#fast hair growth secrets
bornafter1993 · 2 years
what i do in a year white man will do in a week..
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beamingwomenclub · 2 years
What natural remedy promotes hair growth in women?
Apply the product to the scalp skin once daily for ladies and twice daily for males for the best results. Many people preferred foam that is applied to wet hair. Many people use products containing minoxidil to either regenerate hair, decrease the pace of hair loss, or do both. Read more
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five-rivers · 5 months
archetypical changes
@echoghost1 @ghostfox_fuyu
It started out small.  Small enough that, in retrospect, Danny was surprised he noticed at all.  But he did.  At least, he noticed enough to dismiss it as nothing important. 
It was just hair, after all.  Just hair, growing a bit too fast.  He knew that people did have different rates of hair growth naturally.  Like, beards especially could grow fast.  That’s why five o’clock shadow was a thing.  
Just hair.  
He wound a curl around finger, where it peeked out from under his left ear.  This fast…  He could probably brush it off.  Maybe it was an extension of his healing powers.  He’d just need to cut it more often, so he didn’t go to the barber too often.  Would that even be something people would notice?  
He’d noticed.  It was his body.  His hair.  
Would anyone else?
He ran a hand through it, sweeping it back, and went on with his life.  
“Hey, Jazz,” he said, a week later.  “Will you give me a haircut?”
“Yeah, sure,” said Jazz.  She turned from her desk and looked him over.  “It is getting long, but didn’t you just get a haircut?”
Danny shrugged.  “Does it matter?”
Jazz walked over to him and looked up and down the hallway.  “Is it a ghost thing?” she whispered.  
“No idea,” Danny said.  
Jazz sighed, as if it was his fault he was a freak of nature.  
Well.  It kind of was.  Still.  She didn't need to act like it.
“Come on, we'll do it in the bathroom. I'll get the broom, you find the scissors.”
They regrouped in the bathroom a few minutes later.  Jazz had picked up a chair as well. 
“Go ahead and sit down,” she said as she pulled a comb from a drawer.  She ran the comb through his hair.  
“I did brush my hair before,” said Danny, leaning back slightly and closing his eyes.  
“Sure,” said Jazz.  “Just checking.  How do you want this?”
“However it was before.  Just shorter than it is now.”
“Well… I’ll do my best.  But you know I’ve not done this before, right?”
“Yeah, but I can’t ask Mom or Dad, and I’m broke, so.  This is about it.  Unless I want to ask Sam, and I’m not ready to go goth.”
“Going ghost is enough for you, huh?”
“Pretty much.”
“Okay,” said Jazz with a sigh.  “Let’s do this.”
The scissors snipped cleanly through his hair, over and over, ticklish strands falling around his ears and shoulders.  Jazz didn’t get fancy.  She kept things relatively even and didn’t attempt fades or different lengths or anything like that.  The result was somewhat strange, but it was workable.  No one would think he had some kind of weird hair-growing… thing.  
Yeah.  He was totally killing this secret identity thing.  
Jazz ran a hand through his hair, shaking loose a few more cut strands.  “Your hair is really fluffy, you know that?”
“Thanks, Jazz,” said Danny.  
“Thank me by helping clean up.  Your hair got everywhere.”
“Guess that’s why barber shops use those weird little capes.”
“Yeah,” said Jazz.  
They cleaned up relatively quickly, and Danny spent the rest of the afternoon working on homework, secure in the knowledge that he had, once again, protected himself from discovery via stupid means, like supernaturally fast-growing hair.  He didn’t have the time for it to distract him from what was really important.  In this case, transformations of functions.  
Math.  What would he do without it?
Then, of course, he went to bed and fell asleep.  No one disturbed him that night, ghost or human, which only happened about half the time, even if it felt like he was being woken up every night, sometimes.  
He woke up and ran his hands through his hair.  It felt longer than it had yesterday when he went to bed, but not by a huge amount.  He might have to get Jazz to cut his hair once a week or more.  Maybe he’d just have to learn how to do it himself.  Ugh…
He went about his usual morning routine in his normal somnambulant state.  Clothing, shoes, on to the bathroom…  
His reflection blinked sleepily at him.  Yeah, his hair was a bit longer, but only by a few millimeters.  It wasn’t growing fast enough that anyone would notice over the course of a few days.
Dismissing the problem as one that wouldn’t truly become problematic for a few more days, he picked up his toothbrush and made a face at himself in the mirror.  
Then he froze.  
He leaned forward, over the sink, baring his teeth.  He poked at his canines with one finger.  Yep.  Yep, that was real.  That wasn’t a hallucination, even if it seemed like it should be.  
His upper canines had grown long and sharp overnight.  Their points descended until they almost touched his bottom gums.  He opened his mouth and discovered that it wasn’t just his upper canines, but his lower canines, too.  
His fingers roved over the rest of his teeth, searching for other changes.  He couldn’t find any.  That didn’t mean they weren’t there.  
He pulled off his shirt, then his pants.  He hadn’t noticed anything else while he was getting dressed, but he was so out of it in the mornings that his lack of noticing also didn’t mean anything.  
His skin… still pasty white, still lightly freckled.  His muscles seemed to move normally, but he wasn’t exactly an expert.  However…  He raised his hand to his side and slotted his fingers into the gaps between his ribs.  It hadn’t been like this before, had it?  He slid his fingers back and forth, thinking.  It felt… oddly satisfying, but also very wrong.  His hips also seemed slimmer, bonier.  
He’d never had all that much fat, he took after his mother in that way, but he was pretty sure this was over and above that.  Something strange was happening to him.  
He put his shirt and pants back on and walked through the wall into Jazz’s room.  
“Holy– Knock first,” said Jazz, throwing the first thing she could grab at him.  Which was her pajama pants.  Ew.  “What’s wrong?”
“I have fangs now,” said Danny.  
Danny opened his mouth as wide as he could to show her. 
 “What are you doing, I don’t want to see your uvula, that’s– Oh.”
Danny let his mouth close with a click.  “What am I supposed to do?”
“I’m–”  Jazz looked lost.  “I don’t know.  You can probably hide, um, teeth for school.  It’s not as if people are going to be looking in your mouth…  Are there any other changes?  Other than that and your hair?”
“Um,” said Danny.  “I– Maybe?”
“If it’s important enough that you broke into my room–”
“I didn’t break anything.”
“--then you’d better tell me.”
Danny felt himself blushing. “It’s– I think that I’ve lost a lot of weight.  Like, overnight.  I can see my ribs now.”
Jazz hissed through her teeth.  “That’s serious, Danny.  That’s a serious health thing.”
“More than the fangs?”
“Way more than the fangs.  I’ll call us out sick, and we can go visit your doctor friend.  What was his name?  Frostfight?”
“Frostbite,” corrected Danny.  “You’re really going to help me skip school?”
“For a health thing?” asked Jazz.  “Yeah.  You basically are sick.  Or, at least, there’s something strange going on with your body that we need to figure out sooner rather than later.  Now get out of here so I can get dressed.  Is it cold where Frostbite lives?”
“Freezing,” said Danny.  “Wear long underwear and layers.  Lots of layers.”
“Ugh.  I might as well wear my hazmat.”
“Yeah, that wouldn’t be a bad idea,” said Danny.  “We are going into the Ghost Zone.”
Jazz sighed.  “Great, now, seriously, get out and get ready to go.  I’ll get you when I’m ready.”
Danny fled back through the walls and dropped himself onto his bed.  He waited, thoughts whirling.  What could possibly be making his hair grow faster, his weight drop, and his teeth turn into fangs?  Was this some kind of ghost disease?  Ghost puberty?  Some kind of weird curse?
Jazz knocked on his door not long after, and Danny leaped up, eager to get answers.  
“I called us out,” she said, then did a double take.  “Danny, your hair.”
He reached up and ran his hand over his head.  “It’s longer,” he said.  
“A lot longer,” said Jazz.  “Visibly longer.  I was only gone a few minutes.  It’s getting faster.  A lot faster.”
Danny forced a smile.  “Well, good thing we were already going to see Frostbite.”
Jazz hesitated, then nodded.  “I got Mom and Dad to run off to Elmerton.  Told them there was a ghost sighting over there.”
“So they won’t notice us being gone.  Smart.”
“I know I am,” said Jazz.  She smirked down at Danny, then winked.  “Come on, let’s go.”
Danny went ghost and floated next to her as she made her way down the stairs.  “How are you on piloting the Specter Speeder?”
“I’m, well,” she made a face.  “I haven’t gotten much of a chance.  I’ve gotten up to level three on the simulator.”
“You should be fine to fly it, then,” said Danny.  “It’s not like there’s a lot of stuff to run into– you’ll just go through it.  And there’s no time to learn like the present.”
“Don’t use my words against me,” said Jazz, scowling slightly.  Danny stuck his tongue out at her.  
They went down into the lab, and started going through the flight checks for the Specter Speeder.  
“I’ll fly ahead,” said Danny, clipping on a Fenton Fone.  “Check for danger and all.”
“Are you sure you’re up for that?”
“Yeah, I feel fine,” said Danny.  “Just… weird.”  He licked his teeth.  “Really weird.”
“Okay, go ahead.  I’ll finish up here in just a couple of minutes.”
Danny flew through the portal and did a few laps of the portal.  “Everything looks clear for you over here.”
“Okay,” said Jazz through the Fone.  “Check your Fenton Fone.  It’s skipping a lot of what you say.”
Danny grumbled but checked it.  It seemed fine.  He popped it back in.  “I think we’ll just have to deal with it,” said Danny.  
“Great,” said Jazz.  “Stand clear.”
The Specter Speeder slowly slid through the portal.  Once it was all the way through, Danny tapped his Fone again and waved at Jazz.  “Follow me,” he said.  “It’s a long way there.”
The Far Frozen was as cold as ever.  Danny landed in the snow, his hair falling down to the curve of his jaw, and sighed at the pleasant sensation.  Flying wasn’t difficult, per se.  It wasn’t like walking or running, it didn’t really use muscles, but it was tiring, and the Far Frozen was far.  
However… was he more tired than he normally would have been?  Or was this another symptom?
“Great One!” greeted Frostbite, jarring Danny from his spiraling introspection.  “What brings you here today?”
“Well,” said Danny, trying to get his thoughts together.  
“Health things,” said Jazz, climbing out of the Speeder.  “Oh, gosh, it really is cold out here.”
“I see,” said Frostbite, leaning closer to Danny.  “You do not appear injured.”
“It’s more like… body… changes,” explained Danny awkwardly.  He glanced sideways at the other yetis walking through the public space.  “Can we go in?”
“Of course,” said Frostbite.  He gestured Danny and Jazz onward and towards a well-lit cave.  “Medical is this way, as you might remember.”
“I… guess I don’t, really,” said Danny, following Frostbite.  “It’s sort of a blur.”
“Understandable.  You were quite unwell.”
Danny could feel Jazz glaring at the back of his head.  He decided to ignore that.  Problem for later, if she remembered.  The hair and teeth and weight loss were the problems now.
They reached the medical wing in short order, and Frostbite ushered him and Jazz into a smaller private room.  There was a counter and an examination bench and a few cabinets.  “So, what seems to be the problem?” he asked.  
Danny, with Jazz’s ‘help,’ explained.  
“Hm,” said Frostbite.  “There are a few things that could cause that, but I need to make some measurements before I could say which one is happening here.  Could you sit up here and take off your shirt?”
Danny flew up - it was a bit too high to just jump up - and pulled off his shirt.  Frostbite produced a stethoscope, and asked Danny to cough and hum.  He listened intently.  Danny listened, too.  Humming felt… odd, as if his chest were more hollow, as if the sound was brushing the very edge of his ghostly wail.
“And all this happened recently?” asked Frostbite, after a few minutes.
“Yeah.  I noticed the hair thing about a week ago?  Everything else seemed to just show up today.”
“I think I may know what is happening.”
“Is it a ghost puberty thing?” asked Danny, unsure if he should hope for that or not.  
“I suppose it could be considered analogous to puberty,” said Frostbite, bemused, “although puberty isn't something that typically happens to ghosts.  We don't age.  It's more along the lines of adapting to a role after a period of malleability.”
Jazz let out a little sigh.  “It's not something that will hurt Danny, then?”
“Unfortunately, I cannot say that for certain.  There are a great deal of potential complications, which may be made greater by your half-human status, and the archetype you seem to be settling into…”  
“What is it?” asked Danny.  
“The role you have taken upon yourself is that of a tutelary, a protective spirit.  You are developing a very thin, almost gaunt appearance, and your hair is growing rapidly.  Fangs tend to be nonspecific, common to many types of ghost, the same with minor changes to your nails and skin tone.  Your wail on the other hand…”
“I sort of felt it when I was humming, earlier,” volunteered Danny.  “That hasn't happened before.”
“There is only one group I know of that matches all those traits,” said Frostbite gravely.  “Here, in the Realms, they are called the Keeners, or the Mourners, or, on occasion, Those Who Mourn Before, for their predictive abilities.  In the human world, I believe the more famous of them became known as banshees.”
“I thought banshees were all women,” said Danny, feeling a little blank. 
“The famous ones are,” said Frostbite.
Danny wanted to know more about that, but shook his head and returned to the question at hand.  “What's dangerous about that, though?”  he certainly thought it sounded unpleasant and inconvenient to the whole ‘secret identity’ thing, but he could admit there was a difference between that and actively dangerous. 
“A banshee’s wail is supposed to kill people, isn't it?” interjected Jazz.  
“They do, on occasion,” said Frostbite.  “Especially when they are younger and have less control.”
“I've had my wail under control for ages, though,” protested Danny, shooting a glare at Jazz.  She gave him an apologetic shrug.  
“When I asked you to hum, earlier, didn’t you feel something different?  Something unusual?” asked Frostbite, kindly.  
Danny shrugged.  “Maybe.”
“This is a change,” said Frostbite.  “One that affects more than your physical appearance.  The powers associated with your archetype will change as well, including your wail, and those changes generally come with a loss of control, however temporary.  The typical precaution in these cases is to, ah, use a gag, until a community of banshees willing to train the new one can be contacted.”
“I, um.  I don’t suppose that’s something that I can do, like, overnight?”
“Not generally,” said Frostbite.  “There’s some overlap between banshees and ice-cored ghosts, more than there is for fire-cored ghosts, but it isn’t a great enough number for us to have regular contact.”
“That’s… I can’t… Great.  That’s.  What am I supposed to do with that?  I’ve got my whole town–  The ghosts– I can’t just up and leave.”
“Danny, you can’t go back if your wail could just randomly go off and, you know, ki–”
“I know that,” interrupted Danny, dropping his head into his hands.  He rubbed his face vigorously. 
“You may not have that particular addition to your wail,” said Frostbite.  “In fact, I would be rather surprised if you did.  You are, like I said, primarily a tutelary.  A protector.  Banshees from such backgrounds more typically have predictive or clairvoyant abilities.  They do not cause the deaths that follow their cry, they only are aware of them.”
“Well, I guess that’d just suck for me rather than everyone else.”  He could already feel his mental health taking a hit.  “But I’ll be good, I’ll stay here and do whatever precautions you want.  Play the silent game, sit in the middle of nowhere in the Zone, the gag thing, whatever.  You’d better come up with a good excuse for me, though.  I think Mom and Dad’ll get suspicious if they don’t see me for days or whatever.”
“I’ll do my best,” said Jazz.
“Is there anything else I should know about?” asked Danny.  “Like, am I going to spontaneously combust or grow a tail or what?”
Frostbite chuckled.  “Probably not.  But we should take some fittings for the sound-dampening gag…”
Danny sighed.  “I really don’t want to wear a gag.”
“It will be temporary,” said Frostbite, “to prevent accidents before you can have proper training.”
Danny wrinkled his nose.  “That sounds wrong.”
“How so?” asked Frostbite.  
“Don’t want to talk about it.”  He fell back to lay down on the examination table.  
Frostbite patted his shoulder.  “It will be fine, Great One,” he said.  “Almost everyone goes through this eventually.  And while you’re here, I can give you more details about what other kinds of changes you can expect going forward.  I have simplified a good deal, after all.”
“Oh my gosh, it is just like puberty,” said Danny.  
“Are you sure you’ll be okay without me?” asked Jazz.  
“I’m more worried about you flying back.”
“We can give your sister an escort,” said Frostbite.  “If Miss Jasmine is alright with that.”
Danny removed his hands from his face to stare Jazz into taking the escort. 
“Alright,” said Jazz.  “If it won’t put you out.”  She walked over to Danny.  “And if you are sure you don’t need me.”
“I’m sure.  We can’t both be gone for who knows how long.”
She sighed and patted his shoulder.  “It’s going to be okay.”
“I know,” said Danny.  “I’m just going to complain about it the whole time.”
“As is your right.  I know I wasn’t too happy when it started happening to me.  I wasn’t always as handsome as I am now, you know.”Danny sat up.  “Okay, now, I’ve got to hear that story.”
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whumpbby · 2 months
I fell in love the idea that the Jin clan bleached their hair, because, well, more gold - and my brain ran with it.
Say, the Sect Leader and his spouses/heirs of the Jin bleach their hair until it's as close to gold as possible, and they are recognised by that.
Jin Ling never did it, because he was a child and then he was mostly raised by JC, and people in Yunmeng didn't know the secret to a proper bleach;) Also, JC had no time for such novouriche bullshit and wouldn't embarrass his nephew lile that!
But then, when A-Ling is finally sworn as a Sect Leader, and he is expected to uphold the tradition.
Meanwhile, Lan Sizhui sets out to travel with Wen Ning and stays away from the Cultivation world for a couple years, as they bond and WN teaches A-Yuan all he knows.
When the boy finally returns to Gusu he's a couple years older and it's just in time for the swearing ceremony of the new Jin Sect Leader. Sizhui is a part of the delegation with Jingyi, he wants to see his friend as till now they only wrote sparse letters to each other. Sizhui always liked the lonely, prickly boy, and wants to support him with his friendship.
He expected to see the scowly kid he remembered from the past - but this isn't what he gets.
Jin Rulan is eighteen now, after a recent growth spurt he got taller and wider, and his long hair took well to the bleaching and ended up the sort of a honeyed auburn that shines in the sun, soft and flowing, and his layered robes are so elegant and...
Sizhui is struck: Oh...
Jingyi, confused: Huh?
LSZ: He looks like a fairy...
LGY: Little Mistress looks like his dog????
LSZ: *withered stare*
Thus it became clear that Wen Yuan was, indeed, raised a Lan, because he fell fast and he fell hard for the least appropriate person in the whole Jianghu - and, as such, was bound to piss off Sandu Sengshou.
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bettyfrommars · 7 months
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Missed Connections
older!Eddie x f!Reader
We are in a new town with drifter!Eddie, he's in Oregon and it's the mid-2000's. He survived the Upside Down and has been traveling ever since, carrying his wounds with him. There is no "monster" action in this, as with the other drifter Eddie stories, there isn't even any smut, but I love thinking about him, and I wrote this purely for myself, and maybe two other people. Eddie is in his late 30's to early 40's, and reader is over 30.
18+ONLY, MDNI, mechanic!Eddie, alcohol consumption, mention of scars and depression, loneliness, mutual crush, surprise ending
wc: 1.6k
On the outskirts of town, just before you could catch the highway in either direction, there sat the only gas station for 20 miles.  The tiny mom and pop market behind it housed various essentials including lottery tickets, deep fried corn dogs, and booze.  
The liquor store was a separate entity, but a part of the same building, which made for one hell of a convenient stop, and over the past year, it had become a part of your routine to drop by after work every Friday.
It wasn’t long before you noticed him, the guy with the long hair and wallet chain with bats tattooed on his forearm.  His work boots were scuffed, and he wore a long-sleeved flannel in the winter, but by the time spring came, his button-up, heather blue work shirts gave you a view of the rest of the ink and scar tissue covering his arms.  One day, when he was going in, you were coming out, and he held the door for you.  He had silver hair at his temples, and a thin white scar on his cheek that tugged down his eye a bit. The patch on his pocket said Eddie.  
Another month of Fridays went by.  You were lingering in front of the rows of bottles, humming to Hank Williams being played over the sound system, wondering if you wanted to try a new vodka.  Maybe the coconut flavored one would change your life?  A bit of fizz and perhaps you could close your eyes and pretend you were on that vacation you’d only been able to dream about for years.  
“‘Scuze me,” the deep whisper was so close, it made your heart somersault. 
It was that Eddie guy again, stretching his arm out long in front of you to grab a pint of Jameson.  The fact that there was plenty of room for him to go around and get it without interacting was not lost on you.  You took that opportunity to inhale a sharp breath, noting the hints of motor oil to match the dark stains under his fingers and in the creases of his knuckles.  A touch of sandalwood softened with vanilla and nicotine, and a secret other thing you couldn’t put your finger on.  
“My grandpa loved Jameson,” you mumbled, keeping your attention on the clear booze.  
Eddie scowled curiously, searching your profile. “He had good taste.”
You offered a tight grin, not sure what else to add.  You’d been alone for so long, you were starting to forget how to interact with people, but the clunky gears in your mind registered that he wasn't wearing a wedding ring.  He did have a silver hoop piercing in one ear, though, and a few days' worth of scruffy beard growth.
It startled you to find him chilling on the sidewalk, lighting a smoke just outside the door.  
“Have a nice night,” you hummed politely, beelining for your car. 
The lit cigarette bounced between his lips as he spoke. “Same time, same place? Next Friday?”
With your driver’s door open in front of you like a shield, you paused to look at him.  All the months you’d been crossing paths, you’d never caught him smiling before, but just then, one side of his mouth curled up and a dimple popped in his cheek. An unusual warmth crept through you, and you bobbed your head a few times to answer his question. 
When you got home that night, you sat outside in your car and bawled into your open hands. Your life had been spiraling out of control for a while, and every so often the dam burst when you least expected it. You didn’t have any tissues in your car, so you blew your nose on an old fast food napkin and wished you could afford to relocate and start a new life. You wondered if Eddie was lonely, if he ever sat on the couch watching TV, wishing he had friends, wondering where all the years had gone.  
You’d been wallowing so hard in your misery, you didn’t hear your mother stomp out onto the sidewalk.  “ARE YOU COMING IN?” She shouted it, as if you were hard of hearing and had no neighbors. “The damn remote is broken or something.  I can’t figure it out.”
Staring glassy-eyed at nothing, you took a deep, withering breath that made your lower lip tremble. Another weekly ritual of yours was to show  your mother how to use the TV remote and listen to her tell you how tired you looked.  
The next Friday, you were running late from work and only caught sight of Eddie driving out of the parking lot.  It was then you realized that you didn’t really need anything at the market that day, so you wandered around for too long before settling on a Snapple and a few of their cheapest scratch tickets. You did not win anything.
He was late the next week, but your skin flushed with excitement when you caught sight of him zooming in off the main street in his beat-up work truck.  When he came in, he scanned the store until he found you, and then you both picked up items nearby and pretended to be interested in them.  
You shifted too close to one of the shelves and knocked a row of tampons to the ground, cursing as you fumbled to pick them up before anyone could stroll over to investigate.  
When you stood to full height again, your Eddie had vanished. Maybe he’d gone to use the restroom, you had no clue, but now you had a box of super plus tampons in your hand that you actually needed to buy, along with a few other things in a shopping basket on your arm, and you wanted to check out before he returned.  
Ten minutes later, he was still MIA. 
What the hell were you planning to do, anyway?  His truck was still there. Months of nothing but a few words and goofy stares was all it would ever be.  Just a silly little corner market crush.  Get over it.  
You decided to start your car up and hit the road. 
But your engine had other plans.
You pumped the gas a few times on the old Chrysler that used to be your grandmother’s, asking for her help from beyond the grave. 
“Please, please,” watching the door to see who was coming out, you tried the ignition again.
The engine cranked a bit, and then nothing.  
You tucked your chin to your chest, about to lose your shit right there at the corner market parking lot. 
But then
there was a knuckle tap at your window, and for some reason, you weren’t surprised to see Eddie standing there.  His hair was pulled back in a ponytail that day and he was still wearing coveralls like he’d been in such a hurry to leave work and had no time to change.  Chocolate eyes were concerned as he made the universal sign for you to roll your window down.  
“Won’t start?” He rested his hand on your side mirror.  “Want me to take a look at it?”
One thing about you, it was nearly impossible to accept help of any kind, especially from strangers.  
“No, I—” you tried the key again, knowing you’d get the same result.  “I’m sure you have other places to be.”
“I got no place to be, I promise you,” he wanted to help, but he was also weary not to force himself and make you uncomfortable.  “I’d be happy to help.”
“I’ll just call triple A,” you flashed a nervous smile. 
“If you’re sure,” he bit his top lip and gave an awkward thumbs up before heading back.  
Eddie sat back in his truck a second and thought about it.  It didn’t take long for him to jump back out and go over to offer you the use of his flip phone, in case you didn’t have one.  Maybe he’d think of some other clever thing to say, but probably not.  
He found you in the same position, both hands gripping the wheel, a catatonic look on your face.
“Hey,” he waved as if it were the first time seeing each other that day.  
“Hey,” you gulped. “I’m really glad you came back.”
“You are?” He cocked his head, jaw muscles tightening.
“Yeahhhh.  I don’t have triple A,” you let out a strangled, self-deprecating laugh.
“Is the engine turning over at all?”
You bit the inside of your cheek and shook your head, and by the expression on his face, you could tell that was not a good thing.
With a deep breath, he glanced from you to the hood of the car, hooking a thumb into his pocket.  “Well, we might have to tow it to the shop so I can get a better look at it there.”
“I appreciate it, but I can’t afford—”
“It’s on me,” he shoved both hands all the way in his pockets then. “The guy that owns the shop, he owes me a favor.”
Fucking right Lou owed him a favor. He owned him like 20. He'd been busting his nut sixty hours a week, while simultaneously keeping quiet about the illegal chop shop that Lou ran out of his second garage. Not to mention Eddie had never asked for a handout or so much as a day off in the eighteen months that he'd been there. Plus, Lou did not want to meet Eddie's bad side.
"I can change your oil, rotate your tires, make sure everything else is running okay."
You sought his eyes for reassurance.  The neglected heart inside of you didn’t know what to do with the generosity.
You were grateful he'd opted not to lift up your hood right then and there. It would've been pretty easy for him to sleuth out that the distributor cap was missing, and those didn't just vanish out of thin air. For now, it was in your bag, and you'd find a way to get it back on eventually.
“Do you want to wait here while I go and get the tow truck, or do you want to ride with me? I'd love to buy you dinner, if you're hungry."
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mrsarnasdelicious · 4 months
King!Sihtric NSFW Alphabet
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A = After (what they’re like after sex)
He'll clean you up with a wet washcloth while he praises you, you have taken him so well. You did so well for him. He leans down to kiss all the mark's he's left you and then lets you cuddle up to him, talking gently and soothingly to you.
B = Body part (their favorite body part of theirs and also their partner’s)
He's always had a thing about his own hands and shoulders, saying those are the parts of him that do the most labour.
In you he loves your breasts, belly and hips most, telling you often and loudly you look like a goddess.
C = Cum (anything to do with cum, basically)
He always has to cream pie you. He doesn't even let you suck him off to completion. He cums quite a lot too and it's super fertile.
D = Dirty secret (pretty self explanatory, a dirty secret of theirs)
He has a slight fascination with your breastmilk. He wants to nuzzle up to your full breast and just suckle a little before humping you.
E = Experience (how experienced are they? do they know what they’re doing?)
Very experienced. He is not only the King of Northumbria, but also King of sex!
F = Favorite position (this goes without saying)
You riding him into the sunset, baby!
G = Goofy (are they more serious in the moment? are they humorous? etc.)
He can be a bit silly, but usually he has his full focus on giving you pleasure and pups.
H = Hair (how well groomed are they? does the carpet match the drapes? etc.)
He has NO body hair growth, like zilch.
I = Intimacy (how are they during the moment? the romantic aspect)
He loves love. He wants all your affection. No matter how rough he can get while humping you, he needs your love, so bad. He adores it when you are tender to him.
J = Jack off (masturbation headcanon)
Nah, he'll just hump you.
K = Kink (one or more of their kinks)
Edging, overstim, powerplay, prey/predator play, faux courting and femdom.
L = Location (favorite places to do the do)
The Bed, the woods or his throne.
M = Motivation (what turns them on, gets them going)
Seeing you dance, seeing you walk, smelling you, your hips. your thighs, everything about you!
N = No (something they wouldn’t do, turn offs)
CNC and bodily waste.
O = Oral (preference in giving or receiving, skill, etc.)
Doesn't care much about getting his cock sucked, but can spend half a day with his head between your thighs!
P = Pace (are they fast and rough? slow and sensual? etc.)
He is usually on the more rough side, but will always take the pace you prefer.
Q = Quickie (their opinions on quickies, how often, etc.)
He ain't very fond of it, but he'll take what he can get, he's a busy man.
R = Risk (are they game to experiment? do they take risks? etc.)
Sihtric doesn't mind getting a bit risky and experimental, but he always makes sure to do things your speed and to always discuss things with you before you do stuff with a bit more risk.
S = Stamina (how many rounds can they go for? how long do they last?)
He has got a good stamina, lasting quite a bit and going for up to three rounds without refractory period.
T = Toys (do they own toys? do they use them? on a partner or themselves?)
Were there toys in the 9th century in the UK???
U = Unfair (how much they like to tease)
He is quite the tease. He loves it when you squirm and beg for what you want when he dangles it just out of reach.
V = Volume (how loud they are, what sounds they make, etc.)
He has the full scale of noises, from boar grunts to puppy whimpers. And he is loud! Not to mention how prolific he is at dirty talking.
W = Wild card (a random headcanon for the character)
Experiences Blood Frenzie. Which means he gets wickeldy horny during a fight and the moment he ghets home from battle, he has to hump you, with more urgence than ever before.
X = X-ray (let’s see what’s going on under those clothes)
Hung and actually quite aesthetically pleasing.
Y = Yearning (how high is their sex drive?)
Very high, he can go multiple times a day.
Z = Zzz (how quickly they fall asleep afterwards)
You usually sleep before him. He usually has a lot on his mind that keeps him up after he's humped you.
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bts-0t-7 · 1 year
Next Chapter
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Pair: Taehyung x F Reader 
Summary: You missed two cycles. Not that it wasn’t common for you but you felt like it was much more than just that. So, keeping it a secret from Tae, you went to a doctor to solidify your doubts. And no doubt, it was happy news to bring back home. 
Genre: Fluff, Idolxreader, established relationship, wifey reader, married couple au, a little bit of suggestive themes (but we aren’t doing that today, yeah?), pregnancy
Chapter Warnings: Mentions of infertility, trouble conceiving
Remember that you aren’t alone and if you ever need a helping hand, our fellow social services, friends, and family will always be there for us :) If anybody is going to be insensitive on this topic on my blog, you will be blocked. Happy reading! Borahae💜 
A/N: Bold is for flashback.
WC: 1410
You couldn’t believe it. You just couldn’t believe it. 
You have sworn something was wrong. You knew something was odd with your body and when your period skipped the next month, you went straight to the pharmacy. In a box, there were three test kits. 
And when the timer beeped, you stared at these three test kits, all holding the same result. 
Pregnant. 7 weeks. 
In shock, wouldn’t be a safe word to use. You were filled with mixed emotions. You and Taehyung have been trying for almost a year now. You were almost certain you couldn’t conceive. Your periods have never been regular and it wasn’t an easy feat through when your menstruation cycle was around. So you had told Taehyung about your thoughts about having kids. Back then, the both of you were dating, and you knew Taehyung was big on having a family. 
“No, Y/N. It’s alright. We try and if we can’t, it’s okay.” Taehyung soothed you.
“But I know that you really want kids and I don’t think I will be able to give them to you.” Your doctors have told you that your body has been weak since young and due to the accumulated stress, it did not do the growth of your body well.
“Y/N,” Taehyung cupped your face, bringing it closer to his. He suddenly squished your cheeks, making your eyes widen in surprise. “All I need is you.”
Staring at the three tests on the washroom counter, you had to physically hold yourself up by gripping onto the edges of the sink. You needed to make sure - make sure that it was real before you go running to tell your husband. 
So you booked an appointment with your doctors and they told you the same thing the tests did. 
“Around seven weeks.” Dr Kim had given you a soft smile, handing you the pictures of the ultrasound scan. 
You headed out of the hospital after payment, brain yet to comprehend the knowledge you were given in a span of twenty minutes. You needed to tell Tae. Taehyung was the only thing on your mind.  
Staring back down at your ultrasound scan, you truly couldn’t believe your eyes. 
You headed to the nearest crafting store, picking out a ball of yarn, boxes, and crafting paper. Heading home, you were more careful than usual, afraid any sudden movements might hurt your child. Albit dumb if you were to tell your parents about what you were doing, but you couldn’t help but feel a little overprotective of the life growing inside you. 
It was a little past four in the afternoon and you decided to take a bath to get rid of the hospital smell. After drying your hair, you turned the television on and knitted while watching the latest ‘Run BTS!’. 
You stopped knitting after a while, placing your hand on your currently unnoticeable bump, saying, “That’s your dad and uncles. When you come into this world, you sure are going to be spoiled rotten.” You chuckled. You were the first among the girls to have gotten pregnant as of the information yesterday. 
You had told Hwani, Jin’s wife, three days ago. News spread fast within the group but you were more surprised that the boys had yet to catch on, seemingly that all their girlfriends and wives were gossiping over baby materials. 
Once you finished the little gift, you placed it in the box onto some crafting paper and the ultrasound. Wrapping the box with a ribbon, you proceeded to the kitchen to make dinner. Small, sharp barks could be heard as you walked to the kitchen. 
You bent down to collect Yeotan’s bowls. He was extremely chirpy today, following you everywhere and constantly going in between your legs. If you hadn’t known better, you would have said he was being protective. Placing his food bowls back into the tray, you gave Yeotan a scratch between his ears. 
Just as you finished setting the table, the door code chimed and Yeotan’s uncontrollable barking started again. You wiped your hands dry on your shirt as you walked out, greeting Taehyung with a kiss at the threshold of the main door. 
“Well, it’s not like I don’t like it. Rather the opposite, honestly. But I’m tired Jagiya. I don’t think I can do it today.” 
You rolled your eyes. “Can’t I just kiss my husband when he gets home?”
Taehyung looked at you suspiciously. “Of course you can but you normally have an ulterior motive.”
Let’s talk about selective hearing. It refers to hearing what you choose to hear and blank out everything else. You ignored the second half of the sentence, pulling your whiny husband to the living room and plopping him down onto the sofa. 
“Babe…” He called you warningly.
You headed over to the coffee table, carefully picking up the elegantly wrapped gift and placing it in his hands. Taehyung’s brows shot up, disappearing between his hair. 
“What’s this?” He took out his phone, confusion showing on his face. Oh, he’s always been an expressive one. “I don’t think I forgot anything? I swear today - is it our anni - wait no, that’s in three weeks.” Taehyung looked up with a face you knew too well.
The TaTa Mic face.
“Babe, I swear if I forgot anything, I’ll make it up to you.”
You sighed, caving into the look. If ARMY can’t even grasp a standing ground to the Tata Mic face, you surely stand an even lesser chance against it. 
“You didn’t forget anything, love.” You pointed back to the box. “Just.. Just open it.”
Taking a deep breath, you watch as Taehyung undoes the ribbon and opens the box. Watched as his brows furrowed even more, lip jutting out in a pout at the sight of the mittens you have knitted this afternoon. Watched as the gears in his brain turned the moment his eyes spotted the ultrasound picture beneath it. And as if in slow motion, you saw Taehyung’s eyes enlarge the moment the pieces clicked together. 
His head shot up so fast you were afraid he got a whiplash. 
“Serious? Serious!” Taehyung dropped to his knees. Thank god there was a carpet on the floor. His hands were shaking as you grasped them in yours, placing them on your stomach. “Jagiya, Jagiya, you aren’t kidding with me, right?”
His eyes shone with so much light that it was blinding to see. 
You shook your head. 
“We’re going to be parents, Tae.” Your voice wavered, tears coming forth, spilling over onto your cheeks. 
Taehyung looked down at your hands cupping your stomach and stared at it. He lifted your shirt in one motion, causing a gasp to fall from your lips. He brought his lips to your stomach, kissing it gently. 
“Hi, babyyyy…” Taehyung cooed. “You’re going to be the prettiest baby ever.”
You chuckled. 
Taehyung got up from his knees, cupping your face and kissing your lips. “And you are going to be the best mom ever.” 
“How do you know that?” You asked between his never-ending kisses. 
Leaning your foreheads together, Taehyung answered in his most famous way, “‘Cause it’s you.”
You smiled. 
At that moment, you were surrounded by love. You have never felt so high on such a joyous emotion before. As you looked down at Taehyung talking to your stomach, you felt so, so, so, grateful for the future you created together. Through thick and thin, the both of you have found a way to strengthen your connection, working together. 
The warmth of his love and joy radiates the whole house. And as your eyes locked, it was as if nothing else mattered at that moment - only you, Tae, and your unborn baby. Time seemed to still as the both of you looked at each other, so much affection and excitement in one’s eyes. 
And you knew - you just knew - that you were going to be okay. That as long as you had Tae by your side, you were going to be okay. 
As the both of you got up from the sofa, Tae suddenly pulled you into his arms, stopping you from walking any further from him. “You know what I said just now at the door? I take it back. I can definitely do it today.”
Your cheeks turned deep red as you smacked his arms. 
“Kim Taehyung!”
His bellowing laughter followed you all the way to the kitchen. 
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iolaussharpe-24 · 10 days
Barbie in the Mojave - Chapter One
I promised. It's time to deliver. Chapter one of the Barbie/Mojave fic.
This is just chapter one, so Jack isn't quite here yet, but I hope that it will set the tone I want the story to have.
Special thank you once again to @waywardrose for helping me finally watch Mojave! If it were possible to wear out a digital file the way you could wear out a VHS tape, it would be by now. There was a day I legit watched it three times in a row. I'm not even kidding. This story would not be possible without you.
I also want to tag @my-secret-shame and @lunar-ghoulie for showing this crazy idea interest, as well as @ominoose, @reallyrallyauthor, @steven-grants-world, @clemdango04, and @have-you-seen-my-sanity because you guys were on the "tag regardless" list I made for people I love and thought might enjoy this.
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Strangers in a Strange Land
Somewhere along the way, she wasn’t sure where, a wrong turn had been made. Barbie and Ken, for whatever reason, were still in the car. Still in the seemingly endless stretch of desert. Where was the speedboat? The rocket ship? Tandem bike, camper van, snowmobile? She wasn’t supposed to overthink it but, this was ridiculous! The only difference between now and two hours ago were minor things. The sun was hotter. The breeze was warmer and picked up sand that seemed to go straight for the dolls’ eyes. The radio only played static. Even the landscape had changed around them. Fewer sand dunes. More rocky mountains and plateaus. No one around except for the two of them in her pink corvette. There was growth around them, rather than the empty sea of sand. Plants in the ground. Birds in the sky.
They’d somehow lost the road. It had gotten covered up by the sand. She’d thought they were still on it, but this excuse for a dirt road she was driving on didn’t seem to be taking her where she needed to go.
It was maddening. Especially for Barbie. Ken was too busy looking at cloud shapes, cacti, and wiry bushes to really notice that anything was severely wrong. Granted, Ken was the only one to not notice her flat feet when literally everyone else on the beach was freaking out and screaming because of them. Even Weird Barbie thought it was strange. She said she’d never seen anything like it before. And then the way she’d reacted when Barbie had told her the rest….
Going to see her felt like a nightmare. A horrible, horrible nightmare. Life was perfect. Everything was perfect. Her home, her friends, her body, her entire universe! Everything was just the way it was supposed to be. It always was. In all the years she’d existed, Barbie had never had so much as a knot in her hair, let alone a malfunction so bad that it warranted a visit to-
Ugh! She was starting to spiral. Her world had gotten so chaotic so fast that she was starting to go crazy, and that was only accelerating the problem. It was getting harder to keep her smile on her face. She could feel it trying to fall every time she stopped thinking about it. Smiling was always easier than breathing to her. To all the Barbies! …. And now her body doesn’t want to breathe either because she thought about it!
“Look Barbie! A rabbit!” Ken called excitedly, pointing out from the backseat of the car to a brown hare hopping a few yards away.
Wanting to distract herself from the chaos slowly overtaking her existence and threatening to completely envelope her body as well, Barbie looked out at the animal. She watched it move. It was… odd. To say the least. Alien, to be completely honest. In Barbieland, animals didn’t really move much. They counted as accessories. Not dolls. They didn’t have the joints to move the way that Barbies and Kens and Skippers and everyone else did.
But this hare was moving.
Its legs were pumping, carrying it along the sand at a fast pace. Barbie slowed down the car, her eyes glued to it. It was strangely majestic. And she came from a world where rainbows were more common than sunlight, mermaids appeared out of the water to say hi wherever they wanted, and glittery dresses could transform into brilliant fairy wings with a twirl. Her basis of comparison was odd, but that little creature was so-
Before Barbie could even work out her own thoughts, she hit a bump in the road. A very big bump. The kind that didn’t just cause the two passengers to jump out of their seats. The kind that made Ken fly out of the vehicle because he didn’t have his seatbelt on, and flipped the pink corvette onto its side, taking it’s still strapped in pink clad plastic passenger for a ride that she hadn’t been expecting when she asked to be sent to the real world. It wasn’t like when Ken startled her earlier in the day. The car had flipped yes, but it went through the air and landed back on its tires, no harm done. This wasn’t that. This was something else. Something that she’d never felt before.
Time seemed to slow to a crawl as the world turned sideways around her. Her blonde braid lifted off her shoulder and the seatbelt across her lap seemed to tighten, digging into her thighs. She screamed in a way she never had before. She’d felt fear, yes, but not like this. She didn’t think that any of the Barbies or the Kens had ever felt fear like this. It was like her entire body screaming right alongside her. Every inch, every joint, and sculpted line in her body tensed up and clenched tighter than Boxer Barbie’s fists.
The car landed on its side and skidded across the sand, Barbie’s head snapped back from the force of it, the seat digging into her back and pressing into something that wasn’t supposed to bend the way it was being forced to. It didn’t feel good. At all. This was the furthest thing from good she’d ever felt. Saying that it felt bad didn’t even do the feeling justice. It was worse than when she fell off her roof. And that had been the worst until this.
Distantly, she could hear Ken’s voice. He sounded like he was in pain too. Like he was just as scared as she was. He was calling out her name.
For a moment, things went black. Completely black. It lasted less than a second. One singular insignificant second in which absolutely nothing existed. No thoughts. No feelings. No sight or sound. Just darkness and perfect silence. It was so peaceful. Like everything was finally right in the world and she didn’t have to worry about flat feet or cellulite or a rip in the fabric of reality. It felt like that last blissful moment of sleep before getting up in the morning. Like she’d open her eyes and stare through the open roof of her dreamhouse at the beautiful blue sky above. She’d hear the voice singing her through her newest best day ever. And everything that happened since the dance party would only be as real as a bad dream, and forgotten just as quickly.
But that’s not what greeted her when she finally did.
She opened her eyes to an endless desert landscape. The pink corvette was overturned, crumpled on one side, and partially buried a few feet away. At some point, the seat belt must have snapped, because she wasn’t in the car anymore. She was laying on her stomach, her hair a mess around her face, cheek in the dirt.
She tried to sit up, but her body didn’t want to do anything. Her limbs throbbed and she felt her joints pop in an unnatural way as she lifted herself onto her knees. …. She was in pain. The most pain she’d ever felt in all of her years. It was awful.
She’d never feel something like this in Barbieland. Never.
Does that mean I made it to the Real World?
“Barbie! Are you okay?” Ken called as he rushed to her side. Looking up, she saw him limping towards her, a worried expression on his face. She wasn’t really sure how she was, but she didn’t want to scare him. She didn’t want to scare herself either. Looking at the positives, she could move. Nothing felt broken or bent out of shape. She wasn’t dead and/or thinking about being… well, she kind of was, but only as ‘Thank goodness I’m not dead!’ kind of thing. Not an ‘Oh no, I just died!’ kind of thing.
She smiled her perfect smile, though it didn’t feel right in the moment, and slowly rose to her feet. “I’m okay, Ken. Really. I’m fine.”
“Your hands are shaking.”
She looked down at them and saw that he was right. Her hands were shaking. Badly. She’d never seen anything like that before. Anywhere. On anyone. She’d read one of Dr. Barbie’s books once… but there was nothing about this kind of thing in there either. The book was mostly pictures of x-rays and instructions on how to mold a cast out of Barbie Dough.
“I’m fine,” she lied again, feeling it stick in her throat this time. “I’m perfectly fine. Everything is fine.”
Ken nodded and looked around. “That was… wow. I’ve never seen a car do that before. Where are we? Where’s the speedboat?”
“Uh… I think we’re almost there. We have to be, right? Weird Barbie didn’t give me any kind of timeframe for anything. Or specific instructions. She just said that we’d go from a sports car to a speedboat, to a rocket ship, to a tandem bike, to a camper van, to a snowmobile, to roller blades and go to the state of Los Angeles in the country of California. She said not to think about it too much.”
“I thought there was supposed to be some kind of portal at some point?”
“Apparently not.”
“…. Oh.”
Barbie looked at the wrecked car and then out into the desert again. She was starting to feel really hot. And something told her that she wasn’t the only one. Ken had already opened his shirt like he would on the beach. “I know you brought your roller blades, but I need to ask, did you bring any changes of clothes? Something that maybe won’t be so… inappropriate?” she asked, picking at the sleeve of her own pink top.
Ken nodded. “I might have brought a thing or too.”
“Good. We should change and then get going. Can’t be that much farther to the speedboat, right?”
Ken nodded excitedly then ran over to the car where it laid on its side. He popped open the trunk and all their things spilled onto the ground. The shoes, clothes, skates, hair ties, jewelry, and sunglasses.
Barbie put her hands on her hips, but didn’t say anything. Now wasn’t the time to complain. They were stuck with each other for the foreseeable future, lost and alone, with absolutely no idea what they were going to do or how. Weird Barbie just said that she would ‘know’ when she found the little girl playing with her. But she didn’t know how to get to the point that would allow her to know! She wasn’t Explorer Barbie or Rock Climber Barbie, or Girl Scouts of America Barbie. She was just Barbie. Stereotypical Barbie. She didn’t have anything special about her other than the name ‘Barbie’.
Why was her breath coming in so fast? Why was there pressure building in her chest and head?
She closed her eyes and took a deep breath. And another. And another. It was working. The pressure was going away. Slowly, but surely. She smiled again and opened her eyes. She looked through the clothes and found a resort outfit she had packed just in case she had to stay somewhere before going home. Specifically, the BarbieStyle Resort-Wear outfit. Tan high waisted wide leg pants, a salmon pink and white crop top with a v neck and puffy half sleeves, cat eye sunglasses, dangly gold earrings, black heels, and a tan clutch purse. She laid everything out in front of her and waited….
And waited….
And waited….
Weird. In the Dreamhouse, she just had to stand in front of her closet and her clothes would change. Actually, it was the same throughout Barbieland; in the boutiques and any general area with a mirror or a door. She just needed a place to stop and choose an outfit to wear and then she’d be wearing it. With all the places a Barbie could go and all the things she could do, quick changes were a necessity.
And yet… her clothes weren’t doing anything now.
Confused, she started to unbutton her top to put the clothes on manually. Then she paused. Ken was right next to her, having the same issue with his pale pink shorts, jacket, mesh shirt, white sandals, and sunglasses. Not wanting to make him feel the same way, she gathered up her things and walked around to the other side of the car, using it as a wall to separate the two of them. Then, she went back to taking off her clothes. The feeling was strange, and the action was one that she wasn’t used to doing, but it was conceptually simple enough. Pull over head and take arms out. Easy.
At least, it sounded easy. Her clothes were tight and didn’t want to come off. For a moment, she got stuck. She got the fabric over her head, but her arms were outstretched and trapped. Eventually, she got it worked out, but it did take her a few minutes to do it.
Once dressed, Barbie realized two things:
First, they didn’t have a way to carry their belongings now that the car was ruined. She didn’t think to bring any actual luggage. All her things fit in the trunk with room to spare and Ken wasn’t supposed to come with her.
Second, now that she wasn’t permanently on her toes, high heels didn’t feel as natural or comfortable as they used to. They hurt her feet and made it hard to walk for long periods of time. And, though she’d never noticed before, heels and the desert didn’t actually mix very well. The thin points sank in the loose dirt and the slick soles made the stones she stepped on roll beneath her, very nearly making her trip over and over again.
It couldn’t be that far, could it?
It couldn’t be that far….
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watchingthefallofrome · 10 months
i just made it past the timeskip and here is my review of the previous and new character designs
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pre-timeship: cute character design, oda dresses her up like a doll. i think her character has gone through the most changes pre-timeskip and we can really see the changes in art-style with her character design. i miss the old art-style on her the most, she looked great with gangly limbs and over-sized hands, like she just stepped out of a kingdom hearts game
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post-timeskip: ultimate fanservice crewmember, even in background drawings, she's big boobs, tiny waist, big hips. i want better for you nami. i want her to be warm and protected in battle. i want her to have more comfortable shoes, the gladiator sandals look terrible. i want to give her aspirin for the back pain she must feel with her toothpick spine. i need to know her secret for growing hair that fast over two years. (super hair-growth tempo.) i love the beachy waves with the choppy bangs, she cuts her bangs herself, never let go of your roots nami
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drinkyourvillainjuice · 3 months
NSFW Alphabet - Teddie
Well, y'all really wanted one of these for Teddie. Seriously like four of you and counting. So, Teddie time.
A = Aftercare (what they’re like after sex)
Quiet, contemplative. A little apprehensive.
B = Body part (their favorite body part of theirs and also their partner’s)
His own - throat. Bone rarely grows there. Partner - probably hands, cause he's a filthy hand holder.
C = Cum (anything to do with cum, basically)
This guy goes off like a fucking cannon.
D = Dirty secret (pretty self explanatory, a dirty secret of theirs)
Aroused by fossils. /jk
I'm not sure. He's not a very sexual person.
E = Experience (how experienced are they? do they know what they’re doing?)
Minimal. Maybe hooked up once or twice but I'm not even sure he's gone all the way with anyone.
F = Favorite position (this goes without saying)
Whichever works with the current configuration of bones.
Yeah. Guy gets a raw deal.
G = Goofy (are they more serious in the moment? are they humorous? etc.)
Very serious. Might get an unexpected smile or two out of him though.
H = Hair (how well groomed are they? does the carpet match the drapes? etc.)
Groomed? Not.
I = Intimacy (how are they during the moment? the romantic aspect)
Oscillates between passionate and intimate. Very intense about it.
J = Jack off (masturbation headcanon)
Finds it completely embarrassing. Like he does it, but he finds it embarrassing.
K = Kink (one or more of their kinks)
Having to look, but not touch. Esp. if his partner is stripping off.
L = Location (favorite places to do the do)
Just wherever's relatively comfortable and isn't gonna get fucking destroyed by spines.
M = Motivation (what turns them on, gets them going)
Passion. Vulnerability. Trust.
N = No (something they wouldn’t do, turn offs)
Pain. Has too much of that already to be kinky about it.
O = Oral (preference in giving or receiving, skill, etc.)
Would rather receive than give because he'd be worried he was getting sharp pieces of face right up in his partner's sensitive areas.
P = Pace (are they fast and rough? slow and sensual? etc.)
Rough, but not fast. He doesn't want to fucking pulverise anyone with ill-placed growths.
Q = Quickie (their opinions on quickies, how often, etc.)
No to quickies: things are too much of an effort for him to want to get it over with fast. In terms of how often: if his partner's game to go, he probably is too. Depends on if his body is cooperating.
R = Risk (are they game to experiment? do they take risks? etc.)
Hesitant on both. Sex is a bit of a fragile topic for him.
S = Stamina (how many rounds can they go for? how long do they last?)
Doesn't have a whole lot of stamina for going multiple rounds. He can hold himself back for a bit though.
T = Toys (do they own toys? do they use them? on a partner or themselves?)
U = Unfair (how much they like to tease)
He's not really a teaser.
V = Volume (how loud they are, what sounds they make, etc.)
Quiet. He growls, mutters, whispers into your ear.
W = Wild card (a random headcanon for the character)
*first bars of megalovania*
Uhh pass. Like I mentioned, he's not v. experienced, hard to have detailed thoughts.
X = X-ray (let’s see what’s going on under those clothes)
Even more bones.
Y = Yearning (how high is their sex drive?)
Low. He's often in too much pain/discomfort to be horny.
Z = Zzz (how quickly they fall asleep afterwards)
Tries to stay awake, but fades relatively fast.
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braidlottie · 11 months
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boyfie :3
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A = Aftercare (what they’re like after sex)
you would think nat isn’t the type to take part in aftercare, but a softer side of him comes out (mostly after a rough session), praising you and holding you tight.
B = Body part (their favorite body part of theirs and also their partner’s)
nat’s favorite body part of his is his chest, especially after getting chest surgery.
his favorite body part of his partner’s is their mouth/lips (he just wants you to suck on his fingers)
C = Cum (anything to do with cum, basically)
he wants you to cum on him every. single. time. on his fingers, on his cock, on his face. he loves it too much.
D = Dirty secret (pretty self explanatory, a dirty secret of theirs)
he likes bottoming more than topping. there, I SAID IT.
E = Experience (how experienced are they? do they know what they’re doing?)
he’s had so many sexual partners in the past, and he’s never had a bad experience.
F = Favorite position (this goes without saying)
cowgirl just because he wants to guide your hips up and down :3
G = Goofy (are they more serious in the moment? are they humorous? etc.)
he’ll laugh from time to time, mostly at your reaction to his strap slamming into you, or from the feeling of bliss when he came on your tongue.
H = Hair (how well groomed are they? does the carpet match the drapes? etc.)
he LOVES his body hair. he keeps it trimmed but would never shave it.
I = Intimacy (how are they during the moment? the romantic aspect)
he’s always whispering dirty things in your ear, but also holding your hand through your multiple orgasms.
J = Jack off (masturbation headcanon)
yes !!!!! especially to your photos :3
K = Kink (one or more of their kinks)
nat scatorccio has a praise kink and you will never ever let him live it down. “good boy” has him whimpering almost instantly, watching him get more and more desperate for your touch.
L = Location (favorite places to do the do)
anywhere, but mostly the motel. it’s where he feels the safest.
M = Motivation (what turns them on, gets them going)
you teasing him will make him push you on the bed and go to town. he’s so easy and you love to take advantage of it.
N = No (something they wouldn’t do, turn offs)
he doesn’t bringing weapons into the bedrooms, and never will.
O = Oral (preference in giving or receiving, skill, etc.)
PUSSY EATING CHAMPION. he’s so talented with his tongue, and he's proud of it too.
P = Pace (are they fast and rough? slow and sensual? etc.)
mostly rough, but is real soft with you when you’ve had a bad day.
Q = Quickie (their opinions on quickies, how often, etc.)
doesn’t mind them. something’s better than nothing.
R = Risk (are they game to experiment? do they take risks? etc.)
yes, only if you’re down for it though. he never wants to make you feel uncomfortable sex-wise, especially in public.
S = Stamina (how many rounds can they go for? how long do they last?)
he’ll go for 3 or 4 rounds before he’s collapsed on top of you.
T = Toys (do they own toys? do they use them? on a partner or themselves?)
he really uses toys on you the most, all he needs is his hand down his pants.
U = Unfair (how much they like to tease)
the amount he teases should be illegal. you could’ve swore he’s teased you to tears before.
V = Volume (how loud they are, what sounds they make, etc.)
low grunting or breathy whines, there is no inbetween.
W = Wild card (a random headcanon for the character)
he made you buy the red fluffy handcuffs from spencer's and he loves them to death.
X = X-ray (let’s see what’s going on under those clothes)
since getting on t, he has a little cock growth (and now he won’t stop asking for bjs >_<)
Y = Yearning (how high is their sex drive?)
very very high, but it’ll lower when you’re going thought something and you need him by your side.
Z = Zzz (how quickly they fall asleep afterwards)
he makes sure you’re taken care of before knocking out next to you.
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Hellooooo good night, afternoon or the time of day you read this, I would like to ask if you write Yone :')
And if you do... could you make an nsfw alphabet out of it? I don't think I've seen that about him around here and sometimes they forget that he has merged with a demon... So maybe there could be material there(? 👀
Small suggestion, have a nice day
NSFW Alphabet - Yone
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A= Aftercare (what they’re like after the act)
Yone is big on aftercare. Sometimes, he can be a little rough and lose control of himself when he is with his partner, the Azakana having corrupted him too far. But he always makes up for it. You never want for anything after a session with him.
B= Body part (favorite body part their own or their lovers)
Somehow, I think Yone likes his partners neck the most. Something about putting his hand around that throat, squeezing the air out of you, watching you writhe.. That is right up his alley. On himself, he likes his hands most. He uses them to wield his blades after all.
C= Cum (anything that has to do with it)
Usually, he likes to either come inside of you or in your mouth. There is not much use of his cum if it's going to waste in his opinion.
D= Dirty secret (Pretty self explanatory)
He's a bit of a voyeur when it comes to you and you only... so yes. He's watched you. And no. You haven't noticed.
E= Experience (do they know what they’re doing)
He does know. Before he was killed by his brother, I assume he hasn't had much time to experiment around, but he knows of it, knows what to do, and he will learn very quickly.
F= Favorite position
Yone loves doing it while standing up, preferably he likes to stand behind you, one hand either on your hips or at your core, the other playing around with your neck while he bites the skin, nibbling on it, whispering dirty things into your ears. Oh, how your legs shudder when he thrusts into you. It's so delightful.
G= Goofy (how serious are they)
Yone is pretty serious as it is. Sex is no different. He might smile at you or whisper sweet nothings when he's in a gentle mood, but he will definitely not be goofy.
H= Hair (grooming habits)
Well taken care of, I honestly don't know how Hair growth works when your body is fused with a lesser demons but uhm... I'm just gonna say he's not fully shaven but well groomed.
I= Intimacy (in the moment romantic or rough/dirty)
That depends on his mood. And on how well he can control the Azakana in the heat of the moment. It might be that one night he is careful, gentle and passionate and the next he will fuck you like a man possessed (because well... he is)
J= Jack off (do they masturbate and how often)
He rarely ever masturbates. It's not something that has priority in his life.
K= Kink (kinks what they like possibly unusual)
Asphyxiation, bondage, degradation (giving), edging, and possibly some sensory play
L= Location (where they like to get it on)
He likes to keep his private matters exactly there. In private. But if you grind his gears enough he might take you somewhere semi public and fuck the brat out of you.
M= Motivation (things that makes them tick/turn ons)
Gentle touches on his bandaged arms, caresses and touches in general, and your sweet words. Oh and your snarky remarks.
N= No (turnoffs or absolutely won’t do)
Use his blades. Definitely not. No cutting, no slashing. No weapons. They are everywhere else in his life. Or mentioning his brother. That's a major turn off for him.
Blood is also a hard limit.
O= Oral (receiving or giving and how skillful they are)
Prefers receiving, he loves it when you gag on his cock... those tears welling up in your eyes..
He's good with his tongue as well, though. What he lacks in technique in the beginning he rapidly catches up on and after one or two times you will already be whimpering under his tongue.
P= Pace (how fast they are and how long they last in bed)
Usually a faster pace, lasts incredibly long.
Q= Quickie (do they prefer fast and hard)
Only when the mood strikes him. Or when you beg enough. He just can't withstand those slutty lips when they beg for him to fuck you.
R= Risk (do they like to try new things)
Sometimes. Nothing too dangerous, though, since he can't always tell how well he can control the beast within.
S= Stamina (how many times they can go and how long each round lasts)
Man can go at least 3 rounds before he gets fatigued, and without foreplay you got yourself 20-30 minutes per round.
T= Toys (are they game for using sex toys on themselves or lovers)
On you? Sure. On him? No.
U= Unfair (how do they tease or do they enjoy suspense themselves)
He's not much of a teaser, but once you start, he's game to play it out. Don't expect him to go easy on you, though.
V= Volume (are they loud, what sounds, and do they talk)
Is not very loud. Some low grunts and moans is the most you'll hear from him. And yes, he talks. Dirty talk is essential for him. It makes you so much wetter after all.
W= Wild card (random sincannon of any sort)
Try using his bandages to tie him up and see what happens 😈
X= X-ray (what’s down below in dem pants)
Well endowed, 20 - 23cm (~9-10 inches), pretty thick and honestly quite beautiful looking if though a little pale.
Y= Yearning (sexdrive level)
Average, I would say. It's not really that high, but if he's in the mood he'll be going on for a while.
Z= Zzzz (do they sleep after if so how quickly after)
No he doesn't. He rarely ever sleeps as is and seeing you in his arms.. he feels at peace nonetheless.
Whaddup! Thanks for the ask, anon! I didn't think about writing for Yone before but ay! Yone be a QT c:
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generalluxun · 6 months
Based on their season 1 (Primarily) and season 2/3 (if you desire it) characterization. How do you think the characters and story of ML would develop had Marinette developed a crush on Chat & Adrien a crush on Marinette?
My thinking, taking out any given issues with the shows handling of the characters and just what I think makes sense for them based on extrapolation feels:
Ladybug is definitely a bit more overtly "Adorkable" in the publics eye, but the danger of the situation does stop her from stumbling over herself as much as Marinette did with Adrien. She is far more likely to be pushing for secret ID reveals, but probably through hints over overt action.
Adrien is not as forward with Marinette as he is as Chat with Ladybug. Even ignoring the Chat persona being an exaggeration, he also has his reputation and ingrained habits to think of. But Nino did ask him for date advice so I think he'd make more overt attempts at wooing her & probably push harder on Chloe to be nicer.
Gabriel probably hates this and may be stumping harder to yang Adrien out of school, which could force Adrien to be more quiet about his interest as well.
Chloe is... Not having a good time. Regardless of whether her feelings for Adrien are romantic, platonic, confused cos of sexuality or the like. He matters to her a lot but right after arriving at school is not only putting a lot of distance between them but seemingly holding their friendship for ransom to earn the approval of a girl Chloe has issue with.
Okay so thought about this:
Ladybug falls for Chat in Origins when he rushes in to defend her during one of her initial panic/what is happening moments. She's reminded of being protected by Socqueline (Derision is not canon, ever, but we can repurpose bits of it) She had resigned herself to being 'on her own' after her friend graduated (not expelled) now, here is someone else making her feel *safe* even in mortal peril.
She's still Ladybug, she's still the leader. She is very focused on 'protecting her protector' though. He's *her* kitty. If only he could be in more ways than are allowed...
She'll push Fu to include him more, she'll pay more attention and push to be her best self. Her plans will be a little less effective, like in Kuro Neko she's focusing too much on her partner. It won't be crippling though, but it hints at what she needs to work on.
Now on the second day when Adrien shows up, things go differently. Let's give the Limo a flat so he shows up without Chloé. The world is a bit spookier, are monsters common? He's nervous. He drops his books, and someone stoops to help him pick them up and their heads bump.
'oh ouch sorry. Here let me...' sure hands ruffle through hos hair, checking for an injury. Adrien looks up and *cue music* Marinette.
She's already set on being her 'best self' to live up to her Perfect Pawtner. So helping the new kid around? That's just what she should do!
On Adrien's end though he can't help but marvel at how much she reminds him of his mother(hear me out) He's been adrift since her disappearance. His father is distant, Nathalie is cold, and even though Chloé cares she's a hurricane in a ponytail. Marinette;leading him to the classroom, showing him his seat, and giving him tips, makes him feel *safe*. (Woo parallels!) He falls hard and fast.
He becomes a Marinette stan, furst to support her. First to go the extra mile. Talking her up and excited to see what she will do next. Every step she takes to be the 'everyday Ladybug' only males him fall harder. The 'weakspot' he has to work on is how completely uncritical he is, after all his mother could do no wrong! He doesn't make the conscious connection, but he treats Marinette the same. She's not a memory of a mother though, she's a living breathing 14yr old. She will and should make mistakes. Adrien discounts them too much, excusing/rationalizing/redirecting her shortcomings which actually inhibits her growth. 'I was wrong' is something everyone needs as a part of their life.
Chloé is in fact having a bad time(maybe?) she can't bully or daddy her way out of this. Adrien gushes about Marinette and Chloé's initial 'ewww' turns him instantly cold (only briefly though) but it is a warning. If she wants to win she has to *beat* Marinette. She needs to be better, smarter, stronger, she can't fake it. She has to compete and win! Hijinks/rivalry ensues (Marinette isn't competing for Adrien, but the chance to show up Chloé is cathartic as heck!)
What's fascinating is how various other things will shake out. Chloé's 'daddy' goes unused, most people get ignored. She can't push and shove her way out of this. Alya has to listen to Marinette gushing about Cat Noir (she knitted herself a pawprint sweater that she sleeps in, but she has to keep fangirling on the down low in public so she doesn't clue in whoever CN really is!) Nino's crush on Marinette is DoA. Do he and Alya still get together? Adrien's in Nino's ear about Mari every day.
Does Alya pull Chloé aside and say 'wtf are you even doing?' emboldened by the blonde's shift from dominance to competition. Foes Sabrina branch out, being Chloé's 'trainer' for a myriad competitions. She(they) could come into contact with a lot more people.
It's a whole AU in the making.
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crypt1dcorv1dae · 6 months
Virichie concept they both go off to separate colleges (despite wanting to go to the same one, they eventually decided to go to the places that would best for them individually) and don't see each other for a few months cus college AND being secret superheroes is hard and they were too busy to visit, and they talk all the time on the phone and over shockvox and stuff but it's not the same!!!!
And then they see each other for the first time in a while and they're both like... Oh.
Especially Virgil seeing Richie probably having had a growth spurt (he def takes after his dad and his dad is a VERY LARGE MAN. This boy is gonna be Big Boy) and thriving being away from home (COUGH DAD COUGH) and just like... Happy. And being like. Oh. OH. I LIKE MEN. HUH. WOW HEY RICH YOU GOT. TALL. like just real-time realizing he's bi as hell and his best friend is REALLY cute, was he always cute??? Oh he was, wasn't he. oh god help. HELP.
Meanwhile Richie (already knew he was gay as fuck and hopelessly gone for his best friend for like... A WHILE) is having an easier time dealing with Pretty Best Friend, he's used to it, and is just fucking ecstatic to see Virgil again bc he MISSED HIM SO MUCHHHHHH and just gives him the biggest bear hug bc FUCK toxic masculinity he missed his best friend and he's gonna hug him dammit (he's def made some queer friends at college and is more comfortable with himself than he used to be, like I said, he's thriving) and Virgil is just kinda dying bc he just realized some shit and now he's just. Engulfed in his suddenly very tall best friend who is also probably pretty wide by now (we all saw the future we know he's gonna be a big guy) and kinda just. Internally freaking out but in a good way. In shock from Gay Realizations
Also they've both individually been growing their hair out bc I think it's cute. It's still at "too long but too short" awkward stage for Richie unfortunately. Luckily I think his hair probably grows fast (I'm projecting)
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royalsunshinehotel · 11 months
may i request nsfw alphabet with napoleon usher?
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Napoleon 'Leo' Usher (NSFW Alphabet, 18+)
A/N: I’m writing this after watching Episode Four with @hecuba-of-troy. It’s such a slay, and I love Rahul Kohli so much. This being said, Leo is the worst and I hate him, and I want him. Please enjoy this NSFW alphabet for the worst character ever. 
A = Aftercare (what they’re like after sex) It’s minimal, if not nonexistent. Leo, after coming in to the Usher family at age 18, was certified at the ‘fuck-and-run’ 
B = Body part (their favorite body part of theirs and also their partner’s)
I don't think he likes to look close enough at his partners to have a favorite body part. For him, he likes his hands and his hair
C = Cum (anything to do with cum, basically) He hasn’t got a preference beyond: as much as possible, and everywhere. Cleaning up after is usually a multi-step process. 
D = Dirty secret (pretty self explanatory, a dirty secret of theirs) There was definitely a time in his life when he had a spreadsheet of everyone he’d done sexual activities with. Yes, it is now deleted because he’s become more confident in himself in his thirties. Is it always warranted? Who’s to say. Is the spreadsheet now deleted? Yeah, and he’ll deny it ever existed. 
E = Experience (how experienced are they? do they know what they’re doing?) Oh he’s a certified slut. He knows what he needs to do to ‘maintain his reputation’, and he’s probably going to do it. 
F = Favorite position (this goes without saying) He’s a big fan of his partners either being on top, or being on all fours. He’s pretty tall, so whatever’s best for his upper back that day is usually what makes the choice. 
G = Goofy (are they more serious in the moment? are they humorous? etc.) I think he tries to keep it minimal, because goofiness can lead to Intimacy and he can't have that. If he cracks a joke, you’ll laugh and then what !!! chaos (See I) 
H = Hair (how well groomed are they? does the carpet match the drapes? etc.) I seriously think it matches his fuck ass haircut. Like short on the sides long on the middle. I don’t know hair growth patterns down there, but you get the idea. 
I = Intimacy (how are they during the moment? the romantic aspect) I feel like he’s capable of it, but he’ll have to dump you immediately after. It’s something he actively has to tamp down in the name of getting off. 
J = Jack off (masturbation headcanon) A whole lot. 3x daily I fear. 
K = Kink (one or more of their kinks) There's no way he’s having a fucking ass stupid ass haircut like that if you’re not the one pulling on it. Fucking fuck ass shaved sides fuckboy. Like I don’t know what that style is called, but it’s right there next to ‘fuck ass bob’. 
Next after that, I think he’s really into lite bondage. Just being tied up and used by you, which you’re happy to do. 
L = Location (favorite places to do the do) Typically at home, but if it’s been a to of family drama, he’ll fuck you in his car on the way to/from the family event. Next after that, the two of you get nasty in the shower, and then the bedroom. 
M = Motivation (what turns them on, gets them going) A gust of air? Typically I feel like Leo gets a little bit stuck in his own head, typically in a negative train of thought. That usually does it, but he’ll never let it on. He’ll literally use you to feel Anything, but not That much. Sorry!! He needs therapy!!
N = No (something they wouldn’t do, turn offs) I feel like choking/ anything to do with pain really, it’s off the table. If there’s one thing about Leo, he would never hurt you on purpose. 
O = Oral (preference in giving or receiving, skill, etc.) Receiving. I’m not gonna say any more than that. 
P = Pace (are they fast and rough? slow and sensual? etc.) It depends on the mood honestly, fast and rough if he’s had a hard time with his family, but it’s slow and sensual and lazy most other times. 
Q = Quickie (their opinions on quickies, how often, etc.) IDK why I feel this way, but I don’t think Leo is very into quickies, just because he doesn’t strike me as a man who is good at multitasking. Like if a partner were to initiate sex, it would suddenly be sex-time for sex havers. Whatever he was doing before, would have to be put on hold. 
R = Risk (are they game to experiment? do they take risks? etc.) Oh he’s all about it, anything to feel something. I see a lot of fucking on his balcony, perhaps in the bathroom at a cool restaurant. 
S = Stamina (how many rounds can they go for? how long do they last?) I think he’s been blessed with a whole lot of stamina, almost alarmingly so. Just picture his partner, exhausted, and Leo just cheesing like :D need a break? 
T = Toys (do they own toys? do they use them? on a partner or themselves?) I think he’s got a substantial collection, because he’s a lazy lover and if he can’t pawn the work off on his partner, he’ll pawn it off on a toy. 
U = Unfair (how much they like to tease) I think it’s up to his partners to tease. Leo is a bit of a glutton, so I can’t see him knowing how to tease, or tease well. 
V = Volume (how loud they are, what sounds they make, etc.) I know this man’s loud as hell. In canon, he’s a slut who hooks up with his instagram followers. I truly believe he doesn’t care who hears ever, and he’s probably smug and selfish, regardless of his minimal effort. 
W = Wild card (a random headcanon for the character) I feel like Leo has his hair like that by mistake. It looks kind of like a mistake, like he went on a bender, and woke up with his hair like that. This being the case, he’s big into wearing hats in the winter, because the sides of his head like that.  
X = X-ray (let’s see what’s going on under those clothes) He’s a stallion, in his fucking prime. Thank you, god bless. 
Y = Yearning (how high is their sex drive?) As we see on the show, it’s pretty darn high. The two of you are definitely NOT monogamous because I’m betting this man drowns his low self-esteem with a high sex drive. He picks up anything that moves and has sex with it. He’s very much the type to say “i don’t know” when you ask about people in his apartment. 
Z = Zzz (how quickly they fall asleep afterwards) 
I think regardless of him being on his “best behavior” he knocks out almost immediately after. He’s very much the type to just roll over and fall asleep, for better or worse.
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mrsarnasdelicious · 6 months
Body Guard!Sihtric NSFW Alphabet
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A = After (what they’re like after sex)
Aftercare King!!!
He goes hard on you and of course afterwards he'll make sure you get cleaned up, decompress and are okay. He praises you, telling how well you did for me. He kisses all the bruises and marks he's left on you and then snuggles you up to him until you fall asleep in his arms.
B = Body part (their favorite body part of theirs and also their partner’s)
On himself probably his hands, arms or shoulder, big man big protecc.
On you, your eyes, they are so full of stars and so innocent, which is not at all appropriate for a woman like you.
C = Cum (anything to do with cum, basically)
His loads are average size, but there is so much force behind his orgasm. He shoots so far!
He loves to see his cum drip out of your poor bullied pussy.
D = Dirty secret (pretty self explanatory, a dirty secret of theirs)
The times this man has jacked off on the other side of the door while guarding you, holy fuck!!!!
E = Experience (how experienced are they? do they know what they’re doing?)
Expert level. Guy is so knowledgable on kink and he does it sooo well.
F = Favorite position (this goes without saying)
Doggy. Guy loves to take you roughly, really dom you and grab at you in that way.
G = Goofy (are they more serious in the moment? are they humorous? etc.)
He can goof around, but usually is quite serious about putting you in your place with his cock.
H = Hair (how well groomed are they? does the carpet match the drapes? etc.)
He doesn't really get much puebic hair growth, oddly, it is dark brown, but he usually shaves it, bc it is naught more than peace fluff.
I = Intimacy (how are they during the moment? the romantic aspect)
Is actually really romantic. He values intimacy a lot. Being with you isn't just raw sex to put you in his place. He can be super tender and is always very attentive.
J = Jack off (masturbation headcanon)
Ohoooohoooo you know it! This guy can barely hold it in his trousers every time you even wear a v-neck. The TIMES he wacked one out because of you, hooooo boy!
K = Kink (one or more of their kinks)
Dirty Talk, Voyeurism, Power play, hunting, choking, edging, overstim, subversion of expectation, hero play, cum marking, bite marking, bondage, punishment and discipline.
L = Location (favorite places to do the do)
He is very fond of pressing you up against doors and walls, though he is really fond of slinking to your bed in the dead of night as well.
M = Motivation (what turns them on, gets them going)
Him having to come to your rescue, you being a brat, the way you smirk, your ass, your scent, when you feign being innocent and when you enjoy food/drink/anything so much you moan.
N = No (something they wouldn’t do, turn offs)
Daddy, bodily excrements, cnc and financial domination.
O = Oral (preference in giving or receiving, skill, etc.)
He is defo very fond of eating you out, too.
P = Pace (are they fast and rough? slow and sensual? etc.)
He is more fast and rough, but most certainly does have it in him to take his time on you.
Q = Quickie (their opinions on quickies, how often, etc.)
He takes every opportunity he can get. Quickies galore baby!!!
R = Risk (are they game to experiment? do they take risks? etc.)
Your entire relationship is one big risk, you bet Sihtric is a risk taker.
He is also very experimental and willing to try anything you are up to.
S = Stamina (how many rounds can they go for? how long do they last?)
Sihtric lasts LONG! Guy can piston fuck you for 20 minutes straight if you can take it. He usually manages two or three rounds.
T = Toys (do they own toys? do they use them? on a partner or themselves?)
He knows you have plenty toys and how to use them to drive you absolutely crazy.
U = Unfair (how much they like to tease)
Holy fek, Sihtric is such a tease and you know it. He loves to dangle your orgasm in front of you like a juciy carrot and not let you have it until you beg him for it. He is also very wont to use overstimulation.
V = Volume (how loud they are, what sounds they make, etc.)
He is a predominantly a grunter/groaner. His volume varies, depending on how likely you are to get caught. He doesn't want to be found out.
W = Wild card (a random headcanon for the character)
Sihtric feels like he does not do his job well unless you are covered in his marks. He can guard you better when you are well and marked up.
X = X-ray (let’s see what’s going on under those clothes)
Oh you know he hung and he uses it well. He is uncut and mostly a grower, though whilst flaccid, he most certainly shows a bit.
Y = Yearning (how high is their sex drive?)
Rather high, but is able to put his own needs aside for yours. His desire is very dependent on how you feel.
Z = Zzz (how quickly they fall asleep afterwards)
Sihtric is wont to stay awake until you are well and zonked out, making sure you are safe and happy before he can let himself nod off.
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