#fasting for weight loss
blkgrlchasingfit · 7 months
30 hours into a fast!😁
It's been a while since I posted, and I'm currently 29 hours into a fast😊
My life has been turned upside down over the past few weeks (but I feel protected & kind of in the safest way possible...if that makes any sense).
Anyway, I've have been diligently using some unexpected free time over the next month or so to do some serious inner work. Insight Timer has been an extremely useful app.
I've been especially drawn to meditations around:
Quantum Jumping
Shifting Realities
Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT)
Releasing trauma
Connecting with Higher Self
Connecting with my Spirit Guides
Calling upon Archangels
Working with my Akashic record
and more!
My goal with all of this self-work is to really get a hang of intentional manifestation & get my life/shift my reality to my preferred timeline for my life. I'm sick & tired of being sick & tired😫 The disappointment that I often feel in terms of personal achievement is rough sometimes, so I refuse to let this unplanned, unexpected free time go to waste.
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ancientroyalblood · 2 months
The Benefits of Intermittent Fasting: How to Start and Maintain It
Intermittent fasting (IF) is a popular eating pattern that alternates between periods of fasting and eating. This approach has gained significant attention due to its potential benefits for weight loss and overall health. In this guide, we will discuss different types of intermittent fasting, how to begin, the benefits for weight loss and health, and tips for maintaining the regimen. Different…
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workout plans with ratings <3
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foodiebby · 2 months
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Ricecakes Mealspø
Make your rice cakes taste and look more interesting :)
Pictures from pinterest
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healthmonastery · 1 year
Ayurveda Insight:Harmonizing Intermittent Fasting with Ancient Wisdom
Intermittent fasting (IF) is an eating pattern that cycles between periods of fasting and eating. It has gained popularity for its potential health benefits, including weight loss, improved metabolic health, and enhanced brain function Ayurveda, the traditional system of medicine that originated in India, emphasizes a holistic approach to health and well-being. While Ayurveda does not directly…
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selfguidancehub · 1 year
Effective Weight Loss with Fasting - Achieve Your Goals with Prolon.com
Effective weight loss with fasting has sparked a significant surge in interest, with many individuals embracing fasting as a powerful method to shed unwanted pounds. The appeal lies in its potential to trigger efficient fat burning and boost metabolic processes. Amid this growing fascination, Prolon.com has emerged as a leading provider of fasting meal plans, offering a trusted and…
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kaspermoon · 5 months
nothing feels better than seeing your weight go down
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skinnyisthesolulu · 28 days
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🎀another day another thinspø 🎀
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jaquishmedical · 2 years
Intermittent fasting is a popular and effective way to lose weight, improve health, and increase longevity. But how do you do it right? In this comprehensive guide, you will learn everything you need to know about intermittent fasting, including its benefits, types, tips, and pitfalls. You will also discover how to combine intermittent fasting with resistance training and supplementation to maximize your results. Whether you are a beginner or an experienced faster, this guide will help you achieve your goals with intermittent fasting.🍽️
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here2servecvnt · 2 months
everyone starts somewhere. don't be a pig. start now.
you're jealous of these skinny, small girls? are u aware,that you can become just like them? it's simple! just have some goddamn self control and put that food down.
first of all,
start thinking before you eat. you're the one who controls the food, not the other way around.
do you really need to eat that much? damn girl, that's a real pig right there!🐷
ps. you're not hungry, you're just bored so get the fuck away from that fridge ❤️
[dedicated to myself]
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mialovsworld · 3 days
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Me when I return after a binge :
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111 4n4 tips!!!
leaving dirty dishes around makes people think you ate
taking cold showers burns more calories
using a smaller plate/bowl makes you feel like you ate more
eating protein burns more calories
leave the kitchen after eating so that you aren't tempted to eat more
sleeping burns calories and makes you less hungry
reward yourself when you do good, but never use food as a reward
fiber keeps you fuller for longer and helps your digestive system
hot water fills you up more
cold water burns more calories
never break a fast with a big meal
don't dispose of food in your own bin
leave empty food wrappers around to make people think you ate
distract yourself for 30 minutes after eating so you don't go back for more
keep thinspo with you wherever you go
cut a ribbon the size you want your waist to be. when temped to eat, wrap it around your waist to see how close you are
keep trigger foods out of the house
cut food into small pieces as it makes you feel like you're eating more
get out of the all or nothing mindset
when you can, eat in front of a mirror
whenever you crave a food, add its calories to your food tracking app (or whatever you use) then subtract them at the end of the day to see how much you didn't eat
it takes 21 days to build a habit
meal prep low calorie food
don't eat when you aren't hungry just because you have calories left
good posture burns more calories
buy clothes in a smaller size as motivation
keep a water bottle with you all day and you'll find it easier to drink more water
eat denser foods so you feel more full
adding spices to foods makes it taste better and (depending on the spice) can increase your metabolism
put up notes with messages to yourself on mirrors, doors and in the kitchen to give you motivation to stop snacking
the longer your stomach is empty, the smaller it gets and the less you need to be full and the longer your body is using its stored fat for energy
eating more salt before getting weighed makes you weigh more due to water retention
take food from the kitchen often to make it look like you're eating more
black pepper makes your heart rate go up incase people are worried that it's too low
drink lots of water before getting weighed at the doctor's
cook often for people and they will assume that you ate some while you were in the kitchen
when you cook, just the act of seeing so much food and smelling it is often enough to fill you up
keep in mind that if you eat too much you will get fat. they don't make cute clothes for fat people
try not to eat much when there aren't other people around
weight lost slowly is more likely to stay off, weight lost rapidly is more likely to be gained back
having more muscle burns more calories
try to stand or walk more instead of sitting
stay hydrated
frozen foods take longer to eat
eating from a dark coloured plate makes you feel like you're eating more
don't buy in bulk, it'll make you feel like you need to eat more before the food goes bad
your body often mistake thirst for hunger
don't talk about dieting or weight loss around other (non ed) people
have excuses ready for why you haven't eaten
laxitives don't affect calorie consumption
blotting greasy food like pizza can save about 100 calories
liquid calories are less filling
instead of cutting out high calorie foods completely, have them in small amounts or find a lower calorie substitute that satisfies the craving
horizontal stripes can make you look wider
purging too hard can rupture your esophagus
binging can expand your stomach
"negative calorie foods" don't exist
sit down when you eat and savour your food
not sleeping enough can decrease your metabolism
make sure to take your vitamins!!!
overuse of laxitives can cause incontinence
if you have things you shouldn't, make sure to hide it properly/dispose of it as soon as possible
cook food like fish, that leaves a smell so people know you've eaten
keep yourself busy to stay distracted from food
leave the house often so you aren't around food all the time (go for a walk or drive, join a club, sit in the park, etc)
eating breakfast makes you less likely to binge later in the day
flavour water with electrolyte tablets, fruit, or something else to make you want to drink it more
when you want to bing, count down from your current weight to your goal weight
suck suck on ice
light a scented candle to mute your appetite
brush your teeth after eating so you're less likely to eat more
if you get hunger pangs, imagine your stomach eating away at your fat
think of your weight as temporary
eat slowly and chew properly
track everything you eat, even when you binge
try to exercise at least a little every day. even a small walk around the block is better than nothing
drink green tea
fidgeting burns more calories
think of reasons for why you want to lose weight
ask yourself before every meal "will this make me feel good? will it help me reach my goals?"
find what works for you, everyone works differently and a method that works for other people may not work for you
try not to eat too much in one sitting, even if it fits your calorie limit. lots of little meals are better than one big meal
try not to get distracted while you eat
when you go food shopping, only take money for what you need
drink a glass of water before you eat
try not to eat within three hours of going to bed
don't take small bites of food throughout the day without counting it. calories add up fast
save money for every time you skip a meal, or stick to your calorie limit. then, reward yourself by buying something nice (new clothes is good)
never eat in secret or hoard food!!! it's a horrible habit that can lead to binging
tell people you feel sick if they try to make you eat
don't be scared of diet drinks. if they satisfy your craving, drink them
track weight loss using measuring tape. the scale is affected by everything and you will always see yourself as fat in the mirror
when you have a craving, sprinkle a little salt on your tongue
make a list of things you look forward to when you reach your goal weight
being in ketosis can make your breath stink. please chew gum or eat sugar free mints
eat with chopsticks to slow you down
share your food with friends and family
weight yourself once a week instead of once a day to see more obvious progress
walking > running. running burns calories quicker but also makes you tired and hungry
don't act too nervous at the dinner table, people will get suspicious
practise getting good at maths so you can count calories in your head
if you eat the same number of calories every day your body will get used to it and you could hit a plateau
try to eat less ultra processed/sugary foods as they can slow your metabolism and make you hungrier
keep a rubber band around your wrist and snap it whenever you feel like binging
it takes about 20 minutes for your body to feel full from when you start eating
when you feel like eating, paint your nails and you won't be able to eat until the polish dries
plan what you will eat a day prior
restricting too low will make you want to binge more
find an ananana buddy
don't keep eating if you're already full. if you have food still on your plate, save it and eat it another time
stay positive! even if you mess up a few times, you WILL lose the weight
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itsnotmeatall · 2 months
Can anyone recommend some workouts that actually work? I’m looking for everything (thigh gap, skinnier arms, flat stomach, smaller waist, skinnier hands, prominent collarbone) and i need workouts to speed all this up.
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exipure07 · 2 years
Fasting for Weight Loss
The Best Way to Lose Weight is natural and safe, it has no side effects. The Best Way to Lose Weight is available at our online store, if you have any problems please contact us. Fasting for Weight Loss
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porcelainb0dy · 5 months
i love the feeling of the emptiness in my stomach.
even if my stomach aches because of it, i know in the end, it’ll pay off.
my body is a sculpture, i will do anything to reach perfection.
as kate moss once said “nothing taste as good as skinny feels”
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