#fashionably late by *checks date* oh god
voidedjuice · 6 months
Pudding in 19!!
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mossyivy · 5 months
(If u already mentioned something about this then pls ignore this)
But the dynamic between Leon, his wife, and the kids it’s giving me — his wife’s mom loves him soo much/smothers him and same with the grandkids. While the wife’s dad…whenever they’re alone there’s that tension. That “oh, so you’re the one dating —err my daughter’s husband despite Leon and his wife being married for ever how long 😂 there’s always that dynamic lol.
Imagine they’re visiting the grandparents house. Kids excited. Violet acting like she’s not (she is), Cecilia happy and kicking her feet because she knows granny makes the best cakes/pastries, and Scotty..well whatever babies do. Babble.
While Leon is out here sweating and his wife all happy seeing her parents again.
Timeline establishing moment: they met in late '07- early '08. Got married in late '10 and conceived Violet on their honeymoon (they weren't fucking around with having babies). So if we're going by current times of '24 they've been married 14ish years...
Readers parents I'd imagine we're an old fashioned couple. Her father probably an Ex military general. Like, Leon even in the Army heard stories of this guy but never got to meet him until you brought him home to your folks. Your mother was just a homemaker raising her daughter on the words of Betty Friedan and Gloria Steinem. Raising a strong woman with the love/compassion of her mother and the strong will/ambition of her father.
But yes! His wife's mother absolutely ADORES Leon. Every time they visit she immediately starts fussing at him about taking care of himself too along with the family. Probably shoves food on him like a dealer trying to sell drugs. Literally will not stop giving him kisses on his head and calling him "the perfect son she always wanted". Insists on him calling her Mom which he happily obliged. She's so happy you married a good man like Leon and gave her 3 beautiful grandbabies.
Her father... Oh God... The moment Leon hears his father-in-law mutter "Hello Leon." He's immediately like misses puff...
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Leon is PETRIFIED of this man. Always calls him Sir. Even when her father calls him Leonard (literally not even his name...) The only bonuses Leon has going for him is working for the government (good pay and job security), can protect his family/army training and giving them grandkids.
But grandpa with their grandbabies... COMPLETELY DIFFERENT MAN. Super gentle and sweet, especially towards his granddaughters. Constantly slips them money. Grandma is doting over Scottie, she loves babies, and taking him off their hands.
Violet is constantly acting like she doesn't want to be there, but the second grandpa shows up it's like she's 5 again she's so excited. Cecilia too, running at top speed to throw herself at him. He slips them both $20, Cecilia excited that she got money runs back to her parents... So grandpa slips Violet another $20 cause he knows she's older. Knows the worth of money and before they leave they always get a fat check for each kids college funds their grandparents opened for them as soon as they found out they existed. (Ofc grandparents spend their retirement on their grandbabies)
Cecilia gets to go home with half a cake from grandma and frozen cookie dough because as good as a baker daddy is grandma's still the best (🙄)
Violet gets her money and a new crochet hat every visit. She has a collection of them that she keeps her pin collection stuck to.
Scott gets toys, a trunk load of toys and clothes that he can grow into. Plus a lot of advice on raising a baby... Like you two hadn't already been raising 2 girls but okay.
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itstheghostofmypast · 5 months
MOOT GAME: " make up a trope for your moots and their biases. doesn’t need to be romantic. can be crackfic/funny/anything you want ^ㅇ(๑>◡<๑)ㅇ^ "
Okay- so, first of all, thank you so much Anon, for this ask and I'm sorry I responded to late, but I had to take my time with this one.😭💖.
So here it goes, (i know i said i'd do two biases, im sorry guys, i love yall too much and i get too invested the word count was killing me)
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1) @edenesth
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Park Seonghwa- Rivals to Lovers
Here me out, he owns an old book shop across the street, he's been there longer than you too. This was his turf, his town, his people, people who loved to read in his cozy library, with its olden print books, worn out pages, read through by generations of the same family.
All was great until one spring she shows up, with her whole pastel plus minimalistic vibes, all with the cutesy trinkets and plants, with warm lights- he noticed some books too, but they were only for show- in conclusion it was a horrid place.
A horrid place where most teens would go to after school now, no longer going to his bookshop, where they'd gossip, read novels or mangas, or even look at pretty pictured magazines (the safe kind, mind you he kept nothing nasty). What's worse was that the older folk began to go there, too! Especially because of how nice she was to them, so polite and so pretty and - ANNOYING.
He even went to 'inspect' the place, with a sour mood and an ill intention, though he was greeted with a burst of sweet aroma, one that had his stomach growling and his inner foodie, begging him to pick at least one of the many pastries or have a cup of steaming, delicious coffee. What came next was worst, her, with her gentle smile and angelic features.
"Hello! Welcome to Spring Avenue, how may we help you today?"
"You're taking my traffic."
"I'm sorry, I don't understand."
"Of course you don't."
With that he had walked out, starting a cold war, between the two. Ironically, she was a pacifist, never a fighter, but boy, did he piss her off, he knew all those buttons that would have her steaming like a hot latte.
The war had begun;
It all began when he put a " 10% off sign on Mangas, Fashion Magazines and Manhwas" that took a god chunk of her traffic.
In retaliation, she launched a "Friendship campaign, any customer that brings a friend gets a cake slice free."
Spend 2 hours reading here and leave with a borrowed book/novel of your choice."
"Buy a coffee and get a cookie free."
This continued throughout the season, so did their rivalry, to an extent that led their divided customers sense the tension. And like usual, highschoolers are escapists and this little feud of Seonghwa and her's was a problem they'd like to avoid, from her cafe they could see their beloved bookshop owner Seonghwa scowl at them, and if they were leaving the bookshop, the kids could feel the uneasiness in her smile that she give them once they'd pass her by.
"Congratulations, you're in loss." She sighed, closing the file, earning a scowl from the cafe owner, "Hey, I'm just here to check your bills, loss, and profit stuff, don't shoot the messenger."
"Alexia, come on." She whined, this was her dream, she'd put in her life's savings for this, "What should I do, Lexi?"
"Gosh, maybe not give out stupid discounts four times in a month?" Alexia sighed, rubbing her face, leaning back to stare at the bookshop across the street, "San said he knows the owner, maybe you guys could do a collab, instead of trying to each other's traffic."
"Who's San?" She asked her best friend, slash account manager and Public Relations officer- wait, was she dating!?
"Oh- uh- hey would you look at the time?" Alexia got up, grabbing her disposable coffee cup and bag, "Tell you what, you ask the bookshop owner dude about this? Okay? I'll get back with the details on Monday!" She called out as she walked towards the door, ignoring the cafe owner's questions about this San, "BYE LOVE YOU!"
That's how she found herself standing Infront of his bookshop that evening, still debating if she should go in or not? Was this idea even worth it, the guy was rude, annoying, stupid, incredibly handsome and sweet with kids and- the hell.
"Can I help you?" His deep voice came out of no where
She almost jumped out of her skin, only to turn around and spot the man she had been hating for the past ten months, standing there in all his angleic glory, with that ugly sweater and that overly comfortable scarf, not to mention his hair, his undercut had grown, quiet well too, perhaps he really was blessed with good genes.
"I uh..." she trailed off, pouting to herself, thinking of how he'd react, maybe he would make fun of her, or insult her or even go as far as to tell the town about her poor business management skills.
"Are you still open?" his question had caught her off guard, staring at him quietly wanting to see if this was a trick, only it wasn't, for when she nodded, he had looked around and then asked if he could...get a cup of coffee from there.
Of course she had said yes, why on earth would she say no to a customer, she needed the business. Unfortunately, that one cup of coffee, turned into two, then three, well- not as unfortunate as she would like it to be.
The two, mind you, who still didnt like each other, began to learn a lot about each other. He learnt how she was genuinely a sweet, caring and gentle person, her persona was indeed not fake but very real, this is who she was. She on the other hand, learned that he had inherited this business from his family, and he was an avid reader- sort a geek, a cute geek, a cute geek that could eat a whole chocolate cake with three mugs off coffee like it was nothing.
It wasn't until the third week of him visiting her cafe, that when he had stepped out to go there, he had bumped into her. She had almost fallen, but he was quick, gripping her wrist and pulling her into his chest, only to laugh when she mumbled an excuse, though he was glad she couldn't hear how his heart was hammering against his chest, wanting to stuff itself in the breast pocket of her coat.
That day she had asked him if she could check out his book shop, because she had been looking for old English bakery recipes and she couldn't find it anywhere, not any store around or online. Of course he had taken her to the right isle, in the right section in no time, this bookshop was his life and collecting and sifting through books was his passion, that day he had seen her passion, she had sat there, on the floor the entire night, reading book after book, mumbling to herself as she noted down recipes. He had sat next to her, helping her jot down notes, bringing her coffee- well not as good as hers, but good enough. At one point he had even ordered them a late night snack, well snacks, because he's a growing boy. He had closed the shop with the two inside, even pulled out a blanket and some cushions from the lounging area so she could comfortably work- she was a passionate girl and ironically he had realised something that night, only it turned into a full blown epiphany in the morning.
Next morning she had woken up right next to him, her head on his shoulder, his arm wrapped around her as the blanket was draped over the two, they had fallen asleep while reading- oh my, he really was pretty up close.
Though the two pretended nothing had happened, nothing had changed, however, everyone around them had noticed, the highschoolers would giggle when he'd come to her cafe for a cup of coffee, or how the older folk would pat him on the back when she'd step into the bookshop calling him out for help, with her little, "Hwa?"
Neither really knew how it happened, but one night while closing up he had waited outside for her, telling her he'd drop her home, even though she lived close by. Slowly this had become part of their routine, he'd often talk about the latest manga or an issue to the Star Wars comics or whatever on earth he'd talk about, but she'd always listen. Always smile and laugh at his jokes, while he'd readily accept any test recipes she'd try, telling her that his stomach was like a blackhole.
But when do the two get together? Simple, on New Years Eve, when he had to close his shop but she had decided to leave her cafe open, wanting to cater to all those who were celebrating the arrival of the new year with their loved ones, she knew Seonghwa had to go home anyway and she didn't want to spend the night alone since her family was out of town. What she did not expect was a few minutes before the strike of midnight, the cafe door chimed open as she turned to greet the customer, only to freeze at the sight before her- Seonghwa entering with a bouqet of origami flowers, smiling at her as he slowly walked to her;
"I- I know you don't like plucking flowers or bouqets, so I made you these."
"You...made these?"
"I...because I..." but before he could finish his sentence his ears picked up the count down, causing him to quickly place the flowers on the counter and as soon as the fireworks rang in her ears, it was as if she could feel the burning warmth in her body, taking a second to process how his lips were on hers, his hands cupping her face as her hands instinctively went up to grip his coat, pulling him even closer. Who knew that one day she'll end up opening a cafe that also served as a bookstore, who knew that one day, her little, evil, handsome rival bookseller, would be the New Year's kiss she never knew she needed, the man she never knew she needed, the lover that she was blessed to have.
2) @yessa-vie
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Jeong Yunho- Neighbors to Lovers
No, she was not the new tenant, he was, and for some ungodly reason he was also extremely ill-prepared to live alone. Like any other weekend, she was leaving her apartment to go to the cafe to sit in peace and finish her novel, but God had other plans. She had opened the door to come face to face with a tall, good-looking man, though the smile he wore scared her- he was one of those extroverts.
No, he was not mean at all, nor was he the manipulative kind, Jeong Yunho really didn't know how the pre-installed dishwasher worked, that's why he had come to her that fateful weekend, about to knock on the door but she had beat him to it, opening the door before he could, earning a sheepish smile in return- who knew his neighbour would be so gorgeous, who knew purple could look so good on someone?
"Hey, I- I moved in across the hall, apartment 19, lol, I guess we're neighbours, huh?"
She had only nodded meekly at his question, pulling her satchel closer to her person, not because she didn't like him, no, but because she wasn't much of a talker anymore, not so confident either and also- because regardless of how good looking this stranger was, he was still a stranger.
"I'm Yunho- Sorry to bother you, I know you must be going somewhere, but I- I uh- I wanted to know if you know how to operate the dishwasher?"
That's how she found herself in his apartment, leaving the maindoor wide open, so she could escape if something were to happen, but to her surprise he was just a regular idiot, one who thought the dishwasher was a rack used to dry the dishes- men.
That night Yunho met an angel, one who seemingly had her life planned out, held together well, while he was still trying to build something out of his- data analyst or not, living alone was not the easiest thing to do, yet, she seemed so nonchalant about it.
Overtime however, she noticed how he would come over to ask her for help often, sometimes it was the 'fridge isn't working right' other times it was the 'how much water do you add to rice while boiling it?' Honestly, she would've told him to piss off if it were anyone else, but it was her polite neighbour, her sweet polite, new neighbour who would pass her by in the corridor every morning, smiling at her and wishing her a good morning- even if she wasn't a morning person.
Ironically, he continued to ensure they cross paths, only because he wanted to get to know her, to talk to her, he really needed a friend, and since moving here meant Mingi and him could no longer hang out 24/7, he really needed another person to talk to, someone who was not Hongjoong from the finance department.
Ironically, she did not protest or tell him to get lost, instead she's quietly help him whenever he'd approach her, giving him a shy smile then going back to her apartment. That purple door tempting him to go back and knock on the old wood, wanting to know what Narnia like secrets she hid behind.
She let it be, truthfully, she wanted fo befriended him, but during these little adventures, she realised she had begun to neglect her book, the same book she had a deadline for, the same book she had been working on day and night, and now this puppy pops up and takes all her attention?
So what does she do? Simple, she starts to create some form of distance, leave before he'd be awake, come back home later too, also even if he did come to knock on her purple door, she wouldn't be there to answer it, so technically she wouldn't feel guilty right?
Wrong, instead God had punished her with a severe writer's block, one so bad that she had missed two of her deadlines, and according to her publisher, she was on her last chance. That's how she found herself at the very cafe where she would find solace, now on the verge of tears, staring at the laptop in pure agony, maybe this was payback for leaving him unattended and ignoring him or maybe she was never meant to be a writer.
A fresh cup of coffee was placed next to her hand, causing her to quickly pull back and look at the stranger, only her panicked eyes met a softer, more timid gaze, a gentle smile gracing her presence.
"Hey... you looked like you needed the juice." He smiled, gesturing towards the chair, as if asking for permission to sit down next to her, to which she nodded.
"I uh..." she paused. Should she even be asking him how he's been? Does she have the right to do so, or are they just neighbours- well, at this point, two strangers living across each other.
"I read your books by the way," he began, giving her a gentle smile, as he felt the way she had tensed up, honestly, initially he thought she was like that because his presence made her uncomfortable, but he soon realised it wasn't him, but she usually was this tensed all the time, this nervous and unsure, which made no sense to him because she was one of the most well functioning person he had met in the city, and he was glad to have moved in next to her, "It's great, the plotline is amazing and the details- you really captured the essence, I particularly liked the world you created, honestly, when I moved here I thought everyone wore those 'blockers' too. To not...feel stuff you know," he turned to look at her, only to catch her staring at him, a small chuckle escaping him when she cleared her throat, averting her gaze, "You were the only one who was nice enough to help me, even for the stupidest of tasks...it means a lot."
She stared at him in awe and disbelief. She had been trying to avoid him for almost a month now, couldn't he tell? Or was he just playing dumb- I mean he totally could be dumb, he didn't know a toaster comes with settings, just thought the numbers were there for the appeal.
After that the two began to "spend time together", it was strictly casual mind you, nothing personal, though he would drop by more often than usual, sometimes after work, sometimes on the weekends- to have dinner with her, he'd bring dessert, or to watch a movie with her, he'd bring the snacks- no, nothing domestic at all.
Or so they thought, because a few months in, he had come over by swinging the door open, yes he had the keys and she had his keys, only to find her standing there all dressed up.
"Where are you off to? What about movie night?"
"Oh no..." she gasped, "Yuyu, I forgot to tell you I had a date tonight." A date? Why? With whom?
"Wait, why?"
"What do you mean why?"
"Why would you go on a date when we- I mean...isn't it weird? Shouldn't you be more focused on your book, instead of this temporary romance?"
"Temporary romance?!"
"W-wait, I didn't mean it like that. It came out wrong-"
"I said get out!"
That happened a week ago, she had been avoiding him for a whole week, she had been ignoring his calls, his texts, his knocks- no he didn't barge into her apartment, it took him a great amount of time to get her to open up to him and he idiotically clowned himself. So he decided to go to the next thing, go to the official reading of her book launch.
He waited there at the back, listening to her intently, taking in each word, who knew he would ever fall in love with, her neighbour, the same girl who had helped with the dishwasher, brought him dinner at night, spent time teaching him the usual ropes of living alone- who knew the very same girl had changed the plot of the book, basing it on her life, expressing how the shy, depressed protagonist, who thought dying her hair purple would make her feel better, realised that the only thing that would make her feel better would be a companion, a tall, handsome man, with a heart of gold- it was not that she needed a man, no, she just needed a friend, and she had finally found one, the inspiration to her writer's block, the Chandler to her Monica, the- HE DIES!? 
He gasped, appalled at the way she had ended the story, where at the end, on his deathbed the man tells his beloved how she never needed him, but he needed her to function, to live through each day- bloody hell.
He waited for them to leave when he finally approached her, somewhat upset-no, he was very upset, as she stopped cleaning up to look at him, raising a questioning brow, "What?"
"I can't believe you!"
"Funny, Jeong, I should be the one saying that."
"What!? You killed me!?"
"I come here to declare my undying love- no I come here to tell you how much you mean to me and apologise for never asking you out but getting upset when someone actually asked you out and you KILL ME IN YOUR NOVE?"
"First of all, I accept your apology, secondly, the protagonist was DEFINITELY NOT YOU, I made him up WAY BEFORE I met you."
"Oh..." he stared at her then looked around the almost empty bookshop, maybe he should just leave-
"So...Will you ask me out properly now or...'l"
"Move in with me."
"Too fast."
"Was worth a shot." He smiled when she let out a small laugh shaking her head at his antics, "Take me to dinner, Yunho." She smiled watching him lean closer then pause, as if asking for her permission,  "Can I...?" His question was answered when she gripped him by the lapels of his coat, pulling him closer to crash her lips against his, smiling when he wrapped his arms around her, pulling back only to press his forehead against hers,
"We move into my apartment..."
"What? Mine's great-"
"Yunho, have you seen the window and the balcony on mine?"
"Your apartment it is boss."
3) @jaehunnyy
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Choi San- Bestfriends to Lovers
Idiots, these two were complete idiots who were utterly in love with each other but were also too blind to realise that - why? Simple, because both feared that confessing to the other may ruin the long-held, deep bond.
A bond that had developed at the ripe age of childhood, middle school, to be more accurate. The day he had come to school, bored out of his mind, staring outside the window, wondering if he could jump on the closest tree to escape this prison. What he had not expected was an angel to come and sit beside him, well technically, the teacher had made her sit next to him, and he hadn't noticed her until she poked his shoulder lighter, causing him to jerk back and gasp, earning a few chuckles from the glass as the teacher just sighed in defeat.
"Do you need help with that?" She asked, pointing at the math equation in front of him. He looked at his notebook and remembered that's what they were supposed to me doing- damn that was a lot of daydreaming.
"Yeah, I guess...do you... know how to solve it?" He asked the new girl, too afraid to make eyecontact.
"Here, I'll show you." Turning to face him, she pulled his scribbled notebook closer.
"I'm San by the way."
That day onwards, a nice and quiet introvert at the back of the class finally began to crack open. From time to time, you'd hear him whispering to her, talking about some anime or a film. Often, he'd be telling her about his cat, Byeol, and how pretty she was. During break you wouldn't see San next to her for the first five minutes, no, he'd be sprinting across the campus,jumping down the stairs to go to the canteen to get her something to drink with her lunch, or a sweet snack, regardless of how many times she'd say 'it's fine.' During self study hours, she wouldn't be studying, no, she'd be busy tutoring her athletically gifted friend, he was...a little dumb, but that's okay, he was hardworking and she'd tell him she'd help him where he'd get stuck, explain and tutor where needed- especially in math.
As they grew older, he grew into his body, his self-esteem issues slowly subsiding, his feelings for her deepening, yet, never enough to tip the scale, at the bring of an edge but never enough to flow out he had to keep it all under control, because that's just how San was, patient and calm, he would never take a step if there was an ounce of the doubt when it came to how she felt about him. Though watching her spread her wings into the beauty she was, well, was somewhat problematic for him. Especially when she'd come to him, smiling like that, greeting him with the gentle voice of hers, asking him if he liked her haircut.
"What do you think?"
"It's...very nice."
"Just very nice?"
"You'd look pretty to me even if you were bald."
Conversations like these would have her heart hammering against her ribcage, and she'd pray to God that he couldn't hear it. She'd pray for it when he'd be walking home side by side, his shoulder bumping into hers, or his hand brushing against hers, when he'd take her bag from her, clicking his tongue at how heavy it would be,
"You trynna' build muscles like me?" He'd ask, though he was still very fragile, he'd only started going to the gym when he noticed how the 'basketball team captain', had decided to ask her to 'help tutor him too', though she had politely declined.
"Hmm? Of course not, Advanced Math books are just big like that..."
"Why do you do this to yourself, dove?" A nickname she had gained over the time, one used only by him.
"Because I wanna teach one day, I love teaching, I want to make sure people realise subjects aren't difficult or they aren't dumb, it's just that they're not taught properly."
Yup, he was smitten, on his knees, begging for her please ( he was also an idiot).
Ended up in college with her, though in a different major, like hell the now 'mountain of a man', no longer the kitten-like fragile boy, was going to major in math- business was a way better option.
This wasn't a bad situation, though they rarely had a few classes together, she'd still make time to see him, to text him as soon as class would end, but he'd already be standing at the exit, waiting for her with a coffee in hand and a dimpled smile, reserved just for her.
In no means was Choi San an extrovert, but somehow along the line he had met one, who later claimed that his MBTI had changed to an introvert too, though he doubted that notion- Jung Wooyoung.
Boistorous, noisy, obnoxious but a genuinely nice person at heart, Wooyoung was his companion in his major's classes, he was also the first person to know about San's little secret, since San trusted him enough to know, though Wooyoung assured him he had figured it out as soon as San introduced him to her as his "bestfriend".
"You're an idiot." Wooyoung snorted, taking off his shoes as he walked into the 4th years tiny apartment.
"What? Why?"
"You really think I didn't know?"
"How did you kno-'
"You can be bestfriends with a girl since childhood, unless a) one of you confessed to the other and got friendzoned but still chose friendship or b) neither of you confessed but are secretly crushing over the other."
"Wow, should've been a psychologist instead of a business major."
"What can I say, Sannie? I am a man of many talents."
Things progressed like this for a long time, Wooyoung watched from the sidelines how the two would basically act like a couple that was not a couple- almost everyone at campus thought they were a couple and Wooyoung was basically the third wheel. Not that he minded, and San appreciated him for that, he was glad Wooyoung's relationship with his dove was platonic- borderline sibling-like.
But Choi San was a fool, one that Choi San, at the fresh age of 25 wished that perhaps he'd be able to take the next steps, but something at the back of his mind held him back, were his personal desires as important as this friendship?
Which is why he stood there watching his best friend get ready for her date, her date with Wooyoung. After a conversation he did not like, but what could he say? He was too afraid to even confess, and well, Wooyoung wasn't a bad guy, and technically, he was his friend.
"I'm gonna ask her out, Sannie." The brunnet sighed, before taking a sip of his coffee, humming at the bitterness, perhaps this bitterness was sweeter than the bitter taste that had developed in San's mouth at the statement.
"W-why?" The bigger man with the fragile heart whispered.
"Because...I like her...I'm sorry but...I gave you time, so much of it and...I just wanted you to be the first one to know...if she says no, we'll all still be friends, but if she says yes...San, I won't hold back."
That had led to her first anniversary with Wooyoung, then the second and finally a day before their third anniversary San had texted the couple how he wouldn't be able to make it to their anniversary party because he had work that day and he wished them the best.
What he did not expect was someone knocking on his door at 2 am, opening the door to find a tear stained Wooyoung, only for him to punch the taller man in the face, watching him stumble backwards then wipe his eyes and sigh, "I swear- if you weren't such a great guy, I would've stabbed you."
"What the F*CK WOOYOUNG?"
That night was the first time he had seen Wooyoung cry, cry about how when she read the message she had become a mess, one that even Wooyoung couldn't fix, begging him for forgiveness how she made a mistake, how even though she was happy with Wooyoung, her heart belonged to someone else, someone who she thought she could move on from since he never confessed, since he never liked her back the way she did, and though the text was a confirmation of that, she couldn't bear lying to Wooyoung, to give him only half the love of what he deserved, knowing he deserved someone who would teach him the true meaning of love, because she was a teacher with only one student in mind, the idiot of a man- Choi San.
That night San couldn't sleep, not a wink, he processed the words over and over again, so did she like him? Should he confess to her? Now? Wouldn't that make it awkward? Or should he wait? Would that be a mistake?
Though his questions were answered in the morning when the doorbell rang at 7 am, making the sleepy man sigh as he stumbled to the door with blurry eyes, opening it still half asleep, only the slap he received woke sobered him up quickly,
"SHUT UP! DONT TAKE HIS NAME! I HURT HIM BECAUSE OF YOU!" Never in the many years of knowing her, had she raised her voice like that.
"NO! LISTEN TO ME!" She yelled before shoving him inside so she could continue yelling inside, "I like you- and you- you d*ck you could tell him you liked me but you couldn't tell me!? All those horrible dates you watched me go to, but you couldn't stop me?! You knew you liked me yet you let Woo ask me out!?"
"I- I didn't wanna ruin what we had..."
"San, I- what if I had married Woo? Huh? Then what? When you already had half my heart, I-"
She couldn't finish her sentence though, because the next thing she knew, he was smothering her with all that pent up love, his lips pressing against hers with a ferocity she had ever seen in her gentle Sannie, wanting to claim what he was too scared to touch before.
He only pulled back when she lightly pushed him back, gasping for air, looking up at him all flushed and pink, her swollen lips just enticing him even more,
"W-what was that?" She breathed out.
"Never say you're marrying anyone but me, I would've ruined the wedding even if it meant being thrown out."
"You're an idiot Sannie."
"No, I just had a teacher who could teach me math, but couldn't teach me how to love properly - guess she was learning too."
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peterhollandkait · 1 year
You Are My Heaven On Earth - Joel Miller
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Pairing: No outbreak!Joel Miller x Fem!Reader
Summary: You and Joel have been dating for over a year, but you never knew he could sing until Sarah revealed his little secret to you during a movie night.
Warnings: Sub!Joel, Oral sex (fem receiving), slight cockblocking, Joel singing is his own warning, soft!Joel
WC: 2173
A/N: It's finally here! This is my first time posting smut, so please be kind. Shoutout to @tightjeansjavi and @chaotic-mystery for helping me when I started to PANIC. Y'all are my saviors.
Link to the song Joel sings here.
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You’d met Joel about a year ago, having just moved a few blocks away from his house in the same neighborhood. When a neighbor suggested Joel’s company to fix the fence on your property, you were pleasantly surprised to find that Mr. Miller was an extremely attractive man your age and not an older gentleman with decades worth of relationships in your vicinity. 
Joel and his younger brother Tommy replaced your fence easily and in a timely fashion, even sealing the wood when you asked about weather protection. 
You spent the week watching the brothers work and when Tommy wasn’t there, learning more about Joel. You learned he was a single dad to a daughter named Sarah, who was ten and his entire world. He’d been a contractor since before graduating high school and started his own company just a few years ago after his brother returned from the military. 
He also learned about you, how you worked at the museum in town as a curator after graduating from graduate school a few years previous. How one of your great grandparents had died and left you a chunk of change big enough to put a deposit on a house. 
You made him lunch every day, paired with either countless glasses of water or lemonade. It started as a kindness, something to show him appreciation for his work. But by the third day, you were itching to see his sweat soaked face and thick arms enter your house, sit at your table and eat the food you’d prepared for him. 
By the end of the week, you weren’t willing to let Joel walk out of your life until you needed another job done. As soon as you had handed Joel the check for his work and watched him place it in his pocket, you took the pen you were holding and boldly grabbed his hand, scribbling your house number over his knuckles.
Joel called you as soon as he’d gotten home that evening. 
So here you were, a year later, snuggling with Sarah on their couch watching the newest Barbie movie while you waited for Joel to come home for the night. When he still hadn’t arrived at her bed time, you went through the motions with her and tucked her in before returning to the couch. 
The evening’s Jeopardy episode was rerunning when Joel entered the house about an hour later, a heavy sigh falling from his lips. He was happy to see it was only you on the couch, though he felt horrible for leaving you with Sarah duty, again. It was an unfortunate habit over the last few weeks, a particular job causing him anguish and keeping him late. 
You looked at him brightly from where you sat, your smile wide as you greeted him. “Hi, honey. Come sit.” You patted the couch next to you, luring him in. 
He abided, sighing again as he settled into the cushions. Immediately, you crawled your way into his lap, hands rubbing up and down his arms and shoulders soothingly. 
“Hi, sweet pea,” he whispered, eyes falling closed from the bliss of your touch. God, he loved you.
“Sarah told me a secret today,” you whispered back, hands still moving. 
“Oh yeah? What’s that?”
Your smirk was evident in your voice as you said, “She told me how you can play guitar and, I couldn’t believe it, sing. What have you been hiding from me, cowboy?”
Joel’s chuckle rattled in his chest, his eyes opening to see your mischievous grin. “She said that? She must have gotten me confused with another dad.”
“Hm, I don’t think so. There’s only one Joel Miller that lives in this house.” You leaned forward, pressing a kiss to his lips gently. “What do I have to do to get a pretty boy like you to sing for me?” 
Joel’s cock twitched as you uttered the words, making you smirk. “Tell you what, pretty boy,” you paused, emphasizing on the last two words. You watched his Adam’s apple bob with his hard swallow, eyes watching you carefully. “Sing a few songs for me and I’ll let you have your way with me. How does that sound?”
Joel nodded, albeit a bit frantically. He’d take you right here on this couch if it meant you’d keep calling him your pretty boy. 
“Guitar is in the bedroom, s-sweet pea,” he stuttered, hands gravitating to your hips as you ground against him. 
“Okay, honey.” You grabbed his hands as you stood, leading him up the stairs to his bedroom. You’d changed into one of his flannels after Sarah had gone to bed, the fabric almost reaching your knees as you walked. 
You hadn’t planned on teasing Joel to death, truly. But when he walked in after a long day with exhaustion exuding from his body, you figured he could use a little fun before the weekend began in earnest. 
When you reached the bed, you settled yourself in the middle, legs open and on display while Joel pulled the guitar case from under his bed. 
Joel was nervous as he clicked open the case, pulling the acoustic guitar from its resting place. He hadn’t sung for anyone in a long time, anyone except Sarah of course.
His hands shook as he moved himself onto the bed next to you, guitar settled on his lap. He tested a few strums, taking his time to tune the instrument before he began. 
Your voice caught in your throat at the sound of Joel’s sweet melody filled the room. His voice was soft, yet gritty as he crooned the lyrics of Garth Brooks’ “If Tomorrow Never Comes.”
If I never wake in the morning
Would she ever doubt the way I feel
About her in my heart
If tomorrow never comes
Will she know how much I loved her
Did I try in every way to show her every day
That she's my only one
Tears welled as you listened, love pouring from Joel’s soul as he went through the chorus and second verse. You laid your hand on his thigh closest to yours, watching him with soft eyes. 
Though his voice is rough from lack of use, the song was beautiful and full of his love for you. He had glanced at you several times during the song, but it was your expression at the end of the song that gave him purpose. 
He’d barely put the guitar aside before his hands were on you, lips chasing yours. You met him with equal force, bounding into his lap. His hands roamed your bare skin under the flannel you wore, finding purchase on your thighs as they straddled his hips. 
“That,” you moaned as his lips explored the skin down your neck and chest. “Was the most beautiful thing anyone has ever done for me.”
With your hands tangled in his brown curls, Joel explored lower, leaving marks along your collarbones and a particularly harsh bruise on your left breast. You gasped as his teeth sunk into your sensitive skin, the feeling soothed moments later with his gentle kisses to the area. 
Carefully Joel flipped you onto your back, undoing the buttons on the flannel as he moved down your body, head hovering just above the place you wanted him most. 
“Please,” you breathed out, hand tugging at his hair. “P-please Joel, right there.” 
Joel placed a kiss to your inner thigh, smirking into your skin as he tugged your underwear down your hips and tossed them behind him. 
“Are you going to be good for me, darling?” 
“S-so good…I’ll be so good.” Joel nudged your clit with his nose as you spoke, your hips bucking up in response. 
You felt his fingers first, sliding between your folds to collect the wetness there. He used his free hand to hold your thighs apart as his tongue found your clit, tracing skilled circles around the bundle of nerves. 
“Oh, fuck,” you muttered, back arching from his touch. 
Joel made a muffled sound of approval, continuing to devour your clit while two of his fingers inched into your entrance. You mewled at the feeling of his hands slowly spreading you open, his fingers curling just right to hit your most sensitive spot.
Joel ate you out like a man starved, his fingers finding an equal rhythm to match his pace against your cunt. You tugged on his hair in response, heavy moans escaping from your mouth. 
He pulled his mouth away from you slightly, hand continuing his movement as he said, “shh, darling. We don’t want to wake Sarah now. Be good for me and stay quiet sweet pea.”  
His fingers curled in that moment, your frantic nodding the only response you could give him as he continued his assault on you. 
With his mouth back on your clit, fingers continually reaching the spot that made you see stars, you were close. 
“Oh fuck, Joel,” you choked, your free hand grabbing the sheets for purchase. “Joel I’m gonna,” you groaned as he hummed against your skin, somehow moving faster than he had before.
Joel coaxed your orgasm out of you at a deliberate pace, your wetness covering his chin and beard as you came undone underneath him.
 He loved watching you come, the way your back arched and heels dug into the mattress. How you closed your eyes, groaning in pleasure as you called out his name. He loved knowing that he was the only one who could bring you to this state, panting and writhing from his touch. 
He carried you through your orgasm, mouth sucking at your clit until you couldn’t take it anymore, a hand gently shoving him away from over sensitivity. He slowly pulled his fingers from within you, raising them to his mouth and sucking your wetness from them, eyes watching you watch him. 
When he was finished, he trailed kisses back up your body, leaving a tender one on the bruising spot he’d left on the side of your breast before he reached your mouth again. 
You kissed him lazily, tasting yourself on him as you explored his mouth with your tongue. Joel moaned in return, a hand finding purchase on your hip.
 You tugged on his shirt, raising it over his head and tossing it aside before you began to work on his jeans when you heard a gentle knock on the door. “Daddy?”
You paused your movements, watching Joel as he sat back on his heels. “Just a sec, baby girl.” 
You squeezed his hand as he moved off of the bed, using the flannel still hanging on your body to wipe your wetness from his chin before he walked to the door. 
You sat up also, taking the few steps to Joel’s closet to find some more respectful clothing to put on for Sarah to see. 
Joel opened the door gently, peering down at his young daughter in the darkness of the hallway. “What’s wrong, baby girl? We didn’t wake you, did we?”
She shook her head, tears welling in her eyes. “I-I had a nightmare, daddy.”
“Oh darling,” Joel fell to his knees in front of Sarah, pulling her into his chest. “It’s alright, you’re safe now. 
You heard her sniffle before she mumbled, “Can m-mommy come lay in bed with me for a while?”
You stilled, your heart warming at her words. She’d never called you mom before and you’d never expected it in a million years. 
Joel felt your hands on his shoulders as he stuttered, “mommy?” 
Sarah nodded, looking up at you expectantly. “You’re going to be my mommy now, right? I…I overheard you and uncle Tommy talking about it the other day daddy.” Her eyes drifted down to Joel’s and back up again, a pout forming on her mouth. “Can you come lay with me and tell me one of those stories? I really like it when you tell me stories before bed.”
“Of course, honey. Why don’t you go get settled and I’ll be right there, okay?” 
Sarah nodded, giving her dad one last hug before she made her way back down the hallway and into her room. 
You leaned down on Joel’s shoulders then, wrapping your arms around his neck. “Mommy, huh?” 
“I, uh…” Joel was glad you couldn’t see his face, red creeping up his neck and into his cheeks and ears. He hadn’t bought a ring yet, had barely started thinking about it when Tommy mentioned the idea a few weeks previous. How Sarah heard the conversation, he had no idea. 
“Don’t worry,” you whispered against his skin. “Your secret is safe with me. Why don’t I go and get Sarah back to sleep and then you and I can continue what we started in the shower, hm?”
“Sure, darling, whatever you say.” He could feel your smile on his neck, your lips brushing against his ear. 
“I love you, pretty boy.”
“And I love you, sweet pea.”
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sitp-recs · 2 years
Some Erised Recs…
I wanted to post this yesterday but fell asleep while reviewing my blurbs lol so here’s my first 2023 reclist! Just wanted to do a lil something to celebrate these authors and artists as I did not include any Erised fics on my 2022 reclist. Hope you enjoy before the reveals, don’t forget to give these some love. You can find more lovely recs here by @thehoneybeet and here by @epitomereally
Check all Erised 2022 works!
🍺 everything you should say by @candybarrnerd (E, 7.4k) - lush rebound fuck buddies to something else, hot and tentative, love the uncomplicated matter-of-fact tone here, sexy and refreshing!
They're not friends. But when Draco offers help, Harry takes it.
🐺 Service Bell by @shiftylinguini (E, 8k) - est relationship but make it complicated, obsessed with this nuanced pining wolf!Draco with his sharp edges and soft heart
Draco is: a werewolf, living in a cabin in the woods, minding his own business, and never going to buy plaid because he's not that much of a fucking cliche (yet). He's also counting down the days until he sees Harry again.
🎤 Meddling, Menswear, and Magic by @writcraft (M, 19k) - I’m utterly besotted with their voices, the superb level of banter oh my god. I wanna live inside this fic’s dialogue and have it for breakfast thank
Draco Malfoy is working in a job he hates and avoiding the magical world entirely, but he really is fine. When a bequest from Severus Snape brings Draco back to a much-changed magical world, he must find his place within it and navigate his growing attraction to Harry Potter in the process.
🐍 In The Company Of Serpents by @corvuscrowned (E, 25k) - an instant fave, fabulous characterization, perfect slow burn, top notch ust and some of the hottest smut I’ve read lately, so satisfying yum 🔥
There’s something wrong with the serpents at the Greengrass Ophidiarium. Luckily, a certain Parselmouth just might be able to help.
⛷️ Historians by @oknowkiss (E, 30k) - fake dating goodness with holiday vibes, the right amount of angsty pining and a gorgeous Swiss background. Just what I needed to cheer me up on a snowy day
It’s the Dumbledore’s Army Reunion Holiday, and Harry’s found himself in hot water with his friends once again, after telling them he has a boyfriend he definitely does not have. In an attempt to fix things, he’s made it his colleague on Level Nine, Draco Malfoy’s problem too. Featuring a ski chalet in Switzerland, a pair of bunk beds, and an agreement that should’ve been simple, were it not for all the bloody feelings getting in the way.
🏉 All Things Go by @sorrybutblog (E, 32k) - an enchanting 8th year romance with strong Heartstopper vibes👨‍🍳💋 our boys are so wonderfully awkward and young and lovely, my heart is melting! And the scorching UST? Superb
Draco’s back at Hogwarts by court order. Harry’s back for no particular reason at all. Some things change, some stay the same. Neither expects to spend eighth-year living in close quarters, playing rugby (poorly), staying up late, sneaking around, and finally figuring it all out.
⏳Everything is Relative to You by @thehoneybeet (E, 43k) - really brilliant take on time travel/multiverse, inventive concept exploring star-crossed lovers dynamics. It’s about the yearning!!!
Potter was supposed to have lived. Draco is certain of this. That Potter would no longer walk the earth was tantamount to the sun moving west to east across the sky. If only he could have stopped this from happening, if he’d have known… It comes to him as ideas often did: too late.
🦉Birdwatching for Beginners by dustmouth (G) - so very warm and sweet, I love the cozy vibes, the soft flirting and the ultimate Wizarding fashion as per this artist’s usual
Draco does his best to sneak out early from Ginny and Luna's Christmas party, only to be cornered by a drunk Harry Potter.
🦄 Light in the Dark by @creeeee (G) - stunning art, romantic and evocative. I love the palette and detailed outfits, want those capes in my wardrobe right now
Draco and Harry find themselves encountering more than they anticipated while performing a divine blessing within the deep thicket of the Forbidden Forest.
👔 Routinely Yours (G) by @apriicat - the softest domestic bliss we deserve, gorgeous characters (long-haired Draco!), tender intimacy, lots of cozy cuddling and boyfriending stuff
Morning routines are the best with you.
❄️ Snapshot of Moments by @drarrydoodles (E) - stunning illustrations from daily life scenes, so rich in details and full of emotion. I love how each scene comes with a short description, and the nsfw one is!!!!! 😳🔥
A snapshot of moments in Harry and Draco's relationship.
🎹 The sound of your heart by @pato-roldnart (G) - a charming and moving musicians AU, great storytelling and the prettiest boys finding inspiration together 🎵
Harry is requested to perform a musical piece for a Great Serpent, it can’t be that hard, right? What he does not expect is having to work with an annoying, distracting, good-looking Draco Malfoy.
🛌 Two Wizards, One Bed by dustmouth (G) - soft, hilarious and adorable as usual, this made me giggle the whole night! Draco’s grumpy blushing face is my fave
Harry and Draco are trapped together in a safe house. Fiery discourse ensues (intercourse, more like...)
🪢 This time, tomorrow by @bluebutter-art (M) - talented, brilliant, incredible, amazing, show stopping, spectacular, never the same, totally unique etc etc when I tell you my heart missed a beat seeing this beauty, I’m!!!!!
Two souls, bound by fate, destined to meet again and again and again.
201 notes · View notes
audi0med1c · 7 months
Clexa Modern AU as Celebrity Exes- "Is It Over Now?"
The absolute last thing Clarke wanted to see tonight on her rare chance to dine out was Lexa fucking Woods.
Lexa Woods, in her signature dark grey Armani suit.
On a date.
Before she could successfully grab her best friend's arm to duck out and choose another restaurant, those green eyes flick over and meet hers, as if she had been waiting on her to arrive.
"Shit you gotta be fucking kidding me." She hisses, earning a concerned look from the dark-haired girl just in front of her.
"What?" The girl says, looking Clarke up and down for something wrong.
"She's fucking HERE."
"Who is?" The girl says, turning to scan the dining room.
Clarke grabs her arm to stop her from turning, "No don't look don't-" but winces when it's clearly too late. Both of their eyes meet those green ones still locked onto them.
Lexa is holding a glass of red wine, and raises it slightly in their direction, shooting them her signature grin that Clarke would love to walk over and smack right off her annoyingly beautiful face.
"We can go somewhere else, Clarke, come on."
A flash goes off outside, as the first of what will eventually be many paparazzi snaps a picture through the restaurant's front window.
"No," Clarke says, "I'm not giving her that satisfaction."
They wait to be seated, and as the waiter is pouring their first glasses of wine the third member of their party arrives, fashionably late as always.
"Um since when do they seat VIPs off in the corner? Wasn't the reservation under Clarke Griffin? Your art is literally hanging in their lobby."
Clarke hates when Raven uses that term, as she never expects or cares about getting any sort of special treatment anywhere. Actually she'd prefer blending in and being invisible most of the time.  
"We aren't the only VIPs tonight." Clarke uses the term sarcastically, nodding her head in the direction over the girl's shoulder, "And I requested this table, so just sit Raven."
"Ohhhh damn what are the odds of that?" Raven chuckles, pulling out her seat and taking a long sip of wine, shooting a glance at the other girl with them.
"Octavia stop looking, Jesus." Clarke kicks the girl's shin under the table.
Clarke had asked for the table on the far side of the dining room, away from as much of the crowd as possible, and took the seat that kept Lexa mostly in her line of sight without having to turn her head and be obvious.
"She's still watching you." Octavia says, not even trying to hide looking over her shoulder at the pair behind them.
"Ugh ok maybe I can't fucking stay here." Clarke motions to their waitress.
Raven is typing on her phone under the table, which Octavia catches out of the corner of her eye.
Raven: You didn't think to tell me Lexa was coming here tonight???
The three dots hover in the bottom corner for what feels like forever.
Anya: How would I know that?!?! Wait who is she there with??
Raven: A blonde. A HOT blonde.
Anya: Oh god. Can't wait to hear about this when you get home.
Clarke catches Raven typing on her phone under the table, and then notices Lexa casually check her phone a few seconds later and shoot another grin in her direction.
"Really Rae?" Clarke says, annoyed, "Can you leave Anya out of this?"
"I don't know what you're talking about." The girl says not even trying to hide her smile. 
The waitress, a bubbly young girl with short bouncy auburn curls looks nervous when she approaches.
"Yes Ms. Griffin, are you ready to order?" Clarke is always sure to be overly nice to waitstaff, or any staff when she is out in public. She honestly hates most of the things that come with being so easily recognizable, particularly the stereotype of celebrities being entitled, petulant, or conceited. It's not something she intentionally sought, or even thought was possible when she pursued art full-time after college and found her own moderate success. Any level of celebrity status could never go to her head, as she will always be the small-town girl from the East Coast town of Polis, who grew up with next to nothing and never quite felt like she belonged in a place like L.A. to begin with.
But dating one of Hollywood's hottest A-listers will certainly put you on people's radar.
Clarke leans in towards the waitress, "Actually, we will take the check for the wine, I completely forgot about a previous commitment I need to get to, but can I order a bottle of Dom Perignon, for the table right over there before we go?" She motions with her head towards the table where Lexa is now very obviously pretending to laugh at whatever the bimbo across from her is saying.
"Of course, will that be all for you tonight?"
"Actually, if I give you an extra hundred dollars, will you relay a message when you bring over the bottle? A toast of sorts."
The two girls across from her are trying to keep a straight face, but watch wide-eyed as Clarke whispers something into the waitresses' ear, and hands over her Amex card.
The girl's face when she straightens up is a mix of nervous and giddy, understanding the context of the request.
The history of the two patrons was no secret – it had been front page of the tabloids for months after their very public, very messy breakup. Now it was just the simple annoyance of whatever bullshit spin came out of their occasional run-ins or when they attended the same events.
"I'll be right back." Clarke says, pushing back from the table to stand. 
"Wait where are you going?" Octavia calls after her.
"Bathroom." She replies over her shoulder, heading towards the hallway on the far end of the dining hall. She made sure to keep her eyes straight ahead as she walked past the brunette and her date nonchalantly, but the familiar aroma of Dior perfume crawled up her nostrils and she hated how good it smelled.
It reminded her of silk sheets and long nights, her hands sliding over hips and thighs and feeling the hot breath of whispered sighs.
Don't you dare. She thought to herself, shaking the memories from her head. 
She stared at herself a good long while in the bathroom, both expecting and dreading the door to open. When it doesn't, she touches up her red lipstick, adjusts herself in her skin-tight black cocktail dress so her already exposed cleavage is just a tad more on display, and heads back out to the dining room.
Her friends are already at the hostess stand, waiting for her before heading out past the now moderate amount of paparazzi that must have heard her and Lexa were spotted in public at the same place for the first time in months.
A small grin tugs at her lips as she passes the brunette's table, noting the new bottle of vintage champagne that sits opened with two glasses poured but not being touched, and a now slightly miffed date that shoots up an embarrassed look when she notices Clarke passing by.
Clarke bends over far more than necessary as she signs the bill left on the table, tipping an additional $50 on top of the $100 she promised because the look on the young girl's face was honestly better than she could have hoped for and collects her Amex card. As she heads to join her friends at the front she hears a muffled voice from behind apologize and excuse themselves as they stand up from their table.
The warning looks on her friends' faces tell her to expect the hand that tugs her backwards as she reaches the hostess stand, pulling her to the side at the front of the restaurant.
The velvety scent of Dior wafts into her nose again, and those green eyes are much closer to her than they need to be, but she doesn't step back. At least not yet.
"Really Clarke?" Comes the expected reprimand, "Here's to the search for something greater? Classy."
"She's practically my clone." Clarke shrugs sharply.
Lexa remains unamused.
"Hardly, she's missing your signature....what is it..." Lexa dramatically gestures with her hand, searching for the right word... "Soul-sucking abrasiveness."
"Fuck off, Lexa."
"There's that mouth." Grinned the brunette.
"Bet you miss this mouth." Clarke shoots back.
Lexa's grin widens, "Actually yeah, just had a dream about it the other night."
"You dream of my mouth before or after it called you a lying traitor?"
Lexa takes a slight step closer to the blonde, ignoring the camera flashes going off outside the front window.
"You've called me worse." She utters smugly.
"I said fuck off Lex."
"Or you could fuck me yourself."
Clarke tries not to show how caught off-guard she is by the quick retort, and especially tries to hide how flustered she suddenly is. She leans into her annoyance at the brazen overconfidence.
"Pretty sure it's the only way you'd be getting fucked tonight...I know a pillow princess when I see one, and THAT," she nods her head back in the direction of Lexa's table and abandoned date, who's now anxiously sipping on her wine, trying not to be obvious at her constant glances towards the pair at the front of the restaurant, "That right there is a girl who is here for the free dinner, the free drinks, and the free orgasms after and that's it."
"Make me a better offer then." Lexa smiles as she tries to step even closer, but Clarke pushes back with a hand up at the girl's shoulder that was now inches away from her.
"There is no offer. I'm surprised you haven't run out of blonde models by now anyway, so enjoy however many you have left before you have to slum it with some brunettes."
"Heyyyyy!!" Raven and Octavia chime from the door, pretending to be offended. Both had been inching closer, shamelessly eavesdropping.
"You never run out of blonde models in LA." Lexa shrugs, "But I don't even know her. I'm just doing my agent a favor, and she's who suggested coming here. What was I supposed to do say 'no actually this was my ex's favorite place and she might possibly be here on this one random Wednesday night?'"
"Sure why not?"
Lexa rolls her eyes, "Are we jealous Clarkey?"
"WE...aren't anything." Clarke snaps, motioning between the two of them.
"Well WE..." Lexa gestures back towards her table, "Aren't anything either...so can you drop the hostility?"
Clarke muses over the girl at the table, "Blue eyes, that's enough for at least a few dates by your standards."
"You're practically insulting yourself at this point you know..." Lexa huffs amusingly. She was having way too much fun getting a rise out of Clarke. The blonde purses her lips, her eyes dropping down to the plush lips in front of her quickly but not quick enough, because Lexa catches it and takes her bottom lip between her teeth, dropping her own eyes to Clarke's mouth for a prolonged moment before bringing them back up to meet blue eyes.
"Can I go now?" Clarke says annoyed, "Your date is waiting."
"She can stay waiting." Lexa breathes as she dares reach a hand around Clarke's lower back, but the blonde is quick to swat her away and step backwards.
"This is not happening...."
"Again." Lexa adds with a smirk.
Clarke rolls her eyes.
"This is not happening again." She corrects. The last time she showed up at Lexa's penthouse she had convinced herself was only out of convenience. It had been a while since she'd gotten laid and the thought of meaningless small talk with a stranger or worse, someone she'd have to face again at work or in some overlapping social circle was too much of a headache. So when she ran into Lexa at a nightclub nearby and got a simple text at bar close saying "Damn Griffin, I know you wore that dress tonight just so I could take it off you.  Door is unlocked."  She figured it technically wasn't much different than any other one-night stand.
But in this moment she regrets having fed into the already overinflated ego that is Lexa Woods: Actress, musician, and professional flirt.
She will deal with the heat between her thighs and knot forming in her lower stomach later. If not with whatever name responds first when she leaves here, then with one of her many battery-powered friends in her nightstand.
"Whatever you say, Clarke." The brunette finally scoffs nonchalantly, and with one final lick of her lips, Lexa gives one more intentional glance down at Clarke's mouth before turning to head back into the dining hall, making a show of her return to her table by reaching for the waiting girl's hand and placing a quick kiss on the back of it before taking her seat again and lifting her champagne glass to cheers.
"Damn Clarke I'm impressed... I would have folded." Raven admits, opening the door as they rush out to a waiting town car, flashes immediately going off as soon as they are outside.
"Clarke! Clarke!" A few of the photographers try to get her attention, but she puts a hand up to try and block her face as Octavia gets the car door open.
"Clarke! How do you feel about Lexa bringing a date to your guys' spot?"
"Clarke what did Lexa say to you before you left?"
"Do you enjoy getting paid to harass people?" Raven harps at the small crowd as she follows Clarke and Octavia into the back seat.
Once the door is closed and they pull away, Clarke sighs, rubbing the space between her eyebrows.
"Well if you want her, have at it." She says almost dejectedly. "I told you, it's over between us."
Raven and Octavia exchange a quick glance before Raven squeaks out a response, cocking her head inquisitively.
"I mean.... is it really over now?"
Follow along this rollercoaster contest of who can act like they care less....
archive link here
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paulmcf4rtney · 2 years
could i request a teddy boy john x reader 🥺 maybe going on a cute date?
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Anon asked for Teddy boy!John x reader, TYSM FOR THE REQ! <3 i hope you like it! (i saw this req a lil late 😔)
-You started dating John a week ago or so, your relationship with him is a little rocky, but you’re both wildly in love.
-But John being John, he’s the jealous type. He won’t even let another boy look at you let alone touch you.
-He’s had his eye on you for quite some time, checking you out. Meaningless flirting at first.
-But then it came to touching.. God, his touches always sent shivers right up your spine.
-You liked seeing someone like him chase after you, always at a fingertips reach.
-You like bad boys, what is there more to say?
-He was a troublesome, feared, protective and nonetheless attractive man.
-(And also cute with the way he carried a guitar around all the time)
-John brought up the idea of a date, he was going to secure this relationship one way or another.
“So, baby, since we’re dating, I think we should go on a *real* date, not just stickin’ around n’ hiding from your parents whenever I come over.” John said, lighting a cigarette, his back leaning against the wall outside of the school you both went to.
You almost forgot about how your parents treated him, they didn’t like your boyfriend all that much, they scoffed at your relationship whenever you brought it up but you didn’t care. You were in love and that’s all that matters. You would run away with him if you could.
“Really?.. I dunno, John, you wanna make that commitment?” You played and teased. It was obvious you wanted to, by the look in your eyes n biting your lip ever so slightly.
“Yeah really, I wouldn’t be sayin this if I wasn’t serious. Besides, ya wanna go with me don’t you?” He cooed, his fingers gently caressing and lifting your chin.
You could barely look him in the eye with how he was making your knees go weak and your cheeks red. But you nodded, unable to say anything at the moment.
“Good, good puppy.” His voice was so soft with you but rough and loud with everyone else, you couldn’t get enough.
“A-Alright then!” You announced, “It’s settled.- Next thing you know you’re gonna try to put a ring on my finger.” You smiled at the thought, despite it just being a joke.
“Maybe that is next, ya never know.” Oh you wish you could have seen your face realizing what his response was, priceless.
“Meet me at the hill around 5, don’t be late.”
Before you could say anything about the date being quite literally today he walking away, you took the chance to run back to your house to get yourself ready. You knew John wasn’t the best at timing things or making actual plans. So you stuck with it.
You threw on a pretty sundress with flower patterns, simple makeup and some comfortable shoes (but still fashionable) All just before 5. The place John was talking about wasn’t too far from your house, it was a small grassy hill with a huge trees around it. It’s a pretty place to relax, especially now during the summer.
You got there as fast as you could on foot, you didn’t want to tell your parents either since they’d realize who you were with and you’re a terrible liar, you’d 100% get grounded.
Once you made it, you saw John in comfortable yet dashing clothing, actually, he looks good in anything so you didn’t really care. But he had a picnic basket and blanket laid out.
He made n bought your favorite foods and drinks. You assumed he was planning this for longer than you expected.
“John?..” You smiled, he smiled right back, waving you over, you ushered right on and sat down. “This is amazing, where did you find the time??-“
“Shhh now love don’t question my expertise.“ He shushed you with a sandwich to your mouth and you took it, trying not to giggle at his goofiness.
“N’ I thought we could watch the sunset while we had a picnic, as a real date without anyone, ye know seeing us.”
You adored the effort John put into this and kissed him, his arms hooking around you while you watch the sun say goodnight. You wouldn’t want this moment to end, ever.
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kalliyen · 2 years
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Date Night
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Pairing: Justin Jay Takagi (JJ) x GN!Reader
Featuring: JJ, Lee Sangwon, Zhao Yufan (James), Han Jihoon
Genre: Tooth-rotting Fluff
Reader’s Pronouns: Not specified
Warning: careful you might get a toothache
A/N: HI!!! Thank you so much for requesting @amymyli ! I appreciate it very much, and don’t worry! you’re english is just fine. I hope you enjoy this ! (i’m sorry if it not what you expected 😭😭) <33
Disclaimer: ⚠️ ONLY A WORK OF FICTION!
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Lately, The members of Trainee A have been noticing their outgoing and loud member, JJ, had been quite reserved lately.
“Hey JJ, got something on mind?” James asks, “Oh, hey Hyung, no no, I’m fine don’t worry about me” The younger responds.
But the members knew better, they knew something was going on, and they were going to find out what.
“Alright guys, that’s enough practice for today” Their trainer announces. All the members sigh in relief, “Finally it’s over! Hyungs can we go to the arcade later?” The youngest pleads, with his signature cute face.
The older members, gave in, they couldn’t say no to their maknae. “Sure Hoon, why not” “Horray!!!”
“Sorry guys. I’m gonna have to pass on this one.” JJ suddenly says, while looking down at his phone trying to not act suspicious while hiding his smile.
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The other members look at JJ, then at each other, suspiciously. Sangwon speaks up with “But you never say no to going to the arcade? is something going on JJ??” “Yeah Hyung, you got a date or something?” Jihoon says while wiggling his eyebrows.
JJ shoots his head up in surprise, “No! no. no I don’t…it’s just one of my friends…want to hang out later.” “Okay JJ…whatever you say” James says in a teasing tone.
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Turns out, they did not go to the arcade. Much to Jihoon’s dismay. Instead, they followed JJ to find out where he was going, per request of James.
“Do you guys see anything? I can barely see anything in these ridiculous glasses.” “I see..a missed opportunity to play games at the arcade.” “Oh shush Hoon! You already play video games at home!” “There! I see JJ with someone!” “Do you think that’s his date?” “No I think that’s his cousin. Who else could it be dipshit?! Obviously it’s his date!” “Oh shit their holding hands!! Our JJ is growing up so fast.”
To any by passers, this situation must’ve looked utterly stupid. 5 boys huddled into a small corner table, looking at one kid across the hall. Probably not a good impression, but they could’ve cared less at this point. All they wanted to know was, who was their little JJ with?
They all went back to their dorm, waiting for the arrival of their little lover boy.
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Even though you and Jj have been on multiple dates, your heart still beats uncontrollably when you see him all fancied up for a date, which makes you question if your fashion choice was appropriate for the occasion.
“Hey Justy! I hope I’m not too underdressed for our date tonight. Where are we going anyway?”
Jj looks up from his phone, double checking his surprise for your for the nth time. Even in your simple outfit, he was looking at you like the most delicate flower in a field.
“Hi my Love, Remember that movie you wanted to see from your favorite franchise?” “Yeah?” you say excitement bubbling in your stomach. “Well, surprise! I got tickets for it! And the exclusive kind~” “Really Justy?? Oh my god thank you so much!” You exclaim, immediately hugging him.
After the movie, he offers to take you home to your dorms, while you were both walking home, you talked about anything and everything you could, how practice was going for both of your groups, what’s been going on in your lives and stuff like that.
When you got to your front door, you both faced each other while holding hands. “Well, this is me, I’ll see you soon Justy, thank you for this amazing date.” You say while giving him a kiss on the cheek.
“It’s no problem my love. Anything to make you happy.” Before he lets you walk away from him, he gives you a tender kiss on the lips, and another one on your forehead.
“I love you Jj” “I love you to Y/N, goodnight”
A/N: Sorry if this ending was shit 😭😭 I’ll do another fic if you want me too :)
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isca-tide · 1 month
6x09 aka you've got this just two more episodes left and each one has a great Chenford moment so it's on the up and up now. We've hit rock bottom, we can do this; says the very stable woman to herself. Grey is such a good protective dad. Tim, please. Honey. Okay so it's Lucy's birthday and aside from that card from Tim and Aaron's mention of a present, she gets literally nothing else. Maybe there's something off-screen. But nothing from John? He just waltzes in, there for Celina, and just not a little hap birf? He asks how she is and obviously didn't expect her to be honest. Doesn't offer her a hug or pat on the shoulder. A sympathetic 'I'm sorry, you've been through a lot lately, hey let's go get drinks and catch up after shift'. You're meant to be her friend, John. Agh. Okay, Angela earns points back for telling Lucy. She knows Lucy has been left out of so much and knows Lucy still cares about Tim. Hell, she knows Lucy still loves him. So Angela knows how important it is that Lucy know what happened this time. So yes, Angela, you get points back. Kudos. Also the fact that she seems to tell Lucy but Wesley wasn't aware? Or maybe he's surprised she's telling Lucy? Idk. And can I just with the sweet way Lucy says hi when she answers the phone? Actual sushine. No-one deserves her. No-one. Maybe Kojo but no-one else. But yes, Angela is slightly back in my good books for that. And a good mirror for telling Tim back in S2 about Lucy at the speed dating having a moment. Because she thought he'd want to know. Detective Lopez will always be the captain of this ship. I was ready to mutiny but I'll trust her at the helm a little longer. I need some Chenford teasing from her in S7 when she seems them back in a better place though. God, Lucy's face when Tim calls Nolan and not her. And it's because he's his union rep, Lucy knows that, but you can still see that hurt. Also, Nolan, where the fuck was her union rep during the shooting? HUH?! HUH?! Ahem. Charlie you're better than this client. Also Monica that dress might look vaguely fashionable but that is not a comfortable dress. At all. Not even like 1% comfortable. C'mon. Also your offices look like shit. Blair, I have zero pity for you. You absolutely deserve whatever comes your way. Do they have zero cameras in the parking lot? Or anywhere? Don't you go after Grey you asshole! Gaaah. Must protect my fictional babies. Baby Jackson is adorable as heck. I imagine invisible baby girl Wopez is too. God, Lucy is just too good for this world. She has so much resentment and anger and guilt and anxiety and pain inside of her and she pushes past it all to check on Tim. She knows he's going through hell and it's killing her to not to be able to support him. She knows, at the very least, he needs a hug. And Lucy hugs are magical.
Can we talk about Tim's face? He looks terrified. I also want to hazard that there is the barest hint of hope. For a second I really think he thought she might try to kiss him. Or maybe just hoped. It wouldn't have been good for either of them, but there's probably a part of him dying for her to kiss him. Just for a second. But the hug. Oh god the hug. He melts into it instantly. No hesitation. He's in her arms and surrounding her body with his own and he is gone. He's safe. It's a fleeting moment but he is safe. His eyes are closed and he just sinks into her so completely. "I am now" Oh my god. The way their voices both shake. The way she holds him even tighter and closes her eyes. For a second they can both forget the past few weeks/months ever happened. They're together and they're in each other's arms - the safest they've ever felt. And they both leave the hug at the same time. No-one initiates it ending. They're in sync and holding contact that extra secons. She fixes his collar. She's so gentle with him. Like she needs to be touching him too. The hug isn't just for him. She needs to know he's okay. Angela's eyes instantly going to Lucy when the door opens and staying on Lucy until Nyla takes her away. Also, girls, you're both still minus points for how you've treated Lucy. You can't go ignoring her after the detective's exam and everything else and then go dragging her into your UC op. Admit you need her. Admit you respect her. Admit she's good. Make it up to her. Got it? Good. Continue. Celina, absolute cutie. Also I will say fair play to Nolan for doing this for Tim. Wish we could see the same commitment to Lucy but I guess if situations were reversed then I'm sure everyone would go to bat for Lucy. They just let her down when it comes to her personal life and supporting her as a person. God I'd love to see them all go to bat for her. Nell! Oh, I read the best fic about Lucy and Tim sort of getting back together at Nell's wedding. We need a Nell wedding so we can have another Chenford dance please and thank you. How are you with kids? Nyla, stop breaking my headcanon of Lucy babysitting Lila and being an absolute angel around the station babies. Stop it. Also, minus points for both of you for not even giving Lucy the barest of sympathetic smiles or shoulder pats after she tells you about her still feeding her UC covers because she thought she'd make detective. The sad little smile when she tries to push aside her own feelings and disappointment. Because she doesn't want to burdern anyone with her feelings. MINUS POINTS. Bad friends! Bad colleagues! Charlie, can you just do a bad job at protecting Monica? Please? Can we have a Celina seance fic, please? God Lucy is so good at UC. Also my god how can she look so good in literally every outfit and with every hairstyle? Also those kids are fucking adorable. Lucy underselling her language skills for a UC cover because then they'd be sus at how perfect she is. Any fics where Tim finds out Lucy's gone UC at Bautista's and goes a little feral on Angela and Nyla because there's a leak in the station and her cover could already be blown? Though at this point I don't think Lopez and Harper are aware of that, but still, he's doing a frantic spiral. That he didn't get to speak to her beforehand. That he has no involvement in her UC op and he's terrified of being in the dark about it? Grey raising his voice YES. Oscar I'm enjoying you a lot less because you're always attached to Monica now. Sorry. Lucy literally an amazing babysitter. She is actually the best. Ugh. Monica. Just leave. I would happily trade a million Bailan scenes to have no more Monica. Wanna say thank you to Lucy for risking everything going undercover again with Monica fully aware of who she is? No? Minus points, ladies. Smitty, just hold onto your phone. Please. The bare minimum. Blair, shut up. Never wanted anyone to get hurt. Bullshit.
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because-she-goes · 1 year
warnings: light swearing, matty being jealous, otherwise fluff. Enjoy!
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Matty nervously straightened his tie, running a hand through his perfectly gelled salt and pepper curls. Sitting on their bed, and facing the bathroom door, he hears the blow dryer whirring and Nora singing softly to her music. His knee bounces in anxiety, checking his watch to ensure they are not late for her big night. The gallery down the street from them in London was putting on an exhibition of local artists, one of them being his very own Nora Downey. A small gallery sure, but that didn’t matter to Nora. In the bathroom, she was gleaming as she put on her suit. Matty had pulled a few strings with some fashion people he knew and got in contact with Thom Browne who agreed to make suits for the lovely couple. Nora’s being a beautiful, buttery soft camel brown wool one with gentle round shoulders and blonde lapels. Matty’s being a navy-grey pin stripe with matching tie. Both haven’t seen the other’s suit since she had to attend meetings for the event and Matty was in New York at the time of the fittings while hers were with the brand’s UK team here in London. She smoothed over her collar one last time and pouted her lips, touching up the nude lipstick she had selected, emphasis being her cinnamon eyes. Hearing the door knob to the bathroom shuffle, Matty fixes himself like a schoolboy about to take his crush to the prom. He clears his throat and out walks the most dazzling woman he has ever seen. His heart for real skips several beats. He holds a hand to it and his elbows drop to his knees. He can’t believe her. He can’t believe she is his. In awe, his hand now rests on his lower lip.
As if she couldn’t be any more perfect, she says in her peach sweet voice, “Ya know one day you’re gonna catch flies in your mouth if you gape at me like that all the time.” She teases him. He blushes tomato red. All the bravado and machismo of Truman Black slides off him like a sheet, revealing the adorably soft and sentimental Matty Healy. Not that she would ever tell anyone he gets like this around her, she finds it too cute to share – wanting to keep this boy-like wonder only known to her. Her sweet Matty. “Lookin’ sharp, handsome.” She compliments, now pulling him up by the tie for a kiss. His cheeks now crimson.
“Y-You as well, Honey. My god, I feel like marrying you all over again. You’re so beautiful, baby. Leaves me speechless. I can’t believe your my date to this tonight, that I get to walk you in and take your coat and kiss you all night. Now, shall we be on our way, Mrs. Healy?” He praises her as if she is god herself and adding the question she’s been dreaming of him to ask her since they started dating all those moons ago.
“Why, yes. Yes, we shall, Mr. Healy!” He sighs contently, hearing the title roll off her tongue with ease – like she had always been meant to say it.
at the gallery:
“Handsome, look at this one! You have to get a picture infront of it, please?” Nora asks as she sees a sign that says “you don’t have to look like a twat to be an artist.” Matty roles his eyes and stays cemented in his spot. “Oh come on, its funny! It’ll be over in a second then you can go back to pouting, and you might get a reward…” She bribes. He begrudgingly goes and stands infront of the sign pulling a face. Nora laughs in victory and sends it to him. “Oh the fans are gonna love that one, baby.” She says to him teasing. Then she spots someone a few feet away…
“Matty, this is Linda from Tate Modern. She is who I met in Vegas. I think someone told me they may be putting some of my art in there next spring!” Nora pulls him towards the older woman. Matty hasn’t understood a single thing anyones said the entire evening – the only word he’s recognized anyone say so far is postmodernism, but that was a given. Matty is just ticking down the minutes until the gallery presents each artist and lets them explain their work presented that evening. Now thinking, he hasn’t heard Nora’s speech - she must be terrified. Matty kinda loses focus of their conversation after greeting the woman and when he comes back into himself, Nora is no longer with him but talking to a guy across the hall. Suddenly much more interested in the evening and feeling much more flirtatious, he walks with a swagger in his step towards Nora and the mystery man who is standing a bit too close to her for Matty’s liking.
“Oh honey, this is Calvin from the Metropolitan Museum of Art! I knew him in college, he graduated the year before me.” Nora acting as the middle man here.
Calvin stretches out a hand – Matty clocks the Rolex watch a mile away, everything about the guy screaming rich douchebag. “Oh Nora, this must be your boyfriend Matthew, is it?” Matty wants to punch him. Badly. He eyes Nora, raising his eyebrows as if to say “is he for real?”She shrugs.
“Actually, I’m her husband, mate! And my name is Matty.” He spits, venom seeping through every syllable. Nora shivers, never seeing him so quiet, yet fuming. She then catches a glint in his eyes that wasn’t there a few seconds ago…jealousy? Nora delights, she’s never seen him jealous before so this should be fun.
“Oh, apologies. I believe the invitations said Matthew Healy and Nora Downey. Didn’t know you two were married!” Nora now notices how he didn’t even congratulate them? Nothing? They were newlyweds for gods sake, who doesn’t wish a happy couple a good future? Now, she is angry, but not over the invitation mishap, but his blatant disrespect towards her relationship. As if in sync, they both mutter under their breaths “oh for fuck’s sake..” They share a look and Matty smirks, getting an idea.
“Well, we must be taking our seats now… what with her being honored and all. How exactly did you get invited to this again, with being from an american gallery and all? And let’s be honest not even the good one. Mate, you and I both know the Guggenheim is leagues better. Anyways, have an… evening!”
Calvin bumbles. Matty has succeeded, wrapping his arm around Nora’s neck and kissing her forehead they take their front-and-center seats. She giggles at how possessive he can get on the flip of a dime.
“And our first honoree of the evening, the incomparable and tour de force of abstract and avant garde art, Nora Downey!” The crowd claps as Nora confidently steps forward. She’s practiced this so many times, she could do it in mandarin – well if Matty wasn’t staring at her, eyes locked onto her own. A shaky exhale, a fidget of her hands as she pulls her papers in front of her and places them on the glass podium.
“Avant garde – new, unusual or experimental ideas. In my works around this gallery I have aimed to deliver this message while connecting it to my own ideas of the word and how it relates to me as an artist, as a friend, as a daughter, as a wife.” She glares at Calvin as the last word leaves her lips. “What I have realized is that my life was relatively normal, going on the regular course of life events for a ‘painter’ or ‘abstract artist’ until I met my husband. I was on a work trip and met him after a meeting that evening, and in that moment my whole life was thrown off one course and onto another. Onto an avant-garde one. Off the typical often tragic life of an artist and onto one of being a human who not only made art, but was now able to experience a different form of it and saw that art progress from notion to production to promotion. I have had the incredible experience of seeing how one form of art can interplay with another and heighten the experience for the subject or viewer. I tried to accomplish some of that in my work – using text from literature, phrases from propaganda as well as my own paintings to create a larger, more thought provoking experience.
Now, if I may speak a bit about my inspirations and what brought this idea forward exactly and how I came up with these ideas, I’d like to mention my ever loving husband Matty Healy – a musician. He has taken my previously quiet, lonely, often nocturnal life and nourished it, accepted it, and supported it. He has turned my solitary and introspective life and made it into one that is lush and vibrant, one that is open to different experiences and expressions. He has taken me and my lifestyle and made me into the artist you see before you. Someone confident in my work, proud of it in all its flaws and imperfections and even someone who is no longer too modest or self-effacing to be honored at a gathering like this. He has helped me see not only my own value, but the value of my life’s work and for that I will never be able to thank or repay him enough. Matty, may the only words I speak for the rest of my life be I love you. Thank you again for the honor, everyone!” She exhales, eyes brimming with tears. She sees Matty’s eyes are also glassy and she melts. Every word from her speech being the whole truth, meaning every last letter with every fiber of her being. She knew all of this from the first second she laid eyes on him. She knew she loved him before even meeting him. She knew he was the love of her life like she knew her own name.
Everyone applauds again, Matty jumping to his feet teary-eyed. He couldn’t be prouder, happier, more excited for her. If anyone in his life deserves to have their work be praised and honored by their colleagues it is undoubtedly Nora. She is the most hardworking, passionate, interesting person he has ever come across. He recalls the countless nights of him bringing up mugs of peppermint tea and cookies to her studio while papers and sketches sprawled across the room, not even an inch for him to stand. He recalls all the nights where they would make love and suddenly he’d find a swatch of dried paint on her skin, paying special attention to it. He recalls the first time he ever went to one of these events where someone had bought her work and displayed it, in shock over how people would flock to the museum to see her art. How people would get her pieces or fragments of them permanently etched on their skin, how she cried each time she saw on on her social media or walking around New York and meeting a young art student who was a fan of her work.
He recalls the first time one of his own fans ever brought her up at a signing and how he blushed and gushed about her with the young college student. How he realized in that very moment that she is the most magnificent thing that has every happened to him. Without her, he would never be opened up to this world or half of the stuff he has made references to in his own art. Without her, his own work would be empty, desolate, robotic, completely without all the mattyisms it is known for today. Without her, he would be a shell of himself. It is dizzying how much he loves her. How he got lucky enough to call her his wife is a mystery to him, but for whatever god sent her to him he is thankful…
Thankful for his Nora. His wife.
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mariska · 2 years
here is a lil bit of fun fashion history i learned today and thought might be interesting to share;
so if u know me or have followed me p much anywhere online for the past few yrs especially u probably know i really do not like wearing a lot of modern style clothes (for the most part at least) and if i'm able to i prefer to get thrifted/pre-owned clothes from a whole bunch of different eras (also because Clothes Are Expensive and even if i did prefer modern styles i cant afford a lot of them normally unless huge sales are going on) but primarily my fav styles tend to be anywhere from like late 50's to mid 70's. i am disabled and have been my whole life and i only started being able to have any kind of income of my own in like late 2020 or early 2021 which means i have had a little bit more independence to find cool old clothes that i can afford and actually enjoy wearing, so thats been a huge positive change for me and my identity and getting to feel more like my Genuine Self by passing along clothes i can't or didn't want to wear now in my mid-20's to make room for fun vintage stuff i actually do want to wear.
lately i've been trying to find vintage nightgowns that are both clean/in good wearable condition and not expensive and a few days ago i happened to stumble onto a listing online for a super pretty light blue nylon nightgown in great pre-owned condition for $10 and was like oh my god thats awesome i need to get that; it came in the mail the other day and here's what it looks like:
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(the lace is much more white irl, my house has very yellow tinted lighting and my bedroom walls are like the same color green as my comforter sheet here so it tends to make things look more yellow in pics than they actually are lmao)
its got super stretchy elastic around the bust & waist as u can see there so its pretty versatile with the fit and i am just in love with the general style and shape of it so much, very Edwardian Revival which i have a decent amount of in my closet cus i love old takes on even older fashion styles. so anyways i was folding it to put in my pj/nightgown drawer in my room and happened to notice it still had its' original tag on completely in tact on the inner lining near the bust/arm area and found one of my absolute favorite logos to find on vintage clothes tags:
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Ladies Garment Union label!!! (International Ladies Garment Workers Union or ILGWU was a large clothing union group that made a lot of vintage clothes thru most of the 1900's and had a lot of different styled and colored tag logos like this on all their work over the decades), now there was not detailed info on the listing for this nightgown when i got it but the seller listed it as 70's era based on the style i assume, which i would've been fine with regardless of actual decade i just rly love comfy retro styles haha, but i was like yeah i can def see this being a 70's nightgown that checks out from my personal experience, but since i just noticed this label tonight i wanted to see if i could find a historical resource list of the different Union logos online because i have quite a few that look almost exactly like this specific tag and almost all of the other ones with it in my closet are from some time in the 60's.
so i found an awesome list with both info and example pictures of the Union tag logos throughout the decades from a site called sammydvintage and i was able to actually pin down the production date of this nightgown to less than a year of when it was made!!!
i know from my own experience that a lot of the 60's to early 70's era tags didn't have color printed on the logo yet so i was pretty sure it was from that general era and sure enough on the reference site i saw a pic of this same style logo with a timeline of 1964-1973; i was satisfied enough with that knowledge and was like yeah makes sense, this is probably early 70's towards the end of that.
NOPE! i read a little more on the page and it mentioned that the example picture on that site had a small (R) on the left side next to the logo, and that the R indicates the tag was printed after the Union trademarked the logo on April 21, 1964, so if you see a tag with that design but no little R, it was made *before* the logo was trademarked. sure enough, if you look at the pic i took of this gown's tag, there's no little R trademark next to the logo!
which means that, according to this site's information which seems very accurate and in-depth, this dress was made anywhere between June 28, 1963 (when the logo design changed from the previous version) to April 21, 1964. how cool is that!?!? i've never been able to ID such a specific less than a year date for a piece of vintage clothing i own before, and i was like 10 years off with my original guess lol!
it would be much more difficult to pin it down further obviously but knowing that new info, if i had to make an updated guess, i'd say this was probably either a Spring (of '64) or Fall/Autumn (of '63) fashion release since it's long and has sleeves but they aren't full-length sleeves and the nylon material is comfy but pretty thin for winter night-wear (it definitely could be though of course, i wouldn't be surprised if this was originally part of a multi-piece set that may have included a similar looking robe, sheer cape, or 'house coat' layer to wear over it since sleepwear sets like that were a very popular thing in 60's nightgown fashion)
i also thought it was cool in that '63-'64 was around the general era of this Edwardian/Victorian/Medieval Regal revival type trend having its early start which eventually helped popularize the style going into the remainder of the 60's and even further into the 70's with the eventual rise in popularity of brands like Gunne-Sax which has kind of become a cult classic icon of 70's 'cottagecore', 'prairie', 'medieval/regal' revival dresses from that era. that '63-'64 date timeline also makes complete sense in a more widespread pop culture way that i can't un-see now that i know when it was made; the 1965 movie version of The Sound Of Music was one of many popular pieces of media from that time that contributed heavily to the general popularization of this mod regal revival dress style, and if you changed the poofiness of the sleeves and lowered the length of my blue nightgown here, it has SUCH a similar silhouette structure to Liesl's "gazebo" dress from the '16 going on 17' music number from that movie:
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(bonus Fun Fact Within A Fun Fact: Mitski drew inspiration from that dress when she was working with the costume designers/creators for her 2022 tour outfits and had them made in 4 different colors all together, i believe. its a very good dress 💜)
anyways!!! i just wanted to share this fun deep dive into vintage fashion i unintentionally went on tonight because i am so excited to have learned so much information from such a random nightgown thrifting find. i have a huge special interest not only in the history of vintage fashion/trends/pop culture but also archiving that history and investigating the origins/influences of seemingly mundane bits of every day life in the past so this was such an awesome and exciting discovery to me! definitely makes me want to take out my other clothes with the various Union tags still on them and see if i can narrow down more detailed years for those pieces too 🥰
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baekhvuns · 2 years
Imagine being worth 60mln at the age of 16, wtf but hopefully he plays well. Zidane hair era??? For a second I thought it'd be Kaka and that Kaka look alike not his actual son akdhajhsjsgajahaj
Messi acts like Neymar's father what is Neymar gonna do once Messi retires, Neymar retirement era as well? Skshsbahjshababsjshaha
I've always had this issue with The Blues, I saw them in match a few times and it was during the seasons when they were mostly defending not attacking and it's not like they always played better teams so it was confusing. Well anyways LONDON IS RED so 🤗 Ronaldo at Bayern wow and Man City, Man Utd fans would be thrilled lmao
Tbh I know it's not always easy to check everyone before hiring them, like all the idols who were mean to people at some point, a lot of the situations were kept in secret. Prison League 💀
I spent some time "studying" the royals, so I have a lot of strong opinions about them, maybe that's why. I obviously don't know them personally, but some things are obvious. Hahaha do you think some of the watch The Crown and actually like it? 👀
GOT at Coachella? Hmmm choices, but that would be funny. Shinee at Coachella tho! Or maybe not there since it's trash. Godddd I hate Paris now because they're getting MuBank in April with Skz and then Lolla with Skz as well??? Fuck them Frenchies, after witnessing their behaviour at Fashion Week this year and last year they don't deserve shit 😤 good for Skz, very proud but also 🔫
Unhinged mid/late 2000s tv shows was such an era. And now they released Teen Wolf the movie IT'S SO BAD. Oh I haven't really watched Wizards of Weverly Place, I saw a few episodes but I don't think I was the target audience when it came out. I'm not really a Disney Channel person, except for Zack and Cody and maybe Hannah Montana
Yeah, Baek not to threaten you, but I might send my army of snakes after you if you keep teasing me 😘 uhm a G wagon to pick up girls???
I started the murderous husband webtoon on a different page that has more chapters, cause I had to see what was going on! It's interesting, but idk how to feel about that relationship, we'll see
The NASCAR cartoon was called NASCAR RACERS idk why I watched it
Soohyuk is clearly dating Hoshi lol also don't forget about our wedding soon!
Everything I've learnt about Coleen Hoover was against my will and now Blake, et tu Brute...
Hold on Baeksy, consider this... the question is, why are they enemies, or is it a one sided hatred? How and why did person 1 fall for person 2? So many possibilities!!!
Me for the past few days: ik Hwa has black hair, I need to accept it. Hwa: *shows up with black hair*. Me: WTF IS THIS 😭😭😭😭
EH, ot8 black hair lovers are winning... but oh well. Now if Seonghwa cuts his hair (99% sure he trimmed it already :/) and gets an under cut I'm gonna have a bigger problem. MILF SEONGHWA COME BACK PLS, L O N G HAIR PLS!!!!!
This idc for my kpop men looking like regular people 😫 they have black hair every 10 minutes what's there to miss. The only way to win me over with black hair is when the hair is loooooong long. And I literally had a dream about him in this colour, I know he had it for a while, but it's time to bring it back me thinks
I need more selcas. Also a missed opportunity to dye it a different colour, but I understand his scalp was damaged :( Seonghwa gives so much, but then he has to take it away...
Not him being 👉👈 about the cat beanie photos, best believe once the photos drop I'm gonna eat all my walls!!!
God Pique is so embarrassing what a clown. SO PRETTY YOUR DAUGHTER JSJSHSBANSHAHAH no bc if she was 3 years younger it'd make her 15 years younger and I know some people become parents at the age if 15, so imagine him as her father.... yikes
Oh yes they're right
Also not me not recognising Ateez at Eden's wedding, I especially couldn't recognise Hwa IT'S THE FUCKING HAIR IT'S NOT CLICKING FOR ME. Maddox is my new bias, because his hair aaaaaa. But Seonghwa talking about crying at the wedding, that's my boomer baby boy - DV 💖
Imagine being worth 60mln at the age of 16, wtf but hopefully he plays well. Zidane hair era??? For a second I thought it'd be Kaka and that Kaka look alike not his actual son akdhajhsjsgajahaj
YEAH AT THE AGE OF 16??? i was worrying about my exams and this bro out here earning millions 😭😭 he does, plays super well! his story is quite sad but his motivation is mental, he’s mbappe fast, maybe even faster and he’s only 16! hopefully he does not get injured!! LMFAOOOO FOR A MOMENT I WAS EXPECTING KAKA LOOKALIKE AND WAS SURPRISED IT WAS HIS ACTUAL ONE, his looks still >> zidane hair might not grow! he’s got 4 teams, rm, psg, juventus & bayern wanting him now 😭😭
Messi acts like Neymar's father what is Neymar gonna do once Messi retires, Neymar retirement era as well? Skshsbahjshababsjshaha
he really does, thiago messi who? it’s neymar messi actually 🤚🏻I THINK HE WOULD ACTUALLY he’s been wanting to bc njr said he can’t handle the media pressure anymore 😭😭 hopefully he retires w the wc trophy 😭😭
I've always had this issue with The Blues, I saw them in match a few times and it was during the seasons when they were mostly defending not attacking and it's not like they always played better teams so it was confusing. Well anyways LONDON IS RED so 🤗 Ronaldo at Bayern wow and Man City, Man Utd fans would be thrilled lmao
yEAAAHHH the players are underperforming also the tensions w the coach and the head,,, spending MILLIONS in transfer windows atp they’re collecting players like pokémon but those players are not doING SHIT!!!! tuchel should have never left, mourinho is the only hope but i doubt he might come back,,, MAN CITYS CATCHING UP ALVAREZ IS COMING FOR UR REDS 😭😭😭 atp i think cristiano would like to go the man utd too but at least it’s said he’s gonna retire at rm 😭😭
Tbh I know it's not always easy to check everyone before hiring them, like all the idols who were mean to people at some point, a lot of the situations were kept in secret. Prison League 💀
yeah! it’s not easy but at least the bare minimum works 😭😭😭 sometimes a pretty face can get those idols anywhere, to the point of hiding insane stuff,, PRISON LEAGUE FBWKDBWM it’s not world cup, it’s prison wars <3
I spent some time "studying" the royals, so I have a lot of strong opinions about them, maybe that's why. I obviously don't know them personally, but some things are obvious. Hahaha do you think some of the watch The Crown and actually like it? 👀
OOOOOOOO with ur info, who do u think is the better one out of them all? who’s the worst? and who’s ok? i do like philip’s humor he seems like the funny, blunt type of person fbfb i think harry confirmed they see the crown 💀 charles also said he doesn’t mind it but thinks ppl might take the fictional part not seriously and think it’s real dbdb i know edward and sophie love it and made the queen watch it for funsies but she thought some parts were dramatized, i guess we can say they have some sort of humour fbfbf i bet no one watched the diana season 🧍🏻‍♀️🧍🏻‍♀️
GOT at Coachella? Hmmm choices, but that would be funny. Shinee at Coachella tho! Or maybe not there since it's trash. Godddd I hate Paris now because they're getting MuBank in April with Skz and then Lolla with Skz as well??? Fuck them Frenchies, after witnessing their behaviour at Fashion Week this year and last year they don't deserve shit 😤 good for Skz, very proud but also 🔫 //// Unhinged mid/late 2000s tv shows was such an era. And now they released Teen Wolf the movie IT'S SO BAD. Oh I haven't really watched Wizards of Weverly Place, I saw a few episodes but I don't think I was the target audience when it came out. I'm not really a Disney Channel person, except for Zack and Cody and maybe Hannah Montana
yEAAHH GOT AT COACHELLA would be quite polarizing no? the songs would 😵‍💫😵‍💫the audience might find it pretty interesting to listen to all of that,,, SHINEE AT COACHELLA WOULD BE PERFECT, BRUNG OUT VIEW AND TELL ME WHAT TO DO AND ALL THE DANCE POP 😭😭 sm would never, they never sent exo when they were invited, im convinced they’ll never send their bg’s,,, NAURRR WILL U BE GOING?? yeah no the behaviour at the pfw was 😬 maybe lfw would be better
WHAT A GREAT ERA!!!! want the cliche romcom’s w THAT cringe factor back but ppl are so judge about everything they won’t be pleased w nothing 🔫🔫 THEY RELEASED WHAT???? ANON GUESS WHATS BEINF RELEASED FBWMFJWK MY MAIN THOUGHT WAS OH DYLANS GONNA HATE THIS 🧍🏻‍♀️🧍🏻‍♀️wowp was >>> ZACK AND CODY OH MY GOD AND HANNAH MONTANA 😭😭 i have her dolls with the click button on her tummy that when it clicks it sings party in the usa 😭😭 and miss anne? mother.
Yeah, Baek not to threaten you, but I might send my army of snakes after you if you keep teasing me 😘 uhm a G wagon to pick up girls???
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yup! they tend to purchase gwagons but always go with girlies who are identical to every other nhl player ☺️ they’re all also slightly racist tho im not surprised on that fbdjck
I started the murderous husband webtoon on a different page that has more chapters, cause I had to see what was going on! It's interesting, but idk how to feel about that relationship, we'll see
IT REALLY IS INTERESTING and the dude makes it even better 🥰 have u read the perfect marriage revenge? it’s actually really good ive read most of it tho i stopped,, it’s very <33 pisses me off a little bc the fucking sister is 🔫
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The NASCAR cartoon was called NASCAR RACERS idk why I watched it
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wait hello, those are some fine men,, gives me totally spies but w guys vibes!
Soohyuk is clearly dating Hoshi lol also don't forget about our wedding soon! //// Everything I've learnt about Coleen Hoover was against my will and now Blake, et tu Brute...
CLEARLY HE’S DATING ME! I WAS IN THE CAR W HIM https://www.instagram.com/p/Cn7dfkLyMK6/?igshid=Zjc2ZTc4Nzk= he’s so dilf. he’s like perfect, really,, omg,,, HEY HEY IM SORRY I GOTTA STEAL UR GROOM THIS WEDDING CANT HAPPEN 🤚🏻 no srs i wish she backs out of the movie 😭😭😭
Hold on Baeksy, consider this... the question is, why are they enemies, or is it a one sided hatred? How and why did person 1 fall for person 2? So many possibilities!!! //// Me for the past few days: ik Hwa has black hair, I need to accept it. Hwa: *shows up with black hair*. Me: WTF IS THIS 😭😭😭😭 /// EH, ot8 black hair lovers are winning... but oh well. Now if Seonghwa cuts his hair (99% sure he trimmed it already :/) and gets an under cut I'm gonna have a bigger problem. MILF SEONGHWA COME BACK PLS, L O N G HAIR PLS!!!!!
i….omg,,,, the ANGST???? they HAVE to be enemies bc the main character was already with someone and the enemy’s heart broke seeing them all wholesome wHEN ALL THIS TIME HE’S BEEN IN LOVE WITH MC 😭😭 do u think the enemy would accept the heart if the mc brought it back to them,, HE HAS BLACK HAIR AND EVERYONE ELSE IN ATEEZ 😭😭😭😭😭😭 MINGI BROWN AT LEAST
This idc for my kpop men looking like regular people 😫 they have black hair every 10 minutes what's there to miss. The only way to win me over with black hair is when the hair is loooooong long. And I literally had a dream about him in this colour, I know he had it for a while, but it's time to bring it back me thinks /// I need more selcas. Also a missed opportunity to dye it a different colour, but I understand his scalp was damaged :( Seonghwa gives so much, but then he has to take it away... :// AND MINGI 🤧🤧🤧🤧
no srs 😭😭 let them look like gods for a minute they’ll go back to black anyway 😭😭 i’ve have seen
idol: *changes hair colour*
fan : *im so upset i liked him in black hair*
also, fan : *DYE YOUR HAIR COME ON1!1!1*
Not him being 👉👈 about the cat beanie photos, best believe once the photos drop I'm gonna eat all my walls!!! ///// God Pique is so embarrassing what a clown. SO PRETTY YOUR DAUGHTER JSJSHSBANSHAHAH no bc if she was 3 years younger it'd make her 15 years younger and I know some people become parents at the age if 15, so imagine him as her father.... yikes /// Oh yes they're right
im actually going to scream when these photos come out,,, 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭
RIGHT THE FUCKING COMMENT HAD ME CRYING ITS SO FUNNY TO SCROLL THRU THEM 😭😭 VIOLATION,,,, omg stop that’s awkward as fuck,, when i first saw the photo i thought it was his sibling 💀💀 bro can’t take care of his kids this new edition would just make it worse,,, they are 100% right, do u rnr that one matz clip where he was manspreading and hongjoong walking to him, need that repeated but in this outfit 💃.
Also not me not recognising Ateez at Eden's wedding, I especially couldn't recognise Hwa IT'S THE FUCKING HAIR IT'S NOT CLICKING FOR ME. Maddox is my new bias, because his hair aaaaaa. But Seonghwa talking about crying at the wedding, that's my boomer baby boy - DV 💖
???? 😭😭 about the txt cb??
0 notes
turnerchic · 3 years
alex turner x reader
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Summary : Alex and you are set up on a first date (11-13 era Alex - imagine whichever era you want tbh)
words : 885
WARNINGS : sexual flirting hints? y/n's girlboss aura
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Alex's Pov
"well can you atleast tell me where you're fucking taking me matthew" Alex sighed in the passenger seat of the car
"Al it's called a blind date you'll find out stop whining" Matthew chuckled
"yeah a blind date not a fucking blind taxi ride thi- ugh whatever" struggling to get his sentence out through frustration causing him to give up causing Matthew to laugh more
Y/N's Pov
you arrived and sat in the restaurant wondering if you were late or early since it took 40 minutes to get ready, you were wearing; a black mini dress, nude lipstick and your hair was unbrushed not knotty but bareable (in a messy french girl way)
you looked around fighting against the urge to pick at your nail polish Gosh you even painted your nails for this guy (red)
"hello ma"am are you waiting for someone?" a man called holding a clipboard with a list
"yeah actually, it's under..Turner" if he's cancelled i-
"right the tables over there number 5 a waiter will be with you, enjoy your evening!"
you smiled and walked over to the table, it was posh, pretty and everyone was dressed smart
so now all you have to do it wait.
Alex's Pov
Alex stepped out of the car checking his watch "oh god matthew i'm late i swear" he said while rushing into the building
he walked up to the man at the front "Hey i have a- its under Turner"
"yes table 5 over there, enjoy your evening sir" pointing to where you were already sat.
"she's already here" he thought you couldn't see your face just the back of your head, you were sat with your head in your palm. fuck
well, Alex rushed over slowing down when he got to the table
"hey im abit late im so sorry it were Matt-. Alex" holding out his hand for you.
Y/n's Pov
God. your head shot to the side but then God literally.
he held out his hand and you took it "Y/N" causing him to smile "pretty name" and you smiled
"and it's okay i only just came in"
"it were Matthew i dunno but that's good i thought i were really late" rubbing his forehead
"Matthew he told me about you"
"embarrass me?"
"no no just told me you were mates, long time and the basics"
"that's good then, you look beautiful by the way Y/n"
"thanks Turner"
"Turner? i like it darlin-"
"Hello may i please take your order if you both are ready" the waiter interrupted smiling
"oh yeah um...i'll just have the pasta with the side of soft bread" you said to the waiter
"i'll have same as her" Alex said and the waiter walked off
"so what do you do Y/n"
"Fashion, runway modelling that stuff"
"oh you model"
"is it surprising?" tilting your head
"oh no not like that you're pretty i don't know you seem like a café girl" he tried explaining
"a...café girl?" you said "is that an insult?"
"no no..oh it doesn't matter" he gave up chuckling
"i'm only kidding but what about you Alex, what do you do?"
"i'm in a band i'm sure Matthew should of mentioned it"
"no he didnt actually"
Alex's Pov:
She doesn't know i'm in Arctic Monkeys? he thought
but that's a good thing. she might be actually interested in me
"oh so you're not a fame hungry gold digger"
"famous? what are you big Alex"
"it's Arctic Monkeys, but no it's most of the past dates enjoyed the money and fame more than me"
"i'm not here to make your pockets hurt turner don't worry"
"i know love don't worry"
Y/N's pov
our food arrived and me and Alex ate most of our meals honestly it was quite bland
"i'm finished"
"same here do you wanna do dessert's?" he requested
"i'm on a diet Turner" you leaned forward
"you don't need a diet and they're small ive been here before" he leaned over the table too towards you "trust me babe"
"oh am i your now babe Turner?"
"oh hottest babe i've ever met" he winked
"i like to hear that" you smirked
"the compliments? you like how i tell you you're the most breathtaking woman i've ever seen" he said pushing some hair behind your ear "i mean everything you're great, talented..im sure you have many other talents too" he trailed his finger down your cheekbone to your jaw to your chin while he looked your body up and down
"i was a gymnast, still flexible, know all the moves..." you said turning the conversation in that direction
"ohh now you're bad" he laughed "you know i've had a great time with you y/n, and i know many other ways to show you a great time" he picked your hand up off the table, placing a kiss on the back of it
"now you're pushing it" you both laughed
you both got up paying the check and walking out of the fancy restaurant onto the quite busy streets of NYC
"hey if you want me to walk you home or owt i can or if you want to call you a taxi i'll pay i-"
"home?" you turned to him "the nights only just begun Turner" smirking looking back and starting to walk away asking him to follow after you
"we'll, lead the way then babe" and he followed you.
he'd follow you anywhere
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Authors note - thank you for reading this isn't checked so im aware there is probably spelling/grammar errors.
requests open.
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babyboibucky · 4 years
Pairing: TFATWS!Bucky Barnes x Reader
Summary: Bucky checks whether he still has his 1940′s charm.
Word Count: 1,613
Warnings: TFATWS spoilers! No warning, just a bit of fluff I guess???
A/N: Nothing really, just that Bucky deserves all the love in the world :’)
Charming (Part 2) || MAIN MASTERLIST
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“You should date someone.”
Bucky groans at Yori’s suggestion. Again. The old guy had been pestering him about it ever since they started their little friendship. Introduced girls and forced him to take them out to dinner or bingo. He did try of course, but it always seemed too fast for him.
“I already did, haven’t I? You sort of forced me to go on one, remember?” Bucky asked before downing a glass of sake in one go.
Thank god they went to a different Japanese restaurant this time. His date with the girl at the other restaurant went pretty badly, with him walking out after a particularly sensitive topic and never returning. Bucky felt bad and as much as he wanted to go back there and apologize, he just doesn’t have the courage to show his face again.
“Yeah, well you messed up.” Yori said pointedly.
Bucky chortled, “Or maybe you messed up by forcing me. I told you, you gotta take it slow like a dance. I mean, you don’t just ask anyone to dance with you. You ask someone you’d like to dance with.”
Yori’s shoulders trembled as he tried to bite back his laughter. Bucky made a face when he realized he’d been talking a lot.
“Then go find someone you want to date. Or maybe you just don’t have it in you.” The older man teased.
Bucky couldn’t help but grin, “Sounds like a challenge.”
As Bucky poured himself another glass of sake, he began to wonder whether Yori was right. Maybe he really didn’t have it anymore, the confidence and charm he used to have back in his time.
Only one way to find out.
The club was a bad idea. A really bad idea.
Initially, Bucky thought that it would be the perfect place to find someone to date. Apparently not, because despite the presence of beautiful girls, they were pretty much throwing themselves at him. As much as Bucky was curious about the so called “hook-up” culture in the modern times, it just wasn’t for him.
And good god, the dancing? It’s not what it used to be; Bucky wasn’t even sure if he could call those movements “dance”.
Bucky called it a night and quickly headed to the exit. And that’s where he noticed you, fumbling with your phone and clicking your tongue from what seemed to be frustration. He slowed down in his steps, not wanting to interrupt your little moment as you mumbled a string of curses to yourself.
He eyed you from head to toe, noticing that you were wearing something too simple for a club: just a white shirt, some jeans and a pair of sneakers. With Bucky’s experience, he learned to be observant enough to read someone’s personality.
You were definitely not a frequent visitor to these clubs. And he was right about that because you were just forced to tag along to your officemates to celebrate a promotion.
“Ugh, fuck. Come on!” You unintentionally exclaimed out loud, stomping on the ground causing for Bucky to let out a chuckle.
Bucky’s eyes widened when you abruptly turned around, “Oh sorry. I didn’t meant to uhh...are you okay?” He asked timidly, slowly walking over to where you stood.
You huffed out, “I’m trying to book a ride, but the signal here sucks.” You explained. “And I’m not really comfortable to walk home at this hour.” You quickly added.
It was close to ten in the evening, it wasn’t that late yet but given the location and downsides of being a woman, you really didn’t want to risk your safety.
“Won’t your friends give you a ride home?” He asked.
You groaned, “They aren’t really my friends...I just work with them. They’re all shit-faced drunk and I didn’t even plan on coming here. Not a fan of clubs.” You admitted.
Bucky chuckled as he kicked the ground, “Guess that makes two of us.”
Your hum caught Bucky’s attention and when he looked up, you were looking at him suspiciously. For a moment he thought that you might have recognized him but you merely laughed and shook your head.
“You don’t seem like the type to hate clubs. Why are you here then?” You asked curiously.
Bucky shrugged, “Thought I’d find someone here that I can you know...take out on a date.”
You cackled out loud, it was the kind of laughter that made Bucky join in. You probably thought it was stupid for him to come looking for love at a club. And well, given his experience inside, you were correct.
“I know. It’s stupid. I haven’t been to clubs really, so I honestly didn’t know what to expect.” He admitted, rubbing the back of neck sheepishly.
You nodded, “How was your experience inside then?”
“You could say I was pretty shocked. And disoriented. The lights made me dizzy.” Bucky said, widening his eyes in emphasis.
Laughing, you nodded and agreed before introducing yourself so casually. Bucky repeated your name, he liked the way it sounded.
“I’m James.”
Bucky found himself easily opening up to you. The conversations flowed naturally, from something as basic as favorite food down to your mutual hatred for crowded places and everything in between. Bucky learned that you often volunteer at an orphanage and that you hate plums which happens to be his favorite. It resulted to a harmless debate that lasted ten minutes.
You asked him about his work, something that he had to lie his way around. As much as he wanted to be honest with you, he was afraid that revealing the truth might scare you off. You seemed to be really interested in him whenever he talked about his boring daily routine.
“Do you...do you like to talk somewhere else?” Bucky blurted out.
You offered a sad smile, one that broke Bucky’s heart because you were probably going to reject him. Understandable though, he was a stranger and it was late at night. It was hard to trust people nowadays.
“I have work tomorrow morning.” You apologetically said.
“But you can walk me home...if you’d like?” You asked. “I probably sound demanding but uhh, I don’t think I can really book a ride and I don’t want to walk home alone at this hour.”
Bucky heaved out a deep sigh of relief and laughed, “I thought you didn’t like talking to me.” He sheepishly admitted.
“No, I actually like talking to you. You’re fun. And interesting.” You smiled.
Bucky beamed and extended a hand, letting you lead the way before matching your pace. The more he talked to you, the more he realized that maybe, just maybe, you’d be the first person he’d willingly ask out on a date.
The walk lasted half an hour but to Bucky, it only felt like minutes. It was definitely not enough for him to get to know you more.
“Well, this is me.” You announced when you reached your apartment building.
“Thanks for walking me home, I really appreciate it.” You said.
Bucky placed his hands inside his pockets and nodded, “Call me old-fashioned, but I felt like any gentleman should do so.”
Bucky held your gaze and debated how he should ask you out. Should he just blurt out the question? Would that be too soon? Your number! Maybe he should ask for your number first, show his therapist that finally, there was a new number registered in his contacts.
“Well, I should head inside.” You said when Bucky remained silent and although Bucky didn’t want to assume, he thought he saw a look if disappointed in your eyes.
Yori is going to regret saying that he doesn’t have game.
“Wait,” Bucky called out before you could turn around. “Being old-fashioned and all, I know this might be too forward. Or too fast, even.” he trailed and cleared his throat.
“Would you like to go out on a date with me? This Saturday. We can go to the beach, get ice cream...” he suggested.
Wrong move! Out of all the places he could suggest, it just had to be the beach! It’s not like he could wear a long-sleeved top and his gloves without getting dirty looks from people. You were going to find out the truth about him, his arm, his past. And then you’d regret letting him walk you home because who knew what the Winter Soldier was capable of?
“I’d love to.” You replied with a grin but before Bucky could suggest another place, you had already walked up to the front door of your apartment building, pulling it open before suddenly stopping.
“Or we can just take a walk at the park if you want, if that’s more comfortable for you.” You suggested turning your head to look back at Bucky.
He furrowed his brows in confusion. Again, he was unable to say something because you beat him to it with a surprising revelation.
“I’ll wait for you to come pick me up on Saturday. And don’t worry about your arm, I don’t mind. Good night, Bucky.”
And with one final beautiful smile, you headed inside the building leaving Bucky with a confused look. You knew him all along but didn’t say anything. You opened up to him, held his arm when you laughed and still, it didn’t bother you. You didn’t call him out when he lied about working for a mechanic shop, didn’t get scared when he offered to walk you home.
It took a few seconds for Bucky’s brain to process everything. And then he found himself grinning like a fool when he proved something to himself. And well, Yori too.
“Guess I still got it.”
Everything Bucky Tag List:
@ddowii @jessou893 @stealapizzamyheart @bagelofthelord @mxnt @dontputyourfckingdrinkonmytable @jeeperky @ohladymacbeth @wildflowergubler @supraveng @twinerd14 @buckysmar  @bakugouswh0r3 @sweetcoldharmony @wintersfilm @charminivy @amelia-song-pond @iamvalentinaconstanza @mcubqrnes @i’m-squished @tcc-gizmachine @sipsteacasually @tcc-gizmachine @prettyintopeerpressure​ @weloveyasmin​
Sign up on my tag list here - https://forms.gle/b5haFXewSKqnXxxh7
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audi0med1c · 11 months
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Chapter 1 of my new Modern AU idea I got from making a silly tik tok....this is a very angsty exes-to-lovers Modern Clexa AU...just a couple of stubborn idiots who can't get over their pride and ego's set to a backdrop of Taylor Swift references.
2,372 words
It's on both archive and wattpad, if you prefer to read it there
The absolute last thing Clarke wanted to see tonight on her rare chance to dine out was Lexa fucking Woods.
Lexa Woods, in her signature dark grey Armani suit.
On a date.
Before she could successfully grab her best friend's arm to duck out and choose another restaurant, those green eyes flick over and meet hers, as if she had been waiting on her to arrive.
"Shit you gotta be fucking kidding me." She hisses, earning a concerned look from the dark-haired girl just in front of her.
"What?" The girl says, looking Clarke up and down for something wrong.
"She's fucking HERE."
"Who is?" The girl says, turning to scan the dining room.
Clarke grabs her arm to stop her from turning, "No don't look don't-" but winces when it's clearly too late. Both of their eyes meet those green ones still locked onto them.
Lexa is holding a glass of red wine, and raises it slightly in their direction, shooting them her signature grin that Clarke would love to walk over and smack right off her annoyingly beautiful face.
"We can go somewhere else, Clarke, come on."
A flash goes off outside, as the first of what will eventually be many paparazzi snaps a picture through the restaurant's front window.
"No," Clarke says, "I'm not giving her that satisfaction."
They wait to be seated, and as the waitress is pouring their first glasses of wine the third member of their party arrives, fashionably late as always.
"Um since when do they seat VIPs off in the corner? Wasn't the reservation under Clarke Griffin? Your art is literally hanging in their lobby."
Clarke hates when Raven uses that term, as she never expects or cares about getting any sort of special treatment anywhere. Actually she'd prefer blending in and being invisible most of the time.  
"We aren't the only VIPs tonight." Clarke uses the term sarcastically, nodding her head in the direction over the girl's shoulder, "And I requested this table, so just sit Raven."
"Ohhhh damn what are the odds of that?" Raven chuckles, pulling out her seat and taking a long sip of wine, shooting a glance at the other girl with them.
"Octavia stop looking, Jesus." Clarke kicks the girl's shin under the table.
Clarke had asked for the table on the far side of the dining room, away from as much of the crowd as possible, and took the seat that kept Lexa mostly in her line of sight without having to turn her head and be obvious.
"She's still watching you." Octavia says, not even trying to hide looking over her shoulder at the pair behind them.
"Ugh ok maybe I can't fucking stay here." Clarke motions to their waitress.
Raven is typing on her phone under the table, which Octavia catches out of the corner of her eye.
Raven: You didn't think to tell me Lexa was coming here tonight???
The three dots hover in the bottom corner for what feels like forever.
Anya: How would I know that?!?! Wait who is she there with??
Raven: A blonde. A HOT blonde.
Anya: Oh god. Can't wait to hear about this when you get home.
Clarke catches Raven typing on her phone under the table, and then notices Lexa casually check her phone a few seconds later and shoot another grin in her direction.
"Really Rae?" Clarke says, annoyed, "Can you leave Anya out of this?"
"I don't know what you're talking about." The girl says not even trying to hide her smile. 
The waitress, a bubbly young girl with short bouncy auburn curls looks nervous when she approaches.
"Yes Ms. Griffin, are you ready to order?" Clarke is always sure to be overly nice to waitstaff, or any staff when she is out in public. She honestly hates most of the things that come with being so easily recognizable, particularly the stereotype of celebrities being entitled, petulant, or conceited. It's not something she intentionally sought, or even thought was possible when she pursued art full-time after college and found her own moderate success. Any level of celebrity status could never go to her head, as she will always be the small-town girl from the East Coast town of Polis, who grew up with next to nothing and never quite felt like she belonged in a place like L.A. to begin with.
But dating one of Hollywood's hottest A-listers will certainly put you on people's radar.
Clarke leans in towards the waitress, "Actually, we will take the check for the wine, I completely forgot about a previous commitment I need to get to, but can I order a bottle of Dom Perignon, for the table right over there before we go?" She motions with her head towards the table where Lexa is now very obviously pretending to laugh at whatever the bimbo across from her is saying.
"Of course, will that be all for you tonight?"
"Actually, if I give you an extra hundred dollars, will you relay a message when you bring over the bottle? A toast of sorts."
The two girls across from her are trying to keep a straight face, but watch wide-eyed as Clarke whispers something into the waitresses' ear, and hands over her Amex card.
The girl's face when she straightens up is a mix of nervous and giddy, understanding the context of the request.
The history of the two patrons was no secret – it had been front page of the tabloids for months after their very public, very messy breakup. Now it was just the simple annoyance of whatever bullshit spin came out of their occasional run-ins or when they attended the same events.
"I'll be right back." Clarke says, pushing back from the table to stand. 
"Wait where are you going?" Octavia calls after her.
"Bathroom." She replies over her shoulder, heading towards the hallway on the far end of the dining hall. She made sure to keep her eyes straight ahead as she walked past the brunette and her date nonchalantly, but the familiar aroma of Dior perfume crawled up her nostrils and she hated how good it smelled.
It reminded her of silk sheets and long nights, her hands sliding over hips and thighs and feeling the hot breath of whispered sighs.
Don't you dare. She thought to herself, shaking the memories from her head. 
She stared at herself a good long while in the bathroom, both expecting and dreading the door to open. When it doesn't, she touches up her red lipstick, adjusts herself in her skin-tight black cocktail dress so her already exposed cleavage is just a tad more on display, and heads back out to the dining room.
Her friends are already at the hostess stand, waiting for her before heading out past the now moderate amount of paparazzi that must have heard her and Lexa were spotted in public at the same place for the first time in months.
A small grin tugs at her lips as she passes the brunette's table, noting the new bottle of vintage champagne that sits opened with two glasses poured but not being touched, and a now slightly miffed date that shoots up an embarrassed look when she notices Clarke passing by.
Clarke bends over far more than necessary as she signs the bill left on the table, tipping an additional $50 on top of the $100 she promised because the look on the young girl's face was honestly better than she could have hoped for and collects her Amex card and heads to join her friends at the front when she hears a muffled voice from behind apologize and excuse themselves as they stand up from their table.
The warning looks on her friends' faces tell her to expect the hand that tugs her backwards as she reaches the hostess stand, pulling her to the side at the front of the restaurant.
The velvety scent of Dior wafts into her nose again, and those green eyes are much closer to her than they need to be, but she doesn't step back. At least not yet.
"Really Clarke?" Comes the expected reprimand, "Here's to the search for something greater? Classy."
"She's practically my clone." Clarke shrugs sharply.
Lexa remains unamused.
"Hardly, she's missing your signature....what is it..." Lexa dramatically gestures with her hand, searching for the right word... "Soul-sucking abrasiveness."
"Fuck off, Lexa."
"There's that mouth." Grinned the brunette.
"Bet you miss this mouth." Clarke shoots back.
Lexa's grin widens, "Actually yeah, just had a dream about it the other night."
"You dream of my mouth before or after it called you a lying traitor?"
Lexa takes a slight step closer to the blonde, ignoring the camera flashes going off outside the front window.
"You've called me worse." She utters smugly.
"I said fuck off Lex."
"Or you could fuck me yourself."
Clarke tries not to show how caught off-guard she is by the quick retort, and especially tries to hide how flustered she suddenly is. She leans into her annoyance at the brazen overconfidence.
"Pretty sure it's the only way you'd be getting fucked tonight...I know a pillow princess when I see one, and THAT," she nods her head back in the direction of Lexa's table and abandoned date, who's now anxiously sipping on her wine, trying not to be obvious at her constant glances towards the pair at the front of the restaurant, "That right there is a girl who is here for the free dinner, the free drinks, and the free orgasms after and that's it."
"Make me a better offer then." Lexa smiles as she tries to step even closer, but Clarke pushes back with a hand up at the girl's shoulder that was now inches away from her.
"There is no offer. I'm surprised you haven't run out of blonde models by now anyway, so enjoy however many you have left before you have to slum it with some brunettes."
"Heyyyyy!!" Raven and Octavia chime from the door, pretending to be offended. Both had been inching closer, shamelessly eavesdropping.
"You never run out of blonde models in LA." Lexa shrugs, "But I don't even know her. I'm just doing my agent a favor, and she's who suggested coming here. What was I supposed to do say 'no actually this was my ex's favorite place and she might possibly be here on this one random Wednesday night?'"
"Sure why not?"
Lexa rolls her eyes, "Are we jealous Clarkey?"
"WE...aren't anything." Clarke snaps motioning between the two of them.
"Well WE..." Lexa gestures back towards her table, "Aren't anything either...so can you drop the hostility?"
Clarke muses over the girl at the table, "Blue eyes, that's enough for at least a few dates by your standards."
"You're practically insulting yourself at this point you know..." Lexa huffs amusingly. She was having way too much fun getting a rise out of Clarke. The blonde purses her lips, her eyes dropping down to the plush lips in front of her quickly but not quick enough, because Lexa catches it and takes her bottom lip between her teeth, dropping her own eyes to Clarke's lips for a prolonged moment before bringing them back up to meet blue eyes.
"Can I go now?" Clarke says annoyed, "Your date is waiting."
"She can stay waiting." Lexa breathes as she dares reach a hand around Clarke's lower back, but the blonde is quick to swat her away and step backwards.
"This is not happening...."
"Again." Lexa adds with a smirk.
Clarke rolls her eyes.
"This is not happening again." She corrects. The last time she showed up at Lexa's penthouse she had convinced herself was only out of convenience. It had been a while since she'd gotten laid and the thought of meaningless small talk with a stranger or worse, someone she'd have to face again at work or in some overlapping social circle was too much of a headache. So when she ran into Lexa at a nightclub nearby and got a simple text at bar close saying "Damn Griffin, I know you wore that dress tonight just so I could take it off you.  Door is unlocked."  She figured it technically wasn't much different than any other one-night stand.
But in this moment she regrets having fed into the already overinflated ego that is Lexa Woods: Actress, musician, and professional flirt.
She will deal with the heat between her thighs and knot forming in her lower stomach later. If not with whatever name responds first when she leaves here, then with one of her many battery-powered friends in her nightstand.
"Whatever you say, Clarke." The brunette finally scoffs nonchalantly, and with one final lick of her lips, Lexa gives one more intentional glance down at Clarke's mouth before turning to head back into the dining hall, making a show of her return to her table by reaching for the waiting girl's hand and placing a quick kiss on the back of it before taking her seat again and lifting her champagne glass to cheers.
"Damn Clarke I'm impressed... I would have folded." Raven admits, opening the door as they rush out to a waiting town car, flashes immediately going off as soon as they are outside.
"Clarke! Clarke!" A few of the photographers try to get her attention, but she puts a hand up to try and block her face as Octavia gets the car door open.
"Clarke! How do you feel about Lexa bringing a date to your guys' spot?"
"Clarke what did Lexa say to you before you left?"
"Do you enjoy getting paid to harass people?" Raven harps at the small crowd as she follows Clarke and Octavia into the back seat.
Once the door is closed and they pull away, Clarke sighs, rubbing the space between her eyebrows.
"Well if you want her, have at it." She says almost dejectedly. "I told you, it's over between us."
Raven and Octavia exchange a quick glance before Raven squeaks out a response, cocking her head inquisitively.
"I mean.... is it really over now?" 
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The Asgardian Way
Loki x Reader
Summary: you get your period on the most unfortunate time- on date night with Loki. Embarrassed as you are of the topic from past experiences with boyfriends, Loki shows you that unlike mortal men- Asgardians view this time of the month for women in a much better way.
Word count: 1,849
Warnings: period talk, fluff, shade on Christianity, some shade on human men, Loki being the ideal boyfriend we all deserve.
A/N: this was requested by @the-departed-potato and while I do not take requests I just really had to do this one because this was like just perfect for me specifically to do. Sorry it took so long! Sorry if this sucks!😅 I also truly had to hold myself back from giving even more shade on Christians of old times because damn I could write a whole essay about those people and how they spread misinformation that changed real history to fake mainly bc of witchcraft. This is not beta read so all mistakes are by yours truly!
No one is allowed to repost my writing or steal or copy my work! Reblog on tumblr is fine.
It's been going on for months now, the shameless flirting, the gentleman behaviour, and the devious looks he sent your way that completely contradicted his actions and left you a blushing mess even when he only opened the door for you- then he would wink at you.
It wasn't until one night that you gathered up courage to ask him out.
You were staying late at the Avengers Tower, you wanted to finish working on the new gadget you had built with Tony at the lab so he sent you to bring the two of you some coffee- he knew it was useless to tell you to go home and sleep- last time he tried to do it you called him a hypocrite and conditioned one of his suits to blast him if he gets close to you. You found it hilarious. He made sure to update the security of his code.
You went to the kitchen when you happened to overhear a conversation of two gods.
"Why have you not taken her on a date yet, brother?"
"I wish to court her properly, she deserves to be treated like a lady." You heard Loki respond to his brother. You leaned on the wall, trying not to get hopeful and to get the butterflies to calm down.
"Y/N is a fine lady, however, I heard from Stark that midgardian women might mistake courting like ours as mere jest." You smiled a bit at the scoff they both let out.
"Mortals continue to baffle me." Came Loki's comment, before Thor continued- not letting the subject go.
"Ask her on a date, I'm sure she will appreciate it." He encouraged his brother who wasn't as sure.
"I think, brother, that she is different- she will appreciate the old delicate arts of courting." He was not wrong- you were always old fashioned. But now at his admission, you stepped out of the shadows and into their view.
"While I do appreciate the courting, I'd love it if you would ask me out." Loki turned around at the sound of your voice.
"How long have you been standing there, darling?" he fidgeted with his hair.
"Long enough," you stepped down the stairs to stand in front of him. "What do you say about this Friday night at six? There is an art exhibit at the museum, I think you'll like calling out all the inaccuracies."
"Yeah, I'd like that." He gave you a small shy smile, and you completely forgot about Thor who stood on the side, watching it all unfold.
"This is great," he said. "You two are finally going on that date, see brother I told you-"
Thor stopped when he looked at Loki who sent him daggers at ruining the moment. You only chuckled.
"I have to go get Tony and I some drinks, so I guess I will see you then." You were about to turn around to head towards the kitchen when Loki took your hand in his, making you turn around, then he kissed the back of your hand lightly, bowing with a small smile at the blush on your cheeks.
"I look forward to it."
It took you a couple of second to function after he did that, mumbling a quiet goodbye you turned around and refused to look back at the smirking god.
You have gone with the god for a couple of dates now and then, sometimes you didn't see him for a whole week because of meetings in Asgard and while you were sad that you didn't get to see him-you were glad he was gone on that exact week every time.
You have been seeing him for about 2-3 months now and it was great- up until your period decided to come early. Right on your scheduled date.
You were nervously pacing your apartment thinking how to tell Loki that you can't go out with him tonight. You didn't want him to see you like this- he is a god, and you- you are a mortal woman who was having trouble getting out of bed because your body decided to punish you for not being pregnant this month.
Your body was so sexist.
Suddenly, a knock on the door.
Groaning, you got out of bed and headed for the door, checking who was there you were puzzled when you saw Loki there, dressed to the nines. Surely you didn't waste so much time, he must be early.
"Dear, are you okay there?" he called you.
"Yes, I'm fine- just a moment!" you tried to make yourself look presentable in a rush just so you could open the door to the dashing prince who was awaiting you.
You opened the door with a smile, which he returned.
You were used to acting like you were okay while your cramps were killing you from the inside but it seems like the god of lies could not be so easily fooled.
"Hi Loki, I was not expecting you this early." You laughed courtly, "And I was actually meaning to call- I'm not feeling so well today, I'm afraid I have to postpone our date tonight."
Loki walked into your apartment, kissing you on the cheek before pulling back to study you.
"I wanted to see you sooner, so here I am. But now that I am here- well tell me what is wrong, dearest?" he frowned when he saw you slightly clench your fists.
"Oh, I'm just not feeling well, I won't be good company and I won't be able to enjoy a lovely night with you I'm afraid."
"I'm a healer my love; you always seem to forget my magic," he smirked slightly causing you to laugh- which was not good right now for you.
"I remember your magic powers very well when you prank me." You countered. "But no, this is not something you need to worry about."
He reached out and took your hand with a small laugh. The door locked itself with a wave of his hand as he took you to the couch.
"I'm afraid you will have to do better than that to fool the god of lies." He took both of your hands in his and you were sure he could see your embarrassment with the way he was gazing into your eyes, "Now tell me, what is wrong?"
"You really don't need to- it's kind of embarrassing-" you started to mumble, lowering your head.
"I'm still here, aren't I? What kind of man will I be if I am not taking care of those I care about?"
You pulled your hands away from him, embarrassed as you mumbled something he couldn't quite put together.
"What was that?"
"I'm on my period." You closed your eyes- not wanting to see his disgusted look. "See, so you don't need to be here, I can take care of it myself and we can reschedule our date to a week from now."
It was not a problem to you- you knew the drill- but having to explain it to a clueless god felt humiliating to say the least.
"Is that all? Why didn't you tell me sooner?" You opened your eyes to a puzzled god.
"Because it would make you uncomfortable," you replied, suspicious of his reaction.
"Why on Odin's beard would it make me uncomfortable?" He frowned at you and looked you over. He started peppering kisses on your hands.
"Because it is my period?" You knew he is a god, but maybe asgardians women didn't get that. "Here on earth, men tend to be disgusted by it, they don't like to get involved in it or talk about it."
He huffed out in surprised anger- that you did not expect. The god in front of you did not know how human males could be so awful.
"Well that is preposterous! Women are to be worshipped at those times!" you stared at him-he had always treated you differently, unlike anything you have seen on earth before. You knew Asgardian ways of manners were much old fashioned and yet so different all the same.
"Then tell me, how do asgardians see it?" you leaned on the back of the couch, facing Loki and pulling a blanket over you. You liked how safe he made you feel, but this still felt weird to you- you were not sure how to react- to what extent it goes. So, curiosity got the better of you, "because if I'm being honest, this is kind of embarrassing."
Loki sent you a smile with a twinkle in his eye.
"Darling there is nothing to be embarrassed of! You are naturally as powerful as a thunder storm, a tornado- lightning cowards before you and your power!" he was going to make sure you understand it, he had never been so baffled by humans before. "You hold the ability of life- eternal life- in every drop of blood that falls from you- from the most powerful being in all the realms. For a couple of days each month- you are being shown your true power even through your suffering- and in that time you, my dear, are more powerful than a god. You should be nothing but worshipped. That is what the gods of Asgard know it to be true."
"Do they really all think that?" you felt a sharp pain suddenly and Loki came closer to you, put his usually cold hand on your stomach and you felt comforting warmness ease your ache.
"They know it. The people of midgard knew it too at some point, but then some people who thought themselves gods- I think they called themselves Christians- decided that the bleeding was a show of witchcraft and called it a sin and spread many lies about it, which now I see are still believed to this day. You see, they were quite stupid." You laughed at the disgusted look he gave you, which in turn made him smile. "You know, I probably shouldn't tell you this but…"
"You never obey such rules." You laughed and put your hand over his one that was comforting you on your stomach.
"In one of Thor's travels he bathed in a river filled with the menstrual blood of the powerful Giantesses. That was to give him enlightenment and eternal life."
"Ew, did he actually do it?" you scrunched your nose and Loki kissed it.
"That is not disgusting- that was powerful and very well respected. When he came back, he was the smartest I have ever seen him."
"I hope he took a good bath after it…" you chuckled and smiled at him, "Thank you for this, the Asgardian way of thinking is way better than that of earth."
"Now, dear, while I do have a preferred way to help take away the pain-" you blushed under his gaze. "Tell me, what is it that you desire? Tell me, so I can worship you as I should."
You kissed him then and you knew right then when he kissed you back that the Asgardian men are way better.
Taglist: : @callmeluna @sstanbarnes @buckys-other-punk @drabblewithfrannybarnes @easygoingtheatre @that-one-person @justab-eautifulmess @onceupona-happilyeverafter @wipplogg @supraveng @samwilsons-pillowpecs @ayybtch @kitkatd7 @chrissquares @make-me-imagine @jessalyn-jpeg
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