red as the heat of the air seemed to increase. He watched as your cheek pressed against JJ’s shoulder, your face scrunching into an adorable pout when you realized he wasn’t going to carry you to the spare bedroom. Pope volunteered and JJ stood still until he was able to successfully carry you into the bedroom, which both he and JJ were happy to let you occupy. 
Your lips were plump and Pope fantasized about stealing a kiss, but only when he knew you felt the same. In that moment, he tucked you under the comforter and promised to be there in the morning when you woke up. 
He sat with his thoughts that night on the couch as Kiara went back to her house while John B. and JJ shared his room; he liked the way you looked at him if the others spoke over him. He liked to think you were encouraging him to continue talking and his heart always felt like it was beating faster than it should’ve been. He notices that your mind doesn’t wander when he talks about his academic studies and you never make jokes about him being the “mathlete” stereotype. You sit with interest and your eyes don’t gloss over any detail. When you’re around, he feels confident enough to tell the full story, not just a summary. 
But that night, he decided he would never disclose his feelings for you to anyone in fear of ruining the friendship all of them had dedicated time into building. 
You and JJ share the same personality and Pope think she doesn’t stand a chance against the blond that girls can’t seem to get enough of. He never noticed the amount of time you two spent together but started to put together just how often you two hung out if you weren’t with the Pogues and how often you two would sit by each other when you were. Pope tried not to be jealous and tried to remind himself that you hung out with John B. alone as well, but he couldn’t shake the lingering feeling off of his shoulders that seemed adamant to make him feel anxious about a potential rejection if he were ever to tell you about his feelings for you.
The man sat with his mouth shut one day when he realized you and JJ were late to the Chateau. Kiara tried to console him, upon learning his feelings, but even she had to admit you were spending more time with JJ than usual. JJ was at your place if he wasn’t in the Chateau or you’d be int he van with him, off to the beach to catch a wave at sunrise. 
Pope’s heart began to falter when he realized he might lose you, and the idea of the two of you. to JJ. His daydream about being in a healthy relationship with you was slipping from his grasp and he didn’t know if he wanted a last first kiss or not. He could feel his heart clench when you two arrived and when you had barely looked at Pope before dashing to the spare bedroom with JJ. Neither of you had said more than a meek “hello” with a wave before disappearing around the corner and Kiara gave pope her most hopeful eyes. But there was no hope. 
Until Pope decided to approach the guest bedroom. 
“You’re not a loser,” JJ reassured. Pope couldn’t see anything and his back was flat against the wall beside the threshold. “You’re just someone who doesn’t know how to confront their feelings.”
“Is this supposed to make me feel any better?” you asked. Pope could hear the sarcasm drip from your tone and grinned to himself. 
“Shut up,” JJ said, which made Pope think he rolled your eyes. There was always an ounce of sarcastic humor between the two of you. “You’re the person he trusts the most. I know I’m shit at this ‘love’ stuff but I know Pope and I know you. I can’t imagine two better people dating.” 
Pope’s heart was caught in his chest and his eyes widened at JJ’s remark. He heard you sigh and hadn’t dared to let out a breath as he waited for your response. 
“What do I say? How do I tell him that I’ve been in love with him since we were twelve and that I’d do anything to make sure he gets the future he deserves? I can’t even get the courage to hold his hand under the table, for Christ’s sake.” 
JJ saw Pope’s figure emerge from the doorway and Pope didn’t miss the grin that donned on JJ’s lips. The blond put his hands you on shoulders and turned you around, your eyes widening at the realization that Pope heard your confession. 
Wordlessly, JJ stepped around the two of you and left you to your wits and merits. Your eyes locked with Pope and you knew it would be useless to deny everything you had just said. The ball was in his court now and he knew it. 
Pope didn’t need to say anything. The feeling of his lips on yours and his hands around your waist told you everything you needed to know about how he felt about you.
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thirstystarkey · 4 years
Summary: JJ and Y/N have always fought, since everyone can remember. They both have short tempers and a endless love for surf and chaos. But what happens when they have to pretend to be a couple? Well.. people always said that hate can sound like love sometimes.
Warnings: Mention of underage drinking, drugs, minor violence, some smutty scenarios and a ton of sexual induendos, JJ being a hot idiot and Y/N a wild girl brat
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“What the actual fuck?”
That was the first thing heared once the pogues arrived to the boneyard, away from all the previous chaos. Y/N was fuming with all the irresponsibility of her friends but specially JJ.
“Yeah man, what was that all about?” John B asked worried.
“Retaliation.” JJ spelled sarcastically.
“Cut that bullshit, seriously JJ.” Y/N said loud and angry.
“Oh look at the pogue princess mad that the actual pogues did something about themselves.” The blond boy spoke, his words cutting through Y/N like knives full of venom.
“Fuck you, you don’t really understand don’t you?” She yelled hitting his chest. “I was worried for you and Pope! Do you actually think I enjoy all of this? Fuck you JJ, I am done with you.” Y/N stated with a few tears falling down.
“We drowned Topper’s boat..” Pope finally spoke, making everyone turn to him.
“Why would you do that?” Kiara inquired.
“Yeah, Pope why did we do it?” JJ asked Pope, sitting in a old branch. “You know what, let me make it clear for all of you, we drowned Topper’s boat because he and his little kook friends caved Pope’s face in the other day.” JJ told the whole truth.
Y/N sighed loudly, she had no idea what had previously happen to Pope and she felt bad for exploding like that on JJ, she didn’t meant anything. The girl sat beside Pope and JJ, hugging Pope tightly.
“I’m so sorry Pope, I had no idea.” She said sincere. “We are always here for you, you know violence isn’t the answer for anything.”
“She’s right.” Kiara backed Y/N. “But it’s done already so now we have to deal it this.”
Eventually they all went home but Y/N pulled JJ away from them, he didn’t even looked at her, all the rage still boiling inside him.
“Can we talk?” She asked softly, caressing his hand. “Please JJ?”
“I’m listening.” The boy said cold, looking above her.
“Not like this, look at me.” She pulled his face down, carefully. “Let me take care of your wounds and then we can talk.” Y/N offered but JJ rolled his eyes.
“Look Y/N this is really fun and all but I don’t need you feeling sorry for me.”
“I don’t feel sorry for you JJ.” Y/N stated. “I care about you, there’s a big difference between those two feelings.”
“Yeah right, of course you do.” JJ crossed his arms mocking her.
“You don’t believe me?” Y/N asked, mostly to herself. “I care about you since the day you helped me when I passed out.” She confessed. “You know what, actually I’ve cared long before that day. I’ve always cared about you, who do you think gave John B the first aid kit he has in his house for you, when you show up all messed up for god knows what reason?” The red head girl ramble almost stumbling her words duo to the shaky voice from the tears. “I did! All these years, even when you made my life hell. I was the one who pulled you out of the water when you decided to go surf a hurricane!” Y/N yelled, feeling her throat hurt.
“You told me it was Kiara.” JJ said confused, avoiding the first aid kit situation.
“I begged her to say so.” Y/N said clearing her tears from her cheeks, looking away.
“Why?” JJ asked, this time softly.
“Because I was scared of your reaction.” She shrugged. “I thought you hated me.”
“Well I thought the same thing about you.” JJ laughed pulling her close. “But I don’t hate you Y/N. I’ve never hated you.” He whispered, hugging her while playing with her hair.
“I don’t hate you JJ.” Y/N said crying into his neck. “I’m sorry.” She sniffed.
“Hey hey hey, don’t cry please.” He told her, holding her face in between his hands. “It’s okay, people say stuff when they’re mad, stuff they don’t mean.” He assured her.
They stayed some time like that, just hugging each other tightly. Getting a feel of safety from the embrace, until it started raining and they were forced to get out of the rain. Drenched in water they stepped into John B’s chateau. John B fast asleep in his room at that time.
“You should take a hot shower while I get you some clean clothes.” JJ said when they entered John B spared room, which at this time was JJ’s room.
And so she did, feeling the relief of the hot water in her tense muscles. The water running down her body, taking away all the tension and hurt from her spirit, leaving her clean and more light. Once she was done Y/N wrapped a towel around her body, stepping making her away back to JJ’s room who blushed seeing her in just a towel, water still dripping down her body, and her hair sleeked back.
“I-I got you some clean clothes for the night, while yours wash during the night.” He explained handing her the clean clothes.
“Thank you JJ.” Y/N smiled, trying not to blush. “You should go do the same thing as well before you get cold.” She laughed.
“Yeah.. you’re right.” He agreed, scratching the back of his head. “I’ll go do that, while you change.”
After JJ left the room Y/N sigh against the door. Feeling her cheeks turn into a rosy shade. On the other side of the door JJ did the same thing wondering if he should’ve kissed her like his gut was telling him to, but he didn’t wanted to rush her into anything specially not when she was almost naked. JJ respected her.
When he was done and dressed ready for a night of sleep, Y/N was already fast asleep in his bed. Something he never thought he’d seen even though it brought him peace of mind having her so calm next to him. Her chest moved tranquil up and down as she breathed, curled in herself waiting for him to lay next to her. The first time they slept together because the pogues made them JJ didn’t get the chance to appreciate her peaceful expression, she looked angelic.
Carefully JJ layed next to her, pulling the sheet over her body to warm her during her sleep, Y/N whispering something in her sleep that JJ couldn’t understand, while she turned to him hugging him, pressing her face into his chest.
“Shhh, I’m here, I’m here.” JJ whispered. “It’s okay angel.”
JJ smiled at her action, feeling his whole body relaxed at her touch, quickly he surrounded her body with his arms, embracing her. His chin rested on top of her head while his arms hugged her and caressed her her skin affectionately, eventually dozing off in a mess of tangled limbs.
“Good dreams sugar.” JJ kissed her forehead before falling asleep.
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blackfilmmakers · 3 years
Mod Nen from @fandomlife-confessions here. I have no idea what "reblog this if you are a part of this or that race" has to do with fandom, maybe some of them include fandoms, maybe they use the blog for Tumblr confessions in general I don't know. And for me, an European, making those images feel so weird. Why are Americans still referring to people as "races", that's... Something the nazis did so we stopped using race to describe people after WW2. Closest is maybe ethnicities, but it's used differently. I'm not saying there aren't racism in Europe, there unfortunately is. But Americans saying races, and European descendants over there there calling themselves "Caucasians" makes no sense to me, as most of them have ancestors from nowhere near Caucasus.
Sorry if weird or if coming off as rude (please tell me if I do), I'm not very good at social stuff... I was one of those with infectiously poor eyesight at elementary...
You're fine Mod
I don't know what part of Europe you're from, but in the countries I've lived in and visited, people do call others by their race and use the concept of race when prompted. And yknow like you said, racism is still rampant in Europe, which means the use of racial identities are going to be brought up
The concept of race was made by Europeans way before Nazi Germany. It was used mainly to justify the enslavement of groups that didn’t fit a certain racial class
For PoC who use race as an identity, I’m sure part of it is to share a sense of community. Especially for the case of Black people, where our identities have been stripped away. There’s also the fact that race is so ingrained into our societies, that it’s impossible to not bring it up
As for the Caucasian label, I'm honestly not sure how that started. Then again, White Europeans pretty much made up race to fit their own ideals and justify slavery
It’s something I can understand why people are questioning it’s usage due to its initial intent. But unfortunately it’s embedded into nearly all systems. It’s going to still be relevant for a long time in order to dismantle all the harm it brought
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ricksbowen · 4 years
can i request a joshua bassett imagine about you being a cast member on hsmtmts and the whole cast knows josh likes you but you’re oblivious and at the premier frankie and everyone is teasing you about joshua staring at you the whole night
flashing cameras | j.b
IN WHICH: joshua looks at you as if you’re his favorite movie.
INSPIRATION: electric love — borns
Tumblr media
“Y/N! Y/N!”
A bright smile appeared on your face as you walked up to the reporter, greeting his with a polite hug as she held the microphone up to you.
“Oh, look at you! You look gorgeous!” the reported gushed, and you felt your face burn red at her compliment. You never did get used to the fame. One minute you were auditioning for a new show, the next you were cast as one of the main characters.
“Thank you, it means a lot,” you responded with a smile that would’ve made anyone’s heart melt.
“You play Isabella Bordeaux in High School Musical: the Musical: the Series, right?” the reporter began, and you nodded in response. “Can you tell us a little bit about her? She’s a new character in the second season, right?”
“Right,” you beamed, trying to keep a cool head as you started talking. “Well, she’s a French exchange student, and she’s a junior,” you explained. “She’s not really the type to join a musical; she’s a cheerleader, but one of the more quiet and honest ones.”
“It must be hard speaking French for the camera. Did you have to take lessons?”
“Well, all I had prior to filming was the French class I was taking in school,” you said with a shy smile, letting out a relieved sigh when the reporter laughed politely.
How could you look so pretty while doing the most simple things? Joshua asked himself that question more times than he’d like to admit, and as his eyes lingered on you and not at the camera, he heard someone bump him in the hip playfully.
“You are terrible at being discreet,” Frankie snickered, his voice low enough for only Joshua to hear. Olivia was beside him, smiling teasingly as his face burned red. It almost hurt them how oblivious you were to Joshua’s fleeting looks and longing eyes. You had always been blind to cues that were even a little bit romantic; it was obvious in the way you’d unknowingly shoot Joshua down in his attempts by giving him a high five.
“What do you mean?”
“You know exactly what he means,” Olivia remarked, smiling towards the camera for just a second before looking back at Joshua. If only the paparazzi knew what they were talking about; they’d eat it up in a second. “I swear, you were drooling before we came here.”
Joshua frowned a bit, fingers consciously reaching for his mouth to check of any drool. The action made Olivia and Frankie laugh, and Joshua knew he was gonna be in for it later. He grinned at the camera, posing with his friends before he heard heels click quickly up to him. He felt his skin turn warm and nerves prick his skin at the familiar sound.
“Sorry! This sweet reporter had so many questions and I answered them all — she seemed nice, y’know?” you ranted, adjusting your dress and moving closer to Joshua and smiling. His heartbeat picked up, blush deepening on his face as he heard Frankie chuckle at Y/N’s words.
“Y/N L/N, you are too precious.”
The after party was wild.
You never did get used to seeing random famous people walk up to you and congratulate you or compliment you on how great you were in the show. Their words rendered you into a sputtering, blushing mess of ‘thank yous’ and ‘I love you and everything you do, thank you so much.’
You practically lost it when you saw Finn Wolfhard there. Why as he there? You didn’t know, but you weren’t complaining.
“I’ve never seen so many famous people in one place,” you muttered to Sofia, who only shook her head.
“Me neither. Oh my God, I don’t even know why they all came,” Olivia was almost as giddy as you, pointing out ( literally ) every celebrity there.
“Pointing’s rude,” Matt commented alongside the rest of you, and you glared at him.
“The only thing keeping you from not freaking out is the open bar.”
“Being 21 comes with its perks,” he retorted with a smile. “At least I’m not Frankie or Larry. Their living their lives at the bar,” Matt pointed his drink to the nearby bar, where Frankie and Larry were talking animatedly to Joshua. Joshua — who was way too sober compared to any of them — was only grinning widely while Frankie made crazy hand gestures. He turned towards the rest of you, eyes widening once they met yours, and he immediately turned away.
You could hear the others laugh at his reaction, Sofia bumping your hip playfully to get you to snap out of whatever trance you were in.
“He’s whipped,” Sofia remarked with a laugh, making your face a deep red at her words.
“For who?” you managed, looking at your cast mates. They were all gaping at you, almost incredulous at your unawareness towards social cues.
“What do you mean for who?”
Joshua looked back at you and the others, eyes lingering on your form as you looked at the others with furrowed brows. A fond smile appeared on his face just at the sight of you, but the spell you put him under broke the moment Frankie clapped him on the back.
“Do something!” Larry motioned wildly to you, eyes wide for emphasis. “You’ve been drooling over her since she first walked into set!”
“Have not!” Joshua fired back, making Frankie snort.
“Have too!” Frankie laughed out, voice loud against the bass boosted music. “Look; she’s terrible at reading cues. The eyes you’re making towards her?” Frankie tutted, shaking his head in shame. “Not working other than for your very dear cast mates. So,” he motioned to you yet again, and when Joshua turned to look at you, you were already looking at him.
Sofia and Olivia were whispering in your ear, something that Joshua could make out thanks to the music. But you looked unsure, your eyes darting to Matt while he smiled encouragingly. Julia and Dara walked up to them, their eyes widening when Sofia explained everything to them, and they too started telling you things with a wide smile. The curiosity was too much.
“Attaboy!” Larry yelled as Joshua stood up, gently making his way past the crowd. Unknown to him, you were doing the same, the encouraging cheers of your friends behind you fueling your confidence and your nerves.
“Excuse me,” you mumbled, pushing past yet another person and accidentally bumping into Joshua, your eyes wide as you looked at him.
“Hey!” Joshua managed, a nervous smile on his face.
“Hi,” you breathed out, all confidence now thrown into the wind as you swallowed dryly. “You wanna step out for a bit?”
“Yeah! Yeah, sure,” Joshua murmured, voice going quiet as he felt your hand take his. It felt so natural, your fingers intertwining with his as you led him out of the crowd.
The fenced back kept all the paparazzi away, and you led him outside to the cold LA air. You loved California when it was nighttime; the weather was perfect and the rare instance of stars was breathtaking.
Your hand was still holding his as you walked out. The music became muffled by the sliding glass doors, and you led him to a swinging bench. You looked up at the few stars that hung over head, the waning moon accompanying them in the sky. You let out a small exhale, a breathy, “wow,” leaving your lips.
“It’s pretty, huh?” you murmured to Joshua, your eyes set on the glowing moon. The moonlight hit your face perfectly, making you look like an angel on earth.
Joshua hummed, eyes on you as he nodded his head. “It’s beautiful.”
You looked at him, face blooming red when you saw him looking at you. He was talking about you. “Nice one,” you forced out behind the want to cheer and thank the world.
Nice one? Was that all you could manage?
“Sorry. I meant thanks. I dunno.” You gazed down at your heels, silently cursing yourself for your own words.
A chuckle rumbled deep in his chest at your reaction, his own face red. “You know,” Joshua managed through his nerves, “I thought you were gorgeous when you walked into set.”
You didn’t look at him, but your eyes widened.
“Yeah. That’s kinda why I tripped when I walked over to introduce myself. It’s also why I kinda avoided you for a few days because I couldn’t believe I tripped.” Joshua sighed, his confession coming out like a ramble that he couldn’t stop.
“I guess you could say I fell for you,” he joked, and that was what made you look up at him with a grin.
“You really had to make a pun out of it?” you asked with a laugh, the sound alone making his heart skip a beat.
“I had to get you to look at me somehow. And you know you love my jokes,” Joshua remarked, making you scoff and roll your eyes with a beaming smile.
You put your head on his shoulder, the action making him grin like a lovestruck fool. “You’re lucky I like you, Bassett,” you said softly, thumb swiping lightly over his hand. “For me, I think it was when I caught you stealing leftovers at 3 AM while I was trying to do the same.”
You heard him laugh at your words, and you peered up at him. Joshua looked back down at you, the blushes on your cheeks matching. The moment almost seemed too perfect, as if it had fallen out of an oddly detailed WattPad book and into your lives. You weren’t complaining.
You leaned up, and he leaned down. Your lips met in a soft kiss, and you swore you could hear your friends cheer.
TAGS: @tomshufflepuff, @myrandom-fandomlife, @softpeteparker, @sarcarstic-space-weirdo, @allaroundaddict, @cherrydolan
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