#father anselme
meerawrites · 7 months
Character intro: Father Anselme
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Inspired by: my own trauma with the Catholic institution. Father Anselme in the source material.
Character summary: he/him, white-French, queer clergy and silent about it. The period typical embodiment of all wrong with the 18th century Catholic Church and to an extent, even now. He enables Valmont’s bad behaviour and is catholic staunchly, but more devoted to the dogma and money, then “God” and any theoretical “good” the church could do to fix this mess.
Fun Fact: I didn’t notice him my first couple of reads of my source material, but now, I think it’s fascinating he was conceived as a character a decade before the French Revolution, and I think it’s time to update that commentary, that is definitely intentional.
As genre commentary: Audrey’s an atheist, and Camille is agnostic, I myself, am agnostic, culturally Hindu, and a witch. Despite all the sex, power dynamics, debauchery, and vampirism, in this WIP (and to an extent, the source material), this pretty explicit call out of the church institution might just be what gets this book to be uneasy reading for conservatives and uncritical media consumers.
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myurucrie · 4 months
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rewatching the anniversary pv and I cant help but laugh about Alkaid photoshopping Cael off this picture
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portraitsofsaints · 1 year
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St. Anselm of Canterbury  Doctor of the Church 1033-1109 Feast day: April 21
Saint Anselm is a Doctor of the church and called the “Father of Scholasticism”. His writings are comparable to St. Augustine’s. He became a monk at the Abbey of Bec and with patience, gentleness and superb teaching skills, he became prior in 1063. The Abbey became an influential monastic school of philosophy and theology. In 1093, he became the Archbishop of Canterbury where he struggled with Kings Rufus and Henry I over ecclesiastical rights and independence of the church. St. Anselm had many crosses to bear throughout his life, especially in the political realm. Though gentle and mild he wouldn’t back down when principles of faith were at stake.
Prints, plaques & holy cards are available for purchase here:{website}
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#I THINK THAT I FIGURED IT OUTTT#thanks to a Crossway article that showed up in my email last night and a Credo Magazine article from 2016#that I read while eating lunch when I probably should've been studying for my earth science exam coming up!!!#'solA scriptura' does not necessarily equal 'solO scriptura'!!!#to quote the article#that's what's been bugging me!!!!!#I also read a couple articles on the need to read and study medieval and patristic theology as well as modern theology#and that made me realize that like. I thought everyone understood that.#a really big part of the last 5-8ish years for me as been digging around in church history poking at augustine and anselm#and all those guys#(though I haven't read any of them in-depth yet; was too busy killing myself in an attempt to save money for college)#so like. I kinda forgot that tons of prots/evangelicals DON'T see that as a given and actually kinda avoid it???#like apparently a lot of them don't read the church fathers at all and also they basically avoid the creeds#which is bizarre to me bc that's a big thing that grounds me when I feel like I can't see straight (faith-wise) anymore.#the historical context and nature of my faith.#so HM YEAH THINKING ABOUT THIS#also this kinda confirms for me something that I've been really thinking about a lot lately#which is that when we try to understand concepts that come from a historical context#we should like really really really put effort into understanding the historical context that they came out of#not just grabbing the concept and running with it. whether we agree or disagree with the concept itself.#we can learn a lot about studying the ideas within their historical context bc ideas don't just spring into being within a vacuum!!!#and this is important re: the Reformation and the solas especially because those beliefs were meant as a COUNTER to things happening#in the mainline/Catholic church *at the time*#sola scriptura was meant as a COUNTER to holding papal authority over or at least as high as scriptural authority#not to say like 'oh the bible is LITERALLY THE ONLY THING WE SHOULD EVER REFERENCE EVER NO EXCEPTIONS'#history and tradition is important and necessary in all religions! otherwise you just keep doing the same work over and over again#(obviously the fathers weren't right on everything but like. it's silly to avoid them. ya know.)#delete later#gurt complains at college#<< should make that an actual tag for my rants and rambles while i'm here lol :')
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soulreader05 · 15 days
𝓔𝓫𝓮𝓵𝓮 & 𝓐𝓷𝓼𝓮𝓵𝓶 HeadCanons
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Most people would suspect that Ebele would be terrified living in the same house with a dangerous mobster…to their surprise, this kid is the only person that can get away with being snarky with Anselm. Only them.
Ebele attends a prestigious school academy, and since word got out of them being adopted by Anselm, most of the rich kids in the school began to make fun of them because they assumed that Ebele was a charity case.
When Anselm heard of this, he was ready to unleash hell but he soon calmed down when Ebele told him what they said to those kids.
“I’m here because I’m on a scholarship. The school wanted me, y’all on the other hand had to use your mummies and daddies money to get in.” (Anselm has never been so proud before.)
Due to a concerning amount of disposing bodies, Ebele makes sure that Anselm murder streak isn’t always ongoing. So they try their best to intimidate guests to keep them alive…though the guests feel like they’re just being intimated by a kitten trying to roar at them so they laugh it off. (They soon regret it when they feel a certain someone glaring daggers at them.)
Anselm owns a theater room in his mansion, so sometimes when him and Ebele aren’t do anything, they’ll be binge watching old Victorian movies together while calling out some of the historical inaccuracies.
You know those videos of kittens/puppies struggling to stay awake…yeah that’s Ebele when they try to stay up watching a movie with Anselm late at night. They get super snuggly too.
It’s precious for Anselm to watch his little one try not to doze off, their eyes half-lidded and cheeks probably squished against his shoulder. They both sleep in the theater room for the night. (It’s a habit.)
Even after getting adopted, Ebele still kept their all of their old clothes, it didn’t matter how worn or torn they were or how many times that Anselm insisted to buy them new ones. Ebele declined his favors, if it was still wearable, they were keeping it.
Anselm doubles the maids payment for them to knit Ebele’s old worn out clothes with pretty star designs because he knows how much his kid hyper fixates on constellations.
Ebele has a large collection of old stuffed animals, pretty miscellaneous knick-knacks and charms that they hoard in their room.
Yes, they do have names for their stuffed animals. Anselm knows them all by their first and last names.
Anselm watches every fencing match that his kid attends in. He’s their loudest cheerleader. His security guards hold cheering posters for them in every match. Ebele tries not to get flustered easily and focus on their opponent. (They appreciate their papa’s support.)
These two try to the take time to learn each other’s native language. Ebele struggles with some words in German while Anselm struggles with rolling his r’s in Latin Spanish. It’s the thought that counts. (Ebele is mixed, they’re Nigerian/Ghanian & Dominican.)
Anselm mostly calls Ebele, ‘little one’, but his nicknames for them is baby bird, sweet one, Schatzi, dove, angel, his little Liebchen.
Ebele calls him, Vog, overlord, wheezy (their way to poke fun at him.), Apa, Pai, and Papa or Vati but only when they’re really tired.
Anselm adores Ebele with his entire body and soul, he doesn’t care if they are his blood or not. They’re his treasure.
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mayhaps-a-blog · 1 year
Chapter 2 of Damned, my Jedi OC fic, is up!
Summary: A Jedi cannot help what they are. This is their fate. This is their bane. 
Enjoy :)
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stjohncapistrano67 · 1 year
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somewhere--in-between · 2 months
In prayer we are allowed to dive into the place of silence, where everything is already whole and complete, where we can sense a deep peace amid all insults and injuries.
From Heaven Begins Within You: Wisdom of the Desert Fathers by Anselm Gruen. Chapter: Contemplation as a Path of Healing (pg. 115)
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garak · 8 months
you guys don’t understand how much i wish i could be a homosexual monk getting up early every day for prime hoping that they assign me to work on the parchment today but the skins are still soaking and aren’t ready to be stretched so instead i’m assigned to the scriptorium even though my minuscules are misaligned every time but today the prior says i can work on the illuminations on brother anselm’s legenda aurea since his horae made for the clothier last year was terrible so all through terce i’m thinking about how to properly position st. agatha so as not to be disrespectful or base but by the time sext rolls around i’ve only had time to clean up anselms illuminations up to the beheading of st. paul and after none it’s back to the scriptorium and this time the roundsman brother bernard sticks his head in partway through since brother peter will slack off nearing vespers if no one’s checking on him and brother bernard makes a show of looking at everyone’s work so it doesn’t seem like he’s singling out peter and at this point i would be working on fixing anselm’s shaky line work on the spear piercing st. matthew and as bernard leans over my desk the knots of his cincture nearly knock over my ink but either way he looks approvingly (as if he has any say, since even if he’s the roundsman i have seniority and know the abbot much better) and after compline when we’re all settling in for sleep before matins & lauds i wonder if he’ll be a stickler on chapter 55 of our dear st. benedict’s rule before looking to see if the chamberlain was going to shave us today since poor old brother albrecht was looking a little ragged but he’s not here so i tuck in to sleep… and in a few days when it’s time to stretch the skins brother bernard comes out to the yard where i’m setting up the frames and he tries to help me but makes a fool of himself in front of me and the cantor but asks me to meet him in the misericord after vespers anyways and of course i think i’m in trouble because the roundsman is asking me to the misericord but when the time comes he just wants help with his letters before lent and this time it’s my cincture brushing against his almost black linens and my hand under his hood on his back as i have him read aloud to me from the vulgata christs prayer to his father in gethsemane while his men slept soundly even as judas was woken by the centurions and longinus readied his spear… i need that life so bad
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redeyerhaenyra · 10 months
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♡= Fluff ♤= Angst ◇= Smut ☆= Author's fave
¤= Oneshot ■= Finished series □= Ongoing series
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-No words needed; In which Micolash breaks into your room to fuck you, 1.2k, ♡◇¤
-But I need you! ; You find Alfred about to end his life after killing Queen Annalise, and you stop him, 1.1k, ♡♤■
-Then, have me! ; Smutty sequel to "But I need you!", 1.1k, ♡◇■
-Annalise NSFW headcanons; ◇¤
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To be added...
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Jake Lockley
-Jake with a curvy reader; ◇¤
-Aint no sunshine when she's gone; It's been a month since you've broken up with the moon knight system, and you start to notice someone.. watching you, ♧■☆
Steven Grant
-Sleeping Beauty; After having sex with Jake, you both fall asleep in your flat. Only, it's not Jake that wakes up, it's Steven, 1.9k, ♡◇¤
-Accidents never happen; In which you accidentally call Steven Daddy... but he's into it, 1.5k, ♡◇¤
-Steven's been bad...; Steven's been a bad boy. You punish him. And then take care of him afterwards, 2.5k, ♡◇¤
-Dom!Steven and Bimbo!reader headcanons; You're a bimbo, but you're not inexperienced. Steven Grant is an obvious sub... right? ◇¤
Marc Spector
-Truly, Madly, Deeply; Marc goes all out when you tell him you're a virgin, 847, ♡◇¤
The System
-It's not warm when she's away; A part 2 continuation to this fic, what is life like with your three kidnapper exes? ♧■
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To be added...
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-Konïg discovering his size kink; ◇¤
Simon Riley
-Simon treating reader like glass; ♡◇¤
-Divine Hammer; You bring up something new to Simon. He's more enthusiastic than you expected, ◇¤☆, 2.5k
Johnny Mactavish
-Imagine being a porn couple with Soap;◇¤
Kyle Garrick
-Relationship headcanons; Some sfw and nsfw headcanons for Gaz!!! ♡◇¤
-What sex toys would t141 use? ◇¤
-NSFW visuals ;◇
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To be added...
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-The Lady and The Princess; After being summoned to the Capitol with her Father, Cordelia wanders the halls of The Red Keep. The Princess walks past her, 551, ¤
Jacob Holland
-NSFW Headcanons; ♡◇¤
Blue Jones
-Blue with a curvy reader; ◇¤
-Blue and his favourite doll; ◇¤
-Eye of the beholder; Blue doesn't like sharing his toys. But he's not opposed to other people watching him play, 1.5k, ♡◇¤
-Pretty Boy; Blue doesn't take kindly to Basil talking down to himself- birthday present for @ominoose! ◇¤
-Fluffy Blue; ♡¤
-Author's favourite Blue headcanons; ♡◇¤
-For what it's worth; Blue shoots a guy in front of you, but he makes it up to you, ♡♤¤
-Blue Jones with a tall!reader; ♡¤
Basil Stitt
-Basil with a curvy reader; ◇¤☆
-Perv!Neighbour Basil finds your camgirl account; ◇¤
-Pretty Boy; Blue doesn't take kindly to Basil talking down to himself- birthday present for @ominoose! ◇¤
-Something's wrong with Kane; Your husband returns after 14 months MIA, but he's not entirely himself, 629, ♡◇¤♤☆
-How Kane re-falls in love with you; ♡¤
-Kiss me, Son of God!; He isn't the same, but he's yours. In which, Kane has the overwhelming alien need to breed, but it turns emotional, 474, ♡◇¤
Prince John
-Bondage in the hearts of men; After a night of drinking, you accuse John of being unfaithful, and punish him, 1.1k, ◇¤
Anselm Vogelweide
-Anselm with a Daddy Kink; Some headcanons of the consequences you face after Anselm finds out you have a Daddy Kink, ◇¤
-Oh, it isn't so bad; After weeks of not touching you, Anselm finally breaks, ◇¤
-Anselm overstimulating you, feat!breeding kink; ◇¤
-Brat-tamer Anselm; ◇¤
-This Magic Moment; Imagine being in comfiest bed with Anselm, and also having the wildest sex, ◇♡¤
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otomesanada · 1 year
Be My Princess 2’s Childrens (PT. 2)
so, i will only translate a little bit of the second CG (image in the right) because if i translated everything, it would be a loooot... and i would stay here for days and days. but there's context, i will also talk about why the nickname, if it's too different from the name! here is part one of the princes.
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King Oliver & Prince Arthur (“Watson”).
why the nickname Watson? Prince Arthur said he couldn't tell about the future to Oliver, then got the nickname from Arthur Conan Doyle’s Sherlock Holmes.
King Oliver, MC and Prince Arthur went out for a walk on Oliver’s birthday and, in the middle of streets, two chefs were fighting over a pizza, complaining about copying each other. Oliver then proposed they jointly promoted the pizza, so the public can say which pizza taste better. the two chefs liked the idea, Arthur was amazed. after coming home (and Werner yelled at Oliver), Arthur decided it was the best time to give his father the birthday gift, a book he made. Oliver started reading and praising the drawings too, making Arthur embarrassed. MC and Oliver were moved after reading that Arthur wanted to protect the country’s peace just like his dad and they hugged as a family. next few days, taking a break, Oliver said he likes to read Arthur’s book every day, the kid saying he'll make a lot of drawings. Oliver thanked MC for raising such a kind child.
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King Max & Prince Anselm (“Muu”).
why the nickname Muu? Prince Anselm was seen with a sheep plushie when he traveled to the past + the last katakana of his name, Muu.
Prince Anselm was anxious for his speech on King Max’s birthday party, so he froze in front of everyone. Max and MC were worried for their kid, she was going to help Muu-chan, but Max stopped MC, saying he believes Muu-chan will do it on his own time. little by little, Muu-chan steps to his dad, giving him a bouquet and an album, full of photos of them. MC is relieved, and then comments the album is incomplete, it's missing the last photo. Max is curious, and Anselm says it's reserved for a photo of the three of them. they ask Butler Gaston to take photo of them together, everyone applauding the family. Muu-chan and Max are relaxed and MC thinks it's a good time to take a picture of them again, asking for Gigi’s camera. later, MC talks about how Gigi is partner in crime of Anselm, taking the photos of them together.
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King Lyuo & Prince Theodore (Teddy).
King Lyuo and Prince Theodore got sick after spending some time together, and MC was worried about Teddy not being fully healthy for Lyuo’s birthday party. Prince Aslan appeared, making Teddy happy, he really likes Aslan. MC let them talk and Aslan ask what Theodore is feeling, who admits he feels sad for being sick and not getting a gift for his dad. Aslan then, secretly gives an option to Teddy. after party, MC cooks for Lyuo, who was feeling sick and occupied and ended up not eating much. they celebrate as family. when getting ready for bed, MC notices Lyuo and Teddy sleeping and accidentally wakes them up. she feels happy to see them hugging, they weren't feeling very well before. Teddy admits he is feeling guilty, thinking he was the reason why Lyuo was feeling bad too and tries to make a spell for Lyuo to get better soon. Lyuo feels happy and hugs his kid really hard, feeling very hard to spend time with him again.
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Butler Jin & Ren + Prince Shion & Ruito.
because it's the first time there's an event with Shion & Jin with their son, that's the event their son travels back in time.
Ren thinks Jin and MC doesn't get along, because MC always deny Jin’s touches in public. she is just a little shy with it plus thinks it's not an appropriate way to behave in front of their kid.
Ruito is worried that Prince Shion and MC are feeling overwhelmed with work, so he asks Butler Kent to help him make omelette, because he knows eating a delicious meal makes him feel better. MC and Shion are very happy to see their son being so caring, and there's the sense of they did something right in the future. after Shion’s birthday party, Ruito gives him a bouquet he made himself to Shion, congratulating his father for his birthday and Shion is feeling very proud of his son. after hugging Ruito, a light appears and take the kid back to the future. Shion comments Ruito is really MC’s son, for liking flowers and aromas.
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some of these images aren't mine, it's from some of my friends but they allowed me to post it, besides it's from voltage’s anyway.
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inthefades · 2 months
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alicent and otto hightower as ifigeneia and agamemnon
The fathers of myth, the myth of the fathers: Euripides and Kierkegaard by Bruna Giacomini (2010) / House of the Dragon (2022-) / Ptolemaea by Ethel Cain / Iphigenie (1871) by Anselm Feuerbach / Oresteia by Aeschylus / Iphigeneia (1977) Dir. Michael Cacoyannis
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portraitsofsaints · 2 months
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St. Anselm of Canterbury 
Doctor of the Church
Feast day: April 21
Saint Anselm is a Doctor of the church and called the “Father of Scholasticism”. His writings are comparable to St. Augustine’s. He became a monk at the Abbey of Bec and with patience, gentleness and superb teaching skills, he became prior in 1063. The Abbey became an influential monastic school of philosophy and theology. In 1093, he became the Archbishop of Canterbury where he struggled with Kings Rufus and Henry I over ecclesiastical rights and independence of the church. St. Anselm had many crosses to bear throughout his life, especially in the political realm. Though gentle and mild he wouldn’t back down when principles of faith were at stake.
Prints, plaques & holy cards available for purchase here: (website)
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feith-rikya · 9 months
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All these characters are from an RPG campaign called; Gehenna's Gates, set in the world of Vampire The Masquerade.
The London Coterie:
In the beating heart of London, an unprecedented coterie emerges, an entanglement of shattered souls, representative of various clans of vampires, lupines and even humans. This extraordinary gathering, which under ordinary conditions would have been filled with rivers of blood and vengeance, is governed by an extraordinary alliance of founding members. This council, which holds power over London, includes Danya Vetranov, the cunning ravnos; Luc Gossens, the imposing Brujah; Elizabeth DeLacy, noble of the Ventrue clan, and Nathan Black, the tormented soul of the Baali.
While Rudolf and Jonah contribute their unique skills to the coterie and its governance, Arthur, the ex-vampire hunter, keeps to the sidelines, leading the group like an understated father figure.
The real magic of the coterie, however, is reflected in the diverse array of individuals who have joined them. People like Philippe, a former circus member now Luc's partner, and their adopted children like Simone Leveasque, a former Malkavian turned werewolf; Zoe, a follower of the Gangrel clan; Bill, an enigmatic Assamite; and even Dandelion, a demon deeply bonded to Luc. Each member brings with them a unique element that contributes to weaving the surprising mosaic of this coterie.
But the real surprise lies in their ability to welcome former enemies and marginalized individuals. Van Helsing, Rany the Witch, Devon Eskarra and Anselm Godwyn, each bearing the scars of ancient battles, have become symbols of renewal and change within the group.
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soulreader05 · 1 month
Yeah…this ain’t ever gonna stop.
Anyways here’s Anselm’s kid, Ebele Tavarez ☁️
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This kid is a sweet little cherub that deserves everything good in the world.
The way they meet Anselm is quite long story that started with a party and being mistaken for a cleaner but that’s a story for another time.
To the people around Ebele, they come across as quiet, introverted and quirky but the more you get know them, they’re an absolute cinnamon roll.
Ebele likes to read fictional stories with happy endings, they like to study astronomy, collecting small things, and take long naps while cuddling Anselm and their penguin plushie.
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terminusantequem · 1 year
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Anselm Kiefer (German, b. 1945), Father, Holy Spirit, Son, 1982-2013. Woodcut, oil, emulsion, acrylic and shellac on paper, collage on canvas, 190 x 380 cm
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