#fav mlb fanfic
bluecolorsx · 1 year
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Angsty lil stinky boy from @buggachat amazing fic drowning in plain sight <3
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wisteriasymphony · 1 month
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i'm barely a person at all; but someday i'll be perfect and i'll make up for it all
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rayraygo1267 · 10 months
A Gabenath Fanfiction: Admiration in Disguise Chapter Four
Rated: T
Warnings: Minor Language
Word Count: 2,264
Link to Chapter Three
Chapter Four 
There was a quick, gentle rapping against the double doors of Nathalie’s bedroom, that roused her from her morning fog. Nathalie sighed, pushing herself up. Her eyelids felt heavy as if lead was hanging on the edges, pulling at the skin. Thanks to the revelation she had come to the night before, sleeping became out of the question. 
“Nathalie? Are you awake?”  came Gabriel’s voice, though muted from behind the barrier of the door. 
Nathalie quirked her brow, her vision fuzzing. Gabriel was never up at such a timely hour. She slowly swung her legs over her bedside, her hand just inches away from the door handle when she realized she was only in her nightgown.
Nathalie startled, her hand instinctively moving to cover her bodice. The nightgown was simple, yet revealing, meant to be worn in the hot summer months when the heat was unbearable. Gabriel had designed it for her as a commoneration gift from both him and Emilie for her second year working for the Agreste brand. She’d never forget that seething wave of embarrassment that overtook her when she had received the gift. She still couldn’t fathom how her boss could be so prideful as to give her something that could be so easily misinterpreted in a suggestive manner — especially in front of his wife.
Though, Emilie hadn’t seemed bothered so Nathalie had tried her best to match her in her unruffled pursuits.
The gown itself was made of ivory silk, accompanied with abstract patterns running down its middle and matching delicate shoulder straps, which in turn left the entirety of her arms exposed. 
The upper portion of the gown exposed the tops of her breasts quite a bit more than would be deemed appropriate and the clothing itself only ran down to cover just above her navel. The chemise was too plain to be considered lingerie but was revealing nonetheless, which solidified the fact that she could not let Gabriel see her — not when she was in such vulnerable attire. To add insult to injury, her bun was completely lopsided and disheveled, leaving fleeing strands to dance about as they may. Also her face was bare, without an inkling of foundation or powder to shield her exhaustion from her features.
“Just a moment sir!” she called, though her voice clogged as a groggy cough escaped her lips.
Gabriel’s knocking came again, though this time slightly more persistent, his voice growing in volume.
“Are you sure Nathalie? You don’t sound well. Would you like me to get you some water?” 
Nathalie silently cursed, fumbling out from under the duvet, though the pesky fabric seemed quite determined to stay wrapped around her legs, holding them captive.
“I–I’m fine sir! I just…need…to…” she trailed off, a discarded turtleneck catching her eye. She swiftly made a grab for it where it sat hanging off the corner of her dresser, the soft cotton mangling in her fingers. She hastily pulled the nightgown up and over her shoulders, now completely nude apart from her underclothing, which were more like shorts so Nathalie viewed them as suitable.
Once fully dressed, though haphazardly, Nathalie bolted to the door practically tearing it off its hinges before Gabriel could make any move to do so himself.
“N–Nathalie!” he bolstered, reaching out for her. Nathalie paused, her mind which had been whirling coming to a halt. In all her haste she hadn’t noticed that she was shaking — her body not being able to keep up with her vast movements. 
Gabriel sighed, causing Nathalie’s cheeks to redden. She never truly realized the full depth of the grayness in Gabriel’s blue eyes, akin to the clouds of a storm, or the eye of a hurricane — the way they poured into her own made her suddenly feel self-conscious about her haphazard appearance. 
“I’m sorry for scaring you,” Gabriel asserted, “I just came up to see how you were holding up and to ask if you’d like bananas on your pancakes?”
His question had caught her off guard, though as her mind and senses began to clear she could smell the hazy aroma of buttery vanilla and a hint of jam and maple syrup. 
Nathalie held back a yawn, blinking tiredly,“You’re…cooking…”
Gabriel frowned. “Yes. I thought you would enjoy a nice warm breakfast, and Adrien too especially after the night he’s had partying and whatnot.” 
Nathalie had to snort, for the words ‘Adrien’ and ‘partying’ didn’t seem like they’d go together in the same vocabulary. Hell, she had almost forgotten that Adrien had gone to one all together.
“It was very kind of you to let him attend sir,” Nathalie said, though as she spoke it aloud she realized how much she truly meant it. Gabriel seemed to be becoming more lenient with Adrien — expanding his horizons and allowing him to make his own decisions. Nathalie had to admit she was proud of both of them and watching them grow closer only intensified the feeling.
Gabriel shrugged, though timidly, his expression softening. 
“Adrien knows what I expect of him and I trust that he’ll abide by that. Besides, I can’t keep him locked up in this house forever,” he chuckled, “That wouldn’t be fair to you or Mr. Placide.” 
Nathalie was stunned. She couldn’t remember the last time Gabriel had ever made anything remotely similar to a joke. Nathalie was overcome by a bud of something warm and golden, almost like honey nestling in her middle.
A thought that had been lurking in the back of her mind since around dawn resurfaced. It had been an abstract idea, one that fled just as quickly as it had appeared but it was an idea at its core and now it was intent on plaguing her mind.
Nathalie blew out a small breath.  She’d only allow herself to do this once for it was greatly considered ‘unprofessional’...although having your boss almost walk in on you nude could also be considered unprofessional but that's besides the point.
“So…” Nathalie began, her pitch slightly rising due to her more upbeat attitude, “About those pancakes…” she smirked.
She smirked at her boss, god what was she doing? 
Gabriel smiled, amused, “Yes, the pancakes. Would you like bananas on yours or,” he paused, lifting his pointer finger to rest on his chin, a smirk of his own taking up his features, “perhaps you’d prefer blueberries or chocolate chips.” 
Nathalie hummed, acting as if she were putting a lot of consideration into her choice of pancake topping, when in actuality she was mentally preparing herself for the small altar she was about to make in the dynamic of their relationship.
“I think blueberries sound delicious Gabriel.”
That one word, such a small change, barely noticeable, felt so foreign on her tongue, almost like attempting to speak a language you’ve never heard spoken aloud before.
Yet as her words began to sink into the atmosphere around them, the amused smile on Gabriel’s face began to fade. Nathalie kept her gaze focused, observing Gabriel intently trying to gauge his reaction to her lack of formality, despite her glasses fogging from her warm breath.
She watched as his eyes grew hard, the blue in them taking on a grayer darker tone. His jaw tightened, the corners of his mouth turning downward. 
He was scowling. 
It was like someone had thrown an ice cold bucket of water over her — drenching her and pulsating a shockwave through her nervous system. She felt her muscles clench, festering in a solid position. She didn’t know what it was that she was expecting Gabriel to do, but it certainly wasn’t this.
Though her body seemed frozen in place, her mind still stimulated, her thoughts rushing by like landscapes past a moving car window. She had to think of something to say — something that would allow her to leave the conundrum that was this conversation. 
Nathalie let her eyes linger on Gabriel for a few moments longer — waiting for his stony expression to soften just as it always did whenever he spoke with her.
But it did not. It stayed as fixed as ever, his scowl unmoving.
Nathalie sighed, her heart beating down on her like a weight, pulling her into the depths of her own heartache — heartache that she herself had orchestrated. 
Nathalie turned, her eyes shifting to the tiny blinking red numbers on the face screen of her alarm clock that sat on the sharp corner of her dresser.
It was almost nine.
She exhaled, her breath coming out in a small waver, “Adrien should be awake, I shall go retrieve him for breakfast now sir.”
Adding the familiar term only made Nathalie’s heart sting, as if she had had a cut exposed to the fluctuation of open air.
Gabriel blinked at her, as if not at all processing her words. His scowl lessened, though by little as a more impassive expression took reign of his features.
“Merci Nathalie.” 
Nathalie did not respond, her eyes watering as she left the courts of her room, unable to stay in the same proximity of Gabriel any longer. 
His breath was trapped in his chest, the air unable to rise from his lungs. How long had he been holding his breath for? Seconds? Minutes? A bead of sweat curled on his brow, dripping down the side of his face. Gabriel put a hand to his chest, his silver ring on his finger glistening against the light of the room fixtures. He fisted his hands, his nails digging into the skin of his palms.
Gabriel, a name of strength and only containing three simple syllables. He never thought much of it — not until today, not until this very moment in fact. 
Back when he had first met Nathalie, she had been his and Emilie’s tour guide in the region of Tibet in which they found their miraculous. Back then to Nathalie he was “Gabriel” for the two were practically strangers and had no ties to one another whatsoever, that is until he offered her a position as his personal assistant. 
He remembered the look of disbelief in her eyes, as if she couldn’t see the value that she held, despite the very poignant fact that without her they never would’ve obtained the miraculous to begin with. 
From the moment he met her, Gabriel knew she was someone that he would come to hold a deep respect for, someone who had a mind unlike anyone else he’d ever encountered before — a mind that could aid him. 
When he and Emilie had finally persuaded her into accepting the offer, the dynamic between all of them seemed to shift. It was slow at first, the waters being too calm to rise,  until one day (and Gabriel honestly didn’t know how it happened) he became “sir” and Emilie became “Mrs. Agreste.” It was only later that he realized he had taken the prior parameters of their relationship for granted, for the longer she worked for them, the more attached the Agreste family grew to her. The constraints of a business term relationship weren’t how the Agreste’s viewed Nathalie Sancouer — her merit to them went much deeper than that. 
From the beginning Gabriel never wanted to be someone Nathalie forced herself to endure and yet despite her now knowing his most vulnerable secret she still shrouds herself behind walls — holding him back at length. 
But Nathalie had done something different today, biting back the bonds tying them down. If Gabriel were being honest he couldn’t determine whether he was pleased with the fact that Nathalie had finally let her guard down, or if he was annoyed by the unexpected timing in which she did so.
Gabriel mangled his fingers through his hair, contemplating, his lips downturned. He once thought he understood Nathalie on every level but now he was beginning to think he didn’t understand her at all. 
Gabriel went through with making breakfast in a daze, not bothering to measure ingredients, just going off what he remembered from basic recipes. His mind was on autopilot, his hands working absentmindedly like they did when he sewed, though he did make a point to add blueberries to Nathalie’s pancakes in hopes that would placate their tense status. 
Eventually…  he wasn’t sure how long. Gabriel could hear a soft shuffle coming up from above. He could hear Adrien buzzing around, going about his daily routine. The young Agreste then came down into the kitchen just as Gabriel flipped a pancake, so its bottom wouldn’t turn to a crisp.
Nathalie was on Adrien’s heels, her arms folded behind her back, her expression blank. Gabriel avoided her eyes, not knowing how he should react.
“Good morning, Father,” Adrien chirped, seemingly completely oblivious to the blatant tension in the air. 
Gabriel clutched on tightly to small shreds of resolve that remained within him, as he smiled fondly down at his son, trying to maintain his grit, "Good morning Adrien."
Gabriel watched as Nathalie kept her distance, not moving any farther than from a few feet behind Adrien to greet him.
 "Good morning sir."
Gabriel's heart fell, his lungs extracting  a deep, constrained sigh, "Good morning Nathalie."
Nathalie turned, taking a seat at the kitchen island, very noticeably as far away from Gabriel as one could get without making it evident.
It was suffice to say that Adrien had done most of the talking throughout the course of breakfast, for both Gabriel and Nathalie barely uttered a word. 
In fact Nathalie was so reserved, she didn’t even bother to thank Gabriel for remembering to put blueberries in her pancakes.
A/N: Oh my gosh you guys! I'm SO sorry this took me as long as it did. At first it was all because I actually kept revising it (yes I am quite the over-thinker if you haven't noticed) but then school started up again and I have had loads and loads of schoolwork to do. Regardless I apologize and I hope you still enjoyed this chapter of Admiration in Disguise. I tried to make it a little bit longer compared to most chapters to make up for my absence --- so hopefully it was worth it! Also if you have any suggestions for any gabenath fanfics or anything gabenath related in general, please do not hesitate to let me know. Despite my busy schedule I do still try to make content as consistently as I can.
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sallertiafabrica · 2 years
The Mouse’s Tale: of the Twilight
Have you heard of the Mouse’s tale?
It’s a shame if not, for the old texts were erased from this world, together with what consisted of the previous tale. Not forgotten—for the Mouse is still within this realm, laying in sleep in its tightly vast space within the stringed coin—but erased and rewritten anew. Not so that a new story could be told, for that was consequential, not purposeful.
It’d be surprising if any of this had been purposeful, but consequential tales are tales deserving of a speaker; of ink to mark it onto paper; of ears to listen to the new voices, and eyes to gaze upon the new illustrations. And as far as this world will ever know, this is the Mouse’s tale…
Was thinking about the start of the Fav & Mads AU and Mullo and Marinette and suddenly I felt the need to write their first meeting and how they went on from there till Marinette transformed into Madamouselle for the first time. It was also perfect for me to practice writing with an omniscient narrator.
AU belongs to @arcadeology.
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mjlol52 · 7 months
god i fucking love miraculous ladybug so so so much
i just read https://archiveofourown.org/works/25294018
and its like FUCK the way these two love eachother and support eachother is fucking insane and they care SO MUCH!!!!!! fuck its honestly still mind blowing to me that adrinette is canon now like fuck they really did get to finally kiss and be together without gabriel being a constant worry and its like they already love eachother as adrinette and as ladynoir they love eachother so much much more and deeper and im so fucking excited for us to have canon ladynoir someday like dont get me wrong i love adrinette and its cute and sweet how they always support eachother and are wonderful for eachother but ladynoir is my true otp these are the cat and bug superheroes ive been watching for five seasons and they are so amazing and lovely and awesome and cool and beautiful and perfect and i love them and i love how they love eachother and im so excited for us to get closer to that happening someday
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Omggg I just finished binge reading ondlb and I am IN LOVE!! Its so good am amazed at your writing!! Literally the best enemies fic in the fandom and one of my all time favs!!
ahh thank you! 🥺🙏🏼💗 sometimes i shake my head at myself for going so hard on a fanfic, but honestly i'm really proud of how it's turning out! i'm so so glad you're enjoying it 💕
if you like odnlb, i have more enemies au recs for you by some very talented authors who are truly skilled and whose abilities give me this exact feeling!
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citrus and lavender by @heartfulselkie - this is like one of THE fics that inspired odnlb! the way selkie writes is just delicious, and the story is incredibly and lovingly crafted. they are exceptionally good at grabbing you by the heartstrings and making you feel the characters' emotions in your own body. c&l is one of my favorites and has a really special place in my heart <3
as time goes by by @redundant-lava - based on casablanca - 1942. it's amazingly written, clever, and emotionally gutting. this was MADE to be an mlb enemies au and lava did such a good job with it. i will never stop rec-ing it!
once more, with feeling by @zimtlein - this one is rated e, just a heads up. it's so so good! the way the relationship develops between marinette and adrien had me reeling from the first chapter. it's kind of dark but sooo romantic. if it's your speed, it's a good one to binge!
et donc, ils dansent by dame_de_la_chance - amazing, awe-inspiring! the feelings i felt while reading this! the way the enemies dynamic is portrayed is just so juicy, and there's so much pining. i go back and read it every so often to soak in the masterfulness.
heroes don't love villains by vrdant - gosh this one is so good. i have read it so many dozens of times and it's still not enough. this author is such a good writer and captures feelings so well. this one will be burned into your soul for sure.
marionette strings by @rosekasa (maketea on ao3) - absolutely stunning. omg. i reread it again while writing these recs and it shook me to my soul. alizeh is a master of the craft and a master of enemies ladynoir. this fic changed me and it will change you too.
(can i rec my own fic as well? matter of luck is just a fun romp. i haven't abandoned it, just had all my time sucked in by odnlb :) but as soon as that's done, back i go to matter of luck!)
all of these fics have inspired and influenced me in some way. i cannot rec each one enough, especially because enemies ladynoir is currently my favorite flavor of fic >:))
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miraculousstories · 8 months
List of my fav mlb fanfics no one asked for:
(this is a very long list btw, and all links are to ao3. I try to include as many warnings as possible, but I may forget some so please read the tags before reading the fic.)
Baby Boom by ShawnaCanon
It’s about an akuma that causes everyone in Paris to… do the deed… (not graphic) and every woman to get pregnant. It somehow evolves into a timetravel fic-
400,000 words- def recommend for readers who are okay with vague references to sex.
Dearly Despised (I Love You) by snacc-noir
Lovely fic. A nice take on the adrienette enemies to lovers trope, and it adds in some fake dating. Cn and Lb start out as (more or less) lovers in the beginning, and it evolves from there. It’s not a finished fic, but still, if you’re willing to wait then read.
73,000 words so far (I’ll update as time goes on) and 33 chapters- totally clean fic, I recommend if you love enemies to lovers trope.
(Last update on the fic was 10/20/2023)
Turn Loose the Mermaids by bookskitten
WONDERFUL. That is all I have to say about this. One of my personal favorites for sure- it’s a mermaid au where Marinette is a siren hellbent on dragging the captain of a ship (who just so happens to be Adrien- aka Captain Noir)down to the depths of the ocean… but you know it won’t end that simply.
64,000 words- WARNING- GRAPHIC DEPICTIONS OF SEX. I do not recommend for anyone not comfortable with that sort of thing. But if you are, go read! I promise it’ll be worth your time.
Cut My Life into Pieces, This is My Last Resort by Silver_fox_fyre
This was… an interesting one to say the least. In this, Marinette is at the end of the rope- struggling with being both Marinette and Ladybug. So, of course the logical decision would be to fake her own death. Well, Marinette’s death, that is. Be warned, some of the excuses are kind of a long shot (for instance, she fakes her own death by using the mouse miraculous- only she doesn’t actually have the costume, she just looks normal.)
114,000 words- completely clean- characters do fall asleep on each other like…once, but nothing happens. Some passionate kisses, but that’s all. Lots of violence though, and blood and gore are a given. Character death is included as well. I recommend for braver readers.
In Case You Don’t Know Me Tomorrow by thelibraryloser
This one is… an interesting one at best, a strange one at worst. The idea itself is that this is a universe where you can pay to have your memories erased. (No plot spoilers there) everyone is aged up in this, maybe around 20, 25. Non-magical universe as well.
56,000 words- a good fic, I’ll say, but it is a bit weird and I got bored of it at times. But stick around to the end and you’ll be rewarded, I promise. Clean as well, don’t worry.
Miraculous Magic: First Year by spetember
*gasp* Is this- it is! The mlb/Harry Potter crossover you’ve all been waiting for!! Marinette and Adrien are 11 year olds who have just received their Hogwarts acceptance letters. They receive magical artifacts- and are told by Headmaster Fu that they must strive to defeat the Dark Lord Hawkmoth. They are 11, so while Mari does develop a crush for Adrien near the end of the fic, there isn’t much love. But honestly? I didn’t miss it. There’s so much action- I loved it. I’m thinking of writing spin-off fics about the other years, so if I do I’ll post the link in the reblogs.
58,000 words- wonderful. Simply wonderful. Mild violence, but no worse than the actual Harry Potter. Nothing related to love, as I mentioned. They are 11 after all. If you are in both the hp and mlb fandoms, I def recommend.
Longest Night by P_Artsypants
Whump fic. Must I go on? Jokes aside, this fic is amazing. Marinette and Adrien are captured by some psychopath, and are tortured. I mean really tortured. Like I had to walk away at times it was so much- and this is coming from the person who regularly reads violence and smut. But if you can make it through, it’s a wonderful story. I don’t wanna spoil anything… but they do make it out alive. Well… kinda. I’ll let you read to find out.
210,000 words- Okay, I know I like to joke around a lot, but this time I’m serious. This is a very graphic fic which includes torture, and I mean real torture- not just the stuff you see on TV, but the stuff you see in R- rated horror movies. The fic actually references that the plot is similar to a horror film that actually got banned from almost every country in the world because it was so horrible. (The fic isn’t as bad as the film, but it is kinda horrifying.) Just for reference, here’s some torture tactics they use: Forced piercings, locked in a closet for a month, food loafs (a bunch of leftover food that’s baked with poison that makes you hallucinate) and.. well, there’s blood. I’ll just say that much. PLEASE use caution when reading, I will not say that again. For extremely brave readers only. Oh, and a side not- not completely clean. There is a sex scene at the end, which is skippable but if you are comfortable I would read it.
The Strings of Fate by sailortwilightt
OKAY BACK TO THE NICE FICS. This is actually a two-parter, and it’s nail-biting good. It’s a soulmate AU, naturally, where an invisible red string takes you to your soulmate. Please note that this is an older fic written before the more recent seasons, so Emilie, for example, is not dead. This also evolves into an alternate dimension AU, and it has a great plot.
120,000 words- counting both fics. As warnings go, there isn’t much to warn. It’s clean as far as smut goes, and, while there is definitely some graphic violence scenes, nothing too bad. I recommend for the reader who isn’t too bothered by the canon-fanon differences.
Miraculous Moves Underground by LadyDi1980
Okay, so I’m sure you’ve seen the post about this fic floating around. It’s a dancing au, which features the clashing worlds of ballet and hip-hop. Non-magical, but I didn’t miss it. Wonderful au, really, and I def recommend.
104,000 words- clean fic. No violence (except for a few slaps initiated and recieved by none other than Gabriel Agreste) and no smut. There are some songs and images that don’t work attached to the fox. So be prepared for some disappointment in that department. Also, the music is mostly BTS.
Blanks by DipStick45
For those of you who stayed around until the end, you’re amazing. This is my favorite fox by far, and it’s absolutely incredible. It’s a zombie apocalypse au, but it’s much more sophisticated than the usual zombies one. The actual word zombie isn’t used once in the fic. Oh and by the way, this fic made me cry. I have never cried from any book, tv show, or other fic in my life, but I cried in this one. Why? You’ll just have to find out!! Oh and also, this is only 2 chapters. Apparently they were doing a one-chapter challenge, but ao3 has a word limit for chapters. READ. I WILL PERSONALLY FORCE YOU.
103,000 words- okay so despite what I said- here are the warnings: major character death. I won’t say more for now. Violence. As expected, only times 10. Someone gets beheaded, another gets themselves split in half. The actual zombie bite’s effects are also quite graphic. There IS one smut scene, but it’s not detailed. And Adrien was high anyways. Oh yeah, alcohol use, and… I mean… they do describe the human body in some detail, but it’s not that bad. Chloe is insane, by the way, so there’s that. I think that’s it. If you’re okay with that, then read. I beg of you.
And that’s it! I hope you enjoyed this very long list of fics! Lemme know what you think of them!
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beatrice1979a · 6 months
2023 is gone. Happy New Year 2024!!
It's been 2 months!! Yeah this is the longest I've put a curated selection of Muse on repeat without preparing for a concert. Family having fun at my expense but my hyperfixation did produce some results. For starters I'm still here.
Still as obsessed as the first time i saw that silly trailer of Chat noir with green hair finally turning to a Badass and Queen redesigned Ladybug chanelling her sassy side.
I'm stil reading fics and consuming artwork at an abnormal pace of my favorite bypolar-psycho-suffering-will-NOT-call-them-emo-couple and their sexy middle-age cream puff Handler (looking at you reverse Gabriel rrrawr) AND I think I'm finally improving my sketching skills.
What do I want for 2024?
More shadyclaw fics! I KNOW the Reverse Paris hype is fading and new movies are lined up so I'm treasuring every single reverse Paris fic out there. I know I'll end up rererereading them soon enough for the lack of offers.
AND j'm seriously looking forward those two reverse Paris projects to keep me shadyclaw-tuned.
I might finally learn to digitally colour. But I say the same every year so...
I might post a fic but not looking forward to that. I'm enjoying reading more than writing this time. These MLB fanfic writers are insanely talented. I don't say it lightly.
Next season for MLB...how about Adrien to turn to the dark side for a whole season. Not a single episode. Let Marinette fight to get him back this time around. Like seriously appreciate how awesome and indispensable Chat Noir is. Give the man some decent arc besides pinning for Marinette. Give him some "paris special Pool" moment. That scene was brilliant. More of that.
And If they want to drop a few scenes of my fav reformed psycho couple. I'll be happy too. But what are the odds of that. At least tell me who the Supreme is!!
Thats it.
That's what I want for next year.
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oivsyo · 2 years
I'm so happy!! I thought I wouldn't recieve an answer, nevertheless this soon! I've written to other shippers before but they seem not active anymore.
I'm looking forward to December then! I NEED more on NejiHina haha I started shipping them when watching the war for the first time, like, the moment exact that I realized Neji's feelings for Hinata (and around the same time Neji became my fav character, even above Hinata... I first hated him, then liked him and then loved him). Tbh, I watched the war arc and end a lot of time later, like, I stopped al 14 and ended it at 19 YO. Then watched it again with my husband, and this time at 26 I'm watching again just focusing on Neji. So, I was not a shipper before 2015 but I'm one of those "old" ( in age) shippers. It justs makes more and more sense the more adult I am, I feel haha also, I'm very Canon strict to establish the relationship (though I do enjoy the fillers that shows it), it makes absolute canon sense that Neji loved Hinata, it's actually impossible IMO to separate him from that fact.
Aaaand, since I'm very logic/factual, I decided not to only do a fanfic to have them together but to give them logic enough that it could have been canon. Like, I decided to rewrite the story since the war to avoid his death without taking the emotional impact. In the midst of it, I decided to make justice to all Konoha 11 + Sai (even Sakura, just no more Naruto and Sasuke pls) and rewrite parts of them too, so I have a lot in my plate right now. I'm working hard to fill all the wholes I see the best I can, both in the main story and in my AU. I'm working hand to hand with the OG material (canon and anime only), so I'm simply "coping" some parts as it is, changing minor things on some parts and major things on others, and then, in postwar, I'm going to finally lead the story on my thoughts mainly. But it's taking sooooo long. I'm doing the first script by hand on english, but I intend to do the final one on Spanish since is my main language and I want to go as in deep detail as I can. Maybe I'll translate it back later.
Does this makes sense? Does it sounds like something worth reading?
I also wanted to tell you that here in Mexico NejiHina seems to be in the rise, kind of. It's more like it has become really popular on TikTok, many many fans loving Neji, and it leaded to 2 memes: Neji Chiquito (Mini Neji) and Neji Norteño. The later refers to the fact that Neji is in love with/ attracted to his cousin; it's a meme but is a huge one, and it implies people recognizes and accepts the fact that Neji was in love with Hinata. Some leave it at that, but many others wished they could be together or state that Neji was a better option for Hinata than Naruto, that also being because a lot of people was upset about NS ending and hate Boruto series.
I'm sorry about the long post 😅 I needed out, I feel like I don't have ppl enough to talk about this haha I also wanted to know your opinion on my project and to let you know that in spite of how things turned out, NejiHina do is getting more recognition on some places.
Good day once again, anon! I'm sorry for making you wait for so long. I read your message right after you sent it but I didn't have enough time to reply properly. As far as your message was full of passion it deserved a thoughtful reply.
I understand you so well about writing to other NejiHina shippers. That is what I did when I returned to NejiHina and started to draw again after more than a decade long hiatus. I didn't know anyone, most accs looked dead so I just started to post my pics. And I'm endlessly grateful to @cyanis-art @nyxvoidart @incensuous @nejihina-and-mlb @nejihinata @toonamifaithful and other people who noticed and liked my arts, wrote comments and supported me in many ways. In the beginning support is needed as air, so I have no idea whether I would continue to draw NejiHina if not their support🙏
I'm looking forward to December then! I NEED more on NejiHina haha I started shipping them when watching the war for the first time, like, the exact moment that I realized Neji's feelings for Hinata (and around the same time Neji became my fav character, even above Hinata... I first hated him, then liked him and then loved him). Tbh, I watched the war arc and end a lot of time later, like, I stopped at 14 and ended it at 19 YO. Then I watched it again with my husband, and this time at 26 I'm watching again just focusing on Neji. So, I was not a shipper before 2015 but I'm one of those "old" ( in age) shippers. It justs makes more and more sense the more adult I am, I feel haha also, I'm very Canon strict to establish the relationship (though I do enjoy the fillers that shows it), it makes absolute canon sense that Neji loved Hinata, it's actually impossible IMO to separate him from that fact.
Thank you for sharing your story! It has always been interesting for me to know how other fans came to NejiHina. I've discussed it with quite a number of people and there are some similarities in their stories. Many of my NejiHina fellows say that 'once you feel the chemistry between them you will ship them without turning back'. Also there are many fans who are older than 25 y.o. Most of them agree that NejiHina is a mature ship that goes beyond plain romance. Many ppl started to ship them when they were teenagers and returned to this ship as adults.
As for me, I started to ship them as a teenager after watching s1 and the beginning of Shippuden but I didn’t look in too deep back then. I rewatched Naruto, watched the rest of the series and Rock Lee SD only 1,5 years ago and I was surprised how many NejiHina moments there are and started to love them even more. There is also more info about Hanabi and the Hyuga clan, so I crushed into the clan too.
Aaaand, since I'm very logic/factual, I decided not to only do a fanfic to have them together but to give them logic enough that it could have been canon. Like, I decided to rewrite the story since the war to avoid his death without taking the emotional impact. In the midst of it, I decided to make justice to all Konoha 11 + Sai (even Sakura, just no more Naruto and Sasuke pls) and rewrite parts of them too, so I have a lot in my plate right now. I'm working hard to fill all the wholes I see the best I can, both in the main story and in my AU. I'm working hand to hand with the OG material (canon and anime only), so I'm simply "coping" some parts as it is, changing minor things on some parts and major things on others, and then, in postwar, I'm going to finally lead the story on my thoughts mainly. But it's taking sooooo long. I'm doing the first script by hand on english, but I intend to do the final one on Spanish since is my main language and I want to go as in deep detail as I can. Maybe I'll translate it back later.
Does this makes sense? Does it sounds like something worth reading?
“to fill all the holes” is exactly what I have been doing for the last 1,5 years 🥲💪
I’m not good at writing, so I draw to show my headcanons and write short notes on twitter and here. Gladly there are NejiHina fellow artists around me to discuss our ideas with. And we are happy to wellcome new people to discuss NejiHina with.
I can’t speak on behalf of all the community but personally I’m a sucker for canon compliant + canon divergent stories. It seems I will never get tired of the multi-chapter slowburn stories about Neji and Hinata and the Hyuga clan.There is a NejiHina fan-novel in my language that is written with this approach and when I’ve read it I understood that this is the type of fan-fiction I like the most. I like it when the story begins as in the canon but gradually diverts from it. This appoach provides numerous opportunities to develop side characters making them MCs, adding original characters, developing the lore. This is exactly what I do for my own headcanons so I fully support you. I wish you good luck in writing what you’ve started! Take your time and I’m looking forward to reading your story in English some day!
I also wanted to tell you that here in Mexico NejiHina seems to be in the rise, kind of. It's more like it has become really popular on TikTok, many many fans loving Neji, and it leaded to 2 memes: Neji Chiquito (Mini Neji) and Neji Norteño. The later refers to the fact that Neji is in love with/ attracted to his cousin; it's a meme but is a huge one, and it implies people recognizes and accepts the fact that Neji was in love with Hinata. Some leave it at that, but many others wished they could be together or state that Neji was a better option for Hinata than Naruto, that also being because a lot of people was upset about NS ending and hate Boruto series.
Oh, I saw Neji Chiquito pics on the net! I guess there are many ppl who like him, mini Neji is so cute! I would like a t-shirt with him!
I also came across ‘Norteño’ comments to NejiHina pics on pinterest and on Twitter but I thought that it was some kind of sly insult. Like ‘sweet home Alabama’. Anyway, thanks for telling me about it! I would be very interested to know the origin of this meme. Why northern? 🤔 I also remember comments about Santiago-something, are these things connected?
I'm sorry about the long post 😅 I needed out, I feel like I don't have ppl enough to talk about this haha I also wanted to know your opinion on my project and to let you know that in spite of how things turned out, NejiHina do is getting more recognition on some places.
That’s ok! It seems we have a lot in common, I also like to write very long texts if the topic is interesting to me XD
You can write me so that we will discuss Neji & Hinata, the Hyuga clan and so on =3
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frostedpuffs · 2 years
Heyyyy, about the favorite fic, I remember reading Sewing Sentiments for the first time and it became my favorite MLB fic instantly (I think it only had like 3 chapters then). I screamed at my phone several times because they should quit and move to an island together and enjoy life because they deserved it, and then Adrien backstory made me gasp so strongly hs, amazing, I fell in love instantly. And Plagg, aaaaah, like, you kept their personalities SO good, love it, would read it again anytime you asked, recommended 10/10 5 stars.
It has been my fav for so long, but Perfectly Platonic (Unless...) is... GOD, idk, is SO good, I love it, I laugh a lot with it and cry as well is *Chef kiss* it's stealing the place of my fav fic ever tbh
Keep writing, you do it amazingly <3
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anon i am going to Cry
i had to take a screencap of this and share it in my server bc i was so touched by it tbh. this means a lot to me!!! messages like these are what inspire me to keep writing. i havent felt like writing all day, but as soon as i read this, i want to write so much, it's crazy!!!
i genuinely appreciate this so much. im so happy that you're enjoying my stories! that's the whole reason why i write them—so that other people can enjoy them (and myself too!)
sewing sentiments is a special fic for me. though there are some things i'd write differently now that im 100% caught up with ml, i still had a blast making it.
ppu is becoming the most fun fic to write though, it's so silly and cute and im loving everyone's reactions to it so far ♥
thank you for encouraging me to continue to write, and for sending me such a nice message! it means the world ♥
anonymously (or not) tell me which of my fanfics is your favorite!
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tizzymcwizzy · 4 years
'ello, currently in a bit of a predicament. im running out of fics in my queue and im desperate for any lovesquare fluff i can get my hands on. id want it a little bit on the longer side maybe but ill honestly just take anything you can give me. any recs please???
Oh shit, you and me in the same boat dude
Uuuhhh, anything by @rosekasa (goes by maketea on ao3) is good, she's got like 100 fics or so now and if you haven't read all of them there's probably one of two you'd enjoy (they're also short and sweet if you're looking for drabbles) she's got this one shot series (ways to say I love you I think) that I'm subscribed to, its got a bunch of little oneshots from all sides and variations of the lovesquare and it's super cute and I love reading them, they make yah feel warm and fluffy inside, like hot chocolate or smth
Reiaji on ao3 is like the best writer ever (very specific to my tastes yum) and they have 5 works there. They've got the classic who's woods these are (I think I know.) That you may have heard boatloads about and if you haven't read it, READ IT. It's a completed 25 chapter fic (105,000 words.) It's a cinderella story but marinette is the princess and it's main ship is ladrien (reiaji really likes ladrien) but there is some adrinette, marichat, and ladynoir in there. They've also got some other finished 1 - 2 chapter fics and stuff, honestly you should read all of it.
Graine de Toi is a body swap fic where adrien doesn't go to public school and has never met marinette (though he is chat noir and does meet ladybug) that is beautifully written, it's 5/11 chapters so far and I'm not sure if it will continue updating (I hope it will!) but what's there so far is super cute and I love it a lot definitely a must of you don't have a vendetta against unfinished fics
If you haven't read anything by @e-milieeee then you're missing out lmao, her ao3 is emilieee (if you held me at gunpoint and asked me the number of e's she has in her different usernames i wouldn't be able to tell you.) She's got a multi chapter fic Come Roses, Come Thorns that is to die for aaahhh, it's 13/? and updates decently regularly (em if you're looking please don't feel pressured if anyone should feel pressured it's me cause I haven't even thought about those bender au drawings in a month lmao luv u 💞✌️) it's a beauty and the beast story, marichat and adrinette, it's got magic, and lore that makes me wanna bust out a corkboard and red string. Yeah, read it if you haven't. She also is just, like, a good writer so read any of her other stuff and you'll be satisfied.
Those Benevolent Stars is a super cute ladrien soulmate au in an alternate universe (idk the era but it's not too important really) it's 3/3 chapters (23696 words) and I love it a lot. It's beautiful and sweet, makes my heart warm
Black Cats and Curtain Calls is a no powers theatre au fic (there's a series for it but the first one will always be my fav) based off of @caprette's theatre au from like, 2016 or smth. It makes me feel some things, (adrien reciting fucking poetry on the roof of a fucking denny's I can't) makes me feel nostalgic for a time that never was honestly,
This is all in like the first page of my bookwarks so there's definitely more that I missed out on. If you need some more recs, you can check my "ml fanfic rec" or "fav mlb fanfic" tag, theres bound to be some there that are good. Also just my bookmarks on ao3 is a compilation of every fic I've read and appreciated lmao
If anyone else has any recs feel absolutely encouraged to leave them in the reblogs or replies, I will happily gobble this shit up thank you very much,,
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sallertiafabrica · 2 years
Félix goes back home from a battle that left him with a wound on his side, a drained girl on his back, and the sound of rats and screams haunting him.
For @arcadeology Faverolle & Madamouselle AU.
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into-september · 3 years
For the fanfic trope: Enemies to Lovers and Fake Dating (my personal favs, lol)
Enemies to Lovers: B
Honestly, I have not read a lot of this outside of a couple of unfinished MLB enemy AUs (unless you count that I've been bored enough to wade through the thorki tag on occasion, but I'm pretty sure that qualifies as something different) In the fic I've read, it's worked, but it's not something I go looking for
Fake Dating: A
It usually goes hand in hand with mutual pining and friends to lovers and shenanigans and all other sorts of the stuff I love, ripe for characters suffering without the story ever truly entering the territory of angst because the reader, of course, knows better (this of course relying on genre convention and familiarity with the tropes and POV, because technically you could write fake dating, keep it strictly from the POV of one side, and then have it revealed that the non-POV character never fell in love with the pining POV character and then it's unrequited and the suffering is real. you could do that. if you hate your readers, so I sincerely hope I'm not giving anyone ideas)
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It's just a phase...
-thinks deeply into MLB
-LOVES Riordanverse, Renegades, & Darkest Minds
-Marvel and Stanger Things live rent free in my mind
-My Babysitters A Vampire, the Worst Witch, and H20 were the bomb.
- ask me abt the like 6 fanfics with supernatural/superhero vibes in my favs and I'll give you a smirk.
-loves idea of humans with supernatural/superhuman powers
-has thought of 3 different books with supernatural abilities
-lives for stories with humans have powers
-thinks about anything and everything with a super ability
-don't forget abt Winx Club
no, it’s not a phase. I’ve been here for years.
and people wonder why I love PJO so much
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carpisuns · 4 years
thanks for the tag @15megapixels-mlb and @sukker-sugar!
name: maryssa
age: 25
height: 5'8″
zodiac: capricorn
hogwarts house: ravenclaw
the last thing I googled: “stupid tv shows” lmao (im tryna pick a show XY would watch for a fic alsdkjfas)
song stuck in my head: i literally cant remember any of the words there is just a tune in my head and i cant google aaaa
lucky number: uhh i like it when things end in 5 or 0? lol
wearing: hockey t-shirt and sweat pants
number of followers: 3261
amount of sleep: idk last night i think i got 5 or 6
favorite instrument: piano
favorite author: hmm yknow sadly it’s been a while since i’ve been in the habit of reading Actual Books lol but i love rainbow rowell. also markus zusak is an amazing writer. and honestly my fav fanfic authors are just incredibly skilled and nuanced writers so @gabriel-agreste-has-no-rights, @botherkupo, @rosekasa, and reiaji to name a few
aesthetic: i don’t totally know what this means lol but i love the idea of a nice airy bedroom/living room with white furniture and lots of natural light and lots of plants (even tho i kill every plant i touch, rip). also i love overcast/rainy days. they’re my fav. but if we’re talking about my fashion sense then...see “wearing” lmao
favorite animal sound: when a dog is like half-asleep or partially alert but lazy and instead of actually barking they let out a soft lil “boof”
random: my current phone background is this marichat sketch by @celerydays (the one on the left) and my laptop bg is this luxy drawing by @bugaboo-n-bananoir
tag 17 people: @gabriel-agreste-has-no-rights @marikittynoir @botherkupo @involuntarydiaphragmspasm @landturtlealyce @janaikam @amiraculousplatypus @jarl-deathwolf @leviaana @multibug @bugabisous @celerydays @smellerbeee @macaronsforchat @marinetteplztakeabreak @joobugss @honeychats 
only if u feel like it
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beingsuneone · 3 years
𝘈𝘣𝘰𝘶𝘵 𝘛𝘩𝘦 𝘈𝘶𝘵𝘩𝘰𝘳 / 𝘈𝘣𝘰𝘶𝘵 𝘔𝘦
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Hello :)) welcome to my about me page <3
♡ my name is being (as in BEINGsuneone) I’m 18 yrs old.
♡ my pronouns are she/her
♡ swiftie swiftie swiftie huge swiftie
♡ my favourite movie is Barbie (2023) if you couldn’t tell (now you can’t lol. Cuz I changed my theme)
♡ books books books I love books. Books are all of the everything. (Fav Books: ACOTAR, TCP, Shatter Me, Divergent, The Love Hypothesis, Icebreaker. FORTH WING AND THG)
♡ my favourite authors are Holly Black, Sarah J. Maas and Tahereh Mafi (runner-ups are Rebecca Yarros, Ali Hazelwood and Hannah Grace)
♡ my top two musicians are BTS (Fave Album: Skool Luv Affair) and Taylor Swift. (Fave Album: Reputation)
♡ I did have fanfics posted but I deleted them all <3 lol (I miiiight post more in the future) (I posted more lol)
♡ past/current hyperfixations: TWD, TUA, Taylor Swift, Barbie, BTS, Books, Birds, Descendants, HP, FNAF, DC, Ryan Gosling, HTTYD, Chuck, MLB, AWAE, Gilmore Girls, South Park, OUAT, Olivia Rodrigo, Sabrina Carpenter, Melanie Martinez, Records/Vinyls… (dead ones: Haikyuu, BNHA, Heathers, Encanto)
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