#fasting and blood pressure
wellhealthhub · 1 year
The Ultimate Guide to Fasting with Food: 11 Surprising Benefits You Can't Ignore
Discover the surprising benefits and potential of fasting with food in this ultimate guide. Learn how it can improve your health and unlock new levels of vitality. Table of Contents Introduction to Fasting with Food The Science Behind Fasting with Food Surprising Benefits of Fasting with Food Weight Loss Improved Blood Sugar Control Reduced Inflammation Enhanced Brain Function Lower…
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themortaldraw · 2 months
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july is disability pride month, here's a skord link that Needs Salt
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tachyheart · 5 months
Again tachycardia, so i wanna just see how my body will react when i will stand up from resting sitting possition when usually get 115-120 bpm. In middle of clip there are a breath-hold.
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rapidhrtftm95 · 2 months
Just want to listen to someone's heart
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night-creeps · 10 months
I still think I was onto something when I said that Kim's fixation on the revolutionary air brigades felt kind of like a kid with glasses really wanting to be a firefighter and then learning that you can't be a firefighter if you don't have natural 20/20 visiom because the heat would melt plastic or cause burns from metal frames and contacts weren't a safe choice either. It feels a lot like that. He wanted to work on those aerostatics but couldn't because of his eyesight
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Having some „fun“ 😏
Well, I think you know 👀 that I’m gay 🏳️‍🌈 and I’m proud of it 🔥❤️‍🔥! Sometime you just need to relax 😌, letting your heart do his job 💪🏻 , look at your body. Any suddenly the tree (I think you know which part of a boy I mean 😏) down below is growing for some unknown reasons 🤭.
Well, you can be stressed to touch the tree. You can be horny 🥵 to touch the tree 🌴. Or you just wanna relief yourself of the pressure 🤤from the inside. The feeling of going completely nuts 🫀📈 is just crazy, that’s what I like about being gay 🏳️‍🌈🥰!
I hope you enjoy my fast heartbeat 💗! Love you 😘!
============ Ein bisschen „Spaß“ haben 😏
Ich glaube, ihr wisst 👀 dass ich schwul 🏳️‍🌈 bin. Und da bin ich auch stolz drauf 🔥❤️‍🔥! Manchmal musst du einfach entspannen 😌, dein Herz seine Arbeit 💪🏻 machen lassen. Und plötzlich wächst der Baum (ich glaube, ihr wisst welche Region eines Jungen ich meine 😏) aus unbekannten Gründen 🤭.
Du kannst gestresst sein, damit du deinen Baum anzufassen. Du kannst horny 🥵 sein, um deinen Baum 🌴 anzufassen. Oder du willst dich einfach von dem Druck auf dem inneren entledigen 🤤. Das Gefühl komplett durchzudrehen 🫀📈 ist einfach komplett verrückt! Das mag ich so sehr am schwul sein 🏳️‍🌈🥰!
Ich hoffe, euch gefällt mein schneller Herzschlag 💗! Hab euch lieb 😘!
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merakiui · 2 years
Rom com Mafia!Floyd not knowing what to tell batista MC, until...
Floyd: Date.
MC: ....Huh?
Floyd: Let's go on a date.
He is a cowardly eel who is trying so desperately to navigate these newfound feelings. He'll deliver so many flowers to your home to the point where it's excessive. He has a collection of jewelry that so many people have kindly given to him (i.e. he beat them half to death and took it as payment) and he wants to give all of the prettiest, shiniest treasures to you (Jade makes sure he thoroughly washes and cleans the blood and skin off; sometimes the rings are still wrapped around the severed finger, so that has to be disposed of as well). You'll be given lots of very expensive jewelry, so much that it's really overwhelming.
You think Floyd handles his feelings well, but he's actually really awkward when it comes to interacting with you because all of these emotions are so new (and also because morays are cowards at heart). He could be looking so scary, standing in the shadows with a cigarette between his lips, his clothes rumpled and bloodied because he just got into a nasty fight not even ten minutes ago, and the moment you leave to lock up the shop for the night he's quickly hurrying to make himself look more presentable (something he's never cared about before). Floyd is down so horrendously bad that he tries to win you over with riches (all-expenses-paid trips, luxury brand items that he has definitely gotten in not-so-pleasant ways, trying and failing to flirt with the worst pick-up lines ever that it makes him seem so slimy and sleazy). He's failing abysmally.
He whines about his blossoming affections and how nothing seems to work to Jade and Azul whenever the three of them meet up for breakfast or lunch, constantly asking why it feels like his heart gets a hard-on when he's around you. Jade kindly advises Floyd to just be himself when he's in love, but Azul quickly shuts that down because, "Look at him!" and he'll make such a grand, sweeping gesture to indicate Floyd's...Floyd-ness. "He's a criminal! Do you honestly think he'll win anyone over with that sort of history and sloppy manner of dress?"
"He has a big, tender heart," Jade insists with a pleased smile, as if that can excuse everything else.
"And a big dick," Floyd boasts, which sends Azul into another red-faced tizzy. He gets so worked up sometimes. It has the twins grinning in amusement.
"This crass behavior is precisely why the one you seem to adore so much avoids you!"
And yet, even though Azul says that so coldly, he doesn't seem to have much going for him either. And neither does Jade. They are three equally terrible, rizz-less, cowardly men.
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tj-crochets · 7 days
okay crafting is probably delayed again I possibly overdid it today and had another flareup of Weird Bad but it did not result in Unexpected Floor Time this time so I think I'm getting better?
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hoglinz · 2 years
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happy birthday to the guy ever
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verved · 2 months
see here's the thing. i get dizzy and think. oh! surely this is a precursor to hunger, and i should eat. so i do that and then it's worse. i eat food and then it gets worse. so do i just not eat. do i graze on nuts every few minutes and hope that smaller amounts of food dont set off the dizziness. the fuck do i do.
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dykephan · 3 months
i love that dan and phil are both fainting all over the place. they're just like me fr
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pochapal · 4 months
had a hypertensive episode last night after feeling well enough the last few days to consider living my life again
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tachyheart · 17 days
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Very irregular heartbeat recording with ECG reports....
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rapidhrtftm95 · 2 months
The beating of my heart right now is insane
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heartbeater168 · 1 year
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I love the feeling of my heart pumping so hard it moves my entire frame. The rate has skyrocketed. The rhythm is irregular. All these readings say my heart is squeezing for its life.
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A little gay story from yesterday 🫀
My mind is gay 🥹, my body is gay 🥵, my tree 🌳 (I think the boys know what I mean - and also love - 😏) is gay 🤤 and my heartbeat is gay 💓. Is it bad being a gay ❤️? Absolutely not! Since I’ve discovered that I’m gay 😛 when I was 18 years old, I can proudly say that I’m so proud 🔥❤️‍🔥 and happy to found that out 🏳️‍🌈!
I’d like to tell you a story from yesterday. I’d suggest going into a dark room 😎, locking the door 🚪 and make yourself comfy 🤭. Hopefully you weren’t dirty minded 😏 today already, because this story might a pretty good chance that your tree 🌳 and your heart 💓 might be doing a pretty strong workout 😉!
So, my fellow crazy heartbeat lovers, let the story begin:
I was sitting on my bed, looking TV and I was doing absolutely nothing. My fellow friend down below was taking a break, my heart was beating normal with 68bpm and I didn’t have any gay or cardiophile thoughts.
The gay boys 🏳️‍🌈🤗 can surely imagine what I’m going to describe now 🤭🫂. I think 💭 one or two of you already had some fantasies, where your little friend got upright and was hard as steel. But this time, well… it became better, WAY BETTER 🤩!
Suddenly, my heart began to beat faster. From 68bpm to around 95bpm. I was breathing normally, but it also began to speed up. My little friend down below got upright, became hard as a steel rod. My brain was telling me something like: Come on Justin, you didn’t do your daily task today. Get everything off of your body and play with your little friend.
I was feeling like my male hormones, my heart or my brain were conducting an April fools joke, but hell no, I was wrong.
From out of nowhere I had the urge need to jerk myself off. I was playing with my little friend until my heart was racing so fast, it was beating at the speed of light. I was breathing like 75 times a minute, my heart was beating with 192bpm, my thoughts were filled with so much gay energy. I was feeling like I was sniffing poppers, that my heart was racing like that, but no. I was also feeling like I was having my first time fun with another gay boy.
This trip took like 30 minutes. For 30 minutes I was breathing so fast, my heart was racing like there was no tomorrow, my little friend was doing his best he could do.
In the end, my little friend decided to finally throw the male juice of fun out of his mouth. All the way down my tummy onto my chest. I’ve never taste the juice before, but today I thought let’s give it a try. I tasted it, it was awesome! So I decided to get all of it back into my body.
At max my heart was beating with 195bpm. This was also the first time, that my heart was nearly beating above 200bpm. I don’t know how fast I was breathing, but holy moly that was awesome!
I hope you’ve enjoyed the story, love you 😘.
Eine kleine schwule Geschichte von gestern 🫀
Mein Geist ist schwul 🥹, mein Körper ist schwul 🥵, mein Baum 🌳 (ich denke, die Jungs wissen, was ich meine - und auch liebe - 😏) ist schwul 🤤 und mein Herzschlag ist schwul 💓. Ist es schlimm, ein schwuler ❤️ zu sein? Ganz und gar nicht! Seit ich entdeckt habe, dass ich schwul bin 😛 als ich 18 Jahre alt war, kann ich mit Stolz sagen, dass ich so stolz 🔥❤️‍🔥 und glücklich bin, das herausgefunden zu haben 🏳️‍🌈!
Ich möchte euch eine Geschichte von gestern erzählen. Ich würde vorschlagen, in einen dunklen Raum zu gehen 😎, die Tür zu verriegeln 🚪 und es dir bequem zu machen 🤭. Hoffentlich warst du heute nicht schon gut drauf 😏, denn diese Geschichte könnte eine ziemlich gute Chance sein, dass dein Baum 🌳 und dein Herz 💓 ein ziemlich starkes Workout machen könnten 😉!
Ich saß auf meinem Bett, schaute fern und tat absolut nichts. Mein Freund unten machte eine Pause, mein Herz schlug normal mit 68bpm und ich hatte keine schwulen oder kardiophilen Gedanken.
Die schwulen Jungs 🏳️‍🌈🤗 können sich sicherlich vorstellen, was ich jetzt beschreiben werde 🤭🫂. Ich denke, 💭 ein oder zwei von euch hatten bereits einige Fantasien, in denen euer kleiner Freund aufrecht stand und hart wie Stahl war. Aber dieses Mal, nun... es wurde besser, VIEL BESSER 🤩!
Plötzlich begann mein Herz schneller zu schlagen. Von 68bpm bis etwa 95bpm. Ich atmete normal, aber es begann sich auch zu beschleunigen. Mein kleiner Freund unten wurde aufrecht, wurde hart wie eine Stahlstange. Mein Gehirn sagte mir so etwas wie: Komm schon Justin, du hast heute deine tägliche Aufgabe nicht erledigt. Weg mit den Klamotten und hab ein bisschen Spaß.
Ich hatte das Gefühl, dass meine männlichen Hormone, mein Herz oder mein Gehirn einen Aprilscherz machten, aber zum Teufel nein, ich habe mich geirrt.
Aus dem Nichts hatte ich den Drang, mich richtig zu entspannen. Ich spielte mit meinem kleinen Freund, bis mein Herz so schnell raste, dass es mit Lichtgeschwindigkeit schlug. Ich atmete gefühlt 75 Mal pro Minute, mein Herz schlug mit 192bpm, meine Gedanken waren mit so viel schwuler Energie gefüllt. Ich hatte das Gefühl, dass ich Poppers schnüffelte, dass mein Herz so raste, aber nein. Ich hatte auch das Gefühl, dass ich zum ersten Mal Spaß mit einem anderen schwulen Jungen hatte.
Diese Erfahrung dauerte etwa 30 Minuten. 30 Minuten lang atmete ich so schnell, mein Herz raste, als gäbe es kein Morgen mehr und mein kleiner Freund tat sein Bestes, was er konnte.
Am Ende beschloss mein kleiner Freund, endlich den männlichen Saft des Spaßes auszustoßen. Den ganzen Weg über meinen Bauch bis auf meine Brust. Ich habe den Saft noch nie probiert, aber heute dachte ich, lass es uns versuchen. Ich habe es probiert, es war fantastisch! So habe ich beschlossen, dass er wieder zurück in meinen Körper sollte.
Mein Herz schlug mit maximal 195 bpm. Das war auch das erste Mal, dass mein Herz so nah an der 200er Marke kratzte. Ich weiß nicht, wie schnell ich geatmet habe, aber heiliger… das war großartig!
Ich hoffe euch hat die Story gefallen, hab euch lieb 😘.
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